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File: 692dddcb4251b32⋯.png (64.13 KB,255x138,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

586101 No.21510686 [View All]

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642 posts and 526 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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1116f5 No.21512060

File: 1c80944fb23cfee⋯.png (110.35 KB,1140x786,190:131,3387.png)


We are in this 8th year.

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5d4e59 No.21512061


Forcing a riot?

Then how about a little Marshall law?

Then you could designate all Trump supporters as domestic terrorist and "Hand em' High"

What election?

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6ef9b9 No.21512062


>dissolving bodies

what does/did the mob use?

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ea5c55 No.21512063

File: 6a98ecb46044a64⋯.png (6.2 KB,199x254,199:254,ClipboardImage.png)

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78cb8e No.21512064


Just like the rail barons of old, yesteryear, whatever

fucking bankers and their schemes

all for more tax ducats to pay the fuckers that can't even be paid back from further back

politicians…administrators of a bankrupt estate, ie the US Corp. or something like that which Trafficant uttered before heading off to the big house

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0bf730 No.21512065

File: 37e6d283e027be7⋯.png (32.17 KB,1223x691,1223:691,ClipboardImage.png)

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bee074 No.21512067

File: 734b195026bdfd6⋯.jpg (222.91 KB,1200x1505,240:301,comey1200.jpg)

who is "We" kemosabe?

If you look inside yourself and find a good person, don't you think their might be others like yourself around you?

But if you are evil yourself then you figure everyone else is, too?

The psycho-s get "on top" from their ruthlessness, and because they are un- recognized by ordinary good people. They go in disguise, in imitation of regular people.

Psychos are beyond the imagination of good people and therefore go unrecognized.

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fe6045 No.21512068

File: 53111ef2c553cc2⋯.png (275.5 KB,633x787,633:787,ClipboardImage.png)

One of the failures here is we dont have a single fucking anon near Aurora that can ckekk this out and verify its real?

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78cb8e No.21512069


probably sulfuric

that's a nasty little bugger

HF just gets through the skin into soft tissue and blood and all

Get the diprotic boogie and watch out

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9f7dd1 No.21512070



>We are in this 8th year.

Christmas next July.

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69044c No.21512071


Time for the Military to take these unlawful, treasonous judges down by the fucking throat.

These judicial activist pulled the same shit in 2020 in PA. Many of our courts across the entire country are not functiong for the American people. They are fucntioning for and participating in the overthrow of the United States.

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ac46f6 No.21512072

File: cf761c7f06ae697⋯.webp (51.88 KB,681x900,227:300,awyQKLB_700bwp.webp)

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fb3d17 No.21512073

File: 8eaedf5bda81a52⋯.jpg (608.97 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_091948….jpg)

File: d0c4cf95098b6c0⋯.jpg (503.08 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240825_170009….jpg)


Doug Emhof and his slightly retarded brother Jack

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5d4e59 No.21512075

File: 50661716ad556ca⋯.png (723.54 KB,564x560,141:140,ClipboardImage.png)

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1089ee No.21512076

File: 9bb49ae6296a8f4⋯.jpeg (355.41 KB,1782x1060,891:530,IMG_6300.jpeg)

Good morning friend. Let’s show Trump some love and educate Mark Cuban on patriotism.

Anons know what do do!


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4993d6 No.21512077


It would be much more satisfying if they punished these evil fucks and blew up the FED building. This is literally the least exciting great awakening ever. More like Lame Awakening.

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fb3d17 No.21512079

File: 9c7c3dede0021aa⋯.jpg (46.35 KB,1000x554,500:277,MV5BMmZmYzRjMWItMDBkMC00YT….jpg)

File: f349669bc9e7cfe⋯.jpg (40.23 KB,640x335,128:67,GettyImages_1057010534_640….jpg)

File: 918ddc1fd095c75⋯.jpg (245.78 KB,1484x1108,371:277,AP98121101443_2471429468.jpg)

File: 4b4e0fb6ed42fa4⋯.jpg (38.56 KB,474x608,237:304,th_2033994324.jpg)

File: 986f8e60d04f368⋯.jpg (551.65 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240827_091941….jpg)

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bee074 No.21512081

File: aeaf5bef3de370b⋯.png (183.05 KB,492x475,492:475,pepeelvis.png)

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78cb8e No.21512082


simple jack

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b90a47 No.21512084

File: 02aa0b6a7affd73⋯.png (544.3 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d4e59 No.21512085

File: 8362ddc0c1ec95c⋯.png (2.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Never truly explained.

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9888bf No.21512086

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78cb8e No.21512087


HOAs and all the trimmings

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6ef9b9 No.21512089


a nation's sulfuric acid production is a good indicator of its industrial strength

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9c190c No.21512090


>Marshall law?

Marshall [ a law officer having duties similar to those of a sheriff in carrying out the judgments of a court of law ]

Martial [ Martial law is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers.]

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003cc2 No.21512093

File: bac015cac1eb910⋯.png (38.26 KB,165x115,33:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb9e901b671eae2⋯.png (464.71 KB,590x427,590:427,ClipboardImage.png)


don't croak yet ma'am

august is over

september is just a few hours away.

get you bets in to what it will bring.

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fb3d17 No.21512094


John 3:17

King James Version

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved

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11341a No.21512095

File: c5f2f74af27fd67⋯.jpeg (71.11 KB,500x624,125:156,IMG_6266.jpeg)

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9f7dd1 No.21512096



so, chkt self



talking about 8th year

get a 5-by-5 surrounded by 8s!


loving the digits

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ea5c55 No.21512098

File: b95e363f78dba46⋯.png (46.05 KB,592x262,296:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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69044c No.21512104


Fuck him and those like him.

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7bb329 No.21512107


Seriously way beyond time. Citizens should file complaints against the Judges. Thousands of complaints against judges.

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78cb8e No.21512110


• Fertilizers

• Inorganic chemical manufacturing

(including chlorine drying)

• Petroleum refining

(principally alkylation)

• Pharmaceuticals


• Soaps and detergents


• Pigments and dyes


• Textiles

• Pulp and paper

(chlorine dioxide generation and pulp pH control)

• Metals

• Steel


• Car batteries/lead-cell batteries

(battery acid)

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bee074 No.21512111

File: 1ca76131a92f63a⋯.jpg (181.22 KB,1000x562,500:281,flower.jpg)


God is giving us the "Great Awakening" that we have.

You will not receive the one you think you should have, or think you want.

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d37420 No.21512112



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30edde No.21512115

File: 340bb7bd9c1a36e⋯.png (155.87 KB,523x302,523:302,Screenshot_from_2024_08_31….png)

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ac46f6 No.21512117

File: b984863a0a1b0b8⋯.webm (2.76 MB,460x816,115:204,axy0Zyn_460svvp9.webm)

Chinese robotics convention had models cosplay as robots. Everything is fake over there.

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7bb329 No.21512122


Were they dissolving dead body parts put in the drains?

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7bb329 No.21512137


This Great Awakening had to include every evil thing they've done and are doing, that's the only reason Bidan was allowed to steal 2020. There was not nearly enough awakened at the end of 2020. The percentage of those awake had to exceed 80%. Like Q said, "it had to be this way"

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30edde No.21512138


Hes black… He can do whatever he wants. How the hell do you not know this.

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bee074 No.21512139

File: 35eaeee41947cbf⋯.jpg (80.33 KB,556x634,278:317,perpsinhell.jpg)


They did a good job.


looks like next July


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1116f5 No.21512141


Exactly. White people's civilizations are appealing to non-whites, but they haven't yet figured out how to appropriate the civilizations with the white men still maintaining creation of and maintenance of said society, while simultaneously ceasing to exist. It's a conundrum.

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bee074 No.21512151

File: 504e40a1217abd1⋯.png (951.62 KB,1009x1212,1009:1212,pelosi4.png)


God etc. works on geologic time.

Think of how long the creeps have been in power?!

And how much work they put into killing whistleblowers and controlling news and medicine schools and colleges, to make sure everybody stays asleep?


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1293e3 No.21512161

You say, "Yes", I say, "No"

You say, "Stop" and I say, "Go, go, go"

I say, "High", you say, "Low"

You say, "Why?" And I say, "I don't know"

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45bb8a No.21512173


deadlines of time

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f617dc No.21512180

File: d8df0f349247ce1⋯.jpeg (275.32 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GWRR_FpXAAAYMto.jpeg)

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69044c No.21512184


Hmm……………..seems to me that it is big pharma that should be paying out this money. Not the American taxpayer. wtf

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f617dc No.21512189

File: f197426e51bf4f5⋯.jpeg (26.31 KB,680x205,136:41,GV_0FAVXsAEouhB.jpeg)

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ac46f6 No.21512191

File: 9d5a59250de7db0⋯.webp (40.67 KB,700x611,700:611,amo2019_700bwp.webp)

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9888bf No.21512199

#26355 >>21510708

>>21510730 Signs of terminal rent-free TDS

>>21510734 Communism is like diabetes

>>21510752 Court says 'Let's Go Brandon' can be censored by school

>>21510759 617,000 of the Biden / Harris illegal immigrants have criminal records

>>21510768 Influencers Coming Forward, Saying Kamala Harris Offering $1,500 PER POST on TikTok

>>21510781 Nancy Pelosi on "undocumented" migrants: "What I would like to do is move them to documented"

>>21510789 Not just will X be banned in Brazil but if you try using a VPN you can face fines up to $9,000 a day

>>21511075 Alexandre de Moraes orders the removal of VPN apps from the AppStore & PlayStore

>>21510800 Tim Walz's brother says his brother is "not the type of character you want making decisions about your future"

>>21510830, >>21511026, >>21511044 Panic in DC

>>21510845, >>21510930 Rumor that the National Guard has begun deploying in hotels around the New York City courthouse

>>21510989 Fatman Scoop Collapses on Stage, Video Shows Medical Staff Performing CPR

>>21511072 Alex Soros: Ending summer with my brother in Tirana has become a tradition @ediramaal

>>21511116 @BadlandsMedia_Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin approved a request from the DHS on Thursday, directing the Pentagon to provide the Secret Service with additional resources for the protection of presidential and vice presidential candidates during the 2024 election cycle.

>>21511160 Dan Scavino Jr. @DanScavino - Happening Now—President @realDonaldTrump departing Washington, D.C. Will be back soon! #TRUMP2024

>>21511208 space launch status

>>21511521 Elon Musk @elonmusk: "We willl begin publishing the long list of @Alexandre’s crimes, along with the specific Brazilian laws that he broke tomorrow."


>>21510935, >>21511018, >>21511590, >>21511565 Memes

>>21510708 Is this the most powerful trailer you've ever seen?

>>21511646, >>21511650 PROOF of crooked elections in GA and fraudulent results./ Ambrose King

>>21511653 DoD authorized Northcom to Plan Provide and execute operation to protect President and VP candidates through Inauguration day. They are assisting USSS.

>>21511657 Mexican drug lord who founded ultra-violent Zetas is released from US prison

>>21511661 Meet the Journalist (Xavier Poussard) Who EXPOSED Brigitte Macron

>>21511664 Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech

>>21511665 The United States government has paid out more than $5.22 billion to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or the VICP.

>>21511670 Soros-Funded Group Grooming Election Officials to Interfere in 2024 Election

>>21511681, >>21511683 'There's the money pot, which involves the exchange programs like the ones that Tim Walz was involved in'

>>21511697 Obama Being Black Didn’t Make Anything Better, Nor Will Kamala’s Color Improve America.

>>21511708, >>21511715, >>21511721, >>21511730 Most People Don't Realize They Are Being Slowly Brainwashed By Teachers

>>21511745 NSW MP charged with historical child sex offences quits parliament Member for Pittwater Rory Amon

>>21511799, >>21511802 The Navy on Friday fired the commander of a guided-missile destroyer that is part of an aircraft carrier strike group deployed in the Middle East to counter attacks on shipping lanes in the Persian Gulf by Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

>>21511816, >>21511930 Incredible. So very chilling to understand how corrupt the IC is………

>>21511881 School District Policy Allowing Staff To Hide Kids’ ‘Gender Identity’ Doesn’t Infringe On Parental Rights, Court Rules

>>21511897 Idaho Becomes FIRST State to Block Men From Entering Women's Spaces

>>21511925 The Dimming, Full Length Climate Engineering Documentary ( Geoengineering Watch )

>>21511959, >>21511963 ICYMI:

The House Committee on Homeland Security put out a lot of information of Kamala Harris' failure as the "border czar"PN1/2

>>21511989 Siemens CEO Jim Hagemann dreams of getting everyone on lab-grown meat

>>21512033 Trump intro RFKjr

>>21512034 Thousands Of Illegal Migrants Deported From Germany To Poland

>>21512041 Buttplug a bit behind

>>21512047 Court stops Pennsylvania counties from throwing out mail-in votes over incorrect envelope dates

>>21512051 The UK "smoking ban" outdoors has nothing to do with smoking or the NHS. It is a behavioural compliance mass psychology test


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