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File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,65d62ff6f6d3cfdf144d923047….jpg)

142d7a No.21110051 [Last50 Posts]

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142d7a No.21110054

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>21066859 Canada #60

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>>16694250 Nederland #10

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>>19804572 UK #51


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>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

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>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25874 >>21109306

>>21109366, >>21109467, >>21109724 DJT: Strange things …monster choke

>>21109458 Five people have been killed in a Ukrainian drone strike on Russia

>>21109478 baker claims

>>21109509, >>21109944 Steve Bannon says he has no regrets as he heads to prison

>>21109514 TG: The problem isn’t just that Biden is old. The problem is he’s insane

>>21109621, >>21109917 Grand daughter of Leon Trotsky bioweapons called vaccines

>>21109627 AmThk: public knowledge that he had been given the questions in advance

>>21109638, >>21109664, >>21109955, >>21110010 Public Service Announcements

>>21109666, >>21109688 Evil Trips: Jill Biden Must Step Up Now to Help Oust Her Husband

>>21109694 Microcosm, Macrocosm

>>21109719 Russian state media parodies the presidential debate

>>21109848, >>21109913, >>21109975, >>21110007 Planefag reports

>>21109860, >>21109889 IBOR 2.0

>>21109878 Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness (2020)

>>21109923 21 Facts That Joe Biden Doesn't Want You To Know


>>21110052 #25874

#25874 >>21108548

>>21108598 MSM talking point for the brainwashed - "Trump lied"

>>21108648, >>21108655, >>21108757 The many faces of Mr Potato Head

>>21108647, >>21108652 Any news on House vote on Garland? No vote - needs sauce

>>21108722 Vindman goes full retard

>>21108744 NOT SATIRE: Reporter Who Watched the Debate at a NURSING HOME Says Biden Got Slammed by Elderly Residents

>>21108960 Trump-Biden Debate Draws 51 Million Viewers, Most Watched Event in CNN History

>>21108981 Five people killed in Ukrainian drone strike on Russian region – governor

>>21108574, >>21108589 For the keks

>>21109048 Adam Corolla absolutely roasts Covid Dictator Gavin Newsome. Lol.

>>21109054 SCOTUS' overturning Chevon STOPS bureaucrats from interpreting the law anyway they want

>>21109059 Covid Cases Rising as New Variants Fuel Seasonal Surge Yada Yada Yada….LIKE CLOCKWORK

>>21109061 Warroom - Trump: I never seen anyone like this guy [Biden]

>>21109067 Revolver: Was it a debate or a brilliantly staged coup? We’ve got all the highlights and hottest takes…

>>21109069 Redstate: Replace Joe Biden on the Democrat Ticket? Be Careful What You Wish For.

>>21109080 @Kash: The same main stream media deep state conspirators that told you there was no invasion at the border, told you hunters laptop was russian disinfo, told you Trump team was putting out ‘cheap fakes’ of Bidens mental failures, and all said Biden better with the forever wars…

>>21109085 WTM: This is what a bot farm looks like.

>>21109091 Jason Miller: "Joe doesn't want to leave. That would be the end of the Biden family business

>>21109098 @RNCResearch - Biden campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu excuses Cognitively Impaired Joe Biden's humiliating debate performance

>>21109116 Biden Panic Goes Global

>>21109123 New Jersey: Prosecutors rest their case against Sen. Bob Menendez

>>21109128 Biden Officials Turn Their Backs on Each Other After Disastrous Debate Performance

>>21109134 'Political Earthquake’: Frank Luntz Focus Group of Undecided Voters Wants Joe Biden to Go

>>21109138 Biden Admin Backtracks, Says It Does Not Support Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21109156, >>21109167 UFO watch KEK

>>21109165 Preconvention debate - Why?

>>21109204 Staggering majority don’t think Biden should still run for president

>>21109234 Gutfeld - this isn’t a review of a debate - This is an autopsy.

>>21108555, >>21108572, >>21108588, >>21108665, >>21108697, >>21108736, >>21108741, >>21108835, >>21108868, >>21108971, >>21109017 Free Memes

>>21109296 #25874

#25873 >>21107608

>>21107637 Hughes: J6 Prisoners Lives Upended For Political Theater

>>21107648 The King and Queen with The Emperor and Empress of Japan ahead of tonight’s State Banquet at Buckingham Palace.

>>21107652 @LindellTV - Davis: Historic SCOTUS Decisions Deliver Justice For J6 Prisoners And Death Of Deep State

>>21107655, >>21108248 BREAKING REPORT: Following Bidən’s debate performance, Colonel Douglas Macgregor calls for EARLY ELECTIONS…

>>21107665 Not only does he look drugged out of his mind but he doesn’t blink once. Why isn’t he blinking?

>>21107697, >>21107811 PlaneFaggin'

>>21107700 LIVE: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24

>>21107722 @LindellTV - Showalter: Biden Admin Releases "CYA" Statement About Transgender Surgeries For Minors

>>21107817 A lawsuit alleges that both Epstein and former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell had strongly suggested that he was an Israeli intelligence agent

>>21107892 The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a bid to delay a prison sentence for longtime Trump ally Steve Bannon

>>21107901 Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon must report to prison by Monday

>>21108006 @DanScavino - A MUST WATCH! #TRUMP2024

>>21108036 Argos Holdings and affiliates sell Chewy Inc. shares worth over $660 million

>>21108114 @DrJill "there is nobody I would rather have sitting in the Oval Office than my husband" as she cuts Joe out of the video

>>21107860, >>21108017, >>21108096, >>21108111 anons opine on Jill replacing the mashed potato

>>21108186 ClockFaggin'

>>21108224 anon took notes while watching - Anneke Lucas was born into a GLOBAL SATANIC CULT (pb note)

>>21108246 CNN Poll - 67% Trump won the debate

>>21108329 Hussein voices support for Potato

>>21108493 DEMOCRATS ARE DONE, Joe’s single best decision was choosing Kamala, no one wants her, and no other candidate polls higher than Crooked Joe

>>21108512 LOVE OUR HEROES!!!💙🇺🇸

>>21108542 #25873

Previously Collected

>>21106816 #25871, >>21107591 #25872

>>21104333 #25868, >>21105174 #25869, >>21106023 #25870

>>21101876 #25865-B, >>21102570 #25866, >>21103439 #25867

>>21100145 #25863, >>21100971 #25864, >>21101863 #25865-A

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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142d7a No.21110066

File: 568f88cdd6694af⋯.mp4 (5.75 MB,480x360,4:3,Evanescence_My_Immortal_ly….mp4)



All gave some, some gave All

Baker Continuing 1 more

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c9fb24 No.21110069

File: 0ee920651dfd086⋯.png (273.03 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_06_29….png)

File: 1ab7fb51915970e⋯.png (273.34 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_06_29….png)

File: c01f20687328b32⋯.png (273.12 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_06_29….png)

File: 8832d2582a1a67c⋯.png (272.84 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_06_29….png)

>>21109913 pb

>3 Harriers maneuvering off of the NC coast.

>Shipfags, any maritime traffic there?

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c9fb24 No.21110076

File: af2b65dd8a5522d⋯.png (288.41 KB,1054x751,1054:751,Screenshot_from_2024_06_29….png)

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18a70a No.21110082

File: 711d47d0b62bac6⋯.jpg (44.92 KB,688x360,86:45,john_1_5_2.jpg)

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cf70f4 No.21110089

File: 233b2e7a149a357⋯.png (447.01 KB,600x800,3:4,6E5491CF_EBC3_4587_B884_C7….png)

File: 0c42a55c1acdf7d⋯.jpeg (143.54 KB,813x760,813:760,08EDF742_7B29_49F7_86E0_F….jpeg)


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cf70f4 No.21110091

File: a571a33855de9c4⋯.jpeg (623.29 KB,1255x1404,1255:1404,IMG_3336.jpeg)

File: 4e44210457a018e⋯.png (504.52 KB,600x800,3:4,08DA695B_12D7_47D6_A49D_57….png)

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1cc0c3 No.21110101

File: 12f90f3886d71bf⋯.png (409.42 KB,600x708,50:59,1.PNG)

File: dee4e95a191b6a8⋯.png (440.23 KB,603x717,201:239,27.PNG)

File: 7534f9b192dd99f⋯.png (446.75 KB,600x708,50:59,2.PNG)

File: 21ee842f5c3e636⋯.png (599.22 KB,592x706,296:353,mat.PNG)


Matt Couch


Who did this 😂😂😂

0:01 / 0:20

9:23 AM · Jun 27, 2024




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167623 No.21110103


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cf70f4 No.21110104

File: e5a840220b01a35⋯.png (970.49 KB,800x532,200:133,3E91A1DB_4BEA_4C65_AAE5_CF….png)

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1cc0c3 No.21110105

File: 023f5b962be7d99⋯.png (2 MB,919x922,919:922,go.PNG)

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1a0130 No.21110106

File: 444897633e72293⋯.gif (492.38 KB,498x277,498:277,2384751374.gif)

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a84f13 No.21110107

File: 17c14cced63ee45⋯.png (283.6 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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932bc3 No.21110109

File: cbd9104fcd5b15b⋯.png (558.8 KB,825x888,275:296,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de4bfd3922126d3⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,480x270,16:9,The_mask_has_come_off_The_….mp4)

👀 Chamath Palihapitiya & David Sacks on What the Biden Debate Revealed

"The mask has come off. The whole shell game has been revealed. It's obvious that Biden was always a puppet for these interests who were hiding behind him and now it's all being exposed."

@chamath @DavidSacks @theallinpod


Full Episode:https://t.co/w2yrJqSJJR

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e00276 No.21110111

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f9108b No.21110116

File: 3a3a8f89336825b⋯.jpg (52.79 KB,577x412,577:412,etdfcgvjbkljjhgd.jpg)

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18a70a No.21110118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

- The Dark Side of DARPA

sauce… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zo68B3UG9VU

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b32cb1 No.21110120

File: c1bf405f6f37ae1⋯.png (408.98 KB,619x512,619:512,Screen_Shot_06_29_24_at_11….PNG)

File: fa33c113d7c721e⋯.mp4 (6.03 MB,640x360,16:9,haleyboom1.mp4)

My girl would have cleaned both their clocks easily.

Suzanne Youngblood Lane


We could’ve had Nikki Haley


John Hall

9:50 PM · Jun 27, 2024


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937bd2 No.21110124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1cc0c3 No.21110126

File: c83d4f21f9f5ac5⋯.png (763.77 KB,545x824,545:824,nm.PNG)

File: 71bb12d3cc8dc70⋯.png (1.31 MB,695x877,695:877,cd.PNG)


PHOTO: Incredible lightning strike just offshore of North Myrtle Beach, SC

Follow @insiderpaper

Happy Carolina Day!

On this day in 1776, some 400 South Carolina troops on Sullivan’s Island fended off the British siege of Charleston, delivering a pivotal American victory and setting our country on the path to independence.

7:59 AM · Jun 28, 2024


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e00276 No.21110127

File: c6b4c595039ef6a⋯.png (479.75 KB,1284x2778,214:463,ClipboardImage.png)

Kek. Anyone else see this bullshit? WifeAnon did a screen grab for me, since I don't have a tiwtter account. It was handed off to us by a normie who for the longest time couldn't get over muh "Greatest Ally" (tm) rhetoric and was blinded by her Christian faith for years, that Jews are the "Chosen Ones" (tm). The man loses his wife and some "anonymous" Jewish account - one who has openly doxxed people that go against the Zionist/Israeli regime - offers a back handed condolence to the US Congressman's loss and then "gently suggests" that Massie's "anti-Israel" stance is "detrimental" to the Congressman's family. Then, said account has the temerity to sight it's comment with "An Awesome Jew."

But they don't fathom why they're despised as a collective, world-wide? They can't understand the "uptick" in "anti-Semitisms" (tm)? They can't comprehend that their self-deluded religious dogma of "Chosen" status, that they attempt toforceall non-Jews to capitulate to, is having anegativeeffect? Seeing bullshit poasts like this, from an "anonymous Jew account" doesn't exactly endear me to Jews, nor to their cause of "global unification under Jewish rule." Normies are starting to wake up to the real Cabal.

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a7b5ea No.21110128

File: 83e99ce10ea1ae5⋯.png (354.45 KB,587x391,587:391,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

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6b9f56 No.21110130

File: 91ac9eecfa64012⋯.png (803.82 KB,981x614,981:614,last_second_call.PNG)

This is just fake news right?

Jocelyn Nungaray’s mom ‘shocked’ by call from Trump minutes before he took debate stage

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cf70f4 No.21110131

File: b377c037db4339a⋯.jpeg (151.44 KB,620x541,620:541,86C94212_3C42_4DFE_B011_7….JPEG)

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1cc0c3 No.21110132

File: 3aaca927fcfc323⋯.png (655.52 KB,847x747,847:747,2b.PNG)


Updated 7 hours ago -

Politics & Policy

Two Joe Bidens: The night America saw the other one


Alex Thompson

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53b67f No.21110133

11:05 AM EDT

Hill Air Show 2024 - Day 1

Department of Defense


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6f6d06 No.21110134

File: 96c1074a9fdadb8⋯.png (65.39 KB,1334x352,667:176,ClipboardImage.png)


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6b9f56 No.21110135

File: 523fc33893b9140⋯.png (107.92 KB,334x180,167:90,ohmy.PNG)

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1cc0c3 No.21110136

File: 932b85c939b2e23⋯.png (109.71 KB,592x662,296:331,ts.PNG)




Teddy Schleifer




New —

REID HOFFMAN, one of the Democratic Party's biggest donors, emails his network about The Debate.


Teddy Schleifer



"I got a lot of emails in the last 24 hours asking whether there should be a public campaign to pressure President Biden to step aside after his (very) bad debate performance last night."

"I think such a campaign to get Biden to step down would be a bad idea."

11:48 AM · Jun 28, 2024




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080574 No.21110137

Mother of darkness is women in the satanic pedo network that abuse children. If molesting children is your asassignment then you are place in education or nursing.

even newborns are molested to prepare them for the rapes later on.

Pray against so called mothers of darkness and sisters of light if you are so inclined 🙏

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31dd44 No.21110138

File: 9c37a3c1cb74667⋯.png (335.05 KB,393x517,393:517,MuhDick3.png)


NikkiFag, it's so good to see you back expressing yourself on QResearch.

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1cc0c3 No.21110139

File: 7522a788e866a57⋯.png (394.82 KB,600x536,75:67,gov.PNG)



Gov. Henry McMaster


Join me tonight at 7 for my State of the State Address, where I will layout my plan for the future prosperity of South Carolina.

Watch it live here: https://youtube.com/live/V7pwPXkzzrE?si=83BwgKqOUCFotiPp

0:28 / 1:37

3:21 AM · Jan 24, 2024




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c9fb24 No.21110141

File: 3c794f8228d23d5⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,720x716,180:179,ecyoRXnbDPcz7g6N.mp4)



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1a0130 No.21110142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2dc1cc No.21110143

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

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647a51 No.21110144

File: de4e028dc7e1fcf⋯.jpg (126.01 KB,480x313,480:313,Asking_for_it.jpg)


Stop! You're gonna give me a boner.

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a7b5ea No.21110145

File: 0b03368c5a5abe5⋯.png (83.38 KB,661x463,661:463,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 3b093eaf6ce4bf0⋯.png (306.68 KB,648x476,162:119,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 9d58eec13c1a846⋯.png (230.5 KB,655x450,131:90,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: c1a4c4ba697e84b⋯.png (292.62 KB,655x481,655:481,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)



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937bd2 No.21110146

File: e5c5f50386b38c7⋯.jpg (9.84 MB,7416x4928,927:616,flogs.jpg)




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d935c5 No.21110147


>My girl would have cleaned both their clocks easily.

When she's done cleaning, can she do the dishes?

A nice ham and cheese would be awesome as well


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bc8446 No.21110148


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01b0b8 No.21110149


SPY SECRETS Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments – using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices- revealed in sensational new documents officials hid for decades

The records “rewrite the history” of the CIA’s covert and illegal MKUltra project, according to researcher John Greenewald Jr who spent almost 20 years trying to obtain the documents.

DISTURBING details of secret mind-control experiments carried out by the CIA have been revealed in newly released documents - that officials have been trying to hide for decades. 

The new documents, released under the Freedom of Information Act, reveal how the CIA experimented on both humans and animals using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices as part of the top secret - and illegal - mind control project MKUltra.

The CIA carried out a covert programme of mind-control experiments during the 50s and 60s

Shockingly the swathes of information still missing or redacted in the records could mean the CIA is STILL carrying out the experiments to this day, according to experts.

One document details how the CIA planned to drug “criminals awaiting trial held in a prison hospital ward” in a bid to develop “improved techniques in drug interrogation”. 

Another document details the CIA’s interest in developing ways to cause amnesia in humans using experiments “no matter how weird, inconclusive or unusual”.

It goes on to detail how they were looking to find ways of developing hypnotic speaking techniques which would control the minds of “large audiences” and “heighten group susceptibility”.

Experiments which were “too dangerous, too shocking, too unusual for routine testing would be of interest to us,” the memo from 1956 reads… 


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1cc0c3 No.21110150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


2024 State of the State Address

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080574 No.21110151

File: e9d0f82820a5bcf⋯.jpg (65.7 KB,500x528,125:132,8uy8.jpg)

Obama and Jill both endorsed potato.

Vs the media who jumped before getting instructions

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5b2bf9 No.21110152

File: 67759fa8f99401d⋯.jpeg (144.6 KB,828x545,828:545,81267023_6A7C_4E17_9AC2_1….jpeg)


That stink, ugh. It's like Bangcock at low tide mixed with dollar store room deodorizer.

Stupid and awful, smelly old cunts.

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a7b5ea No.21110155

File: 6420dac57da35a3⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x630,40:21,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: e5ff7f461550025⋯.png (13.18 KB,148x58,74:29,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)


stefani germanotta=lady gaga

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1cc0c3 No.21110156

File: 41da2a91f1c8c6e⋯.png (153.54 KB,601x563,601:563,ez.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


Who picks up the 3 AM phone call at the White House?


4:05 AM · Jun 29, 2024




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a84f13 No.21110157


The hoax after hoax cycle, the weaponization of government and political persecution cycle, the fake news, it's all to cover up the fact that the Democrat Party is nothing but a collection of selfish interests seeking to loot the Republic and remain in power.

That's all they are.

When they, like Obama, project and accuse Trump of being in it for himself (oh yeah right, a billionaire who risked it all, and gave his entire POTUS salary away, is "doing it for himself"), they are only confessing through projection that it is THEY who are in it for themselves, to keep power, that's it.

All that matters to the Democrat Party is how to stay in power, despite the voters, despite the truth, despite the rule of law.

The masks are off.

They knew Biden's cognition was shot.

But they hid it. Why? To stay in power.

The Democrat Party appears to not even be a political party at all, but a regime, a militia, a collection of unelected interests using the power of government to break the law, make up laws without due process, enrich themselves, and reward on team players and blackmail/187 opponents who challenge them.

The Democrat Party is the party of crime, human trafficking, pedophilia, war, fascism, marxism, the party of evil. Everything they are accusing their opponents of doing, they're doing it themselves.

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01b0b8 No.21110158



This document details plans to drug inmates at a prison hospital then interrogate themCredit: CIA/ www.theblackvault.com

The records also detail mind control experiments on dogs, cats and mice with a cocktail of drugs and by implanting electronic devices - most likely as a precursor to human experiments. 

They also researched electric fish who can zap each other with electricity in a bit to create a super soldier who could do the same thing.  

The records were obtained by researcher John Greenewald Jr, who published them last week on his website The Black Vault. 

John, 37, from Castaic, California, told Sun Online he has been fighting since 1999 to get the CIA to hand over the documents and says they “completely rewrite the history” of the controversial project.

John, the owner of the Black Vault website has made thousands of Freedom of Information requests to uncover government secretsCredit: Facebook

John said: “Are the CIA still trying to cover up projects that took place in the 50s and 60s? In my opinion yes. 

“They are trying to cover it up and that is evidenced not just by what I went through to get the documents but the documents themselves. 

“So you'll see through these records they were doing a lot of different types of research with drugs on cats and dogs and other animals. 

“They were implanting electronic devices into animals to see whether electronic impulses can essentially control the brain. 

This document details how the CIA wanted to develop sinister ways of torturing and interrogating subjectsCredit: CIA/ www.theblackvault.com

“If you control and master that type of technology with cats and dogs - you’re very close to doing that with humans. And so this is kind of a very interesting look into the beginning days of that research. 

“There’s also one document that specifically breaks down multiple project proposals but the majority of project names on the document are redacted. 

“That means that whatever these projects were, they won't even tell you the name of the project, let alone what they were doing. 

“It shows that the entire story is not yet out - which is contrary to what the CIA wants us to believe.” (cont)


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bc8446 No.21110159


an tahn bobby an bryan stapped gittin banged an crack frum daddy

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647a51 No.21110160

File: 75e0dce94e0b5e2⋯.jpg (123.9 KB,600x772,150:193,Sailor_Moon_DOOM_parody.jpg)

Maybe America should seek a two State solution as well.

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1cc0c3 No.21110161

File: b2dd3ac38ab798c⋯.png (374.95 KB,600x706,300:353,all.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Lady Macbeth knows

3:34 AM · Jun 29, 2024




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6b9f56 No.21110162

File: 1ae262cce59004e⋯.png (27.93 KB,640x360,16:9,fraud.png)

Who is this "Extremely incredible source"?

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a84f13 No.21110163


thank heavens we don't have birdbrain.

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5b2bf9 No.21110164

File: d67c2b2aca609cb⋯.jpeg (392.14 KB,828x595,828:595,80CBC46F_5C7D_43F4_A764_D….jpeg)


Thank you.

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647a51 No.21110165

File: e92a1fa9e209b23⋯.png (489.4 KB,426x607,426:607,Other_realms.PNG)


Or that shrimp packet in the Ramen

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01b0b8 No.21110166


John believes the CIA have deliberately lied and misled him over the documents

MKUltra was the code name for a top secret and illegal programme of human experiments which the CIA carried out in the early 50s until it was official halted in 1973. 

The aim of the project was to identify and develop mind-control drugs and procedures to be used in interrogations and torture in a bid to force confessions and control behaviour. 

Although the CIA admitted to running the covert operation during congressional hearings in the 70s, they claimed that all records relating to it had been destroyed.

John’s battle for information started in 1999, when he requested the only documents relating to MKUltra that the CIA said had not been destroyed - 30,000 pages of financial records. 

The CIA finally provided John with the 30,000 pages on CD-Rom in 2004 - which they claimed were a full and complete set of records related to the project.

The CIA even produced a detailed 100 page report on electric fishes - in a bid to create humans who could generate electricityCredit: CIA/ www.theblackvault.com

It wasn’t until 2016, that a fellow researcher realised a staggering 4,358 pages, which the CIA claimed were on the CD, were actually missing and John began his fight to have the missing records released. 

Although the CIA initially claimed John was wrong and “fought him hard”, he finally received two separate boxes of records in the past month. 

But most worrying, John says, is that there is still at least 1,245 pages missing - which could contain even more disturbing details. 

He believes the missing information may relate to top secret mind control projects which are STILL taking place.

This 1953 document reveals how the CIA were trying to develop a "miracle" truth serum drug that would cause victims to forget everything they saidCredit: CIA/ www.theblackvault.com

“The possibilities behind the redacted information are honestly endless - we don't know what's underneath this classified material,” John said. 

“We've known for many years that MKUltra related material was destroyed, but if you look at these documents, you realise that there was a lot going on outside of MKUltra - still drug, mind-control and manipulation-related.

“You begin to realise that MKUltra may ultimately just be the tip of the iceberg. “If we know X what the heck is redacted under Y? We can't know for sure, but it's certainly scary to think about 

“They are redacting the information because it's absolutely a threat to national security to tell us. 

“Could that threat be that they are still doing this research to this day? Yes possibly - it makes sense. We know that the United States government does things that go beyond the law that go beyond the norm of what was approved.

“Edward Snowden has proven that phone tapping goes on which obviously is a little bit different than mind control, but historically these intelligence agencies have been proven to have been able to get away with a lot that goes against the law. (cont)



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bc3bd0 No.21110167


Someone on the Q team?

How far back do Trump and Q go, a question for the next Q&A perhaps.

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01b0b8 No.21110168


All of the documents have been posted on The Black Vault websiteCredit: www.theblackvault.com

“So absolutely the CIA could be continuing this type of research decades later - when you look at the records you realise they were making huge accomplishments with this research.

“If all this stuff was declassified, with not a whole lot of redactions and just failure after failure, then there’s probably a chance that they indeed cancel funding to the programme, but when you read these materials you realise they were actually making leaps and strides.

"I’m sure that they are using what they found in the fifties and the sixties - and beyond - probably today.”

John, who has made over 9,000 Freedom of Information requests and posted over 2 million pages of documents online since 1996, believes the CIA went out of their way to prevent him obtaining the documents and has letters and written evidence that prove they lied and misled him over the past 20 years. 

He’s now determined to obtain the missing documents.

“There’s been multiple times that they just kept giving me bad information and a lot of times in writing where they're telling me one thing that isn't necessarily true,” he said. 

“If there were just one instance of a frustrating moment, we can put it down to a mistake - human error - but if you count up everything they’ve put me through to get these documents that would be ridiculous. 

"And you can only talk it up to the fact that they were not telling me the truth. There's really no other way around it.

“But my fight is still going for the missing documents or trying to get the CIA to say where those 1,245 pages went.” (end)





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31f17e No.21110169

File: d98fe822f5b6ff1⋯.jpg (103.1 KB,700x700,1:1,Crazy_Time_Bonus.jpg)

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a7b5ea No.21110170

File: cbef659772356e6⋯.png (865.1 KB,634x861,634:861,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 476f4c0a0e9b764⋯.png (2.09 MB,1364x918,682:459,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 8c7f9a29aece8e7⋯.png (10.93 KB,199x35,199:35,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

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bc8446 No.21110171


yur juwin memes are so not gittin doxx

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b583b3 No.21110172

File: 4e44c43ce094c24⋯.png (1.62 MB,958x1440,479:720,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b9f56 No.21110173

TimeLine of events not happening fast enough for this to play out this election cycle.

Someone, not Trump will win the election and then take us to the precipice.

Prepare for another stolen election.

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f27c37 No.21110174

File: 8cc997e993045de⋯.png (208.81 KB,500x310,50:31,f800815f13492c693f77c26bcb….png)


gratias pistori pro classicorum educatione

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1cc0c3 No.21110175

File: 48a37a6eff1f0b0⋯.png (742.89 KB,861x738,7:6,curt.PNG)


Updated 7 hours ago -

Politics & Policy

Column / Behind the Curtain

Behind the Curtain: Biden oligarchy will decide fate

Mike Allen,

Jim VandeHei

Forget the pundits. Ignore New York Times editorials and columnists. Tune out people popping off on X.

The only way President Biden steps aside, despite his debate debacle, is if the same small group of lifelong loyalists who enabled his run suddenly — and shockingly — decides it's time for him to call it quits.

Dr. Jill Biden; his younger sister, Valerie Biden; and 85-year-old Ted Kaufman, the president's longtime friend and constant adviser — plus a small band of White House advisers — are the only Biden deciders.

This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as an extended family, council of elders and governing oligarchy. These allies alone hold sway over decisions big and small in Biden's life and presidency.


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bc8446 No.21110176


it obviously a scam

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133e9b No.21110178

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819c1f No.21110179


Yes, The masks are almost completely off. The normies see that there are masks, but the horror underneath is not quite recognized yet for the evil it is. Full Disclosure is what they fear. Somehow Assange's release is a dead man trigger to the NSA dump.

They are now truly panicked by what is unraveling in their narrative. The last gasp pictures from hollywood for those that rolled are being released this summer.

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647a51 No.21110180

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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31dd44 No.21110181

File: a5a2216a8f3ac96⋯.jpg (31.05 KB,348x385,348:385,MuhDick2.jpg)


Datefag, it's so good to see yet another attempt to be the one that nails it on QResearch.

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1a0130 No.21110182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Still think the audio "glitch" around her performance with a certain legendary band at an awards show was deliberate. After what was learned about her through this place, that she's Ambrovic's best student, it puts a different light on this performance to me.

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a84f13 No.21110183

File: 5bd292c2c1ff2c8⋯.png (423.44 KB,692x801,692:801,ClipboardImage.png)

SCOTUS is constantly having to fix the churlish maneuvers of rogue prosecutors under Biden and Garland at the DOJ


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1cc0c3 No.21110185

File: 760165b23bb6b39⋯.png (373.19 KB,860x643,860:643,cyp.PNG)


UK Military Planes Making Secretive Flights To Lebanon From Cyprus

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jun 29, 2024 - 02:20 AM

Via The Cradle

The UK has sent over 80 military transport planes to the Lebanese capital of Beirut since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza nine months ago, Declassified UK reported on Friday.

All the flights have gone from the UK’s massive Akrotiri airbase on the nearby island of Cyprus, long a staging post for UK bombing missions in West Asia. Declassified UK notes that the number of UK military flights to Beirut has risen dramatically in recent months. The group tracked 25 flights in April and May and 14 so far in June.

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6b9f56 No.21110186


You love you some of those cocks eh?

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18a70a No.21110187

File: cfbffc25d2782fa⋯.png (1.76 MB,1024x1004,256:251,cfbffc25d2782fa4aedd104bfc….png)


Let's fight for it!


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5b2bf9 No.21110188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TheY killed my buddy cuz he had that fuckin sauce.

Horrible and smelly Dumbcunts, their obvious commonality makes them glow and exude a most foul odor.

The bad ones really can't help but hiss and fart when you make em, eye lock the evil cunt, and theY HATE Van Halen.

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cf7290 No.21110189

File: f9828859b961b9e⋯.png (185.82 KB,500x1055,100:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a464c1b53a4932d⋯.png (842.86 KB,739x500,739:500,ClipboardImage.png)


I've been walking around beaming like a Cheshire cat since Thursday.

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1cc0c3 No.21110190

File: 1d6d270f131f607⋯.png (1.29 MB,751x830,751:830,bod.PNG)

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2ec6a1 No.21110191


She looks nazi.

Operation Paperclip offspring?

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080574 No.21110192

File: 8a1d4802b5137be⋯.jpg (17.38 KB,174x260,87:130,images_jpeg_138.jpg)


Obama's got this

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5b2bf9 No.21110193

File: 26c880a51187205⋯.jpeg (104.68 KB,828x995,828:995,58EBE972_9F94_4AC6_BF08_6….jpeg)

File: 406526eb53556de⋯.jpeg (180.21 KB,828x749,828:749,0F3B885B_C6D4_4AB9_8FA2_8….jpeg)

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224f59 No.21110194


chkt whoah

>>21109903 (lb)

> >>21109886 (lb)


chkt back; an 11-3 with a palindrome in the middle :)

(or could drop the 0s and 9s, with vortex math)

love that you recognized the rotating palindrome in Z axis :)

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1cc0c3 No.21110195

File: 6f52d4092fb6594⋯.png (217.4 KB,261x614,261:614,rig.PNG)


Wait What

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a7b5ea No.21110196

File: 0e27a3814320ace⋯.png (258.58 KB,457x610,457:610,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)


mother of darkness with all of the cabal/deep state pedophile presidents…

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f27c37 No.21110197


careful Jo

that crew you hang with is guud at dead bodies

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cf70f4 No.21110198

File: 04883d64fe816d0⋯.jpeg (625.23 KB,1109x619,1109:619,IMG_3373.jpeg)

File: e58961aee8967fa⋯.jpeg (131.73 KB,561x717,187:239,IMG_3372.jpeg)

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59fcb6 No.21110199

During the night the message came to the Fake News from the bureaucrats: The Chevron decision was a Power Grab! It took POWER away from the federal agencies. Fake News has been on it since early morning. We need to know how many particles of lead is in our water cries one. How are we going to counter climate change asks another.

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2dc1cc No.21110200


anon watched this earlier.

seems rather exposiey

tip of the iceburg.

darpa is retarded

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6545a9 No.21110201

File: d0e5b7dfc45f5dd⋯.jpeg (389.61 KB,1203x617,1203:617,05E41D54_47D3_4085_AC3F_8….jpeg)

File: 245d97641230698⋯.jpeg (473.55 KB,828x678,138:113,56DF3A0C_5F80_47D1_A45F_0….jpeg)

TEAL82/3 WC-130Js Hurricane Hunters SE from Kessler AFB, Biloxi

Tropical depression in Atlantic expected to become Hurricane Beryl. Here's the forecast.


53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron "Hurricane Hunters"


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f25adc No.21110202

File: 993a75974e46d72⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_06_29_10_25_20.mp4)

Scott Adams today.

To say that anon is disappointed in him would be an understatement. This is something that he should have known a long time ago.

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6f6d06 No.21110204

File: b033e82de3e408b⋯.webm (3.63 MB,640x360,16:9,1719670074853045.webm)

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6b9f56 No.21110205

If you are the enemy and you watch the debate.

What do you think afterwards?

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39a2b7 No.21110206

File: 670186a52388f75⋯.png (951.01 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN544.png)

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819c1f No.21110207


The statement by DJT that John F. Kennedy Jr. was my friend, places this relationship back to at least the late eighties.

DJT's Uncle was the MIT professor to sort through Tesla's Papers and then announce nothing all that interesting. So the family connection goes back to the 1940's. The freedom force was most likely created at the same time that Dulles fucked America with the secrets act of 1947.

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95915c No.21110208

File: f7e4abd9a4b6987⋯.png (389.95 KB,600x374,300:187,ClipboardImage.png)

Want to Defeat Joe Biden? Look to the 1800 Election and Make Free Speech the Key Issue in 2024

June 27, 20241/2

Below is my column in USA Today onwhy the opponents of President Joe Biden should make free speech the focus of this election. With the Supreme Court taking an off ramp in Murthy v. Missouri on Internet censorship, the free speech community is left, for now, with the political process to protect free speech. It is a potentially unifying issue for many Americans who are alarmed by the current anti-free speech movement. I have previously written that theBiden Administration has chilling analogies to the Adams Administration in the weaponization of the legal system and the crackdown on free speech. What should most concern Biden is the possibility of another aspect of history repeating itself: a defeat like the one in 1800.

Here is the column:

Since his dystopian speech outside of Independence Hall in 2022, President Joe Biden has made “democracy is on the ballot” his campaign theme. Pundits have repeated the mantra, claiming that if Biden is not elected, American democracy will perish.

While some of us have challenged these predictions, theother presidential candidates are missing a far more compelling argument going into this election. While democracy is not on the ballot this election, free speech is.

The 2024 election is looking strikingly similar to the election of 1800 and, if so, it does not bode well for Biden.

In my book “The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage,” released last week, I discuss our long struggle with free speech as a nation. It is an unvarnished history with powerful stories of our heroes and villains in the struggle to define what Justice Louis Brandeis called our “indispensable right.”

One of the greatest villains in that history was President John Adams, who used the Alien and Sedition Acts to arrest his political opponents – including journalists, members of Congress and others. Many of those prosecuted by the Adams administration were Jeffersonians. In the election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson ran on the issue and defeated Adams.

Government efforts to limit free speech are Orwellian

We are now seeing what is arguably the most dangerous anti-free speech movement in our history.President Joe Biden is, in my view, the most anti-free speech president since Adams. Under his administration, we have seen a massive censorship system funded and directed by the government. A federal judge described the system as “Orwellian” in its scope and impact.


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a84f13 No.21110209


This anon is disappointed that you haven't posted what you claim to have known, and posted it to this board before, that you should have posted this a long time ago.


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1cc0c3 No.21110211

File: b6c0a71255b8705⋯.png (38.72 KB,598x466,299:233,jk.PNG)


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


I am reliably told by legal experts that if a judge is overturned by a higher court, that judge's reputation is in shatters and she must recuse from any similar matters. (This is the line of attack against Judge Cannon for 11th Circuit overturning her special master order in 2022.)

Using that line of logic, Judge Florence Pan, whose appellate ruling in Fischer upholding the use of 1512c2 in J6 case, must recuse herself from any future appeals related to the prosecution of J6 defendants.

SCOTUS vacated her order yesterday. So, using Weissmann-Kirschner logic (!), Pan is conflicted, acted in a partisan manner, and her humiliating defeat before SCOTUS renders her unable to fairly handle any J6 cases.

Do I have that right?

4:12 AM · Jun 29, 2024




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0f310d No.21110212


That’s a threat from a horrible person with no compassion in any way.

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f27c37 No.21110213

File: ba13ae992cd30e8⋯.jpg (73.9 KB,736x736,1:1,0e75a458cfa4fd993c1bd38e74….jpg)


mornin fam

gonna watch that swing at Cuba

Pacific moisture came our westie way but not the storm, winds have shifted now, wakes prolly on buoy watch as I type


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2e8eef No.21110215

>>21110073 (lb)

I know. I was just saying that it makes sense that they wouldn't give up an influential asset like Time for controlling narratives despite advancements in tech laying waste to the entire industry around it.

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18a70a No.21110216

File: 23b2af7de21f15d⋯.jpg (18.45 KB,282x567,94:189,go_on_smoking.jpg)

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2608f0 No.21110217

File: ab7416788b0fa70⋯.jpg (1.79 MB,5100x3300,17:11,readinesstweets.jpg)

>>21110041 lb

good one.

They won't give up without a fight.

They just disobey the Court, lawless.

They have a higher authority, so they believe, "for our own good," so they pretend; but its not.

Anyway I just realized the great service provided by our 24 / 7 /365 days a year, shill teams.


Hate Jew


Hate Trump



They do not hide, they strut.

So we know how evil are those we are up against, and can steel ourselves to take them out of power.

>>21110042 lb

That's why Tapper was fair-ish and failed to pile-on Trump

I noticed that right away; a difference in his tone. Unexpected.

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f7f9d9 No.21110218

File: 59c915d02c7fa24⋯.png (100.14 KB,1046x594,523:297,ClipboardImage.png)



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5b2bf9 No.21110219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

These stinky dumbcunts Dark Mithers sell their own daughters into depravity for control, cash and social climbing, inbred Druid gYpsy trash.

Horrible, horrible fuckin shit.

Creepy fuckin bitch better ask somebody, 3am shitshow cunts

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819c1f No.21110220


Remember his career was built on cartoons for material that would be related to him through anecdotes about corporate america verbally or via emails

He is just not that smart, but people love listening to comedians and comics.

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080574 No.21110221

File: a256c9f0df71d4f⋯.jpg (190.23 KB,720x1231,720:1231,Screenshot_20240629_113203….jpg)

File: da04f7e98ed505c⋯.jpg (235.53 KB,720x1280,9:16,Screenshot_20240629_113230….jpg)

Wow Elton John hugging on the potato the day after the debate.


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a84f13 No.21110222


Adams over the target.

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1a0130 No.21110223

File: a16c5c1720692ab⋯.jpg (62.9 KB,626x417,626:417,661046dcfe6e4e9c86c915ce63….jpg)

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5b2bf9 No.21110224

File: fa3ddcc3354ba79⋯.jpeg (183.29 KB,828x435,276:145,E927037E_88AF_4EF6_8EE2_E….jpeg)

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cf70f4 No.21110225

File: 81571eb16af62de⋯.jpeg (173.44 KB,641x801,641:801,370F6746_4736_4460_BE30_2….jpeg)

File: b21b9bad040894f⋯.jpeg (199.64 KB,641x801,641:801,7D9EC5A8_248B_4A8C_93B6_A….jpeg)

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cf70f4 No.21110227

File: 246baf710013aea⋯.jpeg (120.97 KB,1131x636,377:212,IMG_3377.jpeg)

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95915c No.21110228

File: 7e24748a855a341⋯.png (114.83 KB,310x193,310:193,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21110208 (Someone needs to get this article to President Trump ASAP)


Biden has repeatedly called for greater censorship and accused social media companies of “killing people” by not silencing more dissenting voices. Other Democrats such as Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts have pushed for restrictions on “unacceptable” speech.

The Biden administration seeks to censor even true statements as disinformation.

For example, I testified before Congress last year on howJen Easterly, who heads the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, extended heragency’s mandate over critical infrastructure to include “our cognitive infrastructure.” The resulting censorship efforts included combating “malinformation” – described as information “based on fact, but used out of context to mislead, harm, or manipulate.”

The left has picked up the cudgels of censorship and blacklisting once used against them. During the McCarthy period, liberals were called “communist sympathizers.” Now, conservative justices are called “insurrectionist sympathizers.”

Candidates should call out Biden on censorship

In this election, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Jill Stein, Donald Trump and Cornel West should talk about the threats against free speech at every debate and stump speech. They will have to overcome a news media that has been complicit in the attacks on free speech, but these candidates can break through by raising it as a key issue dividing Biden from the rest of the field.

Democrats and the news media have hammered away at cracking down on those accused of “disinformation.” The public, however, has not been won over by those seeking to limit their right of free speech or the push to amend the

First Amendment because it’s too “aggressively individualistic.”

So far, the anti-free speech movement has flourished largely in the echo chambers of academia and the media. It is time for the public to render its judgment.

As discussed in my book,we are hardwired for free speech. It is in our DNA. Despite these periods of crackdowns on free speech, we have always rejected those who wanted to regulate the views of others. Jefferson called the Federalists “the reign of the witches.” (Ironically, Jefferson would himself prosecute critics, though not to the same extent as Adams).

Attacks on free speech have returned with a vengeance before another presidential election. After fighting in the courts and in the public to expand censorship, Biden should now have to defend it with the voters. Let’s have at it, as we did in 1800.

Free speech is again on the ballot. It is time for the public to decide.


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05a2be No.21110229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GM fuckers

have a gander at this amazing cover

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819c1f No.21110230


The point being, he finally got there when he should have been "there" four years ago, like the rest of anons who learned from the autists what is truth.

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cf70f4 No.21110231

File: 57cc2462c45f733⋯.mp4 (804.21 KB,1088x620,272:155,DJT_TV_Biden_Vs_Elton_AIDS….mp4)


“It’s your fault Elton”

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a84f13 No.21110232


Think of the mindset that a person has that they believe they have the moral authority to shut anyone up by government force.

Sick fucks.

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080574 No.21110233


Extraordinarily naive

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31dd44 No.21110234


>current track: Lower Lessers and Jamaica East Coast

Relatively rare path if becomes true.

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a7b5ea No.21110235


they do not, and never have, believed that the laws apply to them, including the Supreme Court decisions

pelosi and others have recently called the Supreme Court a rogue court

they will continue to do as they please ignoring all laws until they are stopped

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634e6f No.21110236

What’s everyone’s thoughts on Derek Johnson?

Legit or no?

It seems to me, legit.

He makes sense to me.

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cb04ac No.21110237

File: 4c53a3ef9571a13⋯.png (835.48 KB,888x499,888:499,4c53a3ef9571a13e1019feb3ed….png)

File: cd43bc6df5456c9⋯.jpeg (177.3 KB,2000x1270,200:127,gaga_inauguration_grab_38….jpeg)

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a84f13 No.21110239


>should have been there

how so? why? Why SHOULD humanity learn at the exact same rate over time?

That's unrealistic, petty, and really just a stupid hollow excuse to smear a person.

Anon could tell you that YOU should have been where YOU are MORE than 4 years ago, when other people knew what you didn't know then, and shame you for not knowing sooner.

What you should be doing is thanking that a person wakes up AT ANY TIME AT ALL, and don't throw and in their face.

It's as if you're treating him worse after than before. Where was your help before? Why the vinegar now?

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1a0130 No.21110240

File: 8485b32323a414d⋯.png (109.49 KB,367x298,367:298,pepe_cereal.png)


>This is something that he should have known a long time ago.

Most normies didn't know and most still don't know. They don't deserve scorn because they came to a conclusion all on their own years later when those here were given the means to that conclusion years ago by Q.

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bc8446 No.21110241


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2f6804 No.21110242

File: 1712f7cc57f2308⋯.jpg (98.48 KB,500x811,500:811,ParabillsGold.jpg)

How long will central bank buying of gold last?


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b583b3 No.21110243

File: d56b9a006477f7e⋯.png (199.85 KB,668x376,167:94,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 11975e94d14116d⋯.png (109.48 KB,668x376,167:94,ClipboardImage.png)

Planetary parade on display in the night sky this weekend

June 28, 2024 9:36pm EDT

Stargazers wishing to see a planetary parade will get their first chance this weekend when Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and the Moon will all be visible in the night sky.

According to planetary experts at NASA, the three planets, along with the crescent-shaped Moon, will be visible in the eastern sky before daybreak for the next several days.

If skies are clear, all should be visible without the use of binoculars or a telescope, but it is always advised to use aids to see the planets in all their glory.

With binoculars, some of Jupiter’s moons might be noticeable, and telescopes have previously helped with spotting Saturn’s rings from Earth.

Locales that have a clear view of the eastern horizon without the influence of light pollution have the best chance of seeing the parade.

The Moon is currently in a waning crescent phase, which occurs after a full moon. During this phase, the crescent shape of the Moon will appear to shrink until it reaches its new moon status on July 5th.

If promises of a planetary parade sound familiar, erroneous claims went viral earlier this month, telling skygazers that six planets would be visible to the naked eye.

NASA experts said, in reality, only two planets were visible without the use of technology.

Despite promises of spectacular planetary parades, astronomers say 2024 has not disappointed with the largest display of Northern Lights in decades and the total solar eclipse that traveled across America in April.

If you miss June’s final event, three planets are expected to be visible in mid-July.

Mercury will be apparent just after sunset on July 15 and should be fairly bright, while both Mars and Uranus will appear close in the sky.

The Full Buck Moon will peak during the morning hours on July 21, and the Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower will occasionally be visible from mid-July through the middle of August.


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bc8446 No.21110244

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1a0130 No.21110245


Silence, AEI.

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a3afef No.21110246

The media realized that Sleepy Joe Biden is actually Sleeper Joe Biden teeing up the ball for Trump. That's why the media is freaking out and why toadies are still supporting him since supporting Biden, regardless of what happens, is likely their way out.

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91d4b2 No.21110247


Mostly sailboats. Can't find info on Hemispheres. Off The Hook is shown docked in SD on other side of the US.

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31f17e No.21110248

What is happening?

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01b0b8 No.21110249

File: 4bc53ad21a32c98⋯.png (158.56 KB,832x697,832:697,2663_WIA_military_personne….png)

Q post #2663


Q post #2663





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426f0a No.21110250

File: 2ae56396b5af287⋯.png (295.03 KB,731x731,1:1,DarkToLightWWG1.PNG)


Something wonderful.

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6545a9 No.21110251

File: bf870ac10d71ecf⋯.jpeg (785.23 KB,1233x610,1233:610,3C2D02F2_BF08_41A2_AF2E_F….jpeg)

Slovenia AF LSV101 Falcon 2000 headed to Rzeszow from Geneva depart to pick up President Pirc Musar

The “train ride” narrative again.

President of Slovenia “in Kiev”: In order to achieve peace, Ukraine and Russia will have to sit down at negotiating table - President of Slovenia Pirc Musar


>>21109848 lb

Italian AF IAM4669 Alenia Spartan landed at Rzeszów Airport

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59fcb6 No.21110252


This guy is a hypnotist. Listen to him at your own risk.

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2e8eef No.21110253


Digits approaching

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080574 No.21110254


He's legit but he can't form a simple consist message.

Which is a deliberate and widespread problem.

And why prayer is needed.

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819c1f No.21110255


Because He has been blathering on in his monologues for over six years. Just looking at a few cartoons by Garrett would have clued him in. But he is a typical normie.

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61c865 No.21110256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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39a2b7 No.21110257

File: cb8611ab4c50585⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN543.png)

File: b1b9b9fa6104804⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN542.png)

File: 61ba89f63a3077a⋯.png (606.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN541.png)

File: e9c1b32d924323b⋯.png (853.15 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN540.png)

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eb84bf No.21110258

File: 9c04743a6d21a23⋯.png (345.51 KB,544x367,544:367,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c504937c8f31de⋯.png (250.95 KB,686x915,686:915,ClipboardImage.png)

Abramovic on pyramid stage, Glastonbury

Artist incredibly pulls off 7-minute silence with 200,000 people at Glastonbury

Glastonbury Festival might have just made history after an artist managed to make its thick crowds – of up to 200,000 people – silent for seven minutes at the Pyramid Stage.

I'd certainly call them thick.


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a84f13 No.21110259


Your mentality is a little narcissistic there bucko. The timing of YOU learning a set of information over time is NOT the standard for humanity.

Your timing of learning is, as I am sure you will admit, not the same as those who learned BEFORE you did, and knew before you knew, and they too could look at you and use your logic and shame you for learning "too late" relative to when they learned it.

You can't honestly believe that what you learned over time and when you learned it, is the soonest that was humanly possible for anyone to learn it. Surely you must admit that YOU are "late" in the game relative to when lots and lots of people knew what you know, waaaaaaay before you came to learn it.

Self-reflect and be thankful that there is waking up at all.

What you're doing is just jerking yourself off, seeing yourself as a standard for everyone else, seemingly having no clue that when you say someone else is "late", that YOU are late.

Get off your high horse.

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bc8446 No.21110260


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a51ae5 No.21110261


>What’s everyone’s thoughts on Derek Johnson?

either a fool or a grifter … probably a grifter

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64b673 No.21110262

File: b124d5ade50053a⋯.jpg (105.85 KB,600x478,300:239,SchifftyOne.JPG)

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5cf268 No.21110263

File: b956e783daae473⋯.webp (183.57 KB,640x480,4:3,b956e783daae473d86d13d10a….webp)

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6545a9 No.21110264

File: 632e119bde9e2cb⋯.jpeg (509.01 KB,765x633,255:211,54DA97F1_92A2_44AD_BDE3_6….jpeg)


Thanks fer those

Passed around

That was the Baja moisture we got last week

Hate it

Back at ya

Have a good day

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95915c No.21110265


Their only goal is to shut up free voices, they know they can never rule America again after this the whole RINO, Left and Democrat party needs to be completely dismantled. Taking away our free speech has been going on since 911 when Bush put in the Patriot Act after he and other took the buildings down.

Our free speech has subtly been gagged since at least then, Bidan, Obama, Clinton and Bush knew this was there only chance to use Bidan to do it publicly and with force. They all need to be exposed every single one of them, arrested and jailed.

The Treason that has been occurring for many years and needs to be pointed out, prosecuted and punished, otherwise the country is lost.

And we will not let our country be lost.

This phony Bidan Admin was to implement the and finalize the 16 year plan. All of them must be revealed in every level of our government, in NGOs and every other member of the diabolical CABAL, that ultimately wants to do this WW

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080574 No.21110266


If one has discernment one would hear Mr.nevel disparage Jesus and then quickly move away from the bs.

But whatever

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31dd44 No.21110267


The criticism has been a bit over the top since you're talking about a famefag in the sphere and not some rando irl scenario.

That said, it's possible he's trying to do the wake up along with the people thing.

I mean, he did get to visit PDJT at the WH back in the day.

Maybe a little of that Q operator kinda thing went down.

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243a9b No.21110268

File: a98ab26d132893b⋯.png (76.83 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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819c1f No.21110269


Little judgemental ?? I am pointing out that many with influential voices had access to this info at the same time as anons on this board. Glad people are finally waking up, however expect not enough and that some precipitous events and scares are still going to be unleashed.

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31f17e No.21110271

Anon is late, so very late. Lets hurry up.

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afa79d No.21110272



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a84f13 No.21110273


>Little judgemental ?


Idiots attacking Adams for the sin of LEARNING are just trying to push narrative to trick Adams and everyone who wakes up into perceiving anons as ungrateful unwelcoming hostile asshole pieces of shit who will poke fun at everyone who does wake up for not learning sooner, thereby turning people away. And for what, for the idiots to stroke themselves and preen in front of a mirror at how brilliant they are for learning AFTER so many other people have learnt it.

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883cc5 No.21110274


and get me a sammich while you're at it

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7e2372 No.21110275

File: 51a29c711f0b121⋯.png (265 KB,495x547,495:547,BidenJillPsychotic.png)



TRUMP LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!

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31f17e No.21110276


>Digits approaching

Seen and counted the digits, checked.

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6545a9 No.21110277

File: 8f8d38d12889f0d⋯.jpeg (42.08 KB,478x269,478:269,84E3533E_0C51_45D7_AF05_3….jpeg)


>bought DC house

Connected it to WH

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cf7290 No.21110278


Imagine Melania Trump coming on stage with the mic to boss the Don kek

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149ddf No.21110279

File: e772e0fb18b424d⋯.jpg (118.2 KB,830x683,830:683,GagaWitch.JPG)


Proof-positive that the peace symbol originates in witchcraft.

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932bc3 No.21110280

File: 80e4af4e3ee7353⋯.jpg (146.84 KB,932x626,466:313,80e4af4e3ee7353db4924e911d….jpg)


>16 year plan

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5129d7 No.21110281

File: f3a2f1ca0e3b888⋯.png (20.05 KB,397x180,397:180,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: baf3796e42a7ea4⋯.png (98.69 KB,391x615,391:615,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

>>21109724 pb


> [Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/29/2024 06:45:05

>ID: Not Available

>Truth Social: 112699500519751851

>Strange things happen in big time politics, and believe me, this is big time politics! During my debate on Thursday night with Crooked Joe Biden, the worst President in the history of our Country, and the person that is illegally, and strictly for political gain, trying to put me in jail, I watched a man, first hand, “CHOKE” under tremendous pressure, the likes of which he has never seen before. The strain of the illegality being used by his“Injustice”Department, the FBI, local Attorney Generals, and D.A.’s, have put an additional strain on him.FAKE NEWSCNN just announced that, at 51,300,000 viewers, it was the highest rated show in the history of CNN - and that doesn’t include other places it was shown. This was a “MONSTER” show, and it could be plainly and openly felt onstage. His speech on Friday was better, and he seems to be coming out of his trance, but AMERICA must ask itself, with all of the many dangers around, do we really want a President who CHOKES? I don’t think so!


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV606/29/2020 18:10:41 ID: 8e51b7

8kun/qresearch: 9791494




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a84f13 No.21110282


The only reason they attack free speech is because it is within the messy set of free information that the TRUTH ABOUT THEIR ACTIONS will reside.

So, they flood the information set with their own funded and pushed hate speech, then blaming free speech for why their own speech occurred, but not admitting that they are funding such hate speech and blaming their opponents of it.

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95915c No.21110283


If Jill gets her way they will stay, she doesn't care if he dies on the job, because it's not the original Joe.

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080574 No.21110284

File: a461a83641b2202⋯.jpg (141.44 KB,720x1171,720:1171,Biye2.jpg)

There is a joe-farted-at-the-debate story in UK press.

Must be a demon thing

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1a0130 No.21110285

File: badc2b834158862⋯.jpg (50.6 KB,474x616,237:308,1e96b5aff5f00d04b660a38c0c….jpg)

It's going to be fun watching everyone trying to hit the 1's. Post numbers don't interest me, so I'll just be sitting back watching the mad scramble. Math in the timestamps and columns is where I find the cooking with gas, so have at 'er.

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5b2bf9 No.21110286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Seriously serious fuckin shit going down.

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819c1f No.21110287


Dude, why all the defensive emotion ? Are you Scott himself or is he your your bestie. This is the same criticism I have of Tucker, Russel Brand, and many others that had voices and were deluded or compromised. Plus, welcome to free speech, I have endured worse for being a cement head on this board.

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5cf268 No.21110288


Do anons think the shot made all these people fall off the edge of sanity? There are so many ww.

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cf7290 No.21110289

File: 43d698efd6344aa⋯.png (501.79 KB,537x465,179:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf70f4 No.21110290

File: 36fe9da8b5a6f06⋯.png (1.79 MB,1130x1130,1:1,90208DD5_E2A7_44FD_BBC0_CA….png)

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f5343b No.21110291

File: 79c4c89db4650a1⋯.webp (24.55 KB,680x453,680:453,ButNoMakeSandwich.webp)

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5b2bf9 No.21110292

File: f5547c645c41455⋯.jpeg (91.25 KB,828x633,276:211,DA8403EC_D19E_4662_85AA_4….jpeg)

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a7b5ea No.21110293

File: d5aae43cf7c16a0⋯.png (953.72 KB,1200x673,1200:673,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 893ce3fcea23eda⋯.png (10.12 KB,108x56,27:14,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: cbdedadaa71c7a7⋯.png (492.6 KB,600x400,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 9f99646e73243a6⋯.png (13.24 KB,147x58,147:58,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)


shawn carter=jay z

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bc8446 No.21110294

wut do juuuu call 'joggin farts' in rushin ?


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b583b3 No.21110295

File: fac31a175cd75b7⋯.png (645.41 KB,700x400,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Nasa refutes claims about astronauts stranded in space

June 29, 2024

In an attempt to salvage its position after weeks of negative headlines, National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) commercial crew programme manager has claimed that the astronauts aboard the Boeing Starliner are "not stranded" at the International Space Station.

After years of delays, Boeing's Starliner capsule carrying astronauts Butch Wilmore and Sunita Williams lifted off from Florida's Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on June 5, AFP reported.

Initially, the Starliner was set to return from ISS on June 14, but was pushed back for June 26. However, now the return is being further delayed due to multiple helium leaks.

When asked about the return date of the astronauts, the Nasa official said, "We don't have a targeted (landing) date today."

In a press conference on Friday, the manager said, "Butch and Suni are not stranded in space."

He added that the pair were "enjoying their time on the space station" and "our plan is to continue to return them on Starliner and return them home at the right time.".

According to reports, one helium leak was known prior to the launch; however, more leaks emerged during the 25-hour flight.

Separately, some of Starliner's thrusters that provide fine manoeuvring initially failed to kick in, delaying docking. Engineers are not sure why Starliner's computer "deselected" these thrusters, though they were able to restart all but one of them.

While talking about the negative comments, Boeing's Vice President and Programme Manager of its Commercial Crew Programme, Mark Nappi, said, "It is pretty painful to read the things that are out there.

We've gotten a really good test flight that's been accomplished so far, and it's being viewed rather negatively."


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a84f13 No.21110296


Your own ego is offended by people more popular and influential than you. You believe Adams "deserves" your contempt and ridicule, because nobody knows your name while people know his name, and you're offended that you knew something you believe Adams didn't know and yet Adams' name is known and yours isn't, and how unfair and unjust that is, so your job is to pretend that your massive ego problem is just an action of bringing another egoist down a peg or two, so that you don't feel so bad about yourself.

Admit it.

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fe34f8 No.21110297

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB,564x830,282:415,HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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bc8446 No.21110298


prol wants to swear its nota pedo aftur bunghol fire.

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1a0130 No.21110299



Women mopping topless? Odd way to protest, but I am not complaining.

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080574 No.21110300

File: 581bf7429b6e87e⋯.jpg (61.6 KB,740x473,740:473,8tw3q2.jpg)


He was just at the g7

They all know

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5b2bf9 No.21110301

File: 0224535f48fb0d9⋯.jpeg (393.5 KB,828x1011,276:337,F1DD576A_4EF1_41DB_B94A_C….jpeg)

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d2d6aa No.21110302

File: b58c8c3f0026b87⋯.png (189.52 KB,309x381,103:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05fb3798b001799⋯.png (206.21 KB,337x480,337:480,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc6a1d21d8e801d⋯.png (217.44 KB,361x490,361:490,ClipboardImage.png)


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cf70f4 No.21110303

File: f44c34ae542c9c3⋯.png (882.28 KB,830x682,415:341,97A81B09_9391_4932_B92F_4B….png)

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5b2bf9 No.21110304

File: 6671a0698a87537⋯.jpeg (148.25 KB,589x576,589:576,694F944F_2D27_4DFA_B4D5_1….jpeg)

File: a7d2778fde10b70⋯.jpeg (188.49 KB,828x1254,138:209,830C19D9_73B6_4A40_989C_1….jpeg)

Grow up.

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937bd2 No.21110305

File: 92fc3a905db8b3a⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,400x400,1:1,92fc3a905db8b3a30f3133001f….jpg)

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1cc0c3 No.21110306

File: 36a2d7196aae396⋯.png (324.85 KB,687x586,687:586,yurb.PNG)


Tuberville on Biden Debate Disaster: ‘The American People Need to Understand the Deep State Is Running This Country’


Jeff Poor29 Jun 2024

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31f17e No.21110307


>Artist incredibly pulls off 7-minute silence with 200,000 people at Glastonbury

Gunter glieben glauten globen

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b79e4f No.21110308

agreed, the Awakening is ongoing… >>21110240

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7e2372 No.21110309

File: 320fde3d24029f3⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB,480x270,16:9,SNL_stmrtn_gldrtner.mp4)

Remeber when SNL wasn't funny and we still laughed?

Today would be Gilda Radner's 78th birthday.

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080574 No.21110310

File: 5c3c9323ecdf978⋯.jpg (145.43 KB,720x1123,720:1123,Screenshot_20240628_085716….jpg)

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a32283 No.21110311

File: be1bf01d374a72f⋯.mp4 (468.01 KB,320x568,40:71,video_2024_06_29_08_59_08.mp4)

Y'all upon looking through the comments this afternoon I noticed a woman talking about all the hateful comments that were being said on Facebook about Trump and the debate.

I'd like to make you aware that you're not arguing with human beings on some of these social media platforms.

These are bot farms. People are paid to spin a narrative either by a person inputting a script or they are using AI to do it.

It's very important to learn this behavior and not feed into it. And definitely do not let it upset you.

A little personal story of my own years ago when I joined Twitter so I can follow DJT, I was crushed by the comments under his tweets, not realizing they were not human. When I found out about these bot farms, it finally explained all the hate that was being spewed. So please understand this is all a manipulation and a psyop to fool the masses.

Hold the line Patriots,




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1cc0c3 No.21110312

File: 0bfee9bd5c1a4c5⋯.png (906.92 KB,771x774,257:258,ust.PNG)


Dems and the media lied to America about

Biden’s fitness — who can ever trust

them again?

New York Post, by Post Editorial Board

Original Article

Posted By: Ida Lou Pino, 6/29/2024 10:51:02 AM

President Biden’s world-shatteringly bad debate performance Thursday has Democrats and their media allies abuzz with the idea of replacing him. But as the whispers fly, remember that the people behind any such putsch would be the same as those who’ve been lying to everyone by insisting that Joe’s just fine the whole time. Incredibly, after Thursday night, they’re still lying.

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fbd985 No.21110313

File: 8d0476b4ea4e038⋯.jpg (933.68 KB,4000x2510,400:251,fredrick_brennan_e15651059….jpg)

File: 15ad1dfa32d7526⋯.jpg (113.26 KB,1032x774,4:3,B_J_m_9UQAAZTvV_1488108788.jpg)

File: dd91fd611816159⋯.jpg (298.75 KB,1024x768,4:3,1571321338062.jpg)


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cf70f4 No.21110314

File: 355a39e9629f489⋯.jpeg (128.39 KB,857x1280,857:1280,IMG_3293.jpeg)

File: 94d898afa03cff9⋯.jpeg (401.98 KB,979x552,979:552,IMG_3357.jpeg)

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5b2bf9 No.21110315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The dance party of the millennium.

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5cf268 No.21110316

File: 59ef8c7810b2ae2⋯.jpg (104.92 KB,968x820,242:205,59ef8c7810b2ae21a0ca001ae8….jpg)


The curtain has been pulled back on the dr. Her name has never been mentioned in the money deals but what do you bet she's been in on them?

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18a70a No.21110317

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

- Julian Assange 666 Psyop?

sauce… https://old.bitchute.com/video/j6MUInqTuZE4/

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0f310d No.21110318

File: 3f4cb0eeadbcd56⋯.jpeg (34.35 KB,207x255,69:85,IMG_1392.jpeg)

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2d18a5 No.21110319

Boys in the hideaway

can i choose a song

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31f17e No.21110320

File: 47c40d863f9bfe7⋯.png (595.79 KB,685x900,137:180,47c40d863f9bfe76dc6cf51d50….png)


>Grow up.

Guess you won't.

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d2d6aa No.21110322

File: c3a2013fc877901⋯.png (338.62 KB,364x589,364:589,ClipboardImage.png)

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59fcb6 No.21110324


You're right. But you know that's going to take Martial Law, Soldiers in our streets for both the invaders and the embedded enemy within (media, politics, judicial system, etc.

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2d18a5 No.21110325


Yo combz

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5b2bf9 No.21110326

File: 7f1ed2233224780⋯.jpeg (47.56 KB,828x506,18:11,BF6B88C0_EC21_45E0_9760_3….jpeg)

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fe34f8 No.21110327



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2d18a5 No.21110328


Yo Keep open your legs more than your mouth

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cb04ac No.21110329


helluva citizen journalist

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58f519 No.21110330

File: 37dc1237e9799ba⋯.jpeg (123.19 KB,841x1280,841:1280,HDNXWjwb5q9Q.jpeg)

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819c1f No.21110331


Here from my massive ego to your massive butt hurt..

Go Fuck Yourself and the Donkey You rode in On


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2d18a5 No.21110332


and both smells like shit

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95915c No.21110333

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannon: YOU Must Focus On Victory At All Costs

This is the last day Bannon will be on the War Room for four months.



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cf7290 No.21110334


Plant a MK'd operative as a Nanny. Retrieve compromising material. Sex kitten. Lose the wife and she's yours. Poison.

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a3afef No.21110335

File: bc44c0368a6b7f1⋯.png (554.56 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b2bf9 No.21110336

File: 76c573111c2b030⋯.jpeg (114.31 KB,811x905,811:905,CAAE7DBD_7F62_4170_AF55_D….jpeg)

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e00276 No.21110337

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>That’s a threat from a horrible person with no compassion in any way.

Ironic it's a "Jewish" account, no? Jews can call for "white genocide" and nothing is done to them. Jews can pretend to be "White" and spread anti-White rhetoric, but absolve themselves from the stigma of "White Guilt," "White Privilege" and "Supremacist Views." Funny how when a person like this "Awesome Jew" is attacked, it's like attacking all of them, but when said "Awesome Jew" is attacking a non-Jewish person, crickets from the rest of the Tribe (tm).

I'm so sick of Jewish nepotism.

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2d18a5 No.21110338


yo GSP girl

VK add New song's

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a84f13 No.21110339


Here's a secret: The people rent free in your head, those more popular than you, aren't even thinking about you.

If you were consistent you would feel shame and embarrassment for not waking up sooner than you did.

But that can't happen for such a delicate frail sensitive ego now can it, it's too risky.

Better to just keep looking outward away from the pain and seeing your own unjustified ego in others who are spreading truth to more people and doing it better than you, and seemingly treat those who learn anything at all, WORSE than those who haven't learned.

Think about that. Right now this moment, you have chosen to treat people who woke up and are teaching their millions of viewers what they learned, a blessing, an amazing incredible event, you're treating them worse than those who either haven't woken up, or are lying to their viewers and filling their heads up with disinfo.

Think about that. Look at where your attacks are targeted. Whose side are you on anyway?

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bc8446 No.21110340


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5b2bf9 No.21110341


Happens all the time.

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31f17e No.21110342

File: d75824d1773b9ac⋯.png (264.96 KB,442x456,221:228,d75824d1773b9ac0f3e28c2010….png)


>Yo combz

Don't make anons push these buttons.

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2d18a5 No.21110343


And you make the party full of farts

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cf7290 No.21110344

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080574 No.21110345


Anon would not enter that room without an asbestos suit.

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7e2372 No.21110346

File: 8261ab6fb023ea0⋯.png (1.29 MB,861x867,287:289,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05b01a51c14cbed⋯.png (343.3 KB,343x799,343:799,ClipboardImage.png)


New law in Florida to place a ban on lab-grown meat will take effect on Monday, July 1st.

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5b2bf9 No.21110347

File: e5fbe38a60e6baa⋯.jpeg (129.68 KB,828x466,414:233,C857FA88_1A6F_4198_BE38_A….jpeg)

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e00276 No.21110348


Kek. I doubt very seriously, it's this guy. He's a hard-core Christian. Caviezel levels of Christian.

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5cf268 No.21110349

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819c1f No.21110350


Better check between the thighs before determining gender these days, especially with the leftwing whack jobs. Some cut it off, some stitch it in and others just tuck and roll.

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5129d7 No.21110351


>This is the last day Bannon will be on the War Room for four months.

Special Edition tomorrow night 8pm

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cb04ac No.21110352

ridin' adams cock kinda hard aren't you,

mister adams


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59fcb6 No.21110353


"She said yes on the 5th time, said Joe at his rally yesterday".

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eb84bf No.21110354


Abramovic inside a pyramid

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080574 No.21110355


Strong. Passive advice

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bc8446 No.21110356

DANvilingus brothers touched

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1cc0c3 No.21110357

File: 35193ed303a0eef⋯.png (760.92 KB,793x833,793:833,nat.PNG)


21 hours ago

Jack Montgomery

Election 2024


WATCH: Bannon Warns Biden’s Mental Incompetence Is a National Security Crisis, Demands Congressional Investigation.

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2d18a5 No.21110358

Your horse RFK jr nothing but your fart


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fe34f8 No.21110359


This week was aBOOMweek

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1a0130 No.21110360

File: e835dce4aba9fcc⋯.png (328.2 KB,600x341,600:341,ClipboardImage.png)


>These are bot farms. People are paid to spin a narrative either by a person inputting a script or they are using AI to do it.

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a7b5ea No.21110361

File: 23199280298c4d2⋯.png (293.8 KB,455x913,455:913,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 41f1f225a625bb4⋯.png (167.83 KB,468x492,39:41,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

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2e8eef No.21110362


Trannies used to have such class.

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1cc0c3 No.21110363

File: 202aec2b7c1a3ad⋯.png (872.29 KB,1089x669,363:223,ts.PNG)


Biden campaign official stops voters from talking to press after they blast debate performance

By Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times - Friday, June 28, 2024

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2d18a5 No.21110364


We know and turtle faster than you

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cb04ac No.21110365


is there vid of that meme

wjy was she raging

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5b2bf9 No.21110366

File: c2f4f854e2af069⋯.jpeg (599.16 KB,828x799,828:799,A1756E16_022A_482E_BDA2_6….jpeg)

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cf7290 No.21110367

File: 9681ef56bfb228b⋯.png (181.78 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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31dd44 No.21110368


Yeah, gonna need you to bust this anon's balls next for doing the same thing:


Nothing personal, anon.

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1cc0c3 No.21110369

File: a0c41008c4b2ed4⋯.png (223.6 KB,601x739,601:739,chill.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.


Not wrong, especially now that Russia has 3 hypersonic missile capable warships right off the coast of Florida.

Weakness combined with incompetence is not a great recipe for success.

Let’s end the charade once and for all in November!


Mike Lee




In light of Biden’s chilling display of incompetence at the debate, the Trump campaign should immediately retool this 1964 LBJ ad for use against Biden

The stakes are far too high

To give nuclear codes

To a guy who’s not all there

Show more

4:31 AM · Jun 29, 2024




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2d18a5 No.21110370

Bil yá'át'ééh dóó hagoonee

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5b2bf9 No.21110371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Magnificent Triumph.

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eb84bf No.21110372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Cringe moment Jill Biden congratulates husband Joe, 81, ‘like a child’ after debate horror show


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5cf268 No.21110373

File: 95ee291b577cda4⋯.png (967.66 KB,992x1152,31:36,95ee291b577cda417d9f940070….png)


Oh there's a vid..I seen't it She was calling POTUS a liar right after the debate.

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e00276 No.21110374


Kek. WifeAnon got tagged by one of these accounts. Added her, but she didn't know the guy and no mutual friends. Kek. She sent a PM "Fuck off, Fed!" and blocked the account.

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95915c No.21110375

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannon: The Cabal Cannot Hide The Cadaver-in-Chief

Video from last night



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bc8446 No.21110376

water heater enema canceled

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e00276 No.21110377


>POTUS a liar right after the debate.

Yeah, it's funny how hard they're pushing the "liar" narrative. The kosher club has gone apeshit over it. Goldman's meltdown is worth the watch. Treason has consequences, Dan. Israel won't be able to save you.

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1cc0c3 No.21110378

File: 9977e9b5a1ff14c⋯.png (95.63 KB,389x677,389:677,tv.PNG)



Republicans across the country have been fighting to make sure your vote is safe and secure – but the work is never done. We are working in key states to make sure your vote is protected. If you want to be part of this critical mission to ensure Republicans win in 2024, sign up to be an Election Integrity volunteer in your state.


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5b2bf9 No.21110380

File: b38f01703f944ef⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB,828x554,414:277,CEECAF3E_40E2_4553_AF0B_9….jpeg)

File: 605e3a836203991⋯.jpeg (80.66 KB,828x554,414:277,418DC698_215B_4AFD_BAC0_C….jpeg)

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de7097 No.21110381


>"I think such a campaign to get Biden to step down would be a bad idea."

Translation: We've got to ditch Kamala before we get replace Biden.

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a7b5ea No.21110382

File: 1df8e7e445cbc91⋯.png (740.73 KB,1116x745,1116:745,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: a644cee8068259d⋯.png (464.75 KB,865x519,5:3,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 78fef8110035a45⋯.png (6.86 KB,119x37,119:37,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

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5cf268 No.21110383

File: 2126a42cbef8583⋯.gif (116.07 KB,1027x731,1027:731,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

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e00276 No.21110384


>Strong. Passive advice

More like a veiled threat against the rest of his family. Also an implication that there may have been Jewish involvement in her death. She did "die suddenly" after all. Allegedly, that is.

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b583b3 No.21110385

File: e6360633cf3f252⋯.png (125.21 KB,800x470,80:47,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian spy satellite reportedly continues suspicious maneuvers

June 27, 2024

A Russian inspector satellite known as Luch 2 is on the move again, continuing its pattern of unusual maneuvers that have raised eyebrows in the space intelligence community, the space tracking firm Slingshot Aerospace said June 27.

Slingshot reports that the satellite, which has been in orbit for just over a year, has been positioning itself near several communications satellites in what appears to be an ongoing signals intelligence-gathering mission.

Luch 2’s latest move, flagged by Slingshot’s automated tracking system, was a “large maneuver” on June 23 that would indicate that the satellite is moving towards an Intelsat communications satellite.

Audrey Schaffer, Slingshot’s vice president of strategy and policy, said the company “has had eyes on Luch 2 since it was launched in March 2023, and our machine learning algorithms have predicted its next move.”

The company is forecasting that Luch 2’s next object of interest is the Intelsat 1002 communications satellite. “Luch 2 is expected to perform an additional maneuver to stop its drift near Intelsat 1002 on June 28 if it continues its past pattern of behavior,” Slingshot said.

This behavior mirrors that of its predecessor, Luch Olymp-K-1, which has been known for similar intelligence-gathering activities. Since its launch, Luch 2 has been notably active, making several significant maneuvers during its first 14 months in orbit, said the company.

The satellite’s closest approach to date was with Eutelsat’s KA-SAT 9A, coming within approximately 20 km of the communications satellite.

The following are European, African and U.S. communications satellites with which Luch 2 has made the closest approaches, according to Slingshot’s data:

(~20 km)

(~43 km)

(~38 km)

(~163 km)

EUTE 3C (HB 10)
(~220 km)

(~30 km)

(~137 km)

(~45 km)

(~154 km)

(~228 km)

Schaffer noted that Luch 2 “has a history of cozying up to communications satellites, and it now appears to be repositioning itself near its next target.”

While Slingshot couldn’t comment on whether Luch 2 can intercept communications routed through the satellites it approaches, the company’s decision to release this information is aimed at allowing satellite operators to “make informed decisions about their spacecraft.”


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cb04ac No.21110386


leading a classroom

fuckin yuck

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a3afef No.21110387

File: 0d8b39c666da8fc⋯.png (956.73 KB,500x1103,500:1103,ClipboardImage.png)


>DJT: Strange things …monster choke

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5b2bf9 No.21110388

File: 12164a70ee67a23⋯.jpeg (161.04 KB,828x783,92:87,C95A2352_C843_4530_929C_C….jpeg)

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31f17e No.21110389


>Bil yá'át'ééh dóó hagoonee

Cancer liar.

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5129d7 No.21110390

File: f1f1574099801af⋯.png (1.19 MB,868x964,217:241,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

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bc8446 No.21110391



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1cc0c3 No.21110392

File: 9dae3dc6f8d5a0c⋯.png (1.24 MB,1033x857,1033:857,wr.PNG)


Steve Bannon Hosts War Room for Final Show Before He Reports to Prison on Monday – Democrats Lock Up Most Important MAGA Voice in America for 4 Months Before 2024 Election

by Jim Hoft Jun. 29, 2024 9:30 am

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fe34f8 No.21110393


It's an upside down cross with the sides broken

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31dd44 No.21110394


Eh, not so sure about that one.

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5ca325 No.21110396

File: 4cc4068e9012059⋯.jpg (79.05 KB,652x702,326:351,Screenshot_20240629_111757….jpg)


Tell me I'm pretty!

RIGHT NOW Motherfuckers!

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142d7a No.21110397


#25876 >>21110066

>>21110069, >>21110076, >>21110201, >>21110251 Planefag reports

>>21110109 "The mask has come off. The whole shell game has been revealed"

>>21110134 WSJ on DEI

>>21110202 Scott Adams today.

>>21110208, >>21110228 1800 Election and Make Free Speech the Key Issue

>>21110243 Planetary parade on display in the night sky this weekend

>>21110250 Public Service Announcements

>>21110295 Nasa refutes claims about astronauts stranded in space

>>21110312 Dems and the media lied to America about Biden’s fitness

Baker updated local to correct #25875 notable duplicate

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21028e No.21110398

File: 6ed974c889165a6⋯.jpeg (404.82 KB,2000x2187,2000:2187,PolsRazor.jpeg)

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31dd44 No.21110399


>Most Important MAGA Voice

I thought PDJT's sentencing wasn't until late July at the earliest?

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fe34f8 No.21110400


different Joe from debate

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5b2bf9 No.21110401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"…I'm far too old for that. Enjoy your little revolution." -cabal kid.

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e00276 No.21110402

File: 462a47a9dea67c2⋯.png (562.17 KB,890x872,445:436,ClipboardImage.png)


>by Jim Hoft

Wake up, Anon. The Gatekeeper Pundit isn't your fren.

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7e2372 No.21110403

File: f997045d44aa0df⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,360x270,4:3,WaterFuelCellEngine_Invent….mp4)

Anons, is this bullshit?


In 1996, Stanley Meyer created a water-powered car! He was poisoned 2 years later

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c32f0b No.21110404


They do that too.

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cb04ac No.21110405

File: f1f1574099801af⋯.png (1.19 MB,868x964,217:241,f1f1574099801af03b7a91b99f….png)

this guy knows whats up

and so will his wife

my nigguh

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108494 No.21110406

File: 2defe96f2258227⋯.jpg (85.79 KB,510x600,17:20,fake_news_the_bottom_line.jpg)

File: 92df528888c8c6d⋯.jpg (119.89 KB,800x450,16:9,fake_news_boot_china.jpg)

File: b1eec648c90505d⋯.png (119.73 KB,255x255,1:1,fake_news_tv_camera_stabbi….png)

File: 302b721526441e4⋯.png (266.8 KB,1094x812,547:406,mass_shootings_fake_news.png)


>It took POWER away from the federal agencies

I don't think so.

The court said they have to justify powers now, that's all. They might win, they might lose.

They don't automatically get the power, which is reasonable.

Fake news lies.

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5b2bf9 No.21110407

File: 1d5c5b307b820a5⋯.jpeg (324.54 KB,780x762,130:127,02AEE43E_AD1F_4A70_B536_3….jpeg)

File: 0161e99bf307a54⋯.jpeg (302.49 KB,758x941,758:941,9401F50D_6322_4AE5_B059_D….jpeg)

File: e9677efefaf1090⋯.jpeg (169.15 KB,701x599,701:599,D782133F_1BDE_4216_9352_E….jpeg)

File: b4ce599eef84aae⋯.jpeg (310.16 KB,828x968,207:242,0761ABE9_AC4A_4727_90B4_8….jpeg)


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cb3c7c No.21110408



bidan's earpiece heard and recorded telling him what to say during debate

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e00276 No.21110409

File: 94939c403a43549⋯.png (147.44 KB,1803x271,1803:271,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, one of my older poasts sums it up quite nicely.

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61c865 No.21110411



Dis= NO



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108494 No.21110412

File: 4316dfd644a3fc6⋯.png (91.65 KB,301x167,301:167,Jan_Halper_Hayes_lookalike….png)

File: f1cd5c5d59ebec8⋯.png (94.85 KB,300x168,25:14,Jan_Halper_Hayes_lookalike….png)

File: 8574340d5becd44⋯.png (50.8 KB,255x143,255:143,Jan_Halper_Hayes.png)

File: 486ba75d6a45909⋯.mp4 (9.87 MB,854x480,427:240,Dr_Jan_Halper_Hayes_haven_….mp4)



Why. He only just detransitioned from being one of them.

We knew this back in 2021 when he was still a normiebot

Anyway, he may have known it but just educating his audience, which is a technique

If I sin-binned y'all every time y'all disappointed me, anon….

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cb04ac No.21110413

File: d99ac65d37c1b24⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1440x1599,480:533,Picsart_24_06_29_11_26_42_….jpg)

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31dd44 No.21110414


Concur, that distinction is important.

Compd judges can still make shit up.

The only thing that changed was they ackshyually have to make shit up now instead of an automatic pass when it comes to the Executive branch.

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5b2bf9 No.21110415

File: 8b15f026d318d7c⋯.jpeg (270.45 KB,669x849,223:283,CDC9D27C_E42F_4848_AB2F_5….jpeg)

They say you always remember your first.

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1cc0c3 No.21110416

File: bbdb186a20aada6⋯.png (248.14 KB,665x769,665:769,ana.PNG)

File: 07d1c6f0092d55c⋯.png (313.77 KB,478x320,239:160,head.PNG)


Horror experiments of the USSR: How Russian researcher 'brought a decapitated dog's head back to life' with the butchered animal seen licking its nose in gruesome 'reanimation' test

Visionary Soviet scientist oversaw advances in artificial circulation and surgery

Disturbing experimental research shows boundless ambition of bygone era

By James Reynolds

Published: 09:20 EDT, 29 June 2024 | Updated: 09:30 EDT, 29 June 2024

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1a0130 No.21110417


You know, there was a moment in that HBO documentary about Q and there was a part where they were having dinner and I can't remember exactly what led up to it but they were talking about people coming to meet him and he said something like, "Well at least they'll have some good curry." As if he considered meeting and interviewing him is less than a meal. I felt bad for him in that moment, genuine sympathy for someone that considers their company potentially worth less than a simple bowl of noodles. That's not evil.

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108494 No.21110418

File: 86bceb3f30febb6⋯.png (68.44 KB,356x205,356:205,RUBY_LOOKS_LIKE_OSWALD.png)

File: 47ff851c6d4851a⋯.jpeg (245.93 KB,1305x1857,435:619,RUSSIA_BLOND.jpeg)

File: eaf522ef00400b7⋯.jpg (81.32 KB,725x483,725:483,russian_duga_radar_woodpec….jpg)

File: 37e8223401a2578⋯.png (799.16 KB,932x1280,233:320,sackler_purdue_oxycontin_o….png)

File: eed3f0c093236f5⋯.jpg (74.42 KB,928x735,928:735,sad_astronauts_supposedly_….jpg)



vid pls. many of us don't telegram

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e00276 No.21110420

File: c22ad2e1722a98e⋯.mp4 (12.33 MB,464x848,29:53,wait_what_steptodown_com.mp4)



Rip the vid, Anon.


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fe34f8 No.21110421



I thought there was no audience…

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cb04ac No.21110422


is curry noodles

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108494 No.21110423

File: 9a2767d666de965⋯.jpg (15.45 KB,474x255,158:85,barron_thumbs_up_Copy.jpg)

File: a3e40d47eb3bb6c⋯.png (151.98 KB,411x555,137:185,thumbsup_trump_rally.png)

File: e9e60c9664fa531⋯.jpg (35.91 KB,624x390,8:5,trump_2_thumbs_up_calm_bef….jpg)


>The only thing that changed was they ackshyually have to make shit up now

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5b2bf9 No.21110424

File: 319ec4870659f5d⋯.jpeg (46.74 KB,472x577,472:577,5B063598_682B_4BB1_B71C_D….jpeg)

File: de8aaf6d8298a97⋯.jpeg (46.87 KB,264x249,88:83,C72D1A37_BEDE_4744_9885_7….jpeg)

Payback is a bitch, witch.

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39a2b7 No.21110425

File: 2ab3d336f600404⋯.png (536.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN545.png)

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0f310d No.21110426


I keep hearing people say President Trump told lie after lie but they never say what the lies are.

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95915c No.21110427

File: ff6b92b425fbc2e⋯.png (186.26 KB,438x246,73:41,ClipboardImage.png)

28 Jun, 2024 03:45

Biden ‘could be convicted’ – Trump

The former US president has hinted that his rival may be prosecuted in the future

US President Joe Biden could be criminally prosecuted in the future, former President Donald Trump warned during a televised debate on Thursday.

During the CNN-moderated debate in Atlanta, Georgia, Trump was asked about his past statements, in which he indicated that he would prosecute Biden if he wins the election in November.

Trump first brought up how a jury recently found the president’s son, Hunter Biden, guilty of violating federal gun laws when he bought a revolver in 2018, while struggling with drug addiction.

“His son is a convicted felon at a very high level. His son is convicted, going to be convicted probably numerous other times,” Trump said. He then switched to Biden, saying: “But he could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office.Joe could be a convicted felon with all of the things that he’s done. He’s done horrible things.”

Trump leveled numerous accusations against his opponent during the 90-minute clash, sharply criticizing Biden’s policies on the economy and immigration, as well as his response to the Ukraine conflict and the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. Biden defended his record as president, arguing that Trump had left the country “in chaos.

Biden attacked Trump for his own troubles with the law. “Only one of us is a convicted felon, and I’m looking at him,” the 46th president said, referring to this month’s jury verdict, in which Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records during the 2016 presidential campaign.

Biden also noted that Trump is currently being investigated for other crimes, and that in January he lost a civil lawsuit to columnist E. Jean Carroll, who accused the former president of sexually assaulting her in the 1990s. “The crimes you are still charged with — and think of all the civil penalties you have,” Biden said.

Trump has denied wrongdoing and maintains that all cases against him are part of a politically motivated “witch hunt”. On the debate stage, he again accused Biden of “going after his political opponent.”

On the campaign trail, Trump has promised “a judgment day” for his opponents if he gets reelected.


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bc8446 No.21110428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b2bf9 No.21110429

File: 31fea02e86bd0ba⋯.jpeg (73.52 KB,828x448,207:112,7ABF0635_7767_4B81_8B47_D….jpeg)

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5cf268 No.21110430

File: 611f6e3d89ae687⋯.jpg (11.91 KB,258x245,258:245,611f6e3d89ae687c18a8fea054….jpg)


That's worth the "meme of the bread" award right there! Top Kek! Somebody make that into a meme and I'll steal it!

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a32283 No.21110431

File: be1bf01d374a72f⋯.mp4 (468.01 KB,320x568,40:71,video_2024_06_29_08_59_08.mp4)

Y'all upon looking through the comments this afternoon I noticed a woman talking about all the hateful comments that were being said on Facebook about Trump and the debate.

I'd like to make you aware that you're not arguing with human beings on some of these social media platforms.

These are bot farms. People are paid to spin a narrative either by a person inputting a script or they are using AI to do it.

It's very important to learn this behavior and not feed into it. And definitely do not let it upset you.

A little personal story of my own years ago when I joined Twitter so I can follow DJT, I was crushed by the comments under his tweets, not realizing they were not human. When I found out about these bot farms, it finally explained all the hate that was being spewed. So please understand this is all a manipulation and a psyop to fool the masses.

Hold the line Patriots,




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02fb91 No.21110432


That stank ho ldr is a smelly cat

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1a0130 No.21110433


Couldn't care less because I don't eat that crap.

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53b67f No.21110434

File: d8638ce28b6d8c3⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,Bong_hurricane_evacuation.mp4)

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e00276 No.21110435


>I keep hearing people say President Trump told lie after lie but they never say what the lies are.

Kek. (((Biden))) called him a "liar" multiple times during the debate, but never as to why. I want to know who was talking into the ear piece Biden was wearing during the debates.

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b583b3 No.21110436

File: af9a97ad1171607⋯.png (1.24 MB,1200x847,1200:847,ClipboardImage.png)

Military space trackers to keep public informed on Starlink satellite reentries

June 28, 2024

U.S. Space Command on June 28 sent out a reminder that it will closely monitor the controlled deorbiting of approximately 100 Starlink satellites, an operation that SpaceX announced in February.

The decision to deorbit these early version 1 Starlink satellites came after SpaceX identified a potential issue that could increase the risk of future failures.

The operation, projected to last several months, involves a controlled descent of satellites from low Earth orbit.

With a massive constellation of about 6,000 satellites and counting, SpaceX routinely deorbits spacecraft at the end of their operational life. However, the deorbiting of 100 satellites at once is a larger-than-usual operation.

To keep the public informed, U.S. Space Command said that reentry information for each satellite will be available on Space-Track.org, a public catalog used to track orbital objects and prevent potential collisions.

Space Force units under U.S. Space Command are working with SpaceX to “safely track the orbit lowering and reentry of Starlink satellites,” the command said in a news release.

Satellites designed to burn up on reentry

This tracking effort comes against a backdrop of increasing worry about the risks posed by the rapid expansion of satellite constellations in low Earth orbit.

A controversial Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) report to Congress last year warned that by 2035, falling debris from U.S.-licensed constellations in low Earth orbit could potentially injure or kill someone every two years if deployments continue as planned.

SpaceX strongly contested these findings, calling the FAA report a “deeply flawed analysis” based on outdated studies and questionable assumptions.

The company maintains that its satellites are designed to completely burn up upon reentry, posing minimal risk to people on the ground.


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5129d7 No.21110437

File: 0b82a35e78c71aa⋯.png (170.76 KB,1106x726,553:363,q_redArrowLaserMissile.png)

File: 224a78bbda0b011⋯.png (78.57 KB,333x139,333:139,redarrowDiner.png)

File: 94b25598c329ace⋯.png (563.01 KB,680x453,680:453,redarrowD.png)

File: c009b2e705b0a33⋯.jpg (189.85 KB,715x1437,715:1437,scavinoRedArrowDiner.jpg)

File: 56bb9004c383d74⋯.png (506.28 KB,921x658,921:658,potusNhRedArrowDiner.png)


>Dems and the media lied to America about

>Biden’s fitness — who can ever trust

>them again?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/08/2020 21:29:22 ID: 62d606

8kun/qresearch: 10989210

Anonymous 10/08/2020 21:24:10 ID:010213

8kun/qresearch: 10989031

Image Name: CovidArrow.png

Filename: be7f4ae635ede21097b7e650aee4039853fc58de60cc5a053418d27cbde343ca.png



Did you notice the missile within the drop re:25th amendment?


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31dd44 No.21110438


Yeah, it's a thing on the left now and it's great to see.

They're so beaten down that they have to resort to because poopy head dammit! replies.

That's the corner Dim leadership has backed them into.

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5cf268 No.21110439


post game

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01b0b8 No.21110440

File: 691eb90e8f700ae⋯.jpeg (70.78 KB,975x565,195:113,4512_Biden_sniffing_Obama.jpeg)

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108494 No.21110441

File: 3cadb1f0a91cdfb⋯.jpg (144.81 KB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_ready_for_battle_bing….jpg)


>These are bot farms

And they're good at what they do.

My wife's a christfag, so they bombard her with "Trump antichrist" and "false light" shit.

And she refuses to accept that she's being psyop'd

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6545a9 No.21110442

File: 8a057ea5c986ebe⋯.jpeg (537.08 KB,1199x619,1199:619,7FC3946A_1F05_4ABA_AD70_3….jpeg)

File: fc027e27f0cfc7c⋯.jpeg (541.25 KB,770x994,55:71,F6DD6427_A3EB_4ABE_B9F7_5….jpeg)

Mr and Mrs Potato in 09-0018 C32A departed Laguardia Airport for Frances Gabreski Airport

>see below for that guys story

SAM46 C32A up from JBA while Mr and Mrs Potato head out to Hamptons for muh campaign event

Still ticking: Biden heading to ritzy Hamptons fundraiser today after calls to drop out

Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will head off from La Guardia airport at noon to a reception in East Hampton, NY, hosted by hedge-fund billionaire Barry Rosentein and his wife Lizanne.

The event kicks off at 2:45 at their sprawling 18-acre ocreanfront estate in the exclusive Long Island enclave. Fellow hedge-fund titan Eric Mindich and his Tony Award-winning producer wife Stacey, celebrity couple Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick, and actor Michael J. Fox are all listed as members of the host committee, with tickets going for as much as $250,000 a head according to the East Hampton Press.

The president and first lady are scheduled to hit a second campaign reception in Middletown, NJ Saturday evening at the waterfront home of Gov. Phil Murphy.The Bidens are expected to end the weekend at the presidential retreat of Camp David in Maryland.


12:00pm EST depart Queens, New York en route to Westhampton Beach, New York

It’s is E. Hamptons first

1:20pm EST participate in a campaign reception

2:45pm EST participate in a campaign reception

Tree-fiddy pm EST depart East Hampton, New York en route to Westhampton Beach, New York

4:15pm EST depart Westhampton Beach, New York en route to Burlington County, New Jersey

6:20pm EST participate in a campaign reception

9:00pm ESTvanishes to Camp David againdepart Burlington County, New Jersey en route to Hagerstown, Maryland


Lt. Col. Francis S. "Gabby" Gabreski

Scored 28 kills with 56th Fighter Group in WWII, POW


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e00276 No.21110443


>Yeah, it's a thing on the left now and it's great to see.

>They're so beaten down that they have to resort to because poopy head dammit! replies.

Kek. What other sub-group of our species makes constant accusations of "lying" with no sauce to back it up?

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9d5a7f No.21110444

File: afb48c33a6acff0⋯.png (190.96 KB,240x507,80:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2d6aa No.21110445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


at one point Potato said "EVERYTHING HE JUST SAID IS A LIE"

Just like My Cousin Vinny

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108494 No.21110446

File: 3f05cb61ad85ca5⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x1024,1:1,netanyahu_blow_shit_up.png)


>Hurricane Beryl

Seems pretty late for just B

They're getting better at diffusing the hurricanes

Wish the same could be said of the tornados

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5b2bf9 No.21110447

File: 6ec71d54c78015c⋯.jpeg (255.79 KB,828x767,828:767,17A40594_7A07_4645_BA4A_5….jpeg)


TheY can make car accidents happen, like a video game.

It's gross.

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02fb91 No.21110448

File: 862b677ec0bd665⋯.png (288.68 KB,500x538,250:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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01b0b8 No.21110449

File: 9837687bde03148⋯.png (57.86 KB,735x260,147:52,197_Ancient_Egyptians_cons….png)

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e00276 No.21110450


>And she refuses to accept that she's being psyop'd

That's sad to hear, considering she's wholly engrossed in the Christian psyop, but not surprising. Funny how all these "religious types" can't see the chains they wrapped around their own necks, with religious idealism.

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108494 No.21110451

File: bc99d886ad1da6f⋯.jpg (99.17 KB,800x450,16:9,citizen_cane_clapping_appl….jpg)


good use of digits

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a32283 No.21110452

File: 014dbe344582b03⋯.jpg (72.3 KB,576x604,144:151,photo_2023_05_06_12_19_24.jpg)

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95915c No.21110453

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"The Administrative State Is Dead": The WarRoom Celebrates Historic Victories In Supreme Court

50 minutes ago



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8a3872 No.21110454

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cb3c7c No.21110455


> extended heragency’s mandate over critical infrastructure to include “our cognitive infrastructure

maybe/hopefully going to be fixed by chevron decision?

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5129d7 No.21110456

File: a87213af8b2cff3⋯.png (1.48 MB,1366x768,683:384,redArrowDiner.png)

File: a8234d0d66f3da3⋯.png (211.81 KB,764x345,764:345,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

File: 64ceb9698f99744⋯.png (196.72 KB,759x1058,33:46,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)


>Dems and the media lied to America about

>Biden’s fitness — who can ever trust

>them again?


>Did you notice the missile within the drop re:25th amendment?

Joe Biden faces growing 25th Amendment removal calls after debate

1 day agoRepublicans are ramping up calls to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove President Joe Biden from office after Thursday night's debate. GOP Representative Chip Roy said Friday that he plans to .


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/08/2020 21:22:20 ID: 62d606

8kun/qresearch: 10988977

Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned?

How long ago?

Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?

Recovery unexpected?

Impossible to unwind?

Next: 'mentally incapacitated' re: C19 language ["people are dying"] _safety and security to the well being ……….

Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.


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dafe13 No.21110457


if you had to evacuate and could only take one thing…. it'd be the hooka.

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cb04ac No.21110458


>fools that don't know the difference between faith and religion

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108494 No.21110459

File: a5f5f99ae336ae0⋯.png (1.14 MB,961x739,961:739,maga_viking.png)


>Joe Biden faces growing 25th Amendment

And Trump knew this 4 years ago

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3f1a5f No.21110460

File: c05b7a24d89f491⋯.png (945.77 KB,850x566,425:283,TrudeauFamily.PNG)

File: f058c02e8bff5a5⋯.jpg (212.41 KB,1219x1036,1219:1036,TrudeauCastro.JPG)

File: 89118001a374f9b⋯.jpg (27.63 KB,300x225,4:3,TrudeauCastro2.JPG)

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31dd44 No.21110461


My kinda prepper.

Knew that the gibs would be forthcoming but prolly not for several days.

Wut do in the meantime waiting limbo period?

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ce31d7 No.21110462

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Andrew Bridgen: "The Public Have Woken Up"

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e00276 No.21110463




Kek. Why don't you just resort to calling me a "liar." Not everyone believes what you do, "Anon." It would behoove you to understand that. You have the right to believe whatever the fuck you want, religiously, but the religious beliefs, themselves, commandnorespect.

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01b0b8 No.21110464

File: 59702baf8eda5e2⋯.png (1.82 MB,1726x1548,863:774,197_Ancient_Egyptians_cons….png)

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2fc810 No.21110465

File: 1acf69ccb05390e⋯.png (565.64 KB,808x513,808:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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95915c No.21110466


This is good, the left that would die for the Administrative State are freaking to fuck out, they are almost crying, saying no one can run the government better than these agencies. A MIGHTY VICTORY by the Supreme Court. Listen to the whining, I want to see more tears… It's almost as bad as when Trump was elected in 2016… KEK

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0f310d No.21110467

File: babb9ec908b7afd⋯.jpeg (69.67 KB,500x538,250:269,IMG_1481.jpeg)

File: 61e7256ce65798c⋯.jpeg (76.25 KB,500x538,250:269,IMG_1482.jpeg)

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31dd44 No.21110468


Yes, but maybe not how you think.

This means the agencies can be sued if previously the Fed assumptions played a key role.

Now the same/similar case would have to be judged on the merits w/o accepting fed agency sauce as unassailable.

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31f17e No.21110469

Scammers gonna scam, they be counting profits until the end of the line comes over the horizon.

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48107b No.21110470

File: 34f47d9242f0f7d⋯.png (13.07 KB,253x255,253:255,CROSS.png)


Feels like a set-up to me. Maybe to try and wake up people. Whoevere the awesome Jew is, he's got balls.

I'm honestly praying for Massie, if he did indeed lose his wife, but this is so blatantly in your face as a ha ha, we did it', that it just seems too far-fetched. I'm wondering if he wife is in hiding.

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108494 No.21110471

File: bd42699c8deeff1⋯.jpg (64.69 KB,782x788,391:394,MOAR_LIFE_FUCKER.jpg)


>>fools that don't know the difference between faith and religion

Is there really that much distinction though?

They pick a set of theologies, which vary widely from church to church - be it once saved always, or pre trib, or even theliteral christ vs the representative, and then they act like it meaningfully impacts their life, when it blatantly doesn't anyway

Faith is ultimately a set of theological precenps which adhere to one specific church group, IMO

There is no "generic Christ"

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1cc0c3 No.21110472

File: 0d82723e7f3769b⋯.png (1.14 MB,649x872,649:872,k.PNG)

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e00276 No.21110473

File: 0e72dab42b1deea⋯.png (5.06 KB,808x112,101:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>>fools that don't know the difference between faith and religion

Organized religion is a disease upon humanity. The sooner Humanity wakes up to how vile all the Abrahamic religions are, the better. Those three are responsible for more atrocities in the history of humanity. Centuries of war, 'cos those three groups can't keep their dogma to themselves. No, they have to "spread" that shit to others, mainly byforce. There's always an "or else" with the Abrahamic Triumvirate. (picrel)

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d799f4 No.21110474

File: 4f8a65a028d7592⋯.jpg (15.75 KB,255x171,85:57,89d2d701a3de04cbaa3edef443….jpg)

These guys are going to freak out

2016 was the warm up,

If you are doing what I think you are doing they are going to freak out on a epic scale and destroy themselves before we even get around to it

You don't have to come if you don't want too, Optics will be funer this way as long as you guys are still in control of the outcome, obviously I have no Guage on reach or support.

o7. pictures painted here on standby

We did try in all honesty to work with them

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cb04ac No.21110475



ive never said this


you're opinion is wrong

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108494 No.21110476

File: 24c0d0f5ff25c03⋯.jpeg (699 KB,1152x1434,192:239,grammar_your_you_re_cat.jpeg)




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843104 No.21110477

File: fc37195203b4458⋯.png (141.89 KB,572x806,22:31,ClipboardImage.png)

Todays Delta.

25th vote coming?

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4e71f3 No.21110478


Ya mon, you put de ganja in de hookah an' you smoke it all up.

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95915c No.21110479


These journalists and leftists don't understand the Constitution, that the Agencies were never put in the Constitution, so they have no authority

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108494 No.21110480

File: 92307cb377a73d3⋯.mp4 (195.63 KB,324x294,54:49,i_dont_believe_you.mp4)


>ive never said this but

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01b0b8 No.21110481

"Ancient Egyptians considered gold "the skin of the gods" – specifically the sun god Ra" Q post #197

James F(Ra)nco


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a32283 No.21110483

File: ef664f1dbc77cde⋯.jpg (116.65 KB,853x1280,853:1280,photo_2024_06_28_05_27_16.jpg)


Did you know…..

The Wizard of Oz…This is very interesting…🤔

The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction —The PERSON. He wanted a brain but got a Certificate — The Birth Certificate.

The Tin Man — The TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number). He was a robotic avatar, who worked tirelessly until his body literally froze up & stopped functioning. The heartless & emotionless robot creature who worked himself to death because he had no heart or soul.

The Cowardly Lion was a bully, but was actually a true coward when someone stood up to him, like most bullies. He lacked true courage and in the end, the Wizard gave him an Official Recognition Award — Authority & Status.

The Wizard of Oz used magic, smoke, flames & holograms, but all of it were tricks & illusions to push fear & compliance to make people do what he commanded. The truth is the Wizard has NO real power & only used illusions to create false power & authority.

The Wicked Witch pushed fear through intimidation. She was after Toto and controlled the flying monkey police, the policy enforcers, the mischievous demons, which also represents the BAR Association who attack & control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the crooked Bankers of Oz, obsessed with gold.

In the field of poppies, they were not REAL humans, so drugs had no effect on them, but Dorothy was drugged.

The Wizard of Oz was written at the time when Rockefeller & the Big Pharma began to take over medicine & education.

The Crown was actually the largest drug dealer & after their take-over of drug distribution in China, they began to expand all around the world.

Toto was what the Wicked Witch was really after. Toto in Latin means “in total”. Toto exposed the Wizard of Oz and had no fear, despite being very small compared to the Great Wizard, so no one noticed him.

Toto pulled the curtain on the Wizard & his magical scams.

‘Curtain’ also means the End of an Act or scene! He pulled the curtain & started barking until others paid attention, hypothetically giving everyone the “Red Pill”.

The curtain hid the corporate legal fiction & its false courts.

So, no matter how small your bark is, it can be heard!


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e143aa No.21110484

File: cdf785a3e39555c⋯.jpg (755.52 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Comfy_Qed.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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1cc0c3 No.21110485

File: d63b3f777d0bf46⋯.png (46.28 KB,383x356,383:356,og.PNG)


I’m dead- wait till you hear the voice reading Hildabeast’s tweet 😂

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5cf268 No.21110486

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6545a9 No.21110487



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e00276 No.21110488

File: 1101b5a6af0dc81⋯.png (388.77 KB,250x286,125:143,ClipboardImage.png)


>you're opinion is wrong

Defined exactly, by whom, Anon? Just 'cos he doesn't follow your religious ideology blindly doesn't make him "wrong." How do you know your dogma isn't just another lie told to enslave you?

Can't think outside the box, can you?

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6b9f56 No.21110489


Do you think these gray hats will release think kind of suppressed technology?

They want to drill baby drill.

They want to keep things as is just a little bit better,

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843104 No.21110490

Todays Delta.

It's Habbening Anons.

Front row seats right here!


Jun 29, 2018 12:59:18 AM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 03ac69 No. 1953310

It must happen.

Conspiracy no more.

Think of every post made.

It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?

What do they fear the most?

Public awakening.

If they ask.

They self destruct.

They know this is real.

See attacks.

The build is near complete.

Growing exponentially.

You are the frame.

You are the support.

People will be lost.

People will be terrified.

People will reject.

People will need to be guided.

Do not be afraid.

We will succeed.

Timing is everything.

Think Huber.

Think DOJ/FBI reorg.

Think sex/child arrests / news.

Think resignations (loss of control).

How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?

It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).

We are the majority (growing).


Sheep no more.



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108494 No.21110491

File: 4b361d3f2a6b09a⋯.gif (123.17 KB,432x320,27:20,no_more_barbra_streisand_e….gif)

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bc8446 No.21110492

"wal mart" teriyaki jerky

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1cc0c3 No.21110493

File: 27b6f2eb24cfa5b⋯.jpg (36.42 KB,638x473,58:43,music_pepe_meme.JPG)

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bc8446 No.21110494

File: 3d97353e17bf41a⋯.png (9.58 KB,267x189,89:63,3d97353e17bf41aee69c0df973….png)

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e00276 No.21110495


It's funny how when you go against their "narrative," you're wrong. Christians are just as brian-washed with religious ideology as Jews and Muslims. Ironic they all come from the same branch.

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a32283 No.21110496

File: 07e60012562f311⋯.jpg (133.87 KB,960x1280,3:4,photo_2024_06_28_20_19_49.jpg)


There are signs all around us most people just choose to not pay attention, you better start noticing the little things because soon the little signs turn into big signs and by then it’s all done with..

Has anyone noticed that on quarters the head usually faces towards IN GOD WE TRUST and on the new 2022 quarters he turns his back to IN GOD WE TRUST!

We need every head on everything to be turned towards God, now more than ever!

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bc8446 No.21110497

File: 6fd0876c8b3a781⋯.png (11.23 KB,225x225,1:1,6fd0876c8b3a781b06a7b7d7d8….png)

CNN mad

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5cf268 No.21110498

File: de2386552a40b55⋯.png (81.18 KB,253x230,11:10,de2386552a40b559a7697fbb4e….png)


Perfection anon! STOLT!

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5ff294 No.21110499


They always tell you what they are going to do. They think it will get them off the hook.

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31dd44 No.21110500


That motherfucker Hussein


Wait wut?

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cb04ac No.21110501


were you excommunicated

>fools that dont know the difference between faith and religion


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1a0130 No.21110502

File: 9a286326f0acaf7⋯.webm (299.32 KB,427x240,427:240,abashed_the_devil_stood_a….webm)

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198b75 No.21110503

File: 724befb135e99a0⋯.png (848.03 KB,1032x779,1032:779,sam_46_rtb.png)

File: b2fff49b34d833e⋯.png (723.25 KB,930x783,310:261,sam_46_rtb_b.png)




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4ee585 No.21110504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'This is HUGE!' Saudi Arabia to DROP 'weaponised' Dollar as 'final nail in the coffin' for America

29 Jun 2024 #politics #news #saudiarabia

Andy Schechtman says there are major implications for the West should Saudi Arabia bring an end to the 'petrodollar'.

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0f310d No.21110505


Ask and ye shall receive. Sometimes…

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1a0130 No.21110506

Full math in all 4 columns of the post number. Fuck yeah! 2*5+11=21

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e00276 No.21110507



>were you excommunicated

Kek. By choice, a very long time ago. I saw the hypocrisy of "Christianity" a long, fucking time ago.

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1cc0c3 No.21110508

File: 2e50b9fd688a6a0⋯.png (163.5 KB,358x503,358:503,neo.PNG)


Internet of Bodies (https://t.me/mrn_death/55040)

No conspiracy theories, everything was said officially in the open air:

Link (https://cuttingthroughthematrix.com/transcripts/Alan_Watt_CTTM_LIVEonRBN_52_Exodus_from_Physical_Slavery_to_Virtual_Slavery_Dec172007.html)

🔲 Neil DeGrice Tyson, astrophysicist, on the possibilities of chipping in the future.

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cb04ac No.21110509


explains your demeanor

carry on

my work here is done

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7a8ee7 No.21110510


Did you know…..

Oz never did nothin’ for the Tin Man

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a7b5ea No.21110511

File: 03b9c8a00203cf6⋯.png (399.83 KB,590x416,295:208,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)

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1a0130 No.21110512

File: 87673ab132a0ed3⋯.png (381.03 KB,665x375,133:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e2372 No.21110513

File: d05b791a7a7f8f8⋯.mp4 (83.25 KB,128x240,8:15,BidenFedLinesAtDebate_YOUR….mp4)



Congress should find out WHO'S voice this is.

Investigate NOW!

Voice says:


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cb04ac No.21110514

>catholicism is not christianity, its luciferian like judaism and islam and Buddhism n atheism

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48107b No.21110515

File: 02da9ccd6af5e0c⋯.png (12.13 KB,223x255,223:255,92ba04b8e413ae166e141950be….png)


I expect this story-line will amp up to where Bidan is forced to take a cognitive test. He will fail.

Then the fall out will begin.

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2e8eef No.21110516


Are you trusting of God if you don't let him have your back?

How to interpret the signs is important too.

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6545a9 No.21110517

File: 30895551cd6e91f⋯.gif (924.44 KB,500x295,100:59,CA0CD46B_6ED0_460A_8AC3_17….gif)

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7e2372 No.21110518


Christ = Lucifer

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b583b3 No.21110519

File: c3918a62e0fb9e5⋯.png (304.26 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Two New Nations Join Program to Provide SATCOM Support to NATO

June 27, 2024

Beginning next year, Spain and Luxembourg will join four other NATO nations that provide satellite communications services to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as part of a satellite services project that began in 2020.

Earlier this month, leaders of the oversight agencies in the six countries met just outside of Washington, D.C., to review the satellite services already being provided by the project, called NATO SATCOM Services 6th Generation, or NSS6G.

During their meeting, they also assessed the current performance of those services and any ongoing challenges.

During these sessions, representatives of NATO's Communications and Information Agency and the six nations agreed on the final text of the amendment to the memorandum of understanding, which provides the framework via which satellite communications services are provided to NATO.

The proposed amendment is crafted to enable Luxembourg and Spain to join the U.S., France, Italy and the U.K. as the providers of military satellite communications to NATO.

Beginning in 2005, NATO ceased acquiring and operating its own satellites, some of which had been based on designs from the early 1970s.

Instead, NATO opted to turn to member states France, Italy and the U.K. to provide NATO forces with the satellite communications they needed while conducting operations. In 2020, the U.S. joined the existing team.

Under the arrangement, the U.S. provides support with its "extremely high frequency," or EHF, transport service for NATO nuclear command and control and "super-high frequency," or SHF, capacity from its national Wideband Global Satellite Communications System.

Spotlight: DOD Space Strategy

France, the U.K. and Italy provide SHF and UHF capacity through their Syracuse, Skynet, and Sicral constellations.

Spain and Luxembourg will bring additional SHF and UHF capacity to the consortium from their Spainsat Next Generation and GovSat satellite constellations, respectively. In total, about a dozen military satellites will provide capability to NATO.

"These are at varying levels of protection," said Brian Hughes, the current NSS6G Joint Services management office leader in the international affairs office of the U.S. Space Systems Command.

"It's all military satellite communications, which means that it has resistance to nuclear effects and has resistance to jamming capabilities that commercial services generally don't have."

Hughes said satellite communications services are provided to NATO though a combination of what is called "allocate and commit" and managed services.

"[Allocate and commit is] where this capacity is actually given to NATO and [NATO] can use it as it needs it," Hughes said.

"And then, we have a managed access service where [NATO] makes a request at specific times that they need it, and we [the team of national providers] actually manage the service provided."

It's not NATO nations who will directly use the capability provided by NSSG6, but rather NATO headquarters itself when it runs NATO-sanctioned operations.

"NATO has, as an enterprise, its own requirements because it provides the headquarters functions, whether they're static or deployed," Hughes said.

"That SATCOM [satellite communications] is critical because NATO is providing the command-and-control function through SATCOM, which is absolutely necessary."

While the NSS6G consortium provides the space-based capability, NATO itself provides the tools its forces need on the ground, said Nusret Yilmaz, the SATCOM business unit owner within the NATO Communications and Information Agency.

"NATO owns the ground equipment," Yilmaz said. "All the end-user equipment, including the tactical radios, including the terminals for, let's say, deployed communications and including the various sizes of transportable and deployable communication systems.

These are owned by NATO. NATO is operating and maintaining [the ground systems]. These are organic capabilities of NATO. However, for the space segment, NATO doesn't have any organic capability."

NATO's original move away from its organic space assets was both a cost-saving measure and an effort to allow NATO to be able to take advantage of the more modern space-based systems that NATO allies would field for their own use.

The addition of Spain and Luxembourg to NSSG6 means increased resilience in satellite communications capability.


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cb04ac No.21110520



he got a heart

the source of his tear

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31dd44 No.21110521


>Hate to quote Crooked but wtf

At this point what difference does it make?

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bc8446 No.21110522

his exwife still duz butt stuff

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95915c No.21110523

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis On Chevron Deference Ruling



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cb04ac No.21110524


youre an idiot


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198b75 No.21110525

File: 756ffd1d5e7841f⋯.png (653.13 KB,1191x890,1191:890,sam_46_rtb_dover.png)






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040305 No.21110526

File: 0c40ea98803c35c⋯.png (487.9 KB,1010x1280,101:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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647a51 No.21110527

File: d0842c603d5ebe3⋯.webp (1.72 MB,2250x3000,3:4,il_fullxfull_4999601923_3….webp)

File: 6de6a175ffb10c0⋯.webp (18.9 KB,300x300,1:1,il_300x300_5210291156_shd….webp)

Jesus Christ, These sister Fucking whiskey Tangos…

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5cf268 No.21110528


I didn't catch that! But I did notice that George has a different profile and hate his tail on his wig. Looks to me like the ar-teest failed art class.

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48107b No.21110529

File: 831a15fcff9adc1⋯.png (251.91 KB,565x445,113:89,maskslips2.png)

File: 66cabf824228ab1⋯.png (12.64 KB,204x255,4:5,chinballs.png)

File: 29d1e52e1f1f8c9⋯.jpg (12.58 KB,255x255,1:1,2joes.jpg)

File: 8cd673a163e3743⋯.png (1.44 MB,1050x1050,1:1,howmanyarethere.png)

File: 656a37c68754581⋯.jpeg (36.59 KB,393x314,393:314,mask4.jpeg)

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1a0130 No.21110530

File: fee8fb214cf9043⋯.webm (2.01 MB,427x240,427:240,got_armor_.webm)

Got armor?

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843104 No.21110531


C'Mon man, that was Trump saying We'll see.

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7a8ee7 No.21110532


Already had one. It needed uncovering in Toto.

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01b0b8 No.21110534

File: 8f0ae80792b9d88⋯.png (1.14 MB,1910x1228,955:614,Henry_Cain_looks_sweet_com….png)

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e00276 No.21110535

File: 4ce9b47f9f761e8⋯.png (4.7 MB,430x215,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>explains your demeanor

>carry on

>my work here is done

Kek. Indeed. Pot. Kettle. You types still can't fathom that people don't believe what you do, nor can you allow it. Can't just let people live. Always with the "or else."

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1ae2a7 No.21110536

File: e95f955b7929fef⋯.png (1.26 MB,1190x670,119:67,WarpedScience.PNG)

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198b75 No.21110537

File: 63959bb052e35c0⋯.gif (1.94 MB,337x350,337:350,1663739510591642.gif)

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647a51 No.21110538

File: 691d42d4160ea96⋯.png (1.48 MB,1024x1024,1:1,The_Garden.png)

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01b0b8 No.21110539

File: 004215cfca9108b⋯.png (231.82 KB,930x750,31:25,4207_The_Armor_of_God.png)

"The Armor of God" Q post #4207


>Got armor?

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61c865 No.21110540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1f7c67 No.21110541


like those reverse flag patches they issued to the troops in the iraq war

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1cc0c3 No.21110542

File: 4a8fb09e42b1fe6⋯.png (2.34 MB,1147x925,31:25,jill.PNG)

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1a0130 No.21110543

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1cc0c3 No.21110544

File: 12e3e3424283892⋯.png (1.08 MB,1000x497,1000:497,sh.PNG)

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6545a9 No.21110545

File: 65019e9f1158c1d⋯.png (75.31 KB,255x227,255:227,24ABC663_06E0_4833_9609_6C….png)

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66fdd8 No.21110546


No, you saw the hypocrisy of PEOPLE who claimed to be christians. Big difference.

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cb04ac No.21110547

i member thinking the same way at one time

feel free move on

cuz i have


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647a51 No.21110548

File: 46fe67116600524⋯.png (687.3 KB,1725x1671,575:557,Q_wizard_4.png)

File: 135f83654f2ad63⋯.png (189.29 KB,936x790,468:395,Q_wizard_8.png)


Don't forget the direct Aramaic translation. And don't be Anti-Semitic…

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1cc0c3 No.21110549

File: 0b8ae93bb72846c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1228x921,4:3,20.PNG)

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1a0130 No.21110550

File: 88b1ed5401842f0⋯.jpg (173.26 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)

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1cc0c3 No.21110551

File: b4561633b3d45fb⋯.png (324.14 KB,685x630,137:126,van.PNG)


Van Jones: ‘High Likelihood’ ‘Biden

Victory Ultimately Means Kamala Harris

Will Be President’

Breitbart Clips, by Ian Hanchett

Posted By: Imright, 6/29/2024 12:51:12 PM

On Friday’s broadcast of “CNN NewsNight,” CNN Political Commentator and former Obama Adviser Van Jones said that Republican claims that Vice President Kamala Harris is really on the ballot are accurate and “it’s hard to imagine” the Joe Biden that “you saw yesterday” on the debate stage “making it four-and-a-half more years. And so, you do have to acknowledge, there is a high likelihood that a Joe Biden victory ultimately means Kamala Harris will be president.” Host Abby Phillip said, “This has been something that they have described as a conservative talking point, a hitjob, that she’s really the one on the ballot. But it seems like, at this very moment,

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e00276 No.21110552


>feel free move on

>cuz i have

If this were true, you wouldn't have come to me in the first place with your "excommunication" nonsense. It would have been easy for you to not respond. It would have been easy for you to accept that I don't believe what you do. It would have been easy for you to "move on."

Youchosenot to. That's on you, Anon. No me. I'm not the one apparently having a crisis of faith.

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843104 No.21110553

any anon have that video of fake biden leaving an event and the media is chasing him down until they realize its fake Biden?

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1cc0c3 No.21110554

File: bf2c40807f23dfd⋯.png (316.6 KB,773x638,773:638,how.PNG)


How Did The Army Of Debate ‘Fact Checkers’

Miss This Biden Whopper?

Issues & Insights, by The Editorial Board

Posted By: RockyTCB, 6/29/2024 11:58:32 AM

Not surprisingly, the self-appointed “fact checkers” in the media went to town on Donald Trump’s remarks during Thursday’s debate, picking apart every utterance and rating them false even if they were mostly true. Also not surprising, President Joe Biden got a relative free pass. (Although to be fair to fact-checkers, it was often hard to tell what Biden was trying to say.) But what’s truly mind-boggling is that they missed the biggest lie Biden told all night. A lie that came out of his mouth as soon as he opened it. A lie that he then used to blame Trump

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95915c No.21110555

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill McGinley Warns Of The "Dark Money Coming After President Trump"



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7a8ee7 No.21110556

File: ae49c62832876ba⋯.jpeg (77.48 KB,1000x714,500:357,IMG_2457.jpeg)


“He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me,.. he loves me not…”



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7a8ee7 No.21110557

File: 3a4c0f9c6ca3e4b⋯.jpeg (148.08 KB,954x1023,318:341,IMG_2456.jpeg)



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1cc0c3 No.21110559

File: 41bb23b95945be9⋯.png (1.45 MB,1565x871,1565:871,cap.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


Joe Biden did this


6:08 AM · Jun 29, 2024




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48107b No.21110560


2 days ahead of schedule.

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bc8446 No.21110561


>his exwife still duz butt stuff

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b583b3 No.21110562

File: 997e9c1caa6dbdd⋯.png (11.58 KB,200x272,25:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2a04d7d973739a⋯.png (3.67 MB,2000x1461,2000:1461,ClipboardImage.png)

Space Delta 8 welcomes new SATCOM commander

June 28, 2024

Col. Jeffrey Weisler took command of Space Delta 8 – Satellite Communications during a change of command ceremony at Schriever Space Force Base, June 24.

Lt. Gen. David N. Miller, Jr, Space Operations Command commander, presided over the ceremony.

Miller highlighted Col. David Pheasant for his dedication and focus as the commander of DEL 8 over the past two years and expressed his excitement for the continued excellence DEL 8 will provide for the USSF under Weisler’s leadership.

“David Pheasant led the Delta 8 formation brilliantly … he even built Delta 8’s “great 18” who competed and won in the Guardian arena in academic, resilience and physically challenging exercises where they competed against teams across the United States Space Force,” Miller said.

“In short, I don’t think anybody else could have racked up the level of successes for this team other than David Pheasant … but I think you would all agree with me that there is nobody better suited to take the place of David Pheasant than Jeffrey Weisler.”

Weisler is the third commander to take charge of DEL 8 and the organization is the focal point for U.S. protected and assured military SATCOM. “I hope to build upon and accelerate everything that has been accomplished under Pheasant’s leadership,” Weisler said.

“We will work together to generate, present and sustain the U.S. Space Force’s SATCOM combat readiness by integrating and delivering military SATCOM capabilities … we will develop resilient joint minded professionals in an organization of trust, loyalty and commitment.”

Pheasant, who will become the deputy commander for Space Forces Europe and Africa, shared memories of his time as commander.

“A lot has happened over the past two years, both successes and what one would normally label as challenges, but Space Delta 8 overcame it all,” Pheasant said. “Col.

Weisler will be the addition DEL 8 needs as he will continue the proud tradition we have worked hard to develop.” Headquartered at Schriever SFB, DEL 8 provides satellite communications and is the focal point for U.S. protected and assured military SATCOM.

The delta is composed of four squadrons: 4th Space Operations Squadron, 8th Combat Training Squadron, 10th Space Operations Squadron and 53rd Space Operations Squadron.


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5ca325 No.21110563


Some Anon posted it a few breads back. People were following him, he had no SS detail with him. He was all by himself, walking to his car to leave.

The people confronted him about being Tater's double, he turned to them, shrugged his shoulders, then turned and continued to his car.

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7e2372 No.21110564

File: 7de3d8564a8a2f7⋯.png (211.95 KB,502x325,502:325,ClipboardImage.png)

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1cc0c3 No.21110565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2608f0 No.21110566



this our last chance.

already at precipice.

Chyna, battalions of gurella warriors, being armed by our opposition.

Look into history of Barry Hussain.

Machetes, uprising, mass murder of civilians, Indonesia. CIA

They did it in other Countries; they plan to do it here


Why do you think detention camps are being built.

Why were people thrown off popular sites ~20 years ago for mentioning the military training for such a thing. "Jade Helm"

You weren't allowed to write about it.

I wonder why?

Also, It's so obvious what is going on, They've come out. The iron hand behind the velvet glove is totally visible meow.


THIS, ^ absolutely

but you still might have a better chance at Home Schooling or refusing their lethal injection, after this decision.

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843104 No.21110567


It was TRUMP.

Am I the only one that watched that debate?

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1a0130 No.21110569

File: d647036a0f77293⋯.png (1.13 MB,1635x933,545:311,d647036a0f7729345c995f8eb9….png)


Just goes to show that evil has no problem wearing the clothes of the shepherd if it'll get him what he wants, and people will trust him for looking like a shepherd.

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02fb91 No.21110570


Fisa brings the house down

Just got to let it smolder a bit more and then watch the floors collapse

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843104 No.21110571

File: 16bce26d2a09a57⋯.png (830.63 KB,990x792,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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31dd44 No.21110572


This bread has that newsbot clickbait thing going on.

No biggie.

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daf58a No.21110573

File: a8f91c45addfee3⋯.jpg (391.06 KB,1432x1080,179:135,BorderControl.JPG)

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1a0130 No.21110575


Imagine if border patrol was allowed to hold the border like Anons hold the line here.

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5129d7 No.21110576

File: adbe62695b46ef2⋯.png (586.16 KB,1066x1517,26:37,Screenshot_2024_06_29_at_1….png)





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The 25th Amendment Loophole Democrats Could Use Against Trump

It’s a liberal pipe dream, of course. But, even if it’s for show, Democrats on Capitol Hill think they have another way to supercharge the 25th Amendment—and 67 legislators on the record who support the plan.

By Abigail Tracy

September 18, 2019

donald trump

From Shutterstock.

It’s been a defining question of his presidency:Is Donald Trump mentally fit enough to perform the duties of his office? And if he weren’t, what remedy could there be?While never entirely going away, the discussion seemed to have quieted. But then came Sharpiegate, his surpassingly strange conflict with the deep state of the NOAA. What other explanation could there be for the president who would draw on a weather map for a press conference show-and-tell? Even Republicans and former Trump administration officials sounded the alarm. “He’s deteriorating in plain sight,” a Republican strategist in frequent contact with the White House told Business Insider. “The guy is obviously in mental decline,” Anthony Scaramucci, who briefly served as White House communications director, sounded off on CNN.

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95915c No.21110577

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

McGinley Applauds Trump's Success With Massive Rulings Resulting From His Supreme Court Appointees



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bd249c No.21110578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3c50e0 No.21110579

What's Britney doing?

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454060 No.21110580

File: 0a90c7a3ac6a61a⋯.png (1.92 MB,1280x804,320:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef5022 No.21110581

File: 916791656bc1598⋯.jpg (389.17 KB,1769x1080,1769:1080,BorderSerious.JPG)


No, latte is more important.

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7a8ee7 No.21110582


Vaporized and now in the jet stream iirc.

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647a51 No.21110583


She should be enjoying her inheritance. Is she?

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e00276 No.21110584


>It was TRUMP.

Precisely why I ripped the video. I wanted to check it for myself. Haven't done it yet, though.

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647a51 No.21110585

File: 8b0cb11c7704949⋯.jpg (103.59 KB,750x1000,3:4,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)


Imagine turning that Aerosol injection into something productive for the world…

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815f51 No.21110586


A little bit swampy with a river

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95915c No.21110587

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The WarRoom Reveals How MSM Has Initiated The "Cover Fire For Brutus"



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7a8ee7 No.21110588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vote Harder.

Voting is love, and hate.

It is violence incarnate.

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843104 No.21110589

File: 7ed4d99a1dfda99⋯.png (1.29 MB,1070x1771,1070:1771,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e4fb7b782b27c03⋯.png (56.02 KB,542x794,271:397,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4250fec5504f523⋯.png (181.86 KB,703x621,703:621,ClipboardImage.png)

Timestamp 8:03




[ ]


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b583b3 No.21110590

File: b926f04a97877cb⋯.png (626.15 KB,994x559,994:559,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 444b9294c7978f7⋯.png (422.43 KB,670x320,67:32,ClipboardImage.png)

Lego Space Bricks Created From Meteorite Fragments

June 28, 2024

Humanity is preparing to move beyond low Earth orbit for the first time in decades, and it won't be a quick visit this time.

Long-term lunar habitation is on the agenda, and the European Space Agency (ESA) is looking for ways to build what we need on the Moon without dragging ton after ton of materials up there.

Its investigations have resulted in a quirky little experiment. Using a bit of ultra-rare meteorite dust, the ESA worked with Lego to create a set of "space bricks."

The Space Bricks look like standard 8x2 Lego bricks, but you can tell something's different up close. Despite its nearness in celestial terms, there is very little lunar regolith on Earth.

NASA has several hundred pounds of material from the Apollo era, but more recent missions have only scooped up tiny samples.

The ESA team devised a solution that would allow them to create testable Space Bricks without access to a pile of moon dust. The secret ingredient was a 4.5-billion-year-old meteorite from Northern Africa.

Lego bricks aside, what we're really talking about here is an approach to space exploration called in situ resource utilization, sometimes called ISRU.

Rather than bring everything from Earth, a mission can utilize the materials available at the destination to save time and money.

For example, ice deposits hidden inside the "cold traps" of lunar craters could provide astronauts with fuel, breathable air, and drinking water.

Scientists have also explored ways to use lunar regolith and Martian soil as a building material. Hence, the Space Bricks.

"No one has ever built a structure on the Moon, so we have to work out not only how we build them but what we build them out of, as we can’t take any materials with us," said ESA Science Officer Aidan Cowley.

The meteorite fragments (above) had large rounded grains (chondrules) and smaller metal flakes. This material was mixed with a thermoplastic called polylactide and simulated lunar regolith.

The ESA used this mixture to 3D print the Lego-inspired Space Bricks. The team says their experimental bricks work a lot like the terrestrial versions.

They have working "clutch power," which is the ability for the tiny studs and tubes to interlock securely. This lets the team tinker with different structures to test the mechanics of their imitation Moon bricks.

"It's no secret that real-world scientists and engineers sometimes try out ideas with Lego bricks," said Emmet Fletcher, Head of ESA's Branding and Partnerships Office.

"ESA's space bricks are a great way to inspire young people and show them how play and the power of the imagination have an important role in space science, too." If you want to get a closer look at the Space Bricks, you might have an opportunity this summer.

Beginning this week, you'll be able to see 15 of these bricks on display at several Lego locations, including the Lego House in Denmark, the Lego store in Mall of America (Minnesota), the 5th Avenue Lego Store (New York), and the Disney Springs Lego Store (Florida).

The exhibit will be present at all participating locations until Sep 20.


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7a8ee7 No.21110591

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Or else!

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647a51 No.21110592

File: 655cab32079e91c⋯.gif (80.87 KB,640x360,16:9,scary_movie_shorty.gif)


Just don't forgot your obols…

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bd249c No.21110593


New board coming soon. Q will confirm.

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4575d3 No.21110594

File: 8450890c279da3a⋯.png (631.25 KB,1080x914,540:457,I_d_hit_that.png)

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1a0130 No.21110595

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


>What's Britney doing?

Probably something. Who knows? She has no one to tell her what to do and how to do it now so she can do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Or so I'd like to think anyway, there could be obligations she has that aren't well known to the public.

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3c50e0 No.21110596

Do you think Britney would date me if I asked her out?

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5129d7 No.21110597

File: 992a50e0f9d4acf⋯.png (207.48 KB,350x737,350:737,aoc.png)


>Imagine if border patrol was allowed to hold the border like Anons hold the line here.

Make Aoc Fakecry Again

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27444b No.21110598

File: 6772c72f58ad78a⋯.png (155.7 KB,565x324,565:324,ClipboardImage.png)

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e00276 No.21110599


>Feels like a set-up to me. Maybe to try and wake up people. Whoevere the awesome Jew is, he's got balls.

It's beyond fucked up to say this to a person who just lost his wife of 35 years, irrespective of "ethno/religious" identity. It's the whole reason I poasted it. It was sent to WifeAnon and me by a normie who isn't really awake, but thinks she is. She would shut down at anything we sent that could have been construed as "anti-Semitic" (tm). This "An Awesome Jew" needs to go viral. They've consistently doxxed people they deem "anti-Semitic" (tm), but this comment is reprehensible for anyone to say, in any capacity. We need to see how many Jews and Jewish NGOs condemn this "person's" comments.

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59d17e No.21110600


Top Kek

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3c50e0 No.21110601


Is she an angel?

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4575d9 No.21110602

File: d8292285d52473e⋯.png (2.48 MB,1600x901,1600:901,ClipboardImage.png)


Now you have some contrast. Something something ride the waves.

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ac791c No.21110603

Sheep no moar

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2e9e8b No.21110604

File: 0fc7fb8a18bb541⋯.jpg (716.83 KB,2017x1229,2017:1229,PureEvil.jpg)

File: bf7bb6686cc517f⋯.jpg (272.83 KB,1700x1026,850:513,ConspiracyJFK.jpg)


Dubs chekt

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152495 No.21110605

Hahahahahahajaja just kidding

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1a0130 No.21110607

File: 32b82e561be5c1f⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingspace2.png)


KEK. Go for it. The worst that could happen is she'd say no and laugh at you for trying.

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647a51 No.21110608

File: 3cf01b68decf553⋯.png (48.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,Black_Sun_beam.png)

File: 592fabae44209f6⋯.jpg (182.85 KB,1014x608,507:304,Sophia_black_sun.jpg)

File: 048bf7ed07a4a4c⋯.jpg (8.88 KB,320x180,16:9,crimson_space_pirate.jpg)

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51e8ad No.21110609

File: 3396aa1d524c592⋯.png (156.28 KB,500x522,250:261,whole_armor_of_god.png)

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7a8ee7 No.21110610


Any alphabet agents here have the Gitmo 10 hour loop of Arthur Brown?

Can I borrow please?

Not the kitty disco or “if, if, if, if, if if if if,…” one.

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a32283 No.21110611

File: d978b3e03b95578⋯.jpg (96.14 KB,1090x1280,109:128,photo_2024_06_29_05_44_26.jpg)

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bd249c No.21110612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1a0130 No.21110613

File: bd8c1538c287c44⋯.jpg (113.59 KB,419x340,419:340,kek13.jpg)


>Is she an angel?

I'll bet her farts smell.

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108494 No.21110614

File: 0125a8ad75f5946⋯.png (388.63 KB,496x661,496:661,tranny_scum_original.png)




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819c1f No.21110615


Would rather say right on Cue ?

Collapse of fiat dollar, ushers in new government, new energy and new industries. At this point so many corporate jobs have been outsourced to India, Mexico, etc.. that we must ask, what is the real impact. It will be painful for sure, but some variant of NESARA will be ushered in. Farmers will farm, craftsmen are already in low supply, Bakers, Cooks, Mathemeticians, Engineers, real doctors and healers, all in short supply. There is a bumper crop of useless degrees like social arts, political science, green energy, coders, data geeks.

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647a51 No.21110616

File: 137761d92de6074⋯.jpg (170.24 KB,800x800,1:1,HD_wallpaper_the_guy_bands….jpg)


She married some Black Headed dude.

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108494 No.21110617

File: 189ec4b04b97929⋯.png (584.39 KB,473x821,473:821,biden_decency_hunter_jill.png)


>Do you think Britney would date me if I asked her out?

Only chance if you stalk outside her house

No social media she won't answer

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bd249c No.21110618


>Any alphabet agents here

Dying trend.

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647a51 No.21110619

File: 93308abdbea39e4⋯.jpg (35.88 KB,350x232,175:116,AG_10B.jpg)

File: 94ff9d8e5c7967e⋯.jpg (253.28 KB,1024x1367,1024:1367,AbuGhraibAbuse_standing_on….jpg)


Best I can do is stroke your cock in front of me.

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2dc1cc No.21110620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: This the day after the channel 4 hitjob with the actor and the full on british media attack on reform u.k !!

nigel takes questions at 29 minutes. he was never applauded by the audience, not once, the whole audience was very much selected with a london set and even those asking questions turned out to be plants and activists.

collected bun below

>>21103653, >>21104017 UK: Was the 'Reform Racist' a Channel 4 Plant!?

>>21102647, >>21102659, >>21102665, >>21102681, >>21102687, >>21102770, >>21102796, ch 4 and gbnews hitjobs on reform u.k and nigel farage bun.


Question Time | Election Leaders' Special | 28th June 2024 (Day 37)



lots of videos out there exposing the bbc audience members who were selected to ask question.

Suspicious Beyond Belief


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01d2b7 No.21110621


Scratching his balls.

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ba86f0 No.21110622


I listed to the interview and these are good notes, but I have a couple of notes that maybe need some digging on, since he is a relatively young guy the people/places involved could still be identified.

He said he was at a breeding Monastery in Mexico. I think he said the city, or location, but I can’t understand what he said……..can anybody understand what location he gave in Mexico??? Would be nice to digg on it

He also said the head of the sex breeding monastery in Mexico was a well-known philanthropist from Seattle. My first thought was Bill Gates, until he was a woman,,,,,could it be Melinda gates?.

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3c50e0 No.21110623


Alright here goes…Brit you and mees should go hang out in your favorite tree sometime. What do you think?

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7a8ee7 No.21110624



Love “The Guy”. Best use imho is Disturbed in ‘The Vengeful One’ & ‘Land of Confusion’.

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647a51 No.21110625

File: 9f29899e26d8491⋯.jpg (132.34 KB,1501x1918,1501:1918,Deer_Sex.jpg)


Confirmed. Like a sourdough bread left to ferment for 24-26 hours

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1a0130 No.21110626

File: 7ac4eacf207cf8e⋯.png (49.44 KB,255x256,255:256,schumann_pepe.png)

If there's one thing I've learned over the years about what is talked about here, it's that if you mention something about a public figure then there's a high probability that what was said could get back to them. I'll never say anything bad about her anywhere online.

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05a2be No.21110627

File: 62d7cd10e9830ec⋯.png (961.74 KB,1360x682,680:341,ClipboardImage.png)

Is this normal6

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01b0b8 No.21110628

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Full Armor of God

>Got armor?



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23b297 No.21110629



Week to remember.

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142d7a No.21110630


#25876 >>21110066

>>21110069, >>21110076, >>21110201, >>21110251, >>21110442, >>21110503 Planefag reports

>>21110525, >>21110627 PF cont

>>21110109 "The mask has come off. The whole shell game has been revealed"

>>21110134 WSJ on DEI

>>21110202 Scott Adams today.

>>21110208, >>21110228 1800 Election and Make Free Speech the Key Issue

>>21110243 Planetary parade on display in the night sky this weekend

>>21110250 Public Service Announcements

>>21110295 Nasa refutes claims about astronauts stranded in space

>>21110312 Dems and the media lied to America about Biden’s fitness

>>21110408 bidan's earpiece heard and recorded telling him what to say during debate

>>21110427 Biden 'could be convicted' – Trump

>>21110436 Military space trackers to keep public informed on Starlink satellite reentries

>>21110519 Two New Nations Join Program to Provide SATCOM Support to NATO

>>21110562 Space Delta 8 welcomes new SATCOM commander

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7a8ee7 No.21110631



The Snu-Snu, A most diabolical torture.

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f48bf9 No.21110632

File: e204783595ae238⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,1170x2010,39:67,IMG_9320.jpeg)

File: bd5e6b8725390e9⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1170x1750,117:175,IMG_9321.jpeg)

File: c7f29b919c69941⋯.png (4.56 MB,1440x4680,4:13,2515.png)

All for a LARP right?

One of the most disturbing lies out of Crooked Joe’s mouth in our debate was when he denied letting massive numbers of terrorists penetrate his wide-open border.

Just 2 days ago, news reports revealed that while Biden was taking his ten-day "rest and study" period at Camp David, more than 50 TERRORISTS were running into the United States after Biden allowed them to cross our wide-open southern border.

Mike Pence was the one who put out that report.

More than 50 illegal immigrants with potential ties to ISIS were released into the U.S. This is an Outrage. 9-11 only required 19 terrorists. Federal and State law enforcement should have No Higher Priority than to find and arrest these men. Protect the Homeland! #BidenBorderCrisis

Jun. 25, 2024

Authorities search for migrants with possible ties to Isis-affiliated smuggling network, officials say

More than 50 migrants with possible ties to an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network are at large in the U.S., officials tell NBC News. The officials say immigration authorities are currently looking for the migrants, whose whereabouts are unknown. NBC News' Julia Ainsley reports.


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683073 No.21110633


The question is, why would they fudge his birth certificate? If his mom was a US citizen at the time of his birth, it wouldn't matter WHERE he was born, he could still be a US citizen. He could have been born on an iceberg and if his mom was a US citizen at the time of his birth, that would make him a US citizen as well.

This whole idea of WHERE a person is born, has got to go out the window.

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f8158f No.21110634

File: 045cb12645ed48b⋯.png (441.96 KB,1080x507,360:169,Crapper_1.png)

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bd249c No.21110635


You are exactly the filth getting Cleaned out of Q's House.

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a9692a No.21110636

File: 4d9e89e34756625⋯.jpeg (356.74 KB,1243x2200,113:200,IMG_0619.jpeg)

Trump in the lead of NJ


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ba86f0 No.21110637



Good point

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1a0130 No.21110638

File: 457a7d962a41f1d⋯.jpg (22.89 KB,500x373,500:373,ba5e6526d8d9adba4bd7b8785e….jpg)

KEK. Why did I do that? Now I have a mental image of her ripping a big loud smelly fart, and smiling while she does it.

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814f82 No.21110639


A river drains a swamp

Tide could work against

Sun and a little warmth will melt that pack

Too quick

And you'll be coming down the mountain with more than expected

Controlled, piece by piece, until a movie is left so society doesn't lose their shit and fuck up more

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819c1f No.21110640


Subtract 20% off of the dem numbers and you are closer to reality.

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64c694 No.21110641

File: 3a1644dd079cfbd⋯.jpg (55.41 KB,500x559,500:559,Nnni.jpg)

File: 1efd3080a18c28c⋯.jpg (229.65 KB,925x1136,925:1136,IMG_20240611_173840.jpg)


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7a8ee7 No.21110642

File: 832f21f11d849ad⋯.png (599.84 KB,742x823,742:823,IMG_2448.png)

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53182b No.21110643


it's very important to have boundaries. borders include citizenship. who what where why how are very important in the chain of custody.

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b62355 No.21110644

Someone posted some SRA video earlier. I mean, I feel sorry for their plight, but when they confess to having been forced to commit murder, WTF are we doing by giving that a free pass? Sure, trial, jury, extenuating circumstances. But do we have a justice system or not?

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a9692a No.21110645

File: 81a28b5ffb4b3e2⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17196058363….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Bukele keeps hitting home runs.

He launched the Zero Leisure Plan,where prisoners repair the damage they have done to society and gain new skills.


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3c50e0 No.21110646


This place is fascinating.

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647a51 No.21110647

File: 83578c9d8ac4601⋯.jpg (173.85 KB,800x409,800:409,dendera_light.jpg)


No. You're just ignorant. Give us this day our daily bread.

Now research who Fornax was.



Ovens and burnt offerings? (Holocaustos)


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95915c No.21110648

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Castor And Hornik Reveals Legal Filings To Ensure Pennsylvania Election Results Are Accurate

This is a really good video, they found 1000s and 1000s of fraudulent votes, and they are working on this now… This is a great discovery



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683073 No.21110649


>borders include citizenship

That's how we got stuck with all of these anchor babies that actually should not be considered citizens.

IMO, it is going to take the SCOTUS to sort out that mess.

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4575d9 No.21110650

File: 88fa9149aa92357⋯.png (4.02 MB,1280x1280,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


That is a lot of extrapolation, Mr. Calculus.

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95face No.21110651


Brother Numspah?

Say henlo to Hori

Only the finest

And never been shaved

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4d3e22 No.21110652

File: 00c2037bb2746a0⋯.png (728.87 KB,1080x970,108:97,Screcdy.png)


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080574 No.21110653


Obama picks potato

cause otherwise it's

Still Hillary's turnnnnnn

And she won't listen to her earpiece

It's one giant shitfest

And we got front row seats

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647a51 No.21110654

File: 2bd84b8c7da901a⋯.jpg (69.44 KB,618x547,618:547,Fig_5_Manget_v_2_fig_3_pl_….jpg)


Nurse me mermaid

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2e9e8b No.21110655


N227MH Owner



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b62355 No.21110657


>I'll never say anything bad about her anywhere online.

Is there anything good to say about "her"?

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ba86f0 No.21110658


Same reason they stopped prosecuting young girls and trafficked women for prostitution

These SRA victims are the least of people I worry about getting justice for the reasons you give,

All of our past recent presidents and pols are committing murders

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c70586 No.21110659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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01d2b7 No.21110660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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647a51 No.21110661

File: 057e71add7b1d58⋯.png (599.8 KB,837x584,837:584,Screenshot_2024_06_29_1346….png)

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95915c No.21110662


they found millions of anomaly's they uncovered over 5 million felonies fraudulent voters in the NY voter registering list. In 2021. They effected the 2022 votes

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1a0130 No.21110663

File: b90770abbf11697⋯.gif (839.07 KB,446x232,223:116,squint2.gif)



It really is.

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53182b No.21110664


seems like some people are getting a pass because they flipped and are willing to tell us about it. maybe they are not getting a pass. maybe telling us about it is part of a plea deal.

also seems like there has been so much murder sacrifice that the courts could never handle the volume.

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ba86f0 No.21110665




Who is going to do the investigation?

Whose murder will he be charged with?

Who is going to cooperate with him?

Biden Adm let in 80,000 kids across border and then lost them,

Who are the criminals?

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819c1f No.21110666


The Constitution (Article II, Section 1, Clause 5) lays out the following qualifications for President:

“No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.”

Being born to a mother with USA citizenship and a non american father out of country does not automatically make you an american. Her status at time of birth and claims of father and succession make a difference.

Constitutional law fags would need to opine

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c70586 No.21110667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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95face No.21110668


Adjustments may be required

Never know what shakes loose

Until it do

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7a8ee7 No.21110670


I read that as “9 Points of Frogery”

Am I here too much?

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bd249c No.21110671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Happy hunting."

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647a51 No.21110672

File: db8d112ed83a4d0⋯.jpg (269.79 KB,1800x2400,3:4,0d02b142462be8af6bb20b7305….jpg)


Just ask her to a friendly debate. Or else shut the fuck up.

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fd354e No.21110673

File: bac238a6ad67bfd⋯.png (813.06 KB,1080x1196,270:299,Fungus_Barry_Traitor.png)

File: 6f3d75ea1627541⋯.png (174.08 KB,1080x706,540:353,Screvxy.png)

File: 9b64cab2223f8e4⋯.jpg (90.71 KB,500x695,100:139,But_cxjo.jpg)

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ba86f0 No.21110674


Why don’t you do something useful and go figure out what location in Mexico he said this sex slave monastery was at.

He called it a ‘monastery’,but eh never actually gave a description of it

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683073 No.21110675


They want you to fear them.

They use all kinds of evil tactics to keep people in fear of them.

It's a Control thing.

Consider the ADL. If you say anything bad about Jewish people, the Jewish people will ruin you. They literally prove that what you have said about them is true.

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b583b3 No.21110676

File: 9c7f84def818149⋯.png (635.79 KB,800x533,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

New study finds evidence of possible alien travel through space 'warp drives'

Jun 27, 2024

A new study has found a theory that 'warp drives' could be possible - this method of fast space travel will be known to many sci-fi and Star Trek fans.

These super powered space engines can manipulate space time as it compresses what's in front of it and expands it behind.

It creates what's called a 'warp bubble' which is how these spacecrafts in the sci-fi world can travel so quickly, some faster than the speed of light.

This has been looked into because scientists have hinted 'warp drives' may well have been used by aliens as they have left trails through space.

A previous study published in 1994 suggested this could be possible with a substance that may or may not exist but a new study suggests a way to do it without this.

Lead author Jared Fuchs, of the University of Alabama, Huntsville and the research think tank Applied Physics, said:

"This study changes the conversation about 'warp drives'. By demonstrating a first-of-its-kind model, we've shown that 'warp drives' might not be relegated to science fiction."

According to a statement, the new model uses "a sophisticated blend of traditional and novel gravitational techniques to create a 'warp bubble' that can transport objects at high speeds within the bounds of known physics".

However the proposal says travel faster than the speed of light could not be achieved.

Fuchs and his research team admit this is a single study and even if others could prove the maths behind it, actually building a 'warp drive' is a long, long way off.

"While we're not yet preparing for interstellar voyages, this research heralds a new era of possibilities," Gianni Martire, CEO of Applied Physics, said in the same statement.

"We're continuing to make steady progress as humanity embarks on the Warp Age."


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53182b No.21110677


if we 25th joe, SCOTUS has to sort out the anchor baby mess before KH can ascend.

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95face No.21110678


Wasn't mum 17?

Sort of throws a wrinkle into things due to law at time

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819c1f No.21110679


Ok, Almost ran into my basement just seeing this monster on a video.

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e00276 No.21110680

File: 7159fa3afee4b8d⋯.png (650.71 KB,496x661,496:661,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. I hate you so much right now, Anon. Challenge accepted!

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080574 No.21110681


And the philanthropist was working out of a convent in Seattle

Definitely fits Melinda Gates

Being the supposed catholic

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a32283 No.21110682

File: 73c3cc64a59bc7e⋯.jpg (286.13 KB,1144x1280,143:160,photo_2024_06_29_02_19_01.jpg)

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ba86f0 No.21110683


Who is the ‘her?

Sounds like you are trying to get people here to quit posting their ‘conspiracies’ because they could harm your boss

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bd249c No.21110684

File: b976ee09f409420⋯.png (886.16 KB,768x432,16:9,Vatika6.png)


Unsure of context but if true, it will most likely be over an ancient temple site, like the Vatican is for example. Maybe check site names against how the word sounds.

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b62355 No.21110685


I get it that it's complicated, they were juveniles, and many were young enough to not be considered responsible in any capacity, especially under duress. BUT…

Justice doesn't mean prison. A years long mental hospital rehab program might be sufficient, but to have them untreated just wandering around trying to piece their lives back together while we all wait to see if one blows their top is not a solution.

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f7f9d9 No.21110686


Hillary to Biden… "Deal!"

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1a0130 No.21110687

File: 7b1811bddacea12⋯.webm (507.07 KB,427x240,427:240,with_flying_colors.webm)


>Is there anything good to say about "her"?

Without a doubt. Now with "her" in quotes are you referring to the corporation/brand or the woman?

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53182b No.21110688


maybe bezos ex wife

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683073 No.21110689


Kill or be killed is the only choice they have.

Should the slaves who were used to perform as Gladiators in the Colosseum have been charged with murder?

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a32283 No.21110690

File: dff34e91c3685c9⋯.mp4 (6.29 MB,848x462,424:231,IMG_3463.MP4)

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4575d9 No.21110691

File: 702100e57f57581⋯.png (1.53 MB,772x1035,772:1035,ClipboardImage.png)


Adapt. Overcome.

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cb04ac No.21110692

just reminded me of my dream last night


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6545a9 No.21110693

File: 07c5d3c8511a9a7⋯.jpeg (487.41 KB,1221x617,1221:617,3AA500F2_A1B1_4991_8C59_C….jpeg)

File: 17cfc7f401fe2c2⋯.jpeg (362.58 KB,828x539,828:539,E775DA5D_C1CA_408D_9059_7….jpeg)

ATOM31 W-135 Constant Phoenix Nuke Sniffer SE from MacDill AFB

WC-135 Constant Phoenix

The WC-135W Constant Phoenix atmospheric collection aircraft supports national level consumers by collecting particulate and gaseous effluents and debris from accessible regions of the atmosphere in support of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963. The aircraft is a modified C-135B or EC-135C platform. The Constant Phoenix's modifications are primarily related to its on-board atmospheric collection suite, which allows the mission crew to detect radioactive "clouds" in real time. The aircraft is equipped with external flow-through devices to collect particulates on filter paper and a compressor system for whole air samples collected in holding spheres.

The cockpit crew is from the 45th Reconnaissance Squadron at Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., and special equipment operators are assigned to Det. 1, Air Force Technical Applications Center at Offutt AFB


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95915c No.21110695


Must listen, they found 25 million duplicate registrations, and 5 million of those voted in the last elections. NY state and others have relied on their dirty voter rolls forever, the state AGs say they are just clerical errors, this is massive fraud. Hoschul wouldn't be governor if the voter rolls were cleaned up.

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95face No.21110696


If she wasn't shaved down

She may well be an Arkansas Bigfoot

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c9ec78 No.21110697

vatican shill sure does a lot of whining

like a little bitch

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819c1f No.21110698


Which makes Johnson acting president ?

Constitutional crisis was the failsafe.

Kamala would need to resign, Biden appoints a new VP, (Big Mike, or Naseausome), Then resigns or strokes out.

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53182b No.21110699


was she really his mum or just a babysitter?

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e00276 No.21110700


Indeed. It's never going to happen. Too many people arestilltoo chicken-shit to say anything about them.

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ba86f0 No.21110701


Whose murders are you going to charge them with?

Who in the occult is going to cooperate with the police/fbi to do an investigation.

You just can’t charge someone with a murder without a name, or a person who is dead.

How do you even know this guy is telling the truth?

How would an investigation even take place.

I bet nuts admit to murders all the time.

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1a0130 No.21110702

File: 1d11924bb7620a9⋯.webm (1.69 MB,640x270,64:27,here_we_go4.webm)

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b62355 No.21110703


>Why don’t you do something useful and go figure out what location in Mexico he said this sex slave monastery was at.

>He called it a ‘monastery’,but eh never actually gave a description of it


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95face No.21110704



Make do with what's at hand

And go forward

It's not to late

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c70586 No.21110705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb3a24 No.21110706

Biden resigns and John F. Kennedy Jr. becomes new candidate of democrats!

BOOM! Winning in any case!

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95915c No.21110707

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Raheem Kassam: "Farage Is Under Attack By The Political Establishment" Like Never Before. Pray for Nigel, he will win, if the DS in the UK can be overturned and neuteredUK anons, get to work, do everything you can do to remove the NWO and protect and elect Nigel, we've got your back.



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f248a6 No.21110708


so you'd do a 'Weekend at Bernies' president?

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224f59 No.21110709


baker thank you for the song

having rough time

ready to be someone else


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53182b No.21110710


the #speakertrump plan can be deployed at any moment

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f6a6ac No.21110711


If the anchor baby thing doesn't go the "right" way then Obama and all he did gets undone?

If you want to destroy my sweater

Pull this thread as I walk away

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53182b No.21110712


people don't ask for help if they are just gonna get more punishment

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a32283 No.21110713

File: fb340f63e8ade97⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,IMG_3486.MOV)


Ghouls are real


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b62355 No.21110714


>Women mopping topless? Odd way to protest, but I am not complaining.


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bd249c No.21110715

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“There is peace even in the storm”

― Vincent van Gogh, The Letters of Vincent van Gogh

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cb3c7c No.21110716

>>21110630 baker




>>21110408 already in notes

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4575d9 No.21110717

File: e932966828152cf⋯.png (461.09 KB,828x552,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


High IQ conversations are fun.

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2e8eef No.21110718

Not enough vilification of globohomo propaganda ITT.

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826509 No.21110719

The Great Replacement in on the Election Menu

Natural Born Citizens are bad slaves

& are being replaced

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a5757d No.21110720

File: 00a2df56bec7439⋯.png (270.7 KB,615x299,615:299,ClipboardImage.png)


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843104 No.21110721


anything is possible.

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bd249c No.21110722


Usually the victims never had birth certificates. They make children kill children. EVIL is the invisible enemy.

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a3df60 No.21110723

File: 6c6cecd13570970⋯.jpg (118.28 KB,915x413,915:413,5_by_5.jpg)


>The Letters of Vincent van Gogh

>Vincent van Gogh

VV - 5:5

G - 7

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53182b No.21110724


the right way would prevent kamala from ascending

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c61dac No.21110725

Quantitative Easing

Joe Biden

How does the two above fit into the formula?

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7a8ee7 No.21110726


What are assets?

What are assets?

What are assets?

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4b0a8c No.21110727


But “shut the fuck up” no outside comms.

So which is it faggot?

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d8cf3c No.21110728

File: d1312b3131f0e04⋯.png (790.72 KB,646x605,646:605,6m346534643654.PNG)


Washington DC needs to stop with the coup.

Treason is a real thing you-know.

They're so blinded, they dont know whats about to hit them.

Or maybe they do.

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95915c No.21110729

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon Calls Out Biden's Incompetency



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4b0a8c No.21110730


Why don’t you tell us since you’re so smart. Stop trying to be Q

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ba86f0 No.21110731


She doesn’t fit the description of being a philanthropist from Seattle.

Does she have a therapy place in Mexico?

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a32283 No.21110733

File: 18af111eac88957⋯.jpg (65.22 KB,1061x820,1061:820,photo_2024_06_29_05_12_04.jpg)

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40249a No.21110734


Nah. She would have been exposed in minutes as a deepstate war industry stooge.

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44d8ed No.21110735

File: 5b30d75ccb3f087⋯.jpg (144.69 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_29_14_0….jpg)

File: 30e387ce7924781⋯.png (40.89 KB,640x540,32:27,114_8_.png)

File: cad2002e95910ba⋯.png (58.18 KB,640x660,32:33,712_4_.png)

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c70586 No.21110736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4575d9 No.21110737

File: 0d9a97c81d57a83⋯.png (955.96 KB,828x552,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Depends on the day.

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826509 No.21110738

Deep State wants Biden out

D's don't want Biden out

Deep State Pact is Collapsing

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f7f9d9 No.21110739

File: fdcaa6aa8bd6cc6⋯.png (1.23 MB,1080x1305,24:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5757d No.21110740


I have so many black friends

Thats Our POTUS!!!

needs POTUS wrapped in swaddling clothes memes

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bd249c No.21110741


Assets can be liquidated.

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b62355 No.21110742

File: 1ad096ea9dc4ee5⋯.png (1.4 MB,640x980,32:49,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kill or be killed is the only choice they have.

>Should the slaves who were used to perform as Gladiators in the Colosseum have been charged with murder?

There's always a choice.

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b583b3 No.21110743

File: e641f1cdad905aa⋯.png (512.75 KB,876x493,876:493,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f46e4bd683accd6⋯.png (590.83 KB,731x408,43:24,ClipboardImage.png)

Feds have UFO transparency problem: Ex-security official

JUN 28, 2024 / 01:24 PM CDT

A former top-ranking U.S. security official believes the federal government needs to be more transparent in its attempts to engage with detected unidentified anomalous phenomena rather than trying to hide its encounters from the general public.

Christopher Mellon, who served as the deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence in the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations, told NewsNation’s “Reality Check with Ross Coulthart” in an interview that he believes the government is making a mistake in classifying information about UAPs.

While information that is potentially damaging to national security must be classified, other materials, including videos of U.S. encounters with UAPs, should be released to the general public, Mellon believes.

“There is a real gap here and a problem in terms of transparency, and I think, unfortunately, many people in the intelligence community, it’s part of the culture to think that the less we share, the safer we are,” Mellon said in the November interview,

In 2017, Mellon provided The New York Times and Washington Post with videos of UAPs by U.S. Navy pilots between 2004 and 2015.

The release of the videos came in a bombshell New York Times report that unveiled a classified Pentagon UFO program called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program that was

Mellon told Coulhart that the videos he provided the two newspapers had previously been investigated by the U.S. Air Force and were confirmed as “unclassified” because they did not threaten national security.

The videos enhanced national security by raising awareness of our vulnerability and the activity that needs to be addressed.

After that happened, the defense department created a classification system for UAPs that Mellon said seems to indicate that “anything and everything having to do with UAPs” is classified.

Mellon said the government has many more videos that fall into the same category and remain classified material.

“I don’t believe that, and I don’t think they could prosecute anyone successfully who leaked videos of that ilk,” Mellon told NewsNation.

Mellon, while working in counterintelligence, constantly reminded his staff that the U.S. didn’t defeat the Soviet Union in the Cold War because the American government was better at keeping secrets.

Rather, he said the U.S. surpassed the Soviets because officials were better at sharing information in the marketplace, with free markets, pricing and policymaking.

“We want to reserve classification for things that is really sensitive and needs to be protected, but otherwise, it’s in the country’s best interest to get that information out,” Mellon said.

“I think they’re making a mistake in this case.”



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f7f9d9 No.21110744

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44d8ed No.21110745

File: b0c42e4362a63a1⋯.jpg (199.77 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_29_14_0….jpg)

File: 4220cf1c245fb26⋯.jpeg (209.16 KB,2016x1512,4:3,GRLPx2VXYAAUAHT.jpeg)

File: d90d499341baac2⋯.png (352.25 KB,640x2278,320:1139,19_6_.png)

File: 47efdf403e5d6da⋯.jpeg (34.34 KB,720x960,3:4,GRLPx2VWYAAdm3l.jpeg)

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a5757d No.21110746

File: ce1b8c384fad656⋯.png (293.1 KB,687x459,229:153,ClipboardImage.png)


wrapped in swaddling clothes

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683073 No.21110747



0bama actually is a US citizen if his mother was a US citizen at the time of his birth. 0bama is not an anchor baby.

Remember Q said that he will claim Kenyan citizenship to try to escape. But it won't work, because he actually is a US citizen.

Kamala, on the other hand, is an anchor baby.

Neither of her parents were a US citizen at the time of her birth.

They try to muddy the water on citizenship.

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53182b No.21110748


all TDS friends want Biden to step down, if that is any indicator.

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080574 No.21110749


•They have been taught to kill before the age of reason.

•that's why this is a mission to pray.

• theres one video of a woman retelling how they turn her newborn into sausage in front of her.

•they are all satanists

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93dd06 No.21110750


Be best

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b62355 No.21110751


>people don't ask for help if they are just gonna get more punishment

don't make it punishment, but do separate them from the population for a time.

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7a8ee7 No.21110752



Sodium Hydroxide pellets?


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4b0a8c No.21110753


Let me pull a rabbit out of my hat to figure out what day it is

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05a2be No.21110754

File: 82667cfe8856c29⋯.jpg (14.14 KB,255x255,1:1,andIkickedhiminthedingding.jpg)



too soon?

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44d8ed No.21110755

File: a2f47f94dacaf46⋯.jpg (180.96 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_29_14_1….jpg)

File: 1ce88977ed79ebb⋯.jpeg (480.56 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GRPiFYVWsAEvhZ3.jpeg)

File: ef6f7c7fccd61ef⋯.jpeg (476.65 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GRPiFYSWcAAwEDX.jpeg)

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bd249c No.21110756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Almost everything. Which part is the funny part?

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4575d9 No.21110757

File: 6d9a79ef75e1c36⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x614,512:307,ClipboardImage.png)


Sometimes barnacles.

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683073 No.21110758



Could get interdasting.

She never should have been made VP in the first place, but timing is everything.

Maybe it's all part of The Plan.

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110505 No.21110759

What does gutfeld know about waking from an acid trip?

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826509 No.21110760

File: fe34885cecbe0ab⋯.png (117.48 KB,227x222,227:222,ClipboardImage.png)

One Question

If America is So Evil & Cancerous

Why are People Clamoring to get in?

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b62355 No.21110761


It's not mutually exclusive. And justice means many things. sure, get the adult perpetrators into guillotines first by all means, but we still have an issue. not all SRA victims stop being just that or don't relapse.

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3c50e0 No.21110762


What is the significance of Q & 17 in regard to you?

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142d7a No.21110763


the best is yet to come…

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f7f9d9 No.21110764


They're evil too? kek

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53182b No.21110766


traumatized people are generally appreciative of having their own space for a while.

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bd249c No.21110767

File: a28d0520901419c⋯.png (3.32 MB,2048x1286,1024:643,TRIP_CODE.png)




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683073 No.21110768


They have been led here under false pretenses and promises of "free stuff?"

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4575d9 No.21110769

File: 23541ecb19f9b01⋯.png (3.95 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


I prefer to use my eyeballs.

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44d8ed No.21110770

File: 1d8a9a6b033216c⋯.jpg (213.61 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_29_14_1….jpg)

File: 9e44f312d5e76c3⋯.png (103.23 KB,640x946,320:473,1143_5_.png)

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53182b No.21110771


has nobody considered a writ of certiorari asking the court to address this exact issue? every american has standing to ask.

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7a8ee7 No.21110772

File: 1033684cce19202⋯.jpeg (95.98 KB,750x500,3:2,IMG_2464.jpeg)

“It’s no moon.”

It is proof of massive voter fraud in Michigan.

How are they able to cheat so hard?

How can democrats really consider her viable presidential candidate.

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7548c3 No.21110773


Imagine the US withdrew the 225,000 soldiers it has based in its 800 military bases across the Globe

And put them to work in American communities, building clinics and schools for the 40 million Americans living in poverty, Securing American borders instead of "guarding" someone else's.

Really defending America, instead of propping up a Ponzi Scheme military industrial complex that feeds on Wars created by idiotic foreign policies, peddled by politicans intimately linked to the grimy trade of War.

Imagine what the $916 Billion spent on the US Military in 2023 would do if it was actually invested in American lives and wellbeing rather than on fear, domination, and War?


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c61dac No.21110774


Gavin New Some

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7ed166 No.21110775

File: 1feb2ab1308a7d0⋯.jpeg (1.62 MB,1355x1552,1355:1552,IMG_2444.jpeg)

File: c9c9dc5efd68859⋯.jpeg (1.83 MB,1344x1704,56:71,IMG_2445.jpeg)

File: aa0e52212fd3253⋯.jpeg (1024 KB,1249x1324,1249:1324,IMG_2443.jpeg)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: 2f74106cb5eb63b⋯.png (627.32 KB,898x4602,449:2301,1643_2.png)

Today’s Deltas


All for a LARP right?

Happening NOW!

While the World Is Watching!



And Separation of Powers (DEEP STATE Ties being Cut)

The Justices continue their repair work on the separation of powers.

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8e0ca4 No.21110776


la luuzur

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7548c3 No.21110777


[Taxes ensure free shit


Free fishes

No skills]

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a5757d No.21110778

File: b2308d22be4deee⋯.png (130.51 KB,632x389,632:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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44d8ed No.21110779

File: dd919913b183768⋯.jpg (166.55 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_29_14_1….jpg)

File: f4d26169ed2d227⋯.jpeg (7.49 KB,300x142,150:71,an02gvDE.jpeg)

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cb04ac No.21110780


both parents must be born on US soil


this was covered in 5th grade

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e28829 No.21110781


Bloom where planted

But not so much burrow

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4575d9 No.21110782

File: 8d55d54f488cc1b⋯.png (1.27 MB,828x828,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Read your own question then tell me what your brain tells you.

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c61dac No.21110783



Do not believe anything unless you see with own eyeballs and think with own brain.

Everything and I mean everything else is a lie.

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e00276 No.21110784

File: dce385d36c065ee⋯.png (521.45 KB,700x525,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>Washington DC needs to stop with the coup.

>Treason is a real thing you-know.

Kek. The penalty for treason is death, Anon. A lot of humans across the world will be tried for treason, not only here, but in other countries. That's good incentive for them to go all the way with this. They don't have a choice. The other option is "or death."

Sadly, we're going to have to see this through, to the bitter end.

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4b0a8c No.21110785


You are worthless

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826509 No.21110786

Pride Month Is setting, Finally

Perverts Dancing Sexually for Children on the streets will be Illegal again

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080574 No.21110788

Testimonies of survivors of Ritual Abuse



Sausage story here

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44d8ed No.21110789


you show up here to tell me that. KEK

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5d8977 No.21110790

File: 2b55f593c8093ea⋯.png (62 KB,558x93,6:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52eb5dba8450df3⋯.png (58.82 KB,374x882,187:441,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d77dc4b13dd82a⋯.png (45.46 KB,369x149,369:149,ClipboardImage.png)


Pence is Q?

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683073 No.21110791


That's why I said they have a choice to kill or be killed.

Jesus chose to sacrifice Himself, for reasons.

The Gladiators were pitted against each other for the amusement of the audience.

If one of the Gladiators had refused to fight back or try to defend himself, it would not have been as amusing for the depraved spectators.

The Romans were bored with the Christians who were put into the ring because they wouldn't fight back.

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e00276 No.21110792

File: a7c24136760daf6⋯.png (3.03 MB,1320x878,660:439,ClipboardImage.png)


>There's always a choice.

Kek. Indeed.

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2e8eef No.21110793


How do you get "clipboardimage" to show up every time as filename

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426f0a No.21110794

File: 88e6675baa379d3⋯.jpg (602.36 KB,1800x1080,5:3,BidenSimulator.jpg)

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ba86f0 No.21110795


> >Should the slaves who were used to perform as Gladiators in the Colosseum have been charged with murder?


It’s called self defense

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2e8eef No.21110796

P.S. If you don't answer, you're a bot. I won.

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bd249c No.21110797

File: ca7d4f77102c969⋯.png (2.9 MB,1920x1152,5:3,promise.png)




11:43 > 117

"We share the idea of open source but value life…"

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ba86f0 No.21110799


You are wrong

It’s called self defense

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2e8eef No.21110800



>Implying nukes are real.

Why do you guys still do this?

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c61dac No.21110801


I would not hire joe Biden to take my dogs out while on vacation.

I would not hire anyone in government for that job as a matter of fact.

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7548c3 No.21110802



: Bring-Chief-forward.

[P.s. anon can't afford the neutrality boot camp. Fucking fiat debt slavery 🫠]

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2e8eef No.21110803


>He doesn't take his dogs on vacation.


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bd249c No.21110804


Are SRA children programmed to understand Right vs Wrong?

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95915c No.21110805

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Caroline Wren Tracks $500k Given To FOB-Stealing Arizona WorkerThis story is blowing up, he's been paid as a volunteer for years from the DNC, he is their handy thief. Why this is a big deal, these fobs are to the tabulators used in 2022 steal from Kari Lake, seems like they have been doing this since 2020 at the least.



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e00276 No.21110806

File: 65296e1d166f581⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x653,1200:653,ClipboardImage.png)


>How do you get "clipboardimage" to show up every time as filename

Years of study at temple, Anon.

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2e8eef No.21110807


Why should I get a straight answer

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8e0ca4 No.21110808


theres a fat guy in the rice patties preaching self kuntroll to the starving slaves

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1a0130 No.21110809

File: 2f66e689e60e758⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x203,255:203,dredd_pepe2.jpg)


Copypaste the image. Right click->Copy image from somewhere->Click in reply area on board->Paste. Noticed on Windows that copypasting gifs are allowed but that's a no go on Linux.

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c61dac No.21110810


Absolutely no trust.

There is one person that I would hire, and that is Jim Jordon.

The rest can just fuck off.

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bd249c No.21110811


How do SRA programmed children choose?

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a3df60 No.21110812

File: 0e17f947a4bdc29⋯.jpg (100.79 KB,732x526,366:263,ClipboardImage.jpg)


You use the clipboard, duh

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bd249c No.21110813

Do you understand what PROGRAMMING is within a developing mind? What kind of A.I. is the Enemy working to perfect right now? Think…

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6f3a4c No.21110814

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)

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ba86f0 No.21110815


You are an idiot

Go ahead and get the adults into a guillotiine

The people in charge of Justice are the satanist.

What an idiot you are.

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44d8ed No.21110816

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,IMG_20231209_194434.png)

File: ed0c59c1bb75321⋯.jpg (85.7 KB,1100x1280,55:64,IMG_20231209_194021.jpg)

File: 6e6b6ce2c86b8b8⋯.png (362.48 KB,480x480,1:1,IMG_20231209_185444.png)

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d799f4 No.21110817

File: dbfe9eed288fb16⋯.jpeg (6.63 KB,255x191,255:191,e2329bc9393c5048938f51529….jpeg)


R party activated free masons

Cops next

Vote Trump Republican no matter what they say


There are not many primarily left

the keystone

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e2b1b3 No.21110818


Cluster fucks

Part and parcel

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f248a6 No.21110819


"Child Born Between December 24, 1952, and November 13, 1986

If, at the time of your birth, both your parents were U.S. citizens, married, and at least one had a prior residence in the U.S., you automatically acquired U.S. citizenship with no other conditions for keeping it.

If your parents were married but only one parent was a U.S. citizen at the time of your birth, that parent must have been physically present in the U.S. for at least ten years before your birth, and at least five of those years must have been after your parent reached the age of 14.

If your one U.S. citizen parent is your father and your birth was out of wedlock (took place while your parents weren't married), the same rules apply, provided you were legally legitimated (your father acknowledged paternal responsibility) prior to your 21st birthday.

If you were born out of wedlock and your one U.S. citizen parent is your mother (or if your father was a U.S. citizen as well, but you were not legally legitimated), your mother will need proof that she has one year of continuous physical presence in the U.S. prior to your birth."

because Hawaii did not become a state till 1959, if Barry's mother was there she was NOT a United STates resident for 10 years prior to the birth and thus

OBAMA is NOT considered a US citizen in that case.

So it matters where she lived during that time.

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a5757d No.21110820

File: efc685adc5edde8⋯.png (400.98 KB,1200x932,300:233,ClipboardImage.png)


the numbers crunch

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683073 No.21110821


Follow the thread.

It's about if people who were victims of SRA, and were forced to kill another person, or be killed themselves, are guilty of murder.

My take is that they are not guilty of murder because they were forced to do it under duress of being killed if they didn't. So yes, I would agree that it is Self Defense. Maybe not self defense from the person that they killed, but if they didn't kill that person, their handler would have them killed. So kill or be killed.

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e00276 No.21110822


>I would not hire joe Biden to take my dogs out while on vacation.

>I would not hire anyone in government for that job as a matter of fact.

Kek. Even the hubris of our Congress amazes me. They really think they're beyond reproach, that they're above the average American for being "elected" (tm) and the shit they pull, while being our "voice" is above contestation, by us mere "citizens" (tm). Not surprising, though, considering every one of them has a "constituent" (tm) living in their district, who just happens to either 1) be a part of the AIPAC organization or 2) in some way arealignedwith the AIPAC organization.

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bd249c No.21110823

File: aa5f06b1085381c⋯.png (93.93 KB,300x199,300:199,CourtesyCall.png)


Some people are better off dead. Biblical.

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2e8eef No.21110824

File: 179f440c97c7167⋯.png (95.92 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Truly amazed. ty

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95915c No.21110825

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CPT Maureen Bannon Sounds The Alarm Of America's Enemies Potential Attack. She was in the military under Obama, and this situation with Bidan is very concerning and disgusting, he forgot about the 13 soldiers killed in Afghanistan.Wait times under Bidan at the VA has been tripled.



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f248a6 No.21110826


if he is or isn't based upon the narrative he uses depends on where the mother was before his birth.

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d4eb0e No.21110827


since USB 1.0

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4575d9 No.21110828

File: cf6e132e224e76d⋯.png (2.92 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)


The cake is a lie. Here are some trees.

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2e8eef No.21110829


I see it says "paste" in the box, but had no idea you have to paste it into the text box for it to deposit down there.

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c61dac No.21110830


Already thunked a long time ago.





Only happens right before each reset

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ba86f0 No.21110831


You have a choice now to go make this your mission.

You have a choice now to get off your ass and go collect evidence against these people to get a conviction.

But you are too afraid to put your life in danger

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647a51 No.21110833


So does God Allow it?

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bd249c No.21110834

File: 6e78c3a29f460ac⋯.png (1.48 MB,965x814,965:814,Loyalty.png)


Operator3 is an SRA survivor. God delivers.

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cb04ac No.21110835

Y2K was cover for the US corporations 3rd and final bankruptcy. which explains the lawlessness since Jan. 2nd, 2000.

stolen elections -hangin chads


patriot act

bush wars

obama presidency

FFs school shootings

fuckin queers runnin rampant

no border

biden presidency

a power void filled by communists

bill clinton wasnt lying when hr wrotethat he was the last American President

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2e8eef No.21110836


The human NPC as always.

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44d8ed No.21110837


4 3 2 2

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d4eb0e No.21110838


ask the younglings

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4b0a8c No.21110839


Really now?

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ba86f0 No.21110840


I am following the thread

You are an idiot

You make reasonable statements.

They just are not logical.

Was Jesus an SRA victim? I missed that part in the Bible. I

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a28b58 No.21110841

>>21110034 pb

>How so? You posted two definitions that cancel each other out.


if the statement "if p then q" is true

the contrapositive MUST also be true

"if p then q" IMPLIES "if not q then not p"


"IF something is worth doing, THEN it is not easy"

is the logical equivalent of

"IF something is easy, THEN it is not worth doing"

you should follow the korean robot's example

and KYS, shill bot/tard

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bd249c No.21110843


In the worst imaginable ways. They will pay.

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7a8ee7 No.21110844

File: b1bb9ad7c5fe8b4⋯.png (419.56 KB,960x540,16:9,IMG_1747.png)

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826509 No.21110845

Joe Can't Step Down

If he leaves, he loses his Protection

& Also, he's no longer a Political opponent

So if he loses his protection & is held accountable for all his crimes

MSM Fake news can't say Trump is Targeting his Political opponents

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ba86f0 No.21110846



You are a chicken at heart

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1a0130 No.21110847

File: 56aaac53f2aefec⋯.gif (2.84 MB,500x500,1:1,2319047732.gif)


No thanks needed. o7

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cb04ac No.21110848


the wreslters in ohio trusted gym also

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647a51 No.21110849


So, does God Allow it?>>21110831

>to get a conviction.

By who?

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2e8eef No.21110850


What is worse than in rebellion against God? Besides all the horrors that come with it?

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d4eb0e No.21110852


>So kill or be killed.

definitely coercion

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142d7a No.21110853


#25876 >>21110066

>>21110069, >>21110076, >>21110201, >>21110251, >>21110442, >>21110503 Planefag reports

>>21110525, >>21110627, >>21110693 PF cont

>>21110109 "The mask has come off. The whole shell game has been revealed"

>>21110134 WSJ on DEI

>>21110202 Scott Adams today.

>>21110208, >>21110228 1800 Election and Make Free Speech the Key Issue

>>21110243 Planetary parade on display in the night sky this weekend

>>21110250, >>21110739 Public Service Announcements

>>21110295 Nasa refutes claims about astronauts stranded in space

>>21110312 Dems and the media lied to America about Biden’s fitness

>>21110408, >>21110420 bidan's earpiece heard and recorded telling him what to say during debate

>>21110427 Biden 'could be convicted' – Trump

>>21110436 Military space trackers to keep public informed on Starlink satellite reentries

>>21110519 Two New Nations Join Program to Provide SATCOM Support to NATO

>>21110562 Space Delta 8 welcomes new SATCOM commander

>>21110632 &gt50 illegal immigrants with potential ties to ISIS were released into the U.S.

>>21110636 Trump in the lead of NJ

>>21110755 7th Fleet

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bd249c No.21110854


Do you think the practice of crucifixion was an abusive Satanic ritual?

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683073 No.21110855

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bd249c No.21110856

"Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering."

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a28b58 No.21110857


>What is worse than in rebellion against God?

God is NOT what you think

if you knew, you might be in rebellion as well

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4b0a8c No.21110859


Now please tell me how in the hell I’m supposed to collect evidence? You are a faggot shill

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7a8ee7 No.21110860



Is it working?

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c61dac No.21110861


Q map had half a million posting at any given time.

Can you imagine the throttling here?

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080574 No.21110862


Worse still

The survivors admit they don't know of any hidden trigger they might have been programed with.

And they admit they are programmed to kill

Not just for abuse

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0d94e9 No.21110863


> or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution


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1214b1 No.21110864

File: 989f683104497a4⋯.png (713.57 KB,1080x914,540:457,Gf_dddy.png)

File: b9640d579dffa7b⋯.png (735.26 KB,1080x1008,15:14,S_gf_zsh.png)

GenZ and the Millennials have all taken it in the shorts.

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71c566 No.21110865

File: 423aeca5130cd27⋯.png (208.48 KB,416x167,416:167,lizardghiz.PNG)

how many more years until normies know about the reptilian overlords?

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928f1f No.21110866



Angel Studios presents…

The Double

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ba86f0 No.21110867


I think you and I are gettting our signals crossed.

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ba86f0 No.21110868


Go contact the guy.

Get more detailed information from him

Get him to tell you who and where specifically did this to him.

Offer him protection to tell you.

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4b0a8c No.21110869


You are the most helpful person in the world. Kys

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7a8ee7 No.21110870


Back in the day they didn’t have TV, interwebs, or memes. Time was spent, by some, devising creative ways to end Life.

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9d5a7f No.21110872

File: b80555e40994b23⋯.jpg (930.39 KB,3024x4032,3:4,b80555e40994b23dd1c1e3257f….jpg)

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bd249c No.21110873


The only unforgivable sin is to knowingly deny God's Holy Spirit. Impossible to forgive because the perpetrator chooses not to repent. Knowingly and willingly chooses not to repent.

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1a0130 No.21110874

File: 6d658099ad30844⋯.jpg (5.93 KB,255x143,255:143,wut13.jpg)


Care to clarify? My post count is too high for any moar bantering.

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d4eb0e No.21110875


the Dogon had a solution, which was to put them in a hut with a pound of weed, and kick them awake to smoke moreif they were slacking. When they had smoked a pound of weed, they were given a new name and a new start.

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080574 No.21110876


Rebellion is as witchcraft

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a28b58 No.21110877


>Do you think the practice of crucifixion was an abusive Satanic ritual?

just business

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2e8eef No.21110878


So we've been deceived into rebelling against God, and that's a good thing…

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4b0a8c No.21110879


Are you God?

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ba86f0 No.21110880

File: 85039180bc7534d⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,3264x2448,4:3,image.jpg)

Beaking news CNN

DNC holding call with members this afternoon

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142d7a No.21110882

File: 46b742148a7303f⋯.webp (361.12 KB,1024x1792,4:7,humbleandkind.webp)

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cb04ac No.21110883


any humiliating and torcherous act that leads to death is most certainly satanic

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a28b58 No.21110884


>So we've been deceived into rebelling against God

no, you've been deceived into WORSHIPPING God

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826509 No.21110885


And just like that

no one is talking about the recent SCOTUS Decisions

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ba86f0 No.21110887


I thought the only unforgivable sin is to think that you can’t be forgiven

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bd249c No.21110888


God doesn't need anyone to speak for Him. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord. If you had read the Bible you would have recognized His word instead of questioning mine. This isn't a game.

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2e8eef No.21110889


Not in movies.

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c61dac No.21110890


How may I help better?

Ask a Q.

True answer promised.

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cdc0c8 No.21110892


it's gonna be some ridiculousness that slams the normie fingers in the overton window

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71c566 No.21110893

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

why yall doing the biblical narratives when you know about the annunaki?

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4575d9 No.21110894

File: e299f12174715b5⋯.png (1.99 MB,868x1227,868:1227,ClipboardImage.png)


The cake is real then.

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95915c No.21110895

File: 6ea2d2be014f0e2⋯.png (71.13 KB,809x432,809:432,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail doesn't allow copying the articles now, you have to submit your info first… I guess they don't want more readers,


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a28b58 No.21110896


that's BIG BROTHER logic

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