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File: f3a592589f3f40d⋯.jpg (7.39 KB,250x140,25:14,65d62ff6f6d3cfdf144d923047….jpg)

142d7a No.21110051 [View All]

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701 posts and 439 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ba86f0 No.21110840


I am following the thread

You are an idiot

You make reasonable statements.

They just are not logical.

Was Jesus an SRA victim? I missed that part in the Bible. I

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a28b58 No.21110841

>>21110034 pb

>How so? You posted two definitions that cancel each other out.


if the statement "if p then q" is true

the contrapositive MUST also be true

"if p then q" IMPLIES "if not q then not p"


"IF something is worth doing, THEN it is not easy"

is the logical equivalent of

"IF something is easy, THEN it is not worth doing"

you should follow the korean robot's example

and KYS, shill bot/tard

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bd249c No.21110843


In the worst imaginable ways. They will pay.

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7a8ee7 No.21110844

File: b1bb9ad7c5fe8b4⋯.png (419.56 KB,960x540,16:9,IMG_1747.png)

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826509 No.21110845

Joe Can't Step Down

If he leaves, he loses his Protection

& Also, he's no longer a Political opponent

So if he loses his protection & is held accountable for all his crimes

MSM Fake news can't say Trump is Targeting his Political opponents

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ba86f0 No.21110846



You are a chicken at heart

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1a0130 No.21110847

File: 56aaac53f2aefec⋯.gif (2.84 MB,500x500,1:1,2319047732.gif)


No thanks needed. o7

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cb04ac No.21110848


the wreslters in ohio trusted gym also

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647a51 No.21110849


So, does God Allow it?>>21110831

>to get a conviction.

By who?

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2e8eef No.21110850


What is worse than in rebellion against God? Besides all the horrors that come with it?

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d4eb0e No.21110852


>So kill or be killed.

definitely coercion

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142d7a No.21110853


#25876 >>21110066

>>21110069, >>21110076, >>21110201, >>21110251, >>21110442, >>21110503 Planefag reports

>>21110525, >>21110627, >>21110693 PF cont

>>21110109 "The mask has come off. The whole shell game has been revealed"

>>21110134 WSJ on DEI

>>21110202 Scott Adams today.

>>21110208, >>21110228 1800 Election and Make Free Speech the Key Issue

>>21110243 Planetary parade on display in the night sky this weekend

>>21110250, >>21110739 Public Service Announcements

>>21110295 Nasa refutes claims about astronauts stranded in space

>>21110312 Dems and the media lied to America about Biden’s fitness

>>21110408, >>21110420 bidan's earpiece heard and recorded telling him what to say during debate

>>21110427 Biden 'could be convicted' – Trump

>>21110436 Military space trackers to keep public informed on Starlink satellite reentries

>>21110519 Two New Nations Join Program to Provide SATCOM Support to NATO

>>21110562 Space Delta 8 welcomes new SATCOM commander

>>21110632 &gt50 illegal immigrants with potential ties to ISIS were released into the U.S.

>>21110636 Trump in the lead of NJ

>>21110755 7th Fleet

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bd249c No.21110854


Do you think the practice of crucifixion was an abusive Satanic ritual?

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683073 No.21110855

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bd249c No.21110856

"Knowing that, understand, by default, if certain intel is released it would cause a WW/mass suffering."

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a28b58 No.21110857


>What is worse than in rebellion against God?

God is NOT what you think

if you knew, you might be in rebellion as well

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4b0a8c No.21110859


Now please tell me how in the hell I’m supposed to collect evidence? You are a faggot shill

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7a8ee7 No.21110860



Is it working?

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c61dac No.21110861


Q map had half a million posting at any given time.

Can you imagine the throttling here?

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080574 No.21110862


Worse still

The survivors admit they don't know of any hidden trigger they might have been programed with.

And they admit they are programmed to kill

Not just for abuse

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0d94e9 No.21110863


> or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution


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1214b1 No.21110864

File: 989f683104497a4⋯.png (713.57 KB,1080x914,540:457,Gf_dddy.png)

File: b9640d579dffa7b⋯.png (735.26 KB,1080x1008,15:14,S_gf_zsh.png)

GenZ and the Millennials have all taken it in the shorts.

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71c566 No.21110865

File: 423aeca5130cd27⋯.png (208.48 KB,416x167,416:167,lizardghiz.PNG)

how many more years until normies know about the reptilian overlords?

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928f1f No.21110866



Angel Studios presents…

The Double

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ba86f0 No.21110867


I think you and I are gettting our signals crossed.

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ba86f0 No.21110868


Go contact the guy.

Get more detailed information from him

Get him to tell you who and where specifically did this to him.

Offer him protection to tell you.

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4b0a8c No.21110869


You are the most helpful person in the world. Kys

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7a8ee7 No.21110870


Back in the day they didn’t have TV, interwebs, or memes. Time was spent, by some, devising creative ways to end Life.

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9d5a7f No.21110872

File: b80555e40994b23⋯.jpg (930.39 KB,3024x4032,3:4,b80555e40994b23dd1c1e3257f….jpg)

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bd249c No.21110873


The only unforgivable sin is to knowingly deny God's Holy Spirit. Impossible to forgive because the perpetrator chooses not to repent. Knowingly and willingly chooses not to repent.

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1a0130 No.21110874

File: 6d658099ad30844⋯.jpg (5.93 KB,255x143,255:143,wut13.jpg)


Care to clarify? My post count is too high for any moar bantering.

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d4eb0e No.21110875


the Dogon had a solution, which was to put them in a hut with a pound of weed, and kick them awake to smoke moreif they were slacking. When they had smoked a pound of weed, they were given a new name and a new start.

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080574 No.21110876


Rebellion is as witchcraft

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a28b58 No.21110877


>Do you think the practice of crucifixion was an abusive Satanic ritual?

just business

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2e8eef No.21110878


So we've been deceived into rebelling against God, and that's a good thing…

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4b0a8c No.21110879


Are you God?

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ba86f0 No.21110880

File: 85039180bc7534d⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,3264x2448,4:3,image.jpg)

Beaking news CNN

DNC holding call with members this afternoon

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142d7a No.21110882

File: 46b742148a7303f⋯.webp (361.12 KB,1024x1792,4:7,humbleandkind.webp)

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cb04ac No.21110883


any humiliating and torcherous act that leads to death is most certainly satanic

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a28b58 No.21110884


>So we've been deceived into rebelling against God

no, you've been deceived into WORSHIPPING God

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826509 No.21110885


And just like that

no one is talking about the recent SCOTUS Decisions

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ba86f0 No.21110887


I thought the only unforgivable sin is to think that you can’t be forgiven

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bd249c No.21110888


God doesn't need anyone to speak for Him. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of the Lord. If you had read the Bible you would have recognized His word instead of questioning mine. This isn't a game.

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2e8eef No.21110889


Not in movies.

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c61dac No.21110890


How may I help better?

Ask a Q.

True answer promised.

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cdc0c8 No.21110892


it's gonna be some ridiculousness that slams the normie fingers in the overton window

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71c566 No.21110893

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

why yall doing the biblical narratives when you know about the annunaki?

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4575d9 No.21110894

File: e299f12174715b5⋯.png (1.99 MB,868x1227,868:1227,ClipboardImage.png)


The cake is real then.

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95915c No.21110895

File: 6ea2d2be014f0e2⋯.png (71.13 KB,809x432,809:432,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail doesn't allow copying the articles now, you have to submit your info first… I guess they don't want more readers,


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a28b58 No.21110896


that's BIG BROTHER logic

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