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d95a6b No.21093014 [Last50 Posts]

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d95a6b No.21093019

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#25855 >>21092061


>>21092105, >>21092388 @EmbassyCat

>>21092118 Tractor Supply gave $100,000 to an activist group that "worked around the clock" to stop deportations during the Trump presidency

>>21092121, >>21092131 Aaron Siri Asks Why Vaccine Manufacturers Receive Liability Protection If Their Products Truly Are 'Safe & Effective'

>>21092129 PF

>>21092130 @WarRoom Lindell: Racine Recall Of Robin Vos Scheduled For August 6th

>>21092140 The ILLEGAL accused of shooting two NYPD officer claims that the vicious Venezuelan gang 'Tren de Aragua' has been smuggling guns into NYC migrant shelters inside food delivery bags

>>21092145 Nadler: "If you look at the statistics, the crime rate among immigrants is far lower than the crime rate above native-born Americans. So the whole issue is wrong."

>>21092154 Former Navy captain tells Congress of decades-long U.S. intelligence failures on China

>>21092160, >>21092173 President Trump called in today to the Team Trump roundtable for Black American business leaders in Atlanta, Georgia

>>21092169, >>21092174 Bolivia's Presidential Palace has been stormed by soldiers in an apparent coup

>>21092177 North Korea to send troops in Ukraine in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces on the ground

>>21092178 Adam Kinzinger endorses Potato

>>21092196, >>21092331 🚨 #BREAKING: The US House has just passed amendment to DEFUND the office of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

>>21092203 County officials in Rio Grande, Colorado have terminated their contract with Dominion and all funding for their voting machines have been rescinded

>>21092218 US Admits Allies In Syria Using Child Soldiers

>>21092232 @AOC She tagged the wrong account 😂💀

>>21092244 James Clapper, Mr. October Surprise: How Obama's Intel Czar Rigged 2016 and 2020 Debates Against Trump


>>21092261 It has begun - 6/26 - 6 YEAR DELTA

>>21092271 @gatewaypundit Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why?

>>21092288 Nearly 300 coffee brands have been recalled due to Botulism contamination.

>>21092292 "Disgusting Discovery": Cali Beach Closures Prompt Questions Of Whether Mexico Is Dumping Sewage In U.S. Waters

>>21092347 @WarRoom Epshteyn: Historic Week Of Ruling's From Trump's SCOTUS

>>21092365, >>21092489 Mayorkas just now in press conference called the NBC News story on 400 people smuggled into the US through ISIS-affiliated group "inaccurate"

>>21092370 US Special Ops Group Warns Of Domestic Terror Threat Due To Biden's "Unsecured Southern Border"

>>21092381 HERE IT IS: Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden

>>21092386 Albany police officials declined to notify the public last month about abductions and rǎpe of a 15-year-old girl by a Turkish illegal alien

>>21092396 Almost a Year After Disastrous Fire, Residents of Lahaina in Hawaii Are Still Fighting for Chance to Rebuild (VIDEO)

>>21092397 NASA

>>21092403 We have full authority to access these tapes, and if Garland doesn’t comply by Friday, we will hold him in inherent contempt

Baker Change

>>21092800 CIA is withholding names of 51 intel officials who signed the 10/19/20 letter to discredit Hunter laptop

>>21093012 #25855

#25854 >>21091300

>>21091330, >>21091344, >>21091864, >>21091879, >>21091935 Mil Posts

>>21091335, >>21091517, >>21091832 'Top official' from Gascón's 'Ethics and Integrity' unit faces 11 felony charges

>>21091338, >>21091356 There Is Near Zero Historical Precedent For Biden DOJ Getting Steve Bannon Thrown In Jail

>>21091339 The EU Migration Pact has just passed the Dail vote ….by just 6 votes

>>21091340 Maduro: "The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom… Here, neither the gringos nor US Southern Command will ever govern again."

>>21091343 Moar Q on Assange

>>21091353 Should Australian politicians claim credit for the release of Julian Assange?

>>21091384, >>21091868 US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine

>>21091388 Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

>>21091405 @WarRoom “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”

>>21091418 Clinton wikileak emails - we have it all - nothing is ever deleted

>>21091435 Reporter Confronts Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo For Blaming Trump For Brutal Killing and Rape of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray By Illegals

>>21091436 Another monolith in Colorado

>>21091437, >>21091453 Trump Pulls Ahead in National Polls

>>21091438, >>21091444, >>21091474, >>21091540, >>21091562, >>21091589 BREAKING Coup Attempt in Bolivia (home to 24% of the world's lithium)

>>21091490 Former President Of Honduras, Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute More Than 400 Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

>>21091492 House Republicans vote to defund Mayorkas salary in Homeland Security funding bill

>>21091493 The Red Tails were a group of African American pilots who served in the USAAF during World War II. Tuskegee Airmen named after the Red Tail Hawk.

>>21091502 Only 675,000 LEGAL Immigrants Per Year Are Allowed By Law

>>21091541, >>21091545 UK Labour Party - Take a look at who they are and what they do

>>21091571 Where's Gina? SUBPOENA Haspel and her RUSSIA GATE records NOW

>>21091583 @AIPAC - 17 more AIPAC-backed Democrats won tonight! Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!

>>21091594, >>21091608, >>21091631, >>21091667, >>21091911, >>21091768, >>21091897, >>21091922 spelling errors IS / IT, THEY'RE / THEIR and TTUMP / TRUMP TT

>>21091922, >>21091594, >>21091689, >>21091768, >>21091897 FOUND THE 7 SECONDS Don jr post on Nikki Haley

>>21091638 Alito rails against White House accusing the Biden administration of leading a “campaign to coerce Facebook”

>>21091645, >>21091652 US profits from climate change loans to poor countries

>>21091669 Former CNN anchor John Avlon won the Democratic primary in a battleground Long Island district on Tuesday

>>21091673 PF

>>21091695 meme mastering resource - Free video screenshots, download, production tools - 8kun video limits (~16mb)

>>21091748, >>21091752 PROTO ON / PROTO OFF

>>21091769 How to watch the Presidential Debate without cable

>>21091795 Ex-Jill Biden Aide Criticizes 'Scripted' Protection of Joe Biden

>>21091849 ENDLESS ESCALATION: Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine

>>21091827, >>21091865, >>21091876 The Sheeple need to be shown

>>21091947 The FDA has issued a nationwide recall hitting over 140 canned coffee brands

>>21091855, >>21091991, >>21091999 Tucker is trending and I haven’t seen anyone on X connecting the dots to as why this is huge!

>>21091960 Is Tucker in Australia to interview Julian Assange?

>>21091981 Joe No! The FDA has issued a nationwide recall of over 13 ice cream brands

>>21092046 #25854

#25853 >>21090470

>>21090496, >>21090517, >>21090639, >>21090640, >>21090643, >>21090649, >>21090650, >>21090651, >>21090769, >>21090789, >>21091147 Swamp Happenings


>>21090508, >>21090794 @elonmusk - HAWK

>>21090516 The Fauci Gaslighting Tape That Won't Go Away

>>21090538 Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

>>21090565 Video - JA arrives in AUS

>>21090568, >>21090612, >>21090626, >>21090786, >>21090933, >>21090935, >>21090946, >>21091256 Mil Q Posts and Decode

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657, >>21090742, >>21090800 Bannon is interviewing Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts, Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden

>>21090611, >>21090714, >>21090723, >>21090734, >>21090741, >>21091100 Trump Campaign LIVE NOW hosts Black American Business Leaders at Atlanta Barbershop

>>21090645, >>21090812, >>21091089 il TRUMP TRUTHS and Decodes

>>21090664 Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

>>21090671 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>21090708 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

>>21090790 Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment

>>21090804 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden WON'T commit to taking a drug test before the debate

>>21090810, >>21091070, >>21091071 Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

>>21090815, >>21090873, >>21090910, >>21090949, >>21090983, >>21091180 PF

>>21090839 Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

>>21090844, >>21091061, >>21091168 @TuckerCarlson - Meet the Australian media.

>>21090852 US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia

>>21090856 @WarRoom Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “POS” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper

>>21090891, >>21090907 Julian Assange full 23 page plea deal - PDF

>>21090904 Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

>>21090911 Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accuses Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people

>>21090936, >>21091022 Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog and videos sold online

>>21090937 MIGRANT CRIME TRACKING WEBSITE - https://opsdesk.org/migrant-crime/

>>21090976 Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic

>>21090982 Republicans File Amicus Brief To Invalidate J6 Committee’s ‘Evidence’ Against Steve Bannon


>>21091019 Russian National Charged For Conspiring With Russian Military Intelligence To Destroy Ukrainian Government Computer Systems And Data

>>21091015, >>21091065 Video - The Actual Realities of Bidenomics

>>21091035 Paris Hilton testifies before Congress on Capitol Hill about childhood sexual abuse

>>21091099 Wisconsin recall election of RINO Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has been successfully triggered with more than enough signatures

>>21091103 Amazon Hits $2T in Valuation on AI Fervor, Rate Cut Bets [stop using amazon anons]

>>21091110 BlackRock has leveraged Oklahomans’ pension funds to advance a racial and climate agenda since 2022

>>21091161 Call To ARCHIVE - anon calls for video CAPTURE OF DEBATE. CNN is already trying to make it stay as invisible as possible.

>>21091173, >>21091186, >>21091233 A Military Coup appears to be underway in the South American Country of Bolivia

>>21091175 McNaughton Painting: “Trump Stampede”

>>21091178 Fmr. FDA Vaccines Deputy Dr. Philip Krause Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions about the vax

>>21091185 Newsome said to be Biden's 'surrogate' at debate tomorrow

>>21091222 Scotland is talking covid crimes

>>21091281 #25853

#25852 >>21089490

>>21089669, >>21089799, >>21089805, >>21089827, >>21089866, >>21089892, >>21090098, >>21090125, >>21090192, >>21090201, >>21090271 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity


>>21089585 @GenFlynn Dismantle it now

>>21089588, >>21089691 Eyez ON scotus blog

>>21089630, >>21090221, >>21090280, >>21090313 Oversight of the Biden Covid-19 Administrative State Response

>>21089636, >>21089646 Just before Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in their second presidential debate, then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper…

>>21089653, >>21089760, >>21089761, >>21089819, >>21089902, >>21090297 NASA

>>21089688, >>21089693, >>21089697, >>21089919, >>21089926, >>21090002 Swamp Talk

>>21089695, >>21089877, >>21090017, >>21090062, >>21090075, >>21090195 The Supreme Court on Wednesday tossed out claims that the Biden administration unlawfully pressured social media companies to removing certain content./NO STANDING

>>21089737, >>21089904 Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich's espionage trial in Russia begins

>>21089743 🇰🇵 🇷🇺 North Korea says it will send troops to Ukraine to fight alongside Russia.

>>21089797 Cancer prevention

>>21089807 @ChuckGrassley Biden’s open border crisis has allowed over 400 ppl affiliated w ISIS human smuggling network to come into our country

>>21089831 Reminder: next week Biden is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from the now non-existent Northeast reserve to further lower gas prices in hopes of boosting his sagging approval rating

>>21089846 #OTD in 1942, the Grumman F6F Hellcat flew for the first time.

>>21089895 @USNavy 📡 Tech turbulence? Not on their watch! Information System Technicians keep us cruising smoothly…

>>21089937 Interactive Brokers accepts $48 million loss tied to NYSE glitch

>>21089965, >>21089851, >>21089812 WE HAVE THE SOURCE

>>21090092 AFRL releases video footage of XQ-67A first flight

>>21090106 Bragg's diversity hiring blitz EXPOSED in misconduct complaint

>>21090114 @1st_Marine_Div Passing the torch🫂

>>21090124 SXSW will drop its US army sponsorship for 2025

>>21090139, >>21090149, >>21090170 Giant asteroid the size of 770 lions to pass Earth Thursday, June 27- Where are the fuggin giraffe conversions??

>>21090206 Republican congressional candidate plans to abolish taxes, agencies and ‘anything big’

>>21090211 Macron’s brand ‘toxic’ – Bloomberg

>>21090215 Bitcoin Donor Pays For Julian Assange's $520,000 Charter Jet

>>21090249 Massachusetts Sends Warning: Migrant Shelters 'Full'

>>21090260 US Air Force fires top missile program manager

>>21090272, >>21090277 POLL: President Trump is the strongest candidate to protect democracy

>>21090303 UK’s Cameron dashes Ukraine’s NATO summit hopes

>>21090327 Yen falls to 37-year low of 160 against U.S. dollar

>>21090330 Julian Assange's Attorney Jennifer Robinson Holds a Press Conference in Canberra: 'This is the Criminalization of Journalism'

>>21090336 Rep. Clyde Reintroduces Legislation After SCOTUS Ruling To Stop Federal Gov’t From Using Big Tech To Censor

>>21090369 Debate Bingo Card

>>21090396 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna says AG Merrick Garland will be arrested if the privileged motion on inherent contempt passes on the floor Friday, but only if he does not bring the Biden tapes to the House for investigation

>>21090398 Count Binface challenges U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for Parliament seat

>>21090406 🇷🇺 Russia officially declares NATO an "enemy alliance."

>>21090453 #25852

#25851 >>21088357

>>21088418, >>21089186 Squad loudmouth Jamaal Bowman has lost his primary mainly for his pro-Palestine views.

>>21088423 Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Breaks Down Israel And Ukraine Conflicts

>>21088686 Supreme Court Turns Away COVID-19 Vaccine Appeals

>>21088714 Why pay $1m when you can pay PwC $30m, and help yourself to someone’s IP?

>>21088725 ‘Never Trump’ Political Strategist Caught Attempting to Rape Underage Boy

>>21088780 Tennessee election officials asking more than 14,000 voters to prove citizenship

>>21088920 They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains Called "Organoids" To Run Computers

>>21088936 Dutch PM Mark Rutte confirmed as NATO Secretary General

>>21088999 the replacement? Hillary Clinton - I'm the only person to have debated both of this year's presidential candidates before.

>>21089023, >>21089029, >>21089138, >>21089178 The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has landed in his home country Australia a free man after his US legal battle comes to an end.

>>21089158 New PDJT with misspelling

>>21089190 Rep. Lauren Boebert Wins Packed Primary After Switching Districts

>>21089203 Congressional Report: CIA Interfered in 2020 Election

>>21089240 LIVE: Julian Assange's team holds press conference

>>21089264 KENYA'S President William Ruto yields to public pressure and anger, declines to sign the controversial Finance Bill. Returns to Parliament with a raft of amendments

>>21089404, >>21089417 Embassy Cat 4/11

>>21089432 Jack Smith’s Latest Trick – Attempts to Sway Court with New Photos Alleging Trump Stored Classified Documents in a “Haphazard Manner”

>>21089435 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21089586 #25851

Previously Collected

>>21086510 #25848, >>21087535 #25849, >>21088350 #25850

>>21083921 #25845, >>21084839 #25846, >>21085576 #25847

>>21080963 #25842, >>21081817 #25843, >>21083075 #25844

>>21078572 #25839, >>21079380 #25840, >>21080158 #25841

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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d95a6b No.21093024

File: c5cc4ade1e9d01d⋯.png (1.39 MB,1190x629,70:37,ClipboardImage.png)



Back up Baker Seeking Hand-off

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566d36 No.21093036

File: a6d00507513a7ee⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,854x480,427:240,bidenica.mp4)

File: 5af96209a209396⋯.png (199.65 KB,513x439,513:439,ClipboardImage.png)



“If you’re having trouble sleeping, ask your doctor about BIDENICA….”


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8d5998 No.21093041




musk hawk

they strike fast?

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3217c4 No.21093047

File: edc2fe4d81ded89⋯.mp4 (15.84 MB,480x270,16:9,creation.mp4)

>>21093024 TYB


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ed8681 No.21093057

>>21092288 (lb)

>Coffee recalls

Hehe never heard of any of this shit. Get wrecked, nerds.

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269581 No.21093062

File: 37b702f9cd016db⋯.jpg (79.93 KB,1000x675,40:27,pepe_dune.jpg)

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17a7b4 No.21093066

File: 399b2d3ce080fba⋯.png (938.83 KB,753x750,251:250,tyb.png)

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8d5998 No.21093067

File: 0e33e93b115ca92⋯.png (135.68 KB,439x669,439:669,ClipboardImage.png)

Method and apparatus for generating a secondary gravitational force field




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3217c4 No.21093070

File: ccc43f80c2a5a41⋯.mp4 (5.9 MB,540x360,3:2,y2mate_com_The_Book_of_the….mp4)


Find the Book of "Lock and Key" Anons

It is the Lock of all Locks

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20082e No.21093073

File: ddeb6deb162d11e⋯.jpg (145.42 KB,1285x917,1285:917,ddeb6deb162d11e54e3611e5a7….jpg)


Thank you Baker!!!

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ed8681 No.21093074


Family must learn

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d427b9 No.21093075

File: b7f6a6f347489d1⋯.png (3.39 MB,1920x1280,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

debate night

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aa2eeb No.21093076

File: 5bd1fa642d44e92⋯.png (1.29 MB,641x900,641:900,ClipboardImage.png)

File: baa8202bc32851b⋯.png (2.37 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c17e0e03f83545f⋯.png (456.38 KB,601x499,601:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74afa5e9998a88b⋯.gif (41.09 KB,380x217,380:217,dancing_trump_and_pepe.gif)

File: 3baee088973f14d⋯.gif (3.06 MB,600x251,600:251,a_nightshift_new_version.gif)

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6136d4 No.21093077

File: df3ec632ed077ab⋯.jpeg (155.52 KB,485x604,485:604,414A8812_6892_4229_9B84_5….jpeg)

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8db409 No.21093078

File: 3b0c748e500a58e⋯.jpg (111.82 KB,715x525,143:105,SUMMER_COMFY.jpg)

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f5e5e9 No.21093079

File: be99650150ef7b7⋯.jpg (508.94 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Habbening_Pepe_Q_Alt.jpg)


Thank You Bakers

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1a8c7d No.21093080

File: 1115598e84e88a1⋯.png (795.06 KB,682x960,341:480,ClipboardImage.png)


Wall Street Silver

21 degrees Celsius = 70 Fahrenheit


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7a4336 No.21093081

I just can’t get myself to vote for income taxes and interest. Just not happening

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cbe397 No.21093082



test post

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269581 No.21093083


>Find the Book of "Lock and Key" Anons

Enter the filter for "Fake and Gay," faggot.

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8dbb81 No.21093084

File: 65297fd47f1bcc7⋯.jpeg (67.05 KB,544x308,136:77,IMG_2361.jpeg)

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f1c261 No.21093085


Police state. Minnesota.

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95c0ec No.21093086

File: cf89487d8cc4308⋯.jpg (37.84 KB,720x576,5:4,0da2125d59e14aeb8fffaa0e68….jpg)



How deep is the rabbit hole?

Jewliar ASSange?


gud or bad?

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867f29 No.21093087

File: 90bbef5e34f9cec⋯.jpg (95.5 KB,720x759,240:253,20240626_203233.jpg)

File: 486a446a2444797⋯.mp4 (440.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,RNC_Research_20240626_2_ne….mp4)

L-G-B-what now?


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the tree… what an idiot

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e1786e No.21093088

File: a6d00507513a7ee⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,854x480,427:240,If_you_re_having_trouble_s….mp4)

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aa2eeb No.21093089

File: bde6971cd71b084⋯.png (59.48 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6136d4 No.21093090

File: 116124622347431⋯.gif (828.6 KB,500x367,500:367,9A2E2A3E_8D05_42F9_A996_92….gif)


Yeah that worked


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5c7d7b No.21093091

File: 8419984a2cee34b⋯.gif (5.28 MB,608x1080,76:135,CRSBO31.gif)


>It Has Begun



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e95b75 No.21093092

File: ede64fddd1f0db9⋯.png (2.6 MB,1290x1854,215:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fbfe4b40ef59ea⋯.png (275.08 KB,485x533,485:533,Screenshot_254_.png)


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fee5d2 No.21093093


this is what happens when you have too many flavor of gay

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d427b9 No.21093094

File: eed2533b96a9d8e⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,640x360,16:9,feels_like_a_parody.mp4)

cue cards

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9740ce No.21093095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Trump on Obama: 'It's not a birth certificate'


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c2a468 No.21093096


Get Obama blood tested immediately. 123 and me that man as soon as possible.

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c2a468 No.21093097

Hawk Tuah? Which one of you faggots said that?

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fee5d2 No.21093098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d427b9 No.21093099

Q cards

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03b30e No.21093100

File: ed65f93e641fba9⋯.png (564.28 KB,750x1334,375:667,5A5BD020_2A4C_4246_8D88_62….png)


>It has begun

PopcornShift Activated

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20082e No.21093101

File: 1841eda6035e896⋯.png (72.99 KB,250x333,250:333,7492.png)


Or facial expressions. They speak volumes.

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d95a6b No.21093102

File: ad09d224673eda5⋯.png (131.67 KB,255x241,255:241,ClipboardImage.png)


Ghost Protocol In Effect

As you were Gentlemen

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69f976 No.21093103

File: 274a4a309a562b4⋯.png (598.71 KB,679x491,679:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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9740ce No.21093104

File: b1e5cb367879826⋯.png (338.48 KB,1552x1522,776:761,OBAMA_is_EVIL_satanic_anag….png)

File: c10eb9583e4b509⋯.png (220.97 KB,1038x1360,519:680,OBAMA_S_SATANIC_ANAGRAM_FU….png)

File: 6ff642818b858da⋯.png (786.02 KB,1280x702,640:351,anagram_obama_satan.png)

File: 76912fdd9e30d0f⋯.png (661.19 KB,848x474,424:237,Your_anagrams_are_showing_….png)

Donald Trump on Obama: 'It's not a birth certificate'




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fde428 No.21093105

File: b932c0e41258728⋯.jpg (9.74 KB,198x255,66:85,b932c0e412587284d376093be2….jpg)

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867f29 No.21093106

File: a83d5d0e24fc4fd⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,882x476,63:34,LIZ_CROKIN_20240626_3_new.mp4)


In 2012, Lady Gaga dressed up like a witch and visited Julian Assange to allegedly support and interview him.

She spent five hours asking him questions, at times coming off condescending, and appeared to be in a drug and/or mind control induced haze. She most likely was used as a Deep State asset, like a good little MKULTRA slave, to run an op and cast spells on him. Her witch costume was not an accident, she’s mocking him.

“You may be an enemy of the state but you are not an enemy of humanity," Gaga told him at the time. However, her advocacy for him though seemed to begin and end there.

Whatever kind of honeytrap she was attempting to run on Assange, he certainly got the last laugh.

In 2016, Wikileaks released the Podesta E-malls exposing Gaga’s pal Marina Abramovic and her Satanic spirit cooking dinners. Then in 2017 the documentary film Risk came out featuring footage provided by Wikileaks of Gaga dressed up as a witch interviewing Assange.

We put Gaga and her involvement with cannibal-themed Satanic spirit cooking ritual dinners on blast in Out of Shadows and since then, hundreds of millions of people around the world now know what a little monster the pop star really is.👇🏻

The truth and God shall not be mocked.





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24ee68 No.21093107

File: 23bcecefd103af2⋯.jpg (196.97 KB,640x757,640:757,manytalkofrobinhood.jpg)

>>21092271 lb

Maybe that's why and how Hochel won by the exact same number in each county

Actually there were two exact numbers she always "won" by.

Zelkin Won. Just sayn'

They brag (BRAGG) but never out-do Nature except in the LYE (LIE).

"smart and one half"

(Remember "AJ" bragging that he played golf with "Q"?)

Why are people so coward to state the obvious?

"AJ's" a fraud.

Elections are stolen.

Politicians are un-elected until machine screw-ups and cheating algos _ are corrected.

at the very least

>>21092800 pb

but we already have the names, right.

It's open source and published already.

C1A closed the barn door after the horse ran away?

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8db409 No.21093108

File: fc299bbd97b6d92⋯.jpg (119.86 KB,607x469,607:469,JACKED_UP.jpg)

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867f29 No.21093109

File: 470537f76ceb431⋯.png (1.69 MB,1987x593,1987:593,1719408657700.png)

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1f6d0a No.21093110


They faked his birth cert. when they didn't need to. His mom was a US citizen at the time of his birth so it doesn't matter WHERE he was born.

But that would ruin their narrative of saying that anchor babies are US citizens.

They want their cake and eat it too.

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95c0ec No.21093111

File: bb8f8dfbe685b97⋯.png (383.85 KB,551x564,551:564,ClipboardImage.png)

Max Blumenthal



From The Grayzone vaults in 2019:

Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs

Jun 26, 2024 · 9:22 PM UTC


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f53366 No.21093112

File: 71fae0be13ac658⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,1024x1024,1:1,flying_away_and_dropping_b….mp4)


Luna dream machine took like 4 hours to render this, I wanted it to fly away dropping bombs but this is what happened.

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0cf073 No.21093113

File: 088788315be92a1⋯.png (923.48 KB,828x465,276:155,ClipboardImage.png)

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8db409 No.21093114

File: b9b8c3a0f6475e5⋯.jpg (88.53 KB,516x565,516:565,REAL_SURREAL.jpg)

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c0b4ef No.21093115

File: 460ea7d3683cbbd⋯.png (238.13 KB,464x1504,29:94,ClipboardImage.png)

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85120c No.21093116

File: 6ddd0222aaaa125⋯.jpeg (59.16 KB,597x418,597:418,IMG_3055.jpeg)

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24ee68 No.21093117

File: a9a79abc9c2d8c2⋯.png (363.11 KB,441x800,441:800,dogfaceponysoilder7.png)

shill never fail to show you how sick they are;

That's why they are called "Glowing" or "Glowfags"



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6136d4 No.21093118

File: aae4d709b7fe198⋯.jpeg (454.58 KB,1146x608,573:304,D7CAF1B3_0720_4855_9812_4….jpeg)

Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudaback to Warsaw from Shanghai Intl depart

He’s still touting the gloBULList “freedom and democracy” line on muh Ukraine but the second story is a small and subtle shift away even if it only lasts one year.

Polish president in Shanghai urges quick end to Ukraine war


China introduces visa-free travel for Poles


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5c7d7b No.21093119



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1a8c7d No.21093120

File: 227e8f8c9ef2d16⋯.png (82.32 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

Wall Street Silver

Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.


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0ef350 No.21093121

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Owl News Archives - 06/25/2024



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aa2eeb No.21093122

File: 71ee4698712bbee⋯.png (47.77 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44e22663606c105⋯.png (845.73 KB,781x572,71:52,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbd6a541429f312⋯.png (272.9 KB,661x834,661:834,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b02c0 No.21093123


In the 1970s, Henry W. Wallace filed a number of patents claiming that the rotation of

masses with a net nuclear spin leads to the generation of a gravity-like force field that effects other rotating masses as well as heat conductivity. Based on his patent drawings we designed an experimental apparatus as close as possible to his original design including features to mount precision laser sensors to record speed and orientation of the rotating masses. It consists of a generator and a detector assembly with rotating masses as well as a massive top and bottom part of the same spin-polarizable material in order to provide an effective pathway for the claimed field. We chose brass with about 60% of Copper that is spin-polarizable. The assembly weights around 150 kg. Both assemblies can be rotated using compressed air up to 28,000 RPM as in the Wallace patents. Wallace claimed that the oscillation period of the rotating detector mass, oscillating around a knife-edge support along its middle-axis, varies with the orientation of the generator assembly. This could be explained by either magnetic or indeed anomalously large frame-dragging fields. Therefore, in addition to the detector assembly, we implemented magnetic field sensors, accelerometers as well as a high-performance laser-gyroscope in order to investigate possible magnetic influence and direct gravitational and frame-dragging signals. Here we report on the construction as well the

results of our measurement campaign with, up to our knowledge, the first replication of the

Wallace dynamic force field generator. We did find an anomaly in the oscillation of the

detector gyroscope similar to the claim of Wallace, but we could totally trace it back to a vibration artefact, goy.


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f53366 No.21093124


That is the one I used, I thought it would be cool to see him flying dropping bombs put of the hat, but AI added all kinds of stripes and colors. Maybe Proto will be able to make this type of thing better

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6136d4 No.21093126

File: c77566b489bbeef⋯.jpeg (481.98 KB,706x894,353:447,EFD22D41_059A_44D5_B6B0_D….jpeg)

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b1cfb4 No.21093127

File: cb5ec4a0b291e80⋯.png (491.43 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9f003c93a8cef10⋯.png (528.68 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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24ee68 No.21093130

File: 3d0951ea9cee60f⋯.jpeg (164.74 KB,818x894,409:447,annstanleyandeva.jpeg)


Can you prove she was a U.S. Citizen or is that just hearsay?

They tell us a lot of things, which are untrue.

Doubt the parents they claim for her were her real parents.

That's why when Barry was abroad some hosts tried to sneak a capture of his DNA.

The C1a creates back-stories for the people who work for them; They create ID's / bios, which may or may not be true.

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8db409 No.21093131

File: 9cb938c8e9f7cc7⋯.jpg (64.02 KB,434x304,217:152,SUPERPOWER.jpg)

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f53366 No.21093132

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Liz Churchill


Lol. CNN retrofits their microphones on the Debate Stage for Joe the Dementia Patient which provides a ‘green light’ for when his microphone is on.

Are you going to supply the Adderall, Coke and Small Children for Biden as well




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6136d4 No.21093133

File: 0d682c8270a9dd9⋯.jpeg (286.47 KB,775x552,775:552,29689042_8F2A_429F_ACD4_0….jpeg)

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0cf073 No.21093134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jake Paul wants 'truth' and 'authenticity' deciding between Trump, Biden: 'Can't fool us'


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a431c0 No.21093135

File: d5c9cac9367c670⋯.jpeg (39.86 KB,320x180,16:9,IMG_6057.jpeg)


> Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.

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95c0ec No.21093136

File: 8a1ef61e55ad4ef⋯.jpg (55.92 KB,770x462,5:3,julian.jpg)




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6136d4 No.21093138

File: 8077e098ef95f90⋯.jpeg (399.99 KB,767x588,767:588,8B15E186_D5A6_4B0F_B048_7….jpeg)

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62f640 No.21093139


He forgot the last two words- For Money.

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c0b4ef No.21093140

File: 401931356832588⋯.png (72.95 KB,464x367,464:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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f53366 No.21093141


Thank you for letting me know, and letting everyone else know you're a FilterFag.

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c0b4ef No.21093142

File: 4787df7fc39e4f6⋯.png (450.07 KB,464x1553,464:1553,ClipboardImage.png)

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8db409 No.21093143

File: 915604b96e84029⋯.jpg (96.79 KB,757x366,757:366,VOTE_QUIVER.jpg)

File: 34b929e3e69a51e⋯.jpg (78.52 KB,583x328,583:328,ON_POINT.jpg)

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a431c0 No.21093144

File: 74e9a64c4e102a4⋯.jpeg (36.85 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5172.jpeg)

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b1cfb4 No.21093145

File: 2defcd32cbde143⋯.png (442.2 KB,500x469,500:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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5294b1 No.21093146

File: 74b9c25860430c2⋯.jpg (655.8 KB,1324x1773,1324:1773,DemHypeReality.jpg)

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b21849 No.21093147

>>21093007 lb

>Thomas Rousseau

And yet, the theory persists. After the march in Boston, former Fox News producer Kyle Becker joked, "The Feds are putting on off-Broadway musicals now. Coming to a town near you: 'The Patriot Front!'" Daily Wire host Michael Knowles shared the tweet, adding, "It's literally called a 'front.' A little on the nose, Quantico!"

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b1cfb4 No.21093148

File: 09a25d718967ae1⋯.png (143.04 KB,320x220,16:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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24ee68 No.21093149

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But I thought it was a swimming pool in Russia

They probably need to ditch it now because of the news of the astronaut having water inside his mask

2nd time that happened?


"Bogus ReEntry Vehicles"

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aa2eeb No.21093150

File: 0ecdc15e0855360⋯.png (607.69 KB,500x592,125:148,ClipboardImage.png)

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53b81d No.21093151

File: d58a527d0ef5f27⋯.png (69.12 KB,1300x1353,1300:1353,ClipboardImage.png)


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f53366 No.21093152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Meet the founder who looks like the meme

Thomas Rousseau, leader of the Patriot Front, a white nationalist group born from the aftermath of the 2017 "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, has been a central figure in promoting white supremacist and nationalist ideologies. Shadowed by the FBI since he was 17, Rousseau's contentious role has sparked theories on the right that he might be working for the very agency tracking him.


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8db409 No.21093153

File: 76030fb2e2aa7ff⋯.jpg (77.75 KB,618x431,618:431,LIGHT_EM_UP.jpg)

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633d69 No.21093154

File: c2383a48e0030c9⋯.png (40.93 KB,588x417,196:139,ClipboardImage.png)

Tomorrow deltas

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28a46c No.21093155

Trouble sleeping Board Team? We can help. God answers prayers.

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aa2eeb No.21093156

File: 8eabf94908622f2⋯.png (567.04 KB,667x419,667:419,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a56da No.21093157


eyes on.

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49f6ad No.21093158

File: 0b9658d12adfaec⋯.png (75.09 KB,985x548,985:548,ClipboardImage.png)

Imagine being this puppet having to write this crap for your masters

Weak as piss

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b21849 No.21093159


reminds anon of that David Hogg with family that was media and fbi or whatever that was

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6136d4 No.21093160

File: 1d7a65c0dbe3c19⋯.jpeg (491.66 KB,1201x606,1201:606,1A27C645_46C6_4D78_A959_7….jpeg)

File: 38485e40a2c3ed6⋯.jpeg (491.8 KB,699x816,233:272,5264F1F4_62E9_4DCD_8528_B….jpeg)

>>21092129 lb

Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Financedeparted Los Angeles Intl after arriving from a Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Jeddah depart earlier today

Awfully long way to go for such a short stay of 1h 35m

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6904ff No.21093161

File: 82688156cf60533⋯.png (170.44 KB,300x300,1:1,D0B1E4F6_B22E_4D81_8EA8_96….png)

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6904ff No.21093163

File: 3b6cec563103e21⋯.jpeg (549.88 KB,886x1140,443:570,IMG_3190.jpeg)

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566d36 No.21093164

File: 5b87e0fd0855272⋯.png (175.24 KB,332x251,332:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc06b5 No.21093165

File: 53b5c424e789135⋯.jpg (74.26 KB,522x727,522:727,53b5c424e789135dc781d43767….jpg)


and his mom works for cnn

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6904ff No.21093166

File: 12c0c5c1649d9a0⋯.jpeg (367.12 KB,1185x1201,1185:1201,IMG_3186.jpeg)

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95c0ec No.21093167

File: 8f3fdb2f2596b64⋯.png (19.65 KB,628x161,628:161,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b5bac4e2f44d1d⋯.jpg (130.84 KB,1619x1322,1619:1322,media_EpzY82mVgAIggNo.jpg)

Patrick Webb



BREAKING: The FBI is actively arresting more J6 participants today, according to reports.

Jun 26, 2024 · 8:36 PM UTC


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f53366 No.21093168

File: cb1ae1b5ab2f703⋯.jpg (66.65 KB,733x499,733:499,8v4w29.jpg)

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166b5f No.21093169

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Roasting a Boeing Engineer | Andrew Schulz | Stand Up Comedy


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53b81d No.21093170

File: 8bc9c4a90d630ba⋯.png (49.54 KB,735x1025,147:205,ClipboardImage.png)


I am damn it. The fuck'd i put that spray bottle

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aa2eeb No.21093171

File: a01eff4f674b467⋯.png (629.79 KB,680x425,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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f53366 No.21093172

File: 1d8266074b73f5e⋯.jpg (86.02 KB,598x820,299:410,GRCklgUWgAA2MlZ.jpg)

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12cc40 No.21093173

File: 0979fcd6a878dd9⋯.png (928.49 KB,954x1987,954:1987,hivemindsp.png)

Pls give me a shitposter tag. I've earned it.

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c0b4ef No.21093174

File: a2aa2b910867782⋯.png (133.83 KB,375x1133,375:1133,ClipboardImage.png)

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8db409 No.21093175

File: a8af0d2f828cd61⋯.jpg (164.54 KB,651x641,651:641,SHINE_ON.jpg)

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24ee68 No.21093176

File: 6c4f1d1e4c1d44c⋯.jpg (113.17 KB,960x960,1:1,actors.jpg)

File: 8dcf40e56efceb7⋯.jpg (19.64 KB,320x194,160:97,Adam_Lanza_Social_Securit_….jpg)

File: ea3132823226531⋯.gif (2.25 MB,400x224,25:14,Anderson_Cooper_Gets_Mad_A….gif)

File: e5a847fdc4594ae⋯.jpg (40.35 KB,960x540,16:9,brotherjustbeheadedontv.jpg)

File: db92006b650c4ed⋯.jpg (465.4 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clinton_Crisis_Actor.jpg)


crisis actors; swarms.

would you call a Hillary Clinton double a "crisis actor"?


If they showed up at an FF?

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633d69 No.21093177

File: b2feca8f82fb4f1⋯.png (50.01 KB,596x469,596:469,ClipboardImage.png)


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c0b4ef No.21093179

Testing 1

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b21849 No.21093180


The chat logs showed the group struggled to expand membership, often reprimanding members for not meeting fitness and participation requirements, according to The Guardian. In a conversation with Patriot Front "lieutenants" on December 14, 2021, Rousseau wrote, "We are absolutely desperate for new people. We've been in the 220's to 230's membership rut for nearly a full year."


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49f6ad No.21093181

File: cb32fe5e4d3f146⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Dutch volleyball player who raped 12yo girl to compete at Olympics

A beach volleyball player convicted of raping a 12-year-old girl is set to represent his country the Paris Olympics.

A beach volleyball player who has been convicted of raping a young girl is set to represent the Netherlands at the Paris Olympics.

Steven van de Velde, who admitted to three counts of rape of a 12-year-old British girl, is set to compete with his volleyball partner Matthew Immers as one of two men’s Dutch beach volleyball teams next month.

Van de Velde travelled from Amsterdam to the UK and raped the schoolgirl in 2014, after the pair met over Facebook. Van de Velde was aware of the child’s age at the time, a court later heard.

The volleyball player was sentenced to four years in prison in March 2016 after admitting three counts of rape.

He was released after serving just one year of his sentence.


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95c0ec No.21093182

File: c5b161210ad1294⋯.png (340.16 KB,614x542,307:271,ClipboardImage.png)

Hillary Clinton



The right-wing Supreme Court majority is out of control.

As citizens, we can and must vote for elected officials who recognize that fact. teenvogue.com/story/samuel-a…

Samuel Alito Is the Face of Our Out-of-Control Supreme Court

In a recent secret recording, he called “to return our country to a place of godliness.”


Jun 26, 2024 · 9:04 PM UTC


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633d69 No.21093183

File: 8ab6946149b6946⋯.png (716.83 KB,1174x623,1174:623,ClipboardImage.png)


fist pumps

for us?

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b21849 No.21093184


or a chubby looking Julian Assange or a multiple plastic surgeried Joe Biden? big crisis if their democracy goes full tilt into the shitter

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8db409 No.21093185

File: 47f9f63178559cf⋯.jpg (54.57 KB,464x505,464:505,STOLLEN_FIST_BUMP.jpg)

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633d69 No.21093186


Thanks PIG

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b1cfb4 No.21093187

File: c039ce2062c26f2⋯.png (574.6 KB,700x702,350:351,ClipboardImage.png)


It would help their credibility if they had the correct name for SOA in 2019.


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566d36 No.21093188

File: 61a802d0af28abf⋯.png (237.9 KB,518x430,259:215,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82e284cf3af300c⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB,720x480,3:2,Auto_Manuf.mp4)

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



Jun 26, 2024, 11:16 PM


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49f6ad No.21093189

File: b17b60b3d7ad4d0⋯.png (56.39 KB,636x592,159:148,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e29b673ff476372⋯.png (51.4 KB,637x510,637:510,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79c9786de194d43⋯.png (40.01 KB,638x386,319:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c18651d6b44935⋯.png (59.27 KB,615x598,615:598,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e1960661101cf7⋯.png (66.02 KB,623x598,623:598,ClipboardImage.png)

From antisemitism to Israel: The Jewish topics to watch for in the Biden-Trump debate

Trump will likely attack moderators and challenge Biden’s handling of Gaza war, while both candidates will face questions on antisemitism amid its spike on far left and far right

When Donald Trump and Joe Biden met for their first debate back in September 2020, the most explosive moment was notable to many Jewish viewers: Trump stopped short of condemning white supremacists and told the Proud Boys, a far-right group, to “stand back and stand by.”

This Thursday, as Trump and Biden meet in Atlanta during their second race, for what will be their third debate in total, viewers are likely to see more moments of Jewish significance — from disagreements over the Israel-Hamas war to a discussion of antisemitism. The Jewish identity of both of the moderators, CNN’s Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, might also be a factor.

In addition, expect segments on several issues that, polls show, are usually on Jews’ minds at the voting booth, such as abortion, climate change and the future of US democracy. Immigration, a topic of historical Jewish concern, will almost certainly be a focus.

Here’s a look at what to expect when the two candidates meet onstage on Thursday.

Trump will likely attack the moderators as well as Biden

Both CNN moderators, Bash and Tapper, are Jewish — and have woven their Jewish experiences into their news analysis. That’s been especially true for Tapper when he’s reported on the authoritarian tendencies of Trump and his defenders.

Most recently, Tapper has likened Trump’s rhetoric to Adolf Hitler’s. Tapper has said that the former president’s claims that migrants to the United States are “poisoning the blood” of Americans echo passages in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.”

That has put Trump into fighting mode: His nickname for the CNN anchor is “Fake Tapper.” So expect him to lash out. Whether either anchor’s Judaism comes up alongside references to the Hitler comparisons, however, is more of an open question.



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b21849 No.21093191

File: 44d414977a486c1⋯.gif (4.76 MB,480x480,1:1,44d414977a486c1d80efec2e9e….gif)

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95c0ec No.21093192

File: 33fc8009773f9e9⋯.png (75 KB,619x336,619:336,ClipboardImage.png)

J.K. Rowling



Until this moment, the humorous possibilities of Grok hadn't occurred to me. I have no idea how I could have been so short-sighted. Let the games begin…

Jun 26, 2024 · 10:42 PM UTC




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24ee68 No.21093193

File: 9d20d90d6a82600⋯.jpg (93.71 KB,643x960,643:960,crisisactordoubles.jpg)

File: 2486b717e70fe7b⋯.jpg (32.15 KB,353x395,353:395,crisisactors911recycled.jpg)

File: f46ba3195aa50b1⋯.jpg (237.98 KB,1000x1000,1:1,crisisactors_2_.jpg)

File: 7ec0c07e60868e9⋯.jpg (55.63 KB,865x400,173:80,davidwheeler.jpg)

File: 5860184d84242a6⋯.jpg (157.27 KB,500x486,250:243,JIPvaYP.jpg)




lotta crisis actors at J6.

Fbi is used to staging crimes, framing people to wrongly lock the up (the governor kidnapping sting that back-fired, the bombing of the South Tower basement that backfired) or just for Propaganda? Or for both?

Is that why they took props and staged a photo of deliberately mis-handled docs for their PR on the raid of Mar-a-Lago?

Are thy fags who should not have gotten into police work but should've stayed with Broadway musicals?

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90e192 No.21093194

File: d6a1e34b5773616⋯.png (93.43 KB,458x384,229:192,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0c59aa0b33fc7d⋯.png (248.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



what a joke!

God Almighty threw lucifer out of heaven with such force… he hit earth. knocking earth off it's axis by 21 degrees. this massive impact split the continents to there current formations. it also resulted in the ice age and it also caused the moon to cleave from the earth and become earth's satelite!

the above is moar plausible and realistic then your drivel

go back to your den and crawl in.

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d79d5d No.21093195

File: c7616828c722a5b⋯.png (124.93 KB,771x324,257:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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15e62a No.21093196

File: 930d17312b4b2e8⋯.png (90.53 KB,461x645,461:645,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae1a873e4148479⋯.png (54.28 KB,682x508,341:254,ClipboardImage.png)




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58836a No.21093197

File: aaea450a6c21030⋯.png (200.73 KB,450x473,450:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a56da No.21093198

File: 611d390d327492f⋯.png (249.55 KB,585x625,117:125,8KunJimus.png)


Been nice knowing ya, Ron.

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bbf146 No.21093199

Decided I would start posting some natural health remedies for other anons. I am only going to post ones that have tried myself.

I worked for a dentist at one time, old school. My teeth were sensitive. I asked about the ‘new’ at the time toothpaste for that. He smiled and said something like don’t waste your money, use warm water to brush your teeth, not hot, not cold, warm. That will desensitize them over a week or so. It worked.

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b75ba9 No.21093200


Jews still whining, news at 11.

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8db409 No.21093201

File: 90405f58c20ddf2⋯.jpg (120.1 KB,693x401,693:401,JACKED_UP_4_30_MIN.jpg)

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5c7d7b No.21093202

File: 69378553c7c8107⋯.gif (5.57 MB,444x250,222:125,planefaggin_.gif)

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58836a No.21093203


Hunter dosage?

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d79d5d No.21093204


Good one HAHAHA

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6136d4 No.21093205

File: b290cd53671a23a⋯.gif (1.29 MB,480x270,16:9,A7C206B7_3A9F_4517_A2FB_1A….gif)

File: fa2dfdf1fda74e8⋯.jpeg (250.48 KB,828x1193,828:1193,F7E61AF5_F279_4DB9_AE87_8….jpeg)

Japan issues fresh warnings against sharp yen falls

* Finance minister says concerned over weak yen impact on economy

* Chief cabinet secretary says Tokyo to take 'appropriate' action

* Weak yen puts pressure on BOJ ahead of July policy meeting

(They BoJ have no choice here and are fighting a losing battle..even if they raise rates at end of next month it would only be 10 basis points and that is nothing-they own all markets there and are trapped in ZIRP land…just watch US Treasury Yields for the hint of when they finally decide to go in and buy muh Yen and it will look like yellow in cap #2 either way it is done-they May have an agreement with NY Fed to do it with straight cash and not sell USTs imo it’s likely they have that and will not sell US Debt to fund this until after elections…can’t have a spike like last October just in front of Election Day)

Japanese authorities will take necessary actions on currencies, Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki said on Thursday, signalling readiness to intervene in the exchange-rate market after the yen's slide to a fresh 38-year low against the dollar. “It's desirable for exchange rates to move stably. Rapid, one-sided moves are undesirable. In particular, we're deeply concerned about the effect on the economy," Suzuki told reporters. We are watching moves with a high sense of urgency, analysing the factors behind the moves, and will take necessary actions," he said.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi also told a news conference on Thursday that Tokyo will take "appropriate" action against excessive currency moves. He declined to comment on yen levels and whether authorities would intervene.

The yen stood at 160.45 per dollar in Asia on Thursday, remaining a fraction away from the 38-year low of 160.88 hit overnight on Wednesday. Japanese authorities are facing renewed pressure to combat sharp declines in the yen,which has fallen 12% so far this year against the dollaras traders focus on the wide interest rate divergence between Japan and the United States.

The yen's fast-pitch decline below the key 160-to-the-dollar level is heightening market alarm over the chance of imminent yen-buying intervention. “At this point, authorities are probably starting to worry not just about the speed but the level," Masafumi Yamamoto, chief currency strategist at Mizuho Securities, said in a research note. "Unless they intervene, there's a risk the yen will slide toward 162."

But analysts doubt whether jawboning, and even intervention, can reverse the weak-yen tide that is driven mostly by uncertainty over how soon the U.S. Federal Reserve will start cutting interest rates. The Bank of Japan has dropped signals of an imminent interest rate hike, though any increase in the current near-zero short-term policy target will still keep Japan's borrowing costs very low. Its next policy meeting will be held on July 30-31. Tokyo spent 9.8 trillion yen ($61 billion) intervening in the foreign exchange market at the end of April and early May, after the Japanese currency hit a 34-year low of 160.245 per dollar on April 29.



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269581 No.21093206

File: d7f57212e50f24f⋯.png (164.03 KB,850x400,17:8,anyshitpost3.png)

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b75ba9 No.21093208


Satanic, Evil people very upset by this. It's a direct attack on them.

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90e192 No.21093209


>Awfully long way to go for such a short stay of 1h 35m

dropped off the big guy's 10% along with a trove of children for him to sniff?

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5c7d7b No.21093210



most naive target audience is low hanging fruit

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d427b9 No.21093211


>return our country to a place of godliness

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a6ff41 No.21093213

File: f3ac23129dc411e⋯.png (673.56 KB,1165x998,1165:998,ClipboardImage.png)

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6136d4 No.21093214

File: f6e38aa62abc77d⋯.gif (1.08 MB,500x228,125:57,6DD3AD6D_95F0_4D03_9058_62….gif)


You missed one Chud

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3d0ee1 No.21093215

I am the highest ranking anon. I will now take your questions.

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b1cfb4 No.21093216

File: e23db86e46d3964⋯.png (306.28 KB,496x376,62:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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58836a No.21093217

File: fb07002891f5ca7⋯.png (256.42 KB,628x518,314:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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49f6ad No.21093218


Did you know

I have High friends in places?

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269581 No.21093219

File: 268898875b414f7⋯.png (731.77 KB,640x640,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1cfb4 No.21093220

File: 1becc76b1a7e113⋯.png (1.03 MB,960x960,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Currency manipulation

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fc06b5 No.21093221

U.S. Industries Fearing a Port Strike Urge Biden for Help

Bloomberg June 26, 2024

Dozens of US industry associations urged the White House to help restart stalled talks between East and Gulf coast dockworkers and port operators, saying a strike is the last thing the economy needs amid already strained global supply chains.

Earlier this month, contract negotiations broke down between the International Longshoremen’s Association and the US Maritime Alliance. The current agreement, which covers about 45,000 dockworkers at facilities including six of the 10 busiest US ports, expires Sept. 30.

“We call upon the administration to immediately work with both parties to resume contract negotiations and ensure there is no disruption to port operations and cargo fluidity,” according to a letter to President Joe Biden on Tuesday from more than 150 groups including the US Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers and the National Retail Federation.

Global maritime trade is already under strain linked to Houthi attacks on ships through the Red Sea. Container carriers are forced to take the longer route around southern Africa, stretching capacity, lengthening lead times for new orders and pushing up freight rates.

“With all these existing challenges, the last thing the supply chain, companies and employees — all of which rely on the movement of goods, both imports and exports, through our East Coast and Gulf Coast ports — need is a strike or other disruptions because of an ongoing labor negotiation,” the letter stated.

Even the threat of a port walkout can be disruptive as shippers seek alternative routes for their imports and exports, the letter stated. That’s a reference to cargo diverted away from West Coast ports during an extended round of contract negotiations through 2023 that ended with a six-year deal announced in September.

“We are starting to see a shift back to West Coast gateways, where a long-term contract is in place, especially as we enter the busy peak shipping season,” according to the letter.


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b71e88 No.21093222


no one sees.

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aa2eeb No.21093223

File: 11afd241ce39462⋯.png (1.3 MB,1558x896,779:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3624bc41a7cbf3f⋯.png (1.68 MB,1590x888,265:148,ClipboardImage.png)





Very much in the hunger games style.

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5ea822 No.21093224


You’re no Easton.

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03b6ee No.21093225

File: 3b53bd3cb5cb31d⋯.png (1017.3 KB,954x991,954:991,nMinimum2.png)

File: 2f437f94b93e349⋯.png (638.96 KB,923x986,923:986,options24.png)

File: 0a34a49ae67eb12⋯.png (1.06 MB,1098x988,549:494,disclaim24.png)

With *mainstream "conservative" controlled opposition fake entertainment, who the hell needs CNN! #ratingz

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8db409 No.21093226

File: e4b150f2fbd297b⋯.jpg (66.26 KB,734x250,367:125,PAST_REPEATS.jpg)

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95c0ec No.21093227

File: 173949cbc5b0ca9⋯.jpg (205.65 KB,1371x1529,1371:1529,media_GQ8t_K8bwAQ0DPx.jpg)

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566d36 No.21093228

File: ba36d546765f7dc⋯.jpg (41.13 KB,474x305,474:305,photo_2022_05_15_19_45_06_….jpg)

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bbf146 No.21093229


C’mon man, lb/pb

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8dbb81 No.21093230

File: 1b029e305a8e176⋯.jpeg (61.67 KB,828x814,414:407,IMG_2363.jpeg)

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58836a No.21093231

File: c466c3395275562⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8dbb81 No.21093232

File: 9669ffdff7ed014⋯.jpeg (59.17 KB,474x452,237:226,IMG_2366.jpeg)

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d427b9 No.21093233

dicaprio looks corney

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8dbb81 No.21093234

File: e0ada350dedd3a5⋯.jpeg (169.44 KB,923x1360,923:1360,IMG_2365.jpeg)

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d95a6b No.21093235

File: 244a1f566d61fbd⋯.png (183.28 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)

President Biden Please spell the word: Cat

Biden: C-A-T

Very Good Mr. President

President Trump, your word to spell is: Trunalimunumaprzure

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269581 No.21093236

File: 4dc3e6d8dcdc7bf⋯.png (400.44 KB,754x1158,377:579,ClipboardImage.png)


KEK. Saved.

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5c7d7b No.21093237

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d427b9 No.21093239

File: 0f68ab468f18860⋯.mp4 (11.1 MB,854x480,427:240,leod.mp4)

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69f976 No.21093241

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wonder why Scavino is posting AC/DC tonight?


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58836a No.21093242

File: 6c6d032895c20c6⋯.png (492.74 KB,500x631,500:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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269581 No.21093244

File: d7eadc138edab98⋯.png (384.78 KB,1000x500,2:1,oncesaw2.png)


Penetrates your brian like an egg.

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f53366 No.21093245


He obviously sells Coke, makes sense

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b71e88 No.21093247

File: a080ac5a091984e⋯.jpg (109.49 KB,532x490,38:35,20240626_214643.jpg)

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b71e88 No.21093248

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15e62a No.21093250

File: 1cc54ddac3c8b23⋯.png (59.86 KB,925x616,925:616,ClipboardImage.png)


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b1cfb4 No.21093251

File: 82679d5bb40c97b⋯.png (581.23 KB,590x500,59:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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707361 No.21093252

File: 6c86ebcdf7c2d2d⋯.png (257.32 KB,598x472,299:236,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b5ad44f55eea79⋯.png (95.66 KB,598x268,299:134,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9050a933aadc6e4⋯.png (131.62 KB,598x428,299:214,ClipboardImage.png)

Here's the stupid bitch that tried to make Tucker look like a racist yesterday - she is likely a CCP plant ….. you guys know the story.


https://x.com/AAPNewswire - sick mockingbirds


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8db409 No.21093253

File: 6a614320edaf1bb⋯.jpg (105.19 KB,661x562,661:562,VOTE_DJT_AND_PROSPER.jpg)




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c9d219 No.21093255

Did somebody mention Corn Pop?

He was a bad dude, man.

But the kids were rubbing my legs and jumping in my lap, I liked it.

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d95a6b No.21093258


Be ready

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c0b4ef No.21093265


>You’re no Easton.


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03b6ee No.21093269

File: 1a72c1cff452265⋯.png (902.91 KB,1344x860,336:215,musk23.png)


Another of brain chip boy muskyRodent's "inventions"? Used to be able to view a local weather blogger's updates – until tRodent made it so you can only see random twats from YEARS ago unless join. Fuk that guy.

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d95a6b No.21093271

File: b154ef74bf2d1b1⋯.png (2.03 MB,772x963,772:963,ClipboardImage.png)

They may Have Underestimated the Power of this Board

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7def01 No.21093273

Less than 10 asked for prayers for Q+ and advised ask Q for confirmation on current Board Team being corrupt. Minutes later Q+ Truth posts about having trouble sleeping… corresponding Q drop is a (quote) about attacks. Followed by a prayer.

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b71e88 No.21093274


this gnü.

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69f976 No.21093275

File: 3c4dc2db36c575e⋯.png (694.8 KB,463x680,463:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa2eeb No.21093278

File: 1aa79f78d2c586e⋯.png (877.54 KB,500x1113,500:1113,ClipboardImage.png)

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7def01 No.21093280


Anons got their answer… Board Team is corrupt. Irreconcilable.

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49f6ad No.21093282

File: 529cc4a8c6c4e3c⋯.png (482.75 KB,613x531,613:531,ClipboardImage.png)

Killed Doctors Without Borders staffer was ‘a terrorist’ – IDF

Israel has accused the slain charity worker of making rockets for Palestinian militants

The Israeli army has said that the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) staffer killed during Tuesday’s airstrike on Gaza City was actually a “terrorist” with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

Fadi Al-Wadiya had served as an operative for more than 15 years and helped build rockets that Palestinian militants fire into Israeli cities, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Avichay Adraee said. He added that Al-Wadiya was the armed group’s “expert in the fields of electronics and chemistry.”

On Wednesday, the IDF released a photo it said shows Al-Wadiya wearing the uniform of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. “A physiotherapist by day, a jihad operative by night,” Adraee said, arguing that the case is “a reminder of how terrorist organizations in Gaza use international aid organizations as a human shield.”

The charity has denied that its staffer was a terrorist, saying that Al-Wadiya was killed when riding a bicycle to a clinic where he worked. “Killing a healthcare worker while on his way to provide vital medical care to wounded victims of the endless massacres across Gaza is beyond shocking; it’s cynical and abhorrent,” said Caroline Seguin, MSF operations manager for Palestine. The organization said that five other people, including three children, were killed by the same airstrike.

Fadi was a 33-year-old physiotherapist and father of three. He joined MSF in 2018. Our thoughts are with his family and loved ones.Fadi’s loss marks the sixth killing of an MSF staff member in Gaza since 7 October 2023. pic.twitter.com/F98B3j7Qe8

— MSF International (@MSF) June 25, 2024

“Fadi was executed by an Israeli strike and no proof of any wrongdoing on his part has been shared with MSF. Only an independent investigation will be able to establish the facts,” the charity said in a statement on its website.

Al-Wadiya was the sixth member of MSF staff and one of more than 500 health workers killed by the Israeli forces since the fighting erupted in Gaza eight months ago, the organization said.

The current conflict was triggered by the October 7 surprise raid by Hamas and allied militant groups into southern Israel, which left some 1,200 people dead and more than 250 abducted into Gaza. Israel responded by blockading Gaza and carried out a bombing campaign that was followed by a ground invasion. Almost 38,000 Palestinians have been killed since October 7, according to local Hamas-run authorities.


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7def01 No.21093287


God answers prayers.

Players get played.

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53aaff No.21093288

File: 6c8f0e77bbee324⋯.png (2.88 MB,750x1334,375:667,IMG_3646.png)

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c9d219 No.21093289


Bongo was a foreign fraud. Prosecute.

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1a8c7d No.21093290



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ed8681 No.21093291


How should I make this video if I make it at all

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8db409 No.21093293

File: d637937c91b38df⋯.jpg (116.27 KB,655x425,131:85,WILLIE_PETER.jpg)

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c0b4ef No.21093294

File: 62f0ed6360dc41a⋯.png (75.2 KB,375x505,75:101,ClipboardImage.png)


read this through considering recent events.

JA free

Wikileaks purge

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53aaff No.21093295

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566d36 No.21093297

File: 99f66fbf291cb08⋯.png (14.91 KB,502x125,502:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 499d86ff1b533fa⋯.png (33.25 KB,518x203,74:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a89b7147dbcafd⋯.png (27.79 KB,504x141,168:47,ClipboardImage.png)



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c9d219 No.21093299


Also check for chimp cross-breeding.

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9a56da No.21093301

File: b9b6d4ba6f19a33⋯.mp4 (853.7 KB,320x424,40:53,ChineseWomenGetChildrenFac….mp4)



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b71e88 No.21093303



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1a8c7d No.21093304


youre boring,

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7def01 No.21093305

All this bread burning on a Wednesday night? Wonder why.

“Screams before Silence”

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6136d4 No.21093309

File: b6692623c965058⋯.jpeg (328.09 KB,828x761,828:761,AA8FBBC9_D767_441C_BCE1_5….jpeg)


How many ips habs you burned so far?

> askin’ for a fren

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49f6ad No.21093311

Tesla manufactures RNA printers which are used for manufacturing “vaccines”.

The CEO announced that Tesla would be “building RNA micro-factories for CureVac,” a Germany-based company.

It was surprising since it’s a completely different sector than electric vehicles or renewable energy.

But as we previously reported, Tesla had been working with CureVac since last year — prior to the global COVID-19 pandemic.


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95c0ec No.21093313

File: 77b5f90b386fdf1⋯.png (224.1 KB,610x528,305:264,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca7f2c81116a9e4⋯.png (23.67 KB,395x351,395:351,media_GRDLvcgXMAAjNno.png)

File: 9dff98bed84e126⋯.png (241.05 KB,622x475,622:475,ClipboardImage.png)



Jun 24

People think this is the exact moment Dr Disrespect was notified that the gaming studio he co-founded, Midnight Society, was terminating their relationship with him after completing their own investigation into the accusations that he sexted with a minor.


Jun 24, 2024 · 10:01 PM UTC


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7def01 No.21093314


The sound of silence is coming to the Big Top.

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9a56da No.21093315

File: 97a212eb122c31a⋯.png (23.74 KB,1434x269,1434:269,ClipboardImage.png)

5 year Delta

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b75ba9 No.21093316


the S Ct could use a combination of things like strict constructionism, original intent, original understanding in order to say things like "the only US religion is Christian" And, "back then, some states had official state religions, I don't see any reason why they can't have them again. There was nothing in the actual constitution that limited religion, and it was Jews in the 1940s on the S Ct then just made all that up. We're getting rid of Everson."

and also, "an establishment of religion" has to be a thing, if Congress is prohibited from getting in the way of that thing. Strict constructionism can be used for that.

Most of the S Ct decisions have been just made up garbage bullshit the last 100 years.

Maybe they'll go in a good direction.

So, all these religions other than Christian, we don't recognize as religions that protections apply to. The free exercise clause and the establishment clause were put in place at a particular moment when there weren't bad religions that people didn't like.

Debate in the last 1700s might include "sure, why not, what's the difference between Lutheran and Baptist, anyway, we're all on the same team. These clauses don't lock us in to respecting some weird Satanist baby-eating religion, Jews, or some quasi-religious / anti religious tranny club.

The Framers would have thought all you leftists were insane. The Constitution says lock you up.

Better than emanations and penumbra.

Anyway, this country is shit now, and taking almost everything that's been done and reversing it would be better. Since 1913, things have been pretty much awful.

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aa2eeb No.21093317

File: 93ea98abd57929b⋯.gif (6.24 MB,400x400,1:1,pepe_head_blown.gif)


If real,

fucking horrific.

fucking evil cunts.

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ed8681 No.21093318


It's times like these I wish nukes were real.

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c2a468 No.21093319


It’s Sasha but who’s counting

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43b181 No.21093320

File: a3ea6d5cd8fdee8⋯.jpg (48.43 KB,254x251,254:251,Boob_Nipple_Pinch_Bitmap.jpg)

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6136d4 No.21093321


Don’t let the door hit you on the way out scro.

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8db409 No.21093322

File: c098f7fbf432c4c⋯.jpg (29.21 KB,242x350,121:175,ANGEL_DUST_LIFE.jpg)




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1a8c7d No.21093324


Settle down, Beavis.

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d1b77b No.21093325


‘’’#25856’’’ >>21093024

>>21093106 Liz Crokin: In 2012, Lady Gaga dressed up like a witch and visited Julian Assange to allegedly support and interview him.

>>21093118 PF: President Dudaback to Warsaw from Shanghai Intl depart

>>21093120 Wall Street Silver: Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.

>>21093111 Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs

>>21093121 Night Owl News Archives -

>>21093132 Liz Churchill: Lol. CNN retrofits their microphones on the Debate Stage for Joe the Dementia Patient

>>21093134 Jake Paul wants 'truth' and 'authenticity' deciding between Trump, Biden: 'Can't fool us'

>>21093152, >>21093180 Thomas Rousseau, leader of the Patriot Front – is PF just a bunch of FEDS??

>>21093160 PF: Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Financedeparted Los Angeles Intl after arriving from a Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Jeddah depart earlier today

>>21093167 The FBI is actively arresting more J6 participants today, according to reports.

>>21093181 Dutch volleyball player who raped 12yo girl to compete at Olympics

>>21093182 HRC: The right-wing Supreme Court majority is out of control.

>>21093188 Scavino: October 2016 flashback…

>>21093189 Times of Israel on Trump-Biden debate>>21093205 Japan issues fresh warnings against sharp yen falls

>>21093221 U.S. Industries Fearing a Port Strike Urge Biden for Help

>>21093282 Killed Doctors Without Borders staffer was ‘a terrorist’ – IDF



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c9d219 No.21093326


Bongo was neither a natural-born citizen nor naturalized.

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b1cfb4 No.21093327

File: 67e44104754eacf⋯.png (140.51 KB,540x540,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Bogus. The rest of their skin isn't old.

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c2a468 No.21093331



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ed8681 No.21093333

File: a17ebdbbaaf97ed⋯.png (81.09 KB,1392x286,696:143,NPR_Timeline.png)

If anybody is wondering when the debate is, it's 1 month after Trump was found guilty of 34 charges.

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43b181 No.21093335


just no.

or yes.

veins, cracksl

eat or no?

dough implants?

I'm so confused.

Please stop.

Okay. Maybe with honeybutter?

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49f6ad No.21093336


He is one of the patent holders of the following patent.


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1a8c7d No.21093337




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c2a468 No.21093338

How do you communicate directly with the people?

Backchannels are important.

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49f6ad No.21093339


Warning: Elon Musk is Supplying Globalists With Technology to Control Our Minds

Transhumanist Elon Musk

Transhumanist Elon Musk will be supplying Globalists with the technology they need to invade our brains, leading to mass enslavement and mind control.

In 2016, Elon Musk founded Neuralink, a company whose goal is to connect the human brain to a computer. The company is developing an ultra-high bandwidth brain chip to connect humans, computers, and artificial intelligence, what Musk refers to as “a Fitbit in your skull with tiny wires.”

In 2017, Musk expressed the same sentiments as Globalist WEF Founder Klaus Schwab. During the 2017 World Government Summit in Dubai, Musk explained that Artificial Intelligence was progressing so rapidly that humans would have to merge with digital intelligence to become a sort of AI-human hybrid. “Over time, we will probably see a closer merger of biological intelligence and digital intelligence.”

“Some high bandwidth interface to the brain will be something that helps achieve a symbiosis between human and machine intelligence and maybe solves the control problem and the usefulness problem,” said the billionaire futurist.

In 2020, Musk and Neuralink demonstrated their success with implanting just such a chip in pigs, with humans being their next target.

“This is obviously sounding increasingly like a Black Mirror episode […] but essential if you have a whole-brain interface, everything that’s encoded in memory, you could upload. So you could basically store your memories as a backup and restore the memories.

“Then ultimately, you could potentially download them into a new body or into a robot body.”

The fourth industrial revolution will make no distinction between your digital, physical, or biological self.

If a memory can be downloaded and uploaded to a new body, it can most certainly be erased or otherwise altered, and the victim would never know the difference.

In 2021, he touted Neurlink’s progress in a new video in which he claims a 9-year-old macaque monkey is playing ping-pong with his mind. Neuralinks were placed on each side of Pager’s brain, according to the video. The links track the parts of the brain focused on hand and arm movements and record the neural activity.


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53aaff No.21093340

File: fe00307b0b3e92f⋯.jpeg (117.48 KB,640x640,1:1,IMG_3692.jpeg)


Triple threat

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8db409 No.21093341

File: b779562c6b40d5c⋯.jpg (107.16 KB,559x464,559:464,VITAMIN_DOPER.jpg)

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90e192 No.21093342


>I am the highest ranking anon. I will now take your questions

sifu: what is the highest technique you hope to achieve

bruce lee: to have no technique


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95c0ec No.21093343

File: 03fbbd8e6167b7f⋯.png (335.4 KB,546x579,182:193,ClipboardImage.png)



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8db409 No.21093344

File: 27e4915ebddb315⋯.jpg (35.26 KB,349x388,349:388,KIND_OF_FUNNY.jpg)

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03b6ee No.21093345

File: 361a5a6ecff8af3⋯.png (418.11 KB,1173x460,51:20,clownBackgrnd.png)

File: d52519d969e4507⋯.png (757.44 KB,1026x977,1026:977,warm1023.png)

File: b050839d1d4bbae⋯.png (608.21 KB,694x988,347:494,whatsicko0.png)


she's the plant? Look into Hunter's Greatest Admirer sometime.

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8dbb81 No.21093346

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43b181 No.21093347

File: 678881c195973c2⋯.jpg (105.13 KB,800x450,16:9,What_WAT_Wat.jpg)


>shit apple

doesn't fall far from the shit tree.

I call it lgbtWueer when I can put all of that together.

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58836a No.21093348


Kamala is an anchor baby. Next act.

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c2a468 No.21093350


Red flag.

No coincidence.

Haspel must find & term clas program.

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6136d4 No.21093353



#25856 >>21093024

>>21093106 Liz Crokin: In 2012, Lady Gaga dressed up like a witch and visited Julian Assange to allegedly support and interview him.

>>21093118 PF: President Duda back to Warsaw from Shanghai Intl depart

>>21093120 Wall Street Silver: Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.

>>21093111 Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs

>>21093121 Night Owl News Archives -

>>21093132 Liz Churchill: Lol. CNN retrofits their microphones on the Debate Stage for Joe the Dementia Patient

>>21093134 Jake Paul wants 'truth' and 'authenticity' deciding between Trump, Biden: 'Can't fool us'

>>21093152, >>21093180 Thomas Rousseau, leader of the Patriot Front – is PF just a bunch of FEDS??

>>21093160 PF: Saudi AF SVA7201 737 Ministry of Finance departed Los Angeles Intl after arriving from a Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Jeddah depart earlier today

>>21093167 The FBI is actively arresting more J6 participants today, according to reports.

>>21093181 Dutch volleyball player who raped 12yo girl to compete at Olympics

>>21093182 HRC: The right-wing Supreme Court majority is out of control.

>>21093188 Scavino: October 2016 flashback…

>>21093189 Times of Israel on Trump-Biden debate

>>21093205 Japan issues fresh warnings against sharp yen falls

>>21093221 U.S. Industries Fearing a Port Strike Urge Biden for Help

>>21093282 Killed Doctors Without Borders staffer was ‘a terrorist’ – IDF

Ty Notetaker

>cleaned up the ded link and spacing

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fc06b5 No.21093355


You are still full of shit

You are still no way an operator

You do seem to be under a deadline

Something coming up that minions of evil need control of QR

Maybe some kind of false flag that anons would shoot down fast

Not just expected election fuckery, there's something else

Maybe something that got buried before and may resurface

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d95a6b No.21093356

The wars will never end under Biden

The deep state love their money laundering too much for that to happen

Only Trump can bring back Peace

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15e62a No.21093358

File: 7f73fcb4ca873ec⋯.png (727.53 KB,1084x637,1084:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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95c0ec No.21093361

File: 71facdf49a7bb4c⋯.png (461.25 KB,616x486,308:243,ClipboardImage.png)

Adam Schiff


Jun 25

But her emails…

Jun 25, 2024 · 11:05 PM UTC



All assets deployed.

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43b181 No.21093362

File: fbf404edd0b35c6⋯.jpg (88.33 KB,Attention_Whore_SNL.jpg)


>2012, Lady Gaga

minus attention

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24ee68 No.21093366

File: acf1987ab9ae23b⋯.jpg (36.18 KB,640x361,640:361,jones.jpg)


Appropriate to "AJ"

"But those who pretend themselves to be what they are not,

will always be prating of what they do not know."

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b71e88 No.21093367


weak minds get what they deserve.

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90e192 No.21093368

File: 8d35bc67e13155f⋯.png (150.75 KB,536x311,536:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86fcfb2d725575e⋯.png (286.89 KB,687x489,229:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75c3d392f89725d⋯.png (408.45 KB,650x684,325:342,ClipboardImage.png)

send baby pig pics!

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15e62a No.21093371

File: 573d53551a0a9b1⋯.png (540.22 KB,852x722,426:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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53b81d No.21093372

File: e2f4eef50982511⋯.png (26.29 KB,657x527,657:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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c2a468 No.21093373


Shills and Board Team definitely corrupt as fuck and linked to C_A. Definitely remote viewing anons they perceive as a threat. Definitely see some targets on TV. Definitely listening to their thoughts and threatening in public. Definitely participating in Satanic Ritual Abuse. Definitely going to be hung by a noose. Definitely scabs who would sell their souls to hurt people. Definitely going to try to kill people and get people to kill people. Definitely trying to make anons look crazy. The thing is, they’ve gone absolutely bat shit in their attempt to portray as something we’re not. Anyone not going through this is not genuine anon clearly. Watch the shills run it up after this post. Stop talking shit without at least replying to me. I know you know we know Trump knows Q knows Mockingbird knows and most of all the military knows. You’re going to die.

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6bcbe4 No.21093374

File: 4f719f9a5250062⋯.jpg (26.91 KB,854x480,427:240,52eb04db_3bf1_40dd_b521_f9….jpg)


How much money do clothes cost in the matrix?

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e95b75 No.21093375


every time anyone donates organs, the skin is harvested as well

anyone who cannot see that they are pushng these genital mutilations on young children in order to harvest their body parts, esp the sexual organs prob doesnt believe planned parenthood was doing the same thing earlier with premature babies

theres a vampyre ball going on every moment of every day and night in this hellish dimension

POTUS opened the door of doors, the vampyre ball is over, the armies of Heaven are streaming into this Abyss

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24ee68 No.21093376




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c2a468 No.21093378


Don’t be deceived…this nigga thinks people around us aren’t lurking the boards.

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53b81d No.21093379


Shoulda seen the place before

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49f6ad No.21093380

File: a2a3b58e41be722⋯.png (408.69 KB,615x337,615:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57a765269b6366f⋯.png (434.18 KB,564x494,282:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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66ffad No.21093381

My Dad has end stage dementia and is in hospital after some internal bleeding. Kidneys are starting to give out.

It's looking like palliative care is the only/best option.

Any prayers from Anons would be very much appreciated.

God bless



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6136d4 No.21093383

File: 2838a380214f75f⋯.gif (348.21 KB,350x233,350:233,3E67A26F_0E39_450C_B652_2C….gif)



Love this approach breh

Just what proof do you have if all of this?

And merely stating how long you have been here (like many others) is not proof

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e1786e No.21093384

File: 136e761ae6af74d⋯.jpg (10.26 KB,254x251,254:251,pixels.jpg)


tried to enlarge but still pixelated?

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43b181 No.21093386

File: 2ab1037a1326efc⋯.jpg (75.34 KB,666x482,333:241,Come_At_Me_Girl.jpg)


>natural health remedies for other anons.

bring it!

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8dbb81 No.21093387

File: 36ed03ec31a459d⋯.jpeg (51.77 KB,632x330,316:165,IMG_2369.jpeg)


Hospice time.

God bless. He will go home soon.

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6bcbe4 No.21093388

I Farted…

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49f6ad No.21093390

File: 3e01d8fcec08280⋯.png (131.95 KB,246x413,246:413,ClipboardImage.png)

Satanic cults in NSW towns

SYDNEY: Satanic cults involved in cannibalism, mass murder, pack rape and child abuse may be operating in at least 14 NSW towns.

SYDNEY: Satanic cults involved in

cannibalism, mass murder, pack rape

and child abuse may be operating in at

least 14 NSW towns.

NSW police said last night that reports

of satanic abuse would be investigated

and urged the public to come forward

with any information.

The announcement followed a Chan-

nel Ten news report on an Australia-

wide satanic organisation allegedly in-

volved in rapes, cannibalistic rituals and

child abuse.

The report said complaints about sa-

tanic practices had been received by so-

cial welfare groups and other agencies in

Tamworth, Dubbo, Penrith, Wollon-

gong, Newcastle, Taree, Lismore, Mur-

willumbah, Bega, Wagga, Goulburn,

Port Macquarie, Glen Innes and Nowra.

The cult was said to operate Australia-

wide, and allegedly involves high-profile

figures in the law, medicine, the media,

police and academia.


The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995) Tue 29 Oct 1991

Page 5

Satanic cults in NSW towns

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c9d219 No.21093391



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b75ba9 No.21093393


Rothschild and Soros are buying cocks.

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c2a468 No.21093395


Lord please protect anons father. Amen

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90e192 No.21093396


>the armies of Heaven are streaming into this Abyss

maga mega stupid!

said armies might be assisting in the closing of the gates of hell and a whole slough of other things.

now the fix… the armies of hell are being cast into the abyss, legion upon legion being cast into the abyss!

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c0b4ef No.21093399


lurking and migraining

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58836a No.21093400


Prayers Anon.

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15e62a No.21093403

File: 6cf822797ae61b6⋯.jpg (16.24 KB,300x225,4:3,lords_prayer.jpg)

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d1b77b No.21093404


more professional notetaker, ty


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b71e88 No.21093407


may he dream deep.

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9740ce No.21093409

File: a70848227b056e0⋯.png (176.38 KB,1868x906,934:453,2432_Q_may_God_bless_us_al….png)

"'Q, may God bless us all today.'

'Amen, Patriot.

We are grateful.'" Q post #2432

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24ee68 No.21093411

File: 54eb9f269b9732c⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1272x2006,636:1003,comeyonewayflight.jpg)

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8dbb81 No.21093413

File: a201e6111643d4d⋯.jpeg (235.86 KB,1310x1024,655:512,IMG_2370.jpeg)

Government scientists know this.

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29a64d No.21093418


An illegitimate election means an illegitimate government so derived.

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90e192 No.21093420


also use a medium bristle toothbrush, yup your gums may bleed for a few days but they will toughen up and grow strong!

and never accept the flouride treatment, especially if you plan on having children

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ed8681 No.21093422


Does he chug distilled water?

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8dbb81 No.21093424

File: 4dad34968d2d52a⋯.png (706.79 KB,720x720,1:1,IMG_2372.png)


These fuckers do it anyhow.

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b71e88 No.21093426

the tech predates elon.



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9740ce No.21093428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Overcoming In Spiritual Warfare"

I pray in Jesus' Name that this sermon finds the Patriot that needs to hear it the most in this moment, amen.


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c0b4ef No.21093430

Testing everywhere.

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24ee68 No.21093431

File: d8199cd40e73980⋯.png (4.65 MB,1536x2048,3:4,comeylakeoffire4.png)



That's why the "Insurrection" is projected onto DJT and his followers (us)>

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43b181 No.21093433

File: 108ea4a25cb9d90⋯.jpg (29.13 KB,480x318,80:53,Strong.jpg)


I don't handle these posts well.

Much luck and prayers to you patriot.

So sorry.

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90e192 No.21093434


every test subject for mRNA based research died. doctor robert malone knows this

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8dbb81 No.21093435

File: 96067ead12bbd36⋯.jpeg (66.94 KB,693x521,693:521,IMG_2373.jpeg)

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49f6ad No.21093436

File: 466f218ee75b6ad⋯.png (694.33 KB,893x413,893:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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8db409 No.21093438

File: d5bcc81569a9922⋯.jpg (104.86 KB,771x388,771:388,WHY_THEY_CALL_IT_DOPE.jpg)

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49f6ad No.21093439

File: e386b72a53318dc⋯.png (18.69 KB,628x323,628:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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58836a No.21093440

File: cacfb53be4af09b⋯.png (32.44 KB,444x319,444:319,ClipboardImage.png)

June ETA

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43b181 No.21093441


>tried to enlarge but still pixelated?


i hate when that happens.

Pepe is doing well.

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d427b9 No.21093443

File: c93017dbde84af6⋯.png (262.81 KB,441x609,21:29,civilianforsure.png)

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fc06b5 No.21093444


Human Cadavers Provide New Skin for Chronic Wounds

By Charles Q. Choi published February 5, 2015

Human skin from cadavers that has had its cells removed can help treat wounds, researchers say.

This new treatment could prove especially helpful for chronic skin wounds, which are a growing threat to public health, scientists added. According to the National Institutes of Health, treating such wounds costs the United States more than $25 billion annually.

About 1 in 100 people in the United States will suffer from chronic leg ulcers during their lifetime. With an aging population and increasing rates of diseases linked to ulcers and other skin wounds, such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease, the prevalence and costs of such wounds are likely to rise in the future, said study senior author Ardeshir Bayat, a bioengineer and clinician-scientist at the University of Manchester in England.

"A chronic wound is one that has not healed for six to eight weeks, or in some cases years, no matter how many dressings are placed on them," Bayat said.

In the past three decades, scientists have developed a variety of skin substitutes to help treat wounds. These often aim to mimic the body's extracellular matrix, the complex scaffolding of proteins and other compounds that helps bind cells together.

Now scientists are going beyond mimicking the skin's extracellular matrix, and experimenting with therapies based on real human skin. "You can try and re-engineer human skin, but the holy grail of skin substitutes would be to get something as beautiful and perfect as what the human body has already created," Bayat said.

The researchers used skin from human cadavers. "The skin is the largest organ in the human body, and the skin we work with is just like any other organ donated by people," Bayat said.

The scientists use antibiotics to decontaminate the skin and a combination of detergents, enzymes and other chemicals to remove cells from the skin. This "decellularized" skin no longer contains cells that can trigger immune reactions and cause a person's body to reject the organ.

Decellularized body parts are increasingly being used to treat patients. Researchers have decellularized windpipes from deceased donors, seeded them with cells grown from living patients, and then successfully transplanted these recellularized body parts into patients. Researchers hope to use this technique for hearts, although donation of certain organs, even from the deceased, remains a challenge.



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aa2eeb No.21093445

File: 726a9a9ea6f3807⋯.png (1.81 MB,960x856,120:107,ClipboardImage.png)


i would not worry about it, he would have forgotten about it already.

hope he recovers from the internal bleeding.

give him one of your kidneys.

prayers sent.


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9a56da No.21093448


God's love be with you and your family at this time, anon.

God bless.

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c2a468 No.21093452

File: 0b841b2eeaffc15⋯.jpeg (38.62 KB,360x360,1:1,IMG_1674.jpeg)

Goodnight anons. Feels gud, real gud.

Dont fuck with the duck.

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29a64d No.21093455

They hide their crimes behind redaction, classification and gag orders which allows them the privilege of remaining above the law.

Their claims that "no one is above the law" is an absurdity and a lie.

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c0b4ef No.21093458

File: 07759853a29db75⋯.png (41 KB,380x341,380:341,ClipboardImage.png)

"united" image drop

seen one or two recently

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8dbc27 No.21093459

File: 54491273fea5a27⋯.jpg (113.39 KB,1012x496,253:124,Screen_Shot_2024_06_26_at_….jpg)

File: 5f976fe4f4c0325⋯.jpg (45.95 KB,671x219,671:219,Screen_Shot_2024_06_26_at_….jpg)



01:23 min-mark

Call the Ball!

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58836a No.21093460

File: 2e3c9de7cbc44d4⋯.png (27.48 KB,444x202,222:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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b71e88 No.21093463


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95c0ec No.21093464

File: 89ea237c4098fb8⋯.png (290.91 KB,614x482,307:241,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Russian 'shadow parliament' made up of over 60 exiled-MPs met up in Warsaw to discuss 'assassination campaign' against members of Vladimir Putin's government


Jun 27, 2024 · 12:44 AM UTC




Each 187 requires many contracts, accounts in tax havens and even lawyers to deduct them from taxes through a foundation

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90e192 No.21093468



if you can, lead him to the Lord Jesus Christ

if you can, ask him to accept Jesus Christ as his savior


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49f6ad No.21093469

File: 2ad7f15d5cc31e5⋯.png (49.92 KB,678x528,113:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a56da No.21093470

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e1786e No.21093471

File: 4b320e603c3b496⋯.png (659.24 KB,720x515,144:103,ClipboardImage.png)

Pulled this from fb, kek is that Romney?

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24ee68 No.21093472

File: dd456acac666f1d⋯.png (926.49 KB,703x776,703:776,rubberduckconvoy.png)

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aa2eeb No.21093473

File: b40da306420473a⋯.png (1.13 MB,710x826,355:413,ClipboardImage.png)

the board is full of shills, spammers, faggots and grifter .

they are out in force.

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b71e88 No.21093474


they tempt the young Prince to ire.

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e1786e No.21093476


Oh my bad it's Pence. Bad eyes

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b1cfb4 No.21093477

File: aa608616eb42554⋯.png (232.21 KB,750x574,375:287,ClipboardImage.png)

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b71e88 No.21093481



typical wednesday.

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c2a468 No.21093483



You’re a faggot.

Literally, a faggot.

No doubt in my mind, you’re a faggot.

Born that way? No, too much Disney channel.

A faggot once a faggot forever.

So much faggotry if I kicked you in the stomach 3000 cocks would fall out.

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ed8681 No.21093484


I bet the "scan" machine that uses a massive magnet in an underground protected space is more of a cure than a test.

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8dbb81 No.21093485

File: 1178c048edee8e2⋯.jpeg (145.12 KB,986x1101,986:1101,IMG_2374.jpeg)

Have scientists mapped the cranius maximus gene responsible for Somali head size/shape? Seems a dominant trait within the population. What possible survival advantage do it confer?

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aa2eeb No.21093486



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b71e88 No.21093487


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b71e88 No.21093489


<barbaric upside downer.

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b71e88 No.21093494


older genotype.

larger brian capacity.

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58836a No.21093495

File: 87efb51b6b381bc⋯.png (33.32 KB,396x358,198:179,ClipboardImage.png)


I hope we are close.

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8db409 No.21093497

File: 3d04a3be06709a1⋯.jpg (192.2 KB,803x555,803:555,AMERICA_KEEPS_ON_TRUCKING_….jpg)


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c2a468 No.21093499


Hallowed by thy name

Did you see the article about metal music correlating to suicidal behavior? Imagine that. Imagine that…

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dcb25a No.21093500

File: 8e1701433f7de6f⋯.jpg (186.01 KB,689x584,689:584,md.jpg)


Never seen the color version

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b1cfb4 No.21093501

File: 9315db9f1dd47a5⋯.png (1.59 MB,859x801,859:801,ClipboardImage.png)


>Daily Mail

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95c0ec No.21093502

File: 7b1813c05f84f2e⋯.png (201.16 KB,648x429,216:143,ClipboardImage.png)

3 seconds Dan activated

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



🎸 Rock History 🎸

Jun 27, 2024 · 3:42 AM UTC


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be7ff2 No.21093504

File: 6718a167471ca54⋯.jpeg (515.53 KB,1525x1025,61:41,IMG_6201.jpeg)

File: a2a2cd039074aac⋯.jpeg (323.52 KB,1351x1994,1351:1994,IMG_6102.jpeg)


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49f6ad No.21093506

File: 9a1fde549d0edbf⋯.png (473.36 KB,629x568,629:568,ClipboardImage.png)

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49f6ad No.21093509

File: 9ff0d8cb1d2f405⋯.png (470.53 KB,626x408,313:204,ClipboardImage.png)

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b71e88 No.21093511



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49f6ad No.21093513

File: 56d21320ba45dc1⋯.png (477.22 KB,566x521,566:521,ClipboardImage.png)

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95c0ec No.21093515

File: 5682182c2a4e86a⋯.png (285.94 KB,570x571,570:571,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Jun 27, 2024 · 4:08 AM UTC



>3 seconds Dan activated


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aa2eeb No.21093519

File: fdafeebd01a41f4⋯.png (805.86 KB,749x499,749:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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8dbb81 No.21093520

File: b052dc8b41591b4⋯.webp (56.21 KB,800x859,800:859,IMG_2376.webp)

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95c0ec No.21093522

File: 7de9a0ab0c0e524⋯.mp4 (358.41 KB,480x686,240:343,ssstwitter_com_17194629622….mp4)

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c0b4ef No.21093525

File: 4d2cf4c0e7f01a4⋯.png (269.98 KB,375x1515,25:101,ClipboardImage.png)


just popped into my fron

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aa2eeb No.21093526

File: 1b5c921459934b9⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB,400x300,4:3,Cat_vid_2.mp4)

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

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fc06b5 No.21093530


visible piece of handguard and flash suppressor indicate rifle is M16A1

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c2a468 No.21093533

When you progress, you see demons come out of people. Even demons admit entirely in the existence and strength of the Lord.

Be gone Satan. You have no power here.

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fde428 No.21093537

File: 122e8aea84f881a⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,480x270,16:9,POTUS_THUNDER.mp4)


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5222f2 No.21093538

smells like desperation

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b3984c No.21093539

File: 0681574344014b2⋯.jpeg (101.38 KB,819x1024,819:1024,558E0C4B_5170_4DE3_BC4D_E….jpeg)


If anon wins the lottery, there will be a chronic toilet paper shortage in DC.

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5222f2 No.21093540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e2015a No.21093541



so I've had a few beers, and I'm a bit confused…

why did you blur her nipple out?

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5222f2 No.21093542

why would….

why would…..

thats right

why would…

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12cc40 No.21093543

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5222f2 No.21093545

when MAGA did not endorse…………… you were all like "DISINFO IS NECC!"


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e95b75 No.21093546


no red folder, hah fbi foiled again

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c2a468 No.21093547


That’s a man anon you need a bump or a nap

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fde428 No.21093548

File: 7c67e21907bab5b⋯.mp4 (7.85 MB,480x270,16:9,ACDC_performing_Thunderstr….mp4)



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1cd9ef No.21093549

They are going to set fire to the forests again this year, and blame it on climate crisis. They are going to release a virus again, and vax jab all soldiers. They are going to crash the markets and pump inflation, to steal your money. They are going to riot loot and destroy cities again this summer. Election gets stolen, again. Nobody will get arrested, nobody will go to prison. 2020=2024.

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2beaac No.21093550

File: a0944425e63aa8d⋯.jpg (74.94 KB,757x378,757:378,Screen_Shot_2024_06_26_at_….jpg)


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d79d5d No.21093551

File: a8f7539bf8761c8⋯.png (562.99 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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8dbb81 No.21093552

File: 85612beed1247ad⋯.jpeg (137.71 KB,1064x861,152:123,IMG_2377.jpeg)


It’s derisive diversion deviously distracting.

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319cfd No.21093553

a liar…


its fate.

Revelation 17:8

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

Revelation 13:8

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

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aa2eeb No.21093555

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)


is that all.

not even making a effort.

come on man..

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aaff99 No.21093556


44 and the evil unchecked is truly incalculable.

I hope she is more than a believer when this kicks off.

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e2015a No.21093557


Eve = Evil

Diddy was right,

Women will do anything to look youthful.

They most likely donated eggs and had them raised surrugatly, to skin them later.

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b1cfb4 No.21093558

File: 4f2aa87f18ed123⋯.png (280.63 KB,480x333,160:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1cfb4 No.21093559

File: 0b6c8668713c9cb⋯.png (90.38 KB,474x141,158:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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8db409 No.21093560

File: 89595d4d3feded1⋯.jpg (112.37 KB,572x655,572:655,WIN_SMILE.jpg)

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95c0ec No.21093561

File: 436b348a1594ec3⋯.png (208.02 KB,620x532,155:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68ef51295f1d947⋯.jpg (31.04 KB,450x317,450:317,6d57d10f230d107a90f8fa3964….jpg)

File: e1d0a9da67e08bd⋯.jpg (364.16 KB,1200x900,4:3,gettyimages_148453972_f2fb….jpg)

Israel & USA forever



BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.

Jun 27, 2024 · 12:08 AM UTC





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be7ff2 No.21093562

File: d69f49463bfce7a⋯.jpeg (143.74 KB,1253x843,1253:843,IMG_0263_Original.jpeg)

File: a2a2cd039074aac⋯.jpeg (323.52 KB,1351x1994,1351:1994,IMG_6102.jpeg)

Here is what’s hard to beat in into peoples concrete skulls, and I can count on one hand the people that understand it.

The distraction is thinking a symbol is some weird drawing of a shape that no one understands.

229 is a symbol

What does it symbolize?

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e2015a No.21093564


Eve = Evil

the issue is Female, not Race.

How old is Hillary Clinton?

What abut the rumor's she skinned a kid, and wore her face?

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e95b75 No.21093566

madame bathory she is

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e2015a No.21093567


Can I finish my beers first?

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aaff99 No.21093569

File: 413b7980f835bdb⋯.jpeg (654.89 KB,1977x1153,1977:1153,IMG_0330.jpeg)


Volunteers make choices.

Employees already have too many jeeps.

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c2a468 No.21093571


The issue is Hillary Clinton had no choice in being Hitler’s offspring and there’s no excuse for it

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5b44c5 No.21093572

File: 30278e1c66d5b69⋯.jpeg (94.83 KB,600x500,6:5,IMG_1080.jpeg)

Biden caught in a deep fudge eating cycle:

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b1cfb4 No.21093573

File: cfc78035ba8aa4a⋯.png (1.15 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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b71e88 No.21093575


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58836a No.21093578


There will be "fudge". Will his Mic pick it up?

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e2015a No.21093580

File: 28371e8cd276b27⋯.png (457.37 KB,934x686,467:343,Spawn.png)


I'm the OP btw

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e1786e No.21093582

File: 7e8950a50beb177⋯.mp4 (2 MB,480x360,4:3,Donald_Trump_Wings.mp4)

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e2015a No.21093583


The lanky lad is Al Gore's father, the other girl is Lyn Cheney

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d78172 No.21093584

>>21091960 Is Tucker in Australia to interview Julian Assange? pb

I'll takeDUH!for $1000 Alex.

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e1786e No.21093586

File: ab99b2f2d3eeed6⋯.png (497.7 KB,609x608,609:608,Sickem_boy.png)

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b1cfb4 No.21093588

File: e39d8621d653cce⋯.png (206.68 KB,474x361,474:361,ClipboardImage.png)


A week of chelation just to keep him on his feet for 2 hours? This debate is over.

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d78172 No.21093590

>>21091827, >>21091865, >>21091876 The Sheeple need to be shown pb

Uh yep……….because they've already been shorn.

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9740ce No.21093592

File: 51a44a13319fb5c⋯.png (174.06 KB,800x447,800:447,Vote_Biden_or_you_ain_t_Bl….png)

File: f8b6f64b7cb8235⋯.png (185.81 KB,488x487,488:487,vote_for_biden_or_you_ain_….png)

File: 6297d1cc082e654⋯.png (1.01 MB,1362x1472,681:736,Biden_s_telling_people_you….png)

>BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.


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aaff99 No.21093598


Well she did say please.

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e1786e No.21093601

File: 254ffdd5f8c6b28⋯.png (725.78 KB,900x750,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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58836a No.21093606

File: a80eaa46b9dafc9⋯.png (594.26 KB,1000x667,1000:667,ClipboardImage.png)


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28a46c No.21093610

Anyone conducting malicious larps here will have Hell to pay.

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1a8c7d No.21093611


uhhhhh what style would that be?

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8dbb81 No.21093615

File: 97b45ae08959c03⋯.jpeg (109.58 KB,894x806,447:403,IMG_2379.jpeg)

Channel Hawkmoths that your balls are become mighty weapons.

GN Anons.

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e1786e No.21093620

File: 9987c288e824874⋯.png (692.58 KB,656x564,164:141,ClipboardImage.png)





>ME James Bond


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bff9b8 No.21093621

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95c0ec No.21093625

File: 538ab9e134c7d13⋯.png (140.98 KB,613x497,613:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f3d0a1eac66092⋯.jpg (37.01 KB,495x538,495:538,media_GRApTnuXAAAmow4.jpg)




The bat is back! Watch the exclusive new trailer for Batman: Caped Crusader, debuting on @PrimeVideo on August 1.


Jun 26, 2024 · 3:01 PM UTC




>BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.

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12cc40 No.21093627

File: ef0461a2720e5d1⋯.png (188.91 KB,496x374,248:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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9740ce No.21093628

File: d41810579760179⋯.png (58.76 KB,587x343,587:343,2751_I_trust_Potus_And_I_t….png)

God bless you and yours, Patriot.


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24c8f8 No.21093630

File: 4abcea2665e0595⋯.jpg (9.7 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

File: 91f667e199d4f32⋯.jpg (91.26 KB,960x574,480:287,Johnny2.jpg)



Cozy as Fuuuugh Edition

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53b81d No.21093632

File: d17294b84fc5e38⋯.png (292.73 KB,600x528,25:22,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72df4521df343dd⋯.png (299.04 KB,600x528,25:22,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1786e No.21093633

File: 7a35c6f448f5bd7⋯.png (695.26 KB,827x773,827:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a8c7d No.21093637


and newsome enacted that law after the federal mandate was removed.

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9716d0 No.21093640

File: 85ed45d7977914c⋯.png (91.47 KB,215x255,43:51,IMG_0663.png)

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58836a No.21093642

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fd7a10 No.21093644

File: 9fc98945719544a⋯.png (302.91 KB,610x792,305:396,nickmercstweet.png)

File: 56cb973f4d3abb9⋯.png (45.33 KB,596x360,149:90,drdisrespecttweet.png)


So are the pedos trying to take a victory lap over this then?



Who could have possibly guessed that the cabal cranked up the age of consent laws to insane levels so they could be used as a weapon to protect pedophiles? /Giant fucking s

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32e327 No.21093645



>His mom was a US citizen at the time of his birth it doesn't matter WHERE he was born

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15e62a No.21093646

File: 210e9bce1f8b732⋯.png (61.57 KB,683x704,683:704,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c65f477be2908ae⋯.png (58.89 KB,654x753,218:251,ClipboardImage.png)




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1a8c7d No.21093648

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24c8f8 No.21093649

File: e5faff781ac324d⋯.png (221.44 KB,643x680,643:680,Shills3.png)

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24c8f8 No.21093652

File: ba9b8ddbee01168⋯.png (618 KB,1200x907,1200:907,DoNotEngage2.png)

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61ba3d No.21093659

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just GasLighting

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32e327 No.21093660


watch out where the huskies go

and don't you eat that brown shit snow

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837f30 No.21093661


Check It!

Goes directly to…


Back To The Future


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24c8f8 No.21093662

we call it Flava


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95c0ec No.21093663

File: e548fa9e9df880b⋯.png (200.51 KB,616x462,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2c18b80f5f828c⋯.jpg (128.71 KB,1016x1016,1:1,media_GRDLaLTbkAAo_vv.jpg)

Elon Musk




Autism Capital 🧩



What Democrats think will happen if Trump gets elected. 😂

Jun 27, 2024 · 4:44 AM UTC



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c0b4ef No.21093664

>Dear Patriot.

>We hear you.

>We hear all Americans such as yourself.

>The time has come to take back our great land.

>The time is now.

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61ba3d No.21093665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21093659 Checked

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95c0ec No.21093670

File: 89ea5a8f4e057e3⋯.jpeg (52.98 KB,639x429,213:143,00059d3b_medium.jpeg)



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53b81d No.21093671

Sometimes I wonder about human traffiking being a benefit farm thing.. like people strategically traumatized and exploited to be farmed for food stamps and other benefits.

You think that happens? Like.. I can't talk to specific about my industry, but I noticed a ton of those small business loans being scammy.. like little random startups described to me and I look at who's launching them and how they're getting the federal hand out and I'm like "fuck! that's huge, this company gonna disappear, i'll get one year business with them because they're trying to create the image of being legit" and like damn.. I was right on every single one of them, like probably at least 15 different businesses, everyone who suddenly appeared and mentioned the fed loan..

I'm sure it was used as intended by a lot of businesses, but I've firsthand witnessed it being exploited like a fucking.. idk crackwhore i guess.. Makes me wonder if traffikers register their cargo in the system and farm benefits for illegals or whoever..

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c0b4ef No.21093674

File: 5253c96b740e2db⋯.png (29.09 KB,375x260,75:52,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed8681 No.21093675


The inflation scam breeds little baby scams.

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714f4c No.21093677

File: e8976fc0bafd43c⋯.jpeg (19.41 KB,428x233,428:233,64123F3C_8A92_410E_A5B4_3….jpeg)

Dong Won

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822fb1 No.21093679


How did he know.

If you Know then you Glow.

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28a46c No.21093680

Building my rain up, in the cloud.

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55e3c5 No.21093681

File: 6ebbad42d970fd9⋯.png (560.14 KB,575x454,575:454,WHO1.png)

File: cda3446daf35762⋯.jpg (27.44 KB,800x533,800:533,vladimir_jurowski.jpg)

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b002d4 No.21093683

File: bebed4ff2a8b06b⋯.jpeg (72.23 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_0857.jpeg)


>Dong Won

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822fb1 No.21093684


Beer no. 5.

Just getting warmed up.

Fuck the DS, Hallelujah, and I love Jesus.

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53b81d No.21093685


I mean watching the baby scams makes you think also that there's someone out there with like 700 shell companies just milkin the fuck out of it.. because the dudes doing the baby scams, a lot of 'em are humble dudes.. I guess its easier to hide as one of those, but you gotta imagine smart motherfucker out there was ready and blueprinted the whole thing and got away with it.

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55e3c5 No.21093686

File: 8c873f0bcf68133⋯.jpg (65.71 KB,1000x1000,1:1,vladimir_jurowski.jpg)


russell bot

convincing you that not only night shift is being deleted here since at least 2023

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28a46c No.21093688


There’s nothing smart about being stupid.

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58836a No.21093691

File: 462e45cc06ff8c1⋯.mp4 (4.19 MB,640x368,40:23,Big_Don.mp4)

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28a46c No.21093693


Patriots are here and on the rise.

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714f4c No.21093694



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b002d4 No.21093696

File: 064bddb31fe003d⋯.jpeg (81.33 KB,638x391,638:391,IMG_0766.jpeg)

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28a46c No.21093698



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28a46c No.21093701


Then stop looking in the mirror… dumb-dumb.

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b002d4 No.21093703

File: 3fd9e0c61db06d1⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,449.22 KB,1000x742,500:371,IMG_0856.jpeg)


>big patriot in the house?

well now….speaking of BIG

I named my new race horse


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58836a No.21093704


Replying to yourself? I don't need to dig any further, cunt.

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1a8c7d No.21093707


ignorance is bliss?

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b002d4 No.21093708

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24c8f8 No.21093709

File: bf9141554e3ab29⋯.png (336.66 KB,590x488,295:244,Satanists.png)


Spiritual Warfare is Legit

Magic is just Uknown Technology

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b002d4 No.21093710


sneed bruh!

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fde428 No.21093717

File: 92943ffda9df69e⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,640x360,16:9,92943ffda9df69e594c52cc9ce….mp4)


>>The time has come to take back our great land.

>>The time is now.


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fd7a10 No.21093721


If only

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24c8f8 No.21093722

File: 1ee81056239b0a2⋯.png (175.19 KB,500x692,125:173,meow_mother_fucker_you_can….png)


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b002d4 No.21093726

File: 6c70830ef6a6b92⋯.jpeg (406.79 KB,566x900,283:450,IMG_0861.jpeg)



sounds a tad gayish and foppish

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53b81d No.21093728

File: 7173a3a88676d57⋯.png (423.03 KB,2048x2720,64:85,ClipboardImage.png)



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b1cfb4 No.21093729

File: da9b2e5523627e2⋯.png (215.2 KB,320x304,20:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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409997 No.21093731

need a new card in the monopoly game.

a never go to jail card.

"congratulations, you have been incorporated."

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1a8c7d No.21093735

File: 63d1160eabe4294⋯.png (2.61 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Did we get the NBA back or something?

Lakers may have gotten steal of NBA draft with Dalton Knecht at No. 17

It wasn’t Bronny James, but the Lakers’ first selection of the 2024 NBA Draft still could make LeBron happy.

The Lakers took Tennessee star Dalton Knecht with the No. 17 pick of the draft on Wednesday night after he slipped down draft boards.

Some had projected Knecht, 23, going as high as No. 6 to the Hornets, instead he heads to Los Angeles and first-year coach JJ Redick.


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b002d4 No.21093740

File: b5a94e38772b35a⋯.jpeg (84.21 KB,638x391,638:391,IMG_0862.jpeg)

>muh post deletions

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1a8c7d No.21093741

File: c1439267f9cf5c2⋯.png (498.06 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

what douches.. arent they supposed to be allies, or something?

North Korean Troops Will Be 'Cannon Fodder' If Sent To Ukraine, Pentagon Says

Following on the heels of Putin's visit to Pyongyang last week where he inked a strategic defense cooperation agreement with Kim Jong Un, North Korea is reportedly sending a contingency of troops to assist in Russia's military operations in Ukraine.

South Korea's TV Chosun cited a Seoul official to say specifically the north will send construction and engineering units to Ukraine as soon as next month, according to Reuters. They will reportedly assist in rebuilding efforts for areas under Russian control.


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e95b75 No.21093743


The character standing behind Trump is Ryuk from the anime "Death Note." In this anime, if a person's name is written in the Death Note, he will die.

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eead15 No.21093744


Thank you GOD.

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28a46c No.21093747



Why would someone start a Q board like this, suddenly after it was announced clowns here were relieved of duties?

Trip code thoughts? It’s neither Q nor Leas than 10. Who made it?

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24c8f8 No.21093751

File: b4b1094acb3fbb3⋯.png (372.22 KB,610x402,305:201,BornFree2.png)

File: f60517149692ac7⋯.png (153.48 KB,299x300,299:300,BornFree3.png)

File: 621a7f4cd6072b5⋯.jpg (36.6 KB,634x634,1:1,brainwashed.jpg)

File: bff0b54915f80b3⋯.jpg (44.75 KB,564x561,188:187,cheers.jpg)


17 comms will be Worldwide

Learn Our Comms International

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1a8c7d No.21093752


I can't tell, are those some sort of boy scouts or are they actual troops??

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61ba3d No.21093753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21093665 Debate This

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d2ccf3 No.21093755

File: a96dfc515ad6863⋯.png (188.37 KB,921x242,921:242,canvas.png)

File: 6a71f2c130aee89⋯.png (31.13 KB,420x223,420:223,psalm135_15_18.png)

Psalm 135

15 ​​The idols of the nations are silver and gold,

​​ The work of men’s hands.

16 ​​They have mouths, but they do not speak;

​​ Eyes they have, but they do not see;

17 ​​They have ears, but they do not hear;

​​ Nor is there any breath in their mouths.

18 ​​Those who make them are like them;

​​So is everyone who trusts in them.

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b1cfb4 No.21093756

File: 13aa1afd40fec7c⋯.png (1.38 MB,828x816,69:68,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 729b64b4a33189e⋯.png (504.08 KB,500x652,125:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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28a46c No.21093758

Clowns will try everything…..

[W]e [A]re [R]eady for anything.

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6ba517 No.21093759

File: 5d8b6531aa67810⋯.jpg (151.44 KB,670x742,335:371,Screen_Shot_2024_06_26_at_….jpg)





We knew this day would come.

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28a46c No.21093763

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97e870 No.21093764


All I had to see was that Tucker was in CANBERRA after knowing that is where JA flew into. It's called DISCERNMENT kneegrow.

Now I don't know for 100% certain but it's not that hard to intuit that Tucker just habbening to be in Canberra as JA arrives is no fucking coinkydink. I assume he's in contact with Stella which is how Tucker would know.

And no, I did not IP hop. Twas at werk and it was miller time so I had to reconnect once I drove 30 minutes home.

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1a8c7d No.21093767

File: 105927b6ab18ff2⋯.mp4 (2.97 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17194676130….mp4)

The deep state is a disease.

So many of us deal with terrible sicknesses in our lives. When afflicted, we try to protect the ones we love and fight the disease in any way we can.

Our infected military-industrial complex is no different.

Be a part of the cure by renting or purchasing our film today: https://flynnmovie.com


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28a46c No.21093768


Who made it? Why?

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6b00d2 No.21093770

File: a5c631f729fe85f⋯.png (1.42 MB,1079x1232,1079:1232,ClipboardImage.png)

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e95b75 No.21093771

File: 08ca1ceaf16273a⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB,942x720,157:120,SdR8dNziVikZeVbO.mp4)

Historic Vids



Historic Vids



Jun 24

Blackfeet Indians arriving in New York City in 1927.

Jun 24

Blackfeet Indians arriving in New York City in 1927.

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28a46c No.21093773


Posts are dated for 3 days ago.

Clowns will try everything.

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1a8c7d No.21093775


you have a hand tremor. PTSD?

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b1cfb4 No.21093776

File: 44c00fd154c5870⋯.png (1.83 MB,720x1080,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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28a46c No.21093777


It’s going to be an issue until it is sufficiently reconciled

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fc06b5 No.21093779


Pentagon scared methinks

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61ba3d No.21093780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21093753 Be Prepared!

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e95b75 No.21093781

death note

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fc06b5 No.21093783


Or it will be a ghost town and die off

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eead15 No.21093785

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24c8f8 No.21093787

File: dc2632c35fad380⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x541,1024:541,ClipboardImage.png)

chow time

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303350 No.21093788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's Roll!!!!!

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9cdbb1 No.21093789

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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95c0ec No.21093790

File: 89437211bde6150⋯.png (196.91 KB,613x473,613:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1df77905a16fa0d⋯.jpg (65.85 KB,459x959,459:959,media_GRDqKi2WMAAUfBO.jpg)





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93b404 No.21093791

File: 39191c17fe4bb65⋯.png (365.85 KB,859x511,859:511,ClipboardImage.png)


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24c8f8 No.21093792


Unordinary warfare

soaking in it

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b1cfb4 No.21093793

File: a1c203f03a6e278⋯.png (132.44 KB,600x454,300:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ba517 No.21093794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






>We knew this day would come.

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d1b77b No.21093795



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6b00d2 No.21093796

File: f22745cebc43416⋯.png (54.78 KB,487x689,487:689,ClipboardImage.png)


>Who made it?


When in the height heaven was not named,

And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name,

And the primeval Apsu, who begat them,

And chaos, TiaMatt, the mother of them both

Their waters were mingled together,

And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;

When of the gods none had been called into being,

And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained;

Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven,

Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being…




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d1b77b No.21093798


all the spammers should go there…..

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95c0ec No.21093800

File: 827e7f860423fec⋯.png (449.24 KB,639x523,639:523,ClipboardImage.png)




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e95b75 No.21093801

File: d85143cce15a411⋯.png (375.48 KB,1000x625,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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e95b75 No.21093803

File: 98eceeae50a3edd⋯.png (1.49 MB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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973869 No.21093805


>Chug a beer every time you fill in a bingo box.

Would anon die?

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9cdbb1 No.21093806

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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b1cfb4 No.21093810

File: 595c58b3efa6273⋯.png (570.03 KB,704x704,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6b00d2 No.21093811

File: 165291d77aff917⋯.png (1.29 MB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)




I don't see j6 on there

I don't see any "Malarkey," and no mention of "Scranton."


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97e870 No.21093814


>It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

Doubtful. POTUS has access to the best military intel and military has it all. Trump has to play his part in this movie too feigning ignorance.

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bbf146 No.21093815


This one is strange, but I tried it and it worked great. For a stye of the eye, gently rub the spot, I repeat, gently, with a gold ring(real gold) a few times a day for three to four days. This made mine go away and have not had one since. I was very surprised that this worked.

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dca5c6 No.21093817

File: 8529f6e2710e9bb⋯.png (51.57 KB,1064x247,56:13,corsi2.png)

File: 34b04d066a67d1d⋯.png (223.03 KB,405x682,405:682,corsi.png)




>Guest Post by Jerome Corsi

SELF NOTABLEing this one

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66ffad No.21093818














>My Dad has end stage dementia and is in hospital after some internal bleeding. Kidneys are starting to give out.

>It's looking like palliative care is the only/best option.

>Any prayers from Anons would be very much appreciated.

>God bless



Thank you so much, frens

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e1786e No.21093824

File: d529026080087b9⋯.jpg (70.38 KB,500x589,500:589,Eagle_eagle.jpg)


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6b00d2 No.21093827

File: f19710c4bb1872f⋯.png (594.25 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e95b75 No.21093828

File: dfbe7a6bd36a76b⋯.png (221.37 KB,400x300,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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37beb4 No.21093834

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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95c0ec No.21093836

File: 372e1fd6dc60d89⋯.png (123.25 KB,723x567,241:189,ClipboardImage.png)

Suspended accounts on Twitter.


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97e870 No.21093838



I'm shocked.

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dca5c6 No.21093839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a6936b No.21093841


shut up faggot

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a59f2b No.21093842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a6936b No.21093843

File: 68c3d20bd738f33⋯.png (769.8 KB,714x635,714:635,1h.png)


yeah so!?!?!?

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e1786e No.21093844

File: 0ac5268466acb73⋯.gif (5.52 MB,600x371,600:371,zzz.gif)








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d1b77b No.21093845


#25856 >>21093024

>>21093106 Liz Crokin: In 2012, Lady Gaga dressed up like a witch and visited Julian Assange to allegedly support and interview him.

>>21093118 PF: President Dudaback to Warsaw from Shanghai Intl depart

>>21093120 Wall Street Silver: Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.

>>21093111 Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs

>>21093121 Night Owl News Archives

>>21093132 Liz Churchill: Lol. CNN retrofits their microphones on the Debate Stage for Joe the Dementia Patient

>>21093134 Jake Paul wants 'truth' and 'authenticity' deciding between Trump, Biden: 'Can't fool us'

>>21093152, >>21093180 Thomas Rousseau, leader of the Patriot Front – is PF just a bunch of FEDS??

>>21093160 PF: Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Financedeparted Los Angeles Intl after arriving from a Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Jeddah depart earlier today

>>21093167 The FBI is actively arresting more J6 participants today, according to reports.

>>21093181 Dutch volleyball player who raped 12yo girl to compete at Olympics

>>21093182 HRC: The right-wing Supreme Court majority is out of control.

>>21093188 Scavino: October 2016 flashback…

>>21093189 Times of Israel on Trump-Biden debate

>>21093205 Japan issues fresh warnings against sharp yen falls

>>21093221 U.S. Industries Fearing a Port Strike Urge Biden for Help

>>21093282 Killed Doctors Without Borders staffer was ‘a terrorist’ – IDF

>>21093361 Schiff: @RepAdamSchiff: But her emails…

>>21093464 Russian 'shadow parliament' made up of over 60 exiled-MPs met up in Warsaw to discuss 'assassination campaign' against members of Vladimir Putin's government

>>21093502 Scavino Jr: Rock history

>>21093561 BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.

>>1093663 @elonmusk: @AutismCapitat - What Democrats think will happen if Trump gets elected. 😂

>>21093735 Lakers may have gotten steal of NBA draft with Dalton Knecht at No. 17

>>21093741 North Korean Troops Will Be 'Cannon Fodder' If Sent To Ukraine, Pentagon Says

>>21093770, >>21093800, >>21093800 Biden Debate BINGO Card

notes @500


this time i mean it

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95c0ec No.21093847

File: b01a8f1a6ce71c8⋯.png (169.27 KB,573x567,191:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 105e1e4050b5c80⋯.png (16.93 KB,627x160,627:160,ClipboardImage.png)

The Poll Lady



3. Afghan War Diary (2010);

WikiLeaks dumped 91,000 reports of internal US military logs covering the war in Afghanistan & US war crimes. It exposed

• Civilian casualties were massively underreported,

• Detailed on covert operations: how US contractors used male child prostitutesin Afghanistan,

• Established fact that Taliban was only getting stronger despite US efforts.

Jun 26, 2024 · 10:36 AM UTC



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58836a No.21093849

File: 97ff3c061c98977⋯.png (553.57 KB,731x875,731:875,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a68c4 No.21093852

File: d3b988be9161525⋯.gif (902.64 KB,498x471,166:157,_YOUU_jackoff.gif)



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d1b77b No.21093853




#25856 >>21093024

>>21093106 Liz Crokin: In 2012, Lady Gaga dressed up like a witch and visited Julian Assange to allegedly support and interview him.

>>21093118 PF: President Dudaback to Warsaw from Shanghai Intl depart

>>21093120 Wall Street Silver: Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.

>>21093111 Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs

>>21093121 Night Owl News Archives

>>21093132 Liz Churchill: Lol. CNN retrofits their microphones on the Debate Stage for Joe the Dementia Patient

>>21093134 Jake Paul wants 'truth' and 'authenticity' deciding between Trump, Biden: 'Can't fool us'

>>21093152, >>21093180 Thomas Rousseau, leader of the Patriot Front – is PF just a bunch of FEDS??

>>21093160 PF: Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Finance departed Los Angeles Intl after arriving from a Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Jeddah depart earlier today

>>21093167 The FBI is actively arresting more J6 participants today, according to reports.

>>21093181 Dutch volleyball player who raped 12yo girl to compete at Olympics

>>21093182 HRC: The right-wing Supreme Court majority is out of control.

>>21093188 Scavino: October 2016 flashback…

>>21093189 Times of Israel on Trump-Biden debate

>>21093205 Japan issues fresh warnings against sharp yen falls

>>21093221 U.S. Industries Fearing a Port Strike Urge Biden for Help

>>21093282 Killed Doctors Without Borders staffer was ‘a terrorist’ – IDF

>>21093361 Schiff: @RepAdamSchiff: But her emails…

>>21093464 Russian 'shadow parliament' made up of over 60 exiled-MPs met up in Warsaw to discuss 'assassination campaign' against members of Vladimir Putin's government

>>21093502 Scavino Jr: Rock history

>>21093561 BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.

>>21093663 @elonmusk: @AutismCapitat - What Democrats think will happen if Trump gets elected. 😂

>>21093735 Lakers may have gotten steal of NBA draft with Dalton Knecht at No. 17

>>21093741 North Korean Troops Will Be 'Cannon Fodder' If Sent To Ukraine, Pentagon Says

>>21093770, >>21093800, >>21093800 Biden Debate BINGO Card

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dca5c6 No.21093854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cf8288 No.21093857

File: 6b3dd2f45b98f54⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,848x464,53:29,2023_09_22_21_19_01.mp4)

File: 7d4ff6e5653617e⋯.mp4 (2.66 MB,848x464,53:29,2023_09_22_21_18_51.mp4)

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e95b75 No.21093858

File: 589c4b6416e335d⋯.png (5.13 MB,2560x1440,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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e13828 No.21093859

File: b9b567f5eba6c43⋯.png (575.4 KB,2400x1350,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>And the primeval Apsu

Pry me, Val.

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fc06b5 No.21093861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0a68c4 No.21093862

File: 8a5af9398c7aa8e⋯.png (146.12 KB,789x609,263:203,ClipboardImage.png)


Only been on for 5hrsRampRat?


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837f30 No.21093863

File: f828e3a38f2aa18⋯.png (56.32 KB,898x542,449:271,2975.png)

File: ac4da5b86332ec1⋯.png (876.77 KB,898x2460,449:1230,2987.png)

File: 65749b333fb09de⋯.png (799.15 KB,898x3108,449:1554,2431.png)

File: 6b9ac1a4a361b65⋯.png (3.29 MB,1376x2714,688:1357,2362.png)

File: 7011d68c3d3255a⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)



“But there is a solid core to Pence that is inviolable, and he allows the edges to be kind of smoothed, but at the core there are certain lines he won’t allow to be crossed.”

Long before he became Trump’s hype man, Pence was an Indiana governor who sided with what he called “the Reagan agenda.” In April of 2016, the last time he opted not to endorse Trump, he backed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in Indiana’s decisive GOP May primary, mentioning Cruz’s advocacy of “less government, less taxes, traditional values and a strong military.”


Mar 05, 2019 4:43:06 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 27704f No. 5524020

Every barrel has a bad apple.

But, in this case, bad apples do not spoil the bunch.

The CORE is what counts.



Back To The Future


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95c0ec No.21093864

File: 86e82f34d3035b1⋯.jpeg (262.69 KB,1241x1414,1241:1414,86e82f34d3035b1e54058d97a….jpeg)

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303350 No.21093865

Whoever runs things….

Holy shit you suck.

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53a755 No.21093866

File: 4736a7acd9d4145⋯.jpg (118.18 KB,584x617,584:617,4736a7acd9d41459cae05c4efc….jpg)



hey fag

theres nothing about ron in that post from clown fuck webb

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303350 No.21093867

Remind me never to put you in charge again.

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e95b75 No.21093868

File: 63a533dc6dc9960⋯.png (996.95 KB,680x563,680:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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303350 No.21093869

MY PEOPLE are tired.


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0a68c4 No.21093870

File: 792a46931a5d688⋯.jpg (216.29 KB,737x779,737:779,792a46931a5d688bc41c714e08….jpg)


dubs check

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303350 No.21093871

I know you're trying to piss me off..

Try a peaceful solution, see what happens.

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3ae8b7 No.21093873

File: faad14ebd429760⋯.png (530.78 KB,741x1740,247:580,IMG_8019.png)

This from @Kash at 17:23 EST on TS


Gina Haspel: as then London Station Chief, allowed Russia Gate to be launched in England for FBI… She then torpedoed the release of our Russia Gate Memo at end of Trump Administration… Are you really surprised Haspel, as CIA Director, approved the bogus 51 Intel letter for release (in 6 hours) to rig an election?

SUBPOENA Haspel and her records for approval NOW:

See Q 1723

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303350 No.21093876

I am pissed but still happy to have what I have.

No more moves left, just YOURS.

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95c0ec No.21093877

File: 83fe91b2149a5a7⋯.jpg (94.43 KB,1125x988,1125:988,Fxqyhl7akAAEdd9.jpg)


Yep, unrelated pics.

I found that post that Ron deleted on the interwebz

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dca5c6 No.21093878

File: 598fd184cf2f3ed⋯.jpg (9.01 KB,151x233,151:233,sidecrippled.jpg)

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5e260c No.21093879

Eve = Evil

Why does Baphomet have breasts?

Sure is weird how spellcheck had know problem spelling Baphomet for me,

Baphomet is half man, half ram, and has tits?

H'mmm, wouldn't it make more sense if Baphomet was half WOMAN half RAM?

Eve = Evil

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303350 No.21093880

Make the move.

Make sure it's massive.

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550919 No.21093881




[Shill frens ✌️

Pay for play venue 🙃

Good fucking luck 🫠

5th dimensional psyop extravaganza 😮‍💨]

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303350 No.21093882

Your jobs on the line.


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303350 No.21093883

Not gonna ask again.

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303350 No.21093885


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837f30 No.21093888

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: 84a8a49f875a21e⋯.jpeg (1.66 MB,1313x1848,1313:1848,IMG_2382.jpeg)

File: 30b045705bc3e68⋯.jpeg (743.95 KB,1249x1082,1249:1082,IMG_2367.jpeg)

File: ce7e6194390cbe0⋯.jpeg (126.52 KB,858x843,286:281,IMG_2369.jpeg)

File: f10739c9dbfa42d⋯.jpeg (1016.93 KB,1198x1476,599:738,IMG_2331.jpeg)


Forgot link to article…

So many clues!

All for a LARP right?


And Protect PDJT!

We serve at the pleasure of The President!


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837f30 No.21093890


888 MPH

Back To The Future


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fc06b5 No.21093891


>there will be a page of Global notables or the pain will continue!

With what in it?

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fc06b5 No.21093893


Now ya did it, I wanna listen to some DEVO

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550919 No.21093897

[Djt is actually going to debate a masked actor?

300 miles. Navy. Check yourself.

We are not the world police.


Free energy.

Cabal can fucking die.

Fiat is toilet paper.


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303350 No.21093899

You fuckers are late.

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58836a No.21093902


Big Mike massive? *BOT*

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837f30 No.21093903

File: 908058145b34b51⋯.jpeg (530.76 KB,1293x1043,1293:1043,IMG_1526.jpeg)


Mike Pence waiting for Second TrumpPence.com Administration



#FlynnFraud 🤣🤣🤣

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6b00d2 No.21093904


Apsu Apsutaja

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24c8f8 No.21093907

Youth and Asian


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303350 No.21093908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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47bd95 No.21093909


I am gonna love this muted mic

However, fake jake and horse face’ mics need to be muted too when Trump and Biden are doeaking.

No fact checking Trump at the time and no bailing out Biden

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fc06b5 No.21093911


Meh, VD getting cleaned out

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24c8f8 No.21093913


Black Commerce of Children from/to Asia ?

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fc06b5 No.21093915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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47bd95 No.21093916


If Trump gets interrupted by fake and horse face, he needs to say ‘i reclaim my time “

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e95b75 No.21093918

File: 3d44f7e691f54ab⋯.png (159.74 KB,1016x1016,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

dont fear the Reaper

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550919 No.21093920



<[You're fucking trolling]

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dca5c6 No.21093922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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837f30 No.21093924

File: 54f466335e27894⋯.jpeg (829.94 KB,1249x1215,1249:1215,IMG_2423.jpeg)

File: 46e280dbfa60fce⋯.png (271.67 KB,1376x674,688:337,11.png)

File: 3c2d1fac032bbe0⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB,1620x2088,45:58,IMG_0488.jpeg)

File: 4198898404614cd⋯.jpeg (2.65 MB,1620x2068,405:517,IMG_0445.jpeg)


Flynn is corrupt, Mike Pence is NOT… this is THE POWER That they lost…


Mike Pence Wrote The Playbook and Launched The WAR on planned parenthood and roe v wade…

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2ea08f No.21093925

File: a1fcc05651d6e3e⋯.png (146.82 KB,1239x784,177:112,Capture.PNG)

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fc06b5 No.21093927


>All we want to know is where the stars come from

That's for people seeking funding

>But do we ever stop to watch them shine?

Some do

>Or are we staring with ungrateful eyes.

This is the part where I ask "who's we?"

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cc389d No.21093931

File: 6769b9c7471f354⋯.jpg (577.52 KB,1077x1887,359:629,Screenshot_20240627_080013….jpg)

VP Day?

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3c3686 No.21093932


Eve = Evil

Men are good,

Women are evil

Men, unencumbered with the whiles of women, are capable of the most magnificent achievement.

Think Gold rush, the Oregon trail, the Navies of yore!

Men can happily co exist, working seamlessly towards a common goal.

They would work from sun up, till sun down, sew their own clothes, dig their own gold, and cook their own food,.

They shaped Nations.

The first woman turned up as whore for a Jewish Pimp.

It all turned to shit.

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dca5c6 No.21093933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



oof lets try that again

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fc06b5 No.21093935


Video unavailable

Playback on other websites has been disabled

by the video owner


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837f30 No.21093936

File: 05df876f6e577ec⋯.png (1.48 MB,898x2404,449:1202,3405.png)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: cad521154589cd1⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: 2793885e4c3eb72⋯.jpeg (183.6 KB,1089x727,1089:727,IMG_2374.jpeg)


Oh, you don’t do Q?

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b002d4 No.21093937


hylics walk among us

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dca5c6 No.21093938


Requesting a Scavino post of this

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24c8f8 No.21093939

File: b9197533cb1c0fb⋯.jpg (43.92 KB,720x659,720:659,muMoves.jpg)

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95c0ec No.21093940

File: 9718c0d8d057a8c⋯.png (388.53 KB,627x544,627:544,ClipboardImage.png)

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dca5c6 No.21093941


May I speak to Corporal Basedjak of the Diggers Division

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47bd95 No.21093943


The Bible clearly states that it is better. I.e. easier to get into heaven, if men avoid women and stay single. However, it states that if they cannot avoid women then a man should marry. But it is harder to get to heaven because men have to concern themselves oh worldly things to please their wives, rather than Godly things.

It’s already in the Bible

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3ae8b7 No.21093945



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fc06b5 No.21093947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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837f30 No.21093948

File: ab80eb61acad236⋯.jpeg (244.38 KB,1290x1579,1290:1579,IMG_2424.jpeg)


I’m shaking in my boots…

Okay jack wagon…


'Fraud': Trump campaign denies federal filing naming Michael Flynn as VP running mate

ByJordan Green, Investigative Reporter

June 26, 2024 12:55PM ET

A new political committee registered with the Federal Election Commission indicates Donald Trump will name his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, as his vice presidential running-mate.

But the committee, “Donald J. Trump and Michael Flynn for President 2024 Inc.”, is bogus, the Trump campaign confirmed to Raw Story.

“It’s fraud,” Bradley T. Crate, the Trump campaign treasurer, told Raw Story.

The filing, submitted to the FEC on Tuesday, lists Crate, who is legitimately the treasurer of the Trump’s principal campaign committee, as treasurer of the bogus Trump/Flynn committee.

Besides being false, the filing also contains a sloppy error: It lists Crate, not Trump, as the candidate for president.

Judith Ingram, a spokesperson for the Federal Election Commission, declined to comment.

Plague of fake political committees

It takes little time and effort to create a federal political committee, at least on paper.

But once done, a federal record is automatically generated and posted publicly to FEC.gov, the agency's website.

In late 2022, for example, someone created a federal political committee indicating that former Vice President Mike Pence had formed a 2024 presidential campaign committee.

But the committee was a fraud, and Pence's representatives scrambled to correct the record and debunk several premature media reports that Pence, who ultimately would run for president months later, had entered the race.

President Joe Biden, who Trump is slated to debate on Thursday, has also experienced fake political committees created in his name.

A parade of other bogus filings have also served to cause confusion, and sometimes, even threatening situations, such as when people have used FEC documents to launch racist screeds or doxx their enemies.

The FEC notes that "knowingly and willfully making any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation to a federal government agency" is a violation of federal law, and the FEC is "authorized to report apparent violations to the appropriate law enforcement agencies."

But the FEC, an independent, bipartisan civil regulatory agency that only has the power to seek civil penalties against suspected bad actors, rarely asks the Department of Justice to pursue such matters.

Violations typically result in no more than a sternly worded letter from the FEC.

Flynn in the spotlight

A retired lieutenant general who briefly served as Trump’s national security adviser, Flynn remains a galvanizing figure among more extreme elements of Trump’s base.

During the 2016 campaign, Flynn led supporters in chanting, “Lock her up,” directed at Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Flynn’s stint as national security adviser under Trump proved short lived, and he eventually pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak.

Flynn received a pardon from Trump after the 2020 election, and Flynn emerged as a leading figure in the effort to overturn the election, including meeting with Trump at the White House in December 2020 and urging him to seize voting machines and re-run the election.

Flynn spent the months of April and May promoting a documentary movie that portrays him as a victim of political persecution, and has continued to play a role as a kind of surrogate for the former president, who has faced his own legal challenges, in amplifying grievances against a so-called “Deep State.”

Since receiving the presidential pardon in November 2020, Flynn has not avoided controversy, including his association with a volunteer security team that has been accused of detaining a Washington state woman based on a manufactured claim that her life was in danger from a mysterious global ballot trafficking group, as exclusively reported by Raw Story.

Among Flynn’s supporters, the retired lieutenant general’s name is frequently mentioned as a good pick for vice president during a second Trump term.

Ivan Raiklin, a retired Army Special Forces officer, has participated as a presenter in the Flynn movie tour. In a post on X yesterday, Raiklin touted Flynn as a strong 2024 vice presidential possibility, noting how Flynn has long remained “loyal” to Trump.




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6ac8d7 No.21093949

File: d52ae0d0bfbe212⋯.png (34.52 KB,1012x396,23:9,djtns8.png)

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3ae8b7 No.21093950

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24c8f8 No.21093951


4th of July Dodger Game

Expect Comms

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6ac8d7 No.21093953

File: 1d4c567838039ff⋯.png (81.69 KB,693x552,231:184,0kbw1.png)

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837f30 No.21093954


Angels, not Dodgers (alphabet mafia)

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6ac8d7 No.21093955

File: f08892827aeae18⋯.png (251.99 KB,556x562,278:281,0kbw3.png)

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24c8f8 No.21093956

File: b2f448ab18bd0c9⋯.png (69.56 KB,904x245,904:245,Jan11QCool.png)

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6ac8d7 No.21093957

File: b87c4044126f36b⋯.png (185.41 KB,430x656,215:328,kbw4.png)

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47bd95 No.21093958

C before D

Trump picks Carson as VP before declassified documents are leaked

Carson before documents

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24c8f8 No.21093959

File: 5fbced0fec5df4b⋯.jpg (25.39 KB,468x355,468:355,exorcist_3.jpg)

File: cdaa09c2ed01fea⋯.jpg (126.68 KB,1021x1010,1021:1010,Mueller1EnjoyTheShow.jpg)

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837f30 No.21093960

File: fa76c573ab7183e⋯.jpeg (676.06 KB,2048x1542,1024:771,IMG_3086.jpeg)

File: 130f09061964cae⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1313x1875,1313:1875,IMG_5337.jpeg)

File: 670dffe853aacdd⋯.jpeg (36.37 KB,267x400,267:400,IMG_5093.jpeg)

File: 57a12496e12edc9⋯.jpeg (761.53 KB,1427x1262,1427:1262,IMG_0170.jpeg)

File: 41435686c7dff3f⋯.jpeg (15.77 KB,300x168,25:14,IMG_0133.jpeg)



Keyboard Warriors

Better than Times Square Madison Anenue Ad Agencies

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e95b75 No.21093961


compact disc silly

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3ae8b7 No.21093962



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550919 No.21093963


>doesn't get it

[Anon doesn't explain. Anon uses QSG. Anon is trolling.]

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24c8f8 No.21093964

File: fa10f4117798d23⋯.png (592.78 KB,749x648,749:648,Patience2.png)

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95c0ec No.21093965

File: d1cbaeda9dd67f7⋯.png (239.03 KB,615x535,123:107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cb1a2c1bd4a8e6⋯.jpg (283.38 KB,1364x2048,341:512,media_GQ9Wf_cWUAANVaJ.jpg)


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9ccdf8 No.21093966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you're welcome

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e95b75 No.21093967

File: 3d44f7e691f54ab⋯.jpg (159.74 KB,1016x1016,1:1,GRDLaLTbkAAo_vv.jpg)

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24c8f8 No.21093968

File: 60b0a64bcb2a768⋯.mp4 (691.52 KB,640x364,160:91,airQ.mp4)

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e95b75 No.21093970


if potus held bible upside down, then cross be upside down

reapers work for Heaven, they harvest the weeds

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62f640 No.21093971

File: e8fba76fae4b07b⋯.jpeg (38.51 KB,800x484,200:121,EFCA3A5C_606E_4921_AF96_D….jpeg)


One thing missin’- SAUCE.

The tweet exists, however in a sauceless state.

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e13828 No.21093972

File: 0aaab06cc678c53⋯.png (123.54 KB,697x465,697:465,ClipboardImage.png)


>C before D

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867f29 No.21093973

File: 0ae32cbfbd5a25b⋯.jpg (208.16 KB,1540x460,77:23,20240627_011358.jpg)


Done making memes,something I think is cool , I put it out there hoping people will like it, and nothing. fuck it I give up. What's the damn point I'm still gonna be homeless ,I'm still fucking gangstalked. ….yea a stupid ass meme is gonna help me there. We need tangible change in this country, get the fucking gangstalking gang bangers OFF MY ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!

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24c8f8 No.21093974

File: 875a33ccede92cf⋯.jpg (119.13 KB,910x480,91:48,YesQanon14.jpg)

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fc06b5 No.21093975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Okay you miscrants, which one of you did this?

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47bd95 No.21093978


I can see this August being HOT if docs are leaked

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24c8f8 No.21093979


welcome to the suck…its almost over…if your nasty..No Passes

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fc06b5 No.21093981


Embrace the suck!

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24c8f8 No.21093982

File: d060d19ab58c9f3⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,495x372,165:124,wissen.JPG)

File: 613f2f79328c93d⋯.png (18.55 KB,806x450,403:225,wwg1wga.png)

File: 52c63f004d04862⋯.png (562.44 KB,795x797,795:797,WWG1WGAQ.png)

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8d5998 No.21093983

File: 8b8dea6608bcac2⋯.jpg (216.44 KB,1080x704,135:88,Screenshot_20240627_191629….jpg)

Storm cumin

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95c0ec No.21093986

File: b252c5f00870ce3⋯.png (215.9 KB,666x575,666:575,ClipboardImage.png)



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47bd95 No.21093988



C before D Trump picks Carson for VP

Then, Haiti docs are leaked showing Ds destroyed Haiti to kidnap black kids.

Ds loose black votes forever

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58836a No.21093989

File: 4a8200bee75264e⋯.png (561.6 KB,1000x764,250:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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47bd95 No.21093991


Maybe Costs is nickname for Carson because he was a doctor who wore white COATS

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839e48 No.21093995



>Persecutory delusions are a central psychotic experience, at the severe end of a paranoia spectrum in the general population. The aim of the review is to provide an introduction to the understanding of persecutory delusions, highlight key putative causal factors that have the potential to be translated into efficacious treatment, and indicate future research directions.

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112dc3 No.21093996

File: d50393f7390b41d⋯.png (17.7 KB,546x119,78:17,cheers.png)

File: e457f1eea8ca3fa⋯.png (592.5 KB,519x470,519:470,e457f1eea8ca3fac73f527f8a4….png)

>>21092232 PB

>She tagged the wrong account 😂💀




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671bdf No.21093997

How many times has Scavino posted Thunderstruck?

>>21093502 Scavino Jr: Rock history


Rock History



Scavino Jr:

ACϟDC - Thunderstruck /Live Munich

Music Videos & Memories




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62f640 No.21093998


Checked it out. Nothing.

We need video or it didn’t happen.

Still unsauced.

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550919 No.21093999


: Closure.

[Sealed indictments & patent secrecy act]

: Bring-Chief-forward.

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837f30 No.21094001

File: 2452cd23058a61c⋯.jpeg (140.79 KB,698x916,349:458,IMG_0140.jpeg)

File: 1399b0b0d2278af⋯.png (2.14 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_0165.png)

File: 6562135bc89500d⋯.png (328.16 KB,750x1624,375:812,IMG_5084.png)

File: e6a6d2449ac916c⋯.jpeg (461.01 KB,750x993,250:331,IMG_5082.jpeg)

File: 20c06acf27fb192⋯.mp4 (6.43 MB,352x640,11:20,v09044g40000c26sfgb7rulchh….mp4)


So much FAKE MAGA for Flynn Clowns…

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9d032a No.21094003

File: 86621334bbe2e5c⋯.mp4 (546.54 KB,480x360,4:3,543543453.mp4)

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2d1361 No.21094004

File: e89115b80045f58⋯.png (1.72 MB,1184x927,1184:927,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 701d4c7435cb120⋯.png (558.54 KB,700x591,700:591,ClipboardImage.png)

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e13828 No.21094005

File: 650bd91f45272ea⋯.png (76.08 KB,840x812,30:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be4a1208ccf776c⋯.png (4.01 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)





13 post(s) found containing "coats".

By Maggie Haberman, Julian E. Barnes and Peter Baker

July 28, 2019

WASHINGTON — President Trump announced on Sunday that Dan Coats would step down as the director of national intelligence after a fraught tenure marked by tension with the Oval Office, and he tapped one of his staunch defenders, Representative John Ratcliffe, to take over the country’s expansive network of spy agencies.


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b1b152 No.21094008


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550919 No.21094009


[Trust US Navy? Marines? Spec ops?

Protect former-US border/boundaries OR GTFO?

Flag Lease.


Good fucking luck.]

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655d8b No.21094013

the fact remains.

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572370 No.21094017

Just exactly how many people are CNN hoping to influence?


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655d8b No.21094018


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e95b75 No.21094020

File: d3455b70fcd982c⋯.png (487.36 KB,351x1222,27:94,ClipboardImage.png)


2x so far, so third is the cue?

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837f30 No.21094023

File: 5e3824e75c268a2⋯.jpeg (44.81 KB,204x247,204:247,IMG_2425.jpeg)

File: 97351a60eca8591⋯.jpeg (209.87 KB,806x1024,403:512,IMG_1497.jpeg)

File: 41ec25824f9fc61⋯.jpeg (593.58 KB,1170x1470,39:49,IMG_6961.jpeg)


Flynn (that Q NEVER gives the Honor of A Military Title) I’m gonna sign my Name on The Declaration of Independence…

The Audacity, Arrogant POS, He Has No Right to Put His Name on That Document!

THE PEOPLE’S General is loyal to China 🇨🇳

Joseph Flynn gave His Brother Michael the Title in a Plea to a Judge…

Joey Bag O Donuts might have well put the noose around his own brothers neck…

Bye, Bye, Bye…

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655d8b No.21094024

you will never be not too stupid to live.

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655d8b No.21094027

grasp harder.

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655d8b No.21094029


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655d8b No.21094031

(you) are fucked.

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572370 No.21094032


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3c6453 No.21094037

the absolute need for recognition

on full display


for years.

truly pathetic.

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e95b75 No.21094039

File: 22ecf445fd33068⋯.png (547.97 KB,640x357,640:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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112dc3 No.21094043

File: dc76365e2916d0b⋯.png (34.43 KB,578x176,289:88,sillygirl.png)


>silly girl(s)

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837f30 No.21094046

File: 9d93935d6b3b280⋯.jpeg (366 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2426.jpeg)

File: 712b2d4847e78fe⋯.jpeg (353.76 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2427.jpeg)

File: 0c9bc0764793c36⋯.jpeg (342.12 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2428.jpeg)

File: 23a45f0afe8b0e7⋯.jpeg (345.79 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2430.jpeg)

File: f6079e309c24c67⋯.jpeg (658.13 KB,1293x1083,431:361,IMG_1894.jpeg)


23 is the PAIN…


Dan Scavino is doing Flashbacks to TrumpPence.com administration memories…


Q Posts


Defunding planned parenthood

Saving Babies

saving America


Energy independence

Back the blue

Honor our military

Peace through strength

Tax cuts


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867f29 No.21094048

File: 4e7cdf9bbff7ec0⋯.jpg (133.5 KB,720x1087,720:1087,20240627_014409.jpg)

File: 0e0a8cf6dd5616c⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,320x350,32:35,What_the_media_hides_20240….mp4)


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9cdbb1 No.21094050

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)

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572370 No.21094052

The debate views are going to be massive.

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837f30 No.21094054

File: 46e280dbfa60fce⋯.png (271.67 KB,1376x674,688:337,11.png)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: 74bcb01e8a0dc65⋯.png (761.28 KB,898x2176,449:1088,3831.png)





Look here Russia, Russia, Russia = Mike Flynn = Fraud

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3fac8d No.21094056

Eve = Evil


What did Eve do , that God would curse us forever?

Lets recap,

God created heaven and the earth yadda yadda, the garden of Eden.

God created Adam to tend the Garden of Eden.

Adam, a man, did his best, but despite his efforts, it was too much for just one man.

So God created a Woman to help Adam.

Be Fruitful, and multiply.

It would appear from a cursory out look, that Eve just choose to multiply, rather than help.

Despite Adams best efforts, it was just not enough.

Despite living in the garden of Paradise, Eve, wanted more.

She wanted taste "the forbidden fruit", her child from Adam.

Eve killed and ate her own child.

She committed the Original Sin,

She tricked Adam into Sin as well,

don't ask how,

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e95b75 No.21094059


ugg, no

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f746d2 No.21094060

File: 33f0d4778d6618d⋯.png (58.67 KB,480x259,480:259,ClipboardImage.png)


Those assholes won't count my eyeballs.

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9f0416 No.21094061

File: 2d3fd455f79cd18⋯.mp4 (12.61 MB,480x480,1:1,2d3fd455f79cd184150bc65cbe….mp4)


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9f0416 No.21094064




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572370 No.21094066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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837f30 No.21094068


OMG upside down crosses…

First I saw that!


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e95b75 No.21094070

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837f30 No.21094076


God Is Love

Love..keeps NO record of wrongs..

But people that don’t read

The Word of God are constantly worried..

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bc1ea3 No.21094077

File: 879646c51effb56⋯.jpg (417.6 KB,1080x1297,1080:1297,Screenshot_20240627_085712….jpg)

File: 7e9545ce889c5fb⋯.jpg (23.99 KB,379x114,379:114,Screenshot_20240627_090022….jpg)

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fc06b5 No.21094078

File: 05a47f7e7553c6b⋯.png (45.34 KB,548x544,137:136,05a47f7e7553c6bce71ea9236e….png)


You are not an "operator"

You are a minion of evil

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e95b75 No.21094080



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9f0416 No.21094083

File: 2111c4eab36fe8e⋯.png (456.57 KB,469x551,469:551,Screen_Shot_2021_02_04_at_….png)




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572370 No.21094086

Bot, bot, bot…

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f746d2 No.21094087

File: 2cbc39722b65ec1⋯.png (1.42 MB,1242x1247,1242:1247,ClipboardImage.png)


I wouldn't stand in that Faraday cage studio.

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f746d2 No.21094090

File: 691da22fc66ad79⋯.png (191.19 KB,474x365,474:365,ClipboardImage.png)

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b67c03 No.21094091

Anons, you are more precious than GOLD.

Patriots. LIGHT of the WORLD. Priceless.

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9d032a No.21094092

File: de3e64170b5d390⋯.png (1.1 MB,1170x630,13:7,7n653b46v55332.png)

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bc1ea3 No.21094094

File: 70b94b42b195e5a⋯.png (363.26 KB,708x962,354:481,abbd35fa_934d_4f9f_9e13_0f….png)


Apr 11, 2020 10:37:58 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6


Bigger than you can possibly imagine.

God bless each and every one of you.


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fc06b5 No.21094096


>Anons are the LIGHT of the WORLD


and far more powerful than yet realized

You will not be part of that new World, don't fool yourself that you will be

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e95b75 No.21094098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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837f30 No.21094099



2016 CSpan Pence on the campaign trail.


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0d0bdf No.21094100


Thanks for being here, Operator2.

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f746d2 No.21094101

No comment needed


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222fb9 No.21094102

File: 5bf874cff613ebe⋯.png (612.93 KB,659x613,659:613,000POOSO.png)

clowns want interview?

whats wrong?

don't cry!

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222fb9 No.21094104

File: 8b41d07307c8606⋯.gif (5.96 MB,400x300,4:3,00000000000000000000001a.gif)


ohhh is you a big hunter


yes you are!

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4da278 No.21094105


>Love..keeps NO record of wrongs..

<Then ignore the pedophile record?

Seeing only what is convenient.

I think it is possible that the current situation is connected to the fact that only look at what is convenient and meditate on what is inconvenient.

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837f30 No.21094106


Man is only evil all the time…

They invent ways of doing evil…

It’s about redemption

Repentance and forgiveness…

Do you not know, have you not heard…

Turn from your wicked ways…

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222fb9 No.21094107

File: 72e1498e65b57da⋯.jpg (60.34 KB,480x720,2:3,207501132_h_720.jpg)

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dcf805 No.21094108

File: f6cbd13561b0732⋯.jpg (252.76 KB,1788x2048,447:512,20240625_204736.jpg)

File: cf08af1125fe536⋯.jpg (103.81 KB,1085x1085,1:1,20240627_021101.jpg)

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f746d2 No.21094109

File: 13d3e39ac79e38d⋯.png (618.33 KB,500x1193,500:1193,ClipboardImage.png)

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f746d2 No.21094110

File: d00f378af916286⋯.png (367.94 KB,474x586,237:293,ClipboardImage.png)

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837f30 No.21094111


Glad you asked

Sodom and Gomorrah

Fire and brimstone reigned down..

Are you paying attention to what’s actually happening in real time every where?

People are rising up…

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6904ff No.21094112

File: a2196a148efc4ab⋯.png (24.8 KB,300x359,300:359,IMG_3203.png)


Make your own Bingo Card.


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49f6ad No.21094113

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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837f30 No.21094114



“But there is a solid core to Pence that is inviolable, and he allows the edges to be kind of smoothed, but at the core there are certain lines he won’t allow to be crossed.”

Long before he became Trump’s hype man, Pence was an Indiana governor who sided with what he called “the Reagan agenda.” In April of 2016, the last time he opted not to endorse Trump, he backed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) in Indiana’s decisive GOP May primary, mentioning Cruz’s advocacy of “less government, less taxes, traditional values and a strong military.”


Mar 05, 2019 4:43:06 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 27704f No. 5524020

Every barrel has a bad apple.

But, in this case, bad apples do not spoil the bunch.

The CORE is what counts.



Back To The Future


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f746d2 No.21094115

File: e494fc086162d27⋯.png (80.09 KB,248x300,62:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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dcf805 No.21094116

File: f46930d1f6321a4⋯.jpg (233.4 KB,1999x1275,1999:1275,20240621_135136.jpg)

Joe is fake

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02c48a No.21094117



YOU seem like a very intelligent Anon, has anyone even asked DJT if Pence was going to be his running mate.

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9f0416 No.21094118


>869 replies

>144 UIDs

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837f30 No.21094119


Trips O’Truth

Or just your basic 411

TrumpPence.com redirects WHERE?

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837f30 No.21094121


Lamestream media has an agenda…

Flynn has been their biggest go to …

Except PDJT Camp just debunked it as Fraud..


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9cdbb1 No.21094123

File: f7c3a18a538dea0⋯.png (1.4 MB,1024x1024,1:1,f7c3a18a538dea0e60949e4579….png)

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561819 No.21094124


>Q cards

Zero chance.

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6904ff No.21094126

File: 3a9b80c304f5969⋯.jpeg (291.83 KB,1130x2010,113:201,IMG_3207.jpeg)

File: f35d0e9e8c41ad0⋯.jpeg (294.41 KB,1130x848,565:424,IMG_3206.jpeg)

File: 64bd03f5d1f6031⋯.jpeg (162.88 KB,1125x1459,1125:1459,IMG_3205.jpeg)

File: db065e9cb06a169⋯.jpeg (304.12 KB,1428x2000,357:500,IMG_3204.jpeg)

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837f30 No.21094127


FYI pedophiles don’t adhere to the Bible

Milestones work for them…

You’re assuming that Evil is loved by God…

They don’t coexist, God doesn’t watch CNN

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5d49a8 No.21094129

File: d464082e591257c⋯.png (452.28 KB,952x838,476:419,6534n634n6n43.PNG)

Must be something in the water.

As long as you have taxes, the Government State/wealthy will always be the beneficiary of the confiscated currency from the working class who are heavily taxed, upon a tax, upon tax.


Mongolia holds an election Friday. Its people see the government as benefiting the wealthy


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e95b75 No.21094130


i used to hunt

im a vegetarian for last four years, we shouldnt eat flesh

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561819 No.21094131


>They faked his birth cert.

How about you simply exchange 2 babies, easiest way to changes names and birth dates .

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e95b75 No.21094133


can someone put this behind Trump holding the bible?

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8d5998 No.21094134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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02c48a No.21094136


Trumps opening remarks should start with,

So this is what a Biden rally looks like.

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837f30 No.21094137


That’s dumb, you’ll lose your mind not eating animal protein.

Functional Doctors will tell you this …

You probably believe that we live on a spinning ball, going through space at 66,600 MPH but you can’t feel it…

STOP Believing their lies…

LIVE , enjoy life, smile, be happy, do something fun…

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47bd95 No.21094138


Was it CIA backed?

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771fe8 No.21094139

File: 3a05ce3dc53511d⋯.jpeg (5.78 KB,290x174,5:3,download_2024_06_27T01273….jpeg)

At tonights debate, due to CNN rules to have mic"s being turned off while not their turn to speak, anons who can read lips should be on board during debate to possibly catch any words if one of them are on camera saying shit off mic.

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47bd95 No.21094140


Stage is set?

Is that on the clock?

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8d5998 No.21094141

File: 2d2d7d0c842d8e9⋯.png (241.15 KB,611x504,611:504,ClipboardImage.png)


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47bd95 No.21094142

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47bd95 No.21094143

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fc06b5 No.21094144


Failed omnivore, how's the anemia coming along?

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47bd95 No.21094145



Joe Biden is creepier

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9d543c No.21094146

File: 5eb544b4e7190ac⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x1467,120:163,Lost_Cause.png)

90% of the posters on Q Research are federallies.

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208f11 No.21094147

File: b54cf2eec3dfdae⋯.png (247.34 KB,635x437,635:437,b65n4m754b64354.png)

Kemp didn't vote and give his support for Trump.

Doesn't surprises me one bit.

What Chinese dirt do they have on kemp that makes him a retard.

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837f30 No.21094148

Trump, Trump, Trump

I Love You

There’s No Debate…

Let Crooked Joe Bury himself with his inability to speak…The World Is Watching…

Obama’s will be humiliated, Clinton’s will be humiliated…Biden’s have already been exposed

The Corruption will be evident, as is the elder abuse of a man That’s clearly UNFIT to Serve Our Country!

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771fe8 No.21094149

File: 56732273df374e9⋯.jpeg (8.59 KB,271x186,271:186,images_2024_06_27T013228_….jpeg)

File: 38ed3bb016895e2⋯.jpeg (12.77 KB,225x225,1:1,images_2024_06_27T013301_….jpeg)

File: 04a835a44dfc542⋯.jpeg (11.26 KB,299x168,299:168,images_2024_06_27T013223_….jpeg)

>>21094130 ummm, no.

My mind and body functions best when I eat beef.

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e95b75 No.21094150


we shouldnt eat flesh

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837f30 No.21094151


Proof or it was disinformation

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8d5998 No.21094152

File: 1364b226525b581⋯.png (51.33 KB,528x371,528:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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837f30 No.21094153


Wasn’t talking about humans

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f746d2 No.21094155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Or this one

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b75ba9 No.21094156


Trump mouths "Biden is Shit" continuously during the debate

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fc06b5 No.21094157


Why not?

our teeth are set up for it

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771fe8 No.21094158

>>21094148 i think he will perform fine, showing the world that there are hidden medicines for alzheimers and dementia for rich elites. Miraculous turn of health in one week. That iS why Biden won't do drug test.

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837f30 No.21094159


This was 2018…How’s it working out?


Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp set off a political firestorm when his office, two days before an election in which he is a candidate, announced on Sunday morning that it had opened an investigation into the Georgia Democratic Party in connection with what it described as an attempted hack of the state’s voter registration system.

But that initial advisory lacked key details about how Kemp’s office was made aware of potential security vulnerabilities in the state’s electronic voter information page, which the secretary of state oversees. A series of email chains obtained by CNN indicate that, rather than taking part in any alleged “hack,” the Georgia Democrats had simply passed along information regarding security concerns from a concerned voter to a private cybersecurity firm, which in turn shared its concerns with Kemp’s office.

Democrats in the state have vehemently denied the allegations from Kemp’s office, which also raised fresh criticism of Kemp’s dual role as both the Republican nominee for governor and the state’s chief election official.

“It’s wrong to call it an investigation,” Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams told CNN on Monday. “It’s a witch hunt that was created by someone who is abusing his power.”

Kemp will face off against Abrams on Tuesday in the state’s high-profile and close race for governor. Democrats and advocacy groups have previously argued that Kemp has a conflict of interest in overseeing an election he is also running in, and some have called on him to resign.

The latest controversy began with an early morning announcement from Kemp’s office claiming there had been a “failed attempt to hack the state’s voter registration system” and that the secretary of state’s office has opened an investigation “into the Democratic Party of Georgia on the evening of Saturday, November 3, 2018.”

The bulletin provided no evidence for the claims.

Later Sunday, however, CNN obtained a series of emails the Secretary of State’s office said led it to level the accusations of hacking into its voter registration system by the Georgia Democratic Party. The emails refer to findings by a voter who said he had discovered potential vulnerabilities in the state’s voter information page and its online registration system.

That voter, Richard Wright, took his concerns to the Georgia Democratic Party’s voter protection hotline to alert authorities, according to his lawyer, David Cross. Cross told CNN Wright is not affiliated with any political party and does not want to speak to any media right now. He also said that Wright has some software background, but is not a hacker.

According to Cross, Wright – the voter whose findings prompted accusations of attempted hacking – was looking up his own registration information on the state’s My Voter Page when he discovered he could access other people’s information too. The system, he found, doesn’t verify who’s making the query and, for that reason, it appeared to him that voters’ private information could be accessed and that voter registrations could even be edited by anyone on the site.

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771fe8 No.21094160


>>21094150 >we shouldnt eat flesh

Not human flesh, animal flesh iis a-ok.

Humans are not animals.

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837f30 No.21094161


I kinda thought they were detoxing him for a drug test… but Bidan camp refused drug tests.

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e95b75 No.21094162


anything with blood in its veins i dont eat; i only brought it up because i posted a roxy music video avalon with a falcon in it and someone said i was a hunter or something

i used to hunt but i chose to try and not eat animals because of suffering of dying and i just dont like any of it

ive been doing fine just eating sweets

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daff2a No.21094163

File: 30a8df587ffa72c⋯.png (696.91 KB,1080x749,1080:749,Screenshot_20240611_181240….png)



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6904ff No.21094164

File: 0e63fbacbb4e7da⋯.jpeg (993.14 KB,1275x1734,25:34,IMG_3209.jpeg)

File: d4ccc1c4ada8072⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,270x480,9:16,Kv4axZVXwZfRm66j.mp4)


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837f30 No.21094165


You believe what you want… the mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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572370 No.21094166

File: c2181d749eb401c⋯.jpg (38.51 KB,644x460,7:5,10_Commandments_List_1_644….jpg)

Looks good.

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837f30 No.21094167


Imagine if no grocery stores existed ever…

How would you feed your family?

Do you know how to grow food?

Start there..

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e95b75 No.21094168


its just my philosophy no one else i know do i tell not to eat flesh, its just my crazy thinking i guess

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771fe8 No.21094169

CNN debate moderstor should go viral for normies if we blast his Buck's Camping anf Fishing Comet Ping Pong invovment, his wifes favorite place to go in Washington. And his book about sectret clubs.

Pull out the archived Jake Tapper digs and get them on socisl media to get people waking up 2024.

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771fe8 No.21094170


Jake Tapper

Buck's Camping and Fishing regular patron with his wife.

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e95b75 No.21094171


right now they exist, im more worried about my eternal soul if trump doesnt get reelected, because then we have 1000 years of darkness

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837f30 No.21094172

File: 860018d2fddf1ea⋯.jpeg (25.47 KB,274x184,137:92,IMG_2285.jpeg)

File: b2838f7bf0a0c17⋯.jpeg (427.54 KB,1259x1602,1259:1602,IMG_0040.jpeg)

File: 967eb3e396eac2b⋯.jpeg (37.81 KB,554x310,277:155,IMG_0569.jpeg)

File: f34926dcff554e2⋯.jpeg (59.09 KB,333x500,333:500,IMG_0203.jpeg)


As long as you know what these commandments are based on…

In the beginning…

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21d631 No.21094173

File: 27fe3c77f0bce62⋯.png (960.15 KB,981x881,981:881,b5435432523.PNG)



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6904ff No.21094175

File: e349706c9969305⋯.jpeg (343.47 KB,636x765,212:255,IMG_3210.jpeg)

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837f30 No.21094176


Who sold you that bag of prepper gold?

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9e30b2 No.21094177


At least I got you to dig.

instead of spam

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e95b75 No.21094178


i love the passive aggressive insults to a complete stranger

if i told you the way ive bucked the system you wouldnt believe me or be too timid to try it

science is a big lie

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e95b75 No.21094179


im sure on rumble videos theres an ad for Preppers Gold

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837f30 No.21094180


Who sold you that bag of prepper gold? >>21094177

You got me to dig?

Did you check TrumpPence.com

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771fe8 No.21094181


Roxy Music. Well, lead singer is an ateist, so you must have confused mind already if you still like that music.


Bryan Ferry makes waxes about his feelings that this reality is all that we have.

Key Lyrics: Who can say where we're going

No care in the world

Maybe I'm learning

Why the sea on the tide

Has no way of turning

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49f6ad No.21094182

File: b8e56c331fad3d3⋯.png (293.91 KB,477x319,477:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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e95b75 No.21094183


pence is a pedophile, so is his wife

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837f30 No.21094184


Science is an absolute lie…

I’m not being passive aggressive.

You’re NOt being of Nobel Character like the Bereans…. To check Out if What ANYONE says is true..

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e95b75 No.21094185


geez, lolololol

i actually like dont fear the reaper better, it just reminded me of avalon for some reason, not sure, why ….

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dfc4bf No.21094186

File: fc21e853e35d791⋯.png (917.68 KB,1080x869,1080:869,Screcfu.png)

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837f30 No.21094187


Proof or it’s a Planned Parenthood smear campaign that you want to push to murder babies…

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55dcbb No.21094188


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9f0416 No.21094189


>933 replies

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e95b75 No.21094190

did pence walk to st johns that day?


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837f30 No.21094191



Murder, death, kill… is that your agenda?

It isn’t mine or VPPence’s

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837f30 No.21094192


More details… nex5 bread

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19c813 No.21094193

i wonder what diana knew? why she ran, why she confided in Dodi Fayed?

she knew something about the Queen, whom she served i think

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fc06b5 No.21094194


Notables are NOT Endorsements

#25856 >>21093024

>>21093106 Liz Crokin: In 2012, Lady Gaga dressed up like a witch and visited Julian Assange to allegedly support and interview him.

>>21093118 PF: President Dudaback to Warsaw from Shanghai Intl depart

>>21093120 Wall Street Silver: Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.

>>21093111 Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs

>>21093121 Night Owl News Archives

>>21093132 Liz Churchill: Lol. CNN retrofits their microphones on the Debate Stage for Joe the Dementia Patient

>>21093134 Jake Paul wants 'truth' and 'authenticity' deciding between Trump, Biden: 'Can't fool us'

>>21093152, >>21093180 Thomas Rousseau, leader of the Patriot Front – is PF just a bunch of FEDS??

>>21093160 PF: Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Finance departed Los Angeles Intl after arriving from a Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Jeddah depart earlier today

>>21093167 The FBI is actively arresting more J6 participants today, according to reports.

>>21093181 Dutch volleyball player who raped 12yo girl to compete at Olympics

>>21093182 HRC: The right-wing Supreme Court majority is out of control.

>>21093188 Scavino: October 2016 flashback…

>>21093189 Times of Israel on Trump-Biden debate

>>21093205 Japan issues fresh warnings against sharp yen falls

>>21093221 (You) U.S. Industries Fearing a Port Strike Urge Biden for Help

>>21093282 Killed Doctors Without Borders staffer was ‘a terrorist’ – IDF

>>21093361 Schiff: @RepAdamSchiff: But her emails…

>>21093464 Russian 'shadow parliament' made up of over 60 exiled-MPs met up in Warsaw to discuss 'assassination campaign' against members of Vladimir Putin's government

>>21093502 Scavino Jr: Rock history

>>21093561 BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.

>>21093663 @elonmusk: @AutismCapitat - What Democrats think will happen if Trump gets elected. 😂

>>21093735 Lakers may have gotten steal of NBA draft with Dalton Knecht at No. 17

>>21093741 North Korean Troops Will Be 'Cannon Fodder' If Sent To Ukraine, Pentagon Says

>>21093770, >>21093800, >>21093800 Biden Debate BINGO Card

>>21093873 SUBPOENA Haspel and her records for approval NOW

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b6dcc5 No.21094195

>maitreyan bullshit>21094076

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19c813 No.21094196


i mean: she knew whom the Queen served

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a0d8de No.21094197

File: aac66b07e587ff4⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,500x426,250:213,8fzja9_1.jpg)

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19c813 No.21094198


my only proof is who told me everything he told has come true

hes gone now, save the galaxy, hes a Thundercat

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837f30 No.21094199



Two loaves


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837f30 No.21094202


Larry will be missed

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19c813 No.21094203


i love bread, can eat a whole loaf of fresh baked bread

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a0093a No.21094206


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19c813 No.21094209


ive never watched thundercats :)

had to look up larry

was the voice of Lion-O or something?

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29a64d No.21094210


The WHY establishes motive.

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cbe397 No.21094211


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a0093a No.21094213


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fc06b5 No.21094217

File: 7dd9de48969c31d⋯.jpg (42.11 KB,630x512,315:256,braed_pfm1.jpg)

Fresh Bread



Q Research General #25857: Debate Day Edition

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a0093a No.21094220


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a0093a No.21094221


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