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File: 708d0131ffac798⋯.png (245.59 KB,600x335,120:67,0c24c92e09c7d444004e1b37c4….png)

7f47ff No.21094200 [Last50 Posts]

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7f47ff No.21094201

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7f47ff No.21094204


#25856 >>21093024

>>21093106 Liz Crokin: In 2012, Lady Gaga dressed up like a witch and visited Julian Assange to allegedly support and interview him.

>>21093118 PF: President Dudaback to Warsaw from Shanghai Intl depart

>>21093120 Wall Street Silver: Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.

>>21093111 Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs

>>21093121 Night Owl News Archives

>>21093132 Liz Churchill: Lol. CNN retrofits their microphones on the Debate Stage for Joe the Dementia Patient

>>21093134 Jake Paul wants 'truth' and 'authenticity' deciding between Trump, Biden: 'Can't fool us'

>>21093152, >>21093180 Thomas Rousseau, leader of the Patriot Front – is PF just a bunch of FEDS??

>>21093160 PF: Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Finance departed Los Angeles Intl after arriving from a Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Jeddah depart earlier today

>>21093167 The FBI is actively arresting more J6 participants today, according to reports.

>>21093181 Dutch volleyball player who raped 12yo girl to compete at Olympics

>>21093182 HRC: The right-wing Supreme Court majority is out of control.

>>21093188 Scavino: October 2016 flashback…

>>21093189 Times of Israel on Trump-Biden debate

>>21093205 Japan issues fresh warnings against sharp yen falls

>>21093221 (You) U.S. Industries Fearing a Port Strike Urge Biden for Help

>>21093282 Killed Doctors Without Borders staffer was ‘a terrorist’ – IDF

>>21093361 Schiff: @RepAdamSchiff: But her emails…

>>21093464 Russian 'shadow parliament' made up of over 60 exiled-MPs met up in Warsaw to discuss 'assassination campaign' against members of Vladimir Putin's government

>>21093502 Scavino Jr: Rock history

>>21093561 BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.

>>21093663 @elonmusk: @AutismCapitat - What Democrats think will happen if Trump gets elected. 😂

>>21093735 Lakers may have gotten steal of NBA draft with Dalton Knecht at No. 17

>>21093741 North Korean Troops Will Be 'Cannon Fodder' If Sent To Ukraine, Pentagon Says

>>21093770, >>21093800, >>21093800 Biden Debate BINGO Card

>>21093873 SUBPOENA Haspel and her records for approval NOW

>>21094194 #25856

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Post last edited at

7f47ff No.21094205

#25855 >>21092061


>>21092105, >>21092388 @EmbassyCat

>>21092118 Tractor Supply gave $100,000 to an activist group that "worked around the clock" to stop deportations during the Trump presidency

>>21092121, >>21092131 Aaron Siri Asks Why Vaccine Manufacturers Receive Liability Protection If Their Products Truly Are 'Safe & Effective'

>>21092129 PF

>>21092130 @WarRoom Lindell: Racine Recall Of Robin Vos Scheduled For August 6th

>>21092140 The ILLEGAL accused of shooting two NYPD officer claims that the vicious Venezuelan gang 'Tren de Aragua' has been smuggling guns into NYC migrant shelters inside food delivery bags

>>21092145 Nadler: "If you look at the statistics, the crime rate among immigrants is far lower than the crime rate above native-born Americans. So the whole issue is wrong."

>>21092154 Former Navy captain tells Congress of decades-long U.S. intelligence failures on China

>>21092160, >>21092173 President Trump called in today to the Team Trump roundtable for Black American business leaders in Atlanta, Georgia

>>21092169, >>21092174 Bolivia's Presidential Palace has been stormed by soldiers in an apparent coup

>>21092177 North Korea to send troops in Ukraine in the form of a military engineering unit to support Russian forces on the ground

>>21092178 Adam Kinzinger endorses Potato

>>21092196, >>21092331 🚨 #BREAKING: The US House has just passed amendment to DEFUND the office of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

>>21092203 County officials in Rio Grande, Colorado have terminated their contract with Dominion and all funding for their voting machines have been rescinded

>>21092218 US Admits Allies In Syria Using Child Soldiers

>>21092232 @AOC She tagged the wrong account 😂💀

>>21092244 James Clapper, Mr. October Surprise: How Obama's Intel Czar Rigged 2016 and 2020 Debates Against Trump


>>21092261 It has begun - 6/26 - 6 YEAR DELTA

>>21092271 @gatewaypundit Who Added an Algorithm to New York State’s Voter Registration Roll, and Why?

>>21092288 Nearly 300 coffee brands have been recalled due to Botulism contamination.

>>21092292 "Disgusting Discovery": Cali Beach Closures Prompt Questions Of Whether Mexico Is Dumping Sewage In U.S. Waters

>>21092347 @WarRoom Epshteyn: Historic Week Of Ruling's From Trump's SCOTUS

>>21092365, >>21092489 Mayorkas just now in press conference called the NBC News story on 400 people smuggled into the US through ISIS-affiliated group "inaccurate"

>>21092370 US Special Ops Group Warns Of Domestic Terror Threat Due To Biden's "Unsecured Southern Border"

>>21092381 HERE IT IS: Biden Camp Officially Refuses to Drug Test Joe Biden

>>21092386 Albany police officials declined to notify the public last month about abductions and rǎpe of a 15-year-old girl by a Turkish illegal alien

>>21092396 Almost a Year After Disastrous Fire, Residents of Lahaina in Hawaii Are Still Fighting for Chance to Rebuild (VIDEO)

>>21092397 NASA

>>21092403 We have full authority to access these tapes, and if Garland doesn’t comply by Friday, we will hold him in inherent contempt

Baker Change

>>21092800 CIA is withholding names of 51 intel officials who signed the 10/19/20 letter to discredit Hunter laptop

>>21093012 #25855

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7f47ff No.21094207

#25854 >>21091300

>>21091330, >>21091344, >>21091864, >>21091879, >>21091935 Mil Posts

>>21091335, >>21091517, >>21091832 'Top official' from Gascón's 'Ethics and Integrity' unit faces 11 felony charges

>>21091338, >>21091356 There Is Near Zero Historical Precedent For Biden DOJ Getting Steve Bannon Thrown In Jail

>>21091339 The EU Migration Pact has just passed the Dail vote ….by just 6 votes

>>21091340 Maduro: "The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom… Here, neither the gringos nor US Southern Command will ever govern again."

>>21091343 Moar Q on Assange

>>21091353 Should Australian politicians claim credit for the release of Julian Assange?

>>21091384, >>21091868 US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine

>>21091388 Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

>>21091405 @WarRoom “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”

>>21091418 Clinton wikileak emails - we have it all - nothing is ever deleted

>>21091435 Reporter Confronts Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo For Blaming Trump For Brutal Killing and Rape of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray By Illegals

>>21091436 Another monolith in Colorado

>>21091437, >>21091453 Trump Pulls Ahead in National Polls

>>21091438, >>21091444, >>21091474, >>21091540, >>21091562, >>21091589 BREAKING Coup Attempt in Bolivia (home to 24% of the world's lithium)

>>21091490 Former President Of Honduras, Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute More Than 400 Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

>>21091492 House Republicans vote to defund Mayorkas salary in Homeland Security funding bill

>>21091493 The Red Tails were a group of African American pilots who served in the USAAF during World War II. Tuskegee Airmen named after the Red Tail Hawk.

>>21091502 Only 675,000 LEGAL Immigrants Per Year Are Allowed By Law

>>21091541, >>21091545 UK Labour Party - Take a look at who they are and what they do

>>21091571 Where's Gina? SUBPOENA Haspel and her RUSSIA GATE records NOW

>>21091583 @AIPAC - 17 more AIPAC-backed Democrats won tonight! Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!

>>21091594, >>21091608, >>21091631, >>21091667, >>21091911, >>21091768, >>21091897, >>21091922 spelling errors IS / IT, THEY'RE / THEIR and TTUMP / TRUMP TT

>>21091922, >>21091594, >>21091689, >>21091768, >>21091897 FOUND THE 7 SECONDS Don jr post on Nikki Haley

>>21091638 Alito rails against White House accusing the Biden administration of leading a “campaign to coerce Facebook”

>>21091645, >>21091652 US profits from climate change loans to poor countries

>>21091669 Former CNN anchor John Avlon won the Democratic primary in a battleground Long Island district on Tuesday

>>21091673 PF

>>21091695 meme mastering resource - Free video screenshots, download, production tools - 8kun video limits (~16mb)

>>21091748, >>21091752 PROTO ON / PROTO OFF

>>21091769 How to watch the Presidential Debate without cable

>>21091795 Ex-Jill Biden Aide Criticizes 'Scripted' Protection of Joe Biden

>>21091849 ENDLESS ESCALATION: Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine

>>21091827, >>21091865, >>21091876 The Sheeple need to be shown

>>21091947 The FDA has issued a nationwide recall hitting over 140 canned coffee brands

>>21091855, >>21091991, >>21091999 Tucker is trending and I haven’t seen anyone on X connecting the dots to as why this is huge!

>>21091960 Is Tucker in Australia to interview Julian Assange?

>>21091981 Joe No! The FDA has issued a nationwide recall of over 13 ice cream brands

>>21092046 #25854

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7f47ff No.21094208

Previously Collected

>>21092046 #25854, >>21093012 #25855, >>21094194 #25856

>>21089586 #25851, >>21090453 #25852, >>21091281 #25853

>>21086510 #25848, >>21087535 #25849, >>21088350 #25850

>>21083921 #25845, >>21084839 #25846, >>21085576 #25847

>>21080963 #25842, >>21081817 #25843, >>21083075 #25844

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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08eada No.21094212

File: 712b2d4847e78fe⋯.jpeg (353.76 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2427.jpeg)

File: 0c9bc0764793c36⋯.jpeg (342.12 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2428.jpeg)

File: 53a9d45b82d95cc⋯.jpeg (351.23 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2429.jpeg)

File: 23a45f0afe8b0e7⋯.jpeg (345.79 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2430.jpeg)

File: 9d93935d6b3b280⋯.jpeg (366 KB,1088x1088,1:1,IMG_2426.jpeg)

Debate Day Edition…

I take All of these slings and arrows…

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7f47ff No.21094214

File: 4e57ac4a7a29c18⋯.jpg (59.97 KB,414x354,69:59,4e57ac4a7a29c188ee08a9431f….jpg)



Bread is still ghosted

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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e35850 No.21094215

File: 112a43ada58da47⋯.jpg (97.41 KB,960x911,960:911,112a43ada58da473f37392ffe0….jpg)

thanks bakes

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1d8e73 No.21094218

File: c0237ceed9427da⋯.jpg (238.92 KB,750x920,75:92,c0237ceed9427da5de6e97aefb….jpg)

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08eada No.21094223

Sorry for shitting the Bread

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ab13cf No.21094224

File: b30cb49190776e7⋯.png (479.52 KB,597x818,597:818,cholesterol_0776e7d1aee238….png)

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368842 No.21094226

File: 930901146d92ce3⋯.gif (961.07 KB,500x281,500:281,930901146d92ce3ecff88d3f0d….gif)

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08eada No.21094227

File: 3851bc596ddeec8⋯.jpeg (91.01 KB,468x588,39:49,IMG_5718.jpeg)

File: 3908f2e7dceb9cc⋯.jpeg (38.06 KB,682x368,341:184,IMG_5716.jpeg)

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)

Dan Scavino is doing Flashbacks to 2016

In 2016 TrumpPence.com worked really well… check out to see if it’s still Truth?

Truth Is A Force of Nature

Who said it first?

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ab13cf No.21094228



am i in need of halp?

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5658d8 No.21094231

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ba3f51 No.21094232

Da bait edition

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85c2dd No.21094234



Empty save game slot.

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98f071 No.21094236

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)




Another day at the office?

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36ebf2 No.21094237

File: 86dbf29f4884fb2⋯.jpeg (134.42 KB,1170x1007,1170:1007,86dbf29f4884fb2fa12565b90….jpeg)

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593d5d No.21094238

Foggy spectacles it must be damp in here.

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98f071 No.21094239

File: 741d6adcc66dd9e⋯.jpg (57.97 KB,480x590,48:59,741d6adcc66dd9ef449514e030….jpg)


Maybe not quite damp, but a little moist.


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f58e24 No.21094240

File: c100360cac57f30⋯.jpg (132.28 KB,1006x1200,503:600,WWG_WGA_bell.jpg)

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593d5d No.21094241

Keep playing with the ON and OFF switches until the circuit shorts out completely.

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6bb829 No.21094242

File: 27820e6dbed4ea4⋯.png (80.1 KB,680x361,680:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bb829 No.21094243


Hackers who targeted Sony Pictures over the release of the film The Interview “got sloppy” and inadvertently revealed their links to North Korea, according to the director of the FBI.Speaking at the International Conference on Cyber Security James Comey said hackers had mistakenly sent messages that could be traced to IP addresses used exclusively by North Korea. Corney said the North Korean origins of the cyber attack were evident despite the use of proxy servers in other countries to throw investigators off their trail. "It was a mistake by them," he said. "It made it very clear who was doing this."

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6bb829 No.21094244

File: b597135facec08e⋯.png (99.47 KB,747x188,747:188,ClipboardImage.png)

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593d5d No.21094245


>Maybe not quite damp, but a little moist.


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7253bd No.21094246

File: be943312cae337c⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB,576x1024,9:16,Daniel_20240627_2_new.mp4)


This is a pretty crazy UFO encounter

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32dd9a No.21094247

File: f09a2405a82b5b0⋯.jpeg (313.29 KB,1614x1255,1614:1255,IMG_3206.jpeg)

Don’t expect Joe Biden on that debate stage.


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593d5d No.21094248

Welcome to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Randomly Answered Answers.

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e2a7e7 No.21094249

File: 87b2b00da76bc2d⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,2FB38421_FF0F_4D02_AB2E_48….png)

File: 2264dba08c626e2⋯.png (27.01 KB,690x410,69:41,89B4009A_466C_4AC9_9412_F0….png)

File: 96a89c2f213e988⋯.jpeg (444.57 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,9238ADDE_AC1E_4428_A389_2….jpeg)

File: 7c47c35bea93892⋯.jpeg (446.15 KB,2048x1152,16:9,45565636_E05B_48DC_B64B_D….jpeg)

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6bb829 No.21094250


From: Jake Sullivan

To: Hillary Clinton

Date: 2011-02-21 07:35


UNCLASSIFIED U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2014-20439 Doc No. C05778832 Date: 01/29/2016


From: Sullivan, Jacob J <SullivanJJ@state.gov>

Sent: Monday, February 21, 2011 7:35 PM

To: H; Mills, Cheryl D; Abedin, Hume; Reines, Philippe I

Subject: Fw: 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand

And on cue

From: OpsAlert@state.gov <OpsAlert@state.gov>

Sent: Mon Feb 21 19:32:18 2011

Subject: 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, NewZealand

Therewasnoimmediateconfirmationof injuriesor damagetothecityfromthequake, accordingtopress.

Automatic electronic distribution to: S, D(S), D(N), P, E, C, M, DG, T, R, PA, G, AF, EAP, EUR, NEA, SCA, WHA, 10,



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593d5d No.21094251


>This is a pretty crazy UFO encounter

alien invasion is in full swing, put on your TV shows.

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f3ac15 No.21094252

File: 52aec6d5b15af24⋯.png (140.94 KB,607x639,607:639,omg.PNG)


Candace Owens


Weird. Didn’t actually think I could love Tucker more but here we are.






Omg Tucker going off 😭

“Putin! He’s so bad! Did he make you take the COVID shot?”

It’s actually a good thing that Tucker got fired from corporate trash Fox News - TUCKER IS THE GOAT

Show more

11:30 AM · Jun 26, 2024




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593d5d No.21094253

They call you a fag anon because you frequently asked questions, but that is written with a q instead of a g.

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884430 No.21094255


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6bb829 No.21094257

File: 389edf3abf0b532⋯.png (624.79 KB,811x639,811:639,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f4bae6c6333a4a6⋯.png (1010.13 KB,1387x911,1387:911,ClipboardImage.png)


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1a9a5c No.21094259


Isn't it illegal for the CIA to do domestic operations? Originally it was. That was a safeguard. Did someone remove that prohibition on the C_A? If so, who and when?

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593d5d No.21094260

God tried to sell anon his face, but the price was clearly a rip off because it looked like a doggy mask.

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9e20db No.21094261

File: 5eb544b4e7190ac⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x1467,120:163,Lost_Cause.png)


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292264 No.21094262

File: 24cf9a0ea0a5e91⋯.png (82.65 KB,500x670,50:67,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21093561 lb

>BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.


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6472d4 No.21094265

File: f7d8f25f7fa98a3⋯.png (1.7 MB,1080x1659,360:553,Lmao.png)

File: f55c8f68ecbb2dc⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1131,360:377,Lol.png)


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7253bd No.21094266

File: 0499380f543c140⋯.mp4 (967.4 KB,974x720,487:360,_20240620_2_new_new_new.mp4)

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b26a98 No.21094267


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2148b8 No.21094268

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Amber Rose has gone FULL MAGA


(This should have a "trigger warning" on it for those who hate Trump, KEK)


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1a9a5c No.21094270

File: 1c4a338a7c66906⋯.png (10.85 KB,784x65,784:65,Screenshot_2024_06_27_Myel….png)



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7253bd No.21094271

File: 1d8a97f954de55b⋯.mp4 (664.89 KB,800x576,25:18,Patton_20240607_7_new.mp4)

Stupid bastard

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71e0e7 No.21094272

Good Morning!

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1a9a5c No.21094273



He deserves far worse.

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593d5d No.21094274

It is just a maze, how amazing.

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71e0e7 No.21094276

What goes on in here during the late shift?

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1a9a5c No.21094277


Five Eyes.

WHOse eyes?

The eyes See.


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6bb829 No.21094278

File: 391c099140b9762⋯.png (561.47 KB,658x973,94:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 31fa41bc388b94b⋯.png (474.2 KB,722x952,361:476,ClipboardImage.png)




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593d5d No.21094279



>He deserves far worse.

What if this kind of karma is more horrific than far worse, not my kind of coffee.

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8be448 No.21094280

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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7253bd No.21094281

File: 2043af08f01ae2a⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,480x852,40:71,I_Meme_Therefore_I_Am_2024….mp4)

U Turn signs are homophobic

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292264 No.21094284

File: 4c28d72224ac518⋯.png (209.95 KB,471x356,471:356,ClipboardImage.png)


Night Shift stuffs.

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1a9a5c No.21094285


A U-turn in traffic is retarded. In states where right turn on red is legal, it's like you're trying to cause an accident.

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292264 No.21094286


Tucker sparring with the Aussie press was priceless, especially the bimbo at the end.

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1a9a5c No.21094287


The pope wears a small hat.

Loyola was a Spanish Marrano jew.

The pope is a Jesuit.

Why does the pope, a man claiming to follow Jesus, push globalism and the climate hoax?

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3385ac No.21094289

File: f1241f4377034d2⋯.png (661.21 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_vistajet_com_….png)





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6bb829 No.21094291


bombs away

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3662a1 No.21094292


nobody likes a bredshitter

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593d5d No.21094294

Anon only scrolls up and down the board, no directions required.

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6d5bfe No.21094295

File: f7d8f25f7fa98a3⋯.png (1.7 MB,1080x1659,360:553,Lmao.png)

File: f55c8f68ecbb2dc⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1131,360:377,Lol.png)


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f6cd72 No.21094296

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54d1b0 No.21094297

File: 038fd310e60f212⋯.jpg (26.48 KB,562x257,562:257,TopSecret.jpg)


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c59cf7 No.21094299

The only people cheering Biden are on the payroll with benefits, so they aren't feeling Bidenomics hit their pockets like gen pop. Being a Trump supporter comes with financial and social constriants that are instigated through the Boden administration. They are trying to cripple the real people of the USA.

Panic at the disco.

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d47c1b No.21094301

File: 5bfba1388413584⋯.png (183.93 KB,476x524,119:131,Screenshot_20240627_043710….png)


Thanks for the head!

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bc61c9 No.21094303

File: 45a0b124986bdad⋯.png (218.5 KB,503x895,503:895,ClipboardImage.png)

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593d5d No.21094305


>play word games

words play by themselves, drive by shooting.

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54d1b0 No.21094306

File: f092841ab023d88⋯.jpg (107.43 KB,1125x830,225:166,GM_Thurday.jpg)

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3488c7 No.21094309

File: fc21e853e35d791⋯.png (917.68 KB,1080x869,1080:869,Screcfu.png)







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1a9a5c No.21094311


Guardians of the Papal Treasure.

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593d5d No.21094312


>Tell your programmer to stay of the smack.

Professional grammar is very limited.

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20ec75 No.21094313

File: 4e7ca78c99b6e6a⋯.jpg (33.13 KB,888x499,888:499,NODEALS.jpg)


TY, baker.

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3b9255 No.21094314

Good morning!

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3662a1 No.21094316

File: 71e1c2e8106a0ca⋯.jpeg (272.86 KB,1011x1016,1011:1016,71e1c2e8106a0cae178937381….jpeg)

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ba2217 No.21094317

File: 684a1867b701de4⋯.png (169.61 KB,750x825,10:11,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_0….png)

File: 05b9d80de92772a⋯.jpg (365.55 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,Q.jpg)

So did anons grab all the DNC emails and the new files Julian uploaded yesterday before they were pulled offline?

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ceedf8 No.21094318

File: 8c920fe5a8d6f10⋯.png (99.18 KB,474x266,237:133,th_35_.png)


>of the smack

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770b6f No.21094319

File: aab8f06c6969a6f⋯.png (759.8 KB,1080x877,1080:877,Screevcf.png)


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1a9a5c No.21094320


Can anyone explain the Jewish black fetish?

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40ccd8 No.21094322

Looks like we are down 1000 shills this morning. Its going to be a great day.

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ddc615 No.21094323

File: 6457410eddbce5d⋯.jpg (31.03 KB,397x394,397:394,TuckerSucks.JPG)


>It’s actually a good thing that Tucker got fired from corporate trash Fox News


Yep, now only Laura is left on there to trash the dude weed man.

>t. I kid I kid

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0907d2 No.21094325

File: 12b7a409d4bc586⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1155,72:77,Screevc.png)

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20ec75 No.21094326

File: 20e4f66ac7ac41a⋯.png (95.04 KB,632x394,316:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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ddc615 No.21094329


cricket mating calls

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2148b8 No.21094330

File: 79fc0caa221c191⋯.png (1.23 MB,915x1174,915:1174,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6058b3421025ecc⋯.png (1.68 MB,1545x994,1545:994,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5656b338f66db0⋯.png (1.39 MB,1438x1127,1438:1127,ClipboardImage.png)

Former CIA Chief reveals in great detail how they use full face masks to ‘walk around as someone else’…

June 26, 20241/2(Anons we’ve got to get a lot of screenshots tonight, to analyze what version Joe is)

While Biden doubles running around in a mask may sound like the plot of a Hollywood movie, can we truly dismiss anything in these strange times under this bizarre regime? Probably not. And it’s even more difficult to write it off as just another kooky conspiracy, especially when former CIA chiefs have disclosed how they use elaborate masks to allow people to “walk around as someone else.”

It’s not surprising that the CIA has a department called “Disguise” with an official chief who runs it. The former chief details below how the CIA operates, much like in a James Bond movie. Is it any wonder if they use these tactics with presidents and other key officials? It almost seems like a no-brainer, right?

Wall Street Apes:

Here’s The Uncut Version Of The CIA Chief Of Disguise Confirming They Use “Full Face Masks” To “Walk around as someone else”

This is why Joe Biden needs both a drug test and a DNA test before the CNN Debate with Donald Trump

“I was Chief of Disguise. The office I worked in was like the Q in James Bond. We were the Q for the CIA and the intelligence community. So, there were different parts of it, whatever you needed.

If you needed a bug, if you needed secret writing or a microdot or a concealment device or whatever you needed, you had to come to us and we’ll put something together for you.

Okay. “What’s the most memorable moment from being in disguise for you? Um, there were a number of them, but the one I mean, one that has to stand out, I went to the White House and I briefed George H. W. Bush, the president, at the time while I was wearing a full face mask.”

“So we’re sitting, like, this close together, and I’m telling him that I’m gonna show him the best disguise that we have. And he’s looking for a bag, like, where where is it? I said, well, I’m wearing it, and I’m going to take it off. And I reached to start taking it off, and he said, stop. And he got up and he walked and he looked and he looked at it.”

“He couldn’t, he didn’t know it was a mask. He wasn’t sure what I was wearing. He sat back down. He said, okay. So I took it off.

And I was holding it up in the air so he could see it, my whole head. It had hair and a face and a neck.

So, you could walk around as someone else? Absolutely. And that would be the disguise. Absolutely.”


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92c956 No.21094331



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292264 No.21094332


They envy all those superior to them.

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500d32 No.21094333

Trump pulls the mask off Biden tonight?

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447ac6 No.21094334

Someone pass this idea on to Q+.

Refuse to debate until drug tests are completed

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2148b8 No.21094335

File: a82babd24d2c185⋯.png (1.11 MB,1485x957,45:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6058b3421025ecc⋯.png (1.68 MB,1545x994,1545:994,ClipboardImage.png)


This is what the WH was calling Cheap Fakes, I bet.

2/2Granted, there are times when Joe seems like he’s sharper than usual. This leads many to think there are two types of “Joe.” One who is semi-energetic and can actually stand, walk, and talk. While the other “Joe” can’t string a sentence together and wanders off like a lost nursing home patient.

Could that be drugs, body doubles, or just good and bad days? Whatever the case may be, you can’t deny that many of the videos online paint a very bizarre picture.

Wall Street Apes:

Recently Images Of Joe Biden Have Been Going Viral, Many Questioning If He’s Being Impersonated Using The CIA Mask Technology

This Is Documentation Showing The Changes Seen In Joe Biden

Not only does he look completely different, have changing earlobes, changing chins, changing skin textures, changing teeth, changing wrinkle lines, etc

But after 30 years it looks as though he’s changed his signature“Who changes their signature after 30 years?”

President Trump is even questioning what’s going on with Joe and his “fake nose.” And what about that bizarre chin? It looks like it was molded with Play-Doh.


Let’s talk about this…

Trump is 2 I don’t give a fooks away from literally saying that Joe Biden is wearing a mask.

The world just saw the other day that Joes chin somehow transformed into a PlayStation controller and now this? 🤣😂

Oh we are definitely building up to something shocking…

Do you think the world is ready to learn “Joe’s Shot” and central casting?

Trump https://rumble.com/v3r904m-trump-joe-bidens-fake-nose-thered-be-plastic-all-over-the-floor.html

Biden https://rumble.com/v3q8gra-joe-biden-is-completely-shot-and-why-does-his-chin-look-like-a-pair-of-ball.html

This clip claims to catch a “body double” red-handed. Honestly, for security reasons, using decoys makes sense, especially for a world leader. But the stuff online about Joe seems just as crazy and off-the-wall as his entire regime.

Is the CIA using body doubles and face mask technology to pass off different “Joe Bidens” to the American people? Maybe, who knows? But if they are, they’re failing miserably. They should probably go back to the drawing board and figure out a better way to present this buffoon, because right now, it’s more like Joe or his double is impersonating a full-blown dementia patient. We’d like to think that even our intel people could do better than this.

(This why PDJT, answered this way: Trump was asked by MSM, “Do you underestimate Joe Bidan in the Debates?”, Trump said, “No I never underestimate him”)


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1a9a5c No.21094336


AI has always been retarded.


When you put a suit and tie on Greta the image becomes a little more in focus.

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ddc615 No.21094339


Trippy, that's well meaning but PDJT doesn't need an assault charge just before sentencing.


NYT already has the scaredy cat Trump headline ready to go.

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447ac6 No.21094340

The cult is all about control.

This the debate rules

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1a9a5c No.21094341


No wonder you can't turn your back on the black.

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0bfb22 No.21094342

File: eed2533b96a9d8e⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,640x360,16:9,feels_like_a_parody.mp4)

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f6cd72 No.21094345

File: cfe0e5eebb68ea9⋯.jpg (66.38 KB,841x500,841:500,cfe0e5eebb68ea90f83561531e….jpg)


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2e7449 No.21094346

No income taxes

No interest.

No vote.

It’s that simple

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292264 No.21094349

File: ae78004dab62c51⋯.png (74.51 KB,1500x1185,100:79,ClipboardImage.png)


Naw, POTUS alreay famously said he'd debate the tater "anytime, anyplace". It took POTUS only minutes to respond to tater's offer to debate. POTUS gonna mop the floor with tater. He won't even be worth making a clock out of anymore. Then we get NewScum.

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d9eaf5 No.21094351

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Why Are So Many Nerdy Whites Cosplaying as Racist Bigots on Social Media?


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2e7449 No.21094352



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0bfb22 No.21094353


that's a weird zoo

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2e7449 No.21094356


What’s the term for a religious person who hats someone for their religion?

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54d1b0 No.21094357

File: 98e6e0b47572aff⋯.jpg (94.13 KB,700x824,175:206,1e30a510497d10e4.jpg)

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40ccd8 No.21094358


You'd think plain ole copies would be enough but its not…for this job you need a MIRROR.


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1a9a5c No.21094359


Ever see a pic of Ivanka before the nose job?

Oy Vey!

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1bb73b No.21094362

File: 60aa521e5b4f2d3⋯.png (136.2 KB,720x304,45:19,Cage.png)

File: c5f698e4aaa5936⋯.jpg (6.75 KB,187x270,187:270,images_4_.jpg)


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847a16 No.21094364

File: 54e51899d5f2ac9⋯.jpg (92.79 KB,500x793,500:793,8vgh.jpg)


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54d1b0 No.21094367

File: b5946946f7fee20⋯.png (817.76 KB,848x754,424:377,a67c23f1b5a20b23.png)

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3662a1 No.21094368

File: 7fd3d618f1ef958⋯.png (799.71 KB,799x535,799:535,0d618eb35ba4811a1abf9a9730….png)


anons refresh at will today

shillz gonna shill on debate day

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0bfb22 No.21094369

File: b19b9e2dc9ba458⋯.gif (2.88 MB,320x292,80:73,wigglestrzok.gif)


>Isn't it illegal for the CIA to do domestic operations?

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a393a3 No.21094371



The one that N757AF had a winglet bump with?

Owned by Thomas Flohr, Swiss based.

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2e7449 No.21094373



You two are retarded

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1a9a5c No.21094376


Isn't it the job of the FBI to investigate illegal spying in the US?

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2e7449 No.21094377

It’s debate day. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is on today.

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d68835 No.21094379

File: 2600d520b3a98af⋯.png (504.18 KB,564x401,564:401,2600d520b3a98af53677f0971b….png)

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0bfb22 No.21094380

File: 62980b263ad9025⋯.mp4 (10.65 MB,816x480,17:10,GreatIsrael.mp4)

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0bfb22 No.21094382

On 14 May 1948, the day on which the British Mandate over Palestine expired, the Jewish People's Council gathered at the Tel Aviv Museum, and approved a proclamation which declared the establishment of a Jewish state in Eretz Israel, to be known as the State of Israel.

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40ccd8 No.21094383


Are you new here?

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ddc615 No.21094384

File: 7ee716c1648118c⋯.jpg (47.34 KB,484x525,484:525,GM_Smug.jpg)


Smug GMs are best GMs.

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27d76c No.21094387

Only bait, no debates.

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a393a3 No.21094389

16 Economists Sign Letter Saying Trump Policy Will Increase Inflation

whittling it down from 51 intel officials now to economists…

let the good times roll

Is Krugman going to be wheeled out again?

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3385ac No.21094390


>Looks like intelligent bots are extinct…

Intelligent bots

Isn't that an oxymoron?

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5d293f No.21094391


but only if it speaks truth to the power of the Jews over the West as head pets of the cabal, anon, come on.

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0bfb22 No.21094392


Is Strzok not CIA posing as FBI?

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1208c9 No.21094394


Shills calling truth tellers shills is one of the funniest things about this shit hole.

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f6cd72 No.21094397

File: 9792f2803d8c7f8⋯.png (114.44 KB,400x180,20:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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44af5a No.21094399

File: 2ccf49eb14a76eb⋯.png (849.85 KB,1003x700,1003:700,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_0….png)

As you likely know, the internet is overflowing with theories about Joe Biden and rubber masks. What does that mean, exactly? Well, many believe that Joe Biden has one or two body doubles who parade around in masks, impersonating him.

Truth be told, they’ve certainly come a long way with masks, haven’t they?

While Biden doubles running around in a mask may sound like the plot of a Hollywood movie, can we truly dismiss anything in these strange times under this bizarre regime? Probably not. And it’s even more difficult to write it off as just another kooky conspiracy, especially when former CIA chiefs have disclosed how they use elaborate masks to allow people to “walk around as someone else.”

It’s not surprising that the CIA has a department called “Disguise” with an official chief who runs it. The former chief details below how the CIA operates, much like in a James Bond movie. Is it any wonder if they use these tactics with presidents and other key officials? It almost seems like a no-brainer, right?

Wall Street Apes:

Here’s The Uncut Version Of The CIA Chief Of Disguise Confirming They Use “Full Face Masks” To “Walk around as someone else”

This is why Joe Biden needs both a drug test and a DNA test before the CNN Debate with Donald Trump

“I was Chief of Disguise. The office I worked in was like the Q in James Bond. We were the Q for the CIA and the intelligence community. So there were different parts of it, whatever you needed.

If you needed a bug, if you needed secret writing or a microdot or a concealment device or whatever you needed, you had to come to us and we’ll put something together for you.

Okay. What’s the most memorable moment from being in disguise for you? Um, there were a number of them, but the one I mean, one that has to stand out, I went to the White House and I briefed George H. W. Bush, the president, at the time while I was wearing a full face mask.

So we’re sitting, like, this close together, and I’m telling him that I’m gonna show him the best disguise that we have. And he’s looking for a bag, like, where where is it? I said, well, I’m wearing it, and I’m going to take it off. And I reached to start taking it off, and he said, stop. And he got up and he walked and he looked and he looked at it.

‌He couldn’t he didn’t know it was a mask. He wasn’t sure what I was wearing. He sat back down. He said, okay. So I took it off.

‌And I was holding it up in the air so he could see it, my whole head. It had hair and a face and a neck.

So you could walk around as someone else?


And that would be the disguise.



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27d76c No.21094400


>Isn't that an oxymoron?

The arguments are shortened today.

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0bfb22 No.21094401

File: 8f86c1779848548⋯.png (46.67 KB,793x204,793:204,ClipboardImage.png)

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bee354 No.21094402

File: 0c28f4d9f82b7f4⋯.jpeg (71.5 KB,675x900,3:4,2B7F52F0_D93F_4D6A_B04E_E….jpeg)

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27d76c No.21094404


booms gonna boom.

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5d293f No.21094405

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0bfb22 No.21094409


A 1983 article in The Bismarck Tribune said that Peter Strzok, the father, worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, helping “the governments of underdeveloped nations.”

After he retired, he “began working with Catholic Relief Services, this time dealing directly with the struggling farm families in the impoverished African nation of Upper Volta,” the newspaper article reported.

After three years in Upper Volta, the elder Strzok took an assignment as director of Catholic Relief Services in Haiti. One goal: Reduce the infant mortality rate. He also worked in a food assistance program. The article stated that he was married with a then-13-year-old son. (The FBI agent Strzok is now 48.)

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a393a3 No.21094410



fisa and a hammer

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5d293f No.21094411


I'm gauging how long it takes

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44af5a No.21094414

File: 49506276e0d41a7⋯.png (459.23 KB,810x803,810:803,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_0….png)


CNN’s moderators for Thursday’s presidential debate have deep ties to former intelligence officials who signed the now-debunked letter claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation,” Real Clear Investigations (RCI) reported Wednesday.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied about leaking false information to one of CNN’s moderators, Jake Tapper, about the Trump campaign exchanging information with Russia throughout the election cycle, according to the RCI report.

Tapper, failing to inform the public that the information came from a Clinton campaign-funded dossier, the now discredited Steele dossier, disseminated the information in a January 10, 2017, CNN report co-authored with Carl Bernstein.

Clapper denied leaking the information to Tapper during a July 2017 congressional deposition.

Clapper “flatly denied ‘discuss[ing] the dossier [compiled by Steele] or any other intelligence related to Russia hacking of the 2016 election with journalists,” the House Intelligence Committee said, according to RCI.

But, after further pressure from Congress, “Clapper subsequently acknowledged discussing the dossier with CNN journalist Jake Tapper,” the House Intelligence Committee wrote in a report of his deposition, according to RCI.

Clapper apparently lied again to the public the day after the CNN story aired, issuing a statement expressing “profound dismay at the leaks that have been appearing in the press” and denied that the leak came from within the intelligence community. Clapper repeated the same lie to incoming President Donald Trump, according to RCI.

CNN later hired Clapper as a national security analyst, making him Tapper’s co-worker.

Tapper, for his part, won an award for his coverage of the story when he received the Merriam Smith Award for broadcast journalism in 2018 for his reporting on the dossier.

Clapper was also a leading signatory of the infamous “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails,” a letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials which casted the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, including evidence of the Bidens’ dealings with Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies, as Russian disinformation.

Another signatory of the letter was Jeremy Bash, the CIA’s chief of staff under Barack Obama from 2009-2011. Bash was married to CNN’s Dana Bash from 1998 to 2007 — the latter will co-moderate Thursday night’s debate with Tapper.

Jeremy Bash was involved in coordinating the effort to craft the Hunter Biden laptop letter, according to RCI.

Former deputy CIA Director Mike Morell testified the purpose of the letter “was to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election,” according to an April 2023 House Judiciary Committee press release.

Morrell sent an e-mail out to intelligence officials in October 2020 that said “We want to give the VP a talking point to use in response,” a May 2023 House Judiciary Committee report reveals.

The officials released the statement on October 19, 2020, weeks before the 2020 presidential election.

Twitter suspended the account of the New York Post, which broke the Hunter Biden laptop story, and blocked Tweets about the laptop on their platform at the time, based largely on the premise that the story may be “Russian disinformation.”

Despite the assertion from the former intelligence officials that the laptop was disinformation, media outlets like the Daily Caller News Foundation, New York Times, Washington Post and CBS News have verified its contents.


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44af5a No.21094417

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WARNING: Be on the Alert for Depopulationist Bill Gates' Toxic "Apeel" on Your Produce

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0bfb22 No.21094418

File: 445bc88b6ac86aa⋯.png (1.47 MB,1360x907,1360:907,ClipboardImage.png)


Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

A couple hundred police officers from Kenya met early Wednesday with Prime Minister Garry Conille as they prepare to deploy in upcoming days. No one except high-ranking officials knows their assignment, which officials have said is for security reasons.

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b1b020 No.21094419

#21093273 at 2024-06-27 03:54:01 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25856: It Has Begun Edition

Less than 10 asked for prayers for Q+ and advised ask Q for confirmation on current Board Team being corrupt. Minutes later Q+ Truth posts about having trouble sleeping… corresponding Q drop is a (quote) about attacks. Followed by a prayer

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5d293f No.21094423


you guys are so hard working.

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54d1b0 No.21094424

File: 00a13306d15604c⋯.jpg (71.31 KB,800x500,8:5,JN_VS_NJ.jpg)

same o shit posts

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0bfb22 No.21094425

Haitians were reaping the consequences of the pact their founding fathers had made with the devil.

Slave leaders were so desperate to throw off the yoke of their brutal French overlords that they held a voodoo ritual — known as the Bois Caiman ceremony — to invoke the aid of dark forces when they met in 1791 to plan their insurrection.

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27d76c No.21094426


>you guys are so hard working.

If you do not follow the 4am talking points on this board, you might feel a bit unwelcome but that is the nature of this place.

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2e7449 No.21094429


I get the point but that isn’t a good video. It’s lame.

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2e7449 No.21094431


You are Greek mythology so….. you and the Jews are both literal idiots. War mongering faggot.

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b1b020 No.21094432

#21093280 at 2024-06-27 03:55:16 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25856: It Has Begun Edition


Anons got their answer… board team is corrupt. Irreconcilable.

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3385ac No.21094433

File: abdc9557e88ec96⋯.png (329.92 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_asn_flightsafety_….png)


Possibly no details on the specific Vistajet plane involved.

ASN report only states -Information is only available from news, social media or unofficial sources.


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1bb73b No.21094434

File: 96907716fa655c1⋯.jpg (78.05 KB,1000x562,500:281,4ee61fe8_0e9e_4429_8a35_88….jpg)

You guys are so good at drawing attention to yourselves. Even bad press is good press AMIRITE?

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b1b020 No.21094437

#21093155 at 2024-06-27 03:09:22 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25856: It Has Begun Edition

Trouble sleeping board team? We can help. God answers prayers.

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435479 No.21094438

File: 1ae3cb384305caa⋯.png (2.82 MB,1996x2024,499:506,biden.png)


>Stupid bastard

Smelly bastard

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b1b020 No.21094439

God answers prayers. God wins.

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5d293f No.21094440


how dare you speak of them.

they work so hard

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54d1b0 No.21094441

File: 9a86a89c60e5937⋯.jpeg (65.85 KB,540x530,54:53,FidoLawyer.jpeg)

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3160a0 No.21094443

File: 9c177902be07dbf⋯.jpeg (440.62 KB,665x797,665:797,IMG_3202.jpeg)

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54d1b0 No.21094444

File: fba2afe1f26c073⋯.jpg (160.39 KB,960x954,160:159,huntersfirstnightinWH59.jpg)

Last Night's debate prep

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435479 No.21094445

File: 40c108cb9a2fd22⋯.png (76.98 KB,250x237,250:237,think_2.png)


>Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

What could go wrong?

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3160a0 No.21094446

File: 801856eacafa18c⋯.jpeg (228.13 KB,1130x1460,113:146,IMG_3211.jpeg)

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3160a0 No.21094447

File: e295e486e7352d1⋯.jpeg (164.4 KB,1130x903,1130:903,IMG_3212.jpeg)

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1bb73b No.21094449

File: 70b58cc4c85028f⋯.jpeg (615.5 KB,1508x2010,754:1005,img_0006_med_hr.jpeg)

File: 2e4afcc44ed9f1b⋯.webp (15.98 KB,667x400,667:400,1st_Navy_Jack_Dont_Tread_….webp)


The Tribes are gonna Tribe.

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54d1b0 No.21094450

File: ab80511c7112f6c⋯.png (68.7 KB,766x410,383:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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3160a0 No.21094451

File: 3e0c38276b16327⋯.gif (1004.69 KB,297x196,297:196,IMG_3218.gif)

Taylor Swift meets Big Mike

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27d76c No.21094452


>What could go wrong?

Kanye West could start singing a rap song in hate Y.

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435479 No.21094453

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


> Bden Debate Bingo

Will Trump spend most of the debate arguing with hostile CNN Bash and Tapper?

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5d293f No.21094454


the tipped hand is tipped and there is no putting the genie back in the bottle, pandoras box is open, and every one knows who they are.

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54d1b0 No.21094455

File: 7cbbdf9b91c16ef⋯.png (96.97 KB,926x587,926:587,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Speaks

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3385ac No.21094456

File: aa9afc779783953⋯.jpg (190.8 KB,800x600,4:3,cinderblock01.jpg)


I would throw this at her and tell her to hold it tight.

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3160a0 No.21094457

File: 444b045acaf02c6⋯.jpg (215.95 KB,833x911,833:911,DJT_Flashed.JPG)



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b1b020 No.21094460

File: e3466c504f7c312⋯.png (71.66 KB,318x411,106:137,22_11_34_121_1011.png)

File: 4ad814163f4d6a4⋯.png (43.66 KB,444x620,111:155,121_Q.png)

File: e4e92fab1f625fd⋯.png (198.15 KB,462x1504,231:752,1011_Q.png)


Prominent 23 On The Clock




What did BO encourage?

Was this illegal?

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0bfb22 No.21094461

File: 2f086a0ad055d73⋯.jpeg (371.58 KB,720x548,180:137,kenya.jpeg)

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5d293f No.21094462


this will be deleted for use of words

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b1b020 No.21094464

They made fake new boards…

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5d293f No.21094465

so what happened to the 'you have been warnned' shills who were here for a while and went missing a couple of days ago?

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5dafa8 No.21094466


Dub dubz

No reveal on which Vista jet

Someone didn't make their trip so did another Vista show?

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3160a0 No.21094469

File: 537c879b2674ac0⋯.jpeg (26.92 KB,300x225,4:3,0213FA66_36EB_4002_8E79_1….jpeg)

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b1b020 No.21094470


And edited the fake board after it was cited in the bread a few hours ago.

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3160a0 No.21094471

File: c0f8e989edfc8d7⋯.webp (161.07 KB,260x260,1:1,IMG_3217.webp)

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b1b020 No.21094473

New fake Qs… New fake boards…

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3160a0 No.21094474

File: e34bf2e72491aae⋯.gif (885.13 KB,498x273,166:91,IMG_3216.gif)

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b1b020 No.21094475

Losers who want you to believe Clowns are remote viewing (you)? THEY ARE NOT. Anons are Safe.

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435479 No.21094476

File: 71ac7c043859788⋯.png (182.67 KB,408x289,24:17,2024_06_27_07_29_23.png)


> Pelosi is drowning… What do you do???

Chum the water?

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b1b020 No.21094477

#21093373 at 2024-06-27 04:12:20 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25856: It Has Begun Edition


Shills and board team definitely corrupt as fuck and linked to C_A. Definitely remote viewing anons they perceive as a threat.


Whoever wrote the above, is lying.

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54d1b0 No.21094478

Current state of this place

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b1b020 No.21094479

Anons are safe.

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c2235c No.21094480

File: 8834f729d0a1f5c⋯.jpeg (133.75 KB,500x668,125:167,IMG_0839.jpeg)


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3385ac No.21094481


Dub dubz back atcha

Odd that there are no details on the VistaJet.

Perhaps incident was staged to allow pilots to exchange details like a car accident.

Wonder what might have occurred.

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b1b020 No.21094483

Clowns.. moronically trying to delete the evidence, yet knowing full-well it's not deleted. The picture of irrational behavior.

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54d1b0 No.21094484

File: d7b5079c97330ce⋯.jpg (55.97 KB,612x408,3:2,GMorthe.jpg)

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5dafa8 No.21094485


Premium account stuff

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b1b020 No.21094486

They will be left here by themselves to delete each other.. Anons will follow to the new board because Q will post there. It's that simple.

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3160a0 No.21094487

File: ba6dca8d9a194f3⋯.png (578.85 KB,640x436,160:109,45A57B54_0C42_479B_93B4_AC….png)

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b1b020 No.21094488

No pre-made board will be used… so you can stop making fake boards..

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40ccd8 No.21094490

File: af53219f79111b2⋯.png (101.89 KB,246x205,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)




I got your Pelosi Life Preserver right here!

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b1b020 No.21094491

BIG day today. Prayers for POTUS DJT.

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2148b8 No.21094492

File: 9073741cd184bb9⋯.pdf (221.31 KB,AFL_BANNON2024062613524864….pdf)

America First Legal Files SCOTUS Brief on Behalf of House Administration Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk Defending Stephen Bannon and Arguing that the January 6 Committee Was Invalid and Illegal

June 26, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, America First Legal (AFL) filed an amicus brief on behalf of Representative Barry Loudermilk (GA-11), Chairman of the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight, in support of Stephen K. Bannon’s emergency stay application to the Supreme Court of the United States. Mr. Bannon’s stay application seeks his continued release pending further appeal of his convictions.

Rep. Loudermilk and his subcommittee are investigating the numerous security failures leading up to and on January 6, 2021, and reviewing the creation, operation, and results of the partisan Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (“Select Committee”).It is settled law that Congress must follow its own rules. Consequently, AFL and Rep. Loudermilk argue that theSelect Committee’s blatant noncompliance with House rules and resolutions means that it was unlawfully constitutedand that both itssubpoena to Mr. Bannon and the subsequent criminal referral that led to his convictions are invalid. Specifically:

• The Select Committee was illegal from the start. H. Res. 503, § 2(a), creating the Select Committee, provided that “the Speaker shall appoint thirteen Members, five of whom shall be appointed after consultation with the minority leader.” However, the Select Committee had only nine members because then-Speaker Pelosi ignored this provision to silence dissent.

• The Select Committee ignored deposition rules. H. Res. 503 § 5(6)(B) specifically stated that the Select Committee’s deposition authority was “governed by the procedures submitted by the chair of the Committee on Rules for printing in the Congressional Record.” The House Committee on Rules’ Regulations for the Use of Deposition Authority required the Select Committee’s chairman to consult with the ranking minority member prior to conducting a deposition. This rule was also ignored.

• The Select Committee lacked a ranking minority member and therefore could not conduct lawful investigations. The Select Committee ignored House rules requiring a ranking minority member. Instead, several months after it was created and more than a month following its first hearing, Representative Liz Cheney was named “Vice Chair.” A “vice chair” is distinct and different from a ranking minority member under House Rules, conference and caucus rules, and precedent. Without a ranking member, the Select Committee could not conduct lawful investigations.

The Select Committee failed to follow the rules when it referred Mr. Bannon for contempt. The Select Committee claimed that Mr. Bannon improperly and illegally refused to appear for a deposition. However, because the Select Committee chose not to have a ranking member, it could not lawfully conduct Mr. Bannon’s deposition.

Accordingly, AFL and Rep. Loudermilk have asked the Supreme Court to grant Mr. Bannon’s application.

Statement from Representative Barry Loudermilk (GA-11):

“Over the past year and a half, my Subcommittee has uncovered concerningmisconduct by the Democrats’ former January 6 Select Committee. They suppressed evidence, deleted key files, and intentionally misled Congress and the American people all in an effort to protect a preconceived narrative.

The Select Committee failed to comply with the rules governing its own procedures.Therefore, the prosecution of Mr. Bannon for failing to appear for a deposition is invalid, as is any criminal prosecution.

My amicus brief will hold the Select Committee accountable and nullify their deeply flawed work conducted outside the bounds of legitimacy.” said Rep. Loudermilk.

Statement from Dan Epstein, America First Legal Vice President:

“The January 6 Select Committee’s violations of House Rules and Regulations invalidates their formal actions against individuals. Thus the indictment of Bannon lacks a legal foundation.The Supreme Court should take note of Chairman Loudermilk’s arguments to grant the emergency stay Bannon has requested,” said Dan Epstein.

brief attached


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1bb73b No.21094495

File: c176cf338dd2f1b⋯.jpg (8.88 KB,197x256,197:256,images_9_.jpg)


Getting popular these days. I'm running out of timeslots.

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b1b020 No.21094496


Some people are just better off Dead. Biblical.

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54d1b0 No.21094497

File: 24abd167688f9fb⋯.png (326.25 KB,354x476,177:238,NobodyNos.png)

a Board full BS Shills

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435479 No.21094499

File: 1c5976d6793b54e⋯.png (4.66 MB,2154x2160,359:360,scum_n_villainy.png)


> Washington DC sacum and villainy


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b1b020 No.21094500


Truth and Censorship. In that order. Dying trend.

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2148b8 No.21094501


I can't wait until all of the Dems and Fake Reps are interrogated along with their staff, many wanted to point out the security failures, but Pelosi and Cheney were only doing it to smear Trump and make him responsible for everything that occurred on J6, also the FBI and other agencies need to be interrogated and tried for colluding with a Coup on President Trump. There must be Legal Justice against all who planned the Coup, from Agencies, to Military, and all the others NGO's that participated, including the stupid Ukrainian Nazis that came and created havoc. All of them must be found and charged.

The Committee spent $20-$30 million for this farce, Pelosi should be the first to be arrested.

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3160a0 No.21094503

File: d4ccc1c4ada8072⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,270x480,9:16,Kv4axZVXwZfRm66j.mp4)


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1bb73b No.21094504

File: 13f72d95b076dca⋯.png (1.08 MB,1191x659,1191:659,4chan_cup.PNG)


You gonna make it then? How are you gonna notify only the Kool Kids Klub?

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b1b020 No.21094505

File: bb4d6cb31d9abdb⋯.png (47.54 KB,300x225,4:3,thelight.png)


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6cd86a No.21094506

File: 0814d0c3242f3cf⋯.png (640.82 KB,750x500,3:2,EatShit_Die.png)

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368842 No.21094507

File: 6dbb853b6affd1a⋯.png (2.32 MB,1291x863,1291:863,6dbb853b6affd1a43e82f3072d….png)


Just another day of being a lazy unemployed piece of shit living off the Government tits.

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5d293f No.21094510

did they have a '1 AM' comms meeting and then was it just deleted ?

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2148b8 No.21094511


The funny thing is these assholes were so confident they could get away with it, they have talked about it on the news, in print, and every other way to expose themselves. This was not just people in America, there was WW support for this because the leaders hate Trump, especially in Europe, those people need to be scooped up by Interpol also, and Zelensky and his gang of Mafia Oligarchs. Obama and Joe Bidan were in on it along with a lot of Obama staff and agency heads from his administrations

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5d293f No.21094512


this one will be,guaranteed

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b89969 No.21094513

File: 16202bd3f913a7a⋯.jpeg (100.69 KB,613x391,613:391,IMG_0203.jpeg)


much goyslop/psyop is larped up

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3160a0 No.21094514

File: 1db29a107dfb8c1⋯.png (486.49 KB,526x532,263:266,IMG_3135.PNG)

File: da0969acaabdb3f⋯.jpeg (200.11 KB,1078x809,1078:809,D1E6A839_EC6A_4338_A3CD_2….JPEG)


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0bfb22 No.21094515

File: d21f6c5780fed58⋯.png (469.62 KB,500x545,100:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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3160a0 No.21094517

File: 82688156cf60533⋯.png (170.44 KB,300x300,1:1,D0B1E4F6_B22E_4D81_8EA8_96….png)

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5d293f No.21094519


will this?

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1bb73b No.21094520

File: 131cc929ae24a04⋯.jpg (173.31 KB,1440x1644,120:137,Ghost_Rider_Prophecy.jpg)


Pepperidge Farms Remembers.

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b89969 No.21094521

File: e4870d9bd93d26c⋯.jpeg (93.25 KB,500x482,250:241,IMG_0658.jpeg)


the mods here suck tranny balls

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5d293f No.21094522


right away for daring to speak

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3160a0 No.21094524

File: 3b6cec563103e21⋯.jpeg (549.88 KB,886x1140,443:570,IMG_3190.jpeg)


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5dafa8 No.21094525


Those togas

So nice

Mike Lindell would start a line but no

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0bfb22 No.21094526


Barack Obama's sister speaks to CNN after getting tear gassed during Nairobi protest

CNN's Larry Madowo is live on scene as protests over a controversial financial bill escalate in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi.

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b03a73 No.21094529

File: 7f810d6c0581cfd⋯.png (4.18 MB,1674x1354,837:677,Screenshot_2024_06_27_at_6….png)

Morning anons…

This is a several day view of the magnetic field. This should be ONE consistent color or thereabouts…

What this indicates is that the magnetic field is VERY weak…


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1bb73b No.21094530

File: 24cc7da135f1200⋯.jpg (732.41 KB,1635x1983,545:661,PhiloThevet.jpg)


He could use that premium Egyptian cotton he has for those nice bed sheets. We should get him on the horn.

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435479 No.21094531

File: acb38cd1445abd8⋯.png (176.44 KB,306x300,51:50,cia_toad.png)



Clowns In America?

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3160a0 No.21094533

File: 3f05cb61ad85ca5⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x1024,1:1,AI_Benjamin_Netanyahu.PNG)

File: a95b74135157ad3⋯.jpg (289.68 KB,1635x1165,327:233,Netanyahu_ISIS.jpg)

File: 48145f545781cff⋯.png (730.12 KB,800x582,400:291,Netanyahu_MOSSAD_ISIL_ISIS….PNG)

File: ac5abe9d4f9a641⋯.png (853.14 KB,600x800,3:4,Netanyahu_ISIS_02.PNG)

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5d293f No.21094534

notice how the ones that disparage the anon and Q are not!

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5dafa8 No.21094535

Malarkey express

Debate tonight

Joe's witticisms coming at you

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435479 No.21094536

File: ce882133e2bdeb4⋯.png (1.2 MB,898x904,449:452,biden_129.png)


Hope President Trump hammers Biden on illegal immigration and the resulting rapes and murders

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1bb73b No.21094537

File: cd977e048a98a98⋯.jpg (182.08 KB,1160x629,1160:629,download_1_.jpg)

Something about those who scream the loudest…

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27d76c No.21094538

Anon fails to be captivated by the drama on this board, be pleased to continue the discussion of these theatrics.

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6cd86a No.21094540

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Just another day of being a lazy unemployed piece of shit living off the Government tits.

Buy Bitcoin.

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5dafa8 No.21094542

File: 29444963ea041bf⋯.png (567.54 KB,720x480,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


This Egyptian cotton is fabulous

Feel it

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5d293f No.21094544

ok I'm done for now.

I'm allergic to green post numbers, I guess.

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5dafa8 No.21094545




John Brennan

And their Afghan soiree

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d68835 No.21094546

File: 218e31929181afd⋯.png (8.96 KB,865x760,173:152,218e31929181afd8449d094063….png)

The shills are extra retarded today

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435479 No.21094548

File: 32fb984ba767db6⋯.png (330.5 KB,412x409,412:409,2024_06_27_07_52_26.png)


> Hi, I'm the CIA

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1bb73b No.21094550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>John Brennan

Who is that guy?

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ca1d9f No.21094553


jews , they delete the truth

jews gonna jew every time

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d4f716 No.21094554


shame that you're going, fren for truth and freedom, 5d293f.

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f5d87a No.21094557


the usual moderators are holocausting any jew comments as per usual

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f8517d No.21094558

File: 4f2a1b1e45bf98c⋯.png (1.01 MB,750x1334,375:667,512060B8_703B_4BC6_9805_FB….png)

File: d435005e63e95d0⋯.png (67.86 KB,690x762,115:127,0585729F_F0DA_441A_8559_2C….png)

File: a76971c33e56172⋯.jpeg (149.58 KB,854x910,61:65,7DD66751_6034_4737_9CFC_1….jpeg)

File: e797658cae18cdd⋯.jpeg (53.18 KB,600x454,300:227,668F94E8_A500_4B1F_8300_F….jpeg)

File: f8d589eb45580a7⋯.png (255.12 KB,690x2484,5:18,1A04A670_4B10_4032_955F_E8….png)

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d4f716 No.21094560

File: 8e597aabab317fd⋯.png (373.94 KB,918x792,51:44,deleted_en_masse.png)


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f5d87a No.21094561

Biker and Triple A are the mods deleting posts

I am archiving this bread for the Gitmo trials of the admins

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f5d87a No.21094564


watch the post deletions

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5dafa8 No.21094565


Good question

A domino to topple for the protection of another

Did those fags meet in Indonesia playing a game of innuendo

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379614 No.21094567

File: 5b14062ba6a6f97⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,480x270,16:9,twitsave_com_MqPC0smByt41K….mp4)

Durn FB keeps taking this Down , Inappropriate content they say .

Likely a bunch of Fedbois Soy eaters .



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f8517d No.21094568

File: abcbf44434abde7⋯.png (1.22 MB,750x1334,375:667,F811740B_E379_4ED7_B749_0B….png)

File: 06be09cf7842b24⋯.jpeg (74.32 KB,680x453,680:453,5A0833D2_913F_45AB_9B0B_C….jpeg)

File: 605b00e7f7b5af6⋯.png (62.24 KB,690x718,345:359,B8633F7E_CE02_42DA_A3FE_60….png)

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6cd86a No.21094569


He speaks arabic. wow, someone that works for the government speaks another language. this is such a shocker to most americans but it's not uncommon to speak multiple languages if your first language isn't english. the real shocker here is that his arabic is clearly crap, and I don't even speak arabic!

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4a308f No.21094571


You'd think anons would notice that Julian uploaded new files before pulling the DNC Email Archive offline.

I guess anons are retarded these days.

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d68835 No.21094572

File: c6dc2d1f63d812b⋯.png (52.03 KB,447x696,149:232,ClipboardImage.png)

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bad137 No.21094575

abolish the c_a


like they wont comback under a different name

blackwater, akadamia, g4s or whatever the fuck

like repainting a stolen car

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d4f716 No.21094576

File: 594b96274b02bd9⋯.png (202.95 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Clapper is a muslim, he converted years ago.

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9d75fb No.21094578


Abolish who the CIA serves.

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f2f2ae No.21094579

Why is it "The Jews"?

Why isn't it, "The Monarchists"?

Why isn't it, "The Monogamists"?

Why isn't it, "The Marriage (and divorce) Industry"?

Does Jewish simply mean "Royal/former royal, allegiant to the Monarchy of Monogamous Married Persons"?

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88e246 No.21094580

File: a51ff639f273676⋯.jpg (123.59 KB,1063x796,1063:796,FordMoneyJQ.jpg)


The US dollar is key to global control through currency that is fiat.

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d4f716 No.21094581


correction; Brennan

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6cd86a No.21094582


>Clapper is a muslim, he converted years ago.

how many muslims in the world are there? what is the 1st amendment?

moreover, did clapper convert? is that even clapper? moran.

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88e246 No.21094583

File: 886c2b2007f8e3a⋯.png (66.99 KB,506x493,506:493,RothschildReserve.png)

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7111e7 No.21094584

I expect Proto to be turned on soon as the BV's are being challenged about all the post deletions

that is, they will "shut it down!"

life imitates memes, top kek

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d4f716 No.21094585


not my area of interest but it's obviously important.

has someone a copy or looked at it?

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0bfb22 No.21094586

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)


>watch the post deletions


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f2f2ae No.21094587


Your obsession with money is gross

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d68835 No.21094588

File: 0aa4f1cc5bc4d13⋯.png (3.54 MB,2795x2697,2795:2697,ClipboardImage.png)

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7036f2 No.21094589

File: 97f289423fc9051⋯.png (209.45 KB,834x796,417:398,1719383424905711.png)

File: f69b5e0c6c9b8f7⋯.png (149.98 KB,570x677,570:677,1718704613093544.png)

File: 3f22ccc1d67ba34⋯.png (404.08 KB,751x797,751:797,1718804085010915.png)

File: e9622f2f8b260f8⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2198x1444,1099:722,1718271080925769.jpg)

File: ad4b2d989490e52⋯.png (240.69 KB,408x612,2:3,1716290784700162.png)

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4a308f No.21094590



Check the 1st image.

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6cd86a No.21094591


say esoteric adages with chinaman accent, become the chinaman

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88e246 No.21094592

File: 6275116c58e6103⋯.png (56.96 KB,548x455,548:455,JIDFKuntsII.png)

File: 5703e0419128045⋯.jpg (64.61 KB,548x455,548:455,JIDFKuntsIII.jpg)

File: bf8f869433d551b⋯.jpg (60.57 KB,548x455,548:455,JIDFKuntsIIII.jpg)

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0bfb22 No.21094593

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



slang : one that informs against another

specifically : one who makes a practice especially for a financial reward of informing against others for violations of penal laws

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4a308f No.21094594



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f8517d No.21094595

File: 860ce158d6d7859⋯.png (1.45 MB,750x1334,375:667,D85981AE_6BA7_4A27_AA64_2F….png)

File: a77336139d66f2b⋯.png (195.73 KB,690x2138,345:1069,219ECC6F_7CC3_4366_B219_E2….png)

File: d48235a06e8cae7⋯.jpeg (334.13 KB,2048x1336,256:167,98212349_20A4_4E50_B274_3….jpeg)

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2cf4ec No.21094596

File: b590d186ed4524f⋯.png (568.16 KB,804x717,268:239,Sterbef_lle_in_Arbeitslage….png)

File: c68e96de0c1bb1a⋯.jpg (37.21 KB,375x225,5:3,u5EONf7.jpg)

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2cf4ec No.21094597



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88e246 No.21094598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You're lack of interest in the truth is Judaic.


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2cf4ec No.21094599

File: 19199b25f04c539⋯.png (40.36 KB,314x414,157:207,19199b25f04c53909b4f93ba96….png)

File: cc295540f9313e8⋯.png (208.73 KB,484x501,484:501,zdfsav.png)

File: c68e96de0c1bb1a⋯.jpg (37.21 KB,375x225,5:3,u5EONf7.jpg)

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0bfb22 No.21094600

When does a bird sing?

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2cf4ec No.21094601

File: ee5484470ec2a61⋯.jpg (254.77 KB,770x770,1:1,wZsZo9F.jpg)

File: 87d0fcd0232386c⋯.png (350.11 KB,551x504,551:504,hrdztur.png)

File: 4fe10b2a6c83813⋯.jpg (65.52 KB,500x502,250:251,Kd60m6c.jpg)

File: 5daae020f6bd082⋯.png (2.32 MB,1440x811,1440:811,rdfgdd.png)

File: 7d732deb5d1afd2⋯.png (318.75 KB,530x402,265:201,ghdfsgd.png)

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88e246 No.21094602

File: 50d324db11c2a1c⋯.png (16.11 KB,658x492,329:246,PuppetMastersQPost.png)


If it wasn't for Q, we wouldn't be here talking about the Jews.

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f8517d No.21094603

File: 1122c05eae17006⋯.png (978.42 KB,750x1334,375:667,35F7974A_8583_4D8E_BF21_4C….png)

File: 79b282bb6e1df09⋯.png (164.47 KB,690x1454,345:727,90C2A522_C9E4_4747_AEEE_06….png)

File: d812983786e0381⋯.jpeg (106.58 KB,800x1199,800:1199,6CEF94DA_E072_4C34_BF5E_3….jpeg)


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2cf4ec No.21094604


>If it wasn't for Q, we wouldn't be here talking about the Jews.

Wrong, without me there would never have been a Q or this forum!

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7036f2 No.21094605

File: f5e0b24ee586aff⋯.jpg (120.86 KB,752x500,188:125,Untitled_jpg3.jpg)

File: d4ae076df0fa28a⋯.jpg (106.86 KB,500x705,100:141,Untitled_jpg87.jpg)

File: 6f2e1445752edde⋯.jpg (53.95 KB,515x485,103:97,Untitled_jpg4.jpg)

File: 769e85c7db5b5ec⋯.png (732.95 KB,695x500,139:100,gfl.png)

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f8517d No.21094606

File: 1866e8a5e178389⋯.png (1.35 MB,750x1334,375:667,9D15200B_C0CB_480E_A114_4C….png)

File: 947f9b964328861⋯.png (106.43 KB,690x1334,15:29,E38A787B_16F7_413E_990E_93….png)


today’s 8:03 is Army.

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083545 No.21094607

File: 75522115d28d515⋯.png (417.46 KB,1080x673,1080:673,Memeto_1630249745711.png)

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7036f2 No.21094608

File: 21298f27975427f⋯.jpg (63.98 KB,793x396,793:396,1668455838259490.jpg)

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27d76c No.21094609


>When does a bird sing?

Never again.

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0bfb22 No.21094610

Ramzan Kadyrov reacted to the Estonian Ambassador to Ukraine's statement that her country is ready to discuss sending their troops to Ukraine:

"After reading this news, I urgently contacted my dear brother, commander of the AKHMAT special forces, deputy head of the Main Directorate for Military-Political Work of the RF Ministry of Defense, Apty Alaudinov, so that he could take proactive measures at lightning speed.

I instructed the military general to transfer two of our wounded soldiers in the direction of the Estonian troops, and they should be redeployed in their hospital beds. Don’t give them anything else, let them get trophy weapons, since we know that this terrible Estonian army has a whole pair of rubber boats and six machine guns. We will not bother the rest of the Russian army soldiers."

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2cf4ec No.21094611

File: be70de971b92e55⋯.png (1.56 MB,920x1536,115:192,be70de971b92e5592a8134b39a….png)

File: cc52118a6041dde⋯.png (1.1 MB,955x699,955:699,Population_ww_1933_und_194….png)

File: c68e96de0c1bb1a⋯.jpg (37.21 KB,375x225,5:3,u5EONf7.jpg)

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88e246 No.21094612

File: b89908e22aa5ba5⋯.jpg (115.41 KB,436x578,218:289,GumbyJews.jpg)

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d4f716 No.21094613

File: 499ecc4017ec501⋯.png (199.43 KB,2000x1655,400:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be1fcf351c34d55⋯.png (35.55 KB,534x467,534:467,ClipboardImage.png)




have to call it as you see it

rich talmudic, satanist jews, but I repeat myself

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0bfb22 No.21094614

File: 0e08fe270ec9729⋯.png (114.58 KB,437x294,437:294,ClipboardImage.png)

Bolivia coup?

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7036f2 No.21094615


Only a bot programmed from a jew with a god complex could day such a thing. Thank you for playing.


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2cf4ec No.21094616

File: 4c3ae4d612878fa⋯.jpg (207.76 KB,1024x732,256:183,4c3ae4d612878fa5ff42b114b4….jpg)

File: 53b021f5c555cda⋯.png (213.98 KB,370x637,370:637,us_domination_tour.png)

File: 8a32d2405be13d6⋯.jpg (88.89 KB,600x395,120:79,8a32d2405be13d6020259f55dc….jpg)


The JewSA is not good retard!

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0389c2 No.21094617

File: 94c697deb48f480⋯.png (1.22 MB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b364db4e57afbfc⋯.png (1.38 MB,1391x983,1391:983,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe63960ffbe9ec4⋯.mp4 (2.17 MB,720x1280,9:16,Howling_B_1_Take_Off_RAF_F….mp4)


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a4c4c4 No.21094618

File: 98880be06100932⋯.jpg (60.46 KB,451x335,451:335,Haiti_1.jpg)



May find out in October.

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0bfb22 No.21094619


"We have come back from hell. The mission was suicidal. We were blind and helpless to counter the state-of-the-art weapons possessed by the Houthis. Drones were constantly flying over, and there was nothing we could do, the phalanx cannons were obselete; we started shooting at them with our own guns!"

"At some point, we were shooting at stars, because we thought they were drones!"

When a drone exploded 150 meters away from the frigate, causing a huge blast and large trembling on board, 10 crew members requested immediate repatriation upon reaching the port of Djibouti

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f8517d No.21094621

File: 134f15ce01e3a53⋯.png (1.25 MB,750x1334,375:667,87A5E388_ECF9_44B8_92DD_90….png)

File: e50f58c0aaa7baf⋯.png (168.02 KB,690x1774,345:887,AE172E90_2F93_451A_B241_D0….png)

File: f9d49618224319d⋯.jpeg (201.97 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,C64D1B17_9CC0_4FD3_8065_F….jpeg)

File: a0ae346edd3f6ae⋯.jpeg (642.98 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,19C65D5E_16DC_49D7_9E86_2….jpeg)

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62d111 No.21094622

File: 545c0f636b0f351⋯.png (81.71 KB,169x198,169:198,ClipboardImage.png)

trust me, i'm a siiiiiingerrrr.

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d0d574 No.21094623

File: 67974a10ccc2f33⋯.png (962.88 KB,1102x1069,1102:1069,JoyMsnbc.png)


Joy Reid is a racist

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5decb1 No.21094624

File: 7c86d74b84c4c49⋯.png (306.93 KB,571x706,571:706,ClipboardImage.png)

"The most important thing to remember is that inflation is not an act of God, that inflation is not a catastrophe of the elements or a disease that comes like the plague. Inflation is a policy." - Ludwig von Mises



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9c295b No.21094625

File: c5a00c0f0467927⋯.png (4.93 MB,1808x1300,452:325,IMG_6428.png)

Fags in Mar a Largo

Military fags get a pardon

What’s with all the faggotry?

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9d75fb No.21094626


The music died?

What day?

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88e246 No.21094627

File: 653424b00e2da4f⋯.png (78.5 KB,604x413,604:413,YellenShekels.png)

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen blames Trump’s tax cuts for ‘many of the problems’ with the U.S.’s soaring budget deficit


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0bfb22 No.21094628

File: 467cf76f1033ae6⋯.png (302.29 KB,375x525,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)


tell us more about D's forming the confederate states

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7036f2 No.21094629

File: a1b4cb4c0a17c15⋯.png (4.2 KB,730x384,365:192,1715060930707777.png)

File: 14945ee258896e0⋯.png (2.29 MB,1604x1056,401:264,1714825687299540.png)

File: 076fe115b5dc012⋯.jpg (111.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,1714823806373054.jpg)

File: 3f22ccc1d67ba34⋯.png (404.08 KB,751x797,751:797,1718804085010915.png)

File: 3f47e51c8b15737⋯.jpg (96.77 KB,500x500,1:1,8n2x70.jpg)

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2cf4ec No.21094630

File: 015558245ac8564⋯.gif (190.41 KB,706x620,353:310,015558245ac8564b145b0e19e6….gif)

File: c68e96de0c1bb1a⋯.jpg (37.21 KB,375x225,5:3,u5EONf7.jpg)

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5fb100 No.21094631


Glory Days


They passed him by

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9c295b No.21094632

File: 753ffb1a41f1f9a⋯.png (4.43 MB,2160x1216,135:76,IMG_6368.png)


Maybe it was the reckless spending over the past 8 years…..Janet

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5decb1 No.21094633

File: 01a8e972eef6aa2⋯.png (498.08 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

I mean seriously, they're a parody at this point.

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f8517d No.21094634

File: aa098774d7a9699⋯.png (930.63 KB,750x1334,375:667,DAF1001C_152F_4F1B_A76A_C7….png)

File: 0ffef8f9a257bc8⋯.png (649.96 KB,690x1650,23:55,70D55EDE_0E25_4D19_9A20_51….png)

File: c4fbcfc9b36ec97⋯.png (130.28 KB,690x1786,345:893,0AD384F3_5FF2_434D_BF04_AB….png)

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75ac27 No.21094635

File: eeb7a8ff5459eae⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,200x200,1:1,14a08321fa6dfd7e4722384688….jpg)

File: 54757e72b357873⋯.jpeg (101.02 KB,600x519,200:173,Wolfgang_M_ller_on_Anne_F….jpeg)

File: c68e96de0c1bb1a⋯.jpg (37.21 KB,375x225,5:3,u5EONf7.jpg)

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447ac6 No.21094636


There was another out of control container ship in or near Charleston SC.

June 5

Crazy coincidence

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0d71e1 No.21094637

File: 7c1c1b750894004⋯.png (982.33 KB,1202x1212,601:606,7c1c1b750894004af3df1f305f….png)


but she's bleached what little hair she has blonde.

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75ac27 No.21094638

File: cf5288d8bdbb0cc⋯.jpeg (27.72 KB,568x324,142:81,I0xnG46.jpeg)

File: 358be67b78af58a⋯.jpg (35.87 KB,568x399,568:399,Epbryuw.jpg)

File: eea7f6ef23c8413⋯.png (401.28 KB,900x495,20:11,ztrsde.png)

File: b56641f9e95ad7d⋯.png (349.36 KB,960x543,320:181,the_host_the_parasite.png)

File: 0b8df9fd41b85c2⋯.png (319.9 KB,960x523,960:523,ww2.png)

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7036f2 No.21094639

File: 2c7c8374d90a06a⋯.jpg (84.03 KB,500x500,1:1,7un1bq.jpg)

File: 57a453934cf69d0⋯.jpg (147.95 KB,667x500,667:500,7uxjq7.jpg)

File: 571dec7fd597386⋯.jpg (85.02 KB,500x513,500:513,7vn7b9.jpg)

File: 4eeeed0bcd98a19⋯.jpg (77.35 KB,509x490,509:490,7vprh3.jpg)

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5decb1 No.21094640

File: 36061661792ef45⋯.png (499.65 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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88e246 No.21094641


When the govt runs out of money, it doesn't just print it.

It borrows money from the Federal Reserve which is controlled by the Rothschilds per Q drops and then it prints the money with interest attached.

Of course they want the US to keep borrowing money.

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48f937 No.21094642


He is covered.

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1ac259 No.21094643



It's NOW Official


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a77f5c No.21094644

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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88e246 No.21094645

File: 09c32d9cf751497⋯.png (64.29 KB,602x414,301:207,YepJewishBozo.png)


Your use of clowns in your memes is pretty telling.

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9d75fb No.21094646


Who the fuck has a perfect round head like that without any scars or dents?

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f8517d No.21094647

File: 780d433f02f2dd8⋯.png (400.14 KB,750x1334,375:667,8B573905_FAF2_4F99_88C8_DA….png)

File: 40ddfb74a2fbdc1⋯.png (105.8 KB,690x1208,345:604,47DB93C8_6938_4562_ABDE_7F….png)

File: d19c280c636404c⋯.png (97.56 KB,680x424,85:53,4BCF600B_3075_48E3_AEF1_37….png)

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0bfb22 No.21094648

On Tuesday, Germany enacted a landmark citizenship law that explicitly requires applicants to affirm the state of Israel's right to exist:

"Anyone who shares our values and makes an effort can now get a German passport more quickly and no longer has to give up part of their identity by giving up their old nationality," said interior minister Nancy Faeser on Tuesday

"But we have also made it just as clear: anyone who does not share our values cannot get a German passport. We have drawn a crystal-clear red line here and made the law much stricter than before

New test questions have been added on the topics of antisemitism, the right of the state of Israel to exist and Jewish life in Germany"

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75ac27 No.21094649


>It's NOW Official


It's official that you are a filthy reterded Yid!

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5decb1 No.21094650

File: ca80f2f3cafee12⋯.png (519.29 KB,500x676,125:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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447ac6 No.21094651


The ship almost took out the large bridge in Charleston if it weren’t for a harbor pilot helping push and steer the ship under the bridge.


Hacking and taking control of the ships now?

Probably why all the navy ships were colliding a few years back.

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48f937 No.21094652


One that’s full of air. Think balloon.

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9c295b No.21094653

File: 6b05303315bf539⋯.png (2.21 MB,1286x1080,643:540,IMG_4621.png)



21st century has been a stonk scam…..Rich people were paid ESG profits up front?

That’s not communism, that’s greed

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75ac27 No.21094654

File: 0a77d6330d82991⋯.png (1019.44 KB,573x725,573:725,jewisch_math.png)

File: c00562c3e1c3a9d⋯.png (458.23 KB,576x680,72:85,holohoax3.png)

File: 80e6a3e38d820db⋯.png (719.03 KB,655x516,655:516,hoaxin.png)

File: 1d2d68e25e020f9⋯.png (113.59 KB,550x446,275:223,x0CcR5W.png)

File: c68e96de0c1bb1a⋯.jpg (37.21 KB,375x225,5:3,u5EONf7.jpg)

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88e246 No.21094655


What an asshole Hitler was. He lost, and now generations of Germans and the rest of the world, hinging on the Holocaust call, are paying for Hitler.

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f8517d No.21094656

File: 1898014a334be84⋯.png (56.19 KB,690x812,345:406,D639ABB5_21B0_40CB_AE8E_1B….png)


good morning Ralph.

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27d76c No.21094657


>One that’s full of air.

Saw dust filled boomer.

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1ac259 No.21094658

File: 3f1acb0f5b0aee3⋯.png (103.21 KB,568x333,568:333,MAGAPosts.png)

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88e246 No.21094659


It was almost as if the Jews needed Hitler to use as a crutch to take over the world.

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186a20 No.21094660


What was a Chinese Jew doing in Wuhan and then Beersheba?

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142776 No.21094661



Germany lost both world wars because the Jews persuaded brain-dead Americans to go to war against their brothers!

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368842 No.21094663

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)

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142776 No.21094664

File: e6f4e495586c101⋯.jpeg (38.96 KB,179x220,179:220,e6f4e495586c10197307ecaaa….jpeg)


Hi Jew!

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8e8fcd No.21094666

File: d2c789c3afd9811⋯.mp4 (1.12 MB,640x420,32:21,bHuRYiSTYBLkKwCW.mp4)

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9fb1e1 No.21094667


Do you have that clip, Anon?

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9c295b No.21094668

File: da73e8532f7687b⋯.png (4.19 MB,1956x1300,489:325,IMG_6251.png)


It’s bullshit

Politicians borrow money then steal it

And the taxpayers get the bill

F the Fed

The Fed is the #1 problem with inflation

And Trump will spend 20 trillion trying to prop up the petrodollar

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88e246 No.21094669

File: af86adaaf1895c1⋯.png (298.96 KB,547x442,547:442,ClipboardImage.png)

Why does Whoopie Goldberg have a Jewish last name?

'The View' co-host Whoopi Goldberg spits after saying Trump's name to audience's delight


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5decb1 No.21094670

File: 195cdd861d12dae⋯.png (304.99 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0389c2 No.21094671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Who Is Laughing Now"

Donald J Trump

2.9M subscribers

5,903 views 28 minutes ago


Been a half hour. Anons are slipping. kek

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9fb1e1 No.21094672


That meme is an insult to Barron Trump

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9d75fb No.21094673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4a308f No.21094674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0bfb22 No.21094675

File: 62980b263ad9025⋯.mp4 (10.65 MB,816x480,17:10,GreatIsrael.mp4)

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142776 No.21094676

File: eeab7c1ae2b827b⋯.jpeg (98.69 KB,751x736,751:736,eS1hwC4.jpeg)

File: c2dc262ef4a650b⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB,848x480,53:30,Trump_Bring_Back_The_Death….mp4)

File: d0346858aaa7c8b⋯.png (631.29 KB,800x800,1:1,BL3PG7B.png)

Trump: Bring Back The Death Penalty For Antisemitism!

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48f937 No.21094677


We may be the only two real ppl here.

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27d76c No.21094678

Anons lost the third world war because they kept talking about blah and blah blah. Anon cannot add anything to that.

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88e246 No.21094679

File: 481b139992bb2bb⋯.jpg (22.27 KB,355x300,71:60,1941.JPG)


Many Americans were against going to war in WWII.

Hence, America First. The attack on Pearl Harbor completely shut down that argument.

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d4f716 No.21094680

File: bf7842443772c03⋯.jpg (5.48 KB,313x161,313:161,Aliens.jpg)

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11a0a6 No.21094681

File: c3a1c83babe573d⋯.jpg (13.55 KB,255x255,1:1,c3a1c83babe573d5569505ab60….jpg)


Praying for a hedge of protection for POTUs in Jesus' name.

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a77f5c No.21094682

File: a53749b45e61eba⋯.png (38.49 KB,249x235,249:235,ramen.png)

File: ff7acf8210f245f⋯.png (105.44 KB,362x344,181:172,amen.png)

File: 886c6694a3116a5⋯.jpg (1.12 MB,2048x1939,2048:1939,biggerthanthe25thamendment.jpg)


>good morning Ralph.

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142776 No.21094683


End the FED means end the JEWS!

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0bfb22 No.21094684

File: 2b9b5de88f91e0b⋯.mp4 (10.24 MB,474x854,237:427,tantura.mp4)

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0bfb22 No.21094685

The British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour contacted Baron Rothschild, a wealthy banker and head of the British branch of European Jewish causes, on 2 November (two days after the capture of Beersheba). In the Balfour Declaration, he proposed a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, published in The Times on 9 November 1917.

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88e246 No.21094686

File: f2b265a4b2a0d28⋯.png (51.07 KB,590x423,590:423,ADLGreenblatter.png)

File: 2404f790e8d6639⋯.png (55.03 KB,627x398,627:398,ADLRiseCattle.png)


Seems to me like antisemitism is exploding.

That's called the Great Awakening.

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4a308f No.21094687


Wouldn't it make more sense to just use the word racist instead of antisemite?

Jews aren't the only Semites. There are Semites in SE Asia and Palestine. So calling someone an antisemite really isn't specific enough.

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9d75fb No.21094688

File: d09a9d0436fc585⋯.jpeg (194.49 KB,800x600,4:3,IMG_2383.jpeg)


This Rock Hydrax is not amused by your verbal shenanigans.

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9c295b No.21094689

File: 61e420096395f6b⋯.jpeg (74.26 KB,424x600,53:75,IMG_6434.jpeg)


Only reason US troop didn’t get completely wiped out during WW 1

General Mitchell refused to allow US troops be commanded by European Meat Grinder Generals

US Congress was going to allow millions of US men get slaughtered by Euro trash

We ain’t part of this Old World BS

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7036f2 No.21094690

File: eedaaad0cbbd558⋯.jpg (23.04 KB,500x389,500:389,1624364508924.jpg)

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a4c4c4 No.21094691


He doesn't fit into their narrative. They can't have that on FB.

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9d75fb No.21094692


Fucking Germans.

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142776 No.21094693


>Many Americans were against going to war in WWII.

A third of the population at that time was of German descent, they were inundated by the Jewish media with lies about the German people until they believed the fairy tales and went to war against their brothers.

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d622e7 No.21094694

File: e65639f98671dba⋯.png (607.68 KB,500x592,125:148,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ffa8c6939cdbfa⋯.png (567.03 KB,667x419,667:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ccb834317abc0a9⋯.png (629.78 KB,680x425,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 958942826f1250a⋯.png (572.19 KB,501x498,167:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

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435479 No.21094695

File: ff59811aefd3817⋯.png (2 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_5535.png)


> Isn't it illegal for the CIA to do domestic operations? Originally it was.

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88e246 No.21094696

File: 19a2f28c58d03ed⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB,720x1280,9:16,ChosenOnes.mp4)


The Jews need to single themselves out above all other humanity as the ones that cannot be criticized, and this is how you control populations.

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d4f716 No.21094698

File: 38f417b318aa21d⋯.png (454.73 KB,989x1280,989:1280,ClipboardImage.png)


'End the Fed' means end the jewish bankers control of the Federal Reserve that 'prints' money from nothing and charges normal taxpayers for it.

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f13dcb No.21094699

File: 4d69c58a7b1280c⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,480x532,120:133,ssstwitter_com_17194919209….mp4)


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9c295b No.21094700


Debt based currency is a dumb idea

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9fb1e1 No.21094701



>They envy all those superior to them.

Then why don't they have a white fetish?

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f8517d No.21094703

File: c7a35fe4b079021⋯.png (705.96 KB,750x1334,375:667,3F62950E_5AAB_4E21_8F68_45….png)

File: 46b1a3ec1f69c0f⋯.png (26.49 KB,690x410,69:41,C25BF2E9_66EB_446C_8E96_8B….png)

File: bfe74d65f98bff1⋯.png (103.26 KB,690x1026,115:171,BF06986A_34BC_4067_B99A_B6….png)

File: 8fb79ee74105c73⋯.png (109.74 KB,690x1026,115:171,FD1A387F_DA6A_4583_B5A3_C3….png)

File: 390a56874ee75f7⋯.png (256.29 KB,690x2622,5:19,3821E4C8_E6EE_46DB_9360_A2….png)

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9d75fb No.21094704


Jews aren’t Semitic.

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88e246 No.21094705


I like the Germans. I spent some time in their country. It's obvious their govt is oppresive though.

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142776 No.21094706

File: 28bdfa3d6276413⋯.png (986.17 KB,902x508,451:254,dgvhddf.png)


>Fucking Germans.

Said the Jew!

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f10159 No.21094707


Figured laround 5 is usually the max

Rest is machines

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f13dcb No.21094708

File: 0850ffc4ebf3e73⋯.mp4 (772.74 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17194540277….mp4)


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5decb1 No.21094709



Nice pilpul

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88e246 No.21094710


But antisemitism is about Jews.

That's just a fact

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142776 No.21094711


>Debt based currency is a dumb idea

Not for the Jews who love the cult of debt!

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2148b8 No.21094712

File: 3dcbd7d764edf61⋯.png (379.73 KB,508x681,508:681,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1df6aa74c6db5fc⋯.png (447.33 KB,490x724,245:362,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 447960286fc60fb⋯.png (129.93 KB,404x354,202:177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fc7afb656a5c25⋯.png (177.07 KB,458x281,458:281,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bff6b9c8375f992⋯.png (36.65 KB,373x117,373:117,ClipboardImage.png)

Murthy v. Missouri: SCOTUS Decision Analysis

by: Tracy Beanz 06/26/2024

(Long but good article, only posting a few paragraphs)

I want to make sure this is clear from the get-go—this is a terrible opinion. I am not happy about it. HOWEVER, this opinion had to do with the TEMPORARY INJUNCTION in this case. For details, please see my pinned tweet on X. The court is making a decision whether, at this stage of the game, after limited (will get to that in a moment) discovery, the Plaintiffs have the right to an injunction that would halt the government from coercing and cooperating with social media platforms to censor speech.

The Justices used whether the plaintiffs had STANDING at this stage of the game as their basis for decision. Which I ALSO think is utter nonsense. When this case went before them, they placed a stay on the injunction that was decided in the lower district court AND the 5th circuit court of appeals.

We can get into the future later on in the thread—but to note: when the stay was placed on the temporary injunction, three Justices DISSENTED stating their colleagues hadn’t read the record. I believe that still to be the case. I believe the Justices made this decision based on the oral argument. The oral argument was POOR.

Here is some of the meat from the syllabus: “Neither the individual nor the state plaintiffs have established Article III Standing to seek an injunction against any defendant.” The SCOTUS is saying at this stage, the plaintiffs must show the substantial risk that in the near future, at least one platform will restrict the speech of at least one plaintiff in response to the actions of at least one government defendant. “Here, at the preliminary injunction stage, they must show that they are likely to succeed in carrying that burden. On the record, in this case, that is a tall order”

I disagree. The record is FULL of instances that demonstrate the potential for future harm, and also for past harm. I don’t believe the Justices read the record. Had they, there just isn’t a way to come to this decision. This is why the oral argument was so important. Three of the Justices WARNED that the oral argument would be important.

The more I read, the worse it gets. This is the same sort of obscure nonsense that allows the government to get away with the large majority of censorship they have done so far, however even in discovery SO FAR, they have concrete coercion. SCOTUS believes that Plaintiff Jill Hines has the best chance at proving harm, but they also say that self-censorship can’t be weighed here—standing can’t be obtained by “manufacturing harm” against themselves that doesn’t equate to a real injury. And again, the SCOTUS punts “without evidence of continued pressure by defendants, the platforms remain free to enforce, or not to enforce their policies against COVID-19 misinformation…” This, even as the record shows that platforms CRAFTED THEIR POLICY based on government intervention… Bad. Bad. Bad.

On the “right to listen,” the court says the Plaintiffs haven’t identified a particular speaker they have not been able to hear from. This is one reason why a class certification would have gone a long way in this case. One was sought at lower and denied.

Here, SCOTUS is outlining each department and the actions they took. If what I highlighted isn’t coercion, we have different definitions. This is almost embarrassing. The SCOTUS leans heavily on what the platforms did on their own but does not take into account the record in the case.

The SCOTUS will not address whether coercion happened. They punt. On standing issues. Read carefully “At this stage, neither the individual nor the state plaintiffs have established standing to seek an injunction against any defendant. We, therefore, lack jurisdiction to reach the merits of the dispute.” Basically, more discovery is needed, as per SCOTUS, and as I am reading ahead, I can say with certainty that this case will end up in front of SCOTUS once again.

Here, the SCOTUS almost tells the Plaintiffs they should have been suing for their past harms rather than the harms they will experience in the future. Because they are looking for relief from FUTURE harm, the past injury can only be used in a predictive nature…

Tomi Lahren and Tucker Carlson suffered DIRECT harm from censorship via government coercion. The government said to social media platforms, “Remove this,” and the platforms DID. They aren’t plaintiffs…SCOTUS keeps saying discovery was extensive. It was not…..


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62d111 No.21094713


oh. oh, oh..he's on fire.

hey, little girl..is your daddy home?

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f13dcb No.21094714

File: cb151be510e9a6c⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17194921030….mp4)


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d4f716 No.21094715


what does it mean then retard/jew?

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0bfb22 No.21094716


this new mario golf looks amazing

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5decb1 No.21094717

File: 30f67b389ec0595⋯.png (232.57 KB,524x476,131:119,ClipboardImage.png)



This is how it's done.

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18c06f No.21094718

File: 8648da578a96bb3⋯.jpeg (277.8 KB,677x574,677:574,8648da578a96bb3b7e2ddbb76….jpeg)


What a disgusting woman.

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9d75fb No.21094719


Well they shouldn’t have bombed Pearl Harbor is all I’m saying.

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48f937 No.21094720


Thank you for being here.

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0389c2 No.21094721


>Isn't it illegal for the CIA to do domestic operations? Originally it was.

Yes. But they are also authorized to operate in any armed conflict zone world wide. And on September 11th the United States became an armed conflict zone.

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27d76c No.21094722


>We may be the only two real ppl here.

Fan fiction


>This Rock Hydrax is not amused by your verbal shenanigans.

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f13dcb No.21094723

File: cfe0e74fd33fdfb⋯.png (1.16 MB,1242x790,621:395,ClipboardImage.png)

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48f937 No.21094724


I’ll take “things I never learned in school” for $400 Alex.

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2e6fa3 No.21094725

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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9d75fb No.21094726



It’s a word to malign those the “Jewish collective” doesn’t like.

Who’s the Jewish collective? FuckifIknow.

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88e246 No.21094727

File: 1712f7cc57f2308⋯.jpg (98.48 KB,500x811,500:811,ParabillsGold.jpg)


Debt is the #1 mechanism of control of people

The more the banks lend money, the more the house/car/food prices go up.

Since lending money from the Federal Reserve is tied to M1 monetary supply, economics suggest a healthy money supply, yet the real money supply is very low, running inflation up to new levels.

Watch Gold.

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2fba1a No.21094728

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB,474x470,237:235,254ef3554abf8dfbb17fff716….jpeg)


My aren't we full of ourself this morning.

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5decb1 No.21094729

File: 84b756ac75d277d⋯.png (317.02 KB,651x383,651:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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48f937 No.21094730

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4a308f No.21094731

File: 231e87ff2e3e7ea⋯.png (179.04 KB,720x761,720:761,231e87ff2e3e7eaa6217e42282….png)


Likewise Swordy.

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435479 No.21094732

File: ac8a41f9f98b269⋯.png (844.19 KB,1024x908,256:227,IMG_3863.png)


> trust me, i'm a siiiiiingerrrr.

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88e246 No.21094733


Japan owed Schiff a shitload of money Schiff was a member of the Rothschilds elite.

Schiff threatened to bankrupt Japan if they didn't attack.

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48f937 No.21094734

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f352ad No.21094735


She probably goes on about other people being hateful. These people are completely insane.

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0bfb22 No.21094736

File: 339a8f949f71256⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,480x852,40:71,Israel_created_Hamas.mp4)


>The British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour contacted Baron Rothschild, a wealthy banker and head of the British branch of European Jewish causes, on 2 November (two days after the capture of Beersheba). In the Balfour Declaration, he proposed a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, published in The Times on 9 November 1917.

His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

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88e246 No.21094737


Our words are feared.

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435479 No.21094738

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


GM Swordanon

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f13dcb No.21094739

File: 9d1e8dc1abfd80c⋯.png (245.73 KB,598x442,23:17,ClipboardImage.png)

A law enforcement source familiar with the investigation into Matthew Perry’s death says several people who supplied the actor with ketamine could face federal charges. @KayleeHartung



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0389c2 No.21094740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Donald J Trump

2.9M subscribers

4,246 views 43 minutes ago


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d622e7 No.21094741

File: e59acd32beb3ff8⋯.png (877.53 KB,500x1113,500:1113,ClipboardImage.png)

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c171fa No.21094742

File: 6cf02b25e567a9c⋯.png (252.06 KB,588x457,588:457,Filthy_Kikes.png)


>Wouldn't it make more sense to just use the word racist instead of antisemite?

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0bfb22 No.21094744


>investigation into Matthew Perry’s death says several people who supplied the actor with ketamine could face federal charges

more horse drugs

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7036f2 No.21094745

File: ad8d6e063ce8675⋯.jpg (94.26 KB,809x1024,809:1024,1715177070077636.jpg)

File: ca0953e87cd44e3⋯.jpg (229.7 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1715146146732333.jpg)

File: ac23203ed6fa991⋯.png (350.94 KB,497x490,71:70,1715144688019144.png)

File: cc1b549e6549d9b⋯.jpg (67.33 KB,666x375,222:125,8onl8k.jpg)

File: c06cf15f0de944b⋯.png (326.2 KB,687x658,687:658,1714826188541600.png)

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5decb1 No.21094746

File: d48f2e03d63c3f4⋯.png (228.27 KB,633x356,633:356,ClipboardImage.png)



This man coined the term racism.

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6caacf No.21094747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Actor playing Joe goes for epic historic pratfall at debate tonight. (muh prediction)

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9d75fb No.21094748

File: db5df87ef44d4f2⋯.jpeg (329.95 KB,1487x843,1487:843,IMG_2382.jpeg)

“I’m bored, let’s wake up Q” (in youngling voice).

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0bfb22 No.21094749

File: eb6c1b47b10dbe1⋯.png (584.01 KB,644x491,644:491,ClipboardImage.png)

Captain Hunter Biden

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8363a7 No.21094750

File: 62b5a64484edfe1⋯.png (331.92 KB,750x531,250:177,again.png)

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7036f2 No.21094751



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88e246 No.21094752

File: c3627e9d7da9f1c⋯.jpg (48.29 KB,657x380,657:380,TrumpKushVPI.jpg)


The Jews control both sides unfortunately. They aren't counting on the 10-15% that don't like either "choice"

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d4f716 No.21094753

File: c8615c845c4196e⋯.png (9.92 KB,255x144,85:48,1719329881.png)

File: a1c700bf164b6d1⋯.png (326.95 KB,829x559,829:559,1719329881_1.png)

File: 457d8633213cbeb⋯.png (542.27 KB,1124x551,1124:551,WikiLeaks_DMC_SiriusXm_wha….png)

I very cursorily checked out the first fifth of the DNC leaks from Wikileak.

Looks to be more historical (2016), but there was this, third picrel; and a heap of text.

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f13dcb No.21094754

File: 57f22413c624f58⋯.mp4 (7.56 MB,720x720,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17194680773….mp4)


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f352ad No.21094755

File: 0cc7053891ba351⋯.png (628.84 KB,400x560,5:7,IMG_2137.png)

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c171fa No.21094756


As soon as you are in debt to the Jews, you are completely dependent on them. You open your mouth and your job is gone, you can't pay the installments for your house, car,… and you're screwed.

It's a system to shut you up!

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8363a7 No.21094757


Silence, AEI.

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0bfb22 No.21094758

File: ea0b57079f74c62⋯.png (799.54 KB,640x426,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)


horsing around with King Trudeau

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48f937 No.21094759


T y. Make it a good day, anons. Chore time calls me now.

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435479 No.21094760

File: 4e9ce1ef8bb1c17⋯.png (505.05 KB,720x870,24:29,IMG_5381.png)

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88e246 No.21094761

File: 5fac72a44826c90⋯.png (513.8 KB,516x415,516:415,CHLukeComfy.PNG)


rent free, no debt.

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d4f716 No.21094762


Thank you anon, 48f937.

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8e8fcd No.21094763

File: dbd120d44f34cce⋯.jpg (93 KB,677x397,677:397,E3_AUYYW_jpg_large.jpg)

File: 1fff72a8730c076⋯.jpg (40.33 KB,602x269,602:269,H_cmWbZ_jpg_large.jpg)

File: b875d14a6047c70⋯.jpg (81.59 KB,642x468,107:78,hp4Emwm7_jpg_large.jpg)

Just a quick reminder of the doc you are looking for that is out in the wild. Mentioned in some of the declassified files.

looks to be an excel spreadsheet by these comments

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435479 No.21094764

File: 54e8bd5b6a7b15b⋯.png (432.73 KB,750x500,3:2,gm.png)

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7036f2 No.21094765

File: 18111d88932c0ba⋯.jpg (80.29 KB,640x640,1:1,1719371340070190.jpg)

File: bacea8344b6e08e⋯.jpg (199.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1717855355843334.jpg)

File: 76aa6675823813e⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,3160x2882,1580:1441,1714922281700368.jpg)

File: 12fd56e9a1aa0c3⋯.png (915.83 KB,768x833,768:833,12fd56e9a1aa0c310f701299ed….png)

File: ad4b2d989490e52⋯.png (240.69 KB,408x612,2:3,1716290784700162.png)

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dc0d10 No.21094767

File: 303ce659bbc2829⋯.jpg (27.7 KB,609x680,609:680,FB_IMG_1719425265085.jpg)

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003d6a No.21094768


What he did was admirable but does he not know you don't pat yourself on the back? Almost broke his arm patting himself on the back repeatedly.

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27d76c No.21094769

Great awakening, it was written on their Walls.

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88e246 No.21094770

File: 010c8c55f7c88ac⋯.jpg (81.8 KB,712x500,178:125,DungeonJews.jpg)

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c171fa No.21094771


>no debt.

Never buy anything on installment, only buy what you can immediately pay.

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8363a7 No.21094772

File: 28ad9f7a4d73cdf⋯.png (342.99 KB,539x463,539:463,again2.png)

Reply to me with the clown acronym handshake and it's an instant filter. See that bullshit, and it's an instant filter. Fuck off.



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5decb1 No.21094773

File: 0275116231eb5a2⋯.jpeg (74.14 KB,500x533,500:533,download.jpeg)



Maybe if they invoke it again and again they will escspe it.

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48f937 No.21094774

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f13dcb No.21094775

File: 4c90a33ddd0a3f5⋯.mp4 (7.81 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17194386428….mp4)


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435479 No.21094776

File: 97e2282f9b99ac5⋯.png (274.61 KB,563x296,563:296,2024_06_27_08_59_44.png)

What are the odds that Joe Biden will cry today at the debate looking for the sympathy vote?

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88e246 No.21094777


People used to use layaway, which was interest free.

Problem is, alot of times by the time they got the crap paid off, they didn't want it anymore or there was an upgraded model.

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375474 No.21094778

Everyone got popcorn for the debate tonight?

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6caacf No.21094780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> What are the odds that Joe Biden will cry today at the debate looking for the sympathy vote?

Crying Squat Cobbler

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88e246 No.21094781



How much you wanna bet Israel is talked about?

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f10159 No.21094782


I am here

Because I'm not all there..kek

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435479 No.21094783

File: db2d3aaec0f11bb⋯.jpeg (105.56 KB,712x500,178:125,IMG_6064.jpeg)

File: 4473d2ffe01774d⋯.jpeg (39.42 KB,255x161,255:161,IMG_3780.jpeg)



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8363a7 No.21094784

File: dbb12315b542cbd⋯.jpg (408.53 KB,889x508,7:4,dbb12315b542cbdcb7af20d214….jpg)

KEK. Had to clear the filters for a second before re-adding them. I like how he bragged with the same phrase that the mimic used to for most of last year, who it looks like it's turning out was the handler behind eBot, who is the handler for Parakeet, who is the handler for AEI. That's who the mimic was. All the same clown.

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f13dcb No.21094785

File: add7b3cee74319c⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17194884050….mp4)


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7036f2 No.21094786







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c171fa No.21094787


>Problem is, alot of times by the time they got the crap paid off, they didn't want it anymore or there was an upgraded model.

Yeah people are Judaized!

I buy things because I like them, I don't understand why people keep buying new things every month or year, I repair old things and use them for decades until they fall apart.

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64cb98 No.21094788

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/27/2024



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e2a543 No.21094789

File: eb75f9b39b272c4⋯.jpg (182.64 KB,1560x720,13:6,New_ghost.jpg)

File: 2ad0e361b445a1f⋯.jpg (115.07 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Ghost_bake.jpg)


ThanQ Baker!

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8363a7 No.21094790

File: a70f41f20d4b917⋯.png (765.09 KB,977x1206,977:1206,a70f41f20d4b91794c04714379….png)

Digits are distant. The "tide" must be out.

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88e246 No.21094791

File: c9f058991aa027e⋯.png (72.88 KB,422x470,211:235,ClipboardImage.png)



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03cf2e No.21094792


Hold your head up, Joe. Be confident. You got this!

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bee354 No.21094793

File: 4f7e3232e53f4ac⋯.jpeg (310.04 KB,1802x1414,901:707,C2064C5D_E4EC_4F52_A725_2….jpeg)

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2148b8 No.21094795


she is a hideous creature released from hell to campaign that all of us go to hell. May she get her terrible karma back.

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cd6868 No.21094796


Pretty fly for a white guy

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e2a543 No.21094797

File: 123bb33cdaf5879⋯.jpeg (59.57 KB,611x433,611:433,Pepe_snow_day.jpeg)

File: 96f86e2d2c070a5⋯.png (240.27 KB,700x654,350:327,snowman_pepe.png)

File: 17d1f33b6548493⋯.jpg (247.62 KB,1200x771,400:257,Rig_for_Red_Jim_Ron.jpg)


Double snowmen checked!

Have a great show, Jim!

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997a02 No.21094798

File: af90a6186f3c6ee⋯.jpeg (68.39 KB,415x180,83:36,IMG_5630.jpeg)

File: 7f025499e6679d3⋯.png (6.17 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5628.png)

File: 2e12b73d3f8fc34⋯.png (444.89 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5631.png)

File: 14e444e4171b043⋯.png (440.68 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5632.png)

File: 6208ccb43525345⋯.png (2.56 MB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_5571.png)

I got a traffic ticket today with this on it…

Which lead to this…

Is the police now under these people control…

Seems to be in the mob group stalking me

Same as this one

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0389c2 No.21094799

File: 2c23156b3f3938c⋯.png (1.19 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)


B-1 Lancer 86-0119 is moving on out to the west. Took off at dawn from Dyess AFB. Now south of Phoenix. They have been known to travel in pairs with only one of them broadcasting an ADS-B signal. Guam?


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d622e7 No.21094800

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e1300 No.21094801


It is fake it is not Joe Biden.

Personally I am not going to watch it is a waste of time and money it means it is all fake…

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f13dcb No.21094802

File: 92d07bf5dc8d242⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,1556x720,389:180,ssstwitter_com_17194327140….mp4)


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88e246 No.21094803



Who worships Satan?

What is a cult?

Epstein island.

What is a temple?

What occurs in a temple?


Why is the temple on top of a mountain?

How many levels might exist below?

What is the significance of the colors, design and symbol above the DOME?

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2e6fa3 No.21094804

File: e796c07d602ab10⋯.jpg (27.79 KB,797x530,797:530,B_Zel2bCIAARskf.jpg)

>>21094619 welllll….

Hyper drones were the key to punishing CG 2 and driving off the smoking USS Eisenhower in the battle of the Houthi sea. They say.

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900357 No.21094805


>Is Strzok not CIA posing as FBI?

like a house of gambling posing as a house of prostitution?

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9fb1e1 No.21094806

File: ee7f67006ce5b26⋯.png (12.83 MB,2074x2765,2074:2765,IMG_20240622_170421877.png)

Store display

Kekked hard!

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f8517d No.21094807


even the canuckistan networks have special coverage television & radio broadcasts

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8363a7 No.21094808

File: 8955159dbd2a397⋯.png (331.11 KB,600x500,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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f13dcb No.21094809

File: 705ae2bc16cffae⋯.png (615.84 KB,1242x1433,1242:1433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ffe53c9e666358f⋯.png (2.57 MB,1242x1941,414:647,ClipboardImage.png)


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0f9164 No.21094810

Where is that video of Biden sniffing girls and that guy talking about sexual predators

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d4f716 No.21094811

File: 9d256fc7e46cba9⋯.png (74.44 KB,639x904,639:904,ClipboardImage.png)


o7 and to all good, anons

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d1eb2d No.21094813


Tuck it in tight

Parade formation

Flight of two

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f8517d No.21094814

File: f8a3023552794ba⋯.png (26.76 KB,690x410,69:41,A13AB718_BD87_4937_ABE6_A3….png)

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d0d574 No.21094815

File: 66c5b841ace88a4⋯.jpg (128.4 KB,720x788,180:197,20240627_070715.jpg)


Biden faces the ultimate test of cognitive fitness with 90 minutes of no help, a pencil and just a bottle of water

Kek I bet ya he drops his pencil and spills his water

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f13dcb No.21094816

File: dfdf23abe3134a7⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,480x640,3:4,ssstwitter_com_17194940562….mp4)


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1e1300 No.21094817


Note they did not ask me to sign it even he just stamped it… I would have signed if he asked… I have him on recording basically… where he did not ask.

I was not aware human traffickers own the local police now.

This is really freaking me out as I believe I have actual mob and gang stalking groups… this is them and they seem to be international spies…

I am a victim of human trafficking and grooming… this person I believe says they are a designer… how they try to make this out to be criminal and I can’t pay even an amount is even crazier.

I believe I am being marked by people… today my truck would not lock meaning these people hacked my Truck which is a company vehicle. I do not even own it…

These people tell me they own law enforcement and that they can do what ever they want to me. That I have to do what they say…

Extortion is getting really bad… these people seem to be communist network of people and so on.

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0389c2 No.21094819


The photo is a little strange. For a few reasons.

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435479 No.21094821

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,ok_then.png)


> CNN mutes Trump from talking to viewers

Why doesn't CNN just duct tape President Trump's mouth when Biden is talking and be done with it?

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8363a7 No.21094822



You're a MuhJoo clown, trying to push a narrative.

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29c585 No.21094823

All right got the patheon worked out worked out


(day) *night* (*GOD*)

(Balance( )Excess) *.Truth* *Fate.*

Lust.* *Polarity.

and that's the line so far its pretty good eh? seeing if the others want principalities but I picked Ditara's for her

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5900d6 No.21094824

File: 93c06f29a8778d0⋯.gif (2.52 MB,332x334,166:167,bidenCaught.gif)

File: d9fea37e526dbdb⋯.jpeg (100.64 KB,941x941,1:1,last_laugh_djt.jpeg)


"no help" but his ear piece

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2148b8 No.21094825

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Who is Kathie Wood?

Kathie Wood is an American investor, founder, CEO, and CIO of Ark Invest, an investment management firm that focuses on disruptive innovation. She is a renowned stock-picker and has built a reputation for her innovative approach to investing.

Early Life and Education

Born in 1955 in Los Angeles, California, Kathie Wood graduated summa cum laude from the University of Southern California with a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and economics in 1981. One of her professors, economist Arthur Laffer, became her mentor.


After working at AllianceBernstein, Wood left the company in 2014 to found ARK Invest, which she named after the Ark of the Covenant. The company’s first four ETFs were seeded with capital from Bill Hwang of Archegos Capital. Wood’s flagship ARK Innovation exchange-traded fund (ETF) has received accolades for its performance in 2017, 2020, and 2023, but is also considered by Morningstar to be the third highest “wealth destroyer” investment fund from 2014-2023.

Investment Style and Philosophy

Kathie Wood is a proponent of actively managed ETFs based on disruptive innovation. She believes that technology can and will change the world, and investing on the right side of that change is the best strategy. Her investment style is characterized by a focus on innovation, risk-taking, and a willingness to challenge conventional wisdom.

Personal Life

Wood is a devout Christian and has been involved in various philanthropic efforts, including donating funds to her high school to start the Duddy Innovation Institute, which encourages girls to study disruptive innovation. She is also a strong advocate for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, with an allocation of 25% of her net worth in bitcoin as of 2024.

Notable Achievements

• Founder, CEO, and CIO of Ark Invest

• Pioneer in actively managed ETFs based on disruptive innovation

• Flagship ARK Innovation ETF has received accolades for its performance in 2017, 2020, and 2023

• Strong advocate for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

• Philanthropic efforts, including the Duddy Innovation Institute

AI-generated answer. Please verify critical facts.


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f13dcb No.21094826

File: 0571b3cf055ceb9⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB,480x610,48:61,ssstwitter_com_17194941936….mp4)


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47a709 No.21094827

File: 3b73b7eb1e818f1⋯.png (95.55 KB,561x308,51:28,ClipboardImage.png)


no help my ass

hildawg had:

1. The questions in advance

2. An earpiece

3. A friggin computer screen on her podium

4. A moderator helping her

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18f0e7 No.21094828

Is the debate live?

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27d76c No.21094829

Tree fell on the House with a boom, that house.

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435479 No.21094830

File: c4a4bcdca8af556⋯.png (308.03 KB,426x469,426:469,shut_it_down.png)


>"no help" but his ear piece

If Biden starts failing badly…

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88e246 No.21094831

File: 6a26fa373705223⋯.jpg (79.69 KB,658x640,329:320,ChinaManJew.jpg)


Don't you have a bar-mitzvah to attend to or something?

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25b898 No.21094832


Both men will have ear pieces and know questions beforehand. It’s a movie.

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914321 No.21094834


Archbishop Vigano is right about the latest "pope," and now he's being excommunicated.

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7ae23e No.21094835

File: aa84ba05e44a212⋯.jpg (331.4 KB,1013x1013,1:1,pepe_popcorn_aisle.jpg)

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f13dcb No.21094836

File: bc0b7dcdb658eab⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,698x360,349:180,ssstwitter_com_17194944109….mp4)

Watch how fast debate is shut down when one member of the Natural Resource Committee requests the Committee be updated on the proceedings of the sale


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d0d574 No.21094837

File: f23d44ac3244154⋯.png (247.74 KB,720x453,240:151,Cupace20200929093429.png)

Biden will have an earpiece

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51c03f No.21094838


This is really starting to freak me out and I believe people are making threats against my life at this point. Saying they are paying a game…


I believe they are trying to trade people some how…




Kil in box

Kill in box

Get it

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4cbfa8 No.21094839

It’s a battle of which team has the best one liners and best comebacks and can deliver them.

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88e246 No.21094840

File: 3915c38f088501e⋯.jpg (45.25 KB,488x474,244:237,GodLove.jpg)



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435479 No.21094841

File: f6b34646797d377⋯.png (226.71 KB,555x313,555:313,2024_06_27_09_21_01.png)


>Biden faces the ultimate test of cognitive fitness with 90 minutes of no help, a pencil and just a bottle of water

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27d76c No.21094843


>It’s a battle of which team has the best one liners and best comebacks and can deliver them.

There is no team, you are all on your own when it comes to thinking.

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1d3f28 No.21094844

File: 0591bdea5bfe802⋯.jpg (109.22 KB,740x500,37:25,7jc6ye.jpg)

Good Morning Anons! Happy Debate Day!

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d0d574 No.21094845

File: 960da173722a719⋯.png (202.85 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1717647789508.png)


It's a poppin

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88e246 No.21094846

File: 3c20b1815dc0c7a⋯.png (49.65 KB,537x465,179:155,TrumpFrens.png)

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1e1300 No.21094847


Pay the game

Playing a game

They have gang stalking groups and there main objective seems to be extortion.

They seem to have local police and others in there gang or mob. Organized crime networks…

They keep trying to tell me that I need to be there human trafficked slave. They said do as they say or they will have me killed.

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2e8d22 No.21094848


Democrats have a better history at being able to do this, but we will see.

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f13dcb No.21094849

File: 60b35f4767105fa⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB,320x320,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17194945908….mp4)


This isn't science- it's barbaric and cruel.

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900357 No.21094850

File: ba1c0ec03453550⋯.png (749.97 KB,1334x750,667:375,26D0F553_8432_442B_9150_F2….png)


g’molning, Swoldy.

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f75e87 No.21094851


There is a team prepping each one.

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a25eec No.21094852


Soros escalates wars. He makes 40% per year for his "elite clients"

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d622e7 No.21094853

File: bef39bafb7c8100⋯.png (1.2 MB,710x708,355:354,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 014e5882aa41664⋯.png (917.49 KB,710x724,355:362,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 077c021929a0d0a⋯.png (482.85 KB,781x534,781:534,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a4c5d12fd555e3⋯.png (489.43 KB,781x442,781:442,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac1bbe3b566a299⋯.png (592.72 KB,680x368,85:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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435479 No.21094854

File: 628a909110b8411⋯.png (406.1 KB,564x542,282:271,melania_thursday.png)

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27d76c No.21094856


>There is a team prepping each one.

You sound like Gordon Ramsey but that looks like charcoal.

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d4f716 No.21094857

File: 297924aac8f1a05⋯.png (340.82 KB,722x378,361:189,snake_stick.png)


crouching on the stick that looks like a snake for one.

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51c03f No.21094858


This is real I believe these people are threatening and trying to kill me saying they are from the government.

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e2a543 No.21094859

File: dbad8b248f06dd3⋯.png (215.01 KB,680x573,680:573,Pepe_love_flowers.png)

File: defdf1a6c5b3207⋯.png (812.36 KB,558x610,279:305,Melania.png)


Even her accent is beautiful!

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44f626 No.21094860

File: 2fd9bfeee61cbda⋯.jpg (28.07 KB,474x355,474:355,th.jpg)


11 Signs That The US Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think

Unless you are living under a bridge or you are eagerly drinking the kool-aid that the mainstream media is dishing out, you probably understand that the economy has been struggling. Survey after survey has found that the American people are deeply dissatisfied with how the economy has been performing, and as a result it has become the number one issue this election season. But even though a large portion of the population is not happy about how things have been going, the truth is that the situation is far more dire than most people realize.


The following are 11 signs that the U.S. economy is in far worse shape than most people think…

#1 Just like in 2008, delinquencies are on the rise. In fact, credit card delinquencies have now reached the highest level that we have seen in more than 10 years…

Meanwhile, more consumers aren’t making loan payments on time. Credit card delinquencies have hit their highest level in over a decade, and auto delinquencies are also spiking. This could prove to be yet another tripwire for the stock market, as consumer spending accounts for about 70% of U.S. economic activity.

#2 The commercial real estate crisis just continues to escalate. An article that originally appeared in the New York Times claims that major Wall Street banks have “begun offloading their portfolios of commercial real estate loans hoping to cut their losses”…


#3 When banks get into trouble, they start shutting down branches. So far this year, U.S. banks have closed more than 400 branches all over the country

US banks closed 51 branches across the country in the first three weeks of June.

The figures suggest banks are committed to increasingly offering their services online and axing costly bricks-and-mortar locations.

More than 400 bank branches have closed so far in 2024.

#4 Big companies are laying off workers from coast to coast.


#5 The Dallas Fed Services Index has now been in negative territory for 25 months in a row…


#6 The “restaurant apocalypse” just continues to intensify. This week, we learned that Hooters has suddenly decided to permanently shut down close to 40 “underperforming” locations…


#7 Retail chains continue to go belly up at a staggering rate.


#8 We just learned that consumer confidence in the U.S. dropped lower this month…


#9 The initial consumer confidence reading has been revised down in 7 of the last 8 months.

#10 Housing in the U.S. is now more unaffordable than it has ever been before…

The housing cost burden has hit a record, according to a new report from Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies.

Home prices are now 47% higher than they were in early 2020, with the median sale price now five times the median household income, according to the study.

#11 As I discussed yesterday, the homeless population in the city of Chicago tripled from January 2023 to January 2024…

The number of Chicagoans living in city shelters or on city streets tripled between January 2023 and January 2024, according to the annual survey used by federal officials to track homelessness, city officials announced Friday.

Those at the bottom of the economic food chain are being hit the hardest by the harsh economic conditions that we have been experiencing.

Homelessness, poverty, hunger and theft are all on the rise, and many of those that serve struggling communities say that they are being absolutely overwhelmed because they simply do not have sufficient resources to meet all of the needs.

Sadly, I am entirely convinced that this is just the beginning. I believe that conditions will eventually become much harsher as the economy continues to deteriorate during the months ahead.

But Joe Biden and his minions insist that everything is just great.

In fact, they would like you to believe that the economy is “booming” right now.

You can believe that if you want, but the cold, hard numbers that we keep getting directly contradict the endless stream of propaganda that we are constantly being fed.

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f13dcb No.21094861

File: 85e45ba810c01aa⋯.png (188.14 KB,598x478,299:239,ClipboardImage.png)

Someone call 911… I’d like to report a murder.


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2148b8 No.21094862

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This is very uplifting, and exciting. I hope PDJT gets a 100 million votes…because they will be real votes.



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9fb1e1 No.21094863


>Your use of clowns in your memes is pretty telling.

Don't be retarded. Clowns are the point of that meme style…

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88e246 No.21094864

File: ac922b28bd751a6⋯.jpg (62.52 KB,606x412,303:206,MrSwineSaysIII.jpg)


>But Joe Biden and his minions insist that everything is just great.

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f8517d No.21094865

File: a06612c86007261⋯.jpeg (27.07 KB,255x235,51:47,59273496_8378_4A94_97CE_7….jpeg)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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8363a7 No.21094866

File: a86f7fe06364983⋯.png (740.6 KB,600x916,150:229,bigpopcornpepe.png)

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368842 No.21094867

File: b22e3a524c5b9cb⋯.jpg (171.23 KB,500x665,100:133,b22e3a524c5b9cbb562ff9604e….jpg)

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27d76c No.21094868

Anon thinks for self, not sure were that leaves (you) all.

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04e1eb No.21094869


You sound like a dumb racist.

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88e246 No.21094870

File: d589bb185fd2303⋯.png (78.68 KB,657x500,657:500,DershowitzEpstein.png)


Hey, it's Alan

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e2a543 No.21094871

File: 2197461f4a9236e⋯.jpg (189.67 KB,768x768,1:1,08bf5b50734c399a90af488c91….jpg)


Mornin', Swordy!

Blessings upon you & yours, anons, Q Team, and operators in the field.

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8363a7 No.21094872

File: 7be0c66c1fa79e0⋯.gif (3.43 MB,480x258,80:43,hattip.gif)


Mornin', Swordy.

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997a02 No.21094873


The message is clear they local police is corrupt or some do them… and have decided to try to kill me and make it look like an accident.

They keep telling me this is there game…


Kill in box…

Get it…

I am a victim of human trafficking that is going on and I can’t believe anyone would do this kinda thing. I will no longer be trusting police military or anyone that tries to tell me they are government… medical people either… they have completely destroyed my trust and faith in there games… any type of trust in society…

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9fb1e1 No.21094874

File: 3d9924733cfd74f⋯.gif (31.5 KB,498x210,83:35,oo.gif)

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9fb1e1 No.21094875

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50ab53 No.21094876

File: e4b150f2fbd297b⋯.jpg (66.26 KB,734x250,367:125,PAST_REPEATS.jpg)

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f13dcb No.21094877

File: e7f23e2824b3dd6⋯.png (497.3 KB,598x865,598:865,ClipboardImage.png)

I was just expelled as the only Black Republican from AZGOP executive committee by RINOs in AZGOP LD2 for: supporting President Trump, signing up 285 new Trump Precinct Committeemen & holding the Republican AZ state legislature accountable for allowing 2020/2022 stolen elections.


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5decb1 No.21094878

File: eb9d7bf161a3b77⋯.png (427.89 KB,458x1280,229:640,ClipboardImage.png)

The racist legacy media won't show the public this, because they want more of it.


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51c03f No.21094879


Why would anyone ever want to help the government or anyone when they prove themselves to be organized mob. Like this…

This is where again these people have told me they own me as there property…

This is extreme… and I constantly worry about them trying to kill me or harm my family… I stopped talking to people as much because they seem like they will become targets of these people. Or worse they will turn on you not sounding like themselves on the phone…

They got my father to say “be less white.”

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f13dcb No.21094880

File: 3b2405aebcd3152⋯.png (120.34 KB,598x386,299:193,ClipboardImage.png)



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dc23ca No.21094881

File: 9f7afb767add0f2⋯.jpg (12.47 KB,214x170,107:85,Hangover_In_Progress.jpg)



gm faggots

no gm faggots to non gm faggots

fukin stoked about debate

think i'm still drunk from last night whiskey

so that's good.

coffee tastes good

if you don't smoke, ur missin out. sry

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435479 No.21094882

File: c3fde85c8ae4f15⋯.jpeg (288.49 KB,783x495,87:55,IMG_5771.jpeg)


> 11 Signs That The US Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Most People Think

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8363a7 No.21094883

File: 9e2a318e246c126⋯.png (9.49 MB,3200x2154,1600:1077,ClipboardImage.png)

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f13dcb No.21094886

File: a4c05f18b22f626⋯.png (2 MB,2048x1423,2048:1423,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b69be No.21094887


I no longer believe any media is real anymore period. It is not that I am not a Trump fan… or is that they have people that are being like “patriot front group, “antifa,” and “blm.”

Constantly stalking me…

So there is no one that seems to be able to stop these people as they have come across and said they own the local police…

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27d76c No.21094888


>You sound like a dumb racist.

That is the downside of using double speak, quacking like a duck cannot go without errors but your name calling is totally outside of anons purview, try again ducky duck.

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d3e79c No.21094889

File: 02613974257d9c0⋯.png (92.43 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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5decb1 No.21094890

File: 55bd888a5a368c2⋯.jpg (80.36 KB,578x432,289:216,7bmttt.jpg)

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0389c2 No.21094891



That's quite a coincidence. One id posts. Another id replies. Both misspell the word "their". Totally organic.

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435479 No.21094892

File: 456d5cbca12213b⋯.png (1.25 MB,1000x1002,500:501,gm.png)

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dc23ca No.21094893

File: 327b20074c0d7d6⋯.png (282.06 KB,736x414,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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5decb1 No.21094894

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,3d6eeaadf2ff36f47f966560e1….png)


You're in the wrong place, muhjoo.

You should shoo.

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0389c2 No.21094895




Forgot to mention both reddit spacing also.

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e9231c No.21094896


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5decb1 No.21094897


>The more they delete, the more obvious it becomes

You misspelled the more spam is posted, the more obvious the cult wants to hide behind muhjoo human shield.

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88e246 No.21094898

File: 1805fe2ce6f3bf0⋯.jpg (57.58 KB,579x431,579:431,MrSwineSaysShrekSplitHoove….jpg)

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88e246 No.21094900

File: 7e1012f1c803a83⋯.png (372.01 KB,626x409,626:409,JewPoint.png)

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5decb1 No.21094901

File: 69edc56630fadef⋯.png (2.82 MB,1354x1038,677:519,ShillsWhine.PNG)

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8363a7 No.21094902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guns N' Roses is always a good choice.

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88e246 No.21094903

File: 4972d2db6fa5ae5⋯.jpg (70.89 KB,606x412,303:206,MrSwineSaysDavosKosher.jpg)

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2fb3ea No.21094904

File: 449b710f6ab10b8⋯.jpeg (595.03 KB,1292x588,323:147,EC407494_2CA2_4014_A67F_B….jpeg)

File: 03160b94232bacd⋯.jpeg (494.55 KB,1313x675,1313:675,4375219E_4B79_48BD_B132_1….jpeg)

File: b5d929d67224973⋯.jpeg (545.36 KB,1189x685,1189:685,6966444E_7C75_4B8B_8F78_0….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med. ActivityZelensky at Brussels, Saudis to Paris after quick LA stop/drop,Med activity

Ukraine AF UKN1133 A319Zelenskyarrived at Brussels Intl from Rzeszow Airport

Arrived from Krakow Intl Airport-where it is stored

Ukrainian President Zelensky signs security pact with EU


NATO02 E3 Sentry AWACS N of Rzeszow Airport

German AF GAF732 A321 Neo departed Rzeszow Airport after stop and drop of about 3.5h and back to Berlin

Germany may hold more basic training for Ukraine army recruits, says EU commander


Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Financeacross Atlantic from Bangor, Maine fuel stop after its 1h35m stop at Los Angeles Intl yesterday >>21092129 lb

It is on descent for Paris-Le Bourget Airport for a fuel stop

Algeria AF 7TVPS G4 NE from Vienna after about 1h 50m on ground

Italian AF IAM1497 G550 Rome to Paris


Italian AF IAM1470 G550 Airborne Early Warning & Control back to Rome after runs in Northern and Southern Italy

Morocco AF FRV1218 747 back to Rabat from Gibraltar

Belgium AF BAF70 Falcon 7x WN from Dhabi depart and arrived yesterday from Brussels Intl

French AF CTM2070 A400m departed Muwaffaq Salti Air Base, Jordan after refuel and inbound from Paris

Israel AF ALONAAA C-130 Super Hercules switched on

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a04f65 No.21094906

Oh gracious, that shit hurts my ears.

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5decb1 No.21094907

File: e01433f903bf9aa⋯.png (822.2 KB,630x630,1:1,Screenshot_2024_06_18_1132….png)


You said Israel attacked itself, meaning, you believe Israel is sourcing anti-semitism.

Now consider your muhjoo on QR.

By your own logic, you're mossad.


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0c2b3e No.21094908

Dans playing dj this morning.

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7ae23e No.21094909

10:00 AM EDT

House Democrats News Conference on Dobbs Decision

House Democratic Leader Jeffries (NY), Minority Whip Clark (D-MA), Caucus Chair Aguilar (CA), and Pro-Choice Caucus leaders hold a news conference to mark two years since the Dobbs decision reversing Roe v. Wade.



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dc23ca No.21094910



2 much to take in

i'll get back to ya

plus kek

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0b442f No.21094911


Good job anon

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bc16e7 No.21094912


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914321 No.21094913


16 Jews kvetching over the idea of removing income tax (legal theft).

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3160a0 No.21094914

File: de5fb7b3e0d0b41⋯.jpeg (51.41 KB,255x248,255:248,IMG_3102.jpeg)

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dc23ca No.21094915

File: 2375241c802702e⋯.png (62.63 KB,193x190,193:190,ClipboardImage.png)

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933d53 No.21094916


QAnon what is that.

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3160a0 No.21094917

File: 9afecdd85877afb⋯.jpeg (267.41 KB,1255x1259,1255:1259,IMG_3224.jpeg)

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8363a7 No.21094918

File: 9025b4389c2e6eb⋯.png (208.7 KB,600x529,600:529,pepe_shrug.png)

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3160a0 No.21094919

File: 911e58020b27b23⋯.jpeg (199.77 KB,800x600,4:3,IMG_3219.jpeg)

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7ae23e No.21094920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

The Role of the Export-Import (Ex-Im) Bank of the United States Amid Intensifying Economic Competition With China

House Financial Services Committee



The Honorable Reta Jo Lewis, President and Chair of the Board of Directors, Export-Import Bank of the United States



H.R.___, the "Nuclear Energy Assistance Trust Fund Act of 2024"



H.R.___, the "BRAVE Burma Act"



H.R.___, the "Securing Europe’s Energy Security Act of 2024"







U.S. Export-Import Bank President Testifies on U.S.-China Economic Competition

Reta Jo Lewis, president and chair of the U.S. Export-Import Bank, testifies before a House Financial Services subcommittee on oversight of bank operations and U.S.-China economic competition.


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ee5a6a No.21094921

File: 011309b69db014f⋯.png (1.57 MB,1024x705,1024:705,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 27, 2024

Protostellar Outflows in Serpens

Jets of material blasting from newborn stars, are captured in this James Webb Space Telescope close-up of the Serpens Nebula. The powerful protostellar outflows are bipolar, twin jets spewing in opposite directions. Their directions are perpendicular to accretion disks formed around the spinning, collapsing stellar infants. In the NIRcam image, the reddish color represents emission from molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide produced as the jets collide with the surrounding gas and dust. The sharp image shows for the first time that individual outflows detected in the Serpens Nebula are generally aligned along the same direction. That result was expected, but has only now come into clear view with Webb's detailed exploration of the active young star-forming region. Brighter foreground stars exhibit Webb's characteristic diffraction spikes. At the Serpens Nebula's estimated distance of 1,300 light-years, this cosmic close-up frame is about 1 light-year across.


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b4e584 No.21094922



my answer was going to be a red brick

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8363a7 No.21094924

File: 77d994bc1ff73c4⋯.png (9.63 MB,3000x2250,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ae23e No.21094925

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Ending Illegal Racial Discrimination and Protecting Men and Women in U.S. Employment Practices

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



The Honorable Todd Rokita

Attorney General



Jonathan Berry

Managing Partner

Boyden Gray PLLC


Inez Feltscher Stepman

Senior Policy and Legal Analyst

Independent Women’s Forum






Hearing on Gender Workplace Protections & Racial Discrimination

State officials and policy advocates testify before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on gender workplace protections and stopping racial discrimination in employment practices.


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88e246 No.21094926


Leaks of findings from Oct. 7 IDF probe show: Friendly fire incidents, hesitation to fight

The IDF has aggressively denied various other leaks about failures related to October 7, so the complete silence in the face of this latest report was telling.


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0b442f No.21094927

File: 2778ec87981a4c0⋯.png (603.86 KB,440x732,110:183,Capture.PNG)

File: b014bcba6138bcb⋯.png (23.59 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage129.png)

File: dff4dfe2a013669⋯.png (21.23 KB,473x168,473:168,qaggdropimage581.png)

Over 5 million pounds of thrust from 27 engines


5,000,000 / 27 = 185185.185185

185 | 581

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c14161 No.21094929

File: f270a78ed9f91a5⋯.png (1.92 MB,1665x933,555:311,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 761139f2174b1e7⋯.png (165.47 KB,720x297,80:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b195204eec3202a⋯.png (409.14 KB,650x684,325:342,ClipboardImage.png)


Good Morning America

it's debate day! has everyone got their Debate Bingo Cards yet? Can ya feel the energy in the air? never mind, that's Joe shitting the bed again!

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5decb1 No.21094930


If anon naming anon jew is caused by anon being jew, then you're jew by your own logic, for you named anon jew.

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9d8c12 No.21094931


Utopia. Where all of this is driving US.

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3160a0 No.21094932

File: dc82581e9aaa470⋯.gif (495.19 KB,570x321,190:107,IMG_3226.gif)

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7ae23e No.21094933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the Department of Transportation’s Policies and Programs and Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee



The Honorable Pete Buttigieg, Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation






Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Testifies Before Congress

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg testifies on oversight of his department and its 2025 budget request before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.


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62e745 No.21094934


WHY Does it look like a Bud Light AD? Could just be me

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50ab53 No.21094935

File: f45d213e49e64b4⋯.jpg (144.66 KB,864x642,144:107,COVFEFE_WIN.jpg)

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914321 No.21094936

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8363a7 No.21094937


Q did say they were stupid. The moar AEI pushes his fake bullshit, the moar stupid he looks.

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88e246 No.21094938

File: aebfd31d206e044⋯.png (72.17 KB,657x380,657:380,JesusSays12.png)

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7ae23e No.21094939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Markup of Report Recommending that the House Cite Mark Zwonitzer for Contempt of Congress

House Judiciary Committee


H.R.115 - Midnight Rules Relief Act of 2023



H.R.2833 - Pretrial Release Reporting Act



H.R.358 - Small Business Regulatory Flexibility Improvements Act



H.J.Res.144 - Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Department of Justice, relating to "Definition of 'Engaged in the Business' as a Dealer in Firearms".







10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

Camp David


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0b442f No.21094940


Donald Trump plays the role of the red heifer a lot.

"Sabbath of the Red Heifer" = 185 (English Ordinal)

"Donald John Trump" = 185 (English Ordinal)

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435479 No.21094941

File: 8dcbac7e057160e⋯.png (466.77 KB,940x628,235:157,2024_06_27_09_44_29.png)

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88e246 No.21094942

File: 87cf9788d8983ae⋯.jpg (76.4 KB,666x499,666:499,CryBabyKikes.jpg)

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914321 No.21094943


Kekking amongst my Lindell-produced sheets and pillows.

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9d8c12 No.21094944


RINOs are even more traitorous than the fucking libtards on the left. "Infiltration".

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0b442f No.21094945


"To Kill A Mockingbird" = 185 (Ordinal)

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7ae23e No.21094946

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:30 AM EDT

Exploring the Use of Data-Driven Methods and Community Collaboration to Reduce Veteran Homelessness

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



Dr. Thomas O'Toole

Deputy Undersecretary for Health for Clinical Services, VHA, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs


Mr. Jeff Olivet

Executive Director, U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness


Ms. Rosanne Haggerty

President, Community Solutions


Truth in Testimony Disclosure Form - Ms. Haggerty [PDF 68KB]

Mr. Ray Carville

Public Affairs Manager, Veterans Inc


Truth in Testimony Disclosure Form - Mr. Carville [PDF 823KB]

Dr. Randy Withrow

Site Director, Lutheran Social Services of Wisconsin and Upper Michigan

Mr. Nick Wood

Regional Site Director, Nation’s Finest





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5decb1 No.21094947

File: 90b765de76ca0ea⋯.png (1.31 MB,1087x1024,1087:1024,NCSWIC.png)

File: a5229f44c5929aa⋯.png (667.32 KB,500x594,250:297,ClipboardImage.png)


The muhjoo shill is projecting its own crazy, because its shilling isn't working on anons.

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5475f0 No.21094948

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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0b442f No.21094949

File: 4ef71e9a260e7c2⋯.png (12.59 KB,530x145,106:29,Capture.PNG)

SCOTUSblog announces 2 "boxes" at the court this morning, which means at least 4 opinions.


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5decb1 No.21094950



Say the shill trying to smear anons.

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914321 No.21094952

File: 4fab81d536981ba⋯.png (394.1 KB,500x498,250:249,wat.png)

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1a9a5c No.21094953


Your mind perceives the devil in the congregation. Keeping the enemy closer just means the enemy is in your camp where he can do the greatest mischief.

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8363a7 No.21094954

File: 007eff952dc7ebc⋯.jpg (122.41 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingbateman2.jpg)

Are you having a bad day, AEI? That's a shame.

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88e246 No.21094955


So you agree all anons are patriots?

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5decb1 No.21094956


Anyone can post as anon, dumbass.

Think logically for once.

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689def No.21094957



What our entire justice system is based on. Opinions of corrupt people.

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0b442f No.21094958

File: 3256e9b2484e716⋯.png (122.06 KB,532x499,532:499,Capture.PNG)

Someone call 911… I’d like to report a murder.


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d4f716 No.21094959

File: 437bbade1903a5f⋯.png (77.5 KB,1020x680,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

christians and jews don't worship the same god

(they) worship satan

true anons understand

(you) are either an intentional retard, or one of (them).

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5ffe46 No.21094960

File: d56be0feb8348b5⋯.jpeg (287.8 KB,1125x861,375:287,IMG_1392.jpeg)

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d0df63 No.21094961


unfounded lie

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df700e No.21094962

File: b0f91d43fb5e0a3⋯.png (504.5 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b442f No.21094963

A drop or two before debate would be wild.

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c14161 No.21094964

File: 5073cfc63adc195⋯.png (231.78 KB,531x300,177:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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295364 No.21094965

NBCUniversal Believes In A.I. Miracles, Sets Tech-Assisted Al Michaels As Virtual Host Of Daily Paris Olympics Recaps On Peacock


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b814c4 No.21094966

File: 3d8816075145204⋯.png (304.71 KB,1398x902,699:451,Vets.png)

Heads up to all the Veterans

Seeking Veterans for the midterm elections

Poll workers can make around $200 per day

September 12, 2022

Mike Richman

Writer on detail with VA's Veterans Experience Office

*This news post originally published in 2022,but was edited in June 2024 to reflect the same need for the 2024 election.

As political candidates jockey for support during the stretch run to the U.S. midterm elections on November 8 (2022), state and local officials are scrambling to staff polling sites with election volunteers. Major indicators are projecting a massive poll worker shortage for the 2022 midterms and beyond.

Aware of this potential crisis, the Vet the Vote campaign is seeking to recruit 100,000 Veterans and military family members to be poll workers in the 2022 midterms and other future elections. Vet the Vote is a coalition of 26 Veteran and military service organizations and four civic groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Football League (NFL).

More than 1 million volunteers are needed to run national elections. If only 10% of the 17 million American Veterans enlisted as poll workers, that would easily fill the void of any poll worker shortage.

“Poll workers tend to come from our senior citizen population, and concerns regarding COVID-19 have understandably decreased volunteerism among that population,” said Air Force Veteran Anil Nathan, an executive director of the nonprofit group We the Veterans, which organized the campaign. “In general, though, there’s a constant need to mobilize new poll workers, and we would like to see the Veteran and military family community make volunteering as poll workers a new norm of public service within our community.”

Continued at Site…


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914321 No.21094967


"Born in the USA" came on the radio in my car last night and I turned that shit off because his gravelly, whiny voice sounded horrendous. Never noticed before.

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9d8c12 No.21094968


Is that "Mike the Black" at the 00:19 time stamp? That brother use to be at every single rally our POTUS would do. Was always right behind POTUS's left shoulder. Haven't seen him lately at the rallies. Hope he's okay.

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dd8041 No.21094969

They really trying to push the drug thing.

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88e246 No.21094970


>Anyone can post as anon

Thanks for making my point.

Lynn Rothschild could be posting here as anon

Alex Soros could be Board Owner.

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8363a7 No.21094971

File: 836d027833d0495⋯.webm (1.11 MB,427x240,427:240,filtered7.webm)


Silence, you little deep state piece of shit.

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1a9a5c No.21094972


And THAT is how we got where we are.

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766dac No.21094973

Does any anon no what time the pres debate will be, I’m from the uk so I’m presuming it’s going to be early doors for me.

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4a308f No.21094974

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Greg nails t!

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df700e No.21094975

File: 8e08861bb6f5d8f⋯.png (725.93 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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723500 No.21094976


Tucker thought American "journalists" were bad

Ho ho ho ha he ho

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d0fe10 No.21094977

File: 8f17c11b45574f2⋯.png (615.2 KB,607x680,607:680,I_m_here_reporting_for_dut….png)


Baker Reporting For Duty o7

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0b442f No.21094978

File: 2394ede3c96a221⋯.png (265.2 KB,529x624,529:624,Capture.PNG)


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20ec75 No.21094979

File: 7c75fbc397d2837⋯.jpg (56.09 KB,780x500,39:25,Woah_.jpg)

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623b0d No.21094980

File: 4bbd191af41d985⋯.jpeg (1.08 MB,1125x1718,1125:1718,IMG_1393.jpeg)

The white hats must have it planned for Joe to act bizarre.

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689def No.21094981


Spells are being broken.

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914321 No.21094982


Usury always leads to slavery. It needs to end forever.

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88e246 No.21094984

File: ccf01cfc2cafd41⋯.png (64.49 KB,804x500,201:125,Donnie.png)

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435479 No.21094985

File: 0a4495867fe7c1b⋯.png (1.38 MB,1024x768,4:3,RINO.png)

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e4a89f No.21094986

Don’t follow the script they got for you Joe. Clean his clock.

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ee5a6a No.21094987

File: ba0e7974e25f1f6⋯.png (6.62 MB,2000x1381,2000:1381,ClipboardImage.png)

The Marshall Star for June 26, 2024

JUN 26, 2024


Blasting into Summer: Thousands Enjoy NASA in the Park

SLS Spotlight: Getting Ready for the First Crewed SLS Flights for Artemis

Marshall Juneteenth Festival Honors Black History, Accomplishments

Black Space Week 2024: A Conversation with the ‘Passtronaut’ – NFL quarterback Joshua Dobbs

Take 5 with Andrew Schnell

Chandra Peers into Densest, Weirdest Stars

Growing Interest: Marshall Hosts Pollinator Week Event

NASA, Partners Conduct Fifth Asteroid Impact Exercise, Release Summary


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20ec75 No.21094988


make bingo great again.

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5decb1 No.21094989

File: 2b9ae4f08863b01⋯.png (197.26 KB,760x671,760:671,2b9ae4f08863b015c1e601d41c….png)

File: 0825d80223ee4bf⋯.png (1.38 MB,1399x1204,1399:1204,0825d80223ee4bf5e13d0ed027….png)


>christians and jews don't worship the same god

Yes, they do. No amount of projecting your own self-alienation and believing you're seeing a divided God is going to change the fact that the one source of it all must be identical.

>(they) worship satan

That's precisely your master, not that of judaism.

True anons know division shilling and why it's being posted here and not on dedicated muhjoo boards.

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1a9a5c No.21094990


The only song he ever did that was worth listening to was Born to Run. He's a one-hit wonder with an annoying habit of releasing albums a month before Christmas.

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88e246 No.21094991

File: ece29e6ce30319c⋯.jpg (69.48 KB,666x374,333:187,MarxJewII.jpg)

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f8517d No.21094992

File: 58201ea9e0b5fed⋯.png (405.01 KB,690x1170,23:39,19FD1A32_BE6B_4BD9_A72E_6B….png)

File: cf13a9e5ced64f2⋯.jpeg (439.62 KB,1200x1127,1200:1127,D7B2607F_8C57_4B76_B75E_6….jpeg)

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591970 No.21094993


9 pm est in us

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0bfb22 No.21094994


castrated robots

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9d8c12 No.21094995

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2fb3ea No.21094996

File: 122e92ae86b3e5d⋯.png (323.06 KB,607x322,607:322,FCDE35C4_81C1_48A1_AB06_3F….png)

JPMorgan Chase says its stress test losses should be higher than what the Fed disclosed

(WTF do these insolvent pieces of shit want next?-the FED already allows these banks to move assets to the ‘hold to maturity’ accounting bucket so they don’t count in the “analysis” and of course they will disclose the ongoing share repurchase programs after markets close tomorrow because that will give moar of a clue as to who’s lying even moar-if they “need moar time”)

JPMorgan Chase said late Wednesday that the Federal Reserve overestimated a key measure of income in the giant bank’s recent stress test, and that its losses under the exam should actually be higher than what the regulator found. The bank took the unusual step of issuing a press release minutes before midnight ET to disclose its response to the Fed’s findings. JPMorgan said that the Fed’s projections for a measure called “other comprehensive income” — which represents revenues, expenses and losses that are excluded from net income — “appears to be too large.”

Under the Fed’s table of projected revenue, income and losses though 2026, JPMorgan was assigned $13 billion in OCI, more than any of the 31 lenders in this year’s test. It also estimated that the bank would face roughly $107 billion in loan, investment and trading losses in that scenario.

“Should the Firm’s analysis be correct, the resulting stress losses would be modestly higher than those disclosed by the Federal Reserve,” the bank said.

The error means that JPMorgan might require more time to finalize its share repurchase plan, according to a person with knowledge of the situation. Banks were expected to begin disclosing those plans on Friday after the market closes. The news is a wrinkle to the Federal Reserve’s announcement yesterday that all 31 of the banks in the annual exercise cleared the hurdle of being able to withstand a severe hypothetical recession, while maintaining adequate capital levels and the ability to lend to consumers and corporations. Last year, Bank of America and Citigroup made similar disclosures, saying that estimates of their own future income differed from the Fed’s results.

Banks have complained that aspects of the annual exam are opaque and that it’s difficult to understand how the Fed produces some of its results.


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df700e No.21094998

File: f102c8d2c4affcb⋯.png (240.32 KB,657x527,657:527,Pepe_Apu_03.png)


Personally, I never saw the appeal in Bruce Springsteen. His stuff is always pretty meh to me.

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5decb1 No.21094999


kek, therefore you could be Soros asset posting anti-semitism.

Or are you like all shills contradicting yourself, carving out an escape hatch for yourself where your own universal pronouncements don't apply to you?

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914321 No.21095000


All of LA is on Ketamine.

He shouldn't have done sleepy downers in a hot tub. Probably some fowl play, though, tbh.

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88e246 No.21095001


Who are the Silent Thieves?

Why are they manipulating you?

How are they stealing your wealth?






What is inflation?

Monetary manipulation.

Taxation without representation.




Anyone want to explain to the shills why 1913 is important?

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c64c79 No.21095002


Threw out my only BS CD years ago.

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766dac No.21095003


Ty anon, will probably have to catch the highlights, equates to

01:00 Friday, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)


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0b442f No.21095005

File: 4f82c8e8c1d0f84⋯.png (153.64 KB,529x401,529:401,Capture.PNG)


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8363a7 No.21095006

File: 1e37c0622e19f9c⋯.png (1.16 MB,1341x754,1341:754,ClipboardImage.png)


Gotta disagree with you a bit. "Dancing in the Dark" is a good song. It's a shame he turned out to be such a turd though.

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df700e No.21095007

File: 9b7b155067a21c4⋯.jpeg (29.13 KB,482x480,241:240,HRC_9.jpeg)


>I’d like to report a murder.

"It was a suicide…"

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965e0e No.21095008

All y'all's mind is a terrible thing. Let's not waste it.

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0bfb22 No.21095009

File: 4c90a33ddd0a3f5⋯.mp4 (7.81 MB,640x360,16:9,Citation.mp4)


>Spells are being broken.

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d0df63 No.21095010



h3llo æı.

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5decb1 No.21095011


The shills

kek, projection.

Anyone want to explain to the muhjoo shill why anons know they're trying to protect and defend the globalist cult by repeatedly using millions of innocent law abiding jews as human shields where they want you to believe that criticizing one individual is an attack on all?

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2dd798 No.21095012

SCOTUSblog: Announcement of opinions for Thursday, June 27

On Thursday, June 27, we will be live blogging as the court releases opinions in one or more argued cases from the current term.



And here is the Purdue Pharma opinion: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-124_8nk0.pdf



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1a9a5c No.21095013


The worn-out doormat i use to protect the driveway when i change oil.

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88e246 No.21095014

File: ed0a08c82f096f6⋯.jpg (66.57 KB,581x430,581:430,Jewish_Logic.jpg)


What do you call it when a shill turns projection into false logic?

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8363a7 No.21095015


Multiboxing now, huh? And it still isn't enough, is it? You poor bastard.

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88e246 No.21095017


Why is 1913 important?

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0b442f No.21095018

File: 68022e1a6b1f2a4⋯.jpg (15.82 KB,680x382,340:191,GRD_1d2bAAAacNN.jpg)

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dc23ca No.21095019

File: a10dbe4cd553fe5⋯.jpg (78.06 KB,640x480,4:3,Bruce_Springsteen_Falling_….jpg)


>whiny voice sounded horrendous

he's not my boss

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d0df63 No.21095020

too stupid to chan.



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d4f716 No.21095021

File: 5f259123f948652⋯.png (9.97 KB,255x190,51:38,ClipboardImage.png)


so (you) are either a deep state shill or a cretin then for objecting to real truths about Israel or the jews.

thanks for playing.

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20ec75 No.21095022

File: eba40a1044885b9⋯.png (96.96 KB,798x563,798:563,ClipboardImage.png)


TY, this one is interesting against SEC.


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c14161 No.21095023


ain't that the truth!

o7 & GM

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5decb1 No.21095024

File: 9d8d96cfac57f09⋯.png (351.38 KB,668x374,334:187,ClipboardImage.png)


>when a shill turns projection into false logic?

What you are experiencing right there IS your projection.

You're believing yourself to be seeing outside of yourself, what is being sourced from yourself.


Why is your muhjoo narrative important (to them)?

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f8517d No.21095025

File: e8d2dd7ea703503⋯.png (1.03 MB,750x1334,375:667,99D8257C_F431_49D1_AF2A_38….png)

File: e5e092aabf4f457⋯.png (51.68 KB,690x630,23:21,F983052B_7654_471B_9F94_DA….png)

File: b23a4f4bd1eb2c9⋯.png (129.31 KB,690x1114,345:557,63CD9AD7_DDD5_4911_8C52_AC….png)

File: dc069babfe3e856⋯.jpeg (186.06 KB,1080x1080,1:1,8B9AC8C9_55E8_494C_91DB_5….jpeg)

File: e076a2688b22e80⋯.png (70.9 KB,690x806,345:403,61F6D764_3B50_4B6A_A0E3_D3….png)

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1a9a5c No.21095026


That wouldn't have happened if he was securely fastened into a mobility skooter.

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0b442f No.21095027

File: 414a6ecb138ac6b⋯.png (315.23 KB,530x490,53:49,Capture.PNG)

File: a9b5622bfc0959f⋯.png (45.72 KB,473x455,473:455,qaggdropimage847.png)

Copter or Cutter? Let us know in the comments 👇

We're holding it down in style in the U.S. Coast Guard. Learn more at http://gocoastguard.com 🇺🇸⚓️

#protectdefendsave #thursdaythoughts #usa


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d4f716 No.21095028


it's the rich talmudic jews helping the satanists, dummy.

Wake up.

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37be99 No.21095030

File: 378fc781091cd13⋯.jpeg (174.03 KB,924x1069,924:1069,378fc781091cd13efc34c3f58….jpeg)

File: 6842f49168969de⋯.jpg (92.32 KB,800x999,800:999,fd048fa6fc916ecc45169a0599….jpg)





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56e19d No.21095031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What is coded in your DNA? - Instructions

Who put it there? - God

Why? - Made in God's image

Mankind is repressed. - Hindered spiritual nature

We will be repressed no more. - Awakened spiritual nature

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368842 No.21095032

File: 914a2bf98249dcb⋯.jpg (35.76 KB,474x668,237:334,914a2bf98249dcbc8b399ada88….jpg)

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600dcf No.21095033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21093797 lb

>>21093794 lb

>>21093759 lb

>>21093750 lb

>>21093738 lb




>>We knew this day would come.

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20ec75 No.21095034

File: 9a4b4d79ed62c59⋯.jpg (38.79 KB,706x353,2:1,WinPotus.jpg)


right fucking ON

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d0df63 No.21095035

fucking sheep

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88e246 No.21095036


Asking why Q pointed out 1913 is a "muhjoo" narrative?

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2dd798 No.21095037


I appreciate that he's right…however, without literal evidence of Biden being on drugs, Trump is a big bad meanie running his mouth.

>still voting for Trump

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0bfb22 No.21095038

NKorea in Ukraine, Kenya in Haiti, Russia in Cuba

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9d8c12 No.21095039


All those wretched kunt bitches on that show are disgusting and grotesque. I wouldn't waste a bladders worth of piss to put any of them out if they were on fire.

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cfa0b0 No.21095040

Fit some 17s in joe

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d0df63 No.21095041


doesn't know.

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ee5a6a No.21095042

File: eba5c7d18d24f5d⋯.png (605.5 KB,1280x480,8:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ffd7d77fdaf938⋯.png (1012.77 KB,1320x961,1320:961,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb560bf8b5b87cf⋯.png (1.69 MB,1320x961,1320:961,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b9590d763cb223⋯.png (1.56 MB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Detective Work Enables Perseverance Team to Revive SHERLOC Instrument

June 26, 2024

The SHERLOC (Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman & Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals) instrument aboard NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover has analyzed a rock target with its spectrometer and camera for the first time since encountering an issue this past January.

The instrument plays a key role in the mission’s search for signs of ancient microbial life on Mars.

Engineers at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California confirmed on June 17 that the instrument succeeded in collecting data.

“Six months of running diagnostics, testing, imagery and data analysis, troubleshooting, and retesting couldn’t come with a better conclusion,” said SHERLOC principal investigator Kevin Hand of JPL.

Mounted on the rover’s robotic arm, SHERLOC uses two cameras and a laser spectrometer to search for organic compounds and minerals in rocks that have been altered in watery environments and may reveal signs of past microbial life.

On Jan. 6, a movable lens cover designed to protect the instrument’s spectrometer and one of its cameras from dust became frozen in a position that prevented SHERLOC from collecting data.

Analysis by the SHERLOC team pointed to the malfunction of a small motor responsible for moving the protective lens cover as well as adjusting focus for the spectrometer and the Autofocus and Context Imager (ACI) camera.

By testing potential solutions on a duplicate SHERLOC instrument at JPL, the team began a long, meticulous evaluation process to see if, and how, the lens cover could be moved into the open position.

SHERLOC Sleuthing

Among many other steps taken, the team tried heating the lens cover’s small motor, commanding the rover’s robotic arm to rotate the SHERLOC instrument under different orientations with supporting Mastcam-Z imagery, rocking the mechanism back and forth to loosen any debris potentially jamming the lens cover, and even engaging the rover’s percussive drill to try jostling it loose.

On March 3, imagery returned from Perseverance showed that the ACI cover had opened more than 180 degrees, clearing the imager’s field of view and enabling the ACI to be placed near its target.

“With the cover out of the way, a line of sight for the spectrometer and camera was established. We were halfway there,” said Kyle Uckert, SHERLOC deputy principal investigator at JPL.

“We still needed a way to focus the instrument on a target. Without focus, SHERLOC images would be blurry and the spectral signal would be weak.”

Like any good ophthalmologist, the team set about figuring out SHERLOC’s prescription.

Since they couldn’t adjust the focus of the instrument’s optics, they relied on the rover’s robotic arm to make minute adjustments in the distance between SHERLOC and its target in order to get the best image resolution.

SHERLOC was commanded to take pictures of its calibration target so that the team could check the effectiveness of this approach.

“The rover’s robotic arm is amazing. It can be commanded in small, quarter-millimeter steps to help us evaluate SHERLOC’s new focus position, and it can place SHERLOC with high accuracy on a target,” said Uckert.

“After testing first on Earth and then on Mars, we figured out the best distance for the robotic arm to place SHERLOC is about 40 millimeters,” or 1.58 inches. “At that distance, the data we collect should be as good as ever.”

Confirmation of that fine positioning of the ACI on a Martian rock target came down on May 20. The verification on June 17 that the spectrometer is also functional checked the team’s last box, confirming that SHERLOC is operational.

“Mars is hard, and bringing instruments back from the brink is even harder,” said Perseverance project manager Art Thompson of JPL.

“But the team never gave up. With SHERLOC back online, we’re continuing our explorations and sample collection with a full complement of science instruments.”

Perseverance is in the later stages of its fourth science campaign, looking for evidence of carbonate and olivine deposits in the “Margin Unit,” an area along the inside of Jezero Crater’s rim.

On Earth, carbonates typically form in the shallows of freshwater or alkaline lakes. It's hypothesized that this also might be the case for the Margin Unit, which formed over 3 billion years ago.


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8363a7 No.21095043

File: 7ee0f3f3a131106⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,smkneel2.jpg)


>It's time to make America prosperous and strong again

Then I can disappear and no one will ever have to hear from me again online. So looking forward to be able seeing the country healthy again. Will only ever interact with other people in person or on a phone call once that happens.

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88e246 No.21095044


Is that why her last name is Jewish?

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56e19d No.21095045


You left out the part where you did a dig and shared relevance.

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7ae23e No.21095046


2:00 AM GMT

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d0df63 No.21095047


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368842 No.21095048

File: 0bd528a8eda869e⋯.png (471.49 KB,526x526,1:1,0bd528a8eda869e53fc012e42f….png)

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9d8c12 No.21095049

File: 77fd79223ed5551⋯.jpeg (72.94 KB,720x760,18:19,One_of_God_s_Finest_Warri….jpeg)


Amen anon.

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0b442f No.21095051

File: f69720a00975ddc⋯.png (74.52 KB,535x446,535:446,Capture.PNG)

If you vote for Joe Biden today, you'll get Kamala Harris tomorrow!


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dc23ca No.21095052

File: e60e20a68718bf6⋯.png (247.37 KB,491x735,491:735,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c640f378a3760db⋯.png (2.19 MB,1400x932,350:233,ClipboardImage.png)


Samantha Poweris a globalist left wing activist who uses her government positions to force the regime’s views on the American people and the world.

She has met countless times with George Soros’ Open Society Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

When Power was Obama’s Ambassador to the UN, she made hundreds of requests to intelligence agencies to unmask names associated with the 2016 Trump campaign to support the Russia hoax narrative.

Power has abused her position in government and meddled in our democratic elections. She doesn’t deserve a penny of hard-earned taxpayer dollars.

I’ve introduced an amendment to effectively FIRE Samantha Power and reduce her salary to$1.

Jun 27, 2024, 9:12 AM


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8363a7 No.21095053


It's moar fun to use the MuhJoo tactics on one individual than the entire ethnicity that got you this far, huh? All your fake, and it still isn't enough, is it, AEI?

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0b442f No.21095054


Same here anon.

Only here because my Country needs me.

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a51952 No.21095055


>WHY Does it look like a Bud Light AD? Could just be me

not just you

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56e19d No.21095056

File: bb4d6cb31d9abdb⋯.png (47.54 KB,300x225,4:3,thelight.png)

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bf6ae5 No.21095057

Hi, I am NIGHT SHIFT and I just made all this shit up like 5 minutes ago


NIGHT SHIFTBun of Dread for 5/30/2024

>>20936578 Where is Snowden? Where is the 8Kun server? Where are you?

>>20936583 "Might as well go sit in the CIA. Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA. Autists need Red Bull?"

>>20936587, >>20936591 Bun of Dread inside a Bun of Dread inside a bun of Dread like in Russia

>>20936596 "Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER). Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY."

>>20936597 You like coincidences and codes too!? Pray/Prey

>>20936598 Q Drop #4799 "When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business? When does a Church become political? When does a Church become corrupt? When does a Church become willfully blind? When does a Church become controlled?"

>>20936605 "Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi tried to usupr Q" "The Info War against Q (Jones and Corsi)" "Alex Jones a Larp. Time to move on" "Misinformation attacks on Q to get worse (Jones, Corsi, Others)" Drops #1340, 1341, 1343 & 1366.

>>20936607 "FAKE PRO MAGA ATTACKING Q: Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, more…" "Alex Jones part of collective attacks on Q" "Jerome Corsi subpoened by Mueller: Infowars on Mossad payroll" Drops #2089, 2101 & 2102.

>>20936609 "Alex Jones and Associates trying to deceive and divide you" Drop #2123.

>>20936615 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin." "Who are we taught to trust?" "If you are religious, PRAY. 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity." "These people should be hanging." Drops # 586, 587, 107, 3799 and 3565 have a story to tell.

>>20936629 [STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags

>>20936633 "Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking" https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1156165039545606144 "Godfather III" "It's going to be BIBLICAL." Q DROP #3565

>>20936641 IS DAN SCAVINO [DAN SCAVINO]? POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot from Bad Past Advisors



>>20936648 This next piece is called ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WAIT, WHAT!?" Decode of Q drops #87, 88, 95, 4884 & 3565.

>>20936650 NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

>>20936654 The Supreme Court > Bohemian Grove > Knights of Malta > Who is Leonard Leo > Who is Harlan Crow? > Vatican.

>>20936655 Who is Leonard Leo? Who is Harlan Crow? Autists need Redbull?

>>20936656 The Truth per the Drops. Reminder: This is Q research and you are here because of Q.

>>20936657 George Soros in 2 Drops. That's called the 2 Drop checkmate. Checkmate.

>>20936658 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!"

>>20936660 POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent Vatican drops?

>>20936661 "Patriot" per the drops.

Problem with the notes in this Bun?

Patriots Fight the Data


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d0df63 No.21095058


whaddah maroon

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689def No.21095059

File: 9054ae1b45a8796⋯.png (356.16 KB,354x396,59:66,Capture.PNG)

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9d8c12 No.21095061


Yea, don't know. Doesn't matter. Calling that show and the liars on it shit, would be an insult to fecal matter.

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bf6ae5 No.21095062

SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA


SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA


Mar 11, 2019 12:31:23 AM EDT Drop #3023

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5618056

Mar 11, 2019 12:27:15 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617930

Mar 11, 2019 12:19:05 AM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8c541b No. 5617724



Parades or Restraints?




Connect the dots?

@Snowden released code words (NSA_key(s)).

@Snowden travels toRUSSIA.

Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).

Shadow Brokers ORIG inRUSSIA.

Can you make the connection why @Snowden went toRUSSIA?

Can you make the connection who provided the source code toSHADOW BROKERS?



Do 'Spooks' hide in the 'Shadows'?




Who was Agency DIR from 2012- 2016?



How did we know (prior to)?


Mar 20, 2019 2:24:35 PM EDT 3126

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No. 5792112

Did both of HUSSEIN's parents learn'RUSSIAN'?

Is'RUSSIAN'a common language to learn?

Think then.

Think now.

[Think Nellie Ohr]


The Cold War.







IP address Type Hosted by Location

IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESPRussian Federation


Location Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg,Russian Federation

AS AS43317


IPv4 Hosted by SIA VEESP SIA VEESPRussian Federation


Location Saint Petersburg, St.-Petersburg,Russian Federation

AS AS43317


IP address:

City: St Petersburg

Region name: Unknown

Country name: Russia

Life expectancy: 67.2

Avg income: 1,883 EUR

Timezone: undefined

Sub continent: Eastern Europe

Country code: RU

Geo-targeting: true

◉ Latitude: 59.8983

◎ Longitude: 30.2618

World currency: EUR

EU member: false

org: Veesp

isp: Veesp

Connection: undefined

Continent: Europe

Population: 146,934,000

IP range tracked: -

Surface area: 17,075,400 km sq.

GNP: 276,608 mln.

Demographic data: true

Ad (re)targeting: true

8kun.top Server IP

IP Tracker

https://www.ip-tracker.org › lookup › ip=8kun

Website 8kun.top that uses public IP Address is actually located in theRussian Federation(RU) on the Europe continent, as we have already seen …

Apr 27, 2018 11:57:57 PM EDT 1290

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218390

Apr 27, 2018 11:53:46 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 6a7ca4 No. 1218316

Apr 27, 2018 11:52:40 PM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 5086f0 No. 1218299

Peace on the Korean Peninsula isn’t big news?

Should we drop a #MOAB on that?

Timetables shift.

[Next Week].



Q. Normies only watch CNN. They don't even know ANY of this is happening.

We are too smug.


Hope not.

Might as well go sit in the CIA.

Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA.

Military aircraft crashing in US.


Autists need Red Bull?


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27d76c No.21095063

Sleepy (Joe)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

cfe80c No.21095064

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)


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d0df63 No.21095065

one Loves breaking the sheep mind.


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1a9a5c No.21095066


A pResident is only as good as his advisors and Trump has a woeful habit of hiring the (((Deep State))) for advisors.

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6cdaf8 No.21095067


ebaker will bake


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bf6ae5 No.21095068







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914321 No.21095069


Young women need to start carrying.

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5decb1 No.21095070


No, your muhjoo narrative is muhjoo.

Q never muhjooed, you're projecting your own muhjoo onto Q, to smear and slander Q as nazi/fascist/antisemitic.

Does Rothschild actions make 17 million people guilty?

Why are you trying so hard to conflate INDIVIDUAL criticism with GROUP criticism?

Why is that so very important to your agenda?

Are you not able or not willing to criticize individuals and focus on their actions, where justice served is for individuals who committed those actions?

Or are you trying to PROTECT AND DEFEND those individuals, by trying to form a 17 million human shield defense around those individuals where the narrative is that the criticisms of those individuals is somehow motivated by anti-GROUP bigotry, THE VERY SAME group bigotry you're projecting, and does not motivate Q, The Plan, true anons, MAGA, or the Great Awakening, but in fact just yourself and your demonic masters pushing the protection narrative?

You're clinging to muhjoo to defend the satanic cult. That's what you're doing here, it's why you chose a variant of a Christian name, so as to portray muhjoo as being sourced from Christianity, another projection, and why you reject basic logic, and commit logical fallacy after logical fallacy, including fallacy of composition?

Your entire muhjoo narrative is a defense of the cult. Period.

Anons know which side you're on.

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bf6ae5 No.21095071

Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump


It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.









Jan 06 Research Bun - Painful Truths

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623b0d No.21095072


I’ve told Stephen to be sweet. He don’t listen.

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d0df63 No.21095073

nice night out doc.


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88e246 No.21095074



mossad codeword for patriot.

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bf6ae5 No.21095077


Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump


It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.









Jan 06 Research Bun - Painful Truths

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

8363a7 No.21095079

File: 089fd8d0c4358c4⋯.png (57.07 KB,362x294,181:147,pepe_cookie.png)


Yep, he's throwing lots of fake on multiple devices this morning. Suspect he wants to invoke the same choleric temper he has in the anons that made him look like an idiot for a few years now.

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0bfb22 No.21095084


>Samantha Power

Adam's apple

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f8517d No.21095085

File: 79809333260829d⋯.png (183.62 KB,690x2138,345:1069,18825A90_226D_430C_9D9C_B7….png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0b442f No.21095087

File: f2b243826f2b6b6⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,480x588,40:49,2mddNyIWcwZrO254.mp4)

Anons tonight in rally bread be like…

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d0df63 No.21095088


stop being æı


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d0fe10 No.21095090

File: 5c29b3de15f61a7⋯.gif (1.38 MB,512x640,4:5,lets_go_bitch.gif)


#25857 >>21094214

>>21094330, >>21094335 Former CIA Chief reveals in great detail how they use full face masks to ‘walk around as someone else’

>>21094414 CNN’s mods for Th’s prez debate have deep ties to former intelligence officials who signed the now-debunked letter claiming Hunter Biden’s laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation

>>21094418 Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

>>21094492 America 1st Legal Files SCOTUS Brief on Behalf of House Admin Oversight Subcommittee Chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk Defending Stephen Bannon

>>21094526 Barack Obama's sister speaks to CNN after getting tear gassed during Nairobi protest

>>21094617, >>21094799, >>21094904 Planefag Reports

>>21094627 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen blames Trump’s tax cuts for ‘many of the problems’ with the U.S.’s soaring budget deficit

>>21094669 'The View' co-host Whoopi Goldberg spits after saying Trump's name to audience's delight

>>21094671 Donald J Trump New Ad: "Who Is Laughing Now"

>>21094712 Murthy v. Missouri: SCOTUS Decision Analysis

>>21094714, >>21094740 Trump’s campaign has just released this Epic New ad ahead of the presidential debate tonight

>>21094739 Law enforcement source familiar w/investigation into Matthew Perry’s death says several people who supplied actor w ketamine could face charges

>>21094775, >>21094252, >>21094673 Tucker going off on fakenews

>>21094788 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/27/2024

>>21094809 First line of Thunderstruck: I was caught in the middle of a railroad track…

>>21094836 Canada: Did you know the Liberal Govt expects to sell the $34B boondoggle that is Trans Mountain Pipeline, over the summer?

>>21094860 11 Signs That The US Economy Is In Far Worse Shape Than Most People Thinks

>>21094877 I was just expelled as the only Black Republican from AZGOP executive committee by RINOs in AZGOP LD2 for: supporting President Trump

>>21094880 @DanScavino posting rock history

>>21094909, >>21094920, >>21094925, >>21094933, >>21094939, >>21094946 The Swamp Meetings Today

>>21094987 Blasting into Summer: Thousands Enjoy NASA in the Park

>>21094996 JPMorgan Chase says its stress test losses should be higher than what the Fed disclosed

>>21095042 Detective Work Enables Perseverance Team to Revive SHERLOC Instrument

>>21095051 @DonaldJTrumpJr: If you vote for Joe Biden today, you'll get Kamala Harris tomorrow!

>>21095052 @RepMTG: Samantha Poweris globalist left wing activist who uses her govt positions force regime’s views on American people and the world


Wkfag must depart @n/b dough

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Post last edited at

2b2c75 No.21095091

File: 98811ca2a514214⋯.png (1.65 MB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06b.png)


Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump


It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.









Jan 06 Research Bun - Painful Truths

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b1c06c No.21095093

File: a17ebdbbaaf97ed⋯.png (81.09 KB,1392x286,696:143,NPR_Timeline.png)


Yeah it's about a month after he was found guilty of 34 felony charges.

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d0df63 No.21095095


proves itself a fool

for years.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b2c75 No.21095096

File: b043d9b701229f1⋯.png (796.17 KB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06aaaaaaa.png)

File: 3d5e471b86ad3b1⋯.png (797.63 KB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06aaaaaab.png)

File: d901f5d63bca1c3⋯.png (885.65 KB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06aaaaaaC.png)

File: 98811ca2a514214⋯.png (1.65 MB,1566x1853,1566:1853,JAN06b.png)


Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump


It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.









Jan 06 Research Bun - Painful Truths

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2b2c75 No.21095097




POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot fromBad Past Advisors

Repeatedly Says "THANK YOU" to flipped deep stateTucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson > once an agent… > dick carlson > Voice of America > C_A clown > Buckley > Hunter Biden > Georgetown > roman catholic jesuits > enjoy!

RetruthsJack Posobiec

Posobiec appears to have been Flipped yet his History will not be forgotten.

There are multiple Q posts specifically about the "at that time, apparent" Traitor Jack Posobiec…

RetruthsSteve Bannon

Sloppy Begs Bad Steve Bannon cried like a dog when POTUS fired him < POTUS own words.

Steve Bannon says that "Alex Jones is the greatest political thinker of this century".

There are Multiple Q posts concerning the Traitor Alex Jones.

Steve Bannon was pardoned by POTUS after stealing money from Patriots via a "Build the Wall" fundraiser.

Bannon appears to have been Flipped yet his History will not be forgotten.

RetruthsGeneral Flynn

Alex Jones and Flynn spent an entire show putting POTUS down for his actions on Jan 06. "RECKLESS".

Flynn ended the show with "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like Trump".

Alex Jones has stated several times that POTUS must be one of the most evil people on the planet for allowing the Vax and pushing Warp Speed.

Flynn called for One Religion in the United States which is without a doubt, division by Religion.

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons specifically about Alex Jones and Associates.

Retruths/retweetsTaylor MarshallandArchbishop Vigano

Both Vigano and Taylor Marshall turned on POTUS over POTUS' LGBTQ party at Mar a Lago. December 22 2022.

Vigano, Taylor Marshall and George Neumayr simultaneously attacked POTUS over his stance on LGBTQ which they knew about years ago.

Taylor Marshall went so far as to suggest Romans Chapter 1 says that anyone who condones the LGBTQ lifestyle is Worthy of Death.

Taylor went on to suggest that a Catholic Monarchy in the United States is the only way to solve the U.S. political problems.

RetruthsKarli Bonneof Inthematrixxx > P = Payseur and Midnight Rider fame.

There are multiple Q posts concerning P and [P] and none of them seem to suggest anything other than the Pope/Papacy/Pontifex.

There are multiple Q posts concerning and condemning those who Profit off of this movement.

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons to be "Careful who you follow."

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons specifically about Alex Jones and Associates.

YetJeffy Pederson > Karli Bonne > INTHEMATRIXXX > The MG Showclaim to fame was the story told by the Alex Jones Associate Fritz Springmeier aka Viktor Schoof > P = Payseur.

Also of note is the FACT that David Icke, another long time friend and Associate of Alex Jones, also mentions the Payseur tale.

Search the drops for the name Payseur and it becomes quite obvious that Q acknowledged the Question yet never followed up on it again and Q has never said Payseur… no more clues, hints nothing…

Oddly enough, in a drop concerning the Guardians of the Pope, Q named the Owl Image "Guardian_P". Isn't that an amazing coincidence?

Of special note is the FACT that it took Alex Jones 13-14 years to finally "investigate" the Vatican and when he did, he went to Italy to join a Guide.

This guide told Alex about some of the lesser Vatican crimes to which Alex was always "shocked" and "surprised" concerning as if Alex knew nearly nothing about the Vatican previously.

Maybe Alex Jones does "work" for more than Mossad? as per the drops.

One thing Anons may learn is that many of these "pro maga" and "pro Q" people, really do not seem to like the drops.

But wait! There is so much more!

Other notable Luminaries on "Our Side" include:

Rush Limbaugh - Neo Con (Rino) piece of shit is what Rush was. Rush backed the Neocon Bush Regime 100%.

Roger Stone - Pffffffft!

Sebastion Gorka - There are Drops concerning Sebastion and his Wife. "Q is garbage!".

Ted Cruz - Just stop it!

Fox News in general because POTUS twatted and retruthed Fox much more than any other MSM - Do you think Rupert Murdoch is Jewish and thats the end of the story? Papal Knight? Hires 90%+ "Catholics"?

Steven Miller - bwahahahahahahahahaah!

Dinesh - muahahahahahahahahahahahah!


Mike Pence Ron Desanctimonious Lindsey Graham Mitch McConnell

Updates 2023:

Dan Scavino recently posted "P" in the context of "President".

Maybe Dan should read Drop #1413, 1950 and 1951?

Let an Anon know if you need those drops decoded!

Updates 2024:

Dan Scavino kissed the Pope's ring! You can't unmake this shit up.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

0bfb22 No.21095098

File: ea842af5f492449⋯.png (2.01 MB,1237x839,1237:839,ClipboardImage.png)


see it?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b2c75 No.21095099

File: 13ffbf95cf3bcfb⋯.png (617.55 KB,588x597,196:199,dankisspopeass1.png)



POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot fromBad Past Advisors

Repeatedly Says "THANK YOU" to flipped deep stateTucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson > once an agent… > dick carlson > Voice of America > C_A clown > Buckley > Hunter Biden > Georgetown > roman catholic jesuits > enjoy!

RetruthsJack Posobiec

Posobiec appears to have been Flipped yet his History will not be forgotten.

There are multiple Q posts specifically about the "at that time, apparent" Traitor Jack Posobiec…

RetruthsSteve Bannon

Sloppy Begs Bad Steve Bannon cried like a dog when POTUS fired him < POTUS own words.

Steve Bannon says that "Alex Jones is the greatest political thinker of this century".

There are Multiple Q posts concerning the Traitor Alex Jones.

Steve Bannon was pardoned by POTUS after stealing money from Patriots via a "Build the Wall" fundraiser.

Bannon appears to have been Flipped yet his History will not be forgotten.

RetruthsGeneral Flynn

Alex Jones and Flynn spent an entire show putting POTUS down for his actions on Jan 06. "RECKLESS".

Flynn ended the show with "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like Trump".

Alex Jones has stated several times that POTUS must be one of the most evil people on the planet for allowing the Vax and pushing Warp Speed.

Flynn called for One Religion in the United States which is without a doubt, division by Religion.

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons specifically about Alex Jones and Associates.

Retruths/retweetsTaylor MarshallandArchbishop Vigano

Both Vigano and Taylor Marshall turned on POTUS over POTUS' LGBTQ party at Mar a Lago. December 22 2022.

Vigano, Taylor Marshall and George Neumayr simultaneously attacked POTUS over his stance on LGBTQ which they knew about years ago.

Taylor Marshall went so far as to suggest Romans Chapter 1 says that anyone who condones the LGBTQ lifestyle is Worthy of Death.

Taylor went on to suggest that a Catholic Monarchy in the United States is the only way to solve the U.S. political problems.

RetruthsKarli Bonneof Inthematrixxx > P = Payseur and Midnight Rider fame.

There are multiple Q posts concerning P and [P] and none of them seem to suggest anything other than the Pope/Papacy/Pontifex.

There are multiple Q posts concerning and condemning those who Profit off of this movement.

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons to be "Careful who you follow."

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons specifically about Alex Jones and Associates.

YetJeffy Pederson > Karli Bonne > INTHEMATRIXXX > The MG Showclaim to fame was the story told by the Alex Jones Associate Fritz Springmeier aka Viktor Schoof > P = Payseur.

Also of note is the FACT that David Icke, another long time friend and Associate of Alex Jones, also mentions the Payseur tale.

Search the drops for the name Payseur and it becomes quite obvious that Q acknowledged the Question yet never followed up on it again and Q has never said Payseur… no more clues, hints nothing…

Oddly enough, in a drop concerning the Guardians of the Pope, Q named the Owl Image "Guardian_P". Isn't that an amazing coincidence?

Of special note is the FACT that it took Alex Jones 13-14 years to finally "investigate" the Vatican and when he did, he went to Italy to join a Guide.

This guide told Alex about some of the lesser Vatican crimes to which Alex was always "shocked" and "surprised" concerning as if Alex knew nearly nothing about the Vatican previously.

Maybe Alex Jones does "work" for more than Mossad? as per the drops.

One thing Anons may learn is that many of these "pro maga" and "pro Q" people, really do not seem to like the drops.

But wait! There is so much more!

Other notable Luminaries on "Our Side" include:

Rush Limbaugh - Neo Con (Rino) piece of shit is what Rush was. Rush backed the Neocon Bush Regime 100%.

Roger Stone - Pffffffft!

Sebastion Gorka - There are Drops concerning Sebastion and his Wife. "Q is garbage!".

Ted Cruz - Just stop it!

Fox News in general because POTUS twatted and retruthed Fox much more than any other MSM - Do you think Rupert Murdoch is Jewish and thats the end of the story? Papal Knight? Hires 90%+ "Catholics"?

Steven Miller - bwahahahahahahahahaah!

Dinesh - muahahahahahahahahahahahah!


Mike Pence Ron Desanctimonious Lindsey Graham Mitch McConnell

Updates 2023:

Dan Scavino recently posted "P" in the context of "President".

Maybe Dan should read Drop #1413, 1950 and 1951?

Let an Anon know if you need those drops decoded!

Updates 2024:

Dan Scavino kissed the Pope's ring! You can't unmake this shit up.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

7ae23e No.21095100

File: e0fcfb6ad6037f1⋯.png (123.07 KB,474x266,237:133,pepe_fren_club.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

56e19d No.21095101


"Our thoughts and prayers are with the four U.S. Marines from the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing who lost their lives in yesterday’s Southern California helicopter crash. We pray for their families, and our great @USMC"

Their sacrifice will never be forgotten.





Operation Q-T2810C.

False drops.

Bot push.

Future "Conspiracy" push to norms.

Bad mixed w/ good.


They are scared.


Would you believe a device was placed somewhere in the WH that could actually cause harm to anyone in the room and would in essence be undetected?

Fantasy right?

When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control.

When was it reported Trump Jr dropped his SS detail?

Why would he take that huge risk given what we know?

I can hint and point but cannot give too many highly classified data points.

These keywords and questions are framed to reduce sniffer programs that continually absorb and analyze data then pushed to z terminals for eval. Think xkeysc on steroids.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b2c75 No.21095104

File: 13ffbf95cf3bcfb⋯.png (617.55 KB,588x597,196:199,dankisspopeass1.png)

File: 5bae469b03afc68⋯.png (702.37 KB,904x814,452:407,dkkpa2.png)

File: 32ade33f99d9e54⋯.png (572.16 KB,593x699,593:699,dkkpa3.png)

File: d4d5679e7b18f6d⋯.png (3.48 MB,1762x1583,1762:1583,d4d5679e7b18f6dc0fe3d547e1….png)


POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot fromBad Past Advisors

Repeatedly Says "THANK YOU" to flipped deep stateTucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson > once an agent… > dick carlson > Voice of America > C_A clown > Buckley > Hunter Biden > Georgetown > roman catholic jesuits > enjoy!

RetruthsJack Posobiec

Posobiec appears to have been Flipped yet his History will not be forgotten.

There are multiple Q posts specifically about the "at that time, apparent" Traitor Jack Posobiec…

RetruthsSteve Bannon

Sloppy Begs Bad Steve Bannon cried like a dog when POTUS fired him < POTUS own words.

Steve Bannon says that "Alex Jones is the greatest political thinker of this century".

There are Multiple Q posts concerning the Traitor Alex Jones.

Steve Bannon was pardoned by POTUS after stealing money from Patriots via a "Build the Wall" fundraiser.

Bannon appears to have been Flipped yet his History will not be forgotten.

RetruthsGeneral Flynn

Alex Jones and Flynn spent an entire show putting POTUS down for his actions on Jan 06. "RECKLESS".

Flynn ended the show with "I could be the worst nightmare to a guy like Trump".

Alex Jones has stated several times that POTUS must be one of the most evil people on the planet for allowing the Vax and pushing Warp Speed.

Flynn called for One Religion in the United States which is without a doubt, division by Religion.

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons specifically about Alex Jones and Associates.

Retruths/retweetsTaylor MarshallandArchbishop Vigano

Both Vigano and Taylor Marshall turned on POTUS over POTUS' LGBTQ party at Mar a Lago. December 22 2022.

Vigano, Taylor Marshall and George Neumayr simultaneously attacked POTUS over his stance on LGBTQ which they knew about years ago.

Taylor Marshall went so far as to suggest Romans Chapter 1 says that anyone who condones the LGBTQ lifestyle is Worthy of Death.

Taylor went on to suggest that a Catholic Monarchy in the United States is the only way to solve the U.S. political problems.

RetruthsKarli Bonneof Inthematrixxx > P = Payseur and Midnight Rider fame.

There are multiple Q posts concerning P and [P] and none of them seem to suggest anything other than the Pope/Papacy/Pontifex.

There are multiple Q posts concerning and condemning those who Profit off of this movement.

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons to be "Careful who you follow."

There are multiple Q posts warning Anons specifically about Alex Jones and Associates.

YetJeffy Pederson > Karli Bonne > INTHEMATRIXXX > The MG Showclaim to fame was the story told by the Alex Jones Associate Fritz Springmeier aka Viktor Schoof > P = Payseur.

Also of note is the FACT that David Icke, another long time friend and Associate of Alex Jones, also mentions the Payseur tale.

Search the drops for the name Payseur and it becomes quite obvious that Q acknowledged the Question yet never followed up on it again and Q has never said Payseur… no more clues, hints nothing…

Oddly enough, in a drop concerning the Guardians of the Pope, Q named the Owl Image "Guardian_P". Isn't that an amazing coincidence?

Of special note is the FACT that it took Alex Jones 13-14 years to finally "investigate" the Vatican and when he did, he went to Italy to join a Guide.

This guide told Alex about some of the lesser Vatican crimes to which Alex was always "shocked" and "surprised" concerning as if Alex knew nearly nothing about the Vatican previously.

Maybe Alex Jones does "work" for more than Mossad? as per the drops.

One thing Anons may learn is that many of these "pro maga" and "pro Q" people, really do not seem to like the drops.

But wait! There is so much more!

Other notable Luminaries on "Our Side" include:

Rush Limbaugh - Neo Con (Rino) piece of shit is what Rush was. Rush backed the Neocon Bush Regime 100%.

Roger Stone - Pffffffft!

Sebastion Gorka - There are Drops concerning Sebastion and his Wife. "Q is garbage!".

Ted Cruz - Just stop it!

Fox News in general because POTUS twatted and retruthed Fox much more than any other MSM - Do you think Rupert Murdoch is Jewish and thats the end of the story? Papal Knight? Hires 90%+ "Catholics"?

Steven Miller - bwahahahahahahahahaah!

Dinesh - muahahahahahahahahahahahah!


Mike Pence Ron Desanctimonious Lindsey Graham Mitch McConnell

Updates 2023:

Dan Scavino recently posted "P" in the context of "President".

Maybe Dan should read Drop #1413, 1950 and 1951?

Let an Anon know if you need those drops decoded!

Updates 2024:

Dan Scavino kissed the Pope's ring! You can't unmake this shit up.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

368842 No.21095105

File: e0966a1fe3f30af⋯.png (136.47 KB,320x240,4:3,e0966a1fe3f30af5599e2d4eaa….png)

Yep, he's throwing lots of fake on multiple devices this morning. Suspect he wants to invoke the same choleric temper he has in the anons that made him look like an idiot for a few years now.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6cdaf8 No.21095106

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

2b2c75 No.21095108

File: 9a4cf1e63225819⋯.png (1.66 MB,1920x1836,160:153,0qiggy2.png)

File: a325a8899e8fef7⋯.png (757.5 KB,798x880,399:440,c1.png)

File: 7d2f31d8cdf7627⋯.png (727.02 KB,930x890,93:89,c3a.png)

File: 4ed2598683f16eb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1510x704,755:352,c2.png)

File: 0f76567d147b4c3⋯.png (1.82 MB,1840x1152,115:72,c3.png)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

df700e No.21095109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Ursula Finally Has Tits

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

d0fe10 No.21095110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

Fresh Bread

>>21095092 Q Research General #25858: LFG Debate Day Edition

>>21095103 DOUGH

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ccb3bd No.21096955

File: 5a3fedf43e8ac7c⋯.png (1.38 MB,808x594,404:297,Screenshot_7673_.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ccb3bd No.21096966

File: 26bc88269dcffe4⋯.png (1.3 MB,652x695,652:695,Screenshot_7663_.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ccb3bd No.21096970

File: 0a9e69dae3d56cb⋯.png (702.67 KB,471x508,471:508,Screenshot_7658_.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ccb3bd No.21096976

File: 2707e43bf410ac1⋯.png (1.19 MB,467x888,467:888,Screenshot_7630_.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ccb3bd No.21096984

File: 9e5db9444fa7e61⋯.png (972.67 KB,631x525,631:525,Screenshot_7614_.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ccb3bd No.21096991

File: dcec081d425235a⋯.png (990.79 KB,466x724,233:362,Screenshot_7596_.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ccb3bd No.21096994

File: c24ba80e34a101e⋯.png (929.84 KB,467x678,467:678,Screenshot_7571_.png)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ccb3bd No.21096996


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