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d95a6b No.21093014 [View All]

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837f30 No.21094159


This was 2018…How’s it working out?


Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp set off a political firestorm when his office, two days before an election in which he is a candidate, announced on Sunday morning that it had opened an investigation into the Georgia Democratic Party in connection with what it described as an attempted hack of the state’s voter registration system.

But that initial advisory lacked key details about how Kemp’s office was made aware of potential security vulnerabilities in the state’s electronic voter information page, which the secretary of state oversees. A series of email chains obtained by CNN indicate that, rather than taking part in any alleged “hack,” the Georgia Democrats had simply passed along information regarding security concerns from a concerned voter to a private cybersecurity firm, which in turn shared its concerns with Kemp’s office.

Democrats in the state have vehemently denied the allegations from Kemp’s office, which also raised fresh criticism of Kemp’s dual role as both the Republican nominee for governor and the state’s chief election official.

“It’s wrong to call it an investigation,” Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams told CNN on Monday. “It’s a witch hunt that was created by someone who is abusing his power.”

Kemp will face off against Abrams on Tuesday in the state’s high-profile and close race for governor. Democrats and advocacy groups have previously argued that Kemp has a conflict of interest in overseeing an election he is also running in, and some have called on him to resign.

The latest controversy began with an early morning announcement from Kemp’s office claiming there had been a “failed attempt to hack the state’s voter registration system” and that the secretary of state’s office has opened an investigation “into the Democratic Party of Georgia on the evening of Saturday, November 3, 2018.”

The bulletin provided no evidence for the claims.

Later Sunday, however, CNN obtained a series of emails the Secretary of State’s office said led it to level the accusations of hacking into its voter registration system by the Georgia Democratic Party. The emails refer to findings by a voter who said he had discovered potential vulnerabilities in the state’s voter information page and its online registration system.

That voter, Richard Wright, took his concerns to the Georgia Democratic Party’s voter protection hotline to alert authorities, according to his lawyer, David Cross. Cross told CNN Wright is not affiliated with any political party and does not want to speak to any media right now. He also said that Wright has some software background, but is not a hacker.

According to Cross, Wright – the voter whose findings prompted accusations of attempted hacking – was looking up his own registration information on the state’s My Voter Page when he discovered he could access other people’s information too. The system, he found, doesn’t verify who’s making the query and, for that reason, it appeared to him that voters’ private information could be accessed and that voter registrations could even be edited by anyone on the site.

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771fe8 No.21094160


>>21094150 >we shouldnt eat flesh

Not human flesh, animal flesh iis a-ok.

Humans are not animals.

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837f30 No.21094161


I kinda thought they were detoxing him for a drug test… but Bidan camp refused drug tests.

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e95b75 No.21094162


anything with blood in its veins i dont eat; i only brought it up because i posted a roxy music video avalon with a falcon in it and someone said i was a hunter or something

i used to hunt but i chose to try and not eat animals because of suffering of dying and i just dont like any of it

ive been doing fine just eating sweets

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daff2a No.21094163

File: 30a8df587ffa72c⋯.png (696.91 KB,1080x749,1080:749,Screenshot_20240611_181240….png)



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6904ff No.21094164

File: 0e63fbacbb4e7da⋯.jpeg (993.14 KB,1275x1734,25:34,IMG_3209.jpeg)

File: d4ccc1c4ada8072⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,270x480,9:16,Kv4axZVXwZfRm66j.mp4)


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837f30 No.21094165


You believe what you want… the mind is a terrible thing to waste.

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572370 No.21094166

File: c2181d749eb401c⋯.jpg (38.51 KB,644x460,7:5,10_Commandments_List_1_644….jpg)

Looks good.

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837f30 No.21094167


Imagine if no grocery stores existed ever…

How would you feed your family?

Do you know how to grow food?

Start there..

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e95b75 No.21094168


its just my philosophy no one else i know do i tell not to eat flesh, its just my crazy thinking i guess

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771fe8 No.21094169

CNN debate moderstor should go viral for normies if we blast his Buck's Camping anf Fishing Comet Ping Pong invovment, his wifes favorite place to go in Washington. And his book about sectret clubs.

Pull out the archived Jake Tapper digs and get them on socisl media to get people waking up 2024.

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771fe8 No.21094170


Jake Tapper

Buck's Camping and Fishing regular patron with his wife.

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e95b75 No.21094171


right now they exist, im more worried about my eternal soul if trump doesnt get reelected, because then we have 1000 years of darkness

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837f30 No.21094172

File: 860018d2fddf1ea⋯.jpeg (25.47 KB,274x184,137:92,IMG_2285.jpeg)

File: b2838f7bf0a0c17⋯.jpeg (427.54 KB,1259x1602,1259:1602,IMG_0040.jpeg)

File: 967eb3e396eac2b⋯.jpeg (37.81 KB,554x310,277:155,IMG_0569.jpeg)

File: f34926dcff554e2⋯.jpeg (59.09 KB,333x500,333:500,IMG_0203.jpeg)


As long as you know what these commandments are based on…

In the beginning…

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21d631 No.21094173

File: 27fe3c77f0bce62⋯.png (960.15 KB,981x881,981:881,b5435432523.PNG)



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6904ff No.21094175

File: e349706c9969305⋯.jpeg (343.47 KB,636x765,212:255,IMG_3210.jpeg)

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837f30 No.21094176


Who sold you that bag of prepper gold?

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9e30b2 No.21094177


At least I got you to dig.

instead of spam

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e95b75 No.21094178


i love the passive aggressive insults to a complete stranger

if i told you the way ive bucked the system you wouldnt believe me or be too timid to try it

science is a big lie

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e95b75 No.21094179


im sure on rumble videos theres an ad for Preppers Gold

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837f30 No.21094180


Who sold you that bag of prepper gold? >>21094177

You got me to dig?

Did you check TrumpPence.com

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771fe8 No.21094181


Roxy Music. Well, lead singer is an ateist, so you must have confused mind already if you still like that music.


Bryan Ferry makes waxes about his feelings that this reality is all that we have.

Key Lyrics: Who can say where we're going

No care in the world

Maybe I'm learning

Why the sea on the tide

Has no way of turning

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49f6ad No.21094182

File: b8e56c331fad3d3⋯.png (293.91 KB,477x319,477:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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e95b75 No.21094183


pence is a pedophile, so is his wife

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837f30 No.21094184


Science is an absolute lie…

I’m not being passive aggressive.

You’re NOt being of Nobel Character like the Bereans…. To check Out if What ANYONE says is true..

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e95b75 No.21094185


geez, lolololol

i actually like dont fear the reaper better, it just reminded me of avalon for some reason, not sure, why ….

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dfc4bf No.21094186

File: fc21e853e35d791⋯.png (917.68 KB,1080x869,1080:869,Screcfu.png)

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837f30 No.21094187


Proof or it’s a Planned Parenthood smear campaign that you want to push to murder babies…

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55dcbb No.21094188


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9f0416 No.21094189


>933 replies

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e95b75 No.21094190

did pence walk to st johns that day?


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837f30 No.21094191



Murder, death, kill… is that your agenda?

It isn’t mine or VPPence’s

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837f30 No.21094192


More details… nex5 bread

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19c813 No.21094193

i wonder what diana knew? why she ran, why she confided in Dodi Fayed?

she knew something about the Queen, whom she served i think

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fc06b5 No.21094194


Notables are NOT Endorsements

#25856 >>21093024

>>21093106 Liz Crokin: In 2012, Lady Gaga dressed up like a witch and visited Julian Assange to allegedly support and interview him.

>>21093118 PF: President Dudaback to Warsaw from Shanghai Intl depart

>>21093120 Wall Street Silver: Elon Musk and SpaceX are going to crash the International Space Station into the ocean.

>>21093111 Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs

>>21093121 Night Owl News Archives

>>21093132 Liz Churchill: Lol. CNN retrofits their microphones on the Debate Stage for Joe the Dementia Patient

>>21093134 Jake Paul wants 'truth' and 'authenticity' deciding between Trump, Biden: 'Can't fool us'

>>21093152, >>21093180 Thomas Rousseau, leader of the Patriot Front – is PF just a bunch of FEDS??

>>21093160 PF: Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Finance departed Los Angeles Intl after arriving from a Bangor, Maine fuel stop and Jeddah depart earlier today

>>21093167 The FBI is actively arresting more J6 participants today, according to reports.

>>21093181 Dutch volleyball player who raped 12yo girl to compete at Olympics

>>21093182 HRC: The right-wing Supreme Court majority is out of control.

>>21093188 Scavino: October 2016 flashback…

>>21093189 Times of Israel on Trump-Biden debate

>>21093205 Japan issues fresh warnings against sharp yen falls

>>21093221 (You) U.S. Industries Fearing a Port Strike Urge Biden for Help

>>21093282 Killed Doctors Without Borders staffer was ‘a terrorist’ – IDF

>>21093361 Schiff: @RepAdamSchiff: But her emails…

>>21093464 Russian 'shadow parliament' made up of over 60 exiled-MPs met up in Warsaw to discuss 'assassination campaign' against members of Vladimir Putin's government

>>21093502 Scavino Jr: Rock history

>>21093561 BOOM: Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman just said he thinks a second Trump presidency would be good for the country.

>>21093663 @elonmusk: @AutismCapitat - What Democrats think will happen if Trump gets elected. 😂

>>21093735 Lakers may have gotten steal of NBA draft with Dalton Knecht at No. 17

>>21093741 North Korean Troops Will Be 'Cannon Fodder' If Sent To Ukraine, Pentagon Says

>>21093770, >>21093800, >>21093800 Biden Debate BINGO Card

>>21093873 SUBPOENA Haspel and her records for approval NOW

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b6dcc5 No.21094195

>maitreyan bullshit>21094076

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19c813 No.21094196


i mean: she knew whom the Queen served

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a0d8de No.21094197

File: aac66b07e587ff4⋯.jpg (44.54 KB,500x426,250:213,8fzja9_1.jpg)

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19c813 No.21094198


my only proof is who told me everything he told has come true

hes gone now, save the galaxy, hes a Thundercat

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837f30 No.21094199



Two loaves


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837f30 No.21094202


Larry will be missed

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19c813 No.21094203


i love bread, can eat a whole loaf of fresh baked bread

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a0093a No.21094206


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19c813 No.21094209


ive never watched thundercats :)

had to look up larry

was the voice of Lion-O or something?

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29a64d No.21094210


The WHY establishes motive.

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cbe397 No.21094211


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a0093a No.21094213


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fc06b5 No.21094217

File: 7dd9de48969c31d⋯.jpg (42.11 KB,630x512,315:256,braed_pfm1.jpg)

Fresh Bread



Q Research General #25857: Debate Day Edition

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a0093a No.21094220


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a0093a No.21094221


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