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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

89d4d1 No.21091290 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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89d4d1 No.21091292

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>21066859 Canada #60

>>20584322 China #1

>>16694358 France #7

>>19988670 Germany #106

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>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>17784579 QAJF #1

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>>20584424 Saudi Arabia #1

>>20771571 Scotland #10

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25853 >>21090470

>>21090496, >>21090517, >>21090639, >>21090640, >>21090643, >>21090649, >>21090650, >>21090651, >>21090769, >>21090789, >>21091147 Swamp Happenings


>>21090508, >>21090794 @elonmusk - HAWK

>>21090516 The Fauci Gaslighting Tape That Won't Go Away

>>21090538 Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

>>21090565 Video - JA arrives in AUS

>>21090568, >>21090612, >>21090626, >>21090786, >>21090933, >>21090935, >>21090946, >>21091256 Mil Q Posts and Decode

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657, >>21090742, >>21090800 Bannon is interviewing Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts, Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden

>>21090611, >>21090714, >>21090723, >>21090734, >>21090741, >>21091100 Trump Campaign LIVE NOW hosts Black American Business Leaders at Atlanta Barbershop

>>21090645, >>21090812, >>21091089 il TRUMP TRUTHS and Decodes

>>21090664 Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

>>21090671 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>21090708 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

>>21090790 Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment

>>21090804 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden WON'T commit to taking a drug test before the debate

>>21090810, >>21091070, >>21091071 Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

>>21090815, >>21090873, >>21090910, >>21090949, >>21090983, >>21091180 PF

>>21090839 Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

>>21090844, >>21091061, >>21091168 @TuckerCarlson - Meet the Australian media.

>>21090852 US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia

>>21090856 @WarRoom Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “POS” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper

>>21090891, >>21090907 Julian Assange full 23 page plea deal - PDF

>>21090904 Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

>>21090911 Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accuses Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people

>>21090936, >>21091022 Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog and videos sold online

>>21090937 MIGRANT CRIME TRACKING WEBSITE - https://opsdesk.org/migrant-crime/

>>21090976 Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic

>>21090982 Republicans File Amicus Brief To Invalidate J6 Committee’s ‘Evidence’ Against Steve Bannon


>>21091019 Russian National Charged For Conspiring With Russian Military Intelligence To Destroy Ukrainian Government Computer Systems And Data

>>21091015, >>21091065 Video - The Actual Realities of Bidenomics

>>21091035 Paris Hilton testifies before Congress on Capitol Hill about childhood sexual abuse

>>21091099 Wisconsin recall election of RINO Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has been successfully triggered with more than enough signatures

>>21091103 Amazon Hits $2T in Valuation on AI Fervor, Rate Cut Bets [stop using amazon anons]

>>21091110 BlackRock has leveraged Oklahomans’ pension funds to advance a racial and climate agenda since 2022

>>21091161 Call To ARCHIVE - anon calls for video CAPTURE OF DEBATE. CNN is already trying to make it stay as invisible as possible.

>>21091173, >>21091186, >>21091233 A Military Coup appears to be underway in the South American Country of Bolivia

>>21091175 McNaughton Painting: “Trump Stampede”

>>21091178 Fmr. FDA Vaccines Deputy Dr. Philip Krause Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions about the vax

>>21091185 Newsome said to be Biden's 'surrogate' at debate tomorrow

>>21091222 Scotland is talking covid crimes

>>21091281 #25853

#25852 >>21089490

>>21089669, >>21089799, >>21089805, >>21089827, >>21089866, >>21089892, >>21090098, >>21090125, >>21090192, >>21090201, >>21090271 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity


>>21089585 @GenFlynn Dismantle it now

>>21089588, >>21089691 Eyez ON scotus blog

>>21089630, >>21090221, >>21090280, >>21090313 Oversight of the Biden Covid-19 Administrative State Response

>>21089636, >>21089646 Just before Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in their second presidential debate, then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper…

>>21089653, >>21089760, >>21089761, >>21089819, >>21089902, >>21090297 NASA

>>21089688, >>21089693, >>21089697, >>21089919, >>21089926, >>21090002 Swamp Talk

>>21089695, >>21089877, >>21090017, >>21090062, >>21090075, >>21090195 The Supreme Court on Wednesday tossed out claims that the Biden administration unlawfully pressured social media companies to removing certain content./NO STANDING

>>21089737, >>21089904 Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich's espionage trial in Russia begins

>>21089743 🇰🇵 🇷🇺 North Korea says it will send troops to Ukraine to fight alongside Russia.

>>21089797 Cancer prevention

>>21089807 @ChuckGrassley Biden’s open border crisis has allowed over 400 ppl affiliated w ISIS human smuggling network to come into our country

>>21089831 Reminder: next week Biden is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from the now non-existent Northeast reserve to further lower gas prices in hopes of boosting his sagging approval rating

>>21089846 #OTD in 1942, the Grumman F6F Hellcat flew for the first time.

>>21089895 @USNavy 📡 Tech turbulence? Not on their watch! Information System Technicians keep us cruising smoothly…

>>21089937 Interactive Brokers accepts $48 million loss tied to NYSE glitch

>>21089965, >>21089851, >>21089812 WE HAVE THE SOURCE

>>21090092 AFRL releases video footage of XQ-67A first flight

>>21090106 Bragg's diversity hiring blitz EXPOSED in misconduct complaint

>>21090114 @1st_Marine_Div Passing the torch🫂

>>21090124 SXSW will drop its US army sponsorship for 2025

>>21090139, >>21090149, >>21090170 Giant asteroid the size of 770 lions to pass Earth Thursday, June 27- Where are the fuggin giraffe conversions??

>>21090206 Republican congressional candidate plans to abolish taxes, agencies and ‘anything big’

>>21090211 Macron’s brand ‘toxic’ – Bloomberg

>>21090215 Bitcoin Donor Pays For Julian Assange's $520,000 Charter Jet

>>21090249 Massachusetts Sends Warning: Migrant Shelters 'Full'

>>21090260 US Air Force fires top missile program manager

>>21090272, >>21090277 POLL: President Trump is the strongest candidate to protect democracy

>>21090303 UK’s Cameron dashes Ukraine’s NATO summit hopes

>>21090327 Yen falls to 37-year low of 160 against U.S. dollar

>>21090330 Julian Assange's Attorney Jennifer Robinson Holds a Press Conference in Canberra: 'This is the Criminalization of Journalism'

>>21090336 Rep. Clyde Reintroduces Legislation After SCOTUS Ruling To Stop Federal Gov’t From Using Big Tech To Censor

>>21090369 Debate Bingo Card

>>21090396 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna says AG Merrick Garland will be arrested if the privileged motion on inherent contempt passes on the floor Friday, but only if he does not bring the Biden tapes to the House for investigation

>>21090398 Count Binface challenges U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for Parliament seat

>>21090406 🇷🇺 Russia officially declares NATO an "enemy alliance."

>>21090453 #25852

#25851 >>21088357

>>21088418, >>21089186 Squad loudmouth Jamaal Bowman has lost his primary mainly for his pro-Palestine views.

>>21088423 Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Breaks Down Israel And Ukraine Conflicts

>>21088686 Supreme Court Turns Away COVID-19 Vaccine Appeals

>>21088714 Why pay $1m when you can pay PwC $30m, and help yourself to someone’s IP?

>>21088725 ‘Never Trump’ Political Strategist Caught Attempting to Rape Underage Boy

>>21088780 Tennessee election officials asking more than 14,000 voters to prove citizenship

>>21088920 They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains Called "Organoids" To Run Computers

>>21088936 Dutch PM Mark Rutte confirmed as NATO Secretary General

>>21088999 the replacement? Hillary Clinton - I'm the only person to have debated both of this year's presidential candidates before.

>>21089023, >>21089029, >>21089138, >>21089178 The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has landed in his home country Australia a free man after his US legal battle comes to an end.

>>21089158 New PDJT with misspelling

>>21089190 Rep. Lauren Boebert Wins Packed Primary After Switching Districts

>>21089203 Congressional Report: CIA Interfered in 2020 Election

>>21089240 LIVE: Julian Assange's team holds press conference

>>21089264 KENYA'S President William Ruto yields to public pressure and anger, declines to sign the controversial Finance Bill. Returns to Parliament with a raft of amendments

>>21089404, >>21089417 Embassy Cat 4/11

>>21089432 Jack Smith’s Latest Trick – Attempts to Sway Court with New Photos Alleging Trump Stored Classified Documents in a “Haphazard Manner”

>>21089435 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21089586 #25851

#25850 >>21087550

>>21087600 Speaker Johnson tells Hannity that the House is working on an amicus brief in Steve Bannon’s appellate case

>>21087604, >>21088140 Jaamal Bowman is ousted in most expensive House primary ever LOSER PARTY

>>21087624 @WarRoom Democrat Advocate And Election Worker ARRESTED In Maricopa County, AZ

>>21087691 George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist, defeats Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York Democratic primary

>>21087705 Anon ponders Jan 6th details - diggable

>>21087706, >>21087713, >>21087719, >>21087765, >>21087808, >>21088075 TRUMP TRUTHS & DECODE

>>21087786 TrackAIPAC.com Exposes Zionist Politicians Who Take Israeli Bribes

>>21087837 @wikileaks - Julian Assange walks free

>>21087878 Hundreds of Ukrainian War Vehicles Strewn Along The Street 4 min video

>>21087911 @paulsperry BREAKING: Fulton County, Ga has moved to destroy 2020 ballots

>>21087947 IV3.us True The Vote effort. Has anyone signed up to help clean up the voter rolls?

>>21087905, >>21087957 Will Julian be reunited with Embassy Cat?

>>21087963 Israel's military must enlist the ultra-Orthodox

>>21087967 @WarRoom Boebert: Uniparty Lost Once, We Will Beat Them Again TodayGOD BLESS MAGA

>>21088103, >>21088132 Lindell: Robin Vos Will Be Recalled; Announced Today

>>21088124 @wiki SEIU gave $2.5M to Fund for America (DNC political action fund)

>>21088164 Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis?

>>21088182 @WarRoom Jack Smith And DOJ Used Classified Cover Sheets To Tamper With Documents Case Evidence

>>21088185 A new wave of bankruptcies shakes the Catholic Church in California

>>21088186 Anna Paulina Luna to Force Vote Holding AG Garland in Inherent Contempt

>>21088294 Jan 06 deep dive Bun - Anons will not believe their lying eyes

>>21088350 #25850

Previously Collected

>>21086510 #25848, >>21087535 #25849

>>21083921 #25845, >>21084839 #25846, >>21085576 #25847

>>21080963 #25842, >>21081817 #25843, >>21083075 #25844

>>21078572 #25839, >>21079380 #25840, >>21080158 #25841

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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89d4d1 No.21091300

File: 80a689e5418c13e⋯.png (473.88 KB,653x562,653:562,80a689e5418c13e9fada4d62e4….png)



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c57940 No.21091320

File: 5d8c4b3166eea16⋯.gif (881.13 KB,245x380,49:76,whaup22.gif)

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e20bbd No.21091321

File: 332cb7bf6ff8943⋯.jpg (43.31 KB,540x799,540:799,Were_Odin.jpg)


So How are yall feeling out there? Feeling guud? Having a nice time?

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d5e29a No.21091322

File: b7c8ea46c6223ef⋯.jpg (1.16 MB,2048x1143,2048:1143,b7c8ea46c6223ef981925625bc….jpg)

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d406cb No.21091323

File: 866ee7678f64417⋯.png (296.85 KB,618x544,309:272,ClipboardImage.png)




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9890e6 No.21091324

File: aa04c8f99ded914⋯.png (174.62 KB,600x662,300:331,aa0.png)



Gringos go home!

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c57940 No.21091325

File: 118e2a3e9981575⋯.png (186.09 KB,600x401,600:401,123KEK.png)



"Thank you to all of my great Keyboard Warriors. You are better, and far more brilliant, than anyone on Madison Avenue (Ad Agencies). There is nobody like you!"


Dec 19, 2018 6:14:15 PM EST 2627

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0365ff No. 4381184

Dec 19, 2018 6:11:25 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0365ff No. 4381127


The clock is ticking.

When will the 1st alarm ring?

If the Senate was the primary target (majority control)….

53-47 active when?

EO (designated_target(s)) active when?

Ongoing investigations…..

"There are a lot of sealed indictments" - SC

"It's all going to come out, U1, Dossier, CF, etc…." - SH

"I have pretty good sources…" - SH

There is a reason why SH, SC, and JS are on stage.



Why does the FAKE NEWS media continually attack a (as they say) so-called 'only a conspiracy' 'nothing to see here' 'lonely guy behind a keyboard' movement?

The largest media co's in the world giving so much attention….

WASH POST leading the attack?

Logical thinking always wins.


May 27, 2020 12:44:24 PM EDT 4331

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 631942 No. 9332398



Intelligence was manipulated by [Brennan].

Watch the news.


May 27, 2020 12:48:43 PM EDT 4332

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 631942 No. 9332481

May 27, 2020 12:46:48 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: 348492 No. 9332438

May 27, 2020 12:44:24 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 631942 No. 9332398



Intelligence was manipulated by [Brennan].

Watch the news.



We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (& women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men (& Women), deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —

Member this Q?


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acd723 No.21091326

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)

File: 0b4d1c83092da42⋯.mp4 (605.73 KB,480x480,1:1,ride_never_ends.mp4)

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d406cb No.21091327



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869432 No.21091328

File: 1c74deeb4229d98⋯.png (23.21 KB,610x328,305:164,Screenshot_2024_06_26_1647….png)





Point Proven


Na na na na. Na na na na. Hey Hey Hey GOODBYE


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f2db05 No.21091329

File: 770ef029aeb2862⋯.png (84.88 KB,400x225,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_26_at_1….png)

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d406cb No.21091330

File: 413fa08aea6829c⋯.png (345.43 KB,638x516,319:258,ClipboardImage.png)


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e20bbd No.21091331

File: 2c1d1dc22d741b8⋯.png (2.11 MB,3155x2061,3155:2061,Riders_of_the_Sidhe.png)

I just love the Mound so much I could plow her…

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80df62 No.21091332

File: 42b581b47f9b27e⋯.jpg (91.82 KB,1200x627,400:209,panic_dc_frogs.jpg)


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d4eed9 No.21091333

File: 24b8708fa4c0ed1⋯.png (752.99 KB,1007x635,1007:635,24b8708fa4c0ed179442910858….png)

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926c70 No.21091334

File: bfcfd4271ae35a0⋯.png (648.67 KB,682x581,682:581,TYB.png)

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324076 No.21091335

File: eecbbea0afa86ea⋯.png (221.49 KB,599x561,599:561,ClipboardImage.png)

'Top official' from Gascón's 'Ethics and Integrity' unit faces 11 felony charges: FOX News

Diana Teran, who is considered one of the top officials in Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón's office, is facing 11 felony charges stemming from allegations of having improper access to data on local deputies.

The California Attorney General's office first filed the felony charges against Teran back on April 30, 2024. On Tuesday, June 25, FOX News' Bill Melugin obtained the affidavit of the case against Teran.

Teran, who worked in Gascón's Ethics and Integrity Unit, was initially accused of misusing "Brady" material, which is a list of law-enforcement officers accused of misconduct. In Melugin's June 25 report, the affidavit reveals she tried to add deputies from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to the so-called Brady list.


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bfff0e No.21091336

File: 5af926a30d75089⋯.png (348.23 KB,653x980,653:980,ClipboardImage.png)

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7957ac No.21091337

File: f02bd574e6a3789⋯.png (96.2 KB,350x350,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6565d9 No.21091338

File: b0414eb709925e8⋯.png (700.35 KB,844x1620,211:405,ClipboardImage.png)

There Is Near Zero Historical Precedent For Biden DOJ Getting Steve Bannon Thrown In Jail


There’s almost no historical precedent for the Biden Department of Justice’s (DOJ) effort to have Steve Bannon serve time in jail for his conviction on contempt of Congress charges. After an appeals court upheld in May Bannon’s conviction on contempt of Congress charges for ignoring a Jan. 6 select committee subpoena, the DOJ asked the district court judge who initially issued Bannon’s four-month prison sentence to order him to report to prison. Judge Carl J. Nichols agreed Thursday, ending the hold on his nearly unprecedented sentence that had been in place during his appeal.

Bannon now must report to prison by July 1. Besides former President Donald Trump aide Peter Navarro, who is currently serving a four-month sentence for contempt of Congress, one of the most recent historical precedents for such a sentence, dates to the Cold War, when a group of writers, directors and producers known as the “Hollywood Ten” were sentenced to jail time for refusing to cooperate with the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), according to the Washington Post.

The ten believed questions posed by the HUAC violated their First Amendment rights, but the House voted to hold them in contempt in November 1947 for refusing to state whether they were members of the Communist Party, according to Politico. Former Richard Nixon aideG. Gordon Liddy and former Nixon Attorney General Richard Kleindienst pleaded guilty to contempt of Congress charges but did not go to jail, according to the Washington Post.

“While there is a fair amount of precedent for lying to Congress, there is far less for people convicted of contempt of Congress,” John Malcolm, vice president for the Heritage Foundation’s Institute for Constitutional Government and former deputy assistant attorney general in the DOJ’s Criminal Division, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in January.

Navarro, former trade advisor to Trump, was ordered to report to a Miami prison on March 19, where he began his four-month sentence. After Navarro was indicted in June 2022, the FBI arrested him at Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C., when he was heading to a Nashville speaking engagement, according to Politico.Hunter Biden, who defied a congressional subpoena in December, choosing to hold a press conference on Capitol Hill rather than sit for his deposition, has not yet been found in contempt of Congress.

Criminal defense attorney and legal analyst Philip Holloway told the Daily Caller News Foundation in December thatthe law “must be applied equally or it has no meaning,” arguingHunter Biden should “be held to the same standard” as Bannon. The House Judiciary Committee and House Oversight Committee voted in May to advance resolutions to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for defying their request to turn over audio recordings from special counsel Robert Hur’s interview with President Joe Biden.

After the House voted to cite former President Barack Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress in 2012, Holder faced no jail time, as the DOJ did not initiate criminal prosecution.

White House spokesmanJay Carneysaid at the time that it is“an established principle, dating back to the administration of President Ronald Reagan, that the Justice Department does not pursue prosecution in a contempt case when the president has asserted executive privilege,” according to CNN.

“We have had constitutional executive privilege for 250 years–going back to George Washington–so the President of the United States can receive candid, confidential advice from his advisors without fear their advice will get publicly aired before courts or Congress,” Mike Davis, founder and president of the Article III Project, wrote Thursday on X. “President Biden and his Attorney General Merrick Garland have shamefully destroyed this, in their partisan quest to politicize and weaponize the Biden Justice Department to go after President Trump and his top aides.”

Bannon said Thursday outside the courthouse that there is “not a prison built or jail built that will ever shut me up.”“They’re not going to shut up Trump, they’re not going to shut up Navarro, they’re not going to shut up Bannon, and they’re certainly not going to shut up MAGA,” Bannon said. “There is nothing that can shut me up and there is nothing that will shut me up.”


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c48422 No.21091339



The EU Migration Pact has justpassedthe Dail vote by just 6 votes

Expect to see even more endless numbers of migrants flooding our country over the coming years.

How dare this government sell out the Irish people like this. It’s absolutely disgraceful and treasonous

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9890e6 No.21091340

File: 68f287cd2e5c2c1⋯.png (322.08 KB,613x550,613:550,ClipboardImage.png)




🇻🇪Venezuela President Maduro: "The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom… Here, neither the gringos nor US Southern Command will ever govern again. In Venezuela, we Venezuelans are in charge… Oligarchs: Tremble!"

Jun 26, 2024 · 12:23 AM UTC



>Gringos go home!

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62d0ec No.21091341

File: ad92dd7312c16d9⋯.png (7.22 KB,255x169,255:169,9532cf56ef587d84963aaf567b….png)


Its been a day.

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526ef7 No.21091342

File: d39967da1b9536a⋯.png (31.79 KB,1080x1080,1:1,d39967da1b9536a4b26e6f4858….png)

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a0fd83 No.21091343

File: e7cbe74665069cc⋯.png (347.45 KB,708x1802,354:901,acf5cdad_01af_4fb9_b8b9_1d….png)

File: a96c96ee62c88c2⋯.png (438.89 KB,932x1126,466:563,85e3fda974781228951b149eed….png)

File: a72a3dca7676b9c⋯.jpg (126.32 KB,891x500,891:500,a72a3dca7676b9c9ac368e40be….jpg)

File: 1ad361d74946f95⋯.jpg (18.34 KB,255x172,255:172,5843361efe11c00906ec13a010….jpg)


Jun 28, 2018 5:42:44 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs

Jun 28, 2018 5:33:05 PM EDT


Screen Shot 2018-06-28 at 4.32.42 PM.png



Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).

D’s are in crisis mode.

AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.

Putin / U1 will come out post summit (they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel).

These people are corrupt beyond belief.

America for sale.

Sold out.


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d406cb No.21091344

File: e13b2d083883b6c⋯.png (375.65 KB,627x696,209:232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: feddffa8fb37ef9⋯.png (126.35 KB,265x250,53:50,ClipboardImage.png)



Hell Yeah Hell Cat

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f22a67 No.21091345

File: e18cde66d82541c⋯.jpg (71.96 KB,888x492,74:41,bfdgfdfdhfjhgf.jpg)

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24d6e0 No.21091346

I need a job or something. Get me the fuck out of here.

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d4eed9 No.21091347

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Always. How about you?

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d406cb No.21091348

File: 34f075bfc341d7d⋯.gif (2 MB,450x253,450:253,inquiringMinds.gif)

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b671e8 No.21091349

You are here to grow spiritually and ascend.


They try to hold you back with religion and negativity.

You are powerful beings of the Light having a 3d experience.

Repeat this mantra often.

I am the Light

I am the Love

I am the Truth

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ee6537 No.21091350

>>21091084 (pb)

>"Muh Joo."

Dr. Sabrosky is Jewish, Dumb fuck. He just puts his American identity above the Jewish one. He's an American first, served with distinction and was Director of Studies at Army War College.

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7957ac No.21091351

File: 2ddaa04bb802b5b⋯.png (666.53 KB,820x653,820:653,ClipboardImage.png)


scared then

more scared now

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ede8b4 No.21091352

File: 88f436cfbb48abc⋯.mp4 (1.66 MB,720x1280,9:16,gifjq1108c3843e.mp4)

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324076 No.21091353

File: 756980e600e1ab0⋯.png (52.27 KB,1144x257,1144:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22b5ada4ec171d1⋯.png (54.27 KB,1142x256,571:128,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8669f18988806f4⋯.png (90.17 KB,1138x438,569:219,ClipboardImage.png)

Should Australian politicians claim credit for the release of Julian Assange?

Anthony Albanese has not been prominent on Julian Assange, rather he’s been defensive. But the PM and senior Labor figures were quick to claim credit on the news of Assange’s release.

In July 2022 Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus discontinued the prosecution of Bernard Collaery, the lawyer for Timor whistleblower Witness K.

It was not, however, an act of conscience. In his announcement Dreyfus stated that he, in making his decision, had “careful regard to our national security, our national interest and the proper administration of justice.”

The truth of the matter was that the charges were dropped dominantly on national security and national interest grounds, after pressure from the Timorese Government and Australian fears of China’s expansion plans in relation to Timor.

Foreign Minister Senator Wong confirmed this in an answer she provided a Senate Question on notice.

“I discussed the prosecution of Bernard Collaery with the President of Timor-Leste, Jose Ramos-Horta and foreign Minister Adaljiza Magno but telephoned shortly before the Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC MP, announced the discontinuation of the prosecution of Mr Bernard Collaery on 7 July 2022. Both President Ramos-Horta and Foreign Minister Mango have issue public statements referring to our conversations”.


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c57940 No.21091354

File: 705f4ffb67325d0⋯.png (488.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,00000000000a.png)

I been here since the beginning!

where are the bathrooms!?!?!?

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ca4c16 No.21091355

File: a792f582b1fb9fd⋯.jpg (93.57 KB,500x755,100:151,8v3uxt.jpg)

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6565d9 No.21091356

Former Trump Advisor Steve Bannon Asks Supreme Court To Delay Prison Sentence

Steve Bannon Attends Court Hearing For Contempt Of Congress Convictions


Former Trump advisor Steve Bannon asked the Supreme Court Friday to delay his prison sentence.

A federal judge ordered Bannon to report to prison by July 1. Thursday night, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected 2-1 his bid to postpone the four-month sentence while he appeals his conviction for contempt of Congress.

“If Mr. Bannon is not granted continued release pending further appeal, he would likely be forced to serve his entire sentence before this Court could consider the important issues raised in his case, because his sentence would run during the Summer and Fall of 2024, during the Summer recess,” his attorneys told the Supreme Court in the emergency application Friday.

In May, the D.C. Circuit Court of appeals upheld Bannon’s conviction. Bannon’s attorneys have indicated they intend to appeal this ruling for an en banc rehearing or to the Supreme Court.

“There is also no denying the fact that the government seeks to imprison Mr. Bannon for the four-month period immediately preceding the November presidential election,” they continued. “There is no reason for that outcome in a case that presents substantial legal issues.”

Bannon’s attorneys noted the last time a jury convicted anyone on contempt of Congress charges was “fifty years ago,” making prosecutions “exceedingly rare.” They also said the Court should “be mindful of the government’s own conduct when it comes to congressional subpoenas.”

“Congress recently issued subpoenas to DOJ regarding Hunter Biden, yet DOJ instructed its Tax Division lawyers to refuse to comply,” his attorneys wrote.

“‘Jail for thee, not for me’ is hardly an acceptable position for the government.”

The Supreme Court requested the government’s response to Bannon’s application by Wednesday at 4 p.m.


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cadfd2 No.21091357


What if we just have a series of reasonable questions related to JFK, 9/11, and COVID?

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d4eed9 No.21091358

File: 28ad9f7a4d73cdf⋯.png (342.99 KB,539x463,539:463,again2.png)

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4e8778 No.21091359

File: 97c80b69e64e8de⋯.png (992.56 KB,978x690,163:115,declar.png)

has anyone read the declaration of independence? does it include anything about illegal migrants raping and murdering underage americans and the government letting them in?

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c57940 No.21091360

File: 83d74c7aaf29357⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x962,600:481,000.png)

what sort of shit hole is this?!?!?

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324076 No.21091361


getting interesting


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deefe3 No.21091362

File: c985c13cc60f612⋯.png (660.2 KB,747x885,249:295,bluechickencult.png)

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c48422 No.21091363


BREAKING: Bloomberg reports that Norway's largest pension fund is selling its stake in Caterpillar due to potential involvement in human rights violations in Gaza and the West Bank.

[I just saw somewhere about an US Navy submarine near norway… 👀]

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ca4c16 No.21091364





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8abb1d No.21091365


The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit We are God's Children 333

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c57940 No.21091366

File: 429cee67246d059⋯.png (57.4 KB,534x543,178:181,00000a.png)

is this one of them commie pre sorts?!!?

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7957ac No.21091367

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76aec1 No.21091368

They offed Biden.

It wasn't a LARP


Gavin Newsome going to be his stand-in?

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e20bbd No.21091369

File: c417b13e94a3909⋯.png (515.98 KB,557x768,557:768,Krishna_Pepe.png)


Don't worry, I'm not into blackmail. I just want people to see what has already habbened.

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ede8b4 No.21091370

File: 4d9c569e4307854⋯.jpg (12.24 KB,255x255,1:1,jajtb1ddb5c58de3f5d7847581….jpg)

File: 285ae64269d0086⋯.jpg (27.66 KB,596x462,298:231,ja78FaEUIAIv1Cb.jpg)

File: 8e0ab55d1085c70⋯.jpeg (15.34 KB,255x235,51:47,ja3c8f63deb18137585bbdffc….jpeg)

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d5e29a No.21091371

File: b79db35e59de807⋯.jpg (102.58 KB,851x512,851:512,b79db35e59de8076f6fef3482d….jpg)

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526ef7 No.21091372

File: 8da7197a4558b9a⋯.png (308.19 KB,618x544,309:272,ClipboardImage.png)


Do you believe in immortality? Anons should

for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you

Proverbs 3:2

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4e8778 No.21091373

why did Trump imply they are letting in illegal Hannibal Lecter cannibal migrants?

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9890e6 No.21091374

File: d96f0f213096f49⋯.jpg (202.83 KB,1540x460,77:23,media_GRBlU_sWcAA3KQ9.jpg)


The Constitution says that the United States is a republic, not an empire. But the American people are stupid and sick enough to celebrate war against other peoples.

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61bd65 No.21091375


Gavin's literally going to LARP as PDJT.

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d5e29a No.21091377

File: 02cfa646e8e9bbb⋯.jpg (217.74 KB,845x1002,845:1002,02cfa646e8e9bbb5e624ce4ca2….jpg)

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4e8778 No.21091378

Trump seemed to say they are letting in Hannibal Lecters, like "i'm having an old friend for dinner" at the end of hte movie, (hannibal lecter is a cannibal)

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2ce112 No.21091379


No homo


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e20bbd No.21091380

File: 58759b21c0b2548⋯.jpg (62.1 KB,500x500,1:1,Blue_Skull_with_Staff.jpg)


Responsibility for what? Are we being farmed? What happens when we break to paddock fence and take care of ourselves. Who are the farmers?

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d3f213 No.21091381

File: 90b06a5a91b8dbb⋯.jpg (166.24 KB,1392x788,348:197,Babylonbee_2_.jpg)

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e87de5 No.21091382

File: de19eead8bd039b⋯.png (3.64 KB,241x86,241:86,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21091002 [pb]


wget -r -l 4 -np -e robots=off -A pdf https://file.wikileaks.org/file/clinton-emails/ -P C:Clinton_emails


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ede8b4 No.21091383

File: af3afcdad7b0a81⋯.png (16.57 KB,1266x126,211:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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324076 No.21091384

File: 8dd58daa778d495⋯.png (74.39 KB,638x504,319:252,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 873e0721e04fb28⋯.png (164.86 KB,281x303,281:303,ClipboardImage.png)

US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine

A US diplomat has been found dead in Ukraine.

The unnamed embassy staffer was found in a room at the Hilton Hotel in Kyiv on Tuesday morning, per various local reports cited by Newsweek.

The man, who arrived in Ukraine on June 15, reportedly suffered from high cholesterol, according Ukrainian outlet Strana UA.

There were no sounds of foul play found at the scene.


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324076 No.21091386

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7957ac No.21091387


would that be with or without the mask?

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0b0ea0 No.21091388


Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

Reporting by Marianna Parraga in Houston, additional reporting by Dave Sherwood in Havana Reuters June 25, 2024

HOUSTON, June 25 (Reuters) – Venezuela’s state oil company PDVSA has begun using tankers that navigate off radar to supply its closest political ally, Cuba, as a fleet of state-owned vessels that have historically covered the route dwindles, according to documents and ship monitoring services.

Cuba and its main oil supplier, Venezuela, for over a decade had exclusively used their own tankers to navigate between the two countries.

Delayed maintenance, however, has taken some ships out of service and the emergence of Mexico as a new supplier to Cuba using some of the same vessels have the two revamping routes to get desperately needed crude oil and fuel to the island.

A large portion of tanker fleets owned by Venezuela and Cuba are under U.S. sanctions, which also limits their travel. Operated by third parties, dark fleet vessels often lack western insurance and send false location signals to disguise their movement.

PDVSA in June began co-loading crude and fuel oil cargoes that deliver a portion in Cuban waters, and from there depart to destinations in Asia to discharge the remaining volume, according to company shipping documents.

The vessels spoof their signal, making them look elsewhere in the Caribbean while they are discharging in Cuba, often by ship-to-ship transfers, according to monitoring service TankerTrackers.com and a satellite photo by Planet Labs seen by Reuters.

One of the vessels, the Panama-flagged Neptune 6, was last week near Cuba’s Nipe Bay transferring Venezuelan heavy crude and fuel oil to Cuba-flagged vessel Esperanza, according to the documents and photo, analyzed by TankerTrackers.com. The ship’s transponder is signaling a location north of Curacao since late May, according to LSEG data.

PDVSA and the foreign affairs ministries of Venezuela and Cuba did not provide comment. It was not immediately clear if the use of third-party vessels to supply Cuba is temporary.


The extra vessels could help boost Venezuela’s oil supply to Cuba, which so far this year is at 27,000 barrels per day (bpd), compared with 51,500 bpd in the same period of 2023.

The covert help comes as demand for electricity produced by oil-fired plants soars during sultry Cuban summers.

Blackouts that were occasional in Cuba have become routine as imported supplies are limited and logistical issues complicate domestic fuel distribution to its aging power plants.

Cuban energy officials also have said workers are tuning up and providing maintenance to power generating plants ahead of the high-demand summer season, and hope the coming months will see fewer blackouts.

Cuba has not been able to fully recover its oil storage capacity since a devastating fire destroyed a portion of the island’s largest oil terminal, Matanzas. The lack of tanks forces suppliers to transfer cargoes to other ships used for floating storage by Cuba.

In May, Mexico’s state company Pemex resumed oil shipments to Cuba after a three-month pause in the same vessels used to ship oil from Venezuela,


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4e8778 No.21091389

so did Julian Assange delete the Pizzagate emails from Podesta or just the DNC ones that showed that they rigged it against Bernie Sanders (the ones that Seth rich sent i guess)

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0a5cb1 No.21091390

File: b0e7e9c8cfadf28⋯.jpeg (151.11 KB,529x426,529:426,F90955E0_31D5_4830_A21C_5….jpeg)

File: f5547c645c41455⋯.jpeg (91.25 KB,828x633,276:211,05350F46_7D0E_4498_B7B0_C….jpeg)

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526ef7 No.21091391

File: 9cb343306ab681c⋯.png (211.35 KB,431x431,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Gringos go home!

Green Go

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2ce112 No.21091392

File: ef826a3338b4b13⋯.png (396.31 KB,715x655,143:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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62d0ec No.21091393

Kirby telling Americans in Lebanon to prepare to evacuate.

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324076 No.21091394

File: f17615e79510ee7⋯.png (315.63 KB,806x459,806:459,ClipboardImage.png)

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b671e8 No.21091395

Let us first ‘air it’.





The Coding of the two words … I AM … are the HIGHEST FREQUENCIES one can use to BECOME THE I AM.

Become? Are we not of /from it … and therefore, already it?

A good question.

It is the acknowledgment of the I AM within the self, which again activates the Codes and connects from within to the I AM … that is the I AM.

So, if the I AM Codes are already part of us … why do we need to say The Mantra?


Ah Ha! That seems to be a poignant point!

It is. Everything that you are, say, think, respond to … dictates how ‘your’ Codes ‘re-act’, and what Frequency they connect ‘up’ to, depending on the FEELING of what one says, thinks, responds to etc.

The I AM Mantra … cannot just be a particular Code … in/as/of/itself …

a) Because it is forever changing and

b) Because EACH SOUL IS OF THE I AM … and Each Soul resonates within its own individualism. Therefore, the level of Frequency when saying The Mantra depends on the Frequency of the individual and how that reacts to its Vibrational match.

I am following you, although, I’m not sure how. I just don’t know where to take it from here. Do you?

Yes, we do. Let us try and simplify.

Oh, please do!

As one understands more of who they Truly are … their Frequency lifts. It cannot remain on the same ‘level’ as more understanding changes the Codes to a Higher state of themselves.

As the Higher Codes become activated, one’s Beingness … must lift also. It cannot not.

And within those Higher Codes, the FEELING within the Soul-Self changes/activates, and therefore, the Coding within the Mantra itself … moves into a Higher form, which in turn activates and changes into a Higher form … and repeat and repeat.

Keeping in mind when we say Higher form … this allows the Soul-Self … to ‘BE OF’ and ‘reside within’ that Higher form …

It boils down to … THE KNOWING OF WHO YOU ARE.

When you KNOW WHO YOU ARE … TRULY KNOW … the Coding within you and the matching Frequency that you produce when saying and Being of the Mantra … takes you to a place that moves the Soul’s Love/Loving of itself and ALL THAT IS … into a recognition of Home.

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0a5cb1 No.21091396

File: 04d4306f9ced743⋯.jpeg (216.71 KB,590x519,590:519,F0959789_070A_41FF_A3B3_0….jpeg)

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b6d803 No.21091397

File: 2c3cab75c2d4318⋯.png (92.01 KB,441x71,441:71,Screenshot_7632_.png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)

File: 884e590afb17a5f⋯.png (5.42 MB,1789x1057,1789:1057,capture_242_28122023_15313….png)

File: 614c1a7d66de0b3⋯.png (520.56 KB,587x302,587:302,capture_1921_21012024_0923….png)

File: 6f6b0a137b4f911⋯.png (2.09 MB,696x1047,232:349,Screenshot_6173_.png)


Go to bed aei.

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9890e6 No.21091398

File: ef8bb313b533a19⋯.png (26.85 KB,613x191,613:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Mike Pompeo


Jun 23

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Matthew 28:19

#SundayScripture ✝️

Jun 23, 2024 · 6:34 PM UTC






American Empire/Samsom option in progress.

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68daf7 No.21091399

File: 4f4fa3bf76c7fb7⋯.png (18.33 KB,300x173,300:173,ClipboardImage.png)


It's not really "The United States" it's the ZOG ZIONIST OWNED Government.

and Every.Single.Power.Position of Financial and Foreign Policy is Occupied by a Jewish Cabalist or a Crypto-Jew such as Madeleine Albright and John he's-not-Irish Kerry.

All Jewish Cabalists in our Gov't are Israel First - Antony Blinken in Israel said: "I'm here as a Jew." NOT the Sec'y of State of America.

Every member of Congress are bribed, blackmailed and controlled by Jewish Kabal $$$.

The US is Under Zionist Jewish Kabal RICO Level Occupation.

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cf5d71 No.21091400

File: ed8d110b5c58afd⋯.png (1.18 MB,1080x1018,540:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad8cec No.21091401


yo, yer hemi aint got no water injection!


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2ce112 No.21091402


Uh huh


Likely a card carrying clown that didn't deliver the goods, judas priest, so he must've got lost

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0a5cb1 No.21091403

File: 7091e128be3c384⋯.jpeg (338.38 KB,828x431,828:431,F1A7ECA1_ECFB_432C_BE46_9….jpeg)

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324076 No.21091404

File: 17d694fee6a8edc⋯.png (1.27 MB,707x906,707:906,ClipboardImage.png)

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6565d9 No.21091405

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”: Noel Fritsch On Ashley Biden Journal



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526ef7 No.21091406





nope, not the word of god. try this one instead





Man wrote a book instead



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324076 No.21091408

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8abb1d No.21091409

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e20bbd No.21091410

File: 574a0ff57bf35c1⋯.png (1.9 MB,1536x1024,3:2,First_aniversary_American_….png)


American Bathists 2024

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233ee7 No.21091411

File: 2c615ce2766a7a8⋯.jpg (90.03 KB,898x500,449:250,Chuck_Schumer.jpg)

Victim of NYC antisemitic dog poop attack predicts attacker will get slap on the wrist if caught

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9890e6 No.21091412

File: 827b940b839f3dd⋯.png (123.95 KB,615x480,41:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4d9354e878c0aa⋯.png (114.52 KB,640x484,160:121,ClipboardImage.png)



American Pedos in panic mode?


Trust Kansas

Mexico´s Coup next.

Make Jewsrael Great Again

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3d6d52 No.21091413

File: a8265942dfc4905⋯.jpeg (672.7 KB,1170x2162,585:1081,IMG_9300.jpeg)

Julian Assange is reportedly on his way to freedom after agreeing to plead guilty to a felony under the Espionage Act. Maybe a sentence of time served is enough, given his five years in British prison and his seven years holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy. But don’t fall for the idea that Mr. Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a persecuted “publisher.”

Julian Assange is reportedly on his way to freedom after agreeing to plead guilty to a felony under the Espionage Act. Maybe a sentence of time served is enough, given his five years in British prison and his seven years holed up in the Ecuadorean Embassy. But don’t fall for the idea that Mr. Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a persecuted “publisher.”

Former CIA Director Mike Pompeo once described WikiLeaks as “a nonstate hostile intelligence service,” and the label fits. When the U.S. indicted Mr. Assange under the Espionage Act in 2019, Assistant Attorney General John Demers cited the totality of his conduct, soliciting and dumping online classified information that could put the lives of American allies in jeopardy: “No responsible actor—journalist or otherwise—would purposely publish the names of individuals he or she knew to be confidential human sources in war zones.”

A year later, in unveiling a superseding indictment alleging a broader conspiracy on computer intrusion, the Justice Department said Mr. Assange “communicated directly with a leader of the hacking group LulzSec (who by then was cooperating with the FBI), and provided a list of targets for LulzSec to hack.”

Amid the 2016 election, WikiLeaks published embarrassing internal emails from Democratic power brokers.

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526ef7 No.21091414


almost 1 GIG?!!!


tanks anon

gonna have to mull this over

anyway to compress and add to anon files?

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324076 No.21091415


Or they found out wtf was really going on and spoke out

then got clipped

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2ce112 No.21091416


Nor that nifty radial engine growl….

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b671e8 No.21091417

File: 7b624d7dd5e415e⋯.png (574.19 KB,1429x708,1429:708,amun_amen.PNG)


Amun Ra

Amun = Amen

When you say Amen, you are thanking an evil entity.

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62d0ec No.21091418

File: df4ccd193e1e9c1⋯.png (115.22 KB,395x592,395:592,ClipboardImage.png)



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324076 No.21091419


They shall not kill Mike

You fucking fraud

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0a5cb1 No.21091420

File: 4b8a14d116ad72c⋯.jpeg (146.61 KB,828x462,138:77,7F17B07B_EB78_4029_96E1_1….jpeg)


Because commie needs chaos for more commie.

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9890e6 No.21091421

File: e0e530a67864421⋯.jpg (193.17 KB,1024x478,512:239,women_rights.jpg)

Keep America a Britsh Colony!

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324076 No.21091422


But you stole many of my files you fat cunt and gave hem to the intel agencies and Gov cocksucker

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526ef7 No.21091423


tanks anon, dont have torrent

see what i can do on my end tho

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e20bbd No.21091424


What does that say about the Hebrews escaping Egypt? Isis, Ra and El?

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75a089 No.21091425

fagioli soup is not a wedding

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75a089 No.21091426


bannon can really toss salad

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324076 No.21091427

File: f7307ba7603a2ce⋯.png (8.58 KB,717x124,717:124,ClipboardImage.png)

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75a089 No.21091428

bread schtick gaggin bi pete an beto an barrack

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f2db05 No.21091429


might come in handy when he's sent to the klink

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34ca7c No.21091430


July 2024 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

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ca4c16 No.21091431

File: 708874d4d0a39c2⋯.jpg (32.02 KB,261x390,87:130,Screenshot_20240626_171304….jpg)

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75a089 No.21091432

hot available single rabbi in durh patio

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d4eed9 No.21091433

File: 41b94a420224ca1⋯.jpg (272.39 KB,1083x609,361:203,ab51733ba7ee90af4ebeeaac48….jpg)

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75a089 No.21091434


mo wore a dress for oliver before that

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324076 No.21091435

“Are You Politicizing This?!” – Reporter Confronts Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo For Blaming Trump For Brutal Killing and Rape of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray By Illegals

Jocelyn Nungaray died by strangulation.

Lina Hidalgo politicized the brutal murder of the child and blamed Trump and Republicans.

“It hurts even more that they are being used as pawns in this fight for immigration which doesn’t even exist because Biden and McConnell agree. It’s just that Trump won’t let them move forward,” Hidalgo said.

A reporter wasn’t having it and confronted Hidalgo.

“Are you politicizing this?” the reporter asked Lina Hidalgo.


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b671e8 No.21091436

File: 90b7327c2373024⋯.png (432.28 KB,1571x472,1571:472,monolith15.PNG)

Another monolith

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7662a1 No.21091437

File: 89629f4ba003e40⋯.png (114.36 KB,700x755,140:151,m75n547457.PNG)

Trump Pulls Ahead in National Polls

June 26, 2024 =

A new Quinnipiac poll finds Donald Trump leads with 43% support, Joe Biden receives 37% support, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. receives 11% support, Jill Stein receives 2% support, Cornel West receives 2% support, and Chase Oliver receives 1% support.

A new New York Times/Siena poll finds Trump leading BIden nationally, 48% to 44% among likely voters.


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52fca4 No.21091438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live Coverage: Possible Coup Attempt in Bolivia

Steve Lookner is on the case.


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e20bbd No.21091439

File: b876d30496d43da⋯.jpg (52.86 KB,900x862,450:431,Maslow_bpd_pyramid.jpg)


Hit me up with those gematria digits. Ya boy will hola at 'cha.

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5c2dd4 No.21091440

File: e9395a5f92f65a0⋯.png (384.4 KB,945x2048,945:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

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72b54f No.21091442


does it contain wifi that can see your nads?

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d406cb No.21091443

File: d7d69a13b302d29⋯.png (742.55 KB,838x816,419:408,ChickenBoy2.png)

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9890e6 No.21091444

File: cd386fa2ee60e60⋯.png (201.02 KB,622x321,622:321,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 771169d973859f5⋯.png (166.26 KB,462x250,231:125,ClipboardImage.png)




S p r i n t e r F a m i l y



Bolivia accounts for 24% of the world's lithium reserves

Jun 26, 2024 · 9:15 PM UTC


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0b0ea0 No.21091445

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I prefer the song of a Merlin

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cf34eb No.21091446

File: a9baba8952349c2⋯.png (292.16 KB,1115x711,1115:711,Ghidra_ProjectV2.png)

This is a Quatum battle fought using infinite game theory against an opponent who has been utilizing finite game theory for decades. They don't realize they have already lost.


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b671e8 No.21091447

File: 4e12578171abbc7⋯.png (2 MB,768x1021,768:1021,monolith_colorodo.png)

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d92c52 No.21091448

File: bc9e1d91efe3977⋯.jpeg (166.76 KB,640x838,320:419,IMG_3860.jpeg)

File: decd9887b8a9586⋯.jpeg (119.41 KB,851x512,851:512,IMG_6047.jpeg)

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1441c4 No.21091450

File: 59d828bc030d581⋯.png (67.79 KB,629x680,37:40,59d828bc030d5815964a6532e2….png)

Seems like a great night for a Q drop or macafee vid

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d4eed9 No.21091451

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)


Why are there never pictures of the edges? You'd think monoliths placed by extraterrestrials wouldn't have weld lines or they'd have something better than arc or mig/tig welding to join metal together.

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3f7ecd No.21091452

File: a1f85103dc3b75c⋯.jpg (3.2 MB,5599x6000,5599:6000,Godfather_III.jpg)

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7662a1 No.21091453

File: c59a00aa5e6ba14⋯.png (555.72 KB,1133x710,1133:710,364g633h363.PNG)

Polling guru Nate Silver gives Donald Trump a 66% chance of winning presidential election

Silver's forecast model gives Trump a 65.7 percent chance to reach 270 electoral votes


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75a089 No.21091454

File: 97e6f29a98f002f⋯.png (479.57 KB,500x500,1:1,97e6f29a98f002f285f1a9d10c….png)

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f9fc3f No.21091455

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324076 No.21091456

Russian expert: U.S. is plotting crimes against the Arab peoples

Sergei Markov, Director of the Institute for Political Studies and member of the Defense Policy Council in Russia, said that the United States plays the role of the main mastermind of all the conspiracies and crimes committed against the Arab peoples, especially against the Syrians.

The United States’ occupation of Syria’s territories and looting its natural resources and the Western coercive measures imposed on Syria deepen the suffering of the Syrian people, in an interview with SANA’s correspondent in Moscow, Markov said.

He emphasized the right of the Syrian people to resist the occupation and expel the occupiers from their country and demand legitimate compensation for the destruction they have caused to the infrastructure, in addition to prosecuting foreign officials for the crimes they have committed against their country.

In a similar interview, Viktor Nodin-Yerevsky, Senior Researcher at the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences, condemned the American occupation of Syrian territory, stressing that the Americans have no right to remain on the territory of a sovereign state and a member of the United Nations.


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ca4c16 No.21091457


You'll find out

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68daf7 No.21091458

File: 867bdc3099009f2⋯.png (116.28 KB,1399x1600,1399:1600,ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks Baker!

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d406cb No.21091459

File: e1faf1da9ddbcd3⋯.jpeg (28.52 KB,320x320,1:1,angrysheep.jpeg)

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526ef7 No.21091460

File: f94ae931ba1696e⋯.png (53.58 KB,851x705,851:705,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21091418 ok got it


tanks again anon

Seems i had a torrent app already installed

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7957ac No.21091461


it would be 100% if the cheating was removed

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cf5d71 No.21091462


Emptying and aiding and abetting others to empty their prisons and mental hospitals into the USA is an act of war.

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b671e8 No.21091463



-monoliths- (Channeled Message)

I am of course, going to start with the topic of the monoliths. Since we last 'spoke' many more 'valid' ones have been revealed in the strangest of places around the Globe. There is naturally much speculation and intrigue. Many are pranks it seems … yet, some have no explanation. So, perhaps I should just let you flow with it.

So, you say they are monitors? Monitoring what exactly?

Monitoring frequencies, Energetic magnetics within a large area around each one. Monitoring the surroundings and keeping a balance energetically in those places where they are set … in order to make sure they are in alignment for their 'duty'.

Which is?

That, must be kept under wraps for obvious reasons. Yet, you can feel something afoot can you not?

Only a feeling, yes. Accompanied by a vague image that is difficult to describe, of these structures being activated at a certain time, all together, reflecting Light from the Sun. Hold on a minute … I think it is you that should be saying this, as it is coming clearer as I write.

You were indeed, doing our job very well.

What we can tell you is that what you say is correct. They shall be … activated/switched on … at a certain point in time and create … within themselves/yet, all together as one … an Energy as never before known.

Yes, the Sun is very much involved. We would say, that the Sun at a certain height and Power … at a certain given time … is 'Their Key'.

We would say, that all needs to be in place by then as they work together. They are designed to be a team, would we say.

When you said there shall be many, I was surprised to see others turn up so soon.

They shall 'arrive' in stages. Settling their Energy in, a few at a time … in order to get established and 'set in stone' in position.

Are they connected with the HUGE announcement?

Not directly. That is still ongoing … and all we have said about it shall come to pass.

Ok. You say they are activators. Activating what exactly?

We would say 'Everything' as a general answer. Yet, there are many targeted missions that these structures are to reboot.

Reboot? That is interesting. How so?

These monument (al) structures are to be set in certain lay lines and grid webs that can send their … 'Electricity/Energy … flowing through the entire system.

You know of 'Stone Henge and other connected stones placed long ago within the Earth's boundaries … in order for 'Star alignments' to work with them.

In these times, these 'StarBeams' are essentially in place to 'change the course' from that which has been so deeply buried in darkness, to that which brings in such magnificent Light in order to assist the transformation from the old to the new.

StarBeams? Do you mean the monoliths? Or the stars that are coming into alignment?

We mean the monoliths. For they shall indeed, appear as such when activated. Their Energy of Light will not be of your strongest lighting system … yet, beyond anything you have known.

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ede8b4 No.21091464


This ^^^ is actually very logical.

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1441c4 No.21091465


Anon has noticed that Steve's audience has become increasingly MAGA over the past two years. Feels good man

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bbc94b No.21091466


<"The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom

Coming from a commie dictator, this is about as believable as a hetero marco rubio

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24d6e0 No.21091467

File: b9468ca98c8e61e⋯.gif (434.04 KB,400x171,400:171,ba0fe81a_8972_4dd1_b7ab_91….gif)


A Q drop? At the rate of these deltas?

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f48daa No.21091468


Like hell you will

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d406cb No.21091469

File: b444ee949b30523⋯.jpg (88.45 KB,1024x512,2:1,EnjoyTheShow1.jpg)

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c71c1e No.21091470


Variable displacement systems. It was bad idea on the Cadillac back in the day. And it's a bad idea on the more modern Chrysler hemi. And that's leaving variable valve timing completely out of the conversation.

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76aec1 No.21091471

File: ecd8697831edf78⋯.jpeg (116.83 KB,828x591,276:197,antifaletout.jpeg)


NO, one of the objects for which the Federal Government was empowered was to "PROTECT THE BORDER"

that's why if anybody had gutts, Biden and his whole clown show would be impeached by now.


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962844 No.21091472

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d5330a No.21091473

Does anyone know the name, maybe link to this full documentary? (Is too big to upload.)

This goes too deep down the rabbit hole


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9890e6 No.21091474

File: ce31b38c50289c6⋯.png (149.58 KB,615x542,615:542,ClipboardImage.png)




They own Argentina.

They own Chile.

They're going after Bolivia! 🚨

Jun 26, 2024 · 9:18 PM UTC



>Bolivia accounts for 24% of the world's lithium reserves

Great job Q

More pain for the good ppl

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5c2dd4 No.21091475


When did God say ‘this is my word.’?

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4ba5f3 No.21091476

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,2b2048814a88cc6bce64e51b70….png)

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ede8b4 No.21091477


This ^^^ is also very logical.

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e20bbd No.21091478




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5c2dd4 No.21091479

Nate Silver gave Trump a great gift today saying Trump is leading in polls.

Great talking point

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7957ac No.21091480



Amenhotep III (Ancient Egyptian: jmn-ḥtp(.w) Amānəḥūtpū, IPA: [ʔaˌmaːnəʔˈħutpu];[4][5] "Amun is satisfied"[6]), also known as Amenhotep the Magnificent or Amenhotep the Great and Hellenized as Amenophis III, was the ninth pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. According to different authors, he ruled Egypt from June 1386 to 1349 BC, or from June 1388 BC to December 1351 BC/1350 BC,[7] after his father Thutmose IV died. Amenhotep was Thutmose's son by a minor wife, Mutemwiya.[8]

His reign was a period of unprecedented prosperity and splendour, when Egypt reached the peak of its artistic and international power, and as such he is considered one of ancient Egypt's greatest pharaohs.[9][10][11]

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d92c52 No.21091481

File: a0223804469b872⋯.jpeg (49.45 KB,255x252,85:84,IMG_5833.jpeg)


> Panic in DC

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2ce112 No.21091482


Sweet tune

Air cooled v liquid cooled

Someone shooting back…rather have jugs

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b1e36c No.21091483

File: 9334b9227ed743a⋯.png (149.09 KB,1528x928,191:116,June_26_Massive_Migrant_Cr….png)

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75a089 No.21091484

Jom Kipoer (Grote Verzoendag) 2024 - beleven.org

Jom Kipoer (voluit Jom ha-Kippoeriem = Dag van de Vergevingen) is de heiligste dag van het joodse jaar en daarmee de belangrijkste joodse feestdag. Op deze dag beslist God over het lot van de mensen in het komende jaar.

Weekend Van De Klant

21 jun. 2024 - Weekend van de Klant. Datum: zaterdag 5 en zondag 6 https://www.newsweek.com/kapparot-why-thousands-chickens-will-die-israel-today-controversial-religious-1124404

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b671e8 No.21091485

File: 81a93e7a3b91e6e⋯.png (77.4 KB,1352x628,338:157,2450.png)


>In these times, these 'StarBeams' are essentially in place to 'change the course' from that which has been so deeply buried in darkness, to that which brings in such magnificent Light in order to assist the transformation from the old to the new.

>StarBeams? Do you mean the monoliths? Or the stars that are coming into alignment?

>We mean the monoliths. For they shall indeed, appear as such when activated. Their Energy of Light will not be of your strongest lighting system … yet, beyond anything you have known.

Time will tell, you read it here first if so.

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9890e6 No.21091486

File: 27e7a4d2ba2ed72⋯.png (206.71 KB,559x545,559:545,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b25a1 No.21091487

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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1441c4 No.21091488

File: 05bbe4e61bbf87a⋯.jpg (441.8 KB,953x911,953:911,Screenshot_20201127_111224….jpg)


Valid response, anon. Macafee vid request, it is, then

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52fca4 No.21091489


Patience and endurance is a helluva drug.

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7662a1 No.21091490

File: bd2ff61ff215fe0⋯.png (89.33 KB,520x699,520:699,764mj67465j4j.PNG)

Juan Orlando Hernandez, Former President Of Honduras, Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute More Than 400 Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said: “As the former two-term president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez had every opportunity to affect positive change for his country. Instead, Hernandez helped to facilitate the importation of an almost unfathomable 400 tons of cocaine to this country: billions of individual doses sent to the United States with the protection and support of the former president of Honduras. Now, after years of destructive narco-trafficking of the highest imaginable magnitude, Hernandez will spend 45 years where he belongs: in federal prison.”


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5c2dd4 No.21091491

File: 6f8454f474245eb⋯.jpeg (744.26 KB,1170x1967,1170:1967,IMG_9853.jpeg)


Walk gave Trump a great gift too today before the debate

Trump trusted more on democracy issue in Swong states


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7662a1 No.21091492

House Republicans vote to defund Mayorkas salary in Homeland Security funding bill

The amendment to withhold the salary was introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs from Arizona, and passed in a 193 to 173 vote, per Fox News. Only Republican voted against the amendment.

The House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to block Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas's salary, as part of a larger appropriations bill for the Department of Homeland Security.

The amendment to withhold the salary was introduced by Rep. Andy Biggs from Arizona, and passed in a 193 to 173 vote, per Fox News. Only one Republican voted against the amendment.

"Taxpayers should not be paying an unelected bureaucrat who was impeached by the House. That's why I sponsored an amendment to this year's Homeland Security Appropriations Act to prohibit funding to be used for the salary of DHS Secretary Mayorkas," Biggs wrote on X before the vote.


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bf19ae No.21091493

File: 1696261bbc73a5f⋯.png (751.68 KB,903x1253,129:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22dbd57d4abc2c7⋯.png (35.74 KB,560x497,80:71,ClipboardImage.png)

Re: >>21090508 , >>21090794


The Red Tails were a group of African American pilots who served in the United States Army Air Forces (USAAF) during World War II. Named after the Red Tail Hawk, they were part of the 332nd Fighter Group, also known as the Tuskegee Airmen, and were the first black military aviators in the US Armed Forces.

They were the first African American pilots to be trained in the US military, and many doubted their ability to fly combat missions. The program was initially met with skepticism, and the pilots were subjected to racial segregation and discrimination. The Tuskegee Airmen were also tasked with flying near-suicide missions, including low-level strafing runs and high-altitude bombing missions. These missions were extremely dangerous, and many pilots were lost in action. Despite these risks, the Tuskegee Airmen continued to fly with bravery and skill, earning the respect of their peers and the admiration of the public.

1:07PM [13:07 military time/reference]

See Q1307

Funny how Germany and France referenced - given latest electoral collapses there? POTUS didn't take the bait, and Julian Assange's release also implicates US Allies (notably Five Eyes). And Julian's information involves witnessing political assassinat!ons between the partners using espionage techniques (building jumpers, 'car accidents'/Hastings & Chao, 'dart gun-heart attacks'/Breitbart, etc).

Re: >>21090508, >>21090537 [Hawk Tuah - kek], >>21090508, >>21090508, >>21090794 [excellent reference]

Anon Comment

Is this a reference to what has been passing above our airspace unnoticed? See also, high altitude balloons over the last few months - completely ignored by US media.

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ad0349 No.21091494

Tucker absolutely BTFO those two fake news cretins in Australia.

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7df162 No.21091495

File: 6154d05c075a2bc⋯.png (637.81 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post




Tommy DeVito’s agent, Sean Stellato, gifts Pope Francis football in Vatican visit https://trib.al/pRM94PH


2:06 PM · Jun 26, 2024




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3b25a1 No.21091496


Variable cylinder control caused big issues on Honda 3.5 v-6 engines, too.

Oil burning, ring wear, vibration, destroyed motor mounts, etc.

Otherwise, it was a great engine.

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358b62 No.21091497


No sounds okay

What about signs of foul play

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1441c4 No.21091498

File: 550cd4666d4a11f⋯.gif (536.16 KB,800x792,100:99,1650055305_1.gif)

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52fca4 No.21091499

File: 3063a443d66fa54⋯.png (2.31 MB,1600x960,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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526ef7 No.21091500



>When did God say ‘this is my word.’?

John 1:1 In the beginning was THE Word, and THE Word was with God,

>>21091477 ^^

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9890e6 No.21091501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nirvana - Lithium

Sweet dreams/California dreaming

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68daf7 No.21091502

File: 9f35b2ae267748c⋯.png (236.19 KB,1200x676,300:169,ClipboardImage.png)

Only 675,000 LEGAL Immigrants Per Year Are Allowed By Law

The Massive Flood of Illegal "migrants" being let into our country by our corrupt Government has destroyed the concept of LEGAL immigration, and Americans have no clue as to HOW MANY Legal Immigrants are actually allowed under our Law?

It took Anon awhile to find it:

The INA allows the United States to grant up to 675,000 permanent Immigrant Visas each year across various visa categories.

Mike Adams (Natural News) and Michael Yon (he was the first to show video of the 40 busloads a day of Illegal "migrants" from the Darien Gap up to the US Border) have said that Texas Border Patrol told them"12 Million to 13 Million Illegalimmigrants have crossed the border into the US since the 3 years of the Biden regime."'''

On top of those 675,000 visas, the INA sets no limit on the annual admission of U.S. citizens’ spouses, parents, and children under the age of 21.

In addition, each year the President is required to consult with Congress and set an annual number of refugees to be admitted to the United States through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program.

Sauce: https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/research/how-united-states-immigration-system-works

Websites with Info re: US Immigration Policy:

DHS Legal Immigration 2022 US Immigration Timeline



Key Findings about Immigrants https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/08/20/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/

Key Facts US Immigration Policy, Biden's proposed Changes


The evil Cabal that is ruining our world has through their control of Corporate media, big tech, advertising and our corrupt gov't has weaponized language to wipe out the concept of "Legal Immigration" into the US.

Notice how over the past years, words like "Illegal" and "Unconstitutional" have been 100% eliminated from all controlled MSM and Social Media public discourse. Even our corrupt Congress seems to have forgotten these words. When was the last time you heard the term "LEGAL Immigration", or exactly what it is?

*ILLEGAL Entry -"Illegal Alien" was/is the official gov't designation for illegal aliens.

MSM and Democrats changed it to "Undocumented Immigrant" like they are bona fide immigrants, just missing a casual "document." That's like saying that if someone steals your house and lives in it, they're the "Undocumented" homeowner of your house.

Now they changed it to the one word "migrants." normalizing it into a broad category as if it's natural for hordes of poor people from anywhere to simply enter our country, like millions of birds migrating from one continent to another. Like the natural currents of the ocean.

They've completely erased the notion that the Millions of foreign military aged men crossing illegally across our border is a "Violation" of our country's Laws.

Below are some other sites that I found but it's really difficult to get a sense of what actually is LEGAL Immigration, like how many from which countries?

I think that prior to the 60's there were immigration quotas for each foreign country. The per country quotas have been eliminated and I don't know how the gov't now decides how many to accept from where?

*No Comparison of Legal vs Illegal Immigration

Without any mention of Legal Immigration numbers allowed into the US there's no concept in the public's mind of just how vastly our country has been deliberately "replacement migration" invaded with millions of illegal aliens. Without a legal metric, we don't really know HOW BAD it is.

5 million illegal border crossers during Resident Biden's 3 years?  (how many during Obama's reign of treason?)5 Millionis a vague nebulous figure until you realize that theOfficial US Gov't Legal Immigration number allowed is actually 675,000 per year.

Websites with Info re: US Immigration Policy:

DHS Legal Immigration 2022 US Immigration Timeline



Key Findings about Immigrants https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/08/20/key-findings-about-u-s-immigrants/

Key Facts US Immigration Policy, Biden's proposed Changes


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5c2dd4 No.21091503


That’s totally different

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324076 No.21091504


wordsmithing like that all thru the article

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526ef7 No.21091505



I wrote the long version out for anons

but here is the short for you

Amen -> AUMen -> OMen -> OM

#BeGolden #LedToGold

enjoy and hope that scrambles your brain for the day

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75a089 No.21091506

polynesian thauce machen durh chic fil a grosse weider alles uber heimat mach jetzt https://www.capecharlesmirror.com/machipongos-united-poultry-concerns-vows-to-fight-ritual-killing-of-chickens/

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892fb8 No.21091507

File: d2a1b320b256e8a⋯.jpg (127.12 KB,888x499,888:499,comfycat.jpg)

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a0fd83 No.21091508

File: 5bceaccc8aa9a26⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,426x320,213:160,Bad_Moon.mp4)

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75a089 No.21091509

https://www.newsweek.com/kapparot-why-thousands-chickens-will-die-israel-today-controversial-religious-1124404 thou shall not double dip durh tendies

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0b0ea0 No.21091510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Roger jug

Pratt & Whitney R-2800 radial rated at 2,430 hp

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ede8b4 No.21091511

File: 40157392b67c56b⋯.png (86.66 KB,372x192,31:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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526ef7 No.21091512


I already know.

you should have expected that

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56063c No.21091513

File: 3d105575ee9b62c⋯.jpg (58 KB,960x540,16:9,ZomboMeme_26062024053602.jpg)

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f2db05 No.21091514

File: 473ba15a6e33cce⋯.png (164.85 KB,430x175,86:35,Screenshot_2024_06_26_at_1….png)


so why does greta have african children digging for lithium?

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526ef7 No.21091515




you trying that cognitive dissonance thing on me anon?

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d7a02a No.21091516


what is that drop doing there?

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95be32 No.21091517

File: 4ca7da87fce932e⋯.png (599.96 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

Soros-Backed California DA Gascon’s ‘Ethics and Integrity’ Top Official Faces 11 Felony Charges

In a significant blow to Soros-backed Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón’s administration, Diana Teran, one of his top officials tasked with maintaining ‘ethics and integrity,’ is facing 11 serious felony charges.

Teran, who was heavily involved in managing critical law enforcement databases, is accused of illegally accessing over 1,600 peace officer files, according to a report by FOX 11.

Teran’s case is linked to an incident involving Joseph Iniguez, who was Gascón’s chief of staff at the time of his controversial arrest in December 2021 on a traffic violation and suspicion of drunken driving.

Iniguez, who has since been promoted to chief deputy district attorney, was allegedly recorded clashing with police officers and interrupting their investigation while under the influence of alcohol.


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2fba47 No.21091518

Attempted coup in Bolivia now?

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7df162 No.21091519

File: 6736b40a7eab43f⋯.png (570.3 KB,754x563,754:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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75a089 No.21091520

https://www.jewishideas.org/article/problematic-practice-kapparot glen still toss salad tho

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1441c4 No.21091521


Military reportedly replacing cabinet, not the president at this time

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9b6b17 No.21091522

File: b8ed5ee66ca97ba⋯.jpeg (173.88 KB,814x786,407:393,IMG_2370.jpeg)

File: d534ac1358c3e19⋯.png (37.16 KB,796x498,398:249,IMG_2375.png)

I can almost feel it getting closer…

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a0fd83 No.21091523

File: 48d44d0aa766b07⋯.mp4 (12.54 MB,960x720,4:3,48d44d0aa766b07fafeeeabe9b….mp4)

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d406cb No.21091524

File: ff1423c63c3b2e2⋯.jpg (190.26 KB,1024x820,256:205,609331.jpg)

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526ef7 No.21091525



In the beginning was Conscious Energy (GOD)

which generated a sound (The Word - OM)

The Word Created Matter (Light) from sound

The Light created (You)

*Sonoluminesance is real

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75a089 No.21091526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

these kenedy trotskyites of a harry volcano gasket ought to go to chucky cheese and sit on british pounds an pray to peter pan

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e7dc3d No.21091527


answer your own questions.

don't present your skepticism as proof.

If you knew you'd know.

you'd have the gift of comprehension.

but you don't.

so you think these clever quarries are conundrums, but they aren't.

maybe some day you'll be touched by the Holy Spirit and then you'll understand.

until that time you sound like a child on the first day of class.

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ad0349 No.21091528

File: 23c90599331d486⋯.png (480.53 KB,553x1200,553:1200,ClipboardImage.png)

This is a must watch video. Do you realize what this means? We have video evidence of a child being delivered from across the border to a CIA affiliate actor

The "intelligence community".


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bfff0e No.21091529

File: b488d4edf0fa16d⋯.png (3.44 MB,1600x1200,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Tamara Lich Tommy Robinson


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75a089 No.21091530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6k years of gibburish

all for a larp

an chic fil a

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d406cb No.21091531

File: a2a357f78a80db4⋯.png (1.63 MB,852x1131,284:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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979732 No.21091532

File: eaac2307eae31cd⋯.gif (970.48 KB,360x480,3:4,Enjoy_the_show.gif)


Tyb, Love you too!

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7662a1 No.21091533

File: e2c0d44b5598a80⋯.png (702.92 KB,873x682,873:682,5n23542b35b23542.PNG)

The stage is finally set.


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4ba5f3 No.21091534

File: 2ab3c4d208e99ef⋯.jpg (199.34 KB,1165x822,1165:822,2ab3c4d208e99efa3e5009abdf….jpg)



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9890e6 No.21091535

File: 6827e15f7f0ca32⋯.jpg (74.89 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,Raeumung_von_Luetzerath_Gr….jpg)


>so why does greta have african children digging for lithium?

Are you sure that what they are looking for is lithium?

Perhaps lithium is the ashes of fallen angels…

Just as oil is Pindar's excrement after eating children.

Expand your thinkng.

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e7dc3d No.21091536


mocking scripture isn't anything, anon.

it's just you being playful with words.

it proves nothing, it provides nothing, it gives no insight, and it's void of purpose other than to demonstrate your own lack.

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2fba47 No.21091537


Anon likes jugs

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f9fc3f No.21091538

File: bbd0c087c2deb6e⋯.png (5.42 KB,754x49,754:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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b671e8 No.21091539

Truther anon friend wouldn't vote Trump because Trump didn't get Assange out of prison.

Now that Biden got him out…

No luck getting him onboard MAGA

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324076 No.21091540

File: fa1f23e8a4f2bd6⋯.png (335.39 KB,511x433,511:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88068680ea8bbe7⋯.png (524.97 KB,680x358,340:179,ClipboardImage.png)

Dramatic Scenes Of Military-Led Coup In Progress In Bolivia

There are emerging reports of a military coup going down in Bolivia on Wednesday, with embattled President Luis Arce denouncing the "irregular mobilization" of some units of the national army.

He has accused the country's top general, Gen. Juan Jose Zuniga,of plotting a coup, and warned "You need to respect democracy."

According to Reuters, "Heavily armed soldiers and armored vehicles were seen gathering in the capital's Plaza Murillo, according to videos shared on social media."

"Former President Evo Morales, who has publicly split with Arce even though both belong to same socialist movement, announced a national mobilization of his supporters to support democracy in a separate post on X," the report continues.

There are widespread reports that armored vehicles are destroying the door of the Presidential Palace, and that armed troops are breaking in.

Bolivia state TV is airing the following dramatic footage…


Amid road blockages and works stoppages across the capital, each side is urging their forces and supporters to urgently assist:

Presidential Minister María Nela Prada said military and tanks were taking over Plaza Murillo in La Paz, calling it an “attempted coup d’état.” The people are “on alert to defend democracy,” she said to local television station Red Uno.

The general commander of the army, Juan José Zúñiga, present in the same square, confirmed that there was a movement of uniformed officers, and said: “We are upset by the affront, enough is enough.”

Currently protesters supporting Arce are filling up some of the streets leading to the square while chanting pro-Arce slogans and on their way to confront the mutiny.

The following widely circulating and astounding photograph shows President Arce meeting the leader of the attempted military coup face-to-face at the doors of the Presidential Palace:


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acd723 No.21091541

File: d6287588af63ba0⋯.png (1001.46 KB,1554x893,1554:893,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 901b46e49050a13⋯.png (890.69 KB,1418x741,1418:741,ClipboardImage.png)


Note: Always keep a close eye on the enemy, these will be the people who will ruin the united kingdom for the next 5 years.

Anon will be hitting the meme machines, a picture paints a thousand words !!!


The Shadow Cabinet is made up of Keir Starmer and his top team in Parliament.

Take a look at who they are and what they do.



Labour’s Full Frontbench

Keir Starmer Leader of the Opposition

Angela Rayner Deputy Leader, Shadow Deputy Prime Minister and Shadow Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities

Anneliese Dodds Party Chair, Chair of Labour Policy Review and Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities

Jessica Morden Leader of the Opposition’s Parliamentary Private Secretary

Nav Mishra Deputy Leader’s Parliamentary Private Secretary

Chris Elmore Parliamentary Lead for the Labour Party Chair

Business and Trade

Jonathan Reynolds Shadow Secretary of State for Business and Trade

Sarah Jones Shadow Minister for Industry and Decarbonisation (joint with Energy Security and Net Zero)

Justin Madders Shadow Minister for Business, Employment Rights and Levelling Up (joint with DLUCH)

Gareth Thomas Shadow Minister for Trade

Rushanara Ali Shadow Minister for Investment and Small Business

Tan Dhesi Shadow Minister for Exports

Lord (Iain) McNicol of West Kilbride Shadow Spokesperson

Lord (Sonny) Leong Shadow Spokesperson

Energy Security and Net Zero

Ed Miliband Shadow Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero

Alan Whitehead Shadow Minister for Energy Security

Sarah Jones Shadow Minister for Industry and Decarbonisation (joint with Business and Trade)

Kerry McCarthy Shadow Minister for Climate Change

Lord (Chris) Lennie Shadow Spokesperson

Baroness (Judith) Blake Shadow Spokesperson

Cabinet Office

Pat McFadden Shadow Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

Nick Thomas-Symonds Shadow Minister without Portfolio

Jonathan Ashworth Shadow Paymaster General

Anneliese Dodds Shadow Secretary of State for Women and Equalities, Party Chair and Chair of the National Policy Forum

Nia Griffith Shadow Minister in the Cabinet Office

Baroness (Jenny) Chapman Shadow Spokesperson

Culture, Media and Sport

Thangam Debbonaire Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Stephanie Peacock Shadow Minister for Sport, Gambling and Media

Lilian Greenwood Shadow Minister for Arts, Heritage and Civil Society

Chris Bryant Shadow Minister for Creative Industries and Digital (joint with Science, Innovation and Technology)

Barbara Keeley Shadow Minister for Music and Tourism

Baroness (Glenys) Thornton Shadow Spokesperson

Lord (Steve) Bassam Shadow Spokesperson


Bridget Phillipson Shadow Secretary of State for Education

Catherine McKinnell Shadow Minister for Schools

Matthew Western Shadow Minister for Higher Education

Seema Malhotra Shadow Minister for Skills

Helen Hayes Shadow Minister for Children and Early Years

Baroness (Debbie) Wilcox Shadow Spokesperson

Baroness (Fiona) Twycross Shadow Spokesperson

Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

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56063c No.21091542

File: 0352b07a6c60020⋯.jpg (124.05 KB,539x720,539:720,ZomboMeme_18062021114820.jpg)

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42ef3a No.21091543

File: 26abf3a38fef2da⋯.jpg (83.26 KB,960x960,1:1,35237529_1763879816980627_….jpg)

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e2bf24 No.21091544

File: 27bb08adcacb68a⋯.jpg (58.77 KB,499x499,1:1,27bb08adcacb68ab234865f386….jpg)


Clowns are watching now anon. Are you trying to ruin their day?

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acd723 No.21091545

File: 1ef2d773d95f41b⋯.png (881.24 KB,1434x746,717:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab322411b64d314⋯.png (708.18 KB,1458x749,1458:749,ClipboardImage.png)


Steve Reed Shadow Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Daniel Zeichner Shadow Minister for Farming, Food and Fisheries

Ruth Jones Shadow Minister for Environmental Protection and Animal Welfare

Toby Perkins Shadow Minister for Nature and Rural Affairs

Emma Hardy Shadow Minister for Flooding, Oceans and Coastal Communities

Baroness (Sue) Hayman of Ullock Shadow Spokesperson

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

David Lammy Shadow Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs

Lisa Nandy Shadow Cabinet Minister for International Development

Stephen Doughty Shadow Minister for Europe, North America and the Overseas Territories

Catherine West Shadow Minister for Asia and the Pacific

Lyn Brown Shadow Minister for Africa

Anna McMorrin Shadow Minister for Latin America and the Caribbean

Wayne David Shadow for the Middle East and North Africa

Lord (Ray) Collins Shadow Spokesperson

Health and Social Care

Wes Streeting Shadow Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

Abena Oppong-Asare Shadow Minister for Women’s Health and Mental Health

Andrew Gwynne Shadow Minister for Social Care

Preet Gill Shadow Minister for Primary Care and Public Health

Karin Smyth Shadow Minister for Health

Baroness (Margaret) Wheeler Shadow Spokesperson (Social Care)

Baroness (Gillian) Merron Shadow Spokesperson

Home Office

Yvette Cooper Shadow Home Secretary

Alex Norris Shadow Minister for Policing

Dan Jarvis Shadow Minister for Security

Stephen Kinnock Shadow Minister for Immigration

Alex Davies-Jones Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding

Feryal Clark Shadow Minister for Crime Reduction

Lord (Vernon) Coaker Shadow Spokesperson

Lord (Fred) Ponsonby Shadow Spokesperson

Law Officers

Emily Thornberry Shadow Attorney General

Karl Turner Shadow Solicitor General

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89d4d1 No.21091546

File: 40963be20b26d3c⋯.jpg (142.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,40963be20b26d3cb18a49728e0….jpg)

File: 55289c0108ab82b⋯.jpg (42.39 KB,880x880,1:1,lepain.jpg)

early notes



#25854 >>21091300

>>21091330, >>21091344 Mil Posts

>>21091335, >>21091517 'Top official' from Gascón's 'Ethics and Integrity' unit faces 11 felony charges

>>21091338, >>21091356 There Is Near Zero Historical Precedent For Biden DOJ Getting Steve Bannon Thrown In Jail

>>21091339 The EU Migration Pact has just passed the Dail vote ….by just 6 votes

>>21091340 Maduro: "The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom… Here, neither the gringos nor US Southern Command will ever govern again."

>>21091343 Moar Q on Assange

>>21091353 Should Australian politicians claim credit for the release of Julian Assange?

>>21091384 US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine

>>21091388 Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

>>21091405 @WarRoom “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”

>>21091418 Clinton wikileak emails - we have it all - nothing is ever deleted

>>21091435 Reporter Confronts Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo For Blaming Trump For Brutal Killing and Rape of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray By Illegals

>>21091436 Another monolith in Colorado

>>21091437, >>21091453 Trump Pulls Ahead in National Polls

>>21091438, >>21091444, >>21091474 Live Video Coverage of Possible Coup Attempt in Bolivia (home to 24% of the world's lithium)

>>21091490 Former President Of Honduras, Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute More Than 400 Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

>>21091492 House Republicans vote to defund Mayorkas salary in Homeland Security funding bill

>>21091493 The Red Tails were a group of African American pilots who served in the USAAF during World War II. Tuskegee Airmen named after the Red Tail Hawk.

>>21091502 Only 675,000 LEGAL Immigrants Per Year Are Allowed By Law

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324076 No.21091547


All for show it'll never pass the Senate

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52fca4 No.21091548

File: c8e07c6d04af63b⋯.png (6.14 MB,1920x1281,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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526ef7 No.21091549


You sound foolish

But I will endear your rhetoric

ANon has been giving the gift of site and knowledge, you should listen more and speak less to me. If you did you might learn something

Father Son Holy Ghost

>Prove it.

ATM All i can prove is the existence of god as we have met and spoke.

Please waste others time with your demeaning comments

My remarks are made to slap anons in the face and wake them the fuck up

Im not here for games. game time is over

The lion is on the path meow


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526ef7 No.21091550



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2fba47 No.21091551


No autopsy

Bet the body comes back conus with some goodies

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848dcb No.21091552



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ff5722 No.21091554

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Russian are not fucking around. They proclaim dying on their feet, rather than living on their knees.

Aussie Cossack




🚨🇷🇺"All of you will die. Mother Russia will never forget us."

⚡️Every Westerner needs to watch this video and understand that Russia is going all the way till Victory.


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e7dc3d No.21091555


there you go 'slap in the face'

so why would I even debate you.

by your fruits we know you, anon.

someday I hope that you understand.

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324076 No.21091556


minus kidneys liver……………….

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979732 No.21091557

File: 111307de3a8e85e⋯.png (121.17 KB,1427x677,1427:677,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5058a044b63f5ca⋯.png (24.58 KB,580x520,29:26,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ecae04b76dfa8e⋯.png (33.32 KB,675x498,225:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f010a75876f5c7c⋯.png (22.99 KB,445x472,445:472,ClipboardImage.png)

Archive Offline



Prog - HTTrack Website Copier


ignore 'spiders.txt'

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9890e6 No.21091558

File: 810c2306c09c3ef⋯.png (207.72 KB,611x433,611:433,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r F a m i l y



Rishi Sunak, if re-elected, promises tough sanctions for young people who refuse military service. Their driver's licenses will be revoked and their bank accounts will be closed.

Jun 26, 2024 · 9:23 AM UTC





>Just as oil is Pindar's excrement after eating children.

Nothing Can Stop The War?

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324076 No.21091559


Is Simeon still bailed up in the Embassy?

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c71c1e No.21091560

File: 7e8b03ddcfb0047⋯.png (105.43 KB,1001x1000,1001:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff5722 No.21091561


Yes, as far as I know.

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7662a1 No.21091562

File: 3452ad8bc036dd2⋯.png (846.4 KB,1034x735,1034:735,65n63634h6.PNG)

Coup Attempt Underway in Bolivia as President Urges Citizens to Mobilize Against It

The incident was met with a wave of outrage by other regional leaders, including the Organization of American States; Gabriel Boric, the president of neighboring Chile; the leader of Honduras, and former Bolivian leaders.

Bolivia, a country of 12 million people, has seen intensifying protests in recent months over the economy’s precipitous decline from one of the continent’s fastest-growing two decades ago to one of its most crisis-stricken.

The country also has seen a high-profile rift at the highest levels of the governing party. Arce and his one-time ally, leftist icon and former President Morales, have been battling for the future of Bolivia’s splintering Movement for Socialism, known by its Spanish acronym MAS, ahead of elections in 2025.


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d4eed9 No.21091563

File: 11c6fedc0c1c730⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,255x175,51:35,11c6fedc0c1c730ae958b8177f….jpg)


Shut your mouth, retard.

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526ef7 No.21091564


>mocking scripture isn't anything, anon.

shame you are stupid.

as no one is mocking

does it bother you when another person presents the true facts of our GOD ALMIGHTY

or can only a preacher do that for you and as long as he stays within the confines of your bible teachings?

btw who did write the bible… pretty sure it wasnt god

God inspired yes, god written no

you need to hold your tongue against those that know the truth. if you did you would learn the secrets hidden from you

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7e7eb8 No.21091565

Do I even need a mobile phone account?

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2fba47 No.21091566


Big organ market there

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ad0349 No.21091567

File: e8332ea42e4bad2⋯.png (485.81 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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68daf7 No.21091568

File: e2c85b3e10db375⋯.png (81.75 KB,873x504,97:56,ClipboardImage.png)


*Argentina President:

Javier MILEI

*The first thing that Javier MILEI did after the "surprise election" when he became President of Argentina was to visit the Chabad World HQ in Brooklyn, NY to "pray at the Ohel, the resting place of Chabad leader Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson."

Sauce: https://www.chabad.org/news/article_cdo/aid/6193297/jewish/President-Elect-Javier-Milei-of-Argentina-Visits-Rebbes-Resting-Place.htm

(the Chabad ​World HQ where those soiled mattress Tunnels were discovered and quickly covered up)

**The second thing that Javier MILEI did as the new President of Argentina was to withdraw Argentina from the BRICs Alliance. (keeping Argentina under the control of the Globalist One World Order)

Sauce: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-67842992

*Israeli Prime Minister:

Benjamin Netanyahu's Real Last Name is MILEIKOWSKY which is a Polish Jew name.

His father, born Benzion Mileikowsky, changed his name to Benzion Netanyahu after he settled in Palestine. He traces some of his roots to Spain.

Sauce: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/12/29/who-is-benjamin-netanyahu-explainer


**Javier MILEI Crpyto-Jew

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324076 No.21091569


while politicians take a victory over JA

If it wasn't for double standards these MPs would have none

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e7dc3d No.21091570


all you have is name calling and slander.

not very inspired from someone who 'talks to God'

good bye.

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979732 No.21091571

File: 50e6c0f25fea5b0⋯.mp4 (5.83 MB,854x480,427:240,Gina.mp4)

File: 3f8ee4e6dcde476⋯.png (220.76 KB,474x524,237:262,ClipboardImage.png)

Where's Gina?

Gina Haspel: as then London Station Chief, allowed Russia Gate to be launched in England for FBI… She then torpedoed the release of our Russia Gate Memo at end of Trump Administration… Are you really surprised Haspel, as CIA Director, approved the bogus 51 Intel letter for release (in 6 hours) to rig an election?

SUBPOENA Haspel and her records for approval NOW:

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604d3c No.21091572



I'm on my 4th yr without one

nobody likes it but I do

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acd723 No.21091573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


will wrag mp got honey trapped, he gave out other mps private details, the guy who honey trapped the tory mp wrag turns out he was a labour party member

🚨 LIVE: Labour Member ARRESTED Over ‘Honeytrap’ Scandal


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74188a No.21091574

File: 4bb9e129449cddf⋯.png (217.2 KB,367x361,367:361,4bb9e129449cddff885ea7ef97….png)

Do does the DoD just come in here and have conversations with themselves now? What even happens on /qr/ now that the entire userbase is gone?

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2fba47 No.21091575

File: d2b986689929a85⋯.png (105.3 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Please no

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27a8af No.21091576

File: 5eb544b4e7190ac⋯.png (1.2 MB,1080x1467,120:163,Lost_Cause.png)


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fa6dc7 No.21091577

Fire reigns from Heaven?? Dang. Guess they got fire in Heaven and in hell

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526ef7 No.21091578


>there you go 'slap in the face'

Neverforget, I am not here to listen to your foolish words you repeat from the bible, I am here to tell the true words heard from the Source of all Creation

When you do meet god, let me know what he looks like. and stay away from the []jinn bad pepes they are

I notice you still fight to keep the Word of the Bible, but you cant even prove jesus existed

please stop or you will be one of those in the hospital when the truth does come out

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ff5722 No.21091579


It wasn't their choice. I watched the AUS PM Albanese taking a so called victory lap speech on JA's touchdown in AUS.

He wasn't looking happy about it. It was obviously a forced message from above.

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5768be No.21091580

File: 8b3920b8433118f⋯.png (85.03 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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54dfd5 No.21091581

File: e2329bc9393c504⋯.jpeg (31.84 KB,720x540,4:3,IMG_1659.jpeg)


This is that shit I’m talking about. Blackmailed bribed extorted. Ratfucked 24/7/365 eyes on 24/7/365 only time you get a break is at dawn when they sleep for all of 2 hours. Constantly being hypnotized and at risk of life and you think name calling isn’t on the books? You’re a faggot.

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d4eed9 No.21091582

File: 5504a2c27d54f6c⋯.webm (850.02 KB,427x240,427:240,almost_there4.webm)

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9890e6 No.21091583

File: 5e0fcbf69b629ce⋯.png (187.68 KB,508x589,508:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91f19765c9fb2ae⋯.jpg (146.21 KB,1169x1304,1169:1304,media_GQ_T6_oaQAA6C9i.jpg)




17 more AIPAC-backed Democrats won tonight!

100% of AIPAC-endorsed Democrats have won so far this cycle, including:

☑️ 74 @EqualityCaucus

☑️ 34 @CAPAC

☑️ 28 @USProgressives

☑️ 21 @TheBlackCaucus

☑️ 19 @HispanicCaucus

Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!

Jun 26, 2024 · 2:56 AM UTC




>usurped America

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526ef7 No.21091584



Its all true, every word of it

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f9fc3f No.21091585

File: fb9fb8ef71e6570⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB,1280x720,16:9,_All_of_you_will_die_Mothe….mp4)



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324076 No.21091586




Exposed it so you knew

coz without them you wouldn't have known shit

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526ef7 No.21091587


I like you anon,



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54dfd5 No.21091588


Shill count at an all time high. You don’t want to know what’s really happening.

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46097e No.21091589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Attempted coup underway in Bolivia

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1c741b No.21091590

File: 4d6661e559b4b22⋯.png (122.74 KB,1008x1180,252:295,Feds_unmasked_on_Benny_Joh….png)

File: 75dfacfa70e71d4⋯.png (1.55 MB,1736x1164,434:291,Demask_stand_back_and_stan….png)

File: 54d3a4d02d3dcc7⋯.png (2.17 MB,2800x1528,350:191,De_mask_how_it_s_going.png)

File: e43f21499ce48f9⋯.png (2.89 MB,2014x1520,53:40,Proud_Boys_de_mask_infiltr….png)


Remember when those f3ds dressed up as n@zis were unmasked on video? Why would El0n Mu$k at twitter NOT want you seeing that video?

Anybody have that video?

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324076 No.21091591

File: eb3dd8aa6dda6da⋯.png (7.06 KB,677x159,677:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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b671e8 No.21091592

Channeled message about the strange Monoliths being discovered.

How about the monoliths, what's happening with them?

They are all in place.

This does not mean they are ready for 'action' … just yet. Although, it is necessary for them to 'route' themselves … into /through the … Earth's Magnetic Field and solidify their structures.

Through this method they are able then to connect with each other … would we say 'underground' … within 'pathways' of connection … which in turn allow them to connect and communicate with each other … in preparation for when they are 'Set.'



To … go off?

In a manner of speaking.

In a round about fashion. For there are to be a series of Events that are to take place, yet, it is necessary for their 'order' to be precise in calculation.

Imagine a device that one invents for fun. It is 'triggered' and perhaps a ball rolls down tubes and in turn … knocks something deliberately placed in its pathway … which in turn … allows something else … some other movement to begin etc … are we being clear?

Is the Announcement the trigger?

Yes. Yet, we would state that each 'movement' has necessary 'gaps' in between. It has to be this way and you will understand why as they 'fall into place'.

The STRONGEST OF THE STRONG does not just mean in ways of shining one's Light. One has to be strong in all aspects of this Game … including patience.

I know. Yet, many feel their patience has almost run out. Nothing to be done about that!

Yes. There is. Keep building up your Strength in Truth and Light and Determination and Wisdom and Trust and Purpose and … and … and …

Do you see, Dearest Ones? We feel you do, yet, perhaps are tiring.

NOW … whilst you feel there is nothing to be done … is the time when everything can be done … in ways of preparing … in ways of getting ready.

Yet, you have said we are, and we feel we are.


Your task in 'these days' is …

To remain vigilant …

To remain on top of your game …

To keep your Light shining brightly …

To keep repeating the Mantra …

To KNOW you are not alone when you say it /feel it …

To not let complacency absorb you through this wait …

If a marathon you had trained for was postponed … Would you sit back, eat, and 'blob'?

HaHa! Blob! I don't know why, yet, that word seems funny coming from you.

Yet, it is in 'your' vocabulary, Blossom. So, would you? Indeed not. You would keep training … keep running … keep on keeping on … for to 'let it go' … when you could hear word in any moment that it was 'back on' … would not bode well for you.

Yep. We understand. We are just flagging at the moment. Well, a lot are. Of course, I cannot speak for all. We will keep on, of course, we will! So, back to the monoliths, if we may? My thoughts, and we may have touched on this, is that they will be to do with 'THE EVENT'. Which 'Event' you may so rightly ask? The BIGGY! The One that may' involve a Solar Flash and a HUGE WAVE OF LOVE engulfing the entire Planet and raising the Vibration immensely. You know … that one!

This is correct. The actual 'flash' itself as it leaves the Sun … will trigger a few of them … would we say … the main circuits /switchboards … which in turn will Energetically connect with all the others, for they are all … ready … in place. All ready and interconnected through their routes.

Yet, what is their role? What happens when this happens?

They are of much Power … beyond your comprehension, or anyone of Earth. When 'ignited', when 'activated' … and 'at play/in play' … their ENERGY will enable a huge Magnetic, Energetic, Electrical Wave … of both Sound and Movement.

Dare I ask about the 'movement' part?

Taking your beloved Planet through to a Higher Dimension.

That's what I thought you were going to say.

This can only take place when ALL IS IN PLACE.

So, although we say the 'structures' are 'set' … they are not programmed for any particular date. They are programmed when all is in alignment.

So then, 'The Event' will only happen, i.e., the solar flash … whatever the whole shebang entails … when everything is in place, also?

Yes. We cannot begin to explain the enormity of this. It is imperative for Earthly strategies to be in place … along with certain Planetary/Star alignments … in order for EVERYTHING to come together in THIS DIVINE PLAN. In order for the END OF THE DARKNESS and the BEGINNING OF THE LIGHT WORLD to flow into position. As you can imagine, the complexity of this Plan is far from a 'walk in the park.'

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ff5722 No.21091593


You're completely fucked up and your shit's all retarded.

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c8974e No.21091594

File: 6b7d8a664439ca4⋯.jpeg (576.91 KB,1125x1741,1125:1741,IMG_1388.jpeg)

Reposting from earlier to see if any anons can make out anything with the errors


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094377 No.21091595

File: 3ef56e7bc23e96f⋯.jpg (2.8 MB,4400x2820,220:141,Swamp_infographic_10.jpg)

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e7dc3d No.21091596

when confronted all they do is a barrage of name calling and slander.

an attack because someone tells you don't know and they say 'you deny the truth'

but the fact is that if there were any truth to it they'd have a lot more to say than 'you are stupid'

I'm one of Gods creatures too.

why is it OK for you to slander me when you do your "i speak to god' bit?

it's not.

and by doing that you basically provide a real good metric as to why you really don't.

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4bfe6a No.21091597


Quality Delta right here.

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fff376 No.21091598

File: 326f4e3233ea320⋯.png (554.97 KB,1280x720,16:9,comey_eyebags.png)

File: 25f90ae41fab98d⋯.png (247.34 KB,474x314,237:157,ClipboardImage.png)

Some great clone names





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dcccb0 No.21091599

File: 1c6642c76dcb96c⋯.jpeg (341.73 KB,1680x1324,420:331,IMG_3117.jpeg)

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9086a1 No.21091600

I’m new. I still think working a job is a good thing.

Can someone tell me is Trump campaigning on no income taxes or should I just expect death and taxes until I’m dead?

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ad0349 No.21091601


You misspelled Ukraine and China.

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f9fc3f No.21091602

File: be1cf74d193a44b⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,Rishi_Sunak_if_re_elected_….mp4)



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848dcb No.21091603

File: 353938816eba330⋯.png (210.91 KB,768x649,768:649,ahn15.PNG)

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27a8af No.21091604

File: 426ef1c0443f3cc⋯.png (728.49 KB,1080x741,360:247,Scrzxz.png)




Shut your cocksucker~

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acd723 No.21091605

File: cc5ed9d60b0856f⋯.png (475.82 KB,637x799,637:799,ClipboardImage.png)




Westminster honey trap scandal: Will Wragg quits Tory whip after leaking numbers

Move comes after Hazel Grove MP leaked the personal phone numbers of a number of MPs in widening WhatsApp scandal.

Westminster honey trap scandal: Will Wragg quits Tory whip after leaking numbers

Move comes after Hazel Grove MP leaked the personal phone numbers of a number of MPs in widening WhatsApp scandal.

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c71c1e No.21091606


my guess is he's using voice to text and not proofreading before posting

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ad0349 No.21091607


Pooping pants during debate?

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752528 No.21091608

File: 3d22da0ba41f09d⋯.jpeg (435.56 KB,1125x1690,225:338,IMG_1378.jpeg)


Another error from today


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54dfd5 No.21091609

File: 04e430d9d038925⋯.webp (73.87 KB,620x387,620:387,IMG_1714.webp)

File: 636180d9a5f87ce⋯.jpeg (74.71 KB,1032x787,1032:787,IMG_1717.jpeg)


Seems like we’re on schedule. June ETA. Their last hope.

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629761 No.21091610


Based on history. Nothing.

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b1e36c No.21091611

File: 5c12a1fa4650dd1⋯.png (598.93 KB,786x756,131:126,Jan_24_No_table.png)

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848dcb No.21091612

File: e3b679468722b12⋯.png (217.42 KB,513x610,513:610,ftjw17.PNG)

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324076 No.21091613


Asteroid shower

fake alien invasion

return of the Nephilim in chimera meat suits claiming to be aliens

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74188a No.21091614


Would shills even bother at this point? Realistically, what is the organic userbase per general now? It has to be like 4-5 people max. I pop in from time to time, seems like no actual conversations are happening and a ton of automated (or curated) spam, but obvious feds respond if you get their attention.

I wonder what will happen to this place when the shit finally goes down and all signs point back here. Will probably immediately break under pressure and the site will be unusable anyway.

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d4eed9 No.21091615


Oh look, a deep state clown running his "look over there at them, not over here at me" script.

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526ef7 No.21091616

File: 51cfcffcb669132⋯.png (8.87 KB,677x159,677:159,ClipboardImage.png)


well that would be two words then now wouldnt it anon

1. THE


as stated there is only 1 WORD of god,

OM and thats the only hint im giving (You)

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b671e8 No.21091617


>THIS DIVINE PLAN. In order for the END OF THE DARKNESS and the BEGINNING OF THE LIGHT WORLD to flow into position. As you can imagine, the complexity of this Plan is far from a 'walk in the park.'

Anons, Is this plan even bigger than Q led on?

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d406cb No.21091618

File: 0a08f70212236d5⋯.jpg (39.23 KB,620x400,31:20,dolphin.jpg)

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fff376 No.21091619

File: 48de8bd7cd9dcf4⋯.png (1.17 MB,1280x544,40:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2073b00e749522f⋯.jpg (120.72 KB,1040x966,520:483,laurence_rockefeller_john_….jpg)

File: d832fb600db799e⋯.png (124.83 KB,474x248,237:124,ClipboardImage.png)


>Some great clone names

"John" PODhoretz

"John" PODesta

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74188a No.21091620

File: 8593bf4ad2a2a8d⋯.png (74.05 KB,169x176,169:176,wtfisthisshit.png)






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1ed12e No.21091621


Damn. Didn’t know anyone on here was smart.

Well done anon

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fff376 No.21091622

File: 1704ccb82cdff7a⋯.png (166.48 KB,628x457,628:457,sweet_dreams_are_made_of_t….png)


You much did you pay for this right to complain that you have

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d4eed9 No.21091623

File: d5cf73bcc237963⋯.webm (110.99 KB,427x240,427:240,silence4.webm)



Quit your whining, dumbfuck.

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5c22d0 No.21091624


That 7 has to mean something. Why specifically say 7 seconds?

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324076 No.21091625


in the beginning was the word

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233ee7 No.21091626

File: eb0c44d3ead5cdd⋯.jpg (91.13 KB,760x540,38:27,Elena_Kagan_01_fit_760w.jpg)

According to the court records, Peters told officials investigators she poisoned her husband's drink after he didn't seem to appreciate the 50th birthday she planned for him. She called her husband selfish and allegedly said she should've just divorced him.

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54dfd5 No.21091627


No tons of new eyes and lurkers look at IDs. There be shit going down and people want to know.

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2fba47 No.21091628


Biden wears brown pants tomorrow

Check 'em

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1c741b No.21091629

File: 4aefd6b2124a02f⋯.png (10.94 KB,224x116,56:29,33M_Views.png)


33 Million views before this video was taken down on twitter… Coincidence?



>Remember when those f3ds dressed up as n@zis were unmasked on video? Why would El0n Mu$k at twitter NOT want you seeing that video?

>Anybody have that video?

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324076 No.21091630


verbum is one word

only when you change it to English it becomes two

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979732 No.21091631

File: 46f4b8e5b704990⋯.png (12.89 KB,443x225,443:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09c1d5ad31fc55c⋯.png (27.56 KB,959x279,959:279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f001536623bab61⋯.png (100.8 KB,1251x414,139:46,ClipboardImage.png)




Important takeaway.

We've had the ball the entire time.

Think offense.

Why did POTUS move his entire operation out of TT the DAY AFTER the ADM ROGERS [SCIF] MEETING?







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89d4d1 No.21091632

File: 3ba7f0835a9a068⋯.jpg (70.61 KB,1280x720,16:9,col_2020_07_22_02_12_08_UT….jpg)


and he had a shitty car

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af69fd No.21091633

File: 193f7517aa30ea0⋯.png (1.6 MB,670x834,335:417,capture_763_08072023_05490….png)

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)


<▶ Anonymous Just now 74188a No.21091620

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a0fd83 No.21091634

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,99648c16b147a9206e8e2d4bd4….jpg)

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5a071a No.21091635


Take your fingers and plug your ears.

That’s the sound of it.

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324076 No.21091636

File: 2b7f91896cff5d5⋯.png (863.15 KB,911x703,911:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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68daf7 No.21091637

File: 313d4e1afb34cc9⋯.png (24.69 KB,474x473,474:473,ClipboardImage.png)


Saul Alinsky Tactic 107 - Vulgar Personal Attack

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6565d9 No.21091638

File: 809b7db3ddf9e2d⋯.png (1.01 MB,1185x665,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Alito rails against White House in social media case dissent

Miranda Nazzaro Wed, June 26, 2024 at 11:19 a.m. EDT·3 min read

Justice Samuel Alito railed against the White House in a dissenting Supreme Court opinion Wednesday, accusing the Biden administration of leading a “campaign to coerce Facebook” when it attempted to moderate misinformation on the COVID-19 pandemic on social media.

Joined by fellow conservative Justices Clarence Thomas and Neil Gorsuch, Alito dissented from his six colleagues in the majority who tossed lawsuits challenging the communications, finding the plaintiffs had no legal standing.

The majority opinion, authored by conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett,avoided addressing the merits of the free speech issue. Alito, however, said it “shirks” the court’s duty. “For months, high-ranking Government officials placed unrelenting pressure on Facebook to suppress Americans’ free speech,” Alito wrote. “Because the Court unjustifiably refuses to address this serious threat to the First Amendment, I respectfully dissent.”

As Barrett read her opinion, Alito mainly looked down at a set of papers in front of him, with his head sometimes leaning on his hand. He did not read his dissent aloud from the bench. Like Alito, Thomas also looked down for the greater portion of the opinion reading and leaned his head on his hand at times. About halfway through Barrett’s reading, Thomas could be seen putting back on his glasses, reading papers in his hand and occasionally looking up and out into the courtroom.

Gorsuch was absent from the bench Wednesday.

The suit began when Republican state attorneys general and a group of private plaintiffs sued various agencies and officials in the Biden administration, arguing their urgings for social media platforms to take down content related to COVID-19, the 2020 election and other hot-button topics amounted to unconstitutional censorship.

“I assume that a fair portion of what social media users had to say about COVID-19 and the pandemic was of little lasting value,” Alito wrote in his dissent.“Some was undoubtedly untrue or misleading, and some may have been downright dangerous. But we now know that valuable speech was also suppressed.”

The Biden administration contended it was merely encouraging the platforms to moderate the content, so the communications didn’t cross the line into outright unconstitutional coercion.

Alito rejected that view in his dissent, insisting White House officials “browbeat” Facebook into deleting posts, and the platform’s response “resembled that of a subservient entity determined to stay in the good graces of a powerful taskmaster.”

“If the lower courts’ assessment of the voluminous record is correct, this is one of the most important free speech cases to reach this Court in years,”Alito wrote.

The courtroom audience was moderately filled, with most looking straight ahead at the justices.

The case was one of two decisions the Supreme Court handed down Wednesday — notably, neither one was a decision on former President Trump’s high-profile immunity claim. Michael Dreeben, a lawyer for special counsel Jack Smith’s team who argued the case, was present in the court audience, sitting in the second row of chairs.

It remains unclear if the court will finish its work by its self-imposed deadline of the last Friday in June. The justices have yet to hand down opinions in 12 argued cases this term, though additional opinions are expected Thursday and Friday morning.


A sad day for America, I think Coney-Barret is the worst and a secret liberal, I think Kavanaugh is still afraid of him or his family being assassinated, but he’s pretty wishy washy on some decisions. They gave a win to the DS, it will only get worse from here since the 2024 election is upcoming.

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7662a1 No.21091639

File: f91340da29fa383⋯.png (712.44 KB,1039x633,1039:633,5423h255h532.PNG)

EXPOSED: CNN’s Dana Bash Was In Bed With Member Of Deep State’s Fake Anti-Trump Campaign

Jeremy was one of the 51 former intelligence operatives who signed the infamous “Public Statement on the Hunter Biden Emails,” which casted the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, including evidence of the Bidens’ dealings with Ukrainian and Chinese energy companies, as Russian disinformation.

Former deputy CIA Director Mike Morell testified the public statement “was to help then-Vice President Biden in the debate and to assist him in winning the election,” according to an April 2023 House Judiciary Committee press release.

Morrell sent an e-mail out to intelligence officials in October 2020 that said “We want to give the VP a talking point to use in response,” a May 2023 House Judiciary Committee report reveals.


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2fba47 No.21091640



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acd723 No.21091641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

U.k politics is getting vicious, find your trusted sources and stick with them

note: Anon posted about spin doctor for tony blair earlier today, seems like anon was not the only one who noticed this evil fucker.


The Dreadful Political Establishment Must GO


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74188a No.21091642


Speak English, you VPN chink.


>look at IDs

I stopped trusting IDs years and years ago, they remain too constant to be anything other than manipulated. Anons used to theorize back in the day that they put us in different "rooms" and the actual userbase may have been much higher at some point.

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76aec1 No.21091643


false, langley

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e7dc3d No.21091644


which language?

do they have articles?

do they need articles?

Greek or Latin or Aramaic?

how smart?

that smart.

You are either mocking or

you don't realize that it seems like mocking.

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0b0ea0 No.21091645


First this:

Canada #58 >>20902152

US profits from climate change loans to poor countries – media

A program billed as fighting global warming has reportedly funneled back billions of dollars to wealthy nations

22 May, 2024

A program that ostensibly helps developing nations deal with the effects of climate change has reportedly generated windfall profits for Japan, the US, and other wealthy countries, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

The gains stem from a pledge to provide $100 billion a year to help poor nations cope with climate change and undertake projects to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, according to the report, which cites an analysis of UN and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) data. Benefactor countries have channeled money from the program back into their own economies, reaping billions of dollars in profits, it says.

Japan, the US, France, Germany, and other wealthy nations have made the initiative a money-making opportunity by extending loans at market rates – rather than giving grants or low-interest financing – or insisting that the recipients hire their companies to carry out the projects. Reuters said it identified nearly $22 billion in loans and grants that came with such strings attached.

“Offering climate loans at market rates or conditioning funding on hiring certain companies means that money meant for developing countries gets sent back to wealthy ones,” Reuters said. Liane Schalatek, associate director with Germany’s Heinrich-Boll Foundation policy think tank, called the tactics “deeply reprehensible.” She added, “Climate finance provision should not be a business opportunity.”

The funding pledges were first made in 2009, supposedly to help poor countries that were disproportionately harmed by climate change. Roughly $353 billion was paid from 2015 through 2020. Reuters said more than half of that money came in the form of loans, which indebted poorer nations used “to solve problems largely caused by the developed world.”

Andres Mogro, Ecuador’s former director of climate initiatives, said the program heaped a new wave of debt on the global south. “It’s like setting a building on fire and then selling the fire extinguishers outside.”

Ritu Bharadwaj, a researcher at the UK-based International Institute for Environment and Development, told Reuters that the benefits reaped by developed nations have overshadowed the program’s primary objective of supporting climate action in poorer countries. “This is a classic example where a bad loan, which has been given to a country in the garb of climate finance, will create further financial stress.”


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a0fd83 No.21091646

File: 5d749bc94eb8a29⋯.jpg (243.29 KB,1079x1151,1079:1151,Mutiny_Bay_Skunk_Bay_.jpg)

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7662a1 No.21091647

File: d1a0c706f4a2d8f⋯.png (522.56 KB,873x630,97:70,534n646346346.PNG)

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d992f0 No.21091648


I was being serious. Well done.

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f9c408 No.21091649


The one thing QR doesn't do is break under pressure. What kind of signs would "point back here"?

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24b983 No.21091650


TT = Trump Tower


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33253c No.21091651

Q, was that our hint?

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0b0ea0 No.21091652

>>21091645 (me)

maybe somebody read the fine print

Operationalizing Bolivia’s Climate Resilience through Integrated River Basin Management in Three Subbasins of the Rio Grande

November 4, 2021

Bank Group Contribution

The World Bank, through the Climate Investment Funds’ Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR), provided US$45.5 million (US$36 million as a concessional loan and US$9.5 million as a grant) to finance this project. The US$1.2 billion PPCR supports developing countries and regions in building their adaptation and resilience to the impacts of climate change. First, the PPCR assists governments in integrating climate resilience into strategic development planning across sectors and stakeholder groups. Second, it provides concessional and grant funding to put those plans into action and pilot innovative public and private sector solutions.



Bolivia Increases its Resilience to Natural Disasters, Public Health Emergencies with IDB support

May 10, 2024

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) approved a $250 million contingent loan to help Bolivia boost its financial resilience against floods, droughts, forest fires, and possible epidemic and pandemic outbreaks.

The loan, approved by the IDB's Board of Executive Directors through the Contingent Credit Facility for Natural Disaster and Public Health Emergencies (CCF), will enable Bolivia to quickly access resources in the event of natural disaster and public health emergencies to finance immediate care for the affected population, helping lay the groundwork for a rapid and sustainable recovery.

"This CCF loan is the first ex-ante financial instrument contracted by the country. It represents a significant step in reducing financial vulnerability to disasters,” said Juan José Durante, a specialist with the IDB's Connectivity, Markets and Finance Division. “The IDB is committed to continue supporting Bolivia’s efforts to strengthen its financial strategy to mitigate the impact of disasters in a context of increased natural cataclysms due to climate change."


Bolivia Promotes Climate Resilient Roads with World Bank Support

June 17, 2024

WASHINGTON D.C., June 17, 2024 – The World Bank Board of Directors approved a new project in the Plurinational State of Bolivia to strengthen climate risk management in the road sector and improve the climate resilience and safety of bridges and sections of highways in the country.

Bolivia, which ranks tenth on the Global Climate Risk, has experienced widespread damage in recent years owing to extreme weather events such as high temperatures and heavy rainfall, which have triggered landslides and flooding of considerable economic and social impact.

In this context, the US$118.5 million loan will support a long-term vision in the road sector by financing the Road Sector Climate Resilience Program. This project will benefit more than 165,000 residents of the municipalities of Chimoré and Ivirgarzama in Cochabamba, Guanay in La Paz and Monteagudo in Chuquisaca. It will also benefit pedestrians and drivers of the approximately 9,000 public and private vehicles that use these roads and bridges daily.



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e7dc3d No.21091653


you are a master of subtle mocking?

well . . . didn't

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2fba47 No.21091654




Auf Englische bitte

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93f376 No.21091655

File: 0161de1f2c05250⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,1170x2391,390:797,IMG_8419.jpeg)


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d992f0 No.21091656


Oh hell. Never mind.

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acd723 No.21091657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: There is so much going on with this interview with these two evil arseholes.

Alister campbell was a spin doctor for Tony Blair and the other guy is a top daily mail senior journalist who have known each other for 30 years. Alister campbell body language and hand movements are a carbon copy of tony blair, his clothing is strategic and he is on gbnews to promote his book. so much going on here to get a insight into how these sick puppet controllers control others via leverage and hidden threats. here you see puppet control turtles all the way down and yet these two are a pair of very arrogant people battling for the narrative.. runtime 12 minutes. these ignorant cunts still think they can control the public minds via the media and tabloids.

campbell helped to take the u.k into the iraq war with blair and don't forget about the suicide of professor who said there was no wmd in iraq in a field hanging from a tree.


WATCH: Alastair Campbell's SEETHING rant after Nigel Farage scoops up Presenter award: 'RIDICULOUS!'

26 Jun 2024


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e7dc3d No.21091658


"Oh well, whatever, nevermind"

get the quote right, anon.

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a91528 No.21091659

File: 152f7a5a2452a82⋯.jpg (132.82 KB,550x413,550:413,windowlikr.jpg)

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80df62 No.21091660


is = if

they're = their

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fff376 No.21091661

File: 5f4c0c046c1d372⋯.png (401.17 KB,602x557,602:557,unmasked_nazis_patriot_fro….png)

File: 0530ce022c98d5d⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,fedscum_patriot_front_prot….mp4)

File: 7d136ffa0942e8b⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB,720x792,10:11,A_fed_gets_recognized_and_….mp4)

>>21091590 >>21091629

>Remember when those f3ds dressed up as n@zis were unmasked on video? Why would El0n Mu$k at twitter NOT want you seeing that video?

I have a screencap attached.

Couple other "patrio front" videos attached

I don't think we know that the unmasked guy isliterallya fed though. Maybe antifa? A SHILL, for sure.

"Fed" has become synonymous with "shill" now

Because Normies got involved. Benny fucking johnson ffs…

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9890e6 No.21091662

File: f57e4bc866e3aa2⋯.png (318.63 KB,610x469,610:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 13f76577cbbd3b6⋯.png (28.28 KB,624x236,156:59,ClipboardImage.png)

Kim Dotcom



Nice plane Julian 😉

Jun 26, 2024 · 9:56 AM UTC


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ad0349 No.21091663


Recent news have been huge booms,

Hence the spam.

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f9fc3f No.21091664



The monoliths are still in place?

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24dc96 No.21091665

File: ef83cf9f26cc1ed⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,500x719,500:719,LongDay.jpg)

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e7dc3d No.21091666


what are the 'huge booms?'

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24b983 No.21091667

File: 5ba56358d7c01e0⋯.png (116.06 KB,766x1298,383:649,3214.png)



Q post #3214 containing "TT".

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cf5d71 No.21091668

File: 58616112740d9f6⋯.png (463.11 KB,1080x1070,108:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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6565d9 No.21091669

File: 2d2beda125fcaf8⋯.png (439.7 KB,630x419,630:419,ClipboardImage.png)

Avlon wins competitive Democratic primary on Long Island

The former CNN anchor will face a tight general election that could help decide the makeup of the House.

John Avlon stands at a podium.

Former CNN anchor John Avlon won the Democratic primary in a battleground Long Island district on Tuesday. | Noam Galai/Getty Images for FairVote


06/25/2024 10:25 PM EDT

Updated: 06/25/2024 10:47 PM EDT

NEW YORK — Former CNN host John Avlon triumphed over chemist and professor Nancy Goroff on Long Island Tuesday, clinching the Democratic nomination to face off this fall against GOP Rep. Nick LaLota in a battleground district.

The primary in the suburbs east of New York City had devolved in recent weeks into a bitter battle between a newcomer in Avlon, who dominated local Democratic endorsements, and a second-time candidate in Goroff with connections in the district. Voters can expect another nasty race to come as Avlon targets LaLota for his support for and from former President Donald Trump.

“I’m not going to let Nick LaLota play the same old game we’ve seen here on Long Island, Suffolk County of pretending to be moderate at home and then voting MAGA in Washington,” Avlon said in his victory speech Tuesday.

Avlon, who had campaigned on a pledge to protect democracy and work across party lines, has insisted that his November race against LaLota will be more competitive than handicappers have acknowledged thus far. The seat in an economically diverse swath of eastern Long Island that former President Donald Trump would have narrowly carried. And LaLota, while still a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee target, is viewed as the least vulnerable of New York’s battleground Republicans.

Every seat is crucial, however, with the Empire State as a key to Democrats’ quest to win back the House majority. And the name recognition Avlon has from CNN and the skills he has honed as a commentator could be an asset to Democrats come fall.

LaLota, like Goroff, has already taken to portraying Avlon as a part-time resident of the Hamptons with too few ties to the community he seeks to represent. The Republican freshman especially delights in ridiculing Avlon for the times he said “in Long Island,” rather than the more colloquial “on Long Island.”

Goroff, who ran for the 1st Congressional District in 2020, had been eager for another shot to flip the seat. She loaned her campaign $1.2 million in the final month of the primary and went increasingly negative in her attacks on Avlon.

The organic chemist and community advocate insisted that the work she has done over the course of her career throughout Suffolk County made her better known to voters there.

While Goroff had key endorsements from EMILYs List, J Street, 314 Action Fund and others, it was Avlon who was the pick of local Democratic officials.

The author and former journalist had support from Reps. Tom Suozzi, Greg Meeks and Dan Goldman, and Long Island Democratic mainstays Jay Jacobs, the state party chair, and former Rep. Steve Israel.


Now we don't only have ex CIA in Congress, we have fake news representatives. We have some of the stupidest people in this country

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fff376 No.21091670

File: ae3f4f05076df7d⋯.mp4 (5.71 MB,576x1024,9:16,RUSSIA_PEOPLE_DANCING_NO_F….mp4)


that's like the 3rd or 4th putin double

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8ba803 No.21091671

How do I make an MP4.

I have little video clips saved but I don’t know how to make them mp4 and post them

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e7dc3d No.21091672


He didn't win the final yet.

isn't there also a Republican running in that district?

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962844 No.21091673

File: 0dccd0f38158727⋯.png (466.72 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Army Priority Air Transport (PAT174) visiting Gitmo from Port-au-Prince

and Gitmo express returning to base…


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a8cdc3 No.21091674

File: 0db8c2ae7ca0783⋯.png (133.05 KB,998x705,998:705,m5wn65644j53.PNG)

House Weaponization/Intel Committee Report: High-Ranking CIA Officials Colluded With Team Biden to Mislead Voters Ahead of 2020 Election

The highest officials within the CIA signed off on the politically-charged public statement released by 51 former intelligence officials weeks before the 2020 election, newly obtained internal CIA emails and testimonial evidence show.


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7df162 No.21091675


we in platos cave

jesus coming back even though we let the jailers crucify him, he didnt die and he is bringing his heavenly armies to get us out since the majority all suffer from stockholm syndrome

potus opened the door of doors …

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fff376 No.21091676

File: afe2f31d37a82d7⋯.jpg (117.94 KB,1024x1024,1:1,glowing_niggers_cia_arrest….jpg)


>Former CNN anchor John Avlon

oh so the fired mockingbirds are running for congress

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ad0349 No.21091677


Too many and too big to list.

Posting even one would be a disservice.

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0b0ea0 No.21091678


The ones listed in Notables all the way to the last line of Previously Collected

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3b25a1 No.21091679

File: 67f8729c5d73e42⋯.png (519 KB,828x697,828:697,67f8729c5d73e428ad63c775cf….png)


>Now we don't only have ex CIA in Congress, we have fake news representatives.

Is there a difference?

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74188a No.21091680


Whatever's about to happen this November-January. Eventually, someone in a serious position of power will make reference to the Q operation and people really will flood in here.

I'm looking forward to saying nigger 32456347456 times when they get here. That is my right as an e-veteran.

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fff376 No.21091681


>I have little video clips saved but I don’t know how to make them mp4 and post them

in windows avidemux is easy to use

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d92c52 No.21091682

File: 027b1019c09bab3⋯.jpeg (768.14 KB,1557x821,1557:821,IMG_5469.jpeg)


> you have no idea what is coming do you?

Planned long ago?

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526ef7 No.21091683


>all you have is name calling and slander.

There is no slander

You are speaking foolish to a one that knows the real truth and has been shown the secrets hidden from mankind

I told you once and will say it again

Time to be Polite is Over




if you think my words bother you, then how will you handle "them"

I am the light, One of the Brightest fucking lights the darkness has ever looked upon.

And they are afraid

you better be one of those lights also anon.

as they abyss is very very dark, ask me how i know that too.

Prayers to you

Amen and GodBlessYW

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24dc96 No.21091684

File: fac471cb14faaa9⋯.png (334.34 KB,439x785,439:785,ClipboardImage.png)

Pretty sure North Korea needs to stay in the narrative bc ALL NK ROADS lead to NANCY PELOSI— if she goes down, it’ll be for the sedition & financial crimes she committed in NK.

Who controlled NK??? It was NANCY.

But POMPEO handled that situation ;)


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3b25a1 No.21091685


>How do I make an MP4.

HandBrake works pretty good.

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68daf7 No.21091686

File: 91f2a58f0f51d1c⋯.png (23.11 KB,474x511,474:511,ClipboardImage.png)


Just post some truth about the Organized Jewish Kabal and watch the Shekel shills attack you continuously.

Yesterday to late night, at least 3 Shekel shills were continuously Ad Hominem attacking.

During the Q days, the UIDs averaged 220 on each bread.

Now they average 150 per bread.

So QR lost one third of previous Anons.

But when the Q White Hats publicly make their Storm move, they'll all be back.

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f9c408 No.21091687

PROTO will be ON for about 5 minutes at 25 past the hour so the board's archive BV can check something out.

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74188a No.21091688

File: d4c25089958d390⋯.jpg (44.31 KB,600x678,100:113,1629843806732.jpg)


>Posting even one would be a disservice.

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5c2559 No.21091689

File: 10ed58e3e588e3a⋯.png (109.55 KB,744x818,372:409,ClipboardImage.png)



Caught something earlier on Don Jrs post.

2 Typos

"Nikki Haley, who served as the puppet of Democrat billionaires and warmongerers, would be a wonderful choice is my dad wants to get impeached within about 7 seconds of being sworn in. She's they're last hope!"


Changed f to s here-'wonderful choice is my dad' IF my dad…

She's "they're" last hope! should be THERE

He SIMPLY added a Y - theYre THERE is the correct word choice.

My thoughts-

F Y. Family Y.


F Y!!!!

F them!

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b671e8 No.21091690



C lie A stooges now running for office?

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15c8e1 No.21091691

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d01162 No.21091692


For an iPhone ?

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fff376 No.21091693

File: ea81eb9c9e0e5e1⋯.png (63.44 KB,782x680,23:20,Q_6_26_ja_julian_assange_6….png)

File: 68ba57e6f9c003f⋯.png (7.27 MB,2931x3500,2931:3500,911_biden_Q_shanksville_62….png)

File: caedfe15e127ee4⋯.jpg (36.78 KB,365x575,73:115,Julian_Assange_released_Ju….jpg)


>Recent news have been huge booms,



>Posting even one would be a disservice.

Agree. But start with the JA habbenign

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74188a No.21091694

File: 455a7f0519575b3⋯.png (1.51 MB,1647x924,549:308,455a7f0519575b3181e82eff1c….png)

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0b0ea0 No.21091695


Free video screenshots, download, production tools - 8kun video limits (~16mb)

Twitter Videos https://twittervideodownloader.com/ [[from anon: Problem with twitter video downloader is no sound.]]

Bandicam Screen Recorder https://www.bandicam.com/free-screen-recorder/

OBS https://obsproject.com/

Kdenlive https://kdenlive.org/en/

For youtube https://qdownloader.net/youtube-video-

To cut scenes from youtube https://ytcutter.com

Useful set of online tools including converting video formats https://video.online-convert.com/

Video downloaders https://www.downloadhelper.net/

Firefox/Opera https://technologyto.com/extractor.html

VLC Player https://www.videolan.org/index.html

Windows Movie Maker for Win 10 http://web.archive.org/web/20170112124505/http://wl.dlservice.microsoft.com/download/C/1/B/C1BA42D6-6A50-4A4A-90E5-FA9347E9360C/en/wlsetup-all.exe

NVidia cards (can screen-capture vids) https://www.vidmore.com/record-video/geforce-experience-recording/

ShotCut NLE (open source cross platform video editor) https://shotcut.org/

MFFmpeg (decodes & plays any format) https://ffmpeg.org/

Natron (cross-platform video compositor) https://natrongithub.github.io/

Handbrake (good for transcoding) https://handbrake.fr/

Free Convert (online reduces file size w/good quality) https://www.freeconvert.com/video-compressor/download

Compress Video: https://video.online-convert.com/convert-to-mp4

FFmpeg (record, convert and stream audio/video): https://ffmpeg.org/

Banned YouTube Channels Archive https://www.altcensored.com/channel/deleted

Download gifs/videos from tweets https://twittervideodownloader.com/

Download Bitchute Video: https://pastedownload.com/bitchute-video-downloader/

Download Rumble Video: https://pastedownload.com/rumble-video-downloader/




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15c8e1 No.21091696


[F] [Y]

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ad0349 No.21091697

File: e6d492228f3b149⋯.png (497.39 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

It's only a matter of time…

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fff376 No.21091698


>C lie A stooges now running for office?

It was a big thing in 2018 too


These former intel professionals are running for office to check Trump

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7939be No.21091699


nigger, faggot, retard.. normies will love it

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74188a No.21091700


Wow that has words in it I didn't even intend for that.

The universe is funny that way I'm gonna go smoke more weed.

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f9c408 No.21091701


Newfags usually have a hard time navigating, should be 'dasting if they really flood in here.


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e7dc3d No.21091702


don't waste your time with me.

I'm not gullible and I know you don't have any insight.

good bye.

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5c2559 No.21091703




Family Y

the Y heads


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76aec1 No.21091704

File: ec6494a5bb2128b⋯.jpg (133.55 KB,1000x502,500:251,greatawakening.jpg)


Lied by omission.

Claimed they didn't have jurisdiction


at least three of them need to be impeached.

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af69fd No.21091705

File: 39bfb08fa2b2e24⋯.mp4 (12.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Putin_Plays_The_Piano.mp4)

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acd723 No.21091706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: this strategy will be played out in the usa. the msm is dead


Nigel Farage Is THRASHING Entire Establishment


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6d612b No.21091707






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f57534 No.21091708


Any for iPhone?

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fff376 No.21091709

File: af5e121fcdf0b14⋯.png (2.26 MB,2556x1590,426:265,trump_earthquake_6_year_de….png)



come on now that was funny

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ad0349 No.21091710

File: ad8971887ae9f71⋯.png (838.62 KB,800x601,800:601,ClipboardImage.png)


Family Y =

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c71c1e No.21091711

File: 2379370a0341942⋯.png (80.4 KB,300x197,300:197,ClipboardImage.png)


>Dana Bash

rat face

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d85b01 No.21091712


Their not there so no to that

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76aec1 No.21091713


majority opinion penned by Cunty Biden

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f9c408 No.21091714


Snagit is great but cost $50 last time i checked.

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3b25a1 No.21091715

File: 154acba159dab7a⋯.jpg (46.38 KB,880x479,880:479,4n533j.jpg)


How dare you!


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f9c408 No.21091716


Hey Greta, nice to see you.


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0b0ea0 No.21091717


>I am the light, One of the Brightest fucking lights the darkness has ever looked upon.

I am Elmer Fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht

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76aec1 No.21091718


should be "Their"

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7939be No.21091719

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c71c1e No.21091720

File: deda6d8a21d2dc9⋯.png (923.39 KB,1077x612,359:204,ClipboardImage.png)


>check something out

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33253c No.21091721


You can’t deny some words that stand out

“My dad wants”


“a wonderful choice”

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f9c408 No.21091722


you want to do the archiving instead?

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9890e6 No.21091723

File: de2f7fcaeb581e7⋯.png (95.99 KB,617x525,617:525,ClipboardImage.png)


Kim Dotcom



Wikileaks deleted the DNC files. Don’t worry, the Pirate Bay still has them 😉


Jun 26, 2024 · 8:27 PM UTC


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fff376 No.21091724



now do the verses about faggots, if you have the balls pompeo (you don't)

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ede8b4 No.21091725

File: d76ee2f9437c616⋯.png (10.15 KB,322x110,161:55,ClipboardImage.png)


>My He SIMPLY added a Y - theYre THERE is the correct word choice.



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7939be No.21091726


did i say that?

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cd24f4 No.21091727

File: 046e1d2dac99e71⋯.jpeg (17.87 KB,255x245,51:49,goodboy2.jpeg)

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4c3a64 No.21091728

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c71c1e No.21091729

smoke break

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4b1775 No.21091730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e2bf24 No.21091731

File: 67a9a383d17847a⋯.png (6.47 KB,233x216,233:216,67a9a383d17847af7c1d597098….png)

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acd723 No.21091732

File: 132ecbb2322d415⋯.png (667.26 KB,556x500,139:125,ClipboardImage.png)


cos he is your human.


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1441c4 No.21091733

File: 0c5fa849d70a8c9⋯.jpg (16.7 KB,213x255,71:85,grammar.jpg)


Their; not they're. Fucking tards

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af69fd No.21091734

File: ff83eb2069cb13f⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB,640x480,4:3,747_Hard_Crosswind_Landing….mp4)

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54dfd5 No.21091735

File: 6f0a83537af1d15⋯.jpeg (358.41 KB,2048x2048,1:1,IMG_1720.jpeg)

No ones buying what you’re stealing.

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3efeef No.21091736




gonna finish a beer and roll a joint. then begin the job of posting fucking Military tweets. gimme 7-10 minutes before it beginning.

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15c8e1 No.21091737

(you) are more than you have

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7df162 No.21091738

File: 37c72d2d927ba4b⋯.png (669.33 KB,680x486,340:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d612b No.21091739

File: a510b35dbb80d1a⋯.mp4 (577.22 KB,480x600,4:5,skin_job_joe_biden_example.mp4)

File: 2194bcd885e8965⋯.gif (1.95 MB,1188x720,33:20,fjb_finger_flight.gif)

i wanna see the fake face slip on the fake joe biden they present for the debate!

also if the best POTUS ever gets o'biden riled up, o'biden will shit himself on national tv!

pray that all their weapons formed against us fail miserably during this debate !

let their fears come upon them!

Proverbs ch10 v24

shits and giggles baby!

shits and giggles

o'biden shits and we giggle!

God bless Donald John Trump and his VP choice!


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24dc96 No.21091740

File: 4efe86a1cb53d2a⋯.png (1.52 MB,1142x1280,571:640,ClipboardImage.png)

Talk about an abomination!




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3efeef No.21091741

File: c551551b4826e53⋯.jpg (43.52 KB,580x612,145:153,gettyimages_534298456_612x….jpg)



tard jail make it 17 min

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54dfd5 No.21091742

File: 8cbb437726107e5⋯.jpeg (276.62 KB,1170x1332,65:74,IMG_1721.jpeg)

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526ef7 No.21091743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ok anon i like how you want moar info…

its not really a word, its moar of a sound

OM is that sound of Energy.. (You) are energy, right?


Breath Out = OM

Breath In = EN


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d4eed9 No.21091744

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,expertonly.png)

Dumb bastards.

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24dc96 No.21091745

File: ecb74b653f0d2ee⋯.png (338.55 KB,506x512,253:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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7939be No.21091746

File: 89d2d701a3de04c⋯.jpg (18.19 KB,274x184,137:92,89d2d701a3de04cbaa3edef443….jpg)

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15c8e1 No.21091747

(you) are more powerful than some would like you to be

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f9c408 No.21091748


PROTO ON for 5.

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15c8e1 No.21091749

(you) need only to use your voice

& the Wicked will Tremble

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5c2559 No.21091750













Changed f to s here-'wonderful choice is my dad' IF my dad…

She's "they're" last hope! should be THEIR

So F I -with extra E

[Y is replaced with I]

I was WRONG originally! Thank you for pointing it out. Shame on me. I was in a hurry to share what I THOUGHT that I had found.

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0b0ea0 No.21091751

File: 309aca4615ca40b⋯.png (589.25 KB,1120x1122,560:561,9a38eb9624def4bc9ebf1ac292….png)

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f9c408 No.21091752


Time to resume shitposting……..

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54dfd5 No.21091753

File: 2e128828c679855⋯.webp (337.11 KB,1500x1500,1:1,IMG_1706.webp)

At least narrate my thoughts to the public accurately so they can see why [YOU] are still here.

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cd24f4 No.21091754

File: 98de69ed9ac2260⋯.gif (1.94 MB,380x450,38:45,dog_wtf.gif)

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9890e6 No.21091755

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15c8e1 No.21091756

(you) Speaking your mind Freely, without fear of Earthly Punishment, is their greatest fear

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24dc96 No.21091757

File: 4e01bfb53b31a4a⋯.png (137.8 KB,772x777,772:777,KunRadio.png)

Welcome to the Future Radio!

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54dfd5 No.21091758


You just shitposted twice, ya grifting faggot. Shut the fuck up. A monkey could do your job.

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793cfd No.21091759

File: 0d4cdadb6ef4c41⋯.gif (953.05 KB,297x192,99:64,0d4cdadb6ef4c41664f54f7408….gif)

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b5bf8a No.21091760

Military Camouflage Uniform Market size is set to grow by USD 225.7 million from 2024-2028, Increasing focus on weather and topography-specific uniforms to boost the market growth, Technavio

NEW YORK, June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ – The global military camouflage uniform market size is estimated to grow by USD 225.7 million from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of almost 2.95% during the forecast period. Increasing focus on weather and topography-specific uniforms is driving market growth, with a trend towards evolution of military camouflage smart uniforms. However, failure to adapt leads to high costs poses a challenge. Key market players include American Apparel Inc., Cortman Textiles Ltd., Crye Precision LLC, DuPont de Nemours Inc., Guangzhou Junyiku Industrial Co. Ltd., HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., IBENA Textilwerke GmbH, Kel Lac Uniforms Inc., Koch Industries Inc., Milliken and Co., National Safety Apparel Inc., Raff Military Textile, Rothco, TenCate Fabrics EU, and Woven Fabric Co.


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7939be No.21091761

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526ef7 No.21091762

File: b2b71a311b01e20⋯.png (564.91 KB,640x423,640:423,b2b71a311b01e204efd15d9f30….png)

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6d612b No.21091763


or worse, your doctor had another poo write the test for him / her!

they (the Poo's) do that! and worse

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0b0ea0 No.21091764


Lame, low-energy, likely retarded

Are you really the best they can send?

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526ef7 No.21091765


>I know you don't have any insight.

I know more than you think you do

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526ef7 No.21091766


>I am Elmer Fudd, millionaire, I own a mansion and a yacht

material wont help you


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6565d9 No.21091767


Kek, nothing is ever erased!

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02a5eb No.21091768

File: 38dcdae9f26f9b4⋯.png (373.17 KB,606x791,606:791,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden debate prep


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b1e36c No.21091769

How to watch the Presidential Debates

How to watch June's presidential debate

Biden and Trump will face off live in the first presidential debate of 2024 on Thursday, June 27, at 9 p.m. ET (6 p.m. PT) with pre-debate coverage beginning an hour earlier at 8 p.m. ET (5 p.m. PT). You can stream the event live on CNN Max via the news hub on Max's streaming service.

Additionally, the debate will air live on CNN's linear channel, CNN.com (no log-in required), CNN International and CNN en Español.

CNN will simulcast the debate for free on a collection of other networks, with the agreement that the network's on-air watermark remain on the screen for the debate's full 90 minute run time.


Home of CNN Max

You can subscribe to Max for as little as $10 a month (with ads). For the basic ad-free tier, the monthly subscription cost is $17. If you're interested in watching 4K content, the Ultimate plan will run you $21 a month. Read our Max review.

How to watch 2024's first presidential debate for free

You'll be able to stream CNN's simulcast of the debate for free on CNN.com, C-SPAN.org, the C-SPAN Now app, PBS.org and on Plex TV's NBC News Now fast channel. Philo will be streaming the event on its USA Today channel, which is available as part of its free lineup or for paid subscribers. You will need to sign up for a free Philo account.

Where else to stream the first 2024 presidential debate live

If you have a live TV streaming service subscription, subscribe to Peacock, or want to try out a platform to watch the first 2024 presidential debate, there are plenty of options to choose from:

With a Sling TV Blue subscription, you'll be able to watch the debate on ABC and ABC News Live (in some regions), Bloomberg TV, CBS (in some regions), CNN and CNN International, Fox, Fox Business Network (with an extra fee), Fox News Channel, HLN, NBC and MSNBC.

ABC, ABC News Live and PBS can be accessed via Hulu With Live TV, which costs $77 per month and has a free trial.

Telemundo will air the simulcast, which is carried by YouTube TV, Hulu With Live TV, DirecTV Stream and Fubo.

CNN's simulcast will also be carried by Newsmax, NewsNation, Scripps News and Univision.

…more at URL:


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cf5d71 No.21091770

File: 347f70498baa96a⋯.png (857.12 KB,1080x820,54:41,ClipboardImage.png)


Its like judo, but with retards.

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81f0a1 No.21091771



so this is translated just like this in greek, latin, aramaic, hebrew, etc?

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89ea68 No.21091772




>>I know you don't have any insight.


>I know more than you think you do

If you knew half as much as I think you do, you'd know twice as much as a quarter of what you know

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526ef7 No.21091773

File: d2dfc4b9aed62ec⋯.png (24.16 KB,460x246,230:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d612b No.21091774


redub that witht the sound track of the two punjabi rats fighting!

fuckin fuck you fuck fucking!

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0b0ea0 No.21091775


Methinks that establishes you as not being in the USA

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f9c408 No.21091776


the best they can send cost a lot more money….we are exhausting their budget.

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ef3491 No.21091777


Is there an extra “er” on warmonger or is it good grammar Kitty?

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3b25a1 No.21091778

File: 738a1bc4f012dbc⋯.jpg (61.4 KB,736x836,184:209,738a1bc4f012dbc9f84a54f7a8….jpg)



>Time to resume shitposting……..

It's about damn time.

That was the longest two minutes and eight seconds of my life!

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e2bf24 No.21091779

File: 0bdb6cb311849fe⋯.jpg (137.37 KB,830x516,415:258,dgxtgxfgxx.jpg)


Pepe unchained

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526ef7 No.21091780


>Their; not they're.

Dafuq you mean there not they're, cuz their they're

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6565d9 No.21091781


after first couple of wishywashy votes, I thought she'd be a disaster, Kavanaugh somewhat has an excuse, but he's been wishy washy too

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6df0e9 No.21091782

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 38 hours

June 28 at 6:00 AM

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Chesapeake, Virginia - 6/28/24


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f62c92 No.21091783

File: 40b6a6689f37e98⋯.png (1.91 MB,1180x768,295:192,ClipboardImage.png)

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3efeef No.21091784

File: 5cf0c6f15c1f797⋯.jpg (214.01 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_26_18_3….jpg)

File: 722a51389189301⋯.jpeg (457.08 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GRBXk6_WIAAqkJA.jpeg)

File: 793b5bc5f568bc2⋯.jpeg (420.99 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GRBXn_tW4AAm5cW.jpeg)

File: 6f62402e8c96df0⋯.jpeg (439.32 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GRBXqPWXoAAAHM2.jpeg)

File: ea71728bd51e978⋯.jpeg (425.62 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GRBXskYX0AExdnk.jpeg)


all five no room for a decod. >>21091776

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75a089 No.21091785


maui stronk >>21091530

>6k years of gibburish


>all for a larp

>an chic fil a

>these kenedy trotskyites of a harry volcano gasket ought to go to chucky cheese and sit on british pounds an pray to peter pan



>https://www.newsweek.com/kapparot-why-thousands-chickens-will-die-israel-today-controversial-religious-1124404 thou shall not double dip durh tendies


>polynesian thauce machen durh chic fil a grosse weider alles uber heimat mach jetzt https://www.capecharlesmirror.com/machipongos-united-poultry-concerns-vows-to-fight-ritual-killing-of-chickens/


>chic fil a church going orthodox  olivegardenisjuwnoods (You)  17 minutes ago75a089 (12) No.21091484

>Jom Kipoer (Grote Verzoendag) 2024 - beleven.org

>Jom Kipoer (voluit Jom ha-Kippoeriem = Dag van de Vergevingen) is de heiligste dag van het joodse jaar en daarmee de belangrijkste joodse feestdag. Op deze dag beslist God over het lot van de mensen in het komende jaar.

>Weekend Van De Klant

>21 jun. 2024 - Weekend van de Klant. Datum: zaterdag 5 en zondag 6 https://www.newsweek.com/kapparot-why-thousands-chickens-will-die-israel-today-controversial-religious-1124404




>hot available single rabbi in durh patio


>bread schtick gaggin bi pete an beto an barrack


>fagioli soup is not a wedding


>bannon can really toss salad

>>https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxSP8lR9cGTyO6y3Hdga1egXNn21XRMTbq? volcano moist ?

Größter Arschlochbomber aller Zeiten

wird in Kanada gebaut

>bist du berlinur ?



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526ef7 No.21091786

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f9c408 No.21091787


Life is hard and then you die.

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526ef7 No.21091788


shitpost test

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6565d9 No.21091789


NO thx for reminding me, kek

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f9c408 No.21091790

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cf5d71 No.21091791

File: d42dab5a5425d26⋯.png (293.23 KB,600x336,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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526ef7 No.21091792


hell yeah .000000000001 % of gods knowledge?


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15c8e1 No.21091793

File: 5062fd02477d6a6⋯.png (906.06 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

The World is Changing Because of (you)

Conspiracy Became Reality

Theory Became Fact

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7f8460 No.21091794

File: 6f2470d79b3b1d1⋯.png (778.46 KB,461x575,461:575,Screenshot_7648_.png)

File: 64c53edf4f2eed9⋯.png (66.73 KB,214x106,107:53,Screenshot_7646_.png)


such fun

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400407 No.21091795

File: fced762acde1c53⋯.png (323.47 KB,605x697,605:697,m87858m85m875.PNG)

Ex-Jill Biden Aide Criticizes 'Scripted' Protection of Joe Biden

Eyebrows have been raised in the past over Biden opting out of high-profile interviews, such as the Super Bowl interview that would've aired during the pregame show in February. Many assume that Biden's public exposure has been limited to avoid age-related blunders, New York Times chief White House correspondent Peter Baker reported in the article published on Wednesday.

Biden advisors told CNN at the time that Biden skipped out on the Superbowl interview to give Americans a break from political talk as people were expressing election news fatigue.

LaRosa told Baker that Biden seems too "choreographed" and that it takes away from his "superpower."


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e047dd No.21091796


If it’s extra then we would have word “fire” with other errors I think

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6565d9 No.21091797


I hope so but I just copied and pasted the article, yeah, I think you are right, these are just primaries, the finals come in Nov. It's still sickening people are so stupid to make decisions like this.

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b1e36c No.21091798

File: 145c71e19aa3e93⋯.png (82.25 KB,572x466,286:233,oct_29_o7_2_.png)


Yes, yes it is.

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0b0ea0 No.21091799


>.we are exhausting their budget

I bet they regret getting the purple hairs health plans with mental health coverage. Now that the therapists need therapists I imagine things are rather pricey

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926c70 No.21091800

File: b3a8a0d8fc26372⋯.jpg (431.38 KB,1064x1037,1064:1037,b3a8a0d8fc2637254b3dff715f….jpg)

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526ef7 No.21091801


Hey name fag, you gonna be on the board, anon that shit.

this is one way they dox, on your style of writing.

we change ids everybread, you dont

you here to bo. we got ya tho

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9890e6 No.21091802

File: 2bc2a27ffc3cee3⋯.jpg (928.39 KB,2592x1944,4:3,2bc2a27ffc3cee3f06aea2a219….jpg)

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24dc96 No.21091803

File: f7b0192a7dc2868⋯.png (607.6 KB,997x997,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Bill Cobbs, who starred in 'Night at the Museum,' 'The Bodyguard,' and 'Air Bud,' has died at 90

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98cf52 No.21091804

File: 0b5d03cdb3ca3c9⋯.png (627.66 KB,758x744,379:372,m6457547457.PNG)

This Democrat is the 7th to resign in the Arizona House this year

State Rep. Laura Terech (D-Scottsdale) announced this week that she will resign from the House of Representatives at the end of the month.

Terech is the seventh House Democrat to resign this year.


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6d03ae No.21091805

File: 87854a86e0d7d80⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,3592x3000,449:375,Screenshot_20240626_173929….jpg)

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24b983 No.21091806

File: fe08dcdc4f576b3⋯.png (48.92 KB,255x143,255:143,fe08dcdc4f576b3e645025dd34….png)


Nice freedom digits BO!!!

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ea1718 No.21091807

File: 847ca13194e3766⋯.png (91.01 KB,320x320,1:1,15thwebsitelogo.png)

File: 2a187cbf4e5a7cc⋯.jpg (52.93 KB,800x600,4:3,2511a1b42fd9ba12c9adb86fdb….jpg)


What's up Marines?

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6565d9 No.21091808


They all know it only made him stronger, and MAGA greater…. be careful what you wish for. KEK

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3efeef No.21091809


72 months payment plan on a leased $88,999 pickup truck are 2025 are now in stock. depreciation sucks harder than inflation. on sail now in Dubai second hand.

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526ef7 No.21091810


>be careful what you wish for

cuz quantum is listening

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15c8e1 No.21091811

File: c10ad4d0234d329⋯.png (880.8 KB,781x762,781:762,ClipboardImage.png)

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85d307 No.21091812


On the move.

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6d612b No.21091813

File: b90d73017e9e3cb⋯.png (537.82 KB,804x772,201:193,ClipboardImage.png)

coup attempt in bolivia …habbening now


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0b0ea0 No.21091814


Thanks, your level of stupid reached such a level I almost pissed my pants laughing

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0396b2 No.21091815

File: c5486de70a29ea2⋯.jpg (12.25 KB,252x315,4:5,Frogs_Raining_From_The_Sky.jpg)


Soon It Will Look Like

Frogs Raining From The Sky

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e7dc3d No.21091816


I know I know very little.

do we agree that God is awesome and we love Him?

if so why you need to have villains?

you trashed the Bible, so I had to respond.

blessings to you. I hope you understand that you know what you know but you don't know what I know and

no no no ya don't go

trashing the Bible and then expect that no one is going to call you out for it.

when you do that you have to expect that others are going to challange you.

No, anon, I'm not stupid.

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89d4d1 No.21091817

File: eab71b340eb0d6b⋯.jpg (140.99 KB,920x1116,230:279,eab71b340eb0d6b517e4074b99….jpg)

File: b39d78735197171⋯.png (2.46 MB,1200x800,3:2,b39d78735197171a1ac86f4be5….png)

File: 7285fd09edbf818⋯.png (438.23 KB,490x487,490:487,Screenshot_2023_05_20_at_1….png)

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85d307 No.21091818


Does he cup the balls?

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276bb5 No.21091819

File: 03020f7208b8636⋯.png (208.83 KB,370x368,185:184,03020f7208b8636fc050c6834a….png)

File: ac94a30bdbce41b⋯.jpg (94.6 KB,640x604,160:151,ac94a30bdbce41b4261541cbca….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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3efeef No.21091820

File: 41bfb1302ce12cc⋯.jpg (185.24 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_26_18_4….jpg)

File: 1c449109dc79b7f⋯.jpeg (329.71 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GRCAzH7W4AAtWRM.jpeg)

File: aee0cd315083a46⋯.jpeg (356.43 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GRCAyPfXEAAYj_u.jpeg)

File: 98bdacca160e6fc⋯.jpeg (435.27 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GRCAxXZXoAAyDxI.jpeg)

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9890e6 No.21091821

File: 881d6a4e59f95fd⋯.png (440.49 KB,608x452,152:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff2a14e5d498b04⋯.jpg (773.52 KB,1160x629,1160:629,clinton_kerry_ap.jpg)

File: 7d30dae0e352e5c⋯.jpg (55.18 KB,620x436,155:109,Hillary_Clinton_Uranium_On….jpg)

File: dd4b152e26aaa6e⋯.png (750.04 KB,980x552,245:138,ClipboardImage.png)

S p r i n t e r F a m i l y



US Treasury Department: We have sanctioned a shadow banking network that transfers billions of dollars to Iran

Jun 26, 2024 · 6:07 PM UTC




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15c8e1 No.21091822

File: 91a59f9be714ffc⋯.png (1.07 MB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

July 2018 2024 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

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89d4d1 No.21091823

File: 36a039718c113d6⋯.jpg (515.8 KB,2560x2560,1:1,36a039718c113d63c4ad15a26b….jpg)

File: 430f8bf00081b60⋯.png (513.08 KB,612x612,1:1,430f8bf00081b604d991e8e84b….png)



#25854 >>21091300

>>21091330, >>21091344 Mil Posts

>>21091335, >>21091517 'Top official' from Gascón's 'Ethics and Integrity' unit faces 11 felony charges

>>21091338, >>21091356 There Is Near Zero Historical Precedent For Biden DOJ Getting Steve Bannon Thrown In Jail

>>21091339 The EU Migration Pact has just passed the Dail vote ….by just 6 votes

>>21091340 Maduro: "The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom… Here, neither the gringos nor US Southern Command will ever govern again."

>>21091343 Moar Q on Assange

>>21091353 Should Australian politicians claim credit for the release of Julian Assange?

>>21091384 US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine

>>21091388 Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

>>21091405 @WarRoom “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”

>>21091418 Clinton wikileak emails - we have it all - nothing is ever deleted

>>21091435 Reporter Confronts Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo For Blaming Trump For Brutal Killing and Rape of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray By Illegals

>>21091436 Another monolith in Colorado

>>21091437, >>21091453 Trump Pulls Ahead in National Polls

>>21091438, >>21091444, >>21091474, >>21091540, >>21091562, >>21091589 BREAKING Coup Attempt in Bolivia (home to 24% of the world's lithium)

>>21091490 Former President Of Honduras, Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute More Than 400 Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

>>21091492 House Republicans vote to defund Mayorkas salary in Homeland Security funding bill

>>21091493 The Red Tails were a group of African American pilots who served in the USAAF during World War II. Tuskegee Airmen named after the Red Tail Hawk.

>>21091502 Only 675,000 LEGAL Immigrants Per Year Are Allowed By Law

>>21091541, >>21091545 UK Labour Party - Take a look at who they are and what they do

>>21091571 Where's Gina? SUBPOENA Haspel and her RUSSIA GATE records NOW

>>21091583 @AIPAC - 17 more AIPAC-backed Democrats won tonight! Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!

>>21091594,>>21091608, >>21091631, >>21091667 spelling errors IS / IT, THEY'RE / THEIR and TTUMP / TRUMP TT

>>21091638 Alito rails against White House accusing the Biden administration of leading a “campaign to coerce Facebook”

>>21091645, >>21091652 US profits from climate change loans to poor countries

>>21091669 Former CNN anchor John Avlon won the Democratic primary in a battleground Long Island district on Tuesday

>>21091673 PF

>>21091695 meme mastering resource - Free video screenshots, download, production tools - 8kun video limits (~16mb)

>>21091748, >>21091752 PROTO ON / PROTO OFF

>>21091769 How to watch the Presidential Debate without cable

>>21091795 Ex-Jill Biden Aide Criticizes 'Scripted' Protection of Joe Biden

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4b1775 No.21091824

File: 8f3c5afc0a288bc⋯.png (420.84 KB,352x550,16:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6b986 No.21091825


7 seconds to die

A book about the changing face of war into autonomous by nations most wouldn't know where to place on a map

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89d4d1 No.21091826



>>21091594, >>21091608, >>21091631, >>21091667 spelling errors IS / IT, THEY'RE / THEIR and TTUMP / TRUMP TT

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848dcb No.21091827

File: 10fd60494b1df6e⋯.png (11.77 KB,1009x378,1009:378,rtd.png)

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12eb26 No.21091828

File: f0688afd5da73e8⋯.png (107.95 KB,723x699,241:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9347de53b25ee1d⋯.png (118.3 KB,704x696,88:87,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e4c6207c2742b2⋯.png (97.17 KB,697x631,697:631,ClipboardImage.png)


>Channeled message


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6b3d58 No.21091829

File: c834654bedfbb81⋯.png (331.54 KB,534x547,534:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ecaa4 No.21091830

File: a9010a432504c85⋯.png (93.89 KB,293x172,293:172,ClipboardImage.png)


>Mother Russia will never forget us.

‪“I am dying but I won't surrender. Farewell, Motherland. 20/VII-41”

Brest Fortress, July 1941

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81f0a1 No.21091831

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>July 2018 2024 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.

promises, promises

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24dc96 No.21091832

File: cecdfc021c5e14f⋯.png (252.22 KB,590x516,295:258,ClipboardImage.png)

Soros-Backed L.A. County D.A. Official Arrested on 11 Felony Charges

Diana Teran, one of the top officials of the George Soros-backed Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón’s administration, is facing 11 serious felony charges.

Teran, who is tasked with maintaining ‘ethics and integrity’ in Gascón’s administration, was heavily involved in managing critical law enforcement databases.

She is now accused of illegally accessing over 1,600 peace officer files, FOX 11 reported.

The case involves an incident with former Gascón’s chief of staff, Joseph Iniguez, who was arrested in 2021n for a traffic violation and suspicion of drunken driving.

Iniguez was allegedly recorded clashing with police and interrupting their investigation while under the influence of alcohol.

In the video, Iniguez can be heard asking the deputy about running the plates before telling the police officer, “You pulled over the wrong person. Let me tell you.”



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15c8e1 No.21091833

Conspiracy no more.

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85d307 No.21091834

File: 90344651126f0a5⋯.jpg (1.34 MB,3834x2075,3834:2075,Joe_Biden_Jill_I_Pooped_No….jpg)

Have to admit; If I had to debate DJT live on TV for 90 minutes, I'd be shitting bricks.

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0b0ea0 No.21091835

Anons, let us take a moment to remember earlier keks and congratulate a new crop of Glory Hole Attendants

Media Matters Lays Off A Dozen Staffers Following Federal Probe, Lawsuit By Elon Musk

Nicole Silverio May 23, 2024

Media Matters followed suit with several liberal outlets by laying off at least a dozen staffers following a federal probe and lawsuit by “X” chief executive officer Elon Musk.

Staffers, some of whom have been with Media Matters for years, took to social media announcing their sudden departure from the outlet. The layoffs followed federal probes filed by Republican Attorneys General Ken Paxton of Texas and Andrew Bailey of Missouri into the outlet for possible fraudulent activity by allegedly manipulating data on “X,” formerly known as Twitter.

Musk filed a defamation lawsuit against Media Matters in federal court in November, as the site has accused the outlet of “knowingly” manufacturing images showing advertisements from major corporations alongside posts made by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Bad News: I’ve been laid off from @mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues.

There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him).

— Kat Abu (@abughazalehkat) May 23, 2024

“After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off,” another staffer named Beatrice said. “So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.”

After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off. So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.

— Bee (@mount_bees) May 23, 2024

“Got laid off, lmk who wants research done,” researcher Brendan Karet said. “On the plus side, no more listening to the dumbest dogshit on earth everyday.”

Media Matters’ staffing purge is the latest in the liberal media bloodbath that has become prominent in recent years. NowThis laid off half of its editorial team in February as part of a “broader initiative to realign our resources and structure to ensure a long-term sustainable business in the evolving media landscape.” The Intercept laid off 15 staffers including its Editor-in-Chief Roger Hodge, on the same day.



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75a089 No.21091836

juw kunt beliebur tranny twat fayk an bladwin prol 'notgay' homo

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fbbd76 No.21091837


Wow “choice” is the 17th word!

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e2bf24 No.21091838

File: 9b4e20cd95c1a19⋯.jpeg (47.98 KB,726x1000,363:500,9b4e20cd95c1a198b86f09055….jpeg)


Clam on. o7

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3efeef No.21091839

File: 6aba26d6da6c0a9⋯.jpg (206.24 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_26_18_5….jpg)

1/2. odd room all white ventilation ducts. 6:16 ,18:16

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c515e7 No.21091840



Hard to trust what the bible says when parts of it are clearly edited or mis-interpreted.

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89d4d1 No.21091841

File: 1218eabc4ba6d33⋯.jpeg (27.64 KB,480x532,120:133,1218eabc4ba6d33c0fb3f425d….jpeg)

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a8eb7f No.21091842

File: 36130c7d4f62967⋯.webp (27.41 KB,1588x1573,1588:1573,IMG_0410.webp)

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acd723 No.21091843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note: The legend of King Arthur is now being ,resurrected: farage will carry the sword for the people of u.k - eyes on anons.


John Mappin predicts Nigel Farage will be PM


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15c8e1 No.21091844

File: 58e35b9f3ed8a3c⋯.png (4.48 KB,261x150,87:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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b671e8 No.21091845

This is a tough one.

Incarnate, go through the veil.

Memory wiped.

Try to follow your heart and stay on mission with absolutely no memory of anything prior to incarnating.

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6565d9 No.21091846


no way to know the future unless you a psychic, but they are mostly wrong

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85d307 No.21091847

File: 02e33e2d20d9e2b⋯.png (280.65 KB,1603x1248,1603:1248,ClipboardImage.png)

Army units withdraw from Bolivian capital after ‘coup attempt’

President Luis Arce has fired the general who deployed the troops in La Paz


They spelt Army as Amy.

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c515e7 No.21091848


>no way to know the future

Project looking glass?

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24dc96 No.21091849

File: 32d11a46f4bcb99⋯.png (368.32 KB,535x299,535:299,ClipboardImage.png)

ENDLESS ESCALATION: Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine

Lately it seems that every day we are faced with yet another escalation by the Joe Biden administration from hell towards a military confrontation with Russia.

Days after Biden began allowing Kiev to fire US-supplied long range missiles on Russian territory, it now surfaces that he is about to allow American PMC companies to fight in the Ukraine war.

That’s American boots on the ground. And worse – on the side that’s being decimated by the overwhelmingly superior Russian air force, artillery, missile and drone capabilities.

Prepare the body bags.US officials ‘familiar with the matter’ have disclosed that the administration will lift a ‘de facto ban’ on American military contractors deploying to Ukraine.

The current report say the deployments would be ‘to help the country’s military maintain and repair US-provided weapons systems’ – but we know how these things change, and furthermore, once they enter the theater of war, in whatever capacity, they will instantly become priority targets for all Russian firepower.

This is another significant shift towards war in the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy.

CNN reports:

“The policy is still being worked on by administration officials and has not received final sign-off yet from President Joe Biden, officials said.


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ede8b4 No.21091850



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85d307 No.21091851


Generally glory holes are for gay men who prefer to stay anonymous. Generally.

(no homo)

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cd24f4 No.21091852

File: 2b4dcdd68e4bfeb⋯.png (268.74 KB,1191x600,397:200,ommm.png)

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3b25a1 No.21091853


You're not thinking of it right, anon.

Best way to debate Trump would be to set him up for hilarious answers.

>the intelligence agencies all concur that your balls really aren't the size of grapefruit.

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c515e7 No.21091854



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81ffa3 No.21091855

File: da630cddca12192⋯.jpeg (515.49 KB,1284x1276,321:319,IMG_8212.jpeg)

I apologize anons if this has already been posted as I just got home from work and haven’t looked at the notables.

Tucker is trending and I haven’t seen anyone on X connecting the dots to as why this is huge!

His name is…

Enjoy the show!


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c6fecc No.21091856

Look and think deeper, anons.

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0f0240 No.21091857

Read between the lines! Focus!

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6ecaa4 No.21091858


>what are the 'huge booms?'

The booms here are silent.

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83d05b No.21091859

File: 9e796998ed47926⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,854x470,427:235,Formation_Angel_Flare_Patt….mp4)

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85d307 No.21091860


Is Tucker doing the Assange interview?

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acd723 No.21091861


opps john mappin owns camelot castle.

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24f921 No.21091862

File: 6a15fe5692779d6⋯.png (256 KB,686x754,343:377,ClipboardImage.png)


think I am being attacked since last exchange multiple vectors confirm.

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0b0ea0 No.21091863


I changed the lines just to insult Green Day

Don't wanna be an agency glowfag

A gelding worshipping a global flag

Just twerking into the graveyard

Obviously a retard

It wants a New World Order

Where everyone is a hoarder

"No we haven't seen your cat"

Dumpsters empty, now what do?

Grab a fork and go to the zoo

Since that's where dinner lives

They hate for being a patriot

Not a twice vaxxed idiot

We'll just have to sleep in the park

Until we make them really fear the dark

It wants a New World Order

Where everyone is a hoarder

"No we haven't seen your cat"

Dumpsters empty, now what do?

Grab a fork and go to the zoo

Since that's where dinner lives

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3efeef No.21091864

File: 793b6da98157a1b⋯.jpg (182.25 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_26_18_5….jpg)

File: c4043c36c4f9eee⋯.png (87.46 KB,640x754,320:377,515_1_.png)

File: 9784e1dca44f4a7⋯.jpeg (62.48 KB,680x453,680:453,_a_vRDIw.jpeg)

File: eebafe1c6cdf6e9⋯.png (150.37 KB,640x1660,32:83,1715_2_.png)

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85d307 No.21091865


We have new tech. Booms are silent, and winning looks like losing.

It's genius.

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3b25a1 No.21091866


>Tucker is trending and I haven’t seen anyone on X connecting the dots to as why this is huge!

Trending because it was funny AF.

Totally worth the listen.

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526ef7 No.21091867


>do we agree that God is awesome and we love Him?


if so why you need to have villains?

well []jinn aint villains, they actually soul sucking entities and they love the evil souls

evil - no god

you trashed the Bible, so I had to respond.

no i pointed out the bible is corrupted

2 gods existing simultaneously to tie one testament to another if i had to guess

old testament god is not the new testament god

ask me how i know

blessings to you. I hope you understand that you know what you know but you don't know what I know and

no no no ya don't go

nice rythem and rhyme, now find the harmony and melody


What is the Book of Lock and Key?

no no no ya don't go

trashing the Bible and then expect that no one is going to call you out for it.

calling bs, see statement above

when you do that you have to expect that others are going to challange you.

false premised based upon illegal argument above

again, did not trash the bible, showing it has corruption going on based on 2 gods

One Without

One Within

There is Jesus

There is Christ

There is no Jesus Christ

There is however Jesus' Christ (ownership matters)

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9890e6 No.21091868

File: f4dd49b80804620⋯.png (423.95 KB,618x456,103:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b932f246fcdaa1⋯.gif (2.13 MB,536x412,134:103,hillary_gif_1437381851.gif)





US diplomat found dead in Kiev – media


Jun 26, 2024 · 10:30 PM UTC


Well…that escalated quickly.



>US Treasury Department: We have sanctioned a shadow banking network that transfers billions of dollars to Iran

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15c8e1 No.21091869

File: 6aaf37d622a53eb⋯.png (7.02 MB,1830x2274,305:379,ClipboardImage.png)


It Has Been But it's Worth Reposting

Tucker Might Get arrested for Laying a beat down on Australian Media Talking Heads

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6565d9 No.21091870


that should make them like him more and get re-elected, KEK, what idiots run that country

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6b3d58 No.21091871

File: c9fc92bb77adf84⋯.png (459.71 KB,720x880,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)


[They] would LBJ her in a heartbeat to escalate to WW3.

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3b25a1 No.21091872


>Is Tucker doing the Assange interview?

Not sure, but this link was aussie msm trying to trap him with questions.

First one was Putin bad, so he asked if Putin forced them to take a vax.

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85d307 No.21091873

File: 63dac00d9254821⋯.jpg (115.47 KB,680x647,680:647,This.jpg)

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0a2fcf No.21091874


If we all worked together and focused and looked deeper we could decode some shit. Open your minds up!

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e7dc3d No.21091875


you didn't say you agree that you thing God is awesome.

what am I supposed to make of that, anon?

you just say stuff that you think will start a conflict with me.

Jesus Christ is Lord.

I look to him as my guide, not you.

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6ecaa4 No.21091876

File: f5a9780f67a67f0⋯.png (63.26 KB,840x586,420:293,ClipboardImage.png)


>winning looks like losing.


10 post(s) found containing "you must show them".

Winning looks exactly like this.

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e8a042 No.21091877

File: b848affe11c1468⋯.gif (8.26 MB,800x362,400:181,5D0r.gif)

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e7dc3d No.21091878

I look to Him as my guide, not you.

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3efeef No.21091879

File: 0cef80e08c30608⋯.jpg (233.67 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_26_19_0….jpg)

File: 6beff7cd65bc256⋯.jpeg (421.51 KB,2048x1278,1024:639,GRBzEA2XkAAytry.jpeg)

File: 3ab420b23037ac6⋯.jpeg (642.46 KB,2048x1114,1024:557,GRBzE6PX0AAOVI3.jpeg)

File: 4e36921cc76961e⋯.jpeg (365.17 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GRBzFsyXgAE1C9q.jpeg)

File: 55846b915077f99⋯.jpeg (607.84 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GRBzHTEXAAA00yt.jpeg)

B2M13B2. 2132


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85d307 No.21091880



I'm only 1:15 in and it's delicious. I can smell the salty tears from here

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5f3787 No.21091881

File: 2228ad7fbe18072⋯.jpg (236.26 KB,1366x683,2:1,Brigitte_Macron_Trans_02.jpg)

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81ffa3 No.21091882


Those are the dots that I connected.

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24f921 No.21091883

>It would be tragic if ANONS were trained to read enemy communications.

When you see them, consider the source. Discernment. Bigger than?

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b1e36c No.21091884

File: 6c66874fda24f44⋯.png (223.3 KB,681x365,681:365,June_26_Gollum.png)


George $oro$ Money turns all DA's and politicians who take it into Gollum.

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3efeef No.21091885


every small city reporters watching Intercontinentally. =

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3b6221 No.21091886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Golden Dawn - How A Secret Magical Order Gave Birth To New Age Spirituality

Quite an interesting thing to watch.

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ede8b4 No.21091887

File: 3046c58b09bb73e⋯.png (3.93 KB,138x67,138:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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6565d9 No.21091888


that's excellent, but won't he just steal from other committents, he probably doesn't need a salary since the drug cartels have been paying him forever, GOOD JOB republicans, finally something

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8dc635 No.21091889

I hate how inconsistent halfchan jannying is. a 300 reply thread with nothing but a picture of a bridge or some shit, meanwhile if i make a thread about the political implications of my foreskin then i get a 3-day ban. fuckin' gay and homo.

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6ecaa4 No.21091890

File: c1d0147c18a308b⋯.png (645.66 KB,640x471,640:471,ClipboardImage.png)


>B2M13B2. 2132

BM13. B1.

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6d612b No.21091891

File: 8d35bc67e13155f⋯.png (150.75 KB,536x311,536:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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eefe59 No.21091892

File: 4f7465e3d7bde16⋯.jpg (58.96 KB,300x300,1:1,4f7465e3d7bde161a74cbd1283….jpg)


Look at those nasty veneers! And receding gums! I

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4018dd No.21091893


It's Wednesday

You bring the enchiladas, chips and queso?

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5f3787 No.21091894

File: 3b6cec563103e21⋯.jpeg (549.88 KB,886x1140,443:570,IMG_3190.jpeg)

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9c034f No.21091895

File: 524cfeb8afaa30c⋯.mp4 (625.22 KB,480x270,16:9,politicized_rape.mp4)



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bfa3f4 No.21091896



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d530e0 No.21091897


Wonder if Jrs "7 seconds" somehow pertains to

Day 7- Debate Day and a potential 7 second delay we should be watching for….?

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8dc635 No.21091898


careful, you'll summon the "teeth and gums" shill memer.

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6565d9 No.21091899


I wouldn't be around that Poop if you paid me, his vibes are creepy and I don't understand how can even be the Poop

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dafdd3 No.21091900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BREAKING: Disney Director Sohrab Makker: 'No Non-White, Non-Jewish' Hires, calls CEO ‘corrupt’


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85d307 No.21091901

File: 853e68a45abecb3⋯.jpg (54.04 KB,382x660,191:330,Joe_Biden_Icecream_On_Head.jpg)


Where'd it go?

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d530e0 No.21091902


Is the whole debate going to have a 7 second delay….

Or will one occur somewhere within the debate?

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e20bbd No.21091903

File: dff63304a51a547⋯.pdf (2.33 MB,OP_Gateway.pdf)


Well I have a Military white paper for your consumption pleasure…(GATE)

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5964da No.21091904






A truly despicable and grotesque digital battleground

You earned the ribbon anon


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15c8e1 No.21091905


you can see the critical error sound running through her head

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e7dc3d No.21091906


touchy subject here anon.

some people don't like discussions about this story.

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e2bf24 No.21091907

File: c9e90bff0b6946f⋯.png (798.04 KB,710x834,355:417,c9e90bff0b6946f68fb71f546d….png)

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c74095 No.21091908



my chine isnt firingup?

halp pls

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b1e36c No.21091909

File: 2f8720b7308dbb0⋯.jpg (51.63 KB,469x536,7:8,May_20_Jesus_coming_out_of….jpg)


Wrong and Misinterpreted are two very different items. Misinterpretation has nothing to do with inerrancy. And saying the Bible is wrong presents a hefty proof claim which falls on the one who said it. (You) Good luck proving that.

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3efeef No.21091910

File: 6beff7cd65bc256⋯.jpeg (421.51 KB,2048x1278,1024:639,GRBzEA2XkAAytry.jpeg)

File: cfc232dac18371a⋯.png (680.8 KB,640x1564,160:391,707_3_.png)

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526ef7 No.21091911

File: cc29865afc2f4d3⋯.png (184.08 KB,303x661,303:661,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a116419bd1362c6⋯.png (102.28 KB,300x1037,300:1037,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28f3a5f2d9356a3⋯.png (39.04 KB,303x403,303:403,ClipboardImage.png)


I[S] I[T] s->t 1

THE[Y'RE] THE[IR] y're -> ir => [y]re->ir =>[y]17 13 => [25] 17 13

T[T]UMP TRUMP [TT] t->r 28 [TT] => 28 [20 20]

1 [25] 17 13 28 [20 20]

125 17 1328 2020

Q125 -> Storm

Q1328 -> Patriots

Q2020 -> Protect with life

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5f3787 No.21091912

File: fea013d2018ce13⋯.png (547.08 KB,575x475,23:19,Joe_Biden_Ice_Cream_02.PNG)


It was more

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c74095 No.21091913


bo, the fuckin thing wont open up?

can you please fix it?


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24f921 No.21091914



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6565d9 No.21091915


I don't think it needs to be approved by Senate, the House has the sole power of the purse, and Kash threatened that to Wray until he sent the files they wanted over. It's not a law it's an authority in the House domain only.

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8dc635 No.21091916


Those cybernetic organisms look vaguely like straight white males. If hollywood keeps making terrible sequels, will we see cybernetic organisms that walk and look like chicks, niggers, fags?

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526ef7 No.21091918


> I'd be shitting bricks.

no shit, that nigga can talk #GiftofGab

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4018dd No.21091919



Did he make you take the covid shot?


it's hilarious

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6b3d58 No.21091920

File: d03e38f94a0dc85⋯.png (1.83 MB,1080x958,540:479,ClipboardImage.png)




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8dc635 No.21091921

I stopped leaving youtube comments because I'm pretty sure I'm shadowbanned. I'm not 100% filtered, but for sure they limit my engagement somehow.

also, why do liberals get so mad when you suggest that shadowbanning exists?

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d530e0 No.21091922

File: 18202c1f7094710⋯.png (22.2 KB,497x178,497:178,Q2948.png)

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6d612b No.21091923


>Saul Alinsky Tactic 107 - Vulgar Personal Attack

c_a tactic one if you can't just assassinate the target

all i can say is if you weren't over the target, the shills wouldn't be shittin and shillin soooo hard!

maybe send them some viagra or cialis so they can shill harder!

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8dc635 No.21091924



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6b3d58 No.21091925

File: b43671a2100eb8e⋯.png (404.93 KB,437x437,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f3787 No.21091926

File: 697f54b679318a7⋯.jpeg (325.26 KB,1366x1366,1:1,20137EE6_056C_43B5_B86C_B….JPEG)

File: f736f51afd3429b⋯.jpg (146.73 KB,852x626,426:313,Joe_Biden_Ice_Cream_04.jpg)

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24f921 No.21091927



kept off the board for a statistically significant confluence/events. I persist.

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ea1718 No.21091928

File: 15a469a573d9a2e⋯.png (158.95 KB,975x759,325:253,1MAWLogo.png)

File: 128965907330f5a⋯.jpg (122.58 KB,960x729,320:243,a93555670901e929dc037b9799….jpg)

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a2aec0 No.21091929

Military Camouflage Uniform Market size is set to grow by USD 225.7 million from 2024-2028, Increasing focus on weather and topography-specific uniforms to boost the market growth, Technavio

NEW YORK, June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ – The global military camouflage uniform market size is estimated to grow by USD 225.7 million from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of almost 2.95% during the forecast period. Increasing focus on weather and topography-specific uniforms is driving market growth, with a trend towards evolution of military camouflage smart uniforms. However, failure to adapt leads to high costs poses a challenge. Key market players include American Apparel Inc., Cortman Textiles Ltd., Crye Precision LLC, DuPont de Nemours Inc., Guangzhou Junyiku Industrial Co. Ltd., HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp., IBENA Textilwerke GmbH, Kel Lac Uniforms Inc., Koch Industries Inc., Milliken and Co., National Safety Apparel Inc., Raff Military Textile, Rothco, TenCate Fabrics EU, and Woven Fabric Co.


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85d307 No.21091930

Tucker @ 10:00

Big Pharma ads on TV;

You can't buy these drugs they're prescription only, so why do they advertise them?

Insurance policy! Pay all that money to media and no bad stories will appear.


The criminality is off the charts.


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526ef7 No.21091931


>Memory wiped.

they say mediation can help, and something about a full moon

meditate goind downstairs to a tree ans asking the tree to show you the life

problem is, all is mental

thus it is possible you would or would not see your own past life, may be anothers you view that time and how to prove???

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6b3d58 No.21091932

File: 93fc327f03662c3⋯.png (317.42 KB,935x712,935:712,ClipboardImage.png)

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12eb26 No.21091933

File: d3d81868817d5ca⋯.png (240.47 KB,455x316,455:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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94a067 No.21091934


"ask your doctor if X is right for you"

so they don't have to suggest it

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3efeef No.21091935

File: 64235f527617479⋯.jpg (232.17 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_26_19_1….jpg)

File: 1721f71f9b9f9ca⋯.png (76.76 KB,640x924,160:231,457_2_.png)

File: 58171759e362df1⋯.jpeg (497.82 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GRByfq_XMAE0_PO.jpeg)

File: f3f2165f65254bd⋯.png (142.61 KB,640x1040,8:13,1657_1_.png)

File: 56bccbeb8aa6e4e⋯.gif (233.5 KB,220x165,4:3,paris_hilton_thats_hot.gif)



hot off the press Paris Hilton hotel.

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301ffa No.21091936



i'm afraid of heights

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c74095 No.21091937


shitpoast test 4 u

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6d612b No.21091938


might wanna look at 2779 as well


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526ef7 No.21091939

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5f3787 No.21091940

File: 82688156cf60533⋯.png (170.44 KB,300x300,1:1,D0B1E4F6_B22E_4D81_8EA8_96….png)

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85d307 No.21091941


Ont eh topic of Doctors. In my country they are under NO OBLIGATION to make disclosures about receiving benefits for products they prescribe.

Why's that?

Go to a finance/insurance industry, it's disclosures galore.

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e2bf24 No.21091942

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Farage is on the anons and Trump train


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c74095 No.21091943

>>21091922, >>21091594, >>21091689, >>21091768, >>21091897 FOUND THE 7 SECONDS Don jr post on Nikki Haley


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526ef7 No.21091944

File: 1f8e5d36e4e6047⋯.png (18.75 KB,549x102,183:34,ClipboardImage.png)

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39b111 No.21091945


Hell yeah, anon! Way to go!

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e8a042 No.21091946

File: 310e80fc816d507⋯.jpg (200.48 KB,960x886,480:443,DJTIceCrm.jpg)

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6565d9 No.21091947

The FDA has issued a nationwide recall hitting over 140 canned coffee brands

A major coffee manufacturer has recalled multiple brands due to potential contamination of a fatal neurotoxin

By Bruce Gil

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced a national recall of certain coffee products over the risk of a potentially deadly contamination.

Snapchill, a Green Bay, Wisconsin-based coffee manufacturer, recalled all of its canned coffee products due to the potential presence of Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that can produce a fatal neurotoxin.

Nearly 300 canned coffee products from 147 brands are affected. The products range in sizes from 7oz to 12oz cans and have been distributed nationwide at retail stores and online.

The FDA said that Snapchill’s current manufacturing process could lead to the growth of botulinum toxin. The toxin, if ingested, can cause a rare form of food poison with symptoms that include general weakness, dizziness, double-vision, trouble speaking or swallowing, difficulty breathing, and constipation. Symptoms can appear from six hours to two weeks after someone eats food containing botulinum toxin.

The FDA warned consumers experiencing these symptoms to seek immediate medical attention.

So far no illnesses have been reported and Snapchill has said it’s unaware of any cases of their products actually containing botulinum toxin. The company is currently working with the agency to clear its manufacturing process.

The FDA recommends consumers who have recalled products to destroy them or return them for a full refund.

This summer, the FDA also issued a recall of several ice cream brands.

Here are the 147 coffee brands hit by the recall

41 & Change

Alchemy Roasting


Baba Java Coffee

Bent Tree Coffee

Big Iron

Big Mouth Coffee

Big Shoulders


Black Acres

Black Nerd


Bold Bean

Bolt Coffee






Cafe Ammi

Cape Cod Coffee


Cerberus Coffee

Coffee Hound

Coffee N Clothes

Coffee Project NY

Color Coffee

Connect Coffee

Copper Horse

Coterie Coffee

Crankshaft Coffee

Cup to Cup

Dave’s Coffee


Daysol Coffee

Dead Sled

Doughnut Plant

Downeast Coffee



East End

Eclipse Coffee Roasters

Electro Brew Coffee Co.

Element Coffee

Emergency Medical Coffee


Euphoria Coffee




Fire Grounds

First Crack C/O Sound Coffee

Five & Hoek

Five Star Roasters


Gay Awakening Coffee

George Howell


Goldberry Roasting Company

Gooseneck Coffee Co.

Gryphon Coffee

Heady Cup

Heart Coffee

Heine Bros


Honest Coffee

Hustle N’ Grind


Joe Bean

Kahawa 1893


Kawaha 1893

Knowledge Perk

Kribi Coffee

Kuva Coffee

La Cosecha

Lanna Coffee

Larrys Coffee

Little Wolf


Mad Priest

Madcap Coffee

Maple Leaf Coffee Roasters



Mighty Good Coffee Co.

Mocha Joe

Molon Labe

Mudd LLC

Neighbor Coffee

New Hampshire Coffee Roasters

Northern Coffeeworks


Others Coffee

Opus Coffee

Oye Coffee

Paper Plane Coffee Co

Peaks Coffee Co




Pink Elephant

Play Coffee

Quartertone Coffee


Rabble & Lion

Radial Coffee



Red Rooster

Retrograde Coffee

Rock City

Rockford Coffee

Rusty Dog

Sacred Grounds


Seaworthy Coffee

Sepia Coffee

Shirazi Dist.


Sleeping Giant Coffee Roasters

Slow Bloom Coffee

Snowy Owl

Southeastern Roastery

Spot Coffee


Square One Coffee

Stack St.

Summit Coffee

Sur Coffee

The Boy & The Bear

The Well Coffeehouse

Three Tree Coffee Roaster



Touchy Coffee


True Love Coffee Co.




Victoria Coffee



White Bison

White Rhino

Wild Goose Coffee


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85d307 No.21091948


Check his thoughts on Israel. Trump train yes. Anons… maybe.

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6df0e9 No.21091949

File: 1c10170235b2a4a⋯.png (443.11 KB,842x671,842:671,4556j4747465.PNG)

State Department confirms death of US embassy employee in Kyiv

An employee of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine died in Kyiv, U.S. State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said at a briefing on June 26.

His confirmation came after reports that the American diplomat's body was found at the Hilton Hotel in Ukraine's capital on June 25.

"We can confirm the death of the U.S. government employee who was under the chief of mission authority at the embassy in Kyiv. We extend our deepest condolences to the family and loved ones of our colleague," Miller said.


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afe3ea No.21091950


Notable bake bake!

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526ef7 No.21091951

File: a98d52b73fbf19c⋯.png (13.5 KB,379x94,379:94,ClipboardImage.png)

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24f921 No.21091952

File: e3365cab69fa0e9⋯.png (114.03 KB,555x346,555:346,GreenGo.png)


sounds like a go-signal

>On an anonymous(superfcially) web site.

How does anon confirm?

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6565d9 No.21091953


Does anyone believe the FDA now, it seems like its specialty coffee and not regular name brands

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d7eaa7 No.21091954




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d5e29a No.21091955

File: f2c6ce47600ed33⋯.mp4 (583.65 KB,480x270,16:9,mic.mp4)

File: acb57fc39d668a2⋯.png (450.71 KB,882x683,882:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Wait… WHAT?🤣🤣🤣


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85d307 No.21091956


WOW! Globalism at work.

This 1 facility produces ALL THESE BRANDS?

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301ffa No.21091957


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:1 - KJV

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e7dc3d No.21091958


I'm a Christian anon,

your deprecation of the importance of Jesus Christ isn't anything I will ever agree about.

have a blessed evening.

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6d612b No.21091959

File: 05b4647b50974c0⋯.png (111.19 KB,379x280,379:280,ClipboardImage.png)

OY! same shit different continent!


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c74095 No.21091960

File: b59e06f57ebbe16⋯.png (246.8 KB,453x696,151:232,b59e06f57ebbe16bb1326adaae….png)


Is Tucker in Australia to interview Julian Assange?


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ede8b4 No.21091961

File: 45edcf9bec7a2d9⋯.png (224.81 KB,465x262,465:262,ClipboardImage.png)


this guy says that there are certain Hilton Hotels that have certain floors (entire floor levels) that are portals to other dimensions where they hold their meetings.

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301ffa No.21091962


another psyop

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94a067 No.21091963

File: d781e58f9bfe8ba⋯.jpeg (20.81 KB,405x720,9:16,iojufertqtwhg9yuhioretsgs.jpeg)

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045acb No.21091964




you guys are fuckin pathetic lol

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e7dc3d No.21091965

what about that Adam Kinzinger, anon.

he actually endorsed Joe Biden!


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3efeef No.21091966


level up

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d4eed9 No.21091967

File: 4f966b0b02fccf2⋯.png (209.76 KB,437x433,437:433,ClipboardImage.png)

How much fake are you running, AEI?

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6565d9 No.21091968


I bet the big brands are trying to get rid of the small producers and the company got paid a lot to release this. FDA can never be trusted after covid bullshit and shots

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d7eaa7 No.21091969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e2bf24 No.21091970

File: a3cf30aab4aac58⋯.jpg (99.03 KB,590x455,118:91,tgtggggui.jpg)

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12eb26 No.21091971

File: 4b428aae9597aa1⋯.png (461.69 KB,562x312,281:156,ClipboardImage.png)



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eb0973 No.21091972


Stay in your little box.

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89d4d1 No.21091973

File: 9485f5f0e6f2656⋯.png (101.52 KB,504x360,7:5,9485f5f0e6f2656946133fe0a8….png)

File: a2ca371e0ed6ffc⋯.png (1.48 MB,1476x928,369:232,a2ca371e0ed6ffcddb3a32dda9….png)

File: b3d3edf174bdca2⋯.png (207.61 KB,568x426,4:3,b3d3edf174bdca2ddd97384975….png)

last call


#25854 >>21091300

>>21091330, >>21091344, >>21091864, >>21091879, >>21091935 Mil Posts

>>21091335, >>21091517, >>21091832 'Top official' from Gascón's 'Ethics and Integrity' unit faces 11 felony charges

>>21091338, >>21091356 There Is Near Zero Historical Precedent For Biden DOJ Getting Steve Bannon Thrown In Jail

>>21091339 The EU Migration Pact has just passed the Dail vote ….by just 6 votes

>>21091340 Maduro: "The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom… Here, neither the gringos nor US Southern Command will ever govern again."

>>21091343 Moar Q on Assange

>>21091353 Should Australian politicians claim credit for the release of Julian Assange?

>>21091384, >>21091868 US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine

>>21091388 Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

>>21091405 @WarRoom “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”

>>21091418 Clinton wikileak emails - we have it all - nothing is ever deleted

>>21091435 Reporter Confronts Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo For Blaming Trump For Brutal Killing and Rape of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray By Illegals

>>21091436 Another monolith in Colorado

>>21091437, >>21091453 Trump Pulls Ahead in National Polls

>>21091438, >>21091444, >>21091474, >>21091540, >>21091562, >>21091589 BREAKING Coup Attempt in Bolivia (home to 24% of the world's lithium)

>>21091490 Former President Of Honduras, Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute More Than 400 Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

>>21091492 House Republicans vote to defund Mayorkas salary in Homeland Security funding bill

>>21091493 The Red Tails were a group of African American pilots who served in the USAAF during World War II. Tuskegee Airmen named after the Red Tail Hawk.

>>21091502 Only 675,000 LEGAL Immigrants Per Year Are Allowed By Law

>>21091541, >>21091545 UK Labour Party - Take a look at who they are and what they do

>>21091571 Where's Gina? SUBPOENA Haspel and her RUSSIA GATE records NOW

>>21091583 @AIPAC - 17 more AIPAC-backed Democrats won tonight! Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!

>>21091594, >>21091608, >>21091631, >>21091667, >>21091911, >>21091768, >>21091897, >>21091922 spelling errors IS / IT, THEY'RE / THEIR and TTUMP / TRUMP TT

>>21091922, >>21091594, >>21091689, >>21091768, >>21091897 FOUND THE 7 SECONDS Don jr post on Nikki Haley

>>21091638 Alito rails against White House accusing the Biden administration of leading a “campaign to coerce Facebook”

>>21091645, >>21091652 US profits from climate change loans to poor countries

>>21091669 Former CNN anchor John Avlon won the Democratic primary in a battleground Long Island district on Tuesday

>>21091673 PF

>>21091695 meme mastering resource - Free video screenshots, download, production tools - 8kun video limits (~16mb)

>>21091748, >>21091752 PROTO ON / PROTO OFF

>>21091769 How to watch the Presidential Debate without cable

>>21091795 Ex-Jill Biden Aide Criticizes 'Scripted' Protection of Joe Biden

>>21091849 ENDLESS ESCALATION: Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine

>>21091827, >>21091865, >>21091876 The Sheeple need to be shown

>>21091947 The FDA has issued a nationwide recall hitting over 140 canned coffee brands

>>21091960 Is Tucker in Australia to interview Julian Assange?

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4b1775 No.21091974

File: bccb4f084a799c0⋯.png (922.67 KB,696x608,87:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8eb7f No.21091975


Trump will hold up hand written commentary on cue cards

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7939be No.21091976

File: 2bda397f70a7f45⋯.png (106.26 KB,1139x191,1139:191,2bda397f70a7f45b89ed55a35d….png)

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6d612b No.21091977

File: 3ddaa10e80cad36⋯.png (901.18 KB,734x500,367:250,ClipboardImage.png)


>your deprecation of the importance of Jesus Christ

you sir are courteous! i would have said




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3efeef No.21091978

File: 64235f527617479⋯.jpg (232.17 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_26_19_1….jpg)

File: f8acca823ef6b06⋯.png (116.38 KB,640x1412,160:353,405_2_.png)

File: ed1cc47e6fae7ba⋯.png (179.55 KB,640x1800,16:45,734.png)

File: d4f755ffa1cfaeb⋯.png (38.14 KB,640x452,160:113,3737.png)

File: f984ff562e9b1ef⋯.jpeg (5.61 KB,273x153,91:51,download_39_.jpeg)


almost out of beer.

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d4eed9 No.21091979

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)

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4018dd No.21091980


It was Paganini, not Pavarotti

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6565d9 No.21091981

The FDA has issued a nationwide recall of over 13 ice cream brands

A major ice cream manufacturer has recalled multiple brands due to possible listeria contaminationWhy is it never the BIG BRAND NAMES?

By Bruce Gil

Totally Cool, an Owings Mills, Maryland-based manufacturer of ice cream products, on Monday recalled all its ice cream products due to potential contamination of listeria monocytogenes, a bacterium that can cause serious infections.

In total, over 60 products including pints, ice cream cakes, and ice cream sandwiches are affected. The products have been distributed nationwide and were sold in retail stores and via direct delivery.

Here are the 13 ice cream brands being recalled


Abilyn’s Frozen Bakery

Hershey’s Ice Cream


Jeni’s (ice cream sandwiches)

Cumberland Farms

The Frozen Farmer





Dolcezza Gelato


The FDA has published a list of all date and plant information on the impacted products. Customers are able to return affected products where they purchased them for a full refund.

Listeria monocytogenes can cause serious listeriosis infections in young children, elderly people, and people with weakened immune systems. The FDA warned that listeria infections could cause miscarriages and stillbirths among pregnant women.

Totally Cool has halted the production and distribution of the affected products after an FDA sampling discovered the presence of the bacteria.

Even among healthy people, a listeria infection can lead to symptoms including high fever, headaches, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea.

An estimated 1,600 people in the United States get listeriosis ever year with about 260 annual fatalities, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The FDA says no illness have been reported in connection with the contamination. The agency said it is taking preventative actions and its investigation is ongoing.


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85d307 No.21091982

File: 13ebc41a5c15ab2⋯.png (99.45 KB,327x412,327:412,Dan_Looking_Activated_Red_….png)

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3b25a1 No.21091983


>almost out of beer.

Anon should make a beer run before the debate.

What should we drink to?

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94a067 No.21091984


hey bakes can you tag


to the Tucker in Aussie land note?


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6565d9 No.21091985


Next the FDA and other agencies will need to kill a million more chickens and cattle

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85d307 No.21091986

Tucker BTFO those dumb bitches

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9890e6 No.21091987

File: d909100b0047c9b⋯.png (234.66 KB,617x508,617:508,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b3ca03111b35d2⋯.png (241.45 KB,365x428,365:428,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b78c53f33214a3⋯.png (210.11 KB,376x257,376:257,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7dc3d No.21091988



you really like to make stuff confusing and then do the 'gottcha'.

good thing you didn't say that.

Sáncte Míchael Archángele, defénde nos in proélio, cóntra nequítiam et insídias diáboli ésto præsídium. Ímperet ílli Déus, súpplices deprecámur: tuque, prínceps milítiæ cæléstis, Sátanam aliósque spíritus malígnos, qui ad perditiónem animárum pervagántur in múndo, divína virtúte, in inférnum detrúde. Ámen.

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81ffa3 No.21091989


B. I. N. G. O.

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d4eed9 No.21091990

File: 5348be576df69c2⋯.png (1.45 MB,821x1130,821:1130,5348be576df69c204cbdb40197….png)

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4b1775 No.21091991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tucker Carlson Responds to Julian Assange’s Release During Australia Speech


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dd8abf No.21091992



anon is torrenting the entire site rn

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ea1718 No.21091993

File: c53a689e7d2b2ee⋯.jpg (181.1 KB,900x672,75:56,american_flag_ocean.jpg)

File: 5671be819fbea5c⋯.webp (89.79 KB,1200x800,3:2,uk_flag_ocean.webp)

File: 1bfef3382ab3687⋯.jpg (160.01 KB,900x720,5:4,american_flag_on_a_sailing….jpg)

File: eda5bf7a535ee86⋯.png (215.1 KB,536x282,268:141,canvas.png)

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ede8b4 No.21091994

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e7dc3d No.21091995



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76aec1 No.21091996

File: 16ccd8672e9ac31⋯.jpg (413.38 KB,865x1390,173:278,saint_andronicus_in_the_ch….jpg)


Bible is true history, but you need a bigger context to piece it all together.

People who say King J]Esus was a myth and never existed are wrong.

Just like a game of "Telephone" Over the centuries the story gets changed a bit.

But basic outline is there.

Istambul, Constantanople may have been the authentic Jerusalem?

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94a067 No.21091997


>What should we drink to?

bud light's rebound


smoke a joint

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81ffa3 No.21091998

File: 7773ad5e1e00fe2⋯.jpeg (214.66 KB,1125x1125,1:1,5FBD5960_D584_43C0_B11F_0….jpeg)

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d5e29a No.21091999

File: 6c3d0258f6a9814⋯.mp4 (13.1 MB,480x270,16:9,Meet_the_Australian_media.mp4)

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d7a02a No.21092000

File: a5c40c463c042e0⋯.png (945.45 KB,976x886,488:443,litai.png)

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dd8abf No.21092001


Drink to Anons hanging together.

Don't forget to pop some popcorn.

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c48422 No.21092002


Wikileaks deleted the DNC files. Don’t worry, the Pirate Bay still has them 😉


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81ffa3 No.21092003



Thank you anon

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0b0ea0 No.21092004



Here they are again, the nightly religious "arguments"

Those stopped quick when the "operators" came on to "test" anons

The religious "arguments" where no where around when the "operators came back to spew more bullshit

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c48422 No.21092005


[Who has the copyright of the UK flag?]

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85d307 No.21092006

File: 3494809f8fbaa7c⋯.png (1.8 MB,1737x1181,1737:1181,AOC_Smoking_Weed_Joint_Swi….png)

File: 6fff28add9df881⋯.png (49.13 KB,360x166,180:83,Denzel_Washington_My_Nigga.png)

File: 92feb28b8ef14c2⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,596x333,596:333,One_Does_Not_Simply_Have_T….jpg)

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a8eb7f No.21092007


Joe, did you fuck Ashley ?

Inquiring dicks want to know.

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76aec1 No.21092008


wow. Andronicus hair is like a rocker from the 70's?

Istanbul, Constantinople

soory for the bad spelling.

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3efeef No.21092009

File: 71e4a3bbff801f2⋯.jpeg (10.28 KB,300x168,25:14,images_69_.jpeg)

File: 89a41aa1a44d48d⋯.jpg (138.88 KB,1200x800,3:2,74218424007_usat_885733_pa….jpg)

File: f8a641bc92303bc⋯.jpeg (9.9 KB,300x168,25:14,images_68_.jpeg)

File: 8bed34307c78288⋯.jpeg (8.35 KB,275x183,275:183,download_43_.jpeg)


akchually listening to her. 50's mom dress 4B

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e526df No.21092010

File: 35f044f0ab2fa91⋯.jpg (392.75 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Coffee_Frog_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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0b0ea0 No.21092011


King Charles III

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76aec1 No.21092012


he even looks British/English?


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b671e8 No.21092013


>Bible is true history

Isn't it odd they happily print and sell the bible

Then the same cult

Bans, shuts down, ridicules anything Q related?

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85d307 No.21092014

File: a952799a698321e⋯.jpg (280.47 KB,1000x666,500:333,Creepy_Joe_Biden_Hole_In_W….jpg)

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c74095 No.21092015


Am amused, Paul Sacarl from the Sydney Morning Herald demonstratively shoved his low IQ onto the world wide stage. TOP KEK

Hope that dipshit has taken all 5 covid shots, let the stupid die by their blind convictions and their evil proclamations, died suddenly and turbo cancer?

He's a total loser.

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a8eb7f No.21092016


Nothing is ever deleted

The NSA has your every discretion catalogued; what say you ?

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d7a02a No.21092017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ea1718 No.21092018

File: 72a14b54b1590f1⋯.jpg (117.3 KB,2048x1109,2048:1109,american_and_israeli_flags….jpg)

File: 3086f1d8cc88c0f⋯.jpg (414.59 KB,1920x1280,3:2,AbrahamAccordsWikipediaima….jpg)

File: e740bd2464f717a⋯.jpg (162.17 KB,1600x800,2:1,2023_03_28_us_israel_uae_b….jpg)

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94a067 No.21092019

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7939be No.21092021

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6565d9 No.21092022

File: 0933b7886bcd6eb⋯.png (379.43 KB,597x709,597:709,ClipboardImage.png)

YES DO ITFair is Fair

More and more congressmen are rallying behind Rep. Anna Paulina Luna's move to hold the lawless Merrick Garland in INHERENT CONTEMPT of congress. Here's Missouri Congressman Mark Alford dropping FACTS:

"Both criminal and civil contempt rely on the executive branch for enforcement, which clearly is not going to happen in this case…inherent contempt allows Congress to detain and try individuals who defy our subpoenas."

This movement is gaining momentum. Let's go!


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b671e8 No.21092023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NSA, Witness Me

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e7dc3d No.21092024


can they get me back a minetest world from 2017 that was lost when I had a harddrive issue?

that would be swell

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4018dd No.21092026


Please let him doodle pepe motorboating some busty babe

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d4eed9 No.21092027

File: 09abb63c12ab27a⋯.webm (113.93 KB,573x240,191:80,unfortunately.webm)


>smoke a joint

Thinking of giving it up actually.

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0a0ca0 No.21092028

File: 4235b1a14e99672⋯.jpeg (86.31 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5128.jpeg)

““You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!”

‭‭Acts‬ ‭7‬:‭51‬ ‭NIV‬‬





All fools who take the Bible literally.

They don’t teach the spirit. They teach the letter which kills. They are all War Mongers.

They don’t understand the MEANING of the words. The heart of the story.

They are the fools.

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3efeef No.21092029

File: 71e4a3bbff801f2⋯.jpeg (10.28 KB,300x168,25:14,images_69_.jpeg)

File: 89a41aa1a44d48d⋯.jpg (138.88 KB,1200x800,3:2,74218424007_usat_885733_pa….jpg)

File: f8a641bc92303bc⋯.jpeg (9.9 KB,300x168,25:14,images_68_.jpeg)

File: 8bed34307c78288⋯.jpeg (8.35 KB,275x183,275:183,download_43_.jpeg)

listen very carefully. 1 Qtard post the video please.

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c515e7 No.21092030



It’s odd that a cult bent on controlling information and knowledge would let the Bible be so obtainable unless that’s what they want.

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c4e8ff No.21092031

File: 753ccefadf94ece⋯.jpeg (160.9 KB,500x496,125:124,IMG_0409.jpeg)

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6565d9 No.21092032


When Republicans finally start fighting back, a lot of the bs in congress and senate will go away. I'd love to see Garland in the jail under the Capital, that's why they built it.

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85d307 No.21092033

File: c487793a3f5d3b2⋯.gif (4.39 MB,270x480,9:16,Baker_Bewbs_Car.gif)


To bewbs!

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4018dd No.21092034



even the "smart" ones that thought, I'll use drafts and no one will know, ummmm, nope, it's saved

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32cca7 No.21092035

File: eb8cabf2dc2af42⋯.png (226.14 KB,839x839,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Trump will hold up hand written commentary on cue cards

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b671e8 No.21092036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Witness me

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c5f4ed No.21092037

File: 92af0b1e37db7bd⋯.jpeg (301.3 KB,745x558,745:558,3DEF775D_FE9C_42B9_ADD0_A….jpeg)

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a8eb7f No.21092038

File: 543455f567b5d8a⋯.jpeg (113.4 KB,1600x700,16:7,IMG_0411.jpeg)

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4018dd No.21092039


one or both joints?

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7939be No.21092041

File: fae23e63a0b171c⋯.png (13.57 KB,320x180,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



do it!

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76aec1 No.21092042


I think the Cult of the King was co-opted long ago.

They defend their copyright.keke

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3efeef No.21092043

File: 71e4a3bbff801f2⋯.jpeg (10.28 KB,300x168,25:14,images_69_.jpeg)

File: f8a641bc92303bc⋯.jpeg (9.9 KB,300x168,25:14,images_68_.jpeg)

Cornelius Fredericks sandwich 8 staff lunchroom >>21092033

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acd723 No.21092044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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659c0e No.21092045





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89d4d1 No.21092046

File: 9082b610331834e⋯.jpg (498.25 KB,1500x1500,1:1,9082b610331834e58688d6a8c1….jpg)

File: 89797002a6b2128⋯.jpg (172.76 KB,800x1000,4:5,89797002a6b2128287d39aa7f7….jpg)

File: c2bbd5ff8b0f85a⋯.jpg (229.7 KB,1010x976,505:488,c2bbd5ff8b0f85a25002011442….jpg)



#25854 >>21091300

>>21091330, >>21091344, >>21091864, >>21091879, >>21091935 Mil Posts

>>21091335, >>21091517, >>21091832 'Top official' from Gascón's 'Ethics and Integrity' unit faces 11 felony charges

>>21091338, >>21091356 There Is Near Zero Historical Precedent For Biden DOJ Getting Steve Bannon Thrown In Jail

>>21091339 The EU Migration Pact has just passed the Dail vote ….by just 6 votes

>>21091340 Maduro: "The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom… Here, neither the gringos nor US Southern Command will ever govern again."

>>21091343 Moar Q on Assange

>>21091353 Should Australian politicians claim credit for the release of Julian Assange?

>>21091384, >>21091868 US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine

>>21091388 Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

>>21091405 @WarRoom “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”

>>21091418 Clinton wikileak emails - we have it all - nothing is ever deleted

>>21091435 Reporter Confronts Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo For Blaming Trump For Brutal Killing and Rape of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray By Illegals

>>21091436 Another monolith in Colorado

>>21091437, >>21091453 Trump Pulls Ahead in National Polls

>>21091438, >>21091444, >>21091474, >>21091540, >>21091562, >>21091589 BREAKING Coup Attempt in Bolivia (home to 24% of the world's lithium)

>>21091490 Former President Of Honduras, Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute More Than 400 Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

>>21091492 House Republicans vote to defund Mayorkas salary in Homeland Security funding bill

>>21091493 The Red Tails were a group of African American pilots who served in the USAAF during World War II. Tuskegee Airmen named after the Red Tail Hawk.

>>21091502 Only 675,000 LEGAL Immigrants Per Year Are Allowed By Law

>>21091541, >>21091545 UK Labour Party - Take a look at who they are and what they do

>>21091571 Where's Gina? SUBPOENA Haspel and her RUSSIA GATE records NOW

>>21091583 @AIPAC - 17 more AIPAC-backed Democrats won tonight! Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!

>>21091594, >>21091608, >>21091631, >>21091667, >>21091911, >>21091768, >>21091897, >>21091922 spelling errors IS / IT, THEY'RE / THEIR and TTUMP / TRUMP TT

>>21091922, >>21091594, >>21091689, >>21091768, >>21091897 FOUND THE 7 SECONDS Don jr post on Nikki Haley

>>21091638 Alito rails against White House accusing the Biden administration of leading a “campaign to coerce Facebook”

>>21091645, >>21091652 US profits from climate change loans to poor countries

>>21091669 Former CNN anchor John Avlon won the Democratic primary in a battleground Long Island district on Tuesday

>>21091673 PF

>>21091695 meme mastering resource - Free video screenshots, download, production tools - 8kun video limits (~16mb)

>>21091748, >>21091752 PROTO ON / PROTO OFF

>>21091769 How to watch the Presidential Debate without cable

>>21091795 Ex-Jill Biden Aide Criticizes 'Scripted' Protection of Joe Biden

>>21091849 ENDLESS ESCALATION: Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine

>>21091827, >>21091865, >>21091876 The Sheeple need to be shown

>>21091947 The FDA has issued a nationwide recall hitting over 140 canned coffee brands

>>21091855, >>21091991, >>21091999 Tucker is trending and I haven’t seen anyone on X connecting the dots to as why this is huge!

>>21091960 Is Tucker in Australia to interview Julian Assange?

>>21091981 Joe No! The FDA has issued a nationwide recall of over 13 ice cream brands

ty for your efforts anons

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6565d9 No.21092047


BTW Kash told them about withholding salaries of agency leaders very early on if they didn't comply, he called it fencing the money until they do comply. I think Luna found the law inherent contempt, what a smart woman

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d45766 No.21092048

Here to scrape.

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108f8a No.21092050


(((new york)))

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a8eb7f No.21092051

File: 9c0cee006e249fc⋯.jpeg (52.8 KB,440x529,440:529,IMG_0412.jpeg)

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67eec5 No.21092052

File: c41f3b49c36ff7a⋯.webp (5.46 KB,259x194,259:194,IMG_5814.webp)

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94a067 No.21092054

File: f4d7187368e560f⋯.jpg (126.37 KB,718x718,1:1,f4d7187368e560febff72a5c03….jpg)



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4018dd No.21092055


on path

on glideslope

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6df0e9 No.21092056

Space Delta 8 Guardian to compete in Miss Colorado USA Pageant

SCHRIEVER SPACE FORCE BASE, Colo. – For three days from June 28-30, 50 women are slated to gather in Greeley, Colorado to compete in the 2024 Miss Colorado USA Pageant, one contestant being U.S. Space Force Spc. 4 Brianna Guillory, 4th Space Operations Squadron wideband engineer.

From Iowa, Louisiana, a small town of less than 3,500 people, Guillory grew up in a family that taught her the importance of responsibility, strong work ethic and believing that one can accomplish anything they put their mind to. It’s this mindset that would catalyze Guillory’s pageant dreams throughout her childhood and into adulthood.

Since entering the Space Force in December 2020, Guillory made time to pursue her pageant dreams, entering into her first beauty pageant – Miss Colorado USA.


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3efeef No.21092058


God bless you

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d4eed9 No.21092059


Not those two, or the other one, but the one that's no longer needed.

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7939be No.21092060

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d45766 No.21092062

File: a2687677f874a9c⋯.gif (4.41 MB,500x281,500:281,data_images_gif_topwitch.gif)

Giving away insights and foresights no death gaurnteed but it could happen.

Point your fingers I'll find the go go ghosts! scoob

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b71b7e No.21092063

File: a8f14ecdda0765c⋯.png (15.39 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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24dc96 No.21092064

File: c66d245a467c558⋯.png (4.77 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Can_tStop.png)

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acd723 No.21092065

File: 2691ff73f22c390⋯.png (503.56 KB,455x455,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


qtard on duty.


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e7dc3d No.21092066


reading your post again I see that you were directing that at the other one.

I just didn't get it when I wrote my first response to this.

ya, the whole 'I know the bible, I found god, I'm right, you are wrong' bit of that other one is tiring.

have a blessed day.

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89d4d1 No.21092067

File: e5d88abfdb4ce4f⋯.png (313.42 KB,523x525,523:525,4_cat_wth_bread_.png)

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39e160 No.21092069

File: 3668956ba7164ae⋯.png (5.41 MB,2602x1608,1301:804,autist_office.png)

I am only going to watch the debate through this board.

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3efeef No.21092070

orphan & the widow >>21092065

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24dc96 No.21092071

File: e4ff6b6233ed9e6⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x855,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)

General Juan José Zuñiga was arrested by Bolivian authorities — local media reports

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c515e7 No.21092072


Look at those ugly fucks. And people believed them about medicine?

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108f8a No.21092073


pipe down, mason

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f79006 No.21092074

File: b8adc422ce2f4a3⋯.png (795.21 KB,699x960,233:320,ClipboardImage.png)


Who does this precedent expose to criminal liability?

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e7dc3d No.21092075


a vistor at the museum of fire hazards?

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89d4d1 No.21092076

File: ab339900bfd80a3⋯.jpg (793.68 KB,1200x900,4:3,ab339900bfd80a3363e290d512….jpg)

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a8eb7f No.21092077

File: 6d022b92af9927e⋯.jpeg (44.58 KB,350x350,1:1,IMG_0413.jpeg)


You are too focused; The bullshit is world wide

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f79006 No.21092079

File: f450b96ecc8e591⋯.png (359.78 KB,634x444,317:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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e58dca No.21092080

You are being watched.


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c5f4ed No.21092082

File: cb29c158cc32545⋯.gif (2.55 MB,496x280,62:35,0C19469B_D39E_42EE_B434_D7….gif)

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85d307 No.21092083

File: abb40dc73c393be⋯.jpg (463.86 KB,1200x798,200:133,Trump_Olga_Poster_Pepe_Bew….jpg)

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fcd25f No.21092084




great vid worth the watch

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94a067 No.21092086

File: 1579a4ea4c8908f⋯.png (117.98 KB,300x272,75:68,1579a4ea4c8908f44efb8c3b5e….png)

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f79006 No.21092087

File: 3dcfd1a5edf4eba⋯.png (359.82 KB,634x444,317:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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