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File: 2d6b25f5ee43425⋯.png (272.54 KB,511x388,511:388,000eee.png)

4ee0ec No.21090456 [Last50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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4ee0ec No.21090459

International Q Research Threads

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>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

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>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

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>>21074755, >>21074757, >>21074766 MASSIVE SPAM ATTACK on catalog, BAKERS: PLZ GET REPORTER STATUS SO YOU CAN BAKE NEW


#25852 >>21089490

>>21089669, >>21089799, >>21089805, >>21089827, >>21089866, >>21089892, >>21090098, >>21090125, >>21090192, >>21090201, >>21090271 PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med/CONUS activity


>>21089585 @GenFlynn Dismantle it now

>>21089588, >>21089691 Eyez ON scotus blog

>>21089630, >>21090221, >>21090280, >>21090313 Oversight of the Biden Covid-19 Administrative State Response

>>21089636, >>21089646 Just before Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in their second presidential debate, then-National Intelligence Director James Clapper…

>>21089653, >>21089760, >>21089761, >>21089819, >>21089902, >>21090297 NASA

>>21089688, >>21089693, >>21089697, >>21089919, >>21089926, >>21090002 Swamp Talk

>>21089695, >>21089877, >>21090017, >>21090062, >>21090075, >>21090195 The Supreme Court on Wednesday tossed out claims that the Biden administration unlawfully pressured social media companies to removing certain content./NO STANDING

>>21089737, >>21089904 Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich's espionage trial in Russia begins

>>21089743 🇰🇵 🇷🇺 North Korea says it will send troops to Ukraine to fight alongside Russia.

>>21089797 Cancer prevention

>>21089807 @ChuckGrassley Biden’s open border crisis has allowed over 400 ppl affiliated w ISIS human smuggling network to come into our country

>>21089831 Reminder: next week Biden is releasing 1 million barrels of gasoline from the now non-existent Northeast reserve to further lower gas prices in hopes of boosting his sagging approval rating

>>21089846 #OTD in 1942, the Grumman F6F Hellcat flew for the first time.

>>21089895 @USNavy 📡 Tech turbulence? Not on their watch! Information System Technicians keep us cruising smoothly…

>>21089937 Interactive Brokers accepts $48 million loss tied to NYSE glitch

>>21089965, >>21089851, >>21089812 WE HAVE THE SOURCE

>>21090092 AFRL releases video footage of XQ-67A first flight

>>21090106 Bragg's diversity hiring blitz EXPOSED in misconduct complaint

>>21090114 @1st_Marine_Div Passing the torch🫂

>>21090124 SXSW will drop its US army sponsorship for 2025

>>21090139, >>21090149, >>21090170 Giant asteroid the size of 770 lions to pass Earth Thursday, June 27- Where are the fuggin giraffe conversions??

>>21090206 Republican congressional candidate plans to abolish taxes, agencies and ‘anything big’

>>21090211 Macron’s brand ‘toxic’ – Bloomberg

>>21090215 Bitcoin Donor Pays For Julian Assange's $520,000 Charter Jet

>>21090249 Massachusetts Sends Warning: Migrant Shelters 'Full'

>>21090260 US Air Force fires top missile program manager

>>21090272, >>21090277 POLL: President Trump is the strongest candidate to protect democracy

>>21090303 UK’s Cameron dashes Ukraine’s NATO summit hopes

>>21090327 Yen falls to 37-year low of 160 against U.S. dollar

>>21090330 Julian Assange's Attorney Jennifer Robinson Holds a Press Conference in Canberra: 'This is the Criminalization of Journalism'

>>21090336 Rep. Clyde Reintroduces Legislation After SCOTUS Ruling To Stop Federal Gov’t From Using Big Tech To Censor

>>21090369 Debate Bingo Card

>>21090396 Rep. Anna Paulina Luna says AG Merrick Garland will be arrested if the privileged motion on inherent contempt passes on the floor Friday, but only if he does not bring the Biden tapes to the House for investigation

>>21090398 Count Binface challenges U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for Parliament seat

>>21090406 🇷🇺 Russia officially declares NATO an "enemy alliance."

>>21090453 #25852

#25851 >>21088357

>>21088418, >>21089186 Squad loudmouth Jamaal Bowman has lost his primary mainly for his pro-Palestine views.

>>21088423 Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Breaks Down Israel And Ukraine Conflicts

>>21088686 Supreme Court Turns Away COVID-19 Vaccine Appeals

>>21088714 Why pay $1m when you can pay PwC $30m, and help yourself to someone’s IP?

>>21088725 ‘Never Trump’ Political Strategist Caught Attempting to Rape Underage Boy

>>21088780 Tennessee election officials asking more than 14,000 voters to prove citizenship

>>21088920 They Are Using Lab-Grown Human Brains Called "Organoids" To Run Computers

>>21088936 Dutch PM Mark Rutte confirmed as NATO Secretary General

>>21088999 the replacement? Hillary Clinton - I'm the only person to have debated both of this year's presidential candidates before.

>>21089023, >>21089029, >>21089138, >>21089178 The WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has landed in his home country Australia a free man after his US legal battle comes to an end.

>>21089158 New PDJT with misspelling

>>21089190 Rep. Lauren Boebert Wins Packed Primary After Switching Districts

>>21089203 Congressional Report: CIA Interfered in 2020 Election

>>21089240 LIVE: Julian Assange's team holds press conference

>>21089264 KENYA'S President William Ruto yields to public pressure and anger, declines to sign the controversial Finance Bill. Returns to Parliament with a raft of amendments

>>21089404, >>21089417 Embassy Cat 4/11

>>21089432 Jack Smith’s Latest Trick – Attempts to Sway Court with New Photos Alleging Trump Stored Classified Documents in a “Haphazard Manner”

>>21089435 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy

>>21089586 #25851

#25850 >>21087550

>>21087600 Speaker Johnson tells Hannity that the House is working on an amicus brief in Steve Bannon’s appellate case

>>21087604, >>21088140 Jaamal Bowman is ousted in most expensive House primary ever LOSER PARTY

>>21087624 @WarRoom Democrat Advocate And Election Worker ARRESTED In Maricopa County, AZ

>>21087691 George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist, defeats Rep. Jamaal Bowman in New York Democratic primary

>>21087705 Anon ponders Jan 6th details - diggable

>>21087706, >>21087713, >>21087719, >>21087765, >>21087808, >>21088075 TRUMP TRUTHS & DECODE

>>21087786 TrackAIPAC.com Exposes Zionist Politicians Who Take Israeli Bribes

>>21087837 @wikileaks - Julian Assange walks free

>>21087878 Hundreds of Ukrainian War Vehicles Strewn Along The Street 4 min video

>>21087911 @paulsperry BREAKING: Fulton County, Ga has moved to destroy 2020 ballots

>>21087947 IV3.us True The Vote effort. Has anyone signed up to help clean up the voter rolls?

>>21087905, >>21087957 Will Julian be reunited with Embassy Cat?

>>21087963 Israel's military must enlist the ultra-Orthodox

>>21087967 @WarRoom Boebert: Uniparty Lost Once, We Will Beat Them Again TodayGOD BLESS MAGA

>>21088103, >>21088132 Lindell: Robin Vos Will Be Recalled; Announced Today

>>21088124 @wiki SEIU gave $2.5M to Fund for America (DNC political action fund)

>>21088164 Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis?

>>21088182 @WarRoom Jack Smith And DOJ Used Classified Cover Sheets To Tamper With Documents Case Evidence

>>21088185 A new wave of bankruptcies shakes the Catholic Church in California

>>21088186 Anna Paulina Luna to Force Vote Holding AG Garland in Inherent Contempt

>>21088294 Jan 06 deep dive Bun - Anons will not believe their lying eyes

>>21088350 #25850

#25849 >>21086544

>>21086646 LIVE: Coverage of Julian Assange plea deal in Saipan

>>21086724, >>21086802 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US securing his freedom

>>21087252 MTG on the release of Julian Assange

>>21087362 Flynn: Assange was a journalist jailed for breaking vitally important news about severe USG corruption

>>21087434, >>21087441 Julian Assange flew to freedom on same $40M private jet Taylor Swift chartered to Super Bowl

>>21086600, >>21087059 FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

>>21086608 Incident on world's largest cruise ship with small fire and temporary power loss

>>21086633 June 27 is the 178th day of the year which leaves 187 days remaining in the year on that day

>>21086636 PF: EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusdeparted Charlottesville, NC

>>21086651, >>21086668 Jack Smith admits FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents at MAL and took photos as 'evidence'

>>21086685, >>21086698 Greg Kelly is selling a pair of his Trump's Never Surrender golden High-Top Sneakers with bidding starting at $200k

>>21086689 GOP Michigan Rep. Neil Friske claims he was ‘framed’ after arrest for assaulting, chasing stripper with gun

>>21086726, >>21086758 Adam Schiff: But her emails…

>>21087077 Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home raided by FBI agents; feds target other locations

>>21087080 Large-scale power outages reported across Tel Aviv

>>21087144 Apple becomes first US tech giant charged under Europe’s new antitrust law - and faces billions in fines

>>21087165, >>21087174, >>21087184, >>21087205 Here's the full list of Biden's executive actions so far

>>21087187 Planned Parenthood to spend $40m to boost Biden, Democrats ahead of November

>>21087211 John Podesta was just told by an interviewer that he is known as one of the better "chefs" in DC

>>21087247 Idaho 500,000 acres of farmland receives water shutdown

>>21087283, >>21087417 Mike Davis: “Merrick Garland’s Allies Are Above The Law And His Enemies Are Below The Law”

>>21087288 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s illegal student loan plan

>>21087295 Elon answers question by Tim Pool re: CNN Debate DMCA

>>21087339 Fire-alarm puller and jihad squad member Jamaal Bowman has LOST his primary race in NY

>>21087349 Manchin to start donating to Republicans

>>21087386 SOAA are extremely concerned by the terrorist threat facing the United States and have issued the following open letter

>>21087400, >>21087182, >>21087244 DJT: My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake!

>>21087413 DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind 'Unprecedented Lawfare' Campaign Against Trump

>>21087443 Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security

>>21087453 Yellen be like

>>21087454 Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices

>>21087535 #25849

Previously Collected

>>21086510 #25848

>>21083921 #25845, >>21084839 #25846, >>21085576 #25847

>>21080963 #25842, >>21081817 #25843, >>21083075 #25844

>>21078572 #25839, >>21079380 #25840, >>21080158 #25841

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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4ee0ec No.21090470

File: 1c8cb684924dd26⋯.webp (64.25 KB,600x422,300:211,hydra.webp)

File: 12fd56e9a1aa0c3⋯.png (915.83 KB,768x833,768:833,hydra2.png)

File: 02b1dfc12cb33df⋯.png (297.82 KB,474x649,474:649,hydra4.png)

File: 4c561b849fb88b3⋯.png (1.96 MB,1919x1079,1919:1079,hydra5.png)



Baker TAPS

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4ee0ec No.21090486

File: c46c7c5d3d60ee1⋯.png (874.64 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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c26324 No.21090488

File: b2e765e4682f33c⋯.jpg (159.68 KB,1280x866,640:433,b2e765e4682f33cd504c81421b….jpg)

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ad039f No.21090494

File: a96c96ee62c88c2⋯.png (438.89 KB,932x1126,466:563,85e3fda974781228951b149eed….png)

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b76a8f No.21090495

File: e33945f7529506b⋯.webp (306.98 KB,1560x2248,195:281,IMG_1718.webp)

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fdcdf4 No.21090496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy issues.


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b76a8f No.21090497

Revelation 13

13 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads. 2 And the beast that I saw was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear's, and its mouth was like a lion's mouth. And to it the dragon gave his power and his throne and great authority. 3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. 4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”

5 And the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling,[a] that is, those who dwell in heaven. 7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.[b] And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. 9 If anyone has an ear, let him hear:

10 If anyone is to be taken captive,

to captivity he goes;

if anyone is to be slain with the sword,

with the sword must he be slain.

Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.

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4631ab No.21090498

File: 494076410e103c5⋯.png (1.87 MB,1218x1590,203:265,Screenshot_2024_06_26_at_1….png)

>Reposting from lb


Following Julian Assange's guilty plea to unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified documents related to national defense, WikiLeaks has removed all DNC emails from its platform; all emails appear with an Internal Server Error Message.

As part of the plea deal, Assange must ensure the return or destruction of unpublished information held by him or WikiLeaks and provide a sworn affidavit confirming compliance, effectively limiting his legal exposure and potentially curtailing future leaks.

Sources: NY Times, NBC News,



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d1fa7b No.21090499

File: 18c901d22804fb7⋯.jpeg (502.68 KB,693x648,77:72,8DF2EB76_352A_4FE1_AC39_1….jpeg)

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4ee0ec No.21090500



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4631ab No.21090501


Digits confirm

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4ee0ec No.21090502


really noice fam

nik'd it


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b76a8f No.21090503

Revelation 2:9 ESV

“‘I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich) and the slander of those who say that they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

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502920 No.21090504

File: 37da791eb7dd9a8⋯.png (195.24 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

26 Jun, 2024 11:50

US government (FUCKING FREAKS) lobbied to remove trans surgery age restrictions – NYT

US officials reportedly cited political reasons for pressuring an international health group to drop limitations on such operations

US health authorities pressured the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) to remove age restrictions for teenage surgeries from its guidelines published in 2022, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing newly unsealed court documents.

According to the outlet, the administration of President Joe Biden, and specifically the assistant secretary of health, Rachel Levine, who is transgender,feared that age limitations could fuel the growing political opposition to the controversial treatments.

In the first draft of the guidelines published in 2021, the WPATH initially planned to set the minimum age for hormonal treatment at 14, 15 for mastectomy, 16 for breast augmentation and facial surgery and 17 of genital surgery or hysterectomy.However, in the final version of the document, which was released a year later, the group mentioned no age limits at all.

Emails obtained by the NYT have now reportedly shown that Levine’s staff had contacted the group and took issue with the guidelines, urging WPATH to drop the age limits.

“[Levine] and the Biden administration worried that having ages in the document will make matters worse. She asked us to remove them,” one of the letters from a WPATH staffer was quoted as saying.

Some members of the organization were reportedly concerned about the government’s intervention and insisted that the commission’s guidelines be based on science and expert consensus rather than politics.

“I need someone to explain to me how taking out the ages will help in the fight against the conservative anti-trans agenda,” one WPATH member reportedly questioned.

Sex change operations and other “gender-related treatments” for minors have become an increasingly controversial issue, particularly in the US, where positions on the topic generally split along party lines.

Democrats and the Biden administration have been pushing for increased access to what they call “gender-affirming healthcare” for minors, while conservatives and Republican state leaders have been looking to restrict the practice.

A number of US states, including Texas, Florida, Ohio, Georgia and others, have already introduced legislation banning gender-affirming care for transgender minors while some, such as Tennessee and Alabama, have threatened fines and prison sentences for medical workers who violate the restrictions.

The Biden administration has been challenging these legislative bans in court, arguing that denying transgender minors access to gender-affirming healthcare is a violation of guarantees of equal protection and due process under the Constitution’s 14th Amendment.


God has got to be seeing this, and it's time for the WRATH of God to descend upon these Satanists, Luciferians, Soulless creatures. Time for the second and final death at the Lake of Sacred Fire. Amen

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ace293 No.21090505

File: 7df58083cb5254d⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

Jab Has Never Been Licensed as Safe or Effective

The Jab Isn't a Vaccine, 9th Circuit Court

6 Foot Distancing, made up

Lock Downs, no science

Masking, no studies

It's not a Good Week For Pfizer Shareholders

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9b6bbb No.21090506

>>21090439 (lb)

Hmm yeah you are right with Onan. So Birth Control is not disfavored by God per say.

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e38f4a No.21090507


Anons never get wins. Trust the plan….to be slow.

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e4e612 No.21090508

File: 8c90c492f82f8a5⋯.png (595.3 KB,903x1253,129:179,ClipboardImage.png)


Hawk …

1:07 PM · Jun 26, 2024


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d1fa7b No.21090509

File: bbba634223187fe⋯.jpeg (44.91 KB,414x412,207:206,665E7ADA_6999_40DF_90B5_6….jpeg)


Ty for that

Have a good afternoon

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4ee0ec No.21090510


sorry I took out first post

not sure why jab meme didn't post in dough but wanted it there


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c26324 No.21090511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c69096 No.21090512

File: 36814416bcda60a⋯.png (58.12 KB,1024x512,2:1,0b418c3b929c562f76321a9f92….png)

File: dd6dde3fc8bac56⋯.png (188.63 KB,487x489,487:489,7c0b8bc95b017e7d6fdbe0f275….png)

File: 7d1f51d57198c54⋯.gif (1.97 MB,500x379,500:379,7d1f51d57198c5480a70b28cf7….gif)

>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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8d4f03 No.21090513

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ace293 No.21090514

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202621 No.21090515

File: 56263f13feb5aa5⋯.jpg (50.94 KB,869x373,869:373,cxxcvbvdsfdxgcfhvg.jpg)

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502920 No.21090516

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Fauci Tape That Won't Go Away, he's an expert at gaslighting

Joe Rogan



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fdcdf4 No.21090517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:30 PM EDT

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas Press Conference

U.S. Customs and Border Protection



Homeland Security Secretary Holds Press Conference on Border Security

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas holds a press conference on border security from Tucson, Arizona.


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4631ab No.21090518


Not directly. Just says "be fruitful and multiply." Christian conservatives do well to heed this command, because our enemies are heeding it like rabbits.

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e38f4a No.21090519


It’s taking sooooooo long tho.

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d76f2c No.21090520

File: 3d22da0ba41f09d⋯.jpeg (435.56 KB,1125x1690,225:338,IMG_1378.jpeg)


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d1fa7b No.21090521

File: dfb021b983ad39b⋯.jpeg (539.95 KB,770x965,154:193,C2E1F04F_482A_4B84_84EF_2….jpeg)

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b76a8f No.21090522


Isaiah 59:19 ESV

So they shall fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun; for he will come like a rushing stream, which the wind of the Lord drives.

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1231f9 No.21090523

File: 68ecd7081ebfa9f⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,960x894,160:149,pelsi.mp4)

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477114 No.21090524

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ace293 No.21090525



Nothing to forgive with Digits like those


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4631ab No.21090526


God made Israel wander in the wilderness for forty years just to kill off an entire generation before letting them into the promised land. Don't think we're any different. Our laziness and wickedness by omission has landed us where we are today. We deserve to wander in darkness for at least a generation. Our grandkids might get to see The Plan fulfilled. We won't.

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fd5232 No.21090527

File: ef9f4f855fade09⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB,480x270,16:9,ideological_bullshit_make_….mp4)

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9f81a7 No.21090528

File: 045815acd6bcc33⋯.jpg (541.04 KB,2025x1350,3:2,f81dcf3c2dc808ffa91953fe43….jpg)



Claiming Bake

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9b6bbb No.21090529


But I mean it says God thought of that as Wicked, so when I read that word it makes me think the act itself is bad, to waste seed in general or am I mis-reading that. I think it also means to "be fruitful and multiply" as you said.

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c9fcc5 No.21090530

File: 803656c42f15799⋯.jpeg (61.22 KB,662x441,662:441,80AD223B_4D2E_4891_8A8B_5….jpeg)

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e38f4a No.21090531


>rushing stream

Rushing stream my ass. More like a turtle fart. Slowest plan ever. I would tell God the same thing. Yo plan is so slow. Almost like you put the slow dumb military in charge of it. It’s not sinful to criticize. Thank God!

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e4e612 No.21090532

File: 9535a48008f14c9⋯.png (408.53 KB,853x832,853:832,ClipboardImage.png)


12 hr increments:


Hunters become prey

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83a468 No.21090533


Bird comms….

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b76a8f No.21090534

Satan Attacks Job's Health

2 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan also came among them to present himself before the Lord. 2 And the Lord said to Satan, “From where have you come?” Satan answered the Lord and said, “From going to and fro on the earth, and from walking up and down on it.” 3 And the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.” 4 Then Satan answered the Lord and said, “Skin for skin! All that a man has he will give for his life. 5 But stretch out your hand and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse you to your face.” 6 And the Lord said to Satan, “Behold, he is in your hand; only spare his life.”

7 So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord and struck Job with loathsome sores from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head. 8 And he took a piece of broken pottery with which to scrape himself while he sat in the ashes.

9 Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.” 10 But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?”[a] In all this Job did not sin with his lips.

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e38f4a No.21090535


>We won't.

We better or I’m burning the MF down myself.

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83a468 No.21090536

Comms are out there today…we just got to figure them out


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a88079 No.21090537

File: e36b6201ff0b9ae⋯.png (7.22 MB,2250x1665,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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502920 No.21090538

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against HumanityThis is excellent. He wrote a book, "Resisting Medial Tyranny" He believes everyone involved including Fauci and the rest should be criminally charged. Dr. Francis Boyle, the architect 1989 Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act, did not mince his words.



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789ef0 No.21090539

File: fa2bb4b060d2f20⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB,2160x1218,360:203,IMG_0971.jpeg)

Another Biden Debate talking point developing for CNN to ask Trump

== Biden announces pardons for veterans convicted under military law prohibiting gay sex=

The president said the action was aimed at “righting an historic wrong” for many former service members who faced convictions “simply for being themselves.”


Talking points I have seen developing this week

1. Surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis….biden bring up bump stock ruling and Trump’s SC picks….

2. !6 NOBEL WINNING economists say Trump’s tax cuts and policies would be a danger to our country.

3. Biden pardons gays…which Trump adm charged…and Trump hates transgenders who have high rate of suicide

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90c0e6 No.21090540

File: 715f8a8d130a85f⋯.gif (904.65 KB,1258x1138,629:569,anheuser_busch_budweiser.gif)

File: dafebc2c763a1b2⋯.jpg (33.42 KB,400x527,400:527,1101440403_400.jpg)


Thank you Fornax. 13 colonies for a reason.

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c26324 No.21090541

File: 8fd7a85ac9e4856⋯.png (4.98 MB,2048x1497,2048:1497,ClipboardImage.png)

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4631ab No.21090542


It was wicked because Onan's obligation in lying with his brother's (now his) wife was to obey God's command to sire children for his dead brother who died childless. Onan wanted to play but not pay. The wickedness was in lying to God and his wife about why he was engaging in intercourse with her. Just like Ananias and Sapphira in the New Testament, who lied to the Holy Spirit about how much money they made off selling a plot of land. That is wicked. God struck them dead for doing it.

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c69096 No.21090543

File: 6b484d9f6cabcee⋯.jpg (152.45 KB,351x504,39:56,8f782620f80e1bf8e4361aea53….jpg)

If We the People do not control our communication network(s), then those networks control us; they are what they were engineered to be, a consumer mind control apparatus.

Just as the cult sought and acquired control of the railroad networks and used that hidden control to determine which towns and whose businesses would flourish and which would stagnate, the cult sought control of information traffic for the same reason. To control the physical, or today, information networks, is to control future economic development of the nation or world. By setting railroad freight rates the cultist’s rail networks favored satanic enterprises and thwarted competition. Today, by controlling who knows what, and when they know it, the pedovore cult does the same thing, favoring cult enterprises more efficiently and secretly.

The cult’s subterfuge, disguised ownership and control, corporate shells, special stock classes, and other SOP con tactics concealed the cult’s ownership and control of the railroads. Now, the same system in far more complex forms like “opaque financial instruments” disguises ownership and control of media companies – this is the "hidden hand;" the secret society control systems known as webs.

We the People rely on ideologically partisan networks for information. Since ‘’’ all ‘’’ ideologically segregated partisan networks selectively amplify FUD and suppress facts contrary to partisan narratives, ‘’’ no single set of facts exists for We the People to argue over the interpretation of. ’’’

With no trusted information supply, in the middle of a multi polar information war, there is no method to determine which information is real, true and important and which is trivial, false and maliciously intended. How do we make decisions when ‘’’all’’’ information is corrupt and controlled?


Computational civilization rests on information. The better, more accurate, the information, the less error it contains, the better a society performs by measures like the rate at which new, objectively true scientific knowledge is created.

Civilizations which fail to set a high value on information integrity for all citizens, are inevitably tyrannies where deception is the rule; communities which cannot, and do not, survive as advanced computational civilizations subside into barbarism, and ultimately, into collective, instinctual animal life.

Civilizations which set the highest value on the accuracy and integrity of their information supply view truth as a sacred, know that error correction and secure networking are essential to the maintenance of the life of all advanced, computation dependent civilizations.

The deep integration of computation into every sphere of human endeavor has supercharged our science and taken our civilization to an unfamiliar place, beyond material limitations, where the rules, God's rules, are the rules of the universe, and have their ultimate and mysterious source in the timeless properties of natural numbers.


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0b35fa No.21090544

File: 2dc857f5630b406⋯.jpeg (101.53 KB,1170x1298,585:649,bHxSYFjgGVG1.jpeg)

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b76a8f No.21090545

Deuteronomy 34:6

6 and he buried him in the valley in the land of Moab opposite Beth-peor; but no one knows the place of his burial to this day.

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9b6bbb No.21090546


Scavino asked us to meme this photo a day or 2 before the Hawk Tuah craze interdastingly.

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4ee0ec No.21090547

File: 0c72831e7f4a7ae⋯.png (94.08 KB,1070x1147,1070:1147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3149ea881336b3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1024x1064,128:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Habby Bakes

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c9fcc5 No.21090548

Speed is the economy of motion. Burning stove tops are inspirational… jussayin

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736ffc No.21090549

File: d8704e0feaf6d76⋯.png (977.35 KB,750x1334,375:667,BD0EDA63_E866_4413_9B97_8D….png)

File: b34fbe10e5c1063⋯.png (59.05 KB,690x900,23:30,C91F9331_6D83_4CBB_A9BF_25….png)

File: 3a60d16bfbd0052⋯.png (256 KB,690x1140,23:38,0A989355_1AFC_4B08_BEB0_2E….png)

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1175fc No.21090550


>Slowest plan ever.

[They] had a sixteen-year plan, the Obama Administration's eight years followed by eight years of H. Clinton.

It was countered by an eight-year plan launched in late 2017. You were told what battles we faced back in July of 2019:

Listen very carefully (again).

Note past (2) years.

Note next (6) years.

You were told what was going to happen.

You were told what battles we face.

Q #3387

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b76a8f No.21090551

Genesis 3:14 ESV

The Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and above all beasts of the field; on your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life.

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4631ab No.21090554


It is precisely because we don't burn the MF down ourselves that we do not deserve to see the promised land. That was our sin to begin with. Should have started with 1913. There should have been a nationwide revolt against the Federal Govt, but there wasn't. Sin of omission. Sin of living comfortably while evil is allowed to prevail.

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b76a8f No.21090557

1 Timothy 5:15 ESV

For some have already strayed after Satan

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c26324 No.21090558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e38f4a No.21090561



>Listen very carefully (again).

(You) listen very carefully. Hurry the fuck up my patience is wearing thin. Do you hear me?Hurry the fuck up

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e4e612 No.21090564

File: 39157c581548524⋯.png (1.91 MB,3504x1808,219:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3919acd1883b305⋯.png (45.5 KB,684x481,684:481,ClipboardImage.png)



>Bird comms….

Date delta sh*t

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a88079 No.21090565

File: 5e93a69b68a97dd⋯.mp4 (8.49 MB,640x360,16:9,JA_in_AUS_26JUN24.mp4)

JA arrives in AUS

repost mp4 from last bread

>>21090240 LB


WikiLeaks’ Assange arrives in Australia after pleading guilty in deal that secures his freedom

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arrived in Australia aboard a charter jet hours after pleading guilty to obtaining and publishing U.S. military secrets. The deal with the Justice Department concludes a drawn-out legal saga.

Published 6:10 AM EDT, June 26, 2024 1:22


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c9fcc5 No.21090566

got a good email address? AFAF

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cc2b46 No.21090567

File: b89a5ee4cbb3595⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB,800x589,800:589,Alwaleed_Snapchat.jpeg)

File: 9dac384c54ae16c⋯.jpg (427.6 KB,810x1246,405:623,Alwaleed_with_dems.jpg)

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736ffc No.21090568

File: 809808b1dabe47b⋯.png (1.63 MB,750x1334,375:667,C0245649_653E_4A73_A4B4_47….png)

File: e29eaa87aa41486⋯.jpeg (425.5 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,A5B20E9C_EABC_4324_9A93_A….jpeg)

File: 3ce4c75c85c0f83⋯.png (64.79 KB,690x674,345:337,AEEE3DBC_0A49_487E_A860_52….png)

File: 4dfe0ee7e71c825⋯.png (25.57 KB,690x410,69:41,BF460E72_FEEE_4D56_8DC6_9C….png)

File: 2dd8809c6eee33d⋯.jpeg (389.33 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,82C9262E_56B3_4D4B_B9D9_B….jpeg)

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90c0e6 No.21090569

File: 46349cc7c7a4e0c⋯.jpg (85.56 KB,637x1200,637:1200,Lilith_John_Collier_painti….jpg)


Cain was also told to walk the Earth immortal and raise a Nation in his name after his "Transgression" by Godfather his own self. Reconcile.

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9b6bbb No.21090570


Ah ok I just re-read it. Onan did have an obligation to his brother. Thanks for the clarification. Ok well then sex before marriage doesn't seem to be like something punishable by death or anything. I think our current laws in the West are pretty accurate then.

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ace293 No.21090571

File: 231cdc1cf48cb26⋯.png (910.07 KB,2355x1352,2355:1352,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c0edf No.21090572


What type of hawk is that?

Redtail hawk?

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477114 No.21090573


"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6….Oswald was a fag"


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e38f4a No.21090574


Can’t argue with any of that.

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c9fcc5 No.21090575

Not helpful

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da9ca7 No.21090576

File: a409d5e972151aa⋯.jpg (8.58 KB,250x241,250:241,eyeroll_pepe.jpg)


Just what the people want – more talk about gay sex right in everyone's faces. These are some really sick clowns.

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9b6bbb No.21090577


But obviously if you feel shame or bad about it stop doing it. Bible does mention the value of Virginity.

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90c0e6 No.21090578

File: c176cf338dd2f1b⋯.jpg (8.88 KB,197x256,197:256,images_9_.jpg)


What about just some light fondling by the Temple Virgins. Is that ok?

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b76a8f No.21090579

Exodus 23

English Standard Version

23 “You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. 2 You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to pervert justice, 3 nor shall you be partial to a poor man in his lawsuit.

4 “If you meet your enemy's ox or his donkey going astray, you shall bring it back to him. 5 If you see the donkey of one who hates you lying down under its burden, you shall refrain from leaving him with it; you shall rescue it with him.

6 “You shall not pervert the justice due to your poor in his lawsuit. 7 Keep far from a false charge, and do not kill the innocent and righteous, for I will not acquit the wicked. 8 And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.

9 “You shall not oppress a sojourner. You know the heart of a sojourner, for you were sojourners in the land of Egypt.

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9f81a7 No.21090580

File: a8eb6975b6f5426⋯.jpg (143.85 KB,1075x703,1075:703,a8eb6975b6f542660780d12b3a….jpg)


tanx baker

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d5c53b No.21090582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e38f4a No.21090583

I’m tired of your dumb fucking narratives.

I’m tribes of your drips.

I’m tired of your inability to wake up normies.

I’m tired of your lies.

I’m tired of waiting for your plan.

Get things going.

hurry the fuck up

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b76a8f No.21090584

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1175fc No.21090585


> Hurry the fuck up my patience is wearing thin.

Understood. Feelings like patience are made of human emotions, there is noting more fleeting, insubstantial, or irrelevant.

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ace293 No.21090586


It's the Slow Blade that Pierces the Shield

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519c62 No.21090587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Aussie is 5-eyes


PUNK scene aka Anarchism, suicide, violence and brown shirts. Oh yes and drugs.


>>21090321 lb

>>21090334 lb

>>21090366 lb

and NORMANS aka "Romans"

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d5c53b No.21090588

File: 35972aa76829549⋯.gif (627.48 KB,220x361,220:361,djt7_dance.gif)

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da9ca7 No.21090589

File: 8a32174305eb7d0⋯.png (269.14 KB,496x410,248:205,nobody_cares_spongebob.png)

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502920 No.21090590

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy Shit, Bannon is interviewing Baby Momma, three short videos. Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden



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d5c53b No.21090591

File: 1c8830978a8ae7b⋯.png (1.14 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1a.png)

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83a468 No.21090592

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519c62 No.21090593

File: c1dd39412d16716⋯.jpg (63.2 KB,511x508,511:508,creepy_cooking_moca_galaBi….jpg)


all are lb

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c26324 No.21090594

File: e925dd39e429b82⋯.png (282.11 KB,500x500,1:1,shield_pepe.png)

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d5c53b No.21090595

File: 2e4e56738911c8b⋯.png (1.73 MB,1162x611,1162:611,2e4e56738911c8bb6d5cfdc97f….png)

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2c0edf No.21090596


>Get things going.

>hurry the fuck up

We are going as fast as we can two more weeks ™

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90c0e6 No.21090597

File: c7ba57aba181fc1⋯.webp (72.89 KB,997x2000,997:2000,u3x5tp8odio41.webp)


Who's the King. Say my name. Hoe's that for ego?

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457377 No.21090598


He got stuff on them too

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202621 No.21090599

Dr. Pavia [COVID Oversight Hearing]: It's a deliberate misinformation [to say no children died from COVID]. The CDC receives reports from states based on the medical examiner's review. Medical examiners determined that these deaths were more likely than not due to COVID. That number of seventeen hundred…is reasonably accurate at a minimum.

["more likely than not", and "reasonably accurate" are far from confirmation]

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ceebdd No.21090600

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Amazon Primes newest season of “The Boys” - Oprah, Tom Hanks, Pedos


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178ae0 No.21090601

File: 152419268437327⋯.png (549.68 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Backoff you sexy as fuck temptresses. I am on the quest for the Holy Grail.

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a95f50 No.21090602

Trudeau has FALLEN and great is his fall. He called for a snap election a few weeks ago. It was called by many as Trudeau's Last Stand and it worked the same as Custer's. He lost to a conservative for MP. Fortress Toronto said you're fired. What's more, the conservatives are projected to take 209 seats in Parliament while what was Trudeau's leading Liberal Party's seats to pummel to 70. Note: There are 338 sears in Parliament. What a GREAT VICTORY for the people and a crushing deveat for yhe Globalists.

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6c1f29 No.21090603

File: df27bb1aca7448b⋯.png (2.22 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ace293 No.21090604

File: 10280396a09d3d1⋯.mp4 (8.44 MB,854x480,427:240,4c12cf2f517a5dadd38ad828b2….mp4)



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027466 No.21090605

File: a2ac9f042432161⋯.png (315.81 KB,634x2346,317:1173,ClipboardImage.png)

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a95f50 No.21090606


Error. Forgot the sauce. Article up at TGP.

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ace293 No.21090607


It'll Be a Conservative Super Majority by the time Elections Happen in 2025

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457377 No.21090608


Don't need saving

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eff514 No.21090609

File: c9a4afcce3da5f2⋯.png (598 KB,630x587,630:587,alinsky12.png)

File: f51bfc56db16fd6⋯.png (1.06 MB,648x790,324:395,alinsky8.png)

File: d39c9a6cbc126ed⋯.png (225.37 KB,500x440,25:22,ClipboardImage.png)

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90c0e6 No.21090610

File: cb73d24a35fcb6e⋯.jpg (822.05 KB,1639x2100,1639:2100,Nahas_VanHalen_Teardrop_si….jpg)

File: 9d9a147bb1c8871⋯.png (3.12 MB,1664x2432,13:19,1712895866078822.png)


It's in my pants…

Show me your best mating press. (EXTRA vIRGIN)

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7ffcd5 No.21090611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS Live Edition



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736ffc No.21090612

File: a0bdb0459484285⋯.png (868.4 KB,750x1334,375:667,D13877B8_771D_4BFC_9071_47….png)

File: 63671a8b7e3cd95⋯.png (48.32 KB,690x586,345:293,C6A2C049_0AE3_4B6A_9095_B0….png)

File: c3701fe0c4d9921⋯.png (24.68 KB,690x410,69:41,4D5DF6B3_5B1B_4330_8AB5_96….png)

File: 7ac4e7f12ccc87c⋯.png (938.77 KB,690x3170,69:317,211319BF_0A90_4A7D_8FF5_7C….png)

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eff514 No.21090613

File: 2b6504902d20dac⋯.png (585.54 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c26324 No.21090614

File: 79d2a4fe14431fc⋯.jpeg (139.14 KB,1024x1024,1:1,le1DrF6iSzdu.jpeg)

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a95f50 No.21090615


Thanks for the info. Mean while Trudeau will the lamest of ducks and Cristiana is GUTTED.

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fdcdf4 No.21090616


FF alert

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ace293 No.21090617


If he was Smart he would call an Election Immediately to hold onto 50-70 seats

Cause if he waits till 2025, Liberals' will have fewer than 10 seats

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cf70ac No.21090618

File: 35c05475f112b8b⋯.webp (45.94 KB,600x900,2:3,road_warrior_hawk_wwe_wre….webp)

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027466 No.21090619

File: fc83534e95a8ced⋯.png (183.25 KB,525x481,525:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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90c0e6 No.21090620

Pornhub embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dance for me Whore of Babylon…

I love you.

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027466 No.21090621

File: 904fcfd62e9ac04⋯.png (720.66 KB,801x1283,801:1283,ClipboardImage.png)

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502920 No.21090622

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts Reveals Securing Child Support From Hunter Biden



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eff514 No.21090623

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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d5c581 No.21090624


reman clam trust the flan

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ace293 No.21090625


Can't use Kinetic in a Information War

It's a mental battle of Wits

Go Kinetic & you lose

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736ffc No.21090626

File: 3900610f8608588⋯.png (3.03 MB,750x1334,375:667,C6AA7D18_EFF0_4CF4_A053_7B….png)

File: c9acc52dffe95e0⋯.png (93.04 KB,690x806,345:403,DEDE039A_C040_4D6B_8D76_1E….png)

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fdcdf4 No.21090627

File: 006196607e3e1ea⋯.jpg (42 KB,540x463,540:463,cat_traps.jpg)

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873f9d No.21090628

File: 129b0bd47effc66⋯.jpg (536.06 KB,1830x1860,61:62,QMakeItRainFireBorder.jpg)


Thank You Bakers

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6c1f29 No.21090629

File: 7dd3a1114fca2c5⋯.png (5.21 MB,1878x1252,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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519c62 No.21090630

File: 82e447ab8d10079⋯.jpg (30.01 KB,401x596,401:596,brutus.jpg)

File: c70dbe9d90fc95c⋯.png (157.5 KB,731x603,731:603,brutus.png)

File: 032cfc14c4aff6b⋯.gif (53.03 KB,250x240,25:24,Brutusidesobv.gif)

File: d49e548d6631983⋯.png (1.44 MB,1078x7922,539:3961,brutuskingofbrits.png)

File: a01fade8b2e1cdd⋯.jpg (3.23 MB,1930x2570,193:257,Capitoline_Brutus_Musei_Ca….jpg)


BRITish = from BRUTis; the conquorer which they deny.

Yet the villagers in Totnes have the group memory cause that's where he landed.

The original chronicle of the Brits names Brutus as the founder of Britain and conqueror of English isle.

Think, why do the upper crust call themselves "Brits" and not English.

The Brits spoke Latin.

The ancestral memory from that place calls the landing of Brutus there, after leaving "Trojan War"

Official Brit history says that is nonsense, because it contradicts the history that they push.

That's the total sum of their debunk.

They have a different story tale.

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eff514 No.21090631

File: 34af1d8042c2f8a⋯.png (293.12 KB,640x512,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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502920 No.21090632


Bannon asks some harsh questions, pretty interesting.

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027466 No.21090633

File: 6bc6f6fda65f8ab⋯.png (114.12 KB,1136x1129,1136:1129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bc6f6fda65f8ab⋯.png (114.12 KB,1136x1129,1136:1129,ClipboardImage.png)

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a95f50 No.21090634


Didn't think of that. I agree with you. Do you think that Trudeau & Christine will take that chance, since they will be a 'laughing-stock' from this date on?

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fdcdf4 No.21090635



1:00 PM EDT

LIVE: Trump Campaign Hosts Black American Business Leaders at Barbershop in Atlanta - 6/26/24


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7ffcd5 No.21090636

File: 9877ad168d98e4e⋯.png (1.12 MB,1297x825,1297:825,ClipboardImage.png)

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90c0e6 No.21090637

File: d142bb3c7f22561⋯.png (8.21 KB,702x357,234:119,Screenshot_2024_06_26_1344….png)


The word has power.

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eff514 No.21090638

File: 093d708856c835a⋯.png (198.01 KB,398x286,199:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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fdcdf4 No.21090639

2:00 PM EDT

Gun Violence Prevention Task Force News Conference

Rep. Frost (D-FL) and others hold a news conference the U.S. Surgeon General’s advisory declaring gun violence as a public health crisis.


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fdcdf4 No.21090640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Radio, Music, and Copyrights: 100 Years of Inequity for Recording Artists

House Judiciary Committee



Randy Travis, Recording artist


Mr. Curtis LeGeyt, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Association of Broadcasters


Michael Huppe, President and Chief Executive Officer, SoundExchange


Eddie Harrell Jr., Regional Vice President and General Manager, Radio One, Inc., Cleveland






Randy Travis & Others Testify on Music Royalties & Copyright

Recording artist Randy Travis and executives from the National Association of Broadcasters, SoundExchange, and Radio One, Inc. testify on music royalties and copyright before a House Judiciary subcommittee.


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ace293 No.21090641


They are Betting that China will Install Trudeau Again

The Entire Country, Every Province will be Blue

But it'll have a Red Leader…

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90c0e6 No.21090642

File: 6eb9478dda1d4c1⋯.png (267.65 KB,1443x1134,481:378,Screenshot_2024_06_19_1926….png)


I expect YOU in my bedchambers this night Judean.

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fdcdf4 No.21090643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Persistent Challenges: Oversight of the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis

House Homeland Security Committee



The Honorable Kenneth Wainstein

Under Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis, U.S. Department of Homeland Security







Homeland Security Undersecretary Testifies on DHS Intelligence Oversight

Homeland Security Undersecretary for Intelligence and Analysis Ken Wainstein testifies on oversight of DHS intelligence before a House Homeland Security subcommittee.


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4631ab No.21090644



I see Ben Carson is there. Hoping he's the Veep.

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736ffc No.21090645

File: 04c074a32e10be2⋯.png (1.06 MB,750x1334,375:667,D6F39EC4_9AEE_4335_9052_32….png)

File: ea527c71b85cbcf⋯.png (62.07 KB,690x762,115:127,D89F5129_5173_4ECE_82B1_1B….png)

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202621 No.21090646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Police chase in Los Angeles

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027466 No.21090647


I’m not really George Washington.

But I bet some assholes tried to dissuade him and other Patriots back then, too.

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fdcdf4 No.21090649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Security at Stake: An Examination of DOD’s Struggling Background Check System

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



David Cattler


Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency

U.S. Department of Defense


Alissa Czyz

Director, Defense Capabilities Management

U.S. Government Accountability Office






Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency Director David M. Cattler provides testimony at 2 p.m. EDT at a House Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Government Operations and the Federal Workforce hearing to examine DoD's background check system, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Department of Defense


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fdcdf4 No.21090650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Analyzing the Fiscal Year 25 State and Foreign Operations Budget Request for Europe

House Foreign Affairs Committee



The Honorable James O'Brien

Assistant Secretary, Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, U.S. Department of State


The Honorable Erin McKee

Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Europe and Eurasia, U.S. Agency for International Development






Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs James C. O’Brien testifies before the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe on the FY25 Department of State budget request on Capitol Hill.

Department of State


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fdcdf4 No.21090651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2:00 PM EDT

Stress Testing: What’s Inside the Black Box?

House Financial Services Committee



Mr. Sean Campbell, Chief Economist & Head of Policy Research, Financial Services Forum


Mr. Francisco Covas, Executive Vice President & Head of Research, Bank Policy Institute


Mr. Jonathan Gould, Partner, Jones Day


Ms. Shayna Olesiuk, Director of Banking Policy, Better Markets



H.R. ___, the "Fair Audits and Inspections for Regulators’ Exams Act"



H.R. 8591, the "Federal Reserve Financial Accountability and Transparency Act"






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ace293 No.21090652


Information is the New Weapon

Blackmail is the new Nuclear Bomb

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ad039f No.21090653

File: f82b9a87e23ed36⋯.mp4 (471.19 KB,884x484,221:121,Hunting_.mp4)

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c21388 No.21090654

File: d8fef32026c0bd4⋯.jpg (153.44 KB,727x880,727:880,MAGA_general.jpg)



Good day anons!

Let's fuck some shit up & fix some other shit too!

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457377 No.21090655


Getting money from Roths didn't really help

And set the stage for 1812, 1860, etc

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ad039f No.21090656

File: 3107e87f1506202⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,640x344,80:43,3107e87f1506202d08d52c00cb….mp4)

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502920 No.21090657

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“Why Exclude A Little Girl That Is [Biden] Blood?”: Hunter Biden Baby Mama Exposes Jill Biden For Excluding Navy From Biden Family



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eff514 No.21090658

File: 57f93979738532e⋯.png (773.12 KB,850x568,425:284,ClipboardImage.png)


Its full spectrum genocide.

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78600a No.21090659

File: 7e1b7dccc3bc5dd⋯.mp4 (10.79 MB,480x360,4:3,ronald_bernard_3.mp4)

File: 500cd20a09de85b⋯.png (428.38 KB,571x500,571:500,ClipboardImage.png)



Think anon is going to have to do another top down look at the control post or maybe a video also as visible info works best with source.

That which is seen, visible quango's.

The anons here have a much better view from top down than any of the so called experts, truthers or spiritual leaders who spout the virtues of religion whilst living in a world removed and apart from the masses.

The one who has exposed most of it has been Ronald Bernard. but anon believes anon can go one moar important layer which is crucial to their control. What bernard exposed was the covenant that those who are allowed into the club to make money for the elites.

moar to come !!!



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ad039f No.21090660

File: 90839f62cd14eb9⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB,400x224,25:14,Fake_News.mp4)

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ace293 No.21090661


The Vax Deaths, Totally Agree it's a Genocide

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027466 No.21090662

File: 003ea5e20c8c8c6⋯.png (307.38 KB,1080x1335,72:89,ClipboardImage.png)

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519c62 No.21090663

File: 6c547d7c957ced8⋯.jpg (61.73 KB,960x918,160:153,Bernie_Biden_HospitalBedDe….jpg)


"classical" sources were often forgeries.

It was a business in the middle ages; selling "ancient manuscripts" to the Barons and other nobility.

As well as forging genealogy for a price.

for the keks, an ancient debate meme.

('Ground Hog's day' for how many years?)

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5d8917 No.21090664

File: d31a337fb9b6b07⋯.png (541.72 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

George Soros has radically reshaped America’s criminal justice system by funding soft-on-crime prosecutors, mayors and city council members. Gianno Caldwell, a Fox News analyst whose 18-year old brother was shot to death in Chicago two years ago, is striking back. He has established the Caldwell Institute for Public Safety that is on a mission to give support to victims of violent crime, campaign against progressive candidates who support dangerous policies, and lobby for public safety laws.



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f06c5b No.21090665


Earth is Hell

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8e3999 No.21090666


Please pray for me in Jesus Christ’s Holy Name.

Thank You.

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78600a No.21090667

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this is still accurate and the b.i.s still sits at the top, what is missing are the regulators which the b.i.s is one, not a bank, those who make the rules, the parameters, the regulations which have been captured by the w.e.f, blackrock, hedgefund managers and the central banks.




Note: If it is too fast, pause the video so you can read what is on the screen.

sources below. All below is from primary sources like the B.I.S home site, I.M.F plus research and saved archives from 8kun and the anons on Qresearch.






First published at 01:30 UTC on September 20th, 2023.




5) Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30



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a1e35f No.21090668

File: 719e2c3ec91758f⋯.mp4 (9.55 MB,480x360,4:3,Joel_Haver_it_mightve_been….mp4)

File: a01ebdaca3d142c⋯.png (509.83 KB,500x781,500:781,a01ebdaca3d142cf284d274a80….png)

Joel Haver , it might have been nice to know before dying


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8e3999 No.21090669


Holeeeeeeee shit. Make that a double prayer, please.

Thank You.

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93273a No.21090670



>>21086633 June 27 is the 178th day of the year which leaves 187 days remaining in the year on that day


No people

Lights and mike off when not talking

they are sitting down?


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24d65f No.21090671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

Associated Press


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bf46cf No.21090672


this anon gets it.

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7ffcd5 No.21090673

File: 17a9b97c7460f50⋯.png (85.79 KB,408x666,68:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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4631ab No.21090674


Trip sixes confirm: prayers up. In Jesus' name.

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90c0e6 No.21090675

File: 14deafce9f770a6⋯.jpg (87.34 KB,800x669,800:669,maria2.jpg)


Spell it with one L and I'll buy a golden ticket. Sex.

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b76a8f No.21090676

[You] know what you are doing. [You] know what you have been doing for a long time. [You] know how this ends. [You] were warned.

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2c0edf No.21090677

File: cafe3863d1cf7ee⋯.png (2 MB,1200x1704,50:71,Brick_message.png)


>Can't use Kinetic in a Information War

What about throwing a brick with message attached.

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7ffcd5 No.21090678

File: 407a799fea4d152⋯.png (738.13 KB,800x432,50:27,ClipboardImage.png)

Barber Shop Comms

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fd5232 No.21090679

File: 5602f3a8d18553f⋯.png (38.23 KB,362x344,181:172,5602f3a8d18553f2bf1051bc67….png)

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c0129f No.21090680


Pray yourself, it doesn't cost anything.

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6fec52 No.21090681

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a1e35f No.21090682

File: 3e1c8a98afcd3cf⋯.png (274.6 KB,862x832,431:416,Screenshot_2024_06_26_1356….png)



Digit thief, my Joke about HELL was more deserving of those numbers, but I cant argue with Jesus combatting those digits, I learned that lesson LONG ago because my birthday is the day AFTER Christmas

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24d65f No.21090683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Trump Campaign Hosts Black American Business Leaders at Barbershop in Atlanta - 6/26/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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7ffcd5 No.21090684

File: 48845cafdc7b688⋯.png (445.57 KB,568x348,142:87,ClipboardImage.png)


after Trump called in.

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90c0e6 No.21090685

File: 9903a2caab2991b⋯.jpg (228.47 KB,3072x3072,1:1,gjh3kjgm4ml61.jpg)


That's the number of a (all) man.

6 protons

6 neutrons

6 electrons

What's the hardest substance known to man? Why do they fear us?

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09820b No.21090686

File: 1578c769e3745d5⋯.jpg (492.29 KB,1079x1232,1079:1232,biden_bingo_card.jpg)

File: a510b35dbb80d1a⋯.mp4 (577.22 KB,480x600,4:5,skin_job_joe_biden_example.mp4)



Biden Bingo card - hmmm, a week holed up at camp david so that the skin job playing joe biden can learn mannerisms

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fdcdf4 No.21090687

File: e74ea0e331d88b4⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,640x360,16:9,2024_06_16_Speaker_Johnson….mp4)

Speaker Johnson on Presidential Debate

During a press conference with House Republican leadership, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) speaks about the upcoming presidential debate between President Biden and former President Trump. He says it doesn’t matter if President Biden "drinks a whole gallon of energy drinks, he's not going to be able to match the acumen and readiness of Donald Trump, and that is what we expect."


1 min 16 sec clip

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6fec52 No.21090688

Goddamn KIKE sack of shit. >>21090517

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cf70ac No.21090689


Difficult truth

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93273a No.21090690


>>21087400, >>21087182, >>21087244 DJT: My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake!

Something Something Snake Letter

Jnr aint afraid of the ebil illegals and neither is anon.

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4861bf No.21090691

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657 Bannon interviews Hunter's Baby Momma Lunden Roberts


She is actually a wise and intelligent lady aware of her past mistakes. Worth watching.

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0b35fa No.21090692

File: a391d35ab1a711d⋯.jpg (50.74 KB,395x459,395:459,gctvvtvv.jpg)


Digits. Reeee

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90c0e6 No.21090693

File: 8c66d77fb40dc8c⋯.jpg (318.16 KB,1280x1337,1280:1337,_Clay_plaque_2000_BCE.jpg)


[You] know what position you elected to end up in. [You] know you want it. Debate me Lilu…

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f06c5b No.21090694

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6fec52 No.21090695

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fdcdf4 No.21090696

File: 6ecc188c278c365⋯.mp4 (329.23 KB,360x640,9:16,trump_haircut_fade.mp4)

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457377 No.21090698


So say we all

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2e474d No.21090699


Boy, I've been watching you like the hawk in the sky

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90c0e6 No.21090700

File: cbf6ee72c48ddeb⋯.png (233.21 KB,402x705,134:235,1712015982539180.png)

I'm gonna eat a chicken right now. I'm [Hun]gary…

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289f8f No.21090701

bunch of stuff down on downdetector currently

having problems with firefox this morning

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502920 No.21090702


true that! In addition to these three, there is three more. Very interesting.

This is going to be a nightmare for Joe when it comes up on the debates, that's kind of funny if that happens

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8e3999 No.21090703


My well being is in danger. I have faith but looking at the lions right now n they look big n hungry. Trying to turn my back on them n place my focus on God. Works every time. My life is in danger. Asking for prayer. I’m in fear n not in faith right now tho. Must .. turn .. muh .. back .. on…. them. Must .. not .. fear .. and .. only..


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c69096 No.21090704

File: 027e9eca65c023f⋯.png (78.03 KB,1123x794,1123:794,sedition1.png)

File: 64903473f6a7020⋯.png (119.8 KB,1123x794,1123:794,sedition2.png)


Highly Illuminating. Snek battery run down and snek power gone.

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e4a7e7 No.21090705


>Boy, I've been watching you like the hawk in the sky

Shut the fuck up, you bitch.

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8cb072 No.21090706

Imagine being born in the 1960's, into a declining society in which the news has always been bad, and society, with little respite, has been in an increasingly downward decline.

It gets old.

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fdcdf4 No.21090707

Will CNN Be Fair During Tomorrow’s Debate?


President Trump is asked if he thinks CNN will be fair during tomorrow’s presidential debate: “I think it would be good for them if they did, but probably not.”



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502920 No.21090708

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision With Barrett, Kavanaugh, And Roberts Joining Liberals In Declaring No First Amendment Violations Took Place When Biden Admin Pressured Social Media Platforms Into Censoring Covid Information

this good Mike does a good job explaining it.



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7ca524 No.21090709

Q and Q+

Feel like ive seen the coms. I second guess them sometimes. So ready to start the info barrage against the tyrants who seek to enslave us. The spirit of FREEDOM is strong. I feel called by God to help. Not sure how exactly. I have zero desire for fame or recognition. I only want to see VVVictory.

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8e3999 No.21090711


Lions look moar like fukken giant saber tooth’s but God way bigger than them.

Must .. turn .. around.

Jesus loves me.

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8cb072 No.21090712


>Will CNN Be Fair During Tomorrow’s Debate?

of course it will!

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2e474d No.21090713


cry moar

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fdcdf4 No.21090714

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




President Trump talks about how his No Tax on Tips proposal and what an impact it will have on Americans across the country.


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2939f2 No.21090715

File: b27afdc72489dbe⋯.jpeg (401.99 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_3197.jpeg)

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1dcdac No.21090716


You think the Australian government is going to

be nice to Julian A ?

Your delusional……. 5 eyes

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f66251 No.21090717

File: b881d3ebbbb24a8⋯.jpg (158.99 KB,1080x1458,20:27,Screenshot_20220625_073317….jpg)

Kekking my fucking ass off!

Traitor Adam Kinsinger in Atlanta just endorsed Jew Bidan, and tromped on Trump.

Told Georgians this November could be violent. Expect January 6th at state level everywhere, every state, but particularly Georgia.

Why would he say this? He knows the play book. He's in on the next attempted steal, the next coup.

That sawed off motherfucker needs a rope and a fucking lamp post.

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ace293 No.21090718


Well Right off the Get

Biden is gonna give CNN the Questions he wants asked

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2939f2 No.21090719

File: e9b007f71938707⋯.jpeg (207.46 KB,1130x821,1130:821,IMG_3196.jpeg)

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c69096 No.21090720

File: 241147da70aec37⋯.png (2.04 MB,2486x1224,1243:612,84a4b19e81ef6785d3dc9f8ef6….png)

File: 20d2585b58126cb⋯.jpg (25.8 KB,532x395,532:395,98b6959843b8afbc632f2208ff….jpg)

File: 46bca926a734159⋯.jpg (41.69 KB,297x246,99:82,3341cd07d51886124c6af8a1df….jpg)

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7ffcd5 No.21090721

File: b52dbcce12b2b42⋯.png (1.07 MB,1265x815,253:163,ClipboardImage.png)

dropping 17 comms after Trump call

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2939f2 No.21090722

File: e76b6a9f6d89e1c⋯.jpeg (206.79 KB,1130x1373,1130:1373,IMG_3198.jpeg)

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fdcdf4 No.21090723

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Importance of Regulation Cuts for Small Businesses



President Trump calls into the Black American Business Leaders Roundtable in Atlanta, GA and addresses the importance of regulation cuts for small businesses in America.


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2939f2 No.21090724

File: 3b6cec563103e21⋯.jpeg (549.88 KB,886x1140,443:570,IMG_3190.jpeg)

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7ffcd5 No.21090725

File: ea2bddb37787b2e⋯.png (647.07 KB,1158x889,1158:889,DayBrightened.png)

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2939f2 No.21090726

File: 140c88d63bc213d⋯.jpeg (469.33 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_3193.jpeg)

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a1e35f No.21090727

File: f3f456b8d02ed11⋯.png (306.92 KB,641x778,641:778,Screenshot_2024_06_26_1408….png)

File: 26c78f85e257500⋯.mp4 (12.87 MB,576x1024,9:16,KikerapaportandhisNegressw….mp4)



Poor thing! You never had anyone stalk you? Never had that tap on your window 31 calls over three day type of love?

Get yourself a nice Jewish boy to love you correctly sweetheart.

Post some of my movie clips next lonely scumbag

Hey is this nice Jewish Boy picking Lice out of his Negress Wifes hair


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c69096 No.21090728

File: 34b25706f58759c⋯.jpg (17.69 KB,276x183,92:61,moe.jpg)

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2939f2 No.21090729

File: 4baad9fd400b8dd⋯.jpeg (283.98 KB,1130x1706,565:853,IMG_3192.jpeg)

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3b148a No.21090730

File: 06bd40767f1120b⋯.png (155.37 KB,1912x838,956:419,jtvi76v7it6bon7tp7.png)


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2939f2 No.21090731

File: 976458df2484869⋯.jpeg (402.64 KB,2896x2896,1:1,IMG_3187.jpeg)

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7ffcd5 No.21090732

File: 4dc7338f21ff460⋯.png (303.26 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

old school comms

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2939f2 No.21090733

File: bf4e85c210eb8b0⋯.png (959.09 KB,818x692,409:346,B75D7B75_C270_453E_9D9E_2C….png)

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fdcdf4 No.21090734

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who Did A Better Job?



“What we have to be focused on as a people, as a community, is what’s going to be best for us.” - Rep. Byron Donalds


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eff514 No.21090735

File: 57e7a8760a816c5⋯.png (460.51 KB,594x425,594:425,ClipboardImage.png)

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6dfab6 No.21090736


Can anon remind me where the vvv thing comes from? I have forgotten

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93273a No.21090737

File: e12d7745fbd53fe⋯.png (596.58 KB,640x423,640:423,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21090139, >>21090149, >>21090170 Giant asteroid the size of 770 lions to pass Earth Thursday, June 27- Where are the fuggin giraffe conversions??


Lion = 270 to 570lb = 420lb on avg

Giraffe = 1500 to 3000 lb = 2250 lb on avg

1 giraffe weighs approximately = 5.4 Lions

if the asteroid is 770 lions then

770/5.4 = 142 Giraffes

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05d8a3 No.21090738

File: 665800ac17de5cb⋯.png (95.33 KB,433x575,433:575,ClipboardImage.png)

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2939f2 No.21090739

File: 2174a25cca88038⋯.png (822.03 KB,800x787,800:787,5AD870AA_D820_4FA1_84F6_BF….PNG)

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0011f2 No.21090740

File: e892069f24d5d56⋯.jpg (35.04 KB,568x570,284:285,photo_2024_06_25_16_49_59.jpg)

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fdcdf4 No.21090741

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Wesley Hunt: President Trump Is a Harbinger of Black Excellence



The Trump Campaign hosts a Black American Business Leaders Roundtable in Atlanta, GA


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502920 No.21090742

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hunter Biden Baby Mama Refuses To Read Ashley Biden Diary Due To Hunter’s Actions Causing “Anxiety”

(If I were Lunden's father I'd tell her to keep Navy Joan as far away from the Bidan's as possible, she should never interact with them, they are perverts, demented, mafia types and will corrupts and harm anyone that comes near them)



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2939f2 No.21090743

File: 9cacfdeb7eb6417⋯.jpeg (227.15 KB,801x801,1:1,IMG_3188.jpeg)

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6dfab6 No.21090744



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ace293 No.21090745

Biden will Miraculously have all the answer to the Debate questions written on cue cards

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fdcdf4 No.21090746

File: 1fce54a98d8b368⋯.gif (1.99 MB,370x319,370:319,MathDoggo.gif)

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0011f2 No.21090747

File: e8125e553d57811⋯.jpg (103.13 KB,905x1280,181:256,photo_2024_06_25_23_00_19.jpg)

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f06c5b No.21090748


Isaiah 45:7

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

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2939f2 No.21090749

File: 36cf3336e094ccb⋯.jpg (106.07 KB,589x536,589:536,Sleepy_Joe_Biden_04.jpg)

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0011f2 No.21090750

File: 9757095ee60aa20⋯.jpg (114.7 KB,816x1280,51:80,photo_2024_06_26_07_56_28.jpg)

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0011f2 No.21090751

File: 1c3772f92836982⋯.jpg (111.94 KB,940x1280,47:64,photo_2024_06_26_08_22_09.jpg)

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9f81a7 No.21090752

File: cb80accbdb51318⋯.jpg (136.87 KB,675x900,3:4,cb80accbdb51318465500f1321….jpg)

File: 1def617d538835c⋯.jpg (130.85 KB,736x451,736:451,fbd.jpg)

File: 0c77ac69c5cecf6⋯.png (40.08 KB,684x700,171:175,0c77ac69c5cecf6f7ba5620a46….png)

early notes


#25853 >>21090470

>>21090496, >>21090517, >>21090639, >>21090640, >>21090643, >>21090649, >>21090650, >>21090651 Swamp Happenings


>>21090508 @elonmusk - HAWK

>>21090516 The Fauci Gaslighting Tape That Won't Go Away

>>21090538 Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

>>21090565 Video - JA arrives in AUS

>>21090568, >>21090612, >>21090626 Mil Q Posts and Decode

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657, >>21090742 Bannon is interviewing Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts, Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden

>>21090611, >>21090714, >>21090723, >>21090734, >>21090741 Trump Campaign LIVE NOW hosts Black American Business Leaders at Atlanta Barbershop

>>21090645, TRUMP TRUTHS and Decodes

>>21090664 Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

>>21090671 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>21090708 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

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2c0edf No.21090753

File: 7ef48603815cd76⋯.jpg (90.9 KB,819x1024,819:1024,Giraffe_With_Cat_Face_3608….jpg)


Ty math is hard.

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2939f2 No.21090754

File: 029d86092427213⋯.png (1.16 MB,708x800,177:200,Joe_Biden_Ice_Cream_01.PNG)

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457377 No.21090755



He's a clown or clown asset

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0011f2 No.21090756

File: 8166b17e7857fda⋯.jpg (132.42 KB,750x1166,375:583,photo_2024_06_25_13_05_55.jpg)

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2846bb No.21090757


>Imagine being born in the 1960's, into a declining society in which the news has always been bad, and society, with little respite, has been in an increasingly downward decline.

A gen X president would be terrifying, because we honestly don’t give AF.

You’ve seen the look Melania gets in her eyes when she’s pissed.

Now imagine she was POTUS instead of FLOTUS.

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0011f2 No.21090758

File: 9db8f6ea1059644⋯.jpg (134.18 KB,947x1280,947:1280,photo_2024_06_26_10_13_41.jpg)

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2939f2 No.21090759

File: fea013d2018ce13⋯.png (547.08 KB,575x475,23:19,Joe_Biden_Ice_Cream_02.PNG)

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90c0e6 No.21090760

File: 4a700cc726b61f7⋯.jpeg (46.6 KB,500x666,250:333,The_Light.jpeg)


Good for you Tay. Peace be with you…

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0011f2 No.21090761

File: c63e34b5fa6ac7f⋯.jpg (93.13 KB,908x1280,227:320,photo_2024_06_26_08_34_36.jpg)

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49dd7c No.21090762

Assange targeted by U.S. and Trump over his WikiLeaks exposures, lawyer says

By Sam Tobin and Michael Holden

February 20, 2024 3:53 PM EST


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0011f2 No.21090763

File: 4928346f45eaf02⋯.jpg (96.94 KB,843x1280,843:1280,photo_2024_06_26_08_22_48.jpg)

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2939f2 No.21090764

File: 394017eb2fde745⋯.mp4 (765.83 KB,480x852,40:71,ATtvyzzx1niM5Irj.mp4)

File: 6d28d63ff156b66⋯.jpeg (98.16 KB,801x629,801:629,C99CD20B_E378_4711_BCBD_4….JPEG)

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9f81a7 No.21090766

File: 29ea30f3df0c258⋯.png (2.17 MB,1024x1536,2:3,29ea30f3df0c258c7f1bf76203….png)




if only there was… sauce

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2939f2 No.21090767

File: 5b75d7295a976ff⋯.jpg (689.29 KB,942x797,942:797,Four_More_Ice_Creams_01.jpg)

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49dd7c No.21090768

File: 2312f66eb62208b⋯.gif (80.44 KB,592x415,592:415,fren.gif)




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fdcdf4 No.21090769


Johnson, Scalise, Emmer Statement on Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group Vote

June 26, 2024

Press Release

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, Leader Scalise, Speaker Johnson, and Whip Emmer released the following statement on the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group (BLAG) vote:

“The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group voted 3-2 to file a brief with the D.C. Circuit in the case against Steve Bannon. The amicus brief will be submitted after Bannon files a petition for rehearing en banc and will be in support of neither party. It will withdraw certain arguments made by the House earlier in the litigation about the organization of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol during the prior Congress. House Republican Leadership continues to believe Speaker Pelosi abused her authority when organizing the Select Committee.”


The Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group or BLAG is comprised of the Speaker and the majority and minority leadership of the House. Pursuant to House Rule II, Clause 8, BLAG is responsible for articulating the House’s institutional position in legal filings with federal, state, and local courts. BLAG was established during the 103rd Congress.


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f66251 No.21090770

File: d5230a659304c83⋯.png (148.9 KB,669x502,669:502,d5230a659304c83893eeef666b….png)

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7ffcd5 No.21090771



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49dd7c No.21090772

File: 502073c289851f3⋯.png (11.58 KB,255x251,255:251,f9597f6ef1b23dac3c0a92017b….png)



what if the 3 are working with the 6!?

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90c0e6 No.21090773

File: e0340bf018f37fc⋯.webp (166.42 KB,1280x1280,1:1,photo_2022_06_1218_26_53.webp)

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say PENIS. and Peace with us all.

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c26324 No.21090774

File: d9b3c64fb1bae73⋯.gif (359.37 KB,320x180,16:9,forward.gif)

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93273a No.21090776

File: b2b71a311b01e20⋯.png (564.91 KB,640x423,640:423,ClipboardImage.png)


well shit anon, you dint tell me I had to proof it

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c69096 No.21090777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c21388 No.21090778

File: ab99b2f2d3eeed6⋯.png (497.7 KB,609x608,609:608,Sickem_boy.png)

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2939f2 No.21090779

File: 1db29a107dfb8c1⋯.png (486.49 KB,526x532,263:266,IMG_3135.PNG)

File: da0969acaabdb3f⋯.jpeg (200.11 KB,1078x809,1078:809,D1E6A839_EC6A_4338_A3CD_2….JPEG)

File: 50d3ca5861fe42f⋯.png (666.12 KB,641x800,641:800,HRC_Bad_Smell_01.PNG)

File: dda51ad8d8f20fc⋯.png (441.54 KB,518x800,259:400,15D6F130_C85B_47B0_87F9_49….PNG)

File: ae8b29bcb80b0e4⋯.jpeg (155.23 KB,800x594,400:297,7768C878_4339_4ADD_80C4_6….JPEG)

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457377 No.21090780



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408c21 No.21090781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

habbening now

LIVE: CHP chase stolen car in South Los Angeles area


2.16M subscribers

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a1e35f No.21090782

File: ed009efa5bd8cdf⋯.jpg (70.07 KB,500x625,4:5,wooda.jpg)

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457377 No.21090783


It gets worse on asparagus

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1231f9 No.21090784

File: fd496656668daf3⋯.png (95.72 KB,344x260,86:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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fdcdf4 No.21090785

File: e729b6a0ed15c39⋯.png (117.2 KB,600x500,6:5,Judicial.png)

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7ec267 No.21090786

File: b5e725720ae09a6⋯.png (78.64 KB,376x246,188:123,us_naval_institute_tweet_0….png)

File: 3a94476a55c1b4b⋯.png (21.57 KB,473x126,473:126,qaggdropimage1327.png)

File: 2e75e78a212e241⋯.png (27.62 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage127.png)

File: 8db8cbca3327e48⋯.png (38.19 KB,473x350,473:350,qaggdropimage204.png)

File: ae05220c5088cf0⋯.png (27.29 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage300.png)

US Navy institute tweet 06.26.24


Mentioned in video = 300 and 4212

Length of video = 204

Timestamp = 1:27 or 13:27

U.S. Naval Institute


#OTD in 1987, Stanley Kubrick's FULL METAL JACKET was released. The film is based on the semi-autobiographical novel THE SHORT-TIMERS by Gustav Hasford. Hasford served in Vietnam as a combat correspondent with the 1st Marine Division during the Tet Offensive.

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c21388 No.21090788

File: 7ad2942fd1f760c⋯.jpg (49.8 KB,462x316,231:158,20181115_201706.jpg)

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fdcdf4 No.21090789

2:30 PM EDT

Field Hearing, Dallas, Texas - Take It Down: Ending Big Tech’s Complicity In Revenge Porn

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee



Ms. Andrea Powell, Advocate and Expert on Sexual Exploitation


Mrs. Anna McAdams, Mother of Ms. Elliston Berry, Aledo, TX


Ms. Elliston Berry, High School Student and Victim of AI-Generated Sexually Exploitative Imagery, Aledo, TX


Ms. Francesca Mani, High School Student and Victim of AI-Generated Sexually Exploitative Imagery, Westfield, NJ


Ms. Hollie Toups, Victim of Non-Consensual Intimate Imagery, Austin, TX


Mr. Stefan Turkheimer, Vice President for Public Policy, Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN)





Senate Commerce Committee Field Hearing on Combating Deepfakes

Senate Commerce Committee Ranking Member Ted Cruz (R-TX) holds a field hearing in Dallas, Texas, on combating revenge and deepfake pornography, Sen. Cruz’s recently introduced TAKE IT DOWN Act would make publishing such material a federal crime.


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b8febf No.21090790

File: 8a6b0f879704882⋯.png (405.5 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7f6a1650b2f955⋯.png (1.56 MB,1240x865,248:173,ClipboardImage.png)

Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment

The incident took place in the northern Republic of Komi

At least 70 people have been injured after nine cars from a passenger train went off the tracks in Komi Republic, Russian Railways said on Thursday. There have been no confirmed deaths so far.

Train 511 was carrying passengers between Vorkuta in northeastern Komi above the Artic circle, and the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk, some 5,000 kilometers away.

The derailment happened around 6:12pm Moscow time, near the town of Inta, according to the railway authorities.

“Emergency services have been dispatched to the scene. Measures are being taken to assist passengers,” Russian Railways said on Telegram. “Information about the victims is being clarified. Traffic on the section has been suspended.”

Train 511 included a total of 14 carriages with 232 passengers on board, the railway operator said. According to Russian Railways, the cause of the derailment may have been recent heavy rainfall.

Russian Railways has set up a task force headed by General Director Oleg Belozerov to look into the derailment. Two recovery trains have been sent to the location.

The office of the North-Western Transport Prosecutor has launched a criminal investigation into the derailment. Meanwhile, the head of the Republic of Komi, Vladimir Uyba, has reportedly flown to the site of the incident.


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e4a7e7 No.21090791

You were all made in the image of dog.

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a1e35f No.21090792


>You should see what she looks like as a six year old…

You should see the inside of a Prison Cell, Globaled

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fdcdf4 No.21090793

3:00 PM EDT

Democratic Lawmakers on 11th Anniversary of Shelby County v. Holder

Democratic Whip Clark (MA), Democratic Caucus Chair Aguilar (CA), and others hold a news conference on the 11th Anniversary of Shelby County v. Holder.


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93273a No.21090794

File: 93349ecb0be05c0⋯.png (614.7 KB,903x1253,129:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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c85dd8 No.21090795



what if the 3 are working with the 6!?

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1231f9 No.21090796

File: f8ee9d9640650af⋯.jpg (255.23 KB,628x925,628:925,elmore.jpg)

What are Kenyan police doing in Haiti?

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499dcc No.21090797

File: 6116b764944d50b⋯.jpg (7.34 KB,225x224,225:224,0000001.jpg)

Edward Snowden asks Trump to pardon Wikileaks founder Julian Assange

Snowden claims the pardon would save Assange's life.

Written by Catalin Cimpanu, Contributor

Dec. 3, 2020 at 4:31 p.m. PT


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7ffcd5 No.21090798

File: a5873db97d29d63⋯.png (877.3 KB,1251x752,1251:752,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41d8ae66f0fc49c⋯.png (1.26 MB,1659x818,1659:818,ClipboardImage.png)

File: df8c8db7179c00a⋯.png (1.3 MB,1534x868,767:434,ClipboardImage.png)

The Sermon at the Barber Shop

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b8febf No.21090799

File: 226cb039257dd57⋯.png (45.66 KB,514x396,257:198,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f644bab853885da⋯.png (247.88 KB,325x329,325:329,ClipboardImage.png)

Supreme Court Tosses Case Over Biden Coercion Of Social Media

The Supreme Court on Wednesday tossed a case claiming that the Biden administration unlawfully coerced social media companies into removing content and banning users based on political views.

In a 6-3 decision, the Court found that the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue - as opposed to tossing the case on merit - just like the vast majority of election fraud cases which didn't make it past lower courts.


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502920 No.21090800

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


“Why Not Acknowledge A Granddaughter And Embrace Her From The Beginning?”: Hunter Biden’s Baby Mama Wants Answers From Joe Biden


She is afraid of finding out who Hunter and he Bidan family really is, that's why she hasn't looked at the laptop from hell and Ashley's diary. (she should be, if she could get a multimillion dollar settlement, she could start a new life without the burden of these ferrall dogs)


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499dcc No.21090801

File: d1faf328ffde546⋯.jpg (107.1 KB,915x744,305:248,d1faf328ffde5466d1add66a12….jpg)

Trump’s Charges Against Julian Assange Would Effectively Criminalize Investigative Journalism

Ever since the Pentagon Papers case, an Espionage Act loophole has been waiting for a president thuggish enough to make use of it.

May 31, 2019


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c26324 No.21090802


Decided to newsbot rather than spam your bullshit, VaticanClown?

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90c0e6 No.21090803

File: 53dca9121a74d5f⋯.jpg (242.61 KB,1020x1699,1020:1699,1712876584496713.jpg)


But it never happens. Why? What are you tapped into? Reconcile. Are you a spy? A player? touch my penis as an eight-year-old. Admit it. Child lover. Expose yourself. ASk me how I know…

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b8febf No.21090804

File: c511ec82db2ee6b⋯.png (355.92 KB,556x531,556:531,ClipboardImage.png)

🚨 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden won't commit to taking a drug test before the debate.

Crooked Joe is currently holed away at Camp David perfecting the cocktail.


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7ca524 No.21090805

RED alert!!!!

Instagram account: Columbiamissingkids

Why would you have to pay tô post a missing kid ad? What is this? A menu?

VIP section?

Super suspect

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7ffcd5 No.21090806

File: e8ad171cd50f654⋯.png (1.34 MB,1220x743,1220:743,ClipboardImage.png)

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499dcc No.21090807

File: b67529dfb4d594b⋯.png (9.17 KB,225x225,1:1,0_SMILE.png)

Roger Stone sought contact with WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, email suggests

The email was sent days before WikiLeaks published stolen DNC documents.

September 25, 2018, 5:11 PM


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2f4964 No.21090808

File: 2c126065eee2fab⋯.mp4 (9.97 MB,550x336,275:168,Misinformation.mp4)

Massie: Have you heard any misinformation here today you'd like to clear up?

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5d8917 No.21090810

File: b4b18c2bdbb1d84⋯.png (698.75 KB,666x381,222:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

Apeel is a preservative coating for fruits and vegetables that is funded by Bill Gates. People have made videos showing that the texture of produce appears to change when treated. One woman said that a blueberry from a package that she bought for a snack for her baby was like hard rubber, even though she chose an organic product from Whole Foods. A food researcher exposed toxic chemicals used on McDonald’s french fries.

We previously published a list of grocery stores and growers who use Apeel and some that have rejected treated produce (click here for article).




(sorry vid has a little aj in it)

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90c0e6 No.21090811

File: 29ffba51105abb8⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,384x480,4:5,Russian_Troops_Oppa_Oppa.mp4)


Someone would probably say "Death to the Triumvirate. Touch me. It feels good.

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736ffc No.21090812

File: 6c4b5a7c71b427a⋯.png (1.46 MB,750x1334,375:667,A0BAF0A6_B76F_42AF_9180_66….png)

File: 5d86b9dd802f330⋯.png (226.35 KB,690x2302,345:1151,7239028C_FDA6_4A2A_8693_DE….png)

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bdf9d9 No.21090813

File: 59662af38146b6e⋯.png (103.16 KB,904x832,113:104,ClipboardImage.png)

On one hand, Q knew the month (and near date) that JA would be released. Q also knew today (6/26/24) was the exact day the plea deal would be released showing that all unreleased documents would be removed from WikiLeaks (an apparent win for the deep state) and wrote that while “you may have the site (Wikileaks) we have the source”

So what does this mean? This is all a movie that the Q team is directing? or they (at the time in 2018) were responding to future events they somehow knew would happen on that exact date in 2024? Even after 7 years, both these options seem implausible to me (but I have no other explanation either)

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b8febf No.21090814

File: 8969ac2a4c1ea34⋯.png (51.72 KB,499x547,499:547,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3810b488356d54d⋯.png (54.36 KB,506x526,253:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08b118912221597⋯.png (155.45 KB,504x572,126:143,ClipboardImage.png)


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d1fa7b No.21090815

File: f36d3b5abfc2be4⋯.jpeg (305.97 KB,1219x606,1219:606,D44C237D_1ECE_4165_B41B_3….jpeg)

File: 7fa958f76010e70⋯.jpeg (563.76 KB,776x1024,97:128,BC9272C7_C87C_4F1F_BEFC_8….jpeg)

>>21090192 lb

PAT882 and PAT556 Super King Air(s) went to Nassau, Bahamas

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1231f9 No.21090816

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)


>Have you heard any misinformation here today you'd like to clear up?

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499dcc No.21090817

File: 211a6ceeb1e7dc8⋯.png (454.76 KB,504x646,252:323,0000000000000000th.png)

The most dangerous press freedom issue of 2020 is Trump’s prosecution of Julian Assange

March 12, 2020


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5d8917 No.21090818

File: 85420393cc0bdae⋯.png (373.54 KB,534x366,89:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Pamela Popper: Important Information about Alzheimer’s Disease

Health expert Pamela Popper says that Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a chronic degenerative condition that is almost always caused by years – even decades – of poor diet, lack of exercise, dehydration and other factors which become complicated with less social interaction and fewer cognitive activities in older age. A flawed study on AD suggested that the disease could be caused by amyloid protein and was cited thousands of times, but it was later retracted; unfortunately, the study was the foundation for many useless drugs the FDA approved for treatment of AD.



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b8febf No.21090819

Lavrov reveals BRICS expansion stance

The bloc has voted to temporarily suspend accepting new members, according to the Russian Foreign Minister

In a statement published on the ministry’s website, Lavrov revealed that the Group of Ten BRICS members had decided to “take a break with the accession of new members in order to process the new arrivals, who have doubled the composition of the group.”

BRICS was initially founded in 2006 by Brazil, Russia, India, and China, with South Africa joining the group in 2010. This year, five more countries officially joined the organization, including Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates.

In his statement, Lavrov said that while the new arrivals are being integrated into the group, a new category of “partner countries” would be formed as a “stepping stone” to full BRICS membership.

“We will certainly promote our Belarusian friends as well as a number of other like-minded allies,” the minister said.


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c21388 No.21090820

File: f7f7dafcfce0b9f⋯.jpg (50.73 KB,458x270,229:135,20181110_133256.jpg)


>PAT882 and PAT556 Super King Air(s) went to Nassau, Bahamas


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cc8e8c No.21090821


Time Travel is real.

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fb378c No.21090822

File: a614d7de6d7468c⋯.png (303.41 KB,706x748,353:374,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a736b212de853b⋯.png (77.45 KB,547x850,547:850,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 811ae6af16c8d8c⋯.jpg (55.95 KB,1280x960,4:3,319806651_1280px.jpg)

File: 5c54eb7fba3380a⋯.png (79.96 KB,766x623,766:623,ClipboardImage.png)


red-tailed hawk

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9f81a7 No.21090823

File: d6d9effc4077cd6⋯.jpg (184.37 KB,960x540,16:9,gaates.jpg)

File: 685f81141fcb9ff⋯.jpg (180.32 KB,960x540,16:9,gates.jpg)

File: 75bbd24a24f21f6⋯.jpg (163.41 KB,960x540,16:9,ghi.jpg)

File: d18b66750f030ee⋯.jpg (220.55 KB,960x540,16:9,snapshot.jpg)

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499dcc No.21090824

File: 9f0b189b509ae97⋯.png (289.42 KB,854x488,7:4,9f0b189b509ae97172d3bb3bc4….png)

Chrissie Hynde directly appeals to Trump to drop charges against Julian Assange

Musician also explained why she allowed her music to be played on the radio show of conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh

Tuesday 18 February 2020


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502920 No.21090825


I knew Bannon was doing these interviews just before the Debates, so Trump could talk about it. Excellent strategy. But Bannon is really trying to warn Lunden of what this family is like, that they are evil, and I'm not sure she actually knows how gross they are, and why would she let her innocent child around these people,

I hope Bannon gives her protection for doing these interviews. I'm sure he will.

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8690a0 No.21090826

Live chase


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90c0e6 No.21090827

File: 13f72d95b076dca⋯.png (1.08 MB,1191x659,1191:659,4chan_cup.PNG)

File: fb5c05609a78852⋯.jpg (19.21 KB,255x255,1:1,bread.jpg)

File: db2490ded4bc39f⋯.png (1.55 MB,1080x1095,72:73,Holohoax.png)

File: 78fa15c2c198fff⋯.webm (10.68 MB,1920x1080,16:9,TRUMBO.webm)


I had no idea how much work she was. A.V.M.

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4772ef No.21090828

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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7ffcd5 No.21090829

File: 313a077f21133e7⋯.png (60.64 KB,200x180,10:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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499dcc No.21090830

File: 239d737380b3a8b⋯.jpg (19.25 KB,255x255,1:1,CRAZY_1.jpg)

Trump, Who Used to “Love WikiLeaks,” Now Knows “Nothing About WikiLeaks”

The president’s love for Julian Assange’s renegade organization seems to have cooled.

April 11, 2019

ollowing Julian Assange’s arrest Thursday morning for reportedly helping Chelsea Manning hack into Department of Defense computers, all eyes turned to one of his most powerful proponents. Back in 2016, Donald Trump seemingly couldn’t get enough of WikiLeaks, praising the organization roughly 160 times for publishing hacked e-mails that embarrassed Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee. “I love WikiLeaks,” the then-presidential candidate said in October 2016. ”It’s been amazing what’s coming out on WikiLeaks,” he said days later in Ohio. At times, he criticized the media for not reporting on WikiLeaks dumps (“So dishonest! Rigged system!”), and he once told the audience at a rally that he’d been tempted to stay on the plane and keep reading the latest revelations: “They were just announcing new WikiLeaks!” he shouted to applause. “And I wanted to stay there, but I didn’t want to keep you waiting. Boy, I love reading those WikiLeaks.”

Strangely, Trump’s love for Assange’s renegade organization seems to have cooled. When asked on Thursday for his thoughts regarding Assange’s arrest, the president reversed course. “I know nothing about WikiLeaks. It’s not my thing,” he said, adding that he knew “there was something having to do with Julian Assange,” a man he once praised for standing up to the “dishonest” press.


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d1fa7b No.21090831

File: a600ce1420bfeb7⋯.gif (222.85 KB,277x155,277:155,DD528AF6_671C_40DA_A8C8_D4….gif)


Welcome NewFag

Don’t always know why at first.

Give it some time.

It may or may not pan out with future news.

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5d8917 No.21090832


vidya shows a rubber banana that won't break, a rubber avocado, rubber watermelon that won't break and a mom who fed rubber blueberries to her child.

she said the rubber blueberry looked like it was made of silicone

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499dcc No.21090833

File: 31a8b4b70e1aa4f⋯.webp (22.85 KB,600x336,25:14,2da.webp)

File: 960de071982c36c⋯.png (309.17 KB,750x372,125:62,C15.png)

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4861bf No.21090834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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499dcc No.21090835

File: ba8fc41463a7d7b⋯.png (1.06 MB,2088x1715,2088:1715,1a.png)

File: 0624f4177a35114⋯.png (456.33 KB,664x672,83:84,C3.png)

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503efd No.21090836

File: ba8fc41463a7d7b⋯.png (1.06 MB,2088x1715,2088:1715,1a.png)

File: 0624f4177a35114⋯.png (456.33 KB,664x672,83:84,C3.png)

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fd5232 No.21090837

File: 77f6baea8886ea6⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,480x876,40:73,Jay_Bhattacharya_comments_….mp4)

File: b5a34ae53564c5d⋯.png (30.79 KB,649x348,649:348,ClipboardImage.png)


BREAKING: Jay Bhattacharya @DrJBhattacharya comments on the Supreme Court decision on todays X space (clip 1)



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503efd No.21090838

File: cb9b27315f9e99a⋯.png (2.03 MB,2018x1367,2018:1367,1b.png)

File: 7895836ec12deea⋯.png (242.36 KB,626x406,313:203,C2.png)

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1231f9 No.21090839


Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

Anticipation is mingling with fear across Haiti as the country welcomes the fourth major foreign intervention in its history to fight gang violence

Anticipation is mingling with fear across Haiti as the country welcomes the fourth major foreign intervention in its history to fight gang violence choking the Caribbean country.

A couple hundred police officers from Kenya met early Wednesday with Prime Minister Garry Conille as they prepare to deploy in upcoming days. No one except high-ranking officials knows their assignment, which officials have said is for security reasons.

Expectations are high: Haitians are scared and tired of gangs that have pillaged their way through the capital of Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, killing, raping and kidnapping thousands of people in recent years and leaving hundreds of thousands of others homeless and unemployed, which in turn has deepened poverty.

“I’m asking the prime minister and the Kenyans to free Haiti from these gangs,” said Mathurin Jean François, a 30-year-old math teacher who has been unemployed for two years because gang violence forced his school to close. “Many people are suffering.”

The first U.N.-backed contingent of foreign police arrived Monday. They will later be joined by police and soldiers from the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Chad and Jamaica for a total of 2,500 personnel.

“The Haitian strategy is to restore security house by house, neighborhood by neighborhood, town by town,” Conille said Wednesday as he met with Kenyan police.

Whether that will happen remains to be seen. Gangs control 80% of Port-au-Prince, and they are better equipped than Haiti’s National Police, brandishing assault rifles and showing off ammunition on social media that includes .50 caliber bullets.

On Feb. 29, gangs launched coordinated attacks that eventually led Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign. They raided more than two dozen police stations, opened fire on the main international airport, forcing it to remain closed for nearly three months, and stormed Haiti’s two biggest prisons, releasing more than 4,000 inmates.

The Kenyan-led mission in Haiti will have to prove it’s effective, said Sabrina Karim, an assistant professor of government at New York’s Cornell University who focuses on conflict and peace processes.

“It’s a very tricky mandate that requires experience and strong local knowledge,” she said, noting that the Kenyans must gain the trust of Haitians already distrustful of a government long linked to corruption and gangs. “The accountability piece is really important. That ultimately decides whether the Haiti public is going to accept the mission or not.”

Previous interventions have gone awry. The U.N.’s 2004-2017 peacekeeping mission was marred by allegations of sexual assault and the introduction of cholera, which killed nearly 10,000 people.

“The track record isn’t great for the Kenyan police either,” Karim said in a phone interview. “All eyes are on the Kenyan police to demonstrate that they can do better.”

Kenyan police have faced allegations of abuse for years, including extrajudicial killings. Most recently, they were accused of opening fire on protesters that stormed the parliament in the Kenyan capital on Tuesday.

Nonprofit organizations who work in Haiti have said they’re concerned about the Kenyan-led mission, especially since the U.N. recently announced that between 30% to 50% of members of armed groups are now children.

“The risk of child casualties is significant,” the U.S.-based nonprofit Save the Children said in a statement. “An increasing number of children in Haiti have been driven to join armed groups due to hunger and desperation. These children are victims of child rights violations, and must be treated as children, not as militias.”

It noted that aid agencies have received “alarming reports” of armed groups using children and teenagers in confrontations with Haiti’s police.

For now, Haitians are closely watching the Kenyans with mixed feelings.

“There’s a breeze of hope in the air,” said Frantz Pradieu, a 39-year-old carpenter who was making a table, his first job in many months.

“If the Kenyans work hard, maybe in a few months from now, the economy will turn around,” he said as sweat rolled down his face and bare chest while he worked. “A lot of people want to work. A lot of people lost their jobs. This has been a catastrophic situation for the last three years. Everybody is living in fear. People are being kidnapped. People are being raped. This needs to stop.”

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93273a No.21090840

File: 528036127e52f4a⋯.png (1.59 MB,1024x768,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: abee523ef769602⋯.png (1.11 MB,572x750,286:375,ClipboardImage.png)


>God made Israel wander in the wilderness for forty years

yeah know i hear that story a lot, but never can any of them ever be proven.

baby created without human father, some Zues kinda shit

jesus tomb never found

red sea splitting never confirmed

Burning Bush, not confirmed

Anon is starting to think a lot of the bible has been distorted




Amen, OMen

Heaven, Nirvana

Fish, No meat

Hand Healing, Mudros

Trinity, Trinity

Christ without, Christ within

Christ, Krishna

Heaven, Head

Hell, Heal



yeah none of you will comment on this post, You better start paying attention or you will be one of those in the hospital

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503efd No.21090841

File: d434d1afcf1c40f⋯.png (1.94 MB,2474x1626,1237:813,1c.png)

File: a68bea2bbe785d0⋯.png (241.86 KB,920x602,460:301,C16.png)

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b8febf No.21090842

Ignoring voters in filling top EU jobs is ‘surreal’ – Meloni

The Italian PM has slammed the backroom deals giving Ursula von der Leyen a second term as president of the European Commission

The Italian prime minister claimed that this kind of backroom deal contradicted the original spirit of the European Union, by which institutions “were conceived as neutral entities, thus able to guarantee all member states, regardless of the political color of the governments of those member states.”

Meloni, whose European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group won the most votes in Italy and is currently the third-biggest in the European Parliament, said she wanted the shift to the right to be reflected in the bloc’s decision-making.

“The third [largest] group today is a group that is not liked by those who are deciding,” she said, calling the EU an “invasive bureaucratic giant.”

Meanwhile, the appointment of von der Leyen will still need to be approved by the European Parliament and, according to media, she might seek to win Meloni’s support by giving Italy a senior portfolio in the next European Commission.


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6fe74b No.21090843

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f470fd No.21090844

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson


Meet the Australian media.


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8fc72a No.21090845


Newly declassified memos detail extent of improper Obama-era NSA spying

by John Solomon - 07/25/17 8:19 PM ET

Why did the Obama administration spy on the Associated Press?

The Justice Department collected two months' worth of reporters' phone records

By Jon Terbush last updated January 8, 2015


Under Obama, a Chill on Press Freedom

By Albert R. Hunt Bloomberg View June 8, 2014


Obama administration spied on German media as well as its government

By Jake Tapper, Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent

Updated 8:32 AM EDT, Sat July 4, 2015

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2e474d No.21090846

File: c6acde89a5940bc⋯.jpg (87.7 KB,640x729,640:729,c6acde89a5940bc8ef8bb19dae….jpg)

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6fe74b No.21090847


Lotta Kosher names in that list….

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d11c63 No.21090848


MTG came out about a week ago and said GA elections are not safe

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05d8a3 No.21090849




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7ffcd5 No.21090850

File: bea6b04b59af36e⋯.png (52.03 KB,1071x181,1071:181,ClipboardImage.png)

Great Cuts!

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c21388 No.21090851

File: 4c62f731a6f1792⋯.png (530.15 KB,608x458,304:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8febf No.21090852

US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia

Moscow claims to have proof of Washington’s activities on the continent

The US is expanding its biological military presence across Africa, Russian Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov claimed on Tuesday. According to the head of Russia’s Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection Forces, the move comes after Russia halted the implementation of similar programs in former Ukrainian territories.

“Because Russia has managed to halt the implementation of biological warfare programs in Ukraine’s liberated territories, the Pentagon is forced to transfer incomplete research under Ukrainian projects to other regions,” Kirillov alleged.

He highlighted Africa as a new zone of interest for the US Defense Department and related agencies. The general mentioned the presence of Pentagon contractors in several African countries, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, Uganda, and South Africa.

“Washington uses outside actors to hide the objectives of research. These are contracting and intermediary organizations (Metabiota, Quicksilver, EkoHealth Alliance, more than 20 companies) and businesses of the so-called Big Pharma,” Kirillov claimed. Russia has documents confirming the rapid expansion of the US biological warfare presence in Africa continent, he added.

Kirillov cited several examples of alleged US activities, stating that “in October 2023, staff of the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases conducted a large-scale survey of hantavirus samples from bats in Kenya’s natural hotspots. A year ago, US military biologists studied the effects of anti-malarial drugs on local populations.

“In January 2024, US officials from the Defense Department, the State Department, and the US Department of Health and Human Services met with the heads of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa to discuss the continent’s prospects for developing laboratory capabilities,” the general said.

At the end of last year, Kirillov said Russia had obtained documents proving that the US had conducted research on bioweapon components and highly dangerous pathogens in Ukraine.


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8fc72a No.21090853

>>21090845 (me)

forgot the sauce on that last one:

Obama administration spied on German media as well as its government

By Jake Tapper, Anchor and Chief Washington Correspondent

Updated 8:32 AM EDT, Sat July 4, 2015


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a1e35f No.21090854


>I'd tell her to keep Navy Joan as far away from the Bidan's as possible,

That is funny because they want NOTHING to do with her, they didn't even want her to use the Presigious Biden Name. So valuabl;e Hunter made MILIOONS trading off of it.

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6b0c2e No.21090855

File: 61d54b6747468cd⋯.jpg (83.03 KB,539x704,49:64,ZomboMeme_04082021114841.jpg)

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502920 No.21090856

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “Piece Of Shit” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper. The SC just sided with the government monitoring the US in all ways



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1231f9 No.21090859

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Biden won't commit to taking a drug test before the debate.

>perfecting the cocktail

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c21388 No.21090860


Always cool to see a (you) on the notes, kek!

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6dfab6 No.21090862


Why is control so implausible to you

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3a5c60 No.21090863

File: 535ff008f3abbbd⋯.jpeg (110.48 KB,1082x500,541:250,IMG_5812.jpeg)

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90c0e6 No.21090865

File: ebd4d641e84fb98⋯.png (689.44 KB,646x667,646:667,Jumpingrisngi.png)


Try pledging allegiance to the United States of America, and then to the flag for which it stands (The Republic), which we need. And then I'll recognize your competence. Why Does the President only salute the flag and all it represents…



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cc8e8c No.21090866


embed it NewFag.

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5d8917 No.21090867

File: 2d8b572a4a3069a⋯.png (1.29 MB,976x549,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Why does Haiti have to ask Kenyan police to come over to fix their internal problem?

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0b35fa No.21090868

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Virginia — Man Walks in to Vote with No ID - What do you think happened?


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370ee5 No.21090869


anons archive?

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4861bf No.21090870


This is code for 'Kenya is gunna ransack what is left of Haiti.'

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f470fd No.21090872

File: 4055357cc9ca00c⋯.png (126.1 KB,453x381,151:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1fa7b No.21090873

File: 0854fad431d7d7b⋯.jpeg (447.54 KB,1213x619,1213:619,058051CD_1B8B_4DCC_A2FF_C….jpeg)

FLITE11 EA-37B Compass Call NE from Davis-Monthan AFB

These are based here and see them 2-3x a week on cert flights before they are out into active service scheduled for 2026

EC-37B Compass Call Electronic Warfare Aircraft


C101 US Coast Guard G5 arrived earlier today

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c22421 No.21090874

File: 7f7933f81e2cb7e⋯.jpeg (297.71 KB,1024x783,1024:783,483D8F05_3E31_4489_AD39_A….jpeg)


Joe doing the ol’ snifferoo hardcore.

When does the EBS message stating SEEK SHELTER go off? I say mid-August.

The incoming missile prank seems to be the best wake up call for the uninitiated American public.

Anyone got the video? It was Top Kek.

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616cd1 No.21090876

Why is The Authority such a faggot? Can anyone explain? I’m fairly new here but all I see on Twitter is him spreading lies and garbage? Does he have the support of the boards? Where do we stand on Flynn?

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519c62 No.21090878

File: 43621820e6d6b65⋯.jpg (328.76 KB,1200x831,400:277,ObamagateSpied.jpg)

File: a643860f6a8e67a⋯.jpg (185.39 KB,1200x627,400:209,ObamagateSpiedOnTrump.jpg)


So there is one God.

How does that disprove Christianity or Judaism?

also Bible "Holy Book" was edited.

Many Books removed at the Council of Trent "Tridentium"

All four Books of the "4 Apostles" all can't be 100% true.


They contradict one another.

You have to learn to read "between the lines"

As Great King Rabbi Teacher Savior tried to explain to his followers when he said "GoodBye" to them in his physical form.

The Great King Savior Teacher, was a man through whom the Grace of God was bestoyed, and is still granted to those with devotion and faith.

However, the true CHRIST savior is not a person; it's a teaching.

not to slide too much

here are some Obama memes.

"Here they are; Take them"

and spread the word thoughout the world!

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7ffcd5 No.21090879

File: d597f6b0728a365⋯.png (131.67 KB,307x324,307:324,ClipboardImage.png)


Forrest Gump Story with Xanadu Ending

Its going to be a Hella July


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519c62 No.21090882

File: 190909c2100af8e⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1631x1132,1631:1132,Tridentinum.jpg)

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5d8917 No.21090883


Girl's voice in background:

"I need to vote but I haven't registered to vote"



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1231f9 No.21090886


>Why does Haiti have to ask Kenyan police to come over to fix their internal problem?

preempts 0bama

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1231f9 No.21090888

How's his gassed sister btw?

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98a9a7 No.21090890


Shut up!! Fuck. Spam ass fuck.

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ea962d No.21090891

File: 62a76cbc1bf5ebb⋯.pdf (2.2 MB,gov_uscourts_nmid_6474_2_0.pdf)

Assange plea deal

Have not seen it posted here so:


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789ef0 No.21090895



They are turning this into a hearing on Violence against Jews hearing.

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90c0e6 No.21090897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There are no coincidences…

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6fe74b No.21090899


>Traitor Adam Kinsinger in Atlanta just endorsed Jew Bidan, and tromped on Trump.

Makes you wonder what (((AIPAC))) and [MOS] have o n him. At this point everyone knows (((they))) play both side for their own benefit.

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b8febf No.21090901

File: 1e917eec7aa8120⋯.png (488.88 KB,720x515,144:103,ClipboardImage.png)

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90c0e6 No.21090902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How about that sword dance. [Great Satan] (1861)

Fuck your Usury Fiction

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8fc72a No.21090904


Canada #42 >>18757856

Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

By Jim Hoft Apil 26, 2023

The World Health Organization warned of the potential of a “high risk” event after Sudanese militants seized control of dangerous bio lab in Khartoum as fighting continues in the capital city.

Dr. Fauci was behind funding of several international biolabs as NIAID Director from 1984 to 2022.

Natalie Winters at The War Room reported that the US is funding the biolabs in Sudan.

Sudan’s National Public Health Laboratory – whose recent seizure by militants has prompted warnings of causing a “huge biological risk” – received financial and personnel support from U.S. government bodies including the Department of Defense, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency, War Room can reveal.

The stunning revelation follows Nima Saeed Abid, the World Health Organization (WHO) representative in Sudan, admitting the situation was “extremely dangerous” because “we have polio isolates in the lab, we have measles isolates in the lab, we have cholera isolates in the lab.” U.S. federal funding has directly supported research conducted by researchers from the high-risk laboratory into cholera.

“There is a huge biological risk associated with the occupation of the central public health lab in Khartoum by one of the fighting parties,” he added.

The lab, which is based in the country’s capital Khartoum, is a recipient of support from a variety U.S. government agencies including the Department of Defense (DOD), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), and United States Agency for International Development (USAID). During Dr. Fauci’s tenure as a National Institutes of Health (NIH) agency leader, he also allocated funds to support research involving scientists from the controversial laboratory.


video from: https://youtu.be/FlravENMiqM

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b8febf No.21090906

Congressman Bowman, who accused Israel of genocide, ousted in closely watched NY primary

Lawmaker attacks AIPAC after defeat, says public should be ‘outraged’ that group spent ‘$20 million to brainwash people’ against him; result marks 1st time member of Squad unseated

New York Jewish Week via JTA — George Latimer defeated Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Democratic primary in New York’s 16th Congressional district on Tuesday, a significant setback for progressive critics of Israel in a closely-watched race with national implications.

Latimer, a centrist who hewed to a pro-Israel position during the campaign, was declared the winner by The Associated Press and other news outlets around 40 minutes after the polls closed at 9 p.m. With 70 percent of votes in, Latimer led Bowman by more than 11 points.

“What we see tonight is in fact the many,” Latimer said in his victory speech, in a play on a slogan used by Bowman. “This is the many of Westchester and the Bronx.”

“While this race garnered a lot of headlines, tomorrow we turn a new page. We must come together, united to defend our Democratic values from MAGA extremism,” Latimer said in a post on X.

Bowman conceded defeat and vowed to “continue to fight” for his policies, including in the Middle East.


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ea962d No.21090907

File: 3c1cd660d2142d3⋯.png (110.97 KB,408x792,17:33,1461PAINMeaning.png)

Anons Assange plea deal is 23 pages long.

Dash vs military.


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519c62 No.21090908

File: fae71d8c45cef36⋯.jpg (301.77 KB,900x933,300:311,kingjesusG.jpg)


The Great King Savior Teacher, was a man through whom the Grace of God was bestowed,

Also he was known to heal people and drive away demons and bad luck.

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1231f9 No.21090909

File: 8051522af974f8f⋯.png (894.7 KB,750x961,750:961,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1fa7b No.21090910

File: 083ad3a7357f0c0⋯.jpeg (505.75 KB,1195x571,1195:571,56BDB1C6_67AC_4DB4_A2F6_3….jpeg)

File: ab6adfe52af6bdd⋯.png (112.5 KB,390x275,78:55,5A48B20C_A806_423C_BAF5_89….png)

>>21090125 lb

Saudi AF SVA7201 737Ministry of Financedeparted Bangor, Maine after fuel/ground stop and W

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b8febf No.21090911

Former Prime Minister: ‘I Accuse Netanyahu of Betrayal’

Ehud Olmert accused Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people

In a scathing article published in Haaretz, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert blasted current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for extending the war in Gaza, escalating tensions with Hezbollah, and empowering Israeli thugs terrorizing Palestinians in the West Bank.

Olmert explained that Netanyahu should be removed from office and face a trial for his many failures since October 7. “For each of these accusations, Netanyahu must stand trial in the court of the people of Israel. This must not be delayed,” he wrote. “Every additional day that this cursed man continues to bear nominal responsibility for the running of the state is a day that poses a concrete danger to its future and its existence.”

The op-ed pointed to numerous acts for which Netanyahu should be held responsible. “I accuse the prime minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, of taking deliberate action to prolong the war between Israel and the Palestinian murder organizations,” he wrote. “The desire to drag out the fighting without specifying an end date is the reason precise objectives have not been set for the combat forces.”

Olmert made a similar accusation about the escalating war with Hezbollah. Netanyahu intends “to expand the war and initiate a direct, all-out military confrontation with Hezbollah in the north,” nothing,” the prime minister is ignoring “French and U.S. mediation…that will bring an end to the current violent conflict.”

Over the past eight months, most of the world’s attention has been on the Israeli military operations in Gaza. However, at the same time, Tel Aviv has advanced its plan to annex the West Bank. Hundreds of Palestinians have been killed, and thousands driven from their homes. Olmert blames Netanyahu for the growing violence.

I accuse the prime minister of Israel of taking deliberate actions meant to cause a widespread flare-up of violence in the West Bank, in the knowledge that this would trigger the expansion of war crimes against Palestinians who are not involved in terrorism in any way. Such crimes are already being committed by many Israelis; usually these are not military conscripts but rather private militias made up of thugs carrying guns that in most cases were given to them – in a questionable process that demands legal review – in a move initiated by National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. These weapons serve many of them in their riots and protect them when they brutalize Palestinians: burning their property and destroying the fields that are a source of life and sustenance, as well as directly killing innocent people.

Olmert also pointed to specific decisions that have harmed the Israeli people, including refusing to negotiate the release of the hostages. “His refusal to reach an agreement that would allow all the hostages to return to Israel is based on the argument that it would prevent a total victory.” He continues, “It was meant to be an impossible goal that would allow the prime minister, any time he chooses, to blame the failure to achieve it on the military.”

The op-ed argues that not only is Netanyahu failing to achieve his war aims, but Israel is struggling domestically.“The economy is crashing, public services are crashing, entire areas of the country are deserted and the government has no plan and has made no effort to create a response that could improve the situation and spark a flicker of hope,” Olmert wrote.

The war has come at a huge financial cost to Tel Aviv and the Israeli economy. The war in Gaza is estimated to have cost Israel $60 billion so far, with a massive rebuilding project that will have to be funded in the near future. Additionally, the war has forced many Israelis to leave their jobs, and over 60,000 citizens have been displaced by the fighting along the border with Lebanon.

Netanyahu has refused to sign on to any deal that will see the Israeli captives released in exchange for a permanent end to the fighting before Hamas is eradicated. Top Israeli officials have publicly stated that the prime minister’s goal of eliminating Hamas is impossible.


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c22421 No.21090912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Found it.

My guess is that we will all experience the Incoming Missile attack EBS broadcast just like Hawaii in 2018. Hopefully the wake up call will work.

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52f180 No.21090913


Does anyone actually care who Kinzinger endorses? And why would he say what? That he still doesn't endorse Trump - as he has always said? Why are you even thinking about him?

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c21388 No.21090914

File: a39aa8f80644231⋯.jpg (42.06 KB,468x358,234:179,20181110_185949.jpg)


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05d8a3 No.21090916

File: 89964e6db2b6f25⋯.png (128.25 KB,323x264,323:264,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8febf No.21090917

Doctors have become government employees who simply obey the Deep State

The United Kingdom's People's Vaccine Inquiry has commenced in response to the government-led U.K. COVID Inquiry indefinitely postponing its promised inquiry into Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines."

After the U.K. COVID Inquiry announced back in January that its planned Summer 2024 Module 4 hearing was being rescheduled, a group of concerned professionals took a page from the Canadian National Citizens Inquiry by launching its own public interest inquiry so the public can have immediate access to all of the available expert testimony.

Doctors for Patients U.K. submitted its own written statement to the inquiry, as did the following doctors:

- Consultant cardiologist and general physician Dr. Dean Patterson

- Oncologist Prof. Angus Dalgleish

- Surgeons Mr. T. James Royle, Mr. Ian McDermott and Mr. Tony Hintonon

- Psychiatrist Dr. Ali Ajaz

- Emergency department doctor Dr. Scott Mitchell

- General practitioners Dr. Kathy Grieg, Dr. Caroline Lapworth, Dr. Ayiesha Malik and Dr. Tim Kelly


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8fc72a No.21090918


Fuck off Vatican Dude

You had your chance and blew it

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c21388 No.21090920

File: c3f8bbbbc4659a1⋯.png (723.95 KB,750x806,375:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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789ef0 No.21090921


Olmert is a cabal puppet

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90c0e6 No.21090922

File: 478a5f948ff6c2d⋯.jpg (305.64 KB,1093x1600,1093:1600,Michael_and_the_Wheel.jpg)

File: 131cc929ae24a04⋯.jpg (173.31 KB,1440x1644,120:137,Ghost_Rider_Prophecy.jpg)

File: e43717bf3ce1e38⋯.jpg (151.67 KB,790x960,79:96,GOAT_Internet.jpg)

File: 2697036f4ef0303⋯.jpg (185.07 KB,1200x796,300:199,Janniespaystub.jpg)


That's good scripture…

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26f1d2 No.21090923

File: 91c6f5c638de101⋯.png (2.48 MB,900x962,450:481,Screenshot_7622_.png)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)

File: c6871903151c2f7⋯.png (3.17 MB,1079x1024,1079:1024,capture_1716_19012024_1424….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)



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6dfab6 No.21090925


>to discredit knowing will not materialize.

People will be forced to believe things will materialize?

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b8febf No.21090926

File: bec497f0b2b5ec0⋯.png (565.32 KB,847x637,121:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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519c62 No.21090927

File: 74f75ee9bca23cb⋯.jpeg (285.75 KB,756x756,1:1,kingjesus.jpeg)


Also he was known to heal people and to drive away demons and bad luck.

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fd5232 No.21090928

File: 6c3d0258f6a9814⋯.mp4 (13.1 MB,480x270,16:9,Meet_the_Australian_media.mp4)

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bdf9d9 No.21090929


I suppose its the “total control” aspect that I find implausible, everything we’re seeing is a scripted movie after the white hats took control in 2017. “You may have the site but we have the source” sort of implies removing documents from Wikileaks was out of WH control (but if it was out of their control how could they have known to talk about in 2018?). I also have a hard time with “total control” and Covid/vaccines. I understand the need to show people what was planned for them but 20M+ dead cannot be part of a scripted movie.

Partial control (silent war, moves and counter moves etc) seems the most plausible but I don’t see how it applies to the JA situation above. I can’t wait to find out

On another note, has anyone figured out how to read the map?

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519c62 No.21090930


No, they will be unable to discredit the reality - "receipts" as Bannon says.

Everything is stored off-line and seeded everywhere.

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6b0c2e No.21090932

File: 11cd5560acac30e⋯.jpg (171.96 KB,911x939,911:939,ZomboMeme_16082021185701.jpg)

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7ffcd5 No.21090933

File: 1d1aa3c99b6c61f⋯.png (372.24 KB,615x468,205:156,ClipboardImage.png)


Giving Spectacles for the Hearty Optics

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736ffc No.21090935

File: 7eb90cb9676467f⋯.png (1.63 MB,750x1334,375:667,3E8D9793_9A51_4CD1_A7B7_18….png)

File: 35c4ead808dcc7c⋯.png (434.35 KB,690x1688,345:844,E7E30E5B_9A54_4AC0_9E50_0B….png)

File: 5bec748d7e7c8c9⋯.png (51.81 KB,690x630,23:21,3B853E29_3C74_4A7A_B530_0F….png)

File: 63515a9bbcc27e9⋯.jpeg (478.5 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,D60A6F9E_12E7_4CC1_97CB_0….jpeg)

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b8febf No.21090936

Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog videos sold online

Shortly after a jury convicted a Port St. Lucie woman of 84 felonies related to sexually abusing her two young sons and the family dog, a judge ordered her to serve 21 life prison terms, according to a state prosecutor and court records.

Natalie Jesslynn Wagner, 28, also was ordered to remain behind bars 800 years in addition to the nearly two dozen life terms imposed June 19 following a two-day trial

Her charges included multiple counts each of capital sexual battery on a child, lewd and lascivious molestation, possession and promotion of child pornography, incest and sexual activity with an animal.


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c21388 No.21090937

File: 17a69ae9f59342c⋯.png (78.16 KB,356x642,178:321,ClipboardImage.png)


They are tracking themigrant crimesbut can't keep up


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93273a No.21090938

File: b9be7b5d443d799⋯.png (847.02 KB,1024x727,1024:727,ClipboardImage.png)

And you get a court martial





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4e31f3 No.21090939

File: 5a569185dd6ce00⋯.png (42.22 KB,721x852,721:852,tvbuynmu_.PNG)



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b8febf No.21090941

Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent 'like Ghislaine Maxwell's father Robert', according to bombshell claims from ex-girlfriend

Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent like Ghislaine Maxwell's father Robert, according to new bombshell claims made in a lawsuit.

A former girlfriend of the disgraced financier is suing his estate over claims he raped her at his New York mansion and claimed he was an Israeli spy.

The woman from California, referred to as Jane Doe 200, filed the lawsuit in Manhattan Federal Court on Monday and claimed she met Epstein in Los Angeles in 2000.

She said the late sex trafficker suggested he was a Mossad agent like Maxwell's father and was warned 'that it was not good to be Epstein’s enemy.'

Doe claimed their relationship was platonic before it became romantic and he later sexually assaulted her at his Upper East Side home in the fall of 2001.


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6dfab6 No.21090942


>but 20M+ dead cannot be part of a scripted movie.

It is. Watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

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b8febf No.21090943


Endless media burns worth the watch

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e41f1f No.21090944

File: c14583554bcd9fb⋯.png (3.35 MB,1251x1658,1251:1658,ClipboardImage.png)

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1231f9 No.21090945

File: 6c0a83ab9c40c6d⋯.mp4 (7.07 MB,854x480,427:240,pfizerbroughtit.mp4)

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736ffc No.21090946

File: da469c012da477f⋯.jpeg (513.75 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,7589748B_C2FF_4F82_95B7_4….jpeg)

File: bec387bd5634550⋯.png (1.55 MB,750x1334,375:667,25C28E1E_10A2_4926_9851_63….png)

File: c8addef23507bab⋯.jpeg (379.86 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,8A03086C_38F5_4A2C_9323_3….jpeg)

File: aee1bf1cc739403⋯.jpeg (325.2 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,8C9C032E_C9CB_44C1_BF78_9….jpeg)

File: 6bc1a759b44d822⋯.jpeg (474.38 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,CA099503_2F03_43B7_909C_8….jpeg)


fucking timestamp is not very difficult to include. 1:30pm

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7ffcd5 No.21090947

File: 63bcc44899544b0⋯.png (49.16 KB,1680x191,1680:191,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 654a3329920901d⋯.jpeg (88.32 KB,865x737,865:737,CorsiMossad.jpeg)


>and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

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b8febf No.21090948

File: 4de0ac9b39a5a5b⋯.png (77.3 KB,227x245,227:245,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1fa7b No.21090949

File: 8ea8a196f68d100⋯.jpeg (394.93 KB,1150x619,1150:619,F5D71D96_646A_4E0F_90B1_0….jpeg)

SAM230 G5 departed Patrick SFB back to JBA after a 4.5h stay

FakeX Starlink launch tomorrow and Falcon Heavy yesterday

After mammoth SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket launch, Starlink is next. Where to watch liftoff


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7ffcd5 No.21090950


ty anon

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52f180 No.21090951

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e32dfe No.21090954

Anon finds it dasting how Assange release had no build up. No leaks. Zero news coverage before the event…..

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48e705 No.21090955

File: 6b9cd958f1f6ba6⋯.png (128.98 KB,1080x985,216:197,Deep_State.png)

File: b5f1b155caa6783⋯.png (1.35 MB,1080x1445,216:289,b5f1b155caa6783d76ea567a79….png)


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8fc72a No.21090956


How many will they try to get back in uniform in time to fight in Ukraine?

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90c0e6 No.21090958

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Show me that C-walk Nigga. We digging up temples

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519c62 No.21090959

File: 9476906564c8d8b⋯.jpg (97.6 KB,639x441,71:49,3fatesyods.JPG)


I think it comes into bearing not physically with the normal avenues.

But the script is more on a spiritual plane.

"Interdimensional Intelligences"

Looks like something really did crash at the end of the 2nd WW and has been kept secret for "National Security," in other words, for the sake of the bad guys to keep this place the hell they like it to be.

And to keep in place their plans for world domination?

The script is set in advance, but can be changed by the actions of good people; or just the fact there are good people.

I was told.

And if I ever talked about it I was supposed to mention this:

They lie about Trump's hands.

It's a weird projection, but there's more to it.

The script was to wipe-out this "dimension" "world" because the evil and suffering had got too thick.

The overseers of this place planned to wiped it out, since it was their responsibility, and the suffering of innocence was too much.

The script is mostly set but can be changed.

That is our project.

I was told to say this:

The evil entities own impurity is projected onto Trump and onto us.

Lot more learning to do.

It's not a normal script.

it's what is written by the FATES.

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6dfab6 No.21090960


Desired effect achieved.

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a1e35f No.21090963



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9f81a7 No.21090965

>>21090954 just the shill spam attack here on the evening before

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90c0e6 No.21090967

File: 4971f6b71532531⋯.jpg (124.96 KB,750x991,750:991,History_test.jpg)

What it means to be the actual chosen. Feels good on my PP

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b8febf No.21090968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LtCol. Karen Kwiatkowski #Assange is FREE! - Mossad in the Pentagon


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d1fa7b No.21090969

File: 7f1adc839210b81⋯.jpeg (314.75 KB,776x1054,388:527,254A4FDF_AF81_4DC6_851E_D….jpeg)


Take that fer later

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0b35fa No.21090970

File: d5ae36a3f68ff18⋯.jpg (76.25 KB,1019x976,1019:976,FzKKpVCXoAExuNZ.jpg)


That was great

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871a88 No.21090972


damn that was good. kek

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48e705 No.21090974

File: 12b7a409d4bc586⋯.png (1.02 MB,1080x1155,72:77,Screevc.png)



Join the US military and smell diversity nigga farts all day and night…. Only a loser would join the US military.

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4f9ded No.21090975


cuz they black

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b8febf No.21090976

File: 14d94142ff25572⋯.png (798.33 KB,634x521,634:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24950eaa3a0186b⋯.png (761.95 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic

A uranium mine has dumped nine million gallons of toxic water out of the shaft near Arizona's Grand Canyon since opening last year, a new study has revealed.

Pinyon Plain Mine, located 10 miles from the park, claimed its project would not contaminate the pristine landscape when it began operations in December 2023.

But a new investigation revealed Monday found high levels of uranium, arsenic and lead in an evaporation pond at the site that feeds into others - potentially contaminating local drinking water used by thousands.

Grand Canyon Trust, a non-profit dedicated to safeguarding the park, discovered lead levels were 812 times the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) limit, arsenic levels were 243 times the limit and uranium levels were six times the limit.

The chemicals in the evaporation pond could potentially seep into the ground water that feeds into the park's aquifer springs, the Grand Canyon Trust claimed.

However, Pinyon Plain Mine has pumped 66 million gallons of toxic water the pond since 2016.


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953d8a No.21090979



Seizing dough in few min if you don't post notes.

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a9d9c6 No.21090980

File: e2c3d1112e58067⋯.png (996.71 KB,1047x991,1047:991,nMinimum.png)

File: 633eb9f2e92aba3⋯.png (568.63 KB,1022x987,146:141,nMIn_OAN.png)

File: 7f6cb535788c6c8⋯.png (717.84 KB,903x950,903:950,nMinimumRu.png)

Clip of when POTUS called into a newsmaxMinimum (aka fauxLITE) show last evening; They have the Communist "disclaimer" on the screen: https://cdn.jwplayer.com/previews/CN8x9u6q as we continue to wonder what "dominion" has got to do with shit TONS of Government surveillance VIDEO FOOTAGE (for starters)!

Don't want to see ANY so-called "conservatives" (outside of POTUS for obvious reasons) making fun of CNN & the "others". Wondered why Communist pravda has been putting out glowing propaganda pushing "news"max – This is beyond pathetic:

Reuters: Newsmax Is Top US News Brand A new Reuters study found that Newsmax is one of the influential news brands in the U.S…. Newsmax ranked close to well-known news brands like The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and The New York Times. https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/reuters-newsmax-ratings/2024/06/20/id/1169582/ archived that shit: archive.is/oEroa

Remember when Emerald Robinson was fired by newsmaxMINIMUM for reporting on the chinaflu “vaccines”? She wrote:

More importantly, so-called “conservative” media organizations took money from the Biden Administration to spin positive stories about deadly and ineffective vaccines to their conservative viewers who were right to be suspicious — and did not disclose it.

In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine that were nearly uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety…

Let me add some personal details to the largest corporate media scandal of the year: I have been contacted by a whistleblower inside Newsmax who has confirmed the broad details of this story. That insider confirms: Newsmax executives agreed to take the money from Biden’s Health and Human Services (HHS) to push only positive coverage of the new COVID vaccines. Let me add another personal detail: I was contacted by top Newsmax executives and told to halt any negative coverage of the vaccines in 2021. I was told that “it was problematic” for Newsmax. I was given some version of this warning multiple times by multiple executives. Obviously, I did not heed their advice. https://archive.ph/RYxsX https://emeralddb3.substack.com/p/fox-news-and-newsmax-took-biden-money?s=r Ms. Robinson was “let go”.

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a1e35f No.21090981


Have they been backed up? i know Q said they have the source but that could be many things. The actual people who sent them are The Source. Julian can say yep they are deleted we used Bleach and a Cloth, but there must be some copy somewhere, Archive offline

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502920 No.21090982

File: b99a02087c0a6ab⋯.png (686.78 KB,1022x1134,73:81,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 25c5e29b29ab1d9⋯.png (715.06 KB,973x1177,973:1177,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 197c5b65d5b3914⋯.png (259.32 KB,1185x856,1185:856,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE: Republicans File Amicus Brief To Invalidate J6 Committee’s ‘Evidence’ Against Steve Bannon

Henry Rogers June 25, 2024

(These tools do everything when it’s too late, they were given this idea 6 weeks ago, my guess is Johnson blocked it because he didn’t like the criticism from the public, and especially from War Room. I don’t care how many good things he does now, he’s revealed that he does not have a “Biblical World View”, unless it’s “an eye for eye and a tooth for a tooth” for offensive criticism of him)

House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk intends to file an amicus brief Wednesday with the Supreme Court and also file a resolution in the House that would invalidate the Jan. 6 Select Committee’s report against former White House Chief Strategist Bannon, the Daily Caller has first learned.

Loudermilk states that House rules required the Jan. 6 Select Committee to consult with the “Ranking Member of the Minority” to take a deposition, which was not possible as there was no Republican Ranking Member on the Select Committee. The Jan. 6 Select Committee held Bannon in contempt for “failing to appear for a deposition” which the Select Committee could not conduct because there was no ranking member to notify, Loudermilk’s office told the Caller.

His office said installing former Republican Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney to be the Vice Chair of the committee does not satisfy the legal requirements that the Select Committee would consult with the Ranking Member. The Vice Chair is not the ranking member and Cheney was selected by former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Loudermilk’s office told the Caller.

Loudermilk’s House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight is also working on legislation to be introduced in the near future that will be “nullifying the Jan. 6 Select Committee’s work,” the Caller has also first learned.

The amicus brief comes after Bannon asked the Supreme Court to delay his prison sentence Friday. Bannon has been ordered to turn himself in by July 1 to start his four-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress.

“My Committee has spent the past year and a half turning over every rock, examining every shred of evidence, and investigating the entirety of operations of Vice-chair Liz Cheney and Chair Bennie Thompson’s Select Committee on January 6th,” Loudermilk told the Caller ahead of filing the amicus brief. “We have resoundingly discovered that they were not completely truthful with the American people. They had little regard for House rules and no regard for transparency. They suppressed key pieces of evidence, cherry-picked evidence that supported their narrative, and played a 20 Million dollar blame-game to frame President Trump and Republicans.” (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Demand Comms Between Cassidy Hutchinson, Fani Willis’ Office For J6 Investigation)

(They knew all of this starting in 2021, Now they want to give a favor so they get more favorable comments from the public.)


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b13783 No.21090983

File: a01b880b7cf31b9⋯.png (1.38 MB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7e02e75da300d3⋯.png (298.21 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

But does it have a trailing VLF antenna? Tupolev Tu214PU-SBUS Russian Federation Air Force / Airborne Communication Station RA-64530.


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9f81a7 No.21090984


have already posted notes and will post @500

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a1e35f No.21090985


Israel has no better friend than brain dead Golam

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cc8e8c No.21090986


nothing is deleted

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90c0e6 No.21090987


What's a white kid doing with this resonance? The blasphemy…

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c0bd54 No.21090988


The contract is worthless unless he signs it

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78600a No.21090989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Good to have a reminder, where this goes now other than sucking up all the media is still open and how and who it benefits will play out with time. Elections and spin is all around, glad that at least he is free and did not die in prison to go home and spend time with his family and children. above all, it is a warning to anyone whistleblowing against the deep state.

p.s cannot embed bitchute so youtube link embedded.



First published at 15:51 UTC on June 26th, 2024.



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953d8a No.21090991


Oh, you did indeed.

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e32dfe No.21090992

File: 86ea3493dde273d⋯.jpg (478.25 KB,1073x1118,1073:1118,Screenshot_20240627_072620….jpg)

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b8febf No.21090993

File: 814aeb520deb8fe⋯.png (857.62 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) dropped leaflets over the southern Syria governorate of al-Qunitra on June 25, claiming responsibility for recent artillery strikes and warning the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) against violating “existing agreements”.

A series of artillery strikes targeted the outskirts of the town of al-Hmidaiah, which is located right on the front with the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, on June 24, causing material losses only. The IDF didn’t make any announcement at the time.

However, in the leaflets dropped over al-Qunitra the next day, the IDF acknowledged the strikes, warning the SAA against illegitimate military presence on the front.

The leaflets also included vague aerial photos showing an unidentified individual wearing civilian clothes and carrying what appears to be a camera in a residential building.

“To the commanders and troops of the Syrian army … We attacked the al-Hmidaiah area. We do not accept a military presence that violates the existing agreements! We do not accept violations in any form! This is the price!” one of the leaflets read.

The agreement cited by the IDF is likely the 1974 Agreement on Disengagement between Israel and Syria, which prevents the SAA from operating in a United Nations-observed buffer zone on the Syrian side of the front. This 235 square kilometer zone includes al-Hmidaiah.

Tensions rose between Israel and Syria after the outbreak of the war in the Palestinian enclave of the Gaza Strip last October, which led to clashes between the IDF and the Syria-backed Hezbollah in nihboring Lebanon.

The IDF intensified strikes on the war-torn country. Last week, an Israeli drone strike on a military site near the town of Saidah in al-Qunitral claimed the life of an SAA officer. Before that, an IDF drone crashed in the governorate for unknown reasons.

Recently, observers warned that Israel could escalate further against Syria as an alternative for a costly military operation against Hezbollah.

Russian forces in Syria have already established a series of observation posts along the front with Israel in order to prevent such a catastrophic scenario.


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7b43bb No.21090994


wonder if this has anything to do with the hikers who got sick last week

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90c0e6 No.21090995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d1fa7b No.21090996

File: 632e119bde9e2cb⋯.jpeg (509.01 KB,765x633,255:211,224A297A_C876_4B19_9FED_C….jpeg)


Almost every POTUS since mining was banned within the park boundaries has tried to rescind that ban.

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93273a No.21090997


>>21090939 https://file.wikileaks.org/file/clinton-emails/

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6dfab6 No.21090998


If that were true, George Floyd would be alive.

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8fc72a No.21090999

File: 92429ca3aca92d9⋯.png (409.05 KB,585x500,117:100,z9c83.png)

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b8febf No.21091000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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370ee5 No.21091001



mass dlnding


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93273a No.21091002


let anon know the size of full download, working on limited hd atm

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601e0b No.21091003


dont nobody gonna spent 1.21 niggawatts on floyd

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8fc72a No.21091004

File: e0114f64b4e091f⋯.png (461.8 KB,600x960,5:8,2eacdd874ffcebf99d4e28b39d….png)

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9f81a7 No.21091006

File: 5f14b108eca8bea⋯.jpg (69.89 KB,570x708,95:118,proxy_image.jpg)

@500 or so


#25853 >>21090470

>>21090496, >>21090517, >>21090639, >>21090640, >>21090643, >>21090649, >>21090650, >>21090651, >>21090769, >>21090789 Swamp Happenings


>>21090508, >>21090794 @elonmusk - HAWK

>>21090516 The Fauci Gaslighting Tape That Won't Go Away

>>21090538 Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

>>21090565 Video - JA arrives in AUS

>>21090568, >>21090612, >>21090626, >>21090786, >>21090933, >>21090935, >>21090946 Mil Q Posts and Decode

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657, >>21090742, >>21090800 Bannon is interviewing Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts, Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden

>>21090611, >>21090714, >>21090723, >>21090734, >>21090741 Trump Campaign LIVE NOW hosts Black American Business Leaders at Atlanta Barbershop

>>21090645, >>21090812 il TRUMP TRUTHS and Decodes

>>21090664 Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

>>21090671 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>21090708 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

>>21090790 Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment

>>21090804 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden WON'T commit to taking a drug test before the debate

>>21090810 Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

>>21090815, >>21090873, >>21090910, >>21090949, >>21090983 PF

>>21090839 Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

>>21090844 @TuckerCarlson - Meet the Australian media.

>>21090852 US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia

>>21090856 @WarRoom Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “POS” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper

>>21090891, >>21090907 Julian Assange full 23 page plea deal - PDF

>>21090904 Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

>>21090911 Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accuses Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people

>>21090936 Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog and videos sold online

>>21090937 MIGRANT CRIME TRACKING WEBSITE - https://opsdesk.org/migrant-crime/

>>21090939, >>21091001 Clinton Emails WikiDump

>>21090976 Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic

>>21090982 Republicans File Amicus Brief To Invalidate J6 Committee’s ‘Evidence’ Against Steve Bannon


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e32dfe No.21091007

File: be5f23108ad0a24⋯.jpg (155.08 KB,1069x1014,1069:1014,Screenshot_20240627_073138….jpg)


Take on me

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6e59a4 No.21091008

File: 3c963bda7659776⋯.png (1.52 MB,1278x1585,1278:1585,3c963bda7659776ea2beb39e1f….png)

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b13783 No.21091009

File: 547799fa102d8ff⋯.png (749.96 KB,1223x968,1223:968,ClipboardImage.png)


>removed all DNC emails from its platform

Just the other day…

Foreshadowing? Coincidence?

Video Killed the Radio Star

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d1fa7b No.21091011

File: 63d1060e8a4d231⋯.jpeg (543.54 KB,776x1178,388:589,9053B22D_5AD9_4446_81B7_0….jpeg)

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90c0e6 No.21091012

File: 96cb99856d62cd2⋯.png (629.33 KB,1320x1083,440:361,Screenshot_2024_06_26_1532….png)

File: cf18f42a8dca04a⋯.webp (419.07 KB,1000x1282,500:641,st_christopher_BACKERKIT.webp)


Debate me. You can have a chair if your need it…

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93273a No.21091015

File: eb6c0860a2e68eb⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,480x852,40:71,ssstwitter_com_17194256059….mp4)


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e32dfe No.21091017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f81a7 No.21091018

@460 more like



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b8febf No.21091019

File: 437360438c296b0⋯.png (108.89 KB,1005x540,67:36,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5977282ae7875e⋯.png (150.37 KB,998x611,998:611,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a1ba0634f208a5⋯.png (90.41 KB,1010x395,202:79,ClipboardImage.png)

Russian National Charged For Conspiring With Russian Military Intelligence To Destroy Ukrainian Government Computer Systems And Data


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48e705 No.21091020

File: de1a532167fcee2⋯.png (591.92 KB,1080x615,72:41,SW.png)

File: 3faf01db068de8f⋯.png (896.27 KB,1080x998,540:499,WW3.png)

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4ed2d9 No.21091021

File: 07c10f51d4e4c30⋯.png (442.83 KB,718x966,359:483,05142020a1.png)

File: 1717a19ca0c48e1⋯.png (200.46 KB,532x798,2:3,fau4.png)

File: fea9cb33d81674a⋯.jpg (10.59 KB,236x292,59:73,3z10.jpg)
































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601e0b No.21091022

File: 4dbce9740340903⋯.jpg (34.45 KB,820x508,205:127,natalie_jesslynn_wagner.jpg)

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6dfab6 No.21091023




Red pills are a hell of a drug

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d11c63 No.21091024



Grooming generations of young girls to twerk in the evening and dildo infomercials in the morning

Groomed your boys to copy what the boys who were getting laid were doing on MasonTV!

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4ed2d9 No.21091025

File: 9a4cf1e63225819⋯.png (1.66 MB,1920x1836,160:153,0qiggy2.png)

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ad031b No.21091026

File: 9c2c9378bf65ef4⋯.png (3.57 MB,1616x1212,4:3,C3C7B2BA_7786_4F0C_B14D_BB….png)

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8aaff3 No.21091027

File: 23384bbc85339bb⋯.png (2.42 MB,1898x952,949:476,ClipboardImage.png)

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a983e1 No.21091028

File: a72a3dca7676b9c⋯.jpg (126.32 KB,891x500,891:500,jagtrf56e92ycooa.jpg)

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ace293 No.21091029



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e19423 No.21091030

>>21091015 Bidenomics


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6e59a4 No.21091031

File: b149bc62d9dce33⋯.png (288.86 KB,941x634,941:634,ClipboardImage.png)

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a80ebe No.21091033

Every time Hold On I'm Coming plays at work I have a giant grin


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fb378c No.21091034

File: b134428d70cd8be⋯.png (24.7 KB,448x384,7:6,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 535ccca74c4bde7⋯.png (89.41 KB,1789x748,1789:748,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e270a8a7136b2f⋯.png (278.24 KB,1002x906,167:151,ClipboardImage.png)



>This is all a movie that the Q team is directing?

June 26 posts from 2018, six years ago all point to JA and how he connects to the 40k ft. view. All the deltas from 2020, four years ago seem to be about missions forward, WWG1WGA, stand at the ready. the /patriotsfight/ and /projectdcomms/ posts always felt like a cliffhanger, or a really good movie trailer.


it was a magical time.

JC to LL 247x (relevant)


Where are the JC / AM text messages?

Gmail messages?

Burner phone messages?

Call pulls?

Coming soon to a theater near you.

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4772ef No.21091035

File: 785b1f0bf4ed045⋯.jpg (95.53 KB,977x652,977:652,74218424007_usat_885733_pa….jpg)

Paris Hilton testifies before Congress on Capitol Hill about childhood sexual abuse

Paris Hilton testified before Congress while advocating to modernize child welfare programs Wednesday.

The "Paris in Love" star and hotel heiress returned to Washington, D.C. to speak before the House Ways and Means committee about the modernization of the country's foster care system.

"When I was 16 years old, I was ripped from my bed in the middle of night and transported across state lines to the first of four residential facilities," Hilton told the congressional committee.


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b8febf No.21091037

File: 2d33488dd7de47b⋯.png (447.28 KB,635x677,635:677,ClipboardImage.png)

The two party system is just two cheeks of the same arse. We deserve better! Help us #EndTheShitShow


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519fb5 No.21091038

File: fc21e853e35d791⋯.png (917.68 KB,1080x869,1080:869,Screcfu.png)


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cc8e8c No.21091040


Silence from Trump, Biden, Hillary, many more not yet making a comment on his release. Trump has got some explaining to do as it was Pompeo in his administration that was going to try and kill him, maybe it will be asked in tomorrow's debate…

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e38f4a No.21091041


>What it means to be the actual chosen

A bunch of rule breakers. The irony.

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e32dfe No.21091044

File: 32b1a0b6d73873a⋯.png (488.53 KB,629x900,629:900,ClipboardImage.png)

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b13783 No.21091045


Were you there anon? Are you old to have been there?

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c2ad44 No.21091048


This mega millionaire from a uber wealthy family was taken from her bed and transported across state lines? I would like to know more.

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7b43bb No.21091050



maybe not the dead man switches either

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9f81a7 No.21091051

File: 5e5e47b70e93984⋯.jpg (67.03 KB,720x720,1:1,broobds.jpg)

try this again



#25853 >>21090470

>>21090496, >>21090517, >>21090639, >>21090640, >>21090643, >>21090649, >>21090650, >>21090651, >>21090769, >>21090789 Swamp Happenings


>>21090508, >>21090794 @elonmusk - HAWK

>>21090516 The Fauci Gaslighting Tape That Won't Go Away

>>21090538 Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

>>21090565 Video - JA arrives in AUS

>>21090568, >>21090612, >>21090626, >>21090786, >>21090933, >>21090935, >>21090946 Mil Q Posts and Decode

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657, >>21090742, >>21090800 Bannon is interviewing Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts, Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden

>>21090611, >>21090714, >>21090723, >>21090734, >>21090741 Trump Campaign LIVE NOW hosts Black American Business Leaders at Atlanta Barbershop

>>21090645, >>21090812 il TRUMP TRUTHS and Decodes

>>21090664 Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

>>21090671 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>21090708 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

>>21090790 Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment

>>21090804 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden WON'T commit to taking a drug test before the debate

>>21090810 Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

>>21090815, >>21090873, >>21090910, >>21090949, >>21090983 PF

>>21090839 Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

>>21090844 @TuckerCarlson - Meet the Australian media.

>>21090852 US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia

>>21090856 @WarRoom Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “POS” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper

>>21090891, >>21090907 Julian Assange full 23 page plea deal - PDF

>>21090904 Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

>>21090911 Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accuses Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people

>>21090936, >>21091022 Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog and videos sold online

>>21090937 MIGRANT CRIME TRACKING WEBSITE - https://opsdesk.org/migrant-crime/

>>21090976 Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic

>>21090982 Republicans File Amicus Brief To Invalidate J6 Committee’s ‘Evidence’ Against Steve Bannon


>>21091019 Russian National Charged For Conspiring With Russian Military Intelligence To Destroy Ukrainian Government Computer Systems And Data

>>21091015 Video - 46 seconds of pure Bidenomics

>>21091035 Paris Hilton testifies before Congress on Capitol Hill about childhood sexual abuse

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5ebc9e No.21091052

File: b03d79c408359a8⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB,1125x1904,1125:1904,IMG_1379.jpeg)



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a983e1 No.21091053

File: 330c154609b90f7⋯.png (9.13 KB,511x113,511:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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736ffc No.21091054

File: 0551e6526282c64⋯.png (3.41 MB,750x1334,375:667,0AE88B89_955F_411C_AB11_E9….png)

File: 2e43a9445b5e5e8⋯.png (4.08 MB,750x1334,375:667,C6A3A9F2_3544_4D28_A9EC_33….png)

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d1fa7b No.21091056

File: 3c79d8da75d10e9⋯.jpeg (350.71 KB,791x612,791:612,E4A5F6EB_E77D_42EF_A5E9_3….jpeg)

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b8febf No.21091057


Nothing says fair government more than ordering someone to destroy evidence of Government crimes

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a1e35f No.21091058

File: 71fae0be13ac658⋯.mp4 (2.03 MB,1024x1024,1:1,flying_away_and_dropping_b….mp4)

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cc8e8c No.21091059

File: a31f823e4afdd03⋯.png (704.12 KB,964x544,241:136,Screenshot.png)

Huge Supreme Court abortion decision is accidentally posted on its website


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fd5232 No.21091061

File: 6d87e4e39f6710e⋯.png (720.25 KB,879x742,879:742,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27286e723f1b8ce⋯.mp4 (379.28 KB,450x270,5:3,What_the_media_won_t_show_….mp4)


nice crowd also!

What the media won't show you. Tucker Carlson’s ‘Freedom Conference’ in Australia:


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bed060 No.21091062


Nothing is ever really deleted…..


Hawk Tuah

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b8febf No.21091064

File: d953c74fd558ba2⋯.png (67.3 KB,1015x429,1015:429,ClipboardImage.png)

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c21388 No.21091065

File: 6af9e64e16ca89a⋯.mp4 (7.16 MB,854x480,427:240,BIDENOMICS_BAD_FOR_AMERICA.mp4)



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04db6c No.21091066

DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump’s embrace of Q and Anons is ultimately what led to him losing in 2020.

He was making gains with independents and moderate republicans, but as soon as he refused to condemn Q and Anons, those gains were lost. Just think, all this pain and suffering and inflation and misery, and it’s all your fault.

Pretty wild when you stop and think about it.

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601e0b No.21091067


all girls boarding school

another guiffre

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66fa2e No.21091068

File: b2440bbe6e1b568⋯.png (191.64 KB,300x300,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Hawk flying? I don't get it anans.

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9f81a7 No.21091069

File: d62a34954f17def⋯.png (1.41 MB,2001x599,2001:599,d62a34954f17defbe9c8950949….png)

File: ec4ce4ce9497461⋯.png (1.3 MB,2001x599,2001:599,ec4ce4ce94974612aa1ac45954….png)



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8fc72a No.21091070


Canada #43 >>18966430

APEEL • Trans-Fat/ Heavy-Metal Coated Bill Gates DARPA Produce

Dylan Eleven June 6, 2023

Part One

I don’t know about you, but I’m not into eating anything coated by Bill Gates. ‘No thank you’ to trans-fat/ heavy-metal coated DARPA produce!

You may have recently purchased an avocado or an apple with a ‘new’ sticker – APEEL – which represents a new “protective coating.” What exactly is this product protecting? And is your health worth the hit just so your lemons are okay for a few more days?

Once you’ve learned the ABCs of Apeel, you can make a well-informed, health-conscious decision to say “Hell no!”

Edipeel ™ aka Apeel is a layer of processed fatty acids sprayed on the outside of fruits and vegetables post-harvest “to lock in freshness” and prevent them from oxidizing and going rancid.

According to Apeel’s website:

“Apeel keeps produce fresh for longer, thanks to the help of a little extra ‘peel.’ Our plant-based protection slows water loss and oxidation, the primary causes of spoilage… Apeel is composed entirely of purified monoglycerides and diglycerides, edible compounds that can be found in a variety of foods. They are safe to eat as verified by regulatory authorities around the world, including Health Canada, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the World Health Organization (WHO). In fact, they are so safe they can be found in products designed for the most sensitive populations, including infant formula and nutrition shakes for the elderly.”

They claim Apeel is fully edible, but maybe that’s because we’ve become accustomed to eating poisons. It’s a crock.

When I tried to suss out the details about what is used to make Apeel, the information on their website and product information sheets was scant, to say the least!

The assurance Apeel gives us is typical mumbo jumbo jargon: “Apeel products do not contain hazardous ingredients that will cause harm to people or the environment within the context of their intended use.”

The Bill Gates company, which was started in 2012, is straight-up lying.

They list monoglycerides and diglycerides. Does anyone remember how horrible TRANS fats are for your health? And that New York City BANNED them from restaurants just a few years ago? Trans fats harden the arteries and can lead to arteriosclerosis. Monoglycerides and diglycerides may contribute to inflammation in the body. Inflammation has been linked to a range of chronic diseases including heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Additionally, the manufacturing of this “safe” food additive uses “processing aid residuals,” which are essentially heavy metals like lead, nickel, cadmium, mercury, toxic ash, and arsenic. So when consuming produce coated with Apeel, you are eating highly-processed overt fats, which contain toxic heavy metals. And then, along the way, they add different solvents to help with emulsification. So to me, this seems like a toxic poisoning operation.

Consider that there is no way to remove Apeel. You can’t wash it off. You can’t use other chemicals to get it off. You can’t mechanically rub it off and of course, it seeps into the fruits and vegetables.

And if you want to peel the Apeel, do keep in mind that the peel can drastically increase your nutrient intake as they frequently contain more nutrients than the rest of the fruit and veggies. For example, leaving the peel on a raw apple gives it about 332% more vitamin K, 142% vitamin A, and 115% more vitamin C than the peeled version!

And if you think you will just spring for organic, Apeel can be used on USDA Certified Organic produce. What a true travesty! Furthermore, you may not even know you’re eating Apeel-coated produce. Labeling laws and requirements vary from country to country and state to state. That means the product may or may NOT have the Apeel logo on the produce stickers. You won’t know unless you ask your produce manager. And they likely may not know either.

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8fc72a No.21091071

>>21091070 (me)

Part Two

Countries selling produce coated with Apeel include the United States, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Peru, Spain, Sweden, Norway, China, Australia, South Africa, Poland, and Japan. The EU, Switzerland, UK, and Norway are only allowing this coating to be applied to fruits and vegetables that have outer peels that are usually not eaten, while the US and other countries are allowing it on everything.

Apeel has already secured the following partnerships:

Nature’s Pride (a large importer of Europe’s avocados)

Sage Fruit Co. (Washington State organic apple producer)

Del Monte (avocados)

Eco Farms (avocados)

Del Rey (avocados)

Horton Fruit Company (avocados)

RV Aguacates (avocados)

Alpine Fresh (asparagus)

Beta (asparagus)

Farm Direct Supply (asparagus)

La Venta (asparagus)

SiCar Farms (limes)

Many other fruits and vegetables including tomatoes, leafy greens, cucumbers, raspberries, as well as citrus can use the Edipeel coating, with undoubtedly more produce being added in the future. https://www.apeel.com/find-us even offers a store locator to find where their products are carried near you.

Apeel is (or will be) available at the following grocers:


Trader Joes






Whole Foods


Harps Foods


Price Right

Fairway Market


Bristol Farms and more

Beware and be warned!


Original Article: https://vaxxter.com/beyond-the-surface-is-not-so-apeeling/

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11f6a9 No.21091072

Despite what some may think, Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are actually really bad leaders.

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b13783 No.21091074

File: bf86f0a9a4fcaf8⋯.png (345.52 KB,1034x811,1034:811,ClipboardImage.png)

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a983e1 No.21091075

File: 5b3ca29cc6d7e4e⋯.gif (394.36 KB,460x205,92:41,gifpigeonflipae422aef6dd86….gif)

File: 6ad209c6bce656b⋯.png (1.84 KB,107x57,107:57,ClipboardImage.png)



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b8febf No.21091076

Alan Sabrosky- "I simply do not know if Americans today have the fortitude to recognize the magnitude of the catastrophe confronting us, nor the extent to which ALL of our principal leaders of both parties are bonded "hip and thigh" as the saying goes to Jewish money and Jewish media, and subservient to Israel as a country over the United States. Not just the Democrats, who traditionally garner 80% of the Jewish vote. But Trump, DeSantis, Haley, Abbott - even Kristi Noem and Tulsi Gabbard have bent the knee to them. Dark days ahead and dire portents, but I'll try to clarify how we got here in my next article: "The Culling Fields."


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a7e303 No.21091077

File: 1e01ddb9b930f68⋯.jpg (315.23 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1e01ddb9b930f68106f1b8d3d8….jpg)


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769e8b No.21091078

BRICS versus Plutocrats and their content LGBTQ+Invader minions

Enjoy the EMP, plutocrats.

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05d8a3 No.21091079

File: 33034b910e06097⋯.png (154.97 KB,401x317,401:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b43bb No.21091080



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7887c4 No.21091081

File: 4379d9bd58f9a31⋯.jpeg (291.95 KB,699x747,233:249,00000000000000000000016A.jpeg)

File: b1dd7142398fbe1⋯.png (164.38 KB,645x783,215:261,Q_442_ALIEN_DISTRACTION.png)

File: dccb63a9cb0f59b⋯.png (79.63 KB,870x588,145:98,twatdedkek.png)

File: 1bfbe3e1bd6a299⋯.png (636.92 KB,818x832,409:416,twittuckek1.png)

File: 14a99136c209b27⋯.png (334.4 KB,832x668,208:167,twittuckek2.png)

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deb463 No.21091082


yes, many are aware we live in Shitmerica

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502920 No.21091083

EXCLUSIVE: House Republicans Demand Comms Between Cassidy Hutchinson, Fani Willis’ Office For J6 Investigation


House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk intends tosend a letter to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willisseeking information about aninterview her office allegedly conducted with key Jan. 6 Committee witness Cassidy Hutchinson.

The Daily Caller first obtained a copy of the letter in which Loudermilk requests to review copies of all communications between Hutchinson and the Fulton County DA’s office.The Subcommittee has obtained messages showing that Willis’ office tried to reach Hutchinson, but it remains unclear exactly what was said and how much information was exchanged.

“I write to you today to request your cooperation in my investigation into the security failures at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021. Based on information recovered by this Subcommittee,we have reason to believe that your office interviewed Ms. Cassidy Hutchinson, who also provided testimony to the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (‘Select Committee’),” Loudermilk, who represents Georgia’s 11th congressional district, wrote in the letter.“The testimony provided by Ms. Hutchinsonin the course of your investigationis relevant to our evaluation of her testimonyand the direct implications her testimony has on the security of the United States Capitol.”

“This Subcommitteeevidence that your staffin the Fulton County District Attorney’s Officemade numerous attempts to reach out to Cassidy Hutchinson to seek her testimony. Specifically, individuals from your office reached out to Ms. Hutchinson’s mother in an attempt to reach Ms. Hutchinson,” Loudermilk continued. “The Subcommittee is evaluating the reliability of Ms. Hutchinson’s testimony, which was heavily relied on by the Select Committee, and the findings related to the security of the United States Capitol, it is crucial for us to review any documents and records you have provided by or obtained from Ms. Hutchinson.”

Loudermilk followed these observations with a single question:“Did anyone affiliated with the Fulton CountyDistrict Attorney’scommunicate with Ms. Hutchinsonat any time between January 1, 2021, and today, June 5, 2024?”

“If the answer to this question is yes, please provide the names of the individuals who communicated with Ms. Hutchinson and the dates of these communications. Additionally, please provide my staff copies of these communications to aid in our investigation,” he added.

In January, Loudermilk sent a letter to Hutchinson, demanding that she preserve and produce all records and materials in her possession related to the events of Jan. 6.

Hutchinson made headlines after her testimony before the Jan. 6 committee, during which she claimed that former President Donald Trump lunged for the steering wheel to reroute the car to the Capitol where protesters were

gathering. Sources close to the Secret Service have denied her claims.

Hutchinson also called the Jan. 6 committee “bs” in a text message obtained exclusively by the Caller.

Loudermilk called for a response to his letter by no later than June 20, 2024.Hutchinson and Willis’ office did not immediately respond to the Caller’s inquiries about the letter. (What use would Fani have for Cassidy Hutchinson except to back up the insurrection bullshit)

(This is actual proof the Committee was coordinating with all the Trump cases to give them perhaps favorable liars so that Fani could use the info, I'm sure they did it with others interviewed with the Committee. What did Pelosi promise them to be able to take Trump down? So now we have the WH, the DOJ, the J6 Committee, communication to at least one prosecutor trying to take Trump down. They should dig more and see what Pelosi let the Committee do, it seems like this plan was designed even before the Election of 2020, they planned another Russia, Russia, Russia. I proved before that Obama/Bidan and probably Pelosi planned the ultimate takedown of Trump with Braggs, James, Fani, Chutkan, probably Merchan and Engorin, and they were groomed to do this job starting in 2016 when their income started to dramatically rise. I bet this was REVENGE form Barry because Trump was trying to get his birth certificate.)


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8fc72a No.21091084


You had good stuff rolling, but then went muh joo


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7887c4 No.21091085

File: d6f370510f58839⋯.jpg (81.4 KB,565x700,113:140,000000000000TTd.jpg)

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559c99 No.21091086

File: 688e0839321e9e5⋯.png (825.95 KB,1080x1422,60:79,Roid.png)

File: 8c04942628fbf59⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1370,108:137,Bathhouse_ShitLicker.png)

File: 8fdac8fafab683d⋯.png (758.45 KB,1080x1225,216:245,Screenbvf.png)

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93273a No.21091087


Usually anything that is of major consequence is leaked out so the masses dont go into hysteria when the final ruling is made

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7887c4 No.21091088

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,00000000000000000000003.gif)

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c21388 No.21091089

File: fd87d7212063783⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,852x480,71:40,6_26_2024.mp4)




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230399 No.21091090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

City crews REMOVE the planters that were being used to deter homeless encampments on Hollywood street!


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b8febf No.21091091

Iran files indictment against U.S. officials for General Soleimani's assassination

Iran has taken new steps to proceed with its trial against the United States concerning the assassination of Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, issuing an indictment against 73 American government and military officials.

The indictment, consisting of over 12,000 pages of documentation, was announced by Ali Alghasi-Mehr, the judiciary chief for Tehran province.

“After collecting more than 12,000 pages of documents, the 164-page indictment was issued against 73 American officials regarding the martyrdom of Hajj Qassem Soleimani and his companions and was referred to Tehran Criminal Court number 1,” he announced on Sunday.

Alghasi-Mehr stated that a public trial will be held next month. “All the defendants, who are U.S. statesmen and military officials, have been officially notified of the case and required to introduce their lawyers,” he added.

General Soleimani was assassinated during a U.S. drone attack on Baghdad on January 3, 2020. The Iranian military leader spearheaded the fight against Daesh terrorists in Iraq and Syria during the 2010s. He is widely regarded as an anti-terror icon.

Iran retaliated against the assassination by striking the most important American military base in Iraq, which, according to American media, left hundreds of U.S. soldiers with “brain damage". The attack on an Iranian official who was inside Iraq at the country’s own request was also slammed by legal experts and UN investigators as a blatant and serious violation of international law.

This is not the first time Iran has pursued legal action against the U.S. government. A separate case involving patients suffering from epidermolysis bullosa (EB) has resulted in a court order for the U.S. to pay $1.475 trillion in material damages and $5.310 trillion in compensation for the impact of American sanctions.

Additionally, a court ruling concerning the 2018 Ahwaz attack, blamed on a U.S.-backed terrorist group, demands $960 million for the families of victims, along with additional damages.


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ea5a1a No.21091092

File: fb69a9ef07d155c⋯.png (524.34 KB,1200x358,600:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fbc4b3154e9080b⋯.png (580.93 KB,1200x358,600:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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7887c4 No.21091093

File: b76b4cd7826026c⋯.gif (961.71 KB,500x281,500:281,0000000000000000000004.gif)

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6b0c5b No.21091094


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump’s embrace of Q and Anons is ultimately what led to him losing in 2020.

DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020

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7887c4 No.21091095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a23747 No.21091096

Damn. what a kurt loader!


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7887c4 No.21091097

File: 76bae29806a078e⋯.png (1.62 MB,2360x1840,59:46,12.png)

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789ef0 No.21091098


Slow and steady wins the race

Biden trying to run up the stairs like a fool thinking he’s hit stuff

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f470fd No.21091099

File: 515b13224fc28ce⋯.png (325.52 KB,489x613,489:613,ClipboardImage.png)



BREAKING: The Wisconsin Election Commission has officially determined that the recall election of RINO Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has been successfully triggered with more than enough signatures. Vos was recalled for covering up the stolen 2020 election

I would like to congratulate every patriot in Wisconsin for a job well done. Matt Snorek and all the organizers have made history. Volunteers like


did excellent on the ground work

The recall election is set for August


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ed0877 No.21091100

File: c1cb346b4e2867a⋯.png (47.67 KB,1197x249,399:83,Screenshot_2024_06_26_at_1….png)

File: 8a2d2a9804b9bbc⋯.png (682.89 KB,568x651,568:651,Screenshot_2024_06_26_at_1….png)

DEVELOPING STORY: The Trump campaign hosted a Black American Business Leaders Barbershop Roundtable in Atlanta. The event was held at Rocky’s Barbershop in Buckhead and featured discussion on President Trump’s new “No Tax on Tips” policy, which aims to benefit hospitality workers by exempting their tips from taxation. Rep. Byron Donalds, Rep. Wesley Hunt and Dr. Ben Carson were among the men who gathered in barbershop chairs for the unique event.


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7887c4 No.21091101

File: f3da7faf09876d5⋯.png (80.22 KB,604x574,302:287,12b.png)

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b8febf No.21091102

Israeli Official Admits: 'We Orchestrated 9/11 To Sabotage America' - The People's Voice


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d1fa7b No.21091103

File: a85578ec1ae6cd3⋯.jpeg (444.21 KB,780x894,130:149,2031CF00_CBF6_44D8_B5CD_6….jpeg)

Amazon Hits $2T in Valuation on AI Fervor, Rate Cut Bets

Amazon plans to launch a section on its shopping site featuring cheap items that ship directly to overseas consumers from warehouses in China, the Information reported on Wednesday, citing slides shown to Chinese sellers. The new marketplace, Amazon's most aggressive response to the growth of bargain sites like Temu and Shein, will offer unbranded fashion, home goods and daily necessities, according to the slides, and the products will be delivered between 9 to 11 days to customers, the report said.

The e-commerce giant in a recent closed-door meeting told Chinese sellers it would start signing up merchants this summer and begin accepting inventory in the fall, according to the Information.

Sellers joining the bargain site can determine their product selection and pricing, and can produce in small batches to test the demand for any new products they plan to launch, the report says. It is not clear if these shipments will be made using a U.S. trade provision that exempts individual packages worth less than $800 from U.S. customs duties, Information reported.

E-commerce powerhouse Shein, which is trying to expand its market share before going public, and PDD Group-owned e-retailer Temu, depend on the expedited clearance process, which is available for direct-to-consumer shipments valued at $800 or less.


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93273a No.21091104


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


>DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump won 2020


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7887c4 No.21091105

File: 866d985f62d8e41⋯.gif (2.97 MB,480x200,12:5,1q.gif)

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7887c4 No.21091106

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,1p.gif)

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c21388 No.21091107

File: b80786af07b076a⋯.jpeg (75.41 KB,888x499,888:499,f7ede2b0f393611d9a80b95cd….jpeg)


Great clip but F the BBC

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a983e1 No.21091108


Kek, who comes up with theses strategies of yours? So dumb. You retards really are bad at your job.

Yeah it was us, not the massive election fraud and cheating.

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7887c4 No.21091109

File: 86b85d8d8f460a1⋯.gif (1023.12 KB,500x180,25:9,1r.gif)

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ed0877 No.21091110

File: 541a14fb8d648fd⋯.png (420.51 KB,768x631,768:631,Screenshot_2024_06_26_at_1….png)

File: 6b2cdfb8bf16b39⋯.png (379.25 KB,550x722,275:361,Screenshot_2024_06_26_at_1….png)

Asset management giant BlackRock has leveraged Oklahomans’ pension funds to advance a racial and climate agenda since 2022, according to a report from conservative watchdog group American Accountability Foundation (AAF).

Oklahoma Public Employees Retirement System (OPERS) enlists the services of BlackRock, which managed around $4.4 billion of the system’s investments as of June 2023, according to its annual financial report. BlackRock voted 54 times to back shareholder proposals “supporting policies such as racial equity audits, gender pay gap reports, efforts to defund conservative candidates and pro-business trade associations, and radical climate policy,” according to AAF, based on documents it obtained through a public records request.

“Oklahomans deserve so much better than to have their retirement savings used as leverage for woke corporate activism,” AAF President Thomas Jones told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “This inappropriate use of public funds jeopardizes the financial security of hardworking Oklahomans who depend on their pensions and endangers the livelihoods of every energy worker in America. These woke bankers and Wall Street elites are using taxpayer dollars to impose a leftist agenda on America, while making a hefty profit for themselves. This information proves once again why BlackRock must be avoided.”

BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager and a proponent of environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing, which emphasizes funding green initiatives to advance climate-focused efforts, such as net-zero emissions as well as social impact efforts. OPERS has more than 72,000 members composed of the state’s public servants, according to the system’s website.


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5877e7 No.21091111

File: 86b85d8d8f460a1⋯.gif (1023.12 KB,500x180,25:9,1r.gif)

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769e8b No.21091112

File: 33210b63b6f860c⋯.png (1.3 MB,1704x1186,852:593,ClipboardImage.png)


These Rated C for Chicom movies really suck.

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d1fa7b No.21091113

File: c9f003f805bba2e⋯.jpeg (295.82 KB,828x782,18:17,B41D50BF_2344_4AB7_9451_D….jpeg)

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ed0877 No.21091114


that disgusting cunt at blackrock…

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f470fd No.21091115

File: 54a835fc0bd4935⋯.mp4 (6.99 MB,960x720,4:3,54a835fc0bd4935cfdcb9c1416….mp4)

File: 011147742405c7b⋯.mp4 (8.65 MB,338x238,169:119,011147742405c7b9a23f861a3e….mp4)

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bed060 No.21091116

File: 96ed651cc4e8547⋯.png (381.99 KB,545x823,545:823,ClipboardImage.png)


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b76a8f No.21091117

I’ve never seen someone stalk someone around every where they’re at attempt to give them a heart attack distract them kill them and resort to “Embarassing”. You’re a fucking embarrassment. You project more than a child. Hypocritical and hypnotic computers. Act your age.

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cfe3b8 No.21091118

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b76a8f No.21091119

Don’t take any credit for what I have done. You low life sack of shit. Your personal trainer would get bodied.

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ace293 No.21091120


If you haven't seen'tthis

I will recommend it to you

Tucker might get Arrested in AUS for Brutally Beating AUS media Simps into a pulp

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b76a8f No.21091121

Sound the alarm again faggot.

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7ffcd5 No.21091122

File: 60f37a231c208fd⋯.png (1.81 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e73c76d5438b3a⋯.png (244.55 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3434c2 No.21091123

File: fc23736a6b8a043⋯.jpeg (24.04 KB,255x207,85:69,A927F61C_D82A_426C_A144_C….jpeg)

>>21090844 Wow excellent…

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519c62 No.21091124


Too little Too late

Teeny Johnson; no balls

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c93a11 No.21091125

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)

Guud afternoon frens


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043ec2 No.21091126

File: 6d3d1759413d8e0⋯.mp4 (769.28 KB,270x480,9:16,blyat.mp4)

Fuck even the animals in Rusya are Blyats.

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1175fc No.21091127


>all this pain and suffering and inflation and misery

All this pain and suffering and inflation and misery is part of The Plan. If you have read Q you should know this.

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2c0edf No.21091128

File: 6f505cd7fd801fd⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_8kun_top_17194322….png)


Stairs by Boeing.

Who needs all the fasteners.

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9cbafe No.21091129

File: a42ae6471d30f1f⋯.jpeg (201.04 KB,950x844,475:422,IMG_9297.jpeg)

File: 57a760bc4cfba62⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1170x1695,78:113,IMG_9298.jpeg)


Sooo Bidan not doing the debate?

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b76a8f No.21091130

42 months. Looks like you’like be having a rough July.

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ace293 No.21091131

File: fc91c1c7e35ad27⋯.png (96.83 KB,255x208,255:208,ClipboardImage.png)

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5877e7 No.21091132

File: 7b192567a8745f5⋯.png (346.79 KB,691x455,691:455,1k.png)

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043ec2 No.21091133


Best kek in the comment section:

If she won't hawk tuah I won't talk tuah

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5877e7 No.21091134

File: 5245fe03b20c9a9⋯.jpg (164.82 KB,1235x622,1235:622,00dsboogie.jpg)

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c5b12b No.21091135

File: 4beed84c376cc43⋯.png (173.17 KB,370x358,185:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1fa7b No.21091136

File: 1b9a6a2957fbfb1⋯.jpeg (340.01 KB,765x581,765:581,D90404CB_3074_4215_8D86_E….jpeg)


>Who needs all the fasteners.


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b8febf No.21091137

New German Citizenship Law Requires Applicants to Declare Israel's 'Right to Exist'

'Questions have been added on the topics of antisemitism, the right of the state of Israel to exist and Jewish life in Germany' Interior Minister says as government agency combating antisemitism sees 83 percent spike in hate incidents reported to office

The details of a landmark new German citizenship law were announced on Tuesday, which will require applicants to declare Israel's right to exist, according to a report by the Financial Times.


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90c0e6 No.21091138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wat's the drama do?

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1175fc No.21091139

File: 6c2376802d934eb⋯.png (101.26 KB,435x328,435:328,ClipboardImage.png)


The Schumann resonance is an electromagnetic phenomenon, a product of lightning activity inside the earth-ionosphere cavity.


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4772ef No.21091140

File: d1687a53f16b957⋯.jpg (257.56 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,merlin_180740733_49d0afaf_….jpg)

Lin Wood has a warning for all the shills present.


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9cbafe No.21091141

File: c7f29b919c69941⋯.png (4.56 MB,1440x4680,4:13,2515.png)

File: 454bae217c6b362⋯.png (3.97 MB,1614x2098,807:1049,IMG_1974.png)

File: 26e1f4e7923f770⋯.png (3.32 MB,1243x1774,1243:1774,IMG_1973.png)


All for a LARP right?

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5877e7 No.21091142

File: e621979d2da827b⋯.gif (2.62 MB,399x498,133:166,8f72c9aaeb8ac00ee3825c5c12….gif)


*pulls the alarm switch then flies away while you are still standing next to the alarm switch & anons are looking at you*

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d1fa7b No.21091143

File: 0fd01520cb8510d⋯.jpeg (431.79 KB,772x1037,772:1037,EA73505E_1323_4961_B3F4_0….jpeg)


Preparing to take over

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bd1697 No.21091144

File: a041313be62f4a8⋯.png (504.36 KB,1170x610,117:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Better keep a camera on Biden's ears. Let's see that ear piece.

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fd5232 No.21091145

File: 5adf317f6d855cd⋯.gif (2.73 MB,480x640,3:4,blyat.gif)

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5877e7 No.21091146

File: 01b6f0611d8567d⋯.gif (7.16 MB,346x265,346:265,00000000000000000000016.gif)

after all

any time will do

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fdcdf4 No.21091147

4:30 PM EDT

Speaker Johnson Hosts Panel Discussion on Women's Sports

House Speaker Johnson (R-LA) hosts a panel discussion on Title IX and women’s sports. He is joined by Rep. Virginia Foxx (r-NC), former U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Heather Higgins of IWF, and NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines.


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5877e7 No.21091148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b76a8f No.21091149

File: dada0da075284ba⋯.webp (15.55 KB,480x312,20:13,IMG_1719.webp)

Child rape.

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11e50b No.21091150

where's the lock bit data leak link, no one has it?

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5877e7 No.21091151

File: 97139bbe3e8c6b1⋯.png (77.25 KB,170x255,2:3,000000000000000000000120.png)

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b76a8f No.21091152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I will not stop until you’ve been wiped off the planet for good. And the rest of your family.

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871a88 No.21091153

File: 4d1cc418126e69a⋯.png (1.29 MB,1003x638,1003:638,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ffcd5 No.21091154

File: 346423a572d6ea5⋯.png (25.58 KB,307x180,307:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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b8febf No.21091155

File: 2076c73a2d8ae6b⋯.png (372.34 KB,625x481,625:481,ClipboardImage.png)

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5877e7 No.21091156

File: 2d54087a5a1b46c⋯.png (2.85 MB,1717x913,1717:913,00000000000000000AA.png)

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5877e7 No.21091157

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,3z5.jpg)


i quit!

go ahead!

try to act 'normal'

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bd1697 No.21091158


Was she allowed to come into the embassy and get fucked by Julian Assange, or were they physically separated the whole time? 'cause if they were separated, then FOR SURE she took some dick from someone else during those years. These hoes ain't loyal.

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519c62 No.21091159

File: 731ba26356cb2ab⋯.jpg (162.03 KB,819x807,273:269,comeyclintonemails.jpg)


Tuckers having a good time.

doesnt everybody and their brother have a copy of the Clinton emails

Is that request of Wikileaks as barter to release Assange so Clinton Foundation owners can sleep more peacefully at night.

They could just claim the emails never existed?


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f470fd No.21091160

File: 2b51125565ed734⋯.png (811.62 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f49e74 No.21091161

Please tell me that with all the techies here, someone plans to video capture the entirety of the debate. CNN is already trying to make it stay as invisible as possible. It's going to be gold.

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ace293 No.21091162




The Gov pays the Press

They ain't gonna do shit unless the Gov says so

Even though the press should be rallying behind a collogue

Cause if they can do it to Assange, They can do it to ANY Jounalist

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e41e55 No.21091163

File: 883321be6dce5a9⋯.png (346.61 KB,875x259,125:37,Lionize_lion_eyes_lyin_eye….png)


> >>21091054



real eyes realize real lies

can't trust the lyin' eyes

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99e3ca No.21091164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

is this where the anons snort the Q dust?

for a fren!

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90c0e6 No.21091165

File: 0ec18e976353062⋯.png (1.08 MB,1029x836,1029:836,Screenshot_2024_06_26_1615….png)

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0b35fa No.21091166

File: e197eee6801e111⋯.jpg (42.49 KB,657x527,657:527,FAVzKlWWQAYY5Nx.jpg)


GA time is chockie milk time

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519c62 No.21091167

File: 90f7d009fb99878⋯.jpg (9.97 KB,225x225,1:1,clintonescapades.jpg)


Some people believe A N Y T H I N G.

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78600a No.21091168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Tucker Carlson Responds to Julian Assange’s Release During Australia Speech



26 Jun 2024 #TuckerCarlson #JulianAssange #Australia

Tucker Carlson speaks Down Under from Canberra and assesses Julian Assange's release. We also answer questions from an adversarial press corps.

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769e8b No.21091169

File: c632893be699769⋯.png (277.75 KB,500x568,125:142,ClipboardImage.png)


And the option they chose is #4: Go Full Retard!

Back to you, Johnny.

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7b43bb No.21091170


we need a proof of life for the bidan double

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2b5a9e No.21091171


Mind the gap

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99e3ca No.21091172

File: d18caf022b26755⋯.png (628.96 KB,673x512,673:512,nsdestroyerc2.png)

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f470fd No.21091173

File: 4f8112abbd23d04⋯.png (250.61 KB,470x458,235:229,ClipboardImage.png)



A Military Coup appears to be underway in the South American Country of Bolivia, as Elements of the Army have gathered in the Administrative Capital of La Paz; while Soldiers have now Broken-Through the Main Gate to the Home of President Luis Arce, and are Clashing inside with Police.


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90c0e6 No.21091174

File: 21d541450a9b689⋯.jpg (166.76 KB,1256x1080,157:135,GQJfqT9XoAARHLQ.jpg)


Dude, those bitches from the City are the sluttyest. Confirmed. They like 'em young. We are talking teachers who put you on detention just to touch your PP

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e41f1f No.21091175

File: b39d78735197171⋯.png (2.46 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 91dd688d24d168f⋯.png (648.45 KB,588x917,84:131,ClipboardImage.png)

McNaughton Painting: “Trump Stampede”

Amidst the tumultuous storm, lightning rips through the sky like heavens fury, and a new painting unfurls itself upon the canvas of American history. A stampede of angry donkeys, their mocking brays reverberating through the very bones of the land. The US Capitol looms in the darkness, a once unassailable bastion of hope, now a haunting witness to a brazen dereliction of duty and lawlessness. Amid the torrential downpour, Trump rides unwavering, clutching the American flag, its defiant stars and stripes a beacon of unbroken spirit. Against the stampede's fury, he leads the charge, a resolute commander in a storm-borne revolution to Make America Great Again.


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519c62 No.21091176


the allegedly have children conceived whilt he was in top-security prison




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e41e55 No.21091177

File: 765b106ad54f702⋯.png (627.15 KB,1212x1152,101:96,Screenshot_from_2024_06_26….png)




>GA time is chockie milk time

kek, juxtaposition, fill the cup

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fd5232 No.21091178

File: 5d45eae546812d3⋯.png (582.9 KB,882x1356,147:226,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f623f121903f5de⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,450x360,5:4,Fmr_FDA_Vaccines_Deputy_Dr….mp4)

🤯 Fmr. FDA Vaccines Deputy Dr. Philip Krause Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions Which Were Once Referred to as 'Conspiracy Theories'

"The rates of myocarditis in these young men was quite high. In the early studies, it appeared to be around 1-in 5,000 vaccinees. We still don't understand why that was the case…People who've been previously infected with COVID or who've previously had the COVID-19 disease were shown in a number of very good studies to have reduced incidence of subsequent COVID. And in fact, the protection of a previous episode of COVID was greater than the protection that was received from two doses of vaccine."


Full Hearing: https://t.co/mCUQAGUwve

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99e3ca No.21091179

File: e85c878c015d4ad⋯.png (28.57 KB,232x312,29:39,nsdestroyerdEE.png)

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d1fa7b No.21091180

File: 8202f840838531f⋯.jpeg (554.1 KB,1169x619,1169:619,A4ACBC61_FE7D_4289_9EDC_E….jpeg)


C101 US Coast Guard G5 left Davis-Monthan AFB (The Boneyard) NE back to Reagan National

FLITE11 EA-37B Compass Call doin’ roundies at Peterson SFB

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769e8b No.21091181

File: 11b84bcf3143d0f⋯.png (1.33 MB,1276x1694,58:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd5232 No.21091182

File: 0b8103b00e73179⋯.jpg (40.36 KB,500x500,1:1,0b8103b00e73179a8a74107e0f….jpg)

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ba8a65 No.21091183

File: 2b7c1e91dba2866⋯.png (634.3 KB,1028x999,1028:999,ClipboardImage.png)

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519c62 No.21091184


they allegedly have children conceived whilst he was in top-security prison.



Tea Time

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8fc72a No.21091185


Gov. Gavin Newsom to be a campaign surrogate for President Biden ahead of debate

by: Iman Palm Posted: Jun 26, 2024 / 11:39 AM PDT Updated: Jun 26, 2024 / 11:53 AM PDT

rnor Gavin Newsom is slated to travel to Atlanta, Georgia to be a surrogate for the Biden campaign during the president’s upcoming debate against former President Donald Trump, according to multiple reports.

The New York Times reported on Tuesday that Newsom is “expected to appear in the so-called spin room as a feisty surrogate.”

But what is a campaign surrogate?

According to Dictionary.com, a campaign surrogate Is “someone who acts on behalf of a politician or political candidate by making public appearances, issuing statements, etc., when that person is engaged elsewhere or when that person’s image would be bolstered by certain affiliations.”

Newsom has been one of Biden’s most visible supporters, often pushing back on concerns some have about Biden, such as his age.

“I’ve seen him up close, I’ve seen him from afar, but here’s my point: It’s because of his age that he’s been so successful,” Newsom said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” in February.

Newsom has long been viewed as one of the Biden-Harris top campaign surrogates, but his latest effort to show support for the current president has drawn criticism from his fellow Californians.

On Tuesday, Newsom released his State of the State address on social media and YouTube after postponing the address back in March.

Former California governors typically delivered the speech to the Legislature in person at the State Capitol, around the same time as the president’s State of the Union address.

California Republican lawmakers said that Newsom’s decision to pre-tape his speech was another example of his “dismissiveness towards them.”

“Another cowardly and classic move by Newsom delivering a prerecorded State of the State the same week as the presidential debate,” State Senator Brian Dahle, (R-Bieber), posted on X.

It’s important to note that Newsom has never been a fan of live speeches, given the difficulty his dyslexia gives him while reading from a teleprompter during a live event.

Last year, Newsom skipped the speech entirely and embarked on a statewide tour to announce a series of major policy proposals, according to the Associated Press.

While Newsom is away, the Lieutenant Governor, Eleni Kounalakis, will serve as Acting Governor under California’s constitution.

The first 2024 presidential debate between Biden and Trump will be Thursday at 6 p.m.


Gov. Gavin Newsom to attend Presidential debate as Biden surrogate

Ashley Zavala Updated: 1:09 PM PDT Jun 25, 2024

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Gavin Newsom on Thursday is slated to attend the Presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

Two sources close to the situation who spoke on the condition they remain anonymous confirmed the governor is scheduled to head to Atlanta for the debate as a surrogate for the Biden campaign. The New York Times reported earlier this month the campaign had asked Newsom to serve in that role in what's known as the "spin room" to speak to journalists following the debate, which is airing on CNN.


Newsom's campaign referred KCRA 3 to the Biden campaign for comment. The Biden campaign did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

The governor's in-person attendance to the event on the East Coast will come on the heels of his pre-recorded and virtually delivered State of the State address to Californians and the state legislature in which he primarily focused on national politics.

In his speech, Newsom did not mention Trump by name but warned, "This year, we face another extraordinary moment in history — for California, for the country, and for the world. We are presented with a choice between a society that embraces our values and a world darkened by division and discrimination."

The logistics and content of the speech drew criticism from Republicans, who have blasted Newsom for diverting energy away from California issues and into national politics.

"It's a slap in the face," said James Gallagher, the Republican Assembly minority leader. "He's going off to a national debate instead of addressing the people's house and talking about the people's issues."

Thursday will mark Newsom's third appearance at a national debate within the last nine months. In November, Newsom debated Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. In September, he attended the Republican Presidential debate in Southern California in his role as a surrogate for the Biden campaign.

repeated by msn


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a987a3 No.21091186

Bolivian Coup Underway





Bolivia: Armed forces have surrounded the presidential palace in La Paz.

The general commander of the Bolivian Army has threatened to take the headquarters of the country’s executive.

Bolivia Coup: Armored vehicles are reportedly being used to break into the Presidential Palace in La Paz.





Leader of the coup attempt in Bolivia says: “Things will change, our country cannot continue like this”

General Juan Jose Zuniga, the leader of the attempted coup in Bolivia, said that his forces, deployed at the entrance to the presidential palace in the capital La Paz, “came…


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0603a3 No.21091187


I love his work and have one framed.

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fb5c02 No.21091188

File: 2f0fc815a5c8f6b⋯.png (139.86 KB,460x565,92:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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93273a No.21091189

File: 1c2a1312e406fd1⋯.png (334.38 KB,815x500,163:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba8a65 No.21091190

File: cb71e1d88381db4⋯.png (347.64 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ace293 No.21091191

File: ee08c715b74a5d9⋯.png (597.16 KB,601x495,601:495,ClipboardImage.png)

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b76a8f No.21091192


Shut the fuck up.

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519c62 No.21091193


"We don't understand"

What's with the guy's dooper's delight?

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7b43bb No.21091194


let's give Gavin a surrogate drug test

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99e3ca No.21091195

File: e942e59832be772⋯.png (110.84 KB,666x666,1:1,000001.png)


[they] will kill him and you will be all like "well i guess i better STFU then!"


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4e7cfc No.21091196

File: 958feade4903f4c⋯.png (104.09 KB,226x260,113:130,ClipboardImage.png)

Still here.

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b13783 No.21091197

File: a5c96a47cd3acbf⋯.png (92.3 KB,254x235,254:235,ClipboardImage.png)


Shoot first. Ask questions later.

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90c0e6 No.21091198

File: 7e2357c9ef0ac8e⋯.png (277.19 KB,590x500,59:50,satania_thumbsup.png)


My mom hates red heads. I wonder why. At least her name isn't Mary…

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f06c5b No.21091199


Who ever said he lost in 2020 is a fool

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2e32a5 No.21091200

Control your Consciousness.

Relax, close your eyes, and move your Consciousness to your tounge, feel your teeth.

Move your Consciousness to your finger.

Keep practicing

Now move your Consciousness out of your body.

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4de885 No.21091201

File: 9191c767f7ff3a6⋯.png (350.87 KB,1455x936,485:312,1z.png)

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fad959 No.21091202



Children conceived when he was at the embassy.

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0603a3 No.21091203

File: f4af85f22af0e33⋯.png (711.11 KB,2771x1145,2771:1145,Biden_tonight.png)


Or the LARP was right….

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66a95c No.21091204

File: 86d0166143f6e2f⋯.png (469.74 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express going back to base…


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4de885 No.21091205

File: 0289cbb20af2b32⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,485x323,485:323,3z9a.jpg)

you better or MY MOM is gonna lose her fucking shit!!!

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ed0877 No.21091206


are you covering the debate tomorrow night, QNN?

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519c62 No.21091207

"It's not a conspiracy.."

why do they leave out the "theory" part;

How could herd immunity reality be a conspiracy?

It was a conspiracy to hide the evidence.

They invert the meaning by just wrongly calling something "Conspiracy" when they mean "made-up" or "false" or "lie"

They are equating a conspiracy with a lie, as if there's no such thing as a criminal conspiracy, but just crazy people who think there is one?

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0bcf7e No.21091208

File: 12801cf17846e87⋯.jpg (122.97 KB,1024x1276,256:319,dev2.jpg)

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7b43bb No.21091209



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9f81a7 No.21091210

File: 62ecee333db4df6⋯.png (1.06 MB,918x611,918:611,1631935532496.png)

Last Call


#25853 >>21090470

>>21090496, >>21090517, >>21090639, >>21090640, >>21090643, >>21090649, >>21090650, >>21090651, >>21090769, >>21090789, >>21091147 Swamp Happenings


>>21090508, >>21090794 @elonmusk - HAWK

>>21090516 The Fauci Gaslighting Tape That Won't Go Away

>>21090538 Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

>>21090565 Video - JA arrives in AUS

>>21090568, >>21090612, >>21090626, >>21090786, >>21090933, >>21090935, >>21090946 Mil Q Posts and Decode

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657, >>21090742, >>21090800 Bannon is interviewing Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts, Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden

>>21090611, >>21090714, >>21090723, >>21090734, >>21090741, >>21091100 Trump Campaign LIVE NOW hosts Black American Business Leaders at Atlanta Barbershop

>>21090645, >>21090812, >>21091089 il TRUMP TRUTHS and Decodes

>>21090664 Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

>>21090671 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>21090708 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

>>21090790 Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment

>>21090804 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden WON'T commit to taking a drug test before the debate

>>21090810, >>21091070, >>21091071 Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

>>21090815, >>21090873, >>21090910, >>21090949, >>21090983, >>21091180, >>21091204 PF

>>21090839 Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

>>21090844, >>21091061, >>21091168 @TuckerCarlson - Meet the Australian media.

>>21090852 US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia

>>21090856 @WarRoom Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “POS” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper

>>21090891, >>21090907 Julian Assange full 23 page plea deal - PDF

>>21090904 Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

>>21090911 Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accuses Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people

>>21090936, >>21091022 Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog and videos sold online

>>21090937 MIGRANT CRIME TRACKING WEBSITE - https://opsdesk.org/migrant-crime/

>>21090976 Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic

>>21090982 Republicans File Amicus Brief To Invalidate J6 Committee’s ‘Evidence’ Against Steve Bannon


>>21091019 Russian National Charged For Conspiring With Russian Military Intelligence To Destroy Ukrainian Government Computer Systems And Data

>>21091015, >>21091065 Video - The Actual Realities of Bidenomics

>>21091035 Paris Hilton testifies before Congress on Capitol Hill about childhood sexual abuse

>>21091099 Wisconsin recall election of RINO Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has been successfully triggered with more than enough signatures

>>21091103 Amazon Hits $2T in Valuation on AI Fervor, Rate Cut Bets [stop using amazon anons]

>>21091110 BlackRock has leveraged Oklahomans’ pension funds to advance a racial and climate agenda since 2022

>>21091161 Call To ARCHIVE - anon calls for video CAPTURE OF DEBATE. CNN is already trying to make it stay as invisible as possible.

>>21091173, >>21091186 A Military Coup appears to be underway in the South American Country of Bolivia

>>21091175 McNaughton Painting: “Trump Stampede”

>>21091178 Fmr. FDA Vaccines Deputy Dr. Philip Krause Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions about the vax

>>21091185 Newsome said to be Biden's 'surrogate' at debate tomorrow

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519c62 No.21091211


no, when in prison.

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0bcf7e No.21091212

File: 03b274ea90bf9a2⋯.gif (835.33 KB,200x131,200:131,07b138088668ecfaba85dc3a13….gif)

we are sorry yet this number has been disconnected

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519c62 No.21091213


no announcement until he was in prison/

so there's no way to know.


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f06c5b No.21091214

File: 061b8267b299552⋯.png (49.68 KB,936x491,936:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b88ea No.21091215

File: 9285cc59b45325f⋯.jpeg (29.02 KB,227x222,227:222,IMG_5857.jpeg)


> Bolivian Coup Underway

That has CIA written all over it.

Just sayin’…

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90c0e6 No.21091216

File: db7819ba8c1d9c0⋯.png (402.96 KB,759x715,69:65,Screenshot_2024_06_26_1630….png)

I like it when I move my consciousness to my penis. It feels good. Just like Oprah said..

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519c62 No.21091217


Will have to study the dates.

She had a baby with her when he was in prison.


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fad959 No.21091218


Moris says there is another reason she couldn’t tell people about her relationship with Assange, who has spent the past 11 years in captivity of one kind or another – holed up in a Norfolk stately home, the Ecuadorian embassy, and Belmarsh. Her story had simply become too fantastical – the kind you might find in a melodramatic spy novel. “I couldn’t explain the situation to friends because my circumstances had become quite unrelatable.” It emerged last April that Moris and Assange had two children while he was in hiding at the embassy. By then, Gabriel was almost three and Max was one. The story came out only because Assange had tried to secure bail with his new family at Moris’s home. Even by Assange’s standards, it was an astonishing revelation. They had managed to keep their relationship from the public for six years.


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cc2b46 No.21091219

File: e53390a4cab1ca5⋯.jpg (41.8 KB,665x900,133:180,82b1fac792f7d4a3aebd9e6c48….jpg)

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6dfab6 No.21091220

How do I stop talking to myself?

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1147fc No.21091221

Don't feed the troll

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8fc72a No.21091222


Already are talking in Scotland

Scotland #10

>>20858585, >>20858598, >>20883158 Former nurse vows she will blow the SNP's Covid scandal wide open at the Scottish public inquiry

>>20880188 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 1: The Impact of Lockdown (video)

>>20880218 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 2: Do Not Resuscitate (video)

>>20880534 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 3: Midazolam (video)

>>20880645 Scottish Covid Inquiry Impact Hearings: Health & Social Care; Day 43; Care Home deaths (video)

>>20880675 Scottish Covid Inquiry Impact Hearings: Breathtaking (video)

>>20883156 The Lesley Roberts Story (video)

>>20883395 Covid probe looks at nurse's claims after she accused Scots Government of corporate manslaughter

>>20887058 Lesley Roberts. NEW INFO as ex nurse with damaging evidence against SNP leaders removed from inquiry (video)

>>20888960 'People making life or death decisions did NOT have the experience' COVID Inquiry shock revelations (video)

>>20888977 Scottish COVID Inquiry: ‘The Lies and Cover-Ups Are Non Stop and No One Is Reporting Our Story' (video)

>>20888995 Scottish Covid Inquiry: Neil Oliver finally joins the fight (video)

>>20889320 A GP a Dentist and a Gynaecologist: Scotland’s medical experts during the COVID pandemic

>>20893794, >>20893806, >>20896671 Whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts is removed from Covid inquiry due to Facebook post

>>20896452, >>20900190 Difference in Scope: Scottish Covid Inquiry Vs UK Covid Inquiry (video)

>>20896789 'THOUSANDS' of whistleblowing NHS staff are being SILENCED as bosses spend MILLIONS covering scandal

>>20896827 Lesley Roberts Interview Part One (video)

>>20900164 COVID-19 Vaccine Safety discussed today at UK Covid Inquiry (video)

>>20900224, >>20910578, >>20922823 Anna Morris KC: Vaccine Injured & Bereaved; Evidence given at the UK Covid Inquiry 22nd May 2024 (video)

>>20900263 Kevin McCaffery statement: Scottish COVID Bereaved, UK COVID inquiry 22nd May 2024 (video)

>>20902328 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 4: COVID Misattribution (video)

>>20902358 Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 5: Summary & Conclusion (video)

>>20904771 (Canada #58) Hospitals Euthanized Patients to Boost ‘Covid Deaths,’ Whistleblowers Testify

>>20922689 “Our Hospitals were Half-Empty” Glasgow Porter tells Scottish COVID-19 inquiry (video)

>>20932049 Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry: Down’s Syndrome, Discrimination & Do Not Resuscitate Orders

>>20952693 Scottish Covid Inquiry: "Faces became hidden behind masks… (care home residents)

>>20971629 “Residents were neglected and left to starve” Bereaved Family KC tells The Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry (video)

>>20972512 "Doctors were lying to me on a daily basis" Pamela Thomas tells Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry (video)

>>20980145 "They were dying at a rate of 300 per week" Care Home Relatives Scotland KC tells COVID-19 Inquiry (video)

>>20983542 9 times out of 10 residents were prescribed End-of-Life medication; Care Home Managers tell Inquiry (video)

>>20998328 Let her speak! Jackie Baillie backs whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts in Covid inquiry battle

>>20999390 The number of people who died of COVID19 was very Skewed, Care Home Directors tell Inquiry (video)

>>21006843 GPs refused to visit Care Homes during COVID-pandemic (video)

>>21031466, >>21031473, >>21036366 Misattributed COVID-19 Deaths in Care Homes (video)

>>21046668 CARE HOME MASSACRE: Jeane Freeman; Scottish Health Secretary; COVID-19 Inquiry (video)

>>21068671 CARE HOME MASSACRE: PART 2 Hospital Discharges into Care during Lockdown (video)

>>21077974 LONG COVID by Vaccination Status: Review of Lancet Medical Journal publication (video)

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cc2b46 No.21091223

File: 27d09774954c5d1⋯.jpg (107.56 KB,666x499,666:499,257ixt.jpg)

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a1e35f No.21091224

File: cb41742bf473bd9⋯.mp4 (838.97 KB,360x640,9:16,hawk_tua.mp4)



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6dfab6 No.21091225


Anon recalls Tucker requesting the release of a journalist from Russia in the interview with Putin.

The JA release flew under the radar while at the same time not.

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cc2b46 No.21091226

File: b3aea6cc4a57d5f⋯.jpg (196.92 KB,842x695,842:695,688e812bf40cbb1819d824b358….jpg)

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769e8b No.21091227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Newsom is a worse WEF shill than Trudeau. This is how you lose votes. They are going to go to the gallows blaming the next administration for everything they have done.

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90c0e6 No.21091228

File: c7ba57aba181fc1⋯.webp (72.89 KB,997x2000,997:2000,u3x5tp8odio41.webp)


I always loved bowling. Funny about how New Englanders prefer candlepin Vs 10 pin…

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cc2b46 No.21091229

File: 9a3d7c879826815⋯.jpg (123.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,818fa2dd1722b56f70e33235ab….jpg)

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f06c5b No.21091230


refuse to listen and pray for strength

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519c62 No.21091231


official version.

i fail to trust Guardian

but even they admit "too fantastical"

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91eec7 No.21091232

File: bb6c9fafc3b31bd⋯.jpg (14.42 KB,255x198,85:66,bb6c9fafc3b31bd8b42d640102….jpg)

but but but i hate normies!!!

well… if i accidentally kill any normies that's on your rocketscience!!!

gotta do fucking everything and still can't hab's nothing!!!

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871a88 No.21091233

File: 7d0c5b6761c6add⋯.mp4 (8.18 MB,854x480,427:240,Bolivia_Military_Coup_June….mp4)


>A Military Coup appears to be underway in the South American Country of Bolivia

BOLIVIA 🇧🇴 Troops and armored vehicles raid the Presidential Palace during military coup. (BRICS)

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cc2b46 No.21091234

File: 0d9aae0e7b3887f⋯.jpg (397.69 KB,606x655,606:655,Comfy_with_Three_Frens_and….jpg)

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cc2b46 No.21091235

File: 0210cf65037519c⋯.jpg (78.53 KB,850x588,425:294,da87d6fg789ad6f6f7b.jpg)

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90c0e6 No.21091236

File: 5306fffbbb0e7cf⋯.png (709.39 KB,944x1132,236:283,Screenshot_2024_06_26_1634….png)


About ready to give her my only fans…

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cc2b46 No.21091237

File: ab0222b136b6eb0⋯.jpg (86.14 KB,600x1000,3:5,Dig_Meme_Pray.jpg)

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cc2b46 No.21091238

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,DxPWXrxWwAEgqB_.jpg)

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a8948e No.21091239



The ‘Media’ is trying to destroy language and thus effective communication and comprehension. Labeling something as “Conspiracy” (without the “theory”word) is now shorthand for dismissing as if absurd.

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91eec7 No.21091240

File: 4dfee597f197a7f⋯.png (840.45 KB,1080x782,540:391,4dfee597f197a7ff37b27403f4….png)

this is bullshit!!!

i'm tellin!

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b9c425 No.21091241


I can smell the freedom through that video.

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cc2b46 No.21091242

File: 70b5e883f409210⋯.jpeg (533.5 KB,1537x2046,1537:2046,F73EB6C8_FD9A_454D_BEBD_5….jpeg)

File: 031a4cb93829f4e⋯.jpg (69 KB,483x417,161:139,fa91a479a27206cc42746f697a….jpg)

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cc2b46 No.21091243

File: 43d4033ebb8b3b1⋯.jpg (91.7 KB,495x501,165:167,iu_3_.jpg)

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519c62 No.21091244

File: 3879d1f66fd8467⋯.png (71.44 KB,591x711,197:237,entieblinditem82.png)


While he was under surveillance and being visited by Girlfriend Pamela.


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ed0877 No.21091245


so if brandon freezes up and/or shits his diaper, will they then roll newsom out to continue to debate with Trump?

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cc2b46 No.21091246

File: 105807c4fc457b7⋯.png (12.2 KB,600x700,6:7,keep_calm_it_s_only_a_nigh….png)

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a8948e No.21091247


Was jus wondering if [they] are trying to draw attention away from Assang

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cc2b46 No.21091248

File: baf0e45b3df62df⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,607x686,607:686,keksignal.jpg)

File: 30cf49d5bef5e3c⋯.jpg (14.68 KB,255x240,17:16,kekistan.jpg)

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6dfab6 No.21091249


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773d22 No.21091250

There probably won't be a debate.

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a85a49 No.21091251

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

No! Father, Sir!


They have all been warned!


Stop yelling!

I don't care anymoar!

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a987a3 No.21091252


Nope, Using Non-Klownie Coup Leader.

The Preezy was the newly Klown Installed Model, a la "Evo!" (Juan Ayma).

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78600a No.21091254

File: 3c4cd2d2e461caa⋯.png (371.51 KB,526x499,526:499,ClipboardImage.png)


the little shit carslan is slagging of the u.k

the mother tongue and language he is using is English.

anon would like to say he is wrong, but he is not.

the u.k is the best place but the city of london is a cancer around the world and the parliament is full of criminals.

The citizens of the u.k are the most decent people in the world.

Sadiq Khan has destroyed london and he needs to be hung for treason

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cc2b46 No.21091255

File: 4bf679c279272da⋯.jpg (567.07 KB,1050x1086,175:181,6f7l.jpg)

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7ffcd5 No.21091256

File: 982654eec3b613c⋯.png (281.9 KB,615x320,123:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6acc0feb65f93e0⋯.png (302.66 KB,902x781,82:71,ClipboardImage.png)


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ba8a65 No.21091257

File: fc2b06aec5805f8⋯.png (450.73 KB,1148x833,164:119,ClipboardImage.png)



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cc2b46 No.21091258

File: 65a4b789e6097e5⋯.png (523.26 KB,500x500,1:1,9C1B0116_C95D_4AF2_92CE_01….png)

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8fc72a No.21091259

File: 9ed9a3979e869a7⋯.png (785.69 KB,703x960,703:960,0f24965f1c783fc30c099bc238….png)

File: be3ec0e93a1e8e3⋯.png (948.83 KB,690x1031,690:1031,18a85a3981b4d397aaf2cdf0a6….png)

File: 5da86dc17c0f7d0⋯.png (1.5 MB,922x1308,461:654,ea1a74e1ef8ddb87279b9d03bc….png)


Cause yo momma always lose out to the gingers

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cc2b46 No.21091260

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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7ffcd5 No.21091261

File: 68b9fdd1d0b7bdf⋯.png (574.66 KB,795x797,795:797,Qcat.png)

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a85a49 No.21091262

File: c79c745a2f4fa3a⋯.png (1.14 MB,1019x651,1019:651,4CHOOSEPAIN1ab.png)


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cc2b46 No.21091263

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,DxPWXrxWwAEgqB_.jpg)

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519c62 No.21091265

File: 780f6e5da79e2fb⋯.jpg (294.94 KB,736x736,1:1,Orwell_media.jpg)


They successfully changed the meaning and use of the word.

Paging Orwell

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a85a49 No.21091266

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)


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a8948e No.21091267


Be funny(notfunny) if Trump just starts to pinch his nose.

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ed0877 No.21091268


change your tampon

you're dripping

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cc2b46 No.21091269

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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0b88ea No.21091270

File: 9de2cbfb8afe845⋯.jpeg (33.94 KB,255x211,255:211,IMG_5466.jpeg)


> DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump’s embrace of Q and Anons is ultimately what led to him losing in 2020.

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fad959 No.21091271

File: ebebda62ccc96fd⋯.png (675.51 KB,843x1007,843:1007,ClipboardImage.png)


Mrs Assange said she had flown to Australia on Sunday, with the pair's two sons, Gabriel, seven, and five-year-old Max.

Their first son Gabriel was born in 2017, followed by Max two years later, before Mr Assange was kicked out of the embassy and sent to Belmarsh prison.

The couple married in 2022 at the maximum-security jail in south-east London and she wore a dress designed by Vivienne Westwood.


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cc2b46 No.21091272

File: 6a66fcd7fb04400⋯.jpg (71.87 KB,508x596,127:149,lightsongirl.jpg)

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ad039f No.21091274

File: 83847913c44e1f9⋯.jpg (339.28 KB,1080x1250,108:125,Screenshot_20240626_214108….jpg)

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90c0e6 No.21091275

File: 9a2394746978f74⋯.jpg (773.77 KB,1900x2456,475:614,Marine_Bent_over.jpg)


You are here forever remember? FISA works both ways. Stare at me and be ashamed and then continue to stare at (us).

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769e8b No.21091276

File: 01a35d40f6618d1⋯.png (1.22 MB,923x1201,923:1201,ClipboardImage.png)


They are doing what their )best( AI tells Bill Gates to tell Klaus to pay them to do.

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cc2b46 No.21091277

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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385d18 No.21091278

Oh Henro

is this where the aynons inject Q wiquids?

much jesus!

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ed0877 No.21091279


or maybe they do a 4 on 1,

brandon, newsom, tapper and bash vs Donald Trump

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cc2b46 No.21091280

File: 844ca1f7a72ffa7⋯.jpg (358.79 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ManBatFrog.jpg)

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9f81a7 No.21091281

File: 6ba12f843b86936⋯.png (261.02 KB,600x450,4:3,6ba12f843b86936e780e9ed0d0….png)

File: b1006e7228ada8a⋯.png (571.02 KB,679x568,679:568,b1006e7228ada8a87d12d978b7….png)

File: daf07a2594337de⋯.png (414.9 KB,575x432,575:432,daf07a2594337de7be650194f1….png)



#25853 >>21090470

>>21090496, >>21090517, >>21090639, >>21090640, >>21090643, >>21090649, >>21090650, >>21090651, >>21090769, >>21090789, >>21091147 Swamp Happenings


>>21090508, >>21090794 @elonmusk - HAWK

>>21090516 The Fauci Gaslighting Tape That Won't Go Away

>>21090538 Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

>>21090565 Video - JA arrives in AUS

>>21090568, >>21090612, >>21090626, >>21090786, >>21090933, >>21090935, >>21090946, >>21091256 Mil Q Posts and Decode

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657, >>21090742, >>21090800 Bannon is interviewing Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts, Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden

>>21090611, >>21090714, >>21090723, >>21090734, >>21090741, >>21091100 Trump Campaign LIVE NOW hosts Black American Business Leaders at Atlanta Barbershop

>>21090645, >>21090812, >>21091089 il TRUMP TRUTHS and Decodes

>>21090664 Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

>>21090671 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>21090708 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

>>21090790 Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment

>>21090804 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden WON'T commit to taking a drug test before the debate

>>21090810, >>21091070, >>21091071 Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

>>21090815, >>21090873, >>21090910, >>21090949, >>21090983, >>21091180 PF

>>21090839 Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

>>21090844, >>21091061, >>21091168 @TuckerCarlson - Meet the Australian media.

>>21090852 US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia

>>21090856 @WarRoom Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “POS” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper

>>21090891, >>21090907 Julian Assange full 23 page plea deal - PDF

>>21090904 Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

>>21090911 Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accuses Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people

>>21090936, >>21091022 Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog and videos sold online

>>21090937 MIGRANT CRIME TRACKING WEBSITE - https://opsdesk.org/migrant-crime/

>>21090976 Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic

>>21090982 Republicans File Amicus Brief To Invalidate J6 Committee’s ‘Evidence’ Against Steve Bannon


>>21091019 Russian National Charged For Conspiring With Russian Military Intelligence To Destroy Ukrainian Government Computer Systems And Data

>>21091015, >>21091065 Video - The Actual Realities of Bidenomics

>>21091035 Paris Hilton testifies before Congress on Capitol Hill about childhood sexual abuse

>>21091099 Wisconsin recall election of RINO Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has been successfully triggered with more than enough signatures

>>21091103 Amazon Hits $2T in Valuation on AI Fervor, Rate Cut Bets [stop using amazon anons]

>>21091110 BlackRock has leveraged Oklahomans’ pension funds to advance a racial and climate agenda since 2022

>>21091161 Call To ARCHIVE - anon calls for video CAPTURE OF DEBATE. CNN is already trying to make it stay as invisible as possible.

>>21091173, >>21091186, >>21091233 A Military Coup appears to be underway in the South American Country of Bolivia

>>21091175 McNaughton Painting: “Trump Stampede”

>>21091178 Fmr. FDA Vaccines Deputy Dr. Philip Krause Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions about the vax

>>21091185 Newsome said to be Biden's 'surrogate' at debate tomorrow

>>21091222 Scotland is talking covid crimes

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c21388 No.21091282

File: d39967da1b9536a⋯.png (31.79 KB,1080x1080,1:1,digi_23.png)

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385d18 No.21091283

File: 70a5a78ffbd487f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1386x868,99:62,1s.png)


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57026b No.21091284

File: e51863e07d5a73a⋯.png (410.92 KB,529x462,529:462,ClipboardImage.png)


Good job CIA

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cc2b46 No.21091285

File: 63ebe61c6046c92⋯.png (416.51 KB,600x600,1:1,meme_shit_storm.png)

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0603a3 No.21091286

File: 99b4ee9f2bee563⋯.png (55.03 KB,622x728,311:364,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cc91d3c2e02076⋯.png (49.64 KB,563x723,563:723,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ab10ee8fae2b1d⋯.png (43.93 KB,559x469,559:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Todays Delta's


Jun 26, 2018 9:19:12 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 388aee No. 1916147

Jun 26, 2018 9:04:01 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 388aee No. 1915880



Review image/location.

Nothing provided is random.






Signal sent.

Attempt still made.


Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?


[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.

2-way failure.

If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).

If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed).

Why no DOJ texts disclosed to the public?

RR to LL "……………"

LL to H "……………"

X to X "………………….."

JC to LL 247x (relevant)


Where are the JC / AM text messages?

Gmail messages?

Burner phone messages?

Call pulls?

Coming soon to a theater near you.

PS/LP texts are only scratching the surface.

Threats of assassination?

They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.


Once the documents are supplied and viewed by Senate and Congressional leaders (& the public), they LOSE.








Prevent AT ALL costs.

Traitors ALL.




MSM will portray progressive activists as a large part of the pop – this is FALSE.

No possibility of compromise.

Do not underestimate our resolve.

We stand at the ready.


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6f0a79 No.21091287

File: dd3fb558fca551c⋯.jpeg (868.93 KB,1125x1799,1125:1799,IMG_1387.jpeg)

Adam voting for Joseph!

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cc2b46 No.21091288

File: 790aaa5c789ca1f⋯.jpg (131.97 KB,640x853,640:853,nigh_tshift.jpg)

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385d18 No.21091289

File: 9783f9ee68e2770⋯.gif (935.54 KB,200x88,25:11,1a8.gif)

blink once with your false eye if the deep state has you!

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90c0e6 No.21091291

File: 9b3c513c86cc71c⋯.png (3.28 MB,1376x1840,86:115,Ember_dungeon_crawler.png)


You're looking in the mirror, Hentai.

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fad959 No.21091293

File: 7e0de4d144e8720⋯.png (52.26 KB,889x802,889:802,airquotes_pepe.png)


"Girlfriend" - she was likely on the clock for an agency…

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cc2b46 No.21091294

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB,595x527,35:31,night_shift.gif)

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f470fd No.21091295


Newsome is the 'clean up guy'.

"What he really meant was "…

Think KJP without the 'eye sputtering", notebook flipping, and curly hair.

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385d18 No.21091296

File: d0f5fff3c3764db⋯.gif (499.58 KB,480x228,40:19,4choosepainpussy.gif)

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fd5232 No.21091297

File: 214c76a488fb06c⋯.jpg (311.07 KB,1914x1692,319:282,214c76a488fb06c6fb23b15b01….jpg)

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cc2b46 No.21091298

File: 1ed43c3e86ea8b5⋯.gif (200.85 KB,900x450,2:1,NIGHT_SHI_T.gif)

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cc2b46 No.21091301

File: d6f90dac80c78e6⋯.jpg (98.67 KB,800x374,400:187,Night_shift_2.jpg)

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a7e303 No.21091302

File: 68a184f9c8abf36⋯.png (626.23 KB,763x698,763:698,n3663653.PNG)

Fort Carson soldier to represent Team USA in Paris Olympics

SSG. Leonard Korir joined the army in 2015 and started running in 2008 while still in high school in Kenya.


4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag

(d)The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.


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ed0877 No.21091303


she gave him a poisoned samwich during one of her visits which almost killed him

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cc2b46 No.21091304

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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a8948e No.21091305



Go do a back flip

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9f81a7 No.21091306

File: 75d6bcfa5501d64⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,210x255,14:17,75d6bcfa5501d64ee813be4d2f….jpg)

File: 8e1be9188d13df8⋯.jpg (17.08 KB,300x345,20:23,65_653596_lions_sticker_pa….jpg)

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90c0e6 No.21091307

File: 9d38dc042cee11d⋯.png (3.01 MB,2315x3638,2315:3638,Iori_Bat_wing_Bikini.png)


Christ knows the original Sine…

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cc2b46 No.21091308

File: 71f7cc577f11b56⋯.jpg (377.88 KB,951x1299,317:433,night_shift_22.jpg)

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769e8b No.21091309


Greet your new chicom overclass, Bolivia!

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519c62 No.21091310


Vannevar involved with UFO oversight group Majic-12. He was leader.

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ace293 No.21091311

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385d18 No.21091312

File: 5134ec83f6f055b⋯.gif (489.13 KB,230x345,2:3,kekfuckkek1.gif)

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57026b No.21091313


51 Intel Agents agreed w this

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cc2b46 No.21091314

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB,512x640,4:5,Night_shift_circle.gif)

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9f81a7 No.21091315

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

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cc2b46 No.21091316

File: 0cf5fbfb44555de⋯.jpg (65.76 KB,500x748,125:187,Night_Shift1a.jpg)

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8fc72a No.21091317


right, and those voting machines weren't connected to the internet

and those ballots appearing in the middle of the night when the monitors went home were legit

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fd5232 No.21091319

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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1147fc No.21091407

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