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File: 2d6b25f5ee43425⋯.png (272.54 KB,511x388,511:388,000eee.png)

4ee0ec No.21090456 [View All]

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701 posts and 514 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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519c62 No.21091265

File: 780f6e5da79e2fb⋯.jpg (294.94 KB,736x736,1:1,Orwell_media.jpg)


They successfully changed the meaning and use of the word.

Paging Orwell

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a85a49 No.21091266

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)


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a8948e No.21091267


Be funny(notfunny) if Trump just starts to pinch his nose.

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ed0877 No.21091268


change your tampon

you're dripping

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cc2b46 No.21091269

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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0b88ea No.21091270

File: 9de2cbfb8afe845⋯.jpeg (33.94 KB,255x211,255:211,IMG_5466.jpeg)


> DIFFICULT TRUTH: Donald Trump’s embrace of Q and Anons is ultimately what led to him losing in 2020.

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fad959 No.21091271

File: ebebda62ccc96fd⋯.png (675.51 KB,843x1007,843:1007,ClipboardImage.png)


Mrs Assange said she had flown to Australia on Sunday, with the pair's two sons, Gabriel, seven, and five-year-old Max.

Their first son Gabriel was born in 2017, followed by Max two years later, before Mr Assange was kicked out of the embassy and sent to Belmarsh prison.

The couple married in 2022 at the maximum-security jail in south-east London and she wore a dress designed by Vivienne Westwood.


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cc2b46 No.21091272

File: 6a66fcd7fb04400⋯.jpg (71.87 KB,508x596,127:149,lightsongirl.jpg)

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ad039f No.21091274

File: 83847913c44e1f9⋯.jpg (339.28 KB,1080x1250,108:125,Screenshot_20240626_214108….jpg)

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90c0e6 No.21091275

File: 9a2394746978f74⋯.jpg (773.77 KB,1900x2456,475:614,Marine_Bent_over.jpg)


You are here forever remember? FISA works both ways. Stare at me and be ashamed and then continue to stare at (us).

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769e8b No.21091276

File: 01a35d40f6618d1⋯.png (1.22 MB,923x1201,923:1201,ClipboardImage.png)


They are doing what their )best( AI tells Bill Gates to tell Klaus to pay them to do.

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cc2b46 No.21091277

File: c45f8d28ada6034⋯.png (275.08 KB,496x489,496:489,LV_10_01_10_01.png)

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385d18 No.21091278

Oh Henro

is this where the aynons inject Q wiquids?

much jesus!

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ed0877 No.21091279


or maybe they do a 4 on 1,

brandon, newsom, tapper and bash vs Donald Trump

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cc2b46 No.21091280

File: 844ca1f7a72ffa7⋯.jpg (358.79 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ManBatFrog.jpg)

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9f81a7 No.21091281

File: 6ba12f843b86936⋯.png (261.02 KB,600x450,4:3,6ba12f843b86936e780e9ed0d0….png)

File: b1006e7228ada8a⋯.png (571.02 KB,679x568,679:568,b1006e7228ada8a87d12d978b7….png)

File: daf07a2594337de⋯.png (414.9 KB,575x432,575:432,daf07a2594337de7be650194f1….png)



#25853 >>21090470

>>21090496, >>21090517, >>21090639, >>21090640, >>21090643, >>21090649, >>21090650, >>21090651, >>21090769, >>21090789, >>21091147 Swamp Happenings


>>21090508, >>21090794 @elonmusk - HAWK

>>21090516 The Fauci Gaslighting Tape That Won't Go Away

>>21090538 Top Law Professor: COVID Was a Nuremberg Crime and a Crime Against Humanity

>>21090565 Video - JA arrives in AUS

>>21090568, >>21090612, >>21090626, >>21090786, >>21090933, >>21090935, >>21090946, >>21091256 Mil Q Posts and Decode

>>21090590, >>21090622, >>21090657, >>21090742, >>21090800 Bannon is interviewing Hunter Biden Baby Mama Lunden Roberts, Exposes Hard Drug Lifestyle With Hunter Biden

>>21090611, >>21090714, >>21090723, >>21090734, >>21090741, >>21091100 Trump Campaign LIVE NOW hosts Black American Business Leaders at Atlanta Barbershop

>>21090645, >>21090812, >>21091089 il TRUMP TRUTHS and Decodes

>>21090664 Fox News Host Launches Lobby Against Soft-on-Crime, Soros-Backed Prosecutors

>>21090671 LIVE: U.S. State Department press briefing

>>21090708 @WarRoom Mike Davis Reports On 6-3 SCOTUS Decision

>>21090790 Multiple injuries after Russian passenger train derailment

>>21090804 Biden campaign spokesman Adrienne Elrod says Crooked Joe Biden WON'T commit to taking a drug test before the debate

>>21090810, >>21091070, >>21091071 Bill Gates’ Apeel Treatment for Produce Turns Fruit Into Rubber Zombies

>>21090815, >>21090873, >>21090910, >>21090949, >>21090983, >>21091180 PF

>>21090839 Haitians hold their breath as newly arrived Kenyan police force prepares to face gangs

>>21090844, >>21091061, >>21091168 @TuckerCarlson - Meet the Australian media.

>>21090852 US expanding bioweapons research in Africa – Russia

>>21090856 @WarRoom Rep. MTG: Presidential Debates Set Up To Be Unfair By “POS” Dana Bash And Jake Tapper

>>21090891, >>21090907 Julian Assange full 23 page plea deal - PDF

>>21090904 Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens

>>21090911 Former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert accuses Netanyahu of keeping Israel in a state of war to the detriment of its people

>>21090936, >>21091022 Woman gets 21 llife terms for s*x abuse of 1yr & 3yr old sons with family dog and videos sold online

>>21090937 MIGRANT CRIME TRACKING WEBSITE - https://opsdesk.org/migrant-crime/

>>21090976 Grand Canyon at risk of contamination by uranium mine as THOUSANDS of homes' drinking water could become toxic

>>21090982 Republicans File Amicus Brief To Invalidate J6 Committee’s ‘Evidence’ Against Steve Bannon


>>21091019 Russian National Charged For Conspiring With Russian Military Intelligence To Destroy Ukrainian Government Computer Systems And Data

>>21091015, >>21091065 Video - The Actual Realities of Bidenomics

>>21091035 Paris Hilton testifies before Congress on Capitol Hill about childhood sexual abuse

>>21091099 Wisconsin recall election of RINO Assembly Speaker Robin Vos has been successfully triggered with more than enough signatures

>>21091103 Amazon Hits $2T in Valuation on AI Fervor, Rate Cut Bets [stop using amazon anons]

>>21091110 BlackRock has leveraged Oklahomans’ pension funds to advance a racial and climate agenda since 2022

>>21091161 Call To ARCHIVE - anon calls for video CAPTURE OF DEBATE. CNN is already trying to make it stay as invisible as possible.

>>21091173, >>21091186, >>21091233 A Military Coup appears to be underway in the South American Country of Bolivia

>>21091175 McNaughton Painting: “Trump Stampede”

>>21091178 Fmr. FDA Vaccines Deputy Dr. Philip Krause Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions about the vax

>>21091185 Newsome said to be Biden's 'surrogate' at debate tomorrow

>>21091222 Scotland is talking covid crimes

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c21388 No.21091282

File: d39967da1b9536a⋯.png (31.79 KB,1080x1080,1:1,digi_23.png)

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385d18 No.21091283

File: 70a5a78ffbd487f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1386x868,99:62,1s.png)


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57026b No.21091284

File: e51863e07d5a73a⋯.png (410.92 KB,529x462,529:462,ClipboardImage.png)


Good job CIA

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cc2b46 No.21091285

File: 63ebe61c6046c92⋯.png (416.51 KB,600x600,1:1,meme_shit_storm.png)

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0603a3 No.21091286

File: 99b4ee9f2bee563⋯.png (55.03 KB,622x728,311:364,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cc91d3c2e02076⋯.png (49.64 KB,563x723,563:723,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ab10ee8fae2b1d⋯.png (43.93 KB,559x469,559:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Todays Delta's


Jun 26, 2018 9:19:12 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 388aee No. 1916147

Jun 26, 2018 9:04:01 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 388aee No. 1915880



Review image/location.

Nothing provided is random.






Signal sent.

Attempt still made.


Do you believe it’s a coincidence extreme rhetoric is being pushed while at the same time [RR] is on the brink of collapse?


[RR] must either comply with all document demands or face impeachment.

2-way failure.

If he complies, he fails (self-implication)(known conflict).

If he failes to comply, he gets impeached (removed).

Why no DOJ texts disclosed to the public?

RR to LL "……………"

LL to H "……………"

X to X "………………….."

JC to LL 247x (relevant)


Where are the JC / AM text messages?

Gmail messages?

Burner phone messages?

Call pulls?

Coming soon to a theater near you.

PS/LP texts are only scratching the surface.

Threats of assassination?

They are preparing for this by activating progressive activists.


Once the documents are supplied and viewed by Senate and Congressional leaders (& the public), they LOSE.








Prevent AT ALL costs.

Traitors ALL.




MSM will portray progressive activists as a large part of the pop – this is FALSE.

No possibility of compromise.

Do not underestimate our resolve.

We stand at the ready.


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6f0a79 No.21091287

File: dd3fb558fca551c⋯.jpeg (868.93 KB,1125x1799,1125:1799,IMG_1387.jpeg)

Adam voting for Joseph!

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cc2b46 No.21091288

File: 790aaa5c789ca1f⋯.jpg (131.97 KB,640x853,640:853,nigh_tshift.jpg)

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385d18 No.21091289

File: 9783f9ee68e2770⋯.gif (935.54 KB,200x88,25:11,1a8.gif)

blink once with your false eye if the deep state has you!

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90c0e6 No.21091291

File: 9b3c513c86cc71c⋯.png (3.28 MB,1376x1840,86:115,Ember_dungeon_crawler.png)


You're looking in the mirror, Hentai.

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fad959 No.21091293

File: 7e0de4d144e8720⋯.png (52.26 KB,889x802,889:802,airquotes_pepe.png)


"Girlfriend" - she was likely on the clock for an agency…

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cc2b46 No.21091294

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB,595x527,35:31,night_shift.gif)

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f470fd No.21091295


Newsome is the 'clean up guy'.

"What he really meant was "…

Think KJP without the 'eye sputtering", notebook flipping, and curly hair.

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385d18 No.21091296

File: d0f5fff3c3764db⋯.gif (499.58 KB,480x228,40:19,4choosepainpussy.gif)

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fd5232 No.21091297

File: 214c76a488fb06c⋯.jpg (311.07 KB,1914x1692,319:282,214c76a488fb06c6fb23b15b01….jpg)

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cc2b46 No.21091298

File: 1ed43c3e86ea8b5⋯.gif (200.85 KB,900x450,2:1,NIGHT_SHI_T.gif)

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cc2b46 No.21091301

File: d6f90dac80c78e6⋯.jpg (98.67 KB,800x374,400:187,Night_shift_2.jpg)

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a7e303 No.21091302

File: 68a184f9c8abf36⋯.png (626.23 KB,763x698,763:698,n3663653.PNG)

Fort Carson soldier to represent Team USA in Paris Olympics

SSG. Leonard Korir joined the army in 2015 and started running in 2008 while still in high school in Kenya.


4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag

(d)The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker’s desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.


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ed0877 No.21091303


she gave him a poisoned samwich during one of her visits which almost killed him

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cc2b46 No.21091304

File: 0b611388680563c⋯.jpg (175.61 KB,1180x842,590:421,night_shift_21.jpg)

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a8948e No.21091305



Go do a back flip

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9f81a7 No.21091306

File: 75d6bcfa5501d64⋯.jpg (17.48 KB,210x255,14:17,75d6bcfa5501d64ee813be4d2f….jpg)

File: 8e1be9188d13df8⋯.jpg (17.08 KB,300x345,20:23,65_653596_lions_sticker_pa….jpg)

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90c0e6 No.21091307

File: 9d38dc042cee11d⋯.png (3.01 MB,2315x3638,2315:3638,Iori_Bat_wing_Bikini.png)


Christ knows the original Sine…

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cc2b46 No.21091308

File: 71f7cc577f11b56⋯.jpg (377.88 KB,951x1299,317:433,night_shift_22.jpg)

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769e8b No.21091309


Greet your new chicom overclass, Bolivia!

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519c62 No.21091310


Vannevar involved with UFO oversight group Majic-12. He was leader.

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ace293 No.21091311

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385d18 No.21091312

File: 5134ec83f6f055b⋯.gif (489.13 KB,230x345,2:3,kekfuckkek1.gif)

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57026b No.21091313


51 Intel Agents agreed w this

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cc2b46 No.21091314

File: 113f39ee7f4ccf2⋯.gif (355.02 KB,512x640,4:5,Night_shift_circle.gif)

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9f81a7 No.21091315

File: 491c31c2f2b010d⋯.jpg (263.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,fbb.jpg)

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cc2b46 No.21091316

File: 0cf5fbfb44555de⋯.jpg (65.76 KB,500x748,125:187,Night_Shift1a.jpg)

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8fc72a No.21091317


right, and those voting machines weren't connected to the internet

and those ballots appearing in the middle of the night when the monitors went home were legit

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fd5232 No.21091319

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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1147fc No.21091407

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