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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

89d4d1 No.21091290 [View All]

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702 posts and 442 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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3efeef No.21092029

File: 71e4a3bbff801f2⋯.jpeg (10.28 KB,300x168,25:14,images_69_.jpeg)

File: 89a41aa1a44d48d⋯.jpg (138.88 KB,1200x800,3:2,74218424007_usat_885733_pa….jpg)

File: f8a641bc92303bc⋯.jpeg (9.9 KB,300x168,25:14,images_68_.jpeg)

File: 8bed34307c78288⋯.jpeg (8.35 KB,275x183,275:183,download_43_.jpeg)

listen very carefully. 1 Qtard post the video please.

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c515e7 No.21092030



It’s odd that a cult bent on controlling information and knowledge would let the Bible be so obtainable unless that’s what they want.

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c4e8ff No.21092031

File: 753ccefadf94ece⋯.jpeg (160.9 KB,500x496,125:124,IMG_0409.jpeg)

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6565d9 No.21092032


When Republicans finally start fighting back, a lot of the bs in congress and senate will go away. I'd love to see Garland in the jail under the Capital, that's why they built it.

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85d307 No.21092033

File: c487793a3f5d3b2⋯.gif (4.39 MB,270x480,9:16,Baker_Bewbs_Car.gif)


To bewbs!

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4018dd No.21092034



even the "smart" ones that thought, I'll use drafts and no one will know, ummmm, nope, it's saved

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32cca7 No.21092035

File: eb8cabf2dc2af42⋯.png (226.14 KB,839x839,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Trump will hold up hand written commentary on cue cards

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b671e8 No.21092036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Witness me

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c5f4ed No.21092037

File: 92af0b1e37db7bd⋯.jpeg (301.3 KB,745x558,745:558,3DEF775D_FE9C_42B9_ADD0_A….jpeg)

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a8eb7f No.21092038

File: 543455f567b5d8a⋯.jpeg (113.4 KB,1600x700,16:7,IMG_0411.jpeg)

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4018dd No.21092039


one or both joints?

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7939be No.21092041

File: fae23e63a0b171c⋯.png (13.57 KB,320x180,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



do it!

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76aec1 No.21092042


I think the Cult of the King was co-opted long ago.

They defend their copyright.keke

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3efeef No.21092043

File: 71e4a3bbff801f2⋯.jpeg (10.28 KB,300x168,25:14,images_69_.jpeg)

File: f8a641bc92303bc⋯.jpeg (9.9 KB,300x168,25:14,images_68_.jpeg)

Cornelius Fredericks sandwich 8 staff lunchroom >>21092033

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acd723 No.21092044

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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659c0e No.21092045





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89d4d1 No.21092046

File: 9082b610331834e⋯.jpg (498.25 KB,1500x1500,1:1,9082b610331834e58688d6a8c1….jpg)

File: 89797002a6b2128⋯.jpg (172.76 KB,800x1000,4:5,89797002a6b2128287d39aa7f7….jpg)

File: c2bbd5ff8b0f85a⋯.jpg (229.7 KB,1010x976,505:488,c2bbd5ff8b0f85a25002011442….jpg)



#25854 >>21091300

>>21091330, >>21091344, >>21091864, >>21091879, >>21091935 Mil Posts

>>21091335, >>21091517, >>21091832 'Top official' from Gascón's 'Ethics and Integrity' unit faces 11 felony charges

>>21091338, >>21091356 There Is Near Zero Historical Precedent For Biden DOJ Getting Steve Bannon Thrown In Jail

>>21091339 The EU Migration Pact has just passed the Dail vote ….by just 6 votes

>>21091340 Maduro: "The United States has filled the whole world with war and misery in the name of a false freedom… Here, neither the gringos nor US Southern Command will ever govern again."

>>21091343 Moar Q on Assange

>>21091353 Should Australian politicians claim credit for the release of Julian Assange?

>>21091384, >>21091868 US embassy staffer found dead in Kyiv hotel 10 days after traveling to Ukraine

>>21091388 Venezuela Resorts to Dark Fleet to Transport Oil to Cuba

>>21091405 @WarRoom “This Diary Can Absolutely Defeat Joe Biden This Year At The Election”

>>21091418 Clinton wikileak emails - we have it all - nothing is ever deleted

>>21091435 Reporter Confronts Corrupt Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo For Blaming Trump For Brutal Killing and Rape of 12-Year-Old Jocelyn Nungaray By Illegals

>>21091436 Another monolith in Colorado

>>21091437, >>21091453 Trump Pulls Ahead in National Polls

>>21091438, >>21091444, >>21091474, >>21091540, >>21091562, >>21091589 BREAKING Coup Attempt in Bolivia (home to 24% of the world's lithium)

>>21091490 Former President Of Honduras, Sentenced To 45 Years In Prison For Conspiring To Distribute More Than 400 Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

>>21091492 House Republicans vote to defund Mayorkas salary in Homeland Security funding bill

>>21091493 The Red Tails were a group of African American pilots who served in the USAAF during World War II. Tuskegee Airmen named after the Red Tail Hawk.

>>21091502 Only 675,000 LEGAL Immigrants Per Year Are Allowed By Law

>>21091541, >>21091545 UK Labour Party - Take a look at who they are and what they do

>>21091571 Where's Gina? SUBPOENA Haspel and her RUSSIA GATE records NOW

>>21091583 @AIPAC - 17 more AIPAC-backed Democrats won tonight! Being pro-Israel is good policy and good politics!

>>21091594, >>21091608, >>21091631, >>21091667, >>21091911, >>21091768, >>21091897, >>21091922 spelling errors IS / IT, THEY'RE / THEIR and TTUMP / TRUMP TT

>>21091922, >>21091594, >>21091689, >>21091768, >>21091897 FOUND THE 7 SECONDS Don jr post on Nikki Haley

>>21091638 Alito rails against White House accusing the Biden administration of leading a “campaign to coerce Facebook”

>>21091645, >>21091652 US profits from climate change loans to poor countries

>>21091669 Former CNN anchor John Avlon won the Democratic primary in a battleground Long Island district on Tuesday

>>21091673 PF

>>21091695 meme mastering resource - Free video screenshots, download, production tools - 8kun video limits (~16mb)

>>21091748, >>21091752 PROTO ON / PROTO OFF

>>21091769 How to watch the Presidential Debate without cable

>>21091795 Ex-Jill Biden Aide Criticizes 'Scripted' Protection of Joe Biden

>>21091849 ENDLESS ESCALATION: Biden Regime To Allow American Private Military Contractors To Deploy to Ukraine

>>21091827, >>21091865, >>21091876 The Sheeple need to be shown

>>21091947 The FDA has issued a nationwide recall hitting over 140 canned coffee brands

>>21091855, >>21091991, >>21091999 Tucker is trending and I haven’t seen anyone on X connecting the dots to as why this is huge!

>>21091960 Is Tucker in Australia to interview Julian Assange?

>>21091981 Joe No! The FDA has issued a nationwide recall of over 13 ice cream brands

ty for your efforts anons

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6565d9 No.21092047


BTW Kash told them about withholding salaries of agency leaders very early on if they didn't comply, he called it fencing the money until they do comply. I think Luna found the law inherent contempt, what a smart woman

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d45766 No.21092048

Here to scrape.

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108f8a No.21092050


(((new york)))

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a8eb7f No.21092051

File: 9c0cee006e249fc⋯.jpeg (52.8 KB,440x529,440:529,IMG_0412.jpeg)

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67eec5 No.21092052

File: c41f3b49c36ff7a⋯.webp (5.46 KB,259x194,259:194,IMG_5814.webp)

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94a067 No.21092054

File: f4d7187368e560f⋯.jpg (126.37 KB,718x718,1:1,f4d7187368e560febff72a5c03….jpg)



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4018dd No.21092055


on path

on glideslope

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6df0e9 No.21092056

Space Delta 8 Guardian to compete in Miss Colorado USA Pageant

SCHRIEVER SPACE FORCE BASE, Colo. – For three days from June 28-30, 50 women are slated to gather in Greeley, Colorado to compete in the 2024 Miss Colorado USA Pageant, one contestant being U.S. Space Force Spc. 4 Brianna Guillory, 4th Space Operations Squadron wideband engineer.

From Iowa, Louisiana, a small town of less than 3,500 people, Guillory grew up in a family that taught her the importance of responsibility, strong work ethic and believing that one can accomplish anything they put their mind to. It’s this mindset that would catalyze Guillory’s pageant dreams throughout her childhood and into adulthood.

Since entering the Space Force in December 2020, Guillory made time to pursue her pageant dreams, entering into her first beauty pageant – Miss Colorado USA.


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3efeef No.21092058


God bless you

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d4eed9 No.21092059


Not those two, or the other one, but the one that's no longer needed.

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7939be No.21092060

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d45766 No.21092062

File: a2687677f874a9c⋯.gif (4.41 MB,500x281,500:281,data_images_gif_topwitch.gif)

Giving away insights and foresights no death gaurnteed but it could happen.

Point your fingers I'll find the go go ghosts! scoob

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b71b7e No.21092063

File: a8f14ecdda0765c⋯.png (15.39 MB,3840x2160,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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24dc96 No.21092064

File: c66d245a467c558⋯.png (4.77 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Can_tStop.png)

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acd723 No.21092065

File: 2691ff73f22c390⋯.png (503.56 KB,455x455,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


qtard on duty.


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e7dc3d No.21092066


reading your post again I see that you were directing that at the other one.

I just didn't get it when I wrote my first response to this.

ya, the whole 'I know the bible, I found god, I'm right, you are wrong' bit of that other one is tiring.

have a blessed day.

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89d4d1 No.21092067

File: e5d88abfdb4ce4f⋯.png (313.42 KB,523x525,523:525,4_cat_wth_bread_.png)

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39e160 No.21092069

File: 3668956ba7164ae⋯.png (5.41 MB,2602x1608,1301:804,autist_office.png)

I am only going to watch the debate through this board.

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3efeef No.21092070

orphan & the widow >>21092065

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24dc96 No.21092071

File: e4ff6b6233ed9e6⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x855,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)

General Juan José Zuñiga was arrested by Bolivian authorities — local media reports

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c515e7 No.21092072


Look at those ugly fucks. And people believed them about medicine?

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108f8a No.21092073


pipe down, mason

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f79006 No.21092074

File: b8adc422ce2f4a3⋯.png (795.21 KB,699x960,233:320,ClipboardImage.png)


Who does this precedent expose to criminal liability?

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e7dc3d No.21092075


a vistor at the museum of fire hazards?

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89d4d1 No.21092076

File: ab339900bfd80a3⋯.jpg (793.68 KB,1200x900,4:3,ab339900bfd80a3363e290d512….jpg)

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a8eb7f No.21092077

File: 6d022b92af9927e⋯.jpeg (44.58 KB,350x350,1:1,IMG_0413.jpeg)


You are too focused; The bullshit is world wide

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f79006 No.21092079

File: f450b96ecc8e591⋯.png (359.78 KB,634x444,317:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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e58dca No.21092080

You are being watched.


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c5f4ed No.21092082

File: cb29c158cc32545⋯.gif (2.55 MB,496x280,62:35,0C19469B_D39E_42EE_B434_D7….gif)

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85d307 No.21092083

File: abb40dc73c393be⋯.jpg (463.86 KB,1200x798,200:133,Trump_Olga_Poster_Pepe_Bew….jpg)

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fcd25f No.21092084




great vid worth the watch

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94a067 No.21092086

File: 1579a4ea4c8908f⋯.png (117.98 KB,300x272,75:68,1579a4ea4c8908f44efb8c3b5e….png)

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f79006 No.21092087

File: 3dcfd1a5edf4eba⋯.png (359.82 KB,634x444,317:222,ClipboardImage.png)

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