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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

4e5509 No.21086536 [Last50 Posts]

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4e5509 No.21086538

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#25848 >>21085607

>>21085616 O'Keefe: White Jewish men given highest priority for higher up positions at Disney

>>21085665, >>21086295 New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

>>21085666 Judge arrested at Atlanta nightclub removed from office for 'judicial misconduct'

>>21085667, >>21085751, >>21085799 PF: General

>>21085675 UN, WHO, and WEF Have Just Been Declared Terrorist Organizations By a Republican County Assembly in Florida

>>21085690 FBI Raids Oakland Home Tied to Campaign Contribution Laundering Scheme; Biden, Harris, Newsome, and more connected

>>21085693 Jonathan Pollard Was One of the Most Damaging Spies in US History

>>21085755 New Information Shows CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

>>21085767, >>21085775, >>21085803 Julian Assange's flight lands on US-controlled island Saipan

>>21085780 Leaked Toronto school ‘sex-ed’ material omits all references to ‘boys’ and ‘girls’

>>21085832, >>21085868, >>21085880 Top secret underwater drone dubbed the Manta Ray is spotted in California naval base on Google Earth

>>21085897, >>21085901 A new wave of bankruptcies shakes the Catholic Church in California

>>21085923, >>21086469 Julian Assange arrives at court in far-flung US city of Saipan ahead of expected guilty plea

>>21085928 It appears Bannon's New York criminal case is no longer assigned to Justice Merchan

>>21085983, >>21085990 Judge alters Trump’s gag order, letting him talk about witnesses, jury after hush money conviction

>>21086028, >>21086037 Canada’s Conservatives Win Shock Election Victory in Grim Omen for Trudeau

>>21086052, >>21086068 CNN threatens YouTube channels that plan to provide Trump-Biden debate commentary

>>21086134, >>21086143, >>21086192 Pedo Bun

>>21086148 Here's what's in the LockBit leak in the claimed attack on the US Federal Reserve

>>21086160 Kansas AG Kris Kobach: 'We Have Information Regarding Pfizer That Indicates a Clear Effort to Conceal & Mislead'

>>21086173, >>21086176, >>21086197, >>21086276 Fulton County Georgia Seeks to Destroy 2020 Election Ballots Amid Ongoing Lawsuits

>>21086186 Bossie: The Commission On Presidential Debates Is DEAD

>>21086189 LIVE: Assange Arrives at Saipan International Airport for His Court Hearing

>>21086194 Gm

>>21086203 Biden Campaign Chair Surrenders Florida’s 30 Electoral Votes to Trump

>>21086209 Events

>>21086212 Tucker Carlson interviews psychologist who spent a lifetime observing human behavior

>>21086224 Do They Know ‘What Words Mean?’ Judge Grills CNN's Lawyer in Defamation Hearing

>>21086242 Denver Mayor Mike Johnson (D) approved $45 million in funding for migrant programs and cut the police budget by $8 million

>>21086252 The FBI purposely set Trump up for additional charges

>>21086260 Jeff Bezos is a Mobster

>>21086279 Paging #FaniWillis v #YoungThug #YSL trial Judge Glanville

>>21086284 Remember when Donald Trump brought up evidence of Biden-Russia collusion at the 2020 debate and the media lost their minds?

>>21086313 Hunter Biden's law license suspended in D.C.

>>21086320 US Government Has Now Held Jeremy Brown in Prison for 1,000 Days for Leaking Video of FBI Trying to Recruit Him for January 6

>>21086352 ‘Major disruption’ to Kenya internet amid protests

>>21086368 It's probably just a weird coincidence that Jake Tapper tweeted this on the same day that the FBI framed Gen Flynn

>>21086389 ‘Sopranos’ Star Suggests Hollywood Celebrities Are Getting Paid to Support Biden

>>21086394 Catherine Herridge: We shared the Army memo in the Stancik case - you can do your own analysis

>>21086407 New horrific details emerging about the rape and kiIIing of mother of 5, Rachel Morin, by an illegal

>>21086492 Mil / Misc. decodes

>>21085648, >>21085685, >>21086093, >>21086113, >>21086181 Memes

>>21086510 #25848

#25847 >>21084852

>>21084908, >>21084994, >>21085001, >>21085161 Let's see what habbens tomorrow / Who is JC?

>>21084914 Yo mamma

>>21084951, >>21084929 Stella Assange: Emergency appeal for donations to cover massive USD 520,000 debt for jet

>>21084954 CNN Debate Moderator Dana Bash's former husband is an attorney and former Chief of Staff at the CIA

>>21084975, >>21085235, >>21085395 Events

>>21084981 Be a fukken spotlight

>>21084995 Cue 627

>>21085011 Judge Merchan partially removes Trump gag order in NYC case

>>21085026 Tucker Carlson reveals the truth about Mike Pompeo

>>21085028, >>21085066 Paramount Erases Archives of MTV Website, Wipes Music, Culture History After 30 Plus Years

>>21085046, >>21085239, >>21085347 Kenya Protesters Storm Parliament, Police Fire Live Rounds, After Lawmakers Unleash Eco-Austerity

>>21085096 Longtime Chicago Democrat Leader Ed Burke Sentenced to Prison on 13 Corruption Convictions, Receives Light Sentence

>>21085099 Election Integrity at Stake in Georgia: Fulton County Georgia Seeks to Destroy 2020 Election Ballots Amid Ongoing Lawsuits

>>21085103, >>21085170 PF: CONUS Activity

>>21085125 America First Legal Sends All 50 States a Plan to Use Existing Federal Law to Prevent Illegals from Voting in American Elections

>>21085147 PF: German AF GAF848 A359 FM BAERbock back to Berlin from Tel Aviv

>>21085151 PF: An army Priority Air Transport plane (PAT174) coming Port-au-Prince just visited Gitmo…

>>21085166 Shenanigans at the BSL Medical Center

>>21085174 Unsealed Court Docs Show Top Gender Medical Org Twisting Science For Politics, Colluding With Biden Admin Official

>>21085193 Welfare offices in 49 states are handing out voter registration applications to illegal aliens - no proof of citizenship required

>>21085194 Tyler Cherry, Biden's new Assc. Communications Director Wiped his X Account

>>21085206 Fasting Boosts Cancer-Fighting Ability Of 'Natural Killer' Cells: Study

>>21085208 June goes out with a Bang

>>21085231 In Rare Move, Supreme Court Extends Its Term Into July To Allow For Several Large Rulings

>>21085234 @NavalInstitute: #OTD in 1942

>>21085236 Ukraine Asks Backers To OK Deeper Strikes in Russia

>>21085270 Western Intel Officials: Russia Behind Arson Attack At German Factory

>>21085344, >>21085424, >>21085437, >>21085456, >>21085471, >>21085476 PF: Julian Assange flight tracker

>>21085348 Treasury Basis Trade Stays In Vogue - Unless Volatility Erupts

>>21085256, >>21085271 Docs show Biden’s DHS intel group used J6 & Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent

>>21085372 CNN threatens YouTube channels that plan to provide Trump-Biden debate commentary

>>21085433 6 year delta: Q posted this picture of Bangkok, the place where Assange's plane refueled

>>21085384 Jeffrey Epstein boasted about being a Mossad agent, according to bombshell claims from ex-girlfriend

>>21085394 North Dakota Senator, 80, to plead guilty to traveling to Europe to have sex with minors on taxpayer-funded flights

>>21085405 Humanoid robot with a face made out of living skin tissue is created by researchers in Japan

>>21085444 Lebanese Parliament Speaker Threatened Israel

>>21085481 Hungary Launches Foreign Influence Investigation

>>21085497 Surgeon General declares gun violence a public health crisis

>>21085551 Jack Smith Admits FBI Doctored Evidence to Produce Stunt Photos of Classified Docs During Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>21085101, >>21085116, >>21085133, >>21085307, >>21085340, >>21085391, >>21085429 Memes

>>21085576 #25847

#25846 >>21083964

>>21083994, >>21084065, >>21084155, >>21084242, >>21084273, >>21084300, >>21084325, >>21084430 Planefaggin: Europe/Med

>>21083990, >>21084206 Trump team rolls out surprise new sticker campaign as his team targets tips

>>21083999, >>21084003, >>21084018, >>21084286, >>21084298, >>21084716, >>21084776 Swamp Meets

>>21084017 Tesla is recalling its futuristic new Cybertruck pickup for the fourth time in the U.S.

>>21084067, >>21084083 Florida Judge Begins Dismantling Governor DeSantis’ Secrecy Operation

>>21084076, >>21084230, >>21084290 NASA/space news

>>21084095, >>21084114, >>21084102, >>21084122, >>21084135, >>21084137, >>21084269, >>21084270, >>21084813 Assange/heading towards US airspace and Saipan Island

>>21084177 IT Glitch Sends German Power Price Soaring to 22-Month High

>>21084208 FDA Authorizes Marketing of Four Menthol-Flavored E-Cigarette Products After Extensive Scientific Review

>>21084254 @NationAfrica First contingent of Kenyan police touch down in Port-au-Prince, Haiti

>>21084326, >>21084332, >>21084365, >>21084733 Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

>>21084344 Another monolith

>>21084348 Top Secret U.S. Underwater Drone Weapon 'Manta Ray' Discovered on Google Maps

>>21084553, >>21084577, >>21084622 Conservative-backed group is creating a list of federal workers it suspects could resist Trump plans

>>21084611 TRENDS: RIP SETH

>>21084684 Protesters storm parliament in Nairobi, Kenya during on going protests over finance bill

>>21084711 Bannons War Room

>>21084803 Confirmed: Steve Bannon to Report to Federal Prison in Connecticut to Serve Four Month Sentence

>>21084809 Hunter Biden's law license suspended in D.C.

>>21084839 #25846

Previously Collected

>>21083921 #25845

>>21080963 #25842, >>21081817 #25843, >>21083075 #25844

>>21078572 #25839, >>21079380 #25840, >>21080158 #25841

>>21075506 #25836, >>21076115 #25837, >>21077625 #25838

>>21071174 #25833, >>21071860 #25834, >>21076494 #25835

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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4e5509 No.21086544

File: e657c36d70f05af⋯.png (40.49 KB,612x380,153:95,e657c36d70f05afbbe128def1a….png)



Ghost protocols initiated

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904532 No.21086577


claiming dough

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89c383 No.21086581

File: 613334204fe0218⋯.png (176.87 KB,888x333,8:3,dubs.png)


Thanks bakes, nice dubs.

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238cc2 No.21086587

File: 40b8fbb5452610e⋯.jpg (44.52 KB,509x490,509:490,8ue9sw.jpg)

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a172c0 No.21086590

File: 36b24c66671e04a⋯.jpg (373.6 KB,850x607,850:607,Prince_William_Family_JFK_….jpg)




-Van Halen - Jump (Official Music Video)

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4e5509 No.21086592

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30979e No.21086595

File: a4d08220af137c9⋯.png (117.75 KB,350x350,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0be795 No.21086596

File: 34ea540b65d27ed⋯.gif (7.78 MB,640x360,16:9,34ea540b65d27eddbeb2fd3016….gif)

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f83825 No.21086597

File: 4ab55a6def242a2⋯.jpg (19.82 KB,255x186,85:62,9332ae753986ec20b4b3fe0b74….jpg)

There are gonna be posts here that claim everything is the Jews' fault.

Quick critical thinking test.

1) Who is protesting on the streets against Jews/Israel right now?

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15f8b8 No.21086600


FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

'If the Court accepts the FBI’s proposed snail-pace processing of these materials, Plaintiff will be close to 90-years of age when he finally receives all of them…'

It’s been about nine years since Utah attorney Jesse Trentadue filed a Freedom of Information Act request for records about a CIA asset and FBI informant who helped fund the Oklahoma City bombing, as well as for records about a neo-Nazi bank-robbery gang also involved in the attack.

Tired of waiting, Trentaudue sued the FBI over the matter in February, demanding the bureau to produce the 69,375 pages of documents that it’s holding. But now, the FBI wants to take another nearly 12 years to fork over those documents to him, which means that it would take at least 20 years for the bureau to comply with his initial FOIA request.

Such a slow production rate is unacceptable, Trentadue said in a Tuesday court filing.

“The FBI proposes to process these records/documents for release to Plaintiff in monthly increments of 500 pages over a period of 11.5 years!” he said.

“If the Court accepts the FBI’s proposed snail-pace processing of these materials, Plaintiff will be close to 90-years of age when he finally receives all of them,” he said.

“He has already waited almost a decade for these documents/records, with the FBI having made no effort during the interim to produce them, and should not have to wait another 11.5 years to receive them.”

Trentadue has been suing the U.S. government for OKC bomb-related records for nearly 30 years, ever since his brother was murdered in a federal penitentiary. The complex story of how the death of Trentadue’s brother relates to the OKC bombing can be read in this Mother Jones article.

Trentadue’s latest lawsuit seeks records on FBI informant and CIA asset Roger Moore (not the James Bond actor), and the bank-robbery gang, the Aryan Republican Army, which he says was an FBI front group.

According to Trentadue’s lawsuit, Moore was an FBI informant as part of the bureau’s 1980s- and early 90s-era Operation Punchout, which was designed to identify and apprehend surplus dealers that bought and sold government property stolen from Department of Defense facilities in Utah.

Furthermore, Moore build patrol boats for use by the US Navy in the Vietnam War, as well as speedboats for the CIA, according to Aberration in the Heartland of the Real—historian Wendy Painting’s PhD thesis-turned-book about OKC bomber Tim McVeigh.

As for the Aryan Republican Army, Trentadue believes that was an FBI front group that also helped fund the bombing.

Trentadue’s Tuesday filing elaborated further on the ARA’s connection to McVeigh.

“During 1993, 1994 and 1995, a gang known as the Aryan Republican Army or “ARA” robbed banks and armored cars in the mid-west. Timothy McVeigh participated in some of those robberies and is reported to have used money obtained from these crimes to help fund the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995,” he said.

“According to Peter Langan, several members of the ARA assisted McVeigh in carrying out the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building.”

No hearings have been set yet in Trentadue’s lawsuit.


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a172c0 No.21086603


How organic.

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2bbe4a No.21086606

File: cc28f3eb4f825c5⋯.png (417.08 KB,539x426,539:426,ClipboardImage.png)

TY Baker

GE Anons

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0be795 No.21086607




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44a041 No.21086608


Fire and power outage on world's newest and largest cruise ship - Royal Caribbean's Icon of the Seas in Costa Masa, Mexico - all is well now.



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1ed355 No.21086609

File: 5a3752df59f56b7⋯.jpg (67.7 KB,1200x675,16:9,oprah_fire_3864488848.jpg)


tyb dubs

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f83825 No.21086610


Did Boeing make the turbines?

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b67a1b No.21086611

File: 95cc4d8c369ff8d⋯.jpg (66.43 KB,567x440,567:440,95cc4d8c369ff8dd6575b85055….jpg)

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15f8b8 No.21086612


Las Vegas Shooter was Rumored to be Psych Patient, FBI Records Say

'The FBI memo also says that a hospital official sent an email to employees, instructing them not to search for Paddock's medical records…'

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) In the aftermath of the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting, there were reports that gunman Stephen Paddock had told people around him he was a “government experiment,” and would often lie in bed “moaning and screaming” in mental anguish.

This week, the FBI released a trove of records that may be related to those claims.

The new, heavily redacted FBI records show that a special agent interviewed a worker at Mesa View Hospital in Mesquite, Nevada about a week after the Oct. 1, 2017, shooting, which killed 60 people.

The agent apparently asked the Mesa View worker about rumors that Paddock had been on a “psychiatric hold”—when a patient is being mentally evaluated, often involuntarily.

“[Redacted] told [REDACTED] that Paddock had been at Mesa View on a psychiatric hold and that [REDACTED],” the heavily redacted FBI memo says.

The FBI memo also says that a hospital official sent an email to employees, instructing them not to search for Paddock’s medical records. The name of the official who sent the email was redacted, and no more details about this incident are included in the records.

Additionally, the FBI memo discusses who Paddock’s “sitter” may have been. At Mesa View, somebody is required to sit outside of the room where the psychiatric patient is being held.

“[REDACTED] also heard a rumor that [REDACTED] had ‘sat’ with Paddock,” the FBI memo says.

The FBI also interviewed at least one other Mesa View worker about Paddock. According to a memo from that interview, only one person at Mesa View said the rumor was true.

“Nobody had said that Paddock was ever a patient at Mesa View other than [REDACTED],” the FBI memo says. “[REDACTED] had heard from somebody that [REDACTED] had said that Paddock was a ‘frequent flyer.’”

The Mesa View worker was also asked about rumors that the hospital had destroyed records related to Paddock. The worker reportedly said the person spreading this rumor was “full of crap.”

“[REDACTED] believed it would be impossible to obliterate records,” the FBI memo says. “[REDACTED] felt that whoever was claiming that the records were being destroyed ‘just wanted to be heard.’”

Yet another FBI memo from Oct. 7, 2017, reports the findings of a special agent’s interview with a worker from Envision Physician Services, which had been billing for ER doctors at Mesa View since 2004. The billing worker told the FBI that Paddock’s social security number could not be found in Envisions system, but that two other Stephen Paddocks with different social security numbers were in the system.

The billing worker also advised the FBI that Envision’s records were current through Sept. 28, 2017, which was three days before the shooting.

Paddock’s rumored Mesa View trips were first revealed in December 2017, when the Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that law enforcement issued a search warrant for all of Paddock’s medical records from the facility. The warrant reportedly cited an anonymous tip that Paddock had self-admitted to the hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, but the search revealed no such records, according to reports from the time.

There were also media reports from 2017 about Paddock being prescribed Diazepam, a sedative-hypnotic drug.

However, little attention has been paid to Paddock’s possible Mesa View visits since then. Even when the FBI released new records about the subject this week, most media outlets concentrated on records about a possible motive for his killing spree: some $38,000 in gambling losses—a dubious reason, considering that Paddock was reportedly a multimillionaire.

Indeed, local police are already dismissing the notion that gambling losses may have played a motivating factor for Paddock.

Kelly McMahill, a retired deputy chief, reportedly said it was “unprofessional” for the FBI to publish the new information without first notifying the Metropolitan Police Department.

“It will be very damaging to the 22,000 people that attended the concert, the victims of the family members that were lost and the survivors,” McMahill, who is married to Sheriff Kevin McMahill, told the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “There is still no known motive five years later, and LVMPD would never hide a potential motive from any of our victims.”

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30979e No.21086613

File: 0da015c78386490⋯.png (123.3 KB,419x313,419:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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c09c73 No.21086614

File: 44b120a15753307⋯.png (959.49 KB,1024x768,4:3,pepetron.png)

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521d82 No.21086615

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


ty balkes!

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09b8cd No.21086616

File: 9c773e3860cab90⋯.jpg (28.67 KB,720x325,144:65,IMG_20210111_185854_127.jpg)


Thnaks doughLord

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faff36 No.21086617

File: 0b7715c5e48f11c⋯.png (206.81 KB,526x452,263:226,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1a3cf16793ffe2⋯.png (78.75 KB,268x360,67:90,ClipboardImage.png)


Amnesty International offers $30 an hour for Seattle residents to become PAID ACTIVISTS for Palestine.

The job requirements state:

“Must be ready to walk up and down stairs and hills multiple times a day, outdoors in all seasons and weather.”


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a172c0 No.21086618


he was the decoy.

this has 3 letters all over it.

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15f8b8 No.21086619

File: afa6c41a5221501⋯.png (537.18 KB,700x450,14:9,ClipboardImage.png)


DOJ Charges Jan. 6 Shooter 3 Year Later, after Protestor Releases Footage

'Most likely another Ray Epps situation…'

The FBI arrested on Friday a man who fired two shots into the air during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill uprising—but only after footage of the crime was released by a J6 protestor.

The Justice Department announced Friday that J6 shooter John Emanuel Banuelos made his initial court appearance that day to face charges of trespassing, felony civil disorder, and firing a weapon on Capitol grounds.

Banuelos was identified immediately after Jan. 6, 2021—featured on a Vice documentary flashing a handgun. The FBI had Banuelos on its radar by Feb. 4, 2021, according to charging documents.

However, footage of Banuelos firing his gun wasn’t released until last month by former West Virginia lawmaker and current congressional candidate Derrick Evans, who pled guilty to disorderly conduct and trespassing on Capitol grounds in March 2022.

According to Evans, Banuelos’s gunshots “started it all.” He contended that Capitol Police began firing teargas into the crowd right after the gunshots at 2:30 p.m. on Jan. 6. All hell broke loose soon thereafter.

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398bd2 No.21086620

File: d43629b6c005411⋯.png (304.69 KB,580x613,580:613,ClipboardImage.png)


35:17… This is all the Democrats have

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394e75 No.21086621

File: 2224abe9b96a3f4⋯.png (7.78 KB,255x160,51:32,2224abe9b96a3f4f9d32111fde….png)

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e35447 No.21086622

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Drea de Matteo


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a172c0 No.21086625


Look at the smears used to highlight a JOB ADVERT for FUNDRAISERS to go about collecting donations for Amnesty Intl, made out to look like PIAD PROTESTORS FOR PALESTINE.

What this is? A dirty tactic to make out that Israel isn't the bad guy in all this?

[Hand rubbing intensifies]

Smells rotten.

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394e75 No.21086626


Never heard of anyone firing a weapon, other than the cop shoting Babbit.

Wild looks like a 6 shooter = fedboi

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5a17be No.21086627

File: bd1f5b3ba087c7c⋯.png (791.03 KB,1024x681,1024:681,ClipboardImage.png)

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398bd2 No.21086628


2) What Do America Citizens that are Jewish have to do with Israeli War Policies?

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09b8cd No.21086629

Is NOS bad for your brain. Like whippets.

You know what they are?

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989883 No.21086630

File: 1be6e09fd131a99⋯.png (157.29 KB,720x297,80:33,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you bakerman

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15f8b8 No.21086631




"The intelligence agencies feel like they’re running the committees here, rather than the committees conducting oversight of them."

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ce42cf No.21086632

File: d32ac93bf08f532⋯.png (19.9 KB,245x255,49:51,jcacb9cb4dc21863db4413d1ff….png)

File: 0bbd2b8ae07342a⋯.png (229.99 KB,393x262,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



TYBs checked

Q & Q+?

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34d3a2 No.21086633

June 27 is the 178th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 187 days remaining.

Looks like [they] are going to try and assassinate Trump again at the debate.

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8f6e0a No.21086634

try not to miss System Update (Glenn Greenwald)


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201c95 No.21086636

File: 076dcb94a0c06f2⋯.jpeg (533.96 KB,1073x619,1073:619,DF8E5FC2_C4A2_45E0_9435_A….jpeg)

File: 9065798696bfaeb⋯.jpeg (330.69 KB,771x435,257:145,8CB5776F_4C6E_48E8_9230_E….jpeg)

EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusdeparted Charlottesville, NC after muh abortion

All week long and kicked off with Sunday’s trips to Lancaster and Pittsburgh,PA

Biden campaign hosting events throughout country to mark second anniversary of Roe v. Wade reversal



Jill Biden coming to Virginia Beach ahead of this week's presidential debate


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a51b9a No.21086638

File: b02868a21b0f0ad⋯.jpg (56.52 KB,673x365,673:365,asdcasda5im.jpg)

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f83825 No.21086639


You mean like women and children on 10/7/23?

Do you think Anons have the memories of Goldfish, or do you just think if you repeat bollocks enough the sheep will chant bollocks with you? It may work at Columbia shill. It doesn't work here.

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30979e No.21086640

File: df6a75aedf9cec7⋯.png (579.01 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Assange arrives at US court (VIDEO)

The WikiLeaks founder is expected to enter a guilty plea, ending a 14-year legal saga

WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has arrived at a US courthouse in the Northern Mariana Islands, where he has agreed to plead guilty to a single espionage charge in exchange for his freedom.

Assange walked into the United States District Court for The Northern Mariana Islands in Saipan more than 24 hours after he left the UK aboard a charter flight, following his release from London’s Belmarsh Prison.

Dressed in a black suit, Assange did not respond to questions from the press as he passed through a metal detector and into the glass-fronted court building. He was accompanied inside by Australia's former prime minister and current ambassador to the US, Kevin Rudd.



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0be795 No.21086641


Supposed to be no long-term effects, but there are short-term effects to go through apparently.

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d18f84 No.21086642

File: 7b7a0bb6bb6f59a⋯.png (1.61 MB,1192x1152,149:144,Rep_Greg_Steube_in_signed_….png)

@RepGregSteube sporting a signed MAGA hat and the Trump gold sneakers for the @thehillbaseball batting practice. Cc:@GrayDCnews


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5464ed No.21086643




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a172c0 No.21086644

File: 4d09175723da46a⋯.png (195.45 KB,640x426,320:213,Retarded_Apu_Welding_Gas_B….png)


Lay off the digits, man.

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5a17be No.21086645


whippet good

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e35447 No.21086646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Special coverage of Julian Assange plea deal in Saipan


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a172c0 No.21086648


whippet real good

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92462e No.21086649

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)

File: 3c46c2f068bd0f1⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: a154108b51f4b6c⋯.jpeg (2.57 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_0112.jpeg)

File: 3c2d1fac032bbe0⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB,1620x2088,45:58,IMG_0488.jpeg)

>>21086569 lb.

Talk to Q and Q+ about that!

All for A LARP right?

Mike Pence wrote the Playbook and Launched the WAR ON PLANNED PARENTHOOD AND ROE V WADE…

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34d3a2 No.21086650


As you wish dubs

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d4b2a3 No.21086651

File: 0c4df9031aac0a9⋯.png (1012.78 KB,873x1026,97:114,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a8f687d99c7f31⋯.png (442.51 KB,796x735,796:735,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d21183463cef838⋯.png (686.88 KB,773x964,773:964,ClipboardImage.png)

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 @julie_kelly2

9h • June 25, 2024

HOLY SH*T: Special Counsel Jack Smith just admitted the FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents found at MAL and took photos for evidence.

This confirms my report from last month that the FBI doctored evidence to produce stunt photos of classified docs at MAL:SEE INSERT ONE

Now see if you notice the slight shift here.

FBI agents allegedly found "loose classified cover sheets" in a blue leatherbound box in Trump's office.

Then suddenly–some were attached to classified documents.

Also why are FBI placeholder sheets in classified discovery??SEE INSERT TWO & THREE

As I reported last month, the FBI brought colored classified cover sheets to the raid under the guise of using them to substitute classified documents found within Trump's boxes.

Instead, FBI agents attached the scary looking sheets to various files and took photos.

In DOJ's opposition to Trump'sspecial master lawsuit in 2022, Jay Bratt attached infamous photo as a prop so the media would publish itand claim the papers were found with classified cover sheets.


Julie was right last month in this article


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b67a1b No.21086652

File: 3ec7f8bdcf7b340⋯.png (29.26 KB,720x538,360:269,ClipboardImage.png)


medical grade is best, with big baloons

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ce42cf No.21086653

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09b8cd No.21086654


Ok, thanks for the info

Be right back…..wahh wahhh wahh wahh

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398bd2 No.21086656



I don't Believe your story

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0be795 No.21086658


Dial it back a bit. You're not cracking Enigma with time.

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a172c0 No.21086659


Pence is on the wrong side of Assange, He's for protecting the war criminals.

He's a major coup enabler and all-round faggot

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989883 No.21086660

File: 56b3e1d30f5c8a3⋯.png (130.25 KB,372x332,93:83,ClipboardImage.png)




and now back to muh regular scheduled lurk moar routine!

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e35447 No.21086662


Assange just pleaded guilty.

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faff36 No.21086663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I actually mentioned this the other day.

Have you ever seen the movie Vantage Point with Dennis Quaid and Forest Whitaker?

The attempted assassination of the American President is told and re-told from several different perspectives.


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8f6e0a No.21086665


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3e8880 No.21086666

File: e189a0db2a836ee⋯.png (92.68 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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238cc2 No.21086667



If Q is lurking, it would be absolutely Tippy top to receive a "GOOD EVENING" post from Q+. Much appreciated frens. God bless.

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a172c0 No.21086668

File: 9ed746788ce5e63⋯.png (1.1 MB,1319x851,1319:851,Trump_Classified_Docs_Fuck….png)

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123349 No.21086669

File: 5a63ccd429206d2⋯.jpg (179.49 KB,629x728,629:728,Screenshot_2024062.jpg)

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34d3a2 No.21086671



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d4b2a3 No.21086672

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon Promises To Deliver Justice To The Administrative State.The media is still freaked out and it’s getting worse because of the “supposed Bannon threats” the MEDIA go on for 3:49 minutes (out of 8:09), scared out of their minds, and they try to logically discuss it but you can feel the PANIC



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a172c0 No.21086673


Under duress.

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15f8b8 No.21086674

File: 7f3dacfa3b51007⋯.mp4 (13 MB,1280x720,16:9,clintonspacey.mp4)

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5eccd4 No.21086676

Control your consciousness.

Relax, close your eyes, and move your consciousness to your tounge, feel your teeth.

Move your consciousness to your finger.

Keep practicing

Now move your consciousness out of your body.

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34d3a2 No.21086677

What are anons making for the debate?

Wings, chip dip, and salmon bites here.

This is our Superbowl.

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09b8cd No.21086678


Someone post Devo whip it.STAT

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398bd2 No.21086679


I think that you just hate the Jews in general

& Blame them for things that People Do because they're just evil people

I Bet you wouldn't even mention other religions for doing the same thing that your accuse "The Jews" of doing

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a172c0 No.21086681

File: a095a91c33cd529⋯.jpg (75.51 KB,474x474,1:1,Industrial_Strength_Dildos….jpg)


Clown wins the prize.


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f93429 No.21086682

File: a839aad17c938a0⋯.png (1.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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394e75 No.21086683

File: f89dad9ea91da67⋯.png (835.62 KB,820x490,82:49,ClipboardImage.png)


>Like whippets.

I did those (used for whip cream cans) with a 'cracker' for a long time, then went to Phish concerts where they had tanks with balloons to fill.

I can still hear the "whaah, whaaah, waaah" kinda feels like your about to pass out, best way I can describe.

Same thing they use at the dentist office "laughing gas"

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d18f84 No.21086685

File: c679f16f29027ce⋯.png (1.04 MB,720x1432,90:179,Greg_Kelly_has_2_pairs_of_….png)

Greg Kelly now has TWO pairs of Trump's Never Surrender golden High-Top Sneakers!

He's selling one pair with bidding starting at $200,000 two-hundred thousand dollars.



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b7550e No.21086688

File: 4164ea3cbbc3c11⋯.jpg (143.5 KB,672x822,112:137,4164ea3cbbc3c112f2881d6867….jpg)

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c25612 No.21086689

File: d5b5810e58bb6df⋯.png (542.07 KB,599x566,599:566,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5a35a3199af6e5⋯.png (292.21 KB,1024x628,256:157,ClipboardImage.png)


"Neil Friske, the frisky Michigan state representative arrested last week for allegedly assaulting a stripper, insisted he was “framed” in his first interview after his release from jail.

Friske was arrested June 20 after allegedly assaulting an exotic dancer from Deja Vu Showgirls Club, a strip club near his home in Lansing, and chasing her as he held a gun."


Yeah sure…

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e952c1 No.21086690

File: 9e436f7d9fdd905⋯.png (521.05 KB,830x663,830:663,Ultra_BOOM.png)

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a172c0 No.21086692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


why the fuck not. click that shit

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201c95 No.21086693

File: c32c91993e520d9⋯.png (356.62 KB,593x490,593:490,966794E5_1808_489B_9303_F3….png)

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30979e No.21086694


Akira Kurosawa

The Rashomon effect is a storytelling and writing method in cinema in which an event is given contradictory interpretations or descriptions by the individuals involved, thereby providing different perspectives and points of view of the same incident. The term, derived from the 1950 Japanese film Rashomon, is used to describe the phenomenon of the unreliability of eyewitnesses.

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398bd2 No.21086697


Nah, you just hate Jews

God Bless the Jewish people

They are Hostages to Evil people

Just like the rest of Us

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d18f84 No.21086698

File: ebd9ca1b1445733⋯.png (1.25 MB,1544x944,193:118,Trump_s_Fast_Cookies_Walki….png)

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0be795 No.21086699

File: a86f7fe06364983⋯.png (740.6 KB,600x916,150:229,bigpopcornpepe.png)

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521d82 No.21086702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7f4b21 No.21086703

File: 572de71f4e7482d⋯.jpg (149.54 KB,658x439,658:439,TYB.jpg)

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781cd2 No.21086704

File: 54ec751a9132bcd⋯.jpg (304.71 KB,646x431,646:431,op_2020_07_22_02_12_08_UTC….jpg)

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24a60f No.21086706

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5a17be No.21086707

File: 821a6803237d192⋯.png (191.01 KB,391x234,391:234,ClipboardImage.png)

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e54a19 No.21086708

File: 6029992733e89f4⋯.png (368.27 KB,575x492,575:492,ClipboardImage.png)


> because of the “supposed Bannon threats”

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201c95 No.21086710

File: 6c45bed4b810dcb⋯.jpeg (418.51 KB,777x510,259:170,FA4E69CA_3DD7_4414_9DD9_7….jpeg)


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2bbe4a No.21086711

File: 8727f4f5c3c08eb⋯.png (171.71 KB,334x420,167:210,ClipboardImage.png)

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123349 No.21086712

Jews taking out the trash


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20ffad No.21086713

File: 2d8859f9c2bc625⋯.jpeg (6.9 KB,259x194,259:194,images_66_.jpeg)

File: 91c446b81b940c9⋯.jpeg (553.36 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GQ83MNtWMAAh1Ib.jpeg)

File: a35cb43a28bb258⋯.jpeg (5.92 KB,227x222,227:222,download_41_.jpeg)

File: 6cbd9a115c4ed91⋯.jpeg (274.42 KB,1280x1009,1280:1009,GQ8p62HXsAAeF11.jpeg)

File: d60c14fe57906c1⋯.jpeg (372.49 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GQ8N_qiW4AANA_2.jpeg)

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5464ed No.21086716

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d18f84 No.21086717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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5464ed No.21086720

hush liddl neo.

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394e75 No.21086722

File: 2b3941054c61166⋯.png (550.12 KB,634x423,634:423,kicks.png)

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781cd2 No.21086723

File: 8c4b3ba77c891db⋯.png (1.61 MB,2108x1924,527:481,8c4b3ba77c891dbad24486c1b2….png)


crack that whip

give the past the slip

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34d3a2 No.21086724

File: 842ec31c9503c38⋯.png (15.04 KB,534x182,267:91,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has officially pleaded guilty to a single felony charge for publishing U.S. military secrets in a deal with Justice Department prosecutors that secures his freedom, per AP


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30979e No.21086725

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43e921 No.21086726

File: 8a7da5d168645cb⋯.jpg (134.39 KB,720x702,40:39,20240625_174257.jpg)

But her emails…


Kek , using debunked pictures shifty Schiff?

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521d82 No.21086729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a172c0 No.21086730

File: ce4f49ae3f6e5c5⋯.jpg (40.54 KB,165x255,11:17,Shut_It_Down.jpg)


<Todays action plan;

Call everyone a pedo and create board division and rant to no one

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b67a1b No.21086731


he's scared


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f83825 No.21086733


Or just smarter than your usual target.

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989883 No.21086735

File: 656e259c18f7fb0⋯.png (Spoiler Image,162.9 KB,611x608,611:608,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99201a4228fafa5⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.8 KB,128x128,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


places where greta got laid or put?

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8f6e0a No.21086736


top cunt

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781cd2 No.21086738

File: f6eeb1e679e0fc9⋯.png (521.69 KB,680x438,340:219,f6eeb1e679e0fc942c68b441ff….png)

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09b8cd No.21086739

File: bd8531d04b49c00⋯.jpg (84.09 KB,1168x843,1168:843,20240505_222327.jpg)


You fucking rule king

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0be795 No.21086741

File: 514859bfefd2065⋯.webm (190.11 KB,1146x480,191:80,silence.webm)


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30979e No.21086745


no way Trump keeps his closet looking like that

more staged bs

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398bd2 No.21086747

God Bless the Whites

God Bless the Blacks

God Bless the Reds

God Bless the Yellows

No matter the Religion

We are all Hostages to Evil People

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201c95 No.21086748

File: 72af86f29e1284e⋯.gif (2.42 MB,540x431,540:431,E23E7C43_F654_4EF9_8350_54….gif)


Muh hall monitor got a head steam again

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f83825 No.21086749


How's the shilling going Achmed?

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ce42cf No.21086750


>If you want to know something, ask here and Q will provide COMMS via POTUS/Dan.

It's undeniable at this point.

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781cd2 No.21086751

File: 1f11ba73961d2da⋯.jpg (33.54 KB,474x308,237:154,1f11ba73961d2dacd2f01d3b1e….jpg)

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201c95 No.21086753

File: 24f94359ba7fe48⋯.gif (451.42 KB,500x500,1:1,64482CE1_DC74_4344_B65F_F7….gif)

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98d4fe No.21086754

asshole still itchy aint it but the taint aint well howbout that groido.

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d18f84 No.21086755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL 7:49 minute SPEECH: President Trump Holds a Rally at SneakerCon in Philadelphia, PA - 2/17/24








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f83825 No.21086757

File: 571b01b4afed074⋯.jpg (12.34 KB,199x255,199:255,4eb693706afb05e6483e62782f….jpg)


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43e921 No.21086758

File: 30986489b72c092⋯.jpg (88.28 KB,620x827,620:827,20240625_175527.jpg)

File: adebe1d5a41167c⋯.jpg (94.53 KB,620x834,310:417,20240625_175535.jpg)


Top secretnewspapers

Give me a break you cunt

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394e75 No.21086759

File: c99f41f1b2f0c3d⋯.jpg (637.08 KB,1247x1663,1247:1663,Original_Trump_Kicks.jpg)

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344e96 No.21086760

File: dd9304b1bc06cb0⋯.png (4.47 MB,1469x1062,1469:1062,capture_2595_22022023_1919….png)

File: eafcc3b6a46b00d⋯.png (1.97 MB,694x988,347:494,capture_3143_09112023_2058….png)

File: 21c146c7dbe6de8⋯.gif (479.08 KB,424x640,53:80,20190608_221538_2.gif)

File: 34c9ab7d4cafc11⋯.gif (2.96 MB,540x276,45:23,_1cce56_3.gif)

File: 54257505f4e2910⋯.png (1.35 MB,1004x469,1004:469,_Anonymous_You_Just_now_99….png)


<▶ Anonymous 2 minutes ago 5464ed No.21086643

Go to bed aei.

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a172c0 No.21086761

File: a338a8e38799a46⋯.png (1.1 KB,155x30,31:6,ClipboardImage.png)


Ahhh come on jannies. That faggot is a faggot, we can filter him if need be.

Don't delete fuckwits or we have no one to shit on, except the deleters.

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989883 No.21086763

File: a8de1dfab8c855b⋯.png (122.29 KB,836x500,209:125,ClipboardImage.png)


deadly digits confirm fact check not needed!

America Winning

Clowns Losing

Bullshit Exposed… Again!

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c09c73 No.21086764

File: 6865dd957d7b1dd⋯.gif (962.62 KB,500x375,4:3,mmmmmmmpaste.gif)


>We won't be having a flood of stupid shit anymore.

And yet here you are.

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98d4fe No.21086765


nigguhs buy ma shoes get a free green card right trumpo

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43e921 No.21086767



Kek I'm sorry that was for the Adam Schiff post, not you Devo pepe

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20ffad No.21086768

File: 3c3cbfe084cc3c3⋯.jpg (73.22 KB,1024x310,512:155,Whippet_FullyExtended2_102….jpg)

File: 0e0913e48f583de⋯.jpeg (13.15 KB,301x167,301:167,images_67_.jpeg)

File: 44f0423f09a012c⋯.jpg (86.74 KB,640x640,1:1,39bf8a_b0099c4bbcc240c7943….jpg)

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f965fa No.21086769

we have assumed control

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f965fa No.21086770

resistance is futile

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43e921 No.21086771



I'm having issues kek

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f83825 No.21086773


Muhjoo shit.

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5464ed No.21086774

File: 568c0bf19f3dbbf⋯.jpg (52.33 KB,914x192,457:96,20240625_175835.jpg)


look into it.

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781cd2 No.21086777

File: c4f462f237c2aba⋯.jpg (41.25 KB,602x1059,602:1059,c4f462f237c2aba18002d31723….jpg)



all is fair within the ropes anon

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ce42cf No.21086778

File: 4726314b4bf8423⋯.webm (5.02 MB,640x360,16:9,ufobf84231ee69ecb369592f2….webm)

is this real?

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a172c0 No.21086779

File: 08f76950fc6b6e4⋯.png (523.44 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)




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0be795 No.21086780

File: fb07803681b9451⋯.gif (1.29 MB,320x180,16:9,filtered9.gif)


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31dd04 No.21086783

File: ccd0a214e431a6b⋯.png (35.75 KB,1785x162,595:54,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9db8e9cfc564981⋯.png (59.22 KB,601x480,601:480,ClipboardImage.png)


quick! delete things that make too much sense!

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a172c0 No.21086785



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c81e15 No.21086786

File: 645fc8a5dc2c5f6⋯.jpg (48.09 KB,785x675,157:135,Snap_20240412_213321.jpg)

File: 6842f49168969de⋯.jpg (92.32 KB,800x999,800:999,fd048fa6fc916ecc45169a0599….jpg)

File: 378fc781091cd13⋯.jpeg (174.03 KB,924x1069,924:1069,378fc781091cd13efc34c3f58….jpeg)





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92462e No.21086788

File: 30b045705bc3e68⋯.jpeg (743.95 KB,1249x1082,1249:1082,IMG_2367.jpeg)

File: ce7e6194390cbe0⋯.jpeg (126.52 KB,858x843,286:281,IMG_2369.jpeg)

File: f35cd6737fa93a9⋯.jpeg (926.21 KB,1317x1672,1317:1672,IMG_2383.jpeg)

File: b869c347187fb54⋯.jpeg (34.37 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: eb739089c9860e9⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,RPReplay_Final1719270498.mp4)



Check it!

BTW, he’s protecting Trump.

Assange DEAL is with BIDAN DOJ…

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f83825 No.21086790


Who says it's truthful? You?

Yer crackin me up.

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5a17be No.21086791

File: 805fdaf7eac1b68⋯.png (185.68 KB,370x247,370:247,ClipboardImage.png)

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09b8cd No.21086792


I just got this new free smoker

Gonna smoke something then smoke so e meats

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781cd2 No.21086793



Robert Crumb

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67668c No.21086796

File: f3417fd116ec77b⋯.png (573.6 KB,599x599,1:1,R_11421386_1516037336_4996.png)


C'mon Man!

I was getting a Rush vibe and then you ruined it

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09b8cd No.21086798


Dub dub

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06f9ca No.21086799




>>>21085862 (You) LB

>>>21085834 LB

>Makes 2 of 3.


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398bd2 No.21086800


Is it a Policy Specific to Jews?

Cause I know a Vatican Shill that get's deleted just as much

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43e921 No.21086802

File: f9c28a1133723dc⋯.jpg (63.05 KB,720x395,144:79,20240625_175954.jpg)

BREAKING: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US securing his freedom, ending extraordinary legal fight - AP


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7f4b21 No.21086804

File: d32669b829b21cf⋯.jpg (161.57 KB,501x558,167:186,THE_DROP_ON_DS.jpg)

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c09c73 No.21086807

File: 4196f1eaa491d84⋯.gif (8.74 MB,512x384,4:3,runaway.gif)




Live action role play Monday

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30979e No.21086808

File: e4a40b635567434⋯.png (21.44 KB,514x227,514:227,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17e0e7e84dd7730⋯.png (16.07 KB,515x189,515:189,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 41f46d08a764c86⋯.png (26.53 KB,513x274,513:274,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71c1776c833d1a7⋯.png (81.41 KB,471x1037,471:1037,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b60dc0ff5b940f4⋯.png (102.25 KB,409x1044,409:1044,ClipboardImage.png)

a few tomorrow deltas:

1591 in 2 parts

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c81e15 No.21086809

File: 7debafabd730a76⋯.jpg (70.36 KB,718x793,718:793,Snap_20240406_220159.jpg)

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060bf2 No.21086811

File: bcc0770b9aab5ef⋯.jpg (137.57 KB,1200x675,16:9,GQ8j4XwXgAAmEL6.jpg)


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fab89c No.21086812

It's Been 6 Years Since Greta Thunberg Warned We Have 5 Years to Stop the Extinction of Humanity

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a172c0 No.21086822

File: 113da45d9ed2e77⋯.jpg (776.6 KB,1000x1824,125:228,Kim_Putin_Limo_Drift_Strip.jpg)


When you're thinking of leaving and Pig shows up….

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8bf4dd No.21086823


Fake News is saying that that's how they found the room. Impossible! No Trump employee would have left the boxes and files scattered like that. They KNOW that Trump would be really pissed if he saw the room looking like that. There would be HELL to pay!

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f83825 No.21086826

File: 11c6fedc0c1c730⋯.jpg (10.83 KB,255x175,51:35,e5b5aba292ce7163f52bfba9ec….jpg)


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781cd2 No.21086827


bloatables are cool

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09b8cd No.21086828


Yes and No

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201c95 No.21086830

File: d884030995a3ac3⋯.jpeg (765.32 KB,828x1009,828:1009,543EDB59_BF22_4095_9C9B_1….jpeg)



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a935b9 No.21086831

File: 2bb849d43bb10af⋯.jpeg (110.17 KB,572x801,572:801,2bb849d43bb10af9b36b69a50….jpeg)


>It's Been 6 Years Since Greta Thunberg Warned We Have 5 Years to Stop the Extinction of Humanity

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521d82 No.21086833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a17be No.21086834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a172c0 No.21086835


It's OK, she deleted those posts.

We'll be fine now.

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0f1bf8 No.21086838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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20ffad No.21086839

File: 9f5849a37e07952⋯.jpg (105.99 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_10_.jpg)

File: 970722dd9042347⋯.jpg (36.84 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault_8_.jpg)

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7f4b21 No.21086840

File: 963ee816030787b⋯.jpg (83.37 KB,469x574,67:82,STROKE_STROKE_STROKE.jpg)

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ce42cf No.21086841

File: 5b21cfbb6dc9c18⋯.mp4 (291.32 KB,480x852,40:71,ufo07b710a4578d070f61d3af7….mp4)

is this real?

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0f1bf8 No.21086845

File: 4f2d7be872bcbdb⋯.png (1.06 MB,2140x1872,535:468,zsing.png)

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d24e07 No.21086847

File: da4b99136e5c5dd⋯.png (84.01 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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e27041 No.21086849

File: 90982c1b1791e17⋯.png (1.79 MB,1600x1066,800:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f1bf8 No.21086850

File: 5ab22d53d73c6b5⋯.jpg (38.1 KB,1200x630,40:21,female_conductor.jpg)

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964667 No.21086851

File: 881d3ac6f61f8b1⋯.png (835.91 KB,656x900,164:225,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 208f182bb70c3cf⋯.mp4 (11 MB,640x576,10:9,trump_2024_the_best_is_yet….mp4)

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f83825 No.21086854

File: d6c9c24fa873e8b⋯.jpg (7.96 KB,299x168,299:168,images.jpg)


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a172c0 No.21086855


It appears out of thin air exactly as the camera is panning and zooming in on it. So no. Simply based on that fact.

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31dd04 No.21086857

File: 24da927f794e642⋯.png (444.82 KB,757x737,757:737,ClipboardImage.png)



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521d82 No.21086858


if anons succeed [they] will cease to exist

would they not?

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0f1bf8 No.21086859

File: 72e1498e65b57da⋯.jpg (60.34 KB,480x720,2:3,207501132_h_720.jpg)

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06f9ca No.21086860

File: 98f55c88c990676⋯.png (17.84 KB,663x178,663:178,ClipboardImage.png)


and FtR,

>Are you claiming to know what another person is thinking? WOW. I do whatever it takes for the message to be received.

No, commsanon self-references. I am commsanon in that post. Since bakers use their own banners, commsanon know when to act small, so at the very least other anons will see.

commsanon tracks edits, and notices things.

>should be a t-shirt

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398bd2 No.21086865

File: e9641b9e14d170e⋯.png (779.69 KB,1003x690,1003:690,ClipboardImage.png)


So go play on that Board

Why are you still here?

There's only 14 Anons here

Why do you care so much about what 14 people do on 8Kun?

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92462e No.21086868

File: 26e1f4e7923f770⋯.png (3.32 MB,1243x1774,1243:1774,IMG_1973.png)

File: 454bae217c6b362⋯.png (3.97 MB,1614x2098,807:1049,IMG_1974.png)

File: a2a06bfae812f2d⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB,1620x2120,81:106,IMG_0564.jpeg)

File: b2df46fd3397938⋯.jpeg (992.36 KB,1620x2038,810:1019,IMG_0531.jpeg)

File: f3869f26620298e⋯.jpeg (867.61 KB,1191x986,1191:986,IMG_0504.jpeg)


88 MPH

Back To The Future

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ce42cf No.21086869

File: f478e363cadbc86⋯.mp4 (5.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,ufooverlakecdc1aaf6b.mp4)

is this real?

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0f1bf8 No.21086871

File: 924ae4476fc5f0b⋯.jpg (35.85 KB,966x543,322:181,size_966x543.jpg)

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34d3a2 No.21086872

File: 03ab4d664e75c04⋯.png (351.96 KB,531x500,531:500,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Both Russia and China have called for an immediate ceasefire in Palestine.


Israel refuses.

Russia/China move against Israel.



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0f1bf8 No.21086873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f83825 No.21086875

File: fd8904a4b93300f⋯.jpg (7.5 KB,209x241,209:241,toofless.jpg)


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e27041 No.21086878

File: 5f8f4c9621a292b⋯.png (226.05 KB,338x410,169:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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5a17be No.21086881

File: aa87b0f497473fc⋯.mp4 (229.65 KB,1146x480,191:80,eac54b0a_50da_4797_b734_c9….mp4)

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0f1bf8 No.21086882

File: 4dfee597f197a7f⋯.png (840.45 KB,1080x782,540:391,4dfee597f197a7ff37b27403f4….png)

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a172c0 No.21086883

File: b5b222b052f5ca5⋯.jpg (83.45 KB,480x360,4:3,AGENT_DALE_COOPER_COVFEFE.jpg)

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c09e35 No.21086885


Baker, this post @200

bot spam is bread gobbling


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0f1bf8 No.21086887

File: 4d5307582472bb0⋯.jpg (180.06 KB,1960x1103,1960:1103,XSPFZQ55O5HAVAX4XEJI6I2HRA.jpg)

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781cd2 No.21086888

File: 73a1b035cfc1d3a⋯.png (120.32 KB,264x323,264:323,73a1b035cfc1d3ab52283a85c9….png)

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c09c73 No.21086892


If you can not tell and have to keep asking maybe it is time for a new hobby.

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30979e No.21086894

File: 73e6047918a72fd⋯.png (10.79 MB,3280x2502,1640:1251,ClipboardImage.png)



maybe he bait n slide

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7f4b21 No.21086896

File: a53676638530dc8⋯.jpg (55.53 KB,348x423,116:141,MEGAMAGA_PLUS.jpg)





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f83825 No.21086897

File: 1022af3e965e8ed⋯.jpg (444.33 KB,2880x1620,16:9,AlGore_2022_embed.jpg)


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08fd0e No.21086900

File: bf0fa21cdaf4199⋯.png (709.14 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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a172c0 No.21086902


ae9d6a just exposed them beautifully.

I think we ALL want the things he's shitting up the board with, but they're not permitted.

They'll claim *SPAM*, but that's what the filter was coded for.

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cdb47f No.21086904

File: 522b17abc29325a⋯.png (89.09 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f1bf8 No.21086905

File: f82547aa5f53144⋯.webp (1.19 MB,320x181,320:181,swaying_baby_o.webp)

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201c95 No.21086908

File: edf9b8e6286812e⋯.png (273.11 KB,516x495,172:165,8E99E0D5_E4EF_4CEE_910D_AC….png)

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0f1bf8 No.21086910

File: 0db64178b67f9d8⋯.gif (379.84 KB,240x136,30:17,3z13.gif)


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20ffad No.21086913



3 second maths

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0be795 No.21086915

File: 32b82e561be5c1f⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingspace2.png)


You're claim at face value is full of shit. But you are speaking truth through projection.

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398bd2 No.21086918


If that were True

Why do they Delete Posts about Catholics?

It must be the Jews & Catholics working together!

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201c95 No.21086919

File: 13645bbf1fd4b02⋯.png (4.07 MB,2048x2048,1:1,A90D0422_97E4_4F26_AB8B_85….png)


71 posts by nao and everyone else is spamming

Lubs it

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7f4b21 No.21086920

File: 8928d1e2e50be8e⋯.jpg (105.05 KB,609x468,203:156,UR_BOSS_AINT_HAPPY.jpg)


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30979e No.21086921

File: c69c907713ece80⋯.png (498.67 KB,800x450,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

I wanna play too:

is this real?

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efe1a5 No.21086922

File: 63f50087b0388d6⋯.png (94.59 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)


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d18f84 No.21086923

File: 1fba4bdf582bf89⋯.png (4.16 MB,2876x1034,1438:517,FLY_HIGH_1079.png)

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b8b28e No.21086924

File: db328a00f1d2c03⋯.jpeg (221.24 KB,1169x649,1169:649,2726557C_CFED_4A07_A255_8….jpeg)

My meme was just on Jesse Watters.

That means someone on his production team lurks here.

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ce42cf No.21086926

File: 5bbcce6a74ca73c⋯.jpg (38.49 KB,828x659,828:659,ayy6e95cfff18234645fa6fb59….jpg)

is this fake?

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2449c5 No.21086928

Why am I still emotionally involved in JA? I don't even know if he's alive.

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24a60f No.21086931



The rise angle on that great pyramid is all wrong.

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a172c0 No.21086932

File: c6b4205777e577d⋯.png (300.67 KB,630x420,3:2,Thomas_Oh_Shit.png)


Impressive, if true.

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b67a1b No.21086934


Sauce it

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7f4b21 No.21086936

File: f6210897583e534⋯.jpg (160.57 KB,634x570,317:285,GLOBAL_WINNING.jpg)



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ce42cf No.21086937

File: 836f0768ffb0121⋯.jpg (5.97 KB,255x143,255:143,alif5de4d14e0008212ce99896….jpg)

Did this really happen?

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09b8cd No.21086938

File: 90694bbce70cdb3⋯.mp4 (9.1 MB,480x360,4:3,Devo_Girl_U_Want_Video_g4_….mp4)

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20ffad No.21086940

File: dda8d42b4ece2f0⋯.jpeg (6.81 KB,286x176,13:8,images_63_.jpeg)

File: 92feb28b8ef14c2⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,596x333,596:333,92feb28b8ef14c2429eaf9296c….jpg)

File: 71641fc870b8b92⋯.jpg (118.93 KB,960x720,4:3,s614n620to531.jpg)

File: 1667dc2499513b5⋯.jpg (239.39 KB,1000x1333,1000:1333,Diamond_painting_Jesus_wit….jpg)

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398bd2 No.21086941

File: 9f3ba21cd0d4f71⋯.png (374.26 KB,578x602,289:301,ClipboardImage.png)

This Tucker Interview is a Very Quick Two Hours

you know it's good when it warps time


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2bbe4a No.21086943

File: 2e238a87044ac29⋯.png (184.36 KB,438x438,1:1,2e238a87044ac29fd5a30be672….png)


Is HRC dead yet?

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398bd2 No.21086947


Well…. Where is the Blank?

Why you holding out on us?

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c23f09 No.21086949

NOTES ~240


>>21086646 LIVE: Special coverage of Julian Assange plea deal in Saipan

>>21086724, >>21086802 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US securing his freedom

>>21086600 FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

>>21086608 Incident on world's largest cruise ship with small fire and temporary power loss

>>21086633 June 27 is the 178th day of the year and 187 days remaining in the year

>>21086636 PF: EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusdeparted Charlottesville, NC

>>21086651, >>21086668 Jack Smith admits FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents at MAL and took photos as 'evidence'

>>21086685, >>21086698 Greg Kelly is selling a pair of his Trump's Never Surrender golden High-Top Sneakers with bidding starting at $200k

>>21086689 GOP Michigan Rep. Neil Friske claims he was ‘framed’ after arrest for assaulting, chasing stripper with gun

>>21086726, >>21086758 Adam Schiff: But her emails…


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7c9781 No.21086950

File: bebef1b8f982979⋯.png (89.06 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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2449c5 No.21086951


Yeah, how do I get one of those

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ce42cf No.21086954

File: b02a5225a294214⋯.mp4 (8.59 MB,480x720,2:3,gifufo0bf789fe54e1bae688dc….mp4)

Is this real?

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0be795 No.21086955

File: b2e765e4682f33c⋯.jpg (159.68 KB,1280x866,640:433,b2e765e4682f33cd504c81421b….jpg)


>That means someone on his production team lurks here.

Faux has been lurking for quite some time. Some even interact. I won't say which ones due to respecting others' anonymity.

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c09e35 No.21086956

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67668c No.21086958


Naw Dude

Totally the Scientologists pulling the strings to conceal those Buddists

puff puff pass

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201c95 No.21086961

File: 967663dbf934fd2⋯.gif (846.17 KB,500x250,2:1,AF2BE1D2_2061_4C30_B109_B5….gif)


And yer gettin’ cleaned right out


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06f9ca No.21086962


please post end time so anon can schedule better next time

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20ffad No.21086963


fuckin' aliens didn't notice the trump doppelganger

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ce42cf No.21086964

File: 4d941b5a3d1fff3⋯.webm (1.4 MB,640x358,320:179,gifufo565662706748.webm)

What is this?

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d18f84 No.21086966

File: 304ceb64ae61325⋯.png (2.21 MB,1710x1558,45:41,Adam_Schiff_Devo.png)

>Kek I'm sorry that was for the Adam Schiff post, not you Devo pepe


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a172c0 No.21086967

File: 76604a801a1a107⋯.png (114.72 KB,210x240,7:8,ClipboardImage.png)


they take our shit and make money from it.

We don't take kindly to that.

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ab631b No.21086971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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201c95 No.21086972

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,B62FEFEE_B619_436B_83E3_1D….gif)


It’s fee-fees are hurt

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c09e35 No.21086973

File: f4b9e3d74444316⋯.png (702.64 KB,756x655,756:655,fukinkek3.png)

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5a17be No.21086975


3 Jar Car

but Jack Daniels…what a bunch of panzies

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521d82 No.21086976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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398bd2 No.21086977


Says that's "his Meme"

Still hasn't Posted "his Meme"

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5a17be No.21086979


they tuk yur job

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e952c1 No.21086981

File: 830ea0dcd5d1a09⋯.mp4 (688.75 KB,320x568,40:71,AlaskaUFO.mp4)


>is this real?

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0be795 No.21086982

File: eabde7d623f4843⋯.jpg (38.32 KB,512x512,1:1,rg4.jpg)


>they take our shit and make money from it.

KEK. It's all opensource information and pixels. They didn't take anything that wasn't already freely offered.

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b67a1b No.21086983

File: 57c7b404b7de9d1⋯.png (911.95 KB,1242x708,207:118,57c7b404b7de9d1588b89117d4….png)

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ce494a No.21086984

File: d90fc33c35cd2cd⋯.jpg (128.17 KB,1440x984,60:41,Janet_Reno_Dance_Party_SNL.jpg)

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ce42cf No.21086985

File: 11fea0951dcc557⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,640x360,16:9,gifayyyy2bca14b9b5d9e6c080….mp4)

Is this one fake?

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c09c73 No.21086986

File: 3176d6e13ae5fd4⋯.gif (180.34 KB,638x638,1:1,howsheep.gif)


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20ffad No.21086987


the chances of me witnessing two Military air show teams is highly improbable coincidentally.

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09b8cd No.21086989


Saul Goodman

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a172c0 No.21086990


yeah I know, we are the news now… n sheeit.

I just think they're all useless faggots who play edgy but aren't. They're part of the problem. Bigly.

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7f4b21 No.21086991

File: f4509780d18a401⋯.jpg (147.5 KB,745x443,745:443,THE_NEWS.jpg)

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2bbe4a No.21086994

File: c74ce8c8b78cba5⋯.png (400.87 KB,1353x772,1353:772,ClipboardImage.png)

If Trump/Dan confirm via a "clean house" Truth, your da Man.

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ce42cf No.21086995

File: 973418ec27acbfe⋯.mp4 (413.01 KB,320x320,1:1,gifayyyye8a7bd0919c03fd.mp4)


so these are real?

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a172c0 No.21087000

File: 8b91cc4fe934d33⋯.jpg (96.71 KB,1075x1247,25:29,AOC_AI_Blue_Dress.jpg)

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394e75 No.21087003

File: f94290012d1a6bd⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,854x480,427:240,Flight_of_the_Navigator_19….mp4)


Don't be so tarded, of course it is, kek!

TR3's pffft sounds to much like R2D2

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c09c73 No.21087004

Think this bread will go over 1K if you do not refresh.

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c09e35 No.21087005


Baker, this post @278


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344e96 No.21087007

File: 530d227c2314a07⋯.png (53.36 KB,363x50,363:50,Screenshot_7026_.png)

File: 98d62538c74f9c1⋯.png (716.79 KB,569x429,569:429,capture_750_31122023_13000….png)


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2fa00e No.21087008


Where a Dollar General is located?

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24a60f No.21087009


Shouldn’t there be 3?

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13d603 No.21087010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5a17be No.21087012

File: 29e2fa3a41fb75c⋯.png (333.71 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm from the gov't and I'm here to help…

what a bunch of maroons

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a172c0 No.21087013


hey man, if that's what you want. We have the technology.

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2a7ee4 No.21087014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who is training the DS DUMBCUNTS?

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a172c0 No.21087015


and you can continue to feel safe from the bad people.

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18a095 No.21087016

It’s hap pen ing

[Case Dismissed]

“I am not done.”

Establishing comms.

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e952c1 No.21087017

File: fbb887517f71898⋯.png (1.64 MB,1058x1200,529:600,TripTitts.png)

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ce42cf No.21087018

File: 1cc42c20ba038e3⋯.gif (6.7 KB,255x191,255:191,gif4decb2b72d07f1594471715….gif)


You leak.

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b67a1b No.21087020

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34d3a2 No.21087021

File: 1efaec39d6795c5⋯.jpg (62.02 KB,650x680,65:68,GQ9TkeLbwAA566S.jpg)

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964667 No.21087022

File: cabe64805efedfd⋯.png (658.03 KB,590x669,590:669,ClipboardImage.png)

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c09c73 No.21087023


I know that I keep copies open, one to preserve to study trigger phrases, the other I refresh to follow along.

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e27041 No.21087025

File: 5245b3c6b957c62⋯.png (1.3 MB,1542x1964,771:982,ClipboardImage.png)



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a7a810 No.21087026

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2449c5 No.21087028


How dare you

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7a5e19 No.21087033

File: 6ec70b9d9897de9⋯.png (411.69 KB,683x758,683:758,ClipboardImage.png)

June 23, 2024 6:30 AM

John Yoo: The Constitution Works

T’S wonderful to have the opportunity to leave the People’s Republic of Berkeley and visit the United States of America.

But more importantly, it’s an honor to be here at the invitation of NATIONAL REVIEW. I think it remains the premier publication for conservative opinion and commentary not just in the United States, but in the Western world.

NATIONAL REVIEW features a wide diversity of conservative thought and argument in a readable format, understandable to a curious reader from any walk of life. To publish in it is an honor, putting me in the good company of great thinkers who have attached their names to NATIONAL REVIEW articles. Even those writers who have left NATIONAL REVIEW have led exceptional careers; some of them have assumed roles as editors at other fine publications, and others have even gone on to work at the New York Times or the Washington Post.

I don’t like delivering addresses. Instead, I like to ask questions. I was informed, however, that the audience would not be prepared for that today because it will not have done the reading. So fortunately for you, I’m not going to call on anybody. But, if you ever take the NRI Burke to Buckley class that I teach, you won’t be as fortunate.

I am here to speak about the Constitution. I think it’s fair to say that our Constitution is under attack. Consider the proposals that the progressive Left has floated: packing the Supreme Court, changing the Electoral College, adding D.C. and Puerto Rico as states, and expanding federal power to control all energy use and health care in the country.

A proposition that would have seemed unthinkable a generation ago is now gaining traction: to replace our market economy with socialism. Most of the Millennial generation prefers socialism over capitalism; in fact, 43 percent of all adult Americans describe socialism as a “good thing.” To be sure, pollsters suspect that Millennials misunderstand socialism, as they misunderstand much else (I’m sorry to keep insulting Millennials, but I do it all the time at Berkeley). Millennials seem to think socialism means being friendly. When they’re informed that socialism doesn’t mean being social, the number of supporters drops. But that doesn’t change the fact that the tide is turning. A solid bloc of Americans resent the Constitution. And even more lack the fortitude to defend it.

Who leads this progressive assault on the Constitution? It is not Joe Biden. Though much has happened in the past four years, you may remember a telling moment in one of the Democratic primary debates in 2020. The moderator asked a straightforward question: Raise your hand if you think we should increase the size of the Supreme Court. Every candidate raised his hand, except for Joe Biden. He was the only primary candidate in the Democratic Party who rejected a blatant, political attempt to pressure the federal courts to change their interpretation of the Constitution.

This attack on the Constitution runs much deeper than one president or one party. At its heart lies a disdain for our history, an ingratitude for our blessings, and a contempt for the truth. Though its proponents claim the authority of modernism, their arguments repeat attacks that the Constitution has already weathered before. A few examples may illustrate. …


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5a17be No.21087034


>A board without [THEM].

your post…see above

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34d3a2 No.21087036

File: f3f4cdc2d9e471d⋯.jpg (71.96 KB,930x757,930:757,GQ5YchRWUAAm6Uk.jpg)

A potential data breach at Neiman Marcus.

Seems like a lot of hacking breaches lately.

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a172c0 No.21087037


How about 1 large tit?

I don't have 3 mouths.

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81f72e No.21087038

File: 44fcff4007d6a1c⋯.jpeg (119.74 KB,923x549,923:549,E602F2D8_8FA6_4ACD_82EE_9….jpeg)

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201c95 No.21087039

File: 6f861a90566923e⋯.gif (928.97 KB,480x270,16:9,7537E731_52A0_4F91_B4E6_8D….gif)

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18a095 No.21087040

File: 42067862732c2ab⋯.jpeg (747.47 KB,3840x2160,16:9,IMG_1432.jpeg)

File: de0c75a1673827b⋯.jpeg (83.34 KB,948x498,158:83,IMG_1435.jpeg)



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398bd2 No.21087043


If Jewish & Catholic Posts are being Deleted

It's means the Board is being run by the Hindus!!!!

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5eccd4 No.21087046

Do you think the white hats / gray hats give us the advanced tech that was suppressed?

Free energy etc?

Or does that harm our economy/ businesses.

I have a feeling we are going to get fucked in the end.

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89c8b1 No.21087047

>WW3 started 4 years ago


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31dd04 No.21087048

File: 609323554dd13d0⋯.png (411.77 KB,642x789,214:263,ClipboardImage.png)

nobody, under any circumstances whatsoever, ever, and i mean ever mention the fact that soros is a jew

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09b8cd No.21087049

File: e3ac06f05f9e85f⋯.png (3.51 MB,1952x1289,1952:1289,3gt7364b.png)

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964667 No.21087050

the fix is on,

bowman predicted to survive

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c9fa87 No.21087052


oh this is rich coming from the legal architect for the cia black sites and waterboarding torture after 911

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398bd2 No.21087053





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4223ef No.21087055


From Black Ops? Dude they hit him in the head with a pipe like 8 times, he's dead. You need to learn to let go.

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a172c0 No.21087056

File: 5907bfe2ee0f8c4⋯.png (747.35 KB,767x521,767:521,ClipboardImage.png)


>It's means the Board is being run by the Hindus!!!!

I knew it!

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2449c5 No.21087057

Are any anons going to opine as to the timing of JA's release, or does Wayne Brady need to choke a bitch.

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15f8b8 No.21087059

File: 428a10fc230f0d8⋯.png (328.52 KB,598x482,299:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e6bbf No.21087060

File: 38709b04c4d9946⋯.png (418.05 KB,614x555,614:555,ClipboardImage.png)

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18a095 No.21087061


I don’t know but [they] are [dependent on the government] and are basically 30,000k a year welfare niggers

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ce42cf No.21087064

File: 97190a72e0f37fe⋯.png (740.97 KB,500x744,125:186,punjabiplease7b50e1ac4691e….png)

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67668c No.21087065


You have two hands to assist

have her saddle up cowgirl and lean forward so you can hold the outers and suck the middle titty and suddenly your virginity will be gone

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7f4b21 No.21087066

File: 07d5a503c5da414⋯.jpg (45.47 KB,420x581,60:83,WINNING_HAND.jpg)

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a172c0 No.21087067


RFK Jr had it right.

It's a disgrace JA had to plead anything to be released.

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0be795 No.21087068

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

You know how the DEI communist/socialist/fascist retards focus on race? Everything to them is viewed through the lens of race or skin color? See anything here that matches that? Time to smoke.

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201c95 No.21087069

File: 47cdd60d872da0b⋯.gif (495.64 KB,500x295,100:59,2D406354_79AA_47B7_8315_B3….gif)

>Moab Monday Night Board Meeting. 07-01.

You have out Ghey’d yerself

Not an easy task especially for you

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2449c5 No.21087072


Was hoping for something beyond that.

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e27041 No.21087073

File: 62dc96c7c80991f⋯.png (475.81 KB,500x796,125:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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a172c0 No.21087074


Veddy good, sir.

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13d603 No.21087076

File: 05c7795607a6b13⋯.png (317.1 KB,460x498,230:249,ClipboardImage.png)

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15f8b8 No.21087077


Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home raided by FBI agents; feds target other locations

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201c95 No.21087078


Right before election

Not much to be said

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a7a810 No.21087079

File: 381e5b9d8ce06eb⋯.jpg (19.81 KB,255x229,255:229,shiftyschiffQ2.jpg)

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c25612 No.21087080

File: 01f483c7258ff23⋯.png (44.48 KB,922x533,922:533,ClipboardImage.png)

Large-scale power outages reported across Tel Aviv


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abbbb3 No.21087082


If the Millenium Falcon is real, Chewy better be driving it.

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a172c0 No.21087083


yeah I only considered the cleavage I'd miss out on, after I posted. Now I know what those trannies feel like after they chop off their cocks.


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09b8cd No.21087084

File: f95c7b994af6f0e⋯.jpg (15.6 KB,255x196,255:196,0c6290fb1bbcfaa21a3a110696….jpg)


You know u jave good w3ed when ur too comfy to go and get it

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15f8b8 No.21087086

File: e53c335f26cb5fa⋯.png (106.4 KB,598x533,46:41,ClipboardImage.png)


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0be795 No.21087087

File: 33dc768ace1f0b2⋯.jpg (67.06 KB,1200x719,1200:719,1577242921.jpg)


Patriots throwing the Biden team off their game with the release before the debate or give the Biden team ammunition to try and sway JA's supporters? Everyone will just have to wait and see.

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8e6bbf No.21087090

File: a2df5d4e3f23a48⋯.png (331.01 KB,592x706,296:353,ClipboardImage.png)



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694e52 No.21087091

File: c7db250aae1ee46⋯.jpg (36.73 KB,537x803,537:803,1605347591381.jpg)


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67668c No.21087093


That explains why no Bollywood previews, not even Singham trailers

Dagnabit, now I feel oppressed

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201c95 No.21087094

File: 94520fbf42d55b6⋯.gif (663.67 KB,462x475,462:475,FACE2C37_F365_4197_AD60_6F….gif)


Never change breh


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81f72e No.21087095


I know this. Assange’s release is conditional upon him accepting a charge. He’s gonna be gag Ordered and D noticed to within an inch of his life, which he would spend the rest of in prison if he were to break those conditions. He ain’t doing/sayin shit!

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18a095 No.21087096

File: 514856cf7d212a5⋯.png (428.84 KB,640x432,40:27,IMG_1528.png)

File: 15e5220d79e08c2⋯.jpeg (61.45 KB,454x640,227:320,IMG_1529.jpeg)


Shutcho bitchass up!

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b67a1b No.21087097



Division Exclusion and Insanity

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d31149 No.21087099

File: dd8ecefdf4cae28⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB,1130x1371,1130:1371,IMG_0326.jpeg)

File: 69f2e79a4264417⋯.png (3.17 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_0334.png)

File: 5c8847f5ea5870f⋯.png (1.77 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_0234.png)

File: 85c65541c1da4da⋯.png (3.09 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_0106.png)

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a172c0 No.21087100

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398bd2 No.21087101


Sry to burst your bubble

But where I go Q Goes

He's stalking me

It's best for the World if I stay here and Contain Q within the walls of 8Kun

It's for the Greater Good

If you only knew the Sacrifice I'm Making to Protect you

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0be795 No.21087102

Or the deep state giving the Biden team ammunition, rather. Should have stated that.

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a172c0 No.21087103



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ce42cf No.21087105

File: 376306d7a34ae6b⋯.jpg (296.67 KB,1280x720,16:9,smoke_and_a_pancake.jpg)

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e27041 No.21087107

File: a4419a1def79b47⋯.png (439.86 KB,666x501,222:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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a172c0 No.21087110


to delete it is racist against Jewish folk.

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8e6bbf No.21087111

why is JA fat?

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2449c5 No.21087114



So it's likely just stage setting for the pardon for the real drops/talk

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18a095 No.21087115


If you starve yourself your body stores fat to use as energy

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398bd2 No.21087117



Hillary Clinton Rules over us then

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5a17be No.21087118


Still at it with the Kislyak angle…

Look Russia

Not Turkey and Gulen (clown)

15M from Recep if bagged

but clown ties run deep

all the while in business with Woolsey

who cold footed it out but who tried an end run

This is where the "beef" is

And all the Turkish fun times before this

Iraq Oil Turkey Isis

and the Coup De Grace

Biden making a visit at the behest of the Zero'd one

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a172c0 No.21087119


because we've all been sitting on our asses the past 6+ years.

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09b8cd No.21087121

File: 9358ce10e04b712⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB,360x360,1:1,_Stereo_5U6jozhS7hE.mp4)

cuz fuck it

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15f8b8 No.21087123


Video shows Mike Pompeo being served with papers by Assange lawyers who say he violated their rights

Pompeo had been summoned by a Spanish court to explain a plan to assassinate Mr Assange.

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a172c0 No.21087126


Absolutely. plus they will continue to monitor him 24/7.

The NSA will be at the front plus all the others.

Won't that be right Q, you pieces of shit.

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fb49b1 No.21087127

File: ea81eb9c9e0e5e1⋯.png (63.44 KB,782x680,23:20,Q_6_26_ja_julian_assange_6….png)

>>21084908, >>21084994, >>21085001, >>21085161 pb

>Let's see what habbens tomorrow / Who is JC?

Surprised the words

"It has begun" & Delta

Don't appear in thisnotable

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d2632c No.21087128


Are you a Saar?

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398bd2 No.21087130


Those Damn Hindus!

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7a5e19 No.21087131

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Streamed live on Jun 22, 2024

Lessons for a Young Conservative

l Alex Marlow LIVE at the June High School Conference

Alex Marlow, Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News, closes us out with a compelling speech about the media landscape today. Under his leadership, Breitbart has become a powerful voice for conservative viewpoints, offering an alternative to mainstream media narratives. Learn how Alex navigates the challenges and opportunities for conservatives in today’s information age.



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f954e4 No.21087134

Nasty and Wrathful they keep saying about Trump - MSNBC

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67668c No.21087137


Congress is recessed for the Summer, right?

Trying to figure out (other than EU elections harsh for lefties) what JA would be set loose to distract from

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d2632c No.21087139


He was in jail. You still get food there. Honestly it's a good place to save money on rent and food.

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5a17be No.21087141


Would wager that is a hard to do after being handled like a sack of taters

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3182ac No.21087143

No income tax.

No interest.

Or No Vote.

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ce43d2 No.21087144

File: ca67328b558ab5e⋯.png (27.08 KB,796x289,796:289,app.PNG)



Apple becomes first US tech giant charged under Europe’s new antitrust law — and faces billions in fines

By Social Links for Thomas Barrabi

Published June 24, 2024, 12:07 p.m. ET

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964667 No.21087145

File: 942775e07ab4e0c⋯.png (449.75 KB,431x556,431:556,ClipboardImage.png)

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398bd2 No.21087146

File: 405f632635cbb61⋯.png (148.26 KB,503x295,503:295,ClipboardImage.png)


Told you it was the Hindus

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18a095 No.21087148

File: befc902564f6344⋯.png (81.72 KB,220x275,4:5,IMG_1707.png)


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09b8cd No.21087150


When i was locked up for 3 months i hit the jackpot.

All the kitchen staff were huge fat women who bought the best food for us cuz they would take half of it home

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5a17be No.21087151


You get more mileage if you fill it with Tungsten

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3182ac No.21087153


I’m one vote you gamer virgin.

I’m not voting for Jewish Banks. You can. I’m not. Am I not free? Fuck you.

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ce43d2 No.21087155

File: 5fb57c548f0738b⋯.png (322.7 KB,802x756,401:378,af.PNG)



Docs show Biden’s DHS intel group used Jan. 6 & the Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent.

The group advocated for “collection based on speech” — as in spying on Americans for criticizing their gov’t.

#DeepStateDiaries PART 3:

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8e6bbf No.21087156

File: 1e4d2fdf1399e5e⋯.png (834.97 KB,540x960,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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006a85 No.21087157


cultural appropriation

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18a095 No.21087158


State Department. I imagine frazzledrip is one of many.

Considering they can hear my thoughts I I imagine myself skinning their faces off.

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06f9ca No.21087161


>HRC, GS, KS.. they all seem dead.

just for a start!

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3e5213 No.21087162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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67668c No.21087163

File: c3d1667afdd3e3b⋯.png (95.71 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_2….png)


That article is from 2022

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7f4b21 No.21087164

File: 555edb845e99add⋯.jpg (110.56 KB,836x500,209:125,TOP_40.jpg)



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8bf677 No.21087165

File: f7bcf8796c85dea⋯.png (1.24 MB,1185x667,1185:667,ClipboardImage.png)

Here's the full list of Biden's executive actions so far

Steps to strengthen the nation's Covid-19 response and restore environmental protections are among Biden's first measures as president.1/4

Jan. 25, 2021, 3:36 PM EST / Updated Jan. 28, 2021, By Elizabeth Janowski

In his first days in office, President Joe Biden moved to dismantle a slew of Trump-era regulations and make sweeping measures to bolster the nation’s Covid-19 response.

The new president also ordered the establishment a variety of environmental protections and changes to immigration policy.

As he embarks on his first full work week as president, Biden is poised to continue scrapping a number of the Trump administration’s policies, including the controversial transgender military ban.

Here’s a round-up of the measures that the president has taken so far.

Day One

Memorandum freezing approval of rules passed in final days of Trump presidency

According to Biden’s memorandum, all new and pending rules passed in the last days of Trump’s tenure will be reviewed by department and agency heads.

Executive order rejoining the Paris Agreement on climate change

Fulfilling one of his top campaign promises, Biden committed to putting the U.S. back in the Paris Agreement on climate change — an international pact aimed at curbing emissions that cause global warming. Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2017, citing costs to American taxpayers.

Executive order to promote racial equity

Biden ordered his government to conduct equity assessments of its agencies and reallocate resources to “advanc[e] equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality.”

Proclamation ending ban on U.S. entry from majority-Muslim countries

Biden’s proclamation reversed Trump’s policy that barred entry to the U.S. for refugees and residents from seven predominantly Muslim countries and orders plans within 45 days for resuming visa processing.

Executive order requiring mask-wearing on federal property

Biden has mandated mask-wearing and social distancing on all federal properties. While the president lacks the authority to institute a nationwide mask mandate, the order also “encourage[s] masking across America.”

Executive order coordinating a government-wide Covid-19 response

With the U.S. surpassing 400,000 COVID-19 deaths earlier this month, Biden’s order created the position of Covid-19 response coordinator, who will advise the president and oversee the distribution of vaccines, tests and other supplies.

Executive order revising immigration enforcement policies

Revoking a Trump-era policy that cracked down on communities shielding undocumented immigrants from deportation, Biden vowed to “protect national and border security” and “address the humanitarian challenges at the southern border.”

Executive order undoing regulatory restrictions on federal agencies

Biden’s order scrapped a batch of Trump-era executive actions that restricted how federal agencies make regulatory changes, including one measure requiring agencies to discard two regulations for every one proposed.

Executive order incorporating undocumented immigrants into census(He told us what he was going to do, he did it)

Undocumented immigrants will be counted in the national decennial population count, according to Biden’s order, which overturned Trump’s attempt to exclude them during the 2020 census.

Executive order refocusing on the climate crisis and canceling the Keystone XL permit

Alongside a variety of actions to “advance environmental justice,” Biden revoked the permit for the controversial Keystone XL pipeline — a 1,200-mile pipeline system projected to carry crude oil from Canada to the U.S. that cuts through Indigenous lands.

The measure also restored several national monuments whose footprints were reduced by Trump and paused oil and gas leasing in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Executive order banning discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation

In a move lauded by LGBTQ advocates, Biden’s order will extend federal nondiscrimination protections to members of the LGBTQ community, building off the landmark Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, last year to expand protections against discrimination based on sex in federal agencies to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as well.


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3182ac No.21087166


I am not voting for anyone who doesn’t say, no income tax. No interest.

Without that, I’m staying home.

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ce43d2 No.21087167

File: da44edf824d7f7e⋯.png (229.04 KB,597x592,597:592,es.PNG)


Mike Benz


CIA chief John Brennan & intelligence community chief James Clapper effectively argue here that January 6 should have ended the First Amendment.


Square profile picture

America First Legal



Jun 24


Docs show Biden’s DHS intel group used Jan. 6 & the Mar-a-Lago raid to justify expanding surveillance of political dissent.

The group advocated for “collection based on speech” — as in spying on Americans for criticizing their gov’t.

#DeepStateDiaries PART 3:

Show more


6:15 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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09b8cd No.21087169

File: faba8cb7b09e38d⋯.gif (1.54 MB,301x338,301:338,23512215_1719384153.gif)


Oh shit i think i forgot to….

thank the new baker

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15f8b8 No.21087170


cool cat lookin for a kitty

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377911 No.21087171

Bless me heavenly father for I have sinned

I'm not gay or stupid, but I am a retarded faggot

I'm not Christian but, I concede and rejoice that Christ is King

Allah Hu Akbar

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964667 No.21087173




"(Sep. 16, 2018)—Imagine that your identity is stolen suddenly.

Your healthcare, education, police, employment and bank records are all altered overnight to make you look like an embezzler. Imagine you are jolted awake the following morning by the police bashing in your door to arrest you. Imagine that the local TV is already carrying news of your arrest using a drunken party photo of you off your phone.

Imagine further that you are Hillary Clinton. You need for 55,000 Clinton Foundation emails on FBI director James Comey computer to disappear. Poof. They’re wiped without a trace.

Imagine still further that you are Lord Mark Malloch-Brown from the Queen’s Privy Council. You need to erase the U.S. Department of Treasury’s new evidence of foreign meddling embedded in your Smartmatic voting machines. Your bunk buddy George Soros makes a call to Hillary. Poof. This evidence is digitally wiped, without a trace.

This cannot happen in America you say? Think again.

Since these people have full backdoor access to any computer or phone on the Internet, can they ever be caught? Yes, once we realize how they do it. That method has just been discovered.

Bookmark: #jones-options | https://***.com/ybt47xz6

Jerry C. Jones’ signature accepting his first issuance of 4,000 ENTRUST, INC (ENTU) director stock options. Entrust Inc, ENTU, Form 3. (Dec. 05, 2003). SEC Edgar.

Fig. 2—Jerry C. Jones, Rose Law Firm, first ENTRUST, INC. (ENTU) director stock option award issued in secret on Dec. 05, 2003.

Truth is, Hillary Clinton literally has access to every computer on the Internet through a company named ENTRUST. Her 19-year Rose Law Firm partner Jerry C. Jones directs the company (now ostensibly run by a Silicon Valley dude named Orlando Bravo and his private equity firm Thoma Bravo, LLC), and has done since Dec. 2003. Entrust issues the encryption keys for most major governments and companies in the world."

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8bf677 No.21087174



Memorandum revamping regulatory review

In a memorandum, Biden directed the head of the Office of Budget and Management to oversee an effort to “modernize and improve” the regulatory review process.

Executive order mandating ethics pledge for government appointees

On the heels of Trump’s midnight bid to reverse ethics commitments for executive branch employees, Biden signed an order requiring all government appointees to sign an ethics pledge prohibiting the acceptance of gifts from registered lobbyists and lobbying for at least two years after exiting the government.

Proclamation pulling funds from border wall

Biden terminated the construction and funding of the wall at U.S. southern border — a key promise of the Trump administration that has drawn backlash for its environmental impacts and is being litigated at the Supreme Court for the allegedly improper use of funds.

Executive order pausing federal student loan payments

Biden requested an extension of the freeze on federal student loan payments, writing that “[t]oo many Americans are struggling to pay for basic necessities and to provide for their families.”

Memorandum reinstating deferred enforced departure for Liberians

Biden’s memorandum blocked the deportation of Liberian refugees living in the U.S., reinstating the deferment of their enforced departure granted by the Bush and Obama administrations.

Memorandum strengthening Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Biden reaffirmed DACA, an Obama-era program that Trump had long sought to dismantle that shielded undocumented immigrants who arrived in the U.S. as children from deportation.

Day Two

Executive order promoting Covid-19 safety in domestic and international travel

In an effort to curb the spread of Covid-19 through travel, Biden mandated mask-wearing on all forms of public transportation, including in airports, airplanes and buses.

Executive order expanding access to Covid-19 treatments

Biden’s order has directed the secretary of health to support research on Covid-19 treatments and

increase support for critical care and long-term care facilities like nursing homes — which have been among the sites hit hardest by the pandemic.

Executive order promoting data-driven response to Covid-19

Another of Biden’s orders on the nation’s Covid-19 response directed all department and agency heads to “facilitate the gathering, sharing and publication of Covid-19-related data” in order to inform their decision-making and public understanding of the pandemic.

Memorandum supporting states’ use of National Guard in Covid-19 response

Biden’s memorandum directed the secretaries of defense and homeland security to support governors’ deployment of the National Guard in efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, which will be fully funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Executive order strengthening public health supply chain

Biden’s order invoked the Defense Production Act to ramp up supplies for the pandemic response and requested the heads of various departments to assess the nationwide availability of personal protective equipment and other resources needed to distribute Covid-19 tests and coronavirus vaccines, as well as to develop a strategy to manufacture supplies for “future pandemics and biological threats.”

Executive order establishing the Covid-19 Health Equity Task Force

In an effort to address social inequities exacerbated by the pandemic, Biden’s order created the Covid-19 Health Equity Task Force, which will provide recommendations on the allocation of resources and funding in light of “disparities in COVID-19 outcomes by race, ethnicity and other factors.”

Executive order supporting the reopening and continuing operation of schools

In consultation with the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education will develop guidance for elementary and secondary schools “in deciding whether and how to reopen, and how to remain open, for in-person learning; and in safely conducting in-person learning.”

Executive order promoting workplace safety amid the pandemic

Biden’s order directed the Department of Labor to revise and issue new guidance for employers to promote the health and safety of their workers, such as mask-wearing in the workplace.


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e27041 No.21087175

File: e59122ab0b80192⋯.png (296.96 KB,500x568,125:142,ClipboardImage.png)

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81f72e No.21087176


That would be my guess. With the amount of conditions of bail on him after accepting the charge, the only way for Assange to talk is for him to be Pardoned. The ball is passed to 45.

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8bf4dd No.21087177



Fake News is saying that is how the FBI found the room when [they] entered the room. IMPOSSIBLE! Every Trump employee would never have left the room with boxes and files scattered like that. All Trump employees KNOW that. If Trump walked into that room he would hit the ceiling. There WOULD BE HELL to pay!

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7a5e19 No.21087179


>oh this is rich coming from the legal architect for the cia black sites and waterboarding torture after 911


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20ffad No.21087180


be silent rubberhead.

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5ea302 No.21087182

File: cb06265d6839ed2⋯.png (2.5 MB,932x1100,233:275,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dff3e7e5f10c755⋯.png (872.65 KB,1391x1187,1391:1187,NWO.PNG)


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7002f0 No.21087183

File: 27db54aca1e50af⋯.png (529.02 KB,523x726,523:726,27db54aca1e50afa099c8e0318….png)

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8bf677 No.21087184



Executive order establishing a Covid-19 pandemic testing board

Biden’s newly created pandemic testing board will coordinate national efforts to “promote Covid-19 diagnostic, screening and surveillance testing,” as well as facilitate the distribution of free Covid-19 tests to those without comprehensive health insurance.

Day Three

Executive order expanding food assistance programs

Biden’s order aims to extend the 15% increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits and allow states to increase SNAP emergency allotments, as well as increase benefits under another aid program, the Pandemic Electronic Benefits Transfer, which gives students money for food.

Executive order assisting veterans with debt

Biden’s order asked the Department of Veterans Affairs with considering a freeze on federal debt and overpayment collection from about 2 million veterans.

Executive order guaranteeing unemployment insurance for workers who refuse work due to Covid-19

Biden has requested that the Department of Labor consider clarifying its rules to establish that workers “have a federally guaranteed right to refuse employment that will jeopardize their health,” and that workers who do so will still qualify for unemployment insurance.

Executive order establishing "benefit delivery teams"

Biden’s order established “a network of benefit delivery teams,” which will coordinate with state and federal agencies to facilitate the distribution of federal aid amid the pandemic.

Executive order facilitating delivery of stimulus payments

Biden’s order requested the Treasury Department to consider taking “a series of actions to expand and improve delivery" of direct stimulus payments, including the creation of online tools for recipients to claim their checks.

Executive order to address Covid-19 economic relief

Biden’s order directed all government departments and agencies to “promptly identify actions they can take within existing authorities to address the current economic crisis resulting from the pandemic.”

Executive order empowering federal workers and contractors

Undoing Trump-era regulations that rolled back protections for federal employees, Biden revoked a variety of measures, including a rule that made it easier to hire and fire civil servants in policy-making positions.

The order also requested the Department of Labor to develop recommendations that all federal government employees receive a minimum wage of $15 an hour.

Day Six

Executive order reversing transgender military ban

Biden repealed the ban on transgender people serving openly in the military and ordered the defense secretary to “immediately prohibit involuntary separations, discharges and denials of reenlistment or continuation of service on the basis of gender identity or under circumstances relating to their gender identity.”

Proclamation reinstating Covid-19 travel restrictions

Biden reinstated Covid-19 travel restrictions affecting non-U.S. citizens traveling from Brazil and much of Europe, which Trump had scrapped days before his term ended. Additionally, the ban will bar most non-U.S. citizens from entry if they have recently been in South Africa, where a new strain of Covid-19 has been identified.

Executive order promoting 'Buy American' agenda

In an effort to bolster American manufacturing, Biden signed an executive order directing agencies to strengthen requirements about purchasing products and services from U.S. workers and businesses and to “close loopholes that allow companies to offshore production and jobs while still qualifying for domestic preferences.”

Day Seven

Executive order calling for evaluation of Trump’s housing policies

Biden directed the Department of Housing and Urban Development to “examine the effects of the previous Administration’s regulatory actions that undermined fair housing policies and laws” and use its findings to implement the Fair Housing Act’s standards as needed.

Executive order to end reliance on private prisons

In an effort to terminate the federal government’s use of privately owned detention facilities, the Attorney General has been directed not to renew Department of Justice contracts with private prisons.


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06f9ca No.21087185


Just got an interesting thought.

>Military replaces your spouse with a trans actor. You have to go along.

some of those manly women looked pretty female younger

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ce43d2 No.21087187

File: 469859eeabb48f9⋯.png (28.81 KB,985x268,985:268,pp.PNG)



Planned Parenthood to spend $40m to boost Biden, Democrats ahead of November

by Nathaniel Weixel - 06/24/24 2:19 PM ET

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8e6bbf No.21087188

File: 3082a32a353eafb⋯.png (361.99 KB,594x602,297:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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09b8cd No.21087189


Dead snake comms


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4223ef No.21087191


Funny how you don't hear much about pencil neck nowadays.

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7a5e19 No.21087192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Devil and Karl Marx

Dr. Jordan B. Peterson sits down in-person with author, historian, and professor of political science, Dr. Paul Kengor. They discuss the lifestyle, writings, and religious ideations of Karl Marx, how communist dogma evolved through modern day, and why equal outcome is wrong on the level of malevolence.

Paul Kengor, Ph.D., is a professor of political science at Grove City College in Grove City, Pennsylvania, and editor of The American Spectator. He’s a New York Times bestselling author of more than 20 books, including “The Devil and Karl Marx” and “The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism,” which is the basis of the new movie “Reagan,” starring Dennis Quaid. Kengor is a renowned historian of the Cold War, communism, and Reagan presidency.

This episode was recorded on June 7th, 2024



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fb49b1 No.21087193

File: a4dc415a816d733⋯.jpg (117.06 KB,1000x1300,10:13,ted_was_right.jpg)


>I am not voting for anyone who doesn’t say, no income tax. No interest.

fuck you nigger

stay at home and eat fried chicken you lazy cunt nigger. no one needs you

literally no one needs you

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5ea302 No.21087194


it's been in the notables the last two days.

Before making false accusations, do your homework.

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ce43d2 No.21087195

File: 81639f250be0e9c⋯.png (48.31 KB,1243x399,1243:399,3.PNG)


Cargo ship that caused Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse finally leaves Baltimore after 3 months

The Dali had been in the Port of Baltimore since the bridge collapsed March 26.

June 24, 2024, 7:50 AM GMT-11

By Mirna Alsharif

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398bd2 No.21087197


Scientologists, Final Answer

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694e52 No.21087198

File: d66a3f10d59ccbd⋯.gif (1.33 MB,260x260,1:1,1713557914167655.gif)

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34d3a2 No.21087199

File: 0fd6bb43b81cbe7⋯.jpg (427.33 KB,1525x4096,1525:4096,GQ9KNHXWYAAwM3e.jpg)


Red line crossed.

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5e817b No.21087200


>Hostages to Evil People

Evil Lizard People

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394e75 No.21087202

File: c371d28130d66cf⋯.png (841.89 KB,759x759,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4223ef No.21087203


>no one needs you

>literally no one needs you

You literally do. What happened to Too Big to Rig™?

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01a006 No.21087204


Whoa. An actual shill for banks. That’s a first.

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8bf677 No.21087205



Executive order reaffirming commitment to tribal sovereignty

Emphasizing the administration’s commitment to respecting the sovereignty of American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, Biden’s order reaffirmed a Clinton-era policy mandating all department and agency heads regularly consult with tribal officials on policy matters that may affect them.

Executive order denouncing anti-Asian discrimination and xenophobia

In response to a surge in anti-Asian bias amid the coronavirus pandemic, Biden’s order urged the Department of Health and Human Services to consider issuing guidance on cultural competency and sensitivity.

Day Eight

Executive order initiating plan to combat climate change

In accordance with the Paris Agreement on climate change, Biden’s plan to tackle climate change called for the U.S. to determine its target for emissions reduction and directed federal agencies to incorporate climate considerations into their international plans. The order also directed agencies to purchase American-made, zero-emission vehicles in an effort to create union jobs as part of Biden’s “Buy American” agenda, suspend new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and conserve at least 30 percent of federal lands and waters by 2030.

Additionally, the order established the Office of Domestic Climate Policy and a national climate task force, as well as a working group to assist communities impacted by coal mining and power plants and an environmental justice council to “address the disproportionate health, environmental, economic and climate impacts on disadvantaged communities.”

Memorandum on scientific integrity

According to Biden’s memorandum, the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy will review agency policies on scientific integrity, and agencies that oversee research must designate a senior employee to “ensure agency research programs are scientifically and technologically well-founded and conducted with integrity.”

Executive order re-establishing presidential council on science and technology

The president will solicit input from a council of advisors on science and technology, which will advise Biden on “scientific and technical information that is needed to inform public policy relating to the economy, worker empowerment, education, energy, environment, public health, national and homeland security, racial equity and other topics.”

Day Nine

Executive order reinforcing Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act(There are no pre-existing conditions in the ACA itself)

In an effort to counter Trump’s attempts to strike down the Affordable Care Act, Biden signed an order directing agencies to re-examine policies that undermined protections for people with pre-existing conditions, complicated the process of enrolling in Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act and reduced coverage and affordability of the programs.

The order also designated Feb. 15 to May 15 as a “special enrollment period” for uninsured Americans to sign up on healthcare.gov for health insurance amid the pandemic.

Memorandum expanding access to reproductive health care(ABORTION)

Biden’s memorandum immediately revoked the “Mexico City policy,” also referred to as the global gag rule, a Reagan-era policy reinstated by Trump that blocks federal funding to foreign organizations that perform abortions or provide abortion counseling or referrals.

Additionally, Biden directed the Department of Health and Human Services to evaluate whether to rescind Trump regulations under the Title X family planning program, which pulled funding from hundreds of women’s health clinics across the country in 2019.


That was only the first 8 days, can you imagine the damage Obama, Bidan, Staff and Agencies head have done by now

They announced everything they were planning on doing in the EO's, the AI's and other ones are much worse.

There are also secret PEADS that are never released, secret EOs, what did they do there?

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8bf4dd No.21087206


It's not dead. It has it's head up.

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398bd2 No.21087208


>>Hostages to Evil People

> Evil Lizard People

Evil Lizard People Eaters

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24a60f No.21087209

Any significance to timing of Assange freedom? My best guess is he couldn’t take the food any longer. Smell may also have been a factor.

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fb49b1 No.21087210

File: 6391ee6d6ef1ec1⋯.png (228.18 KB,306x423,34:47,chelseas_clinton_crowsfoot….png)

File: 9eb96f5a3a6a4ea⋯.png (240.67 KB,306x423,34:47,chelseas_clinton_crowsfoot….png)

File: b9525406bb5cb4f⋯.png (271.22 KB,568x500,142:125,let_them_smoke_dope.png)

File: 4fa3674fed7c961⋯.png (767.98 KB,1030x1179,1030:1179,nordstream_pipeline_fake.png)

File: 1be5724d219f39c⋯.png (524.99 KB,499x1210,499:1210,war_with_russia.png)


>Planned Parenthood to spend $40m to boost Biden, Democrats ahead of November

how is this not illegal when they get government cash

what kind of retarded country would allow this shit

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ce43d2 No.21087211

File: bb3722649cfd1f0⋯.png (230.03 KB,596x828,149:207,ped.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


Yikes. John Podesta was just told by an interviewer that he is known as one of the better "chefs" in DC after Julian Assange's leaked private emails showed that Podesta was attending Satanic spirit cooking dinners with Ukraine's ambassador to children, Marina Abramovic. It's important to remember that Biden has these spirit cookers in his administration. It speaks volumes.

Podesta's brother, who attended with his brother, displayed statues of serial killings in his home so I'm sure it's nothing.

Podesta thinks cooking is an important part of diplomacy. I'm sure he does.

Side note:

WTF is wrong with this guy's teeth?



Podesta Email:


8:26 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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5ea302 No.21087212


oh lawdy, it's almost as if the cult funding and pushing DEI is the same cult funding and pushing muhjoo on QR.

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543758 No.21087213

File: 2171e11c194fa1c⋯.png (1.19 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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2458a7 No.21087215


Its fucking DEAD

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5e817b No.21087216

Is the plan happening or should I check back in, in another 7 years?

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006a85 No.21087217


that turned out well.

better than thought.

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faff36 No.21087219

File: 836d33efcdf0721⋯.png (536.32 KB,680x510,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Jamal Bowman looking like he's lost his seat.

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4223ef No.21087220


Go drive around a Texas city all day and then tell me you don't think about race.

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5ea302 No.21087221


When you see yourself as God, you're not a Jew.

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2458a7 No.21087222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NIGHT shift

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394e75 No.21087223

File: 382fcfffecffd0a⋯.png (1.61 MB,736x869,736:869,ClipboardImage.png)


My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake!

8:38 ET


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15f8b8 No.21087224

File: 54cf934c25a8563⋯.png (709.06 KB,584x1084,146:271,LongPig.png)



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fb49b1 No.21087225

File: 3d14700ed8bbc48⋯.jpg (72.38 KB,489x493,489:493,give_a_man_a_tank_he_ll_li….jpg)


ip hopping piece of shit shill

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30979e No.21087227


seems like a NICE CATCH

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694e52 No.21087229

File: 54b666fa6a24b5e⋯.jpeg (50.75 KB,1000x884,250:221,1588631214.jpeg)

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8e6bbf No.21087230

File: abe0322ad8032ee⋯.png (299.09 KB,594x358,297:179,ClipboardImage.png)

watch anons


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a172c0 No.21087231


what a bountiful harvest

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ce43d2 No.21087232

File: 60d818a3a873aa8⋯.png (637.69 KB,834x622,417:311,penn.PNG)


United Sovereign Americans files federal lawsuit alleging Pennsylvania violated voting laws

by Ali Tucker | Jun 24, 2024

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67668c No.21087233


I want to think, just for a day, that Australia finally said "let him go or we leave Five Eyes"

Brdley Manning gave the info to Wikileaks before cutting his dick off, but Hussein pardoned him anyway. I'm thinking the whole thing was a set-up to neutralize Wikileaks

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9a21cd No.21087234


That’s a you problem Karen.

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7f4b21 No.21087236

File: 8830046b3b20285⋯.jpg (96.83 KB,513x379,513:379,THE_PLAN.jpg)

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986055 No.21087237

File: 56484f62cb40c7f⋯.png (44.65 KB,474x463,474:463,ClipboardImage.png)



You're just asking for it, Anon!

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30979e No.21087238



handled live ones and dead ones

that one is alive

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fb49b1 No.21087239

File: d231a799f40ad50⋯.png (255.43 KB,502x495,502:495,this_clos_to_exposing_the_….png)

File: 7dbbf5062ddce1d⋯.png (81.84 KB,819x587,819:587,unix_time_matrix.png)


>Is the plan happening or should I check back in, in another 7 years?

no one ever asked you to post here whether plan or no.

check back in 14 years

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377911 No.21087240

File: dfa7b694559ad5c⋯.png (35.59 KB,567x521,567:521,ClipboardImage.png)


Wut R u Taukeen abowvt? Een Eendeeyah, ve vere taykeen so-mny horsepills, ve had more den youh!! Eendeeyah is horsepill-redpill Toetall package, man.

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8bf4dd No.21087241


Look again.

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398bd2 No.21087242


God doesn't pay well

But the rewards, are Heavenly

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2449c5 No.21087243


Double t eff

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45ec00 No.21087244

File: 30fcd7a328c0e63⋯.png (8.88 KB,374x201,374:201,ClipboardImage.png)


>8:38 ET

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15f8b8 No.21087245

File: ad16e5eeaf80eb1⋯.png (111.32 KB,365x235,73:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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805b96 No.21087247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Idaho 500,000 acres of farmland receives water shutdown

say goodbye to food

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a172c0 No.21087249

File: 6fff28add9df881⋯.png (49.13 KB,360x166,180:83,ClipboardImage.png)


>I'm not gay or stupid, but I am a retarded faggot

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8bf677 No.21087250


He doesn't look so bad in this picture, but his kidney meridians are really wiped out, which can be bad.

He looks like he's eaten a couple of good meals. It will take him months or longer to recover.

God Bless Julian Assange and may the IcA get the same treatment he did

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fb49b1 No.21087251

File: 054ac88a1926c87⋯.png (205.63 KB,506x574,253:287,tranime.png)



IP hopping piece of shit shill!!

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7a5e19 No.21087252

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MTG on the release of Julian Assange — She wants a Presidential Pardon and Mike Pence is Scum



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c09c73 No.21087253

File: f35b770e628f852⋯.png (128.47 KB,1258x329,1258:329,ClipboardImage.png)


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40a1b0 No.21087254

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a31a66 No.21087256

File: 784fcc5d132745e⋯.webp (68.88 KB,800x450,16:9,EarthStargate02.webp)

Seems the "Big Event" is upon us…

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b7550e No.21087257

File: 273897ba43536c2⋯.png (56.01 KB,453x192,151:64,273897ba43536c278857d15719….png)

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521d82 No.21087258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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79806d No.21087259

I sure hope Trump brings up Afghanistan in the debate.

Anything else you would like Trump to bring up?

Let’s give him our talking points i

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006a85 No.21087260

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986055 No.21087261

File: 093802800906152⋯.png (126.09 KB,639x469,639:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Fmr U.S. Ambassador David M. Friedman Demands Americans be Imprisoned for 'Antisemitism'

David M Friedman, former Trump-appointed US Ambassador to Israel, threw a fit Monday on X demanding Americans be imprisoned en masse for "antisemitism."

Friedman said that President Biden or "whoever tells [him] what to do" needs to "get tough on Jew-hatred" and suggested they launch a "federal" effort to "arrest and prosecute" anti-Semites for "hate crimes."

Not doing so will lead to the end of the American Empire, Friedman argued.

Of course, Americans have been rounded up en masse for taking part in pro-Palestine protests throughout the country – without any regard for the First Amendment.

"More than 2,950 people have been arrested at pro-Palestinian protests on at least 61 college campuses across the U.S. in recent weeks," Axios reported on May 10.

The Washington Post reported last month that over a dozen Jewish billionaires working secretly in concert with the Israeli government were part of a private WhatsApp group chat which conspired to push New York City Mayor Eric Adams to launch said crackdown on pro-Palestine protests at Columbia University.

Current US antisemitism czar Deborah Lipstadt scolded the Post last week for "fostering antisemitism" through their factual reporting on the leak.

*Washington Post Article: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/05/16/business-leaders-chat-group-eric-adams-columbia-protesters/

The Post's report revealed how many of the most prominent Jewish billionaires and multimillionaires in America worked together in secret to advance Israeli interests on multiple fronts, suppress Americans' free speech rights, reward politicians who do their bidding with donations and hide their connections with the Israeli government.

"The chat was initiated by a staffer for billionaire and real estate magnate '''Barry Sternlicht" and members of the group ranged from "Kind snack company founder Daniel Lubetzky, hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, billionaire Len Blavatnik and real estate investor Joseph Sitt" to "Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, Dell founder and CEO Michael Dell, hedge fund manager Bill Ackman and Joshua Kushner, founder of Thrive Capital and brother of Jared Kushner, former president Donald Trump's son-in-law," the Post reported.

Lipstadt told the Post's associate editor Jonathan Capehart that the notion that Jews control various aspects of our society is not just a "conspiracy theory" but a "conspiracy myth."

"I don't want to suggest that there's any truth to this myth of Jewish control, of all sorts of power, power in all sorts of areas of the society," Lipstadt said.

The only reason more Americans haven't been jailed for their speech as Friedman and other Zionists are demanding is because we still have a First Amendment (or at least some shreds of it).

Sauce: https://www.informationliberation.com/?id=64495

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5e817b No.21087262


>check back in 14 years

See you then!

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ce43d2 No.21087263

File: 3fa247edc7c469e⋯.png (440.7 KB,653x670,653:670,plant.PNG)


Scientist wants to implant prisoners with 'memories' of their crimes that show the victim's perspective

READ MORE: Scientist also created concept video of human farms

By Stacy Liberatore For Dailymail.com

Published: 18:31 EDT, 24 June 2024 | Updated: 08:34 EDT, 25 June 2024

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4223ef No.21087264

File: a36c3b8a6eaddb3⋯.jpg (58.87 KB,640x609,640:609,1657728821646.jpg)

Fuck, this place is weird now.

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8e6bbf No.21087266

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a172c0 No.21087267

File: bd451236c0b45a5⋯.png (56.78 KB,204x96,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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31dd04 No.21087269

File: 4b8757e56cc421e⋯.png (296.98 KB,643x321,643:321,ClipboardImage.png)

>>21087109 don't mention the thing!

>>21087221 he is a jew, by lineage

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dc13c3 No.21087270


Published Nov 03, 2022 at 9:56 AM EDT


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398bd2 No.21087271


They got flooded with Phone calls

Last I Heard, it was Rescinded today

But The Fight will Happen again next year

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92993d No.21087272

File: d29dd724b3701e1⋯.gif (71.55 KB,473x588,473:588,1D984019.gif)

File: 42b229983f792ac⋯.jpg (92.64 KB,480x640,3:4,IMG_1632.JPG)

File: 07a2af695ef77dc⋯.jpg (563.57 KB,1224x1632,3:4,Disney_DC.jpg)

File: 91b1a3a6f6f08f2⋯.jpg (771.74 KB,3000x2000,3:2,P052514PS_0416.jpg)

File: f4a3caa630fe9c3⋯.jpg (132.87 KB,1024x683,1024:683,DSC_0491.jpg)

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694e52 No.21087273


How is this fucker still around in politics

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2458a7 No.21087275


My son and i just walked up on one huge rattler coiled and rattling. My move was to say ok snake good boy and slowly walk backwards and away

No snake bite kit back home

Good for him if he wants his balls struck with venomous teeth

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79806d No.21087276


Why is Oprah in here?

Is she replacing Biden?

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ce43d2 No.21087277

File: 48fd0435a7dc8fc⋯.png (534.03 KB,792x724,198:181,rix.PNG)

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006a85 No.21087278


they killed ross.

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fb49b1 No.21087279

File: 3052055810e064c⋯.png (817.7 KB,720x540,4:3,christ_trump_2.png)

File: d2e927d920f66f6⋯.webm (2.9 MB,624x360,26:15,battery_electric_bike_veh….webm)

File: 0a83aa30743864a⋯.png (12.32 KB,678x324,113:54,dod_took_over_cia_before_c….png)

File: a8ad7077d043191⋯.jpeg (512.4 KB,1088x1451,1088:1451,christopher_lloyd_doc_bro….jpeg)

File: bfb6a188ab3d671⋯.png (599.92 KB,881x590,881:590,att_nashvill_christmas_202….png)


>I concede and rejoice that Christ is King

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70c473 No.21087280

File: c6a2a0bf1abf50d⋯.jpeg (213.73 KB,1170x1281,390:427,IMG_5801.jpeg)

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5e817b No.21087281


I like how you dumb fucks are now spelling it out for normie dumb fucks. You could have done this 5 years ago.

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2bbe4a No.21087282

File: 51a63c59c312359⋯.png (279.33 KB,539x529,539:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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8bf677 No.21087283

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis: “Merrick Garland’s Allies Are Above The Law And His Enemies Are Below The Law”



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a172c0 No.21087285

File: d4d225cf8e64e6d⋯.jpg (920.11 KB,1088x1451,1088:1451,Adam_Schiff_Pride_Parade_M….jpg)


He's been taking a lot of cock

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329c3c No.21087286

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20ffad No.21087287

File: 579bf6ace6cecce⋯.png (554.41 KB,500x746,250:373,579bf6ace6cecce4c04ccf95cd….png)


fuckin' gooks

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ce43d2 No.21087288

File: 30d6f2965d30d45⋯.png (21.41 KB,586x288,293:144,ab.PNG)


Attorney General Andrew Bailey


🚨BREAKING: The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s illegal student loan plan.

Congress never gave Biden the authority to saddle working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in other people's debt.

A huge win for the Constitution.

10:47 AM · Jun 24, 2024




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81f72e No.21087289

File: 4e7c8a2e338671d⋯.jpeg (62.55 KB,517x451,47:41,2E99A04C_379B_4AD1_8792_0….jpeg)

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67668c No.21087290



Wasn't their a post about two nights ago where the water was being shut off to provide for a cobalt mine funded via Ukraine aid money?????

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8e6bbf No.21087291

File: b9689755ff8df9b⋯.png (140.89 KB,592x438,296:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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48d0e8 No.21087292

File: 84cb31d059bd9fd⋯.png (949.54 KB,1000x1426,500:713,magnolia_movie_poster_adde….png)





Went for a rare drive today. Saw a truck with "Magnolia" on the side. Inspired an added 'a'; then sought out something to do it with. Haven't seen the movie; IMDB write-up seems interesting tho. Enjoy! :)


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543758 No.21087293

File: eb92fb8fe4963b1⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,460x816,115:204,saf3edf.mp4)

It's dangerous to go alone. Take me with you.

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34d3a2 No.21087294

File: 4f6d384740e7ba2⋯.gif (388.11 KB,500x208,125:52,4f6d384740e7ba246009342091….gif)

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ce43d2 No.21087295

File: fb048244ce31018⋯.png (47.83 KB,599x544,599:544,tp.PNG)




Tim Pool



Jun 24

Question for @elonmusk

Will live commentary and fact checking shows for the CNN Debate be taken down if CNN files a DMCA or will X default to fair use and have the matter handled externally?

We plan to simulcast


Tim Pool



Jun 24

CNN is now threatening any social channels that provide commentary on the debate stating they will not allow the use outside of CNN

Commentary on a presidential debate is the epitome of fair use and we fully intend to provide insight and real time fact checking Thursday LIVE

Elon Musk


The public has a right to see Presidential debates however they would like. DMCA does not apply.

1:47 PM · Jun 24, 2024




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a172c0 No.21087296


They flagged Hillary's passport nigga!

Shit's happening

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398bd2 No.21087297


"Jarvis" or something like that

But they Bent the Knee and gave in to Public Pressure

They all can water their fields

So the rumor goes

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006a85 No.21087298


this gnü.

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b67a1b No.21087299


Have you ever hear "the snake" before?

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394e75 No.21087300

File: 789860d536a7e4b⋯.png (4.28 MB,2000x2000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


I prefer Birkenstock

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c23f09 No.21087301


well i mean it says it in the qpost.

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30979e No.21087303



maybe ugly dirty toe

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a5ed08 No.21087304


the stick used to bash that snake dead is on the track behind him

ded snek

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2bbe4a No.21087305

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2458a7 No.21087306


You could replace Biden with taylor swift and it wouldn't fuckin matter

Trump wins great…Trump loses and the tree of liberty gets quenched

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79806d No.21087308


Snake by the tail?

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521d82 No.21087309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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778381 No.21087310


It's happening but we'll probably still be doing stuff 7 years from now so check back.

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79806d No.21087311


Snake has been exposed

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006a85 No.21087312


good pizza and pasta.

best walnut sauce.

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5e817b No.21087313


>"Big Event"

At the current plan rate we have another 1776 years to go

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5a17be No.21087315


an image of someone shaving the rim of a coin

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ce43d2 No.21087316

File: d041f8e62ec135c⋯.png (294.85 KB,784x756,28:27,mp.PNG)

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329c3c No.21087317


looks like ai toes

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c23f09 No.21087318


links to things.

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394e75 No.21087320


His walking stick, see snek head lifted up, impossible with ded snek

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5ea302 No.21087321


>he is a jew, by lineage

Oh then we're all jews then, because by lineage everyone has the same mitochondrial mother. We're all descended from the same dna.

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2458a7 No.21087322


Gross AI trolling toes

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006a85 No.21087323




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8e6bbf No.21087324

File: ffa579b1eda2c37⋯.png (427.88 KB,511x498,511:498,ClipboardImage.png)

is there an archive of this guy anywhere?

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06f9ca No.21087325

File: 4ae6a935e451d48⋯.png (244.83 KB,325x585,5:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20bb078048e6450⋯.png (714.72 KB,798x1786,21:47,2038cap.png)

File: a98b88c8e8a7d02⋯.png (1.46 MB,932x1100,233:275,ClipboardImage.png)


>Nice snake

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5e817b No.21087326


>They flagged Hillary's passport

Does nothing fo nobody

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986055 No.21087327

File: 7ed5412934fb052⋯.png (21.79 KB,474x395,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Karl Marx Was Related To Rothschild & Employed by Rothschild

June 1, 2020

Historians have confirmed that Karl Marx was not only related to the Rothschilds, but was also employed as their agent in order to subvert democracy and corrupt the Socialist movement.

Karl Marx was born in a London squalor, and came from a long line of Rabbis.

Henrymakow.com reports: He used to visit the Red Lion Pub at Great Windmill Street, Soho where he and Friedrich Engels were asked to write what became the Communist Manifesto.

His best known work is the book Das Kapital, which fails to mention that money is printed out of thin air and by his cousins, the Rothschilds.


Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, Kingdom of Prussia on 5 May 1818, an Ashkenazi, to Hirschel Mordechai and Henriette Pressburg.

Marx’s birth name name is Chaim Hirschel Mordechai.

Marx descended from Talmudic rabbis; his paternal ancestors had provided rabbis to Trier since 1723, a post last held by his grandfather.

During the Napoleonic War of the Sixth Coalition, [Marx’s father] Hirschel Mordechai became a Freemason in 1813, joining their Loge L’Ètoile anséatique (The Hanseatic Star) in Osnabrück.

After the war, he feigned conversion to Lutheranism as a means to better infiltrate Prussian society.

He pretended to be an “assimilated” bourgeois Enlightenment liberal, interested in “free thought” and was wealthy, owning some Moselle vineyards.

One of Marx’s grandparents was Nanette Salomon Barent-Cohen, who belonged to a wealthy Amsterdam family. Her cousin had married Nathan Mayer Rothschild and bore Lionel Nathan Rothschild, “Baron” and Member of Parliament for the City of London.

Karl Marx was brought up by his family to hate Jesus Christ…

The Rothschilds (Marx’s third cousin by blood) and other finance syndicates were very prominent in promoting “Jewish emancipation”  and Masonic, liberal and Protestant ideas which took hold of society at the start of the 19th century….

The idea of Marx as a Rothschild shill…was raised as a concern by his contemporary rival in the First International, Mikhail Bakunin in 1869, who was not even aware of the fact that Marx and Rothschild were cousins.

Bakunin wrote presciently:“This world is now, at least for the most part, at the disposal of Marx on the one hand, and of Rothschild on the other. This may seem strange. What can there be in common between socialism and a leading bank?

The point is that authoritarian socialism, Marxist communism, demands a strong centralisation of the state. And where there is centralization of the state, there must necessarily be a central bank, and where such a bank exists, speculating with the Labour of the people, will be found. “

—Mikhail Bakunin, Profession de foi d’un démocrate socialiste russe précédé d’une étude sur les juifs allemands, 1869.


Perhaps the most pronounced and consistent aspect of Marx’s ideology was his extreme and radical hatred of Russia [the last bastion of Christian civilization…]… He and Engels regarded Russians and Slavs in general as subhuman (völkerabfall) barbarians. Had he lived to see his ideological heirs Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Grigory Zinoviev butcher them by the millions, he would no doubt have cackled in orgasmic joy at the horrors visited upon them; men, women and children.

Marx used the newspaper Neue Rheinische Zeitung to try and incite a war against Russia.

 This Russophobia was also behind the strange alliance with Tory, David Urquhart, when he moved to London and Marx thus has the blood of the people who died in the Crimean War on his hands.

Henry Hyndman, who spent many hours in Marx’s company in his Record of an Adventurous Life attributed this anti-Russian obsession to Marx’s ethnocentrism. The Soviets tried to cover up this fact about Marx…

Sauce: https://theirishsentinel.com/2020/06/01/historians-confirm-karl-marx-was-employed-by-the-rothschilds/

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54722c No.21087328

File: d30cf6bdc22c4de⋯.png (453.26 KB,860x484,215:121,ClipboardImage.png)


New york election result bowman v latimer

The highly anticipated New York primary election between Jamaal Bowman and George Latimer has finally taken place. According to the latest results, George Latimer has emerged victorious, winning the Democratic primary for the NY-16 House seat.

The race was marked by intense competition, with both candidates receiving significant support from their respective bases. Latimer, a moderate Democrat, was backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and received endorsements from prominent figures such as Hillary Clinton. Bowman, a progressive Democrat, was supported by progressive leaders like Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The election saw a high level of engagement, with over $23 million spent on advertising, making it one of the most expensive primaries in recent history. The outcome is a significant blow to Bowman’s campaign, which had been seen as a rising star in the Democratic Party.

Latimer’s victory is expected to pave the way for him to win the general election in November, given the district’s Democratic leanings. The outcome of this election serves as a reminder of the ongoing divisions within the Democratic Party, with moderates and progressives continuing to clash over issues like Israel and progressive policies.

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ce43d2 No.21087329

File: ab26255ce2c20f2⋯.png (30.95 KB,600x328,75:41,diff.PNG)




Apoorva Govind



Jun 24

About 80% of my friends (most based in Bay Area) are voting for Trump this year. Four years ago, the same people voted against Trump & for Biden. These are centrist liberals.

Seems like Biden is cooked. He is so old and senile that he makes Trump look like an erudite scholar.

Elon Musk


Yeah, very different from 2020

8:20 PM · Jun 24, 2024




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398bd2 No.21087330


Yea well

Those Troops were killing civilians for Sport


Mass Murder of Civilians in a War zone is the real Crime

Like Somalia and the Canadian Para Troopers

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b67a1b No.21087331


tits or gtfo

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31dd04 No.21087332


by far one of the dumbest fucking statements i've ever seen written on this board in the several years in operation

you are definitely jewish

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006a85 No.21087334


sssshe's pretty.

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5a17be No.21087335


he could've anesthetized it with that shillelagh behind him…

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a172c0 No.21087336



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96cc18 No.21087337

so many deleted posts?

what got the BV's all upset?

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4223ef No.21087338


Fuck the troops. Go drop another bomb on a family because some cross-dressing fag general told you to.

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ce43d2 No.21087339

File: 0bcae073581fc2e⋯.png (396.96 KB,551x300,551:300,lost.PNG)


Bad Hombre


GOD IS GOOD! Fire-alarm puller and jihad squad member Jamaal Bowman (@JamaalBowmanNY

) has LOST his primary race. Jumping up and down like a crackhead with @AOC

did not help.


Oliya Scootercaster 🛴

1:53 PM · Jun 25, 2024




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06f9ca No.21087340


>Q+, DAN, US MIL - all arranged for you by Q.

mebbe moar. waiting for concrete confirmations. enemy know our comms.

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7a5e19 No.21087341

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Myths and Lies About Julian Assange Endure After Plea Deal Reached Securing His Freedom

Glenn Greenwald

Jun 25, 7:00 pm EDT 1:16:26


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006a85 No.21087342




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54b48f No.21087343

File: 908427189d3995f⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Mine_1_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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304d41 No.21087344


I paid 20 for three balloons, after hitting the first one i fell down and let them go so they flew around, lesson learned.

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5e817b No.21087346


>Congress never gave Biden the authority to saddle working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in other people's debt.

He could just Execute order it like every other president does.

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81f72e No.21087347


I’ll be the judge of that!

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398bd2 No.21087348


My Gmail Spam Folder is Always Full

What's Gmail Trying to Hide?

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ce43d2 No.21087349

File: 2602338e29e4a26⋯.png (460.44 KB,595x868,85:124,mh.PNG)


Melissa Hallman


Manchin to start donating to Republicans

Just weeks after leaving the Democratic Party, Sen. Joe Manchin (http://I-W.Va.) will start donating money to centrist lawmakers — including Republicans.

Manchin will convert his leadership PAC — Country Roads PAC — into a multicandidate vehicle, according to a source familiar with the planning. Manchin will then make $5,000 donations to Reps. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) and Jared Golden (D-Maine), along with Sen. Angus King (I-Maine).

A second group of contributions will likely include Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah) and John Avlon, the former CNN host turned Democratic congressional candidate in Long Island, the source said. Curtis is the leading candidate in the Senate GOP primary in Utah. Both Curtis and Avlon have their primaries tonight (more on that below).



12:31 AM · Jun 25, 2024




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8efbdd No.21087350

File: 0b391b815bbbab8⋯.jpg (130.66 KB,1440x1254,240:209,0b391b815bbbab86f410f0780c….jpg)

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201c95 No.21087352

File: 051768c609992ec⋯.gif (605.57 KB,498x435,166:145,E2C35188_A1E6_43B1_B49D_8C….gif)


“Leaves” and then comes right back

Stale AF

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635de8 No.21087354

File: 85111a5620319b5⋯.png (259.21 KB,1656x747,184:83,ClipboardImage.png)

Capital crimes on children by Southern Baptist Preacher. New Florida death penalty gonna get tested.



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781cd2 No.21087355


a long train of abuses

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2449c5 No.21087356


Blessed the fuck out

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a31a66 No.21087357

File: 758089d63803e7f⋯.jpg (7.77 KB,168x300,14:25,images_1_.jpg)

I want6 a non-aggression like we used to have. And no hidden hands manipulating us from behind the scenes.

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8bf677 No.21087358


must listen, Kristin Clark was vetted for an appointment, in Bidan admin. She lied when she lied to senate for confirmation. Davis has filed a lawsuit for her lying to Senate. She heads in Civil Rights Division going after Christians praying after abortion clinics.

She lied, she was arrested for stabbing her husband. She's the fucking bitch going after MAGA

Clear perjury and false statements

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a31a66 No.21087359



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805b96 No.21087360


next up Snowden

Homecoming in chains or ticker tape

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54722c No.21087361



>Latimer, a moderate Democrat, was backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and received endorsements from prominent figures such as Hillary Clinton.

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ce43d2 No.21087362

File: 237d87d127c08be⋯.png (223.91 KB,595x872,595:872,mind.PNG)




General Mike Flynn


A reminder to all journalists in America (citizen and otherwise), Assange was a journalist jailed for breaking vitally important news about severe USG corruption.

Alan Rusbridger, the editor-in-chief of the Guardian from 1995 to 2015, commented on Julian Assange’s release, posting recently to social media:

“Good news that Assange is apparently free. Enough was enough. But his treatment was a warning to journalists and whistleblowers to keep quiet in future. And I suspect it will have worked.”

The USDOJ conviction rate is north of 96 percent…few humans can withstand the pressures when they own the entire system. They care less about discovering the truth, they care only about scalps.







Jun 24

Replying to @wikileaks

Julian Assange is free!


8:37 PM · Jun 24, 2024




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7f4b21 No.21087363

File: ef41851409a64c0⋯.jpg (104.55 KB,553x464,553:464,HATE_IS_A_BUMMER_HUH.jpg)


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986055 No.21087364

File: 3e09eed26fe5848⋯.png (9.54 KB,286x186,143:93,ClipboardImage.png)


Saul Alinsky Tactic 102 - Smear the Gentiles by Falsely Claiming that "all are jews"

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201c95 No.21087365

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5a17be No.21087366


1968 Shekel

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8bf4dd No.21087367


I was driving the pipeline ROW long time ago. Stopped where there was an out cropping of slate. Got my roll of toilet paper, pulled my pants and stooped down. Heard the rattle behind me. I pulled up pants as I slowly walked away. There were a den of rattlers in the air spaces between the layers of slate. I counted 3. One of them was only 2 feet away. You're right, I would never pick up a rattler by it's tail. I'm not stupid.

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a172c0 No.21087368

File: 13f9694925b6f83⋯.png (1.81 MB,1626x1846,813:923,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden to issue pardons over gay sex ban – media


Recruitment is down….. let's pander!

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96cc18 No.21087369


poems about Humpty Dumpty?

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7a5e19 No.21087370

File: 4c2d336323c3c56⋯.png (355.2 KB,507x1061,507:1061,ClipboardImage.png)


WikiLeaks’ Assange pleads guilty in deal with US that secures his freedom, ends legal fight

SAIPAN, Northern Mariana Islands (AP) — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has pleaded guilty to obtaining and publishing U.S. military secrets in a deal with Justice Department prosecutors that secures his liberty and concludes a drawn-out legal saga that raised divisive questions about press freedom and national security.

The plea was entered Wednesday morning in federal court in Saipan, the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, an American commonwealth in the Pacific, that is relatively close to Assange’s native Australia and that accommodated his desire to avoid setting foot inside the continental United States.

The deal required the iconoclastic internet publisher to admit guilt to a single felony count but also permitted him to return to Australia without any time in an American prison. He had been jailed in the United Kingdom for the last five years, fighting extradition to the United States on an Espionage Act indictment that could have carried a lengthy prison sentence in the event of a conviction.

The conclusion enables both sides to claim a degree of satisfaction. The Justice Department, facing a defendant who had already served substantial jail time, was able to resolve — without trial — a case that raised thorny legal issues and that might never have reached a jury at all given the plodding pace of the extradition process. Assange, for his part, signaled a begrudging contentment with the resolution, saying in court that though he believed the Espionage Act contradicted the First Amendment, he accepted the consequences of soliciting classified information from sources for publication.

Assange arrived at court in a dark suit, with a tie loosened around the collar, after flying from Britain on a charter plane accompanied by members of his legal team and Australian officials, including the top Australian diplomat in the U.K.

Inside the courthouse, he answered basic questions from U.S. District Judge Ramona Manglona, an appointee of former President Barack Obama, and appeared to listen intently. As a condition of his plea, he will be required to destroy information provided to WikiLeaks. The secret-spilling website, which Assange founded in 2006, said in its own statement that it was grateful for “all who stood by us, fought for us, and remained utterly committed in the fight for his freedom.”

Assange appeared upbeat and relaxed during the hearing, listening intently and at times cracking jokes with the judge. While signing his plea agreement, he made a joke about the 9-hour time difference between the U.K. and Saipan. At another point, when the judge asked him whether he was satisfied with the plea conditions, Assange responded: “It might depend on the outcome,” sparking some laughter in the courtroom. …


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8bf677 No.21087373


Davis filed the complaints over 7 weeks ago on her, and the AG will do nothing on this. They have filed bar complaints. Garland is not doing anything on this matter.

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5e817b No.21087374

I’m not even sure why I’m in this reality. I think you’re all stupid. The plan is stupid. The narratives are stupid. This reality isn’t for smart people.

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4da2f0 No.21087375

File: 0bb7df755f4d762⋯.jpeg (12.93 KB,183x275,183:275,92850F03_FAFD_48C9_8E37_4….jpeg)

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a31a66 No.21087376

With one L

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521d82 No.21087377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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398bd2 No.21087378


And Catholics

And Christians

And Quantum Grammar

What are the Hindus trying to Hide?

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a52bf4 No.21087379


Agreed. he is a psychopathic narcissist attorney from YALE (C_A) and a big pharma visionary who will SAY anything at the right time to endear others to himself. PHONEY 100% He even plagiarized 0bama.

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a172c0 No.21087380


Apparently it's NOT the Jews, afterall. Thank goodness.

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2bbe4a No.21087381

File: 7118623e4a7dd35⋯.png (53.45 KB,708x547,708:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e817b No.21087382


>Assange pleads guilty

Lock him up

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ce43d2 No.21087383

File: f8c401ca6506303⋯.png (40.47 KB,665x272,665:272,emt.PNG)

File: 8bb0fe0dc050c64⋯.png (267.2 KB,455x327,455:327,ken.PNG)


MTVNews.com's sudden closure leaves music fans devastated - after decades' worth of articles vanish overnight

Site, which disappeared on Monday, was famous for its Mixtape Monday column

Read more: MTV Movie & TV Awards postponed for 2024… as network vows to return next year with updated format

By Jo Tweedy For Mailonline

Published: 07:04 EDT, 25 June 2024 | Updated: 08:12 EDT, 25 June 2024

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721304 No.21087384


cnn=what a shit show

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781cd2 No.21087385


they move around for a bit while dead/dying

cut it's head off it still moves about

doesn't mean it's alive

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faff36 No.21087386

File: d8ebbb43828848c⋯.png (849.43 KB,1160x1491,1160:1491,ClipboardImage.png)

Alex Plitsas 🇺🇸


We at


are extremely concerned by the terrorist threat facing the United States and have issued the following open letter. As former CIA Director Mike Morell recently wrote, “The Terrorism Warning Lights Are Blinking Red Again — Echos to the Run-Up to 9/11.”


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79806d No.21087387



Carson is the only one who would not have any agenda but putting the country first

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a31a66 No.21087388


He's important for the Hussein and his Mahdi Army.

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2a1a07 No.21087389

Initials K.C or 11.3

Or 11x3=33


Probably just a coincidence and small red flag

Initials hide dog whistles but only a red flag, dig for additional red flags

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394e75 No.21087390

File: d7fb364d9d8ae66⋯.png (2.23 MB,853x1280,853:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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b67a1b No.21087391

File: 0ae67e2706a0956⋯.jpg (103.28 KB,694x1000,347:500,0ae67e2706a095686a9d5a5ebc….jpg)

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a172c0 No.21087392

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB,609x676,609:676,American_Psycho_02.jpg)

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201c95 No.21087393

File: 5bfbb6e6c759bb2⋯.jpeg (196.48 KB,786x962,393:481,33FD88AE_56F4_4EBC_B736_5….jpeg)


>an appointee of former President Barack Obama

There you have it

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0ba8c4 No.21087394

File: f733ed5e5871b7f⋯.gif (2.01 MB,382x382,1:1,niteradiance.gif)


>is there an archive of this guy anywhere?

a happy and wondrous search lies before you…also Michael Tsarion early years. Go for it Padawan.

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18a095 No.21087395


How many Snowdens exist out there

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d5b476 No.21087396

File: cbcc7ce0a5eca90⋯.jpg (23.41 KB,222x255,74:85,55.jpg)


Wonder if the whole 'debate' is being video taped in advance… and just aired for us peons to watch.?

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398bd2 No.21087397

File: 42385d8ab8eb650⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB,1280x720,16:9,1627928815_4_Copy.mp4)


I still think she would get the position

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96cc18 No.21087398

tonight they tipped their hand and left no doubt about who they are and what they believe.

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e31035 No.21087399


Who would have a suede island in their kitchen? Doesn't seem practical.

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2730e5 No.21087400

File: b5cf996610f04bd⋯.jpg (257 KB,1070x1595,214:319,20240625_191107.jpg)


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a52bf4 No.21087401


there is one more according to prophet Kim Clement.

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986055 No.21087402

File: dcd4ff5925ca22c⋯.png (36.77 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless All Christians

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2458a7 No.21087403

File: b3afd6af8aced71⋯.jpg (2.78 MB,4080x3060,4:3,20240526_095139.jpg)


It had rained the night before on the mountain and when we went on our walk he was hiding on a rock by a gate…fat fucker. Muh respect

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4223ef No.21087404

File: dba7d023515978a⋯.png (373.19 KB,800x450,16:9,8564456.png)


That got your attention. Get the fuck on with it already I have officially run out of shit to do. The internet is a wasteland, the outside is a wasteland, it's a fucking giant waste faggot nigger cuntstain ball shit double nigger fuck land.

Fuck you. FUck your mother. Hurry the fuck up.

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ce43d2 No.21087405

File: 97ca4c19cc4095a⋯.png (1.35 MB,1232x814,56:37,sj.PNG)



EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Johnson, Advocates to Hold DC Panel on Protecting Women’s Sports

Mary Margaret Olohan | June 24, 2024

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67668c No.21087406


Obviously positions not already listed in the 976 of the Kama Sutra

Can't have the gringos making babies and putting the H1B visas at risk

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79e150 No.21087407

File: 13783fe85b02747⋯.jpeg (522.14 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_6827.jpeg)

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d2e18c No.21087408


imagine the smell

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a172c0 No.21087409


have what?

>There you have it

Are you Pence? You think he should be locked up forever?

Exposed the crimes. Be made a criminal.

If the Biden regime had something to do with his release then credit is due.

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a52bf4 No.21087410


not my concern Mike. Fuck Off.

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40a1b0 No.21087411


Sleeper cells?

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5e817b No.21087412


>prophet Kim Clement.


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721304 No.21087413

File: 4c0ef1427edc9b8⋯.png (480.9 KB,793x804,793:804,Screenshot_2024_06_25_at_2….png)

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has sent millions of dollars to law firms that are intimately involved in an “unprecedented lawfare” campaign against former President Donald Trump, according to Federal Election Commission (FEC) records reviewed by the Daily Caller.

The DNC has paid close to $2 million since August of 2021 to Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP for “legal services,” according to the DNC’s FEC filings. Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP founding partner Roberta A. Kaplan represented E. Jean Carroll in her sexual assault and defamation suits against Trump. The New York Times previously reported that Reid Hoffman, the billionaire co-founder of LinkedIn, helped pay for Carroll’s lawsuits.

The DNC did not pay the firm for any services from its founding in 2017 until August of 2021. Carroll initiated her first lawsuit against Trump in 2019.

The firm states that it was founded to “build a law firm for the future rooted in principles of equity, integrity, and justice.” Partner Joshua Matz served as counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the first Trump impeachment trial. He was invited back to serve on the second impeachment trial, according to the firm’s website. The firm also touts “representing former U.S. District Court Judge John Gleeson as a court-appointed amicus in United States of America v. Michael T. Flynn.”

The DNC has also paid Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP several million dollars for “legal services” since 2021, according to FEC filings. ABC News previously reported the firm has “represented the DNC for a long time.” Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale And Dorr LLP has filed numerous Amicus briefs in the United States v. Donald Trump case, which concerns Trump’s potential criminal liability for actions related to the 2020 election and Jan. 6, and currently sits before the Supreme Court.

Several alumni from Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr have ended up with major roles in the Biden administration, including Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar. Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller is also a WilmerHale alumnus.

“There is now clear and explosive evidence that the Biden DNC is paying Democrat law firms to engage in in this unprecedented lawfare and election interference against President Trump,” Mike Davis, a legal adviser to Trump and the founder and president of the Article III Project, told the Caller.

In April, DNC spokesperson Alex Floyd stated that “the DNC does not spend a single penny of grassroots donors’ money on legal bills.”

Floyd’s statement came in response to the news that the DNC had been using donor money to pay for President Joe Biden’s legal bills during Special Counsel Robert Hur’s investigation of him.


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8efbdd No.21087415


He can be Pardoned now since He was charged by the U.S..no?

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c23f09 No.21087416


NOTES ~590


>>21086646 LIVE: Special coverage of Julian Assange plea deal in Saipan

>>21086724, >>21086802 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US securing his freedom

>>21086600, >>21087059 FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

>>21086608 Incident on world's largest cruise ship with small fire and temporary power loss

>>21086633 June 27 is the 178th day of the year which leaves 187 days remaining in the year on that day

>>21086636 PF: EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusdeparted Charlottesville, NC

>>21086651, >>21086668 Jack Smith admits FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents at MAL and took photos as 'evidence'

>>21086685, >>21086698 Greg Kelly is selling a pair of his Trump's Never Surrender golden High-Top Sneakers with bidding starting at $200k

>>21086689 GOP Michigan Rep. Neil Friske claims he was ‘framed’ after arrest for assaulting, chasing stripper with gun

>>21086726, >>21086758 Adam Schiff: But her emails…

>>21087077 Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home raided by FBI agents; feds target other locations

>>21087080 Large-scale power outages reported across Tel Aviv

>>21087144 Apple becomes first US tech giant charged under Europe’s new antitrust law - and faces billions in fines

>>21087165, >>21087174, >>21087184, >>21087205 Here's the full list of Biden's executive actions so far

>>21087187 Planned Parenthood to spend $40m to boost Biden, Democrats ahead of November

>>21087211 John Podesta was just told by an interviewer that he is known as one of the better "chefs" in DC

>>21087223, >>21087400, >>21087182, >>21087244, >>21087207 DJT: My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake!

>>21087247 Idaho 500,000 acres of farmland receives water shutdown

>>21087252 MTG on the release of Julian Assange

>>21087283 Mike Davis: “Merrick Garland’s Allies Are Above The Law And His Enemies Are Below The Law”

>>21087288 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s illegal student loan plan

>>21087295 Elon answers question by Tim Pool re: CNN Debate DMCA

>>21087339 Fire-alarm puller and jihad squad member Jamaal Bowman has LOST his primary race in NY

>>21087349 Manchin to start donating to Republicans

>>21087362 Flynn: Assange was a journalist jailed for breaking vitally important news about severe USG corruption

>>21087386 SOAA are extremely concerned by the terrorist threat facing the United States and have issued the following open letter


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8bf677 No.21087417

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Steve Bannon: “I Am 5000% SURE That Merrick Garland Is Gonna End Up In Prison”Garland has finally been exposed for the total criminal he is, he's running a Vast Criminal Conspiracy



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a172c0 No.21087418


Pence on the side of the war criminals. Expected.

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20ffad No.21087419


oldfag detected

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79806d No.21087420

File: 185efc501e506cb⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1170x2478,195:413,IMG_9851.jpeg)

File: 9aecd554e0b2d91⋯.png (1.36 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9850.png)


Carson took on Obama, to his face, with no apologies!

He’s tough and brilliant

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a31a66 No.21087421

How 'bout we bring Terra-Mar passports back?

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96cc18 No.21087422

it's not like the one who wrote the poem

pushed that egg off the wall.

maybe someone tried to warn the egg but the egg just kept deleting all the warnings wanting instead to be 'oh me so . . .'

'we so special'

but what were all the king's horses and all the kings men supposed to do?

when you ignore warnings from friendly people

because you want to ignore yourr own tribes depravity

you can't blame others when the heathens finally have their way with you.

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18a095 No.21087423


Worth repeating.

MSDNC pushes coordinated FAKE, FALSE, MISLEADING DISINFORMATION based on a biased [D] political viewpoint [controlled mouthpiece(s)].

Blue checkmarks then defend and attack [target] opposing viewpoints using slander, aggression, suppression, group-think, etc. [suppression tactics].

Non-blue checkmarks then defend and promote attacker(s) [blues] viewpoint(s) [leftwing 'cult'] to instill echo_chamber wall-to-wall amplified narrative for each designated subject.

Select [public discovery] topics are deemed and ranked in priority order [ranking determines use of assets [big-to-small]].

[How to herd the sheep (you) 101]

If you do not follow [remain in-line] with their political viewpoints you are deliberately made to feel in the minority [isolated] and inferior [using aggression-slander].

[If majority thinks x then x must be true _projected false reality _minority projected as majority using news _ social media platforms to spotlight designated viewpoints [the 'narrative']].

A public (person) that thinks for themselves [independent free-thought] is what they FEAR the most [loss of control].


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ce43d2 No.21087424

File: 264c7a40816b979⋯.png (225.9 KB,694x537,694:537,surg.PNG)


The surgeon general is trying bigly.. now declaring that gun violence is a public health crisis.

Just a week ago, he declared that social media needs warning labels

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201c95 No.21087425

File: 1180d1ab9369f37⋯.gif (865.76 KB,500x280,25:14,9058F15C_ABE8_4E48_994B_BF….gif)


Mebby you should stop power slammin’ those red bulls

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48e42d No.21087426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Kim Clement.


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ed9f84 No.21087427

File: db1f9366528dafe⋯.png (150.83 KB,470x280,47:28,adjq39.PNG)

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5ea302 No.21087429


That was just another dime a dozen reeeeeee that usually happens when facts contradict a set of faiths and convictions built on lies.

It's science. Google "Most Recent Common Ancestor".

You and I and everyone alive are of the same genetic lineage.

>you are definitely jewish

You're jewish by lineage, because jewish lineage lineage is everyone's lineage and everyone's lineage is everyone else's lineage.

You don't even know what you really mean when you write jew, do you.

When exactly, with which person, did "jews" begin, and why wasn't their parents jewish lineage?

The word you're using has no genetic meaning.

Truth is that there is no lineage that divides humanity.

We're all related to the same ancestral mother. Do your research, better than reeeeeing.


Muhjoo shill tactic, falsely attribute quote to an author, and falsely claim that the word jew is a smear.

You're genetically of the same lineage as everyone else.

What you're claiming to be dividing from humanity, is a projection of your own self-alienation.

None of you have provided better ideas. I mean, if what I said is so wrong, surely it would be easy to deboonk it.

But you won't, because you can't.


Say hi to your mother and father who are also of the same bloodline as jews and everyone else.

Your dna is objective.

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8e6bbf No.21087430


sounds very dasting

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a172c0 No.21087431


I believe so, but that won't stop certain elements who keep a grudge as they were exposed to the sunlight.

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ce43d2 No.21087432

File: 1e8972f934c5731⋯.png (350.23 KB,594x814,27:37,hs.PNG)


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸


HOLY SH*T: Special Counsel Jack Smith just admitted the FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents found at MAL and took photos for evidence.

This confirms my report from last month that the FBI doctored evidence to produce stunt photos of classified docs at MAL:


Rate proposed Community Notes

2:00 AM · Jun 25, 2024




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ed649d No.21087433


how come everyone seems to be related to the roths?

hitler stalin pee diddy assange etc etc

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fab89c No.21087434

File: a8d51c53b2b9af9⋯.png (2.42 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Julian Assange flew to freedom on same $40M private jet Taylor Swift chartered to Super Bowl

Where do the worlds of pop-superstardom and international espionage meet? Aboard a $40 million private jet at 41,000 feet, of course.

The jet WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange paid $500,000 to fly him from London to Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands on Monday is none other than the same plane Taylor Swift chartered when she famously rushed from a Japan concert to watch her boyfriend Travis Kelce win the Super Bowl in Las Vegas back in February, flight logs show.

Assange, 52, and Swift, 34, both hired the 2017 Bombardier Global 6000 executive jet with the tail number 9H-VTD from the flight company VistaJet, according to photos from their respective journeys.


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faff36 No.21087435

File: 4482ae73cca8c17⋯.png (233.3 KB,794x686,397:343,ClipboardImage.png)



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6e9882 No.21087436

File: ef6a19a0d708ea4⋯.png (95.58 KB,931x840,133:120,ClipboardImage.png)

Can Trump Jr be the VP?

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96cc18 No.21087437


why would we know.

it's just said that's true.

how could you prove it or not?

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781cd2 No.21087438

File: a1e2d776ae98955⋯.png (1.95 MB,1136x1136,1:1,a1e2d776ae989556c67e2e06d7….png)


down - boom

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67668c No.21087439


Dead, alive, no less venomous

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79806d No.21087440


He did this before debate to give Biden talking points

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fab89c No.21087441

File: 0c669c2131887ab⋯.png (564.12 KB,513x645,171:215,ClipboardImage.png)



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a172c0 No.21087442


23 & Me said so.

It's the new snopes

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ce43d2 No.21087443

File: 604809bd3b88316⋯.png (1.02 MB,1357x814,1357:814,bid.PNG)


Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security

'Self-loathing, anti-Americanism masquerading as ‘DEI,' a critic said about Kathleen Hicks' remarks

By Hannah Grossman Fox News

Published June 25, 2024 5:00am EDT

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201c95 No.21087444

File: 3d48ac6d99b79b2⋯.jpeg (220.44 KB,626x351,626:351,50416E5A_DB40_481A_9313_9….jpeg)


If I have to explain it to ya

You wouldn’t get either way

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986055 No.21087445

File: 3b7991c724c5836⋯.png (17.73 KB,474x317,474:317,ClipboardImage.png)



Something BIG is about to habben

The Q White Hat Storm Habbening will BIGLY affect one particular group. hint hint

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ed649d No.21087446


not my concern

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e87923 No.21087447

Is Resident Kamelface up yet? She needs to call Punchy about his shoe salesman. When you can't be smarter, be taller.

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4223ef No.21087448


If it was that and not the drugs, that's actually really lame.

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a31a66 No.21087449

File: b88c813bb65f53d⋯.webp (59.96 KB,595x600,119:120,hwnuwat9c0j21.webp)


So you got a tan. Now what? The world still turns…

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2730e5 No.21087450

File: 205b464d4a036f2⋯.gif (4.87 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,mtv_news_tunes_out.gif)

File: 27e6f4b73e9c2c9⋯.gif (6.1 KB,200x150,4:3,200w_1.gif)

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54722c No.21087451

File: a18a5d09b0e4cb5⋯.png (211.87 KB,594x371,594:371,ClipboardImage.png)


There is no such thing as gun violence.

There is criminals and irresponsible gun owners.

removing guns from citizens just puts criminals in control like the government.

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79806d No.21087452


He could but probably not a good idea.

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ce43d2 No.21087453

File: 45837042da79e03⋯.png (296.71 KB,590x667,590:667,ss.PNG)


RNC Research


HOST: "Have you been to the grocery store lately?"

YELLEN: "I sure have — I go every week."

HOST: "It's sticker shock, isn't it?"


(Grocery prices are up 20%+ since Biden took office)

2:26 AM · Jun 25, 2024




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8bf677 No.21087454

File: 833ec912db6c36a⋯.png (1.04 MB,1059x595,1059:595,ClipboardImage.png)

Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices

June 24, 2024 ADI Staff Reporter

Maricopa County Attorney Rachel Mitchell is not fooling around after a temporary elections worker was arrested for allegedly stealing a security fob and keys from the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC) last week.

Mitchell is not allowing bail for 27-year-old Walter Ringfield Jr., as he is on probation for a previous felony, according to sources.

Ringfield, who was arrested on Friday and booked into jail on counts of theft and criminal damage, filed a statement of interest as a Democrat for the US Senate race in Arizona on January 22, 2023.

According to Maricopa County officials, Ringfield stole the a security fob and keys on Thursday.

“Staff took immediate action to investigate the matter and contacted the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office,” said spokesperson, Jennifer Liewer, for the Elections Department.

The Elections Department falls under the control of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.

Ringfield’s alleged theft was captured by a surveillance camera.

According to sources, the fobs were re-programmed and the missing one was disabled. The County will be re-running Logic & Accuracy test due to the incident.



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a172c0 No.21087455


>The jet WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange paid $500,000 to fly him from London to Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands

RT reported that the Australian Govt stumped the cash and that JA has to pay it back!

<Pay it back!

These chumps did nothing for him all these years. They give money away to Neo Nazis by the billion, but 0.5mil? Oh no way buddy.

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40a1b0 No.21087456

Remember when Mike pence was a republican candidate against Trump and Mike Pompeo was doing some testing to enter the race against Trump

Remember Pompeo sudden weight loss


Anyways Just Remembering

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201c95 No.21087457

File: 2fc16e597398468⋯.jpeg (582.62 KB,779x870,779:870,0310AAA4_937B_40BB_BF28_D….jpeg)



Did you say something?

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c61ab7 No.21087458


>Rachel Mitchel

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79806d No.21087459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0e4ecc No.21087460


this is major news

excellent QR deep digg

deepstate is cowering in fear

did julian sit in the same seat?

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0e4ecc No.21087461

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398bd2 No.21087462


Isn't it odd…

That the place with the most Strict of Gun Laws

Has the Greatest amounts of "Gun Violence"

& The Places with the Most Armed Citizen population has the Fewest?

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18a095 No.21087463

File: 2e392a787572d42⋯.jpeg (116.25 KB,1062x829,1062:829,IMG_1708.jpeg)

File: a845a1a0bbb2014⋯.jpeg (21.32 KB,262x192,131:96,IMG_1343.jpeg)

Nothing but thieves.

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a31a66 No.21087464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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31dd04 No.21087465

File: 3891ee97e99a136⋯.png (740.88 KB,1282x800,641:400,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 22dd58a83b51284⋯.png (1.18 MB,1295x856,1295:856,ClipboardImage.png)


>the out of africa theory

>more recently proven to be wrong

>immediately goes into "muhjoo" mode

yep, you're jewish for sure

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ce43d2 No.21087466

File: 9bade7d6d8b24c4⋯.png (1.21 MB,1070x737,1070:737,kash.PNG)


KASH PATEL EXCLUSIVE: Speaker Paul Ryan and His Team Rigged Our Russiagate Investigation Before He Started It

by Kash Patel Jun. 24, 2024 7:30 am

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fb49b1 No.21087467

File: edb8fa3c037f8cc⋯.mp4 (10.09 MB,720x720,1:1,rfk_jr_picks_up_a_rattler_….mp4)


remidns me of this video

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238cc2 No.21087468

File: f0fd90355866b9c⋯.png (26.26 KB,400x400,1:1,f0fd90355866b9c3fa9efe66d1….png)

Anons winning bigly

Rent free

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986055 No.21087469


try listening to Bloodline whistleblowers like Jesse Czebotar. 3+ yrs interviews on ytube.

Bloodline families rule the World and they observe and test their spawn.

By age 4 or 5 their future position in the System is determined, and they are trained intensely from that age to fulfill their future role in the System.

They also hide their true lineage.

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79806d No.21087470

File: de1bda3feda507d⋯.jpeg (537.5 KB,1170x963,130:107,IMG_9852.jpeg)


Carson took on Obama right to his face!!!

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304d41 No.21087471

File: 9f11cfd7cf7deea⋯.mp4 (13.49 MB,640x360,16:9,HIq6TAWDdK1w2K2N.mp4)



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6e9882 No.21087472


who can you trust?

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40685c No.21087473

File: a1748edf082449b⋯.png (290.99 KB,932x1100,233:275,ClipboardImage.png)

My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake




Jun 25, 2024 at 17:38:36 MST

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521d82 No.21087474


i cannot understand faggot talk

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2bbe4a No.21087475

File: f7679a6bdf92680⋯.png (12.99 KB,563x114,563:114,ClipboardImage.png)


Will Assange make the Super Bowl look like a Puppy show?

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a5ed08 No.21087476

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6e9882 No.21087477

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ce43d2 No.21087478

File: 4ee77f89d18b97c⋯.png (169.47 KB,598x676,23:26,win.PNG)


General Mike Flynn


If the Armed Services want to meet their recruiting goals they need more of this camaraderie and esprit de corps and completely gut DEI and CRT out of any training programs currently in place. Focus on winning instead of diversity. The USMIL is already plenty diverse and effective in the rank and file. It is the leadership that requires a wire brushing.


Citizen Free Press




Navy women’s lacrosse team is going viral – and it's awesome.

'Courtesy of the red white and blue' by Toby Keith.

11:16 AM · Jun 25, 2024




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fab89c No.21087479


finally an arrest….

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96cc18 No.21087480


hopefully the innocents among them won't have to face too odious a situation.

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781cd2 No.21087481


can take bake top of next bread

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e54a19 No.21087482

File: 5a53912d4625c72⋯.png (99.1 KB,785x503,785:503,ClipboardImage.png)


blah blah blah

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0e4ecc No.21087483


Kameltoe spends most of her time on her knees at cock level, so elevator shoes not needed

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398bd2 No.21087484


Who knows where the bodies are buried?

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357f8e No.21087485


Marrying into royalty does that.

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304d41 No.21087486


> saddle working Americans with half-a-trillion dollars in other people's debt.

But Israel and Ukraine get blank checks

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c23f09 No.21087487


NOTES ~660


>>21086646 LIVE: Coverage of Julian Assange plea deal in Saipan

>>21086724, >>21086802 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US securing his freedom

>>21087252 MTG on the release of Julian Assange

>>21087362 Flynn: Assange was a journalist jailed for breaking vitally important news about severe USG corruption

>>21087434, >>21087441 Julian Assange flew to freedom on same $40M private jet Taylor Swift chartered to Super Bowl

>>21086600, >>21087059 FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

>>21086608 Incident on world's largest cruise ship with small fire and temporary power loss

>>21086633 June 27 is the 178th day of the year which leaves 187 days remaining in the year on that day

>>21086636 PF: EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusdeparted Charlottesville, NC

>>21086651, >>21086668 Jack Smith admits FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents at MAL and took photos as 'evidence'

>>21086685, >>21086698 Greg Kelly is selling a pair of his Trump's Never Surrender golden High-Top Sneakers with bidding starting at $200k

>>21086689 GOP Michigan Rep. Neil Friske claims he was ‘framed’ after arrest for assaulting, chasing stripper with gun

>>21086726, >>21086758 Adam Schiff: But her emails…

>>21087077 Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home raided by FBI agents; feds target other locations

>>21087080 Large-scale power outages reported across Tel Aviv

>>21087144 Apple becomes first US tech giant charged under Europe’s new antitrust law - and faces billions in fines

>>21087165, >>21087174, >>21087184, >>21087205 Here's the full list of Biden's executive actions so far

>>21087187 Planned Parenthood to spend $40m to boost Biden, Democrats ahead of November

>>21087211 John Podesta was just told by an interviewer that he is known as one of the better "chefs" in DC

>>21087247 Idaho 500,000 acres of farmland receives water shutdown

>>21087283, >>21087417 Mike Davis: “Merrick Garland’s Allies Are Above The Law And His Enemies Are Below The Law”

>>21087288 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s illegal student loan plan

>>21087295 Elon answers question by Tim Pool re: CNN Debate DMCA

>>21087339 Fire-alarm puller and jihad squad member Jamaal Bowman has LOST his primary race in NY

>>21087349 Manchin to start donating to Republicans

>>21087386 SOAA are extremely concerned by the terrorist threat facing the United States and have issued the following open letter

>>21087400, >>21087182, >>21087244 DJT: My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake!

>>21087413 DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind 'Unprecedented Lawfare' Campaign Against Trump

>>21087443 Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security

>>21087453 Yellen be like

>>21087454 Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices


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5e2d4f No.21087488



The Stones are hard to shelve. Yes their songs are manipulative, programming, and normalizing. It all worked so well. I heard Gimme Shelter at a restaurant where families were eating with 🎶 raaaape murder 🎶 was playing in the background and I'm pretty sure nobody gave even a thought……Damn catchy tunes.

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4223ef No.21087489

File: ed4f08b1aaea44d⋯.jpg (95.45 KB,1081x811,1081:811,1629317151907.jpg)

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79806d No.21087490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ben Carson is the only one I trust to do what is right to save this country

Listen to this speech

He is amazing

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dc2fe7 No.21087491


WWE does it better.

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c23f09 No.21087492


you got login cred? board is setup where you need one to bake right now.

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18a095 No.21087493

File: 72912c3520297d2⋯.webp (323.36 KB,1200x1200,1:1,IMG_1709.webp)


Oooooooo spooky

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96cc18 No.21087494


and they hunger games the unsuitable one, sacrificing them, is what I've ascertained.

but I really can't prove it.

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781cd2 No.21087495


this i do

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8bf677 No.21087496

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannon Calls Out The Globalists’ Crimes Against The American People

NO WAY, Madcow said we just had the best year of job creation under Bidan, in the 21st Century! the liars, lie, and lie all the time and the Media liars, repeat the lies and lies all the time. This is fucking CRAZY and Desperate

(My first person to be arrested and sent to Gitmo used to be Pelosi, and Schitt, but now it will always remain Madcow, she/he is more evil then most of them)



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09666c No.21087497

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1c0f5a No.21087498


wouldnt a good morning…. GM be far funnier… epic trolling

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394e75 No.21087499

File: b975b12e77fd24f⋯.jpg (189.46 KB,500x667,500:667,WWG1WGA_rock.jpg)

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5ea302 No.21087500

File: 4f6ad853bd43a6c⋯.png (147.74 KB,901x753,901:753,ClipboardImage.png)


You can assign any reference variable name to any anon you want any time you want. It has no bearing on the truth that we are all genetically descended from the same ancestors.

muhjoo shilling is like a person in the bottom row, believing themselves divided from another person in the bottom row, using nothing but an act of assigning a reference variable name to them, and then claiming that there is something wrong with that person's bloodline.

The accuser's own bloodline is the same bloodline as the accused.

You're not anti-science are you?

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79806d No.21087501


seriously, Anons

tAke the time to listen to this man’s speech

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a935b9 No.21087502

File: fab9f5d16cbbb2e⋯.jpg (69.62 KB,620x413,620:413,fab9f5d16cbbb2eaf60a521003….jpg)




The boy knows how to shiptoast.

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c57948 No.21087503


ahh, one of the usual nignog suspects:



















>Flash mobs

>Party goers


>Bank juggers

>Church goers

>Young fathers

>Scooter riders


>Jobless losers

>Gifted athletes

>Gang members

>Multiple youths

>Trouble makers

>Absent fathers

>The defendants

>Bus passengers

>Aspiring rappers

>Masked robbers

>Uninvited guests

>Subway dancers

>Outside agitators

>Repeat offenders

>Lifelong criminals

>Suspected rapists

>Masked assailants

>Shirtless strangers

>Lunchtime rowdies

>Persons of interest

>Cold hearted teens

>Restaurant patrons

>Former NFL players

>Community activists

>Unhappy customers

>Black Friday crowds

>Troubled young men

>High school students

>Spring break partiers

>Neighborhood bullies

>Pot-puffing hooligans

>Scholarship recipients

>Justice impacted youths

>Knife-wielding assailants

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40a1b0 No.21087504


>>Another Snowden coming

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4e5509 No.21087505


can take this one to the top if other bakeranon doesn't


current baker doesn't have creds, you good to take the bake now?

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986055 No.21087506


depends on whether they align themselves with the guilty, like they do here

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c23f09 No.21087507

File: 382fcfffecffd0a⋯.png (1.61 MB,736x869,736:869,ClipboardImage.png)


ok i need you to bake my notes soon i will post. set up bake. title will be Snek By The Tail Edition with picrel as dough image.

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79806d No.21087508



But Carson did it first

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09666c No.21087509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Kendrick Lamar

14.8M subscribers

1 month ago

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fb49b1 No.21087510

File: a45abb65cd25fcd⋯.png (641 KB,884x675,884:675,it_s_all_true_simpsons_its.png)


>See you then!

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781cd2 No.21087511


now sure

got updated dough or?

from scratch?

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c23f09 No.21087512



>>21086646 LIVE: Coverage of Julian Assange plea deal in Saipan

>>21086724, >>21086802 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US securing his freedom

>>21087252 MTG on the release of Julian Assange

>>21087362 Flynn: Assange was a journalist jailed for breaking vitally important news about severe USG corruption

>>21087434, >>21087441 Julian Assange flew to freedom on same $40M private jet Taylor Swift chartered to Super Bowl

>>21086600, >>21087059 FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

>>21086608 Incident on world's largest cruise ship with small fire and temporary power loss

>>21086633 June 27 is the 178th day of the year which leaves 187 days remaining in the year on that day

>>21086636 PF: EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusdeparted Charlottesville, NC

>>21086651, >>21086668 Jack Smith admits FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents at MAL and took photos as 'evidence'

>>21086685, >>21086698 Greg Kelly is selling a pair of his Trump's Never Surrender golden High-Top Sneakers with bidding starting at $200k

>>21086689 GOP Michigan Rep. Neil Friske claims he was ‘framed’ after arrest for assaulting, chasing stripper with gun

>>21086726, >>21086758 Adam Schiff: But her emails…

>>21087077 Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home raided by FBI agents; feds target other locations

>>21087080 Large-scale power outages reported across Tel Aviv

>>21087144 Apple becomes first US tech giant charged under Europe’s new antitrust law - and faces billions in fines

>>21087165, >>21087174, >>21087184, >>21087205 Here's the full list of Biden's executive actions so far

>>21087187 Planned Parenthood to spend $40m to boost Biden, Democrats ahead of November

>>21087211 John Podesta was just told by an interviewer that he is known as one of the better "chefs" in DC

>>21087247 Idaho 500,000 acres of farmland receives water shutdown

>>21087283, >>21087417 Mike Davis: “Merrick Garland’s Allies Are Above The Law And His Enemies Are Below The Law”

>>21087288 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s illegal student loan plan

>>21087295 Elon answers question by Tim Pool re: CNN Debate DMCA

>>21087339 Fire-alarm puller and jihad squad member Jamaal Bowman has LOST his primary race in NY

>>21087349 Manchin to start donating to Republicans

>>21087386 SOAA are extremely concerned by the terrorist threat facing the United States and have issued the following open letter

>>21087400, >>21087182, >>21087244 DJT: My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake!

>>21087413 DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind 'Unprecedented Lawfare' Campaign Against Trump

>>21087443 Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security

>>21087453 Yellen be like

>>21087454 Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices


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96cc18 No.21087513

here is an idea: the surprise VP candidate could be Donald Trump, himself. And then Trump is could have Ben be the Presidential candidate. With Trump ase VP then

we'll get another 12 years of MAGA because after 8 years of Ben we can have another 4 of Donald.

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201c95 No.21087514


She won’t be around much longer

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398bd2 No.21087515

Bird Flu Spreading WW

We need a Ban on Chickens & Cows Traveling by plane to Flatten the Curve

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fb49b1 No.21087516

File: 22d0b3fb1eaa970⋯.jpg (104.17 KB,500x500,1:1,melting_pot.jpg)


You need to add

>Democrat Hopeful

to the list though

It belongs there


>Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices

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54722c No.21087517


hope it is baron.

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c23f09 No.21087518


maybe you bake it. i posted final notes


and bread name and dough image.


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e54a19 No.21087519


Are you sure it's not a daughter?

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9370ef No.21087520

File: 14dc22790305f93⋯.png (3.35 MB,1246x938,89:67,capture_017_01112022_02024….png)

File: d6b73863e52c948⋯.jpg (278.4 KB,1300x1390,130:139,InQTel_Scrubbed_from_Gener….jpg)

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8bf677 No.21087521


They are lying because of the debates. It's a BALD FACED LIE, Bidan has nothing compared to Trump. Must listen to this, because Rachel Madcow has all those sympathetic democrats listening to her. NOW they are nervous and they know they have to tell a BALD FACED LIE!

This is even more evil that HRC's attack on Trump.

Madcow is feeding you a psyop, they are all nervous

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a935b9 No.21087522


>hope it is baron.

Baron won't be old enough for another 4 terms.

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721304 No.21087523


Trump will be 90 in 12 years

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5e2d4f No.21087524

File: 5b05e6a355a4a57⋯.png (93.71 KB,666x374,333:187,Screenshot_20240624_234851….png)

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986055 No.21087525

File: 13de887a27ffcfe⋯.png (46.67 KB,422x637,422:637,ClipboardImage.png)


So you're sayaing that all Jews today are actually Christians because "we're all the same"

Darwin was a Fraud.

Over a century later, STILL no "Missing Link" found.

By your shekelshilling false logic, that means you and all Jews are Black because all people came out of Africa.

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96cc18 No.21087526


and then his second term will be over. what's the prob?

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ce494a No.21087527

File: f6d72ef2367b8ab⋯.jpg (142.74 KB,500x707,500:707,memes_all_stolen.jpg)

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e04885 No.21087528

"They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | Dr. Steven Greer | PBD #429

Premiered Jun 24, 2024

Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David, and you won't want to miss it! This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more. Tune in for an unforgettable discussion!


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9370ef No.21087529

File: 880c6e1c8be5958⋯.png (3.05 MB,720x1478,360:739,BLITZER_LEAKS_OF_HIGHLY_CL….png)

File: c1d03de1ad141a1⋯.jpg (65.46 KB,640x360,16:9,RichardsonBlitzerNK.jpg)

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394e75 No.21087530

File: 5e8207a92304983⋯.jpg (21.21 KB,255x191,255:191,Getting_Stronger.jpg)

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d5b476 No.21087531

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6276b8 No.21087532


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4e5509 No.21087533


will do

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fb49b1 No.21087534

File: 72a9f241ed44236⋯.png (1.03 MB,1324x1381,1324:1381,clones_elijah_wood_snowden….png)


>How many Snowdens exist out there

Godo question

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4e5509 No.21087535


#25849 >>21086544

>>21086646 LIVE: Coverage of Julian Assange plea deal in Saipan

>>21086724, >>21086802 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US securing his freedom

>>21087252 MTG on the release of Julian Assange

>>21087362 Flynn: Assange was a journalist jailed for breaking vitally important news about severe USG corruption

>>21087434, >>21087441 Julian Assange flew to freedom on same $40M private jet Taylor Swift chartered to Super Bowl

>>21086600, >>21087059 FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

>>21086608 Incident on world's largest cruise ship with small fire and temporary power loss

>>21086633 June 27 is the 178th day of the year which leaves 187 days remaining in the year on that day

>>21086636 PF: EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusdeparted Charlottesville, NC

>>21086651, >>21086668 Jack Smith admits FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents at MAL and took photos as 'evidence'

>>21086685, >>21086698 Greg Kelly is selling a pair of his Trump's Never Surrender golden High-Top Sneakers with bidding starting at $200k

>>21086689 GOP Michigan Rep. Neil Friske claims he was ‘framed’ after arrest for assaulting, chasing stripper with gun

>>21086726, >>21086758 Adam Schiff: But her emails…

>>21087077 Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home raided by FBI agents; feds target other locations

>>21087080 Large-scale power outages reported across Tel Aviv

>>21087144 Apple becomes first US tech giant charged under Europe’s new antitrust law - and faces billions in fines

>>21087165, >>21087174, >>21087184, >>21087205 Here's the full list of Biden's executive actions so far

>>21087187 Planned Parenthood to spend $40m to boost Biden, Democrats ahead of November

>>21087211 John Podesta was just told by an interviewer that he is known as one of the better "chefs" in DC

>>21087247 Idaho 500,000 acres of farmland receives water shutdown

>>21087283, >>21087417 Mike Davis: “Merrick Garland’s Allies Are Above The Law And His Enemies Are Below The Law”

>>21087288 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s illegal student loan plan

>>21087295 Elon answers question by Tim Pool re: CNN Debate DMCA

>>21087339 Fire-alarm puller and jihad squad member Jamaal Bowman has LOST his primary race in NY

>>21087349 Manchin to start donating to Republicans

>>21087386 SOAA are extremely concerned by the terrorist threat facing the United States and have issued the following open letter

>>21087400, >>21087182, >>21087244 DJT: My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake!

>>21087413 DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind 'Unprecedented Lawfare' Campaign Against Trump

>>21087443 Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security

>>21087453 Yellen be like

>>21087454 Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices



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781cd2 No.21087536



ok baker

will take bake at top of new bread

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9370ef No.21087537

File: 92cf7b020e3015e⋯.jpg (786.73 KB,992x1200,62:75,Clara_Bow_third_from_left_….jpg)

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4e5509 No.21087538

added not endorsements bit for the archiver

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54722c No.21087539


well anon learns something new everyday.


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721304 No.21087540


you sound retarded

if Trump can't get it done in his 3rd 4 year term 2024-2028, then i suppose we have all been wasting our time here

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31dd04 No.21087541

File: 459a93b597c63d9⋯.png (63.73 KB,754x723,754:723,ClipboardImage.png)


to think or even suggest every single human on the planet came from two people, with their multitude of differences in genetic makeup originated from the same 2 people is not only asinine but incredibly naive and just plain fucking stupid

as new evidence keeps being found, by that same science you talk about, that disproves the out of africa theory, you still keep regurgitating it out of some old-think mentality and kumbaya politically correct faux virtue you believe you have

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06f9ca No.21087542


>It's Been 6 Years Since Greta Thunberg Warned We Have 5 Years to Stop the Extinction of Humanity

Free range chickens are not social distancing.

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96cc18 No.21087543


how can you hear me?


the method you use marks you and thus I must filter you now.

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394e75 No.21087544


>Baron won't be old enough for another 4 terms.

No but after Don Jr's 8 years he will be

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fb49b1 No.21087545

File: 72a9f241ed44236⋯.png (1.03 MB,1324x1381,1324:1381,clones_elijah_wood_snowden….png)

>>21087395 pb

>How many Snowdens exist out there

Godo question

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c23f09 No.21087548





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e87923 No.21087549

Do you prefer fat Okrah or skinny Okrah?

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9370ef No.21087551

File: 0428930bbd5e758⋯.png (4.9 MB,1461x1171,1461:1171,1933_Clara_Bow_is_in_the_f….png)

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721304 No.21087552


i sorry not part of your cult

i love Trump, but would not wish on him having to sit in the white house in his late 80's

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781cd2 No.21087554


corn firm

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9370ef No.21087555

File: 954356e8c63c67b⋯.png (2.94 MB,1195x857,1195:857,capture_019_27022020_16381….png)

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4e5509 No.21087557

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18a095 No.21087558

File: d86888dc2c7a55f⋯.jpeg (254.09 KB,949x534,949:534,IMG_1711.jpeg)

Call in the hogs

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986055 No.21087559

File: e22b7f301e1a988⋯.png (247.1 KB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


the "expendable ones" as per Cisco Wheeler.

She is the generation before Jesse Czebotar.

Cisco Wheeler is also high level Bloodline. Her excellent book "How to create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave."

Her father was in charge of the MK Ultra program at a huge underground base under a Military Base.

She was trained to teach other trainers in the MK Ultra training.

Her book reveals what they do to children, most die from it. Some chapters are hard to read.

Jesse Czebotar said that their mind control technology has advanced a lot since then.

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d5b476 No.21087560


>United Sovereign Americans files federal lawsuit alleging Pennsylvania violated voting laws


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9370ef No.21087561

File: 2976cc4e0f28c25⋯.png (1.52 MB,1100x1500,11:15,pilgrim_society_fauci.png)

File: e6aa6c56884bfe3⋯.png (1.22 MB,1370x769,1370:769,gates_fauci_soros_walters_….png)

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18a095 No.21087562


Pigs will eat anything

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fb49b1 No.21087563

Youchoob pushing this video to the front page.


But the problem is not that those headlines were singing from the Dem songsheet in unison, but that they "went away"


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18a095 No.21087566

Anyone who counts with you as you meditate is probably a bad actor.

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781cd2 No.21087569

File: 8e7b2c70f909497⋯.png (2.27 MB,875x1127,125:161,8e7b2c70f909497e01627ce96a….png)

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3f86d0 No.21087571

tarded ass nigguh builds a website for too many images to buffer overflow yer rams and hacks ya fredrick bensen da nigger coder hacker this place sucks ram by the terabyte

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31dd04 No.21087573

File: 6f854df83d77d7f⋯.png (194.95 KB,809x725,809:725,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ac22c20acc65ca⋯.png (71.73 KB,792x529,792:529,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 450c01d16761f1e⋯.png (104.06 KB,785x660,157:132,ClipboardImage.png)


>bUt rAcE iS a SoCiAl CoNsTrUcT

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96cc18 No.21087574


I read a book called The Devil Tree by

Kosinki and it's fiction but it's informative.

some say he didn't really write it.

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8bf677 No.21087578

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BOMBSHELL: Maricopa County Hides Voting Security Risks On Election Day. It's all coming out. They have been caught



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9370ef No.21087579

File: b78a877188c16fe⋯.png (2.05 MB,819x872,819:872,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 994d668b20188de⋯.png (1.78 MB,1038x597,346:199,Is_Ruddy_Comped.png)

File: 802bb04d956ab4e⋯.png (2.33 MB,821x990,821:990,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: a8bb82333040aa3⋯.png (2.34 MB,829x986,829:986,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 88de994607ef682⋯.png (1.77 MB,869x710,869:710,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

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06f9ca No.21087580

File: 96ee4b3de035038⋯.png (355.05 KB,848x778,424:389,ClipboardImage.png)


fits with this

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5a17be No.21087581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


just got to find your way

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377911 No.21087583


Imagine if everyone else was dead and you had all the freedom to do what you wanted in the world but the internet was up and running, including ghosts who you could ask for assistance in researching things but also the ghosts were in various places arguing about which form of faggotry is best… the internet would be amazing and you would forget the ghosts were arguing because you'd never bother with that shit. That's kinda how it is but faggots are mandating lockdowns and shit

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9370ef No.21087586

File: 799a6800af23b14⋯.jpeg (270.7 KB,1200x603,400:201,eb408f3e2c68ef363021f1c26….jpeg)

File: cc7789b8b7f28b1⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2550x2970,85:99,1477180096633.jpg)

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9370ef No.21087589

File: 444a4c1ef1348ee⋯.png (1.19 MB,662x629,662:629,capture_222_01062018_18220….png)

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5a17be No.21087593


Carson should 've took a chair and went double live gonzo on 'em both with a side of super grover

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b67a1b No.21087595

File: 008bdba9eaf75e9⋯.gif (159.29 KB,480x480,1:1,008bdba9eaf75e93b0f1cc66aa….gif)

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5a17be No.21087596


Rookie numbers

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4e5509 No.21087597

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