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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

4e5509 No.21086536 [View All]

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701 posts and 402 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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986055 No.21087525

File: 13de887a27ffcfe⋯.png (46.67 KB,422x637,422:637,ClipboardImage.png)


So you're sayaing that all Jews today are actually Christians because "we're all the same"

Darwin was a Fraud.

Over a century later, STILL no "Missing Link" found.

By your shekelshilling false logic, that means you and all Jews are Black because all people came out of Africa.

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96cc18 No.21087526


and then his second term will be over. what's the prob?

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ce494a No.21087527

File: f6d72ef2367b8ab⋯.jpg (142.74 KB,500x707,500:707,memes_all_stolen.jpg)

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e04885 No.21087528

"They'll Erase You" - Super Elites, Invention Secrecy Act, Tesla, UFOs | Dr. Steven Greer | PBD #429

Premiered Jun 24, 2024

Dr. Steven Greer returns for a second sit-down with Patrick Bet-David, and you won't want to miss it! This episode of the PBD podcast features one of the wildest conversations yet, covering government conspiracies, whistleblowers, aliens, secret patents, teleportation, Nikola Tesla, and more. Tune in for an unforgettable discussion!


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9370ef No.21087529

File: 880c6e1c8be5958⋯.png (3.05 MB,720x1478,360:739,BLITZER_LEAKS_OF_HIGHLY_CL….png)

File: c1d03de1ad141a1⋯.jpg (65.46 KB,640x360,16:9,RichardsonBlitzerNK.jpg)

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394e75 No.21087530

File: 5e8207a92304983⋯.jpg (21.21 KB,255x191,255:191,Getting_Stronger.jpg)

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d5b476 No.21087531

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6276b8 No.21087532


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4e5509 No.21087533


will do

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fb49b1 No.21087534

File: 72a9f241ed44236⋯.png (1.03 MB,1324x1381,1324:1381,clones_elijah_wood_snowden….png)


>How many Snowdens exist out there

Godo question

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4e5509 No.21087535


#25849 >>21086544

>>21086646 LIVE: Coverage of Julian Assange plea deal in Saipan

>>21086724, >>21086802 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleads guilty in deal with US securing his freedom

>>21087252 MTG on the release of Julian Assange

>>21087362 Flynn: Assange was a journalist jailed for breaking vitally important news about severe USG corruption

>>21087434, >>21087441 Julian Assange flew to freedom on same $40M private jet Taylor Swift chartered to Super Bowl

>>21086600, >>21087059 FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Its Involvement w/ OKC Bombing

>>21086608 Incident on world's largest cruise ship with small fire and temporary power loss

>>21086633 June 27 is the 178th day of the year which leaves 187 days remaining in the year on that day

>>21086636 PF: EXEC1F C32AFlauxtusdeparted Charlottesville, NC

>>21086651, >>21086668 Jack Smith admits FBI added cover sheets to alleged classified documents at MAL and took photos as 'evidence'

>>21086685, >>21086698 Greg Kelly is selling a pair of his Trump's Never Surrender golden High-Top Sneakers with bidding starting at $200k

>>21086689 GOP Michigan Rep. Neil Friske claims he was ‘framed’ after arrest for assaulting, chasing stripper with gun

>>21086726, >>21086758 Adam Schiff: But her emails…

>>21087077 Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao's home raided by FBI agents; feds target other locations

>>21087080 Large-scale power outages reported across Tel Aviv

>>21087144 Apple becomes first US tech giant charged under Europe’s new antitrust law - and faces billions in fines

>>21087165, >>21087174, >>21087184, >>21087205 Here's the full list of Biden's executive actions so far

>>21087187 Planned Parenthood to spend $40m to boost Biden, Democrats ahead of November

>>21087211 John Podesta was just told by an interviewer that he is known as one of the better "chefs" in DC

>>21087247 Idaho 500,000 acres of farmland receives water shutdown

>>21087283, >>21087417 Mike Davis: “Merrick Garland’s Allies Are Above The Law And His Enemies Are Below The Law”

>>21087288 Attorney General Andrew Bailey: The Court has granted our motion to BLOCK Joe Biden’s illegal student loan plan

>>21087295 Elon answers question by Tim Pool re: CNN Debate DMCA

>>21087339 Fire-alarm puller and jihad squad member Jamaal Bowman has LOST his primary race in NY

>>21087349 Manchin to start donating to Republicans

>>21087386 SOAA are extremely concerned by the terrorist threat facing the United States and have issued the following open letter

>>21087400, >>21087182, >>21087244 DJT: My son, Don, has absolutely NO FEAR - Not even of a vicious rattlesnake!

>>21087413 DNC Sent Millions To Law Firms Behind 'Unprecedented Lawfare' Campaign Against Trump

>>21087443 Biden senior Pentagon official claims policies focused on nonbinary identities essential for national security

>>21087453 Yellen be like

>>21087454 Democrat Hopeful For US Senate Arrested For Stealing Maricopa County Elections Security Devices



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781cd2 No.21087536



ok baker

will take bake at top of new bread

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9370ef No.21087537

File: 92cf7b020e3015e⋯.jpg (786.73 KB,992x1200,62:75,Clara_Bow_third_from_left_….jpg)

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4e5509 No.21087538

added not endorsements bit for the archiver

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54722c No.21087539


well anon learns something new everyday.


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721304 No.21087540


you sound retarded

if Trump can't get it done in his 3rd 4 year term 2024-2028, then i suppose we have all been wasting our time here

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31dd04 No.21087541

File: 459a93b597c63d9⋯.png (63.73 KB,754x723,754:723,ClipboardImage.png)


to think or even suggest every single human on the planet came from two people, with their multitude of differences in genetic makeup originated from the same 2 people is not only asinine but incredibly naive and just plain fucking stupid

as new evidence keeps being found, by that same science you talk about, that disproves the out of africa theory, you still keep regurgitating it out of some old-think mentality and kumbaya politically correct faux virtue you believe you have

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06f9ca No.21087542


>It's Been 6 Years Since Greta Thunberg Warned We Have 5 Years to Stop the Extinction of Humanity

Free range chickens are not social distancing.

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96cc18 No.21087543


how can you hear me?


the method you use marks you and thus I must filter you now.

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394e75 No.21087544


>Baron won't be old enough for another 4 terms.

No but after Don Jr's 8 years he will be

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fb49b1 No.21087545

File: 72a9f241ed44236⋯.png (1.03 MB,1324x1381,1324:1381,clones_elijah_wood_snowden….png)

>>21087395 pb

>How many Snowdens exist out there

Godo question

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c23f09 No.21087548





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e87923 No.21087549

Do you prefer fat Okrah or skinny Okrah?

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9370ef No.21087551

File: 0428930bbd5e758⋯.png (4.9 MB,1461x1171,1461:1171,1933_Clara_Bow_is_in_the_f….png)

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721304 No.21087552


i sorry not part of your cult

i love Trump, but would not wish on him having to sit in the white house in his late 80's

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781cd2 No.21087554


corn firm

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9370ef No.21087555

File: 954356e8c63c67b⋯.png (2.94 MB,1195x857,1195:857,capture_019_27022020_16381….png)

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4e5509 No.21087557

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18a095 No.21087558

File: d86888dc2c7a55f⋯.jpeg (254.09 KB,949x534,949:534,IMG_1711.jpeg)

Call in the hogs

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986055 No.21087559

File: e22b7f301e1a988⋯.png (247.1 KB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


the "expendable ones" as per Cisco Wheeler.

She is the generation before Jesse Czebotar.

Cisco Wheeler is also high level Bloodline. Her excellent book "How to create an Undetectable Mind Controlled Slave."

Her father was in charge of the MK Ultra program at a huge underground base under a Military Base.

She was trained to teach other trainers in the MK Ultra training.

Her book reveals what they do to children, most die from it. Some chapters are hard to read.

Jesse Czebotar said that their mind control technology has advanced a lot since then.

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d5b476 No.21087560


>United Sovereign Americans files federal lawsuit alleging Pennsylvania violated voting laws


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9370ef No.21087561

File: 2976cc4e0f28c25⋯.png (1.52 MB,1100x1500,11:15,pilgrim_society_fauci.png)

File: e6aa6c56884bfe3⋯.png (1.22 MB,1370x769,1370:769,gates_fauci_soros_walters_….png)

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18a095 No.21087562


Pigs will eat anything

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fb49b1 No.21087563

Youchoob pushing this video to the front page.


But the problem is not that those headlines were singing from the Dem songsheet in unison, but that they "went away"


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18a095 No.21087566

Anyone who counts with you as you meditate is probably a bad actor.

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781cd2 No.21087569

File: 8e7b2c70f909497⋯.png (2.27 MB,875x1127,125:161,8e7b2c70f909497e01627ce96a….png)

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3f86d0 No.21087571

tarded ass nigguh builds a website for too many images to buffer overflow yer rams and hacks ya fredrick bensen da nigger coder hacker this place sucks ram by the terabyte

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31dd04 No.21087573

File: 6f854df83d77d7f⋯.png (194.95 KB,809x725,809:725,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ac22c20acc65ca⋯.png (71.73 KB,792x529,792:529,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 450c01d16761f1e⋯.png (104.06 KB,785x660,157:132,ClipboardImage.png)


>bUt rAcE iS a SoCiAl CoNsTrUcT

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96cc18 No.21087574


I read a book called The Devil Tree by

Kosinki and it's fiction but it's informative.

some say he didn't really write it.

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8bf677 No.21087578

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BOMBSHELL: Maricopa County Hides Voting Security Risks On Election Day. It's all coming out. They have been caught



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9370ef No.21087579

File: b78a877188c16fe⋯.png (2.05 MB,819x872,819:872,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 994d668b20188de⋯.png (1.78 MB,1038x597,346:199,Is_Ruddy_Comped.png)

File: 802bb04d956ab4e⋯.png (2.33 MB,821x990,821:990,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: a8bb82333040aa3⋯.png (2.34 MB,829x986,829:986,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

File: 88de994607ef682⋯.png (1.77 MB,869x710,869:710,_Anonymous_You_17_minutes_….png)

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06f9ca No.21087580

File: 96ee4b3de035038⋯.png (355.05 KB,848x778,424:389,ClipboardImage.png)


fits with this

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5a17be No.21087581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


just got to find your way

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377911 No.21087583


Imagine if everyone else was dead and you had all the freedom to do what you wanted in the world but the internet was up and running, including ghosts who you could ask for assistance in researching things but also the ghosts were in various places arguing about which form of faggotry is best… the internet would be amazing and you would forget the ghosts were arguing because you'd never bother with that shit. That's kinda how it is but faggots are mandating lockdowns and shit

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9370ef No.21087586

File: 799a6800af23b14⋯.jpeg (270.7 KB,1200x603,400:201,eb408f3e2c68ef363021f1c26….jpeg)

File: cc7789b8b7f28b1⋯.jpg (1.47 MB,2550x2970,85:99,1477180096633.jpg)

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9370ef No.21087589

File: 444a4c1ef1348ee⋯.png (1.19 MB,662x629,662:629,capture_222_01062018_18220….png)

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5a17be No.21087593


Carson should 've took a chair and went double live gonzo on 'em both with a side of super grover

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b67a1b No.21087595

File: 008bdba9eaf75e9⋯.gif (159.29 KB,480x480,1:1,008bdba9eaf75e93b0f1cc66aa….gif)

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5a17be No.21087596


Rookie numbers

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4e5509 No.21087597

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