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File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,iwoqr11.jpeg)

94b166 No.21049053 [Last50 Posts]

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94b166 No.21049057

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25808 >>21048176


>>21048196 3rd Marine Division: " Our #Marines rehearse proper weapons handling ptechniques during Korea Viper 24.2

>>21048241, >>21048252, >>21048361 PDJT @TS

>>21048251 Sciffty: I’ll always stand up for our hardworking brothers and sisters in labor

>>21048338 Philip Morris suspends nationwide sales on Zyn online after D.C. subpoena

>>21048430 Pelosi, McCaul-Led US Congressional Delegation Meet Dalai Lama, Hold Rituals With Oracle Nechung

>>21048533 Bun of CoreysDigs: University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America

>>21048657 Spike protein and amyloid aggregates found in recipients of mRNA transfusions

>>21048848 ICE Non-Detained Docket on Pace to Hit 8 million Active Cases This Year

>>21048861 DailyMail: Biden should REPLACE Kamala Harris on the ballot with Hillary Clinton, Washington Post columnist claims

>>21048866 Rand Paul, GOP Senators Put Fauci Ally on Hot Seat During COVID Origins Hearing

>>21048876 Today a bipartisan group of Senators led by @JohnCornyn and @MarkWarner asked the Federal CIO Clare Martorana to explain how she has fulfilled her responsibilities on classification reform

>>21048881 CBS: Misleading video clips of President Biden watching a skydiving demonstration at the G7 summit in Italy went viral last week, prompting the White House to say Biden is victim to a simpler version of "deepfakes."

Baker pick up

>>21048992 Allison Huynh, a former Obama fundraiser who helped raise millions for his 2008 presidential campaign, said she is fed up with Joe Biden and will support Donald Trump…

>>21049023 #25808

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94b166 No.21049059

#25807 >>21047306

>>21047406, >>21047459, >>21047492 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators


>>21047540 Australian Premier Creates Ministry In Charge Of 'Changing Men's Behavior'

>>21047419 POTUS Truth

>>21047560, >>21047693, >>21047702, >>21047703, >>21047711 Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

>>21047598 City of Seattle Now Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Become Police Officers

>>21047663 Russia names main condition for BRICS membership

>>21047737 NYPD ‘super rookie’ awarded Medal of Honor for gunning down career criminal cop killer

>>21047758 Richard Boyle appeal fails. Another deep blow for whistlebower protections.

>>21047828 We are approaching 200,000 Chinese Illegals under Biden

>>21047905 audit of the DoD’s revaluation of support provided to #Ukraine

>>21047916 In our review of whether the DoD effectively managed Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (FIAR) contracts

>>21048165 #25807

#25806 >>21046531

>>21046625, >>21046868, >>21047018, >>21047186, >>21047260 Planefaggin CONUS

>>21046544 Leader of International Drug Trafficking Organization Operating in Lane County Sentenced to Federal Prison

>>21046548 Multiple Alabama Individuals Charged for Sex Trafficking and Related Offenses

>>21046606, >>21047233 @realDonaldTrump Amazing Swing and Winnings

>>21046626 Wayne Johnson wins Georgia’s 2nd congressional district Republican runoff

>>21046631, >>21046666, >>21046774 Vindman???

>>21046732 Peace Through Strength: The Stark Contrast Between Trump and Biden

>>21046778, >>21046896 ICYMI: If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..

>>21046792 US budget office sees larger 2024 deficit due to Ukraine aid, student debt

>>21046813 Michigan will pay dairy farmers to help government investigate bird flu outbreak

>>21046839 The Biden Administration sent two FBI agents to intimidate a nurse who told the truth about the child sex-change program at Texas Children's Hospital.

>>21046844 Physician scientist Dr. Steven Quay (@quay_dr) highlights six reasons COVID-19 is most likely a gain-of-function laboratory leak

>>21046861 I'll 'Be Debating Three People Instead of One' on CNN

>>21046869 Biden Sent $2.8 Billion in 'Humanitarian Aid' to the Taliban.

>>21046886 @JamesOKeefeIII We’re going to expose top executives of the whole infiltrated temple. It’s going to be biblical.

>>21046998 #OTD in 1976, the film MIDWAY premiered.

>>21047016 Kash Patel, has urged Congress to seek defense briefings given to then-VP Biden about his son Hunter, citing potential conflict of interest

>>21047022 Southerners slam neighbors with ‘lefty politics’ who move in and drive up cost of living/fuckin libtard yankees

>>21047090 John Kerry used pseudonymous email while in office just like Biden, Hillary, whistleblower claims to senators

>>21047100 NVIDIA overtakes Microsoft to become the world's most valuable company at $3.3 trillion

>>21047106, >>21047158 ICYMI: re: the Indian Bond Fraud, @HunterBiden had an off-the-schedule 1-on-1 meeting with @BarackObama after Hunter received the subpoena but before he responded.

>>21047170 Joe was a (living legend‘): Longtime criminal defense attorney Joe Friedberg dies at 87

>>21047247 @10MTNDIV As things continue to heat 🥵 up during #Mountainfest, cool 🥶 off with this video of Mountain 🏔️ #Soldiers doing what they do best.

>>21047272 Look who’s prepping for another event??? This is called “shaping” in information warfare

>>21047290 #25806

Previously Collected

>>21044978 #25803, >>21045734 #25804, >>21046512 #25805

>>21041779 #25800, >>21043213 #25801, >>21044214 #25802

>>21039197 #25797, >>21040146 #25798, >>21041002 #25799

>>21037305 #25794, >>21037762 #25795, >>21038518 #25796

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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94b166 No.21049064

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,2b2048814a88cc6bce64e51b70….png)



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426f48 No.21049068

File: 29df7239d23264e⋯.png (195.38 KB,601x533,601:533,29df7239d23264ef984d0ffe97….png)

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bc3ae5 No.21049086

File: 6237b6572cb4a17⋯.png (47.97 KB,680x381,680:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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8693ea No.21049091

How do you remind people annually that are currently doing pretty good that they were slaves to keep the anger and division going with them?

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d76652 No.21049096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21046778 /pb

>If congress acts this would END THE CRIMINAL CHARGES holding Dan Scavino, Peter Navarro, Mark Meadows, and Steve Bannon, in Contemp..


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f9477b No.21049098

Holy shit a BOOM just flew over my house.

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a09075 No.21049100



Happens to anons all the time.

You get used to it.

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230b32 No.21049101


nice banner


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bf4c0d No.21049103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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54661b No.21049105

Jewish destruction of the 1st Amendment continues


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426f48 No.21049106

File: 4d6115b9c19e6e8⋯.jpeg (30.73 KB,400x302,200:151,4d6115b9c19e6e81066b06224….jpeg)

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5b3b5d No.21049107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Dark Calories: How Vegetable Oils Destroy Our Health and How We Can Get It Back

June 11, 2024

by Cate Shanahan, MD


Initially watched one of the interviews with Dr. Shanahan, then ordered her book.

AMAZING read, can’t put it down.

Makes an EMPIRICALLY AIRTIGHT CASE for seed oils being the ROOT CAUSE of poor health in the last century. She’s not the only one who’s made this argument but she does it in a way that’s hard to deny. Buy the book or watch one of her many interviews on video.

The Foods You Should STOP EATING That Are HARMFUL To Your Health

Cate Shanahan, MD, synthesizes complex information into a flawlessly logical argument so that readers can become change-makers for a better world. Her new book, Dark Calories: How Vegetable Oils Destroy Our Health and How We Can Get It Back, is out now:

00:00 What Are Dark Calories?

05:32 Why These Oils Are Uniquely Harmful

13:32 Is There Data to Show Poor Health Outcomes?

22:13 Do Seed Oils Reduce Cholesterol?

28:53 Links Between Seed Oils & Inflammation

35:50 The Main Pitfalls With Current Data

45:02 Biggest Misconceptions About Seed Oils

47:47 Risks of Over-consuming Saturated Fats

56:10 Focusing on Ultra-Processed Foods

1:01:27 Avoiding Seed Oils When Eating Out

1:05:37 Do Healthier People Have Higher Cholesterol?

1:13:41 We Live in a Confusing Time

1:21:41 Where to Find Cate

1:22:17 Living a Genius Life

Other interviews:

https://youtu.be/URd6wxmhpGU 2 hours

https://youtu.be/UQtpLaDxRFE 1 hour, 10 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/2iadL_NIa3s?feature=share 28 second short

https://youtu.be/HmDyxf09rJA 1 hour, 49 minutes

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8693ea No.21049110

File: 98817ee158be11c⋯.jpeg (34.7 KB,640x360,16:9,AA9A2243_2532_4F5E_A6B0_B….jpeg)

A strange and tall glimmering monolith, akin to the ones which mysteriously appeared in 2020, has popped up in Gass Peak, a hiking area in the Nevada desert just about an hour north of Las Vegas.

It looks like it’s from another world, with the glimmering rectangular prism's reflective surface imitating the vast desert landscape surrounding the mountain peak where it has been erected.


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117849 No.21049112


Sure is.

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94b166 No.21049114


morn'n vd

c yer other hashes too

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5b3b5d No.21049115


post on disabled muh joos site….kek.

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d76652 No.21049116


>>>21048848 ICE Non-Detained Docket on Pace to Hit 8 million Active Cases This Year




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40d676 No.21049117

File: b50243ad16d578f⋯.png (2.21 MB,3300x2222,150:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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8693ea No.21049119


Let’s go check it out.

I wonder if they have it guarded or barricaded now?

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117849 No.21049120


Where did you get the original pic?

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9ef8fd No.21049121


Blank came from Less than 10.

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117849 No.21049123

File: 5e3633fac536e40⋯.png (1.47 MB,1024x768,4:3,cC0YST.png)

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f9477b No.21049124


>Happens to anons all the time.

This one went not without consequence to say the least.

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9ef8fd No.21049125


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117849 No.21049127



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94b166 No.21049128


anon made this a few months back and i thought it was cool so nik'd it

that's all the info

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f9477b No.21049129

File: c8454abeea8368a⋯.jpeg (65.29 KB,1778x997,1778:997,5cd66dab2100003500c596db_….jpeg)

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7b93e3 No.21049130




Im within 40 miles of Space Force Headquarters and KSC…Booms all day and all night. This morning we are having rain delays

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a09075 No.21049131

File: a495c3ab0745078⋯.png (264.45 KB,719x339,719:339,MozAnon1.png)


Some BOOMS are bigger than others.

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117849 No.21049132


What date did you save it?

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9ef8fd No.21049134



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117849 No.21049135


Stars are falling.

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117849 No.21049137

So is their Sky..

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94b166 No.21049138

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d76652 No.21049139

File: dbc6ec197f5f2d8⋯.png (1.97 MB,1920x1081,1920:1081,ClipboardImage.png)




Attorney General William P. Barr Announces Emergency Funding to Address Public Safety Crisis in Rural Alaska


Enjoy Your Moment Of Zen With A.G. Bill Barr As He Stares Out The Back Of A C-130


“Enough Is Enough”: Native Leaders Ask William Barr to Help Fix Alaska’s Law Enforcement Crisis


Economics. If you build it…

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9ef8fd No.21049140

Going to get really hot in here today.

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117849 No.21049141


I'm Less than 10. It's accurate.

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9951e4 No.21049142

File: d94283d3ae2dee1⋯.jpg (99.58 KB,749x500,749:500,popcorn.jpg)


TY, baker.

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94b166 No.21049143


sorry, thought you were talking about the bred banner.

that dc pic was from years ago.

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f9477b No.21049144


>Some BOOMS are bigger than others.

This was certainly a boom that was much bigger than the others, even much more explosive too in terms of the aftermath.

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354e96 No.21049145


hit the eject button, now!

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117849 No.21049146


Did you dress for warm weather, Clown?

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d4b60e No.21049147



Seems like it's getting closer to show time…


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9ef8fd No.21049149

Light brings heat.

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152a20 No.21049150

>>21049087 lb

Probably don't…but here's a research paper on the subject…like to read it…link below

and who got a mention in there

W.E.B. DuBois


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8693ea No.21049151

How would you remind people annually that are currently doing pretty good that they were slaves and to keep the anger and division going with them?

How would you do it?

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6f1bd3 No.21049152

It's not the voters

It's the Ballots!

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469e2a No.21049153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Light brings heat.

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94b166 No.21049154


still have:

the replacement

market 'correction'

mass layoffs

war - food shortage - 'riots'

all within the next 6 mos?

gonna git hot fer sure

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117849 No.21049156


Who has ULTIMATE command?

Future proves past.

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b5b8a1 No.21049157

File: 8c95ed785170dd0⋯.png (113.41 KB,901x322,901:322,marilynalive.png)

File: 17862c42be822cf⋯.png (680.68 KB,683x620,683:620,marilynisalivenews.png)

File: 5e070ebc9eb5cf2⋯.png (939.69 KB,696x759,232:253,marilynalive2.png)

File: f8e9bb08cdb0401⋯.png (690.18 KB,493x738,493:738,marilynalive3.png)

File: b6a7af9b11906b3⋯.png (137.79 KB,933x442,933:442,mathisonmarilyn.png)


she was working entrapment schemes.

Woman like that do not get pregnant.

just sayn'


maybe she had a baby and gave it away?

Very possible.

I also had forgotten this:

She may have been a faked death, to get the hell "out of Dodge"

and marry the love of her life, in peace.

Her true love was Joe Dimagio - and it's rumored they were spotted together in Hawaii.


Miles Mathis makes the case for it.


I disagree with a lot of what Mathis does/ writes ; especially the anti-Jewish illogical paranoia which began to riddle all his work after a certain point.

But he does some fine work too.

Do your own research and thinking, as always.

Remember "It's a Movie"

Maybe "Poor Marilyn" "boo hoo" is crying over something which never happened?

Like crying in the movie "Gone with the Wind' or crying from "Gandalf Died" in "Lord of the Rings"?

i.e. Things that are fictional; that never happened can still re pulled people in enough for them to to cry over it? Or to compulsively worry over "what really happened"

It could be quite a LARP and quite a jerk-off for the people in power that love to pull the strings of the public, emotionally, financially and in every way?

Check out the analysis of Joe Bisdin, if you have the patience to work through it?

He goes through the "coming of Age" maturity moment of humankind, which is upon us now - when we realize the level to which we've been lied to.

>>21047493 lb

>>21047577 lb

>>21047637 lb


You have to see it yourself; but the moment of entering a new reality may be when you realize most alleged historical events are theater / trickery?


Often the truth is hidden in tabloids. The schemers figure it will be dismissed since surrounded by so much garbage.

Marilyn might not have even been close to what we have been told.

She sure looks happy with Joe diMaggio.

People believe they got back together

"Red flag 11: Joe DiMaggio's bio pretty much ends at 1962. You aren't told anything else about him,

other than that he did Mister Coffee commercials. If you want to know where Marilyn was after 1962,

look where Joe DiMaggio was after 1962. She probably wanted to have kids in peace, and—being

only 36—she probably did.

Red flag 12: Norman Mailer later wrote a book suggesting Marilyn had been murdered by the

Kennedys. The book has no footnotes and Mailer did not interview Noguchi, the police, or any

witnesses. Mike Wallace caught him on 60 minutes in a lie, when Mailer claimed he could not have

interviewed Murray because she was already dead. Wallace pointed out that Murray was in fact alive

and listed in the LA phone book. Mailer, seemingly unperturbed, admitted that he wrote the book for

money. That should have been the end of Mailer's credibility, but no one seemed to care one way or the

other—which is as curious as any of the rest of this."

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a6770d No.21049158


Hi Q. "117" ID noted.

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9ef8fd No.21049159

Clowns don’t have a long term plan.

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469e2a No.21049160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pay your taxes?

Here's the real one I was thinking of

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6f1bd3 No.21049161

File: c4e54f7c2bdaa5b⋯.jpg (97.42 KB,926x499,926:499,GFY.jpg)


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a09075 No.21049162

File: c7075c20643d4b6⋯.jpg (97.2 KB,703x289,703:289,Screenshot_2024_06_19_0623….jpg)


I was about to take muh crazy pills.

Locked them back up just in time.

TY Anon.

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117849 No.21049163


I'm not Q. I'm Less than 10. Operator2. Q is always aware of (here).

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7be2b5 No.21049165


why you so triggered by juneteenth?

it really could not be more American

it is a reflection of july 4th, same idea, declaring independence, except the african slaves were not included

to think Lincoln emancipated them and they did not know for close to 2 years later

it is something worth celebrating and in no way divides

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9ef8fd No.21049166

No bots last night.

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a6770d No.21049167


We could still turn this around on the wokester-jokesters who pushed this as a celebration. Just point out the truth, the facts, over and over again. It's not in anyone's best interests to "celebrate" the commemoration of delayed freedom. Delayed 901 days.

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469e2a No.21049168

File: ae7f9b131136010⋯.gif (6.14 MB,395x270,79:54,Gt3BUG9.gif)


This dialog earned me a slap last night.

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152a20 No.21049170

Kansas Sues Pfizer, Says Company 'Misled' Public On COVID-19 Vaccine


Pfizer, for instance, said on April 1, 2021, that there were “no serious safety concerns through up to six months following second dose” of the vaccine it makes with Germany’s BioNTech, the lawsuit notes.

But documents made public through a lawsuit showed that Pfizer’s adverse events database, which includes reported issues following vaccination from around the world, already contained 158,893 adverse events as of Feb. 28, 2021.

“Pfizer’s representations that its COVID-19 vaccine did not have any safety concerns was inconsistent with the adverse events data it possessed,” the suit, filed by Kansas Attorney General Kris Kobach states. “Pfizer concealed, suppressed, or omitted material facts it possessed showing significant safety concerns associated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.”

The suit also highlights how Pfizer in the same press release said that vaccinated trial participants enjoyed 91.3 percent protection against COVID-19 up to six months after a second dose.

Documents released later, though, showed that Pfizer recorded 83.7 percent effectiveness among trial participants at four months after a second dose, while finding indications in blood samples that effectiveness was waning even more at six months.

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a09075 No.21049171

File: 02608b8ac19c2fb⋯.png (284.39 KB,840x694,420:347,Both.png)


It's both a division perpetuation op and a good thing to memberberry.

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40d676 No.21049172

File: c6c4c3b0439d235⋯.png (200.41 KB,597x699,199:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a4aead7bc8f555⋯.png (498.26 KB,768x512,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 141f4b3f272e94d⋯.png (681.24 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12b3fbaab014ea0⋯.png (687.38 KB,704x417,704:417,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 743f2e21507e503⋯.png (509.67 KB,576x555,192:185,ClipboardImage.png)


>It's not the voters

>It's the Ballots!


Hopefully readers here know exactly who James Clyburn is and what his function consists of within the Democrat party election process.

Remember,elections are no longer about “votes,” modern elections are about “ballots”.The election winner is not the person who gets the most votes. The election winner is the person who collects, submits and counts the most ballots. The contest for electoral victory is who gains the most ballots, not votes.

[June 16, 2024] https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/06/16/the-guy-who-organizes-ballot-counting-says-election-results-will-not-match-polling/

Jun 19, 2024, 5:55 AM


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117849 No.21049173


New trend.

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a6770d No.21049174


Don't forget LdR's anticipated water shortages, rationing and dehydrated children. I still shudder at the evil which radiated from her post that night so long ago.

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117849 No.21049175


She came up in recent COMMS, did you notice?

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a09075 No.21049176



I take it things were pretty ded around here then?

5+ hour bread style?

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065139 No.21049177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat operative CAUGHT spreading FABRICATED story about Trump

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a6770d No.21049178


I stand corrected. I was relating to "a group of less than 10, three non-military"

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7be2b5 No.21049179


so explain why Trump is reaching out to black voters and black voters are responding positively

this does not sound like division

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117849 No.21049180


Less than 10 + Q = Top 10 Players.

Less than 10 = Q+, DS, US MIL (6).

And Operator2.

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861bb2 No.21049183


You are not an Operator

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f9477b No.21049185


>Space Force Headquarters

So you are bit closer to space?

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9ef8fd No.21049186

Trump will unite the world (again).

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a09075 No.21049187


The divisionfags are using it as a tool like all other divisionfag things.

PDJT's outreach to black voters is mutually independent from any of the Johnny Come Lately "holidays".

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117849 No.21049188


Dead wrong.

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29dc82 No.21049189







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d4b60e No.21049190


Oh crap.

Yeah, the prices for everything is deliberately inflated, past the point of unaffordable.

I'm watching established companies collapse. Families are suffering.

America is flooded with people that don't belong here.

Too many distractions, pressure and chaos.

Are we all going to be okay?

What are our tasks when it really hits the fan?

The anticipation is unworldly.


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7be2b5 No.21049191


it's a simple holiday

they were finally told they were no longer slaves

what's the problem with celebrating that?

i don't get it

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a6770d No.21049192


>did you notice?

TBH, I noticed another anon's notable mentioning L. "Don't come here any more" or similar.

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9ef8fd No.21049194

Getting hot in here already.

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938e89 No.21049196

File: 68fd6cb02a0cb67⋯.png (1.93 MB,1500x784,375:196,20230208_233728.png)

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065139 No.21049197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden unveils plan offering legal status to 500,000 immigrant spouses to U.S. citizens

500,000 votes for the swing states?

Get ready for the steal on election night, It's happening again.

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a09075 No.21049200


Why wasn't it a big deal back in the 60's when all the other Civil Rights related stuff was in full bloom?

Why does it feel like yet another white man kept you down tool created in recent times to perpetuate division?

What's next, some new holiday in July celebrating the official end of lynching in Dixie County, MS?

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113b1e No.21049201

File: ff989bada2e4262⋯.png (195.55 KB,229x443,229:443,ClipboardImage.png)



did you notice this little sourceless article?

Oct 28 2003

"Terrorists or geeks could end the world"

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29dc82 No.21049203

larping as a bot is ultimate nigger behavior

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a6770d No.21049204


The globalists' plan (of which I suspect you're already aware) is to stir up as much chaos as possible including crime, homelessness, etc; degrade all normal people to serfdom and/or destitution, until "we" beg for their already-formulated world government (fascist dictatorship). They're also angling to render us all infertile so globalists can redesign humanity in their image (refer to Brave New World for details).

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7be2b5 No.21049205


idk, it's been celebrated in texas for many, many years

it seems to be such a positive thing to me, so i don't understand why such a negative spin is being put on it

also, it seems much more important to acknowledge than even mlk jr, although he was a great civil rights leader

ultimately, it is about inclusion, not division, to acknowledge that it was an important moment in the history of black Americans

ok, i get off my soapbox now

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8693ea No.21049206

How do you annually remind the distant ancestors of slaves that are currently doing fairly well that they were slaves and to hate whitey?

How would you do it?

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088ee3 No.21049208



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3b18c3 No.21049209


Not even August yet.

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938e89 No.21049210

File: 833eb83aa4e579f⋯.mp4 (13.08 MB,1464x1080,61:45,Joeandharry.mp4)

Yo wtf

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29dc82 No.21049211

File: 4130e99def036c5⋯.png (652.17 KB,1400x669,1400:669,ClipboardImage.png)


here's one way

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1fc73b No.21049213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: UN experts brief the Human Rights Council on abuses in Israel-Hamas conflict



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a6770d No.21049214


Looks like they're wrong by at least 19 years.

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5b3b5d No.21049215



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61b75c No.21049216

Do we get UFOs n 2025?

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088ee3 No.21049219


look at the comments..haha


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8693ea No.21049220


Yeah that’s pretty clever of them.

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4effe5 No.21049221

File: ac207d9de8f213d⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,720x1278,40:71,biden_666.mp4)


>Biden unveils plan offering legal status to 500,000 immigrant spouses to U.S. citizens

>500,000 votes for the swing states?

whoa whoa whoa whoa…

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938e89 No.21049222

File: e01b6c8d88baf94⋯.jpg (125.57 KB,1080x1239,360:413,20240619_051744.jpg)

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a6fb15 No.21049224



"state department report"

nice troll

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afc77c No.21049226

File: 15989f4501deca3⋯.png (2.56 MB,2523x1085,2523:1085,IMG_5724.png)

File: 3703c895dc24b87⋯.jpeg (1.11 MB,2439x2785,2439:2785,IMG_7905.jpeg)

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94b166 No.21049227


sauce it

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9ef8fd No.21049228


No Skippy, you don’t.

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a6770d No.21049229


Anon, perhaps you've never heard the racist taunt about certain people running on a slower timetable than most? The terms are unflattering so I don't want to use them, but celebrating people being liberated 901 days late certainly reinforces a negative stereotype, both for Blacks and for Southerners generally.

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f9477b No.21049230


>Fakour-90 go-cart

bot toke the bait.

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3ea794 No.21049231

File: fd04c0ba9d7512a⋯.jpeg (62.38 KB,1024x701,1024:701,IMG_0729.jpeg)


yes, but their tech is vastly updated

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69765c No.21049232


Why are you so triggered by speech about juneteenth division psyop?

It could not be less American as it is centered on race. America is about laws.

It is not a "reflection" of July 4.

It is designed to trick non slaves and non slave owners into dividing themselves by psychologically associating themselves with past slaves and slave owners.

Unity seems so positive and celebratory that I don't understand why such negative spin is being put on it, nor why the need to tell non slaves and non slave owners that they need to keep viewing themselves by race.

What may look to you as a celebration is in fact a grift and psyop to benefit the dividers as citizens divide themselves by rituals of imagining themselves as either on this side or that side.

It would be better and more positive to stop viewing people by race at all.

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b5b8a1 No.21049234

File: 08014bd27c03e7b⋯.mp4 (7.03 MB,640x360,16:9,shariraatunionsquare.mp4)


because they were still at the back of the bus, the lunch counter and still oppressed.

They got enough freedom to make it acceptable to have an AMERICAN holiday to celebrate their freedom.

If you weren't there in the 60's you might miss understanding it.

Civil War anneversaries could also be a time to celebrate our UNITY as AMERICANS.

It pissed me off that the ANTIFA tried take over UNION SQUARE Park NYC.

A place where the victorious Union Troops marched up to, after the Civil War.

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3ea794 No.21049236



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938e89 No.21049237

File: 6a2ffce868302b2⋯.jpg (150.99 KB,1107x1516,1107:1516,20240615_005433.jpg)

File: 9b435b77d38d0cf⋯.jpg (76.98 KB,1200x675,16:9,20240615_033359.jpg)

Marlon Wayans pushing faggotry

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9ef8fd No.21049238


Stay Frosty.

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3ea794 No.21049239





such credible sources

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938e89 No.21049241


Your shit is tired and weak

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afc77c No.21049242

File: 057bc2bea61fd85⋯.jpeg (127.15 KB,598x800,299:400,IMG_0437.jpeg)

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69765c No.21049243


Isnt pride a deadly sin?

No wonder the cult pushes it.

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3ea794 No.21049244


why do females value themselves by their tits and holes?

>rhetorical q

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f9477b No.21049245

File: 925dfbc9923234a⋯.png (132.16 KB,400x410,40:41,925dfbc9923234a764e6d7f3a9….png)

Are you familiar with the BOOM? It is a story woven into many things.

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bf4c0d No.21049246

File: 77347cc5242d28e⋯.jpg (214.65 KB,650x940,65:94,1fb11aae133b27bdaef3b0c0b3….jpg)

Taylor Swift Hot'n'Fresh brand feces is the freshest excrement made from the finest ingredients, absolutely NO CORN, Pvcs, sarin, GMOs, or other NPC aversion coding You don't have to be an entranced shit fetishist to appreciate Hot'nFresh from Taylor Swift Hellmouth Foods "Uh huh, don't run, this is normal!"

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ed6116 No.21049247

File: c1c711a232d6baf⋯.jpg (66.55 KB,594x668,297:334,Netanyahu_trouble_in_parad….JPG)

File: cf8211c672aba28⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,640x360,16:9,Netanyahu_trouble_in_parad….mp4)

File: 69447ed315a0106⋯.mp4 (324.97 KB,960x720,4:3,ant_and_aardvark_I_got_not….mp4)


🇮🇱🇺🇲 Trouble in paradise…

Netanyahu like Zelensky now is begging for weapons and attacks the Biden administration in a new video:

"I told Secretary Blinken it's inconceivable that in the past few months, the administration has been withholding weapons and ammunitions to Israel"


Every time I hear Netanyahu's voice, I have flashbacks…Why is that?

"How do you like that, I got nothing"…(in my best Jackie Mason voice)

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9ef8fd No.21049248

Expect FIRE Works.

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b5b8a1 No.21049249

File: 1b36671c5ed9d89⋯.png (674.17 KB,500x666,250:333,protectingpedosdonjr8.png)


thas funny.

When do we get to see PEDO JOE outed?

It's starting to look like mainstream Media is colluding with crimes against children.

That would put them at legal risk; especially with so much verified info (laptop exhibit in Court Case)?

It could be a serious legal liability if they continue to keep their mouths shut?

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a6770d No.21049250


Most people alive today (I'd hazard a guess and say "all") were never a slave nor a slave owner. Many people who have lived in the USA for multiple generations are a mixture of both. Take our Veep kneepads, minus the multigenerational residence part - she's a mixture of slave and slaveowner. People just need to stop making those labels part of their identity, because it's truly irrelevant.

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861bb2 No.21049251


Never a mention of the Irish slaves

Must be frecklephobia

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096848 No.21049252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



MSM still pushing that UFOs need to be discussed at the upcoming Presidential debates. There is something clearly not right about this push.

Sure we need disclosure but debates are for debating.

Maybe this is to distract from bidan's upcoming failure at the debate.

Maybe it is to derail the debate.

Smells and the MSM is pushing it so fukery afoot.

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230b32 No.21049255


>render us all infertile

the spike proteins and the poison in the covid vax juice is well on the way to reaching that destination

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8a5c95 No.21049256

John Perry Barlow died because someone thought he was anonymously posting using a Q

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afc77c No.21049257

File: 3910187c43c4c60⋯.jpeg (62.95 KB,480x282,80:47,IMG_0758.jpeg)

File: 8f68a7971f4dab2⋯.jpeg (114.73 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_0757.jpeg)


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088ee3 No.21049259


yeah..still sleeping.

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f9477b No.21049261


>Taylor Swift

So popular she needs advertising from 8cunt to show the world her pussy.

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afc77c No.21049262

File: f6bde03c6220cd0⋯.png (135.42 KB,592x490,296:245,IMG_8191.png)


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afc77c No.21049266

File: efd6816780e62a7⋯.jpeg (21.94 KB,255x254,255:254,IMG_4940.jpeg)

File: 9618d1987f72241⋯.png (802 KB,996x825,332:275,IMG_7556.png)

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9ef8fd No.21049270

If Notable items don’t reflect Q related research by the end of this bread, it will get hot as Hell in here.

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a36912 No.21049271


>see PEDO JOE outed

not much chance of that when even his degenerate son Hunter cannot be outed for using underage child hookers and Hunter fucking his underaged niece and making her pregnant

and his laptop saga being buried, along with all its criminal data

the corruption is very deep, on many levels

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ed6116 No.21049272

File: 83ce972781140f9⋯.jpg (60.39 KB,607x645,607:645,Israel_air_defense_is_down.JPG)

File: 7b6c22e5fdff79a⋯.mp4 (622.67 KB,492x270,82:45,Israel_defense_is_down.mp4)



🇮🇱🇱🇧 Hezbollah is now broadcasting live drone footage from the Haifa port as well as other military bases and sensitive Israeli locations

Israeli air defense systems and radars in the north of the country have been totally knocked out.

Israel's defense umbrella has been breached.


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a6770d No.21049273


I resemble that remark. Part of my ancestry is Irish slaves; part is American native/Iroquois; and part is English colonizer types. Just your average mixed background. Judge me on my own character and accomplishments.

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861bb2 No.21049274


Go fuck yourself

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afc77c No.21049277

File: 9fa7ce3d6529826⋯.jpeg (86.25 KB,620x413,620:413,IMG_0174.jpeg)


Aldous didn’t see a part of the military, true patriots will to make the ultimate sacrifices, with plans to retake the world from globohomos and give it back. Thats what you’re seeing. The kicking and screaming as this live turd gets flushed!

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065139 No.21049278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biden appears to forget Mayorkas' name in 'awkward' moment at White House


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a36912 No.21049279

File: a393a8f3d0a8655⋯.jpeg (98.62 KB,1000x562,500:281,IMG_0746.jpeg)


this photo mocks the similiar one of decades ago with barry and his beau

they look on us with contempt and disdain

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69765c No.21049280


Feeling another round panic spam setting in?

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94b166 No.21049281


u earned it vd

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afc77c No.21049284



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b5b8a1 No.21049285

File: fe2ddc92e984e6d⋯.jpg (25.79 KB,247x255,247:255,BidenPedoJerkcjpedo.jpg)


find. But nobody has to cater their lives to what Rascist's say?

Why bend over backwards for people who lack Patriotism and like to themselves feel like big shots by looking down on others.

Q research sometimes do the same.

Cater the message to avoid criticism by idiots, who for instance, obey obvious mass murderers, like Fauci?

Word didn't get to them?

So we wait for the weaker party.

No one's left behind.

(different from racist W. Bush's motto "No Child's Behind Left (alone)"

The whole point is to be un-embarrassed over who you are.

Notice the PEDO don't seem to care when they are outed as criminals.

So why should Black Americans be embarrassed for what-really-happened?

Which was someone's else's fault or a situation of primitive conditions.

Hell, lots of places had no electricity nor telephone in the late 19th c.

Haters gonna mock. Let it be.

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938e89 No.21049286


Those fags are holding hamds

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5b3b5d No.21049287


doing the anti-Trump game again, are we?


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69765c No.21049289


>Many people who have lived in the USA for multiple generations

Everyone lives exactly one generation.

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f9477b No.21049290

File: e953ddc8b0befe7⋯.png (287.51 KB,600x855,40:57,19o9za_506435753.png)

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9ef8fd No.21049292


Look everyone it’s a Q-hater.

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938e89 No.21049293

File: a2b52209990158c⋯.jpg (114.38 KB,720x985,144:197,20240619_060141.jpg)

File: e77bb2ce3700ebc⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,720x1280,9:16,AlphaFo_20240619_1_new.mp4)



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b5b8a1 No.21049294


Barry liked Sofa Boi better.

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69765c No.21049295


Look everyone it's a baker/BV hater

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eee5b8 No.21049296


homo gonna homo

barry and michael go way back, gay-wise

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afc77c No.21049298

File: 57a0b7abd426b2b⋯.jpeg (6.32 KB,90x145,18:29,IMG_0759.jpeg)


Unga bungalow!

First born is mine muthafucka!

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29dc82 No.21049299


>but mommmmmmy!

>they said a bad no-no word!

>we must get them cancelled!!!

>ruin their livelihoods!!!

>get them fired!!!

>make sure they never earn a living again and die slowly from our economic sabotage!

>all because they said a wayciss word!

<but we're totally not like the left who do the same exact thing

<no way, mom

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938e89 No.21049300

File: d33b535fe8aae4e⋯.jpg (102.72 KB,1284x1493,1284:1493,20230610_232840.jpg)

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9ef8fd No.21049302


Look everyone it’s a Crypto Pedo.

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eee5b8 No.21049307


Barry liked Man's Country Bath House too

especially the glory holes in the men's room

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afc77c No.21049308


Kek, spellcheck destroys…

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8a5c95 No.21049309

File: c9fa9948fee8640⋯.jpeg (202.78 KB,1000x562,500:281,a393a8f3d0a865565e8401acf….jpeg)

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9ef8fd No.21049310


Evil is the enemy. Stay basic tho, BrownNosed Clown.

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f9477b No.21049311


Perfectly stupid to watch, kinda entertaining meme.

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938e89 No.21049313

File: 082a750a344e6ba⋯.jpg (343.92 KB,1057x2048,1057:2048,20240606_051031.jpg)

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eee5b8 No.21049314


he's worried alright!

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b5b8a1 No.21049316


HObama's belongs to some other Country.

He missed out on American status.

he's an International

"Person of Interest"

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6bbe58 No.21049318



"Afraid to be thrown in jail"

Rightly so… Both afraid & thrown in jail!

His comments and comments like this HRC's "we're all gonna hang" & Mad Max's "Scared President Is Going To Take Them Down" are what put a little smile on muh face!

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cf75a2 No.21049320


I wonder why their Chef was killed

did the Chef see Moochelle's big dong?

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5b3b5d No.21049321

File: 93f67ec6189caf5⋯.png (771.96 KB,593x763,593:763,2024_06_19_3_21_17.png)


>hot as HELL

ha ha ha ha

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cf75a2 No.21049323


Barry the Kenyan

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5b3b5d No.21049325


back again??


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b5b8a1 No.21049327


Not even a Black American.

(It's fake, as what Pochahontas did, claiming AmericanIndian descent when she's actually a descendant Pirates)

Barry's a Brown-ish Indonesian C!A guy.

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cf75a2 No.21049328


admins why did this vid get deleted?

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f9477b No.21049329


>Barry the Kenyan

Kenyan from the West

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cf75a2 No.21049330


Barry's grand daddy…you would not believe me

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938e89 No.21049332

File: 23383328b90732e⋯.png (1.56 MB,887x1328,887:1328,1690714015713.png)


It's been about one year .

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cf75a2 No.21049333



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8a5c95 No.21049335

File: 79deac9451254fb⋯.jpg (125.48 KB,1066x763,1066:763,Screenshot_20230815_115359.jpg)

File: 667bcd44f736093⋯.jpg (159.14 KB,1078x1066,539:533,Screenshot_20230815_120835.jpg)

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5b3b5d No.21049337


Trump hating propaganda?

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a6770d No.21049340


>Everyone lives exactly one generation.

You twist my words. "People" is a plural noun, whereas "Everyone" is a singular noun. As you know, at any given time there are four or more generations alive at the same time. Current example would be the "Greatest Generation" (Pluto in Cancer)+"Baby Boomers"(Pluto in Leo)+the Pluto in Virgo generation which was never labeled with a catchy appellation, but rather blurred into Boomers and Gen-Xers to make them disappear for statistical purposes+"Generation X"(Pluto in Libra, blurred with Virgo and Scorpio)+"Generation Y" which became more widely known as "Millennials"(Pluto in Scorpio and Sagittarius)+"GenZ"(Pluto in Sag and Capricorn).

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b5b8a1 No.21049346


yes, I know.

Likely. Or some tube baby connect with NAZI

definitely blood related to Merkel?

and therefor?

Or not?

Maybe Merkel just likes (supposed) black guys. "Incest is Best" ?

? Adolf and Bidens sure think so?

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b5b8a1 No.21049348

File: 17de8e88c324700⋯.jpg (408.9 KB,2000x1369,2000:1369,victoriaadolfclean.jpg)

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289146 No.21049349


yes it was trump hating propaganda….

but it showed the deep state is scared shitless of Trump taking over the DOJ and purging the corrupt

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f9477b No.21049357

Unbelievable things happen for believable reasons but it is all just a wild guess for most anons.

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5b3b5d No.21049358


they are idiots.

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230b32 No.21049362

File: 2ed7878a6a1d027⋯.jpeg (34.95 KB,474x317,474:317,IMG_0749.jpeg)



the direct bloodlines

the average normie will never believe this…

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5b3b5d No.21049363


>yes it was trump hating propaganda….

>but it showed the deep state is scared shitless of Trump taking over the DOJ and purging the corrupt

wow, what fresh information.

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6bbe58 No.21049365



>You are not an Operator


You don't think Operators are here?

You don't think Q is here?

You don't think MIL is here?

You don't think.

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85aec4 No.21049367

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861bb2 No.21049369


Q has always been here

Those idiots are not operators, unless you're talking AT&T or T-mobile

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673306 No.21049370




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230b32 No.21049371

File: e4b1c29a9b1d439⋯.jpeg (73.58 KB,696x800,87:100,IMG_0495.jpeg)


so amazing

so wow

so fresh

>for some, it is

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0736f5 No.21049372


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5b3b5d No.21049373


>You getting the feeling AI would dig up too much truth and that's why they are making it out to be so dangerous?

you mean the AI that is thoroughly indoctrinated with Leftist values?

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861bb2 No.21049374


AI already told people that Adam and Eve had the two sons Ren and Stimpy

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5b3b5d No.21049376


>fresh information

>for some, it is

on this board?

hate to think so

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b5b8a1 No.21049377

File: d2b87e9eb03ef39⋯.png (655.57 KB,1131x650,87:50,adolfobama.png)

File: e3cb07397b183f1⋯.jpeg (41.65 KB,474x266,237:133,obamamerkel.jpeg)

File: 2ed7878a6a1d027⋯.jpeg (34.95 KB,474x317,474:317,obamamerkel2.jpeg)

File: 9cbbf4ee306ff7a⋯.png (244.77 KB,491x369,491:369,Obama_seal_team_6_2_.png)

File: 25a32287686a263⋯.jpg (71.45 KB,960x698,480:349,obamaidn.jpg)

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54661b No.21049380

File: 37648e049ef7fea⋯.png (1.02 MB,995x592,995:592,teemf.PNG)

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40d676 No.21049381

File: c84cc25f7f30014⋯.png (1022.39 KB,666x960,111:160,ClipboardImage.png)

The sauce is within the meme.

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861bb2 No.21049382


Not even close to notable

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6e8a72 No.21049383


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b5b8a1 No.21049384

File: 6ffc6dde67065d5⋯.png (143.14 KB,246x265,246:265,obamabiden.png)


incest connect.

Adolf, Biden; both Hunter and Joe

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0736f5 No.21049390

File: b20a25b10f9f9c9⋯.png (434.11 KB,615x461,615:461,ClipboardImage.png)

Ok anons not sure what the hell is really going on over here. but 2-3 days ago me and wife anon outside talking and out of no where this little baby bunny shows up. hops right up to us and started to hang out. lol. So not knowing what to do. took the bunny inside and started feeding her till i can find her a home, well now comes the next day.

The next day, I'm in the backyard with the dog working in the garden, (no the dog wasnt working in the garden with me, kek) And as I start to go back inside I hear some chirping from the garden area near the edge, I walk over and its a baby bird.

So Now I got a gd farm going on over here. AHHAHHAHAHAHAH

dafuq, i knew when you practice the positivity in life animals would be drawn to you, but rabbits and birds included?

>pick kinda related

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28ce2b No.21049392

File: b6c6b0db73bf089⋯.jpeg (110.35 KB,1080x1091,1080:1091,1553704436.jpeg)

Boom away!

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f9477b No.21049394


Happens often, in Spring time, things have offspring.

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94b166 No.21049396


miss those old @751 boom days kek

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29dc82 No.21049397


>dear diary

>who gives a shit

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088ee3 No.21049398

File: 2dc2122b408a474⋯.jpg (105.64 KB,460x366,230:183,aaandy.jpg)


hehe…they like you.

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28ce2b No.21049400

File: a91c915aadba973⋯.jpg (41.94 KB,500x492,125:123,83830275.jpg)


Good old days anon

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f9477b No.21049401


>Boom away!

Please delete that little chewawa.

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9951e4 No.21049402


ya got picked. enjoy it.

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bf4c0d No.21049403

File: a50344441ea3913⋯.jpg (9.61 KB,219x255,73:85,b9e0c2ad94ef062b0873044498….jpg)

"No chef drowner is above the law."

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9951e4 No.21049404

File: 2065e45b3641782⋯.mp4 (47.22 KB,360x202,180:101,Boom.mp4)

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b5b8a1 No.21049405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Funny "Geeks" and "computer techs" "hackers" have been of concern to the Deep State for long time.

First movie of HANX (crappy actor) insinuated Role Playing Games created insanity.

Tom Hanks loses his Mind."

"Mazes and Monsters"


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f9477b No.21049406

We need a good dog.

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b5b8a1 No.21049408


Geeks in the cross-hairs.

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28ce2b No.21049409

File: 3f51597d1a4f75e⋯.png (171.54 KB,395x338,395:338,1d8b5c149be95434206cdb4434….png)


Wait wah

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f9477b No.21049410


>"No chef drowner is above the law."

Another case of I can't breath, too many such cases, sad.

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f9477b No.21049412


>Wait wah

If you can delete that picture of the che woof woof, no need to delete the photographer.

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28ce2b No.21049414

File: 6b46e48bf73f5e6⋯.gif (1.74 MB,472x264,59:33,1575705570019.gif)


Good doggie

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088ee3 No.21049416

File: 422bbdc3ffbb773⋯.jpg (40.63 KB,247x292,247:292,doggie_2_.jpg)


yoy just gave yourself away, fauci.

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861bb2 No.21049421

File: 5bf15f4d6150f5e⋯.png (531.16 KB,500x714,250:357,8uc4ka.png)

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088ee3 No.21049422



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f9477b No.21049424

File: 772879766206c48⋯.webp (21.89 KB,480x351,160:117,Brian_Griffin_0_meme.webp)


>Good doggie


>yoy just gave yourself away, fauci.

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ee69af No.21049426

File: b2e1ee04111c721⋯.png (387.54 KB,640x640,1:1,speak4.png)



morinin, mornin baker

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f9477b No.21049427

File: 0a07f65b4e15fa7⋯.jpg (44.15 KB,525x500,21:20,thug_life.jpg)

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a865b3 No.21049429

File: fcca7548370d890⋯.png (34.18 KB,206x170,103:85,Screenshot_from_2024_06_19….png)


>good morning Ralph.

missed it anon



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94b166 No.21049430

File: 7168ad2edea5294⋯.jpg (24.36 KB,255x254,255:254,pq_.jpg)

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a6770d No.21049431


That's not a wild rabbit, it was someone's pet.

Either the previous owner just dumped it out to fend for itself, or it dug out and hopped away. Rabbits don't live long in undefended territory; wild rabbits are usually eaten by a predator within a year. People who let a pet rabbit loose on purpose either don't know or don't care that it will be eaten within a very few days, due to its trust of people and lack of survival strategies that wild rabbits learn.

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fd218f No.21049433

File: b022429abbbf0b5⋯.png (552.72 KB,500x907,500:907,ClipboardImage.png)

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9dea52 No.21049434


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f9477b No.21049436

File: 73acf9c42ae3072⋯.jpeg (63.2 KB,640x497,640:497,73acf9c42ae307265a932926c….jpeg)

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f9477b No.21049438



She call me Mr. Boombastic

Say me fantastic,

Touch me in me back

She says I'm Mr. Ro…mantic

Call me fantastic,

Touch me in me back

She says I'm Mr. Ro…

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9dea52 No.21049440


Lay it down DJ

Let's read the rest of the hook

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f9477b No.21049443



I'm Boombastic

Say me fantastic

Touch me in me back

She says I'm Mr Ro…mantic

Call me fantastic

She touch me in me back

She says I'm Mr. Boom-boom-boom-boombastic

Call me fantastic

Touch me in me back

She call me Mr Ro…mantic

Say me fantastic

She touch me in me back

She says I'm Mr. Boom-boom-boom

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9dea52 No.21049445


Booms with a funky backseat

Coming soon


Already here




Some other sacred

Getting teed up

Putt for dough

Drive for show

Right down the middle

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0736f5 No.21049448


>That's not a wild rabbit, it was someone's pet.

it may very well be. but was not the point of the posting. lol

Ill tell ya the story of how I found my cat some other day.

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088ee3 No.21049451

File: b0138e781c5cea9⋯.webm (2.67 MB,432x768,9:16,justinbrit.webm)

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0736f5 No.21049453

File: bf0d7fb4d3e3547⋯.png (154.8 KB,824x670,412:335,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9477b No.21049455


>Booms with a funky backseat

Buckle up and all booms in the trunk, where is the driver?

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b689de No.21049460

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2024



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a9b9d1 No.21049463

File: 89514a4a858884f⋯.jpeg (78.46 KB,990x646,495:323,6GPClRa2muuP.jpeg)

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000182 No.21049465



>getting caught up in the shill storm it would seem

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b5b8a1 No.21049466

File: 1e813cb5f835c09⋯.jpg (196.47 KB,1300x429,100:33,securedropbarlow.jpg)

File: ca508251c477768⋯.jpeg (525.07 KB,1511x1741,1511:1741,securedrop.jpeg)

File: 06a4b4f8c490b53⋯.jpg (109.03 KB,1200x1200,1:1,securedrop.jpg)

File: 4b00a3ada4abdfb⋯.png (60.26 KB,350x1259,350:1259,securedrop.png)

File: bbf458d688d8dca⋯.jpg (138.79 KB,1149x624,383:208,barlowq.jpg)


naw he ws one of the corrupt in charge of "SecureDrop"

If he was a double-agent (doubt) maybe they gave him witness protection?

Snowden was the other one.

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29dc82 No.21049467

looks like the dumb fucking vatican spammer is awake

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38a3b5 No.21049470

File: 1e9710deef58834⋯.png (554.43 KB,966x692,483:346,flag1.png)

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6bbe58 No.21049472


>Q has always been here

No Doubt…

Those idiots are not operators, unless you're talking AT&T or T-mobile

It may be dubious, but Anon cannot be sure one way or the other.

Based on Anon's capacity/capability to know.

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94b166 No.21049475

notables bun @250

post count accurate ^^^

hope anons like tight bunz

czech em

>>21049272 Hezbollah is now broadcasting live drone footage from the Haifa port as well as other military bases and sensitive Israeli locations - Israel's defense umbrella has been breached.

>>21049460 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2024

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daf12f No.21049476


it's a useless holiday that ignores all the other groups over the centuries who were enslaved.

notable amoung those: the people kidnapped by pirates in the Medeterrainian who demand everyone pay attention to their causes.

also the government gets enough holidays.

PLUS if it celebrates Black Americans, why is there a force to do away with holidays that celebrate other groups?

also: St Patricks Day isn't a holiday.

Juneteenth is Democrat pandering to the Blacks.

there is already Memorial day and July 4th.

why do the corrupt government people need yet another day off.

NO ONE celebrates it.

It's a useless day off.

that's an alternative point of view.

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6bbe58 No.21049478


>>Q has always been here

No Doubt…

>Those idiots are not operators, unless you're talking AT&T or T-mobile

It may be dubious, but Anon cannot be sure one way or the other.

Based on Anon's capacity/capability to know.

*Fixed it, 'cuz I'm only semi-tarded

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f9477b No.21049479

File: b6c8c5c47489b4a⋯.jpg (181.07 KB,1600x1047,1600:1047,landing_strip_2407660319.jpg)

Right down the middle.

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3ea794 No.21049480



normal for them

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bf4c0d No.21049482

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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38a3b5 No.21049483

File: 1f22bb27eb2c363⋯.png (1.2 MB,958x978,479:489,whatist.png)


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3ea794 No.21049484

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585e5c No.21049485

File: 7dc99dadab29bad⋯.png (64.73 KB,308x128,77:32,Screenshot_2024_06_19_0807….png)

How are anons going to celebrate Juneteenth today?

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f9477b No.21049487


>panic panic panic panic panic








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230b32 No.21049489

File: 882847b14a10df3⋯.jpeg (150.53 KB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_0732.jpeg)

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6e8a72 No.21049490

"I want you to remember this for all time."

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12b3be No.21049491

Anything that is going on, that we continue to allow, is exactly what we deserve. We let the US become what it is now. We watched it happen. Screwed over and ripped off every step of the way…and did nothing. The country we have now…is the country we deserve.

Vote harder in November, though.

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36f39a No.21049492

File: 888b94cac7695fe⋯.jpg (118.74 KB,720x760,18:19,20240619_070731.jpg)

File: 1f2831044d060b4⋯.mp4 (2.88 MB,640x360,16:9,Talk_20240619_2_new.mp4)


Two Just Stop Oil activists have desecrated Stonehenge with orange powder paint.

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f9477b No.21049494


Every dog needs a pussycat to chase after.

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1a0bcd No.21049496

Corporate Tax Rate Spurs Political Fight With More Than $1 Trillion at Stake

Biden wants to raise current 21% rate to 28% while Republicans consider further cuts By Richard Rubin June 17, 2024 3:04 pm ET1/3

President Biden’s plan would reverse half of Republicans’ 2017 rate cut.

WASHINGTON—The 21% U.S. corporate tax rate is the biggest single variable in the sprawling 2025 tax debate, and the two parties are trying to turn that dial in opposite directions with major consequences for companies’ profits and federal revenue.

The rate could climb as high as 28% if Democrats sweep November’s elections and move as low as 15% if Republicans gain full power.

President Biden’s plan for a 28% rate would reverse half of Republicans’ 2017 rate cut, pushing the U.S. corporate rate back near the highest among major economies. A 15% rate—some Republicans are heading that way, but the party hasn’t settled on a plan—would match the lowest level since 1935, boosting profits and rewarding shareholders. Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told corporate executives last week that he wanted a 20% rate.

Each percentage point is worth more than $130 billion over a decade in tax revenue, creating a $1 trillion-plus gap between the poles of the parties’ positions and giving the largest U.S. companies an outsize interest in the election’s outcome.

While in office, Donald Trump helped to lower the corporate tax rate to 21%.

“Why would we want to put U.S. companies in an uncompetitive situation? And if we did that, why would we expect that we would attract investment to the U.S.?”said Jon Moeller, chief executive at consumer-goods maker Procter & Gamble. Moeller leads tax-policy advocacy for the Business Roundtable, the collection of large-company executives who met with Trump last week. The group is planning an eight-figure spending campaign to support maintaining the 21% rate and extending international tax-law changes that lapse after next year.

The fight over the corporate rate makes up part of the wider tax-policy questions that lawmakers will wrestle with next year as large pieces of the 2017 tax law are scheduled to expire. Also on the table: tax rates for individuals, the child tax credit, the state and local tax deduction, tax rates for closely held businesses and the estate-tax exemption.

Corporations won tax cuts during Trump’s first term, and they would benefit if he wins again. In 2017, many companies pushed for lowering the corporate tax rate to 25% from 35%, aiming for the middle of the pack among peer countries. Trump and congressional Republicans got the rate down to 21%.

Unlike other pieces of that same law, the corporate rate cut doesn’t expire.

Republicans were trying to give companies a long-term signal that they could put profits and investment in the U.S. instead of in other countries and get similar after-tax returns.

But tax policy is only as permanent as the political majority that creates it. Democrats tried to raise corporate tax rates after taking power. That plan fell short after Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I., Ariz.) objected, and the 21% rate

remained, though Democrats created a separate 15% corporate minimum tax.


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6b45d6 No.21049497

File: 4ec9353c1ff4a70⋯.jpg (25.89 KB,781x440,71:40,4ec9353c1ff4a70ae3749005b0….jpg)

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94b166 No.21049499


btfo out them and that should help

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1c47bf No.21049500

QAnoners are just mad that Joe Biden freed the slaves on Juneteenth. Admit it you stupid racists.

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daf12f No.21049501


tell us how any one ever celebrated it?

isn't it yet another made up holiday like Kwanza?

it didn't exist 20 years ago.

someone made it up to pander to the Democrats?

and it's only for people who work for the Federal Government?

so tell us how you 'celebrate' it?

should we make the feast day of every saint a Federal Holiday too?

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5ac09d No.21049502


maybe im missing something?

this stops Oil how?

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38a3b5 No.21049504

i like when i respond to something and then it's deleted and i forget what it was

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daf12f No.21049505


why do you use nouns that are slander to a group?

why are you pretending to care about a fake holiday?

why do you slander a non existent group?

why are you posting in a forum if you think that everyone here is a bad person?

what holidays do they have in your country?

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a36912 No.21049507

I like the orangey bronze banner itstands out well in the catalog

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1a0bcd No.21049508



Easy political choice for Democrats

Within the Democratic Party, raising the corporate tax is among the easiest political choices,because it generates so much money for other priorities. It lets Democrats direct attention to companies that enjoyed lower taxes and then raised prices; they have pointed to studies showing that the 2017 law yielded modest boosts in investment and delivered wage gains mostly to higher-income workers.

Democrats also point to U.S. corporate tax revenue as a share of the economy as being low internationally;that is misleading because, unlike elsewhere, the U.S. taxes a significant share of U.S. business income on owners’ individual returns, not through the corporate tax.

“The corporate tax share is already low and corporate profits are at record highs,” said Lael Brainard, the White House national economic adviser. “Any way you look at it, we are not raising enough from the corporate side.” The corporate tax is projected to generate about 8% of U.S. revenue over the next decade, far less than individual income or payroll taxes, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

The corporate tax is one of the most progressive ways of raising revenue, with much of the burden falling on higher-income households, but the reality of who pays it is more nuanced than just saying “companies” or “rich people.”

Economists and government agencies generally agree that shareholders ultimately bear much of the cost, with workers and consumers paying some, too. Shareholders, generally, are wealthier than the population as a whole.

The corporate tax is one of the few ways the U.S. can, indirectly, tax foreign investors in U.S. securities and nonprofits with large tax-free endowments.But the shareholder base also includes pension funds, 401(k) accounts and some middle-income households. Biden and Democrats play down effects on those groups.They also don’t count corporate tax increases as violating the president’s pledge to protect households making under $400,000 from tax hikes.

Republicans see 21% rate as successful

Republicans and executives see the 21% corporate tax rate and accompanyingchanges to international tax rules as successful. They note that no U.S. companies have inverted—taken a foreign address for tax savings—since 2017 and they warn that a higher rate would harm the economy. That is a change from the prior few years, when companies such as Johnson Controls and Medtronic inverted.

Higher rates now would be more onerous than a decade ago, Moeller said. That is because the 2017 law broadened the tax base, removing tax breaks such as one for domestic manufacturing, so a 28% tax now would be 28% on more income….


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a9b9d1 No.21049509

File: 1a8aadf9fd5e5d8⋯.jpg (117.88 KB,545x655,109:131,yth9ynynyno.jpg)

REAKING NEWS: In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads

It has just passed peer review & will be PUBLISHED!

74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!


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a6770d No.21049510


>The country we have now…is the country we deserve.

Blame the victims, nice strategy. In fact, most truths which would educate the public so they were empowered to make wise decisions have been hidden, buried, erased, denied. Lies fill the void, and distractions. It's harsh to blame people for failing to discern they're being treated like mushrooms.

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585e5c No.21049513

File: 3b22aad2914b2d4⋯.jpg (88.18 KB,655x645,131:129,3b22aad2914b2d4ea59abbff2d….jpg)


That was beautiful. The panic is real. What he seems to not want to acknowledge is that We The People will provide the mandate for the very things he fears. Declassification will bring it all down.

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d6485d No.21049514


>Vote harder in November, though.

I ain't votin' for shit. Once the stolen 2020 election was certified, I decided that I was out. Unlike the alphabet retard that posted on here, I actually follow through when I say I'm going to do, or not do, something.

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54661b No.21049515


reflect on the fact that hundreds of years later blacks are still enslaved by the jew

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6e8a72 No.21049516

File: 6aef56c894f8c6b⋯.jpg (43.38 KB,640x693,640:693,3qznsb5jbfi91.jpg)

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7fe98f No.21049517

File: 025b0e38279a256⋯.png (350.03 KB,513x511,513:511,be4c5e65500545d8fddf9a805b….png)

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a6770d No.21049520


I'll bet their "powder paint" contains "carbon" and/or "fossil fuel"-derived ingredients.

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f9477b No.21049521

I like having the images disabled, and then gamble which thumbnail I open in a new tab in the rare event that it attracted my interest.

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1a0bcd No.21049522



Lawmakers are just beginning to weigh trade-offs within the corporate tax system and the tax code more broadly.

Democrats aren’t necessarily united behind Biden’s 28% rate. Rep. Richard Neal (D., Mass.), likely the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee if Democrats win a House majority, said he still likes the bill his panel approved in 2021. That had a 26.5% rate, along with international-tax changes that companies sought and higher minimum taxes they opposed. Rates aren’t all that matter to companies, Neal said.

“The rate is the advertised number,” he said. “The deductions and exclusions frequently become more important to them.”

Senate Finance Committee Democrats will meet soon to discuss the 2025 tax debate, and Sen. Mark Warner (D., Va.) said he is still in wait-and-see mode on Biden’s call for a 28% rate. However, he said: “It’s interesting when I hear from some corporate CEOs who argue for a competitive tax rate but then also complain about our $34 trillion debt.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.), who sits with Warner on the tax-writing Finance panel, said Democrats should insist on higher corporate taxes as one of their red lines in the 2025 debate, even to the point of being willing to let the expiring tax cuts lapse.

“Democrats don’t need to be suckers this time,” she said Monday. “We can turn away from our history of bad dealmaking.”

Republicans don’t have a fixed plan, either.

“I’m not going to get pinned in a numbers game,” said Rep. Jason Smith (R., Mo.), chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. Smith has said some Republicans might want to raise the rate.

“I would go lower,” said Rep. Ralph Norman (R., S.C.). “Taxes—I don’t care what the liberals say—taxes let people spend their own money, incentivizes our economy.”

Even those who might want to lower the 21% rate recognize that it doesn’t expire. And to the extent Republicans feel constrained by budget deficits, they might want to devote more attention to the tax pieces that do expire and carry a $4 trillion price tag for full extension.

“I don’t support raising taxes. I’m not a fan of raising rates,” said Rep. Ben Cline (R., Va.). “I wouldn’t support raising rates, but I would be premature to say that the corporate rate and what it is shouldn’t be part of the conversation.”


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50e757 No.21049524

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a6770d No.21049526


>Joe Biden freed the slaves on Juneteenth.

Woke miseducation at its finest.

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a356d6 No.21049528

File: 94bc4fa440d9913⋯.png (713.97 KB,497x712,497:712,digging_doggo.png)


>Declassification will bring it all down.

Can you imagine all the digging when it is finally all released?

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4d7452 No.21049529



u da man

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a9b13a No.21049531

File: 4992031fbf3aaaa⋯.jpg (471.83 KB,1200x1599,400:533,flyingsaucer.jpg)

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8b99e8 No.21049532

File: 420b5f8be1dcc40⋯.jpg (69.05 KB,715x402,715:402,sync.jpg)

Any other EUFags noticing the WW3 crisis propaganda being blasted on all channels?

They really want us to be as scared as they are.


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baefa0 No.21049533

File: 9f9ceab9960e323⋯.jpg (39.22 KB,629x466,629:466,8887474c69b04d45425a14950a….jpg)

in the past there are periods where,

multiple sapien species existed at the same time.

economies of scale…

small: quick cycling, adaptation; short lifespan

medium: average cycling, adapation, lifespan

large: slow cycling, adaptation; long lifespan

tortise would be a curious odd man out

muh giants and little people from the average perspective.

and all the stories that remember them.

tall tales, or short… along with the mystical perspectives of each.

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3be3dd No.21049536


the truth will out!

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36f39a No.21049537

File: fb736b534951cee⋯.mp4 (709.19 KB,320x320,1:1,Mysteries.mp4)


>How are anons going to celebrate Juneteenth today?

Celebrate our Mysterious new neighbors who moved in next door ,they come from a foreign land and are wanted for 19 killings in 2 years since crossing the border, but Joe Bidens Justice department keeps releasing him on probation ,DHS won't deport him , say hello to your neighbor Dikembe, don't look him in the eye

Happy Juneteenth!

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daf12f No.21049538

there is a certain irony in the Democrats sending trolls here to these breads to make Juneteenth a talking point to foster division and to troll for negative response.

and they probably get double time pag for working on a Federal holiday.

And also the irony to create a Federal holiday to pander to a group that they call 'Uncle Toms' is they dare to start campaigning for people other than Democrats.

so they made a holiday supposedly about 'Freedom' to keep the voters enslaved to the false ideas of statest 'democracy' on their slave plantation and enslaved to subsidies, welfare, and government handouts.

Celebrate liberty by not voting for Democrats!

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cf75a2 No.21049541

File: 92df64df15ea05b⋯.jpeg (106.96 KB,713x487,713:487,IMG_0279.jpeg)


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b0b0be No.21049542

File: 31d1ed1a87f8f44⋯.jpeg (22.39 KB,225x225,1:1,DD0AD761_A393_4B4B_AECC_6….jpeg)

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b959c5 No.21049545

File: 2911ca26846e479⋯.jpg (38.23 KB,364x424,91:106,IMG_20240619_100914.jpg)

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a356d6 No.21049546


Published July 6, 2023 | Version v1

Preprint Open

A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings in Deaths After Covid-19 Vaccination


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a9b13a No.21049547


megalithic oil rigs are susceptible to orange paint in particular which interferes with the extraction process

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cf75a2 No.21049548


earth is a petri dish

not all current "humans" are the same species

it becomes clear after detached study

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0736f5 No.21049549

“Heat dome” is new buzzword of the month for - summer.

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f9477b No.21049550

File: beebc1897a486b0⋯.jpg (108.34 KB,720x404,180:101,powerpuff_girls.jpg)

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cae00d No.21049551


The trunk monkey activation switch inop driver bailed to pull the manual


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ee69af No.21049552

File: cdc21f4c96339c8⋯.png (88.06 KB,443x455,443:455,ff321e2419219c485de71c1ee8….png)


Dart is now working for the 3 letter agency KYS

it's an esteemed postion and taken seriously

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daf12f No.21049553


I think that the 'color of paint' of an oil rig is a topic being used to gaslight.

why would a color of paint stop a drill and a pump from extracting oil? obviously it's another playful troll seeing who he/she can fool here.

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289146 No.21049554


when it's warm…they color the weather maps red now…

subliminal fear porn

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1a0bcd No.21049555

File: 0981c7ff97e7433⋯.png (173.37 KB,760x477,760:477,ClipboardImage.png)

This is what Politico Playbook is saying about Iowa.

If these Iowa numbers are real, there is no way Biden can win in Wisconsin and Minnesota. He can't overcome the rural vote for Trump.


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7b0598 No.21049556


Going to haul my grill out, coolers out and sign up some new Trump voters.

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f9477b No.21049557


>“Heat dome” is new buzzword of the month for - summer.

Are we in luke warm dome before summer?

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289146 No.21049558


pls save a beer for me, thanks

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daf12f No.21049559


they do a 'feels like' temperature instead of reporting the real temperatures.

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352cd8 No.21049560

File: dce9d34e37f8b97⋯.gif (2.35 MB,245x209,245:209,IMG_2556.gif)

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8d580b No.21049561


Will be a good opportunity to get everyone watching thinking bigger.

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289146 No.21049562

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8b99e8 No.21049563

File: 788208499314e16⋯.png (721.13 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>Imagine if you will… that you're a human being.

I got "Human after all" tattooed in fat, bold letters down my right arm. You calling me a liar?


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f9477b No.21049564



Is there a toilet in the tour bus, anon really needs to go.

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29dc82 No.21049566


digits confirm biden is cooked more than schumer's cheeseberder was

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352cd8 No.21049567

File: 23cb54463547045⋯.png (925.93 KB,600x800,3:4,8BB762DA_DE3F_4BB5_824D_E4….png)

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daf12f No.21049568


why are you making up BS and publishing it here?

if what you say is true then please sauce the assertion.

as well explain why a paint color would have that effect.

thank you in advance.

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352cd8 No.21049570

File: 78f0c571f77de31⋯.jpeg (359.9 KB,1034x852,517:426,IMG_2512.jpeg)

File: e416b8a1ae5f585⋯.jpeg (124.92 KB,800x572,200:143,239E2E92_05CE_4791_B94E_7….jpeg)

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673306 No.21049571


Proofs never need to be spammed.

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eddf57 No.21049572


So the 100 post dude is also the Vatican spammer. Nice.

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352cd8 No.21049574

File: 1aba6dc2ebd4515⋯.jpeg (208.96 KB,1130x1364,565:682,IMG_2553.jpeg)

File: 994f056f0315948⋯.jpeg (347.43 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_2552.jpeg)

File: 37ad76cffa85e4c⋯.jpeg (466.06 KB,1130x989,1130:989,IMG_2551.jpeg)

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a9b9d1 No.21049575

File: 2d6e1982dd83e00⋯.jpeg (145.31 KB,1080x1384,135:173,ziPtR7BIvi7L.jpeg)

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792dba No.21049576

File: 48e7430a3b6f270⋯.jpeg (42.65 KB,657x527,657:527,79653CE1_0754_41C3_A347_7….jpeg)

>>21049174 Was there that night as well .

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acddd4 No.21049577

File: 2c998af0e229647⋯.jpeg (648.82 KB,1323x611,1323:611,2564704E_7741_479E_8A2D_7….jpeg)

File: 28bca1a596a217e⋯.jpeg (443.93 KB,1127x608,1127:608,37605889_C6F3_4781_AE50_7….jpeg)

File: 09af7d0a1e301e1⋯.jpeg (619.57 KB,776x807,776:807,9B2C5FC9_6296_4B42_A261_D….jpeg)


Italian AF IAM1496 G5 left Siauliai, Lithuania after a ground stop of about 40m back to Rome

NATO Intercepts Russian Aircraft Over the Baltic Sea


RAF RRR6603 C17 Globey stop and drop at Rzeszow Airport

RAF RRR7219 Rivet Joint with its harassment program around Kaliningrad, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

French AF CTM1071 A330 E from Marseille depart likely going to Constanta AB, Romania

Russian Federation RSD539 Ilyushin 96 landed at Moscow from its trip E as part of VP’s NoKo visit-he’s on a different tail number

Bahrain AF BAH09 RJ-85 Avroliner left Bratislava, Slovakia after arriving yesterday

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d2f2f7 No.21049578

Panic, all is lost, the Satanic Progressives and their DS DumbCunt minions are moribund, walking dead. Each one to be afforded a tailor made HELL.

All is lost.

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cae00d No.21049580


8kun Premium with every sig

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f9477b No.21049581

Taylor Swift's pussy is so wide and large, Moses could pass thru it at once.

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31a62c No.21049582

File: 04b1ec00baeb5ff⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1300.jpeg)


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daf12f No.21049583

"Vindman, Anderson to fight for seat in Virginia's 7th congressional district"

Vindman, having been born in Ukraine, might be called a 'draft dodger' as if he went back to Ukraine he'd be automatically conscripted by the dictatorship.

OR maybe not because he's special.


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94b166 No.21049584

File: 7d734937f5be8f3⋯.gif (1.92 MB,480x270,16:9,a10warty.gif)

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ee69af No.21049585

File: 14658938f32a36d⋯.png (816.41 KB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


mornin bro

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d2f2f7 No.21049586

Regional Covens/Masons child sex networks across America will be dismantled obliterating the lives of thousands of Satanic child molesters.

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455baf No.21049587


White Russians all around

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daf12f No.21049588


maybe a valid question for a debate to ask Vindman:

1. why aren't you over in Ukraine fighting for your homeland?

2. if a vote comes up about aide to Ukraine will you recuse yourself from the vote because you are Ukrainian and thus biased?

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eddf57 No.21049589


Ukraine offered to make him defense minister. Came out during the impeachment hoax.

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f4a220 No.21049590

Something anon has been thinking about. What if the panic is not [their] panic but the public. 17 did say not to panic; assuming there is going to be public panic. Not sure it's indictive enough that it would be bad guy panic. Sure, when the truth is being revealed: panic. But they're comfy in the dark… Ahhh. Nvm. Dark to light might equal panic. Depending on the outcome, anon might have answered his own question.

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4effe5 No.21049591

File: f8f6751a70eeae4⋯.gif (12.95 MB,593x593,1:1,biden_creepy.gif)


>If these Iowa numbers are real, there is no way Biden can win in Wisconsin and Minnesota. He can't overcome the rural vote for Trump.

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f9477b No.21049592

File: 0d21a6815164e06⋯.jpeg (204.05 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Crazy_Time_WheelOfFortune….jpeg)

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daf12f No.21049593


not him, his brother.

they are twins.

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d2f2f7 No.21049594

The wind farms and solar fields will be exposed as ludicrous frauds, evaporating billions in ill begotten funds quickly and those behind the wicked ruse held to account.

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54661b No.21049595

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nov 5th

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eddf57 No.21049596

File: 8f991920ed04d9d⋯.png (417.29 KB,486x354,81:59,8f991920ed04d9d71235777791….png)


The panic is real. It's theirs solely.

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daf12f No.21049597

File: f2c9e99e05e022c⋯.jpg (225.58 KB,1200x800,3:2,vindman_16.jpg)


this picture makes them look adorable.

but we all know better.

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1a0bcd No.21049598

Republican senator blocks ban on bump stocks for guns brought by Democrats

Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., sought unanimous consent to pass the BUMP Act, but Sen. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., objected for the GOP, effectively blocking the legislation.

Updated June 18, 2024, 5:07 PM EDT By Sahil Kapur and Frank Thorp V

WASHINGTON — Senate Democrats sought to pass legislation Tuesday banning bump stocks for firearms after the Supreme Court overruled a previous ban, but a single Republican objected on behalf of his party, effectively stalling the bill.

Backed by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Martin Heinrich, D-N.M., sought “unanimous consent” to pass his BUMP Act that would prohibit the devices, which modify semi-automatic weapons to fire bullets more quickly.

The New Mexico senator said he’s a firearm owner who sees no purpose for bump stocks other than to facilitate mass shootings, as in Las Vegas in 2017, when a gunman killed dozens of people at a music festival and more than 500 people were injured.

“The Las Vegas gunman was able to murder and injure so many so quickly because he used a deadly device known as a bump stock,” Heinrich said on the Senate floor. “There’s no legitimate use for a bump stock. Not for self-defense, not in a law enforcement context, not even in military applications as they’re less accurate than a standard fully automatic military platform. But what they are tailor-made for is a mass shooting.”

But the bill was met with an objection from Sen. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., blocking it from moving forward. The objection was backed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and many other Republican senators, marking a turnaround after many of them championed a bump stock ban imposed by the Trump administration after the Las Vegas massacre.

Senate Democrats try to ban bump stocks after SCOTUS ruling: Ricketts labeled the bill “a gun-grabbing overreach," saying it is written vaguely and could give the Biden administration power to target “common firearm accessories, not just bump stocks.”“That’s really, really scary,” Ricketts said, calling the measure an infringement on the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

He labeled it “another day in the Democrat summer of show votes,” following recent votes on protections for IVF and contraception which were also blocked by Republicans.

The clash comes in the heat of an election year, when Republicans are running as staunch supporters of gun rights while President Joe Biden and Democrats call for stricter firearm laws. The move Tuesday followed a Supreme Court decision last week saying the executive branch may not use existing law to ban bump stocks, although the 6-3 ruling along ideological lines kept the door open for Congress to regulate the accessories with a new law.

Unanimous consent is one mechanism for the Senate to pass legislation speedily, often used for non-controversial measures. Schumer can also bring the bump stock bill or other legislation up through the regular process, which takes more time and requires 60 votes to break a filibuster. That means at least 9 Republicans would have to support it if Democrats and independents stick together.

Before the unanimous consent request, Schumer didn’t say whether he’d bring up the bill through regular channels if it stalled, imploring Republicans to “see the light” and not block it. “Many of them were extremely supportive of this when President Trump did it as a regulation,” Schumer said. “Donald Trump is hardly a friend to gun safety. But I’m just shocked that the Supreme Court will be even to the right of him.”

Heinrich warned that if Congress doesn’t prohibit bump stocks, “street gangs and cartels and mass shooters” may be able to access these devices “and turn them against our communities.” He added: “This will not be the last time you hear about these devices on the floor of the Senate.”


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a9b9d1 No.21049599


Celebs and politicians hate planefags so much that they push for secret tail sign legislation

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352cd8 No.21049600

File: bce37c3ef4b9fae⋯.png (849.15 KB,624x800,39:50,BC525F76_D209_456F_9449_49….png)

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eddf57 No.21049601


Oh. kek

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4d7452 No.21049602

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4effe5 No.21049603

File: 66560d184731c19⋯.png (326.59 KB,856x594,428:297,2024_06_19_09_41_12.png)



>not him, his brother.

>they are twins.

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d2f2f7 No.21049604

The Satanic New Age educators will be exposed and removed, a child grooming/mutilating program for population control, of white Americans specifically. The lives and careers of thousands of these venal "educators" will be atomized.

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21a19c No.21049605

File: 53e5e0ad3cae798⋯.png (69.09 KB,502x310,251:155,ClipboardImage.png)


Some plane somewhere. You'll just have to take my word for it. You've been fagged.

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daf12f No.21049606


I wanted to like them. I find them kind of sweet looking.

but they've proven themselves to be dishonest Ukrainigarchs. At least the brother has.

anyway he's running as a democrat so he must be defeated.

They probably think that they are nice people.

I bet that they'd be fun as friends but not about politics.

Ukrainians don't always understand how they have been propped up by a corrupt and very wealthy cabal as 'favorite pets'

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4a690d No.21049607

File: 7611e17afa6662a⋯.jpg (86.06 KB,402x561,134:187,7611e17afa6662ad38645407d2….jpg)

Extra comfy in here today, frens

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94b166 No.21049608

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)


morn'n baker requesting handoff

wurk fagg'n heatn up

even have a bonus bun for the lucky naker taker

#25809 >>21049064

>>21049272 Hezbollah is now broadcasting live drone footage from the Haifa port as well as other military bases and sensitive Israeli locations - Israel's defense umbrella has been breached.

>>21049460 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2024

>>21049492 Two Just Stop Oil activists have desecrated Stonehenge with orange powder paint.

>>21049496, >>21049508, >>21049522 Corporate Tax Rate Spurs Political Fight With More Than $1 Trillion at Stake - could climb as high as 28%

>>21049509, >>21049546 In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads - 74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!

>>21049577 Planefag aloft!

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bb8d46 No.21049609

The United States of America has been infiltrated byChinese Communist Partysoldiers and other foreign malign actors.

They are being exposed, but they are harming our children and our society.

Ground Zero appears to be theUniversity of IowaandHarvard University.

The cleanup can't happen soon enough.

Parents, your children's schools are fullyCommunist. Their teachers have been brainwashed. Their tests are fake. The Chinks are laughing at us because our children are like putty in their filthy hands.

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0c449c No.21049611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Just a stack of 5 gallon buckets

But a nifty partition to have a modicum of privacy

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eddf57 No.21049612


They ended their careers trying to fuck over their own President.

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d2f2f7 No.21049613

Big Pharma, Big Food and Big Chemical will be exposed as the Satanic Alchemists they are, working together to control the population with poison. Trillions will vanish and those in control of these outward malevolence brought to justice.

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a9b9d1 No.21049614



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352cd8 No.21049615

File: 7f212071c17e202⋯.jpeg (43.99 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_2564.jpeg)



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daf12f No.21049618


Everyone obsesses about twins, anons.

Not just the Nazis.

They have statues in Rome on the Capitoline Hill to Castor and Pollux.

They call them the Dioscuri.


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94b166 No.21049619


ty vd

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a356d6 No.21049620

Potato's big day

10:00 AM EDT

The President receives the President’s Daily Brief

Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


10:00 AM EDT

Out-of-Town Pool Call Time​

Biden Beach House, Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


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0c449c No.21049621


Fook mi?

Fook yu

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a356d6 No.21049622

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

Real America's Voice


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8d580b No.21049623

File: 2c4c71abc391e72⋯.png (1.86 MB,960x887,960:887,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

June 19, 2024

NGC 6188: Dragons of Ara

Do dragons fight on the altar of the sky? Although it might appear that way, these dragons are illusions made of thin gas and dust. The emission nebula NGC 6188, home to the glowing clouds, is found about 4,000 light years away near the edge of a large molecular cloud, unseen at visible wavelengths, in the southern constellation Ara (the Altar). Massive, young stars of the embedded Ara OB1 association were formed in that region only a few million years ago, sculpting the dark shapes and powering the nebular glow with stellar winds and intense ultraviolet radiation. The recent star formation itself was likely triggered by winds and supernova explosions from previous generations of massive stars, that swept up and compressed the molecular gas. This impressively detailed image spans over 2 degrees (four full Moons), corresponding to over 150 light years at the estimated distance of NGC 6188.


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352cd8 No.21049624

File: 13671c5f7430cc2⋯.gif (942.64 KB,400x180,20:9,IMG_2565.gif)

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bb8d46 No.21049626

File: 7a44707a19300d3⋯.png (151.46 KB,533x267,533:267,Pepperidge_Farm_Remembers.png)




I was here that night.

Q spanked her in real time and it was glorious.

I remember.

Heck, even Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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1a0bcd No.21049627

File: d98c0be6387395b⋯.png (881.45 KB,1185x457,1185:457,ClipboardImage.png)

June 18, 2024, 1:15 PM EDT; Updated: June 18, 2024, 2:27 PM EDT

Senate Democrats Pull Vote on Trial Court Nominee Kasubhai (1)

Tiana Headley

GOP views Mustafa Kasubhai as too radical. Would be one of few Muslim federal life-tenured judges

Senate Democrats canceled a procedural floor vote to advance Biden nominee Mustafa Kasubhai to be a judge on Oregon’s federal district court.

Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) told reporters a planned vote to invoke cloture, or end debate, on the nomination was pulled Tuesday due to attendance issues and the vote will be rescheduled “soon.” Democrats hold a 51-49 majority in the chamber.

Kasubhai, a magistrate judge for the same court, has had a prolonged path to confirmation to the US District Court for the District of Oregon. He’d be one of only a handful of Muslim Americans ever to serve as life-tenured federal judges.

Kasubhai has faced intense opposition from GOP lawmakers who’ve said that he’s too radical for the federal bench. Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans had questioned Kasubhai during his October 2023 confirmation hearing on his views regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion and guidance he created for the use of preferred pronouns and honorifics in his courtroom.

Republicans also questioned whether he was a Marxist based on his past writings, some of which date to his time as a law student.

Sen. Robert Menendez’s (D-N.J.) absence amid his bribery trial in Manhattan federal court, and the potential defection of West Virginia Democrat turned Independent Sen. Joe Manchin, have loomed as potential obstacles to confirming President Joe Biden’s most controversial judicial nominees. Manchin has said he won’t support nominees who don’t have Republican backing.


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d2f2f7 No.21049628

The power of the Aether will be harnessed for humanity, free energy will give humanity what it needs to ascend to its proper state.

Those who knowingly buried the truth of the Aether held to account.

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94b166 No.21049629


>true anons are hard to find

>thank god you're no shill

but you are and you have to go again. best of luck with the rest of the bred.

c u tomorrow

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daf12f No.21049630


their careers are not over yet.

Plus it was only the one who did that stuff to our Dear and much beloved Best President Ever, Donald J. Trump.

you can't blame the guy running for congress for all of that, can you?

but he's running as a democrat, so no matter how charmming I might find him if we didn't discuss politics he must be defeated.

also: I don't think what Z is doing conscripting everyone under the age of 60 into the army (the men) is a fair thing to do so I really wouldn't want the guy to be drafted into the Ukrainian army.

anyway ya, he's a democrat. He's kind of charming. Him and his brother make a dashing pair.

So that means he might actually win as there are a lot of people who still knee-jerk vote for the democrat. And it was a Democrat person there before.

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7b93e3 No.21049632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The most ominous tone I've ever heard from him…50% adverse effects, 10% miscarriage…

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1a0bcd No.21049633

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Charlie Spiering Discusses The Democrats' Presidential Succession Plan

Dems are trying to replace Joe Bidan…



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ff1a29 No.21049634

File: 1ebdf2cfded744d⋯.jpg (321.95 KB,1600x1200,4:3,stickspoke.jpg)

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a356d6 No.21049635

File: 9a08b74f45bfb3f⋯.jpg (32.54 KB,612x392,153:98,gettyimages_51584084_Bill_….jpg)

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794f84 No.21049636



don't forget to notable mccabe shitting his pants


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eddf57 No.21049637


Their military careers. Kind of amazing to keep the pensions too after that.

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94b166 No.21049638

File: 0d5aa63280ef41a⋯.jpg (160.3 KB,1600x1063,1600:1063,sharing_bread.jpg)

File: b56c270817c2946⋯.png (442.26 KB,606x608,303:304,wakesncakes.png)


We Be firm'd

tyvm caker baker!

have a guudn

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daf12f No.21049639


once it is trivial to gather as much energy as one needs the problem will then be that piggish people will heat up the world.

the regulation of the use of energy is needed for that reason.

the oligharchs know this and they use the excuse about carbon dioxide to make all the laws so that when the free energy is available they can still be in charge of everything.

Free energy also liberates people from centralized control.

It's like a death knoll of a bell saying 'the time of the oligrachs is over.'

it must scare them.

so they want to put eveyrone else into the stone age again and have a two teared society: those in the know with the new technology and all the rest of us.

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794f84 No.21049640

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)

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94b166 No.21049641



on the morrow vd

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acddd4 No.21049643


Mornin’ back at ya

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bf4c0d No.21049644

File: 36a47753b4fcdd9⋯.jpg (451.92 KB,1152x652,288:163,36a47753b4fcdd9fa3895905b1….jpg)

Are there atheists in Hell?

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352cd8 No.21049646

File: 0cbe55ea77e77fb⋯.mp4 (6.87 MB,My_Movie.mp4)

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eddf57 No.21049647



Plus, President Trump kicked both of them off the NSC. It was obviously for a reason.

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ff1a29 No.21049648

File: 9650fc557086c6d⋯.png (101.59 KB,189x255,63:85,strangekek.png)




habby smooooovs W

in the stream

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acddd4 No.21049649


That’s the other “planefag” who can’t put moar than one AC in a cap much less adjust the screen for day/night


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40d676 No.21049650

File: 39c5fecb56a500c⋯.png (1.57 MB,1320x1032,55:43,ClipboardImage.png)


>aide to Ukraine will you recuse

We've got a republican one of them.


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152a20 No.21049652


I may be bad

but i

feel good

Mama says Wuhan is the Devil

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daf12f No.21049653


government double and triple dippers need to be reigned in.

pension reform is needed.

that's a different issue than a charming sexy guy running for office in a district with Democrat lady voters who might succumb to such a man.

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794f84 No.21049654

File: 08c7b23f5eb515b⋯.png (653.04 KB,634x636,317:318,WuhanLiChunhongChina.png)


good job boys

proud of you

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794f84 No.21049655

File: e46e66eea7ecf89⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB,640x360,16:9,innerworkings.mp4)


shut it down

delete everything

all frogs must go now

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d2f2f7 No.21049656

The Satanic medical system will be exposed and eliminated, profiting from treating symptoms rather than curing maladies these foul beasts have knowingly injured millions with unnecessary anguish and financial burden. A benevolent system will emerge that expose the Satanic Alchemists use of sugar and other poisons to create the maladies which they profit by treating.

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5ac09d No.21049659


daf12f has trouble extracting humor?

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daf12f No.21049660


I read an interesting essay , actually a chapter in a book, and one of the things that the pastor said what that 'maybe hell is like a box that people lock from the inside so no one can get in, and God is on the outside'

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f8cb79 No.21049662


It’s both sad and hilarious that you dumfucks actually think that was LdR

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a356d6 No.21049663

File: 2f679b4c36830e6⋯.png (509.96 KB,570x831,190:277,2024_06_19_Stonehenge.png)

Stonehenge U.K


Stonehenge damaged by protestors today

7:43 AM · Jun 19, 2024


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152a20 No.21049665

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acddd4 No.21049666


They are public figures and if they don’t like it they should have considered it before entering that life.

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d2f2f7 No.21049667

The Roman Catholic Church will be exposed as the Satanic power structure that it is, all properties/holdings seized and secret libraries given back to humanity.

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794f84 No.21049668

It highlights five major concerns:

AI automated content may invent facts about the Holocaust

Falsifying historical evidence: Deepfake Technology

AI models can be manipulated to spread hate speech

Algorithmic bias can spread Holocaust denial

Oversimplifying history

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eddf57 No.21049669

File: fc01d90eb752e26⋯.jpg (49.96 KB,731x747,731:747,48a1f6d89e3d36fd955e14af1f….jpg)


Then he says, "my revenge will be our success" and they panic more. Fucking legend.

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152a20 No.21049670


A pit stop in Beersheba too

maybe all the way back to 1917

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794f84 No.21049672


UNESCO report warns that Generative AI threatens Holocaust memory

A UNESCO report warns that unless decisive action is taken to integrate ethical principles, AI could distort the historical record of the Holocaust and fuel antisemitism. The report cautions that not only can Generative AI enable malicious actors to seed disinformation and hate-fueled narratives, but it can also inadvertently invent false or misleading content about the Holocaust.

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4effe5 No.21049674

File: c4a4bcdca8af556⋯.png (308.03 KB,426x469,426:469,shut_it_down.png)


>shut it down

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b5b8a1 No.21049675

File: cf9ddfadbaa31ac⋯.jpg (137.78 KB,1080x504,15:7,gretaantifa.jpg)

File: d28a048713f64d1⋯.jpg (110.21 KB,528x531,176:177,abolishonistdeface2.jpg)



The Biden ettes, stole the Country.

Anybody who fails to call that out and tried to skate on cheatery.

They need to GO

yes, no pension for traitors.

They are lucky they go home with their heads. after all the death, waste and suffering they dealt

Stop with the TABOO subjects already.

They keep people quiet and in control via intimidation.

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daf12f No.21049676


no, anon, gaslighting and humor are not the same thing.

if you have a bland statement like that one and it's not in context it's not humor. It's just someone making stupid comments.

I guess if I'd known that you were clowning and not gaslighting I'd have not responded (I don't mean 'clown' as in the bad sense of 'evil troll clown who will eat your face' but 'making light of things'.

generally if you want to play the humorist people here will take you at face value.

we are not psychic. if you don't indicate that it's a playful narrative how would we know?

I do know this: if you paint rainbows on your oil rig you might be able to extract more government subsidies (DEI). now that was supposed to be a playful thing to say.

another quality: humor is only funny within a well known context.

another point: I'm in an alternative discussion about Vindman running for Congress in Virginia and I'm presenting the candidate in the context of him being sexy and charming.

to me he's not really that, but I can see how some would find him that way.

It's important to understand the context. So in some sense I'm trolling that idea, but it's a real idea.

We can't just count him off because we dislike what his brother did and see the brother as a lying snake.

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69765c No.21049677


It's been infiltrated, but God cannot be defeated.

Catholicism will also be cleansed.

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8b99e8 No.21049678

File: 4fb08c0f5fdb8e7⋯.png (39.92 KB,300x180,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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74f95b No.21049680


i just came for the keks, but I guess I'll take a church if offered to me.

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794f84 No.21049681

File: 563df709309b251⋯.png (50.06 KB,331x306,331:306,ClipboardImage.png)


>UNESCO report

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152a20 No.21049684


Cry Moar McCabe

You never thought she'd lose

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7b93e3 No.21049686


So far its been sativa, coffee and shitposting…

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daf12f No.21049687


There is a well known prayer of exercism calling on Saint Michael the Archangel to vanquish the forces of evil and in it there is an admission of how 'the seat of Peter' is inviltrated.

this prayer was written by a pope in the 1800s.

so, many in the Church already know this.

and no, no one in Rome is just going 'give you their ancient books' unless by give you mean have access to them.

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69765c No.21049689

File: 25ff8a0a843cae0⋯.png (535.76 KB,735x500,147:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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a356d6 No.21049690

File: 9cf80df89a57819⋯.png (54.9 KB,897x738,299:246,114946_current_wind_sm.png)

Surface Wind Field


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69765c No.21049693


Racists are just mad that anons are not falling victim to the division psyop that is Juneteenth. Admit it you racist fuck.

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ff1a29 No.21049694


was checkin this out last night on radar

moisture heading that way

away from fla westie

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acddd4 No.21049696

File: c1769d3de311e95⋯.png (146.24 KB,325x369,325:369,0E2CC851_7E30_428F_AA8D_6B….png)

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f9477b No.21049697


>Did you finally get it all figured out, Swordy?

Swordy is stuck in a loop, keep trying.

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de2ce2 No.21049699


Why does that look like a butt with the hole marked?

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4dc8c9 No.21049700

File: 85ae1b2d32ab64c⋯.jpeg (86.7 KB,500x501,500:501,IMG_1953.jpeg)

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69765c No.21049701

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


By looking at everyone as human beings only.

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794f84 No.21049703


>on the morrow

listen to yourself

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d2f2f7 No.21049704

The Satanic Clandestine networks will be eliminated, using technology/chemistry to control and savage the minds of those who are a threat to their Satanic system, its exposure and punishment will help humanity to better understand the nature of the true evil of the Globalist/Satanist cabal.

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acddd4 No.21049706

File: 4ae6d92b6947a62⋯.jpeg (466.52 KB,1215x610,243:122,66960CBC_8905_4692_9282_4….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: CONUS activity

SAMFOX G5 and US Navy VV100 G5 NE from JBA heading across Atlantic

A foreign VIP in that SAMFOX call sign afaik.

That AC was at Pisa,Italy then Split, Croatia before heading back to JBA on Monday

Mebby it’s the FM of Cyprus as he was here in DC and they only have one AC (CAF001) and that was used by the President to go to Zurich and Brussels returning to Larnaca yesterday.


Secretary Blinken Meets with Cyprus Foreign Minister


We’ll see where it goes

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1a0bcd No.21049707

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. Wolf On Fauci Accountability

(This monster needs to be prosecuted, starting with a dog collar, snakes, fleas, flies, and cockroaches in a plastic box, taking bites at him, and don't cut his vocal cords.)



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352cd8 No.21049710

File: c10ff77ffefd9ed⋯.jpeg (215.26 KB,800x481,800:481,D3EE5AA3_61E4_408D_9343_F….jpeg)

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69765c No.21049711


No, but anon does understand English.

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352cd8 No.21049712

File: 5f1122e015abe9a⋯.jpeg (223.68 KB,1130x1106,565:553,IMG_2568.jpeg)

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1a0bcd No.21049713


Madcow still protecting Fauci, she's justifying what he did. She says he's under attack by Trump and his supporters. She is such a fucking liar!

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d2f2f7 No.21049715

The Satanic systems use of media and culture will be exposed and eliminated, befouling the precious minds of humanity with lies and malevolent culture to demoralize and degrade humanities overall well being.

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352cd8 No.21049716

File: bbfe0cf2afd3cdd⋯.jpeg (225.73 KB,1130x1124,565:562,IMG_2570.jpeg)

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53d8c6 No.21049717

File: c0ae6b6f4dec2cd⋯.png (92.31 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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267b3e No.21049719



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352cd8 No.21049721

File: 92dce03cf3011fe⋯.jpeg (27.39 KB,480x260,24:13,IMG_2571.jpeg)

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794f84 No.21049723

File: 04f02f963fb82be⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,854x478,427:239,DavidMorens.mp4)

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352cd8 No.21049724

File: ca7cf4a7daca05f⋯.jpeg (222.19 KB,1130x848,565:424,IMG_2572.jpeg)

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c7665a No.21049726

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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ff1a29 No.21049728

File: 83933882cafbe9e⋯.jpg (12.33 KB,225x225,1:1,GONZO.jpg)


nik'd this


trade ya for gonzo

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794f84 No.21049730


Florida city uncovers mysterious network of secret tunnels - as eerie clues about their origin spark wild theories

A mysterious network of tunnels has been uncovered in Ybor City, near Tampa

Theories range from prohibition-era booze smuggling to people trafficking

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8d580b No.21049732

File: b1b53bb784c3206⋯.png (3.92 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Updates Coverage for US Spacewalks 90, 91 Outside Space Station

JUN 18, 2024

NASA will provide live coverage as astronauts conduct two spacewalks outside the International Space Station scheduled for Monday, June 24 and Tuesday, July 2.

The first spacewalk is scheduled to begin at 8 a.m. EDT June 24, and last about six and a half hours. NASA will provide live coverage beginning at 6:30 a.m.

NASA will stream the spacewalk on NASA+, NASA Television’s public channel, the NASA app, YouTube, and the agency’s website. Learn how to stream NASA TV through a variety of platforms including social media.

NASA astronauts Tracy C. Dyson and Mike Barratt will exit the station’s Quest airlock to complete the removal of a faulty electronics box, called a radio frequency group, from a communications antenna on the starboard truss of the space station. The pair also will collect samples for analysis to understand the ability of microorganisms to survive and reproduce on the exterior of the orbiting laboratory.

Dyson will serve as spacewalk crew member 1 and will wear a suit with red stripes. Barratt will serve as spacewalk crew member 2 and will wear an unmarked suit.

U.S. spacewalk 90 will be the fourth spacewalk for Dyson and the third spacewalk for Barratt. It is the 271st spacewalk in support of space station assembly, maintenance, and upgrades.

U.S. spacewalk 90 was initially scheduled for June 13 but did not proceed as scheduled because of a spacesuit discomfort issue.

The second spacewalk is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. July 2, and last about six and a half hours.

NASA will provide live coverage beginning at 7:30 a.m. Astronauts will remove and replace a gyroscope assembly, relocate an antenna, and prepare for future Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer upgrades.

NASA will stream the spacewalk on NASA+, NASA Television’s public channel, the NASA app, YouTube, and the agency’s website.

Following the completion of U.S. spacewalk 90, NASA will provide an update with participating crew members for U.S. spacewalk 91. It is the 272nd spacewalk in support of space station.


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267b3e No.21049735


The power of Christ compels you

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d2f2f7 No.21049737

The military industrial complex will vanish upon the revelation of the Satanic Cabals use of war for profit and their most precious commodity, the orphans of war. The amount of time and energy wasted on these malevolent constructs will be repaid by using these tools to eternally and completely eliminate the entire Satanic Cabal from the face of the earth.

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daf12f No.21049739


I understand that you, pretending to be some authority, are trying to divide the board and cause conflict.

that's it.

you do this everyday and get deleted everyday.

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4980ab No.21049740

File: b4c092c1130cdba⋯.png (405.86 KB,500x748,125:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1912146036f6ba9⋯.png (588.24 KB,500x580,25:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 958942826f1250a⋯.png (572.19 KB,501x498,167:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9608781ac74d79f⋯.png (835.92 KB,768x484,192:121,ClipboardImage.png)



two moar weeks is finally here.


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794f84 No.21049743

File: 7db2558b7ecbb20⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,852x480,71:40,Unearthed_video_of_Peter_D….mp4)

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d2f2f7 No.21049744


I'm just taking dictation.

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a356d6 No.21049746

Spill The Memes


Show me your best memes!

5:43 AM · Jun 19, 2024


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8a5c95 No.21049747

If a presidential debate happens Trump should not only demand a drug test of biden ; but also demand a DNA test to prove it is biden

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794f84 No.21049748

File: 310b9dfcca28470⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,480x270,16:9,whoofsociety.mp4)

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eddf57 No.21049750


This cheesedick gets a pension too.

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acddd4 No.21049753

File: f7242ff12a272f2⋯.jpeg (114.55 KB,852x457,852:457,52151644_A62C_4FBB_922A_E….jpeg)

File: b870197f5209f9a⋯.png (610.07 KB,517x488,517:488,8BE0706C_F3C1_47F0_BD28_A9….png)


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7b93e3 No.21049755

File: 4e330fa806a8469⋯.png (67.75 KB,897x736,39:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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d2f2f7 No.21049756

A new world of benevolence and peace will arise, humanity will be unchained from the foul burdens of the Satanic cabal. Life will become long and full of the wonders that were kept hidden by a network of lunatics searching for eternal life.

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acddd4 No.21049757


Saudi Arabia Dethrones China as Top Emerging-Market Borrower

Saudi Arabia has displaced China as the most prolific issuer of international debt among emerging markets, breaking Beijing’s 12-year run at the top.

Data for new-bond sales by both governments and corporates this year reveal the kingdom is borrowing at a record pace as global debt investors begin to back Crown Prince’s Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030 plan. Chinese borrowers, on the other hand, are witnessing a buying frenzy in local-currency bonds and have slowed international issuance to one of the slowest paces in recent years. Overtaking China is meaningful for Saudi Arabia — which has 1/16th of the Asian nation’s the gross domestic product and the drive to become a global business hub by the end of the decade. The latest data suggest improving sentiment as Riyadh seeks funding for projects to diversify the economy from oil and position it as a link between Asia and Europe. Meanwhile, the rest of emerging markets are also witnessing a blockbuster year for bond issuance, amid falling borrowing costs and a hunt for juicy yields. 

Bond sales from Saudi Arabian entities have increased 8% so far this year and exceeded $33 billion. The government accounts for more than half of this, including a $5 billion dollar-denominated sukuk deal last month.

The kingdom is working to find alternative sources of funding to help cover an expected fiscal shortfall of about $21 billion this year. It expects total funding activities for the year to reach about $37 billion, to help accelerate Vision 2030. In fact, the country has turned to the bond market on such a scale partly because foreign direct investment has fallen short of its targets, while oil revenue has been crimped by supply cuts.

The nation’s borrowing is already inviting caution from some money managers. Barclays Plc downgraded Saudi Arabia’s sovereign credit to underweight from market weight, citing “recurrent” bond issuance, lower oil prices and Middle East tensions. Overall, EM international bond sales have increased 28% from a year earlier to $291 billion, the highest for comparable periods since 2021. The extra yield investors demand to buy EM bonds — sovereign and corporate combined — rather than Treasuries is now about 266 basis points, below the five-year average of 336 basis points, according to a Bloomberg index.

China’s Falling Share

Meanwhile, China Development Bank in Beijing and Chinese companies have together sold $23.3 billion of dollar- and euro-denominated bonds this year. That’s a 68% drop from the country’s average government and corporate-bond sales for this time for the year since 2019. China now accounts for only 8.1% of emerging-market borrowing, a far cry from 2017 when it accounted for one third of all issuances with a $224 billion spree.

Unlike the trend in dollar bonds, the country is witnessing unprecedented bond issuance in local-currency debt as borrowing costs tumble to record low.


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40d676 No.21049760

File: c94150d610b7a44⋯.png (234.53 KB,415x592,415:592,Rachel_Maddow.png)



How does he stay in business?

Imagine having a TVSho and

disrespecting ~100m people.

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352cd8 No.21049761

File: 9dc79cb59c3adb8⋯.png (816.22 KB,540x720,3:4,19C32C45_4020_498E_9B45_1C….png)

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a356d6 No.21049763

File: c257f7076ea8973⋯.png (581.11 KB,735x767,735:767,brawndo.png)

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794f84 No.21049766

File: 1cf31752d05a30c⋯.jpg (119.33 KB,1080x720,3:2,Peter_Hotez.jpg)



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eddf57 No.21049768


MSNBC is the fucking government.

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3e7b43 No.21049769

File: 163df1e9602cb17⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB,720x720,1:1,vxD1rgiqc5Ha.jpeg)

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bf4c0d No.21049771

File: 2c35664c33e1d63⋯.png (1.79 MB,1800x1200,3:2,9db057d6cff90e66dc9fa75f1f….png)

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0c449c No.21049772


CINC too probably more important

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52b660 No.21049773

File: 3961d6035e75b5c⋯.png (678.88 KB,1274x904,637:452,LIES2.png)

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ff1a29 No.21049774


this post @465

mad bot is being removed

why do bots haz mad?

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794f84 No.21049775

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

like clockwork

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0e1a7d No.21049776


JFC shut up

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d2f2f7 No.21049778

Life in fear of exposure is not life, it is but a existence built on deception and criminality.

It is Hell itself. The pursuit of immortality by the Satanic cabal a fools errand, but a cowardly avoidance of the true path of the soul.

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794f84 No.21049780

File: ce373030d61fdce⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Build_back_better_the_slog….mp4)

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eddf57 No.21049781

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794f84 No.21049783

File: 7fc995a5968d7cb⋯.png (2 MB,859x1289,859:1289,ClipboardImage.png)

all for a larp

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65cc1e No.21049785

Don't expect government to fix America. No DS criminals will ever face justice.

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0c449c No.21049787


Stop me when I'm passing by

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987e6d No.21049788


fake pic

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3e7b43 No.21049789

File: dbea3288d441004⋯.jpg (137 KB,1080x718,540:359,cry_about_it.jpg)


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de2ce2 No.21049792


It now has a fart.


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1a0bcd No.21049794


Georgia news is still saying the vax is safe and effective, and there's a new shot out, then they said it protects from ever getting Covid, etc someone needs to correct them. But the CDC is here in ATL and releasing this bullshit still

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794f84 No.21049795

File: 5eb1b6a80531c8c⋯.mp4 (771.29 KB,720x720,1:1,pizzasymbols.mp4)


>The power of Christ compels you

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267b3e No.21049797

ANYTHING going on today or just a bunch of retards

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d2f2f7 No.21049799

The suffering of humanity is an unnecessary by product of the Satanic Cabal's pursuit of immortality, these foul fools have injured billions in their foolish cause. Life will become rich and fulfilling upon the complete and eternal vanquishment of the Satanic Cabal.

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4effe5 No.21049801

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)


Three guys raw dogging?

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d2f2f7 No.21049803

If one has used malevolence upon the innocent to find immortality there is no mortality to be had.

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3d24c0 No.21049804




> bread shitting 101

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0def41 No.21049806


Yep. That makes you a hero to the leftists.

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daf12f No.21049807

one Juneteenth thing I forget:

the town doesn't pick up the trash on a Federal Holiday.

a lot of people put out all their trash last night probably not remembering that today is a special day of government graft.

and so that is a metric about what people think about Juneteenth: they aren't even aware of it.

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bf4c0d No.21049809

File: 10b2ffd6ae47a97⋯.png (1.83 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Kristen Bell’s Revival Of ‘Reefer Madness: The Musical’ Is Open Now In LA!

Celebrate the 24th anniversary of everyone’s favorite anti-drug propaganda parody with this revival of Reefer Madness: The Musical!

The afterparty is at the Reefer Den, also located at The Whitley. It features live musical performances, surprise guests, delicious food, curated cocktails, and a charming outdoor space.

Your Reefer Madness: The Musical tickets will automatically include access to the Reefer Den, though there is a Standard Admission option without access to the Reefer Den if you would prefer to only catch the musical.




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1a0bcd No.21049810

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Avivi: IDF Dealing With Last Stronghold Of Hamas In Rafah



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794f84 No.21049813

File: e77f3e218485d02⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Jean_Michel_Basquiat.mp4)

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daf12f No.21049816


Censorship also includes flooding a comm venue so that it becomes odious and unuseful.

you seem to do that every day.

how ironic that you saying 'stand up against Censorship' is a form of it.

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267b3e No.21049817

File: 0a8dd48e12404ba⋯.jpeg (216.28 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_1637.jpeg)

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d2f2f7 No.21049818

The Mysteries were always for all of humanity, a blueprint for ascension of the species, by keeping the Mysteries for themselves the Satanic Cabal cemented their own fate of complete and total vanquishment.

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65cc1e No.21049819

I drop in once and a while - mostly to find the gheyness level has doubled. Pesty homosexuals from our own government and paid jew grubers spreading infection.

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7b0598 No.21049822

Stand up against SPAM, don't let it take over (You)r board.

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113b1e No.21049823

File: 93067ae6150c02e⋯.png (504.44 KB,767x511,767:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5c90eb83b55df1⋯.png (737.59 KB,767x511,767:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e0d1faad7703c0⋯.png (1.33 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

US acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribes

SEATTLE (AP) — The U.S. government on Tuesday acknowledged, for the first time, the harmful role it has played over the past century in building and operating dams in the Pacific Northwest — dams that devastated Native American tribes by inundating their villages and decimating salmon runs while bringing electricity, irrigation and jobs to nearby communities.

In a new report, the Biden administration said those cultural, spiritual and economic detriments continue to pain the tribes, which consider salmon part of their cultural and spiritual identity, as well as a crucial food source. The government downplayed or accepted the well-known risk to the fish in its drive for industrial development, converting the wealth of the tribes into the wealth of non-Native people, according to the report.

“The government afforded little, if any, consideration to the devastation the dams would bring to Tribal communities, including to their cultures, sacred sites, economies, and homes,” the report said. It added: “Despite decades of efforts and an enormous amount of funding attempting to mitigate these impacts, salmon stocks remain threatened or endangered and continued operation of the dams perpetuates the myriad adverse effects.”

The Interior Department’s report comes amid a $1 billion effort announced earlier this year to restore the region’s salmon runs before more become extinct — and to better partner with the tribes on the actions necessary to make that happen.

That includes increasing the production and storage of renewable energy to replace hydropower generation that would be lost if four dams on the lower Snake River are ever breached. Tribes, conservationists and even federal scientists say that would be the best hope for recovering the salmon, providing the fish with access to hundreds of miles of pristine habitat and spawning grounds in Idaho.

>watch the water


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8d580b No.21049825

File: cd6dfc1a92e4b57⋯.png (3.81 MB,1600x1190,160:119,ClipboardImage.png)

Perseverance Finds Popcorn on Planet Mars

JUN 18, 2024

After months of driving, Perseverance has finally arrived at ‘Bright Angel’, discovering oddly textured rock unlike any the rover has seen before.

The team now plans to drive up the slope to uncover the origin of this rock sequence and its relationship to the margin unit.

Having completed a survey of the intriguing and diverse boulders at 'Mount Washburn,’ the rover headed north, parking just in front of an exposure of layered light toned rock.

This provided the team with our first close-up look of the rocks that make up the ‘Bright Angel’ exposure, so Perseverance stopped to acquire images, before driving west to a larger and more accessible outcrop where the rover will conduct detailed exploration.

Perseverance arrived at the base of this outcrop on sol 1175, and geologists on the science team were mesmerized by the strange textures of the light toned rocks found there.

These rocks are filled with sharp ridges that resemble the mineral veins found at the base of the fan, but there appears to be more of them here. Additionally, some rocks are densely packed with small spheres, and we’ve jokingly referred to this as a ‘popcorn’-like texture.

Together, these features suggest that groundwater flowed through these rocks after they were laid down. Next, Perseverance will gradually ascend up the rock exposure, taking measurements as it goes.

Over the weekend, the abrasion tool will be used to take a close-up look and acquire detailed chemical information using the instruments on the rover’s arm. With this data in hand, the team will decide whether or not to sample.

Once our exploration at ‘Bright Angel’ is complete, we will drive south back across Neretva Vallis and explore a site called ‘Serpentine Rapids’.


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ff1a29 No.21049826

@500give or take

#25809 >>21049064

>>21049577, >>21049706 Planefag aloft!

>>21049272 Hezbollah is now broadcasting live drone footage from the Haifa port as well as other military bases and sensitive Israeli locations - Israel's defense umbrella has been breached.

>>21049460 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2024

>>21049492 Two Just Stop Oil activists have desecrated Stonehenge with orange powder paint.

>>21049496, >>21049508, >>21049522 Corporate Tax Rate Spurs Political Fight With More Than $1 Trillion at Stake - could climb as high as 28%

>>21049509, >>21049546 In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads - 74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!

>>21049555 If these Iowa numbers are real, there is no way Biden can win in Wisconsin and Minnesota

>>21049622 War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21049623, >>21049732 NASA

>>21049627 Senate Democrats Pull Vote on Trial Court Nominee Kasubhai GOP dissention/Mustafa Kasubhai

>>21049633 Democrats' Presidential Succession Plan Dems are trying to replace Joe Bidan…

>>21049757, >>21049753 Saudi Arabia Dethrones China as Top Emerging-Market Borrower

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a9b13a No.21049827

In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one

wants, and the other is getting it.

– Oscar Wilde

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acddd4 No.21049829

File: 593e2c4f790322d⋯.jpeg (458.78 KB,1199x621,1199:621,130590B2_741C_4290_9821_6….jpeg)


India AF IFC0524 C17 departed Dover AFB EN likely stop at Marseille for fuel before heading to Delhi

Was 2 India AF Ilyushin 78s that went to Scott AFB and left Dover yesterday

Eielson AFB-Fairbanks depart to McCord on 0616 and McCord to Dover on 0618

Arrived at Dover on 0613 and to Eielson on 0614

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daf12f No.21049831


no anon, you are a slandering censor who wants to make the board unusable so you attack anyone who reasonably explains why you postiong two or three posts per minute is

actually you trying to hush the other anon.

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d2f2f7 No.21049832

The befouling of the earth and its creatures by industry will cease.

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d2f2f7 No.21049833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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267b3e No.21049835


That queef was majestic

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0c449c No.21049836


Ucmj covers retirees and their pay

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3e7b43 No.21049838

File: 7b91bdd13dfa478⋯.png (325.6 KB,539x463,539:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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113b1e No.21049840

File: 0269c756aa894a2⋯.png (1.93 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Hundreds died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia amid intense heat, officials say

MECCA, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Hundreds of people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced intense high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, officials said Wednesday as people tried to claim their loved ones’ bodies.

Saudi Arabia has not commented on the death toll amid the heat during the pilgrimage, required of every able Muslim once in their life, nor offered any causes for those who died. However, hundreds of people had lined up at the Emergency Complex in Al-Muaisem neighborhood in Mecca, trying to get information about their missing family members.

One list circulating online suggested at least 550 people died during the five-day Hajj. A medic who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity to discuss information not released publicly by the government said that the names listed appeared genuine. That medic and another official who also spoke on condition of anonymity said they believed at least 600 bodies were at the facility.

Temperatures on Tuesday reached 47 degrees Celsius (117 degrees Fahrenheit) in Mecca and the sacred sites in and around the city, according to the Saudi National Center for Meteorology. Onlookers saw some people faint while trying to perform the symbolic stoning of the devil. At the Grand Mosque in Mecca, temperatures reached 51.8 C (125 F) on Monday though pilgrims had already left for Mina, authorities said.

Others, including many Egyptians, lost track of their loved ones in the heat and the crowds. More than 1.83 million Muslims performed the Hajj in 2024, including more than 1.6 million pilgrims from 22 countries, and around 222,000 Saudi citizens and residents, according to the Saudi Hajj authorities.


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4effe5 No.21049842

File: da985843f9bb592⋯.jpeg (29.85 KB,243x207,27:23,IMG_2732.jpeg)


GM Swordanon

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794f84 No.21049843

File: 142f84e5e5926cf⋯.gif (1.29 MB,978x827,978:827,danceclub.gif)

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d9909f No.21049844

File: 73960d847d682a4⋯.png (25.73 KB,432x219,144:73,Screenshot_2024_06_19_at_1….png)

File: b7a90c9ec0061e2⋯.png (23.8 KB,429x188,429:188,Screenshot_2024_06_19_at_1….png)


>don't forget to notable mccabe shitting his pants


>Then Potus dropped truth at


>9:53 pm

Bannon > Breitbart

Potus at 21:52 drops a Breitbart link

Bannon ran Bretbart until he joined 2016 campaign

Q2152 is a Breitbart link


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/18/202421:52:10

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112640781869984649



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 09/11/2018 18:40:05 ID:

8chan/patriotsfight: 216



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d9909f No.21049847


>Then Potus dropped truth at


>9:53 pm



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56e79c No.21049849



will know them by their post count

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118fa6 No.21049851

File: 147d6820337deb3⋯.png (141.06 KB,470x786,235:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d604a082b9666e⋯.png (27 KB,325x458,325:458,ClipboardImage.png)


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794f84 No.21049853

File: 9b27465dc9950e8⋯.png (1.88 MB,750x1334,375:667,miles3.png)

File: 292840718a83509⋯.jpg (57.86 KB,406x800,203:400,MilesGuo.jpg)

Who is Miles Guo?

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56e79c No.21049855



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d9909f No.21049856


>>21049811 Wasn't spam. Q proof. Deleted


>The Proof is being censored


>Proofs never need to be spammed.

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d904f7 No.21049857

File: 4fdb20b4c7829b5⋯.png (446.4 KB,910x930,91:93,ClipboardImage.png)


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794f84 No.21049860

File: 97db3e2ea4cf378⋯.png (622.54 KB,1856x1044,16:9,butterguo.png)


As Trump Meets Xi at Mar-a-Lago, There’s a ‘Wild Card’


China’s Pursuit of Fugitive Businessman Guo Wengui Kicks Off Manhattan Caper Worthy of Spy Thriller

Pressure from Beijing officials seeking Mr. Guo’s return sparks frantic response from Trump administration—and Penn Station, JFK airport standoffs

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9e7329 No.21049861

File: 8333ff0b7322efd⋯.png (395.04 KB,536x548,134:137,Capture.PNG)

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3e7b43 No.21049862

File: 616a7f28dfb1739⋯.webm (882.4 KB,427x240,427:240,filtered11.webm)


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56e79c No.21049863


Redundant mental midget

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4effe5 No.21049865

File: ae7911ddc682149⋯.jpeg (35.13 KB,225x255,15:17,IMG_5537.jpeg)


> Stonehenge damaged by protestors today

Isn’t that one of the satanic structures destined for destruction like the Georgia Guidestones?

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ff1a29 No.21049866

File: 94efcc376f2aafe⋯.png (174.45 KB,384x480,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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daf12f No.21049867

the irony of someone who, when you tell them what you think, and they pretend to be 'against censorship' that person calls you a 'traitor'

if they don't want to hear different opinions then why are they so hot against censorship (which is not happening here, the person gets to post, it's just noise and so it's deleted).

but me, being a mouthy person, have been known to post copiously.

and though I don't like that this person is being deleted in one sense (meaning that deletion is kind-of necessary for that type) the fact is that

if a dog does it's business on the side walk in front of your front door you clean it up.

that person's posts are like the stuff that the dog leaves.

and if someone takes a stick and writes a message with that dog poop, on a window or a door, that is vandalism and that, too, is cleaned up.

if you don't want your activty scrubbed by the busy BV, don't have your activity be a constant defecation on all the other people here, slandering them and trying to cause conflict.

and as far as the BV: if you have a guard dog at the gate usually that dog is the type that when needed knows how to growl and bare his teeth.

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3e7b43 No.21049869

File: 3c3d6de3f4bd68d⋯.jpg (201.42 KB,969x965,969:965,cringe.jpg)


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794f84 No.21049870

File: 36bd9ab6904b16c⋯.mp4 (607.59 KB,720x402,120:67,Leave_the_World_Behind.mp4)

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acddd4 No.21049871

File: 810e917a1427020⋯.jpeg (500.18 KB,1171x621,1171:621,38643E4D_A018_44A2_AFEF_B….jpeg)


Saudi Arabia SVA7198 G4Ministry of Financeheading to Cairo from Jeddah depart

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7b0598 No.21049874

File: dd9f935f129fb12⋯.png (366.06 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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184cac No.21049876

File: 55938b49daae1a1⋯.png (245.12 KB,1193x325,1193:325,ClipboardImage.png)


>Crown Prince’s Mohammed bin Salman’s Vision 2030

crowns only good in arab/mooslim/yogi

> as borrowing costs tumble to record low

in what world?

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113b1e No.21049877

File: 159ad1d22d0463a⋯.png (455.03 KB,630x417,210:139,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e7df3a02041ca98⋯.png (66.52 KB,264x191,264:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Flubbed climate test won’t deter rich donors from altering the sky

Wealthy philanthropists with ties to Wall Street and Silicon Valley are unbowed by a botched climate experiment to limit the amount of sunlight hitting the earth, vowing to continue bankrolling future solar geoengineering tests as temperatures catapult upward.

POLITICO contacted a dozen people or groups who funded a controversial program by the University of Washington to reflect sun rays by altering clouds. Those who responded indicated that it’s worth pushing through the public skepticism surrounding efforts to determine how to best deploy the last-ditch global warming fix — if at all.

“The Pritzker Innovation Fund believes in the importance of research that helps improve climate models and enables policymakers and the public to better understand whether climate interventions like marine cloud brightening are feasible and advisable,” Rachel Pritzker, the fund’s founder and president, said in a statement. “We will only get answers to these questions through open research that can inform science-based, democratic decision-making.”

The funders’ comments came after two high-profile experiments were shutdown following public backlash, pointing to the challenges of conducting controversial research that could result in weather disruptions or other unintended consequences. The latest experiment was derailed earlier this month when local officials in Alameda, California, rejected a request by Washington researchers to restart a test to brighten clouds from the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in San Francisco Bay.

The move followed the March cancellation of another solar geoengineering project in Sweden.

The Quadrature Climate Foundation, a philanthropy associated with the hedge fund Quadrature Capital, said most of its grants are dedicated to reducing carbon emissions and removing them from the atmosphere, rather than blocking sunlight. But it will continue to support geoengineering, which accounts for less than 5 percent of its $930 million funding portfolio.

Longtime Google executive Alan Eustace, who helped fund the University of Washington’s marine cloud brightening program, declined to comment on whether he would continue to support its solar geoengeering tests. Other people or groups backing the program did not respond to requests for comment.

They include the Larsen Lam Climate Change Foundation, which was established by cryptocurrency billionaire Chris Larsen and his wife, Lyna Lam; the Kissick Family Foundation launched by the late investor John Kissick; and the Cohler Charitable Fund of former Facebook executive Matt Cohler.

The program’s other supporters are inventor Armand Neukermans, venture capitalists Chris and Crystal Sacca, and software engineer Dan Scales.

>Rachel Pritzker is an heir of the Pritzker family fortune, a center-left Democratic activist and funder, and a proponent of ecomodernism. She is the chair of Third Way, the Breakthrough Institute, and the Pritzker Innovation Fund. She was a founding board member of Media Matters of America and the Democracy Alliance


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d904f7 No.21049878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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1a0bcd No.21049879

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wolicki: This War Is Israel's Moment Of Decision. War Cabinet is an internal issue, No strategic influence to dissolve it.Bidan was friendly to Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran etc., he is not about supporting Israel.



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987e6d No.21049880

File: 4ebcb94368e3da8⋯.jpg (75.44 KB,630x731,630:731,zzzzz.jpg)

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267b3e No.21049881

File: f3cf6082623a777⋯.png (571.94 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_1638.png)


Pull your pants down

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3e7b43 No.21049883


The irony of someone that whines about censorship on a site where you can create any kind of board you want within the law, but stay on just 1 and pester the board staff, just lets everyone know what your intent here is, fool. You had your free speech, fuckface. Free speech does not mean your bullshit stays published for perpetuity, nor is compelled listening here a thing due to the filter and thus why you whine so fucking hard. No, this is about free will, based upon who you work for, and your need to dominate.

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8b99e8 No.21049884

File: 819213db58a5824⋯.png (1.01 MB,665x920,133:184,feelsGoodMan.png)

Pulling all the stops.


I'm running out of popcorn.

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794f84 No.21049885

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,320x320,1:1,Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)

File: 811361477067d6a⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,480x360,4:3,zionistbiden.mp4)

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99e541 No.21049886

File: 85dafabbb0b10db⋯.png (311.72 KB,836x548,209:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Are these red folders signaling what the other red folder is signaling?

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0def41 No.21049887

File: 8dcb6b931ba24be⋯.jpg (92.64 KB,1231x1242,1231:1242,8dc.jpg)

C-130 rolling down the strip

50 Intel monkeys on a GITMO trip

C-130 rolling down the strip

Hit a big rock and the damn thing flipped

50 Intel monkeys all stuck inside

50 intel monkeys Kentucky fried

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794f84 No.21049888


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3989e7 No.21049890

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4f6868 No.21049891

File: e9ac3bf7fdb21d4⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB,720x1280,9:16,Barr_.mp4)

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3e7b43 No.21049894

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

It's going to be a good day today, can already tell.

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794f84 No.21049895

File: 06b913c49f23d8e⋯.mp4 (635.4 KB,360x650,36:65,RedFolder.mp4)

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52b660 No.21049896

File: 30aaa5289b1dfb4⋯.png (58.84 KB,1023x555,341:185,JUNETEENTH1.png)

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8b99e8 No.21049897

File: d180b20f22226bc⋯.jpg (84.75 KB,780x780,1:1,keepCalmAndPanic.jpg)

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113b1e No.21049899

File: 446f23471e50bb6⋯.png (244.99 KB,634x447,634:447,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 199495702910dc0⋯.png (249.11 KB,634x442,317:221,ClipboardImage.png)

DAN HODGES: How Nigel Farage COULD become Prime Minister. With Tory wipe-out guaranteed, this chain smoking populist now has a plausible path to Downing Street…

Oh, how they laughed. Asked on Monday whether it was his intention to campaign for outright power in 2029, Nigel Farage was clear. ‘Yes, absolutely,’ he told the BBC. He planned to ‘build a bridgehead in the commons’ at this election, then construct a ‘big national campaigning movement around the country over the course of the next five years for genuine change’.

The response was mockery. ‘Ridiculous,’ said departing Cabinet minister Michael Gove. ‘Don’t be silly,’ proclaimed Tony Blair’s biographer John Rentoul.

They’re wrong. Our political establishment may not want to hear it. But with only two weeks of the campaign left, Reform’s leader now has a clear and credible path to Downing Street. Stage one involves him winning in Clacton. And that currently appears to be a formality. A projection published yesterday by pollster Ipsos has Farage on 52 per cent, with Labour way back on 24 per cent. The bookies have him 1-5 on to win the Essex seat. Yesterday he packed out the 820-seat Princes Theatre, in an event that one journalist likened to a rock concert.

Stage two is even easier to navigate, because it involves Tory wipe-out (guaranteed), followed by a realignment on the Right (equally inevitable). The current state of the Government’s fortunes was perfectly summed up by Mel Stride’s performance on this morning’s media round. The fact the hitherto anonymous Work and Pensions Secretary is now regularly being sent out to act as a sort of political pinata tells its own story.

But if anyone failed to get the message, Stride himself spelt it out. ‘You could see a Labour government with 450 or 460 seats, the biggest majority in the history of this country,’ he explained helpfully.

Once that wipe-out has occurred, the remnants of the Conservative Party will draw a single, simple conclusion. That they can never again go into a campaign with their electoral coalition split in two.


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835e43 No.21049900


None of the numbers are real

Trust me, They are lying about the size of the population by alot, check out consumption data, you will see it a lot is munipulated but they make mistakes, WA state had new maps in 2022,there were like 18 candidates in the federal race primary, this race gives you the best sample IMHO it is a open primary and the top 2 advance, you can see the injection very clear,they vastly overerestimated the amount of real voters and because of that injected WAY TO MANY this made it very obvious what happened as the standard deviation was exactly the same across the board down ticket exposing all candidates that were enriched by the injected votes, after this data set I understood the depths of the manipulation it is so bad they did not even know they used the machines prior to ballancd the load

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40d676 No.21049901

File: a9345479f425ba1⋯.jpeg (74.5 KB,467x615,467:615,Popcorn_Boobs_2.jpeg)


>Perseverance Finds Popcorn on Planet Mars

[They] have to make it sound interesting

so we think they're doing somethig

good with our cash.

yay popcorn. erbody luvs popcorn!

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acddd4 No.21049903


>in what world

Not the one we live in

Big loans (to fund those bonds for liability offload) live in a different world.

They don’t pay the stated rates.

Just like the stock market represents about 10-15% of what actually habbens on any given day.

It’s an illusory function.

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9c473b No.21049904


Doc van helsing?

That time already?

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94b166 No.21049906

File: eb8ec47973aa28c⋯.png (1.6 MB,1536x864,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

day of booms

GOP Reps. Introduce Resolution Without Senate Approval to Nullify Subpoenas for Bannon, Navarro, Scavino, and Meadows — Declare January 6th Committee Illegitimate


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99e541 No.21049907



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465858 No.21049908


Was this the Obama movie?

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7380bb No.21049909

File: e07ba69231c18e6⋯.jpg (32.17 KB,640x597,640:597,e07ba69231c18e6cda71cec6fe….jpg)

File: 8fdcda79260b360⋯.jpg (23.56 KB,400x400,1:1,k2cSUMd5Vd4wQynzjk5ZBsIh_m….jpg)

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1a0bcd No.21049910

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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267b3e No.21049911

File: 0d3500133b45d86⋯.jpeg (16.1 KB,250x141,250:141,IMG_1639.jpeg)


Please clap

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9c473b No.21049912


Shouldn't they be mad

Took ages to deliver the mail

Same as it ever was

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acddd4 No.21049913


Stock,bond,commodity markets all closed for muh Juneteenth.

Started that in 2022

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daf12f No.21049915


why you have my id I don't know.

were you really directing your post at me?

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1a0bcd No.21049916

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Todd Bensman Reports On Eight Tajik Border Crossers Arrested For Terror Plot



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465858 No.21049917


That was enjoyable.

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3e7b43 No.21049919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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794f84 No.21049921

File: 6a424f2f5e251f1⋯.png (301.49 KB,542x364,271:182,ClipboardImage.png)



Russia and North Korea sign partnership deal that appears to be the strongest since the Cold War

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3f2c18 No.21049922

Let's start having fun people. We can save the world and have fun, otherwise, what's worth saving? My world has people laughing, and having fun, wanting for nothing.

Let us make my world.

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08daca No.21049923


Deleting Trump Truths? wtaf?

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113b1e No.21049924

File: 68f0aec23121e0c⋯.png (709.24 KB,721x575,721:575,ClipboardImage.png)

Alleged bestiality bus with dozens of animals stopped in Pennsylvania

A bus suspected of being used for a bestiality operation was pulled over in southern Pennsylvania, causing authorities to notify the Adams County SPCA of a “strange situation.”

The incident occurred Saturday night when police said they came across a broken down school bus full of animals, which was pulling a trailer that also contained live mammals. Cops contacted the animal rescue workers, who said on Facebook the cargo included 30 birds, four shepherd-breed dogs, a bull and a pony. They were able to secure the animals overnight and remove them from their squalid conditions the following day.

“The dogs were being fed the chickens and the bull and pony were being used for bestiality purposes (in another state),” the SPCA wrote.

The organization said Tuesday that due to “past crimes” committed by Shawn Hirschbine, the driver of the bus, they would spend $10,000 to check the animals for human DNA.

The animals aren’t ready for new homes, but the Adams County SPCA, which planned to close for a few days to deal with the matter, was seeking donations to help cover the care of the animals. >Pennsylvania NBC affiliate WJAC said Hirschbine was arrested on an outstanding warrant in West Virginia for distributing obscene material to children.

It’s currently unclear what charges he could face, if any, for the treatment of the animals.


Another arrest in 2022: https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/-two-arrests-made-after-spca-serving-erie-county-rescues-farm-animals-and-dogs-from-property-in-orchard-park

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465858 No.21049925

File: 8294272af3187e6⋯.mp4 (10.8 MB,854x480,427:240,Cheap_Fakes.mp4)

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5a6a65 No.21049926


Barry Seal sends his regards

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794f84 No.21049927


>Obama movie

Barack and Michelle Obama are credited as executive producers for Leave the World Behind.

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a9b9d1 No.21049928

File: e649ff4e2d9884b⋯.jpg (211.16 KB,729x875,729:875,hnyohnoynho.jpg)

Climate activists vandalized the stone henge by spray painting it orange

They demand stop using oil in 6 years time, by 2030


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8b99e8 No.21049929

File: ab2a8507665ce5d⋯.jpeg (12.24 KB,252x255,84:85,00029ca1b54251d5b4720fe0a….jpeg)

Daily reminder that Hitler too was a jew, and was funded by jews

False dialectics are false.

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ff1a29 No.21049931


this post @571


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08daca No.21049932


666th post in bread. Fitting.

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0def41 No.21049933

File: 8c674f5140e70ef⋯.jpeg (159.03 KB,460x547,460:547,8c674f5140e70eff7ca502b59….jpeg)


He likes to pick up quarters.

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8d580b No.21049934

File: 1ca818cbc3ce31e⋯.png (1.71 MB,1240x827,1240:827,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a50b669be07217f⋯.png (100.55 KB,560x373,560:373,ClipboardImage.png)

Nine killed, 46 injured in Chad's capital after ammunition depot explosions

June 19, 2024, 4:51 AM PDT

Nine people were killed and more than 40 injured when a fire set off explosions at a military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital, a government spokesperson said Wednesday.

Spokesperson Abderaman Koulamallah said 46 people are being treated for various injuries after the explosions in the Goudji district of the capital, N’Djamena.

Local media reported the blasts started just before midnight Tuesday and lasted more than 30 minutes as nearby buildings shook and ammunition was thrown from the depot with explosive force.

Explosions and fire at a military ammunition depot in Chad’s capital caused fatalities and set off frantic efforts to put out the fire and treat the wounded, authorities and witnesses said Wednesday.

The explosions late Tuesday at the depot in N’Djamena lit up the sky as thick smoke covered the clouds in the West African nation.

The fire “caused human and material damage,” President Mahamat Deby Itno posted on Facebook. “Peace to the souls of the victims, sincere condolences to the bereaved families and quick recovery to the injured.”

He did not give the number of fatalities.

The cause of the fire was not immediately clear, and the president said an investigation would be conducted.

People living in the area panicked, thinking the explosion was an armed attack, resident Oumar Mahamat said.

The situation was later brought under control with security and health officials deployed in the area, government spokesperson Abderaman Koulamallah said. He urged residents to remain calm.

Local media reported the blasts started just before midnight and lasted more than 30 minutes as nearby buildings shook and ammunition was thrown from the depot with explosive force.

Authorities called on residents to stay out of the area, which was taken over by security forces gathering the scattered artillery shells.

Allamine Moussa, a resident, called on the government to “come to our aid urgently” after he and other residents fled their homes.

“Many families have recorded deaths and it’s sad,” Moussa said.

Chad, a country of nearly 18 million people, has been reeling from political turmoil before and after a controversial presidential election that resulted in Deby Itno’s victory.

He had led the country as interim president during the period of military rule that followed the death of his father in 2021.

The explosion might not be entirely coincidental and “feels more like a message” to the government in Chad, which has been embroiled in both an internal political crisis with the recent election as well as regional tensions with the war in neighboring Sudan, according to Cameron Hudson, an Africa expert at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Recent claims about Chad’s alleged involvement put the country “on both sides of the war in Sudan and creates an untenable position at home for Deby,” said Hudson, a former U.S. official. “A house divided cannot stand.”


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d9909f No.21049935

File: b6f4e53a05f99b5⋯.png (888.6 KB,1366x768,683:384,putinRedFolder1.png)




>Are these red folders signaling what the other red folder is signaling?

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a356d6 No.21049936


$10.6 M Planned To Advance Floating Offshore Wind

The National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium (NOWRDC) intends to fund $10.6 million for groundbreaking projects to advance floating offshore wind through port and vessel innovations, transmission technology, and uncrewed underwater vehicles for environmental monitoring to accelerate the deployment of the technology across the United States.

The National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium (NOWRDC) intends to fund $10.6 million for groundbreaking projects to advance floating offshore wind through port and vessel innovations, transmission technology, and uncrewed underwater vehicles for environmental monitoring to accelerate the deployment of the technology across the United States.


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987e6d No.21049937


your mission is clear: destroy interest in and visits to qres.

you are succeeding and will drive it close to zero.

but please spare us the hard ass act, pencil dick?

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acddd4 No.21049938

File: 907d68d8399ec1f⋯.jpeg (629.58 KB,828x704,207:176,5C23BE1C_A519_410C_8719_0….jpeg)

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5dd86a No.21049939

File: 79f95e639f1440e⋯.png (1.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Look_at_them_panic.png)

File: 6c496b534f39fef⋯.png (997.57 KB,1038x1124,519:562,panic.png)

File: 36415426daa1015⋯.png (1.94 MB,1438x1212,719:606,DC_panic.png)

File: 11ee4b81cf299d6⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,1278x720,71:40,WAR_TIME_PRESIDENT.mp4)

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0def41 No.21049940

File: e85505ec2313de9⋯.png (891.44 KB,1080x1495,216:299,Screenshot_20240619_105708.png)


Video not fully loaded for me.


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3e7b43 No.21049941

File: 5457d297c40eade⋯.png (60.6 KB,180x270,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


The toilet brush headed, gaslighting lesbian clown is… The Cheapest Fake.

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8542a6 No.21049942

File: aeb4d7b1cea909a⋯.png (5.92 MB,2560x1440,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Celebration of Communist Spy Day! If you think today has anything to do with "emancipation," you're sorely mistaken. It's no coincidence they were executed today and we're celebrating "emancipation."

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d9909f No.21049943

File: 586645a06aa7043⋯.png (489.7 KB,869x1005,869:1005,Screenshot_2024_06_19_at_0….png)







>Then Potus dropped truth at


>9:53 pm


>Then Potus dropped truth at


>9:53 pm

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daf12f No.21049944


manipulator with ad copy

easy filter.

she looks like she'd eat your face off.

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0def41 No.21049945

File: 90ef0797189b5f4⋯.mp4 (9.36 MB,854x480,427:240,dsurs_caa.mp4)


Now it is.


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1a0bcd No.21049946

File: eea8020a6e1fc72⋯.png (449.1 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

19 Jun, 2024 14:37

Ukraine ‘snatching’ US Patriot missiles promised to Switzerland

Washington has promised Kiev priority treatment in receiving American arms

The US has delayed the contracted delivery of long-range interceptor missiles to Switzerland in order to prioritize Ukraine’s military needs, Swiss media reported on Tuesday citing authorities.

President Joe Biden announced last week that foreign buyers of American arms will have to get in line behind Kiev, saying Ukraine needs them more in order to keep fighting Russia. Switzerland is among the nations affected by the decision, the daily newspaper Blick reported.

Last fall, the European nation ordered PAC-3 missiles for the US-designed Patriot system, worth 300 million Swiss francs ($340 million). However, the promised shipments will not come on time due to the Ukraine conflict, several sources in theSwiss defense ministry told the news outlet, which it described as Kiev “snatching” the arms. The Swiss military later confirmed to the press that the

report was true.

The situation shows that “Switzerland needs an independent and robust defense industry again, and to diversify procurement among manufacturers and countries,” it said.

The US last year authorized Switzerland to procure up to 72 advanced MSE PAC-3 interceptor missiles for a total price of $700 million. The delivery was expected sometime in the late 2020s or early 2030s, according to sources. It remains unclear how the new delay will affect the schedule.

Washington reportedly said the change of the contract terms fit the ‘force majeure’ clause, which allows for the alteration of an agreement due to serious unforeseen circumstances. The Ukraine crisis constitutes a national security issue for the US, it reportedly told Swiss officials.

“This is like during the Covid-19 pandemic: when there are problems, each country looks after itself,” Swiss MP Thomas Hurter told Blick of the situation.“The US decision shows how quickly reliability can change.”(so Bidan is now alienating another Ally)

He urged the government to revisit its plan to phase out the current fleet of fighter jets, which it intends to replace with Lockheed-made F-35s. Switzerland ordered 36 of them last year for a sum of over $6.8 billion to be supplied between 2027 and 2030, so that its Air Force could retire the aging F-5 Tigers and F/A-18 Hornets.


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184cac No.21049947

File: 2d5ac93e948b2a9⋯.png (141.47 KB,220x299,220:299,ClipboardImage.png)


>>Rachel Pritzker is an heir of the Pritzker family fortune, a center-left Democratic activist and funder, and a proponent of ecomodernism. She is the chair of Third Way, the Breakthrough Institute, and the Pritzker Innovation Fund. She was a founding board member of Media Matters of America and the Democracy Alliance

qtards ignored when pritzker was up for re-election

they also ignore mike bloomberg

deep pockets = distraction mega trolls


delusions still to high here

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267b3e No.21049948

File: 100fb894c625461⋯.jpeg (32.54 KB,245x206,245:206,IMG_1640.jpeg)


That was pretty

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daf12f No.21049949


she doesn't really look like that but it upsets me that people post these kinds of manipulator images and try to control people through their weaknesses.

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9e7329 No.21049950

File: bdc10a86daa2a84⋯.png (313.3 KB,299x448,299:448,Capture.PNG)

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8542a6 No.21049951

File: 295e4a665aa1f18⋯.png (137.92 KB,266x200,133:100,ClipboardImage.png)


We seriously need to cull the gene pool……Fucking retards.

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8d580b No.21049952

File: 2f19f7576c61d8b⋯.png (5.23 MB,2000x1500,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cafd1e071abc77⋯.png (4.24 MB,1385x2048,1385:2048,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Satellites Find Snow Didn’t Offset Southwest US Groundwater Loss

JUN 17, 2024

Record snowfall in recent years has not been enough to offset long-term drying conditions and increasing groundwater demands in the U.S. Southwest, according to a new analysis of NASA satellite data.

Declining water levels in the Great Salt Lake and Lake Mead have been testaments to a megadrought afflicting western North America since 2000.

But surface water only accounts for a fraction of the Great Basin watershed that covers most of Nevada and large portions of California, Utah, and Oregon.

Far more of the region’s water is underground. That has historically made it difficult to track the impact of droughts on the overall water content of the Great Basin.

A new look at 20 years of data from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) series of satellites shows that the decline in groundwater in the Great Basin far exceeds stark surface water losses.

Over about the past two decades, the underground water supply in the basin has fallen by 16.5 cubic miles (68.7 cubic kilometers).

That’s roughly two-thirds as much water as the entire state of California uses in a year and about six times the total volume of water that was left in Lake Mead, the nation’s largest reservoir, at the end of 2023.

While new maps show a seasonal rise in water each spring due to melting snow from higher elevations, University of Maryland earth scientist Dorothy Hall said occasional snowy winters are unlikely to stop the dramatic water level decline that’s been underway in the U.S. Southwest.

The finding came about as Hall and colleagues studied the contribution of annual snowmelt to Great Basin water levels.

“In years like the 2022-23 winter, I expected that the record amount of snowfall would really help to replenish the groundwater supply,” Hall said.

“But overall, the decline continued.” The research was published in March 2024 in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

“A major reason for the decline is the upstream water diversion for agriculture and households,” Hall said.

Populations in the states that rely on Great Basin water supplies have grown by 6% to 18% since 2010, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. “As the population increases, so does water use.”

Runoff, increased evaporation, and water needs of plants suffering hot, dry conditions in the region are amplifying the problem. “With the ongoing threat of drought,” Hall said, “farmers downstream often can’t get enough water.”

While measurements of the water table in the Great Basin — including the depths required to connect wells to depleted aquifers — have hinted at declining groundwater, data from the joint German DLR-NASA GRACE missions provide a clearer picture of the total loss of water supply in the region.

The original GRACE satellites, which flew from March 2002 to October 2017, and the successor GRACE–Follow On (GRACE–FO) satellites, which launched in May 2018 and are still active, track changes in Earth’s gravity due primarily to shifting water mass.

GRACE-based maps of fluctuating water levels have improved recently as the team has learned to parse more and finer details from the dataset.

“Improved spatial resolution helped in this study to distinguish the location of the mass trends in the Western U.S. roughly ten times better than prior analyses,” said Bryant Loomis, who leads GRACE data analysis at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.

The diminishing water supplies of the U.S. Southwest could have consequences for both humans and wildlife, Hall said.

In addition to affecting municipal water supplies and limiting agricultural irrigation, “It exposes the lake beds, which often harbor toxic minerals from agricultural runoff, waste, and anything else that ends up in the lakes.”

In Utah, a century of industrial chemicals accumulated in the Great Salt Lake, along with airborne pollutants from present-day mining and oil refinement, have settled in the water.

The result is a hazardous muck that is uncovered and dried as the lake shrinks. Dust blown from dry lake beds, in turn, exacerbates air pollution in the region.

Meanwhile, shrinking lakes are putting a strain on bird populations that rely on the lakes as stopovers during migration.

According to the new findings, Hall said, “The ultimate solution will have to include wiser water management.”


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3e7b43 No.21049953

File: a51a78b952e9a69⋯.png (200.75 KB,599x257,599:257,0e7cbf81a5928f0d9962c76aec….png)


No. Reddit spacing, using we and me and my as the focus of your vocabulary rather than support of the content being presented. You're not who you present yourself as, one post.

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82d464 No.21049954

File: 85ff07b5f12771c⋯.jpeg (2.62 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1302.jpeg)


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a9b9d1 No.21049955

File: 8341637dd41b71c⋯.jpg (361.32 KB,1280x1264,80:79,ynyn9nyyn9o.jpg)



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8542a6 No.21049956


I can't stand Biden, but this is elder abuse.

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daf12f No.21049957


the 'no matter what happens it's bad, give all the power to the EPA' type narrative is really just a bogus attempt to justify the power grabs of Federalists and new-world-order control-a-garchs.

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0736f5 No.21049958

File: 9c3f99e28c43ab0⋯.png (982.02 KB,1280x2916,320:729,ClipboardImage.png)



Learn to Meme Cannon


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830fe6 No.21049959

File: e6b432ada4df7ea⋯.gif (329.45 KB,400x300,4:3,f4afd833_1f58_480b_a760_96….gif)

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daf12f No.21049960


the democrats are having a hard time standing Biden too, so they'd prefer if he'd be seated. But they do need to prop him up from time to time.

Seems like elder abuse to me.

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a80c6b No.21049962


>They demand stop using oil in 6 years time, by 2030

If faggot white hats would give us ZPE…

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0736f5 No.21049963













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0def41 No.21049964


No. He could resign today. Never feel sorry for someone that took millions from hostile foreign nations.

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b5b8a1 No.21049965


cause newsome's draining the water into the sea; and chinese weather warfare

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cfc9dd No.21049967

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Glenn Greenwald: Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil



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8542a6 No.21049968


Kek. Notice none of the "Biden Clan" are saying anything about this. They know that's not really "Biden." But what the fuck is it? Guy in a mask? Reptilian? Under-developed clone?

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7380bb No.21049969


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0736f5 No.21049970

File: 3694e34107bb042⋯.png (55.72 KB,1041x182,1041:182,ClipboardImage.png)


These people are sick.

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cfc9dd No.21049971

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trudeau’s Brother Speaks Out




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8d580b No.21049972

File: 53ecf2f078dfedc⋯.png (2.28 MB,1110x833,1110:833,ClipboardImage.png)


The orange paint almost looks a little golden

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acddd4 No.21049973

File: 134e30b0a763146⋯.jpeg (64.24 KB,650x455,10:7,4ACDE3BA_4B18_4B0E_A11E_3….jpeg)

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daf12f No.21049974


anon, he seems cognitively impared.

That would mean that he doesn't have the ability to make his own decisions.

he's obviously propped up and under someone else's care.

They should say 'OK , game over'.

but they don't.

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0ea1af No.21049976


The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father

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8542a6 No.21049977


>Never feel sorry for someone that took millions from hostile foreign nations.

Who said anything about "feelings?" It's straight up elder abuse. Obama might as well be a nigger nurse in a retirement home. This "Biden" is not the same one who stole millions from Americans, sold state secrets and intel, used his son as a bag man. Bidan and Biden are not one and the same. Just like Putin now, isn't Putin then.

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7380bb No.21049978

File: 5da527854a1c62c⋯.jpg (64.18 KB,666x400,333:200,5da527854a1c62cb6d393635ab….jpg)

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cfc9dd No.21049980

File: 04d06df5c75d076⋯.png (299.83 KB,610x907,610:907,ClipboardImage.png)


>These people are sick.

They will allow Americans to be shot down in our streets so they can gain some votes with their far-right base.

And all of us have become so numb to their behavior that this barely made news.

Where is the outrage?? We have to hold them accountable.

10:56 AM · Jun 19, 2024·13.2K Views


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0def41 No.21049982

File: 63d2f45ccb7f89b⋯.jpeg (13.28 KB,255x250,51:50,63d2f45ccb7f89b8fa57baeb5….jpeg)


He's going to let his own son rot in prison to save Obama's fourth term. Fjb

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18b246 No.21049983

File: 58682633f7282b5⋯.png (574.72 KB,1080x1049,1080:1049,Svxxj.png)

File: c26a7bf46b08a1b⋯.jpg (114.52 KB,500x810,50:81,c26a7bf46b08a1bd09bae33206….jpg)


All stupid asshat democrats in America GFY.

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baefa0 No.21049985

File: 6a088b358338421⋯.jpg (167.5 KB,1874x1431,1874:1431,nyt603995acdbb8b20a47b794e….jpg)

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8542a6 No.21049986


Interesting choice of words from Gruesome.

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69765c No.21049987

File: a5a5f3ad39ec177⋯.png (284.62 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e95932 No.21049988


They are likely deleted because they are nonsense 'comms' that are posted by the fake 'operator' who falsely claims to be 'working with Q'.

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99e541 No.21049989


Would be interesting to know what country they want to flee to. Ukraine might be all they have left.

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07bc0c No.21049990


katlyn got his nose broke playing fullback

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daf12f No.21049992


I understand your point of view, anon.

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0def41 No.21049993


And it goes 24/7 apparently. Bitch was here at 0300.

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f9477b No.21049995

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8b99e8 No.21049996

File: b7c05fe4f1a0770⋯.png (199.11 KB,425x392,425:392,lmao_pepe.png)

Anons still think SPAMMER and DELETER is separate entities?


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0def41 No.21049997


kek, thanks.

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8542a6 No.21049998


>And it goes 24/7 apparently. Bitch was here at 0300.

They work in teams and play both sides.

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daf12f No.21049999


there were times when it was obvious clown-town bakers, and Q still posted.

My guess is Q doesn't post because of the Hatch act.

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54789c No.21050000

File: d16cb82c44694f2⋯.png (2.38 MB,1440x960,3:2,Aug_14_THIS.png)

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18b246 No.21050002

File: 7a89a0f5f32126c⋯.png (667.43 KB,1080x607,1080:607,BBQ_2.png)

The Washington DC insane asylum is still as rotten today as it was yesterday.

All are pieces of shit.

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9e7329 No.21050004

File: 0298379b7a9faf7⋯.png (77.66 KB,712x894,356:447,1570.png)

File: e8b9977460776f2⋯.png (96.33 KB,712x938,356:469,1573.png)

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0def41 No.21050005



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8b99e8 No.21050006


Sometimes stating the obvious for the sake of ensuring sanity prevails is motive enough.

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daf12f No.21050008


those of us who aren't job-for-life employees of government resent a holiday in a month that already has two holidays book-ending it, and other holidays sprinkled within it

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8542a6 No.21050010


>My guess is Q doesn't post because of the Hatch act.

Zing! Give the Anon a shekel. Q is too tied to Trump, no matter how much GEOTUS tries to obfuscate when asked. (((They))) are desperate, at this point, which is why they're now all of the sudden on the "Trump Train" acting like they were always behind him.

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0ea1af No.21050011


Trump is guided by something and it's not Don Jr.

Wow to the worthless Shepard.

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69765c No.21050012

File: 3e33800a70c6eb7⋯.png (2.32 MB,1024x1024,1:1,3e33800a70c6eb7012e9016bb7….png)


Yes, because the spam pattern has been unchanged since at least 2017, but the BVs are changing.

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08daca No.21050014

File: 5bff8db566ca2b4⋯.png (311.15 KB,1063x478,1063:478,ClipboardImage.png)



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ff1a29 No.21050015

Last Call

#25809 >>21049064

>>21049577, >>21049706, >>21049829, >>21049871 Planefag aloft!

>>21049940, >>21049945 @realDonaldTrump If you want to save America…….

>>21049272 Hezbollah is now broadcasting live drone footage from the Haifa port as well as other military bases and sensitive Israeli locations - Israel's defense umbrella has been breached.

>>21049460 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2024

>>21049492 Two Just Stop Oil activists have desecrated Stonehenge with orange powder paint.

>>21049496, >>21049508, >>21049522 Corporate Tax Rate Spurs Political Fight With More Than $1 Trillion at Stake - could climb as high as 28%

>>21049509, >>21049546 In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads - 74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!

>>21049555 If these Iowa numbers are real, there is no way Biden can win in Wisconsin and Minnesota

>>21049622 War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21049623, >>21049732, >>21049952, >>21049957 NASA

>>21049627 Senate Democrats Pull Vote on Trial Court Nominee Kasubhai GOP dissention/Mustafa Kasubhai

>>21049633 Democrats' Presidential Succession Plan Dems are trying to replace Joe Bidan…

>>21049757, >>21049753 Saudi Arabia Dethrones China as Top Emerging-Market Borrower

>>21049823 US acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribes

>>21049857, >>21049866 @realDonaldTrump DS fleeing

>>21049877 Flubbed climate test won’t deter rich donors from altering the sky

>>21049899 How Nigel Farage COULD become Prime Minister.

>>21049906 ICYMI: GOP Reps. Introduce Resolution Without Senate Approval to Nullify Subpoenas for Bannon, Navarro, Scavino, and Meadows — Declare January 6th Committee Illegitimate

>>21049916 Reports On Eight Tajik Border Crossers Arrested For Terror Plot

>>>21049957 Learn to Meme Cannon

>>21049967 Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21049980, >>21050004 These people are sick????

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0633ff No.21050016

File: 1f07b59948349e3⋯.jpg (57.45 KB,1192x670,596:335,Neo_trinity.jpg)

It seems to me like there is a real effort being made to wake the population now…

The "Deep Fakes" of Biden being claimed by MSM to me is good example.

We see the videos of Biden at the G7 and the LA fundraiser with Obama…they go viral…get a few days in the news cycle…

Then MSM tries to sell the lib population that the videos are edited erroneously…and then they start using FactCheckers to try to sway the narrative….

How many see the original videos…and then realize how they're being manipulated and the tools being used? Once you see it, you can't un-see it.

I understand that's obvious to those here…but I haven't seen it this blatant in the recent past.

Crazy, long ass movie…

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94b166 No.21050019

File: 53449e2bb79ec6f⋯.png (2.06 MB,1536x864,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

“Ya’ll, Jill Biden is a Disgusting Evil Piece of Crap” — TikTok User Does Not Hold Back — Tells the World What She Thinks of Joe Biden’s LA Fundraiser (VIDEO)


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ff1a29 No.21050020


link fixed

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8542a6 No.21050023


>those of us who aren't job-for-life employees of government resent a holiday in a month that already has two holidays book-ending it, and other holidays sprinkled within it

Anon, Juneteenth isn't about Blacks (that's just a cover.) It's in honor of the execution of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were executed today for espionage and treason. Out of their cell, only one "German." The rest were all Jewish. Similar to the Weather Underground and their Senate bombing in the early 80s.

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8b99e8 No.21050024


>because the spam pattern has been unchanged since at least 2017

Not true. Do you even /QR/ bro?

>but the BVs are changing.

Different operators, same command.

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8d580b No.21050025

File: 3118cfb1cbde0d7⋯.png (956.38 KB,960x546,160:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80bfcbee61b8053⋯.png (267.2 KB,960x373,960:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 24d5258572d9485⋯.png (270.93 KB,960x365,192:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edd84ab8a330245⋯.png (282.86 KB,960x434,480:217,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 641987e09c4b60a⋯.png (1.4 MB,960x1111,960:1111,ClipboardImage.png)

Monitoring marine litter from space is now a reality


The quantity of plastic floating on the sea surface is rarely high enough to generate a detectable signal from space.

Plastics and other floating debris have to accumulate into dense patches of at least tens of metres in area to be detectable using existing satellites.

These patches of floating litter are called ‘slicks’, ‘streaks’ or ‘litter windrows’. They are often filament-shaped, resulting from the presence of convergence current lines on the sea surface.

Detecting such litter windrows is indicative of high pollution at a particular place and time. But could such scattered and short-lived patches of litter provide sufficiently useful data for global monitoring of plastic pollution?

“We didn’t know if the abundance of litter windrows was enough to draw maps, or to reveal trends over time,” notes Andrés Cózar, from the University of Cádiz, co-director of the project.

To find out ESA Discovery funded a consortium of space companies and research institutes from six countries.

Using a six-year historical series of 300 000 satellite images, the team scanned the entire Mediterranean Sea every three days, at a spatial resolution of 10 metres, on the hunt for windrows.

They relied on the multispectral imaging Sentinel-2 satellites of Europe’s Copernicus programme, which while not designed for litter detection, have a somewhat limited capability for plastic detection.

“Searching for litter aggregations of metres in size on the ocean surface is like looking for needles in a haystack,” explains Manuel Arias, from the Institute of Marine Sciences, CSIC, in Spain, the other project co-director.

Automation was what made the project possible, harnessing supercomputers and advanced search algorithms. The team found thousands of litter windrows, most more than a kilometre long – and some reaching 20 km in length.

The result was the most complete map of marine litter pollution to date.

“Litter detections with a non-specialised satellite allowed us to identify the most polluted areas and their major changes over weeks and years,” comments Andrés Cózar. “Litter is injected into the Mediterranean Sea as the rainstorms rage.”

A key element of this work has been in understanding the significance of the litter windrow structures in the context of marine monitoring, being mainly associated with land-based litter emissions in the preceding days.

This makes them especially useful for surveillance and management of the problem.

In the paper the team assess the effectiveness of action plans against marine litter around Rome, identify a pollution hotspot related to shipping through the Egypt’s Suez Canal and put forward satellite data for guiding cleanup operations in Spain’s Bay of Biscay.

Manuel Arias explains: “The tool is ready to be used in other world regions, which I am convinced will teach us much about the littering phenomenon, including identification of sources and the pathways to the ocean.”

Andrés Cózar adds: “There is still room for improvement. The sensor used in our proof was not designed to detect plastic. Detection capability would be enormously improved if we put observation technology into orbit tailored for ocean plastics.”

The ability to monitor marine litter pollution in this way also holds broader promise. The deployment of a sensor specifically dedicated to detect and identify floating objects one metre in size could also be useful for tasks such as oil spill monitoring, loss of cargo or even search and rescue at sea.

Paolo Corradi, overseeing the project for ESA Discovery, comments: “The importance of these results and the applicability of this methodology can indeed be extended in a wider sense to the monitoring and characterisation of generic floating matter accumulations.

This could be the more general target of a dedicated small satellite mission, which would collect the interest of a large scientific community, while addressing the need for large scale monitoring of marine litter pollution.”

“ESA Discovery is our funding programme to ensure our Agency is ready for tomorrow, looking into future ways we might make use of space,” comments Dietmar Pilz, ESA Director of Technology, Engineering and Quality.

“The potential detection of marine plastic litter has been a topic of interest for a number of years within ESA Discovery. I am pleased to see this work has resulted in such a landmark scientific paper, exploiting the incredible value of the data from Europe’s Copernicus satellites.”


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acddd4 No.21050026

File: 5dbcfa19aa0613b⋯.jpeg (497.89 KB,828x596,207:149,B1860AC7_DE47_4006_B8F0_1….jpeg)

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a3ee73 No.21050029

File: 66e7489aa8c36a3⋯.png (237.33 KB,562x837,562:837,ClipboardImage.png)

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4980ab No.21050031

File: 8df9d9f68734d4b⋯.png (188.93 KB,500x522,250:261,ClipboardImage.png)



Note: This was written down by anon in early 2019 after many years of lived experience and insights.


We now live a society where most males are no longer head of the house hold, and have female bosses, most of human resources is run by women and even though feminists are still protesting that things are not equal, it is actually now at a unfair level, female nature is to complain loudly trying to get the attention of everyone who will listen , backed up by the state and feminist lobbyists, whilst males are generally more stoic,

we now have almost 35 % of households which are single parent with the majority being single mothers who the state props up with handouts, this is leading to unruly kids, again not all, prisons with most of the population from single mother households, substance abuse, I will state this again , not all but the majority of households in poorer areas and with community housing or council estates have these problems, The way women generally control their children is through emotional bargaining or blackmail, unfortunately we have now almost a second generation who have been bought up like this and so even the male children are showing these traits, now known as the left, liberal or pro feminist thinking, their usual method is to start trouble and then play the victim, with the female vote up to over 50% this now means that the voting demographic has changed , add this to the grey vote and you have a easy manipulated voter base who will willing give away their anonymity , leading to less privacy and finally eroding of civil rights, we are heading towards a 1984 George Orwell style society, this is a very serious issue as the civilian who follows all the laws is still under surveillance.

how long before we go the way of China and have social credit system thrust upon everyone, this is the worst type of dystopia imaginable thrust upon any people's and it is a voluntary, voted by the peoples on themselves on their own people, we are almost at the point of the Stalin population when the family would turn in their own family members for wrong think.


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0def41 No.21050033

File: b1c2e45afe9d707⋯.png (1.08 MB,1125x1115,225:223,b1c2e45afe9d70749c74069d70….png)

Imagine posting a bunch of spam only for anons to ass blast it with two clicks.

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18b246 No.21050036

File: 318a2d767e3e140⋯.png (170.6 KB,408x611,408:611,Screenshot_20240618_110741….png)


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40d676 No.21050039

File: 856c27c6b2c821e⋯.png (882.25 KB,681x686,681:686,ClipboardImage.png)

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4980ab No.21050040

File: 9b394acf49f20b0⋯.png (110.3 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



he problems created are the problems that have always existed but with the rise of technology and AI the population is easier to reach and influence, with smart phones the media companies have direct access to almost the entire population of the western voting public, and most governments have been under the influence of media companies for decades, it is even said that Murdock of the newspaper the sun, sky platform and now fox news has had a back door to 10 down Street and literally every politician ever voted into number 10 has had to go to him and ask for his indorsement, now we have Facebook, Google, Twitter and the other social media controlling the narrative to populations around the world in any language, with The divide and conquer agenda and division against men and women, religion , race, colour old and young, and influencing other politics and cultures, and any other ideology that can be dreamt up, it is easier to pick off individuals who understand or can explain this or anything that goes against the narrative the media wants to put out,

The biggest problem the male generation have now is that there are very few positive male role models or mentors around that they can emulate or follow as most males have been through the same system that was their before and committed the same mistakes but unfortunately for the younger generation it is worse as the governments have almost all been infiltrated by female lobby groups, feminists ideologies and left and liberal thinking ambassadors , what most of the public is campaigning against is toxic masculinity but what is happening is that all males are being grouped as one problem, there is no place in this western world for men who hate women, also who do not own up to their behaviour and nor should there be, but with the divorce courts, separating father's from their children, forcing them to pay maintenance , even imprisoning them for none payment while the women is claiming off the state , has the family to rely on and if she is remotely attractive will have no shortage of white knights to take the place of the person who is the father of the children,, this plus the battered and bruised pride and ego of the man in this situation is hard to cope with, , the fact that men do not generally talk about this to anyone is what leads to a self-destructive life style, and if they do decide to commit suicide they will not try as a cry for help, it will be violent and permanent on themselves first and then on anyone else who is in their sphere, women and the state need to realise that they may be able to without these men but whilst this is happening to them the other men are witnessing this done to people they know , brothers , father's , uncles , friends and they know that they will not put themselves in the same situation, even if they find the one they want to marry. Mgtow is the only place left for men who cannot rely on the state or family or friends, it means " men going your own way" it is not a woman hating ideology, it has identified women's true nature and laid it out for all to hear , warts and all, and women's true nature has been set free now they do not need a man to rely on, but seriously, women are only thinking short term solutions, they are not looking at the bigger picture, most women are waking up to this fact but the damage has been done and being done on a daily basis, and the men used and taken advantage off have walked away, they may date and have relationships but there is hardly any man with any sense will sign the marriage contract knowing how stacked it is against him and his labours.

will stop here but there is moar

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69765c No.21050041


>Not true. Do you even /QR/ bro?

No, it's true.

Long term anons can see it.

>Different operators, same command.

That's the spam, yes. Same pattern over and over and over and over and over.

It's always the same. Divide by groups, accuse anons and BV of what the spammers are themselves doing, it's the same pattern.

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a3ee73 No.21050042


"We got rid of a lot of the swamp, Comey and

those guys".

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50b7a2 No.21050043

File: e1d6b2cdad73820⋯.jpg (261.54 KB,1079x616,1079:616,Screenshot_20240619_082515….jpg)


Saving my belt loop, kek

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3515f0 No.21050044


I'd consider myself an ex-traditional catholic, and I wish I could still buy into the notion that the church can be purged, but until I see it, I'll stay away. Gods real, but the church is fundamentally evil. They've been using their naive parishioners and paypigs to subsidise absolute evil probably since Jesus died.

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3515f0 No.21050048


Dubs, also funny how any time this is brought up the retard payseur shill pops up. Obviously run by the vatican.

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309cb0 No.21050050

File: 49b633094f3b461⋯.jpg (177.2 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_19_11_2….jpg)

File: 71a83a7abccdcff⋯.png (189.36 KB,640x1940,32:97,1968_1_.png)

File: b3a1074e2709f94⋯.png (105.34 KB,640x1342,320:671,1033_2_.png)


quadruple dubz

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0736f5 No.21050051

File: 00202eebb3e813d⋯.png (231.5 KB,1105x518,1105:518,ClipboardImage.png)


Only Notable I got, and I got Greened out




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85aec4 No.21050053

File: b2b15abaf108d26⋯.png (460.8 KB,1600x729,1600:729,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express on route….


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ff1a29 No.21050055


was easy typo you goof


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40d676 No.21050056

File: 4592b083fef6e90⋯.png (1.05 MB,1531x861,1531:861,ClipboardImage.png)

Buffalo Bills Are Helping Create a New Gay Flag Football Team

By Anthony Scott Jun. 18, 2024 6:40 pm

The Buffalo Bills have announced they will sponsor a Buffalo chapter of the National Gay Flag Football League.

In an Instagram post, the Buffalo Bills wrote, “We’re proud to support the National Gay Flag Football League with a sponsorship to launch a league in Buffalo!”

In a press release, Buffalo Bills Vice President of Community Impact Michelle Roberts shared, “Through our sponsorship, we are looking forward to expanding the impact of the NGFFL in our community.”

NGFFL Commissioner Joel Horton also commented on the new addition and stated, “We are thrilled to bring inclusive flag football to Buffalo with the support of the Buffalo Bills.”


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0def41 No.21050057

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acddd4 No.21050060

File: 191e08fc693f135⋯.jpeg (337.78 KB,755x543,755:543,35850F51_CD60_4528_B313_2….jpeg)


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cdf082 No.21050061

>Boom boom boom thread

>Literally no information about anything

I'm really tired of tech illiterate boomers who suck at making memes pretending they're fighting the deepstate on a forgotten about comped board that used to do work. It's like getting into a coffin with the corpse of a soldier and masturbating and pretending you fought in the war with him or something. You're all disgusting.

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ed1526 No.21050062

How would you remind people annually that are currently doing pretty good that they were slaves and to keep the anger and division going with them?

How would you do it?

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0736f5 No.21050063

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8b99e8 No.21050065

File: 002ea5205ab73d4⋯.jpg (18.2 KB,255x253,255:253,01a089a537ddd365f3ce81f94f….jpg)


>Long term anons can see it.

Hey newfag. Do you remember Freddy?

The spam and shills have evolved a lot over the past 7 years.

Different patterns at different times.

Observant oldfags can see it.

>That's the spam, yes

And BV. They are controlled from the same source.

Post spam -> use spam as excuse to delete unwanted anon posts -> call for refresh -> appear as heroes for removing spam and fucking up bread post count. -> discredit any anon claiming to have been deleted by calling them spammers.


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18b246 No.21050068

File: 59e570ec70c06a6⋯.png (907.71 KB,1080x898,540:449,BBQ.png)


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ff1a29 No.21050069

File: 83933882cafbe9e⋯.png (12.33 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0def41 No.21050071

File: 512c5e68bc4b048⋯.png (856.7 KB,706x1113,706:1113,512c5e68bc4b04895a4e278e65….png)

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3e7b43 No.21050073


Nice try, clown, but thanks for being honest with your playbook in that projection you gave.

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a6752f No.21050074

File: c88ff65fcd74cc1⋯.png (284.24 KB,584x520,73:65,c88ff65fcd74cc1571e5a5296b….png)

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3989e7 No.21050075

File: 24a8a3cc9e95317⋯.jpeg (1.91 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_8322.jpeg)

Red Castle!

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309cb0 No.21050077

File: 01fa58d5091d969⋯.png (359.8 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240619_112931.png)

File: 88c52937fc7dad8⋯.png (45.5 KB,766x540,383:270,256.png)

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ff1a29 No.21050079


this post @680


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cdf082 No.21050080


>Learn to read the map

>Fails to read the map

GJ boomer

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1a0bcd No.21050081

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BOOOM!!! This is great

Finally CNN gets some truth!



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cfc9dd No.21050082

File: 6c5a659e83db632⋯.mp4 (8.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Jill_Biden_is_a_piece_of_c….mp4)


>Jill Biden is a Disgusting Evil Piece of Crap


These people are disgusting; they'll do anything to keep power. It is what it is.

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f9477b No.21050084


>Red Castle!

Air Castle.

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8b99e8 No.21050085

File: c4ae660283120c6⋯.png (390.05 KB,500x498,250:249,wat.png)


Except I am neither a spammer or a deleter.

How am I projecting by describing the pattern I have observed.


<Cute with the ID tag.

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acddd4 No.21050087

File: b6692623c965058⋯.jpeg (328.09 KB,828x761,828:761,789F4BA2_A5AC_449F_AB34_B….jpeg)


Statements don’t count.

All you do and all you have.

Try something else script reader.

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cdf082 No.21050088


>Posts 38 times, mostly pictures

>no digs

Im sure history will remember you, keep spamming while you support yourself financially on the broken backs of your children who have no future you do nothing faggots

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0920ea No.21050089

File: 770b312af675835⋯.png (12.16 KB,233x255,233:255,as9787b607431e35cb182258e9….png)


>t's like getting into a coffin with the corpse of a soldier and masturbating and pretending you fought in the war with him

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352cd8 No.21050092

File: 41cdf11f86fb762⋯.png (1.41 MB,736x1598,368:799,IMG_2576.png)

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3e7b43 No.21050094

File: 69da74c9fbe86e0⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,716x540,179:135,boomer2.jpg)


Look at that, division by generation and the clown acronym game in one post.

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1a0bcd No.21050095

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love this clip



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8b99e8 No.21050096

File: 6d39a24cdbf4df8⋯.png (9.31 KB,225x225,1:1,lmao_pepe2.png)


>Try something else script reader.

Did the script tell you to say that?


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a3ee73 No.21050098


someone needs to do this.

the masks are so obvious now.

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2fb603 No.21050100

File: 24a0e55c8bdbfa9⋯.jpg (8.12 KB,282x213,94:71,The_Hard_Truth.jpg)

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cdf082 No.21050102


Suckstart a shotgun. You boomers sold your children's future so you can be comfortable. As you sit here and do nothing while your nation and their future burns before your eyes.

But it's cool - no need to dig; you can just call everyone a spammer and im sure you'll get a medal when we win.

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2fb603 No.21050103

File: c52bee66fedc885⋯.jpg (9.46 KB,235x164,235:164,Storm_Ahead.jpg)

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cdf082 No.21050105

BV/BO you're a fucking faggot and I hope the money was worth it.

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cdf082 No.21050109

You know how we knew the difference between anon/shills when this began?


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2fb603 No.21050110

File: 5232bf23e54badf⋯.jpg (21.37 KB,480x208,30:13,MSM_distracts.jpg)

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309cb0 No.21050111

File: 063b90ccaa83144⋯.jpg (232.52 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_19_11_3….jpg)

File: d43816e8024ae80⋯.png (34.11 KB,640x452,160:113,1131_5_.png)

File: 22c861f444b0be3⋯.jpeg (541.77 KB,1800x1195,360:239,GQckkYkWsAMlHEY.jpeg)

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0def41 No.21050112

File: 37e9bdac75cf5fa⋯.png (226.87 KB,494x514,247:257,37e9bdac75cf5fa2cd19a4817c….png)

Holy shit I just refreshed. Well played.

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acddd4 No.21050114


Your script dbag

It never deviates and always the same accusatory statements.

Nothing of any substance.

That’s why you burn so many ids.

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cdf082 No.21050116

I hope every last one of you boomers suffocates to death on a ventilator.

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119b1a No.21050121

File: 02a0985c365555c⋯.mp4 (9.66 MB,360x360,1:1,Dr_Fauci_Predicted_a_Pande….mp4)

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18b246 No.21050122

File: e7c4ecfb8bd5065⋯.png (247.45 KB,1042x1091,1042:1091,Screegc.png)

File: ed5d531364ad0c7⋯.png (768.01 KB,1080x746,540:373,Clown_Show.png)

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ff1a29 No.21050124


#25809 >>21049064

>>21049577, >>21049706, >>21049829, >>21049871 Planefag aloft!

>>21049940, >>21049945 @realDonaldTrump If you want to save America…….

>>21049272 Hezbollah is now broadcasting live drone footage from the Haifa port as well as other military bases and sensitive Israeli locations - Israel's defense umbrella has been breached.

>>21049460 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2024

>>21049492 Two Just Stop Oil activists have desecrated Stonehenge with orange powder paint.

>>21049496, >>21049508, >>21049522 Corporate Tax Rate Spurs Political Fight With More Than $1 Trillion at Stake - could climb as high as 28%

>>21049509, >>21049546 In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads - 74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!

>>21049555 If these Iowa numbers are real, there is no way Biden can win in Wisconsin and Minnesota

>>21049622 War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21049623, >>21049732, >>21049952, >>21049957, >>21050025 NASA

>>21049627 Senate Democrats Pull Vote on Trial Court Nominee Kasubhai GOP dissention/Mustafa Kasubhai

>>21049633 Democrats' Presidential Succession Plan Dems are trying to replace Joe Bidan…

>>21049757, >>21049753 Saudi Arabia Dethrones China as Top Emerging-Market Borrower

>>21049823 US acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribes

>>21049857, >>21049866 @realDonaldTrump DS fleeing

>>21049877 Flubbed climate test won’t deter rich donors from altering the sky

>>21049899 How Nigel Farage COULD become Prime Minister.

>>21049906 ICYMI: GOP Reps. Introduce Resolution Without Senate Approval to Nullify Subpoenas for Bannon, Navarro, Scavino, and Meadows — Declare January 6th Committee Illegitimate

>>21049916 Reports On Eight Tajik Border Crossers Arrested For Terror Plot

>>21049957 Learn to Meme Cannon

>>21049967 Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21049980, >>21050004 These people are sick????

>>21050081 Finally CNN gets some truth!


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8b99e8 No.21050128

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,LaughingPepe.png)


>It never deviates and always the same accusatory statements.

Why change it if I'm right?

>Nothing of any substance.

Except for all the proof I and other REAL anons post. kek.

>That’s why you burn so many ids.

Fun fact. I am not using a VPN and I have only posted from this IP.

But I see that accusations without substance are only bad when it's not you doing it. kek.

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4980ab No.21050130

File: 87d830e87a04ea4⋯.png (3.96 MB,1814x1200,907:600,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f92e7b6b6ffd99c⋯.png (1.13 MB,754x963,754:963,ClipboardImage.png)




Continued to complete context of insight.


The absolute abandonment of ethics and morals from the feminists leading the charge for equality with privilege , equal pay with reduced or lightened duties to bring the females who want to achieve the same as men but have the clause of a woman's prerogative is making work places a nightmare, plus the women who don't agree with this rampant selfish self-centred narcissistic behaviour is including the females who are not feminists , because they are not going to vote against the rights as it does not benefit them, they forget these laws and #metoo is effecting Their own men folk, men are literally walking on eggshells on a daily basis trying not to trip over some said or done politically incorrectly thing just in case some overweight prima Donna gets triggered, the problem with so called groups is that no one who actually wants these folk picked on or will protect them but due their outrageous behaviour are beginning to back away from defending these minority groups who were once upon a time shunned mocked or ridiculed being championed is that it gives these once outcast groups some sorts of status which they do not deserve, you cannot be a victim if you cause the trouble, there is no place for bullying but there should also be no place for weaponizing victim behaviour,

Briffault's law: The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.

This brief statement sums up the complete disloyal behaviour of women who benefit from living in a gynocentric society when they have the state as husband and father, yet this state taxes the men who have to fund this state with taxes to prop up their own demise,

The powers that be realized that by having a bigger voting demographic by including easier manipulated voters meant that they could use the democratic vote by getting more taxes and also taking advantage of female nature to take away citizens’ rights,

The Hegelian dialectic was a method used to achieve the desired outcome to separate men from women, families, children, etc

The method is creating a problem, wait for a reaction and then provide a solution which benefits the agenda. Very simple but devastatingly effective, if the true nature of the female is analysed it will show, there is no such thing as the sisterhood , it is self and family first and then possibly what they are perceived by society next, if it looks like they are better thought of then they will show caring, but they will dismiss and completely ignore and blame at the same time anyone who does not think they are the angels,

Edward Bernays a nephew of Sigmund Freud (definitely someone to research) was one of the first people to realise this when he was working for a tobacco company and hired a large group of young women to march down New York streets and convinced them that smoking a cigarette was a symbol for a torch of freedom, thus setting in motion a trend of the patriarchy keeping women from being held back , there was a case to he made that women were unfairly treated, but what has happened is that the women who campaigned for equal rights did not want to or realise that they have been used to take away their protectors in men who genuinely have the best interest of society and its citizens at heart.


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3e7b43 No.21050131

File: 7af0ede4db43315⋯.webm (812.75 KB,720x480,3:2,another_one.webm)

Poor bastards.

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ff1a29 No.21050136

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0def41 No.21050137

File: a18d6a0cb718a4d⋯.jpg (79.28 KB,749x601,749:601,vulm0ywx77ra1.jpg)


The fuck is a ventilator?

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acddd4 No.21050138


“No you”

It’s not an argument

>not using a VPN

“Trust me bro I only JUST arrived here”

Good try though


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309cb0 No.21050139

File: 8450e419739b0aa⋯.jpg (205.72 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_19_11_4….jpg)

File: baad19da13d8308⋯.jpeg (198.5 KB,1200x802,600:401,GQcDMmoXEAAp7V0.jpeg)




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0def41 No.21050142

File: 0b9d2c1c3fe1f3f⋯.png (98.21 KB,224x255,224:255,0b9d2c1c3fe1f3fad016cdcbea….png)

Trump won.

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3ecec7 No.21050145


chkt TYB!

> >>21049623, >>21049732, >>21049952, >>21049957 NASA

Quest airlock?

Remember the AT&T room 641A? When that spying operation was being set up, communications companyQwestwas the only one to refuse the command to spy, and they didn't last long after that.

They're now CenturyLink.


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2fb603 No.21050146

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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0def41 No.21050152

File: e93cc326723ed6d⋯.gif (5.34 MB,800x400,2:1,e93.gif)

Trump won.

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8b99e8 No.21050153

File: e261cc19babaa83⋯.png (137.08 KB,512x383,512:383,e261cc19babaa834bea51da114….png)


>“Trust me bro I only JUST arrived here”

Oh no. You can believe whatever makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

And no I didn't JUST arrive. I was here before you knew what here was.


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2fb603 No.21050155

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)

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7d9764 No.21050156

File: 4727288a3b512c1⋯.png (232.25 KB,778x726,389:363,2.PNG)


beware, principal source for this claim is REAL RAW NEWS (photo below).

Generally, I find RRN to be about as ethical1 as Anthony Fauci at a beagle dog rescue, or as trustworthy as the NYT's 6+ years of "Trump is a Russian Spy".

Further investigation yields Mx Linda Thomas-Greenfield remains at large and dangerous (imho).

But, the article seems rational given the O'Biden regimes clear and present danger to the Republic. So, be careful out there.

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3ecec7 No.21050157


>“Trust me bro I only JUST arrived here”


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2fb603 No.21050158

File: 0e0eb7dba711af3⋯.jpg (66.86 KB,480x425,96:85,0e0.jpg)

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4980ab No.21050160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Which Way Western Man?


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acddd4 No.21050162

File: 0151217b5fb9015⋯.gif (4.58 MB,515x234,515:234,F2B8E83C_25B6_4F32_AE18_19….gif)

>>21050128, >>21050153

Whatever you say!!!

It always is


That again

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2fb603 No.21050163

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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ff1a29 No.21050164

migrate, locked mofo shills

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ff1a29 No.21050336

#25809 >>21049064

>>21049577, >>21049706, >>21049829, >>21049871 Planefag aloft!

>>21049940, >>21049945 @realDonaldTrump If you want to save America…….

>>21049272 Hezbollah is now broadcasting live drone footage from the Haifa port as well as other military bases and sensitive Israeli locations - Israel's defense umbrella has been breached.

>>21049460 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 06/19/2024

>>21049492 Two Just Stop Oil activists have desecrated Stonehenge with orange powder paint.

>>21049496, >>21049508, >>21049522 Corporate Tax Rate Spurs Political Fight With More Than $1 Trillion at Stake - could climb as high as 28%

>>21049509, >>21049546 In 2023, The LANCET censored & CANCELLED a ground-breaking COVID-19 Vaccine Injury & Autopsy paper within 24hr after 100,000s downloads - 74% of sudden deaths due to COVID-19 Vaccine!

>>21049555 If these Iowa numbers are real, there is no way Biden can win in Wisconsin and Minnesota

>>21049622 War Room With Stephen K. Bannon

>>21049623, >>21049732, >>21049952, >>21049957, >>21050025 NASA

>>21049627 Senate Democrats Pull Vote on Trial Court Nominee Kasubhai GOP dissention/Mustafa Kasubhai

>>21049633 Democrats' Presidential Succession Plan Dems are trying to replace Joe Bidan…

>>21049757, >>21049753 Saudi Arabia Dethrones China as Top Emerging-Market Borrower

>>21049823 US acknowledges Northwest dams have devastated the region’s Native tribes

>>21049857, >>21049866 @realDonaldTrump DS fleeing

>>21049877 Flubbed climate test won’t deter rich donors from altering the sky

>>21049899 How Nigel Farage COULD become Prime Minister.

>>21049906 ICYMI: GOP Reps. Introduce Resolution Without Senate Approval to Nullify Subpoenas for Bannon, Navarro, Scavino, and Meadows — Declare January 6th Committee Illegitimate

>>21049916 Reports On Eight Tajik Border Crossers Arrested For Terror Plot

>>21049958 Learn to Meme Cannon

>>21049967 Antisemitism, Attacks on Free Speech, and Everything You Need to Know about Brazil

>>21049980, >>21050004 These people are sick????

>>21050081 Finally CNN gets some truth!


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