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File: a47b61172ec678b⋯.png (382.64 KB,705x516,235:172,ClipboardImage.png)

4cc6ea No.21019572 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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4cc6ea No.21019580

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 Australia #36

>>20940004 Canada #59

>>20584322 China #1

>>16694358 France #7

>>19988670 Germany #106

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>>16694250 Nederland #10

>>17784579 QAJF #1

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>>20584424 Saudi Arabia #1

>>20771571 Scotland #10

>>20969267 South Africa #13

>>19804572 UK #51


Bunker = https://endchan.org/qrbunker/catalog.html

>>20022853 Posting Guidelines

>>19832150, >>19957123, >>19737197 SPAM Removal; >>20184855 Jim W. on spam

>>19089056 Ban lifts, video downloads, Q clock, Joe M's videos, Qagg Download

>>18024378, >>18561054 Updated PROTO Instructions

>>20186509 How to filter namefags

>>20756698 Planefag & Boatfag Reports Always Notable


>>19089065 Baking Tools & Guidelines

>>20736492, >>18311579, >>20673838 "Baker on Duty" - what it means

>>17322509, >>17322518 How to bake/e-bake

>>17835052 Formatting Q posts

>>20186534 No "Muh Joos" in notes. Discrimination based on race or religion will be removed

>>20926627, >>20947983 Anon notables/making changes: generally, once a bread baked, it's baked


Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25775 >>21018766

>>21018860 President Biden's net approval average has reached an all-time low.

>>21018779 Times are a changing

>>21018932 A U.S. fast-attack nuclear-powered submarine arrived at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba on Thursday

>>21018966 Massachusetts Senate passes ‘Hero Act,

>>21019043 Happy birthday, Mr. President Dan Scavino Facebook

>>21019050 Is Congress's $17 million sexual misconduct hush money fund campaign finance violations?

>>21019061 POTUS Inspirational Video. Never Give up.

>>21019137 India AF IFC0504/14/24 C17 Globeys inbound to Dover AFB from Marseille, France depart

>>21019202 Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on imports


>>21019185, >>21019205 the Pentagon is seeking approval to feed American troops ‘experimental’ lab-grown meat

>>21019284 House Committee Subpoenas 15 Biden Cabinet Secretaries Over Alleged Scheme to ‘Tilt the Scales’ in 2024 Election

>>21019054 TRITON20 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone from Skunkworks at Palmdale,CA off Jacksonville

>>21019319 Trump Leads Biden by 10 Points With Critical Arizona Demographic.

>>21019306 Red Folder spotted @ Trump meeting with House, Senate Republicans at Capitol Hill

#25775 >>21019573

#25774 >>21017911

>>21017919 NIH Was Feeding Gain-Of-Function Disinfo To Journalists: Documents

>>21017928 Bidens Ghostwriter Admits Deleting Evidence BECAUSE of Special Counsel Investigation.

>>21017943 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children

>>21017961 Russia formally charges WSJ journalist with spying for CIA

>>21017972 Tyson Foods CEO Suspended 'Immediately' After DWI, Second Alcohol Related Arrest In Two Years

>>21017977 Biden insists he will not pardon Hunter OR commute his sentence for gun crimes

>>21017998 House Republicans say they are “100% unified behind former President Donald Trump

>>21018011 Wounded and Dead Ukrainian Soldiers Are Missing Organs

>>21018103 Eye Tracking lets you navigate iOS 18 without touching your iPhone

>>21018148 DOJ and Evergreen Treatment Services settle allegations regarding double billing of government health programs

>>21018154 Founder/CEO and Clinical President of Digital Health Company Arrested for $100M Adderall Distribution and Health Care Fraud Scheme

>>21018164 Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

>>21018187 With deal done, Disney withdraws lawsuit, ending last conflict with DeSantis and his appointees

>>21018198 T-Mobile signs huge multi-billion dollar 10-year contract with one branch of the U.S. Military

>>21018212 US Army celebrates 249th birthday

>>21018242 US Army, Navy reduce dependence on China for ‘critical technology’

>>21018247 US building $100 million military bases for foreign nation

>>21018250 Pres Trump is trying to tell us something…..

>>21018353 Triggered Meets TCN, Tucker Interviews Me! | TRIGGERED Ep.144

>>21018371 Schiff Panic?

>>21018373 US sub makes ‘routine’ visit to Gitmo amid Russian fleet worries

>>21018377 45 in N757AF 757 departed Reagan National Airport and on descent for Palm Beach Intl

>>21018387 The Donald Trump Interview - IMPAULSIVE EP. 418

>>21018391 Trump Proposes TOTALLY Scrapping Income Tax. Here’s How It Would Work…

>>21018430 NATO defense ministers approve new security aid, training support plan for Ukraine

>>21018458, >>21018469, >>21018485, >>21018492 @realDonaldTrump

>>21018486 Massive 'Michigan MAGA Boat Parade' from Lake St. Clair to Detroit's Hart Plaza is planned for this Saturday

>>21018487 Trump tells Fox: I have a 'pretty good idea' who my VP pick will be

>>21018572 Roaring Kitty’s GameStop stake grows to 9 million shares after selling his big options position

>>21018614 Trump endorses former Maryland governor Larry Hogan's Senate bid

>>21018641 Joe Biden’s Daily Pharmaceuticals Reportedly Revealed

>>21018260, >>21018284, >>21018314, >>21018706 DAN Comms

#25774 >>21018743

#25773 >>21017486

>>21017530 Brief presser from Pres. Trump

>>21017725, >>21017739 Pres. Trump Truth on presser

>>21017681 , >>21017689 Trump Visits Capitol Hill: Other Countries Are "Using Us As A Bad Example Of Democracy"

>>21017512 President Trump: We’re going to bring it back FAST

>>21017513 President Trump: There's tremendous unity in the republican party. We want to see borders. We want to see strong military. We want to see money not wasted all over the world. We don't want to see Russian ships right off the coast of Florida, which is what they are right now. That's unthinkable. We want to see, just success for our country, and we don't have success right now.

>>21017532 President Trump: They're getting away with murder, and we're not gonna let it happen.


>>21017522 Vincent Everett Ellison Exposes the Lies Sold to Black America: MLK, Hip Hop

>>21017539 Hearing on the Manhattan District Attorneys Office

>>21017570 GAMESTOP DDOS

>>21017577 The fast-attack submarine USS Helena is in Guantanamo Bay

>>21017580 Breaking down findings of Minnesota Department of Education audit over Feeding our Future fraud

>>21017597, >>21017595 U.S. Sanctions LNG Carriers and Chinese Yard to Disrupt Russian Energy Projects

>>21017631 DC hearings/events

>>21017647 California Sees 90,000 People Lose Their Jobs in Two Weeks

>>21017657 Solugen Receives $213.6M Conditional Commitment for a Biobased Production Facility in Minnesota

>>21017690 2024 Presidential Election forecast by The Economist: Trump has a 65% chance of winning

>>21017734 Biden-Harris Administration Approves Illinois, Oregon, and Puerto Rico’s “Internet for All” Initial Proposal

>>21017742 Entire Health Portal and Networks were down and still have not come back online

>>21017759 Judge says Biden's ban of 'gun show loophole' invalid in 4 states

>>21017824 Joe Rogan says Biden Doesn't Exist' Joe Rogan Claims 'Mysterious Cabal of Humans' Running the Country

>>21017836 Former Rep. Anthony Weiner on various political scandals — including his own

>>21017839 ‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ explosion expected to happen over summer, NASA says

>>21017850 The Supreme Court unanimously preserved access to a medication that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the U.S.

>>21017857, >>21017669 NOTABLE DDOS QDELTA

>>21017899 b#25773

Previously Collected

>>21017476 #25772

>>21014633 #25769, >>21016690 #25770, >>21016633 #25771

>>21012779 #25767B, >>21012777 #25767A, >>21013540 #25768

>>21009326 #25764, >>21011184 #25765, >>21011999 #25766

>>21006941 #25761, >>21007695 #25762, >>21008521 #25763

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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8875ce No.21019592

File: 2e2c990c6d30bd6⋯.jpg (676.31 KB,2476x1440,619:360,Picsart_24_06_05_16_05_29_….jpg)

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4cc6ea No.21019598

File: 35d9f30c41628d9⋯.png (517.67 KB,640x438,320:219,ClipboardImage.png)



Back Up BakerRequesting Handoff

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431804 No.21019606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b1ee44 No.21019614

File: 816513130f8306e⋯.jpeg (247.45 KB,1487x1408,1487:1408,IMG_2149.jpeg)


“Mega-Ginger standing by,…”

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f72826 No.21019615

File: 35500a872474671⋯.png (2.53 MB,1116x1600,279:400,ClipboardImage.png)


Goldie Hawn Is ‘Never Without’ Security After L.A. Home Burglarized Twice in Four Months: We May Leave L.A. over ‘Terrible’ Crime

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8875ce No.21019616


fuck her


kurt russell

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cc4bfc No.21019617

Birthday parties are for children

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0598dd No.21019618

File: 55cf673bd6135e1⋯.gif (3.82 MB,280x280,1:1,55cf673bd6135e1b5bd9c696cd….gif)


portals are fun

GodSpeed Baker


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34d8bd No.21019619


fuck breadshitters

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dae28e No.21019620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


God bless the children of light.

POTUS is not going through this for nothing.

Watch the vid again if you need clarity (‘speech that will get POTUS elected’).

There is so much evil and corruption it’s horrifying.

We owe it to our CHILDREN!


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e13c7d No.21019621

File: 1cad7305fe45578⋯.gif (1012.7 KB,500x261,500:261,EDADE5CD_1712_41BA_ADDC_57….gif)


>Bred shitter

Go to the box and feel your shame

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c7ff7c No.21019622

File: 5b72ac0a9710129⋯.jpg (90.48 KB,601x364,601:364,WAR_PIG.jpg)

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da46fb No.21019623

File: 03376bf80a2cc16⋯.png (583.8 KB,714x500,357:250,03376bf80a2cc16d22d1a77f80….png)

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8837c4 No.21019624

File: 06b913c49f23d8e⋯.mp4 (635.4 KB,360x650,36:65,redfolder.mp4)

>>21019306 lb

Enter Red Folder

Booms en route?

Held over from previous inauguration 2021?

Pants shittin' a plenty?

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b1ee44 No.21019625

File: d097c1f0e22ce12⋯.jpeg (73.71 KB,600x525,8:7,IMG_2151.jpeg)



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8875ce No.21019626

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53d636 No.21019627

File: c3c84e94d4548fc⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,848x848,1:1,NIGGER.mp4)

File: cdec94bfc6e66a8⋯.jpg (94.4 KB,720x960,3:4,women_circumcision.jpg)

gas niggers nyaa

enslave women uwuu

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cc4bfc No.21019628

Be aware of your surroundings.

See something.

Say something


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b708f4 No.21019629

File: eb2bfa129b4752c⋯.png (1.99 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0922.png)

Flashback to organ trafficking in Easter Europe/Asia during the Clinton era


End of the road for Kosovo organ claims?


27May 2010

The Notables about the dead Ukrainian soldiers with missing organs reminded me of this story,

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8875ce No.21019630


(You) too

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edc502 No.21019631

File: 609583d2cd657cf⋯.png (43.99 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c8822 No.21019632


yer memes are trash and you're a bread gobbling famefag shill

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f72826 No.21019633

File: 4961f9c7a38ffc6⋯.png (943.66 KB,1002x556,501:278,ClipboardImage.png)

Bygones Be Bygones – Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnamimous Trump Visits


June 13, 2024

A very interesting day is described by everyone in Washington DC, as President Trump strategically attends both House and Senate Republican conferences. Magnanimous Trump arrived to heal wounds, appeal for unity and build a larger support network ahead of the Republican National Convention.

It would appear the Dr. Phil approach was attempted as promised. According to media reports, in the upper chamber President Trump even spoke warmly with Republican Leader Mitch McConnell and the 16 Wall Street DeceptiCons who are insistent upon his permanent removal from politics.

(Politico) – “Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and former President Donald Trump set aside their years-long cold war during a private meeting with Republicans Thursday, a gathering McConnell described as “really positive.” (more)

Not surprisingly, Senator Rand Paul refused to endorse President Trump, preferring to talk positively about Robert Kennedy Jr. so far.

Factually, regardless of what any of them say, the Brutus delegation within the Senate will be sharpening their scorpion tails quietly and wait for the most vulnerable opportunity to strike. All sixteen DeceptiCons, soon to be led in 2025 by Senator John Thune, will sting viciously and simultaneously. This is the one political constant in an ever-changing universe.

[…] Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) said Trump’s message was “all positive” when talking to the conference and centered on keeping Republicans unified headed into the fall elections. Tuberville sat next to Trump antagonist Romney (R-Utah) but said the former president didn’t take aim at the senators who have not endorsed him — nor did they criticize him.

“I haven’t seen that Republican group as strongly united on all of those policy issues in a long, long time,” Rounds said. (read more)

It does not matter how much President Trump appeals to their best nature; the sixteen Republican DeceptiCon senators hate him with the intensity of a white-hot supernova. They want to see President Trump destroyed by any means necessary, and John Thune has promised them he can deliver.


Over on the House side, Magnanimous Trump even tried to smooth things over with the two remaining Republican representatives who voted to impeach him.

(POLITICO) – […] Donald Trump made a small peace offering Thursday to the remaining House Republicans who voted to impeach him after the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, according to three members in the room.

[…] There are two GOP members left in the chamber who voted for that impeachment: Reps. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.) and David Valadao (R-Calif.). Trump seemed to be referring to Valadao, who had skipped the meeting. Newhouse had attended but dismissed Trump’s comments when reporters asked if he read them as a dig at him, saying “he didn’t mention me at all.” (read more)


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93f046 No.21019634

File: e3956d55c62fbd2⋯.png (666.55 KB,500x830,50:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1221dfee22f2240⋯.mp4 (14.57 MB,720x720,1:1,5ft_5_its_happening_vid_.mp4)



first and formost.

Happy Birthday Mr Trump.

many happy returns

and anon is praying for your and your family and all those stepping up at your side to MAGA



next posts,

the debate in the u.k with Farage

the press conference with TRUMP in D.C

Both with notes taken.

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ae18ac No.21019635

File: 0e4181e1231ef67⋯.png (276.36 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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34d8bd No.21019636


he's actually much worse than that

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dccf4c No.21019637

File: 87b9fe5ccf2d38c⋯.gif (263.96 KB,220x123,220:123,are_you_not_entertained_en….gif)


What's crackin' Nightshift?

We entertained yet?

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c7ff7c No.21019638

File: d1ee205b7e52cbe⋯.jpg (59.41 KB,613x457,613:457,GINGERITIS.jpg)

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0f93aa No.21019639

File: 2a0572ecc29ddfc⋯.png (75.04 KB,474x210,79:35,IMG_1349.png)

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0d0c95 No.21019640

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>21019299 (pb)

>>21019159 (pb)

Prince Paul- Weapon World

Infinite infantries, space techs banana clips

Skin penetration, directions information

Roll up your knuckles, get blast in your fingertips

Phasers with macs and handles clamped up on your hips

Infrared beams so sharp crease your pant seams

Winchester barrels I sold them at the Christmas carols

With small scopes from miles adjust them to your house

With see through Glocks, that's natural, you load with rocks

Front vinyl holsters some acid pellets from the box

Big tanks that's German Spanish thoughts I be servin

More beggars in trucks, shippin weight to Las Vegas

Bicentennial bombs with leather straps for your arms

Garments and bags from hefty, I'm a lefty

Welcome to Weapon World

Welcome to Weapon World

You're welcome

Nuke 'em headbands for light blue German Lugars

Forcefields protect, razor bumps behind your neck

Automatics from seven chambers eighty-two bullets

When you pull it the little twenty five sound like Ganas

Machine guns electric cords rob the power run

Remington 870, for the pedigree

Night time militant mask, fueled with laser gas

Atomic ACP thirty round American slugs

With bugs undefeatable navy systems

Brown pearls pistols with FBI whistles

Suitcase with missles stashed with toilet tissues

Triggers with frames or 44 that shoot flames

Law enforcement, I got the first kill endorsement

Uzis material eatin Cocoa Puff cereal

Close range spokers, infrareds let you notice

Factory parts here screws with the custom parts

Deputy badges, fake SWAT teams closin gasses

Blow up your asses, over here put on masses

Welcome to Weapon World

Welcome to Weapon World

Welcome to Weapon World

You're welcome

Antagonist columnist, astrotech abuser

85 rounds of dynamite sticks with mix

On old rifles, and little derringers that fix

LAPD can't see me, I wear a Muslim beanie

Indian transporter, machine guns across the border

And Siberian bolts bullet proof winter coats

Across the region, duffel bags on the Major Deacon

Station wagons with desert eagles to stop a dragon

Elephant darts with propane travel through the rain

Bust back, the right machine to counteract

Carbine 31 shot wake up the project block

Neighborhood with wood, blast off the D off the hood

Bounty hunters with camoflague green alligators

Straight from the Barbados, chewin' sweet potatoes

Jamaican passport with hand grenades that I bought

Welcome to Weapon World

Welcome to Weapon World

Welcome to Weapon World

Welcome to Weapon World

That's right

Has the effect to put a six-foot gorilla

With the skin of an alligator


With the aluminum skin of an alligator

To a 4 point 8 Pterodactyl

That's a Dragon Plus… with a twist

Control over the media has kept people in the dark.
Control over the media has kept people at heel (behind).
Control over the media has kept people focused on falsehoods.
Control over the media has kept people in a constant state of fear.
Control over the media has divided our Republic into segments:
>Political Affiliation
When a citizenry is divided they have no 'collective' power.
When a citizenry has no 'collective' power they can no longer control the levers that govern them [levers of control].
[illusion of democracy]




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431804 No.21019641

File: 213ae6d16c056fb⋯.png (133.85 KB,257x342,257:342,warp.png)


>dead Ukrainian soldiers with missing organs


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000000 No.21019642


now tell baker anon you're sorry



and fyi (lb) the year 2030 will come and go

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f72826 No.21019643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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8c8822 No.21019644


it's a subversive division shill, always has been. Designed to gobble bread and piss off anons.

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edc502 No.21019645

File: 5d239fb370b8a00⋯.png (46.23 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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af6720 No.21019646

>>21019248 /pb

While I stand ready to agree…can you honestly blame Q? Standing against and informing on, to literally IDIOTS in the real wold as what has been, is going on, and those yet to come….and getting treated like this?! MTFKR get a brain.

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b708f4 No.21019647


Something very evil is going on in that part of the world. Something demonic that I don’t think we have even scratched the surface of. Bannon keeps hinting that there is something dark going on in Ukraine. What could be worse than human trafficking and sacrifice?

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0ed976 No.21019648

File: ececbf42e3b0e13⋯.jpg (9.83 KB,195x258,65:86,images_209_.jpg)

Embarrass you?

Stay inside?

I'm going dumbdumb levels…

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ee1503 No.21019649


Thank god for circumcision.

But which god?

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34d8bd No.21019650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d467f8 No.21019651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dfe457 No.21019652

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>maybe a future bread could be entitled "BLM = Biden Loves Minors"

BlackDonaldTrump 47


BLM In The Building “Biden Loves Minors”


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0598dd No.21019653


is this Pennsylvania?

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8875ce No.21019654


wait til i drop an rrn article

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f72826 No.21019655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



WATCH LIVE: Trump delivers remarks after meeting with Republican senators in Washington, DC

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8c8822 No.21019656


you add nothing of value


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3f39d5 No.21019657

File: 5073cfc63adc195⋯.png (231.78 KB,531x300,177:100,hesrightyouknow.png)

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982485 No.21019658


dealership thefts. sold once, stolen 1 time, shipped a second time and rehomed, dealership 3 sell, guessed it correctly, $tollen a third time by insurance ship dealers. totally legit business.

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34d8bd No.21019659


not even close

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93f046 No.21019660

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Today was the day that Reform u.k over took the tories and become the second largest party in the u.k ahead of the tories.

some rough notes ad lib'ed, rest are morans, farage again dominated this debate and got national coverage..

The debate went like the last one, starts 11 minutes into video and runtime is 1hr and 50 mins with adverts. forward through the crap. best way to watch. quite funny actually if you like watching women bickering and morans talking. farage was again way better and moar confident, ok anon is a bit biased by still, they are morans.

1) angela labour (labour sent out by kier starmer) blair puppets and globalist will bring in high tax, moar immigration and moar 1984 style dystopia.

2) Penny Mordaunt (tories sent out by rishi sunak) who will not face the public with farage on the stage kept on pushing the same talking point, labour will increase your taxes and this time the tories will get on top of illegal migrants.

3) Liberal democrats female (Sent out by ed davey) whose whole campaign is falling over , on water, on a bike, on the ground,

4) The green party (short dyke female) represents the green agenda, people sticking themselves to roads, throw shit around and blocking traffic. (Al Gore morans)

5) smp (scottish democrat party) bald bloke with a head size way too big for his body, went on about scottish independence and wanting moar immigrantion and blaming brexit for everything. btw, the english pay for everything for the scots who have a better life there while the english have to pay for everything, lots of corruption in scotland including the everyone is to white in scotland.

6) welsh journalist with the big ears, forgot his name, cannot even spell it, again was moaning about not getting enough handouts and being moar tied to the e.u. moran.

7) Farage : Stuck to his guns, called out illegal and legal immigrantion, did not use a script, called them all out for lying and stated about cutting tax for everyone who earns £20k or less. have families and help the people. no moar students bringing their mothers and relatives to be funded by the state.

Think anon will have to make some memes of these people, have a few ideas wil work on it..


Live coverage of the General Election debate


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c48cce No.21019661

File: 71527b08e827264⋯.png (469.22 KB,814x910,407:455,ytrejytrkyryrykry.PNG)

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8bfc17 No.21019662

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I AM THE FRIGGIN FIRE!!!🔥🔥🔥. He will walk through fire, he's an absolute savage

(This sounds like a Q post. PDJT will go down in history of the most patriotic Man that saved America, besides the Founding Fathers. They are looking on from heaven above, and they are very proud a Leader listened to them. America will not eliminate God as our Father, their hatred will go down as the worst betrayal of America and free men and women. The Media will be the first to go through the LAST & Final Judgement, at the Lake of Sacred Fire. It matters not that they don't believe it, it matters that God created it.)



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fcfbae No.21019663

File: ce34790da251767⋯.png (92.13 KB,197x159,197:159,20220213_183734.png)


such fun

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b1ee44 No.21019664



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431804 No.21019665

File: a55d659da270ba8⋯.png (46.32 KB,98x337,98:337,Proudtowearmyuniform.png)


nice folder

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890e42 No.21019666

what are the implications if the ADL were funded by Israel? is that legal?

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e67acb No.21019667

File: 1e2e3934dbc338b⋯.png (101.5 KB,593x437,593:437,kit.PNG)


Roaring Kitty


0:10 / 1:10

7:00 AM · Jun 13, 2024




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596df9 No.21019668

File: 301f34f554df022⋯.jpg (183 KB,1080x1080,1:1,dont_F_with_Donald_Trump_m….jpg)


dont F with Goldie either!!!

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b708f4 No.21019669

File: 958a15ac3b76d52⋯.jpeg (2.68 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0923.jpeg)


It is in notables

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c7ff7c No.21019670

File: 7f8e0138d85b517⋯.jpg (134.94 KB,634x468,317:234,PIG_GOT_TISSUES.jpg)

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ae18ac No.21019671


Duly noted by Hunter Biden's Venezuelan celebrity burglery company

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8837c4 No.21019672

File: ce8ccf4fdf98971⋯.png (622.14 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ee1503 No.21019673


It's ok if the Tribe does it.

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f72826 No.21019674

It's All Fixable - The Last Refuge


June 13, 2024

When President Obama famously told incoming President Trump the largest foreign policy concern was the potential for near-term military conflict with North Korea, Trump curiously asked Obama, “Well, have you talked to Kim Jong-un?”

President Trump has never revealed how Obama responded to that question; however, given the nature of the circumstances, what we know about DC and the background involved, we can assume the Obama reply was akin to the lightbringer telling Trump, “Things just are not done that way.”

We know what happened next; President Trump engaged directly with Chairman Kim, met with him several times and even crossed into the demilitarized zone as a physical expression of a new approach.

This was only one example of President Trump’s policy doctrine, which ran completely counter to the traditions of the professional administrative state. This was/is part of the reason why DC hated Trump.

The bureaucracy of DC exists to sustain the career influence and affluence of a group of people who would never survive in the private sector. Their weak work ethic, selfish worldview, insufferably annoying character traits, flawed logic, silly outlooks and disconnected opinions, created in a bubble that has no relationship to reality, are only useful within their echo-chambered system.

President Trump has a skillset of commonsense accomplishment that runs completely counter to the mindset of the administrative state. President Trump thinks like you and me; Trump finds optimal solutions. Washington DC simply cannot fathom successful policy outcomes that do not come from their creation. Trump succeeded with a doctrine that was entirely unfamiliar to the DC bureaucracy. {GO DEEP} It is absolutely critical that we never forget this.

It is important to remind ourselves of what is possible in a positive way, because everything discussed about our challenges is framed from the perspective of a flawed and corrupt DC system. From the traditional perspective, the challenge seems overwhelming, but that’s really a misnomer.

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982485 No.21019675


Hershey chocolate

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000000 No.21019676


who is the gentleman with the red folder?

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f72826 No.21019677


Here’s the key – The DC challenges are not overwhelming when you take a non-traditional approach toward finding solutions.

Consider the issue of SSI supplemental benefits and budgets. Yes, from the traditional perspective the financial drain on the system can collapse the federal budget. However, if we double the size of the economy and/or modify import tariffs, we can increase tax revenue and resolve the SSI budget problem. The problem for DC is that no one knows how to double the economy or leverage tariffs to expand the domestic pie. President Trump does.

Again, we mistakenly view our problems through the prism of how they were created.

This paralysis by analysis is emphasized by tradition, by DC punditry and by the media complex who exist to talk about the problems. But thankfully, President Trump views our problems through the prism of how to solve them. President Trump doesn’t look backward, he looks forward; it is a very unique and effective approach.

We look at the problem as if we individually are given an elephant to eat. President Trump looks at the problem as if there needs to be more of us with forks. It is, essentially, the feed a man a fish or teach a man to fish conversation. Which one creates the larger economic pie?

Despite the naysayers, backbiters and backseat drivers, we must continually remind ourselves that Trump’s optimal solution approach works. We have the history of the Trump Doctrine (2017 through 2020) to review as a reminder. It just works.

So, with that in mind…. here’s a little back-and-forth that might help break the funk and remind us to smile.

[Via Unseen] – “If Trump wins, he will be handed a country in basically a depression for a majority of its people, on the brink or actually in ww3, a wide open border and a 5th column of millions of anti-American military aged men within that border, a deteriorating military, a nation so in debt it will struggle to raise capital, a country with fragile supply lines for most of the goods it needs, a divided population with half brainwashed by the media to hate the concepts the country was founded on, and a government staffed with people who will be actively fighting everything he does. Pray for our country because regardless of who wins, it’s going to be a long, hard fight to keep this country together, let alone make it great again.” (link)

My quick ‘elevator‘ reply – “Which is exactly why Donald J Trump is the best man for the hardest job of this era. Trump will end the wars in Ukraine and Gaza within a week. Restart U.S. energy independence. Tariff China and EU, pull out of NATO, eliminate Green New Deal and then…. (2+2) along with the immediate closure of the southern border, Trump will collapse the infrastructure of Chinese EV’s in Mexico…. Then he’ll call MbS, have a Big Mac and Diet Coke and plan for day two.” (link)

Now, granted I am being a little brief and big picture in retort, but the substance of what I am sharing is completely doable. All is not lost. It is entirely possible to reverse course and Make America Great Again.

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8875ce No.21019678


you sound like a detroit or a somali nigger

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431804 No.21019679

File: e395ff119f458df⋯.mp4 (298.61 KB,478x270,239:135,redgreensunak.mp4)

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9183f4 No.21019680


nice digits satan

you of all should know those are the same thing

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dae28e No.21019681

File: 50d863196ce2eb6⋯.png (63.85 KB,624x376,78:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 411678321e0e202⋯.png (385.11 KB,630x491,630:491,ClipboardImage.png)

Sky event cancelled.



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a0b66e No.21019682

File: 2ab2857d0e9b75c⋯.jpg (45.47 KB,593x487,593:487,oiuyyyuqq.jpg)

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f72826 No.21019683


[Anne Hyatt] – “While I like that plan, fingers crossed, I don’t see how he can end the War in Gaza.” (link)

Again, THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX – “Did you follow the Trump doctrine in ’17 through ’20?

After talking to MbS, Trump will call Egypt’s President al-Sisi, and tell all regional players that fighting immediately stops and Sisi is now leading the reconciliation effort. Likely Hamas will balk. POTUS Trump will then tell Qatar to kick out the Hamas/MB leaders (“Drive them out” 2.0) or they will face economic sanctions. Erdogan will be told to stick a sock in it, and he’d better not give a home base to Hamas again. Trump will tell Hamas leadership they need to live in Gaza; like actually live in the region they presumably lead. Trump will tell Sisi to make part of the deal a regional rule that all Gaza political leadership must live in Gaza. Syria, Jordan and Kuwait will think Trump is nuts but keep quiet because Trump might be willing to prove he’s nuts,…. and eventually everyone will call Fattah Abel al-Sisi to find out the date for the peace summit.

After lunch, Trump calls Putin because that one is easier. (link)

♦President Trump’s foreign policy approach brought North and South Korea together away from the table of conflict. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy approach brought Serbia and Kosovo together away from the table of conflict. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy rallied the Gulf Cooperation Council to stop Qatar’s support for Islamic extremists via the Muslim Brotherhood. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy brought Turkey and the Kurdish forces together away from war and conflict. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy created a ceasefire to stop the bloodshed in Syria. President Trump mediated a cessation of hostilities between India & Pakistan in the Kashmir region. ♦President Trump’s foreign policy brought Israel and the UAE together… and then Bahrain… and then Sudan in the Abraham Accords.

President Trump executes a clear foreign policy, a unique doctrine of sorts, where national security is achieved by leveraging U.S. economic power. It is a fundamental shift in approaching both allies and adversaries – summarized within the oft repeated phrase: “economic security is national security.”

The Trump Doctrine, using economics to achieve national security objectives, was/is a fundamental paradigm shift. Modern U.S. history provided no easy reference for the effective outcome, and fearing irrelevance, Washington DC was furious at how effective he was.

President Trump is the one guy who can do it again.

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431804 No.21019684

File: 7f3dacfa3b51007⋯.mp4 (13 MB,1280x720,16:9,clintonspacey.mp4)

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53d636 No.21019685

File: c6983769224ee96⋯.jpg (173.03 KB,981x975,327:325,KZB_Circumcision.jpg)

File: 8f6d8738b7f2648⋯.jpg (215.99 KB,1000x1021,1000:1021,moloch_sigil.jpg)

File: 0c762fab5babb6a⋯.jpg (156.7 KB,653x1024,653:1024,circumcision_findings.jpg)

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e73d2f No.21019686


pope tom hanks fault smokes crack too

hordan peturson smokes crack too

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dccf4c No.21019687


Roaring Kitty's GameStop stake grows to 9 million shares after selling his big options position

The total value, including cash, reached more than $268 million.

(Having Trouble w/pics)


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c7ff7c No.21019688

File: b7a45520cc505be⋯.jpg (87.08 KB,488x519,488:519,SMILES.jpg)



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596df9 No.21019689


an ancient cabal that rose to power by enslaving people and black mailing them and is in its end times and wants to take the rest of the world down with it?

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8c8822 No.21019690


you're a slide and nothing more

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e73d2f No.21019691


Frudeau smokes crack too

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93f046 No.21019692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Note: very short press conference. statements below.


RSBN LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. - 6/13/24

Trump expected to speak at 1:30p EST



djt: we do not want to see russian ships of the coast of florida.

President Trump: There's tremendous unity in the republican party. We want to see borders. We want to see strong military. We want to see money not wasted all over the world. We don't want to see Russian ships right off the coast of Florida, which is what they are right now. That's unthinkable. We want to see, just success for our country, and we don't have success right now.

President Trump: They're getting away with murder, and we're not gonna let it happen.

President Trump spoke of great unity in the Repub party, they want this party to be great again.


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982485 No.21019693



lowball lo buy ing.lobb wing.

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d467f8 No.21019694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0e8efb No.21019695

Red folder alert, retribution cometh, the storm is upon us. God bless patriots. Boom.

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dccf4c No.21019696

File: 70fc9b71c555f61⋯.jpg (70.77 KB,574x557,574:557,Screenshot_2023_05_01_1902….jpg)


Satanic Digits!

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ae18ac No.21019697

File: aa76b5870806ade⋯.png (151.39 KB,400x165,80:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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8875ce No.21019698


you have no idea how hard I'm gonna fuckin vote

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aa7e1c No.21019699


It is just a coincidence

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faa871 No.21019700

>>21019306 (lb) Red Folder spotted @ Trump meeting with House, Senate Republicans at Capitol Hill

Red Folder might be distress too:


Trump mentioned the Russian navy being near Cuba was a big problem in the short speech he gave after the meeting was over.

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9183f4 No.21019701


he's rolling on the Clintons

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265aa7 No.21019702

File: eab37ded6e355aa⋯.png (631.52 KB,600x470,60:47,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Birthday POTUS xoxo

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982485 No.21019703


mushroom ecosystem is Huge and underground

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637201 No.21019704

File: 45ef831161a4cb9⋯.png (3.87 KB,275x32,275:32,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1cfe67158838ec1⋯.png (3.24 KB,233x39,233:39,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c628e7cea4fe27c⋯.jpg (71.09 KB,817x569,817:569,moondafd8b5e3686af60d55538….jpg)


fuckin liars

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9183f4 No.21019705


anon thought they were dead

maybe he means someone in the clinton circle

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c7ff7c No.21019706

File: b933b1a8b4a0bd4⋯.jpg (155.58 KB,558x639,62:71,LIKE_A_PLUS_SIGN.jpg)

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b708f4 No.21019707


Wasn’t the first time he held the red folder up was at a Birthday party, too? …wasn’t it?

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e73d2f No.21019708


dwayne smokes crack too

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f72826 No.21019709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MSNBC Goes Fully INSANE Over Trump Winning!

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431804 No.21019710

File: aececa6eab3d0bf⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,482x360,241:180,FUCKING_PIZZAS_EVERYTHING_….mp4)

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596df9 No.21019711


he wouldn't have wanted any girls . . . so the story that he was with girls is probably bogus.

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e73d2f No.21019712


dead juwish ass dealer still mad

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8bfc17 No.21019713

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BYE BYE!!!🤣🤣🤣. This is seriously funny, "I believe I can Fly", and they do.



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8875ce No.21019714


that is not the moon

sci fi faggat

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982485 No.21019715


the Happy birthday POTUS gonna be heavier than a Hi Q post.

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e73d2f No.21019716


howard stern smokes crack too

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07dcb9 No.21019717


This is a growing open source information group.

Be sure to invite and add your frens.

The bigger we are the more impact our digs have.

Share and grow this group for diggers and normies alike.


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ae18ac No.21019718

File: 7c17e1d9dbc390f⋯.png (269.77 KB,474x244,237:122,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa7e1c No.21019719

The Muslim guy at the gas station by me told me that there were 3 Aircraft carriers that have been hit. There was the footage of supposedly the Eisenhower getting hit. I haven't seen anything on the board about anything else. What do ANons feel? Has there been uplifting military posts lately?

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d791d8 No.21019720


think gloria was playing in that clip also if i remember right

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8fd489 No.21019721

File: c14622a84c6779b⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,931x1200,931:1200,nov_21_prints_00004.jpg)

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ae18ac No.21019722

File: 4581b19244c4295⋯.png (308.09 KB,474x440,237:220,ClipboardImage.png)

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dae28e No.21019723

File: 29a78cc93b7ed5f⋯.png (346.31 KB,554x568,277:284,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4101f6c1e1cc3d8⋯.png (138.03 KB,746x1070,373:535,1880.png)




“When disasters strike, NASA is here to help — at home and around the world.”

Our Disaster Response Coordination System will provide up-to-date information on extreme events to support disaster response organizations globally. go.nasa.gov/3VGrb69

Jun 13, 2024 · 9:13 PM UTC




The more you know…

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34d8bd No.21019724


Yet Christians turn the other cheek.

Stephen Baldwin twatted about this yesterday.

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e73d2f No.21019725


smokes crack too

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982485 No.21019726


only the carpet knows after the hooker stilt it

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aa7e1c No.21019727

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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431804 No.21019728

File: 15fd1f3597489a4⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,886x652,443:326,aipac.mp4)

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e73d2f No.21019729


sean bolen is a moron

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8875ce No.21019730

HB 2 social gonna be off thee hook

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bbf498 No.21019731

File: 2dbf0cea1a7b63b⋯.jpeg (85.14 KB,1016x792,127:99,2dbf0cea1a7b63b0d4b475d95….jpeg)

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b708f4 No.21019732



Sure is.

What is the Old Vic/ of which he speaks?

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431804 No.21019733

File: 291b565d865554b⋯.mp4 (13.23 MB,960x720,4:3,OprahNygardIsland.mp4)

I have light colored hair, light skin. The sun is a disaster for me. I can't take the sun

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d3f212 No.21019734

File: 504a93232075a87⋯.png (33.27 KB,460x460,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

She still looks great.

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ae18ac No.21019735

File: dbc8c48ed953ad9⋯.png (487.01 KB,617x363,617:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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8875ce No.21019736




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b6d9ee No.21019737




Many spelling errors lately and not to old format due to getting back up to speed and quick pace.

Ends today.

On point.

Phase II

Fully operational.

Eyes open.

New revelations coming.


Things they don't want public.





Jun 13, 2024, 10:24 AM

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c7ff7c No.21019738

File: 8aa8884057e2343⋯.jpg (89.66 KB,680x528,85:66,ANON_COUNTER_FIRE.jpg)

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9183f4 No.21019739


wonder why he went to dc

maybe related to the DC trial

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265aa7 No.21019740

File: df08ea94f7e43a5⋯.mp4 (587.87 KB,360x650,36:65,yl0nrS3zYckNfp0b.mp4)

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b708f4 No.21019741


kevin Spacey “There were young girls on those flights.”

These were flights on which Epstein, Clintons and Maxwell……and young girls!!

Holy Cow

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431804 No.21019742

File: db4990e2b959efe⋯.mp4 (8.15 MB,848x464,53:29,terry.mp4)

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dfe457 No.21019743

File: b3378207e00e649⋯.png (14.08 KB,300x232,75:58,PepeApuFireworks2.png)

notable failure >>21019681

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596df9 No.21019744


what do we feel?

that doesn't matter.

sauce is what counts.

it wouldn't surprise me.

the democrats are snakes and would hide the information.

but a Muslim guy at a gas station might be getting an AI feed of BS fed to guys like him.

did he show you any sauce?

any Muslims here have any information?

Until there is sauce what you are saying is fog-of-war, rumor, and propaganda.

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890e42 No.21019746

File: ac9e62d08e24d11⋯.png (2.19 MB,1646x1088,823:544,1880s.png)

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431804 No.21019747

File: 811361477067d6a⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,480x360,4:3,zionistbiden.mp4)

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e13c7d No.21019749

File: dafc5fc1733a1ac⋯.jpeg (185.85 KB,828x1081,36:47,284FFB93_3597_44E1_A00E_C….jpeg)

File: c22fa58eeb726b0⋯.jpeg (491.03 KB,1047x716,1047:716,94D1E1AE_B6D7_4A26_BC55_3….jpeg)

IMF Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

(After Peron was ousted Argentina has gone to the IMF moar times than any other country-its 24 or 25 times depending on how you determine a “new” program-at this point it doesn’t matter since they’ll fuq this up again and be back-once this “hangover” wears off with phoney Milei you’ll see the return of the really big protests)

The IMF has approved $800 million to aid Argentina's economic recovery under its $44 billion program, citing that economic targets have been met. Despite fiscal reforms, Argentina faces challenges like a stalled economy and rising poverty. Continued policy efforts and support measures are deemed necessary.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) board on Thursday cleared the way for Argentina to draw $800 million to help drive its economic recovery, saying the lending program was "firmly on track". Argentina has a $44 billion program with the IMF, which includes economic targets on growth, inflation and reserves. The IMF said in a statement its executive board had completed the eighth review of that extended fund facility arrangement. In completing the review, the Executive Board assessed the program to be firmly on track, with all quantitative performance criteria through end-March 2024 met with margins," the IMF said. Sustaining the progress will require improving the quality of fiscal adjustment, taking steps towards enhanced monetary and foreign exchange policy framework, and implementing reforms for growth, it said. Argentina's government has said it will open talks with the IMF over a new program. The IMF's approval comes after President Javier Milei, who took office in December, put in place sweeping fiscal reforms and sharply tightened government spending to tackle triple-digit inflation, a shrinking economy and reserves in the red.

The changes under him have helped Argentina rebuild depleted foreign currency reserves, post fiscal surpluses at the start of the year and stabilize the peso currency. Argentina's monthly inflation rate in May was the lowest since 2022, official data showed on Thursday, cooling for the fifth straight month to 4.2% amid the austerity drive by libertarian Milei. Still, the government faces a challenge with the economy stalling and poverty levels rising. Continued efforts to support the vulnerable, broaden political support and ensure "agile" policymaking will be necessary in Argentina going forward, the IMF said.



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f72826 No.21019750

File: b95706f3241a3df⋯.png (822.38 KB,960x630,32:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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9183f4 No.21019751


seems like he's half in character as Underwood

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0e8efb No.21019753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fcfbae No.21019754

File: 6f164a39c6aac38⋯.mp4 (11.04 MB,1440x1080,4:3,Wild_Night_complete_versio….mp4)

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dccf4c No.21019755

File: 152f0a3d0a52053⋯.png (245.72 KB,597x475,597:475,Screenshot_2024_06_13_2051….png)

China Helps The Taliban Sell $80 Million Worth Crude Oil in 10 Days


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431804 No.21019756

File: c715398de1181ef⋯.jpeg (102.45 KB,949x534,949:534,JohnOfGodOprah.jpeg)

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890e42 No.21019757



Joe biden is a zionist

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4cc6ea No.21019758

File: 327354ccb44e7e0⋯.png (52.23 KB,500x370,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)



#25776 >>21019598

>>21019633, >>21019655 Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnamimous Trump Visits

>>21019681 Sky event cancelled.

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04539f No.21019759

File: 6f934a2eb78bba0⋯.png (930.37 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec08d7943dd20f6⋯.png (967.57 KB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79bc4d4d638356d⋯.png (963.53 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae5b59e1ef6233c⋯.png (797.15 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9af19e9669b44a⋯.png (111.19 KB,474x272,237:136,ClipboardImage.png)



EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT aircraft carrying the First Family


Wilmington, Lunch in Green Bay, Duluth, then San Fran?


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8875ce No.21019760


your wisdom is impeccable

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93f046 No.21019761

File: a6200863c263045⋯.png (592.45 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1912146036f6ba9⋯.png (588.24 KB,500x580,25:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90452c9eac856ee⋯.png (847.51 KB,768x484,192:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,fight_video.mp4)

File: e79760ac9a1a7d5⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,854x480,427:240,klaus_no_elections_needed.mp4)


Got to vote. both sides of the water.

block voting is their main weapon and stealing the election via mail in voting.

unity is what they fear..


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8bfc17 No.21019762

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If they ever put me on house arrest… I'M TAKING THIS FOR A RIDE!!!😎🥳🥳🥳

il Trumpo fans are so creative.



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ae18ac No.21019763

File: d1ba87ff290ba8d⋯.png (46.16 KB,1079x713,1079:713,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0728d No.21019764

File: 64b14d6e69d7cbe⋯.png (3.28 MB,2048x1822,1024:911,19263628.png)

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596df9 No.21019765


these kinds of 'oh we victims, always victims' always leave out a lot of important reasons that people didn't trust the Jews.

it's always a one sided gloss.

it ignores the huge influence of money lending.

it ignores the wars where money was provided to both sides.

it ignores the history of why the Jews were Ukraine in the first place, and what they were doing there and who worked for them, and what the arraingements were.

it ignores that a lot of Jews left the Russian Empire after basically going AWOL from the Russian military.

so much more.

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265aa7 No.21019766

File: df08ea94f7e43a5⋯.mp4 (587.87 KB,360x650,36:65,yl0nrS3zYckNfp0b.mp4)

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7a7997 No.21019767

File: 5d722816e052ff5⋯.jpg (7.54 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_47_.jpg)

File: 82cae9667f9529d⋯.jpg (6.23 KB,183x275,183:275,images_214_.jpg)

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b708f4 No.21019768


Who is ‘Gloria’?

Who is always on the run?

Headed for a breakdown?

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4200a1 No.21019769

File: 3e4b7c2855361ba⋯.png (766.27 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c61a1b No.21019770


>Requesting Handoff


confirm handoff

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8875ce No.21019771



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265aa7 No.21019772


she leaves them hanging on the line ..

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ee1503 No.21019773


Joe Biden has always been a liar.

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e13c7d No.21019774

File: b89b33e770cc7ce⋯.jpeg (411.45 KB,1375x608,1375:608,0DC23220_DCCE_4E5A_BF7A_2….jpeg)

VOTE89(17)KC-46A tanker SW from McConnell AFB,Wichita

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982485 No.21019775


hold on.cummins

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f72826 No.21019776


'We're Gonna F*ckin' Lose 'Em': James Carville And Donny Deutsch Sound Alarm On Hispanic Men Ditching Dems

Last edited

9:53 AM · Jun 13, 2024


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8875ce No.21019777


fuk u fag it

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4cc6ea No.21019778

File: 3138eeae7df107d⋯.png (248.62 KB,494x355,494:355,ClipboardImage.png)



#25776 >>21019598

>>21019633, >>21019655 Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnamimous Trump Visits

>>21019681 Sky event cancelled.

>>21019759 EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT aircraft carrying the First Family

You have the Conn

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aa7e1c No.21019779


>but a Muslim guy at a gas station might be getting an AI feed of BS fed to guys like him

I can barely understand what he says in the first place but he was very happy about dumping the petroldollar. We could be like Japan and All of a suden, we are done.

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93f046 No.21019780

File: 1768a4b2975c3ef⋯.png (423.79 KB,553x369,553:369,ClipboardImage.png)


well argentina are now fooked.

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890e42 No.21019781


it looks like they left Russia, but then who stuck around to run the Russian revolution, or how did that work?

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9183f4 No.21019782


interesting he says he doesnt remember epstein and then that he didn't want to be around him

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dccf4c No.21019783

File: 9833781b4b0f2ea⋯.png (227.17 KB,589x689,589:689,Gina_Carano.png)

I’m sorry this is not real news. The judge has not issued a ruling as of yet that I am aware of. I’ve informed the Daily Wire News team and they will be issuing a correction.

This would indeed be an incredible outcome but no ruling has been made as of yet. Just to be transparent. Thank you again for the support.


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265aa7 No.21019784


i thought was jan 6th when he held the folder in the tent

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dfe457 No.21019785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Gloria" (Italian pronunciation: [ˈɡlɔːrja]) is a 1979 love song written and composed in Italian by Umberto Tozzi and Giancarlo Bigazzi, and afterwards translated to English by Jonathan King. A 1982 cover version by American singer Laura Branigan peaked at number two on the US Billboard Hot 100 and has been certified platinum by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA).

- Branigan told People magazine that she and her producers had at first attempted an English version of Tozzi's "Gloria" in the romantic mode of the original, changing the title to "Mario", but that it seemed ineffective. Ultimately, Branigan recorded an English re-invention of "Gloria" as a character study of, in her words, "a girl that's running too fast for her own steps," the cover lyrics of which were written by Trevor Veitch, the contractor for the Branigan album, to which he also contributed guitar work; Branigan also did her part in co-writing of the cover song's lyrics.

In 2003, Branigan characterized "Gloria" as "Certainly my signature song. And I always get the same reaction wherever I go, and whenever I perform it … I have to end every show with that song, and people just go crazy."

"Gloria" - original song by Umberto Tozzi


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431804 No.21019786

File: cc8ce68baa2b42b⋯.mp4 (11.79 MB,1280x720,16:9,Ben_Stiller_agrees_Stay_ho….mp4)



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3b6063 No.21019787

File: 916b21d18486166⋯.png (375.65 KB,496x474,248:237,00bad3683648cfaefb5eec6cam….png)




great service both

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8875ce No.21019789


digits confirm

well judge of character

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982485 No.21019790


harry situation

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aa7e1c No.21019791


>…and young girls!!

Kevin Spacey was Appalled because they know he likesYoung Boys

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c61a1b No.21019792



ty for the notes


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dae28e No.21019793

File: 28ca40f7325847a⋯.png (386.74 KB,619x519,619:519,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d167abecfaa45a6⋯.png (564.16 KB,720x1280,9:16,d167abecfaa45a6fc21b838c0a….png)

Rep. Eric Burlison



Natalie and Davy Lloyd were steadfast disciples of Christ.

Last month, their lives were tragically cut short by gang violence in Haiti while they were serving as missionaries at an orphanage. Today, I took to the House floor to honor them.

Jun 13, 2024 · 4:29 PM UTC



God will Judge our Enemies. We will arrange the Meeting.

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d3f212 No.21019794

File: c68a29d220f9e21⋯.webm (1.86 MB,460x236,115:59,aPA4K1n_460svvp9.webm)

Still can't run Doom 3 on max setting prob.

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265aa7 No.21019795


are those a bunch of marios in the background? isnt mario in red hat and luigi in green hat? is elon the green hat, green castle?

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431804 No.21019796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>half in character

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4200a1 No.21019797

File: 505b26c3f0d9230⋯.png (2.13 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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890e42 No.21019799

File: 88f31257e2bcd1c⋯.png (5.24 MB,2418x1804,1209:902,thron1.png)


who were the other many people doing this i wonder??

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a35d4b No.21019800

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

One On One Interview With President Donald J. Trump


3 hours ago


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d467f8 No.21019801


>character as Underwood

member when he necked that doge in the first episode

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ee1503 No.21019802



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8875ce No.21019803


no idea


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431804 No.21019805

File: 410be87aff9a87e⋯.mp4 (15.4 MB,854x474,427:237,Is_this_woman_credible.mp4)

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7a7997 No.21019806

File: 2a5acf315ea0f3c⋯.jpg (7.81 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_24_.jpg)


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265aa7 No.21019807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a0b66e No.21019808


The claim of the Eisenhower being hit was on the board maybe a week ago. I didn't watch the video, but I believe it was determined to be fake.

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b708f4 No.21019809



Exactly true

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8875ce No.21019811


waay fuckin fake

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596df9 No.21019812


clearly not all Jews were connected with the ancient cabal, and there were many of them that suffered greatly and had to flee into the night.

but to imagine that all Jews were always victims and never did any Jew ever make another Jew have to flee is a bogus assumptoin.

for example the Hungarian Jews were treated very badly when the Communists ran Hungary for a brief time right after WWI.

and we know that many Jews were full fledged Communists so the story that it was just non-Jews preying on Jews is bogus too.

ADL and all of the apologists would be better if they would address the criminals who were Jews that were responsible for bad stuff that made all Jews look bad to non Jews instead of their bogus 'all Jews are always more holy than any non Jew' which seems to be their narrative.

they even want to gloss over the horrible studio heads in Hollywood who were Jews as if it's antisemitic to speak the truth about them.

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d791d8 No.21019814


now that is the type of crazy I miss in this place.

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111430 No.21019815


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637201 No.21019816

File: d9757ad937d1b6a⋯.png (168.15 KB,460x236,115:59,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm guessing that board made this promo video? Because this first scene looks fake.

I would bet this entire video is Ai created with the Nvidia A100 System.

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111430 No.21019817


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dfe457 No.21019818

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gina Carano SPEAKS OUT About Disney FIRING & Lawsuit with Elon Musk


starts at 28:03

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a35d4b No.21019819

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE REPLAY: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. - 6/13/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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431804 No.21019820

File: 142f84e5e5926cf⋯.gif (1.29 MB,978x827,978:827,danceclub.gif)

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cdce03 No.21019821

File: 6ace70d14e4fa3f⋯.gif (2.69 MB,307x292,307:292,pence_robotic_smile.gif)


>they chop babies dicks in america - wtf

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982485 No.21019823

File: 1425bb6bc08ffed⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1200x800,3:2,anastasia_disneyscreencaps….jpg)

File: ec1b61031806f9e⋯.jpg (83.82 KB,1067x600,1067:600,0x0.jpg)


fuckin' romaov

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dae28e No.21019824

File: 37574cf8f784fa9⋯.png (485.18 KB,612x510,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Mom and 4-year-old daughter killed, 6-year-old rescued after horror ‘human trafficking’ kidnapping: cops


Jun 14, 2024 · 1:42 AM UTC



>God will Judge our Enemies. We will arrange the Meeting.

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9183f4 No.21019825



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04539f No.21019826

File: e5988f91627f1a6⋯.png (40.53 KB,720x376,90:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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34d8bd No.21019827


Donald Trump is a Zionist.

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b708f4 No.21019828

File: 3e0a6dc54a58214⋯.jpeg (411.33 KB,1443x1111,1443:1111,IMG_0924.jpeg)



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111430 No.21019829


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e13c7d No.21019830

File: cce956992f7bd5f⋯.jpeg (782.6 KB,1282x615,1282:615,A60210F0_1B97_4636_B12A_A….jpeg)

>>21017112 pb

EXEC1F C40CFlauxtusdeparted Duluth after muh event for “older voters” and another one in Los Gatos,CA and headed for Moffet Federal Airfield

Jill Biden returning to the Bay Area fundraising well at Los Gatos event


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93f046 No.21019831

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,flag_eagle.gif)

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,keyboard_pepe.gif)

File: 762e7ab97231039⋯.gif (575.87 KB,498x373,498:373,pepe_finger_.gif)

File: 2fe48c45550be60⋯.gif (7.85 MB,530x432,265:216,trump_freight_train.gif)

File: ae6ea8b07d3e861⋯.png (282.17 KB,740x500,37:25,ClipboardImage.png)



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4cc6ea No.21019832


Fake News Media

Human Trafficking is a Myth

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a35d4b No.21019833

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. - 6/13/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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b708f4 No.21019834

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265aa7 No.21019835


ty i do my best

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fcfbae No.21019836

File: 19023411522f234⋯.png (1.68 MB,837x701,837:701,capture_548_19062023_15070….png)


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cdce03 No.21019837

File: a26980eceecfd7d⋯.png (368.4 KB,1000x756,250:189,make_a_note_of_the_word_bl….png)



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982485 No.21019838

File: d25bf68de9202bf⋯.jpg (13.58 KB,330x330,1:1,a22bb1326e8b16b2acb1bca5c1….jpg)

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dfe457 No.21019839

File: b5781a4a598fc26⋯.png (62.33 KB,204x192,17:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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111430 No.21019840



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9183f4 No.21019841


Donald Trump is opposed to Jewish foreign policy which makes him an anti zionist

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d467f8 No.21019842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>character as Underwood

>member when he necked that doge in the first episode

Bill Clinton was quoted as saying the show was moar true to life than people know…iirc

Talks about PAIN in this scene.

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431804 No.21019844

File: 552af357420e963⋯.mp4 (10 MB,640x360,16:9,PaulPelosi.mp4)

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dccf4c No.21019845


UPDATE: The Tangipahoa Parish Sheriff’s Office reported the recovery of 4-year-old Erin Brunett’s body. Her 6-year-old sister, Jalie Brunett, was found alive. The suspect, Daniel Callihan, was arrested in Jackson, Mississippi.


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cdce03 No.21019846


god that's tragic

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111430 No.21019847


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111430 No.21019848


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0cde5f No.21019849

File: 8efd0111fd159ba⋯.png (36.23 KB,885x201,295:67,ClipboardImage.png)




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cdce03 No.21019851

File: 0d0792d936f7bd1⋯.png (28.2 KB,182x165,182:165,ClipboardImage.png)


the madness.

it all stems from the circumcision doesn't it.

all this psychic pressure. it ultimately stems from chopping the dicks

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111430 No.21019852


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ae18ac No.21019853

File: d4a7b9e7362587a⋯.png (865.73 KB,770x513,770:513,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a2423 No.21019854

File: 894afbb479cf029⋯.jpeg (52.67 KB,720x767,720:767,18d54182ee5ce429.jpeg)

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93f046 No.21019855

File: 422f6220a2879dc⋯.png (1.04 MB,667x960,667:960,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf74df0d9564904⋯.png (402.87 KB,1157x867,1157:867,ClipboardImage.png)





Flag day in the usa

Flag Day is a national observance in the United States that commemorates the adoption of the United States flag on June 14, 1777. The flag, also known as the Stars and Stripes, has become a symbol of the country’s independence and unity.

History of Flag Day

The idea of celebrating Flag Day dates back to 1885, when a Wisconsin schoolteacher named Bernard J. Cigrand urged his students to observe June 14 as “Flag Birthday.” Cigrand later wrote an essay that advocated for the day to be recognized as a national holiday. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson issued a presidential proclamation establishing Flag Day as a national observance, and in 1927, President Calvin Coolidge did the same.

Celebrations and Traditions

Flag Day is not a federal holiday, but it is still widely celebrated across the United States. Many people display the American flag at their homes, businesses, and government buildings. Some cities and towns also host parades, ceremonies, and other events to commemorate the occasion.

Symbolism and Significance

The American flag is a powerful symbol of the country’s history, values, and ideals. The 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies, while the stars represent the 50 states. The flag’s colors, red, white, and blue, have specific meanings: red symbolizes hardiness and valor, white represents purity and innocence, and blue represents vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

Interesting Facts

The first celebration of Flag Day was held in 1877, on the 100th anniversary of the Flag Resolution of 1777.

The Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia is a significant Flag Day observance site, as it is believed to be where Betsy Ross made the first American flag.

June 14 also marks the anniversary of the Bear Flag Revolt in California, adding to the day’s historical significance.

Overall, Flag Day is a meaningful celebration of American history and patriotism, and it is an opportunity for Americans to come together and honor the symbol of their country.

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111430 No.21019856


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b708f4 No.21019857


I don’t think Trump has ever done an interview with those guys on RAV’s Studio2B ?

I wish he would. Those guys would be ecstatic because they love the guy.

Please do their show, Mr President, if you see it fitting. I think they are out of NY, too.

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d3f212 No.21019858


I was thinking the same thing but it's very low res. That would be a bad promo if Sims level graphics were made by that thing.

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9183f4 No.21019859


not as well as when he killed that congressman by leaving the car running

anon still does not understood dog comms

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329411 No.21019860


and im dooneese!

thank you baker

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34d8bd No.21019861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



There is no such thing as "Jewish foreign policy."

Zionism refers to the nation state of Israel, of which Donald is a YUGE supporter.

He supports the Jewish people also. Including his daughter and son-in-law.

Netanyahu said "There is no greater supporter to the Jewish people or the Jewish state than Donald Trump."

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ae18ac No.21019862

File: ef12f86c8cd87da⋯.png (605.72 KB,749x500,749:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7ff7c No.21019863

File: ae4b830e6f4927e⋯.jpg (128.72 KB,650x467,650:467,CAUSE_THEY_DA_BIG_Y.jpg)

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ca81d4 No.21019864

File: 1c24f283d0da6f6⋯.jpg (85.76 KB,791x529,791:529,faggotree.jpg)


dubs confirm you have no clue what a meme is let alone a meme cannon.

Here's a tip, meme canons are not to be inserted anally and then spit out spooge to post,

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dae28e No.21019865

File: d990a982bf9bf56⋯.png (473.34 KB,627x502,627:502,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e70043e770c6c7e⋯.png (141.95 KB,301x236,301:236,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Undercover Israeli spies posed as Palestinians and lived in Gaza near hostages to plot daring rescue mission


Jun 13, 2024 · 11:39 PM UTC



That´s evil.

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b708f4 No.21019867


He has to be !00% or he would have been dead by now

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982485 No.21019868

File: 643a831a8511e7f⋯.jpg (89.05 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_13_22_0….jpg)


really boring Q post

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c7ff7c No.21019869

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93f046 No.21019870


Russkies off the coast of florida.

me tinks.

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dccf4c No.21019871

File: da888b2d1ceb802⋯.png (54.2 KB,603x500,603:500,Screenshot_2024_06_13_2110….png)

File: 61b64a1db346d4c⋯.png (323.62 KB,585x461,585:461,Screenshot_2024_06_13_2111….png)

DEVELOPING: It’s 10 pm EST in New York and Trump now has two hours to file his final motion to Judge Merchan to dismiss the verdict against him before the deadline is over at midnight.


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8837c4 No.21019872


strictly coincidental

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a9af2d No.21019873

File: 85af46b31d48be8⋯.png (17.15 KB,448x296,56:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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b708f4 No.21019874


What ever happened to the cousin of the juror?

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ca81d4 No.21019875

File: a207db49b3e98a8⋯.jpg (7.27 KB,300x300,1:1,cup_of_stfu.jpg)


Anon cares not what famefags or their VPNs post.

Care for a drink?

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9183f4 No.21019876


all for show. what's that quote where he says your allies are only allies until they're not?

it sounded like he was referencing Israel

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ae18ac No.21019877

File: f318d834b23128a⋯.png (235.25 KB,474x369,158:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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637201 No.21019878

File: d714ca90ade7b28⋯.jpg (10.04 KB,255x157,255:157,Q0bdf9759b1539f0398156a4fa….jpg)


I struggle to even picture a "well balanced system".

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265aa7 No.21019879

File: 1603355df7b42f4⋯.png (33.04 KB,770x366,385:183,42.png)

File: b3f52fbc8f762d6⋯.png (87.61 KB,770x806,385:403,53.png)

File: 3c154b709740783⋯.png (485.46 KB,770x1852,385:926,75.png)


42 years, 52, 75

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aa7e1c No.21019880

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If it did happen and there was a media blackout, how would we know? People can shit on me for asking questions , who attacks the messenger of something they don't want to hear?

Mohamad Al Shami 🇾🇪🇵🇸


🚢 Don't fall for Israeli fake media tactics against the Yemeni armed forces. The USS Eisenhower was hit, not sunk. This is one of the videos they're sharing and it is not official/fake. Get your info from trusted, official sources only.

#IsraeliFakeNews #Yemen #Truth 🇾🇪


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ae18ac No.21019881

File: 9a9f8500bd90661⋯.png (233.2 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7ff7c No.21019882

File: 3bab903c4cf4b8b⋯.jpg (118.21 KB,635x483,635:483,GREEN_BEER_WIN.jpg)

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34d8bd No.21019883


>all for show

You are delusional, ignorant and wrong.

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9183f4 No.21019884


What's the point, does it preserve some right to appeal later?


was fake

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fcfbae No.21019885

File: 1d5459b7f810b79⋯.png (1.32 MB,565x816,565:816,Screenshot_6780_.png)

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ae18ac No.21019886

File: 11e89a7ff844d75⋯.png (122.87 KB,474x223,474:223,ClipboardImage.png)


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487840 No.21019887


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dae28e No.21019888

File: 141155fbc1c7f74⋯.png (505.93 KB,626x488,313:244,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Arizona man plotted mass shooting targeting black people at Bad Bunny concert to start ‘race war,’feds say


Jun 13, 2024 · 11:12 PM UTC



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aa7e1c No.21019889

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gordon Duff


Watch the USS Eisenhower receive hit after hit

No community notes


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cdce03 No.21019890


You realize of course he was talking about the enemy

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ca81d4 No.21019891


Do you not have any spare ips to white knight for you?

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9183f4 No.21019892

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d3f212 No.21019893

File: f4730edd01b7f34⋯.png (470.8 KB,460x570,46:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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000000 No.21019894

China accounts for one quarter of all oil buying from the Saudis.


And last week ICYMI

Saudi Arabia Joins Central Bank Digital Currency Project Led By BIS, And China


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d467f8 No.21019895

File: 8efa0f085fc37b9⋯.jpg (58.66 KB,434x680,217:340,IMAGE_2024_06_13_20_16_33.jpg)


>well balanced system

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edc502 No.21019896

File: 3f617b1adc05e36⋯.png (60.01 KB,512x768,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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cdce03 No.21019897

File: 59e7619fd88c915⋯.webm (3.49 MB,720x690,24:23,christmas_mall_1990s.webm)

christmas mall in the 90s

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487840 No.21019900

File: 40f08b89a77a73d⋯.jpeg (84.29 KB,960x600,8:5,IMG_3425.jpeg)

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c7ff7c No.21019901

File: 5485f1e695540d3⋯.jpg (101.6 KB,491x741,491:741,CANADIAN_NAZIS.jpg)



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8875ce No.21019902


leave me alone

you have more than you know

there are no coincidences

expand your thinking

think mirror

you suck

your families are safe

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e13c7d No.21019903

File: eb154a94d9b0d42⋯.jpeg (477.24 KB,1425x621,475:207,E6FCCE87_6B6E_4637_BA63_6….jpeg)

File: 23e462babf01123⋯.jpeg (159.18 KB,1200x900,4:3,AC123190_E99F_4338_B840_5….jpeg)

BLKCAT6 RQ-4 Global Hawk drone from Sigonella AB heading EN to Black Sea-about an hour before sunrise

Italian Po-Po VOLPE1 Agusta AW-139 up over G7 summit area on the heel of Italy

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aa7e1c No.21019904

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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34d8bd No.21019905



from ten days ago

Chinese footage?

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8837c4 No.21019906



"Arizona Fed plotted…."

mas mejor

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c7ff7c No.21019907

File: 137961d48468633⋯.jpg (164.64 KB,622x620,311:310,NIGHT_SHIFT_ARMOR.jpg)

File: 4005c397513d728⋯.jpg (96.58 KB,732x428,183:107,PATRIOTS_DONT_NEED_CONSENS….jpg)

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34d8bd No.21019908



June 3rd post

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e13c7d No.21019909

File: cf501b0b3f2adb4⋯.png (168.12 KB,358x618,179:309,0DC73229_906A_4714_A498_AD….png)

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b708f4 No.21019910



What the heck/

This is our world now

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3f39d5 No.21019911

File: ad1c6ffdc361a1f⋯.png (68.78 KB,474x266,237:133,3ff056d561d2713a5516f9506e….png)

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aa7e1c No.21019912



Some people are saying this is USS Forestal?

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265aa7 No.21019913

File: 8650a31e15b33ab⋯.png (92.97 KB,431x217,431:217,ClipboardImage.png)


luigis cap is green with a large L

so now we have red cap mario, green cap luigi and yellow cap war io

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9183f4 No.21019914


if it's not fake, it was Israel

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93f046 No.21019915

File: 910473ab2537de0⋯.png (2.21 MB,1536x1024,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5a8e68ecb23501⋯.png (3.11 MB,1275x1536,425:512,ClipboardImage.png)


infinity trips chek'ed

What the hell is wrong with this head.

weird shape.

cannot ignore digits


Arizona man wanted to gun down black people at Bad Bunny concert to start ‘race war’: feds

By Social Links forAlex Oliveira

Published June 13, 2024

Updated June 13, 2024, 7:27 p.m. ET



An Arizona man allegedly plotted to gun down black people at an Atlanta Bad Bunny concert in an attempt to spark a race war ahead of the presidential election, according to federal prosecutors.

Mark Adams Prieto, 58, was indicted Tuesday nearly a month after he was arrested over the alleged plot, in which he planned to murder as many black people as he could with semi-automatic rifles he’d bought through cash deals or trades to avoid detection from gun regulators.

He was outed after a source he’d recruited to participate in the massacre notified FBI agents, leading to a months-long investigation tat ended after he attempted to recruit an undercover agent to join the mass shooting, according to an affidavit obtained by NBC News.

“Prieto believes that martial law will be implemented shortly after the 2024 election and that a mass shooting should occur prior,” the source told the FBI Phoenix, according to the affidavit, adding that he was “ready to kill a bunch of people.”

He allegedly decided to target Atlanta because he believed black people had gathered there and turned it into a hotbed of crime.

“The reason I say Atlanta. Why, why is Georgia such a f–ked-up state now? When I was a kid that was one of the most conservative states in the country. Why is it not now?,” Prieto allegedly told the source.

“Because as the crime got worse in L.A., St. Louis, and all these other cities, all the [racial slur] moved out of those [places] and moved to Atlanta. That’s why it isn’t so great anymore. And they’ve been there for a couple, several years,” he said, according to the affidavit.

Prieto recruited the source over the course of three gun shows where they spoke extensively and bought and traded guns to use in the shooting, eventually bringing the undercover FBI agent into the plot.

He allegedly decided to target a rap concert because he believed it would draw a concentrated gathering of black people, and advised his supposed conspirators to wear hoodies when they infiltrated the crowd because he said the outfits would not draw attention in such a setting.

“We’re going to fight back now, and every whitey will be the enemy across the whole country,” Prieto allegedly said, explaining how he wanted to leave Confederate flags at the scene and shout ““KKK all the way,” and “no mercy, no quarter.”

Prieto allegedly went so far as to plan to stash guns near the concert before travelling across the country to carry out the shooting, and targeted concerts scheduled for either mid-May, June, or July, including one where Bad Bunny was expected to perform.

By March Prieto was still planning to carry out the shooting, but come April he told the undercover agent he wanted to delay it.

A month later he was arrested on May 14, and admitted to investigators that he had talked about carrying out a mass shooting.

“However, he told agents that he did not intend to go forward with the attack,” the affidavit read.

He was charged with Possession of an Unregistered Firearm, Firearms Trafficking, and Transfer of a Firearm for Use in a Hate Crime.

If convicted Prieto could face up to 40 years in prison.


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265aa7 No.21019917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cdce03 No.21019918

File: 9280d437dd73963⋯.png (443.1 KB,814x585,814:585,Amazon_Jeff_Bezos_grandfat….png)

File: 4c9562ea3de20de⋯.jpg (75.94 KB,593x522,593:522,pentagon_darpa_lifelog_end….jpg)

File: c8434c690a926ed⋯.jpg (58.75 KB,511x429,511:429,facebook_lifelog_same_day_….jpg)

File: ac848e5b7dd1c12⋯.jpg (172.69 KB,1200x675,16:9,facebook_lifelog_us_milita….jpg)

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40c29f No.21019919

File: 9c4145b517fd476⋯.png (1.47 MB,1246x1154,623:577,ClipboardImage.png)

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04539f No.21019920


Stupidity is dangerous. Ask any commander. You are very stupid pig. You do stupid shit ALL the time. But go ahead, deflect, name call, point to your one dimensional, and very limited, set of so called virtues. Virtues which anon suspects are actually disguised insults based on your track record. Get anally raped by a sabre tooth tiger. The sooner you are gone, the better for the board. Same goes for ALL namefag/famefags. But go ahead and make excuses. Fabricate some non-existent value for what you do here.

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8875ce No.21019921


luigi is fuckin italian faggot

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8837c4 No.21019922



Gordon Duff…

oh boy

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265aa7 No.21019923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fcfbae No.21019924

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a35d4b No.21019925

File: de2ea5dbe6b1166⋯.gif (765.89 KB,432x200,54:25,Dooneese.gif)

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cdce03 No.21019926

File: 700a72de111a6a1⋯.png (113.49 KB,363x275,33:25,neo_nartsees_1.png)

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d791d8 No.21019927

File: 658e748e3a852d0⋯.png (23.31 KB,360x314,180:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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e13c7d No.21019928

File: 47767f77f67ec4f⋯.jpeg (476.18 KB,746x750,373:375,47F9962E_D1E0_43ED_A2DE_8….jpeg)


>wonder why he went to dc

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b708f4 No.21019929


Why did Romney decide to go back to DC and meet with Trump

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8875ce No.21019930


i need that blank meme

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cdce03 No.21019931

File: eeade959eabc1f4⋯.png (400.2 KB,1200x1200,1:1,misshapen_heads_nevertrump….png)


>weird shape heads

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329411 No.21019932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


shadilay anons

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7a7997 No.21019933

File: dc7a5232122161a⋯.jpg (1008.06 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240613_191400….jpg)

File: 9a88910f88254aa⋯.jpg (333.83 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240416_193323….jpg)

File: 2e2cd78db8b6f1d⋯.jpg (9.41 KB,193x262,193:262,images_216_.jpg)

Uh, where's my money?

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e13c7d No.21019934

File: 1b317bc671e859e⋯.jpeg (572.27 KB,815x928,815:928,14778040_AAAD_4459_BEF3_1….jpeg)

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d467f8 No.21019935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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974752 No.21019936

File: fef035e456051a1⋯.jpeg (101.23 KB,1000x1024,125:128,52EF134C_3E1A_49BC_A5E4_C….jpeg)


My aunt who’s a wicked fucking libtard just sent me this meme. How do I respond without sounding mad!!?

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329411 No.21019937

File: 8685a6df6b1547f⋯.jpeg (934.78 KB,1776x1776,1:1,36B34775_A847_437C_BB39_4….jpeg)

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34d8bd No.21019938


>USS Forestal

not finding it on any marine tracking sites

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d791d8 No.21019939


tell your aunt that you want to suck her titties, as much as you talk about her in here.

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c7ff7c No.21019940

File: 3a25e70b768bb85⋯.jpg (144.16 KB,485x563,485:563,HI_NEIDERMEYER.jpg)

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7a7997 No.21019941

The best is yet to come

5 year plan… like the Russian Dumass

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aa7e1c No.21019942


I think I got the twitter replies messed up, Some people were saying the photo used was from 65, but I don't think it was that Chinese video.

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b708f4 No.21019943

File: f19adc2f0e50aed⋯.jpeg (798.07 KB,1171x1238,1171:1238,IMG_0925.jpeg)



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8875ce No.21019944

joan Jett with namath jersey

1979 arcades

i love rock n roll

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34d8bd No.21019945


You can't help her. No point in responding.

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04539f No.21019946


Don't twist my words faggot. Anon said ask any commander. Did not say that I was one. Now fuck off.

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e13c7d No.21019947

File: 8f025e920db8c5f⋯.jpeg (382.1 KB,828x824,207:206,4E605A87_6057_4C63_B07F_4….jpeg)


He thought he was gonna get a cabinet job

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dccf4c No.21019948

File: 3e2182bb4e82dd2⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,390x360,13:12,ssstwitter_com_17183318916….mp4)

NEW: Police in Huntington, West Virginia say they’re ’investigating’ vandalism to newly installed Pride street mural


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98e6bf No.21019949

when the credits roll will we find out all, like if mr. pig was really mossad or just a namefag in new jersey?

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34d8bd No.21019950



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8427fc No.21019951

File: 59e9d1fa0056c0d⋯.png (12.79 KB,255x170,3:2,6141ba4ff14d8c6cb101bb038e….png)

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b1ee44 No.21019952


Be like bacon dealing with avocado.

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98e6bf No.21019953


so they want to get him on a skid mark?

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7a7997 No.21019954

Just getting started

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c7ff7c No.21019955

File: 74a7d8e290f12ac⋯.jpg (135.82 KB,539x564,539:564,KILLED_BY_OWN_TROOPS.jpg)

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8875ce No.21019956


youre such a faggot

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e13c7d No.21019957

File: 8689108b65642ea⋯.jpeg (506.07 KB,991x598,991:598,9DE33E7D_D359_4891_BCD5_E….jpeg)

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34d8bd No.21019958


Someone should take the North Korean shit balloon tactic to those crosswalks.

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c61a1b No.21019959

Notablesnot endorsements

#25776 >>21019598

>>21019633, >>21019655 Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnanimous Trump Visits

>>21019681 Sky event cancelled.

>>21019759 EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT aircraft carrying the First Family

>>21019660 Archived - UK election debate with anon notes

>>21019692 DJT short press conference in D.C. transcript

>>21019707, >>21019766 The red folder showed up at a previous birthday

>>21019723 @NASA “When disasters strike, NASA is here to help — at home and around the world.”

>>21019747 Old Potato MP4: "I would say if I were a jew i'd be a zionist … I am a zionist, you don't have to be a jew to be zionist"

>>21019749 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

>>21019800 DJT one on one interview with RealAmericasVoice

>>21019830 PF reports Jill Biden returning to the Bay Area fundraising well at Los Gatos event



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93f046 No.21019960

File: ca9d597b9f048ac⋯.png (242.87 KB,334x500,167:250,ClipboardImage.png)



lets see if the timeline adds up, concert details below

>An Arizona man allegedly plotted to gun down black people at an Atlanta Bad Bunny concert

>Mark Adams Prieto, 58, was indicted Tuesday nearly a month after he was arrested over the alleged plot, (month is correct)

>He was outed after a source he’d recruited to participate in the massacre notified FBI agents,

leading to a months-long investigation tat ended after he attempted to recruit an undercover agent to join the mass shooting, according to an affidavit obtained by NBC News.

sounds like he was getting ready for a civil war, definitely looks like a set up, his head shape though


Atlanta Bad Bunny concert

Bad Bunny is scheduled to perform in Atlanta, Georgia, with two concerts at the State FarmArena on May 14 and May 15, 2024. The concerts are part of his “Most Wanted Tour”.

Concert Details

Date: May 14 and May 15, 2024

Venue: State Farm Arena, Atlanta, Georgia

Time: TBA

Tickets: Available for purchase, with prices starting at $82.00 and averaging $138.00

Venue Information

State Farm Arena is a multi-purpose arena located at 1 Philips Drive, Atlanta, GA 30303

The arena has a seating capacity of 21,000

Ticket Information

Tickets can be purchased online or at the venue box office

Prices may vary based on the date of the show, seat selection, and tour guests

Additional Information

Bad Bunny is known for his electrifying performances and chart-topping hits, and fans in Atlanta are excited to see him bring his Latin trap roots to the forefront for an intimate live experience.

Please note that concert details are subject to change, and fans are advised to check with the venue or ticketing website for the most up-to-date information.

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34d8bd No.21019961



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431804 No.21019962


Forrestal was decommissioned on 11 September

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d467f8 No.21019963

File: c58082a8ecdd05c⋯.jpg (71.65 KB,1049x345,1049:345,Screen_Shot_2024_06_13_at_….jpg)

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dccf4c No.21019964

File: 30b4626e754ace7⋯.png (441.55 KB,598x711,598:711,Screenshot_2024_06_13_2110….png)

How full is your "Trump was Right" jar?


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98e6bf No.21019965

so its a flag for butt action and then a skid mark on top of it is illegal okay

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431804 No.21019966

>feds say


>Bad Bunny

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5e69a0 No.21019967


Remember when Russia invaded Ukraine, and we rushed to the traffic cams to see miles and miles of Russian tanks crossing the border?

Yeah, me neither, because it never happened.

Congress gives Ukraine money, FTX (now Binance) sends it back to Democrat's, who pay MSM to produce propaganda, making it look like there is a war so more money gets sent to Ukraine…..

So…is it just corruption?

Or do they need a body factory……..

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9183f4 No.21019968


then its confirmed the jews

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d3f212 No.21019969

File: bae97a8c35af8c7⋯.webm (925.39 KB,460x816,115:204,adBYZPB_460svvp9.webm)

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8875ce No.21019971

queers, Palestinians n blm niggas gonna clash o juneteenth

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2016b3 No.21019972


There were stories of bodies missing organs a day or so ago. Maybe that's why they're kidnapping males in broad daylight.

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dccf4c No.21019973

File: 263681e2caf5825⋯.jpg (44.19 KB,335x524,335:524,Screenshot_2022_07_25_2222….jpg)

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c7ff7c No.21019974

File: 8489b7b1eaa427e⋯.jpg (127.78 KB,753x423,251:141,TORA_TORA_TORA.jpg)

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bdd024 No.21019975

File: 5167a2f4d6933d6⋯.jpeg (76.25 KB,750x500,3:2,IMG_0975.jpeg)

The wheels of Justice grind slowly and finely.

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d3f212 No.21019976

File: 3351877c87e2732⋯.png (191.81 KB,460x455,92:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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854fb2 No.21019977

File: 957c280ba31ef4d⋯.png (234.58 KB,823x469,823:469,ClipboardImage.png)

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dccf4c No.21019978

File: 9554f14f51c3d4b⋯.png (2.22 MB,1600x1150,32:23,Good_Fellas_Hilarious.png)


You got me with that one.

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e13c7d No.21019979

File: 8e6e4ea330ec19c⋯.png (174.61 KB,1620x936,45:26,ClipboardImage.png)


Digits confirm

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265aa7 No.21019980

File: 3cda82c88d00a22⋯.png (2.11 MB,1273x806,1273:806,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Birthday POTUS xoxo

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8875ce No.21019981


the day russia invaded ukraine

mask mandates at the work place were gone

putin cured covid

tell me I'm lying

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8bfc17 No.21019982

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LOVE THIS SONG!!!❤️ I'm standing with the Chosen OneIt's not idolatry it's loyalty== I really like this song, it's reality.



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53d636 No.21019983

File: ce87dcc20670341⋯.png (1.92 MB,1608x2048,201:256,TND_Astolfo.png)


cope and seethe nigger

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3822d8 No.21019984

Me: "You ever get the feeling …?"

You: "Yep."

Me: "Something about something or other?"

You: "Yep."

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93f046 No.21019985

File: 8e85d00e9a450cc⋯.png (593.79 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


two moar weeks

at a time until nov 5th.

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431804 No.21019986


"Based on the crime scene, what it looks like, this may be the place where there has been some human trafficking done," Jackson Police Chief Joseph Wade said. "We see cages, small animal cages. This is very, very disturbing to me as a police chief and as a father to witness and see what I saw."

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aa7e1c No.21019987

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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26c8c8 No.21019988


Anime foul.

Tard jail for you.

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431804 No.21019989



The manner of Brunett’s death was not disclosed, but Chief Travis said there was “blood everywhere.”

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34d8bd No.21019990


it's simply awful

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7a7997 No.21019991

File: dc0f89053ed595c⋯.jpg (6.42 KB,299x168,299:168,images_217_.jpg)

File: 3bedbc1a6a6d350⋯.jpg (5.59 KB,194x259,194:259,images_218_.jpg)

Alaska and Ukraine both birder Russia.

Prove me Wrong.

So, Russia is actually our northern border.

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c7ff7c No.21019992

File: 37990ee0b485dd4⋯.jpg (135.06 KB,811x481,811:481,2024_PIGFOOT.jpg)

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8875ce No.21019993

democrats and rinos are so fucked

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3822d8 No.21019994

Me: "Then they talk about a red folder."

You: "Yep."

Me: "And then it is any number of things."

You: "Yep."

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26c8c8 No.21019995

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25cef9 No.21019996


Oh brother. Red folder= another nothingburger.

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bb216a No.21019997

File: cce594fb810199d⋯.png (813.58 KB,1327x942,1327:942,Bolsheviks.png)

File: 2066278bfb19c94⋯.png (623.41 KB,956x986,478:493,didyouColumb.png)

File: c0ffbf6c4c14414⋯.png (122.4 KB,928x534,464:267,adl1.png)

File: 6580e326480beb3⋯.png (964.76 KB,1170x967,1170:967,adlanti.png)


Number one: He's President Trump.

Number two: Stop lumping ALL "Jewish" people together. The Communist Front, ADL, probably has plants here spewing hate for Jewish people in general to drown out the truth regarding the percentage:

There are the decendants of the Soviets AND KPD (anon lives in such an area,, prejudiced as all hell to Gentiles), which we are dealing with in business, Media, ETC., and others (such as a longtime boss, RIP, & his MAGA sons, plus countless teachers, RIP also) who have/had absolutely ZERO idea of this history, no thanks to COMMUNIST mass media:

COMMUNIST ORIGIN OF THE ANTIFA The organization can be traced to the “united front” of the Soviet Union’s third Communist International, held at the World Congress in Moscow in July 1921 The Soviets believed that following Russia’s communist revolution, communism would next spread to Germany, since Germany had the second largest communist party, the KPD . It was at the fourth World Congress of the Comintern in 1922 that the plan took shape…. https://archive.ph/glVFo https://crtxnews.com/communist-origin-antifa/

Guess what? They all came HERE!

The Frankfurt School and Critical Theory The Frankfurt School, known more appropriately as Critical Theory, is a philosophical and sociological movement spread across many universities around the world. It was originally located at the Institute for Social Research… The Institute was founded in 1923 thanks to a donation by Felix Weil with the aim of developing Marxist studies in Germany. After 1933, the Nazis forced its closure, and the Institute was moved to the United States where it found hospitality at Columbia University in New York City. archive.is/8y7no https://iep.utm.edu/critical-theory-frankfurt-school/

Coming to America - … Max Horkheimer was a dedicated Marxist who helped to create what is known as Critical Theory through radical Marxism. In 1930 he joined with a Marxist study group, started by Felix Weil, which evolved into the Institute for Social Research and is now known as the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory. Critical Theory maintains that ideology (Christianity) is the principal “obstacle” to human liberation… In 1934, the Frankfurt School was reborn at Columbia University… It was at Columbia University that the school honed the tool it would use to destroy Western culture: the printed word. The school published a lot of popular material. The first of these was Critical Theory. Marcuse would be the one to answer Horkheimer’s question from the 1930s: Who would replace the working class as the new vanguards of the Marxist revolution? Marcuse believed that it would be a victim coalition of minorities—blacks, women, and homosexuals. archive.ph/54cCP

Spreading the Red Stain: The Communist Infiltration of Hollywood -The Epoch Times …Ahead of World War II, many members of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) left for other parts of the world… were rejected as undesirables by other developed nations…and so they headed for the United States. After their arrival, many writers and filmmakers joined the ranks of American Communist Party groups. This gave rise to popular front movements supporting Soviet infiltration of art and culture venues and the penetration of political institutions in the mid-1930s… According to Michael Kazin… this grand-scale takeover scheme began in 1930s Hollywood with influential film industry leftists such as Yip Harburg, songwriter for “The Wizard of Oz”… Harburg was one of the leading pro-Soviet artists in Hollywood’s motion picture industry…. Arthur Eckstein writes that the Hollywood establishment has never lost its love affair with the Communist Party in both a political and cultural sense… archive.is/c30tD theepochtimes.com/spreading-the-red-stain-the-communist-infiltration-of-hollywood_2299892.html

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b557b0 No.21019998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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854fb2 No.21019999

File: 92f25c17478718b⋯.png (35.37 KB,612x612,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


put another dime in the juke box baby

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5e69a0 No.21020000


Do you really think, even for a moment, that the Russians would be there if Trump didn't want them to?

It's to make Biden look inept.

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34d8bd No.21020001


Be lucky to have two days left.

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0598dd No.21020002

File: cee9682cc3c5729⋯.jpg (50.55 KB,750x755,150:151,cee9682cc3c57296c0772239b8….jpg)

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8875ce No.21020003


earth is flat

UN flag is correct

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d791d8 No.21020004


oh brother a fucking one post faggot mouthing off.

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854fb2 No.21020005


dub dubs czech'd

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34d8bd No.21020006


Russians do not answer to Trump.


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d4c1d1 No.21020007

File: 01284031314fde0⋯.png (75.99 KB,1000x361,1000:361,ClipboardImage.png)

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3822d8 No.21020008

You: "And then they start communicating with numbers."

Me: "Yep."

You: "And setup circumstances and situations."

Me: "Yep."

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c7ff7c No.21020009

File: 4511ba1a203e6b6⋯.jpg (74.2 KB,684x680,171:170,GOD_AND_SILVER_COIN.jpg)



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34d8bd No.21020010


it's an iphone faggot speaking rationally

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8875ce No.21020011


digits confirm inflation

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596df9 No.21020012


how dare you slander 'conspriacy theory american theology' by putting your face onto a sacred white bigfoot!!!

oh you bad bad bad bad kitty!!!

end satire

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3822d8 No.21020013

You: "It is all so tiresome, isn't it?"

Me: "Yep."

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b557b0 No.21020014

File: 724513c3f9970ce⋯.jpeg (186.72 KB,581x441,83:63,77112351_8822_44DA_B23E_E….jpeg)

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c7ff7c No.21020015

File: 11b764cdf69b2ce⋯.jpg (42.96 KB,263x452,263:452,BEST_IN_SHOW.jpg)

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431804 No.21020016

File: 35762a71c7d6940⋯.png (4.01 MB,1800x1350,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

She was given a new home port from 11 September 1991, Yokosuka in Japan, with Carrier Air Wing 5.

Decommissioned on 11 September 1993, she was stricken the same day, but kept in long term reserve.

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596df9 No.21020017


flags are wavy, not flat.

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93f046 No.21020018

File: 873f4dbda95844f⋯.png (1008.1 KB,776x825,776:825,ClipboardImage.png)



chek'em digits.


live your life on a fortnight basis.

so much easier.

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5e69a0 No.21020020


P = C

They are connected to the Mountbatten's.

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b557b0 No.21020021

File: 66af3e9f837cf71⋯.jpeg (480.38 KB,828x953,828:953,D12C9FA7_1A73_4FAC_8394_B….jpeg)

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8875ce No.21020022


not even

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08852f No.21020023

File: aa16b7f1f2ab3f4⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,640x360,16:9,We_Have_It_All_20240613_5_….mp4)



She let it slip

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596df9 No.21020024


so they are odd?

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26c8c8 No.21020025

File: 860675cf6a39bdb⋯.jpeg (21.38 KB,280x390,28:39,chkt.jpeg)

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dccf4c No.21020026

File: 275a0bc67106d7e⋯.png (181.77 KB,601x627,601:627,Screenshot_2024_06_13_2110….png)

Electoral College Rating Changes: Half-Dozen Moves Toward Republicans in What Remains a Toss-up Race.


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b1ee44 No.21020027

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5e69a0 No.21020028


Prepping the masses for what is to come.

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596df9 No.21020029


Donald doesn't wear Depends, so no, it's NOT Donald Trump.

a ten year agreement?

will Z still be dictator when the deal runs out?

they're planning on a ten year boondoggle?

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b557b0 No.21020030

File: e488a7f4e7073ed⋯.jpeg (510.4 KB,698x866,349:433,00F80EF1_E461_4C77_8B15_5….jpeg)

File: f69c83b25160602⋯.jpeg (112.4 KB,828x386,414:193,6F412EAE_A647_4466_B176_1….jpeg)

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1dc87c No.21020031


what's your problem?

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596df9 No.21020032


obviously it's an insensitive jerk who cares not a whit about the elderly.

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b557b0 No.21020033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c7ff7c No.21020034

File: 379d300f6995121⋯.jpg (67.26 KB,417x636,139:212,SUBVERTING_UR_ASS.jpg)

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329411 No.21020035

File: 3d3b858371fcb3e⋯.jpeg (50.62 KB,1420x946,710:473,1EFEF5C7_3E07_4486_A4FC_A….jpeg)

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34d8bd No.21020036



Yet the mom's boyfriend is the prime suspect.


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8875ce No.21020037

sissies like you



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04539f No.21020038

File: 4fb0fee8711b24e⋯.png (319.49 KB,680x384,85:48,ClipboardImage.png)



simple as


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8875ce No.21020039


another faggot chiming in

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dccf4c No.21020040

File: 4f0c55d750a915d⋯.png (24.19 KB,591x267,197:89,Screenshot_2024_06_13_2110….png)

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,Mad_Men_laugh.jpg)

So many words, so little sense


(E-Girls' gonna be the next stopped clock. Right only twice a day)

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2b4e9b No.21020041

Poopoo water


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67a81a No.21020042


Gee, I wonder who is going to get absolutely obliterated in South America…

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34d8bd No.21020043


TDS has unexpected side effects.

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2753e0 No.21020044

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5e69a0 No.21020045


Looks like Alice is back ..

All those school shootings were organized by ALICE Training, but now exposed they have changed tactics.

ALICE has an AI that looks for "dodgy social media posts" to implicate victims (the "shooter") into false flag setup.

This stinks of Glowops

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8837c4 No.21020046


Wuhan To Beersheba


Balfour Declaration

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c7ff7c No.21020047

File: 2f809fda706b13c⋯.jpg (84.12 KB,867x320,867:320,BOTS_CANT_READ_MEMES.jpg)

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3f39d5 No.21020048


Gayest slide ever

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b1ee44 No.21020049


>Toss-up race

That’s why it’s all bullshit.

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b557b0 No.21020050

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,9DE20C56_3CA5_4D45_9E5A_19….gif)

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34d8bd No.21020051


muh endless election larps

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431804 No.21020052

The British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour contacted Baron Rothschild, a wealthy banker and head of the British branch of European Jewish causes, on 2 November (two days after the capture of Beersheba). In the Balfour Declaration, he proposed a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, published in The Times on 9 November 1917.

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c0c018 No.21020053

Pain comes in many different forms.

You're telling me?


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d4c1d1 No.21020054


[Katie] needed a diversion so (((Alex))) called Hunter…

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329411 No.21020055

File: 7b94ddeafbf9efa⋯.jpeg (53.34 KB,540x360,3:2,94110DA3_8F55_4625_837F_2….jpeg)

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25cef9 No.21020056


I'm not worried. I'll be proven right in a few days when nothing significant happens regarding that red folder. Sorry that I got your panties in a wad, faggot.

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d467f8 No.21020057

File: 9c5e36ed03cbb2d⋯.jpg (18.82 KB,420x236,105:59,9c5e36ed03cbb2d178100b2c30….jpg)

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d494a9 No.21020058

yes Q+ thank you.

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5e69a0 No.21020059


Glowops for sure..

He was under "surveillance" before a crime was committed, oddly enough.

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c7ff7c No.21020060

File: b81d3272c304638⋯.jpg (125.13 KB,528x630,88:105,PAINFUL_DINNER.jpg)

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8875ce No.21020061

lot of faggots here tonight

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8875ce No.21020063

i just realized i have 30+ posts

that makes me a faggot

im out

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e13c7d No.21020064

File: 16c3e1cc73e6ad9⋯.jpeg (493.74 KB,907x574,907:574,52647390_549C_4EE6_BCBB_A….jpeg)

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53d636 No.21020065

File: 968d6670d93c6aa⋯.jpg (102.38 KB,796x796,1:1,countries_without_legal_bu….jpg)

File: 13e7034388e75df⋯.jpg (11.39 KB,236x236,1:1,Natalie_Mars.jpg)



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d791d8 No.21020066


I am sorry that you are a nigger. I never said anything would happen you fucking retarded cunt. It is interesting however and this are picking up speed. So how about you take that dick out of your mouth before you die from aids. Fuck it I hope you die from aids.

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c0c018 No.21020067

File: d3d1ce8457c4b5e⋯.jpg (6.64 KB,319x158,319:158,Z_39_.jpg)


Couldn't pay me to take that eurotrash. Besides, it's not a smaat caah.

Are you smaat?

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93f046 No.21020068

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596df9 No.21020069

File: fe1d731cda93a16⋯.jpg (188.7 KB,1080x1080,1:1,dont_F_with_GOLDIE.jpg)

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dccf4c No.21020070

File: 94bc3a2276bdfc7⋯.png (311.9 KB,304x498,152:249,Screenshot_2024_06_13_2111….png)

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8427fc No.21020071

File: 64cbc96ef77436e⋯.png (19.52 KB,220x255,44:51,552e416426e98ddf0bebe4b231….png)

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c7ff7c No.21020072

File: 91a26f46834bb0c⋯.jpg (130.12 KB,484x594,22:27,CUDDLE_COMFY.jpg)

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9f8dfd No.21020073

US and Ukraine sign security pact

The treaty brings bilateral ties “to the level of a true alliance,” Vladimir Zelensky said

US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky have signed a 10-year security agreement, under which Washington pledged to continue backing Kiev in its conflict with Moscw.

The deal was signed on the sidelines of the G7 meeting in the southern Italy on Thursday. According to the agreement, the US promised to “help deter and confront any future aggression against the territorial integrity” of Ukraine and to “support Ukraine’s efforts to win today’s war and deter future Russian military aggression.”

“It is the policy of the United States to assist Ukraine in maintaining a credible defense and deterrence capability,” the pact said. Washington pledged to support Kiev in numerous ways, including military aid, intelligence sharing, and economic assistance

“A lasting peace for Ukraine must be underwritten by Ukraine’s own ability to defend itself now and to deter future aggression,” Biden told reporters after the signing ceremony.

In a video address released on early Friday morning, Zelensky said that the treaty elevates the relations between the US and Ukraine “to the level of a true alliance.” He described the security deal as “the strongest agreement with America in all 33 years of our independence.”

Since 2023, Ukraine has made similar pacts with individual NATO countries, including the UK, France and Germany. According to Zelensky, Kiev now has 17 security agreements with foreign backers, “with ten more in preparation.”

The treaties are intended to serve as long-term commitments without granting Ukraine the status of a NATO member. The documents already signed not have the power of Article 5 of the NATO Charter, however, which stipulates that an attack against one member must be treated by the rest as an attack of the alliance as a whole.

Kiev formally applied to join the NATO in September 2022. Washington has made it clear, however, that Ukraine cannot become a member until its armed conflict with Russia is resolved. Russia, for its part, has repeatedly warned that no amount of Western aid would deter its military operation in Ukraine.


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b557b0 No.21020074

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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596df9 No.21020075


how can Biden just sign a 10 year agreement without Congress or the Senate and with a dictator who has suspended elections?

It's perverse.

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5e69a0 No.21020076


I posted this a week ago.

What do you know about navigating a ship, that is on fire?

You see, if you steer the ship the wrong way, you could blow the fire down the length of your ship, so you have to turn the ship, to minimize the spread of flames.

US Aircraft carriers can only launch and recover when steaming into the wind.


Did Eisenhower make a sudden, unexpected turn away from the wind?

When it should have been recovering, launching planes?

well guess what….

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8bfc17 No.21020077

>>21019306 Red Folder spotted @ Trump meeting with House, Senate Republicans at Capitol HillPN

The red folder video was almost the last video we saw on the 2020 election with the Trump family (they knew this had to be this way),, and then we see a Senate in 2024, United with a Red Folder. Probably the most meaningful unity of Republicans in all time. There has to be something the founder fathers statements that had "Red" in it to save America. My impression is the Bidan regime is going to start to accelerate their panic, whatever that Red Folder represents, it seems to have to do with crimes in Ukraine or their crimes around the world.

This is a warning shot to Bidan et al, we've got the proof!

(I have a couple of other theories but this one is the most logical, imo.

Seems like it all was planned years ago. We'll see.

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dccf4c No.21020079

File: 3d6b28abacc325b⋯.mp4 (857.64 KB,386x360,193:180,ssstwitter_com_17183339841….mp4)

ELON MUSK ON DONALD TRUMP: “He does call me out of the blue for no reason… he's very nice when he calls…. I think a lot of his friends now have Teslas — He's a huge fan of the Cybertruck.”


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596df9 No.21020080


did it ever occur to you that DJT maybe, and the Republicans, because they are said to be 'red states' just bundles of Red Folders and that there isn't just one?


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c0c018 No.21020081

Richie, whats on the cake?

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b557b0 No.21020082

File: c9290c0ab605059⋯.jpeg (138.98 KB,828x579,276:193,9F684788_D34D_497C_86B6_B….jpeg)

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431804 No.21020083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Beersheba 1917

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51f796 No.21020084


Guess you're right, must be why Trump has all that support from the 2/3rds of our government that's been paid off by them huh?

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b557b0 No.21020085

File: 28db925cd351d61⋯.jpeg (58.58 KB,828x433,828:433,0423B716_6F8E_4F95_B2B9_7….jpeg)

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aa7e1c No.21020086


>well guess what….

What? Explain it to me like I have been getting conflicting information and can't see my elbows the fog is so thick, please.

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c0c018 No.21020087

Strategic? Leaving a mufucker broke is strategic…

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596df9 No.21020088


obviously the Jews are not all in agreement politically, concerning Israel, concerning Ukraine, concerning the United States.

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9f8dfd No.21020089

File: 6613a2c0bd89b50⋯.png (591.01 KB,1754x1362,877:681,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden Protects More than 860K Migrants from Deportation with ‘Temporary’ Amnesty

President Joe Biden’s administration is now protecting more than 860,000 foreign nationals from deportation from the United States thanks to its expansion of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program.

Data published by the Congressional Research Service reveals that TPS on Biden’s watch is protecting from deportation about 864,000 foreign nationals today who would otherwise be illegal aliens and eligible for deportation.

The Congressional Research Service reports:

There are currently 16 countries under TPS designations. As of March 31, 2024, approximately 863,880 foreign nationals from the following countries who were in the United States were protected by TPS: Afghanistan, Burma, Cameroon, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Haiti, Honduras, Nepal, Nicaragua, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Ukraine, Venezuela, and Yemen. In addition, certain Palestinians, Liberians, and residents of Hong Kong living in the United States currently maintain relief under Deferred Enforced Departure. [Emphasis added]

TPS’s wide expansion under Biden has been primarily driven by the nearly 345,000 Venezuelans who have taken advantage of the quasi-amnesty program, as well as more than 200,000 Haitians, over 180,000 El Salvadorans, more than 54,000 Hondurans, and more than 50,000 Ukrainians.

Most significantly, most foreign nationals on TPS reside in a handful of states: nearly 300,000 in Florida, almost 94,000 in Texas, 67,840 in New York, and 67,800 in California.


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31a774 No.21020090


Not a Chinese video,

Just picked up up uncensored Chinese social media, they commented ott

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b1ee44 No.21020091



Or concerning Zionism.

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b557b0 No.21020093

File: 07288af9b2240aa⋯.jpeg (66.73 KB,674x722,337:361,3C566329_7249_4769_8A52_2….jpeg)

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596df9 No.21020094

File: 880dc87b59502a0⋯.jpg (27.26 KB,275x255,55:51,vote_for_good_people_Presi….jpg)

I might not still be awake a midnight so . . .

Happy Birthday President Trump!

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b557b0 No.21020095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d4c1d1 No.21020096

File: de868b36e7f8afb⋯.png (1.09 MB,960x732,80:61,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edbcad8f2e3a598⋯.png (559.91 KB,720x703,720:703,ClipboardImage.png)

If you would like what they have planned they would be selling it to you. You aren't going to like it.

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9f8dfd No.21020097

File: 07e3ded5f9d8d1d⋯.png (311.8 KB,680x581,680:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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b557b0 No.21020098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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31a774 No.21020099


Its a US sponsored meat factory, isn't it.

It's not the Russians dying on the drone vids, its fat American and Euro "volunteers" getting killed for meat and propaganda.

thank God we can see though this.

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d467f8 No.21020100

File: 3f2b2fdaab8895a⋯.png (611.57 KB,880x483,880:483,3f2b2fdaab8895a031b3a72d93….png)

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b557b0 No.21020101

File: 670099e52a0d1b1⋯.jpeg (186.24 KB,828x895,828:895,EE50692D_CE39_4FB5_83F7_A….jpeg)

File: 6d6eb826503d0a0⋯.jpeg (107.1 KB,828x488,207:122,5E5102AC_669B_468E_9C41_3….jpeg)

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31a774 No.21020102


New here, I see…

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c7ff7c No.21020103

File: 56141dadae76584⋯.jpg (181.29 KB,793x593,793:593,NIGHT_EVENT.jpg)

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8bfc17 No.21020104

>>21020080 Sure, but the Red folder freaks out Obama and Bidan very badly is my theory and intuition. There is a greater connection. When Obama was holding that gun, shooting an American may have something to do with it. It's intense whatever it is.

What did the Red Flag mean in War?

Red flag in war meaning

A red flag is a symbol with multiple meanings in the context of war. Here are some of the most significant interpretations:

1. Warning Sign: In naval warfare, a red flag is often flown to indicate that a vessel is carrying explosives, highly flammable materials, or other hazardous cargo.

2. No Surrender: During the Battle of the Alamo in 1836, Mexican General Antonio López de Santa Anna displayed a red flag to signal to the defenders that there would be no mercy or surrender.

3. Martial Law:In the French Revolution, the red flag symbolized the martial law of the people fighting against oppression.

4. Revolution and Socialism: The red flag has become a symbol of socialism, communism, and revolution, often associated with left-wing ideologies.

5. Warning of Danger: In some contexts, a red flag is used to warn of danger, such as high wildfire danger, dangerous water conditions, or hazardous weather.

6. Power and Domination: Red is often associated with power, revolution, vibrancy, and war, symbolizing bloodshed and courage.

7. Symbol of Left-Wing Politics: The red flag is predominantly a symbol of left-wing ideologies, including socialism, communism, anarchism, and the labor movement.

8. Historical Significance: The red flag has been used throughout history in various contexts, including the French Revolution, the Age of Revolution, and the Nore Mutiny in England.

In summary, the red flag in war has multiple meanings, including warning signs, no surrender, martial law, revolution, socialism, warning of danger, power and domination, and symbol of left-wing politics.

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6cbfa0 No.21020105


Live cams did show movement for about a week or so. They were posted on this board.

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dccf4c No.21020106

File: 83fa9f00d8664dd⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17183344799….mp4)

Motorcyclist excited to be alive.


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31a774 No.21020107


MSM used to censore this kind of thing.

Prepping the normies…

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b557b0 No.21020108

File: 8f2a16c396a1bca⋯.jpeg (140.58 KB,828x893,828:893,F97879C9_22D5_4760_BE36_8….jpeg)

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c0c018 No.21020109

File: da3c48b52c2176a⋯.jpg (7.93 KB,309x163,309:163,images_332_.jpg)

Where the bitches at?

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9f8dfd No.21020110

File: eaa34bcf99d55a3⋯.png (87.43 KB,783x503,783:503,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff9eaeb3e1fe0f4⋯.png (97.63 KB,766x606,383:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a41d3ca0ecd3dc⋯.png (64.46 KB,800x399,800:399,ClipboardImage.png)


In Europe everything has changed so that nothing changes. Those who hoped that the European vote would be able to change the posture of Old Europe regarding the Ukraine/Russia dossier can put their hearts at rest. Nothing will change. The elections for the European Parliament went exactly as “The Economist” had predicted, ten days before the vote. The sovereign right wins but does not win overwhelmingly. The bible of financial globalism titled the edition of last May 30th: “The three women who will shape Europe”. A clear reference to the President of the EU Commission, Ursula Von der Leyen, to the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and to the leader of the French sovereign right, Marina Le Pen.

In reality, there are and will be five women in charge in Europe in the next legislature which opens in mid-July. The pink power of European politics must take into account Roberta Metsola, president of the Brussels parliament who is aiming for reconfirmation and Kaja Kallas, the Estonian prime minister who aspires to become the EU High Representative for foreign policy. Kallas is one of the staunchest supporters of pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia issues in Europe.

It was the Economist itself that dictated the political agenda of where Europe should go. The turbo-capitalist magazine owned by the Rothschild and Elkann families reminds the European elite that “In a dangerous world, comfortable old Europe finds itself in an alarming position.The bloodiest war on the continent since 1945 rages in Ukraine, while Russia poses a threat to cyberspace, from the Baltics. If Donald Trump returns to the White House, he could undermine NATO, the foundation of European security. The continent’s economy is vulnerable to shocks caused by industrial policy and protectionism elsewhere. Eurosceptic populists are gaining ground in the polls.”

To face these dangers, Europe needs – the Economist sermon continues – “coherent leadership at a European level. It must also keep extremists out of power. The success depends in part on the choices of three women: Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, Giorgia Meloni, Italian prime minister, and Marine Le Pen, the leading French populist.”

Who knows why, in the editorial of the British weekly there was no mention whatsoever of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz? In the London editorial team they will certainly have a precise and functional crystal ball to predict the future.


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c61a1b No.21020111

Notablesnot endorsements

#25776 >>21019598

>>21019633, >>21019655 Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnanimous Trump Visits

>>21019681 Sky event cancelled.

>>21019759 EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT aircraft carrying the First Family

>>21019660 Archived - UK election debate with anon notes

>>21019692 DJT short press conference in D.C. transcript

>>21019707, >>21019766 The red folder showed up at a previous birthday

>>21019723 @NASA “When disasters strike, NASA is here to help — at home and around the world.”

>>21019747 Old Potato MP4: "I would say if I were a jew i'd be a zionist … I am a zionist, you don't have to be a jew to be zionist"

>>21019749 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

>>21019800 DJT one on one interview with RealAmericasVoice

>>21019824 Mom and 4-year-old daughter killed, 6-year-old rescued after horror ‘human trafficking’ kidnapping: cops

>>21019830 PF reports Jill Biden returning to the Bay Area fundraising well at Los Gatos event

>>21020023, >>21020073 Potato and Zelensky have signed a 10-year security agreement, under which Washington pledged to continue backing Kiev in its conflict with Moscow

>>21020079 ELON MUSK ON DONALD TRUMP: “He does call me out of the blue for no reason… he's very nice when he calls…. I think a lot of his friends now have Teslas — He's a huge fan of the Cybertruck.”

>>21020089 Potato Protects More than 860K Migrants from Deportation with ‘Temporary’ Amnesty (as of March 31st)



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a35d4b No.21020112

Austin Underscores Commitment to Ukraine Security at Brussels Meeting

June 13, 2024

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III underscored today the commitment by the U.S. and its allies to helping Ukraine meet its urgent defense needs and bolster its long-term security amid what he said is a critical moment in Russia's ongoing war of aggression.

As he met with the nearly 50-member U.S. coalition committed to backing Ukraine at NATO headquarters in Brussels, the secretary said Ukraine remains "in a tough fight" against Russia's attempts to reshape the front lines.


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54d283 No.21020113

File: 14dfd299fa594f8⋯.png (159.17 KB,720x636,60:53,nyrwetbetrewbtew.PNG)

The Red folder has their surrender papers inside.

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a35d4b No.21020114

Biden, Zelenskyy Sign 10-Year Bilateral Security Agreement

June 13, 2024

President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy today signed a 10-year bilateral security pact aimed at strengthening Ukraine's ability to defend itself in the present while also deterring aggression in the future.


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53f4ac No.21020115

Just cuz YOU fight don't mean shit to my bank account. Fucking English over here?

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b557b0 No.21020116

File: 10562aabe7e2f6f⋯.jpeg (104.68 KB,828x472,207:118,F3988F39_7E65_44C3_B522_1….jpeg)

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bb216a No.21020118

File: 81a70c4ca0b9bec⋯.mp4 (6.53 MB,640x360,16:9,POTUS91616_Miami.mp4)


Love Don Jr. calling him "Erica". The best people to be around are ones who can humorously bust chops, and the even better ones are those who appreciate the humor recognising CONTEXT. Can't do this any more without some Communist going into convulsions.

Listening to Golfers (which is why anon loved working around them) especially = GOLD when it comes to this, kek.

First boss (when a teen) assigned a "nickname" which wasn't the most flattering thing ever, but was hysterical as all get-out due to the CONTEXT. He also said "if I had a dog whose face looked like yours, I'd shave its ass and make it walk backwards". (This is over 40 years ago.) Laughed so hard as a 14 y/o/ that he'd keep it up. Treated his "kids" like GOLD, with constant HUMOR as a bonus.

Dude would get sued today. RIP.

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b557b0 No.21020119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c7ff7c No.21020120

File: 4c79a6578d501fb⋯.jpg (128.96 KB,700x500,7:5,GOD_BLESS_USA.jpg)

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51f796 No.21020121


Obviously you shouldn't try to act like you have knowledge when you're ignorant.

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e535a9 No.21020122


he can't lock her up. She has already been McCained.

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53f4ac No.21020123

File: 919e2224b40ebba⋯.jpg (7.35 KB,290x174,5:3,images_220_.jpg)


I fight too, not let con, (_)raq and LOG, Neverending war shit. Can't live without [Class 1-99]

Keep it classy, Stratego!

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8bfc17 No.21020124


did it ever occur to you there can multiple meanings in different dialects?

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31a774 No.21020125


Eisenhower abruptly ceased launch operations, and steamed up the length of the red sea to put the flames out.

The gooks released a pic, blurry, but clearly showing navigation with fire on board.

EAM's went nuts the same time.

Sandal wearing rag heads just kicked US butt, bigtime.

Diversity hiring faggots for commanders has a price.

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e13c7d No.21020127

File: 15a28013ea41d3f⋯.jpeg (528.12 KB,1352x613,1352:613,12AC6861_647E_44AC_BADD_3….jpeg)

File: 024155602a600c4⋯.jpeg (594.32 KB,1336x621,1336:621,A10FDB9B_377E_406A_B3F9_B….jpeg)

File: a5c58cfa3575a5a⋯.gif (497.64 KB,640x360,16:9,D8CD9D79_A1AD_46B2_A828_FC….gif)

PlaneFaggin’: One of VP’s NoKo ACs back at Moscow, USAF tanker over E. Poland, BLKCAT6 drone into Black Sea

Russian Federation RSD387 ilyushin 96 Special Flight Detachment returned to Moscow -this part ofVP’strip to NoKo

South Korea, US warn against North Korea-Russia military ties ahead of Putin visit


59-1475 KC-135 tanker W from some refueling activity on Polish/Ukraine border just north of Lublin where Zelensky has been going back to first after all these glad handing visits instead of Rzeszow-that AC still at G7 from earlier arrival from his beggin’ trip to Jeddah


BLKCAT6 Global Hawk drive entering western Black Sea

Algeria AF KJD456 C-130j Super Herc back to Algiers from Moscow depart

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b557b0 No.21020128

File: 5fac1ddf71e3183⋯.jpeg (295.33 KB,828x470,414:235,43585C07_728A_4CF4_856D_2….jpeg)

File: 722a84a8f58798f⋯.jpeg (171.44 KB,419x450,419:450,FD98FDE2_5097_49BC_9059_7….jpeg)

File: 653a040470f810f⋯.jpeg (515.69 KB,828x569,828:569,FD9FC26B_B0CD_44E6_ACBB_D….jpeg)

File: e60089f52be1a5b⋯.jpeg (132.97 KB,393x312,131:104,2E68141C_41FC_40C0_98BB_C….jpeg)

File: 6994e0fde6f9b8a⋯.jpeg (338.01 KB,828x458,414:229,731714A4_4F9C_439A_8845_C….jpeg)

Seriously bad fuckin shit, stupid fuckin commies.

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ed5c5c No.21020129


Pee=wee be ded

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41e69f No.21020131

File: 817fc8fc8fba2f0⋯.png (445.21 KB,600x399,200:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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b557b0 No.21020132

File: a9666e9dab389db⋯.jpeg (87.43 KB,828x559,828:559,8F5CB637_695B_40B9_8954_6….jpeg)

Dry heaves.

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53f4ac No.21020133

File: 9f67a508c5834b9⋯.jpg (12.52 KB,300x168,25:14,images_221_.jpg)


an expression used when someone does not approve of or enjoy something that other people enjoy, especially a special occasion such as Christmas: 31% of people think we spend too much time shopping for presents. Bah humbug!

My jaw hinge is now catching… (c sum se sum)

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aa7e1c No.21020135

File: a935c525b8133cf⋯.gif (3.26 MB,360x202,180:101,8ttb02.gif)


Thank you very much, so it looks like it is confirmed, the Propaganda put out by the Captain Chowder was just this GIF


Johhny Raghead has been waiting a long time to get one ine

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01ef94 No.21020136

File: dbd20b7206b88fa⋯.png (27.35 KB,540x651,180:217,ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Birthday, DJT, the best POTUS ever!

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265aa7 No.21020137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c7ff7c No.21020138

File: 5211a61fa8f16dc⋯.jpg (156.07 KB,690x495,46:33,MISSION_FROM_GOD.jpg)

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e13c7d No.21020139

File: 8b21aa1fba57a20⋯.png (671.39 KB,537x751,537:751,2A4F5AB8_70DD_457D_993A_F1….png)

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53f4ac No.21020140

File: 547a5d9e1ae63c5⋯.jpg (13.27 KB,194x259,194:259,images_222_.jpg)

File: 63c0710484df11d⋯.jpg (9.26 KB,183x275,183:275,images_223_.jpg)

File: 768fa23661c0d02⋯.jpg (11.33 KB,275x183,275:183,images_224_.jpg)

Richie, what happened to my billion trees?

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b557b0 No.21020141

File: b38f01703f944ef⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB,828x554,414:277,E784E620_6CE2_4A28_A581_A….jpeg)

File: 55c767df45d8838⋯.jpeg (164.06 KB,601x402,601:402,E669DCC3_8072_4930_8D55_F….jpeg)

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265aa7 No.21020142

File: 9d6d33d26f78727⋯.png (30.53 KB,770x410,77:41,40.png)

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265aa7 No.21020143

File: c7e7c8bc3836f0b⋯.png (52.15 KB,770x630,11:9,3410.png)

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1f47da No.21020144



They aren't allowed to announce even the possibility that Biden can't win.

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265aa7 No.21020145


one day delta to july 11 2024 ….

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a35d4b No.21020146

File: 5eeb9111c18950f⋯.jpg (377.31 KB,1000x556,250:139,rent_free.jpg)

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b557b0 No.21020147

File: 36ff3f990a91234⋯.jpeg (193.75 KB,740x855,148:171,7A3C7F6C_046A_4759_8310_D….jpeg)

File: e2257369adad8df⋯.jpeg (395.61 KB,828x793,828:793,95BC17A8_00C2_4F51_9F6B_C….jpeg)

File: 7e1561fda574550⋯.jpeg (656.67 KB,828x793,828:793,40064EBE_8035_4DDF_94F0_A….jpeg)



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01fd04 No.21020148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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67839e No.21020149

Do any Anons have any books, articles, actual forums or support pages for single fathers that have full custody of their children?

Everything on reddit is a bunch of dipshits giving their options on what they would do, even though they aren't in the same situation.

YouTube is filled with influencers and the videos seem so fake like it's not even be done authentically.

Looking for any single dad books are non-existent. Literally only two on Amazing which are probably ghost written based on the title and summaries.

Local support groups are many miles away and have the strict disclaimer of "single mothers only".

Any guidance is much appreciated.

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04539f No.21020151

File: 628f44f36e5ffa8⋯.png (458.73 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec564b0e7da2082⋯.png (373.45 KB,640x457,640:457,ClipboardImage.png)


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67839e No.21020152



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265aa7 No.21020153

File: 4563fde6c9ecc1a⋯.png (917.63 KB,1200x717,400:239,ClipboardImage.png)


July 17, 1989

Its first flight was July 17, 1989. The B-2 Combined Test Force, Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California, is responsible for flight testing the engineering, manufacturing and development aircraft on the B-2. Whiteman AFB, Missouri, is the only operational base for the B-2.


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41e69f No.21020154

File: 9dad2da2b70d6fb⋯.png (1010.7 KB,901x1682,901:1682,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09598ad4b1f393e⋯.mp4 (2.74 MB,720x720,1:1,ZuV0n8wCVFQhiU4M_1_.mp4)


🚨#BREAKING: Police are actively investigating after someone driving a red pickup truck was doing burnouts and left tire marks on pride mural after it was installed three days ago

📌#Huntington | #Westvirginia

Currently, Law enforcement is currently investigating an incident captured on video on Wednesday evening, showing someone driving a red pickup truck doing a burnout and leaving tire marks on the Pride mural and crosswalk in Huntington, West Virginia. This occurred less than three days after the crosswalk and mural were installed to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community. The police are collaborating with Huntington Pride to repair the damage and have confirmed their awareness of the video. Authorities are reviewing the footage to identify the driver and are asking the public for any additional information to assist in their investigation. Local officials and community leaders have condemned the act.

9:58 PM · Jun 13, 2024


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b557b0 No.21020155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nice night out here, great walkin weather.

Aptly lit Mansions in shadow and Bloom,

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1f47da No.21020156


srsly though someone should just walk out there with a work crew on ma onday morning, cordon it off and start power washing that shit off of the road.

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ab3bdb No.21020157


I blame the lawnmower in the bed of the truck

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265aa7 No.21020158

File: 24167491c17a792⋯.png (1.67 MB,1240x826,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)


Former special counsel Robert Mueller is sworn in for his testimony on July 24, 2019, in Washington, DC

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9f8dfd No.21020159

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interesting shit

Bart Sibrel sibrel.com

posted a video on his site of Putin watching multiple linked AI systems analyze the moon landing.

They tore it to shreds with overwhelming detail.

Interesting this made Putin visibly uncomfortable.

Further to this he goes into the fake Alien Card

He has a NASA deathbed confession saying it's all BS and will be staged.

And he quotes Werner Von Braun's aids account of his death bed confession that the last card is a fake alien invasion. More on this in a sec.

This is where it gets really interesting a couple hours ago I tried retrieve the videos to post here but as I did I was denied access, my browser got hacked and locked. I switched off the laptop and rebooted but I can no longer use that particular browser.

As I'm away from my PC I got on my phone to check I could reach his site, which I could.

Almost immediately I started feeling unwell so went to get some water but as I moved I was hit with vertigo, really intense vertigo to the point where I couldn't stand up.

I had to go and lay down and am still feeling a little spacy.

Enough on me, he has some interesting information on how they may intend to roll out the fake invasion.

NASA is blacking out parts of space with it's feeds as are several other large scale infrared capable telescopes.

He is of the opinion that they are hiding a large asteroid shower, these asteroids aren't the Armageddon type the movies have shown us but more so lots of small ones.


Information he has obtained from whistleblowers suggests they will use the asteroid shower to claim this is the Aliens arriving, when in fact it will be demonic forces coming out and claiming they are extra terrestrials.

I'm always a little skeptical when I hear these types of stories but when I go to share the links to get more eyes on here and get my system fucked with then me it really rustles my jimmies!

I still can't access his site from this laptop.

He did a vid with SGT about it that is linked.


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432178 No.21020160

>>21018250 (PB)

>only 100%?

>That's10%of what Trump said earlier….

>Trump said they were 1000% unified behind him.

>Trump said he was 1000% unified behind them.

>Maybe Pres Trump is trying to tell us something…..

Those Anons of a certain age remember when George McGovern said he was behind Thomas Eagleton 1000%. And what happened with him.

Pres Trump Is of that certain age, and the '1000% remark' seems to capture exactly the nature of their commitment to each other

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31a774 No.21020161


Have you seen what these Houthi did to Saudi M60 Pattons and M1 Abrams tanks in the desert?

I have.

They are very well motivated, and extremely fit.

Never underestimate the enemy.

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265aa7 No.21020162


so C before D means 4 before 5, 45?

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8837c4 No.21020163


lags a putt come on alice

plays with pink tee/pufts with pink ping gets faggot calls but whn the honor is won they got beat

hey judge

good times in this basket

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265aa7 No.21020165




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e13c7d No.21020166

File: 18727f83032d061⋯.jpeg (545.4 KB,1104x613,1104:613,EEC39286_72C6_4672_893B_E….jpeg)

File: c89f7b958a3f858⋯.jpeg (616.88 KB,828x872,207:218,3BF1DBEE_0BFF_4844_8091_6….jpeg)


PF: B-52 going to be refueled south of Sicily and head E

00000000 B-52 from RAF Fairfield heading into Ned with 2 tankers from Mildenhall that will top it off

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e535a9 No.21020167


Not in that position myself, but maybe ask your children even if they are very young. Talk with them about it. How can you all work on it together. Won't be easy, compromises, and such. Trump inspirational video in the last bread notables - nothing worth doing is ever easy…good luck anon.

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743330 No.21020168



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596df9 No.21020169


when you say 'you' , you don't mean me.

obviously you are one who just like to insult people and has no clue about global politics.

sounds like your statement refers to the way you are, not me.

An insulting ignoramus.

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92e676 No.21020170


Tell her I wouldnt support going after Biden or Hillary during an election year when they had five years to do it previously either.

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431804 No.21020171


limited slip differential

one wheel peel

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41e69f No.21020172

File: b80dd15b2dfd21f⋯.png (842.63 KB,590x885,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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01ef94 No.21020173


Why does Merchan not have any eyelids?

Is he part Asian?

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d4c1d1 No.21020174



The only way out is a new government.

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e535a9 No.21020175


it may mean Closure before Disclosure.

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f464a3 No.21020176

File: 8f27fb365bd824b⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x644,120:161,x2pQDGCGfKOhn3of.mp4)


this is bothering me, I hope it is not real.

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31a774 No.21020177


Make sure they are warm,

Make sure they are fed,

Make sure they are loved.

Its not that hard.

Have faith, do the right thing, and always know tomorrow will be a better day.

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e13c7d No.21020178



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d467f8 No.21020179

File: ef88eb5c712b65f⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,1138x148,569:74,ef88eb5c712b65ffafee6a2a63….jpg)

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265aa7 No.21020181


UK needs to return the diamonds

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4cc6ea No.21020184


Will use every resource available to track them down and bring them to justice

Yes, we have Epstein's Client List & Flight logs, But we Still can't seem to find the Pedophiles…

So weird

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01ef94 No.21020186


The ADL existed prior to Israel.

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b557b0 No.21020187

File: 5eba226d93719b6⋯.jpeg (78.91 KB,796x687,796:687,F9CC292D_EF99_4195_9FAA_E….jpeg)

File: 432b10e3f9d3231⋯.jpeg (134.17 KB,793x775,793:775,B91AC279_B36A_4CCD_9A8D_B….jpeg)

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265aa7 No.21020188


youre a clown

snowden left you guys and has control of your damn supercomputers and gave you bogus tools

you best be figuring out how to cut a deal

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aa7e1c No.21020189



>They are very well motivated, and extremely fit

Are these the types that are sneaking in our border?

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04539f No.21020190

File: 70d6582d732d379⋯.png (66.7 KB,634x625,634:625,ClipboardImage.png)


>I had to go and lay down and am still feeling a little spacy.

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67839e No.21020191


>Its not that hard.

So you are a single father? Please elaborate on how it's not that hard. I appreciate it.

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9f8dfd No.21020192

'Good way to go': Prime Minister Anthony Albanese backs in Dutton's calls for ban on children under 16 using social media as bipartisan support grows

Teenagers and children under the age of 16 could soon be banned from using social media, with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Opposition leader Peter Dutton now both openly supporting age restriction technology.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has backed in calls for under-16s to be banned from social media following repeated calls from Opposition leader Peter Dutton and industry leaders to tackle the “scourge” of online harms affecting young children.

Mr Albanese has suggested a ban on children could be “a good way to go” as he referenced a $6.5 million trial of age assurance technology.

“The funding is in the Budget. That trial will be underway,” Mr Albanese told a press conference in Adelaide on Thursday.

The Federal Government committed $6.5 million in the May Budget to “conduct a pilot of age assurance technology to protect children from harmful comment”.


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b557b0 No.21020193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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265aa7 No.21020194

File: 25faa246b23814b⋯.png (220.34 KB,816x480,17:10,ClipboardImage.png)


no deals for you!!

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51f796 No.21020195


You insulted yourself by your ignorant comment. All I did was shine a light on it, you have very little knowledge and it shows.

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d4c1d1 No.21020196

File: 12bf60e9698e829⋯.png (283.09 KB,474x743,474:743,ClipboardImage.png)


Their roots are in organized crime in North America.

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aa7e1c No.21020197


I can say that after spending most of my life on drugs and in crack houses, the common thing that almost Every Person man or women who was in there all had Daddy Issues. Him not being present in their life or being abusive. SO I would say , be present and don't be abusive. I don't have any kids, but that is wha I learned and would hope my kids didn't become drug addicts.

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01ef94 No.21020198


Why do they put Pride Flags in crosswalks?

Because they want people to deface them so that the LGBTQ crybabies can cry victimhood.

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4cc6ea No.21020199

Epstein Client List

Epstein Flight Logs

Epstein Videos

Epstein Himself

& Still can't seem to find one client

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04539f No.21020201

File: b2c99256627be87⋯.png (1.94 MB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)


Since OP PF doesn't like to provide sauce for interested anons, here it is.


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596df9 No.21020202


so it didn't start with the counterfeiting that the Mormons did?

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67839e No.21020203

File: 7a620926ec4a376⋯.jpg (63.25 KB,640x639,640:639,2mna6qx6lr781.jpg)


Thanks redditor.

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34d8bd No.21020204


> always know tomorrow will be a better day.

You are intellectually, spiritually and practically unqualified to respond to that poster.

Refrain from posting. Forever.

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8fc935 No.21020205

File: 9637d2d06a613de⋯.jpeg (74.41 KB,680x604,170:151,8E357C25_3BB6_4F2F_9D44_5….jpeg)





NightShift Activated

Let’s see what habbens..

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596df9 No.21020206


take your own advice, bully shill.

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b557b0 No.21020207

File: fbbe1a78ce589b5⋯.jpeg (130.26 KB,475x488,475:488,9C347DE2_3646_40F7_B6B6_E….jpeg)

File: ee25dade4388595⋯.jpeg (274.5 KB,516x441,172:147,A7FC3CC3_CD80_40DA_BDC6_E….jpeg)

File: 1dc071458bc4427⋯.jpeg (136.98 KB,326x545,326:545,C83B9627_2B58_401E_9B86_F….jpeg)

File: 23ef01f3eef0e0a⋯.jpeg (231.23 KB,551x703,29:37,A285F673_DACA_42CB_863A_1….jpeg)

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4cc6ea No.21020210

Big Picture is being Painted

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596df9 No.21020212


obviously it's a way to launder money into the pockets of their political allies.

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e36a89 No.21020213


Fathers' day? You know, BOB is a fucking shit….

What makes form function differently?

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9f8dfd No.21020214


not that fucken SPACEY kek

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e13c7d No.21020215

File: e8cbd049f2bde9d⋯.gif (418.7 KB,400x217,400:217,C96CCEDB_5794_434A_A116_4E….gif)


>provide sauce

It’s NEVER been needed despite what you say

Just like you to piggyback on muh work

Completely out of your league

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34d8bd No.21020216


You're the dumbest one here.

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596df9 No.21020217


another bully shill.

easy filter.

you're not Don Rickles.

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67839e No.21020219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shut the fuck up. I asked the question on here to have all responses. Unfortunately, more shills and not real authentic conversation tonight.

I will go back to continuously looping this President Trump video instead of finding other outlets or mediums. Perseverance is a gift.

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b557b0 No.21020220

File: 095e4b6227f82b7⋯.jpeg (344.97 KB,667x702,667:702,F7B33394_45FE_40D0_B9CE_3….jpeg)

File: 7b4b964ced05864⋯.jpeg (190.84 KB,606x475,606:475,D3F36BBE_81C6_4C8D_88A2_9….jpeg)

File: 498b381aa44041f⋯.jpeg (285.72 KB,410x527,410:527,9310F8F9_D618_4D33_B8B7_B….jpeg)

File: 1f161724f5601ed⋯.jpeg (98.98 KB,342x266,9:7,8F75F6F2_00FA_4400_88B7_A….jpeg)

File: 96e422f0ce378ca⋯.jpeg (143.45 KB,746x496,373:248,669C5348_3568_40CA_B097_E….jpeg)

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aa7e1c No.21020221


You ungrateful fuck

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e13c7d No.21020222


AWw it’s whittle fee-fees are hurt

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e36a89 No.21020224

Friends of yours? They're not broke..

Strategy is for those with time to kill….

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75985f No.21020225

File: 0053855a1696834⋯.png (564.14 KB,1085x815,217:163,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 892562158f4dd0a⋯.png (438.7 KB,844x703,844:703,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83405cce6b84b7c⋯.png (105.77 KB,338x338,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: abacecf0741fa7d⋯.png (338.35 KB,564x360,47:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ef676 No.21020226


so, what does TND mean?

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67839e No.21020227

File: 14b8148d22d8755⋯.gif (2.71 MB,498x280,249:140,14b8148d22d87556ed7a086985….gif)

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67839e No.21020230

File: a446c2e2076af3a⋯.gif (929.13 KB,498x356,249:178,a446c2e2076af3a8c0d8b1d8c5….gif)


Go back to Reddit faggot.

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431804 No.21020232

File: 08c7b23f5eb515b⋯.png (653.04 KB,634x636,317:318,WuhanLiChunhongChina.png)

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e36a89 No.21020233

File: 296737054876f58⋯.jpg (341.81 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240608_185914….jpg)

Ready? Rhetorical fridays?

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aa7e1c No.21020234

File: f20f04e8ad205f7⋯.jpg (53.6 KB,600x471,200:157,youjerk.jpg)

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90096e No.21020236

Anyone else already get kicked off TikTok?

Got nuked for no reason.

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67839e No.21020238

File: 841f932b6c7d779⋯.png (553.16 KB,960x697,960:697,841.png)

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e36a89 No.21020239

Control or do I have to do it?

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9f8dfd No.21020240

File: a70f81e799099e7⋯.png (89.48 KB,1000x561,1000:561,ClipboardImage.png)

Former University City High School Teacher Pleads Guilty to Attempted Enticement of a Minor


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b557b0 No.21020243

File: f117c7d491d23fe⋯.png (1.47 MB,1792x828,448:207,297BBCDE_39DD_4707_9C55_0D….png)

File: 653e0525e5256f8⋯.png (787.67 KB,1792x828,448:207,D263A961_D750_4BD3_977F_02….png)

File: 14204afc8309ba6⋯.png (1.98 MB,1792x828,448:207,B2AC1BE8_6689_4601_ABD3_FF….png)

File: 53157bde430dd10⋯.jpeg (564.78 KB,1595x828,1595:828,08C06470_224F_4282_A798_9….jpeg)

File: 567f617d2707010⋯.png (950.48 KB,1792x828,448:207,6B09D88B_D9AF_4DBC_8FF3_D4….png)



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aa7e1c No.21020244


my meme is your future kids, You're true form is revealed, single pedo dad, who will abuse his kids and turn them into drug addicts.

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8837c4 No.21020245


N you look like a star but you're still on the dole

All the way from Wuhan

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67839e No.21020246

File: f7c535f943ce0e1⋯.jpg (19.76 KB,293x438,293:438,5ef.jpg)

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0e6193 No.21020248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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87d0c9 No.21020249

File: e8bffedbab20dd1⋯.png (1.95 MB,960x952,120:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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cf9b82 No.21020250

File: c02a01b487331b8⋯.jpeg (39.49 KB,500x333,500:333,CB280395_ADAE_44D5_B1BC_1….jpeg)


Relax, it’s fake and gay- just like you.

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d467f8 No.21020251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c61a1b No.21020253

Notablesnot endorsements

#25776 >>21019598

>>21019633, >>21019655 Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnanimous Trump Visits

>>21019681 Sky event cancelled.

>>21019759 EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT aircraft carrying the First Family

>>21019660 Archived - UK election debate with anon notes

>>21019692 DJT short press conference in D.C. transcript

>>21019707, >>21019766 The red folder showed up at a previous birthday

>>21019723 @NASA “When disasters strike, NASA is here to help — at home and around the world.”

>>21019747 Old Potato MP4: "I would say if I were a jew i'd be a zionist … I am a zionist, you don't have to be a jew to be zionist"

>>21019749 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

>>21019800 DJT one on one interview with RealAmericasVoice

>>21019824 Mom and 4-year-old daughter killed, 6-year-old rescued after horror ‘human trafficking’ kidnapping: cops

>>21019830 PF reports Jill Biden returning to the Bay Area fundraising well at Los Gatos event

>>21020023, >>21020073, >>21020114 Potato and Zelensky have signed a 10-year security agreement, under which Washington pledged to continue backing Kiev in its conflict with Moscow

>>21020079 ELON MUSK ON DONALD TRUMP: “He does call me out of the blue for no reason… he's very nice when he calls…. I think a lot of his friends now have Teslas — He's a huge fan of the Cybertruck.”

>>21020089 Potato Protects More than 860K Migrants from Deportation with ‘Temporary’ Amnesty (as of March 31st)

>>21020127, >>21020166, >>21020201 PlaneFaggin’: One of VP’s NoKo ACs back at Moscow, USAF tanker over E. Poland, BLKCAT6 drone into Black Sea

>>21020240 San Diego - Former University City High School Teacher Pleads Guilty to Attempted Enticement of a Minor



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55940d No.21020254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Kevin Spacey “There were young girls on those flights.”


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0e6193 No.21020256

Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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8837c4 No.21020257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Never Been any Reason

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e36a89 No.21020260

Csum se sum……..

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aa7e1c No.21020261

File: b1b96809a8b8c9d⋯.jpg (18.1 KB,270x270,1:1,OIGfy6n.jpg)

File: 50bf1c372937017⋯.jpg (19.07 KB,270x270,1:1,OIG_AE_itMdOd_alJm6.jpg)

File: 0288fac7c65d270⋯.jpg (18.98 KB,270x270,1:1,afva.jpg)


That really hurts coming from an Anime fag. These are more your style.

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55940d No.21020262

File: 0adc1976e540322⋯.mp4 (13.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,0adc1976e54032289b34494bed….mp4)

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0e6193 No.21020265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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e13c7d No.21020267

File: 27d5cdd41d7b0b5⋯.gif (997.74 KB,450x344,225:172,8313BDE9_3505_4EE1_B0E6_71….gif)

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e36a89 No.21020268

I'm no knocking first thing

Qanon will be an i threshing sub jet to breech

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b557b0 No.21020270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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01ef94 No.21020271


The baby just had its head squished thru a 10 cm opening. Being born is a traumatic experience.

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abb9e5 No.21020272

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Currently (haha) playing at Gitmo.

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538064 No.21020274

File: bfa33341b0274ae⋯.png (483.83 KB,504x680,63:85,ClipboardImage.png)


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a5e70d No.21020275

I need a favor and quick, trying to destroy someone who has TDS. What Q post (number) had a pic of Rachel Chandlers model to look out for in 2017 or some shit. Had a picture of some sick looking kids in it.

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0e6193 No.21020279

File: 05bb4592bd98fd6⋯.png (41.56 KB,720x404,180:101,ClipboardImage.png)



>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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41e69f No.21020280

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4aab19 No.21020282

File: 155e1880cb66cd7⋯.png (3.65 MB,1334x750,667:375,F751BAE8_4B8C_46B0_B426_20….png)

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d4c1d1 No.21020283

File: aef19d9fbafa7ed⋯.png (378.58 KB,525x700,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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222bda No.21020284


>Their roots are in organized crime in North America.

the ADL was created in response to the lynching of the homicidal faggot jewboi for the murder of mary phagan

which PREDATES prohibition and the rise of organized crime that followed it

try paying attention

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75985f No.21020288

File: 57f8a97a70973aa⋯.png (515.73 KB,671x906,671:906,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c95e0701a456b6⋯.png (104.93 KB,334x223,334:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b63d3ebcb293fae⋯.png (853.41 KB,695x761,695:761,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58e435527ce3cae⋯.png (635.24 KB,569x584,569:584,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b1e82dee99e5db⋯.png (3.42 KB,586x82,293:41,ClipboardImage.png)


Poor Gus.

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d4c1d1 No.21020289

File: 5c50024147c328e⋯.png (324.82 KB,474x578,237:289,ClipboardImage.png)

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2dd10d No.21020290


One tire fire.

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e36a89 No.21020292

File: 52a5b9770ad3fed⋯.jpg (9.4 KB,277x182,277:182,9k_48_.jpg)

Brain Basics: Understanding Sleep

www.ninds.nih.gov › public-education

sleep from www.ninds.nih.gov

Jul 19, 2023 · Sleep is important to a number of brain functions, including how nerve cells (neurons) communicate with each other. In fact, your brain and body


the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society.

"low wages mean that 3.75 million people suffer serious deprivation"

synonyms: poverty, impoverishment, penury, privation, hardship, destitution, need, neediness, want, distress, financial distress, indigence, pauperdom, beggary, ruin, reduced circumstances, straitened circumstances, hand-to-mouth existence, pauperism, pauperization, impecuniousness, impecuniosity

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0e6193 No.21020293

File: c1f54912a7d8b98⋯.png (10.51 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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743330 No.21020295

File: 0aa4c2d7d3c6738⋯.mp4 (537.72 KB,492x270,82:45,ADL_HOMO.mp4)

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0e6193 No.21020297

File: 63c2acbd4a3692e⋯.png (11.65 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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21aaf2 No.21020298

Julian Assange show

Leader of Hezbollah

Two I's

"Missing i"


Help me out Q

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9183f4 No.21020299

File: 2f9c288780cfc5f⋯.png (297.56 KB,460x564,115:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e6193 No.21020300

File: 6663920f2dcf8ad⋯.png (7.57 KB,284x177,284:177,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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b557b0 No.21020302

File: 1e7a96f4841ceb4⋯.png (1.51 MB,926x1194,463:597,3A269F9E_D47D_44F3_A3C9_0C….png)

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8837c4 No.21020303

File: 89c776f79a98206⋯.png (10.35 KB,168x255,56:85,6f3e282521b05c1c20b703c8ce….png)


How about Trump…

He boxes out for us, gets the tough rebounds and does the tough things that we need to win. It's great working with him. I don't know where we'd be without him.

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596df9 No.21020305


there was plenty of organized crime long before the period you suggest.

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21a2fd No.21020306


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e36a89 No.21020308



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d4c1d1 No.21020310

File: 0ddbe3cb22fc494⋯.png (317.8 KB,474x454,237:227,ClipboardImage.png)

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222bda No.21020312


a 5 gal bucket of black paint woulda been a WHOLE lot cheaper than the tires he's runnin' on that truck

just sayin'…..

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b557b0 No.21020313

File: 647de46816fa764⋯.gif (1.46 MB,400x233,400:233,26FC4653_BCE9_404D_8122_03….gif)

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92e676 No.21020315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Id like to interrupt this version of Night Shift Radio to ask why Obama produced Leave the World Behind's first two tracks have videos with Eyes Wides Shut cult members in them

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731cce No.21020316


Service Alert: A potential Public Safety Power Shutoff event is planned for areas in California.

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0e6193 No.21020317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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e36a89 No.21020318

AF gate seems cozy….

What's up. Protection?

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f18ea2 No.21020319


Paint "Black Lives Matter" over it.

And watch them attack each other.

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e98a1e No.21020320

>>21018455 (pb)


This would require Congressional approval which would be in doubt as controlling taxes and tax breaks is their number 2 money generating power that they have. Number 1 is still having open borders which generates the most profit from drug and human trafficking and all the chaos and misery it creates.

Maybe this article is to try and get more support for republicans in office, but most of those RINO's are just as bad as the democrats who will never give up power.

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92e676 No.21020321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e13c7d No.21020322


Prolly ded here in leftie land since that was the plan to remove most of population and all non-libtards in CA so they could have it for themselves.

Shame that it’s still liars dice voting here.

Always has been.

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4cc6ea No.21020323

The Council of Anons

Will in short time be quite busy

I see Hoaxes and False Flags in the near Future

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0e6193 No.21020326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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d4c1d1 No.21020327

File: 1662d65223c66f7⋯.png (147.32 KB,450x338,225:169,ClipboardImage.png)


Somebody who's rehabilitating the misfits?

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9183f4 No.21020328

File: f90cb0d75c930c4⋯.png (59.71 KB,856x299,856:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e6193 No.21020329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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01ef94 No.21020330


block her

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e36a89 No.21020331


Or mx ? Been/done that. After seems cozier

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8837c4 No.21020332


wasn't that the plan for cuba?

move everyone out and bring the "mishpucka" in?

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0e6193 No.21020335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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4e4377 No.21020337

The fact that this thing is gonna tip scales to #25777 (5:5) 777 on Q+ (Trump) birthday ringing in east coast time is a pretty crazy coincidental,,,,,

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e36a89 No.21020338

Ights out, yet. Boss?

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222bda No.21020339


start video recording

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41e69f No.21020340

File: 0d2e3500d08ab48⋯.png (361.5 KB,883x1319,883:1319,ClipboardImage.png)



Please sanitize your YouTube links! Recently YouTube's links got 2 times longer. They added Source Identifier in them for the sole purpose of collecting data. You can delete it, and link will still work just fine. https: Actual link to the video Source Identifier Time code I HN7Mo I Actual link to the video Source Identifier https: Why you should delete that? 1. You post that link on social media, Google crowler finds it, checks the data base and now it knows this account on other social media belongs to you. 2.1 click on your link and now Google knows our accounts are connected.

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e36a89 No.21020342

Thats no answer, protexn

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b557b0 No.21020343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Multi-generational, inter dimensional, psycho spiritual warfare. For all the marbles in the most latently dangerous battleground in human history.

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9183f4 No.21020345

File: 43cf4057061edb5⋯.png (252.95 KB,606x640,303:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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e36a89 No.21020346

If I leave, that's it

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87d0c9 No.21020347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hawley Brutally Confronts Tracy Stone-Manning:

'You Lied To This Committee—Why?!

At today's Senate Energy Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) questioned BLM Dir. Tracy Stone-Manning about her past.

Forbes Breaking News

Jun 13, 2024 6:01


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0e6193 No.21020348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d4c1d1 No.21020350

File: 23ce5976a590156⋯.gif (825.77 KB,220x258,110:129,g.gif)


Don't forget Ukraine.

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62dd30 No.21020352


Example of tracking on YouTube cut this part out?v=r9YuaUxgdn4

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222bda No.21020353


actually, there was NOT

many books were written that trace the evolution of ORGANIZED crime to the beginning of the bootleg liquor industry

sure, there was crime, but mostly in a few isolated neighborhoods of big cities, and mostly limited to protection, gambling, and prostitution

there was NOT the kind of international crime syndicate that arose to satisfy the enormous demand for illegal alcohol

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b557b0 No.21020354

File: cfc383b93f42684⋯.jpeg (619.18 KB,828x1136,207:284,E1493B6B_1B96_4525_A0FC_5….jpeg)

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5cc82c No.21020355

Any anon on last night saw the pepsi nanoparticle vid?

Remember keyword so this anon can find it quickly?

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9183f4 No.21020356


there werent any jews in the misfits but there weren't any jews in death camps

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92d058 No.21020357


>Big Picture is being Painted

That is one ugly piece of art, enjoy if you can.

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e13c7d No.21020358


Dunno if that what they wanted there but makes sense.

Take it all, leave token population to serve them.

They already had PR for the crypto-pedo “paradise” along with the IRS and Treasury (one of them-as I understand it there are at least three versions of it currently operating) in a tropical location.

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743330 No.21020359

File: ff1e7212bc4c51d⋯.jpg (124.58 KB,650x715,10:11,ff1e7212bc4c51d25274e2893c….jpg)

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ed5c5c No.21020361


Dexter crew?

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c61a1b No.21020362

Notablesnot endorsements

#25776 >>21019598

>>21019633, >>21019655 Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnanimous Trump Visits

>>21019681 Sky event cancelled.

>>21019759 EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT aircraft carrying the First Family

>>21019660 Archived - UK election debate with anon notes

>>21019692 DJT short press conference in D.C. transcript

>>21019707, >>21019766 The red folder showed up at a previous birthday

>>21019723 @NASA “When disasters strike, NASA is here to help — at home and around the world.”

>>21019747 Old Potato MP4: "I would say if I were a jew i'd be a zionist … I am a zionist, you don't have to be a jew to be zionist"

>>21019749 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

>>21019800 DJT one on one interview with RealAmericasVoice

>>21019824 Mom and 4-year-old daughter killed, 6-year-old rescued after horror ‘human trafficking’ kidnapping: cops

>>21019830 PF reports Jill Biden returning to the Bay Area fundraising well at Los Gatos event

>>21020023, >>21020073, >>21020114 Potato and Zelensky have signed a 10-year security agreement, under which Washington pledged to continue backing Kiev in its conflict with Moscow

>>21020079 ELON MUSK ON DONALD TRUMP: “He does call me out of the blue for no reason… he's very nice when he calls…. I think a lot of his friends now have Teslas — He's a huge fan of the Cybertruck.”

>>21020089 Potato Protects More than 860K Migrants from Deportation with ‘Temporary’ Amnesty (as of March 31st)

>>21020127, >>21020166, >>21020201 PlaneFaggin’: One of VP’s NoKo ACs back at Moscow, USAF tanker over E. Poland, BLKCAT6 drone into Black Sea

>>21020240 San Diego - Former University City High School Teacher Pleads Guilty to Attempted Enticement of a Minor

>>21020347 Hawley Brutally Confronts Tracy Stone-Manning: 'You Lied To This Committee—Why?!


Last call


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e36a89 No.21020363

"History will not repeat itself this time."

Again, or, again-again?

AFA been there done that

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265aa7 No.21020365

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222bda No.21020366



BTW… everyone saw thru your cheap attempt to mis-direct attention away from the homicidal faggot jewboi and the birth of the ADL

and start a slide about organized crime

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809cde No.21020368

File: 4e26f2f897d824a⋯.jpg (41.58 KB,689x503,689:503,Big_Bang_Theory_Fake_Adren….jpg)

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87d0c9 No.21020370



It's not tracking, it is the link to the video drop that and you're left with just going to YouTube


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9183f4 No.21020372


I've seen it on X

the search engine is tremendous

every anon should have an account there

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589db1 No.21020376


That’s an adrenaline molecule pic

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bd681f No.21020377


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7bd386 No.21020378

File: 4d49f27e16b2357⋯.jpeg (169.75 KB,1134x555,378:185,3bad1good.jpeg)

File: 0bbc6fbb3e4c763⋯.jpg (530.76 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,FauciRoyalty.jpg)

File: 6e2903d3c2ec72e⋯.jpg (361.24 KB,1495x790,299:158,Deprogram.jpg)

File: 8d4470f78d1e9bf⋯.jpg (289.83 KB,1441x1080,1441:1080,LaptopsFromHell.JPG)

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,1DayPaper1.jpg)

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9183f4 No.21020379


yep. Israel and Khazaria

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bd681f No.21020380

File: 599702dd28669f3⋯.png (2.23 MB,1916x2628,479:657,potusinaug31.png)

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5cc82c No.21020381


>I've seen it on X

Got banned from there forever ago.

Your reply was not helpful.

And you have tooo many posts.

Just guessing, but prob none of them are helpful.

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67839e No.21020382

File: ad108de7a369342⋯.mp3 (69.19 KB,2024_06_14T04_24_23.mp3)

Why are sound bytes getting deleted?

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41e69f No.21020383

File: 725bab501ee4d75⋯.png (521.21 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b14807ca99ae91c⋯.png (509.38 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a99e2392a06fe00⋯.png (548.53 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



sexy woman eating a croissant at a cafe table

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4cc6ea No.21020384


Because they're being reported for some reason…

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3822d8 No.21020385

✔️ >>21020316


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67839e No.21020387

File: 4c0d108f13985d3⋯.mp3 (61.69 KB,2024_06_14T04_25_45.mp3)

Pocahontas is disappointed for being cancelled.

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33fcdb No.21020388

File: c17c624d72c3a81⋯.png (409.9 KB,512x640,4:5,TieOfCollusion.PNG)

File: dde49e028fa5e90⋯.png (262.65 KB,689x374,689:374,PlannedPyramid.PNG)

File: 5cc665418a1dc8e⋯.jpg (707.61 KB,1778x1514,889:757,TrumpImpossible.JPG)

File: 19e81d1975c7543⋯.png (1.11 MB,997x973,997:973,VoteBurn.PNG)

File: 6a35f72a1fe80ab⋯.jpg (503.43 KB,1080x1440,3:4,ComfyPasta.jpg)

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18e4df No.21020389

File: 84f56a806c87826⋯.png (1.07 MB,1229x927,1229:927,DNAtest.PNG)

File: 8cc29e5a3b273d6⋯.png (594.96 KB,1190x893,1190:893,LordShallLaugh.PNG)

File: ba90c96d74e3cc9⋯.png (376.35 KB,506x500,253:250,Morons.PNG)

File: 198d308b6401f6b⋯.png (403.5 KB,640x476,160:119,DeclassIMF.PNG)

File: 086752598a6d732⋯.png (526.56 KB,483x560,69:80,Comfy.PNG)

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afa28c No.21020390

What Would you think if previous members of Trump’s cabinet are traveling overseas like diplomats? Are they already doing work as part of the Trump team?

I SPY several meetings with other countries leaders, Don Jr. is definitely doing something diplomatic/ambassador like for PDJT.

Can you spot the others?

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d4c1d1 No.21020391


There were pirates and politicians in Egypt, Karen

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bc4117 No.21020392

File: cc2cfefb8dfcbe4⋯.png (483.19 KB,545x468,545:468,FreeThinker.PNG)

File: 298b8beb34a0a92⋯.jpg (563.81 KB,2048x1444,512:361,WatergateX1000.JPG)

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10f2b9 No.21020393

You not going to take down the big guy, so you have to go after the small guy under the fake authority of the big guy? Go and fuck yourselves with your fucking doomed school program.

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a8829b No.21020394

Environmental groups ask feds to reconsider the trans-Alaska pipeline and plan for its removal



That pipeline is gonna be flowing at full capacity. Anchorage and Fairbanks will be boomtowns again, and they're sad about that.


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d4c1d1 No.21020395



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67839e No.21020396

File: 6769698b742153f⋯.mp3 (101.06 KB,2024_06_14T04_31_32.mp3)

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222bda No.21020397







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10f2b9 No.21020398

Talk is cheap, my shit posts are expensive.

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0e6193 No.21020399

File: a4d06bf37122294⋯.png (8.55 KB,200x252,50:63,ClipboardImage.png)

Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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10f2b9 No.21020400

You take him down, anon is too lazy.

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9d9da9 No.21020401

Alright Anons listen up…

Bridgerton is too fucking good…

They are re-writing the Titanic story.

Who is this new narrative modeled after?

I hope it’s Kennedy’s Grandmother Rose

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0e6193 No.21020402

File: b72e24e9f465a4c⋯.png (4.3 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)



>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

>>>>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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e1e8d8 No.21020403


I thought Trans was supposed to be good now.

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67839e No.21020404

File: a3e805c8386a448⋯.mp3 (66.56 KB,2024_06_14T04_34_49.mp3)


Mulan is disappointed.

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222bda No.21020405

KYS jewboi






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d2aeb4 No.21020406


they real sad, so sad they gonna poop all over peepeepoopooloosi SF (ancient political party libtard dying grounds) for democracy and decency

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d4c1d1 No.21020407

File: 19a9241e8f2ca46⋯.png (722.03 KB,726x1024,363:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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67839e No.21020408

File: 027e6c86382604c⋯.mp3 (65.63 KB,2024_06_14T04_35_53.mp3)


Ariel is disappointed.

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2dd10d No.21020409

File: 1137cf8b20e0241⋯.png (419.54 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


A.I. is still retarded.

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67839e No.21020410

File: f68677c17540e72⋯.mp3 (86.81 KB,2024_06_14T04_38_39.mp3)


Tasty food.

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222bda No.21020411



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ed5c5c No.21020412

File: de644c71c680968⋯.png (121.06 KB,654x837,218:279,ClipboardImage.png)


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67839e No.21020413

File: 65cb7d82c8a99d2⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB,2024_06_14T04_39_52.mp3)


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b7a461 No.21020414

File: 96389cb4e402129⋯.png (7.87 KB,190x265,38:53,ClipboardImage.png)


>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

>>>>>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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b7a461 No.21020415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

>>>>>>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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c61a1b No.21020416


#25776 >>21019598

>>21019633, >>21019655 Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnanimous Trump Visits

>>21019681 Sky event cancelled.

>>21019759 EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT aircraft carrying the First Family

>>21019660 Archived - UK election debate with anon notes

>>21019692 DJT short press conference in D.C. transcript

>>21019707, >>21019766 The red folder showed up at a previous birthday

>>21019723 @NASA “When disasters strike, NASA is here to help — at home and around the world.”

>>21019747 Old Potato MP4: "I would say if I were a jew i'd be a zionist … I am a zionist, you don't have to be a jew to be zionist"

>>21019749 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

>>21019800 DJT one on one interview with RealAmericasVoice

>>21019824 Mom and 4-year-old daughter killed, 6-year-old rescued after horror ‘human trafficking’ kidnapping: cops

>>21019830 PF reports Jill Biden returning to the Bay Area fundraising well at Los Gatos event

>>21020023, >>21020073, >>21020114 Potato and Zelensky have signed a 10-year security agreement, under which Washington pledged to continue backing Kiev in its conflict with Moscow

>>21020079 ELON MUSK ON DONALD TRUMP: “He does call me out of the blue for no reason… he's very nice when he calls…. I think a lot of his friends now have Teslas — He's a huge fan of the Cybertruck.”

>>21020089 Potato Protects More than 860K Migrants from Deportation with ‘Temporary’ Amnesty (as of March 31st)

>>21020127, >>21020166, >>21020201 PlaneFaggin’: One of VP’s NoKo ACs back at Moscow, USAF tanker over E. Poland, BLKCAT6 drone into Black Sea

>>21020240 San Diego - Former University City High School Teacher Pleads Guilty to Attempted Enticement of a Minor

>>21020347 Hawley Brutally Confronts Tracy Stone-Manning: 'You Lied To This Committee—Why?!



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70893c No.21020417

File: 58577f8786d93b1⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,182x277,182:277,images_227_.jpg)

File: 130c4587f9a7f8f⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,259x194,259:194,images_228_.jpg)

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93f046 No.21020418

File: 981be029d5d8351⋯.png (1.32 MB,820x1171,820:1171,ClipboardImage.png)


watch the movie captain fantastic.

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67839e No.21020419

File: a2d450d7c6b9143⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB,2024_06_14T04_41_06.mp3)


Hello shills!

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b7a461 No.21020420

File: ae05fc5093caae5⋯.png (6.92 KB,290x174,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

frenchy greek manboy stuff rear pluggin #tesla #drumpflarp

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265aa7 No.21020424

File: d9fc2f911a34a69⋯.png (18.97 KB,637x212,637:212,ClipboardImage.png)

1000 times more…..

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93f046 No.21020425

File: 854bd7cc264a0c4⋯.png (1.37 MB,860x1219,860:1219,ClipboardImage.png)



Ben Cash, his wife Leslie, and their six children live an isolated existence on ten acres in the mountainous Washington wilderness. They are former left-wing anarchist activists disillusioned by capitalism and American life, who choose to instill survivalist skills and left-wing politics and philosophy in their children.

They educate them to think critically, and train them to be physically fit, athletic, and self-reliant without dependence on modern technology. They are raised to coexist with nature, are given unique names, and celebrate Noam Chomsky's birthday instead of Christmas. The children are accustomed to reading many forms of college-level literature, and, while showing high aptitude and intelligence beyond their years, they are socially awkward as they have not been socialized with the outside world.

Ben has been raising the children on his own while Leslie is hospitalized in New Mexico for bipolar disorder, away from her family and near her wealthy elitist parents. She dies by suicide while undergoing treatment and Ben learns that her father Jack plans to hold a Christian burial despite Leslie being a philosophical Buddhist who abhorred religion. Ben tries to persuade Jack to honor Leslie's wish to be cremated, to no avail, and Jack threatens to have Ben arrested if he attends the funeral. Ben initially decides not to go and prevents his children from doing so, but then changes his mind, driving his children across the country on a repurposed school bus.

The family briefly stays at the home of Ben's sister, Harper. She and her husband try to convince Ben that the children should attend school to receive a conventional education; Ben quizzes Harper's children and his children on various topics, illustrating that his children are better educated and embarrassing Harper and her husband.

Later on their road trip, some of Ben's children start to doubt him and his parenting skills, with his second eldest son and middle child Rellian accusing him of failing to treat Leslie's mental health, and eldest son Bodevan accusing him of not equipping them for the real world, showing him acceptance letters from several top Ivy League colleges to which Leslie had helped him apply.

Ben arrives at Leslie's funeral with their children and reads her will, which instructs her family to cremate her and flush her ashes down a toilet. In response, Jack has Ben forcibly removed from the church. Angered by Jack's refusal to respect Leslie's wishes, Ben follows the funeral procession to the cemetery, planning to intervene, despite a police presence and Jack's threat to have him arrested. Ben relents at his children's insistence that they cannot lose both of their parents.

Rellian runs away to live with his grandparents, who want custody of all the children. When one of Ben's older twin daughters Vespyr tries to clandestinely exfiltrate Rellian from their grandparents on Ben's orders, she falls from the roof and narrowly avoids breaking her neck. Ben, shocked and guilty, allows Jack to take his children. Although the children bond with their grandparents, they quietly decide to follow Ben and reunite with him.

The children desire to honor Leslie's final wishes, and persuade Ben to help them. Exhuming her corpse, they burn it on a funeral pyre then flush her ashes down an airport toilet. Bodevan then leaves the family to travel through Namibia, while the rest settle into a more "real world" life on a farm. The final scene shows the school-age children eating breakfast around the kitchen table with their father, waiting for the school bus to arrive.

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67839e No.21020426

File: 443b44dda1a7e2c⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB,2024_06_14T04_42_57.mp3)


Reported for spam and name calling.


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d4c1d1 No.21020427


It won't take a constitutional amendment. It will just take a supreme court willing to concede that the 16A was never "properly ratified". Or it will take a majority of Americans to depose all the nimrods and fix it ourselves.

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265aa7 No.21020428

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67839e No.21020429

File: ba90bafcd545d48⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB,2024_06_14T04_45_01.mp3)

Snow white is upon us. Tread carefully Anons. The redditors won't rest.

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c61a1b No.21020430

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3e2d0e No.21020432

File: 9276f2b58268193⋯.png (247.21 KB,474x243,158:81,IMG_1276.png)

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0cde5f No.21020434

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,9f99cbee4f70f0bed68309ed0c….jpg)

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93f046 No.21020436

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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93f046 No.21020443

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


one last one for administrative violience.





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d4c1d1 No.21020445

File: 1680e66b1fd1f83⋯.png (536.64 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed5c5c No.21020447

Is Liz Crokin hot, or just a shade shy of hotness?

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93f046 No.21020460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh shit.

sorry anon.

just find the channel redonkulas

watch his content on youtube, rumble and you will get a idea.

he is a vet who had his children taken from him and would be happy to help you if you can find his email below his videos and explain your situation.

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57e253 No.21020467


The courts are run by Gangsters

EVERONE should be wathing this.

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76a4d4 No.21020472



They are committed elsewhere.

The ones who are coming, are savage, beyond compare.

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c61a1b No.21020473

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76a4d4 No.21020476


If you find it hard to love your own children, there is not much that can be done for you.

You are of course, a paid shill, so fuck off.

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76a4d4 No.21020480



They were both druid families,

Who financed Hitler?

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76a4d4 No.21020483



Everything after the ? is a tracker.

Copy the URL up to the ?, but not including it, and see what happens.

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842df6 No.21020487


The red folder trolling is priceless.

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0cde5f No.21020490

File: 11fa21e8006e16d⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,854x640,427:320,11fa21e8006e16db8ae7de880a….mp4)

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842df6 No.21020493


Trump is goating them into another raid for that folder.

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3822d8 No.21020497


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0cde5f No.21020501

File: 3717f0e0bfc78da⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,640x360,16:9,3717f0e0bfc78da16e4c464711….mp4)

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01fd04 No.21020505


lol. please, these people cannot exist. nice lol be4 bed

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c61a1b No.21020507

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