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abe4f6 No.21017909 [Last50 Posts]

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abe4f6 No.21017910

International Q Research Threads

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy


#25773 >>21017486

>>21017530 Brief presser from Pres. Trump

>>21017725, >>21017739 Pres. Trump Truth on presser

>>21017681 , >>21017689 Trump Visits Capitol Hill: Other Countries Are "Using Us As A Bad Example Of Democracy"

>>21017512 President Trump: We’re going to bring it back FAST

>>21017513 President Trump: There's tremendous unity in the republican party. We want to see borders. We want to see strong military. We want to see money not wasted all over the world. We don't want to see Russian ships right off the coast of Florida, which is what they are right now. That's unthinkable. We want to see, just success for our country, and we don't have success right now.

>>21017532 President Trump: They're getting away with murder, and we're not gonna let it happen.


>>21017522 Vincent Everett Ellison Exposes the Lies Sold to Black America: MLK, Hip Hop

>>21017539 Hearing on the Manhattan District Attorneys Office

>>21017570 GAMESTOP DDOS

>>21017577 The fast-attack submarine USS Helena is in Guantanamo Bay

>>21017580 Breaking down findings of Minnesota Department of Education audit over Feeding our Future fraud

>>21017597, >>21017595 U.S. Sanctions LNG Carriers and Chinese Yard to Disrupt Russian Energy Projects

>>21017631 DC hearings/events

>>21017647 California Sees 90,000 People Lose Their Jobs in Two Weeks

>>21017657 Solugen Receives $213.6M Conditional Commitment for a Biobased Production Facility in Minnesota

>>21017690 2024 Presidential Election forecast by The Economist: Trump has a 65% chance of winning

>>21017734 Biden-Harris Administration Approves Illinois, Oregon, and Puerto Rico’s “Internet for All” Initial Proposal

>>21017742 Entire Health Portal and Networks were down and still have not come back online

>>21017759 Judge says Biden's ban of 'gun show loophole' invalid in 4 states

>>21017824 Joe Rogan says Biden Doesn't Exist' Joe Rogan Claims 'Mysterious Cabal of Humans' Running the Country

>>21017836 Former Rep. Anthony Weiner on various political scandals — including his own

>>21017839 ‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ explosion expected to happen over summer, NASA says

>>21017850 The Supreme Court unanimously preserved access to a medication that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the U.S.

>>21017857, >>21017669 NOTABLE DDOS QDELTA

>>21017899 b#25773

#25772 >>21016644

>>21016817, >>21016957, >>21016997, >>21017060, >>21017112, >>21017167, >>21017241 PlaneFaggin :Europe/Gulf

>>21016667 "15 minutes with Dr.Makis" - Episode 019: FENBENDAZOLE and CANCER

>>21016683, >>21016695, >>21016716, >>21016792, >>21016954, >>21017097, >>21017186, >>21017236, >>21017255, >>21017276, >>21017292, >>21017324, >>21017352 Manhattan DA hearing

>>21016696 @AFGlobalStrike Friends + Firepower 🇺🇸🇰🇷

>>21016697, >>21016730, >>21016861 10:53 AM EDT House GOP Leaders Speak After Meeting with Former President Trump

>>21016706, >>21016711, >>21016724, >>21016738, >>21016839, >>21017050, >>21017195, >>21017282, >>21017385 Swamp Things

>>21016710 @iimefmarines U.S. Marines with HMLA 167 perform a terrain-familiarization flight during Distributed Aviation Operations Exercise

>>21016726 @usairforce Teamwork, makes the dream work!


>>21016826 A hotshot attorney just donated half a million to President Trump as a protest move against his sham conviction… Hugh Franklin Culverhouse, Jr

>>21016832 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>21016866 Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims Increase to 242,000

>>21016873 Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman declines invitation to G7 Summit.

>>21016876 Alaska's rivers are turning bright orange and as acidic as vinegar as toxic metal escapes from melting permafrost

>>21016879 Mass AIS Spoofing Event "Moves" Dozens of Ships to Crimean Airport

>>21016889 @USCG Capture the flag!

>>21016949 Secrets of radioactive 'promethium' — a rare earth element with mysterious applications — uncovered after 80-year search

>>21016964, >>21016978 Mr. Biden [Partner for Global Infrastructure and Investment Event]

>>21016973 Russia formally charges WSJ journalist with spying for CIA

>>21017025 @USCGLANTAREA A weapon system fires from the @USCG


>>21017046 Congressional letter asks NASA to rescind Chandra cuts

>>21017052, >>21017118 Puerto Rico’s Election Commission Reviews Dominion’s Contract For Nov. Election After Hundreds of Discrepancies Reported

>>21017113 Thales, Spire and ESSP to develop air traffic surveillance constellation

>>21017126 #OTD in 1984, the Leander-class frigate HMS Jupiter became wedged under London Bridge

>>21017148, >>21016993, >>21017136 *Gary Brucato

>>21017168, >>21016838, >>21017314 Garland this week called for “attacks” against the Justice Department to stop

>>21017204 RSBN LIVE: President Trump Gives Remarks to the Press in D.C. 1:30p EST

>>21017215, >>21017220, >>21017336, >>21017340 Energy czar makes UFO admission during GOP lawmaker's fiery exchange

>>21017257 Steve Bannon: "We're Going To Take Power, And Then There's Gonna Be A Season Of Accountability"

>>21017258, >>21017286, >>21017259 SABO Los Angeles Street art today

>>21017332 Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Senate Republicans on Thursday announced a hold policy on numerous President Joe Biden nominees…

>>21017349 @USAFReserve 302 Airlift Wing members headed to Fort Carson, CO for #IvyMass24 to conduct training

>>21017401 New Paradigm Institute Launches Social Media Campaign To Call On CNN To Include UFO/UAP Question In Presidential Debate

>>21017446, >>21017452 Todays Deltas

>>21017448 U.S. Sanctions LNG Carriers and Chinese Yard to Disrupt Russian Energy Projects

>>21017461 X TRENDSInflation

>>21017476 #25772

#25771 >>21015288

>>21015311, >>21015915 Hillary Clinton stuns Democrats by endorsing George Latimer for Jamaal Bowman's congressional seat

>>21015330 for newfags who don't know what Proto is:

>>21015391 Stephen Moore: “If it’s about the ECONOMY, Trump is going to win in a landslide—I guarantee it!”

>>21015429 Contract Driver Jesse Morgan Vindicated – Report CONFIRMS He Hauled Trailer of Ballots

>>21015431 Tesco's profits hit £2.3 billion & their chief executive’s salary hit £10 million. Meanwhile, 49% British fruit & vegetable farmers say it's likely they will go out of business in the next 12 months

>>21015434 Opinion piece Mike Benz: Once you understand that Hunter Biden was a CIA intelligence asset, everything makes sense…

>>21015437 If You Live In America Listen To This: American Nurse For 15 Years Is Whistleblowing On New Policy In Urgent Cares

>>21015441 Radicals Plot to ‘Shut Down DC’ When Netanyahu Addresses Congress

>>21015445 Nathan Wade says he believes Trump can be put on trial in Georgia, even if he wins a second term and is in the White House.

>>21015446 Trump to Meet With Mitch McConnell for the First Time In Four Years

>>21015457 Everything woke turns to shit Featuring Disney

>>21015466 A Michigan judge just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State's election manual issued to local election officials is unconstitutional & against state law.


>>21015698 It seems that illegal #migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens.

>>21015736 Delta

>>21015765 UN: some aspects of the Biden executive order may violate refugee protection required in international law./fuck the UN btw

>>21015415, >>21015420, >>21015425, One anchor fired, other one still has job.

>>21015421 Q comms? R's 31 D's11

>>21015986 Feds step in to prosecute Chicago gangsters accused of random murder of National Guardsman, 19, after Soros-backed DA Kim Foxx didn't bother

>>21016011, >>21016553 Hearing on the Manhattan District Attorney's Office at 10 AM EST, runnin late

>>21016132 Trump's bid to steal the youth KEK

>>21016205, >>21016207, >>21016213, >>21016219 10:00 AM EDT National Archives and Records Administration's Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and other Swamp Talk

>>21016210 NIH Was Feeding Gain-Of-Function Disinfo To Journalists

>>21016273 Mike Benz: Once you understand that Hunter Biden was a CIA intelligence asset, everything makes sense…

>>21016288 Campaign 2024: Former President Trump Speaks to Reporters on Capitol Hill

>>21016310, >>21016412 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Messier 66 Close Up

>>21016311 "Hunter Biden owns 10% of a company called ePlata which is a micro financing loan company for illegals"

>>21016349 NASA Welcomes Armenia as 43rd Artemis Accords Signatory

>>21016384 War Room With Steve Bannon

>>21016396 Steve Gruber Show Exclusive Interview With President Trump


>>21016624 We have caught Representative Roger Williams violating the STOCK Act

>>21016633 #25771


>>21014702 I can answer the questions Trump can’t. And you won’t catch me ranting on Truth Social at 3 o’clock in the morning.

>>21014741 Fiji’s New Patrol Boat Evacuated After Grounding on First Patrol

>>21014758 GOP Rep. Troy Nehls his military service award (Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB)) was allegedly revoked last year.

>>21014760 Space Mysteries!! NASA now claims all the information from the ISS live feed was just a ‘training simulation,’ and that reports of a medical emergency were not correct!!

>>21014762 Governor Moore Announces the Full Reopening of the Port of Baltimore

>>21014772 Federal Reserve holds interest rates at two-decade high as it waits for inflation to cool

>>21014778 Hunter Biden lands in California a felon

>>21014781 Biden, Zelensky to sign 10-year U.S.-Ukraine security deal at G-7 summit

>>21014803 Governor DeSantis declares state of emergency in parts of Florida amid severe flooding

>>21014825 US Navy to send $27 million to Tustin after disastrous hangar fire

>>21014841 The price of uranium is up 233%.

>>21014851 Mobile Security Alert: NSA Recommends Weekly Smartphone Reboots For the Keks!

>>21014953 G7 summit opens with deal to use Russian assets for Ukraine

>>21014995 Myanmar border militia emerges as nexus in regional scam network

>>21015000 Biden Campaign Allegedly Exploring Crypto Donations Through Coinbase Commerce

>>21015034 Lawmakers advance DHS bills to cutting major Chinese battery manufacturers out of the Department of Homeland Security’s supply chain

>>21015107 White House 'Equity' Requirements Holding Back EV Charging Station Construction, Internal Docs Show

>>21015262 The Georgia Supreme Court has ruled against Fani Willis and the corrupt judge in the Young Thug trial where Attorney Brian Steel discovered a plot by Willis and the judge to intimidate witnesses

>>21016690 #25770 posted in 72

Previously Collected

>>21014633 #25769

>>21012779 #25767B, >>21012777 #25767A, >>21013540 #25768

>>21009326 #25764, >>21011184 #25765, >>21011999 #25766

>>21006941 #25761, >>21007695 #25762, >>21008521 #25763

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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abe4f6 No.21017911

File: 48d66277fd059d3⋯.png (187.62 KB,1094x534,547:267,2024_06_13_12_15_23.png)



See GLOBALS for more on how to get and activate a Proto Pass.

Bakers can apply for one by writing BO at F4AL@protonmail.com.

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b14155 No.21017913

File: 35016e348b0b17b⋯.mp4 (14.5 MB,562x314,281:157,189df22f85b3a8a9355b0fa4c2….mp4)



WATCH: Attorney General Bailey reads out all the errors of the Trump Persecution Manhattan Trial



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b14155 No.21017914



1 - buy Proto membership: https://shop.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/

2 - Enter your email address: https://sys.8kun.top/membership.php

3 - Set Proto credentials: https://8kun.top/proto-memberaccess.html

Regular bakers can get a Proto pass by contacting BO @F4AL@protonmail.com

It's STEP 3 that is needed for verifying a baker proto pass.




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b12944 No.21017915

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b12944 No.21017916


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79b9ff No.21017918


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f786ff No.21017919

NIH Was Feeding Gain-Of-Function Disinfo To Journalists: Documents

House investigators on the Energy and Commerce Committee released a 73-page report yesterday documenting NIH officials lying about dangerous gain-of-function virus research to reporters and withholding information from Congress. These latest revelations follow reporting last week that Tony Fauci lied to the New York Times about his involvement in a Nature Medicine piece that advanced the theory that the pandemic could not have started in a lab Fauci himself was funding in Wuhan, China.

The House began the investigation following a September 2022 article in Science Magazine that reported on the dangers of monkeypox virus, spreading across the globe with the potential to adapt to humans and become more transmissible or deadly. Bernard Moss, a veteran poxvirus researcher at the NIH’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), told Science Magazine that monkeypox evolves to replicate faster in humans.

Science noted that Moss had begun gain-of-function experiments—swapping out genes from various variants—to understand why some are more dangerous or transmissible than others.

Moss has been trying for years to figure out the crucial difference between two variants of monkeypox virus: clade 2, which until recently was found only in West Africa and is now causing the global outbreak, and clade 1, believed to be much deadlier, which has caused outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of Congo for many decades. He’s found that clade 1 virus can kill a mouse at levels 1000 times lower than those needed with clade 2. To find out why, Moss and his colleagues swapped dozens of clade 2 genes, one at a time, into clade 1 virus, hoping to see it become less deadly, but with no luck so far. Now, they are planning to try the opposite, endowing clade 2 virus with genes from its deadlier relative.

Moss’s disclosure that he planned to insert genes from the more deadly clade 1 monkeypox strain into the more common and transmissible clade 2 monkeypox virus triggered a second story in Science Magazine with scientists expressing alarm at the study’s dangers.

On the other hand, Ohio State University researcher Linda Saif told Science Magazine’s Jocelyn Kaiser that she was worried that excessive regulation could “greatly impede research into evolving or emerging viruses” and drive research overseas, where U.S. regulations don’t apply or are looser. Oddly enough, I previously reported that Saif helped orchestrate a February 2020 essay ghostwritten by Shi Zhengli of the Wuhan Institute of Virology that called the possibility of a Wuhan lab accident a “conspiracy.”

Based on a statement from Moss’s NIAID, Science Magazine’s Kaiser later updated her article to claim that Moss’s research would only involve clade 2a, not clade 2b monkeypox virus.


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bcd361 No.21017920

File: f19e5385948add2⋯.png (386.48 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d28d8 No.21017921

File: 8cc4d9b247da93c⋯.jpg (76.22 KB,888x470,444:235,yauhksdjlasdf.jpg)

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651e28 No.21017924

test 97

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8d28d8 No.21017925

Biden and Zelenskyy just signed a new 'security agreement' between the United States and Ukraine.

Zelenskyy: Thanks to every American heart that does not betray freedom, and supports us.

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7320da No.21017927


Thank you QR Bunker Anon!

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f786ff No.21017928

Bidens Ghostwriter Admits Deleting Evidence BECAUSE of Special Counsel Investigation.

Joe Biden‘s ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer, admitted early last year to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) that he deleted numerous audio records of interviews with the 81-year-old Democrat incumbent in part because of the special counsel investigation. At the time, Department of Justice special counsel Robert Hur was investigating whether Biden had mishandled and illegally retained classified documents after leaving the vice presidency. It is alleged some of these classified documents were shared, in a breach of national security, with Zwonitzer.

According to the transcript of Zwonitzer’s interview with the FBI, the investigating agents asked him if ” the fact that a special counsel had been appointed and you had all these recordings was in your mind when you slid these documents over into the trash…” Zwonitzer, who acknowledged deleting several years’ worth of audio records of interviews with Biden, at first tried to deflect—merely stating he “was aware of the special counsel investigation when that happened.”

“The outside observer is going to look at this and say ‘Mark Zwonitzer, President Biden‘s friend, ghostwriter, collaborator learned of the special counsel’s investigation, saw this happening and then deleted all these audio recordings,'” the agent told Zwonitzer before pressing him again on the circumstances of the audio file deletions: “I just need the truth on this one, but there’s some truth in that, that was what was going on. That was part of your motivation, at least something you were aware of when you did this?”Zwonitzer tacitly acknowledged the investigation did influence his actions to some degree, though he refused to say to what extent. “I’m not going to say how much of the percentage it was of my motivation,” the Biden ghostwriter said. Special counsel Robert Hur considered but ultimately declined to charge Zwonitzer with obstruction of justice.


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79b9ff No.21017929

File: dce2692b7177eee⋯.jpeg (528.33 KB,800x792,100:99,8940E09A_91D9_4D1D_A2D1_A….jpeg)

Thank you proto

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f6e3b9 No.21017932

File: 0fee04fc4a81b6b⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,0fee04fc4a81b6b5ae5a320411….mp4)

File: 0bc1c9f032b4b40⋯.mp4 (1.79 MB,360x360,1:1,0bc1c9f032b4b403d989349702….mp4)

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63092d No.21017933

File: ee31d800c9c4932⋯.jpg (99.38 KB,519x960,173:320,ee31d800c9c4932cec39aadef4….jpg)


Shitpost test #001

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bcd361 No.21017935

File: f737788cbbfa35c⋯.png (176.83 KB,1566x1054,783:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21017936

Former SpaceX Employees Sue Elon Musk for Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

Bloomberg reports that the eight former SpaceX employees who filed the lawsuit allege that Musk “knowingly and purposefully created an unwelcome hostile work environment” through his conduct. The plaintiffs claim that Musk shared inappropriate sexual content in the workplace, including “vile sexual photographs, memes, and commentary that demeaned women and/or the LGBTQ+ community.”


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5edb51 No.21017937

File: ad06cd7168be85d⋯.png (63.08 KB,1320x860,66:43,ClipboardImage.png)

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373bbc No.21017938

File: 6be1e5f05e33516⋯.png (564.34 KB,749x750,749:750,ClipboardImage.png)

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b61580 No.21017940

reminder: Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner are still legally married

>>21017836 lb


divorce is "all but finalized"…? that was in 2021 and they never came out to say it's finalized

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373bbc No.21017941

File: 2d2583bf7eeb520⋯.png (358.96 KB,1079x1028,1079:1028,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21017943

Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children

A leading data analyst has raised the alarm after uncovering evidence exposing a major cover-up of mass deaths of children who received Covid mRNA shots.

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) analyst Albert Benavides has blown the whistle after realizing that U.S. government data massively underreports the number of children who died from the injections.

VAERS is the national vaccine safety monitoring system that accepts reports of adverse events after vaccination.

The system is controlled by Democrat President Joe Biden’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

VAERS allows doctors, nurses, healthcare providers, health officials, and vaccine manufacturers to report adverse events that occur following vaccination.


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373bbc No.21017944

File: f780e6dc4e1e4b3⋯.png (313.12 KB,732x874,366:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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bcd361 No.21017950

File: eb119cf6f40729f⋯.png (428.71 KB,526x525,526:525,ClipboardImage.png)

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373bbc No.21017951

File: f6fba4d0a1aebcb⋯.png (415.93 KB,640x536,80:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ae3c5e8ee98d42⋯.jpg (82.32 KB,636x565,636:565,climate.jpg)

File: 60afd3a55aaac8b⋯.png (122.74 KB,680x647,680:647,climate6.png)

File: c1d11241d0cd1ca⋯.png (799.95 KB,680x607,680:607,climate8.png)

File: 38cabff346b60b8⋯.png (178.06 KB,1170x1163,1170:1163,climate9.png)

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f786ff No.21017954

File: d63b94ff3a59fa7⋯.png (270.3 KB,398x541,398:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3af62992e8d54a⋯.png (93.95 KB,754x590,377:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a6c9cb6cf8427c⋯.png (86.45 KB,725x570,145:114,ClipboardImage.png)

New Report Exposes The Billionaire Funders Of Corporate Media Climate Fearmongering

A recently published report details the ways in which the billionaire backers of mainstream media fund sensationalist reporting of climate alarmism pushing the net zero agenda.

A massive global grooming programme aimed at mostly mainstream media involving climate catastrophism and Net Zero promotion is detailed in a recently published report from the green billionaire-funded Internews’s Earth Journalism Network (EJN). The work is a shocking insight into the corruption of independent, investigative journalism. At one point the report observes “a concerning trend among journalists in some countries still seeking to ‘balance’ their climate change reporting”. The report shows clearly that the green billionaires are calling most of the shots in promoting stories of Net Zero-inspired climate collapse. It is noted that they may fund journalists “to cover stories in a particular subject area, determined by funder interests and goals”.

Over the last 20 years the tax-efficient billionaire foundations have stepped into the funding gaps left by declining circulation and advertising sales across mainstream media. It is noted by the EJN that journalists “overwhelmingly agreed” that support from external funding organisations was “essential” to enabling their climate and environmental reporting. Any journalist can apply to be a member of the EJN and the “primary benefit” is said to be access to grant funding for stories and “training opportunities”. The operation claims over 25,000 members in 200 countries.


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f786ff No.21017955

Saudi Crown Prince to skip G7 summit

Mohammed bin Salman will miss the event because of Hajj season commitments, according to local media

A statement from the Saudi government on Wednesday said the Crown Prince had sent an apology to Meloni and declined an invitation to attend the gathering scheduled for June 13 in Puglia due to “commitments related to supervising pilgrimage.” Hajj is set to begin on June 14, drawing around 1.5 million visitors, who will make the pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia’s Mecca.

The Prince noted the strength of the relationship between the two countries and wished the Italian authorities success in hosting the summit.


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7320da No.21017958

So the world leaders at the G7 summit just pretending that Joe Biden is not a complete fucking retard for wandering off and standing with his arms bent like a robot?

They are all ACTORS, and what makes a really good movie?

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b744af No.21017960

File: d3281a3b1f90cdf⋯.png (454.2 KB,655x868,655:868,MO_AB.png)

File: e4f46f024224ae5⋯.mp4 (6.68 MB,450x360,5:4,Missouri_AG_Andrew_Bailey_….mp4)

🔥 Missouri AG Andrew Bailey Calls Out the Lawfare Biden is Waging Against Trump w/ the Help of George Soros

"The left has prioritized its hatred of President Trump above the rule of law. To put it plainly, the left hates President Trump more than they love this country…This prosecution was politically motivated and is replete with legal error."



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f786ff No.21017961

File: 6b33f82551ef171⋯.png (218.93 KB,516x323,516:323,ClipboardImage.png)

Russia formally charges WSJ journalist with spying for CIA

Evan Gershkovich is accused of collecting intelligence about the Russian military industry

Russia’s prosecutor general has accused Wall Street Journal journalist Evan Gershkovich of attempting to obtain military secrets for the CIA, it was announced on Thursday.

Investigators claimed in a statement that they have evidence proving the US citizen was acting on behalf of the foreign intelligence agency when he tried to collect classified information about Uralvagonzavod, a major Russian producer of tanks and armored vehicles, in Ekaterinburg in March 2023.

The case, which was compiled based on materials provided by the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), has been sent for trial at a court in the Urals region of Sverdlovsk, it added.

The court has jurisdiction as Uralvagonzavod is located in the region and the alleged crimes were committed on its soil.


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8d28d8 No.21017962

Reporter: Was your son able to get a fair trial? Do you believe the Justice Department operated independently of politics?

Mr. Biden: I'm extremely proud of my son Hunter. He has overcome an addiction. He is one of the brightest, most decent men I know. I am satisfied that I'm not going to do anything. I said I'd abide by the jury decision. I will do that and not pardon him.

[planted question for narrative that both Hunter and President Trump got fair trials]

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ebd456 No.21017963


This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.

Solomon created capitalism, the first beast system by demanding talents of gold in place of offerings

The second beast pays homage to the first by repeating Solomon's actions and changing the system.

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8d28d8 No.21017964

Mr. Biden: We let it be known to those countries that are expecting from us air defense systems in the future, that they're going to have to wait. Everything we have is going to go to Ukraine until their needs are met, and then we will make good on the commitments we made to other countries.

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1a0448 No.21017967

File: 24435445ef5f370⋯.gif (69.08 KB,555x400,111:80,scared_pepe_e1629423761356.gif)

Is it safe to come out of the bunker now?

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689a2b No.21017968

Admins think it's better to shit the board down completely rather than deal with the spam?

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e00315 No.21017969

File: 41792522a6e485d⋯.jpeg (79.57 KB,750x500,3:2,5xceOXc6.jpeg)

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00ce54 No.21017972

File: d58aad5bea16529⋯.png (231.17 KB,525x436,525:436,Capture.PNG)

Tyson Foods CEO Suspended 'Immediately' After DWI, Second Alcohol Related Arrest In Two Years


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7320da No.21017974


They know Q is gonna spank them so hard when they return…

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b61580 No.21017977

File: 65a30c3b32939cb⋯.png (279.26 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING NEWS: Biden insists he will not pardon Hunter OR commute his sentence for gun crimes: President calls recovering crack addict son 'one of the most decent men I know' and promises to stand by jury's decision


President Joe Biden said he would not commute his son Hunter Biden after he is sentenced for his three felony convictions tied to a 2018 gun purchase.

Biden also repeated his vow not to pardon his son in his first public comments on Hunter since last week's conviction. He also said he was satisfied his son got a fair trial and reiterated his support for him.

I'm extremely proud of my son Hunter. He has overcome an addiction. He's one of the brightest, most decent men I know. And I am satisfied that I'm not going to do anything. I said I would abide by the jury decision. I will do that. And I will not pardon him,' Biden said. The president made his remarks during a press conference with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the G7 meeting in Italy.

Two of Hunter's daughters, Finnegan and Maisy, sat in the audience as Biden answered questions. Peter Neal, the husband of Naomi Biden, was also in the audience.

Naomi Biden is on the trip but stayed behind closed doors amid speculation she is pregnant.

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373bbc No.21017980

File: 74bc3df90c20e92⋯.png (584.25 KB,863x741,863:741,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a438bdc5994124⋯.jpg (25.41 KB,547x193,547:193,cures2.JPG)

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8d28d8 No.21017982

Zelenskyy: The question has to be for how long the unity will last. The unity in the United States, together with the European leaders. How these elections will influence this unity. It seems to me that we should look on this exactly this way, to preserve unity. To preserve the integrity of the world. Integrity of the democratic world. Because if Ukraine does not withstand the democracy, many countries will not be able to withstand, and I am sure of that.

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c7d8e1 No.21017983

File: f2c7134150cfe97⋯.png (390.27 KB,1024x768,4:3,JUDICALREFORM1.png)

The Constitution (Bill of Rights) should be the Prime Directive in courts. If a judge plays fast and loose with the Prime Directive, then things should get serious and real in short order!

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f786ff No.21017986

File: 96436d1798d24b1⋯.png (658.34 KB,800x420,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81c5069026365a5⋯.png (33.09 KB,808x307,808:307,ClipboardImage.png)

Kevin Spacey Admits Bill Clinton Traveled with ‘Young Girls’ on Jeffrey Epstein’s Private Jet

Disgraced actor Kevin Spacey has admitted during a new interview that he and former President Bill Clinton were surrounded by “young girls” when they traveled with Jeffrey Epstein on his private jet.

During a new interview with “Piers Morgan Uncensored,” Spacey sought to shut down reports that he abused Epstein’s underage child sex trafficking victims.

The former Hollywood star played ignorant about Epstein’s crimes and even claimed he couldn’t remember whether he visited his private Caribbean island, also known as “Pedophile Island.”

Spacey started by insisting that he didn’t know who Epstein was when he and Clinton flew on the pedophile’s “Lolita Express” plane.

Many of Epstein’s victims have said that the jet, which was fitted out with beds, was where much of the abuse took place.

However, Spacey’s story quickly unraveled when he tried to claim less than two minutes later that he was “worried” that Epstein was putting Clinton “at risk.”

Spacey also tried to argue that he only flew on Epstein’s jet because he was an invited guest of the Clinton Foundation.

When asked why he flew with Epstein on his jet for multiple flights, Spacey said he’d been invited by Bill and Hillary Clinton to join a humanitarian aid trip to South Africa.

The Clinton Foundation trip was raising awareness of AIDS and HIV, he explained.

“In 2015, I started seeing reports online, things on my Twitter account that I had flown to this guy Jeffrey Epstein’s island and I had abused young girls,” Spacey recounted.

He continued by claiming that he didn’t know who Epstein was at the time.

“Well, of course, I have since learned who he is,” he said.

“And I have since been able to go back and find out that the airplane that we flew on for this humanitarian mission was owned by Jeffrey Epstein and to then learn, ‘Oh, he was actually on some of those flights.’”

He continued by adding that Epstein’s convicted sex trafficking accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell was also there.

“I didn’t know him,” the Academy Award-winning actor said of Epstein.

“I’ve never spent any time with him.

“I was with the Clinton Foundation people. That’s who I was with.”


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1a0448 No.21017989


GREAT actors.

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9fda97 No.21017990

File: 30a6bf475ed7388⋯.png (325.2 KB,556x320,139:80,ClipboardImage.png)


>New Report Exposes The Billionaire Funders Of Corporate Media Climate Fearmongering

baker notable

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f786ff No.21017992

File: 4d2e57bbcb420e8⋯.png (30.01 KB,797x264,797:264,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Rolls Out Digital ID as Online Age-Verification Laws Passed

New York has just rolled out its official digital ID, allowing all residents in the state to convert their traditional driver’s licenses or non-driver documents into the new app-based formats.

As of this week, New Yorkers can now download the New Longyear Mobile ID app from both the Apple App Store and Google Play.

This digital version allows users to verify their identity online and at airports and other physical locations requiring ID.

To set up their digital identity, users must initially scan both sides of their existing physical ID card using their smartphone.

The introduction of the state’s new digital ID comes shortly after New York just passed its new online age-verification laws.

Lawmakers in New York have passed the Stop Addictive Feeds Exploitation (SAFE) for Kids Act and the Child Data Protection Act.

Assembly Bill A8148A and Senate Bill S7694A (that became the SAFE Act) were introduced as aiming to prevent social platforms from showing minors “addictive” (i.e., algorithmically manipulated) feeds, among a host of other provisions.

Parental consent is now required for children to have access to the latter versions of the feeds.

Conveniently, this means that the controversial age verification for adults must be introduced into the mix.


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794fb9 No.21017993


property tax is a biggr issue than income tax

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373bbc No.21017994

File: 199a9e82d348f78⋯.png (992.68 KB,1242x1071,138:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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c01a25 No.21017995

fuck you jim

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794fb9 No.21017996


i doubt the plan will allow me to shoot communists

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373bbc No.21017997

File: f1a607a8a8bc962⋯.png (412.59 KB,759x596,759:596,ClipboardImage.png)

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00ce54 No.21017998

File: 62cabaf35c5ab92⋯.png (15.18 KB,527x166,527:166,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: House Republicans say they are “100% unified behind former President Donald Trump after he met with them at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, DC.


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00ce54 No.21018000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Guam Earthquake M5.1, U.S. Military Drill. Volt Typhoon Hack

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5af2d5 No.21018001

File: a02ae81e1725acf⋯.jpeg (330.5 KB,809x754,809:754,IMG_2097.jpeg)

Christopher Steele is still a faggot.


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c01a25 No.21018002


follow your fool then.

you have no part in eternity.

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373bbc No.21018003

File: b13214b06e6ea15⋯.png (746.81 KB,706x960,353:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21018004

File: a6f0875d993cf04⋯.png (368.33 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Two hurt, fires rage after rocket and drone barrage launched at northern Israel

Hezbollah says attacks come as further response to killing of top officer; two more troops wounded in anti-tank missile attack

Hezbollah launched a barrage of rockets and a swarm of explosive-laden drones at northern Israel on Thursday, setting off sirens in numerous communities, sparking fires and injuring two people, as the terror group continued what it said was a response to the killing of a senior commander in an Israeli airstrike earlier in the week.

Another two soldiers were injured in a Hezbollah anti-tank guided missile attack in the Galilee Panhandle later on Thursday.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, some 40 rockets crossed the border from Lebanon in the major attack at around 2 p.m., setting off sirens near Safed in the Upper Galilee, and in the Golan Heights town of Katzrin.

The IDF said many of the rockets were shot down by air defenses, while others impacted several areas in northern Israel.

The rocket impacts and falling shrapnel following interceptions sparked at least 15 fires in the Galilee and Golan, mostly near Katzrin, the Fire and Rescue Service said.


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373bbc No.21018005

File: 2c1c8ce467edb22⋯.png (571.57 KB,682x679,682:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d311d No.21018007

CP late other bread Globalled, may want to lock that one.

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794fb9 No.21018008

File: 27a057bbf106c80⋯.png (848.64 KB,1285x672,1285:672,lizardinsidejob.PNG)

File: 0b100df4a7dd4ca⋯.png (910.42 KB,1279x671,1279:671,lizardinsidejob2.PNG)

File: a8532ad9248b807⋯.png (164.14 KB,1064x865,1064:865,lizardpeoplewiki.PNG)

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86c6a6 No.21018009

File: 05ad8a348af102f⋯.png (1.28 MB,750x1334,375:667,D2B24EAD_D0B1_4548_9346_33….png)

File: d661e58b56891bb⋯.png (21.14 KB,690x366,115:61,25D51769_F717_4153_A9D4_08….png)

File: a5b9635fde5a407⋯.jpeg (125.93 KB,1365x910,3:2,CF682CC5_CFE9_4F21_A0CB_8….jpeg)


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c7d8e1 No.21018010

File: 1a5643ec173ce16⋯.png (750.59 KB,1024x768,4:3,HUNTER15.png)

File: 1c7f39712b56e4c⋯.png (881.62 KB,1024x768,4:3,TRUTH3.png)

File: c7856723152e44b⋯.png (697.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEMWAR1.png)

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f786ff No.21018011

Wounded and Dead Ukrainian Soldiers Are Missing Organs

Ukrainian women are getting bodies of their dead sons and husbands without their organs. They were sold off on the black market. One woman said her son’s kidney is missing, and he’s alive.

We don’t know how many soldiers are involved, but it is happening.

Zelensky signed a bill allowing it but regulating it. However, Ukraine has a dangerous, free-wheeling black market.

Organ donations are a big business.

According to a spokeswoman, the authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have information on Ukrainian nationalists illegally harvesting biological materials from POWs, locals, and wounded Ukrainian soldiers. According to existing data, in the active combat zone, 20-30 people per day end up being operated on by the “organ harvesters,” many of whom travel to Artymosvsk from foreign countries specifically for this purpose.

That sounds demonic. Shouldn’t the US check this out?


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373bbc No.21018012

File: 936caa807da64b9⋯.png (291.95 KB,568x464,71:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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794fb9 No.21018013


>House Republicans say they are “100% unified

This is a setup…wait for it(like you have a choice)

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a3a55e No.21018014

File: e7950f8bced7e57⋯.jpg (68.98 KB,511x484,511:484,6jy167.jpg)

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f6baef No.21018015

File: e8a549c4fff485b⋯.png (490.65 KB,487x394,487:394,ClipboardImage.png)

never fear anons are here.

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f2dca7 No.21018016

File: 43de3f53700e148⋯.png (516.76 KB,490x514,245:257,stirthepotjdfoihoduihv.png)

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d7b6c1 No.21018017

File: d06b56b31998299⋯.jpeg (391.43 KB,1675x1483,1675:1483,IMG_3088.jpeg)

File: 474289bbba89d32⋯.jpeg (63.01 KB,439x649,439:649,IMG_3089.jpeg)

Kehinde Wiley, the artist who painted Barack Obama’s official presidential portrait, has responded to several men who have accused him of sexual assault.

In 2021, Ghanaian artist Joseph Awuah-Darko claimed Wiley sexually assaulted him twice.

On his Instagram, Awuah-Darko wrote, “On 9th June 2021 – I was sexually assaulted by @kehindewiley. It almost destroyed me.”

Activist Derrick Ingram has also come out and accused Wiley of rape.


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f786ff No.21018018

File: faf34f1469c86f6⋯.png (212.62 KB,789x483,263:161,ClipboardImage.png)

UN Report Details Israeli War Crimes During First Months of War on Gaza

The UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) provides a detailed analysis of the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7 and the Israeli assault on Gaza. The report finds both sides committed war crimes but concludes there is no evidence to support the claim that Hamas engaged in mass rape during its rampage in southern Israel. The COI found evidence of Israel intentionally killing civilians and Israeli forces engaged in acts of sexual torture.

The report’s analysis of the events on October 7 concluded Hamas intentionally targeted two dozen civilian targets, leading to hundreds of deaths. The COI found evidence that members of Hamas committed sexual assaults on Israelis, with some female bodies found undressed.

However, the report debunks the widespread claim that top Israeli and US officials have often repeated that Hamas engaged in mass rape during its attack. “The Commission has reviewed testimonies obtained by journalists and the Israeli police concerning rape but has not been able to independently verify such allegations,” the report says. “Additionally, the Commission found some specific allegations to be false, inaccurate or contradictory with other evidence or statements and discounted these from its assessment.”

While the assertion that Hamas engaged in mass rape on October 7 has been widely discussed in the US media, the Palestinian accusations that Israeli forces have systematically engaged in horrific sexual violence have gone largely unreported.

The COI found evidence to back the Palestinian claims that Israel is engaging in systemic sexual torture and humiliation. “Based on testimonies and verified video footage and photographs, the Commission finds that sexual violence has been perpetrated throughout the [Israeli enforced] evacuation processes.” The report continues, “Palestinians were made to watch members of their family and community strip in public and walk completely or partially undressed while subjected to sexual harassment.”

The Israeli forces inflicted sexual torture on males, according to the COI. “Males were repeatedly filmed and photographed by soldiers while subjected to forced public stripping and nudity, sexual torture and inhumane or cruel treatment,” the report found.

The COI concluded that the Israeli forces were authorized or allowed to engage in the sexual abuse. “The Commission concludes that forced public stripping and nudity and other types of abuse by Israeli military personnel were either ordered or condoned.” It adds, “These acts were intended to humiliate and degrade the victims and the Palestinian community at large by perpetuating gender stereotypes that create a sense of shame, subordination, emasculation and inferiority.”

Additionally, the Commission found evidence that Israeli forces have been given the authority to target civilians. “Given information suggesting relatively low numbers of Hamas militants in proportion to the wider civilian population, and given Israel’s repeated assertion that militants are ‘embedded’ within the civilian population,” the authors of the report conclude, “statements indicate that the Israeli Government has given [Israeli Security Forces] blanket authorization to target civilian locations widely and indiscriminately in the Gaza Strip.”

The COI recommends an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, something the White House has resisted over the past eight months. Last month, President Joe Biden unveiled a ceasefire proposal he claimed originated in Tel Aviv. However, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has continued to dismiss the idea of a permanent end to the conflict.

The US has significant leverage over Israel and could condition future aid to Tel Aviv on Netanyahu ending the onslaught. Nevertheless, Biden has refused to place any meaningful restriction on arms shipment to Tel Aviv.


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a3a55e No.21018019

File: 5be95e929130331⋯.jpg (193.86 KB,678x1239,226:413,Lkoq.jpg)

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f333cf No.21018021

File: 3e1dffb57444539⋯.mp4 (11.14 MB,562x314,281:157,Good_Lawfare_and_Bad_Lawfa….mp4)

Bailey: I think this body has a duty to erect a wall of separation between tech and state to prevent government censorship of conservative voices on big tech social media platforms.

As you pointed out, the deep state has actively suppressed information that interfered with the 2020 election. I think that that will continue to happen as we move into 2024.

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c7d8e1 No.21018024

File: a4dd080e19f6d55⋯.png (203.08 KB,1024x768,4:3,MEMER4.png)


Violating my own rule here, but IF I were to edit that meme, I'd be putting Q+ on the Donald and Q++ on Melania.

Even the Donald admits Melania is superior to himself in some ways.

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689a2b No.21018025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UK: Live coverage of the General Election debate


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86c6a6 No.21018026

File: eaae0c56b2d6e54⋯.png (980.37 KB,750x1334,375:667,0E7B4694_AFA6_46E8_8356_E4….png)

File: b71a597a840aa67⋯.jpeg (258.56 KB,2047x1582,2047:1582,C2BF9982_5AF8_495B_A559_9….jpeg)

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373bbc No.21018027

File: 88a1109f6e77a7a⋯.jpg (69.21 KB,715x721,715:721,barry3.jpg)

File: 16750dd45c7209e⋯.jpg (226.57 KB,631x965,631:965,barry5.jpg)

File: 8922aac2107bc30⋯.jpg (207.45 KB,699x1024,699:1024,barry7.jpg)

File: f08df5ca0b92fb2⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,3024x2232,42:31,barry33.jpg)

File: 3c2365bdc7150a7⋯.jpg (32.25 KB,498x333,166:111,barry34.jpg)

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9fda97 No.21018028

File: 32ab9cd56ab40e9⋯.png (15.72 KB,433x207,433:207,ClipboardImage.png)

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5492e6 No.21018029

Some things must remain classified to the very end?

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5492e6 No.21018030



Mission 6: Fiddler > Ghost-PRIME

Mission 7: CLAS

Mission 8: Whistle Blower traps - jobs C-3567k

Mission 9: Censorship

CLAS +relay

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a3a55e No.21018031

File: d07acfb4e95ff71⋯.mp4 (2.25 MB,608x1080,76:135,yt1s_com_JOE_BIDEN_ATTACKE….mp4)

Molesting children, no problem

Jill steps in with adults only

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f786ff No.21018032

File: c3b6a95fc777485⋯.png (449.87 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

Tel Aviv-born far-right hardliner to serve as Dutch immigration minister

Gidi Markuszower, who has called Jews ‘traitors’ for criticizing Israel, is a prominent but divisive member of Amsterdam’s Jewish community

Growing up in Amsterdam’s Jewish community in the 1990s, Gidi Markuszower was ideologically the odd one out for his right-wing tendencies.

Markuszower, a Tel Aviv-born Dutch senator who on Wednesday was tapped to serve as the country’s immigration minister, fought about politics “with the whole high school” in his left-leaning Jewish community, Markuszower’s father Zvi told the NRC daily in a 2017 profile.

But Gidi didn’t mind, his dad added. “He likes it when people disagree with him.”

A hardliner who will likely seek to upend an immigration policy that has resisted multiple overhaul attempts, Gidi Markuszower will almost certainly have plenty of opportunity to hear from detractors.

But Marzkuszower will also represent millions of Dutchmen who support his goal, as demonstrated in last year’s election that elevated Markuszower’s far-right Party for Freedom to power under its anti-Islam, pro-Israel politician Geert Wilders.


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5492e6 No.21018033

File: 7a033f97736b422⋯.png (1.13 MB,669x865,669:865,744_29_Q_.png)

Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:44 PM > (0:29) —He’s ready to do it again!

Q: 0744 > Find the link. Look around. What does it signify?

Q: 0029 > Some things must remain classified to the very end.

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f6baef No.21018034

File: 7f28e64f113a1e7⋯.png (1.52 MB,967x758,967:758,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21018035

G7 Leaders Agree To Provide Ukraine With $50 Billion Using Frozen Russian Assets

The step will mark a significant escalation in the economic war against Russia

Group of Seven leaders agreed at a summit in Italy on Thursday to give Ukraine $50 billion using frozen Russian Central Bank assets, a step that marks a significant escalation in the economic war against Russia.

The plan is to provide the $50 billion to Ukraine by the end of the year in the form of a loan, which will be paid back using profits from the approximately $280 billion in frozen Russian assets held by the US and its allies.

The idea is seen as a compromise between the US and Europe, as President Biden wanted to steal all of the frozen Russian funds to give to Ukraine. But the vast majority of the money is held in Europe, and EU leaders were hesitant to do that.


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9fda97 No.21018037

File: d0ab4664eeb5047⋯.png (90.4 KB,437x449,437:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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dc3fe7 No.21018039


>Gidi Markuszower, Geert Wilders' handler

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fc8595 No.21018041

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,112c7c55279d4275515728a14b….png)

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b3d29f No.21018042

File: 99771583ed8e561⋯.png (2.06 MB,912x2000,57:125,99771583ed8e561c03a734ac79….png)


turn'em around.

DJT = Q+

Melania = Q


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4b0270 No.21018043

File: 7f22a64566747a8⋯.png (1.26 MB,1174x666,587:333,reyjteritrt.PNG)

Rubio, Scott, Dunn to Biden Admin: Haitian Adoption Cases Must Be Expedited

(the Clintons destroyed haiti, so they can take the kids)

Jun 13, 2024 | Press Releases

Amid political and social turmoil in Haiti, children who have been matched with American parents are currently waiting for approval from Haitian authorities to complete the adoption process. Several of which will join families in Florida.

U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Rick Scott (R-FL) as well as Representative Neal Dunn (R-FL) sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas urging them to work with the Haitian Government to expedite the adoption process.

“Given the hardships in Haiti, we request an expedited processing timeline in collaboration with Haitian authorities. The lack of accountability and oversight in Haiti’s institutions poses risks to vulnerable children, and delays exacerbate their vulnerability.”


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86c6a6 No.21018044

File: 48ce378648afe8e⋯.png (2.37 MB,750x1334,375:667,582CD9AA_A495_4053_8A7F_82….png)

File: 4cc3cbdb0d966c9⋯.png (29.64 KB,690x542,345:271,28F5CA7A_113E_46DB_8ACC_79….png)

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c22ddd No.21018045

File: e055b1d91dc1a9a⋯.gif (58.38 KB,220x220,1:1,C81DE1C8_80C3_431E_8D0B_4F….gif)

File: c30b485c11382d3⋯.jpeg (41.83 KB,320x320,1:1,D8D932F5_6FDC_49D7_9CF4_9….jpeg)


I’d keep your luggage packed

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f2dca7 No.21018047

File: cf0d58059c6df9b⋯.png (82.34 KB,655x228,655:228,meteor2024.png)


Trump / Pence





JK – I don't think there will be an election

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bfb7ce No.21018049

File: 5e4c1d709118bb4⋯.gif (778.65 KB,500x268,125:67,5e4c1d709118bb4c897a15866c….gif)

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373bbc No.21018050

File: f780e6dc4e1e4b3⋯.png (313.12 KB,732x874,366:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21018051

File: 0657844f7466f98⋯.png (353.35 KB,917x313,917:313,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ae440 No.21018052


>Young Girls

more like young boys both are homos

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373bbc No.21018053

File: e8bce8c767baad1⋯.png (461.5 KB,608x1053,608:1053,ClipboardImage.png)

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86c6a6 No.21018054

File: ed5fe5aeff52550⋯.png (2.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,2375DF3A_0687_4C22_8324_F0….png)

File: b16a7a4dee40f9d⋯.png (622.61 KB,750x1334,375:667,E0EF7BE5_881D_40BF_9AF5_C2….png)

File: 0e27fc81b68d43b⋯.jpeg (126.61 KB,680x622,340:311,A767AFD7_162C_4466_B2F7_D….jpeg)

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dc3fe7 No.21018055

Donald Trump is the Antichrist

from German QResearch

>>20004078 (pb)

>>20004079 (pb)

1) The tribe of Dan is the Israelite tribe to which the Antichrist is said to belong according to the writings of the earliest church fathers (Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Ephraim, etc.) and also according to Genesis (Genesis 49:16-17). On his mother's side, Trump is descended from the Dan tribe – the Scottish MacLeod clan. Descendants of Dan migrated to Scotland via Scandinavia (Denmark = March of Dan) through Viking invasions (e.g. the Damnonii of Scotland). The MacLeod clan hail from the Isle of Lewis, known to have been settled by Vikings in the late 8th and early 9th centuries.

2) He is Roman/Assyrian on his father's side – the Drumpf family comes from the Rhine region, about 80 miles from Trier, an ancient Roman city founded by an Assyrian prince named Trebeta. The Roman and Assyrian heritage fulfills Daniel 9:26 and Micah 5:6 respectively.

3) Also fulfills Daniel 7:20 – “his gaze was stockier than that of his companions,” (i.e., thicker).

4) The name Donald means “world ruler”. Trump” generally means winning through trickery or deception. His name literally means “world ruler who prevails through deception.”

5) In the book of Daniel, chapter 7, Daniel describes the Antichrist as the “little horn.” In Israel, a shofar, which is a type of “trumpet,” is made from an animal horn. This little horn mentioned by Daniel is described in Daniel 7:21-7:25. Trump Tower in New York City is located on Fifth Ave. 721-725.

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dc3fe7 No.21018056


6) According to Daniel's vision, the Antichrist had a “mouth speaking great things” (Rev. 13:5, Daniel 7:8). Trump is best known for his slogan: “Make America GREAT Again.”

7) According to Revelation, the Antichrist is the beast from the sea, and he will be thrown into the lake of fire. Mar-a-lago literally means “from sea to lake”.

8) The Jewish people already love Donald Trump. Israel has named cities, train stations and squares after Donald Trump and even minted a shekel (coin) with his image. He is called the “Shield of Jerusalem” and songs have even been written about him. And since he was already involved in the “Deal of the Century,” the Middle East peace plan, the Abraham Accords, and the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, he would be easily able to negotiate a future peace agreement with Israel, which is what Daniel 9:27 fulfilled.

9) Trump is known for his extreme boasting and out-of-control ego, which according to Daniel (11:36) are characteristics of the Antichrist. Trump has declared that he is the "greatest" and "most successful" president and has also publicly stated that he is "the chosen one." He also tweeted someone calling him the 2nd coming of God.

10) Making a deal (Daniel 9:27) and making a comeback (Revelation 13:3) are two of the major prophesied activities of the Antichrist. Trump is known for having written two books: “The Art of the Deal” and “The Art of the Comeback”.

11) Donald Trump seems to be obsessed with Apollo as he has several large paintings and frescoes of Apollo in his Manhattan penthouse apartment. He also has strong esoteric connections to the Twin Towers and 9/11. In Revelation 9:11, which describes the Antichrist, it says: "And they had a king over them, who is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew language is Abaddon, but in the Greek language his name is Apollyon" (Apollyon = Apollo). 9/11 also points to Trump numerologically: 9=4+5 & 11=4+7, indicating the 45th and 47th American presidents.

12) Daniel 11:13 says of the Antichrist: “He will honor a God of strongholds; a god unknown to his ancestors.” This “god of fortresses” refers to “divine feminine” or goddess worship. This female goddess has gone by many names throughout history: Ishtar, Sirius, Inanna, the Whore of Babylon, Isis, Ashtoreth, Diana/Artemis, Venus, Astarte, Cybele, and many more. Their task is to cultivate the spirit of Babylon, which is idolatry and sexual degeneracy. Manifestations of this goddess worship from the classical era (Cybele, Diana, etc.) often featured statues with fortresses on their heads, which is what is meant by “god of fortresses.” The “Yoni” hand sign that Donald Trump constantly displays in public is a gesture that pays homage to the divine feminine, as it is said to resemble female genitalia. The step complex at the base of Trump Tower, which was once covered with bushy trees to resemble a vagina, also features this inverted pyramid and was also covered with six trees

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4b0270 No.21018059

File: f85bfb4eaac184b⋯.png (182.33 KB,1193x691,1193:691,tjrutweruewr.PNG)

North Dakota votes must be certified to make elections official

(Bismarck, ND) – The votes have been counted, concessions have been made but the primary election results in North Dakota won't be official for several more days.

Secretary of State Michael Howe says the county canvassing boards have to meet 13 days after the election and the state canvassing board meets 15 days after the election to certify the votes.

Once that is done the elections are official.


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1a0448 No.21018061

File: 7b325af7cfc6304⋯.jpg (17.49 KB,270x380,27:38,3fed295a166902d4ecd0195139….jpg)


Our Queen!

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f786ff No.21018065

Under the radar: IDF chief meets with CENTCOM, Arab generals in Bahrain - report

Halevi met earlier this week with generals from Bahrain, the UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt to discuss security cooperation with them, despite their criticism of Israel's actions in Gaza.

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Herzi Halevi met last week in Bahrain with counterparts from several Arab militaries to discuss regional security cooperation, according to reports from Walla and Axios on Wednesday.

In Bahrain’s capital, Manama, he met with generals from the UAE, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, two sources with direct knowledge of the meeting informed Axios.

The meeting was held under the auspices of US Central Command commander General Erik Kurilla. Due to regional and political sensitivities surrounding the war in Gaza, it was kept low-profile and not publicly disclosed.


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86c6a6 No.21018067


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689a2b No.21018068


Define Anti-Christ.

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fc8595 No.21018070

File: b38e9396d43525e⋯.webm (404.45 KB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)

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d8d846 No.21018071

is this the misleading lies loaf ?

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f2dca7 No.21018072

File: c960f8264975bda⋯.jpg (44.02 KB,1280x720,16:9,eg35828_h.jpg)



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86c6a6 No.21018073

File: 97a44d0dda2368e⋯.png (1.24 MB,750x1334,375:667,20BDB9AD_2A92_44E4_BE75_CE….png)

File: ddf2df82ff32c8c⋯.jpeg (81.53 KB,1200x467,1200:467,6BA2E9DD_4218_4FF2_8E36_6….jpeg)

step 3)

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65a9c6 No.21018075

File: 997b12c077e58bd⋯.jpeg (26.23 KB,255x233,255:233,IMG_5453.jpeg)


> DJT = Q+

> Melania = Q

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d8d846 No.21018076


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bfb7ce No.21018077



makes more sense than anything any other anon has guessed.

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d8d846 No.21018078


oh wow

tranny duz A2A

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373bbc No.21018079

File: d9d11dced022b9f⋯.png (288.86 KB,640x512,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21018081

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Explosive Report Reveals CIA Role in Creation of COVID Vaccines

Another ‘conspiracy theory’ comes true.

Moderna’s Covid vaccine was manufactured by a government contractor with close connections to the CIA, FDA and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, according to a bombshell report.

Moderna in 2021 hired and tasked a supposedly new pharmaceutical manufacturing company called National Resilience (Resilience) to make all of their Covid-19 mRNA vaccines.

The company apparently goes by several names, including Nanotherapeutics, Nanosphere Inc, Ology Bioservices, and Government Resilience Services, independent journalist Destiny Rezendes first reported last year.


Investors in Resilience included Google, Lux Capital, Magnetic Ventures and 8VC, and the COO of the company also served as a senior adviser to Pfizer, according to database website Crunchbase.

Rezendes revealed that board members and investors tied to those companies include Council on Foreign Relations members, a board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CIA affiliates, Merrill Lynch, and the Rockefeller University.

Additionally, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb served as a Resilience board member.

Rezendes revealed that board members and investors tied to those companies include Council on Foreign Relations members, a board member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CIA affiliates, Merrill Lynch, and the Rockefeller University.

Additionally, former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb served as a Resilience board member.

“Also, Nanosphere and Nanotherapeutics AKA Resilience has countless contracts with the government concerning Biological Warfare, and gene specific sensors wanted by the DoD,” Rezendes noted.


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000000 No.21018084


Mark my words…Trump will offer digital ID as a fraud-proof "election security measure" and "deportation tool" used for removing illegal aliens to unwitting American citizens for purposes of creating a digital wallet which will involve a digital currency.

>All the pieces are already in place




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dbb6cc No.21018085

File: cf77439b4318d84⋯.png (684.56 KB,648x829,648:829,54c13cdced81a921abc8d9b44c….png)


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e3356f No.21018086

File: ae7ee5056217521⋯.jpg (41.87 KB,448x356,112:89,Nothing_to_Lose.jpg)

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373bbc No.21018087

File: 50cd241e3deae87⋯.png (374.19 KB,520x436,130:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2dca7 No.21018088

File: 647ac1eef4d14a8⋯.png (97.97 KB,115x395,23:79,brittjcdiposhfie.png)


haven't been in the mood to play for a minute.

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b744af No.21018090

File: c42858e835ac3ca⋯.png (2.41 KB,224x61,224:61,td.png)

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85af49 No.21018092

two breads.

what's up?

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4b0270 No.21018093

File: 30683910b72b356⋯.png (1.04 MB,1235x694,1235:694,nwejjeyeyje.PNG)

Biden taps CFTC commissioner Goldsmith Romero to lead scandal-hit FDIC

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -U.S. President Joe Biden will nominate Christy Goldsmith Romero, a Democratic member of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), to replace Martin Gruenberg as chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), the White House said on Thursday.

The intended nomination from the White House comes after Gruenberg, a Democrat, said in May he would step down once a successor is confirmed by the Senate. The FDIC chief succumbed to pressure from lawmakers who said the bank regulator needed fresh leadership after an investigation found widespread sexual harassment and other misconduct at the agency.

Goldsmith Romero, 53, has a background in enforcement and has led major actions against Wall Street banks and other financial firms during her career. She joined the CFTC in March 2022 after a decade investigating financial crime and fraud as the watchdog of a key 2009 financial crisis bailout program.

The White House also said it plans to nominate Kristin Johnson, another Democratic CFTC Commissioner, to be the Treasury Department's assistant secretary for financial institutions, a key role after three banks failed in 2023.


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86c6a6 No.21018094

File: e159731ff663355⋯.png (1.62 MB,750x1334,375:667,44D94329_271C_4C97_8AA5_AD….png)

File: 62d5c07f2531414⋯.png (136.5 KB,690x1736,345:868,9D765C82_7465_41F0_908D_02….png)

File: 9617743ba472d05⋯.png (560.84 KB,696x474,116:79,648FD6BB_DB28_4085_9FD2_16….png)

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4b0270 No.21018096

File: 05df1c9497126f2⋯.png (591.81 KB,981x613,981:613,76mn36nw6n4356.PNG)

U.S. Supreme Court rejects bid to trademark ‘Trump too small’

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected an attempt by a California man to trademark the suggestive phrase “Trump too small.”

The court, in a unanimous opinion, ruled that the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) had correctly turned down the request to trademark the slogan about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Steve Elster, who wanted to print T-shirts with the phrase, had claimed before the court that the PTO’s rejection of his trademark application was a violation of his First Amendment free speech rights.


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85af49 No.21018097


They have to know that the jig is up.

the music stops.

if there are chairs left for them to sit in they must be worried that those are electric. . . .

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f6baef No.21018099

File: 3bd3c7e97b35b69⋯.png (262.7 KB,500x567,500:567,ClipboardImage.png)


that is definitely a possibility.

a israeli style iron dome will be internal and external.

but as long as there is physical cash along side digital, there is a way out.

many such forms of i.d exist.

wait and see option or the real

you will zee bugz and be habby..

for now,

Still voting trump.

A very stable genius.

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574236 No.21018100

File: 0d12a1910b73264⋯.jpg (139.1 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG2_5_.jpg)

Yall having fun yet?

Still trustin the plan and what not?

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373bbc No.21018101

File: b8e15b22b946020⋯.png (620.04 KB,706x906,353:453,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67ff6e6e2563575⋯.png (1.21 MB,1004x1167,1004:1167,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b0270 No.21018103

File: c384d179bb00364⋯.png (357.09 KB,892x625,892:625,7m534n646345.PNG)

Eye Tracking lets you navigate iOS 18 without touching your iPhone

Apple's Eye Tracking tech offers a new way for iPhone and iPad owners to interact with their devices. The first appearance in iOS 18 demonstrates how powerful it can be to some users.

In May, Apple revealed some of the accessibility features arriving in iOS 18 and iPadOS 18, and included eye tracking as one of them.

Eye Tracking is one of the primary ways that the Apple Vision Pro functions. It's used to track what the user is looking at, so screen elements can be selected and used, with a pinch of the fingers to confirm.

The version found in iOS 18 is the same concept, but for a much smaller screen.


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00ce54 No.21018105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Cuban Bear Trap

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85af49 No.21018106


you know that they are going to sell the data on where your eyes are, right?

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689a2b No.21018107

File: c23dfdd3f2be054⋯.webm (2 MB,530x900,53:90,1718285969318904.webm)

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373bbc No.21018108

File: 9a3dcf0eb6a5b52⋯.png (360.1 KB,801x799,801:799,ClipboardImage.png)

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85af49 No.21018109


the russian visit cuba and prove that they really don't care about freeing slaves.

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63092d No.21018110

File: d66e7ae84165b7f⋯.png (306.95 KB,500x370,50:37,ClipboardImage.png)


The Trinity -Q+ [Biblical]

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85af49 No.21018112


don't be a blasphemer, anon.

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e3356f No.21018113

File: 138fdb537b8f3ec⋯.jpg (104.35 KB,640x449,640:449,Offend_the_Government_2.jpg)

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6adc8b No.21018115

red alert

ship untidy

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373bbc No.21018116

File: 6652841dac14f10⋯.png (313.92 KB,599x1067,599:1067,ClipboardImage.png)

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63092d No.21018118

File: cb2078676307bd8⋯.png (585.16 KB,842x691,842:691,cb2078676307bd86074f4bfd1f….png)


>don't be a blasphemer, anon.

scares ya, dont it? it should.

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000000 No.21018119


ditto, still voting as well

tangible assets, skills, and barter as a get around for this draconian digital nightmare.

Trump can only hold back the reigns for his 4 year term

after that….

Godspeed anons

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f2dca7 No.21018120


The Albatross sank.

Just say'n

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f786ff No.21018121


This fucking bot again

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5492e6 No.21018122

File: d9a7ddc2f66cc04⋯.png (625.26 KB,1224x822,204:137,744_29_Q.png)

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86c6a6 No.21018123


thanks to the shills._yes_FREEDOM

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63092d No.21018126


>Define Anti-Christ

against the christ

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83a628 No.21018128

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1605b9 No.21018136

File: fea9cb33d81674a⋯.jpg (10.59 KB,236x292,59:73,3z10.jpg)



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4b0270 No.21018138

File: 85dded052796061⋯.png (1.06 MB,1204x675,1204:675,86t687k6878l76685.PNG)

During former President Donald Trump's visit to the U.S. Capitol on Thursday, Republicans surprised him with a birthday cake.

Representative Mike Lee said the cake had "45" and "47" candles on it, a reference to his first term as president and the potential for him to be the 47th president, as well. Before blowing out the candles, Trump said he would make a wish that related to "everyone in this room," according to Senator Cynthia Lummis.

Representative Matt Gaetz characterized the House meeting as a "pep rally" for Trump, emphasizing unity within the party. Trump urged Republicans to come together and avoid internal conflicts, offering to support members in tough races through tele-townhalls and other means. However, he also acknowledged that he was supporting some of their opponents.

In his first visit to Capitol Hill since the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, Trump met with Republicans to discuss campaign strategies ahead of the November election. Trump praised House Speaker Mike Johnson and pledged to help Republicans "win big" in the upcoming election, adding that he plans to make a bid to win every state.


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63092d No.21018139








"the skin of the gods".

you should familiarize yourselves.

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9a47ea No.21018141


That's the funniest shit I've seen in a long time. had to watch it several times.

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689a2b No.21018143

File: 29c2a79220ce2eb⋯.png (964.92 KB,770x1000,77:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21018145


This is a bot posting msm articles

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689a2b No.21018146


aka the Jews.

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f786ff No.21018148

File: 3ebd10fc42908a1⋯.png (135.69 KB,985x622,985:622,ClipboardImage.png)

DOJ and Evergreen Treatment Services settle allegations regarding double billing of government health programs


Not sure if this evergreen is related

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b744af No.21018149

File: 99a80c989cff5ed⋯.jpg (45.55 KB,500x499,500:499,99a80c989cff5ed7a67a58ee9a….jpg)

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00ce54 No.21018150

Don't worry about Russia in Cuba.

Keep eyes on Taiwan.

China ain't getting shit.

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1605b9 No.21018151

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)



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b61580 No.21018152

File: e33b702455e314b⋯.png (1.8 MB,1360x907,1360:907,ClipboardImage.png)

Bye bye, El Niño. Cooler hurricane-helping La Nina to replace the phenomenon that adds heat to Earth


The strong El Nino weather condition that added a bit of extra heat to already record warm global temperatures is gone. It’s cool flip side, La Nina, is likely to breeze in just in time for peak Atlantic hurricane season, federal meteorologists said.

The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration Thursday pronounced dead the El Nino that warms parts of the central Pacific. The El Nino, while not quite a record breaker in strength, formed a year ago has been blamed, along with human-caused climate change and overall ocean warmth, for a wild 12 months of heat waves and extreme weather.

The world is now in a neutral condition when it comes to the important natural El Nino Southern Oscillation, which warps weather systems worldwide. Neutral is when weather gets closer to long-term averages or normal, something that hasn’t happened as much recently as it used to, said NOAA physical scientist Michelle L’Heureux, who is the lead forecaster of the agency’s ENSO team. But it likely won’t last, she added.

She said there’s a 65% chance that a La Nina, a cooling of the same parts of the Pacific that often has opposite effects, will form in the July, August and September time period. One of the biggest effects of La Nina is that it tends to make Atlantic hurricane season more active, and that storm season starts its peak in August.

“The likelihood of a La Nina coupled with record warm sea surface temperatures is the reason the National Hurricane Center is forecasting an extraordinary hurricane season,” said Kathie Dello, North Carolina’s state climatologist. “States from Texas to Maine are making preparations for an active year.”

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f786ff No.21018154

File: f91815c68a85da3⋯.png (103.45 KB,754x569,754:569,ClipboardImage.png)

The noticing continues - Everyday all over the world company leaders are being arrested and charged

Founder/CEO and Clinical President of Digital Health Company Arrested for $100M Adderall Distribution and Health Care Fraud Scheme


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e3356f No.21018155

File: e4a357cb268b828⋯.jpg (154.45 KB,640x827,640:827,J_Control_US_Govt_1.jpg)



Ain't the Chinese you gotta worry about

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4b0270 No.21018156

File: 5704435c53393bb⋯.png (657.75 KB,1212x696,101:58,64n3rwjerrtre.PNG)

House appropriators sign off on pay raise for junior troops as Democrats rebel against culture war riders

WASHINGTON — The Republican-led House Appropriations Committee on Thursday approved a defense spending bill that funds a 19.5% pay raise for junior enlisted service members and includes divisive social policy riders, defying the White House and Democrats.

In a 34-25 vote, the committee advanced legislation that will allocate $833 billion to the Defense Department in fiscal 2025 while also eliminating funding for diversity and inclusion programs, gender-affirming health care and abortion access for troops in states that ban or limit the procedure.

Republicans said the bill refocuses the Pentagon on its core war-fighting mission amid competition with China and removes spending on social agendas that do not align with the Defense Department’s primary purpose. The legislation cuts $18 billion from the White House budget request for defense, including $621 million from climate change initiatives and $53 billion from diversity efforts.


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86c6a6 No.21018157

File: 9d9d38f3eca06c5⋯.png (1.08 MB,750x1334,375:667,5B5415EC_0A50_4024_8E33_4C….png)

File: 3a60d16bfbd0052⋯.png (256 KB,690x1140,23:38,7AEC6A47_95CA_4D02_AD92_91….png)

File: b34fbe10e5c1063⋯.png (59.05 KB,690x900,23:30,632EE3C3_FF74_4556_8668_03….png)

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689a2b No.21018159

File: 368fed737bc7077⋯.png (5.3 MB,2592x1936,162:121,ClipboardImage.png)

School in England.

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f6baef No.21018160

File: c01c91f64a5aa7c⋯.png (2.56 MB,1152x1023,384:341,ClipboardImage.png)


the news that reform uk has over taken the tories has sent the u.k deep state into meltdown.

nothing is working, no attack on farage is sticking.

he just deflects it off,

they even offered farage state security which he turned down as he does not trust the state.

eyes on anons, things are getting heated on this side of the water

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f786ff No.21018161

File: e2f2b7e8b6be01c⋯.png (147.98 KB,983x573,983:573,ClipboardImage.png)


Behavioral Health Companies, CEO, Pay Nearly $4.6 Million to Settle Allegations Related to Telehealth Services for Nursing Home Residents


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5492e6 No.21018162

Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:44 PM > (00:29) —He’s ready to do it again!

Q: 0744 > Find the link. Look around. What does it signify?

Q: 0029 > Some things must remain classified to the very end.

Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:51 PM > (01:19) —I guarantee it!

Q: 0751 > Operation Merlin (tech).

Q: 0119 > Snow White. Godfather III.

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b61580 No.21018164

Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously preserved access to a medication that was used in nearly two-thirds of all abortions in the U.S. last year, in the court’s first abortion decision since conservative justices overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago.

The nine justices ruled that abortion opponents lacked the legal right to sue over the federal Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the medication, mifepristone, and the FDA’s subsequent actions to ease access to it. The case had threatened to restrict access to mifepristone across the country, including in states where abortion remains legal.

Abortion is banned at all stages of pregnancy in 14 states, and after about six weeks of pregnancy in three others, often before women realize they’re pregnant.

Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was part of the majority to overturn Roe, wrote for the court on Thursday that “federal courts are the wrong forum for addressing the plaintiffs’ concerns about FDA’s actions.”

The opinion underscored the stakes of the 2024 election and the possibility that an FDA commissioner appointed by Republican Donald Trump, if he wins the White House, could consider tightening access to mifepristone, including prohibiting sending it through the mail.

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00e066 No.21018165

how many anons listened and learned to speak Russian?

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4b0270 No.21018166


You and one of your many personality's faggot.

you tear people down so you can control the board, so fuck you and fuck off motherfuck cucked crybaby.

theres room for both of us, turd eater.

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83a628 No.21018167


Cyka blyat

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5492e6 No.21018169


Hello, KIM.

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6adc8b No.21018171

File: d6cb38e1558fbe1⋯.png (549.99 KB,828x621,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21018173


so you're not a bot you are a clown op until proven otherwise

good to know

Why not post something relevant to Q and not just msm bullshit

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1605b9 No.21018174

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65a9c6 No.21018175

File: 6dd07265890beda⋯.png (334.93 KB,421x401,421:401,demokkkrats.png)

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9a47ea No.21018177


too bad there's no sound. That would make it even better.

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f786ff No.21018179


Trump got a cake, really?

That's QR worthy???


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f2dca7 No.21018182

File: 3c7243c54b8b320⋯.png (182.01 KB,324x404,81:101,ClipboardImage.png)


He's beautiful.

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689a2b No.21018183

File: fd8b874ccbc79c6⋯.png (847.69 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4c0a2 No.21018184

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5492e6 No.21018185

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00e066 No.21018186

File: 78f425c6a9d6d7f⋯.png (205.5 KB,676x514,338:257,drudgeisaqueer.PNG)

lol look at this shit

Drudge is a faggot

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b61580 No.21018187

File: 5d73ed5c76a8b4e⋯.png (949.45 KB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)

With deal done, Disney withdraws lawsuit, ending last conflict with DeSantis and his appointees


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — Disney asked a federal appellate court to dismiss its lawsuit against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday, a day after his appointees approved a deal with the company on how Walt Disney World will be developed over the next two decades, ending the last piece of conflict between the two sides.

The request came as little surprise because the federal lawsuit’s future was contingent on whether a development agreement could be reached between Disney and the DeSantis appointees to the board of the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District that governs Disney World, according to a settlement reached in March.

The development deal was approved Wednesday night by the DeSantis appointees. Disney was facing a deadline next week to a file a brief with the court if it wanted to move ahead with the lawsuit against DeSantis and his appointees.

As part of the 15-year deal, Disney agreed to invest $17 billion into Disney World over the next two decades and the district committed to making infrastructure improvement on the theme park resort’s property. The district provides municipal services such as firefighting, planning and mosquito control, among other things, and was controlled by Disney supporters before last year’s takeover by the DeSantis appointees.

“This new development agreement paves the way for us to invest billions of dollars in Walt Disney World Resort, supporting the growth of this global destination, fueling the Florida economy, and allowing us to deliver even more memorable and extraordinary experiences for our guests,” said Jeff Vahle, president of Walt Disney World Resort.

Under the terms of the deal, Disney is approved to build a fifth major theme park at Disney World and two more minor parks, such as water parks, if it desires. The company can also raise the number of hotel rooms on its property from almost 40,000 rooms to more than 53,000 rooms and increase the amount of retail and restaurant space by more than 20%. Disney will retain control of building heights so it can maintain an immersive environment.

In exchange, Disney will donate up to 100 acres (40 hectares) of Disney World’s 24,000 acres (9,700 hectares) for the construction of infrastructure projects controlled by the district. The company also will need to award at least half of its construction projects to companies based in Florida and spend at least $10 million on affordable housing for central Florida.

A DeSantis spokesman said the governor was pleased that an agreement had been reached.

“This agreement is a big win for central Florida and will lead to numerous jobs and improved guest experiences,” said Bryan Griffin, communications director for the governor’s office.

The agreement followed a detente in March in which both sides agreed to stop litigating each other in state court and work toward negotiating a new development agreement and a new comprehensive plan no later than next year.

The March settlement ended almost two years of litigation sparked by DeSantis’ takeover of the district after the company’s opposition to a 2022 law that bans classroom lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity in early grades. The law was championed by the Republican governor, who used Disney as a punching bag in speeches during his run for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination until he suspended his campaign earlier this year.

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e5e4d4 No.21018188


not yet but

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85af49 No.21018189


what scares me?

hardly. I'm not the one smack talking to make the board look bad.

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f10dc0 No.21018190

This thing back on?

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c7d8e1 No.21018191

File: 39f384c085a214a⋯.png (608.8 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN523.png)

The truth is much, much sadder than they want us to believe.

"They" are complicit in perpetrating a fraud on the American People.

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86c6a6 No.21018192

File: 6f3f190f24181da⋯.png (347.03 KB,750x1334,375:667,430B05B1_EE8D_443A_8D89_3A….png)

File: caecc94978410f9⋯.png (1.54 MB,750x1334,375:667,1C2F8DF5_02A4_46C0_B6E4_64….png)

File: 1cec0d5a1b404ca⋯.png (281.91 KB,690x2346,5:17,4500796A_E435_4987_87AB_B4….png)

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e3356f No.21018193


Drudge doesn't control his site anymore.

He sold it.

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f786ff No.21018194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A massive fire erupted at an oil refinery’s asphalt storage facility in Erbil, Iraq.

A massive fire broke out at the asphalt storage facility of an oil refinery in Erbil province, northern Iraq, last night. Plumes of black smoke filled the sky during this incident




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e5e4d4 No.21018196


who bought it?

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689a2b No.21018197

File: 438031e6be4ba01⋯.webm (2.86 MB,640x800,4:5,1718309730971529.webm)

This realm is off the hook.

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4b0270 No.21018198

File: e2713db9d41c3c8⋯.png (594.14 KB,974x666,487:333,6n5w6me6we.PNG)

T-Mobile signs huge multi-billion dollar 10-year contract with one branch of the U.S. Military

T-Mobile today announced that it has signed a 10-year deal with the U.S. Navy to supply wireless technology to the branch of the U.S. military responsible for seaborne operations. This is a big deal for the nation's second-largest wireless provider considering the fierce competition that exists in the retail sector of the wireless industry. The contract is a Spiral 4 pact which means that the Department of Defense will be able to place orders for wireless service and equipment (such as handsets) from T-Mobile.


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f786ff No.21018199


Kim dotcom is the biggest homo traitorous cunt ever he stole a mountain of my research and acted for both the New Zealand and Australian Governments by doing so.

I have the receipts

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1605b9 No.21018201

File: 9c6318439d4bde4⋯.png (198.33 KB,770x752,385:376,1.png)



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1605b9 No.21018202

File: e17932d233496ad⋯.png (378.99 KB,540x652,135:163,1x.png)

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1605b9 No.21018203

File: b13f3a431e32a11⋯.webp (24.89 KB,768x768,1:1,6b6cf178_4110_11e8_ab09_3….webp)




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5492e6 No.21018204

File: cdd532db2ffaa46⋯.png (743.69 KB,1450x780,145:78,744_29_Q_K.png)

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1605b9 No.21018205

File: 9b38d69608525c3⋯.gif (1.93 MB,800x340,40:17,1z.gif)

NIGHT SHIFTBun of Dread for 5/30/2024

>>20936578 Where is Snowden? Where is the 8Kun server? Where are you?

>>20936583 "Might as well go sit in the CIA. Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA. Autists need Red Bull?"

>>20936587, >>20936591 Bun of Dread inside a Bun of Dread inside a bun of Dread like in Russia

>>20936596 "Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER). Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY."

>>20936597 You like coincidences and codes too!? Pray/Prey

>>20936598 Q Drop #4799 "When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business? When does a Church become political? When does a Church become corrupt? When does a Church become willfully blind? When does a Church become controlled?"

>>20936605 "Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi tried to usupr Q" "The Info War against Q (Jones and Corsi)" "Alex Jones a Larp. Time to move on" "Misinformation attacks on Q to get worse (Jones, Corsi, Others)" Drops #1340, 1341, 1343 & 1366.

>>20936607 "FAKE PRO MAGA ATTACKING Q: Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, more…" "Alex Jones part of collective attacks on Q" "Jerome Corsi subpoened by Mueller: Infowars on Mossad payroll" Drops #2089, 2101 & 2102.

>>20936609 "Alex Jones and Associates trying to deceive and divide you" Drop #2123.

>>20936615 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin." "Who are we taught to trust?" "If you are religious, PRAY. 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity." "These people should be hanging." Drops # 586, 587, 107, 3799 and 3565 have a story to tell.

>>20936629 [STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags

>>20936633 "Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking" https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1156165039545606144 "Godfather III" "It's going to be BIBLICAL." Q DROP #3565

>>20936641 IS DAN SCAVINO [DAN SCAVINO]? POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot from Bad Past Advisors



>>20936648 This next piece is called ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WAIT, WHAT!?" Decode of Q drops #87, 88, 95, 4884 & 3565.

>>20936650 NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

>>20936654 The Supreme Court > Bohemian Grove > Knights of Malta > Who is Leonard Leo > Who is Harlan Crow? > Vatican.

>>20936655 Who is Leonard Leo? Who is Harlan Crow? Autists need Redbull?

>>20936656 The Truth per the Drops. Reminder: This is Q research and you are here because of Q.

>>20936657 George Soros in 2 Drops. That's called the 2 Drop checkmate. Checkmate.

>>20936658 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!"

>>20936660 POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent Vatican drops?

>>20936661 "Patriot" per the drops.

Problem with the notes in this Bun?

Patriots Fight the Data


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f786ff No.21018206


You wanna mimic my style to get (You)s faggot

Trying and water down my actual digs

Change style more than your faggy reddit spacing then if you're not a clown op to muddy the waters

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d388f9 No.21018207

File: 587d45ff8e459d0⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x790,120:79,587d45ff8e459d031d9490737e….png)


Have some books and audio books ready to go, learning the alphabet vowels.

This anon learns best with a pretty lady tutor, how this anon learns best in most fields.

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6adc8b No.21018208

File: 384fdb96dc8757f⋯.png (1.22 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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1605b9 No.21018210

File: 9a4cf1e63225819⋯.png (1.66 MB,1920x1836,160:153,0qiggy2.png)

File: a325a8899e8fef7⋯.png (757.5 KB,798x880,399:440,c1.png)

File: 4ed2598683f16eb⋯.png (1.01 MB,1510x704,755:352,c2.png)

File: 0f76567d147b4c3⋯.png (1.82 MB,1840x1152,115:72,c3.png)

File: 7d2f31d8cdf7627⋯.png (727.02 KB,930x890,93:89,c3a.png)






[THEY] love [their] symbology and gang signs though!

Remember Hillary's [satanic] upside down cross?

thats the cross of St Peter…

when Q lit up that image it was to draw a connection to the Vatican

yet since [anons] were [decoding] > SATAN!


remember when Tucker was good frens with Hunter Biden?

remember when Tucker asked Hunter to write a letter for his son, Buckley?

a letter to help Buckley get into Georgetown?

Georgetown - the nations oldest CATHOLIC and JESUIT learning institution?

did you know that TUCKER'S Father was the head of VOICE OF AMERICAN?

Do you know what VOICE OF AMERICA is?

Who runs it?


A higher loyalty?

[Their] History?

Surely you have dug in deeply?


Oh you are so welcomed!!!!

and oh!! there is so much moar!!!




































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4b0270 No.21018212

File: 4e077f5a30658bb⋯.png (512.51 KB,780x606,130:101,7m546w6j.PNG)

File: ce625e1e416c22f⋯.png (138.14 KB,1200x1200,1:1,77m6465462.png)

US Army celebrates 249th birthday

On June 14, 1775, 249 years ago, the Second Continental Congress founded a united army to bring the 13 colonies together in the fight for independence from Great Britain. The U.S. Army was officially born. The Army was founded just months into the American Revolutionary War and predates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Over its nearly 2½ centuries of service, the Army evolved from a ragtag militia hastily formed to fight against Britain to the largest branch of one of the most powerful militaries to ever exist. Today, over 450,000 active-duty service members, as well as about 300,000 National Guard soldiers and 175,000 reservists make up the Army — the largest of the six military branches. This year’s theme is “Honoring the Past, Defending the Future.”


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e3356f No.21018213



I am wrong, he still owns it apparently

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1605b9 No.21018214

File: f08ff75ab2b54d8⋯.png (61.65 KB,337x746,337:746,BAKEK4.png)



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1605b9 No.21018216

File: 32b4e42c5e8098d⋯.jpg (51.49 KB,521x521,1:1,3z5.jpg)

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1605b9 No.21018217

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB,502x472,251:236,0000000000.png)

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1605b9 No.21018218

File: 2abb70c7f052f66⋯.png (549.4 KB,618x618,1:1,1cc.png)

Trump floats eliminating U.S. income tax and replacing it with tariffs on importsPublished Thu, Jun 13 2024 11:01 AM EDT

Donald Trump discussed the idea of imposing an "all tariff policy" that would ultimately enable the U.S. to get rid of the income tax, sources told CNBC.

He also talked about using tariffs to leverage negotiating power over bad actors, according to another source in the room.

Trump championed tariffs during his first term in the White House.

Donald Trump on Thursday brought up the idea of imposing an "all tariff policy" that would ultimately enable the U.S. to get rid of the income tax, sources in a private meeting with the Republican presidential candidate told CNBC.

Trump, in the meeting with GOP lawmakers at the Capitol Hill Club in Washington, D.C., also talked about using tariffs to leverage negotiating power over bad actors, according to another source in the room.

The remarks show Trump, who championed tariffs as a foreign policy multi-tool during his first term in office, is considering a drastically more protectionist trade agenda if he defeats President Joe Biden in November.

Spokespeople for Trump's campaign did not immediately respond to CNBC's requests for comment. Trump in a Truth Social post later Thursday morning said there was "lots discussed, all positive" in the meeting, without providing any more details.


How do you get rid of the IRS without working up a sweat?

Bye, Bitches!

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4c6cb9 No.21018219

File: 302ef825d4c031c⋯.png (713.68 KB,965x940,193:188,ClipboardImage.png)


Shares of T-Mobile US Inc. TMUS, +0.76% inched 0.76% higher to $175.11 Thursday, on what proved to be an all-around mixed trading session for the stock market, with the S&P 500 Index SPX, +0.23% rising 0.23% to 5,433.74 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.17% falling 0.17% to 38,647.10.

The stock's rise snapped a two-day losing streak.

T-Mobile US Inc. closed $7.56 short of its 52-week high ($182.67), which the company reached on June 6th.

The stock outperformed some of its competitors Thursday, as Verizon Communications Inc. VZ, +0.03% rose 0.03% to $39.78 and AT&T Inc. T, +0.34% rose 0.34% to $17.67.

Trading volume (5.4 M) eclipsed its 50-day average volume of 5.0 M.


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4b0270 No.21018220


You are the reason Q isn't posting.

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1605b9 No.21018221

File: 705f4ffb67325d0⋯.png (488.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,00000000000a.png)

Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump


It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.

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5492e6 No.21018223



Who runs the MSM Propaganda _THIS BOARD?

Who runs the RUSSIA/UKRAINE Propaganda _THIS BOARD?


B.O. > BO

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f786ff No.21018225

File: 435ac746e0ead4a⋯.png (80.04 KB,519x601,519:601,ClipboardImage.png)

Dr Anthony Fauci's department hid plans to create mutant monkeypox virus that 'could've started pandemic,' bombshell Congress report finds

Dr Anthony Fauci's former department 'deceived' Congress over its plans to create a Frankenstein monkeypox virus that had pandemic potential, a new report says.

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) submitted plans to create a more transmissible and more lethal strain of Mpox in 2015, when Dr Fauci was still in charge of the agency.

The plans only received widespread attention in late 2022 - amid concerns that Covid may have been borne out of similar experiments using US government grant money in China.

The blueprint to create a mutant Mpox virus raised major concerns among experts and led to an investigation by the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which released the results from its year-and-a-half probe this week.

The report said the HHS, NIAID and NIH repeatedly 'obstructed and misled the committee' about whether the risky experiments had been approved and conducted, describing their cooperation with the probe as 'unacceptable and potentially criminal.'


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9fda97 No.21018226

File: 7113869367b6f39⋯.png (347.57 KB,575x702,575:702,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64e6232cd31bcc6⋯.png (568.43 KB,546x609,26:29,ClipboardImage.png)


> global destination

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373bbc No.21018227

File: 13cfda0f9cc5554⋯.png (601.1 KB,728x878,364:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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d01658 No.21018228

File: e60643758e39290⋯.png (117.86 KB,325x413,325:413,e60643758e392903f2c0eddf87….png)

File: 7d9ef49008c4b55⋯.png (102.3 KB,470x603,470:603,7d9ef49008c4b55d85e272f9bd….png)

File: b3cc275bd7aa556⋯.png (187.98 KB,464x934,232:467,b3cc275bd7aa556bb7fab35ef6….png)



TT 16:27 E

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5492e6 No.21018229


Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 07:39 PM > (WIN) > Q0739 Heavy lag/attack ongoing.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:31 PM > (WIN) > Q0831 Where we go one, we go ALL.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:48 PM > (WIN) > Q0848 (reply - blank)

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:04 PM > "MUST WATCH" > Q0904 DhytcDFbF5874/37875

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:05 PM > (WIN) > Q0905 24hrs to respond.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:04 PM > (WIN) > Q1001 SEC TEST

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:11 PM > (WIN) > Q1011 ARE YOU AWAKE?

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ecc2aa No.21018230

File: 2b26caa67e7bf5f⋯.png (1.68 MB,1047x683,1047:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Der's dat red folder again!👀

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f786ff No.21018231

This is funny af

'Was I molested. I think so': Snopes' update on Ashley Biden diary fact-check spells trouble for Joe Biden

Once again, the so-called misinformation of yesteryear has matured into the cold hard facts of today.


Snopes has updated its fact-check page on the diary, confirming both that the diary belonged to Ashley Biden and that the president's daughter accused him of inappropriate behavior.

The page previously indicated that the claim that "a diary authored by U.S. President Joe Biden's daughter, Ashley, describes inappropriate actions toward her taken by the president when she was a child" was "unproven."

Up until this month, the Snopes entry indicated the claim was unproven because "the authenticity of this document or the images published by National File have not been confirmed."

The fact-check outfit was compelled to change its tune after Ashley Biden, 42, once again confirmed the diary was hers in an April 8 letter to the judge overseeing Harris' case in New York.


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86c6a6 No.21018233


so fucking tired of this shit.

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65a9c6 No.21018234

File: b30379827020c70⋯.gif (3.91 MB,295x278,295:278,flotus_you.gif)

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373bbc No.21018235

File: f7d6663711d9728⋯.png (524.35 KB,681x897,227:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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d01658 No.21018236

File: 66ace0d810fd1f3⋯.png (343.85 KB,325x903,325:903,66ace0d810fd1f34356763e2f2….png)

File: ce01921cb73a792⋯.png (144.79 KB,470x794,235:397,ce01921cb73a7927ed984bef03….png)

File: cd0dc96fa9d857d⋯.png (354.82 KB,464x1164,116:291,cd0dc96fa9d857d59585427234….png)


TT 16:30 E

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f2dca7 No.21018237

File: 392b198ae5692b2⋯.png (501.7 KB,1032x238,516:119,ClipboardImage.png)


Look at all those ass kissers.

Politicians make me sick.

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f6baef No.21018238

File: 320463e052c1e41⋯.png (130.5 KB,325x212,325:212,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c6cb9 No.21018239

File: 7c3480fa0203fb3⋯.png (379.35 KB,473x477,473:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc8595 No.21018240

File: 5f5572d3352bb90⋯.png (1.26 MB,730x1047,730:1047,ClipboardImage.png)

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04353c No.21018241

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4b0270 No.21018242

File: db96159857f0f4e⋯.png (790.66 KB,1034x691,1034:691,76n7543j6j543.PNG)

US Army, Navy reduce dependence on China for ‘critical technology’

The report, built with Govini’s Ark data-analytics platform, looked at Pentagon purchases of 15 so-called critical technologies: biotechnologies, data interfaces, nuclear modernization, space, communications and networks, engines, advanced manufacturing, robotics and autonomy, advanced engineering materials, AI and machine learning, hypersonics, clean energy and storage, microelectronics, advanced computing, and directed energy.

Since 2018, when Congress passed a ban on China-made communications technology, Pentagon leaders and lawmakers have been pressing Defense Department components to reduce their dependence on Chinese-made components and gear as part of an effort to develop more resilient supply chains.

“We know we're never going to get China fully out of U.S. supply chains,” said Murphy Dougherty. “That's not even the goal, but managing the presence of lots of different foreign suppliers and aligning those to the right level of capability or component or parts, making sure we have redundancy where we need it and that the most sensitive parts are fully protected and coming either directly from the United States or from friends and allies is really what the call to action is.”


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0e4990 No.21018243

File: c11b282645d1f1a⋯.jpg (107.93 KB,720x779,720:779,20240613_151009.jpg)

File: 804ccbbe4f31026⋯.mp4 (935.6 KB,1280x720,16:9,Daily_Caller_20240613_2_ne….mp4)


Bang Gavel !

Bam bam bang bang bam bam

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aab090 No.21018244


What, like money..?


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1605b9 No.21018245

File: 0c042e4f42509eb⋯.jpg (80.62 KB,680x680,1:1,0c042e4f42509ebce081174aa6….jpg)

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448212 No.21018246


it really is not funny

President Biden and the diary represents just about Every. Single. County in the United States

Are those children related to Biden in any form or fashion or ARE THEY Child Brides???? Kidnapped and sold to the Biden's to raise as their own to us but at home they shower together?

It really is not funny, it should make you so fucking pissed you wonder if every deputy, cop, sheriff as 'sold' out via this method turning America into the slave country where slavers do whatever they want, too include, sending americans to be killed or maimed to establish the exact same of 'demoNcracy' that is going on here

Or is this a controlled incest family? The 'DC" knows

The children are always sex slaves, the ones that are not murdered are usually tucked away.

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f786ff No.21018247

US building $100 million military bases for foreign nation

Earlier this year, it was announced that the United States and Somalia National Army (SNA) were strengthening ties with a plan to build five military bases. The bases will be used by the Somali Army’s Danab Brigade, established in 2017, during the ongoing fight against the terrorist group al-Shabab. The project is expected to be completed at a cost of over $100 million.

The agreement marks the latest development in an ongoing partnership between the United States and the Somalian government. Diplomatic relationships were first established in 1960, following Somalia’s independence from British and Italian administrations. Somalia experienced a military coup in 1969; however, that led to the replacement of elected officials with a military regime. In 2017, Somalia adopted a provisional constitution and Federal Government of Somalia.

According to the U.S. State Department, the U.S. has supplied more than $3 billion in humanitarian assistance to Somalia since 2006. In addition to humanitarian aid, U.S. military forces have been provided to aid Somalian forces sporadically through various presidential acts.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) outlining the plan to build the bases, signed between Somali Defense Minister Abdulkadir Mohamed Nur and the U.S., is seen as a move to assist Somalia in defense against al-Shabaab attacks following the U.N. Security Council’s approval to scale back U.S. peacekeeping forces in the region.


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7f2199 No.21018248


is that a nekkid kid in the painting above jizlaines head?

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5492e6 No.21018249

File: 4256c8a4391d4c3⋯.png (108.37 KB,776x381,776:381,FAILED.png)


BO was given 24 hours. TEST FAILED.

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cb5427 No.21018250

File: f35049884525875⋯.png (43.15 KB,538x366,269:183,Q1000.png)

File: 8f570003454e5a2⋯.png (68.21 KB,361x851,361:851,Q100.png)


>House Republicans say they are “100% unified behind former President Donald Trump

only 100%?

That's10%of what Trump said earlier….

Trump said they were 1000% unified behind him.

Trump said he was 1000% unified behind them.

Maybe Pres Trump is trying to tell us something…..

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f786ff No.21018251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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0e4990 No.21018252


Never give a retard a hammer

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00e066 No.21018253


They can't do anything else? They have to grovel and beg for a job? These types of personalities would sell us out in a heartbeat.

The good people don't want the job.

How do you get good people to take these jobs?

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65a9c6 No.21018254

File: 3664324a132415c⋯.png (451.61 KB,586x467,586:467,2024_06_13_17_14_18.png)

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f786ff No.21018255

This was in Nov 2020

Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests "Unreliable": They Cannot Be Used to Unlawfully and Forcibly Quarantine or Deprive of Freedom

November 20, 2020 Report on the INCAPABILITIES of the PCR Tests Eludes Western Mainstream Media


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5492e6 No.21018256


Q1000 > HQ > Headquarters

Q0100 > Snow White Godfather III


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4b0270 No.21018257

File: 3407fb47dad82e7⋯.png (690.8 KB,1301x688,1301:688,75m46k6435.PNG)

US submarine stops in Guantanamo Bay during Russian military drills

A nuclear-powered U.S. Navy submarine pulled into Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Thursday in a demonstration of U.S. strength as Russia prepares to conduct military drills in the waters off the coast of the island.

Russia has sent the Admiral Gorshkov frigate and the Kazan nuclear-powered submarine to Cuba for the military demonstrations. The military drills are considered routine, but come at a time of heightened tension between the U.S. and Russia, over the latter's war with Ukraine.

U.S. Southern Command said the USS Helena's visit was part of a routine port visit, which happens when the submarine travels through Southern Command's region, according to the Associated Press. The USS Helena is a nuclear-powered fast attack submarine.

Pentagon officials claimed the drills are not a concern or threat to the U.S., but that other U.S. ships have been monitoring the exercises anyways.

“This is not a surprise. We’ve seen them do these type of port calls before,” Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh said Wednesday about the drills. “We of course take it seriously, but these exercises don’t pose a threat to the United States.”


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b61580 No.21018258

File: c1e6fd1dc7706bf⋯.png (912.72 KB,768x960,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c61c56348388473⋯.png (663.28 KB,685x1024,685:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden kept drug gear at Joe’s Va. home and slept with members of ‘Amoeba’ group, says Lunden Roberts

Hunter Biden was so strung out on crack cocaine a few years ago that he brought both his girlfriend and his brother’s widow — both of whom he was sleeping with — to President Biden’s Virginia home. There, the first son kept his drug paraphernalia “locked up” in his own wing of the house, according to the now-ex-girlfriend.

Lunden Roberts, whose bombshell memoir, “Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden,” is out August 20, told The Post that Hallie Biden did not appear “very street smart” when the two spent time with an often-high Hunter at Joe Biden’s rented house in McLean, Va.

But hanging out with the now-president’s son and his brother’s widow is almost a footnote in Roberts’ rollicking, nearly 400-page tale of being a fly on the wall in Hunter’s chaotic life.

Contrary to what’s been reported, Roberts told The Post, and writes in her book, that she did not meet Hunter at a strip club — but at a small party at the offices of his investment firm, Rosemont Seneca, which was then located at the Swedish Embassy in Washington, DC. She was invited by a friend.

She also write of his run-ins with colorful drug dealers with names like Bicycles, a mysterious bodyguard of Hunter’s named Big Country who may also be a hitman, wild trips on Amtrak to New York City when Hunter would abruptly get off the train to “buy pants” — and at least one life-threatening overdose.

Roberts describes how Hunter kept multiple cellphones at any given time and was constantly losing or misplacing them, along with his other possessions.

She writes, too, of his “kindness” and desire to help others — once giving a homeless man his jacket, but forgetting that he had left his cellphone, his dead brother’s dog tags and several rocks of cocaine in the pockets. (He eventually tracked the man down and got the dog tags back.)

Roberts writes that she got used to Hunter compulsively showering up to six or seven times a day to “get the demons” off him. He was, the book says, never far from a bottle of his favorite Tito’s vodka.

According to the book, Roberts introduced several of her younger single girlfriends — a group she dubbed the “Amoeba” — to Hunter. She was on call to drive him around and obey his frequent demands, like getting “baby powder” for him from the strip club. Except Roberts bought actual talcum powder, and was mocked by Hunter for not knowing it was code for cocaine. She worked at the Mpire Club, but declines to say in what capacity, and also as one of Hunter’s two personal assistants.

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f786ff No.21018259

File: 4b0044d1c7a5f9b⋯.png (1.4 MB,960x1440,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b4fd8 No.21018260

File: 39487d7055b173a⋯.png (621.24 KB,658x515,658:515,ClipboardImage.png)


6/13/24 | WASHINGTON, DC…


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373bbc No.21018261

File: 16d1f61561d24f6⋯.png (691.23 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c6cb9 No.21018262

File: 541425fdb63963d⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_06_13_16_14_38.mp4)

File: ddd270083aae2d1⋯.png (2.02 MB,1593x1002,531:334,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e1d08d0d0a4626⋯.png (1.71 MB,1026x927,114:103,ClipboardImage.png)


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04353c No.21018263


Nice catch Anon


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373bbc No.21018264

File: e885f0001fe59f1⋯.png (250.46 KB,662x706,331:353,ClipboardImage.png)

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f786ff No.21018265

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

17,000 babies were found in a repossessed storage container in Los Angeles (May 1982)


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849215 No.21018266

File: 2d4d59dbb2ecd29⋯.jpg (11.47 KB,300x168,25:14,images_191_.jpg)

File: 3d423eb02d98078⋯.jpg (8.01 KB,259x194,259:194,9k_46_.jpg)

File: 90760faeb1e43d2⋯.jpg (12.86 KB,318x159,2:1,images_208_.jpg)

Volunteerism is for suckers!

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448212 No.21018267


You've been saying this for 72 hours now

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1825d2 No.21018268

File: 179d77b7b2e5701⋯.png (521.84 KB,886x710,443:355,ClipboardImage.png)

NBA legend Jerry West dies at 86

NBA legend Jerry West died Wednesday morning, the Los Angeles Clippers announced. He was 86 years old.

"Jerry West, the personification of basketball excellence and a friend to all who knew him, passed away peacefully this morning at the age of 86," the Clippers wrote. "His wife, Karen, was by his side."

Nicknamed "Mr. Clutch," West has been selected to the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame three times. He was enshrined as a player in 1980 and as a member of the 1960 U.S. Olympic gold medal team in 2010. He will be inducted for a third time as a contributor later this year.

West is ingrained in the NBA to this day, as his silhouette is considered the inspiration for the league's logo.

His resume as a player includes 14 NBA All-Star selections, 12 All-NBA selections, five NBA All-Defensive selections, a 1972 NBA championship with the Los Angeles Lakers, an NBA Finals MVP on the losing side in 1969, nine Finals appearances and the 1960 Olympic gold medal.

As an executive, West brought "Showtime" to L.A. He coached the Lakers from 1976-79 and was the general manager for six Lakers championships from 1980 to 2000 with stars including Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O'Neal.

After spending several years with the Memphis Grizzlies, West joined the Golden State Warriors' front office in 2011 and helped guide the team to NBA titles in 2015 and 2017.

West had been an executive board member and consultant for the Clippers since 2017.

"Jerry West was a basketball genius and a defining figure in our league for more than 60 years," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement. "He distinguished himself not only as an NBA champion and an All-Star in all 14 of his playing seasons, but also as a consummate competitor who embraced the biggest moments. He was the league's first Finals MVP and made rising to the occasion his signature quality, earning him the nickname 'Mr. Clutch.'

"Jerry's four decades with the Lakers also included a successful stint as a head coach and a remarkable run in the front office that cemented his reputation as one of the greatest executives in sports history. He helped build eight championship teams during his tenure in the NBA – a legacy achievement that mirrors his on-court excellence. And he will be enshrined this October into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame as a contributor, becoming the first person ever inducted as both a player and a contributor.

"I valued my friendship with Jerry and the knowledge he shared with me over many years about basketball and life. On behalf of the NBA, we send our deepest condolences to Jerry's wife, Karen, his family and his many friends in the NBA community."


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cb5427 No.21018269

File: 0e074f454ee9893⋯.png (15.3 KB,255x197,255:197,analyzing.png)


Whew! Is that comms?





KC C comes before D

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f2dca7 No.21018270



KC = 11.3

CD >C comes before D

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51b9ec No.21018271

At least I wasn't the Tyson Foods CFO today….

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6dd7f4 No.21018272

File: 4b940be7074e72e⋯.jpg (75.18 KB,636x487,636:487,S_Satan_DC_4b940be7074e72e….jpg)

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373bbc No.21018273

File: 9500f365fd688da⋯.png (3.23 MB,1920x1078,960:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5e4d4 No.21018274


is Donald Duck MOS

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f786ff No.21018275

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“The Train Has Left the Station and No One Can Stop It”. Europe Will be at War with Russia. Serbia’s President A. Vucic


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448212 No.21018276


New Life Children's Refuge

>'American's pretending to be a denomination of Christian

>Haiti Earthquake

>Vulnerable Children

>Send email to Huma Abedin to let HRC know they are going to Haiti

>They get caught trying to smuggle/snatch/kidnap kids in Haiti and bring them to America.. for what?




>maybe a child bride if a member pays or earns one


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a1d712 No.21018278


Kek. I don't do ultimatums, Fag.

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448212 No.21018279


33 children (20 from Calebasse and 13 from Le Citron)

>33 kids?

Why did they not snatch 32 kids or 34 kids

Why did they not snatch 666 kids?

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373bbc No.21018281

File: 7e3d0034cd5de2d⋯.png (841.09 KB,805x795,161:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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be621a No.21018282

File: ececbf42e3b0e13⋯.jpg (9.83 KB,195x258,65:86,images_209_.jpg)


Could you unpack that statement…?

Oppositional defiant disorder

Also called: ODD

A disorder in a child marked by defiant and disobedient behavior to authority figures.

Treatment can help, but this condition can't be cured

Chronic: can last for years or be lifelong

Requires a medical diagnosis

Lab tests or imaging not required

The cause of oppositional defiant disorder is unknown but likely involves a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Anecdotally, o.d.d. is learned/acquired by countless letdown

It's not a thing on it's own, it is accompanied by i don't give a fuck…sour grapes, in english

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3f753e No.21018283


Just as the founders intended.

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5492e6 No.21018284




DS 5:15 PM · Jun 13, 2024 > (pics - HQ DC) > Q515

Future dumps here.


Interaction to continue on dedicated /research/ board.

Suggest new board created.

Current BO’s claiming private comms and self promoting.

Patriots point - we will follow.



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1e1d82 No.21018286


some "jobs", many jobs especially those in and around Government have no right to exist.

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65a9c6 No.21018287

File: aed2bc62807d0f7⋯.png (1.01 MB,694x1016,347:508,2024_06_13_17_27_55.png)

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4b0270 No.21018288

File: 1f2efd435350bdf⋯.png (1.63 MB,1452x688,363:172,8m4848l567865.PNG)

Governor Hochul Announces Protection of 275 Acres of Open Space in Cayuga County

Governor Kathy Hochul today announced that New York State, in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, permanently protected two environmentally sensitive parcels of open space in Cayuga County: a 203-acre addition to Fillmore Glen State Park in Moravia and 72 acres of forested wetlands in Venice. Both projects were funded through the State Department of Environmental Conservation’s Water Quality Improvement Project program, which supports projects that directly improve water quality or aquatic habitat, promote flood risk reduction, restoration, and enhanced flood and climate resiliency, or protect a drinking water source.

“The Finger Lakesregion is home to some of New York's most extraordinary wonders, and expanding the footprint of the protected wetlands is a promise we make to their long-term wellbeing,” Governor Hochul said. “We are preserving our natural environment and ensuring New York continues to be a recreational and economic asset for future generations.”

Since 2018, The Nature Conservancy has used funding from the Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) Water Quality Improvement Project program (WQIP) to identify, protect, and restore lands in the Owasco Lake watershed that have the most impact on the lake's water quality. The newly acquired wetlands in Venice, utilizing a portion of a $1.1 million WQIP grant, brings the total amount of watershed area protected by The Nature Conservancy to 624 acres. Protected areas are not developed. Instead, the natural features of these lands are preserved to safeguard the water quality of nearby Owasco Lake, which serves as the drinking water source for more than 40,000 individuals.


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fc8595 No.21018289

File: a4a74b13e01e7cc⋯.jpeg (153.52 KB,1088x803,1088:803,a4a74b13e01e7cc9a19c815e5….jpeg)

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c7d8e1 No.21018290

File: c9fab88caaea7b9⋯.png (361.27 KB,405x741,135:247,BIDEN524.png)

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65a9c6 No.21018291

File: 71989193ac243bc⋯.png (1.5 MB,1000x1270,100:127,2024_04_24_15_35_44.png)

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0e4990 No.21018292

File: 4822b42458cf6b1⋯.mp4 (3.33 MB,1280x720,16:9,C3PMeme_20240612_4_new.mp4)




Joe and Barrack BFFs forever

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d01658 No.21018293


in for a penny…

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da6bda No.21018294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US, Ukraine sign 10-year security agreement as G7 gives Kyiv $50B loan


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cb5427 No.21018295

File: 63aa95f7ca740ab⋯.png (39.68 KB,550x295,110:59,Q483.png)


Century and a half =150

…giving voice to(extra space)those who seek….

(Extra space) 150 search yields Q483

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85af49 No.21018296


how long before it's converted to either a wind farm or a solar array?

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9fda97 No.21018297

File: f0d0cab427d309f⋯.png (31.83 KB,442x440,221:220,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0e337a8ee9ebd6⋯.png (33.04 KB,646x260,323:130,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3d29f No.21018298

File: f7e98df39a0668d⋯.jpg (262.19 KB,736x981,736:981,Annette_And_Jimmie_Dodd_di….jpg)

File: 650d4985d5a353f⋯.jpg (136.62 KB,325x535,65:107,NoThingNew.jpg)

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b61580 No.21018299

#1000 Q post is missing an "h"…?

>Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneathIStemple on Epstein Island?


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373bbc No.21018300

File: 81f06dcedcc3052⋯.png (701.81 KB,1341x890,1341:890,ClipboardImage.png)


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fd4f4f No.21018301

Something Big is in the Pipe

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448212 No.21018302



Both notable and related

Sure hope the message for America to return to isolationism and ignore the traitors who will be trying to push your sons and daughters to draft and go over seas so they can impregnate this country with all it has imported and then abort it one last time

Biden is a fake ass president

child brides manged by freemasons installed him

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cb5427 No.21018303

File: a2ef8c44de29c40⋯.png (10.28 KB,255x197,255:197,ADJUSTSGLASSES.png)



And "As the world turns"…

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8ce1d6 No.21018304

It's about the individual, NOT the collective. Fuck your group think. Utilitarianism is for policy makers….

Fuck your policies!!!!

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f786ff No.21018305

File: 34386ac922a02d5⋯.png (251.33 KB,534x462,89:77,ClipboardImage.png)

GOLAN HEIGHTS ON FIRE! Zionist Occupied land set Ablaze by Hezbollah rockets Storm

Zionist media reports say some 30,000 square meters of land has been consumed by fires a result of missile attacks by Lebanon’s Hezbollah Resistance Movement on Israeli positions in the northern occupied Palestinian territories.

According to IRNA’s Thursday morning report citing Al-Jazeera, the Hebrew-language newspaper Yediot Aharonot wrote about the blazes that caught a large swathe of land in the occupied territories after rockets launched from southern Lebanon on Wednesday.

In this regard, Haaretz, another Zionist newspaper also wrote that the fire in “the north of Israel” as a result of rockets fired from the south of Lebanon was a threat to “strategic facilities”.

On Wednesday, Hezbollah fired a barrage of rockets on Israeli positions in response to the regime’s airstrike previous night that left four resistance members, including a senior commander Sami Abdallah killed in Israeli air raids targeting a house in the town of Jwaya on Tuesday.

Israeli media reported that 215 rockets were fired by Hezbollah from Wednesday morning to afternoon, with some hitting military bases, including a spying unit of the Miron military base and Bolsan factory affiliated to the Rafael military company.

The factory provides protection and overhaul services to the machinery of the Zionist Army. On Tuesday, Hezbollah said it fired about 50 rockets at Israeli positions in the occupied Golan Heights.


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4b0270 No.21018306

File: d0337e77abf445b⋯.png (702.35 KB,1267x618,1267:618,8m7m47k465k45.PNG)

File: 4dcddc1e529fa8c⋯.png (1.69 MB,977x1482,977:1482,6j5246h543456345.PNG)

File: a6cb4d6c64dcb24⋯.png (2.16 MB,972x1475,972:1475,7_eryeytre_yte_etre.PNG)

Anduril awarded $19M to build rocket motors for U.S. Navy

STONE COUNTY, Miss. (WLOX) - On Wednesday, Anduril Industries said it was awarded $19 million to design, build, and test rocket motors for the United States Navy.

Anduril said the motors will be built at their Stone County facility on McHenry Road. This comes after Anduril announced a $75 million expansion at the facility it acquired from Adranos.

nduril says the SN-6 is a “highly versatile missile for defeating air, surface, and hypersonic missile threats that is deployable on 60 surface ships.”

Along with the rocket facility in McHenry, Anduril will develop the motors at its office in Huntsville, Alabama.


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5492e6 No.21018307


8th PSYOP (CENTCOM) 03:50 PM > (Ships-War) U.S. CENTCOM will continue to act with partners…

Q350 > Shall we play a game? How about a nice game of chess? (No ability to enter trip code - last dump)



Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:44 PM > (00:29) —He’s ready to do it again!

Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:51 PM > (01:19) —I guarantee it!


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373bbc No.21018308

File: 86a01afe85f04ba⋯.png (775.11 KB,835x767,835:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3cfe0 No.21018309


If you are ok with sacrificing the one for the many…

consider yourself un-American, at best.

Bring up Jesus, I dare you.

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f67635 No.21018310


golan heights imoportant

this is biblical

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fb8df9 No.21018311


>30,000 square meters

= about 7.5 acres


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f333cf No.21018312

File: cd6a1f70654990d⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB,560x324,140:81,Nathan_Wade_Fanis_Sex_Toy.mp4)

Fani's sex toy

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5492e6 No.21018314

>>21018307 CentralComm.

>>21018260 HeadQuarters

>>21018250 HeadQuarters


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7320da No.21018315


There will be no more inaugurations, Trump was the last president.

Why do you think he did not attened in 2021? It was not real.

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10decb No.21018316


> Zionist media reports say some 30,000 square meters.

Oh No!

The humanity!!

l x h = a.


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373bbc No.21018317

File: 834146edb622b53⋯.png (588.75 KB,526x524,263:262,ClipboardImage.png)

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00e066 No.21018318

Once people find out the truth it will help them see why things are so bad.

There are 2 types of people here and both are spiritually leveling up their chosen path.

Type one: Service to self.

Type two: Service to others.

People that are selfish, only out for themselves are progressing down that path to hell.

People that are here to help others are progressing down their path to enlightenment.

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1e1d82 No.21018319


saw that. kek

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f786ff No.21018320


Nimrod's playground + castle this is why Israel stole it

Satanic babylonian shit

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f67635 No.21018322


the misiing H is for hillary

their her tunnels, her island

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373bbc No.21018323

File: 2976099d589fd04⋯.png (961.98 KB,960x960,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e2dd3 No.21018324


These type of arrangements, to be binding, have to go through Congress do they not? Like the Iran Deal, President Trump should be free to get the US out of this abomination unless it goes through Congress and is approved.

The anti-American American government is working overtime to make sure that President Trump will not be able to make American great if he's re-elected.

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4b0270 No.21018325

File: 367acdffb3732fd⋯.png (899.37 KB,1138x581,1138:581,8m57r5n75754.PNG)

DTRA Albuquerque Opens New Facility at Ribbon Cutting Ceremony On Kirtland Air Force Base

KIRTLAND Air Force Base, New Mexico – The Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Albuquerque Office (DTRA-ABQ) hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday, June 12, 2024, for the agency’s new multi-use building on Kirtland Air Force Base. The 76,000 square foot facility will be home to more than 300 U.S. military personnel and DoD civilians and includes unclassified and classified workspaces and meeting rooms, administrative offices, and a seismic laboratory.

Expected to be fully operational in the second half of 2024, the building will house current DTRA employees in Albuquerque and DTRA members currently at Eglin Air Force Base near Pensacola, Florida. That move will bring team members of one of DTRA’s specialized research and development offices together under one roof.

“I have made modernizing our defense capabilities at New Mexico’s military installations, research labs, and testing ranges a top priority," said U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich. "That includes securing the Fiscal Year 2021 Military Construction Appropriations Bill to construct this state-of-the-art building that will help us retire deteriorating facilities at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. This will make Kirtland home to DTRA’s largest workforce outside of the National Capital Region and further solidify New Mexico’s military installations—including Kirtland and the White Sands Missile Range.”


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b61580 No.21018326

File: 37d353f26ffc9ad⋯.png (28.51 KB,473x168,473:168,ClipboardImage.png)


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/31/2020 18:44:04 ID: a19e8d

8kun/qresearch: 11379902

Are you ready to finish what we started?

'Nothing can stop what is coming' is not just a catch-phrase.


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9fda97 No.21018328

File: b4227b47078d2b1⋯.png (1.06 MB,1131x675,377:225,ClipboardImage.png)


Spooks run the world.

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f67635 No.21018329

File: 1dd7170a61f3f9c⋯.png (145.55 KB,770x1428,55:102,1126.png)

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e66f85 No.21018330


Dat ass!!!!

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fd4f4f No.21018331

The Pendulum was Swung

& Everything they built is in the path of the return swing

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1e1d82 No.21018332



with every passing day closer to Trump being elected ("voting" booths or otherwise), the corrupt "Government" moves another step forward to burn EVERYTHING to the ground.

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f2dca7 No.21018333

File: bc9e4119a8e8bff⋯.webm (887.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,gofsomethingsafoot2538970.webm)

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5492e6 No.21018334

File: 5aa7f18e2997f12⋯.png (26.24 KB,444x491,444:491,119_Q.png)


> Some things must remain classified to the very end?


Q119 What is money flow disruption?

Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:51 PM > (01:19) —I guarantee it!

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5492e6 No.21018335


Fake. LFG.

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448212 No.21018336



My child was kidnapped

No idea if she is alive or dead

Do believe she is dead

Last time trying to figure it out was thrown in jail via a Governors warrant

>in b4 you should of shot him, killed them!

What do you do if it is a sheriff running a pedophile ring and snatching children utilizing a secret society that embedded itself in America's system?

Post about it all the time here, 4ch, GAB, GETTR, Truth Social

Gangstalked, posioned, drugged, setup nearly this anons entire life to be frank with you

>Thumbs up

>>21018200 other bread

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5ff774 No.21018337

File: 0428930bbd5e758⋯.png (4.9 MB,1461x1171,1461:1171,1933_Clara_Bow_is_in_the_f….png)

File: 92cf7b020e3015e⋯.jpg (786.73 KB,992x1200,62:75,Clara_Bow_third_from_left_….jpg)

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5492e6 No.21018338


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f2dca7 No.21018339

File: 61a699c491e91af⋯.png (633.71 KB,482x643,482:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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5492e6 No.21018341


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5492e6 No.21018343


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7c9d4e No.21018344

f j b

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448212 No.21018345


>Thumbs up

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5492e6 No.21018346

You failed. Q will receive a new board. Less than 10 will confirm. YOU FAILED.

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65a9c6 No.21018347

File: 874c8def76e7603⋯.gif (1.73 MB,663x500,663:500,whatchu_talkin_bout_willis….gif)


>Fani's sex toy

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5492e6 No.21018348

Anons. Floor is YOURS.

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5492e6 No.21018349

KIM? BO? What is money disruption? You get to find out the hard way.

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fd4f4f No.21018350

A Current Thing

Wars all Around

A new Scamdemic

WW3 on the Horizon

Looks like it's going to be a good Summer to be Anon

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edb5dd No.21018352


AIDS 1982

USSR crash / tuberculosis 1991

World Trade Center bombing 1993

Hantavirus 1993

Waco 1993

Oklahoma City Bombing 1995

Ebola virus Zaire 1995

West Nile Virus 1999

Y2K 2000

Dot com crash 2000

9-11 2001

D.C Sniper 2002

SARS 2004

Avian 2008

Recession 2008

H1N1 2009

Swine 2010

Fukushima 2011

MERS 2012

Mayan Calender 2012

Boston Marathon Bombing 2013

Ebola 2014

Zika 2016

Ebola 2018

Coronavirus 2020

Monkeypox 2022

Malaria/Leprosy 2023

Bird Flu 2024?

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9f44fa No.21018353

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Triggered Meets TCN, Tucker Interviews Me! | TRIGGERED Ep.144

Donald Trump Jr.


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f67635 No.21018355

File: 14947e815feb153⋯.png (2.02 MB,1240x826,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

angel wings

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599f7c No.21018356

File: 6cd363bc3acc468⋯.jpeg (611.51 KB,1170x1325,234:265,IMG_6942.jpeg)

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6dd7f4 No.21018357



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f67635 No.21018358


all ways of controlling the people

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7c9d4e No.21018359

Navy investigates death of submarine sailor aboard USS Helena


Kevin Cheek

June 12, 2024

Naval Station Norfolk

by: Kevin Cheek

Posted: Jun 12, 2024 / 06:19 PM EDT

Updated: Jun 13, 2024 / 07:15 AM EDT

NORFOLK, Va. (WAVY) — The Navy is investigating the death of a sailor on-board submarine, the USS Helena.

On Wednesday, a spokesman said the sailor was found dead on the boat while it was moored to the pier at Naval Station Norfolk on May 24.

The sailor has been identified as Sonar Technician Submarine 3rd Class Timothy Sanders.

The Navy issued the following statement:

Sonar Technician Submarine 3rd Class Timothy S. Sanders, assigned to USS Helena (SSN 725), was found deceased onboard the boat pierside at Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on May 24, 2024. We deeply mourn the loss of our shipmate, and our thoughts and prayers are with the Sailor’s family, friends and coworkers during this difficult time. Grief counseling services and support are being provided through the chain of command and local chaplain resources. The U.S. Navy is cooperating fully with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), who are investigating this incident.

Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) is investigating the incident.

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fd4f4f No.21018360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3ed0c3 No.21018362

File: fb8468007239aa8⋯.jpg (60.4 KB,570x587,570:587,me.jpg)


Give me back my hammer.

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5492e6 No.21018363

Look at time stamp.

#21013245 at 2024-06-13 00:29:10 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25768: Dig Meme Pray > Repeat Edition

foe tested Diplomacy waters. Big Tell.


Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:44 PM > (0:29) —He’s ready to do it again!

Q: 0029 > Some things must remain classified to the very end.


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5492e6 No.21018364


Your ban-hammer is broken Forever.

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5492e6 No.21018366

Do you understand… "BO"?

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fd4f4f No.21018367

Trails at GITMO

What a time to be Alive

& The[y] wanted to shut it down….

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f22dce No.21018368

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f67635 No.21018369


i just recently saw a humpty dumpty reference on a post … hmmm

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6dd7f4 No.21018370



so no more extreme censorship of anons?

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0e4990 No.21018371

File: 4cdd97ab460c8ea⋯.jpg (163.16 KB,714x952,3:4,20240613_155102.jpg)

File: 04ab55288c4ffe4⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,640x360,16:9,Acyn_20240613_3_new.mp4)


Schiff: I want to begin by quoting the jury in the Manhattan trial: Guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty…

Psychotic behavior

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3ed0c3 No.21018372

File: 0b318b2c8a40df5⋯.png (255.24 KB,400x479,400:479,grammar_nazi_game.png)


>Trails at GITMO

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7c9d4e No.21018373

File: 5cfaeded6dc9f4b⋯.png (1019.75 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

US sub makes ‘routine’ visit to Gitmo amid Russian fleet worries



The port call, which the U.S. says was planned, coincides with the arrival of Russian warships in Havana this week.

U.S. Southern Command said that the USS Helena, pictured in 2016, would stop at the base for “a routine port visit as it transits the U.S. Southern Command geographic area of responsibility.” | Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Casey J. Hopkins/U.S. Navy

The U.S. military made the rare move Thursday of announcing that an attack submarine was visiting the naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as a Russian flotilla conducts military exercises in the Caribbean.

In a statement, U.S. Southern Command said that the USS Helena, a Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine, would stop at the base for “a routine port visit as it transits the U.S. Southern Command geographic area of responsibility.”

The visit, Southern Command said, was “previously planned,” but it coincides with Wednesday’s arrival of a Russian nuclear submarine and several frigates to the port of Havana for an official port call. The Russian fleet, which sailed close to the Florida coast as it approached Havana, will also make stops in Venezuela and conduct military exercises in the Caribbean.

The U.S. and Canada monitored the fleet’s journey to the communist island, with both militaries deploying several ships and a reconnaissance plane to track them, CNN reported. National security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters aboard Air Force One on Wednesday the visit is “something we watch closely, carefully” but noted that similar port calls have occurred in the past. He added there was no indication that the visit would see arms transfers between Cuba and Russia.

But the deployment has prompted outcries from Republicans, who say the Kremlin’s move shows that the Biden administration has a weak foreign policy. Russian leader Vladimir Putin has vowed to use “asymmetrical tactics against the West” in response to Washington and other allies’ decision to allow Kyiv to use Western-made munitions against targets in Russian territory.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Thursday on Fox News that “when you have a president who is weak, every bad guy on the globe is on the march and that is why we’re seeing, for example, Russian ships off Cuba with hypersonic weapons testing missiles just 90 miles off the coast of Florida.”

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f67635 No.21018374


you know all the kings horses have been running riderless through London, three so far, the first was when they carried the colors, the other two were the more famous ones, they never showed the others that got loose that day funnily enough

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85af49 No.21018375


did he end it by saying 'give us Barabbas!'

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fd4f4f No.21018376


Unanimously on every count eh?

I Bet a standard Hotel it wasn't

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1ecfd3 No.21018377

File: 3f585da94c1803e⋯.jpeg (636.06 KB,1341x625,1341:625,48BDF2DF_4900_4854_B1A2_6….jpeg)

45in N757AF 757 departed Reagan National Airport and on descent for Palm Beach Intl

This AC was moved from Dulles Intl to a Reagan National yesterday

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5492e6 No.21018378




Anons, do you understand?

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6dd7f4 No.21018380

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b61580 No.21018381

File: 11d47abb485af80⋯.png (414.91 KB,473x769,473:769,ClipboardImage.png)

…just reviewing some Q posts and this one I don't remember, so I looked up this guy….




"David Bowdich is an American executive and former law enforcement officer serving as the Chief Security Officer of The Walt Disney Company. Prior to this, he served as the Deputy Director of the FBI."

"After Andrew McCabe went on leave on January 29, 2018, prior to his dismissal from the FBI, Bowdich, as Associate Deputy Director, assumed his position.[16]

Bowdich was formally appointed Deputy Director on April 13, 2018, by Director Christopher A. Wray.[1] Bowdich fired Agent Peter Strzok on August 10, 2018.[17] He served as Deputy Director until 2021.

In 2022, he became the Chief Security Officer of The Walt Disney Company."

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Bowdich


Q post #4927 was dated in October 2020 while he was FBI Deputy Director, and has since moved to Disney….

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/21/2020 22:40:02 ID: 996755

8kun/qresearch: 11202692

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7c9d4e No.21018382




A US attack submarine and one of Russia's most formidable subs are in Cuba at the same time

Jake Epstein Jun 13, 2024, 2:26 PM EDT



The USS Helena in Greece.

US Navy photo by Paul Farley/Released

A US Navy fast-attack submarine just arrived in Cuba, shortly after a Russian sub showed up there.

The Los Angeles-class USS Helena is in Guantanamo Bay, while the Yasan-class Kazan is near Havana.

US and Western officials have long expressed concerns over Russia's Yasan-class boats.

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A US Navy nuclear-powered attack submarine arrived in Cuba on Thursday, the Pentagon revealed, putting the American combat vessel in the Caribbean nation at the same time as one of Russia's most formidable subs.

US Southern Command said the fast-attack submarine USS Helena is presently in Guantanamo Bay as part of a routine port visit while conducting a "global maritime security and national defense mission" through SOUTHCOM's area of responsibility.

"The vessel's location and transit were previously planned," the military wrote in a statement.

Related stories

The Russian submarine that just showed up off Cuba is one of a new class of subs that has worried the US and NATO for years

Russia's latest naval mission is a flex to cover for its embarrassing losses in the Black Sea, US official says

The Helena is a Los Angeles-class submarine, a class of nuclear-powered boats that make up the backbone of the Navy's sub force. It was commissioned in the late 1980s and can be armed with torpedos, Tomahawk land-attack cruise missiles, and Harpoon anti-ship missiles.

The Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Helena transits the Atlantic Ocean.

The Los Angeles-class attack submarine USS Helena transits the Atlantic Ocean. US Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Rafael Martie/Released

Meanwhile, more than 500 miles away on the other side of Cuba, in waters near Havana, is a flotilla of Russian naval vessels that arrived this week ahead of maritime exercises in the Caribbean.

One of these vessels is the Kazan, a Yasan-class nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine.

US and other Western officials have long expressed concerns about Yasan-class subs like the Kazan because of their strike and stealth capabilities. These vessels are relatively new — the first in the class was commissioned just over 10 years ago — and they can be heavily armed

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85af49 No.21018383

File: cd6821ced131b6f⋯.jpg (144.06 KB,1293x1154,1293:1154,hiking_trails_at_Guantanam….jpg)


no trails at Gitmo? I bet there are.

It's on the ocean.

what do the people there do on their days off?


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1ecfd3 No.21018384


You call it ‘extreme censorship’ but in reality-and it’s there for anyone to see-it’s spam removal.

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89a2f8 No.21018385


They'll open it to a refugee tent camp.

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4b0270 No.21018386

File: d29a0f9517739c5⋯.png (1.15 MB,1144x703,1144:703,76m7n34645.PNG)

Rafferty takes over US Army’s top artillery command in Europe

WIESBADEN, Germany — The U.S. Army’s top artillery command in Europe, which is responsible for strengthening capabilities with NATO allies and partners, saw its leadership change Thursday for the second time since its reactivation three years ago.

Maj. Gen. John Rafferty took the reins of the 56th Artillery Command from Maj. Gen. Andrew Gainey in a ceremony at Clay Kaserne. The Army revived the command in 2021 in response to Russian maneuvers along NATO’s eastern flank.

“We are aligned and united again to enable and help another partner defeat a foe right now,” Gen. Darryl Williams, U.S. Army Europe and Africa commander, said Thursday while paying tribute to the recent 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.


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b157b0 No.21018387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Donald Trump Interview - IMPAULSIVE EP. 418

22K views · 18 minutes agoI

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b3d29f No.21018388

File: 7aef69a12040a4c⋯.jpg (592.33 KB,1004x1436,251:359,EdBuck1.jpg)

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7c9d4e No.21018389

File: 4ddf3c0eb3ea891⋯.png (131.13 KB,759x549,253:183,ClipboardImage.png)


>Guantanamo Bay

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85af49 No.21018390


they should build a new city on Pine Island, the land was confiscated by the communists.

A lot of it was owned by Americans. A lot of those people would probably love to have their land back.

and move the 'dreamers' there and make Cuba pay for it.

Russia should pony up some money too, because they are such good friends with the dicators in Cuba and Venezuela.

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6e2dd3 No.21018391

File: da7b28dd6f83ff5⋯.png (1.14 MB,1004x531,1004:531,big_flag_big_rally.png)


Trump Proposes TOTALLY Scrapping Income Tax. Here’s How It Would Work…

Former President Donald J. Trump—the presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee—suggested during a private meeting with Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill on Thursday that he’d consider replacing the federal income tax with an “all-tariff policy.” Trump first hinted at the policy idea during a campaign rally in Las Vegas on Sunday.

While specific details regarding the tariff plan were not immediately available, it appears the former President suggested tariffs could be used over time to phase out the income tax—and not immediately replace the federal government’s revenue base altogether. During Trump‘s first term in office, tariffs were used to impact both U.S. domestic and foreign policy—encouraging the reshoring of American jobs while punishing currency manipulators like China.

Trump also emphasized to his fellow Republicans at the Thursday meeting in Washington, D.C., that tariffs can and should be used to enhance U.S. negotiating power against foreign “bad actors.” These countries either purposefully devalue their currency or provide excessive state subsidies to domestic companies to tilt international trade in their favor.



Brilliant. I love tariffs and the idea of income tax being phased out (very quickly please).

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fd4f4f No.21018393

Day 2420 of being an Anon

Dank Meme Dry spell

Don't know if I'll make it

Haven't stollen a PNG in Days

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7c9d4e No.21018394

File: c87dddd8f2d0eff⋯.png (1.12 MB,1000x664,125:83,ClipboardImage.png)

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6dd7f4 No.21018395


not talking about 'spam', but about truthful posts

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f10dc0 No.21018396


Transfer Snowden?

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b744af No.21018397

File: 7dd70d772facdc8⋯.png (1.79 MB,1500x1534,750:767,7dd70d772facdc8566fb0c2ad2….png)

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5492e6 No.21018398

File: 5e2425b465a0dcf⋯.png (1.5 MB,1052x1051,1052:1051,94e.png)


Ready to Ride.

#21001968 at 2024-06-11 00:17:04 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25756: Unleashed Edition


#20974581 at 2024-06-06 02:01:45 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25724: WE WILL NOT COMPLY EDITION

Goodbye BO

#20640788 at 2024-03-28 07:57:53 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #25315: Night Shift E-BaKE Dun Rite Edition

Goodbye, BO.

#20082645 at 2023-12-16 10:55:05 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #24646: Senate Rearing Room Edition

Goodbye @BO


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85af49 No.21018399


oh, I see, you were talking about the waterfall in New York State.



which I posted because Grammar feline claimed that 'Gitmo trails' was an incorrect idea.

I figured you were suggesting putting the dreamer families there.

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f22dce No.21018400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0b4fd8 No.21018401

File: 8f24fb51992ea06⋯.png (854.35 KB,885x1020,59:68,ClipboardImage.png)

Clarence Thomas under attack? I wonder why?

Clarence Thomas took 3 private jet trips provided by GOP donor, committee says

Washington — Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas took three undisclosed trips aboard a private jet provided by Republican megadonor Harlan Crow between 2017 and 2021, according to documents obtained by the Senate Judiciary Committee and released Thursday.

The records, which Crow turned over to the committee, show that Thomas traveled aboard Crow's private jet in May 2017 on a flight from St. Louis, Missouri, to Kalispell, Montana, with a return flight to Dallas two days later.

The second newly revealed trip on the plane took place in March 2019, from Washington, D.C., to Savannah, Georgia, and back. The third, in June 2021, included roundtrip flights between Washington and San Jose, California.

The committee said the documents were obtained as a result of its vote to authorize a subpoena for Crow in November. In addition to Crow, the panel's Democrats voted to issue a subpoena to conservative judicial activist Leonard Leo, who refused to comply with their demand for information. Crow's office said in April he had not received a subpoena from the committee.

A release from the committee noted that Thomas did not include the private jet travel in his most recent financial disclosure statement, which was released last week. The Supreme Court did not immediately return a request for comment.

"Nearly $4.2 million in gifts and even that wasn't enough for Justice Thomas, with at least three additional trips the Committee found that he has failed to disclose to date," Judiciary Committee chairman Dick Durbin said in a statement. "The Senate Judiciary Committee's ongoing investigation into the Supreme Court's ethical crisis is producing new information — like what we've revealed today — and makes it crystal clear that the highest court needs an enforceable code of conduct, because its members continue to choose not to meet the moment."

Crow's office said in a statement that he reached an agreement with the panel to turn over information going back seven years in response to Democrats' requests for lists of travel, gifts, lodging or other transactions he provided to any member of the Supreme Court.

"Despite his serious and continued concerns about the legality and necessity of the inquiry, Mr. Crow engaged in good faith negotiations with the Committee from the beginning to resolve the matter," Crow's office said. "As a condition of this agreement, the Committee agreed to end its probe with respect to Mr. Crow."

Durbin said the documents also showed travel aboard Crow's private jet for a trip to Bali, Indonesia, in July 2019, an eight-day "yacht excursion" for that vacation and private jet travel for a July 2019 trip to Santa Rosa, California.

The two trips in July 2019, to Indonesia and California, were reported by Thomas in an amendment to his 2019 financial disclosure form, which was included in his latest disclosure covering 2023 released last week. Thomas reported receiving food and lodging at a private club and hotel. He did not include the trips aboard the private plane or yacht. His report said the lodging information was "inadvertently omitted" from his original filing.

Durbin also said the dates of the Indonesia trip reported by Thomas differ from those listed in documents Crow provided.

The Judiciary Committee has been investigating ethics issues at the Supreme Court for roughly a year. The probe was sparked by reporting from the news outlet ProPublica that detailed trips Thomas took with Crow, including the Bali vacation, which had not been included on his financial disclosure reports.

Thomas said last year that he did not believe he was required to disclose the travel and pledged to comply with guidelines about personal hospitality issued last year by the Judicial Conference, the policymaking body for the federal courts. His financial disclosure report for 2022 listed flights Thomas took aboard Crow's private plane, as well as lodging at his property in the Adirondacks. Thomas also provided details about a 2014 real estate transaction with Crow that ProPublica revealed.

Thomas' relationship with Crow led Senate Democrats to pressure the Supreme Court to adopt a formal code of conduct, and the Judiciary panel advanced legislation last July that would've required the court to put binding ethics rules in place. But the measure has not been taken up for a vote on the Senate floor, and an attempt by Durbin on Wednesday to unanimously pass the ethics bill was blocked by Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham.

The Supreme Court did unveil its own code of conduct in November, but it did not include a means of enforcement, and Democrats criticized the ethics rules as inadequate.


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6a6380 No.21018402

File: 3badea91e32aab8⋯.png (202.15 KB,419x462,419:462,ScreenShot_Tool_2023040919….png)


>while he was FBI Deputy Director

Does this mean all the meaty info has been scrubbed from the 'clearnet?" Disney sounds quite questionable…wut up?

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3f753e No.21018403



They're gonna get their asses handed to them momentarily.


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00e066 No.21018404

File: be2f89b9dc71a6e⋯.jpg (125.75 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,eng_bolton_gbt_BM_Bayern_N….jpg)

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ff2a5d No.21018406


the pictures were posted in an early bread years ago! they were soo disgusting, i did not save them. but between half chan and full chan they might be archived

image one

a young female head missing her face with a large caliber bullet hole in the foerhead

image two

hillary dancing around with a face mask, the child in the previous picture's face

image three

huma doing the same thing, dancing around wearing the child's face

they flayed this child's while she was still alive, took turns dancing around wearing her face as a mask.

they also harvested the adrenochrome

these people are evil

read the above and weep

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85af49 No.21018407


no comment that there actually are trails at Gitmo?

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1ecfd3 No.21018408

File: 2fc16e597398468⋯.jpeg (582.62 KB,779x870,779:870,87F6DD76_7669_4599_BF31_0….jpeg)


Your definition of “truthful” posts and spam are completely at odds with the boards policies.

You’ll never stop complaining no matter what is said or done.

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4b0270 No.21018409

File: a174dde9c5cd25f⋯.png (113.59 KB,1108x627,1108:627,m657457j4745.PNG)

Airbus Appoints Dr. Victoria Coleman, Former Chief Scientist of the U.S. Air Force, as CEO of Acubed and Airbus’ Head of Research & Technology in North America

SUNNYVALE, Calif.(BUSINESS WIRE)Acubed, Airbus’ Silicon Valley-based research and innovation center, today announced the appointment of Dr. Victoria Coleman as CEO, effective July 15, 2024. Dr. Coleman will also serve as Airbus’ Head of Research & Technology for North America. Dr. Coleman brings a breadth of experience to the dual role, as well as a distinguished track record of leadership, having most recently served as the Chief Scientist of the United States Air Force. In her new role, she will report to Robin Hayes, Chairman and CEO of Airbus Americas, Inc. and the Board of Directors of Acubed.


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edb5dd No.21018410

File: 44a4cc53c987567⋯.jpg (290.05 KB,1078x1278,539:639,Screenshot_20240126_145021.jpg)

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85af49 No.21018412


he's proud of 'helping' an unelected dictator who has conscripted all the men.

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7c9d4e No.21018413

9. Defeat the submarines in close battle. With the advent of anti-ship cruise missile-armed submarines, the close battle can be anywhere from a few hundred yards to over 300 nautical miles. Supporting the force with ASW-capable aircraft, deploying missile countermeasures, jamming submarine communication and datalink capabilities, or providing intelligence of a missile launch must not be overlooked as meaningful contributions by the joint force. This weaves into the next thread.


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f67635 No.21018414

Tesla Shareholders Approve Musk's $56B Package in Historic Move

Last updated

14 minutes ago

Tesla shareholders have officially approved Elon Musk's 2018 compensation package worth $56 billion, marking a significant milestone for the company. This approval comes alongside the decision to reincorporate Tesla from Delaware to Texas. The move and the compensation package have been met with mixed reactions, with some viewing it as a positive step for the company's future, while others have expressed concerns over the size of the compensation.


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3f753e No.21018416


If you weren't a transparent paid shill pushing a narrative, you'd probably treat it as spam removal like everyone else.

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f6baef No.21018417

File: 4ff6dacac0b77a8⋯.png (105.09 KB,540x419,540:419,ClipboardImage.png)


he would have been better saying panic panic panic etc 34 times.

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7c9d4e No.21018418

File: 7055534492ba478⋯.png (14.32 KB,603x309,201:103,ClipboardImage.png)


>300 nautical miles.

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5ff774 No.21018419

File: 4a234dc4fff5e63⋯.png (1.41 MB,745x662,745:662,Walking_Box_Ranch.png)

File: 13aa53049ea987b⋯.jpg (6.44 MB,4216x5400,527:675,Daisy_Beldam_Rex_Bell_s_mo….jpg)

File: 3f55ea74b740e3a⋯.jpg (6.79 MB,3000x2208,125:92,Birth_announcement_for_Rex….jpg)

File: bf92d9ab50b689b⋯.jpg (170.9 KB,800x1023,800:1023,800px_It_1927_film_poster_.jpg)

File: d293c5b9eebff54⋯.jpg (430.28 KB,1920x1173,640:391,1920px_Clara_Bow_Grave_cro….jpg)

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6dd7f4 No.21018420


The truth should stand on its own merits.

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85af49 No.21018421


when a contractor monitor for a military group gets a job for the same class of businesses which he/she used to over see, they should have their pensions rescinded and be taxed at a higher rate.

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f67635 No.21018422


i think Tesla, i mean Elon, will use the 56B to launch the Tesla phone before Nov 5th 10 days of darknesss

the world wide web will go dark, and starlink will replace it, www is cern

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5492e6 No.21018423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Mission9: Censorship

POTUS Head-to-Head (video) yesterday?

What was in the frame below the SHIP?


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6dd7f4 No.21018424



you have no idea who I am.

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f22dce No.21018425

File: 292bb23bf7be05a⋯.jpg (484.43 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240613_145809….jpg)

This ""week""?

There is no week left for me…

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5ff774 No.21018426

File: 9bc8a3316674830⋯.jpg (1.85 MB,2090x2989,2090:2989,IMG_20230521_164058_027.jpg)



Searchlight, NV

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f67635 No.21018427

its a no brainer when they announce Trump the winner nov 5th, the cabal will try to burn down the house as they dont want the Good to have anything

rot in hell losers

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ff2a5d No.21018428


>Define Anti-Christ.

-anything that works against Jesus Christ

-anything that works against the precepts of the Lord God Almighty

-anything that deliberately works against the Holy Spirit

try the spirits reads the scripture and the answer to your question can be found by searching this phrase

"try the spirits" KJV

no, i won't dig for you!


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d01658 No.21018429


seent it, i did.


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1ecfd3 No.21018430

File: 5758658a0bba6c2⋯.jpeg (613.42 KB,1331x611,1331:611,64279F6A_3F5B_4192_B6CE_0….jpeg)

SAM044 C40B and JCOS related inbound to JBA from Brussels Intl depart

This left JBA yesterday

Def. Mins. conference going on and Sec. Def. Austin in attendance

NATO defense ministers approve new security aid, training support plan for Ukraine

We have endorsed the first-ever NATO-Ukraine elevation cooperation road map,' Secretary General Stoltenberg says after NATO-Ukraine Council of Defence Ministers Session in Brussels


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fc8595 No.21018431


Traitor x 34 = Treason

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85af49 No.21018433


who knows who will win.

if the cabal wins they will go on a rampage of purging because they will start infighting, and the various factions of criminals will want to be head-dictator in charge.

They probably wont get to the Republicans until Biden's third term.

By then Z will be declared dictator of the West and . . .

ok, I'll stop with my fatalism. I hope none of that happens.

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1ecfd3 No.21018434



It should however not when it’s spammed incessantly.

Bye loser

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518683 No.21018435

File: c55f37d725c0067⋯.jpg (85.99 KB,486x323,486:323,QR_ASS.jpg)


WTF Day Shift

What kind of shit sandwich did you just make for Evening Shift?

qrd please

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fc8595 No.21018436

I meant pencil neck of course

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f786ff No.21018437

File: 04ba00923b9da44⋯.png (490.61 KB,536x515,536:515,ClipboardImage.png)

Barack Obama’s official portrait artist, Kehinde Wiley, fighting back against numerous sexual assault accusers https://trib.al/Q3BE02i



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85af49 No.21018438

what would be appropriate as a meme for DJT's birthday tomorrow?

should I post it at midnight EST?

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fd4f4f No.21018439

If Convicted Felon George Floyd can be a Saint

Convicted Felon Donald Trump can be POTUS

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11c604 No.21018440

File: ac8d925c9aa4be3⋯.png (754.86 KB,658x1613,658:1613,ClipboardImage.png)



this is "travel news"

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a0d0b3 No.21018441


please translate for this anon?

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bf61bb No.21018442

File: 07d5a503c5da414⋯.jpg (45.47 KB,420x581,60:83,WINNING_HAND.jpg)

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3f753e No.21018443



You are obviously being unjustly oppressed.

Maybe if you fucked off and started your own board (no censors there), you could post your truth for those who appreciate it.

As long as you are a boring parasite gagging for the eyeballs this board attracts, you should expect to be deleted because you deserve to be deleted.

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f67635 No.21018444


witchs curse, your words hav eno power, rot in hell

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f67635 No.21018445

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00e066 No.21018446

Nov 5 President Trump wins.


They have been fortifying the WH and will simply refuse to leave.

They ClieA media will parrot RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA Interfered in the election.

The Sheep will go Bah

The Patriots will cry but sit home because they don't want to go to prison like the Jan 6 patriots.

This is going to get good.

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d9af99 No.21018447

File: 5afacd356b5e2c5⋯.png (568.12 KB,998x925,998:925,5afacd356b5e2c54e747c35370….png)

Shills only shill.

Patriots WIN!

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0b4fd8 No.21018448

File: 628f91eae5dd34a⋯.jpg (76.49 KB,411x600,137:200,628f91eae5dd34a678edfe3c07….jpg)


Sounds Meme worthy

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807392 No.21018449

File: 11786513c699266⋯.jpg (147.13 KB,720x1003,720:1003,20240613_161435.jpg)

File: 98a9acf33727b16⋯.mp4 (4.51 MB,576x1024,9:16,Washingtons_ghost_20240613….mp4)


Forget the parents, why did the school allow them to wear those

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fc8595 No.21018451

File: 14f336ab9acd3ef⋯.jpg (289.08 KB,814x900,407:450,8d2e4e6b8094ea412966316844….jpg)

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518683 No.21018452

File: 3fd4b0eccaf9c07⋯.jpg (81.95 KB,641x618,641:618,Screenshot_2024_06_13_1715….jpg)


So, Trippy, this is basically a purposely split bread all because Gerbil was ghosting.

I thought split breads were a bad thing.

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1ecfd3 No.21018453

File: 191e08fc693f135⋯.jpeg (337.78 KB,755x543,755:543,F9B4893C_B38D_4A74_AB2A_3….jpeg)

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5c63e8 No.21018454

File: e2baf509bbde872⋯.jpg (40.33 KB,433x576,433:576,deltawatc19.jpg)


>Haven't stollen a PNG in Days

Have this one. It stolt too.

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4ad78d No.21018455


>Trump Proposes TOTALLY Scrapping Income Tax.

how long before dems and msm tell us this will never work and we'll all be worse off

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0308c3 No.21018456


Schitt head, Was the $7.4m worth it. Every breath you take has been recorded. The dead black boy provided an affidavit to God of the abuse he endured at your hands.

Standard Hotel, Knowingly Lied in Congress and every public appearance.

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f786ff No.21018457


I think they plan to cause war to stop the election

or they might be out of cards

And go the meteor shower and Alien invasion

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d01658 No.21018458

File: 551be810c88ff83⋯.png (34.41 KB,325x373,325:373,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0f2ac674e4500c⋯.png (166.37 KB,470x549,470:549,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 936775fe0dd278d⋯.png (63.34 KB,470x439,470:439,ClipboardImage.png)



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5492e6 No.21018459

File: 7a033f97736b422⋯.png (1.13 MB,744_29_Q_.png)

File: 645b136fae73d8d⋯.png (837.27 KB,nightmares.png)



Anons. We are Testing now. > TESTING WITH CLAS. INTEL.




"Do anons understand what is about to be unleashed?"

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31d7b8 No.21018460

>>21017580 PB Breaking down findings of Minnesota Department of Education audit over Feeding our Future fraud

Better check in on Dearbornistan, Michigan too. These deep blue cities with islamic envlaves are fraudsters to make the Romi blush.

Interestingly, there are growing islamic communities in Idaho and Maine. They set them up with their own little crime syndicate and look the other way on crime.

Now and again the thieves get too greedy and have to be made an example of.

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f22dce No.21018462

File: 7d0518563dc7413⋯.jpg (7.74 KB,275x183,275:183,images_210_.jpg)

Couldn't pay me to stay in this shithole

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f67635 No.21018463


theyre going to pull the plug on the www, the biggest liar on the planet earth

president emerg alerts will come up on starlink phones i bet

starlink will kick in, get a tesla phone if you want to be linked by the stars

this is going to be biblical

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85af49 No.21018464

File: fb71c5402d0480a⋯.jpeg (130.05 KB,961x1209,31:39,Biden_meme_contest_003.jpeg)

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5492e6 No.21018465

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 07:39 PM > (WIN) > Q0739 Heavy lag/attack ongoing.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:31 PM > (WIN) > Q0831 Where we go one, we go ALL.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:48 PM > (WIN) > Q0848 (reply - blank)

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:04 PM > "MUST WATCH" > Q0904 DhytcDFbF5874/37875

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:05 PM > (WIN) > Q0905 24hrs to respond.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:04 PM > (WIN) > Q1001 SEC TEST

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:11 PM > (WIN) > Q1011 ARE YOU AWAKE?

Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:44 PM > (00:29) —He’s ready to do it again!

Q: 0744 > Find the link. Look around. What does it signify?

Q: 0029 > Some things must remain classified to the very end.

Q+ Jun 12, 2024, 07:51 PM > (01:19) —I guarantee it!

Q: 0751 > Operation Merlin (tech).

Q: 0119 > Snow White. Godfather III.

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ff2a5d No.21018466

File: c80b7b96b548bcb⋯.png (315.82 KB,565x629,565:629,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f46f8d2040f3fd⋯.png (263.95 KB,1920x801,640:267,ClipboardImage.png)

so i was talkin at this chynese guy, Ho Li Fook. anyway. i was tellin him that this is the first bread i have not filtered anyone!

yup! well done BO / BV / Bakers and all involved!

i was gonna add a splotch of red and some bold but decided not to.

o7 and thank you

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0308c3 No.21018468


Massive transfer of wealth back to working class americans. Massive stimulus for onshore businesses. Goodbye to all the H1b1a visa slaves from India, Phillipines and Mexico

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d01658 No.21018469

File: 12ab2ec433f9524⋯.png (29.21 KB,325x316,325:316,ClipboardImage.png)



(same timestamp as previous)

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5492e6 No.21018470

Anons asked for a Clean House.

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3f753e No.21018471


True but BO bashing follows a pattern.

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6e2dd3 No.21018472


Not long. FakeNews and the American government can't stand any idea that would be good for America or American citizens.

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11c604 No.21018477

File: 79f95e639f1440e⋯.png (1.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,LOOK_AT_THEM_PANIC.png)


>Psychotic behavior

you love to see it

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367f8f No.21018478

File: 2384bf40431997d⋯.jpg (203.04 KB,1024x498,512:249,2384bf40431997df3f95499c39….jpg)


3.. 2.. 1

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a1d712 No.21018479

File: 840aa1e61a2ed01⋯.png (560.49 KB,792x1588,198:397,ClipboardImage.png)



Psychotic behavior

Piton said it best. You can call out the fact that there are evil Jews now, but you're not allowed to point out that they're Jewish.

Even here.

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5492e6 No.21018480

File: 54533421ca8ab97⋯.png (659.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,warishell.png)


We thank God for (you) daily.

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deb1bc No.21018481


Maybe he knows it's really not chicken…

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bf61bb No.21018482

File: c8dab9c5d7916cb⋯.jpg (116.67 KB,711x488,711:488,PULL_IT_DOWN.jpg)




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5492e6 No.21018483


You're Fired.

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d01658 No.21018485

File: 2f60b450071104f⋯.png (30.9 KB,325x364,25:28,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 089da868b64456a⋯.png (63.98 KB,470x466,235:233,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15d8d17ba82a22a⋯.png (62.31 KB,470x395,94:79,ClipboardImage.png)



1816 is dasting.

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7e9ac5 No.21018486

Massive 'Michigan MAGA Boat Parade' from Lake St. Clair to Detroit's Hart Plaza is planned for this Saturday

(WWJ) Promoters say hundreds of private boats, including a 74-foot flagship boat, are expected to participate in a big "MAGA Boat Parade" planned for this Saturday in Southeast Michigan.

According to a release by the Michigan Conservative Coalition, the parade will start in Lake St. Clair off the 9 Mile Tower, ending when boats pass downtown Detroit, near Hart Plaza.


Got a boat? Join us for our 2nd Trump Flotilla on June 15th. We’ll start on Lake St. Clair by the 9 Mile Tower, at 1pm. Head down to Hart Plaza then back north to Hook SCS for the after party. Join us along the shoreline with your flags. Rain date June 16th.


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da6bda No.21018487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump tells Fox: I have a 'pretty good idea' who my VP pick will be


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a1d712 No.21018488


That made me kek.

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5492e6 No.21018489


Q is on the way.

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d01658 No.21018492

File: 2c600bc0ca0d560⋯.png (29.11 KB,325x354,325:354,ClipboardImage.png)



same timestamp

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f97b31 No.21018493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ukrainian frontline looks like diarrhea…

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4b0270 No.21018494

File: 33846640964bbaf⋯.png (531.53 KB,525x346,525:346,tnrwebtrwetrwe.PNG)

To Go Far, Grow Together.

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7e9ac5 No.21018495

Donald Trump holding campaign event at Detroit church this weekend

The Detroit News

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump will visit Detroit on Saturday and hold a roundtable discussion at a church in the city, according to an announcement from his campaign.

Trump, the former president who's challenging Democratic incumbent President Joe Biden this fall, also is scheduled to speak this weekend in Detroit at a convention that's being organized by the conservative group Turning Point Action.

The Saturday roundtable will take place at 180 Church, 13660 Stansbury Ave., on Detroit's west side. Doors open at 1 p.m. The event will begin at about 4 p.m.


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bc90eb No.21018496

File: dd9b14d874fbc0b⋯.jpg (49.75 KB,593x905,593:905,Statue_of_Liberty_last_wor….jpg)

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fd4f4f No.21018497


Claiming Ghost Bread

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d01658 No.21018498

File: e4dfc0d158f228f⋯.png (31.08 KB,325x364,25:28,ClipboardImage.png)




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1605b9 No.21018499



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5492e6 No.21018500


Future dumps here.


Interaction to continue on dedicated /research/ board.

Suggest new board created.

Current BO’s claiming private comms and self promoting.

Patriots point - we will follow.

5|5.. Anons?

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3f753e No.21018501



As long as you aren't team Loretta.

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1605b9 No.21018502




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e9d09e No.21018504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1605b9 No.21018505

File: b200cce0f8e9933⋯.png (1.26 MB,1440x1097,1440:1097,0c5a27df4b36db78c6796292e2….png)

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f97b31 No.21018506

File: 0ddd9f9cb877e0e⋯.png (2.49 MB,1058x1314,529:657,Anons_together_silent_runn….png)

File: 9f6ce7958bbf2f5⋯.gif (3.47 MB,600x338,300:169,Anons_led_together.gif)


Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance

We're only changing the world, frens!

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bc90eb No.21018507

File: 7951dd4e6668100⋯.jpg (24.76 KB,500x505,100:101,Last_Day.jpg)

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5492e6 No.21018508

File: 7b6b638e567a8fa⋯.png (229.64 KB,495x479,495:479,united.png)

"Welcome to the United State of QResearch."


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1605b9 No.21018509

File: caa8b4bd2b70f8f⋯.png (37.71 KB,996x996,1:1,0.png)

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4c6cb9 No.21018510


You insulted Native Americans in the other bread. You got called on it. So now you flee to this bread. Can't defend your actions so just run instead. Cowarð.

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bc90eb No.21018511

File: dd0e726559a6f00⋯.png (1.39 MB,768x781,768:781,toys_last_squeak_army_dog.png)

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1605b9 No.21018512

File: 9c874d48f6e2dab⋯.png (13.71 KB,996x762,166:127,3.png)

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e4c0a2 No.21018513

File: 14f34edc5363264⋯.png (10.45 KB,376x262,188:131,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58af35a81386454⋯.png (16.75 KB,376x469,376:469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea8ff3f07eaf079⋯.png (216.06 KB,379x1084,379:1084,ClipboardImage.png)


He also said 42, 53 and 75 (years since inflation was this high)

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10decb No.21018514

File: ca5f575e47e93ec⋯.jpeg (188.28 KB,500x806,250:403,IMG_2130.jpeg)

NASA says T CrB (T Coronae Borealis) gonna explode.

Fucking run!

“A new Star appears.”

Seems biblical.

Gorged upon clay?

The Caveat; NASA is not reliable for delivering empirical truth.

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f67635 No.21018515

File: 3bb67508302076f⋯.png (257.67 KB,295x344,295:344,ClipboardImage.png)


red green show



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d01658 No.21018516

File: eb4e0f557e9843b⋯.png (26.89 KB,325x297,325:297,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 715187d39d57702⋯.png (422.1 KB,464x1535,464:1535,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7c5a25739d1be67⋯.png (266.19 KB,464x1097,464:1097,ClipboardImage.png)



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5492e6 No.21018517


This board - PATRIOT ANONS - will be hostage no more.

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1605b9 No.21018518

File: cf74d68e9c6a89f⋯.png (28.04 KB,996x894,166:149,1.png)

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e1f138 No.21018519

File: 22bb082e34b72b9⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_0075.MP4)

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ff2a5d No.21018520

File: 8d12a6c7b48544d⋯.png (197.24 KB,507x530,507:530,ClipboardImage.png)

so what's the outcome of Alex Jones trial today?

nada on any of the news sites i usually hit

…and if you bad mouth the man as a reply to this post, you are simply proving two things beyond a shadow of doubt!

1. you are stupid

2. see one above

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b61580 No.21018521

File: a5402c6fd1c0c14⋯.png (209.1 KB,473x465,473:465,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdafdd9f63f5f69⋯.png (104.61 KB,220x275,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

…so I looked up the post after that and it shows Vaughn Bishop, who passed away in March 2023


Vaughn Frederick Bishop (1946 – March 2023) was an American intelligence officer and former Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) who served from August 1, 2018 to January 20, 2021 and was appointed by President Donald Trump.[1] Bishop first joined the CIA in 1981, and retired in 2011. He returned to the CIA four years later to serve as CIA Ombudsman for Analytic Objectivity during the Agency's modernization effort.


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7e9ac5 No.21018522

File: d50eee657366abc⋯.png (2.33 MB,1147x4579,1147:4579,Turning_Point_Action_The_P….png)

The People’s Convention Agenda


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7c9d4e No.21018523

File: 1573fd03b64383c⋯.png (9.57 MB,2400x3600,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3341380948f70c⋯.png (3.83 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b6f9388b1c3d62⋯.png (782.06 KB,999x666,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Jun 12 2018 17:18:26 (EST)

Reverse image search.

Think hack.

Comms dark.


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5492e6 No.21018524


Hello, RICK. They cannot help you.

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1605b9 No.21018525

File: 42bde400531c76a⋯.png (26.95 KB,536x425,536:425,0000BN.png)

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d01658 No.21018526

File: ed056a2f8bb7bff⋯.png (30.73 KB,325x392,325:392,ClipboardImage.png)



timestamp as previous

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1605b9 No.21018527

File: aae3de071087231⋯.png (329.27 KB,830x490,83:49,000000.png)

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f67635 No.21018528

File: df08ea94f7e43a5⋯.mp4 (587.87 KB,360x650,36:65,yl0nrS3zYckNfp0b.mp4)

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518683 No.21018529


Is that what the split bread was all about?

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1605b9 No.21018530

File: 83d74c7aaf29357⋯.png (1.56 MB,1200x962,600:481,000.png)

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7e9ac5 No.21018531

Rep. Rashida Tlaib calls for two Supreme Court justices to be impeached


Washington — Detroit Democratic U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib on Thursday called for the impeachment of conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas, saying the high court faces a "corruption crisis."

"We need urgent action to hold these unhinged, corrupt extremists accountable," Tlaib said Thursday in a speech on the House floor. "It is extremely disturbing that the United States Supreme Court, the highest court of our land, is the only court that does not have an enforceable code of conduct."


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bc90eb No.21018532

File: ea2decae7a30c04⋯.jpg (85.12 KB,960x956,240:239,Would_last_a_hour_at_Shack….jpg)

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f67635 No.21018533

File: e11727bff9c411b⋯.png (503.35 KB,680x409,680:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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deb1bc No.21018534


WHO also orders the US Government to start printing mail-in ballots.

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d01658 No.21018535

File: 7dcea1b631195ed⋯.png (30.99 KB,325x373,325:373,ClipboardImage.png)



same TS

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bf61bb No.21018536

File: 6afeafcf3944cf2⋯.jpg (117.82 KB,578x548,289:274,QUOTATION_MARKS.jpg)

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1605b9 No.21018537

File: 3c27fb91d5db276⋯.png (194.51 KB,588x328,147:82,00000000.png)

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0a2e2f No.21018538

File: 263a85f1986b1f1⋯.jpeg (37.38 KB,255x254,255:254,263a85f1986b1f128c7a5e83a….jpeg)

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5492e6 No.21018539


They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.


Destroy through [misinformation].

Absorb the 'confused'.

Re-route traffic to other platforms.

Action was needed [2].

1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation

2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion

Simple 'non-direct' statements made.

"Be careful who you follow."

"Some are profiting off this movement."

Message sent.

Message received.

Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).

Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).


Attempts to divide.

We responded.

House cleaning.

Heal [core].

Important to clean prior to next events.

The choice has always been yours.

The choice will always be yours.

This is not a game.

This is not a popularity contest.

This is LIFE.



We, the PEOPLE.


[Time to move on]

Dark to LIGHT.

Attacks will only get worse.

Truth is Freedom.

Truth is logic.

Stay the course.

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1605b9 No.21018540

File: 1fbe9197ce67faa⋯.png (333.18 KB,624x500,156:125,000000000.png)

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f67635 No.21018541

File: d38496f18e3c57b⋯.png (738.76 KB,556x679,556:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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5492e6 No.21018542

This is not a game.

This is not a popularity contest.

This is LIFE.



We, the PEOPLE.


[Time to move on]

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85af49 No.21018543


your division narrative is bogus.

the people of the very many tribes do not all think and act and vote the same.

they are all individuals with their own individual destinies, and are not your props for your political vendettas.

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1605b9 No.21018544

File: e3b68d96f3b087e⋯.jpg (76.33 KB,669x1000,669:1000,71hNp0hiX7L_AC_UF1000_1000….jpg)

File: 62ed9d20a1db002⋯.png (237.67 KB,504x882,4:7,AJ10.png)

File: cb7cdf53c836ce8⋯.png (540.59 KB,751x1940,751:1940,AJ1865.png)

File: c1a25b9ac3bfa94⋯.png (274.67 KB,588x1358,42:97,AJ2089.png)

File: b10208e28729187⋯.png (1.51 MB,1159x990,1159:990,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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f2dca7 No.21018545



>(same timestamp as previous)


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5492e6 No.21018546


We, the PEOPLE.


[Time to move on]

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7c9d4e No.21018547

File: f66d23bf76f0dac⋯.png (258.39 KB,1448x624,181:78,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 830000a6b7b95ba⋯.png (108.57 KB,735x535,147:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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d01658 No.21018548

File: 5a7185355e6c4ab⋯.png (30.67 KB,325x354,325:354,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 287718f9a01479c⋯.png (112.75 KB,464x821,464:821,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9efd292f72b48be⋯.png (397.92 KB,464x1106,232:553,ClipboardImage.png)



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f67635 No.21018549

File: 95cddb0c7019d9c⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB,720x850,72:85,ddOuMSIu7QlMxoMz.mp4)

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4c6cb9 No.21018550


Deflection. Coward's tactic.

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35359d No.21018551

File: 3b0eac91ad251c5⋯.jpg (58.46 KB,500x624,125:156,goahead.jpg)

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1605b9 No.21018552

File: 3607fa253248769⋯.png (963.48 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1cca.png)



NIGHT SHIFTBun of Dread for 5/30/2024

>>20936578 Where is Snowden? Where is the 8Kun server? Where are you?

>>20936583 "Might as well go sit in the CIA. Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA. Autists need Red Bull?"

>>20936587, >>20936591 Bun of Dread inside a Bun of Dread inside a bun of Dread like in Russia

>>20936596 "Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER). Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY."

>>20936597 You like coincidences and codes too!? Pray/Prey

>>20936598 Q Drop #4799 "When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business? When does a Church become political? When does a Church become corrupt? When does a Church become willfully blind? When does a Church become controlled?"

>>20936605 "Alex Jones and Jerome Corsi tried to usupr Q" "The Info War against Q (Jones and Corsi)" "Alex Jones a Larp. Time to move on" "Misinformation attacks on Q to get worse (Jones, Corsi, Others)" Drops #1340, 1341, 1343 & 1366.

>>20936607 "FAKE PRO MAGA ATTACKING Q: Alex Jones, Jack Posobiec, Jerome Corsi, more…" "Alex Jones part of collective attacks on Q" "Jerome Corsi subpoened by Mueller: Infowars on Mossad payroll" Drops #2089, 2101 & 2102.

>>20936609 "Alex Jones and Associates trying to deceive and divide you" Drop #2123.

>>20936615 "Those you trust are the most guilty of sin." "Who are we taught to trust?" "If you are religious, PRAY. 60% must remain private [at least] - for humanity." "These people should be hanging." Drops # 586, 587, 107, 3799 and 3565 have a story to tell.

>>20936629 [STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags

>>20936633 "Q Links to Pope's Tweet on Human Trafficking" https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1156165039545606144 "Godfather III" "It's going to be BIBLICAL." Q DROP #3565

>>20936641 IS DAN SCAVINO [DAN SCAVINO]? POTUS recently stated that he has learned a lot from Bad Past Advisors



>>20936648 This next piece is called ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WAIT, WHAT!?" Decode of Q drops #87, 88, 95, 4884 & 3565.

>>20936650 NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

>>20936654 The Supreme Court > Bohemian Grove > Knights of Malta > Who is Leonard Leo > Who is Harlan Crow? > Vatican.

>>20936655 Who is Leonard Leo? Who is Harlan Crow? Autists need Redbull?

>>20936656 The Truth per the Drops. Reminder: This is Q research and you are here because of Q.

>>20936657 George Soros in 2 Drops. That's called the 2 Drop checkmate. Checkmate.

>>20936658 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!"

>>20936660 POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent Vatican drops?

>>20936661 "Patriot" per the drops.

Problem with the notes in this Bun?

Patriots Fight the Data


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f67635 No.21018553

File: 56179897d36176a⋯.png (477.01 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f32b2b No.21018554


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5492e6 No.21018555

File: b5ae66decbbfbb1⋯.png (242.75 KB,474x475,474:475,WWG1WGA.png)



[Time to move on]

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1605b9 No.21018556

File: dc10ba1edc3e8e4⋯.png (5.07 KB,473x500,473:500,a5.png)



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1605b9 No.21018557

File: 2abb70c7f052f66⋯.png (549.4 KB,618x618,1:1,1cc.png)

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f32b2b No.21018558

File: c74d9686c45d268⋯.jpeg (114.99 KB,1131x636,377:212,IMG_2070.jpeg)

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85af49 No.21018559

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5492e6 No.21018560

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1605b9 No.21018561


NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

The following is a small list of the Times when most [FAKETRIOTS] had Nothing to say.

That TimeSteve Bannon:

1: Coached Jeffrey Epstein in exchange for Funding.


2: Received $1 million from the WE BUILD THE WALL fund/fraud where Steve and his 'Patriotic' associates took and stole million$ from real Patriots.

Bannon is considered the Ring leader of the WE BUILD THE WALL scam.

Bannon's trial is set for May, 2024.


3: Berated and Slandered POTUS in Wolff's book to which POTUS called Steve a "loser" who "beg's bad" and "cries like a dog".


That TimeAlex Jones and a Flynn Faggot named Ivan Raiklinsent not-so-veiled Death Threats directed at Donald J Trump/POTUS.


That TimeAlex Jones and General Flynnused POTUS' actions/inactions on JAN 06 to threaten and condemn POTUS for the "Capitol Riot" of [their] design.


That TimeAlex Jones and Candice Owensthreatened, berated and condemned POTUS for operation WARP SPEED.


That TimeArchbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and his minion Taylor Marshallissued Biblical Death Threats directed at POTUS because POTUS held a LGBTQ Gala at Mar a lago. "Worthy of Death".



https://youtu.be/AglQWAntgas < Taylor Marshall' youtube video link > NOW MARKED AS 'PRIVATE'.

That Time when it was learned through the Dominion/FOX Trial thatTucker Carlsoncalled POTUS a "Demonic Force", a "Destroyer" and that Tucker hates POTUS "Passionately".




Do you believe in Coincidences?

Is it a Coincidence that Bannon, Flynn, Vigano, Marshall are all Roman Catholic and that Candice Owens just converted to Catholicism?

Is it a Coincidence that Tucker Carlson asked his good friend Hunter Biden for a Letter to help his son, Buckley, get into Georgetown University?

Is it a Coincidence that Georgetown University is oldest Roman Catholic Jesuit university in the U.S.?

Is it a Coincidence that Tucker Carlson' Father-in-law was the Headmaster at Saint Andrews University and was suspended pending litigation concerning sexual abuse?

Is it a Coincidence that Fox News is Owned by Rupert Murdoch, Jewish yet a Roman Catholic Papal Knight?

Is it a Coincidence that Fox News is Owned by Rupert Murdoch, Jewish yet a Roman Catholic Papal Knight and yet Fox is completely dominated by Catholics?

How many Coincidences before all of this becomes a Mathematical Improbability?


How many Coincidences before all of this becomes a Mathematical Impossibility?


This Post is a Free service of NIGHT SHIFT.

NIGHT SHIFT… Defining and redefining Patriotism on QResearch since at least 2018.

The Few… The Proud… The Brave… Night Shift.


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fc8595 No.21018562

File: f92ee3724c7030a⋯.gif (634.32 KB,480x323,480:323,lsf3.gif)

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4b0270 No.21018563

File: 52a4e8e21896607⋯.png (1.09 MB,1220x710,122:71,7m6n36546435.PNG)

File: a84b45a34853708⋯.png (636.98 KB,874x506,19:11,m6e57n57456.PNG)

Trump brings new focus to Congress over ending federal taxes on tipped income

Former President Donald Trump touted a wide range of familiar policy ideas during his visit to Capitol Hill on Thursday, but GOP lawmakers said he especially emphasized his new plan to exempt income earned from tips from federal taxes.

“The legislative priority that President Trump spoke about most was a desire to pass a bill to have no tax on tips,” Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz said after Mr. Trump’s morning meeting with House Republicans.

A few hours later, Mr. Trump shared with Senate Republicans the story of how he came up with his approach.


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444f45 No.21018564


zomgosh…this made my day, heck even my week…perhaps I remember this for the rest of my life, even! Anon knows the pain of witnessing a dog breaking their most favourite toy!

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f32b2b No.21018565

File: 98ac664ab8920d7⋯.png (1.55 MB,1200x776,150:97,631AC603_A516_4B31_8A38_0B….png)

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5492e6 No.21018566

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1605b9 No.21018567

File: 7998bf1d52cf8fe⋯.png (793.84 KB,525x519,175:173,00nsf3.png)

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518683 No.21018568

File: 449010d2622d707⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,485x594,485:594,GE_Tranimette.jpg)


It's spoopy af here right now.

Day Shift has gone full lord of the flies mode.

Split bread out of nowhere.

Only a bunch of bots posting shitty memes once every 5 minutes in the just now locked abandoned zombie bread.

And nobody here is talking unless Jim implemented some shadowbanhammer last night.

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1605b9 No.21018569

Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump


It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.

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5492e6 No.21018570



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10decb No.21018571

File: cf7a966447a1f1e⋯.jpeg (274.22 KB,1024x576,16:9,IMG_2135.jpeg)

File: e1eb3f940439b0f⋯.jpeg (786.67 KB,877x1024,877:1024,IMG_2134.jpeg)

File: 9c25e63d4671a07⋯.png (1.3 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_2131.png)

File: bc4ccfe57662304⋯.jpeg (341.19 KB,1920x1200,8:5,IMG_2133.jpeg)



There’s no time for’ that, Fucking RUN!

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1ecfd3 No.21018572

File: bbedaa95f75030a⋯.gif (3.1 MB,498x280,249:140,4DAD7FA1_B154_4B53_8C5C_48….gif)

Roaring Kitty’s GameStop stake grows to 9 million shares after selling his big options position

(B-b-but muh Reuters “lied” about this yesterday according to the I’ll-informed hopium addicts who don’t understand how options work and they are giving ‘advice’ as onn no if you want to own this stock go right ahead but don’t because this douchebag actor does-have your own reasons and if you trade in/out this is exactly what you want….don’t marry it and that makes no difference if you are king or short term cuz you’ll continue to see wild days up and down)

Meme stock champion Keith Gill, known as “Roaring Kitty” online, seemed to increase his ownership in GameStop

’s common stock and appears to be holding more than 9 million shares.

Gill posted a new screenshot of his E-Trade portfolio on Reddit’s Superstonk forum after the bell Thursday, showing that he is now holding 9.001 million GameStop shares and over $6 million in cash. On June 2, the first day he started disclosing his position in 2024′s meme stock frenzy, his portfolio had 5 million shares as well as 120,000 call options against GameStop. Call options give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to buy shares at a specified price by a certain expiration date.

It’s hard to decipher what Gill did exactly to get to this position. He could have dumped all of 120,000 call contracts and used the proceeds to buy the additional shares, or he could have sold a portion of the massive options position and exercised the rest early.

There was a huge spike in trading volume Wednesday afternoon of GameStop calls contracts with a strike price of $20 and an expiration date of June 21, the same ones Gill owned. The phenomenon, along with sliding prices in GameStop shares and call options, led many to believe Gill had started offloading.

Many had speculated that Gill wouldn’t have held onto those calls to expiration.For Gill to exercise all of his calls, he would have needed to have $240 million to take custody of the stock— 12 million shares bought at $20 apiece — way more than he had shown publicly in his E-Trade account.

The total value of Gill’s portfolio, including cash, reached more than $268 million as of Thursday evening, up from $210 million on June 2.


>>21012641 pb

Roaring Kitty may have cut GameStop options position, strategists say

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5e421c No.21018573

File: b23a1a802f3e5c6⋯.png (1.62 MB,1907x947,1907:947,Joe_Biden_Dancing_Black_Ka….png)

Are we winning?

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1605b9 No.21018574

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)





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973c6f No.21018575

are we there yet?

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1605b9 No.21018576

Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

By Rusty Weiss | 10:18 PM on May 13, 2024


NG whistleblower: Trump was 'divested' as Commander-in-Chief on Jan. 6

Story by Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com In Washington, Dc

Col. Earl Matthews says Army leaders stripped Trump of authority on January 6

Claims they plotted to balk orders to deploy the National Guard to the Capitol

READ: Ex-Acting Defense Sec. Chris Miller says Jan. 6 panel threatened him

Donald Trump's authority as commander-in-chief was ignored by senior military leadership on January 6, 2021, claims the chief legal advisor for D.C. National Guard on that day.


Loudermilk To DC National Guardsmen: 'Who Do You Believe Delayed' Officers' Response To Jan. 6?

Forbes Breaking News

3.02M subscribers

110,614 views Apr 27, 2024

At a House Administration Committee hearing prior to the Congressional recess, Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) spoke to witnesses, including D.C. Capitol Guard officers, about what may have contributed to delays in response to the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot.


National Guard soldiers testify about Jan. 6 response

by: The Hill Staff, The Hill Posted: Apr 18, 2024 / 04:02 PM CDT

Four National Guard soldiers testified Wednesday before the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight about the response to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol.

The hearing came as the scope of a federal obstruction law used against scores of Jan. 6 rioters — and former President Trump — drew scrutiny from the Supreme Court Tuesday, a signal that the justices may be wary of the Justice Department’s far-reaching prosecution of the Capitol attack.

Since the Capitol riot, more than 1,300 people have faced charges for their role in the attack.


EXCLUSIVE DC National Guard whistleblower claims Trump was stripped of his commander-in-chief powers on January 6

Col. Earl Matthews says Army leaders stripped Trump of authority on January 6

Claims they plotted to balk orders to deploy the National Guard to the Capitol

READ: Ex-Acting Defense Sec. Chris Miller says Jan. 6 panel threatened him

By Katelyn Caralle, U.S. Political Reporter For Dailymail.Com In Washington, Dc

Published: 11:48 EDT, 3 May 2024 | Updated: 12:41 EDT, 3 May 2024


DC Army National Guard Captain Details Leadership ‘Crisis’ That Led To Delay On Jan. 6

Forbes Breaking News

3.02M subscribers

During Wednesday’s House Administration Committee hearing, Captain Timothy Nick gave his opening testimony about his experience on January 6.


District of Columbia Army National Guard January 6 Response

Michael Brooks, a senior enlisted officer with the DC National Guard at the time of the January 6, 2021, Capitol attack, sharply criticized a Defense Department inspector general’s report on the military response to that day. He and three other men who were members of the DC National Guard on January 6 testified on what they witnessed communications wise among senior military leaders on that day during a public hearing before the House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight. The inspector general’s report was released in 2021 and concluded top Pentagon officials responded appropriately to the attack on the Capitol.


BREAKING: DC National Guard Whistleblowers Testify Before House Admin Committee On January 6 Delays

Forbes Breaking News

3.02M subscribers

187K views 2 weeks ago

On Wednesday, the House Administration Committee held a hearing entitled, “3 Years Later: D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on Jan 6 Delay.”


Exclusive: Liz Cheney, January 6 Committee Suppressed Exonerating Evidence Of Trump’s Push For National Guard

By: Mollie Hemingway

March 08, 2024


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1605b9 No.21018577

Do you NOT wonder why "Patriotic Anons" are not talking about the truth concerning JAN 06?

Colonel says Army punished him for claiming generals lied about Jan. 6

Jan. 3, 2024 at 6:19 pm Updated Jan. 3, 2024


Army officer alleges reprisal for his account of Capitol riot response

Earl Matthews, a key figure in the Jan. 6 investigation, claims that, despite his qualifications for promotion, the Army has blocked his advancement.

By Dan Lamothe January 4, 2024


Former D.C. Guard official accuses Army generals of lying to Congress about Jan. 6 response

In a 36-page memo, Col. Earl Matthews called the generals "absolute and unmitigated liars" for how they characterized events.


Former Guard Official Says Army Retaliated for His Account

Jan 3, 2024 — A former top lawyer for the D.C. National Guard … Charles Flynn of being “absolute and unmitigated liars” in their testimony before Congress


Army Officer Alleges Retaliation over Testimony on Slow National Guard Response to Jan. 6

A colonel who was the top lawyer for the D.C. National Guard during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection is accusing Army officials of retaliating against him for disputing two generals' account of why the National Guard was slow to deploy during the attack on the Capitol.


Ex-National Guard official says Army generals lied to Congress, alleging cover-up of decision to withhold troops from the Capitol on January 6


Former DC National Guard official accuses generals of lying about Capitol riot

In the memo, Matthews called Gen. Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, director of Army staff, “absolute and unmitigated liars” for their recollections of the Capitol riot.


‘This call never happened’: Ex-D.C. Guard leaders push back as internal Army report on Jan. 6 emerges

The report’s narrative is surfacing days after POLITICO first revealed a memo from a former top Guard official accusing two generals of lying to Congress.


Who is Walter E Piatt?

''In early December 2021, Colonel Earl G. Matthews, a Trump appointee, released a rebuttal to the DoDIG report that accused LTG Piatt of making willful distortions of the events of January 6, describing Piatt and General Charles A. Flynn as "absolute and unmitigated liars" and of giving "perjured testimony before Congress."[18]


Piatt was once the leading candidate to take over as the commanding general of United States Army Futures Command, and appointment to the rank of general.[19] He had received the recommendation from several top defense officials. However, he was rejected by President Biden[20] due to his handling of National Guard deployment during the January 6 attacks on the Capitol.[19][20] ''


Jan 6 committee allegedly suppressed testimony showing Trump admin pushed for National Guard presence: report

Former Rep Liz Cheney's spokesperson says report 'flatly false'

By Emma Colton Fox NewsPublished March 10, 2024 1:43pm EDT


QAnon Celebrity Jim Watkins Says He Met With the Jan. 6 Committee

The panel on Monday deposed the man who hosts the conspiracy theory that animated many of the rioters who stormed the Capitol


QAnon Influencer Jim Watkins Says He Was ‘Interrogated’ by the Jan. 6 Committee

“You expect me to come here by a subpoena to rat out the President of the United States,” Jim Watkins wrote in a letter to the committee. “I will not be your Rasputin.”


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1605b9 No.21018578

D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Testify Over J6 Delay

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 06: Members of the National Guard assist police officers line up as they assist police in dispersing protesters who are gathering at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 06, 2021 in Washington, DC. Pro-Trump protesters entered the U.S. Capitol building after mass demonstrations in the nation's capital during a joint session Congress to ratify President-elect Joe Biden's 306-232 Electoral College win over President Donald Trump. (Photo by Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images)

OAN’s Taylor Tinsley 4:55 PM – Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Committee on House Administrations Oversight panel met to hear testimonies from whistleblowers on why it took so long for the National Guard to respond to the Capitol on January 6th, 2021.

Lawmakers met for witness testimony in a hearing called “Three Years Later: D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Speak Out on January 6 Delay” on Wednesday.

Chairman Representative Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.) kicked off the hearing by shedding light on a November 2021 report from the Department of Defense’s Acting Inspector General. The report detailed the DOD’s response to January 6th, claiming that the National Guard was deployed as soon as possible.

However, the Georgia Republican said it took three hours and 19 minutes to deploy troops on January 6th after receiving orders.

Those testifying Wednesday included:

Colonel Earl Matthews – Chief Legal Advisor, D.C. Army National Guard

Command Sergeant Major Michael Brooks – Senior Enlisted Officer, D.C. Army National Guard

Captain Timothy Nick – Aide-de-camp, D.C. Army National Guard

Brigadier General Aaron Dean – Adjutant General, D.C. Army National Guard

In regards to the Inspector General’s 2021 report, Loudermilk said the report concludes that the leader of the National Guard response, Maj. Gen. William Walker, received two orders from then U.S. Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy to deploy troops to the Capitol, once at 4:45 pm and again at 5:00 pm.

“Walker denies that either of these calls took place,” Loudermilk said. “Despite the many inconsistencies and contradictions of the DOD’s responsibility that day, the select committee on January 6th ignored these discrepancies despite them being shared privately by their own staff and barreled forward with the DOD’s side of the story.”

The hearing comes after the oversight panel published a never-before released transcribed interview from Trump’s former White House deputy chief of staff Anthony Ornato, which showed that the former president offered 10,000 National troops to secure the Capitol. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D-Washington D.C.), however, rejected the call.

Loudermilk said the now-defunct January select committee withheld Ornato’s “critical witness testimony from the American people because it contradicted their predetermined narrative.”

Colonel Earl Matthews accused two senior officers of the army, Gen. Charles Flynn and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt of lying to Congress and federal investigators about why it took so long to deploy the National Guard.

“That DOD IG report is replete with incorrect, false information,” Matthews asserted.

The inspector general blamed the delay on lack of coordination but all witnesses said the National Guard was ready, had the DOD told them to go when they were supposed to.

Matthews sent a memo to the House J6 committee as well as a Senate committee accusing the Army officers of misleading Congress after the 2021 report.

Since coming forward, Matthews hasn’t been promoted. This comes after a promotion board in November 2022 recommended he was one of the “best qualified” group of Army Reserve colonels to be promoted to brigadier general.

He later filed a complaint alleging retaliation for testifying to Congress and asked for those responsible to be reprimanded.

“If public confidence in the integrity of government operations is to be restored,” the complaint said, “he must be made whole and the responsible officials appropriately disciplined.”

Also during Wednesday’s testimony, Command Sgt. Maj. Michael Brooks, said the delay was due to Secretary McCarthy and other officials being more concerned about “optics.”

“I have no idea why we never received that order,” Brooks said. “All I do know is that they were more concerned with what it would look like with soldiers with the Capitol in the background than protecting the Capitol of the united states.”

Loudermilk said the hearing left them with more questions that need to be answered.


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bf61bb No.21018579

File: 5038ae9be15bfcf⋯.jpg (113.2 KB,531x516,177:172,DEEP_STATE_TACTIC.jpg)

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1605b9 No.21018580

but PELOSI did Jan 06 all by her self!

What Phone call?!

General who?


and General who?


and they did not need "permission" to stop the riot?

and they were ready only 2 miles away?

the pentagon did not like the Optics?

and [MAGA] patriots were involved?

WaPo: Meeting on military response to Trump riot included Mike Flynn's brother


Who is General Walter Piatt?


Who is General Charles Flynn?


‘Absolute liars': Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6

In a 36-page memo to the Capitol riot committee, Col. Earl Matthews also slams the Pentagon’s inspector general for what he calls an error-ridden report.

A former D.C. National Guard official is accusing two senior Army leaders of lying to Congress and participating in a secret attempt to rewrite the history of the military’s response to the Capitol riot.

In a 36-page memo, Col. Earl Matthews, who held high-level National Security Council and Pentagon roles during the Trump administration, slams the Pentagon’s inspector general for what he calls an error-riddled report that protects a top Army official who argued against sending the National Guard to the Capitol on Jan. 6, delaying the insurrection response for hours.

Matthews’ memo, sent to the Jan. 6 select committee this month and obtained by POLITICO, includes detailed recollections of the insurrection response as it calls two Army generals — Gen. Charles Flynn, who served as deputy chief of staff for operations on Jan. 6, and Lt. Gen. Walter Piatt, the director of Army staff — “absolute and unmitigated liars” for their characterization of the events of that day. Matthews has never publicly discussed the chaos of the Capitol siege.

On Jan. 6, Matthews was serving as the top attorney to Maj. Gen. William Walker, then commanding general of the D.C. National Guard. Matthews’ memo defends the Capitol attack response by Walker, who now serves as the House sergeant at arms, amplifying Walker’s previous congressional testimony about the hourslong delay in the military’s order for the D.C. National Guard to deploy to the riot scene.

“Every leader in the D.C. Guard wanted to respond and knew they could respond to the riot at the seat of government” before they were given clearance to do so on Jan. 6, Matthews’ memo reads. Instead, he said, D.C. guard officials “set [sic] stunned watching in the Armory” during the first hours of the attack on Congress during its certification of the 2020 election results.

Matthews’ memo levels major accusations: that Flynn and Piatt lied to Congress about their response to pleas for the D.C. Guard to quickly be deployed on Jan. 6; that the Pentagon inspector general’s November report on Army leadership’s response to the attack was “replete with factual inaccuracies”; and that the Army has created its own closely held revisionist document about the Capitol riot that’s “worthy of the best Stalinist or North Korea propagandist.”

The memo follows Walker’s own public call for the inspector general to retract its detailed report on the events of Jan. 6, as first reported by The Washington Post. Walker told the Post he objected to specific allegations by the Pentagon watchdog that Matthews’ memo also criticizes, calling the inspector general’s report “inaccurate” and “sloppy work.”

The new memo from Matthews, who now serves in the Army reserves, emerges as officials involved in the response that day try to explain their decision-making to investigators. The House select committee has probed the attack for months, and earlier this year top officials testified before the House oversight panel.

Reached for comment, Matthews said the memo he wrote is entirely accurate. “Our Army has never failed us and did not do so on January 6, 2021,” he said. “However, occasionally some of our Army leaders have failed us and they did so on January 6th. Then they lied about it and tried to cover it up. They tried to smear a good man and to erase history.”

Flynn, now the commanding general of the U.S. Army Pacific, and Piatt didn’t respond to messages. Army spokesperson Mike Brady said in a statement that the service’s “actions on January 6th have been well-documented and reported on, and Gen. Flynn and Lt. Gen. Piatt have been open, honest and thorough in their sworn testimony with Congress and DOD investigators.”


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1605b9 No.21018581

but PELOSI did Jan 06 all by her self!

What Phone call?!

General who?


and General who?


and they did not need "permission" to stop the riot?

and they were ready only 2 miles away?

the pentagon did not like the Optics?

and [MAGA] patriots were involved?

‘Absolute liars': Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6Part II

At the time, Piatt was the director of Army staff, one of the top generals in the Pentagon, and Flynn was the Army’s director of operations. The two men were the highest-ranking Army officials who spoke on the 2:30 call, according to Matthews.

“LTG Piatt stated that it would not be his best military advice to recommend to the Secretary of the Army that the D.C. National Guard be allowed to deploy to the Capitol at that time,” Matthews wrote, adding: “LTGs Piatt and Flynn stated that the optics of having uniformed military personnel deployed to the U.S. Capitol would not be good.”

Piatt and Flynn suggested instead that Guardsmen take over D.C. police officers’ traffic duties so those officers could head to the Capitol, Matthews continues.

In addition to Matthews’ memo, POLITICO also obtained a document produced by a D.C. Guard official and dated Jan. 7 that lays out a timeline of Jan. 6. The D.C. Guard timeline, a separate document whose author took notes during the call, also said that Piatt and Flynn at 2:37 p.m. “recommended for DC Guard to standby,” rather than immediately deploying to the Capitol during the riot.

Four minutes later, according to that Guard timeline, Flynn again “advised D.C. National Guard to standby until the request has been routed” to then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy and then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller.

Everyone on the call was “astounded” except Piatt and Flynn, Matthews wrote.

Both men, however, later denied to Congress that they had said the Guard shouldn’t deploy to the Capitol.

In response to a written question from House Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) in June about whether Piatt advised anyone in the Guard’s chain of command not to deploy directly to the Capitol, Piatt wrote, “At no point on January 6 did I tell anyone that the D.C. National Guard should not deploy directly to the Capitol.”

That statement, Matthews says in his memo, is “false and misleading.”

Walker also testified to Congress in March that Piatt and Flynn expressed concerns about “optics.”

Further, Flynn told Maloney that he “never expressed a concern about the visuals, image, or public perception of” sending Guardsmen to the Capitol.

That answer, Matthews says in his memo, is “outright perjury.”

Matthews wrote that he and Walker “heard Flynn identify himself and unmistakably heard him say that optics of a National Guard presence on Capitol Hill was an issue for him. That it would not look good. Either Piatt or Flynn mentioned ‘peaceful protestors.’”

Flynn’s brother, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, promulgated a host of conspiracy theories in the lead-up to Jan. 6 and called for former President Donald Trump to impose martial law. Matthews’ memo does not insinuate that Gen. Charles Flynn’s actions on Jan. 6 were shaped by his brother, who has been subpoenaed by the select committee, and does not mention Michael Flynn.

The two generals told the House oversight committee that the Guard wasn’t ready to respond to the chaos that day, and Flynn testified to the House Oversight Committee in June that a “team of over 40 officers and non-commissioned officers immediately worked to recall the 154 D.C. National Guard personnel from their current missions, reorganize them, re-equip them, and begin to redeploy them to the Capitol.” Matthews says that assertion “constituted the willful deception of Congress.”

“If it does not constitute the willful and deliberate misleading of Congress, then nothing does,” Matthews wrote of Flynn’s statement. “Flynn was referring to 154 D.C. Guardsmen who were already on duty, were trained in civil disturbance response, already had area familiarization with Washington, DC, were properly kitted and were delayed only because of inaction and inertia at the Pentagon.”

In other words, Matthews indicates, the idea that it took 40 officers to get 154 National Guard personnel ready to go to the Capitol beggars belief.

Every D.C. Guard leader was desperate to get to the Capitol to help, Matthews writes — then stunned by the delay in deployment. Responding to civil unrest in Washington is “a foundational mission, a statutory mission of the D.C. National Guard,” his memo notes.


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b3d29f No.21018582

File: 877d1b44abb78d0⋯.jpg (327.03 KB,2500x770,250:77,win1886.jpg)

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5492e6 No.21018583

Attempts to divide.

We responded.

House cleaning.

Heal [core].

The core is what counts


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5e421c No.21018584

Cmon Jim sort this shit show out.

If the plan is to kill the kun, it's going well.

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1605b9 No.21018585

Alex Jones said that he had a "White House Contact" on Jan 06 and during congressional testimony Alex revealed that Caroline Wren was the White House Contact.

Caroline Wren with funding from Publix Heiress Julie Jenkins Fancelli via Women for America First, obtained a permit for the rally featuring former president Donald Trump.

Caroline Wren


Company website for Caroline Wren redirects to:


BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Caroline Wren, president of BlueBonnet Fundraising

By POLITICO STAFF 10/10/2018 05:14 AM EDT

How/where are you celebrating your birthday and with whom?

“I have friends and family flying in from all over the country and @LoganDobson and I are having a joint birthday party at my house in D.C. on Friday including

(but not limited to) margarita machines, mariachi band, face painters, fog machine, mezcal bar, etc. @DaveCatanese is also expected to DJ for a portion of the evening.”

How did you get your start in politics?

“In 2007 for Christmas I asked my parents for a flight to New Hampshire to go and campaign forJohn McCain.

I showed up unannounced at the McCain New Hampshire HQ and luckily someone let me sleep on their floor and I spent a week waving McCain signs in the snow.

From then on I was hooked and ended up taking a semester off from Auburn University to work on the McCain campaign and I’ve been in politics ever since.”

What’s an interesting book/article you’re reading now or finished? And why?

“With the election less than a month away, I’m currently not reading anything other than Excel documents and direct mail copy.”

What is a trend going on in the U.S. or abroad that doesn’t get enough attention?

“The ‘Lindsey Graham for President 2024’ campaign :)”

How is the Trump presidency going?

“-3.7% unemployment … -Passed historic tax cuts … -Confirmed Gorsuch & Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court … -Massive rollback of unnecessary job-killing regulations … -

Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital … -ended the War on Christmas. I’m not sick of winning.”

What’s a fun fact that people in Washington might not know about you?

“I love to travel and have visited over 35 countries including backpacking trips through Southeast Asia, Europe and the Middle East.”


Who is Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney?


Who is Caroline Wren?


Company website for Caroline Wren redirects to:


Who is Julie Jenkins Fancelli?


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f67635 No.21018586


Happy BIrthday Am Erica

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1605b9 No.21018587

[FAKE MAGA]Jan 06 counter narrative will fail

Bannons War RoomCaroline Wren: Pelosi Wasted Americans Time And Money On J6 Hoax That Was Her Fault

Caroline Wren is a Senior Advisor to Kari Lake

'''Caroline Wren got her start in Politics working for the McCain and then Lindsey Graham


Dinesh D'SouzaALARMING: New Footage Shows Pelosi's True Reaction To Jan 6


The Dan Bongino ShowThe REAL January 6th Story Is Starting To Come Out (Ep. 2268) - 06/11/2024

Summary: In this episode, I discuss the new information that is blowing the lid on what happened behind the scenes on January 6th, more on the operation to replace Biden and other breaking news.


The Charlie Kirk ShowHunter Biden, Convict + The Pelosi Tapes + Censoring Prager | Schlichter, Alexander, Prager | LIVE


NEWSMAXNancy Pelosi upends anti-Trump January 6 narrative in new video


MJTruthNEW Footage Shows Nancy Pelosi Admitting she was Responsible for the National Guard on January 6th


RedpillUSAPatriotsNancy Pelosi responds on MSNBC to the bombshell behind the scenes footage of her admitting responsibility for the lack of National Guard Troops on J6


RealAmericasVoiceWhy Were They Caught Flat-Footed?


Terrence K WilliamsBreaking! New Footage of Nancy Pelosi Admitting Responsibility on January 6 and not calling guards


Laura LoomerNancy Pelosi EXPOSED for Election Interference While on Capitol Hill!!!


AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaPelosi didn't know the camera was on. John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First


Benny JohnsonNew LEAKED Video Of Pelosi Admitting She Was ‘In Charge’ of January 6th SHOCKS: ‘I am Responsible’


The Big MigPelosi’s Fedsurrection w/ guest Jonathan Rose, CEO Genesis Gold Group |EP302


Wendy Bell RadioThe "INSURRECTION" Story Blows Up


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7e9ac5 No.21018588

Matt DePerno, while facing charges, announces run for Michigan Supreme Court


Lansing — Republican Matt DePerno, a former attorney general nominee who's been charged with felonies for allegedly mishandling voting equipment, said Wednesday he's running for a seat on Michigan's top court.

In a statement, the Kalamazoo lawyer and ally of former President Donald Trump said it's "clear that the Michigan Supreme Court needs members that are committed to following the constitution and rule of law."


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5492e6 No.21018589


Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

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f39351 No.21018590

File: 656d016dc323bda⋯.png (173.33 KB,492x735,164:245,bam.png)

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f22dce No.21018591


Remove civilian pukes from photo..

Carry on

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f32b2b No.21018592

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,Side_Eye_Cat_02.jpg)

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7c9d4e No.21018593

File: 4ecd229397c701d⋯.png (239.09 KB,613x534,613:534,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c12f6187d254515⋯.png (273.51 KB,576x697,576:697,ClipboardImage.png)




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a1d712 No.21018594

File: 72a17670b3e3efd⋯.png (594.48 KB,468x520,9:10,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Every time I see this catchphrase, it always reminds me of the piss memes that came out.

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edc61c No.21018595

File: c11949cece4c94e⋯.png (915.26 KB,1312x822,656:411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c38e7516ba9c0fc⋯.png (1.06 MB,1294x734,647:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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5492e6 No.21018596


Elon cannot help. GAME OVER.

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518683 No.21018597


This is the spoopy shit I was talking about.

Did your operators finally come through with some kind of MK Ultra shit on the board?

WTF are the anons?

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794fb9 No.21018598


politics is gay.

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f32b2b No.21018599

File: e1729eab71be021⋯.png (1.67 MB,912x1214,456:607,CEB2B7A2_A6E1_4E25_BBD2_3E….png)

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deb1bc No.21018600

File: b853d41986c5113⋯.jpg (15.09 KB,248x204,62:51,images_19_.jpg)

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85af49 No.21018601

File: 067b0945e4b853f⋯.jpg (21.92 KB,942x108,157:18,anon_does_not_know_its_Q_c….jpg)

File: 0e6590be4b9a43f⋯.jpg (33.3 KB,962x126,481:63,calls_Q_a_fffgggttt.jpg)

File: 0c57b37281deeb8⋯.jpg (27.22 KB,927x161,927:161,tells_Q_not_knowing_its_Q_….jpg)

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5e421c No.21018602

File: 1f673b3a8fe66cb⋯.jpg (319.95 KB,768x1024,3:4,Baby_Pig_Anons_Winning.jpg)

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1605b9 No.21018603

File: bf70494a7ef123b⋯.png (1.24 MB,991x941,991:941,1a.png)

File: 2c1d35cdc5d428d⋯.png (828.47 KB,1290x636,215:106,1b.png)

File: 5808c305f21a2de⋯.png (1.62 MB,1432x812,358:203,1c.png)

File: 9d77893efdd4d23⋯.png (62.93 KB,1566x564,261:94,1d.png)

File: 89453b23321da2a⋯.png (371.05 KB,754x802,377:401,1e.png)











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7c9d4e No.21018604



June 9, 2018 U.S. officials say hackers targeted a Navy contractor and stole a massive amount of sensitive data on undersea warfare from his computers. Elizabeth Prann. Fox News: America's News HQ

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f67635 No.21018605


your phones already read your mind, you get ads right of things you thinking of ? duh

hte mark of the beast is anything changing your DNA or affecting your blood which is where the soul resides ….

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0a2e2f No.21018606



Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/13/2018 00:41:17 ID: b3cfa0

8chan/qresearch: 1725084

MSM attacks.

[Round 2]

MOSSAD attempts failed.

Clown attempts failed.

Expect bigger push.

FBI (4) open investigations.

8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).






FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)

FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]

FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]

Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.

Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).


They are losing control.








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1605b9 No.21018607



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a1d712 No.21018608


Kek. That's snot funny.

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518683 No.21018609


Well, until somebody else has a better qrd by default I'll have to go with chatttyschizo's version.

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5e421c No.21018610


kek. It's fun n games til the piss runs out.

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5492e6 No.21018611

File: 7ed40f5929431c3⋯.png (633.02 KB,886x498,443:249,GBDB.png)

File: d72ad505b9f830a⋯.png (706.31 KB,667x500,667:500,GBRW.png)

File: f21f3c5f0e72777⋯.png (166.86 KB,374x285,374:285,GBEM.png)

File: 04668b48ebf8b6f⋯.png (244.76 KB,618x410,309:205,GBAS.png)

..and, "GB" KIM.

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f67635 No.21018612

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f32b2b No.21018613

File: 9627eecc21333cc⋯.gif (1.36 MB,320x240,4:3,IMG_2081.gif)


Tasty and refreshing Elephant Dung Juice

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4b0270 No.21018614

File: f33574dfba76875⋯.png (310.52 KB,800x703,800:703,76e5nn7654.PNG)

Trump endorses former Maryland governor Larry Hogan's Senate bid

ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Republican former Gov. Larry Hogan, who has been one of former President Donald Trump's fiercest critics in the GOP, received Trump's endorsement in his Maryland Senate bid on Thursday in an interview on Fox News.

I'd like to see him win," Trump told the network during a trip to Washington, D.C. I think he has a good chance to win.''

The Maryland race could determine control of the Senate, a point Trump noted in the interview.

''I would like to see him win, and we got to take the majority. We have to straighten out our country, so I'd like to see him win," Trump said.


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1605b9 No.21018615

File: be35048f2d5127c⋯.jpg (63.52 KB,425x548,425:548,3z6.jpg)




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5b3cad No.21018616

File: 86feed8868ee41d⋯.jpg (53.33 KB,640x480,4:3,night_shift_simpsons.jpg)

File: 83efd0b6d233e02⋯.jpg (178.46 KB,1059x986,1059:986,grandpa_Simpson_back_in_my….jpg)

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5e421c No.21018617

File: 3cd56475c1d444a⋯.jpg (237.69 KB,680x720,17:18,Big_Mike_Hitting_Balls.jpg)


shave that thing

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d01658 No.21018618

File: 1fa4a54dd44c652⋯.png (329.6 KB,464x995,464:995,ClipboardImage.png)

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f22dce No.21018619



A missing p?

….pisspoor performance

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5ffc5c No.21018620

BIG shit about to drop.

Biden stepping down end-of-month.

Harris set for POTUS/July 4th.


Weak moment for NatSec.

Russian Navy.

Special Ballots. Rigging.

Harris2024/VP Pick (M. Obama current chatter).

Watch and prep for dig.

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a1d712 No.21018621


>kek. It's fun n games til the piss runs out.

Kek. I can just see the cameraman trying to run away from Bear as he's chasing him screaming, "I'm dehydrated! Lemme drink your piss!"

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905265 No.21018622

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f67635 No.21018623


red green show


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1605b9 No.21018624

File: 9c6318439d4bde4⋯.png (198.33 KB,770x752,385:376,1.png)


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5492e6 No.21018625



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5e421c No.21018626


Best served chilled.

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1605b9 No.21018627

File: e17932d233496ad⋯.png (378.99 KB,540x652,135:163,1x.png)

Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


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a1d712 No.21018628

File: 49654c087eeca1e⋯.png (33.75 KB,631x594,631:594,ClipboardImage.png)

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f32b2b No.21018629

File: ca23a9fce2ab9f8⋯.jpg (40.67 KB,801x759,267:253,Deep_State_Season.JPG)

File: beb9719bd7b93c2⋯.png (3.72 MB,1382x1974,691:987,96D8CD1C_BDBC_4DEF_8CDE_4E….PNG)

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518683 No.21018630


Day Shift has lost its mind.

WTF are the Evening Shifters?

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fd4f4f No.21018631


#25774 >>21017911

>>21017919 NIH Was Feeding Gain-Of-Function Disinfo To Journalists: Documents

>>21017928 Bidens Ghostwriter Admits Deleting Evidence BECAUSE of Special Counsel Investigation.

>>21017943 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children

>>21017961 Russia formally charges WSJ journalist with spying for CIA

>>21017972 Tyson Foods CEO Suspended 'Immediately' After DWI, Second Alcohol Related Arrest In Two Years

>>21017977 Biden insists he will not pardon Hunter OR commute his sentence for gun crimes

>>21017998 House Republicans say they are “100% unified behind former President Donald Trump

>>21018011 Wounded and Dead Ukrainian Soldiers Are Missing Organs

>>21018103 Eye Tracking lets you navigate iOS 18 without touching your iPhone

>>21018148 DOJ and Evergreen Treatment Services settle allegations regarding double billing of government health programs

>>21018154 Founder/CEO and Clinical President of Digital Health Company Arrested for $100M Adderall Distribution and Health Care Fraud Scheme

>>21018164 Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

>>21018187 With deal done, Disney withdraws lawsuit, ending last conflict with DeSantis and his appointees

>>21018198 T-Mobile signs huge multi-billion dollar 10-year contract with one branch of the U.S. Military

>>21018212 US Army celebrates 249th birthday

>>21018242 US Army, Navy reduce dependence on China for ‘critical technology’

>>21018247 US building $100 million military bases for foreign nation

>>21018250 Pres Trump is trying to tell us something…..

>>21018353 Triggered Meets TCN, Tucker Interviews Me! | TRIGGERED Ep.144

>>21018371 Schiff Panic?

>>21018373 US sub makes ‘routine’ visit to Gitmo amid Russian fleet worries

>>21018391 Trump Proposes TOTALLY Scrapping Income Tax. Here’s How It Would Work…

>>21018430 NATO defense ministers approve new security aid, training support plan for Ukraine

>>21018458, >>21018469, >>21018485, >>21018492 @realDonaldTrump

>>21018486 Massive 'Michigan MAGA Boat Parade' from Lake St. Clair to Detroit's Hart Plaza is planned for this Saturday

>>21018487 Trump tells Fox: I have a 'pretty good idea' who my VP pick will be

>>21018572 Roaring Kitty’s GameStop stake grows to 9 million shares after selling his big options position

>>21018614 Trump endorses former Maryland governor Larry Hogan's Senate bid

Notes 599

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1605b9 No.21018632

File: 9b38d69608525c3⋯.gif (1.93 MB,800x340,40:17,1z.gif)


Q DROP #4799

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/30/2020 23:52:42 ID: 376386 4799

8kun/qresearch: 10864489

Anonymous 09/30/2020 23:43:23 ID:39774c

8kun/qresearch: 10864305

Image Name: 09302020nyt1.png

Filename: 08e41859ca2515db376999299074104a284701075e774fa4c4ab36b1ebe9d5d8.png

Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET

ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China. He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”

An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.

“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who, as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.

But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.

Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism. In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief allies and delighted his chief critics.

Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.



When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


OH WAIT! The re up of the "Secret Vatican > China Accord" was breaking right when POTUS started yelling "CHINA CHINA CHINA FLU WUHAN FLU CHINA CHINA CHINA!".

For 2 weeks anon tried to get this into notes.

POTUS just screaming Wuhan China!

No BAKER would note it.


and right when anon is whooping the piss out of a fucking blatant Neo Nazi allowed not only to bake but BV HERE!

Q drops down and Q's Anon…

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444f45 No.21018633

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6855f4 No.21018634





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10decb No.21018635

File: 124f5fbde30e001⋯.gif (1.59 MB,640x320,2:1,IMG_2140.gif)

File: bad38db3db6277b⋯.jpeg (237.11 KB,1487x1381,1487:1381,IMG_2139.jpeg)


Gird up thine junk and dangly parts Michael!

Gird up and run for thine own life!

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0a2e2f No.21018636


Schiff likes cock in his ass

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518683 No.21018637


QR is what's lost it, schizo.

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1605b9 No.21018638

File: 03b274ea90bf9a2⋯.gif (835.33 KB,200x131,200:131,07b138088668ecfaba85dc3a13….gif)

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a1d712 No.21018639


Not gonna lie, but I can't wait to see how BiBi is taken down. There's no punishment I can think of that's suitable enough for his evil. Even throwing him to the Palestinians and letting them do whatever they want with him isn't enough.

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f2dca7 No.21018640

File: fcc9a05d8a7217e⋯.png (10.63 KB,558x147,186:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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7c9d4e No.21018641

File: 6fe8764af6a2b8a⋯.png (820.81 KB,1200x810,40:27,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe Biden’s Daily Pharmaceuticals Reportedly Revealed


Jun. 13, 2024 2:20 pm

As Gateway Pundit readers know, Joe Biden continues to decline mentally every day, although there are times when he suddenly gets a bolt of energy. This has led many to wonder what drugs Biden is on.

For example, just today, Biden was caught wandering off during a skydiving event at the G7 Summit before Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni retrieved the doddering fool.

Investigative journalist Paul Sperry says he has uncovered the whole cocktail of drugs Dementia Joe is allegedly ingesting to keep himself going.

The five drugs he listed in his X tweet are Eliquis, Crestor, Pepcid, Dymista, and Comirnaty.

DEVELOPING: Biden has been taking the following pharmaceuticals: Eliquis, Crestor, Pepcid, Dymista and Comirnaty

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) June 13, 2024

Eliquis is an anticoagulant medication used to treat and prevent blood clots and strokes. Back in 1988, Biden suffered a blood clot in his lung and was sent to Walter Reed Medical Center for treatment.

Crestor is a drug used to lower bad cholesterol levels while Pepcid helps control heartburn and stomach ulcers.

Dymista is a combination medication containing azelastine and fluticasone that is used to treat seasonal allergies. Biden has suffered from sinus issues throughout his life.

Arguably, the most interesting drugs on the list is Comirnaty. This drug is found in Pfizer’s COVID shot, suggesting that Biden is still addicted to the Fauci Ouchie.

Some X posters, though, were skeptical this was the complete list of drugs Biden was taking. Adderall was among the most popular mentions.

They left off cocaine and Adderall, right ?

— RayRayRooRoo77 (@RayRayRooRoo77) June 13, 2024

And Requip and Adderall.

— Lending Lies (@LendingLiesX) June 13, 2024

You forget adderall and crack.

— Jules (@julievriahi) June 13, 2024

Now list the other 5, including Adderrall, Aricept, B1, etc….

— 1970JetsFan (@Jets1970) June 13, 2024

The only way we will all know for sure if this is the complete list is if Biden submits to a drug test in public. But that will almost certainly never happen.

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0c5571 No.21018642


The 'chatty schizo' has threatened to kill the Board Owner, falsely claims to be 'working with Q', and is attempting to destroy the board.

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85af49 No.21018643

File: 4785a3630235653⋯.jpg (81.9 KB,848x442,424:221,Kitty_knows_its_Q.jpg)

File: 9c99783dc6d9025⋯.jpg (52.09 KB,1252x238,626:119,anon_knows_its_Q_by_ID_say….jpg)

File: 067b0945e4b853f⋯.jpg (21.92 KB,942x108,157:18,anon_does_not_know_its_Q_c….jpg)

File: c549be829068c3a⋯.jpg (19.11 KB,682x102,341:51,anon_does_not_know_its_Q.jpg)

File: 9c99783dc6d9025⋯.jpg (52.09 KB,1252x238,626:119,Hello_Q_by_ID_feb_25_2019_.jpg)

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d01658 No.21018644


not so simple. board security costs a fortune.

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5e421c No.21018645

File: d707cc4e6070098⋯.png (1.72 MB,1280x908,320:227,ClipboardImage.png)


Top kek.

Imagine the smell.

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f32b2b No.21018646

File: 8e22c9625f35d5b⋯.png (3.96 MB,1920x1078,960:539,50DCAF13_97DA_4505_8E40_A7….png)

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edc61c No.21018647


2 x extra spaces -

Step 3)..


Q1408, 429, 343, 2514

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1605b9 No.21018648

File: 1ff2d904c28ffa1⋯.png (763.6 KB,832x801,832:801,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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fe85c0 No.21018649

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1ecfd3 No.21018650


>>21018377 45 in N757AF 757 departed Reagan National Airport and on descent for Palm Beach Intl

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444f45 No.21018651

File: 2897fc42594e625⋯.png (24.81 KB,918x330,153:55,Screenshot_2024_06_13_at_1….png)

RE-posting for the attention it seemingly deserves…

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1605b9 No.21018652

File: 8641372a9f65619⋯.png (553.1 KB,767x618,767:618,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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0a2e2f No.21018653

File: 6de8276c6be52e9⋯.png (47.33 KB,580x387,580:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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1605b9 No.21018654

File: 42434f73cedeb1c⋯.png (193.42 KB,1109x939,1109:939,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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5e421c No.21018655


As I recall it. Schiff likes to fuck black kids to death.

Anons know what happened at The Standard.

Am I remembering correctly?

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1605b9 No.21018656

File: 23e6b815014d9f3⋯.png (755.83 KB,721x985,721:985,00000000000000000000000000….png)

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518683 No.21018657



The OG active bread went ded so it was locked.

This bread is setting a new precedent regarding Split Breads.

The QR Constitution has just been amended.

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65a9c6 No.21018658

File: b0fe99ce425ebfb⋯.jpeg (60.07 KB,247x255,247:255,IMG_5534.jpeg)

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f32b2b No.21018659

File: c281a1bdc43946f⋯.jpeg (256.41 KB,1130x1046,565:523,IMG_2045.jpeg)

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53c61f No.21018660

File: 1b0834999668b2c⋯.mp4 (5.19 MB,640x360,16:9,Carville.mp4)

'We're Gonna F*ckin' Lose 'Em': James Carville And Donny Deutsch Sound Alarm On Hispanic Men Ditching Dems

June 13, 2024

(He's right in one way, and absolutely wrong on Bidan)


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a1d712 No.21018661


>Day Shift has gone full lord of the flies mode.

Kek. Yeah, was here all day instead of working on the animation project. I don't know what happened, but something today made the BO crew blow a gasket. They went full "disinformation" mode. Same BS you get anywhere else on the net. It was dasting, for sure.

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85af49 No.21018662


I don't think you are.

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1605b9 No.21018663

File: b0d1b66e236b43b⋯.png (836.7 KB,952x1236,238:309,1a.png)

File: 9ffe699edd2fce6⋯.jpg (24.22 KB,500x415,100:83,0001.jpg)

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6855f4 No.21018664

File: 93f779ebd3359fb⋯.png (94.57 KB,976x543,976:543,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e421c No.21018665


>They left off cocaine and Adderall, right ?

>— RayRayRooRoo77 (@RayRayRooRoo77) June 13, 2024

>And Requip and Adderall.

>— Lending Lies (@LendingLiesX) June 13, 2024

>You forget adderall and crack.

Internet is based.

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7c9d4e No.21018666

File: 95a3d2cbd88dcee⋯.png (118.94 KB,680x416,85:52,ClipboardImage.png)

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deb1bc No.21018667


This is why Hillary wears pant suits.

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35359d No.21018668


same. ugh.

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fd4f4f No.21018669

Taking Bread Title Suggestions

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5b3cad No.21018670

File: 65e081b9c852e6e⋯.jpg (156.58 KB,1200x675,16:9,026_standard.jpg)

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1605b9 No.21018671

File: 971c7cfb0114b30⋯.gif (1.9 MB,498x217,498:217,002d.gif)

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85af49 No.21018672



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fd4f4f No.21018673



POTUS Birthday Eve Edition

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518683 No.21018674

File: eecfd754154ac7d⋯.gif (2.82 MB,414x382,207:191,Pence_GTFO.gif)


Well, CS is doing a victory spergout bragging about having Split the bread.

Gerbil ghosted and made a new bread before the old one was even halfway through.

It appears all because CS told him to.

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d01658 No.21018675

File: 18e268c8866aa08⋯.png (3.07 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


I have one job …

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d9d912 No.21018676

5492e6, I am listening.

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08bced No.21018677

File: 739a6f2c8a64434⋯.png (329.51 KB,613x413,613:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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444f45 No.21018678


>BIG shit about to drop.


>Biden stepping down end-of-month.


>Harris set for POTUS/July 4th.



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f10dc0 No.21018679


Q. Often imitated, never duplicated.

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a1d712 No.21018680




Seconded. Let's be the first to throw a shout out to the Boss for his birthday.

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5492e6 No.21018681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q+ 05:50 > ….I had the safest Border in history,

Q0550 > (SOROS & No-Name)


Q0550 > (SOROS & No-Name)


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d84a0c No.21018682

File: d8edb4dca16f347⋯.png (80.97 KB,506x1009,506:1009,ClipboardImage.png)


he did something pretty bad…

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f67635 No.21018683


just like Perot, this is exactly what we need

no more fighting with insane chinese plastic wrap to get at what i bought off amazon, goods will be maid in america

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85af49 No.21018685

File: f175487dd0da15f⋯.jpg (69.12 KB,800x483,800:483,He_needs_a_reset.jpg)

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5e421c No.21018686


I like it, but it's fake n gay until proven.

A little tripcode Q wouldn't hurt.

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1ecfd3 No.21018687

File: e32cf994d561129⋯.jpeg (596.96 KB,1167x623,1167:623,51FBC6FF_BF31_4F82_8B5A_B….jpeg)


On ground at a rainy Palm Beach Intl

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f32b2b No.21018688

File: 48a403fc6295ec1⋯.mp4 (14.14 MB,848x464,53:29,Isaac_Kappy_Epstein_Is_01.mp4)


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10decb No.21018689




Climbing Corney

Immigrants running trope.

(I may have missed them, it’s a busy compilation)

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fd4f4f No.21018690

Last Call


#25774 >>21017911

>>21017919 NIH Was Feeding Gain-Of-Function Disinfo To Journalists: Documents

>>21017928 Bidens Ghostwriter Admits Deleting Evidence BECAUSE of Special Counsel Investigation.

>>21017943 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children

>>21017961 Russia formally charges WSJ journalist with spying for CIA

>>21017972 Tyson Foods CEO Suspended 'Immediately' After DWI, Second Alcohol Related Arrest In Two Years

>>21017977 Biden insists he will not pardon Hunter OR commute his sentence for gun crimes

>>21017998 House Republicans say they are “100% unified behind former President Donald Trump

>>21018011 Wounded and Dead Ukrainian Soldiers Are Missing Organs

>>21018103 Eye Tracking lets you navigate iOS 18 without touching your iPhone

>>21018148 DOJ and Evergreen Treatment Services settle allegations regarding double billing of government health programs

>>21018154 Founder/CEO and Clinical President of Digital Health Company Arrested for $100M Adderall Distribution and Health Care Fraud Scheme

>>21018164 Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

>>21018187 With deal done, Disney withdraws lawsuit, ending last conflict with DeSantis and his appointees

>>21018198 T-Mobile signs huge multi-billion dollar 10-year contract with one branch of the U.S. Military

>>21018212 US Army celebrates 249th birthday

>>21018242 US Army, Navy reduce dependence on China for ‘critical technology’

>>21018247 US building $100 million military bases for foreign nation

>>21018250 Pres Trump is trying to tell us something…..

>>21018353 Triggered Meets TCN, Tucker Interviews Me! | TRIGGERED Ep.144

>>21018371 Schiff Panic?

>>21018373 US sub makes ‘routine’ visit to Gitmo amid Russian fleet worries

>>21018377 45 in N757AF 757 departed Reagan National Airport and on descent for Palm Beach Intl

>>21018391 Trump Proposes TOTALLY Scrapping Income Tax. Here’s How It Would Work…

>>21018430 NATO defense ministers approve new security aid, training support plan for Ukraine

>>21018458, >>21018469, >>21018485, >>21018492 @realDonaldTrump

>>21018486 Massive 'Michigan MAGA Boat Parade' from Lake St. Clair to Detroit's Hart Plaza is planned for this Saturday

>>21018487 Trump tells Fox: I have a 'pretty good idea' who my VP pick will be

>>21018572 Roaring Kitty’s GameStop stake grows to 9 million shares after selling his big options position

>>21018614 Trump endorses former Maryland governor Larry Hogan's Senate bid

>>21018641 Joe Biden’s Daily Pharmaceuticals Reportedly Revealed

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5e421c No.21018691


oops, maybe it was a premonition.

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eb1a50 No.21018693


> Taking Bread Title Suggestions

Panic Room - Get In Now Edition

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f32b2b No.21018697

File: 3bf8e5cd8a20971⋯.mp4 (7.51 MB,960x540,16:9,Isaac_Kappy_Oprah_Winfrey_….mp4)



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895582 No.21018698

File: a9306ddb2be0e13⋯.png (622.16 KB,465x475,93:95,aed.PNG)

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85af49 No.21018699

File: 5a9b860b7633264⋯.jpg (232.07 KB,489x863,489:863,Gorillian_zilla_ime_.jpg)


something happened, but your narrative was never proven.

I remember a picture of a guy dressed as a bunny.

there was a helicopter crash.

I read all about the hotel in the comments section of a hotel booking website.

I made a meme with Gorrillianzilla.

I can post that.

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10decb No.21018700


Fucking RUN! The Star is exploding!

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1ecfd3 No.21018702

File: 3ee785041c7023f⋯.gif (1.59 MB,480x270,16:9,BD79F860_0C0F_4B6E_B8AC_02….gif)


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518683 No.21018703


Oh, ok, that helps.

Memberberries about SEC_TEST anon's most painful moment ever.

Totally pertinent to the schizo wasteland Day Shift has become.

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d01658 No.21018704

File: 6c7de93a1181c2d⋯.png (16.6 KB,325x184,325:184,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9328850d66de113⋯.png (26.01 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d50b5f11b21a9d3⋯.png (251.24 KB,464x1068,116:267,ClipboardImage.png)



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5e421c No.21018705


I'm remembering the part about the chemical dump into the waterway… Acid?

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0b4fd8 No.21018706

File: aa02f255f7d457a⋯.png (3.63 MB,2369x2318,2369:2318,Dan_COMMS_6_13_2024.png)



The TL;DR version?

With timestamps (in military time) we get 6 drops

"That didn't take long"

[Fake news] be fake newsing, attacking their opposition.

"Clarence Thomas took 3 private jet trips provided by GOP donor, committee says"


"Look familiar?" in one of the pics in tweet looks awfully similar to "calm before the strorm" pic back in Oct 5th 2017.

Maybe there's moar.

Autists gets the COMMS.

Autists come back

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fc8595 No.21018707

File: 35509528f9e0a83⋯.jpg (146.2 KB,960x1148,240:287,593874bdb31d52d5a0fcd635c4….jpg)

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f32b2b No.21018709

File: 345f7c70968bbec⋯.mp4 (873.75 KB,576x576,1:1,827Scng_Tknos6yv.mp4)

File: c22c8c5a03096a5⋯.jpg (201.81 KB,976x542,488:271,CDD7AB20_922D_444D_93F5_1D….jpg)

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d84a0c No.21018710

File: 744e99eac16efd8⋯.png (291.91 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49340d552c90cc1⋯.png (1.27 MB,1100x619,1100:619,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3b9daaaa43dd80⋯.png (160.21 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 939db9f95a982ce⋯.png (346.99 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e421c No.21018711


paint on tarmac is dangerously slippery.

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0a2e2f No.21018712


>Autists come back

We never left.

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d01658 No.21018713

File: 74831c8a9a7f1bf⋯.png (136.87 KB,870x940,87:94,45_1_.png)


45 second video for me…

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a1d712 No.21018714

File: 7074fad79b2a9bc⋯.png (8.22 KB,952x224,17:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Previous nigh shift bun looked to be gutted as well when I got up this morning and hopped on. Today was incredibly strange. Never seen BO get so draconian over "severe shilling" (tm). The play was the same shit you find on discord, disqus, etc. Dart was swinging the ban hammer around, like he was Stevie Wonder. Shit was wild.

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f32b2b No.21018715

File: f3d310e9365c6d0⋯.jpg (256.28 KB,1088x2235,1088:2235,Tom_Hanks_07_MSM_Death_Rep….JPG)

File: 4862466612a2f11⋯.jpg (256.37 KB,1088x1386,544:693,Tom_Hanks_01_MSM_Death_Rep….JPG)

File: a450ff4987d1ae3⋯.png (223.91 KB,496x489,496:489,Tom_Hanks_06_Pedophile_Por….PNG)

File: 6ec8aa74612ae7d⋯.jpg (98.08 KB,720x921,240:307,Tom_Hanks_02_Ankle_Bracele….JPG)

File: 6be18891994c3f1⋯.jpg (95.21 KB,539x627,49:57,Tom_Hanks_03_Shopped_Image.JPG)

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518683 No.21018716


Well, at least it's slowly getting moar anonny around here now.

Let's see what happens next in the upcoming episode of QR The Absolute State Years.

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fd4f4f No.21018717

File: ad09d224673eda5⋯.png (131.67 KB,255x241,255:241,ClipboardImage.png)


so many good choices

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85af49 No.21018718


yup, I remember that too.

I also remember that sometimes people ended up tangled in the wires because they somehow fell off the building.

and parties going on all the time but no one was ever allowed to go to them except for the invited.

very sketch.

but the guy in the bunny suit really sticks with me.

and some woman named . . . starts with an 'R'

not Remote Control but . . .

like characters on Friends, the sit comm, and she was ?

I want to say on the helicopter. but I can't remember that much about it.

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6855f4 No.21018719

>>21018387 The Donald Trump Interview - IMPAULSIVE EP. 418


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518683 No.21018721


If Bread Sucks Just Make New One

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f32b2b No.21018722

File: 9b98374cd909eca⋯.jpg (540.15 KB,889x576,889:576,Oprah_Tom_Hanks_GITMO.jpg)

File: 8d2d01d42134dc7⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,Oprah_s_Land_Grab.mp4)

File: 031f03569996c8e⋯.mp4 (4.81 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Oprah_Winfrey_Golden_Globe….MP4)

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5e421c No.21018723


How did we end up with a comp'd faggot as BO?

Even on a lowly image board on the edge of the interwebs we see power corrupting absolutely.

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d9d912 No.21018724


Rachel Chandler.

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6855f4 No.21018725


>>21018387 The Donald Trump Interview - IMPAULSIVE EP. 418


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a1d712 No.21018726

File: f4f9077bf22937f⋯.png (369.76 KB,750x532,375:266,ClipboardImage.png)


>QR The Absolute State Years.

Kek. Is that on Netflix? I'd watch the shit out of that. Oh wait…

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85af49 No.21018727


I made a modest one but I'll post it either tomorrow or at midnight.

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d9d912 No.21018728



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d9af99 No.21018729

File: 9c7d512c512586e⋯.png (757.91 KB,1080x2209,1080:2209,Screenshot_20240613_175923.png)

Two more POTUS truths. Posted at 06:55 (EST).

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da6bda No.21018730


>but the guy in the bunny suit really sticks with me.

Alex Podesta

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65a9c6 No.21018731

File: 6043ec73e37ab37⋯.jpeg (40.92 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5547.jpeg)

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5e421c No.21018732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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10decb No.21018733

File: 155c9120d6e2054⋯.jpeg (94.4 KB,1072x701,1072:701,IMG_2143.jpeg)

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1ecfd3 No.21018735

File: 561c1fd7bd79eca⋯.gif (1.48 MB,180x176,45:44,CF4F13C4_CEE5_4D5E_AF74_1C….gif)


Only if you are out of control to start

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85af49 No.21018736


you never know when Q is lurking, or when Q is going to post.

Maybe next bread!

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e8701b No.21018737

File: ce947e07d73e680⋯.png (276.09 KB,1100x586,550:293,vote_out_the_elite_3.png)

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d9d912 No.21018739


5492e6 was Q.

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518683 No.21018741


>like he was Stevie Wonder

kek that's one of his fav memes

Yeah, the shit wind is picking up both irl and on here now.

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e8701b No.21018742

File: a60692177e18ba5⋯.png (830.2 KB,800x1100,8:11,dingell_protects_fauci_060….png)

File: 4d8721d9f24b4b7⋯.png (785.43 KB,800x1100,8:11,castor_protects_fauci_0603….png)

File: 80189aa78dcad13⋯.png (764.34 KB,800x1086,400:543,robert_garcia_protects_fau….png)

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fd4f4f No.21018743



#25774 >>21017911

>>21017919 NIH Was Feeding Gain-Of-Function Disinfo To Journalists: Documents

>>21017928 Bidens Ghostwriter Admits Deleting Evidence BECAUSE of Special Counsel Investigation.

>>21017943 Top Analyst Exposes Cover-Up of Mass Deaths Among Vaxxed Children

>>21017961 Russia formally charges WSJ journalist with spying for CIA

>>21017972 Tyson Foods CEO Suspended 'Immediately' After DWI, Second Alcohol Related Arrest In Two Years

>>21017977 Biden insists he will not pardon Hunter OR commute his sentence for gun crimes

>>21017998 House Republicans say they are “100% unified behind former President Donald Trump

>>21018011 Wounded and Dead Ukrainian Soldiers Are Missing Organs

>>21018103 Eye Tracking lets you navigate iOS 18 without touching your iPhone

>>21018148 DOJ and Evergreen Treatment Services settle allegations regarding double billing of government health programs

>>21018154 Founder/CEO and Clinical President of Digital Health Company Arrested for $100M Adderall Distribution and Health Care Fraud Scheme

>>21018164 Unanimous Supreme Court preserves access to widely used abortion medication

>>21018187 With deal done, Disney withdraws lawsuit, ending last conflict with DeSantis and his appointees

>>21018198 T-Mobile signs huge multi-billion dollar 10-year contract with one branch of the U.S. Military

>>21018212 US Army celebrates 249th birthday

>>21018242 US Army, Navy reduce dependence on China for ‘critical technology’

>>21018247 US building $100 million military bases for foreign nation

>>21018250 Pres Trump is trying to tell us something…..

>>21018353 Triggered Meets TCN, Tucker Interviews Me! | TRIGGERED Ep.144

>>21018371 Schiff Panic?

>>21018373 US sub makes ‘routine’ visit to Gitmo amid Russian fleet worries

>>21018377 45 in N757AF 757 departed Reagan National Airport and on descent for Palm Beach Intl

>>21018387 The Donald Trump Interview - IMPAULSIVE EP. 418

>>21018391 Trump Proposes TOTALLY Scrapping Income Tax. Here’s How It Would Work…

>>21018430 NATO defense ministers approve new security aid, training support plan for Ukraine

>>21018458, >>21018469, >>21018485, >>21018492 @realDonaldTrump

>>21018486 Massive 'Michigan MAGA Boat Parade' from Lake St. Clair to Detroit's Hart Plaza is planned for this Saturday

>>21018487 Trump tells Fox: I have a 'pretty good idea' who my VP pick will be

>>21018572 Roaring Kitty’s GameStop stake grows to 9 million shares after selling his big options position

>>21018614 Trump endorses former Maryland governor Larry Hogan's Senate bid

>>21018641 Joe Biden’s Daily Pharmaceuticals Reportedly Revealed

>>21018260, >>21018284, >>21018314, >>21018706 DAN Comms


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5e421c No.21018744

File: b18e89e93989c54⋯.jpg (88.39 KB,1340x920,67:46,Apu_Police_Car_Jump.jpg)


I may be.

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fc8595 No.21018745

File: 4f49868bee2f85d⋯.png (1.79 MB,933x1244,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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9cfe8b No.21018746



noice notes

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5492e6 No.21018747


Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:16 PM > —HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

Q: 0616 > Submission complete.

Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:16 PM > has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Q: 0616 > Submission complete.

Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:16 PM > —HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

Q: 0616 > Submission complete.

Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:16 PM > has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Q: 0616 > Submission complete.

Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:17 PM > has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Q: 0617 > Real life.

Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:17 PM > has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Q: 0617 > Real life.

Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:17 PM > has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Q: 0617 > Real life.

Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:18 PM > —HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

Q: 0618 > Clarified?

Game Over.. BO.

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0b4fd8 No.21018748

File: f44036d98bdc559⋯.png (1.33 MB,1769x890,1769:890,_qresearch.png)


There is plenty of COMMS to decipher.

I'd say that's important.

Be the frogs we were meant to be!

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1ecfd3 No.21018749

File: 905343784d4763e⋯.gif (223.27 KB,400x218,200:109,4CDC4E29_80A7_4712_B625_1A….gif)

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0c5571 No.21018750


Absolutely not.

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5e421c No.21018753


Q and Jesus will return on the same day. If you get muh drift.

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5492e6 No.21018754


Q is on the way back. Less than 10. BO LOST.

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e0169b No.21018755

Sheesh. $5 a ticket. NOPE.


Mega Millions game will raise ticket price to $5

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5492e6 No.21018757


Congratulations, Patriots.

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fc8595 No.21018758

File: b2fc7f28c2109c3⋯.png (268.79 KB,563x403,563:403,b2fc7f28c2109c3bdbe0bf353a….png)


>you never know when Q is lurking, or when Q is going to post.

They've been lurking the whole time. Possibly even posting as an anon from time to time.

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0308c3 No.21018759



Pigs and traitors squealing as the noose tightens.

Hey bitchNo Deals

By the wat they are irrelevant to the tribunals, Treason is not tried in civil courts.

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65a9c6 No.21018760

File: 09f027ed896ab7f⋯.png (394.17 KB,736x735,736:735,IMG_5691.png)

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e8701b No.21018761



>Only in a system that is broken, can some homeless man lay on cardboard with the name of his city on the only pieces of clothing he owns..

GOOD eyes during sad times

the ppl that know have to be the ones that SHOW unfortunately

the moar the merrier i hear and work gets done fast w motivated men and women anxious for the information war to be over

what will swamp do before it is over, i can't even imagine so be ready; armor after camo

sometimes their blast get so hot i feel like i can't go further

in those moments i talk to God, the most peaceful times in my life now that i think about it

chaos swirling and not much to do about it so PRAY for safety and forgiveness is about all that is left

here i am still lucky but the World has become way moar dangerous w rising prices in the reign of swamp where antifa/blm paid for by soros riots are okay and the border is open during covid from china and fauci

and it will only get worse if WE keep fake leaders in power; 1+1=2

what is the counter?

who has the power?

work together and overwhelm them like a wall of Rohirrim Warriors and their Horses in the morning sun (figuratively; have to say for acosta or he will run with it)

Know Truth, no violence; Know Truth, no violence


At dawn, look to the East!


Jan 13, 2010'

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444f45 No.21018762



Q and team lurk all fucking day and night, mostly on watch to make corrections when GLARING discrepencies from the plan are posted….

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5e421c No.21018763


Perhaps it costs more to make a million dollar prize than it used to.

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5492e6 No.21018764


Congratulations, Patriots.

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5e421c No.21018767


Are you suggesting Q is the grammarkitty?

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ed27d9 No.21018768


>Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:05 PM > (WIN) > Q0905 24hrs to respond.

Q Team:

After speaking to my wife about her son's dog death this morning, she told me outside that someone on FB sent her a photo of the dog yesterday and somehow the photo is gone, she went looking to see who sent it. Please investigate this asap, NSA should have it all. I want a piece of that person, please allow me the satisfaction.

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0308c3 No.21018769


Now they demand primacy

I hope the normal lickers, suckers and ass fuckers take control of that fringe before it is too late for them.

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fd4f4f No.21018771

File: 2b24732bc941ac8⋯.png (308.59 KB,736x975,736:975,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b0270 No.21018773


money laundering

how much in interest do states generate?

more exploitation of the poor.

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5e421c No.21018775

File: 51f7ec5718bbed4⋯.jpg (303.67 KB,714x730,357:365,King_Charles_Portrait_Star….jpg)

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eb451d No.21018778

File: 831321e30eb8844⋯.jpg (84.57 KB,1080x593,1080:593,248d0bb0b38468fd.jpg)

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0b4fd8 No.21018783

File: 740402f1945e8d8⋯.jpg (227.44 KB,1080x1070,108:107,740402f1945e8d8c83f5287c4f….jpg)


Shills put too much importance on Q poasting.

What they SHOULD worry about are the anons deciphering COMMS with the already established Q poasts.

Current palette of Q drops seems to me be sufficient in current time in the plan.

Hence, wheres my autists?

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eb451d No.21018784

File: 97f9a8911267cd5⋯.jpeg (171.96 KB,871x1199,871:1199,b7e3f7961c47fad0.jpeg)

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e8701b No.21018785

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7f2199 No.21018786


wouldn't it be more like GRAVY?

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5e421c No.21018787


This is how you MAGA

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fe85c0 No.21018789

File: 66af3e9f837cf71⋯.jpeg (480.38 KB,828x953,828:953,F136CCC6_3DD9_4CD4_B451_1….jpeg)

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eb451d No.21018790

File: 021ff0030c416d4⋯.jpg (99.33 KB,1170x1094,585:547,e555f8cacff269b4.jpg)

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1ecfd3 No.21018793

File: c7dd00fb4791c73⋯.jpeg (436.4 KB,772x755,772:755,789E138F_A4DA_4E95_9EAF_D….jpeg)


They chose who wins before they “pick numbers”

And always to people who they know will just spend it.

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eb451d No.21018796

File: 1b74f9cca79ccae⋯.jpeg (59.52 KB,658x356,329:178,663e8251291b1e74.jpeg)

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444f45 No.21018797


hmmmm….never really thought about that! kek

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65a9c6 No.21018798

File: c631e355d4e3a25⋯.jpeg (125.58 KB,800x452,200:113,IMG_5700.jpeg)


> Mega Millions game will raise ticket price to $5

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373bbc No.21018800

File: 00d31a2d6580a99⋯.png (1.16 MB,1018x1275,1018:1275,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e421c No.21018801

File: 84ce1bee94b0970⋯.png (28.57 KB,228x62,114:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c923c501e0d2dd4⋯.png (706.41 KB,612x437,612:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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0308c3 No.21018805


Drip, Drip, Drip……….Drip

2 Moar weeks

They will cheat in November again and the Military is ???

Revolve, Evolve

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fe85c0 No.21018807

File: 92b5b843f6f7702⋯.jpeg (87.14 KB,828x1049,828:1049,91532A14_724A_455B_8719_8….jpeg)

Serious fuckin shit.

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eb451d No.21018808

File: 465b68dceeb6d41⋯.jpg (153.32 KB,1061x837,1061:837,photo_2024_06_13_08_26_31.jpg)

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e8701b No.21018811



pretty spoopy

like we dodged a bullet; thank God for Trump Voters

weird how Trump encourages the vaccine but seems like the vaccine is not so great based on reports coming, which fake news and fake leaders ignore

traitor companies imo

if they weren't traitor companies, they would tell US about Ivermectin/HCQ/zinc/C/D/iodine/omega3/NOT calcium supplements due to kidney stones/selenium vs aids/magnesium/etc

ask Diamond/Silk/DrArdis



does information help ppl?

what does information help ppl do?

which information helps the most?

information war; counter w information 2 ALL

fake news won't do it; fake leaders won't do it

who must do it?

thank you Anons

asking others to join is less work on (You) and faster results

win win; ds stares on jealously

polls turning like undeniable tides that drown liars and their fake news (figuratively; have to say it or acosta will run with it and fact checkers will pounce)

Know Truth, no violence; Know Truth, no violence

once you get the State Crew Night Shift together, then you can impeach rather than wait for next Vote

it shouldn't be a slow or hard or censored process to impeach recall swamp creatures

if it is in your area thas a sign of corruption imo

signs lead the way to level 9 bosses who need to gtfo

[they] are spoopy but will flee a large crowd of Patriots protesting LOUDLY and logically

imo imo; thank God for 1A and 2A and..'

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e8701b No.21018814

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5e421c No.21018816


vote moar

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eb451d No.21018818

File: 08f3d2819b93b03⋯.jpeg (63.93 KB,600x450,4:3,biden_bath_bench_sabo_600….jpeg)

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373bbc No.21018819

File: 33c8fcd0a3b1c65⋯.png (536.92 KB,759x479,759:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb451d No.21018824

File: 9c6092d09dea599⋯.jpg (80.07 KB,600x450,4:3,george_clooney_bench_sabo_….jpg)

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518683 No.21018825


kek nowhere near this shit show.

Many were Board Karens about how OG QR was run.

They'd pass out if they hopped in Looking Glass back in '18 to come visit this (these 2 ackshyually) breads.

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5492e6 No.21018827

File: e59848f824d18c9⋯.png (17.53 KB,444x318,74:53,656.png)






Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:56 PM (01:02) TIMELESS QUOTES…

Q: 0656 > Relevant today. Learn.

Anons. Q. This Board.

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574425 No.21018828

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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eb451d No.21018829

File: f16d35d2740d22c⋯.jpeg (71.21 KB,450x600,3:4,looney_clooney_sabo_450x6….jpeg)

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e8701b No.21018830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Adam Calhoun -"Shook Ones" Remix

Adam Calhoun

1.76M subscribers

Feb 26, 2024

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ed27d9 No.21018832


I forgot to tell you that her son makes it a point never to put the dog's photo online. So they survellied him. Also found out that he didn't wait till lunch and went back home as soon as got to work. My wife told me that our dog woke up at the same time stressed and we thought he was choking as this happens quite often but he wasn't and didn't want milk for some strange reason, their lives were synchronized somehow. So, like I said, the dog knew he was being chemically attacked and by not saying goodbye for the first time in his life, he was letting his owner know that he can't handle another attack and knew he going to die, in his own way. These are some real disgusting people, please find that FB minion and let me know.

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5492e6 No.21018837

Congratulations, Patriots!

Thank you, Q! Goodbye, BO.

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11c604 No.21018842

File: 9fcfd00cdd71745⋯.png (331.11 KB,847x541,847:541,oh_really_john_cleese.png)


>Every breath you take

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5492e6 No.21018845

File: 157b8bdde365523⋯.png (172.53 KB,760x428,190:107,YouAreCalledToFight.png)


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