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File: 1692710a8ab319b⋯.png (140.03 KB,501x268,501:268,qresearch_banner.png)

abe4f6 No.21017909 [View All]

Welcome to Q Research General

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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701 posts and 489 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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0c5571 No.21018750


Absolutely not.

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5e421c No.21018753


Q and Jesus will return on the same day. If you get muh drift.

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5492e6 No.21018754


Q is on the way back. Less than 10. BO LOST.

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e0169b No.21018755

Sheesh. $5 a ticket. NOPE.


Mega Millions game will raise ticket price to $5

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5492e6 No.21018757


Congratulations, Patriots.

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fc8595 No.21018758

File: b2fc7f28c2109c3⋯.png (268.79 KB,563x403,563:403,b2fc7f28c2109c3bdbe0bf353a….png)


>you never know when Q is lurking, or when Q is going to post.

They've been lurking the whole time. Possibly even posting as an anon from time to time.

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0308c3 No.21018759



Pigs and traitors squealing as the noose tightens.

Hey bitchNo Deals

By the wat they are irrelevant to the tribunals, Treason is not tried in civil courts.

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65a9c6 No.21018760

File: 09f027ed896ab7f⋯.png (394.17 KB,736x735,736:735,IMG_5691.png)

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e8701b No.21018761



>Only in a system that is broken, can some homeless man lay on cardboard with the name of his city on the only pieces of clothing he owns..

GOOD eyes during sad times

the ppl that know have to be the ones that SHOW unfortunately

the moar the merrier i hear and work gets done fast w motivated men and women anxious for the information war to be over

what will swamp do before it is over, i can't even imagine so be ready; armor after camo

sometimes their blast get so hot i feel like i can't go further

in those moments i talk to God, the most peaceful times in my life now that i think about it

chaos swirling and not much to do about it so PRAY for safety and forgiveness is about all that is left

here i am still lucky but the World has become way moar dangerous w rising prices in the reign of swamp where antifa/blm paid for by soros riots are okay and the border is open during covid from china and fauci

and it will only get worse if WE keep fake leaders in power; 1+1=2

what is the counter?

who has the power?

work together and overwhelm them like a wall of Rohirrim Warriors and their Horses in the morning sun (figuratively; have to say for acosta or he will run with it)

Know Truth, no violence; Know Truth, no violence


At dawn, look to the East!


Jan 13, 2010'

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444f45 No.21018762



Q and team lurk all fucking day and night, mostly on watch to make corrections when GLARING discrepencies from the plan are posted….

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5e421c No.21018763


Perhaps it costs more to make a million dollar prize than it used to.

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5492e6 No.21018764


Congratulations, Patriots.

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5e421c No.21018767


Are you suggesting Q is the grammarkitty?

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ed27d9 No.21018768


>Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:05 PM > (WIN) > Q0905 24hrs to respond.

Q Team:

After speaking to my wife about her son's dog death this morning, she told me outside that someone on FB sent her a photo of the dog yesterday and somehow the photo is gone, she went looking to see who sent it. Please investigate this asap, NSA should have it all. I want a piece of that person, please allow me the satisfaction.

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0308c3 No.21018769


Now they demand primacy

I hope the normal lickers, suckers and ass fuckers take control of that fringe before it is too late for them.

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fd4f4f No.21018771

File: 2b24732bc941ac8⋯.png (308.59 KB,736x975,736:975,ClipboardImage.png)

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4b0270 No.21018773


money laundering

how much in interest do states generate?

more exploitation of the poor.

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5e421c No.21018775

File: 51f7ec5718bbed4⋯.jpg (303.67 KB,714x730,357:365,King_Charles_Portrait_Star….jpg)

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eb451d No.21018778

File: 831321e30eb8844⋯.jpg (84.57 KB,1080x593,1080:593,248d0bb0b38468fd.jpg)

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0b4fd8 No.21018783

File: 740402f1945e8d8⋯.jpg (227.44 KB,1080x1070,108:107,740402f1945e8d8c83f5287c4f….jpg)


Shills put too much importance on Q poasting.

What they SHOULD worry about are the anons deciphering COMMS with the already established Q poasts.

Current palette of Q drops seems to me be sufficient in current time in the plan.

Hence, wheres my autists?

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eb451d No.21018784

File: 97f9a8911267cd5⋯.jpeg (171.96 KB,871x1199,871:1199,b7e3f7961c47fad0.jpeg)

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e8701b No.21018785

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7f2199 No.21018786


wouldn't it be more like GRAVY?

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5e421c No.21018787


This is how you MAGA

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fe85c0 No.21018789

File: 66af3e9f837cf71⋯.jpeg (480.38 KB,828x953,828:953,F136CCC6_3DD9_4CD4_B451_1….jpeg)

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eb451d No.21018790

File: 021ff0030c416d4⋯.jpg (99.33 KB,1170x1094,585:547,e555f8cacff269b4.jpg)

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1ecfd3 No.21018793

File: c7dd00fb4791c73⋯.jpeg (436.4 KB,772x755,772:755,789E138F_A4DA_4E95_9EAF_D….jpeg)


They chose who wins before they “pick numbers”

And always to people who they know will just spend it.

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eb451d No.21018796

File: 1b74f9cca79ccae⋯.jpeg (59.52 KB,658x356,329:178,663e8251291b1e74.jpeg)

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444f45 No.21018797


hmmmm….never really thought about that! kek

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65a9c6 No.21018798

File: c631e355d4e3a25⋯.jpeg (125.58 KB,800x452,200:113,IMG_5700.jpeg)


> Mega Millions game will raise ticket price to $5

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373bbc No.21018800

File: 00d31a2d6580a99⋯.png (1.16 MB,1018x1275,1018:1275,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e421c No.21018801

File: 84ce1bee94b0970⋯.png (28.57 KB,228x62,114:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c923c501e0d2dd4⋯.png (706.41 KB,612x437,612:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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0308c3 No.21018805


Drip, Drip, Drip……….Drip

2 Moar weeks

They will cheat in November again and the Military is ???

Revolve, Evolve

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fe85c0 No.21018807

File: 92b5b843f6f7702⋯.jpeg (87.14 KB,828x1049,828:1049,91532A14_724A_455B_8719_8….jpeg)

Serious fuckin shit.

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eb451d No.21018808

File: 465b68dceeb6d41⋯.jpg (153.32 KB,1061x837,1061:837,photo_2024_06_13_08_26_31.jpg)

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e8701b No.21018811



pretty spoopy

like we dodged a bullet; thank God for Trump Voters

weird how Trump encourages the vaccine but seems like the vaccine is not so great based on reports coming, which fake news and fake leaders ignore

traitor companies imo

if they weren't traitor companies, they would tell US about Ivermectin/HCQ/zinc/C/D/iodine/omega3/NOT calcium supplements due to kidney stones/selenium vs aids/magnesium/etc

ask Diamond/Silk/DrArdis



does information help ppl?

what does information help ppl do?

which information helps the most?

information war; counter w information 2 ALL

fake news won't do it; fake leaders won't do it

who must do it?

thank you Anons

asking others to join is less work on (You) and faster results

win win; ds stares on jealously

polls turning like undeniable tides that drown liars and their fake news (figuratively; have to say it or acosta will run with it and fact checkers will pounce)

Know Truth, no violence; Know Truth, no violence

once you get the State Crew Night Shift together, then you can impeach rather than wait for next Vote

it shouldn't be a slow or hard or censored process to impeach recall swamp creatures

if it is in your area thas a sign of corruption imo

signs lead the way to level 9 bosses who need to gtfo

[they] are spoopy but will flee a large crowd of Patriots protesting LOUDLY and logically

imo imo; thank God for 1A and 2A and..'

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e8701b No.21018814

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5e421c No.21018816


vote moar

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eb451d No.21018818

File: 08f3d2819b93b03⋯.jpeg (63.93 KB,600x450,4:3,biden_bath_bench_sabo_600….jpeg)

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373bbc No.21018819

File: 33c8fcd0a3b1c65⋯.png (536.92 KB,759x479,759:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb451d No.21018824

File: 9c6092d09dea599⋯.jpg (80.07 KB,600x450,4:3,george_clooney_bench_sabo_….jpg)

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518683 No.21018825


kek nowhere near this shit show.

Many were Board Karens about how OG QR was run.

They'd pass out if they hopped in Looking Glass back in '18 to come visit this (these 2 ackshyually) breads.

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5492e6 No.21018827

File: e59848f824d18c9⋯.png (17.53 KB,444x318,74:53,656.png)






Q+ Jun 13, 2024, 6:56 PM (01:02) TIMELESS QUOTES…

Q: 0656 > Relevant today. Learn.

Anons. Q. This Board.

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574425 No.21018828

File: 00fbdaf24855f50⋯.png (566.28 KB,415x496,415:496,_1.png)

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eb451d No.21018829

File: f16d35d2740d22c⋯.jpeg (71.21 KB,450x600,3:4,looney_clooney_sabo_450x6….jpeg)

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e8701b No.21018830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Adam Calhoun -"Shook Ones" Remix

Adam Calhoun

1.76M subscribers

Feb 26, 2024

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ed27d9 No.21018832


I forgot to tell you that her son makes it a point never to put the dog's photo online. So they survellied him. Also found out that he didn't wait till lunch and went back home as soon as got to work. My wife told me that our dog woke up at the same time stressed and we thought he was choking as this happens quite often but he wasn't and didn't want milk for some strange reason, their lives were synchronized somehow. So, like I said, the dog knew he was being chemically attacked and by not saying goodbye for the first time in his life, he was letting his owner know that he can't handle another attack and knew he going to die, in his own way. These are some real disgusting people, please find that FB minion and let me know.

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5492e6 No.21018837

Congratulations, Patriots!

Thank you, Q! Goodbye, BO.

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11c604 No.21018842

File: 9fcfd00cdd71745⋯.png (331.11 KB,847x541,847:541,oh_really_john_cleese.png)


>Every breath you take

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5492e6 No.21018845

File: 157b8bdde365523⋯.png (172.53 KB,760x428,190:107,YouAreCalledToFight.png)


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