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File: a47b61172ec678b⋯.png (382.64 KB,705x516,235:172,ClipboardImage.png)

4cc6ea No.21019572 [View All]

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701 posts and 395 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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10f2b9 No.21020398

Talk is cheap, my shit posts are expensive.

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0e6193 No.21020399

File: a4d06bf37122294⋯.png (8.55 KB,200x252,50:63,ClipboardImage.png)

Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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10f2b9 No.21020400

You take him down, anon is too lazy.

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9d9da9 No.21020401

Alright Anons listen up…

Bridgerton is too fucking good…

They are re-writing the Titanic story.

Who is this new narrative modeled after?

I hope it’s Kennedy’s Grandmother Rose

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0e6193 No.21020402

File: b72e24e9f465a4c⋯.png (4.3 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)



>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

>>>>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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e1e8d8 No.21020403


I thought Trans was supposed to be good now.

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67839e No.21020404

File: a3e805c8386a448⋯.mp3 (66.56 KB,2024_06_14T04_34_49.mp3)


Mulan is disappointed.

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222bda No.21020405

KYS jewboi






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d2aeb4 No.21020406


they real sad, so sad they gonna poop all over peepeepoopooloosi SF (ancient political party libtard dying grounds) for democracy and decency

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d4c1d1 No.21020407

File: 19a9241e8f2ca46⋯.png (722.03 KB,726x1024,363:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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67839e No.21020408

File: 027e6c86382604c⋯.mp3 (65.63 KB,2024_06_14T04_35_53.mp3)


Ariel is disappointed.

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2dd10d No.21020409

File: 1137cf8b20e0241⋯.png (419.54 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


A.I. is still retarded.

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67839e No.21020410

File: f68677c17540e72⋯.mp3 (86.81 KB,2024_06_14T04_38_39.mp3)


Tasty food.

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222bda No.21020411



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ed5c5c No.21020412

File: de644c71c680968⋯.png (121.06 KB,654x837,218:279,ClipboardImage.png)


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67839e No.21020413

File: 65cb7d82c8a99d2⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB,2024_06_14T04_39_52.mp3)


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b7a461 No.21020414

File: 96389cb4e402129⋯.png (7.87 KB,190x265,38:53,ClipboardImage.png)


>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

>>>>>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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b7a461 No.21020415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

>>>>>>>>>>>Su gran nariz de judío hace un ruido chirriante como el de un juguete para perros cuando lo golpean.

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c61a1b No.21020416


#25776 >>21019598

>>21019633, >>21019655 Very Interesting Day Amid Republicans on Capitol Hill as Magnanimous Trump Visits

>>21019681 Sky event cancelled.

>>21019759 EXECUTIVE 1 FOXTROT aircraft carrying the First Family

>>21019660 Archived - UK election debate with anon notes

>>21019692 DJT short press conference in D.C. transcript

>>21019707, >>21019766 The red folder showed up at a previous birthday

>>21019723 @NASA “When disasters strike, NASA is here to help — at home and around the world.”

>>21019747 Old Potato MP4: "I would say if I were a jew i'd be a zionist … I am a zionist, you don't have to be a jew to be zionist"

>>21019749 International Monetary Fund (IMF) Loans Argentina $800M to Boost Economic Recovery

>>21019800 DJT one on one interview with RealAmericasVoice

>>21019824 Mom and 4-year-old daughter killed, 6-year-old rescued after horror ‘human trafficking’ kidnapping: cops

>>21019830 PF reports Jill Biden returning to the Bay Area fundraising well at Los Gatos event

>>21020023, >>21020073, >>21020114 Potato and Zelensky have signed a 10-year security agreement, under which Washington pledged to continue backing Kiev in its conflict with Moscow

>>21020079 ELON MUSK ON DONALD TRUMP: “He does call me out of the blue for no reason… he's very nice when he calls…. I think a lot of his friends now have Teslas — He's a huge fan of the Cybertruck.”

>>21020089 Potato Protects More than 860K Migrants from Deportation with ‘Temporary’ Amnesty (as of March 31st)

>>21020127, >>21020166, >>21020201 PlaneFaggin’: One of VP’s NoKo ACs back at Moscow, USAF tanker over E. Poland, BLKCAT6 drone into Black Sea

>>21020240 San Diego - Former University City High School Teacher Pleads Guilty to Attempted Enticement of a Minor

>>21020347 Hawley Brutally Confronts Tracy Stone-Manning: 'You Lied To This Committee—Why?!



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70893c No.21020417

File: 58577f8786d93b1⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,182x277,182:277,images_227_.jpg)

File: 130c4587f9a7f8f⋯.jpg (5.45 KB,259x194,259:194,images_228_.jpg)

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93f046 No.21020418

File: 981be029d5d8351⋯.png (1.32 MB,820x1171,820:1171,ClipboardImage.png)


watch the movie captain fantastic.

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67839e No.21020419

File: a2d450d7c6b9143⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB,2024_06_14T04_41_06.mp3)


Hello shills!

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b7a461 No.21020420

File: ae05fc5093caae5⋯.png (6.92 KB,290x174,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

frenchy greek manboy stuff rear pluggin #tesla #drumpflarp

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265aa7 No.21020424

File: d9fc2f911a34a69⋯.png (18.97 KB,637x212,637:212,ClipboardImage.png)

1000 times more…..

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93f046 No.21020425

File: 854bd7cc264a0c4⋯.png (1.37 MB,860x1219,860:1219,ClipboardImage.png)



Ben Cash, his wife Leslie, and their six children live an isolated existence on ten acres in the mountainous Washington wilderness. They are former left-wing anarchist activists disillusioned by capitalism and American life, who choose to instill survivalist skills and left-wing politics and philosophy in their children.

They educate them to think critically, and train them to be physically fit, athletic, and self-reliant without dependence on modern technology. They are raised to coexist with nature, are given unique names, and celebrate Noam Chomsky's birthday instead of Christmas. The children are accustomed to reading many forms of college-level literature, and, while showing high aptitude and intelligence beyond their years, they are socially awkward as they have not been socialized with the outside world.

Ben has been raising the children on his own while Leslie is hospitalized in New Mexico for bipolar disorder, away from her family and near her wealthy elitist parents. She dies by suicide while undergoing treatment and Ben learns that her father Jack plans to hold a Christian burial despite Leslie being a philosophical Buddhist who abhorred religion. Ben tries to persuade Jack to honor Leslie's wish to be cremated, to no avail, and Jack threatens to have Ben arrested if he attends the funeral. Ben initially decides not to go and prevents his children from doing so, but then changes his mind, driving his children across the country on a repurposed school bus.

The family briefly stays at the home of Ben's sister, Harper. She and her husband try to convince Ben that the children should attend school to receive a conventional education; Ben quizzes Harper's children and his children on various topics, illustrating that his children are better educated and embarrassing Harper and her husband.

Later on their road trip, some of Ben's children start to doubt him and his parenting skills, with his second eldest son and middle child Rellian accusing him of failing to treat Leslie's mental health, and eldest son Bodevan accusing him of not equipping them for the real world, showing him acceptance letters from several top Ivy League colleges to which Leslie had helped him apply.

Ben arrives at Leslie's funeral with their children and reads her will, which instructs her family to cremate her and flush her ashes down a toilet. In response, Jack has Ben forcibly removed from the church. Angered by Jack's refusal to respect Leslie's wishes, Ben follows the funeral procession to the cemetery, planning to intervene, despite a police presence and Jack's threat to have him arrested. Ben relents at his children's insistence that they cannot lose both of their parents.

Rellian runs away to live with his grandparents, who want custody of all the children. When one of Ben's older twin daughters Vespyr tries to clandestinely exfiltrate Rellian from their grandparents on Ben's orders, she falls from the roof and narrowly avoids breaking her neck. Ben, shocked and guilty, allows Jack to take his children. Although the children bond with their grandparents, they quietly decide to follow Ben and reunite with him.

The children desire to honor Leslie's final wishes, and persuade Ben to help them. Exhuming her corpse, they burn it on a funeral pyre then flush her ashes down an airport toilet. Bodevan then leaves the family to travel through Namibia, while the rest settle into a more "real world" life on a farm. The final scene shows the school-age children eating breakfast around the kitchen table with their father, waiting for the school bus to arrive.

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67839e No.21020426

File: 443b44dda1a7e2c⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB,2024_06_14T04_42_57.mp3)


Reported for spam and name calling.


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d4c1d1 No.21020427


It won't take a constitutional amendment. It will just take a supreme court willing to concede that the 16A was never "properly ratified". Or it will take a majority of Americans to depose all the nimrods and fix it ourselves.

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265aa7 No.21020428

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67839e No.21020429

File: ba90bafcd545d48⋯.mp3 (156.94 KB,2024_06_14T04_45_01.mp3)

Snow white is upon us. Tread carefully Anons. The redditors won't rest.

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c61a1b No.21020430

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3e2d0e No.21020432

File: 9276f2b58268193⋯.png (247.21 KB,474x243,158:81,IMG_1276.png)

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0cde5f No.21020434

File: 9f99cbee4f70f0b⋯.jpg (129.09 KB,620x400,31:20,9f99cbee4f70f0bed68309ed0c….jpg)

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93f046 No.21020436

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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93f046 No.21020443

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


one last one for administrative violience.





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d4c1d1 No.21020445

File: 1680e66b1fd1f83⋯.png (536.64 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed5c5c No.21020447

Is Liz Crokin hot, or just a shade shy of hotness?

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93f046 No.21020460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh shit.

sorry anon.

just find the channel redonkulas

watch his content on youtube, rumble and you will get a idea.

he is a vet who had his children taken from him and would be happy to help you if you can find his email below his videos and explain your situation.

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57e253 No.21020467


The courts are run by Gangsters

EVERONE should be wathing this.

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76a4d4 No.21020472



They are committed elsewhere.

The ones who are coming, are savage, beyond compare.

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c61a1b No.21020473

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76a4d4 No.21020476


If you find it hard to love your own children, there is not much that can be done for you.

You are of course, a paid shill, so fuck off.

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76a4d4 No.21020480



They were both druid families,

Who financed Hitler?

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76a4d4 No.21020483



Everything after the ? is a tracker.

Copy the URL up to the ?, but not including it, and see what happens.

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842df6 No.21020487


The red folder trolling is priceless.

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0cde5f No.21020490

File: 11fa21e8006e16d⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,854x640,427:320,11fa21e8006e16db8ae7de880a….mp4)

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842df6 No.21020493


Trump is goating them into another raid for that folder.

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3822d8 No.21020497


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0cde5f No.21020501

File: 3717f0e0bfc78da⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,640x360,16:9,3717f0e0bfc78da16e4c464711….mp4)

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01fd04 No.21020505


lol. please, these people cannot exist. nice lol be4 bed

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c61a1b No.21020507

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