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File: 2b78f8339aee97e⋯.png (289.63 KB,1057x608,1057:608,1e9539dfa07b89fdc7a515c37d….png)

896b73 No.21012791 [Last50 Posts]

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896b73 No.21012793

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896b73 No.21012796


#25767A >>21012027

>>21012034, >>21012141, >>21012177, >>21012193, >>21012206, >>21012280, >>21012349, >>21012460, >>21012533 Russia / Florida

>>21012073 Voting machine contract under scrutiny following discrepancies in Puerto Rico's primaries

>>21012079 Former D.C. CEO Sentenced to 66 Months for Stealing $2.5 Million From Former Clients

>>21012084, >>21012087 Israel's desert torture camp faces legal challenge

>>21012091 @Scalise It's not Merrick Garland's decision to release it or not. It's a legitimate Congressional subpoena. He must comply.

>>21012095 Amendment to NDAA congressional bill would provide an additional $30m for Israel to map and destroy tunnels

>>21012096 Even after Hunter's conviction, he is still listed in the DC Bar database as a member in GOOD STANDING

>>21012104, >>21012148, >>21012162, >>21012392, >>21012427, >>21012498 PlaneFaggin’

>>21012123, >>21012131 New docs show Bragg spent $1M on attorneys to address House probe of Trump case amid city budget cuts

>>21012142 Arizona has a projected $1.4 billion budget deficit. Here's where lawmakers are considering cuts

>>21012147 Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas out of Olympics after losing legal battle

>>21012167 Our Apocalyptic “New Normal”: Most Global Conflict Since WWII, Most Billion Dollar Disasters Ever, And Most Hungry People In History

>>21012168 DEVCOM CBC Cuts Ribbon on Expanded Biomanufacturing Facility

>>21012178 US Treasury posts $347 billion deficit for May

>>21012182 Washington is not telling truth about the Gaza pier

>>21012201 Washington Post Writers Admit There’s Nothing To Alito Flag Story But Partisan Journalism

>>21012211 WATCH: Kash Patel on How we WIN the 2024 Election—Despite the Inevitable Cheating

>>21012225 Apple Faces Immense Pressure As Four Additional States Join Hands In An Antitrust Lawsuit Against The Company

>>21012237 Trump Virtual Interview With Probation Office Was 30 Minutes

>>21012244, >>21012263, >>21012446, >>21012465 House holds Merrick Garland in criminal contempt. The vote was 208-207

>>21012268 Kansas Supreme Court Delivers Blow To The Left’s Election-Industrial Complex

>>21012277 Wisconsin Supreme Court Lifts New Restrictions on Early Voting Sites Ahead of 2024 Elections

>>21012308, >>21012315, >>21012320, >>21012375 In the second week of June, with more than two dozen opinions to go

>>21012331 House Appropriators Block State Department Money to Organization Calling Americans ‘Opponents of Ukraine’

>>21012336 Massachusetts Bill Would Allow Women to Sell Their Unborn Children

>>21012400 Dozens of American patients had lifesaving cancer treatment that CAUSED them to develop more cancers

>>21012414, >>21012418, >>21012439 Look at Biden's skin color of face and neck, it's completely different (Shadow? Presidency?)

>>21012443 @WarRoom Steve Bannon Basks In MSNBC's Freakout Over Impending Accountability

>>21012102, >>21012484 Reporter: The Real President - Trump - is beating the fake president (Biden) in the 7 swing states

>>21012463 Virgin Galactic shares plunge on reverse stock-split announcement

>>21012491 Biden-Harris Administration Announces National Strategy to Reduce Food Loss and Waste and Recycle Organics

>>21012777 #25767A

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896b73 No.21012799

#25767B >>21012027

>>21012500, >>21012517, >>21012570, >>21012640 @WarRoom

>>21012511 Osprey fleet won’t return to full flight operations until 2025

>>21012546 Rockefellers go green: divests funds in fossil fuel industries

>>21012579 Brian Stelter expressed his concern over DJT win and he expected media to be “punished”

>>21012624, >>21012630 Transcribed (by someone in comments) from Julie Green

>>21012628 Sydney Powell cleared of charges in Texas

>>21012632 DEI hotline already receiving bogus complaints before law is enacted

>>21012641 Roaring Kitty may have cut GameStop options position, strategists say

>>21012643 @HillaryClinton With Trump on the ballot, we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever.

>>21012650 Wanda the Ballot Stuffer has finally been arrested

>>21012652 Leftist Report on Voter ID Laws Actually Suggests They Impact Very Few Americans.

>>21012665 @BillClinton My friend President George H.W. Bush would have turned 100 today

>>21012675 New Zealand Reverses Left-Wing Plan to Tax Cow Burps, Farts

>>21012689, >>21012769 @LoganPaul United States Champion 🤝 United States President

>>21012746 Untold History of the Biden Family - Gov't contracts, business scams, yachts, real estate, cars, alcoholism and violence

>>21012779 #25767B

#25766 >>21011220

>>21011220, >>21011483 Live House votes on holding AG Garland in contempt over Biden recordings

>>21011380 Moscow exchange suspends trading in dollars and euro

>>21011403 Anon finds it interesting that ancestry.com has a Joseph Robinette Biden Jr ded at gitmo and buried in 2018 ( >>21011476 memorial removed )

>>21011404, >>21011495 Swampen the Schedule

>>21011417, >>21011602 PlaneFaggin’: Europe-TITAN25 Austin arrived at Brussels lb response

>>21011446 Climate Control: Decarbonization Collusion in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investing YT

>>21011464 House Republicans move forward with effort to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt

>>21011498 Texas Judge Halts Biden Gun Sale Restrictions in Four States

>>21011580 Senate Republican Leaders Hold News Conference

>>21011598 Russia conductS marine exercises with nuclear submarines just 66 miles off the coast of Florida,

>>21011601 Jordan Transcripts Climate Control Hearing

>>21011603 Rep. Michael Cloud, R-Texas, and Sen. J.D. Vance, R-Ohio, have introduced the Dismantle DEI Act

>>21011641 @LauraLoomer Here is the page from Ashley Biden’s diary in which she talks about being hyper sexualized at a young age

>>21011656 Federal Trial Jury Finds Man Guilty on Multiple Terrorism Charges

>>21011734 Fed Chair Powell Explain Why Cutting Rates Ahead Of The Election Is Not Political

>>21011737 Pennsylvania opens mail-in ballot applications for presidential election two months early

>>21011739 @_johnnymaga Every Trump-endorsed candidate won their primary last night. Every single one.

>>21011784 Press Sec Asked If Joe Biden will COMMUTE Hunter’s Sentence

>>21011816 Debate on Attorney General Contempt of Congress Resolution

>>21011829 North Dakota Becomes First State to Enact Age Limits on Federal Lawmakers

>>21011835 Planned Parenthood Oregon leaders plan to dissolve political arm

>>21011836 Pardons Granted by pResident Joseph R. Biden (2021-Present)

>>21011880 Bernie Sanders has lost Vermont?

>>21011898 6/14/24 President Trump Celebrates His Birthday at Club 47

>>21011910 Australia begins lockdowns on farms over bird flu.

>>21011939 Russian Ministry of Defense has video displaying the arrival of the missile submarine cruiser Kazan in Havana, Cuba.

>>21011975 Fed Chair Powell Says Key Interest Rate to Remain Unchanged MP4

>>21011883 Vietnam sentences real estate tycoon Truong My Lan to death in its largest-ever fraud case

>>21011753 CEO of major Russian metal plant charged with pedophilia

>>21011999 #25766

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896b73 No.21012802

#25765 >>21009395

>>21009397, >>21009405 Replay - HRCommittee Debates Attorney General Garland Contempt of Congress Resolution ( Live: House Vote >>21009423 ) H. Res. ___ – (H. Rept. 118-527)

>>21009431 Putin signs Moon-station deal with China

>>21009478 Call for Memes: Inflation, Bidenflation, Bidenomics, Economic

>>21009500 Remember Kevin Spacey admited he and Clinton Foundation flew on Jeffrey Epstein's planes with “young girls.”

>>21009548 UFO mystery may be result of advanced 'stealth civilization' living on Earth among us

>>21009554 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Aurora over Karkonosze Mountains

>>21009657 10:00 AM EDT House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) and Republican leadership discuss the party’s legislative agenda

>>21009667 10:00 AM EDT Attorney General Merrick Garland Delivers Remarks at the Justice Department

>>21009684 Sandy Hook shooting survivors to graduate

>>21009725 More than 1.5 million foreign pilgrims arrive in Mecca

>>21009989 House convenes hearing on FDIC culture as chair prepares to resign

>>21010039 PF DQQMSDAY heading for Europe

>>21010098 LA Gov. Jeff Landry (R) signed legislation that ends state business that discriminate against firearm manufacturers

>>21010708 Russia's Moscow Stock Exchange officially suspends all trading in US Dollars and Euros.

>>21010708 Russia's Moscow Stock Exchange officially suspends all trading in US Dollars and Euros.

>>21010716 Climate Professor Under Fire For Mass Social Media Blocking Spree

>>21010728 Dow jumps, S&P 500 hits record on cool inflation data as Fed decision looms

>>21010784 Agenda 21 explained in 2 minutes. MP4

>>21010805 Microsoft, BlackRock CEOs expected to attend (G)7 session in Italy

>>21011012 Russian Metal Plant CEO Pedo Arrested

>>21011021 US widens sanctions on Russia

>>21011074 Notes supplement #25764

>>21011168 Meme of the Thread MP4

>>21009861, >>21009961 MP4, China to Russia/U.S.: Let's avoid a nuclear war… OK?

>>21010926, >>21010936 X Trends: Biden Crime Family, Merrick Garland

>>21010302, >>21010310, >>21010313, >>21010119, >>21011162 No Offense

>>21009857, >>21009767, >>21010084, >>21009939, >>21010174 PF Reports

>>21009718, >>21009721, >>21009726, >>21010048, >>21010436, >>21010449, >>21011008 Swamp

>>21009663, >>21009642, >>21009636, >>21009626, >>21009622, >>21009576, >>21009838, >>21011154, >>21011157 Inflation Memes

>>21011184 #25765

Previously Collected

>>21007695 #25762, >>21008521 #25763, >>21009326 #25764

>>21005193 #25759, >>21006026 #25760, >>21006941 #25761

>>21002080 #25756, >>21003016 #25757, >>21004185 #25758

>>20999554 #25753, >>21000368 #25754, >>21001318 #25755

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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896b73 No.21012806

File: 89a27cd5694dc24⋯.png (541.54 KB,693x575,693:575,m3m389a27cd5694dc246d45d54….png)



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1b8873 No.21012814

File: e72adeb27ee3883⋯.jpg (236.21 KB,1024x682,512:341,e72adeb27ee38832bebc9a3853….jpg)


Thank You Baker!

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f48003 No.21012815

File: f697144942c1706⋯.webp (29.79 KB,615x409,615:409,IMG_1572.webp)


Thank you baker

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e6807e No.21012816

File: 02494d5587ee8b3⋯.png (747.68 KB,960x705,64:47,02494d5587ee8b36e1efc4c3f9….png)

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cd7678 No.21012817

File: 98b190912013d4c⋯.gif (1.4 MB,700x1000,7:10,letter.gif)

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b70d22 No.21012818

File: 302d4f2c19a8c8e⋯.gif (1.73 MB,434x266,31:19,47EA1E59_5C02_4F9E_B5E4_E1….gif)

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415c2e No.21012819

>>21012698 (Lb)

No one finds it coincidental all the camera angles etc covering all of them opening these letters?

Someone knew….

Someone wanted to record them for us.

They tried to hide their facial expressions.

I have a feeling much PAIN was dealt out this day.

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f48003 No.21012820


Now that’s funny

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99e5ce No.21012821

File: 12c7c55279d4275⋯.png (507.08 KB,612x617,612:617,112c7c55279d4275515728a14b….png)

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991218 No.21012822

File: fed5f11bf0571d3⋯.png (589.97 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Fetterman is now wearing a tie and jacket over his Carhartt hoodie

🔗 (https://x.com/_johnnymaga/status/1800969424968806406)

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84737a No.21012823

File: 251a9a2cf59ce4f⋯.png (1.92 MB,1280x853,1280:853,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails "Invincible Comrades-in-Arms"

As G7 leaders who are to meet in Italy this week prepare expanded sanctions on Russia, President Vladmir Putin is soon expected in North Korea. Kim Jong Un on Wednesday hailed his country's ties with Moscow, calling the two powers which actually share a tiny far eastern border "invincible comrades-in-arms".

While a date has yet to be given, the Kremlin has indicated that Putin will travel to Pyongyang at some point this summer, and that the trip is currently "being prepared".

South Korea's Yonhap news agency however said Putin could show up in the North Korean capital "as early as next week" as part of an expected Asian tour that will include Vietnam.

Kim said further that "meaningful" ties with Russia will "further consolidate the eternal milestone" in a new era of relations, according to state KCNA.

Putin will in essence be returning the favor of a visit, after Kim toured Russia's far east last year, and reportedly inspected several weapons and space-related sites.

During that prior trip, Kim had said closer relations with Moscow are his "number one priority" - as both countries find themselves under heavy US-led sanctions.

The Ukraine war, and accompanying Western punitive sanctions, have resulted in Russia forging closer defense and trade ties with US rival, enemies, and 'pariahs' like Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, and China. The US has even accused North Korea is supplying immense amounts of artillery shells and military supplies for Moscow's war efforts in Ukraine.

Despite a precise timeframe not being announced, Putin's arrival in North Korea could be imminent, with one regional monitor saying there are clear signs that it's close:

North Korea has completely cleared planes from the tarmac in front of Pyongyang International Airport in recent days, a rare activity associated with foreign leader visits that likely signals preparations to host Russian leader Vladimir Putin as early as this week.

NK Pro analysis of Planet Labs imagery shows Air Koryo planes were removed from a parking apron near the airport’s terminal building between June 6 and 10. They remained parked in other parts of the airport on June 11.

Reuters previously reported this week that Putin is expected in Vietnam from June 19 to 20. There's speculation over the likelihood that the North Korea trip will take place before that.


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f6b099 No.21012824


God Speed Patriots

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ffa3a9 No.21012825


you have my Shield of Faith B

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9cf346 No.21012826

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,download_jpeg_6.jpg)

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4312ea No.21012827

File: e6935bf5ab7302f⋯.png (829.86 KB,720x874,360:437,media_GPwcd03W8AAlQV0.png)

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e341d6 No.21012828

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991218 No.21012829

File: ef83cf9f26cc1ed⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,500x719,500:719,LongDay.jpg)


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0a8afc No.21012830

File: 2e386516977cc34⋯.png (799.03 KB,793x1949,793:1949,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89b555dbed279b3⋯.png (192.93 KB,848x1500,212:375,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f97bc3ef4e7e5e0⋯.png (89.39 KB,999x752,999:752,ClipboardImage.png)

The diagram connecting Putin, Rothschild, and Rockefeller

View the diagram which proves that the West and Putin are both under the control of the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.


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186fe0 No.21012831


Don't care for the hair style but that ass is spectacular, not to mention those tits.

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9e1489 No.21012832

File: 1a8637efc69ceb2⋯.png (292.33 KB,524x457,524:457,1a8637efc69ceb237a1acd8762….png)

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991218 No.21012833

File: 17c659563d6f838⋯.png (627.13 KB,1098x676,549:338,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: 🇷🇺 Russia's Moscow Stock Exchange officially suspends all trading in US Dollars and Euros.


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cd7678 No.21012834

File: c3a6c95d96c85e3⋯.png (442.03 KB,503x648,503:648,ClipboardImage.png)

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186fe0 No.21012835

>>21011464 pb

Yea, Merrick ain't gonna give up that tape becaue the transcript of the deposition provided to congress is heavily edited and would show just how ill, incoherent and fucked up Tater is. Merrick don't care if he's held in contempt. Who is going to prosecute him?

If Speaker Johnson has one fucking hair on his ass he will issue an arrest order to the Sargent of Arms of the House to arrest Merrick Garland. Problem is, Merrickk has to be in the House for that to happen. Don't know the statute of limitations on something like this. How bout Mil JAG stepping in and taking this radical ass hump into custody.

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e49159 No.21012836

File: 144fb6596ce50ac⋯.png (890.21 KB,1100x619,1100:619,Chess_Knight_Practice_0131….png)

File: f19890560086799⋯.png (232.35 KB,500x500,1:1,Chess_Knight_Flag.png)

File: a0ab511e3358f26⋯.png (405.95 KB,800x531,800:531,Chess_Piece.png)

>>21012682 LB LB LB

>this actually goes for the males who are brainwashed.

dang, me B4 meeting Anons

i'm happy with both my lives, my ignorant time and now my Time w Anons

how stupid was i so lucky to still be alive and still have much fun (and regret)

woke up to swamp creatures and fake news, i was like woah

realized how stupid my decisions had been

now swamp can't lie to me anymoar and i want all Normies to know that feeling


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748eb9 No.21012837

File: 377e44fd43fb536⋯.jpeg (461.11 KB,828x920,9:10,2AF658AA_1C7A_405F_9A2F_8….jpeg)


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99e5ce No.21012838

File: 96fd1177e993601⋯.webp (19.51 KB,492x598,246:299,pepe_sip3.webp)

>>21012706 (lb)

Gotta give that kid credit, he's putting actual effort into the wrestling, not just a flash in the pan social media celebrity crossover, and he has perfect past controversy from social media to play a heel. I honestly like his character in WWE and think he's doing a good job. He plays an excellent loathsome heel. Very interested to see how badly Mr. Tyson beats up his brother in July though.

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4312ea No.21012839

File: 6cf92d06fb60fe0⋯.jpg (95.03 KB,917x917,1:1,media_GPdFCrtW0AAQ17e.jpg)

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9e1489 No.21012840

File: 406b2f383b48aa5⋯.png (644.04 KB,452x678,2:3,406b2f383b48aa506502b77ce4….png)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

File: 734ba75afe9be15⋯.png (494.05 KB,418x619,418:619,The_lords_prayer.png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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e49159 No.21012841

File: 36e0c19642a0345⋯.png (581.41 KB,545x1000,109:200,sorry_diddy_05192024_3.png)

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e341d6 No.21012842

File: 043fd725aa76117⋯.jpg (48.44 KB,300x400,3:4,cookie_monster_portrait.jpg)

How many cookies do you think Cookie Monster has eaten over his lifetime?

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2a0be2 No.21012843

File: e2830e865c4725c⋯.jpg (254.94 KB,1078x1256,539:628,Screenshot_20231220_194705.jpg)

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f6b099 No.21012844


Where were you hiding ? When the Storm Broke?

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99e5ce No.21012845


Silence, failfag mimic. You failed. Again.

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7ff770 No.21012846

File: 4baa156ddc4dbfc⋯.jpeg (318.98 KB,1024x1024,1:1,4baa156ddc4dbfce520eb59d3….jpeg)

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ffa3a9 No.21012847



puppets can't eat

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795042 No.21012848


special investigation results will not be shared to anti-Communists

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cd7678 No.21012849

File: f7ee8500a309e6a⋯.png (1010.8 KB,1081x1082,1081:1082,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd7678 No.21012850

File: 4a16fc7316fbf93⋯.png (325.42 KB,745x697,745:697,ClipboardImage.png)

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84737a No.21012852

File: 81c22b83ccd5cee⋯.png (424.31 KB,800x600,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9ead80b9b07ec6⋯.png (80.32 KB,583x422,583:422,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0bf1d4a5d70f6db⋯.png (142 KB,767x654,767:654,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ee2f777f524870⋯.png (136.56 KB,777x611,777:611,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33f038b72a2bc33⋯.png (90.12 KB,779x432,779:432,ClipboardImage.png)

The Warsaw-Based “Ukraine Communications Group” Is The New “Disinformation Governance Board”

This multilateral platform, which brings together Western propagandists on a pro-Ukrainian pretext, can be wielded by the US Government to meddle in the coming presidential election much more effectively than ever before.

The US and Poland reached two agreements earlier this week to establish the Warsaw-based “Ukraine Communications Group” (UCG). Its explicitly stated goal is “to coordinate messaging, promote accurate reporting of Russia’s full-scale invasion, amplify Ukrainian voices, and expose Kremlin information manipulation.” Despite being directed against Russia, it’ll likely also be aimed against the West’s conservative-nationalist opposition and could easily grow to involve more subjects than just Ukraine.

The Department of Homeland Security’s infamous “Disinformation Governance Board”, which was briefly established for several months in 2022 with essentially the same mission, was forced to shut down under public pressure due to legitimate concerns that its mandate risked violating Americans’ civil liberties. Its masterminds learned their lesson not to set up another similar institution at home, however, and that’s why they’re finally replicating its functions through the UCG and basing it in Warsaw instead of DC.

==Its foreign location and partial foreign composition allow the US Government (USG) to “plausibly deny” accusations that it poses a similar threat to Americans’ civil liberties as its predecessor did, plus any such future violations could be blamed on their foreign partners to deflect blame from the USG. After all, the last of its explicitly stated goals can effortlessly be exploited to target all

Westerners on the pretext that they’re either exposed to “Kremlin information manipulation” or peddling it, whether knowingly or not.==

From there, it’s just a proverbial hop, skip, and a jump away from weaponizing the UCG against members of the West’s conservative-nationalist opposition, whether to artificially manufacture the “legal” basis for spying on them or to smear these figures in the court of public opinion. This unstated mission takes on a greater urgency than ever for the West’s ruling liberal-globalist elite after some of their rivals’ gains during the latest European Parliamentary elections and ahead of the next US presidential one.

France’s National Rally, Germany’s AfD, and even Poland’s own “Law & Justice” (PiS) and Confederation parties could be targeted, among others. Regarding those last two, it’s suspected that returning Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s decision to hypocritically revive his predecessor’s “Russian influence commission” that he himself criticized last summer is aimed at smearing PiS before next May’s presidential election. His rivals also only narrowly lost the latest European Parliamentary elections by less than 1%.

As for Confederation, it captured more of the under-30 vote than the country’s two main parties to finish in third place despite being smeared by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen last month as “friends of Putin” who “want to destroy Europe”. Taken together, PiS and Confederation’s showing proved that the Polish Right is still strong despite Tusk’s liberal-globalists winning the latest European Parliamentary elections, which is precisely why they’ll likely be targeted by the UCG.

Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski’s suggestion last month that anyone who supports traditional values, is against illegal immigration, and questions any aspect of the Ukrainian Conflict might be under Russian influence adds credence to this concern and could become the UCG’s informal standard going forward. As the reader likely intuited, this would guarantee that Trump’s Make America Great Again/America First movement is targeted too, thus resulting in civil liberty violations and election meddling.


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064a0f No.21012853


> You failed.

Apparently you did too. He is still in your head every single bread.

You appear to be much more bothered by him than he is you.

And for the record, you're annoying AF.

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5351c1 No.21012854

File: 449010d2622d707⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,485x594,485:594,GE_Tranimette.jpg)

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896b73 No.21012855

File: a3511a1c976d92d⋯.png (25.49 KB,176x239,176:239,ClipboardImage.png)


missing the

QResearch General

can u fix pls

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1b8873 No.21012856

File: ddf8a85c1f610db⋯.png (1.08 MB,1008x503,1008:503,h5ge6f6543.PNG)

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0fd960 No.21012857

File: 69694a1468331ea⋯.jpg (51.43 KB,758x488,379:244,pputghvrf.jpg)

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cd7678 No.21012858

File: 6d6c7cb8c27dc54⋯.png (395.65 KB,646x669,646:669,ClipboardImage.png)

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064a0f No.21012859


and change the banner to a boilerplate one. This is unacceptable.

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9e1489 No.21012860

File: 5fb671b5a9dde08⋯.jpg (162.83 KB,1200x1200,1:1,1711892002553896.jpg)



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a6cb4c No.21012861

File: fa4020102564e0d⋯.png (593.66 KB,500x701,500:701,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1912146036f6ba9⋯.png (588.24 KB,500x580,25:29,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 399e5aaea544a16⋯.mp4 (9.86 MB,580x354,290:177,fight_video.mp4)

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)



Anon wants this to be thrashed out by anons here.

The news is retarded.

it is all about elections.

there is no way of getting out of this.

There was a Q drop which stated that when a government is corrupt and there is no other option than it is the right of the people to get rid of that . or words to that effect and is part of the constitution.

no moar division.

The war of ideas is like a mustard seed..

in God We Trust.



below past bread links.


>>21012586, >>21012620, >>21012682, >>21012711 vote out the elite acronym.

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fac3e9 No.21012862

File: 0fd815ffc4dc89d⋯.jpg (59.06 KB,500x385,100:77,ijjiv47rc.jpg)


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9cf346 No.21012863

File: c70564ad681e8e7⋯.jpg (67.88 KB,602x500,301:250,8rswrz.jpg)


GE Fren

God bless you

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4569b3 No.21012864


Uriah Heap Ryan projecting more baseless claims against Trump.

Former speakers should know when to stfu. That whore Boner advising Johnson is an insult. All these devout posers whose main concern is getting themselves into Heaven and filling their pockets have no business "repersintin" anybody else.

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1f408f No.21012865

File: e1089f93a8f3187⋯.png (426.63 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5b2ca No.21012866

File: 246e2531ccbd320⋯.png (878.73 KB,760x500,38:25,246e2531ccbd3202feaab4516d….png)

File: 1da2605facef9fe⋯.jpg (182.64 KB,900x900,1:1,channels4_profile.jpg)

File: 2cd8dfd49c85ab6⋯.jpeg (11.6 KB,300x168,25:14,images_54_.jpeg)

File: 7ad94ceaa8e593f⋯.png (453.6 KB,640x2270,64:227,1384.png)

File: 2a1fd507bb6ae0c⋯.gif (947.86 KB,360x200,9:5,2a1fd507bb6ae0c5cd043ec0ae….gif)


gonna pace them out. 500 tonnes+. donut even want to do it.

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4569b3 No.21012867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


lb. My bad. I forgot this too.

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99e5ce No.21012868


Recognizing a clown is not "he's in my head." It's no different than seeing just another car on the street. And you're coming to admonish me for calling out a shill, trying to claim the moral high ground? You shouldn't have come to a clown's defense, ass hat. Filtered.

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9cf346 No.21012869

File: eb7e252a6f7f204⋯.png (125.07 KB,254x244,127:122,eb7e252a6f7f204306511f8724….png)

Rent free

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fac3e9 No.21012870


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

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5351c1 No.21012871

File: 8b6388dda997495⋯.jpg (44.27 KB,483x379,483:379,NiggaB2.jpg)


Dammit, I missed it.

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1394bb No.21012872


I have to wonder if this was the same FIB office that the group tracking pedos followed the dude into after he thought he was going to meet a 15 year-old for sex

Somewhere out West, and posted withing the last two days. Was it Seattle or Portland?

Anons know

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4312ea No.21012873

File: 02d026230cf37c7⋯.png (429.38 KB,626x507,626:507,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7bee5f489322c9⋯.png (476.58 KB,630x502,315:251,ClipboardImage.png)

Oy vey.

Who´s the racist now?



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c59e59 No.21012874



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e49159 No.21012875

File: 4dab49279304a72⋯.png (178.04 KB,800x600,4:3,Moves_and_Countermoves_pau….png)


>Boner advising Johnson


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4569b3 No.21012876

File: 936bdce7298ce75⋯.png (893.4 KB,653x887,653:887,ClipboardImage.png)

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5cbad4 No.21012877

some of you clearly think this is facebook and it shows

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e49159 No.21012878

File: 1138fc497707e38⋯.png (490.97 KB,878x461,878:461,Algos_have_limits.png)

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748eb9 No.21012879


Saw that too, one Dem commie northwestern towns

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9cf346 No.21012880

Sorry frens, I relapsed. Anon will do their best not to do the rent free thing. Rent free was replaced with GM and GE. Anon promises to do better.


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13b388 No.21012881


Q never confirmed this board team. Revisionists.

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1d00f6 No.21012882

They'll kill you with nuclear war, viruses, and they'll steal elections, but we're supposed to believe they have our interests at heart when they talk about wanting to stop what they define as "disinformation"?

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896b73 No.21012883

File: 0c77ac69c5cecf6⋯.png (40.08 KB,684x700,171:175,0c77ac69c5cecf6f7ba5620a46….png)


spare the shills moar logistical despair

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1d00f6 No.21012884


Especially with posts like yours that look like they're from Fakebook.

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1394bb No.21012885

What happens if the strikers are replaced by illegals, that get work visas for it, but work twice as hard for less than half the hourly rate and no benefits?

Potential Strike Action at U.S. East and Gulf Coast Ports Threatens Further Disruption

Mike Schuler June 12, 2024

The International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) has suspended negotiations with the United States Maritime Alliance over a new labor contract for dockworkers at U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast ports, fueling concerns over potential strike action that could exacerbate already strained supply chains.

The current labor contract is set to expire at the end of September.

Peter Sand, Chief Analyst at freight benchmarking firm Xeneta, says the threat could accelerate the front-loading of imports by shippers already faced with Red Sea disruptions.

“The frontloading of imports is part of a toxic cocktail of factors which has caused severe port congestion in Asia and Europe and the dramatic increases of more than USD 2 000 per FEU in ocean freight container shipping spot rates. It seems shippers are caught in a vicious circle where any action they take to protect their supply chains can result in making the situation worse,” said Sand.

Recent data from Xeneta reveals that average spot rates from the Far East to the U.S. East Coast have surged by 64% since the end of April. During the first four months of 2024, more than 40% of total container imports from the Far East into the U.S. arrived via ports on the East and Gulf coasts.

Sand further suggested that shippers might consider importing into the U.S. West Coast, should disruptions on the East Coast become a major concern. However, he warns that this could tighten capacity and keep rates higher for longer.

The situation recalls last year’s prolonged labor negotiations between the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) on the West Coast, which resulted in West Coast ports losing market share as containerized imports shifted east.

“If an agreement cannot be reached and strike action takes place when ocean freight container networks are still under extreme pressure, it could be a hugely difficult end to 2024,” said Sand.


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9cf346 No.21012886


Q doesn't have to. They proved themselves worthy to Anons.

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e5b2ca No.21012887

File: 107f7ca7c276233⋯.jpg (177.48 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_0….jpg)

File: 69f798926739986⋯.jpg (220.49 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_0….jpg)

File: 42dd5d0cdaf370f⋯.png (103.06 KB,640x1318,320:659,651.png)

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99e5ce No.21012888


And then there are one posters that subtly whine about it, trying to present themselves as the moral authority of chan posting.

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16df86 No.21012889

File: 23da6b747354c2e⋯.png (188.07 KB,1024x1024,1:1,23da6b747354c2eebd48b3ac3e….png)

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e49159 No.21012890



Uriah the Hittite (Hebrew: אוּרִיָּה הַחִתִּי‎ ʾŪrīyyā haḤītī) is a minor figure in the Hebrew Bible, mentioned in the Books of Samuel, an elite soldier in the army of David, king of Israel and Judah, and the husband of Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam. While Uriah was serving in David's army abroad, David, from the roof of his palace, looked down on his city and spied upon Bathsheba bathing in the privacy of her courtyard. Moved by lust at the sight of her, David called for Bathsheba to be brought to him and slept with her, impregnating her. In an effort to hide his misdeeds, David called Uriah home from war, hoping that he and Bathsheba would have sex and that he would be able to pass the child off as belonging to Uriah. However, Uriah, being a disciplined soldier, refused to visit his wife. So David murdered him by proxy by ordering all of Uriah's comrades to abandon him in the midst of battle, so that he ended up getting killed by an opposing army. Following Uriah's death, David took Bathsheba as his eighth wife. - wiki

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2919c9 No.21012891


possibly fake, definitely gay

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4312ea No.21012892

File: b2ec6e72b7305cd⋯.png (119.77 KB,795x392,795:392,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b9ae4f08863b01⋯.png (197.26 KB,760x671,760:671,2b9ae4f08863b015c1e601d41c….png)

Insider Paper



FBI is collaboratingwith Seattle police to address a "public safety" situation at the federal building in downtown Seattle, KOMO News reported. According to KOMO News, Seattle police suspect that an armed woman is inside the federal building at Third Avenue and Spring Street.

Jun 12, 2024 · 11:01 PM UTC



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cd7678 No.21012893

File: bb7fa9def71f26f⋯.png (391.8 KB,558x1147,18:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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c59e59 No.21012894



when he should've been buying

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13b388 No.21012895


Do you make the rules? Thought it's Q's board?

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1b8873 No.21012896

File: 8797ef0f7793506⋯.png (1.1 MB,1388x657,1388:657,j76n6h346435.PNG)

Lawmakers Participate in 2024 Congressional Baseball Game



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e5b2ca No.21012897

File: 4374a14b7dadb36⋯.jpg (175.54 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_0….jpg)

File: f0d69cc52878501⋯.jpeg (179.95 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GP5fDoaWsAAzjU5.jpeg)

File: f0934f023dfea31⋯.jpeg (243.03 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,GP5fC3lWMAAVpFg.jpeg)

File: fab4bcec5a4e327⋯.jpeg (144.34 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GP5fEwRXwAAjBf9.jpeg)


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ffa3a9 No.21012898


He took a lot of Prize money & Sponsorships away from women

What a douche bag

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748eb9 No.21012899

File: 88875c5b12ba5e9⋯.jpeg (330.4 KB,828x1072,207:268,1A82E527_7718_476D_83CF_7….jpeg)



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99e5ce No.21012900


He's a paid clown enforcer. Gut is telling me he's been running the Guy Falkes Anonymous "Expect us" game for a long time now, and he's raging that the Anons here don't play by the rules he's enforced on other platforms for a long time.

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e49159 No.21012901

File: 5759e34a47e0b8c⋯.png (86.23 KB,1100x800,11:8,hunter_laptop_timeline.png)

File: 46362a3c02f9ade⋯.png (190.32 KB,1100x800,11:8,fauci_email_sylvia_masks_0….png)

File: e1e6ba7a3658f97⋯.png (148.17 KB,1100x800,11:8,Tony_actblue_james_joe_sam….png)

File: 19a883379749f46⋯.png (328.98 KB,693x772,693:772,MTG_Gab_07022023_china_pay….png)

File: 86f834bafc6e435⋯.png (318.93 KB,1100x800,11:8,judge_boasberg_clinesmith_….png)

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1b8873 No.21012902

File: b6f85fe51211f26⋯.png (376.41 KB,1284x687,428:229,7n346445.PNG)

Wreck of the last ship of famed explorer Shackleton found off the coast of Canada

The wreck of the last ship belonging to Sir Ernest Shackleton, a famous Irish-born British explorer of Antarctica, has been found off the coast of Labrador in Canada, 62 years after it went missing. The wreck was found by an international team led by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.

The Quest was found using sonar scans on Sunday evening, sitting on its keel under 390 meters (1,280 feet) of churning, frigid water, the society said. Its towering mast is lying broken beside it, likely cracked off as the vessel was sucked into the depths after it struck ice on May 5, 1962.

“I heard that some Americans were interested in finding Quest, and I just had this picture in my mind of a few billionaires on yachts, up in the Labrador Sea,” John Geiger, leader of the Shackleton Quest Expedition and the chief executive of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society, told an audience at the Memorial University’s Marine Institute in St. John’s, Newfoundland, on Wednesday.

“We’ve done it the right way. It’s not about anyone’s ego, it’s about telling great stories and celebrating some of the finest human attributes,” Geiger said.


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13b388 No.21012903



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5351c1 No.21012904


Oh, ok, nice.

I thought that one was theirs.

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8c0f70 No.21012905

File: bfb7e2396515939⋯.png (10.67 KB,255x187,15:11,3d9ae32988ed65fdb1b221adad….png)


They have frogs in there shit, Olympia knows Lawson is about to win and the administrative state is not taking it well

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4569b3 No.21012906



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cd7678 No.21012907

File: b578974ba4ea4c4⋯.png (552.53 KB,885x516,295:172,ClipboardImage.png)

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e5b2ca No.21012908

File: 3c7a2f5d57b6b37⋯.jpg (184.5 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_1….jpg)

File: 99ca4a66fac3f5b⋯.png (29.24 KB,640x408,80:51,634.png)

File: 8a946e9ea75e05e⋯.png (36 KB,640x452,160:113,1834.png)

File: fbb4f5cd0305585⋯.jpeg (449.62 KB,2048x1364,512:341,GP6CdCdXMAAWoP0.jpeg)

File: 8ebd2d59146c81d⋯.png (735.72 KB,640x2116,160:529,454_6_.png)

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b70d22 No.21012909

File: 8e8baeb5051cedf⋯.jpeg (325.65 KB,1269x608,1269:608,DDF53F83_71D4_440B_AB46_C….jpeg)

File: a7941dcf6f766c6⋯.png (186.02 KB,678x368,339:184,5FC80A72_E1AB_400F_9D0E_61….png)


Russian Federation RSD857 Ilyushin-96 Special Flight Detachment EVPfrom Moscow-Vnukovo Intl depart

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748eb9 No.21012910

File: 38c525a03bf2408⋯.jpeg (78.64 KB,377x317,377:317,F6796A2A_EACF_40FF_A0D8_5….jpeg)

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4569b3 No.21012911

File: a5e0e5301926819⋯.png (127.99 KB,874x363,874:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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e49159 No.21012912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nancy Pelosi Takes The BLAME FOR JAN 6 LEAKED Tape EXPOSES Her


1.01M subscribers

1 hour ago

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d5a94d No.21012913


They were given 24 hours to restore Qs trip code.

Looks like there will be Hell to pay.

Choices matter.

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991218 No.21012914

File: a615356a307e13e⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_5059.MP4)

BREAKING: Police have reportedly closed down the roads near FBI building in downtown Seattle

Follow @insiderpaper

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173894 No.21012915


What revisionist are talking about here?

I think of this place as a place where the shitty world gets fixed.

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1b8873 No.21012916

File: e483173030d957c⋯.png (454.06 KB,1020x684,85:57,tberwtwetrwe.PNG)

Chuck Grassley: ‘Justice’ in Hunter Biden conviction

Iowa U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley said Wednesday that justice was served in Hunter Biden’s conviction on criminal gun charges, but he continues his assertion the justice system is targeting former President Donald Trump.

Speaking with reporters, Grassley characterized then initial plea deal reached between Biden’s lawyers and prosecutors as too generous, and said the judge was right to reject the deal last summer.

“Thankfully, some justice has finally been served here in the state of Delaware after a responsible judge refused to accept DOJ’s original sham plea,” Grassley said.

On Tuesday, a jury found Hunter Biden guilty on three felony counts related to the purchase of a handgun in 2018, when prosecutors said he lied on a federal form by saying he was not using or addicted to illegal drugs.

Grassley has been a prominent critic of Hunter Biden as far back as 2020, when he led an investigation into Biden’s banking records.

Last year, Grassley released the contents of a 2020 FBI document that included unverified claims that both Hunter and Joe Biden were involved in a $10 million bribery scheme with a Ukrainian CEO. The source of the document was later indicted on a charge of lying to the FBI about those claims.

Grassley has argued the dozens of felony charges facing Trump, in multiple jurisdictions, are evidence that the justice system is biased against the former Republican president.

With Biden’s conviction, Grassley said his opinion hasn’t changed. He said he believes Trump’s prosecutions were motivated by his decision to seek the presidency again, while Hunter Biden’s prosecution was not politically motivated.

Republican U.S. Rep. Ashley Hinson, who represents northeast Iowa's 2nd District, also referenced Biden’s failed plea deal and set her sights on the November election.

“This just scratches the surface of the Biden family’s crime & corruption,” Hinson said in a social media post Tuesday. “Full accountability is coming in November when we fire Joe Biden and re-elect President Trump.”


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2919c9 No.21012917


could get interesting when countries that produce nothing of value suddenly have a currency that is also of no value outside it's border

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c59e59 No.21012918


Uriah Heap


Great Tune

Ryan…not so much

Still wonder whether he and Pence man were going to make a stab at a run on their own

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e5b2ca No.21012919

File: 5122290c4f09059⋯.jpg (167.91 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_1….jpg)

File: 00b59c665f3d108⋯.png (312.01 KB,640x742,320:371,550_2_.png)

File: 1c6b287d08a4391⋯.png (178.56 KB,640x1374,320:687,1750_1_.png)

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13b388 No.21012920


Yeah. I can roll with that notion ATM.

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795042 No.21012921


what once was female abuse, bullying and violent clubbing and hair dragging against their will —- is now described as stunningly brave

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72d7eb No.21012922

File: f6d4a0c38467de6⋯.webp (662.51 KB,1080x608,135:76,cb64f2828002b6b5a4f105a45….webp)

Trump to meet face-to-face with this top Republican leader for first time in nearly four years

Trump is returning the nation's capital on Thursday to meet with congressional Republicans


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991218 No.21012923

File: 23635dd5c943b80⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,544x828,136:207,IMG_9978.MP4)

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c59e59 No.21012924


Looks like a six pence

but not sure

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173894 No.21012925

File: 71b1a69819b23e5⋯.png (133.6 KB,772x777,772:777,20B42641_CA4D_4C5E_AFF5_19….png)




Ahh, ANONYMOUS is so much fun that I can't concentrate on my own work.

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1b8873 No.21012926

File: 0df6630a684ab0c⋯.png (541.59 KB,920x644,10:7,53465g43354.PNG)

Rep. Nehls: Paul Ryan 'Piece of Garbage' for Trump Snub

Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., raised the ire of Republican allies of Donald Trump when he said the former president was unfit for office, with one calling him a "piece of garbage."

"Paul Ryan, you're a piece of garbage. You're a piece of garbage," Nehls said according to a transcript of his comments that aired Wednesday on "CNN This Morning.


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b70d22 No.21012927

File: 22591f75396cb83⋯.jpeg (229.92 KB,950x577,950:577,E20B027B_18AD_4B4A_9403_3….jpeg)


A bad rash moar like it

Thinks they are all that

Stale AF

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173894 No.21012928


No, I don't know.

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4312ea No.21012929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>8th PSY

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13b388 No.21012930



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1b1faa No.21012931

File: 002316f927398c6⋯.png (771.11 KB,1920x1016,240:127,ClipboardImage.png)


>Russian Federation RSD857 Ilyushin-96 Special Flight Detachment EVPfrom Moscow-Vnukovo Intl depart

sauce it faggot

fake and gay

That aircraft has not appeared on ADS-B Exchange since May 26th.


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84737a No.21012932

Blinken Says If Gaza Truce Deal Fails Only Hamas Is To Blame: "It's On Them"

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken while in the Middle East has said that if the ceasefire deal which is currently being pushed hard by the White House doesn't go through then there will only be Hamas to blame.

He said this week to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US has "reaffirmed his commitment" to a Gaza ceasefire plan, and that lack of progress will be the fault of Hamas. As we've explained previously, Biden is pushing a plan that neither side has really embraced from the start as this is really much about Biden admin PR and damage control going into the November election. Hamas leaders have never backed off their insistence of a full Israeli military withdrawal from the Gaza Strip as a key condition for a lasting truce.

And now Blinken has quickly suggested the deal could be off (but it was never really "on" or even close to begin with…) . "Hamas has proposed numerous changes to the proposal that was on the table… Some of the changes are workable, some are not," he said in a press conference with Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani in Doha.


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a6cb4c No.21012933

File: cc7632c91a36a79⋯.png (226.84 KB,659x499,659:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b40da306420473a⋯.png (1.13 MB,710x826,355:413,ClipboardImage.png)


repost, past bread..below. wars for resources and currency going forward.


The war of peoples has changed.

The new world wars will be based around resources and currencies.

God must be the central figure and Gods law must be dominate or Satan rules will destroy and capture souls.

>>21006789, >>21006870

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e5b2ca No.21012934

File: 2ad896fdcbff05e⋯.jpg (185.2 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_1….jpg)

File: 25a62b2f604d9ce⋯.png (227.16 KB,640x1568,20:49,604_2_.png)

File: 1af6ba946879d6f⋯.png (199.35 KB,640x1762,320:881,1804_2_.png)

File: 348666d9a0b3068⋯.jpeg (177.88 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GP57dBEWwAAF8E9.jpeg)


the fucking 2 moar weeks starts when Question marker.

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1b8873 No.21012935

File: bbfeca37b68e80e⋯.png (1.05 MB,1214x671,1214:671,7n5346346.PNG)

Elderly Oakland homeowner arrested after shooting suspected burglar

A 77-year-old Oakland homeowner is in custody after he shot and killed one of a trio of suspected burglars at his residence.

Witnesses called the Oakland Police Department just before 6 p.m. Monday, claiming to have seen two men and a woman, at least one of them with a crowbar, breaking into the unnamed homeowner’s residence.

The three arrived in the area in a stolen Infiniti Q40, authorities told KTVU-TV.

When police arrived, they saw the homeowner pointing a gun at the woman, who told police that the man had shot her friend according to KTVU-TV.

At the time, the suspected burglar was lying wounded near a fence line. He was later pronounced dead by paramedics according to the Mercury News. He has not been publicly identified.

The homeowner was held without bail on suspicion of murder, and the second man suspected of burglary was found by police officers with a replica gun and taken in on suspicion of second-degree burglary.


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99e5ce No.21012936


Could always be mistaken, but I'm basing it on the attacks he's used against others here. Claiming that they're "Breaking the code of Anonymous, breaking the rules." And then when asked one day what rules those were, he links something from halfchan and demands that people follow those. Last time I checked they don't follow UK laws in America, though there are similarities, they're not the same. 8ch originally was founded as a breakaway from Halfchan if memory serves correctly.

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9cf346 No.21012937

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)


Q doesn't own or operate the board. It's dedicated to Q, but it's not Qs board. Q had other boards in the past though. Sorry to burst your bubble, you and SP have quite a little echo chamber circle jerk going this bread and last bread. Nice attempts at creating arguments with your vitriol, but sorry to prove you wrong and destroy your argument. You can go back to jerking off SP and agreeing with everything each other says.

God bless you.

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4e90b9 No.21012938

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13b388 No.21012939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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84737a No.21012940



Posting MSM nonsense

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173894 No.21012941


I'm not sure,

Thanks for sharing something.

I don't understand it at all.

I was just passing through.


So what!?

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1b8873 No.21012942

File: 15b9b425d7ba7c5⋯.png (477.81 KB,1015x673,1015:673,6346g346534.PNG)

'Pig Book' Exposes $22.7B in Congressional Earmarks

Republican House lawmakers joined Citizens Against Government Waste on Wednesday in releasing the 32nd annual edition of the "Congressional Pig Book," a compilation of "pork-barrel" projects in the federal budget.

This year's book features members from both chambers of Congress and both major parties who the group says are responsible for spending earmarks, which direct federal funds to pet projects in their home districts and states.

CAGW found 8,222 earmarks, totaling $22.7 billion in "pork" projects. A brown and white female pig named Poppy could be seen sporting a patriotic dress and scarfing down treats at the press conference announcing the book.


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e5b2ca No.21012943

File: 80bbbd49a7f6624⋯.jpg (204.08 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_2….jpg)

File: 479f22bc327ad39⋯.png (31.88 KB,640x408,80:51,1802_13_.png)

File: b147c7b41042efd⋯.png (35.47 KB,640x408,80:51,602_5_.png)

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2919c9 No.21012944


>Q had other boards in the past though


hasn't disappeared

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991218 No.21012946

File: eed7109903b8a21⋯.png (814.66 KB,904x597,904:597,ClipboardImage.png)

New Congress Report Exposes Dr. Fauci’s Department for Concealing Plans to Engineer Mutant Monkeypox Virus, Risking Another Global Pandemic

A new congressional report has uncovered disturbing details about a research project conducted at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Daily Mail reported.

The investigation, spanning over 18 months, revealed a pattern of obstruction and misinformation by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the NIH, and NIAID regarding the transfer of genes between different strains of the Monkeypox virus.

Here is the timeline of the investigation:

June 30, 2015:** NIAID IBC approves a bidirectional MPXV experiment.

January 9, 2017:** GOFR/OC pause lifted, HHS P3CO established.

August 4, 2022:** MPOX Public Health Emergency declared.

September 15, 2022:** Moss tells Science about clade I to clade II experiment.

October 10, 2022:** Science article about scientists’ concerns with Moss experiment.

February 8, 2023:** E&C Republicans hold hearing with Acting NIH Director Dr. Larry Tabak.

March 30, 2023:** E&C Republicans send second letter to NIH.

April 26, 2023:** HHS letter erroneously denies experiments were formally proposed and approved.

May 2023:** Federal select agent approval for clade I to clade II experiment is revoked.

May 30, 2023:** E&C Republicans send third letter to NIH.

June 22, 2023:** HHS sends letter to STAT denying that Moss formally proposed experiment.

June 30, 2023:** HHS letter with misleading statements on experiment from Moss & others.

July 21, 2023:** E&C Republicans send fourth letter to NIH.

September 21, 2023:** Bipartisan staff meet with Moss & others.

October 21, 2023:** E&C Republicans send fifth letter to NIH.

March 19, 2024:** Bipartisan Committee staff review documents in camera.

May 6, 2024:** OSTP issues new guidance on DURC/GOFR/OC.

According to the report, spearheaded by the Republican members of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, NIAID scientists were found to have transferred genes between different clades of the Monkeypox virus, potentially enhancing its lethality and transmissibility.


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ffa3a9 No.21012947



California…. just let criminals do what they want to you

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f5ba5c No.21012948

The Day of The Rope is coming for you fuckers. >>21012899

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1b8873 No.21012949

File: a3595bb86a802c2⋯.png (611.2 KB,865x600,173:120,n75346b34.PNG)

Kari Lake loses Arizona appeals court challenge of 2022 loss in governor race

PHOENIX (AP) — Republican Kari Lake has lost an Arizona appeals court challenge arguing that thousands of Phoenix-area mail ballot signatures were not properly verified when she lost the 2022 governor election to Democrat Katie Hobbs.

The state Court of Appeals upheld on Tuesday a judge’s finding last year that Lake failed to prove inconsistencies in signatures were neglected by election verification staffers in Maricopa County, home to more than 60% of voters in the state.

Lake's attorney, Bryan James Blehm, did not respond Wednesday to telephone and email messages about the appeals court decision and whether Lake would appeal to the Arizona Supreme Court.

Blehm also did not respond to requests for comment about sanctions imposed on him last Friday by the State Bar of Arizona for “unequivocally false” representations to the state Supreme Court while handling Lake election challenges. His 60-day suspension takes effect July 7.


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4312ea No.21012950

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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10591b No.21012951

File: 79a44ac593c44b7⋯.jpeg (128.32 KB,800x839,800:839,dry.jpeg)



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d5a94d No.21012952



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e5b2ca No.21012953

File: dd4fa8de0fa3fff⋯.jpg (206.46 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_2….jpg)

File: f1bcb6ec3ba1e6f⋯.png (56.62 KB,640x564,160:141,501_5_.png)

File: e9b2a7b89155097⋯.jpeg (43.53 KB,680x389,680:389,DdNPryef.jpeg)

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1b8873 No.21012954

File: bd2479fe33ed08a⋯.png (526.8 KB,908x666,454:333,n7645b563vg465354.PNG)



An experienced U.S. Navy rescue swimmer was killed in a training accident at Naval Air Station Jacksonville last week, the Navy has confirmed to local media.

Chief Petty Officer Peter "Pete" Lagosh was killed June 4 while on a training assignment at Naval Air Station Jacksonville. According to the Navy, Lagosh was in between duty stations, making an intermediate stop before transferring to a unit in Japan, and was enrolled in the Surface Rescue Swimmer School (SRSS) refresher course at the base.

As a matter of routine, the circumstances of his death are being examined by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, a spokesperson for Naval Air Force Atlantic told local media.

“We offer our deepest condolences and sympathies to the family, friends, and shipmates of the Sailor during this difficult time,” spokesperson Cmdr. Dawn Stankis told Action News Jax. “Grief counseling services and support are available through the appropriate chains of command and through chaplains.”

Lagosh, 40, was from Cudahy, Wisconsin. He joined the Navy in 2007 and enrolled in the Navy Rescue Swimmer program, a famously challenging training pipeline that requires exceptional endurance and physical abilities.


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84737a No.21012955


Prove you're not a bot

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b70d22 No.21012956


Thanks fauxNews

Arrived last night >>21008182 pb

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0a8afc No.21012957

File: 1c625ffb8c8efa0⋯.png (798.11 KB,894x773,894:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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9cf346 No.21012958


Thanks Anon. Point proven, that's a board owned by Q. Not Q Research. Seems like the argument shills are struggling pretty hard with diatribe today to drum up arguments over nothing. Wish they would send a challenge for a change.


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2919c9 No.21012959


>failed to prove inconsistencies in signatures were neglected by election verification staffers

no fucks given about whether or not there were inconsistencies, just whether or not they were checked by staffers?

nice system

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4569b3 No.21012960

File: 2b0c9db0ea20fa1⋯.png (581.26 KB,505x1000,101:200,ClipboardImage.png)


Uriah Heap, Charles Dicken's contemporary stereotypical posterity chiselling embezzler.

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1b8873 No.21012961

File: cd528d6a526e581⋯.png (427.55 KB,872x675,872:675,n73456b34645.PNG)

Utah Suing TikTok, Alleging Live Feature Is a 'Virtual Strip Club'

Utah is suing TikTok, alleging its LIVE feature lures children into addictive and destructive social media habits and puts them at risk.

Utah Gov. Spencer Cox and Attorney General Sean Reyes announced the lawsuit last week. The Utah Division of Consumer Protection is the agency behind the lawsuit.

"TikTok has created a virtual strip club allowing minors to be exploited across America by connecting innocent victims to predators in real-time. Adding insult to injury, LIVE facilitates money laundering while TikTok quietly charges fifty percent on every transaction to profit in the billions from the entire enterprise," Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes said in a statement. "Our investigation confirmed TikTok knows of the damage to young victims but feels it makes far too much money to stop."


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e5b2ca No.21012962

File: 0a05d87b8b00264⋯.jpeg (534.06 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GP5s28hXIAAfRdy.jpeg)

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2919c9 No.21012963


>Wish they would send a challenge for a change

would be fuckin nice


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173894 No.21012964


If I'm wrong, I'm sorry.

Perceptions and understanding are so diverse.

If you think that your explanation will help me to recognize and understand, you are quite mistaken.

Why don't you try to list your personal research in an easy-to-read and concise manner before you try to talk to me?

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28f659 No.21012965


Trip test.

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748eb9 No.21012966

File: d7c4985f9e3a8b0⋯.jpeg (411.19 KB,828x477,92:53,3552502E_E068_49E9_B100_7….jpeg)

File: 098d9b2c4cee2d5⋯.jpeg (246.25 KB,618x416,309:208,355BA493_FC7A_4672_A208_5….jpeg)

FBI building got taken over by one broad with a gun?

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e5b2ca No.21012967

File: 66f92afc2aa515a⋯.jpg (226.01 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_2….jpg)

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069cd7 No.21012968







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1b8873 No.21012969


ANON, go eat YOUR MOMS dick.

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d5a94d No.21012970


[1] Confirmed.




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cf31d0 No.21012971

File: 52ef81093bd4b5a⋯.jpeg (97.5 KB,1024x683,1024:683,IMG_3820.jpeg)

Three 5

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9cf346 No.21012972

File: 31884ebecdeef5a⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,520x480,13:12,8rszzz.jpg)

Nothing can stop what is comfy

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e5b2ca No.21012973

File: 3ae07a38eaecaa4⋯.jpg (244.87 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_2….jpg)

File: 04a8310a81cbcfd⋯.png (128.15 KB,640x1706,320:853,432_6_.png)

File: 39c123fcf00a8ec⋯.jpeg (404.21 KB,1800x1800,1:1,GP5mkMeW4AAALhv.jpeg)

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173894 No.21012974


Of course, I think that concise summary is also dependent on the ease and discretion of the individual.

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13b388 No.21012975


Pretty CLOUD.

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896b73 No.21012976

File: f88bf67ae1c080d⋯.png (569.25 KB,622x554,311:277,f88bf67ae1c080dfa82cf67587….png)

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1b8873 No.21012977

File: bbd74a1542e090d⋯.png (859.34 KB,913x687,913:687,6564B5343435.PNG)

Second foster care leader to exit Department of Human Services in last two weeks

Jeff Pack, head of the state’s foster care system within the Department of Human Services, will transition into another government role, according to the governor.

Pack is the second foster care leader to announce they’ll exit their role in the last two weeks as DoHS has faced intense scrutiny for its handling of and communication around the death of 14-year-old Kyneddi Miller.

On Wednesday, Gov. Jim Justice announced during a virtual press briefing that Pack will step down as commissioner for the Bureau of Social Services once his replacement is found.

He’ll serve next as Commissioner of the West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services.

“Jeff does a great job, he continues to do good work,” the governor said. “This is a superstar in my book.”

Pack took on the role in 2021.

“I am deeply honored to have served as the first Commissioner for the Bureau for Social Services,” he said in a statement. “I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to work alongside such passionate and committed professionals. Together, we have made a significant impact on the lives of West Virginia families, and I look forward to continuing to serve our community in my new role.”


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d5a94d No.21012978




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354174 No.21012979

File: 9d442b6f5995bb5⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_162814….jpg)

File: eaa33ba010a2302⋯.jpg (818.91 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240528_163554….jpg)

File: 9a88910f88254aa⋯.jpg (333.83 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240416_193323….jpg)

Pick of the litter… whew!

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b70d22 No.21012980

File: e3490d499732ae4⋯.gif (332.39 KB,400x225,16:9,9CDFD146_4188_4458_9B9B_9A….gif)


Still tryin to keep this shit alive I see

Since you’ve nothing else

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173894 No.21012981


If you think that what I see and what you see are the same, I'm not so sure about that either.

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1394bb No.21012982


Dispatcher: "911 what's your emergency?"

Fed: "There's an armed woman somewhere in our building and we need the police"

Dispatcher: What is the address of the building?"

Fed: "Downtown, corner of Third Avenue and Spring Street"

Dispatcher: "Sir, I show that as the FBI building, aren't there armed personnel there?"

Fed: "Those are only Field Agents, they are off planning, I mean, solving, crimes. Most of us here are just administrative"

Dispatcher: "I dispatch some units right away"

Supervisor: "did I hear that right? Feds are calling the cops?"

Dispatcher: "You heard that right, feds need cops"

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e49159 No.21012983

File: f18b805204817a7⋯.png (225.16 KB,707x1085,101:155,maricopa_printers_arizona_….png)

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2c32b0 No.21012984

File: ef69e69576f3cf0⋯.jpg (15.35 KB,481x405,481:405,e8c4b416d24aa1e9dc22ffe4d7….jpg)

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1b8873 No.21012985

File: ffb208fd623baa1⋯.png (120.15 KB,917x685,917:685,6N54B6436354.PNG)

Giuliani’s Lawyers Claim He Has 9/11 Lung Disease

Rudy Giuliani’s lawyers revealed he has “possible” 9/11-related lung disease as they pleaded with a bankruptcy judge not to let someone else take over his finances, the New York Post reports.

The former city leader — who earned the nickname “America’s Mayor” for his response to the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks — “is suffering from possible 9/11 lung disease and his future earning capacity is limited both by his age and future health,” his lawyers said in court papers Monday.


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991218 No.21012986

File: 5272884714b9f38⋯.png (161.37 KB,430x240,43:24,I_ll_be_back.png)

Look Who they'll Run

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e5b2ca No.21012987

File: 54ae9c6d27e991f⋯.jpg (192.57 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_3….jpg)

File: 04a8310a81cbcfd⋯.png (128.15 KB,640x1706,320:853,432_7_.png)

File: 99e1fc34c24d241⋯.png (82.68 KB,640x708,160:177,1632_1_.png)

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fac3e9 No.21012988

File: 0dad6c84091e476⋯.jpeg (66.32 KB,736x855,736:855,GPywgPyXYAAqjbW.jpeg)

Queen’s sister Princess Margaret that overdosed on Nitrazepam in 1974 that first raised the eyebrows to the environment of emotional hardship the institution brought on to those trapped inside….

Princess Diana admitted to five suicide attempts and an eating disorder during her marriage to Charles. A marriage where Charles was sexually involved with three women before, and during his engagement to Diana and after his marriage to her. Charles used Diana as a breeding mare and promptly and publicly showed his disgust and disdain at her popularity and that of his children afterwards. He never gave up Camillia or Janet and he treated Kanga just as poorly once he tired of her…..

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173894 No.21012989


So goodbye.

I'm going back to my research.

I don't feel anything when you suddenly show me your favorite picture here.


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8c0f70 No.21012990

File: 28b2c015ca6a3bf⋯.jpg (8.93 KB,241x180,241:180,OIP_40_.jpg)

File: 80e7127cc8962bf⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB,255x236,255:236,e138a6f300effc174f3bf8eac….jpeg)

File: 5c0a572edcf7c73⋯.png (22.49 KB,247x255,247:255,8e120f0df7debadfacfaf98181….png)


I bet there is a pronoun involved

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d5a94d No.21012991


Something BIG is about to drop.


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99e5ce No.21012992

File: 3014ca22a16dba0⋯.gif (2.81 MB,703x407,19:11,kek18.gif)

Not to mention the rules the clowns try forcing on everyone from Halfchan were most likely written with compelled listening in mind, as well as to protect their ability to "move the herd." You can filter what you don't like here. It's why they call and attack people "famefags." It takes away from their ability to effectively "move the herd" if you do the same thing they're doing.

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e49159 No.21012993


ohhh, ty

i got the wrong uriah kek

Uriah Heep is a fictional character created by Charles Dickens in his 1850 novel David Copperfield. Heep is the primary antagonist during the second part of the novel. His character is notable for his sycophancy.[1] - wiki

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13b388 No.21012994



: Heart attacks can be deadly.


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991218 No.21012995

File: 1fcb6356737c7e7⋯.png (608.62 KB,1280x714,640:357,ClipboardImage.png)

Nice Hat

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a6cb4c No.21012996

File: d7f62b03566fd6b⋯.png (889.32 KB,860x1185,172:237,ClipboardImage.png)


coming to a republican party soon.

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7ff770 No.21012997

File: daf33555da71f97⋯.png (617.34 KB,452x618,226:309,daf33555da71f97256a1701e6f….png)

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e49159 No.21012998



behavior in which someone praises powerful or rich people in a way that is not sincere, usually in order to get some advantage from them:

The familiar sycophancy toward Smith was unbearable.

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e5b2ca No.21012999

File: c550c2b8f3383e0⋯.jpg (218.43 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_3….jpg)

File: 909c56f7d68a3d0⋯.png (24.12 KB,640x408,80:51,418_1_.png)

File: 23bee7bdab7ccf0⋯.png (161.79 KB,640x1648,40:103,1618_1_.png)

File: e2c88586959935e⋯.jpeg (434.79 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GP5jMyVXEAAkYap.jpeg)

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5351c1 No.21013000


>Charlie was a total Chad

That guy?

Are you sure you aren't just bs'ing here?

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9cf346 No.21013001

File: 9b06fd7a0f1f40e⋯.jpg (41.63 KB,518x482,259:241,9b06fd7a0f1f40e5517a46ae67….jpg)

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b70d22 No.21013002

File: 054270acc271d06⋯.jpeg (471.92 KB,795x735,53:49,C1C2AB09_A91D_4643_B181_8….jpeg)


Only a phaggit does that


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4569b3 No.21013003

File: a0f639ff3526d0b⋯.png (480.98 KB,585x497,585:497,ClipboardImage.png)

File: addc1985e15a43f⋯.png (559.55 KB,508x491,508:491,ClipboardImage.png)


Wait until April, when all the exports are going to BRICS ports.

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d5a94d No.21013004




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99e5ce No.21013005

File: 5720f9cd87dd6d2⋯.png (87.36 KB,793x351,61:27,ClipboardImage.png)

Missed it by… that much.

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064a0f No.21013006

File: 171131300f8ff3f⋯.png (203.65 KB,360x374,180:187,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6a9f7 No.21013007

File: 1b047dee0ba3243⋯.gif (2.12 MB,500x281,500:281,stroke_japan_beard.gif)

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e49159 No.21013008

File: f61d9a0999a10de⋯.png (98.55 KB,681x828,227:276,22_senate_rinos_ukraine_bi….png)

File: 3bf8e28db1dc3b6⋯.png (179.53 KB,691x605,691:605,70_29_vote_senate_ukraine_….png)

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13b388 No.21013009


"Watch aboard"

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e5b2ca No.21013010

File: 2a555929ce59268⋯.jpg (268.02 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_19_3….jpg)




don't got the proper meme handoff kek

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1b8873 No.21013011

File: db6ae5aa95dd64c⋯.png (513.51 KB,1322x676,661:338,65B436346.PNG)

Fetterman 'at fault' for Maryland car accident that injured him, wife, and other driver

The accident occurred as Fetterman and his wife were celebrating their anniversary, the couple said on social media


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fac3e9 No.21013012


Nanshee looks mad 😡 grrrr

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5351c1 No.21013013


As the Bongs like to say, possibly a bit of drink driving involved.

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d5a94d No.21013014

Operator1 active in 8.

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6d005d No.21013015


armed woman was arrested at fbi building

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1b1faa No.21013016

File: 4bae5467d70ddd5⋯.png (64.49 KB,353x352,353:352,ClipboardImage.png)


>doesn't understand QR at all

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13b388 No.21013017


"Less than 10 can confirm me." Q said.

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e5b2ca No.21013018

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748eb9 No.21013019

File: cec3d53509fa356⋯.jpeg (449.44 KB,828x988,207:247,C3EE1761_7E6A_48AD_B700_0….jpeg)


Hot Latna

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99e5ce No.21013020

And by "doing the same thing they're doing" I mean… it's hard to articulate. I think I'm a wizard.

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4312ea No.21013021

File: 5024831eb8fd360⋯.png (22.2 KB,637x192,637:192,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 947feba798d3a9b⋯.png (585.83 KB,456x568,57:71,ClipboardImage.png)

Insider Paper



UPDATE: A woman is now in custody following an armed standoff inside the Seattle FBI building, according to KIRO 7 News.

Jun 12, 2024 · 11:25 PM UTC




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b70d22 No.21013022

File: 00670cfa01f87c3⋯.jpeg (239.55 KB,642x495,214:165,59D5F2A9_C21F_441A_A2DA_B….jpeg)


>No you

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d5a94d No.21013023


Guardians watch aboard this ship.

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c1efe0 No.21013024

File: 4411ff946a63777⋯.png (3.72 MB,1914x2196,319:366,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b8c172c4bbfe894⋯.png (1.4 MB,1298x574,649:287,ClipboardImage.png)


Moar no name drops? inderesting

Q 732 mentioned in earlier bread.

2 days 1000 tons checks out too

The US-built pier in Gaza broke apart. Here’s how we got here and what might be next

"Before the war, Gaza was getting about 500 truckloads of aid on average every day. The United States Agency for International Development says it needs a steady flow of 600 trucks a day to ease the struggle for food and bring people back from the brink of famine."


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1394bb No.21013025


Meh, majority of the "famefag" posts are our resident troll. The one that went from "Mimic" to "Angry Inch"

The creature has no life, but started a failed crusade against "board personalities" to make itself relevant

It lives for the (You)s and if ignored long enough will sperg out in red text which of course will get the attention of passing BVs and then poof, all gone like it never existed

It's here every day, not hard to spot

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13b388 No.21013026


The confirmations and guidance.

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991218 No.21013027

File: 93b9fb6a0c32704⋯.png (813.57 KB,500x710,50:71,ShitShitShit.png)

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9cf346 No.21013028

Only the loser of an argument virtue signals the filter. The filter represent conceding defeat in all forms. When one cannot stand on their own in an argument they Plug their ears and keep repeating themselves. Filtering in an argument proves you lost and want others to disregard the information through group think mentality and the power of suggestion. Losers filter the winner.

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99e5ce No.21013029


Doubtfagging? You need to do better. AEI bas been caught masquerading as a planefag before, and loves to run doubt and despair routines. Go figure, huh?

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1394bb No.21013030


>They were given 24 hours to restore Qs trip code.

When was this, and by whom?

DOAR faggots gonna do a countdown to bullshit spam again?

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8c0f70 No.21013031

File: d4d6e8b94472e28⋯.jpg (19.98 KB,223x279,223:279,th_8_.jpg)

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1b1faa No.21013032

File: f3f34320babb0af⋯.png (95.46 KB,1293x318,431:106,ClipboardImage.png)


>tag team fail

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13b388 No.21013033

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064a0f No.21013034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e5b2ca No.21013035


420 intermission to lurk

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8c0f70 No.21013036

File: d118df512141711⋯.jpg (15.3 KB,248x255,248:255,033031afd58c8fa7e3be0fb490….jpg)


RNC new chair

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d5a94d No.21013037


Last night, by Less than 10.

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a6cb4c No.21013038

File: e54c7598e6f81cf⋯.mp4 (15.52 MB,720x720,1:1,fauci_run.mp4)

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991218 No.21013039

File: 15322c589ca3423⋯.png (659.34 KB,904x492,226:123,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING:Anna Paulina Luna May Push ‘Inherent Contempt’ Vote Forcing Sgt. of Arms to Immediately Arrest AG Merrick Garland

The US House voted 216 to 207 to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to hand over the Robert Hur audio tape of his interview with President Joe Biden.

Only one cowardly Republican sided with Democrats, Rep. David Joyce from Ohio.

Barack Obama’s failed US Supreme Court candidate turned dirty Biden attorney general, Merrick Garland, has been found to be in contempt of Congress over his failure to turn over tapes of special counsel Robert Hur’s interview with Joe Biden.

Following the vote today FOX News reported that Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) may force an Inherent Contempt vote forcing the Sergeant of Arms to arrest AG Merrick Garland.

Aishah Hasnie: Good evening to you. Well, every single Republican in the House voted yes for this contempt, except for one. Ohio congressman David Joyce, he bucked his party and voted no. What’s next? That’s what everyone’s wondering, because in terms of a contempt, it is up to the DOD EJ now to decide whether they’re going to press charges, go after their boss. It’s very unlikely that they do that.

House Republicans know that, which is why congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna, Florida, has vowed that she will try to to enforce a vote on an inherent contempt. This is different from what we just saw here on the House floor this evening. An inherent contempt basically means if it passes, that the House Sergeant at Arms will then be forced to go and arrest AG Merrick Garland because he is now in contempt.

She can use a privileged motion to bring that to a vote in the next two legislative days, but we’ve had eyes on her right after she voted on the House floor, and she has not stayed and done that just yet. She might still be trying to gather support for that resolution. But now, a historic day, the House, first time in a long time, has voted to hold an administration official, the AG, in contempt.


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13b388 No.21013040


CLAS +relay Test3 is Monday Night.

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4569b3 No.21013041

File: f92eea6203134aa⋯.png (2.4 MB,800x1469,800:1469,ClipboardImage.png)


Uriah Heep is living large.

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064a0f No.21013042


some of the dumbest shit i've ever seen

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9cf346 No.21013043

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)



>angry inch


>board personalities

Sup SP. Now you've really proven that you're IP hopping and talking to yourself like you were last bread. You'd have to be pretty stupid to literally use your most common phrases with the same vernacular, cadence, syntax and lexicon. Are you really that stupid my fren? You really think you could pass this off as organic conversation back and forth while making the critical mistake of repeating verbatim the exact same phrases you have for a year and a half? Using two devices to talk to yourself is absolute poor chan etiquette. You are sad, desperate and pathetic. I still forgive you.

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b70d22 No.21013044

File: 6c45bed4b810dcb⋯.jpeg (418.51 KB,777x510,259:170,E8A160E5_5FB3_4986_AA87_D….jpeg)

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13b388 No.21013045

CLAS +relay Test2 last Monday was highly successful. Proud of Anons.

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8c0f70 No.21013046

File: 5f70f0d07a7ac90⋯.jpeg (37.97 KB,568x405,568:405,5f70f0d07a7ac902cc52f6da5….jpeg)

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d5a94d No.21013047

Monday 6-17

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0a0696 No.21013048


Bite yo tongie

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0a0696 No.21013049

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4312ea No.21013050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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028333 No.21013051

File: b6697f62e51ff89⋯.jpeg (478.68 KB,2360x1288,295:161,IMG_3086.jpeg)

File: ef78a7d1d0c6918⋯.webp (66.05 KB,1024x512,2:1,IMG_3087.webp)

Canada has been making plans in case civil war breaks out in the US, as the nation's polarization reaches an all-time-high ahead of the presidential election.

A think tank within Trudeau's government called Policy Horizons Canada surveyed hundreds of experts and government officials about potential disruptive events and proposed to the Canadian government they should consider preparing for civil war in the US.

In a 37-page document covered by Politico, researchers included the possibility of 'U.S. ideological divisions, democratic erosion, and domestic unrest escalate, plunging the country into civil war.


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e49159 No.21013052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trump Conviction Has Officially BACKFIRED | 2024 Election Analysis (June 2024)

Gold Crown Politics

7.42K subscribers

11 hours ago

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99e5ce No.21013053


Not even close, AEI. I'm on my own and react as the situation requires. If I see an opportunity to help an Anon here I will, but getting two replies that disagree with you is not indicative of a team attacking you, it's proof no one believes you.

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9cf346 No.21013054

File: 06d4ed97988be9b⋯.png (211.02 KB,425x408,25:24,06d4ed97988be9b5c827d3c687….png)

When Q said these people are stupid they were right. Countless times catching the little schizo IP hopping and talking to himself with the same phrases only to get busted yet again.

These people are stupid.

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16cae2 No.21013055


> Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) may force an Inherent Contempt vote forcing the Sergeant of Arms to arrest AG Merrick Garland.

She has my vote. Arrest him immediately.

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13b388 No.21013056

Anons want Q back on board, above sea level.

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c1efe0 No.21013057

File: 5bb12761aa1af12⋯.png (106.5 KB,317x380,317:380,Karen_Hair.png)



5 poasts and all Karen tier

guarantee it will stay that way kek

Q was right, shills [whine]

oh, you dropped this

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354174 No.21013058

File: 233ccfc3a7d52c0⋯.jpg (567.3 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_164733….jpg)

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d5a94d No.21013059


They should have listened.

They never do.

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896b73 No.21013060

File: df2c208d95f2d1b⋯.jpg (24.51 KB,333x403,333:403,df2c208d95f2d1b137ed3b1efe….jpg)


#25768 >>21012806

>>21012822 Fetterman is now Kekkerman - wearing a tie and jacket over his Carhartt hoodie

>>21012823 Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails "Invincible Comrades-in-Arms"

>>21012837, >>21012892, >>21012914, >>21013021 FBI is collaborating with Seattle police - an armed woman is now in custody

>>21012885 Potential Strike Action at U.S. East and Gulf Coast Ports Threatens Further Disruption

>>21012887, >>21012897, >>21012908, >>21012919, >>21012943, >>21012953, >>21012973, >>21012999 Mil / Q Posts

>>21012896 Lawmakers Participate in 2024 Congressional Baseball Game -live now-

>>21012902 Wreck of the last ship of famed explorer Shackleton found off the coast of Canada

>>21012909, >>21012931 PF'n

>>21012912 Nancy Pelosi Takes The BLAME FOR JAN 6 LEAKED Tape EXPOSES Her

>>21012916 Chuck Grassley: ‘Justice’ in Hunter Biden conviction

>>21012922 Trump to meet face-to-face with this top Republican leader for first time in nearly four years

>>21012926 Rep. Nehls: Paul Ryan 'Piece of Garbage' for Trump Snub

>>21012935 Elderly Oakland homeowner arrested after shooting suspected burglar

>>21012942 'Pig Book' Exposes $22.7B in Congressional Earmarks

>>21012946 NIAID scientists were found to have transferred genes between different clades of the Monkeypox virus

>>21012949 Kari Lake loses Arizona appeals court challenge of 2022 loss in governor race

>>21012954 US Navy rescue swimmer dies in training accident in florida

>>21012961 Utah Suing TikTok, Alleging Live Feature Is a 'Virtual Strip Club'

>>21012977 Second foster care leader to exit Department of Human Services in last two weeks

>>21012985 Giuliani’s Lawyers Claim He Has 9/11 Lung Disease

>>21013011 Fetterman 'at fault' for Maryland car accident that injured him, wife, and other driver

>>21013039 Anna Paulina Luna May Push ‘Inherent Contempt’ Vote Forcing Sgt. of Arms to Immediately Arrest AG Merrick Garland

early notes


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064a0f No.21013061

File: 84a2b0c12df81ef⋯.png (106.3 KB,803x361,803:361,ClipboardImage.png)





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20612b No.21013062


>Losers filter the winner.


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a6cb4c No.21013063

File: 0e1b269a145f3a8⋯.png (432.15 KB,700x625,28:25,ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed

they should arrest him and have a live cam in his cell so anons can keep a eye on him in case there is a Epstein event again.

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e49159 No.21013064

Jun 12, 2024, 7:44 PM


Donald J. Trump




“President Trump made our ECONOMY great once—He’s ready to do it again!” DonaldJTrump.com


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e5b2ca No.21013065

1 Q post would equal 17 breds of Hi Q posts then 17 moar breads of fake Q slides tripcod or bust

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bbd777 No.21013066


face mask negates the message

find an image without the mask

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1b8873 No.21013067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Arkansas lawmaker targets Pride flags at Veterans Affairs buildings


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5351c1 No.21013068


yeah pretty much

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e2ffef No.21013069

Mfw you want to go out and have fun

:( but staying local

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9cf346 No.21013070


That's why he projects the filter all God damn day long.


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99e5ce No.21013071

File: 24191f42d4c5d1f⋯.png (358.43 KB,409x474,409:474,winning2.png)

I love how the shills automatically lump anyone that disagrees with them into an "enemy" category. Disagree when they're in MuhJoo mode, then you're a Jew. Disagree with them when they're mimicking and you're accused of being their target. Disagree with them when they're trying to blend in and they call you a shill. That's the biggest tell of them all.

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640781 No.21013072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The comments on this YouTube video are beautiful! From 2 weeks ago on NBC:

"Why are young, healthy adults experiencing a rise in heart attacks?"

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bbd777 No.21013073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"only a fool would say that"

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f7bb7a No.21013074

File: cdf924bc927f2c2⋯.png (589.35 KB,1024x846,512:423,IMG_2158.png)

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13b388 No.21013075


>Less than 10

>>21008746 - 06/12/24 (Wed) 04:22:46

You have 24 hours to restore Q’s trip code. Failure to comply will result in immediate regret and lasting sorrow. MWTB/DLTR.

Time's up. They failed.

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c47f52 No.21013076


Blah blah blah. Nothing gonna happen

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896b73 No.21013077

File: 0c843175babbb34⋯.jpg (218.22 KB,1242x1234,621:617,meangene.jpg)


enjoy the show

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1b8873 No.21013078

File: 32f27ee81bd7bc0⋯.png (83.63 KB,1068x684,89:57,65B346346.PNG)

Woman with gun taken into custody after standoff at FBI building in Seattle, authorities say

SEATTLE (AP) — A woman armed with a handgun was taken into custody after an hourlong standoff at the FBI building in Seattle on Wednesday, authorities said.

The woman walked into a publicly accessible area where people have to wait to be buzzed into the lobby, according to FBI spokesperson Steve Bernd.

The woman did not gain access to the lobby and was taken into custody following negotiations with law enforcement.

No one was hurt during the incident. The woman’s identity was not immediately released.

The FBI has reported an uptick in the number of threats against bureau personnel and facilities in the last few years. A man armed with an AR-15 rifle and a nail gun tried to breach the FBI’s Cincinnati field office in 2022 and was killed hours later after a standoff with authorities.

And in August, a man rammed a barricade at an FBI office in Atlanta and then tried to follow an FBI employee into the secure parking lot on foot.


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8c0f70 No.21013079

File: 6b8af2c7b80b986⋯.jpg (19.24 KB,220x301,220:301,220px_Steve_Scalise_offici….jpg)


You know the dambdes thing happened on the way there think I'm gonna skip

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c1794b No.21013080

File: 99e058fd473ba51⋯.png (1.07 MB,1462x821,1462:821,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc5ffb7b895911e⋯.png (785.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a0039577b01bc79⋯.png (526.87 KB,565x1024,565:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67e6189b8be4130⋯.png (16.32 KB,1024x682,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)


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d5a94d No.21013081



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fa134c No.21013082

File: 23c672f68401804⋯.jpg (568.41 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_163852….jpg)

File: a81df7556503de7⋯.jpg (697.21 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_165204….jpg)

File: c2d5e6b2da00e1b⋯.jpg (777.05 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_165313….jpg)

Long in the tooth…

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d0835f No.21013083


Muh hip

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ffa3a9 No.21013084


Breaking News

Experts say a Common Fart can lead to Heart Attack

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a6cb4c No.21013085

File: e103484924051f8⋯.png (528.66 KB,1763x915,1763:915,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd18a57cd0e1e1f⋯.png (505.7 KB,615x345,41:23,ClipboardImage.png)


tomorrows deltas for the 13th june

we will always have the deltas

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bbd777 No.21013086


you are no less tiresome

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5351c1 No.21013087

File: 48da256d46e15d6⋯.jpg (33.71 KB,811x230,811:230,Screenshot_2024_06_12_1855….jpg)


KEK is something else at times here.

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287fad No.21013088


I don't believe your narrative.

seems like a board-drama play.

why should we believe you represent Q team and that Q does not have access to his trip code?

He still has his own board.

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e5b2ca No.21013089

File: c7a9255d146cfc9⋯.jpg (384.66 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,merlin_152577492_2a5e730e_….jpg)

File: 233ccfc3a7d52c0⋯.jpg (567.3 KB,1080x2220,18:37,233ccfc3a7d52c0170c5d3a88b….jpg)

File: 39c123fcf00a8ec⋯.jpeg (404.21 KB,1800x1800,1:1,GP5mkMeW4AAALhv.jpeg)

File: 0a05d87b8b00264⋯.jpeg (534.06 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,GP5s28hXIAAfRdy.jpeg)



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1b8873 No.21013090

File: 9caef1ffb5860b1⋯.png (85.87 KB,1043x685,1043:685,7M65N475445.PNG)

Lauren Boebert’s ex-husband pleads guilty to reckless endangerment after altercations with family

RIFLE, Colo. (AP) — The ex-husband of U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert pleaded guilty to reckless endangerment Wednesday after separate altercations with his ex-wife at a local restaurant and their son at home earlier this year, according to online court documents.

A January argument between the congresswoman and Jayson Boebert at a restaurant that allegedly got out of control led to charges against Jayson Boebert for disorderly conduct, trespassing and obstruction of a peace officer, court documents show. Those charges were dismissed as part of a plea deal, according to the online records.

Days later, Jayson Boebert allegedly got into the physical fight with his son, leading to the reckless endangerment charge Jayson Boebert pleaded guilty to along with three other charges — prohibited use of a weapon, harassment and third-degree assault — that were dismissed as part of the plea, court documents show.

Jayson Boebert will serve six months of unsupervised probation, according to court documents. He did not immediately respond to requests for comment.


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f6a9f7 No.21013091


filtered, fedboi

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10591b No.21013092

File: 981f83a4aa7c9e0⋯.jpg (64.9 KB,512x512,1:1,981f83a4aa7c9e0551360cf553….jpg)


sometimes i think he's sp too

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13b388 No.21013093


Q has been testing his trip for weeks. Blocked.

He could override it but he is waiting on (you).

Clowns were given 24 hours, they failed.

Now comes the pain, just for them.

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d5a94d No.21013094

Time to go.

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8c0f70 No.21013095

File: 90f99376f3f0675⋯.jpg (9.72 KB,294x180,49:30,OIP_42_.jpg)





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1394bb No.21013096


>Seems like the argument shills are struggling pretty hard with diatribe today to drum up arguments over nothing.

Only tactic that's ever had any effect. Start arguments to waste bread and bury goodies. First down into the Previously Collected, then into the archives. It is vital they keep breads moving and memory-hole whatever they can.

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da16e6 No.21013097

File: bc97d3916e9f123⋯.webm (2.99 MB,1908x1340,477:335,china_executions.webm)

File: e015c662f24316d⋯.webm (2.94 MB,640x480,4:3,china_execution.webm)

File: cdc8cab78179600⋯.jpg (72.33 KB,718x895,718:895,apparently_execution_chamb….jpg)

File: 823ec33632e233d⋯.mp4 (3.14 MB,854x480,427:240,WATCH_Cop_Executes_Elderly….mp4)


if you think reeducation camp is ever anything other than a bullet to the head…

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287fad No.21013098



no argument.

just filtered.

as you can tell I never argued with you, so how can I be a 'loser of an argument'

the filter is called out to tell the blowtard shills

that their efforts are void, they are useless.

it's a suggestion that they find a different tactic, like rating them. Like saying"you're FIRED"

would you belittle someone who says that catchphrase?

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bbd777 No.21013099


maybe it's God putting this shit show to sleep

saving humanity from faggot psyops

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b3dc76 No.21013100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

only 258 views after all this time.


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13b388 No.21013101

File: 7b6b638e567a8fa⋯.png (229.64 KB,495x479,495:479,united.png)

Reminder: This week's Prayer Mission: Protect Q+ & Strengthen Anons.

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2919c9 No.21013102

File: aaf503234218543⋯.png (362.51 KB,700x544,175:136,aaf503234218543cdfa7b7ba5f….png)

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1394bb No.21013103

Op-Ed: Shattering the Lynchpin Myth: The US Army’s Misguided Dominance in Pacific Strategy

John Konrad June 12, 2024

by Captain John Konrad (gCaptain Op-Ed) In a viral video with over 200,000 views on X, General Charles Flynn, a 4-star Army commander in the Pacific and brother of former Trump national security advisor Michael Flynn, delivered a passionate yet misguided speech on the primacy of the Army in the Pacific theater – a strategy his command has been calling linchpin – where he told seapower strategists to “zip-it“. As he leaned into the camera, his words dripped with the fervor of a man defending a bygone era of military dominance, oblivious to the evolving realities of modern warfare in the maritime domain.

Flynn’s assertion that the Pacific is an “Army theater” because it’s labeled as a “joint operation” is laughable. The notion that artillery and ground forces could effectively dominate a region spanning 60 million square miles of ocean is a strategic fantasy. It’s as if the battles of Midway, Coral Sea, and Leyte Gulf never happened—battles that decisively showcased the indispensability of naval and air power in the Pacific.

These Army Generals are seriously unhinged. They had their time in the sun and lost repeatedly. Now they fear losing control.

Even IF the Pacific was a “land power theater” we don’t want more of the same

We want, we need, different tactics and strategies

This guy is dangerous https://t.co/cbX6fwtoV0

— John ? Konrad V (@johnkonrad) June 12, 2024

His rhetoric ignores the sobering realities of recent Army failures in the maritime domain. The Army’s decision to divest from watercraft capabilities, the alarming age and inefficiency of their Corps of Engineers ships, the fact the Corps resorted on heavy US Coast Guard and civilian contractor support to clear the Baltimore Bridge, the embarrassing collapse of the JLOTS pier in Gaza, and their plans to divest Army prepositioning ships all point to a service struggling to maintain relevance in an increasingly maritime-centric world.

Let’s break down Flynn’s delusions. He suggests that the Army can seamlessly coordinate with the militaries of island nations—countries that prioritize land forces due to economic constraints and rely on American naval power for protection. This overlooks the fundamental reason for their reliance on ground troops: they lack the resources to maintain a formidable navy or air force. Flynn’s vision of a land-centric war in the Pacific dismisses the critical roles of the Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine.

In the event of a conflict with China, the logistics of moving and sustaining Army equipment across vast oceanic distances would necessitate a robust naval and air presence. Flynn’s dismissive attitude towards these branches undermines the essence of joint operations. Jointness doesn’t mean sidelining the Navy and Air Force; it means leveraging the unique strengths of each service to create a cohesive and effective force.

In this context, the Army’s claim of being a pivotal joint logistics facilitator is undermined by the current condition of the U.S. sealift capabilities. As noted by Air Force General Jacqueline D. Van Ovost, the TransCom commander, the United States is “alarmingly behind in modernizing a viable sealift fleet to achieve our national goals.” Additionally, the deteriorating and diminishing Ready Reserve Force faces a critical shortage, lacking 1,800 mariners required to staff its ships.

This isn’t merely about joint operations. It’s about asserting what Flynn believes is the Army’s rightful dominance in the Department of Defense budget and influence. If the focus was on inter-service cooperation for victory, the General would have incorporated the US Coast Guard, US Merchant Marine, and US Space Force into his discourse. Notably, he only called attention to the US Navy and US Air Force, the two services that compete with him directly for control.

The reality is stark: the Pacific conflict, if it comes to pass, will require a diverse and integrated approach. It will demand the mobility and firepower of the Navy, the reach and precision of the Air Force, the versatility of the Marines, the reach of the Coast Guard, and the logistical backbone of the Merchant Marine. Flynn’s vision of an Army-dominated theater is not only impractical but also dangerous.



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d5a94d No.21013104

WRWY Patriots. God Wins.

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bbd777 No.21013105



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4312ea No.21013106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Justice - D.A.N.C.E.

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e5b2ca No.21013107

File: af2ac74a5a0a834⋯.jpeg (229.28 KB,1463x2048,1463:2048,GPfTO4XXoAAFnZF.jpeg)

File: ef976d9d4c868d1⋯.jpg (101.44 KB,1144x858,4:3,EWo5rO5WkAEqq4E.jpg)

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99e5ce No.21013108

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


KEK. I'm only one person. One ID per bread, always. I don't IP hop. I don't use multiple personas. I don't even use a persona, I just be myself, flaws and all, unfiltered streams of consciousness straight from the brian, what lurks inside it. One single man. I know it's hard to believe for you, but it's true. 100%. No bullshit.

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c1efe0 No.21013109

File: 00ab5067b61bc7b⋯.png (858.16 KB,1135x1074,1135:1074,ClipboardImage.png)



5:50 PM EST (Q 550)

5:50 PM EST → 17:50 MIL (Q 1750)


They do not want you asking questions.

They do not want you thinking for yourself.

They do not want you UNITED.

They want you to live in FEAR/DIVIDED.

They want you asleep.

They want you blind.

The message must bypass the MSM.

It is the only way.

People UNITED hold the power.

Think election 2016.

Power shall be RETURNED to the PEOPLE.


What a coincidence the current shilling is focused on right now kek

Soros in the pic as well. What do we have going on with "Mr.Special-place-for-him"?

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cd7678 No.21013110

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e49159 No.21013111

Jun 12, 2024, 7:51 PM


Donald J. Trump




Stephen Moore: “If it’s about the ECONOMY, Trump is going to win in a landslide—I guarantee it!” DonaldJTrump.com


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4569b3 No.21013112


All the libtards & termites who said they would move to Canada must've been turned back on legitimate grounds of "moral terpitude".

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13b388 No.21013113


Obviously do not understand what GO TIME means.

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1b8873 No.21013114

File: e5a763f142373d8⋯.png (261.78 KB,1109x655,1109:655,7645N745.PNG)

Terraform set to pay $4.47 billion in settlement to the SEC over lawsuit

Terraform and its co-founder, Do Kwon, have agreed to pay the SEC a $4.47 billion settlement.

The settlement will involve a discharge fee of $3.58 billion with a civil penalty of $420 million.

LUNC is up 2% after a week-long downtrend of 11%.

Terraform Labs reached an agreement with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) on Wednesday to pay a settlement fee of $4.47 billion over a civil fraud lawsuit.

SEC files for settlement with Terraform Labs

Terraform Labs, the company behind the failed LUNA and TerraUSD, with co-founder Do Kwon, have agreed to a settlement with the SEC over a lawsuit for violating securities laws. The report is based on the SEC filing to the United States District Court of New York earlier today.


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f41f4c No.21013115

Clare Cullen's family is holding me hostage.

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da16e6 No.21013116

File: 4953da6af604a01⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB,416x240,26:15,native_drummer_fuck_this_g….mp4)

File: 6a8d89564103b10⋯.png (1.11 MB,895x888,895:888,politicians_are_fucking_ch….png)

File: f7d7b562a2274d4⋯.png (904.84 KB,743x768,743:768,change_my_mind_meme_but_fu….png)



>congresscritter MAY do a thing

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fa134c No.21013117

File: 86ce32cc423f208⋯.jpg (50.79 KB,474x639,158:213,proxy_image_7_.jpg)

File: 947aa2d312ce152⋯.jpg (6.39 KB,254x199,254:199,images_193_.jpg)

File: d23a63b69c1855a⋯.jpg (7.49 KB,228x221,228:221,images_195_.jpg)

File: 4c90428514d36c7⋯.jpg (9.41 KB,259x194,259:194,images_194_.jpg)

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4e90b9 No.21013118

File: aa0b0aafef28768⋯.mp4 (8 MB,576x560,36:35,bSKQ5oBxDeyIk8kz.mp4)

File: 001a1f20fec3ab0⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB,576x308,144:77,K8EixscRpE0Cbpwc.mp4)

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bbd777 No.21013119


the destination is the determinate

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5351c1 No.21013120

File: 3439c351d2d6a7f⋯.jpg (37.85 KB,488x371,488:371,piranhanons.jpg)


>bury goodies

What goodies?

This board is so hungry for goodies that anything even resembling a goodie gets devoured piranha style.

The choice in a Q is dark period is between ded bread and chatty cathy bread.

The newsbots are the only constant otherwise.

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e5b2ca No.21013121


pickle factory think

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99e5ce No.21013122


Filtered. You're not entitled to have your bullshit seen by everyone. Your narrative only survives through compelled listening.

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4e90b9 No.21013123

File: 5abc3647cd394b5⋯.png (1.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


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13b388 No.21013124


No one needs you to believe.

The course is set. Unstoppable.

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9da897 No.21013125


That person has nothing to do with Q. It is the same one who has been threatening to kill the Board Owner and take over the board.

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1b8873 No.21013126

File: 1d646b7baafc92b⋯.png (98.09 KB,1133x707,1133:707,nu6567bv654654.PNG)

Nonprofit Organizations Pay Over $5.8 Million to Resolve Allegations of Fraudulently Obtaining Pandemic-Related Loans

(Home Owners Association)

SAN DIEGO – Multiple nonprofit organizations—including two private country clubs and two homeowners associations—have paid $5,809,021.60 to settle allegations that they violated the False Claims Act by knowingly submitting false claims and obtaining Paycheck Protection Program loans for which they were not eligible.

Congress created the Paycheck Protection Program loans, known as PPP, in March 2020, as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, to provide emergency financial support to the millions of Americans suffering the economic effects caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The CARES Act authorized billions of dollars in forgivable loans to small businesses struggling to pay employees and other permitted business expenses. Under the CARES Act, certain entities organized under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code were not eligible for PPP loans.

Rancho Santa Fe Association is a homeowners association and 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Rancho Santa Fe Association serves members in the community of Rancho Santa Fe in San Diego County, which includes over 4,000 residents, the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club, the Rancho Santa Fe Tennis Club, private sports fields, The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe, nearly 60 miles of private equestrian and pedestrian trails, shops, restaurants, and full-time security patrol. In April 2020, Rancho Santa Fe Association applied for a PPP loan and later received disbursement of a $1,542,100 loan. The United States contended that Rancho Santa Fe Association knew or should have known it was not eligible to receive its PPP loan as a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization, and it caused the Small Business Administration (SBA) to forgive the loan and to pay lender fees and interest to the bank that processed the loan. Rancho Santa Fe Association paid $2,037,451.44 to settle allegations that it knowingly violated the False Claims Act.


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d5a94d No.21013127



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287fad No.21013128


anon want to know what's going on, and if you pretend to be someone in the know you have to expect people will ask.

I tend to agree with this one:


that you have NOTHING TO DO WITH Q

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da16e6 No.21013129

File: 63e6bc128bb9b82⋯.png (314.18 KB,779x483,779:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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13b388 No.21013130


You're lying.

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75f292 No.21013131

File: a0e41202d85fc22⋯.png (400.51 KB,966x667,42:29,ClipboardImage.png)

A fire erupts in an oil refinery in Erbil

On Wednesday, a local source in Erbil reported the outbreak of a large fire at an oil refinery south of the city.

The source told Shafaq News Agency that the fire broke out around 8:30 pm at an oil refinery on the Gwer-Erbil road. Civil defense teams rushed to the scene to combat and extinguish the fire.

The source did not provide further details regarding any human injuries or the causes of the fire.

Later, a source from the Erbil Civil Defense Directorate reported that the fire broke out in warehouses containing crude oil. Six civil defense teams are working to contain the flames and prevent the fire from spreading.


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13b388 No.21013132


Sauce. Or admit you are lying.

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e5b2ca No.21013133

File: 40fc4b60290b177⋯.jpg (255.23 KB,900x670,90:67,2021_10_07_Claire_1.jpg)

File: 3ad74fed730bc2d⋯.png (52.62 KB,640x612,160:153,129_12_.png)

File: 8722dce6be3514f⋯.jpg (128.1 KB,900x709,900:709,1633470030054.jpg)

File: 305442e8406b521⋯.jpg (285.61 KB,900x1200,3:4,1633470036582.jpg)

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fa134c No.21013134

File: d4ccc2fd78c4d5b⋯.jpg (7.96 KB,310x163,310:163,images_200_.jpg)

Gen. William T. Cooley was sentenced on Tuesday to a reprimand and to forfeit nearly $54,550 in pay over five months, but avoided prison time and dismissal.

Apr 26, 2022

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287fad No.21013135


is this the 'your a liar' shill?

now you'll post over and over 'you're lying'?

I've interacted with one like this.

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97fd00 No.21013136


Lawyer is suspended for representing a client at court by the not-so-great state of Arizona.


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415c2e No.21013137

At least people on the inside of both sides know this is real.

7 years of knowing but not knowing is a bitch to live with.

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4312ea No.21013138

File: 4c0c4de69105287⋯.jpg (96.08 KB,979x1280,979:1280,media_GP17BTMWYAAVW0M.jpg)

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13b388 No.21013139


Assertions of that nature, without sauce? My, my…

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1b8873 No.21013140

File: 38b6c3854b52d4b⋯.png (871.95 KB,1100x681,1100:681,7n46b42634.PNG)

Republicans block Wednesday's unanimous consent request

Senate Democrats attempted to pass a bill on Supreme Court ethics Wednesday but were blocked by Republicans who argue the measure targets conservative justices.

Democrats requested unanimous consent to pass legislation that would require the court adopt a new code of conduct, among other requirements. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., objected to the request, which is all that is needed to stop the move.

Senate Judiciary Chair Sen. Richard J. Durbin, D-Ill., said on the floor that the court faces an “ethical crisis of its own design,” and cited more than a year of stories about the justices, including trips and other gifts taken by Justices Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Clarence Thomas that were not disclosed under federal ethics law.


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b555b2 No.21013141


The question she SHOULD'VE asked:

Were you Vaccinated?

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1394bb No.21013142


But somehow you are on the internet?

Are they hot?

Maybe I'll be their hostage instead?

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c1794b No.21013143

File: 7ed212e6a52438f⋯.png (1.07 MB,1462x821,1462:821,ClipboardImage.png)



It's already old news here, but saw the KEK and hit the print screen KEY.

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da16e6 No.21013144

File: b448d992fe9399f⋯.png (134.01 KB,923x826,923:826,ClipboardImage.png)


>one who has been threatening to kill the Board Owner and take over the boardI'm here WAY too much.

And I still manage to miss all the drama like that.

But I generally happen to be here for the interesting parts.

Like picrel

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5351c1 No.21013145


I seen't the kinda posts they're talking about here this past weekend.

Same 24 hour BO do this or else timeline.

Vague threats and nothing on the scoreboard is no way to go through QR life, Anon.

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10591b No.21013146

File: 1f1453753c881ec⋯.png (468.55 KB,1088x864,34:27,sus.png)

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13b388 No.21013147




Find the link.

Look around.

What does it signify?


Operation Merlin (tech).

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287fad No.21013148


sauce is for articles and news.

I told you my observations.

my post is the sauce.

it's an original source.


How do I know if you are the same one?

I didn't say you were.

what exactly is needing sauce?

thus you prove yourself a newbie shill and a clumsy debater.

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f6a9f7 No.21013149

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,0f1716d68cf.png)

File: 88c2e6706baa21b⋯.jpg (57.48 KB,500x500,1:1,88c2e6706baa21ba37c8268960….jpg)

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)

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8c0f70 No.21013150

File: b3e62d72d408536⋯.png (17.44 KB,255x191,255:191,1152d54d397e478ef567c60ba4….png)


Lol they are still trying to fig it out, The Irony of it Is we are the failsafe

We control every fiber of reality

We operate in a dimension you can't endorse

They have chosen to do the right thing


Nothing past that point was done lawfully


We decided to recover it

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da16e6 No.21013151


>Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., objected to the request, which is all that is needed to stop the move

they always choose one of the nasty ones who everyone hates to do these things

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d2e9a4 No.21013152

File: 361a9d001869708⋯.png (407.43 KB,826x504,59:36,26697101_E944_46D9_88ED_91….png)

Are you ready for the DOX Party???

Any suggestions on a day???

“F riends and F amily” Trash Party!

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13b388 No.21013153


No, I'm not pretending anything. We are on-boarding Anons (again) into the CLOUD where the Hive Mind is located. The On-Boarding is being performed in a series of Test Runs before CLAS +relay (Relay of Classified Items) to Anons officially can begin.

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1394bb No.21013154


In previous breads, available at the top of this one in the listed notables and the mighty Previously Collected

Find them yourself

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ca4dd9 No.21013155

File: 57dbc047f42f5f1⋯.jpg (75.46 KB,787x589,787:589,PIG_MEME_PRAY.jpg)

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1b8873 No.21013156

File: 30d1410aed4dfa0⋯.png (372.71 KB,977x694,977:694,b642353.PNG)

President Biden nominates Assistant U.S. Attorney Laura Provinzino as Minnesota Federal Judge

(Undated) – President Joe Biden is nominating a veteran federal prosecutor as the state's next federal judge.

He chose Assistant U.S. Attorney Laura Provinzino to replace Wilhemina Wright, who retired earlier this year.

She was selected from a short list of candidates sent by Senators Amy Klobuchar and Tina Smith.

Provinzio is a St. Cloud native.

She also received the Attorney General's David Margolis Award, the top honor the Justice Department gives its employees.


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287fad No.21013157


you are transparently a shill using buzz phrases acting as if you are in the know.

'hive mind?'


where 'hive mind is located'

what does that even mean?

if there were such a thing it would be located in people's minds, distributed between them.

did you just get this job?

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d5a94d No.21013158

COMMS will only confirm authorized Operators such as ON_Board now.

Less than 10.

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5351c1 No.21013159


Any hot chicks gonna be at this CLOUD party?

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13b388 No.21013160


I am Operator2. I was there. And you're lying.

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da16e6 No.21013161

File: ffc1de9360ae672⋯.png (378.12 KB,820x554,410:277,tranime_bread_titles_are_r….png)


> I don't even use a persona

<knows what "using a persona" is though

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f6a9f7 No.21013162


no point arguing with a shill

prolly AI anyways

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13b388 No.21013163

Anons, we have work to do. Time is flying and we have work to do. This is a Spiritual War.

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1b8873 No.21013164

File: f23495e9a6baa9f⋯.png (638.69 KB,1047x660,349:220,7n63734635.PNG)

Angola pens a new military agreement with the US as Washington attempts to increase its influence in Africa

A military cooperation agreement signed last week by Angola and the US will “allow closer logistical assistance between the armed forces” of the two countries.

Tressa Guenov, US principal deputy assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, and Afonso Carlos Neto, Angolan secretary of state for material resources and infrastructure of the ministry of defence, signed the agreement at the first meeting of the US-Angola Joint Defense Committee in Washington DC.

The two countries will also pursue a closer security relationship, a point of discussion for the next meeting of the committee, scheduled for 2025 in Luanda.

[See more: The US and Angola have finalised a US$1.3 billion infrastructure investment deal]

The two-day meeting was announced last week during a visit by Angola’s defence minister João Ernesto dos Santos to the Pentagon, where he met with his US counterpart, Lloyd Austin.

Ernesto dos Santos noted that the geopolitical area in which Angola is located requires special attention due to the deep historical, geographic, economic and cultural complexities of the communities it encompasses.


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c1794b No.21013165

File: 7beadfde61c43f4⋯.png (759.33 KB,665x3402,95:486,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e5075912ecc862⋯.png (520.24 KB,783x442,783:442,ClipboardImage.png)

New Dutch cabinet to have 29 members, five ministers for PVV

The new Dutch cabinet will comprise 29 ministers and junior ministers, nine of them appointed by the far-right PVV, party leaders have confirmed.

Geert Wilders’s party will take charge of the newly created ministry for asylum and migration as well as the ministries of health, infrastructure and economic affairs.

The right-wing liberal VVD has retained the justice ministry, which is being vacated by party leader Dilan Yesilgöz, and will appoint the ministers for finance and defence. It will also take charge of an expanded climate portfolio that includes “green growth”.

NSC, led by Pieter Omtzigt, will have the ministries of home affairs and foreign affairs, with career diplomat Casper Veldkamp expected to take the latter post, as well as education and social affairs.

The farmers’ party BBB will have both the minister and junior minister in the department of agriculture, which will include fisheries in its title for the first time in 21 years, as well as the housing ministry. Former junior minister Mona Keijzer has been earmarked for the latter role.

Although the parties agreed at an earlier stage to form a “programme cabinet”, with half the posts filled by non-political appointees, in practice only prime minister-elect Dick Schoof is unaffiliated with any party. moar 1stpicrel - 2ndpic posted bc of Geert Wilder's tie color


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99e5ce No.21013166

File: e5b9450bd0bb96e⋯.png (186.82 KB,300x300,1:1,orly2.png)


It's irrelevant whether or not you believe. The ones that need to know whether or not it's true already know. You desperately want to muddy the waters about an individual here, and at 3 posts I suspect you're just AEI doubtfagging again after an IP hop, or his shill buttbuddy that he reminisces with about the glory days on halfchan. If not, then apologies, but you're focusing on one individual that's very vocal against the deep state shills assigned here. If you're on the line with someone like that, that's willing to combat the deep state idiots, then why would you try to create doubt about him? That doesn't make sense now, does it?

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e5b2ca No.21013167

File: 5b85bd9db4821b2⋯.jpg (614.15 KB,1024x1024,1:1,5b85bd9db4821b2786cabb2818….jpg)




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b3dc76 No.21013168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

FULL SPEECH: President Donald J. Trump Holds a Rally in Las Vegas, NV - 6/9/24


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5351c1 No.21013169

File: 99f9aa3ebc4bb72⋯.png (338.28 KB,900x900,1:1,1682798483748624.png)


Tranny Bakes are like a once a month thing now.

Even Tranime is mailing it in these days.

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13b388 No.21013170


There always have been. The CLOUD is where this SHIP is. The CLOUD - artificial dimension.

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1394bb No.21013171


You are exposed

Same phrasing of the previous bullshit where you tried to dominate an entire bread. The bread that BVs showed up and nuked your bullshit

Not sure if you are alphabet fraud or just DOAR faggot, but you are not here to support anons or this movement

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d5a94d No.21013172

Time to fight again.

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cb5f09 No.21013173


>A woman is now in custody following an armed standoff inside the Seattle FBI building, according to KIRO 7 News.

In B4 adams apple pic surfaces.

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13b388 No.21013174


I never said it was not me. Clown….

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5351c1 No.21013176


>There always have been.


I might stop by.

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f6a9f7 No.21013177


you must be a newfag

they are here every day after day after day, always with the same bs

stick around and you´ll see

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1b8873 No.21013179

File: bd7744b9a86a9ef⋯.png (558.5 KB,967x690,967:690,7n3464643n53.PNG)

File: 57678d65c7e98b4⋯.png (796.36 KB,780x519,260:173,7mrn76357635.PNG)

The Trump campaign opens a new outreach office in a heavily Latino part of Pennsylvania

READING, Pa. (AP) — The pastor opened with a prayer in Spanish, asking that the Lord’s spirit and guidance direct the proceedings without offering an English translation. Most of the around 50 attendees were white and weren’t appearing to follow along, though they knew enough to sing out “Amen!” at the end.

Thus began former President Donald Trump ‘s campaign teaming up with the Republican National Committee and Pennsylvania GOP to open a “Latino Americans for Trump” office Wednesday in the town of Reading.

“We believe in the American Dream and the only way to obtain the American Dream is working hard,” Luis Fortuno, the former governor of Puerto Rico, told the same crowd. For the smaller group of Spanish speakers present, he followed with remarks that leaned heavily on the theme of “Necesitamos cambio” — Spanish for “We need change.”


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fa36b5 No.21013180


PB/LB you absolute faggot

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287fad No.21013181



are you an AI.

you are senseless like an AI repeating phrases as if no one knows what it is, when everyone does.

are you going to ask for sauce again?

Alice doesn't live here anymore.

No AI need apply.

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13b388 No.21013182

Clowns, deny your little hearts out if you wish. It changes nothing, stops nothing. Anons value Right over Wrong, and Clowns do not. Clowns cannot learn COMMS for this reason. They cannot distinguish Left from Right.

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5351c1 No.21013183


>can vouch

This is true.

You did not do that.

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4312ea No.21013184

File: db441fcad53318f⋯.jpg (73.77 KB,959x1035,959:1035,media_GP4AY6hXoAEuDhG.jpg)

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da16e6 No.21013185

File: 87b8e49f6075bf8⋯.png (50.86 KB,427x375,427:375,child_molestation_by_race.png)


>29 ministers and junior ministers, nine of them appointed by the far-right PVV

9/29 = 31%.

A third is not "far" anything.

You have to reject these brainwashing buried premises EVERY time or you are condemning others to their brainwashing

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13b388 No.21013186


Can you read? The date? Hello? Reading is fundamental.

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e5b2ca No.21013187

File: ecc1a8b75fe680a⋯.jpg (177.99 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_20_1….jpg)

File: 0be92bbbd202895⋯.png (428.72 KB,640x856,80:107,752_5_.png)

File: 3c20b72bfef936e⋯.png (268.83 KB,640x1988,160:497,1952_2_.png)



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a4cec8 No.21013188

File: 748e0e69bba1a15⋯.png (169.57 KB,850x400,17:8,Subdue_Enemy_without_Fight….png)

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1b8873 No.21013189

File: 6cd122411efe91c⋯.png (1.1 MB,1368x666,76:37,7nbyeryyner.PNG)

File: ce2136b98c40655⋯.jpg (79.6 KB,830x415,2:1,76n346b4654.jpg)

Biden’s DHS Released ISIS-Linked Migrant into U.S. After They Crossed The Southern Border.

A Tajikistani migrant connected to the Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist group was released into the United States by Joe Biden‘s Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The individual is among a group of foreign nationals apprehended in Los Angeles, Philadelphia, and New York City during a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) anti-terrorism operation.

The Tajik migrant entered the U.S. through the southern border and is believed to have been vetted by federal law enforcement. Initial screenings did not reveal ties between the Tajik migrant and ISIS. They were subsequently released into the U.S. interior and assigned a court date in 2025 to appear before a federal immigration judge. However, subsequent investigations raised concerns, prompting action by the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force.


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99e5ce No.21013190

File: 63d180cccfedd53⋯.png (34.53 KB,510x546,85:91,40kcoffee.png)


Yeah, because only smart people like you know what a persona is and how to use it, right, AEI?

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1071f3 No.21013191

File: 9dfe5d77cfbe5fb⋯.jpeg (120.08 KB,682x499,682:499,95B9B689_C96F_45BA_8105_C….jpeg)

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13b388 No.21013192


>stop by

1 AM EST. We fight as One. Hating Evil is the only per-requesite.

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fa36b5 No.21013193


That's not how it's done here. It's done by LB/PB. Lurk moar faggot

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ca4dd9 No.21013194

File: 846c63a68a7ca03⋯.gif (2.24 MB,500x284,125:71,THE_SHILL_GAME.gif)

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10591b No.21013195

File: 4b853401b44f857⋯.gif (22.5 KB,1024x768,4:3,fCxpYSN.gif)

i donut like aei


i like you more than aei

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f96271 No.21013196

File: d1efc2eba2ff28d⋯.png (243.89 KB,900x900,1:1,1577305587997.png)


Momiji is not affiliated with Tranime faggot baker.

Please cease and desist or you will be sent to AWOO jail.

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d5a94d No.21013197


We are in it.

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b555b2 No.21013199


They're not sending their brightest

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8be069 No.21013200

File: 6f2f568c46350f6⋯.png (350.47 KB,593x504,593:504,kash.PNG)



Kash Patel


Fake news on fire with new disninfo beauty… the two tier system of justice they built aint over, not by a lot



Jun 12, 2024, 10:39 AM

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16df86 No.21013201

File: aaa10f990b6f38e⋯.png (406.32 KB,640x360,16:9,aaa10f990b6f38e7cc040decc2….png)

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4312ea No.21013202

File: f78db3057a5acb7⋯.png (226.25 KB,549x264,183:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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13b388 No.21013203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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e5b2ca No.21013204

File: 97e0a77169a525e⋯.jpg (224.42 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_12_20_2….jpg)

File: 8c064f36663edc8⋯.png (365.31 KB,602x265,602:265,GP4ZXxoWkAAbihq.png)

File: 362df154b8cc89e⋯.jpeg (232.01 KB,1038x693,346:231,GP4Zm5bWEAAoKBY.jpeg)

File: 5da0148b36c5baf⋯.png (88.13 KB,640x802,320:401,473.png)

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5cf20a No.21013205

File: fbd90b081ffb248⋯.png (1.92 MB,2870x1556,1435:778,2024_06_12_12_47_53.png)


>Senate Democrats attempted to pass a bill on Supreme Court ethics Wednesday but were blocked by Republicans who argue the measure targets conservative justices.

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795042 No.21013207

according to msmsatanworshipers the fight for decency and democracy is primarily focused on God fearing Christians who love America.

instead of getting off the crack and sex addiction - evil unchecked seeks empathy

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a6cb4c No.21013208

File: caec659bf99ed0c⋯.png (47.03 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


filtered the chinky pig fucker.

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99e5ce No.21013209


Nope. But that is the best they can send.

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fac3e9 No.21013210


Trump guilty verdict fallout

Expect a torrent

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d5a94d No.21013211



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97fd00 No.21013212

FBI is in the thread.

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5351c1 No.21013213

File: 48d5b1104d559a3⋯.png (767.15 KB,1000x1000,1:1,1682798449624095.png)


I feel ya.

It's just that the biggest Awoo'er on QR has always been in love with Tranime.

But, I know, not all Awoos are like that.

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38f32f No.21013214



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f94a0b No.21013215

File: ff627715e86c248⋯.png (2.85 MB,2446x1458,1223:729,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_8….png)

Fifth Medication Prescribed to Covenant Killer Audrey Hale was an Anti-Anxiety Drug Associated with ‘Mania, Hostility’ and ‘Irritability’


A photograph of medication bottles prescribed to Covenant School killer Audrey Elizabeth Hale reveals she was given a fifth, previously unknown prescription. This is in addition to the four medications previously reported by The Tennessee Star.

The image of the prescription bottles, obtained by The Star from a source familiar with the Covenant investigation, depicts four orange, semi-transparent prescription bottles with blue lids and white labels. All of the bottles are prescribed to Audrey E. Hale and bear the name of a psychiatric nurse practitioner who runs a practice based in Nashville.

An additional image of a receipt suggests at least one medication was prescribed by a Nashville psychiatrist who also operates his own practice.

The third and fourth prescription bottles bear the names of medications The Star reported after obtaining the Metro Nashville Police Department (MNPD) affidavit used to obtain a search warrant for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC), where Hale was a 22-year mental health patient.

However, the second prescription bottle is labeled Lorazepam 0.5MG, which is also known as Ativan, an anti-anxiety medication.

Hale was not previously known to be taking this medication, and the partially visible instructions shown on the prescription bottle in the photograph suggest Hale took one tablet daily.

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ca4dd9 No.21013216

File: 8c41493e3fcd5e0⋯.jpg (76.23 KB,582x596,291:298,U_ALWAYS_SAY_THAT.jpg)

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99e5ce No.21013217

File: 251066c160fbe5e⋯.jpg (55.79 KB,520x500,26:25,hello_fellow_anon.jpg)


And the failfag mimic reveals himself. His irrational hatred and calling Mr. Pig Chinese for the past 4 months outs him every time.

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731469 No.21013218

File: 3b413a808a6657c⋯.png (331.82 KB,1080x970,108:97,9758750042.png)

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cb5f09 No.21013219

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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13b388 No.21013220


Operator1 said one of (you) wore CAMO to the Test2 last week.

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da16e6 No.21013221

File: 92bfc47e8afa164⋯.png (312.76 KB,526x525,526:525,pharma_heroin.png)


you slipped it out

not something that's regularly on my mind

from time to time I realize these faggots play persona games…

pig, tranime, ebot are personas

your smoking pepe character is a "light persona", an identification

no different from doge or gerbil or OSS

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8be069 No.21013222

File: 3967fd785376d74⋯.png (350.71 KB,598x726,299:363,far.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


WOW 🚨 California Native Jillian Michaels Explains Why She Left The State

“California got too crazy for me — You've lost your f*cking mind —We're gonna pass a law for LGBTQ rights so that 24 year old men can sleep with 14 year old boys and not have to register as a sex offender because it's just not fair to the gays. I'm like, I what?”

“Some of these laws that are passing here are absolutely f*cking mind boggling in relation to crime, protecting our kids.”

“I don't know if you saw that one. That was, like, I think early 2020 when they passed that law.”

— I was like, if a 24 year old man touches my 14 year old son, I will get a gun. Yes. Craig Hatterstein in my own hands. Yes. Are you f*cking kidding?”

“Or the fact that a 12 year old child can be put on off label cancer drugs to irreparably change their body.

Again, if my son came to me and said, mom, my daughter, I think I'm trans. I'd say, okay. You know? You wanna dress this way? What do you want me to call you? Whatever the heck you want me to fine. Explore it. I love you. I'm cool.

Do you as long as we're safe, but we're not changing your body until it's fully developed. I'm sorry. Conversation's over. Can't get a f*cking tattoo. Exactly. Crazy.

It's insane. Like, I just can't It's, it's madness. It's madness to me. I could go on and on and on, and it's madness.”

“When I leave California, maybe you've lost your f*cking mind, Just maybe. Like when you when you have me running from home, maybe it's gone way too far.”

You need to watch this whole thing this is nuts. The radical Democrats have lost their minds.

0:54 / 3:24

11:11 AM · Jun 12, 2024




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fac3e9 No.21013223

Re port


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822a7f No.21013224


>where the Hive Mind is located

Whose terminology is that? Not Q.

More like Operation Stargate stuff.

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e18399 No.21013225

Photoshop alternative:


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b3dc76 No.21013226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did the fake-news actually do a wonderful report on President Donald J. Trump's visit to Los Angeles for his campaign fundraising tour??? Why didn't the fake-news spin this story? What was their intention behind this news story, do you think?


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d5a94d No.21013227

We promised to LITE UP BO.

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99e5ce No.21013228


The shills obviously think they're losing on optics when they bust out the CP. Poor bastards. One global report is filed in less than 30 seconds. Not even a distraction anymoar.

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0a8afc No.21013229



>Terraform set to pay $4.47 billion in settlement to the SEC over lawsuit

notable baker

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a6cb4c No.21013230

File: a41323a875a5f37⋯.png (863.04 KB,734x613,734:613,ClipboardImage.png)


filtered chinky 2nd string.

you were not here last night when anon baited him and got him to reveal itself.

a reminder meme

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97fd00 No.21013231


Vote Harder.

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fac3e9 No.21013232

File: 999a7e32fbeced2⋯.jpeg (137.75 KB,500x773,500:773,download_15.jpeg)

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287fad No.21013233


a lot of people are realizing that the Biden's a marxists and infiltrators and out to destroy America?

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8be069 No.21013234

File: 91b7b4213fff492⋯.png (2.05 MB,1780x764,445:191,hard.PNG)



Colorado’s Weed Market Is Coming Down Hard and It’s Making Other States Nervous

Businesses are shuttering or laying off workers as sales have plunged by $700 million.

By Mona Zhang

06/09/2024 07:00 AM EDT

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da16e6 No.21013235

File: 121232bd21f4ea8⋯.jpg (873.59 KB,3000x2040,25:17,ron_paul_kek.jpg)


funny meme!

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a09cfe No.21013236


Love it.

Stole it.

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13b388 No.21013237


>stop by

I was gone for several months. When I returned, I saw Anons - GOOD ANONS - getting their throats stomped on by Clowns here. Very poorly treated by Clowns here. Vile.

We began cleaning the board at that time, which was 1 year ago.

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e5b2ca No.21013238

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4312ea No.21013239

File: a4bc0df6dbaf61c⋯.png (365.8 KB,745x528,745:528,a4bc0df6dbaf61ccf4e24f202e….png)

File: 25eb127732e7d64⋯.png (34.17 KB,621x288,69:32,ClipboardImage.png)


Insider Paper



BREAKING: There is no emergency situation going on aboard the International Space Station, NASA says

Jun 13, 2024 · 12:24 AM UTC


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16df86 No.21013240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

cp fag has no power here

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38f32f No.21013241

File: 7cd8642dc7d6a8c⋯.png (106.99 KB,470x548,235:274,ClipboardImage.png)

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1b8873 No.21013242

File: cd1cae7e623420f⋯.png (1.28 MB,1076x680,269:170,7n2546b23634.PNG)

“Hunter Biden’s Secret Service protection will remain unchanged despite today’s judicial outcome,”

After his conviction on three felony firearm charges, Hunter Biden departed federal court in Delaware with the Secret Service detail he is provided as the son of a sitting president.

“Hunter Biden’s Secret Service protection will remain unchanged despite today’s judicial outcome,” Anthony Guglielmi, chief of communications for the U.S. Secret Service, told The Daily Beast.


The Secret Service is not required to protect the children of a sitting president who are over 16, but has traditionally done so. Hunter Biden—whose Secret Servicecodename is “Captain”will almost certainly still have the detail when he returns to court for sentencing, which is expected to be in about 120 days. And if he gets time in federal prison—the Secret Service will be faced with the question of how to protect someone who is behind bars

Should Biden lose the upcoming election while his son is incarcerated, Hunter could lose his detail, though the former supervisor figures that Trump would likely extend the protection, any grudges aside. The Secret Service will remain obligated to protect Trump as a former president no matter what the outcome.


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97fd00 No.21013243


Move along pwoplw. Nothing to see here.

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5351c1 No.21013244



And that should have happened by now since the OG 24 hours has already come and gone.

Ya kinda have to come through with threats.

That's how it works.

Otherwise you're just schizo sperging at this point.

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d5a94d No.21013245

Foe tested Diplomacy waters. Big Tell.


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822a7f No.21013246


>said one of (you) wore CAMO to the Test2 last week.

What are the chances? I mean nobody but nobody in Murica has any clothing with camo do they?

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38f32f No.21013247


1632 touche encore une fois

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8be069 No.21013248

File: ca291e4af8dbed0⋯.png (1.1 MB,1035x873,115:97,jor.PNG)


Ignore The Polls. Republicans Have A Major

Voter Turnout Problem

The Federalist, by Shawn Fleetwood

Posted By: JoElla Bee, 6/12/2024 7:47:55 PM

If you read nothing but posts from conservative influencers on X, you’d be convinced that Donald Trump has already won the 2024 election.[Snip] While it’s certainly possible the polls are accurate, the outcome of recent elections should give conservatives reason to pump the brakes on celebrating before any ballots have been cast. Case in point: A special election held in Ohio’s 6th Congressional District on Tuesday.[Snip] While Rulli defeated Kripchak in Tuesday’s matchup and expanded Republicans’ thin House majority, the election was much closer than originally predicted. Preliminary results indicate Rulli won the race by 9.4 points — a more than 20-point shift in Democrats favor.

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a6cb4c No.21013249

File: 7c3c47c19b21b6d⋯.png (345.31 KB,620x258,310:129,ClipboardImage.png)


thanks for the update.


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2919c9 No.21013250


space pirates confirmed

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2ce207 No.21013251

File: f3bd11ee51637d6⋯.png (953.66 KB,936x581,936:581,ClipboardImage.png)

Entrapment in play as appeals court looks at plot to kidnap Michigan governor

By ED WHITE Updated 11:41 AM EDT, June 12, 2024

DETROIT (AP) — An appeals court is raising major questions about the trial of two key figures in a plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor — and putting federal prosecutors on the defensive as the government tries to preserve the extraordinary guilty verdicts.After hearing arguments in May, the court took the uncommon step of asking for more written briefs on the impact of a trial judge’s decision to bar evidence that might have supported claims of entrapment made by Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr.

Fox and Croft are in prison for leading a conspiracy to try to snatch Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in 2020. Prosecutors said a ragtag band of antigovernmental extremists had hoped that an abduction at her vacation home would spark a civil war around the same time as the presidential election.

Defense attorneys wanted jurors to see more communications between FBI handlers, undercover agents and paid informants who had fooled Fox and Croft and got inside the group. They argued that any plan to kidnap Whitmer was repeatedly pushed by those government actors.

But at the 2022 trial, U.S. District Judge Robert Jonker greatly restricted the use of certain text messages and audio recordings under his interpretation of evidence rules.“Trials are about telling your story, giving your narrative, trying to persuade,” Croft’s appellate lawyer, Timothy Sweeney, told the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which posts audio on its website.

“When you’re denied the ability to use the rules of evidence where they benefit you, that is an unfair trial. .This case needs to be reversed and sent back for a new trial for that reason,” Sweeney said. He might have Judge Joan Larsen on his side. She was the most aggressive on the three-judge panel, at one point seeming incredulous with the government’s stance on an important legal precedent at play in the appeal.

“Oh, come on,” she told Assistant U.S. Attorney Nils Kessler. “Really?”Larsen said defense lawyers wanted jurors to see that “government informants were just pounding” Fox and Croft. “Make a plan, make a plan, make a plan — you’re just sitting around. You’re all talk, you’re no action, make a plan,” she said. “Surely that’s relevant.” Kessler said any error by Jonker to keep out certain messages was harmless.

“They were talking about doing this before they ever met the informants,” he said. “Adam Fox said we need to take our tyrants as hostages two weeks before he had ever met a government informant. Barry Croft had been talking about it much longer.”

Lawyers met a Monday deadline to file additional briefs. Sweeney and co-counsel Steven Nolder said there were dozens of examples of excluded evidence that could have bolstered an entrapment defense. The error “infested the entire trial,” they said in asking to have the convictions thrown out.

Kessler, however, said Fox and Croft didn’t need to be egged on by informants or undercover agents. He noted that weapons and bomb-making material were discovered after the FBI broke up the operation with arrests in October 2020. Whitmer, a Democrat, was never physically harmed.

The jury would not have been convinced that “Fox or Croft were ‘pushed’ against their will into conspiring to use explosives or conspiring to kidnap the governor,” Kessler said. It’s not known when the appeals court will release an opinion. Another issue for the court is an allegation of juror bias.

Prosecutors had a mixed record in the overall investigation: There were five acquittals among 14 people charged in state or federal court. Fox, 41, and Croft, 48, were convicted at a second trial after a jury at the first trial couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict.


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287fad No.21013252

"Biden’s Department of Justice Says AG Merrick Garland Immune from Prosecution for Contempt of Congress"


"no Ukraingarch can ever be prosecuted. "

why don't they just say that?

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9cf346 No.21013253

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)

Anons winning

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da16e6 No.21013254

File: f1ba4bf8feb7446⋯.gif (1.42 MB,450x253,450:253,shocked_5.gif)


>California got too crazy for me

Welcome to 1997 bro.

We're in 2024 now and we don't give a fuck about your retarded ass anymore.

Many of us want to see your shit blown into the sea

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13b388 No.21013255

Reflect. Compare this board, last year this time, to now - Nature of Content.

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e5b2ca No.21013256


with body armor and heavy guns. belt fed

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ca4dd9 No.21013258

File: de0c9210048d085⋯.jpg (135.8 KB,625x684,625:684,ANGRY_PARAKEET.jpg)

File: cff6fbab66cb55a⋯.jpg (163.2 KB,575x635,115:127,EFFECTIVE_LURES_FOR_FLY_FI….jpg)



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8be069 No.21013259

File: 41c3396b96e1773⋯.png (408.23 KB,670x712,335:356,3.PNG)


Biden’s #3 Man at DOJ Resigned to Join

Alvin Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team on

November 18,2022

Breitbart Politics, by Bradley Jaye

Posted By: Imright, 6/12/2024 7:19:31 PM

President Joe Biden’s third-highest-ranking Department of Justice official quit to join the Manhattan office investigating Donald Trump on November 18, 2022 – only three days after Trump announced his 2024 run and the same day Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed special counsel Jack Smith, and White House attorneys met for eight-hours with Nathan Wade. The seismic timeline now revealed to begin with actions by White House officials on that single day – which revived and accelerated cases against Trump in Manhattan, Washington, Atlanta, and Florida – undermines the Biden White House’s denial of involvement in the lawfare against the former president.

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287fad No.21013260


you weren't here last year.

you showed up today.

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fac3e9 No.21013261


Also breaking

Prince william had nothing to do that guy's suicide


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13b388 No.21013262

When I first returned.. Clowns running the board were deleting TRUTH posts by POTUS, from every bread, en mass. Vile.

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f94a0b No.21013263

File: b62cf8eab1c2615⋯.png (1.4 MB,1180x1026,590:513,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_8….png)

File: 56fccff5bca2635⋯.jpeg (540.85 KB,2623x1511,2623:1511,GP6am6_WUAEz3Qk.jpeg)

USS Augusta (LCS 34) Independence-variant littoral combat ship coming into San Diego - June 12, 2024 #ussaugusta #lcs34

SRC: webcam


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8be069 No.21013264

File: 54fd878148c4aef⋯.png (1002.22 KB,559x883,559:883,day.PNG)




So Baldwin posts on 6/10 talking about Hollywood being infiltrated while referencing ghosts.

6/12 Is National Ghost In The Machine day.

June 12, 2018 - Drop 1490: “Ghost CON Active”

Baldwin posts about ghosts infiltrating Hollywood 2 days ahead of Ghost In The Machine day, which so happens to hit the Delta for Drop 1490 which states that ghosts are active.

Must be a coincidence 👀.

I will be posting a video further expanding on both tweets shortly.


11:25 AM · Jun 12, 2024




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38f32f No.21013265


but we prepare for dark comms in all the traditional places

backholes are important

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287fad No.21013266


no one cares, faker

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99e5ce No.21013267

I don't hate you, shills. I don't even have hard feelings toward you. I see an end to the war and what then? Everyone will have to get along. My grandparents were on opposite sides in WW2, so I can see a future where I could share a fence with you. But that's not good enough for you, is it? You want domination and control and I'm afraid that's going to happen and what little control you have will be removed in good time. Maybe try again in a couple thousand years.

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ffa3a9 No.21013268

File: dd7d7d0b75134c7⋯.png (107.46 KB,510x332,255:166,ClipboardImage.png)


What an odd thing to say

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13b388 No.21013269


You care.. otherwise, you would ignore.

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fa134c No.21013270

File: 06390ea23cc1708⋯.jpg (382.41 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_173216….jpg)


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e5b2ca No.21013271

File: 99e1fc34c24d241⋯.png (82.68 KB,640x708,160:177,1632_2_.png)

File: be22df7b034b08a⋯.png (242.54 KB,640x1612,160:403,2912.png)

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e6807e No.21013272

File: 68ad6424d05bcf6⋯.mp4 (10.84 MB,480x852,40:71,California_Native_Jillian_….mp4)

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640781 No.21013273

File: 8cb1e22def4fb60⋯.png (13.53 KB,864x629,864:629,FZIaP1MUUAAkuax.png)


Who said there was?

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da16e6 No.21013274

File: 8cb057f248b4f32⋯.png (10.21 KB,484x285,484:285,ClipboardImage.png)


It's interesting to see how real Q kept taking the trip back

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b555b2 No.21013275


Makes me think there's an emergency situation onboard the international space station

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8be069 No.21013276

File: 325b68435eac971⋯.png (220.16 KB,599x605,599:605,rec.PNG)




Doug Weinstein, lawyer for Yak Gotti, filed a motion to recuse Judge Glanville.

“Don’t you want to get rid of the cloud above the case right now?”

Judge Glanville instantly denies it and refuses to issue a certificate of immediate review for another judge to look at it.

9:09 AM · Jun 12, 2024




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287fad No.21013277


my role is often the obviation of shills which you would know if you really had ever been here.

of course I don't fame fag so there is that, so may be you wouldn't know.

look if you are what you pretend to be you're doing a good job of not being it.

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d5a94d No.21013278

Operations are to strengthen Anons.

Operators are here to serve Anons.

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5351c1 No.21013279



Yeah, not so much, KEK.

This is the SSDD era of QR that pretty much launched right after Biden took the POTUS oath back in Jan 2021.

Y/Y stats here don't work no moar.

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a6cb4c No.21013280

File: 029c0b3ae1bc0f4⋯.png (40.47 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1394bb No.21013281


>stick around and you´ll see

Been around

seent it

called it out many a time

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e5b2ca No.21013282


gonna need civilian work soon.

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38f32f No.21013283

File: 8748217a558b5ec⋯.png (332.35 KB,464x1323,464:1323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2781af90363e4b1⋯.png (265.66 KB,464x850,232:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84eb8da16564c05⋯.png (90.67 KB,325x396,325:396,ClipboardImage.png)



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822a7f No.21013284


Memory is bad now. When did HiveMind tm get told to BTFO?

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b3dc76 No.21013285

File: 6589ff7a7e9304f⋯.jpg (80.51 KB,600x400,3:2,God_bless_America_ship.jpg)

File: 44ce3ce4f1e3d36⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,3000x2143,3000:2143,America_The_Beautiful_.jpg)

>USS Augusta (LCS 34) Independence-variant littoral combat ship coming into San Diego - June 12, 2024 #ussaugusta #lcs34

>SRC: webcam



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4312ea No.21013286

File: 865f2cb9f709454⋯.png (209.07 KB,632x516,158:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8adb575b4f5d362⋯.png (1.09 MB,1024x768,4:3,fake_nasa_by_bushidoki_dao….png)








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7ff770 No.21013287


The only thing Anon has learned is that it can and always does get worse.

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13b388 No.21013288


Forget all the gore and bloody CP? Gone.

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fac3e9 No.21013289

File: d6a3342cb4016b5⋯.jpg (116.5 KB,561x785,561:785,Screenshot_20240525_222849….jpg)

They never thought she would lose.

Pretty sure when the uppity liberals, taught to ran, start to wake up

Then we'll see a shift like no other

And they will eat their own. Peacefully

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9cf346 No.21013290

I love that the insecure board personality shills make memes to project that all opposition against them is a single Anon or shill. Pretty sad really. Great to reveal their projection tactics though.

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ffa3a9 No.21013291


Russian Ships only showed up on our Coast

AFTER Biden approved Ukraine firing American Weapons into Russia

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f6a9f7 No.21013292

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e49159 No.21013293

File: ecaa18efd5d360c⋯.png (497.44 KB,800x1100,8:11,vote_out_the_elite_1.png)

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5cf20a No.21013294

File: 10b64a95c58d9bd⋯.png (1.37 MB,1122x834,187:139,BIDEN.png)

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99e5ce No.21013295

>>21013267 (me; edit: a word)

>that's going to

that's NOT going to

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2ce207 No.21013296

File: 87c999207146c22⋯.png (396.12 KB,748x624,187:156,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 600480cd0b30bf1⋯.png (205.36 KB,1185x1080,79:72,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump beating Bidan in Maine


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1394bb No.21013297


Tell me, oh minion of evil

How would you know Q tripcode was restored?

Assuming it is disabled in the first place?

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2919c9 No.21013298


oh good just the space simulator malfunctioning

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c1794b No.21013299


They all do it, it's everywhere… I don't think they have a choice. I even didn't think about it while reading it. I'm already reading over it.

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d5a94d No.21013300

Q did not sanction this Board Team. Q hates corruption. All Anons hate corruption……

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38f32f No.21013301

File: 177a529c23d790a⋯.png (87.23 KB,325x415,65:83,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dad63b6ed4fbda⋯.png (57.48 KB,470x449,470:449,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9567809026824fb⋯.png (321.12 KB,464x910,232:455,ClipboardImage.png)




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287fad No.21013302


probably they are always around, anon.

reminder: they don't tell you their plans you have no idea where their ships or personnel are.

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38f32f No.21013303


now I know that is Jim Jordan

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13b388 No.21013304

We have FUN. Shills Whine.

They are afraid. Anons are not.

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5351c1 No.21013305


>The Furber Fuckery

Yeah, that didn't go over well.

Then later the Matlock incident where it appeared Q wanted fuckery to go down.

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8be069 No.21013306

File: 346d037eee4bb16⋯.png (645.88 KB,755x610,151:122,dayz.PNG)


Ghost in the Machine Day is a philosophical and mystical holiday at the same time. On this day, we involuntarily think: is the mind separate from the body? The phrase ‘ghost in the machine’ is filled with philosophical meaning, and makes you think about the connection between body and mind.

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da16e6 No.21013307

File: a8ae9f77b3ffec6⋯.png (154.06 KB,400x400,1:1,larry_david_SNL_predators_….png)


>not all Awoos

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067bb3 No.21013308


>Q trip code.

you again?

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ca4dd9 No.21013309

File: 8447d8e1d5e94aa⋯.jpg (136.22 KB,655x468,655:468,SAME_FAILING_ENTITY.jpg)

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13b388 No.21013310


? Jim Jordan is not Less than 10.

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287fad No.21013311

Russia having Cuba and Venezuela as client states really shows that they don't walk the walk and talk the talk, doesn't it?

Russia: you support dictatorships and slave societies.

the very people you want to remove in Ukraine from power are the same type who run the countries of Venezuela and Cuba: elites who don't care about the public and live the high life at the expense of everyone else.

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640781 No.21013312

File: 5261e323b66d568⋯.png (1.32 MB,900x900,1:1,FUZYKhpUEAAPGw7.png)


Anon is just waiting for the fake aliens from the Neb-U-Elon X Galaxy kek.

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2ce207 No.21013313

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Vought Demands All Trump's 2025 Appointees Be Prepared To "Spend A Night In Jail" For Serving Nation



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38f32f No.21013314


as anon, I use no consistent persona in any metadata other than my posts contents.

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f94a0b No.21013315

File: 08422e4442bfbc9⋯.png (596.46 KB,800x438,400:219,08422e4442bfbc92cd6658966c….png)


pretty awesome

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d5a94d No.21013316

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5cf20a No.21013317

File: f8f6751a70eeae4⋯.gif (12.95 MB,593x593,1:1,biden.gif)


>Biden’s #3 Man at DOJ Resigned to Join Alvin Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team on November 18,2022

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e5b2ca No.21013318


can you fuck them

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97fd00 No.21013319


>simulation audio channel on the ground

>ongoing simulation

Why would a simulation be broadcasting on the ISS-NASA frequency?

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da16e6 No.21013320

File: 0fa033afed77d7d⋯.png (44.14 KB,1085x695,217:139,Q_passwords_matlock_etc_UN….png)


>Then later the Matlock incident where it appeared Q wanted fuckery to go down.

Hmm. Yeah I see your point.

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7d48b7 No.21013321


people growin their own

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a6cb4c No.21013322

File: f4e736b03c27c9c⋯.png (358.87 KB,860x383,860:383,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c7d23b82367c26⋯.png (643.07 KB,500x690,50:69,ClipboardImage.png)


thank you anon.

it is a idea that can catch on…

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6b0cb5 No.21013323


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8be069 No.21013324

File: c46a712ef8acde0⋯.png (22.26 KB,594x251,594:251,yatt.PNG)




Remember a few years ago when two undercover journalists exposed that Planned Parenthood was selling aborted baby body parts (A felony), and the California attorney general prosecuted the journalists and never did anything against Planned Parenthood?

The attorney general was Kamala Harris.

10:51 AM · Jun 12, 2024




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067bb3 No.21013325


why doesn't Q protest from his own board?

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9cf346 No.21013326

It's fitting the board personality shill uses rainbow text. How very faggot.

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4569b3 No.21013327


Senate is faggot for allowing this impotent political diversion. They have business to do.

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4312ea No.21013328

File: 3a4c9141b22f675⋯.jpg (220.4 KB,2488x1400,311:175,Dontpanic.jpg)



>the space simulator

Don´t panic.

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d94b4d No.21013329


What test would that be shit dick

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4deac1 No.21013330

File: 925dfbc9923234a⋯.png (132.16 KB,400x410,40:41,ancient_aliens_pepe.png)

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13b388 No.21013331

File: 285fd8140570f2d⋯.png (1.46 MB,1005x614,1005:614,WE_ARE_Q.png)


Confirmed. It will never happen for Fakes.

Less than 10.

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13b388 No.21013332

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ffa3a9 No.21013333


Why does NASA have a Simulation Audio Track?

Why was this "Simulation" Track playing?

Why was it playing when everyone was asleep?

If everyone was asleep, Who turned on the Simulation?

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10591b No.21013334

File: a64a435f6cb9fab⋯.png (98.2 KB,330x324,55:54,QCoolong.png)



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1394bb No.21013335


Too bad you faggots wouldn't make a pimple on an real operators ass

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da16e6 No.21013336

File: 5be9d6ec400406a⋯.png (205.42 KB,784x574,56:41,jon_voight_clone_of_christ….png)

File: 67a82b9f16095f2⋯.png (233.8 KB,1202x776,601:388,jon_voight_chris_walken_dr….png)

File: 5d4c41482dcf709⋯.png (82.03 KB,290x219,290:219,jon_voight_christopher_wal….png)

File: 4dd9f80dad6b438⋯.jpeg (687.58 KB,1170x622,585:311,nicole_kidman_s_dad_Dr_An….jpeg)


>Vought Demands All Trump's 2025 Appointees Be Prepared To "Spend A Night In Jail" For Serving Nation

He's magic

Be impressed

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fac3e9 No.21013337

File: 5f01142e13ae990⋯.jpg (71.78 KB,500x601,500:601,8sdar8.jpg)

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97fd00 No.21013338


Like that creepy guy winking at El BJ when he was being sworn-in on Air Force One while his predecessor was chilling in a stainless steel crate.

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13b388 No.21013339


Because he is waiting for YOU to protest HERE.

He is waiting for YOU to protest Corruption HERE.

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1b8873 No.21013340

File: ddf8a85c1f610db⋯.png (1.08 MB,1008x503,1008:503,h5ge6f6543.PNG)

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8be069 No.21013341

File: cb5d5df3cc6ed36⋯.png (1.19 MB,1353x896,1353:896,jones.PNG)


BREAKING: Infowars Archive In Danger



Jun 12, 2024


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ffa3a9 No.21013342


The Nail in the Coffin

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da16e6 No.21013343

File: 710ca1f896cbc81⋯.png (34.26 KB,934x826,467:413,TRAVERSABLE_WORMHOLES_STAR….png)

File: b4108806174b19c⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,900x900,1:1,TRUMP_BREAKING_THE_CHAINS.jpg)

File: baf06c58586ec98⋯.jpeg (248.86 KB,890x1030,89:103,TRUMP_CIA_COLUMNS.jpeg)

File: a5e56733766af1d⋯.png (1.41 MB,1024x1024,1:1,trump_city.png)


aw. How nice.

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067bb3 No.21013344


>Operators are here to serve anons

Seems like those here only to "serve anons" always end up serving themselves…..

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d94b4d No.21013345


How we gonna protest here oh wise one. Please lay it out for us low IQ Morans

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2919c9 No.21013346

File: 89dd1261700b68a⋯.png (18.94 KB,946x637,946:637,ukhtgfjdouhrlpwkisaghtjr.png)

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38f32f No.21013347


kek - strongly worded letter reference

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640781 No.21013348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe if they have jagons?

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13b388 No.21013349

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8be069 No.21013350

File: 6b8756d53db5032⋯.png (214.46 KB,590x781,590:781,cern.PNG)




This is one of the wickedest things I’ve seen from a judge. The federal judge mocks the religious views of a 74 year old grandmother. This needs Senate overnight and impeachment proceedings.


Julie Kelly 🇺🇸




Replying to @julie_kelly2

Kotelly sentenced Harlow to 24 months in prison.

At the end of the hearing, Kotelly advised Harlow to honor the "tenets" of her religion and not die in jail.

Make no mistake–this wasn't a compassionate comment, it was a warning made by an activist Democratic judge that the

Show more


10:43 AM · Jun 12, 2024




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067bb3 No.21013351

File: a996349444949ee⋯.jpg (19.15 KB,401x560,401:560,baker_red_hair.jpg)

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97fd00 No.21013352


Sharing a lunchroon and lavatory?

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ca4dd9 No.21013353

File: c6fc08377c06f55⋯.jpg (145.83 KB,584x637,584:637,NOW_UR_PANICING_AGAIN.jpg)

File: de4c7a17d4c8f7b⋯.jpg (95.98 KB,435x586,435:586,TURTLE_TANK_FOR_AI.jpg)



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da16e6 No.21013354

File: 0eb7653b0e7a48d⋯.jpg (443.42 KB,1500x1600,15:16,zionist_megalomaniacs.jpg)


>Remember a few years ago when two undercover journalists exposed that Planned Parenthood was selling aborted baby body parts (A felony), and the California attorney general prosecuted the journalists and never did anything against Planned Parenthood?


>The attorney general was Kamala Harris.

Nope. I heard about the lamborghini but I never heard about the prosecution until today

what was the sentence

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8be069 No.21013355

File: c7ee1cd641bd206⋯.png (381.31 KB,594x624,99:104,ploy.PNG)


Daily Loud


BREAKING: The U.S. Navy has been deployed in Miami due to Russian warships and nuclear power submarine threats. The ships are currently within 100 miles of the U.S.


Rate proposed Community Notes

11:00 AM · Jun 12, 2024




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896b73 No.21013356

File: d681e2e51158bbb⋯.png (1.1 MB,989x1038,989:1038,d681e2e51158bbb50a6a0b4672….png)



#25768 >>21012806

>>21012822 Fetterman is now Kekkerman - wearing a tie and jacket over his Carhartt hoodie

>>21012823 Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails "Invincible Comrades-in-Arms"

>>21012837, >>21012892, >>21012914, >>21013078 FBI is collaborating with Seattle police - an armed woman is now in custody

>>21012885 Potential Strike Action at U.S. East and Gulf Coast Ports Threatens Further Disruption

>>21012887, >>21012897, >>21012908, >>21012919, >>21012943, >>21012953, >>21012973, >>21012999, >>21013187, >>21013263 Mil / Q Posts

>>21012896 Lawmakers Participate in 2024 Congressional Baseball Game -live now-

>>21012902 Wreck of the last ship of famed explorer Shackleton found off the coast of Canada

>>21012909, >>21012931 PF'n

>>21012912 Nancy Pelosi Takes The BLAME FOR JAN 6 LEAKED Tape EXPOSES Her

>>21012916 Chuck Grassley: ‘Justice’ in Hunter Biden conviction

>>21012922 Trump to meet face-to-face with this top Republican leader for first time in nearly four years

>>21012926 Rep. Nehls: Paul Ryan 'Piece of Garbage' for Trump Snub

>>21012935 Elderly Oakland homeowner arrested after shooting suspected burglar

>>21012942 'Pig Book' Exposes $22.7B in Congressional Earmarks

>>21012946 NIAID scientists were found to have transferred genes between different clades of the Monkeypox virus

>>21012949 Kari Lake loses Arizona appeals court challenge of 2022 loss in governor race

>>21012954 US Navy rescue swimmer dies in training accident in florida

>>21012961 Utah Suing TikTok, Alleging Live Feature Is a 'Virtual Strip Club'

>>21012977 Second foster care leader to exit Department of Human Services in last two weeks

>>21012985 Giuliani’s Lawyers Claim He Has 9/11 Lung Disease

>>21013011 Fetterman 'at fault' for Maryland car accident that injured him, wife, and other driver

>>21013039 Anna Paulina Luna May Push ‘Inherent Contempt’ Vote Forcing Sgt. of Arms to Immediately Arrest AG Merrick Garland

>>21013064 @realDonaldTrump “President Trump made our ECONOMY great once—He’s ready to do it again!”

>>21013090 Boebert’s ex-husband pleads guilty to reckless endangerment after altercations with family

>>21013114 Terraform set to pay $4.47 billion in settlement to the SEC over lawsuit

>>21013126 Nonprofit Orgs Pay Over $5.8 Million to Resolve Allegations of Fraudulently Obtaining Pandemic-Related Loans

>>21013131 A fire erupts in an oil refinery in Erbil

>>21013140 Republicans block Wednesday's unanimous consent request

>>21013164 Washington attempts to increase its influence in Angola Africa

>>21013165, >>21013185 New Dutch cabinet to have 29 members, five ministers for PVV

>>21013179 Trump campaign opens a new outreach office in a heavily Latino part of Pennsylvania

>>21013189 Biden’s DHS Released ISIS-Linked Migrant into U.S.

>>21013215 Ativan: Killer Audrey Hale was an Anti-Anxiety Drug Associated with ‘Mania, Hostility’ and ‘Irritability’

>>21013239, >>21013275 There is no emergency situation going on aboard the ISS, NASA says

>>21013242 Hunter Biden’s SS protection will remain unchanged

>>21013251 Entrapment in play as appeals court looks at plot to kidnap Whitmer

>>21013259 Biden’s #3 @ DOJ Resigned to Join Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team

>>21013283, >>21013301 @POTUS TRUTHS

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1394bb No.21013357

File: f0254e1fc16b21d⋯.png (215.39 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_2….png)


They had their board, demanded after losing Q Research, for a few months. When they found out they were talking amongst themselves because anons wouldn't waste their tie, they had a temper tantrum and wiped away what breads they did have.

Jan 28th is their little "board is comped, goodbye and follow us here" post

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fac3e9 No.21013358


So none

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9cf346 No.21013359

The narcissist board personality shill cannot resist. The ego takes the bait just like clockwork.




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ffa3a9 No.21013360


NATO will stick their finger in the pot

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5351c1 No.21013361



Yeah, fuck that serve shit.

Want some BOOM (x4) dammit!

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d5a94d No.21013362

Confirmation of Less than 10

Confirmation of Missions

Confirmation of Q Tests


Purpose? Pave the way.

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8be069 No.21013363

File: d71a0774fa103df⋯.png (1.54 MB,1011x857,1011:857,in.PNG)

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4569b3 No.21013364


CP reported

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f94a0b No.21013365

File: 07ca026057bb3eb⋯.jpg (56.37 KB,667x374,667:374,8top9n.jpg)

File: 7f3b7276037cc81⋯.png (3.52 MB,1920x1647,640:549,7f3b7276037cc81fb1e210b607….png)

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da16e6 No.21013366

File: 890a71df8b8c7aa⋯.png (1.59 MB,1024x1024,1:1,it_s_a_bread_oven.png)

File: df6d1e1800a043b⋯.png (641.1 KB,884x675,884:675,it_s_all_true_simpsons_USA….png)


>This is one of the wickedest things I’ve seen from a judge. The federal judge mocks the religious views of a 74 year old grandmother. This needs Senate overnight and impeachment proceedings.

by republicunts?


good luck

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4deac1 No.21013367


True if big.

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da16e6 No.21013368


>The ships are currently within 100 miles of the U.S.

how many US missiles have killed russians inside russia now

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13b388 No.21013369

Operator2 was tasked with a very specific mission. "They need to know God answers prayers." This is the Umbrella mission under which all sub-missions, occur. Happening now.

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38f32f No.21013370


need a shower. this made me so moist.

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b3dc76 No.21013371

File: 80061b039701625⋯.png (539.6 KB,852x711,284:237,2480_With_Respect_Honor_an….png)

"With Respect, Honor, and Gratitude.

Your sacrifice(s) will never be forgotten.

Thank you and God Bless, Veterans!" Q post #2480


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fac3e9 No.21013372

File: 9239b267cf2a7eb⋯.jpg (145.94 KB,720x1054,360:527,Screenshot_20240113_075909….jpg)

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13b388 No.21013373

Spiritual War. God Wins. Time to Fight (again).

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e5b2ca No.21013374

File: f7402a35d0dde94⋯.jpg (53.23 KB,640x534,320:267,ecb42dda2321890e76e35b446a….jpg)

File: 11fea0951dcc557⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,640x360,16:9,11fea0951dcc55784e47f06e5e….mp4)

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d5a94d No.21013375

God answers prayers.

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8be069 No.21013376

File: 5b3d099addfdaf8⋯.png (338.58 KB,836x747,836:747,mult.PNG)


Multiple Democrats Arrested, Charged for Unlawful Possession of Absentee Ballots During Election

By George C. Upper III June 12, 2024 at 5:28am

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376f8c No.21013377


Anon has personal experience with these types of drugs unfortunately having taken roughly 10 different ones over a decade. Went to a doctor in the early 90's after having panic attacks. Never should have been on anything but didn't know any better and trusted him to take the fear away. One of the dominant ones I took for the 10 years was Xanax and it was a fairly large dose daily. This is in the same family as Ativan. In fact Ativan can be used to taper Xanax due to its longer half-life. (She was on 1/2mg of Ativan a day.. the Xanax equivalent to that is 1/4mg. I was on 3mg of Xanax a day which is around 12 times more than she was on.) Decade later I got off after horrendous withdrawal that left me damaged to this day. The Ativan more than anything subdued her actions and anxiety making her more 'flat' personality wise though she was on a small dose. It could have affected her judgement but the drug she was on that stands out to me was one of the other ones I took for a time. Lexapro the anti-depressant. This drug has the potential to really change who a person is depending on who takes it. I'm still shocked looking back at how different my behavior was. Impulsive, aggressive, abusive, apathetic. Combine this with the flat-lining effect of Ativan and it can create a monster who really cannot see as a regular 'human' what they are doing wrong. I know most anons here know what these drugs do to people I just wanted to give the slightest testimony to confirm what they do to people because I've been there. I'm grateful to this day I'm not in jail honestly given how impulsive I was in doing stupid things. It's literally like being possessed by the drugs. Everyone judges her for being a demon but if she truly was on those drugs it was the demon that acted in her.

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97fd00 No.21013378


I now understand why the Tribe has such a low replacement birth rate. Yeesh.

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d5a94d No.21013379

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7e41e4 No.21013380

File: 47d23dfd9819407⋯.jpg (602.05 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_174915….jpg)

File: 24132996bff01c6⋯.jpg (387.25 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_174936….jpg)

File: 87d2c06fc1707de⋯.jpg (7.5 KB,199x253,199:253,images_201_.jpg)


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1394bb No.21013381

File: 304535626c77de8⋯.png (558.58 KB,756x500,189:125,AngryInch.png)

Just letting the little troll I see it, but not letting it have the (You) it so desperately wants

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d94b4d No.21013382


Cool fuckin story “fren”

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822a7f No.21013383

Idn’t there a movie sposed to be released bout trubbles on the ISP betw Western and RUS astro/cosmonauts? Wunner if someone playing for promoting that movie.

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f96271 No.21013384

File: 896c7e7181a0cc2⋯.jpg (946.36 KB,1776x1776,1:1,UniversalUpscaler_160aa4f7….jpg)


Lord, please smite all riggers and shills.



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ca4dd9 No.21013385

File: 9d67ca3a7e3c7e0⋯.jpg (127.64 KB,656x464,41:29,U_HATE_RED_WHITE_N_BLUE_DO….jpg)

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f94a0b No.21013386

File: 15e4c96cc5573b0⋯.png (39.5 KB,350x402,175:201,Screen_Shot_2021_12_01_at_….png)


ain't nobody reading that shit

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13b388 No.21013387

If YOU do not want Q back, do you think he would WANT to come back to YOU?

HOW would Q know YOU want him back?

State of the SHIP here? No Q diggs… ETC.

Do you want Q back or not? Patriots DO.

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fa36b5 No.21013388

File: 553560c5317e7fa⋯.png (536.64 KB,985x670,197:134,Screenshot_20240612_175339….png)


It looks like the crew is into pickleball

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1b8873 No.21013389

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

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ffa3a9 No.21013390

All our Conspiracy theories have come true

We've got nothing left to dig

Waiting on a False Flag

Or a Psyop

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9cf346 No.21013391

Notice how pig and SP both talk about themselves in the third person? This denotes a massive narcissism complex.

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d5a94d No.21013392


Up to Anons.

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fb9745 No.21013393

File: c0da6d57bdbb336⋯.png (660.93 KB,797x1280,797:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cdcc291c97635b⋯.png (302.83 KB,447x524,447:524,ClipboardImage.png)

Intellectualist Videos - Official


Russian Telegram channels report long lines by many currency exchange points in Russia.

They appeared after reports that Moscow stock exchange will stop trading in dollars and euros when the United States introduced new sanctions. via



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a6cb4c No.21013394

File: 03a5f03b0616354⋯.png (182.57 KB,502x499,502:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c74635fffd30313⋯.png (314.95 KB,500x758,250:379,ClipboardImage.png)





Jun 13, 2020 4:45:56 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 7e5786 No. 9601117


Media Keywords: photo former presidents seated out of order jimmy carter barack obama george h w bush george w bush william bill clinton with lady gaga standing behind the bushes

Media Keywords Contributor(s): AstuteActual45

Symbolism will be their downfall.

They are fighting to regain control.

You stand in their way.

You awake is their greatest fear.


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4312ea No.21013395

File: eaca291b2396ea5⋯.png (54.42 KB,641x476,641:476,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 533cccd74c185ae⋯.png (622.19 KB,735x637,15:13,533cccd74c185ae1db2ad64227….png)

Here is the audio that started it all

Emergency Situation on the ISS!

"hypobaric exposure" to the commander "multiple dps hits"



Emergency Situation on the ISS! "hypobaric exposure" to the commander "multiple dps hits" SpaceX surgeon speaking to the ISS about getting the Commander into his suit, multiple dps hits, and hyperbari


Jun 13, 2024 · 12:25 AM UTC





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d94b4d No.21013396


Whenever the fuck he feels like it.

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da16e6 No.21013397

File: b9162d646329d79⋯.png (93.73 KB,659x446,659:446,al_frankenstein.png)


>We operate in a dimension you can't endorse

what is this now

I have no memes for this

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4e90b9 No.21013398

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


>Hunter Biden's Secret Service codename is “Captain”

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8be069 No.21013399

File: 53da9c6152e4794⋯.png (396.84 KB,601x673,601:673,hn.PNG)




Rep. Mike Waltz




Over 400 people on the terror watchlist have come across our Southern Border and disappeared.

Biden’s own FBI Director says the threat is worse than it’s ever been, so why are we waiting for another attack like Pulse Nightclub?


Ezra A. Cohen


How many more terror and foreign enemy operatives infiltrated via the border but have not been identified?

12:04 PM · Jun 12, 2024




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9cf346 No.21013400

File: f2eb530be5cb953⋯.jpg (5.89 KB,224x224,1:1,download_jpeg_4.jpg)

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1f408f No.21013401


Shut up stupid, all I notice is you are being a retarded faggot again.

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fb9745 No.21013402

File: ec662656faadaa6⋯.png (146.71 KB,680x511,680:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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13b388 No.21013403


Are you saying POTUS stopped Posting? Because he hasn't. What did you dig before? POTUS Tweets to Q? Who are you…….

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f96271 No.21013404

File: 3b92787a0d8861b⋯.png (2.31 MB,1360x1980,68:99,comfe_mode.png)

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f94a0b No.21013405

File: 9d6d69ef4cbebc2⋯.jpg (6.29 KB,200x200,1:1,8hTXIe6D.jpg)

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812af0 No.21013406


Remember that nuclear weapons is a meme. The real nukes are blackmail paraphernalia. State actors will share this around with friendlies to keep everyone in line, so when you hear about nuclear disarmament, it’s about removing said blackmail from state actors.

Trump took the nuclear “football” with him when he left office. He kept all the blackmail, that’s why everyone freaked the fuck out. Red folder.

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1b8873 No.21013407

File: 6904f1f16c1d713⋯.png (1.7 MB,1200x960,5:4,fb93af9660d339c3de6e198e69….png)

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1394bb No.21013408


Yet you and your team never post any digs

Bitching about BO

Wanting to have the board surrendered to you (HINT: not gonna happen)

Trying to disrupt with your countdowns, and "testing" anons

You are nothing more than a minion of evil

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a6cb4c No.21013409


Was just thinking about that meme


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e49159 No.21013410

File: a5d50a32e990807⋯.png (899.92 KB,800x1100,8:11,vote_out_the_elite_2.png)

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fac3e9 No.21013411


>It's literally like being possessed by the drugs.


Since they do satanic rituals over products before they launch

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a09cfe No.21013412



I know absolutely nothing about those drugs and appreciate you describing their effects.

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dc5c26 No.21013413

File: 1362e63b1a97e6f⋯.jpg (674.63 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240612_175634….jpg)

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4569b3 No.21013414

File: e662d9ea10b7baf⋯.png (56.77 KB,420x294,10:7,ClipboardImage.png)


Where's she going? NYC could use a man like Jillian.

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da16e6 No.21013415

File: 6cf79ef6f5eb26d⋯.png (360.6 KB,858x725,858:725,ree_frog_spin.png)



Consider the process









Las Vegas


Compare to today

Overtly losing

Overtly felon Trump

Different vibe

Anons are not immune

Resistant. Yes.

But not immune

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13b388 No.21013416


Anons, you know the Truth. Hearts & Minds. Good VS Evil. Right VS Wrong. TRUTH VS LIES.

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ffa3a9 No.21013417



If it's a Simulated Audio Track

How is it responding to her Questions?

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e49159 No.21013418

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e5b2ca No.21013419

File: 0c067773ae50286⋯.jpg (518.5 KB,1375x1634,1375:1634,Captain_A_J_Hailey_in_unif….jpg)

File: 5c8b025212dd3e5⋯.jpg (20.55 KB,260x341,260:341,02_00_top01_anon_shipscat.jpg)

File: 5fa7ab1a86dca06⋯.jpeg (8.09 KB,191x264,191:264,images_56_.jpeg)

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ca4dd9 No.21013420

File: c268865d1083fbb⋯.jpg (150.14 KB,587x631,587:631,NURSE_CRATCHET.jpg)

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640781 No.21013421



Fuckers push this in hospitals on patients who are jumpy or reluctant to cooperate with their bullshit. Shit you not, an ER nurse told anon it's perfectly normal and safe, that they give it to lots of people, after I gave them flak for attempting to convince my fam to take it.

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97fd00 No.21013422


>"hypobaric exposure"


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5351c1 No.21013423


Have you seen't X-Twitter Q's work now that Elon set them free?

That's where all those QR autists went.

They went famefag.

Nobody left here can compete with those niggas.

You need to go recruit their asses back if you and the operators are that concernfagged about it.

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16df86 No.21013424

File: 1fafd9fd078cbc1⋯.png (196.39 KB,779x558,779:558,1fafd9fd078cbc14998d90302e….png)

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5cf20a No.21013425

File: 0889f146ff5f90c⋯.png (196.86 KB,381x287,381:287,aliens.png)



>can you fuck them

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d5a94d No.21013426

CLAS +relay Test3

Monday Night 1 AM EDT.

All Operators will be Active.

Big weekend for our POTUS DJT.

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da16e6 No.21013427

File: afa871dea308442⋯.jpg (40 KB,826x598,413:299,the_based_fedpost_line.jpg)


> why are we waiting for another attack like Pulse Nightclub?

why indeed

"islam is teh real homophobes"

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97fd00 No.21013428


Uncanny is Rail Splitter Abe Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.

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f94a0b No.21013429

File: 14e678e7c446119⋯.mp4 (700.33 KB,640x360,16:9,r5hyr6t.mp4)

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99e5ce No.21013430

File: a729512ea5b2baa⋯.jpg (100.26 KB,1280x1280,1:1,224e6c9ee1bb493282a0ca88da….jpg)


There's nothing wrong with that. I have a hard time pretending to be things that I'm not, so I just write how I would talk if sitting at a bar shooting a shit with other people I don't know. Though the inhibition filter that alcohol removes is not present when sober when interacting this way. In person I'm a lot moar polite, because that inhibition filter is active. Here, it's war.

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9cf346 No.21013431

They are triggered and focused on one Anon now. Anon did that.

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13b388 No.21013432


No. This board is ground zero. Paving the Way.

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ea52be No.21013433

File: 33c27fb793a0c5b⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x1021,1080:1021,Screenshot_20240612_195735….png)

When you pick Willie Browns Jamaican/India whore for VP you don't really get good results.


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4e90b9 No.21013434

File: 6db27a936cfd740⋯.png (751.06 KB,559x839,559:839,ClipboardImage.png)


>It looks like the crew is into pickleball

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13b388 No.21013435



Jim’s finger on button ready to stop transmission.

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da16e6 No.21013436



oh ok

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e49159 No.21013437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




LETS GO BRANDON - Theme Song - Loza Alexander - (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)

Loza Alexander

186K subscribers

2 years ago

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8be069 No.21013438

File: fab195b15c93a13⋯.png (454.75 KB,495x614,495:614,bf.PNG)

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da16e6 No.21013439

File: ecdcaf78b44396d⋯.jpg (35.97 KB,256x219,256:219,repent_sinner_ounch_stop_g….jpg)


>Voter Turnout

there's 5 states that count

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9cf346 No.21013440

"What is a narcissist?" - Q

"ANONS are nameless, faceless, fameless." - Q

Guess that puts the board personalities out.

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2c7795 No.21013441

File: 1343f2f4fe00eff⋯.png (515.41 KB,562x620,281:310,ClipboardImage.png)

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ea52be No.21013442

File: e1687b56fd739f8⋯.png (272.56 KB,401x602,401:602,8ahmc6_1_removebg_preview.png)



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e5b2ca No.21013443

File: ff421d3cd50a164⋯.jpeg (117.4 KB,1500x1000,3:2,GP0jN7aXIAAJusq.jpeg)

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d5a94d No.21013444

BO is Corrupt.


Let my Anons go.


Hard Way > Easy Way.

[Your] choice.

Choices Matter.

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4312ea No.21013445

File: 905fbd6057ef986⋯.png (395.86 KB,633x445,633:445,ClipboardImage.png)




>How is it responding to her Questions?

Someone leaked tomorrow´s audio.

Sky event.

Top kek.


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fa36b5 No.21013446

File: 16db4e15ebaba72⋯.png (820.57 KB,1080x457,1080:457,Screenshot_20240612_180344….png)


>Moscow stock exchange will stop trading in dollars and euros

Does this mean USD inflation is about to go plaid.

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f96271 No.21013447


please remind us again in 12 seconds

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ffa3a9 No.21013448

We've Won the Game

Checkmate in 5-7 Months

There's going to be a lot of Screaming & Jazz Hands

But eventually they will have to make their move

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f94a0b No.21013449

File: fdab6304208a2ff⋯.png (964.74 KB,1172x980,293:245,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_9….png)

File: bb4487fbefd9511⋯.png (204.94 KB,600x340,30:17,66e0be2f2f385a5890fb3b4a37….png)

Study Finds 100% Of Men Watch Entirety Of 'Tombstone' If They See It Playing On TV


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822a7f No.21013450


Thx. Is this new stuff related?

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e49159 No.21013451

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Burden - F Biden 2 (Official Music Video)


503K subscribers

2 years ago

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1b1faa No.21013452

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)


Yeah, go ahead and talk about trust in God using a screencap that shows a Walken holding a watch that was kept in a person's butthole. God will judge you for your evil ways.

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13b388 No.21013453



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a6cb4c No.21013454

File: e79760ac9a1a7d5⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,854x480,427:240,klaus_no_elections_needed.mp4)

File: 8e85d00e9a450cc⋯.png (593.79 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


this maybe the last chance to vote.

if they let the elections habben.

according to klaus who for some reason has not been seen for a while.

people missing.

imran khan

princess kate

now klaus.

only emails, msm statements, a.i audio and videos plus advisers ..

the biden ancestry dig last bread is something very interdasting as proof of fuckery and actually watching a movie and doubles everywhere.

A lot happening coming up to july 4th and july 11th when trump is due to get his sentence.

Will they do the unthinkable and put him in prison.

must not let it habben.

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13b388 No.21013455


Same here on this board. Here first.

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a44c77 No.21013456


Never understood the big deal with pb/lb. Until I was stuck with ipad only access. Forgiven anon.

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f94a0b No.21013457

File: f80674ba4ad0b84⋯.png (749.65 KB,676x986,338:493,Screenshot_2024_03_18_at_8….png)

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ca4dd9 No.21013458

File: 52aa791f97e8d5f⋯.jpg (133.89 KB,578x463,578:463,DANCE_LIKE_NO_1_IS_WATCHIN….jpg)

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13b388 No.21013459


That creature is filthy. Operator3 Chewed him up weeks ago. That creature is a real Freak. Filth.

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896b73 No.21013460

File: 71cb18944ec1b56⋯.gif (973.21 KB,612x406,306:203,71cb18944ec1b5678c1c15d842….gif)

last call


#25768 >>21012806

>>21012822 Fetterman is now Kekkerman - wearing a tie and jacket over his Carhartt hoodie

>>21012823 Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails "Invincible Comrades-in-Arms"

>>21012837, >>21012892, >>21012914, >>21013078 FBI is collaborating with Seattle police - an armed woman is now in custody

>>21012885 Potential Strike Action at U.S. East and Gulf Coast Ports Threatens Further Disruption

>>21012887, >>21012897, >>21012908, >>21012919, >>21012943, >>21012953, >>21012973, >>21012999, >>21013187, >>21013263 Mil / Q Posts

>>21012896 Lawmakers Participate in 2024 Congressional Baseball Game -live now-

>>21012902 Wreck of the last ship of famed explorer Shackleton found off the coast of Canada

>>21012909, >>21012931 PF'n

>>21012912 Nancy Pelosi Takes The BLAME FOR JAN 6 LEAKED Tape EXPOSES Her

>>21012916 Chuck Grassley: ‘Justice’ in Hunter Biden conviction

>>21012922 Trump to meet face-to-face with this top Republican leader for first time in nearly four years

>>21012926 Rep. Nehls: Paul Ryan 'Piece of Garbage' for Trump Snub

>>21012935 Elderly Oakland homeowner arrested after shooting suspected burglar

>>21012942 'Pig Book' Exposes $22.7B in Congressional Earmarks

>>21012946 NIAID scientists were found to have transferred genes between different clades of the Monkeypox virus

>>21012949 Kari Lake loses Arizona appeals court challenge of 2022 loss in governor race

>>21012954 US Navy rescue swimmer dies in training accident in florida

>>21012961 Utah Suing TikTok, Alleging Live Feature Is a 'Virtual Strip Club'

>>21012977 Second foster care leader to exit Department of Human Services in last two weeks

>>21012985 Giuliani’s Lawyers Claim He Has 9/11 Lung Disease

>>21013011 Fetterman 'at fault' for Maryland car accident that injured him, wife, and other driver

>>21013039 Anna Paulina Luna May Push ‘Inherent Contempt’ Vote Forcing Sgt. of Arms to Immediately Arrest AG Merrick Garland

>>21013064 @realDonaldTrump “President Trump made our ECONOMY great once—He’s ready to do it again!”

>>21013090 Boebert’s ex-husband pleads guilty to reckless endangerment after altercations with family

>>21013114 Terraform set to pay $4.47 billion in settlement to the SEC over lawsuit

>>21013126 Nonprofit Orgs Pay Over $5.8 Million to Resolve Allegations of Fraudulently Obtaining Pandemic-Related Loans

>>21013131 A fire erupts in an oil refinery in Erbil

>>21013140 Republicans block Wednesday's unanimous consent request

>>21013164 Washington attempts to increase its influence in Angola Africa

>>21013165, >>21013185 New Dutch cabinet to have 29 members, five ministers for PVV

>>21013179 Trump campaign opens a new outreach office in a heavily Latino part of Pennsylvania

>>21013189 Biden’s DHS Released ISIS-Linked Migrant into U.S.

>>21013215 Ativan: Killer Audrey Hale was an Anti-Anxiety Drug Associated with ‘Mania, Hostility’ and ‘Irritability’

>>21013239, >>21013275, >>21013395 There is no emergency situation going on aboard the ISS, NASA says

>>21013242, >>21013398 Hunter "CAPTAIN" Biden’s SS protection will remain unchanged

>>21013251 Entrapment in play as appeals court looks at plot to kidnap Whitmer

>>21013259 Biden’s #3 @ DOJ Resigned to Join Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team

>>21013283, >>21013301 @POTUS TRUTHS

>>21013355 The U.S. Navy has been deployed in Miami due to Russian warships and submarines

>>21013399 Over 400 people on the terror watchlist have come across our Southern Border and disappeared

>>21013410 MEME call V.O.T.E. Vote Out The Elite

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e9f911 No.21013461

File: e4350efef8960fb⋯.jpg (66.12 KB,896x468,224:117,Trump_Tweet_LB_PB_Faggot.jpg)


It's no game.

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ea52be No.21013462

File: 688e0839321e9e5⋯.png (825.95 KB,1080x1422,60:79,Roid.png)

File: d6257a5347cc735⋯.png (1.04 MB,1080x805,216:161,Scvxf.png)

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fb9745 No.21013463

File: d3d2cd286231751⋯.png (80.95 KB,1061x565,1061:565,ClipboardImage.png)

I finally went thru the pager files from 9/11.

Looks like this could be the alert that was alluded to exist.

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ca4dd9 No.21013464

File: a70049f4af50561⋯.jpg (54.39 KB,463x432,463:432,GERMAPHOBE.jpg)

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13b388 No.21013465




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5351c1 No.21013466


The scant Q evidence related to platforms, particularly after things settled down and QR got rolling, can be found in the Battlefield drops:


Basically Q seemed to envision QR as HQ and anons using it to organize SM chatter:


Never retreat from the BATTLEFIELD [Twitter, FB, etc.].

Use other platforms as a form of centralized command and control.

Organize and connect [bridge through linking].

Source meme(s) material from BATTLEFIELD and/or garage [highlight & share][take & drop]


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e5b2ca No.21013467

File: 583c8936fd4392c⋯.jpg (9.3 KB,281x420,281:420,s.jpg)

File: dc2734c5c97bef9⋯.jpg (115.95 KB,1300x956,325:239,an_ethnic_woman_is_smoking….jpg)

File: 136d3a4cf797066⋯.jpg (21.74 KB,236x354,2:3,4078fa72cfbb354dbb49c40b11….jpg)

File: f5aeac682b0cc05⋯.png (1.25 MB,1186x867,1186:867,vc9hxb8xxxi71.png)



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2c7795 No.21013468

File: fa767ed0edfb122⋯.png (428.8 KB,608x674,304:337,ClipboardImage.png)


Jun 10 2018 23:27:44 (EST)

FF weather alert (WW).

Stay vigilant and maintain situational awareness.


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fac3e9 No.21013469


4th inning

For Republicans

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e9f911 No.21013470


Mega phaggot Pig shitting up the bred with cringe.

Can't even call them memes, it's an insult to memes.

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9cf346 No.21013471

They are obsessed with one Anon for exposing their faggotry, and not a single (You) was given.

Anon did that.

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c7feb6 No.21013472

File: c1fa643f7cee290⋯.jpg (65.14 KB,491x635,491:635,1_1.jpg)

File: 238528ede4accea⋯.jpg (172.51 KB,1326x635,1326:635,1_2.jpg)

File: c3d43af096c12e5⋯.jpg (187.56 KB,1356x630,226:105,1_3.jpg)

File: 4d7cd5cc21287ee⋯.jpg (154.57 KB,1075x641,1075:641,1_4.jpg)

File: 53c0f3a8cbae634⋯.jpg (88.49 KB,755x561,755:561,1_5.jpg)


>>21001252, >>21000849, >>21001183 Young Thug’s Attorney Brian Steel Taken into Custody for Contempt of Court in YSL RICO Trial

>>21006102 Fulton Fiasco: Judge Arrests Lawyer After "Secret" Meeting With Key Witness Alleged


Georgia's Fulton County Chief Judge Ural Glanville, Brian Steel and Fani Willis' Team?

This part of the movie has great potential. MSN has reported that Chief Judge Glanville has ordered Fulton County prosecutors (from Fani Willis' office), witness Kenneth Copeland (Lil Woody) and Copeland's attorney (Kayla Bumpus) to appear for a June 25th hearing. The Judge has apparently asked the hearing attendees to explain why they "should not be held in contempt for disclosing information form the ex parte conversation to members of the Defense council.".

If you'll remember, Judge Glanville is the judge who had Attorney Brian Steel taken into custody. It turns out that Judge Glanville has quite a resume. He's currently the chief judge of Atlanta's Judicial Circuit. His experience includes Brigadier General Chief Judge U.S. Army Court of Appeals, Commanding General NATO Rule of Law Support Mission/Rule of Law Field Force-Afghanistan, Senior Prosecutor (Office of the Staff Judge Advocate), Adjunct Professor (Georgia State University School of Law) and more.

MSN - Fani Willis Lawyers Get New Warning From Judge

June 12, 2024


Superior Court of Fulton County - JUDGE URAL GLANVILLE (CHIEF JUDGE)


U.S. Army Reserve - Brig. Gen. Ural Glanville


U.S. Army Reserve - Brig. Gen. Ural Glanville as archived 30 Apr 2017


centcom.mil - Fulton County Judge Serving In Afghanistan Promoted To Brigadier General

Nov. 14, 2012


CNN Business - Unlikely recruit becomes top legal adviser in the U.S. Army

March 1, 2016

100 Black Men of Atlanta


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99e5ce No.21013473


Silence, Anjelfag. Your LARP is lame.

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2c7795 No.21013474

File: f6a52d4d5070330⋯.png (9.54 KB,457x195,457:195,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ce207 No.21013475

>>21013313 Excellent explanation on how Trump and team will restore America to what the Founding Fathers envisioned. He and they, are brave warriors to restore our country and respect and elevate Trump to the true powers of the President upon the Constituion

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13b388 No.21013476


Anons know we belong here. With Q. Home Base. THE SHIP.

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7ff770 No.21013477

File: 48fd4e671ac5b85⋯.png (7.1 MB,3769x3245,3769:3245,ClipboardImage.png)

Red October

How do you start a WAR?

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ca4dd9 No.21013478

File: f6b1d1cb3a6efec⋯.jpg (23.47 KB,488x307,488:307,U_GOT_ONE.jpg)

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a6cb4c No.21013479

File: c8d80a13cb1623f⋯.png (67.43 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)


X is a mess of fake news which is not verified.

plus elon has now turned into a porn site ahead of the elections.

moar reports coming up as users are getting their feeds flooded by onlyfans and actual porn being advertised on their feeds.

anon does not have a X account cos of the i.d issue as they no longer want a fake email but actual i.d like driving licence or passport.

which is being tracked by mossad.

here at least you have a concentration of anons who will call out shit as soon as it is posted.

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1394bb No.21013480


The countdowns and "operator" shit is new for them. Most of the time they show up and scream about "muh censorship" and nitpick at whatever they can

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e9f911 No.21013481


Your families are safe.


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d5a94d No.21013482


Think Mirror.

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13b388 No.21013483

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2ce207 No.21013484

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biggs: The House Has Held Merrick Garland In Contempt



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d5a94d No.21013485


Amen. Thank GOD.

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8be069 No.21013486

File: a4fbd0ac3cccec4⋯.png (1.18 MB,732x846,122:141,fh.PNG)

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97fd00 No.21013487


>implying there is something wrong with that

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fa36b5 No.21013488

File: 1681dbfa75ecb2f⋯.png (599.7 KB,855x1110,57:74,Screenshot_20240612_181102….png)

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ffa3a9 No.21013489

Technically we could just sit back and Ride the Wave

I don't see much left to Dig

We've already Won

Might was well Shitpost until Q posts again

Were in a Dry Spell

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99e5ce No.21013490

File: be716302713cf24⋯.jpg (67.09 KB,800x649,800:649,pepe_cringe.jpg)


Not to mention the whole time during those few months they would cross-post their "notables" full of MuhJoo crap here.

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9cf346 No.21013491

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,8159900cdf45f1df36013e400f….jpg)


I like to go around telling everyone to "silence" but also "filtered" which contradicts itself because I'm a hall monitor narcissist.

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e6807e No.21013492

File: 77a343b515b63be⋯.png (321.75 KB,618x472,309:236,77a343b515b63be50de3c0cbd0….png)

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13b388 No.21013493


You're lying. Clown.

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ea52be No.21013494

File: 30a8df587ffa72c⋯.png (696.91 KB,1080x749,1080:749,Screenshot_20240611_181240….png)




Ever since Q should up the world has caught on fire and America got usurped.

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e9f911 No.21013495


Cervix ain't a front hole.

It's way up in that shit. Way up.

Homos seems to be the most gay of all.

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5cf20a No.21013496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Nicole Kidman

Bug breath reptilian

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13b388 No.21013497



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c7feb6 No.21013498

File: 139641f10347780⋯.jpg (235.34 KB,835x613,835:613,2_1.jpg)

File: 97ed07f9dd595b4⋯.jpg (176.11 KB,1170x635,234:127,2_2.jpg)

File: 227e1a6ae1171e5⋯.jpg (141.93 KB,1326x616,663:308,2_3.jpg)

File: 9b93f47beee4ca7⋯.jpg (91.66 KB,727x608,727:608,2_4.jpg)

File: 1278a43f1279429⋯.jpg (116.95 KB,684x640,171:160,2_5.jpg)



Georgia's Fulton County, Chief Judge Ural Glanville, Brian Steel and Fani Willis' Team?

More Judge Ural Glanville.

jagcnet.army.mil - Commanding General U.S. Army Reserve Legal Command Brigadier General Ural D. Glanville


Brevard College - Alumnus Becomes a Chief Judge of the Atlanta Judicial Circuit


LAW.com - Glanville Rises to Atlanta Judicial Circuit Chief Judge; Brasher Taking Senior Status

Oct. 7, 2022


LAW.com - 'My Door Is Always Open': Soon-to-Be-Chief-Judge Ural Glanville Opens Up About Leadership Transition

Oct. 14, 2022




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8be069 No.21013499

File: d53e2520b99abd3⋯.png (1.24 MB,691x868,691:868,ed.PNG)

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d5a94d No.21013500

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a6cb4c No.21013501

File: d905ed95a8fe48a⋯.png (942.93 KB,1730x786,865:393,ClipboardImage.png)


yep mostly true

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fb9745 No.21013502

File: dcea11c0ee77556⋯.png (7.53 KB,255x145,51:29,89b4694e345cd0be682dfd6459….png)

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ffa3a9 No.21013503


Women are Offended Across Canada

These guys don't have Cervixes

They don't have Wombs

They don't have Eggs

Women are righteous to be Outraged

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13b388 No.21013504

Nothing can stop the Missions. God Wins. Unstoppable.

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5351c1 No.21013505


There's that fag talk again.

Q basically said don't be a chatboard get out there and fight.

Otherwise, Q would have said curate the news like Drudge did before compd and send them out in a newsletter called Muh Notables.

That said, I like chatboard QR and I'm not ashamed of it.

But, I'm not gonna LARP as if QR is following what Q said verbatim.

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f94a0b No.21013506

File: 2a877f940b1f7c5⋯.jpeg (114.74 KB,500x509,500:509,2a877f940b1f7c54445e4c263….jpeg)


>It's no game.

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f96271 No.21013507


I think you're a faggot.

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e9f911 No.21013508

File: 7329f739efbe9ea⋯.jpg (138.65 KB,1080x991,1080:991,Shitposters_Know.jpg)


Shitposters gonna shitpost.

Ain't no doubt about it.

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e49159 No.21013509

File: ce947e07d73e680⋯.png (276.09 KB,1100x586,550:293,vote_out_the_elite_3.png)

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e5b2ca No.21013510

File: 3714a694b730f1b⋯.png (128.11 KB,231x300,77:100,Justin_Bieber_RHS_231x300.png)


doughnut hole.17 billion in sales

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2c7795 No.21013511

File: 2adc5af0a5cea8c⋯.png (51.06 KB,735x315,7:3,ClipboardImage.png)





yeh i remember that BS also

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8be069 No.21013512

File: 478d203c9d99051⋯.png (376.67 KB,591x868,591:868,oc.PNG)




Laura Loomer






Tim Sharp 🍊 🍊 🇺🇸




I have received a tip that there are 2 submarines off the coast of Washington DC. These subs are not US nor Russian. Currently they are unidentified. There is currently a US Navy sub Hunter in the air.


Square profile picture

Wall Street Silver


Are they hunting for Red October?

2:06 PM · Jun 12, 2024




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077069 No.21013513


The cervix is the protective sheath protecting the womb from the urethra…also programmed to create a further protective sheath between the urethra and the womb when a woman becomes pregnant

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13b388 No.21013514


No. That's not what Q drops dictate. Fake…

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ca4dd9 No.21013515

File: 0d6253d6caae642⋯.jpg (147.46 KB,673x440,673:440,ALWAYS_ON_WATCH.jpg)

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9e58a4 No.21013516

File: 88f2c2d08121992⋯.png (353.09 KB,507x359,507:359,HOMIESswimsuitjudging.png)


>…and cited more than a year of stories about the justices, including trips and other gifts taken by Justices Samuel A. Alito Jr. and Clarence Thomas that were not disclosed under federal ethics law.

Kek. Like Congress is all holier-than-thou.

Talk about Pot calling the Kettle Black!

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e2ffef No.21013517



This 'judge' has all of the club dogwhistles, which if true means the judge sold their souls to Satan and hates Christians and has practiced such their entire life

Got read the judge, was on fisa court..

Colleen Constance Kollar-Kotelly (born April 17, 1943) is an American lawyer serving as a senior United States district judge of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia and was previously presiding judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court.

Her name has dog whistles cc(33) and kk(Freemasons go with double 11s sneak in a k some where else you have KKK or 33)

Actually read her wiki. This is one of those dirty judges loyal only to their club. All kinds of dog whistles even have a Crowley name in there.

Colleen Constance Kollar was born in New York City, the daughter of Irene (née Crowley) and Konstantine Kollar, an environmental engineer.[2] Her paternal grandparents, Paul and Anna Kollár, were emigrants from Hungary.[3

Research, meet a judge that is in the club of turning America into a slave colony ruled by those apart of the club(slavers) and the slaves


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13b388 No.21013518

WE are not leaving YOU.

Not NOW not Ever.

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c59e59 No.21013519

File: b26995e4b1342f5⋯.png (303.57 KB,500x541,500:541,ClipboardImage.png)


prolly more like

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2c7795 No.21013520

File: e75b5fec5e6a8ae⋯.png (409.11 KB,538x609,538:609,ClipboardImage.png)

23 = pain?

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c7feb6 No.21013521

File: e3bd717097370b8⋯.jpg (81.19 KB,689x635,689:635,3_1.jpg)

File: b04494b7aa6ef20⋯.jpg (114.87 KB,831x639,277:213,3_2.jpg)

File: a34e6feecc41314⋯.jpg (95.65 KB,1296x589,1296:589,3_3.jpg)

File: 90901590d194410⋯.jpg (91.6 KB,971x614,971:614,3_4.jpg)

File: b0559b155bb69ee⋯.jpg (65.09 KB,1365x617,1365:617,3_5.jpg)



Georgia's Fulton County, Chief Judge Ural Glanville, Brian Steel and Fani Willis' Team?

More Judge Glanville.

The Source - Here Comes the Judge: Meet Ural D. Glanville, the Judge in Charge of the Young Thug/YSL Case

January 3, 2023

XVIII Airborne


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Fulton judge’s service dog attends court each day

Nov 24, 2023

Glanville hasPTSDand brings his service dog, Jack, to court.


In the CNN piece above (https://money.cnn.com/2016/03/01/news/economy/general-glanville-army/index.html), it says, in the caption under one of his pictures, that he volunteers as a mentor at "100 Black Men of Atlanta Inc.". Information about 100 Black Men of Atlanta Inc. and affiliated groups can be found below.

100 Black Men of Atlanta Inc.


100 Black Men of Atlanta Inc. - Our Board


100 Black Men of Atlanta Inc. - Members


100 Black Men of Atlanta Inc. - Our Team


100 Black Men of Atlanta Inc. - Partners


Emerging 100 Atlanta


Emerging 100 Atlanta as archived 2 Oct 2015


Emerging 100 Atlanta - History - Who We Are


Emerging 100 Atlanta - Members


Collegiate 100


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9cde04 No.21013522

File: 9b38d69608525c3⋯.gif (1.93 MB,800x340,40:17,YaRRRR.gif)


>here at least you have a concentration of anons who will call out shit as soon as it is posted.

tru dat. 07

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99e5ce No.21013523


Hurts a girl when you hammer it too hard too. Best to go 2/3, maybe 3/4 if she's feeling froggy.

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f94a0b No.21013524

File: 9a4bc2755dcf93c⋯.png (1.57 MB,2530x1038,1265:519,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_9….png)

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e2ffef No.21013525


>She is worth an honest investigation/dig

She screams central casting

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5cf20a No.21013526

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


Adrenochrome eyes?

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e49159 No.21013527

File: 8e9b18ce42fe02e⋯.png (421.66 KB,900x489,300:163,Know_History_dem_party.png)

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e9f911 No.21013528

File: ea72d5091d00deb⋯.png (458.86 KB,501x600,167:200,Day_of_the_Rope.png)


No. rope 'em.

Assuming by 'elite' you mean devil worshipping satanist freaks

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88f751 No.21013529

File: 735f78fe308ffa0⋯.png (689.6 KB,1080x1191,360:397,Screenshot_20240612_090814….png)

File: 14c6141f9f59b39⋯.png (279 KB,523x477,523:477,Screenshot_20240520_132016….png)



Everything black African negroid people are involved in is a SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT.

Artificial intelligence hates black African negroid people especially the weaponized AI's.

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1394bb No.21013530

File: 20fa6249b9afc03⋯.png (1.93 MB,1000x1608,125:201,9780914294085.png)


Trust only the science

Anatomy, Physical Anthropology

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d5a94d No.21013531

You may believe the Fight Ends in a few months. It does not.

Just getting started.

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5351c1 No.21013532


I don't get the either / or concept when it comes to the internet.

Both /and works best.

Anons can do QR and /pol/ and SM if they so desire and praise / be critical when any of them deserve it.

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ffa3a9 No.21013533

There are So many That are Awaken Right Now

That it takes only Days to expose hoaxes

Sometimes, Mere Minutes

That's how Big this has gotten

Everyone that's anyone is seeking the Truth

& Doesn't Take "Authorities" word for it anymore

We're in the Hundreds of Millions of Anons WW

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2c7795 No.21013534

File: 8ab9d87bb5abe5c⋯.png (357.71 KB,597x674,597:674,ClipboardImage.png)

they are waking up

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99e5ce No.21013535

VaticanClown is mimicking Mr. Pig now.

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13b388 No.21013536


Pretty CLOUD.

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e9f911 No.21013537


Prolly Israelis. We know what great friends they are.

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cb5f09 No.21013538


He's right, you know.

Anon can't count the number of small towns Californians have moved to and "improved" to the point where they're unlivable.

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05d37a No.21013539


which window are you leaving open tonight?

asking for a fren

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896b73 No.21013540



#25768 >>21012806

>>21012822 Fetterman is now Kekkerman - wearing a tie and jacket over his Carhartt hoodie

>>21012823 Putin To Arrive In North Korea As Kim Hails "Invincible Comrades-in-Arms"

>>21012837, >>21012892, >>21012914, >>21013078 FBI is collaborating with Seattle police - an armed woman is now in custody

>>21012885 Potential Strike Action at U.S. East and Gulf Coast Ports Threatens Further Disruption

>>21012887, >>21012897, >>21012908, >>21012919, >>21012943, >>21012953, >>21012973, >>21012999, >>21013187, >>21013263 Mil / Q Posts

>>21012896 Lawmakers Participate in 2024 Congressional Baseball Game -live now-

>>21012902 Wreck of the last ship of famed explorer Shackleton found off the coast of Canada

>>21012909, >>21012931 PF'n

>>21012912 Nancy Pelosi Takes The BLAME FOR JAN 6 LEAKED Tape EXPOSES Her

>>21012916 Chuck Grassley: ‘Justice’ in Hunter Biden conviction

>>21012922 Trump to meet face-to-face with this top Republican leader for first time in nearly four years

>>21012926 Rep. Nehls: Paul Ryan 'Piece of Garbage' for Trump Snub

>>21012935 Elderly Oakland homeowner arrested after shooting suspected burglar

>>21012942 'Pig Book' Exposes $22.7B in Congressional Earmarks

>>21012946 NIAID scientists were found to have transferred genes between different clades of the Monkeypox virus

>>21012949 Kari Lake loses Arizona appeals court challenge of 2022 loss in governor race

>>21012954 US Navy rescue swimmer dies in training accident in florida

>>21012961 Utah Suing TikTok, Alleging Live Feature Is a 'Virtual Strip Club'

>>21012977 Second foster care leader to exit Department of Human Services in last two weeks

>>21012985 Giuliani’s Lawyers Claim He Has 9/11 Lung Disease

>>21013011 Fetterman 'at fault' for Maryland car accident that injured him, wife, and other driver

>>21013039, >>21013484 Anna Paulina Luna May Push ‘Inherent Contempt’ Vote Forcing Sgt. of Arms to Immediately Arrest AG Merrick Garland

>>21013064 @realDonaldTrump “President Trump made our ECONOMY great once—He’s ready to do it again!”

>>21013090 Boebert’s ex-husband pleads guilty to reckless endangerment after altercations with family

>>21013114 Terraform set to pay $4.47 billion in settlement to the SEC over lawsuit

>>21013126 Nonprofit Orgs Pay Over $5.8 Million to Resolve Allegations of Fraudulently Obtaining Pandemic-Related Loans

>>21013131 A fire erupts in an oil refinery in Erbil

>>21013140 Republicans block Wednesday's unanimous consent request

>>21013164 Washington attempts to increase its influence in Angola Africa

>>21013165, >>21013185 New Dutch cabinet to have 29 members, five ministers for PVV

>>21013179 Trump campaign opens a new outreach office in a heavily Latino part of Pennsylvania

>>21013189 Biden’s DHS Released ISIS-Linked Migrant into U.S.

>>21013215 Ativan: Killer Audrey Hale was an Anti-Anxiety Drug Associated with ‘Mania, Hostility’ and ‘Irritability’

>>21013239, >>21013275, >>21013395 There is no emergency situation going on aboard the ISS, NASA says

>>21013242, >>21013398 Hunter "CAPTAIN" Biden’s SS protection will remain unchanged

>>21013251 Entrapment in play as appeals court looks at plot to kidnap Whitmer

>>21013259 Biden’s #3 @ DOJ Resigned to Join Bragg’s ‘Get Trump’ Team

>>21013283, >>21013301 @POTUS TRUTHS

>>21013355, >>21013512 The U.S. Navy has been deployed in Miami due to Russian warships and submarines

>>21013399 Over 400 people on the terror watchlist have come across our Southern Border and disappeared

>>21013410 MEME call V.O.T.E. Vote Out The Elite

>>21013472, >>21013498,>>21013521 Fani Willis Lawyers Get New Warning From Judge

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88f751 No.21013541

File: 72f4345554625f8⋯.png (1.03 MB,1037x1378,1037:1378,72f4345554625f88aebd64d79b….png)

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e49159 No.21013542

File: 76f545b6baf44c9⋯.png (577.69 KB,900x490,90:49,kjp_on_biden_uncle_story_p….png)

File: fc25576681a426b⋯.png (484.16 KB,900x496,225:124,biden_suggest_uncle_eatan_….png)

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a6cb4c No.21013543


they will try anything to stop the anons.

going nowhere until trump takes office.

all their narratives belong to anons

and will get ahead of anything they try ..

been here too long to back off now.

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97fd00 No.21013544


Rock heading to Tractor Supply to pick up a coil or three.

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5351c1 No.21013545


>Some anons don't think it be like it is but it do


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13b388 No.21013546

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

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8be069 No.21013547

File: 58948e9de6bb63d⋯.png (685.34 KB,900x694,450:347,ap.PNG)


As the Associated Press Begs for Cash,

It Teams With Foundering CNN, and It Is

Difficult to Find a Winner

Red State, by Brad Slager

Original Article

Posted By: Hazymac, 6/12/2024 5:36:05 PM

While it is widely known the media landscape is looking like a war zone, with perpetual layoffs and announced closing of outlets coming on the regular, what is not always seen is how far-reaching the ripples can become. With the struggles shown to be widespread, one of the sources that has been affected is one few may have expected – the Associated Press. The well-established news syndicate has also been under duress, and a curious revelation shows just how poorly things have become. Our own Andrew Malcolm shared with me a recent discovery on the news portal site – they are asking for donations from the readers these days. (X)

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1394bb No.21013550

File: 9cf9c76b7a3732d⋯.png (307.82 KB,748x612,11:9,9cf9c76b7a3732dbb69adca2f1….png)


Retarded fedboi is retarded

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d86a49 No.21013551

File: 292e6ff7a8c6a9c⋯.jpeg (7.01 KB,258x196,129:98,292e6ff7a8c6a9cf2c15e14ec….jpeg)

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5cf20a No.21013552

File: 03df4a29247a4d8⋯.png (105.15 KB,248x192,31:24,today_is_a_good_day_copy.png)

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c7feb6 No.21013554

File: f410553ba7f93e8⋯.jpg (107 KB,790x610,79:61,4_1.jpg)

File: 8c4b6fe0a85fc05⋯.jpg (124.5 KB,906x631,906:631,4_2.jpg)

File: d315cdcd99a8a11⋯.jpg (106.1 KB,736x639,736:639,4_3.jpg)

File: 78f9d9479211bc6⋯.jpg (111.33 KB,987x638,987:638,4_4.jpg)

File: d518b3346030a28⋯.jpg (208.49 KB,1321x636,1321:636,4_5.jpg)



Georgia's Fulton County, Chief Judge Ural Glanville, Brian Steel and Fani Willis' Team?

The Young Thug’s Attorney, Brian Steel, has his own interesting resume. He and Colette Resnik Steel have court admissions to the Supreme Court.

The Steel Law Firm, P.C.


The Steel Law Firm, P.C. - About

Brian Steel

Colette Resnik Steel


The Steel Law Firm, P.C. - Brian Steel


The Steel Law Firm, P.C. - Colette Resnik Steel


The Steel Law Firm, P.C. - Practice


The Steel Law Firm, P.C. - Representative Cases


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e9f911 No.21013555


It's a fucking shadow

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99e5ce No.21013557


Ah, but the shills want everyone running around scrutinizing the drops like they're scripture. Like a meth dealer proud of his busy little meth bees trying to accomplish shit.

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077069 No.21013558


>Hurts a girl when you hammer it too hard too

Only reason EVER to do that is RAPE. Go fuck a tree if you need to flog yerself that bad. Doing it ight WILL NEVER hurt a woman, rather they will shatre your ppleasure.

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f94a0b No.21013560

File: 4cb960e70139d14⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,675x349,675:349,4cb960e70139d145ad9889ff09….jpg)

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d5a94d No.21013561

Anons - PATRIOTS - we watched you fight until almost beaten. You are the LIGHT. We thank God for (you) Daily. Grateful.

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ca4dd9 No.21013562

File: b5aeb66468d0d3b⋯.jpg (112.16 KB,494x548,247:274,BAD_STRATEGY.jpg)

File: 75c30aecf09eaf5⋯.jpg (72.48 KB,589x406,589:406,1_AND_ONLY_REDUX.jpg)

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fa36b5 No.21013563

File: 7dfd275e44e3620⋯.png (629.61 KB,900x696,75:58,Screenshot_20240612_182007….png)

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18fbda No.21013565


Someone brutally strangle him to a gurgling death with his gay mask

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13b388 No.21013566


MSM Ahoy!

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6d6829 No.21013568

File: b6517d22dd880c4⋯.png (63.58 KB,432x740,108:185,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d60ed7e6fd1b32a⋯.png (17.74 KB,539x194,539:194,ClipboardImage.png)


> CAPTAIN > Hunter Biden Secret Service codename



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896b73 No.21013569

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2c7795 No.21013570

File: 2e9c334ece669dd⋯.png (213.31 KB,601x487,601:487,ClipboardImage.png)

where is the pic Q posted of the sub with a frog on the front?

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99e5ce No.21013571


You equate having a large cock to rape? The fuck is wrong with you?

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d5a94d No.21013572


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e9f911 No.21013573


>they will shatre your ppleasure.

Turn that vibe down, kek

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e49159 No.21013574

File: 21f954ab8f72100⋯.jpg (121.88 KB,800x600,4:3,free_speech_board.jpg)

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