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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

9309e2 No.21008523 [Last50 Posts]

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9309e2 No.21008525

International Q Research Threads

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy new


#25763 >>21007720

>>21007796 NEW: China's Evergrande EV ordered to repay $262mn subsidies, faces asset seizure

>>21007809 Where Hunter Biden's tax case stands after guilty verdict in federal gun trial

>>21007815, >>21007839, >>21007861, >>21007902, >>21008049, >>21008182, >>21008203, >>21008252 PF

>>21007820, >>21008207, >>21008348, >>21008412, >>21008455 @POTUS TRUTHS and Wins!

>>21007821 Donald Trump met with Bitcoin miners at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, his latest embrace of the crypto industry

>>21007825 @WarRoom Weiss Committing Lawfare By Another Name With Hunter Biden. It's all bullshit the misdirection play.

>>21007835 FLASHBACK Burisma announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company's board of directors

>>21007838 Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue - five months after mogul admitted to using weight loss drugs

>>21007882, >>21007919, >>21007995 (DOD) sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products for Mil and Schoolchildren and ?

>>21007948, >>21008180, >>21008247 Mil Posts

>>21007949 PF Not something typically seen on a Tuesday night. Call sign EMBER45

>>21007968, >>21007983, >>21007992, >>21008248 Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?

>>21008062 Delivery of jets to Kiev was ‘illegal’ – NATO member IS Illegal

>>21008078 Stefanik Hosts Roster of Women Congressional Candidates in Washington for ‘Rising Stars Reception’

>>21008219 Pretty Trippy

>>21008240 Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon 25:34

>>21008369, >>21008409, >>21008420, >>21008430 PDJT has been way more obvious this last year! IYKYK

>>21008439 new Trump legal team files motion to dismiss based on spoliation of evidence in classified docs case

>>21008509 pro-eater-joey-chestnut-endorses-vegan-hotdogs-gets-banned-from-4th-of-july-contest

>>21008521 #25763

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9309e2 No.21008526

#25762 >>21006959

>>21006996 Steve Bannon on Tucker: Responds to Being Ordered to Prison

>>21007020, >>21007088 King Charles' first official portrait since his coronation has been vandalised by an animal rights group

>>21007021, >>21007029 Mystery of private jet that vanished on cold, snowy night in 1971 with five people on board is finally solved

>>21007046, >>21007103 Jimmy Carter dog comms

>>21007049 Four campaign workers in Connecticut charged with mishandling absentee ballots

>>21007065 Judith Butler, the ‘Godmother Of Queer Theory’ Admits Her Work Champions Pedophilia And Turning Kids Gay

>>21007066, >>21007077, >>21007099 Who are the Partners of the NGO which Compiled the Enemies of Ukraine List?

>>21007082 ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman trending toward landslide loss to NY Dem rival George Latimer

>>21007084 Israel lobby funded a quarter of British MPs

>>21007124, >>21007208 A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge

>>21007143 But Hunter got high

>>21007145 US Wants To Create 'Hellscape' Of Drones If China Attacks Taiwan

>>21007151 PF: CONUS activity

>>21007265 Eric Trump: Trump doesn't have a liquor license, or is an officer / director of any entity that holds a liquor license in NJ

>>21007274 NORTHCOM and NORAD are on alert

>>21007277 Elizabeth Warren has asked the Fed to cut rates tomorrow

>>21007296 JPMorgan Risk Swap Ends Up at a Familiar Place: Rival Banks

>>21007311, >>21007321 How was Capone put away?

>>21007335 Tucker Carlson Discusses Latest FBI Whistleblower Evidence -- FBI Security Clearances Issued Based on Political Ideology

>>21007358 General Milley was in direct communication with Susan Rice (Obama's National Security Advisor) in the leadup to Jan 6

>>21007337, >>21007372 Gamestop now has over $4+ billion in cash

>>21007368 Bensman: There's An Uprising Among European Populations Over Illegal Immigration

>>21007369 Planned Parenthood caught on video admitting to trafficking minors to other states for abortions without parental consent

>>21007383 Washington teens arrested for scuffing Pride crosswalk with scooters could face 5 years behind bars

>>21007398 The middle schooler whose speech was too patriotic isn't allowed back to school next year along with his sisters

>>21007407, >>21007504, >>21007682 Do you believe in coincidences? Tomorrow's delta is Qpost with image (Q gun) named 6_11, which is day Hunter sentenced for gun crimes

>>21007433 AG Paxton: Today we received a major victory against the Biden Administration’s Department of Education re: transgender policies

>>21006980, >>21007040, >>21007068 (You), >>21007341 Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21007469 Joe Biden in less than a minute - Count the Lies


>>21007521 Gov. Andrew Cuomo to be grilled on COVID nursing home blunders days after Republicans slammed Dr. Fauci for 'lying' about masking and social distancing

>>21007542 Trump-backed Nancy Mace wins South Carolina first congressional district primary over Kevin McCarthy-backed challenger

>>21007545 'STUPID AMOUNTS OF MONEY’: State Department Official Admits 'Mistakes' in Ukraine

>>21007555 @KenPaxtonTX 🚨 NEW: We have reached a landmark settlement with Johnson & Johnson

>>21007569 Obama signs steel beam installed on top of presidential center

>>21007578 @DonaldJTrumpJr They're mad because no one is buying their bullshit anymore!

>>21007587 Nadler received donation from former domestic terrorist in months following Jan. 6

>>21007615 Hunter Biden is a red herring. The real person of interest in the Ukraine bribery/laundering is the Big Guy.

>>21007635 Glenn Youngkin has signed an executive order requiring all state agencies to ensure that voter rolls are constantly updated and accurate

>>21007662 Australian Senate Launches Major Inquiry into Soaring Deaths Among Vaxxed

>>21007669 ITS HAPPENING: The UK forcing the registering of all backyard Chickens

>>21007695 #25762

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9309e2 No.21008527

#25761 >>21006041

>>21006069 University of Minnesota Pauses Hiring of Holocaust and Genocide Expert for Saying Israel is Commiting Genocide in Gaza

>>21006073, >>21006082, >>21006335, >>21006499 Kevin Spacey cries as he reveals he doesn't have any money after sexual assault court case

>>21006090 NIH Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo Disinformation

>>21006096 Global Food Prices Rise For Third Straight Month, Fueling Instability Risks In Developing World

>>21006102 Fulton Fiasco: Judge Arrests Lawyer After "Secret" Meeting With Key Witness Alleged

>>21006107 Senate Republicans Back Big Change To Prevent Repeat Of McConnell Era

>>21006134, >>21006153, >>21006205, >>21006532, >>21006542, >>21006791, >>21006555, >>21006464, >>21006609, >>21006246 Mil

>>21006143 Special Counsel David Weiss re Hunter Trial: "We have additional trials and investigative work to be done"

>>21006206 After Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict, the WH canceled Karine Jean-Pierre’s press briefing, and Joe will spend the evening in Delaware

>>21006207, >>21006569 Joe Biden in less than a minute

>>21006218 Caroline Wren: Pelosi Wasted Americans Time And Money On J6 Hoax That Was Her Fault

>>21006228, >>21006743 Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue that left her with 'stuff coming out of both ends'

>>21006254 PF: Call Sign SOAK61 USN E-6B Mercury 164404 Broadcasting over VLF to USN Submarines at sea

>>21006281 Stephen Baldwin: Activated

>>21006282, >>21006297 Governor Inslee directs DOH to affirm abortion care access to Washington hospitals

>>21006284 Hageman: President Biden has waived Executive Privilege by releasing audio transcripts

>>21006288 Missouri AG Sues Planned Parenthood Allegedly Trafficking Minors Out of State for Abortions

>>21006326 Intel suspends planned $15 billion expansion of southern Israel chip plant

>>21006333, >>21006337 Events

>>21006353 At Menendez trial, businessman recounts alleged bribe to senator

>>21006426 House Oversight chair pushes for sweeping DOJ probe after Hunter Biden guilty verdict

>>21006432 Trump plans to meet with House GOP on Thursday

>>21006434 Federal immigration agents have arrested 8 people in the U.S. with suspected ISIS ties

>>21006440 Ben Shapiro and Pastor John MacArthur Agree Israel Must 'Wipe Out Amalek' in Gaza

>>21006445 Sen. Roger Marshall: Biden Essentially ‘Working with Organized Crime’ via Border Policies

>>21006446, >>21006517, >>21006525 QClock June 11, 2024 - NYC Bomb Plot

>>21006451 AI Companies Threatening to Leave California Over Jewish “Kill Switch” Regulations

>>21006460 Sophisticated banknote print shop dismantled in Italy

>>21006462 Youngkin Orders Virginia Agencies To Strengthen Voter Roll Maintenance Ahead Of 2024 Election

>>21006467, >>21006593, >>21006810, >>21006911 Jimmy Carter no longer awake every day, grandson says

>>21006479 Cuomo grilled by House panel over NY’s COVID nursing-home deaths

>>21006493 Justice bun

>>21006509 Nusseirat Massacre: The Story of a Palestinian Massacre Disguised as Israeli Rescue

>>21006549 The Canada Revenue Agency in 2023 paid employees up to $1,000 per article to produce fake "news" stories published by Canadian newsrooms

>>21006578, >>21006579 Tennessee will allow Death Penalty for child rape starting July 1

>>21006661, >>21006673 Police pursue transit bus in high-speed chase near Atlanta

>>21006730 @RepTimBurchett: I’m requesting an immediate investigation into @SecBlinken and the 51 intelligence officials for their role in interfering in the 2020 election

>>21006739, >>21006922 @STRIKFORNATO: "It's rare to see hunters visiting their prey" (Hunt for Red October was yesterday, Hunter was found guilty today)

>>21006768 Biden insists he’s not involved in his family’s business dealings but his aides are a different story

>>21006794 Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut

>>21006914 Trump leads Biden by 8 pts in Ohio

>>21006268, >>21006785 Kevin Spacey in the news Qproof Delta | Speed

>>21006180, >>21006225, >>21006290, >>21006334, >>21006568, >>21006111, >>21006545, >>21006764, >>21006851 Misc.

>>21006941 #25761

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9309e2 No.21008528

#25760 >>21005220

>>21005553, >>21005795, >>21005424, >>21005236, >>21005303, >>21005427 Hunter found guilty on all charges in gun trial

>>21005330, >>21005595 You can’t make this up: Joe Biden is scheduled to speak at a gun control event this afternoon

>>21005698 Backbone of special counsel gun case was Hunter Biden’s laptop user data

>>21005769 Trump Campaign Statement on the Hunter Biden Trial Verdict and Biden Crime Family

>>21005825 What Lunden Roberts Says Happened to Her Phones After She Found Out She Was Pregnant with Hunter Biden’s Baby

>>21005955 MTG: The Biden Crime Family sold “the brand” and access to “the Big Guy” to line their pockets beyond their wildest dreams

>>21006020 Joe Biden Releases Statement After Son Hunter Found Guilty of All Three Gun Felonies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21005240, >>21005256, >>21005620, >>21005884 Events

>>21005313, >>21005409 PF Europe Update: NATO Summit departs-from Riga and JAKE17 Rivet Joint on Finland / Russian border and done

>>21005344, >>21005464, >>21005546, >>21005586, >>21005742 Space bun

>>21005468 Hezbollah supporters head onto a 5 train at Union Square station

>>21005490 LIVE: House Debates Holding AG Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>21005537 Experts discover incredible story from Jesus' childhood after deciphering 2,000-year-old Egyptian manuscript

>>21005540 PF: SOAK61 E6B Mercury W from Travis AFB, CA

>>21005587 There are several instances in American history where Martial Law has been declared or implemented

>>21005665 Growth in productivity and hourly compensation since 1948

>>21005639 PF: Gitmo express just arrived at Fort Lauderdale…

>>21005659 ICYMI: Footage of Pelosi taking responsibility for not having National Guard presence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021

>>21005668 Space discovery shows that the pyramids were built using water

>>21005685 @Russia: It's #SummerTime - 🦢 5 black swan cygnets hatched @moscowzoo

>>21005710 More Democrats protested Biden in one night, than showed up to support him all year

>>21005815, >>21005818 Department of the Air Force launches NIPRGPT

>>21005839 Illegal Aliens Jump in Front of Cars to Blackmail New York Drivers

>>21005843 This man put a GPS tracker in his recycling to see where it ended up

>>21005844 FBI hunting 500 serial killer truckers loose on America's roads

>>21005851 This website tracks congressional stock trading

>>21005916 AG Ken Paxton Leads Multistate Coalition Landmark $700M Settlement Against J&J Over Its Talc-Based Baby Powder

>>21005919, >>21005940 Trump’s youth movement: Why some young voters in deep blue Philadelphia are backing the former president

>>21005950 (Turley) Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces an Investigation into Trump Liquor Licenses

>>21005952 4 US college professors stabbed in China

>>21005966 The US military has a plan to turn the Taiwan Strait into an 'unmanned hellscape' if China invades, top admiral says

>>21006016 GM approves new $6B stock buyback on strong demand for gas-powered vehicles

>>21005233, >>21005423, >>21005486, >>21005489, >>21005545, >>21005594, >>21005605, >>21005711, >>21005791 Misc.

>>21006026 #25760

Previously Collected

>>21005193 #25759

>>21002080 #25756, >>21003016 #25757, >>21004185 #25758

>>20999554 #25753, >>21000368 #25754, >>21001318 #25755

>>20996728 #25750, >>20997952 #25751, >>20998520 #25752

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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754c80 No.21008531

File: c5f2f32746b7c7c⋯.png (94.66 KB,679x338,679:338,ClipboardImage.png)


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9309e2 No.21008533

File: 7de4d653e1b530f⋯.png (576.43 KB,568x740,142:185,7de4d653e1b530f9c49bdc1620….png)



baker needs to jet

step up

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754c80 No.21008536

File: d38496f18e3c57b⋯.png (738.76 KB,556x679,556:679,ClipboardImage.png)

noticed the red folder of course, but just noticed the green headrests …. red green show

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d939c0 No.21008539

File: 4593609e8cd26e4⋯.png (249.94 KB,450x600,3:4,4593609e8cd26e4a2ae557c86d….png)

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9af9cb No.21008543

File: be08a58266f4093⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,Bbvbv.png)

Democrats you hit the end of the road Trump has 100% of the law behind him… Democrats make sure your last wishes are in order. What you have done to president Trump will not be forgiven.

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e773cd No.21008544


Your AI wwarfare systems are compromised by the UK. Enjoy.

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c4b82e No.21008545

File: 17aecc1b3cef9ae⋯.jpg (37.61 KB,750x521,750:521,missing_pen.jpg)


Give me back my pen, seen a notable.

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754c80 No.21008547

File: e536e99d05d8d59⋯.png (380.66 KB,680x453,680:453,ClipboardImage.png)


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a45144 No.21008548

File: 4db6bcc4640ab50⋯.png (1018.42 KB,1080x1075,216:215,Screenshot_20240609_091111….png)


UK WANKERS can only wish AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is 100% American.

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9309e2 No.21008550

File: db7bcd371521130⋯.jpeg (247.15 KB,1200x1200,1:1,db7bcd371521130b8698a2726….jpeg)


will ghost in 15 if no takers

ty anons

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9309e2 No.21008552


your link - from the ? on are just identifiers can delete them


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957f44 No.21008553

File: 30a8df587ffa72c⋯.png (696.91 KB,1080x749,1080:749,Screenshot_20240611_181240….png)


I got your back.

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e773cd No.21008554


Casanova, Katrina, Kosovo

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d939c0 No.21008555

trip test

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ec1e90 No.21008556

File: fbdf74189ce8e81⋯.jpeg (1.48 MB,1620x2076,135:173,IMG_2265.jpeg)


NEW YORK — Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence’s campaign plane slid off a runway during a rainstorm at New York’s LaGuardia Airport late Thursday, tearing up concrete before coming to rest on a patch of grass.

When the plane came to a stop, U.S. Secret Service agents rushed from the back of the plane to the front, where Pence was seated, to check on the candidate. He said he was fine, though, and no one had been injured.

“We can see mud on the front windows,” a calm Pence said in the press cabin about a minute after the plane came to rest.

Later, the Indiana governor tweeted: “So thankful everyone on our plane is safe. Grateful for our first responders & the concern & prayers of so many. Back on the trail tomorrow!”

In Geneva, Ohio, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump told his supporters that Pence had come “pretty close to grave, grave danger.” But, he added: “I just spoke to Mike Pence and he’s fine. Everybody’s fine.”

Democrat Hillary Clinton tweeted: “Glad to hear @mike_pence, his staff, Secret Service, and the crew are all safe.”

The plane was coming to New York from Fort Dodge, Iowa, where it had made a hard landing but stayed on the runway earlier Thursday afternoon. After a rally in Fort Dodge, Pence’s flight to New York was delayed because of weather. The Indiana governor spent about 20 minutes tossing a football with his staff, journalists and Secret Service agents near the Iowa runway.

Upon arriving at LaGuardia, after a bumpy approach, the Boeing 737 Eastern Airlines charter landed roughly, making first contact with the runway concrete. The pilot slammed on the brakes and the plane began to slide sideways. When it stopped, passengers could smell burning rubber.

The Federal Aviation Administration said, “A crushable concrete runway safety technology called an Engineered Material Arresting System stopped the plane.” The FAA website says the material is “designed to safely stop airplanes that overshoot runways.”

The 37 passengers, including Pence, and 11 crew members were evacuated through the back of the plane.

In a series of televised interviews on Friday, Pence said he was grateful that the crushable concrete runway worked as designed and for the “quick action” by pilots and first responders.

“Just for a few seconds, you could feel us bouncing off,” he told ABC’s “Good Morning America.” ”And with mud splattered up on the windows, we figured we were off the runway.”

Pence added: “I’m just really grateful, really grateful, for some quick action, not only by the pilots, but also by first responders” who were quickly on the scene.

The Port Authority shut down the runway following the incident, but later reopened it. In a statement, the agency confirmed that the plane had “overshot” the runway and said there were no injuries and no fire.

Port Authority Executive Director Patrick Foye said the National Transportation Safety Board “will take control of the investigation. The aircraft will remain where it is until the NTSB releases it.”

Foye added, “Per the request of the NTSB, we are not going to speculate on the cause of the incident tonight.”

Pence spokesman Marc Lotter said Pence spoke with Trump shortly after the landing. The vice presidential candidate also called into the $1 million fundraiser at Trump Tower that he had been expected to attend, Lotter said. The campaign said it was preparing a new, similar aircraft that would be ready soon.


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ec1e90 No.21008557



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f85220 No.21008558

File: c8c761566a852da⋯.jpg (65.85 KB,500x834,250:417,Ddb.jpg)

AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is a global threat because no nation has their technology… AI WARFARE is coming nobody can stop it.

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8afc11 No.21008559

File: fee630ef479cfca⋯.png (253.54 KB,674x379,674:379,toughguy.png)

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89f5bd No.21008560

Court of public opinion

[Court of factual forensics]

Two weeks

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e773cd No.21008562


>AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is a global threat

YEAH, you're right there, eh!

A threat to civilians everywhere

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9eb0a6 No.21008563

File: 78115e7cb3b6876⋯.png (284.28 KB,539x423,539:423,78115e7cb3b68761e1b2b6410f….png)

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432f8f No.21008565

File: a22067e5318e72b⋯.png (649.41 KB,1080x761,1080:761,Lopez.png)

Turd Tuesday failed Big League.

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9eb0a6 No.21008566

File: fffe427e90caae5⋯.jpg (249.03 KB,900x675,4:3,one_of_them.jpg)

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9eb0a6 No.21008568

File: 7e9e7de627c6fe5⋯.png (765.64 KB,644x570,322:285,7e9e7de627c6fe5739ad58b14a….png)

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c2aab7 No.21008569

File: 3cae8e284291d11⋯.jpg (84.37 KB,500x646,250:323,Trump_Wave.jpg)

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ec1e90 No.21008570

File: 453d583205486d5⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1620x1787,1620:1787,IMG_2266.jpeg)


Oct. 28, 2023 “This Is Not My Time”

Former Vice President Mike Pence speaks at an annual leadership meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023, in Las Vegas.

Former Vice President Mike Pence announced that he would drop his bid for the White House on Saturday, as he determined that “this is not my time.”

“I was raised to believe that to whom much is given much will be required, and with everything our country is facing, I just couldn’t sit this one out. But the Bible tells us that there’s a time for every purpose under heaven,” Pence said during remarks at a Las Vegas convention. “So after much prayer and deliberation, I have decided to suspend my campaign for president, effective today.”

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684f02 No.21008571

I’ve decided that golden doodles and german shepherds are the same dogs. They might share the bed with you if they like you…hahaha

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c2aab7 No.21008573

File: 01663e0c8f69691⋯.png (578.58 KB,800x771,800:771,01663e0c8f696913ba16e0b6d7….png)

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8ba6aa No.21008574

File: c2e5ff329b8c629⋯.jpeg (427.03 KB,1312x1402,656:701,IMG_1887.jpeg)

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9eb0a6 No.21008575

File: 5336006ca13a50d⋯.png (834.88 KB,757x500,757:500,5336006ca13a50dc516f041141….png)

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9eb0a6 No.21008577

File: ff6bff5e979b116⋯.jpg (209.09 KB,837x1267,837:1267,AMLO.jpg)

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8ba6aa No.21008578

File: 23195b118e9262d⋯.mp4 (140.29 KB,640x360,16:9,jnFjji_0sVJLWfaK.mp4)

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9eb0a6 No.21008579

File: e34a2da9799cc6b⋯.png (417.39 KB,750x765,50:51,e34a2da9799cc6b842879c22fb….png)

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8ba6aa No.21008580

File: 99b759df3fb9693⋯.jpeg (203.26 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1880.jpeg)

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b4cc73 No.21008581

File: 4b6bae7bae36689⋯.png (634.04 KB,577x942,577:942,ClipboardImage.png)

Here's where I'm at with the deepstate.

Anyone else?

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8ba6aa No.21008582

File: 8a2c289afbff7f2⋯.jpeg (145.25 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1870.jpeg)

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9309e2 No.21008583

File: 0e4bd67834ffce6⋯.png (1.78 MB,968x800,121:100,0e4bd67834ffce6451153bc500….png)

File: 4a246401e3b63e8⋯.png (1.17 MB,706x704,353:352,4a246401e3b63e82c670e857dc….png)

File: 574c3ad94630376⋯.jpg (35.96 KB,562x420,281:210,574c3ad946303761bf3c9c6d83….jpg)




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95aed0 No.21008584

File: f1086a13cc368ff⋯.jpg (34.58 KB,474x617,474:617,4550d7b38d7e4cce68cf0c5741….jpg)

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432f8f No.21008585


Good luck… o7

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ec1e90 No.21008586

File: e9cdd22e0eb8327⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1170x2157,390:719,IMG_9265.jpeg)

File: 8b3e03792241dc0⋯.jpeg (712.41 KB,4800x2701,4800:2701,IMG_2208.jpeg)

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)

File: 21491009b7f3294⋯.png (1.88 MB,898x3198,449:1599,2515_2.png)


Q Clearance Patriot!


Thank You for Loving America!!

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95aed0 No.21008587

File: f66b6309e165e94⋯.png (126.27 KB,800x769,800:769,pepe_realization.png)

Holy fuck! Just realized. Almost ruined the rare escape that anonymity can provide for someone yesterday. How the fuck did I not see that at the time? I will never, ever, do that again.

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8ba6aa No.21008589

File: be36d5a120a514d⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,460x352,115:88,VxzvhHsLxqgHgmmS.mp4)

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41bef6 No.21008590

File: e80c91be0d6a8cf⋯.jpeg (90.99 KB,896x738,448:369,Screen_Shot_2024_06_11_at….jpeg)

T shows up to court.

BB - Bait Balls

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432f8f No.21008591

Trump is holding a royal flush… Democrats are holding a tranny shitstain.

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8ba6aa No.21008592

File: af7397c723b24d4⋯.jpg (322.75 KB,1368x799,1368:799,IMG_1799.jpg)

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9eb0a6 No.21008594


we're not far right

just right so far

wish we weren't

but here we are

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8ba6aa No.21008598

File: 621d033ef543099⋯.jpeg (200.32 KB,1131x834,377:278,IMG_1871.jpeg)

File: a01e7bd439b3cc0⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1291x1419,1291:1419,IMG_1889.jpeg)

File: 95462d917b1e621⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,640x360,16:9,eYGe1kdWvfqelvnM.mp4)

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1ac549 No.21008599


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684f02 No.21008601


I like me your poem

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95aed0 No.21008602

File: 2ac38faf0230f1b⋯.jpeg (44.1 KB,1013x503,1013:503,qfoCywsGYnvk.jpeg)


Can't criticize those that have embraced Baphomet's image.

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24580f No.21008603

File: 30823f0f3130961⋯.png (58.88 KB,680x670,68:67,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e64c6 No.21008604

File: 80ee3b8684c425c⋯.png (723.03 KB,800x771,800:771,ClipboardImage.png)


Added a pepe, thanks Anon.

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9eb0a6 No.21008605

calling all meme hoarders….

saw a meme that did a side-by-side

the kids riding scooters on the pride crosswalk

and rioters defacing national monuments

shoulda nik'd it when i saw it…

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19e7ca No.21008607

File: d142cf865f2c53e⋯.jpg (82.04 KB,681x889,681:889,Screen_Shot_2024_06_12_at_….jpg)

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8ba6aa No.21008608

File: b846e21307215dd⋯.jpeg (761.99 KB,1291x1448,1291:1448,IMG_1872.jpeg)

File: 8d2d01d42134dc7⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,720x1280,9:16,Oprah_s_Land_Grab.mp4)

File: d8a92188cb3d9ab⋯.jpeg (558.14 KB,889x576,889:576,IMG_1873.jpeg)

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89f5bd No.21008610


: Title-4-Flag.

[Fuck the gay groomer agenda flag]

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19e7ca No.21008612

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c9d614 No.21008616


>Anyone else?

the waiting or the losing when he gets to the top?

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89f5bd No.21008617




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19e7ca No.21008618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6e64c6 No.21008619

File: 04a19ca6888c077⋯.png (35.14 KB,444x282,74:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb96cd No.21008620

File: 7b991018f7e10f7⋯.png (1.37 MB,1211x903,173:129,7b991018f7e10f758177b1a248….png)

File: 7f10a7d033329e7⋯.jpeg (72.22 KB,281x488,281:488,ladys_night.jpeg)


Meme corps, service.

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95aed0 No.21008621


Not really. They've had their chance. I offer a different sort of rope with a specific kind of knot.

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61a057 No.21008622

File: dca02bf7643dd63⋯.jpg (189.6 KB,606x680,303:340,20240611_235812.jpg)

File: 0e9b039cba2c24a⋯.jpg (40.1 KB,709x389,709:389,20240612_001515.jpg)

Today Hunter was found guilty.

Q post that has the gun upside down, the file name is 6_11.png – .

Today is 6/11 – Right on schedule.



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61a057 No.21008623

File: 34d1e56a636d815⋯.png (248.62 KB,1016x462,508:231,20240602_200305.png)

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1fd232 No.21008624

File: b0577eabcb90fae⋯.png (1.15 MB,818x743,818:743,7636545646543.PNG)

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d7090a No.21008625

File: 1eb5faa460ffdc9⋯.gif (789.35 KB,500x244,125:61,1eb5faa460ffdc96aefd6deadb….gif)

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5fb047 No.21008626

File: 2e09f195f16e82c⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,2048x2048,1:1,2e09f195f16e82c010d02e3632….jpg)

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6e64c6 No.21008627



Wyatt is Anon.

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51b8af No.21008629






bing boom pow.

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50fe4f No.21008630


This is like ordering a burger without pickles and finding it has pickles..

i just can't with this place lol

no here make more rules and take my guns away so i can't fend for myself. so many questions.

doesn't look good.

he's gonna have to get a consitutional lawyer.

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0f7136 No.21008631

Fake News

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5fb047 No.21008632

File: d38687edf78c71d⋯.jpg (196.4 KB,709x1024,709:1024,d38687edf78c71dc3cf00ceaaf….jpg)

>>21007753 LB




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0f7136 No.21008633

WHEN Donald Trump gets Judicial abuse it's HEADLINE NEWS IN CANADA.

When Mr. Gun Grab's kid gets CONVICTED of GUN CRIMES - NOT ONE CORRUPT deep state FAKE NEWS media outlet IN CANADA thinks the President's son being a CONVICTED FELON is news worthy.

It's not the news it's LIBERAL CORRUPTION.

Joe Biden's Son is a CONVICTED FELON


Cuz Fake News CANADA will never tell the Truth.

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51b8af No.21008634


So grab some friends and lets make a traffic jam

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50fe4f No.21008635


by design

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51b8af No.21008636










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6b1a48 No.21008637

File: 4b6fd43dc2cf146⋯.mp4 (419.7 KB,400x224,25:14,107_Dark_To_Light.mp4)

File: f0bd42d837fec94⋯.jpg (158.06 KB,927x823,927:823,Glock_Boom.jpg)

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4e68ba No.21008638

File: 5c2ed44da20fcf2⋯.png (722.44 KB,1183x664,1183:664,nyerbtrvwtwew.PNG)

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6b1a48 No.21008639

File: e789b677acae9e1⋯.jpg (38.24 KB,1080x633,360:211,107.jpg)

File: 718f9cca8b34757⋯.jpg (126.05 KB,821x797,821:797,Screenshot_20240612_073624….jpg)

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8ba6aa No.21008640

File: cf6bedf12fa45ae⋯.png (1.57 MB,1098x1144,549:572,5512F711_3ABF_49CD_879D_F4….png)

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1b4a1f No.21008641


Revelation 6:11 King James Version 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

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8ba6aa No.21008642

File: 77d8ef99ac248cb⋯.png (946.33 KB,818x743,818:743,00ED913B_D46C_40DA_8706_AF….png)

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f0df61 No.21008643

File: 3f791c9ee18085e⋯.png (780.37 KB,821x795,821:795,y645ny6546546.PNG)

Reported birth of rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone park fulfills Lakota prophecy

The reported birth of a rare white buffalo in Yellowstone National Park fulfills a Lakota prophecy that portends better times, according to members of the American Indian tribe who cautioned that it’s also a signal that more must be done to protect the earth and its animals.

“The birth of this calf is both a blessing and warning. We must do more,” said Chief Arvol Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota and the Nakota Oyate in South Dakota, and the 19th keeper of the sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe and Bundle.

The birth of the sacred calf comes as after a severe winter in 2023 drove thousands of Yellowstone buffalo, also known as bison, to lower elevations. More than 1,500 were killed, sent to slaughter or transferred to tribes seeking to reclaim stewardship over an animal their ancestors lived alongside for millennia.


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8ba6aa No.21008644

File: 8ae556e4b5b9d10⋯.mp4 (534.33 KB,640x360,16:9,YPxCIf1_aP5JsPzI.mp4)

File: be36d5a120a514d⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,460x352,115:88,VxzvhHsLxqgHgmmS.mp4)

File: ba4237f8ca1e9be⋯.mp4 (544.92 KB,644x360,161:90,XlmNGPMsIk9KcT29.mp4)

File: 2b37fdd5c09ffca⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,640x360,16:9,9jD7ybHgc2zE_o35.mp4)

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ee4db1 No.21008645


Is a little season same as 2 weeks?

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c9d614 No.21008646

File: 13d9444248f0561⋯.png (180.01 KB,788x590,394:295,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d6002853874ea96⋯.png (149.8 KB,834x576,139:96,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1548056606d67c4⋯.png (209.91 KB,840x707,120:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 690a0d4649f690d⋯.png (88.6 KB,374x427,374:427,ClipboardImage.png)


one step closer to Nuremberg 2.0 and hangings

is that panic i smell in the air?


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e4e375 No.21008647


Harvest cycle 45-60 days

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8ba6aa No.21008648

File: 42c8f8f8112af0a⋯.png (870.67 KB,785x818,785:818,9D96950B_6B3F_44F9_B034_E6….png)

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8ba6aa No.21008649

File: 6b433c6f830ba27⋯.gif (509.33 KB,500x375,4:3,IMG_1908.gif)

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d939c0 No.21008650


Need to get a hundred or so bikers doing it at the same time.

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6e64c6 No.21008651


We are running out of two moar weeks.

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8ba6aa No.21008652

File: 52e0c0109b03ad1⋯.mp4 (1.78 MB,640x352,20:11,Police_Horses_Don_t_like_L….mp4)

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ec1e90 No.21008653


Two loaves


Crumbs for the Ducks

Happy 39th Anniversary Q Clearance Patriots


Nov 02, 2017 2:14:27 AM EDT

Anonymous ID: pGukiFmX No. 147588085

Would it blow your mind if I told you BO has been to NK and perhaps there now?

Why did his administration do little to slow their nuclear and missle capabilities?

Who feeds NK w/ strategic intel? Iran?

What deal was done with Iran under BO?

Why was the deal sealed under a top secret classification?

Why wasn’t Congress notified?

Why after BO left office all of a sudden NK has nukes and the tech to miniaturize for payload delivery within the US?

What about NSA CIA DI etc all confirming tech won’t be in place for 5+ years (statements made in 2016).

Why is all of this relevant and what does it tell you?

Big picture is rare.

6y, 7m, 1w, 3d, 41m ago

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8ba6aa No.21008654

File: 987f2c482fa86f2⋯.jpg (94.47 KB,503x445,503:445,Two_Weeks_17.jpg)

File: f6fbf2450e48a32⋯.jpg (312.26 KB,964x426,482:213,Two_Weeks_23.jpg)

File: 6189c1421456f9c⋯.jpg (206.71 KB,800x450,16:9,Two_Weeks_19.jpg)

File: c91d8d4ac915c07⋯.jpg (228.72 KB,1162x794,581:397,Two_Weeks_18.jpg)

File: bafde1a9be4580a⋯.jpg (461.02 KB,907x570,907:570,Two_Weeks_22.jpg)

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6e64c6 No.21008655


Confirmed, those two horse aren't fags. Not sure about their riders.

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24580f No.21008656


this bathroom statement is so perfect when you really mull on it, that it makes me imagine the forest question as a setup for the spike.

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89f5bd No.21008657


<fuck faggots

>wait nevermind

<faggotry is retarted

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8ba6aa No.21008658

File: 350ee38996c19a5⋯.mp4 (810.74 KB,640x360,16:9,OMdUE9wMpyODougd.mp4)

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19e7ca No.21008659

File: 0f9edb283899950⋯.png (64.59 KB,600x300,2:1,0f9edb283899950dcb96927077….png)

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24580f No.21008660

File: 6bb8db648e46385⋯.png (12.61 KB,457x500,457:500,ClipboardImage.png)


volley ball comms, y'all!

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19e7ca No.21008661

File: bc3aed4035e3ca4⋯.gif (563.3 KB,316x128,79:32,bc3aed4035e3ca484f3381786a….gif)

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628262 No.21008662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1ac549 No.21008663


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f0df61 No.21008664

File: d3656b638844506⋯.png (45.5 KB,991x824,991:824,nuyrubeyteyr.PNG)

History-making $6.8B federal grant for Gateway tunnel is approved, lawmaker says

The largest federal transit grant in history, $6.8 billion to build the $16 billion Gateway Tunnel project between New Jersey and New York, has been approved by a federal agency, officials said.

The $6.8 billion full funding grant agreement between the Federal Transit Administration and Gateway Development Commission was confirmed Tuesday, and the federal government told Congress it would provide an additional $6.88 billion to the project, according to U.S. Rep. Josh Gottheimer’s office.


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8ba6aa No.21008665

File: 68ea346b10d4d7b⋯.jpeg (141.7 KB,800x556,200:139,AEF08249_01CB_4E7D_9E71_2….jpeg)

File: 5d5de45d331a8f3⋯.jpeg (295.68 KB,1551x1079,1551:1079,IMG_1910.jpeg)

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9eb0a6 No.21008666

File: 5994de48117d236⋯.png (1.44 MB,1211x903,173:129,7b991018f7e10f758177b1a248….png)

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f0df61 No.21008667

File: e3755292fed8b55⋯.png (676.85 KB,909x827,909:827,nrebwtvbe.PNG)

One Dead After Rush-Hour Hijacking of Commuter Bus in Atlanta

A suspect, Joseph Grier, 39, was taken into custody. No other injuries were reported among the 17 people on the bus.

A security vehicle is parked next to a Gwinnett County Transit bus on the side of the road as police officers walk by.

A Gwinnett County commuter bus in Smoke Rise, Ga., after being hijacked on Tuesday.Credit…Ben Gray/Associated Press

Alexandra E. Petri

By Alexandra E. Petri

June 11, 2024


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628262 No.21008668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We Just Started ;-)

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8ba6aa No.21008669

File: 9bb3f0b4bd12a75⋯.jpeg (177.68 KB,1130x1241,1130:1241,IMG_1919.jpeg)

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7e949a No.21008670


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db85af No.21008671

File: 7b90d8b57c033a3⋯.png (246.1 KB,516x292,129:73,ClipboardImage.png)


one version

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24580f No.21008672

File: 2377afe51eb1462⋯.png (254.45 KB,1074x1082,537:541,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fcf13 No.21008673


The Once and Future King

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879dfc No.21008674

File: f9b5604f24b7457⋯.png (529.55 KB,1149x761,1149:761,m7346h524h3.PNG)

US approves $1.94 billion military sale to Norway

The US State Department on Tuesday approved the potential sale of advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles and related equipment to Norway for an estimated $1.94 billion.

The Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency said it delivered the required certification notifying Congress of the possible sale.

Norway requested 300 AIM-120C-8 missiles and 20 missile guidance sections and other items to buy, the Pentagon said in a statement, adding the principal contractor will be RTX Corporation in Tucson, Arizona.

"The proposed sale will improve Norway’s capability to meet current and future threats by supplementing and replacing its AIM-120B AMRAAMs with the latest version of the AIM-120C.

"The newly acquired missiles will be used for ground-based air defense in the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System (NASAMS) but may be subject to dual use with the F-35A," it added.

Norway requested 300 AIM-120C-8 missiles, 20 missile guidance sections, other items to buy, says Pentagon.


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628262 No.21008675

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Have Phun We Are OUT!

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24580f No.21008676

File: 1f29e013773948b⋯.png (22.14 KB,686x386,343:193,ClipboardImage.png)

Sorry I don't remember how this goes but..

44 UIDs? something something



KMAO at 44 UIDS!!

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24580f No.21008677

File: be46887bee564cb⋯.png (96.68 KB,680x604,170:151,ClipboardImage.png)

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d939c0 No.21008678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Looks like Ford and Toyota are adopting Elon's direct sales strategy.

Good riddance to all those dealers and salesmen.


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50fe4f No.21008679


you see the "god" of the bible isn't the creator.

the creator made sure you knew the plans before they happened.

hense why the bible exists. The creator is in the bible tho.

He said my children will die for the lack of knowledge.

They do not know how to understand the bible so it falls on the preachers to interpret.

and they lead them astray, some knowingly and unknowingly. i'll use q terms.

The creator loves all his people. He knows what forces they are up against.

The debts were paid but they(forces) made it seem as they were not so lead them astray again. held them hostage.

so the call of murdering ppl"god said" isn't the creator. love.. is not in them if they call for such which in turn means they are not the creator.

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ef69d9 No.21008680

File: f024b0284f0c666⋯.jpg (192.6 KB,1417x1270,1417:1270,GGgSIsrWkAAgDyC.jpg)

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72b138 No.21008681

File: 337e56871d75454⋯.png (847.69 KB,1085x815,217:163,muernyreymwr.PNG)

US calls for Japan's help to replenish missile inventory

"It is clear that the United States military industrial base cannot meet all the strategic challenge that we have and obligations we have,” Ambassador Rahm Emanuel said.

He spoke as Japan and the U.S. held their first talks to accelerate military industrial cooperation, two months after an April agreement between Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and U.S. President Joe Biden.

This week’s talks in Tokyo are between U.S. Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment William LaPlante and his Japanese counterpart, Masaki Fukasawa, head of the Acquisition, Technology and Logistics Agency.

They agreed to establish working groups for missile co-production and for maintenance and repair of U.S. Navy ships and Air Force aircraft in the region, the Japanese Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Yesterday, the two countries held the first meeting of the Japanese shipyard repair working group, which will help U.S. shipbuilders focus on new ships while allowing ships to be repaired in Japan for greater efficiency and deterrence.


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5a3cad No.21008682


This is a perfect meme, because it reveals the plan to devalue our values and principles in a concise manner. The bearded lady is now true everywhere, obesity is a norm, and there is nothing extraordinary about being tattooed head to toe any longer. The entertainment industry was weaponized too.

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405b1b No.21008683

File: d5542308c43487d⋯.png (836.45 KB,1272x874,636:437,m67e_y_etrtwmw.PNG)

Leonardo to Supply Laser Systems for US Military Aircraft

Leonardo DRS has secured a contract to provide its Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) solution for US military aircraft.

QCL is integrated into the fifth-generation Common Infrared Countermeasure (CIRCM) systems used to increase the survivability of aircraft.

The commercial off-the-shelf laser is designed with a lightweight structure and multi-color optical beams to defend against incoming anti-aircraft missiles.

Through the QCL, the CIRCM can track and neutralize threats with an unlimited number of rounds.

The laser’s critical capability can also be used for other tactical applications in addition to protecting rotary wing, tiltrotor, and small fixed-wing aircraft.

“We are proud to continue to provide this critical technology…to ensure the survivability of our flight crews from surface-to-air missile threats,” DRS Daylight Solutions SVP and General Manager Dr. Timothy Day said.

“Our ground-breaking quantum cascade laser technology represents the ultimate choice for aircraft survivability. As missile and other anti-aircraft threats continue to evolve and proliferate around the world, frontline helicopters will require capable systems like CIRCM to defeat these threats.”


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6a4f7e No.21008684

File: 16a81d4c867e084⋯.png (2.42 MB,1279x837,1279:837,j5435h3jh432.PNG)

A U.S. Navy Submarine Survived Crashing Into a 'Underwater Mountain'

In 2005, the U.S. Navy submarine USS San Francisco collided with an uncharted underwater mountain while traveling at high speed near Guam, causing significant damage and injuring 98 crew members, with one fatality.

-Remarkably, the submarine did not sink and managed to return to port.

-The incident highlighted the resilience of U.S. Navy submarines and the risks posed by uncharted seamounts.

-Following temporary repairs, the USS San Francisco was extensively refurbished and returned to service.

-An investigation faulted the commanding officer and several crew members for not using updated charts, while others were commended for their response during the crisis.


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650162 No.21008685


Sure did…

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5a3cad No.21008686


This will be needed to combat hypersonic missiles, couldn't come soon enough, great work.

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650162 No.21008687

Where are the COMMS decodes from POTUS' TRUTHS earlier tonight?

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d6b4cd No.21008688


true enough.

making "anything goes" the norm destroys the usefulness of the entire idea of normality.

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5a3cad No.21008689


Updated charts should be automated in the future.

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50fe4f No.21008690


because it reveals the plan to devalue our values and principles

key word "our"

Land of the free home of the brave.

not damned if you do damned if you don't.

freedom is many things.

freedom to choose ones life path is necessary. freedom to think how you like. freedom on opinions. etc.

group think is one who has to conform to everyone elses thinking.

in this day and age ppl focus on what they can do for themselves instead who they can be doing for.

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d939c0 No.21008691


>This is a perfect meme, because…

You forgot that it also triggers trannies, fatties, and tatties.

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19e7ca No.21008692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b2cf34 No.21008693

File: e64f8385521dcdc⋯.png (74.93 KB,812x873,812:873,yj55th24jweer.PNG)

US sends destroyers to track Russian nuclear sub and warship carrying hypersonic weapons

The US Navy dispatched ships and aircraft to track Russian warships that sailed just 25 miles off the South Florida coast yesterday en route to Cuba.

Vladimir Putin's most modern frigate Admiral Gorshkov, a hypersonic missile carrier, was accompanying nuclear submarine Kazan and two other naval vessels in the Atlantic for drills involving the use of high precision weapons, Russia's defence ministry said yesterday.

All four vessels arrive in Havana today ahead of a series of extensive aerial and naval exercises, according to the ministry - the first of their kind in five years in the Caribbean.


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d6b4cd No.21008694


pardon my ignorance, but they rely on charts not radar?

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5a3cad No.21008695


Right, now when you think about, these are not the types of people that would join an army. There are so many things that when you think about was designed for this one specific purpose, to destroy our capabilities. America needs to go back to the drawing board starting from kindergarten and reconcile all these covert assaults on our republic. By the time most get to high school, they have little respect for the work that our forefathers did.

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24580f No.21008696

File: cf144f8a53621b2⋯.png (8.16 KB,332x152,83:38,ClipboardImage.png)





You all make such great points

I find it funny to just think of the face value of this meme vs the process of the artist wanting to make it

because he made it to be like, hey… you are still freaks to me… but you're not funny anymore.

and then I think the artist is BASED! KEK

and i am a bit tarded but that's my spiritual interpretation.

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45a874 No.21008697

File: 30c1bb7659db9e1⋯.png (688.58 KB,979x831,979:831,m75_w6newtrwe.PNG)

U.S. deploys warships as Russian fleet makes close pass to Florida in approach to Cuba

The U.S. Navy has deployed warships and aircraft to track a Russian naval flotilla after the Russian vessels sailed less than 30 miles off South Florida’s coast on Tuesday, U.S. officials told McClatchy and the Miami Herald.

Last week, Moscow sent three ships and a nuclear-powered submarine to the Caribbean for what U.S. officials say will be a set of extensive military air and naval exercises — the first of their kind in at least five years.

The drills began on Tuesday in the Atlantic, the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement, with its hypersonic-capable frigate and nuclear-capable submarine simulating a strike on a group of enemy ships. It is unclear whether the frigate is armed with hypersonic missiles, but the U.S. intelligence community has assessed that none of the Russian vessels are carrying nuclear weapons.


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754c80 No.21008698

File: 5d243e6cc1a044d⋯.png (5.83 MB,1875x1250,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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48300a No.21008699

File: f67b155686064cf⋯.png (653.51 KB,831x770,831:770,ClipboardImage.png)

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24580f No.21008700

File: ffb8c0505815104⋯.png (21.49 KB,434x542,217:271,ClipboardImage.png)


Idk if its jesus, probably is, but people need to pay more attention to how He's talking to us thru memes.

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8bc13e No.21008701

File: 85f4e98e048cb5e⋯.png (413.08 KB,972x858,162:143,wmryrtreqwee.PNG)

US Military Destroys Houthi Missile Launchers in Yemen

US Central Command (CENTCOM) announced the destruction of two anti-ship cruise missile (ASCM) launchers operated by Houthi forces in Yemen.

The operation, which occurred within the last 24 hours, targeted the missile launchers due to their “imminent threat to US and coalition forces and coalition forces and to merchant vessels transiting the region” amid the Iran-backed proxy’s Red Sea region blockade.

Global shipping has been targeted by the group, resulting from a claim of allegiance to Iran-backed Hamas in the midst of the Gaza war. Beginning as a campaign to target Israeli linked vessels it has since gone global with dozens of civilian seamen held captive.

The targeted missile launchers were located in a Houthi-controlled area. The Houthis, backed by Iran, have increasingly targeted international shipping in the Red Sea since November, following directives from Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to impede Israeli commerce.


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5a3cad No.21008702


Freedom to choose is OK, but the only thing that should be non-negotiable is the things that manifested those Freedoms, least you have no Freedoms. This is a subtle point, they used our values, freedoms, and principles to destroy our values, freedoms, and principles. We are living the results of this and can never let that happen again or we will have no country and be handed over to tyrants.

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19e7ca No.21008703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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650162 No.21008704

AS… your new team is a Real Riot.

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50fe4f No.21008705

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754c80 No.21008706

File: c4f0340a591d30b⋯.png (56.18 KB,687x391,687:391,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump


VOTE FOR TRUMP! Bitcoin mining may be our last line of defense against a CBDC. Biden’s hatred of Bitcoin only helps China, Russia, and the Radical Communist Left. We want all the remaining Bitcoin to be MADE IN THE USA!!! It will help us be ENERGY DOMINANT!!! bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/tr





Jun 11, 2024, 8:57 PM

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e517c7 No.21008707

File: fcfc0fbf8e0a6b7⋯.png (750.18 KB,1137x862,1137:862,7m5c3n65463n4.PNG)

Space Force Urges Certain Air Force Reservists to Become Full-Time Guardians

The Space Force is now taking applications from Air Force reservists in certain career fields to become full-time, active-duty Guardians, the latest effort to draw more service members from its sister service.

From June 1 to Nov. 30, Air Force reservists in space-related career fields can transfer and become Guardians under the Space Force Personnel Management Act, which became law in late 2023. The legislation, part of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, allows Space Force Guardians to serve in a full-time or part-time active-duty capacity – different from the traditional model of offering reserve or Guard service like the other military branches.

"This is an important first step toward fully integrating critical space expertise from the reserve into our force," Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman said in a news release. "We've been serving side-by-side together, supporting the same mission, for longer than the Space Force has existed. I'm excited to officially call the teammates who decide to transfer Guardians."


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5a3cad No.21008708


Not sure but a valid question, I believe radars work alongside with charts as in chartered waters.

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5fcf13 No.21008709


The New Navy has it's panties in a bunch.

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4e1064 No.21008710

File: 12f18218a55caf8⋯.png (397.03 KB,1160x832,145:104,m735465n634.PNG)

Skylark Labs Announces Entrance into Monkton's $500M MATTER SBIR Phase III IDIQ

NEW YORK, June 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ – Skylark Labs is proud to announce its entrance into the Monkton MATTER SBIR Phase III IDIQ, a $500M contract vehicle issued by the U.S. Space Force. This contract provides a unique opportunity for Skylark Labs to rapidly deploy solutions and solve problems efficiently on behalf of U.S. government agencies.

MATTER (Mobile Applications At The Technical Edge) is designed to enable a swift acquisition process to provide the most advanced capabilities to the government fast. MATTER is a decentralized contract available to all federal agencies and organizations with federally appropriated funds, making it a foundational tool for rapid acquisition.

The $500M contract facilitates the commercialization of a mobile strategy for the Department of Defense, offering technology and support services to design, build, and deploy mission-enabling platforms for service members, civil servants, and reservists operating at the tactical edge.

"Skylark is honored to join this program, which aligns with our mission to deliver innovative solutions to support the warfighter," said Dr. Amarjot Singh, founder and CEO of Skylark Labs AI. "By leveraging the MATTER contract vehicle, Skylark Labs can expedite the development and deployment of cutting-edge technologies to address critical challenges and gaps faced by the U.S. Space Force and other government entities."


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754c80 No.21008711

File: d621004c7c2cd41⋯.png (8.5 MB,2500x1667,2500:1667,ClipboardImage.png)

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650162 No.21008712

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 07:39 PM > (WIN) > Q0739 Heavy lag/attack ongoing.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:31 PM > (WIN) > Q0831 Where we go one, we go ALL.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:48 PM > (WIN) > Q0848 (reply - blank)

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:04 PM > "MUST WATCH" > Q0904 DhytcDFbF5874/37875

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:05 PM > (WIN) > Q0905 24hrs to respond.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:04 PM > (WIN) > Q1001 SEC TEST

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:11 PM > (WIN) > Q1011 ARE YOU AWAKE?

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879dfc No.21008713

File: 0ba984c5907261a⋯.png (429.33 KB,897x889,897:889,m8673576m35.PNG)

Banana giant Chiquita found liable for funding Colombian terrorist group

June 12 (UPI) – After 17 years of litigation, banana producer Chiquita Brands International has been found liable for financing a Colombian paramilitary group that "murdered innocent victims."

A Florida jury in the civil case ordered Chiquita on Monday to pay $38.3 million to the families of eight victims of the paramilitary group United Self-Defense Groups Columbia, or AUC, which was designated a terrorist group by the United States and disbanded in 2006, according to Stanford University's Mapping Militants Project.

"Chiquita knowingly provided substantial assistance to the AUC to a degree sufficient to create a foreseeable risk of harm to others," the jury in the Southern District of Florida found.

EarthRights originally filed the case in July 2007, "accusing Chiquita of financing torture, war crimes and other human rights abuses."

"Chiquita made regular monthly payments, totaling more than $1.7 million to security forces controlled by AUC, a brutal paramilitary organization known for mass killing and designated by the U.S. government as a terrorist organization. That designation made supporting the AUC a federal crime," EarthRights said in a statement.

Chiquita pleaded guilty to funding the group between 1997 and 2004, following an inquiry by the U.S. Justice Department, but had not compensated the families of those murdered. The company, which claimed the payments were "security services," settled with the Justice Department in 2007 and paid a $25 million fine for funding terrorism.


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50fe4f No.21008714


just thinking.

you condemn them to not conforming to your old ways.

Maybe if

Just maybe people started teaching the kids things they need to know not what makes them a better worker an ant if you will.

maybe if there was a trust worthy ..ppl in power that takes the needs of their ppl seriously instead of playing golf all the time or on vacation.

In egypt a god if you will king watever couldn't keep up with feeding the people and they revolted wouldn't work or be in the army.

changes need made, so he opened trade up.but condoning the ppl for who they are and saying you must be this way.. is wrong.

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650162 No.21008715

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 07:39 PM > (WIN) > Q0739 Heavy lag/attack ongoing.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:31 PM > (WIN) > Q0831 Where we go one, we go ALL.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:48 PM > (WIN) > Q0848 (reply - blank)

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:04 PM > "MUST WATCH" > Q0904 DhytcDFbF5874/37875

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:05 PM > (WIN) > Q0905 24hrs to respond.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:04 PM > (WIN) > Q1001 SEC TEST

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:11 PM > (WIN) > Q1011 ARE YOU AWAKE?

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650162 No.21008716

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 07:39 PM > (WIN) > Q0739 Heavy lag/attack ongoing.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:31 PM > (WIN) > Q0831 Where we go one, we go ALL.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:48 PM > (WIN) > Q0848 (reply - blank)

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:04 PM > "MUST WATCH" > Q0904 DhytcDFbF5874/37875

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:05 PM > (WIN) > Q0905 24hrs to respond.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:04 PM > (WIN) > Q1001 SEC TEST

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:11 PM > (WIN) > Q1011 ARE YOU AWAKE?

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650162 No.21008717

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 07:39 PM > (WIN) > Q0739 Heavy lag/attack ongoing.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:31 PM > (WIN) > Q0831 Where we go one, we go ALL.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 08:48 PM > (WIN) > Q0848 (reply - blank)

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:04 PM > "MUST WATCH" > Q0904 DhytcDFbF5874/37875

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 09:05 PM > (WIN) > Q0905 24hrs to respond.

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:04 PM > (WIN) > Q1001 SEC TEST

Q+ Jun 11, 2024, 10:11 PM > (WIN) > Q1011 ARE YOU AWAKE?

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8afc11 No.21008718

File: 4b5227b7072d792⋯.png (14.54 KB,429x221,33:17,Ezra.png)

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46ecd5 No.21008719

File: f13d2d5e97746a5⋯.png (2.37 MB,1920x3296,60:103,then_suddenly.png)

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18f241 No.21008720


Never realized that this was taken in an elevator.


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48300a No.21008721

File: 01085835aabbfd1⋯.png (635.67 KB,693x924,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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f13509 No.21008722

Operator1 is active.

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48300a No.21008723

File: 011e2899c8f1eb0⋯.png (329.53 KB,526x676,263:338,ClipboardImage.png)

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18f241 No.21008724


ThankQ, I always considered this a job, and said: Truth saves lives, lies even cover up genocide.

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f13509 No.21008725


Are you awake, Patriots?

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893923 No.21008726

File: 2ca1ca045bfa879⋯.png (748.75 KB,1021x802,1021:802,656m5j436526454.PNG)

Washington to send another Patriot missile system to Ukraine: US media

The United States will send another Patriot missile air defence system to Ukraine in the coming days, US media reported, citing unnamed administration and military officials.

News of the decision to provide the advanced system came as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy pleaded on Tuesday for more air defences at the start of an intense week of diplomatic meetings with Western partners.

Zelenskyy has recently called for several additional Patriot systems, including two to defend the eastern Kharkiv region, where Russia has recently been pressing a new offensive.

"Russia's greatest strategic advantage over Ukraine is superiority in the sky. It is missile and bomb terror that helps Russian troops advance on the ground," Zelenskyy told a reconstruction conference in Berlin Tuesday.

"Air defence is the answer," he added.


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f13509 No.21008727


Wake up, Patriots.

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48300a No.21008728

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f13509 No.21008729


Restore Qs trip code.

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48300a No.21008730

File: 77863b055615968⋯.png (435.84 KB,626x499,626:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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f13509 No.21008731


You have 24 hours to comply.

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5fcf13 No.21008732


Maybe that's all the US has to spare?

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18f241 No.21008733


Do you still have that suit and hammer?

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8ba6aa No.21008734

File: 10a5d399a672967⋯.gif (895.79 KB,498x348,83:58,IMG_1656.GIF)

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48300a No.21008735

File: d0728ceae97d313⋯.png (180.43 KB,400x306,200:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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61a057 No.21008736

File: b12f3755cc6a5b7⋯.jpg (303.38 KB,1540x460,77:23,20240612_021328.jpg)

File: 9111eeb940d4a36⋯.jpg (93.43 KB,356x442,178:221,20240612_021502.jpg)


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b2cf34 No.21008737

File: 0108fec34c23096⋯.png (574.92 KB,775x696,775:696,m336745j7h54.PNG)

Indiana’s GOP-Run Government Is Paying A Contractor For ‘Pipeline’ Of Communist Chinese Businesses

Indiana’s speedy passage of House Bill 1183 in March, prohibiting certain land sales to companies from China and other adversarial countries, has halted a pending real estate deal with the China-owned company Fufeng, according to LaPorte County Assessor records. Fufeng was looking for real estate in Indiana after being booted out of Grand Forks, North Dakota, following a U.S. Air Force memo that called it a “significant threat to national security.”

Fufeng managed to implant itself in North Dakota with a land purchase before being tarred and feathered out of the state. Fortunately, it was legislated out of Indiana — for now.

Fufeng’s short-lived appearance in Indiana was a smoking gun. What else is going on? The Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC), an unelected upgrade to the traditional commerce department, helps select and develop businesses in Indiana. The IEDC has set up many China-owned companies in the state, including 25 currently operational, according to the IEDC general counsel.

The trend of China-based companies in Indiana has not developed organically but through centralized planning with the help of a Chinese Communist Party-linked nonprofit. A contract on the IEDC’s website shows that it has been paying the America China Society of Indiana (ACSI) to facilitate deals with China-owned businesses. The contract outlines IEDC’s interest in “identifying and creating a pipeline of [foreign direct investment] prospects in China” and preparing trip itineraries, among other tasks.


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8ba6aa No.21008738

File: e6e515504e1a87b⋯.png (421.85 KB,504x428,126:107,Trump_Santa_Hammer.PNG)

File: db3f59f193523fc⋯.jpg (114.1 KB,774x827,774:827,Trump_SOTH_03.JPG)

File: f8b85b9e1325735⋯.png (2.69 MB,1796x1010,898:505,Trump_SOTH_02.PNG)

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18f241 No.21008739



Awake. I feel a Storm coming on.

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754c80 No.21008740

File: 8df0c1457286b1e⋯.png (58.41 KB,770x586,385:293,2357.png)


he posted at 2357 EST

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893923 No.21008741

File: 5a0b6ba5c17956a⋯.png (945.67 KB,1260x809,1260:809,j534653j463.PNG)

Trump-backed Austin Theriault wins GOP House primary in Maine district rocked by mass shooting

LEWISTON, Maine — Republican state lawmaker Austin Theriault, endorsed by former President Donald Trump, has won the chance to try to unseat one of the most conservative Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives in a Maine district rocked by a mass shooting last year.

Theriault, of Fort Kent, defeated fellow Maine House member Mike Soboleski, of Phillips, who is also a supporter of Trump.

Theriault will face three-term incumbent Democratic Rep. Jared Golden in Maine’s 2nd Congressional District, which has handed an electoral vote to Trump in the last two elections. The district was also the site of a mass shooting that killed 18 in Lewiston in October.


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754c80 No.21008742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8ba6aa No.21008743

File: d49a80dd546cb8c⋯.jpeg (73.29 KB,765x431,765:431,Eww_02.JPEG)

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48300a No.21008744

File: 9f13e2ee764b013⋯.png (229.9 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3cd503b0b68dcb⋯.png (364.57 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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e98579 No.21008745

File: 33f0e1f592a31b9⋯.jpg (70.97 KB,800x800,1:1,1645126422921.jpg)

File: 860de4a1056be6f⋯.png (363.47 KB,612x407,612:407,download.png)

File: f1d4a76dde32dab⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,496x588,124:147,SJThEifos_0_0_496_588_0_la….jpg)

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)

File: 51eb87ca686260a⋯.jpg (820.75 KB,3908x1440,977:360,MUSK4.jpg)

Did anyone ever do a dig on EVERGREEN and Musk Witch Mother?

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f13509 No.21008746

You have 24 hours to restore Q’s trip code. Failure to comply will result in immediate regret and lasting sorrow. MWTB/DLTR.

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48300a No.21008747

File: e5a53532e2b560f⋯.png (1.02 MB,901x711,901:711,ClipboardImage.png)

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e98579 No.21008748

File: c2982c9705c9918⋯.jpg (128.79 KB,1280x853,1280:853,BN_TN907_wester_M_20170522….jpg)

File: 310da3de0dcad3b⋯.jpg (39.33 KB,800x533,800:533,trump_bibi2.jpg)

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ab892f No.21008749

Additional information on these previous Notables:

>>21007882, >>21007919, >>21007995

>(DOD) sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products for Mil and Schoolchildren and ?

In the Cattleman’s article it cites DOD sponsoredBioMADEfor lab grown meat products.


“American troops deserve to be served that same wholesome, natural meat and notultra-processed, lab-grown protein that is cooked up in a chemical-filled bioreactor,” said NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane.

What it actually is:

“postbiotic protein is a whole-cell ingredient that is not chemically processed, is >85wt% protein and contains a comparable amino acid profile to that of whey protein isolate. The Postbiotic Protein is also a good to excellent source of five different B-vitamins, six essential minerals, and two biogenic amines. Due to the high nutrient density, this protein source could potentially support multiple health benefits to include but not limited to enhancing the immune system, reducing oxidative stress, and improving both gut health and muscle recovery. Moreover, it can be sustainably produced at a fraction of the water and CO2 intensity of animal proteins, is affordably fermented by anaerobic fermentation, and has no known food allergen concerns. Overall, the production of postbiotic cultured protein can support sustainable food production by improving protein quality, reducing waste, lessening environmental impact, and improving food security.” Sauce: https://www.biomade.org/postbiotic-protein

“an anaerobically fermented whole food protein made from microflora thatconverts plant starchesinto a nutrient-rich protein ingredient, which it is calling a postbiotic cultured protein.”

a postbiotic is “a preparation of inanimate microorganisms and/or their components that confers a health benefit on the host”.

“A two-tablespoon serving provides over 100% of the Daily Value for B12, biotin and manganese and is a source of iron, riboflavin, zinc and selenium.”

“The ingredient is more than 80% protein by weight. Superbrewed Food considers its latest ingredient a “high-quality protein” due to its rich amino acid content; the protein contains nine essential amino acids and more branched-chain and essential amino acids than plant-based proteins”

“adding it achieves a nearly 50% weightconversion of sugarsto products, making its ingredient scalable and affordable.”

“a protein that also has a low concern as an allergen and isa non-genetically modified organism (GMO).

The research and development (R&D) process focused on addressing the consumer drivers of a minimally processed, non-GMO, whole food ingredient. In creating the new ingredient, Superbrewed Food wanted a product that could delivera superior protein source and added nutrition, such as the five B-vitamins and six essential minerals (excluding sodium) produced during the fermentation process.”

Sauce: https://insights.figlobal.com/startups/introducing-superbrewed-foods-postbiotic-cultured-protein

> Anon is an avid food skeptic, I make everything possible homemade from whole and raw foods grown/raised/fermented/preserved by myself or by trusted sources. No one in my household has eaten processed food since 2020. I’m only sharing to make the point, I’m very serious about food quality.

>My opinion after looking into this because of the statements made by the NCBA- where there are already great concerns about them vaccinating the meat supply - this looks like them being mad at potential encroachment on their government contracts. This Superbrewed product sounds a lot like Brewers Yeast, or some other fermented food culture like milk or water kefir, Kambucha, or sauerkraut.

Search for: What is the nutritional value of brewer's yeast?

Is brewer's yeast a complete protein?

It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein source. Additionally, brewers yeast is a potent source of B-complex vitamins, particularly B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), and B6 (pyridoxine).

> There is nothing that I have seen and shared above that suggests that this alternative protein being funded by DOD for research is ultra processed in a chemical filled bioreactor as the NCBA screeches.

> Anon is calling this fear porn hype to defend their bottom line. We have no reason to ignore the chemicals & GMO that are injected into and fed to cattle.

Looks like PROJECTION- Meat Monopoly wants to keep their Monopoly

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48300a No.21008750

File: 2688e53275ca931⋯.png (429.68 KB,600x594,100:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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f52616 No.21008751

File: 52a021f41db60d2⋯.png (993.81 KB,973x885,973:885,8m6437346443h.PNG)

Trump-backed Rep. Kelly Armstrong wins GOP primary for North Dakota governor over Doug Burgum’s pick

Rep. Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota, who was backed by former President Donald Trump, won his state’s Republican nomination for governor, defeating Lt. Gov. Tammy Miller, The Associated Press projects.

Gov. Doug Burgum, who decided against seeking a third term and has emerged as a potential running mate for Trump, had supported Miller as his successor. But Trump weighed in late last month with an endorsement for Armstrong, who was considered the favorite to win the primary.

“In Congress, Kelly strongly defended me through two SHAM Impeachments, and is 100% MAGA,” Trump posted May 30 on Truth Social.


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e98579 No.21008752

File: 3ce76167bc7e87e⋯.gif (103.4 KB,220x175,44:35,putin.gif)

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18f241 No.21008753


I didn't say that, be what you want but do not diminish the values, freedoms, and principles that gave your Freedoms; that is non negotiable.

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f13509 No.21008754



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f13509 No.21008755

“Congratulations Patriots”

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e98579 No.21008756

File: 165fec90325bfe2⋯.gif (2.73 MB,347x244,347:244,putin1.gif)

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19e7ca No.21008757

File: 9e1febf9aec2f02⋯.png (58.53 KB,1100x579,1100:579,9e1febf9aec2f026eb75494b45….png)

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e98579 No.21008758

File: 0b179bd9872ec45⋯.png (98.86 KB,600x350,12:7,41oFMGB0hsL_SR600_315_PIWh….png)


More like…

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19e7ca No.21008759

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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17fddb No.21008760

File: 9b09fa0cd0c8740⋯.png (763.2 KB,810x876,135:146,6h54653j46344.PNG)

Sam Brown wins Nevada's GOP Senate Primary to challenge Democrat Jacky Rosen

Retired Army Capt. Sam Brown has beat out a crowded field of GOP primary candidates to win his party’s nomination for Nevada’s U.S. Senate race on Tuesday, according to a race call by The Associated Press.

He’ll face incumbent Democratic Sen. Jacky Rosen, who also won her primary Tuesday night, in a race that could help decide which party controls the U.S. Senate. Rosen has already focused her attention on Brown, describing him as a “MAGA extremist” in a recent campaign ad.

The NPR Politics Podcast

The NPR Politics Podcast

Brown received a late endorsement from former President Donald Trump and is backed by many state GOP leaders. So far during his senate campaign, he’s focused on his career in the military. While serving in Afghanistan in 2008, he was badly burned, when a bomb exploded under his armed vehicle. He later created a small business in Reno to help veterans access medication.


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8afc11 No.21008761

File: 45a07107b322153⋯.png (157.6 KB,422x535,422:535,navy.png)



Trump Truth about Soros @ 6/11/24 23:48:31

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51895e No.21008762

File: 074d063936297a2⋯.png (269.16 KB,514x329,514:329,54kj7457m5757547.PNG)

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5a3cad No.21008763


>Operator1 is active.

What do they need in 24hrs?

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8ba6aa No.21008764

File: baf1df585d25193⋯.png (855.5 KB,768x800,24:25,C2D15121_CDD2_4F4B_A829_8F….png)

File: 13ee41fa4c8a40c⋯.png (308.98 KB,526x526,1:1,131960CA_5394_45E4_94D2_C8….png)

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8afc11 No.21008765


whoops my bad, hope my other post redeems me

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21709a No.21008766

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581876 No.21008767

File: c66329b6bccbf8f⋯.png (290.08 KB,474x655,474:655,75246234hh52h.png)

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5a3cad No.21008768


Now that's a hammer!

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754c80 No.21008769

File: c4f0340a591d30b⋯.png (56.18 KB,687x391,687:391,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8df0c1457286b1e⋯.png (58.41 KB,770x586,385:293,2357.png)


Truth posted at 2357 EST


Oct 06, 2018 4:59:59 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 351



"Let us reaffirm America's destiny of goodness and good will."

-Ronald Reagan



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754c80 No.21008770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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730ec4 No.21008771

File: f19682633513bdb⋯.png (148.15 KB,611x566,611:566,65nwbtrwetrwe.PNG)

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5a3cad No.21008772


Convicted of lies by liars. Exonerated by Truth from Truthers. God is with us. Amen.

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b97057 No.21008773

File: 0cb3a483538c058⋯.png (127.49 KB,894x618,149:103,7n543bv45.PNG)

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19e7ca No.21008774

File: 8efa0f085fc37b9⋯.jpg (58.66 KB,434x680,217:340,IMAGE_2024_06_12_02_38_36.jpg)

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db73b6 No.21008775


So this is to BO?

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5a3cad No.21008776


Can you please be specific?

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063f97 No.21008777

File: cbefac713903434⋯.png (20.69 KB,738x166,369:83,ClipboardImage.png)


A teleportation time machine would be so helpful


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5a3cad No.21008778


Go Army! Congrats.

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405b1b No.21008779

File: 087eb80a6266a4c⋯.png (78.02 KB,424x329,424:329,6b43vrwqereqw.PNG)

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19e7ca No.21008780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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754c80 No.21008781


"We have it in our power to begin the world over again …"

Ronald Reagan

For those who wonder why its taking so long for the cabal to fall … we are fighting Powers & Principalities, powerful fallen angels… and they are led by satan …

America is the first Domino to fall, America First, then she will cause all the other countries to fall and Reagan is telling us here that it is because of our powerful military, not the abc agencies, our military is the key

and not only are they tasked with taking on satan and his armies here in America, but it is the ONLY way to save Europe, Africa, South America, etc, we are the only ones that can do it .. Putin's Russia can only do so much, and they have done a ton to fight satanic forces in their country, but we are the country who kicked the nazis asses, and we are the ones who will kick the nazis founders out of our galaxy , it has already been written

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8ba6aa No.21008782

File: ba8dca5e999fbd4⋯.png (1.69 MB,1242x1222,621:611,CE7244C4_8CED_4A61_AEA1_EB….png)

File: 60bec97c255b39f⋯.png (647.41 KB,800x534,400:267,D29A8C76_E08C_4631_998B_25….png)

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5a3cad No.21008783



Red Doc to be R2 as in released to public. puzzle solved?

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48300a No.21008784

File: 4fba8f2d6bb4ed2⋯.png (439.28 KB,513x640,513:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d4bfd No.21008785

german government:

fight russia a third time.

german people:

no thanks.

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754c80 No.21008786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e98579 No.21008787

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)


Imagine Mossad with this tech… lol

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8afc11 No.21008788


maybe Red October 2

meaning 1 = Russian sub scare 2

meaning 2 = political controversy, ie October surprise?

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730ec4 No.21008789

File: 4e59893fc9a96c7⋯.png (916.98 KB,899x920,899:920,7j34h63g63364346.PNG)

Pentagon embracing SpaceX’s Starshield for future military satcom

DoD currently buys Starlink’s commercial internet service but in the future it also plans to acquire more than 100 ‘Starshield’ satellites that would be government-owned

ARLINGTON, Va. — In a stark illustration of how rapidly the satellite communications landscape is shifting toward large constellations of smaller satellites in low-Earth orbit, the Defense Department plans to add more than 100 of SpaceX’s Starshield satellites to its future satcom architecture.

Starshield is a militarized version of SpaceX’s Starlink internet satellites, with enhanced encryption and other security features. And unlike Starlink, which is a commercial service, the Starshield satellites would be owned and controlled by the U.S. government.

Col. Eric Felt, director of space architecture at the office of the assistant secretary of the Air Force for space acquisition and integration, said the plan is to acquire a constellation of Starshield satellites by 2029, contingent upon receiving the necessary funding appropriations from Congress.


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19e7ca No.21008790

File: 66c6936febd059a⋯.gif (971.37 KB,480x270,16:9,66c6936febd059a38adf35327c….gif)

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e98579 No.21008791

File: 65c2f21d15e5cde⋯.jpg (12.41 MB,7136x4392,892:549,SouthAfricaSatanists5.jpg)


And Africa.

Here is the main satanic africa network.


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5a3cad No.21008792


Looking forward to my first day on the new job, ThankQ.

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8afc11 No.21008793

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

how my brain sounds on my third cup of espresso

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e98579 No.21008794

File: 2f0188e1a851a56⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,562x484,281:242,musk101.jpg)

File: 860de4a1056be6f⋯.png (363.47 KB,612x407,612:407,download.png)

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e6ec72 No.21008795

Gobekli Tepe is without any doubt in my professional opinion the most significant archeological site on earth.

Since it's discovery in 1997 only 5% of the potential site has been unearthed. They've planted trees and built roads and even a public walkway around the small section of monoliths.

The Turkish government has sold the protective rights of the site to a private company who are turning it into a tourist destination stopping all but pockets of archaeology to continue.

We will never know the true size or understand the complexity of the scale of one of the first temples on earth.

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5a3cad No.21008796


Hammer time is Declass time, and Trump has some swing for his age.

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754c80 No.21008797

File: 59bcfb01123d2ec⋯.png (4.4 MB,1500x1128,125:94,ClipboardImage.png)


that always reminded me of willy wonkas elevator

i kinda think, esp is this is a galactic virtual reality, that you could beam around line by line

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0e3ec2 No.21008798

>>21008533 Tyb

>Dividers Will Fail ~

Question to some anons about this.

>abcu and Midnight Riders is this?


I posted something like, "clockfag didn't do anything wrong," but then I thought about it more.

But then I thought about it. If I say "clockfag" is good, then other personal research is good too, and it's OK to make personal threads, right?

But that's at the discretion of the BO, right?

If that discretion makes this person good and this person bad, then..,

Does that mean this (Dividers?) in some cases?


The ones that work hard to create a story?

Are you proselytizing again?

Hi prophet.

Why don't you just concentrate on your own research?


I stopped by for a break.

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e6ec72 No.21008799


I remember hearing someone say "you've got teeth like beech-nut gum"

I laughed so hard.

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19e7ca No.21008800

File: d9c731ed480f9c4⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB,848x592,53:37,FILE_2024_06_12_02_59_46.mp4)


>[De]class time

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48300a No.21008801

File: adb51a344470ca6⋯.png (420.96 KB,512x640,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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8afc11 No.21008802

File: 3b13f352a52544f⋯.png (219.09 KB,423x721,423:721,hunters.png)


maybe October surprise is Hunters laptop dump.

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754c80 No.21008803

File: f6c684acf09447f⋯.png (116.27 KB,256x197,256:197,ClipboardImage.png)


what do you think of Tiwanaku?

i was told by someone that the faces on the wall were scrubbed on purpose to hide the fact that space travellers of all forms met here at one time

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4f3205 No.21008804

File: d0b93ae1ce3ba31⋯.jpg (40.72 KB,640x480,4:3,h.jpg)

File: 7f10a7d033329e7⋯.jpeg (72.22 KB,281x488,281:488,ladys_night.jpeg)

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48300a No.21008805

File: 294d2b0437fe320⋯.png (578.92 KB,744x805,744:805,ClipboardImage.png)

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61a057 No.21008806

File: 38389c214217fde⋯.jpg (206.15 KB,374x728,187:364,20240612_025920.jpg)


Jr and Q were Hunters dealers KEK

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48300a No.21008807

File: 47d502c93ad51b4⋯.png (212.71 KB,525x404,525:404,ClipboardImage.png)

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19e7ca No.21008808

File: ec8dbc4e13666bc⋯.jpg (22.21 KB,444x362,222:181,ec8dbc4e13666bc9d1f3050535….jpg)




[De]class = no-class

so maybe

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5a3cad No.21008809


I think it has to do with the Red folder.

Red Doc To Be R2 = ReDocToBeR2

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229f65 No.21008810

File: ce30d90a2199933⋯.png (956.66 KB,1162x817,1162:817,75nw6tmege.PNG)

Biden poised to pick Goldsmith Romero to lead overhaul at FDIC

The White House is preparing to pick Christy Goldsmith Romero, a top U.S. derivatives regulator, to lead a revamp at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., according to a person familiar with the matter.


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0e3ec2 No.21008811


I want to be operator zero, how do I officially become an operator?

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44e3be No.21008812

File: ed254af3634cdbe⋯.jpg (15.84 KB,244x255,244:255,BidenBrawndo.jpg)

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754c80 No.21008813


wonder whats in the green folder …

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5a3cad No.21008814


This is my take, the that early man was mesmerized by stones and carvings and even back then this was used to weaponize thought control. I believe many of the masonry techniques were hidden from the public for this exact reason. Example, to move a one-ton stone on the ground is virtually impossible for a man but put a few stones underneath and it is all becomes possible.

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e6ec72 No.21008815


Tiwanaku is a great example of the entropy of architecture. Their is a definite point at which human hands begin to try and recontruct it's former magnificence. The original megalith foundation stones could not be moved by man today.

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22e33f No.21008816

File: e3729fb83e2ce0e⋯.jpg (145.24 KB,665x500,133:100,betsy.jpg)

Can anons feel the panic in the air this morning

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0f1235 No.21008817

File: 84951de2ea23010⋯.png (679.4 KB,1171x867,1171:867,7m636n432j543.PNG)

U.S. project to study Arctic glaciers gets $30m grant from NATO

A project led by the University of Arizona to study Arctic glaciers more closely has won $30 million in funding from NASA.

The aim of the Snow4Flow project is to use radars mounted to low-flying aircraft to improve predictions about glacier behavior and sea level changes. It’s led by Jack Holt, a professor at UArizona.

Snow4Flow will measure snow accumulation and ice thickness in four major Northern Hemisphere regions by using microwave and radar sounders on aircraft. The data will enhance climate models, improve satellite observations and predict how glaciers will be affectws by climate change, according to the university.

“Those glaciers are retreating fast, and they’re making a large contribution to sea level rise, but we don’t know exactly how much and how that’s going to change in the future,” Holt said in a statement.

At the moment, it’s not possible to accurately measure how much snow feeds into the glacier systems, or the volume of ice flowing out from the glacier. “Those are things that you can’t measure with satellites from space.,” Holt said.

The mission will mainly use two radar instruments to penetrate ice sheets and probe snow layers. Flights over glaciers in mountain valleys will gather data for three years starting in the spring of 2026, with the goal of monitoring the winter snowfall before it melts in summer.


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8afc11 No.21008818


autism ftw

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5a3cad No.21008819


>I want to be operator zero, how do I officially become an operator?

Dial in.

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754c80 No.21008820


speaking of moving, where did merlin get stonehenge from, was in eastern europe or middle east? do you think they were rearranged again in modern times after merlin placed them there?

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d6b4cd No.21008821


>“Those glaciers are retreating fast, and they’re making a large contribution to sea level rise"


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5a3cad No.21008822


I would imagine the opposite, all the things that exonerate PDJT and the red, all that convict the DS.

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328ffc No.21008823


As opposed to some other kind of time travel?

Type 1 Anything goes

Definition: Characters travel back and forth within their historical timeline.

Type 2 Branch Reality

Definition: Changes to the past don’t rewrite history. They split the timeline into an alternate branch timeline. This action does not change or erase the original timeline.

Type 3 Time Dilation

Definition: Characters traveling off-world experience time moving more slowly than elsewhere in the universe, allowing them to move forward in time (but not backward).

Type 4 This Always Happened

Definition: All of time is fixed on a predestined loop in which the very act of time travel itself sets the events of the story into motion.

Type 5 Seeing the Future

Definition: After seeing a vision of their fate, characters choose to change their destiny or embrace their lot.

Type 6 Time Loop / Groundhog Day

Definition: Characters relive the same day over and over, resetting back to a respawn point once they die or become incapacitated.

Type 7 Unstuck Mind

Definition: Characters consciousness transport through time within his body to his life at different ages.

Type 8 Unstuck Body

Definition: A character’s body or object becomes physically detached from the flow of time within the surrounding universe, becoming inverted or younger. Only certain objects or bodies are unstuck from time. Also called Inverted Entropy.



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754c80 No.21008824


ahh, very good insight,

red might mean stop and green go …

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8f3955 No.21008825

File: 39866ef281a3007⋯.png (760.63 KB,800x799,800:799,ClipboardImage.png)



sam brown wins


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0e3ec2 No.21008826



Is communication with the operator PRIVATE?

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4e1064 No.21008827

File: ff4bc71e1283343⋯.png (116.11 KB,462x355,462:355,m73643346h34.PNG)

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754c80 No.21008828

File: e5955508cd32159⋯.png (401.75 KB,554x607,554:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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44e3be No.21008829

File: aa8d7de7c1cbe9c⋯.png (1.96 MB,1429x907,1429:907,ClipboardImage.png)


Daycare across the street there.

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0fe1e0 No.21008830

File: ea75ce979184b75⋯.jpg (82.76 KB,1500x894,250:149,61oS8LicahL_AC_UL1500_.jpg)

File: 6990ed7ea700242⋯.png (251.33 KB,1200x600,2:1,Screen_Shot_2021_03_20_at_….png)

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61a057 No.21008831

File: ab0e55d04e84d96⋯.jpg (103.54 KB,720x937,720:937,20240612_030916.jpg)

File: 2354940f2b72b95⋯.mp4 (3.18 MB,1078x720,539:360,Concerned_Citizen_20240612….mp4)


This video, seemingly filmed in Mexico, depicts what appears to be a creature attacking someone on a desolate road. The creature doesn't resemble any known species of monkey native to Mexico.

Bigfoot, is that you?? Or maybe even a Skinwalker….


Alleged unedited Clip of a mysterious creature tending to its prey in Mexico


Interdimensional shadow creature

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754c80 No.21008832


that looked kinda like a photo album in the earlier picture on the train,

what if what Trump had in his red folder, and William in his, and Putin had his hand on a red folder in his press conference today, .. what if theres a picture, the picture that Q says starts it all?

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0e3ec2 No.21008833


Simple question of how long would it take to convict all DS?

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9fa33a No.21008834


It's my understanding that the remaining stones have a metal core. Our understanding of petrification is wildly disputed. This is far from a mainstream theory but one that is shared amongst other people in this field.

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b2cf34 No.21008835

File: 62709b587712d0d⋯.png (720.98 KB,976x889,976:889,86merytmmeryerjy.PNG)

The Navy’s Warships Can Now Fire the Army’s Patriot PAC-3 Air Defense Missiles

The U.S.’s land and sea warfare services may be fierce rivals on the football field, but when it comes to munitions, they increasingly resemble a couple showing up to work wearing each other’s clothes.

The Army is now deploying Typhon land-attack missile batteries that use the Navy’s SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles, and both services are collaborating on a hypersonic missile destined for Army trucks, Navy submarines, and Navy destroyers.

Now, a recently revealed 2024 test suggests that the Navy could potentially stuff the Army’s Patriot PAC-3 MSE air defense missiles into the Mark 41 vertical launch cells of both their Arleigh Burke-class destroyers and future Constellation-class frigates. The former has 90 or 96 cells in total, and the latter should have 32.

Already, back in 2023, Lockheed successfully test-integrated a PAC-3 MSE missile with a tri-band data-link that allowed it to communicate with the S-Band SPY radars on Navy warships.

Ordinarily intended for initial guidance to target, a PAC-3 missile uses a dual-band receiver to home in on the radar reflection of a target being illuminated by a Patriot battery’s ground-based X- and C-Band phased array radars.

However, most Navy destroyers and cruisers currently rely on the S- Band AN/SPY-1D radar. Thus, the addition of the S-Band to the PAC-3 MSE made it tri-band and compatible with SPY-1 radars. (The latest U.S. warships now use scalable SPY-6 AESA radars, which incorporate both X- and S-Band antennas for targeting and volume search. In principle, these should also be compatible.


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5a3cad No.21008836


No, what I mean, is dial in to the mission and focus on what needs to be done and try to help resolve issues. Look for assignments that they give you and be proactive and give yourself assignments that will help of win and save lives. Knowledge and information are not exclusive but inclusive. Amen?

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19e7ca No.21008837

File: 9c5e36ed03cbb2d⋯.jpg (18.82 KB,420x236,105:59,9c5e36ed03cbb2d178100b2c30….jpg)


starboard and portside orcas?


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8f3955 No.21008838

File: 5e589fcb3b311d4⋯.png (1.03 MB,653x980,653:980,ClipboardImage.png)




are you baking?

collectin notes?

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754c80 No.21008839

File: 2cbc230003482ee⋯.png (66.19 KB,770x630,11:9,2347.png)



Oct 05, 2018 1:53:48 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 000000 No. 342


Important moment in time.

The PICTURE will be the signifier.

The signifier will 'force' the Q.

The Q will be answered (((WWG1WGA))).


5y, 8m, 6d, 15h, 25m ago

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7efaeb No.21008840

File: a954dbe8df3ee0e⋯.png (457.83 KB,500x500,1:1,a954dbe8df3ee0eeb97d441851….png)

GM Frens

God bless

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44e3be No.21008841

File: 2a3f255f75084a0⋯.png (320.87 KB,497x507,497:507,IrishTatts.png)


stupidly fake and ghey.

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0e3ec2 No.21008842


Oh, then we have enough because we're busy until the 8kun is gone or dead.

Is Jesus God?

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754c80 No.21008843


if theres a 6 year delta, then October Surprise and yes Red Doc To Be R2

what does R2 mean again?

red could mean "read" past tense

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00ada2 No.21008844

Kicking the establishment’s butt in South Carolina.

Swamp spent over two million dollars trying to defeat the most conservative members of the state government. Freedom Caucus members win!!


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0e3ec2 No.21008845

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e98579 No.21008846

File: d4b386bdfd50c9b⋯.jpeg (1.79 MB,5026x3351,5026:3351,adobestock_136439169_min.jpeg)

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0fe1e0 No.21008847

File: 7af3b1d3f4f0437⋯.jpeg (25.11 KB,569x578,569:578,A13usaonutL_CLa_2140_2000….jpeg)

File: 762f415546d2dee⋯.jpg (463.18 KB,2048x1138,1024:569,marjorie_lasers_2048x1138_….jpg)

File: 000a96991f63633⋯.jpg (510.91 KB,2560x1706,1280:853,Boro_MTG_234289467.jpg)

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44e3be No.21008848

File: fcfc48c40372f4f⋯.png (670.36 KB,840x477,280:159,Biden_coked_up.png)


I think we're going to get nuked in October.

Pray I'm wrong.

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19e7ca No.21008849

File: 2a60cddd8ea9c39⋯.jpg (82.7 KB,523x499,523:499,Screen_Shot_2024_06_12_at_….jpg)

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d4d9f1 No.21008850

File: 28bb7cb781c51ab⋯.png (350.65 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_thegatewaypun….png)

REPORT: House Democrats Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a Trump Victory in November

It looks like even House Democrats are expecting Trump to win the 2024 election in November.

They are scrambling to prepare for ways to prevent Trump from putting his agenda in place. This is why it’s important not only for Trump to win but for Republicans to win the House and Senate.

Democrats would not even bother with any of this if they thought Biden was going to sail to reelection. Their fear is very telling.

Politico reported:

House Democrats launch group to respond to possible second Trump term

A group of House Democrats is launching a new task force to respond to the possibility of former President Donald Trump’s return to office.

The group is reacting to the so-called Project 2025, a policy road map for the next presidential administration compiled by the conservative Heritage Foundation. Democrats have sought to turn the blueprint and its government overhaul proposals into a foil as campaign season ramps up.

“This stuff is going to be coming at us at lightspeed. And if we are on our heels and reacting to it, we could lose –our democracy.

™–. So we’re going to need to be ready to confront it in real time. And those plans need to begin now,” said Rep. Jared Huffman (D-Calif.), one of the lawmakers spearheading the effort.

Democrats want their task force to be a hub for members of Congress, advocacy groups and others to coordinate and respond to a future Trump administration — and to raise awareness during the campaign. Huffman said it would be composed of lawmakers from across the caucus like Reps. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), Diana DeGette (D-Colo.), Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) and Nanette Barragán (D-Calif.).

What happened to the importance of our sacred democracy, Democrats?

If this were a group of Republicans, @politico would be positioning it as a "coup" or "insurrection."

Democrats will never again accept a president from the GOP. It’s their intention to harm the nation if they can’t be in control.

And there it is America the Marxist Democrats wanting to keep you from controlling your government.

They are everything that they falsely accuse Trump of being.


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5a3cad No.21008851


It all depends on the work done ahead of time. Consider organized crime, if it is organized then just like any organized data it is easy to traverse, filter, query, and encapsulate. If it is unorganized then it requires parsing, analysis, testing, and various forms of manipulation to get a view.

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1d4bfd No.21008852

Trump's poll numbers came out; oprah developed a tummy ache

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0e3ec2 No.21008853


^strong agreement

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6a4f7e No.21008854

File: 8439642bf285e11⋯.png (524.16 KB,827x825,827:825,l87_m76e7em7er7kktrert.PNG)

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44e3be No.21008855

File: 3ac916b1c8cb603⋯.png (50.4 KB,249x161,249:161,DemonRatt.png)



you do say?

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a92112 No.21008856

File: 370cdcd8c122d43⋯.jpeg (35.47 KB,255x207,85:69,IMG_5504.jpeg)


Big Mike, is that you?

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754c80 No.21008857


the signifier will "force" the Q?

"A 'Force' is a vector quantity that can be described as a push or pull on an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object. Whenever there is an interaction between two objects, the objects experience an equal and opposing force on each other."

Quantum Entanglement?

Q is in another dimension and the signifier in the red folder will trigger the joining of the signifier with Q and then he will be here in this dimension

nothing can stop what is coming

Trump Card

its a picture, a signifier

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5a3cad No.21008858


R2 means Release 2 the public.

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0fe1e0 No.21008859

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0fe1e0 No.21008860

File: 6fe76086818f165⋯.jpg (30.53 KB,RaM9zK10cDy5_640x360.jpg)

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0fe1e0 No.21008861

File: 6fe76086818f165⋯.jpg (30.53 KB,640x360,16:9,RaM9zK10cDy5_640x360.jpg)

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d4d9f1 No.21008862

File: 9fe368be3ff5a29⋯.jpg (142 KB,1200x401,1200:401,sog657_us_navy_sub_warfare….jpg)

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0e3ec2 No.21008863


You mean judging them collectively?

Wouldn't that be difficult without more judges?

Wouldn't it take time to investigate?

It would be hard to sentence each person individually.


at any rate

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.

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8f3955 No.21008864

File: 1c48507866a8b99⋯.png (689.85 KB,901x777,901:777,ClipboardImage.png)

NYPD 8 officers dress like FBI's Patriot Front group, storm and illegally search local shop keeper, DISGUSTING

Real Ben


I don’t know why these cops were there for an “inspection” - but this seems like a gross abuse of power to me.

What do you think?



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a92112 No.21008865

File: 99a1d8221a8e1ed⋯.jpeg (51.6 KB,213x255,71:85,IMG_5286.jpeg)

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44e3be No.21008866


If I were to date fag, I would date fag 10/11.

For 2 reasons:

1. 9/11 similarity

2. It's the day after 10/10 celebrations in China

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754c80 No.21008867



beam me up



Bone mechanical and biological properties are closely linked to its internal tissue composition and mass distribution, which are in turn governed by the purposeful action of the basic multicellular units (BMUs). The orchestrated action of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, the resorbing and forming tissue cells respectively, in BMUs is responsible for tissue maintenance, repair and adaptation to changing load demands through the phenomenon known as remodelling."

the BMUs break down and then rebuild your cells from one location to another location, teleporter

Star Trek was [dis]closure …

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d4d9f1 No.21008868



“This stuff is going to be coming at us at lightspeed. And if we are on our heels and reacting to it, we could lose –our democracy™–.

Didn't Trump say something about light speed.

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8ba6aa No.21008870

File: 332c5688d3d75b4⋯.png (806.31 KB,800x556,200:139,6E794BFE_4D5B_4694_A598_32….png)

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d6b4cd No.21008871


If tripcode were really missing, Q could let anons know by posting on his own board, only posted on QR to interact with anons.

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0fe1e0 No.21008872

File: 943fd4ef1f9022c⋯.jpg (317.02 KB,1300x915,260:183,laser_beam_0128_1611893000.jpg)

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0e3ec2 No.21008873


I'm not sure about the timing.

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19e7ca No.21008874

File: 9e611d5a4f899d4⋯.jpg (89.95 KB,657x767,657:767,9e611d5a4f899d4612636c3735….jpg)

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c4b82e No.21008875


>BB - Bait Balls

use your own bait faggots

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5a3cad No.21008876


Here is are examples of assignments:

Figuring out that laser optics were programmed to avoid blue as from 40k ft most likely it is water and would waste resources and time. Knowing this, we now know why they covered their roofs with blue. Since this discovery after Maui, seems like laser fires as in CA and Maui have ceased since then. Mission accomplished.

I put out a scenario when everyone was laughing about the Chinese balloons over our Nuke facilities. I wrote:

If it can receive signals to turn and can receive data

If it can recieve, it can send data

If it can rx/tx data it can hack

if it can hack it can launch, target, or self destruct

PDJT acted immediately, Mission accomplished.

Find your work and watch for assignments.

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754c80 No.21008877


oh yes there is also Petra

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8ba6aa No.21008878

File: 728c24941f0b0de⋯.gif (1.17 MB,360x374,180:187,Big_Mike_Dance_01.GIF)

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e98579 No.21008879

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5a3cad No.21008880


Remember, the US has about 50 nuclear subs out there that can each wipe out at least 3 nations each. It would be stupid for any country to strike us because even if they did destroy the US, they would never enjoy the rewards.

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c4b82e No.21008881


faggots know this guy is an actor, fake and gay

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5a3cad No.21008882


ThankQ for the flyover, we honor and appreciate your services to our country and cause.

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61a057 No.21008883

File: 2ad81ea17ba0e98⋯.mp4 (10.22 MB,576x1024,9:16,Washingtons_ghost_20240612….mp4)


I need an explanation from my British followers because how do you allow something like this to happen

Muslims takeover church from 1730s to be used as mosque ,one of the oldest surviving buildings that used cast iron in its construction. The bulldozed the graveyard and built a parking lot on top of the bodies

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8ba6aa No.21008884

File: 5c379db5cb24a0e⋯.gif (1.73 MB,220x350,22:35,Big_Mike_Dance_02.GIF)

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4f3205 No.21008885

File: 5f345e32c32b365⋯.gif (833.51 KB,220x313,220:313,_.gif)


Terry Davis approved

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754c80 No.21008886


well sky king is still alive, ima beleiber

that was drone he was flying

so we seeing parts of the military covert war on the cabal in public

June 10th was when the missile was shot at AF1, trump was warned i think by trudeau who is playing a role, and he fled early from canadas G5 or 7 summit and he got on AF1 on crete at chania CHQ … and then proceeded safely to sky summit in singapore with kim jong un

there was a low profile clown op headquarters on ketron island that the Q plane drone destroyed i beleibe

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5a3cad No.21008887


Just let me know if that sub has to surface.

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0e3ec2 No.21008888


I don't know what this is about, so can you show me the results of your study for my reference?

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81f995 No.21008889

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)

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a4ae85 No.21008890


The police are corrupt.

I don't trust them at all.

They are a bunch of bullies with badges.

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c4b82e No.21008891

kill your plan will kys all you faggots

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993f9f No.21008892


Hey son of da whore

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754c80 No.21008893


to fire a missile i believe so? anyone? anyone?

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5a3cad No.21008894


No, not about judging, I told you that is if it is unorganized, organized is streamlined. We will C before D.

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d4d9f1 No.21008895


Stonehenge stones have been rearranged at least twice in modern times.

Once in the early 1900s and again in the late 1940's or early 1950's.

Archeologists are not allowed to excavate or investigate near the stones due to many of them now standing on concrete foundations.

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c4b82e No.21008896


>Terry Davis approved

Diary Tavistock is an actor to record their operations, faggots brought you this fake and gay actor too.

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0e3ec2 No.21008897


For that matter, was Jesus God?


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61a057 No.21008898

File: a5896c5389fcb93⋯.jpg (64.44 KB,722x687,722:687,20240611_192727.jpg)

File: ccd7ae89d653a3f⋯.jpg (334.22 KB,1290x1788,215:298,20240611_192512.jpg)

Both ends

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19e7ca No.21008899

File: b764c61c47f7651⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,306x334,153:167,b764c61c47f76511f8eda43df1….jpg)

File: b633f290d8f039c⋯.png (Spoiler Image,96.76 KB,509x406,509:406,6d30b3a8a13e2b8e777fbbdf20….png)



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5a3cad No.21008900


That is impersonating an officer, in this case a federal officer which they are not and is fraudulent, abuse of authority, and a crime.

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8dce20 No.21008901


They don’t need to be surfaced to fire a missile.

Been on a sub, but was in dry dock at faslane, Scotland. Interesting having a beer and a chat with the sailors..

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993f9f No.21008902


Yo are fired

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31edbf No.21008903

File: 841badda857b3ec⋯.png (217.08 KB,532x667,532:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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754c80 No.21008904

File: de7261dc1c96403⋯.png (2.58 MB,1600x1200,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


what if the space aliens are returning that disc that was on voyager???? was it a disc? what if thats in the folder

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0e3ec2 No.21008905


No, first answer one at a time.

I thought I wasn't an operator fag and I spoke.

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e98579 No.21008906


Both sides will be totally wiped out.

But there are weapons such as plasma, acoustic, time dilation, scalar and other more advanced than nuclear.

Insect warfare - billions of fleas with plague and ebola.

Modified insects.

Controlled insect swarms.


Robotic wasps that look like small drone helicopters.

And so on.

Hybrid super soldiers.

AI 10 000x more advanced thatn what we see publicly.

There is more… much more.

This is not a nuclear war.


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754c80 No.21008907


i see a GM

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43c7e9 No.21008908


>ketron island that the Q plane drone destroyed

the plane (drone) crash on the island gave cover for a full on investigation sweep of the island to root out the glowies

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0e3ec2 No.21008909


They only talk about what's convenient.

I don't like you after all.

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5a3cad No.21008910


He was originally asking about becoming an operator but seems to be trolling.

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8b0236 No.21008912


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4f3205 No.21008913

File: 3bbcd0f1a98a475⋯.jpg (127.32 KB,800x534,400:267,23281_13052131952016.jpg)


both ends same veiw

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754c80 No.21008914


i seen the target on google earth that was on ketron island

it was very low profile, tin roof, prob most of it underground

did you guys load explosives onthe Q drone? i have to find clip of the crash explosion … hmm

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8f3955 No.21008916



yeah, it looks fake to me

no shop owner info

dressed as patriot front


fuckin silly


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754c80 No.21008917


ahh brilliant, i like it

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5a3cad No.21008918


Surface for leaks or air.

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993f9f No.21008919


So much pedos here

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d4d9f1 No.21008920

File: a8f327cdeb4192a⋯.jpg (166.12 KB,1400x838,700:419,8_Stonehenge_being_restore….jpg)

File: 9b8fd0effc7a806⋯.jpg (27.58 KB,450x309,150:103,83ca0d31c4b50cb17a311e5d19….jpg)

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a92112 No.21008921

File: aa585632a9333e6⋯.jpeg (67.05 KB,800x377,800:377,IMG_5651.jpeg)

File: 1c2f91ecffd1ec1⋯.webp (25.61 KB,800x273,800:273,IMG_5652.webp)


> control the farms

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5a3cad No.21008922


If a drop of water which has all the properties of the water that is in the ocean, combine, where does the drop begin and end?

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e98579 No.21008923

File: abe5aafa99426bd⋯.jpg (1008.22 KB,1578x2040,263:340,0befobuuin721.jpg)

File: fe36d579c4088a0⋯.jpg (119.99 KB,675x900,3:4,DAGy60LV0AEqJ_g.jpg)

File: f48feb1d72e9dff⋯.jpg (488.33 KB,1426x1449,62:63,f48feb1d72e9dffa8c8901cc0f….jpg)

File: 0f0d0294a45cd90⋯.png (9.71 MB,3508x2480,877:620,tartaria10.png)

File: 9cc4265cf688aaa⋯.jpg (52.08 KB,640x501,640:501,zfnmdonq3ap21.jpg)

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754c80 No.21008924

:The Voyager spacecraft each carry a 12-inch (30 centimeter) gold-plated copper disk called a Golden Record that contains a message to extraterrestrial life. The record is engraved with music, images, and greetings intended to represent Earth and its people to any intelligent beings the spacecraft may encounter. The record is also covered with aluminum and electroplated with a sample of uranium-238"

C before D


copper one

so Q must be from the civilization that found voyager

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0e3ec2 No.21008925


This isn't trolling, is it?

What are you talking about?

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0e3ec2 No.21008926


It's where you choose to be.

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5a3cad No.21008927




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4f3205 No.21008928

File: 3b040ff1c77f158⋯.gif (546.11 KB,498x457,498:457,f18f781790541dac6141af2831….gif)


Anon recognize Ma dukes dance moves anywhere.

Anon misses you. Don't be gone to long.

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5a3cad No.21008929


Trolling and shilling.

Childish fights Childish

Patriots fights Enemies

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754c80 No.21008930


who knows what year we are truly in , everything, maps, peoples, calendars, everything has been moved and rearranged to keep us confused, divided and weak

the migrations on europe and the us are orchestrated by these same satanic forces

tale as old as time

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69174e No.21008931


converge in 2025?

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0e3ec2 No.21008932


So you are proselytizing, right?

So you want Jesus to be God.

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8eb433 No.21008933

File: 0fcd60b49791c94⋯.png (59.27 KB,163x248,163:248,10239.png)

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5a3cad No.21008934


Do you control yourself?

That is what you think.

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754c80 No.21008935

which will 'force" the Q or cause a quantum entanglement for want of a better word between Q who is in another timeline apparently, and our timeline, which means the door of doors will be reopened

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8f3955 No.21008936

File: 4aa6897321b6348⋯.png (1.22 MB,1318x1574,659:787,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d5dbf48c0a1a3bc⋯.png (509.48 KB,1280x849,1280:849,ClipboardImage.png)

🇺🇸 ENoCH / Mr. Magapalooza 🇺🇸



Jun 11, 2024, 10:22 PM


Anonymous Patriot




Date message first posted

June 3, 2018

Date of Hunter Trial Start

June 3, 2024

Flip it to look like a gun.

Picture name is 6_11

Hunter found guilty on

June 11, 2024.

Jun 12, 2024, 2:45 AM


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43c7e9 No.21008937


I reckon there was a reset of some sort in the 18th or 19th Centuries.

Remember the Orphan Trains in the US?

Where did all those orphans suddenly come from?

History…as we are told it is a total lie.

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754c80 No.21008938

wasnt there a thor movie with two earths, one goes on to destruction, the other to glory

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4f3205 No.21008939

File: c830ac38affb912⋯.jpeg (66.58 KB,1300x650,2:1,.jpeg)

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0e3ec2 No.21008940



When you talked to me before.

You said Jesus was God, right?

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5a3cad No.21008941


I just gave you a water analogy because of your thirst.

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754c80 No.21008942


i heard they came from ireland

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993f9f No.21008943


You have been warned

timing is everything

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7efaeb No.21008944

File: 012c8176b0c5dd6⋯.jpg (55.8 KB,852x842,426:421,91c6a1e24653ea9da0c0137d54….jpg)

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5a3cad No.21008945


Drink from your own cistern.

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8f3955 No.21008946

File: f10a74bd77773f0⋯.png (526.59 KB,720x661,720:661,f10a74bd77773f0f673ac8364a….png)

File: a8f899ccc2862d7⋯.png (17.3 KB,255x255,1:1,f5bd9d3b167cdb5445001b1d65….png)

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0e3ec2 No.21008947


I'm just speaking my mind right now because I'm taking a break.

If that's what you call losing control, then so be it.

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5751ef No.21008948


>If a drop of water which has all the properties of the water that is in the ocean, combine, where does the drop begin and end?

it is a long tunnel or channel, call anon a faggot and I will tell you more.

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993f9f No.21008949


You look pedo peis of shit group

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5a3cad No.21008950

Break time.

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754c80 No.21008951

File: 9f77b7f6baa996e⋯.png (746.12 KB,1024x536,128:67,ClipboardImage.png)

Coast Guard on the scene at tragic remote island crash site of stolen passenger plane

By Tara Copp, AP, Geoff Ziezulewicz and Carl Prine

Aug 11, 2018


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5751ef No.21008952


>wasnt there a thor movie with two earths, one goes on to destruction, the other to glory

multiple moving parts, that movie?

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5751ef No.21008953


>Drink from your own cistern.

There is only one cistern filled with the whole earth.

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754c80 No.21008954

File: bc048fadc6a010a⋯.png (2.78 MB,1440x754,720:377,ClipboardImage.png)



i loved that Q plane …

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06ed6b No.21008955

File: 04df69affddb927⋯.png (2.44 MB,2841x2153,2841:2153,F3DC8EFC_A5B3_406D_81B8_99….png)

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754c80 No.21008956


"“NORAD fighters were working to redirect the aircraft out over the Pacific Ocean when it crashed on the southern tip of Ketron Island in the southern end of Puget Sound,” NORAD said in a statement. “NORAD fighters did not fire upon the aircraft. The event was subsequently passed to local rescue and law enforcement.”

so NORAD no good

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754c80 No.21008957


oh wait, NORAd is good, they didnt fire on the Q drone, prob escorted it safely to target

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42e7e0 No.21008958

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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8f3955 No.21008959


This one


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06ed6b No.21008960

File: ea64deb808c54cd⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1334,375:667,39933381_0091_43F0_8213_C9….png)


hunters and prey

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8f3955 No.21008961

File: 6279755604d1416⋯.png (1.37 MB,1920x1079,1920:1079,ClipboardImage.png)


love you very much clockfag

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d4d9f1 No.21008962


>oh wait, NORAd is good, they didnt fire on the Q drone, prob escorted it safely to target

Or did they create a "oh look squirrel" moment to allow the Q plane to slip away unobserved.

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0e3ec2 No.21008963

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8f3955 No.21008964

File: f82b20f642a7455⋯.png (807.28 KB,1104x1104,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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993f9f No.21008965

Pedos group

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8f3955 No.21008966

Malawi’s Vice-President Saulos Chilima has died at the age of 51 after a military aircraft he was flying in crashed in a forest in the north of the country.

He had been vice-president for 10 years, initially under former President Peter Mutharika, who picked him from the business sector for the second most senior post in government.

He was described as a "performer" and "workaholic" but he was perhaps defined by being at the centre of corruption allegations in government.

First as an accuser, and then as an accused.

Before Dr Chilima became vice-president in 2014, he was the managing director of the country's leading telecommunications firm Airtel Malawi, the first Malawian to head the organisation.

Mr Mutharika had reportedly said he was partnering with a "reliable and productive" person.

But four years later, Dr Chilima fell out with the president, accusing the government of not doing enough to fight corruption and protecting some people.

Under Malawian law the president cannot fire the vice-president - Dr Chilima defied calls to resign despite publicly challenging the government he was in.

He later formed his own political party, the United Transformation Movement (UTM), calling for radical change and reform in the country.

He ran for president in 2019 as the party's candidate and came third.

Mr Mutharika won that election but it was subsequently annulled by Malawi's top court because of widespread irregularities.

It was the first time in Africa that an election result was both overturned by a court and then the sitting president went on to be defeated in a re-run.

Dr Chilima teamed up as the running mate of Lazarus Chakwera in the historic 2020 re-run.

Mr Chakwera, who had emerged second in the discredited poll of 2019, was resoundingly elected president, and Dr Chilima became his vice-president.

But the vice-president would soon himself face corruption allegations, which he had so much rallied against in the previous administration.

He was arrested in 2022 on claims that he received money in return for influencing the awarding of government contracts - which he denied.

The president fired other officials who were named alongside him.

As he could not sack the vice-president, Mr Chakwera promised he would no longer delegate any official duties to Dr Chilima while he was facing trial.

But the charges were dropped last month with no reasons given - in a move that raised questions about the handling of corruption cases.

Before his role as a political heavyweight in Malawi, Dr Chilima had held other senior roles in the corporate sector, including at Coca Cola and Unilever.

He was an economist and held a PhD in knowledge management.

While serving in government, he was also the minister responsible for economic planning and public sector reforms.

The government's website said he was a "performer", "workaholic" and "an achiever".

Dr Chilima was born on 12 February 1973 in Ntcheu district in central Malawi.

He leaves behind his wife Mary and two children, Sean and Elizabeth.


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754c80 No.21008967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5751ef No.21008968

File: 7562f5e404daae4⋯.jpg (56.15 KB,640x426,320:213,cause_the_scammers_gonna_s….jpg)



targets are yours you faggots need to aim your dickhead at one target and cum in the rose, leave anons out of your scam.

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754c80 No.21008969


plus NORAD does santa flyover with trump and melania

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993f9f No.21008970

You little pedo of shit


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06ed6b No.21008971

File: d270595ed0100a4⋯.png (672.21 KB,690x2112,115:352,6E10ED11_DF7A_4E52_B317_57….png)

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754c80 No.21008972


nobody says faggot anymore

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993f9f No.21008973


You are pedos

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d476c3 No.21008974

File: 7f3dacfa3b51007⋯.mp4 (13 MB,1280x720,16:9,spacey_epstien_clinton.mp4)

File: cdaea53283fe6eb⋯.png (271.21 KB,500x333,500:333,ClipboardImage.png)

Remember that time Kevin Spacey admited he and Clinton Foundation members flew on Jeffrey Epstein's planes with “young girls.”

Leading Report


BREAKING: Kevin Spacey explains that he and Clinton Foundation members flew on Jeffrey Epstein's planes with “young girls.”


Such a small space to share and yet not fully know who was onboard.


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754c80 No.21008975


i think he will appear in our timeline when that signifier goes public in re doc to be r2

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a4ae85 No.21008976


I don't trust Pence.

Is he one of those Fake Christians, who quote Bible verses, but are just playing the Real Christians?

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993f9f No.21008977


They are pedos too

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993f9f No.21008978

You are pedos love fingring kid's

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bc4f86 No.21008979

File: 2748a059c474ebb⋯.jpeg (189.96 KB,833x769,833:769,IMG_1718.jpeg)

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754c80 No.21008980


how do you catch a dangerous animal?

you bait them

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5751ef No.21008981


>nobody says faggot anymore

you just underestimate how hard they will try to calling anons names but guess what, they are the faggots that pulled this thing.

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06ed6b No.21008982

File: 0e21d0260932351⋯.png (1.59 MB,750x1334,375:667,6F60BA6C_4BA4_441E_B031_3F….png)

File: 191981f1a5aeb9f⋯.jpeg (936.37 KB,1900x2048,475:512,D9BC9A69_BF8D_4619_AC86_6….jpeg)


clocks in the morning are always good.

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754c80 No.21008983

File: 2a920a094007c77⋯.png (136.8 KB,265x190,53:38,ClipboardImage.png)

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5751ef No.21008984


>you bait them

but using anon as the bait went a bit too far, besides anon loves to see your problem getting too big to be solved so I am just waiting for all hell to break loose.

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5751ef No.21008985


some string attached to do animation and noise production, they can barely call you a name.

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754c80 No.21008986


no spacey is the one who is exposing on a global stage the pedos

he was working with maxwell (throne picture) and epstein, they prob all devils,

satan and his minions dont think mankind is fit to be in Heaven with God and his Son so they set out to bait us and destroy us and how we think of ourselves, they hate mankind

the pedos were baited by the bad,

the Father created both good and bad in order to teach us about good and evil cuz we wanted to know

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644fa3 No.21008987

File: 2827dade084b9ed⋯.png (651.82 KB,914x1280,457:640,2827dade084b9ed8ff76c41bf5….png)

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754c80 No.21008988


when they call i leave them hanging on the line

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ec9297 No.21008989


It's a road…people are going to drive over them.

If someone really wants to destroy these hideous "Road Flags"…they would just use a small drone and drop paint bombs on them…

It would be really hard to find the drone operator from a vehicle 3-10 blocks away.

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5751ef No.21008990


anon is also used as bait, to catch what they call a big fish but anon believes it to be lower than a dog.

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8f3955 No.21008991

File: 2dc1c939558e490⋯.jpg (17.66 KB,255x255,1:1,2dc1c939558e4906a51de34269….jpg)


I feel emboldened, for reading that.


and nik'd

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754c80 No.21008992



the fish or me?

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5a10b9 No.21008993


Red Castle

Green Castle


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aba593 No.21008994

File: df635d9c79a7384⋯.jpg (222.37 KB,1040x1280,13:16,GM_Wednesday.jpg)


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06ed6b No.21008995

File: 0920865ef1febc4⋯.jpeg (126.4 KB,579x475,579:475,F4EE6B61_5342_4311_9C4D_F….jpeg)

File: 544e4f6821e2eda⋯.png (539.39 KB,996x1080,83:90,BA279B82_13E3_4A2C_A5FC_5D….png)

File: 1de8fe1d17279fa⋯.png (1.97 MB,1087x1419,1087:1419,9D3044A5_B092_41DC_8616_69….png)

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9df01d No.21008996

File: e29207ac3148c11⋯.png (590.91 KB,1028x772,257:193,ClipboardImage.png)



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754c80 No.21008997


ahhh thank you! the red green show

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81ff6d No.21008998


PB those links you fucking moran nigger

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8bfe02 No.21008999

File: 4c772036420134e⋯.jpeg (22.04 KB,140x181,140:181,85ABFF4A_A997_4C89_B366_A….jpeg)

File: a99aa5ad5d98354⋯.jpeg (7.59 KB,120x211,120:211,1EBBA6B6_CEA2_4C71_9B3D_1….jpeg)

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8f3955 No.21009000

File: d9e762e9ab0183d⋯.png (213.43 KB,900x600,3:2,dindu.png)

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d476c3 No.21009001

File: 46ac4f0c15c1e86⋯.png (260.18 KB,718x539,718:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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81ff6d No.21009002



poster of dickwad wall of text filtered

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06ed6b No.21009003


Lb fucker

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8f3955 No.21009004

File: e78d1d7ba8ece64⋯.mp4 (132.24 KB,646x480,323:240,Biden_Nigger.mp4)

File: 7a636ba509c7b33⋯.png (1.09 MB,1488x836,372:209,mike_pompeo_nigger.png)

File: 89d356916629194⋯.jpg (245.53 KB,1080x1496,135:187,n_is_for_nigger.jpg)

File: f72a6457e6584a3⋯.jpg (149.94 KB,648x684,18:19,really_nigga.jpg)

File: 52a9838ca327ed9⋯.jpg (101.75 KB,678x381,226:127,Mark_Milley_spy_nigg.jpg)

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a4ae85 No.21009005


They paint their Pervert Flag on streets and then complain that they are ruined. Muh victimhood. Learned from the Jew victimhood mentality.

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8bfe02 No.21009006

File: 700b12e4323829a⋯.jpeg (251.82 KB,828x803,828:803,115543EA_C0D0_44CE_A955_7….jpeg)

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9df01d No.21009007


Upper left?

Mom and kids at the Train Station?

Dropped off

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c4b82e No.21009008


>the fish or me?

the fish, they already cached this fish but wish to do formalities for show.

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8f3955 No.21009009

[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 14:39:02

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800598633978425566

… still no mention of his son's gun conviction in Biden's gun safety speech … developing …


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 14:38:19

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800598452503740442

… "C'mon now," Biden said to shush pro-Hamas hecklers … developing …


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 14:34:08

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800597399540302048

… Biden finally speaking now re gun safety … but just got interrupted by pro-Hamas protestors … developing …


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 14:31:26

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800596721749348614

… still an empty podium … in front of GUN SENSE UNIVERSITY banner … Biden is now a full hour late for his speech in Washington D.C. scheduled for 1:30 p.m. … developing …


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 14:21:49

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800594300029583458

BREAKING: In the wake of the surprisingly short jury deliberation on his son's GUN charges ending in guilty verdicts on all 3 felony charges, President Biden is a no-show at a campaign event in D.C. focused on GUN violence and safety. Biden was supposed to start speaking at 1:30.


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 13:53:56

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800587283889864975

DEVELOPING: In his sentencing recommendation, Special Counsel Weiss must consider a criminal referral from Congress re Hunter Biden perjury while he was on supervised release, and I'm told that same perjury report will soon be before sentencing Judge Noreika in an amicus filing


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 13:44:38

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800584944349274139



[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 13:44:14

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800584844289933394

BREAKING: In sudden WH scheduling change, Biden rushing back to Wilmington, Del., from his "GUN SENSE" speech to be with devastated son Hunter after his conviction on three felony GUN charges

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754c80 No.21009010


the austin steinbart group, who work for flynn who is a traitor

i had some girl from austins entourage harrass me right after my husband passed, sick woman worked for DoD or something

flynn disgusts me, war profiteer esp the killing squads in afghanistan he organized and made very proficient

everyone will be judged on the day of reckoning

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8f3955 No.21009011



[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 13:36:57

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800583008174719258

BREAKING: Following guilty verdict, Special Counsel David Weiss said Hunter made "illegal choices … on two coasts…[and] nobody in this country is above the law." Next: bigger trial in Calif re charges Hunter cheated IRS out of millions from father's influence-peddling schemes


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 13:29:13

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800581064793972805

POETIC TIMING: Biden to deliver a speech on gun safety at previously scheduled event hours after his son is found guilty on gun charges



[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 13:26:45

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800580441289945300

REWIND: "First of all, my son's done nothing wrong," Biden last May said about Hunter's gun felony charges. "I trust him." (FF to 12:40 mark)



[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 12:59:38

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800573619820761211

BREAKING: One of the Delaware jurors said Hunter Biden's lawyer Abbe Lowell's decision to put his daughter Naomi on the stand was a "bad mistake." "Everybody felt really bad about Naomi," he said, adding most felt "sorry" for her having to testify regarding her father's drug use


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 12:39:46

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800568620965335335

DEVELOPING: Convicted felon Hunter Biden the first child of a sitting president to be found guilty in a federal felony case faces a possible maximum sentence of 10 years in prison for each of two felony counts, and a maximum of 5 years in prison for the third felony count


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 12:33:33

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800567055600804262

BREAKING: A mostly black jury in Biden's home state of Del. returned guilty verdicts on all three counts against his son Hunter so fastjust 3 hoursthat Jill Biden & other family members weren't able to get to the courtroom in time to be with Hunter when the verdicts were read


[Profile picture from source site (X Post/Truth Social)] Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/11/2024 12:13:42

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1800562060012765519

DEVELOPING: Biden is on record saying he won't "pardon" his son, but nobody has asked him if he would commute his sentence especially if it includes incarceration

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aba593 No.21009012

File: 7128a2743774a5d⋯.jpg (33.86 KB,600x450,4:3,Ive_Seen_it.jpg)

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a4ae85 No.21009013


Is it my imagination, or is he getting uglier?

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3af393 No.21009014

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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8f3955 No.21009015

Joe “Pags” Pagliarulo


Yes, @realDonaldTrump offered over 10k National Guard troops for Jan 6th. Yes, Muriel Bowser, Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol police declined. In this newly released video, Nancy Pelosi admits it was her fault. @Kash


Jun 12, 2024, 12:25 AM


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754c80 No.21009016


oh i couldnt zoom in on that on this laptop, thank you, what do you think it means? he looks pensive like something foreboding

i see diana in him, like hes trying to live up to her good works, but i think harry likes the limelight more than he does,

hes being forced to lead his country now since his father was found wanting, and the weight of taking care of all of his citizens seems to weigh on his shoulders, im sure he will fulfill his mothers expectations

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8f3955 No.21009017

 Mike Davis 


97% of people convicted of Hunter Biden's gun charges go to prison for many years: Mike Davis



97% of people convicted of Hunter Biden's gun charges go to prison for many years: Mike Davis | Fox News Video

'The Ingraham Angle' panelists Mike Davis and Tristan Leavitt analyze the likelihood of the first son serving time in prison following his conviction.





Jun 11, 2024, 11:50 PM


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a4ae85 No.21009018


fake bewbs

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8bfe02 No.21009019

File: 92ba31a07161e79⋯.jpeg (349.81 KB,828x780,69:65,E4F869F3_0402_4D4B_A260_3….jpeg)


Thank you.

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8f3955 No.21009020

File: c115d6cc710ccc5⋯.png (1.21 MB,741x863,741:863,ClipboardImage.png)

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22cde3 No.21009021

cp rm'd


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06ed6b No.21009022

File: c8414c3548994da⋯.png (80.83 KB,690x806,345:403,F018AE13_A7C9_4356_B95F_CC….png)


good morning Ralph.

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8f3955 No.21009023

File: 6c3775f24a149ec⋯.png (1.47 MB,663x965,663:965,ClipboardImage.png)

Juan Merchan looks like a thunder-birds puppet


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7a98d7 No.21009024

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 81ffc426239cb8e⋯.png (11.92 KB,143x56,143:56,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_0….png)

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23720d No.21009025

File: 08dcafc130a2282⋯.jpg (44.62 KB,487x286,487:286,GM_Endorsed.jpg)


Alas, it's back to the handmedown breads from dedshift.

But, still, not enough to spoil a GM.

They have to try harder than that.

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4dcee3 No.21009026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c4b82e No.21009027

File: ebf68d2f581cd63⋯.jpg (52.31 KB,500x555,100:111,ebf68d2f581cd632368ed85436….jpg)


>Juan Merchan looks like a thunder-birds puppet


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a8ddb7 No.21009028


you have bogus theology

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135c94 No.21009029


Fakest shit ever. They act scared then sit there for like 2 minutes. Don’t even try to run the thing over to help that homeless man. Try harder faggots.

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361697 No.21009030

File: 490bbed2580e26c⋯.png (46.97 KB,600x478,300:239,forc.PNG)


Attorney General Ken Paxton


🚨BREAKING: I’m suing Biden Administration for adopting a new rule that forces states to pay for “gender transition” procedures through their Medicaid programs & requires healthcare providers to perform these procedures even when doing so would violate state law.

This is yet another example of Joe Biden trying to sidestep the Constitution & use agency rulemaking to advance unpopular, unlawful, & destructive policies. We are suing to stop the Biden Administration from withholding federal healthcare funds to force medical professionals to perform these experimental and dangerous procedures.


Square profile picture

Texas Attorney General



Jun 11

Attorney General Ken Paxton Sues Biden's Department of Health and Human Services to Stop Rule Forcing Healthcare Providers to Perform "Gender Transition" Procedures: https://texasattorneygeneral.gov/news/releases/attorney-general-ken-paxton-sues-bidens-department-health-and-human-services-stop-rule-forcing

3:18 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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361697 No.21009031

They went after Hunter on his gun stuff to make you overlook all his Ukraine stuff

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3af393 No.21009032

File: 52664ef08b7b4ee⋯.png (345.06 KB,803x652,803:652,52664ef08b7b4ee3167b37c68d….png)

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135c94 No.21009033

Was the Q clock invented to work with looking glass?

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a92112 No.21009034

File: 4c5e96e07ea4b64⋯.png (340.59 KB,442x810,221:405,gm.png)

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6c1e9c No.21009035

File: 59009585ade0f01⋯.png (215.05 KB,802x564,401:282,embers.png)



3 seconds.

DAN is to blame.


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9df01d No.21009036



"They wanted the political optics", Kash Patel

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4dcee3 No.21009037

Two weeks to stop HIV with ivermectin

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754c80 No.21009038


prob, it changes a lot, i do know michael is real tho

the Son and the Father and the Holy Ghost and mother Mary

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361697 No.21009039

File: 9af9d72695b787a⋯.png (21.88 KB,590x278,295:139,robin.PNG)


Emerald Robinson ✝️


Anyone who thinks that Trump will win in November because his share of the vote is "too big to rig" is a moron.

There's 200,000 fake votes on 9 different kinds of paper from the 2020 election in Arizona to remind you: nothing is too big to rig.

Rate proposed Community Notes

11:28 PM · Jun 10, 2024




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2e2b08 No.21009040

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4dcee3 No.21009041

Fuck you pharma. You fucked around now your gonna find out.


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361697 No.21009042

File: e484b1e7b854bc7⋯.png (509.86 KB,598x796,299:398,72.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


Democrat Corruption Is OUT OF CONTROL

Illinois attempt to raise taxes failed 2 Votes

Their law only allows a maximum of 2 Votes

🚨 Here are Democrats meeting at 4:30AM illegally taking a 3RD VOTE attempting to “ram a tax increase down the throats of the citizens of Illinois. At 4:30 in the morning”

Floor Leader Patrick Windhorst called out Democrats on the House Floor:

“Madam speaker, I don't believe you took the record on the prior vote when we had the verification. I believe that was inappropriate. I think it's clear to everybody what's going on here. It takes the super the super majority.

How many times to get this, well, right in your mind, You pass these rules. These are your rules. I think you're wrong with the motion to reconsider. That's not the appropriate process.

Rule 72 is clear about what's to occur with concurrences. It says you get 2 votes on a concurrence. Both of those failed.

I think it should be clear to everyone in this state what this super majority is willing to do to ram a tax increase down the throats of the citizens of Illinois. At 4:30 in the morning, 3 votes. 3 votes.

3 votes. Request a verification.”

0:35 / 1:09

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:01 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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eeb658 No.21009043


The hitch, is that the criminal and tyrannical Government was largely successful using the Intel Community, Media and DoE to brainwash the public to falsely believe such would be “illegal”.

Here We are with the biggest bag of shit Government ever on Earth, and yet a large portion of public con’t comprehend living without servitude to shitbags.


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23720d No.21009044

File: 105e5c14d59c46f⋯.jpg (45.33 KB,667x423,667:423,Emerald.jpg)


You can rig me anytime you want, Emmy.

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a4ae85 No.21009045


No sympathy for pedophiles.

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1a7ef7 No.21009046

File: 6122767bc7a3537⋯.jpeg (143.75 KB,800x603,800:603,IMG_7537.jpeg)



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69b02c No.21009047

File: 656247ebc181605⋯.png (386.24 KB,1071x819,17:13,Screenshot_20240612n_1.png)

Obama's ButtPlug.


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361697 No.21009048

File: 08726da8a1ae698⋯.png (300.46 KB,660x662,330:331,show.PNG)


Putin's Atlantic show of strength: Russian warships practise using 'high precision weapons' as newest frigate and nuclear sub 'pass 25 miles from US coast on way to Cuba'

By Chris Jewers and Will Stewart

Published: 12:21 EDT, 11 June 2024 | Updated: 13:15 EDT, 11 June 2024

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9df01d No.21009049


a possibility then that

Flynn and NoName were acquainted

Flynn and McChrystal became quite adept at targeting in the AF using cell phones and other means and sending in the specops to do the clean up as needed

Flynn got his FBI interview from the ramrod of the group now known as the lover of beautiful Lisa Page…and all their texts and the insurance policy

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c4b82e No.21009050


>Was the Q clock invented to work with looking glass?

glass looking makes visible a classified layer of information, basically a tool to de-class by yourself anon.

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7a98d7 No.21009051

File: 36012995927156a⋯.png (878.21 KB,1227x795,409:265,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_0….png)



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ba5321 No.21009052


Kekked bcuz that appears to be a woman lying the gurney

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4cbd73 No.21009053

File: 51c0d25f7596ebf⋯.jpeg (199.06 KB,1125x693,125:77,IMG_1198.jpeg)


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754c80 No.21009054


that BABY anon account i mistakenly thought was austin steinbarts group, sorry, i see that Q used that account in a green castle, red castle post

i think flynn is not alone in that what is coming is not appealiing to him, as it will change our world for sure, and i think he likes it the way it is

i think he was jealous of Q advising POTUS in the WH

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a4ae85 No.21009055


And in Mexico, the Jew Bitch got "elected" when 37 of her contenders were murdered.

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7a98d7 No.21009056

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: ce63e43e1ab6b75⋯.png (18.19 KB,279x54,31:6,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_0….png)

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c4b82e No.21009057



[K] in KARMA, someone drove his moms car.

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23720d No.21009058



Still not an excuse for running out of Catholics to vote for in that country.

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eeb658 No.21009059


Juan as TBs puppet…..

Nailed it!

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754c80 No.21009060


i hope some got a chance at redemption (GF3) if they could help take down the pedo rings from the inside …

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361697 No.21009061

File: 6157aed8236eb63⋯.png (77.75 KB,1079x538,1079:538,vest.PNG)


Tucker Carlson Investigation: FBI Interrogated and Purged Trump Supporters from Its Ranks – The Police State Is Real (VIDEO)

by Jim Hoft Jun. 11, 2024 7:45 am

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7a98d7 No.21009062

File: 36012995927156a⋯.png (878.21 KB,1227x795,409:265,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_0….png)



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69b02c No.21009063

File: 656247ebc181605⋯.png (386.24 KB,1071x819,17:13,Screenshot_20240612n_1.png)

Obama's ButtPlug.


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1a7ef7 No.21009064


You’ve considered it too huh?

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8dce20 No.21009065


That’ll be some frequency that would have caused that. Evil fuckers..

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361697 No.21009066

File: b7e8cf9fb2ca1b9⋯.png (295.86 KB,605x851,605:851,led.PNG)


The Rubber Duck ™


Q led 8kun 👀




Stephen Baldwin



Jun 10

Hey Hollywood, the signs are everywhere. You can run but you can’t hide?

12:55 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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754c80 No.21009067

File: 794e79a8673d1d3⋯.png (330.54 KB,850x400,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

i think i found the "bad advisor"


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eeb658 No.21009068


I’m so in love with smart, prickly hot chick

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9df01d No.21009069


The whole of the "baby q" stuff…whew

DIA uc in Cuba at 17

Op. Burnback

everything else

and a follower dieing of a heart attack at 27…they are deadly

Flynn may have been jealous but he appeared to have other motive after all, he whored himself out to quite a number of candidates before getting onboard the Trump Train

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361697 No.21009070

File: fa864fec1cf0d3e⋯.png (358.77 KB,598x486,299:243,poe.PNG)




NIH Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo Disinformation

From zerohedge.com

12:45 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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361697 No.21009071

File: 54291071394d450⋯.png (364.45 KB,592x505,592:505,spin.PNG)


Citizen Free Press


MSNBC activates spin cycle following Hunter Biden verdict.


johnny maga

6:49 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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a8ddb7 No.21009072


seems to be a report about the war-pig startups in Israel and how unholy people get rich by being given money from banksters to fund research into murder.


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d2808a No.21009073

File: f9da31bbf11f2a2⋯.png (164.25 KB,402x515,402:515,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 379107b6341f451⋯.png (173.2 KB,400x516,100:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2908d46f68c4063⋯.png (590.37 KB,1278x719,1278:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1375b69de5c2fdb⋯.png (100.12 KB,444x180,37:15,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e62cde84b4145a⋯.png (199.89 KB,556x731,556:731,ClipboardImage.png)

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7a98d7 No.21009074


does, not dose

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361697 No.21009075

File: 80a87d7665e948c⋯.png (431.75 KB,588x485,588:485,speed.PNG)




Speed Cameras In Atlanta Improperly Issued $300,000 To $500,000 Worth Of Tickets

From zerohedge.com

11:45 AM · Jun 10, 2024




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64e798 No.21009076

File: 1e69cc9ad9d534c⋯.png (44.49 KB,772x281,772:281,IMG_0672.png)



To me this would be part of the plan as well. There is awareness of voter fraud but it hasn’t crossed over to the point where we have nationwide buy in on voter reform/ID etc.

They HAVE to steal the election again, while they’re performing poorly, while the nation is crumbling and folks are out of work, while crime is skyrocketing,and in the most overt ways, to get the rest of the people to see them as criminals and want the change.

That’s why q said the next 6 years in June 2019. Whatever the resolution will be will take a few months to sort out.

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64e798 No.21009077

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69b02c No.21009078



WetStart Johnny killed 134 sailors on the USS Forrestal.

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7a98d7 No.21009079


idk, maybe they were spared execution in lieu of providing evidence against others

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792154 No.21009080

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

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7a98d7 No.21009081


does, not dose

haven't we been here before?

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9df01d No.21009082


Mattis racked up quite a body count in Iraq

speculation as to why Mueller visited him in the sandbox

FBI investigates "warcrimes"

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fc80bc No.21009083

File: 73d4cd05ae0ab61⋯.jpg (597.01 KB,903x1602,301:534,oie_I8erEsDkaoAq.jpg)

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8bfe02 No.21009084


Little bit

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07c6b6 No.21009085

File: a22067e5318e72b⋯.png (649.41 KB,1080x761,1080:761,Lopez.png)

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754c80 No.21009086


i went and looked back at his record in afghanistan, a country nato destroyed, and i saw that he organized killing squads that would go out at night and kill dissenters to the occupation, and they were very thorough and killed many many people

i just kinda felt he could easily do the same thing to american dissenters of a deep state war profiteering administration like the one we have now

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a4ae85 No.21009087

File: b96c36a1cd50585⋯.png (39.84 KB,510x336,85:56,ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry, I don't fly the American Flag anymoar.

My America is dead.

It died on Jan. 21, 2021

I have my American Flag neatly folded lying a a shelf in my garage.

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a5a206 No.21009088


She will collapse the Mexican economy as soon as possible in order to drive tens of millions more into the JewSA.

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8dce20 No.21009089

File: 4cb7ad78fc7b30f⋯.jpeg (54.96 KB,1140x485,228:97,IMG_2082.jpeg)

Horrified cruise passengers spot Russian warships out their window as NATO on red alert

Russian nuclear warships are heading to Cuba for joint military drills with their Caribbean allies.


11:09, Wed, Jun 12, 2024 | UPDATED: 11:49, Wed, Jun 12, 2024


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ee4db1 No.21009090

File: dfc0dd4fad9648f⋯.jpeg (45.13 KB,640x270,64:27,IMG_2095.jpeg)

Any episodes of Jim Jordan’s Magical Mystery Tour Theater of Stern Words today?

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7a98d7 No.21009091


so, are they going to send Donald to the slammer on july 11th?

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8bfe02 No.21009092

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Up and a 'em Commie Satan.

Time to die.


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23720d No.21009093

File: f59e2ce2edf1664⋯.gif (448.58 KB,444x258,74:43,ba_dum_tsss.gif)


>It died on Jan. 21, 2021

Huh, same day QR did.

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d2808a No.21009094

File: 2467faaee08ecdf⋯.png (276.26 KB,1378x731,1378:731,ClipboardImage.png)

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3af393 No.21009095

File: c2508568fd447e0⋯.png (19.26 KB,439x307,439:307,godspeed.png)

File: c8fabce2fcc6aca⋯.png (619.58 KB,1077x5108,1077:5108,qFlagsCastleRockGodspeedFo….png)

File: b0e6707b8caaa67⋯.png (153.81 KB,1146x1143,382:381,Screenshot_2024_02_11_at_0….png)


>good morning Ralph.

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8bfe02 No.21009096

File: 4b40f6160ce7391⋯.jpeg (449.82 KB,828x793,828:793,9FD5C197_0156_4CF0_A7DC_1….jpeg)

File: e2257369adad8df⋯.jpeg (395.61 KB,828x793,828:793,518EFA3F_A629_44FB_B7C8_8….jpeg)

File: 36ff3f990a91234⋯.jpeg (193.75 KB,740x855,148:171,3281B1D5_E936_40FF_BD33_3….jpeg)

File: 44e2d17e2751fa7⋯.jpeg (217.83 KB,811x905,811:905,A5B07D79_BC5C_491A_9E64_A….jpeg)

File: df14a7aca735d15⋯.jpeg (342.06 KB,828x968,207:242,E13B194B_3EEC_4B8B_A4D5_9….jpeg)

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ee4db1 No.21009098

File: 66506b533e41fd1⋯.jpeg (103.87 KB,888x500,222:125,IMG_2096.jpeg)

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07c6b6 No.21009099

File: 8f7cc5f20669d3b⋯.png (193.97 KB,528x473,48:43,Screenshot_20231004_084908….png)

Name one thing Chuck Grassley has done in protest of the 2020 stolen election besides eat ice cream.

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ee4db1 No.21009100


Growed corn?

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23720d No.21009101

File: 5b8112a9fdbe70e⋯.jpg (38.97 KB,488x265,488:265,Grassleys_SmokeUp.JPG)


dude weed

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a4ae85 No.21009102


yet, here you are

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c4b82e No.21009103


Stood on the corner of the oval office.

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abd829 No.21009105

EU to impose tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles

Jun 12th, 06:07:46

By Philip Blenkinsop

BRUSSELS (Reuters) -The European Commission notified car makers on Wednesday that it would apply additional duties of up to 38.1% on imported Chinese electric vehicles from next month, a move likely to draw possible retaliation from China.

Less than a month after Washington quadrupled duties for Chinese EVs to 100%, Brussels said it would set tariffs of 17.4% for BYD, 20% for Geely and 38.1% for SAIC over what it said were excessive subsidies.

China's commerce ministry said it would closely monitor the development and resolutely take all necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights of Chinese companies.


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07c6b6 No.21009106

File: 30a8df587ffa72c⋯.png (696.91 KB,1080x749,1080:749,Screenshot_20240611_181240….png)

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23720d No.21009107

File: e7dd53d4266346c⋯.jpg (55.57 KB,472x608,59:76,GM_MissPig.jpg)


GM, fellow zombie.

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a4ae85 No.21009108


Republicans are cheated into office as well.

They aren't about to rock that boat.

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754c80 No.21009109


or placed there on purpose, they could be part of the timeline wars someone mentioned earlier in this thread

spaceys christmas videos he does seem to be comms, he seems to relish bringing out the evil in people that he knows is there ..

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42e7e0 No.21009110


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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abd829 No.21009111


And how would YOU have Snowden spectacularly, but safely, delivered to GitMo, if you were Putin?

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07c6b6 No.21009112

File: 0f6ca1be13640c2⋯.jpg (184.48 KB,813x500,813:500,82oa1k.jpg)

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135c94 No.21009113


>Speed Cameras In Atlanta Improperly Issued $300,000 To $500,000 Worth Of Tickets

>From zerohedge.com

They’ve been doing this for decades. We the People do not consent.

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9df01d No.21009114


Pretty impressive at the ruthless efficiency

and all through the use of "smart phones"

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215715 No.21009115

File: 5735c2eb7377f92⋯.png (312.98 KB,750x471,250:157,5735c2eb7377f92a442515612a….png)


>They HAVE to steal the election again

Oh, fucking come on now. Dammit. kek

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754c80 No.21009116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GM , headed to bed

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abd829 No.21009117

Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Europe

Good morning. Today is a big day with traders bracing for a doubleheader of US inflation data and the Federal Reserve meeting. Macron’s election gamble keeps investors on edge. Apple surges on artificial intelligence hope. Here’s what people are talking about.

Rare double whammy

Traders are rapidly unwinding bets for a rally in US Treasuries before a rare double whammy of CPI data landing just hours before a Fed interest-rate decision. For now, investors are fully pricing in just a single rate cut this year, awaiting an update of the central bank’s dot plot that could whipsaw markets. With the Fed widely expected to hold its rate steady for a seventh consecutive meeting, Treasuries steadied early on Wednesday while European equity futures are a tad higher and the euro is little changed.

Chaos and anger

Following Emmanuel Macron’s decision to plunge into an election campaign, many lawmakers and officials say the high-risk strategy is more likely to consolidate his party’s losses and undermine any remaining prospects for advancing his economic agenda. Some see a chance it could even hand control to the opposition led by Marine Le Pen. That risk helped send anxiety coursing through bond markets on Tuesday. (See below for broad market implications from Garfield Reynolds.) As for what the future holds for France, we have Macron’s press conference today on his vision for the country.

China tensions

The Biden administration is considering further restrictions on China’s access to chip technology used for artificial intelligence, targeting new hardware that’s only now making its way into the market, people familiar with the matter said. The US has already imposed numerous limits on the sale of advanced semiconductors and chipmaking tools to the Asian country. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo has repeatedly said the US will add to those measures as needed to keep the most advanced AI technology out of Beijing’s hands, over fears that it could give an edge to China’s military.

Apple soars

Apple is riding the AI boom with the iPhone maker’s shares rallying on Tuesday. The stock surge came in the wake of the company’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference, where it showcased a number of features related to AI. The event crystallized a strategy many investors felt had been missing from Apple amid AI-fueled rallies elsewhere within Big Tech. In the meantime, Oracle reported better-than-expected bookings and announced partnership deals with tech rivals. The shares gained more than 9% in extended trading.

Quant trades

Wall Street’s half-trillion-dollar business cloning quant trades has some surprising new customers: the very firms whose strategies it mimics. Once hostile to the copycat products being churned out by big banks, hedge funds are becoming a major driver of the boom in what are known as quantitative investment strategies, or QIS. These tools take popular systematic trades and typically turn them into swaps or structured notes, creating a quick and cheap way to gain exposure.

Coming up

The main events of the day, the FOMC rate decision, and the projections, will be released at 2 p.m. in Washington with Fed Chair Jerome Powell to hold a press conference 30 minutes later. Before we get there, European traders have UK industrial production and trade balance and Germany inflation final readings, along with the IEA’s Oil Market Report for June. The ECB’s Vujcic, Guindos and Nagel speak. US CPI data for May land at 8:30 a.m. in Washington.

What we’ve been reading

This is what's caught our eye over the past 24 hours.

Europe poised to delay Basel bank trading rules by a year

JPMorgan risk swap ends up at a familiar place: rival banks

Ex-Deutsche Bank trader sues for her $3.3 million bad bank bonus

Asia’s family office frenzy comes with plenty of imposters

GameStop raises $2.14 billion on back of Roaring Kitty-led rally

Britain’s ‘quiet quitters’ are costing the economy £257 billion

China weighs ban on bank distribution of hedge fund products

And finally, here’s what Garfield is interested in this morning:

European bond traders paid the price this week for failing to anticipate political turmoil going into elections for the region’s parliament over the weekend. The fallout from the surprisingly poor showing for the parties of national governments led France’s President Macron to call snap elections. That in turn spurred the sharpest sell-off in the country’s benchmark bond futures for two months, sending the front-dated contract to levels last seen around the depths of the September-October 2023 global bond meltdown.


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07c6b6 No.21009118

File: 30a95e965f4b406⋯.jpg (176.43 KB,813x500,813:500,82ohud.jpg)

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ee4db1 No.21009119


Grassley is having Biden problems. Watch him try and read stuff on the floor. Cringe. He needs to retire and holler at wayward children happening upon his lawn.

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3af393 No.21009120

File: d4873d5221e376c⋯.gif (308.51 KB,360x270,4:3,ralph2akp.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Busy week!

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8dce20 No.21009121


Trips chkd. Fair point.

I’m hoping it’s a little more than a delivery of one person…

Not necessarily to GITMO.

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d2808a No.21009122

File: 03bf46fc1d3395b⋯.png (216.09 KB,631x554,631:554,ClipboardImage.png)





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a4ae85 No.21009123


I thought their economy was already collapsed.

10% filthy rich and 90% dirt poor.

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a5a206 No.21009125


From a long line of (R)'s that are going to do something……eventually…strongly word a statement and never follow up. In reality they are placating while running out the clock.

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6c132a No.21009126

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


For the Old Dough "Gotta" get sober.. TY Baker

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23720d No.21009127



>Don't blame me for GY being ded

GN/GM anon - catch you next time.

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1a7ef7 No.21009128


Q Factor

The Q factor is a parameter that describes the resonance behavior of an underdamped harmonic oscillator (resonator). Sinusoidally driven resonators having higher Q factors resonate with greater amplitudes (at the resonant frequency) but have a smaller range of frequencies around that frequency for which they resonate.


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e55796 No.21009130

File: 14d6e62e33ae7f8⋯.jpg (80.46 KB,643x482,643:482,20240612_045640.jpg)

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abd829 No.21009131


Head count could be higher, not sure, but it IS an entertaining opportunity. Do not climb the tower to NOT ring the bell.

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361697 No.21009132

File: e5edb816687c64c⋯.png (19.89 KB,596x216,149:54,burn.PNG)


Scott Jennings


The most important thing about the Hunter trial is the laptop was proven real. Joe Biden, his campaign, & dozens of Democratic luminaries & media outlets were willing to lie about it and/or censor it despite knowing it was real. The amount of credibility burned is staggering.

6:18 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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4b4360 No.21009133

File: 99f9534cbb748a1⋯.png (467.2 KB,1080x1455,72:97,Scrvxu.png)

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e55796 No.21009134

File: a0cc03773a86a12⋯.jpg (197.61 KB,915x1024,915:1024,20240612_051255.jpg)

Today's cover: Hunter Biden convicted of federal gun charges, faces 25 years in prison


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abd829 No.21009135

Gaza families desperate for water with no relief in sight

Jun 12th, 06:32:16

By Mahmoud Issa

GAZA (Reuters) - It is not only the ever-present danger from Israeli bombardment or ground fighting that makes life a trial for Gaza's Palestinian civilians. It is also the sheer daily slog to find bare necessities such as water, to drink or cook or wash with.

For the Shenbary family, that can be a walk of 90 minutes, jerry cans at the ready, in the hope of finding a makeshift distribution point among the mounds of grey, dusty rubble of the Jabalia urban refugee camp in northern Gaza.

"Now that Jabalia has all been bulldozed, all the wells are bulldozed with it. There's not a single water well left," family father Ahmed Al-Shenbary said last Saturday. "Water is a big tragedy in Jabalia."


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ed727d No.21009136

can we please have them aliens now?

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6c132a No.21009137

File: 629df80ae81f253⋯.png (690.75 KB,762x762,1:1,_Oliver_Pepe.png)

File: 5149f4d26a16a54⋯.png (116.61 KB,444x600,37:50,23806_Rich_Men_North_of_Ri….png)


Rich Bakers.. Dough makers living in rolling pins pricks.. Kek

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361697 No.21009138

File: 733773c5ce023b1⋯.png (511.97 KB,601x725,601:725,cut.PNG)


Mike Netter


They are going to start cutting down 4000 Joshua Trees tomorrow for a solar farm. With panels probably made in China

Each blue dot is a Joshua Tree over 8 ft tall (at least 80 years old). It seems there are just as many loopholes as there are protections now.

Most of these operations are hidden from view.


Rate proposed Community Notes

5:09 PM · Jun 9, 2024




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d63733 No.21009139

Any more BIG wins coming soon?

Anon morale was kinda low after the Trump trial knowing he has to go through all the BS for the plan, and they will arrest him in July, but with the recent EU elections and Hunter Biden conviction it looks like we are not losing on all fronts, there is hope!

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ee4db1 No.21009140


Scott Jennings needs to source his claim regarding Democratic luminaries & media outlets “knowing”. Otherwise, he is Peter Jennings.

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8bfe02 No.21009141

File: a6f4f982e15f54e⋯.jpeg (78.98 KB,306x290,153:145,79D21080_81B5_44A9_8AF4_8….jpeg)


Don't worry about it.

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ee4db1 No.21009142


Let them Ayys rest a spell. They been out all night cow tipping and such.

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8bfe02 No.21009143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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06ed6b No.21009144

File: 277988dfda92a6a⋯.png (357.74 KB,750x1334,375:667,BCBB2E64_DD69_4141_945B_DD….png)

File: e2a69f70466236e⋯.png (59.44 KB,690x806,345:403,4F7081D6_5B42_499E_A9FB_08….png)

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abd829 No.21009145

Eliana Johnson


Harvard Student Facing Criminal Charges for Accosting Israeli Classmate Lands Job in DC Public Defender's Office, via ⁦


⁩ ⁦




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361697 No.21009146

File: fa7916eb8083921⋯.png (361.28 KB,595x635,119:127,mill.PNG)


Stephen Miller


Do you see the op now? Charge Hunter with a minor gun violation and NOT his conduct as an unregistered foreign agent or illicit foreign business dealings in order to protect the BIG GUY before the election. DOJ is Biden’s election protection racket.


Tom Elliott



Jun 11

MSNBC's @AWeissmann_: Hunter Biden verdict shows Joe Biden is the "living embodiment of the rule of law"

7:00 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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c4b82e No.21009147

File: 48cea883942a529⋯.jpg (49.21 KB,500x437,500:437,2ax266_1147389635.jpg)


>can we please have them aliens now?

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4b4360 No.21009149

File: e118d776b687da2⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x1511,1080:1511,Screenshot_20240612_063853….png)


Trump stole the 2016 election.

- Jimmy Carter

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d4d9f1 No.21009150


Is that the guy who was in The Goonies?

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abd829 No.21009151

File: fcc0e59e92b62d3⋯.png (200.15 KB,907x555,907:555,ClipboardImage.png)

The Rabbit Hole


The term “far right” has become so loosely applied that it’s effectively useless in sniffing out genuine cases of extremism and more often used to slander reasonable people.


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6c132a No.21009152


Kidding My journey very cheap.. so cheap I am In Canada

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361697 No.21009153

File: c84dd845451fd2c⋯.png (289.39 KB,595x850,7:10,bre.PNG)


Bad Hombre


Here is @MollyJongFast in 2022 pushing for Letitia James to investigate, prosecute, and hold Trump’s kids “accountable.”

Today she went ‘Morning Joe’ to plead with jurors in Hunter’s trial to not hold him accountable because she empathizes as a fellow addict.

You have to laugh.



Tom Elliott



Jun 10

MSNBC’s @mollyjongfast: “The disease that Hunter Biden has is the same disease that I have. It’s the same disease that, you know, almost 20 percent of the country has.”

0:03 / 1:56

9:45 AM · Jun 10, 2024




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c4e303 No.21009154


You are watching a yiddish movie, Trump is a DS puppet of the filthy Yids and a traitor to mankind!

Anyone who sides with the filthy Jews is committing treason against humanity and should be executed!

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d2808a No.21009155


Barons adventure starts in 1892

The Last President… or 1900

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4b4360 No.21009156

File: 3fca3b8d5643172⋯.png (885.33 KB,1080x1379,1080:1379,Screenshot_202.png)

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a4ae85 No.21009157


It's almost as if they are not allowed to retire.

Till Death Do Us Part.

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ee4db1 No.21009158


MSNBC is hilarious!

Comedy going on there as class A stuff. This @ Weissmann skit they do musta boosted ratings to da moon!

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d63733 No.21009159


>Trump is a DS puppet

Sauce it faggot.

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22cde3 No.21009160

File: e8d1ed52298a86b⋯.jpg (49.42 KB,474x531,158:177,e8d1ed52298a86b3c9ee0cc119….jpg)

File: 252ff06535cb649⋯.png (973.8 KB,783x485,783:485,wnb.png)

>>21008533 tyb

>>21008550 ghosted

morn'n baker can take this one to the top

morn'n/ eevn'n anons n happy wenzday

claiming bake and notes comin up inna sec

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361697 No.21009161

File: be69ed883d56283⋯.png (217.65 KB,614x388,307:194,himnm.PNG)

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ee4af1 No.21009162

File: 810d3b54d9491a7⋯.png (87.22 KB,368x770,184:385,mockingbird2.png)

File: d99f67f9875e129⋯.jpg (932.27 KB,1200x800,3:2,Admiral_Gorshkov_frigate_0….jpg)

File: 5bcb1952ead2c44⋯.png (274.13 KB,666x448,333:224,Screenshot_from_2024_06_12….png)

File: f9e23b41eaad8e7⋯.png (52.84 KB,403x426,403:426,Screenshot_2024_06_12_at_0….png)

File: 93c42b6f19e7d74⋯.jpg (36.53 KB,604x339,604:339,93c42b6f19e7d74415350a3e0d….jpg)


>They HAVE to steal the election again, while they’re performing poorly, while the nation is crumbling and folks are out of work, while crime is skyrocketing,and in the most overt ways, to get the rest of the people to see them as criminals and want the change.

Also need to further discredit and gather moar evidence on the treasonous Mockingbird media

Do they think they panic when they see that 17 on the Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov?

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361697 No.21009163

File: 665d89c76835d4e⋯.png (274.59 KB,591x607,591:607,bbb.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


SCOOP: Bath & Body Works @bathbodyworks

staff training says using the wrong pronouns is a form of “harassment” and must be reported to higher-ups. My source tells me this form of “harassment” can get you fired.

In other words, @bathbodyworks

threatens employees that if they misgender, they can be fired 🤡



2:47 PM · Jun 10, 2024




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a5c0ba No.21009164

File: 0c41f3ce3416a87⋯.jpg (62.95 KB,512x512,1:1,0c41f3ce3416a87f878b605fab….jpg)

File: 4176116e6bddc03⋯.mp4 (924.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,4176116e6bddc0396d84d8590c….mp4)


kinda dumb tbh


But it turned over the truth publicly, about the existence of Hunters Laptop.

Enjoy The Show

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361697 No.21009165

File: 7f5e2e6c7e66c80⋯.png (456.27 KB,511x662,511:662,mind.PNG)

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361697 No.21009166

File: efba41b5ed00fa5⋯.png (15.67 KB,599x221,599:221,dc.PNG)


Douglas Macgregor


BREAKING: General Mark Milley reportedly in direct contact wilth Obama's former national Security adviser Susan Rice leading up to Jan 6th.

Paying attention?

2:51 PM · Jun 10, 2024




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4b4360 No.21009167

File: f7f7c22f2705abc⋯.png (310.99 KB,576x433,576:433,Screenshot_20231111_131348….png)

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361697 No.21009168

File: 2ca0622c7b3210d⋯.png (781.41 KB,937x745,937:745,memo.PNG)


Fitness Center Internal Memo Labels Pride/BLM

Symbols ‘Freedom Of Expression,’ Bans

US Flag Except For Holidays

Daily Wire, by Katie Jerkovich

Posted By: Beardo, 6/12/2024 12:48:41 AM

An internal memo from the 24 Hour Fitness Center labels Black Lives Matter and Pride Symbols “freedom of expression” while banning patriotic items like the American flag, except for holidays. In the letter obtained by Libs Of TikTok, it informs employees that the fitness company is committed to “creating a more inclusive environment” before it details what is and is not allowed. The memo said it encourages employees to “bring their full selves to work everyday” and then lists that “team members” can wear apparel that shows their “solidarity and support” for the following movements. “Black Lives Matter/BLM words.” “‘Pride’ and or pride rainbow logo.” “Juneteenth logo, symbol or date on Juneteenth (June 19).”

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06ed6b No.21009169

File: 537034695136544⋯.png (1.49 MB,750x1334,375:667,01F624FD_0AC5_49F2_B711_50….png)

File: 27b5cfe328763cc⋯.jpeg (318.4 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,983B4D9B_DBC6_4271_A648_A….jpeg)


K11 M13

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06ed6b No.21009170

File: b4c16bf4df99718⋯.png (115.63 KB,690x1558,345:779,8A38EBAA_F32A_4CCA_8CE4_62….png)

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22cde3 No.21009171

notables bun @608

czech em

#25764 >>21008533

>>21008664 History-making $6.8B federal grant for Gateway tunnel is approved, lawmaker says - between New Jersey and New York

>>21008681 US calls for Japan's help to replenish missile inventory

>>21008693, >>21008761, >>21008697 US sends destroyers to track Russian nuclear sub and warship carrying hypersonic weapons

>>21008713 Banana giant Chiquita found liable for funding Colombian terrorist group

>>21008850 REPORT: House Democrats Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a Trump Victory in November

>>21008864 NYPD 8 officers dress like FBI's Patriot Front group, storm and illegally search local shop keeper, DISGUSTING

>>21009015, >>21009036 @JoePags: Yes, @realDonaldTrump offered over 10k National Guard troops for Jan 6th. Yes, Muriel Bowser, Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol police declined…

>>21009030 @KenPaxtonTX w/CAP: I’m suing Biden Administration for adopting a new rule that forces states to pay for “gender transition” procedures through their Medicaid…

>>21009039 @EmeraldRobinson w/CAP: There's 200,000 fake votes on 9 different kinds of paper from the 2020 election in Arizona to remind you: nothing is too big to rig.

>>21009042 @WallStreetApes w/CAP: Here are Democrats meeting at 4:30AM illegally taking a 3RD VOTE attempting to “ram a tax increase down the throats of the citizens of Illinois. At 4:30 in the morning”

>>21009105 EU to impose tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles

>>21009163 Libs of TikTok w/CAP: Bath & Body Works staff training says using the wrong pronouns is a form of “harassment” and must be reported to higher-ups

>>21009166 @DougAMacgregor w/CAP: General Mark Milley reportedly in direct contact wilth Obama's former national Security adviser Susan Rice leading up to Jan 6th.

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d4d9f1 No.21009173



>But it turned over the truth publicly, about the existence of Hunters Laptop.

He was also found guilty of falsifying statements on official documentation.

Fraudulent activity and lying, how will that play out in future court cases.

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abd829 No.21009174

Funeral brought to you by the Fred Waring Patent Co.



⚠️The body of the senior Hizbullah terrorist that was eliminated overnight had arrived to the Dahiya district of Beirut (Hizbullah stronghold) , where other Hizbullah senior terrorists are talking now

#Israel #Lebanon


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644fa3 No.21009175

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,flag.png)

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d63733 No.21009176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Police Move Against Pro-Palestinian Protesters on UCLA Campus

Why do they not use water canons on these fucking sheep?

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abd829 No.21009177

File: ebc5a3572c2a5fc⋯.png (1.23 MB,946x2048,473:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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06ed6b No.21009178

File: 4af97779490b73c⋯.png (69.86 KB,690x850,69:85,3336BE27_7442_4C12_B47F_24….png)

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6c132a No.21009179

File: d0b60993d91ac0b⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,918x588,153:98,Sobre_Anon_song.mp4)


God bless Baker sobrre tomorrow

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8bfe02 No.21009181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shit to do.

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abd829 No.21009182

File: df0804f5f19a941⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17181936246….mp4)

Crowdsource The Truth @JG_CSTT

If you enjoyed watching @NormEisen

being exposed as one of the key architects of the #GetTrump movement, you might also enjoy @BenjaminWittes

https://twitter.com/JG_CSTT/status/1793468582044836024 /history

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8ba6aa No.21009183

File: 3cc31b14a8bcdba⋯.mp4 (748.49 KB,480x658,240:329,wKBy9euMt35molYW.mp4)

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3b971f No.21009184

File: de6bd998063f1ad⋯.mp4 (381.85 KB,360x640,9:16,447756904_1498579931093289….mp4)

if only would could find more police like this brave man

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cb6fd7 No.21009185


The GOP Watches While Our World Is Destroyed

“The world won't be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

Albert Einstein


Trump himself has already been convicted of charges so ethereal that even legal scholars have a hard time explaining to you what they are or how his conduct could possibly be considered criminal. It doesn’t matter. Trump’s “crime” is that he threatens not just Biden but the entire sick, abusive Washington criminal syndicate that rules this nation and sucks the live blood out of its people. Republican lawmakers who purport to believe in individual liberty, small government, and accountability should be raging.

Washington should be shut down. Budgets should be zeroed out. Bills should be frozen. The House of. Representatives, which is under Republican control, holds the purse strings for every federal agency. There is no greater power in all the federal government. It ought to be wielding that power like a broadsword and reminding Biden, his minions, and the Deep State power brokers that the people still rule.

Nothing is happening. You could walk the halls of Congress or stroll the streets of DC and hear not a murmur of dissent. The Republic is dying, and the Grand Old Party that so loves flag waving and parades and references to Omaha Beach is listening to its death rattles.

All over America Democratic Party lawfare operatives are waging war on anyone who challenged the results of the 2020 election. Attorneys who pursued completely legal, constitutional challenges to vote totals or asked questions about the integrity of a process completely reliant on electronic voting machines are being criminally charged and processed for disbarment. In most cases, these small-town sole practitioners find themselves up against white-shoe law firms with hundreds of associates. The result is preordained. The little guy is crushed.

None of this is random. None of this is incidental. If you challenge the rule of the Democratic Party, you are silenced. We are hurtling down the track headed for totalitarianism.

A handful of courageous lawmakers are speaking out. Otherwise, the “conservatives” in Washington and state governments around the country act like nothing is happening. They mark up bills. They attend hearings. They keep their heads down and hope no one accuses them of being too strident or spreading “disinformation”.

Our schools have become instruments of social change. They exist not to teach reading, writing, and arithmetic but to indoctrinate our children. Your kids spend their days learning that you are evil, that you are racist, and that they should be dedicated to burning down the system and replacing it with a new reality. Your children are being remade into revolutionaries.

Republican state legislators should be raising Holy Hell. They ought to be stripping funding out of the budget for anything other than true educational programs. If the Marxists want to form their own version of the Young Pioneers on our soil, they can at least do it on their own dime and in venues not provided by taxpayers.

Outside of a handful of locations around the country, there is no pushback from the GOP. State legislators pretend none of this is happening. They pay homage to the need for “inclusion”. They talk in vague terms about “equity” and “inclusion”. They do everything but fight.

The mutilation of our children based on the junk science of “gender-affirming care” has become a billion-dollar business. The insane notion that somehow magically huge numbers of children are born into the wrong bodies is now treated with reverence. Little boys and girls are pumped full of hormones and started on the fast track to “top surgery”, “bottom surgery” and the construction or reconstruction of things now referred to by grown adults as “front holes” and “back holes”.

There could not be a more nightmarish scenario. State legislators everywhere should be fast-tracking legislation outlawing any such procedures on minors. Ever.

Mine is sending me newsletters talking about the Dairy Princess at the county fair and taking credit for renaming a boat ramp at the nearby state park.

There should be a mighty roar coming from the Republican Party right now. Our nation, socially, politically, and economically is being destroyed. The agenda of the modern Democratic Party is to remake the United States of America into a radical, one-party state which will bear no resemblance whatsoever to the Republic our forefathers built.

There is no roar. On most days there is not even a whimper. Our world is being destroyed, and for the most part, the Republicans are watching and doing nothing.

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abd829 No.21009186

File: 825d55568b28aab⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17181937565….mp4)

Mike Benz




The 51 Spies Who Lied call their lying about the Biden laptop "patriotic" for the same reason the CIA calls all its on-the-job lying "patriotic": this *was* a CIA job.

Burisma was a part of a CIA job in Ukraine. The CIA lied


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1b630d No.21009187

File: aecd1cc118622cd⋯.gif (3.62 MB,260x152,65:38,20221127_200502.gif)

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792154 No.21009188

File: 02ff18d2c10ab74⋯.png (560.73 KB,968x898,484:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5c0ba No.21009189

File: 40c560056bc8d6b⋯.png (82.1 KB,250x243,250:243,40c560056bc8d6b6e437dafa8d….png)



Hunter Biden's family banded together for his trial. A bigger challenge awaits.

ASeptember trial on tax chargescould be more politically difficult for Hunter Biden and his family.

June 12, 2024, 10:00 AM GMT+1

By Sarah Fitzpatrick, Mike Memoli, Natasha Korecki and Monica Alba

WILMINGTON, Del. — Moments after a jury convicted him on three felony gun charges, Hunter Biden vowed to family members and friends who had sat through nearly each day of his weeklong trial that the verdict “will not stop us from moving forward.”

The small group was gathered in the defense room, just steps from the courtroom where he had just learned his fate. Hunter Biden choked up when he singled out his parents and his wife, Melissa Cohen Biden.

Without her, he said, “I’d be dead.”

First lady Jill Biden appeared to cry, as did several other people in the room.

“We had our hopes up,” a person who was in the room said. “We thought there were strong defenses that would resonate with at least a few jurors.”

The conviction shook the close-knit Biden family. President Joe Biden changed his plans and flew to Wilmington to be with his son, who met him on the tarmac at the airport and embraced him with a hug.

Despite the brave faces father and son put forth publicly Tuesday, the road forward may only get more difficult for both men — personally, politically and legally.

Within hours after the verdict, Republicans were already telegraphing that while they may have held their fire during a trial that dealt with the sensitive issue of addiction, they will be unsparing when the focus turns to a potential tax case set for trial in September.

“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family,” Karoline Leavitt, former President Donald Trump’s campaign spokesperson, said in a statement.

Biden aides are already looking ahead to that trial anxiously. While the gun charges trial put humiliating, personal family dynamics and history on display, the one in California on accusations of tax evasion could expose controversial information about Hunter Biden’s business dealings, which Republicans have long sought to tie to his father, without evidence.

The timing of the trial raises the stakes. A pretrial hearing is scheduled for mid-August, just before the Democratic National Convention, with jury selection beginning weeks later as Biden and Trump would be meeting for their second and final debate. A verdict could come as early voting begins in some key states ahead of the November election.

Aides and allies close to the Bidens say that family matters are some of the most sensitive topics for those working in the White House and the campaign — and that the scrutiny would only get more intense as focus now turns to the September trial. Conversations about public comments concerning the family are typically handled through “discrete channels,” said a former aide. And only a select few are allowed to craft statements to the media.

A former Biden campaign official said: “Matters involving the family were always so paramount for Joe Biden, so any matter involving family, particularly one in the public eye, was going to be something that would be handled with the greatest degree of care. You just didn’t want to shoot from the hip on something involving the family. If they were to see it and be unhappy with it — that would not be good.”

A former White House official said that could complicate the messaging around the fall trial, because of the Bidens’ tendency to severely limit comment around sensitive family issues.

“If they’re not talking, others will, and so the vacuum gets filled, the story gets told in a narrative that’s not shaped by the campaign” or the White House, the former official said. “And I’m sure Democrats everywhere will be wringing their hands. Can I say anything? Can I react at all?”


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22cde3 No.21009190

File: 9823318062341a5⋯.jpg (195.62 KB,642x618,107:103,9823318062341a5bf36419c3af….jpg)

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660f56 No.21009191


bad liar

First: says doesn't know who JE is, knew nothing about him

Second: says he didn't want anything to do with JE

Third: says to others, "who is this guy" on flights

all 3 statements contradict each other

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73df57 No.21009192

File: f416a218216da19⋯.mp4 (10.11 MB,424x480,53:60,Einstein_the_fake.mp4)

File: 008bbde1d62d158⋯.png (704.23 KB,712x471,712:471,Tesla_on_Einstein.png)


>“The world won't be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.”

>Albert Einstein

Bwahahaha, said the yid Einstein while rubbing his hands.

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64e798 No.21009193


Hahaha I recognize the retard factor in the theory, but I don’t see what else would be blatantly obvious to the people we haven’t reached yet.

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8ba6aa No.21009195

File: d49a80dd546cb8c⋯.jpeg (73.29 KB,765x431,765:431,Eww_02.JPEG)

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d63733 No.21009196


You had to IP hop to say that?

You do realise Trump has a 99.9% approval rating here on QR, the 1% is shill faggots like you who think you know it all and call anyone who disagrees with you a jew, Fuck you and fuck the Jews, I stand with Trump and God.

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6c132a No.21009198

File: c4574f77b9a8514⋯.mp4 (10.43 MB,720x900,4:5,_Telling_you_right_now_rem….mp4)

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361697 No.21009199

File: bf7325df3527725⋯.png (262.97 KB,1390x902,695:451,mar.PNG)


California's pot economy is crashing.

What comes next?

San Francisco Gate, by Lester Black

Posted By: Beardo, 6/12/2024 12:33:14 AM

Vince Ning has a singular perspective on California’s weed industry. (snip) The number of legal cannabis growers and brands has decreased by more than 70% since legalization first went into effect, according to the Mercury News. A recent report found that pot companies owe the state more than $730 million in back taxes, money that California likely will never see as most of those companies have already folded. (snip) Estimates vary on how large the illicit market is, but the head of enforcement for the state Department of Cannabis Control recently told NPR that the illicit market is “definitely larger” than the legal market.

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c4b82e No.21009200


>Use your brain and become a source yourself you retarded buffoon!

You have to be retarded to become your own source, and the worse part is it shows you even more retards.

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361697 No.21009202

File: a1ef947e0e92a9c⋯.png (426.32 KB,594x513,22:19,ex.PNG)


Leading Report


BREAKING: Kevin Spacey explains that he and Clinton Foundation members flew on Jeffrey Epstein's planes with “young girls.”


Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧

2:16 PM · Jun 11, 2024




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44d5c1 No.21009206

File: fffc87b0c5a92d9⋯.png (271.5 KB,1377x1965,459:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba0da81f316cec9⋯.png (22.48 KB,762x195,254:65,ClipboardImage.png)

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361697 No.21009207

File: 4ef7e9daae647f1⋯.png (421.42 KB,585x665,117:133,mace.PNG)


Laura Loomer


Congratulations @NancyMace


Another L for Kevin McCarthy @SpeakerMcCarthy



The Calvin Coolidge Project




🚨Just in: Nancy Mace has officially won the South Carolina 1st District Republican Primary defeating Catherine Templeton who was backed by Kevin McCarthy.

President Trump endorsed @NancyMace


1:46 PM · Jun 11, 2024




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a2ea25 No.21009209


Pot smokers are the biggest degenerates in society. Q has confirmed.

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cb6fd7 No.21009210

File: 349dfb951959225⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17181559494….mp4)


Jesse Watters


BREAKING: Wanda “The Stuffer” ARRESTED on election fraud charges.

7:10 PM · Jun 11, 2024


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361697 No.21009214

File: c3593010910fd17⋯.png (245.73 KB,596x504,149:126,lux.PNG)


Pepe Deluxe 🐸


You have more than you know.

Some areas we cannot expand on.

Critical thinking.



11:00 PM · Jun 11, 2024




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b81cf9 No.21009215

Not trolling, serious question. Why does Trump never speak out against the WEF/WHO/World Bank etc? Why does he not speak out against this theme of exploding chicken factories and burning meat processing plants? All we get is tax free tips? (Only fans girls will benefit but that's it). I doubt I can run my sub-contracting company on tips only. Why does he not mention the Laffer curve for taxation? Same government largess and waste but with less oppression? Why?

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a0c93d No.21009218

File: 30704e56098f402⋯.png (176.03 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0a14 No.21009220

File: da73e8532f7687b⋯.png (4.19 MB,1956x1300,489:325,IMG_6251.png)

Trump sucking up to crypto?

Dumb ass

End the Fed

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5ce4b6 No.21009221

File: 49f9bfaa953fce3⋯.png (567.11 KB,800x434,400:217,ClipboardImage.png)


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361697 No.21009222

File: 7e9681a50c82ea2⋯.png (95.57 KB,597x601,597:601,annon.PNG)




BREAKING: Steve Bannon has filed an emergency motion to the DC federal court to prevent his imprisonment pending the appeal of the BOGUS case

Bannon is requesting a decision within the next week as he plans to appeal all the way to the US Supreme Court


2:24 PM · Jun 11, 2024




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9d0a14 No.21009228


Washington DC has no jurisdiction anywhere except DC

Fuck the Jews

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1a7ef7 No.21009229


The Trump you see is just a clone/double/puppet. The real DJT told us when he left at the Whirlpool factory speech.

We’ve been under foreign belligerent occupation, it’s all a stage to convince you they still have power while they are obviously losing that power. The remains of our republic operates via military bunkers using COG protocol with the real Trump as CiC.

My personal theory at least.

If you vote for their fake Trump puppet they will take it as legal approval to continue their occupation and it’s no longer belligerent. (Remember though, God Wins)

Sauce: Read Law of War 11.3 & 11.4, Look with new eyes at the stage and judge for yourself.

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22cde3 No.21009230

notables bun @650

post count accurate ^^^

czech em

#25764 >>21008533

>>21008664 History-making $6.8B federal grant for Gateway tunnel is approved, lawmaker says - between New Jersey and New York

>>21008681 US calls for Japan's help to replenish missile inventory

>>21008693, >>21008761, >>21008697 US sends destroyers to track Russian nuclear sub and warship carrying hypersonic weapons

>>21008713 Banana giant Chiquita found liable for funding Colombian terrorist group

>>21008850 REPORT: House Democrats Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a Trump Victory in November

>>21008864 NYPD 8 officers dress like FBI's Patriot Front group, storm and illegally search local shop keeper, DISGUSTING

>>21009015, >>21009036 @JoePags: Yes, @realDonaldTrump offered over 10k National Guard troops for Jan 6th. Yes, Muriel Bowser, Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol police declined…

>>21009030 @KenPaxtonTX w/CAP: I’m suing Biden Administration for adopting a new rule that forces states to pay for “gender transition” procedures through their Medicaid…

>>21009039 @EmeraldRobinson w/CAP: There's 200,000 fake votes on 9 different kinds of paper from the 2020 election in Arizona to remind you: nothing is too big to rig.

>>21009042 @WallStreetApes w/CAP: Here are Democrats meeting at 4:30AM illegally taking a 3RD VOTE attempting to “ram a tax increase down the throats of the citizens of Illinois. At 4:30 in the morning”

>>21009105 EU to impose tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles

>>21009163 Libs of TikTok w/CAP: Bath & Body Works staff training says using the wrong pronouns is a form of “harassment” and must be reported to higher-ups

>>21009166 @DougAMacgregor w/CAP: General Mark Milley reportedly in direct contact wilth Obama's former national Security adviser Susan Rice leading up to Jan 6th.

>>21009207 Nancy Mace has officially won the South Carolina 1st District Republican Primary defeating Catherine Templeton who was backed by Kevin McCarthy.

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23720d No.21009233


>Retails biggest gripe these days

Hurr durr nobody wants to work!

Gee, this policy will sure help.

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cb6fd7 No.21009237


Climate Alarmism is the existential threat to humanity


In reality, climate change is nowhere near an existential threat. In fact, in many ways, the slight warming that has occurred over the past half century or so has made life better for humanity. For instance, NASA satellite data show a significant rise in global plant growth in recent decades – what some call global greening. A slightly warmer planet is also beneficial because it produces greater crop yields.

However, one can make a compelling argument that climate alarmism, and the policies that climate alarmists support, actually comprise an existential threat to humanity.

First and foremost, climate alarmists are hellbent on ending the use of affordable and reliable energy in the form of fossil fuels. This alone is a horrendous stance that puts millions of lives at risk.

Like it or not, the advent of fossil fuels, namely oil, coal, and natural gas, has been the biggest boon for humanity in all of history. The harnessing of these resources to supply virtually unlimited energy in cost-effective terms has raised billions of people from abject poverty.

Without ample access to fossil fuels, our modern way of life would literally cease to exist. Not only do fossil fuels provide abundant and affordable energy. As the U.S. Department of Energy notes, “Petrochemicals derived from oil and natural gas make the manufacturing of over 6,000 everyday products and high-tech devices possible.”


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5ce4b6 No.21009238



Of course

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b81cf9 No.21009239


That was way too fast of a response bro. I could not have compiled that so fast. Certainty not typed it. Its like you are one of those "world" organization workers…

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9d0a14 No.21009241


Jews hate cannabis, makes them Uber paranoid

Jews actually studied weed to tried and cultivate a “zero” paranoia strain, and accidentally created Medical Cannabis with no THC


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c4b82e No.21009243



Rinse & Repeat.

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e83e91 No.21009245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b81cf9 No.21009248


Laugh out loud!

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620e08 No.21009250

File: 4af9b5c376743df⋯.png (537.88 KB,548x406,274:203,4af9b5c376743dff69a53204c8….png)

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8bfe02 No.21009251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23720d No.21009253


>It appears Vatty is using copypasta

I am shocked, shocked I tell ya! to learn that's taking place here.

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361697 No.21009254

File: 844b45c19a64523⋯.png (410.31 KB,591x530,591:530,kb.PNG)


Kyle Becker


“Joe Biden must hate our military"…

Biden Shoots Down $24 Billion Pay Raise For Enlisted Troops — After Spending 7 Times More On Ukraine

From thepoliticsbrief.com

11:26 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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ee4db1 No.21009255

File: 561894788f1979a⋯.jpeg (203.5 KB,735x808,735:808,IMG_2022.jpeg)

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a8ddb7 No.21009256

Nolte: Academy Museum Will ‘Immediately’ Fix ‘Antisemitic’ Jewish Founders Exhibit


some will say 'the truth hurts'

imagine being apologists for those creeps who 'founded hollywood'

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23720d No.21009258


Well, yeah.

Even Not_Toilet of MAGA AI fame breaks out some new stuff every once in a while.

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361697 No.21009259

File: de3fc41582fc2ab⋯.png (351.83 KB,590x649,10:11,tg.PNG)





released a 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop with 2,020 citations that documents 459 crimes committed by the Biden family and their business associates.

•140 business crimes

•191 sex crimes

•128 drug crimes

The FARA violations lead straight to Joe Biden.




8:47 AM · Jun 11, 2024




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a8ddb7 No.21009261


shills when you tell them they are filtered?

that would be a better meme.

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be76b3 No.21009264

File: 193e3164939d615⋯.jpg (84.85 KB,1125x936,125:104,63025a389ce3ba4e0beeab759f….jpg)


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ee4db1 No.21009265


What day was Whirlpool factory speech?

Why that marker?

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5ce4b6 No.21009267


Lather first

And don't forget to bring a towel

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e83e91 No.21009269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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620e08 No.21009270

File: 9e82cef9ff8b7bc⋯.png (277.88 KB,798x698,399:349,wtfPepe.png)


Only shills announce their filters though.

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361697 No.21009271

File: e8da2636743f24b⋯.png (649.26 KB,598x855,598:855,norad.PNG)


US Civil Defense News


🚨Update: NORAD has war planes conducting combat patrols over the Florida Coast because of the threat from the Russian fleet patrolling off the US Coast!!


12:51 PM · Jun 11, 2024




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c4b82e No.21009275


Rinse & Repeat, is correct.

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a8ddb7 No.21009277



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83ad28 No.21009279


[FAKE MAGA]Jan 06 counter narrative will fail

Bannons War RoomCaroline Wren: Pelosi Wasted Americans Time And Money On J6 Hoax That Was Her Fault

Caroline Wren is a Senior Advisor to Kari Lake

'''Caroline Wren got her start in Politics working for the McCain and then Lindsey Graham


Dinesh D'SouzaALARMING: New Footage Shows Pelosi's True Reaction To Jan 6


The Dan Bongino ShowThe REAL January 6th Story Is Starting To Come Out (Ep. 2268) - 06/11/2024

Summary: In this episode, I discuss the new information that is blowing the lid on what happened behind the scenes on January 6th, more on the operation to replace Biden and other breaking news.


The Charlie Kirk ShowHunter Biden, Convict + The Pelosi Tapes + Censoring Prager | Schlichter, Alexander, Prager | LIVE


NEWSMAXNancy Pelosi upends anti-Trump January 6 narrative in new video


MJTruthNEW Footage Shows Nancy Pelosi Admitting she was Responsible for the National Guard on January 6th


RedpillUSAPatriotsNancy Pelosi responds on MSNBC to the bombshell behind the scenes footage of her admitting responsibility for the lack of National Guard Troops on J6


RealAmericasVoiceWhy Were They Caught Flat-Footed?


Terrence K WilliamsBreaking! New Footage of Nancy Pelosi Admitting Responsibility on January 6 and not calling guards


Laura LoomerNancy Pelosi EXPOSED for Election Interference While on Capitol Hill!!!


AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaPelosi didn't know the camera was on. John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First


Benny JohnsonNew LEAKED Video Of Pelosi Admitting She Was ‘In Charge’ of January 6th SHOCKS: ‘I am Responsible’


The Big MigPelosi’s Fedsurrection w/ guest Jonathan Rose, CEO Genesis Gold Group |EP302


Wendy Bell RadioThe "INSURRECTION" Story Blows Up


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09fe5e No.21009280


[FAKE MAGA]Jan 06 counter narrative will fail

Bannons War RoomCaroline Wren: Pelosi Wasted Americans Time And Money On J6 Hoax That Was Her Fault

Caroline Wren is a Senior Advisor to Kari Lake

'''Caroline Wren got her start in Politics working for the McCain and then Lindsey Graham


Dinesh D'SouzaALARMING: New Footage Shows Pelosi's True Reaction To Jan 6


The Dan Bongino ShowThe REAL January 6th Story Is Starting To Come Out (Ep. 2268) - 06/11/2024

Summary: In this episode, I discuss the new information that is blowing the lid on what happened behind the scenes on January 6th, more on the operation to replace Biden and other breaking news.


The Charlie Kirk ShowHunter Biden, Convict + The Pelosi Tapes + Censoring Prager | Schlichter, Alexander, Prager | LIVE


NEWSMAXNancy Pelosi upends anti-Trump January 6 narrative in new video


MJTruthNEW Footage Shows Nancy Pelosi Admitting she was Responsible for the National Guard on January 6th


RedpillUSAPatriotsNancy Pelosi responds on MSNBC to the bombshell behind the scenes footage of her admitting responsibility for the lack of National Guard Troops on J6


RealAmericasVoiceWhy Were They Caught Flat-Footed?


Terrence K WilliamsBreaking! New Footage of Nancy Pelosi Admitting Responsibility on January 6 and not calling guards


Laura LoomerNancy Pelosi EXPOSED for Election Interference While on Capitol Hill!!!


AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaPelosi didn't know the camera was on. John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First


Benny JohnsonNew LEAKED Video Of Pelosi Admitting She Was ‘In Charge’ of January 6th SHOCKS: ‘I am Responsible’


The Big MigPelosi’s Fedsurrection w/ guest Jonathan Rose, CEO Genesis Gold Group |EP302


Wendy Bell RadioThe "INSURRECTION" Story Blows Up


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620e08 No.21009282

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,253x204,253:204,dafuqPepe.JPG)



Fair enough.

There might be 1 or 2 anons that are stupid and narcissistic enough to think anyone else cares who they filter…

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cb6fd7 No.21009284


Biden Nominates Judge Who Let Pedophile Off Jail, Claiming He ‘Has a Lot of Good in Him.’

Joe Biden‘s continued reshaping of the U.S. judiciary comes with an especially egregious nomination in his 50th batch of judicial nominees, bringing his total appointments to 244 judges. The 81-year-old Democrat incumbent announced he intends to elevate Maine Superior Court justice and former U.S. attorney Julia Lipez to the First First Circuit Court of Appeals. Her father, Kermit Lipez, currently serves as the senior judge on the same federal circuit.

Critics of Justice Lipez contend she routinely makes soft-on-crime rulings, especially concerning violent drug and sexual offenses. In the 2021 death of 14-month-old Karson Malloy, Lipez sentenced the child’s mother to only four years in prison, with the additional six years of the sentence being suspended.

Karson Malloy was found dead in the Oakland, Maine, apartment of his mother, Ashley Malloy. His pajamas were covered in fentanyl, and the bedroom in which he was discovered was littered with drug paraphernalia. Despite Lipez determining that Ashley Malloy knew about and aided a fentanyl drug trafficking operation, the Maine justice granted the woman a questionably light sentence. Karson Malloy’s grandmother had asked for the death penalty for her daughter over role her in her grandson’s death.

Additionally, Lipez allowed a pedophile accused of sexually abusing two girls, aged four and nine at the time, to go free on bail before trial. Upon his conviction, Lipez suspended half of his sentence—arguing the pedophile “has a lot of good in him.”

In a statement announcing her nomination, the Biden White House stressed the need for diversity on the court, adding that Lipez is “extraordinarily qualified, experienced, and devoted to the rule of law and our Constitution.”


How does America recover from a huge influx of unqualified judges that Congress is happily pushing through?

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a8ddb7 No.21009287


the point isn't 'who else cares'

the ones deserving to be filtered need to know sometimes that their efforts are useless, and that they are impotent and have no effect.

the message is only for them.

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abd829 No.21009289


Air cover.

Who's on board?

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f5900c No.21009293

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5978d4 No.21009295



How else would a politician become a millionaire times over in such a short period

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620e08 No.21009296


>the ones deserving to be filtered need to know sometimes that their efforts are useless, and that they are impotent and have no effect.

>the message is only for them.


Why would you tell them that you are too weak to argue your point or just ignore them?

Announcing your filter is not a "win" it's an admission of defeat.

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a8ddb7 No.21009302


why are you sliding this?

the discussion is over.

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a0c93d No.21009305

What are the odd the same ones that get triggered by filter announcements are the same ones that spam their abbreviation nonsense all hours of the day and night.

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8dce20 No.21009310

Baker ready, looks like bread is getting filled

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f5900c No.21009311


How does America recover from a huge influx of unqualified judges that Congress is happily pushing through?

We won't. This is what creates the two tier justice system. Corrupt judges teamed up with corrupt sheriff/cop/deputy.

If their favorite illegal activity involves harming kids, then they will protect each other. That is exactly where we are now. Whenever Trump or his allies get persecuted it's first to see who appointed the judge and where the judge went to 'school' at

It is what morphs this country and any country into a literal slave nation. You exist to maintain their pedophile rings

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620e08 No.21009314

File: b7c05fe4f1a0770⋯.png (199.11 KB,425x392,425:392,lmao_pepe.png)


>why are you sliding this?

Anon makes claim, I counter claim, anon doubles down, I counter double down.

Takes 2 to tango.

Why are you sliding this?

>the discussion is over.

Are you gonna filter me?

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5a733a No.21009320


>How does America recover from a huge influx of unqualified judges that Congress is happily pushing through?

The quick and direct method?

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c4b82e No.21009324


They suffer from some kind of greatness syndrome, feeling much taller than they are short really.

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22cde3 No.21009326

final bun for #25764

refresh for post count

hold yer laties till the top

czech em

#25764 >>21008533

>>21008664 History-making $6.8B federal grant for Gateway tunnel is approved, lawmaker says - between New Jersey and New York

>>21008681 US calls for Japan's help to replenish missile inventory

>>21008693, >>21008761, >>21008697 US sends destroyers to track Russian nuclear sub and warship carrying hypersonic weapons

>>21008713 Banana giant Chiquita found liable for funding Colombian terrorist group

>>21008850 REPORT: House Democrats Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a Trump Victory in November

>>21008864 NYPD 8 officers dress like FBI's Patriot Front group, storm and illegally search local shop keeper, DISGUSTING

>>21009015, >>21009036 @JoePags: Yes, @realDonaldTrump offered over 10k National Guard troops for Jan 6th. Yes, Muriel Bowser, Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol police declined…

>>21009030 @KenPaxtonTX w/CAP: I’m suing Biden Administration for adopting a new rule that forces states to pay for “gender transition” procedures through their Medicaid…

>>21009039 @EmeraldRobinson w/CAP: There's 200,000 fake votes on 9 different kinds of paper from the 2020 election in Arizona to remind you: nothing is too big to rig.

>>21009042 @WallStreetApes w/CAP: Here are Democrats meeting at 4:30AM illegally taking a 3RD VOTE attempting to “ram a tax increase down the throats of the citizens of Illinois. At 4:30 in the morning”

>>21009105 EU to impose tariffs of up to 38% on Chinese electric vehicles

>>21009163 Libs of TikTok w/CAP: Bath & Body Works staff training says using the wrong pronouns is a form of “harassment” and must be reported to higher-ups

>>21009166 @DougAMacgregor w/CAP: General Mark Milley reportedly in direct contact wilth Obama's former national Security adviser Susan Rice leading up to Jan 6th.

>>21009207 Nancy Mace has officially won the South Carolina 1st District Republican Primary defeating Catherine Templeton who was backed by Kevin McCarthy.

>>21009254 Biden Shoots Down $24 Billion Pay Raise For Enlisted Troops — After Spending 7 Times More On Ukraine

>>21009271 NORAD has war planes conducting combat patrols over the Florida Coast because of the threat from the Russian fleet patrolling off the US Coast!!

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1a7ef7 No.21009335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Whirlpool Speech: 8/6/2020


You have people called "middlemen." I don't know who the middlemen are.


I don't know. They never say "middlewomen," so they're politically not correct. (laughter) But I've heard the term "middlemen" for a


long time. They are so wealthy. They are so wealthy. Nobody has any idea who the hell they are or what


they do. They make more money than the drug companies. You know, in all fairness, at least the drug companies have to produce a product, and it has to


be good product. But the middlemen – well, the rebate that I'm doing cuts out the middlemen, and it reduces costs, and


the money goes back to the people purchasing the drugs. So I have a lot of enemies out there.


This may be the last time you'll see me for a while. A lot of very, very rich enemies, but they are not


happy with what I'm doing. But I figure we have one chance to do it, and no other President is going to do what I do.

>Trump announces that he and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19 in an early-morning tweet on October 2, 2020 (Fake puppet/actors in place confirmed)

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361697 No.21009336

File: 4ef2a5760aeb9b6⋯.png (339.19 KB,799x400,799:400,nb.PNG)



Judge in Trump's hush money case raises questions about social media post-

- claiming to preview jury verdict

New York passes legislation that would ban 'addictive' social media algorithms for kids

Howard University severs ties with Sean 'Diddy' Combs, ending his $1 million pledge

Researchers gain clear picture of fault that threatens Pacific Northwest

Kansas City Chiefs cancel team activities after player goes into cardiac arrest

Biden meets with Zelenskyy in Paris

Former Trump chief of staff Mark Meadows pleads not guilty in Arizona's fake elector case

After editor's departure, Washington Post's publisher faces questions about phone hacking stories

William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash

YouTube implementing tougher policy on gun videos

Matthew 6:19-20

Are dates good?


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abd829 No.21009345

Scott Adams


Revenge is what hold civilization together.

It's essential to collective survival.

If you lawfare Trump and hunt Republicans, someone is coming for you. Guaranteed. No free passes.

You can call it revenge. We can call it justice. It's going to happen either way. It has to happen. It's a requirement of civilization.

But importantly, Republican revenge/justice has to be 100% within the legal system, and especially the Constitution. That is the only "character" standard I recognize as a Trump requirement.

Note to Democrats: If Trump ever becomes an evil tyrant, Republicans will kill him for you. That's what the guns are for.

And the F-15s won't protect him. No matter what dumbass Biden says.

Republicans don't see a dictator risk in Trump because they have not been brainwashed by CIA-led media. I'm sorry if this is the first time you are hearing that.


The Hill




John Bolton says people not taking Trump’s threats of revenge seriously enough https://trib.al/mx7G8ld


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c4b82e No.21009346

File: 5d95231ae361122⋯.jpg (154.74 KB,600x450,4:3,mememe_3c29d0d1b8bb8f330b3….jpg)


>>Trump announces that he and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for COVID-19 in an early-morning tweet on October 2, 2020 (Fake puppet/actors in place confirmed)

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22cde3 No.21009349


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abd829 No.21009350

Arab News




says if #Hamas continues to say no, it will be clear they have made the choice to continue war in #Gaza https://www.arabnews.com/node/2528886/middle-east


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4ea31d No.21009351

>>21008664 History-making $6.8B federal grant for Gateway tunnel is approved, lawmaker says - between New Jersey and New York

$6.8 billion dollars for tunnels between 2 places the democrats are doing their best to depopulate? Why do they need tunnels, if NY businesses are leaving the state? Are businesses really leaving? Are windows boarded up in NYC? Not to worry, the project will give jobs to "new people". Good paying jobs, funded by "We the People", should keep the "new people" happy.

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151552 No.21009352

File: eb6f0a0092145da⋯.jpg (130.48 KB,1002x1020,167:170,luvglasses.jpg)



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9d0a14 No.21009353


Trump is balls deep in Covid scam

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86cf0d No.21009354

decency is on the ballot, is in court high on crack cocaine waiving misiinfo around threatening lives

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abd829 No.21009355


BBerg sayin' it $16 Billion.


(Still looks like bait, but that's jess me.)

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262a05 No.21009356


Y Jew won't see truth, I know!

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5d1420 No.21009357


nice thingy. Godspeed.

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9d0a14 No.21009359


If NJ is involved….its a scam

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278d46 No.21009360

File: ea02192a4964be3⋯.png (959.72 KB,592x587,592:587,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d1420 No.21009361

File: 8ee4fbe2d83e3c9⋯.png (484.18 KB,1920x1079,1920:1079,ClipboardImage.png)


Fast Company is proud to announce our fifth annual Queer 50 list, which includes some of the most influential LGBTQ leaders in business, tech, and beyond.

After a challenging year of anti-queer legislation and rhetoric, the list is a celebration of LGBTQ representation and influence in the highest ranks of business. Honorees include those working on addressing the most relevant topics of our time, including responsible AI, trans rights, healthcare, and the future of work.

This year, instead of ranking the list, we chose to dive deeper into the accomplishments of 10 honorees in order to showcase their voices more fully. From the attorney who represented E. Jean Carroll in her fight against Trump to the COO who helped take Reddit public, these leaders shaped the year in news.

We’ve also thought more expansively about gender this year, considering all members of the LGBTQ community, while prioritizing the inclusion of historically marginalized gender identities. (You can read more about our selection process here and view past lists here: 2020 Queer 50, 2021 Queer 50, 2022 Queer 50, and 2023 Queer 50.)

We’re glad to celebrate all 50 honorees and their contributions.


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55878f No.21009362

File: 72612fb4340cb2a⋯.png (25.92 KB,919x214,919:214,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f83106185a34af⋯.png (52.3 KB,815x560,163:112,ClipboardImage.png)

didnt know dis.


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a92112 No.21009364

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


>Biden Nominates Judge Who Let Pedophile Off Jail, Claiming He ‘Has a Lot of Good in Him.’

Maybe Joe feels this Judge would let him off in the future…

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4ea31d No.21009365


Agreed. The same can be said for NY. That could be called a double scam.

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a8ddb7 No.21009366



the governance was in place like the sword of damaclese poised to fall.

He made it as harmless as possible.

they were to shut down society for 5 years.

they want another bight at the apple with the 'bird flew', but that bird has flown.

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5d1420 No.21009367


notably dasting

relatedly: michigan militias are a thing. "Gideon's Torch" by Chuch Colson.


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5d1420 No.21009368


meh. it's the same scam.

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026462 No.21009369


The ‘hivemind’ is distilling down the essence of The Problem. Tanks anon[s].

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22cde3 No.21009370

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c4b82e No.21009371


>Trump is balls deep in Covid scam

There is some doctor that builds scams like that too you know who.

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abd829 No.21009372


Recall that under cover of the "Bridge" Escapade, the NJ/NY Port Authority control was hijacked by Cuomo.


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4ea31d No.21009373


Same old, same old…

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a92112 No.21009374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Biden Shoots Down $24 Billion Pay Raise For Enlisted Troops — After Spending 7 Times More On Ukraine

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abd829 No.21009375


Dems have their new slaves.

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1a7ef7 No.21009377


Notable digs

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0a83ed No.21009380


idiots,, all the truth is available if you look

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c4b82e No.21009381

File: 2b077bb3899f53a⋯.jpeg (128.53 KB,1131x1296,377:432,birb_flea_toast.jpeg)

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abd829 No.21009383



This is his real tantrum mode. "Look atMEEEEE!"

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02dee0 No.21009384



tell them

stop being a pussy

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02dee0 No.21009385

self promote


call me a shill

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ae7e1b No.21009386

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q+ interviewed by Dr. Phil (great job)

Dr. Phil asked one of the best questions, if not the best question, ever posed to Q+ in public:

"This revenge thing…there's a lot of research, Dr. James Kimmel at Yale has done this research and seen neurologically in the brain that there is an addiction to revenge, just like to opioids. That even if people commit a crime, and they get arrested for it, they see themselves as the victim, and they want revenge against the person that arrested them, and then the person that arrested them gets hammered, so now they say they're not going to put up with that, so they go back after the criminal, and so we get into this loop [Q+ smiling, saying "it keeps going"], where we become addicted to it back and forth, it's got to stop. We're better than this, we must be better than this, and you're big enough to do it. Every situation needs a hero. You can stop this, you can say it ends here, it stops with me."

"Will you be a hero and stop the vicious cycle of retribution, to say that it stops with me, it ends here?"

Q+: "I think you'll be proud of what we'll do."


We can do this!

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02dee0 No.21009387

say TRUMP WON and GOD WINS and then call me a shill

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278d46 No.21009388

File: d783f3c4ed9e752⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB,720x1280,9:16,uS9jgEbHy944lOtm_1_.mp4)

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02dee0 No.21009390

self promote shamelessly

say "its those damned democrats!"

then call me a shill

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02dee0 No.21009393

have a 100 iq show over here

and over there let's pretend that it's not a 100 iq show… want to?

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02dee0 No.21009394

its like everyone is a normie in the normie place meow!

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02dee0 No.21009396

many wow

saving worlds



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02dee0 No.21009398

BIDEN though amirite!

thumbs up!

smash that like button!

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02dee0 No.21009400


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02dee0 No.21009401

watch a movie and pay that shit forward momma bears!

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c4b82e No.21009402



>"This revenge thing…

This is real, but can be applied to many people on the stage, they are too blind to see this.

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02dee0 No.21009403

you gonna get 'em!

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02dee0 No.21009404


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02dee0 No.21009406


it's scared out of it's fucking mind…

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02dee0 No.21009410














Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



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843852 No.21009414


There's a big difference between revenge and holy justice, the people that did what they did which was break the law, commit treason and are determined to continue to do it, need to be brought to Justice in a real court of law, like Gitmo, none of the BS corrupt judges. John Here to Help said to Rosenstein threatened many, many judges, so trials in the US courts is almost impossible to conduct justice legally. When the fake President of the US, the FBI and others state over 80,000 millions MAGA are extremists that certainly has to be negated. Not Revenge, justice so they harm no one else.

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22cde3 No.21009415

File: 72687b019827038⋯.png (302.33 KB,714x602,51:43,3b89ee3ca3f3b90390c6fe8429….png)

Morn'n Bread Just Ahead





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02dee0 No.21009416

candy cane!














Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



and here is a loli pop















Qresearch > Kiddie Porn

1: Post FAKE kiddie porn

2: [anon] noticer notices and reports

3: BO/BV's tell anons to 'refresh' page

4: [anon] noticer and [admin] appear 'hero'

They do this as they delete everything any real anon posts that causes Pain to their COINTELPRO counter narrative.

Once deleted and you refresh… anything they deleted is gone from your view and the view of any NEW EYES who might come into the forum.

Rinse and Repeat.


Collection ❤️❤️❤️

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ae7e1b No.21009417


>This is real

Only in the sense that after choosing one ice cream flavor over another, that event is in the historical record as real.

But there is no NECESSARY realness to it, we can choose a different path, a path where we choose to spend our precious time succeeding, not plotting what will only be the next cycle of revenge in an endless cycle.

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02dee0 No.21009420


can't fucking wait!!!

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02dee0 No.21009421

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02dee0 No.21009422


candy cane!














Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



and here is a loli pop















FIXED > ARCHIVED= = = = = = = = === =

Qresearch > Kiddie Porn

1: Post FAKE kiddie porn

2: [anon] noticer notices and reports

3: BO/BV's tell anons to 'refresh' page

4: [anon] noticer and [admin] appear 'hero'

They do this as they delete everything any real anon posts that causes Pain to their COINTELPRO counter narrative.

Once deleted and you refresh… anything they deleted is gone from your view and the view of any NEW EYES who might come into the forum.

Rinse and Repeat.


Collection ❤️❤️❤️

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02dee0 No.21009425

biden though guise!


he can barely walk, talk etc etc but BIDEN GUISE!



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02dee0 No.21009427


and the migrations!


what we gonna do guise!



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02dee0 No.21009428


candy cane!














Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



and here is a loli pop















FIXED > ARCHIVED= = = = = = = = === =

Qresearch > Kiddie Porn

1: Post FAKE kiddie porn

2: [anon] noticer notices and reports

3: BO/BV's tell anons to 'refresh' page

4: [anon] noticer and [admin] appear 'hero'

They do this as they delete everything any real anon posts that causes Pain to their COINTELPRO counter narrative.

Once deleted and you refresh… anything they deleted is gone from your view and the view of any NEW EYES who might come into the forum.

Rinse and Repeat.


Collection ❤️❤️❤️

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c4b82e No.21009430


>idiots,, all the truth is available if you look

A single spectacle would be a funny interpretation of this letter Q, but it does take some time and artificial hell does ever seek to distract anon.

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ae7e1b No.21009432


…for the purposes of preventing those people from doing it again, and not to get revenge on them.

Yes, there cannot be no justice at all, but honestly anon is not quite there yet in grasping everything as not sure if wanting justice to stop the evil cycle, is another cog in that same cycle.

Maybe there is a way to stop the cycle but still not abandoning justice and law enforcement.

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