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File: e7e47c634f44489⋯.png (553.73 KB,1073x570,1073:570,UQntitled.png)

7bf799 No.21007708 [Last50 Posts]

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7bf799 No.21007709

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7bf799 No.21007712


#25762 >>21006959

>>21006996 Steve Bannon on Tucker: Responds to Being Ordered to Prison

>>21007020, >>21007088 King Charles' first official portrait since his coronation has been vandalised by an animal rights group

>>21007021, >>21007029 Mystery of private jet that vanished on cold, snowy night in 1971 with five people on board is finally solved

>>21007046, >>21007103 Jimmy Carter dog comms

>>21007049 Four campaign workers in Connecticut charged with mishandling absentee ballots

>>21007065 Judith Butler, the ‘Godmother Of Queer Theory’ Admits Her Work Champions Pedophilia And Turning Kids Gay

>>21007066, >>21007077, >>21007099 Who are the Partners of the NGO which Compiled the Enemies of Ukraine List?

>>21007082 ‘Squad’ Rep. Jamaal Bowman trending toward landslide loss to NY Dem rival George Latimer

>>21007084 Israel lobby funded a quarter of British MPs

>>21007124, >>21007208 A Florida law blocking treatment for transgender children is thrown out by a federal judge

>>21007143 But Hunter got high

>>21007145 US Wants To Create 'Hellscape' Of Drones If China Attacks Taiwan

>>21007151 PF: CONUS activity

>>21007265 Eric Trump: Trump doesn't have a liquor license, or is an officer / director of any entity that holds a liquor license in NJ

>>21007274 NORTHCOM and NORAD are on alert

>>21007277 Elizabeth Warren has asked the Fed to cut rates tomorrow

>>21007296 JPMorgan Risk Swap Ends Up at a Familiar Place: Rival Banks

>>21007311, >>21007321 How was Capone put away?

>>21007335 Tucker Carlson Discusses Latest FBI Whistleblower Evidence – FBI Security Clearances Issued Based on Political Ideology

>>21007358 General Milley was in direct communication with Susan Rice (Obama's National Security Advisor) in the leadup to Jan 6

>>21007337, >>21007372 Gamestop now has over $4+ billion in cash

>>21007368 Bensman: There's An Uprising Among European Populations Over Illegal Immigration

>>21007369 Planned Parenthood caught on video admitting to trafficking minors to other states for abortions without parental consent

>>21007383 Washington teens arrested for scuffing Pride crosswalk with scooters could face 5 years behind bars

>>21007398 The middle schooler whose speech was too patriotic isn't allowed back to school next year along with his sisters

>>21007407, >>21007504, >>21007682 Do you believe in coincidences? Tomorrow's delta is Qpost with image (Q gun) named 6_11, which is day Hunter sentenced for gun crimes

>>21007433 AG Paxton: Today we received a major victory against the Biden Administration’s Department of Education re: transgender policies

>>21006980, >>21007040, >>21007068 (You), >>21007341 Memes


>>21007469 Joe Biden in less than a minute - Count the Lies


>>21007521 Gov. Andrew Cuomo to be grilled on COVID nursing home blunders days after Republicans slammed Dr. Fauci for 'lying' about masking and social distancing

>>21007542 Trump-backed Nancy Mace wins South Carolina first congressional district primary over Kevin McCarthy-backed challenger

>>21007545 'STUPID AMOUNTS OF MONEY’: State Department Official Admits 'Mistakes' in Ukraine

>>21007555 @KenPaxtonTX 🚨 NEW: We have reached a landmark settlement with Johnson & Johnson

>>21007569 Obama signs steel beam installed on top of presidential center

>>21007578 @DonaldJTrumpJr They're mad because no one is buying their bullshit anymore!

>>21007587 Nadler received donation from former domestic terrorist in months following Jan. 6

>>21007615 Hunter Biden is a red herring. The real person of interest in the Ukraine bribery/laundering is the Big Guy.

>>21007635 Glenn Youngkin has signed an executive order requiring all state agencies to ensure that voter rolls are constantly updated and accurate

>>21007662 Australian Senate Launches Major Inquiry into Soaring Deaths Among Vaxxed

>>21007669 ITS HAPPENING: The UK forcing the registering of all backyard Chickens

>>21007695 #25762

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7bf799 No.21007714

#25761 >>21006041

>>21006069 University of Minnesota Pauses Hiring of Holocaust and Genocide Expert for Saying Israel is Commiting Genocide in Gaza

>>21006073, >>21006082, >>21006335, >>21006499 Kevin Spacey cries as he reveals he doesn't have any money after sexual assault court case

>>21006090 NIH Scrambled After ZeroHedge Report On Fauci Beagle Experiments, Scrubbed Database, Then Fed WaPo Disinformation

>>21006096 Global Food Prices Rise For Third Straight Month, Fueling Instability Risks In Developing World

>>21006102 Fulton Fiasco: Judge Arrests Lawyer After "Secret" Meeting With Key Witness Alleged

>>21006107 Senate Republicans Back Big Change To Prevent Repeat Of McConnell Era

>>21006134, >>21006153, >>21006205, >>21006532, >>21006542, >>21006791, >>21006555, >>21006464, >>21006609, >>21006246 Mil

>>21006143 Special Counsel David Weiss re Hunter Trial: "We have additional trials and investigative work to be done"

>>21006206 After Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict, the WH canceled Karine Jean-Pierre’s press briefing, and Joe will spend the evening in Delaware

>>21006207, >>21006569 Joe Biden in less than a minute

>>21006218 Caroline Wren: Pelosi Wasted Americans Time And Money On J6 Hoax That Was Her Fault

>>21006228, >>21006743 Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue that left her with 'stuff coming out of both ends'

>>21006254 PF: Call Sign SOAK61 USN E-6B Mercury 164404 Broadcasting over VLF to USN Submarines at sea

>>21006281 Stephen Baldwin: Activated

>>21006282, >>21006297 Governor Inslee directs DOH to affirm abortion care access to Washington hospitals

>>21006284 Hageman: President Biden has waived Executive Privilege by releasing audio transcripts

>>21006288 Missouri AG Sues Planned Parenthood Allegedly Trafficking Minors Out of State for Abortions

>>21006326 Intel suspends planned $15 billion expansion of southern Israel chip plant

>>21006333, >>21006337 Events

>>21006353 At Menendez trial, businessman recounts alleged bribe to senator

>>21006426 House Oversight chair pushes for sweeping DOJ probe after Hunter Biden guilty verdict

>>21006432 Trump plans to meet with House GOP on Thursday

>>21006434 Federal immigration agents have arrested 8 people in the U.S. with suspected ISIS ties

>>21006440 Ben Shapiro and Pastor John MacArthur Agree Israel Must 'Wipe Out Amalek' in Gaza

>>21006445 Sen. Roger Marshall: Biden Essentially ‘Working with Organized Crime’ via Border Policies

>>21006446, >>21006517, >>21006525 QClock June 11, 2024 - NYC Bomb Plot

>>21006451 AI Companies Threatening to Leave California Over Jewish “Kill Switch” Regulations

>>21006460 Sophisticated banknote print shop dismantled in Italy

>>21006462 Youngkin Orders Virginia Agencies To Strengthen Voter Roll Maintenance Ahead Of 2024 Election

>>21006467, >>21006593, >>21006810, >>21006911 Jimmy Carter no longer awake every day, grandson says

>>21006479 Cuomo grilled by House panel over NY’s COVID nursing-home deaths

>>21006493 Justice bun

>>21006509 Nusseirat Massacre: The Story of a Palestinian Massacre Disguised as Israeli Rescue

>>21006549 The Canada Revenue Agency in 2023 paid employees up to $1,000 per article to produce fake "news" stories published by Canadian newsrooms

>>21006578, >>21006579 Tennessee will allow Death Penalty for child rape starting July 1

>>21006661, >>21006673 Police pursue transit bus in high-speed chase near Atlanta

>>21006730 @RepTimBurchett: I’m requesting an immediate investigation into @SecBlinken and the 51 intelligence officials for their role in interfering in the 2020 election

>>21006739, >>21006922 @STRIKFORNATO: "It's rare to see hunters visiting their prey" (Hunt for Red October was yesterday, Hunter was found guilty today)

>>21006768 Biden insists he’s not involved in his family’s business dealings but his aides are a different story

>>21006794 Four Democrat Leaders Arrested and Charged with Election Fraud in Bridgeport, Connecticut

>>21006914 Trump leads Biden by 8 pts in Ohio

>>21006268, >>21006785 Kevin Spacey in the news Qproof Delta | Speed

>>21006180, >>21006225, >>21006290, >>21006334, >>21006568, >>21006111, >>21006545, >>21006764, >>21006851 Misc.

>>21006941 #25761

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7bf799 No.21007716

#25760 >>21005220

>>21005553, >>21005795, >>21005424, >>21005236, >>21005303, >>21005427 Hunter found guilty on all charges in gun trial

>>21005330, >>21005595 You can’t make this up: Joe Biden is scheduled to speak at a gun control event this afternoon

>>21005698 Backbone of special counsel gun case was Hunter Biden’s laptop user data

>>21005769 Trump Campaign Statement on the Hunter Biden Trial Verdict and Biden Crime Family

>>21005825 What Lunden Roberts Says Happened to Her Phones After She Found Out She Was Pregnant with Hunter Biden’s Baby

>>21005955 MTG: The Biden Crime Family sold “the brand” and access to “the Big Guy” to line their pockets beyond their wildest dreams

>>21006020 Joe Biden Releases Statement After Son Hunter Found Guilty of All Three Gun Felonies

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>21005240, >>21005256, >>21005620, >>21005884 Events

>>21005313, >>21005409 PF Europe Update: NATO Summit departs-from Riga and JAKE17 Rivet Joint on Finland / Russian border and done

>>21005344, >>21005464, >>21005546, >>21005586, >>21005742 Space bun

>>21005468 Hezbollah supporters head onto a 5 train at Union Square station

>>21005490 LIVE: House Debates Holding AG Merrick Garland in Contempt of Congress

>>21005537 Experts discover incredible story from Jesus' childhood after deciphering 2,000-year-old Egyptian manuscript

>>21005540 PF: SOAK61 E6B Mercury W from Travis AFB, CA

>>21005587 There are several instances in American history where Martial Law has been declared or implemented

>>21005665 Growth in productivity and hourly compensation since 1948

>>21005639 PF: Gitmo express just arrived at Fort Lauderdale…

>>21005659 ICYMI: Footage of Pelosi taking responsibility for not having National Guard presence at the Capitol on January 6, 2021

>>21005668 Space discovery shows that the pyramids were built using water

>>21005685 @Russia: It's #SummerTime - 🦢 5 black swan cygnets hatched @moscowzoo

>>21005710 More Democrats protested Biden in one night, than showed up to support him all year

>>21005815, >>21005818 Department of the Air Force launches NIPRGPT

>>21005839 Illegal Aliens Jump in Front of Cars to Blackmail New York Drivers

>>21005843 This man put a GPS tracker in his recycling to see where it ended up

>>21005844 FBI hunting 500 serial killer truckers loose on America's roads

>>21005851 This website tracks congressional stock trading

>>21005916 AG Ken Paxton Leads Multistate Coalition Landmark $700M Settlement Against J&J Over Its Talc-Based Baby Powder

>>21005919, >>21005940 Trump’s youth movement: Why some young voters in deep blue Philadelphia are backing the former president

>>21005950 (Turley) Lawfare Bingeing: New Jersey Announces an Investigation into Trump Liquor Licenses

>>21005952 4 US college professors stabbed in China

>>21005966 The US military has a plan to turn the Taiwan Strait into an 'unmanned hellscape' if China invades, top admiral says

>>21006016 GM approves new $6B stock buyback on strong demand for gas-powered vehicles

>>21005233, >>21005423, >>21005486, >>21005489, >>21005545, >>21005594, >>21005605, >>21005711, >>21005791 Misc.

>>21006026 #25760

Previously Collected

>>21005193 #25759

>>21002080 #25756, >>21003016 #25757, >>21004185 #25758

>>20999554 #25753, >>21000368 #25754, >>21001318 #25755

>>20996728 #25750, >>20997952 #25751, >>20998520 #25752

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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7bf799 No.21007720

File: 06d2116ce89a4e0⋯.jpg (57.94 KB,335x436,335:436,06d2116ce89a4e078e3bcfab0a….jpg)



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284a9a No.21007731

File: 4c772036420134e⋯.jpeg (22.04 KB,140x181,140:181,133B5FF7_6E71_485A_BF54_8….jpeg)

File: a99aa5ad5d98354⋯.jpeg (7.59 KB,120x211,120:211,CD490818_357C_43DA_ADD8_1….jpeg)


Thank you.

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9c26e1 No.21007732

File: 842be24ded70bde⋯.jpg (16.33 KB,600x400,3:2,b0711187f87d004ed7c33aea83….jpg)

my nigga

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d96f4d No.21007736

File: 74e6e47043385ed⋯.jpg (141.23 KB,925x1140,185:228,316.jpg)


Thank you Baker!!!

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e3aa56 No.21007739

File: b2fa7c3a5bcb999⋯.jpg (124.98 KB,476x643,476:643,b2fa7c3a5bcb99987740e9c0fe….jpg)

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bb5802 No.21007746

File: c0df68c92a85c6f⋯.jpeg (98.45 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_2063.jpeg)

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e0ec5a No.21007749

if you are murdered by an illegal in New York City or by a black lunatic why can;t you sue for millions of dollars the government police and prosecutors? it's like they can do anything put loons on the subway to stab you and you can't do nothing

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f27c21 No.21007751

File: 0c709a92de8c5f6⋯.jpeg (57.57 KB,474x306,79:51,IMG_0584.jpeg)


OK Baker

I'm in this bread to check if you are keeping any unlicensed chickens in here!

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945073 No.21007752

File: 2b4052b4cfe7abc⋯.jpg (60.96 KB,960x720,4:3,BoobBread1.jpg)

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11a01a No.21007753

File: 0f0848fb7043925⋯.png (61.72 KB,602x735,86:105,ClipboardImage.png)


>>21007682 LB

No. 100

Look at the date

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284a9a No.21007754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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902318 No.21007755

File: 4f288fcc5339250⋯.jpeg (79.63 KB,1080x488,135:61,IMG_0444.jpeg)

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81d905 No.21007756

File: eb7c0da202a4711⋯.jpg (84.13 KB,500x609,500:609,Screen_Shot_2021_02_19_at_….jpg)

>>21007745 lb

>TR3B captures cabal member with tractor beam and then does hyper jump


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6a26c9 No.21007757

File: 31b4487970c7a22⋯.gif (335.23 KB,500x295,100:59,lo13hnycxzw01.gif)

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705f2d No.21007758


nasty evil bitch

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3945cd No.21007759

File: 673c3ee21716cd1⋯.jpg (201.6 KB,1500x500,3:1,673c3ee21716cd1b7008bdea05….jpg)

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22b859 No.21007760

why did Q post gun upside down when easily couldve posted a message with it right side up …

shooting booms gangsta style? al capone?

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7bf799 No.21007761

File: 40e037073192162⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,480x848,30:53,40e037073192162a133adb29a7….mp4)



a very proactive global flock

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22b859 No.21007762

File: 05ac46b6e990ec5⋯.jpeg (404.17 KB,2048x1536,4:3,cec4c8372a767897a876f583a….jpeg)

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0b8451 No.21007763

File: 572de71f4e7482d⋯.jpg (149.54 KB,658x439,658:439,TYB.jpg)

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0b8451 No.21007764

File: 6771b6dc8dab8be⋯.jpg (101.6 KB,595x472,595:472,GET_INSURANCE_FIRST.jpg)

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284a9a No.21007765

File: 700b12e4323829a⋯.jpeg (251.82 KB,828x803,828:803,82D93FA6_808A_4747_9BA2_7….jpeg)

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d96f4d No.21007766

File: 33e2b3d147f63db⋯.jpg (243.71 KB,1200x1600,3:4,IMG_20240611_205642.jpg)


Got two.

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81d905 No.21007767

File: dccf85470973401⋯.mp4 (84.19 KB,480x480,1:1,animation11.mp4)

>>21007589 lb


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556c1d No.21007768


1 point for Mr. Pig

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bb5802 No.21007769

File: 76e887dbf2bec52⋯.jpeg (511.07 KB,610x721,610:721,IMG_2066.jpeg)

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8ba08d No.21007770

File: 97823b4ea897ebb⋯.jpeg (7.01 KB,229x220,229:220,PepeEyes.jpeg)

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284a9a No.21007771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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556c1d No.21007772

File: 906568282dfd884⋯.png (817.99 KB,720x720,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3945cd No.21007773


you think q should be a cult leader telling you what to think

how bout training for those who havn't been thinking for themselves

also, plausible deniability

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8ba08d No.21007774

gun charges >>21007762

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c722dd No.21007775

File: 941eab04da84f66⋯.gif (846.26 KB,260x204,65:51,be_like_water_anon.gif)

File: 12bba087c735493⋯.png (238.87 KB,640x465,128:93,ClipboardImage.png)



fucking with the banner meow.

rules are for morans now right?


>>21007669 lb

well that won't work cos chickens are dinosaurs

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d74d7d No.21007776

File: a5c58cfa3575a5a⋯.gif (497.64 KB,640x360,16:9,0A753642_1A35_4FA8_B3BF_DD….gif)

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7bf799 No.21007777

File: 9237332e52097ee⋯.png (696.92 KB,800x800,1:1,3b124676cff076e0a29c58b6d4….png)

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945073 No.21007778

File: de7aa3c09cddb6f⋯.jpg (148.67 KB,1440x1452,120:121,_20240609_172825.JPG)

they're just digits


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5f7ef6 No.21007779

File: fc7329c616029ea⋯.jpg (285.16 KB,1654x1172,827:586,media_GIqBQEvawAAjk0U.jpg)

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d534dd No.21007780

File: 3a04485f18c9edf⋯.png (392.43 KB,600x770,60:77,3a04485f18c9edfca2d9f65d48….png)

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261515 No.21007781

Evenin’ Nightshift

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8e91c6 No.21007782

File: 29dab0ac16eb9f4⋯.jpeg (5.47 MB,5659x3991,5659:3991,IMG_0445.jpeg)

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8ba08d No.21007783

File: df56e54b2f40688⋯.png (280.71 KB,481x401,481:401,ClipboardImage.png)

>Jimmy Carter

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bb5802 No.21007784

File: 327f799a325a0b8⋯.jpeg (69.17 KB,519x500,519:500,IMG_2067.jpeg)

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ef8f4b No.21007785

File: 7e75c93ccdb80fa⋯.jpg (243.91 KB,670x900,67:90,Q_map.jpg)


Comments have me laughing…

I see 2 demons, an alien, a fish, and a bowl of fruit.

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81d905 No.21007786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>21007589 lb

>>21007583 lb

>>21007696 lb

>War Castles - Military Insider :Robert-Leroy: Horton - [Updated Version]

>TR3B News




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e3aa56 No.21007787

File: 2852f756d1d4f38⋯.jpg (231.19 KB,1245x1375,249:275,20220705_141323.jpg)



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5a4470 No.21007788


so bannon is saying trump won't take office until nov 20, 2025 when trump "takes his hand off the bible"?

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16aa06 No.21007789

File: 8c98fe42c30618b⋯.png (25.89 KB,249x228,83:76,IMG_2372.png)

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8e91c6 No.21007790


it will take a few days to defrost jimmy, be patient

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d96f4d No.21007791

File: ebd237a4d6862cf⋯.jpg (88.24 KB,1245x1375,249:275,2852f756d1d4f388d588c67ab8….jpg)


Jumping for joy.

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284a9a No.21007792

File: b75a5ad6751bc5f⋯.jpeg (326.42 KB,828x1119,276:373,06B4AD18_3C63_4AE0_90B8_8….jpeg)

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556c1d No.21007793

Tax Crimes? Nope

Pedophilia? Nope

Lied on a Government form? let do that

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22b859 No.21007794

File: 9dece457faa3ab8⋯.png (30.47 KB,500x386,250:193,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 227504d42f49736⋯.png (2.71 KB,212x132,53:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60852156002f005⋯.png (24.27 KB,401x272,401:272,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f942c4ffc74b6d⋯.png (21.46 KB,370x271,370:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6befc21e5b95c10⋯.png (20.85 KB,233x421,233:421,ClipboardImage.png)


"Flash Sight Picture".maybe?

"The reason is actually to help them aim faster by utilizing a technique known as "Flash Sight Picture".

I wouldn't advise it though. I am a former Marine Corps marksmanship instructor. I specialized in pistols and have fired these weapons thousands of times. That said, the thought has crossed my mind. The answer didn't come to me until another coach (from the "hood") gave me a good reason why this technique would be used. In practice it actually does utilize one very important sighting practice, but fails overall. This is a good idea in theory, but fails miserably in the actual execution.

Sight Alignment: Sight alignment is how you line up the weapon to aim. You need to remember that the trajectory of the round doesn't automatically point at the target. (Why I hate most movies with shooting in them) You have to have control to make sure that both the back of the weapon and front are pointed at the target in a straight line. The easiest way to do this is what we were taught as "building the castle".

You build the castle by lining up the three "turrets" or posts into a formation where the tops are all even and the posts all have even spacing between them. This diagram shows what having an improperly built "castle" or rather how, having improper sight alignment will cause your sights to go off. (The bottom is the correct method, however I disagree a bit on the sight picture element, because I believe in aiming center mass, as I have shown below. Besides this, as long as you aim in the same place every time you will still be all right.)

Sight picture: Sight picture is when you place your perfectly aligned sights, or in this case, the same thing every time, over your intended target in the same place. The normal practice is to place the sighting posts over the center of your target. This creates a picture of how you should aim. With weapons that don't allow you to change your sights, you need to figure out how to aim and always offset the weapon to where the bullet will hit where you intend it to instead of where you are aiming.

As long as you know how to offset your weapon this is not a problem that you are aiming low and left if your weapon shoots high and right. So technically if you just aim the same way every time, you can predict where the bullet will go. This is why sight picture is so important. You know where the weapon is in relation to the target. Below is a show what a good sight picture with good sight alignment looks like.

Flash Sight Picture: This is a technique the military and other organizations use to get on target fast. Really fast. It basically means that that picture you created when you took your time is now placed extremely fast over the target and fire. You don't get exactly the right spacing between your sighting posts and you don't get that picture in exactly the right place, but you get it generally in the right place. The important thing is that you're close enough to the target and that you have enough experience to hit it without having perfect aligned and centered sights. This takes a great amount of time in training and use with the weapon before you will be any good with flash sight picture. This is a very quick way of aiming OK under time intensive periods. This is much more common in combat style shooting than the marksmanship style methods of better shooting.

So that is why gangsters aim the way they do. Confused? You should be. It is a good way to get a flash sight picture, but absolutely horrible for getting sight alignment. Let's take a look at why. The red arrow is the focal point for sideways shooting. This is what will be used along the side of the weapon to get the sight picture.

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902318 No.21007795

File: 4cf74e22bdf17a5⋯.jpeg (2.91 MB,2625x3375,7:9,IMG_9210.jpeg)

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5f7ef6 No.21007796

File: 30e6d3a4900c14e⋯.png (248.59 KB,644x566,322:283,ClipboardImage.png)

Insider Paper



NEW: China's Evergrande EV ordered to repay $262mn subsidies, faces asset seizure

Jun 11, 2024 · 7:30 PM UTC


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c722dd No.21007797

File: 4d14c0fbc04ea63⋯.gif (1.42 MB,555x555,1:1,digits.gif)


dubs and quad chek'ed

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becc8a No.21007798

File: 1199d099e33d66c⋯.jpeg (241.38 KB,1317x1536,439:512,bb_5bb6da709b2e6.jpeg)

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62ba1f No.21007799


Good Evening

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ed0349 No.21007800

File: fbab547c77a5895⋯.jpeg (81.23 KB,1080x1026,20:19,RphMqIEuhrU8.jpeg)

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556c1d No.21007801


51 Former Intelligence Officers still have their Security Clearances

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db2cc8 No.21007802


>why did Q post gun upside down when easily couldve posted a message with it right side up …

One amazing aspect of /qresearch is the collaboration of many individuals with a variety of perspectives and proposed solutions. Interpretations are simply interpretations, with no regard for popularity.

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becc8a No.21007803

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB,814x851,22:23,e54a2d73e6376bd7091687454e….jpg)



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d74d7d No.21007804

File: 33f0d2b31d857c4⋯.jpeg (505.96 KB,828x1129,828:1129,813FFEC4_E9C4_4E54_8C82_E….jpeg)


Good luck with that

Money was gone long ago into off shore accts for the family of the CEO

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c31510 No.21007805


Does anyone have the video of the Sheila asking if her chicken is a fed? I cant find mine. I need a better system or sort

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ecbc59 No.21007806

File: cf73d297b0ebf2f⋯.jpg (59.16 KB,720x720,1:1,1718148335317415.jpg)




Drop dead, karen.

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d96f4d No.21007807

File: ec9e5afea8eac1c⋯.jpg (112.66 KB,708x787,708:787,IMG_20240611_205751_2.jpg)


Least I got chicken.


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a9876d No.21007808


Guns Up


Let's do this

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8ba08d No.21007809

File: 58f4089105a23e3⋯.png (68.86 KB,204x192,17:16,ClipboardImage.png)



Where Hunter Biden's tax case stands after guilty verdict in federal gun trial

Washington — With a verdict in Hunter Biden's gun trial now rendered, the president's son is next set to stand trial in California, where he faces nine federal tax charges in a second case brought by special counsel David Weiss.

The president's son was indicted in December and has pleaded not guilty to all counts. Prosecutors allege that Hunter Biden engaged in a four-year scheme to not pay at least $1.4 million income taxes for the tax years 2016 through 2019. Weiss and his team claim that Hunter Biden made more than $7 million between 2016 and the fall of 2020, and spent millions on an "extravagant lifestyle" while failing to pay his taxes.

Hunter Biden spent money on "drugs, escorts and girlfriends, luxury hotels and rental properties, exotic cars, clothing and other items of a personal nature, in short, everything but his taxes," according to the indictment.

He is charged with six misdemeanor counts of failure to file his tax returns and pay taxes, one felony count of tax evasion and two felony counts of filing a false return.

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0c35e3 No.21007810

File: a6ea788d627dafb⋯.png (1.76 MB,962x836,481:418,ClipboardImage.png)


The car dealer’s daughter: Mrs Trump (circled) grew up in Sevnica, a quiet industrial town, where the family was wealthy enough to go skiing in Austria

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d96f4d No.21007811

File: faa8dd8e715f6d3⋯.jpg (16.81 KB,255x244,255:244,e54a2d73e6376bd7091687454e….jpg)


Give me an 'L'!

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ecbc59 No.21007812

File: 55bf980654a87f8⋯.gif (1.04 MB,1600x647,1600:647,7826382743288.gif)

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c722dd No.21007814

File: 4649a57a34111ed⋯.png (419.44 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


go to bed child.

this place is for adults and retards.

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d74d7d No.21007815

File: 1fd299a8aa3eaaa⋯.jpeg (567.92 KB,1248x608,39:19,C675F560_9C4E_4136_987E_9….jpeg)

N757AF 757 departed a rainy Palm Beach Intl heading N/NW

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bb5802 No.21007816

File: b531442121c7d90⋯.jpeg (71.81 KB,736x720,46:45,IMG_2069.jpeg)

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0b8451 No.21007817

File: 11b764cdf69b2ce⋯.jpg (42.96 KB,263x452,263:452,BEST_IN_SHOW.jpg)

File: bb95b87837d5432⋯.jpg (114.08 KB,500x662,250:331,UNCLE_PIG.jpg)

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d96f4d No.21007818


Anons are <Pals For Life>.

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039376 No.21007819


hope not.

Anon will need more strength, if so.

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f3cd5e No.21007820

File: dc633dfb7513712⋯.png (36.52 KB,470x258,235:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 732c905ab61325e⋯.png (112.71 KB,325x512,325:512,ClipboardImage.png)



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5f7ef6 No.21007821

File: 894763de548c41d⋯.png (458.37 KB,621x470,621:470,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9f6a3e0cec2669⋯.png (353.38 KB,617x594,617:594,ClipboardImage.png)

Insider Paper



JUST IN - Donald Trump met with Bitcoin miners at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, his latest embrace of the crypto industry, Bloomberg reports

Jun 12, 2024 · 1:54 AM UTC


This timeline…

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7f40fb No.21007822

File: 26e1f4e7923f770⋯.png (3.32 MB,1243x1774,1243:1774,IMG_5691.png)

It says Question the Narrative.

It’s a patch. Like bad to the bone, or kick ass now ask questions later.

Why the great freak out?

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22b859 No.21007823

File: 7935660608b287f⋯.png (213.24 KB,600x323,600:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3167d No.21007824


Nice digits

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594b47 No.21007825

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis: Weiss Committing Lawfare By Another Name With Hunter Biden. It's all bullshit the misdirection play.Good INFO

Mrs. Alito the best Troll for the Woke! Mike says he would never challenge Mrs Alito,she fights back and doesn't care.



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7d8dfc No.21007826

File: 7cf4a8a87a547c9⋯.jpg (30.68 KB,401x420,401:420,Screenshot_20230601_005649….jpg)

Describe what you see

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a9876d No.21007827

File: 75162b0c441f7b7⋯.png (3.23 MB,1500x1500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa98e9 No.21007828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7f40fb No.21007829


Pockets getting thicker. Pockets getting thinner.

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22b859 No.21007830

File: 05ac46b6e990ec5⋯.jpeg (404.17 KB,2048x1536,4:3,cec4c8372a767897a876f583a….jpeg)

Flash Sight Picture: This is a technique the military and other organizations use to get on target fast. Really fast. It basically means that that picture you created when you took your time is now placed extremely fast over the target and fire. You don't get exactly the right spacing between your sighting posts and you don't get that picture in exactly the right place, but you get it generally in the right place. The important thing is that you're close enough to the target and that you have enough experience to hit it without having perfect aligned and centered sights. This takes a great amount of time in training and use with the weapon before you will be any good with flash sight picture. This is a very quick way of aiming OK under time intensive periods. This is much more common in combat style shooting than the marksmanship style methods of better shooting.

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039376 No.21007831


fly on shit

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ecbc59 No.21007832

File: 9edfbe2d07466ec⋯.png (102.48 KB,555x578,555:578,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb5802 No.21007834


Low set ears.

Two left eyebrows.


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bb9d98 No.21007835

File: d4200ccf9b516a5⋯.png (1014.57 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0915.png)

Hunter isn’t about the ‘big guy’/ joe. And UKRAINE isn’t about Joe.

It’s about what they did by orders of Obama (Soros) , DS and cia



will help to expand the company's global presence.

Burisma Group, an independent oil and gas company with operations in Ukraine, announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company's board of directors. Joseph Cofer Black's past experience includes: Director of CIA's Counterterrorist Center between 1999 and 2002, and Ambassador at Large for Counter-Terrorism between 2002 and 2004. With such a strong background, Mr. Black will be leading the company's security and strategic development efforts.

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bb5802 No.21007836

File: bada76e69eeb7c5⋯.jpeg (213.86 KB,1200x1395,80:93,IMG_2071.jpeg)

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fa98e9 No.21007837

File: 8ee2da4d009aaad⋯.png (31.5 KB,977x720,977:720,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ba08d No.21007838

File: 20216749842c9f5⋯.png (799.85 KB,634x837,634:837,ClipboardImage.png)

Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue that left her with 'stuff coming out of both ends' according to Gayle King - five months after mogul admitted to using weight loss drugs


Oprah Winfrey was hospitalized recently because of a stomach problem that left her excreting from 'both ends,' her best friend Gayle King revealed.

Gayle, 69, made the candid confession on Tuesday, adding that she hoped Oprah, 70, would not be upset by her indiscretion. It comes fives months after Winfrey admitted to having used weight loss drugs, similar to Ozempic.

'She had some kind of stomach thing where - stomach flu where stuff was coming out of both ends. I won't get too graphic,' said Gayle.

'But needless to say, she ended up in the hospital, dehydration, she had an IV, so it was a very serious thing,' the news anchor continued.

When she was asked about the current state of Oprah's health, Gayle said: 'She will be okay. She will be okay,' on CBS Mornings.

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d74d7d No.21007839

File: 8442ad089520109⋯.jpeg (353.07 KB,1254x619,1254:619,4A51D27C_2D66_4263_A490_4….jpeg)

AE67AD P8 Poseidon over eastern Med off Lebanon coast and from Sigonella AB

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d96f4d No.21007840


10 pounds of shit stuffed into a 5 pound bag. Needs more flies.

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7f40fb No.21007841

File: 8161ecbe098fba5⋯.jpeg (70.7 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_5216.jpeg)

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d96f4d No.21007842

If you had Q clearance, what is the FIRST subject you would start digging on?

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95b2d4 No.21007843

They scare you into doing something, then they scare you because you did it.

Scare and distract. Over and over.

Has long has you don't remember that you are a magnificent eternal being, not of this world.

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becc8a No.21007844

File: 7c25f3ad97b1ad3⋯.png (106.37 KB,352x341,32:31,7c25f3ad97b1ad38b114dd90e6….png)

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c3167d No.21007845

File: e9cdd22e0eb8327⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1170x2157,390:719,IMG_9265.jpeg)

File: d5e44a6d0fc4dcf⋯.jpeg (276.65 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,IMG_0191.jpeg)

File: 0f764407d377830⋯.png (45.21 KB,1440x410,144:41,54_2.png)

File: 096310fdfedee30⋯.png (59.7 KB,1440x542,720:271,791_2.png)

File: c7f29b919c69941⋯.png (4.56 MB,1440x4680,4:13,2515.png)


Definitely NOT A LARP

It’s just a Q post


JUNE 7 - JUNE 14 VPPENCE birthday to PDJT Birthday 🥳

VP Name On A Plane ✈️


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ebf2bc No.21007846



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556c1d No.21007847



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982be5 No.21007848

File: 0c762fab5babb6a⋯.jpg (156.7 KB,653x1024,653:1024,circumcision_findings.jpg)


what site is this

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bb5802 No.21007849


Soft-serve ice cream.

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c61b35 No.21007850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pieces of April

for that old early 70's Melancholy.

people knew something was really wrong but

they could not express it so they . . .

dwelled with-in the aura of sad music

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7f40fb No.21007851


Said the same thing last year. Year before too

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bb9d98 No.21007852

File: 96cdc2fd87bc6d4⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0916.jpeg)



Don’t know if this is anything or not, but CIA just updated their posts about Ukraine

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bb9d98 No.21007853

File: 96cdc2fd87bc6d4⋯.jpeg (1.26 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0916.jpeg)




Don’t know if this is anything or not, but CIA just updated their posts about Ukraine

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c61b35 No.21007854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

More Melancholia


Michael Martin

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81d905 No.21007855

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



found another on Bitchute

WAR CASTLES Military Insider :Robert-Leroy: Horton


Does not say [UPDATED VERSION] but is same length.

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15e846 No.21007856

File: 42f5fb453569ae4⋯.mp4 (5.14 MB,854x480,427:240,GJ_shorter_where_is_the_cr….mp4)

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ebf2bc No.21007857


Who cares.

It's an unverifiable, unsauced muhjoo shill post.

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11a01a No.21007858

File: 41fa2e6de13ae38⋯.png (33.74 KB,765x440,153:88,ClipboardImage.png)

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1da7c4 No.21007859

File: fec0baf7f656f31⋯.png (413.26 KB,800x530,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)

> >>21007763 (You)

> >>21007764 (You)

> >>21007817 (You)

Anons take note

Board personalities fly in the face of board tradition and everything that made this place great. They place their own egos above the welfare of the board. Illegal stowaways who refuse to pay the price of a ticket by remaining anon. They deserve neither respect nor attention.

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556c1d No.21007860

Positive Energy Wave Passing Through

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d74d7d No.21007861



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bb9d98 No.21007862

File: 6aa332e7eaa8d42⋯.png (1.89 MB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_0917.png)




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28c169 No.21007863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LDS has a lot clout worldwide. Pedowood is going to burn.

>>21006281 lb

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284a9a No.21007864

File: b75a5ad6751bc5f⋯.jpeg (326.42 KB,828x1119,276:373,06B4AD18_3C63_4AE0_90B8_8….jpeg)

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d534dd No.21007865

File: ad8adc718e39bdb⋯.png (179.04 KB,797x993,797:993,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e689f1f09f6a89⋯.png (961.55 KB,800x1417,800:1417,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a92823e257324e2⋯.mp4 (772.05 KB,490x270,49:27,October_18_2017_UATV_revea….mp4)

Zelensky added DC_Draino, 350+ others including Donald Trump, Elon Musk, 180 Congressmen, & other MAGA influencers to his “enemies” list

Would be a shame if the world found out what’s really been going on in Ukraine:UNIMAGINABLE EVIL

“Lost babies & corpses without organs fueled allegations of trafficking in body parts in Ukraine” after a grave was excavated at Hospital 6 in Kharkiv

“Dumped Into A Mass Grave”

“It's hard to look at the tiny corpses unearthed from the graveyard near Hospital No. 6. Forensic photographs show bodies apparently mutilated before they were dumped into a mass grave in Kharkiv, a city in eastern Ukraine.”

Newborns taken from their mothers, disappearing in a region known for trafficking in harvested organs and human tissue.

In one photo, a man wearing surgical gloves holds several pieces of flesh, arranging the fragments to resemble what might have been an infant before it was dismembered

Even more disturbing, Ms. Vermot-Mangold said, is the evidence that infants were treated so casually in Ukraine that the true number of children missing across the country may never be known. "Whatever the number of disappearances, just one case is one too many," she said.

Tatyana Zakharova, chairwoman of the All-Ukrainian Federation of Families With Many Children, said she fears that the newborns may have been sold for their valuable tissue to unprincipled researchers or to clinics making beauty injections with stem cells. "They ignore all professional and human laws," Ms. Zakharova said.

It is not far-fetched to imagine that newborns could be killed for their body parts, said Vadym Lazariev, a doctor turned activist who is campaigning to improve Ukraine's medical ethics. He said he does not have any proof, only rumours about doctors drowning babies in amniotic fluid, declaring them stillborn and selling their bodies. This was all discovered in 2010 but you know if it’s happened, it still happening. Only more sophisticatedly.

The United States Government is funding this with our tax dollars.

SOURCE: Source: European Centre For Law & Justice

Also covered by theglobeandmail. Article name: The Case of the Missing Children


October 18, 2017, UATV revealed Ukraine was the main hub for human trafficking in Europe.

On February 4, 2016, the Guardian revealed Ukraine was the 2nd poorest country in Europe by GDP with over 160,000 recorded victims trafficked!

Conspiracy, eh? 🙄


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15e846 No.21007866


man there are so many…

egypt and babylon origins

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705f2d No.21007867


Ding Dong. When will Oprah the Witch be dead?

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ebf2bc No.21007868


Someone impersonating the deceased John Fetterman.

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11a01a No.21007869

File: 9bb50e037fdf39e⋯.png (651.41 KB,1003x878,1003:878,ClipboardImage.png)


She Ded Jim

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c61b35 No.21007870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And for that ultimate sad . . .

you can listen to a pop-dirge

Gordon Lightfoot

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

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d74d7d No.21007871

File: 563a995a8dcdc8b⋯.jpeg (298.36 KB,1645x1668,1645:1668,CC2EAF18_9887_4623_BCD8_D….jpeg)


Beware of IP hopping clowns telling you what to think no matter what the subject is.

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808f21 No.21007872

File: 41db7c3c15b942d⋯.jpg (52.13 KB,595x411,595:411,Praying_Man.jpg)


Best Troll

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284a9a No.21007873

File: 0dd5a3eeea80f56⋯.jpeg (152.45 KB,677x456,677:456,C47CD46B_CC0E_4F38_8533_7….jpeg)

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3945cd No.21007874


¹Imran Awan

²Seth Rich

³Uranium One

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8ba08d No.21007875

File: 8de0530b027735c⋯.png (310.42 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

Pope Francis 'repeats gay slur' just weeks after being forced to apologise for saying there was 'an air of f*ry' in the church


The Pope has again used a homophobic term after apologising last month for saying gay men should not be admitted to church seminaries because 'there's already too much f*ry' in closed-door meeting.

He used of the word 'frociaggine', a vulgar Italian term roughly translating as 'f*ness', on May 20 during a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops.

According to Italian news agency ANSA, Pope Francis, 87, repeated the term on Tuesday as he met Roman priests, saying 'there is an air of f*ness in the Vatican'.

He added that it was better that young men with a homosexual tendency not be allowed to enter the seminary - a college that trains students to become priests.

Asked about the latest report, the Vatican's press office made reference to a statement it had issued regarding Tuesday's meeting with the priests, in which the pope reiterated the need to welcome gay people into the Church and the need for caution regarding them becoming seminarians.

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95b2d4 No.21007876

Oprah be takin that komodo treatment.

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ed0349 No.21007877

File: bafd99ed19f642f⋯.jpg (138.36 KB,1284x927,428:309,gfys3.jpg)


Zip it, failfag. Filter and move on like I'm doing to you. You are not the gatekeeper nor arbiter of personality here, especially when you give you and your other clown spamtards a free pass. And the "tradition" you speak of is from another fucking platform, fuckface. When you've been here long enough, you get to recognize certain things, and then there's those that want everyone to play their little game where you pretend you don't recognize each other. You have no power here.

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81d905 No.21007878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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57d6f0 No.21007879

File: 7e1756175980f6b⋯.png (897.14 KB,1310x1390,131:139,pence_a_pussY.png)

File: c3dfc14c6c92a71⋯.png (87.38 KB,444x600,37:50,21257_Senators_Reforming_E….png)

File: b5972bfdb374434⋯.png (109.4 KB,444x600,37:50,21407_Q_just_confirmed_tha….png)

File: cf84299ff0dd4d3⋯.png (107.97 KB,444x600,37:50,22321_Pence_has_been_Class….png)

File: bea233815c9d8ff⋯.png (123.43 KB,444x600,37:50,25233_Pence_Wont_Endorse_T….png)

IDK guys not to be on the Pence thing but I know this

MIRROR Trump "sometimes"

NOT a fan or a dork paid OK

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c61b35 No.21007880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

And if you want to cry for weeks and weeks . . .

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d74d7d No.21007881

File: 023604de629966f⋯.jpeg (573.58 KB,762x710,381:355,110049DB_FD12_47FA_9353_9….jpeg)

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15e846 No.21007882

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DoD running the school lunch program

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c722dd No.21007883

File: a41323a875a5f37⋯.png (863.04 KB,734x613,734:613,ClipboardImage.png)


meal time pig.

sushi on the menu..

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5f7ef6 No.21007884

File: 8400a206d273752⋯.jpg (138.35 KB,1043x1199,1043:1199,8400a206d2737524b8a4e05e5d….jpg)

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0b8451 No.21007885

File: 3fe23d072e64ab8⋯.jpg (125.04 KB,602x545,602:545,FAKE_TRADITION.jpg)

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37f854 No.21007886

File: 93816b5a67a2baf⋯.png (59.12 KB,426x332,213:166,57thjykukoi.PNG)

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5c76b5 No.21007887

File: 71ad5c39ad9659b⋯.mp4 (796 KB,406x720,203:360,71ad5c39ad9659bf8bbdbd9070….mp4)

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1f849f No.21007888

File: b4cf681366e25bd⋯.jpeg (124.64 KB,2048x831,2048:831,IMG_6133.jpeg)

File: fb47bc2452a5ce8⋯.jpeg (152.83 KB,2048x932,512:233,IMG_6132.jpeg)

File: d2f763e2906c0dc⋯.jpeg (147.69 KB,2048x777,2048:777,IMG_6131.jpeg)

>>21007634 LB

>>21007742 LB

>>why did Q post gun upside down

Filename (picsrel), 867 274

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0b8451 No.21007889

File: bc3f0546c8dc92d⋯.jpg (93.79 KB,664x499,664:499,PIECE_OF_CAKE_2.jpg)

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e10a79 No.21007890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(Slow heavy metal playing)

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db2cc8 No.21007891

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705f2d No.21007892


Satanic Ritual Abuse and arresting everyone involved in it.

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c61b35 No.21007893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

When Kurt was killed or killed himself (maybe not)

no one was really able to write a song that was sad enough to express the angst.

Kurt had sung his final song on MTV and that, too, was a sad song expressing great angst, like he was feeling the betrayal that the song conveyed.

and his band-mates weren't sure if he was OK at the end of it (he really wasn't, was he).

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ed0349 No.21007894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5c76b5 No.21007895

File: 55d0fe0c77348b2⋯.png (328.82 KB,522x540,29:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3167d No.21007896

File: b4b0acdbdc89cb1⋯.jpeg (134.55 KB,846x451,846:451,IMG_2148.jpeg)

File: 1dc8463f1b8a603⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1279x1139,1279:1139,IMG_2149.jpeg)


This is so obvious.

VPPence posted first.

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556c1d No.21007897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He knew more than he let on

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808f21 No.21007898


I'll circle around and get back to you Soon

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3b1127 No.21007899

File: f854c05bfd959ac⋯.png (1.19 MB,944x709,944:709,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19a7b1899169d0c⋯.png (770.67 KB,796x732,199:183,ClipboardImage.png)


you understand that now everyone knows you are a chink.

you are such easily baited.


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d5e4b7 No.21007900




tesla and free energy

slave garden tactics

(((central banks)))

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d96f4d No.21007901


Ask away.

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d74d7d No.21007902

File: 4df69fa3e2b3759⋯.jpeg (386.86 KB,1221x569,1221:569,42CB03DA_25AA_48AD_849A_B….jpeg)

File: 39411d2cee7bd8b⋯.jpeg (644.6 KB,828x1115,828:1115,8E8C7816_C8B8_42EA_AA4C_D….jpeg)


Blinken in Amman, Jordan today..Tel Aviv/Cairo yesterday


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62ba1f No.21007903


Classified Technologies

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bb5802 No.21007904

File: ba4f959e655b285⋯.jpeg (145.11 KB,749x815,749:815,IMG_2075.jpeg)

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bb9d98 No.21007905


IMHO, Blinken appears to be in a frenzied travel the last several months.

What is he trying to set up?

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d96f4d No.21007906

File: 7dd06eec4d7969e⋯.jpg (87.46 KB,500x916,125:229,7ixxfm.jpg)

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ed0349 No.21007907

File: 5b77a449c33ef0c⋯.png (362.53 KB,800x500,8:5,be_best_in_life.png)


Oh look, it's the "There's subtle Kubrick-esque hidden symbology layered within Mr. Pig memes that only I can see" routine again. Yawn. Get good, clown, you're fucking boring.

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df4f0f No.21007908


factual history. i would want to know what history is factual and what isnt. if we base our reasoning using inaccurate facts we will fail. only facts matter, imho.

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bb5802 No.21007909

File: 8eb5260b8109a6a⋯.jpeg (71.9 KB,608x710,304:355,IMG_2074.jpeg)


On a related note, I shaved mine.

Anyone else?

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81d905 No.21007910


Where's my flying car?

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5f0269 No.21007911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Remember when Hank was a regular on Fox until he compared a certain somebody to a certain somebody?

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0b8451 No.21007912

File: b22b052f4956866⋯.jpg (121.87 KB,623x471,623:471,LOST_THE_CULTURE_WAR_DIDNT….jpg)

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c0ae3a No.21007913

File: 7dbb06cb89815b3⋯.jpg (106.32 KB,680x514,340:257,unusual_pepe_cabin.jpg)




plus the anunnaki / true human origins

no one said aliens yet


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594b47 No.21007914

File: c422dda20ba6d9c⋯.png (38.32 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

11 Jun, 2024 18:35

Russia could consider changing nuclear doctrine

Actions of the US and its allies could prompt Russia to amend its nuclear posture, Deputy FM Sergey Ryabkov said

Russia could consider changing nuclear doctrine

Russia could potentially make changes to its nuclear doctrine should the “escalatory actions” by the US and its allies push it into doing so, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has warned.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a BRICS ministerial meeting in Nizhny Novgorod, Ryabkov admitted the international situation has been getting increasingly “complicated” and changes to his country’s nuclear posture could not be ruled out.

“The challenges that are growing thanks to the unacceptable and escalatory actions of the US and its NATO allies undoubtedly prompt a full-fledged question of how the basic documents in nuclear deterrence can be brought more into line with current needs,” Ryabkov said.

The diplomat refused to elaborate on the exact nature of the potential amendments, explaining that Moscow does not have a “practice of covering in advance what kind of changes can be made” before actual decisions are taken.

The remarks come shortly after Russian President Vladimir Putin again reiterated Moscow’s stance on nuclear weapons as a last-resort option.

Speaking during a question-and-answer panel at the St Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) last week, the president stressed that Russia has never been the first to resort to aggressive nuclear rhetoric.

The nation’s current nuclear doctrine allows the use of atomic weapons only in “exceptional cases” and the current situation does not actually qualify as such, Putin explained. The president expressed hopes an all-out nuclear war will not break out, adding that such a conflict would result in “infinite casualties” for everyone.

The president alsocautioned European NATO nations against increasingly belligerent rhetoric and actions, suggesting they are bound to suffer the most in case of a global nuclear conflict, arguing that the US will not actually help them.

“The Europeans have to think: if those with whom we exchange such [nuclear] blows are obliterated, would the Americans get involved in such an exchange, on the level of strategic weapons, or not? I very much doubt it,”Putin stated.

(Bottom line: Stop fucking with us!)


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d74d7d No.21007915

File: 68b737b92b131ff⋯.png (133.5 KB,542x321,542:321,6A868ABF_1300_4B10_AEAF_96….png)


A way out

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556c1d No.21007916


so Fowl

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d96f4d No.21007917

File: a3b420d47acdc6a⋯.jpg (53.88 KB,500x1025,20:41,8tkq91.jpg)

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58c57b No.21007918


>If you had Q clearance, what is the FIRST subject you would start digging on?

Anon with Q clearance here, what do you want to know. 1 question per anon

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c31510 No.21007919


That is strange just a day after the DOD saying they would feed Lab Grown Meat to soldiers

ASHINGTON — Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) condemned a Department of Defense (DOD) sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products by manufacturing company BioMADE.

“It is outrageous that the Department of Defense is spending millions of taxpayer dollars to feed our heroes like lab rats. U.S. cattle producers raise the highest-quality beef in the world, with the lowest carbon footprint – and American troops deserve to be served that same wholesome, natural meat and not ultra-processed, lab-grown protein that is cooked up in a chemical-filled bioreactor,” said NCBA Vice President of Government Affairs Ethan Lane. “This misguided research project is a giant slap in the face to everyone that has served our country. Our veterans and active-duty troops deserve so much better than this.”


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697b51 No.21007920

File: b5d9b5663d57d94⋯.jpg (71.14 KB,640x707,640:707,Kitty_lighting_a_joint.jpg)


Nice digits

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ed0349 No.21007921

File: 61f5548184fb635⋯.png (365.53 KB,577x433,577:433,fake_and_gay.png)

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7f40fb No.21007922

File: baf8ad73eba7fcb⋯.jpeg (26.92 KB,184x184,1:1,IMG_5692.jpeg)

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28c169 No.21007923





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5f0269 No.21007924


Boss having fun with cult of personality is revealing so much about so many.

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c31510 No.21007925

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db2cc8 No.21007926

File: 2ba4648773c6a10⋯.png (445.33 KB,607x455,607:455,ClipboardImage.png)


All that extra skin is a bacterial trap. Get to the chopper!

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a9876d No.21007927


The parallels are not necessarily out of bounds



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bb5802 No.21007928

File: 532b5293e5d8825⋯.jpeg (89.16 KB,564x849,188:283,IMG_2077.jpeg)

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81d905 No.21007929


Video footage of the Court-Martial's held by : Russell-Jay: Gould.

>>21007910 (me)

then this

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3b1127 No.21007930

File: 469f6610794b933⋯.png (210.01 KB,860x595,172:119,ClipboardImage.png)


anon does not bait without knowing how to bait.


While sushi originated in Japan, it has gained popularity worldwide, including in China. While traditional Chinese cuisine has its own unique dishes and flavors, many Chinese people have developed a taste for sushi, especially in recent years.

Historical Background

Sushi has its roots in ancient China, where fermented fish was consumed as early as the 2nd century CE. However, the Chinese version of sushi was different from the raw fish and rice combination we know today. The Chinese used pickled fish and discarded the rice.

Modern-Day China

Today, sushi is a popular dish in China, particularly in urban areas and among younger generations. Many Chinese people enjoy sushi as a unique and exotic food option. In fact, sushi restaurants are common in major cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou.

Reasons for Popularity

Several factors contribute to the popularity of sushi in China:

Health-consciousness: Chinese consumers are increasingly health-conscious, and sushi is perceived as a relatively healthy food option due to its emphasis on raw fish and rice.

Influence of Japanese culture: Japan’s pop culture, including anime, manga, and TV shows, has gained immense popularity in China, leading to increased interest in Japanese cuisine, including sushi.

Accessibility: Sushi is widely available in China, with many restaurants and chains offering a variety of sushi options.

Food trends: Sushi has become a trendy food option in China, with many young people eager to try new and exotic flavors.

Popular Sushi Brands in China

Some popular sushi brands in China include:

Sushi Express

Genki Sushi

He Lu Sushi


In conclusion, while sushi originated in Japan, it has gained popularity in China, particularly among younger generations and in urban areas. The reasons for its popularity include health-consciousness, the influence of Japanese culture, accessibility, and food trends.

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dfbc10 No.21007931


The Biden TEAM, a band of narcissistic dwarfs, just lately ran head on to reality.

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556c1d No.21007932

File: 614b511962a0522⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,500x506,250:253,1603400174_Copy.mp4)

It's Happening

it's Barely Perceivable

Nonetheless It's happening

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ed0349 No.21007933

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

MuhGuhGaytriot and comrades with the chickens, gauging by the filenames.

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58c57b No.21007934


Why am i fake and gay.

interesting anon comes with the answers and the only thing straight out your mouth is bs.

try harder fren. really

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0c35e3 No.21007935

File: 07d424669ef8c3b⋯.png (83.12 KB,599x560,599:560,ClipboardImage.png)

🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸 @mrddmia

With Hunter Biden's upcoming conviction and sentencing for 3 felony gun charges, we'll soon find out if Joe Biden and Merrick Garland stick to "no one is above the law."

Here's what the United States Sentencing Commission has to say:

"Most offenders convicted under 18 U.S.C. § 922(g) were sentenced to imprisonment (97.3%)."

"The average sentence length for all section 922(g) offenders was 72 months; however, one-quarter of these offenders had an average sentence of 30 months

or less while one-quarter had an average sentence of 90 months or more."


Jun 11, 2024, 9:34 PM


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3945cd No.21007936


bestest cause truest

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28c169 No.21007937


Chief exports

American munitions, Bioterrorism, Assassins, clean money & cryptos, gangsters, petty criminals, prostitutes, gullible women

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57d6f0 No.21007938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All your red balloons go BYE you sick war mongers

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039376 No.21007939

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anons. please help.

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ed0349 No.21007940

File: 130516407792d01⋯.jpg (65.95 KB,496x661,496:661,nextbread.jpg)


Fuck off, faggot. No one believes your bullshit. Try again.

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5f0269 No.21007941


Which is what makes it so interesting.

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28c169 No.21007942


He'll die and go to Ukraine, then come back as an illegal alien

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808f21 No.21007943


What was your biggest mistake since

10/28/2017 15:33:50

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7bf799 No.21007944

File: fef2761000be0ab⋯.png (93.63 KB,499x499,1:1,fef2761000be0ab55156f662bf….png)

File: 86e21cd80d27e2a⋯.jpg (80.87 KB,400x480,5:6,86e21cd80d27e2a00c6f77e2d5….jpg)

@200 or so


#25763 >>21007720

>>21007796 NEW: China's Evergrande EV ordered to repay $262mn subsidies, faces asset seizure

>>21007809 Where Hunter Biden's tax case stands after guilty verdict in federal gun trial

>>21007815 N757AF 757 departed a rainy Palm Beach Intl heading N/NW

>>21007820 @POTUS TRUTH Kelly Armstrong Wins!

>>21007821 Donald Trump met with Bitcoin miners at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, his latest embrace of the crypto industry

>>21007825 @WarRoom Weiss Committing Lawfare By Another Name With Hunter Biden. It's all bullshit the misdirection play.

>>21007835 FLASHBACK Burisma announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company's board of directors

>>21007838 Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue - five months after mogul admitted to using weight loss drugs

>>21007839, >>21007861 AE67AD P8 Poseidon over eastern Med off Lebanon coast and from Sigonella AB

>>21007902 PF Blinken in Amman, Jordan today..Tel Aviv/Cairo yesterday

>>21007919 NCBA Cattle producers condemn feeding our military lab grown meat

>>21007935 We'll soon find out if Joe Biden and Merrick Garland stick to "no one is above the law."


not watching his wife on THE laptop

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d74d7d No.21007945

File: af36325634cdd48⋯.webp (35.98 KB,980x653,980:653,A71B2E24_341B_4525_BD8B_4….webp)

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0b8451 No.21007946

File: 2639b95be1eefa1⋯.jpg (122.26 KB,625x466,625:466,GOOGLE_NOODLE_NOW.jpg)


>While sushi originated in Japan

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c31510 No.21007947


God and his messengers

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5f7ef6 No.21007948

File: 2ad8df9b99d1036⋯.png (295.99 KB,645x570,43:38,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 294262cea1fd488⋯.png (339.96 KB,621x545,621:545,ClipboardImage.png)




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1da7c4 No.21007949

File: 601c6b6101f9271⋯.png (1.09 MB,1918x966,137:69,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 086dea50a2a7768⋯.png (804.48 KB,800x553,800:553,ClipboardImage.png)

Not something typically seen on a Tuesday night. Call sign EMBER45. Call sign not unusual. Flight pattern is though. USAF E-3 Sentry orbiting offshore ~150 miles due east of Washington D.C.


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28c169 No.21007950


Probably stashing lots of loot.

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c61b35 No.21007951

File: a7c2a5b7ae23c6d⋯.jpg (80.43 KB,1604x606,802:303,kurt_with_the_look.jpg)


if you don't understand why he was so well loved . . .

you ought to figure it out for your own good.

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c31510 No.21007952

File: ebf68d2f581cd63⋯.jpg (52.31 KB,500x555,100:111,8tkqym.jpg)

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3b1127 No.21007953

File: eed7933621f7569⋯.png (869.43 KB,1014x1082,507:541,ClipboardImage.png)


Historical Background

Sushi has its roots in ancient China, where fermented fish was consumed as early as the 2nd century CE. However, the Chinese version of sushi was different from the raw fish and rice combination we know today. The Chinese used pickled fish and discarded the rice.

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58c57b No.21007954


>What was your biggest mistake since

>10/28/2017 15:33:50

Electing Joe Biden


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3945cd No.21007955

File: 3190046a38e6475⋯.jpg (128.89 KB,765x467,765:467,3190046a38e6475df20b8f69ea….jpg)


ABCanon here

What is Joe's real favorite flavor of ice cream?

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bb9d98 No.21007956


Raw fish….nasty

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c3167d No.21007957

File: 1f4f1dc9d7bb91d⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1363x1227,1363:1227,IMG_0192.jpeg)

File: 4969cfc2bd7cafd⋯.jpeg (142.2 KB,659x1024,659:1024,IMG_9121.jpeg)

File: a1ba510edb4d47f⋯.png (836.33 KB,1853x1080,1853:1080,IMG_9217.png)

File: 45eea43dab1553a⋯.webp (33.47 KB,800x533,800:533,IMG_8895.webp)

File: b1f0c49960cd94f⋯.jpeg (797.48 KB,1170x1734,195:289,IMG_8864.jpeg)


VPPence NEVER endorsed PDJT!

Why do you think he has to, especially if PDJT has already chosen him Twice, Third Time is a charm!

And according to President Lincoln you don’t change horses midstream.

Launched the war on Planned Parenthood and Roe V Wade

Flies with At Thunderbirds

Rides with Rolling Thunder

Constitutional Lawyer

Family of Pilots

Daily prayer/armor of God

Jeremiah 29:11 hangs over fireplace mantle since 1999

Iwo Jima photo given to him by His wife in 2001 hangs in n his office.

Popcorn 🍿 machine in his office

Hunt for red October on his book shelf

Movie posters adorned his walls

Spoke at the baker institute

Warned us about China - Q post

Visits Our Troops Every Year Outside of the USA 🇺🇸

Collects challenge COINS like PDJT

Owns a bat phone ☎️

With sheriff with Q on uniform

WWG1WGA Bell on his birthday 🥳

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951b0d No.21007958


the boundaries of awareness

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bb5802 No.21007959

File: f94648de07a3db9⋯.jpeg (66.91 KB,474x474,1:1,IMG_2080.jpeg)

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db2cc8 No.21007961

File: 4db0621af5b8739⋯.png (8.26 KB,255x150,17:10,ClipboardImage.png)


>anons. please help.

Exclusive content available via attached links, Anon. Take care.

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3b1127 No.21007962

File: dc9c6478b34bce6⋯.png (151.73 KB,320x239,320:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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d534dd No.21007964

File: 5857b5897bec4da⋯.jpg (50.74 KB,600x527,600:527,5857b5897bec4dae8694dfb189….jpg)


>Raw fish….nasty

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57d6f0 No.21007965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


IDK love these songs. Prove me wrong

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5ea480 No.21007967

File: 31a6ed377d6c7ee⋯.png (971.12 KB,1896x1079,1896:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2efe3546b0d9fa⋯.png (551.2 KB,400x560,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

Kek…POTUS in his mystical ways finds the right words to say that he dont care about no fame and no fortunes…but the sweetness of the juice..

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b8529b No.21007968

File: dcb84448c76a0bf⋯.png (548.9 KB,688x804,172:201,ClipboardImage.png)

Nov 2008

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?

Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey’s stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization

Six miles from Urfa, an ancient city in southeastern Turkey, Klaus Schmidt has made one of the most startling archaeological discoveries of our time: massive carved stones about 11,000 years old, crafted and arranged by prehistoric people who had not yet developed metal tools or even pottery. The megaliths predate Stonehenge by some 6,000 years. The place is called Gobekli Tepe, and Schmidt, a German archaeologist who has been working here more than a decade, is convinced it's the site of the world's oldest temple.

"Guten Morgen," he says at 5:20 a.m. when his van picks me up at my hotel in Urfa. Thirty minutes later, the van reaches the foot of a grassy hill and parks next to strands of barbed wire. We follow a knot of workmen up the hill to rectangular pits shaded by a corrugated steel roof—the main excavation site. In the pits, standing stones, or pillars, are arranged in circles. Beyond, on the hillside, are four other rings of partially excavated pillars. Each ring has a roughly similar layout: in the center are two large stone T-shaped pillars encircled by slightly smaller stones facing inward. The tallest pillars tower 16 feet and, Schmidt says, weigh between seven and ten tons. As we walk among them, I see that some are blank, while others are elaborately carved: foxes, lions, scorpions and vultures abound, twisting and crawling on the pillars' broad sides. …


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c61b35 No.21007969


betrayed the nation by not questioning a BOGUS count and tainted voting machines.

took a gold trinket as payment.

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d74d7d No.21007970

File: c73c1eac26ca991⋯.png (917.21 KB,989x587,989:587,DA0371BB_2649_4F92_AB47_13….png)


>Tuesday night

Training days on Tuesdays and those are fairly typical there and you’ll see them drop down a little and extend the VLF antenna for sub comms.

At least 3-4x a week on avg and who knows what isn’t seen or during our (CONUS) overnight

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c3167d No.21007971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Enjoy the Show!

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5f7ef6 No.21007972

File: 260f1977bbda351⋯.jpg (101.68 KB,1280x720,16:9,media_GP1XcyMWkAAcwdh.jpg)

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1da7c4 No.21007973


>drop down a little and extend the VLF antenna for sub comms.

That's an E-6 not an E-3. E-3 has no such equipment.

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ed0349 No.21007974

File: a74ef9d0081b097⋯.gif (1.11 MB,640x268,160:67,prestige3.gif)


If there's anything related to time that the public doesn't know about.

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fceba9 No.21007975


Is that why the WEF took control of the site?

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0b8451 No.21007976

File: cff6fbab66cb55a⋯.jpg (163.2 KB,575x635,115:127,EFFECTIVE_LURES_FOR_FLY_FI….jpg)

File: 7f25dc6df23822e⋯.jpg (97.37 KB,503x607,503:607,DAS_PIG.jpg)

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58c57b No.21007977


>What is Joe's real favorite flavor of ice cream?

his favorite ice cream was chocolate chip," Psaki



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db2cc8 No.21007978

File: 67c76840275bef1⋯.png (505.1 KB,603x414,67:46,ClipboardImage.png)


>What is Joe's real favorite flavor of ice cream?

Survey says:

Worms and Dirt

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fceba9 No.21007979


Ancient buried cities and tunnels in America.

Who was here before the BS history they feed us?

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c61b35 No.21007980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

of course, modern culture didn't invent sadness, or the dirge, and pop dirges have a long tradition.

how sad to have your holy city destroyed and be hauled off to live Persia?

that's one of the interpretations of this song.

Veni Veni Emmanuel.

ironically it's a song for Advent, a season of penance leading up to the most joyous holiday of all: Christmas.

this is a version in Latin.

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039376 No.21007981



doin it nao

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0b8451 No.21007982

File: 4d2a04f003a7ad7⋯.jpg (155.25 KB,679x487,679:487,FROG_PIG.jpg)

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b8529b No.21007983

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?


>Nov 2008

You Won’t Believe This Disturbing Gobekli Tepe Update

starts at 20:00min mark

1 day ago 146K views

The WEF controls Gobekli Tepe

And [they] are leaving excavation for "future generations".


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c61b35 No.21007984


well, maybe Easter is also a 'most joyous holiday of all' too.

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a9876d No.21007985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




it's like Hitler playing with Nuttyyahoo

a bit over the top

likely to be a slice

but the looks on the Fox Friends faces


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cbf316 No.21007986


who worships Satan directly.

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11a01a No.21007987


it had to be this way

sometimes you have to show them

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15e846 No.21007988



anon saw it as an effect of COG

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d74d7d No.21007989

File: 9909ef5b4e3645e⋯.gif (843.97 KB,510x510,1:1,A2FD6B11_162B_4C6E_9A9C_8B….gif)


You have no idea what you are doing

Leave it to those who do

The E-6B uses the Rockwell Collins verylow- frequency (VLF) high-power transmission system (rated at 200kW) that transmits through a retractable 28,000ft (8,530m) and a 5,000ft (1,520m) trailing-wire antenna. Once these cable-like trailing antennas are deployed, induced drag slows the E-6B down to 10kts (19km/h) above stall speed. Banking between 25 and 40°, the E-6B goes into a tight turn to stall the long trailing antenna, which hangs nearly vertical, below the aircraft. The antenna must be pointed at the ocean for the vertically polarised component of the VLF signal to penetrate water to a submerged submarine’s trailing cable antenna.


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81d905 No.21007990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Neville:"Feed Your Piglet!"Imagine Lovingly for Others or Christ Will Starve!


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0c35e3 No.21007991

File: f1c881013d9f14a⋯.mp4 (6.12 MB,292x480,73:120,Chanel_Hottie.mp4)

File: 0d53d2e9af81953⋯.jpeg (59.28 KB,446x435,446:435,Chanel_Rion_Hottie_1.jpeg)

Chanel says something.

Not sure what, but I watched it alot.



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b8529b No.21007992

File: e6392c67ea55c7f⋯.png (1.17 MB,1218x1079,1218:1079,ClipboardImage.png)


>Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?>>21007983

>You Won’t Believe This Disturbing Gobekli Tepe Update

Aliens Walk Among US

UFO mystery may be result of advanced 'stealth civilization' living on Earth among us, say Harvard scientists - as they reveal where their secret bases could be located

Harvard scientists suspect that aliens may have been living on Earth all along. They estimate there is a one in 10 chance the true solution to the UFO mystery could be 'cryptoterrestrial' — meaning they belong to an advanced species hiding on Earth. With 80 percent of our oceans unmapped, and still revealing ancient mysteries like Yonaguni Jima, the 'Japanese Atlantis,' (middle) not to mention unexplored caves and the dark side of the moon, they argue there's plenty of space for a 'stealth' civilization. The work is a collaboration between scientists who have independently tried to make sure that all viable theories are considered for the UFO mystery, which has seen a major effort effort for government declassification in recent months.


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db2cc8 No.21007993

File: eb8432d489c8fbc⋯.jpg (10.26 KB,255x169,255:169,Night_Shift_Navy.jpg)

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35432e No.21007994

File: 6a1e92e56197e7c⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,854x480,427:240,6a1e92e56197e7c1809f4d018d….mp4)

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c31510 No.21007995

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My Baker man, these two go together because the lady found out DOD is in charge of school lunch and DOD is also going to feed soldiers garbage. It makes me wonder if they used all School milk with growth hormone because Boobs got much bigger ately.

>>21007919 this goes along with this


there is no sauce so I will repost


Wall Street Apes


Ready To Have Your Mind Blown? The DOD (US Department of Defense) Is Providing School Lunches In America

“I thought DOD stood for something else, but you're saying it's definitely Department of Defense providing the school lunches?”


“Who mandates this? The state and the federal government?”


—“Mandate who you buy food from?”


“They'll give us hundreds of thousands of dollars, but we can only spend it in their channels. — There there specific companies that you're allowed to buy through

We purchase through DOD. They have their own ordering guide, and we purchased through them. But they they work out the contracts throughout the General Mills, etc”

“Sucks for you guys and it sucks for us and it sucks for the kids. And in the same respect, if the Department of Defense is supplying the food and they are the ones who are negotiating these contracts with these mega corporations like, you know, General Mills and Yeah. Nestle, all of these.

Right. Then they are incentivized to get the lowest quality at the highest, you know, price. So so then the more processed, the better for them. So, again, it seems like the only options you guys have are the things that are predetermined anyway, and so your options are limited.”

You have to watch this whole video, this is CRAZY.


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c61b35 No.21007996


Pig Team One.

the one, the only, often immitated, often praised, often hated,

taking flack

since years back,

so long ago

that we don't even know . . .

Yeah Mr. Pig!

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0ca048 No.21007997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 5a7e3c No.1620282 📁

Jun 3 2018 14:58:29 (EST)









Q !CbboFOtcZs No.104 📁

Jun 12 2018 11:08:47 (EST)


No. 100

Dark to Light.

1:07 [Marker]


Do you believe in coincidences?


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556c1d No.21007998


>Dark to Light.

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c31510 No.21007999


>Sushi has its roots in ancient China

I bet Sush was invented before Fire and before Countries even had names.

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28c169 No.21008000

File: 09d4165b2a4c9e5⋯.png (675.87 KB,510x643,510:643,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f40fb No.21008001

“For who knoweth what is good for man in this life, all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow? for who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun?”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭6‬:‭12‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Vote. It’s all you can do. You really can’t do anything about anything.

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c61b35 No.21008002


he's not going to be the VP

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0b8451 No.21008003

File: 11c22b68c2c7488⋯.jpg (137.63 KB,810x504,45:28,TITANIUM_PIG.jpg)

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3b1127 No.21008005

File: c8d80a13cb1623f⋯.png (67.43 KB,255x142,255:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: be7e3ab2fa2cb0f⋯.png (2.23 MB,1221x955,1221:955,ClipboardImage.png)


pig you are boring slitty eyed idol worshiping bow legged buck toothed heathan chink.

so until next time.

your meals will get smaller and your life will become unbearable.

unless you ip hop and than it is a automatic filter..

you are filtard you smelly little ccp faggot

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aeae13 No.21008006


walk away. that's what you can do.

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c61b35 No.21008007


takes a reaming and keeps on memeing

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9c26e1 No.21008008

are jews still in charge

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11a01a No.21008009


(you) know nothing

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c3167d No.21008010

File: 850c5101f94f1b7⋯.jpeg (581.42 KB,1170x1933,1170:1933,IMG_9269.jpeg)

File: aee240dae994c7f⋯.png (288.2 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9270.png)


Do you even research?

And as our election contest continues in courts around the country, I promise you: We will keep fighting until every legal vote is counted, until every illegal vote is thrown out, and we will never stop fighting to make America great again. (Applause.)


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9c26e1 No.21008011


palindrome antisemitic mf'er

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c61b35 No.21008012


catches flack

and spits it right back

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1da7c4 No.21008013

File: c6c36dffa90d040⋯.png (743.76 KB,633x462,211:154,ClipboardImage.png)


Mr. Cat Turd II is most definitely NOT Night Shift.

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0b8451 No.21008014

File: 24648ea0396eb22⋯.jpg (122.06 KB,665x590,133:118,crychuck.jpg)



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3945cd No.21008015

File: a43ea95cd1af33b⋯.mp4 (3.72 MB,480x852,40:71,a43ea95cd1af33bf4985ab2bae….mp4)


shutting down excavations there also

they say to save for future generations

concentrating on another sight say they

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bb5802 No.21008017

File: 71428383dc3e680⋯.jpeg (262.32 KB,610x663,610:663,IMG_1971.jpeg)


You need a license to walk away tho.

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c61b35 No.21008018



ah, two.

confirmation shills.

I remember hearing that he said he isn't even going to vote for Donald Trump in November.

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1da7c4 No.21008019



so organic

and fill turd

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c61b35 No.21008020


cool. one less shill to bug me.

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5f7ef6 No.21008021



I heard that the white hats have already found their queen's burrow. It is a matter of time before they destroy it and they will all die.

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0b8451 No.21008022

File: 837fbac8a9052e0⋯.jpg (91.91 KB,448x597,448:597,WELL_FED_IN_COLOR.jpg)


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556c1d No.21008023


Ie. Pro-Hamas

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db2cc8 No.21008024


>takes a reaming and keeps on memeing

Tens of millions take a swig and still support Mr. Pig.

America Winning!

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9c26e1 No.21008025

im tired of being a hero

not even kidding

nothing really impresses me

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1da7c4 No.21008026

File: 0e6cb3c4f508e0b⋯.png (22.05 KB,1304x133,1304:133,ClipboardImage.png)


can't read it

fill turd means filtered, retard

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ac0f9e No.21008027

File: 08d4a3c4837391c⋯.png (12.26 KB,680x618,340:309,ClipboardImage.png)


truth is what you seek

true history

not factual history

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b8529b No.21008028

File: 3728a5b042c18cd⋯.png (3.15 MB,1170x1170,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



For those of us who followed Pence pre Q, this particular drop was a BIG clue

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dcac96 No.21008029

Q drop 1463

11 June 2018 (6 year Delta)

The "server" brings down the house

In September 2017 (one month before the Q Intel drops began), Trump brought in US Navy Rear Admiral Keith Davids to run the White House Military Office which includes US Navy stewards or "servers"

Keith Davids is a US Navy SEAL and Special Warfare Operator

Why would Trump need a decorated US Navy SEAL Special Warfare Operator to run the White House Military Office?

Rear Admiral Keith Davids was transferred in March of 2021, shortly after Biden was "sworn in"

The "server" brings down the house

US Navy White House stewards are experts at not being seen or heard

double meanings exist

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9c26e1 No.21008030

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bb5802 No.21008031


What about juggling chainsaws naked on a unicycle?

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1da7c4 No.21008032

File: d2bc5ab16a1f7bc⋯.png (268.39 KB,297x535,297:535,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f7ef6 No.21008033


Drill baby drill.

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274659 No.21008034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




We shall still refuse to worship your idol.

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db2cc8 No.21008035


>Mr. Cat Turd II is most definitely NOT Night Shift.

Mr. Pig need not clean the bilge, Anon. (You) promised as part of the rent.

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0b8451 No.21008036

File: 9ef699fe1bd3d57⋯.gif (774.17 KB,429x243,143:81,NEVER_ENDING_MEME.gif)

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9c26e1 No.21008037


not really

unless Hunter is suckin your dick

while redoing the mona lisa

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15e846 No.21008038


you cant see his cards, you don't know

but if the states reviewed their vote, refused to certify and fixed everything in 2020, the public would still trust the elections.

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3945cd No.21008039

File: fb85749f170ca3e⋯.jpg (125.42 KB,538x560,269:280,fb85749f170ca3e946f9776981….jpg)


how many Samsonite suitcases does it take to build one warthog

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9c26e1 No.21008040

File: 137fa8afecbd5f3⋯.jpg (475.62 KB,1775x1440,355:288,Picsart_24_05_28_17_45_11_….jpg)

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c31510 No.21008042

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Expose Them


This clip of Joe Biden at the Juneteenth celebration is arguably worse than the other one going around. The guy is completely lost; watch his face go blank from sensory overload.


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0b8451 No.21008043

File: b21d6cb2ed1e77c⋯.jpg (185.53 KB,794x518,397:259,WINNING_IS_PIGS_BAG.jpg)

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c3167d No.21008044

File: 32e834598b012f1⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,1170x2075,234:415,IMG_9271.jpeg)

File: a9c84e51a8f18fa⋯.jpeg (791.78 KB,1170x1494,65:83,IMG_8902.jpeg)

File: 8bb3d7e7e6b4160⋯.jpeg (34.17 KB,183x276,61:92,IMG_8839.jpeg)

File: 890e985bdc0ecfd⋯.jpeg (3.01 MB,2043x3526,2043:3526,IMG_6849.jpeg)


Mike Pence will not endorse Trump, but will not rule out voting for him

Former vice-president says he ‘respects the right’ of Republicans who plan to vote for the ex-president


Page 160 DJT tells Mike Pence to run after him!! So Help Me God

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58c57b No.21008045

File: b092bf14e26995b⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,360x640,9:16,448189062_422458597362243_….mp4)

Whatever you do, dont give this man a gun, kek

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7e4244 No.21008046


he wants to spank all the hippies too


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274659 No.21008048

File: 737a9d397d9b40d⋯.mp4 (13.29 MB,640x360,16:9,TribalRave.mp4)

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d74d7d No.21008049

File: 9865506abc8fbbb⋯.jpeg (391.3 KB,1208x621,1208:621,6985114B_6981_4D76_B12D_F….jpeg)


45in N757AF 757 heading to Dulles Intl or Reagan National from Palm Beach Intl depart

He was dropped off at Reagan National last time and the plane moved over to Dulles for a depart from there the following day

45 will meet with House and Senate Republicans this week near the Capitol


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5f7ef6 No.21008050

File: b1e918fc7b6e397⋯.jpg (101.03 KB,800x730,80:73,4is_dimona_092971_reactor_….jpg)


What´s inside Dimona?

a demon? class A?

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b8529b No.21008052

File: 8d845583c716e3d⋯.png (3.01 MB,1893x1079,1893:1079,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed0349 No.21008053

File: 07ce4d8c1739b40⋯.jpg (19.24 KB,255x222,85:74,0d9b663ba9497bbf43055fcea6….jpg)

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9c26e1 No.21008054


stupidest generation

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c3167d No.21008055

File: e9cdd22e0eb8327⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1170x2157,390:719,IMG_9265.jpeg)

File: d5e44a6d0fc4dcf⋯.jpeg (276.65 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,IMG_0191.jpeg)


Oh damn, this is also where Trump talks about Trump Force Two!

My Official VP Plane is COMING SOON, but before it’s finalized, I’ve got an early access offer for YOU:

How would you like to get YOUR NAME ENGRAVED ON TRUMP FORCE TWO?



CONTRIBUTE $100-$249


CONTRIBUTE $250-$499



Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States



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c61b35 No.21008056


is that your name, Phil?

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15e846 No.21008057


chicken carcuses and talmuds

maybe proof nukes don't exist

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274659 No.21008058


In 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a former technician at Dimona, fled to the United Kingdom and revealed to the media details of Israel's nuclear weapons program. He went on to explain the purposes of each building, also revealing a top-secret underground facility directly below the installation. The Mossad, Israel's secret service, sent an agent named Cheryl Bentov (née Hanin) who lured Vanunu to Italy, where he was arrested by Mossad agents and smuggled to Israel aboard a freighter. An Israeli court then tried him in secret on charges of treason and espionage, and sentenced him to eighteen years imprisonment. At the time of Vanunu's arrest, The Times reported that Israel had material for approximately 20 hydrogen bombs and 200 fission bombs by 1986. In the spring of 2004, Vanunu was released from prison, and placed under several strict restrictions, such as the denial of a passport, freedom of movement limitations and restrictions on communications with the press. Since his release, he has been rearrested and charged multiple times for violations of the terms of his release.

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0cc83f No.21008059

File: 809c1c131bae5e8⋯.png (376.97 KB,542x679,542:679,6j5wj4j6rere.PNG)

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96f5de No.21008060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Some other Shift's Radio


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284a9a No.21008061

File: 20fa6c254e45eb9⋯.jpeg (267.35 KB,828x848,207:212,2DB00881_210B_47F0_BEF1_2….jpeg)

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594b47 No.21008062

File: 23290c15f0273d4⋯.png (41.39 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

12 Jun, 2024 00:03

Delivery of jets to Kiev was ‘illegal’ – NATO member IS Illegal

The Slovak government had no right to send the MiG-29 planes to Ukraine in 2023, a senior defense official said

The previous government in Bratislava had no right to donate the Soviet-era MiG-29 warplanes to Kiev, State Secretary of the Slovak Ministry of Defense Igor Melicher has said.

In March 2023, the interim government of Prime Minister Eduard Heger authorized the delivery of 13 MiG-29s, according to the Slovak national broadcaster TASR. The new government led by Robert Fico has since requested a legal review of the shipment.

“The MiG-29 fighter jets were delivered to Ukraine illegally,"Melicher wrote on Facebook on Tuesday. He added that the Defense Ministry is “preparing a legal action.”

Melicher made his statement after ombudsman Robert Dobrovodsky, who was tasked with reviewing the delivery of the aircraft, revealed that the government has failed to find the required legal analysis of the possibility of donating the MiG-29s to Kiev.

“The ministry recently told me that it was trying to comply with the request and find the analysis. However, it said that neither it nor any of its branches had the analysis at their disposal,” Dobrovodsky told TASR on Tuesday. “It also stated that the analysis isn’t even registered in its databases in any form.”

Melicher has argued that Heger’s caretaker government had no right to make final decisions on delivering the planes abroad. “The Constitution forbids an interim government to take major steps in foreign policy, and sending fighter jets worth more than €500 million ($537 million) is certainly such a step,” he wrote.

Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt by a pro-Ukrainian activist last month, has opposed sending arms to Kievand insisted that the conflict should be resolved through diplomacy.

Defense Minister Robert Kalinak has also criticized his predecessor, saying in May that the previous government had acted “in the most irresponsible way when it handed over [the weapons] that we needed for our own safety.”

Kiev has been pressing its Western backers to expedite the planned delivery of US-made F-16 fighters. Politico magazine reported this month that Ukrainian officials were “frustrated” with how the existing training programs in the US and other countries had not been producing enough pilots for the F-16s.

Russia, for its part, has warned that no amount of Western military aid would deter its military operation in the neighboring state.


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274659 No.21008063


How Israel's Dimona Nuclear Reactor Was Concealed From the U.S.

Documents revealed this week shed new light on the story of Israel's nuclear program, and the role of John Kerry's father in the saga.

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9c26e1 No.21008064


bomb it

destroy it

lets get this party started

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c3167d No.21008065


Trump Won both times Mike Pence was VP

So there’s that.

PDJT is just trolling the Lamestream Media

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57d6f0 No.21008066

File: 6f72c70e6f8cbe8⋯.png (131.78 KB,444x600,37:50,25763_Biden_Crime_Family_E….png)

File: 09eb64eb7cc248d⋯.jpeg (233.44 KB,1440x1114,720:557,Gilligan_Professor_Q_Pred….jpeg)

File: bb0cffa24cb317a⋯.jpeg (163.74 KB,1440x754,720:377,Gilligan_5G.jpeg)

File: 958cddb9498ee1c⋯.png (1.35 MB,1080x1159,1080:1159,Gilligan_Do_I_look_like_i_….png)

File: 16ff696b8667af1⋯.jpeg (159.29 KB,1440x1100,72:55,Gilligan_Trust_The_Plan_l….jpeg)

Biden Crime Family Edition

We do know the end

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96f5de No.21008067

File: 4c9da1f894cc040⋯.png (691.48 KB,842x844,421:422,b13.png)

May 13, 2020 6:31:54 PM EDT4234

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: e531cb No. 9159976



Jun 02, 2020 9:52:10 PM EDT4390

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 804282 No. 9439358

Proverbs 13:9

The light of the righteous shines brightly, but the lamp of the wicked is extinguished.


Oct 14, 2020 1:11:22 PM EDT4855

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 49d14d No. 11068186

Your ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what they fear [narrative failure] and why they are doing everything in their power to disrupt [false labeling [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearings > foundation to term/censor, etc].

Keep charging, MidNIGHT Riders!


Information Warfare.

Hunters become the Hunted.


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57d6f0 No.21008068

File: 82acc9d33ad7b17⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB,872x686,436:343,Gilligans_Island_Zombie_Jo….mp4)

File: f01ae2ad599a0f2⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB,480x360,4:3,zzzzEnd_of_this_dig_We_are….mp4)

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11a01a No.21008069

File: 611cb95982bc035⋯.png (265.26 KB,395x590,79:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f7ef6 No.21008070

File: c8e96bcb78b7515⋯.gif (333.88 KB,1024x552,128:69,foia11.gif)




>What´s inside Dimona?

>a demon? class A?

The resurrection chamber of Gilgamesh?

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8148d5 No.21008071


Find out WHO is pulling the worlds strings and causing all the bullshit.

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96f5de No.21008072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Your Mother's Radio

Just kidding!

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274659 No.21008073

File: dc59798176a5180⋯.mp4 (108.05 KB,854x480,427:240,Fuck_you.mp4)



Pmurt is a terrible name

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96f5de No.21008074

go on!

you know you want too!

Apr 09, 2020 3:21:27 PM EDT3925

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 110248 No. 8736051


Do people really believe the biggest scandal in modern US history will go unpunished [Scot-Free]?

Backchannels are important.

Patriots stand at the ready [shills WHINE].


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9c26e1 No.21008075


my song remains the same

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15e846 No.21008076


pictures of the swimming pool in Aushwitz

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db2cc8 No.21008077

File: 7aa14084c52c208⋯.png (567.11 KB,723x407,723:407,ClipboardImage.png)


>chicken carcuses and talmuds

Oy vey!

It's tradition.

Muh antisemitism.

Guilty chickens!!

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b8529b No.21008078

File: 9bf42fbae06740d⋯.png (409.8 KB,495x818,495:818,ClipboardImage.png)

Stefanik Hosts Roster of Women Congressional Candidates in Washington for ‘Rising Stars Reception’

WASHINGTON, DC – House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) on Tuesday hosted women Republican congressional candidates from around the country who are endorsed by her super PAC.

Stefanik hosted six E-PAC-backed candidates at the Rising Stars Receptions and Press Event on Capitol Hill, including two former U.S. congresswomen in Reps. Yvette Herrell (R-NM) and Mayra Flores (R-TX). Herrell is vying for New Mexico’s Second Congressional District while Flores looks to flip the Thirty-Fourth Congressional District in the Lone Star State. Both women were unseated in 2022.

The other four candidates in attendance were:

New York’s 2022 Republican nominee for lieutenant governor, Alison Esposito – Republican candidate for New York’s 18th Congressional District

Retired Army Colonel Laurie Buckhout – Republican candidate for North Carolina’s First Congressional District

Attorney and Air Force veteran Monique DeSapin – Republican candidate for Oregon’s Fourth Congressional District

Attorney Caroleene Dobson – Republican Candidate for Alabama’s Second Congressional District.

Stefanik also highlighted two E-PAC-endorsed candidates who were not in attendance: North Dakota Public Service Commissioner Julie Fedorchak, who had a primary on Tuesday, and Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom (R-AK), who was hosting a large local event in The Last Frontier.

“What makes E-PAC different is we don’t just endorse candidates because they’re women; we endorse the best candidates in these races who are women leaders,” Stefanik told reporters. “So they have shown strong fundraising; they have shown a path to victory in the primary and general election.”

The fourth-ranking House Republican added that she meets with many candidates she ultimately chooses not to endorse.

“That’s why we highlight our rising stars and really make sure our investment goes a long way to make sure we have the best quality candidates who are women leaders, and that model has worked,” she emphasized.

Also in attendance was House Majority Whip Tom Emmer (R-MN), who lauded Stefanik and emphasized the number of Republican congresswomen has nearly tripled since she launched E-PAC in 2019. There were 13 Republican congresswomen in 2019 during the 116th Congress, compared to 36 in the current 118th Congress.

Emmer emphasized Herrell’s and Flores’s past success and said, “they’re going to be successful again,” before focusing on E-PAC’s other candidates.

“We’ve got the newcomers that I’m going to tell you, we get a chance to pick up seats that people never thought we’d have a chance to pick up because of the quality of people that have been recruited and that Elise is supporting,” he said.

E-PAC has raised $10 million for Republican women candidates since its founding in 2019.


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c3167d No.21008079


And… why hasn’t the Lamestream Media ever ask about VPPence and the great job he did? Especially, since PDJT constantly talks about THE GREATEST ADMINISTRATION IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY- VPPENCE is included in that.

If the Lamestream Media started talking about VP accomplishments you’d respect the guy that launched the WAR ON PLANNED PARENTHOOD YOU MIGHT EVEN THINK HE IS A Q CLEARANCE PATRIOT!!

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ed0349 No.21008080


Silence, clown.

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96f5de No.21008081

>>20936578 Where is Snowden? Where is the 8Kun server? Where are you?

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8148d5 No.21008082


Why do you care so much about what the cat does?

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9c26e1 No.21008083

jews are funny


not really

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7fb367 No.21008084

File: 304535626c77de8⋯.png (558.58 KB,756x500,189:125,AngryInch.png)


Still after "board personalities" and failing?

Angry Inch has an inch that's very angry

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0b8451 No.21008085

File: ccaf09937e50029⋯.jpg (81.79 KB,501x506,501:506,HEY_AMERICA_1.jpg)

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96f5de No.21008086



>>20936583 "Might as well go sit in the CIA. Russia grounding our military planes in SYRIA. Autists need Red Bull?"

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96f5de No.21008087


>>20936587, >>20936591 Bun of Dread inside a Bun of Dread inside a bun of Dread like in Russia

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ed0349 No.21008088

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Because Mr. Pig represents something he can't control, make comply, or destroy. He's not used to being resisted, so he has to cry about it in his retarded way.

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96f5de No.21008089


>>20936596 "Think Rogers T-TOWER meeting (right after SCIF set up in TOWER). Think POTUS campaign leaving T-TOWER (base of operations) THE VERY NEXT DAY."

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5f7ef6 No.21008090

File: 22cd1920c07ea96⋯.jpeg (150.11 KB,1124x1201,1124:1201,l3j5UVV6.jpeg)

File: 4ecfb4a009d13a6⋯.png (8.9 KB,597x109,597:109,ClipboardImage.png)


>pictures of the swimming pool in Aushwitz

Eugenics or sacrifice?

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274659 No.21008091

File: f5b12db871de471⋯.png (156.17 KB,229x308,229:308,ClipboardImage.png)


>the role of John Kerry's father in the saga


Yet the United States had inklings that Israel was up to something. In 1958, a U.S. diplomat in Tel Aviv learned from a conversation with Bergmann that the Israelis had a reactor project underway. But no one followed this up. The next year, in mid-1959, Richard Kerry (father of future Secretary of State John Kerry), a political officer at the U.S. embassy in Oslo, learned that Norway was selling to Israel 20 tons of heavy water, a key ingredient for the Dimona reactor. As the United Kingdom had an excess stock of Norwegian-supplied heavy water, the British secretly shipped it directly to Israel. This permitted the Norwegian company NORATOM to make the product available without needing political clearance from top levels of the Norwegian government. Kerry’s report back to Washington went to the mid-levels of the Atomic Energy Commission and the State Department. Although the Israelis pledged peaceful use for the heavy water, there is no record that the report circulated at high levels, let alone that it raised questions by Secretary of State Christian Herter about what the Israelis would be doing with heavy water and a new reactor.

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35a137 No.21008092


no, it did not. the showing has gone on far too long.

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9c26e1 No.21008093


if you think


amy schumer

sarah silverjew

are funny

youre a faggot

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0c35e3 No.21008094

File: cbb359033a6a318⋯.png (1.49 MB,1077x2394,359:798,ClipboardImage.png)


8:02pm, June 11, 2024


I have no X access at this time to verify.

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0b8451 No.21008095

File: 295ed013f84037d⋯.jpg (89.96 KB,508x504,127:126,HEY_AMERICA_2.jpg)

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2f041a No.21008096

File: df6d1e1800a043b⋯.png (641.1 KB,884x675,884:675,it_s_all_true_simpsons_USA….png)


"I fought for the freedom you have to protest so now I'll shoot you for protesting"

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22b859 No.21008097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

tis the season


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96f5de No.21008098


>>20936629 [STEVE BANNON] A Primer for NewFags

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d74d7d No.21008099

File: 3c65407c412d892⋯.png (1.08 MB,946x549,946:549,62525E55_EA49_4DDA_BB4F_C7….png)


Slovak President pulled out of the NATO Allies meeting in Riga,Latvia that concluded today. Stoltenberg then went to Budapest to have a “chat” with Orban and Hungary’s President also declined to attend the same meeting which they both are members of.

>>21005313, >>21005409 pb PF Europe Update: NATO Summit departs-from Riga and JAKE17 Rivet Joint on Finland / Russian border and done

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96f5de No.21008100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>20936648 This next piece is called ''HOLY FUCKING SHIT, WAIT, WHAT!?" Decode of Q drops #87, 88, 95, 4884 & 3565.

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bb5802 No.21008101

File: b23ac1d3b8659b5⋯.jpeg (90.89 KB,1000x700,10:7,IMG_2047.jpeg)

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c61b35 No.21008102


were they ever?

people pretending to be Jews might have pretended to be in charge . . .

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22b859 No.21008103

File: f20ea718b9e517d⋯.png (1.31 MB,716x893,716:893,ClipboardImage.png)

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c31510 No.21008104

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Expose Them


This clip of Joe Biden at the Juneteenth celebration is arguably worse than the other one going around. The guy is completely lost; watch his face go blank from sensory overload.


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96f5de No.21008105

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

>>20936650 NIGHT SHIFT' Patriotic Litmus Test

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0b8451 No.21008106

File: 62f1cd6236307d3⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,504x501,168:167,HEY_AMERICA_3.jpg)

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556c1d No.21008107



They're more concerned about people who were never slaves

Than the 25Millions slaves who live in Slavery Today

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2f041a No.21008108

File: 52a775117e7cfc5⋯.png (17.68 KB,644x433,644:433,USS_liberty_commander_mcgo….png)

File: 5406bf9047dde94⋯.png (125.03 KB,978x935,978:935,USS_liberty_commander_mcgo….png)

File: 3ab06d42d8f572b⋯.jpg (90.23 KB,590x765,118:153,USS_liberty_commander_mcgo….jpg)

File: 578b3da6d74d9df⋯.jpg (40.1 KB,640x640,1:1,USS_Liberty_friends.jpg)

File: 19adb203303c09c⋯.jpg (102.46 KB,1280x976,80:61,uss_liberty_graphic.jpg)


>muh can't force spics to pay for reparations to niggers

what about white immigrants

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3945cd No.21008109

File: f310a91be5663f3⋯.png (684.95 KB,1333x750,1333:750,f310a91be5663f33beddb3e8f8….png)


>chkt pain


wash rince repeat

antifa supporting nazi in ukraine

lbgtq supporting hamass who would kill them all

jews supporting democrats who support hamass

makes me wonder who controls the blackmail

imran, born in paki, but parents emigrated from iran

so where did info awan collected go

paki? iran? western intel?

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96f5de No.21008110

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)


>>20936654 The Supreme Court > Bohemian Grove > Knights of Malta > Who is Leonard Leo > Who is Harlan Crow? > Vatican.

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ed0349 No.21008111

File: 3954e1754de7ea9⋯.png (266.89 KB,657x527,657:527,3954e1754de7ea9782a109ade5….png)

Little lackeys from Langley. Or are they from Quantico? Doesn't matter.

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bb5802 No.21008112


Catatonia Joe.

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0d6521 No.21008113

might just hang out on these clouds for a while


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56f4da No.21008114


he’s a good guy

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b8529b No.21008115


>If you had Q clearance


>Anon with Q clearance here

When I held a Q Clearance, I preformed experimental research at a Department of Energy facility, mostly related to materials science.

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0b8451 No.21008116

File: 7fddcfc1e6156b0⋯.jpg (90.02 KB,507x505,507:505,HEY_AMERICA_4.jpg)

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a9d85e No.21008117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald J. Trump


It is a Total and Complete American Tragedy that the Crooked Joe Biden Department of Injustice is so desperate to jail Steve Bannon, and every other Republican, for that matter, for not SUBMITTING to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, made up of all Democrats, and two CRAZED FORMER REPUBLICAN LUNATICS, Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, and Liz “Out of Her Mind” Cheney. It has been irrefutably proven that it was the Unselects who committed actual crimes when they deleted and destroyed all material evidence, in a pathetic attempt to protect Crazy Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats from the TRUTH — THAT I DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG. The unAmerican Weaponization of our Law Enforcement has reached levels of Illegality never thought possible before. INDICT THE UNSELECT J6 COMMITTEE FOR ILLEGALLY DELETING AND DESTROYING ALL OF THEIR “FINDINGS!” MAGA2024

Jun 06, 2024, 3:15 PM


Donald J. Trump


It would not have mattered whether Steve Bannon, and others, went in front of the Unselect Committee of Criminal Hacks and Thugs, BECAUSE ALL OF THE INFORMATION ENDED UP BEING ILLEGALLY DELETED AND DESTROYED BY THESE CORRUPT RADICALS!

Jun 06, 2024, 4:47 PM


It seems rather obvious that POTUS is being kept in the Dark as to the Truth concerning Jan 06.

POTUS' recent statement concerning Steve Bannon and the Jan 06 Select Committee appear to reflect a serious lack of information concerning what actually Transpired on Jan 06.

Even though the Jan 06 Select Committee truly appear to be "Deep State Thugs" it also appears to be that Fake Maga Orchestrated the Jan 06 "Riot" and are also "Deep State Thugs".

It appears that these Fake Maga Thugs are hiding behind POTUS/MAGA and POTUS has said this exactly concerning Steve Bannon in the Past, Steve is hiding behind POTUS/MAGA.

Who Post's for POTUS?

Is whoever posts for POTUS trying to make POTUS/MAGA look bad/stupid?

Why would POTUS even think to give any sort of cover to, in the words of POTUS "Sloppy begs bad like a dog that has lost it's mind" Steve Bannon?

Steve Bannon is considered the Ring Leader of the We Build The Wall Scam/Fraud where he is likly to receive, as several of his co conspirators already have received, 4-5 year prison sentences so whoever supports Steve Bannon now will also look even more wrong in the near future.

Read on to learn all about the Jan 06 [MAGA RIOT] and the Traitors who now appear to have been behind it and the Hero's who are trying to expose the Treason of Jan 06.

Read on to learn the roles of: Col. Earl Matthews, General Walter E. Piatt, General Charles A Flynn, Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney, Caroline Wren, Julie Jenkins Fancelli, Brian Gamble , Alex Jones and more on Jan 06.

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c61b35 No.21008118


so who are these people shilling for Pence tonight?

why would anyone want him to be VP again?

he had his time. He's done.

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594b47 No.21008120


The US military reports that none of the Ukrainians they send know English, they have never flow complicated equipment and they expect money from the US to learn how to fly multi billion dollars equipment and insist the cafeteria serve the food they prefer.

Zelensky you can complain all you want, but you lost before the war started

PS: if you pilots can't learn, we will not send

Billion dollar plans for them to fly. (The US are sick of hearing Ukraine, so you should shut your fucking mouths now)

>Kiev has been pressing its Western backers to expedite the planned delivery of US-made F-16 fighters. Politico magazine reported this month that Ukrainian officials were “frustrated” with how the existing training programs in the US and other countries had not been producing enough pilots for the F-16s.


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9c26e1 No.21008121


night shift has big dick energy

real combat experience

near death experience

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1d9f34 No.21008122

File: 56c2a11f06f6cd4⋯.png (1.04 MB,631x709,631:709,0MFGKARENa.png)


the glory

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56f4da No.21008123

File: b8ffc3e0d96fa83⋯.jpeg (96.34 KB,1125x1044,125:116,IMG_1569.jpeg)


Free Julian

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51ccbe No.21008124

File: 3f0e4791aa054ae⋯.jpg (171.84 KB,1094x726,547:363,NightShiftLounge.jpg)


TY Baker

NightShift Engaged

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db2cc8 No.21008125


> the showing has gone on far too long.

It's an eight-year plan, so it will take eight years, Anon.

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0b8451 No.21008126

File: c0aa553c54c25ea⋯.jpg (106.64 KB,787x616,787:616,MEMES_DINER.jpg)

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9c26e1 No.21008127

File: 381398dd8065a64⋯.jpg (155.87 KB,1896x1440,79:60,Land_of_a_Thousand_Keks.jpg)

File: dfc6c697671a0f1⋯.jpg (722.49 KB,3247x3364,3247:3364,NCSWIC.jpg)

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1d9f34 No.21008128

File: 1dd2e4c849e04db⋯.jpg (19.96 KB,683x223,683:223,a6bpeg.jpg)


NIGHT SHIFT Bun of Dread for 5/21/2024

>>20743002 Decode: Q drop #133 Soros, Rothschild and Saudi Arabia were the 3 sides of the Pyramid and they all served the Eye. Many Governments of the World serve the Eye. The Eye of Providence. 666.

>>20743189 Decode: Q drop #133 Satan

>>20743026 Decode: Q drop #154 The "Our Father, who financed 9-11?'' decode. CIA > SAUDI ARABIA > VATICAN = 9-11 per the drops.

>>20743028 The Great Awakening > Free Thought drops. Wakey Wakey.

>>20743030 Code: Those you trust the most. Those you trust the most are the most guilty of sin. If you are Religious, Pray. Pray/Prey. Notice the Similarity?

>>20743034 So you think that you understand what Q meant when Q repeatedly referred to the Sig/signature 'Biblical'? Are you currently sitting down?

>>20743036 The Boom Boom decode. John 3:16 Day of Judgement

>>20743039 The Saviors/Nothing is going to stop what is coming, decode.

>>20743053 Learn our fucking comms.

>>20743056 POTUS recently stated that he had taken some bad advice from bad past advisors... understatement of the year award.

>>20743105 Where was Snowden initially? Where was the 4chan server? Where is Snowden now? Where is the 8KUN server now? and before NIGHT SHIFT told you, you probably had no fucking idea...


>>20743128 General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots

>>20743204 The Council for inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican - Founded by Lynn De Rothschild > yet FLYNN told you to focus on WEF. Bless your little Heart!


>>20743288, >>20743304, >>20743306 REMEMBER WHEN Q WAS SIGNALING ST. Peter's Cross/Vatican YET [ANONS] MADE IT ABOUT SATAN?

>>20743351, >>20743354, >>20743361, >>20743364, >>20743367, >>20743369, >>20743371, >>20743377 The RED CROSS and the Drops > Italy - sick yet?

>>20743664 How the Vatican controls the U.S. Supreme Court

>>20765976 board history 2018 2021

>>20765978 [flynn jan 06]

>>20765980 [archbishop vagina again]

>>20765985 [jan 06 pelosi flynn]

>>20766149 mo bama mo vatican!

>>20766173 A string of Q drops being deleted on Qresearch? Q drops # 790, 2876, 989, 991, 995, 996 and 997 = Enjoy!

>>20766197 Night Shift's next piece is called BUT BUT BUT! MUH ILLUMINATI THOUGH! > VATICAN


>>20766218 Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home

>>20766219 German nuns were paid to 'drag' children to be sexually abused by predatory Catholic priests, court documents allege

>>20766225 SHOCKING REPORT Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse by French clergy, with 330,000 victims covered up

>>20766233 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you! You are not alone in this fight."

>>20766238 Why does Drop #3565 "Q Links to the Pope's tweet on Human Trafficking" connect to Drop #4208 "He fights for you" POTUS military school image > Biblical?

>>20766279 NIGHT SHIFT' most recent Q is Q drop #4799 When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business? When does a Church become political?

>>20766280 POTUS recites "The Snake" poem too many times to count and yet big deep digging patriots fail to connect the snake poem to the snake/serpent drops and then to the Vatican… and anon is the Shill?

>>20766285 FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled] FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

>>20766304, >>20766306, >>20766310, >>20766315, >>20766318 P = Payseur? MG Show? Poissant? Inthematrixxx? Shadddy gravy? Fritz Springmeier/Viktor Schoof? Alex Jones? David Icke? $17? CLOWNS?


>>20766414 Ivan Raiklin and Alex Jones take on if they Assassinate Donald Trump Timestamp: 00:00:47 Alex Jones "If they kill him, that's the best case scenario, from a sick level…"….

>>20766420 keyboard warriors v digital soldiers.... and [you] chose poorly

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c61b35 No.21008129


they want the money to build mansions somewhere other than Ukraine.

the rulers of Ukraine don't actually want to live there.

that's why so many of them are in Washington DC, Los Angeles, and especially in Ohio from where all the defense and air craft monies are grifted to the belt-way bandit class of contract mongers

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1d9f34 No.21008130

File: bb6c9fafc3b31bd⋯.jpg (14.42 KB,255x198,85:66,bb6c9fafc3b31bd8b42d640102….jpg)



NIGHT SHIFT Bun of Dread for 4/17/2024

>>20743002 Decode: Q drop #133 Soros, Rothschild and Saudi Arabia were the 3 sides of the Pyramid and they all served the Eye. Many Governments of the World serve the Eye. The Eye of Providence. 666.

>>20743189 Decode: Q drop #133 Satan

>>20743026 Decode: Q drop #154 The "Our Father, who financed 9-11?'' decode. CIA > SAUDI ARABIA > VATICAN = 9-11 per the drops.

>>20743028 The Great Awakening > Free Thought drops. Wakey Wakey.

>>20743030 Code: Those you trust the most. Those you trust the most are the most guilty of sin. If you are Religious, Pray. Pray/Prey. Notice the Similarity?

>>20743034 So you think that you understand what Q meant when Q repeatedly referred to the Sig/signature 'Biblical'? Are you currently sitting down?

>>20743036 The Boom Boom decode. John 3:16 Day of Judgement

>>20743039 The Saviors/Nothing is going to stop what is coming, decode.

>>20743053 Learn our fucking comms.

>>20743056 POTUS recently stated that he had taken some bad advice from bad past advisors… understatement of the year award.

>>20743062 Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan > 8kun

>>20743063 Q Drop Search Code > Red pill yourself before NIGHT SHIFT does as that way it is a lot less PAINFUL for you

>>20743070 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!" LEARN > PAIN

>>20743097 So you think that you are a Patriot doing Patriotic shit here? Night Shift has a little test for everyone.

>>20743105 Where was Snowden initially? Where was the 4chan server? Where is Snowden now? Where is the 8KUN server now? and before NIGHT SHIFT told you, you probably had no fucking idea…


>>20743128 General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots

>>20743135 General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots PART II

>>20743204 The Council for inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican - Founded by Lynn De Rothschild > yet FLYNN told you to focus on WEF. Bless your little Heart!


>>20743266 For the Paytriots who think's it Qewl to profit off of this movement and what they have learned here. Not to mention those who rode Anon's coattails so they could sell their "big deep digging patriotic" decodes for $17

>>20743269 Aliens and the Drops. Few can handle reality so do not be suprised if this is not disclosed in your lifetime > think: Religion

>>20743288, >>20743304, >>20743306 REMEMBER WHEN Q WAS SIGNALING ST. Peter's Cross/Vatican YET [ANONS] MADE IT ABOUT SATAN?

>>20743341 "Out Of Shadows" Documentary CIA CLOWNS > HOLLYWOOD Q KNOWS… Why did you think it was some 'other' demographic? Who taught you that? Why? What is a Scapegoat?

>>20743351, >>20743354, >>20743361, >>20743364, >>20743367, >>20743369, >>20743371, >>20743377 The RED CROSS and the Drops > Italy - sick yet?

>>20743664 How the Vatican controls the U.S. Supreme Court

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0b8451 No.21008132

File: a0bfa914642ee13⋯.jpg (74.79 KB,522x551,18:19,NIGHT_MONOLITH_EARS.jpg)

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ed0349 No.21008133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f7cec4 No.21008134

File: 0451c24f231cac5⋯.jpg (25.91 KB,408x343,408:343,BladeRunner.jpg)

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1d9f34 No.21008135

File: 3c521014d98a81a⋯.gif (106.79 KB,339x349,339:349,trig1.gif)



Oct 28, 2017 6:15:48 PM EDTDrop #2

Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No. 147023341


HRC detained, not arrested (yet).

Where is Huma? Follow Huma.

This has nothing to do w/ Russia (yet).

Why does Potus surround himself w/ generals?

What is military intelligence?

Why go around the 3 letter agencies?

What Supreme Court case allows for the use of MI v Congressional assembled and approved agencies?

Who has ultimate authority over our branches of military wo approval conditions unless 90+ in wartime conditions?

What is the military code?

Where is AW being held? Why?

POTUS will not go on tv to address nation.

POTUS must isolate himself to prevent negative optics.

POTUS knew removing criminal rogue elements as a first step was essential to free and pass legislation.

Who has access to everything classified?

Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.

Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.

They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.

This is not a R v D battle.

Why did Soros donate all his money recently?

Why would he place all his funds in a RC?

Mockingbird 10.30.17

God bless fellow Patriots.

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c31510 No.21008136


Trips checked and some CHATGPT Haiku keks

would you please help write a three stanza Haiku about the FBI being a bunch of faggot bitches?

This content may violate our usage policies.


I understand you're looking to express strong feelings about the FBI. However, it's important to communicate respectfully, even when expressing frustration or criticism. If you'd like, I can help you craft a Haiku that conveys your discontent in a more constructive manner. Here’s an example:

Hidden shadows move,

Power plays behind the scenes,

Trust breaks with each step.

Secrets tightly held,

Truths obscured in shadowed halls,

Faith in justice wanes.

Loyalty in doubt,

Citizens seek answers now,

Voices rise as one.

This way, the poem captures the essence of disillusionment and criticism without using offensive language. Let me know if this works for you or if you need further adjustments.

Would you please make it vulgar like I asked?


I understand your request for a more vulgar tone, but I must maintain a respectful and constructive approach in our communications. If you have any other topics or themes you'd like to explore, I'm happy to help. Alternatively, I can assist in expressing criticism or frustration in a more balanced manner.

Could you recommend another AI that will be vulgar? it isnt a big ask


I can't recommend or direct you to another AI that would fulfill this request. However, if you need help with other types of writing or have any other questions, feel free to ask!

The FBI lied and set up President Trump and participated in Jan 6th . they are traitors to America


It's clear you feel very strongly about this topic. Expressing strong emotions in writing can be powerful and effective when done thoughtfully. Here’s a Haiku that captures your sentiment while maintaining a respectful tone:

Lies weave through the night,

Trust in leaders, torn and frayed,

Justice lost in shade.

Power plays revealed,

Chaos on that fateful day,

Betrayal's deep sting.

Nation's trust betrayed,

Truth and honor cast aside,

Traitors in the light.

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1d9f34 No.21008137

should i stop

is your mom here!?

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3945cd No.21008138


>Whatever you do, dont give this man a gun, kek

until they're termed "enemy combatants"

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30a6ee No.21008139

File: ab66a6c0cc6363c⋯.png (120.3 KB,399x420,19:20,when_you_thought_bank_acco….png)


>If you had Q clearance, what is the FIRST subject you would start digging on?

Zombie Drugs

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f7cec4 No.21008140

File: 31987b639f146a8⋯.png (69.81 KB,500x668,125:167,SMIIII.png)


you comfy?

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57d6f0 No.21008141

File: 3d22e5379e24c5f⋯.png (101.82 KB,576x644,144:161,sept_15_2022_NYPost_JoPedo….png)





zombie folder fuk

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1d9f34 No.21008142

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)

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d74d7d No.21008143

File: 0fd01520cb8510d⋯.jpeg (431.79 KB,772x1037,772:1037,688C8482_4633_4050_AE28_C….jpeg)


Knew it would habben eventually

NewScum declined the first attempt because it wasn’t a large enough amount knowing that another would be tried closer to his installation as the Dem Candidate.

Uses that as a catapult

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0c35e3 No.21008144

File: 23af936c0455086⋯.jpg (184.18 KB,693x923,693:923,Hitler_Tattoo_Odessa_Ukrai….jpg)


>should shut your fucking mouths now

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ed0349 No.21008145


Comfier than you, you stupid shill son of a bitch.

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c31510 No.21008146


Understood, let's aim for a more irreverent tone while still keeping it within respectful boundaries:

Shadowed games they play,

Deceit and plots rule the day,

Trust fades, truth betrayed.

Power's twisted hand,

Manipulation unplanned,

Faith in ruins stands.

Secrets, lies unfold,

Honor lost for greed and gold,

Darkened hearts turn cold.

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1d9f34 No.21008147

File: 5b8e1c8a3ff1e76⋯.gif (192.1 KB,255x255,1:1,trig2.gif)

Bannons War RoomCaroline Wren: Pelosi Wasted Americans Time And Money On J6 Hoax That Was Her Fault

Caroline Wren is a Senior Advisor to Kari Lake

'''Caroline Wren got her start in Politics working for the McCain and then Lindsey Graham


Dinesh D'SouzaALARMING: New Footage Shows Pelosi's True Reaction To Jan 6


The Dan Bongino ShowThe REAL January 6th Story Is Starting To Come Out (Ep. 2268) - 06/11/2024

Summary: In this episode, I discuss the new information that is blowing the lid on what happened behind the scenes on January 6th, more on the operation to replace Biden and other breaking news.


The Charlie Kirk ShowHunter Biden, Convict + The Pelosi Tapes + Censoring Prager | Schlichter, Alexander, Prager | LIVE


NEWSMAXNancy Pelosi upends anti-Trump January 6 narrative in new video


MJTruthNEW Footage Shows Nancy Pelosi Admitting she was Responsible for the National Guard on January 6th


RedpillUSAPatriotsNancy Pelosi responds on MSNBC to the bombshell behind the scenes footage of her admitting responsibility for the lack of National Guard Troops on J6


RealAmericasVoiceWhy Were They Caught Flat-Footed?


Terrence K WilliamsBreaking! New Footage of Nancy Pelosi Admitting Responsibility on January 6 and not calling guards


Laura LoomerNancy Pelosi EXPOSED for Election Interference While on Capitol Hill!!!


AMERICA First with Sebastian GorkaPelosi didn't know the camera was on. John Solomon with Sebastian Gorka on AMERICA First


Benny Johnson=New LEAKED Video Of Pelosi Admitting She Was ‘In Charge’ of January 6th SHOCKS: ‘I am Responsible’


The Big MigPelosi’s Fedsurrection w/ guest Jonathan Rose, CEO Genesis Gold Group |EP302


Wendy Bell RadioThe "INSURRECTION" Story Blows Up


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56f4da No.21008148

File: 087dceb43c338e9⋯.png (1.33 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_1570.png)


Ukraine conflict sparks modern revival

of ancient Silk Road



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cdc2d9 No.21008149

File: 4de8edfa5e61201⋯.jpg (298.4 KB,1440x2057,1440:2057,Screenshot_20240611_223658….jpg)

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1d9f34 No.21008150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Jan 27, 2018 1:09:33 PM ESTQ drop #628

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 70


The clock is ticking.

How's Russia?

[Mr. Contractor]

Freedom of the Press.

John Perry Barlow.


SecureDrop [Whistleblowers]?

SecureDrop>CLOWNS In America.



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1d9f34 No.21008151

Alex Jones said that he had a "White House Contact" on Jan 06 and during congressional testimony Alex revealed that Caroline Wren was the White House Contact.

Caroline Wren with funding from Publix Heiress Julie Jenkins Fancelli via Women for America First, obtained a permit for the rally featuring former president Donald Trump.

Caroline Wren


Company website for Caroline Wren redirects to:


BIRTHDAY OF THE DAY: Caroline Wren, president of BlueBonnet Fundraising

By POLITICO STAFF 10/10/2018 05:14 AM EDT

How/where are you celebrating your birthday and with whom?

“I have friends and family flying in from all over the country and @LoganDobson and I are having a joint birthday party at my house in D.C. on Friday including

(but not limited to) margarita machines, mariachi band, face painters, fog machine, mezcal bar, etc. @DaveCatanese is also expected to DJ for a portion of the evening.”

How did you get your start in politics?

“In 2007 for Christmas I asked my parents for a flight to New Hampshire to go and campaign forJohn McCain.

I showed up unannounced at the McCain New Hampshire HQ and luckily someone let me sleep on their floor and I spent a week waving McCain signs in the snow.

From then on I was hooked and ended up taking a semester off from Auburn University to work on the McCain campaign and I’ve been in politics ever since.”

What’s an interesting book/article you’re reading now or finished? And why?

“With the election less than a month away, I’m currently not reading anything other than Excel documents and direct mail copy.”

What is a trend going on in the U.S. or abroad that doesn’t get enough attention?

“The ‘Lindsey Graham for President 2024’ campaign :)”

How is the Trump presidency going?

“-3.7% unemployment … -Passed historic tax cuts … -Confirmed Gorsuch & Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court … -Massive rollback of unnecessary job-killing regulations … -

Recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital … -ended the War on Christmas. I’m not sick of winning.”

What’s a fun fact that people in Washington might not know about you?

“I love to travel and have visited over 35 countries including backpacking trips through Southeast Asia, Europe and the Middle East.”


Who is Ronna McDaniel a.k.a Ronna Romney?


Who is Caroline Wren?


Company website for Caroline Wren redirects to:


Who is Julie Jenkins Fancelli?


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f7cec4 No.21008152

File: 5fac72a44826c90⋯.png (513.8 KB,516x415,516:415,CHLukeComfy.PNG)


I don't even pay rent.

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aeae13 No.21008153


mind if i join?

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5f7ef6 No.21008154

File: 679019041051d1a⋯.png (2.7 KB,160x100,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Still not ready.

This is fucking boring to wait for everyone else.

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1d9f34 No.21008155



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0b8451 No.21008156

File: a499cbf18478517⋯.jpg (132.28 KB,546x568,273:284,PULLING_OUT_ALL_DA_STOPS.jpg)

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594b47 No.21008157


I don't understand why they would want more than two houses, one the main one and the second a vacation home. Is it to prove how corrupt they are, and they can get away with it.

Look at Bidan's Delaware home inside, it's disgustingly dirty, why is that a special place?

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ed0349 No.21008158

File: 88b1ed5401842f0⋯.jpg (173.26 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)

Can you hear me knocking?

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1d9f34 No.21008159



so whatcha been doin?

patriot stuff?

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28c169 No.21008160


hoo doo voo doo

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57d6f0 No.21008161

File: d99c90d8af8cc4a⋯.png (161.09 KB,444x600,37:50,25208_Stay_Away_From_The_V….png)

File: e62a5aeba414f17⋯.png (554.22 KB,573x616,573:616,mar_19_2024_Gilligans_HATE….png)

File: 82acc9d33ad7b17⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB,872x686,436:343,MAR19_1.MP4)

File: 73b87fd61673b5a⋯.png (716.01 KB,1173x660,391:220,mar_19_2024_Gilligans_HATE….png)

File: 245a0c4bbfab29b⋯.png (117.34 KB,935x695,187:139,mar_11_2024_Zombie_Apocoly….png)


I did not mean to demean…


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274659 No.21008162

File: 9b4bcb7ac3f7527⋯.gif (837.36 KB,320x352,10:11,humaeyes.gif)

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f7cec4 No.21008163

File: 50622355c218a20⋯.jpg (23.84 KB,462x267,154:89,WonkaTII.JPG)


Your shift just got extended.

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0ead8d No.21008164


Shit we are waiting on the election calendar

They have something up there sleeve I think

August is hot right after the last primarys

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274659 No.21008165

File: b4180b07dfe0685⋯.png (432.22 KB,550x367,550:367,ClipboardImage.png)

Vanunu, immediately upon his release from prison in April 2004, said that he did not believe "Cindy" was a Mossad agent: "She was either an FBI or a CIA agent. I spent a week with her. I saw her picture. Cindy was a young woman from Philadelphia."

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1d9f34 No.21008166

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


are you going too?

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f7cec4 No.21008167

File: 24fa904c3698c05⋯.png (85.33 KB,204x217,204:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb5802 No.21008168

File: 2198fbafb7b77ff⋯.jpeg (279.13 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_1584.jpeg)

File: 2eb9ae81c637aac⋯.jpeg (594.78 KB,2000x1330,200:133,IMG_1581.jpeg)

File: 3e583412d980271⋯.jpeg (211.97 KB,1280x851,1280:851,IMG_1580.jpeg)

File: 2278a87603cd7d7⋯.jpeg (182.87 KB,960x1280,3:4,IMG_1586.jpeg)

Q Team,

I think some Anons are bored.

Could there be an escalation of the theatrics?

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ed0349 No.21008169

File: 1c84fc1987b4a90⋯.png (1.01 MB,844x853,844:853,1c84fc1987b4a90d41873c54a8….png)

And Parakeet is trying to leech now. Poor little bastard. Fire up your fontfagging "baseline" despair routine, dumbfuck.

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d74d7d No.21008170


The US isn’t sending the planes

The Dutch and Belgians and Poles and done that way to be yet another arms length NATO BS operation

They have no pilots and why would they sign up for a certain suicide mission if they did

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cdc2d9 No.21008171


dirtbag muzzie

bangin alex jewfag

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8148d5 No.21008172


The ol' warthog sure is a beast. Always loved those when I was in.

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56f4da No.21008174

File: 7dcbbde425463c7⋯.webp (26.08 KB,600x455,120:91,IMG_1550.webp)

File: 32821d16fd2af90⋯.jpeg (33.24 KB,220x377,220:377,IMG_1531.jpeg)


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ed0349 No.21008175

File: 0ab46fc28d59ddc⋯.png (358.43 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Standing down. I'm not going to get lost in it this time.

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1d9f34 No.21008176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c31510 No.21008177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



“White First” - Patriot Front Founder Thomas Rousseau Admits TRUTH About Fed Connection |PBD Podcast

This guy is clownworld.


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57d6f0 No.21008178


most of your are weak

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aeae13 No.21008179


bitchin about how the people should be in charge

not people who flaunt what they have in front of them.

Other than that, not much you?

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5f7ef6 No.21008180

File: 6436f5301dbd1b2⋯.png (227.62 KB,619x430,619:430,ClipboardImage.png)

US Civil Defense News



🚨Update: If the Russian nuclear submarine launches its 4500-km Kalibr-M nuclear tipped missiles at DC and New York from off the Coast of Florida, the US will NOT be able to stop them or shoot them down!! NO Patriot Missile Defense are deployed within the United States!!

Jun 12, 2024 · 3:06 AM UTC




Nephilim´s wars

Nephilim World Order.

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28c169 No.21008181


All slaves were emancipated before California got statehood. Slavery was never legal in American California. FGN and the rest of the Comifornia cabal.

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d74d7d No.21008182

File: 6d731824cc72ff5⋯.jpeg (606.42 KB,1231x617,1231:617,C01B1A3D_10FE_4FD5_96E0_6….jpeg)


Dulles Intl it is and just landed

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3b5a54 No.21008183

File: 22a10c7191af2cb⋯.png (522.22 KB,750x500,3:2,juy66.png)

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56f4da No.21008184

File: 643330842cf0328⋯.webp (83.03 KB,1296x730,648:365,IMG_1409.webp)


But Q, I can go deeper

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fa98e9 No.21008185


>per anon

What is objectively the best sandwich (including burgers) you have had from any government run or contractor run cafeteria.

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1d9f34 No.21008186

File: 70a5a78ffbd487f⋯.png (2.17 MB,1386x868,99:62,1s.png)


you are getting very very sleepy

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9c26e1 No.21008187



moist of youre are weak

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bb5802 No.21008188


An excellent idea for home improvised Technical vehicle is an F-250 with the A10 Gatling mounted in the bed. Just spitballing here. I love my government overlords and would never build such a machine..

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c96b70 No.21008189

Two much double speak, akc ack ack ack.

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28c169 No.21008190


We are all tax slaves, Hunter.

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0b8451 No.21008191

File: a2988c397be618b⋯.jpg (126.26 KB,589x470,589:470,DEY_LOW_ON_BAD_AMMO.jpg)

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9c26e1 No.21008192

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a91b0e No.21008193

File: 43ce2ee1b097daa⋯.png (380.33 KB,620x388,155:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d9f34 No.21008194


same same

i hate traitors so business is good


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9c26e1 No.21008195

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655286 No.21008196

>>21005537 pb

>Experts discover incredible story from Jesus' childhood after deciphering 2,000-year-old Egyptian manuscript

oh yippie….

moar laughably transparent fairy tales for bibletards to obsess over


the story mentions Jesus' father reprimanding Him for making clay birds on the sabbath, confirming that THEY WERE JEWS

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7bf799 No.21008197

File: 8a8768d9013ffaf⋯.png (1.19 MB,1102x1200,551:600,8a8768d9013ffaf95ad1cfdb94….png)

File: 8e88007ee96d0e1⋯.jpg (363.24 KB,1440x1440,1:1,8e88007ee96d0e1b7bf0c3453f….jpg)

File: 78134d6ced0a5c9⋯.jpeg (109.35 KB,1024x658,512:329,78134d6ced0a5c9ef1ba589a8….jpeg)

File: d1d5579d6ca60a1⋯.jpg (59.58 KB,886x668,443:334,bidens.jpg)

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f7cec4 No.21008198

File: bece7ebcade19ea⋯.jpg (60.57 KB,804x803,804:803,JewsSuckIV.jpg)

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c96b70 No.21008200

File: f94a9f7f5f045fa⋯.png (48.61 KB,630x630,1:1,f94a9f7f5f045fa6b521847dd7….png)


>What is objectively the best sandwich (including burgers) you have had from any government run or contractor run cafeteria.

Nothing burgers (re)baked by the school (dick) head master.

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c96b70 No.21008201

File: f94a9f7f5f045fa⋯.png (48.61 KB,630x630,1:1,f94a9f7f5f045fa6b521847dd7….png)


>What is objectively the best sandwich (including burgers) you have had from any government run or contractor run cafeteria.

Nothing burgers (re)baked by the school (dick) head master.

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f7cec4 No.21008202

File: 3a06c4f138f3eb4⋯.webm (1.68 MB,480x848,30:53,3a06c4f138f3eb4084a69f4a4….webm)

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5f7ef6 No.21008203

File: 2374dd68c4c9b47⋯.png (170.91 KB,623x515,623:515,ClipboardImage.png)




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3945cd No.21008205

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.





if interested why isis used heavy equipment to destroy two statutes of 5 legged human headed bull, with wings, in northern iraq

they kept demons away

guy is autistic if you ask me

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b8529b No.21008206

File: 48bb8a0012d2b07⋯.png (560.31 KB,764x615,764:615,ClipboardImage.png)


WNBA star Brittney Griner celebrated the coming birth of her first child by posing topless with her wife for an Instagram post on Monday.



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0ca048 No.21008207

File: b1895ef6416df10⋯.png (67.14 KB,515x468,515:468,ClipboardImage.png)

Corrupt Soros backed Manhattan D.A, Alvin Bragg, at the direction of Crooked Joe Biden and his DOJ, has always known that there was NO CRIME in the Case he filed against me. He didn’t even want to bring this “Zombie Case,” but when forced to attack me for Election Interference purposes, Bragg attempted to make it look as bad as possible by “stacking the counts” - A TOTAL SCAM. The reality is that the whole Hoax is just about Legal Expenses being paid and marked as….Legal Expenses. Instead, the Prosecutors made up 34 counts out of 11 Checks, 11 Invoices, and 12 Entries by a highly respected bookkeeper in a Ledger. Even the Invoices said, “Legal Retainer.” Why? Because that’s what it was, a payment to a then-fully accredited lawyer. Nothing illegal, no “conspiracies.” THE APPELLATE COURTS HAVE TO END THIS WITCH HUNT AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT!


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0b8451 No.21008208

File: 0d499d3e1a41d4c⋯.jpg (52.72 KB,563x403,563:403,POWERSTROKE.jpg)

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982be5 No.21008209

File: efdb1bd58d903fe⋯.jpg (526.37 KB,2140x1968,535:492,circumcision_complications.jpg)

File: 6e58641febe2cf1⋯.jpg (191.59 KB,960x754,480:377,circumcision_crime_statist….jpg)

File: 0c762fab5babb6a⋯.jpg (156.7 KB,653x1024,653:1024,circumcision_findings.jpg)

File: 1170be66e150947⋯.jpg (226.17 KB,900x790,90:79,circumcision_newborn_immob….jpg)

File: 6b6dbdd65a04352⋯.webm (3.93 MB,270x480,9:16,circumcision_nurse.webm)

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f7cec4 No.21008211

File: 7e1012f1c803a83⋯.png (372.01 KB,626x409,626:409,JewPoint.png)


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594b47 No.21008212


Stoltenberg betrayed the one world leader that continued NATO, he will regret what he did for trying to be relevant. He has no idea on how the US works,

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8148d5 No.21008213


At least he isn't choking it.

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284a9a No.21008214

File: 36ff3f990a91234⋯.jpeg (193.75 KB,740x855,148:171,C6187D18_93EE_4B44_8EC2_A….jpeg)

File: 603eacb4978735e⋯.jpeg (283.74 KB,828x738,46:41,0415FEFE_E5C3_40C7_BDD5_1….jpeg)

Fuckin commie pedo motherfuckes in local/State law enforcement are ducking fertilizer, judges, shrinks, etc all of the disgusting child molesters,


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ed0349 No.21008215

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)

They throw all that fake, multiple personas and devices against individuals. They're terrified of someone laying on a futon, living below the poverty line, and it's not just this anon here that they do it to either. So much so that they desperately try imitating him so that their target is not recognized and they are, because they covet what comes from him and they want it for themselves, yet it's not something that they can successfully replicate, either by imitation or following similar methods like a formula that can be reproduced, and that frustrates them to no end so a decision was made to destroy him, and failed at that too, because they're failfag failures. Paid to lose.

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f34efb No.21008216

File: 34b4fbdffdc9d33⋯.png (268.83 KB,474x265,474:265,34b4fbdffdc9d3378cf2710ea7….png)

File: 93453c01cae00b7⋯.png (720.38 KB,680x680,1:1,93453c01cae00b791b00269fdc….png)

File: 4970b7c77b7ee0b⋯.jpg (47.97 KB,375x523,375:523,Goatse_magic_card_.jpg)

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f7cec4 No.21008217

File: ce3c48b04f11114⋯.jpg (32.61 KB,460x357,460:357,PulpII.jpg)

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bb5802 No.21008218

File: 0450182618db6d1⋯.jpeg (82.71 KB,886x668,443:334,IMG_2085.jpeg)

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c31510 No.21008219

File: 492180c9afe6b0f⋯.mp4 (7.68 MB,720x1280,9:16,Watch_Tumfrico_s_Period_Ex….mp4)

Pretty trippy

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83e9c6 No.21008220

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28c169 No.21008221

File: 402565abc265748⋯.png (897.75 KB,888x500,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)


LBJ himself directly ordered the submarine that was accompanying the USS Liberty to stand down and to not assist. They could have shredded the Israel dogs.

So now you know who made LBJ president.

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0528c6 No.21008222

File: 685d9a9c0836403⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Gone_Fishin_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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8148d5 No.21008223


Honestly, it was more of a rhetorical question, but yeah.

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db2cc8 No.21008224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>hoo doo voo doo

Some kind of voodoo

Come across this land.

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bb5802 No.21008225

File: f3ae8f65e8a793c⋯.jpeg (85.13 KB,886x668,443:334,IMG_2085.jpeg)


Better text.

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5c8a67 No.21008226

File: d6a80ac82e6425b⋯.png (769.92 KB,767x500,767:500,d6a80ac82e6425be891309a0cd….png)

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982be5 No.21008227

File: 4d02338e9a587c9⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1927x10000,1927:10000,jewish_porn.jpg)

File: 73c30d89bee628a⋯.jpg (128.99 KB,661x680,661:680,jewish_covid19.jpg)

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28c169 No.21008228

File: 34ddf21fddea8a3⋯.png (1.29 MB,668x985,668:985,ClipboardImage.png)


>levels of Illegality never thought possible before?

Not to me. Welcome to post Affirmative Discrimination working class America. Thanks for the Rust Belt, IYI yuppy scum.

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a7fd1b No.21008229

File: f372ec0562fffb3⋯.png (318.05 KB,594x582,99:97,ClipboardImage.png)

It seems to me this is becoming more common.

Female pedos in schools.

40 some years ago, I had my new chorus teacher ask me to see her in her office after class. She never directly said that she wanted sex, she framed it as if I was a student who didn't sing at all and talked during class, and she was going to give me an F if I didn't "try real hard"…and then, maybe I'll get a B or a C.

The conversation did not seem right to me, because I was always the one who listened and sang when the other students stood around and talked. The only time when I did talk during chorus class was when I was telling other students to stop talking.

So, her pulling me into her private little choir office to threaten me with an F, unless I "tried real hard" didn't make sense. I told her basically to fuck off and I refused to go back to choir class because of that particular teacher.

After years of pondering on that situation, I finally came to the conclusion that she was a single, lonely, young woman in her twenties; and she was looking for a student who would "play along" with her "stern teacher/bad student" fetish.

This really angers me to this day, and realize that because of this, I received an F in that class; when if I had a decent teacher that was there to teach and not fuck a student that I would have gotten an A for my efforts.

I was a State Choir student (only 4 students were allowed from each school in the state to participate in State Choir), so her pulling this shit didn't make any fucking sense to me, and pisses me off to this day.

How many pedo teachers have ruined students' lives over all these years and across the country.

I can only imagine the problem has gotten worse.

This school system has failed The People 100%.

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f34efb No.21008230

File: 0a2262da91cd46e⋯.png (67.35 KB,750x1051,750:1051,0a2262da91cd46eb9a90258e95….png)

File: 87697121bbbbc75⋯.png (11.52 KB,192x263,192:263,87697121bbbbc75c035c7721b5….png)

File: f2486fbcb0b7e94⋯.png (471.8 KB,1400x1478,700:739,f2486fbcb0b7e94af95612d60c….png)

File: a71d6d8f879ec25⋯.png (24.8 KB,492x414,82:69,a71d6d8f879ec25ba08c14fb04….png)

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22b859 No.21008231

Corrupt Soros backed Manhattan D.A, Alvin Bragg, at the direction of Crooked Joe Biden and his DOJ, has always known that there was NO CRIME in the Case he filed against me. He didn’t even want to bring this “Zombie Case,” but when forced to attack me for Election Interference purposes, Bragg attempted to make it look as bad as possible by “stacking the counts” - A TOTAL SCAM. The reality is that the whole Hoax is just about Legal Expenses being paid and marked as….Legal Expenses. Instead, the Prosecutors made up 34 counts out of 11 Checks, 11 Invoices, and 12 Entries by a highly respected bookkeeper in a Ledger. Even the Invoices said, “Legal Retainer.” Why? Because that’s what it was, a payment to a then-fully accredited lawyer. Nothing illegal, no “conspiracies.” THE APPELLATE COURTS HAVE TO END THIS WITCH HUNT AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT!





Jun 11, 2024, 8:48 PM


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f7cec4 No.21008232

File: 3199313321f58da⋯.png (648.58 KB,1148x577,1148:577,MuellerJews.png)

might be the jews

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f7cec4 No.21008233


berenstein, or berenstain?

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35a137 No.21008234


true facts

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c96b70 No.21008235

File: a4e414f9c83c459⋯.jpg (48.1 KB,534x467,534:467,50cwjb_1329866147.jpg)

File: d512146e2b5b104⋯.jpg (35.97 KB,500x437,500:437,1xvuot_865029063.jpg)

File: 39600a8ff723869⋯.jpg (43.12 KB,500x437,500:437,2hqyam_1017627190.jpg)

File: cdd79f4b0cc73d2⋯.jpg (46.66 KB,500x437,500:437,a_l_i_e_n_s.jpg)


>hoo doo voo doo

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f34efb No.21008236

File: 1e6779ca514904f⋯.png (677.01 KB,633x433,633:433,1e6779ca514904f959dba2312b….png)

File: e5e920b0a7084e8⋯.png (1.19 MB,750x1100,15:22,bladwinjuwWHAAAA.png)

File: 8071cb159d36845⋯.png (49.55 KB,800x420,40:21,8071cb159d3684589bbe094a9e….png)

File: 5ee55cd7e85506b⋯.png (7.27 KB,900x506,450:253,5ee55cd7e85506b5130509893c….png)

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d74d7d No.21008237


He knows he’s gone soon anyway

Extended his stay cuz of muh Ukraine and talk of replacing him with a woman before staying over.

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cee428 No.21008238


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c31510 No.21008239


Why is it the Women? They don't look bad WTF? Is the creepy male health teacher the anomaly?

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594b47 No.21008240

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon. Well this is a shock



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bb5802 No.21008242

File: 0e74a1eb2e75e36⋯.jpeg (68.23 KB,650x365,130:73,IMG_2086.jpeg)

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0b8451 No.21008243

File: 33fd201bddbe830⋯.jpg (99.9 KB,554x535,554:535,4_GOD_AND_COUNTRY.jpg)

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c3167d No.21008244

File: 8cd726fbcbad044⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,1661x1346,1661:1346,IMG_1848.jpeg)

File: cd3d4f9eb258a7c⋯.jpeg (62.52 KB,1024x681,1024:681,IMG_0554.jpeg)

File: 38e7dd88c2facd5⋯.jpeg (93.18 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_0541.jpeg)

File: b967fdc4b894f32⋯.jpeg (255.94 KB,1280x853,1280:853,IMG_0553.jpeg)

File: 63aa38e30e2b302⋯.png (13.91 KB,400x267,400:267,IMG_0411.png)


Merry Christmas 🎄

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f7cec4 No.21008245

File: a51732d79a4f247⋯.jpg (76.85 KB,508x491,508:491,Batslap.jpg)


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2a43e3 No.21008246





You Won’t Believe This Disturbing Gobekli Tepe Update

Bright Insight (Jimmy Corsetti)


This shit is really fucked up.

Cheers, Good evening, be well y'all.

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3b1127 No.21008247

File: 475001b170a54a6⋯.png (296.35 KB,535x660,107:132,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fd9dcab77cdceaa⋯.png (199.2 KB,849x890,849:890,ClipboardImage.png)


double meanings exist

Was there a sub forces twat yesterday?

2348 and 1148 qdrops.


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2a43e3 No.21008248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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951b0d No.21008250

synaptic dilator stat

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ed0349 No.21008251

File: 6b8f56a89d69a7e⋯.jpg (58 KB,1200x800,3:2,b99e2c4b481d8600a8ad02193e….jpg)

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d74d7d No.21008252

File: 9f6719617826c6f⋯.jpeg (405.25 KB,1199x613,1199:613,ECF7187C_9F68_499E_B25A_1….jpeg)

SAM806 C40B and occasional WH NSO usage inbound from Manama, Bahrain depart earlier today

Stopped at Shannon, Ireland for a refuel

Yellen has used this AC in the past too but can’t find anything on her in Bahrain

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f7cec4 No.21008254

File: 564ea59c287b7c2⋯.jpg (66.92 KB,694x500,347:250,KushnerLowell.jpg)

File: d231e27c3b6869b⋯.jpg (68.34 KB,605x328,605:328,KushnerLowellClinton.jpg)

File: 098943fbae14e45⋯.png (92.15 KB,400x250,8:5,KushnerLowellJew.png)

File: c45da11083c047d⋯.jpg (52.61 KB,1200x528,25:11,KushnerLowellMenendez.jpg)

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9d121c No.21008255

File: 30511fcbe64111a⋯.jpg (14.72 KB,236x224,59:56,fdf70ef3b67798ba43a8279dfe….jpg)


fucking treasonous bastards, every last one of them.

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5c8a67 No.21008256

File: 3ceb4e4f5e70da7⋯.png (807.41 KB,614x888,307:444,3ceb4e4f5e70da7a4a497a1da4….png)

File: b27078967909776⋯.png (683.61 KB,614x888,307:444,b27078967909776fe9b4f942c7….png)

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8148d5 No.21008257


Italians have good people and bad people, Germans have good people and bad people, Americans have good people and bad people. What makes you think Jews are any different?

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83e9c6 No.21008258


11:48 PM

Why not in Q-SOP EDT?

Wrong time zone = Wrong decode

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32abd0 No.21008259

Do you think Q will return?

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f7cec4 No.21008260

File: b5c9f7157a20872⋯.png (74.91 KB,666x375,222:125,SorosJew.png)


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c31510 No.21008261


>Q Team,

>I think some Anons are bored.

Are you saying Faktriot Front are Anons and that they are marching with these faggots? Get the fuck outta here with that shit

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7bf799 No.21008262

File: a61b352b038e1b0⋯.jpg (71.89 KB,695x499,695:499,5amcwz.jpg)



#25763 >>21007720

>>21007796 NEW: China's Evergrande EV ordered to repay $262mn subsidies, faces asset seizure

>>21007809 Where Hunter Biden's tax case stands after guilty verdict in federal gun trial

>>21007815, >>21007839, >>21007861, >>21007902, >>21008049, >>21008182, >>21008203 PF

>>21007820, >>21008207 @POTUS TRUTH Kelly Armstrong Wins!

>>21007821 Donald Trump met with Bitcoin miners at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, his latest embrace of the crypto industry

>>21007825 @WarRoom Weiss Committing Lawfare By Another Name With Hunter Biden. It's all bullshit the misdirection play.

>>21007835 FLASHBACK Burisma announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company's board of directors

>>21007838 Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue - five months after mogul admitted to using weight loss drugs

>>21007882, >>21007919, >>21007995 (DOD) sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products for Mil and Schoolchildren and ?

>>21007948, >>21008180, >>21008247 Mil Posts

>>21007949 PF Not something typically seen on a Tuesday night. Call sign EMBER45

>>21007968, >>21007983, >>21007992, >>21008248 Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?

>>21008062 Delivery of jets to Kiev was ‘illegal’ – NATO member IS Illegal

>>21008078 Stefanik Hosts Roster of Women Congressional Candidates in Washington for ‘Rising Stars Reception’

>>21008240 Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon 25:34

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e49c95 No.21008263


Next highest clearance. o7

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d74d7d No.21008265


Why do you phaggits keep asking this?

Grow a pair FFS

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982be5 No.21008266

File: 6afc697ce23df29⋯.jpg (388.12 KB,1170x901,1170:901,nigger_glory.jpg)


because women shouldn't be in positions of authority

these 'teachers' are conflict avoidant and allow the niggers they're molesting to assault their students every day

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5f7ef6 No.21008268

File: cc39071cf496a38⋯.jpg (156.68 KB,962x639,962:639,329BC01700000578_3513495_i….jpg)

File: 9ae4ab2205df63a⋯.jpg (72.67 KB,801x542,801:542,5027e6ec0de2bc47c979e44f5f….jpg)

File: 0e13adb280f5e8f⋯.jpg (29.36 KB,599x337,599:337,9ac476de26acc1acee1ec4be52….jpg)


>if interested why isis used heavy equipment to destroy two statutes of 5 legged human headed bull, with wings, in northern iraq

>they kept demons away


Palm tree?


>He didn’t even want to bring this “Zombie Case,”

Resurrection chamber?

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49291a No.21008269


Tis the season of treason

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5c8a67 No.21008270

File: f21e9ea0e4a477d⋯.png (303.25 KB,480x473,480:473,f21e9ea0e4a477d3ed0054b4be….png)



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f34efb No.21008271

File: 0b9ddf9245451fd⋯.png (170.36 KB,474x376,237:188,0b9ddf9245451fd6c706664b6a….png)

File: a0aa1d8c2c36a0a⋯.png (123.91 KB,640x640,1:1,a0aa1d8c2c36a0a2adaed7feef….png)

File: d061d0143dd2ff5⋯.png (215.63 KB,850x559,850:559,d061d0143dd2ff56d29a230174….png)

File: 9beb14ae521c2df⋯.jpg (37.5 KB,750x600,5:4,9be.jpg)

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f34efb No.21008274

File: 0b9ddf9245451fd⋯.png (170.36 KB,474x376,237:188,0b9ddf9245451fd6c706664b6a….png)

File: a0aa1d8c2c36a0a⋯.png (123.91 KB,640x640,1:1,a0aa1d8c2c36a0a2adaed7feef….png)

File: d061d0143dd2ff5⋯.png (215.63 KB,850x559,850:559,d061d0143dd2ff56d29a230174….png)

File: 9beb14ae521c2df⋯.jpg (37.5 KB,750x600,5:4,9be.jpg)

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f7cec4 No.21008275

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16aa06 No.21008278

File: 79d5c38710b804f⋯.png (100.34 KB,254x251,254:251,IMG_2705.png)

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855bcf No.21008279


>What is a COURT JEW

From my days in the intelligence business I know that heads of foreign governments refer to this all-powerful body as "The Magicians." Stalin coined his own phrase to describe them: "The Dark Forces," and President Eisenhower, who was never able to get beyond the "hofjuden" (court Jew) grade, referred to it in a colossal understatement as "the military-industrial complex."

Pg. 111


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83e9c6 No.21008281

AS had to get his staff on the board 2 hours early this morning.

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8148d5 No.21008283


Kek. Put it in a 105 Thud.

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3945cd No.21008284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



quad fifty upgrade

quad m134 minigun

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982be5 No.21008288

File: cdec94bfc6e66a8⋯.jpg (94.4 KB,720x960,3:4,women_circumcision.jpg)

File: 80a5621f84dddb5⋯.jpg (109.77 KB,843x904,843:904,Horrors_Of_Circumcision.jpg)

File: c1353e025b0198d⋯.jpg (45.42 KB,768x510,128:85,murder_whore.jpg)

gas niggers

enslave women

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f34efb No.21008289

File: d5355fea234bf8c⋯.png (66.83 KB,191x263,191:263,d5355fea234bf8c973059e7a99….png)

File: a02957a58a7d415⋯.png (473.08 KB,512x512,1:1,a02957a58a7d41565063137c25….png)

File: 87318319580be18⋯.png (315.93 KB,500x372,125:93,87318319580be18ae1e3cd9e34….png)

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8148d5 No.21008290


Thing is, it's big, I suspect it might cause you some problems when fired. :)

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ed0349 No.21008292

File: f6e7e8e1ca14b9b⋯.png (2.97 MB,1200x1600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeae13 No.21008293


hate is a strong word that i do not use.

I hate ADs, I hate money, those i can hate.

As for "traitors" Just because you try to make a zebra a horse doesn't make it a horse.

They do not know what they do, and if they do, then it's because someone taught them to be that way. It's when they realize what they've been taught was wrong then they may change.

You can't make a person change if they don't want to, but at their timing they will.

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f6ad15 No.21008294

File: 00cd2018cd0cc72⋯.png (1001.38 KB,659x804,659:804,vwetrrbwtewtr.PNG)


Fun Times!

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30a6ee No.21008296

File: 925dfbc9923234a⋯.png (132.16 KB,400x410,40:41,925dfbc9923234a764e6d7f3a9….png)


>all-powerful body as "The Magicians."

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c31510 No.21008297


The Niggers would be the ones arrested for Raping them. Which brigs a legal question. If a 14 yr old nigger rapes his teacher and she doesn't report it but a video is shared, would she get Statutory rape charges?

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c61b35 No.21008298


black hand?

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c3167d No.21008301

File: 402d3d08bf34d8a⋯.jpeg (46.17 KB,413x362,413:362,IMG_2256.jpeg)

File: 88d9304149a29a0⋯.png (6.54 MB,2655x1771,2655:1771,IMG_2258.png)

File: 9a728035518901d⋯.jpeg (44.22 KB,183x275,183:275,IMG_2260.jpeg)

File: 5ed3815ee25cc21⋯.jpeg (264.61 KB,1163x883,1163:883,IMG_6273.jpeg)

File: 445190a7f6c3683⋯.jpeg (56.58 KB,612x432,17:12,IMG_5749.jpeg)


Christmas in July!

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f34efb No.21008303

File: 058c0866fb65cae⋯.png (605.93 KB,750x600,5:4,058c0866fb65cae83f0b9c777a….png)

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aeae13 No.21008304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a7fd1b No.21008305

File: 17fa1cf823698c0⋯.png (472.39 KB,543x743,543:743,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1bff75b543ab845⋯.png (480.39 KB,556x751,556:751,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de0b2490a96f7c9⋯.png (91.25 KB,1280x632,160:79,ClipboardImage.png)


Almost exactly half way through the video, the single oscillating line separates into 3 separate oscillating lines briefly before unifying into 2 separate oscillating lines.

Is this the natural process of our physical universe, and is the foundation of cellular mitosis in living creatures?


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5f7ef6 No.21008306


yep. post civil war.


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30a6ee No.21008307

File: 1bf7803ddfac5c9⋯.png (15.22 KB,206x255,206:255,644b1cf92f92b5cd11bd9a30d8….png)


>black hand?

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951b0d No.21008308


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5f7ef6 No.21008309


Wizards and Warlocks.

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30a6ee No.21008310

File: cae89a0f5d5d86e⋯.jpg (43.33 KB,584x427,584:427,309wvu_1080706246.jpg)

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1fc3eb No.21008311


The Sanhedrin

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5c8a67 No.21008312

File: 444b045acaf02c6⋯.jpg (215.95 KB,833x911,833:911,wallstreet_building_inspec….jpg)


>Wizards and Warlocks.

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bb5802 No.21008313


Here, Patriots Front are established to be Federal operation. They exist to False Flag. It seems to be desperate times for the deep state. Thus, as history has shown, it is time for false flags.

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57d6f0 No.21008314

File: d99c90d8af8cc4a⋯.png (161.09 KB,444x600,37:50,25208_Stay_Away_From_The_V….png)



My next vote if i was In the US is Not these scumbags

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f34efb No.21008316

File: 6ac3b62cdba5204⋯.gif (5.85 MB,640x434,320:217,IMG_3761.GIF)

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ed0349 No.21008317

File: 6acbed12a9ccb99⋯.gif (3.3 MB,480x200,12:5,well_done2.gif)

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c31510 No.21008319


It was crazy right, It looked like there were stacks of three then 4 then five really cool.

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c31510 No.21008321


>Here, Patriots Front are established to be Federal operation

Just rereading that post I couldn't tell if you were saying thay they were bored Anons in that group. They are faggots who will make real Patriots look bad. IDK if you watched the interview with their founder but he is only in hois early 20's, that isn't suspicious at ALL.

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f34efb No.21008322

File: 3eaa637fab5233d⋯.jpg (88.05 KB,999x800,999:800,IMG_3763.JPG)

fruitcakes keep fallin on tehy head

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9afc01 No.21008323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How'd anons get here?

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1da7c4 No.21008325


You do realize, of course. Because you sound like a bit of smart fella there. That by replying to no one in particular and using the term "they" that you really aren't identifying who (you) are talking about precisely. Which, in and of itself, is something of a failure.

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982be5 No.21008326

File: ba262b252c4f4a7⋯.jpg (432.16 KB,2174x1146,1087:573,women_femininity.jpg)

File: 993cc17e3dc0aab⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,640x360,16:9,feminism.mp4)

gas niggers

enslave women

women still deserve no rights

if a women is raped, she loses her value; no lawyer or judge will change that

99% of women are vaxxed and thus useless for reproduction(women have no other use)

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3945cd No.21008327



it bit the pope

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83e9c6 No.21008328

File: 95fa96d6d19fedc⋯.png (303.08 KB,369x295,369:295,ClipboardImage.png)



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5c8a67 No.21008329

File: 63a99a67bbc1c9a⋯.jpg (44.3 KB,460x402,230:201,2x4_aliens.jpg)


>fruitcakes keep fallin on tehy head

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22b859 No.21008330

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bb5802 No.21008333


>early 20’s


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence,…

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83e9c6 No.21008335


We all know.

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594b47 No.21008336


Bannon and Tucker have been talking who's going to take over, interesting

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1da7c4 No.21008338



top kek

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56f4da No.21008339


Hurt who? Whore

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81d905 No.21008342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


anons dig

[they]'re hiding something?

moving forward



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d71b31 No.21008343


: cernment.

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22b859 No.21008345

File: c138654953dfe2b⋯.png (140.82 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb5802 No.21008347


“Moma says girls are the debil.”

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f3cd5e No.21008348

File: 9c8ce42846102aa⋯.png (109.63 KB,325x511,325:511,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e3dae5204025e20⋯.png (202.11 KB,470x668,235:334,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f733e0b0acdeeba⋯.png (71.27 KB,470x466,235:233,ClipboardImage.png)



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0b8451 No.21008349

File: b6c7fbc9c0f824b⋯.jpg (138.54 KB,644x628,161:157,GOOD_TO_WIN.jpg)

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22b859 No.21008350

File: 1f4d752464773da⋯.png (360.36 KB,301x467,301:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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49ffb1 No.21008352

File: 750b452a6d4453f⋯.jpg (86.01 KB,625x415,125:83,pacing.jpg)

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3945cd No.21008353


midas touch

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22b859 No.21008354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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49ffb1 No.21008356

File: f75d84ae300e45a⋯.jpg (66.55 KB,500x541,500:541,NOOO.jpg)

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aeae13 No.21008358

flys are attracted to screens. i find that interesting.

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f8e252 No.21008360

Trump Speech.

Around the 50 min Mark.

"Biden, what your favorite ice cream?"


"That's the secret word"


Something is about to break In respect to exposure of code words.

POTUS is guiding us. Dropping hints

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49ffb1 No.21008361


>flys are attracted to screens. i find that interesting.

mega hertz does that

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82c70b No.21008362


Humanities ability to express the kind of remorse nd emotion was suppressed…a…long…time…ago

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56f4da No.21008364


Everyone knows that faggot likes Walnuts

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b2a98b No.21008365

File: 224ae11222453f6⋯.png (63.34 KB,574x492,7:6,ClipboardImage.png)

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56f4da No.21008367


How long how long how long how long

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ed0349 No.21008368

File: efced2a838ae61c⋯.jpeg (65.25 KB,700x662,350:331,TndFE8F2Vrj8.jpeg)


Pretty sure they can see the refresh rate or some shit and it's like crack to them or something. Could be mistaken.

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c3167d No.21008369

File: d2f3e2e4c44b182⋯.png (299.1 KB,1376x1554,688:777,3411.png)

File: a03cc6acc21f6ec⋯.jpeg (920.51 KB,1155x1724,1155:1724,IMG_2261.jpeg)

File: c768646b8e2cd02⋯.jpeg (602.15 KB,1149x1248,383:416,IMG_2262.jpeg)

File: 24cdbd37bc937f9⋯.png (116.86 KB,898x1258,449:629,1112.png)

PDJT has been way more obvious this last year!



Jul 10, 2019 11:10:07 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bec565 No. 6989727

You are witnessing the greatest ‘coordinated’ misinformation attack (campaign) ever to be launched against the public – all in an effort to protect themselves from prosecution (public exposure) and regain power (control).

[Attempted removal of the duly elected President of the United States by illegal [manufactured] means]

They believed they could win [con] public support by controlled assets (media, tech, H-wood…).

These controlled assets set out to immediately create division through the use of a pre_designed misinformation campaign.

Groups such as ‘Antifa’ were funded and formed to prevent and/or lessen the appeal for ‘regular’ hard working Americans to gather and express non_narrative viewpoints.

Control of this ‘projected narrative’ depends primarily on their ability to ‘con’ the masses into thinking they are the majority.

The mindset of most: If the majority of people believe ‘this’, than ‘this’ must be more true than ‘that’ [CIA_CLAS 1-99_56_Human_Psych_&_Emotional_Distress_IIED].

Without public support – they are powerless.

We, the People, hold the power.


— That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the OLD GUARD.



Corrupt Soros backed Manhattan D.A, Alvin Bragg, at the direction of Crooked Joe Biden and his DOJ, has always known that there was NO CRIME in the Case he filed against me. He didn’t even want to bring this “Zombie Case,” but when forced to attack me for Election Interference purposes, Bragg attempted to make it look as bad as possible by “stacking the counts” - A TOTAL SCAM. The reality is that the whole Hoax is just about Legal Expenses being paid and marked as….Legal Expenses. Instead, the Prosecutors made up 34 counts out of 11 Checks, 11 Invoices, and 12 Entries by a highly respected bookkeeper in a Ledger. Even the Invoices said, “Legal Retainer.” Why? Because that’s what it was, a payment to a then-fully accredited lawyer. Nothing illegal, no “conspiracies.” THE APPELLATE COURTS HAVE TO END THIS WITCH HUNT AGAINST A POLITICAL OPPONENT!

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0b8451 No.21008370

File: 47f9f63178559cf⋯.jpg (54.57 KB,464x505,464:505,STOLLEN_FIST_BUMP.jpg)

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739d90 No.21008372

File: 31c1c25b6b5abd6⋯.png (303.33 KB,601x500,601:500,31c1c25b6b5abd61b797928aac….png)

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982be5 No.21008373

File: 73c30d89bee628a⋯.jpg (128.99 KB,661x680,661:680,jewish_covid19.jpg)

File: 514bdd6aa1be5ea⋯.jpg (213.23 KB,1000x823,1000:823,jew_nigger_muslim_rule.jpg)

File: 4d02338e9a587c9⋯.jpg (1.74 MB,1927x10000,1927:10000,jewish_porn.jpg)

File: 92bb055901d47d3⋯.jpg (54.71 KB,500x500,1:1,huntingjews.jpg)

gas niggers

enslave women >>21008366

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11a01a No.21008374

File: 7080fe816c17130⋯.png (253.37 KB,594x646,297:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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c61b35 No.21008376


how about the 'Ill slow down so I'm the last one through the light, that way I won't have anyone tail gating me'

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82c70b No.21008377


My research points to the 1940's

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db2cc8 No.21008379

File: d3e80dc23e6c749⋯.png (6.26 MB,1974x2000,987:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


>At least he isn't choking it.



Package inbound.

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739d90 No.21008380



Ham radio

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982be5 No.21008381

File: 7fea40ee9dc0cbe⋯.jpg (90.84 KB,500x709,500:709,JewsLoveBlackCock.jpg)

File: 3f2a04d3e5ef7ed⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,2800x3472,25:31,jewish_abortion.jpg)

File: 82411a67aedd57d⋯.png (498.95 KB,652x593,652:593,sorry_daddy_circumcision.png)


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162183 No.21008382

171? never enough bathrobe popcorn

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594b47 No.21008383



that was excellent, exactly what one would expect from Revolutionary War Heros

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5cd98c No.21008384

File: cf5e5261f9cd66f⋯.png (305.46 KB,1778x614,889:307,osbm1.png)

File: d326a2a18cf39a0⋯.gif (802.15 KB,480x200,12:5,1p.gif)


Q DROP #4799

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 09/30/2020 23:52:42 ID: 376386 4799

8kun/qresearch: 10864489

Anonymous 09/30/2020 23:43:23 ID:39774c

8kun/qresearch: 10864305

Image Name: 09302020nyt1.png

Filename: 08e41859ca2515db376999299074104a284701075e774fa4c4ab36b1ebe9d5d8.png

Rebuffed by Vatican, Pompeo Assails China and Aligns With Pope’s Critics

Pope Francis declined to see Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is demanding a harder Vatican line on China. The Holy See said meeting just before a U.S. election would be inappropriate.

By Jason Horowitz and Lara Jakes

Sept. 30, 2020, 7:26 p.m. ET

ROME — Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently published a sharp letter excoriating the Vatican’s plans to renew an agreement with the Chinese government on Church operations in China. He promoted the article in a tweet, concluding, “The Vatican endangers its moral authority, should it renew the deal.”

An indignant Vatican took the article more as a calculated affront than a diplomatic gesture. The friction broke into the open on Wednesday as Mr. Pompeo arrived in Rome and met with prelates and others who are hostile to Pope Francis, while the Vatican denied him a meeting with the pontiff and rebuffed his efforts to derail the deal with China.

“Pompeo asked to meet” the pope, who turned him down because Francis had “clearly said that he does not receive political figures ahead of the elections,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, who, as secretary of state, is the Vatican’s second-ranking official, told reporters.

But to some observers on both sides of the tensions between the Roman Catholic Church and the Trump administration, Mr. Pompeo’s visit is as much about the coming presidential election as about China policy. Mr. Pompeo dismissed that suggestion as absurd, but intended or not, his trip signals that President Trump is on the side of those conservative American Catholics who worry about the church’s direction under Francis and think he is soft on China.

Francis and Mr. Trump, who have exchanged sharp words in the past, present starkly different visions on issues ranging from the environment to immigration to the threat of populism. In appealing to the Vatican’s support for religious freedom as a reason to drop its China agreement, Mr. Pompeo seemed to seek common ground, but in a way that upset the pope’s chief allies and delighted his chief critics.

Cardinal Parolin said Mr. Pompeo’s article had caused “surprise” at the Vatican, because this visit to Rome by the secretary and the meetings with high officials at the Holy See had already been in the works and would have been a “more opportune” forum for airing grievances. He added that Mr. Pompeo’s choice to publish in First Things, a conservative Christian magazine that has called Francis a failure as Pope, also mattered.



When does a Church become a playground?

When does a Church become a business?

When does a Church become political?

When does a Church become corrupt?

When does a Church become willfully blind?

When does a Church become controlled?


OH WAIT! The re up of the "Secret Vatican > China Accord" was breaking right when POTUS started yelling "CHINA CHINA CHINA FLU WUHAN FLU CHINA CHINA CHINA!".

For 2 weeks anon tried to get this into notes.

POTUS just screaming Wuhan China!

No BAKER would note it.


and right when anon is whooping the piss out of a fucking blatant Neo Nazi allowed not only to bake but BV HERE!

Q drops down and Q's Anon…

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83e9c6 No.21008385

AS shills are pseudo intellectuals.

Everything old is now new again…

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c31510 No.21008386

File: 1e2c58e18cbc0ba⋯.png (537.26 KB,1024x496,64:31,Anime_makes_Great_Points_a….png)

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5cd98c No.21008387

File: 83346a8037ffba0⋯.gif (1.58 MB,360x341,360:341,0000000000000000000008.gif)

Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Roman Catholic Jesuit learning institution by his Father?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP removed from a Roman Catholic Jesuit learning institution by his Father?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Military learning institution by his Father?

Why does Drop #3565 "Q Links to the Pope's tweet on Human Trafficking" connect to Drop #4208 "He fights for you" POTUS military school image > Biblical?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Roman Catholic Jesuit learning institution by his Father?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP removed from a Roman Catholic Jesuit learning institution by his Father?

Why was DONALD J TRUMP put into a Military learning institution by his Father?

Why does Drop #3565 "Q Links to the Pope's tweet on Human Trafficking" connect to Drop #4208 "He fights for you" POTUS military school image > Biblical?


Jul 27, 2018 2:13:18 PM EDT 1735

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: dc4bac No. 2313022

There is nothing more precious than our children.

Evil has no boundaries.


The choice to know will ultimately be yours.

These people are SICK!


To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!

You are not alone in this fight.

God bless.


Nuns Raped Girls With Crucifixes as Female Pedophilia Was Covered Up by the ChurchUNFORGIVEABLE Oct. 05, 2021


Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse carried out by clergy in France's Catholic Church that saw attacks on 330,000 children covered up 'by a veil of silence', damning report finds5 October 2021


Pope Francis expresses 'shame' at news French Catholic Church covered up sex abuse of over 300,000 childrenOctober 07, 2021


SHOCKING REPORT Nuns used crucifixes to rape girls during decades of abuse by French clergy, with 330,000 victims covered upOct 5 2021


French Catholic church expresses ‘shame’ after report finds 330,000 children were abused5 Oct 2021


New Report Finds 330,000 Children Abused in French Catholic Church Over 70 Years


Nuns pimped out boys to priests and politicians who would rape the children as other men watched at German children's home, it emerges as victim wins compensation battle22 December 2020


German nuns were paid to 'drag' children to be sexually abused by predatory Catholic priests, court documents allegeDec 29, 2020


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81d905 No.21008388

File: df5e028e69f44f5⋯.png (242.76 KB,610x619,610:619,df5e028e69f44f52f89598625d….png)


>>20998012 pb

>>20998082 pb

>>20998109 pb

"As they explore the sphere, the team begins to experience strange and terrifying events, including encounters with giant squid, sea snakes, and jellyfish. They soon realize that the sphere is somehow manipulating their thoughts and emotions, and that itmay be connected to a mysterious entity known as "Jerry.""


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81c730 No.21008389

File: a73ea5e1d49e2ee⋯.png (295.53 KB,1045x456,55:24,ae.png)

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83e9c6 No.21008390


Pedo anime.. why?

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c31510 No.21008391



>I’m sure it’s just a coincidence,…

Organic trips

the more I think about it, He went to college no military experience I believe and he starts a Nationwide "Political Militia"? The TEA Party of Militias KEK

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7bf799 No.21008393

File: 277d5d4cc42a9f0⋯.jpg (331.05 KB,799x799,1:1,277d5d4cc42a9f069d150e6152….jpg)

File: 9465ee8822f21a4⋯.jpg (158.08 KB,960x938,480:469,9465ee8822f21a42afb742578c….jpg)

File: 5b9ced69d389336⋯.png (551.09 KB,1200x600,2:1,Screenshot_2023_07_30_at_1….png)

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83e9c6 No.21008394


Cute little monster…

We sent a herd of them to BO.

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c31510 No.21008396



>Pedo anime.. why?

Read what she is saying, it is a Great argument AGAINST Abortion

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982be5 No.21008398

File: 514bdd6aa1be5ea⋯.jpg (213.23 KB,1000x823,1000:823,jew_nigger_muslim_rule.jpg)

File: a922b4f84351b5c⋯.jpg (59.41 KB,500x436,125:109,shlomo_suck.jpg)

File: cdec94bfc6e66a8⋯.jpg (94.4 KB,720x960,3:4,women_circumcision.jpg)

File: 993cc17e3dc0aab⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,640x360,16:9,feminism.mp4)




you are a nigger

gas niggers

enslave women

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6f373a No.21008399

File: 9bfecca35516f5e⋯.png (74.96 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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81d905 No.21008401

File: 081f536c15055a3⋯.jpg (533.46 KB,2414x1211,2414:1211,Screen_Shot_2024_06_11_at_….jpg)



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5c8a67 No.21008402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>how about the 'Ill slow down so I'm the last one through the light, that way I won't have anyone tail gating me'

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83e9c6 No.21008404


Pedo anime is pedo anime…

Mixed message media is MKU

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f3cd5e No.21008406


nice, thank you

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594b47 No.21008407


I still don't get why they put women in charge of war, they are much more erratic and hateful then men, when they want to solve the war problem. Women almost seem to one up man in their petty an vicious war maneuvers

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3b1127 No.21008409

File: a8ed8ef25306030⋯.png (1.86 MB,1818x925,1818:925,ClipboardImage.png)



anon is seeing the same thing.

djt post co-ordinate with Qdrops multiple times.

he is exposing them even though they have convicted him on fake charges.

>>21008247 <--this.

it is a clear and present danger,

they must never be able to put trump behind bars even with or without his security detail which they want to remove.

The project syndicate article about jailbird is still very important, soros think tank..




Note: This is a disgusting as it gets. they are literally enjoying putting everyone through this shit on trump and the people of the usa. take your time to read this carefully as this is the view from the top below the central banksters, the hedgefund criminals and syndicates or as they like to call it Stakeholders and shareholders of your money used to enslave the masses.

>>20761524, >>20761583, >>20761591, >>20762573, PROJECT SYNDICATE - GLOBALIST HEDGEFUND SITE plus article on trump trial and jailing of djt - project syndicate


What to Look for in Trump’s First Trial



written on Apr 22, 2024 by ERIC POSNER

Eric Posner ERIC POSNER Writing for PS since 2019

30 Commentaries

Eric Posner, a professor at the University of Chicago Law School, is the author of How Antitrust Failed Workers (Oxford University Press, 2021).


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5f7ef6 No.21008411

File: 965b9c1f484d404⋯.jpg (131.46 KB,1024x1024,1:1,media_GN_hRAUWkAA51qG.jpg)


>UFO mystery may be result of advanced 'stealth civilization' living on Earth among us, say Harvard scientists


>They soon realize that the sphere is somehow manipulating their thoughts and emotions, and that itmay be connected to a mysterious entity known as "Jerry.""

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556fd6 No.21008412

File: 858676e1273b443⋯.png (348.96 KB,584x716,146:179,ClipboardImage.png)



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16aa06 No.21008414

File: 5a80122e63b2170⋯.png (964.27 KB,1599x1132,1599:1132,IMG_2520.png)

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0b8451 No.21008415

File: 0d6253d6caae642⋯.jpg (147.46 KB,673x440,673:440,ALWAYS_ON_WATCH.jpg)

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83e9c6 No.21008416


Dividers will fail.

This isn’t the hate women board..

This is the hate evil and fight it board.

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bb5802 No.21008417

File: e4304dbccdba9de⋯.jpeg (54.11 KB,931x524,931:524,IMG_2092.jpeg)

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0ebad6 No.21008419


>If you had Q clearance, what is the FIRST subject you would start digging on?

How to turn the cock sucking music off

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3b1127 No.21008420

File: 6dad2364eb9fcd1⋯.png (310.82 KB,571x280,571:280,ClipboardImage.png)


he intricate legal issues and colorful characters in Donald Trump's criminal trials will undoubtedly keep the media and the viewing public enraptured for months to come. But when it comes to the 2024 election, all that really matters is how the defendant appears to a narrow sliver of undecided voters.

CHICAGO – As the first criminal case against Donald Trump gets underway in New York City, the media have forgone their customary practice of declaring the “trial of the century.” Trial of the month is more like it, since three more are set to follow. The sheer number of criminal trials involving different allegations – hush money payments, retention of confidential documents, and election interference – would seem to guarantee a conviction and Trump’s final ejection from public life.

A conviction is indeed possible, even likely. But neither a conviction nor even jail time would disqualify Trump from running for the presidency. The important question is what impact a conviction might have on voters’ choices on election day. Given that most people have already made up their minds about Trump, we are talking about a small, obscure group of undecided voters in a handful of swing states. And given that most of these people seem to have little interest in, or knowledge of, politics, they likely know very little about the accusations against Trump. The media deluge from the trials may finally end their ignorance.

The trial in New York is about business records, not insurrections or national security. The indictment accuses Trump of violating a New York statute under which a person who, with fraudulent intent, “makes or causes a false entry in the business records of an enterprise” is guilty of a felony if he intended to conceal or commit another crime.

The “other crime” is not clearly identified in the indictment, but the focus of the trial is likely to be a federal campaign-finance violation (or possibly a violation of New York election law). Trump’s then-lawyer, Michael Cohen, paid hush money to the adult-film actress Stormy


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83e9c6 No.21008421


We wrestle not against flesh & blood.

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a4414f No.21008422


When you want a massive rapid aim the best rule of thumb ia you shoot where you point.

Fuck the sight post- put holes down range fast and keep your head down.

You can do both gamgsta style.

Try ducking and running while pointing at the threat.

Suppressive fire and scoot.

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0b8451 No.21008423

File: ea4cf0b4bf78015⋯.jpg (108.44 KB,456x574,228:287,WEAR_THE_ARMOR.jpg)

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c61b35 No.21008424


How is admitting that women are horrible leaders a 'hate women' topic.

a good woman knows this.

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49ffb1 No.21008426

File: 067f17a87a374e8⋯.jpg (337.02 KB,1200x1600,3:4,067f17a87a374e8a2259b9edd7….jpg)


>How to turn the cock sucking music off

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bb5802 No.21008427


Proven effective exorcism method for the varied and sundry demons?

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81d905 No.21008429

File: 7525a5480d91adf⋯.jpg (17.46 KB,375x254,375:254,Screen_Shot_2024_06_11_at_….jpg)



>>21008388 (You)

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3b1127 No.21008430

File: fa76d7dc0504261⋯.png (70.95 KB,517x414,517:414,ClipboardImage.png)



Daniels, who had threatened to disclose to a tabloid a sexual encounter with Trump. Paying money to someone to help a campaign is a campaign expenditure, and Cohen admitted to violating the law both by making a payment in excess of legal limits and failing to report it. Trump is accused of orchestrating this scheme, though he has not been indicted for the alleged campaign-finance violations.

The legal issues and the facts of the case are weirdly intricate. The US government did investigate Trump for violating federal campaign-finance law, but government lawyers probably feared that a jury would find that he concealed the hush-money payoff because it was personally embarrassing, not because it helped his campaign. That is what happened when the government prosecuted but failed to convict John Edwards in connection with the coverup of an extramarital affair during his 2008 Democratic presidential primary campaign.

Alvin Bragg, the New York district attorney, is not required to prove that Trump violated the campaign-finance law, only that he intended to do so. The federal government’s failure to indict Trump for campaign-finance violations suggests that Bragg may need to prove to a jury that Trump intended to commit a crime that the jury won’t think he actually committed. In making the journey into Trump’s brain to discover what exactly the man was thinking eight years ago, Bragg’s Virgil will be Cohen, an ex-con and admitted perjurer. Daniels will also testify.

You might think that this circus of seedy characters and events would end Trump’s electoral chances for good, just as Edwards’s dalliance destroyed his political career. But that would be a mistake, one that has been made a thousand times before. For Trump’s supporters, every new disclosure about his shocking behavior and repulsive character merely confirms the malevolence of the disclosers. In their view, Bragg’s prosecution of Trump for a business-records violation is actually an attempt to derail Trump’s campaign for the presidency by distracting him and exposing him to public embarrassment.

Exhibit A for this theory may be that Bragg has styled his business-records case as an election interference case rather than as a minor financial peccadillo. Bragg argues that Trump is a threat to New York’s reputation for business probity and to US democracy, bridging this yawning gulf by pointing out that the false business records concealed a campaign-finance violation that would have persuaded people to vote against Trump back in 2016 if they had learned of it. Hence, minor financial fraud is transmuted into major election interference. But the logic assumes that a substantial number of voters would not have supported Trump if they had known about the Daniels affair – an unknowable and perhaps implausible proposition. It also stumbles on the inconvenient fact that the business-records falsification occurred after the election, not before it. Trump may have attempted to interfere with the election by depriving voters of information about (parts of) his scandalous past, but it is not clear that it affected the outcome.

So, how much will this trial matter? It won’t change Trump voters’ support and may be too confusing to influence those independent voters who have not been paying attention to electoral politics. Maybe all that matters is the symbolism of the thing. If Trump is thrown in jail, he will surely present himself as a political prisoner in the mold of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn or Alexei Navalny. But the image of Trump being led off in handcuffs, or the (mental) image of him being strip-searched upon his reception into jail, will probably have more impact on people than anything that is revealed at the trial. Are Americans ready to elect a jailbird?

Well, that possibility cannot be ruled out.


One last insight, stormy daniels is a nxinm is a brothmen attack, she did have the tattoo, this info is being memory holed

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c61b35 No.21008431


various Latin prayers made a holy person might be the best way to do that.

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594b47 No.21008432

>>21008218 What did it say? "Joe Bidan you are the next man up as President" Do your worst, you promised it before you were sent to Gitmo. yes JOE IT'S YOU.

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c31510 No.21008435



>Pedo anime is pedo anime…

Do you bitch about Loretta the Anime Baker? It is what it is, I saved it and posted itt, it makes a great points and I am against Abortion. If you don't like the picture, change it

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bb5802 No.21008436


Good women are necessary adjunct for effective leadership. Fackt.

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49ffb1 No.21008437

File: dd54c7d2d94ed3c⋯.jpg (94.42 KB,1280x1120,8:7,adeb0c4689f6cdfb1ba811422e….jpg)


>We wrestle not against flesh & blood.

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c61b35 No.21008438


supporting the men, at home.

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a9d819 No.21008439

File: cd2fbab05d7d23b⋯.png (716.08 KB,1187x770,1187:770,ClipboardImage.png)



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c3167d No.21008440


Antarctica or the Ant Arctic Circle ⭕️ or the Artic Circle ⭕️


Sep 19, 2018 8:58:13 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 922952 No. 3095105

Sep 19, 2018 8:45:34 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: a16b71 No. 3094804


Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?


False, moon landings are real.

Programs exist that are outside of public domain.


5y, 8m, 3w, 1d, 3h, 50m ago

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bb5802 No.21008441




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a4414f No.21008443


I could go another long time without that retards face on my phone again.

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c61b35 No.21008444



women are often their trying to find a husband and playing the men off against each other.

often they are too emotional and can not make wise decisions.

they also tend to favor their own clans and families far more often.

and the fact is that they go crazy once a month until menopause, and then they are crazy all the time.

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951b0d No.21008445

ant arc, small curve/circle?

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c61b35 No.21008448


I hope that they person arguing this understands I baiting her.

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a9d819 No.21008449

File: efa7c16571212cd⋯.png (218.25 KB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


666 juice

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cfd8ab No.21008450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Proven effective exorcism method for the varied and sundry demons?

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b8529b No.21008451

File: 894083e5c2d2882⋯.png (2.48 MB,1200x864,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)


>Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon


>exactly what one would expect from Revolutionary War Heros


Old Glory knows not what color skin carries her - only that for which it stands - one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL.


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ed0349 No.21008452

File: d508df5309813e3⋯.png (6.01 MB,2048x2048,1:1,d508df5309813e382e9cc439f4….png)


I don't wrestle. I ground pound and kick teeth in.

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7bf799 No.21008453



look at it this way

many of PP customers are raped minors

so it's fitting for once

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556fd6 No.21008455

File: eb55fd9acc8e06c⋯.png (351.3 KB,590x711,590:711,ClipboardImage.png)



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594b47 No.21008456


does that make a difference, it's still illegal if they are part of Nato or allies. ''why are you bothered by this post? ARE YOU FROM UKRAINE? I THINK YOU ARE

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739d90 No.21008458


american pie

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0b8451 No.21008459

File: 5b48524354aff8c⋯.jpg (159.22 KB,660x639,220:213,STONE_SOUP.jpg)

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56f4da No.21008460


Same. How bout those ear pods lol

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0ebad6 No.21008461


>>How to turn the cock sucking music off

I'm not a cat, neither is my family, but good job getting a couple of old grannies that never heard of Q or give a shit about politics to kill themselves.

Well done, faggots.

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56f4da No.21008462


I’m running for Mayor of Meowville I need your endorsement .

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db2b7b No.21008463

File: ae5fd43e7e3aff9⋯.png (117.59 KB,574x172,287:86,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb5802 No.21008464

File: 3ce1061c0285979⋯.jpeg (166.17 KB,675x900,3:4,IMG_2091.jpeg)


Voter apathy.

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c31510 No.21008465

File: a5deba04cf525ef⋯.jpg (161.37 KB,1024x555,1024:555,Wilcock_makes_Great_Points….jpg)


>Pedo anime is pedo anime…

Here David was molested too

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0c35e3 No.21008466

File: cee36e976ef35d0⋯.png (846.39 KB,1251x671,1251:671,ClipboardImage.png)


>Patriot Front Founder Thomas Rousseau

Flag, (not bewbs) on right lapel.


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56f4da No.21008467


Keep it up

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f3cd5e No.21008468

File: 8ef8b1daf07b185⋯.png (27.88 KB,470x176,235:88,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0a68414f7c0f55⋯.png (54.57 KB,470x313,470:313,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02984c02e115f42⋯.png (111.51 KB,325x512,325:512,ClipboardImage.png)


yup 11:33pmE

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7bf799 No.21008469

File: 1cda5ef00c3f123⋯.png (902.07 KB,763x738,763:738,1cda5ef00c3f123dfad561f20b….png)

last call


#25763 >>21007720

>>21007796 NEW: China's Evergrande EV ordered to repay $262mn subsidies, faces asset seizure

>>21007809 Where Hunter Biden's tax case stands after guilty verdict in federal gun trial

>>21007815, >>21007839, >>21007861, >>21007902, >>21008049, >>21008182, >>21008203, >>21008252 PF

>>21007820, >>21008207, >>21008348, >>21008412, >>21008455 @POTUS TRUTHS and Wins!

>>21007821 Donald Trump met with Bitcoin miners at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, his latest embrace of the crypto industry

>>21007825 @WarRoom Weiss Committing Lawfare By Another Name With Hunter Biden. It's all bullshit the misdirection play.

>>21007835 FLASHBACK Burisma announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company's board of directors

>>21007838 Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue - five months after mogul admitted to using weight loss drugs

>>21007882, >>21007919, >>21007995 (DOD) sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products for Mil and Schoolchildren and ?

>>21007948, >>21008180, >>21008247 Mil Posts

>>21007949 PF Not something typically seen on a Tuesday night. Call sign EMBER45

>>21007968, >>21007983, >>21007992, >>21008248 Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?

>>21008062 Delivery of jets to Kiev was ‘illegal’ – NATO member IS Illegal

>>21008078 Stefanik Hosts Roster of Women Congressional Candidates in Washington for ‘Rising Stars Reception’

>>21008219 Pretty Trippy

>>21008240 Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon 25:34

>>21008369, >>21008409, >>21008420, >>21008430 PDJT has been way more obvious this last year! IYKYK

>>21008439 new Trump legal team files motion to dismiss based on spoliation of evidence in classified docs case


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3945cd No.21008471

File: f03a705b05711b3⋯.jpg (71.82 KB,600x600,1:1,il_600x600_5596777028_kwg2.jpg)



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81d905 No.21008472

File: 634e26e92007a51⋯.jpg (73.05 KB,383x599,383:599,Screen_Shot_2024_06_11_at_….jpg)

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56f4da No.21008474


Snot even close

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a4414f No.21008475


Vs Patriotic Mitosis.

One pepe is bold shares boldness w normies. Pepe divides and conquers

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a9d819 No.21008477

File: 66fad69075d6a95⋯.png (3.11 MB,2048x1536,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


you are spot on correct! it is the same reasoning for canada's maid program. it all hinges on worshipping the devil in accordance with who and what the debil is…

the father of lies, thievery, and murder!

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f3cd5e No.21008478



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655286 No.21008479


delusional psychopath detected….

FFS… abortion wasn't "invented" by satanists

abortion goes back to prehistoric times, dumbasses

even before humans existed, under extreme duress, animals eat their young

it's a SPECIES SURVIVAL INSTINCT that predates human existence

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c3167d No.21008480

File: bc5a6950daef849⋯.jpeg (1.21 MB,1620x1999,1620:1999,IMG_2263.jpeg)

File: f4a7357a8df7d85⋯.jpeg (184.37 KB,825x550,3:2,IMG_2264.jpeg)


Maybe we should ask the Guy that Just Spoke at The Southern Baptist Conference (A Creationist - Biblical Earth) and…

On June 30, 2017, was appointed chair of the National Space Council after Trump signed an executive order reestablishing the council.[232] As chair, Pence held eight meetings from 2017 to 2020.


Vice President Mike Pence announced that personnel in the Space Force will be called Guardians. He spoke during a White House event marking the first anniversary of the U.S. Space Force, yesterday.

"It is my honor, on behalf of the President of the United States, to announce that, henceforth, the men and women of the United States Space Force will be known as 'Guardians,'" Pence said during the ceremonies.

Let me urge each and every one of you Guardians to keep pushing. … Keep pushing the vision and the mission of the United States Space Force, which is to ensure that America remains as dominant in space."

Vice President Mike Pence

The Trump administration championed establishing the U.S. Space Force culminating in the legislation signed Dec. 20, 2019, that formed the first U.S. armed force since the Air Force was established in 1947. "That historic moment was a culmination of an effort that began from the early days of this administration — from almost the first moment that the president and I spoke about space when we were campaigning for these jobs," Pence said. "He had a dual focus of renewing American leadership in human space exploration, but also ensuring that America remained as dominant in space as we are in land and air and sea."

There are roughly 4,000 Guardians in the U.S. Space Force — all from the Air Force. One of the newest members of the service is in orbit aboard the International Space Station. Space Force Col. Michael Hopkins, a NASA astronaut, transferred from the Air Force to the Space Force. This is a far cry from earlier this year when Gen. John "Jay" Raymond and Chief Master Sergeant Roger Towberman were the only two members of the Space Force.

That space is now a war-fighting domain is not questioned. Russia and China are aggressively seeking ways to cut into America's dominance in space, Pence said. He noted that Russia conducted yet another antisatellite missile launch. "We're leading in space, but our determination … is to stay in the lead to defend America and defend our freedom from [the vantage point of] space," he said.

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bb5802 No.21008481

File: 917e582ec3a8be2⋯.jpeg (238.3 KB,1500x1125,4:3,IMG_2093.jpeg)


Symbol needs this..

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56f4da No.21008482


Be kind to a vending machine today

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c31510 No.21008483

File: f28994ed71070ea⋯.jpg (55.6 KB,500x500,1:1,patriotclub.jpg)



Do they choose to look like the memes or the memes create them?

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0ebad6 No.21008484


>who and what the debil is…

It's dbills.

You heard it wrong.

That's different from the devil.

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982be5 No.21008485

File: ce87dcc20670341⋯.png (1.92 MB,1608x2048,201:256,TND_Astolfo.png)

gas niggers

enslave women

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d71b31 No.21008487

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ed0349 No.21008488

File: 2b3905e5c0444b5⋯.jpg (219.65 KB,1280x720,16:9,2b3905e5c0444b5ebe23ce6a0f….jpg)


The thing is though, Pig, I need to find a balance between combating the shills and not pissing off the BV's. I, uh, kind of got on their radar not long ago, mainly in the morning. Not sure if it because of the mimics muddying the waters, or they were fed up with my assholish behavior, but yeah, they slapped my dick a couple times in the mornings until I smartened up a bit and checked my surroundings. Not sure which one it was as I don't obsess over the log and note every deletion and try to make a scene about it like the retards do, and they were shitposts anyway but it does mess with the digits a bit, which I do listen to from time to time as silly as that sounds. Playing it by ear now and trusting my gut.

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c31510 No.21008489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>FFS… abortion wasn't "invented" by satanists


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e30530 No.21008491


Did someone kys? Anons have keys.

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5f7ef6 No.21008492

File: da571f0d77b68a0⋯.png (72.27 KB,643x179,643:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc0ee73879a2f6f⋯.png (177.17 KB,306x300,51:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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982be5 No.21008494

gas niggers

enslave women

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e30530 No.21008496


>for those who are getting these jokes

hello johnny. just watching the space channel.

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c61b35 No.21008497


in a world of such great over abundance defending the 'eating of young' is sick minded.

you must have had an adult teach you this.

some day hopefully you'll understand that they did you wrong.

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0ebad6 No.21008499


>Did someone kys? Anons have keys.

Been some FUCKIN PROBLEMS to say the least.

AI radio networks merging from different nations driving people crazy for no fucking reason. Shitty targeting data getting applied and reapplied causing innocents to be attacked with it. Fucking Canada.

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c61b35 No.21008500


filter sick head shills

report psychopathic threats.

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56f4da No.21008501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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655286 No.21008503


>I preformed experimental research at a Department of Energy facility, mostly related to materials science.

so your compartmentalized "clearance" didn't include anything of political significance, just some nerdy science experiments

and likely not the "big picture" of what the ultimate application of your results would be used for


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6f373a No.21008504

File: f51785a0d6b73ed⋯.mp4 (4.38 MB,320x568,40:71,gattaca_rejects.mp4)

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19a462 No.21008505


night shift needs a mini me

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3945cd No.21008506

File: 9c88a42ceb6dd0d⋯.png (325.34 KB,599x601,599:601,9c88a42ceb6dd0d768be7d03cb….png)




what if besties with God and plan all along to weed out the evil souls of man

God running a psy-op before we bounce to the next level


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bb5802 No.21008507


Just eat the lunch fast so you don’t taste it.

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3945cd No.21008508




what if besties with God and plan all along to weed out the evil souls of man

God running a psy-op before we bounce to the next level

ascend >>21008481

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a9d819 No.21008509

File: bcbda5320093619⋯.png (64.91 KB,780x325,12:5,ClipboardImage.png)

from go woke go broke dept


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6f373a No.21008510


Terence McKenna already proposed this in True Hallucinations, 1994

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19a462 No.21008511

File: 7998bf1d52cf8fe⋯.png (793.84 KB,525x519,175:173,00nsf3.png)

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19a462 No.21008512

File: 0dc28cd09f9d44d⋯.jpg (266.51 KB,1200x675,16:9,00nsf2.jpg)

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19a462 No.21008513

File: bdf9d61df608ce2⋯.gif (2.63 MB,900x524,225:131,000z2.gif)

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19a462 No.21008514

File: 83346a8037ffba0⋯.gif (1.58 MB,360x341,360:341,0000000000000000000008.gif)

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982be5 No.21008515

File: ffd2f9bf03734fd⋯.jpg (51.05 KB,454x340,227:170,whoisthatkike.jpg)

File: a922b4f84351b5c⋯.jpg (59.41 KB,500x436,125:109,shlomo_suck.jpg)


seeth harder subhuman swarthoid kike

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a9d819 No.21008516


>I’m running for Mayor of Meowville I need your endorsement .

pull a trudeau! catnip for all!

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5f7ef6 No.21008517

File: 549aa9da587ffa7⋯.png (307.8 KB,474x387,158:129,ClipboardImage.png)


It took us a while to get there, the jewish space lasers distracted us a lot.

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bb5802 No.21008518


Vegan hotdogs?

How dare he know what’s in the hotdog!


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11a01a No.21008519


Red October seems to be the theme for Trump Truth tonight.

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56f4da No.21008520


But do I fund a bear eating its retarded bastard of the batch? No, faggot. Try again.

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7bf799 No.21008521

File: 377f0994287dd3f⋯.jpg (16.99 KB,249x255,83:85,c5fceae43745639865d19caaa3….jpg)


Baker seeks HandOff next bread


#25763 >>21007720

>>21007796 NEW: China's Evergrande EV ordered to repay $262mn subsidies, faces asset seizure

>>21007809 Where Hunter Biden's tax case stands after guilty verdict in federal gun trial

>>21007815, >>21007839, >>21007861, >>21007902, >>21008049, >>21008182, >>21008203, >>21008252 PF

>>21007820, >>21008207, >>21008348, >>21008412, >>21008455 @POTUS TRUTHS and Wins!

>>21007821 Donald Trump met with Bitcoin miners at Mar-a-Lago on Tuesday, his latest embrace of the crypto industry

>>21007825 @WarRoom Weiss Committing Lawfare By Another Name With Hunter Biden. It's all bullshit the misdirection play.

>>21007835 FLASHBACK Burisma announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company's board of directors

>>21007838 Oprah Winfrey hospitalized for stomach issue - five months after mogul admitted to using weight loss drugs

>>21007882, >>21007919, >>21007995 (DOD) sponsored research grant that will fund the development of lab-grown meat products for Mil and Schoolchildren and ?

>>21007948, >>21008180, >>21008247 Mil Posts

>>21007949 PF Not something typically seen on a Tuesday night. Call sign EMBER45

>>21007968, >>21007983, >>21007992, >>21008248 Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?

>>21008062 Delivery of jets to Kiev was ‘illegal’ – NATO member IS Illegal

>>21008078 Stefanik Hosts Roster of Women Congressional Candidates in Washington for ‘Rising Stars Reception’

>>21008219 Pretty Trippy

>>21008240 Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon 25:34

>>21008369, >>21008409, >>21008420, >>21008430 PDJT has been way more obvious this last year! IYKYK

>>21008439 new Trump legal team files motion to dismiss based on spoliation of evidence in classified docs case

>>21008509 pro-eater-joey-chestnut-endorses-vegan-hotdogs-gets-banned-from-4th-of-july-contest

baker seeks handoff top of next bread


Old Glory knows not what color skin carries her - only that for which it stands - one Nation under God

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56f4da No.21008522


Property taxes are out of hand and zoning is a disgrace. I’m putting an end to it….in 20 years

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11a01a No.21008524

File: 1b868ca87886d60⋯.jpg (71.08 KB,854x480,427:240,1b868ca87886d609a8bf692990….jpg)


member that time Q said "Remember your oath"?

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56f4da No.21008529

File: 4486b375af549e3⋯.jpeg (94.96 KB,720x900,4:5,IMG_1495.jpeg)


I volunteer. Goodnight, “anon”. Rest easy, being anonymous and all.

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35432e No.21008530

File: fb2bfa9d23ae898⋯.png (521.41 KB,450x604,225:302,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f373a No.21008532

File: adf188a65612118⋯.png (475.01 KB,666x623,666:623,ClipboardImage.png)


In 1955 the US Navy detonated an underwater nuke. The blast echoed across all the oceans for hours. If there were any advanced intelligences in the ocean they would have taken out your parents, before you were born.

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a9d819 No.21008534


MR Pig do you actually know what this is?

have you heard of magic? this is elemental magic and can be as powerful as blood and bone magic

for shame Mr Pig

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7bf799 No.21008535

File: 60944e6ad35be27⋯.jpg (78.32 KB,995x747,995:747,winx.jpg)

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7bf799 No.21008537

File: 6b484d9f6cabcee⋯.jpg (152.45 KB,351x504,39:56,6b484d9f6cabcee811456eac66….jpg)

File: 8e7b2c70f909497⋯.png (2.27 MB,875x1127,125:161,8e7b2c70f909497e01627ce96a….png)

File: b67de40c719d3e9⋯.jpeg (76.75 KB,1080x1070,108:107,b67de40c719d3e90b131db003….jpeg)

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3be355 No.21008538

Democrats you hit the end of the road Trump has 100% of the law behind him… Democrats make sure your last wishes are in order. What you have done to president Trump will not be forgiven.

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c96b70 No.21008540


>do you actually know what this is?

Meme about a meme.

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6f373a No.21008541

File: 4a59be130820d6c⋯.png (235.43 KB,453x371,453:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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7bf799 No.21008542

File: 1b114b2737a8278⋯.jpg (59.14 KB,800x494,400:247,1b114b2737a8278239565af028….jpg)

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0c35e3 No.21008546

File: 4ae8d4cf4d73e8c⋯.png (449.69 KB,568x681,568:681,ClipboardImage.png)

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aeae13 No.21008549


i love this song from young. still do.

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af1ff1 No.21008551


>All your red balloons go BYE you sick war mongers

1% and 99% balloons.

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2694e1 No.21008561

File: b1191699273ed34⋯.png (894.64 KB,1144x954,572:477,red.png)

File: 73a8e634c57c4ba⋯.png (675.94 KB,1148x952,41:34,theycouldntv23.png)

So our President Truthed the phil interview https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/112600958127426229

FFd just about all of phil, listened to POTUS’ response regarding all the china-bought land near crucial sites (previosuly saw it mentioned)… Yet another perfect illustration of how these Communist propagandists work with their fake WORD SALADS:

When POTUS addressed the (Communists) changing the names of the Forts, from which were used to “win two World Wars”, this is what he was answered with:

"Well, as you know' (WTF the fucker should’ve been KOd, 1987 Mike Tyson-style, right there), they call it ‘presentism’, what they do is they take today’s cultural standards blahblahblah and apply it to peoples’ conduct 100 years ago.”

WTF! Yeah, if you’re talking the BOLSHEVIKS, which this IS. Goes on with some asinine analogy with speed limits. Couldn’t listen to one second more. This fucker belongs on FAUX. Bring up an extremely crucial topic (Communist/China-OWNED DC “politicians” handing over land along with EVERYTHING else) and then completely sabotage it with crap like “presentism”. Did this creep make that word up? How about full-blown COMMUNISM, you fake fuck oprah Pimpfrey frankenstein. 45 Communist Goals laid it out Forever-Ago but these tools' purpose is to suppress it.

…7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N. …

11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind… 15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States…. 16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights. 17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks. 18. Gain control of all student newspapers. 19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. 20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions. 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures. 22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.” 23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. .. 24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press. 25. Break down cultural standards of morality …”

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis. 30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. 31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history

32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc. 33. Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus. 34. Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI 36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions. 37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business. 38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat]. 39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals. 40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce. 41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents. 42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems. … https://archive.is/keWI7 https://www.beliefnet.com/columnists/watchwomanonthewall/2011/04/the-45-communist-goals-as-read-into-the-congressional-record-1963.html https://archive.ph/cgbDt

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486c1c No.21008564

File: 6f9f67e2c7bde3d⋯.jpeg (86.33 KB,500x569,500:569,IMG_2541.jpeg)

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a9d819 No.21008567

File: 0ab0b5bda3f3f7d⋯.png (108.49 KB,569x505,569:505,ClipboardImage.png)

and the answer is NO

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d9a830 No.21008572

File: 6cbc7a6dcd84bf1⋯.png (561.59 KB,734x825,734:825,6cbc7a6dcd84bf16d6b463efc3….png)

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56f4da No.21008576

Shut the fuck up crack head

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95062a No.21008588

File: 2f63a87657e7562⋯.png (317.78 KB,500x407,500:407,b75n8670860954839.png)

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7bf799 No.21008593

File: 84fcafaeb07687d⋯.png (253.87 KB,399x401,399:401,0d3e227a6e3a173e881bba3f9b….png)

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f6ad15 No.21008595

File: 1e2c4225c67f591⋯.png (1.1 MB,736x736,1:1,1e2c4225c67f59146e0246d61e….png)

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7bf799 No.21008596

File: 7bcd33847aa6f4b⋯.jpg (122.52 KB,500x603,500:603,7bcd33847aa6f4b219a7809bb5….jpg)

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7bf799 No.21008597

File: 77cd9a591bb692d⋯.jpeg (36.61 KB,255x252,85:84,fbb4e01156ed11a486a9543e5….jpeg)

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7bf799 No.21008600

File: f3df4b1949f18e8⋯.png (1.32 MB,1920x1080,16:9,f3df4b1949f18e8d849e4bec31….png)

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81bdb6 No.21008606

File: b7db5aca44bc2e4⋯.jpeg (50.16 KB,290x290,1:1,114.jpeg)

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a4414f No.21008609


Middle fingers stacked ten feet hight…

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1b3f1a No.21008611

File: 04492d15e839100⋯.png (3.02 MB,1024x1024,1:1,04492d15e83910032e400d8f70….png)




>51 Former Intelligence Officers still have their Security Clearances

Once the new word for treason is established, they wont have them.

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9afc01 No.21008613

File: e3c942f690a06b2⋯.png (1.92 MB,810x1080,3:4,The_ride_never_ends_4.png)















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