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File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,bac4c6b4210217352e3d0f55f….jpeg)

5c8102 No.20987509 [Last50 Posts]

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5c8102 No.20987510

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5c8102 No.20987511


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds


>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987232, >>20987453, >>20987238, >>20987283, >>20987270, >>20987305, >>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125, >>20987332, >>20987314, >>20987404 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!! decode, fvey eyes and iran hamas attack drug theory, next comms.

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

>>20987240 Corrupt juror in Merchan's trial against Trump, on the record.

>>20987237, >>20987247 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election.

>>20987263 Donald J. Trump: Join TrumpForce47.com today!

>>20987305, >>20987320, >>20987330, >>20987390

>>20987394 Dan Scavino: Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist David Sacks joins the Great Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…

>>20987450, >>20987451 Judge Merchan has sent letters to prosecution and defense attorneys about jurors discussing plans to find the ex president guilty before delivering their verdict = MISTRIAL

>>20987500 Merchan PDF 'My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted'

>>20987505 #25739

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5c8102 No.20987512

#25738 >>20985925

>>20985952 Biden mocks his supporter for being poor and calls him a "lying dog faced pony soldier" for wanting him to sign his two baseballs

>>20985958, >>20985963 He has no idea what he's talking about. That's a troll he's describing. Shitposting is a art unto itself

>>20986055 Video: Farage going scorched earth on the vaccines and deaths, plus the tories lies

>>20986060 National Security Council. Why aren't they being grilled in Congress for COVID policies?

>>20986077 @Jim_Jordan Demands Dr. Fauci Appear for Transcribed Interview About Censorship Efforts During COVID-19

>>20986156 MAGA Crazees agree > Words Matter - There are 2 different screen shots of post about Trump Juror

>>20986170 There's something sketchy about this…. Merchan made this public for a reason…. There's something bigger being diluted

>>20986182 @DiamondandSilk - Chelsea Handler, Are you a prostitute or just one of the gatekeepers for the Democrat Plantation?

>>20986194 And We Know: Gag order DELTA, Silicone Valley changing? Election interference, DECLAS comms, Pray!

>>20986208 WarRoom: Boris Epshteyn Reports Georgia Court Of Appeals Has HALTED Fani Willis Case Against President Trump

>>20986228 Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar Accurately Predicted Death of CNN Anchor Drew Griffin During Interview

>>20986241 Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam

>>20986248 These are the headlines around the World that are NOT being shown to America as they fraudulently convict President Trump

>>20986258 The NY Supreme Court notified Merchan of the Trump verdict Facebook post - That gives him few options aside from a mistrial

>>20986260 Governor Kevin Stitt Signs into Law the State is Exempt from ALL Mandates & Recommendations

>>20986263 President Trump Dominates Arizona | Charlie Kirk Previews ‘The People’s Convention’ In One Week

>>20986282 PF Mexican Navy ANX-01 Learjet 35 back to Mex (and just after the ‘selection’ of Shinebaum)

>>20986304 keks: 🚨BREAKING: American citizens paint 1,954-mile long Pride flag along the U.S./Mexico border so the government will finally arrest those walking over it.

>>20986344 Meta removes anti-Pride child protection event on Instagram for supposedly “violating local law”

>>20986451 PACAF retweet of @EielsonAirForce

>>20986535 Toyota testing scandal wipes $18bn from market cap

>>20986649 George Conway tells The Daily Show that after the election "we still have to live with those people [Trump supporters] and we are going to have to deprogram them at some point."

>>20986685, >>20986708 Joe Biden essentially plagiarized Ronald Reagan’s famous 1984 speech at Pointe du Hoc today

>>20986742 #25738

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5c8102 No.20987513

#25737 >>20985164

>>20985216 Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Kamala Harris appearance on Jimmy Kimmel (VIDEO)

>>20985225 Mike Davis - My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence

>>20985228 This could be grounds for a mistrial @AlinaHabba and she’s confirmed this letter from Merchan is real.

>>20985270 @KashPatel - Rocking Detroit Reawaken Tour with @AlinaHabba and @EricTrump - thank you @ClayClark n @FlynnMovie

>>20985280 In his first act as US Atty for DC, Biden appointee Matthew Graves indicted Steve Bannon for contempt

>>20985291, >>20985300 watch - Dr. Phil's Exclusive Interview with President Donald J Trump

>>20985332 Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – Governor Vladimir Saldo

>>20985350, >>20985398, >>20985676, >>20985683, >>20985863 EYES ON - Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police?

>>20985351 Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted by a man in central Copenhagen on Friday evening

>>20985396 Ties between Washington and Kiev have reportedly deteriorated over aid delays and pressure to reduce fraud

>>20985534 At least 28 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces batter Gaza, with tanks advancing on Rafah

>>20985587 SCORE90 RQ4 Global Hawk drone has gone clear across the country, around, down and over

>>20985603 At least 150 villagers feared dead in Sudan massacre

>>20985638, >>20985658 Dr. Eithan Haim General Surgeon Whistleblower - indicted for protecting minors from Texas children's hospital mutilation

>>20985646 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1124 A319Zelenskydeparted Paris-Degaulle Intl and heading for Lublin or Rzeszow Airport -Likely Lublin

>>20985780, >>20985813 CoVID Bioweapon Injections WERE NOT VACCINES and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just concurred NO MORE MANDATES

>>20985902 #25737

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5c8102 No.20987515

#25736A >>20984403

>>20984405 Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT

>>20984422 Blind Subservience To "Patriotism" Has Destroyed America

>>20984426 RNC Launches ‘Swamp The Vote’ Site, Appears to Be Just Another Data Mining Op.

>>20984428, >>20984584 PF Global Hawk up out of DC area is cruising along Mexico border after doing it's best to avoid flying over land

>>20984437 The new Miss Maryland USA is a man

>>20984439 Records expunged for St. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters. They want their guns back


>>20984458 Novara REACTS To 7-Party General Election BBC Debate

>>20984463 Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans

>>20984466 Justice Clarence Thomas formally reports trip to Bali paid for by conservative donor

>>20984468 @Snowden Looking forward to this! Q3785 Looking Forward to that flood Sir!

>>20984477 PF Conus activity: Four E-6 Mercury - two R135 SIGINT - one E3TF AWACS

>>20984486 Beyoncé gave concert tickets to Ketanji Brown Jackson & Justices Book Deals

>>20984500 transgender who shot six people to death at a Nashville Christian school, left behind notes allegedly focused on her “imaginary penis”

>>20984501, >>20984505, >>20984945, >>20985060 POTUS: JOIN TODAY! https://trumpforce47.com/

>>20984508 The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do With the Prosecutions of Trump Victor Davis Hanson

>>20984513 New Filing by Lake and Finchem: 2020 and 2022 Elections in Maricopa “No More Reliable than a Ouija Board”

>>20984516 USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America

>>20984544 Finland becomes first country in the world to offer Bird Flu vaccines to humans

>>20984419, >>20984551 Tucker Carlson: Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

>>20984563 Australian nationalist, 20, has his bank account shut down due to his political views

>>20984579 Former Senior Executive at Chinatown Bank Sentenced to 3 Years in Federal Prison for Embezzling More Than $700,000 From Employer

>>20984585, >>20984590 Judgements on Covid and PPP Fraud Schemes

>>20984605, >>20984945, >>20984968 How to inspire people to show interest in your failing business

>>20984623, >>20984669 @WarRoom John Solomon On FBI Protecting Biden Family, Necessity To Enlist MAGA In Local And State Elections

>>20984648, 20984528 '97 SCOTUS 9-0 decision: Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void - anon bun

>>20984690 more PF: SAMs,PAT, and Navy G5s to JBA-Trudope to Calgary

>>20984703 DNA CONTAMINATION Confirmed .. in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna .. NOT safe for Humans

>>20984749 New Emerson Poll — Trump leads Biden 44-38 with all candidates included

>>20984773 Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR, But Media FREAKS Over Clarence Thomas’s $100K

>>20984792, >>20984798 TURLEY: Garland’s Moment of Truth: With the Perjury Referral, the Attorney General Faces a Clear Choice Between Principle and Politics

>>20984815, >>20984866, >>20984985, >>20985035, >>20985036 Merchan sends letter to parties in NY Trump case notifying them - A Questionable Web posting by someone who claimed to have been in contact with one of the TRUMP trial's jurors

>>20984833 Catch and release leads to four counts of sexual assault and one count of assault against a person with a severe mental handicap

>>20984840 MIKE LINDELL: "Our Election Software: An Insecure System, in an Insecure Database, in Plain Text."

>>20984852 NY Democratic congressional candidate calls for MAGA re-education camps

>>20984863 Company linked to Biden takes over funeral business in Ukraine

>>20984864 The right could win big in Europe – thanks to young people

>>20984873 steven spielberg helped direct pResident biden's major speech normandy DDay80

>>20985126 #25736A

Previously Collected

>>20985136 #25736B,

>>20983045 #25733, >>20983532 #25734, >>20984725 #25735

>>20980068 #25730, >>20981732 #25731, >>20981786 #25732

>>20977531 #25727, >>20978450 #25728, >>20979317 #25729

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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5c8102 No.20987517

File: e9330393897c210⋯.png (343.08 KB,600x358,300:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 312bf434b1d0b9d⋯.png (158.36 KB,742x905,742:905,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca2ff9c5ea97433⋯.png (75.91 KB,1200x581,1200:581,ClipboardImage.png)



Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition



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3b9574 No.20987522

File: 990130f135950ca⋯.jpeg (2.96 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2075.jpeg)

Morning anons, just a question.

This missing doctor, Michael Mosley

Why is this getting so much tv attention.

What did he descover?

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837f7d No.20987525

File: fc1ef4e58fc6932⋯.png (250.92 KB,598x674,299:337,baker_potus.png)





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3b9574 No.20987529

Dimdtbmeen to shot the bread but replies would be appreciated.

God bless.

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1e9d59 No.20987533

File: b04c1bd776e2b13⋯.jpg (118.37 KB,808x1020,202:255,Screenshot_20240608_070056….jpg)

File: ef2e3ae2c029bde⋯.jpg (56.21 KB,799x1045,799:1045,Screenshot_20240608_070106….jpg)

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10dc80 No.20987534

File: ec09ccc9a4a875c⋯.jpeg (14.37 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_1941.jpeg)

File: c1173bf2b9a73f2⋯.jpeg (86.42 KB,1000x1000,1:1,IMG_1942.jpeg)

File: abcd31c6b662e4a⋯.jpeg (238.94 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_1933.jpeg)

File: 7275620bbcd2372⋯.jpeg (24.38 KB,148x165,148:165,IMG_1934.jpeg)

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e17a07 No.20987535

File: 88b8bf6cf3cbbe7⋯.gif (2.67 MB,628x594,314:297,IMG_1655.GIF)

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1e9d59 No.20987536

File: 98296dc1d8b0e75⋯.jpg (349.14 KB,480x1461,160:487,POTUS_45_47_Ball_2.jpg)

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5c8102 No.20987537

File: bc585fdf2b82543⋯.png (422.67 KB,898x845,898:845,ClipboardImage.png)



Trump gains 6 MILLION TikTok followers in 1 week—Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months 

The Biden campaign's first TikTok video received 885,100 likes and his comment section had many taking issue with him and his policies, while Trump’s has received over 6.2 million likes and had his comment section had many supporters.

Jun 08, 2024, 4:17 AM


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bbed1c No.20987538

File: 03df89061fa455d⋯.png (246.86 KB,437x400,437:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbed1c No.20987540

File: 0a7e305f5d7e341⋯.png (298.28 KB,600x500,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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e17a07 No.20987541

File: 14e980f08d0aa08⋯.jpg (87.54 KB,794x482,397:241,One_Boob_only.jpg)

File: 85de791691b356e⋯.jpeg (136.18 KB,638x850,319:425,IMG_1673.jpeg)


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5c8102 No.20987543

File: 0f43bbe08f114e6⋯.jpeg (97.53 KB,821x1024,821:1024,who_ever_made_this_shit_i….jpeg)

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e17a07 No.20987544

File: d0f6935dd49b2cf⋯.png (659.78 KB,720x663,240:221,78FEC183_A825_4372_B232_CB….PNG)

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e17a07 No.20987549

File: a6073dce18503ab⋯.jpeg (117.19 KB,800x440,20:11,673828C4_AC9D_4F55_ACD6_D….JPEG)

File: 9d73085eae43d6b⋯.jpg (179.77 KB,801x801,1:1,3069FD32_B888_4243_BEAE_EE….jpg)

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e59a9a No.20987551


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10dc80 No.20987555

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e17a07 No.20987558

File: 8a2ea4b6307dc91⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,856x466,428:233,Biden_Fart.mp4)

File: 2dbfd43f123e5f7⋯.mp4 (512.79 KB,640x360,16:9,Joe_Biden_Toilet.mp4)

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9c6b97 No.20987559


thats funny

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bbed1c No.20987560

File: 935529c3a55675e⋯.png (898.54 KB,844x1280,211:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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e17a07 No.20987562

File: 89c8d5f6354e641⋯.mp4 (7.74 MB,576x1024,9:16,2133716471520832344.mp4)


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bbed1c No.20987564

File: 1f8c0d07fa9493d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1109x1350,1109:1350,ClipboardImage.png)

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e17a07 No.20987565

File: eb147b462b84d3c⋯.jpeg (110.06 KB,912x1280,57:80,IMG_1674.jpeg)

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0e166f No.20987568

File: de996f6509fc198⋯.png (79.1 KB,500x688,125:172,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbed1c No.20987569

File: e278620280b0b88⋯.png (184.37 KB,371x432,371:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c6b97 No.20987570

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e17a07 No.20987571

File: 82d548dc37561fa⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Trump_Batman_04.JPG)

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e17a07 No.20987572

File: b6bbf66ae4a4911⋯.gif (835.92 KB,480x270,16:9,Trump_lol.GIF)

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e17a07 No.20987573

File: d5b2155c5bbab4f⋯.jpg (161.29 KB,1089x1123,1089:1123,MAGA_Shadow_vs_Shadow_DS.JPG)

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bbed1c No.20987574

File: e58de2175a9d0e1⋯.png (328.76 KB,526x528,263:264,ClipboardImage.png)

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e17a07 No.20987575

File: 31f6ae558d116cf⋯.jpeg (115.7 KB,559x800,559:800,Trump_Top_Hat_Monicle.JPEG)

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e17a07 No.20987576

File: 512c5e68bc4b048⋯.png (856.7 KB,706x1113,706:1113,7861C5C5_EEBF_4EED_9BCF_BA….PNG)

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d672aa No.20987577

Witch Hunt

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e17a07 No.20987578

File: cc965821a6c0348⋯.jpeg (333.74 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1676.jpeg)

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d672aa No.20987579


Witch Hunt

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f9f083 No.20987580

File: e13f4bddd8831bb⋯.png (329.11 KB,640x518,320:259,ClipboardImage.png)


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e17a07 No.20987581

File: 49762173c4b5790⋯.jpg (126.32 KB,1280x1248,40:39,CONVID_Smell_The_BS.JPG)

File: 23e1ea89f5b5e60⋯.jpg (181.24 KB,708x661,708:661,The_Mainstream_Variant.jpg)

File: 23c0df481601b34⋯.png (1.2 MB,908x1087,908:1087,MSM_Garbage_News_01.PNG)

File: 10c0a0bb215b6d5⋯.jpeg (178.21 KB,800x577,800:577,VariantBS247.JPEG)

File: d5f3dfd5ccfdf3e⋯.png (1.49 MB,910x1134,65:81,MSM_Garbage_News_02.PNG)

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452088 No.20987582

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d672aa No.20987583

Something to think about it before tooolate

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0e0320 No.20987584

I've been in crypto about 6 years or so, so lets talk about Ethereum since crypto is popular as a hedge and alternative to the monopoly fiat money. Trump is hodling about 2 million dollars of ETH and other memecoins at this address https://etherscan.io/address/0x94845333028B1204Fbe14E1278Fd4Adde46B22ce. He has sold NFTs etc and his total crypto portfolio is reported to be about 32 million dollars.

The issues I have with Ethereum is the pre-sale (the initial amount was not mined it was pre-mined and sold for BTC), The head of the Ethereum Foundation is WEF (Aya Miyaguchi), and Vitalik Buterin is clearly pro open borders and pro CP from his tweets.

Its a serious issue that should be addressed.

Friendly reminder for non-crypto anons:

BTC is not private. It has a future use as a reserve currency for governments IMO, and as a daily use currency if you dont mind everyone knowing what you bought, when you bought it, and how much you bought it for.

XMR or Monero is like BTC except its completely private through cryptography. Everything is hidden, who you transacted with, the IP address you used, the amount sent, etc. Thats why dark web merchants use it, its the closest to digital cash. ETH has some privacy tools out there such as tornado cash which is a mixer, and zk proofs.

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f9f083 No.20987585

File: e285b518875ce73⋯.png (357.08 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e0320 No.20987586


Forgot to add Vitalik has stated that both the Rothschilds and the WEF are corny conspiracy theories, and did lengthy Reddit posts and Twitter threads on the subject

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d672aa No.20987587


Crypto is

stolen other people money

it's bad money

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d672aa No.20987588


feed your children with bad money is bad Idea

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0e0320 No.20987589


hows its stolen, I earned every dollar I every made on crypto and stole from no one. Theres a difference between a ponzi scam and volatility

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e17a07 No.20987590

File: 2b077bb3899f53a⋯.jpeg (128.53 KB,1131x1296,377:432,IMG_1678.jpeg)

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e17a07 No.20987591

File: 3ce45d2e7785861⋯.jpeg (157.56 KB,1130x1167,1130:1167,IMG_1677.jpeg)

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9c6b97 No.20987592

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e17a07 No.20987593

File: b2a7d0b1b401512⋯.jpeg (121.45 KB,1130x672,565:336,IMG_1679.jpeg)

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bbed1c No.20987594

File: 13140775e2e9c90⋯.png (250.28 KB,630x448,45:32,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2d9a3 No.20987595

File: a962f1a492709f6⋯.jpeg (560.66 KB,1286x600,643:300,CC5B6348_0507_4532_AB37_A….jpeg)

File: 348f5372be5bcbe⋯.gif (438.14 KB,160x349,160:349,DC552E47_7247_47DE_8408_E5….gif)

00000000 B52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairfield from a run through the Baltic Sea to the NE

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0e166f No.20987596

File: 4e2a8c77f4cfc88⋯.png (176.19 KB,400x396,100:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbed1c No.20987597

File: d0728ceae97d313⋯.png (180.43 KB,400x306,200:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbed1c No.20987598

File: ef627c820e188cd⋯.png (402.64 KB,677x945,677:945,ClipboardImage.png)

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bbed1c No.20987599

File: b13214b06e6ea15⋯.png (746.81 KB,706x960,353:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c8102 No.20987600

File: 1e7f7d37cc2e2b3⋯.jpg (103.05 KB,1280x720,16:9,1e7f7d37cc2e2b3e17af8d6a7c….jpg)

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bbed1c No.20987601

File: 3b73d3a4ec150d7⋯.png (328.01 KB,480x563,480:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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6607db No.20987604

File: ccfe48750af33c1⋯.png (130.89 KB,579x145,579:145,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2d9a3 No.20987605

File: 1f79cb4f76d3027⋯.gif (1.78 MB,480x270,16:9,3C484CEB_677E_4F01_86B8_96….gif)


>muh crypyo: Brock Pierce, Puerto Rico, Tether’s “audit”-they don’t habs the munee, power outage, pedo-payment system, matthew mellon. SBF, “trust me”, “verified and safe”exchanges, management who overspend lavishly, gated accounts when it goes tits up

Yeah I’ve missed much moar

No thanks


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0e166f No.20987606

File: 62f36622b413aca⋯.png (137.07 KB,400x309,400:309,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3bbda No.20987607

File: e5c561e68bb8f09⋯.jpg (159.83 KB,720x1103,720:1103,20240608_031139.jpg)

File: e2c35c5e8dad7db⋯.mp4 (2.65 MB,550x898,275:449,Dr_Jebra_Faushay_20240608_….mp4)


Name one thing more joyful and fun than watching this:

*can’t say a colonoscopy

Look at the pure JOY

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0e166f No.20987608

File: 6158671d5a66bc8⋯.png (38.34 KB,306x400,153:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c8102 No.20987609

File: 099d1fbc1430e1e⋯.png (1.04 MB,795x1031,795:1031,ClipboardImage.png)


do you remember?

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063e7e No.20987610

File: 44980a40b9ce3b2⋯.mp4 (5.01 MB,948x606,158:101,lying_dog_pony_soldier.mp4)


Anon thinks that Biden's response towards this supporter is more because he knows damn well that nobody voted for him. Why would he care if his signature on a couple of baseballs was being sold on ebay?They guy said he voted for Biden, and Biden called him "a lying dog pony soldier."

Change anon's mind.

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5a68c3 No.20987611


>Trump gains 6 MILLION TikTok followers in 1 week—Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months

It'd be hard to believe if an algorithm was driving followers in a certain direction of if bots filled up a comment section.

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05d25c No.20987612

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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0e166f No.20987613

File: a52fbdf73f1f0b3⋯.png (232.36 KB,400x399,400:399,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e166f No.20987614

File: 72a36270f7628fa⋯.png (117.68 KB,400x320,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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0e166f No.20987615

File: 4befa1b69378d0d⋯.png (51.81 KB,292x400,73:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2d9a3 No.20987616

File: a0ecc23f64263d3⋯.jpeg (784.87 KB,1208x608,151:76,47A83845_1878_4DE6_8ADD_6….jpeg)

File: 6a3fb52c7206923⋯.jpeg (664.98 KB,1248x604,312:151,3384B6C6_5153_4B8A_87B9_C….jpeg)

File: 16169f1dda0ee04⋯.jpeg (907.11 KB,1386x828,77:46,8328D792_3773_4563_A6CA_1….jpeg)

French AF CTM1069 A330 heading to Rzeszow Airport for a stop and drop

Italian AF PERSE71 G550 Airborne Early Warning and Cobtrol over NE Poland-cap 3

Zelensky’s A319 UKN1124 sitting at Rzeszow after arriving from Paris yesterday

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9c6b97 No.20987617


watch her hands. why did she do that?

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d672aa No.20987618



what is the value

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9c6b97 No.20987619


beautiful pic. i love the ocean.

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7facd0 No.20987620

File: baf7931842ba0a6⋯.jpg (64.95 KB,585x789,195:263,pepe_running.JPG)

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5c8102 No.20987621

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7facd0 No.20987622

File: 4a834e86d23a16e⋯.png (498.98 KB,727x575,727:575,you.PNG)


You Ain’t Black: You don't define me, Joe

Front Page Magazine, by Allen West

Posted By: OhioNick, 6/8/2024 2:46:20 AM

I am sure you recall those highly condescending and offensive words spoken by one Joe Biden four years ago during a podcast interview. Biden was insinuating that if you were a Black American who was confused about whether or not voting for him, well, you were not really Black. It reminds me of the insidious question posed to me by a young female student at Northwestern University asking me if I “identified as Black.” What in the Sam Hell does that mean? Well, for those of us attuned to the deranged woke identity politics of the left, the meaning is simple. Your skin color must determine your political associations.

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d672aa No.20987623


You stolen another people value's

be happy with evol money

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d672aa No.20987624


What you earned

is shit

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fe1723 No.20987625

File: 3873dd991819d2e⋯.png (9.23 KB,170x255,2:3,soldout.png)

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7facd0 No.20987626

File: 65e89c346e654d2⋯.png (40.08 KB,638x292,319:146,hush.PNG)


Trump hush money trial judge Juan Merchan

warns parties of incriminating Facebook

comment the day before the verdict

Daily Mail (UK), by Sarah Ewall-Wice

Posted By: Imright, 6/8/2024 12:28:56 AM

Trump's hush money conviction could be in doubt after a Facebook post claimed jurors were discussing plans to find the ex-president guilty before delivering their verdict. Judge Juan Merchan sparked speculation of potential mistrial when he sent a letter to the prosecution and defense attorneys about the message that read: 'My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted [heart emoji] Thank you folks for all your had work!!!!' The user, named Michael Anderson, wrote the post that sparked confusion on a New York Unified Court System's Facebook page.

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7facd0 No.20987627

File: eb0d7db37cca825⋯.png (1.37 MB,1458x915,486:305,jb.PNG)


Scriptural ET Agenda Unveiled - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells Live

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7facd0 No.20987628

File: 798eea7f60ce476⋯.png (1.56 MB,1312x899,1312:899,jo.PNG)


What The Devil Wants Most… Filmmaker Mikki Willis Exposes The Fight For Your Soul



Jun 7, 2024




The Alex Jones Show

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846082 No.20987629


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fe1723 No.20987630

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7facd0 No.20987631

File: b29989a57dcdaaf⋯.png (603.24 KB,676x669,676:669,jump.PNG)


Eight Congressmen Parachute Jump out of

Plane over Normandy to Honor D-Day

Daily Mail (UK), by Elizabeth Weibel

Posted By: Imright, 6/8/2024 12:23:02 AM

A group of eight Congressmen parachute-jumped out of a plane over Normandy, France, on Friday in honor of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Reps. Michael Waltz (R-FL), Cory Mills (R-FL), Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), Ronny Jackson (R-TX), Darrell Issa (R-CA), Mark Green (R-TN), Rich McCormick (R-GA), and Jason Crow (D-CO) took part in the recreation of a parachute jump done by U.S. military veterans who had served during World War II as they jumped into Normandy. “The D-Day operation of June 6, 1944, brought together the land, air, and sea forces of the allied armies in what became known as the largest amphibious invasion in military history,”

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7facd0 No.20987632

File: cf35b170f0b8be1⋯.png (340.69 KB,597x710,597:710,ev.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


You can’t make this up 😂

0:08 / 0:45

6:38 AM · Jun 7, 2024




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0e166f No.20987633

File: ef3c74df556cbb3⋯.png (32.93 KB,346x400,173:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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7facd0 No.20987634

File: d4507ebbb2265a3⋯.png (959.68 KB,587x880,587:880,ant.PNG)


Ian Carroll


Ngl the memes coming out of @TheRoaringKitty

’s live stream today are fuckin gold.

The most advanced financial criminals in the world are losing their shit(and their shorts) over this degen. 🤣


5:19 PM · Jun 7, 2024




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0e166f No.20987635

File: 0cd35236c207970⋯.png (65.7 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d13a9e No.20987636

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5c8102 No.20987637

File: 28a38c515f67f15⋯.png (614.19 KB,634x411,634:411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d7a9f425a677169⋯.png (247.87 KB,447x413,447:413,d7a9f425a6771697851b1d28c0….png)

File: ccc33ebbb821c6e⋯.jpg (58.05 KB,530x465,106:93,ccc33ebbb821c6e465a23610da….jpg)

File: ff9d0c5107722d2⋯.jpg (58.32 KB,500x357,500:357,ff9d0c5107722d267eb8d4104b….jpg)


Were the crew of the Challenger ALIVE for the two-and-a-half minutes it took for the cabin to plunge into the ocean? The explosion appalled the word, now a new book poses haunting question…


PUBLISHED: 02:20 EDT, 8 June 2024 | UPDATED: 04:12 EDT, 8 June 2024

The supervisor of the Nasa support team seeing the crew into the Challenger space shuttle on the launch pad at Cape Canaveral had a very special present for one of the seven — a red apple for the most famous teacher in the world.

Bubbly, auburn-haired, girl-next-door Christa McAuliffe, a smiley social studies teacher from Concord, New Hampshire, had been selected from some 11,000 applicants to be the first civilian in space — a stunt intended to revive flagging public interest in space exploration by making it seem accessible to ordinary people.

The plan was for her to teach two 20-minute lessons from the shuttle, transmitted live to Earth from orbit. One, titled The Ultimate Field Trip, would conclude with a five-minute Q&A with her class back in Concord.

She would also conduct six science demonstrations recorded on video and distributed by Nasa to an audience of 18.5 million U.S. schoolchildren.

As a public relations exercise, the Teacher In Space Project was already a massive hit. Some 800 journalists — twice as many as usual — had signed up to be at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida for the launch. The world was watching, just as excited as Christa at this new giant step for mankind.


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db90f1 No.20987638

File: d063cae5ac44b27⋯.jpg (224.85 KB,732x1024,183:256,9d2b76ae23663d8788478c8076….jpg)

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7facd0 No.20987639

File: f539e01de2dd0ac⋯.png (382.82 KB,599x534,599:534,v.PNG)


Square profile picture

The Gateway Pundit


Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability



7:46 AM · Jun 7, 2024




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9c6b97 No.20987640


i don't like boats, but it looks peaceful. i was scared on a boat once as a child and was afraid it would tip over. no boats 4 me :D

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7facd0 No.20987641

File: 03275c49513108a⋯.png (236.81 KB,603x747,67:83,musk.PNG)


Elon Musk




Robby Starbuck




The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

They ask for these groups to "IMMEDIATELY stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers,

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

Rate proposed Community Notes

4:30 PM · Jun 7, 2024




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bbed1c No.20987642

File: df1b259f8cd0937⋯.png (1.26 MB,1241x1280,1241:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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7070d7 No.20987643


TV Doctor for the… wait for it…BBC.

Anther TV presenter was recently arrested for historical abuse??

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7facd0 No.20987644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0e166f No.20987645


Well, the modern cruise ship is still floating in the top image so it is peaceful.

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0e166f No.20987646

File: f0fd90355866b9c⋯.png (26.26 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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c57768 No.20987647


you gm glowshill,here every day pushing your lame shill feces

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fe1723 No.20987648


ralph and sam?

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7facd0 No.20987649

File: 90fa11667193722⋯.png (600.29 KB,787x751,787:751,ill.PNG)

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7facd0 No.20987650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Glover Domestic Violence FELONY charges DROPPED.

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109dfa No.20987651


not real hrc

not real bubba

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24d614 No.20987652

File: 86b64073ad3565b⋯.jpeg (25.35 KB,255x242,255:242,IMG_3433.jpeg)

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7facd0 No.20987654

File: e0c31a5e14fd215⋯.png (661.53 KB,773x572,773:572,wr.PNG)


RNC Deputy Counsel Bill McGinley EXPOSES Dark Money ARMING The Democrats In 2024:

New Venture Fund

Sixteen Thirty Fund

Windward Fund

Hopewell Fund

North Fund

American Bridge 21st Century

Defending Democracy Together

America Votes

Tides Advocacy

Future Forward USA

Priorities USA


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db90f1 No.20987656

File: bf67b3275ed22ff⋯.jpg (72.51 KB,1056x1024,33:32,bf67b3275ed22ffb04603e2ce8….jpg)

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db90f1 No.20987657

File: b1862ddcd6eb890⋯.jpg (9.9 KB,264x191,264:191,b1862ddcd6eb89098319490c64….jpg)

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24d614 No.20987658

File: f344a3a35bd87b0⋯.jpeg (30.19 KB,255x191,255:191,IMG_5416.jpeg)



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437082 No.20987659

File: dd0ba21aed2c404⋯.jpg (64.22 KB,500x558,250:279,11cacd5c21fde00fb838d63cf0….jpg)

June 8th 1967

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7facd0 No.20987660

File: 8a7a266be436c76⋯.png (34.83 KB,664x252,166:63,gsa.PNG)


Biden unveils latest attempt to kill off

gas cars in bid to force all Americans

to switch to EVs by 2032

Daily Mail (UK), by DominicYeatman

Posted By: Imright, 6/8/2024 12:19:36 AM

Joe Biden has dealt another body blow to America's gas car manufacturers after his stuttering roll-out of EV charging points was slammed as 'pathetic'. The Transportation Department told automakers they have eight years to squeeze another 16 miles per gallon out of their cars if they want to stay in business - while the fuel efficiency of their trucks will have to double. Friday's edict came just weeks after the EPA slashed the limits on tailpipe emissions as part of the White House pledge to ensure that more than half of all new vehicles sold are electric by 2032.

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6fb231 No.20987661

File: 9e8145215d2e4a5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1321x669,1321:669,ClipboardImage.png)

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d56d64 No.20987662

File: fb8c750fb7518bd⋯.gif (494.82 KB,320x240,4:3,Crows_laughing.gif)


Did someone say "Bird Flu"???

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7facd0 No.20987663

File: f953f8aabd9811a⋯.png (550.94 KB,675x716,675:716,sky.PNG)


Donald Trump in Arizona: Biden’s Mass

Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing

Costs for Americans

Breitbart Politics, by John Binder

Posted By: Imright, 6/7/2024 11:54:52 PM

Former President Donald Trump says record illegal immigration to the United States on President Joe Biden’s watch has sent rents and housing costs skyrocketing for Americans. During a speech in Phoenix, Arizona, on Thursday evening, Trump focused on the Biden administration’s transformation of the United States-Mexico border into a European-style checkpoint where tens of thousands of migrants cross every couple of weeks, are briefly detained, and then released into the nation’s interior.“In total, crooked Joe has imported more illegal aliens than the populations of 40 out of 50 states,” Trump said. “This is unsustainable.”

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4fc5c6 No.20987664

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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bbed1c No.20987665

File: 7f2dd37115b508f⋯.png (526.68 KB,518x720,259:360,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c8102 No.20987666

File: 3ba6f6d69e83872⋯.png (231.07 KB,937x762,937:762,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 988f45005a1b2a7⋯.png (359.4 KB,749x842,749:842,ClipboardImage.png)

Jordan Sather


Out of 680 hotels in New York, 135 have been converted into fully occupied immigration shelters.



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5c8102 No.20987667

File: 3d69ae342aa7203⋯.png (691.42 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



Jordan Sather


Record number of illegal immigrations are having their adjudication hearings just…. forgotten about.


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5c8102 No.20987668

File: ad25a2bc9285b28⋯.png (1.15 MB,640x759,640:759,ClipboardImage.png)

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7facd0 No.20987669

File: 8a43635d0f27f07⋯.png (190.29 KB,784x600,98:75,ist.PNG)


BLACKLISTED? Guess Why Google Just Booted PragerU Out of Its App Store

Gabriela Pariseau

June 7th, 2024 5:27 PM

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0d17d8 No.20987670

File: 455bdefa7fbd713⋯.mp4 (870.87 KB,178x238,89:119,SPHIALornKek2.mp4)

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fe1723 No.20987671

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bbed1c No.20987672

File: 6ab23ee8f4a488f⋯.png (555.58 KB,719x891,719:891,ClipboardImage.png)

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1284b8 No.20987673


>Did someone say "Bird Flu"


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0d17d8 No.20987674

File: f8fa06043cb1c2a⋯.png (326.1 KB,651x448,93:64,BidenNatilieHelpMe.png)


Not Natalie!

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237b9b No.20987675

File: f766c4be834b6db⋯.png (418.55 KB,790x837,790:837,f766c4be834b6db6a27f27b3e9….png)

File: 5d9fe2f881ce787⋯.png (169.95 KB,1080x385,216:77,Screenshot_20240608_062916.png)


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6fba36 No.20987676

File: a88991667f6815e⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x978,180:163,Screenshot_20240608_063419.png)


These guys know.

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309895 No.20987677

Hello & Good Morning!

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7facd0 No.20987678

File: 5f131e3aa9dca73⋯.png (168.18 KB,424x347,424:347,russ.PNG)


Inside Out

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864776 No.20987679

File: 3989940c91a1b24⋯.png (103.72 KB,560x687,560:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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db90f1 No.20987680

File: 7a755f3255affe5⋯.png (873.1 KB,563x789,563:789,7a755f3255affe51540ad838e2….png)

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0643b3 No.20987681

It’s June 8th 2024 and the Federal Reserve still runs the world.

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570770 No.20987682

File: c52e3cddf4c780d⋯.jpg (220.36 KB,921x1280,921:1280,GMSaturday.jpg)


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570770 No.20987683


Last day for the Petro-Dollar

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6fba36 No.20987684


While she would have willingly accepted the poor evaluation, her brigade and battalion commanders hit her with something she couldn’t ignore.

“The awards and positive personnel actions for my soldiers would not be processed if they came from a commander who had not been vaccinated,” she explained. “Therefore, any of us who were unvaccinated and submitting packets for a soldier to go to a school or to get an award for something good that they had done, that paperwork would not be processed.”

Get these pieces of shit the fuck out of my Army.

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db90f1 No.20987685

File: 2cde13261f253a5⋯.png (385.15 KB,510x506,255:253,2cde13261f253a5205d65e0f8e….png)

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0643b3 No.20987686


Because the powers that own the banks print the press.

Maybe, if research on the WW2 results were actually conducted then, waking up wouldn’t be so hard to do.

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0643b3 No.20987687


You have years to go anon. Fear still grips the minds of me.

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1284b8 No.20987688


>These guys know.

That they are fools who fight for israel to built a multiculturel shithole JewSa?

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1284b8 No.20987689


>It’s June 8th 2024 and the Federal Reserve still runs the world.

And, they are of course filthy JEWS!

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24d614 No.20987690

File: 2257d2279068c22⋯.png (401.64 KB,638x468,319:234,gm.png)

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6fba36 No.20987691


You faggots are up early.

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a196a0 No.20987692

File: 92c29daccfb6489⋯.png (767.35 KB,1279x719,1279:719,ClipboardImage.png)

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0643b3 No.20987695


Jews rhymes with News.

The Jew is the word or term used to point them out.

They or the Jews are people who have stollen the knowledge of mankind. Created a society to govern and a system ti enslave.

Humans can’t get out because they aren’t naturally violent.

It’s a simulation. The only way to stop it is to physically stand up. It’s not an idea anymore.

I just don’t see that “United” way coming from Americans. After WW2 stupid is the only acceptable smart.

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0643b3 No.20987696


Kek. Tell us you are scared without saying you are afraid

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24d614 No.20987698

File: 8642930b9330473⋯.png (1.65 MB,804x1122,134:187,gm.png)

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6fba36 No.20987705

File: 8c674f5140e70ef⋯.jpeg (159.03 KB,460x547,460:547,8c674f5140e70eff7ca502b59….jpeg)



I'm not but it feels like you're blessing me with good fortune.

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db90f1 No.20987708

File: 727bbae8752f6d8⋯.jpeg (102.7 KB,400x560,5:7,727bbae8752f6d850a400c862….jpeg)

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0643b3 No.20987709


So wait, the banks and the media aren’t deciding status?

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7facd0 No.20987710

File: c357e15bfa89039⋯.png (210.13 KB,595x634,595:634,worth.PNG)


Wendy Rogers


Worth every penny.


Wall Street Apes




This Is EPIC ‼️

David J Harris bought a first class ticket on this airline so he could sit in the front seat and have every passenger walk by and see his shirt!!



Show more

6:50 PM · Jun 7, 2024




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6fba36 No.20987715


I don't mind being called Jewish. Goldie Hawn is half Jewish.

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71c03d No.20987722

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570770 No.20987726

File: 13aa9496a2c943b⋯.png (1.51 MB,1095x1280,219:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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570770 No.20987728

File: 526d1c1d520d84d⋯.png (2.2 MB,1145x1280,229:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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a196a0 No.20987729

File: 99bf004561075fe⋯.png (150.72 KB,767x477,767:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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6fba36 No.20987731

File: f6ade973e6f4567⋯.png (339.45 KB,1080x621,40:23,f6ade973e6f4567cc8ceadd09e….png)


Reason 2042 why they are cranky at 0700.

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0d17d8 No.20987735

File: efb4a04c272725a⋯.png (325.77 KB,747x479,747:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8f8f0 No.20987738

File: b9fb20ae48c8fff⋯.png (532.98 KB,725x675,29:27,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

Retired NASCAR driver Tighe Scott, his adult son and two other Pennsylvania men are facing felony charges stemming from confrontations with police during the Jan. 6, 2021, uprising at the U.S. Capitol.

Scott, 75, of Pen Argyl, and three Saylorsburg residents—Jarret Scott, 48; Scott Slater Sr., 56, and his son Scott Alex Slater Jr., 26—were arrested Wednesday by the FBI.

Court records did not list attorneys for any of the men, and prosecutors said Thursday they did not know if any of the men had retained attorneys.

Tipsters helped identify the men after authorities posted photos and videos online, including one who recognized Tighe Scott from his racing days.

The four men entered the restricted grounds of the Capitol and physically engaged with police attempting to hold the line of protesters, according to the release.

During this time, Tighe Scott allegedly struck police riot shields and attempted to rip one out of an officer’s hands while the two Slaters—both holding golf clubs—allegedly pushed and resisted against police shields.

When an officer pushed Tighe Scott off of him, Scott stumbled backward into his son, who then began screaming profanities at officers, according to the release. Meanwhile, Scott Slater Jr. allegedly threw a flagpole and an “Area Closed” sign at officers, investigators said.

Tighe Scott and Jarret Scott were both charged with two felonies—obstruction of law enforcement during a civil disorder; and assaulting, resisting or impeding certain officers—as well as five misdemeanor counts.


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6fba36 No.20987740

File: 3cfa7495b306821⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,400x224,25:14,3cfa7495b306821a63ae5bb2b6….mp4)


This isn't an insult. I like Jewish people.

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24d614 No.20987742

File: a954dbe8df3ee0e⋯.png (457.83 KB,500x500,1:1,gm.png)

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6fba36 No.20987745

Global reported pedo shill x 3. They mad.

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b1b52c No.20987747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In this video, Mauro Biglino, a distinguished scholar and author who translated official Vatican-approved interlinear Bibles for Rome’s Saint Paul Press, shares insights into the Elohim, not as a singular God but as a collective of powerful entities.

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24d614 No.20987748

File: 7700eb0274f50ab⋯.png (475.45 KB,418x584,209:292,gm.png)

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570770 No.20987749

File: 8191b809332ce2f⋯.png (221.75 KB,1280x492,320:123,ClipboardImage.png)

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53b9e1 No.20987750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

𝕰𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖊 𝕱𝖔𝖗 𝕰𝖚𝖗𝖔𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖓𝖘.

𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐑𝐮𝐧𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝.

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570770 No.20987751

File: 800ca52116743a4⋯.png (3.6 KB,233x34,233:34,ClipboardImage.png)


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a3bbda No.20987754

Anons how do I get right with God? is helping in the great awakening good enough? I'm too afraid to reach into the past and give my apologies to people I've hurt,they most likely don't want to see or hear from me…I think about them alot…..and miss them. But I'm a hermit now and all I have is Jesus and you guys kek.

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570770 No.20987756

File: c103decb3f1b680⋯.png (942.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,wile_e_coyote_GM.png)

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846082 No.20987757

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Friendly reminder

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2f8e86 No.20987758

File: be8f99b02d1533b⋯.png (411.85 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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db90f1 No.20987761

File: 2f46975e2aa21fd⋯.jpg (87.45 KB,400x560,5:7,2f46975e2aa21fd7d196c5e24e….jpg)

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0d17d8 No.20987762

File: a6768fec2948b86⋯.png (807.06 KB,1272x2468,318:617,Untitled.png)


Bill has comms?

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6fba36 No.20987764


> is helping in the great awakening good enough?

Shitposting and memeing for Team God is probably a high form of worship in this day and age.

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24d614 No.20987766

File: 7c258ac571f4c67⋯.png (557.19 KB,848x602,424:301,gm.png)

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e04d71 No.20987767


the apologists AI never sleeps.

the irony of the apartheid of your masters pet country, and then the demand that every other nation be multicultural except in it's governance . . .

is absurd and deserves to be pointed out.

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53b9e1 No.20987768

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕀𝕤 : ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥

𝗘𝗱𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗔𝗶𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗲 0️4️⦂1️0️

𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘄𝘀 𝗔𝗶𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗲 0️7️⦂1️0️

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f8f8f0 No.20987770

File: acd4a96c325107c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1200x738,200:123,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)



claudia, the moojoo slayer

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53b9e1 No.20987772

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕀𝕤 : ℕ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕥

𝗘𝗱𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝗔𝗶𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗲 ░0░4░:░1░2░

𝗔𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗲𝘄𝘀 𝗔𝗶𝗿 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗰𝗲 𝗕𝗮𝘀𝗲 ░0░7░:░1░2░

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fbb551 No.20987774

File: b2b3b3408b40560⋯.jpg (310.71 KB,1553x1600,1553:1600,RealComfyPepe.jpg)

Many anons here (shills not included) live in a narrative where they believe they can not only tell anon from shill but tell when the shills are "mad" based on repeated posts and/or pareidolia.

Some even think they've become a thorn in the sides of the powers that be by shitposting on an obscure image forum and is now openly bragging about putting shills in their place.

These delusions are so thick in those anons that any attempt at correcting them in their false accusations is met with confirmation bias that only makes them more sure in their fallacies.

This is learned behaviour. Taught to you for a reason.

This place isn't real. Nothing is as it seems. You don't know what you don't know, and there is a high likelyhood that you don't know what you do know.

That was my 2 cents. Have a GM.

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570770 No.20987775

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)

Let the Light of GM bless our day


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db90f1 No.20987778

File: 9fe04822911e915⋯.png (59.72 KB,709x220,709:220,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1b52c No.20987779


its like in the nolan batmans, sometimes you gotta be the shit poaster.

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db90f1 No.20987781

File: 6f53317ef306834⋯.jpg (25.57 KB,570x570,1:1,6f53317ef306834eb0f839009f….jpg)

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6fba36 No.20987782


Pretty sure they're mad. kek

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0d17d8 No.20987784

File: 4cba9c406b283f2⋯.png (617.27 KB,1778x1072,889:536,Untitled2.png)

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3ba84c No.20987785



Get in the filter retarded Jidbrat!

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f8f8f0 No.20987786


is this bait or do you actually have sourceable information?

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d672aa No.20987787


Fuck off.

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36f570 No.20987788

File: 4fd89451460d3f6⋯.jpg (30.26 KB,400x400,1:1,42c3fab925b749c1bf3944643e….jpg)




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3ba84c No.20987790


Retarded Jew get stuffed in the filter!

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f8f8f0 No.20987792

File: c8d03cd607ac6f7⋯.png (1.03 MB,1280x720,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)


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258571 No.20987795

The Q plan

Deprogramming at its slowest

7+ years to do what could have been done in 6 months

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24d614 No.20987801

File: 4f3b891e7e77f5c⋯.png (769.85 KB,752x1002,376:501,shitler.png)



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b1b52c No.20987802


fuck off

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d672aa No.20987806


My biceps are tight.

any idea

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3ba84c No.20987807


Yeah fuck off Jew, get in the filter retard!

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6fba36 No.20987810

File: 927769cab0a350c⋯.jpeg (56.72 KB,630x360,7:4,927769cab0a350ca2fc43552a….jpeg)


Nothing could put the fatigue into these traitors like a long wait.

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f8f8f0 No.20987813


ok, i wait patiently for you to enlighten us

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0d17d8 No.20987815

File: 31526a7fb86553b⋯.png (312.75 KB,1299x446,1299:446,ClipboardImage.png)



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d672aa No.20987817


Fuck off.

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3ba84c No.20987818


>what could have been done in 6 months

The Jews needed more time to make everything nailed down.

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b1b52c No.20987820


end your fucking life die like the bitch you are

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f8f8f0 No.20987821

File: a1f74ac24071b23⋯.png (376.76 KB,720x522,40:29,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

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e04d71 No.20987822


the GM psyop goon preaches to the anon.

and participates in the dominate control-clown psyop.

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258571 No.20987823


>fatigue into these traitors


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bd26b3 No.20987824

File: 65bbfa4fe08667c⋯.jpg (308.55 KB,1032x630,172:105,3d6af8d7b347d23428a2e4a45a….jpg)

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4de9a8 No.20987825

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570770 No.20987826

File: cf7ae482c3d93e0⋯.png (630.71 KB,900x675,4:3,We_ll_be_ready.png)

Must be over the Target

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661939 No.20987827

Morning anons…

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6cfee5 No.20987828

File: feb5c43a7d4ea0c⋯.png (371.47 KB,505x499,505:499,skycat.png)

Muh benis is itching.

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d672aa No.20987829


i told you

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a3bbda No.20987831


I do it for God and the good of all, although my memes are questionable kek

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d672aa No.20987832


Not interested

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b1b52c No.20987833


and I told you.

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258571 No.20987834

File: c9157f71eb80ac6⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,F2B040DB_1D1D_4A42_A244_76….png)


>The Jews

Good theory. Don’t you mean reptilians tho?

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fe1723 No.20987835

File: d249b4ffa56b0e0⋯.png (530.54 KB,612x550,306:275,mieyes.png)

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bd26b3 No.20987837

File: e2931b2ada4f189⋯.jpg (12.77 KB,230x255,46:51,fd9e26526a50b8e4f8a8cfb74a….jpg)

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f8f8f0 No.20987838

File: 20b51f533729712⋯.png (1.36 MB,1377x918,3:2,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

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ee97e2 No.20987839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NY Democrat OPENLY says she wants Trump supporters sent to a "REEDUCATION CAMP" during town hall

See y'all in the gulags

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fe1723 No.20987840

File: c6ce7491ba2f452⋯.png (76.64 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

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4de9a8 No.20987841


And yet, if you were to give shelter to asylum seekers fleeing countries that we've destroyed…

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d672aa No.20987843


you can get the fuck off so

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db90f1 No.20987844

File: 9fa31fd87ec16ed⋯.png (343.41 KB,560x746,280:373,9fa31fd87ec16edb1dca65b327….png)

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fbb551 No.20987845

File: 819213db58a5824⋯.png (1.01 MB,665x920,133:184,feelsGoodMan.png)

It incredible reading your replies. Have you read them yourself?

You are making my words ring true.


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570770 No.20987846

File: 811552cb97c228b⋯.jpg (33.59 KB,700x716,175:179,WhatStupidityIs.jpg)

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3ba84c No.20987847


>>The Jews

>Good theory

It's the JEWS is a fact retard!

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b1b52c No.20987848


who is we?

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ee97e2 No.20987849



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d672aa No.20987850


no one cares

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4de9a8 No.20987851

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258571 No.20987852

I figured out the main PsyOp. They are PsyOp’ing us to WANT Justice. Must be some kind of spiritual thing or test. The desire for Justice in the hearts of man.

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7facd0 No.20987853

File: 815a029ab7bc16b⋯.png (147.58 KB,448x532,16:19,russl.PNG)

by virtue of the thoughts, which they choose and encourage; that mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness. JAMES ALLEN.

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3ba84c No.20987854



Cause it's the yiddish BV who posts these pervert pedposhit!

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f8f8f0 No.20987856

File: 8c2aa4d7ee4eee0⋯.png (50.77 KB,178x178,1:1,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

File: 103883b54c2c850⋯.png (294.06 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

File: 103883b54c2c850⋯.png (294.06 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

File: 8c2aa4d7ee4eee0⋯.png (50.77 KB,178x178,1:1,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

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0d17d8 No.20987857

File: 93b6217517836bd⋯.png (333.8 KB,516x441,172:147,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ad34c33467e89a5⋯.png (322.43 KB,1314x443,1314:443,ClipboardImage.png)




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6fba36 No.20987858

File: a2083c7b3ae72bf⋯.jpg (258.71 KB,1065x1599,355:533,s_l1600.jpg)

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e04d71 No.20987860


no you won't see us all there.

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258571 No.20987861

File: dee80d3fbfc7c85⋯.png (360.12 KB,750x1334,375:667,F4DC0FDA_EDA9_4FF1_8B6A_30….png)



Maybe “the Jews” are shape shifting lizard people?

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4de9a8 No.20987862


Those that allowed evil to take control of their countries and do evil things with them.

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b1b52c No.20987863


and you can die slicing open your arteries it might be funny to know that a bitch like you ended it.

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0d17d8 No.20987865

File: 0269f56cad138ab⋯.png (1.14 MB,1006x812,503:406,Untitled3png.png)

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d672aa No.20987866



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b1b52c No.20987867


so everyone?

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d672aa No.20987869


Kys bitch

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7facd0 No.20987870

File: dc2525eac2e2f6d⋯.png (546.77 KB,610x566,305:283,vo.PNG)


Gitmo (Health is a Wealth) 🇺🇸🇮🇱


House votes 419-0 on a bill that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID. The bill now requires Biden's signature.



1:07 AM · Jun 7, 2024




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e17a07 No.20987871

File: 6af20647e64d699⋯.jpg (38.87 KB,479x356,479:356,Sniffing_Joe_Biden_03.jpg)

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6fba36 No.20987872


>although my memes are questionable kek

The thought has also crossed my mind.

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6ae7fb No.20987873



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b1b52c No.20987875


kek look at it struggle.

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d672aa No.20987876


Which one is your mum

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d672aa No.20987878




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f8f8f0 No.20987879


have often wondered why they have methodically revealed all of their crimes to us

is it a humiliation ritual? them knowing that they will get away scott free while they are arresting and imprisoning their opponents?

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a1a4a5 No.20987880

File: 817deb7e4bd9763⋯.png (867.73 KB,666x500,333:250,817deb7e4bd97634fd33e2deff….png)


>7+ years to do what could have been done in 6 months

Muh benis must drink some water birb.

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0d17d8 No.20987882

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df879b No.20987883

File: 11b698708f84c63⋯.png (920.51 KB,1278x719,1278:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3af19e9e572a63⋯.png (89.25 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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24d614 No.20987884

File: ca4fff5f0e261dd⋯.png (162.28 KB,361x391,361:391,2024_06_08_07_26_55.png)


> Mistrial!

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f8f8f0 No.20987886


419-0 is a big deal

fauci loving and worshipping democrats must have seen the light?

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a3bbda No.20987887

File: 3e7ff88fbd0e1ec⋯.png (1.5 MB,1293x886,1293:886,20210503_164504.png)

File: f2132667855d8f8⋯.jpg (173.81 KB,542x856,271:428,Joechinballs_2023101901330….jpg)


See ill make memes like this, I'll do good ones, but also graphic stuff and everything in-between ,the whole memes and Gods reaction to them has me intrigued

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24d614 No.20987888

File: 6343bc128ba890e⋯.png (318.24 KB,500x500,1:1,gm.png)

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b1b52c No.20987889


he wants to be retried. Because that is how you get a retrial.

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7facd0 No.20987890

File: 6bc96fe5f2fb5f9⋯.png (292.08 KB,595x488,595:488,ls.PNG)


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258571 No.20987891


>6 months

Sorry, typo, 3 months. Hire more people.

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e17a07 No.20987892

File: 7b43a249e2783d8⋯.jpeg (135.34 KB,531x800,531:800,760C49EE_39FF_4361_8D01_6….jpeg)


Your Mom has 2 asses and had to shit you out

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a1a4a5 No.20987893


>I figured out the main PsyOp.

Art of justice, clear as the sky.

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fe1723 No.20987894

File: 4dec0791a0a1ab7⋯.gif (753.93 KB,232x410,116:205,good_morning_wake_up.gif)

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24d614 No.20987897

File: 87e4d70a85cc3ab⋯.png (166.13 KB,341x296,341:296,bidan_smell.png)

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6fba36 No.20987899


They have to toss it. This trial is an election crime.

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ee97e2 No.20987902

It appears we may have overreached our boundaries, I put 'WWG1WGA' in a random chat livestream and all of a sudden got many replies back even some Q's, Not expecting anyone to understand what I was posting, Just goes to show we are all over the world…

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f8f8f0 No.20987905

File: 02708dad33a4b10⋯.png (809.97 KB,942x659,942:659,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)


The left has weaponized our judicial system, turning it into a mockery and a tool to punish political enemies, reminiscent of regimes in North Korea or Iran. We’ve squandered any moral high ground we once held by joining the “bad guys” of the world in targeting and imprisoning right-wing dissidents. Everywhere you turn, another sham trial is unfolding. We’ve all seen what these tyrants did to the January 6 political prisoners, President Trump, Mark Steyn, Alex Jones, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Douglass Mackey, and countless others.

But the hits just keep on coming. In what can only be described as one of the flimsiest cases to ever grace a US courtroom—and that’s saying a lot given recent lawfare trends—regime prosecutors expected a jury to convict an American citizen simply for carrying a tiki torch at the 2017 Unite the Right rally. They argued that Jacob Joseph Dix committed a state felony by burning the tiki torch, claiming it “intimidated” others. This man was criminally charged simply for carrying a lit tiki torch and appearing “intimidating,” a totally subjective accusation that could apply to every BLM rioter out there.

We’re expected to believe that three months of rioting resulting in over twenty deaths wasn’t intimidating, yet somehow a guy walking around with a tiki torch is.

And apparently, none of this qualifies as “intimidation.” Only walking around with a tiki torch does. Got it.


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b1b52c No.20987906


I agree at every level from the start the question is why is the judge taking such actions when it is most likely a Larp or should be considered on till it is not. The question is why? Do they need to retry him they already go the verdict they wanted. The only person it could help is Trump but it would also be a bigger burden on him placed by the state as a result of the original corrupt nature of the case. It is almost like the judge is trying to get the case tossed to protect himself.

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7facd0 No.20987907

File: 6bc96fe5f2fb5f9⋯.png (292.08 KB,595x488,595:488,ls.PNG)




CNBC’s reaction to Roaring Kitty’s live stream is priceless 💀



11:44 AM · Jun 7, 2024




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72414b No.20987910


>Sorry, typo, 3 months. Hire more people.

Someone really sucks at his job, can you tell.

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0d17d8 No.20987914



Is TwitterX freezing up on anybody else when they go to this link to watch that video????

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7facd0 No.20987916

File: e8ce43476187469⋯.png (559.54 KB,593x538,593:538,yo.PNG)


New York Post


Supreme Court justices reveal book deals and Beyoncé tickets in latest financial disclosures https://trib.al/nMGDjXS


6:36 PM · Jun 7, 2024




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a3bbda No.20987918

File: 2a101e06444f06b⋯.png (1.13 MB,919x1282,919:1282,1693294952216.png)


I just pray that he knows my intention is to make people laugh , and think and open their eyes to evil. That's all

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570770 No.20987920

File: 1e42a40b074827c⋯.png (509.67 KB,954x523,954:523,ClipboardImage.png)

The regime is cooking up its biggest and bloodiest election plot yet and Americans are sleepwalking right into it…

Distracted and confused—that’s exactly how the regime wants the American people. When everyone’s attention is scattered in a hundred different directions, it’s much easier for them to roll out their sweeping plots. Imagine standing in a room filled with TVs, each blasting a different message, and you’re trying to make sense of it all. Meanwhile, the powers that be are quietly making epic chess moves that will alter our lives and change the country—and the world—forever. We’ve said it a thousand times: the regime will stop at nothing to hold onto power. Nothing. That could mean unleashing a so-called “pandemic”—courtesy of Chef Fauci and his Chinese lab buddies—or even sparking World War III with a nuclear power over a corrupt country that’s probably a money-laundering paradise for US politicians and their families. And that last part—the most terrifying outcome of all—is actually unfolding right before our eyes. What’s even scarier is that the American people are sleepwalking right into the biggest and bloodiest election interference plot yet. By the time everyone wakes up, it might just be too late.

In an absolutely unthinkable and reckless display of warmongering, Joe Biden has just given Ukraine the all-clear to use American weapons inside Russia. We’ve gone beyond just “poking the bear”—now we’re openly mocking and slapping it silly. This is a dangerous game of Russian roulette that’s destined for disaster. And for the record, it’s the US and NATO, not Russia, pushing the world toward nuclear war.


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5bb3ca No.20987922

>>20986924 pb


>Fullsized image




>Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅






>Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow on @FoxBusiness to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…

Trump has recently been getting more support, including campaign funding, from various Jewish Oligarchs …. has any anon done diggs on Kudlow … what a character … a college drop out Jewish wino junkie swindler posing as an economy expert, kek

it looks more and more like the Deep State have settled for Trump. That's not necessarily good because it probably means that they have calculated that the MAGA families will provide cannon fodder for the wars against Russia and China

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6fba36 No.20987924

File: 922164ce3b30972⋯.jpeg (93.07 KB,424x391,424:391,922164ce3b30972c4cce03695….jpeg)

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db90f1 No.20987926

File: 5b8c24effeb9867⋯.png (255.04 KB,709x724,709:724,ClipboardImage.png)


Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show.

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7facd0 No.20987927

File: 1adfadd392fc081⋯.png (891.89 KB,770x867,770:867,y.PNG)


True story Anon

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6fba36 No.20987930


They want to keep that "felon" narrative going. Just sick people.

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f8f8f0 No.20987932

File: 90bfa28b5dd7144⋯.png (1.93 MB,1632x918,16:9,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)


God Bless Donald Trump and God Bless America

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6ae7fb No.20987933

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ee97e2 No.20987935

File: cea1cbb1d782109⋯.png (503.01 KB,640x639,640:639,40_000ft_view.png)

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7facd0 No.20987937

File: 15591142c1337e6⋯.png (631.48 KB,789x561,263:187,rose.PNG)


Amber Rose response to Reporter asking her why she would endorsed Trump when she is all about women’s right issues, Trump’s conviction and why a lot of celebrities will be voting for Trump now: “Is Donald not about women’s issues. He tried to make America Great again that’s for women too right… People see the injustice and what happened and they want to vote for him more than ever… We just did our research… we’re not brainwashed anymore by the left…” https://x.com/thethe1776/status/1799353619927691684?s=46

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d09105 No.20987938

File: 265308a6d9a7bbd⋯.png (Spoiler Image,50.71 KB,353x83,353:83,ClipboardImage.png)


GM and Thank You Baker!


LOL seriously! at least his face ain't black with faded em es thirteen ink or possee or 81 or…

one boob only fans

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db90f1 No.20987940

File: 42fa0e8bfa8f1c0⋯.png (135.91 KB,562x257,562:257,42fa0e8bfa8f1c0143634725d1….png)

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7045b6 No.20987942


>Sit back and enjoy the show.

Never been able to do that. I feel like this is NSA humor. How? Tell me. kek

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7facd0 No.20987945

File: 2131b26f7c944bb⋯.png (486.21 KB,468x547,468:547,am.PNG)

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661939 No.20987946

God bless the filter…

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570770 No.20987947

File: bf72f97a21f4317⋯.jpg (59 KB,905x744,905:744,Boob.jpg)

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5bb3ca No.20987949




>>Sit back and enjoy the show.


>Never been able to do that. I feel like this is NSA humor. How? Tell me. kek

what has the NSA to do with it?

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7045b6 No.20987950

File: cece6496a8af193⋯.png (290.72 KB,640x546,320:273,7b4.png)


That's pretty nice.

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f8f8f0 No.20987953

File: 68fa6d56cbeccb2⋯.png (58.1 KB,822x340,411:170,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

File: 1318a108a03f388⋯.png (228.43 KB,830x592,415:296,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)


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7045b6 No.20987955

File: 9b2753896ba4ce1⋯.png (719.26 KB,1080x1527,360:509,Screenshot_20240608_075011.png)


Probably nothing. kek

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b1b52c No.20987956


yes, the question is still why is this happening. They got what they wanted a conviction and they were on there way to getting him sent to jail. Which is why I think it is a Larp and if it is real they are forced to do a whole new trial and Trump wins again because how can he get a fair trial. The jurors lied, can any juror be trusted. Might need that actually. Really just depends on who sent it and if it is real and now it no longer matters because it is about the perception of impropriety. The flip might be they try to FF a conservative in and that has a different thread.

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570770 No.20987957

File: 71e9345a3562e8f⋯.jpg (61.73 KB,673x371,673:371,I_ll_allow_it.jpg)

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1b369c No.20987962

File: 26e977d5ed55372⋯.jpg (200.02 KB,1090x2048,545:1024,michael_anderson.jpg)

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d81357 No.20987964

File: 89127f726f4769e⋯.jpeg (431.72 KB,872x528,109:66,89127f726f4769ea5253a7763….jpeg)



everyone is anon in here, many anons in the news too if it speaks to your ears that is.

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7facd0 No.20987965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bd26b3 No.20987966

File: 437ce1c0f72e8ed⋯.png (55.99 KB,500x508,125:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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7045b6 No.20987968

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB,577x433,577:433,40189c67e011ba3cdfc651ba04….png)


>the perception of impropriety.

That's a nice way to put it.

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1b1275 No.20987969

File: e3f80e8f7044b7c⋯.jpg (44.19 KB,508x413,508:413,8t7qfl.jpg)

Good Mistrial too you

You belong in a zoo

You look like obama

And you smell like one too

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6b5ad9 No.20987970

File: a228c193206c479⋯.png (998.1 KB,998x642,499:321,a228c193206c479434c564c875….png)

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5bb3ca No.20987972


>n an absolutely unthinkable and reckless display of warmongering, Joe Biden has just given Ukraine the all-clear to use American weapons inside Russia.

maybe there's a Ukrainian who just pushes the red button but all the hard work and intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance and targeting for the American long range weapons is done by the US Military … or at least that's what Putin says.

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ebe750 No.20987973

File: 5f3fafb7bd85c0b⋯.png (688.82 KB,1279x719,1279:719,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05cd486add9e6fe⋯.png (850.08 KB,980x523,980:523,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 525b3f005038326⋯.png (354.48 KB,1326x858,17:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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7facd0 No.20987975

File: 41f344bd59ae62f⋯.png (143.63 KB,585x408,195:136,list.PNG)



The Federalist


Indictment Of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids’ Transing Proves No One Is Safe From Biden’s Weaponized DOJ



No One Is Safe From Biden's Weaponized DOJ

Wrongthinkers like Haim will be punished beyond the bounds of the law to send a message: your dissidence will not be tolerated here.

Jun 07, 2024, 6:54 AM

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db90f1 No.20987977

File: 8f3e197a145e75d⋯.jpg (63.06 KB,715x997,715:997,8f3e197a145e75d3e5319b6bb7….jpg)

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86d452 No.20987978


>so you are new and just opened your eyes for the first time recently… got it

am about to open my benis and ice the cup cakes for some sweet karma.

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6b5ad9 No.20987979

File: 012c8176b0c5dd6⋯.jpg (55.8 KB,852x842,426:421,91c6a1e24653ea9da0c0137d54….jpg)


GM, smoking pepe.

Another day at the office?

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db90f1 No.20987981

File: a94fadbbbb12ca2⋯.jpg (88.97 KB,404x562,202:281,a94fadbbbb12ca28f0af90b21d….jpg)

These IP hopping faggots made a bunch of shitty anti GM memes


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77ac7c No.20987982


Incoming Uighyrs, After concentration camps failed, make an alliance and send 50m to the desert.

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7045b6 No.20987984


"…at least three Texas Children’s physicians continued to castrate children as young as 11 years old after the program was allegedly halted."

And you wonder why people believe in demons. Fast trial, death penalty.

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6b5ad9 No.20987987

File: 604b7ef04c33105⋯.jpg (144.58 KB,425x496,425:496,604b7ef04c33105cb4398da201….jpg)



Well you know what they say, the left can't meme.

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5c8102 No.20987989



how are things?

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f8f8f0 No.20987990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank God they rescued her!!!

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77ac7c No.20987994


GM is the heartbeat for whom, before a drop into the public ?

GLOWING Shills, Clowns and Minions

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e04d71 No.20987996


the spam is an easy filter. The try to shame you but their echoing message of crap is a 'must filter'.

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5c8102 No.20987998

Twitter: 1798439355239075983

DEVELOPING: In a desperate move, Hunter Biden's legal team led by Abbe Lowell are spinning a wild conspiracy theory to the judge hearing the case that his father's DOJ is conspiring w ATF, Delaware State Police & the gun shop owner to frame Hunter for lying on his gun application


 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/05/2024 14:45:20

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1798425891187704263

NEW: Prosecutors will introduce a photo showing "drug paraphernalia behind the defendant [Hunter Biden]" and will call a witness who "will testify that it was taken at a house in Malibu"


 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/05/2024 14:40:10

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1798424591695790291

NEW: Prosecution: "In Chapter 11 of [Hunter's] book, the defendant admitted that he was actively addicted to crack cocaine between 2015 and 2019," which is "a fact of consequence relevant to all three charges in the indictment."


 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/05/2024 14:38:19

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1798424125981290659

NEW: Prosecution: Hunter expressed concern to witness about "throwing my gun in a full trash can in a busy grocery store and then some kid blows his sisters [sic] head off and you go to prison for the rest of your life”


 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/05/2024 11:01:03

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1798369447788642340

An obvious story, which curiously no one on the State Dept beat has pursued among the DC press corps, would be interviewing the diplomatic staff of foreign heads of statestarting w/ the Five Eyesto see how Biden's cognitive ability has deteriorated in meetings since he was VP


 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/05/2024 10:46:54

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1798365887554294230

BREAKING: The White House was so worried about a new Wall Street Journal expose on Biden's cognitive decline during meetings that it pressured NY Rep Gregory Meeks and other Democrats interviewed for the article to call back the WSJ reporters to offer positive remarks about Biden


 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/04/2024 13:55:21

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1798050924520439818

BREAKING: FBI agent Marcus Allen who was suspended & stripped of his security clearance for questioning the official narrative of the events of Jan. 6 sworn by FBI Director Wray has been fully reinstated and had 27 mos of back pay restored, his Empower Oversight lawyers announced


 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/04/2024 13:23:05

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1798042807137075625

FLASHBACK: Even the Obama Justice Dept warned against partnering w/ CAIR noting the FBI had blacklisted CAIR after a HAMAS terror trial "linked CAIR leaders to HAMAS and CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case." Read the DOJ report here:



 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 06/03/2024 22:00:52

ID: Twitter Web App

Twitter: 1797810720228405331

 Paul Sperry / @paulsperry_ 05/30/2024 14:26:12

ID:Twitter Web App

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7facd0 No.20987999

File: 3247244c7aa21e4⋯.png (801.34 KB,980x696,245:174,sp.PNG)


Biden Busted Allegedly Plagiarizing Ronald Reagan’s Normandy Speech [VIDEO]

Biden has been a lying, plagiarizer, pathological liar his entire life…" - Sean Parnell

By RVM News Staff

June 8, 2024

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7facd0 No.20988003

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Genesis - Land of Confusion

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6b5ad9 No.20988004

File: 7ff57e0685c55d2⋯.jpg (295.42 KB,732x1024,183:256,7ff57e0685c55d2e66f37391a1….jpg)

No seething choleric hall monitor can stop GM.

No muhjoo can stop GM.

No egomaniac board personality with cat memes can stop GM.

No GM hating feds can stop GM.

Nothing can stop what is GM.


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255f70 No.20988006

File: 879b31c723217c2⋯.jpg (630.6 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,MV5BMTgxMjI0NTEwMF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: 4f79755e8b0cc72⋯.png (1.73 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Ham_Radio_Setup_on_Wooden_….png)

File: cf74c9ec2aa8853⋯.jpg (90.75 KB,1024x576,16:9,HiU2wLFZdgoi9JoE3tnGkj_120….jpg)

File: e9394ec4e18ab18⋯.jpg (102.61 KB,810x1280,81:128,Besties_Trump_Putin.jpg)

File: 75a912f171845c0⋯.gif (2.94 MB,500x224,125:56,You_Call_This_a_Storm_Lt_D….gif)


Sound and Light on NOT on the Same Spectrum. Sound is a Mechanical Wave. Light is Electromagnetic Wave. But yes there's a lot we all are missing.

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f8ec48 No.20988010

File: fb99527fce7d678⋯.jpg (112.69 KB,640x862,320:431,fb99527fce7d6786e2afcbe745….jpg)


GM must flow

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db90f1 No.20988018

File: 9034fc1a8ad90e5⋯.png (515.85 KB,400x560,5:7,9034fc1a8ad90e5d4c3078e257….png)


He's right you know

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1b1275 No.20988020

File: a56239c30e6df49⋯.jpg (66.99 KB,578x386,289:193,8t7r3o.jpg)

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6b5ad9 No.20988024

File: 263a85f1986b1f1⋯.jpg (37.38 KB,255x254,255:254,263a85f1986b1f128c7a5e83a8….jpg)

The GM spam from feds means Anons are over the target. They absolutely do not want GM unity and positivity spreading outside the board. They can try to contain and prevent Anons from habbin a guud morn'n, but They will fail.




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08044a No.20988025

File: 776da2a090d4aa3⋯.png (55.88 KB,560x485,112:97,Q425.png)

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255f70 No.20988029

File: 6bd01b160fca20c⋯.png (127.83 KB,652x718,326:359,ngk27t4ka1m11.png)


Hey Faggot.

Your panic is delicious..

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e04d71 No.20988033

The covetousness of the psyop is what shows it as being a psyop.

you say 'why is this here' and they call you names and tell you to KYS.

who doesn't see it, then, as a psyop.

but true to their need to be partof an unholy tribe of schemers who have an insiders advantage, they never give it up.

they never give it up, they echo it all day, they say nothing else.

that's how people know it's an unholy psyop.

everytime they demand you worship at the alter of their stupid conformity, you are thus reeducated that what they do is groupthink, and not 'think for yourself'.

it's a method, a tactic, and a cringey priority of theirs.

no one is fooled by their tribal nonsense.

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629f1d No.20988035


So let me get this strait'ish

"michael" (realname?) has a cuz on jury

Jury member (1 outa 12) has a cuz comms with

Against rulez. OK

Whois Lopsided (patriot or Dem?)

If dem then mights be fem …

com'on anons some must be able to dig this & expose the players & sides in this faster than anon get a coffveee…3..2..

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7facd0 No.20988037

File: 855c956ff490fb0⋯.png (830.86 KB,565x867,565:867,pl.PNG)

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d672aa No.20988042



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6b5ad9 No.20988044

File: 7f2370fb35dd261⋯.jpg (8.05 KB,243x207,27:23,download_jpeg_7.jpg)


The GM shill spams proves GM positivity is scorned by feds. Only obvious shills like muhjoos and board personalities are against GM. For feds they don't want the positivity spreading. For the narcissist board personalities its because it takes the focus and attention off of them.

GM and GB

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d31097 No.20988045

File: 87adca0948d946e⋯.png (622.19 KB,719x647,719:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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9c6b97 No.20988047


He's not doing it for himself.

Understand the men in the ghetto cannot find jobs. The only places that would take them was temp jobs you work for a day and get paid. No hiring.

They cannot support or better themselves with all of them having felonies from their past at a young age of stupidness.

noone hires anyone with felonies.

This is my take on it.

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11bff3 No.20988048

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB,586x614,293:307,4CHOOSEPAIN.png)

Jan 27, 2018 4:01:40 PM EST 636

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 71

Why would D's have MW conduct the follow up to the SOTU?

What is MW used for?

Re-read past drops.


Carefully crafted 'out there' statements w/ falsified/fake Mueller drops will be made that nobody else would dare say/suggest.


What do they expect is coming?

What must be said to provide a counter-narrative?

What might be said to attempt to discredit factual proofs coming?

How do you keep people BLIND?

What must you FEED them?









WIZARDS & [WAR]locks.

These people are really DUMB.


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d672aa No.20988050


I hate purple bitch

she is whore

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11bff3 No.20988051

File: d421c4594b871ae⋯.jpg (135.25 KB,1200x863,1200:863,00001j.jpg)

Feb 10, 2018 5:46:19 AM EST 714

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No. 325580

Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

WIZARDS & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.



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f8f8f0 No.20988053


our taxpayer dollars used to pay 3 letter agency operative to post telling people to tongue his anus

is this part of pride month?

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08044a No.20988055

File: edcf41aecfe113c⋯.png (19.35 KB,440x261,440:261,Q1254.png)

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db90f1 No.20988056

File: 65fb0a8724c8466⋯.gif (989.81 KB,220x225,44:45,tl_dr_didnt_read.gif)

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7facd0 No.20988057

File: 1ae9f1e37cf20bf⋯.png (44.01 KB,1422x370,711:185,net.PNG)

File: b7e9ca906c0016e⋯.png (301.16 KB,429x355,429:355,say.PNG)


Connecticut residents form armed group

to defend against violent crime

Fox News, by Bryan Llenas

Posted By: Mercedes44, 6/8/2024 7:16:59 AM

A predominantly Black neighborhood in Hartford, Connecticut, hoping to fend off violent crime, has turned to an armed group of citizens to patrol their streets by land and by air. The so-called "Self-Defense Brigade" — made up of about 40 legally armed citizens — are voluntarily patrolling the streets of Hartford’s North End wearing body cameras mostly on nights and weekends, according to the group’s founder, Cornell Lewis. When the armed volunteers are not on the streets, the group monitors video feeds from a dozen drones hovering over the neighborhood, and 75 home surveillance cameras in the neighborhood.

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d09105 No.20988058

File: 8289c6f862f6601⋯.png (378.75 KB,650x687,650:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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11bff3 No.20988059

File: ece3d8291276897⋯.jpg (69.82 KB,992x558,16:9,00001kk.jpg)

Dec 12, 2018 7:19:33 PM EST 2624

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No. 4282020

Dec 12, 2018 7:13:52 PM EST

Anonymous ID: a51b93 No. 4281684

Dec 12, 2018 7:08:53 PM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62138c No. 4281410


Assumption correct.

10k YE.

2019 1 + 2 should be closely evaluated.

Help will be provided.

Senate to investigate 2019.



Q, please tell us who or what the WIZARDS and Warlocks are.


'Guardians' of intelligence.


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11bff3 No.20988061

File: 7a5cb3c6ee1fc6c⋯.jpg (4.04 MB,5608x4870,2804:2435,00001mm.jpg)

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 1 Feb 2020 - 12:41:11 PM 3821

Who was the 17th Director of the NSA?



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b6789c No.20988063

File: 17e22ecbba572a1⋯.jpg (42.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg)





Feel the wrath of my scroll wheel

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11bff3 No.20988065

File: 5ca11534f2acd74⋯.jpg (119.82 KB,1200x900,4:3,001c.jpg)

Apr 24, 2019 10:45:14 PM EDT 3319

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6a5197 No. 6303367

Apr 24, 2019 10:41:21 PM EDT

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6a5197 No. 6303277



Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D.

It's happening.



Michael S. Rogers.


Apr 25, 2018 3:05:13 PM EDT 1268

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 031ee0 No. 1183319

Did you know?


Army Lt. Gen. Paul Nakasone



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d672aa No.20988066


You look mad

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2bdefd No.20988068

File: 41f1bdbf61b9041⋯.png (614.63 KB,666x777,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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11bff3 No.20988070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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661939 No.20988072

Impressive IP hopping…

what sophisticated tech you must have…

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11bff3 No.20988073


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d672aa No.20988075


Purple whore


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11bff3 No.20988076


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661939 No.20988078


Morning anon…

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7facd0 No.20988079

File: 14fb1132cc3312c⋯.png (257.35 KB,596x857,596:857,be_that.PNG)

File: 5c9091fd1eafbbc⋯.png (429.91 KB,391x413,391:413,r.PNG)



Collin Rugg


REPORT: Caitlin Clark is nearly *tripling* average WNBA viewership when she plays as other players in the league appear to be getting jealous of Clark's fame.

Clark has faced growing criticism from the media and players for her positive impact on the WNBA.

According to Outkick, WNBA games with Clark playing have an average of about 1.1 million viewers.

Games without her playing average about 400,000 viewers.

In-person attendance for games where Clark is playing is about double the attendance compared to other games throughout the league.

Despite all of this, rookie Angel Reese thinks she is the reason viewership is up.

"The reason why we're watching women's basketball is not just because of 1 person. It's because of me, too. I want y'all to realize that," she recently said.

5:31 AM · Jun 7, 2024




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f8ec48 No.20988082

File: c8c9315a87c7b25⋯.jpg (462.73 KB,750x958,375:479,364740.jpg)

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bd26b3 No.20988083

File: fd0af68a0732e1b⋯.jpg (9.78 KB,255x173,255:173,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….jpg)

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d672aa No.20988084


*Purple nothing but whore as your mom

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11bff3 No.20988085

File: f475681a56bd16d⋯.png (676.72 KB,1764x2300,441:575,014.png)



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661939 No.20988087


like musical filter music…

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e9646e No.20988088

File: d24554a9788a4d6⋯.png (108.4 KB,225x300,3:4,beaverehud.png)

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0cba27 No.20988090

File: 161ee31009047ca⋯.png (54.02 KB,255x173,255:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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d09105 No.20988092


it's just another division shill if you think about it.

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b6789c No.20988093

File: 2f5adebe6f21771⋯.png (1.71 MB,1247x936,1247:936,2f5adebe6f21771fce42dc8d8c….png)


Every time anons scroll down,

Trump becomes more powerful

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11bff3 No.20988096

File: 82948afb43f35bc⋯.png (888.18 KB,990x1000,99:100,3z3.png)

File: c79c745a2f4fa3a⋯.png (1.14 MB,1019x651,1019:651,4CHOOSEPAIN1ab.png)

File: f7bbaaaa28a3b7a⋯.png (1.03 MB,990x1000,99:100,3z4.png)




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d672aa No.20988097


As his mom purple is whore

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6b5ad9 No.20988098

File: 741d6adcc66dd9e⋯.jpg (57.97 KB,480x590,48:59,741d6adcc66dd9ef449514e030….jpg)

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db90f1 No.20988099

File: 5cbadbab2a55db4⋯.jpeg (32.64 KB,680x434,340:217,5cbadbab2a55db4d5903c32c9….jpeg)

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11bff3 No.20988100

Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


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e9646e No.20988101


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11bff3 No.20988103




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11bff3 No.20988105

Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


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d672aa No.20988106


As oss and purple yo mama is whore

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7045b6 No.20988107


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11bff3 No.20988110



we gotta do something about these iMMIGRATIONS THOUGH!!!!


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11bff3 No.20988113






come on guise!!! the immigrations though!!! we gotta do something!!!

Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


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d672aa No.20988114


i saw her suck sasquatch thing

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11bff3 No.20988115

File: 0e8f6b4d9cef9d2⋯.jpg (160.39 KB,1600x900,16:9,000001k.jpg)






come on guise!!! the immigrations though!!! we gotta do something!!!

Who’s Really Facilitating America’s Border Crisis? Biden Isn’t Acting Alone Dec 9, 2022


Republicans accuse Catholic Charities of breaking the law in its border response December 15, 2022


Migrants depend on Catholic Charities to avoid deportation December 19, 2022


Catholic Charities Under Siege House Republicans and TX bearing down hard


Catholic Charities helping guide through Biden immigration program Jan. 26, 2023


Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas is looking at expanding immigration services May 12th 2023,


Cardinal Dolan: Catholics have a duty to care for immigrants. And the government can’t punish us for that. Timothy Michael Dolan June 28, 2023


Afghanistan to Fort Wayne: How Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services make a global impact MARCH 15, 2023


Harassing Good Samaritans Is On Brand for GOP Republican members of Congress are expanding their war on migrants to the groups that receive federal money to help provide them with food and shelter.


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe JULY 26, 2023


In targeting Catholic Charities, Republicans amplify right-wing Catholic fringe July 24, 2023


Clearing up misconceptions about Church and immigrants Why does Church minister to migrants and refugees? Here are some answers July 17, 2023




12/25/22 (Sun) Christmas Day

Donald J. Trump@realDonaldTrump

On this very cold but beautiful Christmas Day, look at our Nation NOW on the Southern Border compared to only a short time ago during the Trump Administration.

We had the most SECURE Border in our history, versus the “horror show” that that is happening now, with record setting numbers of people, many of them hardened Criminals (including Killers, Human Traffickers and Drug Dealers), POURING INTO OUR COUNTRY at a rate the likes of which we have never seen before. The USA is dyingfrom within!!!


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d09105 No.20988118

File: 296bb02fc11e1b1⋯.png (93.09 KB,381x310,381:310,ENVY_DIA_stock.png)

so the "envy DIA" is now the number two most valuable company!


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d672aa No.20988121


Do I look sasquatch

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57e152 No.20988122

File: a5ae0282ca2b8a6⋯.jpeg (890.01 KB,1278x1281,426:427,IMG_5554.jpeg)

Anons, been thinking about this news regarding the NYSC telling Merchan that someone posted on Fakebook about having a relative who was a juror on Trumps trial and he was going to be found guilty.

As one who believes this trial was part of Q’s plan to set precedent that past Presidents can be tried and convicted for their crimes, I question this new revelation and its motives.

1. Why /how did the NYSC find it, not the trial court?

2. Were they sending Merchan a message and gave him an out to save face?

** 3. Did the cabal get involved, and this (their) way of stopping Trump from being able to set Presidential precedent in the US SC by being able to take his case up on appeal?

4. If the case is considered a mistrial, are they free to recharge him again and tie him up in court instead of the campaign trail?

5. Does double jeopardy apply as he was convicted but not sentenced yet?

6. Is this part of the plan?

Any other thought/ theories?

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5c8102 No.20988123


starting to collect notables

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bd26b3 No.20988125

File: d6b36f54ddbebaf⋯.png (1.17 MB,888x910,444:455,LBbFz3b.png)

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faee0a No.20988126

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7facd0 No.20988127

File: a2c350528ef6ec7⋯.png (488.51 KB,592x851,16:23,mon.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


It Can Not Be Overstated How Hard The Donald Trump Political Persecution Has Backfired On Democrats 🇺🇸

“Do you know what Donald Trump, Rosa Parks, and Martin Luther King Jr all have in common? They were all targeted and arrested by Democrats.”

Rate proposed Community Notes

2:34 PM · Jun 7, 2024




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d672aa No.20988128



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db90f1 No.20988129

File: 53d7969d9733e5c⋯.png (557.7 KB,400x560,5:7,53d7969d9733e5cd1f85fde07c….png)

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1d7d35 No.20988130

File: f7b281a0b44c857⋯.jpg (65.96 KB,570x486,95:81,26.jpg)

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ee97e2 No.20988131

File: 772e3156f771107⋯.png (386.38 KB,636x382,318:191,Screenshot.png)


Trump hush money trial judge Juan Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment the day before the verdict



Oh and nothing is ever deleted, top kek.

Trump wins this trial

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fe1723 No.20988132

File: 7ddcea2b848c84e⋯.png (208.15 KB,792x410,396:205,ClipboardImage.png)

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d672aa No.20988133


Not whore

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d672aa No.20988134

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e9646e No.20988135

File: 021a2de866406f9⋯.png (2.44 MB,1280x863,1280:863,ClipboardImage.png)

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7facd0 No.20988136

File: d9ce7b8ec2a05b9⋯.png (1.44 MB,1245x863,1245:863,save.PNG)

File: 26faa2e65618d52⋯.png (434.52 KB,473x352,43:32,s.PNG)

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edbee9 No.20988137

File: 1712f7cc57f2308⋯.jpg (98.48 KB,500x811,500:811,ParabillsGold.jpg)

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1d7d35 No.20988138

File: 246ca8be7a67455⋯.jpg (99.34 KB,590x500,59:50,2x4happyface.jpg)



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08044a No.20988139

File: 4e00d2761857c2e⋯.png (32.46 KB,447x323,447:323,Q1464.png)

File: 25500959b96af56⋯.png (46.54 KB,293x533,293:533,Q1468.png)


>1:07AM · Jun 7, 2024

1:07 MARKER?

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7facd0 No.20988140

File: e54928858d01a19⋯.png (1.04 MB,781x716,781:716,cr.PNG)

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d672aa No.20988141


How the rod doing

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faee0a No.20988142


All of 15sec to filter the idiots… comfy early morning.


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9c6b97 No.20988143

This comes from a random debate somewhere.

This is the first i heard about a juror being bias. There is questions they are asked before coming a juror. If there is bias then there shouldn't be juroring. Am I wrong?


who was found guilty by a 100% biased court. Why wouldn't the judge allow certain witnesses and rejected what they said. How was a juror that openly said she completely hated DJT? Ohhh right it was fair and can't wait for the appeal to make dems look worse than they already look. Its funny if you lie long and loud - doesn't make it true

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213c18 No.20988144

File: 6e10456e887a7f7⋯.png (711.69 KB,1080x995,216:199,Screenshot_20240608_073221….png)

Black African negroid Clyburn is the monkey everyone just tolerates the guy is an idiotic asshwipe.


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d672aa No.20988145


I'm not idiot

my neighbour is

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7facd0 No.20988146

File: 69c26d1d4a8dd21⋯.png (1.2 MB,838x861,838:861,rem.PNG)

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e775d3 No.20988147


Was there any decent reasoning for the two screenshots?

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57e152 No.20988148

File: ca7da1797fe15ea⋯.png (667.22 KB,1275x710,255:142,IMG_1643.png)


You glorious bastards have triggered the spam bots. Great job! Now which post started all this?

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3949d7 No.20988149


someone has gone full retard……

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d09105 No.20988150

File: 8f3dae168e0ce2c⋯.png (1.39 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5675614f47a7f4a⋯.png (214.45 KB,564x331,564:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f84adbd70cc635f⋯.png (92.4 KB,382x270,191:135,ClipboardImage.png)

this is what happens when you have the right equipment but no fire support! for that matter, no support at all!



and why is there no support? cuz this…


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84986a No.20988151




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25f58c No.20988152


A foreign army could not have done that much damage.

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9c6b97 No.20988153


what do you mean screenshots?

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1d7d35 No.20988154

File: 2115dc80553b29f⋯.jpg (197.37 KB,700x700,1:1,6633bd7859933.jpg)


up side down

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3d8e30 No.20988155

File: 2c970614bba6dca⋯.png (344.51 KB,441x808,441:808,ClipboardImage.png)

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d672aa No.20988157


Yeah what you mean screamingshot

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2fa523 No.20988158

Is Trump still having a rally in a outside park in 101 degree weather tomorrow?

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5bb3ca No.20988159


>>20986742 pb

>>>20985952 Biden mocks his supporter for being poor and calls him a "lying dog faced pony soldier" for wanting him to sign his two baseballs

is this a new DOG or PONY COMM from Xiden or is that the old one … anon membas that back in the day when "lying dog faced pony soldier" was notabled the first time Q was still posting

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d672aa No.20988160


which one is your mum boyfriend

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08044a No.20988161

File: e0ac40c64972675⋯.jpeg (17.55 KB,241x255,241:255,6ee644b535ef8ff038f414da4….jpeg)


Anons are "here" to represent.

That's unity enough.

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629f1d No.20988162


>Any other thought/

anon is still trying to figure 34x FELONY charges over ONE bookkeeping 'error'. total 34x4yrs?

How many FELONY charges would one get if had a w/e in chicago & made par?

How can 34x charges be even lain let alone 'convicted' over 1 x chq pmt?

The whole trial was 1-sided. Made OBVIOUS. Judge? is 'appointed' (scapegoat?) and needs way out so DOJ/brandon 'save face'…maybe a 'mistrial' excuse works? maybe chance to re-try case (they) just gave up. seems to anon as if DOJ have conceded whole thin was wrong, judges bosses gave him an out. Even if takes it then DJT still has convictions? can't travel some countries. over turn a 'mistrial' on appeal??? something else?

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9c6b97 No.20988163

I know your bots wanna look inportant, and maybe I should goto bed but do you need so many? The internet is full of them. It's like the dead internet theory.

where is hawkeye?

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fe1723 No.20988165

File: cc2baf704b9fc4b⋯.gif (2.76 MB,626x640,313:320,pepe_proud_clap.gif)

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5bb3ca No.20988166


what was the week to memba and what did happen, were there significant BOOMs?

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d672aa No.20988167


Yeah trying figure it

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db90f1 No.20988168

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,449b8c73b6939dec137c558a84….png)

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5c8102 No.20988171


#25740 >>20987517

>>20987517, >>20987533, >>20988131 Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' PDF

>>20987537 Trump gains 6 MILLION TikTok followers in 1 week—Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months

>>20987595 00000000 B52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairfield from a run through the Baltic Sea to the NE


>>20987616 French AF CTM1069 A330 heading to Rzeszow Airport for a stop and drop

>>20987626 Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment the day before the verdict

>>20987637 COMMS Were the crew of the Challenger ALIVE for the two-and-a-half minutes

>>20987663 Donald Trump in Arizona: Biden’s Mass Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing Costs for Americans

>>20987666, >>20987667 Out of 680 hotels in New York, 135 have been converted into fully occupied immigration shelters.

>>20987667, >>20987710 David J Harris bought a first class ticket on this airline so he could sit in the front seat and have every passenger walk by and see his shirt!! ❌ JOE BIDEN ✅ CONVICTED FELON

>>20987870, >>20987886, >>20988139 House votes 419-0 on a bill that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID.

>>20987975 Indictment Of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids’ Transing Proves No One Is Safe From Biden’s Weaponized DOJ

>>20987998 Paul Sperry: Prosecution: "In Chapter 11 of [Hunter's] book, the defendant admitted that he was actively addicted to crack cocaine between 2015 and 2019," which is "a fact of consequence relevant to all three charges in the indictment."

>>20988127 It Can Not Be Overstated How Hard The Donald Trump Political Persecution Has Backfired

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7facd0 No.20988174

File: b462d167f4447d0⋯.png (331.83 KB,507x369,169:123,sn.PNG)

File: 33e9abc172197fe⋯.png (430.38 KB,600x695,120:139,snoo.PNG)


Elon Musk



1:26 AM · Jun 8, 2024




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789508 No.20988175

File: 3287e1878e0f586⋯.jpeg (241.08 KB,1125x669,375:223,IMG_1113.jpeg)

File: 97228c3f3ec256d⋯.jpeg (883.09 KB,1125x1585,225:317,IMG_1114.jpeg)



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25f58c No.20988177

File: 64f5a6bfebf1ca1⋯.png (143.54 KB,1080x706,540:353,Screenshot_20240608_084511.png)

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08044a No.20988181

File: 0c5d895d81dbb1d⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,4032x3024,4:3,1of12.JPG)


>Jury member (1 outa 12) has a cuz comms with

Anyone watched the Netflix series YOUR HONOR ?

It's like watching Matrix or The Truman Show.


Many, many Easter Eggs within. Like this nugget…. (see pic)

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5c8102 No.20988185

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Based AF Amber Rose: (We Are not brainwashed anymore by the left 🔥)



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1d7d35 No.20988187

File: aa3a026f76bfbba⋯.jpg (297.66 KB,1242x1120,621:560,aAiZa9lyS3GOlJUHYavC_13237….jpg)



>where is hawkeye?

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25f58c No.20988188

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB,510x438,85:73,ee31bae16587bc53a4779317cc….png)

I didn't haven't even GM'd anyone yet, spambitch. Go away.

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d672aa No.20988192


Shit in his bed

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ee97e2 No.20988193

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8db0b7 No.20988195


Good afternoon!

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5c8102 No.20988198


#25740 >>20987517

>>20987517, >>20987533, >>20988131 Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' PDF

>>20987537 Trump gains 6 MILLION TikTok followers in 1 week—Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months

>>20987595 00000000 B52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairfield from a run through the Baltic Sea to the NE


>>20987616 French AF CTM1069 A330 heading to Rzeszow Airport for a stop and drop

>>20987626 Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment the day before the verdict

>>20987637 COMMS Were the crew of the Challenger ALIVE for the two-and-a-half minutes

>>20987663 Donald Trump in Arizona: Biden’s Mass Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing Costs for Americans

>>20987666, >>20987667 Out of 680 hotels in New York, 135 have been converted into fully occupied immigration shelters.

>>20987667, >>20987710 David J Harris bought a first class ticket on this airline so he could sit in the front seat and have every passenger walk by and see his shirt!! ❌ JOE BIDEN ✅ CONVICTED FELON

>>20987870, >>20987886, >>20988139 House votes 419-0 on a bill that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID.

>>20987975 Indictment Of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids’ Transing Proves No One Is Safe From Biden’s Weaponized DOJ

>>20987998 Paul Sperry: Prosecution: "In Chapter 11 of [Hunter's] book, the defendant admitted that he was actively addicted to crack cocaine between 2015 and 2019," which is "a fact of consequence relevant to all three charges in the indictment."

>>20988127 It Can Not Be Overstated How Hard The Donald Trump Political Persecution Has Backfired

>>20988175 Sunset Park RALLY: The Feds use craiglist to embarrass themselves and FAKE trouble 'eyes on'

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d672aa No.20988200


or in this whore bed

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629f1d No.20988202

File: 12e971298510c08⋯.png (310.79 KB,930x518,465:259,12e971298510c08ff86f25451d….png)

File: 1fe540aa09f66d8⋯.jpeg (923.06 KB,1125x1626,375:542,Brandon_19.jpeg)

File: 799eddd45a88007⋯.png (460.52 KB,1113x699,371:233,Brandon_sig.png)


>"lying dog faced pony soldier"

CORRECT statement.

'member Joe is DED. Twin is guy acting as potato, hence bad memory re past events etc.

"dave" can't sign joes sig in same way WH docs don't have title under sig

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5bb3ca No.20988203

File: 09acf4b407ba6c8⋯.png (206.65 KB,482x725,482:725,GEORGE_NEWS_TimOzman.png)







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1d7d35 No.20988205

File: 0e0a41ad1e37233⋯.jpg (111.78 KB,1080x804,90:67,86245540_2269397358.jpg)







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25f58c No.20988208

File: 231d4418a6517ae⋯.jpg (47.65 KB,500x313,500:313,2da6fd.jpg)

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e9646e No.20988209


made for tv

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d672aa No.20988210

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c6f3f5 No.20988211

they seem angry this morning. excellent work anons

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fe1723 No.20988212


i'll check it out


that's jill signing for him. look at her b

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d4bf74 No.20988213


satan is one eyed

Zechariah 11:17

“Woe to the worthless shepherd,

who deserts the flock!

May the sword strike his arm and his right eye!

May his arm be completely withered,

his right eye totally blinded!”

so are you saying….

we cant be friends because I dont worship satan?

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e29905 No.20988215

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9273f6 No.20988219

Dwindling odds the Saudi Arabians will renew the petrodollar contract 9 June 2024

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e9646e No.20988222


can you imagine if they added shills into the mix?

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d09105 No.20988223

File: 3cd42fe93feeb3c⋯.png (100.13 KB,623x297,623:297,ClipboardImage.png)


>is still trying to figure 34x FELONY charges over ONE bookkeeping 'error'.

(1+1+1)x11+1= 34 counts of lawfare BS

it really is that simple

put another way… MIND BLOWING BULLSHIT EH!

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5c8102 No.20988225

File: 3dc4895a80aedc8⋯.jpg (98.56 KB,1024x910,512:455,BORING_fbe9d9e207541d8f_1_.jpg)


BV please delete all the spam, tyvm

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25f58c No.20988226

File: 1b933481d9018a8⋯.png (73.16 KB,500x621,500:621,1b933481d9018a8bd4f7042e16….png)

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d672aa No.20988230



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e9646e No.20988232

File: f0b3d7595efa00e⋯.png (556.27 KB,678x817,678:817,millstonecoffee.png)

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d672aa No.20988233

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5c8102 No.20988234

File: 245b250d48f5b18⋯.png (325.2 KB,860x984,215:246,irish_beer.png)

File: 28154e46405a32a⋯.jpg (23.36 KB,608x609,608:609,beer_hulfhy.jpg)

File: fb7f83fb16979db⋯.jpg (11.75 KB,255x243,85:81,beer.jpg)

File: 10fbfe98959cfa8⋯.webp (779.15 KB,500x694,250:347,beer_f6.webp)

File: 4f0714bccb54f6f⋯.png (447.79 KB,500x710,50:71,Melania_hold_my_beer.png)


Cheers to Amber, liquid gold

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629f1d No.20988236

File: 655e616cd5676cc⋯.png (1.36 MB,832x942,416:471,655e616cd5676ccc2ee0534dad….png)

File: ea06f4f2094d766⋯.png (596.87 KB,673x629,673:629,Brandon_Tats.png)

File: 55fd6c01e2e6c3f⋯.jpg (67.79 KB,623x538,623:538,Brandon_2.jpg)

File: 567e36b703a1302⋯.jpg (4.69 KB,255x114,85:38,jill_sig.jpg)


>that's jill signing for him. look at her b

maybe? good theory.

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d672aa No.20988237


is there shugar in

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e9646e No.20988238

File: 1214ed0d02be649⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x640,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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b30077 No.20988239

File: 79927fc04139f2d⋯.png (102.06 KB,834x754,417:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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c9b085 No.20988240

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d672aa No.20988242

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5c8102 No.20988243


#25740 >>20987517

>>20987517, >>20987533, >>20988131 Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' PDF

>>20987537 Trump gains 6 MILLION TikTok followers in 1 week—Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months

>>20987595 00000000 B52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairfield from a run through the Baltic Sea to the NE


>>20987616 French AF CTM1069 A330 heading to Rzeszow Airport for a stop and drop

>>20987626 Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment the day before the verdict

>>20987637 COMMS Were the crew of the Challenger ALIVE for the two-and-a-half minutes

>>20987663 Donald Trump in Arizona: Biden’s Mass Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing Costs for Americans

>>20987666, >>20987667 Out of 680 hotels in New York, 135 have been converted into fully occupied immigration shelters.

>>20987667, >>20987710 David J Harris bought a first class ticket on this airline so he could sit in the front seat and have every passenger walk by and see his shirt!! ❌ JOE BIDEN ✅ CONVICTED FELON

>>20987870, >>20987886, >>20988139 House votes 419-0 on a bill that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID.

>>20987975 Indictment Of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids’ Transing Proves No One Is Safe From Biden’s Weaponized DOJ

>>20987998 Paul Sperry: Prosecution: "In Chapter 11 of [Hunter's] book, the defendant admitted that he was actively addicted to crack cocaine between 2015 and 2019," which is "a fact of consequence relevant to all three charges in the indictment."

>>20988127 It Can Not Be Overstated How Hard The Donald Trump Political Persecution Has Backfired

>>20988175 Sunset Park RALLY: The Feds use craiglist to embarrass themselves and FAKE trouble 'eyes on'

>>20988185 Based AF Amber Rose: We do our own research, We Are not brainwashed anymore 1.00

>>20987639, >>20987642, >>20987684 Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability

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1d7d35 No.20988244


>we cant be friends because I dont worship satan?

you are just blind, anons could not help you.

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e9646e No.20988245

File: 5d1c9628bce0293⋯.mp4 (2.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,authority.mp4)

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864776 No.20988246


taking out the trash baker

you are free to bake any time


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0d17d8 No.20988247

File: b122c3262b8c446⋯.png (5.33 MB,3424x2656,107:83,Untitled4.png)


I can't get it out of my head, but I am getting strong JFK Assassination comms from that Bill and Hillary video of them singing Sweet Caroline.

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08044a No.20988248


If this is indeed a "mistrial", and Bragg decides to recharge Trump, does it go back to the same Judge?

Or could a new Judge be assigned (in rotation)? And would that make a difference in the trial overall (what's allowed/not allowed, gag orders, etc) and the final outcome?

Again, in the series "YOUR HONOR", the judge makes some unethical decisions, and ultimately found a killer/Carlo Not Guilty. In the series, the Judge asked the killer/Carlo, "Have you ever heard of "Harry the Hook"? Long story short, Harry the Hook (real mob hit man) was tried twice for the same murder,double jeopardywas thrown out because Harry's judge was found to have been dirty - Like the Judge Michael Desiato in YOUR HONOR. (lots of Easter eggs in this series.) Not unlike the Judge in Trump's case.


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e9646e No.20988250


Why wasn’t HRC prosecuted for the emails? Put simply, Obama ultimately OK’d by using the non govt email addy to communicate w/ Clinton. Obama also had an alias along with each of his cabinet members. Therefore indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet etc which could never happen. Remember he lied about knowing but that ultimately came out in the dump. Poof!

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e708e7 No.20988251


heart emojis great touch

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edbee9 No.20988252

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"They don't want a horse out of the barn. If one starts speaking the truth, it's contagious" MASSIE concerning AIPAC control over congress.

Massie is the new Ron Paul


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9273f6 No.20988253


Saudi Arabia is expected to announce that it will cease all oil sales in US dollars, marking the end of the 50-year Petrodollar Pact signed on June 6, 1974, which expires on June 9, 2024.

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e708e7 No.20988254


>(lots of Easter eggs in this series.) Not unlike the Judge in Trump's case.

who (plural) is writing these scripts?

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d09105 No.20988255


hang this bastard by the neck until dead!

after his trial for treason of course!

did this makenotables?

it should be!

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e9646e No.20988256

File: 1c5e5e5fa64b653⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,640x360,16:9,BenRhodes.mp4)

indicting HRC would lead to indicting Obama & his cabinet

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0d17d8 No.20988257


Maybe the DNC is going to try running Caroline Kennedy for POTUS?

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edbee9 No.20988258


Tucker: "They (the Jews) call you a BIGOT, and ANTISEMITE, and try to destroy your character"

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edbee9 No.20988260


"Christians for Israel is ran by AIPAC" - Massie

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e708e7 No.20988261


fisa takes down the house

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11affe No.20988262

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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9c6b97 No.20988263


he asked george to take a look at a hit piece or seek legal action against marcus. marcus is not Q -.-

(journalism) A published article or post aiming to sway public opinion, especially by presenting false or biased information in a way that appears objective and truthful. … And respectable media institutions do have their standards, but there is something insidious—and very human—at work …

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6f48d7 No.20988264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d09105 No.20988265


guam gonna capsize fame?



>5. Does double jeopardy apply

it does not apply and the bullshit will continue until after nov 5 right up to kan 20th

this was a way out for merchan's corruption. trace the post to it's source…

and finally … mistrial or not, the precedent is set.


GM Anon

digits confirm

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e9646e No.20988266

BRICS is 30% of the earth's landmass, 45% of the earth's population and 33% of the earth's GDP. This is 3% more than the GDP of the G7 countries.

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209a69 No.20988267

File: 23ca8e8bc51be69⋯.png (436.43 KB,740x655,148:131,Screenshot_2024_06_07_11_3….png)

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08044a No.20988268



The drops were relevant to events at that time, AND can still be relevant to current events, both.

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9aafe1 No.20988269

> >>20988262 (You)

Ask yourself why (you) need this place to be like social media.

Ask yourself why (you) feel the need to project your personality onto the board by repeatedly posting the same words or images.

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c6f3f5 No.20988270

File: 6de7fb41ba81087⋯.jpg (190.02 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_08_09_0….jpg)

File: 7d6a27f3d11ec5a⋯.jpeg (214.88 KB,2048x1198,1024:599,GPi9ScMWYAAxSHR.jpeg)

File: adffd010ae648ab⋯.jpeg (265.97 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GPi9Sb4WQAAcFEe.jpeg)

File: 77f6cff8e144a7f⋯.jpeg (272.61 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GPi9SePXwAA6HX_.jpeg)

File: a639bcb60eb53ce⋯.png (64.37 KB,640x564,160:141,26_14_.png)





F on the sea can 26

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2a44a1 No.20988271

File: 615cdc681bddd28⋯.jpeg (79.5 KB,1024x861,1024:861,IMG_2651.jpeg)

Biden is going to get us all killed

Russia is moving nuclear assets into the Caribbean next week. Russia may launch a preemptive Nuclear strike on America. If you remember, Russia has mentioned a preemptive strike on the west publicly as a possibility months ago if things in Ukraine didn’t de-escalate. Also remember not too long ago Russia launched some mysterious space weapon into orbit. And remember that the west has openly told Ukraine it’s okay to use their weapons deep inside Russia. Since then Russia has called America its enemy.


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d4bf74 No.20988272


satan is one eyed. i understand.

>you are just blind

wait so my screen reader explained the image to me? i see the symbolism. the question i have is wtf do you mean by 'we cant be friends'. oh well. its okay. i still love and pray for my enemies.

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11affe No.20988273

File: 7d424a3bfaaaa99⋯.jpg (96.9 KB,926x379,926:379,gmRequestAnontoQPlus.jpg)


<>Ask yourself why (you) need this place to be like social media.

<>Ask yourself why (you) feel the need to project your personality onto the board by repeatedly posting the same words or images.

Ask yourself why are you still here?

All for a Larp?

Ask yourself why are you triggered by GM?

GM shill

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209a69 No.20988274

File: 51cdc8361e2746e⋯.jpg (224.88 KB,677x676,677:676,groomer_crossing.jpg)

File: e8cec5f4610a7a5⋯.png (50.92 KB,388x301,388:301,ClipboardImage.png)



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c6f3f5 No.20988275

File: 8c08a779de3829b⋯.png (601.21 KB,640x1056,20:33,1665.png)

File: b83cbbb5c52f4d5⋯.jpeg (186.21 KB,800x578,400:289,0a8f094ad1b1cb0747188e75e….jpeg)


good morning Ralph.

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d2f9b9 No.20988276

File: 0816a419af65540⋯.png (567.19 KB,497x499,497:499,ardtazgrae.png)

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e9646e No.20988277

File: 04f02f963fb82be⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,854x478,427:239,DavidMorens.mp4)

File: 7db2558b7ecbb20⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,852x480,71:40,Unearthed_video_of_Peter_D….mp4)

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a140e1 No.20988278

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08044a No.20988279


What will the fallout be from that?

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c6f3f5 No.20988280

File: 03bb43385c8c95b⋯.png (358.94 KB,640x1258,320:629,1054_7_.png)

File: f6a9d4e396718f4⋯.jpg (28.44 KB,507x356,507:356,b87a8d06f12882bb062627ce11….jpg)


they sure do push the two letters hard

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209a69 No.20988281

File: 748da56733f0e60⋯.jpg (99.86 KB,1000x500,2:1,biden_54.jpg)


commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud who got a national security clearance and PROTECT BIDEN, are the ones who will get us "almost all" killed

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fc88ea No.20988282

File: e922963fc892c2c⋯.jpg (17.81 KB,255x170,3:2,44c5d013185db32cf34e141d9b….jpg)




Nikki is the BIRD BRAIN

She was used to draw out fake Maga

Watch WA

They are attempting split the base

The frogs will expose the BIRD


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e9646e No.20988283


pretty sure fiat to gold happening

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d2f9b9 No.20988284



This is for the gentiles, the Jews prefer to hide.

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e9646e No.20988285

File: 120237e13a2710e⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,heyrealquicklastquestionfo….mp4)

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dacae8 No.20988286

File: 94de2fbcff6f186⋯.png (509.29 KB,568x759,568:759,ClipboardImage.png)

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c02cd5 No.20988287


Doesn’t the court have to announce the charges being laid against the defendant? I’m with you on how there could be 34.

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4af8e2 No.20988288

God answers prayers.

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f700d2 No.20988289


Soros Prosecutee

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e9646e No.20988290

File: 28df83abecd8385⋯.png (8.55 KB,262x186,131:93,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fccd4728ff4fc5⋯.png (9.1 KB,262x186,131:93,ClipboardImage.png)


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c6f3f5 No.20988291


accelerated the timelines in Jesus's name for fucks sake

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08044a No.20988292


Tryin to work out this timeline…

Wouldn't Trump NEED to be in office for that to habbin? Not sure Resident is up to the task….

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8db0b7 No.20988293

i love spam

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d430bf No.20988294

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9273f6 No.20988295


Not fond of speculating fren

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d56d64 No.20988296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Trump Won" Hitmaker Natasha Owens Declares Former President “The Chosen One” with New Single

With an ongoing string of viral hits already under her belt, patriotic powerhouse Natasha Owens returns with her latest single, “The Chosen One” (Radiate Music). Watch the music video on YouTube.

"Last year I sang on the Mar-A-Lago lawn, and I dedicated my song ‘Warrior' to President Trump,” says Natasha. "I told him that night that we have prayed many days for God's protection to be with him. I believe that God has protected him and has made President Trump into a warrior who is fighting for us for such a time as this. I certainly know that President Trump is not the Messiah, but throughout the Bible, a perfect God has used many imperfect men to do great things for his kingdom. We are in a battle between good and evil and I believe that God has chosen President Trump to push back against the evil in our country and the evil in this world. President Trump is 'The Chosen One.’”

An article titled “The Chosen One” from conservative radio and TV personality Wayne Allyn Root sparked the idea which her writing partner and producer, GRAMMY-nominated and multiple Dove Award winner Ian Eskelin brought to life.

"More than ever, I believe Donald J. Trump is ‘the chosen one’ - chosen by God to save America, Israel and the world from tyrannical and authoritarian powers trying to take our freedoms away," says Wayne Allyn Root, host of The Root Reaction and America’s Top Ten Countdown on Real America’s Voice. "I am so proud and honored to help Natasha Owens and her amazing team write this song about President Trump - ‘the chosen one.’ I knew Natasha was born to sing this song!”

Natasha started the current trend of patriotic anthems topping the pop charts when her smash hit single “Trump Won," became a viral hit in 2023 amassing over 70 million social media impressions despite shadow banning and widespread reports of posts, retweets and shares being removed on nearly all platforms. The song shocked the music industry upon it's release in March, immediately debuting at #1 on iTunes before debuting at #5 on the BILLBOARD Digital Sales Chart and #2 on the BILLBOARD Country Digital Song Sales Chart. Former President Donald J. Trump repeatedly posted about the single at TruthSocial.

Her latest studio album, AMERICAN PATRIOT, is a bold, proud, powerful concept collection that bridges an unwavering love of country with the themes of faith and family that have always played a significant part in her artistry. The album includes notable tracks such as “America First” and "Stand for Life,” and the patriotic trend has continued with new singles "2nd Protects the First,” “Party People” and “The Star Spangled Banner.” She’s had extensive media coverage including appearances on Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, Huckabee, Real America’s Voice, War Room with Steve Bannon, The Eric Metaxas Show, Lindell TV with Mike Lindell, CNN, Al Jezeera, and HLN, among others.

For more information, visit www.NatashaOwensMusic.com.


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4b0234 No.20988297


Sure, cause you are a hooknosed mongrel gatekeeper!

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f5081d No.20988298


bidet BF still urchin fo sum homo

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674cec No.20988299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

listen up! this is good stuff…

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c80fb2 No.20988300

File: 1067e814785986b⋯.webp (48.19 KB,613x746,613:746,pepe_stretch.webp)

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d86e0c No.20988301

File: ad7aa785d28819e⋯.png (2.02 MB,1200x799,1200:799,ClipboardImage.png)


Ears are way off..not him

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f5081d No.20988302





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db8bcb No.20988303



please add

>>20988247 Bill and HRC Graphic to this notable



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1d7d35 No.20988304

File: d8f9ea361731119⋯.png (7.1 KB,268x333,268:333,ClipboardImage.png)


memes can only fail your understanding, not mine.

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4b0234 No.20988305



Trump is chosen by Satans spawn, THE JEWS!

Not chosen by human beings!

The real chosen ONE is someone else and jew filthy fuckwits know it!

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2db4f3 No.20988306

File: 13f158bb80f1bfe⋯.png (6.75 KB,454x82,227:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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d56d64 No.20988307

File: ad2ce7a8ef2fb8a⋯.png (200.71 KB,608x448,19:14,ClipboardImage.png)


oops. forgot where I got it from…


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e9646e No.20988308

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)

What was inside of WTC7?

Gold? Documents? Pizza?

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2c7902 No.20988309

File: 43cf70722a31e9f⋯.jpg (141.17 KB,431x245,431:245,pcmgp.jpg)


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fe1723 No.20988310



human nature

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209a69 No.20988311

File: e1b4f35c25f633a⋯.png (89.94 KB,598x635,598:635,Screenshot_2024_06_07_05_4….png)

File: 687648442138a02⋯.jpg (125.7 KB,654x430,327:215,hunter_gun_trial_is_FIXED_….jpg)

Hunter Biden is the CABOOSE (thought they would sweep 40 years of country topples under his ass but now it looks like they gona let him off too)

2012-2014 Ukraine Burisma Coffer Black Encrypted diplomatic blackberries is the TRAIN

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c80fb2 No.20988312

File: 0c321973abfbe07⋯.png (494.48 KB,610x492,305:246,ClipboardImage.png)


When it's something that VaticanClown does too, that should give some indication. Everything they try it exposes themselves further.

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a140e1 No.20988313

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8db0b7 No.20988314


nice projection, actually a bread containing high content of spam indicates


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bd41ef No.20988315

File: e400f47f4382d65⋯.png (155.51 KB,640x299,640:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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209a69 No.20988316

File: 21e036bb7f93585⋯.jpg (273.53 KB,579x1993,579:1993,stories_main_What_Really_H….jpg)

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1d7d35 No.20988317

File: b98116164122bf2⋯.png (875.62 KB,735x722,735:722,b98116164122bf22a4e4557870….png)


>What was inside of WTC7?

easter egg

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209a69 No.20988318

File: 97dfdfc06b6bd32⋯.jpg (262.81 KB,582x1460,291:730,stories_main_What_Really_H….jpg)

Biden and Putin go way back.

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a140e1 No.20988319


20 min break inbetween these two posts


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a140e1 No.20988320


im going to get a cat

i would like the company of a kitty

cats are super cool

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209a69 No.20988321

File: d1973e68e78cbfa⋯.jpg (91.52 KB,846x565,846:565,fuku_fish.jpg)


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d56d64 No.20988322

File: 96262c302924545⋯.jpg (33.45 KB,500x409,500:409,Cheer_for_Pepe.jpg)

File: 494b479fffab57f⋯.gif (43.53 KB,400x204,100:51,Pepe_with_machine_gun.gif)

Pepe is NOT just a frog, it's a symbol, it's a icon, It's also a movement, let the Pepe flow through you…

Let the Pepe's run free…..Reeeeee!!!

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c9f33f No.20988323

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612d40 No.20988324

File: 29c340a35675771⋯.png (193.87 KB,547x640,547:640,ClipboardImage.png)



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4b0234 No.20988325



Dream on filthy Jewbrat!

What a bunch of retarded faggots you Yids are!

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e1892d No.20988326

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8db0b7 No.20988327

File: 0d5fc20888d601a⋯.jpg (100.19 KB,282x567,94:189,cattime.jpg)


cats are cool

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c6f3f5 No.20988328

File: a0c8390dd2fad3d⋯.jpg (197.5 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_06_08_09_5….jpg)

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6d9264 No.20988329



Yeah, that's the usual bot maint period the Ded Internet society conducts every Sat morning now.

The news is moving so fast it can't be done monthly any moar.

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4b0234 No.20988330

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209a69 No.20988331

File: 1ae57dd17e12568⋯.jpg (200.54 KB,625x757,625:757,Jones_Plantation_2024_06_0….jpg)

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c6f3f5 No.20988332

File: 8f5de6838e98df5⋯.png (336.62 KB,640x1120,4:7,940.png)

File: 874eac79bd28f90⋯.png (918.21 KB,640x5148,160:1287,1940_1_.png)

File: b8f30eeb1c73b0a⋯.png (265.29 KB,640x1802,320:901,15_12_.png)

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1d7d35 No.20988333

File: 146e38f7cb9393a⋯.jpg (62.25 KB,600x779,600:779,WATCHU_DOING.jpg)


dubstep up pepe.

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e1892d No.20988334

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c6f3f5 No.20988335


after Ralph's post place borked for a bit

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e1892d No.20988336

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25803f No.20988337





Liquid gold. US becomes biggest exporters of oil and NG. Resource based economies.

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a140e1 No.20988338

File: 872cb148fa7b515⋯.jpg (139.84 KB,896x1147,896:1147,crayon_.jpg)


cute and funny fur balls

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c80fb2 No.20988339

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


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8db0b7 No.20988340


your rhetoric glows!

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864776 No.20988341


things seem to be working again

all fine n dandy

how ya doin be?

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24d614 No.20988342

File: 7fd826850dedde1⋯.jpeg (37.07 KB,255x213,85:71,IMG_5555.jpeg)


> “Trump Won" Hitmaker Natasha Owens Declares Former President “The Chosen One” with New Single

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a140e1 No.20988343

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8db0b7 No.20988344


Happy Birthday!

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4b0234 No.20988345


Re-post cause filthy yiddish 8Cunt mossadfuckwit Dart deleted the pics!

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c9d775 No.20988346

You guys are hilarious. And inside me somehow.

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c80fb2 No.20988347

File: 6d658099ad30844⋯.jpg (5.93 KB,255x143,255:143,wut13.jpg)

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c9f33f No.20988349

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8db0b7 No.20988350


we are all on the same wavelength


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fe1723 No.20988351

File: 6fcf171227f465c⋯.gif (74.49 KB,300x300,1:1,hbd.gif)

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209a69 No.20988352

File: b22504442cff814⋯.jpg (75.57 KB,607x326,607:326,same_cell_as_bannon_then_.jpg)

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0a37e9 No.20988354

File: 947ca2c929fb444⋯.mp4 (4.12 MB,270x480,9:16,donors_told_if_they_give_m….mp4)

File: 70c31fdc0328602⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,448x448,1:1,lone_soldier.mp4)


See below from past bread collected, do not know who needs to see this but get it to those who have situational awareness training and risk assessment knowledge.

this site has been inaccessible for anon for a while. will make on post cos anon needs a break from all the fucker here. plus one last threat to anyone donating to trump campaign from the fbi from big donors see video


iran threat decode

>>20987232, >>20987238, >>20987270, >>20987283, >>20987305, >>20987390, mistrial - djt t.s post plus possible decode, fvey eyes and iran next comms.


threat on usa soil and status.


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c6f3f5 No.20988355

File: cf2f57dde6128f5⋯.png (416.59 KB,640x3330,64:333,775_2_.png)


stay tuned he fuck home and smoke weed

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a140e1 No.20988356

File: 28154e46405a32a⋯.jpg (23.36 KB,608x609,608:609,beer_hulfhy.jpg)


drinking beer


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08044a No.20988357

File: cc1382399f4fdbf⋯.png (41.55 KB,440x356,110:89,Q94.png)

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c9f33f No.20988358

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4b0234 No.20988359


Re-post cause filthy yiddish 8Cunt mossadfuckwit Dart deleted the pics/post!

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1d7d35 No.20988360

File: 3cbf4b59cf88ef9⋯.jpg (8.13 KB,240x210,8:7,utils.jpg)


>You guys are hilarious. And inside me somehow.

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c6f3f5 No.20988361


stay the fuck home. autocorrection

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2c7902 No.20988362

File: d688e9a2aa790d1⋯.jpg (112.71 KB,392x360,49:45,hyk.jpg)

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c9f33f No.20988363

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7d24dc No.20988364

File: 73db5ca65cc518b⋯.png (227.38 KB,1148x596,287:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 810e1023927f1f9⋯.png (28.42 KB,708x264,59:22,ClipboardImage.png)




These are our final messages. We cannot say with any certainty how many more times we will be able to broadcast before this window closes, but the goal is to push the envelope as far as possible to improve the outcome of this crisis. War is coming. This cannot be stopped now, but non-violent resistance early on can greatly reduce the number of lives lost.

Final Messages – Part 3 – How to Overthrow Governments (The Color Revolution Formula)


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4b0234 No.20988365

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209a69 No.20988366

File: 02e2bb33b3d85f3⋯.jpg (172.7 KB,632x657,632:657,enemy_of_freedom.jpg)

Before re-education, lets just check your pay-to-play off shore accounts.

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e1892d No.20988367

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e9646e No.20988368

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

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6d9264 No.20988369


While losing the ability to structure legible sentences in the process?

Let me think about it.

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35e598 No.20988370

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375373 No.20988371

Saudi Arabia not accepting "petro dollars" AND US strategic oil reserve tapped out?

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e1892d No.20988372

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c6f3f5 No.20988373


hadn't even thought of that. seent the double 940. thank you

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209a69 No.20988374

File: a2012958a33e379⋯.jpg (184.53 KB,1358x632,679:316,LGBTQ_means_the_country_is….jpg)

also applies to business, and government local, state, federal

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9273f6 No.20988375


>War is coming

is that possible if the war never stopped?

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e1892d No.20988376

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c80fb2 No.20988377


5 decades and nothing to show for it but still being alive.

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e9646e No.20988378

File: 1e20386dc551588⋯.png (29.52 KB,559x193,559:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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209a69 No.20988379

File: 8f2dad73da46fd1⋯.jpg (83.12 KB,821x772,821:772,gods_chosen_lunatics_still….jpg)

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a140e1 No.20988380

File: 7ee4afd8c939c5b⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_i_love_you_too_but_y….mp4)


i found dr buttercup pushing an agenda

that satanic fat fuck kept trying to paint a pic of OOOoooh youve been wronged but dont go for revenge, give me your word you wont go for revenge

those that [were] are crapping themselves and are still trying to control the narrative

Fuck you Phil Mcgraw, we know what you are and we know what youre up too

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9273f6 No.20988381


what are the current SPR levels?

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a140e1 No.20988382



#25740 >>20987517

>>20987517, >>20987533, >>20988131 Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' PDF

>>20987537 Trump gains 6 MILLION TikTok followers in 1 week—Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months

>>20987595 00000000 B52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairfield from a run through the Baltic Sea to the NE

>>20987882, >>20988247 BILL AND HILLARY COMMS

>>20987616 French AF CTM1069 A330 heading to Rzeszow Airport for a stop and drop

>>20987626 Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment the day before the verdict

>>20987637 COMMS Were the crew of the Challenger ALIVE for the two-and-a-half minutes

>>20987663 Donald Trump in Arizona: Biden’s Mass Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing Costs for Americans

>>20987666, >>20987667 Out of 680 hotels in New York, 135 have been converted into fully occupied immigration shelters.

>>20987667, >>20987710 David J Harris bought a first class ticket on this airline so he could sit in the front seat and have every passenger walk by and see his shirt!! ❌ JOE BIDEN ✅ CONVICTED FELON

>>20987870, >>20987886, >>20988139 House votes 419-0 on a bill that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID.

>>20987975 Indictment Of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids’ Transing Proves No One Is Safe From Biden’s Weaponized DOJ

>>20987998 Paul Sperry: Prosecution: "In Chapter 11 of [Hunter's] book, the defendant admitted that he was actively addicted to crack cocaine between 2015 and 2019," which is "a fact of consequence relevant to all three charges in the indictment."

>>20988127 It Can Not Be Overstated How Hard The Donald Trump Political Persecution Has Backfired

>>20988175 Sunset Park RALLY: The Feds use craiglist to embarrass themselves and FAKE trouble 'eyes on'

>>20988185 Based AF Amber Rose: We do our own research, We Are not brainwashed anymore 1.00

>>20987639, >>20987642, >>20987684 Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability

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d430bf No.20988383


>You guys are hilarious.

These filthy fuckwits are a bunch of gatekeeping retarded Jews/Kikes and minions!

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e1892d No.20988384

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209a69 No.20988385

File: e0303f7e8ddeedd⋯.jpg (156.54 KB,1286x775,1286:775,NYC_TERRORISTS.jpg)

Meanwhile America's new INVADER/Settlers

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6d9264 No.20988387


If those are the tough guys, what do all the manlets over there look like?

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e1892d No.20988389

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864776 No.20988390



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209a69 No.20988392

File: e0f5e900a8458a9⋯.jpg (75.33 KB,772x464,193:116,Lunatic_death_cult.jpg)

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6f48d7 No.20988393

File: f7511cfb8153f0d⋯.png (1.14 MB,816x900,68:75,f7511cfb8153f0d03d124a3c23….png)


Beep Beep Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt

Wrong Again

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23611e No.20988395

File: c819cf3ddc5d7ed⋯.png (371.58 KB,428x582,214:291,merchant.PNG)

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c9f33f No.20988396

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209a69 No.20988399

File: 3d17670e24f4d4c⋯.jpg (110.47 KB,893x742,893:742,gods_chosen_lunatics_tortu….jpg)


They look like this.

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d430bf No.20988400

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e9646e No.20988401


Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.[

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6d9264 No.20988402

>Dart has the Board Log smoking with new entries

Prolly nowhere even close to the end of bread.


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23611e No.20988403

File: 8b3b7e34781a440⋯.png (270.27 KB,418x363,38:33,66m.PNG)

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a140e1 No.20988404

Fresh Bread








Q Research General #25741: EYES ON Feds advertise on Craigslist FF incoming? Sunset Park Edition

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c9f33f No.20988406

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209a69 No.20988407

File: f9a8055bcf31a74⋯.jpg (323.01 KB,570x1421,570:1421,stories_main_What_Really_H….jpg)

File: aadcf68ed257f73⋯.jpg (258.82 KB,585x796,585:796,Screenshot_2024_06_08_05_4….jpg)

Maybe Netenyahu can visit congress EVERY DAY I HOPE.

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1d7d35 No.20988408

File: 10d5dfcf6e38ca6⋯.jpg (103.8 KB,400x400,1:1,Wirus_3167454582.jpg)


>5 decades and nothing to show for it but still being alive.

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864776 No.20988409

migrate, locked

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