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File: 9ed046518811267⋯.jpeg (8.87 KB,255x147,85:49,bac4c6b4210217352e3d0f55f….jpeg)

5c8102 No.20987509 [View All]

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576 posts and 388 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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209a69 No.20988352

File: b22504442cff814⋯.jpg (75.57 KB,607x326,607:326,same_cell_as_bannon_then_.jpg)

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0a37e9 No.20988354

File: 947ca2c929fb444⋯.mp4 (4.12 MB,270x480,9:16,donors_told_if_they_give_m….mp4)

File: 70c31fdc0328602⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB,448x448,1:1,lone_soldier.mp4)


See below from past bread collected, do not know who needs to see this but get it to those who have situational awareness training and risk assessment knowledge.

this site has been inaccessible for anon for a while. will make on post cos anon needs a break from all the fucker here. plus one last threat to anyone donating to trump campaign from the fbi from big donors see video


iran threat decode

>>20987232, >>20987238, >>20987270, >>20987283, >>20987305, >>20987390, mistrial - djt t.s post plus possible decode, fvey eyes and iran next comms.


threat on usa soil and status.


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c6f3f5 No.20988355

File: cf2f57dde6128f5⋯.png (416.59 KB,640x3330,64:333,775_2_.png)


stay tuned he fuck home and smoke weed

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a140e1 No.20988356

File: 28154e46405a32a⋯.jpg (23.36 KB,608x609,608:609,beer_hulfhy.jpg)


drinking beer


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08044a No.20988357

File: cc1382399f4fdbf⋯.png (41.55 KB,440x356,110:89,Q94.png)

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c9f33f No.20988358

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4b0234 No.20988359


Re-post cause filthy yiddish 8Cunt mossadfuckwit Dart deleted the pics/post!

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1d7d35 No.20988360

File: 3cbf4b59cf88ef9⋯.jpg (8.13 KB,240x210,8:7,utils.jpg)


>You guys are hilarious. And inside me somehow.

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c6f3f5 No.20988361


stay the fuck home. autocorrection

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2c7902 No.20988362

File: d688e9a2aa790d1⋯.jpg (112.71 KB,392x360,49:45,hyk.jpg)

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c9f33f No.20988363

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7d24dc No.20988364

File: 73db5ca65cc518b⋯.png (227.38 KB,1148x596,287:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 810e1023927f1f9⋯.png (28.42 KB,708x264,59:22,ClipboardImage.png)




These are our final messages. We cannot say with any certainty how many more times we will be able to broadcast before this window closes, but the goal is to push the envelope as far as possible to improve the outcome of this crisis. War is coming. This cannot be stopped now, but non-violent resistance early on can greatly reduce the number of lives lost.

Final Messages – Part 3 – How to Overthrow Governments (The Color Revolution Formula)


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4b0234 No.20988365

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209a69 No.20988366

File: 02e2bb33b3d85f3⋯.jpg (172.7 KB,632x657,632:657,enemy_of_freedom.jpg)

Before re-education, lets just check your pay-to-play off shore accounts.

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e1892d No.20988367

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e9646e No.20988368

File: 15df298c544c796⋯.mp4 (940.7 KB,1080x618,180:103,Millstones.mp4)

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6d9264 No.20988369


While losing the ability to structure legible sentences in the process?

Let me think about it.

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35e598 No.20988370

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375373 No.20988371

Saudi Arabia not accepting "petro dollars" AND US strategic oil reserve tapped out?

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e1892d No.20988372

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c6f3f5 No.20988373


hadn't even thought of that. seent the double 940. thank you

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209a69 No.20988374

File: a2012958a33e379⋯.jpg (184.53 KB,1358x632,679:316,LGBTQ_means_the_country_is….jpg)

also applies to business, and government local, state, federal

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9273f6 No.20988375


>War is coming

is that possible if the war never stopped?

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e1892d No.20988376

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c80fb2 No.20988377


5 decades and nothing to show for it but still being alive.

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e9646e No.20988378

File: 1e20386dc551588⋯.png (29.52 KB,559x193,559:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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209a69 No.20988379

File: 8f2dad73da46fd1⋯.jpg (83.12 KB,821x772,821:772,gods_chosen_lunatics_still….jpg)

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a140e1 No.20988380

File: 7ee4afd8c939c5b⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,Trump_i_love_you_too_but_y….mp4)


i found dr buttercup pushing an agenda

that satanic fat fuck kept trying to paint a pic of OOOoooh youve been wronged but dont go for revenge, give me your word you wont go for revenge

those that [were] are crapping themselves and are still trying to control the narrative

Fuck you Phil Mcgraw, we know what you are and we know what youre up too

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9273f6 No.20988381


what are the current SPR levels?

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a140e1 No.20988382



#25740 >>20987517

>>20987517, >>20987533, >>20988131 Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' PDF

>>20987537 Trump gains 6 MILLION TikTok followers in 1 week—Biden campaign hovers around 366,000 for past 4 months

>>20987595 00000000 B52 Stratofortress heading back to RAF Fairfield from a run through the Baltic Sea to the NE

>>20987882, >>20988247 BILL AND HILLARY COMMS

>>20987616 French AF CTM1069 A330 heading to Rzeszow Airport for a stop and drop

>>20987626 Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment the day before the verdict

>>20987637 COMMS Were the crew of the Challenger ALIVE for the two-and-a-half minutes

>>20987663 Donald Trump in Arizona: Biden’s Mass Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing Costs for Americans

>>20987666, >>20987667 Out of 680 hotels in New York, 135 have been converted into fully occupied immigration shelters.

>>20987667, >>20987710 David J Harris bought a first class ticket on this airline so he could sit in the front seat and have every passenger walk by and see his shirt!! ❌ JOE BIDEN ✅ CONVICTED FELON

>>20987870, >>20987886, >>20988139 House votes 419-0 on a bill that requires the Director of National Intelligence to declassify all information on the origins of COVID.

>>20987975 Indictment Of Texas Doctor Who Exposed Kids’ Transing Proves No One Is Safe From Biden’s Weaponized DOJ

>>20987998 Paul Sperry: Prosecution: "In Chapter 11 of [Hunter's] book, the defendant admitted that he was actively addicted to crack cocaine between 2015 and 2019," which is "a fact of consequence relevant to all three charges in the indictment."

>>20988127 It Can Not Be Overstated How Hard The Donald Trump Political Persecution Has Backfired

>>20988175 Sunset Park RALLY: The Feds use craiglist to embarrass themselves and FAKE trouble 'eyes on'

>>20988185 Based AF Amber Rose: We do our own research, We Are not brainwashed anymore 1.00

>>20987639, >>20987642, >>20987684 Army Officer Experiences ‘Inexplicable’ Symptoms After Being Forced to Take the COVID-19 Shot, While the Department of Defense Continues to Evade Accountability

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d430bf No.20988383


>You guys are hilarious.

These filthy fuckwits are a bunch of gatekeeping retarded Jews/Kikes and minions!

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e1892d No.20988384

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209a69 No.20988385

File: e0303f7e8ddeedd⋯.jpg (156.54 KB,1286x775,1286:775,NYC_TERRORISTS.jpg)

Meanwhile America's new INVADER/Settlers

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6d9264 No.20988387


If those are the tough guys, what do all the manlets over there look like?

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e1892d No.20988389

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864776 No.20988390



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209a69 No.20988392

File: e0f5e900a8458a9⋯.jpg (75.33 KB,772x464,193:116,Lunatic_death_cult.jpg)

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6f48d7 No.20988393

File: f7511cfb8153f0d⋯.png (1.14 MB,816x900,68:75,f7511cfb8153f0d03d124a3c23….png)


Beep Beep Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt

Wrong Again

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23611e No.20988395

File: c819cf3ddc5d7ed⋯.png (371.58 KB,428x582,214:291,merchant.PNG)

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c9f33f No.20988396

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209a69 No.20988399

File: 3d17670e24f4d4c⋯.jpg (110.47 KB,893x742,893:742,gods_chosen_lunatics_tortu….jpg)


They look like this.

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d430bf No.20988400

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e9646e No.20988401


Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan. Al-Qaida, literally "the database", was originally the computer file of the thousands of mujahideen who were recruited and trained with help from the CIA to defeat the Russians.[

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6d9264 No.20988402

>Dart has the Board Log smoking with new entries

Prolly nowhere even close to the end of bread.


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23611e No.20988403

File: 8b3b7e34781a440⋯.png (270.27 KB,418x363,38:33,66m.PNG)

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a140e1 No.20988404

Fresh Bread








Q Research General #25741: EYES ON Feds advertise on Craigslist FF incoming? Sunset Park Edition

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c9f33f No.20988406

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209a69 No.20988407

File: f9a8055bcf31a74⋯.jpg (323.01 KB,570x1421,570:1421,stories_main_What_Really_H….jpg)

File: aadcf68ed257f73⋯.jpg (258.82 KB,585x796,585:796,Screenshot_2024_06_08_05_4….jpg)

Maybe Netenyahu can visit congress EVERY DAY I HOPE.

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1d7d35 No.20988408

File: 10d5dfcf6e38ca6⋯.jpg (103.8 KB,400x400,1:1,Wirus_3167454582.jpg)


>5 decades and nothing to show for it but still being alive.

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864776 No.20988409

migrate, locked

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