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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

891046 No.20986748 [Last50 Posts]

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891046 No.20986750

International Q Research Threads

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Call to Meme posts: please include in notables if it seems noteworthy new


#25738 >>20985925

>>20985952 Biden mocks his supporter for being poor and calls him a "lying dog faced pony soldier" for wanting him to sign his two baseballs

>>20985958, >>20985963 He has no idea what he's talking about. That's a troll he's describing. Shitposting is a art unto itself

>>20986055 Video: Farage going scorched earth on the vaccines and deaths, plus the tories lies

>>20986060 National Security Council. Why aren't they being grilled in Congress for COVID policies?

>>20986077 @Jim_Jordan Demands Dr. Fauci Appear for Transcribed Interview About Censorship Efforts During COVID-19

>>20986156 MAGA Crazees agree > Words Matter - There are 2 different screen shots of post about Trump Juror

>>20986170 There's something sketchy about this…. Merchan made this public for a reason…. There's something bigger being diluted

>>20986182 @DiamondandSilk - Chelsea Handler, Are you a prostitute or just one of the gatekeepers for the Democrat Plantation?

>>20986194 And We Know: Gag order DELTA, Silicone Valley changing? Election interference, DECLAS comms, Pray!

>>20986208 WarRoom: Boris Epshteyn Reports Georgia Court Of Appeals Has HALTED Fani Willis Case Against President Trump

>>20986228 Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar Accurately Predicted Death of CNN Anchor Drew Griffin During Interview

>>20986241 Google Censors PragerU App From Play Store For ‘Hate Speech’ Over Documentary Exposing Radical Islam

>>20986248 These are the headlines around the World that are NOT being shown to America as they fraudulently convict President Trump

>>20986258 The NY Supreme Court notified Merchan of the Trump verdict Facebook post - That gives him few options aside from a mistrial

>>20986260 Governor Kevin Stitt Signs into Law the State is Exempt from ALL Mandates & Recommendations

>>20986263 President Trump Dominates Arizona | Charlie Kirk Previews ‘The People’s Convention’ In One Week

>>20986282 PF Mexican Navy ANX-01 Learjet 35 back to Mex (and just after the ‘selection’ of Shinebaum)

>>20986304 keks: 🚨BREAKING: American citizens paint 1,954-mile long Pride flag along the U.S./Mexico border so the government will finally arrest those walking over it.

>>20986344 Meta removes anti-Pride child protection event on Instagram for supposedly “violating local law”

>>20986451 PACAF retweet of @EielsonAirForce

>>20986535 Toyota testing scandal wipes $18bn from market cap

>>20986649 George Conway tells The Daily Show that after the election "we still have to live with those people [Trump supporters] and we are going to have to deprogram them at some point."

>>20986685, >>20986708 Joe Biden essentially plagiarized Ronald Reagan’s famous 1984 speech at Pointe du Hoc today

>>20986742 #25738

#25737 >>20985164

>>20985216 Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Kamala Harris appearance on Jimmy Kimmel (VIDEO)

>>20985225 Mike Davis - My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence

>>20985228 This could be grounds for a mistrial @AlinaHabba and she’s confirmed this letter from Merchan is real.

>>20985270 @KashPatel - Rocking Detroit Reawaken Tour with @AlinaHabba and @EricTrump - thank you @ClayClark n @FlynnMovie

>>20985280 In his first act as US Atty for DC, Biden appointee Matthew Graves indicted Steve Bannon for contempt

>>20985291, >>20985300 watch - Dr. Phil's Exclusive Interview with President Donald J Trump

>>20985332 Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – Governor Vladimir Saldo

>>20985350, >>20985398, >>20985676, >>20985683, >>20985863 EYES ON - Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police?

>>20985351 Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted by a man in central Copenhagen on Friday evening

>>20985396 Ties between Washington and Kiev have reportedly deteriorated over aid delays and pressure to reduce fraud

>>20985534 At least 28 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces batter Gaza, with tanks advancing on Rafah

>>20985587 SCORE90 RQ4 Global Hawk drone has gone clear across the country, around, down and over

>>20985603 At least 150 villagers feared dead in Sudan massacre

>>20985638, >>20985658 Dr. Eithan Haim General Surgeon Whistleblower - indicted for protecting minors from Texas children's hospital mutilation

>>20985646 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1124 A319Zelenskydeparted Paris-Degaulle Intl and heading for Lublin or Rzeszow Airport -Likely Lublin

>>20985780, >>20985813 CoVID Bioweapon Injections WERE NOT VACCINES and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just concurred NO MORE MANDATES

>>20985902 #25737

#25736A >>20984403

>>20984405 Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT

>>20984422 Blind Subservience To "Patriotism" Has Destroyed America

>>20984426 RNC Launches ‘Swamp The Vote’ Site, Appears to Be Just Another Data Mining Op.

>>20984428, >>20984584 PF Global Hawk up out of DC area is cruising along Mexico border after doing it's best to avoid flying over land

>>20984437 The new Miss Maryland USA is a man

>>20984439 Records expunged for St. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters. They want their guns back


>>20984458 Novara REACTS To 7-Party General Election BBC Debate

>>20984463 Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans

>>20984466 Justice Clarence Thomas formally reports trip to Bali paid for by conservative donor

>>20984468 @Snowden Looking forward to this! Q3785 Looking Forward to that flood Sir!

>>20984477 PF Conus activity: Four E-6 Mercury - two R135 SIGINT - one E3TF AWACS

>>20984486 Beyoncé gave concert tickets to Ketanji Brown Jackson & Justices Book Deals

>>20984500 transgender who shot six people to death at a Nashville Christian school, left behind notes allegedly focused on her “imaginary penis”

>>20984501, >>20984505, >>20984945, >>20985060 POTUS: JOIN TODAY! https://trumpforce47.com/

>>20984508 The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do With the Prosecutions of Trump Victor Davis Hanson

>>20984513 New Filing by Lake and Finchem: 2020 and 2022 Elections in Maricopa “No More Reliable than a Ouija Board”

>>20984516 USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America

>>20984544 Finland becomes first country in the world to offer Bird Flu vaccines to humans

>>20984419, >>20984551 Tucker Carlson: Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

>>20984563 Australian nationalist, 20, has his bank account shut down due to his political views

>>20984579 Former Senior Executive at Chinatown Bank Sentenced to 3 Years in Federal Prison for Embezzling More Than $700,000 From Employer

>>20984585, >>20984590 Judgements on Covid and PPP Fraud Schemes

>>20984605, >>20984945, >>20984968 How to inspire people to show interest in your failing business

>>20984623, >>20984669 @WarRoom John Solomon On FBI Protecting Biden Family, Necessity To Enlist MAGA In Local And State Elections

>>20984648, 20984528 '97 SCOTUS 9-0 decision: Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void - anon bun

>>20984690 more PF: SAMs,PAT, and Navy G5s to JBA-Trudope to Calgary

>>20984703 DNA CONTAMINATION Confirmed .. in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna .. NOT safe for Humans

>>20984749 New Emerson Poll — Trump leads Biden 44-38 with all candidates included

>>20984773 Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR, But Media FREAKS Over Clarence Thomas’s $100K

>>20984792, >>20984798 TURLEY: Garland’s Moment of Truth: With the Perjury Referral, the Attorney General Faces a Clear Choice Between Principle and Politics

>>20984815, >>20984866, >>20984985, >>20985035, >>20985036 Merchan sends letter to parties in NY Trump case notifying them - A Questionable Web posting by someone who claimed to have been in contact with one of the TRUMP trial's jurors

>>20984833 Catch and release leads to four counts of sexual assault and one count of assault against a person with a severe mental handicap

>>20984840 MIKE LINDELL: "Our Election Software: An Insecure System, in an Insecure Database, in Plain Text."

>>20984852 NY Democratic congressional candidate calls for MAGA re-education camps

>>20984863 Company linked to Biden takes over funeral business in Ukraine

>>20984864 The right could win big in Europe – thanks to young people

>>20984873 steven spielberg helped direct pResident biden's major speech normandy DDay80

>>20985126 #25736A

#25736B >>20984403

>>20984893 Hunter Biden’s Gun Trial Judge Recently - Gave 1-Year Sentence in Similar Case

>>20984902 3 Russian Naval Vessels will arrive in the Port of Havana next week for an Official Visit

>>20984906, >>20984934 DOJ recently indicted Texas surgeon Dr. Eithan Haim, who blew the whistle on a children’s hospital performing sex change procedures on minors

>>20984922, >>20984937 Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

>>20984979 According to the Live TikTok Follower Count = Trump has 5.5 million more followers than Biden

>>20985002 7 killed as school bus plunges into Syrian river


>>20985034 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme

>>20985042 False Flag On The Horizon? The Strange Case Of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar

>>20985049 Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast

>>20985057 BREAKING: NY Judge Merchan Informs Lawyers of ‘My Cousin is a Juror, Trump is Getting Convicted’ Facebook Post Left on NY Court Page, Pre-Verdict.

>>20985071 @WarRoom MUST WATCH: John Amanchukwu Demolishes The ‘America Is Racist’ Narrative

>>20985136 #25736B

Previously Collected

>>20983045 #25733, >>20983532 #25734, >>20984725 #25735

>>20980068 #25730, >>20981732 #25731, >>20981786 #25732

>>20977531 #25727, >>20978450 #25728, >>20979317 #25729

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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891046 No.20986759

File: c692808711691e2⋯.gif (1.12 MB,360x270,4:3,late_night.gif)

File: 82e8b2f110089e8⋯.webp (77.6 KB,960x904,120:113,latenight4.webp)

File: f31872c24c1e039⋯.png (869.83 KB,736x981,736:981,late_night2.png)

File: 8756f05508a04a2⋯.png (2.33 MB,2124x1353,708:451,latenight3.png)

File: 6feffbd9458103f⋯.png (1.5 MB,1260x711,140:79,ClipboardImage.png)



Baker can continue for a bit, take off hand, you decide

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4c68c9 No.20986761

Evenin’ Nightshift

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891046 No.20986771

File: 3da6dff82d19bf2⋯.gif (893.24 KB,453x604,3:4,3da6dff82d19bf24f6181bb44d….gif)

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ed60d5 No.20986777

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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206c43 No.20986778

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative! (Tedros was a war lord in his home country and he killed 1,000s and 1,000s of people. These are the people anointed and appointed at the WHO, good luck finding the Truth)

Time to expose Tedros at the real crimes he committed and is fine with it! WHO is coming out to attack anti vaxxers.



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be54ef No.20986779

File: 0f581e1cb68dc52⋯.png (701.74 KB,974x546,487:273,safe1.png)

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273344 No.20986780

File: 2499069a58bc4ff⋯.png (1.54 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Kekistan_News_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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891046 No.20986781

File: 503015417f6c24f⋯.png (608.52 KB,506x637,506:637,ClipboardImage.png)


noice trips

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8f63e8 No.20986782

Squatting will have to happen I’m guessing.

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1a8a0b No.20986783

File: 48fe13081e01691⋯.mp4 (473.73 KB,320x482,160:241,48fe13081e016914e1d95eab71….mp4)

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18433c No.20986785

File: 1152d54d397e478⋯.png (635.44 KB,880x660,4:3,1152d54d397e478ef567c60ba4….png)

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1bf7a0 No.20986786

File: 48990f5bb008a7f⋯.png (9.17 MB,4000x2945,800:589,ClipboardImage.png)



>>20986769 lb

top kek anon


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ffaf28 No.20986787

File: 2a36b82af0631fe⋯.jpg (111.21 KB,1600x1143,1600:1143,Results_American_election_….jpg)

Why there's no excuse not to have the 2024 election

In 1864, the US was in the middle of the Civil War, with 500,000 dead by that time, 9000 battles fought, 13 states in full armed rebellion. We were in full war. More than 1000 battles would be fought during 1864, including The Wilderness.



There's no excuse for the corrupt government to delay or say they can not hold the presidential election, or declare martial law and say the election can't be held because of it, or say it can't be held because of a pandemic, or launch operation Garden Plot and arm the illegals, or try Project blue beam to stop it.


And the normies should be able to know this so as soon as someone hints 'oh no there's not going to be an election because the illegals are uprising' then everyone can point to 1864.

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17b9d4 No.20986789

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)

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0c96f1 No.20986790

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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18433c No.20986791

File: 89b6ac670e2af11⋯.jpg (29.2 KB,600x500,6:5,bcba419d4303d38ce35a662b74….jpg)


That's beautiful.

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be54ef No.20986792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8f63e8 No.20986793

Exhaust all logical avenues to avoid being dramatic for the round tank for once.

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1a8a0b No.20986794

File: 7cbbe0d828b0b93⋯.png (1008.44 KB,776x825,776:825,7cbbe0d828b0b9323eb52fc1d2….png)


so's that meme.

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1bf7a0 No.20986795

File: ca15bc354aa160f⋯.png (2.15 MB,3264x2448,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a125ddbe4f44eaa⋯.png (312.6 KB,1067x1536,1067:1536,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7bb523ab6324f1⋯.png (562.29 KB,1020x1280,51:64,ClipboardImage.png)

File: afa6375600a38a8⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,720x406,360:203,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

GE anons

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224b84 No.20986796

File: 981093444a2ff92⋯.jpg (115.86 KB,519x520,519:520,AT_THE_MATRIX_READY_4_AMER….jpg)

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3ad5f0 No.20986797

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1a8a0b No.20986798

File: 7fc6f17b8826251⋯.png (649.21 KB,776x825,776:825,ClipboardImage.png)



better version. why not.

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83bb1a No.20986799


sudden and coincidentally

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d24f2f No.20986800

File: 77e434d1003df54⋯.jpeg (134.22 KB,500x647,500:647,IMG_9813.jpeg)


da shill gets da gas

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891046 No.20986801

File: a9d0257477cc93c⋯.png (58.43 KB,551x453,551:453,ClipboardImage.png)


evenin Mr. Pig

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8f63e8 No.20986802

It was the blurst of times like promised, monkey.

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18433c No.20986803

Global report angry faggot cp shills.

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224b84 No.20986804

File: 814cf22effa1d09⋯.jpg (133.5 KB,808x507,808:507,ALL_SMOKE.jpg)



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8f63e8 No.20986805

Not getting evicted on purpose is a respectable trait?

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d24f2f No.20986806


I bet you swallow mr pigs load and ask for more

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224b84 No.20986808

File: d6baa9194fea732⋯.jpg (102.82 KB,493x585,493:585,o7_WINNING.jpg)

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18433c No.20986810

File: f7511cfb8153f0d⋯.png (1.14 MB,816x900,68:75,f7511cfb8153f0d03d124a3c23….png)



Taking those as well.

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1bf7a0 No.20986811

File: 5ab90b22444dc0a⋯.png (239.28 KB,710x631,710:631,ClipboardImage.png)

oh look the pedobaker crew is back!

global reported

and with digits to confirm! kek


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be54ef No.20986812

File: 058d22bf9bdf68a⋯.png (831.39 KB,978x672,163:112,areyouth.png)

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88a9ab No.20986813


Ethiopia says WHO chief has links to rebellious Tigrayan forces

By Reuters January 15, 2022

ADDIS ABABA, Jan 14 (Reuters) - Ethiopia's foreign ministry has called on the World Health Organization (WHO) to investigate its leader for supporting rebellious forces fighting the Ethiopian government.

WHO director general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who previously served as the Ethiopian health minister and foreign minister, said earlier this week that aid was being blocked from getting through to his home region of Tigray, where rebellious forces are fighting the central government.

"Tedros Adhanom's moral, legal and professional standing that threatened WHO's organisational standing," Ethiopia said in a statement late on Thursday. "He has spread harmful misinformation and compromised WHO's reputation, independence, credibility which is evident from his social media postings."

The WHO said in an emailed response to Reuters request for comment that it was aware that Ethiopia's foreign affairs ministry had sent a diplomatic communication, called a note verbale.

It said the WHO "will continue to ask the Ethiopian government to allow access to deliver humanitarian supplies and services to the 7 million people in Tigray, Ethiopia…"

The "WHO and partners have been repeatedly calling for urgent and unimpeded access to deliver humanitarian heath supplies and services to the people in Tigray."

The government has denied blocking aid and has accused the rebellious forces of the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF) of requisitioning trucks sent in previously.

Ethiopia's army chief has previously accused

, opens new tab Tedros of trying to procure arms and diplomatic backing for the TPLF. He denied that. read more

Thousands have been killed in the conflict in Tigray, which spread to two neighbouring regions in northern Ethiopia before Tigrayan forces were forced to withdraw back to Tigray in December.

Ethiopia's foreign ministry said Tedros failed to show integrity and professionalism and was a member of the TPLF, which dominated Ethiopian politics for nearly 30 years before Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's appointment in 2018.

"Tedros encourages the TPLF in his media engagements and celebrates what is presumed to be a military success of the group, besides engaging in selective outrage where he discriminately addresses the humanitarian concerns in Ethiopia," the ministry said.

The government designated TPLF a terrorist group after the war erupted in November 2020. Tedros, a Tigrayan, was a member of the TPLF. Abiy also served as an intelligence chief under the previous TPLF-led government.

Tedros was elected the WHO's first African director general in May 2017 with strong Ethiopian and African support. He ran again as the sole nominee in October. Ethiopia withheld its support and 28 other countries appointed Tedros for a second five-year term.



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bda9eb No.20986814

File: 033031afd58c8fa⋯.jpg (61.83 KB,500x514,250:257,033031afd58c8fa7e3be0fb490….jpg)

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224b84 No.20986815

File: 407beab5ad8778c⋯.jpg (178.62 KB,902x567,902:567,WIN_LOAD.jpg)

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891046 No.20986816

File: 6e8c390c8945478⋯.png (353.3 KB,380x377,380:377,9c68641afcbd6eaf6e38b401b3….png)

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974f6d No.20986817

File: b6093c050c88673⋯.png (940.94 KB,968x793,968:793,753n4654thrwetwe.PNG)


Thanks Baker!

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3856a6 No.20986818

File: ed08c481dcfb17b⋯.png (92.43 KB,221x353,221:353,u06PdBzTDJjM.png)

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0c96f1 No.20986819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bda9eb No.20986820

File: 977023c098f8423⋯.png (442.31 KB,830x828,415:414,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f63e8 No.20986821

If in a true hurry, that will need to be strongly explained like I’m PI’d.

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891046 No.20986822


fuckin scary that shit

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c2f1bf No.20986823

File: f7eeed368043645⋯.png (461.88 KB,500x531,500:531,ClipboardImage.png)

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83bb1a No.20986824


Really explore the deep state space this time

really gonna need that panic

don't pull back too much

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891046 No.20986825


great tuneage


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224b84 No.20986826

File: 410d50636bdc6c3⋯.jpg (60.68 KB,587x517,587:517,RING_A_LING_LING.jpg)

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9a9fdc No.20986827

What do you bet Merchan or his handlers invented the jury leak so Trump could “get off on a technicality,” rather than have his convictions reversed on appeal? Something they knew was going to happen if they let the convictions stand. They can read the legal analysis from every legal pundit out there that said Trump was denied constitutional rights and a proper trial throughout.

That way they still get to say he was convicted - for whatever PR value that might mean to them. Guess tying him up in court for weeks is the best they could hope for.

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be54ef No.20986828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0c45f2 No.20986829

File: 46c946b7b2f27cd⋯.png (99.27 KB,850x400,17:8,46c946b7b2f27cd1968fab5725….png)

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1c99dd No.20986830

File: 3ce72d6e2ca4922⋯.png (428.92 KB,500x635,100:127,ClipboardImage.png)

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18433c No.20986831

File: 05d17fc6793207c⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,450x405,10:9,7e033dbfb003e1d3c3fde17375….jpg)

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8f63e8 No.20986832

File: e58fa5dff6f2103⋯.jpeg (3.1 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0505.jpeg)

File: 1d74807bae16d8b⋯.jpeg (2.71 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0507.jpeg)

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9fe042 No.20986833

File: 0828c5a5104c757⋯.jpg (103.86 KB,1070x720,107:72,Screenshot_20240607_231716….jpg)

Important point over looked by liberal media

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1a8a0b No.20986834


epic fucking digits and meme

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8ff791 No.20986835

File: ac51c66e53ce00b⋯.png (91.55 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2b35b No.20986836

Electric Nikker?>>20986830

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f92c29 No.20986837


Paint them black and they'll start going through your drawers when you aren't looking, and stealing shit.

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18433c No.20986838

File: cb129d558df82b0⋯.jpg (82.39 KB,500x660,25:33,1mtyg0.jpg)

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83bb1a No.20986839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anon loves this movie


Anon could use a little moar cowbell baby

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c1c442 No.20986840


you gotta know when to hold em

know when to fold em

know when to walk away

know when to run

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206c43 No.20986841


Must listen, the WHO is devious and Fear mongering. Don’t listen to these killers.Most importantly, Do Not Comply

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3d4768 No.20986842

File: e9de19d5ebbe23a⋯.png (583.85 KB,823x808,823:808,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

Trump hush money trial judge Juan Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment

The judge in Donald Trump's hush money trial sent a letter to the ex-president's lawyers and the prosecutors warning of an incriminating social media post from before the jury reached its verdict. The twelve New York jurors found Trump guilty on 34 counts of falsifying business records on May 30. Sentencing is set for July 11. He is the first former president to found guilty on criminal charges. But in a letter to Trump's lawyer Todd Blanche, prosecutor Joshua Steinglass and other lawyers in the trial, Judge Juan Merchan brought to their attention a comment posted on the Unified Court System's public Facebook page.


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224b84 No.20986843

File: 680b52ec078f7ce⋯.jpg (95.08 KB,864x362,432:181,PIG_LOTS_OF.jpg)

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9a9fdc No.20986844


And, if the case is tossed on a technicality, then Bragg can choose to do it all again and try to tie Trump up in NY for weeks or months longer!

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891046 No.20986845

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f92c29 No.20986846


Mistrial can result in retrial.

More weeks in NY freezer.

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13c9e4 No.20986847

File: ddf5222c2e42fb6⋯.jpeg (154.44 KB,1285x1275,257:255,ddf5222c2e42fb61965075277….jpeg)

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206c43 No.20986848


Our own governments are doing this, not only to WHO.DO NOT EVER COMPLY

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3e74c4 No.20986849

God, we pray for single fathers, they are raising their children alone and are doing the best they can with the time they have. We pray for strength, protection, wisdom, and discernment to help them through whatever trials they may be facing.


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0c96f1 No.20986850

File: 3e024431c3732f4⋯.jpeg (265.23 KB,500x650,10:13,48f0930123f09d759a5416e19….jpeg)


I'd soak that fucker with a kryptek pattern hydrocoat of some kind to make it look bad ass.

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f991aa No.20986851

File: e665585e7d6bdfd⋯.jpg (11.74 KB,230x255,46:51,34a0ee49e3e61de88474c49712….jpg)


a true classic

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320383 No.20986853

Translation is not interpretation.

If you have Seen ME you have seen the father.

The me or the I that English refers to as self is in Greek Ego. In Sanskrit it’s an ahmakara.

The self or the MIND can not be actualized. In the same sense as a “God” can’t be seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled.

We are perpetually in this state. Always going forward as in a circle.

To watch “Christians, Jews, Muslim, or even Catholics”, along with any literal understanding of a translation teaching of holy books or ancient wisdoms, as they are today is well, as offended as you will feel, stupid.

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bf633b No.20986854

File: c6b627603723250⋯.png (32.11 KB,787x258,787:258,ClipboardImage.png)

Latest Dan



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891046 No.20986855

File: 71bc802005a2429⋯.jpeg (411.42 KB,2042x1420,1021:710,winning.jpeg)

File: 489572fa4bda6d8⋯.jpg (98.57 KB,929x500,929:500,Winning.jpg)

File: 9a4b4d79ed62c59⋯.jpg (38.79 KB,706x353,2:1,winning.jpg)

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9fe042 No.20986856

File: cc0ffe185024ceb⋯.gif (185.39 KB,434x434,1:1,20240606_094550.gif)


Judge Merchan in a panic

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206c43 No.20986858

They are pushing the CIVIL WAR PSYOP, they will stop at NOTHING. Illusion of division of Civil War

America do not comply!

She doesn’t trust Elon at ALLI agreed

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ca3d3d No.20986859

File: 893e5a567212cb3⋯.png (474.06 KB,826x826,1:1,33930753_782E_48B4_B801_19….png)


>Mistrial can result in retrial.

>More weeks in NY freezer.

This is exactly what anon thought.

No way the trial would stand up to an appeal.

Other cases going to shit.

Mistrial allows them to keep Trump busy and gagged instead of on the campaign trail.

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0819c9 No.20986860

File: 41548087fb0443a⋯.png (62.39 KB,438x497,438:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d4768 No.20986861

File: 212a1ac237a4ecc⋯.png (494.07 KB,810x776,405:388,ClipboardImage.png)

World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

and used himself after finding it during search of Nazi furher's private office

World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept after finding

A few months after the D-Day invasion, Charles Staubus arrived in France with the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division. By April 1945, Staubus was in Berchtesgaden, Germany, where he spent a night in an office used by top Nazis. There, he found Hitler's personal stationery and used it to write a letter to his father on V.E. Day, May 8, 1945. Now aged nearly 100, Staubus revealed he never informed the U.S. Army about the items he took as mementos.


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224b84 No.20986862

File: ff1d9dee078fe69⋯.jpg (130.59 KB,909x617,909:617,8_BALL_WINNING.jpg)

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2a1585 No.20986863

File: f09af3f69546fe4⋯.jpeg (122.01 KB,935x499,935:499,IMG_9292.jpeg)


This is a breaking story and you need to apply the Bongino Rule… However, if this turns out to be legit, "bombshell" is an understatement with the implications.


Something about how big Trump’s ⚽️ ⚽️ are…

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bf633b No.20986864


Noice analysis.

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27b15c No.20986865

File: 79bf9c91a313c9b⋯.png (86.61 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5e3aa No.20986867

File: b382d6960f1699f⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,720x896,45:56,jEtzr2FrukaW0cnX_1_.mp4)

N i g h t s h i f t

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9a9fdc No.20986868


And if there is a second trial, Bragg and Merchan get a do-over on screwing Trump in different ways that might be harder to win on appeal..

This is getting into Groundhog Day territory. Just keep playing the same case over and over until you get the results you want.

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3d4768 No.20986869

File: df20470c7120288⋯.png (207.42 KB,634x358,317:179,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e6624bb1890d92⋯.png (444.64 KB,634x357,634:357,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46cd6670e41722e⋯.png (249.43 KB,634x401,634:401,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f490a93804765a4⋯.png (332.56 KB,634x405,634:405,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b88eb7fc3b14f9b⋯.png (294.25 KB,634x346,317:173,ClipboardImage.png)


>World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

2) Staubus, who will be 100 in September, has kept the letterhead and the 1938 seating plan ever since and still has it at his assisted living facility in Lenexa, Kansas

3) There were only two sheets of letterhead remaining. Staubus kept one blank and used the other to write a letter to his dad

4) The notepaper is in remarkably good condition consider it is more than 80 years old

5) A seating diagram for all the top Nazi Party officials was also in the desk and Staubus took that as well

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f78a5d No.20986870

>>20986728 LB

>>20986749 LB

Not a movie (but I wouldn't be surprised if eventually they will be able to metadata what's happening on the screen in real time)

Recall is the PC taking Screenshots at frequent intervals, if the PC is being actively used.

Those screenshots are analyzed by AI, locally on the PC (if one is to believe MS's marketing surrounding Recall), creating searchable metadata of the contents of those screenshots.

Essentially a combination of OCR and Face/Image/Object recognition software.

It's eventually going to take up a bunch of storage for all those screenshots, so more than likely MS will offer to cloud-backup the Recall metadata and screenshots to OneDrive.

Effectively they're unloading the costs of processing/spying onto the user, and then having people pay to have that metadata sent to their OneDrive servers so they can be content scanned and searchable/reportable to government for bad behavior or wrongthink (put you on a list).

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9fe042 No.20986871

File: 6ea00be1e78776e⋯.jpg (79.58 KB,720x568,90:71,P97et.jpg)


Rats chew hole in their own Trump trap to escape backfire

Seems like only day ago Hilary was cackling

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18433c No.20986872

File: 27704fb3761ac98⋯.jpg (27.9 KB,400x400,1:1,FyOAcOBakAALvPO.jpg)

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9420b9 No.20986873


The WHO is just another branch of the illuminati control structure. It all intertwines. Biden is a slave to it, 90% of congress is beholden to it. Fauci was serving it. Every tech billionaire owes their wealth to it. Every 'liberal' politician serves it. Every MSM Newsreader/Editor parrots its talking points. Time to break up the old institutional powers and rebuild them with honest men.

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206c43 No.20986874

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Natalie Winters: Bannon Has More Integrity Than D.C. Scum Going After Him Combined

For all the assholes that bought into the psyop, you missed the real strategy, please finally Fuck Off, You Know Nothing, you are Sargent Scholz.



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13c9e4 No.20986875

File: 24191f42d4c5d1f⋯.png (358.43 KB,409x474,409:474,24191f42d4c5d1fb7a8600b4b9….png)

File: 60944e6ad35be27⋯.jpg (78.32 KB,995x747,995:747,winx.jpg)

File: 88b2f617cc8750f⋯.png (1.44 MB,827x1066,827:1066,88b2f617cc8750f0bb68c3d0fb….png)

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718dc6 No.20986876

File: 3a3b85b30588986⋯.png (277.35 KB,798x719,798:719,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon Musk






Robby Starbuck


The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

They ask for these groups to "IMMEDIATELY stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex."

The full


statement ⬇️

"Therefore, given the recent research and the revelations of the harmful approach advocated by WPATH and its followers in the United States, we, the undersigned, call upon the medical professional organizations of the United States, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Endocrine Society, the Pediatric Endocrine Society, American Medical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry to follow the science and their European professional colleagues and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex. Instead, these organizations should recommend comprehensive evaluations and therapies aimed at identifying and addressing underlying psychological co-morbidities and neurodiversity that often predispose to and accompany gender dysphoria. We also encourage the physicians who are members of these professional organizations to contact their leadership and urge them to adhere to the evidence-based research now available.”

They link to MANY studies on their site: https://doctorsprotectingchildren.org


VID 2:16: https://x.com/i/status/1799281058170405320

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8f63e8 No.20986877

File: 14baaf78a0d9d38⋯.jpeg (3.19 MB,3024x4032,3:4,IMG_0491.jpeg)

File: 00801707a3ed167⋯.jpeg (176.86 KB,1400x1400,1:1,IMG_0214.jpeg)

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12b227 No.20986878

File: ea7637a6bc54add⋯.png (236.17 KB,553x411,553:411,yhstgetregtre.PNG)


take some of these lady

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3d4768 No.20986879

File: 08aba6a01611822⋯.png (531.64 KB,815x717,815:717,ClipboardImage.png)

Secret OJ Simpson files are released by FBI

and reveal chilling new details about murder

The tranche of nearly 500 documents were released by the FBI on Friday after the death of OJ Simpson, America's most notorious murder accused, back in April. The secret documents show the lengths that the FBI went to to keep their findings under wraps as they investigated the 1994 murders of Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman.


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13c9e4 No.20986880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9fe042 No.20986881

Would it be funny or ironic? if Trump is free and bannona ends up in jail

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0c96f1 No.20986882

File: 2cdf1494e0cc6d4⋯.webm (1.02 MB,427x240,427:240,lots_and_lots.webm)

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0819c9 No.20986883




Fucking awesome story! Used one of two remaing sheets of hitler's personal stationary to write a letter home to his father telling him the war was over. Delicious irony!

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88a9ab No.20986884


Canada #59 >>20957089

We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

Steve Cook June 2, 2024

The truth of the matter is that the global Freedom Movement, representing as it does a resurgent human community, has been winning important skirmishes, gaining expertise and power, growing in numbers and so forth and we need to build upon those positives and rightnesses.

The defamers and would-be enslavers of Man, the corrupt degenerate and vicious criminal “elite” have been operating like a parasitic infestation for generations, yet are suffering setbacks and they are afraid.

It is time to press forward and look deeper beyond their sacrificed pawns and sly gambits, seek out the player moving the pieces and remove them from the game.

What We’re Really Fighting

Is it the WEF or WHO or Gates or Big Pharma or any particular villain or organization? Or is there something deeper going on here?

We have a tendency to focus all our attention on singular villains and organizations (e.g., Klaus Schwab and the WEF).

However, WEF, Great Reset, “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, etc. are simply a rebranding of much older ideas: the New World Order, technocracy, and transhumanism.

Klaus Schwab was remarkably successful at recapturing attention toward these ideas, but they did not originate with him; he is merely a highly skilled carnival barker. The WEF is not the controlling power structure of the oligarchy, merely its current vehicle.

What we are up against are the ideas, not the particular organizations or individuals who represent them.

The risk is that we overfocus on a particular organization, and the oligarchy will scuttle that vehicle, and we will think we have “won”, but meanwhile they are busy rebranding it under some other name and repackaging for the next attempt. (For example, this is exactly what happened with the Bilderberg group—we tend not to hear about it much anymore, but the underlying agenda and ideas of the Bilderburgs have continued unabated).

The agenda did not start with these organizations, and it will not end with them.

“The news” is a constructed narrative designed to capture your focus and attention and place it where the oligarchical powers want it to be. It is social programming, nothing less. Even alternative media is succeptible to this: by covering the same events and topics that mainstream media covers, even if our individual take is different, we are still essentially following the oligarch’s agenda.

To counter this, we need to be tuned in to the bigger picture of what is happening.

The most important thing is our attention. What we choose to focus on matters more than anything—it is how we construct our reality (for good or for ill). We can be directing our time, energy, resources to things that are more productive than focusing on the villain or the narrative of the moment.

People seem to think that if a particular villain is brought to justice, or a particular bill or treaty struck down (or, perhaps most ludicrously, if we elect a particular candidate to office) then we will have “won”.

I’m sorry, but these are absurd fantasies.

If you swap software, but leave the underlying operating system exactly the same, it will not make a lickspittle of difference. Remove one head of the hydra, and watch in horror as it sprouts another.

Remember when a few countries jailed a bunch of bankers for their supposed role in the 2008 financial crisis? Did that “fix” the financial system? Were any governments or agencies held accountable? Was HUD? Was the Federal Reserve reformed? Did the business of banking and mortgage-backed securities suddenly become honest and above board?

As James points out, it’s not that we should ignore these entities or let their villainy go unexamined. Of course not. Lawsuits and prosecutions and abolition of abhorrent treaties should take place. And we have to celebrate small victories.

Catastrophism: the view that life on Earth is an unending series of unavoidable global catastrophes. Humanity is constantly under threat from disease, “spontaneous” conflicts, and natural disasters.

FALSE. This one has the stink of plausibility about it because, of course, sometimes (local) catastrophes do occur. But the constant barrage of programming about impending global catastrophes could only be invented by an oligarchy that wants the fear-programmed populace to believe it is so, so that it can provide the ready-made “solutions” (which are invariably some version of the public surrendering their rights and granting more autocratic control to the oligarchs.)

Scientism: the idea that we should have blind faith in claims by those who claim to speak for Science, aka. “If Science said it, it must be true.” If you disagree with a given scientific claim you are a heretic.

FALSE. Science is not a fixed body of knowledge, it is a method of testing knowledge claims. Science, properly understood, does not purport to know what is true, it tries to falsify knowledge claims, and when it cannot, these claims are understood to temporarily stand until they can be falsified, or until a better, more explanatory claim comes along (or, as Thomas Kuhn was at pains to explain, until the current generation of scientists dies off and a new one supplants it.) Science requires argument, dissent, disagreement to function, therefore there can be no such thing as a heretical challenge to scientific knowledge.

“I identify as” insert race/sexual-orientation/political bias/belief system here. “I AM the same thing as my identity group, or mental category.

FALSE. If you are the same thing as your mental categories, then the penalty for ceasing to believe in that category, in your mind, is death. To “change your mind” is to cease being “you”. (Also, anyone who does not identify as you do is a threat, since, in your mind, they are advocating for your non-existence.) Which of course, is absurd. I can toss out false ideas and unhelpful mental categories all day long, and not only not cease to exist but be better off, and attain more clarity about the world.

Utopianism: human life will be wonderful and prosperous if and only if we install and impose the correct system on it. All previous attempts just haven’t “got it right”. We must keep trying new utopian ideas until we do.

FALSE: this belief in utopian ideal is the cause of countless genocides and oppression. All utopian attempts become dystopias, by necessity. Every time you try to impose some system on humanity, no matter how well-intentioned, you are necessarily criminalizing every dissident and minority who must now fight your tyrannical edicts. Freedom is the opposite of utopianism: it is a recognition of the principle of live and let live, and seeks to impose nothing on humanity, except to severely restrict our ability to use force against one another.

Transhumanism: the human body is a machine, and like any machine, it can be modified, upgraded, enhanced, improved upon. Everything to do with thoughts, emotions, or spirituality represent flawed, “faulty wiring” which can be corrected for using sophisticated technology. There is no upper limit to the amount of upgrades, so humans can be fashioned into gods.

FALSE: humans are clearly not just physical machines, but an amalgam of spirit/energy/biological chemistry which have been endowed with free will and infinite complexity. To modify any part of this complex system is to defy and damage its essential nature. Spirit and emotion and will are not flaws, they are essential features. The attempt to “correct” for these is not enhancing or creating a new species, it is committing democide.

Elitism: certain humans are born special. They have special abilities, special knowledge, special genetics which make them uniquely endowed to rule the rest of the humans, who are too weak and stupid to know what is in their best interests.

FALSE: out of this idea comes every justification for authoritarian “management” of the species, whether it’s emperors and kings, priests and theocrats, “benevolent” dictators, wealthy eugenicists, or scientific “experts”. Historically, certain humans have been born with access to power, but this is an accident of history and confers no special right to rule over the rest of us. All monarchies and dictatorships have eventually fallen, whether to rivals or to face justice at the hands of the people they once oppressed. Sic semper tyrannis.

Notice I haven’t included any of the traditional dichotomy ideas, like “left vs. right” or “liberal vs. conservative”. Anyone still framing this battle in these terms should know by now that these are categories of isms that the real enemy are happy to let you squabble over. You are an unwitting prisoner watching a made-for-your-consumption shadow puppet version of reality. Please, try to transcend these reptile brain categories and move past them.

So yeah, big picture stuff.

Retributive justice alone will not fix this. Defeating a particular bill or treaty will not defeat it.

Crimes of the scale we have witnessed do not happen because an individual or two broke the law. They happen because there is a cultural attitude of blind trust which incentivizes and rewards the criminals, and even hails them as heroes. Given the ideas at work in the culture, it isn’t long before entire industries are created around them and new generations are eager to take part in it. Just look at the trillions of dollars now being pumped into the climate catastrophe industry—it is a beast with so many heads one doesn’t even know where to begin swinging.



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224b84 No.20986885

File: 06756ff675f2c70⋯.jpg (155.6 KB,525x562,525:562,KINDA_LIKE_THIS.jpg)

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13c9e4 No.20986886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

are we tired of winning yet?


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9420b9 No.20986887


We got him this time!

–Joy Behar

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891046 No.20986888


got it


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3e74c4 No.20986889

File: 8c287a88882c0a0⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,480x480,1:1,8c287a88882c0a0b2046f9ded7….mp4)


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1a8a0b No.20986890

File: dd7e24e5b777ae8⋯.png (289.68 KB,503x541,503:541,dd7e24e5b777ae8b0900839f5a….png)

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0ccf27 No.20986891

File: 76f2301ea2a0389⋯.jpg (32.1 KB,670x371,670:371,ujhdscagdj.jpg)

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f43362 No.20986892

File: 8d2d4ce42946556⋯.jpeg (734.36 KB,791x767,791:767,2E4ABE79_11AB_4D00_B656_D….jpeg)

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48b795 No.20986893


because that's where i draw the line


not at whether i will be compelled to paint my first aid kits bright yellow, no, not there

but at gender surgery on minors? to not keeping on doing it for more years, that's where i tell you, i say

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9420b9 No.20986894


"Can't someone put something in his coffee?"

- Queen Elizabeth II

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0c45f2 No.20986895

File: ef73f32a4b01af9⋯.png (274.79 KB,350x510,35:51,12907bd4546888f5ce55317371….png)

File: 9b813606e4784bf⋯.gif (641.38 KB,288x288,1:1,9b813606e4784bf7b0befae967….gif)

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13c9e4 No.20986896

File: 3dba88bf8f916fc⋯.png (206.18 KB,517x291,517:291,ClipboardImage.png)

Ten migrants have either died or been killed while trying to unlawfully cross the border this year

SAN DIEGO (Border Report) — Ten migrants have either died or been killed while trying to unlawfully cross the border between San Diego and Tijuana during the first five months of this year.

Enrique Lucero, director of the Migrant Affairs Office in Tijuana, the El Sol de Tijuana newspaper that six migrants died after falling from the border barrier, two were shot and killed by bandits or smugglers at the border, and two drowned trying to swim around the portion of the wall that sticks out into the ocean.

He also said 16 others have been injured while trying to cross the border unlawfully since Jan. 1.


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225d88 No.20986897

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ba660a No.20986898


when thieving is honorable

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e6ac45 No.20986899

File: 55d672b0183aae7⋯.jpg (113.31 KB,944x2048,59:128,GPgikLUXEAApc8z.jpg)

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83bb1a No.20986900

File: 44d6a77d7d351a8⋯.png (3.5 MB,2328x1554,388:259,ClipboardImage.png)


Winning with Cowbell

Moar cowbell until [they] can't stand it and Naomi

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3d4768 No.20986901

File: 051b83d8a0d2090⋯.png (279.43 KB,880x1074,440:537,ClipboardImage.png)


>released by the FBI on Friday

>Secret OJ Simpson files

Orenthal James Simpson (OJ Simpson) Part 01

Published: May 29th 2024


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13c9e4 No.20986902

File: 160467293de16ef⋯.png (1.22 MB,1222x687,1222:687,ClipboardImage.png)

Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday: union

The union that represents 9,000 CBSA workers said Friday they won’t strike until at least Wednesday, as mediation continues.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada initially said border workers were set to strike as early as 4 p.m. Friday if the two sides hadn’t reached a deal.

But shortly after 4 p.m., a spokesperson for the union said negotiations would continue.

The federal Treasury Board said Friday it was pleased PSAC has committed to staying at the negotiating table.

“To date, discussions have been productive, and we remain committed to reaching an agreement that is fair and reasonable for members of the Border Services group as quickly as possible,” the department said in a statement.

The union did not immediately elaborate on how the talks are going.

Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters warned Thursdaya strike would affect the $3.1 billion in goods that cross the border each day.

“Job action would slow down commercial traffic at the border and ports of entry, impacting international travel, mail and parcel deliveries, and disrupting the collection of duties and taxes on goods entering Canada,” the group said.

“In short, a strike would be massively disruptive to any commercial traffic and business travel for manufacturers.”


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13c9e4 No.20986903

File: 78622627a355a74⋯.jpg (5.65 KB,259x194,259:194,oj.jpg)

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9fe042 No.20986904

Wonder how bird brain is.

Still in Israel?

Waiting on her moment to swoop

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756dd9 No.20986905

File: e3d8400189b81f0⋯.png (72.48 KB,198x205,198:205,ClipboardImage.png)



Idk if you made this with imgflip but if you click the 'more settings' tab there's and option so that it won't butcher the resolution.

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0c96f1 No.20986906

File: ecb65ab7e757c2c⋯.webm (182.7 KB,427x240,427:240,gentlemen.webm)

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4e25e6 No.20986907

Q Team:

I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale to enemies of the DS mafioso cabal. So, the test is for sugar in the blood and if high take insulin because the pancreas is not producing enough. But there is something more nefarious going on here. First it starts the with thickening of the blood then comes all sorts of problems: diabetes, strokes, heart attacks, Parkinson's disease, and more. In reality, people around the world are being targeted with cyanide and radiation in order to thicken their blood. Cyanide is a toxin that actually melts tissue down to the bones depending on amount. Radiation is used to push the thicker blood throughout the body as a catalyst to cause organ and other types of damage at an accelerated pace. So, in the case of diabetes, the thicker blood actually blocks the semi permeable membrane of the pancreas so that it cannot put insulin into the blood stream to regulate sugar. The body forces cyanide to the extremities to be pushed out through the finger and toenails and is why many people get pain, tingling sensations, and purple color around the nails which is the thickened blood, toxins, and dead tissues mixed. Now you should understand the effect of thicken blood when it comes to stroke, heart attacks, and Parkinson's disease depending on where these toxins coagulate. This is also an assertion that Osteoporosis and Leukemia is just the cyanide working its way into the bones. I hope you can give me some feedback on this as millions of lives are being lost to these nefarious tactics by the DS.

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3e74c4 No.20986908

File: 279ba922fc5fa8b⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,300x300,1:1,ems_cHJkLWVtcy1hc3NldHMvbW….jpg)


So moral of the story, don't eat sugar.

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30243b No.20986909

File: edb95c56db210fa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,82.86 KB,648x624,27:26,yikes.jpg)

Don't click that shit, nigga

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206c43 No.20986910

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Howard: Art Can Stand For What We Believe In As A General Populace. The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic

Love this guy! “A Soldiers Story”



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b5e3aa No.20986911


The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

Billy Bambrough

Senior Contributor

I write about how bitcoin, crypto and blockchain can change the world.


Jun 3, 2024,07:50am EDT

Updated Jun 4, 2024, 06:04am EDT

06/03 update below. This post was originally published on June 1

The bitcoin price has soared back to its all-time high of around $70,000 per bitcoin, recovering from a 2022 crash that Goldman Sachs' crypto lead thinks could signal a bitcoin price "turning point."

Now, after U.S. Treasury secretary Janet Yellen issued a serious warning over the swelling $34 trillion U.S. debt pile, former billionaire and All In podcast "bestie" Chamath Palihapitiya has predicted bitcoin could "completely replace gold" as countries adopt it—potentially pushing it's market capitalization toward gold's $15.7 trillion.

"There's an increasing body of countries that will become dual-currency," Palihapitiya, who claimed to have bought $1 million worth of bitcoin when it was trading at around $80, said on the podcast he hosts along with fellow investors David Friedburg, Jason Calacanis and David Sacks.

"They will look at their local currency and they will look at bitcoin. And they will say both of these two things are needed. The first for when they're transacting on a daily basis for goods and services and the second when you need to buy a permanent asset that needs to have residual value, they'll buy bitcoin."

El Salvador made history when it adopted bitcoin as its official currency alongside the U.S. dollar in 2021 with mixed success, sparking debate whether other countries would follow suit though no major countries have yet.

However, Palihapitiya added he thinks that "there are a lot of countries that will never look at bitcoin credibly even if they support it," with the U.S. perhaps "one of those."

Palihapitiya pointed to the historical bitcoin price charts that show huge increases in the bitcoin price following so-called bitcoin halvings that reduce the supply of new bitcoin issued to miners that maintain the network. The latest bitcoin halving, its fourth which cut the daily supply of new bitcoin from around 900 to 450, happened in April.

If the bitcoin price repeats its past performance after this halving, it could soar to almost $500,000 by October 2025.

"If you apply these averages, they're by no means [bitcoin price] predictions, they're just guesses, you start to see what could happen if you take the average of the last few cycles," Palihapitiya said. "The average of cycle two and three is some really meaningful appreciation."

Historical bitcoin price data shows that after previous bitcoin halvings, the bitcoin price peaked around 18 months after the supply cut.

"If this thing gets to these levels of appreciation, it's going to completely replace gold and become something that has transactional utility for hard assets," Palihapitiya said. "If you marry that with this fear that some folks have about dollar debasement, you start to see some interesting opportunities."

06/03 update: The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has written a report outlining the narratives around "declining dollar shares in official reserves, and increasing roles for gold holdings by central banks," which it says has been "inappropriately" generalized beyond "the actions of a small group of countries."

The report authors found global central banks and finance ministries held nearly $12 trillion of foreign exchange reserves as of the end of 2023, with nearly $7 trillion composed of U.S. dollar assets. World Gold Council data shows "global central banks purchased over 1,100 tons of gold in 2022—more than double the purchase amounts of the previous year—and maintained a similar purchase level in 2023," according to the report.

"The Fed now admits some countries are moving to gold," tech investor and former Coinbase chief technology officer Balaji Srinivasan posted to X, pointing to what the Fed says is a "small group" that "represents 3 billion people. So 37.5% of the world is moving away from dollars towards gold."

Earlier this year, Bank of America analysts warned the U.S. debt load is about to ramp up to add $1 trillion every 100 days—fueling a bitcoin price surge.

"The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion every 100 days," Michael Hartnett, chief strategist of Bank of America, wrote in a note to clients seen by CNBC, adding it's "little wonder ‘debt debasement’ trades closing in on all-time highs, i.e. gold [at] $2077/oz [and] bitcoin [at] $67,734."

Hartnett predicted the newly created spot bitcoin ETFs that have taken Wall Street by storm over the last month are on course for a "blowout year," in part because of the collapse of the U.S. dollar.

The latest halving came hot on the heels of the landmark approval by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), led by chair Gary Gensler, of a fleet of spot bitcoin ETFs following a long legal campaign by crypto asset manager Grayscale.

"We've commercialized bitcoin," Palihapitiya said. "My big prediction for 2024 is that these ETFs will allow bitcoin to cross the chasm and have its central, key moment."

"I think it's really interesting how the crypto community is getting organized into a lobby to advocate for its interests," Palihapitiya's cohost David Sacks said, adding Gensler and influential Democratic senator Elizabeth Warren have been on "a crusade" against crypto to "make it illegal or drive it offshore."

"Crypto people have had a political awakening and realized they have to get involved in the political system as a matter of self defense," Sacks said.

"The reason [young people] are attracted to crypto is that it isn't controlled by the government," added Calacanis, predicting crypto voters could move the needle on election night by up to five basis points.

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225d88 No.20986912

File: 591c7a38391b3cd⋯.png (428.18 KB,438x487,438:487,591c7a38391b3cda175bd7d0f6….png)

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3e74c4 No.20986913

File: 99201a4228fafa5⋯.png (1.8 KB,128x128,1:1,Q.png)


And don't click this.

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530ec2 No.20986914

File: 212ec28660db77c⋯.jpeg (92.55 KB,1200x702,200:117,IMG_1348.jpeg)

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3d4768 No.20986915

File: cf44c46a908f01d⋯.png (466.13 KB,634x357,634:357,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbabb5a516595d2⋯.png (475.76 KB,634x621,634:621,ClipboardImage.png)




>when thieving is honorable

1) Charles Staubus arrived in France with the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division

2) Staubus had earlier arrived in Europe with the U.S. Army's 82nd Airborne Division along with 160,000 Allied troops in June 1944

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224b84 No.20986916

File: 1a1232190e8f137⋯.jpg (100.96 KB,654x443,654:443,FEVER_4_WIN_BELL.jpg)

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bda9eb No.20986917

File: 5cba96ae3036be6⋯.mp4 (7.72 MB,854x480,427:240,Civil_War_2_0_Psyop.mp4)

File: c5a2728d2edce90⋯.jpeg (94.71 KB,828x577,828:577,p.jpeg)


>Civil War Psyop

>Stay United!

>Patriots are the MAJORITY

>Stay United!

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1a8a0b No.20986918

File: d3f479fe4196dd2⋯.gif (3.89 MB,640x342,320:171,Enhance.gif)

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13c9e4 No.20986919

File: ae43a321416abf2⋯.png (620.72 KB,779x438,779:438,ClipboardImage.png)

New York City police officer arrested in New Jersey road rage shooting, authorities say

VOORHEES TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) — A New York City police officer was charged with attempted murder on Friday after authorities say he shot another driver during an instance of road rage in New Jersey and then fled the scene.

Officer Hieu Tran, who was assigned to the social media unit of the New York Police Department’s press office,was awaiting extradition to Camden County, New Jersey, where the shooting took place late May 17.

Officers from the Voorhees Township Police Department were at the scene of a multicar crash on Route 73 when they saw that one of the drivers in the pileup had been shot before the crash, the Camden County Prosecutor’s Office said in a statement.

The shooting victim was taken to a hospital and remained hospitalized Friday, authorities said.

Detectives used surveillance video, cellphone records and ballistics evidence to identify Tran as the shooter, the prosecutor’s office said.

The ballistics evidence showed that Tran shot the victim with his NYPD-issued gun, prosecutors said.


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88a9ab No.20986920

File: 4f59f6bafdc6edd⋯.png (1.46 MB,1260x977,1260:977,793d89c8222b4ef78608edef45….png)

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1bf7a0 No.20986921


i think you hit the cowbell solidly!

merchan's "safe out" will fail as the post is traced back to his office… these people are that stupid!

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3d4768 No.20986922

File: 4c4d48292ee5a20⋯.png (698.22 KB,822x849,274:283,ClipboardImage.png)

Nashville school shooter's violent rant REVEALED at last:

Audrey Hale wrote about her 'torture' as a trans girl and how she would 'kill' to get puberty blockers

The Tennessee Star obtained some four dozen pages of Hale's writings that shed light on her female-to-male transition and why she shot and killed six people at the elementary school in March 2023. Hale wrote about anger toward her parents, how she hated her conservative Christian upbringing, and how she had suffered because hormone blockers were not available when she was as a child. The explosive writings, sometimes referred to as Hale's 'manifesto,' have been a source of controversy, with many saying officials had kept them secret because they would hurt the trans community.


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48b795 No.20986923

File: 2aeb9763f53cd1f⋯.jpg (55.98 KB,527x474,527:474,df.jpg)

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cedb53 No.20986924

File: 10d97489447f91e⋯.png (314.92 KB,628x500,157:125,ClipboardImage.png)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow on @FoxBusiness to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…

Jun 8, 2024 · 3:01 AM UTC


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b5e3aa No.20986925

File: 22413d2ffcd2b9f⋯.png (785.59 KB,1076x604,269:151,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>20984419, >>20984551 Tucker Carlson: Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

Kaney works for AIPAC.

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0c45f2 No.20986926

File: ebc284c7a8da1e0⋯.png (348.42 KB,565x441,565:441,ebc284c7a8da1e041742466583….png)

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83bb1a No.20986927

File: 346db9dd48fa255⋯.png (317.22 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


going plaid

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1bf7a0 No.20986928

File: c2668f10da0afea⋯.mp4 (15.26 MB,480x360,4:3,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

i move the bread be renamed "the cowbell edition"


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224b84 No.20986929

File: 7062c3b7aac2ed0⋯.jpg (167.26 KB,691x555,691:555,PLAID_SPEED.jpg)

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ed60d5 No.20986930

File: 6cb67d71834b9ad⋯.mp4 (846.09 KB,960x960,1:1,6cb67d71834b9ad143605ca9a6….mp4)

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530ec2 No.20986931

File: 60579ce69615d07⋯.png (837.93 KB,1200x900,4:3,IMG_1349.png)

Obese homosexuals are called “Chubs”.

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891046 No.20986932


if you repost I'll renotable


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6dec9c No.20986933

Thomas massey is a clown by the way.

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83bb1a No.20986934

File: 15b6cf4c8f445a9⋯.png (442.6 KB,334x739,334:739,ClipboardImage.png)


and for those times when the plaid is too much

Moar Plaid

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bf633b No.20986935

Yesterday I was driving from my project site in Martinez, Ca and noticed a young lady jogging.

As I passed, I glanced in my rearview mirror only to see that she was wearing a full face mask respirator while she jogged.

This is not limited to California.

But it is limited to the 4 to 6% of those lost forever.

If I could have stopped, I would have mocked her.

We have passed the point of being concerned about someone's feels.

Mock as needed. And mock as hard as you possibly can.

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0819c9 No.20986936

File: d56d180d9238955⋯.png (23.3 KB,500x338,250:169,ClipboardImage.png)



Fascist Leftard Bufoonery Trial version 2.0!

Now with ten times more eyes on the Election Interference Treason™!

We're gonna need moar red pills!

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4e25e6 No.20986937


>So moral of the story, don't eat sugar.

This is not a game; millions and millions of people's lives are being cut short and you are being goofy. I saw a middle-aged man with amputated leg at the store today and could not but think that he doesn't have much time left. I could tell just by looking at his other leg, that it is exactly what I asserted. His other leg was pale, swollen, and lacked muscle definition as if blotted from the thick blood, toxins, and coagulated dead tissue. The cutoff your leg because they probably know what I know; that the cyanide can only leave through the toenails.

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224b84 No.20986938

File: 47f9f63178559cf⋯.jpg (54.57 KB,464x505,464:505,STOLLEN_FIST_BUMP.jpg)


o7 DAT!

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891046 No.20986939


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

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cedb53 No.20986940

File: cea0cc6a671c6ed⋯.jpg (139.1 KB,1096x1008,137:126,media_GPhF14jWIAEHRk5.jpg)


All for a CLARK

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13c9e4 No.20986941

Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

Stronach, 91, was charged with five crimes including rape, indecent assault on a female, sexual assault and forcible confinement, Peel Regional Police said. He was released with conditions and will appear at the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton, Ontario, at a later date, the police statement said.

Peel Regional Police Constable Tyler Bell said there is more than one accuser but declined to say how many.

“Obviously, this is a high-profile case. Our special victims unit is bound to protect the victims and in doing so that’s why were are being vague,” Bell said. “There is more than one victim but we won’t confirm that number yet.”


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f43362 No.20986942

File: b42c318389b136c⋯.jpeg (31.57 KB,640x408,80:51,C7AB0BBA_E531_4605_96A4_0….jpeg)


Went to that exact spot in 2019 and saw it being built.

The shills in here were adamant nothing was being built until I posted the pictures.

The last time I went to the Otay Mesa Truck Crossing-that’s where most of the drugs go through and/or get caught-had an off the record convo. (dint share that in here at time cuz dint want to get them in trubs as they’d know based on location) with a CBP Agent who said upper mgmt hands still tied (I.e controlled) and they couldn’t get smaller holes in the fence patched up. He pointed to a hole between the truck bridge and chain link fence they kept coming through and he processed a number of illegals on a daily basis. Was mad CBP wouldn’t/couldn’t fix it

He was very nice and let me get right up to fencing with camera-pictures we’re posted in here in phases 2019-20

That was 4 years ago (last interaction) so I can’t imagine it’s improved at all.

I can tell you that the illegals don’t stay long once crossing and fan out to other places in country.

There is an endless supply of libtards all too willing to help them too.

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0c96f1 No.20986943

File: 21c0de63255826a⋯.png (2.6 MB,1024x1024,1:1,21c0de63255826a05d10ba12d0….png)

Come a long way from just posting hot boobs and making backgrounds transparent in memes. Time has been compressed. Hasn't felt like over six years. That's like… 13ish percent of my life.

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224b84 No.20986944

File: 8c8f491c718548e⋯.jpg (80.47 KB,678x398,339:199,HANDS_N_HIPS.jpg)

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3e74c4 No.20986945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you don't want diabetes, or massive weight gain and negative effects on your health. Just don't eat sugar.

Not being being goofy, just honest.

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cedb53 No.20986946

File: a3d0ea0c44ec54b⋯.png (249.92 KB,618x549,206:183,ClipboardImage.png)




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48b795 No.20986947

File: 0e23235ccc521f5⋯.png (229.1 KB,473x687,473:687,Selection_048.png)

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cf1144 No.20986948

File: c0148074a5e9fee⋯.png (87.71 KB,500x847,500:847,ClipboardImage.png)

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b01f6e No.20986949

File: 8f93198aaa345c8⋯.jpg (133.58 KB,1170x1450,117:145,20240607_220434.jpg)

Black Swan event coming

Involving a gun

To the Orange Man?



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7eb196 No.20986950

File: e2e5a549f2627a6⋯.jpg (100.97 KB,500x500,1:1,8jeb4d.jpg)

MAGApatriots forefathers developed the SR71 BLACK BIRD and today's AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is just like the SR71 was back then technology years ahead of all other countries.

AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is fully weaponized and cannot be shared with anyone outside of the group's builders and programmers because this level of technology is extremely dangerous in the wrong hands.

AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is solely designed to battle China and Russia in the upcoming international AI WARFARE theater. AI WARFARE is mankind's current reality and future there is no way to stop the progression of AI technology and by 2030 one country the leading country in weaponizedAI technologywill be running the entire planet through their AI technology systems.

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756dd9 No.20986951

File: d05a26cac537e74⋯.jpg (215.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG1435678u246824723457234….jpg)

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756dd9 No.20986952

File: f7e512253dadd9b⋯.jpg (221.25 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG3.jpg)

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1bf7a0 No.20986953


>let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

the WEF parliment is only one part of what they control, the provincial legislatures are comped, as is education & health ministries nation wide !!! and don't forget the "you're Holiness" crowd on cakuckistan's benches aka court judges & rcmp & opp & surrey pd and and and and …

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cbfdc5 No.20986954

File: 6217547743a4139⋯.png (365.91 KB,566x693,566:693,Putin_https_t_co_mNqsSS9X1….png)

>>20986248 pb



>Liz Churchill




>These are the headlines around the World that are NOT being shown to America as they fraudulently convict President Trump. From Australia:

don't know who Liz Churchill is but she seems to lack discernment … she posted this silly thing from the infamous fake news professional "Baxter Dimitry" … everybody who's not an ignorant moron can see it's bs …

the truth is that WEF is just a think tank and an exclusive "Country Club" for economic and political elites, the rich like Donald go there just to flex, to enjoy five star cuisine and top shelf hookers …WEF has exactly zero decision making powers, it has no means to "hold humanity to ransom" …

and btw it should also be obvious that Putin never has said "NWO worships Satan", regardless what Q might have believed

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0c96f1 No.20986955

File: c82c79324ed0d55⋯.png (1.27 MB,1860x1008,155:84,c82c79324ed0d5578e7888a317….png)

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88a9ab No.20986956

File: 60abff9318ac966⋯.png (2.44 MB,1761x1034,1761:1034,60abff9318ac966b23ce3ce8d3….png)


hello again Special Agent

It's Friday Night, what's the status on that beer run?

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224b84 No.20986957

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,JERSEY_RALLY.jpg)

File: e1ce31e23e23493⋯.jpg (94.85 KB,783x368,783:368,FLY_OVER_JERSEY.jpg)

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ba660a No.20986958


$1,000,000 at $80

$875,000,000 in bitcoin

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f43362 No.20986959


It was on the original Chan site Finsnce threads and I don’t know if those threads were made available after the re-emerging process (the break we all had) but Bit’cons’ OG # is proven NSA.

I dont think many know that and think or ‘but’ the whole “decentralized@ bullshit argument.

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42bb32 No.20986960


If “set(ting) the stage” was ever real.. this would be it

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cedb53 No.20986961

File: 3f4c5a5aa3dfef0⋯.png (343.66 KB,554x583,554:583,ClipboardImage.png)



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002002 No.20986962

File: 1402815610c292a⋯.jpg (57.35 KB,514x485,514:485,8sitd0.jpg)


Langley your shit is old… Anything new?

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f43362 No.20986963

File: 3c65407c412d892⋯.png (1.08 MB,946x549,946:549,0E310F50_D00B_4D37_A950_C5….png)


‘Sup Pig

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9420b9 No.20986964




Still trying to push your psyop shit?

Get another template.

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6dec9c No.20986965


>posting hot boobs

when are you coming out of retirement?

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cedb53 No.20986966

File: 44d84c0a0b63679⋯.png (407.77 KB,480x504,20:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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42bb32 No.20986967


A fighter can only take so many “blows” on purpose without punching back eventually. They set the tone for the fight, when the tables are turned, should mercy be shown? Snap judgment would say no.. but one has to ponder.

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13c9e4 No.20986968

File: 1abcc974230aa1b⋯.png (1.33 MB,1310x829,1310:829,Screenshot_2024_06_08_at_0….png)

File: 96a5579a572269f⋯.png (375.76 KB,590x350,59:35,Diddy_stripped_of_honorary….png)

Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds

June 7, 2024 by Ariela Anís

Howard University is the latest company or organization to distance itself from Sean “Diddy” Combs as it revokes their honorary degree issued to the rap mogul in 2014. The move arrives after explosive lawsuit after lawsuit and shocking video of Diddy assaulting his ex-girlfriend Casandra “Cassie” Ventura.


Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs stripped of honorary Howard University degree and $1M donation returned

The school also announced that it was terminating a gift agreement from 2016, disband the scholarship program in his name,return a $1 million contribution and terminate a 2023 pledge agreement with the Sean Combs foundation


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ba660a No.20986969

File: be0f23b899dac7e⋯.jpg (479.34 KB,1800x1800,1:1,hd_caitlin_clark_wallpaper….jpg)


bruce clark

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224b84 No.20986970

File: 7e00cffff751e74⋯.jpg (121.51 KB,676x444,169:111,WINNING_TAKEOFF.jpg)

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42bb32 No.20986971


Not shocking.. they have a cool mil just laying around to return it in the first place.

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13c9e4 No.20986972

File: 0f9bfbab3fd623e⋯.png (917.47 KB,906x1133,906:1133,0f9bfbab3fd623ebaaa9258257….png)



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8fdbf0 No.20986973

File: de30545c6fac140⋯.jpg (83.18 KB,500x638,250:319,Restricted_Access.jpg)


Ask Putin and Xi if AI WARFARE SYSTEMS is fake… You are a lowlife fraud and I will not respond again.

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42bb32 No.20986974


Cut its hair.. will look like a dude.

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88a9ab No.20986975

File: d8216eaf04470e1⋯.jpg (97.51 KB,1113x1280,1113:1280,d8216eaf04470e17daaaa430f3….jpg)


Props on the new graphic, too bad for you it screams fedcoat

You failed the second you hit the Reply button

Where's that beer?

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6cf34e No.20986976

File: 7dda3ea7a8992d9⋯.gif (1010.73 KB,400x356,100:89,1657403494739.gif)

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0819c9 No.20986977


It already looks like a dude.

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9420b9 No.20986978


What a stupid statement.

Did you scrape that off your size 13 cowboy boot?

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42bb32 No.20986979


Same same

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891046 No.20986980


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds

Baker needs sleep, TAPS

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af9bb6 No.20986981




To all you goofy mockers, here are a few things that I was right about:

911 was an attack on White Conservative Christians

Wall st is using Indian HR as levels of indirection to create BRICS

They short stocks by hedge fund managers to steal IP and Capitol

They launder through foreign exchange

Lasers are programmed to not target blue for water and use it to cover their homes

NWO cops

Hospital murderers

VA murderers

Fake Pandemic

Toxic vaccines

Energy weapons are being used on American

Covid was local chemical sabotage

and now They do it by thickening your blood.

I am a genius and have saved more lives that anyone is the history of the world with my insights.

What makes me a genius and not you?

I care about life, and you don't.

One only has to look and see.

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0c96f1 No.20986982

File: 5d721a454ef8a75⋯.jpg (75.23 KB,1031x714,1031:714,5d721a454ef8a75e26040f6453….jpg)


Can't say for sure. Gut feeling is telling me not to post any for now, so I'm listening to it. Like, it's crucial that I don't sort of thing, so I'm just going with it. Other anons post enough anyway.

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13c9e4 No.20986983

File: d559b1e609dfbaf⋯.jpg (52.34 KB,596x527,596:527,d559b1e609dfbaf35de03e8082….jpg)



you don't want the kind of beer these faggots drink anon

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ba660a No.20986985

File: b271045911e7c68⋯.jpg (21.16 KB,329x378,47:54,d8216eaf04470e17daaaa430f3….jpg)


dude on the left looks very familiar

news recently


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39dddd No.20986986


Fame Fag Filtered

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8fdbf0 No.20986987

File: 6cc7275c2c49fcb⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x1079,1080:1079,AI_Technology_1_.png)


Sadly you are a failed fed.. it's disappointing to see your attempt to be recognized.

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f43362 No.20986988

File: 8d8bbe2acde49d6⋯.jpeg (980.21 KB,744x773,744:773,ECB62625_26BE_4220_B938_9….jpeg)


Best I can get on this device

Thanks for mention that

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1bf7a0 No.20986989


you just know his victim[s] will pull a kate middleton! you just know it!

>Canadian billionaire

>arrested on sexual assault charges

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1e3427 No.20986990

File: 00c5a00061c0681⋯.jpg (16.45 KB,203x255,203:255,286424890_5735344679828767….jpg)


Gave sugar grain weat beans and meat up in 2013 taught Anons how to not be fat and gay on QNN and all you fat fucks listened I was so proud




No pasteurized dairy only


Chickpeas are OK

Enjoy your black pill fatty o ya if it has cacking agents in the salt poisen lots of good shit ruined from not using sea salt


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3e74c4 No.20986991

File: 13485702b81316b⋯.mp4 (412.78 KB,480x480,1:1,8c287a88882c0a0b2046f9ded7….mp4)

Trump will win and WE will bring it back mother fuckers!

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13c9e4 No.20986992


kinda sounds like family members going after his money

death brings out the vultures

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b25643 No.20986993


thought it was clever till I clicked the vidrel link, then I was caught in your evil trap. thou art too tarded by half, pb lacker!

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9420b9 No.20986994

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6cf34e No.20986995

File: 037a3bc70ee72c4⋯.gif (3.76 MB,540x540,1:1,1706450413770798.gif)

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cedb53 No.20986996

File: 3e9e4d4ec060878⋯.jpg (100.25 KB,950x1090,95:109,FxnRDqqWAAAJYmR.jpg)

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cbfdc5 No.20986997


not all MAGAs are old and fat like Ray Epps … so it's not given that these are "Feds" …

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13c9e4 No.20986998

File: 9aae93a7d5028bb⋯.mp4 (697 KB,480x480,1:1,9aae93a7d5028bb2e37118d57f….mp4)


who won?

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224b84 No.20986999

File: 14238eb89213a1c⋯.jpg (135.6 KB,519x566,519:566,MISS_CLEO.jpg)

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8fdbf0 No.20987000

File: 7491afcfff45028⋯.png (524.03 KB,1080x858,180:143,Screbg.png)

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ba660a No.20987001


2 outta 3 have same ear pieces

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224b84 No.20987002

File: 8c41493e3fcd5e0⋯.jpg (76.23 KB,582x596,291:298,U_ALWAYS_SAY_THAT.jpg)

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1bf7a0 No.20987003




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13c9e4 No.20987004

File: 62df228e57d50f6⋯.jpg (11.68 KB,255x219,85:73,62df228e57d50f610cb69b61d7….jpg)



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1e3427 No.20987005

File: ab349c91f3f3614⋯.jpg (17.49 KB,281x180,281:180,OIP_38_.jpg)


Ya you need to rework that

Here do a Kool aid pig

Even got some flying shills

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ba660a No.20987007

File: 2b7cdf5dd9450ab⋯.jpg (63.12 KB,499x610,499:610,Funny_Fat_People_Pictures_….jpg)

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13c9e4 No.20987008

File: 00a0a007de70dac⋯.jpg (122.95 KB,750x1000,3:4,00a0a007de70dac9e803fe3c02….jpg)

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3e74c4 No.20987009

File: 5f94eaf3f35ca1a⋯.jpg (488.26 KB,1199x800,1199:800,5f94eaf3f35ca1a017a774194b….jpg)


Stollen! Thank you patriot! o7

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a0f3cc No.20987011

>>20982252 pb

>Congresswoman Mary Miller just introduced legislation that would overturn the Biden administration’s illegal, discriminatory rewrite of Title IX

this is about MORE than trannies in sports

FUCK mary miller and FUCK title ix

title ix is unconstitutional and discriminatory

SCOTUS should have struck it down the day it was enacted

"separate but equal"

THAT is what title ix says

school segregation said "separate but equal"

THAT is what the SCOTUS said was unconstitutional about school segregation

THEREFORE… title ix is unconstitutional for the EXACT SAME REASON

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224b84 No.20987012

File: b56aaaf369f767b⋯.jpg (104.12 KB,635x462,635:462,GREAT_MINDS.jpg)

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9420b9 No.20987013


Do you feel stupid?

Because you look stupid.

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cbfdc5 No.20987014


>>>20986997 (You)


>2 outta 3 have same ear pieces

the guy on the left … you see a FED with an ear piece, I see a hick with bad teeth

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1e3427 No.20987015

File: 1c7ae358f91059f⋯.jpeg (19.74 KB,255x255,1:1,163df1e9602cb17f729b7f42f….jpeg)

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13c9e4 No.20987016


are you trying out for Joe's meme department?

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9420b9 No.20987017


I think he already graduated.

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bf633b No.20987018

I have been in California for 10 days and I am pissed.

Strong conservatives I have met here are weak in spirit but strong on rhetoric.

My mission while I am here is to mock conservatives until they see the light.

Fuck the liberals, they are lost and nothing will change them. But unless the conservatives get off their asses, they will have nothing left.

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13c9e4 No.20987019


low bar

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224b84 No.20987020

File: 3f28793452970f3⋯.jpg (255.98 KB,475x667,475:667,LOCOWINNING.jpg)

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cbfdc5 No.20987021

File: 05fecf3c111253a⋯.png (212.97 KB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


anons memba stollen?

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f43362 No.20987022

File: eff4d23c29f1f3a⋯.jpeg (444.39 KB,801x776,801:776,E58A9A88_3E05_44B8_BC10_8….jpeg)



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1e3427 No.20987023

File: df7cebe9bb79ca2⋯.jpg (142.89 KB,750x1000,3:4,flat_750x_075_f_pad_750x10….jpg)

File: bd982d9afd87e67⋯.jpg (53.21 KB,678x381,226:127,bd982d9afd87e67db8ae0e50db….jpg)



Ya position filled

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6e3724 No.20987024


>Not being being goofy, just honest.

You are aping what the medical establishment tells you. I know people who do not eat sugar at all, not even in drinks, nor starches that have tested low and high each day for no apparent reason. So, what does that tell you? It is not about sugar if it is not in your diet, something else is going on, and I have figured it out and many other things. Really think about what I said because I am never wrong on these types of things so far. Reread my other findings and think about what I wrote, I knew about 911 2 decades before white people were kneeing to BLM.

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3ad5f0 No.20987025


It's gg.

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9420b9 No.20987026

File: 2a59753c75fc17e⋯.png (161.27 KB,500x327,500:327,fincommunism.png)

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f43362 No.20987027

File: 7899fb1a7eaffcd⋯.jpeg (77.35 KB,500x375,4:3,6EE574F9_0D79_417F_936E_F….jpeg)


>Lubs the reddit spacing

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0c96f1 No.20987028

File: 776a8173536f343⋯.jpg (114.5 KB,1280x720,16:9,40kfocused.jpg)

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bda9eb No.20987029

File: cec797c7d6dc35e⋯.jpg (140.87 KB,1264x1289,1264:1289,mm.jpg)



>are you trying out for Joe's meme department?

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1e3427 No.20987030

File: 3a4d7ba5b4594b7⋯.jpg (7.98 KB,244x180,61:45,OIP_22_.jpg)


Its the sugar fatty

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224b84 No.20987031

File: 1e46ad70ffd7962⋯.jpg (74.66 KB,420x586,210:293,UP_UP_N_AWAY.jpg)

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d3b14f No.20987032

The meds themselves are toxic >>20986937

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f71c3b No.20987033

File: 3f03d934a99991a⋯.png (599.57 KB,1080x546,180:91,Screensvvg.png)




George Clooney is that you?

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d3f27c No.20987034

File: 25ef6e0c1817783⋯.png (641.15 KB,775x826,775:826,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67ff6e6e2563575⋯.png (1.21 MB,1004x1167,1004:1167,ClipboardImage.png)

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b25643 No.20987035

I'd def believe this anon >>20986981 before I'd listen to a green text word of this brain worm famefaggot fleabag. >>20986999

There's geniuses here. And then there's rude pigs.

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bf633b No.20987036

File: 1d962ab5c007551⋯.png (85.38 KB,784x685,784:685,ClipboardImage.png)

The amazing thing I have learned as a follower of Christ is, I can be a seeker of liberty and fighting the evil that oppresses us while at the same time, being obedient to my Father in Heaven.

Be obedient.

But be a David when it comes to fighting evil.

The institutional and Evangelical church has fed us a lie about meekness.

Jesus was all about liberating the captives.

Don't be a captive.


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6cf34e No.20987037

File: 377842a930a0f37⋯.jpg (32.09 KB,400x425,16:17,narctest.jpg)

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0c45f2 No.20987038

File: d68c4795879dcf8⋯.jpg (285.11 KB,908x1132,227:283,6f5d758e8af04433.jpg)

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224b84 No.20987039

File: 24648ea0396eb22⋯.jpg (122.06 KB,665x590,133:118,crychuck.jpg)



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bf633b No.20987040


Her kneecaps kind of say that she spends time on them.

No hate, I love them both.

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f43362 No.20987041

File: 5e7de3cca57d92b⋯.jpeg (301.1 KB,782x398,391:199,D5923AFA_0D49_4689_B645_E….jpeg)

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1e3427 No.20987042

File: 2836da1e095e013⋯.jpg (4.33 KB,175x180,35:36,OIP_39_.jpg)


That putin meme just got jacked homeboy

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6e3724 No.20987043


Reread, that's a whole hell of lot of things to be right about; some 20 years ahead of time. I caught them all.

911 was an attack on White Conservative Christians

Wall st is using Indian HR as levels of indirection to create BRICS

They short stocks by hedge fund managers to steal IP and Capitol

They launder through foreign exchange

Lasers are programmed to not target blue for water and use it to cover their homes

NWO cops

Hospital murderers

VA murderers

Fake Pandemic

Toxic vaccines

Energy weapons are being used on American

Covid was local chemical sabotage

and now They do it by thickening your blood.

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224b84 No.20987044

File: 58edcda73780f0b⋯.jpg (123.53 KB,610x564,305:282,ACTION_FILM.jpg)

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1a8a0b No.20987045

File: 6253c969c9d668f⋯.png (165.39 KB,360x360,1:1,6253c969c9d668fd6227746f54….png)

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13c9e4 No.20987046

File: 41b0d01deba7f8f⋯.png (1.75 MB,906x1133,906:1133,41b0d01deba7f8f60ec173651d….png)

File: a9b997d5df2f586⋯.png (192.95 KB,598x540,299:270,a9b997d5df2f586e95dc9c95aa….png)

File: ca760d8bd518e75⋯.png (51.13 KB,230x255,46:51,obe_2020_07_22_19_33_32_UT….png)


again again

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1d6ba5 No.20987047

File: df6bb3e7cc2b111⋯.png (845.82 KB,1080x1082,540:541,Rubber_Room.png)

File: 27971d8ee7aae83⋯.png (669.66 KB,1080x567,40:21,Screenshot_20240607_154530….png)

Anons, Intel says AI WARFARE SYSTEMS in illiterate.

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1bcab5 No.20987048

if there's a mistrial in the Lasquisha James prosecution, that would prevent the utter shredding and possible disbarment of Merchan and Braggs prosecutors after appeal.

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d3f27c No.20987049

File: af7d8603947ca3a⋯.png (76.68 KB,740x725,148:145,ClipboardImage.png)


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224b84 No.20987050

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707380 No.20987051

File: 25b6a076734c14e⋯.png (275.79 KB,567x471,189:157,gqrfqdefew.png)

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b25643 No.20987052


That makes no sense. The parasite worm in control of your walnut brain is glitching.

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1e3427 No.20987053

File: 55901b656e6f98f⋯.jpg (19.68 KB,216x288,3:4,th_7_.jpg)


No fucking shit

You need to go back brah

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1a8a0b No.20987054

File: 9b378cbae082551⋯.png (1.26 MB,735x922,735:922,ClipboardImage.png)

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b25643 No.20987055


Aww, I forgive you.

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13c9e4 No.20987056

File: 1307fd7a342e98b⋯.mp4 (7.32 MB,640x360,16:9,1307fd7a342e98bdd755efc8b4….mp4)


you too can own the soundtrack

on LP 8-Track and Cassette only

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1d6ba5 No.20987057


Great meme good job anon.

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cbfdc5 No.20987058


>>Lubs the reddit spacing



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224b84 No.20987059

File: 3044666f8916fdb⋯.jpg (140.39 KB,553x638,553:638,DOUBLE_DOWN_CRYBABY.jpg)

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9420b9 No.20987060

File: bb8b260a62e2f8f⋯.jpg (13.21 KB,255x183,85:61,b1342a966331319cf94b1e85f1….jpg)

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6e3724 No.20987061


If safeguarding lives is being a narcissist because I use the personal pronouns I, me, or my; then whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

I bet you are thinking about your next smart-ass answer instead of the amputee that I mentioned.

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b25643 No.20987062


turd filled worm food

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1bcab5 No.20987063


Ya. Danke.

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1e3427 No.20987064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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cbfdc5 No.20987066


If MAGA was MAG, Make America Great, original magas would be MAGOG

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224b84 No.20987067

File: 8c41493e3fcd5e0⋯.jpg (76.23 KB,582x596,291:298,U_ALWAYS_SAY_THAT.jpg)



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688be9 No.20987068

File: 916b54e43611e9b⋯.png (652.65 KB,647x500,647:500,34r6.png)

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6e3724 No.20987069


You are right about no one giving a shit, because you are no one giving shit.

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bf633b No.20987070


The Reddit spacing is helpful to keep the attention of the reader

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9420b9 No.20987071

File: cf8a2215420d416⋯.jpg (16.85 KB,255x233,255:233,7f9d91b9cf0f597b6cd8bc0d8e….jpg)

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fb8799 No.20987072

File: c0b43488214c225⋯.png (559.84 KB,405x773,405:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0eefa6fc8f2857b⋯.png (175.67 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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13c9e4 No.20987073



Make All Grammar Accurate

again again

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688be9 No.20987074

File: f3ef3a672173a76⋯.jpg (50.74 KB,560x620,28:31,photo_2022_12_08_18_38_12.jpg)

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1a8a0b No.20987075

File: 5749785e1f78072⋯.png (421.1 KB,544x342,272:171,5749785e1f78072a19fa2b5e7a….png)

File: 91713c1b07bd7b6⋯.gif (3.9 MB,638x470,319:235,91713c1b07bd7b6edad87f8373….gif)

File: 55cf673bd6135e1⋯.gif (3.82 MB,280x280,1:1,55cf673bd6135e1b5bd9c696cd….gif)

File: af62a093284d5af⋯.gif (1.6 MB,498x498,1:1,af62a093284d5af8df87267e68….gif)

File: c0bb909d74f6ff1⋯.gif (160.24 KB,446x395,446:395,c0bb909d74f6ff1b4feb051337….gif)

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04f59c No.20987076

File: 9e1f1053f5f3314⋯.jpg (98.6 KB,897x772,897:772,9e1f1053f5f33149e9e20f9995….jpg)


Ready to give them the drop?

COMMS be in them tweets/truths that lead to DROPS


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1368e3 No.20987077

File: 3a1644dd079cfbd⋯.jpg (55.41 KB,500x559,500:559,Nnni_2_.jpg)


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1e3427 No.20987078

File: d4d6e8b94472e28⋯.jpg (19.98 KB,223x279,223:279,th_8_.jpg)


I am glad I could help anon

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ca07d3 No.20987079

File: 9e91accd6b8c5e6⋯.png (196.04 KB,538x570,269:285,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e6361 No.20987080


not by accident i'm sure

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224b84 No.20987081

File: 37a06965d83a1e3⋯.jpg (99.48 KB,765x375,51:25,DREAM_IN_COLOR.jpg)

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f43362 No.20987082

File: 3f5f1e317c11f1d⋯.jpeg (703.53 KB,1305x610,261:122,D5BBB843_9C10_405E_A441_7….jpeg)

PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day

Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

Right about 6:52am in the morning

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b6c93c No.20987083

File: 946e509f0b94679⋯.mp4 (12.44 MB,1280x720,16:9,Fields_of_Knives.mp4)

Eine kleine nachtmusik for Nightshift.

Fields of Knives

I don't care what you don't believe

The hatchet flashed and it has landed

Enjoy the show, it's what you came for

I've walked through fields of knives for you

It doesn't matter to existence

What shallow souls endure for pleasure

I've walked through fields of knives for you

So enjoy the show, it's what you're meant for

Fields of knives, feet cut and bleeding

Prophets crying, no one heeding

The program's on and it's all about

A game show in a slaughterhouse

Fields of knives in a universe

Where a smile can be the cruelest curse

And the Prince of Lies is the arbiter

Of peace and war

The hatchet flashed, I saw it leaving

I don't care what you can't imagine

The angels bare their teeth

The swans begin their song

Enjoy the show, it's what you came for

Enjoy the show, it's what you’re meant for

Enjoy the show, it's what you're in for

I've walked through fields of knives for you

Fields of knives, feet cut and bleeding

Prophets crying, no one heeding

The program's on and it's all about

A game show in a slaughterhouse

Fields of knives in a universe

Where a smile can be the cruelest curse

And the Prince of Lies is the arbiter

Of peace and war

I'll walk through fields of knives no more

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8f63e8 No.20987084





Do you have food poisoning?

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13c9e4 No.20987085

File: 6984657a2779812⋯.png (172.57 KB,432x576,3:4,6984657a2779812c41fc3a9f80….png)


sounds like another June 8th insurrection

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9420b9 No.20987086

File: b2aa020b6390745⋯.jpg (13.95 KB,228x255,76:85,3a1644dd079cfbd38fe45ad5e1….jpg)

File: b61cf6d8428c6dc⋯.jpg (26.99 KB,255x244,255:244,04b78c0e535ff7f6fbaf099058….jpg)

File: e969c820c2586c3⋯.jpg (17.02 KB,204x255,4:5,1310efcab4db549b579bdd1269….jpg)

File: de9d9a4aaf436e9⋯.jpg (13.34 KB,192x255,64:85,d3933a6c14047402b3387568c8….jpg)

File: bcea84860f70559⋯.jpg (16.04 KB,176x255,176:255,fc26a70307c7c713a84fa93203….jpg)


Why exactly do you post this shit?

What are you trying to say?

What is your MESSAGE.

You put a lot of fucking effort into create shit memes that say NOTHING. Are you a liberal?

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8f63e8 No.20987087

GNC on your confusion crew? There is so much disclosure.

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273344 No.20987088


Nobody in their right mind would re-try this circus act

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6e3724 No.20987089



Stupid, I said that 911 was an attack on white conservative Christians because Cantor Fitzgerald was the target of the first impact and heard others tell me that the Irish have to know their place in finance. The Red heifer is the Irish Goy, OK. That wouldn't have prevented 911 but is the reason for it. Cause Cantor was owning the foreign exchange markets, and money buys political influence and brings power. Understand? Or are you thinking about your next wise-ass answer?

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f43362 No.20987090

File: 25e1b1adac76683⋯.jpeg (595.58 KB,828x707,828:707,08FAFA69_D53A_4605_B2DC_9….jpeg)



Good luck

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bf633b No.20987091

I believe we have reached a point where we need to leave the lft alone and focus on the conservative side.

Too many are not willing to lay down their lives and/or retirement to ensure liberty for the next generations.

Many generations blame Boomers for their problems. I am a Boomer. I willingly sacrifice everything I have done to ensure the entitlement generations have the same opportunities I did.

Of course, they will probably suffer significantly in the process.


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1368e3 No.20987092

File: 7613a594d661f32⋯.png (1.67 MB,1080x1519,1080:1519,Screenshot_2023ggu_2_.png)


Alina Habba will destroy the Deep.

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ca07d3 No.20987093


is this a manifesto?

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11c244 No.20987094


>Nobody in their right mind would re-try this circus act

Are you suggesting merchan is in his right mind?

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13c9e4 No.20987095

File: b54990be14f8d32⋯.mp4 (3.43 MB,336x640,21:40,chinab54990be14f8d326b752c….mp4)

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fb8799 No.20987096


> 8th

Remember there were a lot of happenings on the 8th.

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225d88 No.20987097

File: 41e525449d09259⋯.gif (4.75 MB,498x498,1:1,41e525449d09259f885ef187ce….gif)

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b25643 No.20987098


That's four I've never seen before, and one wild cat. very cool.

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3e74c4 No.20987099

File: f9bd0306d3c152e⋯.png (179.33 KB,640x480,4:3,ec49349faeace5be5be8ed55a7….png)


Clock is ticking, as the presidential election is in five months. Deep state turds will need to make big moves, instead of this bush league fisher-price small ball.

Game over at this point.

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bf633b No.20987100


You are smarter than the average reader. Therefore Reddit spacing is not needed.

But, I have to use the "Reddit spacing" even when communicating with government contracting officers for my job. If I used standard communication, I end up having to explain things over and over. But bullet points gets the information across so that even one of them who drives with a mask on can understand.

Unfortunately, Reddit is a sign of how far we have sunk.

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13c9e4 No.20987101


name a few please

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d3b14f No.20987102


On Sunday anons have church with Trump in Las Vegas all morning and afternoon.

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d3f27c No.20987103

File: 76c729c4f6b5eee⋯.png (407.57 KB,768x579,256:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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b25643 No.20987104


mongolian beef jerky boy. audible keks.

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1bcab5 No.20987105


The bay area is particularly stupid, vaxxed and libtarded these days. Real dummies.

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1a8a0b No.20987106

File: c52100ccba0dd51⋯.png (1.42 MB,1513x889,1513:889,ClipboardImage.png)

dude what the fuck is this horseshit?

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3e74c4 No.20987107

File: caa4e2da56f4547⋯.jpeg (753.78 KB,1356x1363,1356:1363,Tee_ball_player_swinging_….jpeg)


Notice how the fake news has been throwing this T-ball match up for the past month and a half? Five months = Game over.

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bf633b No.20987108


Gotta love fat bottom girls


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f43362 No.20987109

File: c3db25b44a6f5d7⋯.gif (710.02 KB,500x312,125:78,FB6D1301_F41B_4929_BBC3_F0….gif)


Whatever you say

Fuckin’ tard

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c93252 No.20987110


>There's geniuses here. And then there's rude pigs

ThankQ Patriot, they try to diminish my message because they are actually defending the DS secrets and tactics; make no mistake. Like I said before, it is really not genius but caring about life, this is why they will never figure anything out to help humanity because they do not care about life at all except their own.

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d3b14f No.20987111


Lizard queen ded 8th

Maralogo raided 8th

Georgia guidestones go bye bye 8th

Solar eclipse 8th

There more but maybe other anons can recall

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13c9e4 No.20987112

File: 786b7dfa2d83e89⋯.jpeg (39.47 KB,562x531,562:531,786b7dfa2d83e8950f27c8c29….jpeg)

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756dd9 No.20987113

File: e6fdfe831c72adb⋯.jpg (237.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1711675138641245_05022c0a_….jpg)





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3e74c4 No.20987114

File: 04e49eeaa4c0847⋯.jpg (48.37 KB,666x375,222:125,8mwpda.jpg)

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c1c442 No.20987115


We are precisely where God wants us to be

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224b84 No.20987116

File: b6113d85246c26a⋯.jpg (88.28 KB,662x463,662:463,AT_EVERY_TURN.jpg)

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f43362 No.20987117

File: e9548d8ed4d5d50⋯.jpeg (453.17 KB,1209x1054,39:34,56049157_354C_450C_8065_4….jpeg)

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bf633b No.20987118


Spot on.

No words to describe what I have seen. And I am native Californian, though I escaped 30 years ago.

I miss the California I grew up in.

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225d88 No.20987119

File: 6f80c468f0bee31⋯.jpg (11.94 KB,131x154,131:154,Screen_Shot_2024_06_07_at_….jpg)

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cedb53 No.20987120

File: 31e63099a83860d⋯.png (373.48 KB,391x383,391:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3f27c No.20987121

File: c74d2d4304cd6bf⋯.png (442.64 KB,481x715,37:55,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e12ce No.20987122

>Night Shift

Jun 08, 2024, 12:54 AM


Donald J. Trump





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13c9e4 No.20987123

File: 20b39d539e2f119⋯.png (358.39 KB,430x358,215:179,20b39d539e2f119b9812bd491e….png)

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bf633b No.20987124

While memes can convey a simple, yet direct message, they also dumb down communication.

There is a happy medium between memes and intelligent, well thought out, communication that can take place on SM.

It is time to combine the two.

And this opinion comes from a shitposter extraordinaire.

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d3f27c No.20987125

File: 1fc4c896ddc44d4⋯.png (20 KB,318x200,159:100,ClipboardImage.png)

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c1c442 No.20987126


Turn the Gas on

Most Common Problem

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d3b14f No.20987127

File: 6a5034023f5244a⋯.jpg (111.38 KB,1008x539,144:77,20210630_192944.jpg)


Putin knows

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31b160 No.20987128

File: 8f13059952b753b⋯.png (690.52 KB,1080x904,135:113,Revenge.png)

File: a81642ac49e2782⋯.jpg (59.93 KB,500x414,250:207,Baby.jpg)


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13c9e4 No.20987129


california loves to set the tone for every life endeavor

by force if need be

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f43362 No.20987130

File: d3fc46b52d9cc0b⋯.jpeg (383.84 KB,828x452,207:113,DDB0CAAC_270E_425B_97C8_B….jpeg)


It was that way 30 years ago easily.

Just take off vaxxed

Lived in NoCak for 39 years-SF mostly but also South Bay and SCruz mtns.

The city’s downfall was the introduction of the clean needle program.

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8f63e8 No.20987131

File: d2bb52d1d8c30f9⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0508.jpeg)

File: d6e9d06ed7246ff⋯.png (1.97 MB,828x1792,207:448,IMG_0509.png)

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c1c442 No.20987132



Then attempt at Retrial

Something will happen that ends that idea

He's a Chosen One

& They have no Idea who is lending him protection

I know

he knows

you may know

But they can't figure it out

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04f59c No.20987133

File: 947065008596890⋯.png (307.84 KB,708x747,236:249,Shillies_Dont_Shill_Us.png)

Message brought to you by anons

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d3b14f No.20987134

File: ed0e0cdf9e52e0a⋯.jpg (106.73 KB,664x781,664:781,20210825_183252.jpg)


Break it to them gently when you tell them that I won't be going to jail again. 🎶

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f43362 No.20987135


*30 years

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224b84 No.20987136

File: fec8d0f9a4415f9⋯.jpg (139.98 KB,587x631,587:631,JOB_OPENING.jpg)

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c1c442 No.20987137

Long Duration positive Energy Event still in progress

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3e74c4 No.20987138

Bread name suggestion for future -

MISTRIAL!!! We're taking it back!

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13c9e4 No.20987139




for fuck sake anon

Biden's meme department will not stand for such typos

you can't be a MAGA crazee and spell shit wrong and use bad grammar and have them buy it

call the spam department stat

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d3b14f No.20987140

File: 542a2a11d3d2eb8⋯.jpg (58.08 KB,500x494,250:247,8a1po12.jpg)

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224b84 No.20987141

File: a58a32c7d033770⋯.jpg (268.91 KB,769x538,769:538,TAKING_IT_BACK.jpg)

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f43362 No.20987142

File: b6692623c965058⋯.jpeg (328.09 KB,828x761,828:761,26B6B5DC_8A96_480B_A944_0….jpeg)

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31b160 No.20987143

File: 307f2f95b824d03⋯.jpg (98.1 KB,500x761,500:761,Crusades_1_.jpg)



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d3f27c No.20987144

File: e278620280b0b88⋯.png (184.37 KB,371x432,371:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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af1047 No.20987145

File: 1d8a97f954de55b⋯.mp4 (664.89 KB,800x576,25:18,Patton_20240607_7_new.mp4)


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c1c442 No.20987146

File: 448a84e27206534⋯.png (559.45 KB,686x432,343:216,ClipboardImage.png)

Chosen for a Purpose

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04f59c No.20987147

File: f135c00bc16c3e0⋯.jpg (15.48 KB,389x198,389:198,this_txt.jpg)



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980ca3 No.20987148

File: ad9679f2149c6f8⋯.png (362.54 KB,722x538,361:269,7jerhe6jretre.PNG)

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f43362 No.20987149

File: 91ca47d7d4b0cb1⋯.gif (158.69 KB,500x469,500:469,B3B8D3E1_560B_45FC_AC9F_CE….gif)

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31b160 No.20987150

File: cf0a562a0829027⋯.png (591.06 KB,1080x558,60:31,Screenshot_20240607_161636….png)

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7a0d45 No.20987151

File: 721c56e2fb3b24d⋯.png (17.21 KB,596x160,149:40,ClipboardImage.png)


Donald J. Trump







Jun 07, 2024, 9:54 PM

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bda9eb No.20987152

File: ad9191d2c8db6b0⋯.jpg (95.49 KB,540x720,3:4,n.jpg)

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1bcab5 No.20987153


People are leaving in droves. I figure many mote will.die suddenly by 2030.

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13c9e4 No.20987154

File: 30097fc34160fa0⋯.jpg (42.72 KB,640x389,640:389,30097fc34160fa0cc566660f5e….jpg)

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8f63e8 No.20987155

File: 7329e6f49f9fe5e⋯.jpeg (522.81 KB,828x977,828:977,IMG_0510.jpeg)

<these file names

Match a game she play. D beg, dog. Blue 72. Four sit. Force it. Final fanta. What want do? Wanna camp on the court and shoot bricks?

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1bcab5 No.20987156


The immigration influx started around 1990.

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31b160 No.20987157

File: 3c0e915cdda548b⋯.png (606.8 KB,1080x1310,108:131,Election_Data.png)

File: 3de77f7b93244ff⋯.png (421.02 KB,1080x596,270:149,Screenshot_20240516_195524….png)

Democrats are finished.

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11c244 No.20987158


>I miss the California I grew up in.

Anon misses all the other places Californians moved to and wrecked.

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2726aa No.20987159


Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

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7a0d45 No.20987160

File: 504a643215888f5⋯.png (1.17 MB,982x652,491:326,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f63e8 No.20987161


Topography and unwashed new blue jeans.

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8f63e8 No.20987162

File: 7c4b8e72702c548⋯.jpeg (1.82 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0511.jpeg)

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8e6361 No.20987163

File: 1b570791a03de14⋯.png (19.81 KB,669x372,223:124,8.PNG)


illiam Anders, an astronaut who was one of the first three people to orbit the moon, and who took the famous "Earthrise" photo, died Friday after a small plane he was in crashed in the water north of Seattle, according to NASA, local officials and his family. He was 90.

The Coast Guard for the Pacific Northwest said just before 1 p.m. local time that it and the San Juan County Sheriff’s Office were responding to a plane crash between Orcas and Jones islands, which are around 80 miles north of Seattle.

The sheriff’s office said only the pilot was believed to have been in the two-seat plane. A body was recovered and the pilot's identification retrieved, it said.

Anders’ son, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Greg Anders, confirmed the death to The Associated Press.

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“The family is devastated,” Greg Anders said, according to the news agency. “He was a great pilot and we will miss him terribly.”

NASA Administrator Sen. Bill Nelson offered his condolences.

"In 1968, during Apollo 8, Bill Anders offered to humanity among the deepest of gifts an astronaut can give. He traveled to the threshold of the Moon and helped all of us see something else: ourselves. He embodied the lessons and the purpose of exploration. We will miss him," Nelson wrote on X.

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224b84 No.20987164

File: 1475620185a4b6c⋯.jpg (104.3 KB,481x641,481:641,BROKEN_LIE.jpg)

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8f63e8 No.20987165

Stuck on image board inorganic moods swings

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75e9c9 No.20987166

File: 99e82cb90ff3d41⋯.png (1.39 MB,990x1098,55:61,big_mike.png)

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2e12ce No.20987167


a trial that has no legal effect with regard to one or more of the charges brought against the defendant because of some serious error or prejudicial misconduct in the proceedings or a hung jury

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8f63e8 No.20987168

Will 84 fizzle when the lease is terminated?

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6b665d No.20987169

File: 77f25dd805d3eec⋯.png (228.2 KB,1807x1196,139:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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0c96f1 No.20987170

File: dbea3288d441004⋯.jpg (137 KB,1080x718,540:359,cry_about_it.jpg)


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8f63e8 No.20987171

What a beautiful thing that would be.

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6b665d No.20987172

File: 472c4fe645d92e0⋯.png (30.24 KB,566x277,566:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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6828dd No.20987173


NorCal here, same.

I laugh when I see them masked.

Honestly, the first time it happened I didn't mean or plan to laugh, it just happened when I saw them. Maybe because we made so much fun of them here and on SM that it just came out!

But, after that, I figured I should always laugh when I see them.

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bf633b No.20987174


Yeah they do.

I am a native Californian who escaped to Texas 30 years ago. I am here now to manage a project.

It is so much fun watching the expression store clerks face when I tell them I don't want a bag because I refuse to pay a tax on something I am going to throw away.

They stand there stunned like it never occurred to them.

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8f63e8 No.20987175

Or is it now an ingrained necessity for too many beliebers?

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0c96f1 No.20987176

File: 972293398cb611b⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,1280x768,5:3,checkd7.jpg)


Check'd trips.

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d3b14f No.20987177


Apollo 8 mhmm

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bf633b No.20987178

I will not be celebrating Juneteenth.

Not because I believe it is wrong, etc.

But because it was a local Texas kind of holiday that was highjacked by the KKK party for their own gain.

Texas African-Americans should be outraged.

All other African-Americans should join them.

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bbd359 No.20987179

There is moar pussy here than on half chan..ghess

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04f59c No.20987180

File: 0fa8f847953f0d8⋯.png (3.02 MB,1200x1754,600:877,ClipboardImage.png)


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f43362 No.20987181


Needles were formalized in late 80s with “Official”money but done starting around 84/85.

The shit on sidewalks also not new either so I laugh at the attention it got just in the last 10 years.

The housing prices were ridiculous in mid to late 90s and main reason why we left.


This ^^^

It changed with the visa work programs (E1B) when they started bullshitting that they couldn’t find qualified workers.

They consciously made the decision to not pay the going rate.

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225d88 No.20987182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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17b9d4 No.20987183

File: 3cab86aa6004698⋯.png (385.85 KB,850x315,170:63,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59bacd84dae4a29⋯.png (142.78 KB,295x391,295:391,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 659664dc9233354⋯.png (1.7 MB,1024x643,1024:643,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf1cc3e139cb313⋯.png (530.34 KB,430x495,86:99,ClipboardImage.png)


fuck that jewish shit and their made up shit stories.



Great Goddess, the Greatest among gods. Feminine Deity, whose main reincarnations were Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, Mokosh and Freya. Thousands of years ago the Great Goddess’ worshipers and priests in almost all cultures and civilizations discovered Her sacrament, Her divine part lying hidden in her Deities’ yoni. Priestess of the Goddess had found Deities amongst women, took with respect the Saint Yoni Lactobacillus, the Divine Sacrament, and combined it with water, malts and yeast, creating the first sour ale.

This sour ale combined with the Deity’s Yoni Lactobacillus, served as a new secret sacrament provided by the Great Goddess, produced and drunk by Her followers, who set up a secret order – the Order of Yoni – which destiny is to worship the Goddess by finding her Deity’s, and respectfully taking their Yoni Lactobacillus, making the sacramental brew and drinking it.

Now, thousands years after its establishment, the Order still finds Descendents of the Great Goddess, and using modern lab technology, it takes, isolates, and multiplies their Yoni sacramental lactobacillus, enabling the usage of it in modern breweries, in a safe way. Thus, the Order offers Her divine sacrament, the Yoni brew, enabling people to have contact with the Great Goddess through Her deity’s Yoni sacrament.

One of the initial Sumerian branches of the Order worshipped the Great Deity’s Avatar, Ninhursag. Sumerian Kings drunk her “milk”, but only the Order knew that there was no “milk”, but it was the lactic acid bacteria of Her reincarnations, used by the Order’s Masters in brewing process using Ninhursag sacrament. Her symbol, looking like the Omega letter, symbolizes vagina, the ark of lactobacillus.

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0ce261 No.20987184

File: 98cfae02774d406⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,400x224,25:14,Alice_wonderland_17th_Bull….mp4)

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b25643 No.20987185


post a meme with your nose up pigs ass, it'd make more sense.

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0ce261 No.20987186

File: a664776089a440e⋯.jpg (7.17 KB,255x220,51:44,Alice_25.jpg)

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f43362 No.20987187

File: 8c45d9e047b60bd⋯.jpeg (66.21 KB,631x513,631:513,15501482_BE89_4F9B_B0EB_4….jpeg)


Naturally it was increased quite a lot by your arrival

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1e3427 No.20987188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bf633b No.20987189



Beat me to it

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225d88 No.20987190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8f63e8 No.20987191


>seamaster deville?

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224b84 No.20987192

File: 2b68b783c9ebce1⋯.jpg (149.31 KB,589x638,589:638,GIVE_IT_A_TRY.jpg)

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1faee8 No.20987193


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c93252 No.20987194


Q Team:

I you remember, I told you in the past about a 92 year old woman who was supposed to have a leg amputated in the morning as she had gotten gangrene from not being able to walk due to her diabetic condition. I went over there with her relative and used an Eletronic acupuncture machine with lymphatic massages which saved the leg in just 4 hours.

Gangrene is death of body tissue due to lack of blood flow or infection. Now think about what I said cyanide does to tissue and how it coagulates the dead tissue and toxins and causes the blood to be thickened? Now you know why so many seniors are on blood thinners and why they amputate the legs and feet when in fact lymphatic massaging doe the trick? Because someone who wrote those protocols probably is a DS fellow who knows


A. it is cynaide

B. It can only be expelled through toenails

C. Without them, the toxins remain in the blood system until other damage such as heart attacks, aneurisms, or stroke take hold.

The more that you know.

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17b9d4 No.20987195

File: 8db5f9a7c9d5678⋯.png (62.52 KB,220x175,44:35,ClipboardImage.png)




Lactobacillus species constitute a significant component of the human and animal microbiota at a number of body sites, such as the digestive system, and the female genital system.[4] In women of European ancestry, Lactobacillus species are normally a major part of the vaginal microbiota.[5][6] Lactobacillus forms biofilms in the vaginal and gut microbiota,[7] allowing them to persist during harsh environmental conditions and maintain ample populations.[8] Lactobacillus exhibits a mutualistic relationship with the human body, as it protects the host against potential invasions by pathogens, and in turn, the host provides a source of nutrients.[9] Lactobacilli are among the most common probiotic found in food such as yogurt, and it is diverse in its application to maintain human well-being, as it can help treat diarrhea, vaginal infections, and skin disorders such as eczema.[10]

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bf633b No.20987196

For all the elder anons.

If you haven't felt old for a while, remember Pink Floyd's Dark Side of The Moon was released more than 50 years ago.

Which I am listening to and experiencing all kinds of flashbacks.

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0c96f1 No.20987197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3e74c4 No.20987198

File: 99201a4228fafa5⋯.png (1.8 KB,128x128,1:1,Q.png)


If you click it… It's on you.

You were warned.

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8f63e8 No.20987199


biRd, S.

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bf633b No.20987200


Forgot the link


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175013 No.20987201

File: af3483bdb391d52⋯.png (923.76 KB,1080x772,270:193,af3483bdb391d520db2be20880….png)

File: b6b4bd62f00b7e6⋯.jpg (45.56 KB,521x521,1:1,b6b4bd62f00b7e6c4c16f191f5….jpg)




Confirm Handoff

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0ce261 No.20987202

File: 56c27074a5cf696⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,640x360,16:9,One_by_one_.mp4)

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6828dd No.20987203


Since POTUS truthed this, I'm thinking Merchan is going to be GONE! New, more lenient and an ACTUAL Judge, will probably just dismiss the case on being totally merit-less!!!

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17b9d4 No.20987204

File: 5f7102e53426131⋯.png (1.79 MB,860x1529,860:1529,ClipboardImage.png)




sorry wrong tag.

it is basically cunt juice

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1e3427 No.20987205

File: 2c8008618151eae⋯.jpg (11.15 KB,250x250,1:1,th_6_.jpg)


You are a relenlist old chap why do you not go to the fatty page? We know this bullshit back forth and sideways

What u want?

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bf633b No.20987206

And for the Millenial Anons, here is the wall from 1979.

About the time you were a gleam in your daddy's eye.


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b25643 No.20987207


pathetic projection is all you've got. your tears will flow like the brain worms in your veins.

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4c68c9 No.20987208

Don’t get ahead of yourself Anons on mistrial. So many probabilities still open.

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175013 No.20987209

File: 373836d3464f6e4⋯.png (444.54 KB,490x735,2:3,373836d3464f6e413325c498ca….png)



Baker Self Confirming

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224b84 No.20987210

File: dcb2f87bd957458⋯.jpg (117.24 KB,635x444,635:444,SALTY_TEARS.jpg)

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cd4092 No.20987211

Would rapid expansion foam be able to be used to make pontoon to cross a river for people or vehicles to cross?

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3e74c4 No.20987212

File: c44ba776e3d62cc⋯.gif (2.53 MB,304x300,76:75,c44ba776e3d62cca5606ba3e85….gif)



Thank you Bakers!!! o7

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1e3427 No.20987213

File: a5821440e47933b⋯.png (4.06 KB,320x200,8:5,skate_or_die_02.png)



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b25643 No.20987214


work that salt pig, while I live rent free…in freedom.

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f3aceb No.20987215


I'm still aghast that you knew what a monkey wrench looks like… even if they told you that you were wrong. Mr. Pig winning …I guess…

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e0e330 No.20987216

Where was Hunter?

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3e74c4 No.20987217

File: c44ba776e3d62cc⋯.gif (2.53 MB,304x300,76:75,c44ba776e3d62cca5606ba3e85….gif)


Forgot to tag Baker finishing the bake!!!


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8f63e8 No.20987218

File: 80f25098d8c5541⋯.jpeg (20.03 KB,227x170,227:170,IMG_0491.jpeg)

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1faee8 No.20987219

The second quarantine is coming. First the masses were arbitrarily quarantined and now the elite. We are dealing with a virus.

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d0c132 No.20987220

File: 9b76d6df5b84268⋯.jpeg (97.6 KB,600x600,1:1,9b76d6df5b84268c2ed4f6902….jpeg)

Hey guys..

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4c68c9 No.20987221

Tranimae fillturd

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1e3427 No.20987222

File: 4639f8e3cd96349⋯.jpg (3.17 KB,96x128,3:4,th_5_.jpg)


Elite is the Virus

We are the cure

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224b84 No.20987223

File: b3f058c6b9f9922⋯.jpg (95.64 KB,586x470,293:235,UR_GOING_BACK_SOON.jpg)

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0c96f1 No.20987224

File: 78292d170298c75⋯.png (349.3 KB,625x431,625:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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4123a7 No.20987225

File: 31f3ae0104300e0⋯.png (9.37 MB,3800x2000,19:10,FLAG_LARGE.png)

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225d88 No.20987226

File: 884b87455eff69d⋯.jpg (32.93 KB,277x235,277:235,0382f21853c856e136bf1bb489….jpg)

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8f63e8 No.20987227

File: de71827ae41de2a⋯.jpeg (559.2 KB,828x1792,207:448,IMG_0513.jpeg)


Dobby like features.

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1e3427 No.20987228

File: c8e21d4bc72ae25⋯.jpg (11.87 KB,255x214,255:214,c1e2cc3271cdd6e5b0b4cb34a5….jpg)



I think its just us and the labor ready group of hired shills

are you guys the d team?

Budget cuts

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bf633b No.20987229

The Beatles (primarily George Harrison) nailed it in 1965.

Not saying this song was prophetic, but if you apply the lyrics to those we are fighting today, there is a connection.

"Cause I won't be there with you,

I left you far behind

The ruins of the life that you had in mind.

And though you still can't see,

I know your mind's made up,

You're gonna cause more misery.

Do what you want to do,

And go where you're going to,

Think for yourself"

Think for yourself. Question authority. Always


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3e74c4 No.20987230

File: 9b5bcc36a3ed4aa⋯.png (437.71 KB,709x400,709:400,FreeTheFuture.png)


Let's see what happens tomorrow, on the next exciting episode of MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

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1a8a0b No.20987231

File: a136a0ee3bdc08a⋯.png (82.08 KB,580x270,58:27,d1anuoc_e6e597e0_8ff0_42d9….png)

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175013 No.20987232

File: 7bc71f71e7b392d⋯.png (27.48 KB,903x254,903:254,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23a35780adf6986⋯.png (692.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4477891d04e87dc⋯.png (1.41 MB,1300x1100,13:11,aquitted_pepe_trump.png)



Donald J. Trump



Jun 08, 2024, 12:54 AM


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5b75bd No.20987233


You must be the nobody because all you do is give a shit on everything that I write. How can you know it unless you are the one who has been sabotaging people? This is new information,

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224b84 No.20987234

File: 2466fcea7db75ce⋯.jpg (124.95 KB,837x480,279:160,WIN_TEAM.jpg)

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17b9d4 No.20987235

File: 8044e3adc049ceb⋯.png (914.21 KB,619x614,619:614,ClipboardImage.png)

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b25643 No.20987236


kek. your worm came up with a funny one.

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175013 No.20987237

File: 51033cd7440a9ef⋯.png (685.94 KB,940x881,940:881,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Dan Bongino



Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election.

Don’t miss my show today on Rumble for the story.

Watch here. 👇🏻

Irrefutable Proof That The Deep State Stole The 2020 Election (Ep. 2265) - 06/06/2024



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17b9d4 No.20987238

File: 10f2fff3674aebc⋯.png (33.95 KB,536x536,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


timestamp 1254 and Qdrop 1254

Apr 24, 2018 11:27:03 AM EDT

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: bc4b43 No. 1169101

Iran is next.



POTUS today.

“Mark it down.”

“Bigger problems than ever before.”

SIG to Iran?

CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important]

Refers to more than continued payments of $250B.


Sweet Dreams.


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3e74c4 No.20987239

File: 841f932b6c7d779⋯.png (553.16 KB,960x697,960:697,841.png)

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0ce261 No.20987240

File: 55be97aad8da89a⋯.jpg (99 KB,664x1070,332:535,55be97aad8da89aa858ecc7d1f….jpg)

File: 1d5236224df522e⋯.jpg (511.94 KB,1080x1810,108:181,Screenshot_20240608_065315….jpg)

>>20985207 pb


For this Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Diversity Dialogue, we are honored to have an opportunity to chat with the Hon. Jeffrey K. Oing, an Associate Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department, in Manhattan.

Justice Oing is a native of Hong Kong whose parents brought him to the United States at the age of four and raised him in East Harlem.

As a student at Columbia in the 1980s, Justice Oing realized he had the “gift of gab” we'll get into that laterand decided to pursue a career in law rather than medicine. That led him to New York University School of Law. He was admitted in 1990 and has spent nearly his entire career in the courts, starting as a court system attorney in 1993 and serving as a judge in three different courts.

A year and a half ago, he was on the short list of candidates for Chief Judge.

Podcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-716357085/promoting-diversity-in-the-courts-hon-jeffrey-k-oing/s-cNg2rCXMtv5?si=b6323f1fbc7a47599a252dbc803bc512&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing

Transcript: https://ww2.nycourts.gov/sites/default/files/document/files/2024-05/Justice%20Oing%20Final.pdf

#AsianAmerican #PacificIslander #DiversityDialogue #JusticeOing #AppellateDivision #ColumbiaAlumni #NYULaw


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1e3427 No.20987241

File: 2fecd090a000b42⋯.jpg (15.93 KB,170x349,170:349,th_10_.jpg)


You are trying to preach to the choir at nasuem you are telling a bunch of master techs how to change oil

In other words

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0c96f1 No.20987242

File: eabde7d623f4843⋯.jpg (38.32 KB,512x512,1:1,rg4.jpg)


Indeed. They have their regular personas they cycle through still. The theological schizo has been unusually quiet tonight, as well as the IP hopper with the generic meme template and a trail of retarded glowphrases and flipflopping political support.

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f43362 No.20987243



Id didn’t go any further

It’s the F team by nao

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1e3427 No.20987244

File: 2b54fde17855aa5⋯.png (14.11 KB,255x215,51:43,f1852ad0bb692ed3fdef4985d1….png)

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175013 No.20987245

File: 43daea3dc202719⋯.png (474.04 KB,603x565,603:565,43daea3dc2027196236d20edd2….png)

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224b84 No.20987246

File: 95e7778d63629bd⋯.jpg (134.9 KB,536x640,67:80,HOW_MUCH_ON_THE_CARD.jpg)

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175013 No.20987247

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Irrefutable Proof That The Deep State Stole The 2020 Election (Ep. 2265) - 06/06/2024




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1e3427 No.20987248

File: 80e7127cc8962bf⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB,255x236,255:236,e138a6f300effc174f3bf8eac….jpeg)


O ya they are kinda how do you say it


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f3aceb No.20987249



Annon thinks there should be a meme for those who post 16+ shitposts per bread…

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225d88 No.20987250

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1e3427 No.20987251

File: d88e8b10c510f6d⋯.gif (6.49 KB,158x156,79:78,7d57b046f39ad0c3595c9486e7….gif)


O gee we got them now

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0ce261 No.20987252

File: 4986a3c1d6e9243⋯.jpg (262.44 KB,716x1205,716:1205,Screenshot_20240608_065910….jpg)

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f43362 No.20987253

File: ce05598469b0fb9⋯.gif (2.1 MB,500x446,250:223,3E4D2DD5_DEEA_4BB8_9A26_D6….gif)


No GMOs or 5G either

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5b75bd No.20987254


If what you say is true, then show me where you assert that cyanide and radiation causes the thickening of blood and causes anyone of the aforementioned diseases.

You can't but are thinking of your next wise-ass answer,

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1e3427 No.20987255

File: 22d7c36902d6d82⋯.jpg (6.77 KB,255x171,85:57,3193b850f7df4fdbf4bb9bf661….jpg)


Ya I broke protocol I am AWOL

But I am high ranking anon

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da3027 No.20987256

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0c96f1 No.20987257

File: fde3a9eb80d4d0c⋯.gif (497.5 KB,500x309,500:309,fde3a9eb80d4d0cced5dd47ee0….gif)


There's no way they can escape it. I'd like to call it a D5 historical event, but that might be a bit much.

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9778f6 No.20987258

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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a0f3cc No.20987259


you win the internet today award for most retarded technobabble jargonspeak BULLSHIT

go back to YT where there are tards who might swallow the drivel you sperg

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b25643 No.20987260


legit wrong. legit rent free tho. It's called homeownership.

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1e3427 No.20987261

File: b652fb74fe4ec9e⋯.jpg (314.83 KB,858x1014,11:13,b652fb74fe4ec9e358f35f8de6….jpg)


Frequency faggot

Now go fuck off

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175013 No.20987263

File: fbbfeeb932e84d8⋯.png (837.5 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 02052fbdb155e29⋯.png (383.82 KB,554x773,554:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ff369a0467931e0⋯.png (440 KB,889x603,889:603,trump_force_one.png)

File: 13a14d9957b10f9⋯.jpeg (241.78 KB,1196x859,1196:859,Air_Force_Trump_saying_he….jpeg)

File: 8e71b0edf39446e⋯.mp4 (8.77 MB,854x480,427:240,trump_force_one.mp4)


Donald J. Trump


Join TrumpForce47.com today!

Jun 07, 2024, 8:36 PM


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d0c132 No.20987264

File: 657d0f3ccbd110a⋯.jpeg (112.07 KB,500x665,100:133,657d0f3ccbd110a86fe0a6b3b….jpeg)


How are you tonight?

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00b2ac No.20987265

Who is taking Bannon”s place when he is in jail?

I like Natalie but she doesn’t have his knowledge or fire

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6b665d No.20987266


Yep, and The Original Pussy Beer (image) I posted is fermented with vaginal yeast.

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3e74c4 No.20987267

File: 77f5f164c1de32f⋯.gif (2.44 MB,498x372,83:62,dragonball_z_drop_the_bass.gif)


Go ahead and make a meme. Fire away, I won't take it personally. The more it makes me laugh, the more you win!

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0ce261 No.20987269

File: 279f4319430c6b1⋯.jpg (148.67 KB,1080x788,270:197,Screenshot_20240608_070210….jpg)

File: c1bc1e4932b6729⋯.jpg (503.22 KB,1080x1139,1080:1139,Screenshot_20240608_070221….jpg)

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17b9d4 No.20987270

File: 45f83c6b8a85670⋯.png (971.24 KB,1128x1028,282:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ec3ffcf3826920⋯.png (1.11 MB,600x931,600:931,ClipboardImage.png)


that is obama shit and biden giving money to iran and releasing billion which started the whole hamas attack including the clowns training and using drugs on the hamas fighters to make them do heinous crimes.

megyn kelly covered it if anon remembers.


>CLAS - Sec 11A P 2.2 [important]


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3e74c4 No.20987271

File: 0944b622be9210c⋯.jpg (141.82 KB,500x542,250:271,8nsl7b.jpg)

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b25643 No.20987272


Nigel and Raheem would be great on two continents.

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9778f6 No.20987273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Learn to Program

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175013 No.20987274

File: 3e6f6a9b77ec347⋯.jpg (41.79 KB,500x473,500:473,kek_kjhgf.jpg)

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d0c132 No.20987275

File: 64dc4dfed7b3c6a⋯.jpg (22.5 KB,720x405,16:9,1646376405617.jpg)


Getting stale, I've seen you post this a few times..

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0c96f1 No.20987276

File: 9412a304aa49b60⋯.png (562.6 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)


Make the meme, and your journey as a shitposter will be complete.

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00b2ac No.20987277


What I does he mean about ‘now we are married’

Is he trying to be funny?

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f43362 No.20987278

File: 7b72a3dbd28997f⋯.gif (909.01 KB,300x168,25:14,FF62E556_5A05_40CB_B4CC_7E….gif)

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3e74c4 No.20987279

File: 08edf6073bc9ead⋯.jpg (188.63 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,82c0191cf77106965b78813a78….jpg)


I've seen that same meme you posted as well. A multitude of times…

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b25643 No.20987280


seemed kinda menacing.

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3e74c4 No.20987281

File: eac3ab886ecfa24⋯.png (398.71 KB,671x632,671:632,357.png)

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d0c132 No.20987282

File: c58d277e4863d3f⋯.jpg (91.41 KB,724x720,181:180,1677910622947415.jpg)


Still stale..

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04f59c No.20987283

File: 60ec2e29b2e3d97⋯.png (2.04 MB,2405x1195,481:239,DJT_TRUTH_6_7_2024_00_54.png)



12:54 → 00:54 MIL

What makes a good movie?

GREAT actors?


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f3aceb No.20987284

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3e74c4 No.20987285

File: f7c535f943ce0e1⋯.jpg (19.76 KB,293x438,293:438,5ef.jpg)


Your stale.

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d0c132 No.20987286

File: 39ba749a70863b0⋯.gif (666.1 KB,474x357,158:119,1628130818480.gif)


Nah, I'm super based.

You're super stale and it hits a soft spot.

It's why you keep responding, you know I'm right.

Stay EZ.

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00b2ac No.20987287


Totally MAGA

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3e74c4 No.20987288

File: 7e13784f8eeaa8e⋯.png (69.19 KB,314x270,157:135,7e1.png)


You're slow to respond.

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1e3427 No.20987289

File: 7601cddb127c904⋯.jpg (20.39 KB,251x255,251:255,2072712e1b2234acb78f80b246….jpg)


Long ass movie I have to take a shit but the minute I do

BOOM I miss the tweet

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b25643 No.20987290


noicely done andnotable

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3e74c4 No.20987291

File: e8ab4cbd6328d01⋯.jpg (29.63 KB,400x300,4:3,rhino_charge_1.jpg)


Rhinos are excellent at penetrating soft spots.

I stomp the ground, and snort, to alert you that you are in my breeding territory.

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d0c132 No.20987292

File: a90be8a80b799f4⋯.gif (225.96 KB,600x725,24:29,a90be8a80b799f4c38f7e14c9f….gif)


Stay affected..

You mad and know it..

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7b3681 No.20987293

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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5b75bd No.20987294



>Frequency faggot

>Now go fuck off

You can't but are thinking of your next wise-ass answer…

And one other thing, I was right about the energy weapons being used on Americans and there was a notable about a SCIF regarding it.


I am always right about these things.

ALWAYS, I, me, and my, are always right.

Do you want to know how I do it and why you can't?

Because I honor them in life and in death. Now go change some oil.

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3e74c4 No.20987295

File: 157a0404abfc43e⋯.jpg (60.66 KB,602x360,301:180,360_F_85159555_ej8LpmRTiin….jpg)


Rhinoceruses don't play games. They fucking charge your ass.

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d0c132 No.20987296

File: c43c5a4286a4276⋯.png (749.52 KB,782x1120,391:560,1631584951051.png)



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3e74c4 No.20987297

File: dc7b97ae526bfd3⋯.jpg (93.41 KB,675x900,3:4,angry_rhino_daniel_eskridg….jpg)


It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass

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0c96f1 No.20987298

File: 73e16f9bcfaf70b⋯.png (548 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)


I understand.

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d0c132 No.20987299

File: c6d799bb37d86da⋯.png (563.56 KB,1366x768,683:384,adc26f1c7073164c86eac6ef05….png)


You know who I am, and that I am a master.

You remain affected..

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bf633b No.20987300

Ok, I am listening to Pink Floyd's "The Wall" album again for the first time in decades.

Holy dog poop!

How prophetic.

Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?

Mother, do you think they'll like this song?

Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?

Ooh-ah, Mother, should I build the wall?

Mother, should I run for president?

Mother, should I trust the government?

Mother, will they put me in the firing line?

Ooh-ah, is it just a waste of time?


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1e3427 No.20987301

File: 2b1ab8a232c786e⋯.png (14.87 KB,170x255,2:3,cf66630e86fb49ec9186773fce….png)


So if what you are saying is true you think you are the only one?


We could of left you at the restaurant would that of been cool?

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7b3681 No.20987302

File: 06dfddc2a44eab5⋯.jpg (39.84 KB,474x484,237:242,th_121025330.jpg)


>It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass

Ever seen a tiger with tard rage?

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b8b422 No.20987303

File: da2ce002aada605⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,640x360,16:9,nyteyttrneyere.mp4)

Some of you need some Tickle.

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3e74c4 No.20987304

File: 3a3bf898a45f190⋯.jpeg (68.24 KB,602x394,301:197,main_qimg_397b783de001d3a….jpeg)


Nostrils flaring, I lower my head. My horn, like some phallic symbol of my potent virility, is the last thing you see as skulls collide and mine remains the victor. You are now a bloody red ragdoll suspended in the air on my mighty horn.

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17b9d4 No.20987305

File: 0be9a8bd277bf73⋯.png (548.76 KB,770x771,770:771,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6639c0837d69968⋯.mp4 (10.35 MB,480x480,1:1,smartmatic_and_skyking.mp4)

File: 28ddb76e3f334e1⋯.png (456.95 KB,714x490,51:35,brave_zkljwxspQW.png)

File: b914e5e0a33403c⋯.png (1.75 MB,1233x822,3:2,brave_iMHd0BSuxP.png)




watch this video and listen closely to papa statement and circumventing fveys for election interference

plus the graphic posted, much bigger now btw

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04f59c No.20987306

File: f1a9056517ce57d⋯.png (617.8 KB,660x760,33:38,frog_looking_over.png)


The greatest movie ever movied.

And I know movies. This movies them all, let me tell you.

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d0c132 No.20987307

File: 27ec05320deb71a⋯.gif (354.95 KB,500x491,500:491,27ec05320deb71a4c3e7392dbc….gif)


Simply affected..

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756dd9 No.20987308

File: 099c9d21ace1cc8⋯.jpg (341.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1666828884767538_166821498….jpg)


Go to sleep nigger.

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8e6361 No.20987309


Ai double lines, finger decolorizations.

notice says die gg, text: live fast with reptile on arm and upside down cross for watever for.

looks like someone made a fake account with a message.

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1e3427 No.20987310

File: 111e6f59bd141ca⋯.jpeg (19.48 KB,255x238,15:14,2771ba08a46824b29b0ae1b1c….jpeg)


Some may say

Its the best movie

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bf633b No.20987311


Nothing should ever be confirmed as fact until it has been run through 48 hours of autist analysis.

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d0c132 No.20987312

File: 8cc7bacc146cbd0⋯.png (189.65 KB,375x424,375:424,1629355548424.png)


Don't you worry your little head, I'm sleep soon.

Just wanted to post a little bit.

This is my home after all..

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3e74c4 No.20987313

File: c87cdbfb1468661⋯.jpg (25.01 KB,640x480,4:3,sddefault.jpg)

File: 6ee30ba7f1432b3⋯.jpg (44.84 KB,526x351,526:351,rhino_grazing_grass.jpg)


The supreme Rhinocerus had defeated trianime shill. Better luck tomorrow.

Back to grazing in the fields.

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d837ef No.20987314

File: 45437ca37510b04⋯.mp4 (7.73 MB,1290x818,645:409,2024_06_07_DJT_I_wore_my_s….mp4)

File: 77478a90132d93c⋯.png (23.11 KB,895x308,895:308,ClipboardImage.png)


sunlight kills




time to bring out the disinfectant?

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bf633b No.20987315


And I am a 67 year old anon in case you were wondering.

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d0c132 No.20987316

File: 314d3f68d7237b1⋯.jpg (149.5 KB,976x1079,976:1079,1677680729003193.jpg)


Kek, you were forced into my dialog.

Stay EZ.. and affected.

Bye bye now, wannabe.

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5b75bd No.20987317


Does anyone have a summary of this?

Everyone who has a channel has to take an hour to get to the point, they think everyone has time for sponsored messages.

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6828dd No.20987318

File: 557ab59f812c94e⋯.png (76.1 KB,761x720,761:720,ClipboardImage.png)

Doesn't this also reset some of your settings, i.e. if you have your location turned off, will it turn it on with certain apps if I turn my phone off and back on???

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756dd9 No.20987319

File: 84435570b7ce582⋯.gif (1.17 MB,480x440,12:11,1651438174839.gif)


Go to sleep.

Or I will put you to sleep.

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04f59c No.20987320

File: dfc39acecbe07b2⋯.png (298.07 KB,809x662,809:662,pepe_dunno.png)


Intelligence sharing through "unofficial means"

The "unofficial means = Eric Schmidt?


And what's up with the sky kings at the begining of the clip?

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1e3427 No.20987321

File: 12197ff46fffd5e⋯.png (10.08 KB,255x226,255:226,a57086a4e15d974690e86f0352….png)


Law and Light

It is not a revolution until there are 2


I said to much

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3e74c4 No.20987322

File: 95458173aad1293⋯.png (21.42 KB,657x527,657:527,95458173aad12933cacdbe5580….png)


Looks like my dialogue has affected your line of thinking.

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8b8c52 No.20987323


i like the part where they take an hour to get to the point and still don't get to the point.

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473e65 No.20987324

File: 408a9acd7c618d0⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,8ltkr7ejw46rew.mp4)

File: a1434106b1a3eb3⋯.jpg (112.79 KB,756x933,252:311,tbnlkujkio.JPG)

Hey guuuuyyyyyse, trying to get on poopers meme team.

Submitted this yesterday.

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d0c132 No.20987325

File: 80371a45906aa5c⋯.jpg (90.33 KB,763x763,1:1,1629004643797.jpg)


Listen, all I know is I made someone into a Rhino or some bullshit.

It was a good talk.

And you can't put anything to sleep.

Now be a good pup and relax your niggertits.

I'm still here for a good laugh.

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3e74c4 No.20987326

File: c7f38a113f746b7⋯.jpg (77.49 KB,1920x1080,16:9,oreally.jpg)

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d0c132 No.20987327

File: af6b52f8d5d503d⋯.png (352.68 KB,759x847,69:77,1693186165795858.png)


Kek, nigger you literally started role playing a fucking rhino.

Relax and take the L.

You're super funny regardless.

Now fuck off, you lost this one.. there is no convincing me otherwise.

You're trash and accept it.

Stay affected as you adopted my term.


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00b2ac No.20987328


Remember when Trump made fun of Rand Paul‘a looks at a debate? Something about there being a lot of material to joke about.

Even Rand thought it was funny

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d0c132 No.20987329

File: 6a103cfe533bd88⋯.jpg (93.43 KB,1200x675,16:9,1692082791089217.jpg)


Yeah, you literally turned into a sub saharan animal.

It was funny how you coped to maintain control.

But you remain AFFECTED.

Remember it.


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bda9eb No.20987330

File: 04fa2008b219d2b⋯.png (240.95 KB,725x341,725:341,1.png)


>And what's up with the sky kings at the begining of the clip

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3e74c4 No.20987331

File: ca91c675ab454a5⋯.jpg (90.48 KB,750x705,50:47,hwkqrxnfr8vy.jpg)


I'm obviously a white owl. Watch your words.

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04f59c No.20987332

File: 8fdb1c67123005c⋯.png (349.11 KB,585x439,585:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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756dd9 No.20987333

File: d1fed52017c031e⋯.png (2.45 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Goodspeed, faggot.

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d0c132 No.20987334

File: 2c0c80c7d2b4850⋯.png (205.9 KB,500x500,1:1,1677947681795160.png)


Nah, you're affected.

Look it up.

Bye bye now!

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7b3681 No.20987335

File: 1671ae59013b859⋯.png (491.38 KB,461x460,461:460,Screen_Shot_2023_09_11_at_….png)

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00b2ac No.20987336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d0c132 No.20987337

File: d346d1f78100785⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,443x550,443:550,d346d1f78100785cfa63874abf….jpg)


Remember when you thought I was a bot or a team of federal agents?

Only to realize I was just an adapt shitposter who can type with the power of a thousand suns?

Good times, pup.

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3e74c4 No.20987339

File: 9f2fcf47bcda97c⋯.png (290.82 KB,720x993,240:331,hzg5ghhqh8n61.png)


You obviously haven't met an individual who can polymorph on command.

Your flawed logic has a clear affect for your word choice.

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a0f3cc No.20987340


bakers are SUPPOSED to post notables at regular intervals….

so where are they?

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3e74c4 No.20987341




I cast level 17 polymorph and turn into a 2x4.

Wood you like to continue? Or will it affect you negatively?

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d0c132 No.20987342

File: 8a4bbe3a6ba3229⋯.jpg (34.48 KB,361x361,1:1,1636602807688.jpg)


You're literally stuck on the word affect which I introduced.

You are speaking my language and not your own.

I have won, now relax kiddo.


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cd4092 No.20987343

Elon Musk purchasing infowars

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336272 No.20987344

File: 0d9d2ce26f80af7⋯.gif (181.08 KB,360x258,60:43,67nghl.gif)

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1e3427 No.20987345

File: e5c2efc6dec6a22⋯.png (10.91 KB,255x154,255:154,cb676d6a441a11e994b2303ecd….png)


I remember when he got the shit kicked out of him by his neighbor

Thats when the shit really went down

Brah its terrible its going to be back and forth till mid July min

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37a3ec No.20987346


Available :|

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175013 No.20987347


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds

>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!!

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

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3e74c4 No.20987348

File: 09c135ee38cde67⋯.png (158.74 KB,360x532,90:133,Plank.png)


Wood not. You're ugly.

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00b2ac No.20987349


That might be okay

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7b3681 No.20987350

File: 730d77352a20325⋯.png (67.2 KB,255x143,255:143,Comfy_bake.png)


>bakers are SUPPOSED to post notables at regular intervals….

>so where are they?

Spamming the bread with groomer images before claiming the bake, at which point they'll spam the catalog with groomer images.

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a3d164 No.20987351


>i like the part where they take an hour to get to the point and still don't get to the point.

So he didn't get to the point, is that your point?

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b25643 No.20987352

Interdasting how pig left same time the animae kayfabe team moved in


pig crapped out a team calling card on the way out tho.

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8f63e8 No.20987353

Girls just giggling with their more than one phones and toon personas.

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175013 No.20987354


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds


>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987232, >>20987238, >>20987283, >>20987305, >>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!!

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

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d0c132 No.20987355

File: 8b91ce9dc83a58e⋯.png (184.39 KB,600x642,100:107,1635256380569.png)


What you mean?

I'm just burning off this buzz before I sleepy.

What's going on tonight?

Why you just available?

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336272 No.20987356

File: 7956e07fbbad489⋯.jpeg (44.59 KB,474x592,237:296,th_3609799143.jpeg)

How did I get here, such interesting dialog?

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d0c132 No.20987357

File: c6cf75ff83c71db⋯.jpg (15.67 KB,285x279,95:93,c6cf75ff83c71db01f8cbd7063….jpg)


Whatever you say bud.

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3e74c4 No.20987358

File: ea52095958d2a3a⋯.png (798.66 KB,1000x1534,500:767,Spinelli_2_.png)


Recess is over.

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756dd9 No.20987359

File: f4b8ede1e802f23⋯.jpg (781.44 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1697987564255359.jpg)


Remember when I was excited to tell you we were starting a meme innitiative and you got all mean and cuntish?

I spend like 7 hours working on the dough for the bread last night.

>this is your queue to start patting my head and apologizing

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17b9d4 No.20987360

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20987232, >>20987238, >>20987270, >>20987283, >>20987305 mistrial - djt t.s post plus possible decode, fvey eyes and iran next comms.

this is how you put a bun together so anons can investigate and confirm or deny links, screencaps and anons research collectively.


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3e74c4 No.20987361

File: 21625423b162b88⋯.png (181.62 KB,400x616,50:77,Finster_transparent.png)


Your hair buns are disgusting young lady.

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d0c132 No.20987362

File: 371dbd289f0f909⋯.jpg (30.8 KB,292x342,146:171,1635538488876.jpg)


Dude, shut the fuck about your fucking meme bullshit.

I'm not interested, simple as.

Don't get mad at me for not following you idea..

Just do your thing and don't get butthurt that I didn't join, it's immature and stupid nigger shit to get all upset at me for me.

Do you thing, I never stopped you.


Dude, stop.. you lost, holy shit.

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37a3ec No.20987363


I'm taxi and don't need any burning

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3e74c4 No.20987364

File: 888611300adae35⋯.png (1.23 MB,1140x855,4:3,Rugrats_Muriel_Finster.png)


Your bunny ears are inappropriate to wear at this juncture in time. Please remove them immediately.

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d0c132 No.20987365

File: db0bdb0020df4d4⋯.png (748.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,1f56159842210f5c0d5b7305ad….png)

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8f63e8 No.20987366

More rhino posts please.

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a0f3cc No.20987367



a fucking 5th grader ought to be able to recognize it as technobabble jibberish

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

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3e74c4 No.20987368


Miss Fritzgerald would like to have a word with you young man! Report to detention immediately!!

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37a3ec No.20987369


yo yo Mama is…

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d0c132 No.20987370

File: 67d6637341d1544⋯.png (273.14 KB,512x512,1:1,1660719455270508.png)


You lost and can't stand it.


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00b2ac No.20987371

Why did Merchan letter about juror’s cousin drop on Friday night?

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8b8c52 No.20987372


It's a Rumble vid. Rumble links are ads. Don't have time for that.

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04f59c No.20987373

File: a866a5223463e57⋯.png (2.78 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


TY fren

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225d88 No.20987374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3e74c4 No.20987375

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)


Welcome to Miss Fitzgeralds detention! Please take a seat and remain quite until 8am in the morning.

Violaters will be sent to extended detention with many more memes to continue.

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d0c132 No.20987376

File: 662466718966a27⋯.png (412.4 KB,553x562,553:562,1657055079620.png)

Night night!

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37a3ec No.20987377


Still available

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b25643 No.20987378

looks like you, yourself, and your other selves will be bringing this limp biscuit to a pathetic whimpering end.

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175013 No.20987379

File: 45e1f2fb669c40f⋯.jpg (15.68 KB,255x207,85:69,45e1f2fb669c40fab187bfa17c….jpg)


im busy

shut the fuck up, fag

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d0c132 No.20987380

File: 0c14397eeb8cb9a⋯.png (337.66 KB,585x633,195:211,0c14397eeb8cb9a0cddda08e29….png)


Kek, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Take moar adderall, killer.

Good night!

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3e74c4 No.20987381

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)


Welcome to detention dipshit! Say hello to the next friend four legged dog who will be joining you during you session. It starts with a T and ends with a e. Any guesses?

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6828dd No.20987382



It's about the damn laptop that is all.

The fact that they lied about it being russian disinfo, thereby…election interference, etc, etc.

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a3d164 No.20987383



>a fucking 5th grader ought to be able to recognize it as technobabble jibberish

>>>20986907, >>20987194 (You) Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

Guess what shill, I was the first in the world to warn about upcoming chaos too: the fake pandemic, toxic vaccines, riots, nwo cops protecting hospital murderers etc… before you were kneeling to BLM and apologizing.

If I didn't put my life on the line, you would have succumbed to the false narrative too. Why so you think PDJT truthed "There is no greater love, than for a man to lay down his life for his friends"? Do you know who said "A Patriot is your best friend, not the other way around" or ""A Patriot is your best friend, regardless if you are theirs"

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8b8c52 No.20987384


The Derp State always drops on Friday. It gets lost in the memory hole because everyone is busy getting their dicks wet.

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d0c132 No.20987385

File: 209c50007914409⋯.gif (959.07 KB,640x360,16:9,1635203268512.gif)


What are you even saying at this point?

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3e74c4 No.20987386

File: 9529eb23e36192d⋯.png (173.84 KB,500x460,25:23,T_Bone.png)


Hurray! It's T-bone from Clifford the Big Red Dog! Can we please give a warm welcome to T-Bone class?

You will just LOVE the next detention members coming to join us shortly!

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175013 No.20987387


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds


>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987232, >>20987238, >>20987283, >>20987270, >>20987305, >>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125, >>20987332, >>20987314 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!!

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

>>20987240 Corrupt juror in Merchan's trial against Trump, on the record.

>>20987237, >>20987247 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election.

>>20987263 Donald J. Trump: Join TrumpForce47.com today!

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d0c132 No.20987388

File: b397b2d0dcf1d5d⋯.png (558.59 KB,1495x1041,1495:1041,b397b2d0dcf1d5dd1795941fe2….png)


Okay, you're not even coherent anymore.

Looks like you're broken.

Have a nice night.

Bye bye!

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3e74c4 No.20987389

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)


Now our next detention guest is from a very popular show in the 90s. Any guesses? I will give you one clue! His favorite color is GREEN!

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17b9d4 No.20987390

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this was the first sighting of beebo after his death which was reported 6 months later following the ceo of smartmatic .

great dig btw. good times.


below was the megyn kelly interview about the drug used by hamas fighters trained by clowns

can add to bun for moar context which started this wholle thing in israel…


The Little-Known Drug That Hamas Terrorists and Others Might Be Taking Before Attacks, with Dr. Drew



163,897 views 12 Oct 2023

Megyn Kelly is joined by Dr. Drew, host of The Dr. Drew Podcast, to discuss the drug Hamas may have taken before attacking Israel, the drug epidemic and its relation to the Israel-Hamas war, and more.

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3e74c4 No.20987391

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)


Good guess, but not good enough!

Please welcome me in introducing…

Countdown please.




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37a3ec No.20987392


Punich of whores

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175013 No.20987393

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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2e12ce No.20987394

Devin Nunes ReTruthed approx 2:20AM 6/8/2024


Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅




Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist David Sacks joins the Great Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…


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3e74c4 No.20987395

File: f0a8afc6bad8d98⋯.jpg (150.55 KB,700x1000,7:10,918uf2BFfCL_AC_UY1000_.jpg)


A big welcome to our newest detention member, Tommy, the green ranger from power rangers!

Please give Tommy a big round of applause!!

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8e6361 No.20987396

File: 4fb835590bf021d⋯.png (259.32 KB,337x473,337:473,grouch.PNG)

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15fd1d No.20987397


That is not definitive proof. My decode of Removerestrictions.bat from Mike Lindell's symposium is definitive proof and undisputable.

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336272 No.20987398

File: 03995f05b55b5e5⋯.jpg (190.75 KB,768x960,4:5,8ef691820556015db0898cc553….jpg)


thats been the last four yes, for some.

>>Any guesses?

test tubage

don't have a rocket, pop an adderall with the short bus driver.

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37a3ec No.20987399


You are punich of whores

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2e12ce No.20987400

Jun 7, 2024


LAS VEGAS (KLAS) — An undocumented immigrant who had previously been deported is now accused of second-degree murder in Las Vegas.

Jorge Miranda, 46, allegedly sold fentanyl pills to a 45-year-old man who then later died of an overdose on Feb. 15, according to Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department officials.

Miranda had two active warrants, one for a drug-related case and the other for a traffic violation, at the time of his arrest in February. He had been deported from the United States and his visa expired in 2016, police said.

Detectives executed a search warrant at Miranda’s home near Staton Elementary School in the Summerlin community of Las Vegas. There, investigators found M-30 fentanyl pills, also known as blues. Additionally, police found drug packaging materials and cocaine inside a Ninja Turtles lunch box, alongside more fentanyl and cocaine, and four firearms, including a sawed-off shotgun.

Investigators determined Miranda had more than 174 grams of fentanyl “M-30” pills and more than 243 grams of cocaine inside the home. In addition, more than $19,000 in cash was found throughout the home, according to police documents.

Police also referred to a woman who also appeared to live at the home. It is unclear whether she will also face charges.

After the fatal overdose, Miranda met an undercover detective to sell 20 fentanyl pills for $400, according to an arrest report obtained by the 8newsnow.com Investigators. Miranda had a gun in his right front pocket, police said. ..

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425274 No.20987401

File: 28ff3edd0de4a22⋯.png (758.52 KB,976x1266,488:633,1717713028.png)


Usually like to hide stuff over the weekend but also that is something once found you don't hold on to right. Especially with social media and an apparatus that makes it up

Curious what other news will comes out these other 12 hr news cycles leading into Monday

Q post date deltas are Quiet

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37a3ec No.20987402


Punich of whores you are

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3e74c4 No.20987403

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)


Lady Farnese?!? Is that really you? Welcome to detention!

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6828dd No.20987404


It's like the idiot Merchan woke up finally and realized - he IS the President!!!

Every fucking day of the trial, Trump's attorney, Blanche, would introduce Trump to the acting judge as "President Trump" and Merchan would reply with a Mr. Trump. Fucking asshole couldn't even address him properly!!

Something happened (might come out later), but he finally realized he's fucking with the wrong guy!!! So they make up this jury shit.

Hahahahaha!! Boss saysMISTRIAL!!!

Now, Merchan is gonna get his ass removed from the bench and a new judge (a real judge) will be appointed to the "retrial" and the real judge will just dismiss the whole thing - no crime, statute of limitations, etc. etc. etc.

Done and done!!!

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3e74c4 No.20987405

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)


Farnese, you will just love our next member to detention. He is a frog and his favorite color is green. Any guesses?

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15fd1d No.20987406


>(You) Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually

Baker, the main point is "In reality, people around the world are being targeted with cyanide and radiation in order to thicken their blood" Diabetes is just one affect but a very important one.

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262d5d No.20987407

File: 2963f8039d85ed8⋯.png (24.68 KB,210x210,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e74c4 No.20987408

File: f8b56273b79a469⋯.jpeg (38.23 KB,450x450,1:1,character_themuppets_kerm….jpeg)


It seems I have stumped lady Farnese from using some empirical logic and reasoning abilities. Please give it up for Kermit the frog!

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336272 No.20987409

File: 3f4b7da5f861f09⋯.jpg (25.78 KB,300x271,300:271,040701616022da490f8efa8101….jpg)


>Lady Farnese

Hey Val… *Venomous tone*

What, was it the eye brow bangs that tipped you off?

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6828dd No.20987410



just was giving the gist of the vidya.

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8e6361 No.20987411


would like a list of them if you would be so kind so I can determine for myself what you consider true or not. :) thanks in advance

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3e74c4 No.20987412

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)


The final member of detention is from your world line lady Farnese. His favorite color is black. Do we have any guesses detention class?

To give you a hint, he is certainly a hunk!

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8f63e8 No.20987413

I need sleep but the new gay posters are funny

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421dd8 No.20987414

File: dff7111ed4efacd⋯.png (529.87 KB,718x734,359:367,POTUSbongoproo.png)

File: a7015cb73fc611a⋯.mp4 (9.79 MB,480x270,16:9,PSTreasjune2021.mp4)

File: e8ea1cea283b649⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Pears120420EleComp.mp4)

https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump So POTUS RT’d bongo saying: Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election'. Don’t miss my show today blablabla fat chance! Jun 06, 2024, 11:59 AM (not linking that shit, but there’s its timestamp, and it’s on POTUS’ Feed).

Does this first VID (3:20) apply to bongo, because anyone who’d been watching OAN doesn’t need to see “proof” over THREE FUCKING YEARS after the fact. VID1 aired in June of 2021; Vid2 (2:36) aired December 4, 2020 includes ruby freeman & Co.— prior to 2000 MULES and Lindell broadcasting his stuff, so even Dec 4, 2020 Proof was just tip on iceberg.

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3e74c4 No.20987415

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)


Lady Farnese, any last guesses? Think about logically… He is from your world line and his favorite color is black. Oh! Please make us proud!

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6b665d No.20987416

File: c395a6395cedcb3⋯.png (187.65 KB,522x412,261:206,ClipboardImage.png)

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175013 No.20987417


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds


>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987232, >>20987238, >>20987283, >>20987270, >>20987305, >>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125, >>20987332, >>20987314 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!!

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

>>20987240 Corrupt juror in Merchan's trial against Trump, on the record.

>>20987237, >>20987247 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election.

>>20987263 Donald J. Trump: Join TrumpForce47.com today!

>>20987305, >>20987320, >>20987330, >>20987390

>>20987394 Dan Scavino: Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist David Sacks joins the Great Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…

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8e6361 No.20987418


same idk y i am awake at 3am.

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c612a9 No.20987419

File: f11ef49733c120c⋯.png (790.24 KB,891x579,297:193,hetrgyee.PNG)

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6b665d No.20987420

File: 92cec8472618908⋯.png (556.88 KB,1024x1004,256:251,ClipboardImage.png)

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51a0b5 No.20987421


Dr Halper mentioned something to the affect that they did use my information about "No standing" is not claiming damages and that they had some technical programs that proved fraud which put on hold 46 lawsuits that can be later reopened with proper damages claimed but we never heard anything back since then.

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175013 No.20987422


what is the solution?

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6828dd No.20987423


Remember that recording that was posted here a long while back with Sheriff Arpaio and his side kick (the guy that helped him investigate if the obama birth certificate was real or not)?

The whole recording was about some guys that had all this information about obama spying on everybody and they came and brought it to Arpaio wondering what to do with it. Someone mentioned giving it to Trump (this was before the 2016 election, but I think Trump had already announced he was running).

Then Arpaio says, out of the blue, something to the effect "You know Trump is a double agent right?" and one of those guys says yeah, like it was no big deal!

Good old times!

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3e74c4 No.20987424

File: f697ebcf7a2174b⋯.jpg (74.94 KB,640x475,128:95,lj4jshnpb7j61.jpg)

It seems I have stumped the silly trianime crew. Seems their intellect is surely lacking in the manga and 90s department.

Please give a warm welcome to Guts, the black swordsman!

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6f2fd6 No.20987425

File: 0894898e3d605ce⋯.jpg (307.58 KB,1080x1023,360:341,Screenshot_20240608_015647….jpg)

🦍📡🇺🇸 No more free money! Same immigration policies! Reparations for all atrocities committed by Mossad & Jews against Americans!

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17b9d4 No.20987426


>>20987232, >>20987238, >>20987270, >>20987283, >>20987305, >>20987390

mistrial - djt t.s post plus possible decode, fvey eyes and iran hamas attack drug theory, next comms.

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73e0b0 No.20987427


anon is still up because the neighbors are loud partying outside.

Yelling like they are in pain or angry, yet they are having a blast. One day they'll scream and nobody will come to help because it's a sound associated with.that group's elation.

Gay posters are probably much funnier

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8f63e8 No.20987428

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So yeah. Things like this keep simple and modest lives so attractive right now.


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6828dd No.20987429


Maybe they're just waiting on the right timing!

Timing is everything!

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6b665d No.20987430

File: f468c65e689579a⋯.png (98.3 KB,648x736,81:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b3681 No.20987431


>idk y i am awake at 3am.

It's a nice time to mow the lawn. Much better than 9am when it's already too damn hot outside.

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eae686 No.20987432

File: 059b9910cfdeb70⋯.png (365.92 KB,820x547,820:547,m9754n67b4356v554634.png)


>Timing is everything!

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6b665d No.20987433

File: ab2e30ea9efc0f6⋯.png (108.99 KB,661x649,661:649,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e74c4 No.20987434

File: 3e9ba6d34048310⋯.png (173.05 KB,360x574,180:287,Valerie_Frizzle.png)

Now that I have introduced everyone for today's detention session, I ask that you all remain silent for the next 4 hours.

For you silly trianime faggots who have no knowledge of manga or 90s trends, this would be a very good opportunity to put your head down and actually learn where the images you post come from. Otherwise, watch out for that sneaky Rhino!

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8e6361 No.20987435


its done, but the garden could use weeding i suppose. My 4hr sleep last night kept me running around in dreamland so i get tired. don't wanna do it.

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8f63e8 No.20987436


Cats love hi5s

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425274 No.20987437


Missed that one but his PowerPoint presentation of the fake birth certificate and showing the layers via Photoshop was something else

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17b9d4 No.20987438


this one should have been aborted at birth.

fucking wasting air, do it for climate change.

ffs filtered.

what a faggot.

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425274 No.20987439


Use to wonder the same,

Like clockwork

Usually come here and browse

Catch up on notes


This anon keeps forgetting to put phone across the room when actually sleeping though

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756dd9 No.20987440

File: c9be2ecac7bb465⋯.jpeg (122.76 KB,1024x1024,1:1,c9be2ecac7bb465236e075069….jpeg)


I can't be upset with you if I was never pleased with you to begin with.

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bf633b No.20987441

I crossed the desert on a dining car

In the spring of ninety-one

I met some people drinking at the bar

They were laughing, having fun

I told 'em that I hadn't heard the joke

That was so hilarious

They said that I was just a dumb cowpoke

I didn't want to make a fuss

So I shot 'em down, one by one

Then I left 'em 'long the rails

I use my gun

Whenever kindness fails

The moon was in the sign of Scorpio

The sun was at my back

I didn't know how far the train would go

Until the law would find my track

I saw the brakeman and the engineer

Drinking wine and eating Brie

I asked 'em who would brake and who would steer

They started pointing back at me

So I shot 'em down, one by one

Then I left 'em 'long the rails

I use my gun

Whenever kindness fails

I only have a moment to explain

Just a chance to let you know

When it's time for you to board the train

There are two ways you can go

You can ride the wheels into the sun

Feel the wind upon your face

Or you can laugh into a loaded gun

And you'll likely lose your place

So I shot 'em down, one by one

Then I left 'em 'long the rails

I use my gun

Whenever kindness fails

Yeah I shot 'em down, one by one

Then I left 'em 'long the rails

When I use my gun

That lonesome whistle wails


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336272 No.20987442

File: 619e1b1bec1e867⋯.jpg (131.74 KB,1280x720,16:9,b57d01fe8cf0ec2a5989f825f2….jpg)

>>It seems I have stumped lady Farnese from using some empirical logic and reasoning abilities.


ya, yay know. *haaaa's on fingernails and, polishes them on shirt*


Please give it up for Pipi pepe instead.

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6b665d No.20987443

File: e8ed783cc9df761⋯.png (89.29 KB,645x450,43:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b3681 No.20987444


>the garden could use weeding i suppose

Use something with a two-cycle engine.

All your neighbors who love to make noise at the crack of dawn shouldn't have any objection to being woken up a bit early.

And if they sleep with their windows open, make some garlic bread.

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6828dd No.20987445


It'd be a lot easier to LISTEN CLOSELY if you left out the damn MUSIC!!!!

Why do people do that???

There's a video you wanna listen to with people discussing something important but some asshole has got this LOUD AND ANNOYING music over it!!!!!

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8a850f No.20987446

[Fucking anime…]

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6828dd No.20987447


I loved that! Watched it several times over! Why nothing ever came of it though!! They even figured out who's birth cert. they copied everything from!!! Hahahaha!!!! It was great and the media was so pissed at them!!!

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8e6361 No.20987448


lol not many neighbors really, but yeah if i had ones like yours i prolly would

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51a0b5 No.20987449


You know, I hope so. I do not think they realize how much energy and suffering we have gone through and continue to do so without any reprieve. The enemy knows who we are and just this week alone, my wife prayed to God to take her life and had a nightmare of looking at her own dead body. The time could not come soon enough and just may not. How do you think I know so much about these types of attacks?

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175013 No.20987450

File: a6b2386879d0869⋯.png (595.16 KB,1082x942,541:471,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 07f49a617063f40⋯.png (251.63 KB,941x676,941:676,ClipboardImage.png)

@Q anon76⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Trump's hush money conviction could be in doubt after a Facebook post claimed jurors were discussing plans to find the ex president quilty before delivering their verdict.

Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook

Trump hush money trial judge Juan Merchan warns parties of incriminating Facebook comment the day before the verdict


Trump hush money judge warns of incriminating post before verdict

The judge in Donald Trump's hush money trial sent a letter to the ex-president's lawyers and the prosecutors warning of an incriminating social media post from before the jury reached its verdict.

Jun 08, 2024, 2:31 AM


Trump's hush money conviction could be in doubt after a Facebook post claimed jurors were discussing plans to find the ex-president guilty before delivering their verdict.

Judge Juan Merchan sparked speculation of potential mistrial when he sent a letter to the prosecution and defense attorneys about the message that read: 'My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted [heart emoji] Thank you folks for all your had work!!!!'

The user, named Michael Anderson, wrote the post that sparked confusion on a New York Unified Court System's Facebook page.

It raises questions about whether one of the jurors did in fact discuss the case with others when they were not allowed to.

If that were the case, it could be grounds for a mistrial.


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8e6361 No.20987451


oh are they allowed to go thru their phones then? with jus cause?

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6828dd No.20987452


He was forced to.

Heard it was a state supreme court judge that saw it and told Merchan! He had no choice!

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175013 No.20987453

File: b81b1cc86cac600⋯.png (244.83 KB,1290x683,1290:683,ClipboardImage.png)



Anonymous 11/02/2017 14:39:41 ID: zGyR4tyi

4chan/pol: 147646606

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

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50d1a1 No.20987454

File: 91102362436ec30⋯.png (385.12 KB,860x645,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


of course.

but apart from anons who can focus

normmies need bread and circus's.

tic toc generation..

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da3027 No.20987455

Punich of whores


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689a51 No.20987456

File: 609df22888cf141⋯.jpg (639.17 KB,2560x2409,2560:2409,Paris_paris_whitney_hilton….jpg)

File: b08584da0db6c50⋯.png (45.5 KB,387x564,129:188,Q522.png)

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da3027 No.20987457


Punich of Slutty starlets

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7ebb4d No.20987458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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51a0b5 No.20987459


On that note, Good night and God Bess America and those that fought for America and the Truth. May God's countenance shine down on you all. We will never forget your sacrifices and fortitude.

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7b3681 No.20987460

File: 2c543dea6384a7b⋯.png (164.77 KB,480x480,1:1,2c543dea6384a7bc836e2036d0….png)


>The user, named Michael Anderson, wrote the post that sparked confusion on a New York Unified Court System's Facebook page.

What are the odds that Michael Anderson works for the C_A?

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336272 No.20987461

File: 686fb9b3d12b50d⋯.png (132.75 KB,500x300,5:3,52b2d14119b257bcf3b502bee6….png)


>>Oh! Please make us proud!

(You) probally mean God hand or something, cant tell through the zanax fog, orbiting the methyphendate.


Four hours are up Lunar Module, plus I'm in the library three floors down…

But oddly enough, so are (you) but still three floors up *VAL*…

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da3027 No.20987462

Punich of astrologers whores

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6828dd No.20987463


Damn! We've gone through SO much! I've gone through three laptops so far. Sometimes I got through my files just to remind myself of things and can't believe all the shit we've gone through. I swear I was being stalked for a while. I live very rural so, police can never get here in time if something were to happen. One time I had to call the cops, took them 2 hours to get here. They looked around and found some guys doing drugs out back behind my property. One of the cops told me to get a dog or a gun or both! I got both! Then I put signs all over my property saying I have cameras posted everywhere! It's been quiet ever since.

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da3027 No.20987464


Only stupid need those whores

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39eb4f No.20987465

File: c66a0e362faab4d⋯.jpeg (176.66 KB,735x1198,735:1198,6733C4BA_B34D_4F76_B0CF_3….jpeg)


Just got here. GN dear. And GN anons.

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801fee No.20987466

File: edcd8590eb9074b⋯.png (104.8 KB,500x619,500:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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756dd9 No.20987467

File: 1cae6791b3bc390⋯.jpeg (133.18 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG2_15_14_.jpeg)

You heard it here first ladies and gentle frogs,

Meme Warfare breads are back and booming again on /pol/

And once we get some feedback on my dough proposal in Meta, we will have an updated Memes bread over here too, with a full list of modern tools, as well as maybe some nostalgia I think.


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8a850f No.20987468

File: 6fe868ed97424e8⋯.jpg (66.98 KB,1089x1081,1089:1081,20240604_121529.jpg)

File: 44433dc7a112041⋯.jpg (17.89 KB,960x540,16:9,20240607_014528.jpg)

File: 51cdf4499f0461f⋯.jpg (13.12 KB,1060x498,530:249,20240603_220735.jpg)

File: cc0679596058186⋯.jpg (69.09 KB,681x662,681:662,20240604_122148.jpg)

[Just say no

To bioweapons]

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856a1c No.20987469

File: c2ab8dd3de72e46⋯.jpg (721.36 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240608_030025….jpg)

Marantz Rantz YouTube channel exposes Private Equity that is destroying America


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6828dd No.20987470

File: 29b700ea86dbf2e⋯.jpg (7.38 KB,255x183,85:61,1c66b71f30c2d142163ba11cb1….jpg)


Good night anon!

I'm hitting the sack too!

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175013 No.20987471

File: 710c37449b1cb5b⋯.png (868.25 KB,1376x720,86:45,ClipboardImage.png)


smart anon!

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8a850f No.20987472



Or stfu you slanderous liar?]

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50d1a1 No.20987473

File: eed7933621f7569⋯.png (869.43 KB,1014x1082,507:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f92e7b6b6ffd99c⋯.png (1.13 MB,754x963,754:963,ClipboardImage.png)


anon will never be the same again.

fuck knows what anon has done to his mind

good advice from trump and farage

try not to think about it when you are on a mission from God.

In God We Trust.

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1fbd79 No.20987474

File: 60b88ad54dc784d⋯.jpeg (185.89 KB,828x791,828:791,IMG_1350.jpeg)

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da3027 No.20987475

We called them

Whores Gang

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7ebb4d No.20987476

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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50d1a1 No.20987477

File: 7f08eba8cdf644f⋯.gif (1.22 MB,404x305,404:305,gabby.gif)

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756dd9 No.20987478

File: 90264e30822b342⋯.png (1.39 MB,1024x1024,1:1,1717830201096911.png)

someone's baking this thing, right?

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da3027 No.20987479

File: 68688468f04e98b⋯.jpg (142.4 KB,800x800,1:1,Signs_of_the_Zodiac_astrol….jpg)

Whores Gang

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da3027 No.20987480


Yo are nothing but

Whores Gang

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9a6875 No.20987481


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7ebb4d No.20987482

aliens talk to me. its WEIRD

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bf633b No.20987483


I am sorry you feel this way, but I really don't care

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39eb4f No.20987484

File: cbfbf04ab414443⋯.jpeg (20.63 KB,241x255,241:255,36FBF9A6_D94B_44D6_8711_E….jpeg)


>has a clear affect (a verb used as a noun)

*s/b ‘effect’ (a noun)

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9a6875 No.20987485

ty for the proof.

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39eb4f No.20987487


Your dick in a room full of available childbearing age women.

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b10a9d No.20987488

File: c3abf49fb0720cc⋯.png (203.44 KB,952x500,238:125,ClipboardImage.png)



> >>20985958 (pb), >>20985963 (pb) He has no idea what he's talking about. That's a troll he's describing. Shitposting is a art unto itself

So is the idea, like with the HBO "QAnon Special" - and Q shooter on the dam bridge, and the dank meme jail sentence - to make shitposters look like shit to the public?

Look this shitposter tried to derail the trial we designed to derail the election!

Discovery will at least be interesting.

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7ebb4d No.20987489

the aliens that talk to me claim to be Q

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d9533d No.20987490

Shut up you fucking faggot

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61374d No.20987491


Hm I guess 2 proofs.

DJT speech, and shadilay, 3 shqdilays source pic.

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d9533d No.20987492


Your sister’s box is Q

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d9533d No.20987493


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9b0a7f No.20987494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House Riot fences going up late in the evening

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db6244 No.20987495

Who doesn’t love a good game of doing that one thing that you used to love on your terms?

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175013 No.20987496



#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds


>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987232, >>20987453, >>20987238, >>20987283, >>20987270, >>20987305, >>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125, >>20987332, >>20987314, >>20987404 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!! decode, fvey eyes and iran hamas attack drug theory, next comms.

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

>>20987240 Corrupt juror in Merchan's trial against Trump, on the record.

>>20987237, >>20987247 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election.

>>20987263 Donald J. Trump: Join TrumpForce47.com today!

>>20987305, >>20987320, >>20987330, >>20987390

>>20987394 Dan Scavino: Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist David Sacks joins the Great Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…

>>20987450, >>20987451 Judge Merchan has sent letters to prosecution and defense attorneys about jurors discussing plans to find the ex president guilty before delivering their verdict = MISTRIAL

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db6244 No.20987497

Nothing but Nike and under armor.

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db6244 No.20987498

Paid to say it.

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801fee No.20987499


Hadn't thought of the term "flame war" in years. Good times.

Half my life was pre-internet. That was really good times!

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175013 No.20987500

File: 410d97c7e68efb5⋯.png (172.5 KB,1133x955,1133:955,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e185f97071e376⋯.png (183.25 KB,1143x936,127:104,ClipboardImage.png)


$aprtmt q,surt

of tt

fituc of $eto @orh







NEW YORK, N.Y 10013

Via Email

June 7 ,2024

Todd Blanche, Esq.

99 Wall Street

Suite 44(10

New York, NY 10005

ADA Joshua Steinglass

New York County District Attorney's Offrce

One Hogan Place

New York, NY 10013

R.e: People u.'frump,Ind. No. 71,543-2023

Dear Counsel:

'foday, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System's public

Facebook page and which I now bnng to your attention. In the comment, the user, "Michael

,nderson," states:

"My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted $ Thank you

folks for all your hard work!!!! 9."

The comment, now labeled as one week old, responded to a routine UCS notice, postcd onMay 29,

2024, rcgarding oral arguments in the Fourth Department of the Appellatc Division unrelated to this

procccdrng. 'I'he postrng, entided "The rppellate Division, F-ourth l)epartment, will hear oral

arguments this morning at ," and the comment are both viewable at

https ://www. facebook.com/Tr{ewYorkCourts/.

udge Court of Claims

Actmg Justlcc Supremc Court

Susan Necheles, IJsq.

Counsel of record

ADA Susan Hoffinger

Assistant District Attorneys of record

Cout file


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8e6361 No.20987501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Air Canada Flight AC872 had a rough takeoff Wednesday when one of the Boeing 777’s engines caught fire. “We’ve got an engine fire—holy shit,” one onlooker who filmed the malfunction exclaimed. The engine intermittently spat fire as the plane climbed. The plane quickly turned around for an emergency landing in Toronto, where fire crews were waiting. The flight was bound for Paris carrying 389 passengers, and had to make an emergency landing following the “engine issue,” according to the New York Post. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, according to the Post. “After the aircraft landed, it was inspected by airport response vehicles as per normal operating processes, and it taxied to the gate on its own,” Air Canada said in a statement. The plane was taken out of service and passengers were rebooked on another flight.



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8e6361 No.20987502


wat would that be?

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50d1a1 No.20987503



dei hires probably..

fucking hell, why would you let anyone near a passenger aircraft who has a mind virus.

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db6244 No.20987504

She tolerates the night shift so she can wear yoga pants around him..

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175013 No.20987505


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds


>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987232, >>20987453, >>20987238, >>20987283, >>20987270, >>20987305, >>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125, >>20987332, >>20987314, >>20987404 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!! decode, fvey eyes and iran hamas attack drug theory, next comms.

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

>>20987240 Corrupt juror in Merchan's trial against Trump, on the record.

>>20987237, >>20987247 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election.

>>20987263 Donald J. Trump: Join TrumpForce47.com today!

>>20987305, >>20987320, >>20987330, >>20987390

>>20987394 Dan Scavino: Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist David Sacks joins the Great Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…

>>20987450, >>20987451 Judge Merchan has sent letters to prosecution and defense attorneys about jurors discussing plans to find the ex president guilty before delivering their verdict = MISTRIAL

>>20987500 Merchan PDF 'My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted'

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8e6361 No.20987506

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db6244 No.20987507

File: facca369d405a7e⋯.jpeg (21.57 KB,176x287,176:287,IMG_1903.jpeg)

File: fbcfbfad59296ae⋯.jpeg (2.91 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1890.jpeg)

File: 9cedbd1d1b0a827⋯.webp (13.65 KB,503x498,503:498,IMG_1775.webp)


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801fee No.20987508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Almost heaven.

8Kun disallowed the shortened link.


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3cfd14 No.20987514



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db6244 No.20987516

File: 311e02370ff356c⋯.webp (146.59 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_1923.webp)

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175013 No.20987518

File: 1c6b3459c491daa⋯.png (520.74 KB,760x350,76:35,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition

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175013 No.20987519

File: 1e1c228698e2342⋯.png (2.99 MB,1468x2000,367:500,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition

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3cfd14 No.20987520

File: 10f46237a471001⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,383x382,383:382,2023_08_18_18_56_10.jpg)

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175013 No.20987521

File: 55a0c3ec1dce0cd⋯.png (404.1 KB,460x690,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition

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db6244 No.20987523

You still have fun in the tank, sleepy head?

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175013 No.20987524

File: 23a35780adf6986⋯.png (692.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition

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db6244 No.20987526

Merchan needs a 🔱

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db6244 No.20987527

A good wig

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db6244 No.20987528

Singing sisters

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db6244 No.20987530

And lau lau

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175013 No.20987531

File: 855c28acdb1c88b⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,1080x1920,9:16,thanking_myself_with_a_smi….mp4)



thanking you too!

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8e6361 No.20987532


getting a bit stuffy.

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3cfd14 No.20987539

File: b71f0088ce21924⋯.png (80.17 KB,180x317,180:317,night_ship1.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987542

File: aee00e96b792039⋯.png (39.67 KB,179x213,179:213,grump_nerd_cat.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987545

File: 12ffc908f99a96c⋯.png (97.62 KB,435x185,87:37,2023_09_28_23_16_11.png)

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175013 No.20987546

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition




🎸🔑🍻💀🔨 🪞


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3cfd14 No.20987547

File: 5a80420044dd69c⋯.png (612.55 KB,894x498,149:83,nightshift_jim.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987548

File: 8f981dd7d04b9e1⋯.png (62.64 KB,242x209,22:19,wwg1wga.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987550

File: 35802e876aae7a7⋯.png (364.86 KB,624x799,624:799,pepe_sweet_dreams.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987552

File: 90edfd6b997d44a⋯.jpg (25.59 KB,433x323,433:323,breadmobile.jpg)

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175013 No.20987553


contributing is all i have to give

my time

no one ever said it was fun

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3cfd14 No.20987554

File: 801b5e2fa374c86⋯.png (873.87 KB,837x509,837:509,pepe_celebration.png)

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175013 No.20987556

File: 6b6fa6dfc3b2326⋯.png (555.32 KB,1280x800,8:5,watch_the_water.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987557

File: b1e9318a006e04c⋯.png (397.96 KB,779x436,779:436,tanks_stolen.png)


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3cfd14 No.20987561

File: f1602baa6a055bd⋯.jpg (13.28 KB,318x286,159:143,pepe_thumbs_up2.jpg)

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d3f27c No.20987563

File: 1f8c0d07fa9493d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1109x1350,1109:1350,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987566

File: c1931afa9d233d1⋯.jpg (25.75 KB,378x367,378:367,pepe_comfy_in_bed.jpg)

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175013 No.20987567

File: 839a509354bb4e6⋯.png (1.61 MB,780x1036,195:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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