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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,000ddd.jpg)

891046 No.20986748 [View All]

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701 posts and 485 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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7ebb4d No.20987489

the aliens that talk to me claim to be Q

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d9533d No.20987490

Shut up you fucking faggot

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61374d No.20987491


Hm I guess 2 proofs.

DJT speech, and shadilay, 3 shqdilays source pic.

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d9533d No.20987492


Your sister’s box is Q

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d9533d No.20987493


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9b0a7f No.20987494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

White House Riot fences going up late in the evening

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db6244 No.20987495

Who doesn’t love a good game of doing that one thing that you used to love on your terms?

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175013 No.20987496



#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds


>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987232, >>20987453, >>20987238, >>20987283, >>20987270, >>20987305, >>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125, >>20987332, >>20987314, >>20987404 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!! decode, fvey eyes and iran hamas attack drug theory, next comms.

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

>>20987240 Corrupt juror in Merchan's trial against Trump, on the record.

>>20987237, >>20987247 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election.

>>20987263 Donald J. Trump: Join TrumpForce47.com today!

>>20987305, >>20987320, >>20987330, >>20987390

>>20987394 Dan Scavino: Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist David Sacks joins the Great Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…

>>20987450, >>20987451 Judge Merchan has sent letters to prosecution and defense attorneys about jurors discussing plans to find the ex president guilty before delivering their verdict = MISTRIAL

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db6244 No.20987497

Nothing but Nike and under armor.

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db6244 No.20987498

Paid to say it.

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801fee No.20987499


Hadn't thought of the term "flame war" in years. Good times.

Half my life was pre-internet. That was really good times!

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175013 No.20987500

File: 410d97c7e68efb5⋯.png (172.5 KB,1133x955,1133:955,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e185f97071e376⋯.png (183.25 KB,1143x936,127:104,ClipboardImage.png)


$aprtmt q,surt

of tt

fituc of $eto @orh







NEW YORK, N.Y 10013

Via Email

June 7 ,2024

Todd Blanche, Esq.

99 Wall Street

Suite 44(10

New York, NY 10005

ADA Joshua Steinglass

New York County District Attorney's Offrce

One Hogan Place

New York, NY 10013

R.e: People u.'frump,Ind. No. 71,543-2023

Dear Counsel:

'foday, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System's public

Facebook page and which I now bnng to your attention. In the comment, the user, "Michael

,nderson," states:

"My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted $ Thank you

folks for all your hard work!!!! 9."

The comment, now labeled as one week old, responded to a routine UCS notice, postcd onMay 29,

2024, rcgarding oral arguments in the Fourth Department of the Appellatc Division unrelated to this

procccdrng. 'I'he postrng, entided "The rppellate Division, F-ourth l)epartment, will hear oral

arguments this morning at ," and the comment are both viewable at

https ://www. facebook.com/Tr{ewYorkCourts/.

udge Court of Claims

Actmg Justlcc Supremc Court

Susan Necheles, IJsq.

Counsel of record

ADA Susan Hoffinger

Assistant District Attorneys of record

Cout file


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8e6361 No.20987501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Air Canada Flight AC872 had a rough takeoff Wednesday when one of the Boeing 777’s engines caught fire. “We’ve got an engine fire—holy shit,” one onlooker who filmed the malfunction exclaimed. The engine intermittently spat fire as the plane climbed. The plane quickly turned around for an emergency landing in Toronto, where fire crews were waiting. The flight was bound for Paris carrying 389 passengers, and had to make an emergency landing following the “engine issue,” according to the New York Post. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, according to the Post. “After the aircraft landed, it was inspected by airport response vehicles as per normal operating processes, and it taxied to the gate on its own,” Air Canada said in a statement. The plane was taken out of service and passengers were rebooked on another flight.



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8e6361 No.20987502


wat would that be?

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50d1a1 No.20987503



dei hires probably..

fucking hell, why would you let anyone near a passenger aircraft who has a mind virus.

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db6244 No.20987504

She tolerates the night shift so she can wear yoga pants around him..

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175013 No.20987505


#25739 >>20986759

>>20986778, >>20986813 Bin Ladin: WHO Ramping Up Pandemic 2.0 With Bird Flu Narrative!

>>20986842, >>20986827, >>20986835, >>20986840, >>20986844, >>20986859 Trump conviction thrown into jeopardy over shock 'juror remark' posted to Facebook the day before guilty verdicts

>>20986861, >>20986869, >>20986915 World War Two veteran shares astonishing item of Hitler's property he kept

>>20986876 The American College of Pediatricians just put out a 🔥🔥🔥 statement calling out all the major medical associations by name for pushing the gender transition craze on kids.

>>20986879, >>20986901 FIB n OJ

>>20986884 We see the sacrificed pawns and sly gambits but let’s find who’s moving the pieces . . .

>>20986902 Strike for Canadian border workers on hold until Wednesday

>>20986910 The AI machine has no creativity. They only mimic, doge does it pretty well just sayin

>>20986911 The Fed Quietly ‘Admits’ Gold Is Replacing The Dollar As Collapse ‘Fear’ Predicted To Trigger A $15.7 Trillion ETF Bitcoin Price Flip

>>20986924 @DanScavino Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist @DavidSacks joins the Great @Larry_Kudlow…..

>>20986941 Canadian billionaire, horse racing group founder Frank Stronach, 91, arrested on sexual assault charges

>>20986968 Howard University Revokes Diddy’s Honorary Degree Issued In 2014, Ends Agreements, And Returns Gifted Funds


>>20987082 PF: SAM750 G5 departed Stuttgart Intl-AFRICOM after arriving from JBA yesterday and headed to Caen for continuing events for D Day Usually a SPAR callsign for AFRICOM Cmdr. so likely not them.

>>20987232, >>20987453, >>20987238, >>20987283, >>20987270, >>20987305, >>20987122, >>20987151, >>20987125, >>20987332, >>20987314, >>20987404 Donald Trump: MISTRIAL!!! decode, fvey eyes and iran hamas attack drug theory, next comms.

>>20987163 William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took 'Earthrise' photo, dies in plane crash at 90

>>20986907, >>20987194 Anon Theory: I asserted a long time ago that diabetes is actually cyanide and radiation poisoning done on a mass scale

>>20987240 Corrupt juror in Merchan's trial against Trump, on the record.

>>20987237, >>20987247 Donald J. Trump ReTruthed: Irrefutable proof that the deep state stole the 2020 election.

>>20987263 Donald J. Trump: Join TrumpForce47.com today!

>>20987305, >>20987320, >>20987330, >>20987390

>>20987394 Dan Scavino: Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist David Sacks joins the Great Larry Kudlow on Fox Business to discuss his huge fundraiser for @realDonaldTrump last night in San Francisco, California…

>>20987450, >>20987451 Judge Merchan has sent letters to prosecution and defense attorneys about jurors discussing plans to find the ex president guilty before delivering their verdict = MISTRIAL

>>20987500 Merchan PDF 'My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted'

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8e6361 No.20987506

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db6244 No.20987507

File: facca369d405a7e⋯.jpeg (21.57 KB,176x287,176:287,IMG_1903.jpeg)

File: fbcfbfad59296ae⋯.jpeg (2.91 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_1890.jpeg)

File: 9cedbd1d1b0a827⋯.webp (13.65 KB,503x498,503:498,IMG_1775.webp)


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801fee No.20987508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Almost heaven.

8Kun disallowed the shortened link.


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3cfd14 No.20987514



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db6244 No.20987516

File: 311e02370ff356c⋯.webp (146.59 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_1923.webp)

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175013 No.20987518

File: 1c6b3459c491daa⋯.png (520.74 KB,760x350,76:35,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition

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175013 No.20987519

File: 1e1c228698e2342⋯.png (2.99 MB,1468x2000,367:500,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition

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3cfd14 No.20987520

File: 10f46237a471001⋯.jpg (26.16 KB,383x382,383:382,2023_08_18_18_56_10.jpg)

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175013 No.20987521

File: 55a0c3ec1dce0cd⋯.png (404.1 KB,460x690,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition

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db6244 No.20987523

You still have fun in the tank, sleepy head?

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175013 No.20987524

File: 23a35780adf6986⋯.png (692.59 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition

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db6244 No.20987526

Merchan needs a 🔱

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db6244 No.20987527

A good wig

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db6244 No.20987528

Singing sisters

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db6244 No.20987530

And lau lau

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175013 No.20987531

File: 855c28acdb1c88b⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,1080x1920,9:16,thanking_myself_with_a_smi….mp4)



thanking you too!

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8e6361 No.20987532


getting a bit stuffy.

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3cfd14 No.20987539

File: b71f0088ce21924⋯.png (80.17 KB,180x317,180:317,night_ship1.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987542

File: aee00e96b792039⋯.png (39.67 KB,179x213,179:213,grump_nerd_cat.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987545

File: 12ffc908f99a96c⋯.png (97.62 KB,435x185,87:37,2023_09_28_23_16_11.png)

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175013 No.20987546

Fresh Bread









Q Research General #25740: BUSTED: Merchan Jurors Planned 'Guilty Verdict' = MISTRIAL Edition




🎸🔑🍻💀🔨 🪞


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3cfd14 No.20987547

File: 5a80420044dd69c⋯.png (612.55 KB,894x498,149:83,nightshift_jim.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987548

File: 8f981dd7d04b9e1⋯.png (62.64 KB,242x209,22:19,wwg1wga.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987550

File: 35802e876aae7a7⋯.png (364.86 KB,624x799,624:799,pepe_sweet_dreams.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987552

File: 90edfd6b997d44a⋯.jpg (25.59 KB,433x323,433:323,breadmobile.jpg)

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175013 No.20987553


contributing is all i have to give

my time

no one ever said it was fun

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3cfd14 No.20987554

File: 801b5e2fa374c86⋯.png (873.87 KB,837x509,837:509,pepe_celebration.png)

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175013 No.20987556

File: 6b6fa6dfc3b2326⋯.png (555.32 KB,1280x800,8:5,watch_the_water.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987557

File: b1e9318a006e04c⋯.png (397.96 KB,779x436,779:436,tanks_stolen.png)


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3cfd14 No.20987561

File: f1602baa6a055bd⋯.jpg (13.28 KB,318x286,159:143,pepe_thumbs_up2.jpg)

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d3f27c No.20987563

File: 1f8c0d07fa9493d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1109x1350,1109:1350,ClipboardImage.png)

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3cfd14 No.20987566

File: c1931afa9d233d1⋯.jpg (25.75 KB,378x367,378:367,pepe_comfy_in_bed.jpg)

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175013 No.20987567

File: 839a509354bb4e6⋯.png (1.61 MB,780x1036,195:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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