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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

f9e62f No.20985148 [Last50 Posts]

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f9e62f No.20985150

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f9e62f No.20985152


#25736A >>20984403

>>20984405 Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT

>>20984422 Blind Subservience To "Patriotism" Has Destroyed America

>>20984426 RNC Launches ‘Swamp The Vote’ Site, Appears to Be Just Another Data Mining Op.

>>20984428, >>20984584 PF Global Hawk up out of DC area is cruising along Mexico border after doing it's best to avoid flying over land

>>20984437 The new Miss Maryland USA is a man

>>20984439 Records expunged for St. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters. They want their guns back


>>20984458 Novara REACTS To 7-Party General Election BBC Debate

>>20984463 Inside the Base Where Israel Has Detained Thousands of Gazans

>>20984466 Justice Clarence Thomas formally reports trip to Bali paid for by conservative donor

>>20984468 @Snowden Looking forward to this! Q3785 Looking Forward to that flood Sir!

>>20984477 PF Conus activity: Four E-6 Mercury - two R135 SIGINT - one E3TF AWACS

>>20984486 Beyoncé gave concert tickets to Ketanji Brown Jackson & Justices Book Deals

>>20984500 transgender who shot six people to death at a Nashville Christian school, left behind notes allegedly focused on her “imaginary penis”

>>20984501, >>20984505, >>20984945, >>20985060 POTUS: JOIN TODAY! https://trumpforce47.com/

>>20984508 The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do With the Prosecutions of Trump Victor Davis Hanson

>>20984513 New Filing by Lake and Finchem: 2020 and 2022 Elections in Maricopa “No More Reliable than a Ouija Board”

>>20984516 USS Liberty Massacre: A Pivotal Moment in the Hostile Takeover of America

>>20984544 Finland becomes first country in the world to offer Bird Flu vaccines to humans

>>20984419, >>20984551 Tucker Carlson: Rep. Thomas Massie: Israel Lobbyists, the Cowards in Congress, and Living off the Grid

>>20984563 Australian nationalist, 20, has his bank account shut down due to his political views

>>20984579 Former Senior Executive at Chinatown Bank Sentenced to 3 Years in Federal Prison for Embezzling More Than $700,000 From Employer

>>20984585, >>20984590 Judgements on Covid and PPP Fraud Schemes

>>20984605, >>20984945, >>20984968 How to inspire people to show interest in your failing business

>>20984623, >>20984669 @WarRoom John Solomon On FBI Protecting Biden Family, Necessity To Enlist MAGA In Local And State Elections

>>20984648, 20984528 '97 SCOTUS 9-0 decision: Elections Undecided by Midnight are Void - anon bun

>>20984690 more PF: SAMs,PAT, and Navy G5s to JBA-Trudope to Calgary

>>20984703 DNA CONTAMINATION Confirmed .. in Australian vials of Pfizer and Moderna .. NOT safe for Humans

>>20984749 New Emerson Poll — Trump leads Biden 44-38 with all candidates included

>>20984773 Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR, But Media FREAKS Over Clarence Thomas’s $100K

>>20984792, >>20984798 TURLEY: Garland’s Moment of Truth: With the Perjury Referral, the Attorney General Faces a Clear Choice Between Principle and Politics

>>20984815, >>20984866, >>20984985, >>20985035, >>20985036 Merchan sends letter to parties in NY Trump case notifying them - A Questionable Web posting by someone who claimed to have been in contact with one of the TRUMP trial's jurors

>>20984833 Catch and release leads to four counts of sexual assault and one count of assault against a person with a severe mental handicap

>>20984840 MIKE LINDELL: "Our Election Software: An Insecure System, in an Insecure Database, in Plain Text."

>>20984852 NY Democratic congressional candidate calls for MAGA re-education camps

>>20984863 Company linked to Biden takes over funeral business in Ukraine

>>20984864 The right could win big in Europe – thanks to young people

>>20984873 steven spielberg helped direct pResident biden's major speech normandy DDay80

>>20985126 #25736A

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f9e62f No.20985154

#25736B >>20984403

>>20984893 Hunter Biden’s Gun Trial Judge Recently - Gave 1-Year Sentence in Similar Case

>>20984902 3 Russian Naval Vessels will arrive in the Port of Havana next week for an Official Visit

>>20984906, >>20984934 DOJ recently indicted Texas surgeon Dr. Eithan Haim, who blew the whistle on a children’s hospital performing sex change procedures on minors

>>20984922, >>20984937 Mexico’s Leftist President-Elect Gathers Latin American Socialist Leaders, as Opposition Candidate Demands Recount, Another Mayor Is Killed, and the Panicked Market Melts

>>20984979 According to the Live TikTok Follower Count = Trump has 5.5 million more followers than Biden

>>20985002 7 killed as school bus plunges into Syrian river


>>20985034 Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs is officially under criminal investigation for alleged "Pay-to-Play" scheme

>>20985042 False Flag On The Horizon? The Strange Case Of The Destroyed Russian Nuclear Radar

>>20985049 Tom Fitton: Biden’s Crimes, Trump Verdict, & Disgraced Former Protectees Act | PBD Podcast

>>20985057 BREAKING: NY Judge Merchan Informs Lawyers of ‘My Cousin is a Juror, Trump is Getting Convicted’ Facebook Post Left on NY Court Page, Pre-Verdict.

>>20985071 @WarRoom MUST WATCH: John Amanchukwu Demolishes The ‘America Is Racist’ Narrative

>>20985136 #25736B

#25735 >>20983547

>>20984281, >>20984291 @realDonaldTrump The polls are in.

>>20983662, >>20983716, >>20983863, >>20983931, >>20983985 Sky Eyez

>>20983563 1 In 5 NYC Hotels Is Now An Illegal Migrant Shelter, Driving Up Prices

>>20983566, >>20983622 Tucker interviews Nayib Bukele, Prez of El Salvador:The Satanic Roots of MS-13 That the Media Hid From You

>>20983573 trans terrorist school shooter did it for exactly the reasons we thought: a delusional psychopath ……radicalized by trans propaganda

>>20983578 BRICS: What Happens if Saudi Arabia Stops Accepting US Dollar for Oil?

>>20983584 Inside The Most Ridiculous Jobs Report In Years

>>20983609 President Kennedy's Final Address to the United Nations General Assembly

>>20983619, >>20983665 Ukraine: 9 countries that won't go,think about how many more countries will pull out since this is not about making peace

>>20983632 Hunter Biden trial live: Jill Biden flies in from France to spend day in court after Hallie's devastating testimony

>>20983639 Shades Of Nixon: Biden Refuses To Turn Over Potentially Devastating Tapes

>>20983643 Dem Congressional Candidate Wants Nazi-esque ‘Reeducation Camps’ for MAGA Supporters

>>20983681, >>20983673, >>20983763 Second look at debt clock and world currency


>>20983710 5th SOPS activates, bolsters Space Delta 9 objectives

>>20983724 Double fenced perimeter outside the White House ahead of today’s planned pro-Hamas demonstration.

>>20983768 Putin speaks at St. Petersburg International Economic Forum 2024

>>20983797 Former US intelligence and law enforcement officials are fretting they may face retribution, including incarceration, if Donald Trump wins back presidency in November

>>20983809 @sentdefender The Cuban Ministry of Defense announced earlier todaythat 3 Russian Naval Vessels, possibly including the Yasen-Class Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile Submarine, Kazan (K-561), will arrive in the Port of Havana next week

>>20983938 The surprising results of a focus group of swing voters ought to keep Biden humble

>>20984027 Great Food Reset: ‘Aldi supermarket chain is considering selling edible insects to help families afford protein’

>>20984039 MktFag:Ag down 6.38% -$1.99, Au down 2.96% -$70.45

>>20984182 PF: Italian AF IAM9001PM Melonileft Rome for Verona-Euro Election campaigning

>>20984198 Farage going scorched earth on the vaccines and deaths, plus the tories lies

>>20984210 RNC Launches ‘Swamp The Vote’ Site, Appears to Be Just Another Data Mining Op.

>>20984230 PF: SAM753 C40BJCOS relatedleft Cherbourg, France and heading across Atlantic

>>20984241 D-Day Flag Rejected For 80th Anniversary In Greenwich, But Transgender Pride Flag Is STILL Flying

>>20984288 “MAGA’s 2/3rds Of The Country”: Bannon On Why Democrats Are Relying On Lawfare To Win November ‘24

>>20984305, >>20984311 The U.S. Duty Free Empire That Funds Israeli Settlements

>>20984315 Briahna Joy Gray was fired from The Hill after she was caught rolling her eyes while interviewing the sister of an Israeli hostage taken by Hamas.

>>20984337 Gal Luft indictment: Whistleblower who accused Bidens of recieving payments from individuals with links to Chinese military. The US-Israeli dual citizen charged with acting as an unregistered agent for the Chinese government, trafficking weapons and lying to federal agents.

>>20984344 Pastor John Calls Out Democrat Elites For Keeping Black Americans On Democrat Plantation

>>20984725 #25735

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f9e62f No.20985158

#25734 >>20982617

>>20982756, >>20982768, >>20982861, >>20983098, >>20983147 Eyez on Skyz

>>20982723 The Fallacy of Bidenomics: A Return to Central Planning

>>20982738, >>20982981 ‘Has the West Successfully Demonized Russia?’

>>20982742, >>20982860 SPIEF 2024: Russia signals shift in cryptocurrency policy/USD bun

>>20982762 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy


>>20982841 China’s central bank, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), has been quietly but steadily accumulating gold reserves for the past 17 months

>>20982908, >>20983021, >>20983186, >>20983282, >>20983322 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day SH2-308: The Dolphin Head Nebula

>>20982915 GameStop Tumbles After Dismal Earnings, Announces Equity Offering Ahead Of 'Roaring Kitty' Event

>>20982926, >>20982958, >>20983332 Swamp Things

>>20982941 Judicial Watch Tom Fitton talking Lawfare on PBD

>>20982951 FULL SPEECH: "Chase the Vote" Town Hall With President Donald J. Trump

>>20982961, >>20982965 Nut Job Jennifer Rubin is Desperate, she’s afraid she’ll go to jail if Trump doesn’t. No wonder WAPO is bleeding money.

>>20982977 Moon Tree Dedication with Artemis II Crew

>>20983007 Pressler: Woman explains why she’s voting for Trump.

>>20983035, >>20983051 Company linked to Biden takes over funeral business in Ukraine

>>20983046 The 28 sodas, juices and other drinks recalled by FDA due to containing harmful ingredients and cancer chemicals, The biggest beverage recall of the year so far was Fiji Water.

>>20983125, >>20983409 No talk of peace at Zelensky’s ‘peace conference’ -- Germany/UN


>>20983227 My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence

>>20983254 Judge dismisses attempted murder and other charges in state case against Paul Pelosi’s attacker


>>20983532 #25734

Previously Collected

>>20983045 #25733

>>20980068 #25730, >>20981732 #25731, >>20981786 #25732

>>20977531 #25727, >>20978450 #25728, >>20979317 #25729

>>20974790 #25724-B, >>20975808 #25725, >>20977542 #25726

>>20973350 #25722, >>20974045 #25723, >>20974770 #25724-A

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Q Research Notables #23: Justice >>20763068

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f9e62f No.20985164



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b1dc61 No.20985175


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b0fe94 No.20985183

Is the plan to NOT wake up normies. Cause if so, congrats, things are going according to plan.

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a076bd No.20985184

File: 7b0cf99e2cecb1e⋯.jpg (159.5 KB,1024x1024,1:1,gojira_pepe3.jpg)

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b0fe94 No.20985185

Does it really take 7 years to End the Fed?

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1d655a No.20985186

File: e11e6f7c3201f98⋯.png (285.65 KB,515x484,515:484,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e57d0 No.20985187

File: d1758e64786bd6a⋯.png (181.05 KB,1284x994,642:497,d1758e64786bd6a1793e8f7afa….png)

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02e493 No.20985188


We have to get the boss,

We are fucked till Aug its just buying time till then, after that gloves are off

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02724a No.20985189

File: 391ce5c2a5345e4⋯.png (2.32 KB,353x46,353:46,ClipboardImage.png)


TY Dr Phil

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1eb749 No.20985190


I see normies all around me waking up, perhaps you should get out more

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cd56ca No.20985191

File: 4ee2514a4620b5f⋯.mp4 (4.29 MB,540x360,3:2,911witness.mp4)

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f0677f No.20985192


nobody gives a flying fuck

uniparty, state dept, and pentagon need their money laundered and pocketed.

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b49a8d No.20985193


Trump (and Q) is a relief valve while they turn the world upside down. Agenda 2030 is right on track.

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1512b2 No.20985194

File: a95e36d9e56e197⋯.jpg (66.34 KB,887x500,887:500,4fx5ff.jpg)


TY, baker.

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b0fe94 No.20985195

File: 53eb5c95c4e5627⋯.png (121.43 KB,444x247,444:247,protesteagle.png)

File: cff7f5c8172dd2d⋯.png (455.7 KB,920x712,115:89,slowplan.png)

File: 47aa035b31d98eb⋯.png (94.07 KB,448x295,448:295,slowplanglasses.png)

File: 3a0090a5d0788c4⋯.png (237.02 KB,450x380,45:38,slowplanlaugh.png)

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eca3cc No.20985196

File: 26c425ce4030df0⋯.png (1.69 MB,704x880,4:5,26c425ce4030df099ff7682bc3….png)

hostage's titties wanna read a buuk to juuu tooo

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5f18d3 No.20985197

File: 651236d5ddee923⋯.png (595.12 KB,590x645,118:129,ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you baker!

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b0fe94 No.20985198


>nobody gives a flying fuck

I do

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a66617 No.20985199

File: 3a9f4a367fce959⋯.mp4 (824.78 KB,320x426,160:213,SphiaLornKek.mp4)

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e612f6 No.20985200

File: 3e4a42d316bc570⋯.jpg (193.4 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1711505524521837_171140844….jpg)


/pol/ is like a rundown house full of oldfag refugees throwing rocks at crackhead shills all day.

Like I said, we had something awesome and organic going, but the event which inspired it came and went.

So it got SHUT DOWN once we started using it to literally plan a grass roots resistance against the deepstate.

And furthermore, if uppity 8cooners would go outside once in awhile they might realize that yes,

the fedcoats are everywhere, but so are anons, even endchan!

Can you believe it?


I'll work on it now.

Will post a fresh link here when it's ready.

Just be on the lookout for flashy AI sloppa from this ID.

Shouldn't be hard.

Head on a swivel.




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7e3b79 No.20985201

File: 7ff7a442899d22a⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB,854x480,427:240,MAD_MEXICANS_BURN_THE_ISRA….mp4)



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3c3449 No.20985202



Could we white list all trip codes for 24 hours to shut someone up?

There have been a lot of time stamp-drop connections related to unable to log in.

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1eb749 No.20985203


>Agenda 2030 is right on track

No it isn't, but keep trying, I find it amusing when demoralization shills fail

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02e493 No.20985204

File: a4edbbbf2dbbf56⋯.jpg (14.41 KB,252x247,252:247,th_9_.jpg)

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24502b No.20985205

File: 33f5a64cb6aae8a⋯.png (692.54 KB,602x407,602:407,33f5a64cb6aae8aab2a8369d50….png)

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3e4e26 No.20985206

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bill Melugin:

This is what undermanned Border Patrol has to deal with out here in Jacumba, CA. There is one single agent here who has to try to corral this huge group of 140, which has been waiting here for over 5 hours and is becoming impatient. Language barriers too. Egypt, China, etc.


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34a658 No.20985207

File: 55be97aad8da89a⋯.jpg (99 KB,664x1070,332:535,GPgEkuXbcAAEbZU.jpg)

We have something. Anyone with a Fuckbook can pull this up for source?

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a5e87c No.20985208

File: 24db9108fe7f174⋯.png (452.54 KB,916x765,916:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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eca3cc No.20985209

File: 5867298e5e1a0db⋯.webm (149.62 KB,256x420,64:105,5867298e5e1a0db9fd6495c19….webm)


>hostage's titties wanna read a buuk to juuu tooo

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2c632f No.20985210

File: 8e5de005c8ef334⋯.png (800.74 KB,747x1334,747:1334,Merchan_Live_Streams.png)

>>20985035 LB

>>20985035 LB

Judge Merchan better be extremely careful from this point forward or he may be in jail for life.

DISCLAIMER:I didn't vote for Trump or Biden I'm just an observer.

UPDATE: All evidence collected on Juan Merchan will be held until Trump's new attorney general is seated. Merchan is screwed.


Entire Home.

Judges Chamber.

These judge Merchan live streams didn't just start after president Trump was convicted of 34 bogus felonies that's highly unlikely. I believe these live streams of judge Merchan have been steaming for quite some time now so if I was judge Merchan I'd be extremely worried because every comment he's made about president Trump has been recorded including his cellphones texts and emails. It's going to be interesting to find out who judge Merchan has been talking to about president Trump.

Don't know who setup the live streams but it's CIA level surveillance.

Judge Merchan definitely has people out there that are eventually going to erase him from the planet.

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62064a No.20985211

File: 1fb9ac27f7f5f24⋯.gif (632.66 KB,220x142,110:71,tonya_harding_figure_skati….gif)

File: 923160d6eba8c68⋯.jpg (109.76 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_7_.jpg)

File: c1e16c73be4ee5d⋯.jpeg (48.25 KB,298x490,149:245,GPeWNsqacAAMh5W.jpeg)

File: 6d7d3539acc9917⋯.png (259.31 KB,640x1090,64:109,1302_2_.png)

File: c4af076a7e55aaf⋯.jpeg (1 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GPZlkmIW8AA2LtA.jpeg)


bake the you

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b49a8d No.20985212

File: 9c60de473a46ba7⋯.png (2.02 MB,1290x1502,645:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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a076bd No.20985213

File: 7373a49eb5f32fb⋯.gif (3.74 MB,498x498,1:1,dumbass2.gif)


Do you think people are not aware to the gaslighting moar than ever before now? The fuck is wrong with you?

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b49a8d No.20985214

File: b0ddc9ca7e4671d⋯.png (1.27 MB,1616x1836,404:459,ClipboardImage.png)

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20680c No.20985215

In a Country made of 75% Christens

Teachers should be Teaching 1st graders the Bible, God & Jesus

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d0cf35 No.20985216

File: 50e8c431dff72a9⋯.png (1.31 MB,1626x1872,271:312,ClipboardImage.png)


Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Kamala Harris appearance on Jimmy Kimmel (VIDEO)

Good shit. Fuck the Biden regime. Fuck the Zio regime. Fuck the MSM. Fuck 'em all!

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810a49 No.20985217

File: cf959024683a468⋯.png (293.37 KB,602x775,602:775,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea1db4aabea1d8f⋯.png (292.44 KB,600x794,300:397,ClipboardImage.png)

POLITICO pushing troll story about FB post

It does seem likely to be a fake — but Merchan didn’t indicate one way or the other whether he considered it serious. May have been sharing out of an abundance of caution in case others saw the screenshot.


This is an obvious troll.

Here is the Facebook profile of the poster, who appears to have made multiple posts like this throughout the trial (we located at least one more so far).

Their bio states: "Transabled & a professional shit poster."

Their profile photo is of their account being restricted by Facebook.

Their one image is the post on the right.


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7e3b79 No.20985218


Bwahahaha, must be a Jew!

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b1dc61 No.20985219



Anon will show up.

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1d3e5e No.20985220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Nice little Merchan twist in the plot.

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e835ba No.20985221

File: d64367a67760907⋯.jpg (36.65 KB,666x371,666:371,cxzzscdqqw.jpg)

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eca3cc No.20985222

File: 3fd370b82bffc04⋯.png (116.99 KB,748x900,187:225,3fd370b82bffc04c85540bb2a9….png)

File: 4cb0e0bdc56e562⋯.png (7.07 KB,225x225,1:1,4cb0e0bdc56e562e71f98acd40….png)

File: 4d724c59633a856⋯.png (44.24 KB,534x231,178:77,4d724c59633a856392db9f64c4….png)

File: 8b9497f5b5fe7d2⋯.png (74.58 KB,900x545,180:109,8b9497f5b5fe7d2ec137e7368a….png)

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3c3449 No.20985223


cause and effect?

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a66617 No.20985224

File: b4bc7e32ee67146⋯.png (452.74 KB,994x532,71:38,ClipboardImage.png)


The People have AWOKEN!

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3e4e26 No.20985225

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Davis

My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence:

We have had constitutional executive privilege for 250 yearsgoing back to George Washingtonso the President of the United States can receive candid, confidential advice from his advisors without fear their advice will get publicly aired before courts or Congress.

President Biden and his Attorney General Merrick Garland have shamefully destroyed this, in their partisan quest to politicize and weaponize the Biden Justice Department to go after President Trump and his top aides.

Peter Navarro, Trump's top White House trade adviser, is currently sitting in federal prison.

And Steve Bannon, a top Trump outside presidential adviser, is heading to federal prison on July 1.

Biden and his aides are taking off the political battlefield two of Trump's top surrogates before the 2024 presidential election.

Constitutional executive privilege is foundational to the separation of powers, the proper functioning of the presidency, and thus survival of the Republic.

Partisan activists in the Biden White House and Justice Department pretend they can disregard this simply because someone didn't fill out the right form or check the right box.

This is all part of a broader criminal conspiracy by Biden, his aides, and his allies to politicize and weaponize law enforcement and intel agencies to violate the constitutional rights of Trump, his aides, and his allies for the purposes of partisan lawfare and election interference.

These are republic-ending tactics.

On Day 1, the Trump 47 Justice Department must open a federal criminal probe on this Biden Democrat criminal conspiracy, under 18 U.S.C. §§ 241 and 242.

Revenge is best served cold.


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25ecb6 No.20985226

File: 90dc1e3bf9b9024⋯.gif (7.92 MB,384x480,4:5,giphy.gif)

>>20985156 pb

simplify process

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b0fe94 No.20985227


>I see normies all around me waking up

Fake news.

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83fcae No.20985228

File: 49d0e5f65692940⋯.png (76.45 KB,472x553,472:553,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3e23eb6e410421⋯.png (246.28 KB,778x1024,389:512,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2363ec2f60166fd⋯.png (145.78 KB,907x648,907:648,ClipboardImage.png)


Friday night news dump


Mistrial in NYC Trump case on tap…

Breanna Morello


I just ran into President Trump’s lawyer


backstage at The Reawaken America Tour and she’s confirmed this letter is real.

This letter comes from Judge Juan Merchan.

It claims that a family member of a juror posted, “my cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted & Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!.”

This could be grounds for a mistrial—potentially.

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eca3cc No.20985229

File: 9d70a4afc7fcb68⋯.png (41.58 KB,632x500,158:125,9d70a4afc7fcb68a75776520ae….png)

File: 9ff482881909d59⋯.png (159.91 KB,457x300,457:300,9ff482881909d59b876b6841f6….png)

File: 22d6a2e49cc7878⋯.png (41.81 KB,750x1000,3:4,22d6a2e49cc787880199a0bcc9….png)

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a66617 No.20985230


Rerecord Jimmy Kimmel LIVE?

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8d8621 No.20985231


they're ending"America first"

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d0cf35 No.20985232

File: e7534505d11e455⋯.jpg (361.03 KB,1280x720,16:9,Pulp_Fiction_The_Feds_Dead….jpg)

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f97b91 No.20985233

>>20984623 (You), >>20984669 (You) @WarRoom John Solomon On FBI Protecting Biden Family, Necessity To Enlist MAGA In Local And State Elections

Very Important Listen

This gives all the funds of Arabella that raised $2 Billion many different funds a progressive groups, they have a to of workforces much bigger than MAGA base

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53136c No.20985234

File: c3dbfa400cc4a13⋯.jpeg (13.24 KB,255x194,255:194,554b9861e578084a9d37fb24e….jpeg)

>>20985081 lb

Unless.... Trump is in office before the end of Hunter's trial/conviction.

Well, one can have hopium.

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892e14 No.20985235

>>20984050 (PB)

>Leftists control the entire apparatus - DOJ, DHS, Fuk.Boi.Inc, Chlamydia.In.Anus, CBP, Courts, judges, prosecutors governors sec's of state.

Kek, I want to steal that line.

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b49a8d No.20985236


kek, i will be as happy as you if it does not work, but there is a lot of loosing being called winning around here. Reminds be of spring and summer 2020 in this echo chamber.

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b0fe94 No.20985237



>We have to get the boss,

>We are fucked till Aug

Fake news PsyOp faggot.

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20680c No.20985238


I too have noted the amount of normies Awakening has increased dramatically

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b0fe94 No.20985239


Where the fuck is the Gold standard then?

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3e4e26 No.20985240

File: 14efbbd1673fc00⋯.webm (1.4 MB,460x816,115:204,1717717662615823.webm)

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b1dc61 No.20985241



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d0cf35 No.20985242

File: b246cb82c3eb81b⋯.jpg (288.18 KB,750x927,250:309,Pepe_Beach_Ass_Munch_Apu_F….jpg)


Dam son.

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a076bd No.20985243

File: db25351e7f2704c⋯.gif (2.28 MB,600x324,50:27,comfy3.gif)

Just moar of the retarded "Look at me and how much I hate them, give me a you or I'll call you one too" ethnic accusation routine from the dumbfuck clowns. Nonsense, religion, and schizo slides will begin shortly.

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3d4126 No.20985244

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b49a8d No.20985245

File: 379ae00469979d0⋯.png (1.95 MB,969x1024,969:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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de1f4b No.20985246


>I see normies around me waking up

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62064a No.20985247

File: 06a6b32bd981ff2⋯.jpg (284.79 KB,3200x1801,3200:1801,8999a843_3044_41c5_a52b_48….jpg)

File: ae82a864c9942c8⋯.jpg (178.5 KB,1300x956,325:239,us_president_donald_trump_….jpg)

File: 354ba7c6a282866⋯.jpg (323.22 KB,1332x1332,1:1,Melania_Trump_Australia.jpg)

File: 9745e8688507721⋯.jpg (97.2 KB,1110x840,37:28,171106134240_02_melania_tr….jpg)

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1d3e5e No.20985248

File: ca22492d4b87d67⋯.png (963.13 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Muh Senator Rennick.

Meme-ing them till they cry.

Go hard or go home.

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d0cf35 No.20985249


There is no gold.

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b0fe94 No.20985250



>There is no gold.

Silver standard?

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8b45f3 No.20985251

File: f3a78e5274130db⋯.png (234.46 KB,646x1021,646:1021,biden_oil_reserves_0607202….png)

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f9e62f No.20985252

File: 2ee4d59c2e0827e⋯.jpg (120.46 KB,900x900,1:1,2ee4d59c2e0827ef89bf04a579….jpg)

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20680c No.20985253

It's Ok to Be White

White people are a Minority

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674a4a No.20985254

File: f4cde06b431a19b⋯.jpg (50.73 KB,586x846,293:423,1715706408994206.jpg)



He only supported Africa.

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3d0aae No.20985255

Risking an entitled sound, I‘d be really bummed out to spend my best years without some ultra based gurl

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cd56ca No.20985256


phones recording phones is weird

remember pagers?

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66e2de No.20985257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Can you believe it?

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e9409c No.20985258

(pb) >>20983609 President Kennedy's Final Address to the United Nations General Assembly

Ya, If he was still 46 yo and here today he may tell us we are on the verge of another Cuban Missile Crisis. Even JFK was open to making a treaty with Cuba before being assassinated. Trump listened to the Swamp and blew that opportunity away. Now here we are.

"During a lengthy press conference, the Russian president suggested that Moscow would supply weapons to other countries, in an attempt to influence the current major talks among Western countries"

Putin threatens to supply long-range missiles to other countries to strike the West


Russia nuclear-powered submarine to visit Cuba amid rising tensions with US

Russian sub – joined by three other naval vessels – will not be carrying nuclear weapons, authorities in Havana said as they announced the visit


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3e4e26 No.20985259

File: d52c43c52bfb0e0⋯.png (625.38 KB,680x668,170:167,ClipboardImage.png)

This is why they went after Steve Bannon: the famous list for draining the swamp


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d0cf35 No.20985260

File: c3b694b7a0fa79f⋯.png (600.56 KB,680x480,17:12,ClipboardImage.png)

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b5ffdb No.20985261

File: 7b1ef27af1a45bb⋯.jpeg (206.77 KB,800x708,200:177,IMG_0032.jpeg)

File: 62371bc6f24b6db⋯.jpeg (115.81 KB,600x335,120:67,IMG_0422.jpeg)

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d0cf35 No.20985262


The Mauve standard perhaps.

Everything that can be stolen has been stolen.

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1eb749 No.20985263


Ah, the bait for an argument to waste bread thing


"Nobody who plays the game gets a free pass"

keep that in mind

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e9409c No.20985264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(pb) >>20984405 Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT

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3e4e26 No.20985265

File: db1261a6d86ac4a⋯.png (121.65 KB,450x450,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Marshals Service: 15 Most Wanted Fugitives


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a264e4 No.20985266



Gotta admit many are blackpilled ain't nothing ever gonna change types tho.

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77d4d8 No.20985267

File: 8d54569ed87a26a⋯.jpg (62.72 KB,587x441,587:441,23dgi3.jpg)

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b0fe94 No.20985268


>This is why they went after Steve Bannon: the famous list for draining the swamp

A lot of those ideas are pretty trash TBH

It should say:

Institute GESERA

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d0cf35 No.20985269

File: 35c07f53300702d⋯.png (849.16 KB,800x445,160:89,ClipboardImage.png)


Closest Ally n sheeit.

Look at it Chuck!

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8b45f3 No.20985270

Jun 07, 2024, 6:22 PM


Kash Patel




Rocking Detroit Reawaken Tour with @AlinaHabba and @EricTrump - thank you @ClayClark n @FlynnMovie…

crossing 8 mile… all in for DJT

(pic from freeway re 8 mile)

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1eb749 No.20985271


China and Russia have gold-bscked currency

USA did away with that for a "basket of metals" when Nixon was president back in the 1970s

According to Pelosi the dollar is backed by "the full faith and credit of the United States government"

Wuan = gold

Ruble = gold

Dollar = promises

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eaec77 No.20985272


>The Reawaken America Tour

Everything is a grift for these people.

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d0cf35 No.20985273

File: dacff885acb63b3⋯.jpg (399.5 KB,1080x1152,15:16,Shitposting_Like_Minded.jpg)


The Matrix has them.

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b49a8d No.20985274


>waste bread

many important things happening here, no leaving the table until you eat your peas.

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8b45f3 No.20985275

>connection to beyonce; jayz diddy rkelly..


Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Ketanji Brown Jackson were gifted thousands of dollars in luxury items, according to financial disclosure reports released Friday.

Eight of the nine justices turned in their latest disclosure reports on time, but Justice Samuel Alito requested a 90-day extension on his file. The documents included money the justices independently earned from book royalties, along with the financial worth of some expensive items that were gifted to them. The filings are required by the Ethics and Government Act of 1978.

Thomas's luxury items included two trips he took in 2019 but omitted in other filings. The trips were funded by billionaire Harlan Crow, and included vacations in Bali, Indonesia and the Bohemian Grove club in California.

Jackson was also gifted luxury items, including four tickets to see Beyonce while she was on tour. It is not clear which concert of Beyonce's Jackson attended, but Beyonce was recently on her Renaissance tour, which included a stop outside of Washington D.C., according to The Hill. The tickets, which were given to Jackson by the star herself, had a net worth of $3,117. ..

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8d8621 No.20985276


Trump's trial netted him over $200m

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aec5ce No.20985277

File: 370cdcd8c122d43⋯.jpeg (35.47 KB,255x207,85:69,IMG_5504.jpeg)



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b49a8d No.20985278


This anon knows

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b0fe94 No.20985279


>The Matrix has them.

Some of us always knew the government sucked ass.

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3e4e26 No.20985280

File: c2577ce52f21d69⋯.png (671.79 KB,1118x752,559:376,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dba620e303fc66⋯.png (84.76 KB,774x750,129:125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 118acb402c2f7df⋯.png (445.67 KB,1110x515,222:103,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b10336a72f3f0f0⋯.png (518 KB,977x757,977:757,ClipboardImage.png)

Julie Kelly finds the juicy stuff - the very first act by Matthew Graves.

In his first act as US Atty for DC, Biden appointee Matthew Graves indicted Steve Bannon for contempt.

This is what Graves wrote in DOJ sentencing memo asking for 6 months in prison and a $200,000 fine for the Honey Badger.

Good little Marxist apparatchik Graves, who despite his tough guy tone in court filings always appears afraid of his own shadow in public, admits Bannon should be punished in part for exercising his free speech rights.

Not only do a high percentage of federal prosecutors oddly sound like Valley Girl drama queensGraves includedthey write like them, too.


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eca3cc No.20985281


take his wife plz

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7e8bc8 No.20985282

File: f712f4cecbe0a5a⋯.png (168.08 KB,1037x1037,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a076bd No.20985283

File: 736b7ed51842b77⋯.png (2.93 MB,1588x2387,1588:2387,ClipboardImage.png)


And sometimes, the dark side unexpectedly finds no fear to be found when it looks back. In those instances, it begins to feel fear itself. Something it's not accustomed to, not for a very long time.

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d0cf35 No.20985284


they'll try and get him on unpaid taxes on that income next

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f0677f No.20985285


>15 Most Wanted Fugitives


!. Barry Obama

2.Joe Biden

3 Alvin Bragg

3.Judge Merchon

4.Valery Jarred

5.The planet of the apes lady.

6.Nancy Pelosi

7.Chuck Schummer

8.Maxine Waters

9.Bill Gates

10.Dog Killer Fauchi



13.George Bush

14.Bill Clinton

15.Hillary Clinton

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feddac No.20985286


You think 100+ years of "free" fiat is going to just up and vanish like a fart in the wind?

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1eb749 No.20985287


Are the religious "arguments" going to start early again today?

I miss Toots

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7e3b79 No.20985288


Correct, both are not my flags!

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e9409c No.20985289

(pb) >>20984773 Ketanji Hauls $1.5M in ONE YEAR, But Media FREAKS Over Clarence Thomas’s $100K

She's excused. When asked to define a woman she said ; I can't. Defining a criminal would be way too complex.

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a264e4 No.20985290


Maybe some still of course.

But many I know irl are astounded by how nobody ever gets punished for the blatant fuckery.

Even worse when good people get fucked for speaking up.

So people are still shy about saying much about it.

I liken it to kindling tho.

Once lit look out.

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e88d7a No.20985291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I have to say, this is the most based and grounded interview I have seen so far, regarding fairness and the depth of the conversation.








Embed is 19 min of it.

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d0cf35 No.20985292


Liddle Adam Shit

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1eb749 No.20985293


I suggest #5 be Eric Holder, Mexico's favorite gun dealer

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02724a No.20985294

File: 4e3ffbe98245d50⋯.png (102.9 KB,338x262,169:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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892b07 No.20985295


>phones recording phones is weird


>remember pagers?

Yes, but I didn't had one.

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a264e4 No.20985296


Lil fighter.

Pray for Toots anons.

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892e14 No.20985297

>>20984108 (PB)

>The American justice system is so broken. They turn innocent people into convicted felons. Ruin whistleblower's lives. Pretend that the actual criminals are victims and ignore the people who are actually victims.

“When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect them against you - when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - you may know that your society is doomed.”

~ Ayn Rand

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e60804 No.20985298

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d0cf35 No.20985299

File: 7913f7110d8416c⋯.jpeg (15.78 KB,231x255,77:85,Pray_For_TOOTS_RIP.jpeg)



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f9e62f No.20985300

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rumble has entire interview


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a5e87c No.20985301

File: 6cd83128b8b217d⋯.png (181.72 KB,456x298,228:149,ClipboardImage.png)

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716cfd No.20985302

File: 3f03d934a99991a⋯.png (599.57 KB,1080x546,180:91,Screensvvg.png)

File: 27971d8ee7aae83⋯.png (669.66 KB,1080x567,40:21,Screenshot_20240607_154530….png)

George Clooney has been a CIA assets for over 20 years he's in charge of the Jew fundraising in Hollywood.

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eca3cc No.20985303


oh no

dead pedo advice nazi

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3d4126 No.20985304


>Eric Holder

He gonna die of a heart attack.

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875fd4 No.20985306


best I can find is people who think AJ type of shit is where the real truth is


and they won't listen

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20680c No.20985307

They can't get to the Children

When there's Mamabears & Papabears on guard

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62064a No.20985308


cannot be cloned. noice insemination POTUS.

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93da72 No.20985309

File: b3675f0b8fab382⋯.png (41.03 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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e835ba No.20985310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE LUNACY: Communist protest in DC by 'Dykes Against Genocide'

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ba33f1 No.20985311

File: 1166d98f6a92e9d⋯.png (312.19 KB,773x810,773:810,gaetzprosecutor.png)

File: 58934d8c76048b0⋯.png (1.42 MB,1440x1440,1:1,nyprosecutor.png)

File: e5a553addd9b14d⋯.png (1.41 MB,1440x1440,1:1,nyprosecutorsmithlookalike.png)

>>20985146 lb

shill threatening the BO

>>20985176 lb

Pomerantz refused to obey a congressional subpoena.

Why isn't he jailed?

Did Biden shield him with executive privileged?

Biden stripped Trump of Trump's privileged but kept his own?

Are Lumen Lunatice and Pomerantz lovers?

They sure look alike.

What caused that? Are they relatives.

Think: Been one year since Gaetz called for action 'gainst Pomerantz.


No jail time for disobeying a subpoena. I wonder why.

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1eb749 No.20985313


I think Lloyd Austin should go by heart attack, since he forced all the young men and women in the military to get a shot that will give them heart attacks

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d0cf35 No.20985314


It's hard to concentrate at camp with all that drumming going on outside.

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a076bd No.20985315

File: 510a5cb526059ac⋯.jpg (64.16 KB,409x409,1:1,little_losers_from_langley.jpg)

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d0cf35 No.20985316


Stopping Israel is not lunacy.

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93da72 No.20985317

File: d9575b4cd94d0a6⋯.png (111.11 KB,618x429,206:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985318


By the sound of his surgeries, he's being eaten alive from the inside, Prostate first.

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ba33f1 No.20985319


my keyboard is sticking.

I wore out my regular one


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b49a8d No.20985320

File: 8f9b2d21870a4dd⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x1132,270:283,ClipboardImage.png)

pick the bear they said, it'll be fun they said

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77d4d8 No.20985321

File: e67ace149cfe3f8⋯.png (362.04 KB,563x406,563:406,e67ace149cfe3f874870b607c6….png)

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20680c No.20985322


Don't care

We got out own problems with Barbarians

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62064a No.20985323

File: 11fea0951dcc557⋯.mp4 (4.56 MB,640x360,16:9,11fea0951dcc55784e47f06e5e….mp4)

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d0cf35 No.20985324

File: dffa6c39ca9a679⋯.png (62.4 KB,1038x91,1038:91,ClipboardImage.png)

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31b797 No.20985325

File: a96b0625b1ebc4f⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,720x1280,9:16,MuhSocioFactors_20240607_6….mp4)


The white man is being forced out of America just like Europe

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2d2785 No.20985326


They unleashed these protests that are now biting them in the ass. Don't get all division fagging. This shit is theater, never forget that.

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83fcae No.20985327

File: 8582a39684685b9⋯.png (779.99 KB,1345x639,1345:639,ClipboardImage.png)


WASHINGTON, June 8—The United States and Saudi Arabia today signed a wide‐ranging military and economic agreement that both said “heralded an era of increasingly close cooperation.”

American officials, commenting on the first such arrangement between the United States and an Arab country, said that they hoped the new accord would provide Saudi Arabia with incentives to increase her oil production and would serve as a model for economic cooperation between Washington and other Arab nations.

Secretary of State Kissinger and Prince Fand Ibn Abdel Aziz, Second Deputy Premier of Saudi Arabia and a half‐brother of King Faisal, signed the six‐page agreement at Blair House across the street from the White House this morning.

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20680c No.20985328


Self Correcting Issue correcting itself

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a264e4 No.20985329


At least they're trying to get at the truth.

Much better baseline than say an HR chick will have once the BOOM (x4) hits.

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93da72 No.20985330

File: 3daa466f6905442⋯.png (669.82 KB,1023x576,341:192,ClipboardImage.png)


>my keyboard is sticking.

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71e60b No.20985331

Juan Williams is having a meltdown.

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f97b91 No.20985332

File: 9a6c456e43c2edb⋯.jpeg (98.67 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2913.jpeg)

7 Jun, 2024 19:49

Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – governor

Kiev’s forces have targeted a village shop in Kherson, Vladimir Saldo has said

At least 22 civilians have been killed in Ukrainian shelling targeting the village of Sadovoe in Russia’s Kherson Region, Governor Vladimir Saldo said on Friday. A nine-year-old child is among the victims, he added.

Theattack hit a small shop in a residential area, Saldo said. When locals rushed to aid the victims of the first strike, a second one followed, striking the same area, he said.A total of 17 civilians were killed in the shop and near it and four more people living in the nearby houses lost their livesas well, according to the governor.

At least 15 people were also injured in the strike, Saldo said, adding that five of them are currently in “critical condition.” The shop was full of customers at the time and was destroyed, he stated, branding the attack a “bloody crime” and a “heinous murder.”

According to Saldo,Ukrainian forces first used a guided bomb to strike the shop before hitting the same area with a US-made M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)multiple rocket launcher. Kiev’s Western backers have supplied Ukraine with dozens of such systems, which have been extensively used by its troops throughout the conflict with Russia.

Ukraine has long touted HIMARS systems as high-precision weapons used to strike high-value assets. Russian officials have said they recovered debris fromHIMARS munitions after strikes on purely civilian targetson multiple occasions.

Kiev’s troops have been actively targeting civilians in Russian regions throughout the conflict. In mid-May, one person was killed and “many” others injured in another Ukrainian attack in Kherson Region. On that occasion, Kiev’s forces struck a minibus carrying civilians with a drone.

The Russian city of Belgorod, located not far from the Ukrainian border, has become one of the main targets of Kiev’s attacks. Ukrainian forces bombarded it on New Year’s Eve, killing 25 civilians at a festive event.

The continued strikes targeting the civilian population in Russian border regions prompted Moscow to launch an offensive in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region in an effort to create a buffer zone to curb cross-border attacks.

President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said that if Ukraine continues to “shell residential areas in border territories,” then Russia “will be forced to create a security zone” to deprive it of the ability to make such strikes.


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ddd515 No.20985333


Loose lips flappin like a white globalist tranny screaming for equality after years of suppression, dire poverty, under the burden of colored and unfortunate, situational circumstantial racism

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e7f2f9 No.20985334

File: b1fbea268ccf10f⋯.png (1.08 MB,1000x509,1000:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e20b3542c3ed1d⋯.png (1.04 MB,1024x813,1024:813,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a17c8f459303a8⋯.png (113.52 KB,306x180,17:10,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da59fd4dc2fe578⋯.png (20.42 KB,464x401,464:401,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 875473a7c3834e7⋯.png (36.53 KB,984x452,246:113,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20984405 pb

>Israeli Government Funded Covert Influence Campaign Targeting US Lawmakers: NYT


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cd56ca No.20985335


>Lumen Lunatice and Pomerantz

I'm pretty sure those are pokemon

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31b797 No.20985336


I doubt that

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d0cf35 No.20985337


>Theattack hit a small shop in a residential area, Saldo said. When locals rushed to aid the victims of the first strike, a second one followed, striking the same area, he said

Al Qaida tactics.

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a5e87c No.20985339

File: b936f6fb788ef98⋯.png (371.59 KB,500x747,500:747,ClipboardImage.png)

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93da72 No.20985340

File: 09efbe2190909ac⋯.png (111.75 KB,960x874,480:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985341

File: 2d0e3b7eae023c3⋯.gif (341.65 KB,480x270,16:9,SouthPark_Randy_Jacking_In….gif)


2 mins earlier…

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20680c No.20985342


Terrorist attack approved by Biden

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a264e4 No.20985343


If true she was prolly on her period.

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5eac30 No.20985344


Oooh. This letter will be very strongly worded.

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b49a8d No.20985345

File: 8812c1dc878b61e⋯.png (1.17 MB,720x2132,180:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba33f1 No.20985346


Yes, people are.

it's amazing

not everyone. but many more.

If you speak on a soapbox you would know

All a sudden there's people stopping listening

No joke

time of Revolutionary War it was a small group who did it.

100% isn't needed.

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62064a No.20985347


tinker AFB X top keks

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a66617 No.20985348

File: 2863326c1d368c2⋯.mp4 (750.13 KB,320x472,40:59,DJwC6gXgeTDREt6B.mp4)

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25ecb6 No.20985349

File: c0e055959c643ba⋯.png (662.5 KB,595x595,1:1,Ag.png)

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693582 No.20985350

File: 379bc80c8ba10c0⋯.png (355.81 KB,448x714,32:51,ClipboardImage.png)

This Is Concerning. We’re Definitely In An Election Year

Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police

“These shipping containers that are hauling military equipment. If you try to even go near there, cops will start coming, and they will try to steal your footage. This is no joke. I'm putting my life on the line to bring you guys this footage”

This man has been documenting this and multiple times these containers have been showing up and unloaded full of military equipment. People in the comments say they’ve seen these in multiple states and it’s being speculated they could be used to arm illegal immigrants or for nefarious actions taking place before the election.


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7e154f No.20985351

File: cd72fa68ea5aa8c⋯.png (318.08 KB,600x303,200:101,ClipboardImage.png)

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted by a man in central Copenhagen on Friday evening, according to a statement from the Prime Minister’s Office.

The incident occurred at Kultorvet, a busy public square in the heart of Copenhagen. The assailant has been arrested, though the motive behind the attack remains unclear.

According to Dagens.dk, The Prime Minister’s Office confirmed the event but declined to provide further details.

Prime Minister Shocked

Prime Minister Frederiksen expressed her shock in a written statement released shortly after the attack. While visibly shaken, she assured the public that she is otherwise unharmed.

The Copenhagen police confirmed the incident but, like the Prime Minister’s Office, offered no additional comments.


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2cd5d6 No.20985352


>I think Lloyd Austin should go

why do you imagine he's still alive?

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e7f2f9 No.20985353

File: 6e53125e4e28148⋯.gif (4.15 MB,500x378,250:189,over_the_target.gif)




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d0cf35 No.20985354

File: fc8d825e9809fd7⋯.jpeg (788.9 KB,1505x1051,1505:1051,Big_Mike_8kun_Posts.jpeg)

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2d2785 No.20985355


Biden has taken the mask off of The cabal aggression using our munitions to ignite terrorist strikes.

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cbdfe1 No.20985356

File: 90cab5badff91c2⋯.jpeg (84.77 KB,828x554,414:277,F2152068_37F2_4A18_B092_D….jpeg)

File: 006e9a45ffe7842⋯.jpeg (84.43 KB,828x554,414:277,6D6B32CD_AFB2_4DF7_8EED_E….jpeg)

File: 98d1a233835b499⋯.jpeg (85.25 KB,828x554,414:277,84031146_F044_4BFB_8720_7….jpeg)

File: 21b8370b940c8ad⋯.jpeg (89.12 KB,828x554,414:277,1ACDE3D4_21EC_4915_BC5D_7….jpeg)

File: 8a5c5e1c244da3d⋯.jpeg (84.52 KB,828x554,414:277,83C52FDF_0883_4EA7_8069_D….jpeg)

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ba33f1 No.20985357


yes, but now people are going to jail for refusing subpoenas from bodies with less official USA authority than Congress.

It puts a different cast of light on it.

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59ffe4 No.20985358





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93da72 No.20985359

File: 77946b031c2a602⋯.png (45.66 KB,680x907,680:907,ClipboardImage.png)

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eca3cc No.20985360

File: 5b0d78211ed1cb8⋯.png (4.64 KB,148x148,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>dead pedo advice nazi

an CNN mad

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a5e87c No.20985361

File: 957bc243c146559⋯.png (110.94 KB,787x812,787:812,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e55de9868c5d4c⋯.png (211.54 KB,692x924,173:231,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985362


Tell them they're Chinese Nukes.

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e7f2f9 No.20985363

File: 6899eee5f209ff7⋯.jpg (11.93 KB,234x395,234:395,square_clouds_chemtrails_w….jpg)


> they could be used to arm illegal immigrants


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20680c No.20985364


Well we know one thing to be true from this statement

It wasn't a White man

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d0cf35 No.20985365


So it was a man on man fight then?


Warmongers get the treatment.

Us or them.

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ba33f1 No.20985366


They have the man power to guard them?

That's weird.

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eca3cc No.20985367

File: 6fd0876c8b3a781⋯.png (11.23 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>dead pedo advice nazi

>an CNN mad

CNN puts on duh biltmoar roller blades an fights duh crime

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1d3e5e No.20985368

File: a36415dae98af8e⋯.png (105.18 KB,765x657,85:73,ClipboardImage.png)

The supreme court intervened directing Merchan.

The shit hole gets bigger.

Good Times.

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ad576d No.20985369

File: 035361c1613349a⋯.jpg (30.7 KB,251x255,251:255,035361c1613349a52bf354b495….jpg)

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77d4d8 No.20985370

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ba33f1 No.20985371

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83fcae No.20985372


>y they’ve seen these in multiple states

Any idea which states?

This smells of the stacks of bricks.

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7e154f No.20985373

File: 6a15801a5de05d2⋯.png (343.77 KB,633x1024,633:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Judge Merchan Issues Letter to All Parties Acknowledging Potential Juror Misconduct on Social Media

Judge Merchan issued a letter to all parties today stating:

Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention. In the comment, the user, “Michael Anderson,” states:

‘My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”

The comment, now labeled as one week old, responded to a routine UCS notice, posted on May 29, 2024, rcgarding oral arguments in the Fourth Department of the Appellate Division unrelated to this proceeding. The posting, entitled “The Appellate Division, Fourth Department, will hear oral arguments this morning at 10,” and the comment are both viewable at

https://www. facebook.com/NewYorkCourts/.

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447648 No.20985374


Easier to rid world of all the stupid fuckin commie in a fell swoop with the trapezoid.

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93da72 No.20985375


I'll take, "What are lefttard memes for $1000?"

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a5e87c No.20985376

File: e412a8510a54cf4⋯.png (783.19 KB,822x1024,411:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba33f1 No.20985377


that's why we have to work extra hard.

this year is our last chance.

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875fd4 No.20985378

File: 7188b8a5b3cdbb1⋯.png (76.79 KB,474x452,237:226,ClipboardImage.png)



AJ is such a clown tho

his acting is so over the top

you'd think it would be obvious to even the most casual observer

doom and gloom mixed with the "we gotta do sumthin" pokin with a stick

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ed429a No.20985379

File: 2486112e37160fc⋯.png (66.02 KB,198x255,66:85,ClipboardImage.png)



Got a feeling it will turn out to be a nothing burger and served its purpose to get MAGA SM all riled up.

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3d0aae No.20985380

But what girl could possibly be based enough to love until death

It‘s a though question boys

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a5e87c No.20985381


>unrelated to this proceeding

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a264e4 No.20985382


>This smells of the stacks of bricks.


All that is known is someone's claims and an undated spoopy photo.

But, yet all these large scale assumptions are being made.

Needs moar sauce at this point simple as.

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ba33f1 No.20985383


low grade?

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810a49 No.20985384

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e7f2f9 No.20985385

File: b38bb58f2dfe0b1⋯.jpg (45.05 KB,600x400,3:2,rambo_i_dont_want_no_troub….jpg)


>Look at it Chuck!




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20680c No.20985386


>my cousin is a juror

All they have to do is check if he's the cousin of a Juror

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ba33f1 No.20985387


al right oathkeeper.

aren't you still in jail for inciting j6?

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e835ba No.20985388


These people absolutely are lunatics, declaring the area a, 'mask-required space' to 'keep us safe', demanding everyone wear a mask outside, and wearing 'Dyke Marshal' t-shirts. They are communists openly calling for a revolution.

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d0cf35 No.20985389

File: 0a88ff1b60e6e6c⋯.jpg (141.87 KB,960x983,960:983,Trans_Body_Language.jpg)


It's impossible to know.

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a5e87c No.20985390

File: 1837dc8d78bd1be⋯.png (300.09 KB,500x600,5:6,ClipboardImage.png)


>unrelated to this proceeding

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5e60ce No.20985391


All the jurors bank accounts should be gleaned for payments from Perkins Coie.

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77d4d8 No.20985392

File: 0f49e89e2ab1391⋯.png (192.11 KB,400x243,400:243,0f49e89e2ab1391f2d0ee3a626….png)

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f9e62f No.20985393


shopped GG @llin ffs

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e7f2f9 No.20985394


>‘My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted. Thank you folks for all your hard work!!!!”


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a264e4 No.20985395


Yeah I gotcha.

People want something to believe in when it's clear reality is full of lies.

AJ fills the void especially for those that simply have no time for dat when it comes to truth seeking.

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f97b91 No.20985396

6 Jun, 2024 22:09

Ukrainians want US to stop corruption complaints – NBC

Ties between Washington and Kiev have reportedly deteriorated over aid delays and pressure to reduce fraud

Relations between the US and Ukrainian governments have reportedly soured, deteriorating to their lowest point since the conflict with Russia escalated in 2022,partly because of irritation over pressure from Washington to tackle rampant corruption in Kiev.

US and Ukrainian officials privately acknowledge growing friction in the relationship, NBC News reported on Thursday. Kiev’s frustration stems largely from delays in US weapons deliveries andincessant demands to ramp up anti-corruption efforts.

Questions over Ukraine’s corruption problems have led to “repeated disagreement,” current and former government officials told NBC. “Ukrainian officials are particularly irritated with the US ambassador, Bridget Brink, over the issue.”

The bilateral strains come at a time when Ukrainian forces are losing ground on the battlefield and the administration of US President Joe Biden is struggling to keep military aid flowing to Kiev. US lawmakers finally approved $61 billion in new Ukraine aid in April, after six months of delays. Biden has been reluctant to authorize increasingly provocative weapons packages for Kiev, such as long-range missiles that Ukraine could use to strike targets deeper in Russian territory.

Ukrainian leaders believe Washington’sambassador has created “unnecessary tensions” by pressing for more reforms=, despite Kiev’s progress in funding an anti-corruption court and a special prosecutor’s office, NBC said. The Biden administration has “lost sight of the overarching priority – winning on the battlefield,” sources close to the government told the media outlet.

TheUS military’s inspector general warnedlawmakers in a report last month that the conflict with Russiawas creating new opportunities for bribes, kickbacks and other corruption in Ukraine. The report noted multiple scandals involving misuse of defense resources, saying,“Endemic corruption persists” in Kiev, which has “one of the least accountable governments in Europe.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said during a visit to Kiev last month that the Ukrainian government must ensure that “the fight against corruption continues at home just as the fight against Russia’s aggression continues on the front lines.” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba pushed back on corruption claims in a joint press briefing with Blinken: “If we were as corrupt as the perception says, they simply wouldn’t be giving us any money. They wouldn’t be opening accession talks with Ukraine to accede the European Union, and the United States wouldn’t have trust in Ukraine.” (KEK what an idiot)

The two governments also have clashed over Biden’s decision not to attend a peace summit organized by Kiev. Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky publicly stated that Biden’s presence was needed at the summit and his absence would only be cheered by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Rather than participate in the peace conference, Biden reportedly chose to attend a fundraiser in Los Angeles featuring actor George Clooney and other Hollywood stars.


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eca3cc No.20985397

File: 219bc8a8639f944⋯.png (11.02 KB,310x163,310:163,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>dead pedo advice nazi

>>an CNN mad

>CNN puts on duh biltmoar roller blades an fights duh crime

poleland gay wall built wrong jelly donut city nazi flag pride weak manboy homo

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5f18d3 No.20985398

File: 509c470ea805399⋯.mp4 (3 MB,720x1280,9:16,We_re_Definitely_In_An_Ele….mp4)



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918833 No.20985399


Check the wives' accounts.

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8d8621 No.20985400


>you'd think it would be obvious

this applies to so much

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83fcae No.20985401


We need more Anons on the ground with their phones/cameras and gathering details like we did with the summer of 2020 and the bricks.

We rocked then running down those.

*if* they are being guarded we need details where.

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eca3cc No.20985402

File: e1bae39e9449e3f⋯.png (10.86 KB,284x177,284:177,ClipboardImage.png)


cult soup

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173c3b No.20985403

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d0cf35 No.20985404


it makes it very difficult to steal billions when people keep saying there's corruption in the most corrupt country in Europe.

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875fd4 No.20985405


true dat

it's a step in the right direction

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b49a8d No.20985406


prove it, go talk to them.

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5e60ce No.20985407

File: 0fcd60b49791c94⋯.png (59.27 KB,163x248,163:248,10239.png)


In contract to this…

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93da72 No.20985408

File: d718e0c0237f219⋯.png (34.2 KB,320x427,320:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985409


The jury is prolly all black wimmins.

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7e154f No.20985410

File: bc346db90d9df3a⋯.png (453.38 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e549588e1c05fd6⋯.png (169.56 KB,316x237,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

MP condemns 'ugly hate' as mother of four’s home targeted with Islamophobic graffiti, including “get out Muslim c—” and “death to Palestine”

Photographs of a residential footpath in Manningham show Islamophobic slogans including “get out Muslim c—” and “death to Palestine” left on a mother of four’s driveway.

Images have surfaced online of Islamophobic graffiti, with messages such as "get out Muslim c—" and "death to Palestine," found on the driveway of a mother of four in Manningham.

Next to the hateful slogans were several hand-drawn swastikas.

According to Manningham group Menzies for Palestine, the vandals carried out the graffiti on Thursday, June 6, between 10.30pm and 11.30pm.


Zionists really pushing for race wars in all western nations!

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eca3cc No.20985411

File: 71640ff8fc8ed56⋯.png (186.52 KB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


>cult soup

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06a0b2 No.20985412

File: bd5434be97f1e45⋯.png (86.78 KB,592x721,592:721,ClipboardImage.png)


u just collect memes?

how long you been here bru>

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a5e87c No.20985413

File: 9310d9b0b7bf3e4⋯.png (180.83 KB,432x455,432:455,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985414

File: a3d7b531b1143e7⋯.jpg (19.85 KB,486x314,243:157,Please_Sir.jpg)

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e7f2f9 No.20985415

File: cb171fe78a7929e⋯.png (24.54 KB,141x113,141:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aac7a43f9e09ae4⋯.png (74.6 KB,242x187,22:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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ba33f1 No.20985416




i wore it out with tappen' not fappin,

Speak for yourself.

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875fd4 No.20985417



it all becomes more "in your face" every day

drip, drip flood

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f97b91 No.20985418


Ukraine is Not Corrupt, remember that

6 Jun, 2024 11:51

Ukrainian prisoners paying bribes to go to war – NGO

Kiev is desperate for troops, and has allowed convicts to enlist in exchange for parole

Ukrainian inmates who want to shorten their sentences by enrolling in the military are being pressured by corrupt prison staff to pay bribes first, a local NGO claims.

Kiev, which faces a serious shortfall of manpower on the front line, has introduced a system that allows some inmates to apply for military service in exchange for early release.

The relevant law was passed in May, having been championed by Justice Minister Denis Malyuska, who claimed in interviews that murderers can make good combat soldiers. However, only some violent criminals are eligible for the scheme.

In its current form, the mechanism is a hotbed for graft, Oleg Tsvily, who heads an NGO called Protection for Prisoners of Ukraine, told the news outlet Strana on Wednesday.

”Prison management considers a prisoner’s application for mobilization before handing it over to a commission. If it refuses to take the petition, the prisoner has no other way to enroll,” the activist explained.

The NGO has already received complaints that some inmates are being extorted by officials, he said.

”An inmate who has no money may be invited to pay it off as soon as he gets his first paycheck from the military. Sometimes they are told to testify against other convicts before getting a chance to mobilize.One has to be ‘useful’ to the prison staff,” Tsvily claimed.

Last week, the prisoners’ rights group published footage of a man being roughed up by guards upon arrival at a prison located in Poltava Region in central Ukraine. It came after the country’s State Investigative Bureau announced that it was probing the facility for the alleged torture of inmates in its custody.

The activist said the case was showing just a sample of the system of abuses and corruption which operates inside the national penitentiaries.

”The blackmail continues even after the person is freed:you pay or a video of your humiliation gets leaked online. The video that I published… prisoners managed to steal from the computer of an employee of the prison,” he told the news outlet.

Thejustice minister is well awareof the situation, he added, anddoes nothingbecause wardens tell him that this is what it takes to keep career criminals in check, Tsvily claimed.

According to Russia, Ukrainian forces are suffering significant battlefield casualties. President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday estimated the attrition ratio at 1 to 5 in his nation’s favor, and claimed thatKiev “loses about 50,000 people every month.”


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a5e87c No.20985419

File: 92659c2be8ecbca⋯.png (248.65 KB,568x487,568:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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eca3cc No.20985420

File: cc3e47f3d320196⋯.png (64.18 KB,353x546,353:546,ClipboardImage.png)


>>cult soup

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a264e4 No.20985421


Seems like the network of MAGA is pretty big.

That's why I always remain skeptical of stuff that comes up out of the blue like this without moar sauce and confirms attached.

Time will tell, but I'm pretty confident shit will get exposed if it really is habbening.

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25ecb6 No.20985422

File: cf7a5691f4bab65⋯.png (157.09 KB,626x348,313:174,theSource.png)

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9bc58e No.20985423

qresear.ch - is down now?

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77d4d8 No.20985424

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9ea5f4 No.20985425

File: 844549d9203126d⋯.mp4 (979.93 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Snapinsta_app_video_An81Dj….mp4)

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d0cf35 No.20985426


Who could be behind such hatred?

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eca3cc No.20985427

File: 90624f20bf13f0d⋯.png (15.64 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>cult soup

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2d2785 No.20985428


Silent War about to stop being silent.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4b50f0 No.9600426 📁

Jun 13 2020 15:10:58 (EST)



Everything you see today is an attempt to eliminate that.

To remain silent _living in fear [controlled] is to remain powerless.


A Moment In Time.

History has taught us that People Will Rise [Judgement [Revolution] Day] against the Rulers.

From Pharaohs to Kings to Elected Officials.

A rigged system of control and corruption [evil].

[on the backs of people]

Modern day slavery.

People Will Rise Again.

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.


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e7f2f9 No.20985429

File: 94a4fb4ab8a8fbc⋯.png (870.05 KB,989x1024,989:1024,nazi_painting_swastikas.png)

File: 92caca1d2f797c2⋯.png (15.13 KB,90x85,18:17,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f061e432c0304b6⋯.png (28.34 KB,142x111,142:111,ClipboardImage.png)





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9bc58e No.20985430

File: 740bb50fb38270f⋯.png (13.69 KB,665x215,133:43,ClipboardImage.png)


Any browser working? qresear.ch is down for real?

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77fe97 No.20985431

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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62064a No.20985432


meat ckekked out

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f9e62f No.20985433

File: 1d91eed8c4d85c7⋯.png (353.06 KB,602x414,301:207,6326551fbee7aed81079b473af….png)

early notes


#25737 >>20985164

>>20985216 Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Kamala Harris appearance on Jimmy Kimmel (VIDEO)

>>20985225 Mike Davis - My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence

>>20985228 This could be grounds for a mistrial @AlinaHabba and she’s confirmed this letter from Merchan is real.

>>20985270 @KashPatel - Rocking Detroit Reawaken Tour with @AlinaHabba and @EricTrump - thank you @ClayClark n @FlynnMovie

>>20985280 In his first act as US Atty for DC, Biden appointee Matthew Graves indicted Steve Bannon for contempt

>>20985291, >>20985300 watch - Dr. Phil's Exclusive Interview with President Donald J Trump

>>20985332 Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – Governor Vladimir Saldo

>>20985350, >>20985398, >>20985415 EYES ON - Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police? moar sauce please

>>20985351 Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted by a man in central Copenhagen on Friday evening

>>20985396 Ties between Washington and Kiev have reportedly deteriorated over aid delays and pressure to reduce fraud

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3d0aae No.20985434

How does the universe work?

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918833 No.20985435


Old WW2 NRA Stencil sprayed over.

(It's a trap.)

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77fe97 No.20985436



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eca3cc No.20985437

File: 8885063a397cb86⋯.png (16.93 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>cult soup

willis jealous

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1eb749 No.20985438


Ukraine says it has uncovered major arms corruption

By George Wright BBC News 28th January 2024, 12:51 EST

Ukraine's security service says it has uncovered corruption in an arms purchase by the military worth about $40m (£31m).

The SBU said five senior people in the defence ministry and at an arms supplier were being investigated.

It said the defence officials signed a contract for 100,000 mortar shells in August 2022.

Payment was made in advance, with some funds transferred abroad, but no arms were ever provided.

Corruption has been a major stumbling block in Ukraine's bid to join the European Union.

The SBU said an investigation had "exposed" officials of the ministry of defence and managers of arms supplier Lviv Arsenal, "who stole nearly 1.5 billion hryvnias in the purchase of shells".

"According to the investigation, former and current high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defence and heads of affiliated companies are involved in the embezzlement," it said.

The SBU said that despite the contract for the shells having being agreed six months after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, "not a single artillery shell" was ever sent.

One of the suspects was detained while attempting to leave Ukraine and is currently in custody, the SBU said.

Ukraine's prosecutor general says the stolen funds have been seized and will be returned to the defence budget.

Ukraine's hopes of rebuilding rely on fighting corruption

Issues surrounding corruption have dogged Ukraine for years.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cited the fight against corruption as one of his main priorities when he came to power in 2019.

The latest allegations come as Republicans in the United States push back on President Joe Biden's efforts to send more aid to Ukraine.

In August, President Zelensky fired all the officials in charge of military recruitment to end a system in which some people were being allowed to escape conscription.

Ukraine was ranked 116th out of 180 countries in a 2022 corruption perceptions index by campaigning and research organisation Transparency International.

But anti-corruption efforts are beginning to make a difference. It is one of only 10 countries steadily climbing Transparency International's ranking, rising 28 places in a decade.


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a5e87c No.20985439

File: 38ff8ad2da60f38⋯.png (339.75 KB,683x936,683:936,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bc58e No.20985440

Can anyone get qresear.ch to load?

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a076bd No.20985441

File: 4b5ca4cb2fb9429⋯.mp4 (278.61 KB,640x358,320:179,key2.mp4)

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a264e4 No.20985442


>Jussie has no comment

The trend is for it to be the aggrieved party that's usually behind it.

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d0cf35 No.20985443


>How does the universe work?

You post. We call you a faggot.

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eca3cc No.20985444

File: 097f74da483eb72⋯.png (21.42 KB,240x400,3:5,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>cult soup

gingur chuutin activ

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e7f2f9 No.20985445

File: e33fa538c629d04⋯.jpg (141.91 KB,1000x1000,1:1,smart_people.jpg)


>Good shit. Fuck the Biden regime. Fuck the Zio regime. Fuck the MSM. Fuck 'em all!

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5e60ce No.20985446


A spitball soaked in pure nicotine.

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77d4d8 No.20985447


Down for me.

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9bc58e No.20985448

No anons here huh. Thanks for nothing.

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f97b91 No.20985449


God that was funny, and sad at the same time.

Yeah, how is Ukraine gonna continue their grift of people talk about the massive grift? “But Joe liked it when we gave a split, but the US is not sending enough to split it”

Joe’s falling out of love with our Corrupt Country, maybe Zelensky can use his mouth in different ways

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9bc58e No.20985450



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83fcae No.20985451


loads for me.

i'm vpn'd though via netherlands

using brave

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8b45f3 No.20985452

Jun 07, 2024, 6:59 PM


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




The fix was in from the beginning.

If true, this is even further proof President Trump never had a chance of being innocent.

It was a sham trial from the beginning and the “guilty” verdict came down from the Deep State and “the Big Guy.”


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1b6f0a No.20985453

File: 5aeacdfb81d8702⋯.png (60.51 KB,378x357,18:17,b68ef417f261db213277f87372….png)

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9bc58e No.20985454

BO/BV qresear.ch is down

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918833 No.20985455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e7f2f9 No.20985456

File: bb93a7bd9794f1e⋯.jpg (72.7 KB,563x748,563:748,obama_162_mass_shootings.jpg)




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eca3cc No.20985457

File: ccee76cc705e409⋯.png (9.44 KB,181x279,181:279,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>cult soup

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5e60ce No.20985458

In case you haven't figured it out yet, we are someone else's AI.

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9bc58e No.20985459



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268e12 No.20985460


Stormy got a Boston Tea Party

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77d4d8 No.20985461

File: 5c715e0abc1f63a⋯.jpg (38.38 KB,640x438,320:219,apu_is_building_a_computer….jpg)

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b49a8d No.20985462

File: fcc1076e90657cc⋯.png (2.15 MB,1179x1552,1179:1552,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bc58e No.20985463

Can anyone confirm with a valid screengrab, that qresar.ch is up?

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83fcae No.20985464

File: b6ce7a6ef3c921f⋯.png (56.76 KB,1142x665,1142:665,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9e62f No.20985465





not down

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a264e4 No.20985466

File: 20e80227a41e04e⋯.jpg (50.12 KB,686x570,343:285,Screenshot_2024_06_07_1809….jpg)


Working on my end.

That said I have noticed it has periodic borkery spells recently.

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0e01e3 No.20985467

File: bf49da389ca5690⋯.jpeg (802.01 KB,1125x1394,1125:1394,IMG_1111.jpeg)


I’d like to solve the puzzle, please Sir…

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d0cf35 No.20985468

File: c67128fe5fd273a⋯.png (458.52 KB,2590x1949,2590:1949,ClipboardImage.png)

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eca3cc No.20985469

File: 329298f44a5f8e2⋯.png (14.25 KB,271x360,271:360,ClipboardImage.png)


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e7f2f9 No.20985470

File: 146871a901bf4aa⋯.gif (1.14 MB,220x285,44:57,white_blood_cells_attackji….gif)

File: 8b837261abf96c7⋯.png (500.95 KB,637x836,637:836,rome_was_infested_with_par….png)

File: e93de54bece8830⋯.png (376.66 KB,1030x852,515:426,wormpill_parasites_mind_co….png)

File: 927ca7257aee77a⋯.png (534.58 KB,960x540,16:9,mend_bending_sentient_worm….png)





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9bc58e No.20985471


Yeah that 00:23 second delta.

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1d655a No.20985472


it's a shame he wsn't there when the deathstar arrived

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eb201d No.20985473


Working here

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77d4d8 No.20985474


Can report it is now working for me.

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15c5bf No.20985475

Jarred Kushner for VP

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268e12 No.20985476


Almost Wookalar-ish

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9bc58e No.20985477

Thank you Patriots.

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f9e62f No.20985478

File: 99779e5728c6ec9⋯.png (97.01 KB,941x1014,941:1014,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d0aae No.20985479


Who is „we“ ?

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e7f2f9 No.20985480

File: 88e38e3e69db408⋯.mp4 (713.87 KB,480x360,4:3,speeding_tickets_not_from_….mp4)



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77fe97 No.20985481

File: a79ec5f292ab6ba⋯.png (95.86 KB,1329x972,443:324,ClipboardImage.png)


up and running roger the dodger.


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c61ce5 No.20985482

File: f955ccf87d4a965⋯.png (77.13 KB,225x225,1:1,99590b52267737ddd2561d7dde….png)

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9bc58e No.20985483

Down and back up within past 2 hour frame.

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9bc58e No.20985484

Maintenance was not announced. Wonder why that search feature would go down like that for such a short span of time with no warning.

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2d2785 No.20985485


In a spiral 1.618033…………….

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ba33f1 No.20985486


info on pine turp for tape worm?

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621eba No.20985487

File: 7ef1e7e29ba04e5⋯.jpeg (326.74 KB,1200x1436,300:359,Trump_revealing_masterpie….jpeg)



this is worth a do.

can confirm a lot of COMMS point to SEC_TEST

and trip failures.

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d0cf35 No.20985488


Everyone that is not him.

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eca3cc No.20985489

File: 8b568335bdc7adb⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x698,512:349,8b568335bdc7adb54da55034bc….png)

File: 5c7ec4f3de0fb96⋯.png (13.49 KB,194x259,194:259,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bc58e No.20985490


Weird it was down after Qppl posted. Then suddenly back up when the cries rang out.

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e7f2f9 No.20985491

File: 2a5fc268d63171f⋯.jpeg (261.83 KB,553x550,553:550,white_goose_and_dog.jpeg)


>The latest allegations come as Republicans in the United States push back on President Joe Biden's efforts to send more aid to Ukraine.



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d0cf35 No.20985492


If Q were trying to post and the trips weren't working he'd be in here stating these issues.

You think Q gave up because of a possible trip blockage?

More likely Q gave up after he saw the actual state of things.

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0e01e3 No.20985493

File: 6c2ee060a52240c⋯.jpeg (767.69 KB,1125x1621,1125:1621,IMG_1112.jpeg)

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a5e87c No.20985494

File: 6ca7631767a5658⋯.png (249.99 KB,344x579,344:579,ClipboardImage.png)



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9bc58e No.20985495

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25ecb6 No.20985496

File: f5094fafbe9a6f1⋯.png (52.35 KB,565x500,113:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>I'll work on it now.

>Will post a fresh link here when it's ready.

Awesome. Thank you!

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9bc58e No.20985497

What's going on?

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eca3cc No.20985498

File: 42e652e3c4cbf71⋯.jpg (92.62 KB,720x720,1:1,43f8c8936d2171a6c9ff981dae….jpg)

File: 78b4e2f6eecb3b2⋯.png (119.1 KB,900x818,450:409,78b4e2f6eecb3b27ec8145c1ad….png)

File: 84d6dd5dc5ede36⋯.png (77.08 KB,259x194,259:194,84d6dd5dc5ede36758007de69d….png)

helluva swim to duh vatican fo pope tom hanks fault

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c61ce5 No.20985499


if you aint Q you haz no trip white listed

Notables anon haz trip iirc

that it

suck an egg

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b49a8d No.20985500

File: 2ddaeb51dbcf6c3⋯.png (461.36 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a4c56e6ad9172b⋯.png (1.8 MB,2970x2483,2970:2483,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985501


Good for them. hope they feel betterer now.

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e7f2f9 No.20985502

File: a95cc41b1bbc863⋯.jpg (57.33 KB,1024x755,1024:755,secret_knowledge.jpg)


>info on pine turp for tape worm?



oops caps lock

It might be great, I don't know. I would just fenbendazole that bich these days.

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a264e4 No.20985503


Maybe that one anon that gave BO 24 hours or else is practicing for tomorrow's showdown over there.

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9bc58e No.20985504


lmao… do you know Q? lol

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9bc58e No.20985505

Why is the board full of dumbfuk q-haters?

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77fe97 No.20985506


>If Q were trying to post and the trips weren't working he'd be in here stating these issues.

not without trip code.

Q would be ignored or called as a larp.

the trip code is all.

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e7f2f9 No.20985507

File: a247a0075bc3966⋯.png (38.12 KB,170x150,17:15,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e154f No.20985508

File: 502a543de60c0fb⋯.png (789.06 KB,717x523,717:523,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce5c56904718424⋯.png (664.42 KB,748x524,187:131,ClipboardImage.png)

'Direct assault on the Jewish community': Anti-Israel vandalism hits park in Melbourne's east

A park in Melbourne’s east frequented by the local Jewish community was vandalised with an anti-Israel slogan deemed “a direct assault on the Jewish community” by a local leader.

“Imagine the anguish a Holocaust survivor walking with his grandchildren in the park would have felt confronted with this crime, which they probably thought they would never see in their lifetime,” Dr Abramovich said.

“Melbourne is now the anti-Israel and antisemitic capital of Australia as these home-grown radicals run wild, spreading their dangerous agenda and changing what was once a tolerant haven into a cesspool of ugly propaganda.

“The vile stampede of anti-Israel defacement that has defiled our city is reaching pitch fever and is undermining our sense of security.”

The vandalism, Dr Abramovich argues, is a clear call for the destruction of Israel and an attack on the Melbourne Jewish community amid rising antisemitism.

“This revolting graffiti, which tries and hide the fact that anti-Zionism is pure antisemitism and is a call for the destruction of Israel, is a direct assault on the Jewish community,” he said.


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9bc58e No.20985510


i got the popcorn BELIEVE ME

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e0b393 No.20985512

File: 9aba072929d5cf4⋯.jpg (449.82 KB,949x841,949:841,Screenshot_20201212_085956….jpg)

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a264e4 No.20985513


Uh oh.

QR's absolute state is due to no new Q.

And if Q won't drop because of absolute state…

I don't want to ponder this any further.

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d0cf35 No.20985514

File: 06045625682f52b⋯.png (9.57 KB,79x57,79:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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e7f2f9 No.20985516

File: 256267824a3c398⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,474x266,237:133,michael_jackson_neverland_….jpg)


the usual

low-key winning

high-key losing

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9bc58e No.20985517

well his posts were deleted already, before

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a5e87c No.20985518

File: affe7386822fe8e⋯.png (592.01 KB,824x777,824:777,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e60ce No.20985519


The higher Court did a little preliminary investigating before doing this. I suspect they found out if the cousin was really on the jury.

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9bc58e No.20985520

actually came back to search Qppl posts and that's when saw it was down. kinda coincidental timing.

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a5e87c No.20985521

File: c949d697b27f95d⋯.png (312.89 KB,640x395,128:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9e62f No.20985522


>pro-jewish vandalism hits park in Melbourne's east

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9bc58e No.20985523


with Q's trip i meant, board habbening specifics

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d355ab No.20985524

File: 5caf4a1ca0aa2b5⋯.jpeg (515.24 KB,1150x588,575:294,72D6512B_F6A4_4062_A220_F….jpeg)

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d0cf35 No.20985525


So you're suggesting this?

Q to Boss; Hurr durr the trip won't work.

Boss to Q: OK Q-man, stay silent and don't post anonymously. Shut it down.

Q to Boss; Sure Boss.

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1eb749 No.20985526


If it was going to be a short time what would the point of a warning be?

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77fe97 No.20985527

File: 48a2231c1ba9caa⋯.png (389.22 KB,1154x911,1154:911,ClipboardImage.png)


does not matter if Q does not post again.

we are Q

but it would turbo charge the awakening and sent panic amongst the deep state.

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3d0aae No.20985528


Okay why does the spiral not manifest me perfect gf :(

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9bc58e No.20985529


uh.. you shouldn't cuz you way off base there.

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173c3b No.20985530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maximum Victory.

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a5e87c No.20985531

File: 1268fda3af64f7d⋯.png (720.34 KB,758x806,379:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2cddd No.20985532


kek perfect

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de1f4b No.20985533

File: 960b0d889df4e3d⋯.jpg (146.49 KB,1050x1253,150:179,Screen_Shot_2024_06_07_at_….jpg)

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7e154f No.20985534

At least 28 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces batter Gaza, with tanks advancing on Rafah

Israel bombarded central and southern Gaza on Friday, killing at least 28 Palestinians.

Local residents say tanks are advancing on Rafah and are stationed in the al-Izba district near the Mediterranean coast.

Israel has bombarded central and southern Gaza, killing at least 28 Palestinians as tanks have advanced to the south-western edges of Rafah.

It comes one month after tanks entered Rafah in what Israel said was an assault to wipe out Hamas' last intact combat units.

Residents said tanks were stationed in the al-Izba district near the Mediterranean coast while snipers had commandeered some buildings and high ground, trapping people in their homes.


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ba33f1 No.20985535


paid shill

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f97b91 No.20985536


The corruption never stops, you know who found the corruption? the MP that was stealing more money! Thats the only way you get caught there, if you are lower on the totem poll.

They release these phony reports of the lower people, following orders of Ministers who tell them what to steal and pilfer, to convince the US and EU citizens they are making progress with corruption. Why did Zelensky’s income go up 30% last year because “he was collecting more rent on his numerous rentals in ultra rich areas in the EU where he owns high end Villas?”

Almost all of their reports are dodge and weave for higher ups,see we are not at all corrupt!Because we have a 30% surcharge, it used to be 10% for the BG, but we write it off to inflation. (That we created)

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173c3b No.20985537

File: 8935aa9adace339⋯.gif (1.98 MB,498x280,249:140,8F6390DB_60C7_402F_AFA9_9B….gif)

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a5e87c No.20985538

File: 0549ccb21123cba⋯.png (506.13 KB,715x894,715:894,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bc58e No.20985539


what kinda crack are all you freaks taking right now?

q said he'd be back are you totally illiterate or just mostly illiterate?

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20680c No.20985540


don't care

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d942f4 No.20985541

File: a35ae52fde2ab37⋯.jpg (1.06 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Singing_POTUS_Q_Alt.jpg)


Thank You Baker!

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66e2de No.20985542

File: 93d05c9701db7b1⋯.png (10.56 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

Infrared Anon, you good?

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9bc58e No.20985543


yeah we know you are lmao. gtfo!

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5af671 No.20985544


Trump as a boy.

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06a0b2 No.20985545

File: 14ac9d444400629⋯.png (124.28 KB,1056x857,1056:857,ClipboardImage.png)


>Got a feeling it will turn out to be a nothing burger and served its purpose to get MAGA SM all riled up.

I literally just sent this to a fren.

Psyop ALL day long

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1eb749 No.20985546


Pomegranate seeds and honey, simple as

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9bc58e No.20985547

it's spicy as a tamale up in HYUH lol shills are freaking out over 24 hour notice? LOL

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09e99b No.20985548

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a5e87c No.20985549

File: 67ff6e6e2563575⋯.png (1.21 MB,1004x1167,1004:1167,ClipboardImage.png)

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a264e4 No.20985550


Wasn't my theory tho.

I was just extrapolating the OP's theory out to its logical conclusion.

I would do the same if you or any other anon has a theory.

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d0cf35 No.20985551

File: 8f733fb5ccc05a1⋯.jpg (264.84 KB,1080x1095,72:73,Hannity_Israel_Committing_….jpg)

File: afb0bbea2c92ed8⋯.png (322.05 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Hamas_Base_Israel_Genocide….png)

File: c757bc0871e6b93⋯.jpg (728.84 KB,2560x1536,5:3,Kosher_Genocide_Cooper_TV_….jpg)



Oh wait, it's a government's military, no worries, right?!

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77fe97 No.20985552

File: a3125269bdd229b⋯.png (290.5 KB,300x450,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)


mostly retarded.

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15c5bf No.20985553

Q already told us everything. Only thing left is over 40k information and Q said we wouldn't go that high again.

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4b08a7 No.20985554


equipment for the illegal immigrants (UN soldiers) my guess…

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a5e87c No.20985555

File: 1f2abf53d12a744⋯.png (652.28 KB,759x763,759:763,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985556


There are some who are still waiting for Jesus to return…

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b49a8d No.20985557

File: fe5d4fb8906faed⋯.webm (1.02 MB,480x342,80:57,1717801827271680.webm)

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66e2de No.20985558

File: 1ddd40096cd6b27⋯.png (292.53 KB,657x650,657:650,1ddd40096cd6b273095e1ffa64….png)

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97588e No.20985559


Thank You.

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d355ab No.20985560

File: d40aece898e78d8⋯.jpeg (650.53 KB,758x953,758:953,415BD898_421C_48F6_97C5_6….jpeg)


>does not matter if Q does not post again.


These clowns are just trying to stir up shit

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e7f2f9 No.20985561

File: 0f7ce1206a36874⋯.png (252.44 KB,1044x661,1044:661,_sgt_b_correctly_predicts_….png)


>with Q's trip i meant

oh shit i must need to catch up on that


>if you aint Q you haz no trip white listed

That is NOT true.

'sgt b' correctly predicts Q post - whitelisted trip seen Sep 2023

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9bc58e No.20985562


they ain't gonna delete that stuff anon. most logical deduction they were deleting Qppl posts.

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a5e87c No.20985563

File: b9b8506ed840942⋯.png (501.55 KB,759x751,759:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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c61ce5 No.20985564


sgt B gone

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ba33f1 No.20985565



as if

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a5e87c No.20985566

File: 6959ffb5250f430⋯.png (641.21 KB,732x875,732:875,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bc58e No.20985567


B? uhm.. so you crawled up that tranny's p-hole or what exactly?

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77fe97 No.20985568

File: 777c201f21de4f0⋯.mp4 (469.49 KB,360x202,180:101,spaceforce.mp4)

File: b83b7cc41b2882a⋯.gif (2.5 MB,480x200,12:5,warp_speed_ns.gif)


well anon went way higher.

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35001c No.20985569


The funniest part is somebody thought this would move the needle, ans then paid money to make it happen.

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693582 No.20985570

File: 0596c774054e786⋯.jpg (12.36 KB,255x255,1:1,NoQHere.jpg)

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97588e No.20985571

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d0cf35 No.20985572

File: 585033d2a6174b4⋯.jpg (17.39 KB,230x230,1:1,Pepe_Stoned_Weed_Joint.jpg)


>Q said we wouldn't go that high again.

How else can we ascend?

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f9e62f No.20985573

File: 69145aca564fde3⋯.jpeg (52.97 KB,709x709,1:1,69145aca564fde33d425e9832….jpeg)



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e7f2f9 No.20985574


the trip is whitelisted, like it or not.

I know it's tough. Anons are bonded.

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9bc58e No.20985575


Q told you everything but the fuggn answers he promised lol.. can y'all people read or what.

Now Q did give us everything that's true but when someone like Q says he's coming back, you better damn lissen

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d0cf35 No.20985576

File: abd1b2322f09427⋯.jpg (199.55 KB,980x551,980:551,Pope_Enough_With_Faggotry.jpg)

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86a580 No.20985577

File: fdf28c36255829f⋯.png (275.61 KB,634x402,317:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5e87c No.20985579

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2d2785 No.20985580



What a faggot you are:

Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147683156 📁

Nov 2 2017 18:31:24 (EST)

Fellow Patriots,

I'm being advised actions have created accelerated counter-actions.

We have not yet ascertained the scope of the attack.

Watch the news outlets.

POTUS' Twitter take down was not by accident (as referenced several hours ago).

Should the lights go out please know we are in control.

Do not panic.

We are prepared and assets are in place.

God bless - I must go for good at this point.


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d0cf35 No.20985581

File: 4d6328c68427704⋯.png (294.41 KB,489x605,489:605,Mandatory_test_Gay.png)

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9bc58e No.20985582


you can't prove it so you just make it up. now prove it

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a264e4 No.20985583

File: b31ec5ff819479c⋯.jpg (44.21 KB,573x453,191:151,Screenshot_2024_06_07_1825….jpg)


Nigga please.

I seen't what you did with that minus.

There was 1 grammy cat infraction tho.

Recently, too, giving moar sauce to the absolute state theory that's so hot right now.

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268e12 No.20985584


Vanished back about '33 - Bretton Woods

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1eb749 No.20985585


It's Friday, all their other tricks to start arguments to waste bread have failed again

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9bc58e No.20985586

people been begging off and on for months for Q's trip and nibbas like 'it works' but no one can prove that and half Q's drops from timestamp posts are about testing and not having the trip so wtf are y'all playing at ?

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d355ab No.20985587

File: 61e235015fa1f37⋯.jpeg (379.64 KB,1179x583,1179:583,CDAA98E9_C45C_4A7D_8484_7….jpeg)

File: cad2043d0512411⋯.png (137.5 KB,617x404,617:404,9BB7693F_3F0D_4823_9882_DC….png)

SCORE90 RQ4 Global Hawk drone has gone clear across the country from Pax River and set up off SoCal-done roundies over C-Bay then down eastern seaboard, across Gulf of Mexico and hugged boarder then ‘up and over’ SoCal where it is nao just NE of San Nicolas Island Naval Facility

N757AF 757 @ LAX from it’s early morning arrival from SFO depart

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e7f2f9 No.20985588

File: bb181a9d59c6117⋯.jpg (69.95 KB,500x529,500:529,VIRAL_VECTOR_FOR_PRION_WHY….jpg)


>Q already told us everything. Only thing left is over 40k information and Q said we wouldn't go that high again.

No part of that is accurate or suaceable

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d0cf35 No.20985589

File: 285ad46a5425c88⋯.png (1.49 MB,1596x1896,133:158,ClipboardImage.png)


US doctor indicted after reporting child trans procedures

The Biden administration has criminally charged a surgeon who exposed alleged secret sex-change treatments on minors in Texas


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9bc58e No.20985590

there are more lockdowns in the catalog than there were in LA during the scamdemic. that's some red flaggage. lots.

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a264e4 No.20985591

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB,91x62,91:62,chk.png)


KEK has been in a pissy mood the last few days.

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9bc58e No.20985592

who can prove trip is working for Q's login? anyone? how?

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1d0f54 No.20985593

File: 9c3db69d0901375⋯.png (468.18 KB,750x689,750:689,ClipboardImage.png)

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a5e87c No.20985594

File: 759b11cbe69b727⋯.png (443.59 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985595


Trust the Plan

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15c5bf No.20985596


>Q said we wouldn't go that high again.

>No part of that is accurate or suaceable

Q post 144

Patriots don’t sleep.

40,000ft. v. necessary to understand [US]/SA/global events.

Paint the picture.

Decrease altitude (we will not fly that HIGH AGAIN).

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77fe97 No.20985597

File: 76ad5850e2f7e20⋯.png (491.78 KB,814x443,814:443,ClipboardImage.png)


well the digits are not wrong so confirmation quads chek'ed

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a264e4 No.20985598


I dunno.

Been kinda dull the last few.

GM needs to pick it back up or the SP Prophecy will come true.

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621eba No.20985599

File: c24a5d78969843e⋯.png (3.26 MB,1974x2036,987:1018,US_Indo_DoD_FISA_6_5_2024.png)

File: ca90924fed786a4⋯.png (217.03 KB,795x517,795:517,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9519e17ea51119⋯.png (24.88 KB,554x193,554:193,ClipboardImage.png)


To suggest Q giving up is beyond stupid.

TEST_SEC example.

If Q gave up, why is there COMMS habbening on a daily basis?

Only Anons can fully appreciate the continued 'validation(s)/confirmation(s) thru covert' (series of mathematically impossible coincidences) means in order to maintain structural integrity.

[Wheels up]


Now, as for all the Trip and TEST_SEC COMMS, maybe there is something anons are missing.

I believe it is a "Expand your thinking" kind of thing IMHO

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9bc58e No.20985600


moot. Q's trip is what's in question

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1eb749 No.20985603


At least 150 villagers feared dead in Sudan massacre

By Anne Soy & Natasha Booty, BBC News 1 day ago

At least 150 people, including 35 children, are feared dead in a massacre in a village in central Sudan blamed on the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), the paramilitary group fighting the army.

The rivals have been battling over control of the country for more than 13 months.

The RSF has not commented on the accusations, but on Thursday boasted of attacking two army positions.

Footage circulating on social media after Wednesday's raid showed dozens of bodies wrapped in white shrouds prepared for burial in Wad al-Nourah in Gezira state.

That video was filmed by activists from a neighbourhood resistance committee, part of a network of local groups across the country which back a return to civilian rule.

The Madani Resistance Committee said it was now "waiting for a confirmed toll of the dead and injured".

Unicef said 35 children were killed in the attack, with more than 20 others injured. The agency's executive director Catherine Russell described the scenes on the ground as devastating.

"This is yet another grim reminder of how the children of Sudan are paying the price for the brutal violence," Ms Russell said in a statement.

Over the past year, thousands of children have been killed and injured, more than five million forced from their homes and others recruited, abducted and raped, according to Ms Russell.

The circumstances of Wednesday's killings remain unclear - it is alleged the village was attacked twice by the RSF fighters that day.

Hafiz Mohamad, from leading human rights group Justice Africa Sudan, has told the BBC that many more people are still missing but that it was "difficult to count all the dead" because "RSF elements are still around the area looting".

Sudan’s military government has called for international condemnation of the Wad al-Nourah attack.

UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron condemned the "assault on innocent people" and blamed the RSF in a post on X.

"The RSF must stop these attacks," Mr Cameron wrote. "The world is watching. Those responsible will be held to account."

The RSF took control of Gezira state, to the south of the capital, Khartoum, in December and has been accused of carrying out numerous abuses against civilians there - which it denies.

Meanwhile, intense battles continue between the RSF and military in El Fasher, a city in Darfur in the west of the country.

Across the country, more than 15,000 people are estimated to have been killed since the conflict started in April 2023.

Several rounds of peace talks have failed to end the war, which began when the two generals leading the army and RSF fell out.

UN agencies say the fighting has sparked the world’s largest displacement crisis and that millions are facing a hunger catastrophe as a result.

Martin Griffiths, the UN’s under-secretary general for humanitarian affairs, said this week that up to five million people were highly likely to be at risk of famine.

“I don’t think we’ve ever had this kind of number at risk of famine,” he said, adding that “this was an avoidable conflict.”

“It is a place where two men decided that they were going to resolve their differences through fighting and take their country down,” said Mr Griffiths.


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b2cddd No.20985604

File: 8c674f5140e70ef⋯.jpeg (159.03 KB,460x547,460:547,8c674f5140e70eff7ca502b59….jpeg)

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9bc58e No.20985605


something anons are missing? that something is Q and Q is missing cuz his fkn trip is broken.

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e9409c No.20985606

File: 59712f053949638⋯.mp4 (1.52 MB,480x854,240:427,cat_music.mp4)

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9bc58e No.20985607

potus truths and dan truths i know we most of us anyway saw that. it's a coincidence???

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6935de No.20985608

File: 2e7998de2878ac2⋯.jpeg (278.41 KB,720x469,720:469,2e7998de2878ac2583c66af54….jpeg)

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24502b No.20985609

File: 2ce20ad0bce6f8b⋯.png (483.94 KB,603x604,603:604,2ce20ad0bce6f8bf028df9bd59….png)

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9bc58e No.20985610

wait which bread was that in i thought it was this one. all the posts in order w/drops?

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f97b91 No.20985611


The SBU is supervised by the CIA, so monkey see, monkey do! Lets find some military who learned the way of higher up, arrest them and blame them, for the orders they were given. Don’t ever be a lower down in military or industry!

They see the example and say: If the entire government higher ups steal, we will do the same. The higher ups were counting on them doing it.

(Honestly there is no way to fix this country. The UN has been producing reports on the corruption there since 1997, much earlier than the 2014 coup.)

Unless they arrest everyone in government and have been in government for 30+ years, along with all the companies bribing government, there is no way to fix it. The country is a truly an open Satanic hell hole, no wonder the immigrants never want to go back!

It’s pretty funny the US government is pointing fingers at corrupt countries when our country and government is probably more corrupt then them, the OIGs here are too afraid of revealing how truly bad and evil it is.

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ba33f1 No.20985612


Perhaps He comes to people when they die?

A lot of the stories of the Great Teacher are made up lies by those who tried to kill Him.

Like "you have to wait 1K years"

Those years never existed.

He lived in the middle ages. Not even 1k years since He's been gone.

And for those who receive His Grace, He never left.

People have hope God will return His creation to balance; as it's meant to be.

It's something inside people - that love; they know it exists, and want it outside too.

Genesis story of Creation relates to the perfection of God's creation.

That's why the Holy Spirit heals people, that's why medicines heal people. It's the Grace of God's love. God enters the Creation itself to give salvation to lost souls

If you haven't found that, I would consider you lost.

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b2cddd No.20985613

File: 21709e78956c85f⋯.png (83.95 KB,300x300,1:1,21f5feed_6ab8_4cfa_aa99_a4….png)

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66e2de No.20985614

File: 03d5e47e7c92e1c⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,8f1e4430e332fed6ea563e05b6….mp4)

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9bc58e No.20985615

wtf… anons are you here or not.

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9bc58e No.20985616

oh they throttling connections again like they do when real anons get too hot to handle?

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62064a No.20985617



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eca3cc No.20985618

File: cd2ffda5969e13b⋯.png (790.11 KB,1080x709,1080:709,ClipboardImage.png)



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77fe97 No.20985619

File: 86bc6acd4b6d39b⋯.png (101.75 KB,588x424,147:106,ClipboardImage.png)


reminded anon of the bbc.

fuck it was torture but anon covered the debate with farage.

see below with notes.

sigh kill me now.

fucking specially selected audience of retards.

defund that piece of shit full of pedos



Note: dough below

audience was a typical pro immigration and bbc brain washed), bbc needs defunding.


Novara REACTS To 7-Party General Election BBC Debate



Notes:dough below



>>20984811, >>20984817 7-Party General Election BBC Debate with farage - youtube and notes from debate (rough notes)

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e7f2f9 No.20985620

File: 731a1f8b732b43d⋯.png (41.61 KB,759x300,253:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>now prove it

I guess this was on /abcu/. I could have sworn there was a QR post with the trip. Can't find it now

Were trips not whitelist whole site or board-specific,

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20680c No.20985621

File: 24599fb54727f15⋯.png (840.07 KB,2346x1066,1173:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bc58e No.20985622

all thos shills pretending they r here for q but turning that blind eye about it all lmao this is some weak game up in hyuh good gracious sakes lol

do y'all get to go to the mall alone or do you have a chaperone.

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a264e4 No.20985623


>reminded anon of the bbc.

>fuck it was torture

Come on, anon.

I had to stop right there.

Save this kinda stuff for GY shift next time please..

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1b8e97 No.20985624


>wtf… anons are you here or not.

39 posts, meet filter.

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aa760a No.20985625

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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eca3cc No.20985626

File: cd2ffda5969e13b⋯.png (790.11 KB,1080x709,1080:709,ClipboardImage.png)









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9bc58e No.20985627

lemme explain something real obvious ok. you come here for Q then act like a tampon about Q? that maens you're just a lying tampon. now, alter behavior.

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62064a No.20985628

File: 34317e5d77ab551⋯.jpeg (222.19 KB,1396x1146,698:573,GPV39znWMAAPqZk.jpeg)

File: 2e8141a17664f8a⋯.jpg (68.31 KB,471x614,471:614,2e8141a17664f8ae5a9a0c8d28….jpg)

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9bc58e No.20985629


oooooo!!! SCARY lmao kys

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9bc58e No.20985630

how many shills can pop up w/ that 1 post to bitch about Q related posts.

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9bc58e No.20985631

i know y'all are out there watching, waiting. not wondering tho.

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b2cddd No.20985632

File: 741ee5847ccd2c4⋯.jpg (27.97 KB,400x400,1:1,d283d86fcfa8ae95f5aa083703….jpg)


Listen up, Posty. Been telling you there ain't no way to stop Q from posting if that be their aim. Now batten down that hatch a yer's and leave some tack for the rest of the crew, by thunder.

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c61ce5 No.20985633


he was board owner so he could have a trip on his board

babyfist aka sgt B

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77fe97 No.20985634

File: d810fa83097a0b4⋯.gif (1.78 MB,360x208,45:26,gay_shift.gif)


ok but it is always gay shift here lately

rainbow banners and faggots in the kitchen, clowns everywhere and halfmind idiots who think they are the nuts but are in fact getting fucked in the butt by feds.


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9bc58e No.20985635


omg u r the fake q from last night! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FO!!!

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9bc58e No.20985636


grow a brian moran and gtfo fake q

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aa760a No.20985637

File: eb079e86ec2d8ab⋯.jpeg (273.03 KB,828x468,23:13,86848D7D_0E2C_4346_A3F3_9….jpeg)

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24502b No.20985638

File: b561288d3adb0d0⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,480x270,16:9,Texas_Children_s_Hospital_….mp4)



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9bc58e No.20985639

that nibba been tryin fakeq for weeks and every time someone busts him on his fake shit he pops up with his little blackbeard pepe like a true homosexual

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ed4db6 No.20985640


Waiting for the poster to be a qanon…

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aec5ce No.20985641

File: 3a0d54d014cea1d⋯.jpeg (42.71 KB,182x255,182:255,IMG_5297.jpeg)

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56a06c No.20985642

File: 8b4a1db0467bd43⋯.png (13.58 KB,325x282,325:282,Capture.PNG)

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a076bd No.20985643

File: 0c743473cfc240f⋯.mp4 (291.74 KB,854x480,427:240,you_now_have_my_attention.mp4)

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9bc58e No.20985644

weeks? no, months now. always the same, seen it so many times except last night lil diff bc of a.i. additions

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e7f2f9 No.20985645

File: 6c7e2c95a4ae641⋯.png (856.27 KB,1870x920,187:92,ClipboardImage.png)


>rainbow banners

there's been far less of that than there used to be

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d355ab No.20985646

File: 9159527637a81b9⋯.jpeg (712.86 KB,1319x617,1319:617,86D9A021_B6CF_4C18_872A_A….jpeg)

File: 623a2be694b96af⋯.jpeg (325.45 KB,896x400,56:25,C80F457C_F8B1_4695_95F8_4….jpeg)

>>20978636 pb

PF: Ukraine AF UKN1124 A319Zelenskydeparted Paris-Degaulle Intl and heading for Lublin or Rzeszow Airport

Likely Lublin

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9bc58e No.20985647


heard about that too it was described as a hit on that bot baker

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eca3cc No.20985648

File: cd2ffda5969e13b⋯.png (790.11 KB,1080x709,1080:709,ClipboardImage.png)











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9bc58e No.20985649

speaking of hits and um.. "bo" boomboom byebye apparently to last bo. oh well lol

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e9409c No.20985650


Amigo. Alcatraz was closed in 1963. File under - Dumb Spics at sea.

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1eb749 No.20985651

Canada #59 >>20985602

Mexican officials deny bird flu death, patient died of kidney failure

Mexican officials are denying that the recent death of a 59-year-old man was due to a new bird flu strain despite reports from the MSM and WHO.

Mexican officials deny bird flu death, patient died of kidney failure

During a briefing, Mexican Health Secretary Jorge Alcocer denied the WHO’s claim that the 59-year-old chronically ill man with little contact with poultry died from a new highly transmissible strain of bird flu.

According to Alcocer, the Mexican man died from a combination of underlying conditions and severe illnesses culminating in “mainly kidney and respiratory failure”.

He further urged the Mexican population to remain calm, calling the WHO’s announcement “not accurate”.

“I can point out that the statement made by the World Health Organization is pretty bad since it speaks of a fatal case [of bird flu], which was not the case,” Health Secretary Alcocer said.

He added that, despite the insinuation by the WHO, “So far, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission.”

Additionally, Alcocer says that there is no evidence that anyone in contact with the man has contracted bird flu.

He further stated, “There is no reason to avoid eating chicken and its products or to be worried about it.”

MSM has a field day over false bird flu death'

Despite Mexican health officials publicly stating that the man’s death wasn’t related to bird flu, mainstream outlets are having a field day publishing articles claiming that this is the “First-ever human death of bird flu strain H5N2” and telling readers that extra vigilance and precautions may be warranted.

Indeed, CBC, Global News, BBC, Reuters, NBC News, Washington Post, etc., have all penned articles warning about the latest incident of bird flu in a new campaign of scaremongering eerily similar to early COVID-era propaganda.

However, so far, there is no evidence that people need to be remotely worried about bird flu, nor that it even has the potential to reach pandemic levels or that it should ever be considered grounds for disrupting everyday life.


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9bc58e No.20985652

y'all love q so much you begged for the proof he posted - i saw y'all no wait i did not see that, there was only 1 who asked

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eb201d No.20985653

Look at how desperate they look.

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b2cddd No.20985654

File: 84b3cb23abc84d0⋯.jpg (185.18 KB,1000x667,1000:667,1000w_q95.jpg)


Please go to 101 so I can use the meme.

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a264e4 No.20985655


kek Vatty I like this version of you best

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9bc58e No.20985656


hey. dumbass. dividers will fail ain't exactly rocket science so are you a moron or just a payroll prostitute for media matters?

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e9409c No.20985657

File: 4a61e950d208f59⋯.mp4 (893.04 KB,320x568,40:71,Zionism_thrives_off_anti_s….mp4)


+ Anti-Semitism.

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24502b No.20985658

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hospital Whistleblower Exposes SECRET Child Sex Change Program & It Gets UGLY w/ Eithan Haim

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25ecb6 No.20985659

File: a8a7acdc47326be⋯.png (285.83 KB,764x426,382:213,slv_pepe.png)

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77fe97 No.20985660

File: 3341577a29f97fa⋯.png (419.84 KB,500x730,50:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c0ba3edf5db4e2⋯.png (624.42 KB,500x1011,500:1011,ClipboardImage.png)


was hoping farage was going lose his shit kick over the podiums and shout at them


Boy was anon a bit disappointed.


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9bc58e No.20985661


look everyone it's the vatikant tard posting about himself bc he's an obsessive psycho.

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9bc58e No.20985662


i do what i do; if you want something, that's on you

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a5e87c No.20985663

File: f5fc864489ee71e⋯.png (156.07 KB,516x600,43:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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a076bd No.20985664

Looking at the vocabulary in usage the chatty Cathy is VaticanClown.

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9bc58e No.20985665

where are the anons who like Q and Q-research?

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a5e87c No.20985666

File: 3ea5a6f92939f9c⋯.png (599.25 KB,816x783,272:261,ClipboardImage.png)

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c76748 No.20985667


Not wrong

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9bc58e No.20985668


try harder vaticunt!

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9bc58e No.20985669


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aa760a No.20985670

File: 23301f3d4619af3⋯.jpeg (54.36 KB,828x388,207:97,E4CBD22E_EC34_4B62_8924_5….jpeg)

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f97b91 No.20985671


Voldemort will have to arrest himself to stem the tide of corruption and stealing, right now he is not even the President, his term ran out at the end of May, but he said Presidential elections couldn’t be done during a time if war.

So Zelensky is acting like the President illegally due to orders he put inbecause he knew they wouldn’t vote for him again. He stole the office of the President again.

So is Bidan going to do the same, he’s planning it now

(Pay attention everything Zelensky is getting away with, Bidan has done in America, Bidan used Zelensky for a test case to see if the Citizens would accept all the bullshit)

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky cited the fight against corruption as one of his main priorities when he came to power in 2019.”

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06a0b2 No.20985672


u mean BLUE ANON?

so transparent now.

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b2cddd No.20985673

File: 1f660a8dcc839a0⋯.jpg (50.2 KB,486x960,81:160,1f660a8dcc839a04808f9e86bf….jpg)


44 more. Come on.

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a5e87c No.20985674

File: 4bcb6360375cada⋯.png (585.98 KB,915x700,183:140,ClipboardImage.png)

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5eac30 No.20985675

Super Spammer back and Vatitard and Muhguh Gheytriots disappear.

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56a06c No.20985676

File: 505412638dc512f⋯.png (143.06 KB,827x899,827:899,Capture2.PNG)

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9c4926 No.20985677

With the initiative on their side (when is it not) Team O'Biden has one hand on the false perception economy and the real economy. in the other hand I see another bio weapon in the form of 'bird flu'. Carefully controlled I think both could be used before, up until and after the election. Who knows Biden wins - shut it all down. Trump wins - shut it all down. Inevitable or impossible?

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9bc58e No.20985678

q l e t m e j u s t s a y

u a r e s p e c i a l i n e v e r y w a y

i'm gonna ask my dad to do something for U

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e9409c No.20985679

File: 07dab3b55d0377c⋯.webp (883.66 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Sara_Milliken_National_Mi….webp)


>hey. dumbass. dividers will fail

No fuck stick. Your tolerance ALREADY failed. But because you're trying so hard you win the date with Miss Alabama. Remember. No dividing now. Dive in faggot.

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c76748 No.20985680

File: 3e4c3d563fb3f0a⋯.jpeg (49.12 KB,474x470,237:235,91FB0EBD_6AC1_4AF8_9157_A….jpeg)

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d355ab No.20985681


Tell the rest Max

>they never do

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9bc58e No.20985682

lookatem go! wind-up toys u no

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56a06c No.20985683

File: 3911391dd986e8b⋯.png (73.12 KB,318x684,53:114,Capture3.PNG)

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9bc58e No.20985684

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c76748 No.20985685

File: 28ff328f3216452⋯.gif (437.86 KB,245x176,245:176,F318AF0B_7AEF_4DD7_8110_37….gif)

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12a9dc No.20985686

File: 2e2c990c6d30bd6⋯.jpg (676.31 KB,2476x1440,619:360,Picsart_24_06_05_16_05_29_….jpg)


to those that dont know

semites come from the line of Shem

Shem was 1 of Noah's 3 sons

the other 2 being Ham and Japheth

Ashkenazi's are descendants of Japheth

not Shem

ya hurr me

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5eac30 No.20985687


Arlington, VA isn’t spoopy.

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e9409c No.20985688


What's the rest? MB is the most outspoken journalist out there.

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9bc58e No.20985689

see, the key that winds up the toys? it's logic. they hate it lol

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eca3cc No.20985690

File: 705db2c66067a90⋯.png (48.6 KB,225x225,1:1,705db2c66067a905f3d213ca6a….png)



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9c4926 No.20985692


AOC's abuela.

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9bc58e No.20985693


but no..

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9bc58e No.20985694

hive mind, did you forget how to swarm? lol wakey wakey!

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77fe97 No.20985695

File: c1726afde95141e⋯.png (625.77 KB,636x499,636:499,ClipboardImage.png)


ebil trips chek'ed

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621eba No.20985696

File: 190ecf7a99586d9⋯.png (2.85 MB,1507x1221,137:111,pepe_work_of_art.png)


This is a valid point.

There could be a reason Q hasn't poasted yet and it's most likely not because Q can't poast with trip.

We have what we need for now. Timing with Q poasts are what make them work in the first place. Or a blockade at a GOV level that was most likely planned for.

Regardless of circumstance, COMMS are still happening everyday with the Q poasts we already have. I think we should be making sure we catch these messages like we used to the first 2-3 years when it all started.

Twitter/Truth/Rallys/etc are vectors for backchannel communications and moar.

Are anons waiting for things to habben or are we here to make a difference by doing whats stated above?

This board has moar power than we can possibly comprehend.

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53136c No.20985697


Protest in DC tomorrow near WH,

There's an 11/3, 11/4 on the clock Sunday, Monday.

Threre's a 9/11 on Monday.

Just sayin…..

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1d0f54 No.20985698



Reminds anon of the hysteria that surrounded the bricks dropped off for construction posted on social media. Someone sees a big bundle of bricks and thinks it must be pre-positioned for rioting. Turns out bricklayers actually used them to build something.

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9bc58e No.20985699


this kinda stupid shit right here. but hey, you wanna run with the prostitutes, you do you

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c76748 No.20985700


Been out working, just got here. Something going on?

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d355ab No.20985701

File: 5418e41745fd3a4⋯.jpeg (381.19 KB,908x478,454:239,7FD969C1_C7AC_471F_8E6D_C….jpeg)

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9bc58e No.20985702

shills be like "facebook mode nao" lol

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eca3cc No.20985703

File: 36b94cb8e2cdce0⋯.png (9.61 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2cddd No.20985704

File: 16b9f5ce3e9b4f4⋯.gif (6.68 MB,480x301,480:301,16b9f5ce3e9b4f423525749548….gif)


That's not very nice.

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ed429a No.20985705

File: 2645ddd4b5c9345⋯.png (72.48 KB,578x431,578:431,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bc58e No.20985706


yeah a big something

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56a06c No.20985707


Diggers gonna dig

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809282 No.20985708


Nope fuck you

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9bc58e No.20985709


no one here cares about q except those other 2 guys so why does anyone care about anything else? its q research or am i mistaken?

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a076bd No.20985710

File: eabde7d623f4843⋯.jpg (38.32 KB,512x512,1:1,rg4.jpg)

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a5e87c No.20985711

File: 1983c3d0def69fc⋯.png (427.4 KB,544x427,544:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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f97b91 No.20985712


When Bidan and gang stole 2020, thats what they wanted a Global War, HRC was craving it., but they have to lock up and torture patriots first.

I’m sure we warned by Q many times, “but it had to be this way, so the Great Awakening would actually happen.”

It’s habbening, its miserable, but we will win! If not it will be worse then a Global War!

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ed429a No.20985713

File: 2790a213be4585e⋯.png (2.58 MB,1800x1350,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Verrry interdasting

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66e2de No.20985714

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cd56ca No.20985715

did WTC7 have a pizza joint?

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9bc58e No.20985716

Q these shills are retardededed more than ever. gettin' hot

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a5e87c No.20985717

File: 0e76cf123b6e1d0⋯.png (365.13 KB,680x444,170:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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aec5ce No.20985718

File: 39db5469c11a63b⋯.jpeg (33.66 KB,255x244,255:244,IMG_5533.jpeg)

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eca3cc No.20985719

File: 7d2ad5544bb160f⋯.png (7.64 KB,221x228,221:228,ClipboardImage.png)

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77fe97 No.20985720


bannon should release the epstein video before the 1st july,

he has 15 hours of it..

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b2cddd No.20985721

File: b537a7499f2fc1a⋯.png (38.78 KB,473x329,473:329,qaggdropimage4955.png)


Seems pretty straightforward.


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53136c No.20985722



6/13 (6 days from now) is exactly 90 days out from Sept 11th, 2024.

Wasn't there a Q drop with -30, -45, -60, -90?

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9bc58e No.20985723


huh. what a weird thing to ask when you have the internet right in front of you jimmy

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d355ab No.20985724

File: a1a8860677a75ae⋯.jpeg (334.65 KB,773x573,773:573,27A33C85_D6EA_4898_B725_E….jpeg)

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a5e87c No.20985725

File: 8ec557143fa7acc⋯.png (657.64 KB,758x758,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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eca3cc No.20985726

File: 7d6391300bc0a8b⋯.png (11.62 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985727

File: b7e90572fba04d6⋯.gif (302 KB,480x270,16:9,Eric_Cartman_Beefcake.gif)


Cool story bro

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1d0f54 No.20985728


That's not to say that rioting could not, or did not, happen. If anything, posting the location of said bundle of bricks gave them tactical information that they did not have before.

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809282 No.20985729

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eca3cc No.20985730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a5e87c No.20985731

File: 7d50f96ba6cba32⋯.png (331.54 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd56ca No.20985732

File: 22efd3778c95d44⋯.png (1.13 MB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)


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66e2de No.20985733


Exactly, gtfo fake Infrared Anon

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9bc58e No.20985734


no. remember harder the numbers which ones were they

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e9409c No.20985735


Thanks for the biblical history lesson. The point is who I accept and reject is my choice. The bar is high. 😎

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9bc58e No.20985736

potus b-day next week!!!!!

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809282 No.20985737

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a5e87c No.20985738

File: 29a7fcc969b46c3⋯.png (604.47 KB,672x951,224:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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66e2de No.20985739

File: 22768184dab1fcf⋯.gif (114.51 KB,479x681,479:681,Shillcon4.gif)

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9bc58e No.20985740


do you wanna date him or what. faggot.

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c76748 No.20985741

File: ac2bfd01d3f3751⋯.jpeg (22.87 KB,480x360,4:3,1233CAC6_C824_4580_B40F_3….jpeg)


Ya gonna poke it with a stick or what?!

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eb201d No.20985742

Pretty sure the prophecy has been fulfilled. Chalk up another fail. Too funny.

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cd56ca No.20985743

Who is Mao Zedong?

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56a06c No.20985744


French owned according to wiki

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9bc58e No.20985745

omg brain cells come back to this fuckin board for the love of all things God and Country

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ed429a No.20985746


I actually went to see said pallets of bricks when shown they were close to where I live.

Every single one was a construction site.

But that is just my local area, your mileage may vary based on where you live and your digging habits.

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d0cf35 No.20985747

File: 291bc1e18142e97⋯.png (4.87 MB,3836x2149,548:307,ClipboardImage.png)

Volcanic Q for the win

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f9e62f No.20985748

File: c78a3eef3711b6c⋯.png (681 KB,784x481,784:481,baking_bread.png)

@bout 560


#25737 >>20985164

>>20985216 Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Kamala Harris appearance on Jimmy Kimmel (VIDEO)

>>20985225 Mike Davis - My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence

>>20985228 This could be grounds for a mistrial @AlinaHabba and she’s confirmed this letter from Merchan is real.

>>20985270 @KashPatel - Rocking Detroit Reawaken Tour with @AlinaHabba and @EricTrump - thank you @ClayClark n @FlynnMovie

>>20985280 In his first act as US Atty for DC, Biden appointee Matthew Graves indicted Steve Bannon for contempt

>>20985291, >>20985300 watch - Dr. Phil's Exclusive Interview with President Donald J Trump

>>20985332 Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – Governor Vladimir Saldo

>>20985350, >>20985398, >>20985676, >>20985683 EYES ON - Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police?

>>20985351 Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted by a man in central Copenhagen on Friday evening

>>20985396 Ties between Washington and Kiev have reportedly deteriorated over aid delays and pressure to reduce fraud

>>20985534 At least 28 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces batter Gaza, with tanks advancing on Rafah

>>20985587 SCORE90 RQ4 Global Hawk drone has gone clear across the country, around, down and over

>>20985603 At least 150 villagers feared dead in Sudan massacre

>>20985638, >>20985658 Dr. Eithan Haim General Surgeon Whistleblower - indicted for protecting minors from Texas children's hospital mutilation

>>20985646 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1124 A319Zelenskydeparted Paris-Degaulle Intl and heading for Lublin or Rzeszow Airport -Likely Lublin

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7dda17 No.20985749

Who is not in prison?




Epstein clients



CIA traitors


Who is going to prison?




Who is in prison/detained?

J6 hostages


If this is winning YES I am tired of winning.

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cd56ca No.20985750

During a 1972 presidential visit, Richard Nixon discussed a poem called “Ode to the Plum Blossom” with its author, Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong was the founding father of the People’s Republic of China and led the country as the chairman of the Communist Party of China. His poem, “Ode to the Plum Blossom,” highlights the resilience and beauty of the plum blossom, which is often seen as a symbol of perseverance and hope in Chinese culture because it blooms vibrantly even in the cold winter. Nixon’s visit to China in 1972 was a significant diplomatic breakthrough, marking the first time a U.S. president had visited the PRC and initiating a period of improved relations between the United States and Communist China. During this historic visit, discussions of cultural elements like Mao’s poetry helped to humanize the interactions and build rapport between the leaders.

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eca3cc No.20985751

File: 3d03b87bbc54bc9⋯.png (5.74 KB,194x259,194:259,ClipboardImage.png)

biltmoar is figtin its own nazi fayk juuuu hoax wiff bladwin robbin

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a5e87c No.20985752

File: 541bb13edd21442⋯.png (526.96 KB,759x479,759:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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9bc58e No.20985753


autists? anyone here like Q besides 3 people? if so, where's the action? you don't come here to load up on rt and politico do u

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a076bd No.20985754

File: 0414e6f01ab845f⋯.png (438.23 KB,639x426,3:2,0dee9709a833a7524a45546953….png)

I see a knot I want to untie.

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9c4926 No.20985755


Shiny object - somehow someone will blame Potus's side for making a fake post.

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a5e87c No.20985756

File: 6074c18851d063d⋯.png (758.31 KB,758x758,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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66e2de No.20985757

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f587d8 No.20985758

File: 03087494cc2ce8f⋯.png (282.67 KB,1334x750,667:375,IMG_6744.png)

File: 57c571d40e88631⋯.jpeg (285.41 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_1852.jpeg)

File: 1fbc97bb8d3d015⋯.jpeg (225.38 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_6543.jpeg)

File: 42939adee02832e⋯.jpeg (165.78 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_3524.jpeg)

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d0cf35 No.20985759

File: 69971099d12bf77⋯.jpg (298.58 KB,783x818,783:818,Stormy_Daniels_Hush_Money_….jpg)


This anon gets it.

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9bc58e No.20985760

you think notables would look like that trainwreck if q was posting shit has gone to shit here and its time to clean

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f9e62f No.20985761

File: 9c9df44b2ab6819⋯.mp4 (8.53 MB,1072x768,67:48,9c9df44b2ab6819da61f44d220….mp4)

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f97b91 No.20985762


Ukraine lost the war in early 2023, they have been play acting while they sending 50,000 Ukrainians to their death”They know and all of Media Know it, its “Wag the Dog” with real lives of Ukrainian soldiers!

“The bilateral strains come at a time when Ukrainian forces are losing ground on the battlefield …”

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ed429a No.20985763


Must be a Vichy descendant

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a5e87c No.20985764

File: af77d6867ebae9a⋯.png (627.74 KB,759x739,759:739,ClipboardImage.png)

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eca3cc No.20985765

File: 34b43cc98320345⋯.jpg (82.06 KB,768x960,4:5,39999653_1517896348356447_….jpg)

moist tropical buwbs want sum real lebowski

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d0cf35 No.20985766


Needs poop

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53136c No.20985767

File: 6a3934a4285c21d⋯.png (11.94 KB,255x255,1:1,comfy1.png)


For our entertainment.

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9bc58e No.20985768

i filter all the homosexuals and there are 3 of us left

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eca3cc No.20985769

File: 5fc00b451e7d022⋯.png (4.52 KB,232x217,232:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed429a No.20985770

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a05f2a No.20985771

File: 4fa406cf05a00fe⋯.jpg (98.72 KB,828x611,828:611,4fa406cf05a00fe6f528846193….jpg)

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d355ab No.20985772

File: 1ab8352f62b593d⋯.png (182.86 KB,529x301,529:301,3E11234A_4F34_4B22_98D4_54….png)

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77fe97 No.20985773

File: bf56696d9b3d902⋯.png (215.95 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


he is ok

like a uncle who comes round fucks shit up and than just leaves without saying goodbye.

hang on that is anon.

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d942f4 No.20985774

This article came out the same day as the Jurors Cousin made remarks on FB about Trump being convicted so the trial was still going on. Make this a slam dunk. Vacated and mistrial. Trump better be set free from the scam


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eca3cc No.20985775

File: 4f25c6d09cfef88⋯.png (175.2 KB,955x686,955:686,4f25c6d09cfef882093f5b94b1….png)

File: 8b9497f5b5fe7d2⋯.png (74.58 KB,900x545,180:109,8b9497f5b5fe7d2ec137e7368a….png)

File: 8b202559b1e0965⋯.jpg (532.62 KB,559x555,559:555,8b202559b1e09654a929c15c88….jpg)

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ed429a No.20985776


If you think about it, she literally has a fucking mouth.

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700753 No.20985777

Just a question for any law fag , from an unschooled anon about the 27Th ammendment . i have only read bits and pieces . How would it apply today in relation to our current Congress and Senate ? I am especially curious about the “No law, varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives, shall take effect, until an election of representatives shall have intervened.” section .

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d0cf35 No.20985778


The Corporations are excited to be creating new markets out of thin air for the most easily fooled in our midst.

Oh and you look fantastic with that blue/green/purple hair.

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cd56ca No.20985779

File: 2f58a745d54d007⋯.png (186.78 KB,851x998,851:998,ClipboardImage.png)


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71b07b No.20985780

File: 5edf84c046b9cba⋯.png (290.22 KB,1198x1248,599:624,Screenshot_2024_06_07_at_6….png)

Well, well, well, the once clown court, 9th circuit court of appeals in the Northern District of the People's Republic of California just overturned the basis for the Covid 19 mandate dating back to 1905…

from Dr. David Martin's X twat acct.

VINDICATION: CoV Bioweapon Injections WERE NOT VACCINES and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just concurred! NO MORE mRNA mandates:

"Addressing the merits, the panel held that the district court misapplied the Supreme Court’s decision in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), in concluding that the Policy survived rational basis review. Jacobson held that mandatory vaccinations were rationally related to preventing the spread of smallpox. Here, however, plaintiffs allege that the vaccine does not effectively prevent spread but only mitigates symptoms for the recipient and therefore is akin to a medical treatment, not a “traditional” vaccine. Taking plaintiffs’ allegations as true at this stage of litigation, plaintiffs plausibly alleged that the COVID-19 vaccine does not effectively “prevent the spread” of COVID-19. Thus, Jacobson does not apply."

In: Case: 22-55908, 06/07/2024, ID: 12890145, DktEntry: 54-1, Page 1 of 33 In Health Freedom Defense Fund v. Los Angeles Unified School District!

Congratulations to Health Freedom Defense Fund and their remarkable counsel George Wentz for this victory for humanity!


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d0cf35 No.20985781



most do anon… if you think about it.

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eca3cc No.20985782

File: 5247ffa573eb508⋯.png (6.88 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed429a No.20985783


Nice meme, but it probably looks like a cattle guard to the horse.

I wonder how the horse would react if the stripes were vertical?

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c76748 No.20985784

File: 6c1b031f87add1b⋯.jpeg (35.58 KB,1392x924,116:77,5023E8C5_7CD1_4B24_9603_8….jpeg)

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e74f7f No.20985786

File: 1645dfa6eb8c59f⋯.jpeg (204.96 KB,1170x1345,234:269,IMG_2005.jpeg)

James O'Keefe


We’re all going to be tested over the next few years with a terrible choice.

Preserve your livelihood and lose your soul.

Or preserve your soul and lose your livelihood.

Will you live a lie in order to survive?

Or will you live the truth and face ruin.

3:10 AM · Jun 7, 2024





wtf I thought we were almost done

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10fb7a No.20985788


Yes. Jim. Whitelist. We've been over this. Nothing stopped it last time. Nothing will stop it next time.

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a076bd No.20985789

File: be716302713cf24⋯.jpg (67.09 KB,800x649,800:649,pepe_cringe.jpg)


And now, when justice does come for them, with everyone aware of just how fake and blatant the gaslighting is, do you think those you listed will have the public rally to their defense like POTUS Trump is doing now? Think for one damn second.

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eca3cc No.20985790

File: 382c68e792c6012⋯.png (5.13 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

prol fichtl perniciousness

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3d4223 No.20985791


They're already millionaires and doing it for the stocks so they dont need the money.

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d0cf35 No.20985792


horse might have seen a zebra on the tarmac… if cannot see colours as we do.

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eca3cc No.20985793

File: e70289cf5b0f56f⋯.png (7.95 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


squanto mad

got left out of harry potter

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621eba No.20985794

File: 1444866dc8b338a⋯.png (44.77 KB,555x426,185:142,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8845e5ea3b1cf90⋯.png (777.49 KB,1000x1000,1:1,old_pepe.png)


We need RED BULL

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e9409c No.20985795

File: 6edcad13a4a76b3⋯.webp (38.6 KB,959x680,959:680,960x0.webp)


That's not Kosher.

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ed429a No.20985796


Kek back.

You are absolutely spot on!

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cd56ca No.20985797

File: 55d98d34e6d7775⋯.png (1.45 MB,712x882,356:441,stars.png)


>Biden chose to attend a fundraiser in Los Angeles featuring Hollywood stars.

Who was there?

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ba33f1 No.20985798

File: 7be824cc7c8d707⋯.jpeg (222.44 KB,1102x1240,551:620,trumpballon.jpeg)

File: afbb8865b153c22⋯.jpg (109.36 KB,720x365,144:73,BabyTrump.jpg)


they did a ballon in London too

it was great for memes.

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a5e87c No.20985799

File: 3b74946da2dc003⋯.png (712.21 KB,752x960,47:60,ClipboardImage.png)

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eca3cc No.20985800

File: 1582f11a280cb16⋯.png (13.71 KB,318x159,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>got left out of harry potter

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e9409c No.20985801


And Q needs a kick in the ass.

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10fb7a No.20985802


I'm still genuinely mad that they're doing all of this to President Trump. I can live in both worlds.

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268e12 No.20985803


Whatever you say

Beetlejuice was your best movie

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ed429a No.20985804


IMHO, this one has jumped the shark.

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8b45f3 No.20985805


Google removed Prager University (PragerU) from its app store on Friday, claiming the nonprofit had violated its hate speech policies after it released a short documentary that warns about the dangers of "radical Islam."

PragerU, which was founded by the conservative commentator Dennis Prager in 2009, previously sued Google and YouTube in 2016 for censoring more than 200 videos, which included videos on the Ten Commandments. The organization said the videos were placed on a "restricted" mode, which limits who can find it, without justification.

Google notified PragerU of its decision to remove the app through a letter, claiming it would be indefinitely suspended and removed from the app store because of “content asserting that a protected group is inhuman, inferior, or worthy of being hated," according to a news release shared with Just The News.

The tech company said it can control what in its app stores or on its social media platforms because it is a private company. But PragerU claims the moderation is clearly one-sided and restricts the conservative point of view. ..

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f97b91 No.20985806


This post fucked up the whole BS trial, I hope they never find out who it is

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d0cf35 No.20985807

File: e52902decf50d47⋯.jpg (348.45 KB,976x549,16:9,Trump_Blimp_Activated.jpg)


Ahhh yes I member.

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eca3cc No.20985808

File: 1c4b1d5f35f5e48⋯.png (10.48 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

stale tits

bad teeth

wurst food


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77fe97 No.20985809

File: 46d0aa045971435⋯.png (439.4 KB,860x860,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


four years behind ther o;keefe

fuck comforts.

back in muh day

here comes the hard up bringing story of woe and rough times.

not pay no one no moar taxes.

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f97b91 No.20985810


All of them, the only right answer

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295d35 No.20985811


you watched Jeopardy today

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ed429a No.20985812


So Google is now antisemitic?

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24502b No.20985813

File: 43e5bf8520bcc71⋯.png (639.77 KB,923x1415,923:1415,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d396d2e47534c44⋯.jpg (362.5 KB,945x2048,945:2048,2.jpg)

File: 9c6e842089b2e56⋯.png (1.06 MB,652x1531,652:1531,ClipboardImage.png)


additional sauces:


Wow. The Ninth Circuit decision in LAUSD gets it right. Plaintiffs can argue this is not a vaccine.


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d0cf35 No.20985814


i'll get in that line.

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e1d461 No.20985815

File: 8c0a9be93d56db1⋯.jpg (114.7 KB,816x1085,816:1085,photo_2024_06_07_15_02_13.jpg)


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e1d461 No.20985816

File: 90429b53279efe8⋯.png (540.42 KB,632x499,632:499,kuy4.png)

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eca3cc No.20985817

File: c627ed660862f4c⋯.png (5.61 KB,201x251,201:251,ClipboardImage.png)


biltmoar bathe full

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cd56ca No.20985818

File: 616d77912364739⋯.png (1.11 MB,1017x677,1017:677,ClipboardImage.png)

vote biden

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f9e62f No.20985819

File: 979ca007105fc2c⋯.jpeg (93.97 KB,1020x680,3:2,979ca007105fc2cb0f01066e3….jpeg)

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7860c2 No.20985820

I haven't been on here since X has taken off. Mostly stupid Meme's and people that don't have a clue saying o7.

You want the date?

go to your phone, start and new text message, type "schedule". There is the date that your looking for.

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eca3cc No.20985821

File: 0ca6d17a34fa0fd⋯.png (43.75 KB,396x633,132:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985822


at least they're all chicks… apparently.

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eca3cc No.20985823

File: eb377c09f9e764b⋯.png (7.03 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

bungholio laser frum frickin fichtls

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d355ab No.20985824

File: 580dbb51bf382dc⋯.jpeg (648.38 KB,828x905,828:905,047A7FBC_F7F4_4489_92B7_1….jpeg)


Same deal as the baby balloon.

It was at the border at Calexico and was actively trying to be cut loose by the same people who brought it. So they could say “see THOSE people did it cuz they were mad”

What stopped them was a group of people that didn’t even know each other and “those people” they criticize as being violent extremists or whatever label works on any given day

Well it was people like that who gathered around it stopping them from cutting the lines that secured it-I was one for about 2h while waiting for 45 to finish inside the CBP Bldg

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621eba No.20985825

File: acb426830569985⋯.png (327.37 KB,796x590,398:295,pepe_taking_out_the_trash_….png)


Shills aren't what they used to be

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060646 No.20985826


talked with the cadence of a shill on hunt for red october.

Probably did the movie cause it said red for is commie cult.

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ba33f1 No.20985827


kinda doubt it. would they go through all that to give up now?

Judge doesn't have to declare that, right?

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d0cf35 No.20985828


"Full time activist"

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77fe97 No.20985829

File: f4b1cea9ed7bb33⋯.png (298.81 KB,306x460,153:230,ClipboardImage.png)


there was this warrior trump

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f97b91 No.20985830


Ugly face with no soul.,

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74e9e4 No.20985831


Let’s go Brandon!

Let’s hope this poster is responsible for the overturn of the verdict

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8b45f3 No.20985832


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign claimed Friday that their candidate has submitted the necessary signatures to gain ballot access in enough states that he could get more than 270 electoral votes in November.

Kennedy, who is running as an Independent, has filed signature collections in 19 states total, and will officially appear on the ballots in nine of them so far. The other 10 are still in the process of counting the signatures. Kennedy is still hoping to appear on the ballot in all 50 states.

The campaign claimed Kennedy reached this milestone after submitting signatures in Minnesota, which has 10 electoral college votes.

“This is a tremendous victory for the campaign and the thousands of volunteers nationwide who have hit the streets with clipboards in hand and canvassed America to put ‘Bobby on the Ballot,’” Senior Advisor and Ballot Access Director Nick Brana said in a statement. “Come November, for the first time in decades, everyone across the country will have an independent choice who will end the wars, break up the corporate state, and make life affordable.” ..

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1eb749 No.20985833


Except the one or two cases in where the pallets of bricks appeared but no construction going on in the area but Burn Loot Murder made use of them

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cfd96c No.20985834

File: d134023840db757⋯.jpg (372.94 KB,1080x2340,6:13,GITMO_not_all_get_to_live.jpg)

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f97b91 No.20985835


You missed the cycle, its all uppity whites

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1eb749 No.20985836


Logically anything being pushed so hard is a slide

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cd56ca No.20985837

File: fc8ff0cd08d1bbc⋯.png (480.99 KB,596x444,149:111,ChInA.png)

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f9e62f No.20985838

File: 3b8b46f1812a5a2⋯.png (381.5 KB,1080x1151,1080:1151,3b8b46f1812a5a23a748994706….png)


half Quit and switch teams

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a44a10 No.20985839

File: 51943707eaf662c⋯.jpg (21.16 KB,500x500,1:1,54d6cbfba820bb71fde3f4a167….jpg)

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a5e87c No.20985840

File: fb5a8af5b1f311c⋯.png (948.85 KB,843x1159,843:1159,ClipboardImage.png)

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e9409c No.20985841


She was a porn star. She would have been out of business if she kept her mouth shut. Old habits die hard.

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8b45f3 No.20985842

File: 183df4526bf81f2⋯.png (183.44 KB,656x890,328:445,prager_u_Jew_06072024.png)

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d0cf35 No.20985843


Oh Lawdy!

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030385 No.20985844

File: 2b7666c91ea1f77⋯.png (860.54 KB,1164x1310,582:655,Screenshot_2024_06_07_at_8….png)



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cd56ca No.20985845

File: 903f288a4d691db⋯.mp4 (340.19 KB,500x290,50:29,eggs.mp4)




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a5e87c No.20985846

File: 7e55de9868c5d4c⋯.png (211.54 KB,692x924,173:231,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 957bc243c146559⋯.png (110.94 KB,787x812,787:812,ClipboardImage.png)


unrelated to this case

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a264e4 No.20985847


It's sketchy af, anon:


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a076bd No.20985848

File: 20d27f5eab897b3⋯.jpeg (449.15 KB,789x797,789:797,ea307ac81c158160b158e081c….jpeg)


Right there with you, Anon. No one should have to go through what he is/has. Not just him either, his family, people that supported him, etc. It's a complete travesty, nay, raping of justice and Constitutional rights.

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f9e62f No.20985849



#25737 >>20985164

>>20985216 Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Kamala Harris appearance on Jimmy Kimmel (VIDEO)

>>20985225 Mike Davis - My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence

>>20985228 This could be grounds for a mistrial @AlinaHabba and she’s confirmed this letter from Merchan is real.

>>20985270 @KashPatel - Rocking Detroit Reawaken Tour with @AlinaHabba and @EricTrump - thank you @ClayClark n @FlynnMovie

>>20985280 In his first act as US Atty for DC, Biden appointee Matthew Graves indicted Steve Bannon for contempt

>>20985291, >>20985300 watch - Dr. Phil's Exclusive Interview with President Donald J Trump

>>20985332 Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – Governor Vladimir Saldo

>>20985350, >>20985398, >>20985676, >>20985683 EYES ON - Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police?

>>20985351 Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted by a man in central Copenhagen on Friday evening

>>20985396 Ties between Washington and Kiev have reportedly deteriorated over aid delays and pressure to reduce fraud

>>20985534 At least 28 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces batter Gaza, with tanks advancing on Rafah

>>20985587 SCORE90 RQ4 Global Hawk drone has gone clear across the country, around, down and over

>>20985603 At least 150 villagers feared dead in Sudan massacre

>>20985638, >>20985658 Dr. Eithan Haim General Surgeon Whistleblower - indicted for protecting minors from Texas children's hospital mutilation

>>20985646 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1124 A319Zelenskydeparted Paris-Degaulle Intl and heading for Lublin or Rzeszow Airport -Likely Lublin

>>20985780, >>20985813 CoVID Bioweapon Injections WERE NOT VACCINES and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just concurred NO MORE MANDATES

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74e9e4 No.20985850



> at least they're all chicks… apparently.

Kek. No kidding.

What are women suppose to do with their time and life when men get waxed, manicured, pedicured, hair transplants and work out in gyms rather than just working at physical labor?

Fat women aren’t the problem….weak ass men are.

There…i said it

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a44a10 No.20985851

File: 0312a711b4118fe⋯.jpg (11.37 KB,275x183,275:183,0312a711b4118fee1aefee95cc….jpg)

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d0cf35 No.20985852


Funny how if you're in porno's you're automatically a Porn "Star".

Follow the stars they said.

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f9e62f No.20985853

File: 7e1eaf95eec1b2a⋯.png (38.06 KB,197x156,197:156,ClipboardImage.png)

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81463a No.20985854


Call the Sheriff, tell them you think they are fake or staging some terrorist shit. They WILL come right the fuck out and break it off in a police officers' ass if they suspect something fucky in their county.

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74e9e4 No.20985855


How ironic.

They make a balloon with Trump in a diaper, when it’s Joe that shits his pants everyday and needs his diaper changed.

Ha ha ha ha ha

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cd56ca No.20985856

File: d24554a9788a4d6⋯.png (108.4 KB,225x300,3:4,beaverehud.png)

hi shills

hi feds

hi cia

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d34e7a No.20985857


>Logically anything being pushed so hard is a slide

Is there talk of a recent Q drop?

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77fe97 No.20985858

File: 2ba0693d339b427⋯.png (310.67 KB,532x351,532:351,ClipboardImage.png)


you know the thing

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12a9dc No.20985859


wtf is this about

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e74f7f No.20985860

File: 1645dfa6eb8c59f⋯.jpeg (204.96 KB,1170x1345,234:269,IMG_2005.jpeg)

James O'Keefe


We’re all going to be tested over the next few years with a terrible choice.

Preserve your livelihood and lose your soul.

Or preserve your soul and lose your livelihood.

Will you live a lie in order to survive?

Or will you live the truth and face ruin.

3:10 AM · Jun 7, 2024





wtf I thought we were almost done

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ed429a No.20985861


They always try to project what they are doing onto something/someone else.

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e9409c No.20985862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Be careful. Now you'll be branded shill. Don't ask questions just follow along. Trust the plan. It's either 2025 or 2525.

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1eb749 No.20985863

File: 3526ce4de6194ae⋯.png (175.19 KB,1920x968,240:121,Screenshot_2024_06_07_at_2….png)



APL: A trusted partner to the U.S. Government for ocean transportation

APL proudly supports our U.S. Flag ocean vessel fleet. We provide container transportation through our international shipping network which combines high-quality intermodal operations with advanced technology, equipment and e-commerce.

For more than 175 years, American President Lines, LLC, has been a trusted partner to the U.S. Government and its military for ocean transportation and in-country logistics. We offer secure and efficient services to key foreign military locations. These include five U.S. Flag services linking North America to Asia and Europe and feeder routes within the Middle East.

Our fleet of commercial vessels with military utility that are owned and operated by U.S. citizens provides the reliable support that is necessary for national defense. A pool of trained U.S. mariners also crews APL’s U.S. flagged fleet.

Supported by a dedicated team of professionals based in Arlington, Virginia; Nashville, Tennessee; Long Beach,California; Newport Beach, California; Guam; Dubai, UAE; Karachi, Pakistan; Yokohama, Japan; Tallinn, Estonia and Antwerp, Belgium, we deliver specialized solutions for the shipment of U.S. Flag Preference and Project Cargoes. American President Lines, LLC prides itself on being the mission critical link for many U.S. Government efforts worldwide.

Comprehensive offering of linehaul and feeder connections provides a full range of services

Intermodal network linking U.S. East Coast, U.S. West Coast and U.S. Gulf to inland locations ensures extensive coverage throughout North America

Priority berthing at key ports means your cargo reaches its destination faster Priority II service may be upgraded to Priority I, subject to inducement

APL is part of the CMA CGM Group, a global leader in sea, land, air and logistics solutions, founded in 1978 by the late Jacques R. Saadé. CMA CGM Group is now led by Rodolphe Saadé. Its 620 vessels serve more than 420 ports worldwide. CMA CGM is constantly innovating to offer customers new maritime, inland and logistics solutions. Headquartered in Marseille, France, the Group has more than 180,000 employees globally through its network of 400 offices and 750 warehouses, present in 160 countries.


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a44a10 No.20985864

File: 5623095f176008a⋯.png (1.77 MB,2048x1024,2:1,5623095f176008a1beb268eb70….png)

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f97b91 No.20985865


Merchan is really pissed tonight, even if its fake, whoever it is fucked up the fucked up fake trial. It also opens the door to the Appellate court and Supreme Court. Freakin funny really!

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5d26d4 No.20985866

Islamic preacher Zakir Naik got into a taxi in London and loudly said to the taxi driver: "Brother, please turn off the radio, because as commanded by the Holy Quran, I am not allowed to listen to music, because in the time of the Prophet there was no music, especially Western music, which is the music of the infidels."

The taxi driver politely turned off the radio, stopped the taxi, and opened the door. Zakir asked him: "Brother, what are you doing…?"

The taxi driver politely answered: "In the time of the Prophet: there were no taxis; there were no bombs; there were no thefts; there were no loudspeakers in mosques to wake up children, the elderly, or the sick; there were no suicide bombings; there was no AK-47; there was only peace everywhere… So shut up, get out, and wait for your camel…


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74e9e4 No.20985867


Shit posters reign supreme

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66e2de No.20985868


Lay of the pots James

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66e2de No.20985869


Lay off the pots James

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aa760a No.20985870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Live action movie.

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e7f2f9 No.20985871


the bayeux tapestry of pepes

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ba33f1 No.20985872


The trans activist?

Yes, it's possible . They are crazy.

Could really be cousin to a juror.

There are that many of them in NYC

And think:

They are stupid enough to believe they can change their own gender, and force others to accept their fantasy?

It's group madness.

One of them could easily be too stupid to realize to do that was illegal.

Just look at the guy.

It really might not be a joke.

They really look like that.

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d355ab No.20985873


dint get the whole diaper baby thing itfp.

Like “this is the best you can come up with?”

So stupid

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aec5ce No.20985874

File: d11e06b72a74df9⋯.png (843.26 KB,928x690,464:345,obama_gay.png)

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20680c No.20985875


I've Died 10k Times

I'll take Ruin, should be fun

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c043d7 No.20985876

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56a06c No.20985877

File: a7628a17587c81e⋯.png (118.41 KB,219x368,219:368,Capture1.PNG)

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ed4db6 No.20985878

File: 27f79287c1c5c8c⋯.jpeg (178.99 KB,1116x767,1116:767,IMG_0005.jpeg)

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a264e4 No.20985879


It's mostly just theory discussion goig off on several tangents now.

All I know is if a Q drop via the old TC comes in again it's gonna need some bigly Q+ re-verification to be legit.

Even tho of course the Hi Q's! will be off the charts if it does.

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f8a4db No.20985880


You ain't understanding what KLUB-K is.

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1d0f54 No.20985881


Sometimes the arrival of the bricks marks the start with no other evident signs of construction to that point. Example, people want a brick mailbox constructed because the old metal one on a post keeps getting smashed by kids with baseball bats. Or landscaping of one sort or another. People conflate. They conflate a lot. Also delivery guy could have gotten a wrong address. Nobody thinks about this shit. They just jump to the worst possible fear porn. Because fear porn is what they want. For whatever reason.

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a076bd No.20985882

"WARMEST SUMMER IN RECORDED HISTORY" the TV says, yet I haven't had to bring out the air conditioner yet.

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e4c876 No.20985883

File: 07bb9f6bca8d8db⋯.png (260.21 KB,1179x400,1179:400,ClipboardImage.png)


@jack's post is pretty close, greater than 7 days until sunset

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e7f2f9 No.20985884

File: 6ac37498635eead⋯.png (159.2 KB,400x300,4:3,krusty_simpsons_i_kid_caus….png)


>We’re all going to be tested over the next few years with a terrible choice.


>wtf I thought we were almost done

really? how new would you have to be tyo theink it's almost done

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53136c No.20985885

File: 99268a13c618cd1⋯.png (146.96 KB,490x760,49:76,q2681.png)


It was inside brackets, which is why I couldn't find it right away…

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cd56ca No.20985886

File: ef5361f3037dd59⋯.png (869.88 KB,755x526,755:526,SS.png)


>Thank you folks for all your hard work

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d34e7a No.20985887


>It's mostly just theory discussion goig off on several tangents now.


>All I know is if a Q drop via the old TC comes in again it's gonna need some bigly Q+ re-verification to be legit.


>Even tho of course the Hi Q's! will be off the charts if it does.

OK thanks, Anon

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e7f2f9 No.20985888

File: a1e9e4750970b4c⋯.jpg (158.6 KB,1908x1146,318:191,remember_covid_turned_chin….jpg)



>beaver ehud barak toilet barefoot.png


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81463a No.20985889

File: c3bb091318cc517⋯.png (16.53 KB,393x305,393:305,ClipboardImage.png)


So he's a prophet now?

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74e9e4 No.20985890


Matthew 16:26

For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?

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f97b91 No.20985891


Maybe Merchan was actually behind this because he knows his whole career will be flushed and had second thoughts due to the backlash by extremely competent and honored Constitutional lawyers. That way he can blame his loss on sabotage.I can see Merchan, Bragg and Colangelo having freak out sessions because they didn’t see the WW condemnation of violations of law the Judge and lawyers did.Their plan, we’ve got to sabotage our win, Bidan’s polls are sinking fast

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e1d461 No.20985892

File: 19bd0ba95683368⋯.png (388.53 KB,1366x579,1366:579,Screenshot_2024_06_07_at_1….png)



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e4c876 No.20985893

8kun colors are like pretty dismal, is there a way to customize appearance? they were pink before …. now its like camo

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54e9e5 No.20985894

File: 75fe4595c31afce⋯.png (1021.59 KB,1080x852,90:71,20201007_092759.png)

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53341c No.20985895


so when it the ruling on if it's a mistrial?

two weeks?

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aa760a No.20985896

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1eb749 No.20985897


I'd like to see proof of life for John Brennan please

Anybody actually seen Stzrok lately?

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ed429a No.20985898

File: 359360e8fd8f4da⋯.png (595.56 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4c876 No.20985899

hmm, potus said his tie was golden like the Sun and @jack's post said sun rose on thurs june 6th….

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54e9e5 No.20985900

File: 60059b3ea9ab54a⋯.png (631.54 KB,1080x620,54:31,428624418.png)

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e7f2f9 No.20985901

File: 122e9f6188849ad⋯.jpeg (58.78 KB,400x331,400:331,robocop_real.jpeg)


>So he's a prophet now?

every smart person goes through a stage of thinking they're a prophet

I do it every week or so.

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f9e62f No.20985902

File: 55289c0108ab82b⋯.jpg (42.39 KB,880x880,1:1,lepain.jpg)

Final Bun-O-Notes


#25737 >>20985164

>>20985216 Anti-Israel protesters disrupt Kamala Harris appearance on Jimmy Kimmel (VIDEO)

>>20985225 Mike Davis - My Statement on Steve Bannon's Prison Sentence

>>20985228 This could be grounds for a mistrial @AlinaHabba and she’s confirmed this letter from Merchan is real.

>>20985270 @KashPatel - Rocking Detroit Reawaken Tour with @AlinaHabba and @EricTrump - thank you @ClayClark n @FlynnMovie

>>20985280 In his first act as US Atty for DC, Biden appointee Matthew Graves indicted Steve Bannon for contempt

>>20985291, >>20985300 watch - Dr. Phil's Exclusive Interview with President Donald J Trump

>>20985332 Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – Governor Vladimir Saldo

>>20985350, >>20985398, >>20985676, >>20985683, >>20985863 EYES ON - Large Shipping Containers Being Dropped Off In American Neighborhoods & Then Guarded By The Police?

>>20985351 Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen was assaulted by a man in central Copenhagen on Friday evening

>>20985396 Ties between Washington and Kiev have reportedly deteriorated over aid delays and pressure to reduce fraud

>>20985534 At least 28 Palestinians killed as Israeli forces batter Gaza, with tanks advancing on Rafah

>>20985587 SCORE90 RQ4 Global Hawk drone has gone clear across the country, around, down and over

>>20985603 At least 150 villagers feared dead in Sudan massacre

>>20985638, >>20985658 Dr. Eithan Haim General Surgeon Whistleblower - indicted for protecting minors from Texas children's hospital mutilation

>>20985646 PF: Ukraine AF UKN1124 A319Zelenskydeparted Paris-Degaulle Intl and heading for Lublin or Rzeszow Airport -Likely Lublin

>>20985780, >>20985813 CoVID Bioweapon Injections WERE NOT VACCINES and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals just concurred NO MORE MANDATES

>pass the butter

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a076bd No.20985903


Always been blue here for as long as I've been coming here. You're thinking of halfchan colors. Anyway, top right, Options, Theme. Have fun.

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89c264 No.20985904

File: b572801779a20fc⋯.jpg (81.55 KB,507x499,507:499,8rszns.jpg)

GE Frens

God bless you all


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f97b91 No.20985905


I second that

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1d655a No.20985906

File: a7903b30ef6f4ab⋯.png (695.64 KB,586x592,293:296,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55a009892071ddb⋯.webm (2.84 MB,640x480,4:3,sanford_and_sons_spoof_wi….webm)


anons are pretty good at spotting shit bags and glow niggas! what can i say

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a076bd No.20985907


Silence, failfag mimic.

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81463a No.20985908


Okie dokie

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aec5ce No.20985911

File: daf33555da71f97⋯.png (617.34 KB,452x618,226:309,GE.png)

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a5e87c No.20985913

File: 0d0b6a660c5e77e⋯.png (155 KB,400x320,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa760a No.20985915

File: 861d743c2809d3b⋯.jpeg (351.6 KB,646x440,323:220,82EDC072_7952_4C74_ADAE_4….jpeg)

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89c264 No.20985916


Good evening, fren.


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e7f2f9 No.20985917

File: 820f8873834cf12⋯.png (501.29 KB,960x770,96:77,ClipboardImage.png)

[C]s before [D]s

do you see it?

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a264e4 No.20985918


kek always

Anywhere between Monday and never is the real answer.

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77fe97 No.20985920

File: 4759d4b386db7f9⋯.png (1.23 MB,1805x757,1805:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 95e98d00717e07c⋯.png (629.05 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)




reminded anon of this quote from trump during dr phils interview.


not going to play this retribution game I am going to put the American people first not getting my pound of Flesh

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a44a10 No.20985921

File: c52ea7537b629ef⋯.jpg (279.63 KB,1080x1080,1:1,jafhu8xfj2l91.jpg)

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66e2de No.20985922

File: 66cac35a2e48006⋯.png (151.89 KB,500x500,1:1,66cac35a2e48006902726d8353….png)



God bless

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ba33f1 No.20985923

File: 2ec28ab2061558f⋯.jpg (264.18 KB,750x730,75:73,winnings3.jpg)


They called him "King Baby"

Biden was "The adults back in the White House"

My friend, who since died of Turbo Cancer from the injection, Told me with Biden it was more peaceful

I figured it out. The News was blaring 'Hate Trump" 24/7 for years, and it was disquiting people, disturbing them.

When Biden came in the news people quieted down, and so the public who listened to them, felt more calm too?

Some people like to follow the smart people. Catch-22 : if you are stupid you can't tell who's smart and who's stupid.

Many think NYTimes is just smarter than they are, and so go by what it says.

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eb201d No.20985924

File: 45e488353d81d47⋯.jpeg (194.26 KB,1012x700,253:175,GO6PAhNtf.jpeg)

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e9409c No.20985926

File: 2a3268b839ee818⋯.jpg (9.29 KB,305x165,61:33,download.jpg)

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8b45f3 No.20985927


A federal court in Texas on Friday ordered the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to stop discriminating against farmers on the basis of race or sex when awarding disaster relief.

"We just received a NATIONWIDE INJUNCTION in the Strickland v. Vilsack case, which halts the racially discriminatory farmer relief payments being made by the USDA," the Mountain States Legal Foundation said in a post to X. "The payments will no longer go out while the case proceeds! A proud moment for us & our partners."

The case was brought by the legal foundation and the Southeastern Legal Foundation, who also confirmed the news.

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2887c4 No.20985928


It isn't even summer yet. June 20/21

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66e2de No.20985929


You forgot GN, faggot

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a5e87c No.20985930

File: 8633b6827981311⋯.png (1.52 MB,1170x1163,1170:1163,ClipboardImage.png)

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f9e62f No.20985932

File: 40963be20b26d3c⋯.jpg (142.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,40963be20b26d3cb18a49728e0….jpg)







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b1dc61 No.20985933


PDJT said the election is the Final Battle.

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53341c No.20985935

GF: good filtering

EF: easy Filter

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a076bd No.20985936


Exactly. Normally it's the start of May I have to set that thing up. If anything I'd say where I'm at has been cooler on average.

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e9409c No.20985937


How would you know?

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f9e62f No.20985938

File: dd7e24e5b777ae8⋯.png (289.68 KB,503x541,503:541,dd7e24e5b777ae8b0900839f5a….png)







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a5e87c No.20985940

File: b1d8fa48c3b6978⋯.png (2.55 MB,1920x1033,1920:1033,ClipboardImage.png)

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1d655a No.20985942


element block… poof, faggotry promo gone courtesy of adblock plus

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c043d7 No.20985943



Remember that everything now is for later.

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cd56ca No.20985944

File: b919ea0eaf982f5⋯.gif (13.39 MB,600x338,300:169,anonshills.gif)

Mister Anderson

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eb201d No.20985945


That's when I'm in bed sleeping, so not my problem.

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f97b91 No.20985946


Can you imagine a Supreme Court fake corrupt Judge doing livestreams and not understand that not everyone is a leftie? How stupid could he be. Like they say,“No one is above the Law”apparently he doesn’t believe the propaganda

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c28e82 No.20985951


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c28e82 No.20985953


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c28e82 No.20985954


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24502b No.20985956

File: 9f13e5ef7bbb039⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,9f13e5ef7bbb039dd97c10d075….jpg)

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