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05c1b5 No.20919190 [Last50 Posts]

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05c1b5 No.20919193

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05c1b5 No.20919194


#25656 >>20918349

>>20918375, >>20918519 Radar anomalies which also seem to be manipulating weather events

>>20918387 Buttplug blames climate change for increase in deadly severe flight turbulence

>>20918444, >>20918593, >>20918503 Military bases being breached all over the place

>>20918476, >>20918953, >>20919059 PF: General

>>20918494 @DanScavino: OTD 8 years ago - 40k ft

>>20918497 Reform UK's Nigel Farage challenged over his claim that Muslims are against British values

>>20918521 Economic Schedule for Week of May 26, 2024

>>20918565 Pilot parachutes out of crashing plane with six other passengers on board

>>20918585 UCLA Medical School recently admitted to lowering admissions standards for minority applicants and now many are failing basic tests

>>20918608, >>20918647, >>20918658 Pompeo comms?

>>20918618, >>20918941, >>20918948, >>20918974, >>20919009, >>20919123, >>20919123 Ron Paul Speech @ 2024 Libertarian National Convention

>>20918628 Emergency crews rush to Dublin airport after turbulence on Qatar Airways flight leaves 12 people on board hurt

>>20918645 Sinaloa's Top Assassin Extradited To US For Flooding Nation With Fentanyl

>>20918657 Estonia Says Goal Should Be Breakup Of The Russian Federation

>>20918666 Papua New Guinea landslide death toll likely over 670

>>20918679 Georgia's new cloud-based voter registration system malfunctioned for five hours on Election Day

>>20918696 The trans activist who was arrested for going on a stabbing spree in Massachusetts and injured 4 young girls, is an Obama supporter

>>20918705 This is allegedly the father of the Massachusetts stabbing spree Trans suspect

>>20918737 Armenian PM Nikol Pashinyan was heading to the city of Tashir on the border with Georgia when his helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing

>>20918739, >>20918972, >>20918990 PF: 45 heads to Charlotte Intl does a flyover at Charlotte Motor Speedway and lands in N757AF

>>20918866 U.S., Western allies meet at annual G7 summit, agree to more economic levers to stop Russia, China

>>20918868 Mexico is now deporting Americans back to the US: "Undocumented Americans moving to Mexico for a lower cost of living is causing inflation in Mexico"

>>20918881 2,000 soldiers and 1,000 police officers were deployed in a small El Salvadoran city after gang members were spotted

>>20918883 Knesset to hold preliminary vote designating UNRWA a terror organization

>>20918886 Offensive lineman Billy Price, Bengals 2018 first-round pick, retires due to risk caused by blood clot

>>20918936 Yair Netanyahu Shares Vid of IDF Soldier Threatening Defense Minister Yoav Gallant With Military Coup

>>20918956 Spain's defense minister says Israel's war with Palestine is a real genocide

>>20919019 Top Attorney Testifies: Hospitals Were Incentivized to Murder Covid Patients

>>20919097 DJT Truth re: Libertarian Nomination

>>20919185 #25656

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05c1b5 No.20919195

#25655 >>20917512

>>20917723, >>20917727, >>20917731, >>20917848, >>20917898, >>20917995, >>20918046, >>20918093, >>20918114, >>20918229, >>20918245 PF

>>20917520 Do you believe anything the federal government tells you nowadays? I can’t!

>>20917522 Firearm Industry Agrees With Former President Trump: #Gunvote Is Critical In 2024

>>20917542 🚨 Did Ukraine hack local Television (CBS) in New York?

>>20917556 Sotomayor Admits That Conservative Rulings Made Her Cry - But More 'Bombshell' Rulings are Coming

>>20917558 3 year delta

>>20917564, >>20917602, >>20917698, >>20917702, >>20917794, >>20917803, >>20917864, >>20917876 Ross Ulbricht of Silk Road

>>20917588 Top Mexican cartel criminal El Nini, once among America’s most wanted, extradited to the US

>>20917596 Everything Ron Paul predicted?

>>20917624 Donald Trump Prosecutors Face 'Practical Problem' With Jury Instructions

>>20917720, >>20917757, >>20917849 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day and Other Space News

>>20917792 Must remove these terrorist regime sympathizers from the United States

>>20917830 Italian MEP Francesca Donato's husband has been found dead with a strap around his neck in his car in Palermo. Donato opposed the "vaccine"

>>20917863 Trans "woman" stabs 4 girls in AMC theater in Braintree, MA

baker change >>20917953, >>20918196

>>20917954 @Kash: Monday night, @realDonaldTrump and me on Tim Pool

>>20917980 The parents of PGA tour golfer Grayson Murray have confirmed that their son took his own life

>>20918031, >>20918179, >>20918259 No Deal: W.H.O. Fails to Secure Global Pandemic Treaty

>>20918047 Water systems warn Americans could soon see major rate hikes to filter out toxic ‘forever chemicals’

>>20918057 The Black Vote Is Done With Joe Biden’s Lies

>>20918062 President Trump to visit NASCAR - the pre-race show will honor fallen soldiers

>>20918115 High-Potency Cannabis Linked to Increased Psychosis Risk in Young Adults

>>20918150, >>20918227 Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party

>>20918152 More evidence coming forward of the complete corruption of our federal health agencies

>>20918198 Trump Campaign Launches Veterans Coalition Ahead Of Memorial Day

>>20918222 BLM Founder and Vice-Presidential Candidate Loses Lawsuit Against the LAPD

>>20918228 NYC Fleet Week Marine Corps Band and Silent Drill Platoon Times Square (May 22, 2024)

>>20918251 Déjà Vu? $75M Set Aside for Security As 70 Groups Pledge to March on Chicago DNC Convention

>>20918256 Dan Rather spreads fear in this 1982 CBS News report featuring a young and stupid Al Gore, predicting that 25% of Florida will be underwater

>>20918260 Biden: "You can clap for that"

>>20918285 @DanScavino

>>20918303 Rashida 'Taliban' Tlaib speaking @ the People's Conference for Palestine in Detroit, Michigan

>>20918327 #25655

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05c1b5 No.20919198

#25654 >>20916466

>>20916596 Hey, did you know Biden thinks the White House is in Florida?😆😆


>>20916663 Now more than ever, the leaders of the Five Eyes intelligence and cybersecurity agencies (photographed together for the first time), are united in their commitment to our partnership

>>20916673 Bets on Risky CLOs Are Paying Off With 20% Gains

>>20916684, >>20916691 TX: A Mass casualty event has been declared at a truck stop

>>20916687 Cardinal Fernández discuss 'Fiducia supplicans' and the Coptic Holy Synod’s statement regarding "same-sex marriage."

>>20916721, >>20916717, >>20916809 July 4 gen election in UK

>>20916747 Let's Dance For the keks!

>>20916823 @realDonaldTrump Everyone here tonight believes that we must fight for the same fundamental freedoms:….

>>20916824 @realDonaldTrump We believe that Marxism is an evil doctrine straight from the ashes of hell.

>>20916825 @realDonaldTrump Joe Biden’s Radical-Left Democrat Party is a fascist movement ….

>>20916826 @realDonaldTrump 2024 is our final battle. With your help, we will demolish the Deep State

>>20916873 ICYMI: House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

>>20916881, >>20917025 Garland authorized the use of deadly force MAL raid

>>20917022 Muslim Activists Lead ‘Abandon Biden’ Movement in 9 Swing States to Thwart President’s Reelection

>>20917152 US lawmakers visiting Taiwan this week

>>20917197 9:00 AM EDT 2024 Libertarian National Convention: Morning Business

>>20917326 Trump promises Libertarian in his cabinet. Besides free Ross and free Assange

>>20917421, >>20917436 By allying with the Libertarian Party and therefore Austrian School of Economics, MAGA now has the world's premier intellectual system to demolish central bank subjugation worldwide./restructure

>>20917885 #25654

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05c1b5 No.20919200

#25653 >>20915646 dough

>>20915687, >>20915711, >>20915713, >>20915718, >>20915734, >>20915741, >>20915765, >>20915769, social media posts on djt at libertarian convention bun

>>20915699, >>20915715, illegal raped disabled child on biden free parole program from haiti - gwp

>>20915723, >>20915731, >>20915752, >>20915757, >>20915774, anons opines, digz and memes (ross ulbricht)

>>20915753, >>20915819, >>20915830, Dave Chappelle accuses Israel of committing genocide in Gaza - msm bun

>>20915785 Give me liberty, or give me death" - clockfag

>>20915791 planefag post bun

>>20915803 Thanks to me, the entire world knows that the deep state is real and the lame stream media, the lame stream media is fake. It's fake. - djt mp4 vid

>>20915826 President Trump: In the last year, I've been indicted by the government on ninety-one different things, so if I wasn't a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now. - mp4 vid

>>20915832 President Trump: We stand opposed to government tyranny in all of it's many forms. We are opposed to a government that spies on political campaigns…like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us, and crushes the rights of it's own citizens, which the Biden administration does. We want government out of our business, out of our wallets, and out of our lives. - mp4 vid

>>20915838 President Trump: We believe that marxism is an evil doctrine, straight from the ashes of hell. Having marxism in our government in intolerable, and teaching it to our children is considered to us, child abuse. - mp4 vid

>>20915848 President Trump: We believe that the job of the United States Military is not to wage endless regime-change wars around the globe; senseless wars. The job of the United States Military is defend America from attack and invasion here at home. - mp4 vid

>>20915887 Trump: We believe that property rights are fundamental to a free society and that Joe Biden's rampant inflation is a monstrous theft from the American people.A theft.We believe that the greatest threat to our country is not from enemies abroad. It's to tyrants, communists, fascists and thugs attacking our rights and liberties from within and above all else.We live by the words of the great American patriot, Patrick Henry.Give me liberty or give me death.

>>20915894 President Trump: Instead of war, I made peace in the middle-east, something nobody thought was possible, and dealt with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where a nuclear war was guaranteed to start, in a very short period of time, if Hillary Clinton became president. You nkow, that would have been a nuclear war, one hundred percent. - mp4 vid

>>20915812 TRUMP AT A LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL CONVENTION IN D.C SAT 25TH 2024 - full speech and build up including djt statements.

>>20915825, >>20915963, current Service Secretary for Special Operations goes job hunting at @Penn center that is funded by CCP - ezra cohen - twat noise

>>20915850, >>20915907, suddenly bun

>>20915851 Kenya state dinner at the White House in honor of Kenyan President - alex soros (obama comm)

>>20915910 Magnitude 6.4 earthquake strikes island nation of Vanuatu off the coast of Australia - news.com

Baker Change

>>20915994 Anon Graphic: Exactly 30 days ago - "We are ready to unleash hell."

>>20916326 Anon Graphic: POTUS Takes The Stage - BOOM

>>20916446 #25653

Previously Collected

>>20915579 #25652, >>20914825 #25651, >>20915579 #25652

>>20913189 #25649, >>20913966 #25650, >>20914825 #25651

>>20910759 #25646, >>20911571 #25647, >>20912356 #25648

>>20908222 #25643, >>20909071 #25644, >>20909942 #25645

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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05c1b5 No.20919203

File: d9b3568c30d9271⋯.png (31.22 KB,1280x674,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)



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986d62 No.20919215

File: f3c5834accd3a10⋯.png (844.56 KB,666x960,111:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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50fb1a No.20919225

PODCAST: Donald Trump’s Libertarian Sang-Froid.

WASHINGTON, DC—President Donald J. Trump strolled onto the stage, cool as a cucumber. The crowd was rowdy, the libertarians raging at their own political impotence, but still, it scarcely stirred The Donald.How does a man like that stay so calm under such pressure? Simple: sang froid.Raheem Kassam discusses his night at the Libertarian Party Convention at the Washington Hilton on Saturday night, comparing it to prior such events over the past 10 years and illustrating its potential impact on the 2024 election.

Sang froid of Donald Trump was absolutely on full display last night. It was extraordinary. And he’s done it before, and he does it sort of every time he walks up to the sticks going into the courthouse. And he’s done it in debates, he’s done it in television interviews. It’s sang froid is, I guess, directly translated, cold blooded. Right? Blood cold. But it means kind of composure, coolness under pressure. If you look it up, it can even suggest an excessive composure, which is a strange concept, isn’t it? It’s like, it’s like you’re so. You’re just so dialed in. You’re so in the zone that nothing can rattle you. And that was what I really took away from last night. That was against all of the backdrop of what the left tries to portray Trump as, which is quite the opposite, by the way. Right? Hothead. He’s a hothead. No, he’s cold blooded. He’s composed. They try to portray him as unpredictable and in a bad way, because there’s obviously great levels of unpredictability, varying degrees of unpredictability. And it’s sort of the answer to my own question that I asked him. And he often quotes me, by the way, on stage, in the speeches, because I asked him once on his plane, by the way, that great Trump force one, that Boeing 5757, I said to him, look how, you know, how he looked at me? He’s like, how what? How do you do it? How do you do it? I don’t know how you could do it. You know, I don’t know about you ladies, gentlemen, but I…


Raheem does a great podcast on this link, very interesting. What a mess the event was.

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c10c7e No.20919228


easy filters are easy.

paper gold is just paper

BRICS will not be 'gold backed' after it is taken down by the same group that takes down any other gold backed currency.

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2ca4e4 No.20919230

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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117251 No.20919233

File: 6558401ee1944bb⋯.png (428.77 KB,374x753,374:753,ClipboardImage.png)




(LB) Why this dude dressed like this at end of vid?

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10ab35 No.20919235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7aa91b No.20919239

File: 87b27283992e04d⋯.png (158.15 KB,469x376,469:376,87b27283992e04d683b9c1cd16….png)

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b293ad No.20919240


looks like one of those zombies on dayz walking around. lol

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267935 No.20919241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(you) were Prepared for these days

Complete your Training & become that in which the world needs the most

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50fb1a No.20919242

RFK Jr. loses in first round of Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination vote. Trump didn’t file paperwork to qualify

By Aaron Pellish, CNN 4:03 PM EDT, Sun May 26, 2024

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was eliminated from contention for the Libertarian Party’s presidential nomination during the party’s convention Sunday.

In a surprise move earlier Sunday, Kennedy was put up for consideration as a nominee to represent the party in 2024, but he was eliminated in the first round of voting after receiving support from 19 delegates, or just 2.07% of delegates.

Kennedy, who spoke at the party’s national convention in Washington, DC, on Friday, was nominated by a delegate Sunday on the convention floor, where his candidacy was met with boos from other delegates.

Donald Trump was also nominated on the convention floor Sunday, but Libertarian Party Chair Angela McArdle ruled the former president was not qualified because he did not submit nominating papers. Trump spoke Saturday at the convention, where he was loudly and consistently booed, particularly when he asked attendees to “nominate me or at least vote for me.”

Trump received votes from six delegates as a write-in candidate. In a rebuke of the former president, adult film actress Stormy Daniels – whose alleged affair with Trump is at the center of his hush money trial in New York – received a vote from one delegate. (Trump has denied the affair and pleaded not guilty in the case.)

Candidates who received less than 5% of the vote were eliminated in the first round. In all subsequent rounds, the candidate with the lowest vote total will be eliminated.

Kennedy had accepted his nomination Sunday in a short video statement in which he thanked party members for the “unexpected honor.” He said he hopes Libertarians will join “an alliance” of third-party and independent voters to help his campaign defeat President Joe Biden and Trump.

“I’m very grateful to the Libertarian Party for this great honor, and I look forward to an alliance across the country, a fusion alliance of all of these independent parties who are now challenging the Republican-Democrat corrupt duopoly,” Kennedy said.

Kennedy’s video was received with mild applause from a small group of delegates. His surrogates who made speeches touting his Libertarian candidacy ahead of his acceptance were met with loud boos from the audience.

Kennedy told CNN last week that he did not intend to seek the party’s nomination at the convention this weekend.

Tim O’Brien, a Libertarian delegate from New Jersey, said he felt Kennedy was trying to use the party for his own gain without respecting its values.

“We’ve had a lot of people come into the party, they’ll run, they’ll make a big stink and then leave. And I guarantee you, he may come here; he’s not going to be here after the election,” O’Brien said.

“We want people that are willing to say, full force, ‘We’re Libertarians, we’re staying with you guys,’” he added. “He has no need for us. He wants to get ballot access.”

Kennedy, a former Democrat, began courting Libertarian officials even before he left his party to run as an independent, meeting with McArdle in July and February to discuss their shared beliefs.

The Libertarian ticket was seen as a possible pathway for Kennedy to circumvent ballot-access hurdles and take advantage of the party’s access to ballots in dozens of states. Kennedy is on the ballot in six states so far, compared with 38 states for the Libertarians.

Kennedy’s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, told CNN ahead of her speech Sunday that the Libertarian Party is “more relevant than ever” and that she hopes Libertarians and will work together with Kennedy.

“I think that there’s a lot that we have in common, and I think that there’s a lot of overlap here, and I think that there’s a great deal of possibility of success of us working together,” the Silicon Valley attorney and entrepreneur said. Shanahan’s comments mark the first time she has taken questions from a major news outlet since she joined Kennedy’s campaign in March.

Kennedy told CNN last week following a rally in Colorado that his views on the environment, foreign policy and Covid-19 will appeal to Libertarian voters.

“My approach is a free-market approach, which appeals to Libertarians,” he said. “I’m against war, which I think is another important issue for Libertarians. I support constitutional rights. President Trump dismantled our constitutional rights during Covid. So I think Libertarians are probably more inclined to support me if they follow their philosophies.”

Kennedy’s support in national surveys has reached double digits – at 16% in a CNN poll conducted last month by SSRS – with strong indications that he is siphoning support from both Trump and Biden.


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12dc6b No.20919243

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,gif.gif)

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b18390 No.20919244

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

so dropped this a few breads back

after watching it i tracked down the second follow up video and watched it too.

things i would do based on this guys comments in the video…

- he mentioned the large under water rock path to the island

me: take a flat edge shovel and a large metal spike, visit the island, probe the ground for a concealed entrance. use the shovel if you find it


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5ea473 No.20919245

File: 154e776ad7e4e20⋯.mp4 (3.65 MB,480x852,40:71,154e776ad7e4e20ccb7c284f14….mp4)

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0f6582 No.20919246

File: 07da38e060571cb⋯.png (464.65 KB,706x464,353:232,ClipboardImage.png)

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10ab35 No.20919247


>Trump didn’t file paperwork to qualify

For a good reason…

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2ca4e4 No.20919248

File: 7565dafa0b6a700⋯.png (841.04 KB,1635x933,545:311,dontcare.png)


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50fb1a No.20919249


This is an excellent pod cast, go to the link

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17eebb No.20919250

File: a4b0069f3860f62⋯.png (1.21 MB,865x853,865:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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c10c7e No.20919251

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


did you say coupe?

oh maybe not. But I'd rather talk about automobiles than coups

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f210e6 No.20919252

File: b89b1da218dccf9⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,550x308,25:14,good_and_evil.mp4)

But I do sincerely believe it is a battle between good and evil and some people put that into a religious, spiritual view, but some people can do that.

It's just good old logic that it's very, very natural for some people to wake up and come across just like the Sumerians did four or 5000 years ago that they knew the difference.You shouldn't lie, teach the or kill. That sounds libertarian.

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c10c7e No.20919253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


she's real fine, my 409

same group

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293d9c No.20919254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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672c30 No.20919255

File: 5cc03564e71934b⋯.jpg (96.92 KB,750x927,250:309,478825.jpg)

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0f6582 No.20919257

File: 2acf0babdb47c88⋯.png (698.22 KB,582x924,97:154,ClipboardImage.png)

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c10c7e No.20919258

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Mercury Blues

David Lindley and El Rayo-X

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de0b5e No.20919259

File: b34991d49de1db5⋯.jpeg (614.54 KB,1177x623,1177:623,D068278C_35C3_4161_AFDE_3….jpeg)

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707563 No.20919260

File: 2c04b9eb7ba9202⋯.png (123.53 KB,1279x270,1279:270,ClipboardImage.png)

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95ace2 No.20919261

File: 34e3f6c9cc3993c⋯.png (813.5 KB,1080x1055,216:211,Screenddd.png)

CornPop didn't fool Ron Paul, Mr Paul knows full well the 2020 election was stolen.

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c10c7e No.20919262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love Shack


heading down the Atlanta highway

"Got me a car, its big as a whale"

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cc35b2 No.20919263

File: a228c193206c479⋯.png (998.1 KB,998x642,499:321,a228c193206c479434c564c875….png)



Saying good morning is bigger than any one of us now. Saying good morning to your fellow Anons will brighten your day. It doesn't matter what time of day it is or what time zone you're in, some Anon somewhere is having a GM thanks to (You).


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95ace2 No.20919264

File: c30536d09b5a888⋯.png (1.16 MB,1080x1355,216:271,Screenshot_20240526_121418….png)


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5958ae No.20919265

File: ce27293b7d72ef4⋯.png (1.44 MB,1195x1280,239:256,ClipboardImage.png)

This is out of left field!

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34ef81 No.20919266

File: 083b1217e5ef5f1⋯.jpeg (89.05 KB,1200x630,40:21,IMG_1466.jpeg)


Gm anon.


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996bbf No.20919267

File: c701f51a7d12432⋯.png (710.95 KB,640x2906,320:1453,3650.png)

File: e45eabc656ee898⋯.jpg (149.36 KB,800x1200,2:3,76e5eef37501086b1fd8f2bff5….jpg)

File: bd1c031f5ffc0df⋯.jpeg (558.21 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOhFFhBX0AAI1tL.jpeg)

File: 39f21c094bdeaf3⋯.png (158.3 KB,640x964,160:241,1540_2_.png)

File: f46d35af93a16cd⋯.jpeg (266.58 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,GOhFGitWAAAPf9y.jpeg)

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fa1b20 No.20919268

File: 9ea3b3f7d97be87⋯.mp4 (8.79 MB,640x360,16:9,Libertarian_National_Conve….mp4)

>>20918592 lb me

>someone said something about a bullet

someone in the crowd

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293d9c No.20919269

File: 69364d2366af1a9⋯.png (330.81 KB,603x602,603:602,wg.PNG)


The Mossad: Satirical, Yet Awesome


Well, well, well. They followed the money, and look what they found!

$50,000,000 in unaudited US taxpayer money in one month alone went to a pro-terrorist group disguised as a climate change organization.


3:36 AM · May 26, 2024




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50fb1a No.20919270


More from Raheem’s podcast:

There’s an additional answer to that question that he didn’t give me, that I saw up there on that stage last night, and that answer is sang froid.

That answer is coolness under pressure. That answer is keeping collected, keeping cold blooded. He stared into a room, and the lights were on, by the way. He could see every person in there into a room that was rowdy as all hell, throwing signs all over the place, screaming all their different slogans, end the fed, free Ross, fuck trump, all of this stuff, right?

He stared into their faces and he said, listen, I think you should nominate me. If you want to win, if you don’t want to win, I get it. If you want to keep losing, if you want to keep turning out 3% every four years, keep doing what you’re doing.

My goodness, what it takes to do that, to do it. He wasn’t rattled. This wasn’t something where he was, like, heckling back. He wasn’t like, doing crowd work like a comedian getting heckled. He was just cool. He was like, listen, I get it. I hear you, I understand. And he definitely, he definitely meant that, by the way, because he was talking policy wise along their lines. He was talking about their issues. He says, look, I get it. I get all of these things. I get the Russell brick stuff. You mentioned a whole bunch of other things up there on that stage. The crypto stuff, central bank, digital currencies, etc. Etc. I get it. But. But this is a partnership. This is a two way street, and we need you to do certain things, and you want certain things out of that deal. That’s the deal. That’s the deal. And that’s it. That was the moment I thought, where it just really cut through. And I think, you know, for all of that, they’ll play on the television today and say, oh, Trump got booed out of the libertarian convention, I guarantee you. So I first ever saw Donald Trump in 2015 at Freedom Fest in Las Vegas, and I should make sure that is the correct date. And I walked in there really not knowing what to expect. I had really never truly known that much about Donald Trump as a politician and as somebody who could present to an audience. I sat at the back left of the room with my buddy Ben from England, and it wasn’t a huge crowd. It wasn’t small, but it wasn’t huge.And I watched him turn an audience that was probably 80% hostile when he walked in to 80% favorable when he walked out, and he had standing ovations. And when he walked in, there were people with signs that say, we don’t want Trump here. We hate Trump, screw Trump. He’s not a libertarian. Blah, blah, blah. And then he got standing ovations and left, I would say, with at least, I think, 70% of the room thinking like, yeah, okay, fine, fair enough. I get it. I get my part of this deal, and I’ll take the deal. And I’m not saying that that was quite the same last night, because it was really a 30 30 30 split in the room where the other 10% go. But I think of those, of those middle ground people in that room, of that one third that were just there to listen, I think he probably got the vast majority of them. I think, of the 30% who were booing and jeering and trying to troublemake and so on and so forth, I think probably around 50% of that 30% will say, you know what? I got it out of my system. I had my little tantrum. He’s offering a way better America than Joe Biden is, and he’s offering policy things that we really can get on board with. And he said up there on that stage, he said, listen, when I’m back in the Oval Office, there will be an open door for you to come and make your cases about things.


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c10c7e No.20919271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Charlie Daniels from 1971

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f210e6 No.20919272

File: 6e4cc18df231f95⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,550x308,25:14,If_people_are_exposed_to_t….mp4)


But I also make the point that you do need a, you do need a large number. You need a prevailing attitude,, about the people. Unfortunately, for, especially since the coup occurred, the attitude is that the welfare is and everything is,, is what we need and there's things that are going to be better but that, that will not, that will not work the coup.

The coup has convince the people that,, that they're right.But right now it's obvious more and more people. I think that's sort of what's going on with the election. More people are relying or realizing that,, the lies have been told and it is recognized that the one thing they can't stand in Washington is somebody that will just tell the plain truth.

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1ef733 No.20919273

File: 1d0accb7642d950⋯.jpg (80.31 KB,599x666,599:666,1715721416891410.jpg)

Israel's killing everything in sight.

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267935 No.20919275

File: ac225cab5cb40a3⋯.png (54 KB,195x255,13:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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50fb1a No.20919276


Raheem Podcast the end

And I think that’s what a lot of people want to hear for far too long. You know, ordinary Americans, be they. Be they libertarians or whatevers or nothing at all, right, have felt themselves shut out, disenfranchised by the process. And Trump’s coming along and, you know, the left and the media and everything’s calling him a fascist. And meanwhile he’s saying, like, no, listen, this is a nation. We need to be united. The world.

Number of times he used unite and unity and together and words like that up on stage last night, conciliatory hand out phrases. You know, that really kind of showed, and I think it’s a moment in which, and I’ll just wrap on this, where it’s gone from being, because I think for a little while it was, it’s gone from being the, the revenge campaign of Donald Trump to the, to the unity campaign of America. You know, and if there’s anything, I mean, I think there were lots of positives about last night, by the way, but if there’s anything really to pull from that moment, that sang froid from Trump, that, that coolness of the mind, it’s that trajectory, it’s that shift, it’s that, it’s actually a, a dovetailing in this current moment of those things. And so I’ll leave you with that. I mean, you know, I think it was a,I think it was probably, on balance, a worthwhile event thing to do.….

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267935 No.20919277


It's a cat

who cares about a dead cat

it's not an Unborn Child being Dismembered and having it's skull crushed in the womb

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cc35b2 No.20919278

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)



Why couldn't it be Mr pig

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50fb1a No.20919279


Raheem the real endon the Libertarian Convention

I think it was definitely dangerous territory, definitely treacherous, and definitely will lead to some, let’s say, negative press covfefeBut sometimes you got to break a few eggs to make an omelet. And that omelette, ladies and gentlemen, is America. What are you to go over to thenationalpulse.com/upgrade, if you haven’t done it already, please sign up. It is Memorial Day weekend right now. So I launched my fundraiser for tunnel to Towers. I’ll be doing their five k in Manhattan again. For the fourth year running, we raised $25,000, no, $35,000 last year, 25,000 the year before that. We’re already at 15,000. The website is runsignup.com raheem. It’s also on the top of the nationalpulse.com linked there for you. It’s on all my social media. Raheem Kassam, make sure you’re following us at the Nat Pulse. And I’m very grateful for your time. Please share this show, leave your comments and post it around. Tweet it. Tag me as you know, I love to get involved on social media. I love to reply to just about almost everybody that I possibly can, uncle Tom Cobbley and all, as we say. So I hope you have a lovely Memorial day weekend. Think about the people who sacrificed so much for your freedoms and. And I will see you next time. We got to talk about the UK election next time, so. So prepare yourselves for that. Cheers.

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293d9c No.20919280

File: 61566fdd1066427⋯.png (221.9 KB,260x512,65:128,kng.PNG)


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f210e6 No.20919281


But I'm still convinced though that if people are exposed to the truth and know what's happening, the numbers of people, the percentage of people are more on our side than on the side of tyranny.

Let me tell you, but we message, message out.

This is the correct text for this video clip.

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1ddfbb No.20919282

File: 07df103bc821b3d⋯.jpeg (27.85 KB,203x249,203:249,IMG_1052.jpeg)

File: ca9af792a1c89a1⋯.jpeg (123.18 KB,728x960,91:120,IMG_2647.jpeg)

>>20919231 lb

>>20919119 lb

Annnnnd we have antifa infiltrated and mapped out annnnnd the illegals have been made dependent on tackable debit cards and phones. And other Countries are now purchasing oil in their own currency. Not to mention the sword ceremony for Trump held in the traditional manner out in the public eye.

Holy shit you mother fuckers are about to get absolutely slaughtered n don’t see us coming. Not only did God make you all dumb af but also He shut your eyes and ears.

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293d9c No.20919283

File: 490872bbef3eb14⋯.png (46.76 KB,1365x365,273:73,reap.PNG)



Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008

From 2008 to 2024, the U.S. government provided EcoHealth Alliance Inc. with an estimated $94.3 million in federal funds

Kyle Morris By Kyle Morris Fox News

Published May 25, 2024 3:30pm EDT

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2ca4e4 No.20919285

File: 812073d59a02257⋯.png (444.59 KB,567x333,63:37,812073d59a02257cb16917097d….png)

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7af220 No.20919286

File: 71ead9c65981889⋯.jpg (109.36 KB,495x563,495:563,KEEP_UP.jpg)

File: 23a38f8e5328fcc⋯.jpg (128.49 KB,765x518,765:518,PIG_POSITIVE.jpg)

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f210e6 No.20919287

File: 356c3a859862e20⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,550x308,25:14,Somebody_that_will_just_te….mp4)


But I also make the point that you do need a, you do need a large number. You need a prevailing attitude,, about the people. Unfortunately, for, especially since the coup occurred, the attitude is that the welfare is and everything is,, is what we need and there's things that are going to be better but that, that will not, that will not work the coup.

The coup has convince the people that,, that they're right.But right now it's obvious more and more people. I think that's sort of what's going on with the election. More people are relying or realizing that,, the lies have been told and it is recognized that the one thing they can't stand in Washington is somebody that will just tell the plain truth.

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c10c7e No.20919288


actually I looked it up. The song says 'voted for McGovern so it had to be later than 72.

Turns out Wikipedia dates the song to 1973

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707563 No.20919290

File: 5b229a505cb29bb⋯.png (1.91 MB,1200x937,1200:937,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ca4e4 No.20919291

File: a984ca33788d3b6⋯.jpg (259.94 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIGsm.jpg)

Their incessant need to announce their little clique is so easy to filter. Thanks, clowns.

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c10c7e No.20919292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the famous scene from My Cousin Vinny

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1ddfbb No.20919293

File: 7677f5dc748f793⋯.jpeg (17.82 KB,160x255,32:51,IMG_0743.jpeg)


*traceable debit cards n phones

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624898 No.20919294


Before it was Israel it was Canaan.

Maybe the Zionistas are actually Canaanites in disguise? What would have happened if they had called their colony in Palestine Canaan instead of Israel?

No Christian support.

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50e6a1 No.20919295




fuck are you stupid?

OP: Focus24 24/05/25

"They" are attacking on many fronts and cause many distractions, but President Trump always repeats in his rallys:

Border, Inflation, Taxes, Democrats, Environment, Persecution, Abortion, J6, The Vote, Second Amend and The Wars.

Pick your [ CAMPAIGN TALKING POINT ] and run with it. Post all about it, get others involved, ask for assist, random it around.

Dont stop until Donald J. Trump is the 47th President!!! And then meme about that!!!

Dig.Meme.Pray ALL [3] - Know your Meme Warrior Dashboard. https://archive.ph/0eN8H [S.T.F.U.]


*Starter memes and info provided below


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=southern%20border&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/4kWS16zj

>#Immigration #Crime #HumanTrafficking #Fentanyl #Cartels



X: https://twitter.com/search?q=inflation&src=typed_query&f=live

>#Gas #Oil #Food #Utilities #Taxes


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=democrats&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Vw1vRSxH

>#CrimeRate #SanctuaryCities


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=environment&src=typed_query&f=live


>#Electric #Windmills #China #AutoIndustry #MilitaryEquipment


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=donald%20j.%20trump&src=typed_query&f=live


>#CorruptJudges #NewYork #DistrictAttorney #Soros #TrumpIndictments #ElectionInterference


X: https://x.com/search?q=abortion&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/npwCRd7

>#PlannedParentHood #ProLife #SaveTheChildren

6. J6

X: https://x.com/search?q=j6&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/FXqjxZDW

THREAD: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/19957122.html

>#Insurrection #Protest #PoliticalPrisoners

7. Secure the Vote

X: https://x.com/search?q=%22Secure%20the%20Vote%22&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/9nZ21jW

>#VoterID #SameDayVoting #Paperballots #VoterFraud

8. Second amendment

X: https://x.com/search?q=%22second%20amendment%22&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/9d08pF8

>#2A #Save2a #SecondAmendment

9. WAR

A. #RUSSIA #UKRAINE https://twitter.com/search?q=russia&src=typed_query&f=live

B. #CHINA #TAIWAN https://twitter.com/search?q=china&src=typed_query&f=live

C. #ISRAEL #PALESTINE https://twitter.com/search?q=israel&src=typed_query&f=live

>#War #WorldWar #NATO #UN #WHO #CIA #FBI

*MEME THREAD: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/19266726.html

*VIDEO ARCHIVE: http://trutube54vqa3baer2kc7aggfc5qstxkgcmzm4qxxzfaxdsihu3znzid.onion/

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50e6a1 No.20919296



>fuck are you stupid?



Boot Camp https://archive.ph/B96YG

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X https://archive.ph/A6b5P

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34ef81 No.20919297

File: 6a2b71ef5a5dd1a⋯.gif (254.02 KB,350x232,175:116,IMG_1158.gif)

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d3ac52 No.20919298

File: 4af9b5c376743df⋯.png (537.88 KB,548x406,274:203,takethepot_.png)


>fuck are you stupid?

…Yes, especially when someone else tries to direct other anons. Fuck you.

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707563 No.20919299

File: 4c9ebf454ab6685⋯.png (287.3 KB,658x676,329:338,ClipboardImage.png)

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50fb1a No.20919300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dems Are Pissed At Hunter Biden.

Here’s Why… Democratic insiders expressed discomfort at Hunter Biden’s attendance at the White House reception for Jewish American Heritage Month this week. An anonymous Democratic operative remarked on the political implications, describing the First Son’s presence as “a blind spot” and highlighting the negative optics for the administration.

“It’s not exactly the look people need or want,” the source stated.

Hunter Biden, who frequently visits the White House given his father’s presidency, also attended a state dinner in honor of Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday.

The timing of Hunter Biden’s public appearances coincides with his upcoming legal challenges. Hunter Biden faces a gun trial set to commence in June, with a tax fraud trial scheduled for September. One source framed the upcoming presidential election campaigns by comparing the legal issues of Hunter Biden with those involving former President Donald Trump. “One guy is on trial, the other guy’s son has a trial starting in a month,” the source commented.

For these reasons, Hunter Biden’s visible presence at the White House, particularly at public events, is drawing scrutiny. His attendance at the Jewish American Heritage Month event featured several prominent figures, such as President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, alongside Jewish leaders and activists like Julia Haart, Tiffany Haddish, and Ginnifer Goodwin.

Hunter Biden’s numerous legal woes were recently referenced in aparody song by rapper Afroman, who remixed his 2000 hit “Because I Got High” into “Hunter Got High”



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05c1b5 No.20919301


Sauce police.

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810513 No.20919302

File: 308e9dc14fc5dd0⋯.png (643.44 KB,714x651,34:31,ClipboardImage.png)


Tornado Tracker

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ca459b No.20919303

File: 4906d149ce6a397⋯.jpeg (11.88 KB,240x255,16:17,IMG_4712.jpeg)

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34ef81 No.20919304

File: 35b4015d17feb6e⋯.gif (110.67 KB,532x398,266:199,IMG_1273.gif)

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707563 No.20919305

File: 552a572a8fb56ff⋯.png (319.09 KB,588x558,98:93,ClipboardImage.png)

no more elections

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c10c7e No.20919306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the clip about the pozzi rearend

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34ef81 No.20919307

File: 3e91211e9b0050f⋯.jpeg (104.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_1468.jpeg)

File: c7cf0ab1bae2810⋯.jpeg (80.59 KB,500x333,500:333,IMG_1467.jpeg)

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672c30 No.20919308

File: b4daeadd64e3c0c⋯.jpg (103.59 KB,716x644,179:161,478120.jpg)


Nobody cares about the israel/hamas conflict

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267935 No.20919309


Russia doesn't hold those territories


Also: Deep State don't want to give up their Deep State Base of Operations

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779104 No.20919310


The Ottomans considered it all part of Syria

The Romans called it Judea

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f2caed No.20919311


The US Government is a crime scene. And American taxpayers are the victims.

An Associated Press analysis found that fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion in COVID-19 relief funding; another $123 billion was wasted or misspent. Combined, the loss represents 10% of the $4.2 trillion the U.S. government has so far disbursed in COVID relief aid.



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50fb1a No.20919312


Now I know who Afroman is.

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50e6a1 No.20919313


>Fuck you.

Im being nice today. else i would break your fucking jaw. talk soon

and try here vvvv


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b6c18e No.20919314



USS Constitution will be open for public tours on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2024, and will fire a 21-gun salute at noon. The salute will consist of one round being fired every minute, for 21 minutes.

The crew will also hold a special presentation at 11:30 a.m.

2:46 PM · May 26, 2024


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293d9c No.20919315

File: a91b58d6c1e9eb0⋯.png (214.44 KB,383x776,383:776,fox.PNG)


Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24

WATCH: https://vigilantnews.com/post/media-blackout-10-news-stories-they-chose-not-to-tell-you-episode-24/

- - - - - -

#10 - Middle schooler’s patriotic speech CENSORED by principal goes viral. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/watch-middle-schoolers-patriotic-speech-censored-by-principal-goes-viral/)

#9 - White House issues NINE corrections to one Biden speech. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/white-house-issues-nine-corrections-to-bidens-naacp-speech/)

#8 - A new video shows what really happened during the arrest of the world’s number one golfer. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/new-video-shows-what-really-happened-during-arrest-of-worlds-1-golfer/)

#7 - Megyn Kelly schools Bill Maher on Hillary Clinton’s election denialism. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/megyn-kelly-schools-bill-maher-on-hillary-clintons-election-denialism/)

#6 - Three hundred pages of emails leave no doubt that Fauci lied, people died. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/300-pages-of-emails-leave-no-doubt-fauci-nih-knew-early-on-of-injuries-deaths-after-covid-shots/)

#5 - Orwellian digital IDS simultaneously begin rolling out in multiple nations. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/orwellian-digital-ids-simultaneously-implemented-by-multiple-nations/)

#4 - Turbulence during Boeing flight results in one dead and several injured. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/turbulence-during-boeing-flight-results-in-one-dead-several-injured/)

#3 - US government 'cartel' bribed CVS and Walgreens with billions of dollars to reject ivermectin prescriptions and promote COVID shots. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/u-s-government-cartel-paid-cvs-walgreens-billions-to-reject-ivermectin-prescriptions-push-covid-shots/)

#2 - FBI authorized deadly force in Trump’s Mar-a-Lago raid. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/fbi-authorized-deadly-force-in-trumps-mar-a-lago-raid/)

#1 - Brilliant report explains how to stop the World Health Organization’s horrific Pandemic Treaty. (https://vigilantnews.com/post/its-time-to-stop-the-whos-horrific-pandemic-treaty-heres-how/)

- - - - - -

BONUS #1 - Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Urgent COVID Vaccine Warning to Donald Trump (https://vigilantnews.com/post/dr-peter-mccullough-issues-urgent-covid-vaccine-warning-to-donald-trump/)

BONUS #2 - Exclusive Memorial Day Discounts on mRNA-Free Prepper Beef (https://vigilantnews.com/post/veteran-owned-prepper-beef-company-offering-unprecedented-discounts-for-memorial-day/)

BONUS #3 - The Complete Guide to Stay Safe, Healthy, and Vaccine Free (https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-complete-guide-to-stay-safe-healthy-vaccine-free/)

- - - - - -

We'll be back with another episode next Sunday (pin this channel so you don't miss it).

Follow the people behind the show:

• @VigilantFox (Show Writer and Video Editor)

• @ZeeeMedia (Host and Show Writer)

• @Vigilant_News (Media Network)

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cc35b2 No.20919316

File: 4d289e65d92670a⋯.jpg (194.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240525_182909….jpg)


Did you remember to filter the GM baker and filter all future Elon musk posts too?

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f2caed No.20919317


Another Blinken shell game.

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0f6582 No.20919318

File: 62f78f2f77ed090⋯.mp4 (3.58 MB,320x584,40:73,iAHeJeoFATflWTNR.mp4)

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a6327a No.20919319

File: d32415e99427fbf⋯.png (230.55 KB,393x384,131:128,ClipboardImage.png)


>need to announce


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c10c7e No.20919320


and then, after the Jews were all told to leave, what was it called then?

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34ef81 No.20919321


>Nobody cares

Except the American taxpayer of course. They both can get fucked.

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f210e6 No.20919322

Nobody cares what _lon _usk has to say anyways, faggot.

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810513 No.20919323

File: 58d29a51d9166c3⋯.png (1.55 MB,1440x973,1440:973,ClipboardImage.png)

At North Carolina’s GOP convention, governor candidate Robinson energizes Republicans for election

Before Mark Robinson, North Carolina’s GOP candidate for governor, even stepped on stage at the state party’s convention Saturday, several state candidates took time in their own speeches to energize the crowd by vouching for Robinson’s gubernatorial bid.

When the state’s lieutenant governor did take to the stage more than an hour and a half into the NCGOP Convention’s Old North State Dinner in Greensboro, Robinson started off his fiery speech denouncing the media for focusing too much on Donald Trump’s ongoing criminal and civil trials and not the “failures of the Democratic Party.” He also shared his vision for the state, which he said centers around improving the economy and education.

“Trust me, there are enough people in this state who are talented enough and share the vision that we have that we can make this a reality, folks,” Robinson said during his speech, which was livestreamed by Triad television outlet WGHP.

The 55-year-old Republican is embroiled in one of the most hotly contested gubernatorial races of the 2024 election against his Democratic opponent and state Attorney General Josh Stein. Robinson’s brash political style has intrigued Trump supporters, as well as the former president himself, who formally endorsed Robinson in March at a Greensboro rally and called him “Martin Luther King on steroids.”

Robinson has also caught the attention of critics who say his rhetoric on the LGBTQ community and restricting abortion access should be a cause for concern. The Greensboro native has previously defended his past remarks by saying he can separate his religious views from public office and wants to make North Carolina a “destination state for life.”

Calling himself “part of the winning team” during his speech, Robinson credited Republican policies with the state’s economic success and stressed the role of the governor’s office — under his leadership — to preserve that success.

“North Carolina is literally on the cusp of exploding economically,” Robinson said. “It’s time for us to direct that explosion in the right way and cause this state to be something better than it already is.”

Education in North Carolina is another priority for Robinson, who said the state’s education system is “in shambles.” But the state of education isn’t at the fault of teachers, Robinson said, adding that he puts schoolteachers in the same category as police officers.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum also was a keynote speaker at Saturday’s dinner, where he started off his speech calling Robinson the state’s next governor. He also reiterated sentiments from Republican National Committee co-chair Lara Trump and her husband, Eric Trump, who both spoke at the convention Friday, that North Carolina will be an important state in 2024 that could “determine the actual direction of our entire country.”


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2ca4e4 No.20919324

File: fb50e068404869a⋯.png (259.42 KB,512x525,512:525,fb50e068404869a00c6404855d….png)


These days just posting is the announcement depending on who's looking at any given moment.

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9b0d15 No.20919325

File: b246cb82c3eb81b⋯.jpg (288.18 KB,750x927,250:309,Pepe_Beach_Ass_Munch_Apu_F….jpg)


yoinked tyvm

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0f6582 No.20919326

File: ad7d490a8b8a7dc⋯.mp4 (833.76 KB,320x424,40:53,pzSSK6AM9ycGJbg5.mp4)

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a6327a No.20919327

File: 20667f01ab96d3e⋯.gif (1.74 MB,400x225,16:9,giftuffstuff509308278.gif)

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9b0d15 No.20919328


RIP lil fighter.

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293d9c No.20919329

File: 45bde993f3edd1c⋯.png (646.96 KB,394x727,394:727,cool.PNG)


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ef189b No.20919330

File: c567801e76e7e98⋯.png (20.8 KB,255x240,17:16,ClipboardImage.png)

A currency system for the modern world should include.

Gold/ Silver backing

Paper currency as receipts for said gold/silver

A sovereign crypto

All exchangeable at 1:1

Gold is impractical to carry around.

Paper must be backed

Both gold and paper are impractical for international transactions.

Fully transparent and auditable, of course.

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f2caed No.20919331


Rectenwald says wow. Then moves on.

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50e6a1 No.20919332


>>20919295 OP: Focus24 24/05/25



Q4508 Memes are important

Q4658 Meme combat approach

Q4497 Memes prep.

Q4211 Memes ready?






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779104 No.20919333


Rental Property

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50fb1a No.20919334

‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles.

King Charles III has discussed the possibility of stripping Prince Harry and Meghan Markle of their royal titles. The conversation reportedly involves lengthy discussions with Prince William, who is said to share concerns about potential backlash.

The titles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex became a point of contention following their departure from official royal duties and subsequent move to the United States.

This development led to widespread calls for the couple to be stripped of their titles. Sources indicate that King Charles has recently revisited this issue with Prince William, though the decision remains unresolved.

King Charles and Prince William “have had lengthy discussions about stripping Meghan and Harry of their royal titles, but they are terrified this would backfire and make the situation worse,” said Royal author and expert Tom Quinn.

During their recent tour of Nigeria, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle prominently used their titles, with seating labeled “Duke” and “Duchess,” which has reignited the controversy.

“The last thing they want is to give the renegade royals something else to complain about,” Quinn said. He noted that even if their titles were revoked, Meghan and Harry would likely continue their activities, retaining a significant public following worldwide.After stepping back from senior royal duties in 2020, the couple ceased to be referred to as “His Royal Highness” and “Her Royal Highness” but retained their Duke and Duchess titles.

This year, they strengthened their association with the Royal Family by relaunching their website, Sussex.com, which features their titles and a coat of arms.The couple’s barely concealed distaste for the Royal Family and pursuit of profit led a Conservative Member of Parliament to introduce a bill last year to strip them of their royal titles.


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c10c7e No.20919335


I've read that most of the land in Israel that isn't owned by the government (stolen) is not owned by Jews.

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50e6a1 No.20919336

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7aa91b No.20919337

File: b7bf2dad38b7505⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,b7bf2dad38b750587d62838587….png)

File: ee8761dec1ea655⋯.png (1.43 MB,983x1136,983:1136,glwy.png)

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9b0d15 No.20919338


US are the baddies.

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9b0d15 No.20919339


Says the hasbara troll.

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f2caed No.20919340

File: 42a20437289157b⋯.webp (113.04 KB,546x640,273:320,trumptweets_546x640.webp)


Interesting shift by DJT.

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c10c7e No.20919341


why ?

the dictators will always make up an excuse about why they can't hold elections.

Blinken is as criminal as they are for being an apologist for a dictatorship.

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cc35b2 No.20919342

File: 83b83dd4b100ce8⋯.jpg (45.1 KB,735x504,35:24,9dc39a9d2acd666931d84cfcf8….jpg)


It's 🎤 💧

As much as he deserves to get put through the ringer for breaking every aspect of the Code of Anon, have some mercy and understanding. He's just an old man losing his mental faculties. Love and forgiveness, it's what separates Anons. With great power and great GM comes great responsibility.

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293d9c No.20919343

File: e727e8893d20f67⋯.png (363.78 KB,591x873,197:291,ro.PNG)


Wall Street Apes


EVERYONE Needs To Speak Out Against This

America is being transformed into the Land of Renters. This must be stopped.

All over America, Brand New Housing Communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are FOR RENT ONLY 🚨 (video in California)

10:59 AM · May 26, 2024




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707563 No.20919344

File: f5cdbd3058b713e⋯.webm (821.69 KB,364x640,91:160,1716759658554029.webm)


ahh but someone here does



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9b0d15 No.20919345


They'll try to arrest him for manipulating the markets.


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bba8f5 No.20919346

File: 4065a0dad2a8f06⋯.png (105.84 KB,292x172,73:43,ClipboardImage.png)


I thought when they sd the left was stupid, I thought it was a joke.

but the left really is.

apology anon, but anon is correct.

You are here to dig and meme. I think you forgot, Dont return until you remember

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05c1b5 No.20919347

File: 5bb7cb9f46fca51⋯.png (215.49 KB,590x350,59:35,ClipboardImage.png)

‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles

King Charles III has discussed the possibility of stripping Prince Harry and Meghan Markle of their royal titles. The conversation reportedly involves lengthy discussions with Prince William, who is said to share concerns about potential backlash.

The titles of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex became a point of contention following their departure from official royal duties and subsequent move to the United States.

This development led to widespread calls for the couple to be stripped of their titles. Sources indicate that King Charles has recently revisited this issue with Prince William, though the decision remains unresolved.

King Charles and Prince William “have had lengthy discussions about stripping Meghan and Harry of their royal titles, but they are terrified this would backfire and make the situation worse,” said Royal author and expert Tom Quinn.

During their recent tour of Nigeria, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle prominently used their titles, with seating labeled “Duke” and “Duchess,” which has reignited the controversy.

“The last thing they want is to give the renegade royals something else to complain about,” Quinn said. He noted that even if their titles were revoked, Meghan and Harry would likely continue their activities, retaining a significant public following worldwide.After stepping back from senior royal duties in 2020, the couple ceased to be referred to as “His Royal Highness” and “Her Royal Highness” but retained their Duke and Duchess titles.

This year, they strengthened their association with the Royal Family by relaunching their website, Sussex.com, which features their titles and a coat of arms.The couple’s barely concealed distaste for the Royal Family and pursuit of profit led a Conservative Member of Parliament to introduce a bill last year to strip them of their royal titles.


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ef189b No.20919348



Yes. I believed at the time that he made the reference in order to help bring visibility to bitcoin. No idea if that was the intention, but it seems to have been the effect.

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db50c5 No.20919349


>no more elections

Wow.. what a bunch of nonsense.

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c10c7e No.20919350


makes it seem more and more that he's not really the father.

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0f6582 No.20919351

File: 4e230975ad8b330⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,320x522,160:261,dR6X3kr6bMY6t_si.mp4)

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50fb1a No.20919352

File: 2e11b4180bf9b78⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB,720x720,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17167117477….mp4)

Citizen Free Press

2,000 soldiers and 1,000 police officers were deployed in a small El Salvadoran city after gang members were spotted.

President Bukele doesn't play games.

When can we adopt his methods to clean up gangs in U.S. cities.


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6087a5 No.20919353

File: 5de0400d5eba636⋯.png (772.93 KB,1373x790,1373:790,ClipboardImage.png)

"Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt"


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83351c No.20919354

File: 9e4ada0873fad70⋯.jpg (394.5 KB,1638x1994,819:997,Together_Stronger.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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672c30 No.20919355

File: ade522474816004⋯.jpg (57.22 KB,768x432,16:9,gxfxgxgnn.jpg)


>US are the baddies.

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a6327a No.20919356


>With great power and great GM comes great responsibility.

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c10c7e No.20919357


there are american hostages being held by the terrorists of HAMAS.

They will be unable to vote in the United States presidential election.

Will Blinken next say 'we have to suspend that election too?'

they way they reason It's not so far fetched that they woudl come up with that as a justification for suspending the presidential election.

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3c2e46 No.20919358

File: f95b8ecdab52530⋯.jpeg (564.74 KB,968x730,484:365,IMG_1166.jpeg)

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f2caed No.20919359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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88cae6 No.20919360

File: 6dcee0d736e4492⋯.jpg (173.62 KB,720x1217,720:1217,20240526_152654.jpg)

File: c8e88fa078514cb⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,720x960,3:4,Oli_London_20240526_4_new.mp4)


Ru Paul’s Drag Race star promotes double mastectomies for girls in front of an audience of millions of teens.

Drag artist Gottmik, who previously released a book guiding young people to transition, made the shocking display on Season 9 of the TV show.

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a6327a No.20919361

File: 83bbdb8e606c424⋯.gif (944.08 KB,500x317,500:317,gifwalkaway0_3206951801.gif)


>With great power and great GM comes great responsibility.


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3c2e46 No.20919362

File: 7cbcdb7dfc46331⋯.png (565.46 KB,800x599,800:599,38B17FC8_BBB6_40F7_9332_D4….png)

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267935 No.20919363


"Vacation Homes"

Yea Right

More like we see the Gov is giving out free money to house illegals

& we want a Piece of the American Pie

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672c30 No.20919364

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9b0d15 No.20919367

File: e98509ae7e88e3c⋯.jpg (143.63 KB,1566x880,783:440,Harry_hewitt.jpg)


Charlie be like. "GTFO".

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f9b5d5 No.20919368

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3b1b03 No.20919369


“This is fine.”

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3c2e46 No.20919370

File: c5ae330adbc84f8⋯.png (1.76 MB,1242x1222,621:611,2A70611F_07D5_4E49_94DB_C6….PNG)

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9b0d15 No.20919371


They call it Democracy.

They're evil sons of bitches and will have us all killed in thermonuclear war, unless stopped, today.

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a6327a No.20919372

File: f21da56f7f496ea⋯.jpg (19.34 KB,255x255,1:1,muhdick8902284828768f3.jpg)



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267935 No.20919373

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3c2e46 No.20919374

File: ead7a9a6cadd335⋯.png (619.26 KB,800x450,16:9,5E6042BE_F2D6_4792_BB07_6A….PNG)

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779104 No.20919375

File: 2f0be463545bd55⋯.png (72.69 KB,283x279,283:279,2f0be463545bd55c6886551a86….png)


Gerbil detected

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ef189b No.20919376



Mental illness

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9b0d15 No.20919377


in hindsight…

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5958ae No.20919378

In a meeting sometime back:

Seize your herds and waste the rest.

Do it now or we won't be able to….

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05c1b5 No.20919379

notables @ 145

#25657 >>20919203

>>20919215, >>20919259 DJT watches as Trump Force One flies over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919252, >>20919272, >>20919287 Moar Ron Paul @ 2024 Libertarian Convention

>>20919269, >>20919311 In one month alone, $50,000,000 in unaudited US taxpayer money funded a pro-terrorist group, and anti-American interests

>>20919283 Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008

>>20919314 USS Constitution will be open for public tours on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2024, and will fire a 21-gun salute at noon

>>20919315 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24

>>20919343 All over America, brand new housing communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are for rent only

>>20919347 ‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles

>>20919353 Juan Merchan Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20919360 Ru Paul's Drag Race star promotes double mastectomies for girls in front of an audience of millions of teens


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267935 No.20919380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3c2e46 No.20919381

File: 8ef395f7f75062d⋯.gif (191.57 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_0908.GIF)

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672c30 No.20919382


Never dive belly fist

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88cae6 No.20919383

File: b90f6ba175b9590⋯.jpg (124.41 KB,709x1110,709:1110,20240526_161916.jpg)


Johnny Wactor, best known as Brando Corbin in 'General Hospital,' has been shot and killed in Los Angeles

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986d62 No.20919385


Noice, crab cooks it'self kek

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50fb1a No.20919386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night With Jimmy Failla

10PM]5/25/24|FOX NEWS HDSHOW | LATEST TRUMP'S NEWS|Saturday, May 25, 2024


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267935 No.20919387


Evil on Display


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9b0d15 No.20919388


Blow it up. Let's cancel this shit.

Perhaps Elon can shine a light on it.

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3c2e46 No.20919389

File: 79bd1b6b564106d⋯.jpg (534.21 KB,1200x1069,1200:1069,Free_Hat_In_Every_Box.jpg)

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293d9c No.20919390

File: 81720de9c7a152d⋯.png (1.01 MB,563x690,563:690,res.PNG)

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b18390 No.20919391

File: 637296b77d0e0fa⋯.png (35.11 KB,255x254,255:254,ClipboardImage.png)


who's got that takin an obama meme?

or the

who's got that takin an trudeau meme?

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707563 No.20919392


is that the guy who got himself fired for not taking the vax and then talked to Tucker about it?

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9b0d15 No.20919393



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c10c7e No.20919394



'General Hospital' Actor Johnny Wactor Shot, Killed During Robbery Attempt

'General Hospital' Actor Johnny Wactor Shot & Killed … Alleged Theft Gone Wrong "


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1d7347 No.20919395


spotters…we dont need know steenkin spotters

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5958ae No.20919396

File: 1c6f6aff60bfbc0⋯.mp4 (7.48 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_1043.MP4)

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293d9c No.20919397

File: 06c988a374c6215⋯.png (361.9 KB,588x714,14:17,whe.PNG)



Citizen Free Press


What he said





May 26, 2024, 6:57 AM

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99cda5 No.20919398

File: 0eeafecac30da91⋯.gif (2.29 MB,695x392,695:392,0eeafecac30da91f798d897813….gif)

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9b0d15 No.20919399

File: 3022e28ffb8e5fc⋯.jpg (425.38 KB,1600x856,200:107,Trudeau_Obama_Pornhub.jpg)


how's aboot dis?

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986d62 No.20919400


Alah what now?

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779104 No.20919401


In order to show up all his friends with Participation Awards, Mookie garnered himself a Darwin Award

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3c2e46 No.20919402

File: d81507ef33a44f7⋯.jpeg (86.8 KB,800x450,16:9,Princess_Leia_Frog.JPEG)

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1d7347 No.20919403


we need this for gangs n deportation

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707563 No.20919404


I thought rothchild died

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9b0d15 No.20919405


72 virgins.

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3c2e46 No.20919406

File: 678a949daafb560⋯.jpg (415.02 KB,962x963,962:963,Gay_Barry_Likes_This.jpg)

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f2caed No.20919407


From the goats mouth.

Season of the Jewitch: The occultists reviving Jewish witchcraft and folklore

Far from rejecting magic practitioners, Judaism — or at least Kabbalistic strands of it — has long embraced them. But these aren’t the pagan dark arts associated with Halloween


30 October 2021, 11:29 pm

But the spooky supernatural world also has a long history in Judaism, and modern “Jewitches” are encouraging the connection — though their practices often slightly differ from their non-Jewish contemporaries.


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986d62 No.20919408


>72 virgins.

What they don't know they are trannies

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24b53a No.20919409

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568ad0 No.20919410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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996bbf No.20919411

File: 4115ebb60e704b8⋯.webp (78.18 KB,691x1024,691:1024,Master.webp)

File: 28ab688943b227b⋯.png (320.5 KB,667x960,667:960,28ab688943b227b8c9593f4543….png)

File: 3e07cc28e7abb12⋯.jpg (191.03 KB,1200x864,25:18,3e07cc28e7abb124f6ee16aa2e….jpg)

File: af02aea1de4a1aa⋯.jpeg (184.3 KB,1200x900,4:3,GN3ASVPXEAAOV0A.jpeg)

File: bde6cdd244cc5e4⋯.png (146.7 KB,640x1468,160:367,755_11_.png)


fucking absolutely fucked

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c10c7e No.20919412


no, they have to stay virgins!

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35426c No.20919413

Trump handled the Libertarian crowd like a Boss

"If you wanna lose, don't vote for me - keep getting your 3% every 4 years."


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58fc9b No.20919414

File: 08394a6f22cb058⋯.png (835.52 KB,1200x869,1200:869,theyliveobama.png)

>>20919237 lb


inauspicous digits

>>20919180 lb

proved by insta-shill trying to mute it / black it out, with their insta- denials.

shill team action.

Biden's mask is obviously peeling off.

>>20918655 lb

Not exactly true, id you actually listened to the speech.

When they are hypnotized they see the world through their delusion; it's like a filter on reality.

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779104 No.20919415


Hmmmm, and where did you read that?

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986d62 No.20919416


>no, they have to stay virgins!

You can choose to "change" you 'sex' without having intercourse.

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9b0d15 No.20919417

File: f48be1740df0a17⋯.jpg (74.06 KB,1024x576,16:9,They_Live_Sunglasses_Guy.jpg)


Mother of God.

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03215c No.20919418

File: cbed435c93272c5⋯.png (462.66 KB,826x771,826:771,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c2e46 No.20919419

File: e5b86bd31dee071⋯.jpeg (83.52 KB,510x361,510:361,DrFauci_Films_Dracula.JPEG)


You can only kill a Rothschild by a stake through the heart.

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293d9c No.20919420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🔴LIVE - Tornado Outbreak With Storm Chasers On The Ground - Live Weather Channel…

Ryan Hall, Y'all

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d9db4a No.20919421

File: ff3372196010d85⋯.jpeg (10.62 KB,255x191,255:191,ff3372196010d85ad61869e39….jpeg)

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a6327a No.20919422

File: 0a845d99b341a33⋯.jpg (281.14 KB,1033x768,1033:768,0a845d99b341a337b81c121944….jpg)

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0f6582 No.20919423

File: 86905430a93e924⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.11 MB,1194x928,597:464,TheyLiveHairyTwatter.png)

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b18390 No.20919424


put im in black face and voila… two POS

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996bbf No.20919425


do Bluesfest

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293d9c No.20919426

File: 7e15f99aea89c8c⋯.png (1.05 MB,1310x895,262:179,liv.PNG)


Ryan Hall, Y’all


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2ca4e4 No.20919427

File: 9b46f6c3e80a219⋯.webm (191.16 KB,427x240,427:240,millstones.webm)


I don't have a problem with what they do in the privacy of their bedrooms. I start having a problem when they try having improper and unwanted casual conversations with children about what they do in the bedroom, or having children engage in adult-tier innuendo that flies over the kids' heads, because it's oh so fun for the parents, just like watching Shrek and all its little jokes just for the adults. There's a reason most people's ancestors shunned that kind of behavior. A very good reason.

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293d9c No.20919428



>>20918375 >>20918519 Radar anomalies which also seem to be manipulating weather events

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398d87 No.20919429

1607, try harder.

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12dc6b No.20919430

File: ef8210bf120f74d⋯.png (1.15 MB,720x1169,720:1169,ClipboardImage.png)


26th may fed clock image

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9b0d15 No.20919431

File: 0f3faf9b8a6b248⋯.jpg (518.72 KB,1024x1318,512:659,They_Live_Obama_Monster_St….jpg)



*click click click*

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0f6582 No.20919432

File: 127eb1ceb8a5b26⋯.png (318.5 KB,530x325,106:65,dickis2big.png)

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b18390 No.20919433


>72 virgins.

and fourteen young boys!

he did it for the young boys!

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9b0d15 No.20919434


we have a dickfag on the board today.

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0f6582 No.20919435

File: 798892d6e4bbee3⋯.png (248.09 KB,525x317,525:317,Dclock2big.png)

File: 48d22aeafbf71e2⋯.png (630.13 KB,1614x1614,1:1,QClockOldTemplate.png)

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9b0d15 No.20919436

File: bbc781222a3c116⋯.png (288.37 KB,538x538,1:1,Joe_Biden_Alpha_Cmon.png)

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3c2e46 No.20919437

File: 70756455c2e6945⋯.png (1.75 MB,1600x856,200:107,EE715712_8EE2_430B_AA23_6D….png)

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1d7347 No.20919438


same urinal meat gazer from the other day

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1e8188 No.20919439

File: 51599eb4bfb6985⋯.jpg (287.84 KB,802x1023,802:1023,4899252.jpg)


Oh my…

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9b0d15 No.20919440



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f210e6 No.20919441

kek here are urinal meat gazer gazers here now

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03215c No.20919442

File: 2d0e45e63bb502a⋯.png (748.15 KB,777x760,777:760,ClipboardImage.png)

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f210e6 No.20919443

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1e8188 No.20919444

File: 15f3e7b1135ae12⋯.jpg (34.84 KB,470x541,470:541,07zkn9qhurp51.jpg)


Das Rayciss!

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293d9c No.20919445

File: 5fa265455344c5b⋯.png (183.8 KB,368x713,16:31,joe.PNG)


Scavino on Instagram 🇺🇸

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3c2e46 No.20919446

File: fb44dd31b40bbfc⋯.jpg (548.28 KB,962x860,481:430,BigMike_DFTF_02.jpg)

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996bbf No.20919447

File: 58340eafd416169⋯.jpg (139.23 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_26_18_3….jpg)

File: 9e2cb6998ab4365⋯.jpeg (7.33 KB,224x225,224:225,images_49_.jpeg)

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5958ae No.20919448

File: 08c05adce47c595⋯.png (735.88 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Johnny Wactor, best known as Brando Corbin in 'General Hospital,' has been shot and killed in Los Angeles

🔗 (https://x.com/bnonews/status/1794850402606985542?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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293d9c No.20919449

File: bb20f9de800cc3d⋯.png (297.83 KB,598x701,598:701,fl.PNG)


Margo Martin


President @realDonaldTrump

watching C-17 flyover at NASCAR 🇺🇸

0:01 / 0:18

11:33 AM · May 26, 2024




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c10c7e No.20919450


I was reading about how easy it is to buy land in Israel.

the article was a bit surprising to me.

a few months back. I'd have to look for it.

It was an actual site about buying land in Israel.

I looked but I didn't find the reference:

what it said is that baring going to the government for the (stolen) land, if you want to legally buy land, most of it isn't for sale and much that might be is NOT owned by Jews.

just do a search and read about it.

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03215c No.20919451

File: ea62cae3bae81e1⋯.png (613.27 KB,686x823,686:823,ClipboardImage.png)

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707563 No.20919452

File: ec83b121e4e2ed8⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1577,1080:1577,ClipboardImage.png)

how long until we should short nvidia? When will they figure out AI is mostly a hoax.

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9b0d15 No.20919453

File: b766247f83a809a⋯.jpg (559.31 KB,1402x1220,701:610,AirForce_Montage_Afghanist….jpg)


Did they clean off the flapping guy?

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a53c2a No.20919454

File: 6d7bc979d2ca71f⋯.png (48.46 KB,649x548,649:548,imagen_2024_05_26_18384645….png)

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b18390 No.20919455

File: 4a07fc2a91d7fbc⋯.png (141.01 KB,800x343,800:343,ClipboardImage.png)



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9b0d15 No.20919456



I've seen moar pics of Samsquanch Michelle than Michelle pregnant.

Now that's a thing to ponder.

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3c2e46 No.20919457

File: 50c37fdf69e9645⋯.gif (890.29 KB,360x275,72:55,BigMike_DFTF_06.gif)

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672c30 No.20919458


Long time. their quarterly profit keep rising

Expect over 100 billion yearly profit in time

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2ca4e4 No.20919459

File: c5dd121bf1bd76d⋯.webm (713.2 KB,576x240,12:5,kek19.webm)


That's just a rumor. It's merely above average. Plus. you're just tiny.

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3c2e46 No.20919460

File: 2a6e920df4f2aac⋯.jpg (119.6 KB,427x585,427:585,Big_Mike_Obama_Foot_01.JPG)

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779104 No.20919461


Oh well, I guess I'll wait to see what the price per acre is on freshly cleared Gaza.

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7aa91b No.20919462

File: 727383bf70d16a1⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,480x852,40:71,President_realDonaldTrump_….mp4)

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1d9e90 No.20919463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9b0d15 No.20919464


Always wondered how they manage to avoid motion blur on these space images. Particularly the probes out further where the light is far less intense.

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db9115 No.20919465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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03215c No.20919466

File: 6c517a67e0627dc⋯.png (105.39 KB,592x324,148:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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2abde9 No.20919467

File: bc71862f92e1da1⋯.jpg (63.32 KB,583x500,583:500,7n5rxk.jpg)

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3c2e46 No.20919468

File: f8399d049bc2a73⋯.gif (964.43 KB,464x261,16:9,Big_Mike_Pose_01.GIF)

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986d62 No.20919469

File: 81b0e2ff8c7497a⋯.mp4 (11.93 MB,854x480,427:240,President_Trump_stops_to_h….mp4)

President Trump stops to honor the fallen who fought for our country. Memorial Day

Nascar Coca-Cola 600

Freaking Monster Energy car is in 1st, pfft

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c10c7e No.20919470


here is a jpost article that explains the land-buying situation:


this is an interesting persective from one who warns against thinking that 'Jews own Israel'


as far as Gaza goes: Gaza is not part of the state of Israel.

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a53c2a No.20919471

File: 199ea35100a80cb⋯.jpg (303.43 KB,1067x800,1067:800,garden_aqualens.jpg)



The garden of eden is a beautiful place.

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3c2e46 No.20919472

File: 6dad5ee2be9304e⋯.png (766.71 KB,606x606,1:1,Barry_and_Big_Mike_01.PNG)

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3c2e46 No.20919473

File: c5d198357cce4e9⋯.png (254.31 KB,412x606,206:303,Big_Mike.PNG)

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f2caed No.20919474

File: 180169f1fb088ad⋯.mp4 (7.87 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Fidel_JR.mp4)

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0f6582 No.20919475

File: f4c8122d985400e⋯.mp4 (412.02 KB,320x568,40:71,oUfi4LYPQWtdC2Xf.mp4)

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c10c7e No.20919476


oh, an another thing: theft is a sin so if you get 'freshly cleared Gaza land' you won't have a clean title and you might end up paying for it with your soul . . .

something to think about.

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996bbf No.20919477

File: dcfaf9e514a9c0c⋯.jpg (24.93 KB,636x358,318:179,73574555_0_image_a_26_1690….jpg)

File: 10a52e4d2835db1⋯.jpg (40.52 KB,768x432,16:9,tafari_campbell_64bf1b2eaf….jpg)

File: 2e89038a47451bb⋯.jpeg (9 KB,310x163,310:163,images_50_.jpeg)

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3c2e46 No.20919478

File: 65452f97ff9ccfb⋯.jpg (423.94 KB,1088x1489,1088:1489,Justa_Turdeau_Actor_01.JPG)

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24b53a No.20919479

File: 35151e33b0ff9a8⋯.jpg (22.05 KB,299x320,299:320,ObamaGayBlack.jpg)

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0f6582 No.20919480

File: f5c8c1db8f8549d⋯.png (167.56 KB,360x540,2:3,MikeNtheHndrsns.png)

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293d9c No.20919481

File: 745d45970052293⋯.png (1.26 MB,1313x822,1313:822,l.PNG)

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986d62 No.20919482


I'll take "weird shit on the interwebs" for 500 please Alex.

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3c2e46 No.20919483

File: 46690c36a705cbf⋯.png (1008.46 KB,864x1172,216:293,Justin_Trudeau_Tigger_01.PNG)

File: e39ff75bb237d8e⋯.jpeg (285.89 KB,1000x750,4:3,Justin_Trudeau_Meme_05.JPEG)

File: 17a9b1d82c89d3b⋯.jpg (54.64 KB,542x614,271:307,Justin_Trudeau_Tigger_01.jpg)

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c10c7e No.20919484


not indonesian and Jewish?

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03215c No.20919485

File: 44edb9c9a6e1253⋯.png (239.66 KB,750x427,750:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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db9115 No.20919486


no wonder they wanted him out of hollywood.

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6087a5 No.20919487


Contact 'HeavyDSparks' from U-Tube, he can fly out in his Black Hawk w/his bros and scan the lake.

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9b0d15 No.20919488


we're gonna need more pots

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3c2e46 No.20919489

File: dc4325b7807b64e⋯.jpg (72.29 KB,543x544,543:544,Trudeau_Vaccines_Cause_03.jpg)

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ca459b No.20919490

File: 08787c4d4882ce7⋯.png (416.01 KB,662x650,331:325,big_mike.png)

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34ef81 No.20919491

File: d6966a325c7bd59⋯.gif (27.94 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_1469.gif)


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9b0d15 No.20919492

File: f607c68e5dc54ab⋯.png (660.54 KB,737x1105,737:1105,Big_Mike_gown.png)

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3c2e46 No.20919493

File: 84a37553187ea26⋯.jpg (172.1 KB,1091x1280,1091:1280,Obama_s_04_Painting.JPG)

File: 6301d2770924088⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,4482x1998,83:37,Michelle_Obama_is_a_Man.JPEG)

File: 22a8de2da33ee44⋯.jpg (64.25 KB,475x475,1:1,Obama_s_05_Christmas.JPG)

File: edcb732e36135a2⋯.png (552.29 KB,720x405,16:9,Big_Mike_Obama_s_Back_01.PNG)

File: 1e08912b729e014⋯.jpeg (2.26 MB,3571x2805,3571:2805,Big_Mike_Memes_Collage_01.JPEG)

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a53c2a No.20919494

File: be7e9712be03103⋯.png (80.01 KB,451x260,451:260,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ce26b21a26e871⋯.jpg (222.15 KB,915x686,915:686,garden_sphere_fountain.jpg)

File: e8c8480697d1872⋯.png (751.28 KB,620x392,155:98,ClipboardImage.png)



How could I draw a picture about higher dimensions in a 3-dimensional world?

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34ef81 No.20919495


Jake Paul vs Big Mike King of the Ring

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7235eb No.20919496


Honestly have always thought of Harry as the most stable representation of this antiquidated 'reign'… I also thought hARRY WOULD BE THE FIRST TO BE ELIMINATED BECAUSE OF THIS…PRAY THAT HE REMAINS

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88cae6 No.20919497

File: 409ec4293596621⋯.jpg (192.98 KB,720x1243,720:1243,20240526_164552.jpg)


Shameful Princeton students rush to stop a MEMORIAL DAY parade after spotting American flags coming towards them.

Hundreds of activists charged onto the road and sat down while shouting “Free Palestine” at the parade marchers who were honoring fallen service members & veterans.

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293d9c No.20919498

File: 2480a15e129f383⋯.png (64.43 KB,601x308,601:308,more.PNG)


Enoch's News Blast


Live: More tornadoes (and multiple vortex tornadoes) outbreak in the nation's breadbasket!



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03215c No.20919499

File: 8eb9972a26dddee⋯.png (931.83 KB,960x724,240:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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707563 No.20919500

File: 95d542eacc01e7f⋯.png (420.53 KB,669x510,223:170,ClipboardImage.png)

having some swede blood, i never cease to be amazed at their stupidity.

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779104 No.20919501


Jerusalem Post is garbage

>as far as Gaza goes: Gaza is not part of the state of Israel

Not yet

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096a65 No.20919502

File: 931903bacf9a0bc⋯.png (438.37 KB,720x1600,9:20,Screenshot_20240526_184459.png)

Before he was even a teenager, Jared Ravizza began working with people with disabilities. Now as an adult, through the Ravizza Global Initiative, he’s continuing that work, but has expanded its scope.

Ravizza has been coming seasonally to Martha’s Vineyard, Cotuit, and other areas on the Cape and Islands since he was a child. Growing up in Massachusetts, Ravizza learned to ski at an early age — a skill that became a passion and led to a professional career. Now, through his Initiative, Ravizza is sharing his passion for the mountains and the ocean.

Ravizza doesn’t see the Initiative as volunteering, but as a way of life. This lifestyle started when he was 12 years old on a mission trip to Alaska. It was there he did relief work and ran programs for children with disabilities in a community that had been hit hard by a storm.

“That’s where my call started to be cultivated,” he said. “I was inspired by that whole experience, and I took those dreams. I would sit by the ocean on the Vineyard and continue to be inspired. That turned into our work with people with disabilities, cancer, and other illnesses: exposing them to surfing and skiing and exercising,” Ravizza said.

Today, his initiative work is a resource for people with autism, disabilities, and illnesses. He works with adults and athletes, providing mentorship and exercise, among other things. Part of the philosophy of his work is to help people get connected back to nature.

“There’s something about nature and being able to experience that,” he said. “When someone has illness or disability, there is a lack of being outside in nature, having physical activity, and having that deep connection to life.”

Ravizza worked with one Vineyard man, whom he declined to name for privacy reasons, who had heart problems. The man had not exercised in 30 years, but Ravizza worked with him and eventually got him out walking the beach in Oak Bluffs with a weighted vest.


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f2caed No.20919503

File: 0187dbdf5f6ff7a⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,576x1024,9:16,macron_and_zelensky.mp4)


The the Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role goes to…

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9b0d15 No.20919504

File: f23454dbb4d71e7⋯.png (169.74 KB,446x390,223:195,Obama_screen.png)


> King of the Ring

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24b53a No.20919505

File: 86f1e44db9ee848⋯.jpg (349.5 KB,1080x1339,1080:1339,ObamaHopeTreason.jpg)

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3c2e46 No.20919506

File: 29a3729b56f5d4a⋯.gif (2.84 MB,260x296,65:74,Big_Mike_Walk_01.GIF)

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03215c No.20919507

File: a854500c990cadd⋯.png (162.56 KB,403x397,403:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b0d15 No.20919508


Good one, 99

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293d9c No.20919509

File: 8853a7f7cc5c63c⋯.png (1.39 MB,939x599,939:599,st.PNG)

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ca459b No.20919510

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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50fb1a No.20919511

File: 558a0271df11b39⋯.mp4 (9.88 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17167637625….mp4)

Hilarity as Transgender Libertarian removed from audience, loses his wig.

Citizen Free Press

Normal scene from Libertarian National Convention.

Transgender delegate is removed, loses his wig, while Trump speaks.

May 25, 2024


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7aa91b No.20919512

File: 791a19d92545f58⋯.png (362.9 KB,480x481,480:481,791a19d92545f587bc3548e21c….png)

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3c2e46 No.20919513

File: 4fe49393742e669⋯.jpg (139.12 KB,1088x999,1088:999,Michelle_Obama_s_X_Ray.JPG)

File: 88a6f3d74855480⋯.jpg (205.04 KB,1088x1291,1088:1291,Big_Mike_s_06_He_s_a_Dude.JPG)

File: 6a7b19473f75a87⋯.jpg (149.95 KB,1089x975,363:325,Big_Mike_s_05_Raid.JPG)

File: 094754537735330⋯.jpg (211.1 KB,928x1280,29:40,IMG_4901.JPG)

File: a28f98aa922b65c⋯.jpg (242.1 KB,1080x1023,360:341,Joe_Biden_will_never_be_th….JPG)

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9b0d15 No.20919514

File: 9c1b432c7eaf40f⋯.jpg (158.67 KB,512x384,4:3,Cuomo_Emmy_Award_Most_Kill….jpg)

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293d9c No.20919515

File: 95da544fdf38201⋯.png (1.43 MB,862x868,431:434,ai.PNG)

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707563 No.20919516

File: f2057fae3b684ad⋯.png (837.86 KB,739x709,739:709,ClipboardImage.png)

WWIII incoming

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c10c7e No.20919517


strange you didn't comment on the other link that warns against thinking that the Jews 'own' Israel.

the guy has a cute conclusion saying 'the Land of Israel owns the Jews'

and also talks about Dueteronomy.

you should heed the warning and refrain from your snarky joking that seems to covet other people's land.

read that article and comment back what you think. or just read it and learn something. It was written by another Jew (like you) but one with a moral back bone.

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3c2e46 No.20919518

File: 27956a57f660ef9⋯.png (175.77 KB,1032x1074,172:179,Big_Mike_Silhouette.PNG)

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a53c2a No.20919519

File: 9f6e6524b9d1fa2⋯.jpg (226.81 KB,1024x626,512:313,earth.jpg)


>How could I draw a picture about higher dimensions in a 3-dimensional world?

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0f6582 No.20919520

File: c4fa46d74c07469⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,320x568,40:71,GcnKVUlL7mtZJxlN.mp4)

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9b0d15 No.20919521


Imagine the REEEEs

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cd6c4f No.20919522

File: 539b64987bdacbd⋯.jpg (36.93 KB,600x460,30:23,BkoZUHRCcAAKFCd.jpg)

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4f7f7f No.20919523

File: ac94a30bdbce41b⋯.jpg (94.6 KB,640x604,160:151,ac94a30bdbce41b4261541cbca….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

File: d94cb4c2367aca0⋯.jpg (150.27 KB,768x1024,3:4,1642373092586.jpg)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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1e8188 No.20919524


A tesseract

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03215c No.20919525

File: a11c596a2369e7d⋯.png (436.76 KB,749x786,749:786,ClipboardImage.png)

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50e6a1 No.20919526



No anons posts?


No Call for Memes

The fuck you doing in our kitchen?

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7235eb No.20919527



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3c2e46 No.20919528

File: 680efd9929b3c72⋯.png (4.85 MB,1890x1890,1:1,606DEA0C_3116_4D41_BD18_BA….PNG)

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9b0d15 No.20919529

File: b156467a4168692⋯.png (975.06 KB,1713x486,571:162,ClipboardImage.png)



NCSWIC is not just a catch phrase.

Fucking cunts must be stopped at all costs.


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cc87c8 No.20919530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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50fb1a No.20919531


Oh my God this happened when Trump was talking. Raheem was right, what a mess

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ca459b No.20919532

File: ac011fced1bafda⋯.png (128.35 KB,240x306,40:51,2024_05_26_18_56_37.png)

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7235eb No.20919533


Hand over heart…waiting

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293d9c No.20919534

File: 75456fcf1318fdd⋯.png (1.15 MB,1294x824,647:412,u.PNG)

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eb0582 No.20919535


>Johnny Wactor

Kek. He has actor in his name. KYS.

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5958ae No.20919536

File: ca0d123b468bdfc⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,640x800,4:5,video_2024_02_19_00_09_03_….mp4)

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779104 No.20919537


>theft is a sin

I will self-identify as IRS

>you won't have a clean title

Who would dispute it?

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50fb1a No.20919538


Trump didn’t miss a beat in his speech. Those security were pretty brutal. Who knew a trans would fight back

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b18390 No.20919539

File: c52fb5489a08c5b⋯.png (1.83 MB,3264x2448,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac258b79dce20aa⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,838x472,419:236,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

from day one… i told you so!

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293d9c No.20919540

File: 976c95b8809c74b⋯.png (936.41 KB,596x828,149:207,mo.PNG)


Ryan Hall, Y’all


Confirmed Tornado Warning continues for Saint Louis MO, Oakville MO and Mehlville MO until 6:30 PM CDT. Seek Shelter!

We’re tracking this using @RadarOmega

LIVE now: https://youtube.com/watch?v=fITfYtCMd98


11:56 AM · May 26, 2024




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ee3c56 No.20919541

notables @ 305

#25657 >>20919203

>>20919215, >>20919259 DJT watches as Trump Force One flies over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919252, >>20919272, >>20919287 Moar Ron Paul @ 2024 Libertarian Convention

>>20919269, >>20919311 In one month alone, $50,000,000 in unaudited US taxpayer money funded a pro-terrorist group, and anti-American interests

>>20919283 Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008

>>20919314 USS Constitution will be open for public tours on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2024, and will fire a 21-gun salute at noon

>>20919315 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24

>>20919343 All over America, brand new housing communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are for rent only

>>20919347 ‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles

>>20919353 Juan Merchan Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20919360 Ru Paul's Drag Race star promotes double mastectomies for girls in front of an audience of millions of teens

>>20919383, >>20919394 Johnny Wactor, best known as Brando Corbin in 'General Hospital,' has been shot and killed in Los Angeles

>>20919410 Terrence Howard | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

>>20919413 DJT to Libertarian crowd: "If you wanna lose, don't vote for me - keep getting your 3% every 4 years"

>>20919420 Live Weather Channel - Tornado Outbreak With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>20919445 Scavino on Instagram

>>20919449, >>20919462 DJT @ NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 watching C-17 flyover for Memorial Day weekend

>>20919469 President Trump stops to honor the fallen who fought for our country

>>20919470 As much as 93 percent of the land in Israel is either owned or managed by the state


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1e8188 No.20919542

File: cf18f42a8dca04a⋯.webp (419.07 KB,1000x1282,500:641,st_christopher_BACKERKIT.webp)


>Who would dispute it?


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03215c No.20919543

File: a14a0acc10bca2f⋯.png (318.76 KB,710x532,355:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c2e46 No.20919544

File: d2e62e95c6ead30⋯.jpeg (344.35 KB,1084x1076,271:269,Big_Mike_s_02_First_Ladyb….JPEG)

File: 4673861d14a4374⋯.jpeg (314.15 KB,1446x1072,723:536,Obama_s_03_FLBOTUS_Painti….JPEG)

File: 5e320bc47fd6e4e⋯.jpeg (256.46 KB,1027x1177,1027:1177,Big_Mike_s_03_First_LadyB….JPEG)

File: eb6fce1e17de384⋯.jpeg (222.66 KB,1002x1176,167:196,Obama_s_02_FLBOTUS_Painti….JPEG)



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ecf78a No.20919545


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a53c2a No.20919546

File: 864da2f528152bd⋯.jpg (39.32 KB,560x419,560:419,1b35d265176386c6239bb68163….jpg)

File: 3d13cba6321b8db⋯.jpg (173.86 KB,600x889,600:889,Iron_Sky_Movie_Poster.jpg)

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50fb1a No.20919547


Man its like crazy land in Libertarian conventions. That the first time and last time a President will show up

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03215c No.20919548

File: 87e5ff0c7d3d00f⋯.png (651.19 KB,820x784,205:196,ClipboardImage.png)

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b18390 No.20919549

File: d2135283f2df254⋯.png (38.22 KB,348x459,116:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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672c30 No.20919550

File: 4e78f4c239548a4⋯.mp4 (6.11 MB,640x360,16:9,4e78f4c239548a4cc8044e223e….mp4)

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67816b No.20919551


Yo Bitch you got yo wig pushed back cunt

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f2caed No.20919552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


These are so good.

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293d9c No.20919553

File: 8ab876f01719ce0⋯.png (1.23 MB,944x640,59:40,ill.PNG)

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03215c No.20919554

File: 1d6f157fbdb684b⋯.png (276.96 KB,516x761,516:761,ClipboardImage.png)

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c10c7e No.20919555



Who do you think?

I am speaking about Who that might dispute your title.

But not just Him but every moral person who follows His just precepts.

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2bee22 No.20919556


Heard that

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cd6c4f No.20919557

File: c405155766b2371⋯.png (1.31 MB,1198x744,599:372,Who_Did_It_Better.png)

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03215c No.20919558

File: 43d94aebcc36564⋯.png (399.72 KB,637x728,7:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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1e8188 No.20919559

File: 270b0f9b8853c9d⋯.jpg (16.57 KB,320x316,80:79,VBM_JFKjpg.jpg)

File: 5def5be797844af⋯.jpg (25.81 KB,400x400,1:1,Moonman_Blessings.jpg)


Up in the sky

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ca459b No.20919560

File: edd048908e8737a⋯.png (306.56 KB,554x309,554:309,2024_05_26_19_02_04.png)

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0f6582 No.20919561

File: 09cb801d5c61dc2⋯.mp4 (560.65 KB,320x568,40:71,qauRtsc3UJKcGL0L.mp4)

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9b0d15 No.20919562


Sweet he has actual content, unlike Lookner.

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3c2e46 No.20919563

File: 7f6d8efb69eb74f⋯.jpg (198.38 KB,1047x1448,1047:1448,Big_Mike_Door_Knocker.JPG)

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9b0d15 No.20919564


ain't clickin any moar

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50fb1a No.20919565


That was unbelievable. At Trump rallies, the guys in the audience drag them out.

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2ca4e4 No.20919566

File: be2ab7a8a487e3c⋯.gif (544.28 KB,320x180,16:9,popcorn4.gif)

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293d9c No.20919567

File: 27a25fef6f4b43a⋯.png (317.09 KB,611x492,611:492,d.PNG)

File: 26fd1bfc69ccac3⋯.png (1.09 MB,1284x727,1284:727,tree.PNG)


Reed Timmer, PhD


LIVE #TORNADO on @ChasingWConnor

live stream here near Birch Tree, MO! Watch - https://youtube.com/live/lo-i_jHSpxc?si=QqqUWrlVuL-0TZBc


12:01 PM · May 26, 2024




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3c2e46 No.20919568

File: 728c24941f0b0de⋯.gif (1.17 MB,360x374,180:187,Big_Mike_Dance_01.GIF)

File: 5c379db5cb24a0e⋯.gif (1.73 MB,220x350,22:35,Big_Mike_Dance_02.GIF)

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03215c No.20919569

File: 4f2365b0792bd0d⋯.png (931.14 KB,1123x934,1123:934,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecf78a No.20919570


Pi Soon

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1d7347 No.20919571


big difference between watch n warning

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5958ae No.20919572

The Sudden Death are the Raptured!

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940a14 No.20919573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

God bless the great David Lindley, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA



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a53c2a No.20919574

File: 105e2eb53567222⋯.jpg (77.24 KB,640x958,320:479,3fa5d5e1c5986e1e50cd984497….jpg)


Oy vey.

that hand in the chest..

old circumcised man playing the victim.

attacking trump.

A Foreing agent for sure.

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293d9c No.20919575

File: 0ba1132394bfbf0⋯.png (897.95 KB,718x841,718:841,I_O_keyb.PNG)


This man is a life saver TY anon

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b6c18e No.20919576

File: e6f2b9ca3075b65⋯.png (392.37 KB,680x677,680:677,pelosi_ick.png)

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fec421 No.20919577

File: 52d33e32867de21⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,640x352,20:11,_WxChannelFounder.mp4)

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96746f No.20919578

South central MO here watching coverage of a tornado outbreak. National Weather Service radar is down…..

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eb30fb No.20919579


U don't use a flat shovel to dig, use a Spade

Flat is for moving loose material.

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ee3c56 No.20919580


Can you please recommend the posts you think I have overlooked?

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3b1b03 No.20919581

File: deec718f6506afa⋯.jpeg (215.23 KB,1487x998,1487:998,IMG_1940.jpeg)

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03215c No.20919582

File: 44c229ed62e2bd6⋯.png (684.47 KB,762x675,254:225,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b0d15 No.20919583

File: 25f9a70ad29054f⋯.png (28.17 KB,104x99,104:99,ClipboardImage.png)


That 'A' tho.

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50e6a1 No.20919584

File: 84f7c27fcf9c522⋯.png (210.69 KB,445x267,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

And just like that

Anons went to making obama memes

instead of what trump and america needs

ffs the state of this place the baker

0 Indictment memes

0 Abortion memes

0 border memes

0 J6 memes

0 inflation memes

0 2nd amendment memes


no wonder trump had to step in, what a bunch of lost sheep you really are




fuck out of here with all this dumb shit


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3c2e46 No.20919585

File: 585c33bceaa52c6⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,848x544,53:34,Obama_s_01_Paintings.MP4)

File: f2cf5b097192822⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,720x720,1:1,Michael_s_Workout_Video.mp4)

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0f6582 No.20919586

File: 210e12be4d5f4ca⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,320x450,32:45,ORLuMspX5i2FIh_q.mp4)

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505538 No.20919587

I’m off work now! Let’s play a game Q!

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03215c No.20919588

File: 69af2f6c616f91f⋯.png (203.8 KB,480x288,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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50e6a1 No.20919589



X: https://twitter.com/search?q=southern%20border&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/4kWS16zj

>#Immigration #Crime #HumanTrafficking #Fentanyl #Cartels



X: https://twitter.com/search?q=inflation&src=typed_query&f=live

>#Gas #Oil #Food #Utilities #Taxes


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=democrats&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/Vw1vRSxH

>#CrimeRate #SanctuaryCities


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=environment&src=typed_query&f=live


>#Electric #Windmills #China #AutoIndustry #MilitaryEquipment


X: https://twitter.com/search?q=donald%20j.%20trump&src=typed_query&f=live


>#CorruptJudges #NewYork #DistrictAttorney #Soros #TrumpIndictments #ElectionInterference


X: https://x.com/search?q=abortion&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/npwCRd7

>#PlannedParentHood #ProLife #SaveTheChildren

6. J6

X: https://x.com/search?q=j6&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/FXqjxZDW

THREAD: https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/19957122.html

>#Insurrection #Protest #PoliticalPrisoners

7. Secure the Vote

X: https://x.com/search?q=%22Secure%20the%20Vote%22&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/9nZ21jW

>#VoterID #SameDayVoting #Paperballots #VoterFraud

8. Second amendment

X: https://x.com/search?q=%22second%20amendment%22&src=typed_query&f=live

MEMES: https://postimg.cc/gallery/9d08pF8

>#2A #Save2a #SecondAmendment

9. WAR

A. #RUSSIA #UKRAINE https://twitter.com/search?q=russia&src=typed_query&f=live

B. #CHINA #TAIWAN https://twitter.com/search?q=china&src=typed_query&f=live

C. #ISRAEL #PALESTINE https://twitter.com/search?q=israel&src=typed_query&f=live

>#War #WorldWar #NATO #UN #WHO #CIA #FBI

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1d7347 No.20919590


i stopped after the temu greg louganis

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707563 No.20919591

File: 21d0ddc059e308b⋯.png (75.45 KB,800x671,800:671,ClipboardImage.png)

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3c2e46 No.20919592

File: 496759c6cae88dc⋯.mp4 (9.55 MB,784x848,49:53,Biggus_Mikus_Erectus.MP4)

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5958ae No.20919593

File: 3402736d460f9cf⋯.png (126.28 KB,1135x786,1135:786,ClipboardImage.png)

The Raptured are the Sudden Death

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ee3c56 No.20919594


That's how you spell it, with an A in that spot of the word Ungovernable.

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267935 No.20919595


You were in charge of making those memes

you let us all down

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2bee22 No.20919596


No no no no no no….

.don’t need but a few seconds to no no no no

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3b1b03 No.20919597

File: 45f8652de2f41fc⋯.jpeg (59.28 KB,623x326,623:326,IMG_1941.jpeg)

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50e6a1 No.20919598

File: 03208ed28b4fe9d⋯.png (834.11 KB,500x1280,25:64,03208ed28b4fe9d51c9f6c4833….png)

File: 07052bf5f870101⋯.png (1.04 MB,680x680,1:1,07052bf5f87010184bd1f02a42….png)

File: 0d2df8270a0d5c8⋯.png (541.12 KB,583x486,583:486,0d2df8270a0d5c8343bc469c19….png)

File: 1072350331b6df9⋯.png (348.04 KB,474x747,158:249,1072350331b6df90480afc9e23….png)

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9b0d15 No.20919599


Makes those memes you crave so badly.

And stop yer bitchin.

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03215c No.20919600

File: e5b6a3aded47e33⋯.png (792.03 KB,876x610,438:305,ClipboardImage.png)

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a53c2a No.20919601

File: 5c4bb3a1683b891⋯.jpeg (137.46 KB,907x661,907:661,5e9736e968f7c.jpeg)

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3c2e46 No.20919602

File: b9b8abc95c6263f⋯.jpg (214.28 KB,1115x755,223:151,Big_Mike_s_04_Swing_to_the….jpg)

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50e6a1 No.20919603

File: 1149a364c126871⋯.png (527.3 KB,628x397,628:397,1149a364c1268715ec876d0b48….png)

File: 198ce100c25d4df⋯.png (298.78 KB,729x323,729:323,198ce100c25d4df832ceb5f3e1….png)

File: 1fc72be8890811d⋯.png (438.17 KB,474x907,474:907,1fc72be8890811d8bf74888665….png)

File: 256adfb1addeeb1⋯.png (250.75 KB,474x258,79:43,256adfb1addeeb1285a75dab7f….png)

File: 28880ca08f09796⋯.png (329.17 KB,474x296,237:148,28880ca08f09796836f5a38556….png)



is my target

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50fb1a No.20919604

File: 1abab32f215390c⋯.png (6.46 MB,1242x2688,207:448,IMG_2375.png)


5/26/2024 2:25 PM PT

Johnny Wactor an actor best known for appearing in nearly 200 episodes of "General Hospital" has died, TMZ has learned.

Wactor was shot and killed in downtown Los Angeles early Saturday morning, his mother Scarlett tells TMZ.She says Johnny was with a coworker when they saw three men messing with Johnny's car. While authorities haven't release his name, this matches the description of an incident where three suspects allegedly tried to steal a catalytic converter.

Scarlett says she was told Johnnydidn't try to fight or stop them … but, the men shot him anyway before taking off.According to police info, paramedics rushed to the scene just after 3 AM PT. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Police have not provided a description of the suspects … but, Johnny's mother says she hopes they'll be found quickly.

Johnny got his start in acting back in 2007 on the hit Lifetime show "Army Wives," playing a few different roles before working steadily over the next two decades.

Some of his bigger credits include "Westworld," "The OA," "NCIS," "Station 19," "Criminal Minds," and "Hollywood Girl."

Many of Johnny's fans will remember him for his time on 'GH' where he played Brando Corbin – married to drug addict Sasha Corbin in the series. He played the role from 2020 until his character was written off the program in 2022.

Wactor's mother remembers him as a loving young man … adding his death leaves a huge hole in the family's heart.

He's survived by his mother, and his younger brothers Lance and Grant. He was 37.


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a6327a No.20919605

File: c0d6c51f9e48ee6⋯.png (220.71 KB,448x608,14:19,ClipboardImage.png)


it's a Sunday

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03215c No.20919606

File: 049016689684450⋯.png (404.97 KB,626x477,626:477,ClipboardImage.png)

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12dc6b No.20919607

File: 0e6b9b5a054b8b3⋯.png (293.38 KB,409x422,409:422,ClipboardImage.png)

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6087a5 No.20919608


Same year they slipped into a congressional bill that the crime of communism was no longer 'enforceable'.

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3c2e46 No.20919609

File: cb9380834978aef⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB,576x682,288:341,Michael_Hold_Hands.MP4)

File: b100e314b661744⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB,Joan_Rivers_Gay_And_Tranny….MOV)

File: f25e2827afab162⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,720x1280,9:16,Gay_Barry_and_Big_Mickinos.MP4)

File: cd5c0c978fc528d⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,640x360,16:9,Barry_Obama_My_Michael.mp4)

File: 63da8e6f6f08b75⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB,648x360,9:5,Barry_and_Big_Mike_Obama.mp4)

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50e6a1 No.20919610

File: 29e9704a72fd7ac⋯.png (1.29 MB,880x1120,11:14,29e9704a72fd7acd58f0ba81b0….png)

File: 2b78b47fa9b802f⋯.png (1.11 MB,756x861,36:41,2b78b47fa9b802ff56fa9cf184….png)

File: 3e7bd8ab06fa854⋯.png (304.75 KB,474x316,3:2,3e7bd8ab06fa854e1b5c6d86c1….png)

File: 423f1b62638e3bb⋯.png (993 KB,680x680,1:1,423f1b62638e3bbdc720d3b74f….png)

File: 44f01d77199a729⋯.png (651.78 KB,666x500,333:250,44f01d77199a729e19a8887512….png)



memes as requested.

please share with the world

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287ffe No.20919611

File: d40d5911b1ad4eb⋯.jpg (582.88 KB,1999x2785,1999:2785,silverwarrior_huge_jpg_ed9….jpg)

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5efbe3 No.20919612

File: c32baafabdd0d28⋯.png (9 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

illegal abortion crimes fought in bunghol laser war

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03215c No.20919613

File: da4b32ddb5f3716⋯.png (878.17 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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24b53a No.20919614

Red text nigger trying to tell Anons what to do


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59540b No.20919615


We have all the memes we need already. Maybe post them throughout breads.

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0f6582 No.20919616

File: 47294322cb5df07⋯.mp4 (371.55 KB,320x568,40:71,ADBnZ6lS59B4T9ye.mp4)

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267935 No.20919617


Those memes suck

no wonder why you let us down

you have no clue how to meme do you?

you should apply to work for Biden

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03215c No.20919618

File: b051b176acb25ed⋯.png (317.74 KB,720x569,720:569,ClipboardImage.png)

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a53c2a No.20919619

File: b1f670507c53f91⋯.png (46.89 KB,668x376,167:94,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d32ac221c55cfa⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,2048x1536,4:3,media_GOdz_j6X0AAlO41.jpg)

Ross Ulbricht



Last night, Donald Trump pledged to commute my sentence on day 1, if reelected. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

After 11 years in prison, it is hard to express how I feel at this moment. It is thanks to your undying support that I may get a second chance.

May 26, 2024 · 10:55 PM UTC


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50fb1a No.20919620

File: 2663fe83e001820⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,720x1280,9:16,ssstwitter_com_17167571338….mp4)

Margo Martin


View from Trump Force One flying over Charlotte Motor Speedway!

4:53 PM · May 26, 2024





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779104 No.20919621


I don't think drinking that much holy water is good for you, but if you stay hydrated then fine

Not interested in playing the daily religious argument game, far too boring

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3c2e46 No.20919622

File: 30ed00143aecfcc⋯.mp4 (5.34 MB,1280x720,16:9,Obama_Bud_Light_kekkage.mp4)

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293d9c No.20919623

File: 43f1f6af3f88aae⋯.png (669.08 KB,954x656,477:328,when.PNG)


When I Went To The Doctor For Kidney Stones,

She Cared More About Pronouns Than Patient Care

Federalist, by Christopher Jacobs

Posted By: Beardo, 5/26/2024 6:22:22 PM

When I woke one recent morning to severe pain from a bout of kidney stones, I knew I had an excruciating day ahead of me. I didn’t realize how excruciating until I arrived at George Washington University Hospital’s emergency room where one of the ER’s resident physicians greeted me wearing a pin: “Ask Me About My Pronouns.” The remainder of my morning became a real-life demonstration of how woke physicians prioritize ideology over patient care. (snip) Rather than engage in ostentatious virtue signaling that alienates as much as it attracts, doctors should spend more time listening to patients than talking at them.

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ecf78a No.20919624

File: a7a9c1ad35597c4⋯.jpg (302.08 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20240526_191407.jpg)

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267935 No.20919625



Just be Glad you don't live in Canada

Kidney stones is a one way ticket to MAID

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50e6a1 No.20919626


>We have all the memes we need already. Maybe post them throughout breads.

actually we dont.

and need more anons on the targets

missing lots of memes

Trump Persecution - Not seeing much

2dn amend - agiain not seeing much

Environment - havnet seen anything

And this board should be lit the f* up with want trump needs

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672c30 No.20919627

File: d2a94a45eab2046⋯.jpg (147.96 KB,1280x1208,160:151,315461.jpg)


Dude. Anons have been under attack by at least 5 different multi ip shill attacks since this morning

Relax time now

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5958ae No.20919628

File: 218cab9163c2a58⋯.png (833.99 KB,1156x782,34:23,SunSetwithFren.png)


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505538 No.20919629

File: 7e6ce20a84bf33b⋯.jpeg (227.88 KB,1125x529,1125:529,IMG_0904.jpeg)

File: 1c5ff12ab1e8f02⋯.jpeg (682.49 KB,1125x1690,225:338,IMG_0905.jpeg)


5:12= 17

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03215c No.20919630

File: f8150c2dae02d56⋯.png (522.26 KB,781x819,781:819,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0b972 No.20919631

File: d76af3fb3e9fed5⋯.jpeg (670.9 KB,1125x1117,1125:1117,IMG_0906.jpeg)


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996bbf No.20919632


the next few days. fuck u got a silo already. fuck me

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736360 No.20919633

File: 337d25fec86987b⋯.png (1.09 MB,1120x630,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

>We GM or We Die Edition

Gingival mastication

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50e6a1 No.20919634

File: 3610649eb58b99c⋯.png (201.91 KB,429x598,33:46,chicago.png)

File: a162902bc8d14ec⋯.png (260.82 KB,421x610,421:610,dc.png)

File: bef0494e556a8c0⋯.png (278.5 KB,660x842,330:421,hershel_walker_actor_sport….png)

File: 62d75e70f05d883⋯.png (241.73 KB,421x610,421:610,newyork.png)

File: c11e1f62d582e5d⋯.png (243.74 KB,421x610,421:610,sanfrancisco.png)


>Those memes suck

i dont make the memes anon, i jut share them with the world

and just for you, these are memes i made for the world. please share


k, now your turn

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a53c2a No.20919635

File: 9bb0929fefb79f0⋯.png (272.41 KB,639x421,639:421,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_05_….png)

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50e6a1 No.20919636


kek hershell walker dont beloing

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50fb1a No.20919637

File: ac0b5728e57ed32⋯.mp4 (2.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17167653372….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Let's be honest. Libertarians can be kinda fucking crazy.

Vivek calls for some Aerosmith Dream On in response to the boos.

6:24 PM · May 26, 2024


(No wonder Libertarians never win except Crazy Bernie)


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1d7347 No.20919638


i dont recall the On Day 1 part

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293d9c No.20919639

File: dfef3cad842e11c⋯.png (40.45 KB,599x495,599:495,eg.PNG)


Ezra A. Cohen


This is another garbage post filled with fabricated information meant to manipulate and deceive. I of course never said anything of the sort nor do I believe this nonsense.

As in past cases, the cowardly poster did not tag me because they were afraid that I would call them out. The “GhostEzra” account referenced in the post blocked me last year after I called them out for fraudulently impersonating me and spreading hateful false conspiracy theories. I hope @X

will ban them.

I will NOT get into the habit of responding to every weirdo or loser online, however this particularly egregious. The only legitimate account for me is @EzraACohen

, all others are impersonators.

I hope @CommunityNotes

will immediately address this with a comment and the poster should delete their shameful post.

12:54 PM · May 24, 2024




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50e6a1 No.20919640




ty and saved for monday booms

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2dbbbd No.20919641


Calm down, were doing great. Go scour pol for memes like once per day.

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2abde9 No.20919642

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast, it will escape their perception.

Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.

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50fb1a No.20919643


I don’t think Libertarians have been domesticated

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d03f07 No.20919644


It's amazing that an inmate sentenced to life has access to social media.

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293d9c No.20919645

File: 6a3bec81cc4fa46⋯.png (330.32 KB,634x525,634:525,have_a_look.PNG)

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24b53a No.20919646

File: 2941e7ef37f64b1⋯.png (822.09 KB,854x500,427:250,2941e7ef37f64b15ec7b29ab9e….png)

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707563 No.20919647

File: e1fd885e9115824⋯.png (45.7 KB,1268x157,1268:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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67816b No.20919648

File: 8c0f44c0aee70ea⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,720x720,1:1,Walmart_Self_Checkout.mp4)

File: 3836b60a2938760⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB,720x1280,9:16,The_world_needs_a_lot_more….mp4)

File: 668d6e1d0cbd3ed⋯.mp4 (1.6 MB,576x1024,9:16,_.mp4)

File: 312600935f67c5c⋯.mp4 (8.37 MB,720x1280,9:16,THIS_10YO_SNL_SKIT_IS_STIL….mp4)

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9b0d15 No.20919649


So when a theft goes right, you live?

Shame he didn't have a hand cannon for protection.

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293d9c No.20919650

File: 8b14fd4cfa14064⋯.png (373.07 KB,602x496,301:248,ill.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


New Illinois Bill Mandates “Climate” Brainwashing in Schools via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

9:04 AM · May 25, 2024




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b293ad No.20919651


I never heard this before, but I feel the same way.

I never thought I would see people wearing a cardboard cutout of themselves. The "real you and the one cutout of themselves in front you to pease whoever they are lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating, and watever else they are doing.

I think after reading about SA, I have come to the conclusions kings/presidents/and any in high places who have filled their bellies with meat/fruits/and watnots while hoarding have spolied their children and theirs after. I feel terribly sorry for them. They have ruined this world that could've had promise, peace, love and all things good.

With certain forced religions and cabinets causing so much stress on the people. I do not think any is worthy.

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eb30fb No.20919652


My Favorite Part

Sharon starts the Johnson , huffin' and a puffin'

Wearin' next to nothing little bird is buffin'

Were all now yearnin'

with the screws now turnin',

around and around and around and around

Girls start cruising', boys start movin' in

HardCorr fans standing up just to go down.

Caroline’s cooing, Andrea’s crooning, baby

Boy in the boat, wants oyster stuffin'

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996bbf No.20919653

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7aa91b No.20919654

File: a5fa1e499685753⋯.jpg (177.21 KB,1170x1279,1170:1279,sk.jpg)

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17949c No.20919655


Why the fuck is he even pandering to that lot for?

They will only listen to Alex Jones anyways.

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2dbbbd No.20919656

notables @ 425

#25657 >>20919203

>>20919215, >>20919259 DJT watches as Trump Force One flies over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919252, >>20919272, >>20919287 Moar Ron Paul @ 2024 Libertarian Convention

>>20919269, >>20919311 In one month alone, $50,000,000 in unaudited US taxpayer money funded a pro-terrorist group, and anti-American interests

>>20919283 Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008

>>20919314 USS Constitution will be open for public tours on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2024, and will fire a 21-gun salute at noon

>>20919315 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24

>>20919343 All over America, brand new housing communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are for rent only

>>20919347 ‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles

>>20919353 Juan Merchan Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20919360 Ru Paul's Drag Race star promotes double mastectomies for girls in front of an audience of millions of teens

>>20919383, >>20919394, >>20919604 Johnny Wactor, best known as Brando Corbin in 'General Hospital,' has been shot and killed in Los Angeles

>>20919410 Terrence Howard | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

>>20919413 DJT to Libertarian crowd: "If you wanna lose, don't vote for me - keep getting your 3% every 4 years"

>>20919420, >>20919540 Live Weather Channel - Tornado Outbreak With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>20919445 Scavino on Instagram

>>20919449, >>20919462 DJT @ NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 watching C-17 flyover for Memorial Day weekend

>>20919469 President Trump honors the fallen who fought for our country

>>20919470 As much as 93 percent of the land in Israel is either owned or managed by the state

>>20919619 Ross Ulbricht: Last night, Donald Trump pledged to commute my sentence on day 1, if reelected - thank you, thank you, thank you

>>20919620 View from Trump Force One flying over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919650 A new proposed bill in Illinois seeks to mandate climate change brainwashing in public schools across the state


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b293ad No.20919657


its the world you can't see.

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a53c2a No.20919658

File: 9b3820e281acc74⋯.jpg (32.6 KB,453x345,151:115,lars_ulrich_napster.jpg)


How many songs will he have downloaded, to be condemned for life?

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0f6582 No.20919659

File: e0f9e7c64822af6⋯.mp4 (163.53 KB,320x566,160:283,_FeA9KLBGCHazwqD.mp4)

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50e6a1 No.20919660


pol. those fags are fags.


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ca459b No.20919661

File: 5410d1ad1856c44⋯.png (184.81 KB,360x358,180:179,IMG_4066.png)

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9b0d15 No.20919662


if the censor permits…

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34ef81 No.20919663

File: 491a2de39726e55⋯.jpeg (484.87 KB,758x1200,379:600,IMG_1470.jpeg)

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267935 No.20919664

File: 3a21f9f897153e5⋯.png (691.4 KB,484x612,121:153,ClipboardImage.png)


Gonna be Honest with you

those are not even memes

you have to go back

Understand what a meme is

Why does a meme work?

What defines a Meme?

It's gotta be Short and funny, quick and snappy with a Social or Cultural reference

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b1ff8c No.20919665

File: 27db54aca1e50af⋯.png (529.02 KB,523x726,523:726,27db54aca1e50afa099c8e0318….png)

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af5a32 No.20919666


Dogs can see it

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2bee22 No.20919667

File: 6271332168b1f3a⋯.jpeg (56.34 KB,850x612,25:18,9A635A51_7AAD_496E_A394_4….jpeg)

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9b0d15 No.20919668

File: 0cbdee2950bd4fa⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Learn_To_meme.jpg)

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34ef81 No.20919669


When does a bird sing

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c10c7e No.20919670



you're not really a Jew.

you don't follow the law.

you're an imposter.

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67816b No.20919671

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hamas beheading babies. No sa JK it's Israel


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1b5f77 No.20919672


no shit. i flew off my bike head first into a barrier a while back and went to the ER to get checked up for broken bones or concussion (i was numb as fuck from the adrenaline). immediately the ccp head chinese nurse shows up to offer me a tetanus shot and literally said if i didn't take it that i would100%die. i said no and she just walked off like she couldn't care less about me.

hospitals are a slaughterhouse.

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af5a32 No.20919673



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50e6a1 No.20919674

File: 6d7ef0226ebbb85⋯.png (578.05 KB,1024x700,256:175,not_your_body.png)


yeah your meme is about as lame as all the rest. be unique, you might get some where

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50fb1a No.20919675

Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party: docs

Tina Moore May 25, 2024, 1:25 p.m.

An NYPD cop from China was fired by the department for allegedly spying for the CCP, internal disciplinary records show.

Lt. Steven Li was working at the Internal Affairs Bureau when he helped a Chinese national connect with a woman targeted by the Chinese government from between 2019 and 2021, FBI and NYPD investigators alleged.

Chinese national Sun Hoi Ying was in the US to conduct “Operation Fox Hunt,” a program that started in 2014 to repatriate alleged Chinese fugitives, sometimes by bypassing authorities, to face charges in the People’s Republic of China, according to the documents.

Li allegedly set up meetings for Ying in the city with the woman, who was identified as “Huang” in the documents. She was accused in China of embezzling money from a Chinese state-owned company before moving to the US in 2001.

The following year the Communist Party of China accused her of using the stolen money to buy various properties in China. The Communist Party of China seized the properties, which were the subject of an ongoing dispute for several years, the documents show.

Ying was dispatched to the US to allegedly pressure the woman to settle the dispute. Li met with the woman multiple times and communicated with Sun. Investigators looked at whether he was acting as an agent of the PRC and whether he pressured the woman.

Li denied he was acting as an agent and said he had made it clear to the victim, whom he knew from community events and occasionally had dinner with, that he was a police officer and that he didn’t represent Sun or the Chinese government, according to the NYPD Order of Dismissal.

“The thought was that since (Li) was a police officer, a position held in high esteem in the Chinese community,” according to the document, “the woman would be more amenable to discussing her case with Sun as him as her intermediary.”

All three met in a Queens restaurant on Dec. 1, 2019. Li claimed he made introductions but left the room “as the two of them talked about the dispute,” according to the NYPD paperwork.

At one point, Li texted an unidentified person on WeChat to report the targeted woman appeared to be “a little bit emotional.”

Sun also sent passport photos to Li asking that he do checks on them, but there was no evidence the cop ran their names at the NYPD.

He was also accused of making false statements to the FBI during interviews and of not notifying the NYPD of the investigation for two years.

Li hasn’t been criminally charged.

The department concluded he didn’t pressure anyone and was not acting as a Chinese agent.But the NYPD did find him guilty during a department trial of making false statements and failing to report the FBI probe.

He was fired on Feb. 16, according to records first discovered by Documented.


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2abde9 No.20919676


Lynyrd Skynyrd Free Bird

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ca459b No.20919677

File: a9d734bfa926995⋯.png (519.58 KB,668x374,334:187,IMG_3898.png)

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b1ff8c No.20919678

File: d6d0ded83d45518⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,828x1052,207:263,d6d0ded83d45518fb08ccefaea….jpg)


that is bad ass

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267935 No.20919679


who's to say Hamas didn't behead a dead baby for the "genocide" clout

unless they have footage of IDF doing the deed, It's propaganda

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34ef81 No.20919680

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Whole lot of merica shit goin on

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672c30 No.20919681

File: 43ee4b80b3885d0⋯.jpg (70.05 KB,500x672,125:168,large_16_.jpg)


Nobody cares

Muh supporting or opposing the current thing is gay

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b293ad No.20919682


try rabbits.

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03215c No.20919683

File: 321121692be5297⋯.png (208.11 KB,480x457,480:457,ClipboardImage.png)

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267935 No.20919684

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0f6582 No.20919685

File: bdf01bdb0a45be7⋯.mp4 (1.21 MB,320x584,40:73,ik6gtnojMEqwuqQ_.mp4)

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c10c7e No.20919686


isn't it fair to say that MOST people on each side would find that a horrible thing to do?

whoever did it is a criminal.

not everyone in their group.

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03215c No.20919687

File: 67ee89e27a6b0bb⋯.png (214.22 KB,534x300,89:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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2dbbbd No.20919688


8kun has the audience and a bit of everything. Shouldn't underestimate the dickheads on halfchan - I was born there.

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5d9fd5 No.20919689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


when the bird is the word

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b293ad No.20919690


yea and everyone is falling for it.

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9b0d15 No.20919691

File: 4b4f9846378e025⋯.png (1.42 MB,1647x1905,549:635,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c0d1b0f57378c7⋯.png (2.17 MB,1200x685,240:137,ClipboardImage.png)

This is why you can't have nice things.

US world’s only superpower – Biden

America is also the “leading democracy” and “indispensable nation,” the US president claims


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34ef81 No.20919692


Over the target anon

My head hurts

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2ead1e No.20919693

File: 4ec91bfee9f9ab6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340.png)

File: 1bd71bcc2628b1e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_1.png)

File: 81816a41ede4615⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_2.png)

File: bce35b66a1f5dd1⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_3.png)

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_4.png)

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cd6c4f No.20919694

File: 37b3b3d062de4f0⋯.jpg (97.37 KB,750x936,125:156,154230638_1015984867882427….jpg)

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eb0582 No.20919695

Why are Anons awake?

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2ead1e No.20919696

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360.png)

File: 7408bd64222931c⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_1.png)

File: baa6d1cc93ccac4⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_2.png)

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_3.png)

File: 5477f4699b644c5⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_4.png)

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af5a32 No.20919697


Spouse anon is an ER nurse & the assistant director of the ER she works in and I can tell you that the ones like her, who are trying to fix issues with the staff, are few and far between and they consistently get pushback when trying to fix issues, especially with certain people/groups. The primary reason your ER visit takes 8-16 hours is not because the ER staff is just fucking off, though some of them might be. No, it's because the nurses in other departments, where ER patients who are getting admitted are headed to, are holding the patients they already have until the end of their shifts so that there's no bed/room available and they don't have to take a new patient before they leave. This causes a huge bottleneck and all because some nurse on another floor doesn't want to have to do the extra work that they have to do when they get a new patient.

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b293ad No.20919698



messaged myself -.- meant for u

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267935 No.20919699


Probably a Prop

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67816b No.20919700


What type of animal would hold it up like a trophy? It is disgusting, Israel is disgusting . Propaganda or not it is vile,

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f2caed No.20919701

File: c4b348406e8bf08⋯.mp4 (7.71 MB,330x480,11:16,2FUXr_caa.mp4)



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2ead1e No.20919702

File: ab5761bb9d75b64⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374.png)

File: 81209adc50714fb⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_1.png)

File: 7f0917d68de2782⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_2.png)

File: 6bb25f1a4006230⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_3.png)

File: b65973cb589cd9f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_4.png)

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34ef81 No.20919703

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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50e6a1 No.20919704


>I was born there.

i was /b/ before i was /kun/

Born in the Depths of Chaos and randomness


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2ead1e No.20919705

File: 5c22e3fec99f677⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_4.png)

File: 7c37265dc3ea0b6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388.png)

File: b7370abe3948cd8⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_1.png)

File: c172e5c50f2c28b⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_2.png)

File: 1671b8a0e2b946c⋯.png (578.53 KB,768x768,1:1,1522730388_3.png)

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267935 No.20919706


Don't really care

Busy with my own Barbarians

in my own country

on my own continent

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ecf78a No.20919707

File: 3bcf06f6aeeef10⋯.jpg (530.21 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20240526_193357.jpg)

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0f6582 No.20919708

File: 2deb19b2981c315⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB,320x568,40:71,E_488AMYitpF6D6g.mp4)

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eb0582 No.20919709


>have to do the extra work

This is a systematic problem across all professions.

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2ead1e No.20919710

File: 0ce4fa51c579e5f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403.png)

File: 8675a39ebac6f0f⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_1.png)

File: a3ed12eb7d6987e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_2.png)

File: d43d5c71f2941e0⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_3.png)

File: 5bbac18cbb5c6c6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730403_4.png)

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b6c18e No.20919711

File: a53f5f2098d4808⋯.png (1.83 MB,2048x1536,4:3,3_percent_every_year.png)

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2ead1e No.20919712

File: 19646cb051c4d09⋯.jpg (320.11 KB,1112x1487,1112:1487,_Awakening1.jpg)

File: 5c95234277f6d44⋯.jpg (257.67 KB,1110x1487,1110:1487,_Awakening2.jpg)

File: aa71166ea6dd8b4⋯.jpg (623.03 KB,1100x1472,275:368,_Awakening3.jpg)

File: 7e1ae1707805115⋯.jpg (666.69 KB,1100x1472,275:368,_Awakening4.jpg)

File: b47bb173a8bc975⋯.jpg (751.72 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening5.jpg)

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779104 No.20919713


>What type of animal would hold it up like a trophy?

Imperial Japanese Army

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af5a32 No.20919714


Especially among certain entitled groups who think they can't/won't be fired because… well, you know

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2ead1e No.20919715

File: 9ea5053229ac996⋯.jpg (288.11 KB,1099x1469,1099:1469,_Awakening6.jpg)

File: 8d3fddd3fef34e0⋯.jpg (360.68 KB,1099x1470,157:210,_Awakening7.jpg)

File: a407bfc3ff3f0f1⋯.jpg (345.53 KB,1100x1470,110:147,_Awakening8.jpg)

File: 441875393caf441⋯.jpg (355.18 KB,1100x1470,110:147,_Awakening9.jpg)

File: 2911e214cf046e2⋯.jpg (332.34 KB,1098x1468,549:734,_Awakening10.jpg)

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a53c2a No.20919716

File: b01a286aec8771d⋯.png (212.29 KB,657x436,657:436,ClipboardImage.png)


>i dont

Don´t worry.

we love our rertards.


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12dc6b No.20919717

File: 82ac102157abbfc⋯.png (683.06 KB,500x668,125:167,ClipboardImage.png)


but the left can't meme.

it is why they covet the ring.



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50fb1a No.20919718


TY I loved that movie and that moment. Good time for a kek break

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2ead1e No.20919719

File: 5126fd90a391582⋯.jpg (360.64 KB,1099x1470,157:210,_Awakening11.jpg)

File: 41d3ddb7ca09ab1⋯.jpg (677.75 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening12.jpg)

File: 18d7c0f00ef50c5⋯.jpg (357.32 KB,1100x1470,110:147,_Awakening13.jpg)

File: a1acbe2ddadb88d⋯.jpg (307.87 KB,1099x1492,1099:1492,_Awakening14.jpg)

File: 054651d44973acc⋯.jpg (363.75 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening15.jpg)

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34ef81 No.20919720


Year zero

Good stuff anon. Love the graphic.

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707563 No.20919721

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9b0d15 No.20919722

File: 3d29101e19fe93d⋯.png (4.02 MB,1917x1065,9:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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eb0582 No.20919723


>won't be fired

That’s how it is with federal employees.

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2ead1e No.20919724

File: b5de31e71a64c8a⋯.jpg (620.87 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening20.jpg)

File: 5935e899f6d4b5c⋯.jpg (810.14 KB,1200x1605,80:107,_Awakening16.jpg)

File: 5d4d8ff6375de39⋯.jpg (923.59 KB,1100x1470,110:147,_Awakening17.jpg)

File: dc5091f7b2dc704⋯.jpg (452.26 KB,1100x1470,110:147,_Awakening18.jpg)

File: e85ed3bc1215ec4⋯.jpg (420.79 KB,1101x1470,367:490,_Awakening19.jpg)

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5958ae No.20919725

File: d143ee10a022825⋯.png (73.72 KB,638x391,638:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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24b53a No.20919726

File: ddc24da61fa64a2⋯.png (311.44 KB,709x697,709:697,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2caed No.20919727


More bad news. All that ink people like to paint themselves with is toxic sewage.

A new study from Lund University in Sweden suggests that tattoos could be a risk factor for cancer in the lymphatic system, or lymphoma. Now, the researchers underline the need for more research on the topic.

Our knowledge regarding the long-term health effects of tattoos is currently poor, and there is not a lot of research within this area. Now a research group at Lund University has investigated the association between tattoos and lymphoma.


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2ead1e No.20919728

File: 199a955c3d0a64a⋯.jpg (743.96 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening21.jpg)

File: b14ea34498fbafd⋯.jpg (330.02 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening22.jpg)

File: db253e9154ecacb⋯.jpg (371.68 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening23.jpg)

File: 3d2440cd56e931a⋯.jpg (313.32 KB,1100x1470,110:147,_Awakening24.jpg)

File: c0ddaaa932d5f96⋯.jpg (360.26 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening25.jpg)

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2dbbbd No.20919729

File: 0ad5cef06fd1752⋯.png (246.04 KB,514x500,257:250,ClipboardImage.png)


I was molded by the Dankness.

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2ca4e4 No.20919730

File: 1ca391729f484bf⋯.png (257.46 KB,827x774,827:774,ClipboardImage.png)

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2ead1e No.20919731

File: 4ccaf3ecad883dc⋯.jpg (378.94 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening26.jpg)

File: b090384c0eb1d09⋯.jpg (665.61 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening27.jpg)

File: 24322d2f43ad4bb⋯.jpg (584.09 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening28.jpg)

File: edccee3aaa72cee⋯.jpg (618.59 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening29.jpg)

File: 0d05820f8ed1599⋯.jpg (739.96 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening30.jpg)

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99f5bf No.20919732

I had a pepe sighting! A sticker on the back of a roadway sign driving thru Aston Pa

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2ead1e No.20919733

File: 43970a26862f794⋯.jpg (428.5 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening31.jpg)

File: 7c46994191a9624⋯.jpg (354.01 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening32.jpg)

File: 8435fb5688c176c⋯.jpg (608.3 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening33.jpg)

File: 0ef0b40162b5b00⋯.jpg (578.8 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening34.jpg)

File: 4add1da65cc6fc0⋯.jpg (688.07 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening35.jpg)

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2f4504 No.20919734

File: c9897c8c17ac266⋯.jpg (58.68 KB,500x647,500:647,8rp6qn.jpg)

File: 04cacc982ac1195⋯.jpg (72.07 KB,500x624,125:156,Coughlin_s_Law.jpg)

Unfinished meme any takers…..?

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267935 No.20919735

File: 50cdc0dade5ea40⋯.png (762.77 KB,922x1024,461:512,ClipboardImage.png)

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b1ff8c No.20919736

File: 9e147429f995d94⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,1280x590,128:59,SaveTwitter_Net_1784828506….mp4)


“Most people in the world are operating under the false impression that we've got too many people. This is not true.

Earth could maintain a population many times at the current level.”


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9b0d15 No.20919737


those extremists!


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f2caed No.20919738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2ead1e No.20919739

File: e1d1948acab8cc6⋯.jpg (750.72 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening40.jpg)

File: 7b0814df8f575ef⋯.jpg (673.3 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening36.jpg)

File: 78bc61a8761fcd3⋯.jpg (577.8 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening37.jpg)

File: a357bbd63cc5068⋯.jpg (755.6 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening38.jpg)

File: b28a314fc2dee5c⋯.jpg (965.01 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening39.jpg)

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c10c7e No.20919740


let us hope so.

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2dbbbd No.20919741


notables @ 505

#25657 >>20919203

>>20919215, >>20919259 DJT watches as Trump Force One flies over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919252, >>20919272, >>20919287 Moar Ron Paul @ 2024 Libertarian Convention

>>20919269, >>20919311 In one month alone, $50,000,000 in unaudited US taxpayer money funded a pro-terrorist group, and anti-American interests

>>20919283 Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008

>>20919314 USS Constitution will be open for public tours on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2024, and will fire a 21-gun salute at noon

>>20919315 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24

>>20919343 All over America, brand new housing communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are for rent only

>>20919347 ‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles

>>20919353 Juan Merchan Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20919360 Ru Paul's Drag Race star promotes double mastectomies for girls in front of an audience of millions of teens

>>20919383, >>20919604 Johnny Wactor, best known as Brando Corbin in 'General Hospital,' has been shot and killed in Los Angeles

>>20919410 Terrence Howard | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

>>20919413 DJT to Libertarian crowd: "If you wanna lose, don't vote for me - keep getting your 3% every 4 years"

>>20919420, >>20919540 Live Weather Channel - Tornado Outbreak With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>20919445 Scavino on Instagram

>>20919449, >>20919462 DJT @ NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 watching C-17 flyover for Memorial Day weekend

>>20919469 President Trump honors the fallen who fought for our country

>>20919470 As much as 93 percent of the land in Israel is either owned or managed by the state

>>20919619 Ross Ulbricht: Last night, Donald Trump pledged to commute my sentence on day 1, if reelected - thank you, thank you, thank you

>>20919620 View from Trump Force One flying over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919650 A new proposed bill in Illinois seeks to mandate climate change brainwashing in public schools across the state

>>20919675 Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party

>>20919701 What he said

>>20919708 Lol


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2ead1e No.20919742

File: 1b42d4c6e49a14e⋯.jpg (612.64 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening45.jpg)

File: e021ce681e66e53⋯.jpg (689.55 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening41.jpg)

File: 8ae13ac21223391⋯.jpg (604.74 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening42.jpg)

File: 494bb8edb45e932⋯.jpg (398.09 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening43.jpg)

File: e1aee87aa4802da⋯.jpg (632.56 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening44.jpg)

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b1a068 No.20919743

File: edf2a1862e3adda⋯.png (181.03 KB,318x318,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: edf2a1862e3adda⋯.png (181.03 KB,318x318,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Sports lessons are life lessons: Let trans Americans play


Rep. Zooey Zephyr, opinion contributor May 26, 2024

From age four to 20, I was a wrestler. My father had been a wrestler, and I fell in love with the sport both for the competition as well as the time it gave me with him. I worked hard, and over my 15 years competing, I won five state championships.

Above the door to my high school wrestling room, my coach hung a sign that read, “Every day I leave this room a better wrestler and a better person than when I entered.” And after every practice, each member of our team slapped that sign as an acknowledgment of the hard work we put in. Every day, our coach would say, “If you don’t think you became a better wrestler today, stay behind and we’ll work on some drills. If you don’t think you became a better person today, stay behind and we’ll talk through it together.”

I care deeply about sports and the lessons they offer. I am also transgender. And I worry whether other trans people like me will get to participate in sports and experience the joys and lessons that I did.

In the last few months, there has been mounting pressure on the NCAA to make a decision about sports participation for transgender girls and women. Recently, 400+ athletes, 300+ academics and scholars and 50+ civil rights organizations issued letters to NCAA’s Board of Governors urging transgender inclusion in their policies.

Those opposed to including transgender girls and women in sports often make the disingenuous claim that they are doing so for the good of girls and women. They want you to imagine hyper-masculine boys competing against helpless girls. They want you to imagine a caricature of a trans woman that is nothing like the reality of who trans girls and women are.

We are women in every aspect of our lives, whether in the classroom, the workplace or the playing field. Our bodies vary widely, just like all girls’ and women’s bodies. When we play sports, sometimes we win, and sometimes we lose. But never do transgender women overshadow cisgender women in the sports we’re allowed to play. In fact, a new study by the IOC shows that transgender athletes are often at a physical disadvantage compared to our cisgender counterparts.

The truth is female athletes face real barriers: from unequal pay for female coaches and players to unequal funding for women’s sports teams to high risks of sexual harassment and abuse. These are barriers for both transgender and cisgender women, and banning trans people from being able to play does nothing to provide solutions to these real problems. In fact, studies show that transgender-inclusive policies in school increases participation in high school girls’ sports across the board. When women elevate one another, we all benefit.

That’s why our nation’s leading organizations committed to women’s rights and gender justice all support transgender inclusion in sport.

We must acknowledge that bans on trans girls and women from sport are really about a wider goal of trying to erase transgender people from existence, by making it impossible for us to participate in daily life and to pursue our passions and dreams. Anti-LGBTQ extremists pushing to exclude transgender people from sport are the same ones seeking to ban health care for transgender people, ban books about LGBTQ people and people of color in schools, and make it impossible to even have classroom discussions about LGBTQ issues or for LGBTQ teachers to speak about their spouses in the classroom. The NCAA must not be persuaded by extremists whose clear end goal is seeing a whole community disappear.

I am no longer competing for trophies. But I carry the lessons I learned as an athlete with me every day, striving to become a better person in all that I do. It is that drive that led me to work in higher education. It is that drive that led me to run for elected office. And it is my gratitude for these lessons that calls me to stand up for transgender athletes.

Sports change lives — I know that from personal experience. But to experience the power of sports, trans athletes must be allowed to play.

Rep. Zooey Zephyr is a Montana state representative for the 100th House District and one of the only openly transgender women elected to office in the country.

Tags equal rights trans rights transgender sports women athletes

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74be80 No.20919744

File: 6daef97929f1020⋯.png (1.77 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


confirm handoff

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2ead1e No.20919745

File: 24a1ee5ff5a448d⋯.jpg (705.65 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening46.jpg)

File: a05efe95b5396f2⋯.jpg (730.95 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening47.jpg)

File: 03577ac64d68ea9⋯.jpg (640.89 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening48.jpg)

File: 8ed324ba5309d3f⋯.jpg (624.64 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening49.jpg)

File: 14460e6b3e079d6⋯.jpg (679.92 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening50.jpg)

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3b1b03 No.20919746

File: dfd62aa06ce859e⋯.gif (1.67 MB,175x318,175:318,IMG_1946.gif)

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2ead1e No.20919747

File: e01bb8389c6d611⋯.jpg (685.42 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening51.jpg)

File: 98dc56a768432a4⋯.jpg (619.46 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening52.jpg)

File: 7acdaffb61edd1a⋯.jpg (600.45 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening53.jpg)

File: d5b5ae703d85453⋯.jpg (614.18 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening54.jpg)

File: 258afd584677c59⋯.jpg (726.68 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening55.jpg)

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b1ff8c No.20919748

File: 4d5e1c2725fd104⋯.jpeg (38.67 KB,291x218,291:218,4d5e1c2725fd1046f87070aa3….jpeg)


>back of a roadway sign driving thru Aston Pa

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f2caed No.20919749


>“Most people in the world are operating under the false impression that we've got too many people. This is not true.

>Earth could maintain a population many times at the current level.”

Anyone who has flown coast to coast knows that. Most of our land is uninhabited. When's the last time America built a new city.

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2ead1e No.20919750

File: 905c7275ffce5ff⋯.jpg (681.09 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening56.jpg)

File: 79af1bcfa31912c⋯.jpg (647.73 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening57.jpg)

File: b708731a46bb6d6⋯.jpg (655.14 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening58.jpg)

File: 44a7f42bf8b91af⋯.jpg (567.79 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening59.jpg)

File: 1c3b8fd70943240⋯.jpg (617.4 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening60.jpg)

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779104 No.20919751


>the researchers underline the need for more research on the topic.

Looking for research grants

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9b0d15 No.20919752


Have your own section if it's that important that you don't compete with other males.

Otherwise we call it cheating and bad sportsMANship.

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3f0593 No.20919753

File: 7259f81395a92f9⋯.jpeg (503.26 KB,855x1142,855:1142,IMG_2147.jpeg)

File: caf184411205578⋯.jpeg (139.02 KB,1088x1197,1088:1197,IMG_0715.jpeg)

File: efdc3430c66df38⋯.png (405.05 KB,596x391,596:391,IMG_0694.png)

File: 3e1763808462d42⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB,1491x1537,1491:1537,IMG_0578.jpeg)

File: 130f09061964cae⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB,1313x1875,1313:1875,IMG_5337.jpeg)


PDJT trolled them ALL









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dc7fc5 No.20919754

Give up cigarettes for a girl? That’s crazy.

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2ead1e No.20919755

File: 4808f2db6f5fb38⋯.jpg (744.08 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening61.jpg)

File: 22f83b887a144fd⋯.jpg (650.57 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening62.jpg)

File: cfe0e5eaaae8fc8⋯.jpg (593.69 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening63.jpg)

File: 35bb53fa24287ce⋯.jpg (662.93 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening64.jpg)

File: f93cb453b1440b6⋯.jpg (733.27 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening65.jpg)

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5958ae No.20919756

File: 1da416a5750bbf0⋯.png (678.35 KB,888x499,888:499,wtf_is_that.png)

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2ead1e No.20919757

File: d7fa3c739ae8b00⋯.jpg (677.67 KB,1100x1471,1100:1471,_Awakening66.jpg)

File: d9576addb493f50⋯.png (3.24 MB,1146x986,573:493,_Anonymous_6_minutes_ago_9….png)

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f2caed No.20919758


Tornado incoming. Illinois.

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af167a No.20919759


The technology he is long on,

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5d9fd5 No.20919760



>I was born there.

me too

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9b0d15 No.20919761


yup this is where we get 95% of all media headlines from. "Researchers" grifting for funds with apocalyptic hype…

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2ead1e No.20919762

File: 574c7123261a8a6⋯.jpg (393.63 KB,1109x935,1109:935,capture_1023_15092020_2215….jpg)

File: 79eedbe73df02b7⋯.png (1.19 MB,831x1222,831:1222,ClipboardImage_2020_09_15T….png)

File: 5650a5755d1765b⋯.png (1.6 MB,1068x1606,534:803,ClipboardImage_2020_09_15T….png)

File: 81326971093e222⋯.png (1.31 MB,1068x1475,1068:1475,ClipboardImage_2020_09_15T….png)

File: 6d4d5cb9f64450c⋯.png (2.31 MB,1354x1840,677:920,ClipboardImage_2020_09_15T….png)

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267935 No.20919763


Dear Divine Feminine Ladies

If a Trans is on your Team, the Opponents team or in the race

Don't Participate

It's not worth getting injured for life

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2556d1 No.20919764

File: 7ea27a96b0795b9⋯.mp4 (355.3 KB,640x360,16:9,7ea27a96b0795b9d449c26796c….mp4)


Anon those memes sucked balls three years ago…

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b1a068 No.20919765

File: b62456e4b794ce4⋯.png (259.58 KB,904x587,904:587,ClipboardImage.png)



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b1ff8c No.20919766

File: 5b015e74eaa2f86⋯.jpeg (51.74 KB,720x447,240:149,5b015e74eaa2f865c7db2a29a….jpeg)

File: dec55c1dc73db08⋯.jpeg (56.71 KB,578x300,289:150,dec55c1dc73db0862ee533f70….jpeg)

File: fe830ba4bfeca89⋯.jpeg (90.03 KB,600x600,1:1,fe830ba4bfeca89ed1094eba2….jpeg)

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2dbbbd No.20919767




Can you remove the last post from this bun in lb fro mthe dough? It's a duplicate.

>>20918618, >>20918941, >>20918948, >>20918974, >>20919009, >>20919123, >>20919123 Ron Paul Speech @ 2024 Libertarian National Convention

#25657 >>20919203

>>20919215, >>20919259 DJT watches as Trump Force One flies over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919252, >>20919272, >>20919287 Moar Ron Paul @ 2024 Libertarian Convention

>>20919269, >>20919311 In one month alone, $50,000,000 in unaudited US taxpayer money funded a pro-terrorist group, and anti-American interests

>>20919283 Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008

>>20919314 USS Constitution will be open for public tours on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2024, and will fire a 21-gun salute at noon

>>20919315 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24

>>20919343 All over America, brand new housing communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are for rent only

>>20919347 ‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles

>>20919353 Juan Merchan Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20919360 Ru Paul's Drag Race star promotes double mastectomies for girls in front of an audience of millions of teens

>>20919383, >>20919604 Johnny Wactor, best known as Brando Corbin in 'General Hospital,' has been shot and killed in Los Angeles

>>20919410 Terrence Howard | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

>>20919413 DJT to Libertarian crowd: "If you wanna lose, don't vote for me - keep getting your 3% every 4 years"

>>20919420, >>20919540, >>20919722 Live Weather Channel - Tornado Outbreak With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>20919445 Scavino on Instagram

>>20919449, >>20919462 DJT @ NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 watching C-17 flyover for Memorial Day weekend

>>20919469 President Trump honors the fallen who fought for our country

>>20919470 As much as 93 percent of the land in Israel is either owned or managed by the state

>>20919619 Ross Ulbricht: Last night, Donald Trump pledged to commute my sentence on day 1, if reelected - thank you, thank you, thank you

>>20919620 View from Trump Force One flying over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919650 A new proposed bill in Illinois seeks to mandate climate change brainwashing in public schools across the state

>>20919675 Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party

>>20919701 What he said

>>20919708 Lol


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9b0d15 No.20919768


"Wrestling" kek

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2ead1e No.20919769

File: edd54ba8702432d⋯.png (771.61 KB,586x939,586:939,ClipboardImage_2020_09_15T….png)

File: 81d45758c95ed0e⋯.png (1.86 MB,1099x1515,1099:1515,ClipboardImage_2020_09_15T….png)

File: ca2b303e57ef32e⋯.png (2.72 MB,1561x1975,1561:1975,ClipboardImage_2020_09_15T….png)

File: 37b61c2e6e251fc⋯.png (1.58 MB,969x1469,969:1469,ClipboardImage_2020_09_15T….png)

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a53c2a No.20919770

File: b84718a2efe9d82⋯.jpg (103.24 KB,598x400,299:200,02.jpg)


If we're sending memes into space, this must be the ultimate iteration.

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74be80 No.20919771

File: 6ff5d15936b3128⋯.mp4 (1.64 MB,576x720,4:5,6ff5d15936b312896ab4dc9632….mp4)




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6087a5 No.20919772


Where in that video does it show a beheaded baby? Are they referring to the floppy thing with flat/boneless appendages? Would 'they' kill/burn babies, probably, but unless there's a longer, clearer video, it's just a bunch of savages being savages.

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9b0d15 No.20919773

File: 7893830b00f2695⋯.jpg (415.04 KB,899x900,899:900,Johnson_Sucker_Tucker_Fox_….jpg)

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eb0582 No.20919774




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af167a No.20919775


Ya Ya Ya we know, just trying to fig out the redemption of the physical and deactivation of the block, otherwise there will still be a exchange

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dc7fc5 No.20919776

Before coffee? Lolol

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b1ff8c No.20919777



got it all figured out do ya? good for you..

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9b0d15 No.20919778



At the time they summarized the habbenings perfectly in high quality.

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d3ac52 No.20919779

File: 0f2b6b37d75e782⋯.jpg (163.03 KB,500x332,125:83,Bread_Burning_4157911219.jpg)

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2ca4e4 No.20919780

File: 0525c283b860157⋯.jpg (35.33 KB,640x360,16:9,0525c283b86015744e9fdea458….jpg)


Depends on the girl. If it's a fling with no future in sight, just the fun of the moment, then not likely. If there's a future that could be seen with her and it's something that'd make her happy, 10 to 1 I probably would.

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301bdb No.20919781

File: c69612c112d3a12⋯.jpg (206.32 KB,2085x946,2085:946,lauh.jpg)

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5958ae No.20919782

File: ffd68fa9f3863c7⋯.png (866.54 KB,1117x628,1117:628,My_Body_My_Choice.png)

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9b0d15 No.20919783


Imagine this arrived from another planet.

Fucking Jocks and fags.

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0f6582 No.20919784


Cancer (especially most severe cancers) are more likely to occur in tissues that regenerate a lot. So, I always thought about tattoos increasing your chances of getting some type of cancer, beings that you have to cause trauma to the epidermis.

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f2caed No.20919785


Where's the Common Sense. Everyone all jazzed about the vax while getting inked to the max.

Certain ink colours, especially red, yellow, green, and blue, often contain heavy metal compounds, including lead, cadmium, mercury, and chromium.

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34ef81 No.20919786


Give up anything for someone who keeps you hungry angry lonely tired fucked up irritated neurotic and emotional? I think I’ll pass

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2556d1 No.20919787

File: fe16f5d12f475e9⋯.jpg (53.45 KB,500x483,500:483,Clown_Show.jpg)


Stick to the basics.

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dc7fc5 No.20919788

Houses before first kiss? And cigarettes before coffee? Plus the mkultra dance? Your scales of justice might lead to seven more years.

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eb0582 No.20919789


>good for you..

Thanks! But it’s pretty obvious that there is PLENTY of vacant land on Earth. So don’t give me too much credit.

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f2caed No.20919790


This is what leeches into the bloodstream.

Certain ink colours, especially red, yellow, green, and blue, often contain heavy metal compounds, including lead, cadmium, mercury, and chromium.

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cd6c4f No.20919791

File: a744b46537fec4d⋯.jpg (299.54 KB,1284x1089,428:363,E5GccsOWUAQ7U1D.jpg)

File: 63138e6b17f8a19⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1638x2048,819:1024,00aprincess.jpg)

File: fedfb4943903ec7⋯.jpg (269.72 KB,1242x1506,207:251,E_OrgEJWEAEgC1M.jpg)



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b293ad No.20919792

File: 0e936aba3c8aa47⋯.png (147.1 KB,187x274,187:274,these_2_books.PNG)

i ran into these two books over the weekend thought I'd share.

other one is it ends with us.

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9b0d15 No.20919793


but muh Insta followers…

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f2caed No.20919794


He is now.

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34ef81 No.20919795


She has to endorse Trump or she gets canned

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50fb1a No.20919796


He knows Bidan and NWO are trying to destroy the dollar and our economy, so he wants an option for CBDc

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50e6a1 No.20919797


>Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party: docs

Uhm where is the treason charge?

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b1ff8c No.20919798

File: f8a20d738ac46d3⋯.png (1.38 MB,1297x909,1297:909,aa28be93c196c25bac1ae77dba….png)

File: 0384ad0d38d6e3b⋯.png (294.15 KB,439x400,439:400,0384ad0d38d6e3ba257819b53d….png)

File: d9e04ec3ec69216⋯.png (392.78 KB,781x519,781:519,ab0edd532e1ac3728d410e4472….png)

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dc7fc5 No.20919799


>Give up anything for someone who keeps you hungry angry lonely tired fucked up irritated neurotic and emotional? I think I’ll pass

Got most of the words

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b1a068 No.20919800

File: 2b674e1dba9b84a⋯.png (419.91 KB,680x641,680:641,ClipboardImage.png)

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12dc6b No.20919801

File: 9ac4d64696da8b7⋯.png (459.32 KB,540x960,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)



oh no.

a hand off to the gm shill bakeroo

probably doge fucking around again now that kabosu has croaked.

there there doge.

you will find another retarded persona

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a53c2a No.20919802

File: df5386a961a094f⋯.jpg (126.52 KB,900x900,1:1,xenu.jpg)


In this realm we have a finite number of souls. If there are only a few bodies, the rate of occupation of souls by bodies increases and produces psychopaths and mental illnesses.

The story of Legion in the Bible speaks to this.

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672c30 No.20919803


Find a Poland girl. Price of pack of cigarettes is just 3 bucks there


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67816b No.20919804

File: 77148e6bc637fb8⋯.mp4 (13.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,Vi_uPGs24tDc_T9_mp4.mp4)

hina is preparing a fleet of ferries and civilian ships to invade Taiwan as it increases its pressure on the island nation.

It is not a question of if, but when.


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50e6a1 No.20919805


>Why are Anons awake?

To Dig Meme Pray


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0f6582 No.20919806

File: 4f6203a52831610⋯.png (968.22 KB,1094x600,547:300,ClipboardImage.png)

This looks like a meme.

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c10c7e No.20919807


there is no message in it, it has no purpose.

it's not easy to understand.

it's just an odd picture of a stuck person.

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74be80 No.20919808

File: f094a796fdb6951⋯.jpg (275.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1716618248580585.jpg)


you can bake

I'm multi tasking

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50e6a1 No.20919809


>>20919734 Anon's Soros Meme Template

stealing template for future meme

ty anon

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dc7fc5 No.20919810



If she says please while lighting my very last one like a good girl then I’d do it. Otherwise here is another storm.

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50fb1a No.20919811

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b1a068 No.20919812

File: efaf6367fa23d0f⋯.png (222.32 KB,562x497,562:497,ClipboardImage.png)

Why Trump Should Share His Presidential Ticket With Haley – OpEd

From eurasiareview.com

7:57 PM · May 26, 2024





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b1ff8c No.20919813

File: 6326551fbee7aed⋯.png (536.02 KB,786x541,786:541,6326551fbee7aed81079b473af….png)

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50e6a1 No.20919814


>>20919701 What he said

>>20919708 Lol

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0f6582 No.20919815

File: 5c6e2a7866f493b⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,480x270,16:9,CatAlunya.mp4)

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b18390 No.20919816



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34ef81 No.20919817

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy Memorial Day. God Bless our fallen.

There be a shit storm brewin

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5efbe3 No.20919818

File: 27f0cf5bb1e5387⋯.png (8.37 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)


>illegal abortion crimes fought in bunghol laser war

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2ca4e4 No.20919819

File: 85b4cafdc80ca57⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,255x254,255:254,85b4cafdc80ca57e1bbc8b3a00….jpg)



You've been with some fucked up people if that's what being in a relationship is to you. KEK.

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50fb1a No.20919820

Did Bidan do any gaffes today, or did he go in hiding, in the bed?

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3f0593 No.20919821

File: c3e81f775272013⋯.png (42.1 KB,438x352,219:176,IMG_2144.png)

Armor of God

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779104 No.20919822


Transgender ‘female’ MMA fighter gives female opponent concussion, broken eye socket

'Nothing can take away from the fact that you are physically a man,' UFC veteran Jeff Nader told LifeSiteNews.com.

By Dustin Siggins Fri Sep 19, 2014

Transgender mixed martial arts (MMA) competitor Fallon Fox is facing new criticisms after breaking the eye socket of his last opponent.

On Saturday, Fox defeated Tamikka Brents by TKO at 2:17 of the first round of their match. In addition to the damaged orbital bone that required seven staples, Brents received a concussion. In a post-fight interview this week, she told Whoa TV that “I've never felt so overpowered ever in my life.”

“I’ve fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night. I can’t answer whether it’s because [he] was born a man or not, because I’m not a doctor,” she stated. “I can only say, I’ve never felt so overpowered ever in my life, and I am an abnormally strong female in my own right. ”

His “grip was different,” she added. “I could usually move around in the clinch against…females but couldn’t move at all in Fox’s clinch.”

Fox's gender controversy is not new. In March 2013, after a 39-second knockout victory, it was revealed that Fox had not told the MMA community about his sex-change operation, which took place in 2006. That bout was the fifth straight first-round victory for the then-37-year old Fox, including his three amateur bouts, and his second victory as a professional fighter.

A video of the Brents fight taken by a ringside fan shows Fox throwing several powerful knees to the face and torso of Brents at the start of the match, who pulled guard to protect herself. Soon, Brents turned her back to avoid damage, where she took approximately 45 seconds of elbow and fist strikes – many blocked by her hands and arms – before the referee stopped the fight.

Critics of Fox abound, especially in light of the Brents fight. Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) female champ Ronda Rousey told TMZ that while she would fight Fox, allowing transgender men to fight is “a case-by-case scenario.”

“I feel like, if you already go through puberty as a man, that's something you can't really reverse,” said Rousey, who said that it “would be fine” if a boy who was on hormone therapy to become a woman prior to puberty wanted to fight as a woman.

Because Fox had transgender surgery so late in life, however, Rousey said that he shouldn't fight women.

Likewise, last year, UFC announcer Joe Rogan made his opinion unambiguously and graphically clear, saying on his podcast that a transgendered man would “have all the bone structure that comes with” being a man. “You have bigger hands, you have bigger shoulder joints.”

Speaking to LifeSiteNews, military veteran Jeff Nader, who has fought for UFC competitor Bellator, said that “Fallon Fox has had the benefits of being a man for most of his life. [He has] bone density, muscle mass, and other physical benefits that one gets from being a man. You can't have that, and then make a minor adjustment — basically, a cosmetic adjustment — and suddenly claim to be a woman.”

“Nothing can take away from the fact that you are physically a man. Mentally and emotionally, who knows — but physically, he's a man.”



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dc7fc5 No.20919823


SHE was interpreting the plan. Now here we all are.

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b1ff8c No.20919824

File: f024f35ed55faad⋯.mp4 (12.5 MB,1280x720,16:9,f024f35ed55faadc8ec4eff56b….mp4)

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ecf78a No.20919825



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707563 No.20919826

File: 2345c1c96050b0e⋯.png (1.03 MB,596x774,298:387,ClipboardImage.png)

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672c30 No.20919827

File: 16648343a2ce397⋯.webm (655.67 KB,528x720,11:15,large_5_.webm)

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0f6582 No.20919828


Hillary did it.

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b1ff8c No.20919829

File: bcad178a812b3fa⋯.mp4 (2.94 MB,720x720,1:1,bcad178a812b3fa319b23bdcc0….mp4)

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50e6a1 No.20919830

File: 6b4b0e73a76c1ce⋯.jpg (228.82 KB,1680x1050,8:5,FkyW_TYWQAIQKEn.jpg)


nice graphic, but Learn to meme

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293d9c No.20919831

File: 6ccc2f90c9b76f2⋯.png (370.81 KB,864x752,54:47,out.PNG)


In Pennsylvania, the Cost of the American

Dream Is Out of Reach

Real Clear Pennsylvania, by Athan Koutsiouroumbas

Posted By: Moritz55, 5/26/2024 7:25:40 PM

The American Dream in Pennsylvania has a price tag: $230,464. That’s the cost for a family of four to live “comfortably” in The Keystone State. The tally is based on the “50/30/20 Rule,” which holds that half of a household’s income should be spent on housing and necessities, a third on nonessentials like eating out and entertainment, and the rest on savings and debt. Here’s the problem: the average household income in Pennsylvania is $100,837, which falls short of the American Dream sticker price by more than a factor of two. In fact, only 10% of Pennsylvania households have an income that exceeds $200,000.

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b1a068 No.20919832


Last night, Donald Trump pledged to commute my sentence on day 1, if reelected. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

After 11 years in prison, it is hard to express how I feel at this moment. It is thanks to your undying support that I may get a second chance.

6:55 PM · May 26, 2024




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2ca4e4 No.20919833


The fuck are you on about? Who? You're not making sense, but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

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779104 No.20919834


>When's the last time America built a new city

Acrosanti was founded in Arizona in 1970

Only 5% complete

Population about 80

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f2caed No.20919835

File: 02dd90eaf6c98a3⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,260x368,65:92,Morning_Joe_getting_closer.mp4)


😂 Let the good times roll.

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623edb No.20919836

File: 2fe48c45550be60⋯.gif (7.85 MB,530x432,265:216,2fe48c45550be60f99175f821c….gif)

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6d5c10 No.20919837


Let me take a guess

>nucular war

>OMG, don't go outside!!! you WILL die!!!! Putin!!!!




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0f6582 No.20919838

File: 872c1d4c4bd2de2⋯.png (255.51 KB,413x568,413:568,RittenHouseTrialFuckArounF….png)

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50e6a1 No.20919839


>it's just an odd picture of a stuck person.

i think he ded after taht anon :(

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b1a068 No.20919840

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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707563 No.20919841

File: 531c4285831d75c⋯.png (41.58 KB,834x301,834:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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50e6a1 No.20919842


>Did Bidan do any gaffes today, or did he go in hiding, in the bed?

not sure, been shitposting all day

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779104 No.20919843


Imagine researchers finding out the metals in the tatts destroy the spike proteins in the clot shots

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dc7fc5 No.20919844


Lmao oh boy.

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f1db98 No.20919845

Can a kind anon please explain to an oldfag the GM thing

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2ca4e4 No.20919846


Filtered. I don't have time for your nonsense.

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dc7fc5 No.20919847


The c before d riff sounds neat.

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3b1b03 No.20919848

File: 7b23bece584d9b3⋯.png (3.39 MB,1612x1760,403:440,IMG_1947.png)

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dc7fc5 No.20919849


Welcome to America winning. I’ll screenshot it for ya for later.

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2ca4e4 No.20919850


Seems to be the latest, greatest trend being pushed by the paid posting minions of the derp state. Don't care what their motivation behind them perpetuating it is.

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10fa74 No.20919851

File: 66e9c4f56b4e2a0⋯.png (112.97 KB,463x853,463:853,ClipboardImage.png)

"He is not a libertarian"

Q+ knows libertarian speak.

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12dc6b No.20919852

File: bf9dfa746a4ae43⋯.png (285.88 KB,675x672,225:224,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ca315fa893eecb⋯.png (135.39 KB,452x796,113:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05258c1e019652a⋯.png (309.51 KB,1762x675,1762:675,ClipboardImage.png)


not tonight doge.

anon is shattered.

loads of stuff going on.

covered the libertarian rally last night plus we had a massive win today

pandemic treaty failed for now, surprised anons are not memeing this massive win.

this was a bigger danger than any election.

trump actually stated last night during the trial that if the minions went ahead with it he would nullify it on entry to the white house.



Note: They have backed off for now if this article is correct, will remain on high alert of any reports coming out about this treaty and any other moves from them.

>>20918031, >>20918179, >>20918259, No deal. That was the message for World Health Organization (W.H.O.) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Friday



SIMON KENT26 May 2024

No deal. That was the message for World Health Organization (W.H.O.) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Friday after his proposed global pandemic treaty was rejected after two years of closed-door meetings in Geneva, Switzerland.

AP reports Roland Driece, co-chair of W.H.O.’s negotiating board for the agreement, acknowledged countries were unable to deliver an agreed proposal. W.H.O. had hoped a final draft treaty could be agreed on at its yearly meeting of health ministers starting Monday in Geneva.

“We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process,” he said, adding that finalizing an international agreement on how to respond to a pandemic was critical “for the sake of humanity”even as a host of countries disagreed with the basic principle that unelected, unaccountable, health bureaucrats could somehow decide major global decisions on government policies.

Earlier this month,U.S. Republican senators wrote to the Biden administration, arguing the draft treaty focused on issues like “shredding intellectual property rights” and “supercharging the WHO.” They urged Biden not to sign off.

Driece said the World Health Assembly next week would urge participants to make “the right decisions to take this process forward” to one day reach a pandemic agreement “because we need it.”

Addressing a sullen final day of negotiations, the W.H.O. chief insisted, “This is not a failure.”

“We will try everything — believing that anything is possible — and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty,” Tedros said. “Because many of the challenges that caused a serious impact during COVID-19 still exist.”

Despite the desire of W.H.O. career bureaucrats to push ahead with the scheme,Britain’s department of health had already said it would only agree to an accord if it adhered to British national interest and sovereignty.

‘Undermines Sovereignty’ — UK Rejects Signing W.H.O. Global Vaccine Treatyhttps://t.co/Wgn3DkuZvr

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 9, 2024

The co-chairs of the treaty-drafting process didn’t specify what caused the logjam, but diplomats have said vast differences remained over sharing of information about pathogens that emerge and the sharing of technologies to fight them, the AP report sets out.

Precious Matsoso, the other co-chair of W.H.O.’s negotiating board for the pandemic treaty, said there was still an opportunity to reach agreement and efforts would go on — despite the inability to reach a deal on Friday.

“We will make sure that this happens, because when the next pandemic hits, it will not spare us,” she said.


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34ef81 No.20919853

File: 7cf6035cd123f48⋯.jpeg (108.72 KB,1200x640,15:8,IMG_1471.jpeg)


Shaddap ya face

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03215c No.20919854

File: 8792b4fb1e8d9d0⋯.png (251.97 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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58fc9b No.20919855

File: 7354f37fb5ccd4a⋯.jpg (535.91 KB,1950x2610,65:87,anubiscompressed.jpg)






but without the long ears.


maybe a guard told him.

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10fa74 No.20919856


Fake news

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623edb No.20919857


lol what if this is all a libertarian plot to return the republican voters to them and begin taking back over the country? badass…..

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f2caed No.20919858


Ha ha. He gave your 3% party an opportunity you'll never get again. Instead you'd rather fall on your own sword. Congratulations pig head.

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2ca4e4 No.20919859

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,56fb2483d8ba926ee7262be074….gif)

No, this is.

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293d9c No.20919860

File: f503a4b08557c7b⋯.jpg (90.34 KB,658x958,329:479,the_dig_meme.JPG)

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707563 No.20919861


wasn't here for the beginning but seems they meant Good Morning and anons thing it is the way clowns identify each other at the beginning of a shift.

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24b53a No.20919862

File: 4ce756c98c6d698⋯.png (49.46 KB,826x300,413:150,ClipboardImage.png)

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672c30 No.20919863

File: b8bcffe4cfaec1c⋯.jpg (99.22 KB,999x799,999:799,large_39_.jpg)


Just anons saying Good Morning every morning shift with GM and coffee memes

But the FBI thinks there is a sinister meaning.

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af167a No.20919864

File: 3e44b4d63803886⋯.png (57.9 KB,1200x1200,1:1,turn90forproof.png)


Its my opinion he is specifically speaking of bitcoin and he still doesn't say he supports it Anons figured out long ago the symbolism will be there downfall, the truth is in the Light, lightcoin=Dogecoin, don't you see the bandits mask wen you turn it? Snake song

O ya you guys are weak shilln tonight glowies

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623edb No.20919865

File: d70b9c2bf1494aa⋯.png (47.22 KB,362x359,362:359,152cf8613489bc60a4675afd79….png)


it looks like this dude's anus


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24b53a No.20919866

File: 5477e1c2e3b4f51⋯.png (344.74 KB,564x564,1:1,5477e1c2e3b4f51f404c7976cf….png)

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2ca4e4 No.20919867


Had it not been pushed at the start here by the clown that did the malicious mimicry routine to sow division on the line it might not have gotten my attention. But when I saw it appear on multiple platforms one Monday morning where it wasn't there before raised some red flags. It's not organic, it's without a doubt coordinated and propagated by people paid to do so.

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ecf78a No.20919868

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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34ef81 No.20919869

Counting down the days

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f0f430 No.20919870


So this as well as Michelle Obama meme are done when ever I master-bait in my room. This is a form of sexual harassment that these people do…

They call Michelle… Michael which is my first name.

This notice this says erect. They do this as a form of sexual harassment to show that they perverted and watching me in my room.

They do this because they think you will not say anything because it is Joe Biden or Michelle Obama… they think this will direct your anger at them when in reality it is the human trafficking and extreme grooming that are government is invested in… this is where your tax dollars go.

Does anyone you know have any electrics do you think the government is not spying on them maybe trying to groom and human traffic them.

This how they do this so people will not say anything basically. They try to make it a reward if you research for them and then they sexually harass you and abuse you.

This is why I no longer really research.

I did just a bit ago this is to show but I did not post it this is to show they are spying on me as this what the intelligence networks are doing.

They love to sexually harass and abuse people it is there favorite thing to so…

To show there dominance and power. Then they try to describe it as love or they care… no sexual harassment such as people describing digging for black mail as “eating ass” is not ok… especially just because they are a woman. This is where they want to do these things using gender but it is not equal. Note this woman was planted at my work and sexually harassed me also doing things as if to let on they been watching me in my home when I am alone. They have customers and people that I run into that do this where ever I go and it centers around there sexual abuse… they have a need to dominate over other people by doing this kinda crap. Because I am a guy they say it is ok to sexually harass me…

The reality is this how they try to groom and human traffic people by sexually harassing them and abusing them.

They say it is memes but when they are making memes and they directly relate to who they are watching it is abuse especially sexual… this what your government thrives on…

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b1ff8c No.20919871

File: c70ecac03345a66⋯.png (678.42 KB,1170x840,39:28,c70ecac03345a6600514fd3f95….png)

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dc7fc5 No.20919872

You or the Greek have to ask personally. We are not even.

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10fa74 No.20919873

File: 18cd6482aa18307⋯.png (535.74 KB,891x900,99:100,ClipboardImage.png)

Google's AI is a friggin joke.

Are they having trouble coding to detect satire and humor?

Huh, no wonder "they" want to ban sites like Babylon Bee. It fucks with their shitty 'intelligence' algos.

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293d9c No.20919874

File: 3ac56529b440196⋯.png (259.17 KB,900x911,900:911,reff.PNG)


Judge Says New York City Jury Doesn’t

Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict

Trump of Guilt

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 5/26/2024 7:38:11 PM

At this point in time finding Donald Trump guilty of anything, any crime at all, is just a matter of Judge Juan Merchan following through on expectations. The entire world is watching what happens in New York City through the prism of ridiculous lawfare and politics. No intellectually honest observers believe this is a trial about substance, guilt, criminal activity or innocence therein. The illusion of a nonprejudicial justice system has long past and everyone can see the extreme politicization taking place in Judge Merchan’s courtroom. Finding President Trump guilty of a crime is seemingly a foregone conclusion. Even the White House is saying Joe Biden will deliver remarks

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267935 No.20919875


Doesn't seem Organic

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b18390 No.20919876

File: 0b60cf0e0d3b806⋯.png (40.33 KB,255x198,85:66,ClipboardImage.png)


nice one anon!


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12dc6b No.20919877

File: 0ba3e6750b8768a⋯.png (1.59 MB,960x1280,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


yeah but did you read the inscription on the ring.


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2ca4e4 No.20919878

>>20919867 (me; edit: addendum)

>propagated by people to do so,

as well as those caught up in the cool little trend.

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6d5c10 No.20919879


GM = Great Mourning

GM = Gizzlaine Maxwell

or some other shit

they want you to repeat it, just don't. That will make them mad.

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707563 No.20919880





TWS (Trump Worship Syndrome)

kek, I'm not a libertarian, just showing what is being said outside the bubble.

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74be80 No.20919881

File: cff73175a72fbc0⋯.png (113.53 KB,403x428,403:428,ClipboardImage.png)


Forced meme of the week/month/year

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f2caed No.20919882


That's a big imagine.

Most standard tattoo ink colors are derived from heavy metals, including antimony, beryllium, lead, cobalt-nickel, chromium, and arsenic. Other additives include surfactants, binding agents, fillers, and preservatives.

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f0f430 No.20919883


They do sexual harassment like this to hide what they are doing and that they do this as a form of psychological abuse and manipulation. They keep claiming they are god and I need to do as there cult states.

That they will stalk me though electrics as much as they want sexually harassing me even though it is a 10 year felony in my state because they are above the law and work for the government

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af167a No.20919884


General Motors

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fd5c34 No.20919885

File: 71dfdebf5f2ed53⋯.png (2.2 MB,1111x1666,1111:1666,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Al….png)

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267935 No.20919886


If the jury acquits

Merchan will overturn and find guilty (He can't do that you say? Well they seem to do a lot of thing they can't do)

They have too much riding on it

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58fc9b No.20919887

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fd5c34 No.20919888

File: 27d427ccb4ef314⋯.png (661.96 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_CI….png)

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fc2ff1 No.20919889


Panderer in Chief

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672c30 No.20919890

File: 4437064c0a93d62⋯.jpg (135.13 KB,806x1024,403:512,large_10_.jpg)


Ginger Mound

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bbdca0 No.20919891


he didn't really beg for shit

pretty gave them an offer that if they vote for him he'll appoint some libertarians in his administration and that would be considered a huge win for the libertarian party as a whole but they're too childish and arrogant to understand that

and they'll never get more than 3% of the vote if they don't and will never have party representation in the white house much less direct players on the field

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fa1b20 No.20919892

File: f05e55ee1362b4b⋯.mp4 (4.9 MB,640x368,40:23,Well_well_well_They_follow….mp4)



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fd5c34 No.20919893

File: 59a0ce126e8dd59⋯.png (1010.62 KB,1111x1541,1111:1541,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Ge….png)

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b1ff8c No.20919894

File: 629152253d3028c⋯.jpeg (78.89 KB,1024x683,1024:683,DLUp04OXUAUOGPb.jpeg)

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34ef81 No.20919895


Loosh is a hyperdimensional energy given off by the human soul when traumatized. The Archons parasitically feed on it. Think of it as their simulacrum of kundalini.

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fd5c34 No.20919896

File: 2fa51cf0c40a14f⋯.png (998.86 KB,1111x1541,1111:1541,Q_BiteCrumbs_Signatures_Ge….png)

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f0f430 No.20919897


They do this as a form of extortion to say they are the organized crime syndicate… that Trump is surely not in control and there latest message is that Donald Trump is there puppet that they are using…

This is why when you have death threats constant harassment… sexual harassment and gang stalking though your electrics and no one can do anything it is the organized crime syndicate with in the government known as mob.

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623edb No.20919898

File: 5e03f41840b32b0⋯.gif (15.93 MB,367x358,367:358,goodmorning.gif)


i think it's my fault…. i was finishing up a night shift e-bake a couple months back and wanted to thank the real baker for taking over so I sent him this meme. since then it's been a daily psyop by the shills. little do they know it motivates us and helps keep us going.

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fd5c34 No.20919899

File: 8fba390e2c0566d⋯.png (1.18 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Crumbs.png)

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293d9c No.20919900

File: f984b56d7502fb5⋯.png (135.65 KB,585x358,585:358,sp.PNG)



Tammy Bruce


I bet you can't tell which one of these high schoolers is now 3rd in Connecticut for girls' shot put notthebee.com/article/can-you-


I bet you can't tell which one of these high schoolers is now 3rd in Connecticut for girls' shot put

"Grow out your hair," they said.

May 25, 2024, 3:13 AM

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2ca4e4 No.20919901

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Funny how you name your files like the mimic does, like spouting to people that "nobody cares" about what they say, just like the mimic. And trying to generate consensus that it's the FIB that have a problem with an abbreviation, rather than the Anons that can see it for what it is. Better luck blending in next time, failfag.

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fd5c34 No.20919902

File: c4e1038cc119593⋯.png (735.43 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_DeepCleaning.png)

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c87d4b No.20919903

I'm sorry.

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810513 No.20919904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


National Memorial Day Concert 2024 | PBS

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fd5c34 No.20919905

File: 483393ed659bbe5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Device.png)

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a53c2a No.20919906

File: 2dbb3880a81671f⋯.jpg (27.91 KB,500x338,250:169,2db.jpg)


>What´s GM?

Grand Master?

If Climate Change is 33.

Be careful who you worship.

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50e6a1 No.20919907



Trump has planted the seed.

That was all that needed to be done

Time to water it anons


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267935 No.20919908


EPA Funded Terrorist's

Defund EPA & Fire Everyone

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b1a068 No.20919909

File: 5f09c143a9d199f⋯.jpeg (92.85 KB,1080x1068,90:89,5f09c143ad20.jpeg)

File: e26aaded759fe24⋯.gif (8.81 KB,255x181,255:181,e26aaded759fe2476acff0a067….gif)

File: 06de21f535c1bd6⋯.png (654.33 KB,1024x765,1024:765,06d17caf1c.png)

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b62788 No.20919910


Did they mess that song up at the end?

Sounded unsynchronized, out of tune, timing, and wrong notes?

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fd5c34 No.20919911

File: 781091cdde6eaf5⋯.png (501.45 KB,1111x625,1111:625,Q_BiteCrumbs_DOWNSHEGOES.png)

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50e6a1 No.20919912




its a dayshift thing

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34ef81 No.20919913


We still falling for this shit?

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af167a No.20919914

File: a998ab6826c968d⋯.jpeg (12.81 KB,205x255,41:51,43710c76aa82400b1844176fd….jpeg)


Hmmmm shill? Or newfag?

Verywell i will break it down in case your lost with those 20 fucking posts

Trump is not under investigation

This is how you defuse there narratives

This is how you trick them into covering it

You might have to go back

But don't worry I got a guy

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fd5c34 No.20919915

File: 8a2c853196d3f57⋯.png (856.46 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_FantasyLand.png)

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293d9c No.20919916

File: 847a0899665568e⋯.png (52.83 KB,681x367,681:367,warn.PNG)


Americans warned the UN's 'uncontrollable' health chief Dr Tedros could get powers to declare a global emergency and FORCE vaccines into their arms

Conservatives say deal gives too much power to UN's World Health Organization

Tedros says leaders should push for 'global cooperation, not narrow nationalism'

READ MORE: Disease X outbreak could kill 20x more people than Covid: WHO

By James Reinl, Social Affairs Correspondent, For Dailymail.Com

Published: 11:04 EDT, 24 May 2024 | Updated: 11:09 EDT, 24 May 2024

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8263f8 No.20919917


You nothing but peice of shit

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d7ec5c No.20919918

File: a81bcc70baf438f⋯.jpeg (341.47 KB,828x936,23:26,8C6E1E52_C0CC_4793_8E95_3….jpeg)

Plenty of weekend left.

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707563 No.20919919


its not morning anyplace in this country, does seem like the left might have offshored some work, likely pajeets who seem about that speed

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fd5c34 No.20919920

File: ceb9ce52faea3db⋯.png (952.05 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_GameTheory.png)

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74be80 No.20919921


The GM spam, like all things, shall pass.

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12dc6b No.20919922

File: 01286e9f442a35b⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,560x240,7:3,dayshift_crows.mp4)


this is a good meme

and of course stolen by most

the shills think by spamming something that is positive they can stop anons from just saying gm.

they must stop any type of unity.

or they lose control…

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b1a068 No.20919923

File: d6383096ccec72e⋯.png (356.39 KB,680x447,680:447,d6383096d4.png)

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fd5c34 No.20919924

File: 263e820d82442d5⋯.png (818.93 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_HardToSwallow.png)

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672c30 No.20919925

File: 2a6bb3b942928fe⋯.jpg (95.87 KB,1242x848,621:424,2a6bb3b942928fef4339a6f6ef….jpg)


Caring about the current MSM pushed thing is stupid

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fd5c34 No.20919926

File: 8c540790d9086fc⋯.png (1.01 MB,741x1111,741:1111,Q_BiteCrumbs_How_do_you_ca….png)

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aec3ec No.20919927

File: 08edf6073bc9ead⋯.jpg (188.63 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,82c0191cf77106965b78813a78….jpg)


Chicago doesn't get tornadoes.

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f2caed No.20919928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>O ya you guys are weak shilln tonight glowies

"Naw I just hate niggers"

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cc35b2 No.20919929

File: 5477e1c2e3b4f51⋯.png (344.74 KB,564x564,1:1,5477e1c2e3b4f51f404c7976cf….png)

GM means good morning

Anons say good morning

Anons have good mornings

Shills say GM does not mean good morning

Shills do not say good morning

Shills do not have a good morning

Elon is 100% confirmed as a GM Anon, because he knows how important it is to wish others a good morning.

Anons create good mornings for themselves and others.

Power of positive GM thinking.

Shills whine.

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293d9c No.20919930

File: 995dd47af0f2f8f⋯.png (1.41 MB,820x659,820:659,w.PNG)

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d7ec5c No.20919931

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Gonna be a long night for some.

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fd5c34 No.20919932

File: aa0412eb65854f5⋯.png (1.51 MB,1111x1469,1111:1469,Q_BiteCrumbs_Identify_List.png)

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50e6a1 No.20919933


>The GM spam, like all things, shall pass.

Uhm GM is not spam, if you think like that maybe go try reddit

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a53c2a No.20919934

File: b25cd19f8106b72⋯.jpg (52.53 KB,720x555,48:37,4bc0861ca025caae1bf5d04066….jpg)




Your polarity is negative.

We are all in this together.

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fd5c34 No.20919935

File: 73e8228f8b75efe⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_MS13_SethRich.png)

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8263f8 No.20919936


it's your mom's fault

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b1ff8c No.20919937

File: c0ddcb239e84b08⋯.jpeg (15.07 KB,255x215,51:43,9a2c8f667d530a05277695fbd….jpeg)

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a55f7a No.20919938


Note they try to act like they are religious people but really they are occult or people that try to brain wash people. They like getting a ride out of people…

They keep saying it is the vaccine which is made up in my mind as no one has been able to say much about.

The bottom line is these people seem to thrive on sexual harassment with their gang stalking network to the point they have woman that stare they “like to eat ass…” laugh laugh… they are coached to do this by the groomers doing this… because they are woman no one will do anything as they coach woman to do this in particular so that no one says anything about it period.

This what continues to go on as this board is center for sexual harassment and grooming for government employees to spy on people.

I am a victim of human trafficking and grooming that is organized from this board by people that work for the government and no one can stop them or do anything. They say they are god and the occult…

They tell me they control the world and are the elite god chosen people though this continued abuse is their right… to do to anyone they so choose because they are above the law.

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b1a068 No.20919939

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fd5c34 No.20919940

File: 1def937f155ddf0⋯.png (775.79 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Saved.png)

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dc7fc5 No.20919941


Come again?

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267935 No.20919942


Elon proudly wears the "Champion of the Devil" armor

He & I can't be Friends

So if he's doing it

I'm not

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fd5c34 No.20919943

File: ef81b36ca272bd7⋯.png (1.43 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_SCI_F_.png)

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50e6a1 No.20919944


>>20919929 GM means good morning

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b18390 No.20919945







Queen Whizzo Approves

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fd5c34 No.20919946

File: 4f11975442d38d5⋯.png (897.65 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_Spiders.png)

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b1ff8c No.20919947

File: 50cd45716010f48⋯.png (7.65 KB,216x255,72:85,f2e1b4833184b07779145b6baf….png)

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d3ac52 No.20919948

File: 8d91d6210812c55⋯.jpg (36.27 KB,850x478,425:239,230713000034_02_0612_elgin….jpg)


…Uh, what?

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707563 No.20919949


married to a blue eyed redhead, she told me the other day they are the rarest specimens on the planet, something like .1%

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50e6a1 No.20919950


>Your polarity is negative.

how can my polarity be negative by answering another anons question

try reddit, gd this place is full of retards today

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74be80 No.20919951

File: a3b79ea55de93c3⋯.png (1.63 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


#25657 >>20919203


>>20918618, >>20918941, >>20918948, >>20918974, >>20919009, >>20919123, >>20919123 Ron Paul Speech @ 2024 Libertarian National Convention

>>20919215, >>20919259 DJT watches as Trump Force One flies over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919252, >>20919272, >>20919287 Moar Ron Paul @ 2024 Libertarian Convention

>>20919269, >>20919311 In one month alone, $50,000,000 in unaudited US taxpayer money funded a pro-terrorist group, and anti-American interests

>>20919283 Disgraced EcoHealth Alliance reaped nearly $100M in taxpayer funds since 2008

>>20919314 USS Constitution will be open for public tours on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27, 2024, and will fire a 21-gun salute at noon

>>20919315 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You - Episode 24

>>20919343 All over America, brand new housing communities are being built that are not available to purchase, they are for rent only

>>20919347 ‘Renegade Royals’: King Charles Considers Stripping Harry & Meghan of Titles

>>20919353 Juan Merchan Says New York City Jury Doesn’t Need to Agree on Predicate Crime to Convict Trump of Guilt

>>20919360 Ru Paul's Drag Race star promotes double mastectomies for girls in front of an audience of millions of teens

>>20919383, >>20919604 Johnny Wactor, best known as Brando Corbin in 'General Hospital,' has been shot and killed in Los Angeles

>>20919410 Terrence Howard | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

>>20919413 DJT to Libertarian crowd: "If you wanna lose, don't vote for me - keep getting your 3% every 4 years"

>>20919420, >>20919540, >>20919722 Live Weather Channel - Tornado Outbreak With Storm Chasers On The Ground

>>20919445 Scavino on Instagram

>>20919449, >>20919462 DJT @ NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 watching C-17 flyover for Memorial Day weekend

>>20919469 President Trump honors the fallen who fought for our country

>>20919470 As much as 93 percent of the land in Israel is either owned or managed by the state

>>20919619 Ross Ulbricht: Last night, Donald Trump pledged to commute my sentence on day 1, if reelected - thank you, thank you, thank you

>>20919620 View from Trump Force One flying over Charlotte Motor Speedway

>>20919650 A new proposed bill in Illinois seeks to mandate climate change brainwashing in public schools across the state

>>20919675 Chinese NYPD cop fired for allegedly spying for Chinese Communist Party

>>20919701 What he said

>>20919708 Lol


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fd5c34 No.20919952

File: 49898745501de78⋯.png (743.77 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_BiteCrumbs_TheCalmBefore….png)

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707563 No.20919953


seem like a lame way to try to place swordy

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fa1b20 No.20919954

File: 5a35e12dbfac21a⋯.png (250 KB,1173x495,391:165,ClipboardImage.png)


I wonder what they ate here…

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a55f7a No.20919955


They continue to tell me that you are not allowed to vote for Donald Trump because they are the mob and will try to have me killed or extort by sending groups of angry people that do things to try to frame and extort people as a profession. They say they are professional… to me this is no shock as the government seems to be full of corrupt people. That hate Donald Trump. Most of all lately they say he is there puppet and they control him and he is part of the lower levels of the mob… that is becoming very clear with the the personality Vic who continues to say that he or she what ever owns Trump

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34ef81 No.20919956


Thank you. Heating pad on.

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1d7347 No.20919957


theyll member at every 6am…it can not be stopped

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b18390 No.20919958

File: dd7c4050593ada6⋯.png (84.07 KB,342x390,57:65,ClipboardImage.png)


epic fail

i forgot the meme

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b62788 No.20919959


Once again, did those people who were playing the bag pipes just dishonor our vets by their purposeful playing and screwing up the song?

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fd5c34 No.20919960

File: 72430c51043de67⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_HIGHESTLEVELOFINT….png)

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793f09 No.20919961


>pushed at the start here by the clown

Appears to be the same person who has been threatening the board and openly asking for help taking it over.

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af167a No.20919962

File: 76595813ec72a8a⋯.jpg (10.54 KB,186x255,62:85,3bfca19b87248ce5e7647833dd….jpg)



Are they going to lay down?

Shit we can basement campaigns at this rate

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2ca4e4 No.20919963


I don't care if people say it, I'm not going to, and I call it out based upon what I've seen here and elsewhere. I'm also not going to hop on something that is, basically, a linguistic version of a TikTok trend, and also a nice vernacular COVID mask that makes it easy to identify those that have complied. Remember those one-way arrow stickers on the floor of stores during the pandemic? Exact same vector. I'm going with my instincts on this.

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fd5c34 No.20919964

File: 6c3fe74e924c308⋯.png (1.09 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_PUPPET_MASTERS_HA….png)

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50e6a1 No.20919965


>So if he's doing it

Anons are doing it. but i notice how you back the fuck out over a bs reason

>weak anon noted

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1d7347 No.20919966


the have

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ca459b No.20919967

File: 39fe944c36d3092⋯.jpeg (105.64 KB,800x450,16:9,IMG_5274.jpeg)

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fd5c34 No.20919968

File: bbeb8250d79a5ce⋯.png (1.2 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_ShowTheWorld.png)

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cd3ab7 No.20919969


>pro-terrorist group


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12dc6b No.20919970

File: de660b4d1fb478b⋯.png (549.4 KB,650x400,13:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7ec5c No.20919971

File: 23301f3d4619af3⋯.jpeg (54.36 KB,828x388,207:97,BDC2A8F9_C5F7_4C1F_A7C0_4….jpeg)

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b1a068 No.20919972

File: 01db029a90cef3e⋯.png (501.51 KB,640x531,640:531,ClipboardImage.png)

Apu Apustajakis

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779104 No.20919973


>Earlier this month,U.S. Republican senators wrote to the Biden administration, arguing the draft treaty focused on issues like “shredding intellectual property rights” and “supercharging the WHO.” They urged Biden not to sign off.

What happened to the part where Treaties must be Ratified?

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fd5c34 No.20919974

File: 5db752d0fa52925⋯.png (957.56 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_SlaveGripLost.png)

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cd3ab7 No.20919975


>who cares about a dead cat

Not you. Not when the state of your allegience is accused

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d7ec5c No.20919976

File: d40840a1d81d85b⋯.jpeg (57.96 KB,828x483,12:7,3E2C79FE_3DF3_434F_84C1_D….jpeg)

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fd5c34 No.20919977

File: e3e0deebff69a6d⋯.png (1.12 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_Crumbs_WE_THE_PEOPLE.png)

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b1ff8c No.20919978

File: 908aa3e10167028⋯.jpeg (17.23 KB,255x233,255:233,908aa3e101670285b7c82388b….jpeg)



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fd5c34 No.20919979

File: 1a670504126366f⋯.png (1.33 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_Amazing.png)

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fd5c34 No.20919982

File: 2239143aeea028b⋯.png (1.1 MB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_AskYourself.png)

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f2caed No.20919983

File: 34a2bef8901a059⋯.jpg (47.17 KB,512x336,32:21,unnamed.jpg)


That's cute.

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50fb1a No.20919984


Kek, good job!

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af167a No.20919985

File: 32e81b90b6983c9⋯.jpg (20.44 KB,255x253,255:253,4f891c7354b9d51569979db7ce….jpg)


They will let anybody in here

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fd5c34 No.20919986

File: 692d7303bef8e59⋯.png (442.34 KB,1111x741,1111:741,Q_pepeCrumbs_During.png)

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b1a068 No.20919987

File: e5d092de0ea4a83⋯.png (449.66 KB,648x572,162:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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