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64db7a No.20914830 [Last50 Posts]

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64db7a No.20914834

International Q Research Threads

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT

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64db7a No.20914837


#25651 >>20913985

>>20914031 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (Trump expected to speak @ 8PM EST)

>>20914755 Dave Smith speaks @ Libertarian National Convention

>>20914184, >>20914210, >>20914370, >>20914403, >>20914424, >>20914455, >>20914564, >>20914631, >>20914680 GM

>>20914001 State Department hosted event on Thurs bringing every major tech company togther to discuss the health of only one ethnic group

>>20914044 Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House

>>20914047 British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

>>20914051 Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

>>20914052 Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water

>>20914100 The future looks quite Based indeed

>>20914105 Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people

>>20914111 NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory

>>20914140, >>20914150 Nurse fired for not getting the COVID shot reacts to a letter begging her to re-apply: "See you in court!”

>>20914143 Free shit - err I mean Free Palestine

>>20914147 Active FFA US MIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024

>>20914152 37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display

>>20914053 Omar Shrugs Off Harassment of Jewish Student, Faults UCLA for Not Protecting Anti-Israel Protesters

>>20914179, >>20914267 Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

>>20914185 GM Joe

>>20914229 Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure

>>20914239 Famous last words from Kathy Hochul

>>20914244 Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows

>>20914247 Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

>>20914249, >>20914290 PF: Tracking 45

>>20914306 Huge development as countries fail to reach a deal on the new WHO pandemic treaty

>>20914311, >>20914345, >>20914463 9/11 E team

>>20914417, >>20914435, >>20914443, >>20914447, >>20914469 Rapper Nicki Minaj arrested in Amsterdam for alleged drug possession

>>20914504 Elon says GM

>>20914668 DJT: Deranged Jack Smith has asked Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida for a Gag Order on me

>>20914752 Joe Biden is expected to address Trump’s ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House

>>20914825 #25651

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64db7a No.20914838

#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213, >>20913799 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307, >>20913511, >>20913681 PF: General

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347, >>20913624 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913371, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390, >>20913596 Scavino Truth decodes

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan

>>20913404 Rand Paul: Fauci 'Could Be Indicted' for Destroying Records

>>20913419 A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

>>20913438, >>20913565 Flashback: After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, Trump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets

>>20913470, >>20913477, >>20913535, >>20913563, >>20913662 The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today (w/ PF)

>>20913549 Sabin Howard Previews WWI Memorial Set To Be Unveiled

>>20913626 QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is a Clockfag

>>20913651 PF: SAM766 C40B Janet Yellen departed Shannon, Ireland after a fuel stop and left Milan-Malpensa Intl earlier after G7 Finance meeting

>>20913684 To understand the craziest Democrat policies, always follow the money

>>20913685 Philippines Mayor Alice Guo Investigated As Chinese Spy

>>20913707, >>20913767 DJT Truth re: Crypto

>>20913756 Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits

>>20913764, >>20913951 Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

>>20913769 Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

>>20913781, >>20913680 Viktor Orban seeks to bail on NATO allies due to rising escalations with Ukraine / Russia

>>20913860, >>20913904 Professional golfer Grayson Murray, 30, dies after withdrawing from Charles Schwab Challenge

>>20913868 Lindsey Graham tells UN International Court of Justice to 'go to hell' over ruling against Israel

>>20913888 IDF opens probe after social media posts show troops burning Quran, other books in Gaza

>>20913920 Refresher: Ilhan Omar is a fraud

>>20913966 #25650

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64db7a No.20914839

#25649 >>20912361


>>20912378 @KenPaxtonTX: I won't stop fighting for you!

>>20912379 Dr. Keith Ablow treated Hunter Biden for cocaine addiction. In February of 2020, armed federal agents raided Ablow’s office…

>>20912402 New York Times: the bodies of Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdollahian

>>20912484 UN court order demanding Israel to halt Gaza offensive further isolates US position

>>20912438 From May 8: Judicial Watch: Voicemail Recording Shows FBI and Secret Service Coordination on Raid of Trump’s Home

>>20912471 Dementia Joe today

>>20912477, >>20912486 Judge denies Alec Baldwin bid to drop 'Rust' shooting case

>>20912515 Notetaker out

>>20912567 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 25, 2024 - Manicouagan Impact Crater from Space

>>20912593 POTUS Truth - Don’t waste any Republican or Conservative votes on Junior.’ He’s one of the most Liberal Lunatics ever to run for office. He caused massive high energy pricing in New York and New England. He just admitted that he was actually OK with the Vaccine. A Phony Radical Left fool whose poll numbers are TERRIBLE, and getting worse. His campaign is falling apart, great dissension!!!

>>20912599 NASA Engages in Artemis Accords Workshop to Advance Exploration



>>20912609, >>20912624, >>20912641, >>20912745, >>20912891 PF Reports

>>20912631 North Carolina groundskeeper discovers mysterious space debris along hiking trail: ‘It’s not from up here’

>>20912633 PF Report: Black wing over the Yellow Sea.

>>20912804 Rocket Lab launches NASA cubesat to study heat lost from Earth's poles

>>20912852 Senate confirms Melissa Dalton as next Under Secretary of the Air Force

>>20912939, >>20912978 @NWSSPC - An outbreak of severe thunderstorms is possible from late afternoon into tonight. The most numerous and intense storms are expected across portions of OK, KS, MO, and TX.

>>20912949 Space Force to accept Air Force Reserve volunteers for full-time positions

>>20913007 Biden's 'brainless 26-year-old socialist' advisers are 'ticking off' enough voters about student loan forgiveness to hand Trump the presidency, predicts GOP Gov. Chris Sununu

>>20913035 Volcano threatens ! Chaos amongst the Population with no functioning Evacuation Plan #Naples #Italy

>>20913189 #25649

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64db7a No.20914841

#25648 >>20911604

>>20911619 Putin Wants Ceasefire Which Freezes Current Lines In Ukraine

>>20911629 DARPA And DoD-Backed AI Chip Company Seeks To Raise $70 Million

>>20911632 Meanwhile, at le RFK event

>>20911635 Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”

>>20911837, >>20911814, >>20912087 We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

>>20911854, >>20911842 Arrest Binken for WAR CRIMES?

>>20911853 Legendary U.S. World War II submarine located 3,000 feet underwater off the Philippines

>>20911992 S soldier arrested in Russia over alleged theft to remain in custody

>>20912007 FDIC Chair Says He’ll Leave Job After Toxic Workplace Report

>>20912036 Senate Dems press John Roberts for meeting to demand Justice Alito’s recusal from Trump cases

>>20912040 Jack Smith and Jay Bratt's motion to unconstitutionally gag Trump is a political setup, to discredit Judge Cannon.

>>20912044 Congress investigates Jordanians caught trying to sneak onto Marine base

>>20912046 Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

>>20912061 3 US soldiers hurt during Gaza pier mission

>>20912065 Here’s the mammoth $883.7B Defense bill the House passed

>>20912083 Remember the Trucker Protest?

>>20912159 Muslim immigrants held a march in support of Palestine in Berlin. Berlin seems lost

>>20912194 Iran's Military Concludes No Foul Play In Raisi Helicopter Crash

>>20912197, >>20912199 Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media/ InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm

>>20912207 "Pro-Pedophile" activist group celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession

>>20912218, >>20912219 Pickton, Trudeau, Lucki: The Unholy Trinity

>>20912289 ICE Apprehends Rapist, Child Abuser, Other Dangerous Illegal Immigrants in Major Bust

>>20912303 @DanScavino

>>20912312 @NavalInstitute Proceedings Photo of the Week: Marines post security after receiving simulated fire during Exercise Native Fury 24 in the United Arab Emirates

>>20912356 #25648

Previously Collected

>>20910759 #25646, >>20911571 #25647

>>20908222 #25643, >>20909071 #25644, >>20909942 #25645

>>20905735 #25640, >>20906549 #25641, >>20907367 #25642

>>20903222 #25637, >>20904262 #25638, >>20904937 #25639

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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64db7a No.20914850

File: 5211d8de5672ed8⋯.png (532.95 KB,620x414,310:207,ClipboardImage.png)




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bc33d8 No.20914865

File: 688526657b5e06d⋯.jpeg (905.77 KB,1818x1097,1818:1097,bf7497c14d9d41a385ba503df….jpeg)


Ginger Mound

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c9a124 No.20914868

You're all gay larpers who wont/dont do shit. Taking credit for something you had absolutely no hand in whatsoever.

You dumb faggot boomers need to hurry up and fucking die. Sick of you ruining this country before any of us had a chance to make anything of ourselves.

Fraudsters. The lot of you.

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f0952b No.20914872

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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2e9abe No.20914873

File: 9732778e82aa263⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,800x751,800:751,9732778e82aa26318acfb0f158….jpg)

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024193 No.20914874

File: 545848a04c79655⋯.png (88.93 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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41b2e5 No.20914875

File: fcd50cf9aef1a27⋯.png (324.81 KB,516x370,258:185,ClipboardImage.png)

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cfc17e No.20914876

File: 3f2266755513cfc⋯.png (902.05 KB,812x839,812:839,k6ej7yrekrtyerytwyh.PNG)


Thank you Baker!

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41b2e5 No.20914877


>before any of us had a chance to make anything of ourselves.


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fc5dbe No.20914878

File: 58aaf082af373c5⋯.png (175.97 KB,705x525,47:35,2f29b89e4a6bfd47f30304a8b1….png)

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f0952b No.20914879

File: 69da74c9fbe86e0⋯.jpg (40.22 KB,716x540,179:135,boomer2.jpg)


Fuck off back to Reddit, kid. Blame an entire generation like the clowns blame an ethnicity. Dumbass.

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ad4c9e No.20914880

File: 533105a2771d0dd⋯.png (386.39 KB,855x556,855:556,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b69b109d7be5b90⋯.png (323.89 KB,500x574,250:287,ClipboardImage.png)


Tyb - Godspeed

Fucking libertarians can't spell, kek

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36f9bf No.20914882

File: 263a85f1986b1f1⋯.jpg (37.38 KB,255x254,255:254,263a85f1986b1f128c7a5e83a8….jpg)




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07dc64 No.20914883

File: 71fe888012cba51⋯.jpg (279.5 KB,1024x1024,1:1,OIG2.jpg)




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64db7a No.20914884

File: 2e2ad898212b3b9⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,464x848,29:53,2e2ad898212b3b91cf3bbdfe57….mp4)

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d7ff94 No.20914885

Locust empire.

Promises pure.

Oh to be shure.

Woe to be sure.

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af152e No.20914886

File: bddacca60948153⋯.jpg (210.05 KB,1024x1024,1:1,bddacca60948153fd591cdeb52….jpg)


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36f9bf No.20914888


I had a hand in GM

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f0952b No.20914889

It's their way of posting their Jew hate, without posting it. That's the handshake.

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6eb4db No.20914890

File: 7544b638bac645d⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,640x354,320:177,trump_tribute.mp4)

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)



rally nights are best nights.

btw way, the speaker name was dave smith.



last breads

>>20914755, >>20914773, >>20914798 libertarian speech (dave smith speaker) sounds like a made up name.

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36f9bf No.20914891

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eca17d No.20914892

File: fe987cc0df68490⋯.mp4 (10.46 MB,540x314,270:157,Clint_Russel.mp4)




Clint Russel earlier

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fa7389 No.20914893

File: 29d767e1367ce14⋯.jpg (51.11 KB,766x490,383:245,rfdfchgvjgdexd.jpg)

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c9a124 No.20914894

>We earned everything we got. You're just lazy.

Fuck you niggers. Suckstart a shotgun.


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aad694 No.20914896

File: 4638ac3d0ae75bb⋯.mp4 (6.35 MB,686x480,343:240,ZbV4C36tdDAuS1cd.mp4)

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f0952b No.20914897

And now after months of them doing it, with their cartoon caricature bigot persona that used to namefag with the name Dirk posting along side them and bantering with them, now it decides to attack and the abbreviation posting is increased? Nothing about it is organic. This is coordinated and controlled.

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2e9abe No.20914898

File: 2874708b8d5abdb⋯.gif (86.31 KB,790x837,790:837,2874708b8d5abdbcd00b220c42….gif)


>you had absolutely no hand in whatsoever

well, that's not true

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a0ae35 No.20914899

File: 67110ce7bb9b128⋯.jpg (5.11 MB,3701x2543,3701:2543,Picsart_24_05_16_16_20_14_….jpg)


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6e6260 No.20914900

File: 3452769c126253f⋯.jpg (38.63 KB,598x596,299:298,G_M_.jpg)

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5e50e4 No.20914901

File: 1e35813cc321341⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,2560x2560,1:1,We_Stand_Together_Q_Alt.jpg)

File: 9aee4b75b6930ab⋯.jpg (931.88 KB,2560x2560,1:1,We_Stand_Together_Q.jpg)


Thank You Bakers

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41b2e5 No.20914902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1ffb31 No.20914904

File: ff5d45b258e075b⋯.jpg (46.33 KB,693x868,99:124,Relevant_in_2024_.jpg)

>>20914318 lb

Keep at it, Anon !


( Who ever you're attacking ! )

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ad4c9e No.20914905


Kek, jokes on him Trump will do all that shit other than Snowden.

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aa4427 No.20914906

File: a21e94daa186e6d⋯.jpg (69.4 KB,550x432,275:216,ui.jpg)

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e4465b No.20914908

File: 80d67a0581a7e8c⋯.jpeg (27.8 KB,255x209,255:209,IMG_5084.jpeg)

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c7e29d No.20914909

File: c881f25525a6483⋯.png (218.33 KB,752x445,752:445,ClipboardImage.png)

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c44b94 No.20914910


Envy the boomers.

Imagine growing up without social media, smartphones, and basically any other form of technology that keeps us sleepwalking. No woke bs or forced tranny indoctrination at schools, you could buy a home and car, find a wife and have children all before reaching your 30's. You don't see much of that happening in the year 2024…

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64db7a No.20914911


You gunna take the dough I gotta go in a bit.

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cfdb43 No.20914912

File: afaf90061c2b695⋯.png (1.91 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8e348 No.20914913


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12fadc No.20914914

Israel is doing the Right Thing

God Bless Israel

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aa4427 No.20914915

>>2 0914868

It's the brits

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d7ff94 No.20914916

File: dc012d033fb6be2⋯.png (4.28 MB,828x1792,207:448,IMG_0389.png)

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41b2e5 No.20914917

File: d420254b3bd20f2⋯.gif (1.92 MB,500x432,125:108,gif67806203.gif)


>genital mutilation

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e2010a No.20914918

File: de7ddc1a5f1fb01⋯.jpeg (183.62 KB,643x527,643:527,EA96D67B_5107_44CE_8CB6_7….jpeg)


Thank you.

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dd4085 No.20914919


and geriatric menstruation to you, sir !

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aa4427 No.20914920


That's a home run

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12fadc No.20914922

Thank God for the Police

God Bless the Police

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9a46e8 No.20914923


Gislane Maxwell

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aa4427 No.20914924

General milley

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fc5dbe No.20914925

File: d06a7e267f38240⋯.png (107.59 KB,862x634,431:317,5b4bf92930641212e2ad815d13….png)

Real Anons would not spend so much time, energy and effort attacking 2 letters.

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f0952b No.20914926

File: 73f5eeb05b22014⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,300x300,1:1,smokingthinker2.jpg)

How the mighty have fallen. They spend their days spamming an abbreviation in an attempt to trigger certain people. That's from their own words. "That's the genius of it," one clown said here last week. "It's triggering just the right people." So, thinking this through, it's a targeted attack then, focused on specific individuals if someone was to take what that clown said as factual and not just moar clown lies. Interesting. Couldn't care less what kind of last ditch lame attempt they pull out of their asses.

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c7e29d No.20914927


When did you cross the border? April?

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2e9abe No.20914928

File: 27a07a82ed16b7a⋯.jpg (71.15 KB,500x502,250:251,ClipboardImage.jpg)


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64db7a No.20914929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

Join RSBN for President Trump's big speech at the Libertarian Party's National Convention on May 25 in Washington D.C.

RSBN will be LIVE on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. ET.


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aee1d9 No.20914930

File: 81ebc646de2f8a0⋯.png (428.57 KB,558x577,558:577,_867m547n4654m.PNG)

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41b2e5 No.20914931


cool Grill Man.

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3075ac No.20914932

File: 4c842f539ada6d9⋯.png (84.32 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa4427 No.20914933


God bless Israel

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fc5dbe No.20914934



Case in point.

So much text.

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9a46e8 No.20914935

Elon was baking, ask him on twitter and he’ll tip his fedora in your direction.

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d7ff94 No.20914936

Rice and scetti are proper soaked.

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41b2e5 No.20914937



it's way more than interesting. It is Fascinating.

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6eb4db No.20914938

File: bae54b7bb515ba6⋯.png (1.96 MB,936x969,312:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8940a58a968db4d⋯.png (1.14 MB,935x499,935:499,ClipboardImage.png)


>>20914850 dough

>>20914890 corp on ==note collecting duties.

bread is still open for baker to claim==.

digits chek'ed

take your leave baker

anon will keep the notables up to date until a baker claims the bread.


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c7e29d No.20914939

File: 9ffd42dab3d6bc2⋯.png (285.21 KB,480x417,160:139,ClipboardImage.png)


That's The Traitor, Mark Milley

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3a1093 No.20914941


Thank God for the coming fall of the police. You don't always get what you want, sometimes you get what you need.

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12fadc No.20914948


Hire 100,000 More Police and give them Immunity

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9a46e8 No.20914949


Good, sting is a perv.

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aa4427 No.20914950

File: 758d397be08c432⋯.jpg (87.53 KB,720x629,720:629,Screenshot_20240429_.jpg)

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f0952b No.20914951

File: be716302713cf24⋯.jpg (67.09 KB,800x649,800:649,pepe_cringe.jpg)


You're not the arbiter of being a real anon, failfag, nor do you get to define what being a "real anon" is, though you've desperately been trying to for close to a year now.

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12fadc No.20914952

God Bless White People

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0ddc8b No.20914953

File: 0bbf3502cbb5ead⋯.jpg (77.13 KB,500x612,125:153,gmormama.jpg)

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64db7a No.20914954






Thx. Here is what I got for earlies:

#25652 >>20914850

>>20914929 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

>>20914892 Clint Russell speaks @ Libertarian National Convention

>>20914884 NY snowballing Red


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cfdb43 No.20914955

File: f32197ee88c0612⋯.png (803.2 KB,815x467,815:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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25858b No.20914956

File: 8d3bc495ec0c8d9⋯.jpg (65.5 KB,500x222,250:111,Yeshua_Era_of_Light_dot_Co….jpg)

You must be born again to enter the kingdom of God.”

I am Jesus Christ and my love accompanies you wherever you are.

Now let’s turn to this topic.

What does it mean to be born again and what does that mean?

To be reborn means to find your way back into your reality.

Regaining your full awareness, knowing who you really are.

Recognizing that everything is just an illusion and that your true essence contains all the attributes of divinity.

Rebirth is the attainment of your self-awareness on this plane of being, Earth.

As soon as all the deceptions and obstacles fall away, you will be clear in your perception and you will reach your familiarity.

To be reborn means to return to your origin. Freed from the delusions and shackles of this reality, you recognize who you are. That is your rebirth.

It is your becoming one with yourself and with the original source of being.

Physical rebirth is not what is meant in this statement. The cycle of birth and death, of recurring souls in human bodies, ends as soon as you awaken in your eternal, only and true being!

There is talk of this rebirth, this awakening.

From this last step – into your wholeness.

Many people find it difficult to understand how life after life strings itself together until the “final” step is taken to no longer have to be born.

All the people who turn their hearts full of longing to the Father know that their stay on earth is now coming to an end.

Those who cannot or do not want to see through this “logic” of the Creator are given further opportunities to free themselves from all the deceptions and illusions that surround life on earth. So that everyone can free themselves from ideas, thoughts, emotional patterns and blockages.

Physical rebirth is necessary in order to mature on the path to knowledge and to reach the final stage of being reborn.

It is the birth into freedom.

Into joy.

Into peace.

Into all-encompassing love.

Your heart is pure and filled with the light of God.

The essence of creation shines from you.

“…to enter the kingdom of God.”

The kingdom of heaven is your home.

The “place” you come from.

You just forgot it, but now you remember it again.



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37554a No.20914957

File: 2eaa8b14c7c0bf5⋯.jpg (78.38 KB,403x440,403:440,blueladyannunciation.jpg)




Minaj is targeted because she's pro-Trump and had a pic of Jesus on her train?


>>20914636 lb


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aa4427 No.20914958

File: 93a0d4b147f2e5b⋯.jpg (98.58 KB,500x712,125:178,jbh.jpg)

He'll be home for Christmas

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455dfa No.20914959

File: 88b0a7ae1a38540⋯.jpeg (804.6 KB,1146x619,1146:619,02F2AB1D_4637_42EA_AFFC_E….jpeg)

File: 292aa6343165dd7⋯.jpeg (75.24 KB,1024x1024,1:1,06EDA740_2721_4AE8_A034_8….jpeg)

File: c73c1eac26ca991⋯.png (917.21 KB,989x587,989:587,1CEB04A9_34F9_4813_9BC1_CF….png)

>>20914249,>>20914290 lb

N757AF 757 arrived at Reagan National about 30m ago from Laguardia Airport depart.

Still used the 757 however see below for something potentially developing.

That G4 has been used by him while the 757 was being inspected after the wing clipping incident after returning from the Wildwood,NJ rally a few weeks ago.

This does bring up an Interdasting dynamic nao:are we seeing the start of an escort aircraft with this G4?

That aircraft left Teterboro Airport and went to Manassas Regional Airport. Much in the same way the Not AF1 Joe (and most other POTUS’ in the modern age-and I don’t know when it started) has always had an escort AC that traveled to another airport.

Will keep eye on this to see if this is a regular occurrence.

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42e1c6 No.20914960

File: 0ae340beae0e53f⋯.png (1.94 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc5dbe No.20914961


Nigger I've been here everyday for many more years than 1

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ad4c9e No.20914962

File: 3252921b342d2fc⋯.png (14.38 KB,531x280,531:280,Gold_shall_end_the_FED.png)


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07dc64 No.20914963

File: cb7e9afbdc6435c⋯.jpg (69.54 KB,1080x1042,540:521,I_win_again.jpg)


That's impossible.

Elon Musk is locked up in my basement.

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ad4c9e No.20914964

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36f9bf No.20914965

File: 1c545e36efebf65⋯.jpg (68.93 KB,736x849,736:849,d438f58f041556d0198738bd12….jpg)






Why does saying good morning trigger NPCs so bigly? Either way, Elon saying GM really made them lose their minds. All for the keks.


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3a1093 No.20914966


>Hire 100,000 More Police

Kek Like we need MORE domestic enemies to the constitution and We the People it represents.

>and give them Immunity

When law enforcement are lawless, you don't have law and order. You have tyranny and chaos.

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0ddc8b No.20914967



>God bless Israel

Arab world get it together and just wipe out Pissrael

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fabb44 No.20914968

File: 21a0c44b9f91bc2⋯.png (3.27 MB,2784x2174,1392:1087,QClock_May_25_2024_Airforc….png)

>>20913626 (pb / orig post)

repost - enhanced:

QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is A Clockfag, FLY, Flat Earth

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2113ba No.20914969

File: af29c67b68bc282⋯.png (428.2 KB,977x976,977:976,musk.png)


>growing up without social media, smartphones, and basically any other form of technology that keeps us sleepwalking

Gen X had the same good luck. they were 18 before 2000

Maybe they had a brick cellphone in their teens

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85ab60 No.20914970

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,0_LAUGH.png)


>Minaj is targeted because she's pro-Trump and had a pic of Jesus on her train?

That's not Minaj

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a58cd8 No.20914971


The chance is still there, but none of you can recognize it. Always wanting things handed to you.

It's all being handed to the illegals now, there's none left for you

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f0952b No.20914972


Yeah, but the mimicry campaign from you clowns began last year. Notice none of the regular spammers like VaticanClown and MuhGuhGaytriot? Notice no religion slides or ethnic accusation bombardment? What is being posted repetitively, multiple times, in its place to fill the void?

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0ddc8b No.20914974


Prodigy message boards and AOL chatrooms mutherfuckedrs

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dfcd41 No.20914977

File: ba865af92a0ab0d⋯.png (89.96 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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21e104 No.20914978


I agree. It's nice to see this. ty

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41b2e5 No.20914979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Maybe they had a brick cellphone in their teens

Nah, beepers.

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37554a No.20914980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Good Morning"

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42e1c6 No.20914981


Q is a libertarian.

Yes, all of them!!!

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455dfa No.20914982

File: 0151217b5fb9015⋯.gif (4.58 MB,515x234,515:234,F9E486BE_6ECD_4020_B242_8A….gif)

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c7e29d No.20914983


Form community safety volunteers.

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a0ae35 No.20914984

File: 1c153c87ceaaada⋯.jpg (1.75 MB,2563x1440,2563:1440,Picsart_24_05_25_18_51_53_….jpg)

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d72e02 No.20914986

File: cc2bc30adc05d26⋯.png (846.27 KB,699x903,233:301,Screenshot_2024_05_25_7_23….png)

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cfdb43 No.20914987

File: fccf65c63f2e569⋯.png (205.96 KB,429x413,429:413,ClipboardImage.png)

Well I did this and I did that. And I been here longer than you. Say those seeking to assert dominance over another anon on an anonymous message board. The utter stupidity of the entire exercise.

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aa4427 No.20914989


>God bless Israel


Keep saying it

You won't be so pissy

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a0ae35 No.20914990




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fa908f No.20914991

File: 423535b27e04607⋯.png (86.05 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b5186 No.20914993

File: 86c3f7b6471dcd2⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,720x1280,9:16,san_francisco.mp4)


>Sick of you ruining this country before any of us had a chance to make anything of ourselves.

Don't fret. With your candy ass victim mentality I'm sure you'll make a mess of yourself. Faggot.

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fc5dbe No.20914994


Vatican fag was posting a lot earlier, muh joo shills never disappear, you and mic drop are grade A faggots.

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47d16c No.20914995

>>20914623 (previous bread)

I don't do that kind of 'taunt the sibling' thing, anon.

I don't care what it means. I just find the type of are gleeful mimics jumping on the bandwagen.

I want to know what it means. That's all.

I say what I mean and mean what I say.

coded psyops don't impress me and they make the board look like it's populated by Goofy Morons.

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c7e29d No.20914996


God blessed some folks, but He sure set some others up.

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12fadc No.20914997

God Bless Based Redpill Chads

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0ddc8b No.20914998

File: e14ea24b9dd3163⋯.jpg (80.6 KB,500x612,125:153,gmormon.jpg)


off to tard jail

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cea7b1 No.20914999


>I am Jesus Christ

Why is Justice so slow?

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504541 No.20915000

File: 7e3d53b850cd290⋯.jpeg (1.37 MB,1284x2114,642:1057,IMG_0856.jpeg)

Dan and team really should reach out to Lou Valentino. The kids got the It-Factor and a large amount of Americans can relate to him. Would be good political strategy to have Trump be seen with him.

Hope Anons are in good health.

Fuck the shills

- Anon

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2113ba No.20915001

File: c0dd432416db097⋯.jpg (341.73 KB,1164x1080,97:90,Q_never_discuss_the_conten….jpg)



It's bullshit.

That congressman is fake.

He could have mentioned Jekyl Island

He could have mentioned titanic

He could have even just mentioned it's a private company

He drops ZERO real red pills to a wider audience.

Just muh "end the fed" - the dumbest lowest IQ basic thing.

This is how plants identify themselves. They never advance the Overton window.

This is one way you can know Trump is good. He pushes the Overton window the right way.

Oh yeah "massey" that's his name

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f0952b No.20915002

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)


Me and who?

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c44b94 No.20915003

File: 9aed14092e3f6d1⋯.png (275.93 KB,640x480,4:3,90_s.png)

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cea7b1 No.20915005

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41b2e5 No.20915006

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c7e29d No.20915007

File: a9e3b107f3fa8ce⋯.gif (1.24 MB,640x426,320:213,0_0.gif)

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aee1d9 No.20915008


The pentagon, the state department, and washington DC did this.

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42e1c6 No.20915009

File: a5dd967b6960055⋯.png (1.42 MB,1283x721,1283:721,ClipboardImage.png)

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6eb4db No.20915010

File: c6180363bcf14db⋯.png (1.39 MB,639x1002,213:334,ClipboardImage.png)

Q Research General #25652: GM Nightshift Edition

>>20914850 dough

>>20914890, >>20914938, note taker on duty.

>>20914892, >>20914960, libertarian speakers and mp4 vids, plus end the fed..

>>20914929 President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 - youtube

>>20914954 baker notables bun

>>20914959 planefag posts

>>20914984 memes bun

notes so far, libertarian doing a impression of trump, pretty good actually. kek

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2113ba No.20915011

File: c84b4310caa7da1⋯.png (53.4 KB,255x144,85:48,he_s_right_you_know_pepe.png)


>Real Anons would not spend so much time, energy and effort attacking 2 letters.

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6e6260 No.20915012

File: 27c1f48865359d4⋯.jpg (175.21 KB,1921x1080,1921:1080,27c1f48865359d45914f48423d….jpg)

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0ddc8b No.20915013

File: c885952c7876de8⋯.jpg (8.83 KB,255x129,85:43,0_FREN_PEPE.jpg)

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37554a No.20915014

File: 0f16b30070086a0⋯.png (648.32 KB,878x543,878:543,fbiglowies.png)


"Goofy Morons"You mean like yourself?"


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e8e348 No.20915015

…Consensus cracking, for the simple minded crackheads. Typical.

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85ab60 No.20915016


Now three, on the other hand….

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a0ae35 No.20915017

File: c19fcecea2571af⋯.jpg (38.23 KB,1024x768,4:3,629d1a6203d61809738ae77a12….jpg)

anon was 29 in 2000

had motorola's 1st flip phone


a pager

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e2010a No.20915018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d7ff94 No.20915019


So no crick serenade? Oh well.

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aa4427 No.20915020


What a day how's your boy been?

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ad4c9e No.20915021

File: d7ec2a94d279f80⋯.png (847.24 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Tree_of_Liberty.png)


>Q is a libertarian.

I don't have an issue with them much at all.

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c7e29d No.20915022

File: e8a9f53cb115a2c⋯.png (1.19 MB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da73b7890db247f⋯.png (2.03 MB,1219x1500,1219:1500,ClipboardImage.png)


Moloch or Minerva?

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f0952b No.20915023


No, he's not not right. He's a clown trying to generate consensus by trying to define what is acceptable behavior. No one is attacking the abbreviation, they're calling it out as not organic. People can see that there's something off with it, that it's forced. Pointing that out, noticing it is not an attack. Trying to frame pointing it out as an attack is gaslighting. And you're giving support to a clown.

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e2010a No.20915024

File: d67c2b2aca609cb⋯.jpeg (392.14 KB,828x595,828:595,B57D50A5_D6A5_4A8E_8BCF_A….jpeg)

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a0ae35 No.20915025

bout the same price they are now

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36f9bf No.20915026



He IS mic drop

🎤 💧

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ad4c9e No.20915027


>Oh yeah "massey" that's his name

Ty fren hadn't caught it, yup thought the more he talked the more f&g he became, shame.

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e4465b No.20915028

File: 9969d3b7adbf5ef⋯.jpeg (30.09 KB,255x205,51:41,IMG_4431.jpeg)


Baby bump

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c44b94 No.20915029


90's here. Last of the good generation.

o7 OldFag.

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aa4427 No.20915030

File: e24bbfd508f4492⋯.jpg (82.72 KB,500x557,500:557,ds35.jpg)

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249743 No.20915032

File: f53431d33361ff2⋯.png (153.08 KB,535x784,535:784,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05f3525964194de⋯.png (30.57 KB,535x290,107:58,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e2a52513012bb0⋯.png (182.97 KB,535x575,107:115,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f62c5cba1999df⋯.png (25.49 KB,535x286,535:286,ClipboardImage.png)




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2b5186 No.20915033

File: 973a1a999fe6a1a⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB,720x1280,9:16,ted_pike_1987.mp4)


Ha Ha. Nice try. Not everyone is for sale.

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41b2e5 No.20915034

File: 25e82ad83963b63⋯.png (35.86 KB,694x393,694:393,ClipboardImage.png)


I left it alone till today but sick of the crybaby whiners so I'm going to GM the fuck out of em.

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fc5dbe No.20915035

File: 8d623a45702b83a⋯.png (7.18 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)


look at you mr fancypants, most of us had 5165s

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51164b No.20915037

File: 90e574f0022bf05⋯.png (305.96 KB,533x461,533:461,ClipboardImage.png)

The Gateway Pundit


HERE WE GO: Navy Commander Confirms DOZENS of Penetration Operations by Foreign Nationals Reported at US Bases Over Last Few Weeks

(Video) via @gatewaypundit


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36f9bf No.20915038


Try not to make the poor bastard seethe any moar. He's our resident Joey of the board. Try to forgive 🎤 💧

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c7e29d No.20915039

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


George Harrison on The Summer of Love


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fabb44 No.20915040

File: 72b257b83b2b4a1⋯.png (223.55 KB,909x823,909:823,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96fbcc659eece36⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,1280x710,128:71,hPEIF_ysjz_OwG_1_.mp4)


==The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today! Air Force Global Strike Command is proud to represent the

@usairforce as we remember those we have lost this Memorial Day weekend. Thank you to the city of Miami for welcoming us with open arms!==

2:30 PM · May 25, 2024


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a0ae35 No.20915041

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2113ba No.20915042

File: 595e5388051e4a9⋯.png (171.8 KB,412x438,206:219,can_beer_is_gay_bud_light_….png)


It's so gay though, to be so triggered by this thing.

Either you are a really hardcore homo, or you're a shill.

We just don't believe that these levels of faggotry exist

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fc5dbe No.20915043



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deb98d No.20915044


And after we do,

who will _your_ children

pick on next ? ? ! ! !

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d7ff94 No.20915045

Member the green monster being taller? Ominous even.

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ad4c9e No.20915047

RSBN just showed a dispute in the crowd. Looked like someone with a sign, one side Free Ross the other something about MAGA but couldn't read it fully.

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af277c No.20915048


Patriot is all that matters, The constitution, The declaration of independence.

One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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6eb4db No.20915049

File: 475f9ce169c487a⋯.gif (3.26 MB,540x400,27:20,eye_shift_2.gif)



the libertarians at the front are booing colins and trump.

eyes on for clowns amongst the crowds.

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2e8048 No.20915050

TALK about going into enemy territory.

I'm telling you anons, The Libertarian Convention audience in D.C. isINFILTRATEDby THE ENEMY. Incredible the guts President Trump has.

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be5e7c No.20915051

imagine defunct joe taking on an audience like this, what would his lovers do, they do not seem like respectable anything?

end the fed - end the gubmint tax scum on the dole sucking wanna be slave lords

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85ab60 No.20915053

File: a31a42e076ebc52⋯.png (116.06 KB,380x296,95:74,ClipboardImage.png)


MAGA = Socialist

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9c53b9 No.20915054

File: 0ebbd6a52d1d81e⋯.jpg (54.21 KB,599x900,599:900,Reno_Nevada_Temple_Angel_M….jpg)


Moroni approves.

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2113ba No.20915055

File: 01e375b579c34ac⋯.png (86.45 KB,300x185,60:37,that_nom_root_shit_spam.png)


>I'm going to ___ the fuck out of em

Yeah we know, you've done it many times before on many issues.

Notice how we don't quit though.

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d7ff94 No.20915056

Whole lotta ladders.

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47d16c No.20915057


yuck yuck yuck

no, anon. I been here and I've always tried to draw out the information about which giggling miscreants are going on about.

I don't get into the insult comic deal, and I'm not here to do the constant nudge discord.

sorry. You're not an insult comic, you're a person who was trained to be what you are: disrespectful, as if it's humor, when it's not. I get it. Your schtick means nothing to me. You're 'bit' has no effect on me.

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d72e02 No.20915059



But everyone says she was just fat….

Why were these pictures hidden until recently?

Were they really taken in 1960? Or maybe…later?

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ad4c9e No.20915060


Fucker, I knew it was negative, they want to draw MAGA in. Ty anon o7

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9a8e91 No.20915061

File: aa403d10f8e6ef4⋯.png (83.48 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0ae35 No.20915062

File: 2a98a970b4a18ce⋯.png (61.8 KB,970x546,485:273,2e56f9aa_8a56_4e3e_a689_ec….png)


ross who

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eca17d No.20915063

File: ac27d13c1c5ccaf⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,540x314,270:157,End_The_Fed_Senate.mp4)

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2113ba No.20915064

>>20913320 pb

>Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

"our new currencies"

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d7ff94 No.20915065

Never shoots.

Miss boots.

Wonder scoots.

Balled up youth.

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848ac8 No.20915066


Libertarians are highjacked by lefties

Pretty paradoxal. Lefties who want a smaller government

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85ab60 No.20915067


This guy's got a good handle on it…


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aa4427 No.20915068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c7e29d No.20915070

File: b09925020d5a6b3⋯.png (223.63 KB,600x300,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e9abe No.20915071

File: 0b881890cf55d79⋯.jpg (61.32 KB,529x500,529:500,ClipboardImage.jpg)

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ad4c9e No.20915072


>ross who

Haven't a clue, kek

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aa4427 No.20915073


Msm got their headline

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36f9bf No.20915074

Notice the only GM haters are muhjoo shill and 🎤 💧? I'm sorry for sliding with GM at times, but you know the Elon post would make me go crazy. Apologies for GM after morn'n

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2e8048 No.20915075


THAT'S a Soros/dem paid actor! The crowd is full of them.

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be5e7c No.20915076

libertarians have done absolute jack shit and gone all in on lawfare

just how many of them have legal retainers with the sole goal of destroying the constitutional freedoms - khaki shorts and all

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37554a No.20915077

File: 5cb330151ec2d2e⋯.jpg (221.38 KB,1024x512,2:1,maggothaberman.jpg)

File: 652b24397298df2⋯.jpg (48.68 KB,577x560,577:560,HillaryRussiaFakeNews.jpg)


no consensus to crack.

We're free thinkers.

That's the whole point.

And why you hate us.

since you can't have a free mind or you $$$ supply gets cut; or worse.


You're jealous of our strength.

Our stength is in our independance.

Go to Twit-Shit if you want to see consensus creation.

That and FB and the rest of the shit platforms.

Everybody knows why you pester us here.

that's not concensus building, Like Maggot Haberman and the NYTimes do; it's independent thinkers who think alike because of common sense and rationality between the 5 senses and methods of attaining knowledge.

Cry moar.

Shill are poor in meme-ery

I wonder why?


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c7e29d No.20915078


Shoot them.

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9a7d20 No.20915079


Can Anon aware me on Massie in non tldr format?

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cea7b1 No.20915080


>Why were these pictures hidden until recently?

She was gone with the winded. Faked death. Surely she was working with JFK. Spy vs spy is a biography. She knew things. Patriots hid the pictures until they were safe to release.

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fa7389 No.20915081

Looking up the 'Become Ungovernable' slogan at the Libertarian Convention; it's apparently associated with, 'anarchists and the far-left'. The letter A in the logo at the event is shown as the anarchy symbol.

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9ef81d No.20915082


Genocide is so hot right now.

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47d16c No.20915083


he grills with a devil pitchfork?

you spend so much time on your obviousness.

how is wanting to document the current psyop an attack?

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ad4c9e No.20915084

File: 7f150a6725681a9⋯.mp4 (490.79 KB,640x634,320:317,9691f23c66dac6f0.mp4)


>This guy's got a good handle on it…

Oh he's talking about the Free Ross shit now & that he is like me a independent but conservative.

Thanks fren!

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7e424d No.20915085


Takes a special kind of asshole to name the bread this bullshit when POTUS is literally about to take the stage. Good riddance, clown.

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a0ae35 No.20915086

File: 116b2edeb1826ad⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,1440x5161,1440:5161,Screenshot_20240525_190741….jpg)


its this faggot

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249743 No.20915088



he's based and r(f)edpilled and uses anon lingo

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37554a No.20915089


no you haven't

prove it, liar.

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c7e29d No.20915090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0ddc8b No.20915091



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be5e7c No.20915092


take the job of meme masta - you're crushing it!!

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ad4c9e No.20915094

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB,305x205,61:41,0c6661a526dfa22f5cbd4d9d73….gif)


Ohmuhgawd pfft

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47d16c No.20915095


no you're just doing the babble when you have nothing real to say to try to make a conflict.

I hope you have a nice night, anon.

Donald Trump is in the lion's den and I'm not going to keep playing along with your as you try to maintain some personality that you were trained to be by bad television and low quality movies.

have an awesome speach.

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c7e29d No.20915096


Want to see how fast we can fill this bread?

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2113ba No.20915097

File: 794c54f9010eebe⋯.png (1.01 MB,1080x1085,216:217,titanic_jp_morgan.png)

File: 7862332ee70b25b⋯.jpeg (379.68 KB,925x1390,185:278,titanic_newspaper_it_was_….jpeg)

File: 5530f8962a566e2⋯.png (1.12 MB,888x499,888:499,titanic_federal_reserve.png)

File: 3ac6be5dc6570e2⋯.jpg (117.58 KB,749x633,749:633,titanic_book_info_morgan.jpg)

File: 04746a0a7f8ef7f⋯.jpg (51.18 KB,560x553,80:79,titanic_fed_opposition_kil….jpg)


OK he did mention Jekyl Island 8 days ago. That's good.

I didn't know that. Maybe because it was only 8 days ago.

Anything else real?

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12fadc No.20915098

Wonder if they'll play the Asteroid Card?

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fc5dbe No.20915100

File: 95bb77d66a6ff41⋯.png (775.13 KB,653x887,653:887,95bb77d66a6ff41c9c79e1676a….png)

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aa4427 No.20915101


She was fat

Size 14

That in the big girl range

Baby bumps are higher.

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7e424d No.20915102


You aren't part of we. You're just a low-level reddit clown.

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ad8c86 No.20915103

File: dc9c89c2a691294⋯.gif (549.35 KB,700x354,350:177,cce101c1d62410583bf898ecca….gif)

You guys suck at this

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e4465b No.20915104

File: b3adb68cbbec9a6⋯.png (128.5 KB,610x591,610:591,IMG_4617.png)



JFKJr was born in Nov 1960.

Wouldn’t that be a really deep rabbit hole?

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c44b94 No.20915105

File: f601aae1956858c⋯.png (93.39 KB,236x350,118:175,you.png)


Look mama, I'm winning! kek

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d7ff94 No.20915106

File: 9047efe73fb128a⋯.jpeg (2.65 MB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_0388.jpeg)

Elephant slings prayers

Peeling back layers

Spellcast say them without feelers

Broke mast they then redoubt kneelers

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9ef81d No.20915107

Look at the fucking state of this place.

Look at it.

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2113ba No.20915108

File: 49a5d3c79731c7b⋯.png (2.67 MB,2000x2434,1000:1217,mccain_lodestar_EMP_nuke_n….png)

File: cb450232fa78631⋯.mp4 (3.31 MB,640x360,16:9,pelosi_NK_pyongyang_possib….mp4)

File: 7dd3d2ecd76eed5⋯.png (512.6 KB,1176x884,294:221,lodestar_pence.png)


>Wonder if they'll play the Asteroid Card?

The EMP nuke masquerading as a "solar flare" is a bigger concern IMO

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2b5186 No.20915109


😀 I overestimated you. Thinking even a faggot like you should be able to do better than that.

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37554a No.20915110

File: c91786ce314fd1b⋯.jpg (66.67 KB,700x432,175:108,Wray_sleeper.jpg)

File: 2b48cc01665fbc8⋯.jpg (52.72 KB,720x380,36:19,wrayneedsto9.jpg)

File: bc9a1ccf5b1d738⋯.jpeg (98.38 KB,1280x1280,1:1,wrayantifa.jpeg)

File: c02e1bd5d6d9f24⋯.png (516.95 KB,734x399,734:399,wrayandag4.png)

File: 7798b2ef9e04d57⋯.png (798.76 KB,818x503,818:503,justicehasbeenwrayped.png)


You're a liar.

when the times comes, at the end of your life; I hope you have peace.

I hope you change your ways.

Tell Wray at the Fb1 that you don't want to lick his ass anymoar.

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86f499 No.20915111

File: f00f147bbccb52f⋯.png (1.51 MB,848x641,848:641,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7ff94 No.20915112

Ever seen the goldfish in the mirror?

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86f499 No.20915114

File: 0942b944e7dbd49⋯.png (484.03 KB,552x547,552:547,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ddc8b No.20915115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Preggo with a Kennedy Baby

This guy said he lost his virginity to MM when he was 15


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86f499 No.20915116

File: b8cf5f98689894a⋯.png (1.28 MB,624x832,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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12fadc No.20915117


I dunno

They're been Psyoping Asteroid ELE for Decades

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9ef81d No.20915118

File: dfc9a8251e7edeb⋯.png (1.1 KB,144x31,144:31,ClipboardImage.png)


Sanitized for your protection.

Make The Kun Great Again

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ad4c9e No.20915119

File: 8f124cc08708937⋯.mp4 (28.53 KB,320x180,16:9,LFG.mp4)

Here we go anons… 2 mikes out

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47d16c No.20915120


you're a slander shill of a common type.

all you have is made up accusations and you'll just keep repeating them.


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6903e9 No.20915121


POTUS has balz to go before this rough crowd

first time any rep/dem pres nominee has gone to one in 50yrs

rally bread best bread

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aa4427 No.20915122

File: 5bd201787eb7a02⋯.jpeg (6.44 KB,215x235,43:47,download_5.jpeg)

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cfc17e No.20915123

File: 5f55875d86758c2⋯.png (1.29 MB,885x795,59:53,jyueyrevwer.PNG)

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86f499 No.20915124

File: 486a2c0611d5a18⋯.png (666.04 KB,618x412,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915125

File: ef3fc6ce4567964⋯.png (264.28 KB,381x382,381:382,ClipboardImage.png)

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2113ba No.20915126


>Asteroid ELE for Decades

Maybe it's a way to pay off the big military contractors for some boondoggle shit without going to destructive and losing-ass wars

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86f499 No.20915127

File: ff93b33645b0d56⋯.png (403.67 KB,500x488,125:122,ClipboardImage.png)

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a58cd8 No.20915129

File: bd589331e3963dc⋯.png (129.69 KB,400x400,1:1,ganga_man.png)

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86f499 No.20915130

File: 2e4187d0be315c6⋯.gif (3.29 MB,720x404,180:101,2e4187d0be315c664ce9f947b7….gif)

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86f499 No.20915131

File: 3b40ef654a38bb6⋯.png (496.7 KB,687x503,687:503,ClipboardImage.png)

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455dfa No.20915132

File: faebd8ccb187aa0⋯.jpeg (70.65 KB,570x713,570:713,EE689941_511A_447C_A2A3_2….jpeg)


Well in to it

Still have a ways to go

Muh ayyes next

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86f499 No.20915134

File: 773946d7180e32d⋯.png (376.93 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915136

File: db4d4ad6165e7ea⋯.png (583.44 KB,510x619,510:619,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e8048 No.20915137



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ad8c86 No.20915138

File: dc9c89c2a691294⋯.gif (549.35 KB,700x354,350:177,cce101c1d62410583bf898ecca….gif)

File: ecb87f3dee2a113⋯.png (247.8 KB,700x671,700:671,101aadad58c2cc504d3d8b2d59….png)




What hapend to Rally bread

Pouts live in 17

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9ef81d No.20915139

File: e6af24ef2be83fc⋯.jpg (160.15 KB,502x623,502:623,AYYY_We_Come_In_Peace_Can_….jpg)

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86f499 No.20915140

File: 27c135569bfc6c6⋯.png (777.04 KB,648x486,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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2113ba No.20915141

File: d31b43a60601dbc⋯.png (291.88 KB,992x799,992:799,groucho_words.png)


>This guy said he lost his virginity to MM when he was 15

Me too. She said I was the best she ever had. She said JFK was not impressive.

MM was OK but I preferred fucking Princess Diana, she was great

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86f499 No.20915142

File: 660bec9f9fcf888⋯.png (479.21 KB,500x566,250:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa4427 No.20915143

Rsbn warning of ruckus

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37554a No.20915144


dude's talking to himself, keke

Do you get extra money for that?

Or just have to fill in the time?



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6eb4db No.20915146

File: c05c5a2bc36993c⋯.gif (93.34 KB,260x208,5:4,7uxzxr.gif)


got it already.

btw, only note taker.

bread is still open.

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a0ae35 No.20915147


he was born in '46

she was born in '26

he allegedly banger her in '61 (15)

puts her at 38


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be5e7c No.20915148

msdnc fc3crackheadba5

"always" biden meme masta bragging- lol.

its definitely mournin ho all drunk, puddin all yo eggs in one meme basket case

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c44b94 No.20915149

File: 6add8a735a34a11⋯.png (634.69 KB,964x544,241:136,Screenshot.png)

Hillary Clinton shares latest excuse for her 2016 election loss - and has found someone new to blame for her defeat to Trump


This cunt is still crying about the 2016 election?


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86f499 No.20915150

File: 660bec9f9fcf888⋯.png (479.21 KB,500x566,250:283,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8f7fe No.20915151

File: ba5836fe27e6e1e⋯.webp (88.53 KB,1366x768,683:384,IMG_2321.webp)

Biden's Justice Department keeps airing his family's dirty laundry


Alex Thompson

Details of the turmoil in Joe Biden'sfamously-insular family keep being made public by the president's own Justice Department.

Why it matters: Some legal experts argue that the level of personal details in the filings ahead of Hunter Biden's criminal trials are meant to embarrass rather than prosecute, a feeling shared by many people close to the president's family.

The revelations are particularly painful for a family that prefers family matters to be guarded and can quickly exit people who break the code.

Hunter's ex-wife Kathleen Buhle wrote in her 2022 memoir when instructing her mother not to reveal that Beau Biden was sick: "After twenty years with the Bidens, I knew that everything in the family was meant to stay private."

In court filings this week and the original indictments, the special counsel's office said the upcoming trials would include materials from:

Hunter's divorce from Buhle

Text messages with family members including his daughter

Pictures and videos of him smoking crack cocaine

Receipts of money spent on clothes and "various women"

Tax documents from Lunden Roberts, a woman with whom Hunter had a child, and then he initially denied he was the father.

Zoom in: The trial in Wilmington set for June 3 about lying about his drug use on a gun form will include testimony from Buhle, his sister-in-law and ex-partner Hallie Biden, and potentially Roberts, according to the filings.

Weiss also includes texts from Hunter at the depths of his addiction around the time he is accused of purchasing a gun and claiming on the form he was not an addict.

One filing on May 20 includes a text message Hunter sent to Hallie on November 3, 2018: "I'm a liar and a thief and a blamer and a user and I'm delusional and an addict unlike beyond and above all other addicts that you know and I've ruined every relationship I've ever cherished."

Between the lines: Barbara McQuade, a former U.S. attorney and a law professor at the University of Michigan, told the Washington Post that the filings were odd.

"If Weiss wanted to pressure Biden, he certainly could have shared all of this information with Biden's attorneys without filing it in a public document," she told the paper.

"Not sure what he is accomplishing by filing it publicly, other than perhaps prompting the witnesses to urge Biden to plead guilty."

John Yoo, a Berkeley Law School professor who worked in George W. Bush's Justice Department, disagreed and told Axios: "The details were certainly eye-catching, but they also show that he was spending money that seemed to exceed his declared income."

What they're saying: A Justice Department spokesperson said they had nothing to add beyond the filings.

Hunter's lawyer, the White House, and Buhle declined to comment.

Hallie Biden could not be reached for a request for comment.

What's next: Weiss' office said this week they will use documents and messages from Hunter Biden's laptop which the government says they obtained in the months after he left it at a repair store in 2019.

Democrats initially labeled the laptop as likely Russian disinformation in the weeks before the 2020 election.

But Weiss' office wrote in a filing Wednesday that "the defendant's laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant's guilt."

Hunter's team has challenged the authenticity of data extracted from the laptop and is expected to do so during the trial.

Weiss' filings reveal some the messy aftermath of Hunter's divorce from Buhle, including during the 2020 presidential campaign.

In June of 2019, soon after Biden entered the presidential primary and Hunter got remarried, Buhle filed a suit against Hunter in D.C. "because the Defendant had stopped making spousal support payments and refused to provide financial records," according to the special counsel's indictment last December alleging Biden broke tax laws.

She continued the suit throughout 2019 and into 2020 because Hunter "continually stonewalled the production of financial records," according to Weiss.

That dispute has not been fully resolved, a source familiar with the matter confirmed to Axios.

The bottom line: Both Buhle and Hallie Biden have kept their distance from the White House during Biden's presidency, even as their children have frequently been present.


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a58cd8 No.20915152


How is it notable?

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a0ae35 No.20915153


nope 35

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aa4427 No.20915154


Very nice

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86f499 No.20915155

File: 558bf5bb3715261⋯.png (87.46 KB,357x446,357:446,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ef81d No.20915157


I was banging her when I wrote candle in the wind. Gave those lyrics to Elton and the rest is history.

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41b2e5 No.20915158


Geez Man, I thought we felt the same.

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af277c No.20915159



FED = Destruction of real currency, private bank to control the economy

IRS = Taxation without representation

What was created that gave us national income tax in 1913? Amendment Sixteen to the Constitution was ratified on February 3, 1913. It grants Congress the authority to issue an income tax without having to determine it based on population.

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86f499 No.20915160

File: 100ab38a8d6d4d4⋯.png (214.36 KB,381x260,381:260,ClipboardImage.png)

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09dca5 No.20915161

File: be85cc4a013d385⋯.jpg (117.45 KB,671x537,671:537,be85cc4a013d385665173cdc56….jpg)

File: c1e2cc3271cdd6e⋯.jpg (402.85 KB,2160x1809,80:67,c1e2cc3271cdd6e5b0b4cb34a5….jpg)

File: 06547cb39990e04⋯.jpg (49.58 KB,656x500,164:125,06547cb39990e04d1fd415b25e….jpg)

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be5e7c No.20915162


like in Authorized Use of Force

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9ef81d No.20915163


muh sexism?

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aa4427 No.20915164


Take your meds

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86f499 No.20915165

File: 738de1a091f8165⋯.png (1.26 MB,835x602,835:602,ClipboardImage.png)

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12fadc No.20915166


Always the Fault of someone Else & never her own

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6903e9 No.20915167

was Trump invited or did he ask to be there

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42e1c6 No.20915168

File: 1fada9b9bc47285⋯.png (338.49 KB,1106x689,1106:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b3f1d28766b716⋯.png (80.07 KB,1171x395,1171:395,ClipboardImage.png)



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86f499 No.20915169

File: bd6b6bd1eaed871⋯.png (512.12 KB,590x322,295:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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ed8124 No.20915170

Anons see that Navy Commander on Fox News bases are being invalidated. Mental Case MILITARY can't protect themselves never mind the Country. He probably jumped into his limousine for another interview.

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2113ba No.20915171

File: 0a0c9f0aa05219e⋯.png (711.93 KB,600x533,600:533,rare_pepe_painting.png)


I misinterpreted your post. Ctrl+Z

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86f499 No.20915173

File: 47250dc90ad27f5⋯.png (759.37 KB,470x634,235:317,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e1194 No.20915175


>Look at the fucking state of this place.

Bet you're doing everything possible to change that.

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47d16c No.20915176

"Lawsuit Threat Forces Biden Officials to Reverse Denial of Memorial Day Mass at National Cemetery"

Good News!


services in graveyards are so common and traditional that it is outragious to suggest that they violate someone's rights who isn't of that group.

what Catholic would ever have their loved one buried in a national cemetery if it were not allowed that a priest could be there at the grave side to lead the mourners in prayers?

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86f499 No.20915177

File: 773946d7180e32d⋯.png (376.93 KB,600x400,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa4427 No.20915178

File: 89cc8f0498d404c⋯.jpg (57.07 KB,497x422,497:422,8p0i3d.jpg)

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37554a No.20915179

File: 273390bc6193bca⋯.png (390.1 KB,732x687,244:229,garywebb.png)



claimes I have nothing to say

proves himself as stooid then quits.

Perfect. Figures.


Not a DJT supporter. Not even close.


The Hate-GM are infilTRAITORS

Never have memes.

Don't get paid for that.

I hope you are cursed by the spirits of the people who you so brazenly oppose, deny and mock.

You lying freak shill, who work for mass murderers, will be remembered when the time comes, but not well.

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86f499 No.20915180

File: f52f4c4ecd7705e⋯.png (578.5 KB,458x539,458:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ddc8b No.20915181


She would be considered a Pedo, the guy would be legend, cases like that go unreported. IDK how so many hot teachers get busted, it must be Jealous students who talk shit and report them

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2e8048 No.20915182


o7 Thank you for your service.

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455dfa No.20915183

File: 4105634f8724421⋯.png (527.89 KB,435x606,145:202,3BE110D0_E8DA_4D8B_BE29_60….png)

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9ef81d No.20915184


I just get called a shill so why bother.

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86f499 No.20915185

File: 6ce36a3b36d095c⋯.gif (3.03 MB,460x373,460:373,6ce36a3b36d095cf3da6fc58b4….gif)

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6a67e8 No.20915186

File: 67def3a24077a85⋯.png (94.91 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)


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a0ae35 No.20915188


too many cell phones

texts, pics, n bragging rights

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86f499 No.20915189

File: 63a8ea8f470e5d3⋯.png (494.8 KB,480x558,80:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e1194 No.20915190


Why do you care what you get called?

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022690 No.20915191


Indian huh?


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aa4427 No.20915192

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6eb4db No.20915193

File: 811b172741ac3ea⋯.png (1.39 MB,939x943,939:943,ClipboardImage.png)


Q Research General #25652: GM Nightshift Edition

>>20914850 dough

>>20914890, >>20914938, note taker on duty.

>>20914892, >>20914960, >>20915049, >>20915051, >>20915053, >>20915063, >>20915066, >>20915081, >>20915086, >>20915168, libertarian speakers and mp4 vids, plus end the fed bun

>>20914929 President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 - youtube

>>20914954 baker notables bun

>>20914959, >>20915040, planefag posts

>>20914984 memes bun

>>20915037 navy is a gay cruise and got penetrated by illegals - gwp (alt title)

>>20915151 Biden's Justice Department keeps airing his family's dirty laundry - axios.com

notables at 300 still waiting for baker to take bake so anon can collect rally notes and any other fuckery

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5787b4 No.20915194

Tom Fitton


BREAKING: Biden signals to Democratic judge, prosecutor and jurors that "guilty" verdict against Trump will be used to help Biden campaign. politi.co/453qOpm


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9fc14f No.20915195

File: 9e9e2da6468d123⋯.jpg (53.36 KB,558x680,279:340,GAMGGrfX0AAFkeL.jpg)

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cea7b1 No.20915196

I see Trump is here tonight posting a million Trump memes of himself.

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86f499 No.20915197

File: 55f4078dbdfc464⋯.png (541.5 KB,549x549,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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af277c No.20915198


Proof of death ?

Autopsy as fake as Epsteins.

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60243b No.20915199

Hi Q. Hi POTUS. We are ready. We love you! Praying for you.

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2113ba No.20915200

File: bd1588c924691d7⋯.png (607.11 KB,1026x644,513:322,ClipboardImage.png)


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86f499 No.20915201

File: 563b3ac563fbb24⋯.png (303.74 KB,498x356,249:178,ClipboardImage.png)

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455dfa No.20915203

File: 6cc8e773deb2acc⋯.jpeg (478.99 KB,1222x623,1222:623,CB30B494_0FAD_4188_9942_A….jpeg)

File: a0d3b7dc05c5456⋯.jpeg (501.58 KB,1365x617,1365:617,8DF3CFAB_6B07_461D_B2DE_E….jpeg)

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86f499 No.20915204

File: d3c1eff16484294⋯.png (824.06 KB,768x513,256:171,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e1194 No.20915205


ty, baker

busy but can ebake in a pinch if you take notes

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cea7b1 No.20915206

Trump spam tho

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86f499 No.20915208

File: 1fcf57052f15a42⋯.png (219.87 KB,360x360,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915209

File: 428e367d9492b6a⋯.png (514.87 KB,408x444,34:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa4427 No.20915210

File: 33ee8efb355c807⋯.jpg (72.89 KB,500x657,500:657,ijih67.jpg)

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960673 No.20915211

File: b35ae73f79b4875⋯.png (86.1 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)


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86f499 No.20915212

File: fc8c401f07d7292⋯.png (989.2 KB,788x594,394:297,ClipboardImage.png)

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09dca5 No.20915213

File: 12429b78093db2f⋯.png (392.36 KB,1106x689,1106:689,0d89429d1c5960ba4a6d8233db….png)

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9c53b9 No.20915214

I noticed something about the Libertarian party long ago. Typically, their candidate is used to hand a Democrat a seat.

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ad4c9e No.20915215

File: c18be2a5fe91962⋯.mp4 (9.16 MB,1024x1024,1:1,c18be2a5fe9196252e211f3589….mp4)



Oh shit are they worse than the Dems?

We bout to find out frens.

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86f499 No.20915216

File: 09aed2472531731⋯.png (306.99 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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60243b No.20915217


God almighty has anointed Donald J Trump for this victory. Now, be offended - prove how weak you are.

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86f499 No.20915219

File: 4a4548e961aef2a⋯.png (429.62 KB,586x357,586:357,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915220

File: 6f06575c5fbab07⋯.png (800.72 KB,810x810,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e8048 No.20915221


Say it ain't so Groucho! You're not wearing a half-fake mustach (the top & sides part).

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60243b No.20915222

God bless President Donald J. TRUMP! POTUS WRWY!

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9fc14f No.20915223

File: ffd0c05a7f31616⋯.jpg (83.61 KB,1024x1012,256:253,ffd0c05a7f31616f1b4c818975….jpg)

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fc5dbe No.20915224

File: 4d737b65681681c⋯.png (58.3 KB,240x240,1:1,7256a77687be32a9dcf3f5f177….png)

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0ddc8b No.20915225


>too many cell phones


>texts, pics, n bragging rights

True, "hey check out Mrs. Math Teachers Tits" "Dude you're lucky , send that to me or I'm telling on you"

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ad8c86 No.20915226

4 min warning

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51164b No.20915227

File: c480c04dc240fa2⋯.png (501.04 KB,659x604,659:604,ClipboardImage.png)

Joe strikes again! Biden is accused of repeating long-running lie in commencement address at West Point military academy


The president had been delivering the commencement speech at the Military Academy at West Point, New York, when he made the remarks to 1,036 cadets. During the ceremony, Biden told the crowd of graduates that he had been 'appointed' to the Naval Academy. Biden had previously made this same claim while addressing graduates of the U.S. Naval Academy in 2022.

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86f499 No.20915228

File: 9fc5f9a14d263df⋯.png (756.09 KB,725x410,145:82,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915229

File: ea34aa3c7002c10⋯.png (1.02 MB,1024x448,16:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915230

File: 73a1aa92a79235a⋯.png (322.65 KB,370x382,185:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fc14f No.20915232

File: 8c68586e0990082⋯.jpg (211.51 KB,899x823,899:823,EphaGuUXUAARpKo.jpg)

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fc5dbe No.20915233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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86f499 No.20915234

File: acdb6fa14945f66⋯.png (378.36 KB,597x418,597:418,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b5186 No.20915235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


😁. Bring on the asteroids.

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2e8048 No.20915236


And fake eyelashes too. All of my trust in the good-old-days has been taken away. What am I to do?

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86f499 No.20915237

File: f6a51787a841796⋯.png (1.97 MB,1221x960,407:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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93ce10 No.20915238

File: b8a7bc4fbbe629f⋯.png (265.96 KB,480x454,240:227,nerytbyryrtter.png)

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e2010a No.20915239

File: fe7174193836c20⋯.jpeg (454.15 KB,828x1094,414:547,A7B5DB11_16A5_4BB3_91AC_B….jpeg)

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5787b4 No.20915240

File: 34895e03f26cbc4⋯.png (70.06 KB,517x214,517:214,ClipboardImage.png)

Multiple dead in Ukrainian strikes on Russian border region

At least four people were killed and over a dozen injured in a series of attacks on Belgorod Region, the local governor has reported

The Ukrainian forces launched multiple drone raids and artillery strikes on the city of Belgorod and several villages near the Russia-Ukraine border, which claimed the lives of four civilians while many others, including children, suffered shrapnel injuries, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov has said.

The Russian border region suffered a spate of strikes, with almost 30 incoming projectiles shot down from the skies over the course of Saturday evening and early Sunday morning, according to Gladkov. However, despite the interceptions, the attack resulted in multiple casualties.

“To much grief, the number of civilian deaths increased to 4 people,” the official wrote on Telegram.

Three of the victims were killed as a result of rocket artillery strikes on the Oktyabrsky settlement shortly before 7pm. Two of them died on the spot, while another man succumbed to “shrapnel wounds to his lower extremities” in a hospital a few hours later.

Another woman “was killed as a result of a direct hit in the yard of a private residential house in the village of Dubovoye,” Gladkov wrote around 9pm, adding that she “was in a greenhouse at the time of the attack and died of her injuries before the ambulance arrived.”

While there were no casualties in the city of Belgorod itself, at least two apartment buildings suffered heavy damage as a result of direct artillery hits. Two schools were damaged by blasts and shrapnel, while several commercial buildings also had their facades, windows and roofs partially destroyed. Several vehicles were damaged and were burned entirely, according to videos from the scene.

By midnight, the number of those injured across the region reached at least 16 people, including at least two children.

A 8-year-old boy who was wounded in the shelling of the Oktyabrsky settlement suffered a “blast injury and external trauma to the lumbar back region,” Gladkov wrote, adding that the child’s “condition has been characterized as of medium severity.”

In another incident, a 9-year-old girl was injured when a “moving car was attacked by a drone on the highway between the village of Borisovka and the hamlet of Plotvyanka in the Volokonovsky district,” Gladkov added.


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86f499 No.20915241

File: fc8839ed2f5d0ed⋯.png (578.99 KB,458x539,458:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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be5e7c No.20915242

Libertarians are liberals - as in drag queen approved lets take the children to innocent dry humping art in action events

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d1098d No.20915243

File: 7a1631b1f374c89⋯.gif (2.75 MB,498x270,83:45,tenor.gif)

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6eb4db No.20915244

File: a585ad02596122c⋯.png (308.14 KB,445x448,445:448,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae6ea8b07d3e861⋯.png (282.17 KB,740x500,37:25,ClipboardImage.png)



but if anon needs to can switch to baker will do , it is easier with a baker and other anons reverting to their own designated duties.

we have a rally note poster, a mp vid rally anon, note aggregater and other anons who will post opines and research including digz and comms.

can always come back for statements as anon has done in the post.

high alert to night, trump is in enemy territory.

think it is going to be a busy night and anons needs to be aware.


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0ddc8b No.20915245


>And fake eyelashes too

Eyebrows too? Trudeau Style

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86f499 No.20915246

File: 3058a699e97e9ec⋯.png (285.51 KB,357x352,357:352,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915248

File: 516e3a2c660e9d4⋯.png (184 KB,473x464,473:464,your_move.png)


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d1adf3 No.20915249

File: e0ed60ef8d7f8e0⋯.png (221.2 KB,500x448,125:112,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08e8346b0195ab0⋯.png (190.15 KB,500x510,50:51,ClipboardImage.png)


Nokia is still the best phone I ever had.

Battery lasted for a week sometimes.

I was a jedi master at texting on the digital keypad.

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9b1449 No.20915250

File: c739dba3b32e3ea⋯.png (13.52 KB,624x553,624:553,jyrnebreer.PNG)

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86f499 No.20915251

File: fc332e3596a2875⋯.png (498.31 KB,473x536,473:536,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915253

File: 50de5f1d2aa4128⋯.png (1.08 MB,1520x1108,380:277,YES.png)




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86f499 No.20915254

File: f42a3e853505f8d⋯.png (990.36 KB,579x580,579:580,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915255

File: bb8fe94d045fd0e⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x794,600:397,ClipboardImage.png)

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eac30d No.20915256

I also invited Joe Biden, but he did not attend.

So, Trump was invited.

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ad4c9e No.20915257

File: 97e24d0ccb1e445⋯.png (1.02 MB,628x1020,157:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4465b No.20915258

File: 0cf879ada4c1a79⋯.jpeg (31.54 KB,224x225,224:225,IMG_2292.jpeg)

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aee1d9 No.20915259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24


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86f499 No.20915260

File: a09a52f6b535a05⋯.png (287.95 KB,487x363,487:363,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ddc8b No.20915261



>he had been 'appointed' to the Naval Academy

No your son was Kicked OUT of the Navy for being a crackhead

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a0ae35 No.20915262

post a trump link down here

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d8f7fe No.20915264

File: 4fe7c61364f4253⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,480x854,240:427,ssstwitter_com_17165710034….mp4)



Max Kek

Biden's new meme manager announced…

9:15 PM · May 21, 2024


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86f499 No.20915265

File: 6422aa9da9645d7⋯.png (146.71 KB,255x230,51:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915266

File: d9952be30d18c01⋯.png (337.08 KB,552x559,552:559,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e8048 No.20915267


May as well. Ukraine pulled a False Flag and bombed a civilian building in Kharkiv region yesterday.

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18f3df No.20915268



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5e1194 No.20915269

Trump is ON

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2e9abe No.20915270

File: 4758e5e6837817a⋯.jpeg (40.96 KB,474x325,474:325,4758e5e6837817ac78c777248….jpeg)

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85ab60 No.20915271

File: 7e7b3076307e4fb⋯.png (347.73 KB,880x493,880:493,ClipboardImage.png)



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2b5186 No.20915272


She's got juice.

I don’t consider myself a Gold Digger. I prefer “Wallet Lightener.”

I’m much too pretty to be doing any digging.

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86f499 No.20915273

File: 4958af8be1ae827⋯.png (477.73 KB,764x430,382:215,ClipboardImage.png)

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07dc64 No.20915274

File: a2827f715c54447⋯.png (241.18 KB,553x586,553:586,177686942055_14_.png)



>LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24



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ad8c86 No.20915275

he got this

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86f499 No.20915276

File: efb1c197a07616d⋯.png (347.07 KB,600x429,200:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad4c9e No.20915277

File: 0159d948772c431⋯.png (1.89 MB,1311x956,1311:956,0159d948772c43154d86805b00….png)

Wow this may really be the vipers den, Trump's got balls!

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42e1c6 No.20915278

File: 963e828d9a59315⋯.png (701.59 KB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 963e828d9a59315⋯.png (701.59 KB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc5dbe No.20915279

File: 424d83f6064cc52⋯.png (10.88 KB,305x165,61:33,ClipboardImage.png)

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022690 No.20915280

File: 922396941e83625⋯.jpg (9.01 KB,255x105,17:7,c3cec08094bb9af20a6fc561c0….jpg)


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161e12 No.20915281

File: d49267d637343dc⋯.jpg (45.32 KB,337x404,337:404,d49267d637343dc654a3aa186d….jpg)

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86f499 No.20915282

File: 335727d5de64054⋯.png (934.39 KB,720x540,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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a0ae35 No.20915283


he doin it

frfr doe

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18f3df No.20915284

BOOS and a sign that says MAGA = Socialist

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c47412 No.20915285


But you will you fight and die for Biden and OurDemocracy™? Who is the larper now.

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85ab60 No.20915286

File: 63a5a0fc19eec8e⋯.png (542.96 KB,883x497,883:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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848ac8 No.20915287

File: 2d858bd0c11220c⋯.png (684.92 KB,622x610,311:305,2d858bd0c11220cb8e7b2375b1….png)


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42e1c6 No.20915288

File: bfbf2152bd834bc⋯.png (1.77 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915289

File: 0f33949a2d0eba1⋯.png (907.63 KB,645x546,215:182,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ddc8b No.20915290

File: f469d3276263348⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,320x486,160:243,GenXvsGenStupid.mp4)

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e2010a No.20915291

File: 3ec38abf4f24720⋯.jpeg (413.69 KB,690x628,345:314,A52AEB3E_4139_492B_B450_4….jpeg)

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f5d172 No.20915292

File: 8570775c785f0c1⋯.png (13.63 KB,128x116,32:29,PepeSalute.png)

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86f499 No.20915293

File: 162084156530784⋯.png (315.61 KB,600x315,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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455dfa No.20915294

File: ef6affc4044151c⋯.jpeg (619.73 KB,1208x617,1208:617,F14879FB_ECDF_4EB4_99DE_E….jpeg)

File: 88e0aaeaf4df087⋯.jpeg (407.15 KB,1204x623,172:89,BDB39933_02DD_45C6_848D_2….jpeg)

File: 5739bc9b77f7952⋯.jpeg (804.21 KB,1292x617,1292:617,C9DA20CD_CEDA_4F08_BDB7_5….jpeg)

File: b0130af5766a72c⋯.jpeg (246.44 KB,731x744,731:744,28B5CFFA_C647_403F_929C_E….jpeg)

File: b5ccff6ef236fc3⋯.jpeg (88.14 KB,480x640,3:4,BA752F0F_7A7B_40D8_8A3A_8….jpeg)

>>20912745, >>20913651 pb/lb

SAM766 C40BJanet Yelleninbound to JBA from Milan depart and Shannon,Ireland fuel stop

SAVOR50 E6B Mercury returning to Pax River after an extended patrol today

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86f499 No.20915295

File: b9cfba349e7b9a8⋯.png (607.84 KB,500x610,50:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915296




Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

Q838 BOOM.

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3a925e No.20915297

File: 5892b5dcc945362⋯.jpeg (354.63 KB,1125x1780,225:356,IMG_0903.jpeg)

Should this be “West Point”?


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42e1c6 No.20915298

File: 3d04237f6a87924⋯.png (1.84 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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37554a No.20915299

File: 0dc13e56d021cf5⋯.jpg (120.66 KB,1282x682,641:341,HillaryRussia1.jpg)

File: f07ff7711b2fffc⋯.jpg (89.48 KB,640x480,4:3,HillaryRussia2.jpg)


Good now i can reply to you and you won't know I'm there.


dude's a liar.


Claims I'm a mocker.


No, I'm absolutely serious

The GM haters are mentally ill


Claims "Good Morning" is a psy-op - sign of serious mental illness


Sign the dude's from Langley

Maybe both; what a concept?!


Wants to back out, cause it's losing.

Next step.

It filtered me.

Gave me free rein to answer.

That's how free speech works, But shills and leftist (maybe both)can never figure that out.

They either plug their ears, slander you, retreat, try to get you banned.

And the final move

WAAAAAAAA. Ur filtered.



"common type" as if you know?

Small superiority complex or what.

They all do that. Pretend to be above you.

That's why they call us "deplorables"

They need to diminsh us to make themselves feel powerful and big.

That's the whole motive for razzing anons over "Good Morning"

They need to diminish us.

In our own eyes.

That's one step toward shutting us up.

Destroying our self-confidence and self - respect.


Looks like the crap shill folded.

Outed himself, then closed up shop.

But not before posting something that looks significant; but withou a meme; naturally.

They never have many memes.

And when they claim to be here a long time; they are lying.

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86f499 No.20915300

File: 9f633141376ef75⋯.png (206.39 KB,470x560,47:56,ClipboardImage.png)

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eac30d No.20915301

File: 0a9104952befb5f⋯.png (22.48 KB,527x253,527:253,ClipboardImage.png)

20:35 Trump arrival to Stage announced in.

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86f499 No.20915302

File: 16664039f235bf7⋯.png (495.56 KB,691x386,691:386,ClipboardImage.png)

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d458d8 No.20915303



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 567809 No.325453📁

Feb 10 2018 05:30:58 (EST)

Seals are wonderful creatures.

Heard they work fast at capturing their prey.


Silence is golden.


Games R FUN!


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86f499 No.20915304

File: 368e893985a4ce3⋯.png (926.05 KB,800x436,200:109,ClipboardImage.png)

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161e12 No.20915305

File: 8fa4d91c8376eb9⋯.gif (3.58 MB,400x225,16:9,Skippy_stare.gif)

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7e424d No.20915306



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86f499 No.20915307

File: 13762165e55a47f⋯.png (526.87 KB,629x389,629:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915308

File: 8353bbc03345e37⋯.png (254.75 KB,330x357,110:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa7389 No.20915309

President Trump: In the last year, I've been indicted by the government on ninety-one different things, so if I wasn't a libertarian before, I sure as hell am a libertarian now.

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9fc14f No.20915310

File: fc70d9568bec4f6⋯.png (336.73 KB,618x410,309:205,fc70d9568bec4f61aa8d285380….png)

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7e424d No.20915311



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022690 No.20915313

File: e2296129975206c⋯.png (18.18 KB,532x304,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f42d8 No.20915314

File: 17e086166ebd26f⋯.jpg (369.16 KB,1080x1152,15:16,5102017.jpg)



He was the last to depart ;p

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86f499 No.20915315

File: 23ffb8105dce846⋯.png (664.5 KB,500x747,500:747,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915316



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74999c No.20915317

File: 231840ddf9ae731⋯.jpg (575.1 KB,2048x1536,4:3,Qbrot.jpg)

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86f499 No.20915318

File: b4a8eedc3a9db8d⋯.png (577.41 KB,603x500,603:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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022690 No.20915319

File: eff4fe445fb61ec⋯.gif (862.65 KB,600x338,300:169,shillWeiner_1mb.gif)


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e2010a No.20915320

File: 945b275da641c15⋯.jpeg (516.29 KB,672x518,48:37,97A28738_0DA9_4197_87E5_1….jpeg)

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302819 No.20915321


They don't like NRA

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51164b No.20915322

File: 6ddbf1d7c48c20c⋯.png (298.94 KB,560x373,560:373,ClipboardImage.png)

ADHD drug shortage shows signs of letting up, but some patients still struggle


Many of the ADHD medication shortages that have plagued the U.S. for the last two years have now been resolved, the Food and Drug Administration says. Yet some doctors and patients report they are still struggling to get prescriptions filled.

Dr. Royce Lee, a psychiatrist at the University of Chicago Medicine, said supply has gotten better but it’s still an issue for about a third of the patients he writes prescriptions for. This often means he still has to call around to pharmacies to see if they have the medications in stock, switch patients to different drugs, and deal with insurance companies to confirm coverage.

“I do see signs of the shortages easing up,” Lee said. “But there are still enough shortages that every day we’re having to put in a little bit of work for prescriptions that need to be changed or hunted down.”

“I think a lot of people are still not getting their treatments,” he added.

A total of nine manufacturers now have ADHD medications back in stock, according to the FDA’s drug shortage database, up from six last September.

Teva Pharmaceuticals, a major manufacturer of ADHD medications, has resolved all of its shortages after certain doses were unavailable for several months, according to the agency’s database. A 5-milligram dose of one of its medications remains in limited supply, however.

SpecGx, which manufactures a generic version of the ADHD medication Vyvanse, has all dosages of its drugs back in stock after most were on back order last year.

About 6 million children and teens have been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making it among the most common neurodevelopmental disorders in kids. Millions of adults are estimated to have it as well, and some may not know it.


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86f499 No.20915323

File: 0609e67aada3699⋯.png (977.79 KB,648x864,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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249743 No.20915324

File: f53b1cfa2b447a4⋯.png (218.42 KB,427x533,427:533,ClipboardImage.png)


>washington post

>west point


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0009a4 No.20915325

File: a9b997d5df2f586⋯.png (192.95 KB,598x540,299:270,ClipboardImage.png)

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455dfa No.20915326

File: cf35acf5defb145⋯.gif (3.11 MB,498x498,1:1,4A4A3461_9497_4876_9739_3B….gif)


Now there’s an OG meme

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d1adf3 No.20915327

File: 2ab6c7321acf53c⋯.png (3.82 MB,1917x1398,639:466,shills_of_panic.png)

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a5c52f No.20915328

File: 9cb83509e23bf8f⋯.jpg (59.39 KB,679x498,679:498,2AmadeSimple.JPG)

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fc5dbe No.20915329

File: b8f8d3ac89f6d2b⋯.png (50.3 KB,447x643,447:643,ClipboardImage.png)



On the clock today.

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f0952b No.20915330

File: d28245fb3ba0664⋯.jpg (99.9 KB,800x486,400:243,gunshow_pepe.jpg)


I'm not triggered by it though. I see it for what it is and call it out for what it is. There's no emotion involved. It says a lot about the conviction of those clowns too. They've given up on their MuhJoo, the bread and butter that got them this far over all the years, they've given up on the mimicry, which almost worked and managed to sow a bit of division on the line until everyone caught on to the bullshit, and now they've chosen to go all in on an abbreviation. I honestly don't mind, it makes it easy to filter.

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86f499 No.20915331

File: 8899c62b77ab70c⋯.png (1.5 MB,880x1081,880:1081,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b5186 No.20915332

The crowd is rowdy. I like it.


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e2010a No.20915333

File: df36bd687b6948f⋯.jpeg (156.04 KB,828x754,414:377,10B55E94_17D0_4D8F_B487_2….jpeg)

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7e424d No.20915334



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86f499 No.20915335

File: 6859a13eecb3467⋯.png (729.25 KB,504x672,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8e348 No.20915336

File: 1890415f4e7616a⋯.jpg (76.63 KB,500x376,125:94,tumblr_m13ddtmgv31r48hglo1….jpg)

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e2010a No.20915337


Old school

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fa7389 No.20915338

President Trump: We stand opposed to government tyranny in all of it's many forms. We are opposed to a government that spies on political campaigns…like they did on me, spies on the American people, censors us, and crushes the rights of it's own citizens, which the Biden administration does. We want government out of our business, out of our wallets, and out of our lives.

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86f499 No.20915339

File: 0481e3f35924aa1⋯.png (1 MB,640x853,640:853,ClipboardImage.png)

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0d8ca8 No.20915340

File: 8ad1ae2cf6fee92⋯.jpg (187.46 KB,1612x988,31:19,BrandTheCommies.JPG)

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ad8c86 No.20915341



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7e424d No.20915342



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d1adf3 No.20915343

File: 276e1ee7e9a403b⋯.jpg (98.46 KB,850x746,425:373,panic.jpg)

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3268a5 No.20915344


they mad cuz NRA supports Trump.

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eac30d No.20915345

Come here to ask your hand in partnership.

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86f499 No.20915346

File: 9dfc52f551abb9d⋯.png (227.06 KB,459x311,459:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915347

File: a49292897b8c6a8⋯.png (1.97 MB,828x1103,828:1103,ClipboardImage.png)

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09dca5 No.20915348

File: 15c7aad7c7926d7⋯.png (605.9 KB,1106x689,1106:689,119d3b74a42a94a0cb0a388567….png)



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425d08 No.20915349

File: 0e5209f56e03e72⋯.jpg (530.45 KB,2000x1400,10:7,Liberator.JPG)

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d1098d No.20915350

File: 2b89b3806455bfd⋯.png (425.23 KB,980x653,980:653,ClipboardImage.png)


the propeller proves that was not the titanic that went down, but the Olympic ….

this article fact checks the claim so you know that its actually true …


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fc5dbe No.20915351

File: b71ff3ed782b95f⋯.png (167.62 KB,444x1977,148:659,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2287fb026675493⋯.png (167.78 KB,450x1968,75:328,ClipboardImage.png)

"Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!"

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86f499 No.20915352

File: 121a715470ca8a2⋯.png (1.21 MB,693x850,693:850,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915353



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a0ae35 No.20915354

TRUMP chant

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161e12 No.20915355

File: 71c0de715ab713a⋯.png (809.61 KB,1716x972,143:81,d2c8c395b8ea59965f2f623942….png)


Check em.

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86f499 No.20915356

File: b128b2a77e49762⋯.png (256.79 KB,324x422,162:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915357

File: 259868b4b7c5cc9⋯.png (607.85 KB,700x499,700:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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18f3df No.20915358

File: 54805d0658238de⋯.jpg (24.11 KB,338x318,169:159,1712786702234878.jpg)


They already love him.

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d1098d No.20915359


jfk jr is onassis kid

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eac30d No.20915360

We should not be fighting each other, combine with us in a partnership.

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d8f7fe No.20915361

File: 441b17b042ef92b⋯.jpeg (295.29 KB,1190x1415,238:283,IMG_2326.jpeg)

File: 2315da4c8eb3cee⋯.jpeg (333.94 KB,1157x1353,1157:1353,IMG_2327.jpeg)

File: 3251fd9a739be0e⋯.jpeg (567.04 KB,1094x1899,1094:1899,IMG_2323.jpeg)

File: a0102adbbd2215d⋯.jpeg (278.7 KB,1087x1274,1087:1274,IMG_2324.jpeg)

File: 56000524fbcd822⋯.jpeg (287.67 KB,1149x1357,1149:1357,IMG_2322.jpeg)

Biden Admin Is Hiring A 'Meme Manager'; Hilarity Ensues…

Tyler Durden's Photo


FRIDAY, MAY 24, 2024 - 03:00 PM

The Biden campaign has posted a job listing seeking a ‘meme manager’ prompting many to submit examples of their finest Biden meme manager memes.

The listing, seeking a ‘Partner Manager, Content and Meme Pages’, was posted on Daybook. It states, “In this role, you will initiate and manage day-to-day operations in engaging the internet’s top content and meme pages.”

“The ideal candidate for this role is passionate about bringing political content to voters where they already are on the internet,” it adds.

Responsibilities in the post include a need to “cultivate and manage relationships with top digital media companies, podcasters, and meme pages across a number of social media platforms” as well as to “identify and land engagement opportunities.”

The listing betrays the fact that Biden is haemorrhaging support among young voters, and the campaign, in its infinite ignorance, believes that a few well executed memes might turn that around.

The problem is, the left can’t meme.

Leftist memes routinely include walls of text explaining what they mean, rendering the meme itself pointless and absurd.


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d1adf3 No.20915362

File: 212b5983e551b8a⋯.png (337.09 KB,800x419,800:419,panic2.png)

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86f499 No.20915363

File: 52a99924e9e9c75⋯.png (275.62 KB,608x405,608:405,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa7389 No.20915364

President Trump: We believe that marxism is an evil doctrine, straight from the ashes of hell. Having marxism in our government in intolerable, and teaching it to our children is considered to us, child abuse.

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a58cd8 No.20915365


Well yeah, the layoffs have started

Canada #58 >>20909316

Soros-Backed Media Matters Lays Off a Dozen Employees as Staffers Blame ‘Far-Right Billionaires’

by Ben Kew May. 23, 2024

The far-left media watchdog Media Matters for America (MMFA) is laying off around a dozen staff as the organization faces a series of federal probes and defamation lawsuits.

MMFA’s explicit goal is to try and “expose” conservative media organizations such as The Gateway Pundit and strip them of their platforms and advertising revenue.

Staffers took to the X platform on Thursday to confirm they had been let go, with one seemingly blaming Musk for her dismissal.

“Bad News: I’ve been laid off from @mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues. There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him),” wrote employee Kat Abughazaleh in an obvious reference to Musk.

“After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off,” added another staffer. “So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.”

After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off. So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.

— Bee (@mount_bees) May 23, 2024

“Got laid off, lmk who wants research done,” added researcher Brendan Karet. “On the plus side, no more listening to the dumbest dogshit on earth everyday.”

got laid off, lmk who wants research done pic.twitter.com/EAfgdNG56v

— Brendan Karet (@bad_takes) May 23, 2024

“Journalism milestone achieved (got laid off),” wrote former writer Bobby Lewis.

— Bobby Lewis (@revrrlewis) May 23, 2024

Jared Holt, a prominent left-wing researcher, urged other organizations to scoop up those who had been let go.

Layoffs at Media Matters today. Lots of smart people available for jobs now https://t.co/HyPebHjyvz

— Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) May 23, 2024

Although there is no evidence the layoffs are directly linked to Elon Musk or the ongoing investigations, one can safely assume that they have not helped the organization’s financial position.

Last November, Musk filed a defamation lawsuit against MMFA in federal court in November, accusing them of manipulating images to show advertisements from major corporations alongside posts from white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

Meanwhile, the Missouri Attorney General filed a separate lawsuit last December for engaging in fraudulent business practices and refusing to cooperate with an ongoing investigation.


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3268a5 No.20915367

Post a Meme

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022690 No.20915368

File: 5b4dacdf37e57ef⋯.png (77.98 KB,255x253,255:253,HWFG2.png)

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ff086d No.20915369

File: a0895e3cf82eb74⋯.jpg (240.99 KB,1063x711,1063:711,BidenClearedHow.jpg)

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86f499 No.20915370

File: 6d052ed17a11ff2⋯.png (815.89 KB,600x617,600:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915371



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f5d172 No.20915372

File: adc714c8b9bb8cd⋯.jpg (30.48 KB,308x306,154:153,Meme_War.jpg)

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ad8c86 No.20915373



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86f499 No.20915374

File: dfed0e7cd0b49eb⋯.png (1.66 MB,1010x894,505:447,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a1093 No.20915375


Maybe she won.

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d1adf3 No.20915376

File: bf598299a3123a5⋯.jpg (272.93 KB,1200x1000,6:5,292_paneeque_1200.jpg)

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d7ff94 No.20915377


>Lilo of the valley.

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2e8048 No.20915378


WOW! He silenced the implanted paid enemy actors in less than 5 minutes.

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e2010a No.20915379

File: b8068d3d835e19c⋯.jpeg (326.27 KB,828x885,276:295,A678227E_29EA_4E96_AAB5_7….jpeg)

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9b1449 No.20915380

File: f68de7c94013080⋯.png (954.24 KB,866x721,866:721,7_m5ynytrey.PNG)

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0a6a44 No.20915381

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,1DayPaper1.jpg)

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18f3df No.20915382

"Joe is a threat to democracy."

He's using the subliminals on them

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848ac8 No.20915383

File: 65971f441e234e4⋯.png (205.65 KB,469x376,469:376,65971f441e234e4be65a73bf3d….png)

Mixed but wild crowd kek

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86f499 No.20915384

File: c012a69c7eb5196⋯.png (1.97 MB,1434x956,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915385



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55d02e No.20915386


I guess we should all

have expected that . .

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be5e7c No.20915388

libertarians are a redundant repeating lefty meme

they sound like wild dogs barking at who knows what spontaneously

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86f499 No.20915389

File: 7009239a317f46f⋯.png (1.03 MB,692x768,173:192,ClipboardImage.png)

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5787b4 No.20915390


kek scrolling the bread

And nothin 5 mins later

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d8f7fe No.20915391

File: 4fe7c61364f4253⋯.mp4 (1.29 MB,480x854,240:427,ssstwitter_com_17165710034….mp4)




Biden's new meme manager announced…

9:15 PM · May 21, 2024


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86f499 No.20915392

File: 32931ac9494fd9e⋯.png (421.69 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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37554a No.20915393

File: 99e9ca86aa7ff87⋯.jpg (134.42 KB,620x475,124:95,whowillwatchthewatchmen.jpg)


getting ready for the jailing of him.

brace yourself.

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5ac7f1 No.20915394

File: ca5ebd3718ddc67⋯.jpg (154.06 KB,980x734,490:367,6KYearsFakeNews.JPG)

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86f499 No.20915395

File: c4c9a85ce447d28⋯.png (469.62 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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cfc17e No.20915396

File: 8439642bf285e11⋯.png (524.16 KB,827x825,827:825,l87_m76e7em7er7kktrert.PNG)

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e2010a No.20915397

File: 28d27719059443c⋯.jpeg (64.28 KB,828x582,138:97,5E785C68_14EE_468B_BF44_1….jpeg)

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fa7389 No.20915398

President Trump: We believe that the job of the United States Military is not to wage endless regime-change wars around the globe; senseless wars. The job of the United States Military is defend America from attack and invasion here at home.

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3268a5 No.20915399

File: 7f6fa9508437c34⋯.jpg (101.55 KB,767x767,1:1,7f6fa9508437c344019871f44d….jpg)

I am Libertarian, and I love TRUMP

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86f499 No.20915400

File: 9847c3a0af5fab9⋯.png (304.05 KB,675x615,45:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ac7f1 No.20915401

File: 8086c99274179c4⋯.jpg (238.29 KB,1273x833,1273:833,JankowiczOwl.JPG)

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eac30d No.20915402

The Libertarian Party can make a big difference.

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86f499 No.20915403

File: 45473f11c81a832⋯.png (616.93 KB,843x563,843:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e1194 No.20915404

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d1adf3 No.20915405

File: b7d8fec78425fc6⋯.png (237.94 KB,501x334,3:2,kermit_panic_36e552c111e3c….png)

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7e424d No.20915406




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f0952b No.20915407

File: 6652e439f1ff2b8⋯.jpg (195.08 KB,1024x1002,512:501,magamarine2.jpg)

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86f499 No.20915408

File: fa85303781b4465⋯.png (674.07 KB,479x480,479:480,ClipboardImage.png)

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eac30d No.20915409

If we unite we will be unstoppable.

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022690 No.20915410

File: 24f70e09e2d257e⋯.png (200.73 KB,432x566,216:283,SKA.png)


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6903e9 No.20915411


same anon

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093edb No.20915412

File: f71e058d8e6bd6d⋯.jpg (161.24 KB,1000x600,5:3,Avalanche.JPG)

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86f499 No.20915413

File: 6c7feb6d064f859⋯.png (163.91 KB,576x300,48:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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e2010a No.20915415

File: e9cc4a50798dc1e⋯.jpeg (160.94 KB,828x783,92:87,016EA88E_E3E0_4256_9708_2….jpeg)

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be5e7c No.20915416

why would you go speak at a cocaine fueled fentanyl junkie fest?

because its free in dc

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a0ae35 No.20915417

File: 1462cf88fbc500c⋯.jpg (200.23 KB,1024x759,1024:759,rs_1024x759_170505093210_1….jpg)

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86f499 No.20915418

File: 1febb3b38ef93b0⋯.png (378.89 KB,408x414,68:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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161e12 No.20915419

File: c4bd44e70fb5884⋯.png (314.13 KB,600x534,100:89,98567e00e8bc94eaa87b8c3f9a….png)

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7e424d No.20915420



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455dfa No.20915421

File: f9ca7d2c0d6e2cf⋯.gif (228.81 KB,220x127,220:127,1D57B5EC_91B0_43BA_861A_62….gif)


All POTUS’ do not have the highest Security Clearance, especially after Eisenhower.

Something like 25 or moar higher.

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86f499 No.20915422

File: a0d5356231d772b⋯.png (548.79 KB,442x544,13:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b5186 No.20915423


>the propeller proves that was not the titanic that went down, but the Olympic

The upper deck windows too.

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022690 No.20915424

File: b1d5ab11703016e⋯.png (368.4 KB,616x603,616:603,Jooos.png)


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51164b No.20915426

File: 35a1be518fd9d74⋯.png (967.84 KB,1240x827,1240:827,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d3d48063cb43c8⋯.png (376.03 KB,560x373,560:373,ClipboardImage.png)

Key Senate Democrats seek meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over ‘Supreme Court’s ethics crisis’

The senators are asking Roberts to “ensure” that Justice Samuel Alito recuses himself from certain cases.


Two top Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee asked to meet with Chief Justice John Roberts to address “the Supreme Court’s ethics crisis” following reports that controversial flags flown at the Capitol building by some supporters of Donald Trump on Jan. 6, 2021, were also displayed at Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s homes.

In the letter released Friday, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island asked to meet with Roberts “as soon as possible” and renewed their “call for the Supreme Court to adopt an enforceable code of conduct for justices.”

The senators wrote that Alito created “reasonable doubt as to his impartiality” and repeated calls for him to recuse himself in cases related to Trump and the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

The Supreme Court is currently set to weigh in on two cases related to Jan. 6: Trump’s presidential immunity claim in his election interference case and an appeal for a man prosecuted for his actions at the U.S. Capitol.

Their request comes after The New York Times reported that Alito flew an upside-down American flag at his home in Virginia in January 2021. At that time, weeks after rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol, the flag was a symbol used by those in the “Stop the Steal” movement, who believe that President Joe Biden did not win the 2020 presidential election.

Following the first report, Durbin told NBC News that he didn’t plan to hold an inquiry on the matter but repeated calls for Alito to recuse himself from cases involving Trump.

A subsequent report in the Times found that an “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which was also flown by some Jan. 6 protesters, was flown for an undetermined period at the Alitos’ vacation home in New Jersey. The news about Alito’s flags comes amid a litany of stories that have raised questions about the ethical standards of the court and calls for justices to recuse themselves from certain cases, including Justice Clarence Thomas, whose wife, Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, is a conservative activist who supported Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Durbin and Whitehouse also allude to Thomas in their letter, writing that the justice has “repeatedly participated in cases relating to the January 6th attack on the Capitol and the alleged surrounding plot to overturn the 2020 election.”

“His wife’s involvement likely provided grounds for recusal under the federal recusal law,” the senators wrote. “But it appears that the Court has failed to ask what the facts were — particularly the critical facts as to what Justice Thomas knew about his wife’s interactions with alleged participants and when he knew it.”

>an appeal to heaven

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fc5dbe No.20915427

File: 68789ef69ca5816⋯.gif (8.39 MB,600x480,5:4,68789ef69ca5816241ba1b688b….gif)

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12fadc No.20915428

File: e9641b9e14d170e⋯.png (779.69 KB,1003x690,1003:690,ClipboardImage.png)


That's good chief

settle down

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7e424d No.20915429




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ad8c86 No.20915430



End The FED

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55acf2 No.20915431

File: 4f652c997de4340⋯.jpg (518.48 KB,2038x1073,2038:1073,Skunkstash.jpg)

File: ba73df7eb3576a1⋯.jpg (52.68 KB,524x526,262:263,PeaceOnEarth.JPG)

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05df94 No.20915432


Black Man comforts White Man.

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86f499 No.20915433

File: 017a2e2cf5d4790⋯.png (1005.06 KB,533x800,533:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915434

File: ca1d35296700043⋯.png (561.12 KB,668x500,167:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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6903e9 No.20915435

these dupes understand RFK wants gun control

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5787b4 No.20915436

File: b4b69393848e85a⋯.png (77.97 KB,747x648,83:72,ClipboardImage.png)

24 GOP Governors Tell Biden Not To Sign WHO Pandemic Agreement

Governors from 24 states have joined together to speak out against treaty negotiations being conducted by the Biden administration, which “would purport to grant” the World Health Organisation (WHO) “unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and its people.”

“The objective of these instruments is to empower the WHO, particularly its uncontrollable Director-General, with the authority to restrict the rights of U.S. citizens, including freedoms such as speech, privacy, travel, choice of medical care, and informed consent, thus violating our Constitution’s core principles,” the governors wrote. “If adopted, these agreements would seek to elevate the WHO from an advisory body to a global authority in public health.”

The documents they refer to are a new treaty called the WHO pandemic agreement and amendments to the existing International Health Regulations (IHRs), which together would centralize a significant amount of authority within this United Nations subsidiary if the WHO declares a state of “health emergency.”

Governors from the following states signed the letter: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

As the negotiations among member nations move into their final phase before the start of the voting session at the World Health Assembly, scheduled to begin on May 27, the WHO appears to have scaled back some of the powers it had sought in hopes of finalizing a deal.

The latest IHR draft has deleted a prior provision that member nations “recognize WHO as the guiding and coordinating authority of international public health response” and commit to following the WHO’s directives during a health emergency. The latest draft also states that WHO recommendations are non-binding.

The WHO had attempted in previous drafts to obtain powers over “all risks with the potential to impact public health,” which could include environmental and climate issues. The latest draft seeks to limit the WHO’s authority to diseases.

The WHO has simultaneously launched a public relations campaign, using politicians, celebrities, and religious leaders, to encourage member states to sign the agreements.

On March 20, WHO ambassador and Britain’s former Prime Minister Gordon Brown praised the efforts of a “100+ pantheon of global leaders” that have come to the WHO’s defense.

“A high-powered intervention by 23 former national Presidents, 22 former Prime Ministers, a former UN General Secretary, and 3 Nobel Laureates is being made today to press for an urgent agreement from international negotiators on a Pandemic Accord, under the Constitution of the World Health Organization, to bolster the world’s collective preparedness and response to future pandemics,” Mr. Brown stated in a press release.

He called for an international effort to “expose fake news disinformation campaigns by conspiracy theorists trying to torpedo international agreement for the Pandemic Accord.”

“No country will cede any sovereignty, and no country will see their national laws set aside,” he declared.


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eac30d No.20915438

The Lame Stream media is fake, it's fake.

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022690 No.20915439

File: 60e8acd310ce3b3⋯.png (2.92 MB,1656x1908,46:53,shillfu.png)


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fa7389 No.20915440

President Trump: What you're witnessing under Biden is a toxic fusion of the marxist-left, the deep state, the military industrial complex, the government security and surveillance services, and their partners, all merging together into a hideous perversion of the American system. And that's exactly what it is.

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f0952b No.20915441

File: 0f60d4c0e62b761⋯.webm (1.44 MB,854x480,427:240,kek15.webm)

So to prove that nasty anon wrong, and they still have the power to post their muhjoo, they take the bait and go where they were told to, firing up their hottest hate. Kind of watered down now though, isn't it, shills? Poor bastards.

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12fadc No.20915442



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0ddc8b No.20915443


KEK!! Nice

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93ce10 No.20915444

File: 0cb3a483538c058⋯.png (127.49 KB,894x618,149:103,7n543bv45.PNG)

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86f499 No.20915445

File: 4de12a32c45c1dd⋯.png (232.85 KB,500x475,20:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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18f3df No.20915446

"keep getting you 3% every 4 years."


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be5e7c No.20915447

get your 3%


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052c31 No.20915448

File: 3842997fe2c9841⋯.png (587.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEADLYFORCE1.png)

File: 34f232c28ac8027⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN513.png)

File: e5afd91586bd2c0⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN512.png)

File: 1ab4cf9481347ec⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN511.png)

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d8f7fe No.20915449


Now that would be funny!

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86f499 No.20915450

File: 0754d66ac99a44a⋯.png (102.56 KB,175x255,35:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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debf58 No.20915451

3% every four years lmao

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86f499 No.20915452

File: d47a9bbe917a616⋯.png (759.73 KB,600x703,600:703,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8442e No.20915453

File: 8b5c88725d6fd9f⋯.jpg (253.24 KB,1080x1169,1080:1169,DoNotComply.jpg)

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3268a5 No.20915454


that will piss them off.

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eac30d No.20915455

Tough crowd.

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7e424d No.20915456



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86f499 No.20915457

File: e04d483a9a4d113⋯.png (1.8 MB,1004x752,251:188,ClipboardImage.png)

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ad8c86 No.20915458

File: e49a7b68263ab69⋯.png (23.17 KB,255x247,255:247,ef75eb24fbefc292b06db5f3f7….png)




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2b5186 No.20915459

Trump's getting a lot of pushback by the libertarian crowd. But he's handling it very well.

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85ab60 No.20915460

File: 5fc88599076b941⋯.jpg (42.06 KB,219x255,73:85,Presidential_kek_.jpg)

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be5e7c No.20915461

PURPOSE of libertarian party


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86f499 No.20915462

File: 44d769457e68829⋯.png (1.19 MB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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fc5dbe No.20915463

File: 76ea3facf90f18d⋯.png (82.5 KB,447x989,447:989,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915464



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86f499 No.20915465

File: 4f16da83d29bb5e⋯.png (702.96 KB,660x495,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e7637 No.20915466

File: 00cd50f5d5b10ba⋯.jpg (82.91 KB,680x680,1:1,ChangeComing.JPG)

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18f3df No.20915467

Libertarian AG Kash

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eac30d No.20915468

KEK, trolling them with the 3% line.

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fa7389 No.20915469

President Trump: Instead of war, I made peace in the middle-east, something nobody thought was possible, and dealt with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, where a nuclear war was guaranteed to start, in a very short period of time, if Hillary Clinton became president. You nkow, that would have been a nuclear war, one hundred percent.

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302819 No.20915470

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86f499 No.20915471

File: d5d4df97c7fba2d⋯.png (530.43 KB,678x412,339:206,ClipboardImage.png)

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be5e7c No.20915472

sound moar like whiner mournin msndc ho sho

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86f499 No.20915473

File: 4b9b511ecf896ba⋯.png (634.83 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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aa4427 No.20915474



Historic scary


And Trump is loving it.

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86f499 No.20915475

File: ebe0ad83a25be44⋯.png (275.67 KB,382x255,382:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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6903e9 No.20915476

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42e1c6 No.20915477

File: 55ded9d1b218186⋯.png (1.77 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d77f0dd6bbdf18⋯.png (1.84 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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022690 No.20915478

File: 0b22849e7b84ea0⋯.png (393.2 KB,512x512,1:1,Clownsign.png)

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d1098d No.20915479

File: 74f4da69995b897⋯.png (1.58 MB,867x1390,867:1390,ClipboardImage.png)


onassis son allessandro died in a plane crash


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7e424d No.20915480

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73260b No.20915481

File: c7890b07a6b3dbd⋯.jpg (315.1 KB,1622x923,1622:923,DragonsLair.JPG)

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86f499 No.20915482

File: 6c62a9c903a9f50⋯.png (285.44 KB,510x510,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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848ac8 No.20915483


Art of the deal

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e2010a No.20915484

File: 724513c3f9970ce⋯.jpeg (186.72 KB,581x441,83:63,5E73627C_05F9_4898_BA78_A….jpeg)

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3268a5 No.20915485


sound like Dems to me

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fc5dbe No.20915487

File: 560d850440f675d⋯.jpg (22.47 KB,255x255,1:1,560d850440f675d179a42eb767….jpg)

POTUS, can be Anon be Secretary of the Pots?

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aee1d9 No.20915488

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB,984x555,328:185,9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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86f499 No.20915489

File: d5ff969dbdae548⋯.png (668.86 KB,595x471,595:471,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915490


Nobody does it better.

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fa7389 No.20915491

President Trump: I am committing to you tonight, that I will put a libertarian in my cabinet, and also libertarians in senior posts.

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86f499 No.20915492

File: c4cc4e5c4e1cc5c⋯.png (418.53 KB,471x600,157:200,ClipboardImage.png)

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37554a No.20915493

File: 5512650b76bd1da⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,682x402,341:201,bidendouble.mp4)


it's a double.

Quite a Raucous crowd.

What I've noticed about Libertarians, they have higher than average intelligence.

Very much so.

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a0ae35 No.20915494


isnt pelosi an alessandro or some shit

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e2010a No.20915495

3 day weekend.

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5e1194 No.20915496


>ebake only

got RL, Corps.

Tx for your contribution.


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7e424d No.20915497



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b0dd28 No.20915498

File: 6307c1ef0efdff0⋯.jpg (232.64 KB,1200x763,1200:763,media_GN0qa0aXEAALqZr.jpg)

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8e882f No.20915499

File: 196826bc164c8ee⋯.jpg (99.87 KB,568x379,568:379,BigTechNazis.JPG)

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f0952b No.20915500

File: 5b77a449c33ef0c⋯.png (362.53 KB,800x500,8:5,be_best_in_life.png)

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37554a No.20915501


sounds favorable

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86f499 No.20915502

File: 068be6235396eeb⋯.png (644.72 KB,530x653,530:653,ClipboardImage.png)

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09dca5 No.20915503

File: 77764107564e61e⋯.jpg (18.48 KB,253x233,253:233,77764107564e61eed69b2d0f92….jpg)

Kek, hes not fukin about!

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86f499 No.20915504

File: 4dcea4feee20776⋯.png (335.47 KB,500x373,500:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1098d No.20915505

File: b99fa27d8e79cd9⋯.png (982.14 KB,1200x600,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915506

File: e4856404f004f22⋯.png (467.22 KB,540x333,60:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915507



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93ce10 No.20915508

File: 62b94d0afad9142⋯.png (229.41 KB,785x709,785:709,6em5reynre.PNG)

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86f499 No.20915509

File: a8d5ad317be2c07⋯.png (402.62 KB,634x507,634:507,ClipboardImage.png)

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eac30d No.20915510

The BOSS is awesome, he never gives up.

The crowd are testing him, that's for sure.

He had them in the palm of his hand, then some turned,

Then he gathered them back.

Great work BOSS.

Mentally and verbally crowd surfing.

Noice work, love to see it.

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161e12 No.20915511

File: 921454297aeb840⋯.png (10.42 KB,251x255,251:255,66625454c30cff53fe3a5bc482….png)


it likely smells of soy there.

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85ab60 No.20915512

Master stroke, reading a Libertarian article.

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208013 No.20915513

File: 3aca1be8ee0df47⋯.jpg (268.29 KB,986x815,986:815,MSMsilence.JPG)

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86f499 No.20915514

File: 7d7da0cb495abe5⋯.png (2.3 MB,917x1198,917:1198,ClipboardImage.png)

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51164b No.20915515

File: aac922230b96bc6⋯.png (1.3 MB,1240x827,1240:827,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump to announce plans to commute 'Silk Road' website operator Ross Ulbricht’s prison sentence

The former president has previously called for the death penalty for some drug traffickers, depending on the severity of the crime.


WASHINGTON — Former President Donald Trump plans to announce at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday that he intends to commute "Silk Road" website operator Ross Ulbricht's life in prison sentence, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Ulbricht was sentenced to life in federal prison in 2015 for creating and operating a hidden website known as the "Silk Road" that people used to buy and sell drugs, among other illegal goods and services.

Many libertarians have called for Ulbricht's release. At the convention on Saturday, the crowd was filled with "free Ross" signs and took up chants in support of Ulbricht.

However, Trump's previous comments about drug dealers are in conflict with Saturday's planned announcement about Ulbricht.

The former president has said that the death penalty should be instituted for certain drug dealers, depending on the severity of the crime.

Then-U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara attributed at least six deaths to Ulbricht's actions. Bharara also called Ulbricht "a drug dealer and criminal profiteer." "While in operation, Silk Road was used by thousands of drug dealers and other unlawful vendors to distribute hundreds of kilograms of illegal drugs and other unlawful goods and services to more than 100,000 buyers, and to launder hundreds of millions of dollars deriving from these unlawful transactions," said a 2015 Immigration and Customs Enforcement press release announcing Ulbricht’s sentencing.

On Friday night, the libertarian crowd was hostile to mentions of Trump, and the audience booed when Vivek Ramaswamy brought up the former president. Separately, the crowd cheered one Libertarian Party member's suggestion that “we go tell Donald Trump to go f— himself.”

"What he’s really trying to do is to show that he can be a president for all Americans," a Trump campaign official said ahead of the former president's remarks. "If you want to compete for non-traditional Republican votes, then you got to go where they are. You can’t expect them to just show up to you.”

The Libertarian National Convention is taking place at D.C’s Washington Hilton hotel.

>will this happen?

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d1098d No.20915516


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37554a No.20915517


some might be Trump-haters.

Came there on purpose to scream.

There a overlap between Anarchist and Libertarian.

Anarchist are insane and next door to Marxists.

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86f499 No.20915518

File: 96628df9fe8d7a3⋯.png (2.19 MB,1234x770,617:385,ClipboardImage.png)

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3268a5 No.20915519

quoting their leader…how can they boo?





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6e6260 No.20915520

File: 241555c9cbb8e69⋯.png (1.05 MB,1251x937,1251:937,d.png)

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7e424d No.20915521


>He had them in the palm of his hand, then some turned,

>Then he gathered them back.

Mirror of the elections…. Now we gather back.

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37554a No.20915522



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86f499 No.20915523

File: 2c67d3857c40000⋯.png (496.16 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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302819 No.20915524



Pretty amazing to see.

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86f499 No.20915525

File: 78cba8147a77f03⋯.png (736.53 KB,575x575,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0952b No.20915526

File: 656fea6c06d3691⋯.jpg (143.27 KB,1023x666,341:222,rlgt8o1gufqc1.jpg)

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70fdfe No.20915527

File: da6608fccda8c2f⋯.jpg (102.64 KB,845x633,845:633,Declas.JPG)

File: 198d308b6401f6b⋯.png (403.5 KB,640x476,160:119,DeclassIMF.PNG)

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eca17d No.20915528


He's doing great!

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ad4c9e No.20915529

File: 8ec50d0f1fbea18⋯.jpg (91.91 KB,611x389,611:389,8ec50d0f1fbea18e0b43f578f6….jpg)


They have tons of plants there & some libertarians don't like him either but does he give a shit?


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d1098d No.20915530

File: faf95d80130d782⋯.png (1.4 MB,695x1024,695:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


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2b5186 No.20915531

File: 5f17e24a6e718c9⋯.jpg (89.36 KB,1056x512,33:16,10_33.jpg)

File: 68b410788290409⋯.jpg (123.19 KB,1500x1006,750:503,Onassis_JKO_limo_3000_3x2g….jpg)

File: df97543696584a0⋯.jpg (73 KB,676x900,169:225,jacqueline_kennedy_welcome….jpg)


Yes. Seriously. Jackie O and Aristotle first met in the late 1950's. Then she spent time on his yacht 1 month before JFK was assassinated. The 1st Lady hanging with a rich bachelor on his yacht. Not strange at all.

Jacqueline Kennedy Welcomed Home after Vacation on Aristotle Onassis's Yacht, Oct 17, 1963

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d8f7fe No.20915532

File: 0b7efc386537e01⋯.webp (25.46 KB,1200x628,300:157,IMG_2332.webp)

File: 1403f20cca5210e⋯.webp (36.12 KB,1200x628,300:157,IMG_2333.webp)

His Dirty Secret: Late 'Super Size Me' Star Morgan Spurlock Wasn't Just Shoveling McDonald's into His Body During Fast-Food Doc

Aaron Johnson

May 24 2024, Published 5:00 p.m.

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock, who passed away this week at 53, rose to fame thanks to his 2004 movie Super Size Me exposing the dangers of fast food.

Spurlock claimed he ate nothing but McDonald's for an entire month during the filming of the documentary, which showed the adverse effects of his diet on his physical and psychological health.

But it was later revealed that he had been struggling with alcohol abuse during that same period, RadarOnline.com can report.

In 2017, Spurlock admitted to a history ofsexual misconduct and disclosed that he had been drinking heavily for decades.

"Is it because I’ve consistently been drinking since the age of 13?I haven’t been sober for more than a week in 30 years, something our society doesn’t shun or condemn but which only served to fill the emotional hole inside me and the daily depression I coped with," he said.

That confession directly contradicted Spurlock's statements in Super Size Me. "Any alcohol use?" a doctor asked him at the outset of the fast food experiment chronicled in the film. "Now? None," Spurlock replied.

Spurlock's all-McDonald's stunt diet seemingly took a toll on his health. By the end of the 30 days, he had gained 25 pounds and begun suffering from depression and liver dysfunction.

At one point in the documentary, a doctor examining him told Spurlock that he was "pickling his liver" and said that it looked like "an alcoholic's after a binge."

"If somebody were doing this to their liver with alcohol, they could theoretically wipe out their liver cells and they'd be in liver failure," the doctor added. "Now, I've never heard of anybody doing this to their liver with a high-fat diet, but I guess anything's possible."


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37554a No.20915533

Wow. He'll run on he Libertarian line.


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f79d13 No.20915534

File: 3d47d1418f8e070⋯.mp4 (8.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,T_Mobile_Commercial_2022_Z….mp4)

File: ba61b314e034127⋯.png (91.25 KB,679x322,97:46,ClipboardImage.png)


Also T-Mobile:

12.5% rate hike

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86f499 No.20915535

File: 0619186bb833924⋯.png (407.59 KB,800x441,800:441,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e1194 No.20915536


Top KEK.

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86f499 No.20915537

File: 2ae70e2d841ba9f⋯.png (1.08 MB,579x723,193:241,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fc14f No.20915538

File: 04b473901e165ba⋯.jpg (239.7 KB,1152x2048,9:16,E3etYqoWEAIeqCe.jpg)

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aa4427 No.20915539

So fucking eepicnext trump willask to speak before dnc

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86f499 No.20915540

File: e434560b1943346⋯.gif (3.13 MB,640x360,16:9,e434560b19433464c26482b5ca….gif)

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86f499 No.20915541

File: 14198f3920941fe⋯.png (1.16 MB,768x580,192:145,ClipboardImage.png)

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169fd9 No.20915542

File: 3344eec12d7c505⋯.jpg (150.88 KB,1148x975,1148:975,NancyKnows.JPG)

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2b5186 No.20915543

Switched to c-Span


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a0ae35 No.20915544


allegedly, ross didnt sell the drugs

users of his site did

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7e424d No.20915545



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85ab60 No.20915546

File: b1be88ff5a7b785⋯.jpeg (170.42 KB,1080x1080,1:1,dr_kek.jpeg)

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5787b4 No.20915547

This piece of shit traitor and sky news go full Zionist propaganda wow

'Hitler would be proud' of the rise in antisemitic acts targeting Australia's Jewish community, warns Peter Cosgrove

Sir Peter Cosgrove has delivered a stark message to those people carrying out antisemitic acts targeting Australia’s Jewish community, warning "Hitler would be proud".

Former governor-general Sir Peter Cosgrove has delivered a chilling warning to people showing antisemitic behaviour towards Australia’s Jewish community.

His comments come in a new documentary on Sky News Australia, presented by former treasurer Josh Frydenberg, examining the rise of antisemitism across the country following Hamas’ deadly attack on Israel last year on October 7.

Asked by Mr Frydenberg what his message would be to those people carrying out antisemitic acts towards the Jewish community, Mr Cosgrove said "Hitler would be proud".

"Hitler put in a place the Holocaust that was aimed primarily at Jewish people," Mr Cosgrove said.

"And in watching what's happening today in Australia, Hitler would be giving thumbs up to those radical elements who are trying to breach this great pillar of Australia's national character."

Former ASIO director-general Dennis Richardson said while the country is seeing echoes of the 1930s in the boycotting of Jewish businesses and community intimidation, he was confident Australia would overcome this wave.

"We're seeing worrying signs of it," he told Mr Frydenberg.

"However, I come back to what I've said before, I believe that our democratic institutions are strong enough to withstand this. And I believe we will, in fact, defeat it.

"Because any echoes of the 1930s is pure evil and I believe the vast majority of Australians simply wouldn't tolerate it."


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7e424d No.20915548



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37554a No.20915549



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86f499 No.20915550

File: 119cddefe3ed913⋯.png (442.95 KB,620x349,620:349,ClipboardImage.png)

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0a6a44 No.20915551

File: 7e80884f4a056b0⋯.jpg (432.46 KB,1600x1000,8:5,StormWatch.JPG)

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86f499 No.20915552

File: a7d796cb658d970⋯.png (711.24 KB,840x473,840:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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5f42d8 No.20915553

File: 3e54dfda8e4b171⋯.jpg (153.82 KB,713x590,713:590,Screenshot_20240525_200150.jpg)

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86f499 No.20915554

File: 6d3a6d2448c75a7⋯.png (664.66 KB,540x519,180:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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37554a No.20915555

Time for the Libertarian Party to WIN

they are tired of losing.

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86f499 No.20915556

File: 247a5742246670d⋯.png (551.98 KB,600x401,600:401,ClipboardImage.png)

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f0952b No.20915557

File: 6cd51ddfce87896⋯.jpeg (54.68 KB,706x533,706:533,7443007f15395803ab1f126d0….jpeg)

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be5e7c No.20915558

these fucks are as schizo as the J6 persecutors

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86f499 No.20915559

File: ee2e3a81ec63c1b⋯.png (465.92 KB,550x572,25:26,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e1194 No.20915560


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12fadc No.20915561

Release the Hostages!

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a58cd8 No.20915562


>This piece of shit traitor and sky news go full Zionist propaganda wow

Traitor to whom?

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7e424d No.20915563




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fa7389 No.20915564

President Trump: When I return to the White House, we will break the deep state grip on our democracy once and for all…we will rout out the sickness that has taken over the Justice Department, our FBI and other agencies. Our goal will be nothing less than the rebirth of fair, equal and impartial justice, under the Constitutional Rule of Law.

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b0dd28 No.20915565

File: 2a57470d50f7bf1⋯.jpg (187.07 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GOMeco2WEAAGZUS.jpg)

If your whole life is sustained by artifacts made by demons. Would you be able to leave it all behind?

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86f499 No.20915566

File: 14262935d8c5096⋯.png (354.57 KB,640x437,640:437,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e8048 No.20915567


PDJT quote: Now we are going to FINISH the job!

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5e1194 No.20915568

now he's got em

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eac30d No.20915569

I will ensure that libertarians are helping to lead that taskforce. (inclusive)… KEK BOSS you know how to appeal to their 3% side.

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debf58 No.20915570

Oh now they like him

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971d66 No.20915571

File: eca354afe4afe37⋯.jpg (234.73 KB,1122x1116,187:186,PatriotHigh5.JPG)

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fc5dbe No.20915572

All they have left is spamming POTUS memes


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044242 No.20915573

File: 6c91b9d614feabf⋯.jpeg (76.87 KB,568x755,568:755,IMG_1917.jpeg)


“Bawk-bawk ba-kawk.”

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7e424d No.20915574



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18f3df No.20915575


FREE ROSS confirmed

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526618 No.20915576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Walsh for a saturday evenin'

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86f499 No.20915577

File: 30ef326e2ef53ad⋯.png (961.63 KB,822x463,822:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915578

File: b15a82b0fa0b363⋯.png (358.79 KB,450x600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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6eb4db No.20915579



Q Research General #25652: GM Nightshift Edition

>>20914850 dough

>>20914890, >>20914938, note taker on duty.

>>20914892, >>20914960, >>20915049, >>20915051, >>20915053, >>20915063, >>20915066, >>20915081, >>20915086, >>20915168, >>20915213, >>20915298, libertarian speakers and mp4 vids, plus end the fed bun

>>20914929 President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 - youtube

>>20914954 baker notables bun

>>20914959, >>20915040, >>20915203, >>20915294, planefag posts

>>20914984 memes bun

>>20915037 navy is a gay cruise and got penetrated by illegals - gwp (alt title)

>>20915151, >>20915227, Biden's Justice Department keeps airing his family's dirty laundry - axios.com (biden msm bun)

>>20915194 Biden signals to Democratic judge, prosecutor and jurors that "guilty" verdict against Trump will be used to help Biden campaign - tom fitton t.s post

>>20915240 Multiple dead in Ukrainian strikes on Russian border region - rt.com

>>20915296, >>20915306, >>20915334, >>20915342, anons opines on rally.

>>20915309, >>20915338, >>20915364, >>20915398, >>20915440, >>20915469, >>20915491, djt statements bun

>>20915322 ADHD drug shortage shows signs of letting up, but some patients still struggle - nbcnews.com

>>20915361 Biden Admin Is Hiring A 'Meme Manager'; Hilarity Ensues -zerohedge

>>20915426 Key Senate Democrats seek meeting with Chief Justice Roberts over ‘Supreme Court’s ethics crisis’ - nbcnews.com

>>20915436 24 GOP Governors Tell Biden Not To Sign WHO Pandemic Agreement - zerohedge.com


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b19b13 No.20915580


Oldfag here.

You know why we're called Boomers?

Because we know how to use our genitals and to only put them in those of the opposite sex. And we fuck like rabbits.

So thanks for the compliment. Sending huge hugs <3

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86f499 No.20915581

File: 9e747439ecd1655⋯.png (216.93 KB,405x516,135:172,ClipboardImage.png)

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5787b4 No.20915582

File: 32a80eefb30fe94⋯.png (136.86 KB,321x477,107:159,ClipboardImage.png)

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09dca5 No.20915583

File: 0952ae731245207⋯.jpg (53.52 KB,640x640,1:1,1676734519186824.jpg)

Snake Poem

For the win

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7e424d No.20915584

Libertarians have that angry mob vibe don't they. IT IS OK!

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8e882f No.20915585

File: 1fd9e12623e30d3⋯.jpg (73.92 KB,1200x600,2:1,BoneForYou.JPG)

File: f4cd4226c5b52bf⋯.jpg (252.7 KB,828x1085,828:1085,BidenFingerLake.JPG)

File: 1a77adff4ffb1dc⋯.jpg (74.66 KB,696x500,174:125,BrennanEvil.JPG)

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2e8048 No.20915586


It's way more than 3% and you know it.

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9fc14f No.20915587

File: bef4467fd33a4b8⋯.jpg (99.48 KB,720x874,360:437,EzdlueEXEAUrfpY.jpg)

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86f499 No.20915588

File: 7b198ebdf5b6b28⋯.png (870.14 KB,640x644,160:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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6903e9 No.20915589

much love anons

this fukin movie is top kek

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ad4c9e No.20915590

If Freeing Rossdoesn't get them on board kek, what will?

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7e424d No.20915591



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12fadc No.20915592


Bet there's camera Footage

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42173d No.20915593

File: 16ce0524bee41c4⋯.png (494.79 KB,695x888,695:888,_11111111.png)


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848ac8 No.20915594

File: 65e75da7f7a9a62⋯.png (736.88 KB,1049x720,1049:720,65e75da7f7a9a62778a117b5ab….png)

Free Ross

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494a9f No.20915595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fc5dbe No.20915596


You're boomers cause your patents fucked like rabbits… retard.

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86f499 No.20915597

File: e8b44777a6fbb49⋯.png (571.03 KB,640x483,640:483,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915598

File: e96340ef9a1b19f⋯.png (420.97 KB,463x720,463:720,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e424d No.20915599



















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f0cf2a No.20915601

File: fef83c1667505c8⋯.jpg (275.1 KB,982x1152,491:576,GoreFists.JPG)

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3268a5 No.20915602



All he has to say is "I will move to "End the Fed".


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86f499 No.20915603

File: 7d3d03b92572928⋯.png (608.29 KB,643x450,643:450,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e1194 No.20915604


Trump's a boomer, friend.

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7e424d No.20915605



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86f499 No.20915606

File: 7fc895d4db8e9e4⋯.png (844.43 KB,960x540,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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679371 No.20915609

File: ee110727c8fde0e⋯.jpg (138.36 KB,1068x640,267:160,WarrenForked.JPG)

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848ac8 No.20915610

File: fd46302711801ed⋯.png (786.96 KB,1024x684,256:171,fd46302711801ededb4728ea64….png)

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e8e348 No.20915611

…Noisy fucks.

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fc5dbe No.20915613


wasn't talking shit about boomers, just calling our the fact that they are boomers because their parents fucked like rabbits.

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7e424d No.20915615



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86f499 No.20915616

File: cb55d30ff525565⋯.png (534.18 KB,470x584,235:292,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5d172 No.20915617

3 devices in my house, all watching same stream. kek.

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fa7389 No.20915618

President Trump: Right now, the Biden DOJ is trying to put Christians in prison, for eleven years, for the crime of singing hymns. The moment I win the election, I will appoint a special task force to rapidly review the cases of every political prisoner who has been unjustly persecuted by the Biden administration, so that I can sign their pardons or commutations on Day One…it will be my great honor to pardon the peaceful January 6th protesters, or, as I often call them, the hostages. They're hostages. There has never been a group of people treated so harshly or unfairly in our country's history. This abuse will be rectified, and it will be rectified very quickly.

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73260b No.20915619

File: 23c732b2a98a4b8⋯.jpg (558.51 KB,1536x2048,3:4,JakeSully.jpg)

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ad4c9e No.20915620

File: 321e9952cc6215d⋯.png (245.92 KB,429x483,143:161,321e9952cc6215d3a1bfecab3c….png)


>Trump's a boomer, friend.

Kek I'm a Gen X but kek for the boomers that's the ultimate comeback

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7e424d No.20915621



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022690 No.20915622


Only 32 posts and that was red text, all caps.

Probably legit.

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86f499 No.20915623

File: 4a353a7935da0fa⋯.png (471.33 KB,1024x512,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915624

File: bc8a9d68deb9397⋯.png (645.73 KB,540x710,54:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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42173d No.20915625

File: 00bc70732c2295a⋯.jpeg (509.7 KB,1800x1521,200:169,03E63DD2_10D9_4439_8B38_F….jpeg)

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aa4427 No.20915626

lots of demons being purged

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86f499 No.20915627

File: 155b358a485bf1c⋯.png (519.33 KB,780x413,780:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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0ddc8b No.20915628



>allegedly, ross didnt sell the drugs


>users of his site did

Ross paid for a Murder though, he hired Hells Angels to kill someone

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b19b13 No.20915629

File: 8de8f26f934f2a6⋯.png (118.98 KB,1280x853,1280:853,Gadsden_flag_svg.png)


The Gadsden flag is a historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a timber rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike. Beneath the rattlesnake are the words "DONT TREAD ON ME". Some modern versions of the flag include an apostrophe.

The flag is named after Christopher Gadsden, a South Carolinian delegate to the Continental Congress and brigadier general in the Continental Army, who designed the flag in 1775 during the American Revolution. He gave the flag to Commodore Esek Hopkins, and it was unfurled on the main mast of Hopkins's flagship USS Alfred on December 20, 1775. Two days later, Congress made Hopkins commander-in-chief of the Continental Navy. He adopted the Gadsden banner as his personal flag, flying it from the mainmast of the flagship while he was aboard. The Continental Marines also flew the flag during the early part of the war.

The rattlesnake was a symbol of the unity of the Thirteen Colonies at the start of the Revolutionary War, and it had a long history as a political symbol in America. Benjamin Franklin used it for his Join, or Die woodcut in 1754. Gadsden intended his flag to serve as a physical symbol of the American Revolution's ideals.

The flag has been described as the "most popular symbol of the American Revolution." Its design proclaims an assertive warning of vigilance and willingness to act in defense against coercion. This has led it to be associated with the ideas of individualism and liberty. It is often used in the United States as a symbol of right-libertarianism, classical liberalism, and small government, as well as for distrust or defiance against authorities and government.

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89609b No.20915630

File: 2ccf0bdc35ae2fc⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,3503x2108,113:68,CovidConman.JPG)

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f0952b No.20915631

File: 08be1569ef65330⋯.png (205.81 KB,400x398,200:199,08be1569ef65330942e726fd07….png)

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7e424d No.20915632


Rally SOP Newfag.

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42173d No.20915633

File: 17fdf4627e30e43⋯.jpg (104.57 KB,760x427,760:427,3a3d7eb0be68cc51d769086348….jpg)

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86f499 No.20915634

File: 8cb85d651afa74d⋯.png (379.61 KB,500x290,50:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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86f499 No.20915635

File: e73612d73a7f9ca⋯.png (771.24 KB,758x505,758:505,ClipboardImage.png)

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be5e7c No.20915636

unhinged party - add to the list full red commie throated open border human trafficking supporters

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42173d No.20915637

File: 3fb955f654df4cd⋯.png (1.2 MB,1063x696,1063:696,3fb955f654df4cda4c8e195491….png)

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86f499 No.20915638

File: c2623bcaf5251f9⋯.png (996.55 KB,717x840,239:280,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b5186 No.20915639

The Libertarians will take Trumps deal. They've never had much representation in Government.

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af152e No.20915640

File: ba337a9978b597e⋯.jpeg (33.64 KB,567x541,567:541,images.jpeg)



"My heart went racing when I seen them fearful words"

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add579 No.20915641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Biggest criminal deportation in history! Let's get this party started

Are you totally sub pop corona beatsch?

A[F]a [F]

Who's tern is it, anyw a y?

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86f499 No.20915642

File: 7167a816185d379⋯.png (445.82 KB,640x417,640:417,ClipboardImage.png)

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f176d1 No.20915643

File: a48d996d5eab6a2⋯.jpg (214.27 KB,1280x854,640:427,CovidBlindfold.JPG)

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42173d No.20915644

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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b19b13 No.20915645



Try harder.

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ce698a No.20915647

File: 68883e79ce320e5⋯.png (350.44 KB,568x580,142:145,68883e79ce320e5ce5109dff01….png)

POTUS has won the entire room over…again!


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86f499 No.20915648

File: a4b5bc3e3f70ebc⋯.png (537.77 KB,542x398,271:199,ClipboardImage.png)

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044242 No.20915649

File: ff8a452093f5b3f⋯.jpeg (798.12 KB,1487x2026,1487:2026,IMG_1918.jpeg)

Good thing a shadow campaign saved the 2020 election. Who knows what level of hell we would be living in if allowed to have votes matter.

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f0952b No.20915650

File: 9115b6114090c8e⋯.webm (1.12 MB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)

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86f499 No.20915651

File: 22a651e2061484f⋯.png (1.14 MB,735x750,49:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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42173d No.20915652

File: 6360b087bed2f2b⋯.jpg (711.98 KB,1436x986,718:493,11_11_2018_At_the_Bar.jpg)

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161e12 No.20915653

File: 422e79010fe6241⋯.mp4 (3.61 MB,1048x720,131:90,422e79010fe6241eb5e486defb….mp4)

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fa7389 No.20915655

President Trump: I will also stop Joe Biden's crusade to crush crypto. I will ensure that the future of crypto and the future of Bitcoin will be Made In The USA, not driven overseas. I will support the right of self-custody. To the nation's fifty million crypto holders, I say this, with your vote, I will keep Elizabeth Warren and her goons away from your Bitcoin.

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ff086d No.20915656

File: 45744594540b6ed⋯.jpg (268.74 KB,1538x1011,1538:1011,ObliterateDS.JPG)

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7e424d No.20915657


2024 IS OUR FINAL BATTLE!!!!!!!!

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86f499 No.20915658

File: 6695cbd925c8b9a⋯.png (701.23 KB,722x554,361:277,ClipboardImage.png)

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42173d No.20915660

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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42e1c6 No.20915661

File: 91ff95e5951ea03⋯.png (1.22 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)



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12fadc No.20915662

MSM won't take long to pick up on that Free Ross statement

This should be interesting

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86f499 No.20915664

File: 338e10b6be2613a⋯.png (1.16 MB,1182x1198,591:599,ClipboardImage.png)

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42173d No.20915665

File: fea05c4302cf399⋯.jpg (107.97 KB,500x500,1:1,282zni.jpg)

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7e424d No.20915666



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0ddc8b No.20915668

File: afaefe65633fa2f⋯.jpg (21.75 KB,480x270,16:9,imageedit_8_9253344688_212….jpg)


There is CCTV but it failed at that time, strange

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37554a No.20915669

File: de3d570580ab069⋯.jpg (172.42 KB,1084x947,1084:947,qplus.jpg)


Libertarians are usually of higher intelligence so are more likely to resent people getting in line ahead of them for education based on their irrelevant identity issues?

DJT is fired up. He's passionate.

Chanting "Freedom"

"We Want Freedom"

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86f499 No.20915670

File: d4aa37ecd4822c1⋯.png (1.18 MB,1165x777,1165:777,ClipboardImage.png)

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42173d No.20915671

File: 1393bc9f16597f9⋯.jpg (497.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,1393bc9f16597f9cfad594d2e4….jpg)

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18f3df No.20915672


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be5e7c No.20915673


vicious queer sodom bottom commies - 3% cut cocaine dependance

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a0187f No.20915675

File: 16beb995443e181⋯.jpg (484.29 KB,1392x1809,464:603,TrumpTerm2.jpg)

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fc5dbe No.20915676


Oh yes, the stork dropped off all the babies.

Your pops fucked your mama non stop.

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42173d No.20915677

File: 683b85557bc6a79⋯.jpg (199.13 KB,1024x768,4:3,2019.jpg)

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b0dd28 No.20915678

File: 767782b678244d6⋯.gif (1.46 MB,300x300,1:1,b04601ee1672a2c1312a6c2b31….gif)


> I'm a Gen X

you´re a faggot, in every timeline.

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86f499 No.20915679

File: 9765bacc95078eb⋯.png (1.23 MB,1020x916,255:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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