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dfd591 No.20913971 [Last50 Posts]

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dfd591 No.20913972

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dfd591 No.20913974


#25650 >>20913178

>>20913235 President Trump To Address Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20913182 Planned Parenthood is Helping Teenagers Transition After a 30 Minute Consult

>>20913213, >>20913799 Democrats and the media needs you to forget they did this

>>20913243, >>20913307, >>20913511, >>20913681 PF: General

>>20913257 Navy Commander: We’re Seeing More Attempts by Foreign Nationals to Penetrate Bases, ‘Two or Three Times a Week’

>>20913276 OJ Prices Squeeze Into Blue-Sky Breakout As Food Inflation Fears Soar

>>20913281 First Space Force Joint PME grads honored at JHU

>>20913299 Jack Smith makes new ‘Hail Mary’ move to silence Trump and oust Judge Cannon

>>20913301 DJT: Biden's DoJ authorized use of deadly force against President Trump in Mar-a-Lago Raid

>>20913302 Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang talks blowout quarter, AI, Tesla, inferencing, ongoing demand, and more

>>20913312, >>20913351, >>20913347, >>20913624 David Moren admitting to using personal email while advising and advocating on behalf of Fauci

>>20913320 Silicon Valley investors embrace Trump after years of leaning left: ‘Impossible to support Biden’

>>20913323 NCSWIC

>>20913328 'PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP': Bronx residents backing Trump explain their support

>>20913336 Red Lobster staff dish on the toxic and demoralizing workplace and how Thai bosses destroyed the world's largest seafood chain

>>20913345 If Trump supporters are ‘clowns,’ Hochul is a ‘jackass’: Mother of slain NYC veteran

>>20913356, >>20913362, >>20913372 AOC reacts live as she's called a false prophet by pastor Ruben Diaz at Bronx Trump rally

>>20913371, >>20913377, >>20913410 #OTD in 2001, PEARL HARBOR was released

>>20913375 MARAD Announces $4.8 Million in Funding for Marine Highways

>>20913390, >>20913596 Scavino Truth decodes

>>20913400 The Washington Post reveals they actually already discovered in Jan 2021 the Alito flag story was fake and chose not report it

>>20913402 Who owns the school system? Bankers: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and JP Morgan

>>20913404 Rand Paul: Fauci 'Could Be Indicted' for Destroying Records

>>20913419 A New Trade War Offers No Easy Way Back for Old Global Order

>>20913438, >>20913565 Flashback: After delivering his commencement address at the US Air Force Academy, Trump stays to shake hands with 1,000 cadets

>>20913470, >>20913477, >>20913535, >>20913563, >>20913662 The B-1, B-2, and B-52 graced the skyline of Miami Beach today (w/ PF)

>>20913549 Sabin Howard Previews WWI Memorial Set To Be Unveiled

>>20913626 QClock May 25, 2024 - Airforce Commencement, Scavino is a Clockfag

>>20913651 PF: SAM766 C40B Janet Yellen departed Shannon, Ireland after a fuel stop and left Milan-Malpensa Intl earlier after G7 Finance meeting

>>20913684 To understand the craziest Democrat policies, always follow the money

>>20913685 Philippines Mayor Alice Guo Investigated As Chinese Spy

>>20913707, >>20913767 DJT Truth re: Crypto

>>20913756 Over 40 Democrat Mayors Demand Biden Give Illegal Aliens Jobs and Work Permits

>>20913764, >>20913951 Biden's $320M Gaza Pier Has Detached & Drifted Onto Israeli Beach

>>20913769 Pronouns and tribal affiliations are now forbidden in South Dakota public university employee emails

>>20913781, >>20913680 Viktor Orban seeks to bail on NATO allies due to rising escalations with Ukraine / Russia

>>20913860, >>20913904 Professional golfer Grayson Murray, 30, dies after withdrawing from Charles Schwab Challenge

>>20913868 Lindsey Graham tells UN International Court of Justice to 'go to hell' over ruling against Israel

>>20913888 IDF opens probe after social media posts show troops burning Quran, other books in Gaza

>>20913920 Refresher: Ilhan Omar is a fraud

>>20913966 #25650

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dfd591 No.20913976

#25649 >>20912361


>>20912378 @KenPaxtonTX: I won't stop fighting for you!

>>20912379 Dr. Keith Ablow treated Hunter Biden for cocaine addiction. In February of 2020, armed federal agents raided Ablow’s office…

>>20912402 New York Times: the bodies of Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdollahian

>>20912484 UN court order demanding Israel to halt Gaza offensive further isolates US position

>>20912438 From May 8: Judicial Watch: Voicemail Recording Shows FBI and Secret Service Coordination on Raid of Trump’s Home

>>20912471 Dementia Joe today

>>20912477, >>20912486 Judge denies Alec Baldwin bid to drop 'Rust' shooting case

>>20912515 Notetaker out

>>20912567 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 25, 2024 - Manicouagan Impact Crater from Space

>>20912593 POTUS Truth - Don’t waste any Republican or Conservative votes on Junior.’ He’s one of the most Liberal Lunatics ever to run for office. He caused massive high energy pricing in New York and New England. He just admitted that he was actually OK with the Vaccine. A Phony Radical Left fool whose poll numbers are TERRIBLE, and getting worse. His campaign is falling apart, great dissension!!!

>>20912599 NASA Engages in Artemis Accords Workshop to Advance Exploration



>>20912609, >>20912624, >>20912641, >>20912745, >>20912891 PF Reports

>>20912631 North Carolina groundskeeper discovers mysterious space debris along hiking trail: ‘It’s not from up here’

>>20912633 PF Report: Black wing over the Yellow Sea.

>>20912804 Rocket Lab launches NASA cubesat to study heat lost from Earth's poles

>>20912852 Senate confirms Melissa Dalton as next Under Secretary of the Air Force

>>20912939, >>20912978 @NWSSPC - An outbreak of severe thunderstorms is possible from late afternoon into tonight. The most numerous and intense storms are expected across portions of OK, KS, MO, and TX.

>>20912949 Space Force to accept Air Force Reserve volunteers for full-time positions

>>20913007 Biden's 'brainless 26-year-old socialist' advisers are 'ticking off' enough voters about student loan forgiveness to hand Trump the presidency, predicts GOP Gov. Chris Sununu

>>20913035 Volcano threatens ! Chaos amongst the Population with no functioning Evacuation Plan #Naples #Italy

>>20913189 #25649

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dfd591 No.20913977

#25648 >>20911604

>>20911619 Putin Wants Ceasefire Which Freezes Current Lines In Ukraine

>>20911629 DARPA And DoD-Backed AI Chip Company Seeks To Raise $70 Million

>>20911632 Meanwhile, at le RFK event

>>20911635 Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”

>>20911837, >>20911814, >>20912087 We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

>>20911854, >>20911842 Arrest Binken for WAR CRIMES?

>>20911853 Legendary U.S. World War II submarine located 3,000 feet underwater off the Philippines

>>20911992 S soldier arrested in Russia over alleged theft to remain in custody

>>20912007 FDIC Chair Says He’ll Leave Job After Toxic Workplace Report

>>20912036 Senate Dems press John Roberts for meeting to demand Justice Alito’s recusal from Trump cases

>>20912040 Jack Smith and Jay Bratt's motion to unconstitutionally gag Trump is a political setup, to discredit Judge Cannon.

>>20912044 Congress investigates Jordanians caught trying to sneak onto Marine base

>>20912046 Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

>>20912061 3 US soldiers hurt during Gaza pier mission

>>20912065 Here’s the mammoth $883.7B Defense bill the House passed

>>20912083 Remember the Trucker Protest?

>>20912159 Muslim immigrants held a march in support of Palestine in Berlin. Berlin seems lost

>>20912194 Iran's Military Concludes No Foul Play In Raisi Helicopter Crash

>>20912197, >>20912199 Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media/ InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm

>>20912207 "Pro-Pedophile" activist group celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession

>>20912218, >>20912219 Pickton, Trudeau, Lucki: The Unholy Trinity

>>20912289 ICE Apprehends Rapist, Child Abuser, Other Dangerous Illegal Immigrants in Major Bust

>>20912303 @DanScavino

>>20912312 @NavalInstitute Proceedings Photo of the Week: Marines post security after receiving simulated fire during Exercise Native Fury 24 in the United Arab Emirates

>>20912356 #25648

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dfd591 No.20913979

#25647 >>20910788

>>20910907, >>20910916, >>20910918, >>20910923, >>20910963 @realDonaldTrump "The Worst FBI Director in History" (Has Comey become a liability?)

>>20911292 BREAKING: Hunter Biden gun trial jurors can see laptop evidence of illegal drug use.

>>20911333, >>20911402 PF: SAM775 G5 departed JBA NE, RCH4545 VIPs or someone traveling incognito as we’ve had a few examples of that: Blinken and Austin “to Kiev” is but one on C17s

>>20910814, >>20910833, >>20910843, >>20910858, >>20910864, >>20910891, >>20910901 Where has 99c gone?

>>20910827 NY only allowed 4,000 at the rally in the park. The NYPD estimated there were 8x that much. (Estimated 32,000 showed up)

>>20910934, >>20910936 Hollywood Actor Nick Searcy Was in D.C. on Jan 6: This is What Really Happened at the Capitol

>>20910948 Trump's gag order was because he was calling out the awful things Merchan's wife was saying about him

>>20910958 America First Legal Investigates Dr. Fauci’s Evasion of the Freedom of Information Act by Illegally Using a Private Email for Official Business

>>20910962 Cencora,Inc. sold by Walgreens Boots Alliance: $400m-May 22

>>20911002 Raheem Kassam: Open Secret That US And UK Have Military Assets In Eurasia. Bidan fucks up


>>20911087 Civitas Resources sold by Canada Pension Plan Investments: $509.35m-May 15

>>20911122 Harnwell: British Member Of Parliament Confirms Rumors — US And UK Soldiers Are Active In Ukraine

>>20911193, >>20911207 Big banks are abandoning rural America for [15 Minute Cities0, leaving many communities without adequate access to capital

>>20911200, >>20911209 Prosecutors seek Trump gag after 'dangerous' comments

>>20911238, >>20911244 Kane of Citizen Free Press: Something Changed In The Bronx Yesterday

>>20911248 Prosecutors seek to bar Trump in classified files case from statements endangering law enforcement

>>20911276 All Hands On Deck For Texas Runoffs, get rid of Phellan. Tomorrow is Primary Voting Day, May 25th

>>20911295 Wambsganns: It's Time For Dade Phelan To GO. TX GOP electionOver 3,000 democrats crossed over to vote the Republican.

>>20911296 Special counsel Smith seeks order from judge barring Trump from making statements that pose risk to law enforcement

>>20911301, >>20911384 Leaked Video Shows Moderna CEO Telling Fauci “We Should Fake a Pandemic” – One Month Before COVID Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

>>20911307 Federal hate crime charges have been DROPPED against the man who destroyed a Satanic altar in the Iowa State Capitol, Michael Cassidy.

>>20911315 Attorney General Marshall Leads 19-State Lawsuit Against California & Others Threatening Energy System

>>20911340 US sends $275 million of weapons and military aid to Ukraine

>>20911393 Ohio Gov calls special session to ensure Crooked Joe's spot on 2024 ballot

>>20911419 Utah man declined $100K offer to travel to Congo on ‘security job’ that was covert coup attempt

>>20911439 Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada

>>20911449 Demi Moore scolded the audience while introducing Cher during the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS Gala, in Cap d'Antibes, France, on Thursday.

>>20911468 HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions - PJ Media

>>20911507 What's Up America? The anti-Trump anti-MAGA forces are governing through coercion, intimidation, fear and force - Praying Medic

>>20911427 The FBI isn't in the US Constitution. Show anon.

>>20911571 #25647

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dfd591 No.20913980

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African-American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182, >>20910601, >>20910611, >>20910680, >>20910731 Marketfag

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262, >>20910405 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx

>>20910283 Michigan Freedom Caucus Joins Forces With Law Enforcement To Combat Democrat Border Bloodbath

>>20910290 Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional

>>20910293 “The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

>>20910314 David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, CA

>>20910327, >>20910333 Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him

>>20910328, >>20910384 Legal expenses vs legal expense

>>20910340 Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship

>>20910345, >>20910439, >>20910453 Natalie Biden's boyfriend / resemblance to Hillary

>>20910378 Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

>>20910380 Biden Nominee Ordered Google to Hand over Emails of Journalist Who Obtained Ashley Biden's Diary

>>20910392 Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile

>>20910426 Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime

>>20910428, >>20910422 Hunter's Sugar Daddy Cuts Funding after CIA Protection Revealed

>>20910491 Papua New Guinea: Up to 3,000 people are reported missing after a massive landslide hit several remote villages

>>20910546 Rep. Byron Donalds: The crowd spoke for itself… it was an amazing event, probably the BEST political rally I’d ever been to

>>20910555 The Secrets of The Payseur Family; Myths, Legends & Stories from The Old World

>>20910558 Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure

>>20910617 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20910629 (8:00 PM EDT) 2024 Libertarian National Convention: Vivek Debate

>>20910646 Barack and Michelle Obama producing a tv-series in Ireland

>>20910693 Judge Merchan had Steve Bannon's case, had Allen Weisselberg's case, and somehow, he also gets assigned Donald Trump's case

>>20910759 #25646

Previously Collected

>>20908222 #25643, >>20909071 #25644, >>20909942 #25645

>>20905735 #25640, >>20906549 #25641, >>20907367 #25642

>>20903222 #25637, >>20904262 #25638, >>20904937 #25639

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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dfd591 No.20913985

File: d4f19e0278b6082⋯.png (2.2 MB,1114x916,557:458,ClipboardImage.png)



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d30be2 No.20913989

File: 7e71d237d21789f⋯.gif (48.46 KB,320x240,4:3,f15659f04b6d0d737e993849fa….gif)



that's a nice hat

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03c27a No.20913998

File: 6ce517ed257ebfd⋯.jpeg (41.04 KB,397x526,397:526,b2b5c2aa2a8956280bd2c2e2a….jpeg)

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02d0f0 No.20914000

File: e1fd168e1fbfd72⋯.png (785.95 KB,1022x1005,1022:1005,ClipboardImage.png)



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491442 No.20914001

File: c4ae9654d553be8⋯.png (340.3 KB,640x370,64:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04bd15ea2c86a78⋯.png (50.71 KB,553x386,553:386,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5479a8d5b50930⋯.png (482.35 KB,544x587,544:587,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9163d12d903baab⋯.png (513.65 KB,555x667,555:667,ClipboardImage.png)

The State Department hosted an event on Thursday bringing every major tech company together along with a representative from Israel to protect one single ethnic group from criticism online.

"Our" Israel First representatives in Congress and the White House are working to:

- Outlaw "anti-Semitic" Christian teachings and prohibit their discussion at universities as a form of anti-Jewish "discrimination"

- Silence criticism of Jews and Israel if it violates the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's "working definition" of "anti-Semitism"

- Suppress media outlets who report on these issues by pushing Big Tech to silence lawful speech they deem "anti-Semitic" (not to mention ban TikTok for allowing criticism of Israel to go viral)

- Shut down pro-Palestine protests


The State Department hosted an event on Thursday bringing every major tech company together along with a representative from Israel to protect one single ethnic group from criticism online.

From the State Department, "Statement from the Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism on the Symposium on Collaborative Action against Online Antisemitism":

On May 23, U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism Ambassador Deborah Lipstadt hosted a Symposium to Combat Online Antisemitism. The Symposium convened technology executives, NGOs, and government representatives to foster collaborative thinking about effective action against surging online antisemitism.

The forum was an enriching and productive exchange of ideas across the three sectors. Participating technology companies included Google, Meta, Microsoft, TikTok, and X. Special Envoys for Combating Antisemitism from Canada and Israel took part in the symposium, along with the Deputy Chief of Mission for Germany. Six NGOs from around the world, including the American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation League, World Jewish Congress, Center for Countering Digital Hate, Cyberwell, and Decoding Antisemitism also participated. Senior White House officials, including Neera Tanden, Chair of the Domestic Policy Council and Domestic Policy Advisor to the President, and Anne Neuberger, Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technologies, delivered opening remarks. Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Richard Verma, delivered concluding statements.


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491442 No.20914005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Candace Owens was fired by the Jewish-run Daily Wire for tweeting "Christ is King." This is considered antisemitic by Jews who think they are the master race. Christ is their main competition. Why? Christ taught that God loves all people equally. This conflicts with the racist supremacist Jewish notion that they are "chosen."


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e40dd2 No.20914006

File: afa097c056ccdab⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,1216x720,76:45,swastika_on_the_hat.mp4)

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3e8d81 No.20914007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



TORNADO OUTBREAK Dominator 3 in full tornado intercept mode

Reed Timmer

1.04M subscribers


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0513a8 No.20914011

File: bb19bd6cc3bce44⋯.png (1.1 MB,1092x1037,1092:1037,ClipboardImage.png)

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ecbd56 No.20914013

File: 012e76a18b24fa3⋯.jpg (135.27 KB,472x764,118:191,012e76a18b24fa36a515b699e0….jpg)

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7a560f No.20914015

File: 3842997fe2c9841⋯.png (587.18 KB,1024x768,4:3,DEADLYFORCE1.png)

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e40dd2 No.20914017


>Outlaw "anti-Semitic" Christian teachings

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a81b53 No.20914018

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7a560f No.20914020

File: e5afd91586bd2c0⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN512.png)

File: 34f232c28ac8027⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN513.png)

File: 1ab4cf9481347ec⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN511.png)

File: f6f59c4d561b162⋯.png (1.08 MB,992x558,16:9,COHEN4.png)

File: 62762e093d868e8⋯.png (944.23 KB,1024x768,4:3,LIBERALS3.png)

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491442 No.20914021

File: 055c4f6fe85b467⋯.png (326.41 KB,463x364,463:364,ClipboardImage.png)

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738ff4 No.20914023

File: 666d91ed7db0b0c⋯.jpg (53.39 KB,666x361,666:361,trumpmanufacturing.jpg)

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936c28 No.20914024

File: 3cfc6fe75fbd0c0⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB,480x852,40:71,madcow_on_trump_backing_do….mp4)

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)

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91112e No.20914026

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

YouTube's si= urls being used to track users.

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bf51aa No.20914031

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

Join RSBN for President Trump's big speech at the Libertarian Party's National Convention on May 25 in Washington D.C.

RSBN will be LIVE on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. ET.


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c2527a No.20914032

File: df87cf8c2452b47⋯.jpg (8.13 KB,274x184,137:92,images_27_.jpg)

File: 820f0b275988396⋯.jpg (76.07 KB,485x680,97:136,GDasp9ha8AAvTkw.jpg)

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jews hate it when you worship a jew and pray that the king of the jews comes back and takes over the world. thats some pretty fucktarded logic there jesustard, even for one of you. maybe learning who runs the vatican bank would be helpful

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491442 No.20914033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brave girl makes woke school board PANIC with genius stunt: "This is America!"


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f29040 No.20914034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e40dd2 No.20914035

File: ce26585e453a219⋯.mp4 (555.83 KB,1280x720,16:9,clap4that.mp4)


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141242 No.20914036

File: 8d1d9c053cd186a⋯.png (96.64 KB,670x545,134:109,ClipboardImage.png)


OPINION: America, we have a problem: Florida to be headquarters for U.S. Space Force

“Great news for Florida! Patrick Space Force Base has received final approval to become the permanent headquarters for STARCOM, bolstering Florida's growing leadership in space.” – Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), May 21, 2024


>SpaceForce STARCOM

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382a01 No.20914037

File: 5c6b11a63bd9fb4⋯.jpeg (505.84 KB,828x575,36:25,3BCF853F_703A_486A_AB15_A….jpeg)

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491442 No.20914038

File: 7f138ae1692ce23⋯.png (333.9 KB,482x306,241:153,ClipboardImage.png)

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141242 No.20914039

File: b30e087f149722f⋯.png (74.34 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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491442 No.20914040

The Jewish Takeover of the US House of Representatives

The situation is escalating beyond the control of the Israeli government, and they are acutely aware of their rapid loss in the cultural battle.

It is now widely known that the US House of Representatives has come under scrutiny. Recently, the House passed The Antisemitism Awareness Act, which stipulates that anyone who even remotely suggests that Jesus Christ was killed by Jews is deemed ipso facto an anti-Semite.

The Act explicitly states that ‘using symbols and images associated with classic anti-Semitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis’ constitutes anti-Semitism in itself.

In this context, one could argue that the entire Christian movement is inherently associated with anti-Semitism because it relies on the New Testament, which contains passages that portray Jews in a negative light. St. Paul declares in 1 Thessalonians 2:15 that the Jews “killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to everyone.”

The actions of some Jewish individuals currently reinforce this argument, as they are accused of undermining moral and political law and order in Gaza, where thousands of defenseless families and children have tragically perished. Now, there are claims that Jewish influence is extending to the US House of Representatives to enact stringent laws across America.

The Christian Zionist movement’s unwavering support for Jewish interests, both in Israel and the United States, has been criticized for enabling such actions. Figures like Mike Johnson, a Christian Zionist, are cited for their role in passing legislation like the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act.

Recognizing their dwindling support in the ongoing cultural struggle, Israelis are changing tactics. Their aim is to label anyone protesting against the Israeli violence towards innocent children in Gaza as anti-Semites. However, this strategy hasn’t been effective, as individuals like Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein, who condemn such violence, cannot reasonably be accused of anti-Semitism.

Furthermore, numerous Jewish individuals on college campuses, including places like Yale, have voiced their opposition to the Israeli violence against Palestinian children. The Israeli government cannot feasibly condemn everyone who disagrees with them. Instead, their latest strategy involves pressuring US representatives to denounce the entire Christian movement, despite the fact that some of their supporters identify as Christians themselves.


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e40dd2 No.20914041

File: d6243e9e5a99812⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,That_allegation_is_false_a….mp4)

File: 88cd8b958a0ede5⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,464x848,29:53,I_support_killing_you_all.mp4)

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19c16a No.20914042

All tyb jewtards get in the filter!

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e40dd2 No.20914043

File: b49b5ba3d4e02ea⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB,720x1280,9:16,Kathy_Griffin_admits_her_b….mp4)

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c8a9ef No.20914044

Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House: report

Story by Victor Nava • 16h

President Biden plans to address former President Donald Trump’s Manhattan criminal trial in a “White House setting” when the jury delivers its verdict, according to a report.

The 81-year-old president’s message will be tailored to the outcome of the trial, according to Politico, but in any scenario, he intends to stress that the US legal system worked and Americans should respect the process.

Biden will deliver remarks whether the 77-year-old former president is convicted, acquitted or the jury cannot agree on a verdict.

Closing arguments in Trump’s trial over alleged hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels are set to commence on Tuesday.

It is believed that the jury could reach a verdict as early as next week.

The exact timing and setting of Biden’s speech have not been definitively determined, but it won’t be done on the campaign trail, multiple sources told the outlet.

In an effort to have his remarks not perceived as being political, Biden will deliver them from the White House grounds.

The Biden campaign is also prepping for the historic verdict, reportedly considering referring to the presumptive GOP nominee for president in social media posts as “Convicted Felon Donald Trump” if he’s found guilty.

A poll released by the Cook Political Report on Thursday found that a majority of swing state voters are more worried about Biden’s age than Trump’s criminal cases.

When voters in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia and Wisconsin were asked whether Trump’s “temperament and legal issues” or Biden’s “age and ability to perform his duties” were more concerning, more than half (53%) responded thatthe president’s stage of life and mental acuity were more troubling than the former president’s four criminal cases and the two civil judgments against him.Kek

(The evil old man will take glee in whatever happens. The fucker)


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bf51aa No.20914045


That opinion piece is a spoof

May 21, 2044:

It has been 20 years since Florida became the permanent headquarters for the U.S. Space Training and Readiness Command (STARCOM.)


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382a01 No.20914046

File: 12da9cfebee36da⋯.webp (762.31 KB,487x349,487:349,EE647FCA_26A6_4172_82FA_F….webp)


Can I habs muh 3m wasted reading that back?

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491442 No.20914047

British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

British MP Andrew Bridgen recently went on the Doc Malik podcast to discuss the current developments in the Ukraine War. According to Bridgen, the US and UK have soldiers in Ukraine who are operating advanced missile delivery systems that are raining down on Russian forces.

Andrew Bridgeon: Rishi wants out. We are actually at war with Russia now. We’ve got- They just haven’t told you… We’re actually at war with Russia now. I met with Andrey Kelen, the Russian ambassador in London a couple of months ago. And he said that we know that your people are firing those Stormshadow missiles at us out of Ukraine because you couldn’t train the Ukrainians to do it. We know you’re doing it. And I mean, everything everybody Everybody knows that there are lots of US, UK, French. The French are in there.

Doc Malik: I thought it was the Brits were down on the ground and special advisors training sessions and teaching them and showing them… That’s how we started with the Vietnam War. Vietnam War, yeah. Dude, what the f*ck are we doing poking the bear? That’s really stupid.

Andrew Bridgen: They’re determined to get us into a war with Russia. And thank God, we’ve got someone in Putin who at least as a has got some brains.

Doc Malik: Now you sound like a Putin lover.

Andrew Bridgen: Well, I’m not. I’m not convinced any of them are any good. But at the end of the day, if you look at the facts, since ’91, we’ve moved NATO a thousand miles nearer to Moscow. They haven’t moved nearer to us. No, they haven’t. And if you think about what we were trying to do, the EU wanted to bring in Ukraine for whatever reason, and NATO wanted it, and they’d have put missiles on the border of Russia. Well, I mean, what did America do when the old Soviet Union tried to put missiles in Cuba, 90 miles off the Florida Coast?

Doc Malik: Yeah, exactly.

Andrew Bridgen: And if you look back, the Russians have told us for long enough, Ukraine has got to remain neutral. We’re not going to let it get… They’ve told us this for a very long time.


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cfedb5 No.20914048

File: 709facd6c7a68af⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.34 MB,1390x706,695:353,JoeBlowmeme.png)

…Anon tried.

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c8a9ef No.20914049

File: 40edecf60e0f08c⋯.jpeg (125.01 KB,1008x807,336:269,IMG_2313.jpeg)

File: ab3aa2c2f3af6dc⋯.jpeg (112.97 KB,1109x481,1109:481,IMG_2314.jpeg)

Julie Kelly

In a late Fri night/holiday weekend part damage control, part clickbait motion, Jack Smith wants Judge Cannon to prohibit Donald Trump from making "statements that pose a significant, imminent, and foreseeable danger to law enforcement agents participating in the investigation and prosecution of this case."

His motion, predictably, is filled with distortions, omissions, and misrepresentations.

Smith gave short shrift to how 30 FBI agents were instructed to prepare for the 9-hour raid.

This is how Smith described the FBI op order:

Smith purposely omitted key details of the order–which, of course, Judge Cannon has.

Smith omitted that agents were instructed to bring "Standard Issue Weapon, Ammo, Handcuffs."

He also omitted that the order instructed agents to have their "Badge and Credentials (concealed)."

Smith left out that agents brought "medium and large sized bolt cutters."

Smith crucially omitted instructions related to how agents should handle Secret Service.

Screenshot shows how Smith described it.

But this is from the FBI op order: Should USSS provide resistance or interfere with FBI timeline or accesses, FBI…will engage with USSS [point of contact.]

And as far as Mar-a-Lago staff, here is what FBI op order included:

"Should MAL Guest Reception be unwilling to provide a list of occupied guest rooms, FBI Search Team will knock on each guest room door to determine occupation status. FBI will request a map, list of rooms and skeleton key/card for all rooms from MAL staff. An FBI [investigator] with lock-picking equipment will be on scene."


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02d0f0 No.20914050

File: 947f61a93218b98⋯.png (535.26 KB,729x474,243:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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ca489a No.20914051

File: f0204a9283c2305⋯.png (579.07 KB,1024x683,1024:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

“Squad” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars since being elected to Congress to a consulting firm led by an anti-Israel activist working on behalf of groups linked to Palestinian terrorist factions, records show.

Tlaib, who often faces criticism from both Republicans and Democrats for her anti-Israel rhetoric and defense of a phrase calling for the destruction of the Jewish state, has delivered more than $435,000 in payments earmarked for “fundraising consulting” since 2020 from her campaign and leadership PAC to Unbought Power, according to Federal Election Commission filings. The Florida-based limited liability corporation is operated by Rasha Mubarak, a close ally of Tlaib’s who recently held key roles for terrorism-tied organizations in the United States.

The routine cash transfers from Rashida Tlaib for Congress and Rooted in Community Leadership PAC to Unbought Power underscore how the congresswoman has aligned herself with activists helping to coordinate operations for entities sharing connections to Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other terrorist factions. A joint fundraising committee for members of the Squad, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and other Democrats, also paid $86,000 to the firm run by Mubarak, who once said she is tired of hearing the “lie” that “Israel has the right to defend herself” against terrorism.

Now, the progressive-left and pro-Palestinian base of the Democratic Party in Tlaib’s home state of Michigan is unhappy with the Biden administration for backing Israel amid its war against Hamas. One veteran Biden-allied Democratic strategist told the Washington Examiner the company the Squad keeps is “disturbing, antisemitic, and anti-American.” But to Republicans, Biden isn’t doing nearly enough to distance himself from anti-Israel activists defending terrorism due to a political calculation he is making for the 2024 election.

“Democrats as a whole have caved to their pro-terror base and abandoned Israel as they seek to help President Joe Biden win Michigan,” Will Reinert, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said.

Between 2023 and 2024, Tlaib’s campaign and leadership PAC have paid $139,000 to Unbought Power, with $43,000 of that sum being sent to Mubarak’s firm just this year.

Mubarak was recently listed as a press contact on the website of the Arizona-based charity Alliance for Global Justice, which has been cut off by payment processors and has lost top donors over a series of Washington Examinerreports on its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Alliance for Global Justice and its offshoots, including the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, cannot fundraise online and are now instructing the public to mail checks to AFGJ’s address in Tucson, Arizona.

The Tlaib consultant, according to corporate records filed in Virginia, is also president of the advocacy arm of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights has sponsored the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions National Committee, which includes a separate coalition reportedly counting Hamas, the PFLP, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad as members. The BDS National Committee shares close ties to AFGJ since a project that has been under the Arizona-based charity called the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is a founding member of the committee.

On May 9, the Mubarak-led advocacy arm of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights submitted documents to Virginia’s corporation commission indicating it would soon dissolve.

However, the 501(c)(4) nonprofit group has not yet filed a necessary termination report due May 31, meaning it may have to pay a 2024 registration fee, an employee for the corporation commission said.

“I’m assuming maybe they don’t know,” the employee told the Washington Examiner, noting it’s unusual for a group to have not already filed this report.

Mubarak and Alliance for Global Justice did not reply to requests for comment. The Tlaib consultant also worked from 2015 to 2018 as a top staffer for the Florida chapter for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to Mubarak’s LinkedIn profile.

CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator of Hamas in a 2009 terrorism financing case, and one of its former top staffers, Ghassan Elashi, was convicted in 2008 for helping to funnel millions of dollars to Hamas.

The Biden White House has sought to distance itself from CAIR after the Hamas-led Oct. 7 attack on Israel over CAIR’s national director, Nihad Awad, saying he “was happy to see” Palestinians “break the siege” that day.

Tlaib’s campaign did not return a request for comment.


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141242 No.20914052

File: f45117556da1377⋯.png (442.38 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4c42bcae715850⋯.png (891.59 KB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ec4dd2580a8a17⋯.png (1.01 MB,960x640,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water


The Navajo Nation Council has signed off on a proposed settlement that would ensure water rights for its tribe and two others in the drought-stricken Southwest — a deal that could become the most expensive enacted by Congress.

The Navajo Nation has one of the largest single outstanding claims in the Colorado River basin. Delegates acknowledged the gravity of their vote Thursday and stood to applause after casting a unanimous vote. Many noted that the effort to secure water deliveries for tribal communities has spanned generations.

Council Speaker Crystalyne Curley and other officials stood outside the chamber in Window Rock, Arizona, under a clear blue sky as the wind whipped. She recalled learning about the fight over water rights in school when she was a girl. Momentous is how she described the day, before she put her pen to the legislation and nearby vehicles honked their horns in celebration. “This is an opportunity to think 100 years ahead for our children,” said Curley, a mother and soon-to-be grandmother. “The time is now and we have to make our footing for the future," she continued.

The San Juan Southern Paiute Tribal Council also voted to approve the settlement Thursday, while the Hopi tribe approved it earlier this week. Congress will have the final say.

For Hopi, the settlement is a path to ensuring a reliable water supply and infrastructure for the health, well-being and economic prosperity of the tribe for generations to come, Hopi said in a statement late Thursday. “Most importantly, this settlement provides a way for Hopi to fulfill its covenant with Maasaw (guardian) to live as stewards of Hopitutskwa (Hopi land),” the statement read.

Congress has enacted nearly three dozen tribal water rights settlements across the U.S. over the last four decades and federal negotiation teams are working on another 22 agreements involving dozens of tribes. In this case, the Navajo, Hopi and San Juan Southern Paiute tribes are seeking more than $5 billion as part of their settlement.

About $1.75 billion of that would fund a pipeline from Lake Powell, one of the two largest reservoirs in the Colorado River system, on the Arizona-Utah border. The settlement would require the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation to complete the project by the end of 2040.

From there, water would be delivered to dozens of tribal communities in remote areas.

Nearly a third of homes in the Navajo Nation — spanning 27,000 square miles (70,000 square kilometers) of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah — don’t have running water. Many homes on Hopi lands are similarly situated.

Navajo President Buu Nygren plans to sign the settlement legislation as soon as it hits his desk, likely Friday. He told The Associated Press it had been a long road to get everyone to the table and the next step will be knocking on the doors of Congress.

A century ago, tribes were left out of a landmark 1922 agreement that divided the Colorado River basin water among seven Western states. Now, the tribes are seeking water from a mix of sources: the Colorado River, the Little Colorado River, aquifers and washes on tribal lands in northeastern Arizona.

The latest settlement talks were driven in part by worsening impacts from climate change and demands on the river like those that have allowed Phoenix, Las Vegas and other desert cities to thrive. The Navajo, Hopi and San Juan Southern Paiute tribes are hoping to close the deal quickly under a Democratic administration in Arizona and with Joe Biden as president.

Without a settlement, the tribes would be at the mercy of courts. Already, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the federal government is not bound by treaties with the Navajo Nation to secure water for the tribe. Navajo has the largest land base of any of the 574 federally recognized tribes and is second in population with more than 400,000 citizens.

>watch the water

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c8a9ef No.20914053

File: 5a962c58a54ca7d⋯.jpeg (380.84 KB,1132x1502,566:751,IMG_2312.jpeg)

File: 14a93c7bf9d1b80⋯.jpeg (457.3 KB,1134x2074,567:1037,IMG_2311.jpeg)

Omar Shrugs Off Harassment of Jewish Student, Faults UCLA for Not Protecting Anti-Israel Protesters

Tyler O'Neil / @Tyler2ONeil / May 23, 2024

As three college presidents testified about antisemitism amid anti-Israel protests and riots on their campuses, a prominent House Democrat brushed off concerns about a Jewish student’s inability to walk on a path at the University of California at Los Angeles and went on to fault UCLA for not protecting anti-Israel protesters.

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., responded to a video in which anti-Israel protesters blocked a Jewish student wearing a Star of David necklace from walking on campus.

Omar asked UCLA Chancellor Gene Block whether the student would still be able to access the campus via other routes.

“Chancellor Block, just for clarification, that video we just watched, we saw people moving around,” she said. “Was it possible, do you think, for that student to be able to get into campus? Was that student actually being blocked from entering campus?”

“Well, that was in the middle of campus,” Block responded. “They’re not being blocked from being on campus, maybe being blocked from a pathway on campus.”

“He should be allowed to pass,” the chancellor added. “I mean, any part of campus is open to students, so blocking him was really inappropriate.”

Omar went on to condemn Block’s administration, claiming UCLA failed to adequately protect the anti-Israel protesters.

Anti-Israel protesters had established an encampment outside UCLA’s Royce Hall for a week until authorities declared it an unlawful assembly and arrested more than 200 people.

Rep. Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., slammed UCLA’s leaders for having “allowed their campus to become a severe and pervasive, hostile environment for Jewish students, standing by as students, faculty, and affiliates were assaulted and harassed.”

“For days, the unlawful encampment’s checkpoints illegally denied students access to campus buildings,” the North Carolina lawmaker added.

Foxx claimed that “Jewish students were attacked, harassed, and intimidated for walking on their own campus” and students were “denied a safe and uninterrupted learning environment.”

Omar referenced reports that UCLA campus police failed to intervene in an April 30 incident between the encamped protesters and a group that attacked them. The assailants reportedly beat protesters, hitting them with poles, spraying chemical irritants, and setting off fireworks.

CNN claimed it identified two of the assailants, who support Israel. The day after the attack, the UCLA chapter of the Jewish student group Hillel denounced “fringe members of the off-campus Jewish community,” urging them to “stay off our campus,” and warning that their “actions are harming Jewish students.”

Block announced on May 6 that a UCLA campus safety officer had launched a law enforcement investigation to identify the perpetrators of the violence and to hold them to account. The Los Angeles Police Department assigned a detective to assist those efforts, and the FBI may also help. The chancellor also said UCLA spoke to Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, asking him to help ensure “that the instigators will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

Block also announced that campus safety officers would conduct an overall analysis of “all acts of violence over the last 12 days, including those against counterprotesters.”

UCLA reassigned John Thomas, the campus police chief, on Wednesday. Critics faulted Thomas for failing to intervene during the April 30 attack.

“You could have prevented this by protecting the diverse groups of pro-Palestinian students that were peacefully gathered on campus to share meals set in solidarity against the brutal genocide,” Omar said Thursday. “You could have prevented this by protecting these students’ First Amendment right to assemble.”

Omar also faulted UCLA for failing to act “when there was an anonymous group funded, [which] constructed a giant video with loudspeakers to play vile and disturbing footage,” an apparent reference to pro-Israel counterprotesters who set up a screen playing footage of the brutal Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel on Oct. 7….


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7143f1 No.20914054

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



8:00 PM EDT

2024 Libertarian National Convention: President Donald J. Trump

Libertarian National Committee, Inc.




8:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Speaks at Libertarian Party Convention

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump delivers remarks at the 2024 Libertarian Party Convention in Washington, DC.


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04bf91 No.20914055

File: af939e0254ef832⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB,1125x1936,1125:1936,IMG_0899.jpeg)

I thought he was called Renegade and didn’t like our military or our Country. That was a lie.

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e10e8d No.20914056

File: 1277556c8198dac⋯.mp4 (5.43 MB,1280x720,16:9,wmx_Swhbf5TMdjq_.mp4)

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9f3c9f No.20914057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20911013 pb

Nero's palace would be more apropos

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382a01 No.20914058

File: 65019e9f1158c1d⋯.png (75.31 KB,255x227,255:227,80FEA177_3256_4490_81C1_A1….png)


Beware of ip hopping clowns telling you what to think

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19c16a No.20914059


As I said, tetarded tyb mongrels,filthy Jews,gatekeeping Minions, newsbots, 1 post faggot,… get filtered!

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3e1dd2 No.20914060

File: fcf13cc8fee2fa2⋯.jpg (62.68 KB,600x363,200:121,mugatu.jpg)

Don't make me get Grammar Kitty involved. Put a period where it belongs. Between 2024 and Christianity, and after relevant. Sheesh… >>20914000

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e18859 No.20914061

File: e8fb6cdf570104e⋯.png (501.02 KB,516x421,516:421,v.PNG)


Sympathetic Vampire

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19c16a No.20914062


You Jewboi are filtered too!

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bc6dd3 No.20914063

File: 9850e42ac66f99b⋯.jpg (11.75 KB,255x108,85:36,51ed1369c2eed3d1e6b0bead4a….jpg)

>>20914025 lb

>Even drag queens agree.

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0513a8 No.20914064

File: f30f9356fd1367c⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB,3000x4000,3:4,5e33a70d203f3bf005ee1b5a9….jpeg)

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c5269f No.20914065


saw a poll asking if Trump should accept the pardon that potato will most likely be offering to him at that national address, i.e. an admission of guilt. overwhelmingly the vote was 'no'

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cca8b7 No.20914066

Someone triggered the muhjoo shills with the brotherfucker memes

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e18859 No.20914067

File: ad3f62d794c48af⋯.png (119.2 KB,356x310,178:155,toe.PNG)


NEW - NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory.


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061bbc No.20914068

File: 5c39f9b278d8b77⋯.jpeg (931.9 KB,1125x1717,1125:1717,IMG_0900.jpeg)


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364ead No.20914069

File: 05ace58e215b91d⋯.mp4 (5.78 MB,360x640,9:16,Jews_Praying_and_Singing_t….mp4)

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382a01 No.20914070

File: 98351a0e9b04fd0⋯.gif (930.98 KB,500x208,125:52,B75909FB_C542_4881_A108_54….gif)


This how many shits I gibs racist

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e19320 No.20914072

File: 71db7d97345fcfe⋯.png (233.03 KB,578x557,578:557,Screenshot_171_.png)



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33025d No.20914073


the board being addressed embodies and is emblematic of darkness evil pedophile satanic biden lawmakers conducting law fare

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adfc22 No.20914074

Sources close to Trump have confirmed that his VP pick is Michael Aviante.

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e10e8d No.20914075

File: a5bc616fc7dda77⋯.jpg (391.43 KB,1570x2048,785:1024,20240524_205856.jpg)

File: 3a7eb28a462fdf2⋯.jpg (70.03 KB,519x720,173:240,20240524_214814.jpg)

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141242 No.20914076

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


LIVE - Tornado Outbreak Coverage With Storm Chasers On The Ground - Live Weather Channel

- Ryan Hall, Y'all

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3a3a46 No.20914077

Joes got burger prices down, target prices…just need Home Depot plant prices to come down. You can do it, Joe! We need bigger clearance sections!

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382a01 No.20914079

File: 864706eee2c7f90⋯.gif (94.77 KB,220x124,55:31,F7298719_CB72_4134_8584_20….gif)


So it’s going reeeeeally well for you at this point


That is complete panic

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c8baec No.20914080


When ze burgers are mostly made from ze bugs then the ingredients are cheaper

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f4ef40 No.20914081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4cd701 No.20914082



Gatekeeping Jew fuckwit, filtered!

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617bee No.20914083


Probably just paying respects at Joe Biden's grave.

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c8a9ef No.20914084

File: d49a9fe826882b5⋯.jpeg (29.92 KB,300x324,25:27,IMG_2316.jpeg)

File: ad2dd4fc95594b6⋯.jpeg (135.3 KB,889x683,889:683,IMG_2315.jpeg)

Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

By Gabe Kaminsky

May 21, 2024 5:00 am

“Squad” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) has paid hundreds of thousands of dollars since being elected to Congress to a consulting firm led by an anti-Israel activist working on behalf of groups linked to Palestinian terrorist factions, records show.

Tlaib, who often faces criticism from both Republicans and Democrats for her anti-Israel rhetoric and defense of a phrase calling for the destruction of the Jewish state, has delivered more than $435,000 in payments earmarked for “fundraising consulting” since 2020 from her campaign and leadership PAC to Unbought Power, according to Federal Election Commission filings. The Florida-based limited liability corporation is operated by Rasha Mubarak, a close ally of Tlaib’s who recently held key roles for terrorism-tied organizations in the United States.

The routine cash transfers from Rashida Tlaib for Congress and Rooted in Community Leadership PAC to Unbought Power underscore how the congresswoman has alignedherself with activists helping to coordinate operations for entities sharing connections to Hamas, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and other terrorist factions. A joint fundraising committee for members of the Squad, including Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Cori Bush (D-MO), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and other Democrats, also paid $86,000 to the firm run by Mubarak, who once said she is tired of hearing the “lie” that “Israel has the right to defend herself” against terrorism.

Now, the progressive-left and pro-Palestinian base of the Democratic Party in Tlaib’s home state of Michigan is unhappy with the Biden administration for backing Israel amid its war against Hamas. One veteran Biden-allied Democratic strategist told the Washington Examiner the company the Squad keeps is “disturbing, antisemitic, and anti-American.” But to Republicans, Biden isn’t doing nearly enough to distance himself from anti-Israel activists defending terrorism due to a political calculation he is making for the 2024 election.

“Democrats as a whole have caved to their pro-terror base and abandoned Israel as they seek to help President Joe Biden win Michigan,” Will Reinert, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said.

Between 2023 and 2024, Tlaib’s campaign and leadership PAC have paid $139,000 to Unbought Power, with $43,000 of that sum being sent to Mubarak’s firm just this year.

Mubarak was recently listed as a press contact on the websiteof the Arizona-based charity Alliance for Global Justice, which has been cut off by payment processors and has lost top donors over a series of Washington Examinerreports on its ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

Alliance for Global Justice and its offshoots, including the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, cannot fundraise online and are now instructing the public to mail checks to AFGJ’s address in Tucson, Arizona.

The Tlaib consultant, according to corporate records filed in Virginia, is also president of the advocacy arm of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

The U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights has sponsored the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions National Committee, which includes a separate coalition reportedly countingHamas, the PFLP, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad as members. The BDS National Committee shares close ties to AFGJ sincea project that has been under the Arizona-based charity called the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel is a founding member of the committee.

On May 9, the Mubarak-led advocacy arm of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights submitted documents to Virginia’s corporation commission indicating it would soon dissolve.

However, the 501(c)(4) nonprofit group has not yet filed a necessary termination report due May 31, meaning it may have to pay a 2024 registration fee, an employee for the corporation commission said.

“I’m assuming maybe they don’t know,” the employee told the Washington Examiner, noting it’s unusual for a group to have not already filed this report.

Mubarak and Alliance for Global Justice did not reply to requests for comment. The Tlaib consultant also worked from 2015 to 2018 as a top staffer for the Florida chapter for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to Mubarak’s LinkedIn profile.

CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator of Hamas in a 2009 terrorism financing case, and one of its former top staffers, Ghassan Elashi, was convicted in 2008 for helping to funnel millions of dollars to Hamas


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4cd701 No.20914085


>Sources close to Trump have confirmed that his VP pick is Michael Aviante.

None with a brain cares! Filtered!

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02d0f0 No.20914086

File: 39029e218949a87⋯.png (786.32 KB,1022x1005,1022:1005,ClipboardImage.png)


Keep your kitty in your pants.

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cca8b7 No.20914088

File: de47e9aca594055⋯.png (404.32 KB,570x438,95:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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382a01 No.20914089

File: 191e08fc693f135⋯.jpeg (337.78 KB,755x543,755:543,FC5EC80B_8D13_43C2_B639_3….jpeg)

File: 4e2c007e63d626a⋯.gif (997.17 KB,500x295,100:59,EBBAC5D3_B0CB_4670_A561_D7….gif)


Filter me please

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5267df No.20914090

File: ea96efa0616875f⋯.webp (281.88 KB,1044x2133,116:237,MPs_standing_down.webp)

For those who think King Charles is not a white hat, should look at this.

He's cleaning house.


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e2a686 No.20914091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





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33025d No.20914092


As if peace or laws mattered, if if if if if if

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962e01 No.20914093

File: 2c9c71396a65c65⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB,480x848,30:53,biden_visiting_home_care.mp4)

(pb) >>20912471 Dementia Joe today

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3e8d81 No.20914094

File: f10d8c1c993d87f⋯.png (21.21 KB,95x129,95:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 183831e177855db⋯.png (872.54 KB,1223x948,1223:948,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0edfe No.20914095


more likely they all read the Deagel report


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bf51aa No.20914096

File: 16c67f255b9052d⋯.png (555.97 KB,881x497,881:497,ClipboardImage.png)

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141242 No.20914097

File: 6081e96e11f18e8⋯.png (67.46 KB,204x192,17:16,ClipboardImage.png)

I love a good spoof by butthurt leftards



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962e01 No.20914098

File: a3b5ef5e364664e⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,512x640,4:5,Tha_MARS_scam_You_re_payin….mp4)

(pb)>>20912567 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 25, 2024 - Manicouagan Impact Crater from Space

You're paying for this magic trick. Have been and will be.

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c0edfe No.20914099





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e18859 No.20914100

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brave girl makes woke school board PANIC with genius stunt: "This is America!"


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aead1b No.20914101


They are going to need them on home soil soon

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a64296 No.20914102

File: b8cc069148115ba⋯.jpg (101.93 KB,700x1370,70:137,maria_lionza.jpg)

File: 0d7c3624f01edb1⋯.jpg (750.22 KB,1880x1410,4:3,FoGlw13aIAAaia_.jpg)

File: 0e084e1ab3ac3d9⋯.jpg (75.35 KB,600x731,600:731,a_3.jpg)

File: 08ede708bc05f0a⋯.jpg (106.11 KB,1124x632,281:158,f_Disurbng.jpg)


TY Baker

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fba3fc No.20914103

File: 9ae635d4ff3ad05⋯.jpeg (1.01 MB,1125x1497,375:499,IMG_0901.jpeg)


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9f3c9f No.20914104

File: 811f853060354c2⋯.png (664.2 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Wait just a minute. You didn't pay your agreed NATO contribution.

Better call Anders

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c8a9ef No.20914105

File: 61ce7f7d0b80c5f⋯.mp4 (7.31 MB,848x460,212:115,ssstwitter_com_17166710702….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people.

It would be one hell of a party.


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4cd701 No.20914106


Jew mongrel got filtered early!

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c8baec No.20914107

File: 8b2edad2bfd1805⋯.png (11.4 MB,2154x2787,718:929,6b2ef6c7fee1a145f6cf6d3c2e….png)


Chuckles isn't doing shite

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e2a686 No.20914108

Oh and if you see this thanks for showing up today. You have no idea how much it means. :)

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3e8d81 No.20914109

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aead1b No.20914110


His help is just as retarded

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e40dd2 No.20914111

File: 411515381adfa11⋯.mp4 (12.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,conflict_escalation.mp4)

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163333 No.20914112


Stop posting this silly shit every bread

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382a01 No.20914113

File: 1b8bfe5ae6e6ba7⋯.png (273.07 KB,480x360,4:3,4F1A1845_BE50_4586_859B_60….png)


If it was good ok but it's not even a coherent spoof.

Series of sentences.

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513e9c No.20914114

File: 798ec2d117f788a⋯.png (2.04 MB,1142x1316,571:658,Screenshot_2024_05_20_at_5….png)

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e18859 No.20914115

File: 1b09d3f828a5196⋯.png (1.93 MB,862x870,431:435,p.PNG)

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42f9a2 No.20914116

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.png (323.27 KB,1912x1298,956:649,5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….png)

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c0edfe No.20914117


that's the only one Joe doesn't bite

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c0edfe No.20914118



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962e01 No.20914119

File: 02dd90eaf6c98a3⋯.mp4 (1.55 MB,260x368,65:92,Morning_Joe_getting_closer.mp4)

Getting closer. Good Morning Joe.

"At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street."

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aead1b No.20914120

File: dcdee2c0e0a146c⋯.png (10.43 KB,205x255,41:51,944daeb0485c048040f5197212….png)

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c58bde No.20914121

File: bd6f2b593880871⋯.jpg (10.64 KB,255x170,3:2,b3f07a0841efcf055a955de144….jpg)

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9c3ab9 No.20914122

File: b34c7c11ecf2b51⋯.png (1.01 MB,1280x1024,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20913985 TYB!! & REPOST FOR NEW EYES

OB >>20911281 24/05/24



*TOR Access Only

Take it easy on her, she just got out the shop.

refreshing keys and router is bogged hella down.

BUT we are running again :)

Please Share and Thank you anons and all Patriots WW!!!


>UPDATE 24/05/25

!!!!!!!! 400 NEW VIDEOS JUST LOADED !!!!!! WE ARE UP TO DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ty all. watch, share, ARCHIVE OFFLINE.

God Bless 07

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a9e119 No.20914123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Valley of Death, imagine the smell.

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382a01 No.20914124

File: 0d682c8270a9dd9⋯.jpeg (286.47 KB,775x552,775:552,0E2CF6C2_6255_457C_B620_4….jpeg)


Thanks douche bag

Remember to filter again on yer next hop

Appreciate it

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227b3c No.20914125

File: 70aa08146ddba9d⋯.jpg (7.72 KB,168x199,168:199,05091db750994478.jpg)

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adfc22 No.20914126


Look, ma, a newfag who thinks its an oldfag!

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962e01 No.20914127

File: 7f702eabac15ecb⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,270x480,9:16,It_feels_like_fake.mp4)

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d30be2 No.20914128

File: 541b0879c0e560a⋯.png (7.97 MB,1536x2048,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



Main Search Page » Search Results

Displaying 1 to 1 of 1 decedent's name found.

Search result

Result Number Data Description Detail Information




Rank & Branch:


War Period:


Date of Death:


Buried At:




Cemetery Address:



(703) 221-2183




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e40dd2 No.20914129

File: dc59798176a5180⋯.mp4 (108.05 KB,854x480,427:240,Fuck_you.mp4)

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c9bfa6 No.20914130

File: 3c732737130ac69⋯.png (321.36 KB,622x462,311:231,ClipboardImage.png)

Daily Mail Online



Pilot is killed in Spitfire crash: Tragedy as WW2 aircraft plunges into a field during Battle of Britain event at RAF Coningsby


May 25, 2024 · 5:44 PM UTC


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e10e8d No.20914131

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4cd701 No.20914132





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bf51aa No.20914133

File: 66197fd14ad8582⋯.jpg (146.18 KB,972x747,108:83,sausages.JPG)

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e10e8d No.20914134

File: e296111a813f6ee⋯.jpg (162.96 KB,720x846,40:47,20240525_151043.jpg)


Six people contract ‘brain worms’ from eating undercooked bear kabobs

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860dfc No.20914135

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,Picsart_24_05_17_11_25_21_….jpg)

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aead1b No.20914136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Muslim has NDE to Hell and is Shocked when Jesus Saves Him - Amer's Testimony

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e40dd2 No.20914137

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ecbd56 No.20914138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C


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962e01 No.20914139


😎. That implies he goes out once a month now

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e18859 No.20914140

File: 2f1e87f32e89e09⋯.png (331.42 KB,587x767,587:767,aft.PNG)


Amy Reichert


Ex Kaiser nurse, fired for not getting the COVID shot, reacts to a letter from the HMO begging her to reapply.

Her response? "See you in court!”

5:44 AM · May 25, 2024




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d30be2 No.20914141


Q !UW.yye1fxo 12/21/17 (Thu) 16:52:12 500f84 No.11068701

Trip test.



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364ead No.20914142

File: 82616ae0f3dfaed⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,After_almost_eating_it_wit….mp4)

>>20912471 pb


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c8a9ef No.20914143

File: fba0ad9a40fd6ed⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB,720x1158,120:193,ssstwitter_com_17165461905….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Hamas cosplay hilarity never ends.

Driver earns extra points for tossing her out of the truck.

Gunther Eagleman™

Last edited

11:20 AM · May 24, 2024




There’s something seriously wrong with these people!

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0513a8 No.20914144

File: 5363ee0b37b325a⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,736x414,16:9,c3088e0cb8a67cc4a5cd0580e1….jpg)

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e40dd2 No.20914145

File: 53de75e1eae28cf⋯.png (238.16 KB,634x440,317:220,ClipboardImage.png)


Pilot is killed in Spitfire crash: Tragedy as WW2 aircraft plunges into a field during Battle of Britain event at RAF Coningsby

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adfc22 No.20914146


Bear kabobs should always be well done.

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513e9c No.20914147

File: 7f8cd459ec24a42⋯.png (338.74 KB,1216x1116,304:279,Screenshot_2024_05_25_at_2….png)

File: 3fbde0a6fd131ff⋯.png (233.7 KB,1434x956,3:2,Screenshot_2024_05_25_at_2….png)

File: 2be704b9bfceb75⋯.jpg (92.35 KB,715x894,715:894,2023_10_21_16_41_42.jpg)

Anons seen this already?

Active FFA USMIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024.

"Authority: Title 14 CFR section 99.7"

Movie about to end?



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dbadb5 No.20914148

Nice to see 5G being used to microwave you. Real cute.

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42f9a2 No.20914150

File: b7a4bcefc0a4a12⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,480x852,40:71,Ex_Kaiser_nurse_fired_for_….mp4)

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e40dd2 No.20914151


stop those anons

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962e01 No.20914152

File: dc2d5fa910645c5⋯.webp (1.04 MB,1200x630,40:21,b83e8f54_ab11_11ee_95fb_0….webp)

The State is not lost yet. Beaten and bruised but still standing.

37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display


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4cd701 No.20914153


>Her response? "See you in court!”

Bwahahaha, nice!

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c9bfa6 No.20914155

File: 29b465dc94bedb7⋯.png (236.35 KB,618x549,206:183,ClipboardImage.png)




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2df3a5 No.20914156

File: 1f3ad79c64d2dbc⋯.png (1.02 MB,978x646,489:323,1f3ad79c64d2dbc2996d1e7a4a….png)

File: 574b30162652def⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,640x360,16:9,all_this_for_a_damn_flag.mp4)

File: fa1c92a1b961a30⋯.png (446.01 KB,948x518,474:259,fa1c92a1b961a3086e0a69dd78….png)


As far as a strategy … the Obama administration has a strategy. It’s very simple; any thinking American should be able to grasp it. It’s anti-American, anti-western, it’s pro-Islamic, it’s pro-Iranian, and it’s pro Muslim Brotherhood.

Admiral Lyons


In Obama's third term he's continued working tirelessly to destroy America. He hates America and the American people. The current regime - along with the Legislative Branch - hasn't done one thing over these last four years that's good for the country. Not one. Don't be misled - they don't care about our veterans, our Constitution, or the sacrifice that others have made to try to keep us free.

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09c2ea No.20914157

File: f80c7abfb196f86⋯.png (72.08 KB,980x266,70:19,talibananticovid19plandemi….png)



Yes, Valley of the Shadow of Death.

I will fear no evil…

>>20913904 lb

maybe murdered 'cause he was a prominent anti-vaxxer and they need to prove its dangerous to avoid the injection.

can's have all the people who drop dead suddenly to have avoided the vax.

Also the Covid itself is a bio-weapon and spike could stay in one's system even with out the injection.

Remedies are a good choice for everyone, prophylactic.

Especially with Bird Flu seeming to be on it's way this summer.


or just plain Quinine, Ciccona Bark tea.

from We Are the News archive Germananon march 2020

" “In this article, I’ll present quotes from official sources about their own diagnostic test for the coronavirus. I’m talking about fatal flaws in the test…

Because case numbers are based on those tests (or no tests at all), the whole “pandemic effect” has been created out of fake science.”


And along with that, posted in comments on the article, compilation of citizen videos - “where’s the pandemic?”"

Funny Taliban were anti-covid-19 hysteria! (picrel)


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141242 No.20914158

File: bfa6134313db802⋯.png (306.6 KB,634x429,634:429,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 528da372f16af1f⋯.png (505.69 KB,634x1120,317:560,ClipboardImage.png)

>Rahm Emanuel's brother

Hollywood super agent Ari Emanuel tears into Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and calls for him to resign


CEO of entertainment and media agency Ari Emanuel tore into Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with claims of poor leadership after the October 7 Hamas attacks.

Emanuel's company owns the UFC and WWE, and has historically had quite the influence on Hollywood's elite.

He denounced the prime minister during the Simon Wiesenthal Center's gala in Beverly Hills where he was being given the Jewish organization's Humanitarian Award, its highest honor. 'This is a painful and crucial moment for all of us who are Jews and who love Israel. It is not a moment to stay silent,' Emanuel said Wednesday evening.

'Israel is being led not by a problem solver, but by a problem creator. He is an agent of chaos and hatred and division and destruction. And enough is enough. Bibi Netanyahu is a failure.'

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aead1b No.20914159

File: 1564c1cad37acb1⋯.jpg (65.93 KB,720x437,720:437,7heic6JB2t.jpg)


Now do babies

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41697a No.20914160

File: 7c25f3ad97b1ad3⋯.png (106.37 KB,352x341,32:31,sheesh.png)


Embarrassment to himself

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24b93b No.20914161

File: ae18a9c6e88bae7⋯.jpg (499.31 KB,1244x1548,311:387,20240525_151840.jpg)


gtfo of one's vałłey

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24b93b No.20914162


soloman had reason for it all.

reason you observably know nothing of.

know harder

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0513a8 No.20914163


Silence, clown.

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b5cf77 No.20914164


If you shaved her eyebrows the cunt couldn't communicate.

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cfedb5 No.20914165

File: 87108415e356193⋯.png (801.33 KB,3000x2250,4:3,latest_2947003005.png)


…Going with this faggot script, again?

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4cd701 No.20914166


>Nice to see 5G being used to microwave you. Real cute.

Oy vey!

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46aaba No.20914167

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962e01 No.20914168

File: 180169f1fb088ad⋯.mp4 (7.87 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Fidel_JR.mp4)


Ok. Let me switch gears. This is for you Canucks.

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24b93b No.20914169

aннн…. number three fan raises its mangled visage from the deep.

keep reaching for fame

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aead1b No.20914170


No body will be watching

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24b93b No.20914171


'spoiler her please.

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c9bfa6 No.20914172

File: a6d5ec21002f487⋯.png (284.56 KB,560x567,80:81,ClipboardImage.png)




Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

A 'small helium leak' won’t stop US aerospace firm from carrying astronauts to the International Space Station, NASA has stated

Details: on.rt.com/ctky

May 25, 2024 · 2:30 PM UTC


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141242 No.20914173

that second video - there's audio somewhere ("we have it all")


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4cf67d No.20914174


You fortunately got your act together

before I stumbled upon this woeful scene.


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24b93b No.20914175


[we] will.

(you) knowit.

donot lie.

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9f3c9f No.20914176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e40dd2 No.20914177

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pilot: How tall are you?

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24b93b No.20914178



elon just btfo in waco


small is a relative thing

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c8a9ef No.20914179

File: 0e5d0cbb16c81d0⋯.jpeg (60.91 KB,616x360,77:45,IMG_2319.jpeg)

File: 7ffe9fb23f549bc⋯.jpeg (171.14 KB,1135x789,1135:789,IMG_2320.jpeg)

Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

Hannah Grossman

Fri, May 24, 2024 at 5:00 AM EDT

6 min read

EXCLUSIVE – A Democratic Boston city councilmember, who called to "dismantle the White backdrop" in America and "create a revolution," is starting to disturb her liberal colleagues with her wild antics and threats, according to a source who spoke with Fox News Digital.

The source is a city hall employee, who requested anonymity because council member Tania Fernandes Anderson has created an "unhealthy" environment. The employee believes Fernandes Anderson is a "troubled person," who uses accusations of racism to get people to fall in line. The source discussed the challenges of having someone in the city's government who has been – in their view – hostile, verbally abusive and antisemitic.

"People are intimidated by her. And that intimidation does work," the source said. They said some members would give into her because "no one want[s] to disagree with Tania because she's unpredictable."

Fernandes Anderson was elected in November 2021, and is self-describedas "the first formally undocumented African born immigrant & first Muslim elected in the city of Boston."

Since being elected, she stated her goal was to create a "revolution" for "equity."

"It will be about equity and I hope we don't have too many disagreements in there," she said in an interview in December 2021. "I think that systemic racism is long overdue for us to overthrow it in order for us to create a revolution that brings about change."

Since then, Fernandes Anderson has become known for her public outbursts featuring "swearing, yelling and screaming" at public city council meetings, according to the source.

"The last thing someone wants is to be labeled as a racist in this city," the source said.

Fernandes Anderson refers to her own tirades as giving "smoke."

"Don't come for me, because if you want smoke, you'll get smoke. I'm not afraid of any of you," she said during a March 2024 meeting.

"It's a threat. I feel like it's a threat," the source said about her comments.

During a tirade in August 2022, the council member also called the city council "depraved" and "stupidly racially divided" because of disagreements about redistricting.

"I can't even call you guys cowards because desperation deserves mercy," Fernandes Anderson told her colleagues. "Your votes here sometimes are racist… I am here to represent every Black woman and man in the community."

"What the f— do I have to do in this f—ing council to get respect as a Black woman," she yelled, while slamming her fist on the table.

In private, Fernandes Anderson doesn't shy away from the impact of her blowing this type of "smoke" on colleagues. She once sent a text to the city council telling them to "toughen the f— up."

"Whatever the f— is the problem work it out and leave out your evil resentments. Toughen the f— up… I don't want to always feel I need to give anyone smoke because when it comes to family, I know we are all capable of becoming warriors," the council member said in a text message to her colleagues.

The text message simultaneously asked her colleagues to give up "dirty politics."

The council member, referring to her frank manner of speaking, calls herself "a language person" and says, "I think about how to be raw on purpose."

Fernandes Anderson said the goal of her manner of speaking relates to the fact that "we should dismantle the White backdrop [in America] and we should restructure it so that it's welcoming."

On another occasion, shortly after the Oct. 7 attacks, Fernandes Anderson broke down in tears as colleagues refused to support her resolution which had originally called Hamas' brutal crimes, which included sexual assault, a "military operation."

"It's ridiculous. Get up and oppose all killing of all civilians, of all children, not just the ones that line up with your political bulls—," she said.

"No Jew that is praying that is faithful and righteous is killing children," she said about Israel's military response to Oct. 7, while adding the same was true for Muslims. "These people are political animals."…


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41697a No.20914180

File: 3397418aedd57f1⋯.png (105.42 KB,253x254,253:254,kek_kek.png)


you scumbag

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c8a9ef No.20914181


WTF did they expect!

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55c987 No.20914182

>>20913334 /lb



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962e01 No.20914183


He stayed on his feet. You've just witnessed a miracle.

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1b2e04 No.20914184

File: 526edf7c5ba766e⋯.jpg (9.93 KB,225x225,1:1,526edf7c5ba766e9991ba27027….jpg)

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227b3c No.20914185

File: f5e54408268c1bf⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,320x584,40:73,Morning_Joe_heckled.mp4)

WATCH: Joe Scarborough Gets Brutally Heckled By New Yorker: ‘You Scumbag!’



Joe Scarborough gets CALLED OUT in NYC for attacking President Trump.

This is how Morning Joe


was greeted in New York City on the day of President Trump's incredible speech in the #Bronx.

Joe Scarborough


looks like such a dweeb here. Funny how he and his wife


(who was “bleeding badly from a face lift”, according to President Trump, at Mar a Lago a few years ago before she contracted TDS), talk so much shit about Donald Trump on MSDNC, but they run away when confronted to their faces on camera.

(Video courtesy of Daniel Chalet)

#Trump2024 #MAGA


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02d0f0 No.20914186

File: 52eade943fa1412⋯.png (1.03 MB,904x676,226:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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03c27a No.20914187

File: 031600e6ea955f4⋯.jpg (132.6 KB,1024x1448,128:181,031600e6ea955f4f7b13493e97….jpg)

File: 47b99775b9b5eba⋯.jpeg (128 KB,768x527,768:527,BB1mCFg4.jpeg)

Jesus is their savior, Trump is their candidate. Ex-president's backers say he shares faith, values

Story by PETER SMITH, Associated Press

5 min read

As Donald Trump increasingly infuses his campaign with Christian trappings while coasting to a third Republican presidential nomination, his support is as strong as ever among evangelicals and other conservative Christians.

“Trump supports Jesus, and without Jesus, America will fall,” said Kimberly Vaughn of Florence, Kentucky, as she joined other supporters of the former president entering a campaign rally near Dayton, Ohio.

Many of the T-shirts and hats that were worn and sold at the rally in March proclaimed religious slogans such as “Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president” and “God, Guns & Trump.” One man’s shirt declared, “Make America Godly Again,” with the image of a luminous Jesus putting his supportive hands on Trump’s shoulders.

Many attendees said in interviews they believed Trump shared their Christian faith and values. Several cited their opposition to abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, particularly to transgender expressions.

Nobody voiced concern about Trump’s past conduct or his present indictments on criminal charges, including allegations that he tried to hide hush money payments to a porn actor during his 2016 campaign. Supporters saw Trump as representing a religion of second chances.

And for many, Trump is a champion of Christianity and patriotism.

“I believe he believes in God and our military men and women, in our country, in America,” said Tammy Houston of New Lexington, Ohio.

“I put my family first, and on a larger scale, it’s America first,” said Sherrie Cotterman of Sidney, Ohio. “And I would any day of the week, take a president that openly knows he needs the strength from God over his own.”

In many ways, this is a familiar story.

About 8 in 10 white evangelical Christians supported Trump in 2020, according to AP VoteCast. Pew Research Center’s validated voter survey found that a similar share supported him in 2016. …



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ecbd56 No.20914188

File: 0ad1b2f4deff66c⋯.jpg (84.48 KB,710x577,710:577,0ad1b2f4deff66cfc785e8c473….jpg)


Kek. Musk dared to say GM

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962e01 No.20914189


Go get em.

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0513a8 No.20914190

File: 85b4cafdc80ca57⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,255x254,255:254,85b4cafdc80ca57e1bbc8b3a00….jpg)


Half a blowjob? KEK. He's a little pussy fart at best.

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aead1b No.20914191


Looks at the grass like he's about to bungee jump off a clip

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860dfc No.20914192

File: 970387406b3c922⋯.jpg (354.69 KB,1440x2525,288:505,Screenshot_20240525_162342….jpg)


on YT live

a dirty ass haitian and a lefty both dumb af

i asked dude why haitans are eating each other in port au prince and he blocked me

good news is theyre in Canada

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dfd591 No.20914193

notables @ 180

#25651 >>20913985

>>20914031 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (speaking time TBA)

>>20914001 State Department hosted event on Thurs bringing every major tech company to discuss the health of only one ethnic group

>>20914047 British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

>>20914051 Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

>>20914052 Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water

>>20914067, >>20914111 NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory

>>20914105 Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people

>>20914119 GM

>>20914140, >>20914150 Nurse fired for not getting the COVID shot reacts to a letter begging her to re-apply: "See you in court!”

>>20914143 Free shit - err I mean Free Palestine

>>20914147 Active FFA US MIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024

>>20914152 37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display


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a69eca No.20914194

File: bc71862f92e1da1⋯.jpg (63.32 KB,583x500,583:500,7n5rxk.jpg)

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6d86a7 No.20914195

File: f3ceebb488b1e22⋯.png (13.65 KB,358x321,358:321,ClipboardImage.png)

maga strange loop event prediction then description 2024 of 2016 of…

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55c987 No.20914196


He is occasionally recognized.

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e40dd2 No.20914197

File: 0df3283d86ae09e⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB,1130x626,565:313,MakeCanadaGreatAgain.mp4)

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382a01 No.20914198

File: 243f9ad8b2acf61⋯.jpeg (79.63 KB,510x332,255:166,312A5DE7_930D_4C61_92F6_2….jpeg)

File: 239e1fb50f06edd⋯.jpeg (717.14 KB,1162x611,1162:611,FA5BA37C_C848_4C2C_8047_1….jpeg)


Staffers on pins and needles with that ‘uneven’ ground.


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aead1b No.20914199


Nyers will be the loudest MAGA

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c8baec No.20914200


Who has the image of the cruise missile flying into the pedowood sign?

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e40dd2 No.20914201

File: 9b4bcb7ac3f7527⋯.gif (837.36 KB,320x352,10:11,humaeyes.gif)

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513e9c No.20914202

File: 56be662ba86666b⋯.mp4 (9.26 MB,428x480,107:120,cKLWr_caa.mp4)



Coincides with likely Trump arrestaccording to the Good General. Popcorn ready anons

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e40dd2 No.20914203

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB,474x249,158:83,dude.png)


>no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024


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bf51aa No.20914204

File: 7bf05f2887f2ee8⋯.png (497.77 KB,878x492,439:246,ClipboardImage.png)

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0513a8 No.20914205

File: 3296edeb05a6395⋯.png (1.08 MB,953x1024,953:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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e40dd2 No.20914206

guilty four counts

boom boom boom boom

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99fe46 No.20914207

File: 31421bf15192351⋯.png (273.64 KB,580x449,580:449,31421bf151923516c2042f826d….png)

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c8a9ef No.20914208


Thats great!

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38945f No.20914209

File: e9aa0386c8ae191⋯.jpeg (49.67 KB,493x474,493:474,C6FA6C6D_CB48_403A_901F_C….jpeg)

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41697a No.20914210

File: 08e8d5b52b798e7⋯.png (656.47 KB,716x998,358:499,2024_05_18_09_20_50.png)

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6d86a7 No.20914211

File: e91214a0cc1e125⋯.png (67.15 KB,478x461,478:461,ClipboardImage.png)

bow of extinctionism, meet laser guided interplanetery expansionism.

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33025d No.20914212


boil right in the butt of biden and humanity, prolly gonna be panicking and acting out, shouting out summer of love slogans

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46f354 No.20914213

File: 2981ea18458aaa1⋯.jpg (681.6 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240524_223455….jpg)

File: cccadecc01c2629⋯.jpg (677.05 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240524_225643….jpg)

File: 5def4b6eca83ff0⋯.jpg (655.29 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240524_225729….jpg)

File: 4d289e65d92670a⋯.jpg (194.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240525_182909….jpg)




Look closer. Do you understand now? No coincidences.



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6d86a7 No.20914214

"slow, painful death" -> door opened

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0513a8 No.20914215

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

I wonder what the clowns have decided to amuse themselves with seeing as ethnic accusation and mimicry aren't working anymoar. What gimmick could they possibly be trying to work in the endgame now that their best ammunition failed.

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aead1b No.20914216


Walking shit ball

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a326a4 No.20914217

What are we not being told?

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46f354 No.20914218

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,2deb80261d2e54a5c8a1420d98….png)


Highly notable GM after GM request.


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227b3c No.20914219

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b5cf77 No.20914220


Probably his Priest…

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87d166 No.20914222

File: 40d19bcbbd7ce52⋯.jpg (594.97 KB,1080x2280,9:19,Screenshot_20240525_163331….jpg)

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d30be2 No.20914223

File: e4767554ecbd5f0⋯.mp4 (37.2 KB,320x180,16:9,8NkjBO.mp4)



charles doing his best attempt van helsing

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ecbd56 No.20914224

File: fd825efb1dbac83⋯.jpg (274.29 KB,912x956,228:239,fd825efb1dbac8344de2e12b81….jpg)


> understand now? No coincidences.


Anon members the GM request

No coinkidinks

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aefa82 No.20914225



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166373 No.20914226


>Look closer. Do you understand now? No coincidences.


No just some cohencidences, as I said retarded Jewfuckwits get filtered! Filtered!

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aead1b No.20914227


You and your self notable are delusional

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166373 No.20914228


>What are we not being told?


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ca489a No.20914229

File: d363bee6b08e6eb⋯.png (452.88 KB,768x463,768:463,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2491c9229ee483⋯.png (486.71 KB,687x768,229:256,ClipboardImage.png)

Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure

Colombia on Wednesday declared a "protected archeological area" around the spot where a Spanish galleon sank off its Caribbean coast more than three centuries ago laden with gold, silver and emeralds.

The designation, said the culture ministry, "guarantees the protection of heritage" through the ship's "long-term preservation and the development of research, conservation and valuation activities."

The San Jose was owned by the Spanish crown when it was sunk by the British navy near Cartagena in 1708. Only a handful of its 600-strong crew survived.

The galleon had been heading back from the New World to the court of King Philip V of Spain, bearing chests of emeralds and some 200 tons of gold coins.

Before Colombia announced the discovery in 2015, the ship had long been sought by adventurers.

The value of its bounty has been estimated to run into the billions of dollars.

Culture Minister Juan David Correa insisted Wednesday: "This is not a treasure, we do not treat it as such."

He announced the area's new designation at an event launching the first "non-intrusive" phase of a scientific exploration of the wreck.

Spain had laid claim to the ship and its contents under a UN convention Colombia is not party to, while Indigenous Qhara Qhara Bolivians claim the riches were stolen from them.

But the government of President Gustavo Petro has insisted on raising the wreck for purposes of science and culture.

Spanish and Qhara Qhara delegations were present at Wednesday's event.

The wreck is also claimed by US-based salvage company Sea Search Armada – which insists it found it first more than 40 years ago and has taken Colombia to the UN's Permanent Court of Arbitration, seeking $10 billion dollars.


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be5961 No.20914230

File: 773b41a5a58650b⋯.jpg (955.86 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Through_The_Smoke_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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e4ca88 No.20914231


tyb, ty anons macha piccha u


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b5cf77 No.20914232


Sandra Bernhart…

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c8a9ef No.20914233


Such a sad state of affairs. It’s still embarrassing, but worse now

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bf51aa No.20914234

File: 7a3204a24b5cc8f⋯.png (5.7 KB,292x173,292:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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aefa82 No.20914235

File: dd034c9f788f94e⋯.png (389.08 KB,1284x2778,214:463,IMG_4995.png)



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962e01 No.20914236


Hall of Fame Inductee for his Morning Joe "Interview".

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09c2ea No.20914237

File: 48c87c73f897958⋯.png (695.67 KB,794x760,397:380,skykingajacksmith.png)

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c8a9ef No.20914238

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ca489a No.20914239

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Famous last words from Kathy Hochul


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0513a8 No.20914240


That's the mimic, Anon. He's sick in the head, so you're not wrong.

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a326a4 No.20914241



Kek. Well done.

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33025d No.20914242


still wins NY MN, and the traumatized "he said he grabbed her by the pussy" humiliated elite

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962e01 No.20914243

File: b0f35a3ca4328e7⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,336x640,21:40,Gitmo.mp4)


She's should have a reservation waiting at the GITMO Resort.

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b27b0d No.20914244

File: 119eeb2c9961bc5⋯.png (192.55 KB,424x515,424:515,ClipboardImage.png)

Would you like to know more

Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows


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364ead No.20914245

File: 929d5bf1edd8ffb⋯.png (1.39 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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41697a No.20914246

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Six people contract ‘brain worms’ from eating undercooked bear kabobs

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ca489a No.20914247

File: 23ffd0d533e70c8⋯.png (295.15 KB,560x373,560:373,ClipboardImage.png)

Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

HONOLULU — A former CIA officer and contract linguist for the FBI accused of spying for China for at least a decade pleaded guilty Friday in a federal courtroom in Honolulu.

Alexander Yuk Ching Ma, 72, has been in custody since his arrest in August 2020. The Justice Department said in a court filing it amassed “a war chest of damning evidence” against him, including an hourlong video of Ma and an older relative — also a former CIA officer — providing classified information to intelligence officers with China’s Ministry of State Security in 2001.

The video shows Ma counting the $50,000 received from the Chinese agents for his service, prosecutors said.

During a sting operation, he accepted thousands of dollars in cash in exchange for past espionage activities, and he told an undercover FBI agent posing as a Chinese intelligence officer that he wanted to see the “motherland” succeed, prosecutors said.

The secrets he was accused of providing included information about CIA sources and assets, international operations, secure communication practices and operational tradecraft, charging documents said.

As part of an agreement with prosecutors, Ma pleaded guilty Friday to a count of conspiracy to gather or deliver national defense information to a foreign government. The deal calls for a 10-year sentence, but a judge will have the final say at Ma’s sentencing scheduled for Sept. 11. Without the deal, he faced life in prison.

Ma was born in Hong Kong, moved to Honolulu in 1968 and became a U.S. citizen in 1975. He joined the CIA in 1982, was assigned overseas the following year, and resigned in 1989. He held a top secret security clearance, according to court documents.

Ma lived and worked in Shanghai, China, before returning to Hawaii in 2001. He was hired as a contract linguist in the FBI’s Honolulu field office in 2004, and prosecutors say that over the following six years, he regularly copied, photographed and stole classified documents. He often took them on trips to China, returning with thousands of dollars in cash and expensive gifts, such as a new set of golf clubs, prosecutors said.

In court Friday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Ken Sorenson revealed that Ma’s hiring as a part-time contract linguist was a “ruse” to monitor his contact with Chinese intelligence officers.

In 2006, while Ma was living in Hawaii, Chinese intelligence officers sent him photos of people they wanted to know the identifies of, Sorenson and Ma contacted the co-conspirator relative and convinced him to reveal at least two of the identities.

Ma, in pleading guilty, said everything Sorenson described is true. Ma said he had signed non-disclosure agreements that he knew would be in effect even after leaving the CIA and that he knew the information he was providing to the Chinese intelligence officials could harm the United States or help a foreign nation.

In 2021, Ma’s former defense attorney told a judge Ma believed he was suffering from the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and was having trouble remembering things.

A defense motion noted that Ma’s older brother developed Alzheimer’s 10 years prior and was completely disabled by the disease. The brother is referred to as the co-conspirator in the indictment against Ma, but prosecutors didn’t charge him because of his incompetency due to Alzheimer’s, the motion said.

The co-conspirator is now dead, Sorenson said in court Friday.

Last year a judge found Ma competent and to not be suffering from a major mental disease, disorder or defect.


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f75757 No.20914248

File: dd88687f9b4679d⋯.jpg (111.95 KB,795x499,795:499,Freedom.jpg)


TY, baker.

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382a01 No.20914249

File: 0e81ea9001582ef⋯.jpeg (729.04 KB,1303x594,1303:594,9DE0951A_0B5C_4546_9C9E_2….jpeg)

File: 338c7ccf71296e2⋯.png (56.68 KB,300x300,1:1,EC430FE4_A5DD_4A63_B239_8E….png)

45in N254CA G5 left Teterboro Airport, NJ to Dulles Intl for speech

A little early however he has used this AC before to go to St. Paul/Minneapolis and Dallas.

N757AF 757 on ground at Laguardia

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513e9c No.20914250

File: 4cf62a96e4b7c8b⋯.png (234.28 KB,1084x616,271:154,Screen_Shot_2021_07_10_at_….png)

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c8a9ef No.20914251


Kaleigh’s smile looks so fake, bet she’s uncomfortable interviewing a Trump supporter

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27df8a No.20914252


This guy is all talk no action.


Americans are fucking weak.

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aead1b No.20914253


Will changes be habbening over maralogo simultaneously ?

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f75757 No.20914254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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513e9c No.20914255

File: 1995c1190d62bc4⋯.jpg (16.25 KB,255x184,255:184,c59ae62f19240fad9fd18ddc2a….jpg)



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c0edfe No.20914256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Dolly Parton Experience Grand Opening!

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382a01 No.20914257

File: d83e4ba33e43f30⋯.gif (853.21 KB,400x180,20:9,35D01165_B69C_40C0_B68C_AA….gif)

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c8baec No.20914258

File: f961ee0d7b6afee⋯.png (6.32 MB,2560x1536,5:3,Hedwig_the_Angry_Inch_Ne_0….png)

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33025d No.20914259

thars a gnarly dude on tv rsbn crushing commies and castrating pedolibelites

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860dfc No.20914260

whoa there pilgrim

thats the deep state marauder your talkin bout



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3e8d81 No.20914261

File: 05e2729aef88009⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB,852x480,71:40,onemissing.mp4)

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ca489a No.20914262

File: c9b1c505ed6152d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1880x1253,1880:1253,ClipboardImage.png)

Exiled Chinese billionaire Guo Wengui scammed supporters out of more than $1 billion under the guise of launching a movement against the Chinese Communist Party

Guo — also known as Miles Guo and Ho Wan Kwok — is accused of lying to prospective investors and promising them outsized returns if they bought stocks in his Chinese media platform GTV, and other companies, including Himalaya Farm Alliance, G CLUBS and the Himalaya Exchange.

He faces criminal counts of racketeering conspiracy, wire fraud, securities fraud and money laundering, among others. If convicted, he could spend decades in prison or possible deportation to China, where he is wanted on accusations of rape, kidnapping and bribery.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Micah Fergenson told jurors Friday that Guo — who amassed his fortune as a real estate developer in China before moving to New York — gained a cult following posting videos criticizing the Chinese government.

When authorities in China and Hong Kong seized his assets in retaliation, the government says Guo began recruiting investors to support his “whistleblower movement” against the Chinese Communist Party. Instead of putting the money toward GTV and his other companies touting that cause, prosecutors said Guo then put those donations to personal use.

“For years, the defendant deceived thousands of people and stole their money to pay for a lifestyle he could no longer afford,” Fergenson said.

Fergenson said Guo lied to investors when he urged them to invest in his media company GTV by saying there was no risk and promising to pay back any losses.

“These were lies. And the defendant even lied about the most basic part of the GTV investment: That the money raised by GTV investors would be used by GTV to grow GTV,” Fergenson said. “Even that most basic promise was a lie. The defendant’s followers trusted him.”

During the company’s fundraising period, Fergenson said supporters invested over $400 million in GTV. But days after, Guo used $100 million of those funds for a “high risk investment” on behalf of his son.

As for Guo's other companies, Fergenson said they were just a “spin on a simple fraud,” and mirrored the same strategy as the media company.

The Himalaya Farm Alliance, Fergenson said, was comprised of online groups of Guo's followers in various cities and countries. These groups, called “farms,” pooled money from investors interested in buying GTV stock.

But Fergenson added that these “farm loans” were just another extension of the scheme orchestrated through GTV and that investors never saw their money again.

“What were the farm loans? They were another way that Miles Guo lied to take other people’s money,” Fergenson said.

Another example was G CLUBS, which was marketed as a high-end membership club. If investors paid an initial membership fee that ranged from $10,000 to $50,000, Fergenson said they were promised GTV stock.

The government says that Guo then transferred these funds into accounts he controlled and used the money to make luxurious purchases that included a $30 million yacht, a $26 million mansion, a $3.5 million Ferrari and two $36,000 mattresses, among others.

But Guo denies claims that he needed investors’ money, citing his fortune in real estate, and says he was simply living the same lifestyle as usual.

“It was not a bet. It was not a scheme. It was not a con. It was none of those things,” Sabrina Shroff, an attorney for Guo, said during opening arguments Friday. “The evidence will show the fortune is humongous.”

Guo argues that his only goal was to criticize the Chinese Communist Party, and each of his companies was an extension of that aim.

“He started to and continued over time to speak out against the Chinese Communist Party,” Shroff said. “That’s what he did all the time and all day long. That was the goal. To get the story out.”

Yvette Wang, Guo's former chief of staff, pleaded guilty earlier this month to conspiracy to commit wire fraud and conspiracy to commit money laundering. She faces up to 10 years in prison and will be sentenced in September.

Guo is an associate of American conservative media strategist Steve Bannon, who he met at Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in 2017. Guo made headlines in August 2020 when Bannon was taken into custody while aboard Guo's 150-foot yacht off the coast of Connecticut, on charges he defrauded online donors in the name of helping construct then-President Trump’s southern border wall.

Bannon pleaded not guilty and was pardoned of the federal charges in Trump’s final days in the White House.


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166373 No.20914263


>Kek. Well done.

I have been researching for a few decades and recognize that this forum here is a gatekeeper tardparade.

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c0edfe No.20914264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the 400-year plan for America is ending imminently

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46f354 No.20914265


How many Elon GMs you got bro after asking for a GM? Kek

God bless you my fren

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bf51aa No.20914266

File: 7a5a282e4fa8570⋯.png (614.69 KB,877x493,877:493,ClipboardImage.png)

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364ead No.20914267

File: 1f5baac223ad725⋯.mp4 (9.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Condensed_Speech_Delivered….mp4)

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aead1b No.20914268



She had a few

But then again

Fuck traitors

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b2e7a2 No.20914269

File: 77b38ba4919ba5e⋯.jpg (129.03 KB,600x310,60:31,ThatRightThere.jpg)

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5ee635 No.20914270

File: 744820a16fa17f4⋯.jpeg (16.02 KB,241x255,241:255,elonmath.jpeg)

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ecbd56 No.20914272

File: 1267b3e3fb59ee3⋯.png (430.95 KB,805x831,805:831,1267b3e3fb59ee3ba7013c427e….png)

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ca489a No.20914273

File: 48864f14992743d⋯.png (693.42 KB,990x556,495:278,ClipboardImage.png)

Inside the Fraud Trial for the Billionaire MAGA Backed To Take Down Communist China

In 2017, the exiled Chinese mogul Guo Wengui began to remake himself in America as a dissident celebrity. In media appearances, tweets, and lengthy YouTube videos, Guo launched tirades against Chinese Communist Party corruption. They made him famous among extremely online Chinese emigres and won him prominence as an ally of Steve Bannon and other Trumpworld luminaries.

Guo sold a brand: A mega-rich, Brioni-clad, rule-breaking Bannon buddy leading a “whistleblower movement” with an audacious goal to “take down the CCP” and install his own supposed government-in-waiting in Beijing.

But the truth of Guo’s story is now at issue in the federal courthouse in Manhattan, where he stands trial for fraud and money laundering. In an opening statement Friday, Assistant US Attorney Micah Fergenson previewed evidence he said shows that Guo—who has also used the names Ho Wan Kwok and Miles Guo—stole more than $1 billion from his own ardent fans who invested in scam financial ventures Gou launched in 2020 and 2021.

“Miles Guo ran a simple con on a grand scale,” Fergenson said. “He lived a billionaire’s lifestyle using money he stole from people he tricked and cheated.”

Prosecutors argue Guo’s whole shtick is bogus – that he is neither a real dissident or really rich. Fergenson suggested on Friday that Guo’s movement and complaints against the CCP are, instead, a story he created to win the trust of followers before fleecing them.

And while the mogul did become wildly wealthy as a Chinese real estate developer before fleeing to the US in 2015, Fergenson said he was short on cash funds after the Chinese and Hong Kong governments seized most of his assets in 2017. That was “shortly before the scheme began,” Fergenson said. “The defendant needed money.”

Prosecutors allege Guo’s criminal conspiracy started in 2018, when he launched, with Bannon at his side, two nonprofits supposedly aimed at exposing corruption in China.

read moar:


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141242 No.20914274

the shot heard 'round the world >>20914202

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27df8a No.20914275

File: a8d675a33ad0797⋯.png (252.22 KB,308x450,154:225,Screenshot.png)

Prime Minister reveals radical plan to force all 18-year-olds to serve in the military for 12 months - or give up weekends to carry out civil duties


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c8baec No.20914277


This is an underwater yak hair basket-weaving forum

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860dfc No.20914278

File: 056919f4aa5db99⋯.jpg (137.85 KB,1438x706,719:353,Screenshot_20240525_164812….jpg)

File: 510354716621c82⋯.jpg (104.75 KB,1440x799,1440:799,Screenshot_20240525_164837….jpg)

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c0edfe No.20914280


>Miles Guo

Bannon's best bud

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46f354 No.20914281

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)




No Twitter account for this anon ever, no TS either. Just need my fam here. Gotta appreciate the Elon GM after a GM request. 100% know he's lurking here now.


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cfe4ad No.20914283

File: 4074857e1ccf3c5⋯.png (619.96 KB,2856x2069,2856:2069,ClipboardImage.png)



tippy top keks anon

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c0edfe No.20914284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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46f354 No.20914285


Thanks for the GM, Elon. Might be the first step toward Anon trusting you. You might earn your fag stripes yet.


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aead1b No.20914286


Erev Rav separating from the tribe

Bout time

That's a good thing

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0513a8 No.20914287

File: c453f749730f19b⋯.jpg (34.63 KB,500x503,500:503,a618407ca5340c4d6e4e759192….jpg)



Remember when you used to use an AI to write poetry about why "famefags" are bad? Remember when you used to mimic one single anon almost all day every day last year? Whatever happened to that? Now you spend your days chasing an abbreviation. Poor bastard. Have you picked your week-end yet?

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3e8d81 No.20914288


They could have decided that he was Chinese intel asset way back and just decided to park Bannon on him and see who, or what, turns up.

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a81b53 No.20914289

File: 0d4eb03191a4cfd⋯.png (497.47 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

What's up with the five AWACS over New Mexico??


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382a01 No.20914290

File: 8e03eac6e04f4fc⋯.jpeg (730.52 KB,1152x617,1152:617,7FDC852F_A213_474F_942D_E….jpeg)


45in N524CA G4 on ground at Manassas Regional Airport not Dulles

On taxi nao

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32ea07 No.20914291

File: 67b2d62bf94e5d4⋯.png (142.69 KB,500x250,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Russia Refuses to Accept the Cult of ABC

They must be destroyed

for as Safe and Secure Society

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aead1b No.20914293


keep thinking that horrid portrait of the king…was painting with kates blood….crazy thought…right?….

Twitter comment

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c8baec No.20914294

File: e4cc3e7e187367b⋯.png (117.71 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_05_25_at_1….png)


Went to read more, this came up

I find this too amusing to proceed to the proaganda

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5ee635 No.20914295

File: ffdf6281a4f6a40⋯.png (586.02 KB,734x524,367:262,elonpepe.png)

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46f354 No.20914296


Remember when Elon replied to me with a GM?

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c8baec No.20914297


Blood does not stay red

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50b4ab No.20914299


trip test

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513e9c No.20914300

File: 6aa0d030ec55849⋯.png (371.91 KB,785x720,157:144,6aa0d030ec5584988e17721627….png)

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0513a8 No.20914301

File: 9585dc007f53fad⋯.png (50.19 KB,638x182,319:91,ClipboardImage.png)

Speak up, chucklefuck. I can't hear you.

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cca8b7 No.20914303

File: 20828b85817b523⋯.png (530.56 KB,632x394,316:197,ClipboardImage.png)

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141242 No.20914306

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The WHO pandemic treaty has FAILED!

Huge development as countries fail to reach a deal on the new pandemic accord.

This is a tremendous victory for freedom. The globalist agenda of unifying the world under the WHO has failed – For now.

After several years of negotiations, the World Health Organization pandemic treaty has failed as countries cannot come to a deal.

The WHO had hoped that a final draft of the pandemic treaty could be agree upon by the time the yearly meeting takes place on Monday in Geneva.

This comes shortly after news broke that Britain REFUSED to sign the treaty saying they would only sign it if it didn’t undermine their sovereignty. And Slovakia said they REJECTED the treaty.

Earlier, 22 U.S Senators signed a letter where they rejected the pandemic treaty.

Despite not being able to come up with a deal, the WHO still have not given up hope on the pandemic treaty for the future, with Dr. Tedros saying they ”will try everything…because the world still needs a pandemic treaty”.

In short, the pandemic treaty has failed, but the WHO is not giving up. They want to do everything they can to somehow make this happen.

If you actually had a look at what the treaty said, it is quite frightening. If the WHO declared a pandemic, then they could come with “recommendations” telling countries to vaccinate people, give medication and even to quarantine and contact trace.

Who voted for the WHO to have that kind of power? Nobody did. They are a bunch of unelected bureaucrats that are in large part funded by none other than Bill Gates!

Last year I held a speech outside the WHO headquarters in Geneva at a protest against the pandemic treaty.

I have written many articles EXPOSING the agenda.

Now the pandemic treaty has failed.

If you appreciate the hard work that I have been doing as an independent journalist, bringing people the TRUTH about what is happening behind their backs, please support my work by becoming a paid subscriber.

With your support I can do even more to EXPOSE the mainstream narrative AND you get bonus content.

Thank you.

And please SHARE - This is very good news!


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aead1b No.20914307


…in another country while invaders take over the uk

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382a01 No.20914308

File: e1b8748c198a0fa⋯.jpeg (491.65 KB,801x528,267:176,7780F37A_ED20_43D0_98C8_9….jpeg)

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d30be2 No.20914310


Break up and rendezvous on the way out west for a sammich or take out

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865cdd No.20914311

File: cf43b092afef7c6⋯.mp4 (9.72 MB,1066x480,533:240,E_team_isr_art_students_91….mp4)

good vid on the e-team 'art students' 911

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ca489a No.20914312


So after that request, anyone that posted GM on their Socials is Q according to you guys.

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bf51aa No.20914313

File: 10c641c7a4bc986⋯.gif (228.6 KB,800x449,800:449,ir.gif)


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860dfc No.20914314


lock the bread and migrate

shut it down

no time to explain

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b27b0d No.20914315

File: 35606dd4db87327⋯.jpg (80.14 KB,576x433,576:433,TwilightShift.jpg)

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962e01 No.20914316

File: b350c4254ee8764⋯.jpg (51.41 KB,850x400,17:8,quote_show_me_the_man_and_….jpg)

File: 1cac9b8d926caae⋯.jpg (171.57 KB,1200x800,3:2,ca_times_brightspotcdn.jpg)


Used to be Equal Justice Under Law and Innocent Until Proven Guilty.

Welcome to the Roaring 20's.

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53c256 No.20914318

File: ea7313d52d69bbd⋯.jpg (76.28 KB,720x704,45:44,2024_YEARS_SINCE_WHAT_.jpg)


But as long as I'm here now,

may I critique your spacing . . . ?


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aead1b No.20914319


Remember when I sneezed and Trump said God bless America

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87d166 No.20914320


Will rate this as 9 out of 11

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27df8a No.20914321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2ba8db No.20914323


Chef's Kiss!!

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0a02c9 No.20914324


>get outta here you half a blowjob


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0513a8 No.20914325

File: cdf53ccfee4806e⋯.jpg (163.94 KB,1024x752,64:47,diogenes_pepe.jpg)

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d30be2 No.20914326


to trip

and trip

and trip

and trip

and trip it up and down

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ecbd56 No.20914327


No. Good chance Musk noticed anons GM memes tho

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46f354 No.20914328

File: 80364025f761231⋯.png (884.44 KB,908x896,227:224,80364025f7612317c75acc3c07….png)


Elon ain't Q or Q+ but it's highly notable and coincidental timing after the request

No coinkidinks


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3e8d81 No.20914330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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962e01 No.20914331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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32ea07 No.20914332

File: c52f2ab2c97fbf5⋯.png (180.58 KB,540x399,180:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Yes Normies

you were wrong

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2b1332 No.20914333


Suddenly everywhere, all at once.

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3e8d81 No.20914335

File: a5fb0d8d5ab5d9e⋯.png (84.28 KB,850x478,425:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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364ead No.20914337

File: 069c5f5f26bfde2⋯.png (133.56 KB,325x370,65:74,ClipboardImage.png)


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ae4f80 No.20914338

File: 094fa40d13fea73⋯.mp4 (9.63 MB,848x464,53:29,BBCtraitor.mp4)

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9c3ab9 No.20914339

File: 518490e0142ee0a⋯.png (6.93 MB,2880x1800,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

*Hits Bowl

What if in actuality we live in the past.present.future simultaneously but can only be conscious and materialize the present?

>what can the subconscious do?

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227b3c No.20914340

File: 150e6f797f0a13c⋯.gif (543.65 KB,603x699,201:233,150e6f797f0a13c16fcc18677b….gif)


>Yes Normies

How many you think are here? Kek!

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962e01 No.20914341


I had to watch it 10x. I'm still laughing.

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a5148a No.20914343

More ops activities coming into the light.


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c8baec No.20914344


Seems more idiotic than notable

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513e9c No.20914345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Her name is Rebekah Roth and she figured out Israel did 9-11

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227b3c No.20914346


BBC traitor, WHO IS THIS?

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141242 No.20914348

File: 4dc02e44cd473c3⋯.png (79.07 KB,548x347,548:347,ClipboardImage.png)

Ezra A. Cohen


Much like the directed energy attacks that have targeted USMIL around the world, the bureaucracy will try to sweep this likely foreign covert operation on US soil under the rug. Both shatter the myth of the bureaucracy’s efficacy and competence under its current configuration.



Jennifer Griffin


New details on shooting in Carthage, North Carolina that involves an elite SF Army Colonel and two Chechens who were in the country illegally. Special Ops have reported increasing foreign surveillance of them and their families raising concerns about vulnerabilities. https://video.foxnews.com/v/6353620829112

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ecbd56 No.20914350


Unless Musk is Q

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09c2ea No.20914351

File: 7575b7962bf8754⋯.mp4 (8.99 MB,888x496,111:62,votecheatedinny.mp4)



She puts down South Bronx.

And the Dems are supposed to be the champions of the disadvantaged, marginalized and minorities.


Losers lives in her own narrow bubble; enables by faulty (on purpose) voting machines.

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7a560f No.20914352

File: 2856ae3a5423413⋯.png (136.09 KB,656x476,164:119,Screen_Shot_2024_05_25_at_….png)

Weather becoming concerning in OK, TX, KS

If you are in the area, stay safe.

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9c3ab9 No.20914353


>ghey AF!

but possible

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aead1b No.20914354


Trump will never win cocompilation 2.o

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923eec No.20914355

File: 5828dd60d33a861⋯.gif (1.19 MB,641x270,641:270,KYg5Q3.gif)


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99fe46 No.20914356

File: ce0943c49ba9d05⋯.jpg (53.46 KB,720x584,90:73,7031927_1524536122701_jpeg….jpg)

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bf51aa No.20914357



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962e01 No.20914358

File: 0b0aa6710354993⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,576x1024,9:16,DO_IT.mp4)


>They never believed for a moment they (Democrats and Republicans) would lose control.

This didn't make as much sense in 2017 as it does now. The Uni-party has been exposed.

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09c2ea No.20914359

File: 610ed1fa58934cf⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB,320x580,16:29,whoslarryvotingfor.mp4)


cry moar, stupid.

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0a02c9 No.20914360

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kevin Sorbo saves America | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #49


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cfedb5 No.20914361


…Yeah fuckin' right.

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ca489a No.20914362

File: 0ba38e66cd669d5⋯.png (298.98 KB,705x676,705:676,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon is anon for sure but doesn't mean he is Q or Q+.

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1b2e04 No.20914363

File: a3c8d471556a53f⋯.png (48.63 KB,981x579,327:193,ClipboardImage.png)


it's like half a fag

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bf51aa No.20914364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3e8d81 No.20914365


Bad weather inbound for home base is prolly why they bugged out.


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c8baec No.20914366


The subconscious is giving those flashes of vision from "future" self to warn "past" self but "present" self is the one that notices the events unfold and says "whoa, seent that in vision/dream"

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e40dd2 No.20914367

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46f354 No.20914368

File: 7ff57e0685c55d2⋯.jpg (295.42 KB,732x1024,183:256,7ff57e0685c55d2e66f37391a1….jpg)

Whether the GM gets in notables or not it's still bigly fukken notable. A GM request was made. A GM request was answered.

Elon says GM here in the morn'n most likely with the other GM Anons.

Change my mind.

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d30be2 No.20914369


it means Elon is a fag

and as far as the no homo

that's up for debate

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41697a No.20914370

File: 825793ed15d7267⋯.png (560.62 KB,848x654,424:327,gm.png)

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c8baec No.20914371


When did Musk have the time?

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382a01 No.20914373

File: fd067d984749118⋯.jpeg (590.09 KB,828x761,828:761,AF425766_C0C3_4A3A_BFF5_8….jpeg)



Here’s your answer why this AWACS left Tinker

Incoming weather

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46f354 No.20914374

File: b8b40e8609cf441⋯.jpg (9.94 KB,252x200,63:50,download_jpeg_6.jpg)


Correct. Elon isn't Q Or Q+. However it's still a high profile GM immediately after the request.

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ae4f80 No.20914375


Owen Shroyer has a twin?

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141242 No.20914376

File: e3c1f22daf694f4⋯.png (359.97 KB,542x577,542:577,ClipboardImage.png)

(me) >>20914348

Ezra A. Cohen


The current Service Secretary for Special Operations goes job hunting at @Penn center that is funded by CCP affiliates along with other corrupt despotic regimes.


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860dfc No.20914377

File: 39cc868f426e316⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,2363x1440,2363:1440,Picsart_24_05_24_15_23_06_….jpg)

this nigga gonna be on stage with Trump again

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962e01 No.20914378


All his clowns? What a condescending trailer park trash bitch. You should have showed up there along with the prophet bartender.

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b27b0d No.20914379

File: d7b5079c97330ce⋯.jpg (55.97 KB,612x408,3:2,GMorthe.jpg)

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3e8d81 No.20914380

File: 2f710c42d7e0c6d⋯.png (20.18 KB,596x360,149:90,ClipboardImage.png)


> Roseanne Barr

became a board namefag the moment she announced that she was an anon

stupid move by an obvious grifter

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c0edfe No.20914381


the ADL heil monitors are keeping count

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9c3ab9 No.20914383


>"whoa, seent that in vision/dream"

dj view? sure

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aead1b No.20914384


The fucker is conjuring


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05cc00 No.20914385

notables @ 355

#25651 >>20913985

>>20914031 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (Trump excpted to speak @ 8PM EST)

>>20914001 State Department hosted event on Thurs bringing every major tech company togther to discuss the health of only one ethnic group

>>20914047 British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

>>20914051 Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

>>20914052 Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water

>>20914067, >>20914111 NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory

>>20914072 Elon says GM

>>20914105 Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people

>>20914140, >>20914150 Nurse fired for not getting the COVID shot reacts to a letter begging her to re-apply: "See you in court!”

>>20914143 Free shit - err I mean Free Palestine

>>20914147 Active FFA US MIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024

>>20914152 37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display

>>20914179, >>20914267 Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

>>20914185 GM

>>20914229 Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure

>>20914239 Famous last words from Kathy Hochul

>>20914244, >>20914275 Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows

>>20914247 Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

>>20914249, >>20914290 PF: Tracking 45

>>20914306 Huge development as countries fail to reach a deal on the new WHO pandemic treaty


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46f354 No.20914386

File: 5211d8de5672ed8⋯.png (532.95 KB,620x414,310:207,5211d8de5672ed81a6e2e6f9bc….png)



All we need is a GM from POTUS to really seal the deal now.

God bless you, bigly.

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27df8a No.20914387

Does Trump go to jail if they find him guilty in this trial? Or can he appeal…

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bf51aa No.20914388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3e8d81 No.20914389



not really for or against

but it honestly has become a slide now

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50dde0 No.20914390


Poison on sale.

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32ea07 No.20914391

File: ee849c88103cfb6⋯.png (97.82 KB,255x241,255:241,ClipboardImage.png)

Are the hospitals Overwhelmed? nope

Are people dying in the streets? nope

Does the booster protect against the current Variant? nope

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962e01 No.20914392

File: c762681b72fa434⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,320x568,40:71,Nigel_Farage.mp4)

Always nice hearing from Nigel. He knows the score.

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0513a8 No.20914393

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

And they have to IP hop and use multiple devices to keep their abbreviation afloat. Without their constant pushing it, it dies, just like their MuhJoo propaganda that they're scared to post right now lest they have to start whining about it being removed. Poor little bastard clowns.

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382a01 No.20914394


Not habbening

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1b2e04 No.20914395

File: 224a3ed1e9dd0d6⋯.png (25.27 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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793095 No.20914396

File: 5ba2bd613219994⋯.png (3.19 MB,1378x808,689:404,democracyprojectreport.png)

File: 399929a61b7235b⋯.png (2.18 MB,792x962,396:481,Freedom_House_History.png)

File: afba0305118cb50⋯.png (1.65 MB,871x659,871:659,Penn_Biden_Center_for_Dipl….png)

File: d792f2cebf18b1e⋯.png (3.9 MB,1627x836,1627:836,penn_biden_center.png)

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b27b0d No.20914397

File: 07b63392d2521d0⋯.jpg (74.34 KB,800x800,1:1,PepeDChillin.jpg)

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e40dd2 No.20914398

File: ce033b86842ac9e⋯.mp4 (5.05 MB,640x352,20:11,DODbiggestContractorisElon….mp4)

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50dde0 No.20914399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Lincoln Park


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ecbd56 No.20914400


ADL still here?

They should focus on priorities like real antisemitism at leftist campuses

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cca8b7 No.20914401

File: 8146a6025ba16a5⋯.png (331 KB,555x449,555:449,ClipboardImage.png)

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e10e8d No.20914402

File: df97a6d31b766a1⋯.mp4 (7.3 MB,946x720,473:360,Ramble_Rants_20240517_2_ne….mp4)


RfK eating ass and Bear Kabobs , going insane with Worms in the brain

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962e01 No.20914403

File: 7f59ff317971f62⋯.jpg (134.06 KB,1200x675,16:9,gmheader.jpg)

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50dde0 No.20914404

File: d63dff214561d2c⋯.jpg (254.37 KB,623x747,623:747,King_Charles_Horse_Fingers….jpg)

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50dde0 No.20914405


Fucking take every one of these Nazi Covid Stormtroopers useless eater cunts down.

In Court.

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41697a No.20914406

File: 95a8d5567a96a02⋯.png (1.96 MB,1500x1688,375:422,obama.png)

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46f354 No.20914407




As if GM didn't trigger them before, now with Elon confirming he's a GM Anon the feds are absolutely losing their minds. All over a simple greeting. How beautiful is that?

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0513a8 No.20914408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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50dde0 No.20914409

File: 904cd6cabddc860⋯.gif (536.09 KB,480x348,40:29,Pepe_Acid_Trip.gif)


>Trip test.

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38ee76 No.20914410


I'm getting really tired of ugly people. They're everywhere. If we were supposedly made in gods image then god must be homely. and a bit gay looking

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ca489a No.20914411

File: 11d851058b13d95⋯.png (126.56 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)

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aead1b No.20914412


Prolongs the theater

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46f354 No.20914413


Made in God's image is referring to Nordic extraterrestrials. They put their DNA in monkeys. Look in the mirror.

God bless

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50dde0 No.20914414

File: b51581bde0fafdb⋯.png (963.71 KB,798x981,266:327,ClipboardImage.png)


That's his pant shitting face.

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dbadb5 No.20914415


As in they’re mentally incapable of understanding you or having any empathy whatsoever? They just kill people for laughs?

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382a01 No.20914416

Elon does come here and the “Fresh Bread” twat was way moar convincing with timing of the end of a bread than two simple letters

Carry on.

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ca489a No.20914417

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rapper Nicki Minaj arrested in Amsterdam for alleged drug possession


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32ea07 No.20914418

File: 9ca710efc839957⋯.png (1.03 MB,1036x1011,1036:1011,ClipboardImage.png)

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50dde0 No.20914419


She is pretty.

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09b348 No.20914420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE @ 8PM EST: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

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c72a73 No.20914421

File: f75a18fc498bb5f⋯.png (39.2 KB,173x204,173:204,umdynydhdf.PNG)

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38ee76 No.20914422


>They put their DNA in monkeys.

Then explain Rh-. The Basque are a beautiful people.

Monkeys are ugly as fuck.

You look in the mirror.

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aead1b No.20914423


Weren't they bragging about getting Rikes prepped.

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1b2e04 No.20914424

File: 5477e1c2e3b4f51⋯.png (344.74 KB,564x564,1:1,5477e1c2e3b4f51f404c7976cf….png)

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09c2ea No.20914425

File: 6853911067610be⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,640x352,20:11,hochulgetoutoftown.mp4)


Losers lives in her own narrow bubble; enabled by faulty (on purpose) voting machines.


"Get out of town" she say.

"You're not New Yorkers"

She not from NYC; she's from same town as crooked Supreme Court Chief Justice ROBERTS.

They went to High School together and were in the same clique of friends then.

what a coincy-dink!

What are the chances?

Total provincial outlook here.

She's a NAZI

Bet Roberts would back her if she started rounding up "dissidents" "dangers to society"

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141242 No.20914426


exciting coverage (NSFW language)

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41697a No.20914427

File: 71149bdf39d8036⋯.mp4 (1.62 MB,578x330,289:165,biden_drug_test.mp4)


Joe's highs and lows

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962e01 No.20914428


>*Hits Bowl

>What if in actuality we live in the past.present.future simultaneously but can only be conscious and materialize the present?

Yup. We're mostly all one step behind. Some people have "The Gift".

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ca489a No.20914430

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NBC reporter forced to admit that Blacks and Hispanics support Trump


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09b348 No.20914431

File: adc283037a4cb78⋯.png (14.32 KB,447x236,447:236,ClipboardImage.png)

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141242 No.20914432

excellent digging, anon ty >>20914396

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c8baec No.20914433


Angry Inch desperate for attention

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09b348 No.20914434


GM is a Clown Show.

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0513a8 No.20914435

File: 98d41eee9b1fbe7⋯.png (483.52 KB,880x702,440:351,ClipboardImage.png)


Drug possession, in Amsterdam? Thought they're lenient for that sort of stuff there, or is that just for cannabis?

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ca489a No.20914436


Check the image that baker claimed the dough with lb an hour before Elon made that tweet. Shout out to the board.

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32ea07 No.20914437

What a Weird Psyop

It doesn't feel Organic

Seems too Forced and shilly

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962e01 No.20914438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Perfected by Slick Willie. Ron Brown was going to be indicted.

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09b348 No.20914439


Amsterdam is liberal NOT lenient.

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32ea07 No.20914440

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50dde0 No.20914441


Low IQ are generally ugly. It's like a 2 for 1 combo. Then they supersize.

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ecbd56 No.20914443


Smoking weed is legal there

Smuggling weed on an airplane to another country not

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50dde0 No.20914446


Was it Ivermectin?


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860dfc No.20914447


biden will trade el chapo for her

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5ee635 No.20914448


3rd time's a charm

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c0edfe No.20914450


what is the actual reason for Rh-?

asking for a fren

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0513a8 No.20914452


Never been there and most likely never will go there, hence why I asked.

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141242 No.20914454

File: 3b6139629323977⋯.png (153.56 KB,547x469,547:469,ClipboardImage.png)

Just a reminder that Earth is almost empty of humans, contrary to what many people think

Elon Musk



>what did he mean by this?

>how many people really died from COVID?

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1b2e04 No.20914455

File: b1862ddcd6eb890⋯.jpg (9.9 KB,264x191,264:191,b1862ddcd6eb89098319490c64….jpg)


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09b348 No.20914456

File: 9b9ee5629b23cca⋯.png (519.13 KB,612x408,3:2,Faith_Freedom.png)


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50dde0 No.20914458

File: f61d213ae8fa964⋯.png (7.13 KB,743x51,743:51,ClipboardImage.png)

Faggot gets the digits.

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09c2ea No.20914460


The future is less than 100% determined.

that's why the farther in the future something would be, the less easy it is to see (by someone who has that power)

The reason the future is free is because the SELF is free.

That's a power of God.

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50dde0 No.20914461


they're almost all NPC's I guess.

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865cdd No.20914463

File: 7014a929870f509⋯.mp4 (15.91 MB,640x480,4:3,fox_911_israel_News_Footag….mp4)


Fox covered some part of that

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364ead No.20914464

File: 011bce61861ded0⋯.png (1.37 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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242aca No.20914466

File: 444d121c997270a⋯.png (1.12 MB,808x1181,808:1181,Gloomie_Aggrevated.png)



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09b348 No.20914468

File: 28dd05696ce1687⋯.png (5.2 MB,2400x1802,1200:901,flag_4.png)


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bf51aa No.20914469

File: eac1a1331d06fbf⋯.png (57.99 KB,625x239,625:239,ClipboardImage.png)




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962e01 No.20914471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Considering the vastness of space.

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50dde0 No.20914472


Fox had 1 reporter going deep, A guy 'Cameron' iirc. He was going places no one else was until he was pulled by the masters of the universe.

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adfc22 No.20914474


As a white man, I feel she should be deported to Libya.

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32ea07 No.20914475

God Bless the Jews

God Bless the Police

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09b348 No.20914477

File: a28a7ea34e81e1d⋯.png (1012.99 KB,720x719,720:719,God_bless_America.png)


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ca489a No.20914478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good Morning = 367 in Hebrew Gematria.

Saying Good Morning or listening to 367hz heals cold and flu sickness therefore ergo.

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ecbd56 No.20914480


Can put all the people in the world in the state Texas and they could all have a house with a garden

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0513a8 No.20914481

File: 1713f8826397911⋯.gif (265.26 KB,498x345,166:115,1713f882639791183544010748….gif)


You gave the clown what he wanted with that reaction. He deliberately snipes the easiest ones on purpose to prove a reaction like you just gave. All they have left is fruit of the low hanging variety and you're under no obligation to pick it.

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0513a8 No.20914483

>>20914481 (me; edit: correction)



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50dde0 No.20914485


Gonna need to see that shitposting license, Sir.

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cca8b7 No.20914486

File: 75e6ef0f659a693⋯.png (508.75 KB,742x336,53:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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0026b9 No.20914488

File: dc5999183789378⋯.mp4 (5.29 MB,480x852,40:71,Karli_Bonne_20240525_6_new.mp4)


These people are EVIL

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09b348 No.20914490

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

File: f51331efb6806a1⋯.png (9.95 KB,444x273,148:91,1333.png)

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

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50dde0 No.20914491


I didn't link him, so what difference, at this point, does it make?

Does he get paid as a result? No.

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962e01 No.20914493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Where's your Spaceman Roadster? Pangea?

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9c3ab9 No.20914494


>Some people have "The Gift".

i think we all do

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7c2937 No.20914495

File: 7f55490b0806600⋯.png (63.38 KB,959x683,959:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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98edf7 No.20914497



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ecbd56 No.20914498

File: 2594e1ee576edde⋯.jpg (57.74 KB,640x640,1:1,2594e1ee576eddea7c0b30c597….jpg)

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09b348 No.20914499

File: bf0bce14308bb3e⋯.png (395.5 KB,509x339,509:339,Freedom_Faith.png)


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962e01 No.20914500


Could be.

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2d7be2 No.20914503

File: 3bd42beb2dff24f⋯.png (107.12 KB,602x504,43:36,IMG_1914.png)


They are also all connected to one another as clearly shown here…

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865cdd No.20914504

File: 8576b931830b5a5⋯.png (247.09 KB,578x557,578:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49575e0076c1eb5⋯.png (761.5 KB,1214x1246,607:623,china_taiwan_fraud_Dell.png)



>Elon confirming he's a GM Anon


That is hilarious.

Wasn't Dell linked to voting machine fraud recently

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32ea07 No.20914505

File: 13e40fb7571c2f9⋯.png (418.01 KB,611x608,611:608,ClipboardImage.png)


God Bless Israel

God Bless Law Enforcement Officers

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50dde0 No.20914507


Clockfags wet dream right there.

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09b348 No.20914509

File: e5edce0abe12afa⋯.png (711.26 KB,900x600,3:2,flag_1.png)


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0513a8 No.20914510


>I didn't link him

The point is you let him get under your skin. You let him provoke the reaction in you that he wanted to provoke. That's the difference it makes. You're better than that, anon. You're letting him know what he needs to control you.

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32ea07 No.20914514

God Damn NATO

God Damn WEF

God Damn UN

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7c2937 No.20914515


hey bro mang

sorry I missed ya lb

VD bakered, had to take out and do new one then clean up the dough with edits

be like is it lunch yet

it was


ghuud all quiet

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50dde0 No.20914516


Don't you worry about me anon. I got this.

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09c2ea No.20914518

File: 40d821a49a74618⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1656x1404,46:39,2355_maturity.jpg)



Probably referring to a lack of authentic humans?

Not everyone with a human body is a full-fledged human?

It's an extra step.

That's why most religions / cultures have initiation ceremonies.

I believe all times that have passed and with the NOw are connected. That's why some people experience synchronicities?

Future connects to NOW via intention?

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09b348 No.20914519

File: b05483b4526aac4⋯.png (909.62 KB,986x555,986:555,GBV.png)


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2d7be2 No.20914520

File: 020d568fb0cf6e4⋯.png (433.37 KB,610x454,305:227,IMG_1913.png)


Clockfag speed right heayah.

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242aca No.20914521

File: 28b7e0fbc4683e6⋯.jpg (121.02 KB,1280x800,8:5,Fox_Mulder_Simpsons.jpg)

God Bless Canaan.

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9c3ab9 No.20914522

File: 22c3f309f0887b8⋯.png (151.36 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


>The future is less than 100% determined.

idk, hits bowl again

if given an infinity amount of times a coin will land

49% Heads

49% Tails

1% Side



>Looking Glass Project?

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43c83e No.20914523


This guy is a drama hogg! He charges weather forecasters to post anything of his. Drama, drama, drama especially when there is none.

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c8baec No.20914524


Imagine that in 3D

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9c3ab9 No.20914526

Broken arrows?

missing nukes?

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865cdd No.20914527

File: 62269b1c37b541d⋯.mp4 (13.54 MB,640x480,4:3,fox_911_israel_News_Footag….mp4)


>Fox had 1 reporter going deep, A guy 'Cameron' iirc. He was going places no one else was until he was pulled by the masters of the universe.

Here is Part 2

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09b348 No.20914529

File: ba5033653118585⋯.png (1.77 MB,1333x888,1333:888,GOD_AND_COUNTRY.png)


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962e01 No.20914531


That's where the Lightning and Tornado's should hit.

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adfc22 No.20914532


How bout by ferry??

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46f354 No.20914534

File: 42fa0e8bfa8f1c0⋯.png (135.91 KB,562x257,562:257,42fa0e8bfa8f1c0143634725d1….png)





This is the story about two letters destroying multiple three letter agencies.

Q did say it would be biblical.

Anons winning.

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76bbd4 No.20914535

File: a7fe8758aff0b90⋯.gif (1.32 MB,498x342,83:57,BatmanIsThinking.gif)


>if given an infinity amount of times

>49% Heads

What is 49% of infinity?

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09b348 No.20914536

File: 118d974642a9de2⋯.png (3.24 MB,1478x1407,1478:1407,47017_55.png)


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3e8d81 No.20914537


took her about 2 seconds to start tweeting conspiracy theories to try and deflect from her obvious ignorance of the law and her getting caught breaking it

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865cdd No.20914540

File: b369c054cfebc65⋯.mp4 (6.51 MB,578x360,289:180,Nancy_Pelosi_INCITING_Viol….mp4)

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364ead No.20914541

File: 1adf0aac04a75e3⋯.png (1.68 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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09b348 No.20914542

File: 37279a24a810a66⋯.png (986.16 KB,957x500,957:500,FIGHT.png)


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adfc22 No.20914543


Just wait til the vaccones kick in fully. Hehehe. - Dr Tony

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50dde0 No.20914544


TFW you go to great lengths to smuggle weed into Amsterdam, because you forgot you can buy weed in Amsterdam.

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793095 No.20914546

File: 8cc6f974b356a6c⋯.png (894.15 KB,1065x286,1065:286,capture_001_16042019_02430….png)

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9c3ab9 No.20914547


lol 49, 49, 1


Need a mathfag check ^

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89d01c No.20914548


I've been looking for an answer about GM.

all I am met with is insults 'how dare you not let us run our psyop' and people who pretend it means 'Good Morning', when obviously that's NOT all it means.

so please tell me how it is 'destroying mutliple three letter agencies'.

If there were a good explanation I'd be satiated in my quest to understand what it's all about.

in addition it does mean something to me that Elon has put it in a message.

can you give me a real explanation that isn't someone just boasting 'ha ha, shill'?

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c8baec No.20914549


Get some of the stuff with the red hairs in it, roll one at least as thick as a pencil. Share with no more than one friend

It'll come to you

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793095 No.20914550

File: 0ca2dc6b3175b97⋯.png (810.64 KB,1058x261,1058:261,capture_002_16042019_02443….png)

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09b348 No.20914551

File: 454603182ed52f9⋯.png (2.53 MB,1920x1920,1:1,Lion_of_Judah.png)


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0513a8 No.20914552


I know you do, that's why you lashed out at me with a slight edge of hostility for pointing out what he was doing with his digit sniping was doing to your emotions, right? You can ignore his bullshit or you can whine about it.

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7b0bb5 No.20914553

gm storm heart

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6306e4 No.20914554

File: 7e52fc20ac6e203⋯.png (237.53 KB,624x352,39:22,911_pic.png)


This Memorial Day we will commemorate NEIN EL EVEN.

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962e01 No.20914556


>The future is less than 100% determined.

>that's why the farther in the future something would be, the less easy it is to see (by someone who has that power)

>The reason the future is free is because the SELF is free.

>That's a power of God.

I believe that 100%. That's why the controllers go constantly for a brainwashed herd mentality. Get everyone thinking alike to manifest the controller desired destiny.

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793095 No.20914557

File: defacd105df41e8⋯.png (907.47 KB,1116x277,1116:277,capture_003_16042019_02445….png)

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2d7be2 No.20914558


Probably concerned Amsterdam didn’t have enough weed for her.

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cfedb5 No.20914559

File: 385987ab25f2ecb⋯.jpg (25.21 KB,500x380,25:19,snooze.jpg)

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50dde0 No.20914561

File: 400dba967eebdfd⋯.png (Spoiler Image,80.9 KB,347x120,347:120,Ginger_Mound_Alpha.png)


>with the red hairs…

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5ee635 No.20914562

File: 6d141045c6a65c6⋯.png (14.16 KB,255x196,255:196,18feeddd6701a89c3aaa48a390….png)

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793095 No.20914563

File: f15346537dd10c2⋯.png (957.85 KB,1153x283,1153:283,capture_004_16042019_02451….png)

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46f354 No.20914564

File: 88520dac602b95c⋯.jpg (10.99 KB,182x255,182:255,88520dac602b95ca8143ad8a5c….jpg)

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42f9a2 No.20914566

File: bd7a795a034d98a⋯.jpg (68.74 KB,500x653,500:653,nvcf.jpg)

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50dde0 No.20914567


fuck off homo.

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bf51aa No.20914568

File: d16470b9db57102⋯.jpg (53.38 KB,320x302,160:151,vax_booster.jpg)


It's anons identifying as Genetically Modified

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76bbd4 No.20914570

File: 841eef61b2a8ac5⋯.gif (842.92 KB,499x331,499:331,dontSmokeWeed.gif)

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513e9c No.20914571


Good shit, anon TY

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1b2e04 No.20914572

File: 610849c5d36efec⋯.png (39.4 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>mathfag check

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e6864c No.20914574


But dr jill took him to the beach house and he doesn't remember a damn thing..so he's good with thinking he's Prez Dark Brandon.

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89d01c No.20914575

President Donald Trump is going into the lion's den tonight. Some wicked voices shouting out from the crowd stuff that will get them visited by . . .

May he have great success tonight!

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c0edfe No.20914576

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ecbd56 No.20914578


After 10 km from the shoreline it is outside of national waters, no rules there

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09b348 No.20914579

File: 31de3315b9a1b67⋯.png (754.6 KB,798x499,798:499,ENG_e.png)


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1b2e04 No.20914581


>'Good Morning', when obviously that's NOT all it means.


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bf51aa No.20914582

File: 1d015b69cad7218⋯.png (325.83 KB,460x323,460:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cec3ebf1924d757⋯.png (337.23 KB,694x320,347:160,ClipboardImage.png)

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0513a8 No.20914583


Eat shit, rope sucker.

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962e01 No.20914585


Check out the dosage recommendations from 1940's to 2024. It's a crime scene Mr. President.


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aead1b No.20914586

You got to be pretty gangster to get yourself arrested in Amsterdam on drug

Rapper Nicki Minaj was arrested in Amsterdam for allegedly 'carrying drugs'possession

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50dde0 No.20914587


Ghislaine Maxwell.

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793095 No.20914588

File: 0ac0f6c19c980bc⋯.png (963.74 KB,1156x284,289:71,capture_006_16042019_02461….png)

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cfedb5 No.20914590

File: bd1982f2c5b02cb⋯.jpg (12.14 KB,255x255,1:1,bd1982f2c5b02cbd3694f2020d….jpg)

File: 9341e4b474d9c9f⋯.png (483.35 KB,633x475,633:475,breadonfire.png)

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09b348 No.20914591

File: 55c245a794c67af⋯.png (195.82 KB,378x378,1:1,Red_Pill.png)


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793095 No.20914593

File: e437310f2e25a80⋯.png (960.34 KB,1156x283,1156:283,capture_007_16042019_02463….png)

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9c3ab9 No.20914594

File: ddef171ec86afa1⋯.png (659.48 KB,612x519,204:173,ClipboardImage.png)


>What is 49% of infinity

x = (100-51)oo

>+- Billions light years.

physicsags can check this?

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793095 No.20914596

File: e357c2aa5bddb20⋯.png (885.35 KB,1160x260,58:13,capture_008_16042019_02470….png)

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87d166 No.20914597

File: fbd15a770b83ac9⋯.jpg (143.84 KB,382x537,382:537,Screenshot_20240518_074940.jpg)

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3e8d81 No.20914598



clash of egos filtered

get a room

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33025d No.20914601

feels like its the democratic convention coming out of the closet, or just the closet door is open

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e1c3de No.20914603

File: 14ff519ed22afec⋯.png (967.96 KB,1157x285,1157:285,capture_009_16042019_02472….png)

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64b4bb No.20914605

notables @ 535

#25651 >>20913985

>>20914031 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (Trump excpted to speak @ 8PM EST)

>>20914001 State Department hosted event on Thurs bringing every major tech company togther to discuss the health of only one ethnic group

>>20914044 Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House

>>20914047 British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

>>20914051 Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

>>20914052 Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water

>>20914064, >>20914184, >>20914210, >>20914370, >>20914403, >>20914424, >>20914444, >>20914455, >>20914564 GM

>>20914067, >>20914111 NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory

>>20914100 The future looks quite Based indeed

>>20914105 Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people

>>20914140, >>20914150 Nurse fired for not getting the COVID shot reacts to a letter begging her to re-apply: "See you in court!”

>>20914143 Free shit - err I mean Free Palestine

>>20914147 Active FFA US MIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024

>>20914152 37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display

>>20914053 Omar Shrugs Off Harassment of Jewish Student, Faults UCLA for Not Protecting Anti-Israel Protesters

>>20914179, >>20914267 Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

>>20914185 GM Joe

>>20914229 Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure

>>20914239 Famous last words from Kathy Hochul

>>20914244, >>20914275 Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows

>>20914247 Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

>>20914249, >>20914290 PF: Tracking 45

>>20914306 Huge development as countries fail to reach a deal on the new WHO pandemic treaty

>>20914311, >>20914345, >>20914463 9/11 E team

>>20914417, >>20914435, >>20914443, >>20914447, >>20914469 Rapper Nicki Minaj arrested in Amsterdam for alleged drug possession

>>20914504 Elon says GM


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e1c3de No.20914606

File: 7b12530f214bec6⋯.png (980.95 KB,877x381,877:381,capture_016_16042019_04563….png)

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09c2ea No.20914607


wow. Barry looks white.

Did he dye his skin?

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09b348 No.20914608

File: 23f74a9ba5079dc⋯.png (6.61 MB,3488x2594,1744:1297,knock_knock.png)


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c8baec No.20914610

File: cc92ac594e662e7⋯.png (2.54 MB,1600x900,16:9,arlington_virginia_united_….png)


I have other plans

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e1c3de No.20914611

File: 443cd61256991d5⋯.png (901.14 KB,877x350,877:350,capture_017_16042019_05013….png)

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adfc22 No.20914612


Dr Jill dresses up like a teenager and goes on drug dates with Hunter.

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50dde0 No.20914613


I think we're done.

That guy is clearly a rapist who get triggered by shit that has nothing to do with him. Then spurges about it.

Luckily I've moved on.

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0513a8 No.20914615


You were whining about famefags and trying to disparage that earlier on that ID so chances are you're just an Absolute Retard trying to blend in and just blew your cover.

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406bdc No.20914616

File: 8aaafbe17823fe7⋯.png (1.29 MB,1155x391,1155:391,capture_018_16042019_05042….png)

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bc6dd3 No.20914619

File: 99205325971e385⋯.jpg (40.99 KB,702x392,351:196,Screen_Shot_2023_01_29_at_….jpg)

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406bdc No.20914621

File: db767a7b6de2dd1⋯.png (1.3 MB,1159x390,1159:390,capture_020_16042019_05084….png)

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3e8d81 No.20914622


not saying you are wrong

but your ip hopping tactics suck

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c63810 No.20914623


It never had a secret meaning, its a living experiment in the spirit of reverse-projection..

almost like a taunt, effectively a taunt, but its not even a taunt.. It's like taunting a sibling by doing something like touching your own ear because they have officially labeled that as a taunt.

What do you want it to mean, anon?

Or what do you need it to mean? if good morning isn't good enough.

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364ead No.20914625

File: abc4e9c39f81320⋯.png (1.81 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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09b348 No.20914628

File: e238e04e030d3cf⋯.png (231.08 KB,240x320,3:4,power_rank.png)



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66bf94 No.20914630

File: ddc0d5c9dc45e07⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,fauxfauc62123c.mp4)

File: c1fe221d468dce5⋯.png (653.71 KB,1166x963,1166:963,fauxfaucCNN.png)

File: 99dc5c15fd62a7d⋯.png (816.3 KB,1053x987,351:329,tutusConsti.png)

So every few weeks, there's another headline about this insect regarding fauci:

>>20913404 Rand Paul: Fauci 'Could Be Indicted' for Destroying Records (PB)

This good-for-nothing puppet gets its little "pet assignment" where it can get soundbites in on the samedamned subject but the question is: Has this parasite yet apologized OR corrected itself when it went on fauxNOnews Fake Entertainment "prime time' and was STILL LYING about our President in summer of fucking 2023?

VID (0:48) Brillo Pad from Kentucky “responds to Trump’s claim he couldn’t fire Fauci during COVID pandemic on June 21,2023foxnews.com/video/6329818234112 https://archive.is/mRO1k

CNN back on Monday July 13,2020'''Can Trump fire Fauci? Technically, no

Under federal law, Trump doesn’t have the power to directly fire Fauci, a career civil servant, and remove him from government'. And while Trump could try ordering his political appointees to dismiss the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Fauci could appeal – a time-consuming process. https://archive.is/ngWSj https://''www.cnn.com/2020/07/13/politics/can-trump-fire-fauci/index.html

This swarmy fuck has just about tied the slimiest creep of them all, LYIN' ted, as most despised so-called "republican" because of all the attention it gets for spouting the same damned SCRIPTS. Remembr this?

https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/article-4/section-4/ Article 4, Section 4 states - The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence — YET

Rand Paul to oppose Donald Trump border emergency declaration Sunday, March 3, 2019

“I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress,” Mr. Paul said. “We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn’t authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it’s a dangerous thing.” He joins Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Thom Tillis of North Carolina and 47 Democrats in backing the disapproval measure, giving it majority support. https://archive.md/L3kvT


Where's that fucker's concern regarding that Congressional Hush Slush fund, OR Ashley Biden's Diary, OR Laptop from hell, OR ANY of the TREASON….??

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ecbd56 No.20914631

File: f4b5109e9424c21⋯.jpg (78.57 KB,400x560,5:7,456256.jpg)

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0513a8 No.20914633

File: c8f1c9f135100ac⋯.jpg (8.62 KB,255x222,85:74,pepe_mic_drop2.jpg)


>I think we're done.

Don't whine about clowns sniping the easiest digits. Now we're done. KEK

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1fea66 No.20914635

File: e5b2770015a149e⋯.png (311.95 KB,820x606,410:303,ClipboardImage.png)


because they keep saying the earth is overpopulated when it's not


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227b3c No.20914636

File: 12b8faa6bbf4aaf⋯.mp4 (8.05 MB,270x480,9:16,Cardi_B_not_allowed_to_sho….mp4)

This along with Cardi B's support for Trump is why they are now fucking with her, she was only fined and released but it will get much worse for her. Hope she holds her faith & it's real, for her sake.

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32ea07 No.20914638

Worst Psyop ever

Definitely not of a Freddy Level of shilling

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2250e7 No.20914639

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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09c2ea No.20914641

File: 7e6eedaf65adb7f⋯.jpg (99.79 KB,632x798,316:399,2012SPELLolympics.jpg)


"we see it anyway"

Behar is a lunatic.

Total hypnotism.

they look at MAGA and it registers as Swastika.


Totally GONE!

I wonder what conditioning some of them have gone through?

…To be a talking-head on TV?

Joy was on radio first.

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c9bfa6 No.20914642

File: fa3773a910d0f95⋯.jpg (101.18 KB,900x600,3:2,media_GN9J6GEbAAAV3Dh.jpg)

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27df8a No.20914643

File: db83044e2f6186a⋯.png (212.25 KB,598x915,598:915,Vice_President_Kamala_Harr….png)

Who the fuck cares about a guy who overdosed on drugs and beat women? Is Kamaltoe that fucking dumb that she does not even know his background?

What about any Americans who have been killed by illegal you allowed into the country, where is there memorial tweet? Why is this one random black dude treated like Nelson fucking Mandela, I really do not understand…

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09b348 No.20914646

File: ade292207c2fa5b⋯.png (373.59 KB,500x441,500:441,Waking_up.png)


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9c3ab9 No.20914647


>if given an infinity amount of times a coin will land

Reminder: the coin is both head/tails until the flip is observed

*Bowl Caugh

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227b3c No.20914650

File: 0c645800c4530c1⋯.png (1.69 MB,887x1157,887:1157,ClipboardImage.png)


Never mind must only be the support for Trump, that wasn't Cardi B

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76bbd4 No.20914651

File: 58f4de952088512⋯.jpeg (14.49 KB,253x255,253:255,toots.jpeg)


>Freddy Level

I kinda miss Freddy and Toots.

They were at least fun.

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46f354 No.20914653

File: b9a760767d9325a⋯.jpg (34.97 KB,513x467,513:467,tumblr_o4eh3sfI1h1ubm73lo1….jpg)


Give it a rest, mic drop. Lighten up Francis. Anons are habbin fun. Anons are chilling. Why you always gotta be so negative with the waves? Maybe that's why so many Anons give you a hard time. Food for thought.

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2250e7 No.20914655

File: 5306b0204e394ac⋯.jpeg (275.92 KB,1200x900,4:3,EFCEF5A0_B4E1_4366_9B01_4….jpeg)

File: 502b1af2b49bf6e⋯.jpeg (130.8 KB,828x621,4:3,B921F913_E041_4B34_8856_5….jpeg)

File: 41f07f5718c0eaf⋯.jpeg (129.67 KB,828x466,414:233,1F2385D1_6BED_4BAE_AA55_E….jpeg)

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9f3c9f No.20914658

File: 3e5b32a55ae9ba2⋯.png (404.24 KB,640x390,64:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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33025d No.20914659


narrative united the splintered groups now fighting each other over genocide

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32ea07 No.20914660

Ban or Delete "GM" Poster?

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09b348 No.20914662

File: 735bf6b2a775835⋯.png (143.79 KB,474x266,237:133,MAGAGUARD.png)


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9f5e9d No.20914663

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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e23c3d No.20914664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This really could be a funny ride! Good talk so far!

LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

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6306e4 No.20914665


ThankQ, looking forward to your speech 2 knight.

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46f354 No.20914666


Why does saying good morning make you seethe?

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2250e7 No.20914667

File: c1e0d99bf098100⋯.jpeg (76.84 KB,828x554,414:277,E4A32087_588E_4171_8638_3….jpeg)

File: 605e3a836203991⋯.jpeg (80.66 KB,828x554,414:277,DB6F091C_50E7_40AF_A9F2_A….jpeg)

File: b38f01703f944ef⋯.jpeg (66.8 KB,828x554,414:277,60BD72DA_13C9_464B_B265_F….jpeg)

File: 55c767df45d8838⋯.jpeg (164.06 KB,601x402,601:402,D22F7D80_47E7_49FC_9AD7_D….jpeg)

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227b3c No.20914668

File: 796e0b086b2ceed⋯.png (73.34 KB,604x326,302:163,ClipboardImage.png)


Deranged Jack Smith has asked Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida for a Gag Order on me, so that I cannot talk about all of the Crimes he has committed, including the Illegal, Unconstitutional, and Unwarranted RAID of Mar-a-Lago. I guess they’re hoping they can silence me from telling the TRUTH like the Corrupt and Highly Conflicted Judge in New York City has done. Gag Orders have a very strong tendency to BACKFIRE, and if anybody should be GAGGED, it should be Deranged Jack, who was recently caught doing very bad things - and I should be able to talk about that, and everything else having to do with this Hoax - from which Crooked Joe Biden was FULLY EXONERATED!

6:50 ET


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38ee76 No.20914669

File: 5adcb464aa15048⋯.jpg (7.09 KB,300x225,4:3,fhudsgfuig.jpg)

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c60ee9 No.20914672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tucker Reacts to Diddy Allegations


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1b2e04 No.20914673


The Great Awakening!

Good Morning!

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4e742d No.20914674

File: edd59d6567b13f7⋯.png (92.79 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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9f3c9f No.20914675


Derek Chauvin should be free today and Kamelhoe would have been executed for espionage or Treason already, if not for the foreign DS coup d'etat pimping her.

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38ee76 No.20914676

File: c0bb0162e72d571⋯.png (961.7 KB,690x828,5:6,jsgfiyrgf.png)


Fuck that guy

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09b348 No.20914677

File: 6d7c10afe2dc4f0⋯.jpg (108.46 KB,960x540,16:9,For_the_Glory.jpg)


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27df8a No.20914678

File: f112ff6092bfab3⋯.png (861.21 KB,767x813,767:813,george_floyd.png)

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7b0bb5 No.20914679


>if your mother only knew

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46f354 No.20914680

File: a228c193206c479⋯.png (998.1 KB,998x642,499:321,a228c193206c479434c564c875….png)


Absolutely biblical

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9f3c9f No.20914681

File: 748aa0122dcc2cf⋯.png (716.71 KB,900x506,450:253,ClipboardImage.png)

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6306e4 No.20914682


Amen to that.

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382a01 No.20914683

File: 99730d3a52e7290⋯.png (66.61 KB,1068x601,1068:601,ClipboardImage.png)


The example I described habbened in 6 minutes from last bun to his twat

Then fresh bred

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141242 No.20914684

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Japanons can you help to confirm translation?




In Japan they are now openly on TV talking about the harms of the covid injections.

SHARE - The TRUTH is coming out👇


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09b348 No.20914685

File: 510bc410981dc32⋯.png (703.46 KB,590x480,59:48,thebeginning.png)


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99fe46 No.20914686

File: 4d1c1980946ba7c⋯.png (511.98 KB,822x823,822:823,uerutrsrtuyetue.PNG)

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1b2e04 No.20914687

File: 2cde13261f253a5⋯.png (385.15 KB,510x506,255:253,2cde13261f253a5205d65e0f8e….png)


Morning sun brings the heat.


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7706e9 No.20914688

File: 9a6792310297703⋯.gif (502.27 KB,500x225,20:9,IMG_2142.gif)

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936c28 No.20914689

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

get in here. maga has gone libertarian. naw libertarian has just seen maga for the first time. wait until they get a load of trump and and the anons,

we are gonna make you famous.



Note: This should be a weird one, will collect statements later and post on pastebin link.


LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24

Join RSBN for President Trump's big speech at the Libertarian Party's National Convention on May 25 in Washington D.C.

RSBN will be LIVE on Saturday, May 25, 2024 at 5:00 P.M. ET.


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13acdc No.20914690

File: dafbfb218553384⋯.jpg (736.12 KB,1712x1704,214:213,dafbfb218553384f975fdea46b….jpg)


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09b348 No.20914692

File: 44738f707404f71⋯.png (3.06 MB,1862x1047,1862:1047,11_11_Q_wave.png)

Do not be afraid of the Darkness.

The Darkness is afraid of YOU.

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0513a8 No.20914693

File: 4514a7e0facf4cf⋯.png (45.92 KB,293x281,293:281,confucious.png)


At least they're not spamming their retarded ethnic division bullshit, the schizophrenic theology slide, the religion circle jerk, or the faggot that pretends to be an AI warfare system. All they're posting is their abbreviation and other benign puff pieces.

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05cc00 No.20914694

notables @ 590

#25651 >>20913985

>>20914031 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (Trump excpted to speak @ 8PM EST)

>>20914001 State Department hosted event on Thurs bringing every major tech company togther to discuss the health of only one ethnic group

>>20914044 Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House

>>20914047 British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

>>20914051 Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

>>20914052 Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water

>>20914064, >>20914184, >>20914210, >>20914370, >>20914403, >>20914424, >>20914455, >>20914564, >>20914631, >>20914680, >>20914687 GM

>>20914067, >>20914111 NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory

>>20914100 The future looks quite Based indeed

>>20914105 Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people

>>20914140, >>20914150 Nurse fired for not getting the COVID shot reacts to a letter begging her to re-apply: "See you in court!”

>>20914143 Free shit - err I mean Free Palestine

>>20914147 Active FFA US MIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024

>>20914152 37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display

>>20914053 Omar Shrugs Off Harassment of Jewish Student, Faults UCLA for Not Protecting Anti-Israel Protesters

>>20914179, >>20914267 Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

>>20914185 GM Joe

>>20914229 Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure

>>20914239 Famous last words from Kathy Hochul

>>20914244, >>20914275 Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows

>>20914247 Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

>>20914249, >>20914290 PF: Tracking 45

>>20914306 Huge development as countries fail to reach a deal on the new WHO pandemic treaty

>>20914311, >>20914345, >>20914463 9/11 E team

>>20914417, >>20914435, >>20914443, >>20914447, >>20914469 Rapper Nicki Minaj arrested in Amsterdam for alleged drug possession

>>20914504 Elon says GM

>>20914668 DJT: Deranged Jack Smith has asked Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida for a Gag Order on me


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d18df5 No.20914695



Miles and Bannon were some of the top reasons to join GETTR. Very good messaging. He was wise and shared a lot of information. This is targeting, anyone have stories of ccp police stations in Canada? NY?

Should be alarming but left cheers on the authoritarian state under misleading headlines aimed at those who never heard Miles

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32ea07 No.20914696

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7b0bb5 No.20914697


Notable gillie post.

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865cdd No.20914698

File: 806f5fa07aac9ad⋯.png (408.25 KB,1224x1768,9:13,ClipboardImage.png)



all in 1

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72ee15 No.20914699


I’ve been saying that for years…

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38ee76 No.20914700

File: ac378d843b13471⋯.png (259.38 KB,494x393,494:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b0bb5 No.20914701


Night Vision


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cfedb5 No.20914702

File: 6b82202b852a5a4⋯.jpg (90.62 KB,500x644,125:161,1e55be945001c2cf123253fe8e….jpg)


…Still smells funny, in here.

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09b348 No.20914703

File: 59e859dce074cb5⋯.png (1.3 MB,1200x630,40:21,11_11_Q_wave2.png)


Strength test.

For God & Country!

We Fight for FREEDOM.

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c2644d No.20914704

File: 218a274860b8442⋯.png (262.54 KB,1017x408,339:136,Jesus_fish.png)

File: 363fe5c4ea666c8⋯.png (2.8 MB,2592x946,1296:473,Trump_says_our_Lord_and_Sa….png)

8 Lord, I have loved the habitation of thy house, and the place where thine honour dwelleth.

9 Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with bloody men:

10 In whose hands is mischief, and their right hand is full of bribes.

11 But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me.

12 My foot standeth in an even place: in the congregations will I bless the Lord.

Psalm 26:8-12

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936c28 No.20914705

File: 2c3e15d0ba2121e⋯.png (323.9 KB,500x574,250:287,ClipboardImage.png)

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7b0bb5 No.20914706

Your dad get a melanin transplant?

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0513a8 No.20914707


Why are you tagging memes and shill posts with your abbreviation? What does the abbreviation have to do with Morning Joe? You do realize your little gimmick makes you glow even brighter than before right? Filtered.

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46f354 No.20914708



>Morning sun brings heat

Now that's a hell of a decode. Good Morning Anons bring the heat! Maybe Elons post is a marker.


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c72a73 No.20914709

File: 8439642bf285e11⋯.png (524.16 KB,827x825,827:825,l87_m76e7em7er7kktrert.PNG)

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9f3c9f No.20914710

File: a3940ab249ac336⋯.gif (916.94 KB,320x180,16:9,1.gif)

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6306e4 No.20914711


The admixtures create other compounds, knowingly.

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09b348 No.20914712

File: 1c6e6d826b0a20b⋯.png (71.49 KB,640x400,8:5,possibilities.png)



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0513a8 No.20914713

Clown in the kitchen right now.

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09b348 No.20914714


All morning, anon. THANK YOU.

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38ee76 No.20914715

File: 5b2b1615a4a5486⋯.png (240.23 KB,378x357,18:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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e80df4 No.20914716

File: 13c854a5f2bddcb⋯.png (18.57 KB,255x164,255:164,ClipboardImage.png)


>obviously that's NOT all it means.

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aead1b No.20914717

File: 60e61e8ead73615⋯.jpg (82.34 KB,720x522,40:29,Screenshot_20240525_185519….jpg)

The Prince and Princess of Wales



Incredibly sad to hear of the news this afternoon from RAF Coningsby. Our thoughts this evening are with the pilot’s loved ones, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, and the wider RAF family. W & C

3:01 PM · May 25, 2024





No ded here

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2c636e No.20914718

File: 303be91b687ee9f⋯.png (512.37 KB,444x644,111:161,FREDDY_MONA_LISA.png)




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1b2e04 No.20914719

File: 182b0192ce3adfd⋯.png (9.14 KB,294x171,98:57,ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS, can you throw a GM in tonight?

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c0edfe No.20914720


you need a girlfriend

something else to do

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09c2ea No.20914721

File: 608343d87d75cf8⋯.jpg (111.6 KB,708x1000,177:250,cooperamericanpeople1.jpg)



The TV heads on MSNBC / or was it CNN (what's the difference?) attempted to address the news that the "use of excessive force" was layed out in black and white.


And so one idiot who claimed he had been a judge and a police officer both, said:

"But you know they would never put that in writing"

No kidding. The actual order to kill was absent from the document, which the idiot thought to point out?

However, since such an order could not be put in writing, to which the supposed ex-Judge (who knows if lying?) attested….

That fact that is was implyed in the lay-out / context of the raid kinda proves the actual order was actually given, but orally.

That's the implication.

The obvious implication.

ALSO: "it's just our routine practice"

Of course it is:

1. killing MLK

2. Killing Malcom X -through proxy

3. Killing certain agents (or sheep -dipping them) per the use of the 9/11 staged attack (which we covered -up)

[there's many moar that I missed]

4. Tuscon shooting. Staged to kill a judge.

5. Joker Killing at Batman movie opening, Aurora Colorado - part of a series to terrify the public and move to confiscate private gns.

6. Sandy Hook / Boston Bombing; -same (McCabe was balls deep in those)

7. Ruby Ridge. figured a way to shoot a man and his dog on his own property, with help of ATF

8 Waco , Burn down a place housing many children under pretence of saving them.

9. OK Bombing, needed distraction from our set-up of the first bombing at Trade Tower complex.


i WOULDN'T say all was based upon the 'stupidity' of the American People; I 'd say it was the deliberately engineered complacency which caused the ignorance of what's really going on.

picrel William Cooper

Who was also taken out by a "raid" gone wrong.

they do this all the time

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9f3c9f No.20914722


Why is she even here? At least 3 counts of immigration fraud.

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0513a8 No.20914723

And now they're reminiscing fondly about past shill personas. Desperate today. KEK!

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09b348 No.20914724

File: 1cf0b7351a5593b⋯.png (138.26 KB,141x334,141:334,oip.png)

Q is here. Operators are HERE. W.A.R.

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38ee76 No.20914725

File: 51d9d8fa1ea62ec⋯.jpg (29.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,sfojugsyf108733.jpg)

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c2644d No.20914726

File: e9e0f68144cd1c6⋯.png (47.97 KB,473x220,43:20,_I_have_swept_away_your_of….png)

"I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you." Isaiah 44:22


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38ee76 No.20914727

File: 03bb4336e33c795⋯.png (107.21 KB,418x216,209:108,ClipboardImage.png)

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27df8a No.20914728


Remember all that speculation that they both attened the same mason lodge and actually knew each other, the entire thing was staged. Skull and bones

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865cdd No.20914729

File: f72c9dfd103eaf9⋯.png (988.25 KB,900x900,1:1,fda_ivermectin.png)

File: 67f10c9ef09bb02⋯.png (809.1 KB,832x1280,13:20,email_from_FDA_shock_DOD_c….png)

File: 0ebde1c91cc4f0d⋯.jpg (63.14 KB,768x772,192:193,safe_and_effective_fda.jpg)

File: af0d151f2f8780b⋯.mp4 (4.66 MB,640x360,16:9,FDA_Executive_Officer.mp4)


>The admixtures create other compounds, knowingly.

And they don't test for that, because the FDA doesn't require it, knowingly

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7b58f5 No.20914730

File: d9d8a70f5002a68⋯.jpg (35.28 KB,896x500,224:125,image_4007070725.jpg)


Are you sure it's Hunter?

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09c2ea No.20914731


gee thanks for the advise madcow.

My advise to you:

step down

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dedf4d No.20914732

File: 2e2ad898212b3b9⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_2908.MP4)


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d8de24 No.20914733


It's night time there now. Maybe Trump can say GM as in General Motors a couple times.

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46f354 No.20914734

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,2deb80261d2e54a5c8a1420d98….png)




Why do you call the note taker a clown? If they are calling out where the post count is, aren't they a BV? What makes them a clown for collecting posts revolving around Elon replying with GM? A request was made and answered. No matter if you hate GM, it's fucking bigly notable.

Lighten up Francis.

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09b348 No.20914735

File: bdd1e086db371dd⋯.png (48.57 KB,259x73,259:73,Hi.png)

6:50 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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6306e4 No.20914737



23 47 = 2347

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f0fc82 No.20914738


Take your pick

"Good Morning," "Genetically Modified," "Good Move," "General Motors", "Grenwich Meantime","Game Master."

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865cdd No.20914739

File: 47e5ded778aa53e⋯.jpg (156.05 KB,950x972,475:486,glowniggers.jpg)


>they're reminiscing fondly about past shill personas

1 lil anon does a thing, and you make it a "they"

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09b348 No.20914740

File: bdd1e086db371dd⋯.png (48.57 KB,259x73,259:73,Hi.png)

7:04 [e]

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bf51aa No.20914741

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c8baec No.20914742

File: 30a61432a6dd872⋯.png (307.16 KB,497x500,497:500,8672840bc244b5ad527bf9ed96….png)


Toots will be with us…


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09c2ea No.20914743


FBI comes from Woke Point.



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38ee76 No.20914744

File: beb42482075f9c6⋯.png (42.67 KB,393x393,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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09b348 No.20914745


Q answered us. Did you notice?

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64b4bb No.20914746

notables @ 630

#25651 >>20913985

>>20914031 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (Trump expected to speak @ 8PM EST)

>>20914184, >>20914210, >>20914370, >>20914403, >>20914424, >>20914455, >>20914564, >>20914631, >>20914680, >>20914687 GM

>>20914001 State Department hosted event on Thurs bringing every major tech company togther to discuss the health of only one ethnic group

>>20914044 Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House

>>20914047 British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

>>20914051 Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

>>20914052 Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water

>>20914100 The future looks quite Based indeed

>>20914105 Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people

>>20914111 NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory

>>20914140, >>20914150 Nurse fired for not getting the COVID shot reacts to a letter begging her to re-apply: "See you in court!”

>>20914143 Free shit - err I mean Free Palestine

>>20914147 Active FFA US MIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024

>>20914152 37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display

>>20914053 Omar Shrugs Off Harassment of Jewish Student, Faults UCLA for Not Protecting Anti-Israel Protesters

>>20914179, >>20914267 Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

>>20914185 GM Joe

>>20914229 Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure

>>20914239 Famous last words from Kathy Hochul

>>20914244 Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows

>>20914247 Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

>>20914249, >>20914290 PF: Tracking 45

>>20914306 Huge development as countries fail to reach a deal on the new WHO pandemic treaty

>>20914311, >>20914345, >>20914463 9/11 E team

>>20914417, >>20914435, >>20914443, >>20914447, >>20914469 Rapper Nicki Minaj arrested in Amsterdam for alleged drug possession

>>20914504 Elon says GM

>>20914668 DJT: Deranged Jack Smith has asked Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida for a Gag Order on me


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936c28 No.20914747

File: 066e8d28be8a16a⋯.png (1.48 MB,1472x812,368:203,ClipboardImage.png)


just watched a speech from a libertarian and all you could hear was maga supporters.

his face and body language.

shocked and like a deer in headlights.


rewind and watch while you are waiting.

45 minutes to go.

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0513a8 No.20914748

File: ba690d955dbc4ea⋯.png (356.62 KB,620x549,620:549,pepe_apu.png)

Personally doesn't bother me, but I see it for what it is and have no compunction about calling it out. Does that mean Elon is just another clown or is he gullible and just blindly following a clown trend to be one of the cool kids? Don't care either way.

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38ee76 No.20914749

File: 184864e3eeb973b⋯.png (151.11 KB,333x334,333:334,ClipboardImage.png)

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c0edfe No.20914750


ginger mound

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c8baec No.20914751

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0aae81 No.20914752

File: 694f434a96448cc⋯.jpeg (340.37 KB,1527x1306,1527:1306,IMG_3011.jpeg)

The fix is in.

Joe Biden is expected to address Trump’s ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House.

This is Joe Biden’s 2024 campaign since his administration is a dumpster fire. Biden’s only hope is to jail Trump because Americans don’t want four more years of Bidenomics.

Alvin Bragg’s top prosecutor Matthew Colangelo was a top DOJ official that Joe Biden sent to New York in 2022 to take down his main political rival Donald Trump.

Matthew Colangelo and corrupt Judge Juan Merchan have done everything they can to convict Trump.


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09b348 No.20914753

File: bb4d6cb31d9abdb⋯.png (47.54 KB,300x225,4:3,thelight.png)


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23a344 No.20914754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gentle Jesus join my journey

When I lay me down to sleep.

I would gladly sleep forever

In your kind companionship.

Sweet Redeemer walk beside me

Guide my dreaming by your grace

Help my mind make pictures of you

Let my fingers feel your face.

Should I live to see the moment

When the convict sun is freed

Let me not forget your kindness

Let me not forget my need.

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cca8b7 No.20914755

File: 9538c07cf840aef⋯.mp4 (14.38 MB,540x314,270:157,Dave_Smith.mp4)

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865cdd No.20914756

File: 18e0df6559ef31f⋯.png (4.84 MB,3784x2902,1892:1451,dresden_3.png)

File: f612ca747b8fee4⋯.png (1.49 MB,1600x800,2:1,dresden_2.png)

File: 69793ce1de6ce8b⋯.png (8.27 MB,4500x2740,225:137,dresden_1.png)

File: 1a5495454ac6a7c⋯.jpg (138.42 KB,736x691,736:691,dresden_ww2_bombing.jpg)


>Incredibly sad

Just a few advance chickens.

More to come

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46f354 No.20914757

File: c2b5143aeb08b4b⋯.jpg (8.25 KB,225x225,1:1,images_jpeg_8.jpg)


Ginger mound

ghislaine maxwell etc.

None of those matter tho btw, GM means guud morn'n

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9f3c9f No.20914758


Talking to his dead phone

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0cae42 No.20914759


came in late what is "GM"?

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38ee76 No.20914760

File: 793856ee949f4e5⋯.png (553.67 KB,1570x312,785:156,ClipboardImage.png)

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f4d73f No.20914761

File: bf7497c14d9d41a⋯.jpeg (879.66 KB,1818x1097,1818:1097,bf7497c14d9d41a385ba503df….jpeg)


That's it!

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09b348 No.20914762

File: 3fc0aeaf91eb7ef⋯.png (2.41 MB,1600x1200,4:3,wp9171251.png)



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f0fc82 No.20914763

File: 9bf2922ffa310cd⋯.jpeg (17.66 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_0392.jpeg)


It approaches

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41697a No.20914764

File: 31abd2d26d58b9e⋯.jpeg (31.51 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5177.jpeg)

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e526ed No.20914765


ginger mound

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27df8a No.20914766


So they choose Civil war?

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aead1b No.20914767



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0513a8 No.20914768


A clown gimmick that they're forcing on not just this board but multiple platforms concurrently. Last great psyop of the clowns before the axe falls on their necks, and it's just an abbreviation.

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38ee76 No.20914769

File: cb97c2a0de552ed⋯.png (632.76 KB,787x393,787:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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0b34cc No.20914770


bullschitt slide

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13acdc No.20914771

File: 471225363252f6f⋯.jpg (145.14 KB,1024x991,1024:991,471225363252f6f5c693b05626….jpg)

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9f3c9f No.20914772


The next wrecking crew will be worse.

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936c28 No.20914773

File: 181a49af9d1b029⋯.png (1.94 MB,1080x1073,1080:1073,ClipboardImage.png)


dubs chek'ed

notable, libertarian, donald trump was framed by his own deep state, kek

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865cdd No.20914774

File: c2cc7c8a7b02065⋯.png (63.98 KB,561x336,187:112,running_man_code_deactivat….png)


>Joe Biden is expected to address Trump’s ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House.

These shits have been cancelled before, many times.

The fix is not in until it's all fixed.

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64b4bb No.20914775

File: efd66ec432ef6b0⋯.png (173.99 KB,579x479,579:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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09b348 No.20914776

File: b5ae66decbbfbb1⋯.png (242.75 KB,474x475,474:475,WWG1WGA.png)




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46f354 No.20914777

File: 0a2b3da6afeea14⋯.png (228.98 KB,508x491,508:491,0a2b3da6afeea1486f296689c2….png)


You care so much you're obsessed with it. Elon is a GM Anon and you've probably labeled him as a shill. Just like everyone else. You need to reconcile, Francis.

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1b2e04 No.20914778

File: eea83d43b9c0641⋯.png (11.25 KB,338x182,13:7,1b6142b8eccf0dc4153060dde7….png)

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f0fc82 No.20914779

File: b206a1ce507d697⋯.jpeg (63.72 KB,600x450,4:3,IMG_0393.jpeg)


Wild Ginger it is

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0cae42 No.20914780

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865cdd No.20914781

File: 697507ea59192ec⋯.jpg (54.93 KB,747x615,249:205,glownigger_fuck_it_burns.jpg)


>King Charles

die faggot

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a64296 No.20914782

File: 002f7d5237dd397⋯.jpg (135.59 KB,666x882,37:49,Spuds.jpg)

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aead1b No.20914783


would rather hear Trump saypotato

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23ddac No.20914784


And Biden thinks he has slaves to care for him.

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09b348 No.20914785

File: 285fd8140570f2d⋯.png (1.46 MB,1005x614,1005:614,WE_ARE_Q.png)



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38ee76 No.20914786

File: 6a019ed231a1e92⋯.png (15.14 MB,1866x5739,622:1913,ClipboardImage.png)

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98edf7 No.20914787


That's a fuck ton of conspiracy theory just to see if boss will say "GM" during his speech.

Bet he won't do it.

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9f3c9f No.20914788

File: 5c732a97b77931e⋯.png (87.75 KB,300x180,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)


Where are these funds coming from?

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865cdd No.20914789

File: f16dd04881287d1⋯.gif (1.53 MB,400x400,1:1,cat_chase_bear.gif)


bear kabobs

how communicative

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89d01c No.20914790


obvious doesn't need sauce.

stop pretending it's not an insider psyop.

just stop.

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e4b12b No.20914791


sure he is…you're a fool

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ecbd56 No.20914792

File: d2db82c07fcf254⋯.jpg (21.3 KB,400x390,40:39,ghggoghl.jpg)


"Ginger mound" are holy wordings, when you remove the vowels


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bf51aa No.20914793


Anon kek'd. Otherwise, he had some good points.

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cca8b7 No.20914794

File: 5edeb096efa008e⋯.mp4 (7.15 MB,540x314,270:157,Donald_Trump_was_framed.mp4)

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41697a No.20914795

File: 3dd7d0a602ccfb3⋯.jpeg (22.27 KB,236x207,236:207,IMG_9649.jpeg)


> POTUS, can you throw a GM in tonight?

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364ead No.20914796

File: da5e08aac76181f⋯.mp4 (8.51 MB,480x852,40:71,Rapper_Nicki_Minaj_arreste….mp4)



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38ee76 No.20914797

File: 3209483de5b817d⋯.png (170.95 KB,1791x555,597:185,ClipboardImage.png)


>insider psyop.

to accomplish what

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f0fc82 No.20914798



Based Speech, give em props for saying the truth in a Public Forum. Get this guy some peotection.

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09c2ea No.20914799


Flynn's voice is as annoying as that of Biden. Similar Cadence here.

Do they have the same voice intructor?

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09b348 No.20914800

File: 54533421ca8ab97⋯.png (659.55 KB,1024x768,4:3,warishell.png)







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865cdd No.20914801

File: 657b2a35eae45eb⋯.png (612.65 KB,1158x858,193:143,Jim_Morrison_June_1971_com….png)


>boss will say "GM" during his speech.

that would be pretty funny though

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6c5b07 No.20914802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f3c9f No.20914803


Yes, but will their new Chinese overlords honor the agreement?

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962e01 No.20914804

File: 3c86972418fe6e1⋯.jpg (216.88 KB,994x1272,497:636,MV5BM2U4NmUwODQtN2IwNC00Mz….jpg)

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2c636e No.20914805

File: 688526657b5e06d⋯.jpeg (905.77 KB,1818x1097,1818:1097,bf7497c14d9d41a385ba503df….jpeg)

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0513a8 No.20914806


Don't care if he does but I think he's smart enough not to fall for a clown gimmick. It's something in getting someone to say it. Have had a few clowns go to me, "Just say it, SP. Say the two letters." Saying it is a victory for them, that still doesn't offset their years of failure.

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98505f No.20914807


grifters gonna grift

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43c83e No.20914809


Top Kek!

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1b2e04 No.20914810


28 posts kek


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0513a8 No.20914812

Abbreviation failed, switch to MuhJoo. Round and round the obvious tactic list they go.

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64b4bb No.20914813

notables @ 700

#25651 >>20913985

>>20914031 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (Trump expected to speak @ 8PM EST)

>>20914755 Dave Smith speaks @ Libertarian National Convention

>>20914184, >>20914210, >>20914370, >>20914403, >>20914424, >>20914455, >>20914564, >>20914631, >>20914680 GM

>>20914001 State Department hosted event on Thurs bringing every major tech company togther to discuss the health of only one ethnic group

>>20914044 Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House

>>20914047 British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

>>20914051 Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

>>20914052 Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water

>>20914100 The future looks quite Based indeed

>>20914105 Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people

>>20914111 NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory

>>20914140, >>20914150 Nurse fired for not getting the COVID shot reacts to a letter begging her to re-apply: "See you in court!”

>>20914143 Free shit - err I mean Free Palestine

>>20914147 Active FFA US MIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024

>>20914152 37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display

>>20914053 Omar Shrugs Off Harassment of Jewish Student, Faults UCLA for Not Protecting Anti-Israel Protesters

>>20914179, >>20914267 Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

>>20914185 GM Joe

>>20914229 Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure

>>20914239 Famous last words from Kathy Hochul

>>20914244 Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows

>>20914247 Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

>>20914249, >>20914290 PF: Tracking 45

>>20914306 Huge development as countries fail to reach a deal on the new WHO pandemic treaty

>>20914311, >>20914345, >>20914463 9/11 E team

>>20914417, >>20914435, >>20914443, >>20914447, >>20914469 Rapper Nicki Minaj arrested in Amsterdam for alleged drug possession

>>20914504 Elon says GM

>>20914668 DJT: Deranged Jack Smith has asked Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida for a Gag Order on me

>>20914752 Joe Biden is expected to address Trump’s ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House


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32ea07 No.20914814

File: 2d4c562dd56d9f2⋯.png (350.96 KB,512x340,128:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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09b348 No.20914815

File: f8ef4c036f85edb⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x1024,1:1,2024.png)





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a69eca No.20914816

They use religion to keep the spiritual people around the world separated.

They do this to avoid them joining with unity consciousness.

Unity consciousness creates our future.

They know this and use it against us by first separating us so we do not think the same consciously and bombarding us with fear bases programing.

When humanity escapes this fear based consiousness trap and unites then their gig is up.

When the majority of humanity turns to love the world will truly change.

Where we go one we go all is sooooo much bigger than you think

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6c5b07 No.20914817


>Elon says GM


Absolute state of this place

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1ea4bf No.20914819

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6d86a7 No.20914821

File: e85eae7a20d237e⋯.png (92.39 KB,480x560,6:7,ClipboardImage.png)

this is for anon the greatest rabbit hole ever uncoverhabbening…

Criminals using gag orders to silence truth speech about their own false accusation crimes->coordinated power weaponizing biden admin to cover up their own and additional other crimes.

DOJ used as 'cover' for criminal syndicate now getting drip dripped to full open source?

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079d47 No.20914822

File: c9656b326257257⋯.jpeg (461.35 KB,1221x1525,1221:1525,Prince_Charles_WEF_2020_D….JPEG)

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865cdd No.20914823

File: 7b6a8dac0bdac53⋯.png (534.61 KB,1000x756,250:189,ClipboardImage.png)

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406bdc No.20914824

File: 4ec91bfee9f9ab6⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340.png)

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64b4bb No.20914825


#25651 >>20913985

>>20914031 LIVE: President Trump Addresses Libertarian National Convention in D.C. - 5/25/24 (Trump expected to speak @ 8PM EST)

>>20914755 Dave Smith speaks @ Libertarian National Convention

>>20914184, >>20914210, >>20914370, >>20914403, >>20914424, >>20914455, >>20914564, >>20914631, >>20914680 GM

>>20914001 State Department hosted event on Thurs bringing every major tech company togther to discuss the health of only one ethnic group

>>20914044 Biden plans to address Trump ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House

>>20914047 British Member of Parliament Reveals UK and US Soldiers Are Active in Ukraine Firing Advanced Missiles at Russia

>>20914051 Rashida Tlaib has paid $435,000 to firm of anti-Israel activist for terrorism-tied groups

>>20914052 Native American tribes give unanimous approval to proposal securing Colorado River water

>>20914100 The future looks quite Based indeed

>>20914105 Trump rally in Chicago at Lincoln Park would draw 100,000 people

>>20914111 NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg says it's time to use NATO weapons to strike targets inside Russia's territory

>>20914140, >>20914150 Nurse fired for not getting the COVID shot reacts to a letter begging her to re-apply: "See you in court!”

>>20914143 Free shit - err I mean Free Palestine

>>20914147 Active FFA US MIL no-fly zone over the current White House that ends on May 31, 2024

>>20914152 37,000 flags in place on Boston Common as part of 2024 Memorial Day Weekend display

>>20914053 Omar Shrugs Off Harassment of Jewish Student, Faults UCLA for Not Protecting Anti-Israel Protesters

>>20914179, >>20914267 Boston council member calling for 'revolution' alarms liberal colleagues with wild tirades, threats

>>20914185 GM Joe

>>20914229 Holy Grail shipwreck with $17 billion in treasure

>>20914239 Famous last words from Kathy Hochul

>>20914244 Mandatory national service for 18-year-olds if Tories win election, Sunak vows

>>20914247 Ex-CIA officer accused of spying for China pleads guilty in a Honolulu courtroom

>>20914249, >>20914290 PF: Tracking 45

>>20914306 Huge development as countries fail to reach a deal on the new WHO pandemic treaty

>>20914311, >>20914345, >>20914463 9/11 E team

>>20914417, >>20914435, >>20914443, >>20914447, >>20914469 Rapper Nicki Minaj arrested in Amsterdam for alleged drug possession

>>20914504 Elon says GM

>>20914668 DJT: Deranged Jack Smith has asked Judge Aileen Cannon in Florida for a Gag Order on me

>>20914752 Joe Biden is expected to address Trump’s ‘hush money’ verdict from the White House


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5483e6 No.20914826


I know, right?!

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09b348 No.20914827


7-13. Numbers mater to them. Magic numbers.

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46f354 No.20914828

File: 5530b0e74018680⋯.png (473.09 KB,1200x663,400:221,5530b0e7401868070cd1fb03ce….png)


Imagine being a blowhard hater that thinks GM means anything other than good morning.

God I feel immense pity for you.

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41697a No.20914829

File: ff4514d96666501⋯.jpeg (23.94 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_4008.jpeg)


Nancy meme

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09c2ea No.20914831


Biden's planning for a conviction, and jailing.

Wow is he dumb.

He thinks people will turn to him well afterward.



Stupid is as Stoopid does.

The Brute Force O'Biden

What next ANTIFA with machete?

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09b348 No.20914832

File: 6af0fa2c1fa414c⋯.png (1.75 MB,1273x800,1273:800,Do_Not_Comply.png)

File: 6af0fa2c1fa414c⋯.png (1.75 MB,1273x800,1273:800,Do_Not_Comply.png)

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cfedb5 No.20914833

…At least anon cannot get blamed, for this shit.

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406bdc No.20914835

File: 1bd71bcc2628b1e⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_1.png)

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9fcd63 No.20914836

File: 8111551d09e7c72⋯.jpeg (41.87 KB,570x587,570:587,8111551d09e7c726a62d7d9dd….jpeg)

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406bdc No.20914840

File: 81816a41ede4615⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_2.png)

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cb4742 No.20914842

File: ef57ce6ef77aae8⋯.jpg (232.25 KB,1397x439,1397:439,Waves_Encountering_the_Ion….jpg)

File: 879b31c723217c2⋯.jpg (630.6 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,MV5BMTgxMjI0NTEwMF5BMl5Ban….jpg)

File: e9394ec4e18ab18⋯.jpg (102.61 KB,810x1280,81:128,Besties_Trump_Putin.jpg)

File: 4f79755e8b0cc72⋯.png (1.73 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Ham_Radio_Setup_on_Wooden_….png)





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09b348 No.20914843

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

File: f51331efb6806a1⋯.png (9.95 KB,444x273,148:91,1333.png)

File: 55f08e435cda1bc⋯.png (4.81 KB,310x163,310:163,_2_.png)

Q, we are ready.

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860dfc No.20914845


bitch thinks she's in her hood

you're in another country bitch

you're lucky they're speaking english with you

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64296a No.20914846



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406bdc No.20914847

File: bce35b66a1f5dd1⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_3.png)

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227b3c No.20914848


>POTUS, can you throw a GM in tonight?


>It's night time there now. Maybe Trump can say GM as in General Motors a couple times.

YesGeneral Motorsplease Q

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46f354 No.20914849

File: 2981ea18458aaa1⋯.jpg (681.6 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240524_223455….jpg)

File: cccadecc01c2629⋯.jpg (677.05 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240524_225643….jpg)

File: 5def4b6eca83ff0⋯.jpg (655.29 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240524_225729….jpg)

File: 4d289e65d92670a⋯.jpg (194.85 KB,1080x2340,6:13,Screenshot_20240525_182909….jpg)

No coincidences

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0513a8 No.20914851


Yeah, it's a clown in the kitchen. It happens. There are good bakers and evil bakers. This one happens to have an agenda to what he wants in notables and what the aggregators downstream pull. Helps to remember that they're going to lose badly no matter what they do or prepare for and they're almost out of road to kick the can down.

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406bdc No.20914852

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730340_4.png)

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64b4bb No.20914854

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2c636e No.20914855

File: fb8468007239aa8⋯.jpg (60.4 KB,570x587,570:587,me.jpg)

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406bdc No.20914856

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360.png)

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09b348 No.20914857

YOU are the LIGHT

YOU are the SALT

YOU are the HEAT

YOU are the VOICE

YOU are the TRUTH!


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09c2ea No.20914858


Where did this take place?

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7b0bb5 No.20914859

The remains of Christian charity on this ride.

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406bdc No.20914860

File: 7408bd64222931c⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_1.png)

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9f3c9f No.20914861

File: e67d435d18938a9⋯.png (108.7 KB,400x263,400:263,ClipboardImage.png)


Bidet will threaten 80 million Americans, direct and personal.

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406bdc No.20914863

File: baa6d1cc93ccac4⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_2.png)

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2ba8db No.20914864

File: fd54fc42e7737da⋯.jpg (44.09 KB,666x375,222:125,countem1111.jpg)

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406bdc No.20914866

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730360_3.png)

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7b0bb5 No.20914867

Gov made the only answer to throw money at perceived problem. Heartbreaking.

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406bdc No.20914869

File: 81209adc50714fb⋯.png (1.69 MB,768x768,1:1,1522730374_1.png)

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7b0bb5 No.20914870

>At least the city shines at night.

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2250e7 No.20914903

Slow down fed

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382a01 No.20914940

File: cfdeff473599db9⋯.jpeg (770.09 KB,1034x747,1034:747,61FC75E2_93D4_4F29_A2AD_1….jpeg)

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406bdc No.20914942

wat dis

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406bdc No.20914943


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406bdc No.20914944


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406bdc No.20914945

such fun

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406bdc No.20914946


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