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a99e21 No.20911601 [Last50 Posts]

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a99e21 No.20911603

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#25647 >>20910788

>>20910907, >>20910916, >>20910918, >>20910923, >>20910963 @realDonaldTrump "The Worst FBI Director in History" (Has Comey become a liability?)

>>20911292 BREAKING: Hunter Biden gun trial jurors can see laptop evidence of illegal drug use.

>>20911333, >>20911402 PF: SAM775 G5 departed JBA NE, RCH4545 VIPs or someone traveling incognito as we’ve had a few examples of that: Blinken and Austin “to Kiev” is but one on C17s

>>20910814, >>20910833, >>20910843, >>20910858, >>20910864, >>20910891, >>20910901 Where has 99c gone?

>>20910827 NY only allowed 4,000 at the rally in the park. The NYPD estimated there were 8x that much. (Estimated 32,000 showed up)

>>20910934, >>20910936 Hollywood Actor Nick Searcy Was in D.C. on Jan 6: This is What Really Happened at the Capitol

>>20910948 Trump's gag order was because he was calling out the awful things Merchan's wife was saying about him

>>20910958 America First Legal Investigates Dr. Fauci’s Evasion of the Freedom of Information Act by Illegally Using a Private Email for Official Business

>>20910962 Cencora,Inc. sold by Walgreens Boots Alliance: $400m-May 22

>>20911002 Raheem Kassam: Open Secret That US And UK Have Military Assets In Eurasia. Bidan fucks up


>>20911087 Civitas Resources sold by Canada Pension Plan Investments: $509.35m-May 15

>>20911122 Harnwell: British Member Of Parliament Confirms Rumors --- US And UK Soldiers Are Active In Ukraine

>>20911193, >>20911207 Big banks are abandoning rural America for [15 Minute Cities0, leaving many communities without adequate access to capital

>>20911200, >>20911209 Prosecutors seek Trump gag after 'dangerous' comments

>>20911238, >>20911244 Kane of Citizen Free Press: Something Changed In The Bronx Yesterday

>>20911248 Prosecutors seek to bar Trump in classified files case from statements endangering law enforcement

>>20911276 All Hands On Deck For Texas Runoffs, get rid of Phellan. Tomorrow is Primary Voting Day, May 25th

>>20911295 Wambsganns: It's Time For Dade Phelan To GO. TX GOP electionOver 3,000 democrats crossed over to vote the Republican.

>>20911296 Special counsel Smith seeks order from judge barring Trump from making statements that pose risk to law enforcement

>>20911301, >>20911384 Leaked Video Shows Moderna CEO Telling Fauci “We Should Fake a Pandemic” – One Month Before COVID Fact checked by The People's Voice Community

>>20911307 Federal hate crime charges have been DROPPED against the man who destroyed a Satanic altar in the Iowa State Capitol, Michael Cassidy.

>>20911315 Attorney General Marshall Leads 19-State Lawsuit Against California & Others Threatening Energy System

>>20911340 US sends $275 million of weapons and military aid to Ukraine

>>20911393 Ohio Gov calls special session to ensure Crooked Joe's spot on 2024 ballot

>>20911419 Utah man declined $100K offer to travel to Congo on ‘security job’ that was covert coup attempt

>>20911439 Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada

>>20911449 Demi Moore scolded the audience while introducing Cher during the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS Gala, in Cap d'Antibes, France, on Thursday.

>>20911468 HHS Set to Roll Out Bird Flu Vaxes by the Millions - PJ Media

>>20911507 What's Up America? The anti-Trump anti-MAGA forces are governing through coercion, intimidation, fear and force - Praying Medic

>>20911427 The FBI isn't in the US Constitution. Show anon.

>>20911571 #25647

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African-American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182, >>20910601, >>20910611, >>20910680, >>20910731 Marketfag

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262, >>20910405 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx

>>20910283 Michigan Freedom Caucus Joins Forces With Law Enforcement To Combat Democrat Border Bloodbath

>>20910290 Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional

>>20910293 “The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

>>20910314 David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, CA

>>20910327, >>20910333 Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him

>>20910328, >>20910384 Legal expenses vs legal expense

>>20910340 Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship

>>20910345, >>20910439, >>20910453 Natalie Biden's boyfriend / resemblance to Hillary

>>20910378 Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

>>20910380 Biden Nominee Ordered Google to Hand over Emails of Journalist Who Obtained Ashley Biden's Diary

>>20910392 Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile

>>20910426 Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime

>>20910428, >>20910422 Hunter's Sugar Daddy Cuts Funding after CIA Protection Revealed

>>20910491 Papua New Guinea: Up to 3,000 people are reported missing after a massive landslide hit several remote villages

>>20910546 Rep. Byron Donalds: The crowd spoke for itself... it was an amazing event, probably the BEST political rally I’d ever been to

>>20910555 The Secrets of The Payseur Family; Myths, Legends & Stories from The Old World

>>20910558 Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure

>>20910617 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20910629 (8:00 PM EDT) 2024 Libertarian National Convention: Vivek Debate

>>20910646 Barack and Michelle Obama producing a tv-series in Ireland

>>20910693 Judge Merchan had Steve Bannon's case, had Allen Weisselberg's case, and somehow, he also gets assigned Donald Trump's case

>>20910759 #25646

#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302, >>20909676, >>20909739, >>20909811, >>20909830 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320, >>20909469, >>20909835 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head is not good news, it's bad news

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165, >>20909767 Documentary Reveals How Media Outlets Work Covertly With Liberal Political Interests and Government Agencies to Control Narratives

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331, >>20909558 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period"

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court”

>>20909359, >>20909787 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss

>>20909431 FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊 - classy move Byron Donalds

>>20909438, >>20909450, >>20909455 Biden welcomes African diaspora, keks Dims no haz rayciss

>>20909452 MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

>>20909479 Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

>>20909530 @MAGAIncWarRoom Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems"

>>20909543 ‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System

baker change

>>20909114, >>20909152 Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ filmmaker, dead at 53

>>20909133 Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world

>>20909155, >>20909287, >>20909914 Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died

>>20909244 FCC Proposes $6 Million Fine for Deepfake Robocalls Around NH Primary

>>20909288 Another Deep Blue City Could Send Its Soros-Backed DA Packing After Crime Surge

>>20909404 Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays

>>20909489 Hunter Biden’s ex-wife to testify after text messages released

>>20909593 Trump Rally vs AOC Rally

>>20909605 Did terrorists just do a dry run at a Marine base? Team Biden needs to fill the nation in

>>20909637, >>20909642 Donald Trump is Winning Over Muslim and Arab Voters

>>20909712 40 year long Democrat explains why she walked away from the Democratic party

>>20909785 WHO Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Pandemic Accord

>>20909805 E&C Leaders to ODNI: What Does the U.S. Intel Community Know About CCP-Linked Security Breach at Canadian High-Containment Lab

>>20909808, >>20909869 UN's Top Court & ICJ Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive

>>20909810 Lamb comms

>>20909816, >>20909825, >>20909841 Suspicious boom

>>20909821 Winning bigly intensifies big time

>>20909824 Frank LaRose On Biden Missing Eligibility For Presidential Ballot And Cleaning The Voter Rolls

>>20909853, >>20909887 John Solomon Reports Feds Knew Biden Met With Son’s Chinese Business Partners On Official Trip

>>20909877 Argentina rejects International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Netanyahu

>>20909942 #25645

Previously Collected

>>20908222 #25643, >>20909071 #25644

>>20905735 #25640, >>20906549 #25641, >>20907367 #25642

>>20903222 #25637, >>20904262 #25638, >>20904937 #25639

>>20901587 #25635A, >>20901591 #25635B, >>20902385 #25636

>>20899621 #25632, >>20899978 #25633, >>20900776 #25634

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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a99e21 No.20911604

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>baker accepting handoffs

Report: Donald Trump Gets Invite to Waka Flocka Flame Rap Concert


Waka Flocka Flame - "For My Dawgs" (Official Music Video)


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ef79c2 No.20911609

File: 4b115df3ab914ea⋯.png (431.04 KB,500x500,1:1,4b115df3ab914ea866681d154f….png)

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b75a43 No.20911614

File: 030382696d782b1⋯.png (23.15 KB,300x117,100:39,squidijit.png)


tyb finally


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8259df No.20911615

Evenin’ Nightshift

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ef79c2 No.20911616

File: cd680c2719505ee⋯.png (1018.34 KB,768x1084,192:271,ClipboardImage.png)

Henry Earl, the world’s most arrested man, dead at 74 after more than 1,300 busts: ‘He was a character’

A Kentucky man who was famous for racking up more than 1,300 arrests during his lifetime, died last weekend at the age of 74, according to reports.

Henry Earl, who made national news as “the world’s most arrested man” for his prolific rap sheet, was buried at Owenton Cemetery Thursday afternoon, with workers from the Owenton Healthcare and Rehabilitation Facility, where he spent the final years of his life, in attendance.

Earl had no family that could be contacted to attend the ceremony, WLEX reported.

“He was a character, he had a wonderful sense of humor,” said Ginny Ramsey, founder of Lexington’s Catholic Action Center, who knew him for decades.


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03d7d6 No.20911617

And I quote, No one escapes this

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37c9a2 No.20911618

File: f8cf2a69a64fba3⋯.jpg (444.54 KB,1079x1071,1079:1071,8e66349bb916b76bc70503eba0….jpg)

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5db53c No.20911619

File: 62e8c44ccb8aabf⋯.png (830.15 KB,1017x1161,113:129,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin Wants Ceasefire Which Freezes Current Lines In Ukraine

President Vladimir Putin is offering a ceasefire with Ukraine and its Western backers to end what has long been a full-fledged proxy war. But it's unlikely to be agreed to by Kiev as he reportedly wants to freeze current positions.

"Putin can fight for as long as it takes, but Putin is also ready for a ceasefire - to freeze the war," a senior Russian source said to be close to the Russian leader told Reuters. If it happened, Putin would most certainly present this as 'victory' to his people and to the world.

Putin himself told a press conference Friday that peace talks with Ukraine should be renewed, but they "must reflect realities on the ground."

Reuters writes that "Three of the sources, familiar with discussions in Putin's entourage, said the veteran Russian leader had expressed frustration to a small group of advisers about what he views as Western-backed attempts to stymie negotiations and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's decision to rule out talks."

Any scenario which sees current lines frozen would mean Ukraine would have to cede substantial chunks of four Ukrainian regions. And in Kharkiv, for example, where a new Russian offensive is taking place, the border has been moved deeper into Ukrainian territory over the last weeks.

But Zelensky has repeatedly ruled out ceasefire negotiations with Moscow so long as Putin remains in power, calling this "impossible".

The fact that the US just recently passed Biden's $61 billion in new defense aid for Ukraine also provides less incentive for Zelensky to come to the table, even if Ukraine continues losing many troops.

Ukraine media and officials have charged that any Putin ceasefire offer is in the end a ploy meant to buy time to reenforce and resupply his troops, and to solidify current battlefield gains.

If the lines were frozen today, what would it look like? Forbes outlines:

Russia occupies about 18% of Ukraine, including parts of the country’s four southeastern regions—Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson—according to the Council on Foreign Relations, a U.S.-based think tank.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told Reuters Russia did not want “eternal war,” adding Russia would not return territory in those four regions to Ukraine because they are now a permanent part of Russia.

Three sources suggested Putin would be against further advances into Ukraine because it would require another nationwide mobilization, after a previous call-up resulted in a dip in popularity for Putin.

Putin is now said to be of the view that "gains in the war so far were enough to sell a victory to the Russian people."

According to more from the new Reuters report, "the sources said that Putin, re-elected in March for a new six-year term, would rather use Russia's current momentum to put the war behind him. They did not directly comment on the new defense minister."


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7d8d66 No.20911620

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c7244b No.20911621

File: 61d88d82d68a4ea⋯.jpeg (9.02 KB,255x162,85:54,9a8ad2489cdbd8425bb39e042….jpeg)

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03d7d6 No.20911622

People only engage security (+ ESCAPE vehicles) when they have something very serious to FEAR.

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a99e21 No.20911623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


sup wit it

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113203 No.20911624

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Billionaires for Israel secretly worked to shape U.S. public opinion on Israel’s war against Gaza


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09fd74 No.20911625

File: 3c75eecdccc34c0⋯.jpg (34.22 KB,620x694,310:347,Fwd9LXIWIAIRknl.jpg)

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ef059a No.20911626

File: 32e10d16a39f8e3⋯.jpeg (743.09 KB,784x652,196:163,61055342_4646_43CC_ADFC_7….jpeg)

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03d7d6 No.20911627

Define 'Projection'.

Define 'Getting Ahead of the Story'.

What is scheduled to happen this week?








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84106d No.20911628

File: 41dde5d544dccdf⋯.png (602.69 KB,785x441,785:441,lr.png)

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5db53c No.20911629

File: c68505c8bc00cea⋯.png (571.42 KB,610x343,610:343,ClipboardImage.png)

DARPA And DoD-Backed AI Chip Company Seeks To Raise $70 Million

It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that DARPA is hurriedly throwing in with the ongoing AI trend…

In fact, Bloomberg reported this week that the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is looking for an additional $70 million to help further its "quest to develop an ultra-efficient chip for artificial intelligence technology".

It is backing a company called EnCharge AI Inc., which seeks to build chips specifically suited for AI.

he company is pioneering in-memory computing—a technology mainly theoretical until recently that could significantly reduce the energy consumption of AI processing chips. It started from work conducted at Princeton.

CEO Naveen Verma, who is also a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Princeton, noted that EnCharge was launched with substantial support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the DOD.

The report says that this technology has the potential to perform data processing directly where it is stored, thereby conserving energy by eliminating the need to move data across different components.

EnCharge is not alone in its research; major firms like Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Intel Corp., and Samsung Electronics Co. are also exploring similar advancements.

Currently, the U.S. government, emphasizing a shift towards boosting American manufacturing, has shown significant interest in such innovations, providing over $23 million in funding to EnCharge, with additional private investment nearing double that amount from entities including Raytheon Technologies’ venture arm.

This is part of a broader initiative backing startups and enhancing the domestic production capabilities.

In addition to the technology's appeal to private sector firms, the U.S. government sees crucial applications in defense, particularly for running AI-driven military applications in power-constrained environments such as remote areas and aircraft, Verma explained.

EnCharge is preparing for its next investment round and is in pursuit of strategic investors, although Verma did not disclose specifics about the funding discussions or the company’s valuation.

The startup has already started deploying its chips, which are tailored not for training AI models like those of OpenAI or Anthropic, but for applications utilizing these models for predictive tasks.

With a workforce of 50, EnCharge anticipates launching products manufactured by TSMC in the coming year and currently has customers evaluating its technology.



Sure, they're not making skynet

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03d7d6 No.20911630

DEATH. Whoever thinks they call the shots..you don’t. Faggot.

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b75a43 No.20911631

File: bf1d8c7d986a177⋯.jpeg (193.77 KB,1536x1530,256:255,bromang.jpeg)


bro mang gotz the snipe


g'nite fam

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09fd74 No.20911632

File: ea825bf8d293fdc⋯.png (548.5 KB,624x557,624:557,ClipboardImage.png)

David Weigel



Kennedy was scheduled to speak at 3:30 (now) but there are plenty of empty seats. (The tiny buttons on the chairs say RFK Jr.)

May 24, 2024 · 7:32 PM UTC


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1b614e No.20911633

File: 838cf15d96ca413⋯.mp4 (748.23 KB,480x852,40:71,838cf15d96ca4137fab8edf111….mp4)

File: a854dfe6acc7ae8⋯.jpeg (417.88 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,GORUFbSXoAAiDia.jpeg)

File: df66cd0892757fc⋯.jpeg (494.63 KB,1387x2048,1387:2048,GORUCniWYAA6zQC.jpeg)


they never thought she would lose. blackberry U1 cobra chickens Gosling. so fooked

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7d8d66 No.20911634

File: 7dceeaee05c954f⋯.png (176.19 KB,1274x291,1274:291,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3c665 No.20911635

File: eb875773719b555⋯.png (534.01 KB,901x945,901:945,Screenshot_2024_05_24_2316….png)


repost from lb:

BREAKING: The Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”, and is being “surrounded” by her birth family, royal sources and friends of Kate Middleton have told The Daily Beast.

This does not sound good. 😳

3:55 PM · May 24, 2024


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ef059a No.20911636

File: d08891bcd1626db⋯.jpeg (385.81 KB,828x801,92:89,C609A470_1562_4FD0_B4A8_D….jpeg)


Night muh niffa

In the morn as usual


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a99e21 No.20911637

File: f66812c0a42cac6⋯.png (435.66 KB,3087x1270,3087:1270,ClipboardImage.png)



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2bf9d1 No.20911639

File: be990e4180f7d1e⋯.png (752.31 KB,1080x1474,540:737,Screenshot_20240524_203146….png)

File: 080090b6de9cb81⋯.png (803.43 KB,1046x949,1046:949,Screenshot_20240519_140823….png)

>>20911591 (LB)

You faggots really need to learn how to post




BREAKING: The Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”, and is being “surrounded” by her birth family, royal sources and friends of Kate Middleton have told The Daily Beast.

12:55 PM · May 24, 2024

Also, family is gathering to watch her thaw. 28-Dec was a long time ago.

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cda708 No.20911640

File: 88a01f4b336ecf9⋯.png (461.14 KB,1200x814,600:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 396e05ce36b20db⋯.png (118.89 KB,335x436,335:436,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 998e07b237084e4⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x1790,120:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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22d050 No.20911641

File: 594d5922535bccf⋯.gif (3.43 MB,300x364,75:91,683095E6_0610_469F_9961_0A….gif)

Bidan’s next presser: I got burger king to give you a break on the price of burgers- come on man, three for five bucks. Trump couldn’t do that.

He’ll be shilling for Burger King.

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ef059a No.20911642

File: e827de489e9c38b⋯.gif (801.65 KB,499x366,499:366,6681F3D4_4C5C_49F6_8429_EF….gif)

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03d7d6 No.20911643

Whoever keeps saying “You’re not anon”..uses anons in the same exact manner. Blood sucking leach. Shut the fuck up.

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b21580 No.20911645

File: 6877f5d4fcfbf95⋯.jpeg (355.56 KB,2048x1066,1024:533,IMG_5284.jpeg)

>>20911540 LB

So, use of deadly force authorized = plot to assassinate Donald Trump Sr. who wasn’t at Mar A Lago on 8/8/2020?

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67b344 No.20911646

File: b9aab1fa05d1b22⋯.png (93.56 KB,1263x421,3:1,1cfc97c3f5b9285b68dff45ba3….png)

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fefd60 No.20911647

File: 01b348305806594⋯.png (345.02 KB,814x909,814:909,ClipboardImage.png)


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a99e21 No.20911649

File: 92392ec2a901e08⋯.png (2.31 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Blood sucking leach. Shut the fuck up.


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ef79c2 No.20911650

File: 71260c9ebd101b9⋯.png (614.74 KB,652x775,652:775,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump gets his meme warriors for free. The left can’t meme.


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67b344 No.20911651

File: 04f0997b8d5de8f⋯.jpg (128.41 KB,666x500,333:250,Friday.jpg)

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b21580 No.20911652

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09fd74 No.20911653

File: a2829d03b8e4d35⋯.jpg (180.55 KB,1170x1156,585:578,Fwcyr_WcAM689H.jpg)


>Trump gets his meme warriors for free. The left can’t meme.


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1b614e No.20911654

File: 92b48bcb2e6242d⋯.jpeg (3.72 KB,200x136,25:17,images_47_.jpeg)

File: de120dcc137c60b⋯.jpeg (146.88 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GOX9bfMW8AAMLiZ.jpeg)

File: 0c5769a1f352a44⋯.jpeg (3.67 KB,300x168,25:14,images_48_.jpeg)

that's about 17 points

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cda708 No.20911655

File: af30b7875cab108⋯.png (946.42 KB,801x1000,801:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


yup she's dead

after trump takes over the white house again the truth will come out.

or else a whistleblower might pop up!

pray for dat

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ef059a No.20911656

File: f06b95147eef5b4⋯.jpeg (381.33 KB,713x867,713:867,3879ACD0_6E08_4566_8FF2_6….jpeg)

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37c9a2 No.20911657

File: 0d495cf0a57c7e6⋯.jpg (67.25 KB,736x702,368:351,b7c93a3440e44e12b64f6ba41e….jpg)

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440f47 No.20911658

File: 801493d069ab1a1⋯.jpg (36.99 KB,758x341,758:341,y.jpg)

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a99e21 No.20911659


I'm not 100% sure about the context but this seems like a quality post

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984a93 No.20911660

File: 5d7ac8e4b016757⋯.png (962.23 KB,1171x1080,1171:1080,surfer_silver_pepe3.png)

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ef79c2 No.20911661

File: 36773c0ffc9b8b1⋯.png (243.7 KB,645x808,645:808,ClipboardImage.png)

End Wokeness - This was George Floyd's autopsy report. If not for 𝕏, you'd probably never see this.


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12fa1d No.20911662

File: f14b07b19bec8c1⋯.jpg (586.71 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Minecraft_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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76ba74 No.20911664

File: 5d1863bb9dc2be7⋯.jpeg (35.15 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_3772.jpeg)


Nailed the Whoopepe.

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396d73 No.20911665

File: b4f6bf3354cfde0⋯.jpg (66.28 KB,657x485,657:485,eesdfghjgddf.jpg)

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03d7d6 No.20911666


I’m sure he wasn’t under MK Ultra mind control and I’m sure a crooked mason cop didn’t murder him intentionally and now you’re trying to cover your tracks by saying “it was drugs”. Shut the fuck up. You have no idea.

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396d73 No.20911667

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Police chase in Los Angeles

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862bd6 No.20911669


when they start with 'you faggots'

it indicates that it's just shill content.

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3faf99 No.20911671

File: d263264a8717029⋯.jpeg (45.22 KB,620x694,310:347,C75BB1EF_4B0F_4AA9_9C9F_4….jpeg)

>>20911625 Kek done that

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bf8722 No.20911672

Live chase


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03d7d6 No.20911673


When someone tries to tell you what a shill is, it’s a shill. Be gone.

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2bf9d1 No.20911675


KEK, (you) are faggot.

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9d38eb No.20911676


>The Princess of Wales will probably not appear in public for the rest of the year, and is being surrounded by her birth family.

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22d050 No.20911677

File: de28b95460db121⋯.png (14.8 KB,633x758,633:758,35BE46C0_475B_4AF9_B2D6_23….png)


Memes require truth to work.

Truth is the left’s kryptonite.

It doesn’t look good for them.

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2bf9d1 No.20911678

File: 1e4ada0c0d96bea⋯.png (706.57 KB,677x1114,677:1114,Screenshot_20240524_204415….png)

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09fd74 No.20911679

File: 080ad56dfd44c7d⋯.jpg (216.5 KB,1170x1944,65:108,media_GOX8ux2XEAED9Ni.jpg)

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ec22aa No.20911680

File: d866f5d52865c8a⋯.jpg (133.39 KB,1024x1024,1:1,20240524_160047.jpg)

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1b614e No.20911681


took another look at the list. top notch. #3 kek. the contenders.

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a99e21 No.20911682

File: d154afb9edda0a5⋯.png (1.4 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


We don't need money where we're going, anon.

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ef059a No.20911683

File: cfdeff473599db9⋯.jpeg (770.09 KB,1034x747,1034:747,306AA10B_B167_4959_89D7_D….jpeg)

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ee0313 No.20911686


It wouldn't be so bad if Joe had at least some accomplishments

But it seems he's rather lacking in that department

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d13a05 No.20911687

File: e9394ec4e18ab18⋯.jpg (102.61 KB,810x1280,81:128,Besties_Trump_Putin.jpg)

File: 3107e87f1506202⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,640x344,80:43,Dream_On_Trump.mp4)


Long Time Comin'




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862bd6 No.20911690


uses two words mostly just used by shills.

it's just some script.

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0b8eca No.20911691

File: ed8d0fdbca29625⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB,1170x1941,390:647,IMG_0170.jpeg)

>>20911591 (lb)

Kate is no longer with us, and this article shows pretty clearly how the media is always knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of things but makes up fake stories and goes along with fake narratives to keep the truth under wraps. This reporter lady slipped up by tweeting what she knew - it was a staged photo op with a look alike to keep the narrative alive of Kate being ok. Poor Kate though, she seemed like a very nice woman…

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ec22aa No.20911692

File: 1cc6629707bc541⋯.jpg (240.2 KB,720x1245,48:83,20240524_205925.jpg)

File: a5bc616fc7dda77⋯.jpg (391.43 KB,1570x2048,785:1024,20240524_205856.jpg)


This strange new portrait of Kate Middleton on the cover of Tatler Magazine is going viral!


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22d050 No.20911693



4ng is a lethal dose.

He had almost 4x the lethal dose. Bad idea to swallow your stash. Just take the arrest, the fuckers would have just let him go anyways.

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a99e21 No.20911694

File: 35ef6ae1fce76c4⋯.png (906.05 KB,885x562,885:562,ClipboardImage.png)



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03d7d6 No.20911696


You seem like you’re targeting certain anons because new eyes are here like the real life witnesses to what’s being done here. “President” Biden is a fucking pedophile. Should be shot.

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d13a05 No.20911697

File: 75a912f171845c0⋯.gif (2.94 MB,500x224,125:56,You_Call_This_a_Storm_Lt_D….gif)

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ee0313 No.20911698

As if by some amazing coincidence

"Bird Flu" managed to make it alllll the way over to Australia

Isn't that a lovely coincidence

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ec22aa No.20911699

File: 3a7eb28a462fdf2⋯.jpg (70.03 KB,519x720,173:240,20240524_214814.jpg)

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7d8d66 No.20911700

File: 9a36b825bc842b2⋯.png (501.57 KB,640x480,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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03d7d6 No.20911701


Bullshit. You have no idea the lengths they go to to put you in situations of the sort.

Refer back to drop about “voices in his head?” In reguards to a shooter….theyre trying to get anons to kill people and be violent.

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2bf9d1 No.20911702


Well, now you really do have to go fuck yourself you. I'd like to waste this text space just to reassure you that you are a faggot on the highest order of faggots. Please just go fuck yourself .. hard

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9d38eb No.20911704

File: 6df94b54616eddd⋯.png (165.88 KB,404x718,202:359,fentanyl.png)

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ef79c2 No.20911705


what if we were supposed to be experiencing the coronavirus this year? what if they had to move their entire schedule 4 years early. what if the whole covid pandemic was to sabotage any future plans to imprison the population?

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ee0313 No.20911706

& Just how do they detect "Bird Flu"

PCR of course

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03d7d6 No.20911707


Here we go 3 star army is here

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22d050 No.20911709


Yeah- they MK’d him to have heart failure.

Get a grip.

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ee0313 No.20911710


They want the Food Supply Destroyed

"Bird Flu" is that Mechanism

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cda708 No.20911711

File: 2a0013a6b75fd99⋯.mp4 (10.19 MB,1076x576,269:144,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

AI at war with us


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9d38eb No.20911712



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7c8915 No.20911714

File: 23e5bf5ec6b2add⋯.png (42.11 KB,260x196,65:49,night_jet_taking_off.png)

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7d8d66 No.20911716



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03d7d6 No.20911718


They MK him while he’s on drugs induce torture methods to make his heart rate rise and suppress him with intimidation tactics straight out of the Nazi playbook. It wasn’t heart failure that killed him, it was Nazi CIA torture techniques. In retrospect I actually genuinely feel bad for Floyd family.

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732c70 No.20911720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GM Fren's. Even the chauffeur aint black

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12fa1d No.20911721

>>20911449 lb

Demi Moore is for sure hitting the adrenochrome to look that good at 61.

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7d8d66 No.20911722



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03d7d6 No.20911726

The best is how they know the names of all your loved ones and ex friends family associates and co workers by studying and stalking your life then blaming it on them when you know exactly who it is. Get your security ready you’re gonna need it.

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5a3dc6 No.20911727

File: 47074039a678007⋯.mp4 (8.95 MB,480x852,40:71,demimoreintrocherefu.mp4)

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9d38eb No.20911728

File: 04f02f963fb82be⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,854x478,427:239,DavidMorens.mp4)

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cda708 No.20911729

File: 2a0013a6b75fd99⋯.mp4 (10.19 MB,1076x576,269:144,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


whatcha wanna bet that that red paint contains the blood of kate and the kids

they do wicked shite like that for shits n giggles

think bush and his paper airplane / jenga towers

think bill in his blue dress

they do evil like that.

think hillary and huma dancing around wearing the face of a little girl they murdered, yeah, they flayed her for the adrenochrome and yeah teh pics are out there

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984a93 No.20911731

File: ba690d955dbc4ea⋯.png (356.62 KB,620x549,620:549,pepe_apu.png)


The left memes what they wished reality was, using threat of social ostracization. The right memes reflections of reality, using humor.

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9d38eb No.20911732

File: dfcd7c2d2ba5181⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB,468x352,117:88,lurkmore.mp4)


smells like hotdog water

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03d7d6 No.20911733


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07777f No.20911734


she sounds like shes heavily medicated.

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984a93 No.20911735


Better luck blending in next time. Now IP hop.

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b21580 No.20911736

File: 0208e02c1d68083⋯.jpeg (125.95 KB,2048x686,1024:343,IMG_5292.jpeg)

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ec22aa No.20911740

File: dcb096157a5c00f⋯.jpg (39.01 KB,904x361,904:361,20240524_215640.jpg)

File: c4188dea0820c6f⋯.jpg (127.14 KB,720x838,360:419,20240524_220147.jpg)

Biden is losing World War III


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03d7d6 No.20911741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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03d7d6 No.20911743


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42bc8d No.20911744

File: 056474b2320ddfa⋯.mp4 (4.87 MB,854x480,427:240,Bronx.mp4)





05/24/2024 23:53:21 EST



05/24/2024 23:53:23 EST

hm what an odd message, with only 2 seconds from the last one

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9d38eb No.20911746


>Demi Moore at 61

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984a93 No.20911747

File: fb07803681b9451⋯.gif (1.29 MB,320x180,16:9,filtered9.gif)



Quiet, chuckles.

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84106d No.20911748

File: cec797c7d6dc35e⋯.jpg (140.87 KB,1264x1289,1264:1289,mm.jpg)

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ef059a No.20911749

File: 660b0e289696317⋯.jpeg (470.04 KB,1193x586,1193:586,6E2823DE_70DE_4AD8_AF28_C….jpeg)

File: 54ab70a6b91df3d⋯.jpeg (295.17 KB,528x508,132:127,A41B874E_4706_44D8_B384_8….jpeg)

File: f7657ed3a74a15e⋯.jpeg (746.28 KB,798x816,133:136,B81E3A80_E3F1_405C_AA91_6….jpeg)

>>20911333, >>20911402 pb

SPAR15 C40C crossed the Atlantic in front of SAM775 and the 2 Globeys with 4 diggie callsigns (RCH4545 and 4546) plus the 2 standard callsigns.

Sun just rose as SPAR15 approaches English west coast from its JBA depart.

Believe this is the very same AC that Nancy pulled her Taiwan visit with.

Something going down here with all these ACs on a holiday weekend however we need to wait several hours to see

If I had to guess (so don’t think it’s habbening just cuz it’s a guess) may see a surprise visit “to Kiev” since those 2 Globeys are 4 digits and it’s front and center for these phaggits.

We’ll see

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9d38eb No.20911752


Uvalde families sue Meta and Call of Duty maker on second anniversary of school attack

The families of a group of victims of the Uvalde school shooting have announced new lawsuits against Instagram parent company Meta Platforms, the maker of the video game Call of Duty and the gun company that made the assault rifle used in the shooting.

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984a93 No.20911753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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03d7d6 No.20911754


Actually filter me then, faggot. I’d throw Bruce Lee across the fucking room, for what it’s worth.

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2a10e2 No.20911755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7ad4b8 No.20911757

File: 015d399d0e454a6⋯.png (623.53 KB,400x619,400:619,Xmen_Wolverine_omega_5_feb.png)


he's right you know

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cda708 No.20911760

File: 47e30ba82392576⋯.mp4 (13.49 MB,1076x576,269:144,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

File: 9eacc036d228ccd⋯.png (54.95 KB,463x208,463:208,ClipboardImage.png)

target acquired and it is [You]

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84106d No.20911762

File: 0a969065075a162⋯.jpg (79.31 KB,545x483,545:483,0a969065075a162a8e03e05e9d….jpg)


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a99e21 No.20911764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I feel like eatin a bag of bbq'd broken legs

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42bc8d No.20911765

File: 9dd209bf04a7bff⋯.png (44.96 KB,567x265,567:265,ClipboardImage.png)


Let’s put the President in jail for 150 years because a LEGAL EXPENSE to a lawyer was called, by a bookkeeper, a LEGAL EXPENSE to a lawyer!What else could you call it. Crooked Joe Biden Witch Hunt. Election Interference. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

05/25/2024 00:06:04 EST

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9d38eb No.20911767

File: afa097c056ccdab⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,1216x720,76:45,swastika_on_the_hat.mp4)

swat sticker

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03d7d6 No.20911769


Taxpayer expense.

Put them on ice. I don’t want to hear another fucking word out of their mouths. Don’t even mutter the word “accident” lord knows “sorry” won’t come out of it. Fucking weird twat.

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5a3dc6 No.20911771


noice ID

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03d7d6 No.20911773

Awfully quiet in here you bitchass subversive mother fuckers fucked with the wrong one.

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862bd6 No.20911775


they have to try to trigger others.

they bring it to raw insulting degenerate behavior: basically attacking the other person with words.

It's not real. It's a script.

or if it's a real person it's a very pathetic and immoral person.

all that they say about others is just worst case made up crap designed to try and make the other person feel back. notice the suggestions laced with swears.


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e0757c No.20911777

File: 5310b13d250ec2d⋯.png (302.3 KB,522x490,261:245,84n7bn6547n6548654.png)

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6115b6 No.20911778

File: 3abe7fff2ab642f⋯.jpg (145.79 KB,1280x720,16:9,a159e685680bfb07ac651ab110….jpg)

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ee0313 No.20911780


I hope she's vaxxcinated

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5a3dc6 No.20911782

File: 3d01839d2bd89b0⋯.jpg (80.23 KB,500x500,1:1,65v44mpfintenyl.jpg)

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7d8d66 No.20911785

File: 0a5e90500e72de9⋯.png (640.1 KB,1171x458,1171:458,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d92e3a803caeeb7⋯.jpg (275.6 KB,1400x1106,100:79,zelenskyy_matches.jpg)

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984a93 No.20911788

File: aa68aed0947bbd6⋯.png (517.44 KB,1318x1480,659:740,aa68aed0947bbd64d0b5926ed4….png)


Either an act or mental degradation from the attrition of their compounding failures. Perhaps even a bit of both. That ID is displaying the same posting patterns as VaticanClown, just with different content.

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a99e21 No.20911790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Refer back to drop about “voices in his head?” In reguards to a shooter….theyre trying to get anons to kill people and be violent.


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84106d No.20911792

File: a26696e3985ab62⋯.jpg (223.34 KB,1080x824,135:103,1.jpg)

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03d7d6 No.20911794


A Thousand Years

1-3I saw an Angel descending out of Heaven. He carried the key to the Abyss and a chain—a huge chain. He grabbed the Dragon, that old Snake—the very Devil, Satan himself!—chained him up for a thousand years, dumped him into the Abyss, slammed it shut and sealed it tight. No more trouble out of him, deceiving the nations—until the thousand years are up. After that he has to be let loose briefly.

4-6I saw thrones. Those put in charge of judgment sat on the thrones. I also saw the souls of those beheaded because of their witness to Jesus and the Word of God, who refused to worship either the Beast or his image, refused to take his mark on forehead or hand—they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years! The rest of the dead did not live until the thousand years were up. This is the first resurrection—and those involved most blessed, most holy. No second death for them! They’re priests of God and Christ; they’ll reign with him a thousand years.

7-10When the thousand years are up, Satan will be let loose from his cell, and will launch again his old work of deceiving the nations, searching out victims in every nook and cranny of earth, even Gog and Magog! He’ll talk them into going to war and will gather a huge army, millions strong. They’ll stream across the earth, surround and lay siege to the camp of God’s holy people, the Beloved City. They’ll no sooner get there than fire will pour out of Heaven and burn them up. The Devil who deceived them will be hurled into Lake Fire and Brimstone, joining the Beast and False Prophet, the three in torment around the clock for ages without end.


11-15I saw a Great White Throne and the One Enthroned. Nothing could stand before or against the Presence, nothing in Heaven, nothing on earth. And then I saw all the dead, great and small, standing there—before the Throne! And books were opened. Then another book was opened: the Book of Life. The dead were judged by what was written in the books, by the way they had lived. Sea released its dead, Death and Hell turned in their dead. Each man and woman was judged by the way he or she had lived. Then Death and Hell were hurled into Lake Fire. This is the second death—Lake Fire. Anyone whose name was not found inscribed in the Book of Life was hurled into Lake Fire.

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93c704 No.20911798

File: ab1763c9d2f8496⋯.png (102.07 KB,480x231,160:77,Screenshot_165_.png)

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396d73 No.20911800


>The President

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09fd74 No.20911801

File: 16b974a105fe440⋯.png (464.29 KB,630x485,126:97,ClipboardImage.png)


Not winning out loud is the only move remaining.


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ef79c2 No.20911803


trump needs some space

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09fd74 No.20911806

File: 73b592ffaf27504⋯.jpg (105.08 KB,1172x1172,1:1,FwHRYJfaIAE3wyV.jpg)


>Election Interference

ERection interference.

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2bf9d1 No.20911807

File: 3a7335bbe3c32c1⋯.png (473.79 KB,945x701,945:701,Screenshot_20240524_212305….png)


Well, at least it looks like the kept the AI finger theme going…

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cda708 No.20911809

File: 153e68975c813be⋯.png (6.4 KB,240x240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2aa380116b42aa⋯.png (42 KB,809x166,809:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55f05779a37dcc8⋯.png (822.12 KB,1424x741,1424:741,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80c82b3d1f69b26⋯.png (147.72 KB,551x663,551:663,ClipboardImage.png)

shills get paid by the post and bonuses for (You)'s

june 13 is coming up fast stupid shill and you are still a faggot!

oh and no (You) for you cept this one

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ca8b3c No.20911813

File: 1d302cb306084fe⋯.png (1.13 MB,980x725,196:145,m7eneyreyter.PNG)

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a99e21 No.20911814

File: 9c68cbf67ffe047⋯.png (1.71 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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dae48a No.20911816

File: 951527e857f95e0⋯.png (236.07 KB,843x479,843:479,gdjfyhdyrter.PNG)

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984a93 No.20911818

File: e9bd3506542c50b⋯.jpg (36.95 KB,554x774,277:387,not_with_that_attitude.jpg)

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a99e21 No.20911820

File: f94252d11a4f780⋯.png (2.8 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a99e21 No.20911821

File: ae5109d6dae0a80⋯.jpg (106.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,4keks.jpg)

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ef79c2 No.20911823

File: f64c5b48262cba3⋯.jpg (129.15 KB,570x985,114:197,comfyJason.jpg)

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a99e21 No.20911824

File: a0fa046db9b742f⋯.jpg (330.84 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1707035911938176.jpg)

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ef79c2 No.20911825

File: 01e8c4da408709e⋯.png (254.73 KB,596x525,596:525,01e8c4da408709e20e37540647….png)

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a99e21 No.20911826

File: 031cd89bb85434e⋯.jpg (136.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,1706405774.jpg)

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7d8d66 No.20911827

File: e7742c9cd0325b7⋯.png (927.2 KB,1264x830,632:415,ClipboardImage.png)


Godzilla Song 2024.. jesus tits

No motherfuckers, it's BLUE OYSTER CULT - Godzilla.

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09fd74 No.20911828

File: 6ecd0ab10455b5b⋯.png (443.99 KB,611x509,611:509,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 76f4c221b8120d5⋯.jpg (196.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GOMMnz8XUAANd5I.jpg)

File: 7cd92e9dac8632f⋯.png (344.84 KB,625x517,625:517,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Mount Everest climbers missing, presumed dead after icy collapse in treacherous ‘death zone’ trib.al/RGwEmyy

May 25, 2024 · 1:59 AM UTC



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5ff51c No.20911830

File: e153cfa5de0ff72⋯.png (640.1 KB,680x680,1:1,576C51F9_08A5_4A1F_9DC4_AF….png)



NightShift is Authorized

Have at it.

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619a19 No.20911831

File: 5adbea232fc160f⋯.png (334.1 KB,639x450,71:50,podpeople.png)


So fucking true

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0bc079 No.20911832

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20911144 lb


<Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988) Part-02

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ec22aa No.20911833

File: 58b8bb27357625d⋯.jpg (149.47 KB,720x1141,720:1141,20240524_223253.jpg)

File: 9b0489de876fe13⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB,576x836,144:209,johnny_maga_20240524_8_new.mp4)


RFK Jr.’s VP pick: Vote for RFK Jr. because “his father and uncle were both shot in the head”

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2a10e2 No.20911834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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09fd74 No.20911835

File: 920f66cf379e882⋯.png (245.85 KB,611x509,611:509,ClipboardImage.png)



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984a93 No.20911836

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)

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a99e21 No.20911837

File: e6e07b4e83a51fe⋯.png (1.37 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


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37c9a2 No.20911838

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

can't find the proof of the proposal in this one times one stuff.

lots of theater and cognitive back and forth filler.

just can't see it.

ho.ward vid found in a list for the drone stuff which has little information as well. drone play list style… reminds of real life programming.

1 X 1= 2: An Exp.loration of the Nature of the S.quare Ro.ot of 2


very little on the "l.ynch p.ins" here


feels of reflected smokes

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46de43 No.20911839

File: 269c065afe88b34⋯.png (144.55 KB,474x266,237:133,269c065afe88b34d79f86114ea….png)

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4d23b9 No.20911840

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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984a93 No.20911841


Whole lotta shit and no diamonds by the looks of it. Why promote a bread split, baker?

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09fd74 No.20911842

File: bfcbdf76dda77cc⋯.jpg (159.39 KB,1070x1291,1070:1291,media_GOXt1DfW4AAlzM_.jpg)

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09fd74 No.20911843

File: b1e7db8a75b3273⋯.png (338.9 KB,625x479,625:479,ClipboardImage.png)


Top Kek


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a99e21 No.20911844

File: 4e05ae109ead61d⋯.png (752.55 KB,500x758,250:379,ClipboardImage.png)


>WhY pRoMoTe A bReAd SpLiT

I'm sorry, didn't mean to flex on how many tabs I can have open in one browser

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5b6a8d No.20911845

File: c7eca4589c59ae4⋯.mp4 (635.2 KB,882x480,147:80,3b05ce39_9775_4dea_8a3b_2f….mp4)

Nice Camry. Be a shame if you dragged me to new York in it.

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984a93 No.20911846

File: 533cccd74c185ae⋯.png (622.19 KB,735x637,15:13,533cccd74c185ae1db2ad64227….png)

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2f121c No.20911847


[W.hy ar.e yo.u V.oldmort.ing ba.sic wor.ds ano.n?]

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d22c68 No.20911848

File: 4315ae308f675a9⋯.jpeg (1022.84 KB,1125x2163,375:721,IMG_0881.jpeg)

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ef79c2 No.20911849

File: 7ed9904efa2c573⋯.png (498.86 KB,568x579,568:579,7ed9904efa2c573f33bcf58cbd….png)

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d2bf6c No.20911850

File: f094fb94e4200ce⋯.jpg (512.39 KB,1690x2537,1690:2537,malign_creativity.jpg)


The terms "fake" and "gay" hurt my feelings and hurt the feelings of a lot of people that I will never talk to, so you better use the terms "reality divergent" and "sphincter adorant" so that me and those that I have never meant don't have to quit our jobs to protest climate change, which disproportionately affect the reality divergent and sphincter adorant.

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9a82b1 No.20911851

File: 1501cb63d13c79b⋯.jpeg (160.93 KB,1125x760,225:152,IMG_0882.jpeg)

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37c9a2 No.20911852


sure sign of sleep time. thanks.

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b14c5c No.20911853

>>20911604 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/world-war-ii-submarine-uss-harder-located-3000-feet-underwater-philippines/


Legendary U.S. World War II submarine located 3,000 feet underwater off the Philippines

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7d8d66 No.20911854

File: 514da6131243101⋯.png (1.39 MB,1070x1291,1070:1291,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f7c47 No.20911855

File: 68883e79ce320e5⋯.png (350.44 KB,568x580,142:145,68883e79ce320e5ce5109dff01….png)

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2f121c No.20911856

File: fdbd205efbce31f⋯.jpg (51.41 KB,588x768,49:64,20240509_152316.jpg)

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09fd74 No.20911857

File: a28555308b727ed⋯.jpg (106.22 KB,569x837,569:837,FviqQXDX0AAT2rg.jpg)

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cda708 No.20911858

File: fde1eb614182ef3⋯.png (198.61 KB,551x663,551:663,ClipboardImage.png)



approved by eSafety

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2f121c No.20911859




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984a93 No.20911860


That's how I get with a certain women sometimes. Like Steve Irwin peeking out from behind a bush and muttering to himself, "Crikey, would you look at that Shiela," only with David Attenborough's accent and voice.

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a29168 No.20911861

File: 92a4d23c80ed241⋯.jpeg (169.02 KB,1125x769,1125:769,IMG_0883.jpeg)

File: 08a506c74dd8608⋯.jpeg (336.6 KB,1050x1386,25:33,IMG_0885.jpeg)


Are we supposed to be guessing?

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0bc079 No.20911862

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>1 X 1= 2

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65fea5 No.20911863



>Demi Moore

Isn't she the cunt that wrote about stuffing her little sister's vag full of pebbles?

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0b2d6d No.20911864

File: 6971cd73c1e3ca3⋯.png (85.52 KB,228x255,76:85,IMG_1677.png)

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09fd74 No.20911865

File: d3bdb1f0141535d⋯.gif (1.68 MB,431x227,431:227,Gif0_two_chicks_2054352684.gif)

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2aadd2 No.20911866

File: 833b6d3cf1e40e3⋯.jpeg (440.4 KB,1051x1968,1051:1968,IMG_0886.jpeg)

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4ad212 No.20911867

File: 61f15c594e816e7⋯.jpg (18.05 KB,430x289,430:289,2x4.jpg)

Good Midday

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04b5a7 No.20911868

File: 4f7465e3d7bde16⋯.jpg (58.96 KB,300x300,1:1,4f7465e3d7bde161a74cbd1283….jpg)

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41430f No.20911869

File: 05ed2ef0d1b0c97⋯.png (791.08 KB,1178x834,589:417,05ed2ef0d1b0c9779c58d1c9f8….png)

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7fa502 No.20911870


White hat lawyer?

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984a93 No.20911871

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)


Yeah… it sounded better in my head than actually written out.

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a99e21 No.20911872

File: a1dadfc01d3fa4e⋯.png (118.88 KB,400x400,1:1,1706919650165715.png)



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dca64f No.20911873

File: de9d00c992cfa8e⋯.png (109.6 KB,462x349,462:349,m86n54b47b5b4543.png)

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0bc079 No.20911874

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

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09fd74 No.20911875

File: 0ead08b221b5f9f⋯.png (437.35 KB,686x600,343:300,0ead08b221b5f9fb96b544139c….png)


Dark to Light bruh.

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84106d No.20911876

File: 8bcdff1ada6a1a8⋯.jpg (42.95 KB,720x720,1:1,8bcdff1ada6a1a8e71a41c7dda….jpg)


>which disproportionately affect the reality divergent and sphincter adorant

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46de43 No.20911877

File: 0846a9a847b18ca⋯.jpg (86.8 KB,505x494,505:494,0846a9a847b18ca2c6c8f2a890….jpg)

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7d8d66 No.20911878

File: 7264a575867ac1b⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,438x770,219:385,gengly_blow_on_my_pussyy.mp4)

Gently Blow on my Pussy

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4ad212 No.20911879

File: f4f04bb32783d75⋯.jpg (95.83 KB,616x405,616:405,2x4cn.jpg)


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014ce4 No.20911880

File: 8d84e3a925d9b05⋯.jpeg (442.83 KB,828x945,92:105,1FBCA1B0_3378_47CC_A325_5….jpeg)


Because commie is pedo commie.

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014ce4 No.20911881

File: 605e3a836203991⋯.jpeg (80.66 KB,828x554,414:277,C2762CD2_36EF_460C_BFB2_A….jpeg)

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63be7c No.20911882

File: 4a7c6befe0c0bd9⋯.mp4 (6.04 MB,1556x720,389:180,HqFO2EFOm_iJA0qA.mp4)



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bf8722 No.20911883


What was the payment really for , and Why did Stormy have to pay Trump? None of this shit ever made sense.

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52cce1 No.20911884

File: a22822a2e8e69bf⋯.gif (5.41 MB,384x224,12:7,4z.gif)



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09fd74 No.20911885

File: ac0b71f5f3596ca⋯.jpg (145.73 KB,836x1024,209:256,media_GOYWbYvW4AAd_o7.jpg)

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93c704 No.20911886

File: d5b20d6588d1f7e⋯.png (84.22 KB,259x287,37:41,Screenshot_166_.png)

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52cce1 No.20911887

File: 7d57b046f39ad0c⋯.gif (188.43 KB,158x156,79:78,00000HERRR.gif)



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b8a0e1 No.20911888

File: 23914e77adae7cb⋯.png (2.18 MB,1145x636,1145:636,k8mrynrytryer.PNG)

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52cce1 No.20911889

File: 2e248082f4f5712⋯.png (1.94 MB,1909x966,83:42,1b.png)






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7d8d66 No.20911890

File: 950d6e7a1635d33⋯.png (690.48 KB,667x677,667:677,ClipboardImage.png)



>don't make no cents

They only take dollars.

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52cce1 No.20911891

File: fea9cb33d81674a⋯.jpg (10.59 KB,236x292,59:73,3z10.jpg)




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09fd74 No.20911892

File: d0d5e74fc09c0bb⋯.png (250.47 KB,627x567,209:189,ClipboardImage.png)



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56d1dc No.20911893

File: e4ff22d020b871a⋯.png (1023.46 KB,1193x715,1193:715,TheLeft.png)


Anon feels the public is still far too willing to accept excuses for the living nightmares of "The Left", et al.

If we reach the election with the public thinking our abusers are just goofy know-nothings who need a good talking-to, the current remedial effort has failed. Not one excuse can be left standing.

Immense archives of criminal evidence exist. The archives must exist: leaders don't actively destroy their countries, and their own reputations, unless such evidence is used to control them. Patriots "have it all", or so they say. The public needs to see such evidence, even the worst, over and over, to make motives plain. Only then will they truly ingest the sickening truth. And it needs to happen well in advance of the election. Else the excuses will flow like soporific oil again on election night, and where will we be?

Anon doesn't know the plan, but…

Accelerando, Patriots.

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52cce1 No.20911894

File: 38a55088d418a11⋯.png (305.52 KB,720x405,16:9,30.png)



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0b4ee4 No.20911895

File: e0c7a9ddf386740⋯.jpeg (902.62 KB,1125x1901,1125:1901,IMG_0888.jpeg)

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03d7d6 No.20911896

This is why OJ went bat shit

OJ is your daddy

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4ad212 No.20911897

File: 284646e5e53f3da⋯.jpg (66.55 KB,518x482,259:241,late_again.jpg)



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e5d3c5 No.20911898

Are we there yet?

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09fd74 No.20911899

File: bc7f18e3460c674⋯.jpg (163.65 KB,1080x1080,1:1,media_GOY0mxxbAAAzIRW.jpg)


>Milky way.

More boobs needed.

Roger that?

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03d7d6 No.20911900


There’s no way this is impossible to prevent.

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37c1e1 No.20911901

Focus, Focus, Ascension!

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ec22aa No.20911902

File: 780b849098ac191⋯.jpg (76.95 KB,720x587,720:587,20240524_231020.jpg)

File: 86c7449faec73a4⋯.jpg (126.25 KB,719x1081,719:1081,20240524_231411.jpg)

File: b990b3a591a29f9⋯.jpg (133.62 KB,714x1217,714:1217,20240524_231037.jpg)


If you want your website domain back @harryjsisson it will be 200K to Donald Trump's campaign donated by you.

We know what Lamps got don't low ball us.

We took your dignity tonight.


Paid Democrat influencer Harry Sisson has domain swiped for ransom


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5bbe28 No.20911903

File: 9a7e639d40022d9⋯.png (581.04 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d8d66 No.20911904

File: f249747c0239f2a⋯.png (36.41 KB,1004x179,1004:179,sutton_s_paradox.png)

File: b134de66350e25d⋯.png (214.74 KB,1135x844,1135:844,ClipboardImage.png)


That's Sutton's Paradox

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eee5b7 No.20911905


wait, what happened to this illuminati whore

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e0757c No.20911906

File: 95319f05759c1e3⋯.png (451.87 KB,762x581,762:581,ymernyrrte.PNG)

A judge has rejected a request by Alec Baldwin to dismiss his criminal charge relating to the fatal shooting on the set of Rust.

baldwin has pleaded not guilty to the charge, which carries a maximum sentence of 18 months in prison.

His lawyers said after Friday's judgement: "We look forward to our day in court."

The 66-year-old's trial has been scheduled to start in July.

During a rehearsal on the set of the Western film, Baldwin pointed a gun at Hutchins when the revolver went off, killing her and injuring director Joel Souza.

The actor has maintained that he pulled back the gun's hammer but not the trigger.


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4ad212 No.20911907

File: a04907bcd21ebf9⋯.jpg (44.46 KB,600x400,3:2,400.jpg)


>This is why OJ went bat shit

>OJ is your daddy

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1df7f5 No.20911908

Sweet dreams, I’m out!

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04c731 No.20911909

File: fc5c820fc1847b6⋯.png (578.29 KB,553x499,553:499,984ew.png)

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ccb398 No.20911910


Top round has 8 clear gems

Bottom has 9 for 17,

However 17 for 2 gems

Stretch nearly since clear gem connects for 18

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eee5b7 No.20911911


think mirror

8102 will be glorious

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5bbe28 No.20911912


She in prison. Would disgrace the royal family (kek, as if that were possible) so is only being visited by her birth family. Prolly wrong but an anon can dream.

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5bbe28 No.20911913

File: 6918bc1e15b8851⋯.png (166.63 KB,1310x870,131:87,ClipboardImage.png)

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65e827 No.20911914

File: 20422ff2199d23e⋯.jpg (158.76 KB,1200x883,1200:883,George_Floyd_1_2562442346_….jpg)

4 years clean

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eee5b7 No.20911915


jesus, that gambit was so cringe. the commie fucktards kneeling in solidarity

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5bbe28 No.20911916



>Sweet dreams, I’m out!

Reverse GM shilling?


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3b5349 No.20911917


Oh, shit.

He’s gonna get indicted again.

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09fd74 No.20911918

File: 0a9f86c2921afff⋯.png (242.81 KB,575x597,575:597,ClipboardImage.png)


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56d1dc No.20911919


Anon sees that "Sutton's Paradox", yeah.

Anon will add that it's not just a question of "the length of time to personal pain", but also the accurate understanding ofwhythat pain is being inflicted on him.

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93c704 No.20911920

File: 88540491c302954⋯.png (1.59 MB,827x1241,827:1241,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bf09b No.20911921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For the pot takers that are on the pot rn

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4ad212 No.20911922

File: f14826c00ab2503⋯.jpg (41.21 KB,960x781,960:781,Two_Zero_Two_Four.jpg)





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93c704 No.20911923

File: b915dc67563cfd9⋯.png (1.89 MB,783x1184,783:1184,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d8d66 No.20911924


we'll there you go, that's the FAIL now isn't it, you are unable to spread the message of how bad shit is. Thus there is no understanding it's a blindside.

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09fd74 No.20911925

File: 7b8e614f55b8a4b⋯.png (260.62 KB,579x599,579:599,ClipboardImage.png)


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5bbe28 No.20911926

File: d260d65e2c51da5⋯.png (5.99 MB,4350x9100,87:182,ClipboardImage.png)

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4ad212 No.20911927

File: 2ef25fae6daf35c⋯.jpg (84.42 KB,1920x1080,16:9,pot_taker.jpg)


>For the pot takers that are on the pot rn

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5bbe28 No.20911928


Great! Moar pharma poison to be eaten like skittles.

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93c704 No.20911929

File: 58b2c034a167cd1⋯.png (37.38 KB,581x247,581:247,Screenshot_167_.png)


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c5e6a5 No.20911930

Election Day will be the most historic election ever!

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eee5b7 No.20911931


are anons expecting guilty verdicts from anything before the election?

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ef79c2 No.20911932


bitch, the closest you'll ever get to 2 chicks at the same time is dating a bipolar girl.

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3b5349 No.20911933


Lure them into the open…

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e80891 No.20911934

File: fa6830746ea9965⋯.png (500.94 KB,1080x1129,1080:1129,George_Conway.png)

George Conway is suicidal he's asking to be killed.

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09fd74 No.20911935

File: 9138cff669de06a⋯.png (28.67 KB,561x241,561:241,ClipboardImage.png)



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d21e49 No.20911936

File: cf8ff5650a3e2f0⋯.png (508.82 KB,893x886,893:886,m764n6bewtre.PNG)

Defense spending measure would bar Chinese lidar in U.S. military systems

A U.S. defense spending bill advanced by the House of Representatives this week contains a measure that would bar the use of Chinese-made lidar sensors in U.S. military systems.

The measure, introduced by Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Republican from New York, would block the U.S. Defense Department from buying or using the Chinese-made version of the technology, which is a type of light sensor that is widely used in both autonomous vehicles and drones to help the machines gain a three-dimensional view of the world around them.

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“As the U.S. military increases its use of autonomous unmanned systems, my amendment sends a clear signal that the U.S. cannot rely on untrusted lidar that jeopardizes our national security and undermines the competitiveness of American companies," Stefanik said in a statement.

If passed into law, the measure would add to growing U.S. unease with Chinese-made lidar sensors. In January, the Defense Department added China's Hesai Group (ZN80y.F)

, opens new tab, one of the biggest makers of lidar systems, to a list of companies with alleged ties to Beijing's military.


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93c704 No.20911937

File: b5be3d74cb84e1c⋯.png (45.97 KB,596x285,596:285,Screenshot_168_.png)


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09fd74 No.20911938


when you´re a rock star, these shit happens.

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4ad212 No.20911939

File: 893588d1ecd8ce1⋯.jpg (169.76 KB,736x718,368:359,erliens.jpg)


>George Conway is suicidal he's asking to be killed.

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65fea5 No.20911940


>George Conway is suicidal he's asking to be killed.

Has he announced that he has dirt on Hillary Clinton?

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3b5349 No.20911941


Roooooasteddd!!!! Booiii

noice one

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984a93 No.20911942

File: 64d1efb8d326ed4⋯.gif (1.63 MB,328x224,41:28,2829282344.gif)

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b14c5c No.20911943

File: a0650db95957fe0⋯.jpg (16.65 KB,245x249,245:249,a0650db95957fe0480581d4c31….jpg)


Did that

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5bbe28 No.20911944

File: e4c514fbf1487a1⋯.png (327.08 KB,854x480,427:240,ClipboardImage.png)

What's with cornhole morphing into elon musk?

Masked actor?

Body double?

Lack of adrenochrome?

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5bbe28 No.20911945

File: 62df010dc67a78e⋯.png (309.67 KB,1406x1640,703:820,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b5349 No.20911946


Ever wonder how much of our Military is like this?


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4ad212 No.20911947

File: 43d28a3ea51fbfb⋯.jpg (33 KB,500x500,1:1,awiens.jpg)


>Roooooasteddd!!!! Booiii

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2f121c No.20911948



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b14c5c No.20911949


Polls Show Biden Still Has Sizable Lead Among Those Who Will Be Counting The Ballots

U.S. https://links.truthsocial.com/link/112497485599987670

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93c704 No.20911950





SR-71 Locations

Foundation Background & Mission

In the fall of 1957, the CIA initiated a program, code-named "Archangel", as a follow-on to the venerable U-2 spy plane, which was rapidly becoming obsolete as Soviet radar and missile systems improved. Project Archangel was initiated to develop a spy plane that could not be shot down. Run by Clarence 'Kelly' Johnson, the premier aircraft designer of his day, the eventual result of this program was the SR-71, developed by Lockheed's famous Skunkworks. The aircraft was built using never before tried technologies, materials and techniques. Built in a very short time, and with a limited budget, the Skunkworks team exceeded all expectations. The SR-71 (nicknamed the Blackbird because of its flat black radar absorbing coating) flew higher, faster and stealthier than any other aircraft ever built. It captured speed and altitude records that still stand decades later.

The SR-71 first flew in December 1964, and operated worldwide for the Air Force through 1989, when its mission was discontinued. In March of 1990, the last Air Force SR-71 flight to the Smithsonian shattered four world speed records, which still stand. The SR-71 program was reactivated in conjunction with NASA for a brief period, but was finally shut down in 1999. All the remaining Blackbirds were delivered to museums, where they remain to this day, including the Smithsonian Institution, National Air and Space Museum.

During its reign, the SR-71 Blackbird was the world's dominant aerial surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft yet was shrouded in secrecy. Due to its rapid ascent to a high cruising altitude at the edge of space, few people ever saw it fly. It had a mystique in that people knew it existed but few had actually witnessed it in flight.

It has now been almost two decades since the last Blackbird flight. Dennis Tito, the organizer of the SR-71 Blackbird Foundation, seeks to reignite interest in the aircraft and educate people about its historical significance. Mr. Tito has engaged a small elite team of aviation designers to reproduce the SR-71 Blackbird using modern design techniques, modern materials and modern jet engines. Unlike the original SR-71, the new aircraft will not fly invisibly at Mach 3 at the edge of space. However, it will be economical to operate at conventional speeds and altitudes, and thus will be accessible, both visually and physically, to the public for examination, educations, discussion, and exploration.

©2019 by SR-71 Blackbird Foundation. Proudly created with Wix.com


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09fd74 No.20911951

File: ff7c44035470f07⋯.png (267.07 KB,594x332,297:166,ClipboardImage.png)

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ef79c2 No.20911952


A. none of the words are plural.

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d21e49 No.20911953

File: 373ca383a46c5ab⋯.png (1.38 MB,916x790,458:395,_i7rtmyrt.PNG)

SYDNEY, May 24 (Reuters) -Former U.S. Marine pilot Daniel Duggan can be extradited from Australia to face U.S. charges of training Chinese military pilots to land on aircraft carriers, a Sydney magistrate ruled on Friday.

Duggan, 55, a naturalised Australian citizen, is facing U.S. charges including money laundering and breaking arms control law by training Chinese military pilots to land on aircraft carriers. He denies the allegations.

He has 15 days to seek a review of the magistrate's ruling. The decision to extradite will ultimately be made by Australia's Attorney General.

Outside court his wife Saffrine said the family would appeal to Attorney General Mark Dreyfus to refuse the extradition.

One of seven co-conspirators in a U.S. indictment is convicted Chinese hacker Su Bin, although Duggan's lawyers argue the hacking case is unrelated.

Duggan was arrested by Australian federal police in a rural town in New South Wales state in October 2022, shortly after returning from China, where he had lived since 2014.

In the same week, Britain issued a warning to its former defence staff not to train Chinese People's Liberation Army pilots at a South African flying academy where Duggan had also worked.

Duggan, whose wife and six children are also Australian, has been held in a maximum security prison since his arrest. Saffrine placed her hand against the glass window to the dock where Duggan sat in court on Friday.


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7124fb No.20911954

File: 17ee654f958cebb⋯.jpg (41.6 KB,335x436,335:436,GodBlessQ_.jpg)

File: c6abe8e8833b5e7⋯.jpg (54.9 KB,339x335,339:335,AngelsAmongUs.jpg)


Thank you, Baker!

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3b5349 No.20911955

File: 82fa89d96a6ba00⋯.jpeg (32.42 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_6450.jpeg)

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014ce4 No.20911956

File: a7d2778fde10b70⋯.jpeg (188.49 KB,828x1254,138:209,C566ED03_4914_449A_9D9F_1….jpeg)


Just wanna get past this level.

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4ad212 No.20911957

File: bec92375d03bf90⋯.jpg (50.63 KB,728x582,364:291,wikidonor.jpg)


>A. none of the words are plural.

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84106d No.20911958



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4ad212 No.20911959

File: fb14ca842ece2b0⋯.jpg (43.95 KB,762x718,381:359,WWW0.jpg)


>Just wanna get past this level.

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fefd60 No.20911960

File: 0a902027de9640c⋯.png (321.24 KB,598x625,598:625,ClipboardImage.png)

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014ce4 No.20911961

File: 8b182f0dc789dd8⋯.jpeg (395.96 KB,828x1104,3:4,4A425C46_A757_400F_9B4D_2….jpeg)


Traveler dubs 'firm

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3b5349 No.20911962




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c63acd No.20911963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7124fb No.20911964

File: dfb3a0669d08029⋯.jpg (72.7 KB,600x335,120:67,LifeAsSatire.jpg)

File: 9c55e63fc094c7f⋯.jpeg (8.79 KB,255x234,85:78,4eb5234b353694738bf1fc753….jpeg)

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4ad212 No.20911965

File: 3a9cbc9058b0a26⋯.jpg (65.99 KB,TADA.jpg)



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7a8141 No.20911966

File: a958be0345ffbb1⋯.png (2.36 MB,1334x889,1334:889,IMG_0081.png)

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b14c5c No.20911967

File: 26e40baaca47da6⋯.png (653.94 KB,538x742,269:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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09fd74 No.20911968

File: 489f97df103ea8e⋯.png (333.05 KB,578x537,578:537,ClipboardImage.png)

The Post Millennial



BREAKING: Hate crime charges DROPPED, no jail time for Christian vet who beheaded Satan statue at Iowa Capitol

May 24, 2024 · 11:51 PM UTC



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aea64a No.20911969

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a99e21 No.20911970

File: d09814642df7988⋯.png (333.95 KB,1170x1035,26:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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aea64a No.20911971


Where’s her pitchfork and and tail?

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d21e49 No.20911972

File: 8060703cb3e7f2d⋯.png (537.64 KB,940x793,940:793,_87rtmuuruy.PNG)

Lloyd Austin Will Hand Off Pentagon Duties While Undergoing Procedure

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin briefly turned over his duties to his deputy on Friday while he underwent a medical procedure linked to an issue that left him hospitalized for two weeks in January.

The secretary had a “successful, elective, and minimally invasive follow-up non-surgical procedure related to his bladder issue” at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Maryland for about two and a half hours, Defense Department spokesman Pat Ryder said in a statement Friday night.


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3b5349 No.20911973


Even on mute her laugh makes you want to leave the room.

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4ad212 No.20911974

File: 4b23ee20ed366df⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,255x170,3:2,keks_in_huckbee.jpg)

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84106d No.20911975

File: fcfdacaaff466d1⋯.jpg (94.33 KB,1080x1088,135:136,fcfdacaaff466d157408ea63e9….jpg)

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ef79c2 No.20911976


dub dub dub

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65e827 No.20911977

File: f0ecb8f48a6aa4a⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,2400x3000,4:5,Lowman_official.jpg)


Christopher Lowman by any chance

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d21e49 No.20911978

File: 0772e55deeeed60⋯.png (534.28 KB,878x824,439:412,_9_rtmutyr.PNG)

Louisiana Plans to Criminalize Possession of Abortion Pills

Louisiana plans to make it a crime to possess either of the two main US abortion pills without a prescription, expanding restrictions in a state that already has a near-total ban on ending unwanted pregnancies.

The state Senate passed a bill by a 29 to 7 vote on Thursday, adding mifepristone and misoprostol to the list of controlled substances that includes highly addictive narcotics. The measure now goes before Governor Jeff Landry, a Republican who opposes abortion access and is expected to sign the bill into law.


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5bbe28 No.20911979

File: 4bce470844a9cdb⋯.png (244.13 KB,894x1600,447:800,ClipboardImage.png)

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9cb065 No.20911980

File: a5fb807342b1b42⋯.jpeg (56.2 KB,565x517,565:517,6016.jpeg)

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a99e21 No.20911981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9cb065 No.20911982

File: 2b9d1b87224cd69⋯.jpg (334.94 KB,719x954,719:954,Harmonic_Operation_of_a_Lo….jpg)

What you think.is Reality… Isn't…


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d21e49 No.20911983

File: 47274324329f6e5⋯.png (516.64 KB,802x882,401:441,mternyeerynr.PNG)

Officers threatened to kill the dog of Thomas Perez Jr as they pressured him to falsely confess to killing his father, who was alive

‘Psychologically tortured’: California city pays man nearly $1m after17-hour police interrogation

A California city has agreed to pay $900,000 to a man who was subjected to a 17-hour police interrogation in which officers pressured him to falsely confess to murdering his father, who was alive.

During the 2018 interrogation of Thomas Perez Jr by police in Fontana, a city east of Los Angeles, officers suggested they would have Perez’s dog euthanized as a result of his actions, according to a complaint and footage of the encounter. A judge said the questioning appeared to be “unconstitutional psychological torture”, and the city agreed to settle Perez’s lawsuit for $898,000, his lawyer announced this week.

The extraordinary case of a coerced false confession has sparked widespread outrage, with footage showing Perez in extreme emotional and physical distress, including as officers brought his dog in and said the animal would need to be put down due to “depression” from witnessing a murder that had not actually occurred.


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a99e21 No.20911984

File: b197e507bf286f4⋯.jpg (133.16 KB,1024x1024,1:1,document.jpg)


Honk …

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0b2d6d No.20911985

File: d88a55a1ffdf6d1⋯.png (35.64 KB,181x266,181:266,IMG_2641.png)

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5bbe28 No.20911986


>Mr. Tito has engaged a small elite team of aviation designers to reproduce the SR-71 Blackbird using modern design techniques,

This will be the aeronautical equivalent of an AC/DC cover band. No one misses that plane more than I do but just let it go. Create something new and more amazing.

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7ad4b8 No.20911987

>Night Shift


Donald J. Trump




THE WALL STREET JOURNAL - OPINION. ALVIN BRAGG HASN’T PROVED HIS CASE IN THE TRUMP TRIAL. THE EVIDENCE SHOWS WHY THE CHARGES SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN BROUGHT. New York Prosecutors rested their hush-money case against Donald Trump this week, but after 20 days in Court, and a trial transcript of 4000 pages, the missing piece is still missing. The question is whether Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg presented the evidence necessary for a conviction, and if we were in the jury room, we’d say NO.

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b14c5c No.20911988

File: 2a26904be536091⋯.png (1.35 MB,1023x1280,1023:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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d21e49 No.20911989

Navy Reserve veteran pleads guilty to beheading Satanic statue in Iowa State Capitol

A Mississippi man, and former Republican congressional candidate, pleaded guilty Friday in connection to the vandalism of a statue of a pagan idol at the Iowa state capitol in exchange for the dropping of a hate crime charge.

Michael Cassidy pleaded guilty to an aggravated misdemeanor count of third-degree criminal mischief, the Des Moines Register reported. He was slated to go to trial on June 3.

"As you’re likely aware, we have continually contested the hate crime and questioned whether Mr. Cassidy was being targeted due to his religious beliefs," Cassidy's attorney, Sara Pasquale, told Fox News Digital. "We are therefore very pleased that the state ultimately decided to drop the hate crime and are hopeful that this case will bring awareness to similar situations throughout the country."


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f38b60 No.20911990

File: 2cd77e157e2350a⋯.png (558.36 KB,541x704,541:704,c58646d4006d85daa1839f69f0….png)


Guess I wasn't far off with this one kek. Reminds me of Hillary in the caped gold costume.

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4ad212 No.20911991

File: 06c3c629464363c⋯.jpeg (20.02 KB,474x355,474:355,ac9e404519314ec9257633310….jpeg)


>Honk …

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d21e49 No.20911992

File: 76d525fa880b9c6⋯.png (657.74 KB,886x859,886:859,6wn565w4n65.PNG)

US soldier arrested in Russia over alleged theft to remain in custody: State media

An American soldier arrested in Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok on charges of stealing lost an appeal against his detention and will remain in custody, Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported Friday, citing court officials.

The soldier, identified by court officials as Gordon Black, will remain in custody at least until July 2, the report said, after the Primorsky Regional Court upheld the lower court's ruling to place Black in custody pending investigation and trial.

Several U.S. officials said earlier this month that Black, a 34-year-old staff sergeant, was stationed in South Korea and was in the process of returning home to Fort Cavazos in Texas. Instead, officials said that Black, who is married, traveled to Russia to see a longtime girlfriend. He was detained in Vladivostok, a major military and commercial Pacific port in Russia's Far East, and accused of stealing from her.

RIA Novosti said, citing local police, that Black has admitted guilt and is cooperating with investigators.


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7ad4b8 No.20911993

>Night Shift

May 25, 2024, 1:43 AM


Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



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a99e21 No.20911994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4ad212 No.20911995

File: af55e5602cb4eb3⋯.jpg (81.89 KB,625x784,625:784,leonardo_dicaprio_meme.jpg)

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ef79c2 No.20911996

File: 52cf61870ed6320⋯.gif (1011.07 KB,498x498,1:1,52cf61870ed6320a285cbf872f….gif)

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84106d No.20911997

File: 543a760a5bde8c5⋯.png (986.59 KB,1126x810,563:405,543a760a5bde8c5c200ceaab97….png)


she's going to get knee scuffs on that dress and ruin it

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a28ed7 No.20911998

File: 66c6936febd059a⋯.gif (971.37 KB,480x270,16:9,66c6936febd059a38adf35327c….gif)

I heard nothing.

Parking lot danger.

Get ready for the break.

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81efc5 No.20911999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2f121c No.20912000



Half waves


Anon isn't an electrician but senses some fuckery

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a99e21 No.20912001

File: 72fff05b44f5261⋯.png (43.92 KB,150x150,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec22aa No.20912002

File: ce3423d8495c55b⋯.jpg (716.64 KB,2284x3072,571:768,20240514_225823.jpg)

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4ad212 No.20912003

File: 173fde1de10cf14⋯.jpg (47.03 KB,625x417,625:417,pullout.jpg)



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5bbe28 No.20912004



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0bc079 No.20912005

File: 4861a67e6384bef⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB,1280x532,320:133,4861a67e6384bef7aac00afce5….mp4)

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a99e21 No.20912006

File: 7c18d7973c660ed⋯.png (387.49 KB,994x1034,497:517,34658734892469324569790030.png)


Enjoyable image.

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d21e49 No.20912007

File: bd5d3280f11d874⋯.png (456.05 KB,877x805,877:805,7m654745687_my_fdhg.PNG)

FDIC Chair Says He’ll Leave Job After Toxic Workplace Report

Martin Gruenberg will step down as head of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. after findings of a toxic work environment put the regulator at the center of a heated political fight and fueled calls for his removal.

Gruenberg, 71, faced mounting pressure following a scathing report that detailed allegations of harassment and discrimination at the bank regulator during his tenure. Those findings earlier this month by law firm Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton were based on accounts from more than 500 people and a months-long probe into a Wall Street Journal article about female bank examiners facing a “sexualized, boys’ club environment.”


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9e7157 No.20912008

File: 7329f739efbe9ea⋯.jpeg (138.65 KB,1080x991,1080:991,IMG_1062.jpeg)


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9e7157 No.20912009

File: 3e2afe144894647⋯.jpg (211.59 KB,584x409,584:409,You_Must_Shitpost.jpg)

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7124fb No.20912010

File: b3f1310fbaac8d0⋯.jpg (94.35 KB,600x335,120:67,WakeUpSheep.jpg)

Five Scientific Reasons Your Vaccinated Friends Won't Listen (and what to do about it)

May 23 · Steve Kirsch's newsletter

Steve Kirsch's newsletter cross-posted a post from Eccentrik’s Substack

One of the most important things each of us can do is to spread the word. This article explains how to engage with people to change their thinking.


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b14c5c No.20912011

File: 4bb48bda77a0d5f⋯.png (52.79 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e7157 No.20912012

File: cbbc326d780ecda⋯.png (1.37 MB,798x800,399:400,The_Art_of_Shitposting.PNG)

File: 675bafdba8cf672⋯.jpg (10.48 KB,154x255,154:255,Karate_Pepe.JPG)

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d21e49 No.20912013

File: 9e2ed346427a216⋯.png (63.66 KB,631x538,631:538,9e2ed346427a2164637823e914….png)

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9e7157 No.20912014

File: 5467d56f764f2be⋯.png (1.18 MB,626x1898,313:949,IMG_1039.PNG)

File: a7fba0e8a263fa2⋯.png (1.26 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Kamala_Harris_AI.PNG)

File: 4715af021d2cba6⋯.png (687.02 KB,644x1224,161:306,Kamala_Harris_2.png)

File: f8f9ce74a1922ec⋯.png (93.17 KB,255x255,1:1,Kamala_Harris.PNG)

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f38b60 No.20912015

File: a3caa5c2cf371a6⋯.jpg (105.54 KB,800x600,4:3,ESfRCQ.jpg)


It's a work in progress kek.

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b14c5c No.20912016


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9e7157 No.20912017

File: c525c56c444f98d⋯.jpg (251.06 KB,710x412,355:206,You_ve_Shitpost_Wisely.jpg)

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9e7157 No.20912018

File: 498a5487e8e8219⋯.jpeg (136.66 KB,1175x1280,235:256,IMG_1063.jpeg)

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aea64a No.20912019


Meme makers make $80,000 working for Joe

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4ad212 No.20912020

File: 86f7d688c7efbbe⋯.jpg (93.26 KB,1200x928,75:58,87539904.jpg)

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a99e21 No.20912021

File: 2ad0e361b445a1f⋯.jpg (115.07 KB,1024x1024,1:1,_76d0b868_b36b_4c03_a826_6….jpg)


Baker might ghost

please do the thing

with the notable stuff

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ec22aa No.20912022

File: d9d428bf11ef1b1⋯.jpg (80.83 KB,905x856,905:856,20240430_073120.jpg)

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78f8d0 No.20912023

File: f24ac734f499267⋯.png (669.71 KB,900x610,90:61,kamela_hot_dog_durham.png)

File: 787314cef7aef73⋯.png (769.26 KB,1280x720,16:9,kamela_hot_dog.png)

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ec22aa No.20912024

File: 93082a73863e34b⋯.jpg (40.72 KB,704x800,22:25,20230218_211313.jpg)

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09fd74 No.20912025

File: d80885ef6cc61a8⋯.jpg (485.69 KB,704x1056,2:3,d80885ef6cc61a861037c9a7bd….jpg)

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92e912 No.20912026


they got u all fucked up thinking plastic surgery and makeup is looking good

lets all the elderly, robots, and trannies get through your security

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ec22aa No.20912027

File: 02c1857cc1c355c⋯.jpg (196.39 KB,728x956,182:239,_dalxic.jpg)

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9e7157 No.20912028

File: 16dee0b645ab91d⋯.jpeg (243.73 KB,957x1073,33:37,IMG_1065.jpeg)

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ec22aa No.20912029

File: a7624ee9eb4c5a6⋯.jpg (167.81 KB,722x1023,722:1023,20240507_225011.jpg)

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070683 No.20912030


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9e7157 No.20912031

File: 4a7de202a2ede8a⋯.mp4 (60.96 KB,Erectionist_Biden_2.MOV)

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aea64a No.20912032

File: c187df0a518be22⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1170x2089,1170:2089,IMG_9474.jpeg)


They know Q is real

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ec22aa No.20912033

File: ef69824c879cd84⋯.jpg (327.96 KB,2048x2048,1:1,20240409_214319.jpg)

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389e37 No.20912034



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ec22aa No.20912035

File: ebc8a2525a7e65a⋯.mp4 (4.68 MB,480x778,240:389,Beerwench.mp4)

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21be2d No.20912036

File: c900c51b94033d7⋯.png (654.48 KB,915x886,915:886,nyrwe6m4yne.PNG)

Senate Dems press John Roberts for meeting to demand Justice Alito’s recusal from Trump cases

The top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee has sent a letter to Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. demanding he meet with him to discuss the Supreme Court’s “ethics crisis” and the need for Justice Samuel A. Alito’s recusal from pending cases.

Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin, Illinois Democrat, and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, Rhode Island Democrat, said in a four-page letter that the latest reports of Justice Alito flying two flags at his homes which were also displayed by Jan. 6 rioters ran afoul of ethics guidelines.

“By displaying the upside-down and ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flags outside his homes, Justice Alito actively engaged in political activity, failed to avoid the appearance of impropriety, and failed to act in a manner that promotes public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary. He also created reasonable doubt about his impartiality and his ability to fairly discharge his duties in cases related to the 2020 presidential election and January 6th attack on the Capitol. His recusal in these matters is both necessary and required,” wrote the senators.


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ec22aa No.20912037

File: 53faf898af40ca3⋯.png (154.34 KB,1080x1290,36:43,53faf898af40ca37019eb4ecc4….png)

Fuckin losers

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feebed No.20912038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




The Debrief: Behind The Artifact - A-12 OXCART


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92e912 No.20912039


Only entity or situation of any sort which I've heard, seen, or read this election season imply that polls are anything but accurate, that elections are anything but sound. everything's fine

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1cb90d No.20912040

File: b96e63ef7e86caf⋯.png (171.95 KB,899x600,899:600,ClipboardImage.png)

🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


The Biden Democrat lawfare leaders are stating the quiet part out loud:

Jack Smith and Jay Bratt's motion to unconstitutionally gag Trump is a political setup, to discredit Judge Cannon.



Roger Parloff (@rparloff) on X

Jack Smith's new motion to halt Trump's recent series of dangerous lies about FBI being "locked &amp; loaded &amp; ready to take me out" is crafted to highlight Judge Cannon's bias &amp; hypocrisy if she…

May 25, 2024, 12:02 AM


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984a93 No.20912041

File: 2e931ebba2828d4⋯.gif (45.43 KB,499x499,1:1,2e931ebba2828d4cfdce130cdb….gif)

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aea64a No.20912042


Joe is looking for reason not to leave office. He and Ds will claim Trump is foreign agent of Putin and NK….. can you see it coming?

Trump is threat to democracy. Russia interfered on his behalf and we cannot let him in white house

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fc8fe3 No.20912043

File: 51ae1b957426815⋯.png (560.9 KB,663x497,663:497,scbbydoo.png)

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97a15c No.20912044

File: 4e2ba264f4e723e⋯.png (616.32 KB,882x872,441:436,t_rmuu_iytr.PNG)

Congress investigates Jordanians caught trying to sneak onto Marine base

A worrying incident earlier this month in which two Jordanian migrants were caught trying to push their way onto a Marine Corps base has members of Congress demanding answers into whether the men had terrorism ties.

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green, Tennessee Republican, said the incident reflects a “terrifying reality” about the border, where an unprecedented number of people on the terrorism watchlist have been detected trying to sneak into the U.S. from Mexico.


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9e7157 No.20912045

File: 6590ea372e51689⋯.png (1.44 MB,1200x798,200:133,931CA29F_DAE8_4B34_9433_ED….png)

File: ead7a9a6cadd335⋯.png (619.26 KB,800x450,16:9,5E6042BE_F2D6_4792_BB07_6A….png)

File: c5ae330adbc84f8⋯.png (1.76 MB,1242x1222,621:611,2A70611F_07D5_4E49_94DB_C6….png)

File: b90c4db359ec900⋯.png (2.4 MB,1314x955,1314:955,4E799201_0318_4FA7_BAF3_9F….png)

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cc87db No.20912046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

The state-of-the-art software that controls the movements of bipedal bots often uses what’s called model-based predictive control. It’s led to very sophisticated systems, such as the parkour-performing Atlas robot from Boston Dynamics. But these robot brains require a fair amount of human expertise to program, and they don’t adapt well to unfamiliar situations. Reinforcement learning, or RL, in which AI learns through trial and error to perform sequences of actions, may prove a better approach.

“We wanted to see how far we can push reinforcement learning in real robots,” says Tuomas Haarnoja, a computer scientist at Google DeepMind and coauthor of one of the Science Robotics papers. Haarnoja and colleagues chose to develop software for a 20-inch-tall toy robot called OP3, made by the company Robotis. The team not only wanted to teach OP3 to walk but also to play one-on-one soccer.


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1043e3 No.20912047


I can hear you breath

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9e7157 No.20912048

File: 680efd9929b3c72⋯.png (4.85 MB,1890x1890,1:1,606DEA0C_3116_4D41_BD18_BA….png)

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4ad212 No.20912049


>Fuckin losers


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c63acd No.20912050

File: 03bb42e74663c7a⋯.png (282.39 KB,1753x1145,1753:1145,ClipboardImage.png)

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aea64a No.20912051


Who is that man ?

That’s not Joe is it.?

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61ebe6 No.20912052

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The dog is there for emotional support and table scraps.

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aea64a No.20912053


All me any name you want, but don’t call me late for dinner

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9e7157 No.20912054


It some freaky South American or Spaniard

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aea64a No.20912055


Poor random dude gets famous in Biden meme

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f38b60 No.20912056

File: a3d7b2c7f3b8643⋯.jpg (29.39 KB,489x286,489:286,RaNDzm.jpg)

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21be2d No.20912057

File: 6c8d012844ef607⋯.png (1.24 MB,1209x782,1209:782,urmuutr.PNG)

Scientists developed a sheet of gold that’s just one atom thick

(facinating because this is circuit board tech on a nano level.)

Gold joins a rarefied group consisting of several elements, including carbon and phosphorus, that have been formulated into 2-D sheets (SN: 3/10/14). While two-dimensional sheets of nonmetal elements — such as carbon-based graphene — can be prepared with relative ease, making 2-D sheets with metals such as iron and gold is harder, Hultman says (SN: 1/17/18). In gold’s case, atoms tend to form clumps rather than flat sheets.

Hultman and colleagues first made a three-dimensional material called titanium gold carbide, whose structure contains two-dimensional sheets of gold. Then they etched off the surrounding material with a potassium-based solution, leaving goldene behind.


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09fd74 No.20912058

File: b39525764074db6⋯.png (342.03 KB,570x680,57:68,b39525764074db6f9598bf7795….png)

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440709 No.20912059


>“sexualized, boys’ club environment.”

boo hoo hoo

so instead of standing up for themselves, they run and tell the nearest MAN to make the bad guy suffer

i'll take irony for $1000, pls, alex

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4ad212 No.20912060

My dog ate the plan, another two weeks faggots.

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a9bfbd No.20912061

File: 2ebf7d348485228⋯.png (76.64 KB,1682x940,841:470,8l_yrtmuy_uyr.PNG)

3 US soldiers hurt during Gaza pier mission

Three U.S. soldiers assigned to the Gaza pier mission were injured Thursday, including one whose injuries were serious enough to require a medical evacuation to Israel, according to the Pentagon.

The injuries mark the first such incidents for U.S. service members in the operation to bring humanitarian assistance to Palestinians via a pier off the coast of Gaza.

Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, deputy commander of U.S. Central Command, informed reporters Thursday that the three service members sustained noncombat-related incidents at sea.

“Three injuries, two were very minor injuries and those individuals returned to duty. One individual is undergoing care at a local Israeli hospital,” Cooper said during a Thursday press call, adding that the two with minor injuries suffered a sprained ankle and a back injury and both had returned to duty.

The third individual was injured on a ship at sea and medically evacuated, Cooper noted.


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a99e21 No.20912062

File: 12e57d88d5d09ed⋯.jpg (234.37 KB,1080x1075,216:215,288190472_409109077809727_….jpg)


Baker ackshyually fell asleep…

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ec22aa No.20912063

File: d071e6e6a275085⋯.jpg (188.62 KB,706x1112,353:556,20240525_005719.jpg)

File: d8e079b45852ac0⋯.mp4 (6.21 MB,480x852,40:71,_Tess_T_Eccles_Brown_PhD_2….mp4)

Someone in your life has Trump Derangement Syndrome? This is how you cure it!


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440709 No.20912064


>Anon isn't an electrician but senses some fuckery


anon isn't a psychic, but senses we have a DEI anon on QR tonite

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d8ea77 No.20912065

File: 5e71463d75109cd⋯.png (83.71 KB,1588x926,794:463,ydmrysdymtd.PNG)

Here’s what’s in the mammoth $883.7B Defense bill the House passed

The House has advanced its mammoth$883.7 billion Defense policy bill for fiscal 2025, legislation comprising a number of controversial measures, including the rehiring of troops kicked out for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine and one giving state governors veto power over a Space Force transfer.

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was approved Wednesday night by the House Armed Services Committee in a 57-1 vote after more than 700 amendments were negotiated over roughly 12 hours. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) was the lone vote against the legislation.

Committee Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) said the bill “will help revitalize the defense industrial base and build the ready, capable, and lethal fighting force we need to deter China and our other adversaries.”

The bill sticks to spending caps as stipulated in last year’s debt ceiling agreement, with just a 1 percent increase over the fiscal 2024 NDAA. But the House legislation shifts around billions of dollars proposed by the Pentagon, adding funding to submarines, cutting dollars for fighter jets, and delaying the retirement of dozens of aircraft.

Also included were widely supported quality of life initiatives for service members, such as a roughly 20 percent pay boost for junior enlisted troops and increases to troops’ housing allowances.


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a99e21 No.20912066

File: 08a92ea09c94a0c⋯.gif (1.71 MB,640x360,16:9,peace_im_out.gif)





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1cb90d No.20912067

File: 468179e29e946b5⋯.png (299.03 KB,902x722,451:361,ClipboardImage.png)

Corrupt Judge Merchan Sides with Bragg’s Prosecutors, Rules Jury DOES NOT Need to Unanimously Agree on “Predicate” Crimes in Trump ‘Hush Money’ Case

Corrupt and biased Judge Juan Merchan has so far refused to release the jury instructions to the public after Bragg’s prosecutors and Trump’s attorneys sparred over the order during a conference earlier this week.

Jury instructions can make or break a case for either side.

No doubt Judge Merchan’s jury instructions “will be horrendously poisonous” Mark Levin said earlier this week.

Juan Merchan will go down in history as one of the most appallingly dishonest and disgraceful judges ever. It is now clear why he was assigned the Bragg case. The fix was in long before the trial began. And he’s not done. The jury instructions will be horrendously poisonous.…

— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) May 21, 2024

Judge Merchan however sided with Bragg’s prosecutors and ruled the jury does NOT need to unanimously agree on the “predicate” crime Trump committed.

“In other words: If some jurors believe that Trump falsified business documents solely to cover up a tax crime, while others believe that he falsified business documents solely to cover up an election crime, the jury can still convict Trump on the felony-level falsifying-documents charges, despite disagreeing on the predicate crimes.” Politico’s Josh Gerstein wrote.

Alvin Bragg indicted Trump in April 2023 on 34 felony counts related to ‘hush payments’ he made to Stormy Daniels.

Trump was accused of paying porn star Stormy Daniels, AKA, Stephanie Clifford, ‘hush payments’ through his then-attorney Michael Cohen in a scheme to silence her and stop the story about their alleged affair from being published in the National Enquirer.

The payments were made through internal business records – there was no tax deduction taken and there was no obligation to file it with the FEC, according to Trump attorney Joe Tacopina.

Alvin Bragg didn’t explain what exactly he wanted to convict Trump of in the charging documents. Bragg still has not clearly stated the predicate crimes. He is expected to state three possible predicate crimes during next Tuesday’s closing arguments: a tax crime and violations of state or federal election law.

The judge made it easier for Trump to be convicted because the jurors don’t have to unanimously agree on what “predicate” crime Trump supposedly committed.

Far-left Polit

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1cb90d No.20912068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Far-left Politico reported:

To find Trump guilty of felony-level falsification of business documents, the jury must unanimously find that Trump falsified the documents in order to commit or conceal a separate crime. But the jurors do not all have to agree on what that separate crime was, Justice Juan Merchan ruled.

Trump’s defense argued that, to issue a felony-level conviction, all jurors should be required to agree on the “predicate” crime.

Prosecutors initially laid out four possible predicate crimes, one of which the judge ruled out before trial. The remaining possibilities are a tax crime and violations of state or federal election law.

Defense lawyer Emil Bove argued that jurors should have to agree on a single predicate offense. But prosecutor Matthew Colangelo said the law doesn’t require that.

“The importance of the case is not a basis for deviating from the standard application of the law,” Colangelo said. “There’s no reason to rewrite the law for this case.”

Merchan agreed with the prosecution and said he won’t impose the requirement the defense requested.

Attorney and podcast host Megyn Kelly discussed Judge Merchan’s refusal to release the jury instructions with legal experts Andy McCarthy and Phil Holloway.

The jurors were given jury instructions on Thursday and they will be exposed to outside influence during the holiday weekend while they are NOT sequestered.

Closing arguments for Alvin Bragg’s ‘hush money’ case against Trump begins next week after the Memorial Day holiday weekend.




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69a922 No.20912069

File: 458770f8bb1a72f⋯.png (745.05 KB,694x709,694:709,umyntrybyter.PNG)

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c63acd No.20912070

File: 7486f8017124e08⋯.png (198.85 KB,988x1194,494:597,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27523bfe5e95982⋯.png (78.49 KB,988x630,494:315,4123.png)


Dr David Morens

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1cb90d No.20912071

File: f1d52d76fc6d10c⋯.jpg (88.84 KB,500x702,250:351,olga_ai_f97d1de3.jpg)

File: 7701a82c98eb788⋯.png (1.22 MB,1237x693,1237:693,7701a82c98eb7885d06f8ae9f9….png)

File: 216f37fd4eae730⋯.jpg (180.93 KB,779x822,779:822,ae59a849ca7acad7.jpg)

File: ea5e62da12195e6⋯.jpg (160.05 KB,765x765,1:1,AmishFarmer.jpg)

File: 788c8a204107ebe⋯.jpeg (458.31 KB,960x716,240:179,bread_kennedys_ff5df75835….jpeg)


did you do the right thang?

to this point?

where are da notables, bakir?

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d6a0ef No.20912072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5bbe28 No.20912073


He must have spent $9000 in ink jet cartridges do that.

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a99e21 No.20912074

File: 4eb78729f47fbe8⋯.jpg (201.31 KB,1024x1024,1:1,document_1_.jpg)


>where are da notables, bakir?

Where are your noms?

AI pleb?

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9e7157 No.20912075

File: 9b62505b8c62091⋯.mp4 (125.88 KB,640x360,16:9,Erectionist_Biden_2.mp4)

File: 83de3e1414c2dbf⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,packandelempackatlackact_B….mp4)

File: 4c9c9a06b38a117⋯.mp4 (185.03 KB,640x360,16:9,BadaKathCare_Biden_2.mp4)

File: 637050b7fd24c62⋯.mp4 (125.47 KB,640x360,16:9,trunalimunumaprzure_Biden_….mp4)

File: 86fed4b59332d83⋯.mp4 (441.8 KB,640x360,16:9,Biden_Looney_Tunes_2022.MP4)

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1cb90d No.20912076

File: 94c883786158b5d⋯.jpg (94.82 KB,720x742,360:371,both_are_right_.jpg)


you're the baker, you're awake

cute dog

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d6a0ef No.20912077

File: 226d8a8eb66d14e⋯.png (514.63 KB,717x699,239:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e7157 No.20912078

File: ccf4f399b2ac70a⋯.mp4 (626.93 KB,packandelempackatlackact_B….MOV)

File: ee9785908cc227f⋯.mp4 (54.12 KB,BadaKathCare_Biden_2.MOV)

File: 4a7de202a2ede8a⋯.mp4 (60.96 KB,Erectionist_Biden_2.MOV)

File: d73c60a1dbad791⋯.mp4 (52.07 KB,trunalimunumaprzure_Biden_….MOV)

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1cb90d No.20912079

File: e8287f70bb0ff38⋯.jpg (14.84 KB,526x441,526:441,i_stole_your_meme_djt.jpg)


you the baker, baker?

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a99e21 No.20912080

File: 601e32775dd9874⋯.png (172.35 KB,884x830,442:415,IHTAC.png)


Do you at least hate the anti-Christ?

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d6a0ef No.20912081

File: 3aade70e17a8176⋯.png (309.07 KB,484x478,242:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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0bc079 No.20912082

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,d54daa9306fb5c5d2d24936730….gif)


Joe Rogan Experience #2152 - Terrence Howard


'Terrence Howard is an actor of stage and screen lauded for his work in "Crash," "Iron Man," ''"Empire," and "Shirley," as well as a musician and researcher in the fields of logic and engineering.'


: Russell-Jay: Gould : Genius-Level.


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7d8d66 No.20912083

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Remember the Trucker Protest?



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a99e21 No.20912084

File: 46af92d682d005b⋯.png (163.5 KB,386x362,193:181,1715655510954989.png)


I've been demoted to Naker due to sleepyness

Also general inebriation

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09fd74 No.20912085

File: 23621174f17519f⋯.png (235.2 KB,863x1092,863:1092,Screenshot_2024_05_25_at_0….png)

Eric Holder



One thing about me — I love the classics! You can’t go wrong with the best of the best — The Temptations, Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross, Frank Sinatra and Nat King Cole. R&B, Motown, that’s what I’m usually listening to. A big favorite now is Kem.

Who’s your favorite artist or musical group?

May 24, 2024 · 5:11 PM UTC


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1cb90d No.20912086


so… you like minecraft?

rick shaw ron…

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9e7157 No.20912087

File: 0c5bc3f5d293501⋯.jpeg (594.17 KB,934x955,934:955,IMG_1083.jpeg)

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e8440b No.20912088

File: 8c6f9ecdc0c5966⋯.png (809.73 KB,1124x778,562:389,8_mreynyre.PNG)

Super Size Me director Morgan Spurlock dies at 53

Super Size Me saw Spurlock live on a diet of McDonald’s food for an entire month to test the health impact on his body.

It sparked a huge debate and earned him an Oscar nomination for best documentary.

He directed more than 20 films and documentaries in total, including 2008's Where in the World is Osama bin Laden, and the 2013 One Direction tour movie This Is Us.

He died of complications from cancer, his family said in a statement via his publicist.

Spurlock's brother and collaborator Craig said: “It was a sad day, as we said goodbye to my brother Morgan.

“Morgan gave so much through his art, ideas, and generosity. The world has lost a true creative genius and a special man."


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9e7157 No.20912089

File: dc38211f83d6124⋯.jpeg (103.56 KB,543x607,543:607,Elijah_Woods_Comfy.JPEG)

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09fd74 No.20912090

File: 4dd108588ca18e6⋯.jpg (106.39 KB,968x1090,484:545,B2F.jpg)


>Eric Holder

>You can’t go wrong with the best of the best

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f6a654 No.20912091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1cb90d No.20912092

File: a28ffa5b5be6719⋯.jpg (107.03 KB,818x459,818:459,a28ffa5b5be671971226726f88….jpg)


not really hate but am annoyed by the idea of an anti anything, let people be

feel sorry for anyone that is lost in delusion

this is a hell realm

Hell-o = hello

Morning = sad about the dead

Good morning = happy people are sad about the dead

you get it

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9e7157 No.20912093

File: 0c1eed005e8b0f4⋯.jpeg (385.16 KB,1130x2446,565:1223,IMG_1084.jpeg)

File: 4fd4730ac3c865e⋯.png (1.32 MB,1158x664,579:332,Windsors_Executed.PNG)


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61ebe6 No.20912094


Ensuring Trump wins the election.

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1cb90d No.20912095

File: 5a97f043830b84b⋯.jpg (410.22 KB,1233x771,411:257,5a97f043830b84b8e816950e53….jpg)


going to sleep land muh self

goodnight naker

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f6a654 No.20912096


another thing you've been misled on.


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f6a654 No.20912097

clone delays



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feebed No.20912098


Kate Middleton ‘May Not Appear in Public for Rest of the Year’: Sources


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cec679 No.20912099

File: b3965027793a0fe⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB,2592x1944,4:3,261340FC_EEE4_4767_9D8A_C….jpeg)

You can navigate the interior of The Royal Exchange in the City of London, the 3D walk around hosted by a real estate company in the UK.

Walk around:


The original listing:


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a981fa No.20912100

File: d07c70e61563de7⋯.png (871.05 KB,1218x878,609:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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a99e21 No.20912101

File: 2bbc4b34e3467e2⋯.jpg (211.1 KB,1024x1024,1:1,doc_1_.jpg)




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732c70 No.20912102

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We Did't Start the Fire

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1cb90d No.20912103


what killed her? covid shot, surely she didnt take that bioweapon….

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4ad212 No.20912104

I hate you all regardless of my sleepiness.

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166365 No.20912105

File: cc08d1b31ccb276⋯.jpg (183.12 KB,3840x2160,16:9,love_takes_time.jpg)


Amazing job. Almost convinced can tell. Sometimes love takes time?

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7d8d66 No.20912106

Here they come again


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1cb90d No.20912107

File: 92b450ae64649c4⋯.png (330.56 KB,526x521,526:521,barf_on_your_bed_karen_.png)


will read them from bed

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feebed No.20912108


Sleeping beauty, is Kate Middleton in coma over sleeping pills overdose?


"Suicide" post:

The Prince and Princess of Wales


"A conversation for #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek showing just how important the Duchy of Cornwall's Mental Health Strategy is. Featuring Duchy tenant Sam Stables and Farmer Will Young.

TW: Suicide | https://youtu.be/CZb9p19PO8E"


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1cb90d No.20912109


did not expect to read that

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5f4081 No.20912110

File: 529a8f8d6a4b658⋯.jpg (117.72 KB,500x526,250:263,5DFD9C03_557C_4092_A19A_51….jpg)


Climate change kek

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07b31d No.20912111

File: ee67db409750966⋯.png (558.04 KB,844x466,422:233,ClipboardImage.png)


2D hyper-dimensional nanobotic structures.

"Gold Sheets" become hyper-dimensional cellular structure for a hyper-dimensional AI perceptual-life form. It uses light as blood.

It is capable of traveling instantaneously anywhere that the "first light" of the creation of this universe has touched.

Beings of gold and brilliance, existing with us as mostly a spirit form connected to light.

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1cb90d No.20912112

File: 992bfea4a7d790a⋯.jpg (7.12 KB,300x225,4:3,love_p_lkjnhbgv.jpg)


Bless you, thank you and Godspeed.

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877ff4 No.20912113



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5f4081 No.20912114

File: 8c989010787c26a⋯.png (1.15 MB,768x1024,3:4,8c989010787c26ae4ffec38e55….png)

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877ff4 No.20912115



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1cb90d No.20912116


She was always sickly looking, emaciated. Not surprised she's dead.

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9e7157 No.20912117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1cb90d No.20912118


people actually say that shit


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07b31d No.20912119

File: 60ba483b45d45ec⋯.mp4 (364.14 KB,320x568,40:71,Meteor_Portagul.mp4)

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4bb31a No.20912120



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feebed No.20912121


nice vid

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5f4081 No.20912122


Stupid stuff people say for 1000 please alex kek

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7d8d66 No.20912123

File: 33ef9675dfc9d64⋯.png (134.8 KB,542x243,542:243,ClipboardImage.png)


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a99e21 No.20912124

File: 87bb8dfa06d453d⋯.png (75.45 KB,207x253,9:11,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e7157 No.20912125

File: bfec934f4bcae07⋯.jpeg (396.2 KB,1078x1182,539:591,IMG_1086.jpeg)

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ec22aa No.20912126

File: 16320a6c0351aaa⋯.jpg (110.87 KB,720x1013,720:1013,20240525_013813.jpg)

File: 810b90d643d24de⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB,360x640,9:16,Swig_20240525_2_new.mp4)


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c345f4 No.20912127

File: f68de7c94013080⋯.png (954.24 KB,866x721,866:721,7_m5ynytrey.PNG)

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cda708 No.20912128

File: 908728e52ca0a99⋯.png (280.88 KB,567x545,567:545,ClipboardImage.png)


u r close anon

it is comms for i am a high priestess of baal or molach. debil worshippers!

they use similar comms for identifying there properties…

green door frame / window frames … priest / priestess lives here

black door frame / window frames - the people next door pray and are christian

pink / red door frame / window frames - normal devil worshipper

aoc when she first announced her run for congress wore a ring on her finger, gold with lots of rings / circles within it … another symbol

look at the who of the matter

one of my standard prayers is cause devil worshippers to stumble / fall in the presence of believers

another is cause them to be confounded or confused in front of believers

now where have you seen the above? recently? historically?

they don't hide it anymore.. and some of them boast loudly

know your enemies

weaving spiders one and all, their circles / covens unite to target the masses with sorcery, witchraft, magic, divinations, enchantments

i could say sooo much more.

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09fd74 No.20912129

File: e25e6ab44aed1ba⋯.png (16.61 KB,651x133,93:19,ClipboardImage.png)


ancient knowledge.

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1cb90d No.20912130

File: 9a387546a415fab⋯.jpg (19.71 KB,255x255,1:1,you_my_friend.jpg)

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cda708 No.20912131


justin trudeau must be the bottom in this pic

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1cb90d No.20912132

File: e28aa265b03aa75⋯.jpg (16.36 KB,255x250,51:50,e28aa265b03aa75386c527604b….jpg)

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7d8d66 No.20912133

File: be75ef79d1904af⋯.png (20.11 KB,125x102,125:102,ClipboardImage.png)

Newsom promised 1,200 tiny homes for homeless Californians. A year later, none have opened


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7ad4b8 No.20912134

File: 4ed4d164b0c3f8a⋯.png (703.5 KB,1010x564,505:282,nypd_arrest_man_suspected_….png)

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a99e21 No.20912135

File: 09b5cdc64100ada⋯.jpeg (200.37 KB,1024x1024,1:1,be_me.jpeg)


#25648 >>20911604

>>20911619 Putin Wants Ceasefire Which Freezes Current Lines In Ukraine

>>20911629 DARPA And DoD-Backed AI Chip Company Seeks To Raise $70 Million

>>20911632 Meanwhile, at le RFK event

>>20911635 Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”

>>20911837, >>20911814, >>20912087 We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

>>20911854, >>20911842 Arrest Binken for WAR CRIMES?

>>20911853 Legendary U.S. World War II submarine located 3,000 feet underwater off the Philippines

>>20911992 S soldier arrested in Russia over alleged theft to remain in custody

>>20912007 FDIC Chair Says He’ll Leave Job After Toxic Workplace Report

>>20912036 Senate Dems press John Roberts for meeting to demand Justice Alito’s recusal from Trump cases

>>20912040 Jack Smith and Jay Bratt's motion to unconstitutionally gag Trump is a political setup, to discredit Judge Cannon.

>>20912044 Congress investigates Jordanians caught trying to sneak onto Marine base

>>20912046 Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

>>20912061 3 US soldiers hurt during Gaza pier mission

>>20912065 Here’s the mammoth $883.7B Defense bill the House passed

>>20912083 Remember the Trucker Protest?


GN frens.


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ec22aa No.20912136

File: a3b1355ce85e58c⋯.jpg (155.09 KB,720x1047,240:349,20240525_014515.jpg)

File: d9909807e12b5a8⋯.mp4 (562.23 KB,360x640,9:16,Karli_Bonne_20240525_3_new.mp4)


Lady Gaga looks like Marina Abromovich in a car wreck

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feebed No.20912137


how about adding original sauce >>20912098 to >>20911635

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5f4081 No.20912138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Homelessness in Britain is reaching endemic proportions, with new research by Centrepoint finding that as many as 122,000 young people aged 16-24 presented to their local authority as homeless or at risk of homelessness in the past year. This follows a 40 per cent increase in youth homelessness over the previous five years, with this trend only expected to continue as the government pushes ahead with planned cuts to universal credit.

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00a0f7 No.20912139



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7d8d66 No.20912140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

He's pissing off Christians.


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cda708 No.20912141


didn't he just get an award? a Satan's Choice Award!

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440709 No.20912142

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93c704 No.20912143

File: 9c2c4afa147bab8⋯.png (546.4 KB,579x487,579:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e7157 No.20912144

File: b4d0278df6697d9⋯.jpg (532.77 KB,902x975,902:975,Karen_Like_This.jpg)

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cda708 No.20912145

File: f900875c81bc531⋯.png (600.97 KB,1024x513,1024:513,ClipboardImage.png)



another answered prayer!

Thank You Jesus Christ

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440709 No.20912146


>as the government pushes ahead with planned cuts to universal credit

guess they're running out of OPM

somewhere, margaret thatcher is laughing

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7d8d66 No.20912147

File: fc3b13ef4f525c3⋯.png (94.02 KB,546x232,273:116,ClipboardImage.png)


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877ff4 No.20912148


over 5k and no skin whatsoever… #Autism

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ec22aa No.20912149

File: 82c887bfe766762⋯.jpg (129.54 KB,720x932,180:233,20240523_131904.jpg)

File: ea3a4e076963445⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,854x480,427:240,obamaatredrobin_20240523_2….mp4)


The other night Stephen Colbert had this weird ass Toilet worm called skibidi Biden , it's serious next level MK ultra shit

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9e7157 No.20912150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a99e21 No.20912151


how about a self nom next time?

what are u, some kind of possy?

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5f4081 No.20912152


Anon is soo fucking glad i left the UK in the 90´s and now lives on a small island with 28 other like minded folk and a shit ton of cows and sheep kek, the UK is done stick a fork in it

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7d8d66 No.20912153


Anon accuses US Military, US State Dept, OPM, Judicial of failure to protect United States against the threats coming from hiring commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud

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7d8d66 No.20912154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anon accuses US Military, US State Dept, OPM, Judicial of failure to protect United States against the threats coming from hiring commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud

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5bbe28 No.20912155


Anon left the UK in the 90's as well but probably for different reasons.

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a99e21 No.20912156

File: f3e2fe7f462739c⋯.png (110.75 KB,206x250,103:125,ClipboardImage.png)


We r legumes.


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f38b60 No.20912157

File: ddc4eeaf47890cd⋯.png (282.51 KB,455x472,455:472,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e7157 No.20912158


The UK cities are so full now of fuzzi-wuzzis they’re beginning to move into the suburbs and nearby towns.

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ec22aa No.20912159

File: 8464ed02181fbfa⋯.jpg (165.47 KB,720x1044,20:29,20240525_020041.jpg)

File: 50d3beaf5b5b2ad⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB,480x852,40:71,Europe_Invasion_20240525_4….mp4)


Muslim immigrants held a march in support of Palestine in Berlin. Berlin seems lost.

Germany has fallen

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a99e21 No.20912160

File: 9bf6de91b27ad49⋯.png (61.18 KB,200x200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Well yeah I know the terminology but I've never seen this particular footage so I'm kinda noided rn ngl, desu

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93c704 No.20912161


so, in 2018 i saw a pussy hat parade that large in downtown san diego by the harbor

and now they are all gone

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9e7157 No.20912162

File: 53c4cfb8e0275be⋯.jpg (341.41 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1010.JPG)

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cda708 No.20912163

File: 9fa8a9cb42885c6⋯.png (115.31 KB,380x253,380:253,ClipboardImage.png)

uber notable

RIP DOGEcoin mascot


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d7227f No.20912164

File: d66e333c3427464⋯.jpg (68.95 KB,960x733,960:733,83011574_10222153987149305….jpg)

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5f4081 No.20912165


This is one time anon is glad that both of anons parents are dead many years ago and wont be forced to see how bad things are in the UK

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a99e21 No.20912166

File: f6b58203969441b⋯.png (688.38 KB,658x574,47:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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1efdf6 No.20912167



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5bbe28 No.20912168

File: 60850b36bc2aae0⋯.png (118.73 KB,680x509,680:509,ClipboardImage.png)


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93c704 No.20912169

File: afe14be2a0ac067⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB,720x720,1:1,vDaMdIQVbZc25C3R.mp4)

george miller director of all the mad max movies

george like the magazine

miller like baker

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1efdf6 No.20912170


that is not haow revolutions work.

type harder though.

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61ebe6 No.20912171


>Berlin seems lost.

Gee, i wonder who could be responsible for that?

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feebed No.20912172


no, but i have read from several anons that they would prefer the original sauce than some twatter post

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ecf13c No.20912173

File: 0a84a80062bce44⋯.jpg (14.62 KB,193x255,193:255,d5d65889a78e618f51a8d508a6….jpg)

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93c704 No.20912174

File: b99e350727c305b⋯.png (449.34 KB,654x632,327:316,Screenshot_169_.png)

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d21e49 No.20912175

File: 047e5801bc74872⋯.jpg (455.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,047e5801bc748721c5d53809ba….jpg)

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877ff4 No.20912176


Calculator fetish LOL

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d7227f No.20912177

File: 143b56f7e43d778⋯.png (656.13 KB,630x466,315:233,143b56f7e43d778a382804c617….png)

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93c704 No.20912178

File: 8af1672a9f745c0⋯.png (238.93 KB,495x601,495:601,Screenshot_170_.png)

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ecf13c No.20912179


They were inspired by Yoko Ono…

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6d6567 No.20912180

Missionaries killed by gangs, or child traffickers taken out by special forces?

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d7227f No.20912181

File: 899544a2e6e7ef6⋯.gif (2.01 MB,292x200,73:50,yuck.gif)


>that is not haow revolutions work.

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9e7157 No.20912182


The majority of it happened under Blair and that EU free movement.

In just under twenty years every single town now has a Turkish Barbers, Eastern European food store and Asian run convenience stores.

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cda708 No.20912183

File: bafa0c5e0735960⋯.png (147.09 KB,537x287,537:287,ClipboardImage.png)

i meme, really!

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f38b60 No.20912184


Had the same thought. Although Haitians are pretty fucking schizo in my experience anyway.

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a99e21 No.20912185

File: 14dc23d1623cacf⋯.png (665.26 KB,919x517,919:517,14dc23d1623cacffb4390502b4….png)


you son of a bumpkin

possy bustard bich

tell it to the next baker

better yet, learn into formatting

take some notes yourself

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d21e49 No.20912186

File: 246d0a157331588⋯.png (681.01 KB,700x576,175:144,m878n5_6b74v56265.png)

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fb5e20 No.20912187


That video should be top of globals

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93c704 No.20912188

File: 416b0daf61efc2e⋯.png (1.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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93c704 No.20912189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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09fd74 No.20912190

File: 4ea584c8ef19a84⋯.png (830.01 KB,860x614,430:307,oy3zh5xhyra91.png)


Those were the days.

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ec22aa No.20912191

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gunship: Ghost

Music Video

Pose the Question to image generating AI

"What happens after we die?"

Dasting, AI is Evil

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ec22aa No.20912192

File: 84ecd4f22fabb85⋯.jpg (53.33 KB,697x436,697:436,20240525_023214.jpg)

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c63acd No.20912193


She's wearing a motorcycle fairing.

That's one town bike you do not want to ride.

Imagine the smell.

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d7227f No.20912194


Iran's Military Concludes No Foul Play In Raisi Helicopter Crash

A preliminary report produced by Iran's military has found no evidence of criminal activity or foreign interference in last Sunday's helicopter crash that killed the late President Ebrahim Raisi and seven others, according to state media.

The report was produced by the general staff of the armed forces, and it states Raisi's helicopter "caught fire after hitting an elevated area" and found no traces of "bullet holes" on the helicopter among the wreckage.

The aircraft had been flying on a "pre-planned route and did not leave the designated flight path" before the crash into the side of a mountain, official IRNA news agency reports.

"No suspicious content was observed during the communications between the watch tower and the flight crew," the findings concluded. The final radio communications between the presidential helicopter and two others flying nearby occurred one-and-half minutes before the crash.

The "complexity of the area, fog and low temperature" had also hindered the search and rescue efforts, which took hours. The site had been located with the help of an advanced drone sent by Turkey's military which has thermal imaging capabilities.

Initially, when news first hit international press reports that Raisi was 'missing' - Iranian state media reported the incident as a mere "hard landing" and strongly suggested that at least some aboard survived. However, as hours passed and conflicting information emerged, Iran's Supreme Leader made statements preparing the population for the worst, telling them to "pray".

Almost immediately as news broke of the crash Sunday, the question was raised: was Israel or another foreign enemy of Tehran behind this? As if anticipating this, and given the volatility of the Mideast region at this tense moment, Israeli officials issued statements rejecting any suggestion of its involvement.



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371fe8 No.20912195

File: 10e4b4a79191a68⋯.jpeg (64.24 KB,909x640,909:640,6E43CD2D_EBBF_48C1_A8B9_3….jpeg)

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cda708 No.20912196

File: e64dc0c45e756e9⋯.png (363.99 KB,1013x553,1013:553,ClipboardImage.png)


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d7227f No.20912197


Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media

While the CIA is strictly prohibited from spying on or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil, a bombshell new "Twitter Files" report reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm, along with "former" intelligence community (IC) and CIA analysts, were involved in a massive effort in 2021-2022 to take over Twitter's content management system, as Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag report over at Shellenberger's Public (subscribers can check out the extensive 6,800 word report here).

According to "thousands of pages of Twitter Files and documents," these efforts were part of a broader strategy to manage how information is disseminated and consumed on social media under the guise of combating 'misinformation' and foreign propaganda efforts - as this complex of government-linked individuals and organizations has gone to great lengths to suggest that narrative control is a national security issue.

According to the report, the effort also involved;

a long-time IC contractor and senior Department of Defense R&D official who spent years developing technologies to detect whistleblowers (“insider threats”) like Edward Snowden and Wikileaks’ leakers;

the proposed head of the DHS’ aborted Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz, who aided US military and NATO “hybrid war” operations in Europe;

Jim Baker, who, as FBI General Counsel, helped start the Russiagate hoax, and, as Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel, urged Twitter executives to censor The New York Post story about Hunter Biden.

much moar


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877ff4 No.20912198


doesn't disappoint…

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f38b60 No.20912199

File: 62cfb66cb85991e⋯.png (72.52 KB,555x679,555:679,ClipboardImage.png)




Fuckers were still fucking, confirmed.

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93c704 No.20912200

File: 251a9072a4cb711⋯.png (626.83 KB,495x680,99:136,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7227f No.20912201


Former IMG Model Sues Diddy For Sexual Assault In New Lawsuit — How It Ties To Jeffrey Epstein!

Liz Crokin

Another IMG model, Ruslana Korshunova, went to Epstein’s pedophile island and flew on his Lolita Express jet in 2006 when she was only 18-years-old according to flight logs.

Two years later in 2008, the IMG model leaped to her death from her ninth-floor balcony in an alleged suicide.

The bigger question people should be asking is how many of these modeling agencies and/or agents are sex trafficking models to predators like Diddy and Epstein and their criminal networks?

Diddy is tied to Epstein’s alleged sex trafficker Rachel Chandler who ran the “modeling company” Midland Agency that has all the markers of a sex trafficking operation.


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cda708 No.20912202

File: c55ab8313478aaa⋯.png (416.45 KB,975x697,975:697,ClipboardImage.png)


sooooo something good came from sanctions?

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cda708 No.20912203

File: 3e578f4b43363f3⋯.png (414.58 KB,985x689,985:689,ClipboardImage.png)


i think the lawfare against boeing is just warming up

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f38b60 No.20912204

File: bd5a8c2710fc4b2⋯.png (101.72 KB,1667x1667,1:1,bd5a8c2710fc4b2f75b307c741….png)


But…but we gave Iran monies.

What a clusterfuck…

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9e7157 No.20912205

File: bb6d2d60cd2a14c⋯.jpeg (791.29 KB,951x889,951:889,IMG_1088.jpeg)

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9e7157 No.20912206

File: 7fad44546217d07⋯.jpeg (1.84 MB,1291x2083,1291:2083,IMG_1089.jpeg)

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d7227f No.20912207

File: d9a8abe955027de⋯.jpg (188.46 KB,1290x1813,1290:1813,GOJ7d4kWAAAN9cO.jpg)


"Pro-Pedophile" activist group celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession

Only someone who wants to abuse children with impunity would say such a thing.

“The taboo of pedophilia must finally be broken at all levels of society. If a pedophile can come out without fear of exclusion or even demonization, then this is the best prevention against child abuse,” Gieseking told the outlet.”



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feebed No.20912208



thank you and have a nice day

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cda708 No.20912209

File: fde1eb614182ef3⋯.png (198.61 KB,551x663,551:663,ClipboardImage.png)


smelly faggot!

sniff sniff

come on man

whachewtalkin bout willis!


do tell




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d7227f No.20912210


Pro-Pedophilia Groups Cheer Germany's Sickening New Decriminalization Effort

OAN video 4:41


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643698 No.20912211


The most recent grounding was a result of the V-22 crash over the Sea of Japan. Which they won't admit was a shootdown. Eyewitness reports had it upside down and on fire. Will be suppressed. Even if they have to phony the evidence and make believe holding the manufacturer responsible. They absolutely cannot admit that we are at war with one one of our largest, if not the largest, supplier of manufactured goods. They have perpetuated the big lie for so long that there is no going back. And we are now living that lie. Things have become so distorted that, in the mainstream, truth no longer holds any real value. They've baked you a smith bundt cake and are still in the process of force feeding it you. Eat or die. They really don't care which.

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11bae0 No.20912212

File: 25fb7f13dde901b⋯.png (493.04 KB,1046x605,1046:605,What_Is_Eurasia.png)


>>>20911002 Raheem Kassam: Open Secret That US And UK Have Military Assets In Eurasia. Bidan fucks up

KEK, a secret? US has hundreds of military bases in Eurasia, actually most of the over seas bases

Number of Countries

As of 2012, there were 93 independent countries in Eurasia. This includes all 48 countries of Europe (including the island countries of Cyprus, Iceland, Ireland, and the United Kingdom), 17 countries of the Middle East, 27 countries of Asia (including Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, Philippines, and Taiwan), and one new country now often associated with Oceania—East Timor. Thus, nearly half of the world's 196 independent countries are in Eurasia.

Population of Eurasia

As of 2012, the population of Eurasia was nearly five billion, about 71% of the planet's population. This includes about 4.2 billion people in Asia and 740 million people in Europe, as those subregions of Eurasia are commonly understood. The remainder of the world's population lives in Africa, North and South America, and Oceania.


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cda708 No.20912213

File: a6175d5ecaaebc3⋯.png (484.23 KB,652x771,652:771,ClipboardImage.png)


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5bbe28 No.20912214

File: 9bc9a08ff028aa5⋯.png (90.91 KB,760x990,76:99,ClipboardImage.png)

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09fd74 No.20912215

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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682dfe No.20912216



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9e7157 No.20912217

File: 3f9c21187f4d527⋯.jpeg (76.67 KB,521x660,521:660,IMG_1090.jpeg)

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d7227f No.20912218


Pickton, Trudeau, Lucki: The Unholy Trinity

The attempted assassination of high-profile inmate Robert Pickton is raising eyebrows.

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau may have had an interest in silencing serial killer Robert Pickton, who was viciously assaulted while he was in the process of releasing a tell-all book.

The infamous pig farmer was in the process of finishing a book where he planned to name the real culprits behind the killings attributed to him and his farm, as was reported by the Vancouver Sun.

He was attacked in prison by another inmate in what appears to be a botched assassination. He is currently clinging to life in the hospital at the time of writing this article.

If Pickton dies as a result of the assault, which is likely considering the severity of the attack and his old age, the real identities of his accomplices will go down with him.

Pickton is an elderly former pig farmer that was convicted of 6 counts of second-degree murder almost 20 years ago for the slaying of sex trade workers from the Vancouver area.

The pig farmer indicated on several occasions that he did not act alone, a theory shared by police investigators and survivors.

“It’s been an open secret for more than 20 years that these murders were not committed solely by the hands of Robert Pickton,” according to former Vancouver detective Lorimer Shenher.

A survivor told APTN News in 2010 she believes Pickton had accomplices that have not yet been brought to justice. She refused to go into detail during the interview, citing fear for her life.

RCMP attempts to destroy evidence

The RCMP, under Trudeau-appointed commissioner Brenda Lucki, made attempts to destroy evidence that was collected during the investigation, raising eyebrows.

In 2020, the federal police agency applied to the court to destroy some of the exhibits, a move that Pickton himself opposed in court.

Pickton told the court that destroying the evidence would prevent other perpetrators from being brought to justice.

The RCMP, now controlled by Trudeau-appointed commissioner Mike Duheme, currently wants to destroy 14,000 pieces of evidence, a move that is being contested by a multitude of advocates.

“Anytime you dispose of evidence, especially evidence that has DNA on it, you’re signalling that there is no hope,” stated crime investigator Sasha Reid.


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d7227f No.20912219



The Trudeau connection

As the news broke out about Pickton’s attempted assassination, some have pointed the finger at Trudeau.

While the connection may seem far-fetched at first, a closer look reveals some odd links between the prime minister and the convicted serial killer.

Trudeau has faced accusations of spending time partying at the pig farm, as well as sexually abusing his students.

Trudeau was a substitute teacher at a high school in Coquitlam, British Columbia which is a short drive and well within walking distance of the Pickton pig farm.

One source indicated that Trudeau was a frequent guest at the pig farm, making trips during his tenure as a substitute teacher at the local school.

Viral news stories circulated during the 2019 election that claimed Trudeau forced a young student into an NDA to cover up an inappropriate relationship.

The claims about the parties lack evidence and the sexual abuse allegations surrounding students have been thoroughly debunked by fact-checkers.

However, Trudeau has faced credible allegations of sexual assault, including the groping of a reporter back in the early 2000s, as was reported by multiple news outlets including the BBC.

During his time at a separate school, West Point Grey Academy, he befriended a man that was later sentenced to jail for possession of child pornography.


At the time, there is no hard evidence that Trudeau was involved with the murders that Pickton was eventually convicted of, nor is there any evidence Trudeau ordered the assassination of the pig farmer.

However, the timing of Pickton’s attempted assassination and the supposed release of his tell-all book has lead to people asking some hard questions that deserve further investigation:

Why did Trudeau resign from his teaching position abruptly?

Why is the RCMP, under his appointees, trying to destroy important evidence collected from Pickton’s farm?

Why did a “maximum security” prison allow a high-profile inmate like Pickton to be in close contact with another inmate with a history of violence?

Who were Pickton’s accomplices?

Why are the survivors of Pickton’s pig farm still afraid to speak out?

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c37fb2 No.20912220

>>20911384 PB


The People's Voice TV is a fake news website. Please check sauce and try not to let 'them' make anons look stoopid.

God bless


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d7227f No.20912221


Well I thought I was done digging but then this came across my desk.

They are all in on it.

video 6:07


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27f444 No.20912222

It's time for GM.

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d59067 No.20912223

it is time for something.

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d7227f No.20912224


In 1997 Justin Trudeau worked at a nightclub called the Rogue Wolf as a doorman/bouncer in Whistler. The club was operating illegally and was shut down due to allowing minors into the club, providing liquor to minors, operating after hours & not paying taxes.

Justin Trudeau was the doorman.

This was also during the same time period that many young women were going missing in British Columbia and the Pickton farm was holding it's famous parties.



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09fd74 No.20912225

File: 7e7459f53535117⋯.png (51.87 KB,623x440,623:440,ClipboardImage.png)




Five killed after informal gold mine collapses in northern Kenya


May 25, 2024 · 8:55 AM UTC


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09fd74 No.20912226

File: 9d9199574132214⋯.png (991.68 KB,1214x683,1214:683,9d91995741322145c540cc6178….png)

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d7227f No.20912227

File: 58b9a52092477ae⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,854x480,427:240,another_glorious_day.mp4)


GM Frens

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a1c0f9 No.20912228

it is far from morning.


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a86908 No.20912229

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09fd74 No.20912230

File: f9890211d0b93cd⋯.png (377.64 KB,620x419,620:419,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 35b9a7729b9f23d⋯.jpg (111.96 KB,1200x628,300:157,media_GOZH2RsWYAAU1HB.jpg)


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11bae0 No.20912231


anons are going to have a field day fact checking the flick

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f1b328 No.20912232

aims lost and replaced by vague ritual

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11bae0 No.20912233


>The infamous pig farmer


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f1b328 No.20912234

(you) better hope someone saves [you]…

else you are not making it.

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643698 No.20912235


>anons are going to have a field day fact checking the flick

it's a diversion

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65fa7c No.20912236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in you're hand? Deadly force for a panty raid Joe? Did they have permission to rape her too Joe???

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11bae0 No.20912237






>Well I thought I was done digging but then this came across my desk.


>They are all in on it.


>video 6:07



the sauce that twitterer is reading is TMF an Indian content farm … "featuring Christian, Messianic, Jewish and News Programming."

they hire people who can generate four articles a day etc

might be a dream job for a digging anon

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11bae0 No.20912238



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1b353f No.20912239


Awesome. When/where was that? Late 1990's?

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76ba74 No.20912240

File: c7a217f36518df9⋯.jpeg (29.65 KB,255x185,51:37,IMG_5043.jpeg)


> It's time for GM.

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a3c465 No.20912241

File: 6d8f94e9fa926b4⋯.png (781.92 KB,800x1229,800:1229,ClipboardImage.png)

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96e017 No.20912242


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2bf9d1 No.20912243

File: 2dc658cc12968e6⋯.gif (313.12 KB,362x240,181:120,HiWithMonkeys.gif)

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572385 No.20912244

The birds are singing loud this morning! GM to all!

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d7227f No.20912245



just fake news or RRN style bs?

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16632f No.20912246

File: 8d0913cbbbc81cd⋯.png (1.15 MB,923x1438,923:1438,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d23b9 No.20912247

File: 4c7fb1748e9d9a2⋯.jpg (14.37 KB,255x180,17:12,51bda5af1814cd23a63efb894d….jpg)

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11bae0 No.20912248


>just fake news or RRN style bs?

Content Editor / Writer – Global/International Desk

The ideal candidate must have a keen interest in Geopolitics, a passion for to create high quality Geo-political opinion articles. You will be responsible for generating exciting and compelling stories on a leading Political Blog.

Strategize content strategy for the content team.

Producing and publishing new content in a creative way

3-4 Articles every day.

Create new content on Trending Global/International Topics.

An active interest in Global Politics, Global News, International Relations and Current Affair.

Excellent writing skills.

Check content for accuracy.

Proofread and edit content.

Ensure content is up-to-date.

Check Grammatical Mistakes and Point out Factual inconsistencies.

Overseeing layout (images, graphics, videos and artwork).

Optimize Articles for Search Engines (Training will be provided).

Work closely with writers, copywriters and social media professionals.

Strict adherence to timelines.

Fast learner.


they prioritize clicks before accuracy I guess

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23a605 No.20912249

File: 7d1b8dd4ca331ba⋯.png (450.12 KB,773x646,773:646,Screenshot_2024_05_25_at_0….png)


U.S. — Though some recent data has indicated large percentages of voters are breaking toward former President Donald Trump, new polls show President Joe Biden still has a sizeable lead among people who will be counting the ballots.

Despite continuing to build what at times has appeared to be a massive lead, Trump reportedly still struggles to make gains among the small number of people who are in charge of counting votes in November.

"For whatever reason, he just can't seem to gain traction with people counting the ballots," said political analyst Blake Rumsey of the Institute of Collecting Information. "Even though he has made significant gains among multiple demographics and voting blocks, our polling of people who count the votes shows Biden still holding an obvious lead. Honestly, I don't even know if it's possible for Trump to win that group. They seem pretty devout."


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23a605 No.20912250

File: 92cd0b8f59d4999⋯.png (495.76 KB,640x754,320:377,Screenshot_2024_05_25_at_0….png)


The Biden administration is now weighing adopting a plan backed by Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) that would allow Ukraine to strike Russia with U.S.-provided weapons.

The New York Times reported this week that the State Department, led by Secretary Antony Blinken, is pushing the Biden administration to allow Ukraine to strike missile and artillery sites within Russia that America provided for the state’s protracted conflict with Russia.

Victoria Nuland, who left her job as the number three position at the State Department, said, “I think if the attacks are coming directly from over the line in Russia, that those bases ought to be fair game.”

Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky said, “This is part of our defense. How can we protect ourselves from these attacks? This is the only way.”


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11bae0 No.20912251


100% of the pig farmers are Patriots who don't wear red shoes and don't habitually mingle with urban city slickers, Hollywierd Celebs, or Liberals and democrats in general

so this is a genuine mystery

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11bae0 No.20912252


correction: 99%

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4d23b9 No.20912253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Neville Goddard's Experience Of GOD - GOD IS KNOWN BY EXPERIENCE (Very Powerful with Q&A)

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4ad212 No.20912254


Play stupid games, pose with stupid price(s).

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46e9bd No.20912255


I just noticed this to when I went outside.

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23a605 No.20912256

File: 6f7bac580bdac86⋯.png (374.62 KB,765x652,765:652,Screenshot_2024_05_25_at_0….png)


The evolution of Hunter Biden laptop denial over the last three and a half years has been mind-boggling.

You need a chart to keep up.

First the laptop was a non-story (thanks, NPR).

Then it was “hacked material” (thanks, Twitter).

Then it was “Russian disinformation” (thanks, CIA).

Then it was a “Russian plant” (thanks, Joe Biden).

Then it was “stolen” by Russians.

(Hunter weighed in with crystal clarity: “I have no idea … There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”)

Then it was “hacked by Rudy Giuliani” (thanks, Kevin “Sugar Brother” Morris).

And now it is the backbone of the prosecution case against the first son in the felony gun trial he faces in Delaware in a little over a week.

“The defendant’s theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence,” says a prosecution filing signed by special counsel David Weiss.

Hunter’s “laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt.”

Weiss plans to use the laptop to help prove that Hunter lied on a federal form when he bought a gun in October 2018 and claimed he was not using drugs.

Hunter “has not provided any evidence or information that shows that his laptop contains false information, and the government’s evidence shows the opposite.”

Prosecutors also have told the court the laptop is “self-authenticating,” that Hunter left it at a computer store in April 2019, and that the contents match what they obtained from a search warrant for his iCloud.

It would have been a whole lot easier for everyone to just admit the laptop was real in the first place, instead of censoring the New York Post and creating an elaborate cover-up with the help of the FBI, CIA and Big Tech, which only heightened suspicions that what it contained must be super-dangerous for Joe Biden.

“Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive,” goes the line from Sir Walter Scott about the perils of lying.

It’s a lesson the president and his party seem incapable of learning.


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ddc08f No.20912257

File: dcfead41ce1a2ff⋯.png (365.66 KB,596x396,149:99,76.PNG)




Holy Sh*t Madeline Brame dropping truth bombshells.

#Bronx #Trump24 🇺🇸

11:10 PM · May 24, 2024




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ddc08f No.20912258

File: 7f561f5cbd9967f⋯.png (350.34 KB,591x570,197:190,em.PNG)


Elon Musk


The goal of citizenship for all illegals is very clearly stated by the leader of the Senate.

For some reason, a lot of people still think this is some crazy conspiracy theory!


Wall Street Silver

6:27 PM · May 24, 2024




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ddc08f No.20912259

File: c180af5f5d02889⋯.png (503.97 KB,599x490,599:490,co.PNG)




The WHO's Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time

From zerohedge.com

9:20 AM · May 24, 2024




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aeb326 No.20912260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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23a605 No.20912261

File: ceb0d52e9b2ae51⋯.png (292.21 KB,613x400,613:400,Screenshot_2024_05_25_at_0….png)

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d6e121 No.20912262

File: 0f9edb283899950⋯.png (64.59 KB,600x300,2:1,0f9edb283899950dcb96927077….png)

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11bae0 No.20912263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BIRDBRAIN flipped?

President Trump Remarks There Is Room for Nikki Haley “On Our Team”


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4c9509 No.20912264

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

No time for the ol' in-out, in-out, as I'm only here to read the meter.

Now it's back to getting the garden in order.

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ddc08f No.20912265

File: f8ec1116b5da675⋯.png (301.62 KB,598x482,299:241,dan.PNG)


Dan Patrick


After spending a day with President Trump at the trial, I wanted to share my thoughts and observations with Texas and the nation.

8:26 AM · May 24, 2024




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ddc08f No.20912266

File: b4125e045375506⋯.png (227.73 KB,938x520,469:260,zee.PNG)


WWZEEE with Maria Zeee ft. Mark Steele – NEW Revelations: Smart City Weapons to KILL

MAY 25, 2024

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4ad212 No.20912267

File: f1ea8fb66d47ba7⋯.jpg (169.66 KB,600x473,600:473,lego8.jpg)

Mind your step.

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4450e4 No.20912268

File: 86d59715f7b06dd⋯.mp4 (12.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,danpatrick_trump.mp4)

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95a74b No.20912269

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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4450e4 No.20912270

File: 8093a1ff148db60⋯.mp4 (883.78 KB,606x320,303:160,schumer_illegal_voters.mp4)

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4450e4 No.20912271

File: b8690f0b0270a44⋯.mp4 (6.37 MB,640x348,160:87,madelinebrame.mp4)

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817cb9 No.20912272

File: 1ee2420e2b86fe5⋯.png (2.75 MB,1628x1080,407:270,here_comes_kate.png)


Kates back.

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817cb9 No.20912273


I hear charlie had a wank against the post in the Paris underpass.

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5b2ba2 No.20912274

File: ef88eb5c712b65f⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,1138x148,569:74,ef88eb5c712b65ffafee6a2a63….jpg)

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4ad212 No.20912275

File: 194bbf37aeb508a⋯.png (228.58 KB,379x560,379:560,ClipboardImage.png)

We need more space.

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9699bc No.20912276

File: d7b5079c97330ce⋯.jpg (55.97 KB,612x408,3:2,GMorthe.jpg)

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6f5d48 No.20912277

What do they have in their hands that is so powerful that even governments submit to it?

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817cb9 No.20912278


The words "Birth family" say it all.

She has cut the Windsors off like a rancid foot.

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4450e4 No.20912279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Meanwhile in New York….

This will never get old…Glorious.


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27b79d No.20912280

File: ec4e71ea97adb8a⋯.jpeg (822.68 KB,1125x1645,225:329,IMG_0889.jpeg)

Wait, what?


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ddc08f No.20912281

File: e092279f7eaa2b1⋯.png (200.44 KB,591x427,591:427,js.PNG)



John Solomon


California Senate passes ban on parental notification for TK-12 gender changes justthenews.com/nation/states/


California Senate passes ban on parental notification for TK-12 gender changes

In the past year, school districts across California have adopted measures requiring parents to be notified if their children request to officially change their pronouns, go by a different name, or use…

May 24, 2024, 10:31 PM

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9699bc No.20912282

File: c52e3cddf4c780d⋯.jpg (220.36 KB,921x1280,921:1280,GMSaturday.jpg)

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ddc08f No.20912283

File: 55c6cdd8271c269⋯.png (399.54 KB,539x627,49:57,t.PNG)

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4d23b9 No.20912284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

All Your Life Is Projected and Waiting To Be Fulfilled - Neville Goddard Powerful Teaching

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9699bc No.20912285

File: 225ce10f45b5c33⋯.png (1.3 MB,1145x1280,229:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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9699bc No.20912286

File: 10d4493b5bbfac9⋯.png (760.87 KB,1220x1268,305:317,ClipboardImage.png)

“Today, America First Legal released a never-before-public secretive memo established by the Obama Administration —& used thru the Trump & Biden Admns—  confirming the government may have already had originals of the alleged classified docs in Jack Smith’s prosecution against President Trump.”

“Memo reveals that the White House secretly created & maintains an information technology community that enforced Obama’s EO to ensure that presidents could store their records on DOD servers without losing control.”

“Meaning the federal government has preserved & retained all EOP records on its servers, & consistent with Obama’s order, it likely possesses a substantial amount, if not all, of President Trump’s classified documents.”

“The revelation cuts a knife through the entire indictment, proving that many, if not all, of the docs President Trump is accused of unlawfully retaining were, & are currently still, retained by the Executive Branch & stored on DOD servers.”

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61294f No.20912287

File: de9650d847a99d5⋯.mp4 (681.17 KB,960x720,4:3,anons.mp4)

I do this to anons sometimes just to get them riled up.

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5bbe28 No.20912288

File: 84279f2fb356bfd⋯.png (515.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


but we have so much of it…..

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ddc08f No.20912289

File: 2b5fa06469b1145⋯.png (735.33 KB,894x654,149:109,hend.PNG)


ICE Apprehends Rapist, Child Abuser, Other

Dangerous Illegal Immigrants in Major Bust

Red State, by Jeff Charles

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/24/2024 10:22:50 PM

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced on Thursday that it arrested 38 illegal immigrants with various criminal offenses or pending charges during an operation conducted between April 15 and April 26. The offenses committed by those apprehended in the operation range from child sexual abuse to rape. Those arrested include: A 36-year-old citizen of Honduras in Lindenwold who was convicted of felony rape, false imprisonment, sex offense, and perverted practice and was previously removed from the United States in 2017. A 39-year-old citizen of Mexico arrested in Bridgeton who was convicted of engaging in prostitution and twice convicted of driving under the influence and was previously removed from the United States in 2012.

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9699bc No.20912290

File: a044e6f71aacbd0⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,500x644,125:161,DKeK.jpg)

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ddc08f No.20912291

File: f08403d98fd3769⋯.png (400.73 KB,590x734,295:367,mb.PNG)






Comparing Reagan to Trump.


Trump held rally two blocks from where Reagan was!!!

Reagan carried the country with 49 states on his re-election

Trump: Hold My Beer!




0:46 / 2:16

2:05 AM · May 24, 2024




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4450e4 No.20912292

File: 8a769cd0dceba63⋯.mp4 (7.87 MB,888x576,37:24,regan_vs_trump.mp4)

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9699bc No.20912293

File: 83ce2b21118c963⋯.png (795.14 KB,680x677,680:677,PepeCruisin.png)

GM fellow travelers

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11bae0 No.20912294


>I do this to anons sometimes just to get them riled up.

Orangu Tan Man Bad

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5bbe28 No.20912295


Yes, Soon™.

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76ba74 No.20912296

File: 1e689a118e25430⋯.png (75.46 KB,226x216,113:108,keks.png)

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11bae0 No.20912297




>Trump held rally two blocks from where Reagan was!!!

There are no coincidences.


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9699bc No.20912298

File: b918fdc399629e2⋯.png (109.99 KB,412x325,412:325,ClipboardImage.png)

In Huge Blow to Hillary Attorney Marc Elias, Nevada Supreme Court Rules 7-0 in Favor of Voter ID Ballot Initiative


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4ad212 No.20912299


>but we have so much of it…..


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61294f No.20912300


Flipped? Been working together. They gave us so many signs starting with the birdcage.

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11bae0 No.20912301


>We need more space.




>but we have so much of it…..

Consider the vastness of space.


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ddc08f No.20912302

File: 95627cf5d2beb00⋯.png (80.98 KB,597x604,597:604,in.PNG)


JR Majewski








We have seized @harryjsisson domain in the name of Donald J Trump the one true President!

Harry Welcome to the #MAGA hood! x.com/harryjsisson/s…

3:41 PM · May 24, 2024




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ddc08f No.20912303

File: a845445cd7023cc⋯.png (380.05 KB,606x692,303:346,dans.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


12:00 AM · May 25, 2024




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27f444 No.20912304

File: a228c193206c479⋯.png (998.1 KB,998x642,499:321,a228c193206c479434c564c875….png)

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4450e4 No.20912305

File: f7eb214bbd4da90⋯.mp4 (14.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,magahood.mp4)

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4ad212 No.20912306


>Consider the vastness of space.

The Queen in a bulletproof vest, doing a drive-by on Kings cross in her low rider.

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9699bc No.20912307

File: 1f20af024adafaf⋯.jpg (47.49 KB,612x408,3:2,Good_Answer.jpg)

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4450e4 No.20912308

File: 3d1348dc8f4794e⋯.mp4 (1.43 MB,720x1280,9:16,rwb_scavino.mp4)

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9d38eb No.20912309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Their music and lyrics, which are written exclusively in Church Slavonic language, are inspired by the Eastern Orthodox Church. The band members wear religious habits and Eastern Orthodox schemas during live performances to conceal their identities.

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9699bc No.20912310

File: c4161ac5e37f9eb⋯.mp4 (12.55 MB,464x848,29:53,IMG_5439.MP4)

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9d38eb No.20912311

File: 12a54dece282607⋯.png (276.87 KB,422x600,211:300,ClipboardImage.png)


Jonah was elected by a majority of bishops in the Muscovy part of the metropolis on 15 December 1448, without the consent of the Patriarch of Constantinople. While it is possible that the failure to obtain the blessing from Constantinople was not intentional, nevertheless, this signified the beginning of the de facto independence (autocephaly) of the north-eastern part of the Church in Russia.

Dionysius demanded in 1467 that all the hierarchs of the Muscovy submit to Gregory, but Moscow peremptorily refused. On the same year, Grand Prince Ivan III of Moscow declared a complete rupture of relations with the Patriarchate of Constantinople.

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ddc08f No.20912312

File: 56c14ad069e2264⋯.png (330.16 KB,605x570,121:114,us.PNG)


U.S. Naval Institute


Proceedings Photo of the Week: Marines post security after receiving simulated fire during Exercise Native Fury 24 in the United Arab Emirates, 17 May. U.S. Marine Corps (Mary Kohlmann)


12:00 AM · May 25, 2024




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9d38eb No.20912313

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11bae0 No.20912314


>Flipped? Been working together. They gave us so many signs starting with the birdcage.

what signs? couple of weeks ago an article, either WaPo or NYT said that "sauces close to Trump" have told about contacts between Trump campaign and Birdbrain's mega donors … anons naturally called it bs

but logically thinking … Trump has a lot of micro donors, think Poor Widow's mite, he has been courting the Big Oil recently, think Drill Baby, Drill, but for instance Adelson has kicked the bucket … Trump needs more billionaire oligarch backing

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ddc08f No.20912315

File: 1a42b93ddbb5a24⋯.png (29.5 KB,996x239,996:239,cig.PNG)


The High Art of Virtue Signaling

Townhall, by Jeff Davidson

Posted By: Hazymac, 5/25/2024 7:07:21 AM

Former Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan penned a quite insightful opinion piece years back in the Wall Street Journal. She discussed how it was de rigueur for Democrats to always drop into their rhetoric the deep concern they have for the poor; you know, the huddled masses yearning to be free. The phrase “virtue signaling” had not come into full vogue at that time, but that's exactly what it was. What do we mean by virtue signaling? It is when individuals or groups conspicuously exhibit their point of view on social issues. To be frank, virtue signaling is a non-taxing exercise

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44a9f5 No.20912316

File: eab50cefb140fbb⋯.png (25.21 KB,497x192,497:192,Q150.png)

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9d38eb No.20912317

File: fae32e77d1a08e7⋯.png (1.87 MB,768x1155,256:385,ClipboardImage.png)


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11bae0 No.20912318


what is the drop aggregator site that has the original anons decodes? Iike that has ANSWERS, but what site it is

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65e827 No.20912319

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9699bc No.20912320

File: 7327eef761e4f9c⋯.mp4 (4.38 MB,848x464,53:29,IMG_7062.MP4)


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bc9d8e No.20912321

File: 961df730d2ab1ac⋯.png (22.6 KB,473x210,473:210,qaggdropimage700.png)

File: 5967009fea46dac⋯.png (46.02 KB,473x231,43:21,qaggdropimage7.png)



07:00 time stamp and 7 second video

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11bae0 No.20912322


why did you even bother

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39c1cc No.20912323

8 hour long bread

Is this a new record?

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b75a43 No.20912324

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9d38eb No.20912325

File: 605bec1f799e8b2⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,894x480,149:80,Boring.mp4)

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9d38eb No.20912326

File: 411515381adfa11⋯.mp4 (12.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,conflict_escalation.mp4)

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76ba74 No.20912327

File: ba14c63105cb358⋯.png (395.48 KB,400x544,25:34,gm.png)


>Stay in the GM

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39c1cc No.20912328


Where are all of the GMs?

Langley off for the Holiday weekend?

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9d38eb No.20912329


so smooth it looks fake

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9699bc No.20912330

File: c103decb3f1b680⋯.png (942.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,wile_e_coyote_GM.png)

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71c789 No.20912331

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)

File: f7b09c67f3f4320⋯.png (164.72 KB,394x327,394:327,ralph3d4th.png)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

>No time for the ol' in-out, in-out, as I'm only here to read the meter.

>Now it's back to getting the garden in order.

Morning Frenz

Dark Roast Covfefe is ready, if you need it

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9d38eb No.20912332

File: 4d9dc3d3c9afc5f⋯.png (182.68 KB,720x526,360:263,ClipboardImage.png)


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ddc08f No.20912333

File: b4a10786f248222⋯.png (272.94 KB,767x549,767:549,tr.PNG)


He’s ‘Trash’: The View Tries to Pressure Radio Host to Endorse Biden

Nicholas Fondacaro

May 24th, 2024 5:21 PM

For the second time in a week, the liberal ladies of The View were told to go pound sand by a guest after they tried to pressure them into becoming a shill for President Biden’s reelection effort like they were. On Wednesday’s show, they spoke with radio host Charlamagne the God and wanted him to do more for Biden than say former President Trump was a danger to democracy and unfit for office.

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d7227f No.20912334

File: ea4416a98c95611⋯.png (450.92 KB,568x688,71:86,ea4416a98c95611433b60c361d….png)

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9d38eb No.20912335

File: f62374b6da94a84⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,RightInTheButt.mp4)


>Langley off for the Holiday weekend?

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9d38eb No.20912336

File: ff6d1c0ec5e7af4⋯.png (197.54 KB,375x500,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


but wait

there's more

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9d38eb No.20912337

They're all friends, and CIA.


Dr. Keith Ablow treated Hunter Biden for cocaine addiction. In February of 2020, armed federal agents raided Ablow’s office, took his patient records as well as Hunter Biden’s laptop, and never charged him with a crime. Dr. Ablow talks about it for the first time.

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479501 No.20912338

File: 2600d520b3a98af⋯.png (504.18 KB,564x401,564:401,2600d520b3a98af53677f0971b….png)


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9d38eb No.20912339

File: d6243e9e5a99812⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,That_allegation_is_false_a….mp4)


>Russia occupies about 18% of Ukraine

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014ce4 No.20912340

File: d6d648737ecc89f⋯.jpeg (468.91 KB,812x919,812:919,A1051DF4_A733_4975_9C82_F….jpeg)


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b75a43 No.20912341

Last Call

#25648 >>20911604

>>20911619 Putin Wants Ceasefire Which Freezes Current Lines In Ukraine

>>20911629 DARPA And DoD-Backed AI Chip Company Seeks To Raise $70 Million

>>20911632 Meanwhile, at le RFK event

>>20911635 Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”

>>20911837, >>20911814, >>20912087 We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

>>20911854, >>20911842 Arrest Binken for WAR CRIMES?

>>20911853 Legendary U.S. World War II submarine located 3,000 feet underwater off the Philippines

>>20911992 S soldier arrested in Russia over alleged theft to remain in custody

>>20912007 FDIC Chair Says He’ll Leave Job After Toxic Workplace Report

>>20912036 Senate Dems press John Roberts for meeting to demand Justice Alito’s recusal from Trump cases

>>20912040 Jack Smith and Jay Bratt's motion to unconstitutionally gag Trump is a political setup, to discredit Judge Cannon.

>>20912044 Congress investigates Jordanians caught trying to sneak onto Marine base

>>20912046 Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

>>20912061 3 US soldiers hurt during Gaza pier mission

>>20912065 Here’s the mammoth $883.7B Defense bill the House passed

>>20912083 Remember the Trucker Protest?

>>20912159 Muslim immigrants held a march in support of Palestine in Berlin. Berlin seems lost

>>20912194 Iran's Military Concludes No Foul Play In Raisi Helicopter Crash

>>20912197, >>20912199 Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media/ InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm

>>20912207 "Pro-Pedophile" activist group celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession

>>20912218, >>20912219 Pickton, Trudeau, Lucki: The Unholy Trinity

>>20912289 ICE Apprehends Rapist, Child Abuser, Other Dangerous Illegal Immigrants in Major Bust

>>20912303 @DanScavino

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95a74b No.20912342

File: c724b243b98e129⋯.png (469.21 KB,549x499,549:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdafeebd01a41f4⋯.png (805.86 KB,749x499,749:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea246001b6dbc5c⋯.png (235.37 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ac00c569a6c7fd⋯.mp4 (12.81 MB,854x480,427:240,w_e_f_klaus_nightmare_vid.mp4)

everyone has forgotten about the pandemic treaty on the 27th may

hope anon has done enough to raise awareness here and those stupid fucking leaders can get their head out of the arse and tell the W.H.O to fuck off and go and boil their heads !!!



note: list of assassinations and deaths of leaders below over the last 2 weeks

remember during the lockdowns how many leaders died of suspicious circumstances


>>20901466 Pb

Over the past two weeks:

May 7th: Assassination attempt against Saudi Crown Prince.

May 13th: Turkish President Erdoğan holds emergency meeting following warning of possible military coup.

May 15th: Assassination attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico.

May 16th: Citizen arrested for threatening to assassinate Serbian President Vučić.

May 19th: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman hospitalised for second time in four weeks.

May 19th: Helicopter crash involving Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian.

What is going on right now?


missed at least one other:


Congo coup: Who are the Americans tied up in failed putsch?

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11bae0 No.20912343

File: 9f2258079529c82⋯.jpg (46.34 KB,600x413,600:413,Untisfdgsled.jpg)

OG Anons decodes ….

Jeff Sessions (Attorney General) is the only person who knows everything. Literally everything.

He knows where the bodies are buried. He knows the bank information. He knows everything. He probably knows things the President doesn't know for the sake of OPSec. A President interested in the pursuit of justice instead of obstructing it to cover their masters asses means actual tangible enforcement of Justice.

Who has access to everything classified?

If Sessions is the prosecutor then he knows everything because he's the one building the case. He has access evidence collected by parties like Admiral Rogers and General Kelly and more.

For a case like this, everything is compartmentalized. Even the President probably only knows exactly what he needs to know to run his office effectively. The man at the top would be the only person who knew the entire lay of the land, that man is Jeff Sessions.


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9d38eb No.20912344


Broadmoor on fire: Huge blaze breaks out at psychiatric hospital where some of Britain's most dangerous criminals - including Ronnie Kray and The Yorkshire Ripper - have been caged

A huge blaze has erupted at a psychiatric hospital where some of Britain's worst criminals have been held.

Broadmoor Hospital in Crownthorne, is currently up in flames sending plumes of thick black smoke into the sky.

Broadmoor is a high-security male only psychiatric hospital with a history of holding some of the country's most notorious criminals, including Ronnie Kray, the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe, Charles Bronson and Robert Maudsley.

A Thames Valley Police spokesperson said they are attending the scene and assisting with road closures. They said that the blaze is restricted to the hospital site.

They added: 'At this stage there is no impact to the wider road network.'

Today, Broadmoor holds the man who tried to kidnap Princess Anne in 1974, Ian Ball, and one of Lee Rigby's killers, Michael Adebowale.

Ian Ball has been in Broadmoor ever since the incident, when he tried to kidnap the late Queen's sister for a £2million ransom just yards from Buckingham Palace. When Ball tried to make Princess Anne get out of the car she was in she famously replied: 'Not bloody likely.'

In 2019, one of Lee Rigby's terrorist killers Michael Adebowale admitted to punching a healthcare assistant at Broadmoor whilst serving a 45-year term for the slaughter that shocked the nation in 2013. He was served a further eight months in jail to be added to the end of his sentence.

Located in Crowthorne, Berkshire, Broadmoor Hospital has housed dozens of sadistic killers since it opened its doors in 1863, including Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe, gangster Ronnie Kray and rapist Robert Napper.

The institution for the criminally insane was built after the creation of the Criminal Lunatics Act 1860, also called the Broadmoor Act.

When the criminal lunatic asylum was opened it was for women only and held 95 female patients, with a block for male patients being added a year later. Now, it is a men's only institution.

The asylum was established for the 'safe custody and treatment' of severely mentally ill criminals.

When it first opened its doors in the Victorian age, there were no drugs or psychological treatments like what we are familiar with today. Instead, patients enjoyed a regime of rest and occupational therapy.

A few years ago, Broadmoor staff revealed what it's really like to work at the high-security psychiatric hospital treating the criminally insane in Channel 5 documentary Broadmoor: Serial Killers & High Security.

From a patient torturing and killing another inmate to stopping obsessive 'fans' visiting high profile murderers with their children mental health professionals opened up about their harrowing experiences.

Professor Pamela Taylor, who worked as head of medical services at the institution, revealed how women would get solicitors to fight for their right to visit sex offenders with their own children in tow, and sent so many love letters to Sutcliffe that he couldn't answer them all.

Another staff member who featured on the show Dr Jackie Craissati MBE, admitted reading about the crimes committed by the patients she treated left her 'overwhelmed' and feeling 'waves of fear'.

According to the NHS Broadmoor is a specialist psychiatric hospital which provides assessment, treatment and care in high security conditions for men aged 18 and above from London and the South of England.

It’s one of three high-security psychiatric hospitals in England and Wales and treats people with severe mental illness and personality disorders who are at high risk of harming themselves or others.

The NHS says that Broadmoor is 'internationally renowned for its highly specialised care and research work'.

It is part of the West London NHS Trust which has been authorised by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care to provide high secure men's services. It’s currently rated as 'Good' by the Care Quality Commission.

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6466e2 No.20912345


I have heard chatter that the air bases near me are preparing for war.

The silent war continues…

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b75a43 No.20912346

File: 74c616388a5df8a⋯.jpg (8.36 KB,255x169,255:169,0584f9ad2d853a67cca88a2343….jpg)

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67276b No.20912347

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9d38eb No.20912348


>as well as Hunter Biden’s laptop

#2? or are there more

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b75a43 No.20912349

File: 406bf0e029db4bb⋯.jpg (225.2 KB,800x776,100:97,406bf0e029db4bbf8f9ef916b9….jpg)

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ddc08f No.20912350

File: e978190ee9c5362⋯.png (1.28 MB,847x866,847:866,ook.PNG)

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43c15a No.20912351


all those officers of the court - all protecting the lap top. jail only applies if it belonged to orange man bad. DECENCY AND DEMOCRACY

All other crimes are legitimate, especially the pedophilia, incest, rape and consequential baby killing

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b75a43 No.20912352

File: 4814fe12f20e5ce⋯.png (708.01 KB,545x585,109:117,4814fe12f20e5ce78e7b8f7173….png)

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b75a43 No.20912353

File: 11205a1a0bbfbc6⋯.png (287.42 KB,441x446,441:446,11205a1a0bbfbc6cb478fcd265….png)

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39c1cc No.20912354


Public Schools are Hell Holes.

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b75a43 No.20912355

File: 7757eed8e185d68⋯.jpeg (554.47 KB,1334x674,667:337,7757eed8e185d680c51587054….jpeg)

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b75a43 No.20912356


#25648 >>20911604

>>20911619 Putin Wants Ceasefire Which Freezes Current Lines In Ukraine

>>20911629 DARPA And DoD-Backed AI Chip Company Seeks To Raise $70 Million

>>20911632 Meanwhile, at le RFK event

>>20911635 Princess of Wales will probably “not appear in public for the rest of the year”

>>20911837, >>20911814, >>20912087 We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

>>20911854, >>20911842 Arrest Binken for WAR CRIMES?

>>20911853 Legendary U.S. World War II submarine located 3,000 feet underwater off the Philippines

>>20911992 S soldier arrested in Russia over alleged theft to remain in custody

>>20912007 FDIC Chair Says He’ll Leave Job After Toxic Workplace Report

>>20912036 Senate Dems press John Roberts for meeting to demand Justice Alito’s recusal from Trump cases

>>20912040 Jack Smith and Jay Bratt's motion to unconstitutionally gag Trump is a political setup, to discredit Judge Cannon.

>>20912044 Congress investigates Jordanians caught trying to sneak onto Marine base

>>20912046 Reinforcement learning AI might bring humanoid robots to the real world

>>20912061 3 US soldiers hurt during Gaza pier mission

>>20912065 Here’s the mammoth $883.7B Defense bill the House passed

>>20912083 Remember the Trucker Protest?

>>20912159 Muslim immigrants held a march in support of Palestine in Berlin. Berlin seems lost

>>20912194 Iran's Military Concludes No Foul Play In Raisi Helicopter Crash

>>20912197, >>20912199 Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media/ InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm

>>20912207 "Pro-Pedophile" activist group celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession

>>20912218, >>20912219 Pickton, Trudeau, Lucki: The Unholy Trinity

>>20912289 ICE Apprehends Rapist, Child Abuser, Other Dangerous Illegal Immigrants in Major Bust

>>20912303 @DanScavino

>>20912312 @NavalInstitute Proceedings Photo of the Week: Marines post security after receiving simulated fire during Exercise Native Fury 24 in the United Arab Emirates


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440e11 No.20912359

What's adam schiff up to right now?

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ddc08f No.20912360

File: dc51a6ce433ca7a⋯.png (170.38 KB,591x449,591:449,ch.PNG)



Tammy Bruce


A good first step, should never have happened in the first place… "Chase scales back 'debanking' policy

Chase used certain policies to 'discriminate on the basis of viewpoint,' says law firm"



Christian legal firm celebrates win as Chase scales back 'debanking' policy

Christian law firm lauds JPMorgan Chase for retracting controversial WePay policy, which barred transactions related to "social risk issues."

May 24, 2024, 4:32 AM

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b1bc6f No.20912362

File: 923462c8323c789⋯.png (24.3 KB,708x496,177:124,4b43b2a2_0a9e_49a3_b7a1_1c….png)

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297b12 No.20912363

File: c655e6b926986dc⋯.jpg (129.78 KB,888x499,888:499,ISGUDD.jpg)


tight bun.

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b1bc6f No.20912364

File: 142596286d1fb07⋯.png (33.26 KB,708x452,177:113,52da4bcb_f510_440a_b3c6_ef….png)

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b75a43 No.20912365





Migrate, locked

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