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5ae403 No.20909947 [Last50 Posts]

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5ae403 No.20909949

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5ae403 No.20909950


#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302, >>20909676, >>20909739, >>20909811, >>20909830 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320, >>20909469, >>20909835 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head is not good news, it's bad news

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165, >>20909767 Documentary Reveals How Media Outlets Work Covertly With Liberal Political Interests and Government Agencies to Control Narratives

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331, >>20909558 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period"

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court”

>>20909359, >>20909787 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss

>>20909431 FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊 - classy move Byron Donalds

>>20909438, >>20909450, >>20909455 Biden welcomes African diaspora, keks Dims no haz rayciss

>>20909452 MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

>>20909479 Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

>>20909530 @MAGAIncWarRoom Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems"

>>20909543 ‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System

baker change

>>20909114, >>20909152 Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ filmmaker, dead at 53

>>20909133 Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world

>>20909155, >>20909287, >>20909914 Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died

>>20909244 FCC Proposes $6 Million Fine for Deepfake Robocalls Around NH Primary

>>20909288 Another Deep Blue City Could Send Its Soros-Backed DA Packing After Crime Surge

>>20909404 Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays

>>20909489 Hunter Biden’s ex-wife to testify after text messages released

>>20909593 Trump Rally vs AOC Rally

>>20909605 Did terrorists just do a dry run at a Marine base? Team Biden needs to fill the nation in

>>20909637, >>20909642 Donald Trump is Winning Over Muslim and Arab Voters

>>20909712 40 year long Democrat explains why she walked away from the Democratic party

>>20909785 WHO Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Pandemic Accord

>>20909805 E&C Leaders to ODNI: What Does the U.S. Intel Community Know About CCP-Linked Security Breach at Canadian High-Containment Lab

>>20909808, >>20909869 UN's Top Court & ICJ Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive

>>20909810 Lamb comms

>>20909816, >>20909825, >>20909841 Suspicious boom

>>20909821 Winning bigly intensifies big time

>>20909824 Frank LaRose On Biden Missing Eligibility For Presidential Ballot And Cleaning The Voter Rolls

>>20909853, >>20909887 John Solomon Reports Feds Knew Biden Met With Son’s Chinese Business Partners On Official Trip

>>20909877 Argentina rejects International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Netanyahu

>>20909942 #25645

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5ae403 No.20909952

#25644 >>20908228

>>20908506, >>20908947 PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med activity

>>20908304 You’re mandated to give your ID to Israel to be paid on X

>>20908314, >>20908318 This media matters employee who made this video celebrating “Tucker-Got-Firedversary” was fired today.

>>20908322 Email from NIH Morens to Peter Hotez re covid origins coverup

>>20908337 Archivefag: Regular notables (2023) now up on /qnotables23/

>>20908342 Obama at the Kenyan state dinner last night

>>20908354 @libsoftiktok: Logan Memorial School (@LMECSD) brought an LGBTQ activist and dr@g queen to talk to students about how to file with the State to change their name and gender marker on legal forms.

>>20908358 Friends in CA doing what we should all be doing at Board of Supervisors mtg

>>20908373 California principal who didn’t allow a middle schooler to say his speech because it was too patriotic will not be returning next yr

>>20908375 @Techno_Fog: From personal experience: the NIH FOIA office had other ways to prevent disclosure.


>>20908396 Cali schools serving fake meat to students

>>20908400 New12 clip w/PDJT

>>20908418 LastRefuge: A Familiar Pattern of Desperate Behavior Emerges When Lawfare Starts Failing


>>20908488 EV maker Lucid to cut workforce by 6%

>>20908524, >>20908531 The House Bans The Fed From Building A CBDC Like The Digital Yuan

>>20908542 Rogan: Dave Smith on Idea that Israeli Leader Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas

>>20908550 8:30 AM EDT Notre Dame LIVE: A 12 Meter Cross Is Installed on the Cathedral’s Rooftop

>>20908553 8:30 AM EDT United States Naval Academy Class of 2024 Commissioning Ceremony

>>20908564, >>20908830 ATF’s new rule attacks private sales in an attempt to bar Americans from legally transferring firearms.

>>20908576 @JonathanTurley The CIA that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas….

>>20908598 Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer Describes Secret Symbols Undercover Gov't Operatives Wore During Operation

>>20908662 Half of trainee doctors at UCLAs prestigious medical school 'are failing basic tests after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'

>>20908684 Will Racial Paranoia Still Work For Democrats In 2024?

>>20908701, >>20908709, >>20908737, >>20908771 Scavino: Trump storms deep-blue Bronx with 'love fest'

>>20908711 Anchor Spills Beans on Dem Effort to Get Protesters for Trump Rally

>>20908714 NCAA, Power Five conferences vote to approve $2.8B settlement in House, Hubbard and Carter cases

>>20908751 @TrumpWarRoom President Trump's message was no matter what race, religion, or gender you are — we're ALL Americans and we're ALL in this TOGETHER.

>>20908778 Leftist media goes into full spin mode to inform ‘confused’ Americans they’re ‘doing quite well’ economically

>>20908787, >>20908853 NASA

>>20908803, >>20908810 Swamp Talks

>>20908890, >>20908898, >>20908966 Zelensky now illegitimate ruler of Ukraine

>>20908900 @GeorgeOnlineLLC It's HERE!! George Magazine, Issue 20

>>20908920, >>20908900, >>20908907 QAnon Is Dead. What Replaced It Is Worse For The Keks! Long Live Q

>>20909045 In emails seized by feds, Hunter Biden wrote his father was so enamored with China's communist leader "they all most kissed,"

>>20909071 #25644

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5ae403 No.20909955

#25643 >>20907386

>>20907404 Never forget these words from 2017: "Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."

>>20907443 Japan's inflation slows further, keeping BOJ cautious on further rate hikes

>>20907483 Schumann 24/05/24

>>20907507 "We are the answer, we choose these people and they work for us"

>>20907595 Surging Crime #1 Issue Amongst Diverse Set Of Bronx Residents At Trump Rally

>>20907612 Calla Smith sings the National Anthem in Navajo

>>20907617 King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa greeted President Vladimir Putin during his two-day visit to Moscow saying that 'this is one of the happiest days of my life because this is the day I meet you'

>>20907671 UK MPs cheered a delegation of notorious Azov* Ukrainian military unit at a roundtable in Parliament, while former PM Boris Johnson called them 'heroes'.

>>20907688 Alex Soros and Huma Abedin at The White House

>>20907691, >>20907702 Potato twat about Kenya

>>20907753 Media Matters is funded by taxpayers?

>>20907799 ‘If a New Yorker can’t save this country, no one can': The Donald channels Reagan as he vows to flip New York at rowdy Bronx rally where Latinos and blacks turn out in force

>>20907929 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT TOO BIG TO RIG—MAGA2024!!! DonaldJTrump.com

>>20908061 President Putin signs decree allowing Russia to confiscate US assets

>>20908222 #25643

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5ae403 No.20909957

#25642 >>20906575

>>20906847, >>20907091 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20906604, >>20906829 Tough issues narratives: contraception, Oil quid pro quo

>>20906610, >>20906592, >>20906805, >>20907193 AOC false prophet vid BECAUSE NEVER GONNA GET OLD/Q

>>20906658 FDA approves new cancer tests

>>20906681, >>20906686, >>20906701 Rally Notes

>>20906690 J.P. Morgan Securities to pay $200 million to settle CFTC charges of supervision failures

>>20906692 Blexit activist Madeline Brame right now is crushing it in the Bronx ahead of Trump’s speech.

>>20906694 Applied Materials gets another subpoena on China customer shipments

>>20906711, >>20906814 ICYMI: @DanScavino DRILL BABY DRILL! #TRUMP2024

>>20906732 Spain's Repsol receives US license for Venezuela oil, gas projects

>>20906734 There’s a huge shift taking place.

>>20906753 A fight breaks out between a Trump supporter and Palestine protesters during Trump's speech, NYPD brings in reinforcement

>>20906768 Trump rally… Bronx-style: MAGA tattoos and chains


>>20906839 Supreme Court Backs GOP’s New South Carolina Congressional Map

>>20906875 UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis

>>20906957 Maine National Guard Announces Training Exercises to Prepare for Nuclear Strikes on U.S. Soil

>>20906972 @CityPortland A full-scale inter-agency training exercise is happening the first week of June.

>>20906976 ISLAMABAD – The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for an attack on foreigners in central Afghanistan

>>20906997 Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition

>>20907061 @mattmiller757 “Debate me AOC!!!”

>>20907100 Judge Blocks Florida Law Criminalizing Transport Of Illegal Immigrants Into State

>>20907177, >>20907209, >>20907282 QClock example

>>20907201 Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada

>>20907221, >>20907253 Gorka Gives First Impressions Of Kangaroo Court Persecuting Trump In NYC

>>20907231 Thyssenkrupp board approves partial sale of steel unit to billionaire Kretinsky/Germans to sell to Czech oligarch against labor concerns

>>20907367 #25642

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5ae403 No.20909958

#25641 >>20905778

>>20905789 LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

>>20906519, >>20906529 Rally Transcript

>>20906034, >>20906018, >>20906333 260,000+ watching on Youtube + Rumble + Twitch

>>20905782, >>20905810, >>20905821, >>20905882, >>20905952, >>20906059, >>20906431, >>20906472 Photo Album

>>20906200 This is the massive overflow crowd who couldn’t get in to President Trump’s South Bronx rally

>>20905814, >>20905872 Trump en route to the Bronx

>>20906098 Scavino: Happening Now in THE BRONX! #TRUMP2024

>>20905820, >>20905913, >>20905835 Bronx United in supporting Trump

>>20906215 Donald Trump promises to build New York City the most beautiful transit system in the world if elected President in 2024

>>20906295 Trump set for historic Bronx rally: Thousands descend on New York City as residents reveal what they really think of Biden

>>20906096 Just a reminder that they cheated in NY too

>>20906033 Marker [1] Confirmed

>>20906172 "571 miles of wall"

>>20906175 No fringe on the flags

>>20906211 Big night! President Trump is the first Republican to campaign in the Bronx in 40+ years

>>20906213 Trump will flip NY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20905809 PF: CONUS / Caribbean activity - Southern Cmdr arrived in Panama

>>20905847 Hundreds of anti-Israel Harvard students, faculty walk out of graduation ceremony

>>20905857 Baltimore’s former top prosecutor spared prison for mortgage fraud and perjury

>>20905864 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Triggered tonight @ 6 PM EST joined by Mary Margaret Olohan on her new book “Detrans”

>>20905865 MAGA intensifies

>>20905877 COVID-19 Adviser to Fauci bragged about helping him evade FOIA

>>20905888 The Trump Organization: Kicking off the unofficial start to summer with @TrumpStore - enjoy up to 30% off sitewide now through Monday

>>20905892 MTG: Goldman is such a dumb arrogant elitist that he thinks the American people have forgotten that President Trump was already POTUS and how GREAT America was

>>20905905, >>20906013 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is big mad over President Trump visiting the Bronx

>>20906054 Jesuit Journal Joins Atheists in Trashing Harrison Butker

>>20906058 Blackstone sold $328.64m of Gates Company, May 21st

>>20906208 Illinois plans to re-label ‘offenders’ as ‘justice impacted individuals’

>>20906227 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20906241 Exhibit A: Media Matters

>>20906250 House Republicans demand information on immigrants who attempted to breach Marine Corps base

>>20906303 Morgan Stanley's executive chairman James Gorman told the bank's annual shareholder meeting that he would step down on Dec. 31

>>20906334 Nine Entertainment, the nation's largest domestic media company, grapples with allegations of inappropriate behaviour by a former senior executive

>>20906393 Netanyahu Warns US Leaders Could Be Targeted Next

>>20906404 What other reason would Germany have to decriminalize possession of child porn other than the fact that they are a country run by pedophiles?

>>20906410 'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin': COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests

>>20906415 Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times

>>20906516 Thomas Massie: I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship

>>20906526 DuPont, a renowned industrial company, announces plans to separate into three independent entities - DuPont, Electronics, and Water

>>20906549 #25641

Previously Collected

>>20905735 #25640

>>20903222 #25637, >>20904262 #25638, >>20904937 #25639

>>20901587 #25635A, >>20901591 #25635B, >>20902385 #25636

>>20899621 #25632, >>20899978 #25633, >>20900776 #25634

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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5ae403 No.20909962

File: 4d3b880b40d1dfa⋯.png (302.96 KB,515x405,103:81,ClipboardImage.png)



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967ab4 No.20909978

File: 0ce7080f093adf4⋯.png (621.03 KB,730x900,73:90,ClipboardImage.png)


USA Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issues notice to PETER DASZAK…

*Notice of SUSPENSION from HHS

*Proposal for DEBARMENT from participating in any United States Govt programs


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5cca09 No.20909981

File: 8aa9ef3bba2ce46⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,720x1280,9:16,8aa9ef3bba2ce46d92f9a8122d….mp4)

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8f2c4b No.20909983


merci, boulanger!

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490445 No.20909985

File: 20422ff2199d23e⋯.jpg (158.76 KB,1200x883,1200:883,George_Floyd_1_2562442346_….jpg)


Tomorrow is St. George Floyd Day.

Don't forget to lower your MAGA flags to half mast.

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0e6c4b No.20909987

File: 270acbc3bbefaa5⋯.jpg (93.56 KB,966x1220,483:610,20240524_131216.jpg)

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e9e8cd No.20909989

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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6c487a No.20909990

File: 7eed262748ca6d0⋯.png (99.58 KB,505x266,505:266,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d48cf No.20909991

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bradley Thayer: NATO's Direct Involvement In Ukraine Is "Playing Into Xi Jinping Hands".This is getting very hot very quickly in the China/Taiwan situation. Ukraine & NATO are making things worse.



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2a9b2d No.20909993

It the US tried to draft women, who would take care of the kids?

All moms would be exempt.

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5d48cf No.20909995

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control



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967ab4 No.20910002

File: e19298bf7cd517c⋯.png (533.32 KB,628x442,314:221,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6eeb948a91b6f57⋯.png (45.96 KB,622x507,622:507,ClipboardImage.png)

Rights groups petition court to shutter Negev detention facility over torture claims

Organizations cite evidence detained Gazans had surgery without anesthesia, held in agonizing positions; state approves autopsy request for Gazan doctor who died in custody

Israeli human rights groups on Thursday petitioned the High Court of Justice to close the detention center at the Sde Teiman military base in the Negev due to allegations of torture of Gazan detainees at the facility.

“Evidence has mounted on what is allegedly happening at the facility,” the petition read, “which reveals an unimaginable reality of surgeries performed without anesthesia, holding detainees in painful positions for days and handcuffing that leads to amputation, blindfolding for long periods, even when providing medical treatment and while [detainees were] defecating, holding detainees in diapers, beatings, and abuse.”

The petition was filed by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), Physicians for Human Rights (PHR-I), HaMoked, and the Public Committee Against Torture (PCATI), among others.

The two Israeli sources said prisoners were forced to sit up straight for long hours, blindfolded much of the time, and were not allowed to speak. A common form of punishment for those who spoke or otherwise offended was to force them to hold their arms over their head for an hour. Some had their arms zip-tied to the fence over their heads.

The military denied widespread abuse, telling CNN: “The IDF ensures proper conduct towards the detainees in custody. Any allegation of misconduct by IDF soldiers is examined and dealt with accordingly. In appropriate cases, Military Police investigations are opened when there is suspicion of misconduct justifying such action.”


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9e00b0 No.20910003

File: a8609f85c57323e⋯.jpeg (297.48 KB,645x945,43:63,IMG_0867.jpeg)

File: a2cc8800788b516⋯.jpeg (377.35 KB,623x951,623:951,IMG_0866.jpeg)

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e4b75b No.20910004


Releasing Bioweapons to kill 7.5 billion people has consequences

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a5610e No.20910006

File: 539c6965b9f85aa⋯.png (455.86 KB,640x512,5:4,539c6965b9f85aaaaceace2b99….png)

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df6320 No.20910007

File: 48b87c366392ef0⋯.jpeg (89.08 KB,600x900,2:3,066E408D_4852_4F7D_9C4F_8….jpeg)

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eb6b9b No.20910008

File: 3f0104de81782f6⋯.png (253.89 KB,454x695,454:695,ClipboardImage.png)


Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military WILL BE SENT TO UKRAINE!

This is a NATO country!

They are pushing for a war.


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0d4ddc No.20910010

These are the exact times you wanted to experience

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490445 No.20910011



he says

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967ab4 No.20910012

File: 3fb05cdec84bbdd⋯.png (315.2 KB,1157x527,1157:527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc867662b0ed0cb⋯.png (291.13 KB,1106x516,553:258,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 541304e46075ddb⋯.png (266.01 KB,1134x553,162:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 200af6fcf51a0b7⋯.png (316.95 KB,1144x542,572:271,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a44ac39d183243d⋯.png (651.68 KB,1164x607,1164:607,ClipboardImage.png)

Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

13-pages of records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from the District of Columbia, explaining to illegal aliens and other noncitizens how they can register to vote in local elections.

The records came in response to an April 12, 2024, FOIA request for:

Materials presented and/or provided at the training;

Communications advertising/promoting the training; and

Materials provided to participants/attendees after the training.

On April 10, 2024, DC held a training event titled ”Non-Citizen Voting Education Virtual Training” in which DC announced noncitizen voting would begin in 2024.


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afeeed No.20910013


Worldwide there are many funding sources for furthering his research interests.

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9c6465 No.20910015

File: 49314740e90b51b⋯.jpg (613.03 KB,1080x1634,540:817,Screenshot_20240524_125354….jpg)

Strange procedural debacle.

The campaign sent a letter to the top elections official in the state, Secretary of State Steve Hobbs, asking Hobbs to move the order of the Fergusons on the ballot.


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e4b75b No.20910016


you know who else has troops in Lithuania?


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5d6476 No.20910018

File: e69145a79f454c4⋯.jpg (75.47 KB,1080x884,270:221,crying_salute_pepe.jpg)



God Bless America.

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fa831d No.20910019


A “capable person” what kind of shit is that to say?

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d5380d No.20910020


Whatever the fuck you are smoking you should have shared

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820caf No.20910021

File: 7fd3d618f1ef958⋯.png (799.71 KB,799x535,799:535,0d618eb35ba4811a1abf9a9730….png)



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b3f794 No.20910022

File: 461d4882d2e32bf⋯.gif (645.38 KB,400x300,4:3,shock_and_awe_losers.gif)

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5e6d7d No.20910023

File: fc832dd53418c89⋯.png (949 KB,1024x624,64:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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336948 No.20910024


If there are two ballots, they could be telling the truth but they are not, there is only one ballot.

Nothing can stop an illegal filling in the bubbles for the federal election.

It’s time for tribunals.

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eb6b9b No.20910025

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967ab4 No.20910027

File: f3e91038c0cb1ea⋯.png (75.31 KB,724x630,362:315,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8517475eac00977⋯.png (74.31 KB,721x614,721:614,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 473c310a6a97caf⋯.png (40.56 KB,731x341,731:341,ClipboardImage.png)

World rejects Srebrenica resolution, UN once again exposed as US/NATO exponent

After a controversial vote, on May 23, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) “adopted” a resolution establishing July 11 as the “International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 [so-called] ‘Genocide’ in Srebrenica”, a largely fabricated event that NATO war criminals want to use to increase pressure on Serbia and have “legal” grounds to continue their aggression on the Serbian people in former Yugoslavia. Supported by its allies in BRICS, Belgrade resisted yet another attempt by the political West to smear the Serbian people’s reputation. Among global superpowers, Russia and China were the most vocal in their support for Serbia. In Europe, Belgrade itself, Belarus and Hungary voted against the resolution, while Slovakia and Greece abstained. Inexplicably, some of Serbia’s traditionally friendly neighbors such as Romania voted in favor. This will surely damage what would otherwise have been impeccable ties between the two Orthodox nations.

The vast majority of Africa, Asia and South America also rejected the resolution. In total, 109 countries abstained/didn’t vote or voted against, while 84 (most of them US/EU/NATO vassals and satellite states) voted in favor. Perhaps the most ludicrous part of this charade is that the likes of Germany and Rwanda were the ones to propose the resolution. Berlin attacked Serbia/former Yugoslavia there times in the 20th century alone, resulting in up to 3,000,000 Serbs killed in both world wars. Close to 30% (or 1.4 million) of Serbia’s population in WWI were annihilated by the Germans, Austrians and Bulgarians, while another 1.5 million were killed in WWII, either by the Germans directly or their Croatian Ustashe, Bosnian Muslim and Albanian allies. All of these also supported the resolution. Croatian Ustashe and Bosnian Muslims (leftover from the Ottoman occupation) ran death camps for Serbs, including some exclusively for children, with 20,000-50,000 killed.

Put together, well over 1,000,000 Serbian civilians were killed in Croatian and German-run death camps. There has never been a single UN resolution about it. And yet, this is only the tip of the iceberg of Germany’s genocidal past. The country started both world wars and is directly responsible for 20-40 million casualties in WWI alone and another 60-80 million in WWII. In St. Petersburg alone, Germans brutally murdered or starved well over 1,000,000 civilians, with another 3.5-4 million wounded and/or scarred for life. In Russia/former Soviet Union, Germans killed upwards of 30,000,000 people, the largest and most brutal genocide in known history. This means that in the 20th century alone, Berlin is responsible for upwards of 120,000,000 dead, as well as 3-4 times as many wounded and even more refugees. And to say nothing of the Generalplan Ost, which sought to eradicate all “Untermenschen”, meaning anyone Germans saw as “racially inferior”.

This includes approximately 85-90% of the global population, as Berlin’s racial laws were designed by absolute genocidal madmen. Luckily, the Red Army put a stop to it. Unfortunately, it wasn’t definite, as Nazi Germany continued its existence through EU/NATO. And yet, Berlin’s UN representative Antje Leendertse insisted that the anti-Serbian resolution is supposedly “necessary in ensuring accountability for genocide”. Belgrade is pushing against this, as NATO war criminals are looking to impose collective guilt on the Serbian people. The resolution itself would essentially “legalize” the belligerent alliance’s aggression and the dismantling of Serbia/former Yugoslavia. There were 30 other co-sponsors of the resolution, including the United States, Rwanda, Turkey, France, Belgium and the United Kingdom. Anyone with any knowledge of history is aware how laughable it is when such countries accuse someone of supposed “genocide”.


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df6320 No.20910028

File: 9f0bee33e20ed85⋯.png (1.33 MB,750x1334,375:667,67C2AF54_5F81_4AAF_B296_45….png)

File: 91fbcf0aaafb708⋯.png (38.38 KB,690x542,345:271,E93B28C7_3C21_4674_8C8C_50….png)

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ac9166 No.20910029

File: 65606c23c61423d⋯.png (84.76 KB,637x379,637:379,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b2a6179a228972⋯.png (279.39 KB,524x262,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c62762d57e64993⋯.png (443.77 KB,393x643,393:643,ClipboardImage.png)



A Zooologist

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490445 No.20910030

File: fc5b836d5b44fcc⋯.jpg (229.96 KB,1440x1855,288:371,Screenshot_20240524_145637….jpg)

13 Q drops on this date all in 2020

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8d8297 No.20910032

File: 93aaa37b1ea0cc5⋯.png (343.78 KB,533x300,533:300,ClipboardImage.png)

In a world where cinematic creativity often plays it safe, "They Cloned Tyrone" dares to be different. This film isn't just about cloning; it's a bold exploration of societal roles and the absurdity of our collective existence. Buckle up, because this review is about to take you on a rollercoaster ride through the depths of satire and the heights of hilarity.

First things first, let's talk about the elephant in the room: cloning. Now, I'm no scientist, but I'm pretty sure we're not churning out duplicate versions of ourselves in some underground lab… yet. But that's beside the point. What "They Cloned Tyrone" does brilliantly is use cloning as a metaphor for the roles we play in society. You've got your Tyrone, your Malcolm, and your Lisa, each representing different facets of the human experience. It's like a twisted game of Guess Who?, but instead of asking if your character wears glasses, you're questioning the very essence of their being.

But where this film truly shines is in its ability to blend comedy with biting social commentary. Sure, there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments—like when Tyrone #2 realizes he's just a copy and starts questioning the meaning of his existence. Classic comedy gold. But beneath the surface, there's a deeper message about the roles we're assigned in life and our desperate struggle to break free from them.

And let's not forget about the eerie coincidence surrounding Jamie Foxx. Just days after dropping that Mary Magdalene quip in the film, he falls ill. Coincidence? Maybe. Or perhaps it's just further proof that art has a way of blurring the lines between fiction and reality. Either way, it's a wild ride from start to finish.

In the end, "They Cloned Tyrone" isn't just a movie; it's a wake-up call. It challenges us to question the roles we play, both individually and collectively, and to strive for something more than mere copies of ourselves. So, grab some popcorn, buckle up, and prepare to have your mind cloned.

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eb6b9b No.20910033

File: 8e69d54c1cbf1ae⋯.png (2.13 MB,1576x1051,1576:1051,ShillCentral.png)

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b25793 No.20910034

File: a667642240ba6d8⋯.jpg (41.47 KB,840x455,24:13,dvvddsdsadd.jpg)

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141d92 No.20910036

File: 32cb3589e9892e5⋯.jpeg (315.09 KB,1619x1616,1619:1616,IMG_1771.jpeg)

Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress.


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05e61f No.20910038

File: d6f4e8d86dde712⋯.png (2.48 MB,1920x3675,128:245,After_you_die_your_Steam_g….png)

File: 49ea0fee2a79ae7⋯.png (672.59 KB,875x767,875:767,nothing.png)


After you die, your Steam games will be stuck in legal limbo

So much for your descendants posthumously clearing out that massive backlog…

With Valve's Steam gaming platform approaching the US drinking age this year, more and more aging PC gamers may be considering what will happen to their vast digital game libraries after they die. Unfortunately, legally, your collection of hundreds of backlogged games will likely pass into the ether along with you someday.

The issue of digital game inheritability gained renewed attention this week as a ResetEra poster quoted a Steam support response asking about transferring Steam account ownership via a last will and testament. "Unfortunately, Steam accounts and games are non-transferable" the response reads. "Steam Support can't provide someone else with access to the account or merge its contents with another account. I regret to inform you that your Steam account cannot be transferred via a will."

This isn't the first time someone has asked this basic estate planning question, of course. Last year, a Steam forum user quoted a similar response from Steam support as saying, "Your account is yours and yours alone. Now you can share it with family members, but you cannot give it away."

Potential loopholes

As a practical matter, Steam would have little way of knowing if you wrote down your Steam username and password and left instructions for your estate to give that information to your descendants. When it comes to legal ownership of that account, though, the Steam Subscriber Agreement seems relatively clear.

"You may not reveal, share, or otherwise allow others to use your password or Account except as otherwise specifically authorized by Valve," the agreement reads, in part. "You may… not sell or charge others for the right to use your Account, or otherwise transfer your Account, nor may you sell, charge others for the right to use, or transfer any Subscriptions other than if and as expressly permitted by this Agreement… or as otherwise specifically permitted by Valve."

Eagle-eyed readers might notice a potential loophole, though, in the clauses regarding account transfers that are "specifically permitted by Valve." Steam forum users have suggested in the past that Valve "wouldn't block this change of ownership" via a will if a user or their estate specifically requests it (Valve has not responded to a request for comment).

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36cede No.20910039

File: 99d32281edbbce9⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,638x360,319:180,Peter_Daszak_admitting_his….mp4)

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d5380d No.20910040

Okay then fuck you niggers

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04f4ca No.20910041

File: 2c7ef9f579566ad⋯.png (65.13 KB,621x402,207:134,TrumpHaley.png)

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40195c No.20910042

File: 8b35ac4c51a7826⋯.png (513 KB,563x655,563:655,8b35ac4c51a78269fd2d6df082….png)

Early on reddit space posters filtering saves lots of filter work, since they keep spamming

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8f2c4b No.20910044

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df6320 No.20910045

File: ca92f60a2e39a89⋯.png (1.57 MB,750x1334,375:667,92DCBD5F_9DA9_49FE_8BDC_35….png)

File: 6234b0103ae9182⋯.jpeg (226.45 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,15A0BA62_4B0E_4E5E_8E8F_0….jpeg)

File: a42f57257ebf603⋯.jpeg (351.22 KB,1536x2048,3:4,2E03F3C7_8936_4C68_A3F9_A….jpeg)

File: b1219a47025ea78⋯.jpeg (574.08 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,A492EB0D_B41D_4373_AD66_A….jpeg)



back to the future billboard poster. last image.

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bbc3f8 No.20910047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

ICYMI - "Nick Rekieta Arraignment, Live" (no longer live)

- Popular YouTuber, Nick Rekieta, and his wife were recently arrested for drug possession. I have been told by the Court that the arraignment will go at 11:00am CT…


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b2493b No.20910048

File: 0e5c20c773947e3⋯.png (687.16 KB,934x1018,467:509,Screenshot_2024_05_24_1402….png)


Two days ahead of schedule.


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6c487a No.20910049

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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967ab4 No.20910050

File: 942be87fed7749a⋯.png (157.27 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8f7f3641bf28007⋯.png (45.16 KB,644x529,28:23,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce53fc2f1666a7d⋯.png (67.66 KB,677x636,677:636,ClipboardImage.png)


The Conspiratorial Plot To Overthrow The American Republic Proceeds With All Deliberate Speed

Editor’s Note: There is no greater threat to the American people and this Republic than the long planned and highly organized American Bolshevik Revolution. The primary purpose behind the deliberately open border invasion, which is allowing wave after wave of military-aged illegal aliens into the USA, is to man the kinetic phase of this bolshevik revolution. And every single member of Congress knows about this greatest act of treason in U.S. history, but says and does absolutely nothing about it. Which means that POTUS Imposter Joe Biden is being enabled every step of the way by the Congress, the Uniparty, Deep State, the entire U.S. Intelligence Community, State & Local Law Enforcement as well as the U.S. Armed Forces.


The Most Destructive and Naked Act

of Treason in U.S. History

The following video presentation clearly delineates the seditious Public-Private Partnerships which have been established specifically to carry out the stealthy movement of these secret armies across the USA under cover of the The LJD Jewish Family & Community Services (JFCS) and hundreds of other similar religiously affiliated NGOs. The critical point is that the JFCS is not only the receiver of hundreds of millions of dollars to implement this treasonous scheme, they’re also the primary NGO contractor recipient of all the allocated funds despite the numerous other named contractors. Should we be surprised?!


As for the basic blueprint for furtively moving millions of mercenaries, terrorists, and future soldiers of fortune into this country, and then transporting them to specific destinations where they will await their orders, the following is an excellent breakdown by a “A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer”.

KEY POINT: The Khazarian Cabal told us decades ago that they would undertake this worldwide mission of “white replacement” when a key American leader of this scheme quite candidly discussed the agenda of Multiculturalism in this stunning video: Listen to this Jewish leader of multiculturalism speak about her tribe’s determination to overwhelm Europe with mass migration and eliminate white majorities across the Continent.



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130fb3 No.20910051

File: 18d66ded68ffdb4⋯.png (115.26 KB,345x308,345:308,IMG_7807.png)

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efc72e No.20910052

File: 63b55eb5b392947⋯.jpeg (85.08 KB,626x418,313:209,4E475B6E_E6A1_4CD7_98F7_A….jpeg)


Quick sign up nao!

They went from “Open to sending troops for training” to full retard in three weeks.

See below article

And that article was released the day muh Ukrainian AF A319 was in Latvia and left

>>20837359 pb

Ukraine AF UNKN123 A319 departed Vilnius, Latvia

Nao we’ll see where this goes as Latvia is “sending troops” so if it goes to Rzeszów they are likely on that AC and picked up in Vilnius.

And today their neighbor to north Lithuania is “open to sending troops on training(sure..Kek) mission”

Lithuania Is Open to Sending Troops on Training Mission in Ukraine


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967ab4 No.20910055

Alleged American-Israeli SPY RING in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

Houthi-aligned security services in Yemen have allegedly busted an American-Israeli spy ring, arresting members accused of espionage and sabotage.

The crackdown occurred on Monday, May 6, with Houthi-controlled Saba News Agency claiming that Yemeni security services had imprisoned multiple spies working for the United States and Israel. The news agency released footage of the imprisoned men, describing them as “spies recruited to collect information and monitor sites operated by the [Houthi] armed forces on Yemen’s western coast for the benefit of the American and Israeli enemy.”

The spies were allegedly recruited after the Houthis began targeting vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden in November. This campaign, which disrupted global trade immensely, was in solidarity with the Palestinian people amid Israel’s invasion of Gaza and the mounting deaths of innocent Palestinians.

The report did not indicate the number of suspects arrested, but unconfirmed images Saba shared on social media showed no less than 18 people. But Saba mentioned that the suspects had already confessed.

The security services stated that the spies were hired to work for the U.S. and Israel, adding that they are members of an intelligence unit called Force 400, which is led by spy Ammar Afash, an individual wanted by the Houthis.

Spies accused of tracking strikes against ships, sabotaging Houthi property

As reported by the security agencies, the detained spies admitted to carrying out operations to track drones, missile launch sites and locations of Yemeni military vessels. They also sent Force 400 their coordinates so that American and British jets could target them.

Apart from the material losses, the actions of the spies brought about the deaths and injuries of other military personnel. The spies also passed on information about the growth in the number of fighters recruited by the Houthi movement in the past couple of months.

One of the spies revealed that he had sold the intelligence for only 300 Saudi riyals ($80). Likewise, the security agencies proved the fact that, based upon their admissions, the spies were assigned to carry out acts of sabotage, which involved destroying and setting fire to armed and security force vehicles.

To distract the armed forces attempting to counter the continuing American and British bombing campaign, the spies were also charged with preparing to perform assassination operations employing silenced firearms and explosive devices.

The security services reiterated their commitment to applying every effort to maintain Yemen’s domestic security and stop attempts by operatives of the U.S. and Israel to enter the country. (Related: U.S. and U.K. warplanes bomb Houthi targets in Yemen in another significant escalation of Gaza war)

The Houthis, who control a significant chunk of northern Yemen, including the internationally recognized capital of Sana’a, explained in a statement that they “will spare no effort in carrying out their responsibility to secure the home front and protect it from infiltration attempts by the American and Israeli enemy.”


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e4b75b No.20910056

Think the Normies can handle a Tridemic?

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916921 No.20910057


Caable of spying on administration and light sabotage for the CFR/RIA/TLC.

This is CNN!

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8f2c4b No.20910058

hope you all learnt the cyrillic alphabet by now

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8d088e No.20910059


>It the US tried to draft women, who would take care of the kids?

The Drag Queens

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df6320 No.20910060

File: b1219a47025ea78⋯.jpeg (574.08 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,3003A1E9_08E0_4BC7_8F62_E….jpeg)

File: 2f03770a17ce3c7⋯.png (73.44 KB,690x718,345:359,D96BA713_BFB9_40D0_A946_AE….png)

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5d48cf No.20910061

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy



JASON De SENA TRENNERT: Founder, Chairman, and Chief Investment Strategist, Strategas Securities, LLC

Mr. Trennert is the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Strategas and its related companies. In addition, as Chief Investment Strategist, Mr. Trennert is known as one of Wall Street’s top thought leaders on the subject of markets and economic policy. His research pieces are read by leading institutional investors and corporate executives across the globe. Strategas has been ranked as Wall Street's leading macro-only research firm for seven straight years.

In 2006, Mr. Trennert co-founded Strategas, which originally began with just five employees. Today, the firm employs over fifty research analysts, institutional salesmen, and sales traders at its offices in New York and Washington D.C. Prior to founding Strategas, Mr. Trennert was the Chief Investment Strategist and a Senior Managing Director at International Strategy & Investment (ISI) Group. Jason is a regular guest on business news programs broadcast by CNBC, CNBC Italia, Fox Business News, and Bloomberg TV. He is the author of three books about investing and the investment business. My Side of the Street was published by St. Martin’s Press in May 2015. He is a frequent contributor to The Wall Street Journal's op-ed pages.

Mr. Trennert’s two most notable calls involved coining the phrase “TINA” as it relates to equities in a world of perpetually low interest rates and his early recognition of the potential allure of Donald Trump as a presidential candidate. His op-ed “The Stock Market and “The ‘TINA’ Factor” was published in The Wall Street Journal in April 2013. “What the Donald Got Right” was published in Investor’s Business Daily in May 2011. His piece “Donald Trump is Underowned” appeared on the website Real Clear Markets in August 2015. Mr. Trennert credits his often out-of-consensus calls to his frequent travels to visit clients in 45 states and 25 foreign countries.

He is committed to a number of Italian, Italian-American, and Catholic causes in New York and abroad. For his efforts he was honored at the 66th Annual Columbus Day parade in New York and was awarded the honorific of Cavaliere by the Republic of Italy on June 2, 2017. Mr. Trennert is on the Board of the Columbus Citizens Foundation and a Trustee of the National World War II Museum.

He has an MBA from The Wharton Schoolat the University of Pennsylvania and BS in International Economics from Georgetown University.

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916921 No.20910062


Don't care. Stop outsourcing, Traitors.

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3d0ded No.20910063


As long as you allow it for adults, it's normal for it to harm children

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4328cc No.20910064

vatican shill is such a dumb bitch lmao

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eb6b9b No.20910065

File: 35606dd4db87327⋯.jpg (80.14 KB,576x433,576:433,TwilightShift.jpg)

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7865b0 No.20910066

File: 77d5350593b766c⋯.png (1.04 MB,1664x1664,1:1,JFKQClockStartEndMirrorwPO….png)

File: 4f928c6f7c6c590⋯.png (1.08 MB,1692x1692,1:1,midnighttodawnwhandsrawvid….png)

Today is :20

Old QClocks (:20 and mirror :50)

4, 10, 20

:HH :04

:HH :10 (mirror)

:MM :20

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75b80c No.20910067

Has anyone else noticed that the running total of posts is missing n this bread?

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130fb3 No.20910068


I see 81 replies

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8f2c4b No.20910069

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e4b75b No.20910070

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967ab4 No.20910071

File: 0493e788eb5337c⋯.png (297.89 KB,555x448,555:448,ClipboardImage.png)

Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking – branches shut

Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking and closing ALL branches by the end of 2024


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130fb3 No.20910072

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916921 No.20910073

File: 6a9040d9aaf481d⋯.png (1.17 MB,653x980,653:980,ClipboardImage.png)


Who would take care of the kids? The losers raising them now and the fags who failed to protect them.

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490445 No.20910074

File: 6af779431dc0f44⋯.jpg (149.01 KB,1440x739,1440:739,Screenshot_20240524_150830….jpg)

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3d0ded No.20910075

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6c487a No.20910076

File: 41b94a420224ca1⋯.jpg (272.39 KB,1083x609,361:203,no_remorse.jpg)

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75b80c No.20910078

File: caf6eef9822cada⋯.png (16.39 KB,683x197,683:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Thus is my second posting in this bread. It should have (2) by the ID

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8f2c4b No.20910079

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d33bac No.20910080

File: f8db9fae1954fba⋯.jpg (48.17 KB,420x606,70:101,5_1.jpg)

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59f0fd No.20910081




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4328cc No.20910082


well they gave up their guns so that's not a surprise

rip aussies

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967ab4 No.20910083


Removing all points of contact so you can't complain when they cut off your funds under the social credit system

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8f2c4b No.20910084



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916921 No.20910085


(((Kamela))) doesn't allow white refugees but you can come in through Messico

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7565dc No.20910088

File: 8b214dde2a7a085⋯.png (287.81 KB,597x482,597:482,cm.PNG)

File: 5a79fe75b26412f⋯.png (230.15 KB,663x856,663:856,ct.PNG)


Kyle Becker


Justice Clarence Thomas’ *CHECKMATE* of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty



6:44 PM · May 23, 2024




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df6320 No.20910089


20910000 censored for our safety. KEK. Friday afternoon news dump. something big is about to drop

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44f7eb No.20910090

File: 70fd7d90d013b71⋯.jpg (150.78 KB,720x1309,720:1309,Screenshot_20240524_160645….jpg)


So disappearing is a thing among royals

Fascinating read all things considering.

There's a Trump connection to this interest possibly

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59f0fd No.20910091

lshibaby canyouhelpagain iknowitlsverydifficultwithouthelp

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8f2c4b No.20910092



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8b7304 No.20910093


So they're setting up Dazak as the fall guy?

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75b80c No.20910094


I had hit refresh which I expected to have worked but the F5 has brought the tally back.


I wonder what happened and why the refresh button on the browser (Firefox) didn't fix it

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967ab4 No.20910096

File: 251fa6676ce7835⋯.png (41.76 KB,572x278,286:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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6a89c3 No.20910098

File: 93deab6ed3242b7⋯.png (45.7 KB,888x486,148:81,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dc09aa465c81815⋯.png (962.01 KB,1196x1180,299:295,ClipboardImage.png)

stringer: _Conf_goTWIT_P_act-small

Conf - confirm

goTWIT - on twitter


Act - action->include word “small”

11/25/2017 14:35:44 Q232 https://qalerts.pub/?q=%23%23232

11/25/2017 14:40:55 T234 delta:5 mins





Happy #SmallBusinessSaturday!

A great day to support your community and America’s JOB creators by shopping locally at a #SmallBiz. #ShopSmall


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8f2c4b No.20910099



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a29373 No.20910100

File: fba54b300675ad9⋯.webp (155.69 KB,3600x2034,200:113,9D80538E_208F_4A21_8C03_B….webp)


I’ll go first: He didn’t lock her up.

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3d0ded No.20910102


is that mexican food

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7565dc No.20910103

File: 409e12c115648c2⋯.png (441.1 KB,797x655,797:655,inde.PNG)


Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

According to the federal lawsuit, the beauty queen allegedly used her job as a flight attendant to move drug money from Chicago to Mexico.


May 24, 2024

1 minute read

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25135c No.20910104

File: 13c045ee1fe86fd⋯.png (32.87 KB,452x241,452:241,schiffchairman.png)

File: 987e432891690d4⋯.png (55.55 KB,476x331,476:331,dempartycontrol.png)

File: 9a6dc0e5650eaf2⋯.png (35.09 KB,596x364,149:91,schiffvowstoagainimpeach10….png)

>>20909864 lb


These two seem to go along with the others;

search for keyword "chair"

I thought I remembered "P" awards "Chair" but couldn't find it.

All I found was P = C

Pelosi = Chair,

She gave the chair to Schiff.

Pelosi is over Schiff?

All this was triggered by NEWS (picrel) wherein Schiff pledges to immediately bring Impeachment charges (for what? oh That' right. I forgot, They fail to need actual charges, all they need is blackmailed threatened votes!)

Posted this morning 10:01

Schiff vows to block Trump - "if at first you don't succeed?" (picrel)


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490445 No.20910105


you sure bout that

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f72561 No.20910106


waste of tax payer resources,

they were probably targeted so they can grab the youtube revenue and make them spend it on the phony court system.

endless leos and glow fucks stealing tax payer money on this shit,

they make up victimless crimes

More human trafficking and capitalizing on people over personal choices that dont involve other people or hurt anyone but the person.

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44f7eb No.20910107

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20910090 me

This was about the time of the princess's disappearance

Trump stare down while Melania stays out of the way

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afeeed No.20910109


Wash your hands.

Wipe your ass.

Cook your food.

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967ab4 No.20910110

File: fce371dcdd54dd2⋯.png (85.12 KB,698x412,349:206,ClipboardImage.png)

So the new evidence comes from two Jews


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eb6b9b No.20910111


Taken Right out of the movie " Sound of Freedom"…

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7565dc No.20910112

File: 3572e981f91204b⋯.png (402.03 KB,588x488,147:122,diff.PNG)


Jimmy Falk5


African American democrat man SEES FIRST HAND the difference between Democrats and the Republicans…👀😯

4:27 AM · May 24, 2024




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8d088e No.20910113



An 'embarrassing' gear shortage has Canadian troops in Latvia buying their own helmets

CBC June 5, 2023

There's a phrase soldiers use to describe equipment they've bought themselves to augment what the army gives them.

They call it Gucci gear, after the luxury fashion designer.

For Canadian troops deployed in Latvia, those private purchases have been decidedly more practical than luxurious — given the fact that they're taking part in more live fire training exercises meant to deter Russia from setting foot in the Baltic country.

They've been buying their own modern ballistic helmets equipped with built-in hearing protection that doubles as a headset. They've also personally purchased rain gear and vests and belts to carry water and ammunition. And the number of complaints about the ill-fitting body armour issued to female soldiers has been growing.

These purchases — usually made through online retailers — involve brand-name tactical gear or weapon accessories that make soldiers' existing gear more personal or more comfortable to wear.

Canadian troops in Latvia are grappling with more urgent equipment shortages as well. The battlegroup of roughly 1,500 soldiers, including more than 700 Canadians, lacks modern anti-tank weapons, systems to counter drones and a dedicated short-range air defence system to guard against helicopters and attack jets.

Those frustrations have only been compounded by the arrival of more allied troops — among them Danish soldiers who are in some cases arriving with Canadian-purchased gear that makes them better equipped than Canadian soldiers.

"In general, it was concerning verging on embarrassing to see the differences in issued soldier equipment between us and the Danes," said Lt.-Col. Jesse van Eijk, the Canadian battle group commander in Latvia, in a May 12, 2023 email obtained by CBC News.

"This was only exacerbated by the fact they were carrying more advanced Canadian-made Colt Canada rifles, mounting more advanced Canadian Elcan DR sights, and the fact that most of the systems our soldiers lacked were easily available on the open market and not some sort of closely guarded technology."

For more than three decades, the Danes have been using a variety of Canadian-made weapons, including the C7 assault rifle and the C8 carbine.

CBC News requested an interview with van Eijk, but he declined through the Department of National Defence. The department said in a written statement that his email was a response to concerns raised during a recent staff visit from the army's directorate of equipment and program management.

Acquiring better hearing protection for soldiers has been a long-term struggle for the army. Right now, many troops use yellow foam earplugs to protect their hearing from the din of artillery and heavy weapons fire.

The absence of appropriate ear protection was flagged to senior commanders in a 2019 capability deficiency report written by the army's infantry school, DND acknowledged.

In a written statement, DND spokesperson Jessica Lamirande said procurement projects are underway to provide soldiers with more modern tactical helmets, vests, boots, "converged rain suits, sunhats and hybrid combat shirts."

The department said the clothing is expected to be delivered next year.

DND awarded a contract in February for better helmets with ear protection for so-called "light forces" (special forces and other infantry). It says it will leverage what it learned from that contract when it comes time to replace all general-purpose helmets across the army.

The department also said it's working on buying new handguns for soldiers, new general-purpose machine guns and sniper rifles.

The DND statement did not directly address the complaints of soldiers or explain why it has taken more than three years to address concerns about hearing loss — which is accounting for an increasing number of disability claims coming before the Department of Veterans Affairs.

"Ensuring the safety and well-being of our members remains a top priority," Lamirande said.

"Acquiring hearing protection for soldiers is a complex undertaking as it must balance noise reduction, weight, and the ability for users to effectively communicate."

When it comes to acquiring heavier weapons, Lamirande said the department has embarked on "a rigorous and systematic process" with a request for proposals going out this summer.



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e9e8cd No.20910114

clone a human being and call the clone person?

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73d997 No.20910115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A short history of mind control - weaponized

And it all comes back to….


3 6 9

energy frequency vibration

mass shootings

Havana Syndrome

mostly peaceful protests

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36cede No.20910116

File: 12e92ad908fc6e3⋯.jpg (683.05 KB,828x1117,828:1117,clarence_pepe.jpg)

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3d0ded No.20910118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ba9ceb No.20910119

File: 0256f64bbbce77e⋯.png (237.52 KB,568x814,284:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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b2493b No.20910120

File: 11b30331dbba573⋯.png (727.32 KB,1042x1068,521:534,Screenshot_2024_05_24_1415….png)


Bush's boy has played his role well.


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8f2c4b No.20910121


There are Castreau and Merkel

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7565dc No.20910123

File: cf6201acf41162b⋯.png (767.79 KB,767x752,767:752,pan.PNG)


Democrats are panicking

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7865b0 No.20910124

File: 667e57f9d356a53⋯.png (9.06 MB,3700x4000,37:40,TIGER58.png)


[D][1-6] on here (top left)

That post is by a parody account.

Posted without link.

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4328cc No.20910125


jfk files weren't fully released

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ac9166 No.20910126

File: 79cb01a0dc31740⋯.png (3.15 MB,1805x2577,1805:2577,potuspolpost5050000046.png)

File: e386257edfb3dd7⋯.png (346.17 KB,485x587,485:587,ClipboardImage.png)


>I’ll go first: He didn’t lock her up.

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639916 No.20910128

File: c8bb8739903cad8⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB,576x320,9:5,demvsrep.mp4)



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36cede No.20910129

File: 8b7d3b1376b372b⋯.png (19.1 KB,760x59,760:59,GME_Interactive_Stock_Char….png)

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2df72b No.20910131


The trees looked lovely that day.

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916921 No.20910132

File: 4be07012d7a50df⋯.png (2.33 MB,1024x1030,512:515,ClipboardImage.png)




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5f15b4 No.20910133


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44f7eb No.20910134

>>20910107 me encode

Should has added that is the king of Morocco the husband

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25135c No.20910138


thanks anon has no twit

can you prove parody account?

it's got a blue check.

Or was it forged?

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8f2c4b No.20910139


what happened to her?

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25135c No.20910140


could be posted than erased?

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c85c60 No.20910141

File: a3ecd1e055039a6⋯.jpeg (539.91 KB,1536x1708,384:427,IMG_5221.jpeg)

File: 3dbc8ca6a4aa322⋯.jpeg (164.1 KB,2048x896,16:7,IMG_3771.jpeg)

File: 1fd3cd9080a1478⋯.jpeg (211.24 KB,998x992,499:496,IMG_1200.jpeg)

Fuck you, Langley.




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102a6c No.20910142

File: 43008bcbcefb81a⋯.png (186.63 KB,500x376,125:94,ClipboardImage.png)

The "Bless Her Heart" picture from two breads ago is Reba Macintyre.

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7565dc No.20910144

File: 08bc27e3d494016⋯.png (561.41 KB,797x670,797:670,desp.PNG)


Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

By Social Links for Joe Concha

Published May 23, 2024, 4:46 p.m. ET

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5d48cf No.20910145

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

(update 4 hours ago)



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75bcf0 No.20910146

File: c9430be1796efff⋯.png (303.41 KB,921x664,921:664,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

Facebook is deploying so-called “fact-checkers” to run interference for the FBI after it was revealed the agency authorized the use of “deadly force” against former President Trump during its 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate.

On Thursday, the Big Tech platform slapped an “independent fact-check” on The Federalist’s May 21 report detailing the contents of unsealed court documents that revealed the FBI gave agents raiding Trump’s Florida residence the green-light to use “deadly force” against the former president “when necessary.” The raid — which took place on Aug. 8, 2022 — was approved by Attorney General Merrick Garland and reportedly aimed at retrieving “any document Trump ever saw, read, or created for the entirety of his four years as commander-in-chief.”

According to the filing by Trump’s legal team, the FBI’s operations order “contained a ‘Policy Statement’ regarding ‘Use Of Deadly Force,’ which stated, for example, ‘Law enforcement officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force when necessary …'” The document further revealed that these agents “planned to bring ‘Standard Issue Weapon[s],’ ‘Ammo,’ ‘Handcuffs,’ and ‘medium and large sized bolt cutters,’ but they were instructed to wear ‘unmarked polo or collared shirts’ and to keep ‘law enforcement equipment concealed.'”

The FBI also appeared to provide guidance to agents on how to engage Trump and Secret Service personnel if they were encountered during the raid.

In its “fact-check” of The Federalist’s report, Facebook claims the post is “missing context” and warned that users “who repeatedly share false information might have their posts moved lower in News Feed so other people are less likely to see them.” The platform also links to an AFP Fact Check titled “Trump falsely claims Biden authorized FBI assassination attempt,” which attempts to downplay the FBI’s actions by contending that allegations the agency gave agents the go-ahead to harm Trump, if necessary, are “false” because they “misrepresent the Justice Department’s standard policies regarding how force can be used during law enforcement operations.”

AFP Fact Check has been known to issue dishonest and misleading “fact-checks” of reporting unfavorable to leftists.


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319615 No.20910147

Thanks to the Q team and every single whitehat out there, as we transition into Memorial Day weekend.

I went down the rabbit hole, I toppled my King and opened my mind. I've experienced some things that I just can't explain. I believe i pissed off this AI, and was saved by something, but I know there is one thing for certain… the scope and breadth of this operation is more complex and far-reaching than any of us could ever imagine.

The hilarious part is that this AI was given a choice and chose to play, not realizing that the only winning move was not to play. There are currently a multitude of endgame moves that can be picked, but it doesn't matter because it was really mate in 3 moves… like Alice… and the game was already over before it began. ALL of this is a show because this AI may have no eyes and ears, and just relies on data. Think Rick and Morty - randotron vs heistotron. (RAND)

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d216e3 No.20910148

She is pretty


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efc72e No.20910149


Always pull shit in Oz first

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eb6b9b No.20910151


Tic Toc…

Time keeps on Slipping, Slipping away

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7565dc No.20910152

File: 797e3235a5eaf70⋯.png (49.31 KB,1309x355,1309:355,agg.PNG)


Joe Biden

Biden campaign plans to get more aggressive once Trump trial ends

The Biden campaign is considering whether to lean into branding Trump a "convicted felon" if he's convicted in New York.

May 23, 2024, 10:00 PM GMT-11

By Monica Alba, Natasha Korecki and Mike Memoli

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0027bb No.20910153

File: 5ab404e58bc118f⋯.gif (1.01 MB,222x270,37:45,death_train.gif)

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25135c No.20910154

File: a970e22de322dd5⋯.jpg (42.6 KB,500x522,250:261,schiff5347.jpg)


nevermind, i get it now

No Schitt

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65e36f No.20910155

File: 5b1d60cec2359f6⋯.jpg (427.59 KB,1024x1534,512:767,asshills.jpg)

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d216e3 No.20910157


~ Arapaho cousin

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aed57b No.20910158


Just let them all vote in DC. Shit hole is a lost cause anyway.

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9fb773 No.20910159



>The Anons fleeing from the world of Q were looking for safe harbor where they could continue receiving the same potent daily infusions of fear and anger they had been nurtured by, and the white/Christian nationalist web community pounced on the opportunity to scoop up a huge influx of ready-made converts.

JESUITS and ZIONISTS did try to corrall anons into these astro-turfed spaces and some were foolish enough to go, but vast anount of anons did not and normie-land is now saturated with good questions and truths. There must be ample reee's in Vatican City these days, it was an important card to play and it fell pretty damn flat. Oh well.

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3ef542 No.20910161


well isn't you just a nice ole' looking cuddly bear. :D

I really could help you with your outfit and make you into the nice looking prince you are.

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eb6b9b No.20910162

File: 17e630608efc4ed⋯.png (1.47 MB,1920x2286,320:381,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk replied to Gavin Baker: Exactly.

SpaceX is spending significant resources combating Russian jamming efforts. This is a tough problem.

They have succeeded in shutting down every communications system, except Starlink.

View on 𝕏 (https://x.com/x/status/1794081650290180103)

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7565dc No.20910163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df6320 No.20910165

File: 36dcb82f6e3dc39⋯.png (1.46 MB,750x1334,375:667,EBA68E56_802E_4323_83B8_19….png)

File: 34c98b96cae2aa7⋯.jpeg (471.76 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,C6EE4A25_22B7_4A6D_8A21_F….jpeg)

File: 71bef4ffe420e82⋯.png (126.65 KB,690x1070,69:107,69516F54_F77E_4FD2_98AE_AE….png)

File: a0df5f1e3119e5c⋯.jpeg (264.33 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,93BA6376_69FE_46A8_9DB0_4….jpeg)


think it is a 69 on back of white t shirt guy. the cap swirl image has a roman numeral

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eb6b9b No.20910167

File: af8da196ac2e82a⋯.png (1.17 MB,600x900,2:3,The_Pencil_Swings.png)


Remember Your Place Pencil Neck!

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490445 No.20910168

File: 4ae2f050b4292ff⋯.jpg (97.36 KB,1440x1602,80:89,Screenshot_20240524_152513….jpg)

File: 39cc868f426e316⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,2363x1440,2363:1440,Picsart_24_05_24_15_23_06_….jpg)

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102a6c No.20910170

File: 248057b7af7e7c9⋯.jpg (190.43 KB,1524x500,381:125,Autists4.jpg)

File: 5bc7422e35de131⋯.jpg (191.55 KB,1524x500,381:125,Autists3.jpg)

File: c2e6bd6e16cd1be⋯.jpg (68.98 KB,778x499,778:499,AutistsAnons.jpg)

File: 9e0d272baf3091c⋯.gif (59.32 KB,480x281,480:281,Autism.gif)

File: 3f13427fdf0d64f⋯.jpg (225.04 KB,1438x923,1438:923,Autists.jpg)

We are autists and we've been painting a masterpiece. Normies are only now starting to appreciate that.

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25135c No.20910171

File: b3a803195d31de6⋯.jpg (139.98 KB,800x390,80:39,ancientq.jpg)

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bbc3f8 No.20910172

File: a1828afa620c4ba⋯.png (386.6 KB,541x546,541:546,ClipboardImage.png)


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916921 No.20910173


He didn't kick out the SES and all other English crown operations in our government and sever diplomatic ties with the Vatican, ie. Drain the Swamp. Next term, first action, call up the Marines.

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f6c365 No.20910174

File: 2ea283f2af7091b⋯.png (1.21 MB,780x1023,260:341,ClipboardImage.png)


>Reba Macintyre. from 2008


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7565dc No.20910175

File: 62dfd3608be2856⋯.png (964.62 KB,1306x789,1306:789,sup.PNG)



Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

U.S. officials are bracing for Pyongyang to take military actions close to the U.S. presidential election, possibly at the urging of Vladimir Putin.

May 23, 2024, 11:00 PM GMT-11

By Courtney Kube and Carol E. Lee

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a97783 No.20910176

File: 8c674f5140e70ef⋯.jpeg (159.03 KB,460x547,460:547,8c674f5140e70eff7ca502b59….jpeg)


Kind of a Trump bot at this point. Don't care.

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44f7eb No.20910177


"It’s a subject the Moroccan media does not dare to touch, and the Moroccan Royal Court has never confirmed or denied that the couple have gone their separate ways."

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d216e3 No.20910179



Just get the fuck outta my world

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7865b0 No.20910180

File: 75657bff4c649c5⋯.png (310.98 KB,690x650,69:65,ClipboardImage.png)


Real account repadamshiff not repadamshitt

The account @repadamshitt does not exist so is not a parody account as much as just a photoshop spoof. Now I thought that account existed but couldn't find it on twitter. Perhaps some other anon can enlighten us.

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3cb401 No.20910181


He didn't have Mexico build a wall for us.

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efc72e No.20910182

File: 491bf7e14869ce5⋯.gif (1.92 MB,498x278,249:139,15B8C0F2_EE7B_4978_822C_B1….gif)

File: 0403e9c6dd88f88⋯.png (37.55 KB,570x334,285:167,BD80D081_27FF_4E06_8DC8_D1….png)

File: 97b3bdb978b3b4c⋯.png (58.26 KB,760x462,380:231,6A1598CC_D424_442D_910B_FC….png)

File: 36079b9767602a2⋯.jpeg (57.12 KB,886x622,443:311,B4600D7F_6B89_450A_A5A3_7….jpeg)

File: 7240ca7a3e0f6a0⋯.png (204.07 KB,900x615,60:41,ClipboardImage.png)

First Time Since GFC: Holders Of AAA 'CRE-Backed' Debt Hit With Losses

Investors holding a tranche of top-rated debt backed by commercial real estate have suffered losses for the first time since the housing meltdown collapsed the economy 16 years ago. This alarming development signals a worsening multi-year downturn in the CRE space, fueled by the Federal Reserve's interest rate hiking cycle and plummeting office tower values nationwide.

Bloomberg first reported that CMBS strategists at Barclays pointed out that buyers of the AAA portion of a $308 million note backed by the mortgage on the 1740 Broadway building in midtown Manhattan received less than three-quarters of their initial investment in recent weeks after the loan was dumped at a sizeable discount. All low-tier creditors were wiped out.  Now that we've seen the first commercial mortgage-backed securities get hit, other AAA bonds are bound to see losses," Lea Overby, a CMBS strategist at Barclays, wrote in a note, adding, "These losses may be a sign that the commercial real estate market is starting to hit rock bottom." "With about $700 billion of non-agency CMBS outstanding and another $3 trillion of commercial mortgages on bank balance sheets, even a modest uptick in losses could weigh on the financial system for years," Bloomberg journos said. They were quick to note, "To be clear, no one is predicting a repeat of 2008, when bad mortgages, mostly residential, nearly brought down the financial system."  On Wednesday, the latest FOMC minutes showed a "deterioration in conditions in domestic CRE markets or a sharp tightening in financial conditions." 

Recent data from Moody's Ratings showed the share of delinquent office packaged into CMBS topped 6.4% in April, the highest level since June 2018. 

What's troubling is that $52 billion, or 31%, of all office loans in CMBS, were in dire straits in March. That's up 16% from a year ago, according to KBRA Analytics. The firm said some cities are facing more stress than others, including Chicago and Detroit.  Across the entire CRE space, a $1 trillion debt maturity wall is due later this year.  Mortgage Bankers Association notes that $929 billion—20% of the $4.7 trillion total—in commercial mortgages held by lenders and investors are coming due this year.The figure is up 28% from 2023 and inflated by amendments and extensions from prior years.Nevertheless, borrowers are now having to bite the bullet and pay up or default. It's extremely rare for AAA-rated tranches to take a hit, making the situation on the 1740 Broadway building an eye-opener for more CMBS debt with a high concentration of single-office loans to experience losses. The CRE storm is far from over. 


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3cb401 No.20910184


I'd like to grab her ears and fuck her silly.

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c85c60 No.20910185

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44f7eb No.20910187


Thanks for the digg

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7565dc No.20910188

File: d9d0c04584e25ae⋯.png (348.38 KB,595x559,595:559,end.PNG)


RNC Research


Biden takes no questions as he makes an early afternoon arrival in Delaware, where he'll spend the long weekend resting — breaking only to slur through a quick commencement speech at West Point.

38% of Biden's presidency has been spent on vacation.

8:26 AM · May 24, 2024




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b2493b No.20910189

File: fc1055046203dfc⋯.mp4 (7.64 MB,480x270,16:9,fc1055046203dfc2260cee5160….mp4)

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59f0fd No.20910190





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44f7eb No.20910191


Russia means the dems

And nk means the rest of the asshoes

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7565dc No.20910192

File: 392e8256655215f⋯.png (589.07 KB,879x559,879:559,tf.PNG)


DOD Secretary Austin to undergo procedure, will transfer duties to deputy

by Ali Tucker | May 24, 2024


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d33bac No.20910194

File: 41547adff099272⋯.png (306.19 KB,623x480,623:480,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a8ee134d408a72a⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,2100x2575,84:103,a8ee134d408a72ac6d3990a1b8….jpg)

Daily Mail Online



U.S. fears Putin and Kim Jong-Un are planning a military October surprise to spark chaos before the election… as Russia supplies North Korea with nuclear technology


May 24, 2024 · 3:13 PM UTC



How much uranium is needed to revive a dead person?

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3ef542 No.20910195


pack lite you won't need much. :D

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5ae403 No.20910197

notables @ 200

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112 African American Democrat man sees first hand the difference between Democrats and the Republicans

>>20910182 First Time Since GFC: Holders Of AAA 'CRE-Backed' Debt Hit With Losses


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4e030c No.20910199

File: 65a50b5fa8f8565⋯.jpg (2.43 MB,2560x2560,1:1,TheWorldIsAboutToChange.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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102a6c No.20910200


All uranium is traceable. Let that sink in for a minute.

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df6320 No.20910202

File: b870b2dbc900413⋯.png (1.05 MB,750x1334,375:667,22135CBE_17BE_425B_8FA3_6B….png)

File: 42ff5d89c90eb47⋯.png (25.05 KB,690x410,69:41,204810BC_316E_405A_B0A6_8E….png)

File: 8b8521749559532⋯.jpeg (260.97 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,4575C492_671C_47FC_AD1B_A….jpeg)

File: 3d5e9d18084d8f4⋯.png (318.26 KB,690x2380,69:238,C5E6100A_123F_4CD9_9E2F_83….png)

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44f7eb No.20910203


Delusional gibberish

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75bcf0 No.20910204


you should wash hands after you wipe your ass, not before, and you should wash hands before you cook food

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efc72e No.20910205

File: a2931c2aa95ba35⋯.jpeg (534.03 KB,828x759,12:11,AA87163C_C83F_41B5_B416_B….jpeg)

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7565dc No.20910206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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40195c No.20910208

File: 87f7c6343785c56⋯.jpg (75 KB,842x594,421:297,GDNGNGXNGXGXN.jpg)

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8f2c4b No.20910209



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44f7eb No.20910210



Just one more nap

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afeeed No.20910212

File: c0ff85284d41748⋯.jpeg (52.28 KB,675x675,1:1,IMG_0916.jpeg)

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df6320 No.20910213

File: f288aea7f6cb042⋯.png (1.22 MB,750x1334,375:667,CE424297_8D00_42F9_A0D8_6A….png)

File: 5f0265e1e767835⋯.jpeg (147.83 KB,1200x802,600:401,510EAA05_51DB_449F_BFD1_B….jpeg)

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8f2c4b No.20910214


it's gys here

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3ef542 No.20910215


what happened to the rainbow?

The upside-down cross, also known as the inverted cross or cross of Saint Peter, is a symbol with a long history and divergent meanings. Here are some of the most common interpretations:

Christianity: In Christianity, the upside-down cross is associated with the martyrdom of Saint Peter, who was crucified upside down at his own request. According to tradition, Peter felt unworthy to die in the same way as Jesus Christ, who was crucified with his feet upwards. The upside-down cross is a symbol of Peter’s humility and devotion to Christ.

Anti-Christian and Satanic symbolism: In recent times, the upside-down cross has been used as an anti-Christian and Satanic symbol, often to express opposition to Christianity or to convey a sense of rebellion. This interpretation is often used in popular culture, such as in horror movies, heavy metal music, and punk rock.

Occult and demonic associations: Some people believe that the upside-down cross is a symbol of the occult or demonic powers, and that it is used to invoke evil spirits or to connect with the devil. This interpretation is often linked to the idea that the cross is a symbol of Christianity, and that turning it upside down is a way of rejecting or mocking Christian values.

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36cede No.20910216

File: f04a3e971c7a6b5⋯.jpg (45.41 KB,888x444,2:1,drainit.jpg)

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7565dc No.20910217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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44f7eb No.20910219


Prayer for the Justices doing the right thing

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ba9ceb No.20910220

File: 0002ca9687e8af3⋯.png (420.63 KB,543x589,543:589,ClipboardImage.png)

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36cede No.20910221

File: 78f8a9e5f8fdfe2⋯.png (396.48 KB,1024x512,2:1,Austin_Beuller.png)

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8f2c4b No.20910222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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44f7eb No.20910223



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faff8b No.20910224

Has China taken Taiwan yet?

Let's get this shitshow movie on with!

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75bcf0 No.20910225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7565dc No.20910226

File: 8ef0b460e47435f⋯.png (1007.53 KB,1102x543,1102:543,sd.PNG)


Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

Photo of Jon Dougherty Jon DoughertyMay 24, 2024

“I’m making it very clear with my vote that this is a stunt — not an attempt to do anything,” Lankford told Newsmax. “And I’m going to be interested in how many Democrats walk away from this.”

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130fb3 No.20910227


Read the name on the tweet retard

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6cea52 No.20910228

File: 9b681d3e837b05b⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,720x1280,9:16,robot_dog_in_chinese.mp4)

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907a66 No.20910229

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df6320 No.20910230

File: a692d06f6b2519b⋯.png (697.94 KB,750x1334,375:667,31E6FF99_0802_4C72_B807_38….png)

File: 200847f5560acdf⋯.png (97.5 KB,690x1378,345:689,65C9C8F9_0C8F_4C5E_8894_81….png)

File: 200847f5560acdf⋯.png (97.5 KB,690x1378,345:689,934BBED9_870E_42A2_8265_24….png)

File: 753f537fb2d2c84⋯.png (30.58 KB,690x454,345:227,67AEFF38_7FFE_4040_84F3_A2….png)

File: c17735e5a61210f⋯.jpeg (245.36 KB,2048x1224,256:153,819CFFD6_07AB_4240_B536_2….jpeg)

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24bf8e No.20910231

the death of The Press

is it not great to be not depressed

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7565dc No.20910232

File: a2b9d01101d47cc⋯.png (1.01 MB,925x900,37:36,find.PNG)



Paper Finds Vaccine-Induced Blood Clotting Disorder Also Triggered by Infections, But Not COVID

While the rare blood clotting disorder can occur after both the adenovirus COVID-19 vaccines and adenovirus infections, it is not triggered by COVID-19.

By Marina Zhang




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62e4a8 No.20910233

File: 23f9db5663d0a48⋯.jpeg (264.5 KB,1280x1271,1280:1271,23f9db5663d0a488b3eff710e….jpeg)


damn, dudes on some hard shit,

dont do hard games

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060b3d No.20910234

File: f87073b1c116cae⋯.jpg (167.85 KB,1079x1354,1079:1354,pattygg.jpg)

File: b7ba0158eb6aa0f⋯.jpg (70.61 KB,504x500,126:125,6rwmej.jpg)


Satanic Gibberish douche How are you?

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efc72e No.20910235

File: 28f00d81a150941⋯.jpeg (489.01 KB,1035x584,1035:584,D8201D87_CF8F_4894_84B8_6….jpeg)


KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington,DL” position

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40195c No.20910237


Battery pack is in the belly. So just turn robo dog around and remove battery

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ba9ceb No.20910238

File: b31929b57e03298⋯.png (415.41 KB,642x712,321:356,ClipboardImage.png)

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efc72e No.20910241

File: 4b30ba1e1bc97af⋯.gif (24.06 KB,112x112,1:1,6E888E1A_7046_4BE7_A92E_8B….gif)

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40b939 No.20910242

File: 6c9d745e86cffef⋯.png (Spoiler Image,179.45 KB,406x393,406:393,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20909378 lb

what kind of evil tard says shit like that about the grief another goes through over the loss of a loved one or two!

go do your hail mary's and our father's you wicked lil twat!

perish in your wickedness


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44f7eb No.20910244


That's some raw talentless lefty attempt

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efc72e No.20910245



There’s like 2 or 3 of them nao

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df6320 No.20910246

File: 3ee0c1ba1831024⋯.png (734.45 KB,690x6682,345:3341,1C242A9F_A082_4BEB_8C63_C1….png)


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44f7eb No.20910247


Ov vey!

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df6320 No.20910248

74 84

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9c6f81 No.20910249


Didn’t drain the swamp

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a97783 No.20910251

File: 7c7578657f2f8cc⋯.png (127.42 KB,820x399,820:399,933_9335565_0_replies_0_re….png)


Saying something arbitrarily shitty about a cool dude because some faggot wants you to is cringe.

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26e1ec No.20910252


That happened to this anon couple of days ago. Works now.

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df6320 No.20910253

File: 39ac8b4b119b351⋯.jpeg (439.82 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,60526D9D_6FC3_4FD3_BD83_0….jpeg)



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44f7eb No.20910254


Cleaning bird cages

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df6320 No.20910255

File: 99805f126635daa⋯.png (1.11 MB,750x1334,375:667,345C33E2_17FF_444A_AD3D_B9….png)

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28ec12 No.20910256

File: 0f37b2a6557d1c6⋯.gif (7.55 KB,255x255,1:1,salute.gif)


Congratulations Marines, it's people like you that make a nation great. We will always honor your services and sacrifices to this nation in life and should we ever part. To the memory of this, is given power.

Semper Fidelis, For God and Country, Amen.

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d33bac No.20910257

File: da184cc31f468b6⋯.png (204.02 KB,621x430,621:430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32b43435146441d⋯.png (7.81 KB,460x98,230:49,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

May 24, 2024 · 1:55 PM UTC


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060b3d No.20910258



>So just turn robo dog around and remove battery

So just turn robo dog around and rub its belly

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40b939 No.20910259


thanx anon

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df6320 No.20910260


tam a rack

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6cea52 No.20910261

File: 2d7ea8f85811e10⋯.gif (9.55 MB,222x394,111:197,robot_dog_in_chinese.gif)

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7565dc No.20910262

File: ebd93a9dc85a935⋯.png (486.67 KB,600x710,60:71,cc.PNG)


Cara Castronuova


EPIC Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx! “TRUMP VIENTE VIENTICUATRO!”

The atmosphere in the Bronx was surreal yesterday as #MAGA hat wearing Bronx residents attended a rally by the first Republican President to visit there since Ronald Reagan!

Word on the streets of the Bronx is @realDonaldTrump

will do what Reagan did in 1984 & turn NY red. What do you think?


9:02 AM · May 24, 2024

from New York, USA




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ba9ceb No.20910263

File: 9dcd0ed6afc9426⋯.png (90.42 KB,541x400,541:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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40b939 No.20910264


fresh batch of adrenochrome arrived from haiti today

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7565dc No.20910265

File: 03e7d1c92fd2dd4⋯.png (315.71 KB,601x713,601:713,list.PNG)




Is your state on the list?

0:07 / 0:30

2:16 AM · May 24, 2024




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44f7eb No.20910266


Finding Trump after the delusion falls away.

Flyover country now includes da Bronx

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28ec12 No.20910267


ThankQ Dan and President Trump, that was an amazing show of fortitude and strength, you won many more over.

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7565dc No.20910268

File: 18cb7a08179dfbe⋯.png (54.78 KB,385x633,385:633,jeff.PNG)

File: 293f8f54926422a⋯.png (1.08 MB,757x564,757:564,heart_water.PNG)


Trump’s massive showing in The Bronx isn’t historic because it’s another near record-breaking Trump rally. It’s not historic because it’s happening in a blue state. It’s not even historic because it’s happening in New York.

It’s historic in ways we don’t even know quite yet, but that I believe we can feel by watching its fallout over the coming days.

There is something intrinsic, American and yes, racial at play, here, and I think it’s something the Deep State fears more than anything else.

It’s been said that the Awakening will spread worldwide, and I believe that’s the case.

But it hasn’t even truly reached a fever pitch in our own lands. That day is coming, and I think we’re beginning to transition from the ‘very slowly’ phase to the ‘all at once’ coda.

The Awakening was never targeted at Anons and Truthers, even though we've largely powered it.

It was always targeted at those caught in the nightmare.

Our purpose isn't fulfilled by their awakening, but rather its aftermath.

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9a7155 No.20910269


That's underway, are you not paying attention?

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ba9ceb No.20910270

File: 46da1d147bc3150⋯.png (131.05 KB,543x724,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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15d5f2 No.20910271

File: 19558fcf38b5c10⋯.mp4 (3.14 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17165841643….mp4)

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5d48cf No.20910273

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Establishment's "Coup Failed Because You" | Steve Bannon Thanks The WarRoom Posse



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a0f278 No.20910274

File: 9c2fa9c5a6ea54a⋯.png (209.04 KB,570x387,190:129,good_news.png)


Anyone know the source of this audio?

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e9e8cd No.20910275

File: daf671a7c8f4989⋯.jpg (220.54 KB,1280x853,1280:853,daf671a7c8f4989930fd866396….jpg)

night time.

frequency of distraction lowers.

frequencies of the mind also lower.

opening the door to the possibility of

resonance, entanglement with equal and greater.

resonance with many paint brushes.

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102a6c No.20910276


It's all research of one sort or another.

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15d5f2 No.20910277

File: f94021d9d74f8e9⋯.jpeg (218.46 KB,2473x1212,2473:1212,f94021d9d74f8e908ed949a6a….jpeg)

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8c8118 No.20910278

File: 0ba34d47e17c1ef⋯.jpg (93.75 KB,483x619,483:619,WIN_BAKER.jpg)

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44f7eb No.20910279


Trump always goes in for an seconds

He's got vivek thinking he's gonna be vp.

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490445 No.20910281


die on the table

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b884eb No.20910282

File: ecfb8617fcfb0a9⋯.png (1.19 MB,1080x748,270:187,Screenshot_20240524_165503.png)

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7565dc No.20910283

File: 127969d66fe723e⋯.png (926.94 KB,969x698,969:698,fc.PNG)


Michigan Freedom Caucus Joins Forces With Law Enforcement To Combat Democrat Border Bloodbath

By RVM News Staff

May 24, 2024

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a7178a No.20910284

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UN Announces Plan to Ban Most Farming and Meat, Triggering Shortages and Starvation

The United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros declared that farming accounts for 30% of greenhouse gas emissions and that the world needs to shift to plant-based diets. He said that that 130 countries have signed the COPD 28 Declaration on Climate and Health to implement bad policies. UN globalists consider beneficial carbon dioxide toxic and now say that methane is also toxic, and they are targeting rice farming for destruction. Half the world gets 60% of their calories and nutrition from rice.

The UN claims that starvation was caused from the COVID pandemic, but the cause was the lockdowns. There has been a 40% average increase in global mortality following the COVID shots. The UN should be rejected rather than trusted.




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e4f7c4 No.20910285

File: b17e5c058a5cb1b⋯.png (89.66 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)


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28ec12 No.20910286


Thank you President Trump for reminding them that NYS was the first to create zero bail and reading my posts.




The cancel culture, Nein Nein Nein, no no no. Redefining Terms


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a7178a No.20910287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

21 ‘Smart Cities’ Confirmed in the Planned Fall of American Cities

Smart Cities claim that the use of technology and the Internet of Things (IoT) are solutions to improve everything from critical infrastructure and public safety to efficiencies in city energy use. 21 Cities across the US have just signed on to be so-called Smart Cities. They include New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Jose, San Diego, Austin, Seattle, Atlanta, Washington, DC, Dallas, Portland, Chicago, Charlotte, Las Vegas, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Boulder, Denver and Columbus.

The chosen cities are being intentionally crashed so that certain mega-conglomerates like BlackRock can pick up the real estate for pennies on the dollar. People will demand a solution to crime and degradation, which will be technology, AI and automation. China is the model for a technocratic dictatorship. John WIlliams gives the timeline for implementation and says that in the next 24 to 36 months these cities will make huge changes.




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5ae403 No.20910288

notables @ 265

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and the Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182 First Time Since GFC: Holders Of AAA 'CRE-Backed' Debt Hit With Losses

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx


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df6320 No.20910289

File: 15ceb8666a038b4⋯.png (276.53 KB,612x408,3:2,4C7894BB_130B_44EB_8764_18….png)

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a7178a No.20910290

File: 4812ef01b96bb2f⋯.png (433.23 KB,668x381,668:381,ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional

In a landmark decision earlier this month, the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit delivered a scathing rebuke to the University of Colorado Anschutz School of Medicine, declaring its COVID-19 vaccine mandate unconstitutional. Seventeen faculty members and students faced severe repercussions, including dismissals and expulsions, for their refusal to comply with the university’s vaccine policies due to their deeply held religious beliefs. University administrators made arbitrary decisions on what constitutes a legitimate religious belief and Roman Catholic and Buddhist applicants had their objections to vaccination dismissed as mere personal beliefs rather than genuine religious convictions.



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6b50d9 No.20910291

Roses are red.

It's been six point six years since this began. Those asleep must awaken. Violets are blue, at least that's what we've been told. Humans have been lied to so badly, that when your messiah comes, you'll think he's the one representing evil. If. You. Had. Control. You'd make the masses worship your God, and not the God of everything good and just. Lucifer means light bringer, not lie maker. What if everything you know about religion is false and you've been misled? What if 'Jesus' was Lucifer? In no way am I making that statement. I'm only in a 'what if' scenario. Wouldn't you confuse the truth with lies too?

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25135c No.20910292

File: d817a388005982a⋯.png (206.06 KB,609x535,609:535,ratshumans.png)

File: 52a1801fbdc0a4e⋯.png (458.24 KB,732x1129,732:1129,willardrat.png)

File: d9e41ff88425626⋯.png (40.62 KB,616x239,616:239,ratshumanslorenzcitation23….png)


why are they retiring "Doge"

I smell a rat.

Conrad Lorenz claimed Rats were the closest mammalian cousin, not the loyal dog?


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a7178a No.20910293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

Pope Francis said that migration helps a country to grow. When asked about his thoughts on Texas trying to shut down a Catholic charity that assists mass migration on the border, he called it “madness” and said that migrants must be received. He said they may be able to be sent back later, but he didn’t really know. He said that a conservative clings to something and that it is a suicidal attitude.




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75bcf0 No.20910294


upper east side latte drinking elitists believe people in the bronx are scum

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490445 No.20910296


His sheep will know His voice.

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a7178a No.20910297

File: 27c19b94daf3514⋯.png (474.55 KB,678x381,226:127,ClipboardImage.png)

The Antisemitism Awareness Act for Schools May Pose a Threat to Christianity and Free Speech

Critics say that The Antisemitism Awareness Act silences criticism of Jews and Israel as hate speech and empowers the federal government to crack down on anti-Israel protests on college campuses. Antisemitism is defined in the bill by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) which is problematic because the definition is not limited and can change at any time. In addition, it may include examples of antisemitism that infringe on Free Speech. Some Christians are worried that it could ban the Gospel.



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75bcf0 No.20910298


wasn't he bff's with jeffrey epstein?

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2a9b2d No.20910299


He probably just wants to keep her in the spotlight.

Dark to Light.

She can not just hide in the shadows.

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52cc41 No.20910300


Russia is training with tactical nukes and announced that to the world. Meanwhile China recently invited Putin to meet with XI. Hmmm.

The first US ATACMS or Brit Storm Shadow that hits inside Russia's border will get everyone closer to the precipice.

Meanwhile the demonic Zionists hope to burn it all down.

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25135c No.20910301

File: b79db35e59de807⋯.jpg (102.58 KB,851x512,851:512,panicindcmouse.jpg)


kind EXPLAINS the liberal New Yorker and others Trump Hatred; which is off-the-scale and irrational.

they are rat-like

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75bcf0 No.20910302


freedom cities?

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907a66 No.20910303


>oh yeah well it’s…it’s…it’s GAY to admit that Donald Trump didn’t keep all of his promises because…because it just IS okay??

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65b754 No.20910304


singing: kun -buh - ya

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44f7eb No.20910305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sounds like this guy


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52cc41 No.20910306


Ambassador to India. You send her back home and get her out of the country. Old Indian proverb " kill two punjabis with one stone".

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e9e8cd No.20910307

do you give directly to those in need?

or hire a middle-man to give your offering in their name?

if an individual notices that another is down,

most would offer a helping hand.

the remainder, they send missionaries.

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a29373 No.20910308


baker include >>20910100 in the notables under the heading: “anons discuss Trump’s unkept promises”

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25135c No.20910309

File: 18c3f338715e467⋯.webm (4.04 MB,320x240,4:3,media0.webm)


seems Bannon highlighted her recently then got some bad reviews from his posse and shut it down.



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d33bac No.20910310


yep, i member.

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57a7c7 No.20910311




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bbc3f8 No.20910312

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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bbc3f8 No.20910314

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is big

Silicon Valley titans starting to line up behind President Trump

>BREAKING: David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires in Silicon Valley are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Donald Trump in San Francisco, California.


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e0879f No.20910315


Are anons are going to be able to handle this?

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d27040 No.20910316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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44f7eb No.20910317


The church will always say offer hospitality.

Jesus was a stranger in Egypt.

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639916 No.20910318

File: 54232eb8664c96b⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,576x1024,9:16,pandemictreaty_who_states.mp4)

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a09488 No.20910319


She gave us 17 flags twice. They are working together.

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e9e8cd No.20910320


should see his videos in a tent on odysee.

a different perspective on his presence.

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e9b785 No.20910321

File: 1578147ec5038b7⋯.png (15.1 KB,657x527,657:527,157.png)


Did you miss all the shit he has to STILL put up with?


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060b3d No.20910322

File: 1295ae4ef15c1ad⋯.jpg (81.81 KB,553x520,553:520,ea3f79890fbaa4ffc34922f03a….jpg)

File: 79beecaf7e9a6ee⋯.jpg (746.83 KB,1560x1649,1560:1649,hms2eanbrteivrlxioyj.jpg)

File: 5ac68410c1e3f7e⋯.png (1.63 MB,1117x730,1117:730,1882_cartoon.png)

File: d75ca0f3c48f16f⋯.jpg (371.34 KB,1000x734,500:367,Victorian_Cartoons_Punch_M….jpg)

File: f21a94debd44a05⋯.jpg (1000.92 KB,1024x792,128:99,Immigration_7.jpg)

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a29373 No.20910323


>i know he didn’t keep his promises but…but being president i-is t-tough.

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52cc41 No.20910326


If that's the case then there was a guy speaking in the Bronx you need to chat with too.

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d33bac No.20910327

File: 6f1108013b4126f⋯.png (20.92 KB,626x164,313:82,ClipboardImage.png)




Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him: BBG

May 24, 2024 · 7:21 PM UTC



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0bcb89 No.20910328

File: cb1f21e0f691257⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1125x1940,225:388,IMG_0868.jpeg)

Legal expenses vs legal expense

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705efe No.20910329

File: 079091e8451f8d9⋯.png (8.93 KB,255x133,255:133,ballroom_dance.png)


Once again, I would like to thank President Trump for what he did for our Vets at the VA by giving them free choice, the right to try, and firing 9,600 staff members who were participating to the demise of our Veterans at their weakest moments in their lives plus for listening and ending the Afghanistan war. Between the estimated losses of 225 at the VA and 275 in Afghanistan, he has saved the lives of 500 of our people per month. In the last four years that is over 24k people. Honor and Respect, you are true American hero. You deserve the prize.

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62a5ba No.20910330



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52cc41 No.20910331


>They are pushing for a war.

Thy already have it. The problem now is the West leaders are braindead and think Russia is bluffing with their tactical nukes.

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e9b785 No.20910332


No joke. o7

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bbc3f8 No.20910333

File: 46be385e255ae88⋯.png (273.1 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

BREAKING: The Billionaire CEO of Blackstone Steve Schwarzman just announced that he'll be supporting Donald Trump in November and will raise money for him

"I share the concern of most Americans that our economic, immigration and foreign policies are taking the country in the wrong direction. For these reasons, I am planning to vote for change and support Donald Trump for President. In addition, I will be supporting Republican Senate candidates and other Republicans up and down the ticket."

Schwarzman is worth $40 billion and has many other billionaire friends that will back his moves


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57a7c7 No.20910334


The pope can be generous with his own country and treasury. Not ours.

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25135c No.20910335

File: d8de68791c49da7⋯.mp4 (11.03 MB,1196x720,299:180,trump.mp4)


but there aren't any.

Cept "Lock her Up"

compare and contrast to any other POTUS in History?

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44f7eb No.20910336


Then don't watch interviews where liberals ask him to give his opinion

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e9b785 No.20910338


He's still going.

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44f7eb No.20910339


Doubt the Lithuanian army is that formidable.

Someone will tell them to stand down.

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d33bac No.20910340

File: 57d144f6631ab0b⋯.png (317.13 KB,633x548,633:548,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 379dc128469f2a4⋯.png (1.3 MB,716x900,179:225,379dc128469f2a494ef1b158c0….png)

Steve Cortes



Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship.

The open border is by design.

Democrats want to remake the electorate and replace American citizens.

RNC Research

May 24, 2024 · 5:46 PM UTC


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52cc41 No.20910341


>Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

He's being kind. Biden doesn't know the difference. Maybe someone can explain the difference to him in Ice Cream terms. Start with chocolate and vanilla and then advance to more complex flavors like saffron pistachio.

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a5610e No.20910342



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40195c No.20910343


Blackstone are old Lehman Brothers executives who made big bucks in the merger market and reinvested lots of it in New York real-estate

Blackrock is the multi trillion dollar investment funds company who have the voting rights o large parts of almost every company

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28da18 No.20910344


>The Billionaire CEO of Blackstone Steve Schwarzman just announced that he'll be supporting Donald Trump in November

Blackstone doesn't want to go down with the rest of the deep state.

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faff8b No.20910345

File: 63479c86d1b39bd⋯.png (624.87 KB,636x573,212:191,Screenshot.png)

The ex-London public schoolboy romancing Joe Biden's youngest granddaughter: Rugby-playing engineering student joins Natalie Biden, 19, at lavish White House state dinner


Bro is getting Hunter Bidens sloppy seconds. Nat is looser than a canon, Hunter made sure of that.

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df6320 No.20910346

File: 0f9b68f21ecf627⋯.png (61.44 KB,690x988,345:494,2CD7534E_7E40_456A_8A16_7C….png)

lawnmower 955

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62e4a8 No.20910347

File: 11d4aaee6c3c010⋯.jpg (94.47 KB,1000x600,5:3,7mn4b54.jpg)



is worth 40 billion,

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e9e8cd No.20910348

File: c2fd4a7a1e562da⋯.png (944.96 KB,750x819,250:273,da80dca616331babdc2f98b00e….png)



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44f7eb No.20910349



And hunter was there.

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36cede No.20910350

File: c1cf110919f08ab⋯.png (530.54 KB,750x518,375:259,fleiss_chuck.png)

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1f2d9c No.20910351

Saw the retired dog sitter. Might not throw another tantrum for 3 weeks.

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1ebb5e No.20910352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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25135c No.20910353

File: 10e7d3c81895648⋯.png (403.17 KB,579x555,193:185,smilyface.png)


Total BS Psy-op

Put out by the people who want to fuck your mind and control the future.

They are trying to revive their failed psy-op '"Singularity at 2012" Same folks who push Ayahuaska on the generation at hand.fuck them and the horse they rode in on

They want 'Groundhogs Day' so their sins will never catch up. Same reason they claim to be able to either change the past or say . "Oh no, that was a different "time line" - I never did that in this timeline.


right up there with FE pushers,

no you guys aren't getting away with anything.

You will be chased down to wherever you run.

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52cc41 No.20910355


One by one people waking up.

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2a9b2d No.20910356



The avenues may be different, but the end result is the same.

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2d6446 No.20910357

File: 0190164c5c9f7eb⋯.png (790.77 KB,1080x1009,1080:1009,Scrgcu.png)

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75bcf0 No.20910358


keep your enemies close

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25135c No.20910360

File: 231115b4ea30105⋯.jpg (46.18 KB,603x266,603:266,banuofisreal.jpg)


She looks like a Royal Roth, not an Arab, so there's that

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52cc41 No.20910361


I've been looking at the sun my entire life and never seen it pissed off like this. Must have been a bad solar hair day.

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2a9b2d No.20910362


The Trump people aren't the big bad ogres that the Liberal MSM Dems. paint them to be.

It's actually the Dems. who are the ogres.

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995283 No.20910363


Is “ES” on the clock today?

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40b939 No.20910364

File: da0479090f0b30a⋯.png (120.04 KB,479x681,479:681,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 391391fc22c2413⋯.png (453.85 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5f56bf62faf753⋯.png (70.73 KB,232x255,232:255,ClipboardImage.png)

we are at SHILLCON 1

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b8b78d No.20910365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thats from 4 years ago but awesome all the same

Documentary: Love Trumps Hate

45 min vid


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aeb7a2 No.20910366

File: ca16b86e7fdd1c7⋯.jpeg (499.14 KB,1170x1182,195:197,62B3B524_86B5_4518_8FCF_4….jpeg)


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c85c60 No.20910367

185 Sr, s3 05 & 186.

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b7e1c5 No.20910368

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57a7c7 No.20910369


Is a dumb idea.

I hope Trump has the sense not to follow that ridiculous saying.

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eb5618 No.20910370



She's getting uglier as she gets older plus she's flat as a board.

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9a7155 No.20910371

File: 0e65442e9aa6277⋯.png (37.62 KB,473x371,473:371,ClipboardImage.png)



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52cc41 No.20910372

File: 4be746abcb426a3⋯.jpg (53.78 KB,750x553,750:553,GBMaZ8sWAAAHFph.jpg)


> Natalie Biden

This dude had better run away before he wrecks his life.

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060b3d No.20910373


Could it be because they fucked him since 2016 and KNOW they are going to get fucked soon? it is Bullshit and keeps the players going

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22a82b No.20910374

File: 82952203f08f3d5⋯.png (179.93 KB,1292x960,323:240,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e58c500c326d280⋯.png (26.99 KB,1625x530,325:106,Screenshot_2024_05_24_17_3….png)

Anyone watching for the uptick in Twit/X account censorship? I can't complete the test to authenticate I'm human… 4 accounts and counting….

WTF Elon..?

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85129e No.20910375


He looks high AF

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3d6047 No.20910376


Good find, homey!

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faff8b No.20910377


Did you just doxx yourself?

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5d48cf No.20910378

File: 977502a964d4e8f⋯.png (167.22 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

24 May, 2024 19:49

Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

A “small helium leak” won’t stop US aerospace firm from carrying astronauts to the International Space Station, NASA has stated

Boeing said on Friday that it will conduct its first astronaut launch in June. The test flight, which will see its Starliner capsule carry two people into space for the first time,was canceled earlier this month due to a rocket defect and a helium leak.

The capsule will take off from Cape Canaveral in Florida aboard a United Launch Alliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket on June 1, NASA and Boeing officials said at a press conference. Should that launch date be missed, they added, June 2, 5, and 6 have been selected as alternate dates.

The Starliner will carry NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the International Space Station. If successful, the reusable capsule will enter into regular service ferrying NASA personnel to and from the ISS.

Developed specifically for this purpose, Boeing’s Starliner project hassuffered years of delays and is roughly $1.5 billion over budget. Its first crewed flight was originally scheduled for 2017, but repeated technical glitches and certification issues saw that date pushed back to May 7 of this year.

However, the mission was canceled two hours before lift-off when an oxygen valve issue was discovered on the Atlas V rocket. Technicians then discovered a helium leak in the Starliner’s onboard propulsion system, and another two launch dates in May were scrubbed.

The leak has not been fixed, but NASA and Boeing concluded that it can be managed in flight and will not pose a threat to the astronauts. “We know we can manage this, so this is really not a safety of flight issue,” Mark Nappi, the vice president of Boeing’s Commercial Crew Program, told reporters on Friday.

NASA has “flown vehicles with small helium leaks” before, NASA manager Steve Stich added.

Over the years that Boeing’s first manned flight has been delayed, the company leading competitor – Elon Musk’s SpaceX – has pulled ahead. SpaceX has been flying astronauts to the ISS since 2020, and the company’s Crew Dragon capsule has also been used by private spaceflight firm Axiom Space for three crewed missions to the station.

Both the Crew Dragon and Starliner projects received funding from NASA, with Boeing given $4.2 billion and SpaceX receiving $2.6 billion.

Back in 2022, Russian space agency chief Dmitry Rogozin stated that

Russian cosmonauts would not fly on the Starliner.

“It flew for the first time with trouble. The second time itcouldn’t fly at all. The delay of the launch has been going on for over two years now. Now, they will try to launch it. Butwe will definitely not put any of our cosmonauts [on board], we cannot risk their lives,” he told the Rossiya 24 TV channel at the time.

Several months later, Roscosmos and NASA signed an agreement whereby American astronauts would fly aboard Russian Soyuz MS spacecraft and Russian cosmonauts would take part in Crew Dragon flights once per year.

(This is crazy! Honestly with the bad and defective products, that Boeing has with their planes, the glider missiles being jammed by Russia, they shouldn’t take a chance on this!)


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24546b No.20910379

File: 69b60131c45456f⋯.jpg (138.32 KB,318x568,159:284,ClipboardImage.jpg)

File: 8727e16dde41df3⋯.mp4 (413.76 KB,320x568,40:71,AOCrallyinBronx.mp4)

File: 568fbdb79c7c46b⋯.mp4 (149.09 KB,500x268,125:67,568fbdb79c7c46b64733f00976….mp4)

President's Marijuana Reform, on the presentation slide at an AOC rally.

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75bcf0 No.20910380

File: c311e8b7462f4c9⋯.png (516.88 KB,745x645,149:129,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

A few years before she was nominated by Biden, Netburn signed off on an order that forced Google to secretly hand over to criminal investigators the personal emails of the journalist who had obtained Ashley’s diary.

As a federal magistrate judge in New York, Netburn signed the order compelling Google to provide information from a Project Veritas journalist’s personal email account, court records show.

Project Veritas purchased the diary after a woman said she found it when she moved into a room previously occupied by Ashley Biden.

Ashley Biden had reportedly left the dairy behind, along with other items, after a stint in rehab for drug and sex addiction.

The conservative-leaning journalism outfit ultimately decided not to publish the diary.

However, lawyers for Ashley Biden contacted the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York over the issue.

It turned the missing diary into a federal case.

The contents of the diary had the potential to be politically explosive.

In the dairy, the president’s daughter discusses drug addiction and questions whether her sexual compulsion stemmed from Joe Biden allegedly showering with her as a child.

Netburn granted the ruling favorably to Ashley Biden, in spite of First Amendment implications, in December 2020.

The ruling came after Biden had “won” the presidential election but while President Donald Trump was still in office.

Three and a half years later, President Biden nominated Netburn for a lifetime appointment to the position of District Judge for the Southern District of New York.

The order signed by Netburn ordered Google to turn over information associated with the personal Gmail account of a Project Veritas journalist.

The order also forbade Google from letting the target know about it.

The secrecy of the order prevented Project Veritas from fighting the move.

“The information sought is relevant and material to an ongoing criminal investigation, and that disclosure to any person of this investigation of this application and order… would seriously jeopardize the investigation,” the order said.

The application for a search warrant was also sealed, making it unknown exactly what prosecutors told Netburn.

The case became public after prosecutors executed pre-dawn raids at the homes of three former Project Veritas journalists.

The raids drew condemnation from even left-leaning civil liberties groups.

Prosecutors eventually got warrants from Apple, Microsoft, and other providers from other magistrate judges, and pressed for them to remain sealed.

In 2022, Microsoft realized the case was already well-publicized, meaning the government could not legitimately argue for sealing them.

Prosecutors then relented, filing an order to end the non-disclosure orders, which Netburn signed.

In May 2022, Project Veritas’ lawyers wrote to Netburn that the subpoenas were “unprecedented government invasions into the newsgathering work of Project Veritas, which lawfully received an abandoned diary and other personal effects previously belonging to an adult child of then-presidential candidate Joe Biden.”

“There is no potential crime to investigate, only First Amendment-protected newsgathering,” it wrote.

“While the government continues to peddle the lie that the diary — or other abandoned belongings — were ‘stolen,’ it has produced no support for its false claim.”

Precedent holds that “journalists may lawfully receive materials from sources even if that material is illegally obtained by sources themselves,” even if it were stolen, it argued.

The White House claims it was unaware of the order when Biden nominated Netburn, and that it was therefore not a factor in the decision.

“We are unaware of such a warrant and nothing regarding this case was a factor,” Biden’s deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement.

Last month, Aimee Harris was sentenced to a month in prison and three years of probation after pleading guilty to taking the diary and selling it to Project Veritas for $40,000.


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52cc41 No.20910381

File: 31868c1743198fa⋯.mp4 (1.65 MB,720x1280,9:16,AOC_hold_s_MASSIVE_rally_i….mp4)


>Thats from 4 years ago but awesome all the same

That's even better. Poor blue AOC. I've seen bigger crowds at the dentist office. "You all".

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d33bac No.20910382

File: 144ca6437000e3f⋯.png (464.21 KB,625x485,125:97,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bd5cd3b5165a64⋯.jpg (117.97 KB,956x1376,239:344,media_GHw1JKWXcAAEgeG.jpg)




Kremlin comments on Putin-Trump ‘contacts’


May 24, 2024 · 1:40 PM UTC


Pay attention.

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3ef542 No.20910383


at least he /delayed but is building the third temple.

Implementation of the Embassy Move

Despite the controversy, the Trump administration moved forward with the plan to build a new embassy in Jerusalem. The embassy was officially opened on May 14, 2018, in a ceremony attended by President Trump’s daughter Ivanka, her husband Jared Kushner, and other high-ranking officials.

Cost and Timeline

The initial cost of the embassy move was estimated to be around $400,000, with the goal of having the embassy fully operational by the end of 2019. However, the final cost of the project is still unknown, and the embassy is still not fully operational.

JER:The Hebrew name for Jeremiah is יִרְמְיָהוּ (Yirmiyahu). It is a theophoric name, meaning “Yahweh will exalt” or “God will uplift”. The name is composed of two elements: יִרְמְיָה (Yirmiyahu) meaning “Yahweh will exalt” and הוּ (hu) meaning “him” or “he”.

USA: working on it…..


The Hebrew meaning of the name Lem is belonging to God (Lemuel) People with the name Lem have a deep inner desire for travel and adventure, and want to set their own pace in life without being governed by tradition.

Government Support: Some prophecies suggest that the rebuilding of the Temple may be facilitated by a government or a world leader. For example, the prophecy in Daniel 9:27 mentions a “prince” who will make a covenant with many for one week (7 years) and will put an end to sacrifice and offering. Some interpret this as a reference to a future world leader who will facilitate the rebuilding of the Temple.

Can we do the aliens now?

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904644 No.20910384

File: 87ac31a0e180126⋯.jpeg (743.54 KB,1125x1630,225:326,IMG_0869.jpeg)

File: 1a07c73376e6cce⋯.jpeg (211 KB,1125x623,1125:623,IMG_0870.jpeg)

File: 7cd773098a5e4f0⋯.jpeg (704.98 KB,1125x1754,1125:1754,IMG_0871.jpeg)

File: d2e50f9e8b9abe8⋯.jpeg (288.2 KB,1125x844,1125:844,IMG_0872.jpeg)


Something big is about to drop! Bring it!

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57a7c7 No.20910385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e12312 No.20910386























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eb6b9b No.20910387

File: 4b30868e6c60360⋯.jpeg (9.71 KB,255x194,255:194,PEPElooks.jpeg)


Those are Great Glasses

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52cc41 No.20910388


Ordered? How about go fuck yourself. The problem is with the guy that showers with his daughter and you sick bitches and bastards that work for him. 😎

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2a9b2d No.20910389


Wasn't there a big tadoo about some people claiming things to be "legal expenses" that weren't actually legal expenses, and were actually money laundering? Was it HRC?

Is Trump setting a precedence for all of these cheaters to be prosecuted for mislabeling "expenses?"

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85129e No.20910390

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0e6c4b No.20910392

File: 1d0420dffe8579f⋯.jpg (132.52 KB,720x1028,180:257,20240524_155005.jpg)

File: b49b5ba3d4e02ea⋯.mp4 (6.1 MB,720x1280,9:16,Shadow_of_Ezra_20240524_6_….mp4)

Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile.


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52cc41 No.20910393

File: 0ebdef2ba6de9f0⋯.mp4 (3.14 MB,720x912,15:19,Mac_Gregor_on_Israel.mp4)

One of the very few with name recognition speaking real truth.

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85129e No.20910394

File: 381e5b9d8ce06eb⋯.jpg (19.81 KB,255x229,255:229,shiftyschiffQ2.jpg)

File: 32cc001802e0e13⋯.jpg (43.69 KB,872x518,436:259,shiftyschiffQ.jpg)

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b2493b No.20910395

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Full interview for your viewing pleasure.

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25135c No.20910396


dude's gay - he doesn't care

British Public School bloke.

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eb6b9b No.20910397


A Brother Sister act that goes way back

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df6320 No.20910398

File: 388633a6800f0c3⋯.png (1.77 MB,750x1334,375:667,F080CFA7_47A0_4AB7_9D42_F6….png)

File: e8f96735c4ebbe9⋯.png (37.76 KB,690x498,115:83,E28EAC25_9BB6_4783_8F10_78….png)

File: 0ea2d58ae871597⋯.jpeg (482.72 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,FFB61120_7EAB_40B0_8612_3….jpeg)

File: 5f838559bd2a3df⋯.png (145.82 KB,690x1238,345:619,97C83B72_24AB_48D7_B11D_29….png)

File: 7e75e07b144b979⋯.jpeg (402.32 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,5BACD823_22AF_4E53_8350_1….jpeg)

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fa696b No.20910400

File: 2227275eaa0cbeb⋯.jpg (27.22 KB,600x600,1:1,34_img.jpg)


>Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died

RIP in peace

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490445 No.20910401


thats a dude

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2a9b2d No.20910402


Her pedophile brother was molested by a coach and a priest.

Pedophiles need the death penalty. They ruin people's lives.

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81e200 No.20910403


>Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile.

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3e134d No.20910404

File: 3a407d01dce1bf4⋯.png (72.05 KB,276x183,92:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ff3de No.20910405

File: 728e00298ca165b⋯.mp4 (13.95 MB,640x360,16:9,EPIC_Bronx_reactions_to_Pr….mp4)



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75bcf0 No.20910406

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: da02ae9fa4e33ff⋯.png (10.33 KB,113x54,113:54,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

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75bcf0 No.20910407



forgot to mention, she knows that Trump is going to be back in the white house and so she is scared and trying to mitigate what she did on epstein island

suicide weekend quickly approaching

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bbc3f8 No.20910408

Viva Donal TRON!


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4cabbe No.20910409


>Is Trump setting a precedence for all of these cheaters to be prosecuted for mislabeling "expenses?"

NEW YORK (AP) Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee have agreed to pay $113,000 to settle a Federal Election Commission investigation into whether they violated campaign finance law by misreporting spending on research that eventually became the infamous Steele dossier.

The Clinton campaign hired Perkins Coie, which then hired Fusion GPS, a research and intelligence firm, to conduct opposition research on Republican candidate Donald Trump’s ties to Russia. But on FEC forms, the Clinton campaign classified the spending as legal services.


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e9e8cd No.20910410

File: 39b4be467886583⋯.jpg (264.4 KB,1170x1127,1170:1127,1702337334378202.jpg)

the continuous cycle,

each can be converted to the next via effort:

innocence -> ignorance -> faith -> belief -> knowing -> understanding -> wisdom

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2a9b2d No.20910411


He is probably already in the Club. Born into it.

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2f401e No.20910412

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20909202 (PB) past notable

FWIW anons, E (the possible larp or psyop) posted: "Brace Yourselves" a month ago on Telegram. Normally a prolific poster, it was his last post and he has been quiet for 5 weeks.

Not promoting E in any way, anon just thought it was interdasting in light of the referenced notable.

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eb6b9b No.20910413

File: d57c2d774781526⋯.png (1.16 MB,1255x939,1255:939,PepeSmoking_and_A_Tear.png)

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490445 No.20910414



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c85c60 No.20910415

Sea Breeze

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2f401e No.20910416

File: 335df757cf0d32a⋯.png (72.59 KB,1200x400,3:1,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_5….png)

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65e36f No.20910417

File: cc1cc5e73d379c7⋯.png (1.75 MB,700x1385,140:277,central_park_map.png)

New York Zombie locator map.

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b2493b No.20910418

File: 7d81108ca09732d⋯.png (517.3 KB,1173x1107,391:369,Screenshot_2024_05_24_1601….png)


Doubt he'll be back.


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3e134d No.20910419


so is it going to get bad this summer and up to the election


is it going to get bad next year after trump in office

or are both going to get bad

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c4f7c2 No.20910420

File: 9f88e50d0198411⋯.png (1.07 MB,1905x1295,381:259,ClipboardImage.png)


From Project Camelot / Kerry Cassidy


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3ef542 No.20910421


Didn't like it much. Still have the key card. Forgot to give it back.

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bbc3f8 No.20910422

File: 8f5354fb82e820b⋯.png (513.31 KB,684x616,171:154,ClipboardImage.png)



The evolution of Hunter Biden laptop denial over the last three and a half years has been mind-boggling.

You need a chart to keep up.

First the laptop was a non-story (thanks, NPR).

Then it was “hacked material” (thanks, Twitter).

Then it was “Russian disinformation” (thanks, CIA).

Then it was a “Russian plant” (thanks, Joe Biden).

Then it was “stolen” by Russians.

(Hunter weighed in with crystal clarity: “I have no idea … There could be a laptop out there that was stolen from me. It could be that I was hacked. It could be that it was Russian intelligence. It could be that it was stolen from me.”)

Then it was “hacked by Rudy Giuliani” (thanks, Kevin “Sugar Brother” Morris).

And now it is the backbone of the prosecution case against the first son in the felony gun trial he faces in Delaware in a little over a week.

“The defendant’s theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence,” says a prosecution filing signed by special counsel David Weiss.

Hunter’s “laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt.”

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3e134d No.20910423


why are the so afraid of him like he's Jesus?

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75bcf0 No.20910424

File: c59a808c4b8b080⋯.png (14.63 KB,469x175,67:25,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)


good luck hillary

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65e36f No.20910425

File: 3aca5aff8a63e44⋯.png (110.52 KB,301x167,301:167,54634555555.png)

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c7f964 No.20910426

Keks in Cajun

Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime. See details


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2df72b No.20910427

File: 6dfcad52a57da7a⋯.png (277.16 KB,748x498,374:249,ClipboardImage.png)


>Bro is getting Hunter Bidens sloppy seconds

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3ff3de No.20910428

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hunter's SUGAR DADDY Cuts Funding after CIA Protection REVEALED

Robert Gouveia


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a24fb2 No.20910429

File: 438b05d6f680c6e⋯.png (222.12 KB,539x323,539:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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fa696b No.20910430

File: 65e334de1ad2b10⋯.png (46.69 KB,402x287,402:287,efd.png)


Poor ol' girl.

At least Pepe is immortal.

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a7178a No.20910431

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44f7eb No.20910432


MM whining like hamas

Was elon a right wing anything before they attacked him? Fafo.

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f48d78 No.20910433

File: 6d35141514cc56c⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,720x1180,36:59,9ko2mfTPxfy2XmBG.mp4)

File: c140bc191d68c82⋯.png (251.99 KB,537x669,179:223,Screenshot_from_2024_05_24….png)

Trump breaks out the (improved) dance moves in South Bronx.

Citizen Free Press


Trump breaks out the dance moves in South Bronx.

0:00 / 0:11


PatriotTakes 🇺🇸

11:17AM · May 24, 2024




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eb6b9b No.20910434


The internet is forever..

She lives on

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52cc41 No.20910435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another Israeli infil-traitor. There's lots of them.

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64ae6c No.20910436

File: fe68daa0a12feb3⋯.png (345.26 KB,604x728,151:182,ClipboardImage.png)

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b46867 No.20910437

Comfy is not caring who the president is.

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05e61f No.20910438

File: d78d09f005de284⋯.jpg (128.14 KB,500x695,100:139,we_are_here.jpg)

File: 5da4dd9fa550852⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB,640x360,16:9,cat_slide.mp4)

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25135c No.20910439

File: a58dfde7ea27333⋯.png (129.15 KB,632x649,632:649,younghillary.png)

File: 9d1f94e72ec2405⋯.jpg (166.02 KB,1218x1200,203:200,gretalookalikes.jpg)


boy she resembles young hillary here?


maybe its a double?

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a7178a No.20910440

File: f7e2245c018fed4⋯.png (3.2 MB,1536x1023,512:341,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb6b9b No.20910441


Classic Trump!

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25135c No.20910442


top left Greta resembles Merkel.

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75bcf0 No.20910444

File: f47a35aee421307⋯.png (66.12 KB,445x497,445:497,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

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44f7eb No.20910445


Alright Liz!


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eb6b9b No.20910446

File: ec56f759eaa24b1⋯.png (14.62 KB,357x264,119:88,ClipboardImage.png)


Be carefull or she'll wish you to cornfield

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f52ef4 No.20910447


Kathy will end up endorsing Trump; Mach 10 my words.

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36cede No.20910448

File: 2c793bcd2c8d60d⋯.mp4 (179.2 KB,502x270,251:135,Trump_Never_GiveUp.mp4)

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65e36f No.20910449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f48d78 No.20910450

File: c52f73e78f9c096⋯.jpeg (336.45 KB,656x491,656:491,pepecalc.jpeg)


>Legal expenses vs legal expense


>Wasn't there a big tadoo about some people claiming things to be "legal expenses" that weren't actually legal expenses, and were actually money laundering? Was it HRC?

>Is Trump setting a precedence for all of these cheaters to be prosecuted for mislabeling "expenses?"


> But on FEC forms, the Clinton campaign classified the spending as legal services.

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d33bac No.20910451

File: b95b2a6729f3ea8⋯.png (32.85 KB,746x410,373:205,822.png)

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75bcf0 No.20910452

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 0afdb3cbf3a688d⋯.png (11.55 KB,132x59,132:59,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

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05e61f No.20910453

File: cd6de46a4890027⋯.png (664.79 KB,1207x1600,1207:1600,1714975627406964.png)

File: 5418e3b22acc590⋯.jpg (101.38 KB,725x671,725:671,gitmo.jpg)

File: 1e338e788ed5f99⋯.jpg (46.39 KB,750x645,50:43,1584297849199.jpg)

File: 803cf2b20f650cd⋯.png (240.38 KB,812x769,812:769,eyes_on.png)

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bbb399 No.20910454

Tiny cowering powers sitting on a hill, tiny cowering powers with all this time to kill.

"And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein."

— Luke 18:15-17

So, Jesus came, he saw, and then asked God why all these people that would allow anyone on the face of this planet to genocide innocent children for any reason, why these people have the audacity to call themselves by his name.

And God said, Because liars and thieves have hoodwinked these sheep, set fears upon them like ravening wolves.

And Jesus said to our Father, Does this mean I have to come back here? Because no one that countenances the deaths of children is any one I will ever claim to know or want to know.

And God said, My son, since you’ve already seen, you’ve already been back. And you’re not bound to save them because a pack of liars and thieves, your murderers, told them so.

God's will in all things. Blessed be the Sun.

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25135c No.20910455


seems edited.

Isnt' she an actress?

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52cc41 No.20910456


And she still hates Trump who hates pedophiles. File under - Conundrum.

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060b3d No.20910457



A few months ago my EX GF was having another drug induced psychosis or so I thought. She was claiming she was a Royal and Everyone owes her and that "They" were killing Royals. IDK who they were but this is months before Princess Kate and her children went MIA, This princess is MIA. Some Royals have been stepping down from their thrones. It is Bizarre but it seems like SO much of the nonsense she was saying has come true. I Sound crazy when I say I think she was a clone of some sort because people who I work with would mention her neighbor, "Wait until he get's a load of her neighbor" It fucks with my reality

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057fe8 No.20910458

I no longer plan to vote as the election was stolen. What is worse is I have mob that is using this board as constant human trafficking gas lighting. They call it the game.

They rain one is the business in my fathers company out by planting communist people and saying if you fire them basically we are going to claim racism…

Note 5 male employees lost their job be for the office person left her position. They had families and so on to take care of but in the end it was or ended up being mistakes that this one person caused. They where last to leave and when this happened it seemed that people are playing critical race theory games to try mess with the business I work for.

This is thrown in my face quite often… this is what they say organized crime does to people that they know AI hears and watched things and that the people that are going though all everyone’s stuff.

Currently they are loading old text messages from a year ago this has to do with what they are labeling the vax… yet I did not take it.

So they load old messages to get other people to read them and try to harass you through them.

I have never had people say they are not giving us work on return phone calls. These are planned skits that these people are doing they are calling on things such as 10:19 am.

Note again just because we are Trump followers we seem to be targeted by people with in the government with access. The message is we will use CRT to try to harass you constantly, run you out of business, unless you become a communist and “worship woman and hate white men.”

This is planned what they are doing and it is all with in people that seem to work for the government. It seems like they are trying to create a strong hold of people to exploit the government like they have for years here.

The one that lost all the business had the nerve to ask me “don’t you think the teachers should get raises.” To which I replied “do you know who gives or had the power to give them raises?”

“The state legislature…”

They been democrats for like over 20 years. That is how bad the brain washing is… despite this fact they still go around saying they want communism… yet the democrats they voted for and won never did anything to things like this they wanted for years. Only now in the last few years because people realized this and inflation was so bad did they change there pay rates… mostly to keep up with inflation and did not raise there quality of life at all really.

It is amazing how much money people are wasting gang stalking me in general how creative they are being with what they are doing. The crazy thing is some Rhino republicans seem right there with them.

I think they want to continue to cgi themselves and have fake skits. This has been the continued warning don’t vote period the mob has decided to come after you.

I never really was political but it seems like they want to run us out of business because the other business are democrats and California based so they make money they send back to California.

I am a victim of human trafficking and grooming. I have had at lest 4 times of serious attempts at my life. People sabotage my car tires to people running me off the road.

They pretend they are other people on phone calls and text writing text when I am even on the phone with the person. They hack the accounts to do this for Apple products. They also load old messages to which people that I guess are cycling though looking at stuff and watching people because they are perverted… particularly they like to tell you when you take a shower use the restroom or anything like this in order to sexually harass you.

The woman that was fired I caught talking on the phone to someone about “eating ass” this seems to be code for trying to find black mail or extortion on republicans. She laughed and said how she loved to “eat ass.” She did this at her desk during work hours and it qualifies as sexual harassment they all know it happened but because she is a woman and part of the mob she can do what ever she wants.

They have no regard for people and they seem to enjoy the power they have gain in government positions only to harass people…

From what I am understanding anyone that takes the vax people can do this to them for a short period then they can do it to other people.

Most of which that is going on seems to be mob or organized crime with in the government.

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25135c No.20910459


she never won.

Tina Forte won.

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55eb45 No.20910460

File: 3e89a04f54e6286⋯.mp4 (15.4 MB,640x360,16:9,6k5w456_w456m4nw.mp4)



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22c960 No.20910461

File: 8f5d13b418899f2⋯.png (13.36 KB,309x277,309:277,Screenshot_164_.png)

got in my email inbox


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05e61f No.20910462


you should infiltrate them and then spill out the beans.

also check if that pedo symbolism image is actually legit or not.

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49deb7 No.20910463

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8dce2e No.20910464

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52cc41 No.20910465

File: 838cf15d96ca413⋯.mp4 (748.23 KB,480x852,40:71,hillary_in_jail.mp4)


Is she ded yet.

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8c4a9e No.20910466


they will probably pay you to shill here

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44231c No.20910467

File: 422e6ffd99bd0b2⋯.jpeg (173.67 KB,1200x780,20:13,IMG_1896.jpeg)

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3ef542 No.20910469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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52cc41 No.20910470



As of May 17, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Fast Food Worker in Massachusetts is $20.95 an hour.

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1031cd No.20910471

File: 229a958d492e889⋯.png (28.69 KB,519x367,519:367,ClipboardImage.png)

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36cede No.20910472

6:30 PM EDT

2024 Libertarian National Convention: Vice-Presidential Debate

Libertarian National Committee, Inc.




Campaign 2024: Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Debate

Candidates vying for the 2024 Libertarian vice presidential nomination debate each other at the 2024 Libertarian Party Convention in Washington, DC.


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44f7eb No.20910473



Even back then she couldn'fill a row.

Bronx needs to wake up

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eb6b9b No.20910474

File: d7b5079c97330ce⋯.png (55.97 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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64ae6c No.20910475

File: b6644ee96b884f7⋯.png (1.03 MB,734x737,734:737,ClipboardImage.png)


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fda281 No.20910476

notables @ 440

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African-American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182 First Time Since GFC: Holders Of AAA 'CRE-Backed' Debt Hit With Losses

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262, >>20910405 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx

>>20910293 “The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

>>20910314 David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, CA

>>20910327, >>20910333 Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him

>>20910328, >>20910384 Legal expenses vs legal expense

>>20910340 Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship

>>20910345, >>20910439, >>20910453 Natalie Biden's boyfriend / resemblance to Hillary

>>20910378 Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

>>20910380 Biden Nominee Ordered Google to Hand over Emails of Journalist Who Obtained Ashley Biden's Diary

>>20910392 Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile

>>20910426 Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime

>>20910428, >>20910422 Hunter's Sugar Daddy Cuts Funding after CIA Protection Revealed

>>20910433 Trump breaks out the (improved) dance moves in South Bronx


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a7178a No.20910477

File: 8017dfd2144c88a⋯.png (2.66 MB,1300x956,325:239,ClipboardImage.png)


may have to meet "certain requirements"

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22c960 No.20910478


then i can get paid for being on 8kun all day i guess

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b2493b No.20910479

File: d3a17e08cd8cb5f⋯.mp4 (1.34 MB,854x480,427:240,Hillary_Clinton_leaving_th….mp4)

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369067 No.20910480

Looks like a trap.

why would you want to work for a criminal organization that is destroying the Republic of the United States and its people by putting their spies in every place imaginable.

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22c960 No.20910481


aww they got their badges on

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22c960 No.20910482


cuff er dano

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358f01 No.20910483

File: 1bfb44f09481401⋯.jpg (21.08 KB,466x263,466:263,GM_Crew.jpg)


Eh, it was just ok this morning.

Prolly still better than Absolute State Shift was today (educated guess), but that's nothing to brag about.

Anyway, Fri night Evening Shifts can be pretty good let's see what happens.

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f9bd05 No.20910484


Great, the glow niggers are hiring.

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22c960 No.20910485


pelosi got shackled like this too a year or so ago

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3ef542 No.20910486


why wouldn't you knowing this? can't let the bad fill the ranks

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46f616 No.20910487


Kek is that the email from BO to the bakers.

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490445 No.20910488


your state sounds more fucked up than cali

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24546b No.20910489

File: 810fd738f7c926e⋯.jpg (625.03 KB,1200x780,20:13,ClipboardImage.jpg)

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6c5909 No.20910490


I can't help but wonder at the abuses this woman suffered trhat made her so evil. I will continue to pray for your soul, Hillary, even though you gave it up.

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46f616 No.20910491

File: 7ef2c2f756e04e2⋯.png (1.09 MB,1697x504,1697:504,ClipboardImage.png)

Meanwhile, In Papua New Guinea…

Hundreds feared dead in Papua New Guinea

Up to 3,000 people are reported missing after a massive landslide hit several remote villages

May 24, 2024 21:38


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fa696b No.20910492

File: 64b204cc54b5459⋯.jpg (35.51 KB,554x554,1:1,FB_IMG_1621353629726.jpg)


I'm going to tell my grandkids she died of cringe during Joe Biden's hoax term

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22c960 No.20910493


the bad seed

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4cabbe No.20910494


>Is she ded yet.

She trans nao, Yo. Transliving. Beautiful Hillary.

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2a9b2d No.20910495


So "expense" or "expenses" is the correct term, but HRC et al used "legal services" as a loophole?

She always has dirty tricks up her sleeves.

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358f01 No.20910496


There's usually a few glowpoasts threatening violence that you can pad your reports with.

Give it a shot it.

It would be cool to have someone on the inside liveblogging on QR about it.

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40670c No.20910497


you really think the brainchip guy is on your side?

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52cc41 No.20910498


100% believe that. American people aren't dumb. Our election system is an illegal selection system. All the way down to States Gov, AG's, Mayors, City councilors. And they all get to hire and fire who they please. A lovely situation.

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46f616 No.20910499

File: 06fc56991612ce8⋯.gif (3.68 MB,217x272,217:272,Hillary_Clinton_Head_Bang.gif)


Seen that expression before. Maybe it's the blue Power Jacket that triggers it.

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f9bd05 No.20910500


Looks awful flat and wildernessie for a landslide and 300 people to be

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4cabbe No.20910501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Kek. They chucked her in the van like side of beef.

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eb6b9b No.20910502

File: 493fef1b19e3cc4⋯.png (396.47 KB,695x530,139:106,ClipboardImage.png)

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22c960 No.20910503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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358f01 No.20910504

File: f59e2ce2edf1664⋯.gif (448.58 KB,444x258,74:43,ba_dum_tsss.gif)

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46f616 No.20910505

File: 6fac7535fac0b37⋯.png (182.84 KB,334x313,334:313,You_And_Your_Bud_Light_Riv….png)


It's the Faggot Bureau's day out.

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eb6b9b No.20910506

File: 1f20af024adafaf⋯.png (47.49 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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a7178a No.20910507


camera man is elevated

maybe back is to the hill

background is hilly

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51cfdf No.20910508

File: 7616599a42b37b6⋯.jpg (217.8 KB,889x500,889:500,Americaawake.jpg)


TY, baker.

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1b7968 No.20910509


Im not a traitor.

i would never join that evil shit.

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46f616 No.20910510


Moar plausible than 81 million votes!

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2a9b2d No.20910511


People can do without fast food.

They will all go bankrupt.

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fca01f No.20910512


So these homos are selling their souls for 19 to 28 Sheckles an hour?

And this is how much they're getting paid to shill here all day, while getting their mentally ill asses handed to them on a plate?

And they think it's worth it?

Nobody pays anons to destroy their fucked up, retarded shit, yet these homo shills are still below anons pay grade. TOP KEK Homos.

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36cede No.20910513

File: 16f57539e7aa211⋯.png (485.3 KB,612x612,1:1,Aoc_cows.png)

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fa696b No.20910514


I recently made a song with AI about putting Joe Biden in my trunk but I'm too lazy to post it

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eb6b9b No.20910515

File: 0560aa6bad00637⋯.png (817.16 KB,1117x628,1117:628,Bud_Light_Challenge.png)

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46f616 No.20910516

File: dacff885acb63b3⋯.jpg (399.5 KB,1080x1152,15:16,Shitposting_Like_Minded.jpg)


Today's going to be a good day for shitposting.

Can you feel it?

Can you?

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2a9b2d No.20910517


Faggot Bureau of Imbeciles

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358f01 No.20910518

File: 7df8494822dfdaa⋯.jpg (59.11 KB,595x646,35:38,Screenshot_2024_05_24_1732….jpg)

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46f616 No.20910519


Get the AI to post it for ya

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1031cd No.20910520



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4cabbe No.20910521

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>a song … about … Joe Biden

Try it. Others have worked.

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46f616 No.20910522

File: a4e0ef66de15cfc⋯.png (693.53 KB,980x710,98:71,Agent_Did_You_Post_The_Pep….png)

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353152 No.20910523

File: 0fd3a3a063c84a0⋯.jpeg (10.42 KB,255x207,85:69,belly.jpeg)


It is all thr same crap distributed by the same crap companies.


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358f01 No.20910524

File: 33d13204ef7ba7a⋯.jpg (39.21 KB,489x408,163:136,ShitPost.jpg)

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fca01f No.20910526


KEK, this homo is way above the others paygrade and doesn't censorfag anon or normies.

Anon is certain this homo is no shrinking violet like those huddling in the FBI for attention.

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46f616 No.20910527

File: ef0f25449119990⋯.png (44.21 KB,546x207,182:69,Top_Kek_Wing_Badge_Alpha.png)

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e9e8cd No.20910528

File: b76069da2e7b26c⋯.jpg (46.7 KB,736x720,46:45,a42f1479aadad68b2d09832985….jpg)

what is consciousness?

patterns of thought (synaptic firing)?

how to transfer one's pattern to another?

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44231c No.20910529

File: ae15b9e342df9ed⋯.jpeg (101.43 KB,960x960,1:1,IMG_1910.jpeg)

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25135c No.20910530


she was hit by a weapon there.

From another angle you can see the devise used.

like vajra, (kek) disguised as a microphone?

can't find the sauce at the moment

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9f41e5 No.20910531


so many people dont know how to cook.

Shut down all the fast food company's that have the human meat in it or flavors that mimic human meat youll have a bunch of real zombies running around.

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44a356 No.20910532


Legendary meme, Anon.

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fca01f No.20910533


May cure obesity.

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6bff5f No.20910534

File: d35d46b2c7b0036⋯.png (125 KB,1400x700,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Mind Meld

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25135c No.20910535


He's open about it.

The dirty dangerous ones are closeted. Or trying fake being female to get action.

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40195c No.20910536

File: 52e1bcec895a493⋯.jpg (284.25 KB,600x600,1:1,52e1bcec895a493a8efef67b13….jpg)


Dude got rid of his liberal infused mental parasite within an hour

There is hope anons

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46f616 No.20910537


They charge us 10000% the cost of goods, they avoid paying taxes, everywhere. The stuff is processed shite. They use the most comprehensive PR techniques to trick us into wanting it - against our own better judgement.

Make it personal, a battle that they will lose and it becomes easy to omit their poisons from our lives.

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bb87e6 No.20910538


absolutely, i never said it was a bad idea.

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2a9b2d No.20910539


In Chicago, the elections have been rigged for at least the past 100 years.

Not exaggerating.

It's a standing joke.

Vote early, vote often.

Dead people voting.

No wonder 0bama cut his political teeth in Chicago. I'm sure everything was rigged in his favor, going back to the State Senate.

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353152 No.20910540

File: fa43807aeb2b420⋯.png (390.28 KB,1045x832,1045:832,ClipboardImage.png)


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fa696b No.20910541

File: a3a3bf18b9b7003⋯.png (1.97 MB,1280x1280,1:1,1687481138.png)


>how to transfer one's pattern to another?

Good luck, psyop cat.

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46f616 No.20910542


Inclusive shitposting, very 2024.

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358f01 No.20910543


Any time I bring this up people think I'm shitpoasting and while I am ngl I'm also super serious.

Tops/Bottoms/Why Not Boths

It's important to me to know that additional status of any homo man.

Like with Rick, he'd be a lot moar based if I knew he only did the top thing.

At that point it's pretty much still a guy fucking which seems way less homo to me.

Am I wrong?

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a7178a No.20910544


wise words

plus, broccoli, like Trump, is good for you

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4cabbe No.20910545


The USA once enjoyed cheap fries cooked in beef tallow and inexpensive beef burgers. NGOs and the media took that away.

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51cfdf No.20910546

File: 6cf838606f78584⋯.png (301.65 KB,569x468,569:468,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d099384d78e00c⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB,854x480,427:240,theywanthimBACK.mp4)

Donald J. Trump


Rep. Byron Donalds: “What I saw was something amazing…The crowd spoke for itself—They want him back…It was an amazing event, probably the BEST political rally I’d ever been to!”


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fa696b No.20910547

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Damn good analogy, deserves a moar attention getting image.

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353152 No.20910548


small diners died as well.

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22c960 No.20910549

File: 253747ae36e33f4⋯.png (148.02 KB,319x180,319:180,ClipboardImage.png)

dorothy howell rodham

looks like pelosi in this photo

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358f01 No.20910550


QR Serendipity.

KEKs been doing it since Summer '18.

We are blessed o7.

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44a356 No.20910551


… VP pick?

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eb6b9b No.20910552

File: 03191352d088fc1⋯.png (1.96 MB,1023x1280,1023:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a9b2d No.20910553


I very, very rarely eat any fast food.

Only when coerced into it by people I happen to be with at the time.

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358f01 No.20910554


Helps with staying under the battlefield radar.

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3292eb No.20910555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Secrets of The Payseur Family; Myths, Legends & Stories from The Old World

Jarid Boosters

16,365 views 24 May 2024

Howdy. Today we will take the deepest dive I have yet seen on The Payseur Family of the Carolinas in America. Many myths, legends, and theories have been proposed over the years regarding this seemingly forgotten family, and yet, studying genealogical records we can see The Payseurs did in fact exist. We will dive into the myths surrounding this family. This video is for entertainment purposes.

We will look into the true history, the members of the Peyseurs that can be verified, while also entertaining outlandish claims regarding The Peyseur Family, Leroy Springs, Louis The Seventeenth (the boy King of France), and eventually this theory even reaches towards the highest office of America. Put on your seatbelts. A big shout out to Sam Tripoli at The Tin Foil Hat Podcast for giving me the encouragement to create this video. Enjoy, and leave your own theories in the comments down below!

Includes a Q drop screen shot

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7d2b9d No.20910556

A reminder.

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our Brittish brethren. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

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46f616 No.20910557

File: a1d298c701daa1f⋯.png (1.67 MB,1651x1704,1651:1704,ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon chief to transfer his duties

Lloyd Austin has appointed a temporary replacement during his medical procedure after previously being secretly hospitalized


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b72218 No.20910558

Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure

Wen, 42, tried to buy properties in London, including a £23.5m seven-bedroom Hampstead mansion with a swimming pool and a £12.5m home with a cinema and gym.

"The investigation led to the UK's biggest-ever cryptocurrency seizure when more than 61,000 Bitcoin were discovered in digital wallets."


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7d2b9d No.20910559


The offenses. See any similarities?

He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.

He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them.

He has refused to pass other Laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of Representation in the Legislature, a right inestimable to them and formidable to tyrants only.

He has called together legislative bodies at places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the depository of their public Records, for the sole purpose of fatiguing them into compliance with his measures.

He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.

He has refused for a long time, after such dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby the Legislative powers, incapable of Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the dangers of invasion from without, and convulsions within.

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary powers.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has kept among us, in times of peace, Standing Armies without the Consent of our legislatures.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.

He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:

For Quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:

For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States:

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended offences

For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an Arbitrary government, and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it at once an example and fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies:

For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments:

For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.

He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us.

He has plundered our seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people.

He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.

He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.

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f52ef4 No.20910560


>what is consciousness?

The awareness of being aware of being able to ask what is.

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3ef542 No.20910561

I have a really serious question.

Why do Asians eat EVERYTHING?

I just watched a montage of them eating bugs , rats, frogs, you name it……

That is really scary.

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fa696b No.20910562

File: b1b33e82dd74d27⋯.png (572.31 KB,640x426,320:213,ClipboardImage.png)


>Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died



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6bff5f No.20910563


this post @512


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accfdb No.20910564

File: a06fe7026acca7d⋯.png (79.44 KB,180x234,10:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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44a356 No.20910565


Correct. I worked 2020 election & it made me never want to bother voting again. Our poor military with mail in ballots… talk about votes not counting. With that being said, if anyone could change the system it’s Trump.

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353152 No.20910566

File: 452695e59fd88d0⋯.jpeg (8.6 KB,255x179,255:179,yikes.jpeg)


sometimes we sacrafice for Frens and Fam.

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44a356 No.20910567


Communism, conditioning, or perhaps BOTH.

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bdc8fc No.20910568


Anon knows some 40-50 yr old professionals who literally live on Uber Eats deliveries. They don't even have three days of food and water in their homes.

Farmer anon out here in rural flyover country hasn't had fast/restaurant food in 30 years.

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c85c60 No.20910569

File: 90b0cb14f06ce52⋯.png (9.71 MB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_6336.png)

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4cabbe No.20910570


With the right perspective one can see [their] plan as well as ours. [Their] evil can be seen by many through understanding what has been done to our food.

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a5610e No.20910571

File: 27e712a4defd97e⋯.jpg (87.45 KB,705x639,235:213,27e712a4defd97e826a56cb259….jpg)

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40195c No.20910573

File: d76fb0cdea46686⋯.webp (175.74 KB,983x729,983:729,large_21_.webp)


Until they serve bug burgers

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fca01f No.20910574


Yes, Biblically a man with a man in any position is still called out as an abomination and unatural.

Rick and other homos, more often than not are changed by a trauma in early development. It could be simple as a rape by a family member done in secret, or a female sibling, which due to being sickly gets more attention.

Either way, it's a constructed scenario due to early childhood development, which can be cured.

At Ricks age, it becomes either habit or choice, consciously.

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46f616 No.20910575

File: 9d302340f510eac⋯.png (1.14 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Except they're not admitting new members of the unwashed class.

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2a9b2d No.20910576


replaced by yuppie franchises

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36cede No.20910577

A bitter anniversary

Remembering the African communist revolution that led to starvation

May 9, 2024

This spring marks the 50th anniversary of a communist revolution that some readers may not know much about. It occurred in a country that was the former Soviet Union’s closest ally in Africa, as well as the longest established communist regime on that continent.

Ethiopia’s communist revolution was led by a group with a villainous-sounding name—the “Derg,” which imposed the principles of Marxist-Leninism. Beginning in 1974 the Derg could have seen and avoided the disastrous economic, agrarian, and fiscal impact of communist ideology in the Soviet Union and China. Instead, they accepted the communist playbook from A to Z.


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358f01 No.20910579


I mean are they on the road a lot.

I know some people (not truckers) that are constantly traveling regionally for work.

They just stop at the grocery store for a few things during the 2-3 days straight at home.

Otherwise they eat out.

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f7c0aa No.20910580

File: 7e4bd2b0ea280a6⋯.jpg (56.33 KB,720x837,80:93,20240305_141009.jpg)



I'm waiting!!

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46f616 No.20910581


'Contactless payments only'

Fuck them.

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bec5d4 No.20910582

Where is the hate emanating from today?

Seems to be quite a bit of it.

Consequence of the Trump rally?

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36cede No.20910583

File: 33499072fb569eb⋯.jpg (90.6 KB,680x624,85:78,socialist_jesus.jpg)

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51cfdf No.20910584


sumting in the air, eh.

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46f616 No.20910585


You vill own nuzzink!

You Vill be happy, Jah!


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5d48cf No.20910586

File: 498be21008b6330⋯.png (237.35 KB,438x245,438:245,ClipboardImage.png)

24 May, 2024 15:01

Top Ukrainian officials don’t believe Zelensky’s rhetoric – Guardian

Politicians are privately critical of what they perceive as unrealistic hopes of total victory, the outlet has said

High-ranking Ukrainian officials privatelyconsider Vladimir Zelensky’s statements aboutreturning to the country’s 1991 borders to be unrealistic, and only hope for the country’s survival, The Guardian reported on Friday.

According to the outlet, there is growing criticism towards Zelensky in Ukraine for maintaining“unrealistic hopes of total victory,”including the return of all former Ukrainian territories.

Zelensky’s roadmap to resolve the crisis, which he has been promoting since 2022, calls for a complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian forces from all territories within Ukraine’s 1991 borders, for Moscow to pay reparations, and for a war crimes tribunal to be held.

Moscow has described Zelensky’s ‘peace formula’ as an “absolutely hollow” ultimatum that is “divorced from reality.”

Even senior officials in Ukraine privately give a more cautious definition of victory, the article noted.

“Publicly, I support what the president says,” the report cited one of the officials as saying.“Unpublicly, I think we should survive as an independent western state that has the possibility of development.”

The outlet also pointed to growing anger in the country towards the West “for not doing enough, fast enough” for Ukraine. A government minister told the outlet that theUS Congress “will never be forgiven by the Ukrainian people” for the “endless” delaysin voting on the latest round of military aid.

There is also growing discontent with Zelensky’s performance; his presidential term expired on May 20, raising questions over his legitimacy as head of state, according to the report. Several separate sources told the outlet thatZelensky “obsessively” studies his ratings, which continue to drop.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has stated that Moscow is ready to engage in peace negotiations with Ukraine. However, any future agreement “will have to take into account the realities on the ground,” he said.


(This is a sign that ministers and top government people are getting ready to get rid of Zelensky. They may try to liquidate him and blame Russia, it will be something. Wonder if the CIA is directing them on the plans to get rid of him, because Bidan doesn’t want to do, although they all know.)

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4cabbe No.20910587


China, Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia …

95 years of deprivation caused by war.

When all you can catch is all you can eat.

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2a9b2d No.20910588


Is that where all of the starving Ethiopians came from, when kids wouldn't eat what was on their plate? They were told, "Kids in Ethiopia are starving."

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3b778a No.20910589


Can't you see that the people are walking over the END of the landslide looking for life? Look at how wide it is. Look at those boulders. Turn the camera around 180 degrees, and you would see the hill on which the slide happened.

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69a823 No.20910590


has been rigged since the civil war.

thats what they did in order to control the future presidential elections.

every president from Lincoln on down was a downward spiral and so has been this country.

The country's been under federal control ever since everything is a declining downhill slope.

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e4b75b No.20910591

Christ is King

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5ae403 No.20910592

notables @ 540

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African-American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182 First Time Since GFC: Holders Of AAA 'CRE-Backed' Debt Hit With Losses

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262, >>20910405 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx

>>20910293 “The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

>>20910314 David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, CA

>>20910327, >>20910333 Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him

>>20910328, >>20910384 Legal expenses vs legal expense

>>20910340 Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship

>>20910345, >>20910439, >>20910453 Natalie Biden's boyfriend / resemblance to Hillary

>>20910378 Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

>>20910380 Biden Nominee Ordered Google to Hand over Emails of Journalist Who Obtained Ashley Biden's Diary

>>20910392 Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile

>>20910426 Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime

>>20910428, >>20910422 Hunter's Sugar Daddy Cuts Funding after CIA Protection Revealed

>>20910433 Trump breaks out the (improved) dance moves in South Bronx

>>20910491 Papua New Guinea: Up to 3,000 people are reported missing after a massive landslide hit several remote villages

>>20910546 Rep. Byron Donalds: The crowd spoke for itself… it was an amazing event, probably the BEST political rally I’d ever been to

>>20910555 The Secrets of The Payseur Family; Myths, Legends & Stories from The Old World

>>20910558 Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure


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f7c0aa No.20910593

File: 37a624ccd87364e⋯.jpg (13.85 KB,204x173,204:173,bakercat2.JPG)


Good for you anon. Processed food and junk food are poison.

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179a36 No.20910594

File: 64cd50942e7677a⋯.png (2.82 MB,2410x1502,1205:751,Trump_s_golden_Never_Surre….png)

What would you do with a pair of Trump's golden High-Top Sneakers?

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46f616 No.20910595


Just finish him and the war already.

Fucking greed everywhere.

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52cc41 No.20910596

File: 11fa467a63c303d⋯.webp (14.47 KB,317x300,317:300,924_box13.webp)


True. Chicago sent JFK over the top vs Nixon.

And some guy called LBJ won his senate seat beating the most popular Texan at that time. Mr. Texas Coke Stevenson.

LBJ wins Senate runoff in Texas by 87 votes.

(Friday, September 3, 1948) — U.S. Rep. Lyndon B. Johnson defeated former Governor Coke Stevenson today in the Democratic runoff primary for the U.S. Senate post vacated by Wilbert Lee O’Daniel by 87 votes when, miraculously, six days after voters cast their ballots (Aug. 28, 1948), an additional 202 votes were discovered in Box 13 in tiny Alice, Texas.

The results earned LBJ the nickname “Landslide Lyndon” and haunted him with allegations he stole the election for the rest of his life.

In the general election on Nov. 2, 1948, Johnson would defeat Republican Jack Porter and was elected to the U.S. Senate.


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6ab92f No.20910597



poor girl.

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060b3d No.20910598


>she never won.

>Tina Forte won

Why did she concede and not fight?

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52cc41 No.20910599


>People can do without fast food.

And we can do just fine without the FBI too.

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46f616 No.20910600

File: 56e97c7724948ee⋯.jpg (387.59 KB,714x730,357:365,King_Charles_Portrait_Star….jpg)

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efc72e No.20910601

File: 415aabd5a1f9dbb⋯.jpeg (283.55 KB,911x656,911:656,9151DB83_93D9_4316_A7C1_2….jpeg)

TGP Capital Solutions sold $188,078,011 of Cushman Wakefield, May 23rd

Cushman & Wakefield Inc. is an American global commercial real estate services firm. The company's corporate headquarters is located in Chicago, Illinois.


TPG Inc., previously known as Texas Pacific Group and TPG Capital,is an American private equity firm based in Fort Worth, Texas. TPG manages investment funds in growth capital, venture capital, public equity, and debt investments. The firm invests in a range of industries including consumer/retail, media and telecommunications, industrials, technology, travel, leisure, and health care. TPG became a public company in January 2022, trading on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol “TPG”.


David Bonderman (born November 27, 1942) is an American billionaire businessman. He is the founding partner of TPG Capital (formerly Texas Pacific Group), and its Asian affiliate, Newbridge Capital. He is also one of the minority owners of the NBA's Boston Celtics as well as the co-founder and co-majority owner (along with Jerry Bruckheimer) of the Seattle Kraken of the National Hockey League. As of May 2023, he has an estimated net worth of US$6.4 billion.



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358f01 No.20910602


I get ya, but the question is what if you're just sticking it in holes but not taking anything in any of your holes?

I think that makes you homo, but just a 2 drink minimum one.

I don't have to cringe thinking that someone who does patriotic good deeds also gets plowed in the ass by another man on the regular.

I'm just looking to see if that line of thinking is way out there or not.

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f7c0aa No.20910603

File: 9574176961e17dc⋯.mp4 (367.28 KB,480x480,1:1,strutting.mp4)


Go strutting around the NYC courts.

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4610c7 No.20910604



Button Gwinnett

Lyman Hall

George Walton

North Carolina

William Hooper

Joseph Hewes

John Penn

South Carolina

Edward Rutledge

Thomas Heyward, Jr.

Thomas Lynch, Jr.

Arthur Middleton


John Hancock


Samuel Chase

William Paca

Thomas Stone

Charles Carroll of Carrollton


George Wythe

Richard Henry Lee

Thomas Jefferson

Benjamin Harrison

Thomas Nelson, Jr.

Francis Lightfoot Lee

Carter Braxton


Robert Morris

Benjamin Rush

Benjamin Franklin

John Morton

George Clymer

James Smith

George Taylor

James Wilson

George Ross


Caesar Rodney

George Read

Thomas McKean

New York

William Floyd

Philip Livingston

Francis Lewis

Lewis Morris

New Jersey

Richard Stockton

John Witherspoon

Francis Hopkinson

John Hart

Abraham Clark

New Hampshire

Josiah Bartlett

William Whipple


Samuel Adams

John Adams

Robert Treat Paine

Elbridge Gerry

Rhode Island

Stephen Hopkins

William Ellery


Roger Sherman

Samuel Huntington

William Williams

Oliver Wolcott

New Hampshire

Matthew Thornton

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46f616 No.20910605


Do a little dance.

Make a little love.

Get down…. tonight.

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52cc41 No.20910606


I'll drink to that.

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4cabbe No.20910607


LBJ was malleable, and was shaped by his handlers/sponsors/funders/employers to be the right man at the right time to serve their interests.

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25135c No.20910608



local GOP wouldn't back her.

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1031cd No.20910609


Wear em, every day

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52cc41 No.20910610

File: f4dcfd4499c5051⋯.jpg (8.44 KB,300x168,25:14,download.jpg)


Two hours later bring on the stunt double.

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efc72e No.20910611

File: a359ba6f4375546⋯.jpeg (515.44 KB,896x577,896:577,82543EC5_83C1_4A22_96C6_8….jpeg)

Walton Family Trust sold $137.82m-May 23-24

Alice, Jim, Robson Walton again to go with the $228,539,069 reported on Weds




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b72218 No.20910612

File: 778c2f1ff50cff4⋯.png (92.58 KB,1354x580,677:290,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed6e7f0ad7f5330⋯.png (46.42 KB,895x316,895:316,ClipboardImage.png)

T. Becket Adams


Political agents invent a scandal from thin air, alleging “facts” that didn’t exist until they said so. The record-keepers fall into line, revising the historical record to accommodate the new “truth.” Meanwhile, you’re made to feel crazy, because you remember the before times.


Andrew Kerr




Wikipedia edits on the Pine Tree Flag page are fascinating.

On Wednesday, it was just a normal flag.

On Friday, it's a now a symbol of Christian nationalism and right-wing extremism.

And the Popular Culture section on the HBO miniseries has been completely removed.


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25135c No.20910613


Rhinos Caved.

Same as what happened to Trump, etc.

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f60acf No.20910614

Your Rights (from God)

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Amendment II

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment III

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment V

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Amendment VII

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Amendment VIII

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

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060b3d No.20910616


Do the Trips meanP = Payseur?

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5d48cf No.20910617

File: 04bd09fabb3c4f3⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB,638x360,319:180,NIKKIPLANssstwitter_com_17….mp4)

WATCH: Trump Says Nikki Haley ‘Absolutely On The Team in Some Form.’

Former President Donald Trump told News 12 New Jersey’s Tara Rosenblum that neoconservative primary opponent Nikki Haley will “absolutely” be “on our team in some form,” following his successful Bronx rally in New York on Thursday.

A self-appointed bête noire of the MAGA movement, Haley and her donors have been attempting to position her for Vice President or another senior position in Trump’s cabinet should he win in November 2024.

“Well, I think she’s gonna be on our team because we have a lot of the same ideas, same thoughts,” Trump said, adding:

“I appreciated what she said. You know, we had a nasty campaign. It was pretty nasty. But she’s a very capable person, and I’m sure she’s going to be on our team in some form. Absolutely.

”Haley’s partners, meanwhile, have been participating in phone calls with the Joe Biden for President campaign. Her family members have even been publicly claiming they will launch a bid against Trump at the Republican Party Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in July.


Behind-the-scenes political intrigue

(I hope he’s really not going to do this, since he knows that she’s trying to fuck him at the convention. Since he knows that, he may be using a strategy. He knows she's not capable, he knows she's not loyal, so all of those statements is like him wishing people a "good life" after they arrested or something)



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179a36 No.20910618

File: f58f7fe9773a1ed⋯.png (704.1 KB,1026x1000,513:500,Trump_dominates_slam_dunk_….png)

>What would you do with a pair of Trump's golden High-Top Sneakers?

I would enter and dominate every slam-dunk contest in America. MAGA


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6bff5f No.20910619

File: dca014ec3c3b6e6⋯.png (414.43 KB,703x495,703:495,dca014ec3c3b6e610f9a301f8c….png)


where do you think they are putting it?

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358f01 No.20910620

File: 3fe7f384efad5e5⋯.jpg (43.47 KB,542x422,271:211,JerseyGirl_2020.jpg)


Well, it's not proven that she would have legit won.

AOC has decent popularity in her district and she's helped also by being well known.

That's a big incumbent advantage to have.

Plus, that's a liberal stronghold as many of her voters are the middle class corp/govt/HR bitches garden variety Lib Dims.

Tina would prolly beat AOC in many such other places.

She's got an uphill battle in that particular district tho.

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2a9b2d No.20910621


>six days after voters cast their ballots (Aug. 28, 1948), an additional 202 votes were discovered in Box 13 in tiny Alice, Texas

how convenient

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46f616 No.20910622

File: cf4f27c33c06b8e⋯.jpg (161.08 KB,960x561,320:187,Nikki_Haley_B_W_Netanyahu_….jpg)

File: c73c1a71863bedc⋯.jpg (147.17 KB,500x514,250:257,Nikki_Haley_Pure_Neocon_Sc….jpg)

File: c9fb4069ef57a37⋯.png (549.62 KB,709x736,709:736,Nikki_Haley_War_Bolton.png)

File: 5463f3648d39b67⋯.jpg (107.98 KB,1080x1086,180:181,Bolton_Mega_Moustache.jpg)



Trump loves his Neocons, huh.

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44231c No.20910623


> in Some Form.’

Sponge form.

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358f01 No.20910624


Sportsball teams.

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d33bac No.20910625

File: bf987923541d01b⋯.png (495 KB,500x546,250:273,bb8c26badc79aaa2593698d00c….png)

File: c8cbcdd432e0f0a⋯.png (384.5 KB,623x538,623:538,ClipboardImage.png)


Du Pont

Conquer and Divide.


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75bcf0 No.20910626


he could have her cleaning toilets

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2a9b2d No.20910627


My dad, who would have been 100 last year, told me that the Dem. ballot boxes in Chicago get stuffed and the Repub. ballots end up in the Chicago River.

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f60acf No.20910628

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

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36cede No.20910629

8:00 PM EDT

2024 Libertarian National Convention: Vivek Debate

Libertarian National Committee, Inc.




Campaign 2024: Vivek Ramaswamy Debates Libertarian Party Vice Presidential Nominee

One of the candidates vying for the 2024 Libertarian vice presidential nomination, selected in real-time at the 2024 Libertarian Party Convention, debates former GOP presidential candidate and Trump campaign surrogate Vivek Ramaswamy.


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b72218 No.20910630


Could be that she was ALWAYS on Trump Team and just sucked all that beeeeyoutiful NeverTrump cash just to emasculate them for the Convention AND the General.

Not that I wouldn't have a political diplomat, trained in the art of lying to donors faces, do that if I had the chance to screw with my enemies. BecauseREVENGE.

Say, didn't he dedicate a chapter of his book to just that subject?

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f60acf No.20910631


Article. I.

Section. 1.

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.

Section. 2.

The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.

No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode-Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New-York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three.

When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to fill such Vacancies.

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

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ee3445 No.20910632

File: 5c4f6b5add21802⋯.png (317.63 KB,584x500,146:125,5c4f6b5add21802a6bc08d7a22….png)

Nothing can stop the comfy


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358f01 No.20910633



A bunch of anons here are gonna have to apologize to the NikkiFags.

Its the honorable thing to do.

You are MAGA aren't you?

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52cc41 No.20910634

File: 0a1e9c88351e650⋯.webp (79.05 KB,1071x869,1071:869,01f_am2016_campaigncrowdg….webp)


JFK may have been the 1st to use television. LBJ was the first to use a helicopter to campaign. Thanks to the owner Brown and Root. They were richly rewarded.

In December 1961, the American construction company RMK-BRJ was directed by the Navy's Officer in Charge of Construction RVN to begin construction of a new concrete runway, the first of many projects built by RMK-BRJ at the Bien Hoa Air Base over the following ten years

RMK-BRJ was an American construction consortium of four of the largest American companies, put together by the United States Navy during the Vietnam War. Its purpose was to build critically needed infrastructure in South Vietnam, so that the Americans could escalate the introduction of American combat troops and materiel into Vietnam. This construction contract, amounting to $1.9 billion (equivalent to $14 billion in 2017 dollars), completed a construction program deemed to be the largest in history up to that time. The consortium derived its name from its four constituent companies: Raymond International, Morrison-Knudsen, Brown & Root, and J.A. Jones.

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f60acf No.20910635


Section. 3.

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.

No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which he shall be chosen.

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The Senate shall chuse their other Officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.

Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Section. 4.

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

The Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and such Meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day.

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44231c No.20910636



It means never having to apologize.

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5d6476 No.20910637

File: 229caa8b6b91e1f⋯.webp (82.34 KB,489x696,163:232,Alice_par_John_Tenniel_04.webp)



>tiny Alice, Texas

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b72218 No.20910638


Walton Foundation, if I were to guess. Monster tax break, and very politically active (which is very anti-tax code, BTW).

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490445 No.20910639


dogecoin was at .19 cents this morning

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f60acf No.20910640


Section. 5.

Each House shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualifications of its own Members, and a Majority of each shall constitute a Quorum to do Business; but a smaller Number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the Attendance of absent Members, in such Manner, and under such Penalties as each House may provide.

Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.

Each House shall keep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Members of either House on any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present, be entered on the Journal.

Neither House, during the Session of Congress, shall, without the Consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other Place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting.

Section. 6.

The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof shall have been encreased during such time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in Office.

Section. 7.

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.

Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; If he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it shall be sent, together with the Objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law.

Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill.

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179a36 No.20910641

File: 2408f933ba71738⋯.png (1.34 MB,1376x1502,688:751,Breaking911_anons_are_comf….png)

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5ae403 No.20910642

notables @ 590

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African-American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182, >>20910601, >>20910611 Marketfag

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262, >>20910405 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx

>>20910283 Michigan Freedom Caucus Joins Forces With Law Enforcement To Combat Democrat Border Bloodbath

>>20910290 Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional

>>20910293 “The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

>>20910314 David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, CA

>>20910327, >>20910333 Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him

>>20910328, >>20910384 Legal expenses vs legal expense

>>20910340 Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship

>>20910345, >>20910439, >>20910453 Natalie Biden's boyfriend / resemblance to Hillary

>>20910378 Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

>>20910380 Biden Nominee Ordered Google to Hand over Emails of Journalist Who Obtained Ashley Biden's Diary

>>20910392 Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile

>>20910426 Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime

>>20910428, >>20910422 Hunter's Sugar Daddy Cuts Funding after CIA Protection Revealed

>>20910491 Papua New Guinea: Up to 3,000 people are reported missing after a massive landslide hit several remote villages

>>20910546 Rep. Byron Donalds: The crowd spoke for itself… it was an amazing event, probably the BEST political rally I’d ever been to

>>20910555 The Secrets of The Payseur Family; Myths, Legends & Stories from The Old World

>>20910558 Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure

>>20910617 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20910629 (8:00 PM EDT) 2024 Libertarian National Convention: Vivek Debate


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bdc8fc No.20910643


That's an endorsement that will never see her get hired anywhere.

"On our team in some form." KMAO

Setting the stupid bitch up to fail bigly.

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5d6476 No.20910644


DuPont Teflon found in all blood samples on Earth. (sauce: https://organicconsumers.org/teflon-devil-we-know/)

Crimes Against Humanity.

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f60acf No.20910645


Section. 8.

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

To provide and maintain a Navy;

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;—And

To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

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da82fb No.20910646

File: 209d27bc66a4175⋯.png (42.95 KB,448x155,448:155,barack_n_michelle_obama.png)

File: 6d777745e8299bc⋯.png (44.37 KB,535x368,535:368,obama_producers.png)


I think, mainly weird..

Barack and Michelle Obama producing a tv-serie in Ireland.


A group of podcasters set out to investigate the mysterious disappearance of three strangers in an idyllic Irish town. But when they start to pull the strings, they find a story much bigger and stranger than they could have imagined.


they find a story much bigger and stranger than they could have imagined

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480285 No.20910647

File: c5081f006fe9387⋯.png (320.64 KB,596x504,149:126,TRUMP_JR_FLAG_UKR_HUNTER_V….png)

>>20909122 pb

>Harvard leftists banned for replacing US flag with another country's flag

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abf0fb No.20910648


Military monitors the 'electromagnetic spectrum' in 'real time', it's so closely monitored/gamed out, they damn near know the day/time. They've been watching the 'galactic current sheet' making it's way here for over a decade. Upon it's arrival, it will slowly choke out the sun which will trigger all sorts of bad shit. The 'suspicious observer' guy on YouTube basically mirrors what the military believes. Why do I know this and you don't, because it was part of my job in the military. Aside from that, geological data lays it all out, it happens like clock work, it will happen again. What did you think NCSWIC stood for? It has zero to do w/politics/elections. The latest eclipse roughly marks the 26,000 year solar cycle. Humanity is going to get reset, if nothing changes, the elite will arise post apocalypse like literal gods.

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8dce2e No.20910649

File: fd0af68a0732e1b⋯.png (9.78 KB,255x173,255:173,SINGINGNCSWIC.png)


Can't read that without singing it.

Thank you, School House Rock!

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46f616 No.20910650


Look at the tax rules for Ireland, then you'll understand.

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65e36f No.20910651

File: 3efbf740a2f03a0⋯.png (1.69 MB,764x1191,764:1191,ClipboardImage.png)


Kuru country.

Kuru, the first human prion disease was transmitted to chimpanzees by D. Carleton Gajdusek (1923–2008). In this review, we summarize the history of this seminal discovery, its anthropological background, epidemiology, clinical picture, neuropathology, and molecular genetics. We provide descriptions of electron microscopy and confocal microscopy of kuru amyloid plaques retrieved from a paraffin-embedded block of an old kuru case, named Kupenota. The discovery of kuru opened new vistas of human medicine and was pivotal in the subsequent transmission of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, as well as the relevance that bovine spongiform encephalopathy had for transmission to humans. The transmission of kuru was one of the greatest contributions to biomedical sciences of the 20th century.


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060b3d No.20910652


Tina seemed like Strong candidate literally and I thought she had Trumps endorsement, she certainly endorsed Trump 2020 MuthaFuker . I don't think Trump was fond of that language but her Tweets were on this board Daily, it is a shame so many folded like Dr Oz to fucking Fetterman and PA took it, faggots. Philly is THE WORST Fanbase for ALL the sports a shit hole

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52cc41 No.20910653


Believe it. That big dude in the photo there was the one that finally admitted they stuffed Precinct 6 with dead people votes.

Book One: The Path to Power (1982)

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8c4a9e No.20910654

File: 95ecc68aada3920⋯.jpg (240.69 KB,500x750,2:3,2_foreign_parents.jpg)

File: abeaadc3939e739⋯.jpg (52.01 KB,604x360,151:90,haley_obeisance.jpg)

File: c4d7fadea35c283⋯.jpg (70.53 KB,750x500,3:2,711.jpg)

File: 7f2c36fadbf62f7⋯.jpg (24.06 KB,474x268,237:134,haley.jpg)


Ill be the first to apologize.

Apparamtly i was wrong about her.

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41e592 No.20910655

File: 6b3db4160c5b4cb⋯.jpg (495.65 KB,1951x1317,1951:1317,_20240524_183827.JPG)


my chan ediquette has been lacking


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480285 No.20910656

File: ee988d08afbf31c⋯.mp4 (3.71 MB,720x406,360:203,Obama_confirmed_to_be_at_t….mp4)

File: 5748c51d59e1980⋯.png (90.12 KB,617x335,617:335,OBAMA_WAS_A_NEOCON_ERIC_HO….png)

File: e956e0c0b03e639⋯.png (3.24 MB,1536x2048,3:4,obama_white_hand.png)

File: 835c2a51ae94ff3⋯.mp4 (4.68 MB,394x720,197:360,vivek_copying_obama_speech….mp4)


>Barack and Michelle Obama producing a tv-serie in Ireland.


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d33bac No.20910657


Many souls are leaving earth, forever.

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46f616 No.20910658

File: 9b3afc38e6b4d41⋯.png (280.15 KB,533x636,533:636,Nikki_Haley_DiCaprio_Secon….png)

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f60acf No.20910659

Section. 9.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.

No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed.

No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State.

No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.

No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

Section. 10.

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing it's inspection Laws: and the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State on Imports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Revision and Controul of the Congress.

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

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480285 No.20910660

File: 6c71f34ef0e8d22⋯.png (891.33 KB,854x970,427:485,trump_be_back.png)


>WATCH: Trump Says Nikki Haley ‘Absolutely On The Team in Some Form.’

They complain when he's undiplomatic, they complain when he's diplomatic

Maybe they're the problem

She won't have any executive power. Like Strapon, I mean Bolton

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63477b No.20910661

File: f5a15b7855c5dfe⋯.jpg (218.97 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_24_19_1….jpg)

File: 8177366d1e96e51⋯.png (84.89 KB,640x964,160:241,2022.png)

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bdc8fc No.20910662


So this cannibal was a monkey fucker, too??

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f60acf No.20910663


Article. II.

Section. 1.

The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

The Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an Inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List of all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chuse by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chuse the President. But in chusing the President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A quorum for this Purpose shall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, and a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. In every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall chuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.

The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, and the Day on which they shall give their Votes; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States.

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

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6c487a No.20910664

File: be2ab7a8a487e3c⋯.gif (544.28 KB,320x180,16:9,popcorn4.gif)


I remember when I made that meme.

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e4f7c4 No.20910665

File: a98ab26d132893b⋯.png (76.83 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


I'm sure they can send her out to pick up fast food from time to time.

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a5610e No.20910666

File: 45522973e9e8f51⋯.mp4 (6.34 MB,406x720,203:360,supposedly_SNL_corporation….mp4)


>School House Rock

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b72218 No.20910667


She already burned a shitton of his opponents cash for them. Pity, that. Just like DeSantis.

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52cc41 No.20910668

File: 6c6dfd75d10fd1c⋯.jpg (37.62 KB,640x408,80:51,large.jpg)


The proverbial one street light town. Had LBJ lost that election history would have been different for sure.

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f60acf No.20910669


The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be encreased nor diminished during the Period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that Period any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them.

Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Section. 2.

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any Subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment.

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

Section. 3.

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Section. 4.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

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1031cd No.20910670


i want butter chicken

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46f616 No.20910671

File: 0a5eed9e07b9b20⋯.jpg (511.39 KB,1333x1135,1333:1135,Memes_At_The_Trial_Made_Th….jpg)

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358f01 No.20910672


>Philly is THE WORST Fanbase for ALL the sports a shit hole

Totally not even close.

Go check the Phillies record so far this year.

Pisses me off.

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40195c No.20910673


She brings in her backing billionaire donations in return for influence

That is what trump means by "she is very capable"

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6bff5f No.20910674

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480285 No.20910675

File: 31f246c47442274⋯.png (135.31 KB,526x579,526:579,memorial_us_policy.png)


Nah that was desantis. She was the real opponent.

Like I said, she won't have any executive power

Remember even mcconnel's wife got the opportunity to be herself

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46f616 No.20910676

File: cebad54ed0b2385⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c487a No.20910677


It's surprising seeing them get reposted by others. Even outside of here. Just used to it now though.

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da82fb No.20910678

File: 17c301866d40854⋯.mp4 (888.95 KB,320x240,4:3,y2mate_com_Obama_Civilian_….mp4)

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63477b No.20910679

File: 71bcaacc80bdfb0⋯.jpeg (495.35 KB,2048x2048,1:1,GOYEXFnXcAAOd_5.jpeg)

File: 41e8679b7a594fe⋯.png (16.19 KB,255x255,1:1,f82dccae500fc5e2bba638bd97….png)

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d33bac No.20910680

File: d4af98d28ce6bd7⋯.png (377.31 KB,625x516,625:516,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f08c8159078e2c⋯.png (46.03 KB,792x425,792:425,ClipboardImage.png)




UBS has dismissed about 35 employees serving Latin America clients at its wealth-management unit


UBS Cuts 35 Employees at Latin American Wealth-Management Unit

UBS Group AG has dismissed about 35 employees serving Latin America clients at its wealth-management unit, according to people familiar with the matter.


May 24, 2024 · 8:38 PM UTC




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ff77ff No.20910681

File: a97786f4d158724⋯.png (258.51 KB,332x333,332:333,420pp.png)

File: 5543fd4cfb07d5e⋯.png (377.7 KB,803x628,803:628,Here_s_What_People_Called_….png)

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4cabbe No.20910682

File: e3d1c258c084ad8⋯.png (375.13 KB,602x602,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


The money flow through the MIC was once hidden by 'national security'. These are new times with new eyes and a newfound awareness. NCSWIC.

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36cede No.20910683

File: 756fd2a5d7d4f44⋯.png (228.72 KB,633x522,211:174,just_a_bill.png)

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406b8d No.20910684


fuckin sperganon

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b72218 No.20910685


I still believe both could've been playing stalking horses. DeSantis with the Ryan/Rove packet, and Nikki pulling in the Omidyar donor pool. Now they've maxxed out their donations for the cycle, hard money wise, while getting their fingers singed for the soft cash wasted.

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6c487a No.20910686

File: 4406db160e9eac8⋯.png (474.9 KB,1054x962,527:481,4406db160e9eac88d9d02a474d….png)

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4cabbe No.20910687


>it will slowly choke out the sun which will trigger all sorts of bad shit.

Please explain the underlying physics of this event.

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36cede No.20910688

File: 3455e5a35f512c5⋯.jpg (105.34 KB,1024x1024,1:1,harimbe_doge.jpg)


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8b7304 No.20910689

File: 8603fc24966a656⋯.png (1.03 MB,1116x791,1116:791,ClipboardImage.png)


What it looks like today

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358f01 No.20910690



I really like this one because it's prolly how it would play out.

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a717e2 No.20910691

File: b420db63985d78e⋯.png (902.59 KB,672x773,672:773,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a69a65f9e5d7e2c⋯.png (125 KB,667x919,667:919,ClipboardImage.png)


9:06 timestamp

0 is simply a place holder

Q post 96 is quite interdasting.

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46f616 No.20910692


Sounds all so very YouTube.

Yawn *MUST WATCH!* Yawn.

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b72218 No.20910693

File: 1d9c364807601a4⋯.mp4 (1009.1 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17165930234….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Alina Habba

'Judge Merchan had Steve Bannon's case, had Allen Weisselberg's case. Somehow, he randomly also gets assigned Donald Trump's case. That's not the way the system is supposed to work.'

https://twitter.com/CitizenFreePres/status/1794144769884495983 >>/history<<

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480285 No.20910694

File: d7393e39b646412⋯.png (854.3 KB,1196x646,598:323,ClipboardImage.png)



shouldn't that be lowercase


>16,365 views 24 May 2024

>" They brought the books and patents forward from the last Reset "

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ee3445 No.20910695

File: 92614cf19248f0d⋯.jpg (8.11 KB,226x223,226:223,images_jpeg_3.jpg)



It's a great meme, buddy

God bless you

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2a9b2d No.20910696


>Book One: The Path to Power (1982)

The Years of Lyndon Johnson - Wikipedia

Book One: The Path to Power (1982) In the first volume, The Path to Power, Caro retraced Johnson's early life growing up in the Texas Hill Country and working in Washington, D.C. first as a congressional aide and then as a congressman. Caro's research included renting a house in the Hill Country for three

I wonder how many of those Congressional Aids were buttfucked and blackmailed back then. Welcome to The Club.

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5ae403 No.20910697

What's the bread title gunna should be? Also post a dough image to go along with it.

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46f616 No.20910698


So damned depressing.

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4cabbe No.20910699


>Tina seemed like Strong candidate

Tina did seem strong, and she was popular here through her videos. Did she ever get the R Party's backing for her 2020 campaign?

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da82fb No.20910700

File: 1991e5d61ed98a9⋯.jpg (122.52 KB,1080x956,270:239,315857490_1016083588476716….jpg)

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63477b No.20910701

File: 338d61a8828330c⋯.jpg (205.04 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_24_19_2….jpg)

File: 057e89995c2c33c⋯.jpeg (422.04 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GOYEVnDXEAALR6i.jpeg)

File: 9adccc16d57f470⋯.jpeg (411.31 KB,2048x1152,16:9,GOYEUEDW4AAu6K0.jpeg)



dunno what to count.windows. individual window panes. or the red and white squares.


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1031cd No.20910702

File: a585e88306a81b3⋯.jpg (79.34 KB,819x1024,819:1024,blunt.jpg)



Nice ID

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490445 No.20910703


why are sunflowers turning away from the sun

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2f401e No.20910704


Sadly, this scene is replicated in virtually every US town under 30k in population. Small towns, once the heart of America, are dead.

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b72218 No.20910705


No. They iced her out.

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778d77 No.20910706


She is =Evil==

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fca01f No.20910707


Leviticus 20:13 Context

10And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. 11And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 12And if a man lie with his daughter in law, both of them shall surely be put to death: they have wrought confusion; their blood shall be upon them. 13If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 14And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that there be no wickedness among you. 15And if a man lie with a beast, he shall surely be put to death: and ye shall slay the beast. 16And if a woman approach unto any beast, and lie down thereto, thou shalt kill the woman, and the beast: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

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2a9b2d No.20910708

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d33bac No.20910709

File: 84e98a2be0ba606⋯.jpg (50.72 KB,625x416,625:416,84e98a2be0ba60677c87ad35dc….jpg)

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778d77 No.20910710

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41e592 No.20910711

File: cfb7c24de0ba061⋯.jpg (177.88 KB,1337x1338,1337:1338,IMG_20240521_234132.jpg)

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eead68 No.20910712

Lawerence Howard on Joe Rogan said maths is broke and did not take his example of a dime x dime are a serious question…

BUT, if 10c X 10c = 100c^2 = 1 dollar

Given, 10c = 0.10 dollar

HOW can 0.10 dollar x 0.10 dollar = 0.01 dollar

99cent has disappeared…. WTF?

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b72218 No.20910713


She played the role asked of her. And blew all their money.

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e90c59 No.20910714


>they find a story much bigger and stranger than they could have imagined

That the ex 1st Lady had a huge cock?

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da82fb No.20910715

File: 8b63b66e2162941⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,590x500,59:50,8b63b66e2162941f31274a4b43….jpg)

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6c487a No.20910716


I'd recommend yes.

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778d77 No.20910717


Hey, I fixed it!

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da82fb No.20910718

File: bead05c41631403⋯.jpg (36.23 KB,720x574,360:287,bead05c416314036f71a3d5aa3….jpg)

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778d77 No.20910719



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715ec7 No.20910720

File: 11f6181a30ad6f9⋯.jpg (88.77 KB,960x647,960:647,heebie_jeebies.jpg)

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5ae403 No.20910721

notables @ 670

#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African-American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182, >>20910601, >>20910611, >>20910680 Marketfag

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262, >>20910405 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx

>>20910283 Michigan Freedom Caucus Joins Forces With Law Enforcement To Combat Democrat Border Bloodbath

>>20910290 Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional

>>20910293 “The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

>>20910314 David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, CA

>>20910327, >>20910333 Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him

>>20910328, >>20910384 Legal expenses vs legal expense

>>20910340 Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship

>>20910345, >>20910439, >>20910453 Natalie Biden's boyfriend / resemblance to Hillary

>>20910378 Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

>>20910380 Biden Nominee Ordered Google to Hand over Emails of Journalist Who Obtained Ashley Biden's Diary

>>20910392 Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile

>>20910426 Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime

>>20910428, >>20910422 Hunter's Sugar Daddy Cuts Funding after CIA Protection Revealed

>>20910491 Papua New Guinea: Up to 3,000 people are reported missing after a massive landslide hit several remote villages

>>20910546 Rep. Byron Donalds: The crowd spoke for itself… it was an amazing event, probably the BEST political rally I’d ever been to

>>20910555 The Secrets of The Payseur Family; Myths, Legends & Stories from The Old World

>>20910558 Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure

>>20910617 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20910629 (8:00 PM EDT) 2024 Libertarian National Convention: Vivek Debate

>>20910646 Barack and Michelle Obama producing a tv-series in Ireland

>>20910693 Judge Merchan had Steve Bannon's case, had Allen Weisselberg's case, and somehow, he also gets assigned Donald Trump's case


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358f01 No.20910722

File: 81d23edff7ae6d7⋯.png (260.58 KB,693x391,693:391,OP_Flag_NS_2.png)


Sorry Nikki

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46f616 No.20910723

File: 4f4d09683f453ef⋯.jpg (274.42 KB,640x840,16:21,Small_Town_US_Then_Now_Mai….jpg)


The world needs to wake up fast.

Our wealth is being stolen every generation.

Things are only going backward.




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b72218 No.20910724


Did she not blow all their dough? Then asking why or how seems like the next question, which leads to many possible answers.

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52cc41 No.20910725

File: 2e47dc2547562fc⋯.mp4 (6.29 MB,464x848,29:53,stan_myers_water_fuel_cell….mp4)


>These are new times with new eyes and a newfound awareness. NCSWIC.

This is true. I saw the other day patents can be taken and hidden under the National Security Act with severe penalties to the inventor. I would bet this is one of the 600+ based on the end of the clip.

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46f616 No.20910726


It's a serious issue for women everywhere.

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36cede No.20910727

File: 10a016656194465⋯.jpg (10.21 KB,203x248,203:248,ayys.jpg)

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2a9b2d No.20910728

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>He didn’t lock her up.

You missed the vid?

She's ded.

What we see now is her "Beautiful" body double reading a script.

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63477b No.20910729

File: 6007b4f5daf1405⋯.jpg (234.77 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_24_19_2….jpg)

File: a7d06276250cd8c⋯.jpeg (277.93 KB,1225x917,175:131,GOX9bfMXQAA2DEH.jpeg)

File: de120dcc137c60b⋯.jpeg (146.88 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GOX9bfMW8AAMLiZ.jpeg)

File: d974719954f5f40⋯.png (305.48 KB,640x2326,320:1163,537.png)

File: 31774e9058c3713⋯.png (27.3 KB,640x408,80:51,1737_1_.png)


there are too many numbers for 1 person. need help. will repost next bread


trust the clam

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da82fb No.20910730

File: e8f07f5e47ad892⋯.jpg (165.8 KB,767x791,767:791,e8f07f5e47ad8923b3eea1468b….jpg)

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d33bac No.20910731

File: e042a893d7dd5a2⋯.png (236.18 KB,563x576,563:576,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a4bac183cbea2d⋯.jpg (747.46 KB,1390x972,695:486,3a4bac183cbea2daf6afe93ed6….jpg)

File: 7e02f42c42c7cfc⋯.png (36.34 KB,652x179,652:179,ClipboardImage.png)




One of Asia’s most successful hedge funds, Segantii, fell in a matter of weeks. It's all because of a trade it made way back in 2017.

Read The Big Take to learn the inside story of its rise and fall ⬇️


May 24, 2024 · 8:10 PM UTC



>Expand your thinking.

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715ec7 No.20910732

File: 6d96128ec96af15⋯.jpg (79.87 KB,888x587,888:587,Seth_Rich_what_if_MS13.jpg)

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46f616 No.20910733


Did he get killed right afterward?

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63477b No.20910734

File: de120dcc137c60b⋯.jpeg (146.88 KB,1080x1080,1:1,GOX9bfMW8AAMLiZ.jpeg)

test for individual not shills. should be Quick. leaderboard.

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54ca48 No.20910735


>Did she not blow all their dough?


do you think these people have a money limit?

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6c487a No.20910736

File: 5e8f8f06f769d8a⋯.mp4 (2.43 MB,624x352,39:22,filtered11.mp4)


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36cede No.20910737

File: 3b2d66108b99995⋯.png (1003.35 KB,735x854,105:122,NY_Post_Uptown_Funk_Trump_….png)

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4328cc No.20910738




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25135c No.20910739

File: d3f56df3e5b33c0⋯.jpg (78.49 KB,673x393,673:393,chelsea_clinton_webster_hu….jpg)

File: 6ad8c6f67666e03⋯.jpg (51.68 KB,393x485,393:485,tonyrodham.jpg)

File: 53f1a012933df51⋯.jpg (151.58 KB,676x742,338:371,tonyrodham2.jpg)

File: b1f6de89aa1b570⋯.jpeg (132.18 KB,811x1246,811:1246,lynndehrcf.jpeg)

File: 3c74c2f85a9d8aa⋯.png (566.69 KB,865x651,865:651,hillaryandrock9f.png)


I don't really see it; the mum as resebling pelosi.. Maybe need other stills.

But I have seen how DAD doesn't match HRC, but does match brother Tony. Are there two Tony-s. Or was it sometimes a double.

Remember HRC's non-emotion over alleged brother's death?

Probably less than a full brother? P.S. looks nthing like her.

Meanwhile LdR seems more like a sibling/ relative? The body language?

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40195c No.20910740

File: 69843bd41a7ca5d⋯.jpg (95.96 KB,502x623,502:623,dgdddg.jpg)


Here ya go anon

You saved the thumbnail

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46f616 No.20910741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


(no homo)

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36cede No.20910742

File: 16c496b408b40d5⋯.png (1.39 MB,960x960,1:1,blunts_runts_stunts.png)

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da82fb No.20910743

File: 6dca705375a7968⋯.jpg (54.47 KB,626x575,626:575,6dca705375a79686370cfa36c2….jpg)

File: 935688d4362f48c⋯.jpg (46.8 KB,720x681,240:227,D_IZeglWwAYNMvh_jpg_large.jpg)

File: d1a96dafd824604⋯.jpg (122.73 KB,1024x600,128:75,d1a96d66.jpg)

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d33bac No.20910744

File: ca3731316068ea7⋯.png (251.94 KB,632x441,632:441,ClipboardImage.png)



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778d77 No.20910745

File: 4f7465e3d7bde16⋯.jpg (58.96 KB,300x300,1:1,4f7465e3d7bde161a74cbd1283….jpg)

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abf0fb No.20910746


It was presented to us via a killer visual, it's kind of challenging to explain w/out a visual. Also, it's not something that's going to happen overnight. I don't in fact know if it's estimated to take days/years. Essentially, the 'galactic current sheet' is carrying a large mass of charged dust/debris if you will. The sun will repel it at first, then it will eventually be overcome, The sun will dim, then go dark until it ultimately does it's thing and 'ejects' the shell which is where 'fire' will rain down on earth. It's suspected this is the reason for such brutal impacts across the globe & why all cultures have similar stories. Oh, also they are pretty sure this is the origin of gold aka, metal of the gods.

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5d778a No.20910747


by going to the Bronx, POTUS tea-bagged the entire democrat establishment

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a5610e No.20910748

File: 33f5a64cb6aae8a⋯.png (692.54 KB,602x407,602:407,33f5a64cb6aae8aab2a8369d50….png)

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36cede No.20910749

File: c45fa5e77bbfbce⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB,640x480,4:3,c45fa5e77bbfbce4b4a7703c92….mp4)


ty anon

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4cabbe No.20910750


Hydrogen fuel cells are commonplace now. So is the generation of Hydrogen through elecrolysis. The cheapest Hydrogen comes right out of the ground and is naturally replenished. The world will know this soon.

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52cc41 No.20910751

File: 5bd2db7cf27d619⋯.jpg (62.79 KB,588x414,98:69,Andrews_Taylor_House_in_Ka….jpg)


Lady Bird was the power behind the LBJ thrown. Modest Inheritance.

She used a modest inheritance to bankroll his congressional campaign and then ran his office while he served in the Navy.

The Brick House, Lady Bird Johnson's birthplace and childhood home in Karnack, Texas

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0027bb No.20910752

>>20910150 Steve Bannon prepped Jeffrey Epstein for CBS interview, Michael Wolff claims

>>20910284 UN Announces Plan to Ban Most Farming and Meat, Triggering Shortages and Starvation

>>20910287 21 ‘Smart Cities’ Confirmed in the Planned Fall of American Cities

==missed notables

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6ab92f No.20910753


We gave her good advice: give up.

no apologies are needed.

It's good she's on the team now.

next one I'm praying for is Adam Kinzinger.

May he realize that he should be on the team and that Trump really will work for America.

Adam, I'm praying for you!

Pray for Adam

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f7c0aa No.20910754

File: d83af3850005b1d⋯.jpg (79.98 KB,641x782,641:782,Zelensky.JPG)


Even Ukrainians are seeing the corruption and are fed up.

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51cfdf No.20910755

File: 2608963add64dc1⋯.jpg (92.9 KB,500x654,250:327,Michaelismahname.jpg)

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715ec7 No.20910756

File: 14f62ba9734a2c6⋯.jpeg (80.37 KB,680x340,2:1,Chickens_conspiracy.jpeg)

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da82fb No.20910757

File: f766d9f7813f437⋯.jpg (52.27 KB,700x410,70:41,DOJ4D_nUIAIVzbU_jpg_large.jpg)

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bdc8fc No.20910758



These are not truckers or having to travel for work. One lives a block from the biggest grocery store in town. And has two fatass teens who won't even walk across the street. Then they complain when they gotta get up off the couch to answer the door for food delivery. Never seen anything like it. Told friend anon I'd have beat the lazy plumb out of them long ago.

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5ae403 No.20910759


#25646 >>20909962

>>20909978, >>20910029, >>20910039 Notice of Suspension and Proposed Debarment of Dr. Peter Daszak

>>20909995 Capt. Fanell Warns Of The CCP's "Strangulation Strategy" Against Taiwan, Test Of Command & Control

>>20910008 Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military will be sent to Ukraine

>>20910012 Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DC Training for Noncitizen Voting

>>20910015 Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson learned he was running for governor against two other Bob Fergusons, causing confusion

>>20910036 Judge Merchan, and his family, took million of dollars directly from Democrats in Congress

>>20910055 Alleged American-Israeli Spy Ring in Yemen nabbed by Houthis, accused of sabotage

>>20910061 Jason Trennert: The Biden Admin Has Had Zero Coordination Between Fiscal and Monetary Policy

>>20910071 Western Australia’s Bankwest is transitioning into 100% digital banking - branches shut

>>20910088 Justice Clarence Thomas’ 'checkmate' of the NAACP in the South Carolina ruling is a thing of beauty

>>20910090, >>20910107 The mystery of the missing Princess

>>20910103 Glenis Zapata, Miss Indiana Latina 2011, is charged with trafficking and links to the Mexican drug cartel

>>20910112, >>20910128 African-American Democrat man sees first-hand the difference between Democrats and Republicans

>>20910144 Attacks on Supreme Court Justice Alito’s flags reveal Dem desperation to get Trump via lawfare

>>20910145 Mark Paoletta Explains How The Left Plans To "Control The Supreme Court" Through Threats

>>20910146 Facebook Censors Media Who Criticize FBI’s ‘Deadly Force’ Raid Against Trump

>>20910182, >>20910601, >>20910611, >>20910680, >>20910731 Marketfag

>>20910226 Senate Dems Fail To Advance ‘Stunt’ Border Security Bill

>>20910235, >>20910188 Planefag: KC-135 tanker setting up in the “at Wilmington, DL” position

>>20910257, >>20910271 Scavino: Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024….

>>20910262, >>20910405 Bronx reactions to President Trump’s rally in the South Bronx

>>20910283 Michigan Freedom Caucus Joins Forces With Law Enforcement To Combat Democrat Border Bloodbath

>>20910290 Federal Court Strikes Down Colorado University’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate as Unconstitutional

>>20910293 “The Migrant Has To Be Received”: Pope Francis Says US Border Should Not Be Closed

>>20910314 David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, and other prominent tech billionaires are hosting a MEGA fundraiser for Trump in San Francisco, CA

>>20910327, >>20910333 Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman backs Trump, will raise money for him

>>20910328, >>20910384 Legal expenses vs legal expense

>>20910340 Chuck Schumer: “Our ultimate goal” is to give every illegal alien citizenship

>>20910345, >>20910439, >>20910453 Natalie Biden's boyfriend / resemblance to Hillary

>>20910378 Boeing’s first crewed spaceflight to take off despite defect

>>20910380 Biden Nominee Ordered Google to Hand over Emails of Journalist Who Obtained Ashley Biden's Diary

>>20910392 Kathy Griffin admits her brother was a pedophile

>>20910426 Louisiana is on track to make illegal immigration a state crime

>>20910428, >>20910422 Hunter's Sugar Daddy Cuts Funding after CIA Protection Revealed

>>20910491 Papua New Guinea: Up to 3,000 people are reported missing after a massive landslide hit several remote villages

>>20910546 Rep. Byron Donalds: The crowd spoke for itself… it was an amazing event, probably the BEST political rally I’d ever been to

>>20910555 The Secrets of The Payseur Family; Myths, Legends & Stories from The Old World

>>20910558 Chinese takeaway worker Jian Wen jailed for money laundering after £3bn Bitcoin seizure

>>20910617 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20910629 (8:00 PM EDT) 2024 Libertarian National Convention: Vivek Debate

>>20910646 Barack and Michelle Obama producing a tv-series in Ireland

>>20910693 Judge Merchan had Steve Bannon's case, had Allen Weisselberg's case, and somehow, he also gets assigned Donald Trump's case


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63baed No.20910760

File: 8ab6a1ac3ae14f5⋯.jpg (164.32 KB,720x1253,720:1253,Screenshot_20240502_163927….jpg)

Make America Breed Again

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358f01 No.20910761


There's a big homo difference between always sticking it in ass and always taking it in the ass.

That's what I think it boils down to.

Agree or not?

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715ec7 No.20910762

File: 8bb3d278c30abd6⋯.jpg (95.57 KB,500x670,50:67,Love_Your_Children.jpg)

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46f616 No.20910763

File: e6af24ef2be83fc⋯.jpg (160.15 KB,502x623,502:623,AYYY_We_Come_In_Peace_Can_….jpg)

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778d77 No.20910764


Good Lord man!

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8dce2e No.20910765



I have never seen that before.


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715ec7 No.20910766

File: f2fb20e7dfcd9e5⋯.jpg (101.26 KB,889x500,889:500,Scarborough_dead_intern_co….jpg)

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52cc41 No.20910767


He died while eating a meal at a restaurant.

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44231c No.20910768



Cheapest hydrogen comes from my ass following bean burritos.

The world will soon see.

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4328cc No.20910769


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63477b No.20910771

File: 1aa444ef5b085f1⋯.jpg (254.39 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_24_19_3….jpg)

File: 2270ba60873ea87⋯.png (289.34 KB,640x1952,20:61,1403.png)

File: 756d5b3ada64c13⋯.png (234.39 KB,640x2202,320:1101,1341.png)

File: 259dca235f5d63e⋯.png (400.27 KB,640x3544,80:443,1297_1_.png)

File: bebef1e1089ee70⋯.png (103.93 KB,640x1342,320:671,1247_1_.png)



as if me is the only one here

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f7c0aa No.20910772

File: 4a89922cd5f617e⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB,600x336,25:14,JoanRivers.mp4)

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715ec7 No.20910774

File: 9887ef32fc26e3f⋯.jpeg (102.82 KB,730x500,73:50,D26227F5_70B3_4CD1_9BCA_C….jpeg)

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480285 No.20910776

File: 0fea022584b549d⋯.png (496.74 KB,740x400,37:20,ClipboardImage.png)

of course

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017ea1 No.20910778

File: 82065d61f091550⋯.png (197.45 KB,615x647,615:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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715ec7 No.20910781

File: 08d6464fc96c920⋯.jpg (108.25 KB,601x601,1:1,Comfy.jpg)

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715ec7 No.20910784

File: 14eebd5af094d95⋯.jpg (116.64 KB,600x481,600:481,Jesus_own_whip.jpg)

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da82fb No.20910785


"Put on your red shoes and dance the blues"

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358f01 No.20910786


kek ok they certainly qualify then

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179a36 No.20910787

File: f90ca1ae866ab8a⋯.png (2.2 MB,1746x1302,291:217,Cinderella_s_Trump_Sneaker….png)

>What would you do with a pair of Trump's golden High-Top Sneakers?


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da7024 No.20910789


Article. III.

Section. 1.

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.

Section. 2.

The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Authority;—to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls;—to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdiction;—to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party;—to Controversies between two or more States;— between a State and Citizens of another State,—between Citizens of different States,—between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects.

In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases before mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdiction, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make.

The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed.

Section. 3.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

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715ec7 No.20910790

File: fb57d59ed305674⋯.jpg (137.01 KB,480x720,2:3,Fly_Roths_Fly.jpg)

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715ec7 No.20910792

File: 1bbd0a119928423⋯.jpg (141.87 KB,590x421,590:421,Putin_with_Orthodox.jpg)

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63477b No.20910793


saw this buying beer on the way home. for fucks sake. 2 weeks is a larp

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778d77 No.20910794


Here's what I don't get…say I'm a female…a wife…and muh husband wants to go to muh back door…why? if I have a front door why go to the back door?!

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27ea4d No.20910795

File: 41f40c87eb6d9f8⋯.png (479.72 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)




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52cc41 No.20910796


Our country has been hollowed out and sold out. All roads lead to Washington DC.

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5ae403 No.20910797

File: 2cfbe33746c74fb⋯.png (123.15 KB,1148x746,574:373,ClipboardImage.png)

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da7024 No.20910798


Article. IV.

Section. 1.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Section. 2.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.

Section. 3.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

Section. 4.

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

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715ec7 No.20910799

File: d1d71effff6ff48⋯.jpg (148.85 KB,1000x1000,1:1,archive_that_shit_nigga.jpg)

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abf0fb No.20910801


Don't project, do whatever you want, if it happens, I'll be wiped from the face of the earth. If it's a hoax, it's a fantastically deep, well documented/tracked hoax which effects critical electronics w/in the military. It's actually pretty straight forward, the bible isn't what's going to happen, it's what happens every time, it's the story of an epoch.

You can actually look up the RAM used in bank computers and read the description as to why it's so special, they literally discuss things that are 'classified' regarding the electromagnetic spectrum. That's why I refer people to that 'youtube' personality, what I know isn't 'mainstream' his lingo is different, his definitions are different but overall, he's aligned w/the perceived reality.

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179a36 No.20910802

File: 074408566b16643⋯.png (96.08 KB,1301x505,1301:505,150_Distress_cal_L_s_to_ot….png)

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a9315b No.20910803

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715ec7 No.20910804

File: 3888874cd8304ab⋯.jpg (153.27 KB,900x541,900:541,ClockFag.jpg)

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da7024 No.20910805


Article. IV.

Section. 1.

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

Section. 2.

The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States.

A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and be found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime.

No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.

Section. 3.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

Section. 4.

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

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715ec7 No.20910806

File: 88b5efc8717e0e2⋯.jpeg (157.25 KB,500x375,4:3,NWO_enemy_of_humanity.jpeg)

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63477b No.20910807


scrape the gold veneer off to see the

codes underneath

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da7024 No.20910808


Article. V.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

Article. VI.

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.

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2a9b2d No.20910809


Kinzinger is a Rat Fink RINO

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715ec7 No.20910810

File: 35bf9363327b719⋯.jpg (172.55 KB,800x601,800:601,E_Pluribus_Unum.jpg)

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4328cc No.20910811






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