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File: d7f96ae859fbb83⋯.png (957.64 KB,1378x769,1378:769,d7f96ae859fbb83702782a5e34….png)

09c27d No.20909074 [Last50 Posts]

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09c27d No.20909076

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#25644 >>20908228

>>20908506, >>20908947 PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med activity

>>20908304 You’re mandated to give your ID to Israel to be paid on X

>>20908314, >>20908318 This media matters employee who made this video celebrating “Tucker-Got-Firedversary” was fired today.

>>20908322 Email from NIH Morens to Peter Hotez re covid origins coverup

>>20908337 Archivefag: Regular notables (2023) now up on /qnotables23/

>>20908342 Obama at the Kenyan state dinner last night

>>20908354 @libsoftiktok: Logan Memorial School (@LMECSD) brought an LGBTQ activist and dr@g queen to talk to students about how to file with the State to change their name and gender marker on legal forms.

>>20908358 Friends in CA doing what we should all be doing at Board of Supervisors mtg

>>20908373 California principal who didn’t allow a middle schooler to say his speech because it was too patriotic will not be returning next yr

>>20908375 @Techno_Fog: From personal experience: the NIH FOIA office had other ways to prevent disclosure.


>>20908396 Cali schools serving fake meat to students

>>20908400 New12 clip w/PDJT

>>20908418 LastRefuge: A Familiar Pattern of Desperate Behavior Emerges When Lawfare Starts Failing


>>20908488 EV maker Lucid to cut workforce by 6%

>>20908524, >>20908531 The House Bans The Fed From Building A CBDC Like The Digital Yuan

>>20908542 Rogan: Dave Smith on Idea that Israeli Leader Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas

>>20908550 8:30 AM EDT Notre Dame LIVE: A 12 Meter Cross Is Installed on the Cathedral’s Rooftop

>>20908553 8:30 AM EDT United States Naval Academy Class of 2024 Commissioning Ceremony

>>20908564, >>20908830 ATF’s new rule attacks private sales in an attempt to bar Americans from legally transferring firearms.

>>20908576 @JonathanTurley The CIA that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas....

>>20908598 Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer Describes Secret Symbols Undercover Gov't Operatives Wore During Operation

>>20908662 Half of trainee doctors at UCLAs prestigious medical school 'are failing basic tests after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'

>>20908684 Will Racial Paranoia Still Work For Democrats In 2024?

>>20908701, >>20908709, >>20908737, >>20908771 Scavino: Trump storms deep-blue Bronx with 'love fest'

>>20908711 Anchor Spills Beans on Dem Effort to Get Protesters for Trump Rally

>>20908714 NCAA, Power Five conferences vote to approve $2.8B settlement in House, Hubbard and Carter cases

>>20908751 @TrumpWarRoom President Trump's message was no matter what race, religion, or gender you are --- we're ALL Americans and we're ALL in this TOGETHER.

>>20908778 Leftist media goes into full spin mode to inform ‘confused’ Americans they’re ‘doing quite well’ economically

>>20908787, >>20908853 NASA

>>20908803, >>20908810 Swamp Talks

>>20908890, >>20908898, >>20908966 Zelensky now illegitimate ruler of Ukraine

>>20908900 @GeorgeOnlineLLC It's HERE!! George Magazine, Issue 20

>>20908920, >>20908900, >>20908907 QAnon Is Dead. What Replaced It Is Worse For The Keks! Long Live Q

>>20909045 In emails seized by feds, Hunter Biden wrote his father was so enamored with China's communist leader "they all most kissed,"

>>20909071 #25644

#25643 >>20907386

>>20907404 Never forget these words from 2017: "Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."

>>20907443 Japan's inflation slows further, keeping BOJ cautious on further rate hikes

>>20907483 Schumann 24/05/24

>>20907507 "We are the answer, we choose these people and they work for us"

>>20907595 Surging Crime #1 Issue Amongst Diverse Set Of Bronx Residents At Trump Rally

>>20907612 Calla Smith sings the National Anthem in Navajo

>>20907617 King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa greeted President Vladimir Putin during his two-day visit to Moscow saying that 'this is one of the happiest days of my life because this is the day I meet you'

>>20907671 UK MPs cheered a delegation of notorious Azov* Ukrainian military unit at a roundtable in Parliament, while former PM Boris Johnson called them 'heroes'.

>>20907688 Alex Soros and Huma Abedin at The White House

>>20907691, >>20907702 Potato twat about Kenya

>>20907753 Media Matters is funded by taxpayers?

>>20907799 ‘If a New Yorker can’t save this country, no one can': The Donald channels Reagan as he vows to flip New York at rowdy Bronx rally where Latinos and blacks turn out in force

>>20907929 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT TOO BIG TO RIG—MAGA2024!!! DonaldJTrump.com

>>20908061 President Putin signs decree allowing Russia to confiscate US assets

>>20908222 #25643

#25642 >>20906575

>>20906847, >>20907091 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20906604, >>20906829 Tough issues narratives: contraception, Oil quid pro quo

>>20906610, >>20906592, >>20906805, >>20907193 AOC false prophet vid BECAUSE NEVER GONNA GET OLD/Q

>>20906658 FDA approves new cancer tests

>>20906681, >>20906686, >>20906701 Rally Notes

>>20906690 J.P. Morgan Securities to pay $200 million to settle CFTC charges of supervision failures

>>20906692 Blexit activist Madeline Brame right now is crushing it in the Bronx ahead of Trump’s speech.

>>20906694 Applied Materials gets another subpoena on China customer shipments

>>20906711, >>20906814 ICYMI: @DanScavino DRILL BABY DRILL! #TRUMP2024

>>20906732 Spain's Repsol receives US license for Venezuela oil, gas projects

>>20906734 There’s a huge shift taking place.

>>20906753 A fight breaks out between a Trump supporter and Palestine protesters during Trump's speech, NYPD brings in reinforcement

>>20906768 Trump rally… Bronx-style: MAGA tattoos and chains


>>20906839 Supreme Court Backs GOP’s New South Carolina Congressional Map

>>20906875 UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis

>>20906957 Maine National Guard Announces Training Exercises to Prepare for Nuclear Strikes on U.S. Soil

>>20906972 @CityPortland A full-scale inter-agency training exercise is happening the first week of June.

>>20906976 ISLAMABAD -- The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for an attack on foreigners in central Afghanistan

>>20906997 Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition

>>20907061 @mattmiller757 “Debate me AOC!!!”

>>20907100 Judge Blocks Florida Law Criminalizing Transport Of Illegal Immigrants Into State

>>20907177, >>20907209, >>20907282 QClock example

>>20907201 Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada

>>20907221, >>20907253 Gorka Gives First Impressions Of Kangaroo Court Persecuting Trump In NYC

>>20907231 Thyssenkrupp board approves partial sale of steel unit to billionaire Kretinsky/Germans to sell to Czech oligarch against labor concerns

>>20907367 #25642

#25641 >>20905778

>>20905789 LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

>>20906519, >>20906529 Rally Transcript

>>20906034, >>20906018, >>20906333 260,000+ watching on Youtube + Rumble + Twitch

>>20905782, >>20905810, >>20905821, >>20905882, >>20905952, >>20906059, >>20906431, >>20906472 Photo Album

>>20906200 This is the massive overflow crowd who couldn’t get in to President Trump’s South Bronx rally

>>20905814, >>20905872 Trump en route to the Bronx

>>20906098 Scavino: Happening Now in THE BRONX! #TRUMP2024

>>20905820, >>20905913, >>20905835 Bronx United in supporting Trump

>>20906215 Donald Trump promises to build New York City the most beautiful transit system in the world if elected President in 2024

>>20906295 Trump set for historic Bronx rally: Thousands descend on New York City as residents reveal what they really think of Biden

>>20906096 Just a reminder that they cheated in NY too

>>20906033 Marker [1] Confirmed

>>20906172 "571 miles of wall"

>>20906175 No fringe on the flags

>>20906211 Big night! President Trump is the first Republican to campaign in the Bronx in 40+ years

>>20906213 Trump will flip NY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20905809 PF: CONUS / Caribbean activity - Southern Cmdr arrived in Panama

>>20905847 Hundreds of anti-Israel Harvard students, faculty walk out of graduation ceremony

>>20905857 Baltimore’s former top prosecutor spared prison for mortgage fraud and perjury

>>20905864 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Triggered tonight @ 6 PM EST joined by Mary Margaret Olohan on her new book “Detrans”

>>20905865 MAGA intensifies

>>20905877 COVID-19 Adviser to Fauci bragged about helping him evade FOIA

>>20905888 The Trump Organization: Kicking off the unofficial start to summer with @TrumpStore - enjoy up to 30% off sitewide now through Monday

>>20905892 MTG: Goldman is such a dumb arrogant elitist that he thinks the American people have forgotten that President Trump was already POTUS and how GREAT America was

>>20905905, >>20906013 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is big mad over President Trump visiting the Bronx

>>20906054 Jesuit Journal Joins Atheists in Trashing Harrison Butker

>>20906058 Blackstone sold $328.64m of Gates Company, May 21st

>>20906208 Illinois plans to re-label ‘offenders’ as ‘justice impacted individuals’

>>20906227 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20906241 Exhibit A: Media Matters

>>20906250 House Republicans demand information on immigrants who attempted to breach Marine Corps base

>>20906303 Morgan Stanley's executive chairman James Gorman told the bank's annual shareholder meeting that he would step down on Dec. 31

>>20906334 Nine Entertainment, the nation's largest domestic media company, grapples with allegations of inappropriate behaviour by a former senior executive

>>20906393 Netanyahu Warns US Leaders Could Be Targeted Next

>>20906404 What other reason would Germany have to decriminalize possession of child porn other than the fact that they are a country run by pedophiles?

>>20906410 'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin': COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests

>>20906415 Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times

>>20906516 Thomas Massie: I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship

>>20906526 DuPont, a renowned industrial company, announces plans to separate into three independent entities - DuPont, Electronics, and Water

>>20906549 #25641

Previously Collected

>>20905735 #25640

>>20903222 #25637, >>20904262 #25638, >>20904937 #25639

>>20901587 #25635A, >>20901591 #25635B, >>20902385 #25636

>>20899621 #25632, >>20899978 #25633, >>20900776 #25634

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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09c27d No.20909083

File: 4aa6e0296901f8c⋯.png (1017.55 KB,613x868,613:868,Bronx.png)

File: 76bae29806a078e⋯.png (1.62 MB,2360x1840,59:46,Bronx2.png)

File: 6fc1c8c6ceb9cf6⋯.png (1.3 MB,766x853,766:853,BronxUptownFunk.png)

File: c12c19c9df0ff95⋯.png (1.66 MB,790x1200,79:120,c12c19c9df0ff95739cf23e2e2….png)

File: f425b928c2c337d⋯.jpg (121.94 KB,640x524,160:131,c12c337dee4976aa06b9e0362c….jpg)



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b7ee47 No.20909087

File: 0086ac458300a57⋯.png (2.25 MB,2000x1000,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a01014 No.20909088

File: 7e1a82d1b3219e5⋯.png (4.11 MB,750x1334,375:667,F74B839C_E3A9_4D43_99B7_A2….png)

File: 66f7e64596b6d97⋯.png (35.14 KB,690x498,115:83,29A75A11_F050_47A9_BB1B_55….png)

Kyle J. Milliken

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41e807 No.20909089

(you) have no idea


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41e807 No.20909091

the groove is in the heart.

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a01014 No.20909092

File: 2d724d58de1d06b⋯.png (1.51 MB,750x1334,375:667,72A6CADB_4F71_4A95_800C_7A….png)

File: 79b282bb6e1df09⋯.png (164.47 KB,690x1454,345:727,45E83CEB_9AE9_4384_BEB6_2B….png)

File: 0322347dfa0742f⋯.jpeg (583.56 KB,2048x1436,512:359,A358E974_F0A0_4041_B0AD_F….jpeg)

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708095 No.20909093

File: 182943dc4b6b376⋯.png (795.19 KB,1024x869,1024:869,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ea0cb60fdfccb6⋯.png (126.48 KB,888x381,296:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eef49e56afd79c⋯.png (587.96 KB,768x1024,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes


Liberal watchdog Media Matters fired at least a dozen staffers Thursday — and management and some of the laid-off journalists blamed X owner Elon Musk for the cuts.

The billionaire mogul sued the Washington, DC-based nonprofit organization for defamation last November, accusing the company of manufacturing images showing advertisements from major companies alongside posts made by white supremacists and neo-Nazis.

The lawsuit led to federal probes by Republican Attorneys General Ken Paxton of Texas and Andrew Bailey of Missouri into the outlet for possible fraudulent activity by allegedly manipulating data on the site formerly known as Twitter.

Media Matters did not immediately return requests for comment but its president Angelo Carusone released a statement on Thursday regarding the layoffs.

“We’re confronting a legal assault on multiple fronts and given how rapidly the media landscape is shifting, we need to be extremely intentional about how we allocate resources in order to stay effective,” Carusone said.

“Nobody does what Media Matters does. So, we’re taking this action now to ensure that we are sustainable, sturdy and successful for whatever lies ahead.”

Ousted staffers took to social media Thursday to announce their sudden dismissal, with one having particularly harsh words for Musk.

“Bad News: I’ve been laid off from @mmfa, along with a dozen colleagues. There’s a reason far-right billionaires attack Media Matters with armies of lawyers: They know how effective our work is, and it terrifies them (him),” Kat Abughazaleh wrote.

The Post reached out to Musk for comment.

Other longtime Media Matters journalists lamented the layoffs.

“After nearly four years of working at media matters, I got laid off,” wrote a staffer named Beatrice. “So if anyone is looking for researchers with video experience, drop a line.”

“Journalism milestone achieved (got laid off),” now-former Media Matters writer Bobby Lewis added.

“Layoffs at Media Matters today. Lots of smart people available for jobs now,” said Jared Holt, a senior researcher at the Institute of Strategic Dialogue.

At the time of the Musk lawsuit, Carusone called it “meritless” and pointed out that “major brands” are “rightly skittish of partnering” with the social media platform.

The suit — which was filed in federal court in Fort Worth, Texas — is still winding through the judicial system.

Media Matters’ purge is the latest in a slew of layoffs in the industry — and notably at liberal outlets.

NowThis laid off half of its editorial team in February as part of a “broader initiative to realign our resources and structure to ensure a long-term sustainable business in the evolving media landscape,” The Daily Caller first reported.

The Intercept also laid off 15 staffers, including its editor in chief Roger Hodge, on the same day. Last month, The New York Times reported that the news site co-founded by Glenn Greenwald is running low on cash and that it is in danger of closing next year.

>nobody is gonna hire these faggot losers, getting what [they] deserve

>[laid off losers] will come here to shill for free

>Media Matters president Angelo Carusone

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d6881d No.20909095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7ece6f No.20909096

File: 6d424d4590554a3⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB,640x368,40:23,5245e0b2dc.mp4)

The alleged crash video of the helicopter of president Raisi.

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921d5c No.20909097

File: 74f3822d06eb828⋯.jpg (204.94 KB,642x1288,321:644,3cfdcfbccd1d4e6d.jpg)

File: 4428b131bf39009⋯.png (589.8 KB,1080x1305,24:29,Screenshot_20240524_105625.png)




God bless Davy and Natalie. Such a tragedy. Haiti is totally out of control. Find the killers NOW!!!


May 24, 2024, 10:40 AM

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70ea27 No.20909099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

11:00 AM EDT

NASA’s Boeing Starliner Crew Flight Test Audio-Only Teleconference With NASA, Boeing, and United Launch Alliance

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)





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4ce5cb No.20909100

File: b21dc6aa1104019⋯.png (238.22 KB,832x1056,26:33,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d7d66a4d9a5fd5⋯.png (540.26 KB,816x804,68:67,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 27b6941124792ee⋯.mp4 (1012.1 KB,480x270,16:9,Catherine_Austin_Fitts_Kla….mp4)

🚨Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head "is not good news, it's bad news. They are building up to another big move…there are rumors that the current [UK] PM doesn't want to be a wartime PM and they're going to move in somebody who…is a member of the Trilateral Commission…"

Investment banker and former HUD official Catherine Austin Fitts describes during a recent episode of the Children's Health Defense (


) series Financial Rebellion how Klaus Schwab resigning as head of the WEF "is not good news," but, in fact, "bad news." Fitts notes that this resignation, along with those of many others in high-profile positions in multiple countries, signals that the globalist prime movers (or "Mr. Global" as Fitts calls them) are "building up to another big move."

"[O]ur risk levels just went up, so it's not good…This is not good, it's the opposite," Fitts says. The investment banker notes that "we're seeing this in many positions across the establishment" and adds that she's dubbed the phenomenon "The Hitman Cometh."

Fitts goes on to say that "They're moving…someone like [Klaus Schwab] into a behind-the-scenes role where he can work more effectively on big moves—so he's not leaving, he's putting his wife as the public face [of the WEF], and then he's going into the backroom to sort of engineer things." Fitts adds, "of course, as I said, all of this is subject to the approval of the Swiss government, which tells you who's really in control—and I would say it's the Bank of International Settlements in Basel."

Fitts goes on to say, "be that as it may, we are watching positions all across Europe and the United States…[where] the last guy's being moved out and a new guy's being moved in." Fitts adds, "They are building up to another big move. We really see that by the head of the UK calling for a general election. There are rumors that the current PM doesn't want to be a wartime PM, and they're going to move in somebody who basically is a member of the Trilateral Commission, I think, who is happy to be a wartime leader. So don't celebrate this. This is not a good look."


Full vid: https://rumble.com/v4wxrv6-take-action-now.html

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3d2282 No.20909101

File: adc9e8bc1ec6206⋯.gif (621.12 KB,200x150,4:3,3006CB3F_EE61_47D0_9248_B1….gif)

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70ea27 No.20909102

May 24, 2024

11:35 AM EDT

Vice President Harris and President Ruto of Kenya participate in a moderated conversation about the power of public-private partnerships use in accelerating inclusive growth.

Washington, DC




11:15 AM EDT

Vice President Harris & Others Attend Forum on U.S.-Kenya Business Partnership, Part 2

Vice President Kamala Harris, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Kenyan President William Ruto, and others participate in the U.S.-Kenya Business Forum hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC.


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96a275 No.20909103


fucking bot

operator, create a bot that doesn't shit up breads

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96a275 No.20909104

>>20908921 (pb)

>tax collector

armed robber trying to collect protection racket money

"If you don't gimme monies, there will be — consequences"

"I will come back with my violent thug buddies and beat the living shit out of you"

"You owe us money, because you own this house and live here"


when you pay unlimited times for it, it's not your property.

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58b762 No.20909105

File: 86eabf6c62fffc8⋯.png (784.68 KB,679x587,679:587,inflation.png)

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7ece6f No.20909106

File: 99c3a64a3522af3⋯.gif (1.75 MB,425x287,425:287,99c3a64a3522af361751f319d0….gif)

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708095 No.20909107

File: be866c5a59c1fe7⋯.png (284.54 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

Google's new AI search feature has been recommending people drink urine ('light in color')


Thankfully there are a couple different ways to opt-out of the new Google AI service it's automatically opting you into.

Google's revolutionising the search engine game using AI… obviously. And that means it's giving out worse advice than you'll find a president espousing during a global pandemic. Okay, it wasn't suggesting you inject bleach, but just prior to a full launch as Google's new AI Overviews feature it was recommending users drink a couple of litres of specifically light-coloured urine.

This was during its initial Lab testing phase, where it was called the Search Generative Experience (SGE), but it was still recommending the drinking of urine as an effective method for quickly passing kidney stones a week or so before Google announced it was rolling the feature out across the US.

Now called AI Overviews, the feature—which essentially seems to be replacing Featured Snippets at the top of a Google search page—is kicking off in the US first, with other territories "coming soon." Even apart from the dodgy AI-driven advice, we're not really here for it. To us it really looks like Google is intent on breaking the internet it helped create, and not for the benefit of anyone apart from itself. But because it is based on current generative AI technology, with all its flaws, you are going to get more erroneous advice than you would if it was just serving up different pages with actual authority and expertise for you to go check out yourself.

Instead, it's doing the classic AI thing of presenting completely incorrect information as factually accurate with complete confidence in its fuzzy thinking. As one user states looking for ways to disable these overviews: "I'm more than capable of misinterpreting internet articles on my own."

Google has learned some things in its Lab phase, however, and our own experts have seen it generating fewer AI Overviews than in testing, and it's more readily citing its sources, too. It's also gotten smaller than it was in earlier iterations, so it's not taking up as much search page real estate.

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d6881d No.20909108

File: 5b77a449c33ef0c⋯.png (362.53 KB,800x500,8:5,be_best_in_life.png)

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58b762 No.20909109


People who take advice from an AI bot deserve a Darwin award.

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3d2282 No.20909110

File: 970fd4966833514⋯.png (207.47 KB,1600x1030,160:103,ClipboardImage.png)


>into a behind-the-scenes role where he can work more effectively on big moves

Absolutely and just like Netanyahu (when he dint occupy an official gubmint position) they are way moar dangerous behind the scenes

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456895 No.20909111

File: 95865322f4764a9⋯.png (1.16 MB,733x1368,733:1368,1040.png)

File: 2e85cfef17aad6a⋯.png (15.36 KB,444x286,222:143,1040Q.png)

Donald J. Trump


God bless Davy and Natalie. Such a tragedy. Haiti is totally out of control. Find the killers NOW!!!

May 24, 2024, 10:40 AM



Here we go.



Would you believe they called the WH for comment prior to publishing?

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dbb836 No.20909112

File: 46ac6d8b61e84dd⋯.png (982.59 KB,1694x1200,847:600,ClipboardImage.png)

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4108bc No.20909113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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708095 No.20909114

File: cb235b5ec0258ac⋯.png (846.04 KB,1024x685,1024:685,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 77aebe46a9affba⋯.png (923.47 KB,690x1024,345:512,ClipboardImage.png)

Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ filmmaker, dead at 53


Morgan Spurlock, the documentary filmmaker best known for “Super Size Me,” has died. He was 53.

He died Thursday night from complications of cancer, The Post can confirm.

“It was a sad day, as we said goodbye to my brother Morgan,” his brother Craig Spurlock to the outlet. “Morgan gave so much through his art, ideas and generosity. Today the world has lost a true creative genius and a special man. I am so proud to have worked together with him.”

Born in 1970 in Parkersburg, West Virginia, Spurlock graduated from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts in 1993.

He got his start in the entertainment industry as a playwright, winning awards for his 1999 play “The Phoenix” at the New York Fringe Festival.

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a01014 No.20909115

File: ef2795c6ff47426⋯.png (1.68 MB,750x1334,375:667,F35E6A2F_4AAC_43AF_B8BD_40….png)

File: d5cdd297bbb3a87⋯.png (31.39 KB,690x454,345:227,3BB77FBA_4A12_4684_83C4_A8….png)

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c352f8 No.20909116

File: ac40155a482a94e⋯.png (132.59 KB,565x501,565:501,smugness.png)


Dark to Light!

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a8215b No.20909117

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59ec0b No.20909119

File: b08a1aea392d9fd⋯.png (744.4 KB,771x755,771:755,Smell.png)

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a01014 No.20909120

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB,239x300,239:300,F0BB7C95_F179_4A9C_99FC_68….gif)

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7ece6f No.20909121

"….Only 3,500 were permitted to enter the Bronx gathering, but the crowds outside the check-in gates well exceeded the capacity cap in hopes of watching the rare event…."

"…. at least 20,000 people were gathered outside…"

(Ny post)

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708095 No.20909122

File: 0b6160f0e25adfb⋯.png (312.48 KB,481x620,481:620,ClipboardImage.png)

Shades of Crimson Harvard student goes off script in commencement speech to rip school as more than 1,000 walk out


A Harvard University commencement speaker went dramatically off script to blast the Ivy League school for barring a handful of those involved in a disruptive anti-Israeli encampment — before more than 1,000 students also staged a walkout.

Shruthi Kumar, the Harvard senior selected to deliver the English address Thursday, pulled out a piece of paper containing controversial remarks hidden up the sleeve of her gown and took aim at university leaders over the decision to deny more than a dozen students their diplomas.

“As I stand here today, I must take a moment to recognize my peers—the 13 undergraduates in the class of 2024 that will not graduate today,” Kumar told the crowd, according to a video posted by Harvard.

“I am deeply disappointed by the intolerance for freedom of speech and their right to civil disobedience on campus,” she said of the protests, which famously replaced the American flag with a Palestinian one.

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c352f8 No.20909123

File: e911d186c74871f⋯.png (687.38 KB,720x716,180:179,big_mike.png)

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d6881d No.20909124

File: a18cad6a1e470fe⋯.png (757.87 KB,1648x1492,412:373,smokingpepe21.png)

I feel bad for the shills. They're a little moar limp than usual today.

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3d2282 No.20909125

File: c85de8c815972d5⋯.jpeg (382.49 KB,1182x617,1182:617,3E6C1A8A_A026_4B78_9EE6_3….jpeg)

File: 6b185838a4706c8⋯.jpeg (355.31 KB,781x493,781:493,0BA93C6F_C163_4712_B621_3….jpeg)


RCH263 C17 departed Port au Prince to Charleston

In the mid to high 40s of total number of flights in/out of Haiti if C17s

Prolly moar

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1d4986 No.20909126

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cda75e No.20909127

File: 94cedb0ecf13999⋯.jpg (426.62 KB,1280x1007,1280:1007,Uss_iowa_bb_61_pr.jpg)

>>20908654 (pb)



Naval Fire Drill? Able Bodied Arson? Mystery fire strikes Chinese ship off Taiwan.

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456895 No.20909128

File: 735bf6b2a775835⋯.png (143.79 KB,474x266,237:133,MAGAGUARD.png)


Lion 24

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85b9b6 No.20909130

File: 0cf7bd3e8a66aa9⋯.jpg (56.69 KB,673x371,673:371,xcvxfrbyfg.jpg)

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708095 No.20909131

File: c43685b7e267626⋯.png (588.07 KB,740x603,740:603,ClipboardImage.png)

BOOGIE DON BRONX https://nypost.com/2024/05/23/us-news/trump-vows-to-make-nyc-great-again-at-boisterous-crotona-park-rally

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a01014 No.20909132

File: 34ecaaff12b586c⋯.png (1.43 MB,750x1334,375:667,96F0F447_934B_4F10_9147_CA….png)

File: ff6fe3fe14104a5⋯.png (26.02 KB,690x366,115:61,93ACD959_2C7B_4E86_8044_B7….png)

File: 512642407f2ba54⋯.png (110.75 KB,690x982,345:491,EA5F92CC_EE01_48FC_9108_1A….png)

File: fd71048847b81e8⋯.jpeg (439.77 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,78DA4CF0_1BD8_44E6_B828_6….jpeg)

File: 491f34286d38483⋯.png (145.74 KB,690x1246,345:623,20C41924_D45F_47AB_9DE8_5E….png)


3 way stop. 18km

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31a794 No.20909133


A software maker serving more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the world hosted an application update containing a hidden backdoor that maintained persistent communication with a malicious website, researchers reported Thursday, in the latest episode of a supply-chain attack.

The software, known as the JAVS Viewer 8, is a component of the JAVS Suite 8, an application package courtrooms use to record, play back, and manage audio and video from proceedings. Its maker, Louisville, Kentucky-based Justice AV Solutions, says its products are used in more than 10,000 courtrooms throughout the US and 11 other countries. The company has been in business for 35 years.

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708095 No.20909134

File: 37db20585aabddc⋯.png (274.6 KB,540x360,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1105a7b0a999c6⋯.png (466.19 KB,644x429,644:429,ClipboardImage.png)

Celebrities from across the world have descended upon Cannes for the Film Festival, but some were surprised to see the Son of God on the red carpet.

The Cannes Film Festival is currently taking place in the South of France and celebrities from across the globe have travelled to the coastal area to celebrate films and parade on the red carpet.

70s music legend Iggy Pop was among the A-Listers making waves with their fashion statements at the annual event, casually rocking up in flip flops and a bare chest as he took his punk rock style to the next level.

In a very different move, Cate Blanchett appeared to wear a secret Palestinian flag on the red carpet. The symbolic sign was revealed when she held up her black dress to reveal a white and green lining that looked very much like the colours supporting the war-torn state. Elsewhere, taking fashion statements to a whole other level, one guest appeared on the red carpet wearing a white cape with an image of Jesus draped across the stairs at the event.

The guest was unidentified but supported the film The Count of Monte Cristo which had its world premiere at the festival.


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b7ee47 No.20909135


how about "ship fire" being used as excuse to toxic gas Taiwan?

not saying it's so

just sayin

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1d4986 No.20909136


>JAVS Viewer 8

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f99e75 No.20909137

File: aaee41ebac94338⋯.png (511.22 KB,1080x1585,216:317,Screenshot_20240524_101430.png)


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a8181e No.20909139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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456895 No.20909140



Not to be dramatic, but WTF is up w/Q's trip code?

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a8215b No.20909141

File: bbece723cf08f89⋯.jpg (74.12 KB,744x935,744:935,john_milius_438434.jpg)

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b7ee47 No.20909142


were they expected to walk on it?

dragging it on the ground?

can't be doing it for a good reason

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a01014 No.20909144


fucking spaceforce

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708095 No.20909145

File: bf00aff8b0af881⋯.png (812.82 KB,1240x827,1240:827,ClipboardImage.png)

Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

U.S. officials are bracing for Pyongyang to take military actions close to the U.S. presidential election, possibly at the urging of Vladimir Putin.

WASHINGTON — The Biden administration is increasingly concerned that the intensifying military alliance between Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un could vastly expand Pyongyang’s nuclear capabilities and increase tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, six senior U.S. officials told NBC News.

U.S. officials are also bracing for North Korea to potentially take its most provocative military actions in a decade close to the U.S. presidential election, possibly at Putin’s urging, the officials said.

The timing, they said, could be designed to create turmoil in yet another part of the world as Americans decide whether to send President Joe Biden or former President Donald Trump back to the White House.

“We have no doubt that North Korea will be provocative this year. It’s just a matter of how escalatory it is,” a U.S. intelligence official said. U.S. intelligence officials accused Russia of interfering in the 2016 election to help elect Trump. The Biden administration had tense relations with Russia, which collapsed after it invaded Ukraine in 2022.

With Putin expected to visit North Korea to meet with Kim in the coming weeks, U.S. officials expect them to solidify a new deal to expand transfers of military technology to Pyongyang. “2024 is not going to be a good year,” said Victor Cha, senior vice president for Asia and Korea chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. “It’s going to be a bit of a roller coaster.”

U.S. intelligence officials believe Putin is providing North Korea with nuclear submarine and ballistic missile technology in exchange for Pyongyang’s sending Russia large amount of munitions for its war in Ukraine, the senior U.S. officials said. North Korea provides Russia with more munitions than Europe provides to Ukraine, including millions of artillery shells.

Officials are also concerned that Russia might help North Korea complete the final steps needed to field its first submarine able to launch a nuclear-armed missile.

In September, North Korea unveiled a submarine, based on an old Soviet model, but U.S. officials said Pyongyang was most likely exaggerating its capabilities. They said the submarine still needed additional technology before it could deploy or launch a nuclear-armed missile.

Despite repeatedly offering to begin talks without any conditions, the U.S. has had no significant dialogue with the Kim regime for three years, the officials said. The administration reached out to North Korea again this year, but it did not respond.


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d6881d No.20909146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a8215b No.20909147


People don't know because "ai" has infiltrated everywhere

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86a133 No.20909148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Old Western Apu. Giddy up, frens


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1d4986 No.20909149

File: e3f436cbe74b11e⋯.png (251.94 KB,540x809,540:809,ClipboardImage.png)

Cate Blanchett appears to wear secret Palestinian flag on Cannes red carpet

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456895 No.20909150


So clearly - Jim's hands are tied here because (or so it would seem) his life being threatened by Clowns running this (not)free-speech board!

JIM! God can protect you from [them]! Do what is RIGHT and you will NOT FAIL!!

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5c6a80 No.20909151

File: 403c3c003da6d22⋯.jpeg (78.86 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_2254.jpeg)

Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive AngerMay 24, 2024

Mollie Hemingway

Former President Donald Trump managed to pull off a campaign miracle with a wildly successful rally in South Bronx on Thursday night.

The Bronx is thepoorest boroughin New York City, andSouth Bronx is the poorest area. Most residents are black or brown, and they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. No Republican presidential candidate has gone anywhere near the area in decades.

On Thursday morning, heavy rains flooded the park where the rally was to be held. Bronx-based Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., tweeted “God is good” upon seeing the weather, believing it would keep Trump crowds away. She also taunted Trump for being the victim of Democrat lawfare, saying he had to rally in the Bronx because he was in the “legal version of an ankle bracelet.”

God is good regardless of political outcomes, of course. In this case, He dried Crotona Park in the Bronx before a raucous crowd of thousands poured in to hearone of Trump’s best campaign speeches yet.(True That!)

“Certainly a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country,” one CNN reporter conceded upon seeing the crowds.

Trump barely mentioned the NYC show trial he’s being subjected to and mixed campaign staples with a declaration of love for New York City and the country at large.He seemed truly happy and at home.

“I was thrilled to be back in the city I grew up in, the city I spent my life in, the city I HELPED BUILD, and the city WE ALL LOVE — THANK YOU!” Trump said on Truth Social. Trump grew up in Queens but officially moved to Florida in 2019. His effusive praise for New York shows a remarkably positive attitude from the former president, given that the city and state are currently part of a Democrat campaign plot to bankrupt and imprison him.

Trump reflected on lessons from his success in New York City real estate, doling out career advice along the way, during his hour-and-a-half speech. A parade of local politicians and activists announced endorsements and support of Trump.

When he discussed his economic and immigration policy proposals for getting the country back on track, he argued that his policies would help everyone in the country. It’s part of a concerted effort by the Trump campaign to drive up votes from black and Hispanic voters who traditionally vote Democrat.

“It doesn’t matter whether you’re black or brown or white or whatever the hell color you are — it doesn’t matter. We are all Americans, and we are going to pull together as Americans!” Trump said.

The contrast with President Joe Biden couldn’t be starker. In three decidedly non-raucous speeches within the last week or so, Biden leaned into racial grievance politics. At a speech at the National Museum of African American History and Culture last Friday, Biden claimed America was beset by “forces trying to deny freedom of opportunity for all Americans.” He claimed there was an “insidious” resistance and an “extreme movement” led by his political opponent to hurt black people. In another disaster of a speech to the NAACP, the White House later had to make 10 corrections to it.

The same day as the NAACP speech, Biden gave the commencement address at Morehouse College, a historically black men’s school in Georgia. In a self-centered speech riddled with some of his familiar falsehoods about his life and family, Biden painted a picture of a racist and evil country.

He said the country was under the “poison of white supremacy” and falsely claimed Americans were trying to put forth a national book ban to harm black people.

It’s “natural to wonder if democracy” actually works, he said. “What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street? What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave black — black communities behind? What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?”

Biden also falsely claimed Georgia doesn’t allow anyone to drink water in voting lines and that black election workers are being constantly attacked.

Biden’s message is that the country is evil, racist, and full of hatred and thathe will fix it by emptying the Treasury to buy votes.

Trump, who has the benefit of having already had one very successful term as president, acknowledges the very real economic, social, and foreign policies the country faces. But unlike Biden, his optimistic campaign speeches show a man who seems to love the country, love its cities, love its people, and want the country to return to health.

Whether Biden’s race-baiting rhetoric orTrump’s unbridled multi-ethnic optimismwill win the day remains to be seen. The speech in South Bronxshowed how successful the latter can be.


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de4b16 No.20909152

File: 57f5b2e8bda9f0a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1640,27:41,Screenshot_20240524_081121….png)



Morgan Spurlock




, why don’t you actually give your employees the day off with a full days pay? It could take much longer than 4 hours to get the vaccine and you netted $2 billion dollars last year during the pandemic! (71% more than you did in 2019!!)


The Hill



Jan 13, 2021

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456895 No.20909154


LOVE FEST! True Brotherly Love makes [them] rabid!

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708095 No.20909155

File: 42625f91af56b04⋯.png (732.41 KB,1240x698,620:349,ClipboardImage.png)

/ourdoge/ has died


Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died

“She quietly passed away as if asleep while I caressed her,” the dog’s owner Atsuko Sato, a kindergarten teacher from the city of Sakura in Japan, wrote on Friday.


Kabosu, the shiba inu dog whose quizzical expression starred in an array of "doge" internet memes, has died, its owner said Friday.

A picture of Kabosu with a slight side-eyed look went viral around 2013 on Tumblr and various online chatrooms, before it became known as "doge," one of the most iconic and recognized images of the social web era.

The dog’s owner, Atsuko Sato, 62, a kindergarten teacher from the city of Sakura in Chiba Prefecture, Japan, confirmed the news in a poignant poem on her blog on Friday.

“At 7:50 a.m. I fell into a deep sleep,” she wrote. Sato said she would hold a farewell party for “Kabo-chan” on Sunday.

"She quietly passed away as if asleep while I caressed her," Sato wrote, according to a translation by the AFP news agency. "I think Kabo-chan was the happiest dog in the world. And I was the happiest owner."

Kabosu's face has been featured in countless social posts and even became the face of a cryptocurrency. A non-fungible token, or NFT, of the image was sold in 2021 for $4 million.

Dogecoin paid tribute to the dog on X, saying she was a "being who knew only happiness and limitless love."

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c352f8 No.20909156

File: 7633087285bdfcc⋯.gif (898.63 KB,470x254,235:127,jesus_lebowski.gif)

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85b9b6 No.20909157


Nothing is up with Q's trip code. Those two posts have nothing to do with each other besides a meaningless number match.

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d6881d No.20909159

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)

Okay, who has the Biden and Xi kissing memes?

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dbb836 No.20909160

File: eccc35c302f8101⋯.png (94.31 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d906b4296e23b94⋯.png (262.88 KB,970x661,970:661,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d81adbd87eb9da⋯.png (596.24 KB,970x647,970:647,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16f608fa5aa48e3⋯.png (425.37 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 650a2fec8c335bb⋯.png (578.81 KB,970x546,485:273,ClipboardImage.png)

May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

May 24, 2024

May's full moon delighted skywatchers as it shined brightly in the spring sky and we've got the photos to prove it.

May's full moon, also known as the Flower Moon, rose shortly after sunset and was visible in the Scorpius constellation. It then processed to occult, or hide, Antares, a red supergiant star.

From New York City to ancient Greek temples, we take a look at some of the best May full moon photographs from around the world.



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7ece6f No.20909161

File: 35bf19b0435125e⋯.jpg (57.85 KB,500x504,125:126,mljgu876.jpg)


Who controls twitter?

Who really controls twitter?

Funny how every twitter acct is scrambled (even elon's )but those that promote king chuck

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a01014 No.20909162

File: 70f8d411cce90c4⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,BF4F98D4_663F_4C6B_B128_10….png)

File: b6d7af310e3c4a6⋯.jpeg (475.73 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,498EB698_9E23_411D_8FCC_4….jpeg)

File: 5df7d1c31d25a25⋯.png (168.64 KB,690x1774,345:887,56A1D5DD_48DF_4228_8F26_6A….png)

File: d007f1783ef2616⋯.png (67.83 KB,690x630,23:21,FCCFEE81_DF85_4C90_892A_36….png)

File: b6ca79498c5cdc1⋯.png (338.3 KB,690x832,345:416,130A885C_27A4_431D_B587_30….png)


words then

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d6881d No.20909163

File: 1214b5a3f223b05⋯.webm (1.93 MB,427x240,427:240,i_see_you2.webm)


Silence, failfag.

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d3f8ea No.20909165

File: 422da429b5a1288⋯.png (418.41 KB,789x685,789:685,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

A lengthy expose by journalist Sharyl Attkisson has shed light on the widespread practice in journalism wherein reporters collaborate covertly with political interests, from politicians’ campaigns to the CIA, to promote their causes and narratives. Not surprisingly, it is largely reporters with Democrat ties participating in transactional journalism.

She prefaced her expose by pointing out that she’s not referring to “viewpoint journalism” and those who work for ideological news groups; instead, she takes aim at those who claim to be independent journalists but actually work to push certain narratives on behalf of others.

Attkisson shared some accounts of journalists who have been engaging in this behavior. It’s interesting to note that many of these questionable reporters have worked for multiple national news organizations even after they’ve had individual scandals, leading her to believe that they are being hired to provide coverage with a particular slant.

One example is Los Angeles Times writer Ken Dilanian, who covered the CIA for the outlet. He promised the agency positive news coverage and even sent story drafts to the CIA press office so they could review them before they were published. This fact was exposed by internal CIA emails obtained by The Intercept in which Dilanian was referred to as “the CIA’s mop-up man.”

He managed to go on to land roles with other outlets, such as the AP, NBC News and USA Today, thanks to this collaboration; he currently serves as a Justice and Intelligence Correspondent for NBC News. Not surprisingly, much of his work props up the intelligence community and disparages Donald Trump.

In another incident, Scott Shane, a reporter for the New York Times, privately supplied the State Department Public Affairs Office with an advance story publication schedule pertaining to a major controversy at Hillary Clinton’s State Department, providing her with as much as a week to spin the revelations in the stories in her favor or create other diversions.

Another reporter for the Times, Mark Leibovich, gave Clinton the chance to veto or approve her quotes, and the publication also published negative stories about Jeb Bush that were reportedly placed there by a pro-Hillary super PAC known as American Bridge.

On another occasion, the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank or an associate reached out to the Democratic National Committee for negative research related to then-presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2016. In a letter to colleagues, a DNC official wrote: “research request: top 10 worst Trump quotes? Milbank doing a Passover-themed 10 plagues of Trump. Off top of my head, I’m thinking: · Punish women · Mexicans as rapists · Ban Muslims · Shoot someone in middle of 5th ave · Rough up BLM protestor · Anchor baby · Do a lot worse than waterboarding · Blood coming out of her wherever · Spill beans on ted’s wife · Talked about penis on stage at debate. Any other big things I’m missing? And can you pull bullets for these?”

Eight of these suggestions ultimately appeared in the resulting article by Milbank that was published in the Washington Post under the title “The Ten Plagues of Trump.”

Chief political correspondent for Politico Glenn Thrush sent a Clinton campaign official part of an article he was working on seeking approval prior to publication. He clearly knew he was doing something wrong, writing “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this, Because I have become a hack I will send u the whole section that pertains to u…Tell me if I fuc*ed up anything.”

The article was ultimately approved by the Clinton campaign and published by Politico. He was also caught up in other similar controversies, yet his reporting was enough to get him hired by the New York Times to provide negative coverage of President Trump.


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3dc70a No.20909166

File: 1ec5674365081a5⋯.png (141.45 KB,500x532,125:133,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)



Am sure anons already know this.

Trump has stated it many many times.


made a meme for anons to share.


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456895 No.20909168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


^ This is the elephant from the future standing in today's living-room.

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d070aa No.20909171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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86a133 No.20909174

File: b1c4f19cb71ecee⋯.jpg (92.57 KB,800x450,16:9,7we27r.jpg)


RIP Doge

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d3f8ea No.20909175

File: 15bb28b49a059ac⋯.png (1.53 MB,1569x577,1569:577,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

File: e41bd261fb9016e⋯.png (413.81 KB,599x382,599:382,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

File: a614762d1d83210⋯.png (118.96 KB,231x360,77:120,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

The crew working on a 475-foot-long bridge in Alaska’s Denali National Park was recently told that they could no longer fly the American flag from their trucks or heavy equipment, which are being used in the $207 million Federal Highway Administration project.

The bridge is being built by Granite Construction after a 2021 rockslide took out a portion of the popular Denali Park Road that is used by visitors and tour buses to access more remote areas of the national park.

Since 2023, construction has been underway to repair the road at mile 45. This spring two mobile trucks and one piece of heavy equipment had been flying standard-sized U.S. flags.

One of the contractors working on the bridge reached out to the Alaska Watchman regarding the recent order that the flags be removed. He asked that his name not be used, given that he is actively working on the project.

According to the contractor, Denali National Park Superintendent Brooke Merrell contacted the man overseeing the federal highways project, claiming there had been complaints about the U.S. flags, and notifying him that bridge workers must stop flying the stars and strips from their vehicles because it detracts from the “park experience.”

“The trucks are flying these American flags, about a foot atop the trucks, about three-foot by four-foot flags, and they said they don’t want this,” the contractor explained. “They’re saying it isn’t conducive and it doesn’t fit the park experience.”

Up until this week, however, the flags were displayed without incident. It was only when the park began running tour buses that the order was given to take down the flags, he added.

“Here I am in a national park, and we’re being told we can’t fly the American flag,” the contractor continued. “I understand there are rules for contractors working in the national parks, but you wouldn’t think flying the American flag would be part of those rules.”

He blamed Superintendent Merrell, who took control of the park in 2022. At the time, she was celebrated as the first-ever female to serve as superintendent in 105-year-old park.

Merrell moved to Alaska in 2009 as a transportation planner and environmental coordinator. A Pennsylvania native, she received a master’s degree in urban planning. Prior to moving to Alaska, she worked for the City of Portland and the Gulf Islands National Seashore, along with left-leaning environmentalist and social justice groups such as DNA People’s Legal Services and Columbia Riverkeeper.

“When these liberals get in charge of these parks, that’s how it is,” the crewman said.


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5fcbe6 No.20909176


Yep nigga they is

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7ece6f No.20909177

File: 08e9ec4de8d3789⋯.jpg (33.76 KB,551x372,551:372,rlo985.jpg)

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d6881d No.20909178

File: d33079cb07efcce⋯.png (920.1 KB,1242x1357,54:59,ClipboardImage.png)

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b7ee47 No.20909181



no "he had dirt on hilldawg" memes?

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a8215b No.20909182

File: d83575435fa0b46⋯.jpg (202.33 KB,920x613,920:613,northern_mockingbird_1.jpg)

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c352f8 No.20909183

File: 5353f82e19389f1⋯.png (385.64 KB,684x357,228:119,2024_05_24_11_29_47.png)


>Okay, who has the Biden and Xi kissing memes?

Best I can do is Joe and his grandaughter

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5c6a80 No.20909184

File: 50012f051786167⋯.webp (594.11 KB,1200x675,16:9,IMG_2255.webp)

Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

Who Cares If Immigrants Commit Fewer Crimes?

John Daniel Davidson May 24, 20241/2

This week, Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy argued on the Senate floor that actually, you’re “statistically safer” living in an immigrant neighborhood because immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than native-born Americans.

“Whether you choose to want to believe the facts or not, that is not my decision, it’s your decision,” the senator from Connecticut said. “But immigrants commit crimes in this country at a rate lower than natural-born citizens. You may not believe that … but I hate to tell you, it is the truth.”

His comments came not just amid President Joe Biden’s unprecedented and ongoing border crisis but ahead of Senate Republicans’ second attempt so far this year to pass a bipartisan border security bill to address what Murphy called a “fake ‘immigrant crime wave’” designed to “breed fear and resentment of immigrants.” The bill failed.

What should we make of Murphy’s little speech? The notion that immigrants are somehow more upstanding and law-abiding than people born in the United States is an old argument that Democrats and slack-jawed libertarians trot out every time Republican lawmakers try to fix the border or raise any objections to illegal immigration. But sinceMurphy — who, let’s be clear, has never lived in an immigrant neighborhood— trotted out the argument this week, let’s address it head-on.

The first problem is conflating legal and illegal immigrants. Setting aside whether we should increase or decrease the number of legal immigrants, or whether legal immigration is a net positive for the country,there’s no question that 100 percent of illegal immigrants commit crimes. Every single one of them commits a crime the moment they illegally cross the international border between the United States and Mexico. Even those who claim asylum only do so as part of formal removal proceedings — removal, because no matter their particular background or reason for coming to America, they have unlawfully entered the U.S., and as soon as they’re arrested by Border Patrol their deportation process begins. Adjudicating asylum claims is part of that process, not an exemption from it.

At least that’s how the law is supposed to work. The Biden administration has found creative ways to ignore or bypass U.S. immigration law, but the fact remains that it’s illegal to enter the country except through a port of entry, and if you sneak in between ports of entry then you’re committing a crime.

Why is this important? Because the studies that Democrats like Murphy and the open-borders crowd at places like the CATO Institute often cite conflate legal and illegal immigrants, which skews the data and gives the misimpression that all immigrants are somehow better and more upstanding people than American citizens. For example, a 2023 Stanford study found that since 1960, immigrants have been less likely to be incarcerated than those born in the U.S. and that immigrants haven’t committed more crimes than the native-born population since 1870.

Interestingly, the Stanford study found that since 2005, Mexican and Central American immigrants actually do have higher incarceration rates than native-born Americans. This is because the U.S. Census data the researchers relied on didn’t distinguish between “criminal acts” and “immigration-related offenses,” as the researchers put it, as if there’s a difference between the two. (For what it’s worth,the relevant data suggest illegal immigrants do commit crimes at a much higher ratethan both legal immigrants and the native-born.)


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d3f8ea No.20909185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c352f8 No.20909186

File: 7a2291e70825138⋯.png (121.6 KB,354x313,354:313,yikes.png)


No tongue?

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456895 No.20909187

File: 69d39038bd59a33⋯.png (551.29 KB,722x543,722:543,1108.png)

File: 56b3349608ea76e⋯.png (48.33 KB,444x273,148:91,1108Q.png)

File: 93f298eaab38007⋯.png (8.11 KB,444x185,12:5,714Q.png)

POTUS 11:08 AM

Donald J. Trump



May 24, 2024, 11:08 AM



Like Clockwork.

You have been prepared.


Mess with the best, die like the rest.

[2] highly classified clown ops exposed.

[44] remaining.

Wizards & Warlocks.

Save the best for last.


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7ece6f No.20909189

File: e7784a127ddd6d7⋯.jpg (92.23 KB,498x540,83:90,yw.jpg)

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5c6a80 No.20909190

File: 4869eafa5dfdd57⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,720x720,1:1,ssstwitter_com_17165594225….mp4)



But set all that aside for a minute. Let’s posit for the sake of argument that Murphy is right, that immigrants — legal and illegal — commit fewer crimes than the native-born U.S. population. Is that a good reason to do nothing in the face of mass illegal immigration? Some 10 million foreign nationals have illegally entered the country since Joe Biden took office. We’ve imported a whole new population from every corner of the world, one that will change America for generations to come no matter what policies we put in place now or in the future. Many of these foreign nationals, whatever their criminal history or lack thereof, are here to stay.

Here’s why that’s a problem: No one asked American voters if they wanted this new population. Americans had no say whatsoever about a seismic shift in our country’s makeup that didn’t have to happen. Why did it happen? Several reasons, most salient among them is a desire on the part of Democrats to reconstitute what they hope will be a majority coalition that will keep them in power. They’re losing the support of historic Democratic voting blocs, namely blacks and Hispanics and the white working class, and their hope is that these voters can be replaced by newly arrived immigrants.

On an even more basic level, mass illegal immigration is a serious problem because it compromises our integrity and coherence as a nation. America isn’t just an idea — despite what liberals and many self-styled conservatives might think. America is primarily a people with a recognizable culture, language, customs, folkways, and traditions. Most Americans would like to preserve these things and pass them on to our children. Importing millions of foreigners from all over the world will destroy all that. It will change the character of the nation in a sudden, jarring, and artificial way. Objecting to that prospect isn’t racist or bigoted, it’s natural and patriotic. As Americans, we have a right to demand an end to illegal immigration — and also to demand that legal immigration serve the interests of the American people, not the millions of foreigners who want to come here.

Understood in that light, why should we care whether immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate than the native-born? Even if every illegal immigrant who sneaks over the border is a doctor or a scientist or a hard-working entrepreneur who just wants to come to America for a better life, at this point I don’t care. If we’re going to be a country and a people, not just consumers or cogs for global capital, then we can’t allow millions of people from other countries and cultures to pour over our border and into every corner of America.

So the next time schoolmarmish politicians like Murphy scold us about being inferior to immigrants because we’re more likely to commit crimes,the proper response should be: I don’t care. I’m an American. This is my country. Close the border.


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3d2282 No.20909191

File: d793f44db1118db⋯.jpeg (703.4 KB,1124x613,1124:613,72F2B121_3BCB_496F_B98E_6….jpeg)

File: 7ec7106bcaf5c70⋯.jpeg (438.03 KB,1143x613,1143:613,BCF26254_B1AA_42F9_B264_5….jpeg)

File: d40e1ae8e543e47⋯.jpeg (352.96 KB,1106x613,1106:613,8FBC62F1_CACA_4AB5_A1A3_C….jpeg)

File: 25abf4a1b5c53fa⋯.jpeg (445.12 KB,1160x610,116:61,0362E34C_37AB_4813_99C3_E….jpeg)

File: fbd84d61601cea5⋯.png (1.34 MB,935x623,935:623,9346B8A3_B5C0_4ECA_ADFB_AA….png)

PlaneFaggin’: CONUS activity

SPAR11 C40C to JBA from Scott AFB,IL and picking up someone for an overseas trip

SPAR977 Learjet 35 ES along Florida east coast from JBA depart and heading to Miami-Opa Locka or Intl can see N757AF 757 see below

SPAR=Special Priority Air Resource

BOXER81 C40C back in service after some maintenance at Grant Cty Intl Airport-Moses Lake, WA

RCH263 C17 on descent for Charleston from Port Au Prince depart

After arriving last night N757AF 757 had a quick out and back at Palm Beach Intl checking something

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55b210 No.20909192

File: 02e1e93552db1d9⋯.png (439.16 KB,433x466,433:466,Capture.PNG)

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d4e0c0 No.20909193


My favorite probing song!

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a8215b No.20909194

File: 995fcc1eafa8dd7⋯.jpg (56.09 KB,866x470,433:235,DejFJXmV0AAzSI0.jpg)

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1ecc0c No.20909197

>>20908433 pb Property Taxes scam

What is reported as to what people pay on property taxes and opposed to what they actually pay are two different things and I found is out by speaking to DS crony taxpayer when went to pay my property taxes one day. We got into a conversation and in a short while he not only revealed where he lived but bragged about how little he paid. While everyone is being taxed around $20k per year he was only paying about $5k. When he realized what he said he got all nervous and quickly left. Some people in some places get discounts based upon different reasons, he stated that a LILCO plant was the reason and I have seen others claim that their local Malls reduced their property taxes. So in a 10 year amount of time, he has $150k in his pocket that others do not have. Think about what that would mean for your home, personal life, or business? It is one big club and you are not in it.

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d4e0c0 No.20909200

File: 947f8994c88ab8f⋯.jpeg (30.98 KB,526x935,526:935,Attachment.jpeg)

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d3f8ea No.20909201

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Priestess of DEATH Victoria Nuland still trying to start World War III with Russia

1 day ago

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5c6a80 No.20909202

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(I know this video was posted already butthe full article is great)

President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

May 23, 2024

Posting to Truth Social account, President Trump shared a video with the background narration of Victor Davis Hanson last night.

The outline as spoken eloquently by VDH, walks through the fear of the entire apparatus of the political left; a fear created by their inability to destroy everything that Donald J Trump represents. {Direct Rumble Link}

REMEMBER: The need for control is a reaction to fear. Often people write the professional political leftists within the IC, Deep State and DOJ/FBI apparatus do not look fearful, act with fear, nor do they operate from an appearance of fearfulness. However, that counterpoint is wrong. It is exactly fear that creates the severe need for control. The more fearful they are, the more vitriolic and dangerous their triggered need for control becomes.

The way to destroy the professional political left is to laugh at them. Laugh and ignore the communists. Ridicule evil. Belittle them. Force them to exhibit their insufferable need for control. This natural ability to be their toxic kryptonite is the gift that Donald J Trump represents, and the best part is he doesn’t create it.

Donald John Trump is authentic to himself.=Even when he is in the middle of battle, President Trump lives, breathes and engages in the mechanisms of lifethe same way he would if the battle was not happening around him. President Trump is oblivious to how difficult the terrain around him is. Trump lives as Trump would live,absorbing the attacks upon him as fuel for his own sense of purpose.

Every attack against Trump only makes the purpose of him seem bigger, stronger and bolder,which makes Donald Trump a uniquely natural destroyer of leftism. President Trump walks at the center of the hurricane wind that surrounds him, and close allies who veer away from a very tight orbit quickly get destroyed by the intensity of the attack winds.

I am openly a person of faith. I also accept things as they are. After watching closely, I believe the only aspect of the man that reconciles withthe visible outcome is that Donald John Trump is surrounded by protection. Prayer works.

I am also at peace, because we will win.



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5b38ee No.20909203

File: 419101dcf59393d⋯.jpeg (53.9 KB,509x490,509:490,IMG_1900.jpeg)

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456895 No.20909204


Good Morning, CHRISTOPHER!

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7ece6f No.20909206

File: edbfbd90db35c91⋯.jpg (63.84 KB,793x333,793:333,et66.jpg)

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3d2282 No.20909208

File: 2ad196a81f1416f⋯.jpeg (528.5 KB,1154x619,1154:619,0B48479F_B67D_4C96_97B2_2….jpeg)

>>20908947 lb

Polish AF PLF101 737President Dudaleft Warsaw to Krakow

Polish Prime Minister Tusk rules out bid for presidency in 2025


Cyprus AF CAF001 Embraer 135President Nikos Christodoulidesdeparted Krakow, Poland

Christodoulides highlights EU vision at Krakow University


Czech AF CEF05F A319 ES from Brussels back to Prague after about 8h on ground-European Parliamentary “SElections” coming up second week of June

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c352f8 No.20909209

File: daa827f37669813⋯.png (433.74 KB,607x429,607:429,2024_05_24_11_38_01.png)



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199420 No.20909210

File: 66f7e64596b6d97⋯.png (35.14 KB,690x498,115:83,66f7e64596b6d97eb09382b904….png)



15 O

10 J

5 E

1 won

JOE won….that was the marker

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d6881d No.20909211

File: d56ea8374dd5ad5⋯.png (70.89 KB,300x250,6:5,ClipboardImage.png)


Without their dentures?

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4ce5cb No.20909212

File: b1898443be9d930⋯.png (553.4 KB,833x687,833:687,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3138e618b67757⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,480x270,16:9,EVEN_THE_FAKE_NEWS_KNOWS_T….mp4)



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32c02d No.20909214

File: 2d155a182c9528a⋯.jpg (63.51 KB,500x629,500:629,8r7zcp_1_1.jpg)

The US government is WAGING WAR on it's own people.

The amount of unidentified illegal aliens in America is at an extremely dangerous level and if they strategically organize in large groups they can easily exploit the federal government to pay them millions of dollars or threaten the consequences.

The illegal aliens in America are far more organized than anyone knows for example: if a contractor that uses cheap labor needs more construction workers in North Dakota there's an illegal alien he can get ahold of and that illegal will fill those positions immediately by flying in illegals from a pool of construction workers Florida this is happening nationwide everyday.


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456895 No.20909216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Q FUNK "My Love"

Keep the LOVE going, Anons. WRWY!

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8930a9 No.20909217


Parmesan and oregano may have been an enticer

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55b210 No.20909218

File: ae713852115c3df⋯.png (147.08 KB,217x290,217:290,Capture.PNG)



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3d2282 No.20909219



Another perfect example

All of them do way moar damage out of office

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b7ee47 No.20909220

File: 6dfba5cc206e49e⋯.png (1.07 MB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


I've heard about "the perks of the job" but this is ridiculous

you don't own your home

you rent it

doubt me?

don't pay your property taxes and see what happens

even if your house is paid off, they'll take it

call it a "tax" instead of "rent" to make it seem more legit

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5c6a80 No.20909222

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"



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1ecc0c No.20909224


We will never forget their sacrifices and what we should do starting this year, is that instead of paying homage to them in death only we should pay homage and reciprocate while they are still alive. Thank God for President Trump who gave our Vets free choice and everyone the right to try. That is homage to their lives, Amen.

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8930a9 No.20909225

File: ba7ca77b74456fb⋯.png (853.84 KB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3f8ea No.20909227

File: b305964c99a967f⋯.png (266.46 KB,1627x696,1627:696,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

File: bebb0101674550c⋯.png (561.3 KB,960x540,16:9,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

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2d02ff No.20909228


left can't meme it up, live jive funk it up up town down town no messing around

baker beats

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dbb836 No.20909229

File: 572387307c45ac6⋯.png (279.19 KB,640x360,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

May 24, 2024

Japan's Environment Ministry has told NHK that an alien frog species is believed to be rapidly expanding its habitat on a small island designated as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site.

The Asian tree frog is between 5 to 7 centimeters long and native to Southeast Asia.

Japan designates it as an invasive alien species that could harm local ecosystems.

The frog's existence on Tokunoshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture was confirmed in May last year.

Since then, the species has been found at more than 40 locations and about 6,200 frogs have been killed there.

Experts are concerned that the alien frog could deprive the island's indigenous Amami green tree frog of insects they feed on and their breeding grounds.

Ministry officials have set up nets to stop the alien frog from further spreading its habitat.

They are also urging residents to come forward if they hear its croak or find spawn.

The Asian tree frog was found on Iriomote Island in Okinawa Prefecture, another World Natural Heritage Site, nine years ago.

The ministry got rid of the species and declared it eradicated four years later.

Ryukyu University Associate Professor Toda Mamoru warns that the Asian tree frog could expand its habitat to other islands.

He says the key to preventing this is to spot the species early, adding that residents can help by notifying authorities as soon as they spot frogs they don't usually see.


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70ea27 No.20909231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM

The President and The First Lady depart Fort Lesley J. McNair en route to Wilmington, Delaware

Official Schedule


12:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken and Vice President Harris co-host and deliver remarks at a State luncheon in honor of Kenyan President William Ruto

Department of State



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199420 No.20909232



they are kinda hot

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31f58a No.20909236

File: 0020f568458819c⋯.png (1.5 MB,1174x752,587:376,ClipboardImage.png)


The AI is programmed by eugenicists who have 'depopulation' as the top paying item on their political menu. You think the fake pope is invading the USA because he gives a fck about brown people and prior Jesuit attrocities?

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32c02d No.20909237

File: 6ddb2a406431e72⋯.png (2.43 MB,1080x1343,1080:1343,Screevc.png)

File: 759a1d6b1d6bb3e⋯.png (50.08 KB,1029x183,343:61,Screenshot_20240520_161605….png)


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86a133 No.20909239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cause I Love You | Apu Cash & June Carter


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f6e7b7 No.20909240


No one sounded alarmed?

How is that the video survived?

Why didn't the pilot say anything?

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b7ee47 No.20909242


good points

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70ea27 No.20909244

FCC Proposes $6 Million Fine for Deepfake Robocalls Around NH Primary

The FCC proposed a substantial fine for apparently illegal robocalls made using deepfake, AI-generated voice cloning technology and caller ID spoofing to spread election misinformation to potential New Hampshire voters prior to the January primary.



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8930a9 No.20909245


Eli Copter had a job to do

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a8215b No.20909247


call it whatever….

a 'contribution' to local/state/federal gubment would be one thing entirely different if general public services actually delivered some services of benefit instead of 'government services' equating to destruction of civilization.

not complicated, no matter how convoluted [they] the criminals try to make it sound.

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cda75e No.20909249

File: 8fdeead49018f78⋯.jpg (215.43 KB,750x750,1:1,NE130060_1.jpg)



Woke Alaskan Danger Rangerette and boss of Denali parks service orders American flags removed from contractors equipment for "detracting from the park experience."

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836768 No.20909251

>>20908950 lb

You’re going from a specific idea to a general idea and back. If anon has looked into iTerrance and found that his ‘patents’ are for children’s toys and that none of proclamations can be backed up then what more should I do? Anon calls me ‘stupid’ but anon thinks you may be retarded. Do you worship Joe Rogan? Do you think he is a ‘good guy’? If so, you are part of the problem. Do the ‘science’ yourself and report back or gfy.

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5190ac No.20909252

>Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer Describes Secret Symbols Undercover Gov't Operatives Wore During Operation

>symbolism will be their downfall

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32c02d No.20909253

File: 2d155a182c9528a⋯.jpg (63.51 KB,500x629,500:629,8r7zcp_1_1.jpg)

File: 3af3a85c3780c48⋯.png (1.78 MB,1024x1024,1:1,mD8Ds_yMQGq8LtJGd34bFA.png)

The amount of unidentified illegal aliens in America is at an extremely dangerous level and if they strategically organize in large groups they can easily exploit the federal government to pay them millions of dollars or threaten the consequences.

The illegal aliens in America are far more organized than anyone knows for example: if a contractor that uses cheap labor needs more construction workers in North Dakota there's an illegal alien he can get ahold of and that illegal will fill those positions immediately by flying in illegals from a pool of construction workers Florida this is happening nationwide everyday.


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c549b0 No.20909254

File: c1a13c719dfe710⋯.jpg (388.1 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240524_084611….jpg)

File: c15151731eb15de⋯.jpg (322.16 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240524_084743….jpg)

File: c62480e5d285c0f⋯.jpg (7.07 KB,213x237,71:79,2Q_19_.jpg)

File: 51386db191a7eb8⋯.jpg (8.14 KB,293x172,293:172,2Q_18_.jpg)

Who are the 2 snakes, [NP], YOU bad boy?

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939249 No.20909255



C-130 Combat Talon II equipped with " terrain-following and terrain-avoidance radars capable of operations as low as 250 feet in adverse weather conditions." crashes into a mountain in a rain storm during a training mission.

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3d2282 No.20909256

File: b24307e74e05b02⋯.jpeg (49.36 KB,886x581,886:581,9B2EC481_3759_43EC_8017_5….jpeg)


Did I mention the pope?

Well aware it’s a movie and don’t need you to tell me that

FO stevie

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ac42a9 No.20909257

File: dc9c89c2a691294⋯.gif (549.35 KB,700x354,350:177,cce101c1d62410583bf898ecca….gif)


Silent Running

D- party con

Watch WA


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c549b0 No.20909259

File: 8119177e59954f6⋯.jpg (790.44 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240524_085157….jpg)

You've been a BAD BOY [NP].

2 chains said,…, but he lied

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f6e7b7 No.20909260


No matter how you look at it, the Clinton's are responsible for all the chaos there as a result of their swindling the over $11 billion dollars that was sent to the island.

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74e72f No.20909262

File: 445a5bb1a6172a8⋯.gif (5.72 MB,320x240,4:3,Rats.gif)

>>20908598 pb

Garland perjured himself.

The ANITFA and anarchists there at j6 pretending to be Trump supporters all wore fluorescent-like colored orange wool caps as identifiers.

George Webb also wrote about this and witnessed it.

As well as other witnesses.

But Merrick Garland has to play dumb?

Figures, fucking Rat wimp.

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52db82 No.20909263

File: d8d35f020870be7⋯.png (34.96 KB,590x234,295:117,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3bcadd032486e89⋯.png (39.48 KB,665x250,133:50,ClipboardImage.png)

The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot. Apparently, most candidates use a 3rd party to gather signatures, but those 3rd parties often have Democrats doing the work - and they enter invalid signatures. The D party knows this and later challenges the signatures and, behold, the Republican cannot be on the ballot.

2022: https://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/elections/2022/05/26/michigan-board-state-canvassers-petition-fraud-republican-governor/9939185002/



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cda75e No.20909265

File: 4f1c67b0e948870⋯.jpeg (271.86 KB,680x450,68:45,4f1c67b0e9488706b19ba7bcb….jpeg)

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c352f8 No.20909266

File: 66e27c26ab77bb5⋯.png (236.97 KB,474x314,237:157,2024_05_24_11_56_06.png)



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5b38ee No.20909267


Good morning ROBERT

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939249 No.20909269


God's blessing upon America?

Or His judgement upon a wicked nation?

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31f58a No.20909271

File: 9fbacec7c37f86e⋯.png (2.34 MB,1200x855,80:57,ClipboardImage.png)

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6bbea3 No.20909274


Right, because it's "the nation" that's wicked.

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939249 No.20909276

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74e72f No.20909277

File: 38116d5294d81a6⋯.png (370.8 KB,895x2176,895:2176,garlandperjuryj6.png)


Sauce that Garland perjured himself and is playing dumb.

How could scores of people know the codes the infiltrators were wearing, but Rat Garland denies?

His silence and denial is lying by omission and commission.

He needs to see a Congressional House Sgt. at ARMS.


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55b210 No.20909280

File: 5d9a85492caaaa2⋯.jpg (140.9 KB,320x400,4:5,D18.jpg)

File: 8582996eab75f18⋯.png (15.9 KB,1254x86,627:43,Capture.PNG)


They didn't do it alone.


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45ddfd No.20909281

File: 147f10370f74711⋯.png (586.44 KB,763x551,763:551,db.PNG)


NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally:

"Trump is the man who can save this country, period."

They don't care that Democrats smear him unfairly as a racist. They care about his policies. The pocketbook issues are driving them to the polls.

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f6e7b7 No.20909283


Dogs are better than most people, fact.

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6bbea3 No.20909284


I and many others make up this nation.

Don't conflate those corrupt in power with us.

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dbb836 No.20909285

File: 753a0d336c25c6f⋯.png (600.81 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

Experts admit they're trying to 'lure UFOs' to Earth with small 'handheld' nuclear reactors

09:04, 21 MAY 2024

Scientists are making small “handheld” nuclear reactors to try and lure aliens to Earth, an expert has claimed.

According to Kevin Knuth, Professor of Physics at the University at Albany, United States, the experimental idea is already being created as boffins ramp up efforts to bring extra-terrestrial beings to our planet.

And in an idea that couldn't go wrong no matter how hard they try, the Professor told an audience that the handheld mini-nukes are already being patented. He said: “We were trying to figure out how we can lure UFOs and work out how to make contact.

“We settled on the fact that UFOs have an interest in, and an ability to detect nuclear weapons – some of them underground, some of them in bunkers or in storage depots.

“How do they do this? Are they using neutrinos, which are really hard to detect, or gamma rays? We don't know. But my colleague has developed a new technology which is basically a handheld lithium-powered nuclear-fission reactor, which he is now patenting.

“The idea is to go out and power our UFO-observing equipment with the nuclear reaction, and maybe these guys will detect it and come down and find out what 'those crazy monkeys' are up to this time. And we can get some imagery or some data . . . that's our plan.”

The video clip of the claim was filmed at the Sol Foundation in California earlier this year, however the expert went into no further detail and it appears as if the comment was made as a throwaway story at the end of his talk as he began the claim with the phrase 'just one quick thing'.

The idea of using nuclear material to find aliens is not totally new, as infamous expert Avi Loeb used it to try to find UFOs during his Galileo Project search last year.

However, he has yet to find any aliens . . . and no alien-finding news has come out of University of Albany, either.


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32c02d No.20909286

File: dc452fff5396a6a⋯.png (578.88 KB,1080x885,72:59,Scrvcuh.png)

File: 39af9797f4426c0⋯.png (800.38 KB,1080x736,135:92,Screvch.png)

File: 004e85420a008cc⋯.png (1.11 MB,1080x852,90:71,Screeh.png)

File: 061b1254f54b507⋯.png (1.07 MB,1080x1035,24:23,Screenshot_20240520_152623….png)

African Coiled Hair = Non Human DNA

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063b20 No.20909287

File: b8f3769181c378d⋯.png (561.05 KB,837x1080,31:40,ClipboardImage.png)

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45ddfd No.20909288

File: 4841030855cd543⋯.png (486.94 KB,791x605,791:605,bl.PNG)


Another Deep Blue City Could Send Its Soros-Backed DA Packing After Crime Surge

by Daily Caller News Foundation

May 24, 2024

in News, Wire

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45ddfd No.20909289

File: 4cc245a9bd68af9⋯.png (775.12 KB,788x597,788:597,c.PNG)


“We Incentivized MURDERING Patients in Hospitals”

• “If you go to the hospital and you get a positive COVID test, then the hospital gets more money.”

• “If you get put on remdesivir, the hospital gets more money.”

• “If you get put on a vent, the hospital gets more money.”

“Instead of saying, ‘You get more money when this patient’s healthy,’ we said, ‘You get more money when they die,’” testified attorney Tom Renz before the Ohio State Senate.

Full Testimony: https://x.com/RenzTom/status/1793409888015843625

More Stories on @Vigilant_News:

U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots (https://vigilantnews.com/post/u-s-government-cartel-paid-cvs-walgreens-billions-to-reject-ivermectin-prescriptions-push-covid-shots/)

It’s Time To Stop the WHO’s Horrific Pandemic Treaty: Here’s How (https://vigilantnews.com/post/its-time-to-stop-the-whos-horrific-pandemic-treaty-heres-how/)

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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3d2282 No.20909291

File: 3ead73ced9f6bf9⋯.png (138.91 KB,862x634,431:317,EAA6DDCD_070B_4874_BA4F_27….png)

Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

(If you still eat this shit muh condolences-get that some have to based on schedules etc but a choice all the time?…good luck. Learn how to cook and plan meals as it’s way cheaper than that crap)

Has a trip through the drive-through become an extravagance? The vast majority of Americans says so. A recent nonprobability survey conducted by LendingTree found 78% of consumers now consider fast food to be a "luxury" purchase due to how expensive the meals have become. Half of those polled said they view fast food as a luxury because they’re struggling financially. This is especially true among Americans who make less than $30,000 a year (71%), parents with young children (58%), and Gen Zers (58%).

Americans love their fast food, but a majority say they are pulling back on their consumption due to high prices. The findings show 3 out of 4 Americans typically eat fast food once a week, but 62% of respondents said they are eating it less frequently due to the cost.

Sixty-three percent of those surveyed agreed fast food should be cheaper than eating at home, but 75% say that is not the case. Nearly half of Americans (46%) say a meal at a fast-food restaurant costs about the same as one at their local sit-down restaurants, and 22% said fast food is actually more expensive. Fast-food price hikes have outpaced inflation in recent years. Data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis shows the cost of fast-food meals are up 41% from 2017 while the consumer price index has risen by 35.9%. Columnist Dan O'Donnell of the free market think tank the MacIver Institute wrote in a blog post on Thursday that "Prices on basic items like McDonald’s cheeseburgers and Chick-fil-A nuggets have risen as much as 200% in less than five years with dire consequences for the lower- and middle-class families who make up much of the fast food customer base." “Fast food patrons are generally lower-income earners—many with young children—who rely on a quick, affordable meal before soccer practice or a band concert," O'Donnell wrote. "When prices at these restaurants spike from $35-$40 for a family meal to $65-$70 in just a few years, those families either have to sacrifice a night out or extend themselves just a little further to afford it." In the LendingTree survey, when asked about their go-to for an easy, inexpensive meal, 56% of respondents cited making food at home. And that is exactly what more people are doing. Global restaurant chains such as McDonald's and Starbucks have seen lower-income customers opting to eat more meals at home amid a cost-of-living crisis, prompting the companies to offer steeper promotions in an attempt to lure customers back. This week, Wendy's rolled out a $3 budget-friendly breakfast meal, and McDonald's is planning a $5 combo meal in June. Both offerings will be for a limited time.


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ed64bd No.20909292


The best was in the beginning, when she wore snakes on her head.

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c352f8 No.20909293

File: c303274568d5081⋯.png (208.39 KB,447x496,447:496,horny_frogs.png)


>Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

Are they horny?

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45ddfd No.20909294

File: daa978a9f817e0c⋯.png (624.14 KB,778x437,778:437,cs.PNG)


WATCH: KJP Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

By Ellis RobinsonMay 24, 2024Updated:May 24, 2024

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939249 No.20909295


Catholic Knight of Malta trained at Jesuit Fordham University.

Five Eyes.

WHOse eyes?


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f6e7b7 No.20909297


Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him” (Mark 11:22–23).

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daf764 No.20909298

I don’t know how to do most of that stuff. Takes time.

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74e72f No.20909299

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199420 No.20909301

File: f695fa9d98d96f8⋯.jpg (800.7 KB,1503x1440,167:160,Picsart_24_05_24_11_06_07_….jpg)

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3d2282 No.20909302

File: f17d737901e7831⋯.jpeg (424.24 KB,1090x611,1090:611,E45F4FFF_598F_478A_8AC6_7….jpeg)


RCH363 C17 Globey out from Port Au Prince to Charleston

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32c02d No.20909303

File: b0c0b89ac27eb93⋯.png (714.91 KB,1080x1078,540:539,Screenshot_20240520_071006….png)

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31f58a No.20909304

File: 7ef31e51683f13e⋯.png (2.57 MB,998x1098,499:549,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3f8ea No.20909305

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: 843476f63becb8f⋯.png (11.22 KB,139x57,139:57,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

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32c02d No.20909307

File: 57b8942f2dbe984⋯.jpg (40.82 KB,500x465,100:93,8r7ujh_1.jpg)

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6bbea3 No.20909309

File: 5e0063d1a5fe30a⋯.png (303.48 KB,568x474,284:237,wutupnigga.png)

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32c02d No.20909311



Roberts also stopped the 2020 election fraud cases to be heard at the supreme court.

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d3f8ea No.20909312

File: 593b79f59305606⋯.png (62.8 KB,233x751,233:751,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)


nuland appears to have been integral part of 16 yr plan to destroy America with hillary mass murdering millions via ww3

unfortunately, nuland is still trying to wreak worldwide mass death and utter chaos

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5b38ee No.20909313


I'm actually Austin steinbart

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45ddfd No.20909315

File: 5e6718843cd87a0⋯.png (624.82 KB,747x564,249:188,roo.PNG)


Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

Frontpage Mag, by Kurt Schlichter

Posted By: Hazymac, 5/24/2024 11:10:53 AM

The Donald Trump New York City farce is on the way to being over. The prosecution (at least) rested after what would’ve been a disastrous performance by Michael Cohen in any other trial, but the standard rules don’t apply here because this is not actually a trial. This trial has nothing to do with law. It is a scummy attempt to frame a political opponent of the Democrats to keep him from winning an election against the desiccated old pervert in the White House. Normally, a jury would laugh this case out of court, except that it would never have been in court had the defendant been named Tronald Dump.

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32c02d No.20909318

File: 1b4ece8aa360533⋯.jpg (36.41 KB,500x487,500:487,FD_dcu.jpg)



My template anymore idea's?

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70ea27 No.20909320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:30 PM EDT

Vice President Harris and Secretary Blinken Hosts a Luncheon in Honor of President Ruto - Vice President Harris and Secretary of State Antony Blinken host a luncheon in honor of President Ruto and First Lady Ruto of Kenya.

Washington, DC




May 24, 2024

12:50 PM

The President and The First Lady arrive in Wilmington, Delaware

Official Schedule


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45ddfd No.20909321

File: 7c71e2b31e481eb⋯.png (393.67 KB,398x536,199:268,cb.PNG)


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45ddfd No.20909323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

PANIC: Media MELT-DOWN As MAGA Takes Over The Bronx! 25 THOUSAND Strong To Hear Trump in New York 🇺🇸

Benny Johnson

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31f58a No.20909325

File: 8666615d0c9a01e⋯.png (2.24 MB,1219x900,1219:900,ClipboardImage.png)

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c352f8 No.20909326

File: 6ff1f625eefa77c⋯.png (1002.93 KB,988x684,13:9,biden.png)

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a8215b No.20909327


financial rape, theft, debilitation and murder…. disguised as "Health Care".

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74e72f No.20909328

File: e323c8f1191c547⋯.jpg (458.02 KB,1240x1550,4:5,charliesportrait.jpg)


Go Back

Insulting your host?

That's a big curse.

Go suck off King Charlie and Xi

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d4e0c0 No.20909329

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45ddfd No.20909331

File: d69a97b7d758687⋯.png (305.27 KB,591x519,197:173,nc.PNG)


RNC Research


BIDEN MIGRANT CRIME: An illegal alien from Mexico breached Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas this week by jumping the fence after running from a "routine traffic stop" — and wasn't caught until "hours later."

3:52 AM · May 24, 2024




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d070aa No.20909332


Amen. Anon believes in dog.

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09c27d No.20909334

File: 07d421b095fe31b⋯.png (93.75 KB,320x260,16:13,c6ba0c14f4bbbfdf34a4919321….png)

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3d2282 No.20909335

File: 4aae652b807497f⋯.jpeg (428.8 KB,828x752,207:188,01951F59_47C2_4004_9187_9….jpeg)


Those are awful

Did you get help with that?

cuz you need it

>assumed no one else knows anything

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32c02d No.20909336

File: 652676649e7267f⋯.png (600.7 KB,1080x820,54:41,Scrb.png)

File: 2cca8ad2a786c88⋯.png (409.87 KB,1080x974,540:487,Scrv_1_.png)




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31f58a No.20909338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4ce5cb No.20909341

File: 3d416f1eb4a4fd9⋯.png (4.01 KB,310x163,310:163,1497021851029.png)

File: 91303ce248ad910⋯.jpg (47.85 KB,556x416,139:104,91303ce248ad9100ef38fffacd….jpg)

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45ddfd No.20909342

File: 2cef7a3d90eb4e3⋯.png (198.83 KB,593x807,593:807,hb.PNG)


Miranda Devine


Hunter Biden’s lawyers move to exclude statements he made at his plea hearing because “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court.”


12:22 AM · May 24, 2024




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b08d22 No.20909343

>>20908499 PB

People who pay rent, pay property taxes thru their rent. They just can't deduct it from their income tax. The person who owns the rental property has to pay the property taxes and income taxes on the income property. But people who live in public housing do not pay any property taxes. Also people who have 10 kids, all going to the public school will pay the same amount in property taxes as their neighbor who has no kids in the public schools.

Own nothing and be happy, does not exclude people from paying property taxes thru their rent.

BTW, I've been a homeowner for the past 36 years.

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60e85f No.20909345


mine, but I give free-use license.

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32c02d No.20909346

File: 2eaa993f5512f32⋯.jpeg (48.65 KB,710x876,355:438,2eaa993f5512f32bfc91bf94e….jpeg)

Dumb retarded Americans are finally waking up.

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dbb836 No.20909347

File: eb8ea73475b89db⋯.png (166.76 KB,552x669,184:223,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f87edd120b358d⋯.mp4 (713.05 KB,384x848,24:53,aU1XrTBT8zulEOSb.mp4)

Mystery Fireball Seen Breaking Up in Sky Over Southern Russia

Updated May 23, 2024 at 1:27 PM EDT

A mysterious fireball was spotted breaking up in the sky over southern Russia on Wednesday, videos shared by locals show.

Footage showing the unknown flying object was shared on social media by residents from several regions, including Stavropol Krai, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Krasnodar Krai, and the Republic of Kalmykia. Russian state-run news agency RIA Novosti reported that some residents believed it was a falling meteorite or comet, while others said they thought they had seen a satellite or an "enemy object."

The videos showed the fireball breaking up into multiple parts as it moved slowly across the night sky. Newsweek has not independently verified the footage.

This comes weeks after social media users reported seeing mysterious spiral UFO sightings across the United States and Europe.

Interest in unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) peaked last year after several experts testified before a Congress committee in July 2023 that they could pose a threat to national security.

A Gallup poll conducted in 2021 found that 41 percent of Americans believe alien spacecraft have visited Earth, up eight points from 33 percent in 2019.

RIA Novosti reported, citing amateur astronomers, that the sighting could have been space debris burning at low speed.

The Telegram channel of the observational astronomy project, AstroAlert, said the burning object was likely a SpaceX Starlink satellite.

"The culprit of today's sky show has been found! This is most likely STARLINK-2653," the channel said, sharing a map purportedly showing its flight path.

"On this map, its final flight path is the lower orbit turning from white to green and then to the red line, going through the center of the Sahara Desert, the Mediterranean Sea, Turkey, the Black Sea, Sochi and further over the northern Caspian Sea."

"15 minutes before combustion (at 17:35 UT or 20:35 Moscow time), the spacecraft flew over the western coast of Africa near a point with coordinates 0° longitude and 0° latitude," the channel said.

Russia this week announced that it had kickstarted the first stage of testing tactical nuclear weapons in the region. Personnel of the Southern Military District had started training and completing combat tasks with "special ammunition" for Iskander missile systems, the Russian defense ministry said in a statement.

There is no suggestion that the fireball spotted on Wednesday is linked to the tactical tests. Newsweek has reached out to Russia's Foreign Ministry for comment via email.

"The personnel of the aviation units of the Russian Aerospace Forces involved in the exercise practice are equipping aviation weapons with special warheads, including the Kinzhal hypersonic missiles, and flying into designated patrol areas," the statement said.



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3d2282 No.20909348

File: 3d3159d2ad82d6d⋯.gif (1.77 MB,400x167,400:167,C772E879_40BE_4CCF_A936_E6….gif)

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f6e7b7 No.20909349



>equating to destruction of civilization.

While I was being blacklisted by Wall st for being a ground zero worker and truther, I cleaned out a dumping ground and drug den in my local neighborhood which took about 6 years to complete. Once completed there were about 10-15 houses put up, exacting about $20k in taxes per home for the county of which I never benefited one penny from. MAGA.

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c352f8 No.20909350

File: 880ad921eb56dcb⋯.png (1.14 MB,872x814,436:407,2024_05_24_12_15_19_copy.png)

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1d4986 No.20909351


hot dog

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38cb56 No.20909352

File: 76dce1eed4a60e6⋯.png (1.1 MB,1130x728,565:364,ClipboardImage.png)

Of course Obama was there. After all, who do you think is calling the shots?

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bfe706 No.20909356

File: c729250a17ddd45⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,320x180,16:9,mqdefault_1_.jpg)

File: 3dfbfbe5e970ca7⋯.jpg (87.32 KB,1000x707,1000:707,1101_catholics_cog_1000x70….jpg)

File: ec385a13e646d91⋯.jpg (116.51 KB,735x499,735:499,8karpo.jpg)

File: df87cf8c2452b47⋯.jpg (8.13 KB,274x184,137:92,images_27_.jpg)

File: 820f0b275988396⋯.jpg (76.07 KB,485x680,97:136,GDasp9ha8AAvTkw.jpg)


catholicism is an abbreviated way of saying 'shabbos goy for joo bankers'

christians cut their dick tips off to show sumission to mass murdering joo god

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1d4986 No.20909357

File: 58602b3266a883d⋯.png (10.18 KB,133x142,133:142,ClipboardImage.png)


it's superman

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45ddfd No.20909358

File: 36fe9e40250d058⋯.png (137.36 KB,353x340,353:340,fu.PNG)


​ (https://theamericantribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Screen-Shot-2024-05-23-at-11.23.46-PM-1024x542.png)WATCH: MSNBC Suggests Americans are Too “Confused” to Understand the Economy is Thriving

FULL STORY: https://theamericantribune.com/watch-msnbc-suggests-americans-are-too-confused-to-understand-the-economy-is-thriving/?utm_source=TATTGR

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45ddfd No.20909359

File: 729aba801d9476f⋯.png (474.77 KB,589x816,589:816,hat.PNG)


Attorney General Andrew Bailey


Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO

and his family after this tragic loss.

We honor the memory of this couple from Missouri.


5:17 AM · May 24, 2024




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38cb56 No.20909360

File: 2383ab476101d8c⋯.png (497.55 KB,500x500,1:1,gaslighting_intensifies.png)


>Americans are Too “Confused” to Understand the Economy is Thriving

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d4e0c0 No.20909361


I need to borrow your lithium fission reactor for a minute… promise I’ll bring it right back.

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bfe706 No.20909362


1. evade, redirect, create false equivalence.

2. address nothing in the post you reply to

3. post non-sequitur

4. defend porn site operator

great job.

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31f58a No.20909363

File: a29c63b9f8d0b86⋯.png (391.08 KB,460x472,115:118,ClipboardImage.png)

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5190ac No.20909364


>Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

Which is what it used to be.

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4af5dd No.20909365

File: 97d612abd86acd5⋯.png (7.75 MB,5000x5000,1:1,zzclock15jan7McCout.png)

Jan 7

Cause it keeps coming up

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d3f8ea No.20909366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


msnbc=charles boyer

American voters=ingrid bergman

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45ddfd No.20909367

File: ff0e0fb6c896063⋯.png (416.6 KB,589x582,589:582,sub.PNG)


Suburban Black Man 🇺🇸


Well said, my fellow American.

“The pressure is on”: RSBN interviews MAGA supporters in the Bronx

“The pressure is on”: RSBN interviews MAGA supporters in the Bronx ahead of Trump speech at 6:00pm ET



7:17 PM · May 23, 2024




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76dcd8 No.20909368

File: e2477df40008074⋯.png (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


comfort and peace and joy be upon muh brother and sister in Christ Jesus name.


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f6e7b7 No.20909369


It is all planned out, making Fast Food expensive, because they want you to eat the bugs. I am tired of sitting here and bitching, I want to take some heads off already. Some of us will fight for you make no mistake.

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16ef04 No.20909371


Taxes are extortion and theft.

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a01014 No.20909372

File: 38d8cfa19216330⋯.png (406.41 KB,750x1334,375:667,7937B4EC_A984_4CF8_B7DD_86….png)

File: fc98865448b8d1f⋯.png (1.09 MB,690x3398,345:1699,C69F6612_789A_4F2B_9D0A_C7….png)

File: 2959a0705d50af1⋯.png (154.53 KB,690x1830,23:61,DF2ED6EA_A2C0_42C4_B97D_45….png)

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38cb56 No.20909373

File: 10bc612d7f55d8e⋯.png (462.04 KB,500x487,500:487,Klaus_9.png)


>they want you to eat the bugs

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16ef04 No.20909374


It’s nobodies business how much money I make. NOBODY! Yet somehow the government, which is funded by the people, knows about my earnings like a psycho voyeur.

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45ddfd No.20909375

File: 0baedb043645430⋯.png (723.32 KB,799x571,799:571,wj.PNG)

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3d2282 No.20909376

File: 88e588970455ae6⋯.png (2.98 MB,1789x2015,1789:2015,7BE16B3D_35ED_4200_AE46_59….png)


>MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle recently brought on Austan Goolsbee

There’s the problem right there

> “confused” and “exhausted” to truly understand the state of the economy.

Fuck off douche bag

Most Americans don’t need an eCONomist/FRB hack to tell how what’s left of this economy is doing.

They see it just fine thank you


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31f58a No.20909377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"handheld nuclear reactors"

Great idea! Except that the UFOs are trying to determine if we pose a clear and present danger that must be neutralized.

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55b210 No.20909378


Perhaps the locals knew more about the nature of their "ministry" than you do?

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a01014 No.20909380

File: 4185fb70d084f83⋯.png (1.88 MB,750x1334,375:667,9BC96451_9BAF_42FC_BF4B_AD….png)

File: 892da857a805685⋯.png (176.06 KB,690x2050,69:205,4D008ED9_5FFD_4339_8390_AB….png)

File: 8a2060228329ca3⋯.jpeg (374.36 KB,2000x1633,2000:1633,8B9F7B11_42BE_42BC_A7F6_7….jpeg)

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16ef04 No.20909381


>Nearly 80% of Americans

In breaking news: those same 80% of Americans were found to be legally retarded.

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9805d6 No.20909382

Oh, you poor tiny pedo powers cowering behind the squealing of your pigs,

God reminded me of something he taught me a long, LONG, time ago.

To expect, is to expect too much.

Especially when all the Math is against you.

God's will in all things. And that big beautiful Sun.

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45ddfd No.20909384

Trump gonna shout the wins for all of us”

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16ef04 No.20909385


>Kangaroo Court

This ain’t Australia.

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38cb56 No.20909387

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB,409x393,409:393,i_cant_belive_this.jpg)


Come on man! MSNBC says they're all too dumb to realize just how great the Biden economy really is. → >>20909358

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9805d6 No.20909388


Yeah, sure. The win's for all of US, huh?

He means the United States of Israel. And not my country.

God's will.

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89500e No.20909390

File: 8f8578d37df9d55⋯.jpg (116.26 KB,587x778,587:778,150817105619_08_vdposters_….jpg)

…"Here we fucking go, again."

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45ddfd No.20909391

File: 29becd6b5fe3532⋯.png (486.34 KB,595x534,595:534,ill.PNG)


Daily Wire


Joe Biden: "Jill and I are honored to have you here, and we're representing and including many members of the African diaspora. One just left, Barack…”


RNC Research

5:32 AM · May 24, 2024




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3d2282 No.20909392

File: 70bf12d131e98cc⋯.png (85.56 KB,1108x1038,554:519,769632AD_6D92_435D_8BB7_CD….png)


Wanted to say that but let ‘em decide for selves


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45ddfd No.20909394

File: 0a121e75b375c2a⋯.png (687.91 KB,992x866,496:433,bs.PNG)

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38cb56 No.20909395

File: cdfe5959b181bcb⋯.png (220.45 KB,600x600,1:1,pepe_condom.png)

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c352f8 No.20909396

File: c96d3a99b165e2a⋯.png (320.85 KB,575x322,25:14,biden_66.png)

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dbb836 No.20909398

File: 9f772b0093f6100⋯.png (282.69 KB,500x485,100:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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16ef04 No.20909399


>let ‘em decide for selves

I’ll say it for you. They can’t decide for self cause of the legally retarded diagnosis. Kek.

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d4e0c0 No.20909400


“What are you wearing today?”

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f99e75 No.20909401

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

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09c27d No.20909403

File: cda87ea2680ccf9⋯.jpg (61.71 KB,535x480,107:96,cda87ea2680ccf93b9589aa7b2….jpg)


howza baker fam

heard you layin low

call it if you want it


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45ddfd No.20909404

File: bc2ad715546fa2e⋯.png (272.49 KB,789x564,263:188,fr.PNG)


Media in disbelief as Republicans like

Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden

coalition frays

New York Post, by David Harsanyi

Posted By: Moritz55, 5/24/2024 10:52:42 AM

This week, former South Carolina governor and GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley finally endorsed Donald Trump. And, boy, the news was an unpleasant surprise to a political media that’s convinced themselves Trump is the next Hitler. On outlets like CNN and MSNBC, Haley was disparaged as if she were a traitor to the American republic. The American left, it seems, continues to believe a sizable contingent of Never-Trump Republican voters can sink the former president. It’s all just wishcasting. Most Nikki Haley voters will be Donald Trump voters. And the fact that Haley, highly critical of the former president during the primaries, is supporting Trump is no more shocking than

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3d2282 No.20909405

File: 9a7014fcc2e883d⋯.jpeg (58.57 KB,800x574,400:287,7BC03B30_86E1_45EC_A936_1….jpeg)


Dubs confirm

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31f58a No.20909407


Fast Food? Meh. Fst haka. My Chinese pressure cooker smuggled in through Canada makes the greatest ribs. Ever. Plus they'll be done before you get back from McWhatIsInThis

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38cb56 No.20909408

File: c2d703fad8fda8e⋯.png (313.42 KB,451x480,451:480,pepe_pretty.png)


>“What are you wearing today?”

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09c27d No.20909410

@250or close enough

#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 🚨Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head "is not good news, it's bad news. They are building up to another big move…

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165 A lengthy expose by journalist Sharyl Attkisson has shed light on the widespread practice in journalism wherein reporters collaborate covertly with political interests, from politicians’ campaigns to the CIA….

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period."

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court.”

>>20909359 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss.

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6bbea3 No.20909411

File: ce2d9ba1fc53a60⋯.gif (80.26 KB,480x242,240:121,bullshitmeter.gif)


If it were a shit for brains meter it'd be full.

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a01014 No.20909413

File: df07f3df9a41e21⋯.jpeg (37.28 KB,400x400,1:1,D5FA2E2C_51AF_4E61_9508_F….jpeg)

File: 5831119d44c16f7⋯.png (1.14 MB,750x1334,375:667,4A4C559C_38AD_4EC8_A2CA_8F….png)

File: 6b147ada456d442⋯.png (98.23 KB,690x1070,69:107,D1CAB53A_82DE_412A_B9BF_EB….png)

File: 0338eebeba23ba0⋯.jpeg (101.45 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,EB235DD2_A609_40E3_8C06_2….jpeg)

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89500e No.20909414


…Final Fantasy Tactics (ps1) and RL priorities eating up time, with approaching burnout limit, aside.

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0a4716 No.20909415


You don't day….

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45ddfd No.20909416

File: 64f2814e4a2f7c5⋯.png (53.89 KB,625x431,625:431,onx.PNG)


Huge pro-Trump crowd in the Bronx shows

something profound happening in America

American Thinker, by Andrea Widburg

Posted By: Judy W., 5/24/2024 9:12:19 AM

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez admitted the other day that the virtue of the so-called “hush money” trial is that it keeps Trump off the campaign trail. She slammed the fact that Trump would even contemplate making lemonade out of that lemon by campaigning in the Bronx—her turf. That was fear speaking, and AOC was right to be afraid. What’s happening now in the Bronx is monumental. A crowd that was estimated to be a few thousand is currently in the tens of thousands and still growing. Yesterday, when Ocasio-Cortez learned that Trump would be coming to her home turf, she tried to insult him by gloating about the trial hampering

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b08d22 No.20909417


And they murdered a lot of old people, which means the government no longer has to give them social security or medicare that they worked for their whole lives.

There is a big incentive for the government to kill old people.

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199420 No.20909422


why are dems stoll winning primaries

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09c27d No.20909423



heard they were 'plaints

not mines


IRL kicked muh ass for a min too

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86a133 No.20909425

File: 27e90f2aa2161bc⋯.mp4 (2 MB,178x240,89:120,27e90f2aa2161bcead7ab635b0….mp4)


After filtering all reddit space spammers

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89500e No.20909427


…Anon will get over it. Too lazy to drama.

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45ddfd No.20909429

File: f9b8e9b669322f3⋯.png (1.22 MB,1291x720,1291:720,ker.PNG)


Biden proves he’s a demagogue on race, yet his own record is terrible

President told Black college grads that America hates them

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45ddfd No.20909431

File: 6d0c1124f62bb6c⋯.png (419.76 KB,598x518,299:259,cla.PNG)


Bobby D🎙


What do you do at a family friendly RALLY WHEN 70 THOUSAND PEOPLE CHANT FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊. Classy move Byron Donalds🇺🇸

12:53 AM · May 24, 2024




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a8215b No.20909432

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354686 No.20909434


>with liberty and justice for all


Tell that to a cop violating the 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments when they use civil asset forfeiture to steal your life savings with no due process or reasonable suspicion, let alone probable cause that you've committed a crime. Remind them again when you try to sue them and they have qualified immunity.

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f6e7b7 No.20909435


I revealed all this just about 4 years ago. How the hospitals have institutionalized murderers, that remdesivir and others are designed to lower your resistance to zero, and that ventilators are used to make people dependent on a breathing machines to cause atrophy, so when they pull the plug, you suffocate because your muscles are too weak. What the hell takes everyone so long to grow a brain?

all pb but this was mentioned around the beginning of 2020

#16771076 at 2022-07-21 00:03:14 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #21155: Ebake for Greatness Edition

>>16770314 pb lb Regarding ventilators:

Thoughts and Prayers go out to the Trump family:

Thank you, just so you know it was me who revealed this before the pandemic, that is why POTUS sent them the +++ ships. This is one of the main ways hospitals kill patients. This is how it works, these machines breathe for you so you do not need to use your internal muscles. After a duration, atrophy sets in, then they pull the plug and you suffocate to death. This was being heavily utilized at the VA, this why POTUS fired 9.6k people. He said they weren't treating our Vets so well, the truth is, they were murdering them. Anyone who has served in the Military or have or had family members enlisted owe a great deal of gratitude and your complete loyalty to President Trump because he put an end to that abomination. Bush and Obama were warned about this tactic regarding civilian hospitals but never acted upon the information, only Trump did; never forget it.

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31f58a No.20909436

File: 880a7a695c1fb40⋯.png (131.21 KB,1239x781,1239:781,ClipboardImage.png)


Didn't she along with Moochie, AOC, Maxine Waters and Fauxahauntus incite riots across state lines that resulted in murders, rapes, assaults and billions in property damage?


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fb799b No.20909438

File: ba119c1749bb7d7⋯.jpg (138.35 KB,720x876,60:73,20240524_104604.jpg)

File: 248c6ab59b4c752⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB,1024x576,16:9,RNC_Research_20240524_1_ne….mp4)


BIDEN (slurring incoherently): "Jill and I are honored to have you here and we're representing, including many members of the Africa diaspora. One just left — Barack…" 😬

Obama left

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45ddfd No.20909439

File: ddbb8f2a6f7e559⋯.png (540.07 KB,958x569,958:569,body.PNG)


0:49 / 0:54

Dr. Fauci and former President Obama on COVID Vaccines

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b7e9ad No.20909440

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man down

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a8215b No.20909441


the "awakening" will be a failure unless Cops are forcefed the Constitution instead of being sucked off by more Back The Blue.

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6bbea3 No.20909442


Primaries are a per party thing.

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ce050f No.20909443

File: 075f1976c86ed15⋯.png (68.22 KB,640x718,320:359,Full_of_KEKs.png)

>>20908920 pb


Jim Vorel:

LURK MOAR faggot.

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1d4986 No.20909444


only clowns wear masks

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31f58a No.20909445

File: ba36be2c9e34b37⋯.gif (1.37 MB,498x278,249:139,z.gif)

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170f2f No.20909446

>>20909438 He's really getting worse and worse

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1d4986 No.20909447

File: ea8f4097b8ed6ba⋯.png (1.12 MB,715x1024,715:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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a01014 No.20909448

File: 5482589adf82f6e⋯.png (993.15 KB,750x1334,375:667,353EDF1F_448C_404B_B180_B9….png)

File: a033d2fc32edaab⋯.png (1.53 MB,750x1334,375:667,0118E088_E700_485D_B8AA_34….png)

File: 3a9c2a0b479cb0c⋯.png (452.48 KB,690x2566,345:1283,5A629A8C_5596_4E61_B093_F5….png)

7:26 saana time

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45ddfd No.20909450

File: e79ca2702ba8c6d⋯.png (262.3 KB,599x590,599:590,kc.PNG)


🔥🇺🇸 KC 🇺🇸🔥


🚨They tell you the truth to your face if you listen. Knowing what you know now, listen to this interview in 2020 with Barack Obama as he speaks about a 3rd term in office with a puppet installed.. 🤨

Sound Up 🔊

6:08 AM · May 21, 2024




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7ca60f No.20909451

File: 2423da11d048086⋯.jpg (61.29 KB,500x562,250:281,8rcljo.jpg)



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3d2282 No.20909452

File: 7fa06da20f3304f⋯.jpeg (527.47 KB,703x765,703:765,BF61302E_EF52_4BC2_B1DA_4….jpeg)

MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

* Company seeking to cut interest rate margin on the debt

* Repricings, refinancings have dominated the market in 2024

MoneyGram International Inc. failed to convince lenders to slash its borrowing costs on a leveraged loan before a deadline Thursday, according to people with knowledge of the matter.

A group of banks led by Goldman Sachs Group Inc. is attempting to lower the interest rate margin on the company’s $398 million loan maturing in 2030 to as low as 400 basis points over the benchmark rate, a different person with knowledge of the matter said last week. They also asked not to be identified discussing a private matter. The new loan is offered at 99.75 cents on the dollar. https://news.bloomberglaw.com/private-equity/moneygram-misses-deadline-on-398-million-leveraged-loan-deal

May 16th

MoneyGram Joins Repricing Bonanza With $398 Million Loan


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9805d6 No.20909454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey tiny pedos and all you other people these terrified pedos wish to enslave:

Happy Friday!

[Instrumental Intro 00:00-01:31]

[Verse 1]

If you see something that looks like a star

And it's shooting up out of the ground

And your head is spinning from a loud guitar

And you just can't escape from the sound

Don't worry too much, it'll happen to you

We were children once, playing with toys


And the thing that you're hearing is only the sound of

The low spark of high-heeled boys


The percentage you're paying is too high priced

While you're living beyond all your means

And the man in the suit has just bought a new car

From the profit he's made on your dreams

But today you just read that the man was shot dead

By a gun that didn't make any noise

But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest

Was the low spark of high-heeled boys

[Instrumental Break 03:02-03:50]

[Piano Solo]

[Verse 2]

If you had just a minute to breathe

And they granted you one final wish

Would you ask for something like another chance?

Or something similar as this?

Don't worry too much it'll happen to you

As sure as your sorrows are joys

[Pre-Chorus 2]

And the thing that disturbs you is only the sound of

The low spark of high-heeled boys


The percentage you're paying is too high priced

While you're living beyond all your means

And the man in the suit has just bought a new car

From the profit he's made on your dreams

But today you just read that the man was shot dead

By a gun that didn't make any noise

But it wasn't the bullet that laid him to rest

Was the low spark of high-heeled boys

(High-heeled boys)

[Instrumental Break 05:25-09:42]

[Saxophone Solo]

[Piano Solo]

[Organ Solo]

[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 3]

If I gave you everything that I owned

And asked for nothing in return

Would you do the same for me as I would for you?

Or take me for a ride

And strip me of everything including my pride

But spirit is something that no one destroys


And the sound that I'm hearing is only the sound

Of the low spark of high-heeled boys, heeled boys

[Instrumental Outro]

God's will in all things. Everywhere and Beyond.

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fb799b No.20909455

File: 546c7ba8be5a874⋯.jpg (168.24 KB,720x1040,9:13,20240524_105124.jpg)

File: a879cc4f2520a37⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,1080x602,540:301,Wall_Street_Apes_20240524_….mp4)

This Is Amazing ‼️ Black Americans Now Making Videos Showcasing How Insane & Racist Democrats Are

This is in response to Democrat Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul: “Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is”


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3d2282 No.20909456

File: acb83e34c77b0c7⋯.jpeg (439.81 KB,828x817,828:817,8ED8C0A6_FC84_4FA7_A326_A….jpeg)



>members of the Africa diaspora

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31f58a No.20909458

File: 6b460dc59fba54f⋯.png (356.82 KB,801x564,267:188,ClipboardImage.png)


DNCCP knows martyring FJB won't work, but Barry wants him dead anyway.

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fb799b No.20909459

File: 2f0be30cbb9f0d0⋯.jpg (109.31 KB,720x822,120:137,20240524_105356.jpg)

BREAKING: US missionary couple killed in Haiti: family


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d6881d No.20909460

File: 43ff69775e4362d⋯.webm (86.83 KB,427x240,427:240,surprise.webm)

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dbb836 No.20909461

File: 4a773f2a0d76f0d⋯.png (385.41 KB,600x404,150:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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5ef502 No.20909462


Fast food shit is probably already bugs.

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45ddfd No.20909463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the frontman of evil

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31f58a No.20909464

File: 34743c0cb9da519⋯.png (1.92 MB,1029x748,1029:748,ClipboardImage.png)

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38cb56 No.20909465

File: 1c373f546d30548⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,480x852,40:71,Libby_Meltdown_4.mp4)

Libby meltdowns will only get worse as the summer progresses.

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d6881d No.20909467

File: 1a6ba12d20cc835⋯.png (458.53 KB,620x601,620:601,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6e7b7 No.20909468

>>20909289 Ventilators

>>20909435 Atrophy

Now, for anyone listening, here is another assertion that will be prove, should the right people investigate my insights. Another way that they kill people is to diagnose them with diabetes if they have leg and foot pain. These people I assert are being attacked with cyanide which clings to clothing and can permeate the clothing then penetrate into the skin and will move subcutaneously and destroy tissue such as muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The body will try to isolate the toxins causing cramps and push it to the extremities into the hands, fingers, and expel it through the fingernails or in the lower extremities, the foot, toes, and toenails. This causes the deep pain and tingling sensations. In the arms it will usually cause strokes first. The hospitals are amputating these limbs, usually in the foot, and the patients die shortly after that because now there is no mechanism to expel the cyanide toxins. Logical thinking, plus, I am always right, always. The more you know.

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70ea27 No.20909469

1:30 PM EDT

2024 Libertarian National Convention: Afternoon Business

Libertarian National Committee, Inc.




Campaign 2024: Libertarian Party Delegates Debate Convention Business & Schedule

Libertarian Party delegates debate and vote on a potential change in schedule of their 2024 convention, including when the party’s presidential nominee is selected.


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31f58a No.20909470

File: 22d280d71866b9f⋯.gif (1.57 MB,220x124,55:31,_.gif)

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08d229 No.20909471

File: 33d68f0f8a519f7⋯.png (204.62 KB,1366x768,683:384,la_quinta_columna_4_png_pn….png)

File: f951999b40b4eb2⋯.png (311.04 KB,1366x768,683:384,la_quinta_columna_3_png.png)

File: 1029f76ea4873ad⋯.png (512.44 KB,1366x768,683:384,la_quinta_columna_2.png)

File: 1c4e379f87e26e7⋯.png (699.11 KB,1366x768,683:384,la_quinta_columna_1.png)

some very weird shit seen in the pfizer comirnaty vaccine

la quinta columna, which found graphene hydroxide in the covid vaccines

is asking anyone in the world who can help them identify this stuff

any exobiologists on board who can help?


~If you are a scientist in any branch of Biology such as botany, zoology, genetics or exobiology, etc., if you are a biotechnologist, an engineer or a chemist and you can contribute with knowledge or ideas about what is seen in the first part of the video (Drop 1), please contact us at the following e-mail address:

incubo@laquintacolumna.info ~

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45ddfd No.20909472

File: 6284a6759ced157⋯.png (1.9 MB,1471x892,1471:892,ake.PNG)


5.24.24: BRONX wakes up, Border problems escalate, DS lost control. Americans are AWAKE, Elections, protect children, Pray!

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8877b4 No.20909473

File: 6273ab1a745608e⋯.png (581.59 KB,1107x757,1107:757,ClipboardImage.png)


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5039f8 No.20909474

File: a4affa3a1aed340⋯.jpg (854.55 KB,2560x2560,1:1,Comfy_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker


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45ddfd No.20909475

File: 256215496864eaa⋯.png (111.32 KB,380x406,190:203,main.PNG)


Charlamagne tha God hits back after ‘The View’ co-hosts tried to bully him into endorsing Biden:

‘Strangest thing ever’

🔗 (https://x.com/i/status/1794050729792901577)

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fb799b No.20909477

File: 1a01415aa937a33⋯.jpg (120.99 KB,720x982,360:491,20240524_110324.jpg)

File: 1ae346e79b0cecf⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,720x1280,9:16,The_Daily_Sneed_20240524_3….mp4)


‘I support killing all you guys..’

Kek this cop has had enough

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31f58a No.20909478


Gotta love MSMs getting beat by the monsters they created, who work for free.

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3d2282 No.20909479

File: a52611de045a689⋯.gif (500.83 KB,554x262,277:131,C90FB5A4_36D1_49F8_BD0D_B3….gif)

File: 85f69e070a66ef3⋯.jpeg (242.6 KB,828x1151,828:1151,68C8D1FA_9E7D_4533_9A65_B….jpeg)

>>20907443 pb

Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

(But are they ready for our UST yields to rise like last Oct.? cuz they’ll sell our debt to do it most likely unless they can continue to do it like late April/early May using cash and help from the NYFED and BTW it’s retraced almost the full amount of the second intervention on the last FOMC day and they still won’t admit it either)

Japan stands ready to take appropriate action in the market "any time" to counter excessive moves in the yen, its top currency diplomat Masato Kanda said on Friday, issuing a fresh warning on the chance of renewed exchange-rate intervention.

"Under a flexible exchange-rate regime, we won't need to intervene if currency moves are stable. But if there are excessively volatile moves that have an adverse effect on the economy, we need to take action, and doing so would be justified," Kanda told reporters.

We are ready to act any time as needed against currency moves," Kanda said after accompanying Japanese Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki for the first-day session of the G7 finance leaders' meeting in the northern Italian city of Stresa. At the meeting, Japan told its G7 counterparts that vigilance was needed against excessive volatility in the currency market driven by speculative moves, Kanda said. Japan also told the meeting that it was important to "respond appropriately" to excessive, disorderly moves in the currency market that would hurt the economy.



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199420 No.20909481

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f6e7b7 No.20909482


So if anyone is listening, or gives a shit about other peoples lives then do this as a test. Knowing this information, if you massage the feet and push towards the toe nails and brush the toenails forwards to where you would cut them and then cut then, the patient should start to feel relief if it is actually cyanide. This is not an immediate cure but has to be done on a constant basis until all toxins are removed from the blood stream. Test on a patient and see for yourself.

Now, the next thing that you should be thinking, is how long have they been doing this and getting away with it? Where is it coming from? How are people being targeted? The more you care, the more you will know.

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939249 No.20909483


Is this why the Potomac Leftards are in aPANICover Trump andRETRIBUTION?

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d6881d No.20909484

File: 5363ee0b37b325a⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,736x414,16:9,c3088e0cb8a67cc4a5cd0580e1….jpg)

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31f58a No.20909485


3 stripes and he's out!

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0442d1 No.20909486



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45ddfd No.20909487

File: 9d76b174478d760⋯.png (451.36 KB,599x782,599:782,ismo.PNG)


🇺🇸 Pismo 🇺🇸


"I am a 40 year Democrat who has turned away and waked away from the Democratic party because of the way I was treated after my son was killed…"


TalkRadio 77 WABC

4:30 AM · May 24, 2024




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939249 No.20909488


Define Genocide.

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708095 No.20909489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hunter Biden’s ex-wife to testify after text messages released

-Robert Gouveia ESQ

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5c6a80 No.20909490


Notablewe give a shit

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a01014 No.20909491

File: b3163d1bdbea597⋯.png (1.18 MB,750x1334,375:667,5FC5033E_0425_419E_B43C_F1….png)

File: 9fada534d64d94f⋯.png (165.75 KB,690x1962,115:327,8F617B80_0733_42A5_99BE_8F….png)

File: 90a0d6a234fba56⋯.jpeg (187.99 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,CD7CF4C2_B113_496B_9D73_A….jpeg)

File: 3e6730fecca9d57⋯.jpeg (992.5 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,C6BCDA53_E985_476A_98FB_C….jpeg)

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0442d1 No.20909492



Proof positive that this ass is being forced to say this by Patriots, so normies can say,” hey wait a minute!?”

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5d3acc No.20909493


As if he was never there

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c14de9 No.20909494

File: 69e40068a8c9ec2⋯.png (57.69 KB,1079x596,1079:596,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20907617 (pb) King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa greeted President Vladimir Putin during his two-day visit to Moscow saying that 'this is one of the happiest days of my life because this is the day I meet you'

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45ddfd No.20909495

File: 8b66a16ab056e88⋯.png (294.9 KB,601x705,601:705,lad.PNG)




Latino ladies ripping AOC a new one! 😳🤣

2:10 AM · May 24, 2024




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4f8d98 No.20909496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Massive Support And Love For Donald Trump In The Bronx Today

255K views · 13 hours ago#support #trump #donaldtrump…more



Spread the love

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161b48 No.20909497



get over it man. night shift is dead and buried by now

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a01014 No.20909498

File: bc4e9acc57ae5c7⋯.png (1.29 MB,750x1334,375:667,AAAAEA1E_1A0F_4878_B367_7D….png)

File: 37b2b7caa943603⋯.png (94.74 KB,690x894,115:149,1A0D3FD4_F007_4974_96B9_F9….png)

File: 279171c233075f3⋯.jpeg (214.98 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,8038E245_0490_4051_9C68_5….jpeg)

File: 776a94ffd173087⋯.jpeg (299.02 KB,2048x1537,2048:1537,3331B190_0A40_4351_8970_2….jpeg)

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4f85f7 No.20909499

File: 8450c72847f5f82⋯.png (585.48 KB,1080x555,72:37,Screencfb.png)

On every corner in the democrat run cities there is bean shit on the sidewalks.

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f6e7b7 No.20909500



Some indications of cyanide poisoning is the affected areas become ever so slightly swollen as the dead cells amass in that area. The area will feel a deep down coldness, stretched, and weakened or fatigued easily. Arthritis and cramping are also indications. Affected areas can also have some type of discoloration or something similar to a burn which is often times diagnosed as MRSA because nothing works on it. The DS likes to mix cyanide with adhesives, plastics, or poison ivy to make it stick to the upper derma to cause mental anguish and isolation to victims knowing they how they will be treated upon sight. The more you know, the more you will realize how evil these POS are.

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5c6a80 No.20909501


What do you thats why he sent the ships, to keep patients out of the hospitals?

When are the governors get arrested and judged?

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cfc610 No.20909502

File: e0a7fb889d5c1ba⋯.mp4 (778.15 KB,320x568,40:71,TBallCHAOS.mp4)

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b20eed No.20909503


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45ddfd No.20909504

File: bfc3f0d64eb5f3d⋯.png (1.32 MB,792x790,396:395,am.PNG)

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5ea9d5 No.20909505

File: e2fa443bd8a50d8⋯.png (3.92 MB,1734x1598,51:47,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

File: 0b48e2a051dbc1c⋯.png (4.56 MB,1718x1356,859:678,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

There is some seriously weird shit going on with the magnetic field…the Schumman is also popping off…


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d6881d No.20909506

File: 5ff22c28118f234⋯.jpeg (239.15 KB,1124x1086,562:543,6e1ff2adfdd90763cf56ec0eb….jpeg)


That's just VaticanClown. That retard and his little crown crew have a habit of trying to hijack things to make it their own. He's harmless and the handler for that persona will most likely not allow himself to be arrested. You can filter him faster than he can post.

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f6e7b7 No.20909507


> to keep patients out of the hospitals?

No, to help treat outpouring of patients with honest medical professionals, but they refused to use them, knowingly.

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5d3acc No.20909508

File: 6c327fca75ff9dd⋯.png (505.15 KB,709x900,709:900,ClipboardImage.png)

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d67f7c No.20909509

File: d9a799fcdb0d98e⋯.png (2.14 MB,1024x1534,512:767,t1.png)

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d6881d No.20909510

>>20909506 (me; edit: correction)

>crown crew

clown crew

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a01014 No.20909511

File: 4103f6e571040dc⋯.png (60.67 KB,690x718,345:359,B5BDDB09_B8E9_4BBA_9B34_1F….png)

File: d270595ed0100a4⋯.png (672.21 KB,690x2112,115:352,5733E66A_F3BA_4024_997F_A8….png)

File: 2401f1364c57a7e⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,6AA602D5_A2E2_4A86_B12A_99….png)

File: 83d41d36576b0a0⋯.jpeg (219.68 KB,1200x1200,1:1,6D4E04A9_B008_4C70_8D55_1….jpeg)

File: a62dfa177e17542⋯.png (556.15 KB,680x677,680:677,0935282D_AFA1_40A8_9F72_90….png)

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d7f415 No.20909512

DJT will be forever known as the one who welcomed God back to Earth. He's already done that part. You just don't know it yet. He came with great glory on the cloud…hmmm, what could cloud mean? Fluffy white things in the sky or the internet? Which one do you think?

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31f58a No.20909513


Genocide: When you shave your hed to make yourself look like a bigger dick than you really are.

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8877b4 No.20909514


Jewish subversive.

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d073a9 No.20909515

File: e2b03e1c9324486⋯.jpeg (78.53 KB,561x444,187:148,IMG_8688.jpeg)

It’s a real pants-shitter, Biden shits himself at the start:

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c14de9 No.20909516


This is basically Autism.

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cfc610 No.20909517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fani Willis Live | Georgia Senate Fani Willis Hearing LIVE | Georgia Senate Debate | US News | N18L

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d6881d No.20909518

File: 861ff2676177654⋯.png (378.43 KB,600x548,150:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like they're cycling over to blaming everything in the world on Jews again.

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5c6a80 No.20909519


There’s something else they are doing, since mid 2020 when I got sick with high fever (no jab) my legs are messed up and little scabs are showing up all the time on my lower legs. The veins are red blue and patchy skin. Never happened in my life.

Got a detox i can use?

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e28428 No.20909520

File: c6e4a2a9ebc2703⋯.png (2.06 MB,1920x5650,192:565,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)


Same photo as last year

PLA Type 071 Landing Ship Smokescreen Exercise Leads to Fire Rumors Online

By Atlas November 21, 2023

On Tuesday, footage was posted to the Chinese social media app Weibo showing a PLAN Type 071 landing ship billowing out black smoke from various parts of the vessel.

BREAKING: Reports that China's most advanced ship 980 hull number Type 071 landing ship (Longhushan) is on fire pic.twitter.com/eOVtNvzaQl

— AlexandruC4 (@AlexandruC4) November 21, 2023

By the time the footage hit X, a whirlwind of rumors began claiming that the ship was on fire, however, what we are most likely seeing a smokescreen exercise or damage control drill.

We have previously seen black obscurant be used by Type 071 landing ships and other PLAN vessels before, with crews placing smoke canisters on various parts of the vessels. The is opposed to the white obscurant used by naval vessels at sea that we are typically used to seeing during smoke screens.


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90e5c6 No.20909521

File: 8db5ea841d03859⋯.jpg (7.14 KB,241x209,241:209,Z_17_.jpg)

File: 267288e1a6405e8⋯.jpg (7.55 KB,182x276,91:138,images_111_.jpg)

What do you call baby frogs? Anything you want except late for supper.

No, seriously. What do you call baby frogs?





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45ddfd No.20909522

File: 035780dc0f3cb36⋯.png (1.41 MB,1051x865,1051:865,post.PNG)

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96a275 No.20909523


They even killed them with their lockdown bullshit.

I know one personally, who died shortly after the lock down was finally lifted.

No access allowed, because muh deadly virus.

No one visiting -> non-stop stress

non-stop stress very bad for health

Was healthy until then.

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354686 No.20909524


Domestic enemies to the constitution deserve what they get, and I don't mean the protestors.

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5c6a80 No.20909526


Was in the hospital 6 months after, for one day, they did tests on my stomach with anesthesia

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708095 No.20909527


drug test - what will it reveal? I wonder if Trump will make that happen before the debate and it will show cocaine use….after all, Trump has said specifically that Joe does cocaine, so he's got the intel that can prove it, just needs to make the drug test happen…

do all Bidens do coke?

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86a133 No.20909528


>What do you call baby frogs?


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641ac7 No.20909529

File: 5f02c4158aaf674⋯.png (66.32 KB,122x262,61:131,fu41c7eeb6e5c4ee7178129165….png)


STFU you annoying little bitch.

You're worse than any of them.

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45ddfd No.20909530

File: 556e510a407de7d⋯.png (409.26 KB,588x530,294:265,ally.PNG)


MAGA War Room


Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems. He understands what the country needs. He has the heart to do it…Joe Biden and 'Bidenomics' or whatever they've been saying all these years–they do nothing but talk."

2:44 AM · May 24, 2024




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4ce5cb No.20909531

File: b531e9064ce138b⋯.png (248.97 KB,526x468,263:234,b531e9064ce138be9f9baf6407….png)


>crown crew

>clown crew

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08d229 No.20909532


without the slightest doubt, this is microwave radiation

looking for the cell phone tower, don't see it

but these kids are being radiated out of sight

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31f58a No.20909533

File: ce6c75ba870c82d⋯.png (285.92 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f8d98 No.20909534


Driving a pedomobile

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d6881d No.20909535

File: c8f1c9f135100ac⋯.jpg (8.62 KB,255x222,85:74,pepe_mic_drop2.jpg)


Anons stop your dumb ass all day by filtering you. Every desperate IP hop to force your visibility. Filtered. Every time.

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a01014 No.20909536

File: 279171c233075f3⋯.jpeg (214.98 KB,2048x1362,1024:681,A225A5C9_5F83_4186_9B65_0….jpeg)

File: e01637616ee6206⋯.png (44.3 KB,690x542,345:271,FED66CB1_6732_473E_9B4B_AA….png)

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d6881d No.20909537

File: dbea3288d441004⋯.jpg (137 KB,1080x718,540:359,cry_about_it.jpg)


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5c6a80 No.20909538


He’s been talking about God a lot since he restarted his rallies.

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354686 No.20909539

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Anyone carrying "large" amounts of cash, which is perfectly legal, has that money confiscated just for telling the truth they have it. Government is unconstitutionally robbing the people.

>Fourth Amendment

>The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

>Fifth Amendment

>No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

>Fourteenth Amendment Section One

>All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

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90e5c6 No.20909540

File: 2f818004ee18a25⋯.jpg (4.98 KB,192x128,3:2,2Q_17_.jpg)

File: b0f754ee34c4d0c⋯.jpg (9.64 KB,198x254,99:127,9k_25_.jpg)

Babe knocks it out of the paaak!

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5c6a80 No.20909541


Is that really the colors, its really strange. Any thoughts

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c0df08 No.20909542


>the Schumman is also popping off

The Schumann Resonances are driven by lightning discharges:



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45ddfd No.20909543

File: 9c25aa549dad04d⋯.png (764.07 KB,904x834,452:417,ia.PNG)


Friday, May 24, 2024

19 minutes ago

Jack Montgomery



‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System.

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212061 No.20909544

File: 3fecb35e5720824⋯.jpg (56.93 KB,900x526,450:263,1775.jpg)

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d6881d No.20909545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e2bc82 No.20909546


>Notable we give a shit

Thank Q, because what is being testified to in court today was my forewarning and it is really much worse than most can imagine. You see, it was not just about 911, and our struggle with the DS causing endless wars but a whole way of life and tactics of these DS cabal cronies that have been covertly murdering our people for ages with some of these very same tactics. By shining a light of this future proves past, I hope that some of my other insights get the attention that it needs because I have been asserting for over 4 years now, that chemical sabotage and radiation weapons are the "number one" cause of all illnesses, disease, and deaths, worldwide. The sooner we address this, the more innocent lives we will save.

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45ddfd No.20909547

File: 0710ad79ac97418⋯.png (2.29 MB,1226x914,613:457,ga.PNG)

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9ddd45 No.20909548

File: 919c7aada10df5b⋯.png (824.67 KB,1022x1078,73:77,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f8d98 No.20909549


Drown loser

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b08d22 No.20909550


I have a Libtard sis-in-law who is still afraid to leave her house, and when she does, she wears a mask. She is stuck in Fearville.

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89500e No.20909551

File: 76a36ddc9ebf49c⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,550x413,550:413,110511merginggalaxies.jpg)


…This shit, again? It would take a lot more than lightning. Nevermind the Sun or the electrical component which link them all together.

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e2bc82 No.20909552

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cfc610 No.20909553



Can't even be a legit missionary anymore because of Clinton.

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a01014 No.20909554

File: aad799b127e40cf⋯.png (890.02 KB,750x1334,375:667,E933BAA7_9C96_4552_93D1_7B….png)

File: bcff7bf5da9e208⋯.png (113.11 KB,690x1158,115:193,EFD33C14_75B5_4E82_A7F3_83….png)


gosling 1 out of 3. 2 survived and relocated with parental units

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31f58a No.20909555

File: 7668c82e64d5b7e⋯.png (546.27 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb799b No.20909556

File: 28241f7025aa853⋯.jpg (260.56 KB,1284x1768,321:442,20240523_183453.jpg)

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3ad1f7 No.20909557


I think you are a nutcase.

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45ddfd No.20909558

File: 2f8f13cc0f9107f⋯.png (24.04 KB,999x257,999:257,chi.PNG)


6 Chilean nationals targeted N.J. homes

in multi-state burglary ring, feds say

NJ Advance Media, by Chris Sheldon

Posted By: Scottyboy, 5/24/2024 8:40:33 AM

Six Chilean nationals have been accused of burglarizing homes in New Jersey, New York and other states, federal prosecutors said. Flavio Bladimir Astete Castillo, Dareyen Mauricio Cortes-Canete, Luis Esteban Castillo Vivar, Max Vidal Navarrete, Jordán Estefano Contreras Vilches, and Juan Jose Ramirez Nilo, all of Chile, were each charged with one count of conspiracy to sell and receive stolen property that had crossed state lines and one count of receiving stolen property that had crossed state lines, according to a release from the U.S. Attorney’s Office District of New Jersey.

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e2bc82 No.20909559


You want to see God's Light with your own eyes, then save his people. You will be answered.

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cfc610 No.20909560

File: 48fe13081e01691⋯.mp4 (473.73 KB,320x482,160:241,FuckYouSetToPianoMusic.mp4)

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31f58a No.20909561

File: 704653fbc2e7e5d⋯.png (996.78 KB,947x631,947:631,ClipboardImage.png)


Next time carry crypto

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4f8d98 No.20909562


And take your bf with you

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188ad1 No.20909563

Question for anons, I've noticed a pattern on my weather app on iPhone. When it's raining, it just says it's cloudy. Is this a climate change tactic where they don't want to admit that it's raining so they can talk about the drought? Anybody seeing this pattern?

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953722 No.20909564


>Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

They should learn to code.

Like they said to the coal miners.

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9b98d9 No.20909565

File: 42d8aa376eb1575⋯.jpg (116.44 KB,439x559,439:559,DRIVING_MISS_DAISY.jpg)

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9e41f7 No.20909566

Anon hopes Q is watching the board(s). Q wd know who Anon is. Anon needs reassurance white hats are active but Anon feels left out of the show.

Q: Plz give anon a 17 No. on next post.

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fffeb1 No.20909567

File: 5467d56f764f2be⋯.png (1.18 MB,626x1898,313:949,IMG_1039.png)

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e2bc82 No.20909568


God reveals himself to those that do His Will.

No one can tell you or teach you, only the heart can judge.

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354686 No.20909569


Kek hell no.

I say we hold the lawless domestic enemies accountable, including the cops, prosecutors, judges, politicians, and media who helped them.

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9e41f7 No.20909570


Anon noticed when the Weather Channel went from accurate on a 15 day to changed daily. Happened 2015-ish.

Knew fukery afoot

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6c035e No.20909571

You ain’t gonna make it.

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5c5899 No.20909572


I'd rather get rid of government and hang the traitors and those in eh club and start all over again.

Voting doest work.

Its all corporate slavery, drudgery and human cruelty.

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67e319 No.20909573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9e41f7 No.20909574


Anon seconds that

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09c27d No.20909575

Baker haz IRL, TAPS


#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320, >>20909469 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 🚨Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head "is not good news, it's bad news. They are building up to another big move…

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165 A lengthy expose by journalist Sharyl Attkisson has shed light on the widespread practice in journalism wherein reporters collaborate covertly with political interests, from politicians’ campaigns to the CIA….

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331, >>20909558 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period."

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court.”

>>20909359, >>20909459 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss.

>>20909431 FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊. Classy move Byron Donalds🇺🇸

>>20909438, >>20909450, >>20909455 Biden welcomes African diaspora keks Dims no haz rayciss

>>20909452 MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

>>20909479 Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

>>20909530 @MAGAIncWarRoom Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems

>>20909543 ‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System.

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3ad1f7 No.20909576


guess that means people gotta dash more of their enemies babies against the rocks in order get his love. Do his will get his love. Kill more babies for GOD. DO IT FOR HIS LOVE

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5d3acc No.20909577


And we'll be back for lunch, supper, and breakfast

And furthermore

We will be at the shuffle board court, the pool, we dare you to try and keep.us from getting the band back together

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fffeb1 No.20909578

File: 7ba9adf4dc2d7b4⋯.png (485.83 KB,482x598,241:299,F6B1CFDE_7975_41D2_AA78_40….png)

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d6881d No.20909579

File: 44994409fd2845a⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,652x521,652:521,44994409fd2845a1f03fc96e31….jpg)


>You ain’t gonna make it.

Motherfucker, I'm sticking around for the after-credits scene.

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c352f8 No.20909580

File: 948d319efc58888⋯.jpeg (54.04 KB,246x255,82:85,IMG_4953.jpeg)

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45ddfd No.20909581

File: d317d05bc2a3b30⋯.png (456.3 KB,478x583,478:583,larp.PNG)

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fffeb1 No.20909582

File: 83de3e1414c2dbf⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,WrxeuoB2Y0Td4xy2.mp4)

File: 4c9c9a06b38a117⋯.mp4 (185.03 KB,640x360,16:9,duHSH5P3aM_IGl3r.mp4)

File: 637050b7fd24c62⋯.mp4 (125.47 KB,640x360,16:9,Un7l2aAz_oJY3ilV.mp4)

File: 8a2ea4b6307dc91⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,856x466,428:233,Biden_Fart.mp4)

File: 9b62505b8c62091⋯.mp4 (125.88 KB,640x360,16:9,Biden_THE_Erectionist.mp4)

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e2bc82 No.20909583


There are two types of people on this earth, even the neutral are evil because they let the good die and evil to flourish.

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9118ea No.20909584


Kind of funny until you see the same people smashing a skull with a hammer and eating the brains

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55b210 No.20909585

File: b03e38f16fb18e4⋯.mp4 (563.92 KB,720x1280,9:16,b03e38f16fb18e45c0b641cfd2….mp4)

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5d3acc No.20909586


That's the spirit

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939249 No.20909587


Needs more Yakety Sax.

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c0df08 No.20909588

File: e6c4e3c26407499⋯.png (194.59 KB,768x448,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0a83855de0310f6⋯.png (283.94 KB,736x557,736:557,ClipboardImage.png)


> It would take a lot more than lightning

This illustration shows the lowest three resonant modes, with estimates for their frequencies, that occur in the electromagnetic cavity on Earth between the ionosphere and the surface. These Schumann resonances are caused by continual lightning strikes across our planet, and were predicted in basically their modern form in 1952.


Schumann Resonance Signatures of Global Lightning Activity

The natural electromagnetic waves in the SR frequency range (5 Hz to approx. 60 Hz) radiated by lightning discharges are contained by the Earth-ionosphere cavity. This cavity excitation by lightning can occur as a single energetic flash (a ‘Q-burst’), or as an integration of a large number of less energetic flashes (the ‘background’ resonances). In principle, continuous observations of SR parameters (modal amplitudes, frequencies, and quality factors) provide invaluable information for monitoring the worldwide lightning activity from a single SR station.


Schumann Resonances in Lightning Research

Schumann resonances (SR) are global electromagnetic resonances excited primarily by lightning discharges. This review is aimed at the reader generally unfamiliar with Schumann resonances. Our goal is to give some historical context to SR research, and to show the extensive use of Schumann resonances in a variety of lightning-related studies in recent years


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c352f8 No.20909589

File: acda6d2e33e1b0b⋯.jpeg (36.73 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5216.jpeg)

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008223 No.20909590

File: d937ddbf3561f31⋯.png (747.05 KB,1334x750,667:375,282AE1F1_A863_4385_A4CB_3B….png)


Clystal creal.

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e2bc82 No.20909591


Wrong, let me put it in simple terms:

It is about "Self" sacrifice not sacrifice.

Only the heart can judge.

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31f58a No.20909592

File: ef39afd27b0600a⋯.png (454.11 KB,808x861,808:861,ClipboardImage.png)


First, you won't be doing that with no money.

Second, …

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9118ea No.20909593

File: aff94a4a0790e1c⋯.mp4 (15.47 MB,1280x720,16:9,_PXOas5FwIXJz0yW.mp4)

File: 8727e16dde41df3⋯.mp4 (413.76 KB,320x568,40:71,AOCrallyinBronx.mp4)

Trump rally people VS AOC rally

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3ad1f7 No.20909594


well that is not what the book says. It says honor your god and do what he says including kill the babies. Obviously you do not love god if you are not willing to smite your enemies babies. You are cursed unless you kill more babies.

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354686 No.20909595


You can't serve God and money. You can serve God without money.

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c52995 No.20909596


Static electricity from magnetosphere? That'd be neato.

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9118ea No.20909597

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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354686 No.20909598


Sucks if you serve a book rather than the Word then huh?

"all of these things are done in parable, so some although ever seeing never perceive"

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55b210 No.20909599


The Flynntard rappers is peak Paytriotism.

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5d3acc No.20909600


The sultan of swat

The orange Julius himself

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6c035e No.20909601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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31f58a No.20909602

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nobody is neutral and doing nothing is better than being an evil pawn.

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b08d22 No.20909603


You want to raise the babies of your enemies who you killed?

Did you ever watch Conan the Barbarian?

They will grow up to kill you out of vengeance for killing their parents.

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d6881d No.20909604

File: 392430134856b00⋯.webm (992.95 KB,427x240,427:240,the_red_hat.webm)

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45ddfd No.20909605

File: 61e547620bfb94e⋯.png (27.86 KB,791x292,791:292,dr.PNG)


Did terrorists just do a dry run at a

Marine base? Team Biden needs to fill

the nation in

New York Post, by Post Editorial Board

Posted By: formerNYer, 5/24/2024 1:27:03 PM

Did terrorists just scout out a US Marine base? That’s outrageous enough, yet the story still remains far from clear. Indeed, a mountain of questions need answers. Fox News reports that one of the men had crossed the border illegally, yet was allowed to stay. The other reportedly overstayed his visa.

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f856d0 No.20909606

These POS must have come in the night as some parts of the cracks in my patio have some type of gluey sandy material. No doubt that they are getting tipped off and have specialized equipment.

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9118ea No.20909607

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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939249 No.20909608


I'd go there to check out her awesum tatas and she'd be dressed like a migrant gardener.

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170f2f No.20909609

File: 4a50600d75958ef⋯.png (1.69 MB,1185x672,395:224,ClipboardImage.png)

File: addbf2d243e27cb⋯.png (1.26 MB,750x657,250:219,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8af1cb7c1a89408⋯.png (732.52 KB,750x422,375:211,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8af1cb7c1a89408⋯.png (732.52 KB,750x422,375:211,ClipboardImage.png)


NAACP and Michael Brown get hit with most epic ‘Community Note’ ever on what would’ve been his 28th birthday…

May 24, 2024 (4 hours ago)

In one of the most shameless “fake news” spectacles, CNN and other left-wing media outlets perpetuated the “hands up, don’t shoot” lie. They falsely claimed, without any evidence, that neighborhood thug Michael Brown had his hands up and pleaded with the cops not to shoot, just before he was supposedly unjustly killed. The media also dubbed the lumbering thug a “gentle giant.”

Here’s the “gentle giant” attacking an Asian store clerk who’s half his size during an armed robbery.

The media made a spectacle of themselves as they pushed these insidious lies, even going so far as to sit there, like dummies, with their hands up in the air.

Of course, the story didn’t happen the way they said it did—not even close. It’s reminiscent of the George Floyd hoax.

As it turns out, Brown, a budding career criminal and dreg of humanity, was trying to take a weapon from a police officer when he was justifiably shot and killed. However, these actual events didn’t fit the left’s anti-cop narrative, so they concocted a new story that once again divided the country, igniting chaos, violence, and hate. Now, when the NAACP and other radical left-wingers decided to take to X to post ‘Birthday wishes’ to Michael Brown, who would’ve turned 28 this year, they were met with one of the most epic Community Note ever.

Here’s what the Community Note said in response to the NAACP’s post on X, celebrating Michael Brown’s life and marking the birth of this neighborhood thug.

“Michael Brown was a robbery suspect and was shot after he initiated an altercation with police. Investigations, including by the DOJ, concluded Officer Wilson’s use of force was justified, as Brown had reached for the officer’s gun.”

Meanwhile, it’s fair to note that it was Obama’s very black regime that concluded Michael Brown’s death wasn’t due to police misconduct. Much like the left’s George Floyd narrative, the ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ claim turned out to be a hoax as well. Congresswoman Cori Bush also got hit with the same savage and very well-deserved Community Note that the NAACP got slapped with.

This is a photo of St. Louis prosecutor Wesley Bell, who determined there was no reason to press charges against the police officer who justifiably shot and killed the lumbering criminal, Michael Brown.

They investigated the case an absurd three times, and each time, the cop was found not to be at fault.


St. Louis County’s prosecutor announced Thursday that he will not charge the former police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, a dramatic decision that could reopen old wounds amid a renewed and intense national conversation about racial injustice and the police treatment of people of color.

Prosecuting Attorney Wesley Bell’s decision marked the third time prosecutors investigated and opted not to charge Darren Wilson, the white officer who fatally shot Brown, a Black 18-year-old, on Aug. 9, 2014. A St. Louis County grand jury declined to indict Wilson in November 2014, and the U.S. Department of Justice also declined to charge him in March 2015.

Civil rights leaders and Brown’s parents had hoped that Bell, the county’s first Black prosecutor who took office in January 2019, would see things differently.

These days, the left turns to the hood to find their civil rights heroes. Criminals, gang bangers, drug addicts, and all-around bad guys like Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and George Floyd are enshrined in the mythical “civil rights pantheon.” These are the men whom the media and left-wing activists herald as representative of the American black experience—men who we are urged to look up to and revere. So much so that major organizations and elected officials commemorate their would-be birthdays online. It’s no wonder so many in the black community feel trapped. The very people who claim to be helping them are actually keeping them down.

Thank goodness we have a way to combat these lies and hoax agendas from the left, so hats off to Community Notes for coming through big on this one.


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3ad1f7 No.20909610


kill more babies says right there, total justification unless you want to be cursed. Not sure where it said god said read between the lines because his will is not clear. Guess you have a secret word makes you ultra special. God said kill your enemies babies or else. Did he or did he not?

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9118ea No.20909611

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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38cb56 No.20909612

File: bc652f4e6d641df⋯.png (373.83 KB,550x413,550:413,ClipboardImage.png)

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b08d22 No.20909613


Like abortion and sacrificing children to Moloch?

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6c035e No.20909614

File: e028e74c56e01dd⋯.jpeg (107.78 KB,1500x1000,3:2,IMG_1385.jpeg)


See ya there

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7ba5bd No.20909615

File: d3112ced782cf1f⋯.png (137.68 KB,882x890,441:445,ClipboardImage.png)


the dough belongs to me naow

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3ad1f7 No.20909616


Yes, I have also seen Kill Bill. The bible thus is justified because movie logic, if someone is your enemy kill their children because reasons. If you believe differently kill their babies also because reasons.

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de4b16 No.20909617

File: 2dc658cc12968e6⋯.gif (313.12 KB,362x240,181:120,HiWithMonkeys.gif)

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6c035e No.20909618


U2s, Satellites…you name it. On top of control of every security camera around you. Remote viewing. Very “special” tools. Read declassified FOIAs

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86a133 No.20909619

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Protesters face off with MAGA supporters outside Trump Bronx rally

Q-man appears after 10 minutes


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3ad1f7 No.20909621


is there really a difference. If God tells you to kill a baby you better fucking listen.

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06e0b0 No.20909623

>>20906972 n @CityPortland A full-scale inter-agency training exercise is happening the first week of June.

Some notables aremoar.

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6c035e No.20909625


God would never tell you to kill anybody you fucking faggot. Get the fuck out of here

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31f58a No.20909626

File: f8d50cf15a1e8a4⋯.png (1.56 MB,1080x1158,180:193,ClipboardImage.png)


blah blah blah cliche blah blah blah

Yes. You can be useful idiot without sending money

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354686 No.20909627


Jesus said these things are done in parable so some although ever seeing never perceive in that book you're trying to quote and claim is literal, when that book tells you it's not. That book is also an incomplete book of scripture, not the Word of God.

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3ad1f7 No.20909629


told the israelites to kill the babies. and when they did not they were cursed. They did not follow the instructions to the letter. Try again. Maybe if you were not an illiterate faggot you would know these things.

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a5e231 No.20909630

File: 291548dcf16af51⋯.png (997.34 KB,1060x1035,212:207,Screenshot_20240524_205452.png)

17 of this means you've got the last warning

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6c035e No.20909631


They use electromagnetic fields and Nazi torture methods to torture you and even killing some.

MK Ultra is ACTIVE -> Q proof

Be vigilant especially in DOMESTIC TERRORIST ran states. They are tracking you and might even try to kill you.

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3ad1f7 No.20909632


Jesus said that, not everyone believes in Jesus, so the parable thing gets tossed out as some believe in the actual word and letter. Now if you want to try to worm your way around saying parable then it is totally up to interpretation. If it is incomplete then why are people so determined to present any of it as true.

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31f58a No.20909633

File: d1823519e595ec2⋯.png (1.26 MB,956x720,239:180,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ac718 No.20909634

File: 34f232c28ac8027⋯.png (1.01 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN513.png)

Can I get an AMEN?

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6c035e No.20909635


You’re a disinformation shill stop relying on people to not read the Bible. You’re projecting, you nasty woman.

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86a133 No.20909636

File: e32aa7f33cf458b⋯.jpg (109.64 KB,776x434,388:217,hfyfyhyfchcy.jpg)

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170f2f No.20909637

File: fc4750bd99a96b2⋯.png (240.26 KB,783x714,261:238,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3246617056f8b33⋯.png (100.25 KB,975x382,975:382,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3246617056f8b33⋯.png (100.25 KB,975x382,975:382,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3246617056f8b33⋯.png (100.25 KB,975x382,975:382,ClipboardImage.png)

Arabs and Muslims not just ditching Biden… new evidence shows they’re going outright for Trump…

May 24, 2024 (5 hours ago)1/2

There’s no denying it: the Biden campaign is off to a rocky start, and it doesn’t look like things are going to get better anytime soon. After all, there’s not a lot of room for improvement when this is your candidate.

Meanwhile, even while dealing with immoral political hit jobs and unjust indictments, President Trump continues to dominate national polling, swing states, and even betting markets.

There’s no denying it—things are looking really grim for Biden. However, just when Grandpa Joe thought things couldn’t possibly get any worse, the bottom has fallen out on one of his most airtight voting blocs: Arabs and Muslims (some Arabs are Christians). What would it take for Arabs and Muslims to not only abandon Joe Biden but throw their support behind President Trump? You might think it would take a political miracle. Well, behold—the miracle has happened. New data shows that Arabs and Muslims are not just telling Joe to take a hike; they’re actually becoming Trump supporters.

Are pigs flying? Perhaps that’s a bad analogy, but seriously, this plot twist is a shocker.

However, maybe we shouldn’t be all that surprised. After all, as you likely know by now, Arabs and Muslims are furious with Biden over his handling of the Israel-Palestine conflict. They see Israel as the enemy and are incensed that Biden is funding their war against the Palestinians. Nothing Joe does or says is helping his cause; in fact, the more he blubbers on, the worse things get for him.

Take a look at what’s unfolding in the United States right now, with Muslims and the Trump/Biden vote.

The Washington Post had this to say about the incredible change.

Josh Rogin:

As the election nears, some Arab American donors and activists are considering not just sitting out the race, but working outright to elect Trump. And in a private meeting this week in Michigan, Trump’s surrogates are going to do their best to bring them into the fold.

On Tuesday, a group of Arab American donors and activists from around the country plan to convene in Oakland Hills, Mich., for a private dinner initiated by Trump’s former ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, several of the invitees told me…

Tiffany Trump’s husband, Michael Boulos, and his father, Massad Boulos — a Lebanese business tycoon — will also attend. The dinner is one of many being organized by Trump’s associates with Arab American leaders in several battleground states…

“We are going to organize and we are going to do whatever we can financially to support Trump,” Haytham Albizem, a Pennsylvania doctor, told me. “What has the Biden administration done for Muslim Americans on any level? The answer is zero.”

@AsaadHannaa, a Syrian American activist based in Texas who plans to attend the Michigan meeting, told me he is working at the grass-roots level to build Arab American support for Trump via voter registration and education programs in several battleground states — many of which Biden won in 2020 with narrow margins…

“What we are seeing now in Gaza and across the region has set it backwards by decades. Everyone is thinking, how can we change this? What can we do?” he said. “That’s why people, including me, are now being more active in support of bringing Trump back to office.”

The fact that this opening even exists for a pro-Trump Arab American movement should be a wake-up call for the Biden team. This administration’s policies and neglect of this community is pushing it into Trump’s waiting arms. Time is running out for them to reverse this trend.

Trump sees the writing on the wall, and he’s ready to cash in on the anger Muslims are feeling.

The Washington Post:

Among Muslim Americans and Arab Americans, anger over President Biden’s approach to the Israel-Gaza war and the Middle East in general has been building for months, creating a possible threat to his prospects in November. In a New York Times-Siena College poll released last week, Donald Trump led Biden 57-25 among Arab and Muslim voters in five key battleground states; those who said they voted in 2020 reported they had supported Biden 56-35 at the time.

Ninety-four percent of Michigan Muslims voted “uncommitted” in February’s Democratic primary, according to an exit poll. Now, as the election nears, some Arab American donors and activists are considering not just sitting out the race, but working outright to elect Trump. And in a private meeting this week in Michigan, Trump’s surrogates are going to do their best to bring them into the fold.


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d6881d No.20909638

File: 0c0559b9455657e⋯.webm (707.92 KB,427x240,427:240,poor_bastards4.webm)

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3ad1f7 No.20909639


I read the bible said right there plain as day psalm 137:9 . Be happy when you do it or else.

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9e41f7 No.20909640

Sadly some will never wake.

Very sad.

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170f2f No.20909642



On Tuesday, a group of Arab American donors and activists from around the country plan to convene in Oakland Hills, Mich., for a private dinner initiated by Trump’s former ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, several of the invitees told me. Grenell, who declined comment, is not a formal member of the Trump campaign. But Trump has recently referred to him as “my envoy,” and he is seen as a contender for a top national security position if Trump prevails in November. Tiffany Trump’s husband, Michael Boulos, and his father, Massad Boulos — a Lebanese business tycoon — will also attend. The dinner is one of many being organized by Trump’s associates with Arab American leaders in several battleground states.

Grenell reached out to Michigan physician Yahya Basha, a Syrian American community leader and donor to several Muslim advocacy organizations, to help arrange and host the meeting, Basha told me in an interview. Basha, who has cultivated ties with both Democratic and Republican administrations over the years, told me he has not yet chosen his 2024 candidate.

“It’s too early to say Trump is the one. That’s the reason we are hosting an event for his representative, to see how he views the community and what kinds of things he will do,” he said. “With [the Biden] administration, I was hopeful for a better policy, but unfortunately the delivery was lacking.

And whatever he’s doing appears to be working.

The numbers don’t lie, and Joe finds himself between a rock and a hard place right now, and he doesn’t have the brain power or the savvy to wriggle his way out. This is the poll Frank Luntz referenced above. Here are more details.


A New York Times/Siena College poll released Monday delivered potentially troubling news for the president, as Trump led in nearly every one of the six battleground states he lost to the president in 2020.

The survey found Trump leading among registered Middle Eastern, North African or Muslim voters in the swing states, with 57 percent saying they were planning to back him in November. Only 25 percent said they were supporting Biden.

However, Biden still held a lead over those voters who participated in the 2020 election, winning them 56 to 35 percent. This suggests that Trump could either be winning over less-engaged voters who did not vote in 2020 or that many of his supporters in that community are planning to vote for the first time.

About 70 percent of Muslim or Arab voters who are not planning to vote for Biden pointed to either foreign policy or the Gaza conflict as their reason for not supporting him, according to the survey.

The poll surveyed 4,097 registered voters from April 28 to May 9.

While this news is stunning and undoubtedly good for the Trump team, we can’t lose sight of what’s really important: working and middle-class white voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Sure, Arab and Muslim voters matter, especially in Michigan and Minnesota, but the 2024 election still hinges on those socially moderate upper Midwestern white voters—that’s where President Trump should focus the lion’s share of his efforts.


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d7f415 No.20909643

What can I say? The following I suppose.

It's time for the world to wake up. We fuked up. Now we have to fix what we've broken. Masons worldwide, let's get this show on the road. The time for me to have fun is here. Seven years I've lived like I've hung from a cross, died, and recovered. There is no reason I'm alive, other than who my father is. It's time to entertain me, my laughter goes a very long way. Check your manual, you'll see that it is time. Ready or not, they were warned and this Awakening is behind schedule. Those who have chosen not to participate will be eliminated, let them know, show them my words. There is and we've reached the point where enough is enough. Watch as the world changes in the blink of the proverbial eye. Dad's home.

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6c035e No.20909644


You projected, you are illiterate. Gate keeping faggot.

Save the taxpayer some money.

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b08d22 No.20909645


Seems like a good survival tactic.

If you don't kill your enemy's children, their children will grow up to kill your children.

Sometimes mercy is just stupidity.

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3ad1f7 No.20909647


why you mad? just saying God wants you to be happy when you kill your enemies children. Sing a song dance.

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008223 No.20909649


>neutral are evil because they let the good die and evil to flourish.

Your oversimplified assertion screams for rebuttal. It is a bold and false assertion. How do all the neutral (people) let good die? All of them? Any more than good people let good die?

(repeat comments) re “evil to flourish”.

The so-called ‘neutrals’ should be considered an untapped resource of potential allies in so many areas of society. When you decide to throw them away you are losing so many opportunities to shape communities for good. And you won’t even know you’ve lost those opportunities.

Do you think all the American colonists were patriots who fought the British? Were all the ‘patriots’ cookie cut outs who went to the same churches, or were believers? Possibly no? But they could all shoulder a musket?

They want you divided.

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3ad1f7 No.20909650


but why not just call it that instead of using God as the justification for violence. Does that make it better somehow to say that because logic dictates as you said is a better answer or does god saying it just let people escape the moral problem of murder. Because God said it ,must be ok?

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cd7e66 No.20909651

This board is the new telegram.

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354686 No.20909652


So you want to talk about the bible, but ignore Jesus in the bible? kek

What's true, a cipher or the message in a cipher? Their is a true message those who seek Truth can see, but others can't see because they either insist it's true as written or that it's all a lie because it's not true as written.

Let me give you an example. The tower of babel. It's not a building, it's a hierarchy. The bible makes it out as a building, the Holy Spirit tells me it's a hierarchy.

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b08d22 No.20909654


That shill is a Jew complaining about what the OT Jew Bible told the Israelites to do.

Jews are still killing their enemy's children.

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df3737 No.20909655

File: 88ff5eb74177f94⋯.jpg (10.82 KB,255x255,1:1,punisher.jpg)


and justice for all

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a01014 No.20909657

File: 3b769ab6c8d8068⋯.jpeg (63.58 KB,640x960,2:3,2B3AEEB2_3706_45BF_8533_9….jpeg)

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.gif (191.52 KB,239x300,239:300,CB512AD2_3A02_464F_9C0B_B2….gif)

File: cf515336185f054⋯.gif (1.94 MB,566x520,283:260,D6C8FB99_4241_4AE5_84B7_93….gif)

Jesus holy fuck. the absolute state of this place.

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2d02ff No.20909659

never Tumpfers were always bongoBiden turds

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3ad1f7 No.20909660


You are making all that up you have no clue. Shut up. That is just your interpretation kek. I can ignore whatever I want, just as you are. The bible at least the old testament is followed by Jews and Islam thinks bits and pieces are correct from both. So all you have is your personal explanation.

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6c035e No.20909661

File: 4ea8306f48036c4⋯.gif (571.1 KB,400x170,40:17,IMG_1449.gif)

Counting down the days until suicide weekend.

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56838f No.20909662


We the people want

Archbishop Carlo Vigano

For pope like big asses on IG

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55c490 No.20909664

Nobel laureate accused of employing antisemitic trope in Harvard commencement speech

Because I accepted your invitation to be here today, I was attacked online and called antisemitic by money and power because they want money and power,” said Ressa, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2021 for her investigative reporting on former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte.

“[T]he other side,” Ressa added, “was already attacking me because I had shared a stage with Hillary Clinton,” the former US Secretary of State who has expressed support for Israel.

Harvard Chabad Rabbi Hirschy Zarchi later approached Ressa to request she clarify her “money and power” comment, which, he later told campus newspaper The Harvard Crimson, he had found to be antisemitic.


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3ad1f7 No.20909665


am I, or maybe they have never changed and are still killing in the name of just like all groups. The books give the justification.

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fb799b No.20909667

File: 66763daa0597d79⋯.jpg (49.66 KB,500x536,125:134,8reu1j.jpg)

File: c50367ad1add535⋯.jpg (47.52 KB,500x536,125:134,8reu31.jpg)


Down syndrome

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953722 No.20909668


Good Morning Ezikiel.

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6c035e No.20909669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We got a book burning faggot here

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38cb56 No.20909671

File: 698fae2d1eeb4d4⋯.png (3.78 MB,1764x2178,98:121,Pelosi_clapping.png)


>D.C. National Guard Whistleblowers Testify Over J6 Delay

Nancy's in trouble…..

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b08d22 No.20909672


Yes, the modern Jew uses the OT to justify killing the children of their enemies.

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55c490 No.20909673


>I was attacked online and called antisemitic by money and power because they want money and power,

>found to be antisemitic.

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3ad1f7 No.20909675


who is burning books nigger.

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3d2282 No.20909676

File: 40304036d3ed1e3⋯.jpeg (739.84 KB,1127x617,1127:617,D7AF90DF_3EE8_4999_8954_D….jpeg)


SPAR11 departed JBA SW and at this point it is impossibruh to know who this is so wait to see where it goes.

BOXER81 arriving from Washington State extended maintenance stay

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f856d0 No.20909677



>U2s, Satellites…


>Be vigilant especially in DOMESTIC TERRORIST ran states. They are tracking you and might even try to kill you.

They try almost everyday, besides this today, we had a large number of twigs and leaves in our yard yet no wind yesterday. After close examination, the large ones all had straight cuts on one side indicating that they were cut and placed on our property. Most likely they were laced with some type of contaminate such as cyanide. their favorite. There is an exacting of cost to my reveals of their tactics.

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354686 No.20909678

File: 368070dd052bb3e⋯.png (15.6 KB,863x215,863:215,ClipboardImage.png)


You do not seek Truth.

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fb799b No.20909680

File: ee2340d96aec996⋯.jpg (107.83 KB,828x1097,828:1097,20240524_060826.jpg)

File: 5a25be33c4ed7ce⋯.jpg (100.74 KB,720x909,80:101,20240524_065850.jpg)

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74e72f No.20909681

File: 5a6d353726c78e3⋯.png (790.8 KB,600x601,600:601,gatesfauci.png)


old news.

they lie


i'm sure /s/


maybe cry for lil fighter too.

it 's a com. the Doge dog died, or was said to, and announced to and as such, last year - at least

It's just a cartoon.

They think we are stoopid

Never go full fakery chump

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6c035e No.20909682


They definitely have control of Grid. Deff can pump gas into tight areas as well as static. Full blown nazis.

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d6881d No.20909683


French fried taters

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31f58a No.20909684

File: 0446ae5a6d44013⋯.png (1000.31 KB,732x900,61:75,ClipboardImage.png)

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b08d22 No.20909685


Rich Jews are highly offended when people suggest that Jews are wealthy.

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5b38ee No.20909686


Who's the guy in the pic?

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3ad1f7 No.20909687


is that the book you found truth? The Truth unadulterated and unfiltered with no secret little orphan annie ring needed to decypher. Totally clear message but wait what if I do not have the ears to hear, does that mean the programming is not working on me?

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6c035e No.20909688

What happens when people learn the TRUTH?

Jan 31 2020

What happens when people WAKE UP?

They will not be able to walk down the STREET.



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e28428 No.20909689

File: 9eff1d5467ac2d2⋯.png (143.21 KB,548x362,274:181,9eff1d5467ac2d2b4059a889eb….png)

e2bc82 & 3ad1f7

This bread's religious "argument" designed to waste bread and help bury the good stuff

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bcef0f No.20909690


Pic just needs a little white powder around his nose.

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3ad1f7 No.20909692


there is no good stuff anymore, not till something happens. Sure stuff is but its more about the audience playing catch up with anons who are years ahead.

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6c035e No.20909694


Watch the water

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354686 No.20909695


I told you, the book isn't all True as written, and it's not complete. It's useful, but not the Word. It's the Holy Spirit that gives Truth. The only thing needed to decipher is Truth. You don't care about Truth though, you don't want Truth. You don't care what it means, you only want to discredit.

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38cb56 No.20909696

File: 9a6dc0e5650eaf2⋯.png (35.09 KB,596x364,149:91,ClipboardImage.png)


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3ad1f7 No.20909697


and when you are done being a faggot and telling me what I want why don't you do a swan dive off a building.

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6c035e No.20909698


A liddle man

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1ea607 No.20909699


a satire account

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8877b4 No.20909701

File: 6d164a92bf4f10d⋯.png (186.11 KB,461x593,461:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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d67f7c No.20909702

File: 9175435398fc0eb⋯.png (2.18 MB,1024x1534,512:767,1ba.png)

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53fa49 No.20909703

File: 0f5f9021df51db5⋯.png (374.8 KB,500x529,500:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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aef159 No.20909704

File: 45f5e776ed69e2e⋯.png (379.47 KB,952x500,238:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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170f2f No.20909705

File: 93e0fc2b48adfb2⋯.png (297.12 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

The US gave Ukraine glide bombs — but they keep missing because Russia is so good at jamming them

Mia Jankowicz

Updated Fri, May 24, 2024 at 8:52 AM

The US gave Ukraine glide bombs — but they keep missing because Russia is so good at jamming them

• US-provided glide bombs are struggling against Russian electronic jamming in Ukraine.

• Ukraine received the Boeing-made bombs in February in the hopes of hitting longer-range targets.

• But Russian electronic warfare has blunted the effectiveness of the US-supplied munitions.

US-provided glide bombs are struggling against sophisticated Russian electronic jamming in Ukraine, Reuters reported.

The Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb, or GLSDB, is a relatively new guided bomb with a range of 100 miles, thanks to small wings that extend from its body.

Ukraine received the bombs in early February after months of requesting long-range munitions and in the hopes of striking distant, strategic targets in places like Crimea. But their guidance systems are running intoRussian jamming, causing many of the launches to miss their targets, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

The GLSDB's developers, Boeing and Saab, have previously touted its high precision combined with its longer range.

In 2022, marketing materials for the bomb said that its navigation system is "supported by a highly jamming resistance GPS."Representatives for Boeingdidn't reply to Reuters and declined to comment in response to Business Insider's request. Saab did not immediately respond to BI.

Russia's advanced electronic warfare capabilities have proved a growing headache for Ukraine's munitions during the war. Jamming works by overwhelming a device's GPS signal with stronger, false signals, disrupting its navigation.

In late April, William LaPlante, the US undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment, discussed a US-supplied precision weapon that had suffered failings in Ukraine, in part because of electronic warfare.

He didn't name the weapon, but Defense One reported that it was likely the GLSDB.

Russian jamming has blunted the impact of several weapons that were initially highly effective in Ukraine, including the HIMARS-launched Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System, or GMLRS, and Joint Direct Attack Munitions, or JDAMS.

In March, reports emerged that theefficiency of GPS-guided Excalibur artillery shells had also been vastly reduced by Russia's evolving electronic warfare systems.

Jamming is also a highly inexpensive tactic — the software is available relatively cheaply and can help to take out munitions costing tens of thousands of dollars, Defense One reported.

Experts have warned that Russia's capabilities in this increasingly vital area now far exceed those of the US.


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354686 No.20909706


"We speak what we know, and we tell you what we've seen, but still you people do not accept our testimony" - Jesus.

Seek and you'll find.

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58b762 No.20909707


Crimes Against Humanity

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3d2282 No.20909708

File: f9a72328aaf71c3⋯.jpeg (148.86 KB,828x1103,828:1103,DB5FF76F_FF47_45A2_9D69_5….jpeg)

File: 7df0d4ad7b26fb6⋯.jpeg (186.14 KB,804x1253,804:1253,2DBDFC26_02AB_4DB7_89F9_A….jpeg)

File: b97a78cfea6353c⋯.png (1.78 MB,1080x1080,1:1,AE5C9CBB_D8FF_4FA2_A735_45….png)

Ag touched $29.99 earlier and bounced but not outta the woods yet.

Not gonna do much for remainder of session for both.


Au not doing much..low was $2335.00 and weak bounce from that


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31f58a No.20909709

File: 08c48207d8720db⋯.png (468.66 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)


I read the book. It says God and Jesus did not write it. If you want to justify killing civilians because a book told you to, you could do better.

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3ad1f7 No.20909710


that means nothing.

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f856d0 No.20909711


>neutral are evil because they let the good die and evil to flourish.

You are not thinking. Neutral is a state, it will not fight for good nor against evil. States can change, but until then what I assert is true in that state. Neutral will let the good die and let evil flourish, which is evil itself.

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9118ea No.20909712

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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56838f No.20909713



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c8ab3e No.20909714


Lord God….

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74e72f No.20909715

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"what republicans have put him through"

just wait til next week; upon good sources (on Bannon this morning) moar will be coming out;

millions of pages released By Means of Comer's (of the House of Representatives) lawsuit

James Comer knew docs were coming

for some weeks, they dropped yesterday; full Moon (a Good One too)



Starts around 7:50

saying we have to go back to what happened in '16.

ANONs prepare to fire those memes you've been saving all these years!

They have not gone stale.

Will be NEWS and new for new audience!

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354686 No.20909716


>I read the book. It says God and Jesus did not write it

Actually it doesn't kek.

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aef159 No.20909717

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)


>a satire account

Indeed it is, yet it's likely an accurate depiction of exactly what the democrats will do.

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58b762 No.20909718


>Taxpayers to Pay

Yeah right. Our money barely covers the interest now.

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56838f No.20909719

File: 75a8bf47e4d125c⋯.jpg (205.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,mission_from_god_blues_bro….jpg)


Call me Pos one more time

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53fa49 No.20909720


Exodus 32:31-32

English Standard Version

31 So Moses returned to the Lord and said, “Alas, this people has sinned a great sin. They have made for themselves gods of gold. 32 But now, if you will forgive their sin—but if not, please blot me out of your book that you have written.”

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5fc0a8 No.20909721


new mask

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aef159 No.20909722


Taxpayers should be paying for an election stunt, which is designed to get Biden reelected.

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fffeb1 No.20909723

File: ee9785908cc227f⋯.mp4 (54.12 KB,BadaKathCare_Biden_2.MOV)

File: 4a7de202a2ede8a⋯.mp4 (60.96 KB,Erectionist_Biden_2.MOV)

File: d73c60a1dbad791⋯.mp4 (52.07 KB,trunalimunumaprzure_Biden_….MOV)

File: ccf4f399b2ac70a⋯.mp4 (626.93 KB,packandelempackatlackact_B….MOV)

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3ad1f7 No.20909724


tell the people who justify the hatred because of these books. Or try to use a line of the entire to justify any act.

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b08d22 No.20909725

File: 5c9e5334d18ae1a⋯.png (61.62 KB,500x631,500:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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261c1b No.20909726

File: 4a42a94a0cb0a38⋯.png (752.3 KB,894x501,298:167,ClipboardImage.png)

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eab415 No.20909727

Everyone wants to rule the world

Except Anons, Anons don't give a fuck

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60e85f No.20909728

File: 09b2344bf231eef⋯.png (415.65 KB,500x651,500:651,ClipboardImage.png)

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d7f415 No.20909729


Trust me, you're in the best hands you could ever possibly be. You're here with me :-).

Me? Oh, you know me already, that's why you're here. You could say I called you and you listened.

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f856d0 No.20909730


>can pump gas into tight areas

With all these new battery operated power tools such as sprayers, portable pumps, and power washers they have new tools that make it easier than ever to sabotage targeted individuals. Then consider the military equipment that have fallen into their hands over the years coupled with incumbent sympathizers and you will understand what some of us are truly up against. Everything for these people becomes a weapon against us in one way or another.

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d7f415 No.20909731


Everyone does but only one can. Me.

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b08d22 No.20909732

File: 1af46a8ede2cebd⋯.png (70.24 KB,500x631,500:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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56838f No.20909734


it's da supermana

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d6881d No.20909735

File: 4af94ec518911db⋯.webm (467.09 KB,427x240,427:240,incendiary.webm)


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e28428 No.20909736

File: 736af574adc9cf9⋯.png (759.95 KB,1250x826,625:413,736af574adc9cf98021a1effc2….png)

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31f58a No.20909737

File: 9dd1c8f56f31e50⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,480x852,40:71,wormwood.mp4)

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38cb56 No.20909738

File: 110e0b160df9c6b⋯.png (264.81 KB,620x395,124:79,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d2282 No.20909739

File: 9aa648d3a9d95b5⋯.jpeg (454.42 KB,1144x617,1144:617,812C674D_9FBD_45E1_8471_7….jpeg)

File: 1f3b45886c71018⋯.gif (1.33 MB,500x274,250:137,4E11AFC3_F886_4A80_83C1_44….gif)

>>20905809 pb

SAM501 G5 departed Panama City-Pacifico AirportSouthern Command Chief General Laura Richardsonand heading back to JBA unless it stops at MacDill

Arrived from stops at Rio (where the U.S.S George Washington arrived earlier this week) and São Paulo before that

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4af5dd No.20909740


If you are proposing a connection please explain it to me like I am retarded.

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56838f No.20909741

File: f003d9efe6ff948⋯.jpg (110.48 KB,1000x600,5:3,RBXcXVLYAeOmEwdgaXzSRJgERV….jpg)


Dis one

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6c035e No.20909742

Satanism, Ritual Abuse, and Multiple Personality Disorder: A

Sociohistorical Perspective


Fauci’s a homo for the record

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74e72f No.20909743

File: d67ccc63991bb72⋯.png (147.67 KB,303x376,303:376,hunterstatedinner.png)

File: 5a4877aa4245736⋯.png (203.98 KB,382x501,382:501,hunter2.png)

File: e74a015e252eab5⋯.png (183.66 KB,304x384,19:24,hunter3.png)


looks like a double, fer sure.

Think they've used that double before. Its older, and they just brush that off as a result of stress and lifestyle

Published recent gossip; He was spotted with a vape?

They 've used this same double before

See Hunter4 picrel

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1d4986 No.20909744

File: 3e486b2f25e4f39⋯.jpg (328.46 KB,822x650,411:325,uknaz.jpg)

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6c035e No.20909745


Someone else is using a double, clearly

The doubles can get the dick

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9e41f7 No.20909746

Masks need to be pulled off scooby-doo style!

Ruh-Roh Raggy!

Do it Q! Do it.

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003810 No.20909747

File: b3cc847de2904c9⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB,384x480,4:5,My_President.mp4)

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b08d22 No.20909748

File: c40cb233dd1aac0⋯.png (320.14 KB,1584x1584,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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74e72f No.20909749

File: def1cab7f64f98e⋯.png (304.45 KB,395x506,395:506,hunter4.png)

File: d67ccc63991bb72⋯.png (147.67 KB,303x376,303:376,hunterstatedinner.png)

File: 1e3454c69067df6⋯.png (213.6 KB,309x444,103:148,hunter5.png)


soory posted, by accident, too soon.

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67e319 No.20909750

notables @ 555

#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302, >>20909676, >>20909739 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320, >>20909469 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 🚨Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head "is not good news, it's bad news. They are building up to another big move…

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165 Journalist Sharyl Attkisson sheds light on the widespread practice wherein reporters collaborate covertly with political interests from politicians’ campaigns to the CIA

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331, >>20909558 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period"

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court”

>>20909359, >>20909459 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss

>>20909431 FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊. Classy move Byron Donalds🇺🇸

>>20909438, >>20909450, >>20909455 Biden welcomes African diaspora keks Dims no haz rayciss

>>20909452 MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

>>20909479 Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

>>20909530 @MAGAIncWarRoom Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems

>>20909543 ‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System

baker change

>>20909593 Trump Rally vs AOC Rally

>>20909605 Did terrorists just do a dry run at a Marine base? Team Biden needs to fill the nation in

>>20909609 NAACP and Michael Brown get hit with most epic ‘Community Note’ ever on what would’ve been his 28th birthday

>>20909637, >>20909642 Donald Trump is Winning Over Muslim and Arab Voters

>>20909664 Nobel laureate accused of employing antisemitic trope in Harvard commencement speech

>>20909712 40 year long Democrat explains why she walked away from the Democratic party

>>20909715 John Solomon Reports Feds Knew Biden Met With Son’s Chinese Business Partners On Official Trip


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1d4986 No.20909751

File: b46c854cdf24e5b⋯.png (212.94 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5c6a80 No.20909752

File: 67f96a1d81526c4⋯.jpeg (56.26 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2265.jpeg)

24 May, 2024 15:20

Zelensky’s legitimacy is over – Putin

Russia will onnnly hold peace talks with actual legitimate Ukrainian authorities, Vladimir Putin has said

Russia must be absolutely sure it’s dealing with the legitimate Ukrainian authorities to engage in meaningful and legally binding talks to conclude the conflict between the two nations, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, noting that Vladimir Zelensky’s legitimacy was over.

The president made the remarks in Minsk on Friday during a joint press conference with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. Putin was asked for comment on Zelensky’s presidential term running out earlier this month and the impact of this development on potential talks.

Putin reiterated Russia’s readiness to engage in talks with Ukraine to wrap up the hostilities, stating that negotiations must be based on “common sense” and acknowledge “realties on the ground,” while taking the preliminary agreement reached early into the conflict as the foundation.

“But with whom to negotiate?That’s a peculiar question, I agree. We realize that the legitimacy of the incumbent head of the [Ukrainian] state is over,” the Russian leader stated.

The upcoming “peace summit,” scheduled to take place in Switzerland next month and actively promoted by Kiev is designed, among other things, to prop up Zelensky in his role, Putin suggested.

“I think one of the goals of this conference for the Western community, the sponsors of today’s Kiev regime is to confirm the legitimacy of the current – or not already – head of state,”he suggested, adding that “such PR moves are meaningless for legal documents.”

It’s up to Ukraine’s legal system, its “parliament, constitutional court and some other governing bodies” to determine whether Zelensky is now a legitimate leader or not, Putin suggested. As forRussia, in order to engagein any meaningful talks with Kiev,it must be absolutely sure it’s dealing with the country’s legitimate authorities, the president stressed.

Zelensky’s term expired on Monday, while no elections were held under the pretext of the martial law introduced by Kiev early in the conflict with Russia. The Ukrainian Constitution explicitly prohibits holding parliamentary elections under such circumstances, yet does not mention presidential elections. However, while setting the length of the presidential term, it also specifies that power is transferred the moment a new president is sworn in.


(He’s right you know! Zelensky has a problem, he either calls a snap election with the possibility of Ukraine rejecting him, or this Operation goes on for years. Zelensky’s poll numbers are going down the longer the war lasts.)


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74e72f No.20909753


doubles eyes are grey.

Nose fails to match.

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008223 No.20909754


>still killing in the name of just like all groups. The books give the justification.

Now we should understand that we are all, as their political opponents, Hamas to them. When they are ascendant and in power, those they oppose politically will be dealt with in the same brutal ‘kill ‘em all’ manner. Such irony to be found in Gaza these days.

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38cb56 No.20909755

File: 06827812742bd0f⋯.png (318.19 KB,500x518,250:259,Hunter_c_before_d.png)

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fffeb1 No.20909756

File: f8310b63f475064⋯.png (2.45 MB,1366x993,1366:993,E0BC1519_7979_44E2_B3E6_E6….png)

File: b0b5c0754add6ed⋯.png (1.49 MB,781x2117,781:2117,IMG_1055.png)

File: fab31eebb7366fa⋯.png (367.42 KB,891x724,891:724,IMG_1052.png)

File: 5467d56f764f2be⋯.png (1.18 MB,626x1898,313:949,IMG_1050.png)

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6c035e No.20909757



Come direct. I snort be a line of blow and I’ll polish you.

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f856d0 No.20909758


Didn't he just admit to lawfare and the abuse of his office to thwart a legitimate President from taking office?

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261c1b No.20909760


Adam Schitt holds no office….

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c41554 No.20909762

File: 2c59934afb7ee64⋯.png (2.79 MB,943x1032,943:1032,Screenshot_5044_.png)

File: 7668bca741a65bc⋯.png (2.4 MB,812x1031,812:1031,Screenshot_5045_.png)



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fffeb1 No.20909763

File: 4a7de202a2ede8a⋯.mp4 (60.96 KB,Erectionist_Biden_2.MOV)

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3ad1f7 No.20909764


any theory and or philosophy or belief that creates this should not be trusted with power ever. Islam does it, and unless Christians are willing to disengage with the old testament they are justifying it also just in other ways. Gaza is just an example of what the religious books. This is all about power grabs and gay.

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56838f No.20909766

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4c91d0 No.20909767

File: b858bdb4ac7173f⋯.png (672.11 KB,705x418,705:418,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f19cfb7b97bf9f2⋯.png (316.97 KB,736x617,736:617,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e74f7bf47187dca⋯.png (62.14 KB,748x517,68:47,ClipboardImage.png)

Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media

While the CIA is strictly prohibited from spying on or running clandestine operations against American citizens on US soil, a bombshell new "Twitter Files" report reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of InQtel - the CIA's mission-driving venture capital firm, along with "former" intelligence community (IC) and CIA analysts, were involved in a massive effort in 2021-2022 to take over Twitter's content management system, as Michael Shellenberger, Matt Taibbi and Alex Gutentag report over at Shellenberger's Public (subscribers can check out the extensive 6,800 word report here).

According to "thousands of pages of Twitter Files and documents," these efforts were part of a broader strategy to manage how information is disseminated and consumed on social media under the guise of combating 'misinformation' and foreign propaganda efforts - as this complex of government-linked individuals and organizations has gone to great lengths to suggest that narrative control is a national security issue.

According to the report, the effort also involved;

a long-time IC contractor and senior Department of Defense R&D official who spent years developing technologies to detect whistleblowers (“insider threats”) like Edward Snowden and Wikileaks’ leakers;

the proposed head of the DHS’ aborted Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz, who aided US military and NATO “hybrid war” operations in Europe;

Jim Baker, who, as FBI General Counsel, helped start the Russiagate hoax, and, as Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel, urged Twitter executives to censor The New York Post story about Hunter Biden.


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e28428 No.20909768

File: 3bd5f5e59e8efd0⋯.png (94.06 KB,545x451,545:451,3bd5f5e59e8efd064d7ef3b3ec….png)

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d67f7c No.20909769

File: 8ac87ec33bef870⋯.jpeg (252.2 KB,1680x1050,8:5,8ac87ec33bef870fe22b7e2fb….jpeg)

"God tried to explain to Samuel what 'the law of kingship meant. That it wasn't a good thing. The people must realize: 'He will take your daughters as perfumers, as cooks, as bakers. He will take your best fields, your best vines, your best olive groves, he will take them and give them to his servants." A king plunders his subjects before protecting them. Samuel repeated what God told him point by point. But the people were unimpressed."

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38cb56 No.20909771

File: 6d30d377bb9dc6b⋯.png (296.13 KB,750x500,3:2,erection.png)

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74e72f No.20909772

File: 8d552ea1c660891⋯.jpg (141.21 KB,680x680,1:1,klausschwab3.jpg)


stale reply.

Try something new, loser. Spam Shill. Trump-hater.

and none of your points make sense.

that's what happens when you copy-cat and your handlers make certain you're unable to think.


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261c1b No.20909774

File: 01c3a30e33d73dd⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,chuck_erection.mp4)

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56838f No.20909775


You can think about it but don't do it

be good boy's


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4c91d0 No.20909776

File: f8b8fa6d0c677e4⋯.png (182.14 KB,414x322,9:7,ClipboardImage.png)

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170f2f No.20909777

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julie Kelly On Mar-A-Lago Raid



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b08d22 No.20909778


Who is killing their enemy's children in the name of God nowadays? Jews! Jews wrote the OT of the Bible.

Take it up with the Jews.

Go talk to your Rabbi.

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f856d0 No.20909779


Yes, that is right, forgot about that. Schiff chaired the House Intelligence Committee from 2019 to 2023 and was removed from it by Speaker Kevin McCarthy in 2023.

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d6881d No.20909780

File: 1ded49276fe2f68⋯.webm (415.1 KB,427x240,427:240,_.webm)

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fffeb1 No.20909782

File: ee9785908cc227f⋯.mp4 (54.12 KB,BadaKathCare_Biden_2.MOV)

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d67f7c No.20909783

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

’’Non-linear or Information war’’’ uses social subversion tactics to gradually degrade the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment, media content and news, to children’s stories and school textbooks –even down to altering or removing historical records stored in municipal archives and libraries.

Historical frauds are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are induced by repeated suggestion, and then gradually normalized by stages by seditious, subverted “Mockingbird” news and entertainment industry.

Gradually, over decades, cultists have used their control over publishing broadcasting and media to reduce our public vocabulary, promote social division, emphasize inequities, fan flames of old grievances and use false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments.

By falsifying historical records satanic cultists produce evidence to support a shameful, cult-created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; values and principles for which men died for are discarded with astroturfed support, endorsed by meaningless elections with no ID required votes. The nation falls apart.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned responses with prepared information packages, targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily. It doesn’t have to be that way, but it is that way.


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e0aecc No.20909785

Breaking – WHO Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Pandemic Accord; Way Forward in Hands of World Health Assembly!

That doesn't mean they aren't going to keep trying to take away our sovereignty, though!


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261c1b No.20909786

File: bc7db5983ab5b7d⋯.png (8.43 KB,299x168,299:168,ClipboardImage.png)


Schitt vs Schiff

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4c91d0 No.20909787

File: 3144b9cbd6016db⋯.png (432.13 KB,403x537,403:537,ClipboardImage.png)

Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker’s Daughter and Son-in-Law Killed By Gang in Haiti

Missouri state Rep. Ben Baker’s daughter and son-in-law were fatally shot by gang members in Haiti while serving as missionaries.

Baker’s daughter, Natalie, and her husband, Davy Lloyd, were living in Haiti and serving as full-time missionaries when they were fatally attacked on Thursday.

Baker announced the tragic news in a post on Facebook.

“My heart is broken in a thousand pieces,” Baker began. “I’ve never felt this kind of pain. Most of you know my daughter and son-in-law Davy and Natalie Lloyd are full time missionaries in Haiti. They were attacked by gangs this evening and were both killed. They went to Heaven together. Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words for now.”


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1d4986 No.20909789

Suttungr was so close to him that, in his fear and haste, the god let fall some of the precious liquid from his anus. Anybody could drink of this paltry and sullied portion, which was known as the "rhymester's share" ("skáldfífla hlutr").

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74e72f No.20909790

File: 4e358ff757e871f⋯.png (115.03 KB,474x315,158:105,schumerchuck.png)



Why do these creeps all have trans women as wives? Is that a fad?

Are they really that hot?

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89500e No.20909792

File: 7cdacfc6ca576c6⋯.jpg (543.97 KB,1320x990,4:3,england_london_26.jpg)


…Now, do the City of London.

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3ad1f7 No.20909793


did I fucking stutter. I am taking it up also with the muslims and christians who need the old testament to support their dogma. All groups are garbage and all command these things of their followers. The question comes back to Jesus can Christians have Jesus with out either the resurrection and the prophecies of the old testament. If with out those is he anything more than just a man maybe with some interesting ideas?

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4c91d0 No.20909794

Chechen Man Shot Dead Outside Home of US Spec Ops Command Member: FBI, Army Investigating

A deadly shooting earlier this month in Moore County has gained attention from the U.S. Army and the FBI.

Deputies of the Moore County Sheriff’s Office were dispatched to a home along Dowd Road in Carthage on May 3 around 8:15 p.m. after a trespassing at a home was reported.

A 911 caller explained that a person had been “taking photos on the property” and “became aggressive” toward a resident outside of their home, the sheriff’s office said.

CBS 17 has confirmed the man suspected of pulling the trigger is a member of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, according to spokesperson Jacqueline Hill. At this time, the soldier’s rank and position within the command are not known.

The man killed as a result of the shooting has been identified as 35-year-old Ramzan Daraev from Chicago, Illinois, who appeared to have been shot multiple times, the sheriff’s office said. Deputies said they located Daraev nearly 250 yards from the roadway, along a powerline on the residential property.

Daraev’s identity was later confirmed through family members and an international identification that was discovered in his vehicle, according to the sheriff’s office. At the time of his death, he was reported to have been working as a subcontractor for Utilities One, which is a company based in New Jersey. Investigators are still working to verify his official employment status, deputies said.

According to the news release, Daraev did not have any utility equipment, utility clothing or identification during the time of the shooting. The incident has been reported to the U.S. Department of Labor as well as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

The FBI has also stepped in to help in the investigation, including providing a translator to assist with interviews of other reported Utilities One employees, the sheriff’s office said. Hill confirmed the primary investigating agency remains the Moore County Sheriff’s Office.


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38cb56 No.20909795

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB,393x400,393:400,pepe_oooh.png)



>Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker

>Republican Party

Hmmm, Did HRC have anything to do with this?

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261c1b No.20909796

File: c961010467ff1a0⋯.png (10.64 KB,309x174,103:58,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4e0c0 No.20909798


By annihilation he probably means either a changing of hearts and minds. It is possible I am wrong and he instead is referring to dissolving Zionists in a large vat of sodium hydroxide pellets. Either way is improvement.

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3d2282 No.20909799

File: 0c8150d871f1fc3⋯.jpeg (738.72 KB,828x1084,207:271,AA708CD8_0AF3_4458_8D19_5….jpeg)

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38cb56 No.20909800



Follow the wives.

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1d4986 No.20909801


Georgian "freedom-fighters"

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56838f No.20909802


Which one

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38cb56 No.20909803

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB,354x461,354:461,ewww.jpg)


That would be a determent to an erection…

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fffeb1 No.20909804

File: 24fb122cbff1069⋯.jpg (114.11 KB,540x730,54:73,Jimmy_Biden_03.JPG)

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4ce5cb No.20909805

File: 93f9c4374b515ea⋯.png (394.01 KB,841x1177,841:1177,1.png)

File: 1f308cf9f4fed9e⋯.png (221.61 KB,1015x1549,1015:1549,2.png)

File: a16e260dc4e05ee⋯.png (237.33 KB,1013x1587,1013:1587,3.png)

File: 0d78a59b47ed641⋯.pdf (203.96 KB,05_24_24_Letter_to_ODNI_10….pdf)

House investigators are demanding the Director of National Intelligence brief them on what US intelligence agencies know about Chinese scientists who breached a high level virus lab in Canada.

- Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) released a report in February 2024, following a two-year investigation.

- Report provides insight into the Wuhan Institute of Virology's (WIV) ties to Canadian virus labs.

- Canada's highest security lab (where Ebola and coronaviruses are studied) was infiltrated by Chinese scientists receiving secret payments from China’s military.




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d67f7c No.20909806

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Samuel, who condemn to death not Just Israel's enemies but the animals of those enemies, refusing to accept them as sacrificial victims, and Jesus, who defines sacrifice as the never-ending condemnation of innocents, are both moving against sacrifice.

Both ruthlessness and piety might be ways to move away from sacrifice, a practice of its nature inextricably ruthless and pious. "

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8c4e42 No.20909807


but most of the "wives" are males….

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4c91d0 No.20909808

File: 71b625df7071865⋯.png (238.72 KB,513x422,513:422,ClipboardImage.png)

UN's Top Court Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive

The top United Nations court, the International Court of Justice (ICJ), has on Friday issued an emergency order for Israel to halt its military operations in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

"Israel must immediately halt its military offensive," judges at the ICJ, or world court (which deals with disputes between countries, while the ICC prosecutes individuals) said, saying conditions had been met to issue a new emergency order.

Israel must further halt "any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part," according to the ruling issued by the body's president Nawaf Salam. He also called the situation 'disastrous' for the Palestinians.

Now weeks into the offensive, at least 800,000 people have fled Rafah, which prior to the assault had some 1.2 million to 1.5 million mostly displaced Gazans packed into its environs.

The request for such an emergency ICJ declaration originated last week when South Africa's lawyers asked the Hague to intervene to ensure the survival of the Palestinian people.

South Africa has also led the charge in bringing the International Criminal Court (ICC) case against Israel's leaders, which has resulted in an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and his defense minister Yoav Gallant.

As for the ICJ's "order" - it is of course largely symbolic and the UN top court has no enforcement capability. But it serves to pile the pressure on Tel Aviv at a moment its international standing and reputation has taken a serious hit. The court invoked the 'Genocide Convention' in issuing its ruling.

An Israeli government spokesperson has responded to the ICJ's action by stating that "no power on Earth will stop Israel from protecting its citizens and going after Hamas in Gaza."

And finance minister Bezalel Smotrich quickly said on X that "the State of Israel is at war for its existence." He stated, "Those who demand that the State of Israel stop the war, demand that it decree itself to cease to exist. We will not agree to that."


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9e41f7 No.20909809


Well then…the F(B)I stepped in to 'help' so we can all go onto other items of interest

they gotz this

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a77668 No.20909810

File: 30ce026bf5682c6⋯.png (428.77 KB,627x460,627:460,ClipboardImage.png)



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6c0bbb No.20909811

File: ec4de0bd3969e75⋯.png (477.71 KB,1366x768,683:384,pfScreenshot_from_2024_05_….png)

File: ed97a6fbec7923f⋯.png (1020.04 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_24….png)

File: 6636743e18e6a1a⋯.png (1012.03 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_24….png)

c130 in bound from Europe

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38cb56 No.20909812

File: ddc83a94f4784e2⋯.png (882.86 KB,2880x1920,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



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4f8d98 No.20909814

File: d809ad10efa1b63⋯.jpg (99.03 KB,707x612,707:612,Hxq.jpg)


Get 'er done

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1d4986 No.20909815


Heartbroken farmer nearly quit career after ravens massacre 220 lambs

Surge in attacks now threatening viability of sheep farming, it’s claimed

Farmer devastated after losing 30 lambs in a single day

He spent hours helping deliver lamb, only for raven to kill it the next day

Massacres of newborn lambs by armies of ravens are threatening the viability of Scottish sheep farming, it was claimed yesterday.

One shepherd has revealed he considered quitting his career after 220 lambs were killed on a single farm. Five ewes also had to be destroyed.

Finn Yorston, who tends flocks on Balnabroich Farm near Blairgowrie in Perthshire told The Times he lost 30 lambs in a single day and that the growing raven population had brought a surge in attacks.

The 45-year-old said: ‘I have been a been a shepherd for 30 years and this was the worst lambing I have ever experienced.’ He added: ‘It is the only time in my life I nearly quit. I was born and bred on a hill and I think I am pretty tough, but it has been heartbreaking.’ Ravens are a protected species in Scotland which means a licence is needed to kill them. Estimates of their numbers range between 2,500 breeding pairs and 6,000.

The Scottish Government’s wildlife agency NatureScot says they tend to feed in large flocks which allows them to target prey much larger than they are.

They are members of the crow family and noted for their intelligence. Mr Yorston said they had learned to coordinate their attacks, luring ewes into defending one of their lambs, then preying on its twin.

In one particularly distressing incident he spent hours helping to deliver a lamb from a ewe which was struggling with the birth, only to discover a raven had killed the newborn the next day.

While raven attacks are an annual problem for sheep farmers, Mr Yorston said they had increased dramatically this year, costing the farm between £30,000 and £40,000.

The shepherd said he had counted 84 ravens on the farm, but NatureScot gave permission only for four to be killed. This was later increased to nine.

Mike Nairn, the farm manager, said the licence had little effect given the numbers of ravens predating on lambs there and that the attacks had continued.

He told The Scottish Farmer: ‘We have observed a significant increase in the raven population at Balnabroich Farm in recent years … they seriously threaten the viability of an upland sheep farming enterprise as well as causing multiple distressing instances of cruelty to the sheep flock.’ He said the farm is now selling 500 sheep, as they ‘stand no chance’ if the ravens return, and the farm needs time to recover.

A NatureScot spokesman said: ‘We recognise the damage that ravens can cause to livestock and the impact this has on farmers. We issue licences to control ravens to those who are suffering or likely to suffer serious damage to their livestock where there is no other satisfactory solution.

‘These licences permit the shooting of some of the birds that are causing the damage, with the aim of removing problem birds and deterring other ravens.’

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fb799b No.20909816

File: 5fd0b4ab603390c⋯.jpg (141.26 KB,720x831,240:277,20240524_125554.jpg)

File: bf09a2a43eec5b9⋯.mp4 (5.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,BAY_AREA_STATE_OF_MIND_202….mp4)


Propane did that? I don't see any tanks

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38cb56 No.20909817

File: 0d8adc15f670e69⋯.png (311.97 KB,512x648,64:81,BOOM.png)

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de4b16 No.20909818

File: b664dfa37aafb39⋯.gif (1.32 MB,498x180,83:30,counting_down.gif)


>Counting down the days until suicide weekend.

Just 14 more

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4c91d0 No.20909819

Zelensky’s legitimacy is over – Putin

Russia will only hold peace talks with actual legitimate Ukrainian authorities, Vladimir Putin has said

Russia must be absolutely sure it’s dealing with the legitimate Ukrainian authorities to engage in meaningful and legally binding talks to conclude the conflict between the two nations, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, noting that Vladimir Zelensky’s legitimacy was over.

The president made the remarks in Minsk on Friday during a joint press conference with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko. Putin was asked for comment on Zelensky’s presidential term running out earlier this month and the impact of this development on potential talks.

Putin reiterated Russia’s readiness to engage in talks with Ukraine to wrap up the hostilities, stating that negotiations must be based on “common sense” and acknowledge “realties on the ground,” while taking the preliminary agreement reached early into the conflict as the foundation.

“But with whom to negotiate? That’s a peculiar question, I agree. We realize that the legitimacy of the incumbent head of the [Ukrainian] state is over,” the Russian leader stated.

The upcoming “peace summit,” scheduled to take place in Switzerland next month and actively promoted by Kiev is designed, among other things, to prop up Zelensky in his role, Putin suggested.

“I think one of the goals of this conference for the Western community, the sponsors of today’s Kiev regime is to confirm the legitimacy of the current – or not already – head of state,” he suggested, adding that “such PR moves are meaningless for legal documents.”

It’s up to Ukraine’s legal system, its “parliament, constitutional court and some other governing bodies” to determine whether Zelensky is now a legitimate leader or not, Putin suggested. As for Russia, in order to engage in any meaningful talks with Kiev, it must be absolutely sure it’s dealing with the country’s legitimate authorities, the president stressed.

Zelensky’s term expired on Monday, while no elections were held under the pretext of the martial law introduced by Kiev early in the conflict with Russia. The Ukrainian Constitution explicitly prohibits holding parliamentary elections under such circumstances, yet does not mention presidential elections. However, while setting the length of the presidential term, it also specifies that power is transferred the moment a new president is sworn in.


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67e319 No.20909820

notables @ 620

#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302, >>20909676, >>20909739, >>20909811 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320, >>20909469 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 🚨Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head "is not good news, it's bad news. They are building up to another big move…

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165, >>20909473, >>20909767 Documentary Reveals How Media Outlets Work Covertly With Liberal Political Interests and Government Agencies to Control Narratives

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331, >>20909558 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period"

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court”

>>20909359, >>20909459, >>20909787 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss

>>20909431 FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊. Classy move Byron Donalds🇺🇸

>>20909438, >>20909450, >>20909455 Biden welcomes African diaspora keks Dims no haz rayciss

>>20909452 MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

>>20909479 Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

>>20909530 @MAGAIncWarRoom Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems

>>20909543 ‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System

baker change

>>20909114, >>20909152 Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ filmmaker, dead at 53

>>20909133 Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world

>>20909155, >>20909287 Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died

>>20909288 Another Deep Blue City Could Send Its Soros-Backed DA Packing After Crime Surge

>>20909404 Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays

>>20909416 Huge pro-Trump crowd in the Bronx shows something profound happening in America

>>20909593 Trump Rally vs AOC Rally

>>20909605 Did terrorists just do a dry run at a Marine base? Team Biden needs to fill the nation in

>>20909637, >>20909642 Donald Trump is Winning Over Muslim and Arab Voters

>>20909712 40 year long Democrat explains why she walked away from the Democratic party

>>20909715 John Solomon Reports Feds Knew Biden Met With Son’s Chinese Business Partners On Official Trip

>>20909785 WHO Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Pandemic Accord

>>20909805 E&C Leaders to ODNI: What Does the U.S. Intel Community Know About CCP-Linked Security Breach at Canadian High-Containment Lab

>>20909808 UN's Top Court Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive


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261c1b No.20909821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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89500e No.20909822


…Ravens remind anon of a Tower of London.

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fffe19 No.20909823


Looks more like an improvised bomb went off ahead of time.

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170f2f No.20909824

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Frank LaRose On Biden Missing Eligibility For Presidential Ballot And Cleaning The Voter Rolls



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83d0cb No.20909825


No burn marks anywhere. No fire? Propane?


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8c4e42 No.20909826


sorry idc what it is or if it's forbidden. If it's attacking mine then ima find away to catch or shoot it. :/ you have to protect what is yours.

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fffe19 No.20909827


Just replace the name of Zelensky for Biden!

but Biden was never legit

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4c91d0 No.20909829

Ukrainian intelligence ‘directly involved’ in Moscow terror attack – FSB

More than 20 people have been detained in connection with the assault at the Crocus City Hall, service chief Aleksandr Bortnikov has said

Ukrainian military intelligence was directly involved in the deadly terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall just outside Moscow in March, the director of Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB), Aleksandr Bortnikov, has said.

He added that the investigation into the attack is still being conducted, but all indications are that Ukraine was behind the assault.

“The investigation is ongoing, but we can already say with certainty that Ukraine’s military intelligence has a direct relation to this attack,” Bortnikov said at a Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) special services leaders’ gathering in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

He said the preparation and financing of the attack, as well as the terrorists’ escape from the scene afterwards, was coordinated over the internet by members of Wilayat Khorasan, also known as Islamic State – Khorasan, or ISIS-K.

He added that two of the four criminals involved arrived in Russia from Türkiye shortly before the attack. Upon completion, he said, “the terrorists received a clear command to move to the Ukrainian border, where a ‘window’ had been prepared for them.”

The results of the investigation apparently confirm the FSB’s initial version of Ukraine being behind the attack. In April, the FSB director suggested that Ukrainian security services may have been involved in preparing the assault, possibly using the Islamists as proxies. He stressed that “all the circumstances of the crime will be established,” and those involved in this “heinous” terrorist attack “will not escape punishment.”

“We are currently establishing the full circle of those involved in the massacre. More than 20 people have already been detained, including the direct perpetrators and accomplices,” he said. Bortnikov added that “colleagues from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan” are assisting the FSB investigation.

The attack on the concert venue just outside Moscow on March 22 claimed more than 140 lives and left over 550 injured. Four gunmen stormed the building, shooting everyone in sight before setting it on fire.

Kiev has denied any involvement in the attack, while its Western backers have claimed that all evidence points to ISIS-K as the culprit. The group has claimed responsibility for the attack.


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3d2282 No.20909830

File: 4489c7491607a6c⋯.jpeg (397.31 KB,1055x611,1055:611,1DD5E102_8F0B_4FD9_8A78_A….jpeg)

>>20905809 pb

C101 USCG G5 departed El Paso Intl after overnight and back to Reagan National

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3d2282 No.20909831

File: 85cfe0062643d84⋯.jpeg (940.81 KB,3624x2417,3624:2417,6C694B2A_33E9_4F13_AC72_C….jpeg)

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70ea27 No.20909832

File: 712258765fdcfc5⋯.jpg (25.15 KB,557x557,1:1,tcats.jpg)

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38cb56 No.20909833

File: a1f8740f557490b⋯.png (6.97 KB,190x281,190:281,ClipboardImage.png)



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1d4986 No.20909834


>Russia must be absolutely sure it’s dealing with the legitimate Ukrainian authorities to engage in meaningful and legally binding talks to conclude the conflict between the two nations, Russian President Vladimir Putin has said, noting that Vladimir Zelensky’s legitimacy was over.

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70ea27 No.20909835

3:30 PM EDT

2024 Libertarian National Convention: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Libertarian National Committee, Inc.




Campaign 2024: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Speaks at Libertarian Party Convention

2024 Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks to delegates at the 2024 Libertarian Party Convention in Washington, DC.


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d67f7c No.20909836

File: 5300e00004f2008⋯.webp (236.57 KB,1484x987,212:141,Was8782496.webp)

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4c91d0 No.20909837

New Report Finds Police Continue To Use Facial Recognition Even After It's Banned

Despite facial recognition being banned in several cities across the country, a new investigation has found numerous police departments have continued using the invasive technology in secret by outsourcing their surveillance needs to neighboring departments.

A major report in the Washington Post has found that law enforcement officers in U.S. several cities where facial recognition tech is banned for police have asked neighboring forces to search face databases for them.

Facial recognition has been prohibited in San Francisco since 2019. But Chesa Boudin, San Francisco’s former district attorney, sums up the problem: “Police are using it but not saying they are using it.” The Post says the SFPD have outsourced at least five attempts to make facial matches. Some of these were done by the Northern California Regional Intelligence Center (NCRIC), a “multi-jurisdiction program serving law enforcement agencies in the region.” Others were farmed out to the Daly City Police Department. None were successful.

Police in Austin, Texas, however – also among the biggest U.S. cities to ban facial recognition – recorded 13 requests to a neighboring department for assistance with biometric face matching, and some of these led to arrests. Austin city employees are barred from using facial recognition as well as “information obtained” from the technology, with certain exceptions. But the suburb of Leander, just a 30-minute drive north of Austin, has no such restriction.

Leander’s police force has access to Clearview AI, which has courted many law enforcement agencies in the U.S., despite lingering questions about whether its method of scraping the public internet for facial images is 100 percent consensual. According to the Post, the Leander force also has a recognized Clearview AI “influencer”: Officer David Wilson, who performed several searches for the Austin force via Leander’s Clearview account. Emails seen by the Post show that officers contacted Wilson directly for the express purpose of requesting facial recognition searches.

Clearview, to its credit, officially prohibits their clients in law enforcement from sharing access to accounts. Yet anyone with a Netflix subscription knows that formal rules only matter if they are enforced. Clearview CEO Hoan Ton-That has publicly promised customers that Clearview will try and close the loophole that allows police to export results of facial scans, even if they cannot share access. But Wilson sent most of his facial recognition results to Austin via email.

KXAN reports that Austin city council gave a statement saying the city was unaware of the complaint regarding police outsourcing facial recognition, and that investigations are underway.

Accusations of bias come from both facial recognition critics and affronted police

According to the Security Industry Association, a total of 21 cities or counties in 11 states, plus the state of Vermont, have enacted bans on facial recognition tools for law enforcement. Several came in the wake of the murder of George Floyd by a white police officer, which set off a wave of demonstrations and pushes for police reform. In Jackson, Mississippi, facial recognition by police has been banned since 2020, following Floyd’s death. Councilors there cited privacy concerns, as well as “supercharged” discrimination, given that the technology “has been shown to programmatically misidentify people of color, women, and children” – notably, in a 2019 federal study.


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170f2f No.20909838


Just so you know the Bidan DNC campaign didn't enroll for the President election in time, so at this point he's not. The Democrats fucked up bad

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31f58a No.20909839

File: c20b55a3a766349⋯.png (822.23 KB,688x500,172:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b38ee No.20909840

File: 741882aac512c94⋯.png (13.13 KB,242x209,22:19,ClipboardImage.png)

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939249 No.20909841


Looks more like a compressed air explosion.

No burning or charring.

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67e319 No.20909842

notables @ 645

#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302, >>20909676, >>20909739, >>20909811, >>20909830 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320, >>20909469, >>20909835 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head is not good news, it's bad news

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165, >>20909767 Documentary Reveals How Media Outlets Work Covertly With Liberal Political Interests and Government Agencies to Control Narratives

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331, >>20909558 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period"

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court”

>>20909359, >>20909787 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss

>>20909431 FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊 - classy move Byron Donalds

>>20909438, >>20909450, >>20909455 Biden welcomes African diaspora, keks Dims no haz rayciss

>>20909452 MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

>>20909479 Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

>>20909530 @MAGAIncWarRoom Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems"

>>20909543 ‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System

baker change

>>20909114, >>20909152 Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ filmmaker, dead at 53

>>20909133 Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world

>>20909155, >>20909287 Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died

>>20909244 FCC Proposes $6 Million Fine for Deepfake Robocalls Around NH Primary

>>20909288 Another Deep Blue City Could Send Its Soros-Backed DA Packing After Crime Surge

>>20909404 Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays

>>20909593 Trump Rally vs AOC Rally

>>20909605 Did terrorists just do a dry run at a Marine base? Team Biden needs to fill the nation in

>>20909637, >>20909642 Donald Trump is Winning Over Muslim and Arab Voters

>>20909712 40 year long Democrat explains why she walked away from the Democratic party

>>20909715 John Solomon Reports Feds Knew Biden Met With Son’s Chinese Business Partners On Official Trip

>>20909785 WHO Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Pandemic Accord

>>20909805 E&C Leaders to ODNI: What Does the U.S. Intel Community Know About CCP-Linked Security Breach at Canadian High-Containment Lab

>>20909808 UN's Top Court Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive

>>20909821 Winning bigly intensifies big time

>>20909824 Frank LaRose On Biden Missing Eligibility For Presidential Ballot And Cleaning The Voter Rolls


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939249 No.20909843


Why are the old men smiling?

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96a275 No.20909844

File: 3df07bf428c8842⋯.mp4 (2.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,a_male.mp4)

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a77668 No.20909845

File: c493be768880d23⋯.gif (908.61 KB,450x241,450:241,giphy_15790398.gif)

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fffe19 No.20909846


When Laws are not abided by those at the top…..

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aef159 No.20909847

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB,550x550,1:1,Pepe_pots1.png)


>Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?


Yep, [they] are scared…

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5c13f6 No.20909848


War has come home. Operators know they're targets in AO, but guard goes down somewhat in your own backyard. How do you defend yourself when you know the DS, CIA, FBI, DHS agencies are part of the threat? We'll see how DOD responds to protect soldiers and operators in time of war. Trust the good guys step up.

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16ef04 No.20909849


>no ID required votes

Identification is a form of control. Control is a violation of free will. You need an ID or you cannot participate is discrimination. It’s a slippery slope.

Does the construction require ID for voting?

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70ea27 No.20909851

File: 29c7b671aa7638f⋯.mp4 (9.05 MB,640x272,40:17,Nessun_Dorma.mp4)

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d67f7c No.20909852

File: 13f5289089302bd⋯.png (481.96 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

US military rules the virtual domain.


Home of the FAFO

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170f2f No.20909853

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Solomon Reports Feds Knew Biden Met With Son’s Chinese Business Partners On Official Trip

(How many people in the government did the Bidan's pay off?)



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38cb56 No.20909854

File: f831960329eb2dc⋯.jpg (22.83 KB,400x400,1:1,eww.jpg)


When what was once comical satire, becomes reality.

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fffe19 No.20909855

File: a044e6f71aacbd0⋯.jpg (73.08 KB,500x644,125:161,DKeK.jpg)

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3d2282 No.20909856

File: ed40311705bd60c⋯.jpeg (30.32 KB,460x288,115:72,A5DE3A5E_0877_4E68_9260_5….jpeg)


It’s the perfect cover

CA is the new “Florida man”

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8877b4 No.20909858


Update Mr. 4head

NAZI are Socialist…

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70ea27 No.20909859

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB,941x723,941:723,huma_pizza.png)

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b08d22 No.20909860


The Jews are the ones killing their enemy's children in the name of God.

You are just trying to spread the guilt around.

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4af5dd No.20909861

File: a7561c4a1137434⋯.png (1.79 MB,2000x1794,1000:897,creepycompilationJB.png)

File: 67fa799adba3881⋯.jpg (22.18 KB,323x223,323:223,creepydudeprescott.JPG)

File: 45f687b5941afa9⋯.png (235.55 KB,858x484,39:22,creepygrampajoe.PNG)

File: bf6c37314982e16⋯.jpeg (88.98 KB,680x572,170:143,creepyjoecomp.jpeg)


Original versus airbrushed MSM


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f06ded No.20909862

File: f94b898e24a69df⋯.png (57.02 KB,255x227,255:227,126e17b9080d0cde05e2b918dd….png)

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b08d22 No.20909863


Don't go to Haiti to be a missionary.

They will kill you and eat you.

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74e72f No.20909864

File: 2f77e3720b2892f⋯.png (485.3 KB,991x817,991:817,schiffrothschild9.png)

File: cab4ccdf39d78ca⋯.png (660.91 KB,839x632,839:632,pelosipoop.png)

File: 0702074c5597293⋯.png (565.15 KB,839x632,839:632,popeandnancyfreemasonichan….png)

File: 61b03d46182571c⋯.png (133.92 KB,439x835,439:835,pelosischiffinsurgency.png)

File: 93e9c2694723ce6⋯.png (67.59 KB,462x373,462:373,schiffarchtectofdisinfocam….png)


Maybe he won't be re-elected?

P" gives the "Chair

Pelosi gave the CHAIR of the House Intel Committee to Schiff.

They were the two most powerful players leading the attack on DJT.

Schiff connects to Bankers Rothschild (bloodline)


What are the chances.

Connect the dots.

Pelosi to Vatican Mafia. (Italian Mob - her Dad)

What a coincidence.

Check out Pelosi's handshake with the POOP!

C before D "Conviction before Death"



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467ae1 No.20909865

File: 196528b9ae5209a⋯.png (600.78 KB,775x544,775:544,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6417c2794ec946⋯.png (61.59 KB,576x876,48:73,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2e7aa6c5b781b0⋯.png (43.96 KB,565x437,565:437,ClipboardImage.png)

609 PST

909 EST

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55c490 No.20909866


Stupid fucking Mormons playing CIA.

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4c91d0 No.20909869

Israeli, international figures react to ‘antisemitic’ ICJ ruling

Following the ICJ's ruling on Friday, forcing Israel to halt its operations against Hamas in Rafah, many politicians and various experts expressed their opinions on the ICJ and its ruling.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, fellow members of Knesset, and Jewish organizations around the world expressed their shock and disappointment following the ICJ's ruling on Friday, demanding the IDF halt all operations in Rafah.

Israeli reactions

In response to these rulings, National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir said: "The irrelevant order of the antisemitic court in The Hague should have only one answer: the occupation of Rafah, the increase of military pressure and the complete destruction of Hamas - until the complete victory in the war is achieved."

Strategic affairs Minister, Ron Dermer, said, "That Jews are treated differently is not a new story but a more than 2,000 year old story that is based on ancient hatred. Every year, the Human Rights Council passes more resolutions against Israel than all the other countries in the world combined."


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16ef04 No.20909870


>US military rules the virtual domain.

Military state. Invasion of privacy.

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efe02c No.20909871


the marxis will start banning propane tanks.

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5e2b9b No.20909872


The Israelites lost the sight of God in 2 Chronicles. They kept betraying the Covenant made with God even after God performed miracle after miracle, they kept worshipping other gods / idols. A promise works both ways.

After the Israelites lost sight with God, Prophets from other tribes emerged, for example, Ahijah was a Shilohite that God chose to be a Prophet (not an Israelite).

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b08d22 No.20909873


What kinda comms is this?

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939249 No.20909874



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55c490 No.20909875

File: 6f2334ab27fe981⋯.jpg (45.31 KB,500x719,500:719,Victim.jpg)


>That Jews are treated differently is not a new story but a more than 2,000 year old story that is based on ancient hatred.

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4c91d0 No.20909877

Argentina rejects International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Netanyahu

Argentina expressed frustration at the prosecutor's decision, describing it as unhelpful and saying it would not help release the hostages.

Argentina's Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday that Argentina rejected the International Criminal Court prosecutor's request for arrest warrants for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

On Monday, ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan asked the ICC to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant, as well as Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Ismail Haniyeh, and Mohammed Deif.

The Argentinian Foreign Ministry condemned equating "The legitimate authorities of a democratic state" with the terrorist organization of Hamas.


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aef159 No.20909878

File: 7f553ae75089e20⋯.png (491.13 KB,640x427,640:427,Biden_P_is_for.png)

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170f2f No.20909879

>>20909853 Freakin MUST Listen!

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5b38ee No.20909881

File: 89372959205d181⋯.png (22.92 KB,473x210,473:210,ClipboardImage.png)

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d67f7c No.20909882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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70ea27 No.20909883

File: 957b9b34f60b098⋯.jpg (10.86 KB,260x194,130:97,propane.jpg)

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b08d22 No.20909884



Maybe if they would just stop lying, cheating, stealing, and murdering.

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3d2282 No.20909886

File: f33241d5036649d⋯.jpeg (135.89 KB,1600x900,16:9,BE8C3590_AE8B_454D_B3BC_F….jpeg)


Shocked I tell ya /s

>Keks in Milei was always just another stooge despite the rhetoric

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4c91d0 No.20909887

Feds secretly knew for years Joe Biden met with son’s Chinese partners on official trip

Hunter Biden wrote his father was so enamored with China's communist leader "they all most kissed," new evidence shows

Federal agents gathered evidence during the 2016 election that Hunter Biden had used access to his father on an official government trip to Beijing aboard Air Force Two to connect prospective Chinese business partners with then-Vice President Joe Biden, according to a massive cache of documents recently turned over to Congress and obtained by Just the News.

"They got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later,” Hunter Biden wrote in a December 2013 email confirming how he connected his Chinese associates with his father in a Beijing hotel after the vice president had met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The younger Biden also bragged in his emails that his father was so enamored with China's communist leader that "I think they are in love with each other," the emails showed.

"They all most kissed on departure,” Hunter Biden wrote in one of the emails seized by federal agents.

The younger Biden wasn't charged in that case, though several of his business partners were. But agents in that probe did gain extensive access to Hunter Biden's bank files, corporate records, and communications, including some that were not located on the first son's now infamous laptop that would be seized by the FBI in 2019 and become a subject of political controversy a year later.

The evidence, recently secured by the House Oversight Committee in the impeachment probe of President Joe Biden, shines new light on how Hunter Biden sought to cash in on his family's famous name overseas – sometimes in the vapor trail of his father's official duties. It also substantiates impeachment inquiry testimony from former Hunter Biden business associates Devon Archer and Jason Galanis, lawmakers told Just the News.

“The only reason Joe Biden wanted to kiss President Xi was because state-affiliated companies were about to line his family's pockets with foreign wires and lucrative business opportunities," said House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, who is leading the current impeachment inquiry.


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359322 No.20909888

notables @ 670

#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302, >>20909676, >>20909739, >>20909811, >>20909830 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320, >>20909469, >>20909835 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head is not good news, it's bad news

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165, >>20909767 Documentary Reveals How Media Outlets Work Covertly With Liberal Political Interests and Government Agencies to Control Narratives

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331, >>20909558 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period"

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court”

>>20909359, >>20909787 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss

>>20909431 FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊 - classy move Byron Donalds

>>20909438, >>20909450, >>20909455 Biden welcomes African diaspora, keks Dims no haz rayciss

>>20909452 MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

>>20909479 Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

>>20909530 @MAGAIncWarRoom Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems"

>>20909543 ‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System

baker change

>>20909114, >>20909152 Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ filmmaker, dead at 53

>>20909133 Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world

>>20909155, >>20909287 Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died

>>20909244 FCC Proposes $6 Million Fine for Deepfake Robocalls Around NH Primary

>>20909288 Another Deep Blue City Could Send Its Soros-Backed DA Packing After Crime Surge

>>20909404 Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays

>>20909489 Hunter Biden’s ex-wife to testify after text messages released

>>20909593 Trump Rally vs AOC Rally

>>20909605 Did terrorists just do a dry run at a Marine base? Team Biden needs to fill the nation in

>>20909637, >>20909642 Donald Trump is Winning Over Muslim and Arab Voters

>>20909712 40 year long Democrat explains why she walked away from the Democratic party

>>20909785 WHO Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Pandemic Accord

>>20909805 E&C Leaders to ODNI: What Does the U.S. Intel Community Know About CCP-Linked Security Breach at Canadian High-Containment Lab

>>20909808, >>20909869 UN's Top Court & ICJ Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive

>>20909810 Lamb comms

>>20909816, >>20909825, >>20909841 Suspicious boom

>>20909821 Winning bigly intensifies big time

>>20909824 Frank LaRose On Biden Missing Eligibility For Presidential Ballot And Cleaning The Voter Rolls

>>20909853 John Solomon Reports Feds Knew Biden Met With Son’s Chinese Business Partners On Official Trip

>>20909877 Argentina rejects International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Netanyahu


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d67f7c No.20909890

File: c28b0e796e95b0b⋯.jpg (235.78 KB,1500x896,375:224,c28b0e796e95b0b7f443e03bdf….jpg)

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05c101 No.20909891

File: a1a45b932de5a4e⋯.jpg (143.72 KB,1024x762,512:381,pepe_4_panel_math_problem_….jpg)

>Trump turns NY red

>Illegal immigrants focusing on CA entry now

>Facade crumbles and CA is exposed

big red wave coming?

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749ca8 No.20909892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Another con hiden behind a collar

His only god is the almighty dollar

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4af5dd No.20909893

File: 52a79e2a76a8db1⋯.png (3.81 MB,2000x3000,2:3,nonamedeathkeksextdolphinJ….png)

File: 88a47bea9c74354⋯.png (7.53 MB,3700x4200,37:42,nov13missingifightIXXIUSar….png)



Killer graphic

KEK wills it

714 on one of these (I think)

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5ee139 No.20909894


No doubt the three heads of Ghidorah is the Vatican, The Rothschilds, and House of Saud.

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55c490 No.20909895

File: 5b15fc5216e115f⋯.png (73.87 KB,1038x182,519:91,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eee9e7faa3cff0a⋯.png (183.94 KB,1088x460,272:115,ClipboardImage.png)


Fucking kikes

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aef159 No.20909897

File: ea963854c66d0bd⋯.png (341.49 KB,694x500,347:250,Whoa_.png)


>Feds secretly knew for years

The military is the only way.

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74e72f No.20909898

File: 4f55302fb8d841b⋯.png (658.76 KB,631x1200,631:1200,muellerattempedtoretakefbi….png)


Screw brian Cates; was saying that all along.

Mueller went there because he wanted re-appointment

They though they could deceive Trump.

Idiot PAYtriot said Trump made a deal with Mueller.


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4af5dd No.20909899

File: a749a98b7ef01e6⋯.png (3.32 MB,1662x3000,277:500,astheworldturnsFOXwLI.png)



This one

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939249 No.20909900


Accessory to the crime.

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4c91d0 No.20909902

File: 4424f518859a1e3⋯.png (138.11 KB,993x586,993:586,ClipboardImage.png)

California woman sentenced to prison for making anti-Semitic phone threats to former Executive Director of Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue


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74e72f No.20909903


thought there were four?

and then one gone?


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eab415 No.20909905

Women have no Rights

Where are the Feminist's?

Oh right they busy promoting men in women's spaces

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2d02ff No.20909908


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170f2f No.20909909

>>20909864 It's like Satan meeting his head evil enforcer. Looking at the pic of the Poop and Nashee, is creepy

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08d229 No.20909910

File: de05b14407cc6af⋯.png (688.09 KB,1366x768,683:384,la_quinta_columna_5.png)

excessively weird tree-like structures

seen in cominarty pfizer vaccine

something fractal, for sure

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5ee139 No.20909912


Main heads, but many smaller ones.

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d4e0c0 No.20909913

File: 9ca8c5c5ad255bb⋯.gif (494.45 KB,500x313,500:313,IMG_0875.gif)


What tf is an “antisemitic threat”?

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65e5e3 No.20909914

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Shibetoshi Nakamoto


kabosu will live on forever in our hearts ❤️


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4af5dd No.20909915

File: 93b6e1f7fa28204⋯.png (14.65 MB,6000x5500,12:11,z111QClock_vanillaMay155x5….png)



The [44] makes me think it belongs on here

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170f2f No.20909916

>>20909847 Of course NBC keeps the Russia Hoax alive, they refuse to concede it was a hoax. When is the CiC coming back to fix the media and government

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e28428 No.20909917


Coast Guard to Start Polar Cutter Construction Before Finalizing Design, Despite Recommendation

By Malte Humpert (gCaptain) – May 8, 2024

A congressional hearing about the state of the Coast Guard’s Polar Security Cutter program revealed ongoing design challenges and little certainty regarding timelines.

The Coast Guard aims to begin construction on the first Polar Security Cutter before the end of the year, Vice Admiral Paul Thomas, Deputy Commandant for Mission Support, suggested before the committee.

When pressed by Transportation and Maritime Security Subcommittee Chairman, Rep. Carlos Gimenez, when exactly construction would start, Thomas replied: “December.”

“I’ll hold you to that. I’ll see you back here in December, I’ll call you,” Gimenez replied.

Expert witnesses from the Government Accountability Office, Congressional Research Service, and Congressional Budget Office expressed repeated doubt about the Coast Guard’s indicated timeline.

An expert witness from the Congressional Budget Office, Mr. Labs, stated that “hope” was the best term he could come up with when describing the construction timeline.

Mr Gimenez asked: “You said that the Coast Guard is hoping to begin construction later this year. But didn’t they also hope to have the first icebreaker in operation this year?

“Yes, I did use the word ‘hoping’. It was the best term I could come up with given the troubled history of this program,” Mr Labs replied. A new CBO report expected for this summer will detail a 60 percent program cost overrun.

GAO testimony and a new report revealed that functional design currently stands at only 67 percent completed.

“The GAO recommends 100 percent functional design completion by the time you begin construction,” Shelby Oakley Director for Contracting and National Security Acquisitions at the GAO cautioned.

Confirming if he heard that correctly Gimenez asked. “And they are at 67 percent design completion after 5 years?”

“Yes, 67 percent to 100 percent is quite a lot of work. It’s a significant amount of work remaining before the end of the year,” Oakley confirmed.

The Coast Guard’s construction timelines are subject to a “culture of optimism while ignoring historical reality,” the expert panel reiterated several times during the testimony.

In fact, the Coast Guard’s progress in finalizing the design has been exceedingly slow. Based on the latest GAO figures, functional design completion increased by just 10 percent since the previous GAO update in March 2023.

Even based on the Coast Guard’s own target of 95 percent design completion before construction, significant work remains.

The Coast Guard has struggled to finalize a stable design, Oakley explained, and warned against moving forward with construction without a finalized design. “Such a decision would increase the program risk.”

“The Coast Guard and the ship builder have underestimated how many design changes they would need to make to meet Coast Guard specs. And they made costly design errors, such as designing the lowest deck of the ship at the wrong height,” she further elaborated.

Vice Admiral Thomas confirmed that the Coast Guard now aims to begin construction without finalizing the design to the GAO’s recommendations.

“We are currently building prototype modules that will become part of the ship. We will not be at the level of design maturity that the GAO would like to see when we do [begin construction],” Thomas stated.



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70ea27 No.20909918

File: c0603f0e88a69bd⋯.jpg (368.15 KB,1125x1500,3:4,Yankee_Stadium_Never_Surre….jpg)

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5ee139 No.20909919


I was hoping he would call the ball today, so tired of them winning.

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65e5e3 No.20909920


Amen. animals are the better humans.

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fffe19 No.20909921


Dog Comms

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4af5dd No.20909922

File: 0f910434136600e⋯.png (4.12 MB,3500x2209,3500:2209,FULLMOONSmay2020.png)


Top left corner

Full moon last night

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5e2b9b No.20909923


So go live with them in the woods you filthy fuck.

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58b762 No.20909924


Baby frogs are tadpoles, anon.

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b08d22 No.20909926


And yet Christians seem to be the proLifers and the Jews tell us that abortion is part of their religion.


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170f2f No.20909927

>>20909821 Excellent, they are always wrong an they can't even pronounce words. Girl he's got $10-$12 billion with his stock. What is she talking about.

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56838f No.20909928


Astrologers has to get out of my world

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4af5dd No.20909929

File: beb0644a44277ee⋯.png (173.33 KB,1300x1500,13:15,postnumbermagic3.png)

File: 8539564b1563539⋯.jpeg (31.11 KB,255x206,255:206,dog_beers.jpeg)

File: fe2f5f19e176a63⋯.jpg (21.32 KB,255x254,255:254,combatdoggo.jpg)

File: cbf7734c751807f⋯.png (121.46 KB,1352x872,169:109,OUR_DOG.png)



Every dog has his day

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02eaf1 No.20909930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Making [you] feel better since at least 2018

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d117b0 No.20909931

File: 6d127df79c335a1⋯.png (339.66 KB,340x476,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)

you gotta be shitting me

this is a real movie

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314145 No.20909932

File: 7127a09974d5b07⋯.jpg (168.34 KB,600x735,40:49,MegaSuperEliteKEKCoatOfArm….jpg)

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bfe706 No.20909933

File: 43e56397ccdd74e⋯.jpg (1.41 MB,2008x1424,251:178,ivanka_trump.jpg)

File: 428561195f73384⋯.webp (120.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,Baram_Roy_Cohn_Featured.webp)

File: 5e34f8f5984cd05⋯.webp (213.4 KB,1200x900,4:3,10631_1_.webp)

File: 021c626b4fe0cb9⋯.jpg (139.86 KB,1500x990,50:33,donald_trump_playboy_5_ea7….jpg)


all you got left is bots and a bunch of jesustards.

everyone else figured out that the vax salesman trump has been involved with homo pedo blackmail joos like roy cohn, roger stone, robert maxwell, and the kosher nostra his whole life. he ran casinos and trafficking 'beauty pageants' . this is you 'christian savior'. that takes a special kind of stupid.

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314145 No.20909934

File: e593d419bad0b41⋯.jpg (330.85 KB,540x720,3:4,Stitching_it_all_together.jpg)

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5ee139 No.20909935


I saw a lion, he was standing alone, with a tadpole in a jar.

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314145 No.20909936

File: 4c59793f7e7dc5e⋯.png (1.18 MB,1024x921,1024:921,Nightshift_Pepe_1024.png)

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d4e0c0 No.20909937


When the flesh of 2 becomes one, half of that conjoining is in fact a tadpole.


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4c91d0 No.20909938

File: 841a5faaa467384⋯.png (473.55 KB,560x346,280:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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314145 No.20909939

File: ae77fe695726875⋯.png (41.2 KB,500x500,1:1,weseeyou.png)

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a77668 No.20909940

File: a3881a4452f7c0f⋯.png (801.96 KB,731x420,731:420,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8368f6813fd1756⋯.jpg (127.45 KB,1200x533,1200:533,grass_fed_blade_marvel_stu….jpg)

File: d2a0ef31f5f239b⋯.png (341.35 KB,540x262,270:131,ClipboardImage.png)

Blood farms.

all over the world.


moon bases.

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d117b0 No.20909941

dumb fucking idiot still spamming i see

brain dead faggot

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359322 No.20909942


#25645 >>20909083

>>20909125, >>20909191, >>20909208, >>20909302, >>20909676, >>20909739, >>20909811, >>20909830 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20909093 Media Matters hit with sweeping layoffs after defamation suit by Elon Musk, federal probes

>>20909099, >>20909102, >>20909231, >>20909320, >>20909469, >>20909835 Moar Swamp Talks

>>20909100, >>20909110 Klaus Schwab resigning as WEF head is not good news, it's bad news

>>20909122 Harvard dumb broke the cat

>>20909145 Are Russia and North Korea planning an ‘October surprise’ that aids Trump?

>>20909151 Trump's Multiracial Optimism Beats Biden's Corrosive Anger

>>20909160 May full moon 2024: See the Flower Moon blossom in gorgeous photos from around the world

>>20909165, >>20909767 Documentary Reveals How Media Outlets Work Covertly With Liberal Political Interests and Government Agencies to Control Narratives

>>20909175 Alaska Park: No moar Amerian flags on work trucks

>>20909187 @realDonaldTrump: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

>>20909184, >>20909190, >>20909331, >>20909558 Someone Tell Democrats 100 Percent Of Illegal Immigrants Commit Crimes

>>20909202 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20909222 Jason Jones Gives Warning Of The WHO's "Largest Power Grab In The History Of The World"

>>20909229 Invasive alien frog rapidly spreading on UNESCO World Heritage site in Japan

>>20909263 The Michigan democrats are trying repeat their success in the 2022 mid-terms by removing the top Republicans from the ballot

>>20909281 NBC's Dasha Burns talks with black and Hispanic voters at the Bronx rally: "Trump is the man who can save this country, period"

>>20909291, >>20909358 Nearly 80% of Americans now consider fast food a 'luxury' due to high prices

>>20909294 Buckwheat Defends Forcing Taxpayers to Pay for Forgive Student Debt

>>20909315 Anatomy of a Kangaroo Court

>>20909342 “Mr. Biden is not being charged with false statements he made under oath in connection with his plea hearing on July 26 in this Court”

>>20909359, >>20909787 @AGAndrewBailey Please join me in praying for Representative @BenBakerMO and his family after this tragic loss

>>20909431 FJB😳? On the fly you change it up to Let’s go Brandon👊 - classy move Byron Donalds

>>20909438, >>20909450, >>20909455 Biden welcomes African diaspora, keks Dims no haz rayciss

>>20909452 MoneyGram Misses Deadline on $398 Million Leveraged Loan Deal

>>20909479 Japan ready to act vs excessive FX moves, says currency diplomat Kanda

>>20909530 @MAGAIncWarRoom Bronx resident: "Donald Trump already showed me that he understands our problems"

>>20909543 ‘Ex’ CIA Staff, Contractors Tried to Take Over Twitter’s ‘Content Management’ System

baker change

>>20909114, >>20909152 Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ filmmaker, dead at 53

>>20909133 Crooks plant backdoor in software used by courtrooms around the world

>>20909155, >>20909287, >>20909914 Kabosu, the dog behind the 'doge' internet meme, has died

>>20909244 FCC Proposes $6 Million Fine for Deepfake Robocalls Around NH Primary

>>20909288 Another Deep Blue City Could Send Its Soros-Backed DA Packing After Crime Surge

>>20909404 Media in disbelief as Republicans like Nikki Haley flock to Trump while Biden coalition frays

>>20909489 Hunter Biden’s ex-wife to testify after text messages released

>>20909593 Trump Rally vs AOC Rally

>>20909605 Did terrorists just do a dry run at a Marine base? Team Biden needs to fill the nation in

>>20909637, >>20909642 Donald Trump is Winning Over Muslim and Arab Voters

>>20909712 40 year long Democrat explains why she walked away from the Democratic party

>>20909785 WHO Member States Fail to Reach Agreement on Pandemic Accord

>>20909805 E&C Leaders to ODNI: What Does the U.S. Intel Community Know About CCP-Linked Security Breach at Canadian High-Containment Lab

>>20909808, >>20909869 UN's Top Court & ICJ Orders Israel To 'Immediately Halt' Rafah Offensive

>>20909810 Lamb comms

>>20909816, >>20909825, >>20909841 Suspicious boom

>>20909821 Winning bigly intensifies big time

>>20909824 Frank LaRose On Biden Missing Eligibility For Presidential Ballot And Cleaning The Voter Rolls

>>20909853, >>20909887 John Solomon Reports Feds Knew Biden Met With Son’s Chinese Business Partners On Official Trip

>>20909877 Argentina rejects International Criminal Court’s arrest warrant for Netanyahu


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56838f No.20909943

File: 7915c50e6617e63⋯.jpg (51.84 KB,500x637,500:637,36ozj8.jpg)

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314145 No.20909944

File: 0f32f442f7d016a⋯.jpg (55.4 KB,399x400,399:400,kitten_and_the_night_watch….jpg)

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58b762 No.20909945


Most retarded biblefag I've seen yet.

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314145 No.20909946

File: b23fcbb95c641b0⋯.jpg (376.17 KB,1000x515,200:103,npc_protest.jpg)

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6c035e No.20909948



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314145 No.20909951

File: b4ab41f79a23445⋯.png (488.56 KB,750x500,3:2,letters_trackback.png)

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fffe19 No.20909953

File: 0509aa62530c10f⋯.png (13.69 KB,500x281,500:281,ClipboardImage.png)


how life imitates art

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65e5e3 No.20909954


no, you do!

i know it already, you stupid idiot!

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314145 No.20909956

File: 4b249baea3572c9⋯.jpg (49.02 KB,488x461,488:461,DxPWXrxWwAEgqB_.jpg)

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65e5e3 No.20909959

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314145 No.20909960

File: 45ce4c159b590a3⋯.jpg (68.63 KB,510x332,255:166,Pepe_4.jpg)

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d0e528 No.20909961


Was it.Biden or Hillary's fuck up with the ChiComs that got all those assets dead once ago?

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314145 No.20909963

File: 9dc7aaa7ca0e063⋯.jpg (64.89 KB,900x450,2:1,Jail.jpg)

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02eaf1 No.20909964

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,89119c1dc50d0c4b2875e58cfb….jpg)



no amount of shilling by either of [you] is going to stop what is coming…

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6c035e No.20909965

File: 643330842cf0328⋯.webp (83.03 KB,1296x730,648:365,IMG_1409.webp)

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2d02ff No.20909966


do it Q

Friday night dump

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314145 No.20909967

File: d106d0dde8a5244⋯.png (305.67 KB,976x656,61:41,nitegolf.png)

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359322 No.20909968

File: 788c8a204107ebe⋯.png (458.31 KB,960x716,240:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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4c91d0 No.20909969

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314145 No.20909970

File: 7be476e97e38150⋯.jpg (266.17 KB,720x960,3:4,ScreachingWar_ChickenofKek….jpg)

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02eaf1 No.20909972

File: d211966e085a68b⋯.png (247.95 KB,640x1559,640:1559,3c.png)

File: 2c1d35cdc5d428d⋯.png (828.47 KB,1290x636,215:106,1b.png)

File: 5808c305f21a2de⋯.png (1.62 MB,1432x812,358:203,1c.png)

File: fcf7a991f7b80f7⋯.jpg (111.12 KB,1040x586,520:293,00000000000000000000000000….jpg)

>>20743002 Decode: Q drop #133 Soros, Rothschild and Saudi Arabia were the 3 sides of the Pyramid and they all served the Eye. Many Governments of the World serve the Eye. The Eye of Providence. 666.

>>20743189 Decode: Q drop #133 Satan

>>20743026 Decode: Q drop #154 The "Our Father, who financed 9-11?'' decode. CIA > SAUDI ARABIA > VATICAN = 9-11 per the drops.

>>20743028 The Great Awakening > Free Thought drops. Wakey Wakey.

>>20743030 Code: Those you trust the most. Those you trust the most are the most guilty of sin. If you are Religious, Pray. Pray/Prey. Notice the Similarity?

>>20743034 So you think that you understand what Q meant when Q repeatedly referred to the Sig/signature 'Biblical'? Are you currently sitting down?

>>20743036 The Boom Boom decode. John 3:16 Day of Judgement

>>20743039 The Saviors/Nothing is going to stop what is coming, decode.

>>20743053 Learn our fucking comms.

>>20743056 POTUS recently stated that he had taken some bad advice from bad past advisors... understatement of the year award.

>>20743062 Timeline - 2018 to 2021 - the first 3 years of Q research from 4chan > 8kun

>>20743063 Q Drop Search Code > Red pill yourself before NIGHT SHIFT does as that way it is a lot less PAINFUL for you

>>20743070 "To those who are courageous enough to speak out - we stand with you!" LEARN > PAIN

>>20743097 So you think that you are a Patriot doing Patriotic shit here? Night Shift has a little test for everyone.

>>20743105 Where was Snowden initially? Where was the 4chan server? Where is Snowden now? Where is the 8KUN server now? and before NIGHT SHIFT told you, you probably had no fucking idea...


>>20743128 General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots

>>20743135 General Flynn says Q is a major psyop being run by Traitor Faggots PART II

>>20743204 The Council for inclusive Capitalism with The Vatican - Founded by Lynn De Rothschild > yet FLYNN told you to focus on WEF. Bless your little Heart!


>>20743266 For the Paytriots who think's it Qewl to profit off of this movement and what they have learned here. Not to mention those who rode Anon's coattails so they could sell their "big deep digging patriotic" decodes for $17

>>20743269 Aliens and the Drops. Few can handle reality so do not be suprised if this is not disclosed in your lifetime > think: Religion

>>20743288, >>20743304, >>20743306 REMEMBER WHEN Q WAS SIGNALING ST. Peter's Cross/Vatican YET [ANONS] MADE IT ABOUT SATAN?

>>20743341 "Out Of Shadows" Documentary CIA CLOWNS > HOLLYWOOD Q KNOWS... Why did you think it was some 'other' demographic? Who taught you that? Why? What is a Scapegoat?

>>20743351, >>20743354, >>20743361, >>20743364, >>20743367, >>20743369, >>20743371, >>20743377 The RED CROSS and the Drops > Italy - sick yet?

>>20743664 How the Vatican controls the U.S. Supreme Court

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6c035e No.20909973


My favorite part is when you imitate Trump.

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314145 No.20909974

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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58b762 No.20909975

File: d50ecfde96870c2⋯.jpg (37.15 KB,634x718,317:359,couch_hunter.jpg)


Not laptop Hunter.

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02eaf1 No.20909976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q Drop #1489

MSM Attacks on Q have Failed (Expect a Bigger Push)



13 Jun 2018 - 12:41:17 AM

MSM attacks.

[Round 2]

MOSSAD attempts failed.

Clown attempts failed.

Expect bigger push.

FBI (4) open investigations.

8ch risk (DDOS_+_inject).






FEAR [re: Twitter throttling & shadowban (coded #Qanon)

FEAR [re: 4ch mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: Reddit mods + remove/replace - controlled]

FEAR [re: MSM conspiracy push 1 - controlled]

FEAR [re: FB remove/replace - controlled]

Quiet attempts to shut down will become public & loud.

Strength TOGETHER (primary purpose).


They are losing control.








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314145 No.20909977

File: 461441ada585d88⋯.jpg (18.83 KB,502x490,251:245,PicassoPepe.jpg)

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314145 No.20909979

File: 22c227e40888586⋯.jpg (65.68 KB,500x690,50:69,durp.jpg)

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fffe19 No.20909980

File: 3f0104de81782f6⋯.png (253.89 KB,454x695,454:695,ClipboardImage.png)


Lithuanian Foreign Minister confirms Lithuanian military WILL BE SENT TO UKRAINE!

This is a NATO country!

They are pushing for a war.


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314145 No.20909982

File: 9c48126592c8642⋯.jpg (65.96 KB,650x433,650:433,trainlight_son.jpg)

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6c035e No.20909984


Imagine trying to blackmail someone and it backfires

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314145 No.20909986

File: a0b8ce5f01499ca⋯.png (436.18 KB,691x439,691:439,Nightshift07.PNG)

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314145 No.20909988

File: d94ce682265bd36⋯.jpg (122.22 KB,1280x720,16:9,nightfrensdoggo.jpg)

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314145 No.20909992

File: cb5d8a924abbd0d⋯.jpeg (85.21 KB,452x496,113:124,download_Copy.jpeg)

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314145 No.20909994

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB,595x527,35:31,night_shift.gif)

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02eaf1 No.20909996

File: 68c3d20bd738f33⋯.png (769.8 KB,714x635,714:635,1h.png)

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e28428 No.20909997


Why don't you and your team mate take your shit to one of these?"



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314145 No.20909998

File: f3eecc806d9c29a⋯.jpg (162.29 KB,702x702,1:1,sunsetpost2.jpg)

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58b762 No.20909999

File: 147bde8adf781e9⋯.png (542.67 KB,1166x829,1166:829,Screen_Shot_2024_05_24_at_….png)

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314145 No.20910000

File: efe67130650435e⋯.jpg (67.66 KB,695x580,139:116,QQQQQ.jpg)

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08d229 No.20910001

File: 04ef92ecbfd8520⋯.png (559.84 KB,1200x907,1200:907,kirby_smirk_3.png)

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