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File: c76044e06864aa1⋯.jpg (7.42 KB,250x140,25:14,c76044e06864aa1605b9feb622….jpg)

021e00 No.20908225 [Last50 Posts]

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021e00 No.20908227

International Q Research Threads

>>20886248 —————— Australia #36

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT


#25643 >>20907386

>>20907404 Never forget these words from 2017: "Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people."

>>20907443 Japan's inflation slows further, keeping BOJ cautious on further rate hikes

>>20907483 Schumann 24/05/24

>>20907507 "We are the answer, we choose these people and they work for us"

>>20907595 Surging Crime #1 Issue Amongst Diverse Set Of Bronx Residents At Trump Rally

>>20907612 Calla Smith sings the National Anthem in Navajo

>>20907617 King of Bahrain Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa greeted President Vladimir Putin during his two-day visit to Moscow saying that 'this is one of the happiest days of my life because this is the day I meet you'

>>20907671 UK MPs cheered a delegation of notorious Azov* Ukrainian military unit at a roundtable in Parliament, while former PM Boris Johnson called them 'heroes'.

>>20907688 Alex Soros and Huma Abedin at The White House

>>20907691, >>20907702 Potato twat about Kenya

>>20907753 Media Matters is funded by taxpayers?

>>20907799 ‘If a New Yorker can’t save this country, no one can': The Donald channels Reagan as he vows to flip New York at rowdy Bronx rally where Latinos and blacks turn out in force

>>20907929 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT TOO BIG TO RIG—MAGA2024!!! DonaldJTrump.com

>>20908061 President Putin signs decree allowing Russia to confiscate US assets

>>20908222 #25643

#25642 >>20906575

>>20906847, >>20907091 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20906604, >>20906829 Tough issues narratives: contraception, Oil quid pro quo

>>20906610, >>20906592, >>20906805, >>20907193 AOC false prophet vid BECAUSE NEVER GONNA GET OLD/Q

>>20906658 FDA approves new cancer tests

>>20906681, >>20906686, >>20906701 Rally Notes

>>20906690 J.P. Morgan Securities to pay $200 million to settle CFTC charges of supervision failures

>>20906692 Blexit activist Madeline Brame right now is crushing it in the Bronx ahead of Trump’s speech.

>>20906694 Applied Materials gets another subpoena on China customer shipments

>>20906711, >>20906814 ICYMI: @DanScavino DRILL BABY DRILL! #TRUMP2024

>>20906732 Spain's Repsol receives US license for Venezuela oil, gas projects

>>20906734 There’s a huge shift taking place.

>>20906753 A fight breaks out between a Trump supporter and Palestine protesters during Trump's speech, NYPD brings in reinforcement

>>20906768 Trump rally… Bronx-style: MAGA tattoos and chains


>>20906839 Supreme Court Backs GOP’s New South Carolina Congressional Map

>>20906875 UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis

>>20906957 Maine National Guard Announces Training Exercises to Prepare for Nuclear Strikes on U.S. Soil

>>20906972 @CityPortland A full-scale inter-agency training exercise is happening the first week of June.

>>20906976 ISLAMABAD -- The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for an attack on foreigners in central Afghanistan

>>20906997 Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition

>>20907061 @mattmiller757 “Debate me AOC!!!”

>>20907100 Judge Blocks Florida Law Criminalizing Transport Of Illegal Immigrants Into State

>>20907177, >>20907209, >>20907282 QClock example

>>20907201 Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada

>>20907221, >>20907253 Gorka Gives First Impressions Of Kangaroo Court Persecuting Trump In NYC

>>20907231 Thyssenkrupp board approves partial sale of steel unit to billionaire Kretinsky/Germans to sell to Czech oligarch against labor concerns

>>20907367 #25642

#25641 >>20905778

>>20905789 LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

>>20906519, >>20906529 Rally Transcript

>>20906034, >>20906018, >>20906333 260,000+ watching on Youtube + Rumble + Twitch

>>20905782, >>20905810, >>20905821, >>20905882, >>20905952, >>20906059, >>20906431, >>20906472 Photo Album

>>20906200 This is the massive overflow crowd who couldn’t get in to President Trump’s South Bronx rally

>>20905814, >>20905872 Trump en route to the Bronx

>>20906098 Scavino: Happening Now in THE BRONX! #TRUMP2024

>>20905820, >>20905913, >>20905835 Bronx United in supporting Trump

>>20906215 Donald Trump promises to build New York City the most beautiful transit system in the world if elected President in 2024

>>20906295 Trump set for historic Bronx rally: Thousands descend on New York City as residents reveal what they really think of Biden

>>20906096 Just a reminder that they cheated in NY too

>>20906033 Marker [1] Confirmed

>>20906172 "571 miles of wall"

>>20906175 No fringe on the flags

>>20906211 Big night! President Trump is the first Republican to campaign in the Bronx in 40+ years

>>20906213 Trump will flip NY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20905809 PF: CONUS / Caribbean activity - Southern Cmdr arrived in Panama

>>20905847 Hundreds of anti-Israel Harvard students, faculty walk out of graduation ceremony

>>20905857 Baltimore’s former top prosecutor spared prison for mortgage fraud and perjury

>>20905864 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Triggered tonight @ 6 PM EST joined by Mary Margaret Olohan on her new book “Detrans”

>>20905865 MAGA intensifies

>>20905877 COVID-19 Adviser to Fauci bragged about helping him evade FOIA

>>20905888 The Trump Organization: Kicking off the unofficial start to summer with @TrumpStore - enjoy up to 30% off sitewide now through Monday

>>20905892 MTG: Goldman is such a dumb arrogant elitist that he thinks the American people have forgotten that President Trump was already POTUS and how GREAT America was

>>20905905, >>20906013 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is big mad over President Trump visiting the Bronx

>>20906054 Jesuit Journal Joins Atheists in Trashing Harrison Butker

>>20906058 Blackstone sold $328.64m of Gates Company, May 21st

>>20906208 Illinois plans to re-label ‘offenders’ as ‘justice impacted individuals’

>>20906227 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20906241 Exhibit A: Media Matters

>>20906250 House Republicans demand information on immigrants who attempted to breach Marine Corps base

>>20906303 Morgan Stanley's executive chairman James Gorman told the bank's annual shareholder meeting that he would step down on Dec. 31

>>20906334 Nine Entertainment, the nation's largest domestic media company, grapples with allegations of inappropriate behaviour by a former senior executive

>>20906393 Netanyahu Warns US Leaders Could Be Targeted Next

>>20906404 What other reason would Germany have to decriminalize possession of child porn other than the fact that they are a country run by pedophiles?

>>20906410 'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin': COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests

>>20906415 Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times

>>20906516 Thomas Massie: I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship

>>20906526 DuPont, a renowned industrial company, announces plans to separate into three independent entities - DuPont, Electronics, and Water

>>20906549 #25641

Previously Collected

>>20905735 #25640

>>20903222 #25637, >>20904262 #25638, >>20904937 #25639

>>20901587 #25635A, >>20901591 #25635B, >>20902385 #25636

>>20899621 #25632, >>20899978 #25633, >>20900776 #25634

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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021e00 No.20908228

File: ddbd69d9059441c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB,630x421,630:421,ddbd69d9059441c7ce585ab505….jpg)



Baker out

o7 anons

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56015a No.20908232

File: 5876260a8e49bd3⋯.png (31.17 KB,604x767,604:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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f545e2 No.20908237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am sure Anons understand

I dont



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55c22b No.20908238

File: 8177fc9f281ba7e⋯.png (65.89 KB,555x680,111:136,ClipboardImage.png)


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074f80 No.20908239


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82ccf7 No.20908248



Today is May 24th:

The day of theSaints Cyril and Methodius, day of the Bulgarian alphabet, education and culture, and of the Slavic literature.

Who else uses the The Cyrillic script?

This writing system is used for various languages across Eurasia (yes, also Russia). It is the designated national script in various Slavic, Turkic, Mongolic, Uralic, Caucasian and Iranic-speaking countries in Southeastern Europe, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, North Asia, and East Asia, and used by many other minority languages.

Happy Cyrillic Alphabet Day!

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649d40 No.20908250

File: 20d1fed21b64d1a⋯.jpg (113.23 KB,640x468,160:117,20d1fed21b64d1a29683b11aec….jpg)


Thanks Bakez!

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82ccf7 No.20908252

File: 6958742172e28e5⋯.png (2.12 MB,936x1232,117:154,suchniceletters.png)


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0bcb4e No.20908257


it is easy a wave can also be light

wave and light has a frequency

our organs in our body resonate at a certain frequency , play that frequency to heal organs and cure diesese , 2 use frequency to repel or attract to other planets or levitation.

alligns excatly to tesla doctrine:

His famous statement “If you want to understand the world, consider it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration

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19e664 No.20908258

File: 852ca12b81f97ad⋯.png (1.07 MB,1004x1250,502:625,852ca12b81f97adfef5c25feeb….png)



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a30013 No.20908259


alphabet ediion

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8ec487 No.20908260

But it's not too big to rig. The 2020 election was rigged, then the midterms were rigged.

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a30013 No.20908261


utter bullshit

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98abd9 No.20908262

File: 4292e67cf352bf6⋯.png (226.38 KB,403x400,403:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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acf080 No.20908263

File: e65431338eeec02⋯.jpg (143.42 KB,1179x1771,1179:1771,e65431338eeec027585410559d….jpg)

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8ec487 No.20908264


i think the truth IS this strange. It probably gets even weirder. We would call it magic but someday we'll call it technology.

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98abd9 No.20908265

File: 9128941de8fb4e8⋯.png (338.53 KB,579x325,579:325,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0495e3a83e3abab⋯.png (423.32 KB,740x355,148:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2aa7 No.20908266

File: 633ae5335f26d39⋯.mp4 (436.44 KB,478x644,239:322,dick.mp4)

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e58588 No.20908267

File: d51dc3ce59d7b5f⋯.png (212.16 KB,746x482,373:241,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_1….png)

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19e664 No.20908268


filtered for making other anon as dumb as you

its called compression


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4f0787 No.20908269


we can walk through walls and drive cars through other cars. seent it.

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19e664 No.20908270


corrupt file

you suck

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19e664 No.20908271



phase conjugation

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dbcaf9 No.20908272


Your chakras also respond well to frequencies and vibrations. Depending what frequency depends on which chakra.

Like u say organs have there own frequency.

> Alzheimer’s disease. Some scientists from MIT are seriously investigating the possibility that 40 Hz tones may reverse some of the molecular changes in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. Initial studies on transgenic mice showed promising results, but (as is often the case) early-stage human trials paint a much murkier picture. Further studies are underway. Here’s a summary of the research so far and a report from a user who tried 40 Hz therapy on his wife. (Note that this tone generator is not a medical device – I don’t guarantee anything!)

Tried this on my dad, he experienced popping sounds in his head, I asked if he wanted me to stop, he said no, then carried on listening while the popping was going off. While this was happening, he also wore a smile on his face.

Nice to see, sadly demised now, due to Covid bullshit and forced unthanazia.

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8d2aa7 No.20908273

File: b83e62d336523e2⋯.mp4 (292.8 KB,476x270,238:135,israel_stupid_with_paper_s….mp4)


Your proposition has been considered. and denied.

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0bcb4e No.20908274


HAHA closed minded fool

sound is light :fact

double slit experiment :research it , closed minded fool

so fact is sound a wav can also be light >

this is science fact

frequncy and vibration also play a part from our blood to the universe , black holes emit a frequency across the universe this is also a fact. the beating of a bee's wings is at a certain frequency.

it is all around yet like a blind man you refuse to see

you are but a blind child ,when the truth is all around you

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19e664 No.20908275

File: 3c85f2a1d7e7f72⋯.png (398.18 KB,599x642,599:642,ClipboardImage.png)

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399cfb No.20908276


>drive cars through other cars

Is not wise and violates the laws of thermonuclear dynamics.

Imagine colliding atoms.

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f545e2 No.20908277


he explains 3,6,9 in the rogan show

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8d2aa7 No.20908278


The anon can't visualize power and frequency… Let it go.

The Curse of Pythagoras

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a0a816 No.20908279

File: 9a80eac7c3d2f71⋯.jpeg (258.87 KB,1130x1524,565:762,IMG_1029.jpeg)

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a0a816 No.20908280

File: 8ef395f7f75062d⋯.gif (191.57 KB,220x220,1:1,IMG_0908.GIF)

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8d2aa7 No.20908281


stop buying bootleg knock off LAVA LAMPS from the underground.

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e58588 No.20908282

File: d151bccfc8ae418⋯.jpg (124.48 KB,618x734,309:367,Jesus_Christ.jpg)


Christ himself tried to tell us. All you have to do is believe… How does prayer work… thoughts have waves and frequencies

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e336bb No.20908283

File: e09e30cd06f9ba8⋯.mp4 (339.14 KB,320x568,40:71,HeliumCastrado.mp4)

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8ec487 No.20908284


but why? I mean, Trump won the 2020 in a historic landslide, but they conjured up millions of fake votes to install the Biden puppet. They don't need actual voters.

The real reason is race-mixing. The jews are trying to race-mix whites out of existence.

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19e664 No.20908285

File: ca3e7e7f4da1666⋯.png (351.81 KB,535x536,535:536,stupid.png)


seriously, that shill 20908257 is down-syndrome, the infectious type

she will beat with stupidity and experience

just filter and walkaway

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8ec487 No.20908286



the closer you get to the truth, the angrier normies get…..

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8d2aa7 No.20908287



>How does prayer work… thoughts have waves and frequencies

You answer a Question with no instruction.


if thoughts have waves and frequencies then how does that work within a structured prayer?

Tell us like Christ isn't here because Christ isn't here.

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0bcb4e No.20908288


Almost like they are programmed to protect those who enslave them.

very strange indeed

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19e664 No.20908289


Shut the fuck up and go an learn something.

😳🔥 TESLA'S Secret of the Universe EXPLAINED 🤩


🤯 Pole Flips, Black Holes 🌑 & Dark Matter 🧐


🔥😧 MONSTER SOLAR STORM this weekend! ☀️🧐


🔥🌝 ENERGY, Ground, Particles & more DEFINED 🌑


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8d2aa7 No.20908290


I'm going to suggest you get TSSBM if you can't answer.

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1092ce No.20908291



but it does add more salt to the wounds to try to get it so that illegals can vote

Watching a movie, remember?

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19e664 No.20908292

File: 729cd36db113eaa⋯.png (215.67 KB,755x888,755:888,ClipboardImage.png)


tube channel for special perks: / @kathodosdotcom










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19e664 No.20908293


I already regret asking this, what do you thing atoms are?

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8d2aa7 No.20908294

File: ab9dfe35b56c69f⋯.png (86.75 KB,573x370,573:370,ClipboardImage.png)




suggest you click the ILLUSTRATIONS for what it looks like

ahem okay you made it that far, CLICK TO ENLARGE


remember a good PRAYER is SCIENCE, not religion.

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bcbd43 No.20908295


baking soda and vinegar

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e336bb No.20908297



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8d2aa7 No.20908298

File: 31b2592b92adf25⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB,720x1280,9:16,inda_machine.mp4)


LFG! kek

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e9fa99 No.20908299

File: a7189d0f2238082⋯.jpg (126.65 KB,295x319,295:319,Rosetta_295BC.jpg)

File: 5a0db511a5a4abc⋯.jpeg (294.15 KB,735x1111,735:1111,theSting.jpeg)

File: b8e12d806317c1c⋯.jpg (133.35 KB,484x421,484:421,CometCometh.jpg)

File: c3aa1e7e3393870⋯.png (204.71 KB,1920x1080,16:9,TheREALreset.png)

the comet comes in 2033

Ordo Ab Chao

Ordo Ab Chao (Order From Chaos)

Its big, so big it gave the planet its wobble, the comet, the precession, the tilt - its all related.

It wont hit us, instead pieces will come off, leaving a path of destruction, that the Earth Orbit will pass through.

We will get hit twice, once as it goes towards the sun, again as it exits.

the Pharaohs knew, they carved into stone.

the coils of the snake are the precession, the daggers comet strikes.

If we are going into Aquarius, the tail points to the place it comes from.

It will come out of Scorpio, the sting in the tail,

they have been tracking it for 7 x 26500 year periods, or about 200,000 years…..

Agenda 2030?

the New World Order, a satanic conspiracy to enslave the world, they know its coming, they built stonehenge to track its coming.

they want all their ducks in a row, the digital currency, the microchips, the total control, by 2030.

When the comet comes, they will make their move.

they will install the AntiChrist.

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19e664 No.20908300

File: 5ddf5c3fc519dc8⋯.jpg (21.2 KB,233x255,233:255,9a0943b228695f83fb7e9a9c20….jpg)

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e336bb No.20908301

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bcbd43 No.20908302


atoms dont look the same, they are all made to a specific individual size, weight, and velocity/ frequency.

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1092ce No.20908303


God separated the spiritual from the physical for a reason.

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19e664 No.20908304

File: e76afdc6f61e61f⋯.png (660.03 KB,954x1077,318:359,ClipboardImage.png)

Wall Street Apes


You’re mandated to give your ID to Israel to be paid on X

“The company that X uses to verify its user's ID is an Israeli company founded by members of Israeli intelligence units Shin Bet and Unit 8200.

The company responsible for verifying people's ID on X is called "AU10TIX".

The CEO of AU10TIX, Ron Atzomn, was a member of Israel's intelligence unit 8200.

His father was once the treasurer of the Likud party (Netanyahu's party) in Israel.

AU10TIX also has a history of helping the Israeli military with military surveillance and intelligence gathering.

It doesn't stop there however.

AU10TIX was founded in 2002 as the technology arm of a dutch firm called "ICTS international".

ICTS international was established in 1982 ALSO by former members of Israeli intelligence unit Shin Bet.

This is an extreme security risk.

Not only will regular creators have to give their ID to a company with deep ties to Israeli intelligence, but PRO-PALESTINIAN creators will also have to do the same.“

May 24, 2024, 1:32 AM


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d554c3 No.20908305

File: c103decb3f1b680⋯.png (942.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,c103decb3f1b6806b234e073ee….png)

What is the best part of waking up?

A) Covfefe in your cup

B) Having a good morning

C) Wishing for others to have a good morning

D) Watching the feds have a bad morning while Anons have a good morning

E) All of the above

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19e664 No.20908306

File: 34f8f3567f55034⋯.jpg (170.53 KB,1080x1388,270:347,retard.jpg)


filturd for not knowing the basics

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e9fa99 No.20908307


the comet will cause massive destruction of the northern hemisphere, but no one will be untouched.

Japan, Europe and US space agencies all launched missions to sample these comets.

Trump created Space Force.

the elites are building bunkers in New Zealand.

the comet will break up, and these pieces will cause multiple massive airburst events.

I discovered it, so I shall name it.

I will call it comet Ping Pong.

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ca0654 No.20908308

File: d9ea655d22dd68d⋯.png (316.83 KB,678x742,339:371,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c691f8b9fdd847a⋯.png (666.66 KB,768x1200,16:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ad5f2b69f281fb⋯.png (311.16 KB,554x1199,554:1199,ClipboardImage.png)

Google's AI is broken.

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19e664 No.20908309


a mechanical reciprocating magnetic drive

rudimentary and will work forever or until physically stopped


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0201ca No.20908310


>What is the best part of waking up?

Never poking your head out the door or answering the phone before noon.

Morning people usually solve their own emergencies by then.

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8d2aa7 No.20908311

File: ffc9925b0caf135⋯.jpg (148.87 KB,492x598,246:299,olmec_snake.jpg)



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e9fa99 No.20908312

It won't make any difference anyway…

Right now we are heading into the Maunder Minimum, and will get cold soon.

Rice won't grow when it's cold, the rice crops will fail three years in a row, and billions will starve.

China knows this, and they are desperate to build a railway to the west for food shipments.

the ice will drop powerlines, and ruin the grid, but that is not so bad.

the comet that is coming is going to Shoemaker us, and then it will get bad.

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19e664 No.20908313

File: df97dc79544f794⋯.jpg (361.88 KB,1536x2048,3:4,elon_musk_lkjhg_.jpg)

File: 87ae944e6af9bff⋯.png (1.44 MB,1333x730,1333:730,elon_musk_devil.png)

File: fd3367dd30bb294⋯.png (1.74 MB,1136x852,4:3,elon_musk_8.png)

File: 74f98ddf780f67e⋯.png (2.02 MB,881x1166,881:1166,elon_musk_7.png)

File: c66214dfe73775a⋯.jpg (329.07 KB,1159x1789,1159:1789,elon_musk_0b19e8c6e849fa9.jpg)


Musk is one of [them]

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ca0654 No.20908314

File: 17fcbfc644a8901⋯.png (280.72 KB,424x565,424:565,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e2fec9223885ed⋯.png (466 KB,1200x1021,1200:1021,ClipboardImage.png)

This media matters employee who made this video celebrating “Tucker-Got-Firedversary” was fired today.

NO SYMPATHY for the cesspool media matters. They gloated after they got people fired.


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bcbd43 No.20908315


maybe you understand it wrong.

what has the science brought us so far.

The substance is the element, is the atom, is the molecule, is its own nucleus, is its own electrons.

all paper written research is utter speculative bullshit and built upon another federal funded grant and incorporated money laundering DC scam and utter shit pile on top of another shit pile.

Especially if is heals or benefits society.

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19e664 No.20908316


never seen or heard of her

zero fucks

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b58867 No.20908317

File: da5d7492f853510⋯.jpg (13.16 KB,251x255,251:255,95e6e24e0e47dc08006da4a21f….jpg)

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ca0654 No.20908318

File: f3604833aaff0c9⋯.png (284.57 KB,779x800,779:800,ClipboardImage.png)


Media Matters produced a hoax report on X, in which staffers refreshed posts dozens of times to get ads to show up next to objectionable material. This lie was then used to pressure advertisers into leaving X and cause financial losses to the company.

X fought back, and the Missouri Attorney General fought back with X.

Now the organization is experiencing the biggest mass of layoffs, with over a dozen terminations.



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ca0654 No.20908319

File: 39feac87070b91c⋯.png (204.6 KB,487x467,487:467,ClipboardImage.png)

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d554c3 No.20908320

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)



Guud answer

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19e664 No.20908321

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ca0654 No.20908322

File: 20132eed7b23859⋯.png (446.41 KB,1199x672,1199:672,ClipboardImage.png)

Email from NIH Morens to Peter Hotez:

"…I did (delete all of Peter's emails and others relating to origin) when the shit started hitting the fan…The best way to avoid FOIA hassles is to delete all emails when you learn a subject is getting sensitive.."

so there it is, kill all bad evidence of covid origins, the bad guys telling each other to cover up their bad crimes


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1092ce No.20908323

File: 4c59921f4d3223a⋯.png (44.34 KB,500x750,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2aa7 No.20908324

File: 150f8fa51d723e7⋯.png (156.98 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)


ALL paper


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bcbd43 No.20908325

File: 33ef7c07b94bed9⋯.png (533.43 KB,618x618,1:1,33ef7c07b94bed96247bd16fb8….png)

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ca0654 No.20908326


It's garbage nonsense.

Same moron who says 1+1=1

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19e664 No.20908327

File: 6e352b804e5ed56⋯.png (880.14 KB,702x912,117:152,ClipboardImage.png)

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19e664 No.20908328

File: 2f39467b4e77005⋯.png (1.09 MB,756x846,42:47,ClipboardImage.png)

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e36ffe No.20908329

File: 96a79d5132cec64⋯.png (870.51 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Hunter_Biden_Sean_Penn.png)

Sean Penn looking like shit while sitting next to Hunter at last night's state dinner. Either Sean Penn aged ten years after his Zelensky interview from a year and a half ago, or he was heavily made up during the Zelensky interview. Heard Obama was there too (making sure his Kenyan citizenship is in order no doubt).

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8d2aa7 No.20908330

File: 5b158a906fe10e3⋯.png (25.8 KB,640x400,8:5,commie_krebs_on_security.png)


Yes the Courts are Packed with Evidence, it's why you can't get in the door. They would need to hire a sub-contractor with forklift to move evidence out of the way of the door, window, and air conditioners to even get thru the door and turn the lights on.

What we have is corruption that will never be prosecuted because there's no cop.

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ca0654 No.20908331


You missed the fact that the democrata are doing evetything they can to grant citizenship to the illegals.

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e336bb No.20908332

File: 28821ab3a56c8a3⋯.mp4 (308.53 KB,320x356,80:89,PrayingForHelp.mp4)

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124a07 No.20908333

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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94a6ba No.20908334

File: 24b6be6e8344a21⋯.png (1.31 MB,719x719,1:1,cube.PNG)

File: 8326de7f8164ee1⋯.png (478.37 KB,515x724,515:724,l.PNG)

File: e8c6c07e352bee8⋯.png (341.51 KB,1338x825,446:275,zo.PNG)


A century and more ahead of his time, Walter Russell, in The Secret of Light presents a unique Cosmogony, that of a universe in which Creator and Creation are proven to be a seamless, unified whole, and in which the dualism of “mind and matter” disappears. In revelation of what he terms “natural science,” Russell presents a two-way, magnetic-electric thought-wave universe, cyclic in nature and eternally “creating,” as opposed to the “created, expanding, entropic universe” of current science. Russell’s philosophy of the science of Being, the invisible world of Cause—the nature of consciousness, knowing, thinking, sensing, inspiration, intuition, energy, and the creative process—and the science of Expressed Being, the visible world of Effect—the nature of light, the wave structure of universal creation, the creation of the elements that make up our visible world, and the cycle nature of life and death— are proven a unified continuum. The Secret of Light illuminates the many questions regarding the nature of “science and consciousness.” Dr. Francis Trevelyan Miller (LITT.D., LL.D.), Historical Foundations, New York, wrote in 1947 of The Secret of Light, “I hasten to congratulate you on your epoch-making achievement in giving the world The Secret of Light. In this little volume, with its tremendous magnitude of thought, you have given Science and human knowledge a rebirth—a transmigration from its physical plane to its potential grandeur on the cosmic plane.” “You have opened the door into the infinite—science must enter. It may hesitate; it may engage in controversy, but it cannot afford to ignore the principles you have established which eventually will revolutionize man’s concept of himself, his world, his universe, and his human problems.”

I found his books and work years ago and don't regret it

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e9fa99 No.20908335

File: c4e4a2aa3798657⋯.jpg (3.85 MB,2412x1608,3:2,F_15E_391st_USAF_081215_F_….jpg)

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ca0654 No.20908336


It's not morning everywhere, declaring it is merely a communication of your own personal residency that excludes everyone else around the world.

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8d37be No.20908337

File: 2f6c268345ca817⋯.mp4 (15.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,Special_Forces_Motivation_….mp4)

File: ccc381d47cdb440⋯.jpg (47.27 KB,768x576,4:3,C_XQnaQXYAAkMUU.jpg)

Regular notables (2023) now up on /qnotables23/


Notable bread #16 >>>/qnotables23/41365

Notable bread #17 >>>/qnotables23/41682

were also posted once more and the re-posted content was linked

this also means that the archived threads on /qresearch/ got their images+videos+PDFs back

(foreign threads not uploaded yet)

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Post last edited at

29a6b3 No.20908338


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ca0654 No.20908339


So that's why [they] are constantly attacking him through lawfare, character assasssination, and social media bots smearing and slandering him.


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19a681 No.20908340

File: 375d09697042456⋯.jpg (490.93 KB,1085x725,217:145,c97139f55698f8e08bb2fd4400….jpg)

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332812 No.20908341


Matthew 18:3

“And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.”

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e36ffe No.20908342

File: 76dce1eed4a60e6⋯.png (1.1 MB,1130x728,565:364,obama_2.png)

File: c4a8d243b265cb6⋯.png (57.79 KB,788x423,788:423,obama.png)

File: 307836ab4b624cb⋯.png (132.17 KB,514x862,257:431,Kenyan_citizenship.png)

Not seeing the Obama at the Kenyan state dinner last night in the notables. Posting this in case anons weren't aware. Tangentially ties into Q #894


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33d3cb No.20908343

File: a80bd0a40b33d75⋯.jpg (252.65 KB,893x1644,893:1644,7de14fda59d419484b26a0376f….jpg)

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19e664 No.20908344


close… PhD Walter Russell didnt quiet put two and two together

did some good work

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94a6ba No.20908345

File: ea55ec89ccbebd8⋯.png (2.14 MB,1139x929,1139:929,works.PNG)

File: 9858ea93dfafbd7⋯.png (2.46 MB,1114x744,557:372,o.PNG)





You Will Know Them by Their Fruits ?

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4b2ab2 No.20908346

File: 1d302cb306084fe⋯.png (1.13 MB,980x725,196:145,m7eneyreyter.PNG)

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19e664 No.20908347

File: 35f5a377a2d3b6f⋯.png (516.34 KB,568x667,568:667,elon_musk_x.png)

File: 2874480735306c0⋯.png (1.31 MB,1131x908,1131:908,2874480735306c00eb8c728806….png)

File: 17a65a04d00c099⋯.jpg (79.36 KB,639x639,1:1,Elon_felon_91a.jpg)


Ahh yes, that is Trump that is happening too… not happenin to the felon

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ca0654 No.20908348


It is happening to both Trump and Musk.

That's how you know Trump and Musk are both good.

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8d2aa7 No.20908349

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Jus trying to hep…


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d554c3 No.20908350

File: b64e66d098203d8⋯.png (971.55 KB,564x789,188:263,b64e66d098203d899d772f765a….png)




GM frens. Ready for another day of winning?

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94a6ba No.20908351

File: f267b8de77dcc38⋯.png (1.04 MB,755x711,755:711,g.PNG)

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edb5f6 No.20908352

File: f4c8721b0a31c88⋯.png (333.62 KB,666x375,222:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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1092ce No.20908353


adrenochrome withdrawls?

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94a6ba No.20908354

File: 7df0a1508c4b1a0⋯.png (443.28 KB,594x592,297:296,ill.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


SCOOP: Logan Memorial School (@LMECSD

) in the @sdschools

district brought an LGBTQ activist and dr@g queen to talk to students about how to file with the State to change their name and gender marker on legal forms.

They’re transing your kids in schools.




Last edited

7:01 AM · May 23, 2024




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3a1337 No.20908355

5+2+4+2+4=17 day

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1092ce No.20908356



Followers of Our Lord King Satan

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8d2aa7 No.20908357


stop calling it school

start calling it not in the constitution

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8d2aa7 No.20908358

File: 764b657de0987ba⋯.png (136.68 KB,554x252,277:126,ClipboardImage.png)


I'd compress it but's too fucking big.

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1092ce No.20908359


What about all of the Far-Left Billionaires?

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db8539 No.20908360


doesn't the communist manifesto mandate a public education system.

probably got that wrong too.

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03ef71 No.20908361

File: b66cb724d81f5f1⋯.jpg (10.87 KB,255x255,1:1,SunrisePepe.jpg)


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8d2aa7 No.20908362


all I know is you can't show Dept of Education in the Constitution, it's not there. WHOLE THING IS COLOR OF MADE UP LAW

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3a1337 No.20908363

File: 159fade0347f144⋯.png (1.38 MB,750x1334,375:667,88EB53E8_BACB_4D39_AD16_49….png)

File: 6da29cd6c8f6ac1⋯.png (279.05 KB,690x2170,69:217,95D725DC_8F8C_4365_8A5D_2B….png)

File: e5035cf27d90832⋯.jpeg (308.08 KB,2047x1362,2047:1362,53DF0C03_D3B2_4DBA_9E12_F….jpeg)


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d554c3 No.20908364

File: bb43339c1414227⋯.jpg (230.65 KB,1144x1024,143:128,bb43339c14142273a414887ad4….jpg)


Anon took the time to heal. Ready to go back into the breach.

God bless.

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8d2aa7 No.20908365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Beware the plumber

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955265 No.20908366

File: 6272e3d6102db86⋯.png (241.39 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



The dude has been granted nearly 100 patents. But yeah, reduce it all to one simple statement that you can't comprehend and he's the idiot?

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8d2aa7 No.20908367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

California showing ya how to get it done.

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03ef71 No.20908368

File: 72788a45bde2d87⋯.png (1.31 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Kek_Another_Two_Weeks.png)

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33d3cb No.20908369

File: 0e91f4a0f534b7c⋯.jpg (116.5 KB,721x500,721:500,Bern1.jpg)


>probably got that wrong too.

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63611b No.20908370

File: a1fb54a41902df2⋯.png (1.7 MB,804x1124,201:281,a1fb54a41902df27056049523e….png)

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8d2aa7 No.20908371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Multinational totalitarian communist fascism for three years then….Evicted.

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8d2aa7 No.20908372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We don't need no stinking Bagies

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94a6ba No.20908373

File: 8e76c9b694b55ab⋯.png (216.91 KB,590x831,590:831,pool.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: California principal who didn’t allow a middle schooler to say his speech because it was too patriotic will not be returning to the school next school year.




Libs of TikTok




BREAKING: I spoke with Jimmy, the middle schooler whose principal didn't allow him to give his speech because it was too patriotic.

Jimmy's message: Love your country, respect your country, respect the people that fight for us, and I LOVE AMERICA! 🇺🇸 🇺🇸🇺🇸

Future leader right x.com/libsoftiktok/s…

Show more

5:57 PM · May 23, 2024




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152ccc No.20908374

File: 04f8a77eff58bc3⋯.jpeg (45.57 KB,600x845,120:169,oblamma_mom.jpeg)

File: ea4c8e4a9ab7f80⋯.png (134.64 KB,429x273,11:7,oblamma_ring.png)

wat dis?

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94a6ba No.20908375

File: 9754940f33005d8⋯.png (114.23 KB,591x811,591:811,tf.PNG)


Techno Fog


From personal experience: the NIH FOIA office had other ways to prevent disclosure.

We requested these Morens/Daszak e-mails via FOIA back in 2021.

The NIH said it would cost $7,200.

They didn't charge us for other voluminous requests.


Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic



May 22

Replying to @COVIDSelect

🚨The @NIH FOIA office allegedly taught Dr. Morens how to delete federal records. Then, Dr. Morens admitted to deleting his email correspondence with EcoHealth Alliance.

"I learned from our foia lady here how to make emails disappear"

Show more



4:48 PM · May 23, 2024




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1092ce No.20908376


For thousands of years, people educated their children themselves.

You can't pay someone else to love your kids for you.

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3742fc No.20908377



Genetically Moran shills

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8d2aa7 No.20908378


They need to file a FORM 95 against fucking DARPA for a trillion dollars.

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3742fc No.20908379


>stop calling it school

ok it is the Brainwashing Academy

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63611b No.20908380

File: 17b69f0bc4dd604⋯.jpeg (39.52 KB,183x255,61:85,17b69f0bc4dd604ea0cf58250….jpeg)

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8d2aa7 No.20908381


I've been lucky, I never crossed paths with a shitty teacher.

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3742fc No.20908382


get fucked glowboi

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1092ce No.20908383



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d554c3 No.20908384

File: c4e0adeb8f073e8⋯.jpg (62.58 KB,1024x973,1024:973,GHAhffDW8AAeRp9.jpg)



You realize we will all get labeled as paid posting shills by the seething choleric fedfags now, right? Kek


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63611b No.20908385

File: b83001c9c635006⋯.gif (1.44 MB,498x498,1:1,b83001c9c635006a10a9bc6502….gif)

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8d2aa7 No.20908386


Dear Techno Fog Stop now

All that email is backed up

quit with this bullshit.

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3742fc No.20908387


I had many bad and cruel teachers

If I met them today I would smash their faces in

>in minecraft of course

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f5b363 No.20908388

File: a8896cd419b5bd5⋯.jpeg (164.93 KB,1000x1496,125:187,664E3565_2AB8_43AB_8A85_5….jpeg)


The Government School will change or be ended, one way or the other

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6a458c No.20908389



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8d2aa7 No.20908390


My problem is my Friends don't seem to LIVE very Long.

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03ef71 No.20908391

File: d19cc1e88e8b1f9⋯.jpg (334.19 KB,1024x1024,1:1,FedCoatsGoHome.jpg)



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63611b No.20908392

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,42452013b10033cbbffe506fe0….png)

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3742fc No.20908393


>Sean Penn looking like shit

he is literally shit

his only redeeming characteristic is he beat the fuck outta Madonna

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1092ce No.20908394


But they just incriminate themselves even more when they try to erase it. So keep exposing them.


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94a6ba No.20908395

File: b7ce49f12cc4cfb⋯.png (243.32 KB,584x706,292:353,id.PNG)

File: f7ca0b0d9c18a27⋯.png (150.52 KB,546x458,273:229,p.PNG)




Hakeem Jeffries




The Boston Red Sox are more popular in the South Bronx than Donald Trump.

Go home.

Laura Loomer





As President Trump’s rally in The Bronx, New York is about to take place, Democrat House Minority Leader @hakeemjeffries


told Donald Trump to “Go Home” and said Trump wasn’t popular in the South Bronx.

A week and a half ago, New Jersey Democrat Congresswoman @RepSherrill

Mikie Sherrill, who is also a client of Loren Merchan’s and has sent hundreds of thousands of dollars to Loren’s personal residence, posted a tweet ahead of Trump’s massive rally in Wildwood, NJ in which she told Donald Trump to “go back to court”.

This seems like the same exact writing style, which makes me suspect Loren Merchan wrote both of their tweets.

Loren Merchan does “digital consulting and digital fundraising” for Hakeem Jeffries, which means she likely tweets for him. Did Loren Merchan just write this anti-Trump tweet that was posted before Trump’s rally in the Bronx from Hakeem Jeffries’s twitter account?

Jefferies, or as I like to call him, “Dollar Tree Barrack Hussein Obama”, is a New York Democrat who represents NY-8.

Turns out Hakeem Jefferies is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter, Loren Merchan, and has sent her over $1,428,879.99 in payments to her PERSONAL RESIDENCE!

Why is Hakeem Jeffries sending nearly $1.5 MILLION to Judge Merchan’s daughter’s personal house in Richmond, Virginia, when her father is overseeing Trump’s trial in NYC?

The address on @RepJeffries

’s Schedule B FEC form is the same address as Loren Merchan’s home address where she lives with her husband Taylor Harper, who works for @JoeBiden

’s @uscensusbureau


This is so unethical, and @HouseGOP


needs to subpoena Loren Merchan and Authentic Campaigns ASAP!

Cc: @TeamTrump









10:40 AM · May 23, 2024




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8d2aa7 No.20908396

File: 720f3d468bd8e58⋯.png (162.7 KB,543x370,543:370,ClipboardImage.png)

they've started to play this game


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33d3cb No.20908397

File: 2aa5a15c423d4f5⋯.jpg (467.2 KB,800x601,800:601,LOTRing.jpg)


>wat dis?

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8d2aa7 No.20908398




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f5b363 No.20908399



‘In mine craft of course’

I had a few very good public school teachers… but looking back i think they were good because they already knew they needed to keep their most honest and useful instructions on the down low. The DoE was already pushing changeagent stupid shit. I had a few, i know should have been ended in a righteous Minecraft world

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3f4b44 No.20908400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

1:1 with former President Donald Trump | News 12

93,604 views 8 hours ago

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d70177 No.20908401

File: b5f4ac2e2a8c0e4⋯.jpg (74.85 KB,484x366,242:183,Screenshot_2024_05_24_0543….jpg)

File: 1bfb44f09481401⋯.jpg (21.08 KB,466x263,466:263,GM_Crew.jpg)


F) Seeing the Shroomers get a Muh Notable for nothing (literally) which is no biggie but saying GM and watching all hell break loose.

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33ed77 No.20908402


Jack Smith like shake weight

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8d2aa7 No.20908403


The food pyramid of the 70's giving heart attacks from the agriculture industry, the statue of limitations has run out.

But the people putting roundup on agriculture right now are fair game.

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94a6ba No.20908404

File: b34f069aad96dd0⋯.png (420.55 KB,394x728,197:364,k.PNG)


This man is a TRUE PATRIOT!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🔥🔥🔥

Someone get this dude a MAGA HAT. STAT!

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3f4b44 No.20908405

File: 99da38cfbb14ef0⋯.png (427.57 KB,598x695,598:695,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_0….png)

They’re shooting rap videos at the Bronx Trump rally

The election is over.

Bye bye sleepy joe!

6:11 PM · May 23, 2024





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8d2aa7 No.20908406


some anon said the file was corrupted. I guess that anon lied.

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d554c3 No.20908407

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)

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1092ce No.20908408


Even people who have paid off their houses, can no longer afford to live in their houses because of Property Taxes. They just can't afford to pay the property taxes.

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94a6ba No.20908409

File: dc8371cfc757ca0⋯.png (542.67 KB,791x584,791:584,post.PNG)


THE GREAT RESET: “They Use The Language Of Concern For The Vulnerable To Lock The World Down, But It Is Really A War Against The Vulnerable.”


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8d2aa7 No.20908410


✅ ​Hear ya. don't know what to reply.

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e271fd No.20908411

File: e9394ec4e18ab18⋯.jpg (102.61 KB,810x1280,81:128,Besties_Trump_Putin.jpg)

File: 75a912f171845c0⋯.gif (2.94 MB,500x224,125:56,You_Call_This_a_Storm_Lt_D….gif)

File: 6bd01b160fca20c⋯.png (127.83 KB,652x718,326:359,ngk27t4ka1m11.png)

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dae5b3 No.20908412

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

trips confrim GM

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3f4b44 No.20908413

File: 2a27f42ffafd4d6⋯.png (91.92 KB,646x407,646:407,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_0….png)

File: 12f3d316567d17a⋯.png (321.23 KB,629x489,629:489,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_0….png)

A woman named April Lampros claims Diddy sexually assaulted her on numerous occasions decades back in New York City.

The woman, who publicly identified herself as April Lampros, said that the assaults took place in New York City during the 1990s and early 2000s, according to court docs obtained by Dailymail.com.

Lampros said Diddy attacked her on multiple occasions throughout the years, once directly involving his late ex-girlfriend Kim Porter in 1996, and on another occasion during the timeframe he was seeing Jennifer Lopez.

Lampros said one assault from Diddy occurred in late 2000/early 2001 when he was 'involved in a very public relationship with Jennifer Lopez' and that subsequent media reports from February 2001 indicated the one-time couple parted ways due to Diddy's infidelity.

Lampros said that Combs penis was 'adolescently in both length and width' and that he was circumcised. (According to Cambridge dictionary, the word adolescent is defined 'in a way that is typical of a young person who is developing into an adult.')


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d554c3 No.20908414

File: c103decb3f1b680⋯.png (942.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,c103decb3f1b6806b234e073ee….png)


Morn'n Ralph

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b8ad73 No.20908416

Good Morning! Is everyone off today? I hope so!

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8d2aa7 No.20908417


teach nullification like Manhattan project

Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List (PDF) A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can also connect you directly with the Senate office. (202) 224-3121

tell em to deactivate the Federal Reserve it isn't in the Constitution.

Regulate the monetary system with silver and gold like the constitution says.

Stop pouring sugar on the ground and inviting an invasion.


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94a6ba No.20908418

File: 3c6393506429559⋯.png (81.37 KB,893x602,893:602,des.PNG)


A Familiar Pattern of Desperate Behavior Emerges When Lawfare Starts Failing

May 23, 2024 | Sundance

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63611b No.20908419

File: 2447c54fb261ee3⋯.png (120.69 KB,519x760,519:760,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0a7bee8c0d31dd⋯.png (217.28 KB,519x912,173:304,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5d5bb0f3917547d⋯.png (210.89 KB,519x1566,173:522,ClipboardImage.png)

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533381 No.20908420

It seems only the Boomer Generation profits from inflation. Showing what they bought long ago has increased in value due to the higher costs for the same things.

So how can we Make America Great Again if the generations after that suffer to wake up to what has been ignored by the generation who was asleep to it the entire time?

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3a1337 No.20908421

File: dd4d8bab8f50549⋯.png (46.78 KB,690x586,345:293,03C2C8AB_F1E2_4694_9F46_95….png)


good morning Ralph.

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33ed77 No.20908422


technically, anon not wrong

Jack Smith is corrupted

but the vid plays 5x5

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d70177 No.20908423

File: 6bf4a6bc7066b45⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,487x285,487:285,SS_GM.jpg)



Many such workfags enjoying covfefe with frens right now.

But, yeah, no worries almost all of Absolute State Shift a bit later will be off today just like they are every day.

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94a6ba No.20908424

File: e9585f4c2dd5a53⋯.png (164.15 KB,744x567,248:189,power.PNG)

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8d2aa7 No.20908425

File: 69668ac12258eff⋯.png (402.74 KB,440x584,55:73,dershowitz.png)


Dershowitz is LOW BROW.. already the language frequency has be turned down to few fart noise flaps per second maybe 14 pops per second.

Anon is not a fan of Dershowitz.

But Anon knows Sundance knows this is multinational totalitarian communist fascism, not just L VS R. (ding round 1)

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e36ffe No.20908426

File: 09f4864aa3b54c6⋯.jpg (20.63 KB,360x360,1:1,09f4864aa3b54c67e0e1c69a94….jpg)


>Lampros said that Combs penis was 'adolescently in both length and width'

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ba2c6e No.20908427

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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52b19b No.20908428


So far the wifeanon and myself own our mini farm outright. No mortgage and tax burden in the county is close to 1600 a yr. Not complaining yet.

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1092ce No.20908429


so much for the "Black guys have big dicks" myth

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124a07 No.20908430


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Perhaps with a splash of Jameson as there is a lot to do today.

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3f4b44 No.20908431

File: 6bb61875d99c0eb⋯.png (1.07 MB,1650x712,825:356,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_0….png)

File: 75975221487c487⋯.png (685.37 KB,891x501,297:167,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_0….png)

Winston Marshall, who once played in the band Mumford & Sons, is no stranger to standing up for what he believes in.

Marshall was “canceled” for simply posting a link on social media to Andy Ngo’s book, "Unmasked: Inside Antifa's Radical Plan to Destroy Democracy" — and refused to apologize.

“All hell breaks loose. He’s no longer in the band, but he is now an incredible fighter for freedom across the pond in the U.K.,” Dave Rubin of "The Rubin Report" says before showing a clip of Marshall humiliating Nancy Pelosi at Oxford Union.

“Words have a tendency to change meaning. When I was a boy, 'woman' meant someone who didn’t have a c*ck,” Marshall began. “‘Populism’ has become a word used synonymously with ‘racists.’ We’ve heard ‘ethnonationalists,’ with ‘bigot,’ with ‘hillbilly,’ with ‘redneck,’ with ‘deplorables.’”

“January 6th has been mentioned, a dark day for America indeed. And I’m sure Congresswoman Pelosi will agree that the entire month of June 2020, when the federal courthouse in Portland, Oregon, was under siege and under insurrection by radical progressives, those too were dark days for America,” he continued.

Pelosi, who was seated nearby, decided to interrupt Marshall’s speech to say, “There is no equivalence there.”

“It is not like what happened on January 6th, which was an insurrection incited by the president of the United States,” she added confidently.

But Marshall didn’t let her get away with it.

“Today, particularly in America, the globalist-left have become the establishment. I suppose for Mrs. Pelosi to take this side of the motion, she would be arguing herself out of a job,” Marshall said, adding that Trump should have accepted the election in 2020.

“So should Hillary in 2016,” he continued. “And so too should Congresswoman Pelosi, instead of saying the 2016 election was quote ‘hijacked.’”

“It was,” Pelosi squeaked back before Marshall smiled, and the audience laughed.

“Nancy Pelosi is still claiming that the 2016 election was hijacked,” Rubin laughs.



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3a1337 No.20908432

File: 314c0eb22f696f0⋯.png (24.34 KB,690x498,115:83,4987F735_AAED_4361_9348_0D….png)


mornin’ add 8&3’s equals no coincidences

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33ed77 No.20908433


don't go and read the property tax code because that one, at least for anon's appraisal district, is a piece of work and it will set up all manner of facial tics, colorful metaphors, and other conniptions

Especially when coupled with a notice of lien because they "sent" a notice by mail, but alas it never showed…wonder why they have anons email, a hell of a lot more reliable than USPS




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d70177 No.20908434


I hear ya.

But, at least he's on the teevee calling the PDJT trials a sham of a travesty of an injustice.

So, bigger fish to fry kinda deal.

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789b74 No.20908435

Shut it Lawrence. All Morgan Wallace songs are great!

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de390a No.20908436

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6405c2 No.20908437


You stay in your lane!

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533381 No.20908438


Well not to defend the usps but, mixing important mail with sale ads, packages, and corporations reminding of their business wealth isn’t what the usps was made for.

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42188a No.20908440

File: 1180d74abd124c3⋯.png (168.44 KB,394x327,394:327,ralph3d4thPatriotsh.png)




>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

trips confrim GM>>20908430

>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

>Perhaps with a splash of Jameson as there is a lot to do today.

Great call

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d70177 No.20908441

File: 868dd5a52097183⋯.jpg (32.74 KB,302x349,302:349,Bezos_sexbot.jpg)


Apparently it was made for Amazon to make an extra bit of profit having the USPS deliver packages the last mile.

No wonder Bezos retired after pulling that one off since he knew he couldn't top it.

That and devoting moar time to dating trannies of course.

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1092ce No.20908442


In a Chicago area suburb, a small 3 bedroom raised ranch, detached garage on 1/3 of an acre property, Property taxes are $8000 a year.

Half of it goes to the money gobbling Public School System.

We keep talking about moving to Tennessee.

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533381 No.20908443


Well it wasn’t made for that but government officials infiltrated the will of the workers you have shoppers and workers

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8d2aa7 No.20908444

File: 90fc843b0ba9088⋯.png (908.53 KB,1066x888,533:444,ClipboardImage.png)


You can remove the video from the corruption but not the corruption from the video.


He did keep his underwear on.


>tax code

Ah fuck I knew I Forgot something.

As normal my thoughts are scatter brain.

When Isaid deactivate the fed, it also means eliminate the incometax (not replace it)

with no fed, not tax

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42188a No.20908445

File: 215dd8bcf5034e1⋯.png (172.01 KB,395x330,79:66,ralph3_5x5dblshotEclip.png)


doh. need moar covfefe


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

>Perhaps with a splash of Jameson as there is a lot to do today.

Great call

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12d2b1 No.20908446

File: 279ecd9784ace72⋯.jpg (85.22 KB,751x500,751:500,onetweetgr.jpg)


TY, baker.

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e36ffe No.20908447

File: d56b4049f45f735⋯.png (8.78 KB,505x151,505:151,alan.png)


Well, Captain Q did greet him when he got on flight #17

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8d2aa7 No.20908448

File: fdb44e816de914a⋯.png (57.95 KB,240x160,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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d70177 No.20908449


With the hindsight of future proves past I can now say that was better than being one of the Trust fags.

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e36ffe No.20908450


true story

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484025 No.20908451

File: def7adeeba59923⋯.png (15.24 KB,482x564,241:282,ClipboardImage.png)

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1092ce No.20908452


Nancy Pelosi is an Evil Witch. A Sea Hag.

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8d2aa7 No.20908453

File: 0238ad58c1f8776⋯.png (79.35 KB,543x269,543:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't throw me in that Jail said Br'er Rabbit trying to start a quick family. kek


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1092ce No.20908454

File: 19fa3b1c84d6766⋯.png (54.41 KB,500x666,250:333,ClipboardImage.png)

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33d3cb No.20908455

File: f1fb5211bfdae23⋯.jpg (119.3 KB,800x533,800:533,TwoFacedNancyPelosiLieDny.jpg)

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8d2aa7 No.20908456

File: aea2c99c674f8f3⋯.png (127.63 KB,255x255,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d70177 No.20908457

It's ded mornings like this on QR that make me wonder if the Rapture just went down.

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900598 No.20908458

File: 7fc38c0f9b8299c⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,1280x2633,1280:2633,Heal.jpg)

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8d2aa7 No.20908459

File: cf32d0fe1f307ba⋯.png (3.32 MB,2167x1440,2167:1440,ClipboardImage.png)

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3f4b44 No.20908460

File: 55fc94e4bd89092⋯.png (161.09 KB,458x550,229:275,Screenshot_2024_03_10_at_1….png)

File: a269318b67eb8ea⋯.png (21.27 KB,303x60,101:20,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_0….png)

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990d41 No.20908461

File: 07452deedc0b73d⋯.png (1.41 MB,750x1334,375:667,0C27BF1B_BD1A_4FB8_ADDE_9D….png)

File: 16abaa4bc9cf091⋯.jpeg (348.09 KB,2047x1365,2047:1365,0792E056_48E9_4559_8AAD_9….jpeg)

File: 31acb7b5aaf4355⋯.png (100.87 KB,690x1164,115:194,D5E855AD_0B4F_48F0_9A6A_9D….png)

File: 0206c5723c91774⋯.jpeg (386.22 KB,2048x1440,64:45,56D7E3E0_2119_4A89_B990_A….jpeg)

File: 7e2b618f9e87102⋯.jpeg (285.3 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,375145B5_D094_4B27_935A_4….jpeg)

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42188a No.20908462

File: 7f2d973bcf49351⋯.png (336.46 KB,1037x2256,1037:2256,Screenshot_2021_04_18_SWQ4….png)

File: 5010cec3085f1e4⋯.png (402.29 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_from_2021_04_18….png)

File: a7999db67dd6611⋯.png (124.43 KB,832x553,832:553,Screenshot_from_2021_04_18….png)

File: b782d6fd4698e6d⋯.png (75.43 KB,971x558,971:558,privateJetsIllegalImmigran….png)


>good morning Ralph.

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8d2aa7 No.20908463

File: 1fb7ce69fe10c05⋯.png (587.99 KB,741x564,247:188,ClipboardImage.png)

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fd88e5 No.20908464


>sadly demised now, due to Covid bullshit and forced unthanazia

Souns sketchy… If true, why didn't you just frequency blast his to save his life from the coof BS?

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941066 No.20908465

File: 8a56e8f19877a87⋯.mp4 (67.84 KB,320x320,1:1,8a56e8f19877a87204f7e1a352….mp4)

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aa6867 No.20908466

File: d3da287c018e316⋯.gif (5.01 MB,600x600,1:1,dayshift_flyby.gif)

File: 6efa0339b39bed4⋯.png (854.95 KB,858x499,858:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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990d41 No.20908467

File: fe459d35faf45c1⋯.png (936.55 KB,750x1334,375:667,45C07F90_8648_474B_9B77_61….png)

File: 1386ac8c2bf106a⋯.png (47.94 KB,690x630,23:21,02CC28FC_2AF2_4AA3_8BA2_2A….png)

File: b052d1311145611⋯.png (93.38 KB,690x938,345:469,D56104ED_9844_404D_9F22_B4….png)

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4e775a No.20908468

>>20907691 LB NOTABLE

>10:13PM · May 23, 2024

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d70177 No.20908469

It's ded mornings like this on QR that make me wonder if they're gonna arrest all of you QAnons isn't just a shill talking point.

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237a56 No.20908470

The big fear of being called RAYCISS is just absurd to me. If law-abiding, patriotic, white Americans don't realize they are vastly superior to these violent, low-IQ foreigners….well, they deserve the beatdown by these animals.


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83205a No.20908471


gotta wait for all those old fucks to die. yes there are some good ones but most are garbage and brainwashed beyond repair thankfully they will all be dead sooner than later.

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dbcaf9 No.20908472


They (authorities) took me away and sectioned me on 4.10.20 believe it or not…

Nothing I could do to save him. Only found out from my fam when I was released.

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63611b No.20908473

File: 9b5ea7a4fc665f0⋯.png (456.47 KB,736x736,1:1,9b5ea7a4fc665f02868451e6e4….png)

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990d41 No.20908475

File: 70f8d411cce90c4⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,B551EA99_705B_4F53_B0C9_00….png)

File: b6d7af310e3c4a6⋯.jpeg (475.73 KB,1365x2048,1365:2048,CC524819_3A2B_4E28_94A3_D….jpeg)

File: 6b83a0b7eba38db⋯.png (90.77 KB,690x894,115:149,D1DDDF8B_E18A_4F68_AD6F_7F….png)

File: b6ca79498c5cdc1⋯.png (338.3 KB,690x832,345:416,F21B2636_0F88_4A42_AB89_FE….png)

File: d007f1783ef2616⋯.png (67.83 KB,690x630,23:21,91C50614_ACE9_4EB7_A149_56….png)

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a0a816 No.20908476

File: 83de3e1414c2dbf⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,WrxeuoB2Y0Td4xy2.mp4)

File: 36e9dc4a4bf6745⋯.gif (2.13 MB,480x276,40:23,IMG_1032.gif)

"After I signed the packandelempackatlackact into law" - Joe Biden

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aa6867 No.20908477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



going to have to find and watch the full video.

this one is 4 min 20 seconds


Andrew Bridgen MP just dropped this bombshell on a stunned Doc Malik:



2,801 views 12 May 2024

‘Rishi wants out..um…we are actually at war with Russia now …they just haven’t told you.’

Russia knows it as confirmed to Bridgen by the Russian Ambassador.

Rishi has told the globalists he doesn’t want to be ‘a war time Prime Minister’.

The plan is to inform the public around July/August.

'Democracy is a LIE'

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990d41 No.20908478

File: 5df7d1c31d25a25⋯.png (168.64 KB,690x1774,345:887,AB65461B_1DF7_4AEA_88CC_CC….png)

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42188a No.20908479

File: 5552e835ee34a7f⋯.png (43.13 KB,690x774,115:129,1616015036620.png)


>Q #894

>Obama at the Kenyan state dinner

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a0a816 No.20908480

File: 8a2ea4b6307dc91⋯.mp4 (1.04 MB,856x466,428:233,Biden_Fart.mp4)

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aa6867 No.20908481

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Note: This is 2hr 26 minutes long and was posted 10 days ago around the 14th of may where bridgen states rishi wants out as he does not want to be a war time prime minister as we are already at war with russia and are not equipped to handle it.


#172 - Andrew Bridgen MP



About this conversation:

This was going to be a paywall episode for my paid subscribers but I think it is too important a conversation and should be heard by all. Please support me if you can.

Andrew Bridgen is someone almost everyone knows about. A crazy anti-vax conspiracy theorist to some while to others he is a hero. I'll be honest I've been sitting on the fence when it comes to Andrew. Sure he has been doing some great work but there are also serious questions to be asked about his past and current judgements.

Is he ill-advised? Has he simply made poor decisions because he has poor judgement? Or is he an establishment-controlled opposition and providing limited hangout?

I invited Andrew back on my show, 1 year after we first met. I used Miri AF and Jonathan Tilts open letter as a template to quiz Andrew about some issues that on the surface don't seem to make sense. It's a great letter and you can find it in the links below.

Andrew wasn't pre-warned about the format of the conversation but simply pitched up on my doorstep.

His responses seemed genuine and my instinct is to believe he isn't directly controlled and that he has been misled, has poor judge of character, perhaps too trusting and has made some grave errors.

I might be wrong and he is in fact like Keyser Söze, in which case, frack me!

I hope you enjoy it.

Much love


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a0a816 No.20908483

File: 9b62505b8c62091⋯.mp4 (125.88 KB,640x360,16:9,Biden_THE_Erectionist.mp4)

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a146c9 No.20908484


Trips of quad


Gotta do both

Send the Federal Reserve and IRS down where the Olympic lies

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a0a816 No.20908485

File: 81bed355f5f8ce0⋯.jpg (55.51 KB,320x394,160:197,trunalimunumaprzure.JPG)

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83205a No.20908486


sounds like you might be a fucking retard.

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a0a816 No.20908487

File: 86fed4b59332d83⋯.mp4 (441.8 KB,640x360,16:9,Biden_Looney_Tunes_2022.MP4)

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bbf01d No.20908488

EV maker Lucid to cut workforce by 6%

May 24th, 06:14:46

(Reuters) -Lucid Group said on Friday it would reduce its workforce by 6%, or around 400 employees, as the electric vehicle industry grapples with slower growth.

Shares of the EV maker rose around 2% in premarket trading.

The company expects to incur a total of around $21 million to $25 million in charges related to the workforce reduction plan and expects to complete the process by the end of the third quarter of 2024.

As of December last year, Lucid had a total of around 6,500 full-time employees globally.


–What was that bit about the superiority of Chinese EV manufacturers and the US had better convert to an EV fleet, faster?

Once again, tariffs prove that governmental subsidies create artificial "success stories" in whatever industries they exist. The dead white men of Austria win again.

Let's see the DC/NY Press Mavens* spin dat chit now….

*just so happens to be a US subsidized industry, soooo, when is that going to get a tariff by someone else?–

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941066 No.20908489

File: 292fba7f8333c13⋯.png (23.86 KB,1280x674,640:337,292fba7f8333c131b6b4f40e64….png)



morn'n / eevn'n anons and happy tgif/ memorial day wknd

underwent major surgery this week and just trying to stay awake these days

i'll try to get back to baking asap

i miss it, even with pantifa shill team 6 dropping all [their] tarded posts

bronx was so yuge yesterday that all [ds] can do now is shut it down

next 5 months will be glorious - morn'n baker

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8d2aa7 No.20908490

File: 881ff4268b4f086⋯.png (780.74 KB,1200x492,100:41,ClipboardImage.png)


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a146c9 No.20908491

File: c2da897e87b2e17⋯.png (362.87 KB,766x2658,383:1329,894.png)

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c70e9c No.20908492

File: 200a28f8a0aafc0⋯.png (508.45 KB,1834x1032,917:516,ClipboardImage.png)

anons memba when Code Monkey showed 8chan/8kun server logs that according to him proved that Bannon was Q …

that was not credible because Bannon is a Catholic like Scavino

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d7b56f No.20908493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca0654 No.20908494


They're good guys, struggling against the far rightriarchy.

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a0a816 No.20908495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Best Biden piece by Tucker Carlson.

“It your right for baddycaffcarr” Joe Biden

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fd88e5 No.20908496


>a mechanical reciprocating magnetic drive

>rudimentary and will work forever or until physically stopped

Forever? Get real. Your first error indicator is "mechanical". Absolutely nothing mechanical lasts forever. Think "bearings".

Your second error indicator is "reciprocating". Maybe you meant rotating.

Reciprocating requires the velocity of said moving mass to come to zero and change direction.

Not a good start for perpetual.

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ca0654 No.20908497


>can't comprehend

That reaction is often the recourse of defending garbage nonsense.

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8d2aa7 No.20908498


So it's free but it COSTS in PARTS

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237a56 No.20908499




Pretty obvious you are not a homeowner. Pretty obvious you've never even had a job given your cluelessness on basic life matters.

Property taxes make your local amenities exist. Like public schools, rosd maintenance. The problem is NOT property taxes paid by those with decades of commitment to home ownership. The problem is those who DON'T pay property taxes but expect to fully use those amenities.

You know, the founding fathers originally determined that only land owners were allowed to vote.

The rental apartment dwellers would have no vote. The recent decades of everyone being allowed to vote has caused this destruction.

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48489e No.20908500


Gotta fly illegal votes to the Commie shitholes

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990d41 No.20908501

File: 7ccf8f34d528262⋯.png (1.36 MB,750x1334,375:667,724033AA_C732_4A71_B889_13….png)

File: a77336139d66f2b⋯.png (195.73 KB,690x2138,345:1069,E34A81FA_9F22_4BA7_8463_8F….png)

File: f0d7a6802457e1b⋯.jpeg (217 KB,1080x1920,9:16,074236E3_8846_4A3B_8D96_9….jpeg)

7:38 AM

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83205a No.20908502


did you listen to the entire podcast or are you just being a nigger.

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a211ea No.20908503


follow the stars

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900598 No.20908504

So many forget that Donald Trump is a former Democrat, which really makes you wonder if he is trying to restore the OLD party before it was infiltrated and taken over by those who have been suppressing the black/Hispanic communities for decades now. He ran as a Republican POTUS and look how they treated him in those 4 years, He is playing both sides.

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a0a816 No.20908505

File: 0472d3c6d81b5b0⋯.gif (2.1 MB,400x250,8:5,IMG_0910.GIF)

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37ae9d No.20908506

File: 0d608533a44eb29⋯.png (921.77 KB,1854x1308,309:218,Screenshot_2024_05_24_at_6….png)

Morning anons…

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63611b No.20908507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not R v D

Both parties are shit

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f9da6f No.20908508

"571 miles of wall"

751 for the noobs

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a0a816 No.20908509

File: 14b969ad303de2b⋯.gif (1.95 MB,512x512,1:1,IMG_1035.gif)

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990d41 No.20908510

File: 4872b635bdbc963⋯.png (1.6 MB,750x1334,375:667,AFB4F110_3248_4574_B5E9_0C….png)

File: 1703e47f16d933c⋯.png (80.86 KB,690x1250,69:125,FE9EEDCB_F877_451D_954D_DA….png)

File: 0bf0bdd21078ca4⋯.png (122.16 KB,690x1654,345:827,58E46C0F_A0A6_438D_BDE0_BD….png)

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900598 No.20908511


It feels like, in some distant future, a political case study will be authored which highlights how the WH and DNC contrived a scheme to attack a political opponent (Trump) and the manner in which this spectacularly backfired upon them. At this point, by dint of sheer momentum, they have manifestly created a political monster they cannot stop or control. It will be a cautionary tale of being careful what you wish for.

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48489e No.20908512

File: eb0eef60dea401c⋯.jpeg (118.5 KB,839x496,839:496,IMG_6370.jpeg)


Yes moar inflation is very needed right now!

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42188a No.20908513

File: 8ea8b10b290a46f⋯.gif (61.02 KB,255x211,255:211,8ea8b10b290a46f43cc02c8df8….gif)


>…we are actually at war with Russia now …they just haven’t told you.’


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ca0654 No.20908514


>Blaming victim

>Racist prosteltyzing

D operative confirmed

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a0a816 No.20908515

File: 4c9c9a06b38a117⋯.mp4 (185.03 KB,640x360,16:9,duHSH5P3aM_IGl3r.mp4)

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63611b No.20908516



that's the number of posts in a bread

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4e59c7 No.20908517

File: 9009180d5582402⋯.png (196.48 KB,726x720,121:120,pepe_double_bird.png)

File: 315d5bcd0e910ed⋯.png (502.45 KB,679x500,679:500,ClipboardImage.png)

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c70e9c No.20908518


>You know, the founding fathers originally determined that only land owners were allowed to vote.


>The rental apartment dwellers would have no vote. The recent decades of everyone being allowed to vote has caused this destruction.

if the rental apartment dweller voting is unconstitutional shouldn't this be taken to the Supreme Court?

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4e59c7 No.20908519


No coincidences.

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ca0654 No.20908520


There are more sides than 'both sides'.

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8ecec3 No.20908521

File: f5ae4a63bb423dc⋯.jpg (188.6 KB,886x1240,443:620,20240523_202421.jpg)

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8ecec3 No.20908523

File: 28241f7025aa853⋯.jpg (260.56 KB,1284x1768,321:442,20240523_183453.jpg)

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e1ec10 No.20908524


The House Bans The Fed From Building A CBDC Like The Digital Yuan

Roger Huang


I write about Bitcoin and its wider impact on society



May 23, 2024,04:49pm EDT

Fed Chair Jerome Powell Delivers Semiannual Monetary Report At Senate Hearing

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 22: Jerome Powell, Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System … [+]GETTY IMAGES

The House of Representatives has made a significant move by banning the Federal Reserve from creating the "digital dollar," a central bank digital currency. This decision, proposed by the House Majority Whip, Rep. Tom Emmer, as the "CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act," is a crucial amendment to the Federal Reserve Act, which governs the US central banking system. The amendment states, "The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Open Market Committee may not use any central bank digital currency to implement monetary policy."

The vote on the ban was almost a party-line vote, with three Democrats joining all Republicans in voting yes. However, the Bill still has a long way to go before becoming law - it needs to pass a vote in the Senate and potentially stand a presidential veto. The fact that Ex-President Trump has repeatedly mentioned that he would not allow a "digital dollar" to be built and the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, had also said that the Federal Reserve would not start implementing a digital dollar without congressional approval, adds to the potential implications of this ban passing the House. The Senate likely has allies on a CBDC ban, though whether there is a majority and/or a veto-proof majority would be an open question.

Still, as one of the chief opponents of the Bill, Rep. Maxine Waters, put it, "In fact, if this bill becomes law, we would be the only country in the world to ban a CBDC." Prohibiting "innovation" on the central bank digital currency front seems like a policy miss at first sight. However, as I detail in my book on Bitcoin + China, the Chinese party-state hasn't gotten that far with its CBDC, the e-CNY, or "digital Yuan." Adoption is lagging, and people prefer private options like WeChat Pay and Alipay - though the state has put a lot of muscle into it with pilot programs that offer essentially free money and ample state media support. Even though it's banned, people still use and sell Tether and Bitcoin, and people go to jail for selling Tether. China wants to expand the central bank digital currency model and has already piloted it in the M-Bridge with other central banks and in Hong Kong, but adoption has been lagging for now.

Part of this is that central bank digital currencies do two things that put central banks off-guard: they put central banks, which are used to be banking regulators, in the hot seat when it comes to technology choices and, by definition, only provide closed-source vendors chosen by the central bank - and not open source builds or game-theory proven approaches to mitigate attacks. The Chinese party-state has been the victim of cyberattacks before and is taking an approach potentially vulnerable to more.

Central banks are used to governing by edict, not by product metrics. In China, this has led to Alipay and WeChat Pay maintaining their advantages through sheer user engagement/retention - their app ecosystems and services providing more than enough staying power. And if there were transaction throughput (the e-CNY has done a fraction of what Bitcoin does, though it's hard to verify/audit figures as there are few public ones), the central bank would have to deal with ledgers with millions of transactions rather than the engineering and data teams that usually do.


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4e59c7 No.20908525

File: 36bed077cc8c19a⋯.jpg (68.76 KB,720x720,1:1,pepe_eagle.jpg)


>playing both sides

No, he isunitingAmericans.

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95a2a0 No.20908526

File: 1067e814785986b⋯.webp (48.19 KB,613x746,613:746,pepe_stretch.webp)

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8ecec3 No.20908527

File: 4af5114979ceb88⋯.jpg (52.83 KB,680x658,340:329,20240522_194559.jpg)

New York Liberals be mad

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83205a No.20908528


you blame apartment people but ignore womens contributions to the destruction of society. The destruction was a million paper cuts not just one or the other, the only way to fix it is to force people into some service roll that they have to do to earn the right to vote. but that is still only for naturally born citizens anyone else still make them jump through hoops.

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a0a816 No.20908529

File: 4c9c9a06b38a117⋯.mp4 (185.03 KB,640x360,16:9,duHSH5P3aM_IGl3r.mp4)


“ trunalimunumaprzure” Joe Biden will do that.

Trump won’t. Trump can’t even say “trunalimunumaprzure”

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ac1388 No.20908530

collecting notes


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e1ec10 No.20908531

File: 4128282ad4ba442⋯.jpg (39.78 KB,477x338,477:338,fvg.JPG)


Secondly, in the face of these new technological choices, central banks struggle to understand the privacy tradeoffs that their users demand. While offering "privacy" at face value, the privacy that entails giving every financial detail up to trust alone hasn't been very popular, even in countries that transact in a largely cashless fashion like China.

Still, that doesn't mean there shouldn't be concern. After all, a central bank digital currency implemented as an international standard would offer unparalleled surveillance and individualized control. That governments have yet to succeed with forced innovation standards top-down doesn't mean they won't try to push harder with force - and might win through sheer gravity. And even if this bill becomes law, there are many ways around it, from working with banks in the system to issue stablecoins, to the ECASH Act that proposes the Treasury issue digital money instead.

It's easy to see how dystopian that situation is when you think of a Chinese party-state that imprisons people for tweets seen by a few dozen people at best and which meets banking protests because of a loss of funds by deploying COVID codes as a weapon to keep protestors at home. What about closer to home, though?

By taking this step, House legislators have decided not to pursue China’s path when it comes to central bank digital currencies, digital freedom and financial surveillance. Even if it might be symbolic - it is an important symbol to know where the United States stands.

2 of 2

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8ecec3 No.20908532

File: 952882f8cad6455⋯.jpg (107.35 KB,1113x1058,1113:1058,20240521_202321.jpg)

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a0a816 No.20908533

File: 637050b7fd24c62⋯.mp4 (125.47 KB,640x360,16:9,Un7l2aAz_oJY3ilV.mp4)


“ trunalimunumaprzure” Joe Biden will do that.

Trump won’t.

Trump can’t even say “trunalimunumaprzure”

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a2ab61 No.20908534

File: 75522115d28d515⋯.png (417.46 KB,1080x673,1080:673,Memeto_1630249745711.png)

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4e59c7 No.20908536

File: 24648c9bbc65856⋯.jpg (32.97 KB,500x500,1:1,wtf_u_shittin_me.jpg)

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990d41 No.20908537

File: 0206c5723c91774⋯.jpeg (386.22 KB,2048x1440,64:45,84780A8C_D406_4AE1_9E81_5….jpeg)

File: 53f0617b71db156⋯.png (77.67 KB,690x806,345:403,6570100D_79D6_473C_AE8B_C3….png)

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237a56 No.20908538



Laws have since been enacted to allow every scab wandering our nation can vote.

You ever heard of Congress? That big cesspool in DC? They make new laws.

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95a2a0 No.20908539


My, what an NPC routine, day in, day out, Parakeet with the generic Jew hate that he's paid to post because he's a deep state piece of shit. Good thing you're such a little faggot.

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c70e9c No.20908540

File: e94e9e0bdd89c6f⋯.png (67.75 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>No, he is uniting Americans.

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be28f6 No.20908541

File: 06367daacdbf785⋯.mp4 (9.05 MB,720x1280,9:16,ghosthuntingwithbros.mp4)



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c2ab42 No.20908542

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe Rogan Experience: Dave Smith on Idea that Israeli Leader Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas

Feels like a Great Awakening.


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ac1388 No.20908543


o7 morning baker.

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d554c3 No.20908544

File: eb7e252a6f7f204⋯.png (125.07 KB,254x244,127:122,eb7e252a6f7f204306511f8724….png)



Good morning, scripted kayfabe shills.

Another day at the office?

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900598 No.20908545


Trump is a genius and will be talked about for hundreds of years to come, I meant that in a positive way. As both the R's and D party are equally as bad and all part of the same deep state that Trump will end.

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95a2a0 No.20908546

File: df259acf9b5dc0d⋯.webm (394.21 KB,427x240,427:240,another_one.webm)


Silence, failfag. Go peddle your deep state gimmicks in the filter.

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d70177 No.20908547


Yes, on paper.

IRL I guess it kinda depends if you refarsh or not.

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ac1388 No.20908548

#25644 >>20908228

>>20908304 You’re mandated to give your ID to Israel to be paid on X

>>20908314, >>20908318 This media matters employee who made this video celebrating “Tucker-Got-Firedversary” was fired today.

>>20908322 Email from NIH Morens to Peter Hotez re covid origins coverup

>>20908337 Archivefag: Regular notables (2023) now up on /qnotables23/

>>20908342 Obama at the Kenyan state dinner last night

>>20908354 @libsoftiktok: Logan Memorial School (@LMECSD) brought an LGBTQ activist and dr@g queen to talk to students about how to file with the State to change their name and gender marker on legal forms.

>>20908358 Friends in CA doing what we should all be doing at Board of Supervisors mtg

>>20908373 California principal who didn’t allow a middle schooler to say his speech because it was too patriotic will not be returning next yr

>>20908375 @Techno_Fog: From personal experience: the NIH FOIA office had other ways to prevent disclosure.


>>20908396 Cali schools serving fake meat to students

>>20908400 New12 clip w/PDJT

>>20908418 LastRefuge: A Familiar Pattern of Desperate Behavior Emerges When Lawfare Starts Failing


>>20908488 EV maker Lucid to cut workforce by 6%

>>20908506 PF

>>20908524, >>20908531 The House Bans The Fed From Building A CBDC Like The Digital Yuan

>>20908542 Rogan: Dave Smith on Idea that Israeli Leader Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas

notes @300


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be28f6 No.20908549

File: 88cd8b958a0ede5⋯.mp4 (4.69 MB,464x848,29:53,I_support_killing_you_all.mp4)

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939300 No.20908550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8:30 AM EDT

Notre Dame LIVE: A 12 Meter Cross Is Installed on the Cathedral’s Rooftop

Associated Press


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990d41 No.20908551

File: ee8aaac8e9aea68⋯.png (1.6 MB,750x1334,375:667,70E9E108_7B8B_45DA_A7CC_8D….png)

File: 982c7d4a7d2104c⋯.png (40.02 KB,690x498,115:83,9B7D58D7_3BAD_461F_96D4_5E….png)

File: ee5c113c9b3e5b9⋯.jpeg (428.47 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,15F52EFE_0341_49CA_8282_D….jpeg)

File: b2b6fa936638fde⋯.png (239.57 KB,690x4252,345:2126,807700B2_7F2F_4DFE_8EFE_9D….png)

counted the poles twice 11 on the ground 11 in the sky

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4e775a No.20908552


As they push the price of homeownership up, (along with food, gas, etc) more people are losing their homes and forced into apts. This means less people paying property taxes to fund those schools, roads, etc. This is a problem and also lead to collapse of the system.

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939300 No.20908553

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

8:30 AM EDT

United States Naval Academy Class of 2024 Commissioning Ceremony

U.S. Naval Academy


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7734d1 No.20908554

File: 21294b410d07a6d⋯.jpg (94.25 KB,400x560,5:7,332143.jpg)

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0468a4 No.20908555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

then baker typed: too big to rig

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95a2a0 No.20908557

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)

At least when the failfag is active it's a good indication as to the current state shill morale. The idiot handler behind that persona has to cope with his panic somehow.

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900598 No.20908558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

John Burke - What Happens When We Die? | SRS #111

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83205a No.20908559


which they can not really afford either leading to more homelessness drug addiction and crime. Its a cycle of destruction they have people trapped in

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d70177 No.20908560

File: 2f00842c776c754⋯.jpg (19.17 KB,486x230,243:115,GM_CommaBanner.jpg)




That's what makes this little slice of Swordy Shift that sweet bit of comfy to start the day.

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990d41 No.20908561

File: 376a4d49d216708⋯.png (808.36 KB,750x1334,375:667,00EC02CD_E3BA_416C_BE6A_1E….png)

File: bb63cccf616664b⋯.jpeg (41.92 KB,640x720,8:9,9F415B64_DB9F_4D5C_A6D8_6….jpeg)

File: 52b2100544f9a2c⋯.png (167.95 KB,690x1148,345:574,6CFA816C_7739_4862_844D_B5….png)

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c05223 No.20908562


>Shawn Ryan

This dude is everywhere.

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8d2aa7 No.20908563

File: 48f62e81ac69882⋯.mp4 (12.31 MB,716x398,358:199,gonzalo_lira_sr_foia_20244.mp4)

Blind but not stupid.


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94a6ba No.20908564

File: 9195dfaf2b6c437⋯.png (474.5 KB,600x639,200:213,mg.PNG)




Rep. Matt Gaetz


The ATF is once again trying to create felons out of law-abiding Americans.

ATF’s new rule attacks private sales in an attempt to bar Americans from legally transferring firearms.

It’s so over-broad, Director Dettelbach himself can’t define it!

Congress needs to ABOLISH the ATF!

5:34 AM · May 23, 2024




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8ee8d9 No.20908566


P Diddy got a baby dick, bet he almost stands in the urinal when he pisses.

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d554c3 No.20908567

File: 6bf4a6bc7066b45⋯.jpg (39.25 KB,487x285,487:285,6bf4a6bc7066b4552365c6289d….jpg)


Bigly comfy

Bigly winning

God bless

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0468a4 No.20908568


the CIA contractor that supposedly developed a conscience?

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92fddb No.20908569

>>20908442 Idaho 5 acres barn shop house

2400 per year property tax ….

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41c588 No.20908570

msndcrackdefense bloodthirsty war mongers gnashing teeth and lashing out –thar's muh orange mound hill that was grabbed that must be re-taken, brought down. Left can't meme bringing on full on baby killer calvary charge, crying out "let's go brandon"! it's an all out - it's about the break

Marker 1


Full control

Rack em and sack em

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94a6ba No.20908571

File: ab50b7c9a60f745⋯.png (298.37 KB,599x638,599:638,vids.PNG)


Lara Logan


You have to be pretty desperate to say all these videos are fake…


𝐄𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 (𝐗)



May 22

🚨 WATCH: As we approach the 2024 election, hundreds of videos are circulating online showing people switching their support to former President Trump for re-election.

The media and many on the Left claim these videos are AI-generated or manipulated. However, as you can see from

Show more

12:41 PM · May 23, 2024




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d1aa69 No.20908572

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990d41 No.20908573

File: f6c3add0c04122c⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,2CDCB279_7A52_4416_BA11_98….png)

File: 442a37e67d50dfd⋯.png (35.2 KB,690x498,115:83,923BCBB3_21A4_4F40_8D38_8A….png)

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c05223 No.20908574


All the good agents in the world don't matter if the director is a turd.

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95a2a0 No.20908575

File: be2ab7a8a487e3c⋯.gif (544.28 KB,320x180,16:9,popcorn4.gif)

KEK. They're angry this morning.

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94a6ba No.20908576

File: dea5919d3d47baa⋯.png (57.58 KB,590x341,590:341,l.PNG)


Jonathan Turley


The CIA that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas. It is accused of pulling in a prosecutor to tell her to close part of a criminal investigation involving the financial supporter of the president’s son…


The Spy Who Loved Me? Morris Reportedly Protected by CIA in Hunter Biden Investigation

Recently, it became public that Kevin Morris, the entertainment lawyer who has subsidized the expenses and bought the art of Hunter Biden, had stopped his funding of Biden. Morris has paid off Hunt…

12:43 AM · May 24, 2024




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990d41 No.20908577

File: 6bcfc47db633329⋯.png (1.53 MB,750x1334,375:667,8119BBF4_8D7F_4122_AACD_5C….png)

File: 6eb29cb61de663a⋯.png (139.43 KB,690x1290,23:43,C740C073_CEED_4AA7_A656_48….png)

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4e59c7 No.20908578

File: 3c1b725e3f2d26b⋯.png (534.59 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>claim these videos are AI-generated

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5820e3 No.20908579


He likes mens. He just uses womens to cover his gheyness.. even having children to cover it up. His famous H'wood boyfriends do the same..Will Smith, Jamie Fox, JayZ.

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a0a816 No.20908580

File: ed171e722d684e9⋯.gif (671.69 KB,220x247,220:247,IMG_1037.gif)

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be28f6 No.20908581


>It’s so over-broad, Director Dettelbach himself can’t define it!

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94a6ba No.20908582

File: 86de622da73f9d7⋯.png (189.79 KB,607x717,607:717,us.PNG)


Karli Bonne’ 🇺🇸


6,000 secret patents 👀

11:57 PM · May 23, 2024




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a211ea No.20908583


dick gazeranon identified

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e2dea2 No.20908584


Don't come here.

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94a6ba No.20908585

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c70e9c No.20908586


those mountain marines are gonna arrest Hillary, Hussein and Pedosta and re-install Trump?

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d554c3 No.20908587

File: 5c4f6b5add21802⋯.png (317.63 KB,584x500,146:125,5c4f6b5add21802a6bc08d7a22….png)

Nothing can stop the comfy


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4e59c7 No.20908588

File: 9f74d4db6bc10c7⋯.png (189.57 KB,398x442,199:221,pepe_5.png)


Free energy has been tied up in that. Energy companies buy it up, then shelve the technology, so that they aren't put out of business.

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8ee8d9 No.20908589


You got a baby did too I bet, worried everyone gonna see your P Diddy dick? That standing in the urinal really hit a nerve with you huh.

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95a2a0 No.20908590

File: da4c9962835521c⋯.jpg (155.39 KB,1340x920,67:46,sabotage2.jpg)

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c05223 No.20908591

File: 7d92419eac59800⋯.jpg (53.19 KB,736x733,736:733,1129dbf1740b3bc2a94afaa397….jpg)


That's funny.

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a211ea No.20908592


you seem obsessed with baby dicks, rabbi


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98abd9 No.20908593

File: 35bc56b4fefc2f8⋯.png (475.36 KB,449x400,449:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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9b60ec No.20908594


>dick gazeranon identified

He's Jewish, they're all obsessed with dicks.

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be28f6 No.20908595


Dettelbach was born in Cleveland in 1965. His parents, Marcia and Tom Dettelbach, were both prominent attorneys in Cleveland's Jewish community.

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a211ea No.20908596

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0468a4 No.20908597


when there is an apparent cycle of abuses the term "good agent" is not applicable

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94a6ba No.20908598

File: b56df1f019c8f61⋯.png (31.67 KB,833x322,119:46,wsj.PNG)


Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer Describes Secret Symbols Undercover Gov't Operatives Wore During Operation

By Sponsored Content May 23, 2024 at 6:02pm

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4e59c7 No.20908599

File: 03880ff4b519632⋯.png (6.15 MB,2222x1614,1111:807,Pepe_bathtub_scrub.png)

Ah… I see that the next shill shift has begun.

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8ee8d9 No.20908600

Muhjoos just cant help themselves, even jokes about P Diddy's little pecker brings them to the surface.

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e1ec10 No.20908602

File: edb6cd781228563⋯.jpg (26.79 KB,474x555,158:185,OIP_7_.jpg)


>good agents

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7ebbd4 No.20908603


how about that unqualified indemnity for all Cops???

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be28f6 No.20908605

"If anyone causes one of these little ones, those who believe in me, to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come! If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to stumble, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell."

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94a6ba No.20908606

File: ddc40c89d2f6f7b⋯.png (51.87 KB,626x403,626:403,har.PNG)


Climate Change ‘Solutions’ Are Harming

the Environment

American Thinker, by H. Sterling Burnett

Posted By: Hazymac, 5/24/2024 8:19:14 AM

Big government environmental “fixes” often result in unintended environmental or human health consequences that are worse than the original problem the government solution was meant to solve. Nowhere is this clearer than with government efforts to fight climate change, an effort in vain if ever there was one. In Climate Change Weekly, I have detailed the high environmental costs and dangers to people that come with electric vehicles, wind turbines, and solar panels – from fires, to the human and environmental impact of the mining and refining of the minerals necessary to produce and operate them,

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2d1d2e No.20908607

File: f45d213e49e64b4⋯.jpg (144.66 KB,864x642,144:107,COVFEFE_WIN.jpg)

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94a6ba No.20908609

File: 42f077c61328a2e⋯.png (473.83 KB,603x743,603:743,u.PNG)


Square profile picture



The Democrats were on the wrong side of just about every meaningful controversy of the past 200 years.

11:25 AM · May 23, 2020

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95a2a0 No.20908611

File: 6df545e89499bc8⋯.jpg (26.15 KB,255x250,51:50,dead.jpg)


Silence, clown.

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d554c3 No.20908612

File: f2eb530be5cb953⋯.jpg (5.89 KB,224x224,1:1,download_jpeg_4.jpg)

Death threats. Much to be expected from a cubicle farm clown. Only makes Anon moar comfy.

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900598 No.20908613


this video will get removed

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4e59c7 No.20908614

File: 9d3420a51532c57⋯.png (57.72 KB,471x198,157:66,filter_muhjoos.png)

The comfy intensifies…

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e1ec10 No.20908616

File: 1870004f0a4a0dc⋯.jpg (112.2 KB,1145x627,1145:627,Capture.JPG)

File: 74270a4cd020914⋯.gif (661 KB,498x278,249:139,R.gif)

look at all the bitters on Terrance Dashon Howard's (2010) AR and VR patent


System and method for merging virtual reality and reality to provide an enhanced sensory experience


Cited By (31)

Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title

US20100239121A1 * 2007-07-18 2010-09-23 Metaio Gmbh Method and system for ascertaining the position and orientation of a camera relative to a real object

US20120192088A1 * 2011-01-20 2012-07-26 Avaya Inc. Method and system for physical mapping in a virtual world

US20120309531A1 * 2011-06-06 2012-12-06 Microsoft Corporation Sensing floor for locating people and devices

US20130217488A1 * 2012-02-21 2013-08-22 Radu Mircea COMSA Augmented reality system

US9342467B1 2013-07-17 2016-05-17 Frederick Thomas McGrath Virtual window system

US9349217B1 * 2011-09-23 2016-05-24 Amazon Technologies, Inc. Integrated community of augmented reality environments

US9369632B2 2011-07-29 2016-06-14 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Projection capture system, programming and method

US9398216B2 * 2012-06-06 2016-07-19 Sony Corporation Image processing apparatus, image processing method, and program

US20160277714A1 * 2015-03-19 2016-09-22 Ocean 10 Security, Inc. Interactive, self-contained, full view surveillance, capture, and communication device

US9521276B2 2011-08-02 2016-12-13 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Portable projection capture device

US20170352191A1 * 2016-06-07 2017-12-07 Visbit Inc. Virtual Reality 360-Degree Video Camera System for Live Streaming

US10229538B2 2011-07-29 2019-03-12 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. System and method of visual layering

WO2019048643A1 * 2017-09-11 2019-03-14 Thomas Emde Equipment and method for audio/visual recording and reproduction of images/films

EP3466090A4 * 2016-05-24 2019-04-10 ATTI International Services Company, Inc. World view window

US10380875B1 2016-12-21 2019-08-13 Alarm.Com Incorporated Immersive virtual reality detection and alerting technology

US10417801B2 2014-11-13 2019-09-17 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Image projection

US10520782B2 2017-02-02 2019-12-31 James David Busch Display devices, systems and methods capable of single-sided, dual-sided, and transparent mixed reality applications

EP3716616A1 * 2019-03-29 2020-09-30 Be Aerospace, Inc. Apparatus and method for providing attitude reference for vehicle passengers

EP3716615A1 * 2019-03-29 2020-09-30 Be Aerospace, Inc. Apparatus and method for providing attitude reference for vehicle passengers

US20210027229A1 * 2018-06-05 2021-01-28 Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd. Event generator for a risk quantifying forecast system using a structured forward-looking simulation technique with global long-tail risk events causing casualty loss accumulation, and method thereof

US20210287337A1 * 2017-06-06 2021-09-16 Gopro, Inc. Methods and apparatus for multi-encoder processing of high resolution content

US11512861B2 2020-07-01 2022-11-29 International Business Machines Corporation Anomaly detection based on airflow measurement

US11514689B2 * 2017-03-29 2022-11-29 Engemma Oy Gemological object recognition

US11585557B2 2020-07-01 2023-02-21 International Business Machines Corporation Anomaly detection based on airflow alerters

US11790744B1 2022-04-26 2023-10-17 International Business Machines Corporation Intrusion movement prediction

US11800141B2 2019-06-26 2023-10-24 Gopro, Inc. Methods and apparatus for maximizing codec bandwidth in video applications

US11887210B2 2019-10-23 2024-01-30 Gopro, Inc. Methods and apparatus for hardware accelerated image processing for spherical projections

WO2023229617A3 * 2021-11-15 2024-03-28 Raytheon Company Modular circuit card assembly for advanced training applications

Family To Family Citations

CN104568166A * 2014-12-26 2015-04-29 国网浙江省电力公司嘉兴供电公司 Integrated infrared detection work station

GB201614140D0 * 2016-08-18 2016-10-05 Mccartney Vanessa A display assembly

US11132712B2 * 2017-10-13 2021-09-28 International Business Machines Corporation Method for using 3D positional spatial olfaction for virtual marketing

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94a6ba No.20908617

File: db23eb292b63da1⋯.png (351.9 KB,595x557,595:557,pd.PNG)

File: e586de78999ef38⋯.png (2.53 MB,1261x875,1261:875,when5.PNG)


CBC News


At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Justin Trudeau made a multi-million dollar funding commitment to build a vaccine plant in Montreal to churn out shots by the end of 2020.

Four years later, not a single vial of vaccine has rolled off the line. https://cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-made-in-canada-covid-vaccine-novavax-1.7211462


From cbc.ca

11:34 PM · May 23, 2024




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d554c3 No.20908618


If you filter anyone who says that you'll surely Filter the highest ranking mic drop narcissist. Definitely adds to the comfy.

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95a2a0 No.20908621

File: 75f5397a946e81a⋯.png (41.13 KB,728x229,728:229,ClipboardImage.png)

Parakeet is desperately looking for attention, tagging every post which is very similar behavior to a certain other clown that does that.

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94a6ba No.20908622

File: f213b3a181904c3⋯.png (309.73 KB,589x536,589:536,wb.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


Flashback…. U.S. Releases Gitmo Detainee After 15 Years – Court Rules He Was Detained 'Unlawfully' without Trial — What About Jan. 6ers Who Are Not Terrorists? https://thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/u-s-releases-afghan-national-held-guantanamo-bay-detention-camp-15-years-court-rules-detained-unlawfully-without-trial/

#gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

3:54 PM · May 23, 2024




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c70e9c No.20908623

What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened.Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do with it.Enjoy the crumbs.

Q, drop #41

necessary disinfo, think mirror, it was actually the other way around: no global news agency suspected Q and anons hadanythingto do with it

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03f7d1 No.20908625


Look at those faces! Boy, they think their schitt don't stink don't they?! They think they own us. They think they're above the law just like their place holder leader Tater.

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7ebbd4 No.20908626


unless an 'active agent' is actively trying to expose their fellow bad agent coworker, then they can't be a "good agent"

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95a2a0 No.20908627


>Sean Penn

He's turning into Fauci.

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94a6ba No.20908628

File: 27eb0881bc1b2cc⋯.png (501.12 KB,516x495,172:165,sult.PNG)


Yikes: Hochul Insults Americans As She

Tries to Attack Trump and His Rally in

South Bronx

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: 4250Luis, 5/24/2024 3:38:20 AM

Former President Donald Trump's rally is on in the South Bronx, and it's driving the Democrats crazy that so many people have come out to hear him in the deep blue area. Maybe it isn't so "deep blue" after all when you see the number of people coming out to see him. It was driving Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) mad to have it right in her backyard; her district is nearby. She threw a fit about it, trying to say he was there because he had to be in New York for the ridiculous lawfare against him, not realizing what she was essentially admitting about election interference.

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83205a No.20908629


yeah he is only an actor reeee reee don't pay attention to him reee reee. Actual patents that were cited by major companies after he let the patent expire. But let's not pay attention to the things he says because he is crazy. kek

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be28f6 No.20908630


treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector

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237a56 No.20908631


It never should have been ended by criminal Democrat nigger lovers.

Busting some heads on Nazi Antifas and throwing down some .50cal Street Sweeper action on 50-IQ packs of howling niggers is long overdue.

Medals and pay raises for all the cops who throw down on and remove the filth from our nation.

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4e59c7 No.20908632

File: 32e813d3455cb9a⋯.png (270.2 KB,373x454,373:454,Pelosi_witch_pepe.png)


This will all come back to Pelosi.

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6a458c No.20908633

The kisses of the sun

Were sweet, I didn't blink

I let it in my eyes

Like an exotic drink

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7734d1 No.20908634

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Researchers Wanted To Study Tradwives Content, But Got Sucked Down A Rabbit Hole


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2d1d2e No.20908635

File: dc730b394071e61⋯.jpg (109.21 KB,582x463,582:463,COVFEFE_HAS_NO_HATE.jpg)


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94a6ba No.20908636

File: f64f4f55b744e06⋯.png (449.95 KB,846x715,846:715,dig.PNG)


Newsmax Anchor Digs Into Mainstream Media's 'Unified Reich' Trump Claim and Discovers a Ridiculous Hoax

By Samantha Chang May 23, 2024 at 7:41am

This is low, even by mainstream media standards.

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33717e No.20908637

File: 2dbe23ffc70cd31⋯.png (1.31 MB,1013x1013,1:1,2dbe23ffc70cd31e134d443ebd….png)

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c70e9c No.20908639


any ideas what happens inside the pedo dungeons?

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01b10c No.20908641


la la la la la

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95a2a0 No.20908642

File: 533cccd74c185ae⋯.png (622.19 KB,735x637,15:13,533cccd74c185ae1db2ad64227….png)

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e9e75d No.20908643


Some weirdo slaps your penis around and said that you are a bad boy.

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94a6ba No.20908644

File: 6fc1c8c6ceb9cf6⋯.png (1.3 MB,766x853,766:853,funk.PNG)

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237a56 No.20908645


Hell yeah!! A purge of the feral Islamists

is fast becoming needful. This cop has it right!

And all the inbred, insane Mohammedists should be carcasses stacked in our streets till no more exist in our nation!

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4e59c7 No.20908646

File: d95041e2002e7bf⋯.png (253.65 KB,552x371,552:371,ClipboardImage.png)

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c05223 No.20908647

File: 67373f7c73a62be⋯.png (123.77 KB,356x565,356:565,67373f7c73a62bec757ca09d53….png)


Aren't they using the "it's all AI" excuse a little early?

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94a6ba No.20908648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's Darker Than We Thought…. How Far Would Pastor John Paul Miller Go? The Mica Miller Case

Christina Randall


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7d35d2 No.20908649

File: ee2340d96aec996⋯.jpg (107.83 KB,828x1097,828:1097,20240524_060826.jpg)

File: 5a25be33c4ed7ce⋯.jpg (100.74 KB,720x909,80:101,20240524_065850.jpg)

File: c3753549b2b7b40⋯.jpg (19.72 KB,439x427,439:427,20240524_064856.jpg)

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95a2a0 No.20908650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>la la la la la

KEK. Dammit! You two got that song stuck in my head now. Better post it.

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c1ffde No.20908651

File: b3d27d37218e460⋯.png (120.9 KB,309x284,309:284,Screen_Shot_2024_05_24_at_….png)


Ghosts of Bakirs Past


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7d35d2 No.20908652


This fucking board isn't serious anymore, shut up asshole

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c1ffde No.20908653


That's just not his good side.

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b7fdf9 No.20908654

File: 05733dceaed0d31⋯.png (285.63 KB,900x1047,300:349,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 629d53b98e80127⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,720x1206,40:67,4rg0qsC9RSRfp7gF_1_.mp4)

Post was deleted, looking for another sourceseems like Jewish Space Laser went for Chinese takeout….must be Christmas.

BREAKING: it appears as though a Chinese Naval advanced Type 071 landing ship (Longhushan/980 hull number) has caught on fire.

At this time it is unclear what has caused this fire.

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4e59c7 No.20908655

File: f018151079558ca⋯.png (177.84 KB,400x390,40:39,ClipboardImage.png)

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95a2a0 No.20908656

File: f843932c5023b31⋯.png (80.41 KB,636x900,53:75,dredd4.png)


It's still serious, anon. The trick is to not take the shills and trolls seriously.

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be28f6 No.20908657

File: fc53fbbdc7d43be⋯.png (926.51 KB,526x820,263:410,father.png)

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e9e75d No.20908658

File: 2e4cabc2a04708a⋯.jpg (127.28 KB,750x920,75:92,Albedo_3D.jpg)


But they keep wanting to milk a bull and no matter what I tell them, they don't hear me. When will she stahppppp?

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407f25 No.20908659

File: bc3ee98a26b7d85⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB,640x354,320:177,Sean_Penn_the_fucking_idio….mp4)


>board isn't serious anymore

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b7fdf9 No.20908660

File: bb3d9c0cb844b29⋯.png (405.67 KB,901x1250,901:1250,ClipboardImage.png)





* same sh*t 2021

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004971 No.20908661

File: fcbad6108545748⋯.jpg (360.3 KB,606x900,101:150,1657410232897.jpg)

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94a6ba No.20908662

File: a9f151f9106dd85⋯.png (52.72 KB,657x363,219:121,uc.PNG)


Half of trainee doctors at UCLAs prestigious

medical school 'are failing basic tests

after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative

action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'

Daily Mail, by Dominic Yeatman

Posted By: OhioNick, 5/24/2024 3:27:52 AM

A DEI-fixated dean at UCLA's world-famous medical school has allowed standards to plummet by discriminating against white and Asian applicants, it is claimed. The David Geffen School of Medicine in Los Angeles boasts Nobel Prize winners on its faculty and accepts just 173 students out of the 14,000 who apply to it each year. But it has plunged from sixth to 18th place in the rankings since the appointment of Jennifer Lucerno as dean of admissions in June 2020 amid claims that the admissions bar for underrepresented minorities is now 'as low as you could possibly imagine'.

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01b10c No.20908663


pepe dance partaayyyy

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2d1d2e No.20908664

File: af23a86a8e04de8⋯.jpg (100.7 KB,474x559,474:559,STILL_SMILES.jpg)


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e9e75d No.20908665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'll raise you a "The Don is down with the Wu-Tang Clan"

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d554c3 No.20908666

I guess that's why mic drop gets so seething and choleric frothing at the mouth over real anons he projects are shills, because he doesn't let them get to him.


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be28f6 No.20908668


>as low as you could possibly imagine

but can it go lower

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4e59c7 No.20908669

File: fb5be38e86f2066⋯.png (205.48 KB,526x446,263:223,pepe_well_wtf.png)


That's okay, they'll just lower the standards, and graduate them. Just like the Barr association, and the FAA did.

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8d2aa7 No.20908670

File: f2d703720eb176a⋯.mp4 (11.41 MB,640x480,4:3,Fifty_Dollar_Dynasty_Kings….mp4)

File: 00a12f5ff957c17⋯.png (257.16 KB,767x370,767:370,parakletos.png)


parakletos is justified angry. The only disagreement I got with em is Parakletos wanna lump all jews into the gods chosen lunatic bin, when there is 40% got not jack shit to do with the bloodshed and fucking demonic lunatickery

each day is a new chance to change hearts on the matter.

going FOR parakletos

* veteran of Desert Storm

* don't IP Hop

* has LOGIC even though we disagree.

* doesn't flood unless engage flooded.

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17d9f7 No.20908671

File: 3b0579676746c25⋯.png (1.32 MB,1374x728,687:364,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 351040723d2a34c⋯.png (1.06 MB,1280x752,80:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6dd5fa21d345f65⋯.png (262.31 KB,597x773,597:773,ClipboardImage.png)

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237a56 No.20908672


"They" are corrupt Democrats, foreign enemies in our govt, and low-IQ, incompetent niggers infiltrated everywhere.

Want to end the downward spiral of destruction?

Progressivism is the precursor to communism. Stop voting for them!!

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99e39e No.20908674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d554c3 No.20908675

File: c9ab74a92c83c95⋯.jpg (7.4 KB,200x199,200:199,download_jpeg.jpg)

The hall monitor narcissist and famefag shill giving each other high fives because no one else will.

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733a81 No.20908676



It checks out.

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a211ea No.20908678


he's a namefag

you fuckin bread gobbler

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2ad7f7 No.20908679

File: d2657ca724fa26a⋯.gif (2.37 MB,500x300,5:3,d2657ca724fa26a06c70bc80b4….gif)

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15c491 No.20908680


PBFFS you lazy nigger!

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407f25 No.20908681

File: 1cbcaa1d69c9f80⋯.png (944.4 KB,1384x674,692:337,ClipboardImage.png)


>* veteran of Desert Storm

>* don't IP Hop

>* has LOGIC even though we disagree.

>* doesn't flood unless engage flooded.

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41c588 No.20908682


WH - East to West all wings lined with Cocaine

undetected high flying kite gliding

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12a77a No.20908683

File: 205fdf23fa74254⋯.jpg (76.97 KB,720x504,10:7,Fvvujycr.jpg)

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94a6ba No.20908684

File: ef8293718771141⋯.png (885.43 KB,1034x858,47:39,wr.PNG)


Will Racial Paranoia Still Work For Democrats

In 2024?

The Federalist, by David Harsanyi

Posted By: Moritz55, 5/24/2024 2:53:16 AM

“It’s natural to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you,” Joe Biden told graduates of the historical black college of Morehouse. “What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street? What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leaves black communities behind? What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot?” These are three of the most pernicious and divisive lies about American life. To begin with, the notion that the only way for a black graduate to succeed in America is to stratospherically overachieve is an obvious myth.

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733a81 No.20908685

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15c491 No.20908686

File: 56ebf9693b563fb⋯.jpeg (850.32 KB,1596x1640,399:410,cat_side_eye.jpeg)

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95a2a0 No.20908687

File: be716302713cf24⋯.jpg (67.09 KB,800x649,800:649,pepe_cringe.jpg)


40 posts coming to the defense of Parakeet? How do you know he's a veteran? Vindmann, Kinzinger, and Buttigieg are veterans too. Being a veteran does not absolve someone of their crimes accumulated working for the deep state, does it? Doesn't IP hop? It's just another persona of the clowns'. Which one doesn't matter. Filtered.

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b7fdf9 No.20908688

File: 785a3a90b2ecb80⋯.png (983.4 KB,827x799,827:799,ClipboardImage.png)

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94a6ba No.20908689

File: 4b033e89ba2ff1e⋯.png (1.4 MB,711x716,711:716,russ.PNG)

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2edfcd No.20908690

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

China's Neo-colonial Dream in Africa Has Turned into a Nightmare!

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4f0787 No.20908691


it is the wisest, your silly laws limit you so much.

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be28f6 No.20908692

File: 0a3efb3d30e1e6b⋯.png (3.46 MB,1600x1060,80:53,director.png)

File: dc59798176a5180⋯.mp4 (108.05 KB,854x480,427:240,Fuck_you.mp4)

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94a6ba No.20908693

File: 4aa6e0296901f8c⋯.png (1017.55 KB,613x868,613:868,t.PNG)

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8d2aa7 No.20908694


>Stop voting for them

No, Stop putting on the ballot in the first place as a choice!! Do a fucking national security background check and eliminate commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud

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83205a No.20908696


fuck off. there are enemies on all sides quit being a nigger yourself you fucking faggot.

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bbb616 No.20908698

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15c491 No.20908700

File: c1b2db68f190fb2⋯.png (276.58 KB,512x514,256:257,kekkinghard_pepe.png)


>Stop voting for them!!

Still believing that they actually WIN elections. How cute…

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b7fdf9 No.20908701

File: 7db71fdc9d3bce1⋯.png (1.06 MB,905x1174,905:1174,ClipboardImage.png)



Trump storms deep-blue Bronx with 'love fest'

9:11 AM · May 24, 2024


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e9e75d No.20908702

File: 46349cc7c7a4e0c⋯.jpg (85.56 KB,637x1200,637:1200,Lilith_John_Collier_painti….jpg)

Just remember, not all reptilians…

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be28f6 No.20908703

File: d6243e9e5a99812⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,That_allegation_is_false_a….mp4)

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74a5a9 No.20908705

File: bf0af01717e1798⋯.jpg (163.19 KB,761x841,761:841,too_big_to_rig.jpg)

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8ee8d9 No.20908708

File: c76d7ba09c229b4⋯.png (329.77 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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aed15d No.20908709

File: 36c9f28ae32985f⋯.png (1.17 MB,726x835,726:835,906.png)

File: e7276d26eccb195⋯.png (1.82 MB,1024x963,1024:963,906_a.png)

File: 043ff77ea0c7169⋯.png (1.35 MB,1024x540,256:135,906_b.png)

File: 4b487157a1c1402⋯.png (1.71 MB,1241x828,1241:828,906_c.png)

File: 960a9009bce5585⋯.png (2.39 MB,1241x827,1241:827,906_d.png)

Monin' COMMS are LIVE!

Dan Scavino 9:06 AM


5/23/24 | BRONX, NY📸…

May 24, 2024, 9:06 AM



Re_read re: Australia.

AUS donations to CF?

Why is this relevant?

More than you know.

This is BIG.

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cd55dc No.20908710

File: 44994409fd2845a⋯.jpg (50.07 KB,652x521,652:521,ttzui4jtx7gb1.jpg)

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94a6ba No.20908711

File: 226ac8fef3c3a4c⋯.png (421.54 KB,597x645,199:215,cr.PNG)


Anchor Spills Beans on Dem Effort to Get

Protesters for Trump Rally, Protest Fail

Is Incredibly Funny

Red State, by Nick Arama

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/24/2024 2:28:57 AM

The local Fox 5 News station reported on how Democrats were going to try to gather up counter-protesters to come out for the Trump rally in the South Bronx. You knew that was likely to occur. But what's fascinating here is what anchor Rosanna Scotto says about it. Host Curt Menefee expresses the wish that "cooler heads prevail," hoping that there isn't any problem with the people being in the same area at the same time. Scotto said it looked like Trump was going to have "record crowds at the Bronx rally," which "is kind of unheard of for this area." She said the Democrats were trying to reach

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74a5a9 No.20908712



>Progressivism is the precursor to communism

you got it backwards and the RINOs are no better

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7d81de No.20908714

File: a23aaafc277525a⋯.png (329.65 KB,928x292,232:73,ClipboardImage.png)

NCAA, Power Five conferences vote to approve $2.8B settlement in House, Hubbard and Carter cases

- A new model is expected to eliminate scholarship restrictions while implementing roster limits, a move to avoid more legal fights but one that could cost schools millions more in additional financial aid amid a hotly recruiting landscape.

In the spring of 2021, attorneys for the NCAA, appearing before the U.S. Supreme Court, argued vehemently against providing each college athlete with additional cash annually.

The amount: $5,980.

Three years later, in a landmark agreement that will transform the course of major college athletics, the organization left behind its archaic rules, shook off its long-time amateurism argument and thrust the industry into an era of direct athlete compensation.

The amount: more than $15 billion in new cash is expected to funnel to athletes over the duration of the 10-year agreement.

The NCAA and power conferences cast votes this week in support of settling three antitrust cases (House, Hubbard and Carter), approving terms that feature nearly $2.8 billion in back damages; a future athlete revenue-sharing model that will cost major conferences a cumulative $1 billion-plus annually; and other potential changes to the association’s governance, enforcement and scholarship structure.

While expected for weeks now, the vote is a historic moment, a groundbreaking and seismic shift for an organization that has, for decades, fought against direct athlete pay despite the billions earned from its major football and men’s basketball powers. The result of nine months of negotiations with plaintiff lawyers, NCAA president Charlie Baker and conference commissioners usher into the industry a new age that they hope brings stability to the current unruly recruiting landscape.

Caught in a purgatory between amateurism and professionalism, major college sports is springing forward — though not by its own volition. Begrudgingly forced into this semi-professional world by state laws and the court system, the industry still clings to a shred of amateurism, as the new model is expected to still prohibit pay-for-play and booster payments.

However, college leaders believe the agreement staves off future legal challenges, binds at least for another decade the power leagues with the NCAA, and brings more regulation to the recruiting environment.

“This would be the biggest change in the history of college sports. Period,” said Gabe Feldman, a sports law professor at Tulane and leading voice in NCAA litigation matters. “There have been significant changes and incremental changes. The NIL era has opened a lot of doors, but to have athletes share revenue with the schools would be not only monumental but would be contrary to what the NCAA has espoused for a century.”


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237a56 No.20908715


What's the problem? There's a plethora of poison propagandist journalists in America need killin.

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be28f6 No.20908716

File: 5ca6c99fb208468⋯.mp4 (8.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,protege.mp4)

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f6525f No.20908718


Do San Fran next!

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2d1d2e No.20908719

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,JERSEY_RALLY.jpg)

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74a5a9 No.20908721


Trump or Lou Dobbs? Great pic

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cd55dc No.20908723

File: 45533241bd947d6⋯.gif (132.53 KB,220x220,1:1,pepe_trump.gif)

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8d2aa7 No.20908724

File: c31aaeea1d6257e⋯.jpg (393.61 KB,2048x2048,1:1,lnp_milk.jpg)

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610a7a No.20908725

File: 9534d25fc899870⋯.png (94.96 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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94a6ba No.20908726

File: 95c7828e132fd5b⋯.png (1.33 MB,1290x894,215:149,od.PNG)


Light, hypergraph transfer protocol, particle man and mr howard n friends (live part 3 of 4)

May 23, 2024

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7a8195 No.20908728

Gorka, Bannon, Flynn, Poso - grifters and grubers.

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237a56 No.20908729


Yeah, you big brains with your melodious vocabularies are gonna fix it all.

Go lay down in the corner and gnaw on your worn out fuck bone.

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7734d1 No.20908731

File: da2b061152dc261⋯.png (29.7 KB,540x481,540:481,pepe_boil.png)

Reddit space red text spamming has no power here

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17d9f7 No.20908732

File: 24f4fd0f8e18427⋯.png (165.6 KB,1471x702,1471:702,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59451d4bab7e669⋯.png (197.41 KB,1458x671,1458:671,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8972a17cdb11076⋯.png (100.5 KB,987x638,987:638,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e892fbb49b181f7⋯.png (328.27 KB,484x323,484:323,ClipboardImage.png)


Operation Cyclone: The CIA’s covert program to arm the mujahideen


DOD "Civilian" Personnel


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94a6ba No.20908733

File: 5e65c70f0af38ae⋯.png (958.5 KB,873x655,873:655,pl.PNG)

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d554c3 No.20908735

File: bb458f592dc5ad7⋯.jpg (6.93 KB,225x225,1:1,download_jpeg_3.jpg)


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4e775a No.20908736

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aed15d No.20908737

File: 7d77915193c06c2⋯.png (1.33 MB,725x828,725:828,907.png)

File: 6c57c56731f4b05⋯.png (121.3 KB,834x1874,417:937,907Q.png)


Dan Scavino 9:07 AM


5/23/24 | BRONX, NY📸…

May 24, 2024, 9:06 AM




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74a5a9 No.20908738

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>are you glad you got my covid warp speed vax

ALL vaccines are killers, the root cause of all disease. WARPSPEED is disclosure.

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15c491 No.20908739

File: 343b734bc175a17⋯.png (252.05 KB,559x480,559:480,pepe_bowl.png)

The MSM is losing their minds over Trump's rally in The Bronx. Let those tears flow!

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8d2aa7 No.20908740

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hillary to the woodshed

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be28f6 No.20908741

covid retards might actually be mentally handicapped

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b58867 No.20908743

File: a0a073940f0d7c4⋯.png (88.48 KB,597x637,597:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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c70e9c No.20908745




>>board isn't serious anymore

you gonna love how this joke ends!

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dda7c9 No.20908746

File: bb1c6701dca06b4⋯.jpg (38.4 KB,600x600,1:1,TGIF.jpg)

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f7aa19 No.20908747

File: 4b4efb54b55d5f7⋯.png (193.44 KB,317x319,317:319,Slaves_Cotton.png)

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4e59c7 No.20908748

File: 5073cfc63adc195⋯.png (231.78 KB,531x300,177:100,pepe_hes_right.png)

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83205a No.20908749


big vocabulary that is what turns you into a sniveling cunt. Good cry like a bitch and then kill yourself for all I care. Fucking dumb faggot, get a dictionary if words are too complicated for you.

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94a6ba No.20908751

File: 368a2273f53370c⋯.png (396.43 KB,587x509,587:509,wro.PNG)


Trump War Room


President Trump's message was no matter what race, religion, or gender you are — we're ALL Americans and we're ALL in this TOGETHER. @LynnePatton

0:17 / 1:32

2:26 AM · May 24, 2024




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237a56 No.20908752


Doesn't matter if you buy it or not. If you aren't helping remove the problem just stay out of the way.

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be28f6 No.20908753

File: 04f02f963fb82be⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,854x478,427:239,DavidMorens.mp4)

File: 7db2558b7ecbb20⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,852x480,71:40,Unearthed_video_of_Peter_D….mp4)

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12a77a No.20908754

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6549b1 No.20908755

File: d17c270c207a921⋯.jpg (11.59 KB,259x194,259:194,images_84_.jpg)



An offer i can't refuse….

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69fa82 No.20908756

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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aed15d No.20908758

File: 087fbd1730d9634⋯.png (567.7 KB,724x512,181:128,908.png)

File: c966dca42f03da7⋯.png (2.52 MB,1397x735,1397:735,908_a.png)

File: 5cfd337a80fe511⋯.png (93.85 KB,834x1428,139:238,908Q.png)


Dan Scavino 9:08 AM


5/23/24 | BRONX, NY…

May 24, 2024, 9:08 AM



Which conversation leaked?


Why that specific conversation?


We (they) hear what you are saying?

Threat to AUS?


What do they know?




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be28f6 No.20908759

File: cffbc10ac03d81a⋯.mp4 (786.36 KB,360x270,4:3,Bryan_Malinowski.mp4)

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b58867 No.20908760

File: 7f3ec8b1b15e8e6⋯.png (181.95 KB,889x594,889:594,ClipboardImage.png)

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74a5a9 No.20908762

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c70e9c No.20908763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4e59c7 No.20908764

File: 5fde00250601480⋯.png (14.91 KB,444x207,148:69,ClipboardImage.png)

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be28f6 No.20908766


US man, 21, seen begging for his life after being arrested during 'failed Congo coup' was on his first overseas vacation after being invited to Africa by son of the plot's ringleader, his 'stunned and heartbroken' family claim

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237a56 No.20908767


Come on now. Profanity is the language of the weak-minded, over emotional girlie men of recent decades.

Wallowing in the filthy discourse of the least intelligent among us is neither intimidating or impressive.

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7a8195 No.20908769


What is the context

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7ebbd4 No.20908770



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4e775a No.20908771

File: 1ec22a373f037b2⋯.png (448.1 KB,1023x667,1023:667,1111at50minmark.png)


11:11 on the clock today at 50 min mark

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8d2aa7 No.20908772

File: 4fb1a093faa504d⋯.jpg (29.66 KB,640x400,8:5,here_to_help.jpg)


nope. not buyin it

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def47b No.20908773

File: a3d451ca8ea3234⋯.jpg (232.72 KB,609x859,609:859,diehardcover.jpg)


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2d1d2e No.20908774

File: fb38421cea2c0f5⋯.jpg (51.08 KB,388x241,388:241,RED_WHITE_BLUE.jpg)

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c70e9c No.20908776


nothing makes the Deep State to panic as hard as their greatest fear: anons thinking for themselves

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15c491 No.20908777


>What is the context

Bread wasting / sliding SPAM.

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94a6ba No.20908778

File: 63080c12b83b5b0⋯.png (24.16 KB,798x187,798:187,sp.PNG)


Leftist media goes into full spin mode

to inform ‘confused’ Americans they’re

‘doing quite well’ economically

BizPac Review, by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/23/2024 10:19:47 PM

MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle is telling Americans not to believe their lying eyes, that President Biden’s economy is fantastic and they are better off economically than they mistakenly believe. The condescension and gaslighting have kicked into full gear as the presidential election nears. Despite Americans struggling to put food on the table, a roof over their heads, and clothes on their children’s backs, Ruhle is telling them they are basically dimwitted and don’t appreciate how good they have it. “We need an economic explainer,” Ruhle told the president and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Austan Goolsbee. “People are confused, they’re exhausted, but they’re also doing quite well.”

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7d81de No.20908779

File: 9b8db6efbaf1e68⋯.png (373.07 KB,960x635,192:127,ClipboardImage.png)

Dave Chappelle says there's a 'genocide' in the Gaza Strip as Israel-Hamas war rages on there


ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — American comedian Dave Chappelle said a “genocide” is striking the Gaza Strip amid the Israel-Hamas war to cheers during his performance in the capital of the United Arab Emirates, while urging Americans to fight antisemitism so Jews don’t feel like they need to be protected by Israel.

Chappelle’s comments come as Abu Dhabi has maintained its diplomatic relations with Israel even as it has increasingly criticized its conduct in the seven-month war.

Meanwhile, while pro-Palestinian marches have swept across the wider Middle East since the war began, protests and speech remains tightly restricted in the Emirates, a federation of seven sheikdoms on the Arabian Peninsula.

Even before coming on stage, the full crowd at Abu Dhabi’s Etihad Arena cheered as DJ Trauma, who accompanied Chappelle on the trip, played the song “My Blood is Palestinian” by the Palestinian singer Mohammed Assaf. The thousands there agreed to place their switched-off mobile phones in locked pouches for the performance — a standard feature of Chappelle's shows.

About halfway through in a wide-ranging comedy set in Abu Dhabi, Chappelle, a Muslim, initially said he had been told by his friends either to discuss the war or not. From the audience, a woman screamed: “Free Palestine!” The crowd cheered.

Chappelle then said the Gaza Strip faces a “genocide." He also said that making Jews safer in America amid rising cases of antisemitism would make them realize they don’t need Israel as an ultimate protector.

Another moment also displayed just how diverse the crowd was in the Abu Dhabi. In telling another joke about how Jews cheer while drinking, Chappelle said “l’chaim,” or “to life” in Hebrew, which another man shouted back from the audience.

But when touching on the upcoming U.S. election, Chappelle’s mention of President Joe Biden — who has promised “ironclad” support for Israel — drew widespread boos throughout the arena. Donald Trump drew scattered cheers.

Chappelle, as other artists during the performance, told some racy jokes and swore. But they largely avoided discussing local politics — though Chappelle did make a sly joke about the UAE’s widespread surveillance network and another deadpanning about “how difficult is it to be gay” in the country as homosexuality is illegal.

But he also came out on stage with a falcon on his arm — a symbol for the UAE.

Chappelle, 50, won the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor in 2019. He performed at the Abu Dhabi Comedy Week.

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92fddb No.20908781

File: 2ded066a85dd396⋯.jpeg (19.7 KB,255x181,255:181,CDEF1719_9CAF_49EE_838F_7….jpeg)

>>20908751 Absolutely not divided, United.

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be28f6 No.20908782

File: 600a66257000cc2⋯.png (182.7 KB,272x525,272:525,ClipboardImage.png)

Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun

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b59ac3 No.20908783



With all of the love and uniting we saw in the Bronx, the deep state may see value in another FF being used to create racial division.

Something to think about and watch for…

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74a5a9 No.20908784


lefties are allowed to talk about this now because they're taking sides in the jewish civil war

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48489e No.20908785

2 words

Fuck Doctors…..you have no credibility, the WHO can suck my left nut

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407f25 No.20908786


249K views 2 weeks ago

This is some seriously disturbing stuff.

Should be NOTABLE if not already.

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f6525f No.20908787

File: 02c4e17e2664d3d⋯.png (2.92 MB,960x1287,320:429,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 24, 2024

M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope

Star formation can be messy. To help find out just how messy, ESA's new Sun-orbiting Euclid telescope recently captured the most detailed image ever of the bright star forming region M78. Near the image center, M78 lies at a distance of only about 1,300 light-years away and has a main glowing core that spans about 5 light-years. The featured image was taken in both visible and infrared light. The purple tint in M78's center is caused by dark dust preferentially reflecting the blue light of hot, young stars. Complex dust lanes and filaments can be traced through this gorgeous and revealing skyscape. On the upper left is associated star forming region NGC 2071, while a third region of star formation is visible on the lower right. These nebulas are all part of the vast Orion Molecular Cloud Complex which can be found with even a small telescope just north of Orion's belt.


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161fb5 No.20908788

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


GM Swordanon

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c70e9c No.20908790


the KKK is as anti catholic as the 8kun resident muh pope shill

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74a5a9 No.20908791




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aed15d No.20908792

File: 3b2d66108b99995⋯.png (1003.35 KB,735x854,105:122,911.png)

File: 3cbd96666827972⋯.png (1.47 MB,915x1024,915:1024,911_a.png)

File: ebde0b56a9df89f⋯.png (11.81 KB,444x254,222:127,911Q.png)


Dan Scavino 9:11 AM



May 24, 2024, 9:11 AM



Hey Q are we going to have a BIG WEEK this week?


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12a77a No.20908793


This needs moar normies and NYers investigating.

Cuz they thought they knew how to trigger something.

Remember how they shut down Trump's rally in Chicago in the 2016 election.

Old playbook move but not if the people remain ignorant

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be28f6 No.20908795

The loud noises outside their bedroom door woke them before dawn. Bryan Malinowski bolted up and looked at his wife, Maer. “Stay back,” she remembers him saying after he reached into a drawer for his gun and loaded it.

He crept into a hallway in their home in Little Rock, Arkansas, and saw figures in the darkness. He started shooting, and was met with return fire.

The people shooting back at him were agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, executing a search warrant on suspicion that Malinowski had repeatedly sold guns without a license. What made this different from many such confrontations was that Malinowski was a respected official in the community, the director of Little Rock’s airport.

Malinowski shot an agent in the foot. As the agents fired back, a bullet struck Malinowski, 53, in the head, and two days later, he died in a hospital. His death has been met with outrage by his family, friends and gun rights supporters in Arkansas and beyond, who say the raid on March 19 was ill-conceived, unnecessary and a shocking case of government overreach.


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7734d1 No.20908796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


AOC is jealous of Trump's crowd in the Bronx


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733a81 No.20908797



Cherry creek

Apple count

What now

>if you dig too deep I’ll bury us both

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b58867 No.20908798

File: 79e5e3ee6a592bc⋯.png (76.56 KB,500x616,125:154,ClipboardImage.png)

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8d2aa7 No.20908799

File: 668db5afc7deb18⋯.jpg (26.39 KB,238x188,119:94,Fv6h9H4XoAMLihA.jpg)

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74a5a9 No.20908800


the KKK is jewish

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aed15d No.20908802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS Bronx Rally UPTOWN FUNK filling [them] with MADNESS!!!

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939300 No.20908803

10:00 AM EDT

Austin Speaks at Naval Academy Graduation - Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III gives the commencement address at the U.S. Naval Academy’s Class of 2024 graduation and commissioning ceremony.

U.S. Naval Academy




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4e59c7 No.20908804

File: f25a038ea286df2⋯.png (496.75 KB,750x500,3:2,Biden_cringe_worthy.png)


The gaslighting intensifies!

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42188a No.20908805


"TrumpSTORMSdeep-blue Bronx…"

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4e775a No.20908806

File: c3dbfa400cc4a13⋯.jpeg (13.24 KB,255x194,255:194,554b9861e578084a9d37fb24e….jpeg)



Looks like an undercover coordinated effort to catch someone at home in the wee hours of the morning. Sealed indictments are a wonderful thing. (speculation on my part)

Hopefully rounding up the bad guys.

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b59ac3 No.20908807

File: 46759180f8473d6⋯.png (318.45 KB,474x279,158:93,ClipboardImage.png)


yay nasa

now do Snoopy

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aed15d No.20908808



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939300 No.20908810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. provides remarks at the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) National Survivor Seminar opening ceremony at 10 a.m. EDT

Arlington, Virginia




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aed15d No.20908811



DO IT Q ! ! ! ! !

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c70e9c No.20908812


We are in control.


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4e775a No.20908814

File: d078789079c0342⋯.png (56.21 KB,561x416,561:416,UNDERCOVER1_2024_05_24_.png)

File: 89039348f55d62f⋯.png (28.21 KB,383x225,383:225,UNDERCOVER2POLICE2024_05_2….png)



Last couple of seconds, you see a police shield

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939300 No.20908816

10:00 AM EDT

Vice President Harris and Others Attend Forum on U.S.-Kenya Business Partnership, Part 1

Vice President Kamala Harris, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, Kenyan President William Ruto, and others participate in the U.S.-Kenya Business Forum hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, DC.


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6a458c No.20908817

File: 599f660e7e4cb27⋯.png (563.31 KB,760x565,152:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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7ebbd4 No.20908819


who is "we"?

who is "Q"?

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f6525f No.20908821

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74a5a9 No.20908822


> director of Little Rock’s airport

could be a trafficker/Clinton mob

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c70e9c No.20908823


>What agency is at war w/ Clowns In America?

White Hats?

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17d9f7 No.20908824

File: 97f2e459ffa0b87⋯.png (598.29 KB,1014x756,169:126,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c30ad5bfcac163⋯.png (364.6 KB,605x323,605:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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939300 No.20908827

File: 393105de3da6f8d⋯.png (348.8 KB,480x526,240:263,hurricane_season_get_ready….png)

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8d2aa7 No.20908829

File: ae054a7a853179c⋯.png (2.54 MB,960x1287,320:429,ClipboardImage.png)

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aed15d No.20908830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH POTUS Keynote Address at NRA Annual Meeting Leadership Conference 05/18/24

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161fb5 No.20908831

File: a35ea5827e25a2c⋯.png (597.96 KB,703x403,703:403,2024_05_24_09_43_47.png)


> From 1867 to 1984, the United States did not have diplomatic relations with the Holy See in the wake of rumors of Catholic implication in the Lincoln assassination.

Is that why America prospered during this time?

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b59ac3 No.20908832


thanks nasa

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3d35ff No.20908833

File: 802b8fb67a578df⋯.png (252.9 KB,691x932,691:932,GeorgeMag_cover_Q_20_2024_….png)

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aed15d No.20908834

File: d7726303e062f17⋯.png (12.34 KB,88x80,11:10,ClipboardImage.png)



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a211ea No.20908835

File: 35921c93750c7d9⋯.jpg (751.69 KB,1430x5846,715:2923,Screenshot_20240524_084431….jpg)

its been reported that this Kernel was a black hat loyal to biden. that he was coerced by austin and milley.

he has switched sides and is being cooperative with white hats. if this is not true could the Kernel have a valid lawsuit for defamation or libel?

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8d2aa7 No.20908836

File: 669e4e5f513399b⋯.jpg (28.65 KB,640x400,8:5,tuff_frog.jpg)


don't mention it, we do Smithsonian Giants also.

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2d1d2e No.20908837

File: 47e9763d4caaaa7⋯.jpg (133.93 KB,752x511,752:511,STICKER_2.jpg)

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aed15d No.20908838


Are you baking?


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95a2a0 No.20908839

File: 14810453d3f49a4⋯.png (224.03 KB,500x500,1:1,pepe_axiom.png)

Their panic levels are within expected parameters.

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12a77a No.20908840


especially Great Depression

Fun times I bet

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aed15d No.20908841


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dda7c9 No.20908842


#25644 >>20908228

>>20908304 You’re mandated to give your ID to Israel to be paid on X

>>20908314, >>20908318 This media matters employee who made this video celebrating “Tucker-Got-Firedversary” was fired today.

>>20908322 Email from NIH Morens to Peter Hotez re covid origins coverup

>>20908337 Archivefag: Regular notables (2023) now up on /qnotables23/

>>20908342 Obama at the Kenyan state dinner last night

>>20908354 @libsoftiktok: Logan Memorial School (@LMECSD) brought an LGBTQ activist and dr@g queen to talk to students about how to file with the State to change their name and gender marker on legal forms.

>>20908358 Friends in CA doing what we should all be doing at Board of Supervisors mtg

>>20908373 California principal who didn’t allow a middle schooler to say his speech because it was too patriotic will not be returning next yr

>>20908375 @Techno_Fog: From personal experience: the NIH FOIA office had other ways to prevent disclosure.


>>20908396 Cali schools serving fake meat to students

>>20908400 New12 clip w/PDJT

>>20908418 LastRefuge: A Familiar Pattern of Desperate Behavior Emerges When Lawfare Starts Failing


>>20908488 EV maker Lucid to cut workforce by 6%

>>20908506 PF

>>20908524, >>20908531 The House Bans The Fed From Building A CBDC Like The Digital Yuan

>>20908542 Rogan: Dave Smith on Idea that Israeli Leader Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas

>>20908550 8:30 AM EDT Notre Dame LIVE: A 12 Meter Cross Is Installed on the Cathedral’s Rooftop

>>20908553 8:30 AM EDT United States Naval Academy Class of 2024 Commissioning Ceremony

>>20908564, >>20908830 ATF’s new rule attacks private sales in an attempt to bar Americans from legally transferring firearms.

>>20908576 @JonathanTurley The CIA that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas….

>>20908598 Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer Describes Secret Symbols Undercover Gov't Operatives Wore During Operation

>>20908662 Half of trainee doctors at UCLAs prestigious medical school 'are failing basic tests after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'

>>20908684 Will Racial Paranoia Still Work For Democrats In 2024?

>>20908701, >>20908709, >>20908737, >>20908771 Scavino: Trump storms deep-blue Bronx with 'love fest'

>>20908711 Anchor Spills Beans on Dem Effort to Get Protesters for Trump Rally

>>20908714 NCAA, Power Five conferences vote to approve $2.8B settlement in House, Hubbard and Carter cases

>>20908751 @TrumpWarRoom President Trump's message was no matter what race, religion, or gender you are — we're ALL Americans and we're ALL in this TOGETHER.

>>20908778 Leftist media goes into full spin mode to inform ‘confused’ Americans they’re ‘doing quite well’ economically

>>20908787 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day M78 from the Euclid Space Telescope

>>20908803, >>20908810 Swamp Talks

Just got caught up, VD slows beevee down a bit

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cb2d78 No.20908844

Great! Schizo Terrance is explaining science on the board. Show us the sauce, fool! Otherwise you’re just a politician.

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aed15d No.20908845


Filter that nonsense newfag! TYB.

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c8ab47 No.20908847


ADL gonna Yee yo ass…

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8d2aa7 No.20908848

File: 7aa92dd39674f8c⋯.jpeg (134.02 KB,800x800,1:1,fett_dimo0n.jpeg)


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16950d No.20908850

File: f412e4d709679df⋯.jpg (9.82 KB,186x272,93:136,images_98_.jpg)

File: 2e67502ee0b0300⋯.jpg (4.61 KB,259x194,259:194,images_99_.jpg)

Meaning of Dec. in English - Cambridge Dictionary

dictionary.cambridge.org › dictionary

May 15, 2024 · Dec. noun [ U ] abbreviation for December. (Definition of Dec. from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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95a2a0 No.20908851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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def47b No.20908852





whats te point again of putting these NASA pics of the day in notables every time???

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f6525f No.20908853

File: 124f918885cfdf1⋯.png (9.11 MB,2048x2188,512:547,ClipboardImage.png)

Hubble Captures a Bright Spiral in the Queen’s Hair

MAY 24, 2024

This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image shows the jewel-bright spiral galaxy NGC 4689, which lies 54 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Coma Berenices. This constellation has the distinction of being the only one of the 88 constellations officially recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as one named after the historical figure, Queen Berenice II of Egypt. The Latin word ‘coma’ references her hair, which means that NGC 4689 lies in the hair of a queen. Some people of Berenice’s time would have meant this quite literally, as the story goes that her court astronomer thought that a missing lock of Berenice’s hair had been catasterised (a word meaning ‘placed amongst the stars’) by the gods: hence the name of the constellation, Coma Berenices.

NGC 4689 holds an interesting — albeit less royal — place in modern astronomy. The universe is so incredibly vast that at a distance of 54 million light-years NGC 4689 is relatively nearby for a galaxy. This image includes data from two sets of observations, one made in 2019, the other in 2024 , and both are part of programs that observed multiple ‘nearby’ galaxies. The 2024 observing program is an interesting example of how Hubble — an extraordinarily productive telescope for more than three decades — and the James Webb Space Telescope complement each other. Observations collected by Webb stand to transform our understanding of how galaxies change and evolve over time, by providing infrared data at an unprecedented level of detail and clarity. However, ultraviolet and visible light observations from Hubble — such as those used to create this image — complement Webb’s observations. In this case, the Hubble data offer a more accurate assessment of the stellar populations of nearby galaxies, which is crucial to understanding their evolution. Hubble and Webb observations play an important role in developing our understanding of how galaxies form and evolve, and observations of NGC 4689 are a valuable part of that quest for knowledge. In fact, Hubble featured an image of the galaxy before, in 2020.


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aed15d No.20908856


Not a DAMN THING lol.

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4e59c7 No.20908857

File: 31eb0fd43baa04e⋯.jpg (130.02 KB,820x499,820:499,how_dare_you.jpg)


>in the Queen’s Hair

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aed15d No.20908858

Why not jumble and hide a massive Q-Clock proof and totally highlight some WOKE NASA nonsense! Ask Baker.

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aed15d No.20908860

These clowns aren't here for (us) anon.

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8d2aa7 No.20908861


Some anons are space travelers and need maps.

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aed15d No.20908863


NASA is woke trash and the only person who ever whines for it is BO!

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83205a No.20908864



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dda7c9 No.20908866

File: 8038daf155d0506⋯.png (411.71 KB,482x521,482:521,vanhalenbelts.png)

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e86f5b No.20908867


>whats te point again of putting these NASA pics of the day in notables every time???

To drive home the point that this is a chat board for normies.

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aed15d No.20908869

Now can't help but wonder if Baker was busy with VS because he's the one posting it. CANNOT HELP BUT WONDER AFTER SEEING LATE LATE LATE NOTABLES of NASA!

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939300 No.20908870

File: f2340e5d6e0cc60⋯.png (889.62 KB,960x1024,15:16,debate_chair_broc_smith.png)

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def47b No.20908871


49 posts in a bread….

who DOES that

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fc2002 No.20908872

File: 8a01adf43d00849⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB,262x480,131:240,The_cutest_thing_you_will_….mp4)

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af9483 No.20908873

File: 1755e08f5d4209e⋯.png (623.61 KB,767x816,767:816,Rafah.png)

ICJ rules Israel must stop Rafah operation

The International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must immediately halt its military operation in Rafah, citing "immediate risk to the Palestinian people."

The vote was 16-2, with Israel being one of the votes against the ruling. The other to vote against the decision was Uganda.

The U.N. court has no way to enforce its decision and Israel has said it would defy any order to stop fighting.


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7734d1 No.20908875

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

End bread song


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a211ea No.20908876


pompous prick sperganon

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def47b No.20908877


>To drive home the point that this is a chat board for normies.

aah gotcha thanks anon

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aed15d No.20908879

There is a new BO now. The last one self-inflicted DOA status. The new one doesn't care about NASA so we can forgo that BS now.

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c4de39 No.20908881

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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939300 No.20908882

File: 458394117008114⋯.jpg (59.16 KB,665x680,133:136,a1_sauce.jpg)

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aed15d No.20908885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

POTUS, Dan, Q TEAM! Please know anons FEEL THE LOVE! Thank YOU!!!!

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3a1337 No.20908886

File: 002f1f88d513bac⋯.jpeg (29.27 KB,190x255,38:51,50742DA8_EA83_4058_82E9_3….jpeg)


God bless you Swordy and all onboard.

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975f43 No.20908887






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d554c3 No.20908888


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4332dd No.20908889



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3a9c42 No.20908890

File: c11c25ba2569524⋯.jpeg (59.73 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2246.jpeg)

24 May, 2024 13:12

Betting on Armageddon: What is Zelensky’s plan now that his term is over?

Legitimate or not, the Ukrainian leader is a national catastrophe hell-bent on going global.1/2

On 20 May, something important changed for Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky. On that day, the five-year presidential term for which he had been elected in 2019 came to an end. He remains in office, however, without having to face fresh elections. Zelensky’s critics, including within Ukraine, argue that he is now illegitimate in a strict, constitutional sense – in effect, a usurper. His followers and defenders, including in the West, insist that Zelensky legally remains president under martial law.

What is clear is that, according to the Ukrainian constitution,presidential elections can be held during wartime(unlike parliamentary ones, which are ruled out), even if a lack of clarity would require amendments, as Ukrainian experts have explained in national media. Even the New York Times acknowledged as much as recently as last October. At that point, however, Zelensky himself had not yet ruled out elections and American super hawk Senator Lindsey Graham was demanding them in his usual imperious tone.

Wartime elections in Ukraine would have posed practical challenges, although these could have been overcome. For instance, back in October, Zelensky himself stated that online voting was a possibility. Western media, including the BBC, which now claim Zelensky had no legal or practical option of standing for reelection, are misinforming their audiences by simply reproducing his regime’s current talking points. Not, obviously, for the first time.

No doubt, the legal legitimacy of a president is a critical issue, especially one as high-handed and authoritarian as Zelensky has been for years and since well before the escalation of the war in February 2022. Yet what is more important are the political meaning and effects of Zelensky’s transition to past-due-date status.

In this respect, the first point to note is that isZelensky is evading the basic accountability of an electionthat wouldinevitably increase public scrutiny of his record. Even more disturbing, however, is to see one of his closest associates turning unquestioning compliance with this move into a de facto loyalty test, complete with ominous threats. The speaker of the Ukrainian parliament,Ruslan Stefanchuk,a key magnate in Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” party, has reportedly evencalled all those who doubt the president’s continuing legitimacy “enemies of the people” and “political lice.”

Of course, this rhetoric – ironically reminiscent of Stalinism – comes with the usual tired smears:Anyone who dares doubtthe Zelensky regime is routinelyaccusedof doing so at the behest ofRussian agitators. Perish the thought – in Zelensky’s post-“Revolution of Dignity” and “free world” showcase Ukraine – that citizens could genuinely disagree with their superiors!

Verbal brutality of the Stefanchuk kind is especially intriguing because a reasonably reliable and recent (February) poll shows that almost 70% of Ukrainians agree that Zelensky should remain president until “the end of the state of war.” For better or worse, Zelensky’s decision to avoid elections – whatever his reasons – is not unpopular.

But a closer look at the same poll reveals why the Zelenskyites are so touchy and aggressive: Widespread consent with postponing presidential elections does not translate into the same amount of popularity for Zelensky personally, or, for that matter, for his regime. For instance, in December 2023, 34% of respondents believed that he should not stand for another election (whenever the latter were to take place). By February of this year, only three months later, that share had risen to 43%. Clearly, Ukrainians who believe that this is not the right time for presidential elections and, at the same time, that Zelensky should never be a candidate again, don’t consider elections unnecessary because they are happy with his rule.

This reflects a long-term decline: Zelensky’s popularity ratings over the course of the war show a clear pattern. Initially, the escalation of February 2022 boosted them from 37% to a whopping 90% – an obvious case of a wartime rally-around-the-leader effect. Yet, by February of this year – after the bloody and costly failure of Ukraine’s 2023 summer counteroffensive and the de facto sacking of the popular commander-in-chief and Zelensky rival Valery Zaluzhny – the president’s ratings were down to 60%.

At the same time, trust in the Zelensky regime and its policies as a whole underwent the same degradation. Also in February, Ukrainian pollsters found that, for the first time during the war, amajorityof Ukrainians believed thecountrywas moving in thewrong direction.


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aed15d No.20908891


Good morning, Christopher!

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4332dd No.20908892


so close…

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09e01f No.20908893

File: b7870eb8d7d7bee⋯.png (1.6 MB,1500x1500,1:1,filtered.png)

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aed15d No.20908894


It's clearly an 88… !

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939300 No.20908895

File: b91d9ba335c7af4⋯.gif (2.78 MB,320x180,16:9,laughing_idi_amin.gif)

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aed15d No.20908896



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cb2d78 No.20908897

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3a9c42 No.20908898

File: 970c90acaf826b0⋯.jpeg (62.64 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1889.jpeg)



Now add to this picture that, in February, Ukraine’s military situation was, though by no means good, better than now and that a highly unpopular – “divisive,” as even the AP admits – mobilization law had not even been passed yet. This law is now coming into force against the backdrop of an increasingly desperate fight on crumbling frontlines. It is safe to assume that Zelensky’s standing and that of his regime have only declined further.

The question is why. Zelensky has found more than one way to undermine himself: He has adopted punishing domestic policies of a generally rapacious neoliberal kind; he has stifled politics and the media; and he has set himself up as a merciless national recruiting sergeant forcing ever more unwilling Ukrainians into a meatgrinder proxy war for the West.

But the deepest cause of his decline remains that Zelensky – the man who would be Churchill (to paraphrase Kipling) – isnot meeting a key requirementof the role: He is notwinning his war. Instead, he is imposing ever-growing sacrifices – plenty of “blood, sweat, and tears,” to quote the British orator – but no victory. Rather, Ukraine’s situation is only growing worse.

Indeed, the post-February-2022 war could have been avoided entirely, if Zelensky had had the consistency and courage to keep his one clear 2019 election promise, namely to pursue a negotiated compromise in earnest. The framework for such a policy existed; its name was Minsk II. But instead of using it, Zelensky, his team, and his Western backers decided to stall and deceive systematically in order to arm for a larger war. Which is what they got.

Even after all of that, there was a last chance, no longer to prevent the war but to end it very quickly, again by finally coming to a mutually acceptable compromise. We now know that such a settlement was almost achieved in the spring of 2022 – and then abandoned, in essence, because Zelensky chose, once again, to listen to the West.

Since then, he has only become more intransigent. The Zelensky we are seeing now is a man who would like nothing better than to try toescape defeat by escalating the war to an open clash between NATO and Russia. The essence of his strategy – if that is the right word for this sort of betting on Armageddon – is to make this war go global.

But the irony of all of the above is that, up until now, his endless doubling-down has secured his position and power. It may be counter-intuitive but where his crony Stefanchuk sounds like Stalin, Zelensky’s whole recipe of survival has now boiled downto “the worse, the better,” a phrase usually, if perhaps apocryphally, attributed to Lenin.

Against this backdrop, the most important point about Zelensky skirting an election is not whether he is now legitimate or not, but that this is just one more stage in that strange double trend: While his position is steadily getting weaker and his actual policies are a bloody dead end for his country and its people, he is incapable of even considering a genuine change of course.

Zelensky, the former low-taste comedian, has become adesperate high-stakes gamblerwho has locked himself and his whole country into a devastating sequence of losing while constantly raising the stakes. His single most urgent remaining ambition isto draw more of the world into this vortex. Zelensky should never have been president; and it is high time that he ceases to be one. Ironically, since he would probably not have been ousted in elections, there is little need to regret their loss.


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6a458c No.20908899

File: 8b0e10cc66658ea⋯.png (412.52 KB,752x1000,94:125,gm2.png)

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94a6ba No.20908900

File: c00c1c597ac8371⋯.png (141.85 KB,604x818,302:409,mag.PNG)




Gene Ho reposted

George® Magazine


It's HERE!! George Magazine, Issue 20

Buy it here: https://georgemagazine.com/buy-george-magazine/

Subscribe here: https://georgemagazine.com/subscribe-george-magazine/

2:59 AM · May 24, 2024




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83205a No.20908901


watch the podcast and look at the website. Don't be a lazy nigger.

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b6b350 No.20908902

File: 6aff80c62e3a65b⋯.jpg (369.37 KB,720x1212,60:101,Screenshot_20240524_085909….jpg)

Daughter of Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker mudered - 2 local missionaries killed in Haiti after ongoing gang violence

CLAREMORE, Okla. — Missions in Haiti Inc., a charity based in Claremore, said Davy and Natalie Lloyd were attacked and killed by gangs Thursday night in Haiti.

Missions in Haiti Inc. provided updates while in Haiti and the posts share details on the chaos in the country involving ongoing gang violence.

Missouri State Rep. Ben Baker posted about the incident saying his daughter and son-in-law were killed.

FOX23 is still working to learn more about this tragedy and will provide updates as they become available.


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d554c3 No.20908903

File: 7ff57e0685c55d2⋯.jpg (295.42 KB,732x1024,183:256,7ff57e0685c55d2e66f37391a1….jpg)


GM wins


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161fb5 No.20908904

File: f2ac4469bfcf581⋯.png (536.57 KB,490x604,245:302,2024_05_24_10_03_52.png)

File: cc2ab3eef5bec41⋯.png (344.27 KB,697x366,697:366,2024_05_24_09_57_53_copy.png)


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2ad7f7 No.20908905

does a snek meeting another snek, or something else,

generate an additional snek of different frequency?

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b6b350 No.20908906

File: 4efdfc950eb82ce⋯.jpg (289.62 KB,717x878,717:878,Thieves.jpg)

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94a6ba No.20908907

File: 9c4119a74511a3a⋯.png (456.98 KB,608x866,304:433,gc.PNG)

File: 395792c497c98cc⋯.png (385.17 KB,610x870,61:87,q.PNG)

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a6a18f No.20908908


trusts the science

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939300 No.20908909

File: 4d68b8c5c6c1ad6⋯.png (390.5 KB,777x433,777:433,love_it.png)

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3a9c42 No.20908910


This situation will only get worse because Bidan cannot have the war end now, because when it does the obvious fact will come out they lost so badly, Bidan will not be elected.

There are many western papers criticizing Zelensky on behalf of all agencies in the US except for the WH.

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aed15d No.20908911

File: 8e3effec596f80f⋯.png (89.09 KB,1023x767,1023:767,ClipboardImage.png)




Australia's 'National Crisis' of Domestic Abuse - The New York Times - May 24, 2024


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c70e9c No.20908912


>Programs exist that are outside of public domain.



Public Domain Aeronautical Software


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a6a18f No.20908913





trust the science

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cb2d78 No.20908914


I’ve been convinced many times that something is real that I thought not. It doesn’t make it real or true. Don’t be so fucking gullible and desperate for ‘magic’ is what anon is saying. Terrance is LGT… science. Making shit up.

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a6a18f No.20908916

you dumb niggers have learned nothing

and shall pay thereby

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a6a18f No.20908917

just sad.



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b6b350 No.20908918

File: 014aedf7beaca34⋯.jpg (154.13 KB,632x392,79:49,Stevie.jpg)

File: 96f7e8fb5811958⋯.jpg (196.04 KB,717x859,717:859,YouShallMakeNoGravenImage.jpg)

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d554c3 No.20908919

File: 1c545e36efebf65⋯.jpg (68.93 KB,736x849,736:849,d438f58f041556d0198738bd12….jpg)

Walk in

Say GM

Trigger shills

Walk out

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94a6ba No.20908920

File: dd9f9632448a937⋯.png (471.5 KB,728x696,91:87,ter.PNG)


QAnon Is Dead. What Replaced It Is Worse

By Jim Vorel | May 23, 2024 | 1:50pm

Photo via Unsplash, Wesley Tingey

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7ebbd4 No.20908921


paying property taxes is an unspoken admission of subservience to the Tax Collector.

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3a1337 No.20908922

File: ee8aaac8e9aea68⋯.png (1.6 MB,750x1334,375:667,192ADA0C_DADD_4F96_8319_4E….png)

File: ee5c113c9b3e5b9⋯.jpeg (428.47 KB,1366x2048,683:1024,D874CBCA_F5B7_4130_B722_0….jpeg)

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96a8e8 No.20908923

File: 33667f049dd23f9⋯.jpg (178.12 KB,907x357,907:357,ClipboardImage.jpg)

NOBODY playing the game gets a free pass!!!

Everybody has been warned! Play with honor and integrity, or don't play at all! What the fuck are you doing meddling in my beeswax with yer 5G neural-worm nanobots and A.I. fagotry? Is it time to talk about Digital Bill of Rights yet?

Do It Q!!! Spank 'em!!!

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815c90 No.20908924

File: f9d72a9dae034a7⋯.jpg (14.55 KB,255x255,1:1,1f4021379fbcb68cee643b7c3f….jpg)

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83205a No.20908925


as opposed to other science making shit up quit being a gullible faggot yourself. Are you telling me you trust the science.

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1c4da1 No.20908926

File: f7c226936fcf247⋯.png (87.49 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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e86f5b No.20908927


>Buy it here

Tells you everything you need to know.

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7a8195 No.20908928

Will the SEC Treasury and DS use the crypto ETFS as a further foot in the door to drive CBDC?

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939300 No.20908929

File: 9e76c51fc936b24⋯.png (947.18 KB,1566x1560,261:260,4ab6d43b1b5a09cb8cb701c185….png)

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12a77a No.20908930

File: 708106271a93b13⋯.jpg (136.28 KB,680x878,340:439,Hj_jt.jpg)

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712b56 No.20908932


people live in the real world, not in some fantasy world that you make up in your mind.

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cb2d78 No.20908934

File: 6ad207ec063876b⋯.jpeg (136.24 KB,545x560,109:112,IMG_2375.jpeg)


I trust what I see and can repeat. Does that limit my understanding of the world? Maybe, but I’m better off staying in my lane. Terrance is a fake, an actor. I’ve looked into it.

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939300 No.20908935

File: fb51572f663698a⋯.png (619.68 KB,742x762,371:381,taxes_to_pedoes.png)

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7a8195 No.20908936

Allied forces testing the water on overtly using their owm weapons overtly IN Russia may be part of the Biden election plan.

Any guesses n how much more Biden will spend on pet causes in the election run up?

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161fb5 No.20908937

File: 86a4c7dc4727585⋯.png (3.89 MB,1704x1310,852:655,2024_05_24_10_11_05.png)


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3a9c42 No.20908938

File: 5f89a8e0480963c⋯.jpeg (45.23 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_2247.jpeg)

24 May, 2024 10:51

NATO ‘preparing for war’ with Russia – Orban

Hungary is reassessing its role within the bloc as it has no wish to take part in a conflict against Moscow, the PM has said

Hungary is reevaluating its role in NATO, as it has no intention of taking part in actions that could involve member states in the Ukraine conflict and lead to a direct clash with Russia, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday.

Speaking on local Kossuth Radio, Orban stated that his country has already been relegated to the role of a non-participant within the US-led military bloc due to its stance on Ukraine, andBudapest is now working on legal ways to retain its membership but reserve the right to abstainfrom joining NATO operations it disagrees with.

“Hungary’s position must be redefined, our lawyers and officials are working on ways to allow Hungary to continue to exist as a NATO member without participating in NATO activities outside the bloc’s territory. We need to create a new approach, a new definition for our position as a pro-peace force within NATO,” Orban said.

According to the prime minister, there are “alarming similarities” between the emotionally charged media publications and statements by Western politicians regarding the Ukraine conflict andthe atmosphere preceding the First and Second World Wars.

“What is happening today in Brussels and Washington… looks like warming up for a possible direct military conflict. We can safely call it the preparation of Europe’s entry into the war,” Orban said, adding that there areworking groups within NATO that are assessingthe best ways for the bloc to further boost itsparticipation in the conflict.

He warned that the end result of these actions could be a direct conflict between the EU, NATO, and Russia – a “grim prospect,” as the conflict would involve nuclear powers.

Someone tell me why instead of isolating this conflict – because it is a war between two Slavic peoples, despite all the arguments on the side of Ukraine –we choose to jump into this war?

Orban noted that the bloc was created with thepurpose of defending member states against aggressors, not waging wars outside its territory. Commenting on Western claims that Russia could attack Europe if it defeats Ukraine, Orban said the chances of this happening are extremely slim, and these warnings only serve as an excuse to become directly involved in the Ukraine conflict.

Hungary has opposed NATO funding and arming of Ukraine from the outset of the conflict in February 2022. The country has not sent any weapons to Kiev, and has not allowed its territory to be used for their delivery, despite pressure from both Brussels and Washington. Budapest has called for a ceasefire and a diplomatic solution to the conflict.


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bd3761 No.20908939

File: 0f629969e30623a⋯.png (592.37 KB,853x480,853:480,TRIXXX12.png)

if your replies are:


it means that NIGHT SHIFT will be with you shortly

please stay on the line

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94a6ba No.20908940

File: 5b9abb0e0bf8f0c⋯.png (1.01 MB,598x865,598:865,c.PNG)

Morgan Spurlock, ‘Super Size Me’ filmmaker, dead at 53 https://trib.al/VX1mplQ


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2a535c No.20908941

File: 0f629969e30623a⋯.png (592.37 KB,853x480,853:480,TRIXXX12.png)

if your replies are:


it means that NIGHT SHIFT will be with you shortly

please stay on the line

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be28f6 No.20908943

File: ab0a9c0182f14a4⋯.png (17.54 KB,255x253,255:253,GetoBoys.png)


>Bright Spiral in the Queen’s Hair

Prince Andrew

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3a1337 No.20908944

File: f247710e66b5bd5⋯.png (911.17 KB,750x1334,375:667,0E5F609A_D6D3_4E6A_AB41_4C….png)

File: 9a3ddcb50577c47⋯.jpeg (280.27 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,4F459E48_7871_4966_8CF0_0….jpeg)

File: 4a078e9cbd0ae4e⋯.png (31.79 KB,690x498,115:83,DDA51754_3041_4EA4_8F3F_50….png)

File: 32e6aef50fb1abf⋯.jpeg (201.91 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,C34D0449_7975_4FCE_964C_4….jpeg)

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939300 No.20908945

File: de092608732d763⋯.jpg (148.93 KB,888x499,888:499,tax_dollars_used_against_y….jpg)

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e6b9f4 No.20908947

File: 21405cf9257ae6c⋯.jpeg (597.99 KB,1198x608,599:304,7F838CD5_D4C3_4095_A670_5….jpeg)

File: f96bb7f76dabfb9⋯.jpeg (677.07 KB,1173x617,1173:617,173AE702_B635_40A1_B5FA_D….jpeg)

File: 564f059e14b24f4⋯.jpeg (400.41 KB,908x544,227:136,9DE36196_BC50_4843_81B9_A….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med activity

Start in Med

Belgian AF BAF83 Falcon 7x back to Brussels from Kinshasa, Congo-arrived on 05/21

High level Belgium AF AC sent to ‘assess’ to sitch after le “coup” attempt.


Czech AF CEF08 A319 NE from Tarbes-Lourdes Pyrenees Airport after stop of 3h15m and back to Prague….same airport Xi/Macron used

Not him on AC….a warning here yesterday perhaps?

Czech President Petr Pavel injured lightly while driving his motorcycle, his office says


Slovenia AF LSV101 Falcon 900 departed Tirana, Albania after 30m stop

UK FM/Secretary at Tirana 2days ago

Hungarian AF HUAF230 A319 departed Pristina, Kosovo after a 30m stop-wonder wut that all about and this AC went to Halmsted, Norway and back to Hungarian Air Cmd @ Kecskemet AB prior to its short stay at Pristina

Orban dint kill himself

Hungary will seek to opt out of NATO efforts to support Ukraine, Orbán says


And with its daily flight

RAF RRR2820 A330 heading to Rzeszow Airport in SE Poland for another stop and drop

Cap 2

Italian AF PERSE71 G550 AEW&C over Lithuania

Pakiland AF PA786 G4 Army Chief General Syed Asim Munirdeparted Hamburg after arriving from Berlin yesterday-arrived at Berlin from Lahore on 05/20

Pakistan’s Army Meets Germany Civil, Military Leadership


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17d9f7 No.20908948

File: 4ab7ba6e90859b5⋯.png (147.88 KB,215x323,215:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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be28f6 No.20908949


>his term is over?

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83205a No.20908950


so since you looked into it I guess all anons should stop questioning the narrative of what is being sold. Maybe if more people took him seriously and what he was proposing and did what science was intended to do in terms of repeating and challenging accepted narratives and saying something is set. Maybe if people tried to repeat and test out his theories instead of relying on the science that has been sold to people as true there might be something. There might not, but shutting it down before others investigate is stupid. You are a stupid anon.

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be28f6 No.20908952


Uncovering The Disturbing Facts And Questions Surrounding 9/11

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6c70cf No.20908953

File: 0fb877643bc5745⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB,720x736,45:46,ssstwitter_com_17164880641….mp4)


Matt Couch


I can’t anymore y’all… this can’t be real life..

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aed15d No.20908954

File: 351bb107797d21d⋯.png (254.73 KB,699x527,699:527,959.png)

File: 9d5cba89e5d9ef2⋯.png (282.7 KB,715x537,715:537,959_2.png)

File: e96d428d1427afa⋯.png (295.92 KB,701x551,701:551,959_3.png)

File: 36e9a1e31dd850a⋯.png (13.4 KB,444x394,222:197,959Q.png)

File: b976aa0aa06ba10⋯.png (18.65 KB,444x250,222:125,29_Q.png)


Dan Scavino 9:59 AM


Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, May 23, 2024. #TrumpRally

May 24, 2024, 9:59 AM


0:29 sec VID > at 0:17 pans from POTUS to Crowd




Big meeting.

Cell phones left at door.


5 political

1 former intel dir

Mask & Spin

IDEN friendly ‘insiders’

MSM support +talking points

Shift narrative


We hear you.

We have the algorithm.

Thank you @ Snowden.

Learn chess.

Down she goes.

Nobody escapes this.



Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

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7ebbd4 No.20908955


property taxes were made up in someone's mind. not mine

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712b56 No.20908957


your tactics are obvious. your purpose seems clear.

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aed15d No.20908959


It was Satan. Like all corruption. Like The Snake poem. The Snake is Corruption (Sin/Evil/Wrong)

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939300 No.20908960

File: a18463779718b09⋯.jpg (161.96 KB,616x753,616:753,baphomet_math_science.jpg)

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3a1337 No.20908961

File: 2d724d58de1d06b⋯.png (1.51 MB,750x1334,375:667,8C365CBE_6080_4873_82EB_55….png)

File: 79b282bb6e1df09⋯.png (164.47 KB,690x1454,345:727,18311C99_CD08_444F_9D38_8D….png)

File: 3675c1bd61f1d66⋯.jpeg (410.67 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,FCEE0784_FD9C_4830_81BB_E….jpeg)

File: 7cba1533aaa95b5⋯.jpeg (814.73 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,B7FE9B13_8E28_42F6_95AC_B….jpeg)

File: 0322347dfa0742f⋯.jpeg (583.56 KB,2048x1436,512:359,9EC2B418_EA1E_4A93_A789_9….jpeg)

might be palm trees did not inspect

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d723b0 No.20908962


And the fact that the taxes constantly get higher while schools and infrastructure crumbles should tell us something…

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12a77a No.20908965

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3a9c42 No.20908966

File: 6bd5c75f4fc0166⋯.jpeg (542.86 KB,1191x2127,397:709,IMG_2249.jpeg)

24 May, 2024 13:37

Biden to shun Zelensky ‘peace conference’ – Bloomberg

The US president will reportedly hobnob with Hollywood celebrities instead of attending the Swiss summit

Vice President Kamala Harris will not attend in Biden’s stead,Bloomberg added.

Despite being billed as a ‘peace conference’, the Swiss summit will not involve talks between Russia and Ukraine. Zelensky invited more than 160 countries to the meeting, with the notable exception of Russia.

(The 70 countries attending will regret this stupid spectacle)


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7ebbd4 No.20908969


please tell me. What is my obvious tactic? What is my clear purpose?

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939300 No.20908970

File: 06579a5e5c9a3dd⋯.png (538.23 KB,720x737,720:737,FBI_DNC_KGB.png)

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7ebbd4 No.20908971

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d723b0 No.20908972


Russia peace talks, without Russia. What a bunch of fucktards!

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2ac2cc No.20908974


He ain't leavin! They'll have to drag him out kickin and screamin! He loves our money!

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dda7c9 No.20908975

Last Call

#25644 >>20908228

>>20908506, >>20908947 PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med activity

>>20908304 You’re mandated to give your ID to Israel to be paid on X

>>20908314, >>20908318 This media matters employee who made this video celebrating “Tucker-Got-Firedversary” was fired today.

>>20908322 Email from NIH Morens to Peter Hotez re covid origins coverup

>>20908337 Archivefag: Regular notables (2023) now up on /qnotables23/

>>20908342 Obama at the Kenyan state dinner last night

>>20908354 @libsoftiktok: Logan Memorial School (@LMECSD) brought an LGBTQ activist and dr@g queen to talk to students about how to file with the State to change their name and gender marker on legal forms.

>>20908358 Friends in CA doing what we should all be doing at Board of Supervisors mtg

>>20908373 California principal who didn’t allow a middle schooler to say his speech because it was too patriotic will not be returning next yr

>>20908375 @Techno_Fog: From personal experience: the NIH FOIA office had other ways to prevent disclosure.


>>20908396 Cali schools serving fake meat to students

>>20908400 New12 clip w/PDJT

>>20908418 LastRefuge: A Familiar Pattern of Desperate Behavior Emerges When Lawfare Starts Failing


>>20908488 EV maker Lucid to cut workforce by 6%

>>20908524, >>20908531 The House Bans The Fed From Building A CBDC Like The Digital Yuan

>>20908542 Rogan: Dave Smith on Idea that Israeli Leader Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas

>>20908550 8:30 AM EDT Notre Dame LIVE: A 12 Meter Cross Is Installed on the Cathedral’s Rooftop

>>20908553 8:30 AM EDT United States Naval Academy Class of 2024 Commissioning Ceremony

>>20908564, >>20908830 ATF’s new rule attacks private sales in an attempt to bar Americans from legally transferring firearms.

>>20908576 @JonathanTurley The CIA that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas….

>>20908598 Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer Describes Secret Symbols Undercover Gov't Operatives Wore During Operation

>>20908662 Half of trainee doctors at UCLAs prestigious medical school 'are failing basic tests after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'

>>20908684 Will Racial Paranoia Still Work For Democrats In 2024?

>>20908701, >>20908709, >>20908737, >>20908771 Scavino: Trump storms deep-blue Bronx with 'love fest'

>>20908711 Anchor Spills Beans on Dem Effort to Get Protesters for Trump Rally

>>20908714 NCAA, Power Five conferences vote to approve $2.8B settlement in House, Hubbard and Carter cases

>>20908751 @TrumpWarRoom President Trump's message was no matter what race, religion, or gender you are — we're ALL Americans and we're ALL in this TOGETHER.

>>20908778 Leftist media goes into full spin mode to inform ‘confused’ Americans they’re ‘doing quite well’ economically

>>20908787, >>20908853 NASA

>>20908803, >>20908810 Swamp Talks

>>20908890, >>20908898, >>20908966 Zelensky now illegitimate ruler of Ukraine

>>20908920 QAnon Is Dead. What Replaced It Is Worse For The Keks!

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a211ea No.20908977


laying ground work for the biden admin

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c70e9c No.20908978

The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.

Alice & Wonderland.


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939300 No.20908980

File: 64c2c8c91c28267⋯.mp4 (4.44 MB,464x848,29:53,moon_reflection.mp4)

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d36bf1 No.20908982

I wonder how many souls volunteered to come here and help with this great awakening?

I wonder if these truths will come out?

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2ac2cc No.20908984

File: 5e71daf78c9470f⋯.jpeg (11.29 KB,255x205,51:41,8dabd1f6350477bd6384ff62f….jpeg)


What are we looking at here? Anon doesn't have hi rez but something's there.

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7ca996 No.20908985

Still sleep? Wtf?

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152ccc No.20908987


uh… "we" (western elites) have been at war with russia since, oh i dunno, 1917

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a211ea No.20908988

File: 5e9df1f22e3d252⋯.mp4 (9.22 MB,640x360,16:9,TheRealMap.mp4)

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3a1337 No.20908990

File: 82d1545889f7a53⋯.png (1.69 MB,750x1334,375:667,64C03EA3_313F_49E9_8270_76….png)

File: b59dcc54032518a⋯.png (103.14 KB,690x1434,115:239,9F1E32D1_C588_4939_981A_1F….png)

File: 53f0617b71db156⋯.png (77.67 KB,690x806,345:403,D87F3A25_B79B_4EC7_B2EA_C4….png)


25th 10:00

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939300 No.20908991

File: 70a2635d24f9ae1⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,2150x2150,1:1,moon_reflection_earth.jpg)

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138c41 No.20908992


you do realize that the apartment dwellers may not pay the property taxes but whomever owns the building does? Are you retarded?

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7ca996 No.20908993

Still sleep?

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aed15d No.20908994


Pic 1 funeral wreath looks like a Q

Pic 2 _ROCK_

Pic 3 has 10 flags, 10 soldiers (5:5/5:5)

Pic 4 mirror

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be28f6 No.20908995


>70 countries attending

Who's going?

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fc2002 No.20908997


the moon is a stamp

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17d9f7 No.20908998

File: d4be0f88ae669db⋯.png (443.62 KB,574x323,574:323,ClipboardImage.png)

The stupid here is incredible.

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237a56 No.20908999





Good. I hope the Haitians killed them before the pervert 'mission' could steal more Haitian children.




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b7fdf9 No.20909000




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aed15d No.20909001


She's a rebellious thing. She lies. Fake Light.

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c70e9c No.20909004




>Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer DescribesSecret SymbolsUndercover Gov't Operatives Wore During Operation


> By Sponsored Content May 23, 2024 at 6:02pm

This article is sponsored by His Glory.

This content was developed by The Western Journal's creative studio in collaboration with one of our trusted partners.

their reliance on symbolism will be their downfall.


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161fb5 No.20909005

File: c3b89106661d6ef⋯.gif (890.95 KB,500x375,4:3,logical.gif)

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be28f6 No.20909008

File: afa097c056ccdab⋯.mp4 (1.38 MB,1216x720,76:45,swastika_on_the_hat.mp4)


>Zelensky ‘peace conference’

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be28f6 No.20909010

fundraising event in Los Angeles with George Clooney and Julia Roberts

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3a1337 No.20909011

File: 0e75ef9c98b2696⋯.jpeg (29.89 KB,255x159,85:53,514EC907_9E85_474F_A1F7_E….jpeg)

File: 73634c21d909333⋯.png (1 MB,750x1334,375:667,B7D0841C_FC56_44D4_90A7_9C….png)

File: 25bf3d9a1790133⋯.jpeg (262.46 KB,2048x1280,8:5,DD191896_750D_41D2_A8E6_1….jpeg)

File: 0c171d60d37cbd4⋯.png (39.88 KB,690x498,115:83,93FF5AFB_B6C6_4D64_BE73_C3….png)

indeed the whole world is watching this board and will see for themselves just how fucking stupid is

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c70e9c No.20909013




>the moon is a stamp

it's glued to the Firmament

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aed15d No.20909014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Full Album "FUTURE HITS" :D


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17d9f7 No.20909015

File: 628a9e8b2667616⋯.png (339.1 KB,574x323,574:323,ClipboardImage.png)


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9af44a No.20909016

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7ebbd4 No.20909018


People who rationalize paying taxes to those who destroy our civilization, are retarded.

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733a81 No.20909019

And that was the show? Love story or her flow? Not fucking around you time wasting dullard. What a bunch of amateurs. LXY8980 I don’t code well. Translate for me, sometimes Y.

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be28f6 No.20909021

File: cdb0565d038d66a⋯.png (470.8 KB,768x432,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc32e0a7cc3bd0c⋯.png (562.55 KB,533x800,533:800,allies.png)

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be28f6 No.20909022

The president is also expected to hold a fundraiser with Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the East Coast early this summer

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eaf0d0 No.20909024



Qanon's gonna Qanon, I guess.

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733a81 No.20909026


Hustle faster

The opportunity’s are curated

Do what you want

Not that fast

Don’t to that

Could have been done years ago

Gimme another lecture on cummuniqation

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2ad7f7 No.20909027

File: 7d5660c717b567c⋯.png (321.59 KB,500x750,2:3,7d5660c717b567ceb8992da99c….png)

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b59ac3 No.20909029

File: 7ff44216495584c⋯.png (1.05 MB,900x600,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)



Morgan Spurlock's killer has been apprehended.


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aed15d No.20909030



List out all who have foundations.

Why is this relevant?

How can donations be used personally?

Analyze the filings.

Who is charged w/ overseeing this?



Politically motivated?

The level of corruption in our country (and most others) is so severe there is ONLY ONE WAY.

Alice & Wonderland.

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17d9f7 No.20909031

File: ec42b0e793de4a2⋯.png (410.76 KB,492x323,492:323,ClipboardImage.png)


It's all the rage around the world.

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733a81 No.20909033

Check in on your friends

Check in on those who abandoned you make sure that your absence hasn’t left them oh so unable to function because you’re the one with the super ego.

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3a1337 No.20909034

File: 38e463b3e4fce23⋯.png (45.95 KB,690x586,345:293,F1B851EA_6A29_40DE_BB99_75….png)

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9af44a No.20909035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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be28f6 No.20909037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hillary Clinton Shares Details On Her First Kiss With Bill

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b59ac3 No.20909039

File: fa7cfb4db97e9b4⋯.png (549.92 KB,1087x570,1087:570,ClipboardImage.png)

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f6525f No.20909040

File: 522c5405bc9983c⋯.png (2.21 MB,827x1024,827:1024,ClipboardImage.png)


>Alice & Wonderland

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161fb5 No.20909041

File: 1719b306fcaf271⋯.png (859.86 KB,686x650,343:325,two_more_weeks.png)

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585fd9 No.20909042


>Her First Ki

I thought the next two letters were going to be ls

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7ebbd4 No.20909044

people who rationalize paying taxes and tell others that terrible things will happen if you don't pay your taxes, are terrorist sympathizers.

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aed15d No.20909045

File: affc4b9dcd2fa3c⋯.png (158.97 KB,730x401,730:401,936_JTN.png)

In emails seized by feds, Hunter Biden wrote his father was so enamored with China's communist leader "they all most kissed," new evidence shows

Just the News


May 24, 2024, 9:36 AM


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733a81 No.20909046

Marry the beard in that time. Seems like a good way to stave off the boredom. Go have a Rory or something.

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733a81 No.20909048

Do your country proud

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c70e9c No.20909049


just saw story about alwaleed in prison because he won't pay 6 billion to secure freedoom


He doesn't have 6b.

We froze his assets.

Think logically.

When does a BIRD TALK?



>SNOWDEN initially wanted to be seen in CHINA




>SNOWDEN ended up in RUSSIA



Logical thinking wins every time.


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aed15d No.20909050


How many hours have you been cabbaged?

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be28f6 No.20909052

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)



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733a81 No.20909053


Manger wiring also has liberry glass. 🙌

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d723b0 No.20909054

File: e83215fdbd823c3⋯.jpg (21.97 KB,400x400,1:1,eww.jpg)

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be28f6 No.20909055

File: d9c629eec1c3c79⋯.png (775.56 KB,962x696,481:348,ClipboardImage.png)

"They got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later,” Hunter Biden wrote in a December 2013 email confirming how he connected his Chinese associates with his father in a Beijing hotel after the vice president had met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The younger Biden also bragged in his emails that his father was so enamored with China's communist leader that "I think they are in love with each other," the emails showed.

"They all most kissed on departure,” Hunter Biden wrote in one of the emails seized by federal agents.

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aed15d No.20909056


>Link to report - https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/feds-knew-2016-hunter-connected-his-chinese-business-partner-his?utm_source=mux&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=social-media-autopost

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cc9b5b No.20909057


Do you know the wey?

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cc3eae No.20909058

File: 54f14431335decd⋯.jpg (76.21 KB,427x380,427:380,ClipboardImage.jpg)

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138c41 No.20909059


I'm not rationalizing anything. Merely explaining that taxes are being paid just not by the apartment tenant. That anon was trying to say no taxes were being paid just because its an apartment. simple as

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161fb5 No.20909060

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


>Hillary Clinton Shares Details On Her First Kiss With Bill

Was she wearing 'Eau de Cabbage' back then?

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3a1337 No.20909062

File: e91d16ac859037b⋯.png (3.83 MB,750x1334,375:667,314A4052_C0DF_406E_8437_5B….png)

File: 27402b970825160⋯.png (191.23 KB,690x1818,115:303,539956F7_B4DE_46B7_BD06_5E….png)

File: 503caa06fe27fb1⋯.png (42.87 KB,690x542,345:271,6362111D_8D34_4A86_842B_02….png)

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56015a No.20909063



so don't build shit and force me to pay for it at gunpoint

i didn't agree to that shit

don't force me to agree

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8401f1 No.20909064



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c70e9c No.20909066


>In emails seized by feds, Hunter Biden wrote his father was so enamored with China's communist leader "they all most kissed," new evidence shows

99% of the FBI are Patriots who serve with Distinction.


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4e07a9 No.20909067

File: b20c6b9b8c27fb2⋯.jpg (26.48 KB,764x432,191:108,CMS_1280X_720_2024_05_16T1….jpg)


"Our democracy" in action.

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8401f1 No.20909068


alice in switzerland

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9af44a No.20909069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ceb941 No.20909070

File: 8028d79ac8c8778⋯.gif (812.32 KB,500x200,5:2,1111.gif)

File: 852f8ce7748c09d⋯.gif (916.79 KB,500x200,5:2,2222.gif)

File: d9aa649c80fdea8⋯.jpg (123.48 KB,1280x720,16:9,p121223.jpg)

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dda7c9 No.20909071


#25644 >>20908228

>>20908506, >>20908947 PlaneFaggin’:Europe/Med activity

>>20908304 You’re mandated to give your ID to Israel to be paid on X

>>20908314, >>20908318 This media matters employee who made this video celebrating “Tucker-Got-Firedversary” was fired today.

>>20908322 Email from NIH Morens to Peter Hotez re covid origins coverup

>>20908337 Archivefag: Regular notables (2023) now up on /qnotables23/

>>20908342 Obama at the Kenyan state dinner last night

>>20908354 @libsoftiktok: Logan Memorial School (@LMECSD) brought an LGBTQ activist and dr@g queen to talk to students about how to file with the State to change their name and gender marker on legal forms.

>>20908358 Friends in CA doing what we should all be doing at Board of Supervisors mtg

>>20908373 California principal who didn’t allow a middle schooler to say his speech because it was too patriotic will not be returning next yr

>>20908375 @Techno_Fog: From personal experience: the NIH FOIA office had other ways to prevent disclosure.


>>20908396 Cali schools serving fake meat to students

>>20908400 New12 clip w/PDJT

>>20908418 LastRefuge: A Familiar Pattern of Desperate Behavior Emerges When Lawfare Starts Failing


>>20908488 EV maker Lucid to cut workforce by 6%

>>20908524, >>20908531 The House Bans The Fed From Building A CBDC Like The Digital Yuan

>>20908542 Rogan: Dave Smith on Idea that Israeli Leader Netanyahu Propped Up Hamas

>>20908550 8:30 AM EDT Notre Dame LIVE: A 12 Meter Cross Is Installed on the Cathedral’s Rooftop

>>20908553 8:30 AM EDT United States Naval Academy Class of 2024 Commissioning Ceremony

>>20908564, >>20908830 ATF’s new rule attacks private sales in an attempt to bar Americans from legally transferring firearms.

>>20908576 @JonathanTurley The CIA that is supposed to avoid domestic interventions into politics as well as other areas….

>>20908598 Jan. 6 Revelation: Officer Describes Secret Symbols Undercover Gov't Operatives Wore During Operation

>>20908662 Half of trainee doctors at UCLAs prestigious medical school 'are failing basic tests after dean who's anti-white ignored affirmative action ban and terrorized staff with DEI rules'

>>20908684 Will Racial Paranoia Still Work For Democrats In 2024?

>>20908701, >>20908709, >>20908737, >>20908771 Scavino: Trump storms deep-blue Bronx with 'love fest'

>>20908711 Anchor Spills Beans on Dem Effort to Get Protesters for Trump Rally

>>20908714 NCAA, Power Five conferences vote to approve $2.8B settlement in House, Hubbard and Carter cases

>>20908751 @TrumpWarRoom President Trump's message was no matter what race, religion, or gender you are — we're ALL Americans and we're ALL in this TOGETHER.

>>20908778 Leftist media goes into full spin mode to inform ‘confused’ Americans they’re ‘doing quite well’ economically

>>20908787, >>20908853 NASA

>>20908803, >>20908810 Swamp Talks

>>20908890, >>20908898, >>20908966 Zelensky now illegitimate ruler of Ukraine

>>20908900 @GeorgeOnlineLLC It's HERE!! George Magazine, Issue 20

>>20908920, >>20908900, >>20908907 QAnon Is Dead. What Replaced It Is Worse For The Keks! Long Live Q

>>20909045 In emails seized by feds, Hunter Biden wrote his father was so enamored with China's communist leader "they all most kissed,"


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aed15d No.20909072


In reality it's still plausible enough it was a clown tho.

"His follow-up film was 2008’s “Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?” in which Spurlock searched for the terrorist and visited countries impacted by his actions."


Was he going to expose something/someone!

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585fd9 No.20909073

File: 5c7e229ace27e1c⋯.png (80.21 KB,500x277,500:277,boiled_cabbage.png)

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c70e9c No.20909075




>>Link to report - https://justthenews.com/accountability/political-ethics/feds-knew-2016-hunter-connected-his-chinese-business-partner-his?utm_source=mux&utm_medium=social-media&utm_campaign=social-media-autopost

use this instead


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c2a8ca No.20909078

File: b2c474e59b21f2e⋯.jpg (648.91 KB,1080x1690,108:169,Screenshot_20240524_104915….jpg)

Cover my six! 💥🔫🚢⚓️🪖

A Marine with Battalion Landing Team 1/8, 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), fires a .50-caliber machine gun during a training exercise aboard USS New York (LPD 21).

📸: MC2 Jesse Turner

#MaritimeDefense #LPD21 #BlueGreenTeam #Training #Readiness


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b59ac3 No.20909079


did not know that

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8401f1 No.20909080


believes lies to comfort egos

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17d9f7 No.20909081

File: 7ad4d2d2e05b69d⋯.png (1.22 KB,56x37,56:37,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51ec368a9d73ab3⋯.png (389.61 KB,574x323,574:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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3a1337 No.20909084

File: 7e1a82d1b3219e5⋯.png (4.11 MB,750x1334,375:667,C07E2E87_93A5_4070_83D7_05….png)

Kyle J. Milliken

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b59ac3 No.20909085


I was sort of referring to the time he ate nothing but McD's for an extended period of time.

That's gotta hurt you.

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dda7c9 No.20909086





Migrate, locked

VD sux blue donkey dix

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