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File: 0463b2b8d855b40⋯.png (65.97 KB,255x134,255:134,ClipboardImage.png)

9c4e80 No.20906559 [Last50 Posts]

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9c4e80 No.20906561

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9c4e80 No.20906562


#25641 >>20905778

>>20905789 LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

>>20906519, >>20906529 Rally Transcript

>>20906034, >>20906018, >>20906333 260,000+ watching on Youtube + Rumble + Twitch

>>20905782, >>20905810, >>20905821, >>20905882, >>20905952, >>20906059, >>20906431, >>20906472 Photo Album

>>20906200 This is the massive overflow crowd who couldn’t get in to President Trump’s South Bronx rally

>>20905814, >>20905872 Trump en route to the Bronx

>>20906098 Scavino: Happening Now in THE BRONX! #TRUMP2024

>>20905820, >>20905913, >>20905835 Bronx United in supporting Trump

>>20906215 Donald Trump promises to build New York City the most beautiful transit system in the world if elected President in 2024

>>20906295 Trump set for historic Bronx rally: Thousands descend on New York City as residents reveal what they really think of Biden

>>20906096 Just a reminder that they cheated in NY too

>>20906033 Marker [1] Confirmed

>>20906172 "571 miles of wall"

>>20906175 No fringe on the flags

>>20906211 Big night! President Trump is the first Republican to campaign in the Bronx in 40+ years

>>20906213 Trump will flip NY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20905809 PF: CONUS / Caribbean activity - Southern Cmdr arrived in Panama

>>20905847 Hundreds of anti-Israel Harvard students, faculty walk out of graduation ceremony

>>20905857 Baltimore’s former top prosecutor spared prison for mortgage fraud and perjury

>>20905864 @DonaldJTrumpJr: Triggered tonight @ 6 PM EST joined by Mary Margaret Olohan on her new book “Detrans”

>>20905865 MAGA intensifies

>>20905877 COVID-19 Adviser to Fauci bragged about helping him evade FOIA

>>20905888 The Trump Organization: Kicking off the unofficial start to summer with @TrumpStore - enjoy up to 30% off sitewide now through Monday

>>20905892 MTG: Goldman is such a dumb arrogant elitist that he thinks the American people have forgotten that President Trump was already POTUS and how GREAT America was

>>20905905, >>20906013 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is big mad over President Trump visiting the Bronx

>>20906054 Jesuit Journal Joins Atheists in Trashing Harrison Butker

>>20906058 Blackstone sold $328.64m of Gates Company, May 21st

>>20906208 Illinois plans to re-label ‘offenders’ as ‘justice impacted individuals’

>>20906227 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20906241 Exhibit A: Media Matters

>>20906250 House Republicans demand information on immigrants who attempted to breach Marine Corps base

>>20906303 Morgan Stanley's executive chairman James Gorman told the bank's annual shareholder meeting that he would step down on Dec. 31

>>20906334 Nine Entertainment, the nation's largest domestic media company, grapples with allegations of inappropriate behaviour by a former senior executive

>>20906393 Netanyahu Warns US Leaders Could Be Targeted Next

>>20906404 What other reason would Germany have to decriminalize possession of child porn other than the fact that they are a country run by pedophiles?

>>20906410 'I Did Delete All Of Peter's Emails Relating To Origin': COVID Cabal Conspired To Destroy Evidence To Evade FOIA Requests

>>20906415 Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times

>>20906516 Thomas Massie: I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship

>>20906526 DuPont, a renowned industrial company, announces plans to separate into three independent entities - DuPont, Electronics, and Water

>>20906549 #25641

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9c4e80 No.20906564

#25640 >>20904991

>>20905240, >>20905304, >>20905312 POTUS LIVE @6 PM EST Bronx, NY Rally

>>20905003 Bronx Rally supporters of President Trump have been lined up since 8 am (in the rain)

>>20905013 Live President Trump pre-rally streams from The Bronx

>>20905207, >>20905220, >>20905233, >>20905266, >>20905577 MAGA is fired up in the Bronx


>>20905124 @PapiTrumpo 2:44 PM EST "SOUTH BRONX IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!" @GavinWax

>>20905082, >>20905445, >>20905479 PDJT 2:38 PM EST "Will see you tonight at 6:00PM Eastern in The Bronx!"

>>20905097, >>20905423 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (18-sec vid)

>>20905091 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (6-sec vid)



>>20905345, >>20905364 PDJT 4:03 PM EST (pic - I'M COMING TO THE BRONX!)

>>20905458, >>20905505 Lara Trump 4:06 PM One of the greatest debate moments EVER!

>>20905349, >>20905364 PDJT 4:08 PM EST (link - MAGA takes over NYC)

>>20905358, >>20905365, >>20905373, >>20905435, >>20905456, >>20905466 PDJT 4:11PM "…BRONX SOON, THANK YOU!"

>>20905621 PDJT 5:01 PM EST (1:26 vid w/RT)

>>20905622, >>20905633, >>20905674 PDJT 5:05 PM EST Getting ready for the BRONX. Big Crowd!

>>20904998 GA Senate committee hearing on probe into Fani Willis misconduct allegations

>>20905007 UNC System repeals diversity, inclusion policies, goals at NC public colleges

>>20905119 YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."

>>20905128 Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats

>>20905130 Schumer Holds News Conference After Border Security Bill Vote

>>20905137 CA legalizes 'eco-friendly' human composting by 2027

>>20905149 Colbert made a skibidi toilet joe biden video and broadcast live on his show

>>20905151 Czech President Petr Pavel was injured on a motorcycle, but not seriously,

>>20905158 Obama memo shows Jack Smith is subverting law

>>20905234 Biden Admin’s plot to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General just got more insane.

>>20905238 House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency

>>20905168, >>20905279, >>20905293 AG Garland whimpers like a bitch about DJT highlighting lethal force authorization

>>20905223, >>20905529 House just passed a bill to repeal the DC law allowing non-citizens to vote in their elections

>>20905270 Former Venezuelan Military Official Sentenced for Money Laundering and Bribery Scheme

>>20905290 UCLA campus protest, riot police on scene

>>20905294 BIDEN: “Our nation's first black vice president, President Kamala Harris.”

>>20905324 SpaceX is targeting Thursday, May 23 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites

>>20905325 Soros-Funded DA Mike Schmidt Concedes Portland Race after 20+ Hour Ballot Counting

>>20905326 Sweden approves Ukraine military aid plan for $7 billion

>>20905352 Rep Massie "I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship."

>>20905354, >>20905424 Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware

>>20905390 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions

>>20905411 Kerry Kennedy shills for Biden against brother RJFK

>>20905486 Fake "Qanon" supporter in NY is racist

>>20905488 Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'

>>20905457 MayoClinic rejected mom’s lung transplant due to lack of a full COVID ‘vaccination’

>>20905599 UCLA med school implements racist standards, say whistleblowers

>>20905428, >>20905482, >>20905504 Did CBS live news just get hacked by Ukraine?

>>20905268, >>20905295, >>20905300, >>20905310 Clockfags "Tomorrow is :20"

>>20905495, >>20905368 Planefag updates

>>20905024 USMC 12:00 PM @FleetWeekNYC

>>20905069 USSOCOM 11:59 AM Memorial Day message #StopToReflect

#25640 >>20905735

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9c4e80 No.20906566

#25639 >>20904062, >>20904272

>>20904074 Committee Hearing - Calling for Accountability on College Chaos

>>20904086 House Session considers repealing DC non-citizen voting law

>>20904112, >>20904230, >>20904121, >>20904439, >>20904535, >>20904641, >>20904853 PlaneFaggin’:EuropeMed & more

>>20904126 The CFPB’s Pyrrhic Supreme Court Victory

>>20904127, >>20904234 Update on China maneuvers around Taiwan

>>20904130 Bird flu is man-made, that’s why they already have a vaccine for it

>>20904132 Trump reveals new debate format for upcoming showdown with Biden

>>20904142 Hearing on National Institutes of Health 2025 Budget Request

>>20904145 Virologists emails are taking down the entire NIH

>>20904158 SURFLANT 6 AM Bilateral exercise between US & Brazil Navy

>>20904170, >>20904203 Joe Biden's ATF assembles to raid Bryan Malinowski's home.

>>20904178, >>20904181 attempt to reconstruct the chronology of involvement Hunter, Nathan Wolfe, others

>>20904191, >>20904206, >>20904213 US Army 9:09 AM Ranger Creed

>>20904218 SURFLANT 3:00 PM (5/22) Underway Replenishment

>>20904233, >>20904238, >>20904243, >>20904244, >>20904912 Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home

>>20904265 Senator Cruz RIPS Secretary of State Blinken for catastrophic foreign policy

>>20904274, >>20904413 PDJT 12:09 AM United States Secret Service

>>20904277, >>20904281 PDJT 10:56 AM (link to RSBN) Yankee Stadium gets Trump surprise before Bronx visit

>>20904266, >>20904286, >>20904287, Netanyahu: Charging me with war crimes in Gaza is like charging G. Bush for 9/11

>>20904296 US5th Fleet 7:21 AM New SR and Master Chief Petty Officers

>>20904307 Alibaba to sell $4.5 billion in convertible debt to fund stock

>>20904310, >>20904340, >>20904475, >>20904729 Biden arrives in NH today; streets lined with Trump supporters

>>20904322 Rita Panahi slams Joy Behar for likening MAGA slogan to swastika

>>20904354 Microsoft’s “bing” API had a complete failure

>>20904357 Cassie Ventura speaks out about Diddy abuse vid

>>20904362 DOJ Also Approved the Use of Deadly Force During Search of Biden’s properties

>>20904379, >>20904649 Whistleblowers say Obama’s State Department blocked FBI warrants against illegals backing Iran

>>20904383 PDJT 11:20 AM Greg Jarrett 'Where is the crime?'

>>20904390 PDJT 11:25 AM Pam Bondi 'I wish all Americans could see.. how bad that judge was'

>>20904399 Ashley Biden admits diary account of showers and molestation fears real

>>20904496 USS George Washington (CVN-73) arrived this week in Rio de Janeiro for 2024 campaign

>>20904516 Tlaib and Others News Conference on Free Speech on College Campuses

>>20904529, >>20904156, >>20904908 Biden press conf. w/Kenyan President

>>20904551, >>20904671 Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat

>>20904573 TRUMP RALLY @5:00 PM EST

>>20904627, >>20904633 As Trump campaigns, he's spreading QAnon posts anew.

>>20904653, >>20904922 Yale, UCLA face woke woes

>>20904685, >>20904656, >>20904676, >>20904701, >>20904725, >>20904755, >>20904775, >>20904787 Twitter Files - CIA

>>20904730 Tom Fitton (5/13) - DC ran a special event to educate illegal aliens on how to vote

>>20904767, >>20904804 Charges Dropped Against New Jersey Gym Owner Who Defied Lockdown

>>20904768, >>20904770, >>20904891 Biden campaign held Zoom call with Haley supporters hours after she endorsed Trump

>>20904793, >>20904816 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20904896 Charlie Colin, a founding member of Train dead at 58 after he slipped and fell in the shower

#25639 >>20904937

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9c4e80 No.20906567

#25638 >>20903233

>>20903243 Federal Judge rules against dem plan to close infowars

>>20903270 Joe Biden is completely gone "We can only re-elect Donald Trump"

>>20903278 DEI Conspiracy in Air Force

>>20903299 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20903306 Netanyahu Issues Warning To US Leaders Over ICC Arrest Warrants: 'You're Next'

>>20903324 Media Animals Physically Violate and Harass Christina Bobb Outside Court

>>20903325 China Initiates Large Drills 'Surrounding' Taiwan As Warning To New President Lai


>>20903448, >>20903465 PDJT 2:20 AM (illegal immigration chart)

>>20903467 Comey said Trump "is coming" for the FBI and DoJ

>>20903479 Dem. resolution to censure Judge Alito over upside-down flag outside his house after J6

>>20903484 PDJT 12:24 AM "Deranged Jack Smith…"

>>20903482 DanS - (calm water posts on FB)

>>20903486 New Poll - PDJT Tied w/ BIden in NH

>>20903505 Biden preview before State Dinner for Pres of Kenya

>>20903532 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20903549, >>20903594 For Normies - Climate scam explained (vid).

>>20903555, >>20903556 IRS Whistleblower - CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer

>>20903558 Is Sweden on brink of civil war over migrant violence

>>20903580, >>20903584 Bing and DuckDuckGo went down in UK last night

>>20903591 DonJR Text allegedly reveals Hunter proposed meeting for dad, uncle and Chyna exec in NY

>>20903609 It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees

>>20903611, >>20903650 Sean 'Diddy' Combs accused of 2003 sexual assault in lawsuit

>>20903618 BoE removes cash from the UK banking system in their version of Quantitative Tightening

>>20903621 CIA Blocked Probe Into Hunter's Hollywood Tax 'Sugar Brother': Whistleblower

>>20903624 Small Wisconsin Town Under Review by Feds After Eliminating Electronic Voting Machines

>>20903626, >>20903638 Elon comment on micro-plastics

>>20903649 CA Has Become a Billboard Advertisement for Trump Amid Rising Gas Prices

>>20903630, >>20903657, >>20903705 Fauci’s Sr. Advisor Admits Longtime Friend of Dr. Peter Daszak, Jokes About Kickbacks

>>20903652 Kaiser begging doctors they fired over the COVID shot to crawl back & reapply:

>>20903654 Congress to Subpoena Jen Psaki for False Claims in Her Book & role in Afghanistan withdrawl

>>20903635, >>20903645 All the Aid From Biden’s Gaza Pier was Seized by Hamas: 300M

>>20903670 Scottish COVID whistleblowers

>>20903680 China launches military drills, completely surrounding Taiwan

#25638 >>20904262 (posted in #25639)

Previously Collected

>>20903222 #25637,

>>20901587 #25635A, >>20901591 #25635B, >>20902385 #25636

>>20899621 #25632, >>20899978 #25633, >>20900776 #25634

>>20896689 #25629, >>20897476 #25630, >>20898300 #25631

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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9c4e80 No.20906575

File: cb80accbdb51318⋯.png (136.87 KB,675x900,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



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2c87f1 No.20906581

File: d68c4795879dcf8⋯.jpg (285.11 KB,908x1132,227:283,6f5d758e8af04433.jpg)

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18b812 No.20906582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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28ee40 No.20906583

File: 238f08c4976665b⋯.jpeg (8.79 KB,275x183,275:183,images_1_.jpeg)


Thank you Baker!!!

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a6bbd3 No.20906584

File: 768fa809b48c396⋯.jpg (46.19 KB,1024x678,512:339,6636069005_53223b268a_b.jpg)


So precise, Baker. o7

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8fa4e9 No.20906585

File: 0e9b0d3fcf683a1⋯.png (1.27 MB,1029x578,1029:578,0e9b0d3fcf683a1c76aca3472e….png)

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72dd8b No.20906586

File: c24aacc5047e1b4⋯.jpg (47.91 KB,571x598,571:598,Boobs_Happy.jpg)



Awesome ride that was. WooHoo!

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18b812 No.20906587

File: 8d5f49c9d8c1206⋯.png (14.7 KB,233x249,233:249,checkd4.png)


Check them 7's.

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5aa5cc No.20906588

File: ce1eaf7b4f8831e⋯.png (211.42 KB,408x226,204:113,ClipboardImage.png)

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3b0d4c No.20906589

File: c332f0342830f30⋯.png (1.18 MB,801x723,267:241,c332f0342830f30521b42b385b….png)

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b143d3 No.20906590

File: a77ec2866e4f513⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,828x782,18:17,75450821_FB12_4F62_BF82_D….jpeg)

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a752a9 No.20906591

File: 5ef8b9427021abe⋯.png (324.01 KB,768x500,192:125,IMG_2562.png)


nice snipe b

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7d659f No.20906592

File: 4f52547c19d42a6⋯.jpeg (20.13 KB,255x229,255:229,DBBF4455_0612_48CA_A618_9….jpeg)

File: fdaabf3b35f24d7⋯.png (428 KB,634x423,634:423,A40784AB_83E7_4673_BC27_2A….png)

File: 27b0a840bf2fb81⋯.png (1.23 MB,1463x822,1463:822,288AD378_05F0_47C4_AD77_EE….png)

File: 2b6bb6561b44ae2⋯.png (945.83 KB,2048x1536,4:3,5AFFA048_2363_4A85_BD95_DF….png)

File: a4783f1a0db2e92⋯.jpeg (14.98 KB,255x124,255:124,03C239FC_0A2C_4DB0_B5AA_6….jpeg)

>>20906575 TYB

Great rally

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eb84ab No.20906593

File: 73cda7861b46e81⋯.png (485.38 KB,720x340,36:17,_trump_movie.png)

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80b992 No.20906594

File: 43b75e023637fe8⋯.png (83.01 KB,522x375,174:125,bakeroven.png)

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79a378 No.20906595

File: 3ab199dacabd642⋯.jpg (92.42 KB,500x657,500:657,ijud3.jpg)

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8fc87b No.20906596

File: 20d9f832ebbeaf0⋯.png (409.5 KB,612x459,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00610dfb06d3001⋯.png (414.71 KB,612x459,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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d42885 No.20906597

File: 7914a601a11cf2e⋯.jpg (69.51 KB,952x490,68:35,juuhiejfsdf.jpg)

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18b812 No.20906598

File: a2e51a98637bccf⋯.jpg (44.77 KB,1366x768,683:384,teacup3.jpg)




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d1ef2d No.20906599

Evenin’ Nightshift

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e8dd36 No.20906601

File: b71e3354e5358d6⋯.jpg (32.31 KB,480x480,1:1,b71e3354e5358d6d341ccbaea8….jpg)

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b5192f No.20906602


Sharyl Attkisson




When you hear migrants and immigrants speak out against illegal immigration, it explains why it's unfair and inaccurate to refer to illegal border crossers as "migrants."

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79a378 No.20906603

File: 81049e1444052b8⋯.jpg (80.04 KB,750x500,3:2,download_jpeg_11.jpg)

Maga hats in NYC

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7461fc No.20906604

File: 085b60f79975e96⋯.png (59.62 KB,1266x442,633:221,demos.PNG)


Senate Democrats will force Republicans

to vote on federal contraception protections

NBC News, by Frank Thorp V *

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/23/2024 2:40:37 PM

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., plans to hold a Senate vote next month on a bill to establish federal protections for legal contraceptives, a source familiar with his plan said. The vote is designed to force Republicans to take a side in a culture war over reproductive rights that has divided their party as it plays out across the country ahead of the election. “Now more than ever, contraception is a critical piece of protecting women’s reproductive freedoms, standing as nothing short of a vital lifeline for millions of American women across the country,” Schumer said Wednesday

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28ee40 No.20906605

File: 279ba922fc5fa8b⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,300x300,1:1,ems_cHJkLWVtcy1hc3NldHMvbW….jpg)


Good evening dude.

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9fdcf6 No.20906606

File: 6d320aafebe6adb⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB,848x752,53:47,Trump_at_cpac_i_am_your_wa….mp4)

File: 9fad9475c3b5101⋯.mp4 (122.07 KB,260x210,26:21,8hrc1c.mp4)

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)



great rally btw.

one of the best


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e8d482 No.20906607

File: 142b8b865b9487c⋯.png (30.63 KB,332x454,166:227,536.png)

File: d1a846472405df4⋯.png (627.06 KB,734x563,734:563,536.png)

File: 69507dff26fa437⋯.png (35.53 KB,222x300,37:50,536_LFG.png)

TY Dan, just noticed :)

Dan Scavino


WOW—Departing Trump Tower shortly, LFG!!!!!

May 23, 2024, 5:36 PM


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18257f No.20906608

File: 5d5e00b5df6a8df⋯.jpeg (40.62 KB,255x231,85:77,IMG_4945.jpeg)

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b5192f No.20906609

File: a75ba12bdeafb03⋯.png (38.71 KB,485x296,485:296,plan_the_Future_and_arrive.png)

>Biblical in the Bronx Edition

thank you Anons


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127133 No.20906610

File: da794f73c7f6c44⋯.png (1.39 MB,1420x774,710:387,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cfe322404505cb4⋯.png (1.2 MB,1203x634,1203:634,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20906465 (lb)

>>20906486 (lb)

This should upset a few leftists.

Being in the UK i'll never get to a Trump rally. Living not far from Trump Turnberry it would be nice for something there.

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a6bbd3 No.20906611

File: a811ecd3238d530⋯.jpeg (44.29 KB,736x736,1:1,aiq4x8a0agvc1.jpeg)

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6e57be No.20906612

File: fc846d1693bc9cf⋯.jpg (80.8 KB,622x621,622:621,ticktockdiner3_NS.jpg)

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a4b199 No.20906613

File: 1c5222b73002ae1⋯.mp4 (7.1 MB,640x360,16:9,Tina.mp4)

Had to prepare a meal (an caregiver) during POTUS' rally but did hear when the guest speakers spoke – did I miss her, or where the hell was Tina Forte, "Bronx Tina"? Her videos were popular here last Election cycle so anons should be familiar. Now that she'd gotten peoples' attention 5 years ago, she's toned it down, of course. She's running against the bartender asshole. Surprised the crowd didn't chant for her?? Did she speak and anon missed that part of Rally? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-2779411/Tina-Forte-shares-political-ad-congress-Bronx.html

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314366 No.20906614


Somebody got that second booster

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cc5d2a No.20906615

File: 957e7f6a35495cc⋯.jpg (97.78 KB,885x500,177:100,8qld4d.jpg)

File: 977e1d305d0cd4c⋯.jpg (101.94 KB,500x1211,500:1211,8qldio.jpg)

File: f4bf25054db4015⋯.jpeg (115.76 KB,549x655,549:655,f4bf25054db40154f9098447e….jpeg)

File: 77ef696fb94ce16⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,1638x2048,819:1024,GOR6EZcXYAAYE8S.jpeg)

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b5b9cc No.20906616

>>20906362. (PB)

Trump was with his people. He grew up there. He was on fire! God I love PDJT and I know you picked him for the reason, he is the President for the people.

He shows every American Citizen counts, we are all his people. That’s his duty and assignment.

Truthfully I was not at ease him going there, and I’m sure it was a 100x worse for SS, but there were a lot of fighters there that would have protected him.

Wow, that was incredible!

If he could do a rally for anons that would be great, who knows, it could happen.if we anons would come out. Kek

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aeb4d5 No.20906617

File: c129f1c05cafa5a⋯.png (560.17 KB,734x824,367:412,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_2….png)



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b1b450 No.20906618

File: afa1f12172e75f7⋯.png (1.42 MB,1279x720,1279:720,ClipboardImage.png)




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e8d482 No.20906619


Now that you've said so here, you may just get that. POTUS keeps tabs on what Anons want.

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7461fc No.20906620

File: c2e9a44aa78ccdb⋯.png (425.61 KB,770x627,70:57,nanao.PNG)


Alex Jones






The Aliens Are Here, And We Made Them: Welcome To The Nanotech Invasion https://madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=664fce4eb004dfe8357e5d59

The Aliens Are Here, And We Made Them: Welcome To The Nanotech Invasion

The Aliens Are Here, And We Made Them: Welcome To The Nanotech Invasion


Link Feed

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2c87f1 No.20906621

File: 00e28f244117766⋯.jpg (783.01 KB,1920x1920,1:1,00e28f24411776642acfddc842….jpg)

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577fd8 No.20906622

File: edd6fab2c0296f4⋯.png (349.27 KB,736x489,736:489,That_Motherfucker_Aint_Rea….png)


same lady?

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b5192f No.20906623

File: 574fb8a9931f4dc⋯.png (192.76 KB,900x547,900:547,Fate_Blender_12202023.png)

member Strange digits?


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9fdcf6 No.20906624

File: 1c07a0d6dc124e4⋯.mp4 (11.54 MB,854x480,427:240,julians_rum.mp4)


coming soon.

madison square gardens.

rsbn just stated

that will be some rally.

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d42885 No.20906625

"Get home safe. Look out for racist white Trump supporters. Look out for racist black Trump supporters. Look out for racist Latino Trump supporters on your way home."

-Woman speaking to protesters near President Trump's rally

[then one of them then proceeds to harass and attempt to grab a flag from a Trump supporter who was wearing it as a cape]

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577fd8 No.20906626

File: 7a0292232bdc474⋯.jpeg (137.91 KB,1736x1302,4:3,WTF_Kim_Jong_Un.jpeg)

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b1b450 No.20906627

File: 01ced9c9ddbd4ec⋯.png (99.25 KB,268x312,67:78,01ced9c9ddbd4eca8bd2712c56….png)



>Maga hats in NYC

A beautiful day.

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aac92b No.20906628

File: d30ce934de4e20f⋯.jpg (15.75 KB,255x192,85:64,35f72f30f010c9a93acf852c5a….jpg)


thank you baker

and thank you Q

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e19867 No.20906629

File: c6f865337337746⋯.webp (30.99 KB,500x375,4:3,diversity.webp)

Everyone loves Trump.

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aeb4d5 No.20906630

File: 3b644728912addb⋯.png (666.49 KB,590x700,59:70,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_2….png)



surely nigel would want Trump to guest speak at one of his rallies

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5b1fb6 No.20906631

File: 3aa5a9105e32654⋯.mp4 (6.85 MB,540x310,54:31,AOC_False_Prophet.mp4)

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cc5d2a No.20906632


something something.wealth.based.economy.soon

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e8d482 No.20906633

File: efdc1c7dc3d8980⋯.png (4.95 MB,3249x2071,171:109,1221_Q_04_14_2024_Schnek_R….png)

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4a442a No.20906634

File: 879b9dc5c381b9d⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB,488x610,4:5,MagaJerseyGirl.mp4)


>she's toned it down, of course


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a6bbd3 No.20906635

File: a45e8a740f9ab5e⋯.jpg (64.45 KB,1024x576,16:9,a45e8a740f9ab5e997dba2383b….jpg)

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9fdcf6 No.20906636


>>20906607 dan post time stamp 536 potus just retweeted story, hillary clintons 33k emails may not be missing after all.

Q have you not discovered the Confirmed correlation between posts here and tweets yet?

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9c4e80 No.20906637


open to handoffs (a victory burger would be dank)

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b5192f No.20906638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>kek starting at 7:05


"Bill Maher Is RIGHT!" - Dan Bongino DESTROYS Woke Culture For Fueling Victimhood Mentality


5.55M subscribers

May 23, 2024

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ff8b65 No.20906639

File: a8ac259ac3dba60⋯.png (58.97 KB,211x234,211:234,ClipboardImage.png)


"These blast points are too accurate for Sandpeople."

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e8d482 No.20906640

Then, shortly after the rally, #FalseProphetAOC begins trending? Can we has please.

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1f49ba No.20906641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3b0d4c No.20906642



like marker [1]?

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b1b450 No.20906643

File: 96feb8ee5b526a2⋯.png (31.18 KB,614x238,307:119,ClipboardImage.png)


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b5192f No.20906644

File: 1b0711ac6c4f4aa⋯.png (174.23 KB,1618x1096,809:548,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 2046befbf0caf81⋯.png (189.27 KB,1621x1139,1621:1139,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: 0fcc2c736994a26⋯.png (188.64 KB,1635x1122,545:374,the_russia_hoax_book_gregg….png)

File: bcc0445e2a410d6⋯.png (845.93 KB,1100x800,11:8,huma_mom_weiner_hillary_ne….png)

File: d7afbaff9e11c16⋯.png (511.99 KB,900x500,9:5,huma_alex_soros_02142024.png)

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7088e3 No.20906645

File: a3ab964fbc6c6a0⋯.jpg (106.56 KB,762x394,381:197,12fa920b60f44a76bd9dee486f….jpg)

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cc5d2a No.20906646

File: e17349b779562ba⋯.jpg (708.68 KB,803x1447,803:1447,e17349b779562ba95ed7937d0a….jpg)

File: d5630fac4753c9f⋯.jpeg (29.03 KB,504x327,168:109,d5630fac4753c9f17d3766994….jpeg)

File: af48ecfecb0929d⋯.webp (160.55 KB,500x346,250:173,af48ecfecb0929d938797f846….webp)

File: 31379e5a1a594e3⋯.png (1.78 MB,1080x1134,20:21,31379e5a1a594e32d9ba8f2c6b….png)

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e8d482 No.20906647

File: 4e3282189ccb450⋯.png (39.32 KB,554x1200,277:600,PAIN_23.png)


It is the 23rd, after all.

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b5192f No.20906648

File: e8e9b2b8e47b3df⋯.png (697.78 KB,1100x615,220:123,anti_israel_camps_funded_b….png)

File: bc73fe4b9174ce9⋯.png (437.47 KB,900x495,20:11,dem_oligarchs_fudning_pro_….png)

File: 668842a064ede65⋯.png (50.85 KB,959x327,959:327,major_soros.png)

File: 76805f91edd962d⋯.png (538.96 KB,783x862,783:862,kim_foxx_smollett_soros_co….png)

File: d31fc7f47d82ecb⋯.png (462.35 KB,573x791,573:791,macron_w_little_soros_0425….png)

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a4b199 No.20906649


Kek, loved when she'd address "Commie Cuomo".

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577fd8 No.20906650


Shit's fucked if this is considered a nod to the board.

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9fdcf6 No.20906651

File: 7a00671aeb47402⋯.png (415.21 KB,613x407,613:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0140b7578c1989c⋯.png (1.2 MB,634x858,317:429,ClipboardImage.png)


You speak for all u.k anons.

u.k politics is a sewer, thank God for trump giving everyone hope.

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b1b450 No.20906652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hold On I'm Coming

Eric Clapton - BB King

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eb84ab No.20906653


Saw her at the Bronx pre rally yesterday. She was very vocal

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b143d3 No.20906654

File: 32e10d16a39f8e3⋯.jpeg (743.09 KB,784x652,196:163,6CE131B1_63F1_48F6_AF44_E….jpeg)

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7c557d No.20906655

i gotta take a shit

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a6bbd3 No.20906656

File: 0069695e6257dcc⋯.jpg (24.99 KB,400x400,1:1,0f7c8dd023336b154aac67af8f….jpg)

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4c1fa6 No.20906657


Her clown show grew tiresome.

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b5192f No.20906658


A panel at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on Thursday recommended the approval of a new blood test that could detect colon and rectum cancer.

Colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer fatalities in the United States and worldwide and is most commonly found in older adults, according to the World Health Organization. Colorectal cancer is the third most common form of cancer worldwide.

If approved, the new blood test would be the second blood test used to diagnose colorectal cancer. The first was approved in 2016, according to Reuters.

The panelists said colonoscopies are still the best way to diagnose colon cancers, but they are more invasive. Blood tests would be ideal but they are less accurate. The new blood pen, called Shield, only detected 83% of colon cancers. The older test has a 92% positivity rate. ..

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e8d482 No.20906659


What do you mean? Dan posted before I baked the title. Hive Mind. The Qdrop is yet another underscore that Timestamps to Qdrops is what we are supposed to be digging on.

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577fd8 No.20906660


Dub dubs confirm.

be best anon.

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aac92b No.20906661

File: f61bbedd14c45a7⋯.jpg (37.56 KB,500x500,1:1,1700570783978380.jpg)

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7461fc No.20906662

File: fe61181418a786b⋯.png (763.42 KB,624x558,104:93,borg.PNG)


for better reference

Nanotech Invasion

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577fd8 No.20906663


i'm not trusting the plan today anon.

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aeb4d5 No.20906664

jersey shore rally on may 11

south bronx rally on may 23

2 incredible events

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107473 No.20906665

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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aac92b No.20906666

good evenin yous

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a512d8 No.20906667

File: 88a01f4b336ecf9⋯.png (461.14 KB,1200x814,600:407,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 443e39df1b67917⋯.png (367.03 KB,1200x814,600:407,ClipboardImage.png)

thank you baker


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b5192f No.20906668

File: c0887f0e1ace3e7⋯.png (89.22 KB,781x852,11:12,hive_apple_sauce_re_vit_B_….png)

File: f5ba398b208b1b1⋯.png (293.36 KB,1116x756,31:21,Hive_05252023.png)

File: a55e4d9016cd58d⋯.png (338.33 KB,913x1016,913:1016,Night_Shift_Gosar_Hive_042….png)

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e8d482 No.20906669

File: 7ed40f5929431c3⋯.png (633.02 KB,886x498,443:249,GBDB.png)


Oh didn't realize that was you, David. GTFO then.

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4a442a No.20906670


Ok, [1] is in the bag.

Which means, uh yeah.

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79a378 No.20906671

>>20906664 next up




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124e41 No.20906672

File: ddbd69d9059441c⋯.jpg (48.58 KB,630x421,630:421,ddbd69d9059441c7ce585ab505….jpg)

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127089 No.20906673

File: 5218026fce7476c⋯.webp (14.66 KB,657x527,657:527,5218026fce7476c77f096b29b….webp)


Holy moly, he is a spaz.

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127133 No.20906674


President Trump is more popular in the UK than what they would have you beleve. We know why they wouldnt allow a pro Trump march last time he was over.

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b143d3 No.20906675

File: 0a5453f0e7ccef9⋯.png (110.51 KB,409x244,409:244,44A103FE_76A7_4756_8689_E9….png)




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e2741f No.20906676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Old fags member?

Following Tree of Life Synagogue shooting Trump invites a rabbi and a pastor to say grace

President Trump invited Rabbi Benjamin Sendrow and Pastor Tom O'Leary to say grace following the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting in Pittsburgh. Both religious figures prayed for the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting at a Future Farmers of America event that Trump was attending Saturday.


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7461fc No.20906677

File: 0993acbf259d6cd⋯.png (349.35 KB,883x675,883:675,uk.PNG)


UK Government Used Army “PsyOps” Division To Monitor Citizens And Then Lied About It

British military officials also spread misinformation to the US, treated citizen-victims of their spying as foreigners, and considered embedding government censors within social media companies

Jake Hurfurt

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May 13, 2024

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b5192f No.20906678

File: e51595a7aa3bc9b⋯.png (86.62 KB,723x465,241:155,who_are_Anons_01182024.png)

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757490 No.20906679

UFC fighter says he’ll home-school son so he doesn’t ‘end up turning gay’

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a442cc No.20906680

>>20905855 (lb)

5:5 chkd

Almost thought that was a Q flag, but pretty sure it’s a POW/MIA flag. Anyone in the area able to confirm?

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9fdcf6 No.20906681

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note:dough below for rally notes



President Trump in Bronx, NY



Paid for by Trump National Committee JFC Inc., a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.







POTUS - We inspired the world!

President Trump: I'm here tonight tonight to declare that we are going to turn New York City around, and we are going to turn it around very, very, quickly. We're going to bring safety back to our streets. We're going to bring success back to our schools. We're going to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood and every borough of the greatest city in our land. We're going to reduce taxes. We're going to bring businesses and big taxpayers back to New York.

President Trump: We have filthy encampments of drugged-out homeless people living in our places that we've spent so much time with children, where they used to play. We have lunatics killing innocent bystanders by pushing them onto the railroad tracks for sport…our subways are squalid and unsafe, the ceiling tiles are falling down, and they look worse than a third-world country. The medians of our highways are crumbling, our sidewalks are littered with garbage, bottles, and trash, but worse of all, the discarded needles form people that so desperately are in need of help. And we have mobs of migrants fighting our police officers and giving America the middle finger.

TRUMP- "Get me the Snake please"

President Trump pointing to examples of construction corruption in New York City.

"There were no other bidders on the project"

President Trump: They said, "we would like to set up tables so you sit down", I said I don't want to sit down for a debate. Let's go! So we're not sitting down. We're going to be standing up for the debate.

President Trump: Old fashioned American common sense is exactly what I intend to bring back to the White House, just like we had for four years.

>>20906098 AMAZING! Happening Now in THE BRONX! - dan scavino twat and mp4 vid

President Trump: As soon as I get back into the Oval Office, I am going to pick up the phone and I'm going to call your mayor and your governor, and 'm going to say, "This is President Trump, and I want to come back and help." Look, you have a democrat governor, you have a democrat mayor, and we are going to work with them, and we are going to get this state, and this city, at a level that it's never seen before…we're going to be helping them a lot…it doesn't matter whether they're democrats or republicans, because this is about our city and our country, and it's really about the people.

President Trump: We're going to do whatever it takes to fix our roads, bridges and highways. We're going to take back our parks, not just for children, but for everybody. We're going to renovate New York subway system, so it no longer looks like it hasn't been cleaned since 1932, but rather, it will be the most beautiful transit system anywhere in the world…we're going to let New York's Finest do it's job. The Transit Cops do their job. We're going to make it safe.

President Trump: Under Biden, it's a disaster; real middle-class income has fallen over two thousand dollars a year…that's a difference of eight thousand dollars. Real earnings for African-Americans are down 5.6 percent; African Americans are getting slaughtered. Hispanic Americans are getting slaughtered. And these millions and millions of people that are coming into our country, the biggest impact, and the biggest negative impact, is against our black population, and our Hispanic population, who are losing their jobs, losing their housing, losing everything they can lose. They're the ones who are affected the most from what's happening. Not only the fact that you've lost the use of your schools, your parks, and your hospitals.

President Trump: Joe Biden, his inflation, has cost the average New York household a staggering twenty-four thousand dollars…the Biden Price Hikes very much caused the runaway inflation, the likes of which I don't think we've ever seen before…costing the average New York families a thousand dollars a month, just in the inflationary costs

President Trump: We blew the hell out of one side, Iraq. So now Iraq is a subsidiary, essentially, of Iran. Congratulations to the geniuses that got us into that mess.


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79a378 No.20906682


Got to be at least 500,000 people watching online

Legacy media needs to catch up

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043517 No.20906683

File: 2d155a182c9528a⋯.jpg (63.51 KB,500x629,500:629,8r7zcp_1_1.jpg)

All illegal aliens are walking piece of shit.

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107473 No.20906684

File: d24d886815edb45⋯.png (39.84 KB,657x527,657:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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5aa5cc No.20906685

File: 060a50ceb4c6cb1⋯.png (27.42 KB,159x208,159:208,ClipboardImage.png)

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9fdcf6 No.20906686

File: 9ea9f8e19a3b39e⋯.png (139.41 KB,944x707,944:707,ClipboardImage.png)


President Trump: There's no way that those hostages [taken by Hamas], and some will be alive, but many of those hostages are dead.

President Trump: Another lesson [from his father], when times are tough, sometimes that's when you perform the best. You have to learn that about yourself.

>>20906308 djt: 3999.99 - Qdrops 3999 and 4000

President Trump: It's very important to know what you want. You have to set your sights high. Set your sights so high, higher than you every though possible, and make your goals big, and go after it. That's why I say we won't just make New York a little better, we want to make New York a lot better, better than it ever was before.

President Trump: When I take office, we are going to restore public safety and the rule of law in New York City. That starts with stopping the pouring into our country of millions and millions of illegal immigrants, which are causing a new category of violence called migrant crime.

President Trump: I think they're building; they want to get us from within [illegal alien invasion]. I think they are building an army…they are building something, they have something in mind.

djt: these are killers, many of you are here today (contractors)


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107473 No.20906687

File: 54a7c339285cdeb⋯.png (53.35 KB,636x515,636:515,ClipboardImage.png)

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7017b6 No.20906688

File: 93d3d25b1d40ce4⋯.png (648.58 KB,724x903,724:903,Screenshot_2024_05_21_12_0….png)

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3b0d4c No.20906689


He's reminding Anons that POTUS and others will make a poast on here and make a truth at the same time. When Trump Truths, check the board at the same time stamp.

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b143d3 No.20906690

File: 122e92ae86b3e5d⋯.png (323.06 KB,607x322,607:322,3EB6EAEB_78CD_425F_B919_1C….png)

J.P. Morgan Securities to pay $200 million to settle CFTC charges of supervision failures

(Another win for the ‘Morgue with the continued biz model of making billions and ‘paying’ millions in fines. Guaranteed one the algorithmic trading firms was Virtu Financial as CV likely the “golden source” mentioned below”. And they got dinged by the O.C.C. and if they made any payments to them those are credited to this ruling up to $100m-fuck you Jamie and that’s not his real name)

The Commodity Futures Trading Commission today issued an order simultaneously filing and settling charges against J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, a registered futures commission merchant and swap dealer, for failing diligently to supervise its business as a CFTC registrant, resulting in J.P. Morgan failing to capture billions of orders in its surveillance systems.

J.P. Morgan admits the facts in the order in Sections II.C.2 (Scope of Surveillance Data Gaps) and 3 (Causes of Surveillance Data Gaps); acknowledges that its conduct in those sections violated the CFTC regulations; and otherwise neither admits nor denies the findings of fact.

The order requires J.P Morgan to pay a $200 million civil monetary penalty (CMP), cease and desist from further violations of the CFTC’s supervision requirements, and comply with conditions and undertakings specified in the order. The order provides the CMP obligation will be offset by a total of $100 million of any payment made pursuant to the resolution with JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. concerning surveillance gaps by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency dated March 14, 2024, and the resolution with JPMorgan Chase & Co. concerning surveillance gaps by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System dated March 8, 2024. “Today’s resolution includes a significant penalty, certain factual admissions, and the appointment of a consultant to ensure remediation,” said Director of Enforcement Ian McGinley. “We hope it sends a clear message that CFTC registrants must take appropriate steps to ensure, through testing and other means, that complete trade and order data direct from exchanges are being ingested into trade surveillance systems and that orders are being surveilled.”

Case Background

According to the order, in 2021, in the course of onboarding a new trading exchange, J.P. Morgan discovered its surveillance of trading on multiple venues and trading systems was not operating correctly, resulting in gaps in J.P. Morgan’s trade surveillance on these venues.

The surveillance gaps resulted from J.P. Morgan’s failure to configure certain data feeds to ensure complete trade and order data were being ingested by J.P. Morgan’s surveillance tools. On a specific U.S. designated contract market, J.P. Morgan failed to ingest into its surveillance systems—and thus failed to surveil—billions of order messages from 2014 through 2021, which, according to J.P. Morgan, largely consisted of sponsored access trading activity for three significant algorithmic trading firms. J.P. Morgan has represented the surveillance gaps were fully remediated by 2023.

According to the order, while J.P. Morgan had in place a quarterly reconciliation process designed to ensure the completeness of some order and trade data ingested into certain surveillance systems, J.P. Morgan did not subject direct-from-exchange data feeds to that reconciliation process, based on an erroneous assumption that data directly from an exchange was from a “golden source” and thus did not need to be tested.


>Ian McGinley, Former SDNY Assistant US Attorney and Co-Chief of Complex Frauds and Cybercrime Unit

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a4b199 No.20906691

File: 1b7553c2127f0ff⋯.png (1.19 MB,1466x940,733:470,WeSee22.png)

File: 9efdc9709c8813b⋯.png (184.06 KB,1292x145,1292:145,AnonMessag.png)


>Q have you not discovered the Confirmed correlation between posts here and tweets yet?

Actually, it's POTUS/our posts in many cases. Sometimes he may even say it. Watch your posts, Anons.

Anon (pic2) wasn't kidding.

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7461fc No.20906692

File: de99e69fbea3d2f⋯.png (463.59 KB,593x642,593:642,rid.PNG)


Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸


“Get rid of AOC, vote her a$$ out!”

Blexit activist Madeline Brame right now is crushing it in the Bronx ahead of Trump’s speech.

WATCH: Blexit activist Madeline Brame @brame_madeline BRINGS DOWN

WATCH: Blexit activist Madeline Brame @brame_madeline BRINGS DOWN THE HOUSE ahead of Trump Bronx speech at 6:00pm ET



10:58 AM · May 23, 2024




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8fa4e9 No.20906693

File: 0e84860c60d8ca6⋯.png (150.31 KB,550x550,1:1,0e84860c60d8ca69cc6964ad65….png)


fonform off hand

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b1b450 No.20906694

File: 0abd3941648843d⋯.png (381.53 KB,639x421,639:421,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 077ee5fa83d2a0c⋯.jpg (73.23 KB,500x521,500:521,60h2d6.jpg)




Applied Materials gets another subpoena on China customer shipments


May 23, 2024 · 11:31 PM UTC


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a512d8 No.20906695


actually it is a spin on the city of new jerusalem and it's coming arrival

from the fud puckers of hollywierd

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107473 No.20906696


one of those Judges sent you here.

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eb84ab No.20906697

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB,600x444,50:37,004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)


So the muh joo shills could also be UK government proxies

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8934e3 No.20906698


Trump on the rappers teeth: “I hope that happens to me”

Fucking KEK

Imagine the boss with a platinum grille?

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e8d482 No.20906699


Step 1 is timestamps/markers to Q drops

Step 2 is graphic (key)

Step 3 is news (unlock)

Once you do those steps, you disseminate the Proof (graphic)

Pretty sure you know this already, after 6.6 years?

Now, when POTUS and Dan start posting on TRUTH, you get the timestamp and any markers, you get the Q drop matching said timestamps and markers, you refer to current news/ potential current news, make the graphic showing a) confirmation that timestamp/markers are intentional via comparison to the corresponding Q drops b) relevant news.

You show the future (which is the current present) proves the past. Think of the gag-order post.. there's no way that is coming up now without foreknowledge. Q knows the future and your job is to demonstrate that via Proofs.

Pretty sure you know this already, after 6.6 years?

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79a378 No.20906700

File: f0d99e416b638de⋯.jpeg (16.43 KB,255x171,85:57,Internet_20240520_204633.jpeg)

Love how Trump brings up other people to do some smackdowns on judge fuming

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9fdcf6 No.20906701

File: fc30ebb95af60f9⋯.png (896.67 KB,781x520,781:520,ClipboardImage.png)



President Trump: The flood of migrants is putting crippling burdens on our communities, your schools, hospitals, parks, and public resources.

President Trump: When I am in the White House, I will stand up to the marxist DAs and Soros prosecutors, and we will tell them, "No more. We're not going to stand for it." We will not let them destroy our communities, we will not let them destroy our country. There's a fifty-three increase in felony assaults on your subways…that's in a short period of time. Since 2019, murders are up more than twenty percent, shootings are up more than thirty percent. I'm, going to indemnify all police officers and law enforcement officials throughout the United States to protect them from being destroyed by the radical left for taking strong actions on crime.

President Trump: I also want to work with your mayor and your governor, happen to be democrats, to clean up the homeless encampments, so that you can once again enjoy your parks and your public spaces. Right now, you don't have public spaces, they're occupied by migrants in tents…your lifestyle and the American Dream will be with you once again.

>>20906465 rubin (white hat) i want a apoligise for the Puerto Ricans. aoc you have become a false prophet.

>>20906472 Horry Sheet. Rapper POTUS called up sporting the Kekistan colors!

President Trump: Years ago, people with severe mental illness were in mental institutions, and then a certain governor, I won't mention the name because at this point, what difference; they dumped all of them into the streets because they said those institutions were too expensive to run, so now they live on our streets, and that's what we have. This is no good for anybody. It's bad for the people who need help, and it's bad for the people of our city, and it's a horrible, horrible, way to live. I want to work in partnership with your local leaders, democrats; pretty much all, and move the severely mentally ill off your streets and back into a place where they can get help, and the help that they desperately need.

President Trump: We're going to restore peace through strength. We're going to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country.

>>20906519, >>20906525 djt statement with links

djt: we are going to make our city and you can emblazen this, we are going to make america great again

music plays hold on i'm coming



Note:dough below for rally notes



President Trump in Bronx, NY



Paid for by Trump National Committee JFC Inc., a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.







POTUS - We inspired the world!

President Trump: I'm here tonight tonight to declare that we are going to turn New York City around, and we are going to turn it around very, very, quickly. We're going to bring safety back to our streets. We're going to bring success back to our schools. We're going to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood and every borough of the greatest city in our land. We're going to reduce taxes. We're going to bring businesses and big taxpayers back to New York.

President Trump: We have filthy encampments of drugged-out homeless people living in our places that we've spent so much time with children, where they used to play. We have lunatics killing innocent bystanders by pushing them onto the railroad tracks for sport…our subways are squalid and unsafe, the ceiling tiles are falling down, and they look worse than a third-world country. The medians of our highways are crumbling, our sidewalks are littered with garbage, bottles, and trash, but worse of all, the discarded needles form people that so desperately are in need of help. And we have mobs of migrants fighting our police officers and giving America the middle finger.

TRUMP- "Get me the Snake please"

President Trump pointing to examples of construction corruption in New York City.

"There were no other bidders on the project"

President Trump: They said, "we would like to set up tables so you sit down", I said I don't want to sit down for a debate. Let's go! So we're not sitting down. We're going to be standing up for the debate.


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71e907 No.20906702

The Snake is not the illegal aliens, it's the Jews.

But Trump has to keep playing the "I Love the Jews" game for awhile longer.

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6b0bde No.20906703

Bloatables abound.

"TYB" and derivatives are a psyop.

"GM" is a psyop.

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58eea8 No.20906704

File: 5b6e7acd44b3b48⋯.jpg (16.46 KB,577x432,577:432,TrumpWON.jpg)


TY, baker.

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ff8b65 No.20906705





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3b0d4c No.20906706

File: 1ddd40096cd6b27⋯.png (292.53 KB,657x650,657:650,1ddd40096cd6b273095e1ffa64….png)

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127089 No.20906707

File: aeae981c897024c⋯.jpg (57.54 KB,500x589,500:589,3r06ax.jpg)


Nanoborg. Do not want.

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1f49ba No.20906709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5e4351 No.20906710

File: ec87873cbc612f2⋯.png (567.87 KB,1080x1069,1080:1069,2504882688.png)

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7461fc No.20906711

File: c2e709c12b8587d⋯.png (287.97 KB,598x459,598:459,dr.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



1:25 PM · May 23, 2024




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9fdcf6 No.20906712

File: 0176db50099d44c⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,ClipboardImage.png)




well that is the first time anon has fucked up these posts.

looks like it is repeating again.

soor anons, just link the first 3 posts and anon will check the dough to make sure it is ok.


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eb84ab No.20906713

File: ae0936f740d7ee4⋯.jpg (87.12 KB,651x503,651:503,ae0936f740d7ee4a08d338e178….jpg)


What is blexit?

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79a378 No.20906714

File: e61fecbc411612b⋯.jpg (64.65 KB,500x781,500:781,adqexf52.jpg)

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71e907 No.20906715


Blacks Exiting the Democrat Plantation.

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9c4e80 No.20906716


offhand confirmed

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d897aa No.20906717

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a512d8 No.20906718

File: a02d83e417db425⋯.png (39.87 KB,408x408,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


trips confirm the…


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b143d3 No.20906719

File: 01b2f5313c40556⋯.jpeg (265.42 KB,828x815,828:815,625EFD06_994B_44C4_9C04_2….jpeg)


Adds this to your “list”


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e8d482 No.20906720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The colors of Kekistan are the colors of Pepe. Shadilay will never die.

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8934e3 No.20906721

File: cad839b7494278c⋯.png (1.59 MB,1243x1650,113:150,23C79DCB_FD77_4D7F_A8B6_36….png)


Anons want nothing special.

No awards, no glory, no fame or fortune.

We want our country back, to be free from slavery and to go back to our lives in peace.

Nothing more, nothing less.


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8fa4e9 No.20906722

File: f04f6912c62420a⋯.png (930.32 KB,1152x1180,288:295,0b37b82d10d1c48d1567eff02a….png)



thank you blessed rally baker


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9fdcf6 No.20906723

File: 12cbd2bc420ecbb⋯.png (2.19 MB,948x991,948:991,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea9e2ffdbe3da53⋯.png (2.37 MB,1280x982,640:491,ClipboardImage.png)


dough is fine.

only once on there.

thinks something wrong with the copy and paste anon was doing.

Carry on


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cc5d2a No.20906724

File: d96d93a919496ba⋯.png (1.08 MB,1230x819,410:273,d96d93a919496baf429fda26f2….png)

File: 55f0a014d860919⋯.jpg (40.02 KB,680x383,680:383,55f0a014d86091902fdfe182e1….jpg)

File: af01020bd7c0717⋯.png (35.05 KB,387x436,387:436,af01020bd7c07179cc4299516b….png)

File: a0e572c169e905d⋯.png (2.64 MB,3526x1445,3526:1445,a0e572c169e905d8e700e32cfd….png)

File: 1c9fe2df74fe958⋯.jpg (153.59 KB,874x500,437:250,1c9fe2df74fe958566369bdfa9….jpg)


strange fucking day. if a builder that's gonna rehab broken addicts. built a shelter program based on a flat ground forest community. based on an old age home schematic. everybody wins. do much fucking rocks and trees. land rich as fucktardia.

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4fadd8 No.20906725

File: 35a3d3e3fba4c0c⋯.png (166.6 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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79a378 No.20906726

File: e0fa2e7e676c393⋯.jpg (41 KB,670x376,335:188,Screenshot_20240520_084648….jpg)

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124e41 No.20906727

File: 8ff224ff3478b06⋯.png (599.58 KB,931x800,931:800,8ff224ff3478b068743ca57195….png)

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a512d8 No.20906728

File: d0c59aa0b33fc7d⋯.png (248.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


plonkitty PLONK

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58eea8 No.20906729

File: d5f651b501111ca⋯.jpg (60.68 KB,665x375,133:75,7ynn4y.jpg)

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019b79 No.20906730

File: 949217ab6f1175b⋯.png (110.08 KB,768x768,1:1,unpnYRI.png)

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e8d482 No.20906731

File: 7b53185bb0a5166⋯.png (15.31 KB,131x162,131:162,ClipboardImage.png)


It's a Q of Light.

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b1b450 No.20906732

File: 2fea62d36d41f0c⋯.png (221.82 KB,625x439,625:439,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b14cd9ec3100d7a⋯.jpg (203.65 KB,1024x740,256:185,Jean_Leon_Gerome_Ferris_Pr….jpg)




Spain's Repsol receives US license for Venezuela oil, gas projects -sources


May 23, 2024 · 10:02 PM UTC



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58eea8 No.20906733



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7461fc No.20906734

File: de92e0b9ce2a150⋯.png (546.57 KB,600x644,150:161,shift.PNG)

File: 1b2ea1eb4e7b27c⋯.png (622.44 KB,942x583,942:583,sw.PNG)


Juanita Broaddrick


I have loved all of the Trump rallies but there’s something special about this New York Rally.

There’s a huge shift taking place.

Everyone is coming together.

Do you feel it?


12:59 PM · May 23, 2024




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18257f No.20906735

File: 42d7c2f6f128e8e⋯.jpeg (30.13 KB,255x253,255:253,IMG_3532.jpeg)

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1876eb No.20906736

>worst of all, the discarded needles from people that so desperately are in need of help.

Serious question:


How are all these dopers going to be gotten off of drugs?

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7461fc No.20906737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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fa88c6 No.20906738


Guess WHO owns Fox Snooze?

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0dd1ca No.20906739

Oh my fuck! I wiped out on my stairs, wrenched my wrist so baaaaad! I am cinvinced not broken, but hurts s bad its hurtng my stomache….can't even type…pray for healing, anons, please…ILUA

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7d659f No.20906740

File: 0d9080cf68052c8⋯.png (731.35 KB,1440x1440,1:1,CCDBB78E_9B3D_4B9B_8CEA_C2….png)

>>20906734 Felt it …

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e8be49 No.20906741

File: 00726c4ebb109ef⋯.png (7.56 MB,4000x6000,2:3,DTL2024.png)

File: 97d612abd86acd5⋯.png (7.75 MB,5000x5000,1:1,zzclock15jan7McCout.png)

1:07 was DARK TO LIGHT video marker

1/07 was a big day for the Clock

Day after it was proposed


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e8d482 No.20906742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Do you feel it?

Anons feel the love.

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b1b450 No.20906743

File: f90cc137105ce2f⋯.png (353.58 KB,626x533,626:533,ClipboardImage.png)



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b5192f No.20906744


paul ryan?

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eb84ab No.20906745


Cool it anon, before the big swelling starts

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7461fc No.20906746

File: 8d03070dc28ec29⋯.png (709.06 KB,791x575,791:575,love_f.PNG)


People all over America are beginning to think for themselves, independently, outside of a system that’s trapped and scolded them for opening their mouths and eyes. The forgotten men and women of this country and blue-collar Democrats who have been slighted for decades, are all joining together as a part of growing movement from the ground up. We’re fundamentally altering the American political coalition and returning power to the people.

- Jesse Watters (https://x.com/jessebwatters/status/1793802950982185098?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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9fdcf6 No.20906747

File: fdafeebd01a41f4⋯.png (805.86 KB,749x499,749:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c724b243b98e129⋯.png (469.21 KB,549x499,549:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 116e8ebe41aa9b3⋯.png (61.57 KB,1014x433,1014:433,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea246001b6dbc5c⋯.png (235.37 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82ac102157abbfc⋯.png (683.06 KB,500x668,125:167,ClipboardImage.png)


>>20906681, >>20906686, >>20906701 djt rally in the bronx including statements and Q comms and moar.

reminder 3 days until the pandemic treaty

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1876eb No.20906748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Don't you feel like coming

day by day


getting ready for the new

some are happy

some are sad

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b5b9cc No.20906749

>>20905905, >>20906013 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul is big mad over President Trump visiting the BronxPN

Guaranteed this arrogant bitch that made up the stories about Cuomo is gonna regret her stupid statements. She does not represent NYers. She represents the NWO.

Good luck Kathy, just dug your grave. And those who know, will fix the cheating of your machines.

God and the People know what you did, and it will be an explosion of Truth, the world has never seen.

Calling your citizens “clowns” energized them to reveal the truth. You are not even competent, everyone knows it.

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b5192f No.20906750


a person who listens to alex is stupid and prolly evil


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79a378 No.20906751


Gets some ice on it.

Prayers for you anon

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e8be49 No.20906752

File: 8697ce2b632424c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1520x2328,190:291,marker1.png)

File: bc78692dc46ed77⋯.png (704.62 KB,1202x1174,601:587,marker2.png)

Past marker graphics

Also on the Queen funeral

Down She Goes (will post as a reply)

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a752a9 No.20906753

File: d126c9447bd3bad⋯.jpg (168.91 KB,720x929,720:929,20240523_184337.jpg)

File: 197db0fea1072bf⋯.mp4 (11.32 MB,640x360,16:9,The_Post_Millennial_202405….mp4)


NOW IN THE BRONX: A fight breaks out between a Trump supporter and Palestine protesters during Trump's speech, NYPD brings in reinforcement

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b1b450 No.20906754

File: d807b89ee2bfa48⋯.png (47.82 KB,682x366,341:183,ClipboardImage.png)


Vox populi vox dei.

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56cdc3 No.20906755






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1876eb No.20906756

All these damaged people - in my neck of the woods, meth is king. They lose even natural affection for their own children.

How does that get fixed?

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6b0bde No.20906757


So, you're validating free will does not exist, and monopoly of information does exist.

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307217 No.20906758


Would mail in ballets from the UK be counted? (That's a joke).

Dems counted ballets for months in some elections.

Did that race in California ever get tallied? Seems like a lifetime ago and can't remember an outcome.

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d42885 No.20906759


They will be removed from the streets and into rehab facilities and mental institutions.

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56cdc3 No.20906760






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e8be49 No.20906761

File: 5e9f91d4f78ef72⋯.png (6.28 MB,3000x4000,3:4,DOWNTHEYGOZTitleLHF.png)


Date of funeral

Time casket is lowered into ground

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4fadd8 No.20906762

File: 63789054ecccdab⋯.png (359.71 KB,959x667,959:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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11074c No.20906763

File: 4839a6d7aac523d⋯.png (104.22 KB,250x243,250:243,4839a6d7aac523d79ccd7d0e20….png)

I caught bits and pieces of POTUS' speech in the Bronx and I must say it was Outstanding!! The evil people, the globalists, the Dems are all drunk because they're losing majorly! They're all drunk and crying tonight!

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ff8b65 No.20906764


Nanotech invasion?

Couldn't it just be something like a MechaSteisand?

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7461fc No.20906765

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e8d482 No.20906766


>>20905077 PB

Does anyone have the source post for this?


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1876eb No.20906767

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70688d No.20906768

File: 70a89fe1f6ceeab⋯.png (419.54 KB,520x489,520:489,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2bf479921ef1e8⋯.png (513.24 KB,634x425,634:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1daf8f63d914bc5⋯.png (350.41 KB,634x425,634:425,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 212647285a0b036⋯.png (387.98 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 602c6b9be4bf7c3⋯.png (320.62 KB,634x423,634:423,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump rally… Bronx-style: MAGA tattoos and chains are displayed by Hisanic supporters as deep-blue district turns red… and Donald claims he's going to flip NYC

>George Santos was there

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cc5d2a No.20906769


not safe but effective.

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0dd1ca No.20906770


thank you anon, tryinmg to do everything with left hand…lol, so forgive typos an shit…omg! How does dsomething like this hurt so bad!!!!!

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42541b No.20906771


Sorry anon

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a752a9 No.20906772

File: fb5b004078830fc⋯.jpg (80.18 KB,884x1034,442:517,20240523_184833.jpg)

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6b0bde No.20906773


Got gravy for your dry meat loaf?

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4a442a No.20906774

File: 1bfb44f09481401⋯.jpg (21.08 KB,466x263,466:263,GM_Crew.jpg)


>"GM" is a psyop.

A psyop of frenly gestures amongst anons as they drink their coffee and look forward to the new day ahead.

Oh yeah, guilty as charged.

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79a378 No.20906775


Not palestine protesters…Obama terrorists

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b5192f No.20906776


>the voice of the people (is) the voice of God

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88708b No.20906777

File: f32fd03706f5211⋯.png (158.89 KB,391x382,391:382,f32fd03706f5211428d8dd8bea….png)

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9fdcf6 No.20906778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>Do you feel it?

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0dd1ca No.20906779


thank you my luv…I actually have tears in my eyes

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e8d482 No.20906780



Apr 17 2018 06:16:34 (EST)

Anonymous ID: d0dcfd No.1074952 📁

Apr 17 2018 06:15:26 (EST)





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e8d482 No.20906781


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e8d482 No.20906782

6.6 years.. what's in your head?

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7461fc No.20906783

File: 0434284c6353320⋯.png (438.06 KB,603x470,603:470,dan.PNG)


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



1:43 PM · May 23, 2024




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e8be49 No.20906784

File: 17ec067e17ab9c8⋯.png (7.34 MB,3700x3200,37:32,rigforredxbreadsCWM.png)


Needs a side by side with some confirmed time stamps to be notabled. Thought the tweet preceded the bread title but wasn't paying attention.

Has happened before


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d0b69f No.20906785


>can't even type

but you did type…

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6b0bde No.20906786


What, exactly, did TRUMP win?

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9fdcf6 No.20906787

File: d271bb83737e324⋯.png (627.36 KB,500x523,500:523,ClipboardImage.png)


stop drinking nancy

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b1b450 No.20906788

File: 495614206111d63⋯.jpg (296.67 KB,1536x1920,4:5,FhjhbjrXwAEoqA5.jpg)



>>the voice of the people (is) the voice of God

There´s a war in your mind.


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b5192f No.20906789

File: d3cc1d38e03c520⋯.jpg (63.45 KB,800x445,160:89,4_calls.jpg)

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1876eb No.20906790

I believe Trump will do what he says he is going to do. That said, it will take a whole generation of people to repair the damage. I don't believe a lot of us will all live to see the fruition - it will take a long time. So be it.

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b143d3 No.20906791

File: 62a6d6736322b1d⋯.jpeg (519.91 KB,828x1109,828:1109,39486712_2A31_4F5B_B6AD_E….jpeg)

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79a378 No.20906792

Elon needs to free Trump and allow Trump to trend on Twitter

They don't allow it cause Trump would dominate

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a2bdaa No.20906793


Looks like a more retarded version of AOC

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5e4351 No.20906794

File: 4ead656082f7ed0⋯.gif (491.18 KB,245x180,49:36,bMv3tLD.gif)


>6.6 years.. what's in your head?

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b5192f No.20906795

File: 763b6e9f398f92e⋯.jpg (87.45 KB,800x444,200:111,Fox_news_hillary_and_Russi….jpg)

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e8d482 No.20906796


Confirmed Comms happen like this numerous times per day… For some reason the current admins don't like us making graphics or digging on it. They said keep the comms out of notables. That's bullshit tho. We need to keep the MSM news items out of notables and keep the COMMS GRAPHICS IN. Marker [1] confirmed is a logical start. We need organization (again). It's now or never and we all know it.

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64b477 No.20906797



Don't forget the clowns pushing the night shift is better bullshit

Divide and conquer is their playbook

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18b812 No.20906798

File: 37fc454966d8361⋯.jpeg (25.71 KB,512x525,512:525,tCUoukEUQtjz.jpeg)

Even admit it's a crew. Between 19:00 and 22:00, when the clown car usually rolls in. And in the morning. On multiple platforms. I'm willing to bet other anons are seeing it outside of this board now. KEK.

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0dd1ca No.20906799


shear perseverance…lol I had to share…it hurts so bad

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e481ed No.20906800

File: c6577bffb2d3a86⋯.jpeg (447.42 KB,1060x596,265:149,IMG_0130.jpeg)

File: 6f16d0d09eb5bec⋯.jpeg (911.66 KB,1091x2137,1091:2137,IMG_0131.jpeg)

File: 74b1dd702dc3f2c⋯.jpeg (941.47 KB,1170x1794,15:23,IMG_0132.jpeg)

>>20906277 (lb)

Someone passes out or collapses at almost every single Trump Rally because they wait days in a line, more often than not in the blazing heat, to be able to get up and close to DJT as he speaks.

Nothing like this has ever happened in the history of the world, and this is why the ‘elite’ are looking like this these days. They know there’s no escaping what’s coming now that they’ve been openly disloyal to Trump and publicly betrayed him and now We The People are firmly in lock step that THEY are the problem and need to go…

Exciting times. A whole new world awaits us. Get the popcorn ready for after the election.

“I’ll only be a dictator on the first day” - Donald J Trump


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b5192f No.20906801

File: 32beefe5bbdd45e⋯.png (163.53 KB,462x835,462:835,do_NOT_vote_for_nancy_0226….png)

File: 2a14fbd68c8188a⋯.png (186.11 KB,544x680,4:5,joe_fell_here_2_aoc_nancy.png)

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8934e3 No.20906802

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,011AA66F_BBC8_4E08_8035_65….png)


Trials for treason en route.

Firing squads ~ Gun violence.

They know what is coming.

They are afraid.


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d404fa No.20906803

Q Team:

Requesting a fly over regarding the neighbor to the south east of me to check for radiation being emitted from there. Yesterday they had am unusual 1-2 foot flame for about 2 hours, which could be masking a microwave coil. Right now they have strings of lights and one particularly large one. Do not know if they are just harassing or they might be up to something nefarious as last night me and my dog were both hit in the middle of the night which woke us up both simultaneously. I experienced severe leg cramps that felt like blood clots, as the dog became asphyxiated and had to be revived.

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cc5d2a No.20906804

File: 2c9df71ccd7a455⋯.mp4 (5.81 MB,464x848,29:53,2c9df71ccd7a455e3acc0db376….mp4)

File: eeec092736f85b9⋯.jpg (132.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3_.jpg)


in the beg gin ing

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899a21 No.20906805

File: 9550cc1f328a54e⋯.mp4 (6.05 MB,854x480,427:240,Bronx_msg_to_AOC.mp4)



Voters in the Bronx have a message for AOC…

"Everybody's here for TRUMP!"

"I am a Democrat — and I belong here."

"She has done NOTHING for the Bronx."


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6b0bde No.20906806



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a4b199 No.20906807


In NY, of all places, that's what it takes. Gotta stand out.


To you, maybe, but people from all over the Country (not just here) were posting her vids. I sure as hell wouldn't know her from Adam if not for the boldness. Don't even know who the Diaz guy with the hat on, who spoke tonight, is.

Would certainly vote for her if lived there.

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5f7ce6 No.20906808

File: c0eda738d8a738a⋯.jpg (100.24 KB,680x510,4:3,turtle_road.jpg)

File: 748e3e620eaf328⋯.png (472.54 KB,610x725,122:145,turtle_road.png)

USDA Forest Service


It's #WorldTurtleDay and we have one question for you: Why did the turtle cross the road?

We're looking forward to reading your answers in the comments below.

8:15 AM · May 23, 2024


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3c9b21 No.20906809

File: 18964ced8379df0⋯.png (808.46 KB,999x736,999:736,Screenshot_20230916_100505….png)

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e8be49 No.20906811

File: d477196eec9236e⋯.jpg (699.68 KB,1282x1250,641:625,tableofdates55original.jpg)

File: e70042a00a75f43⋯.png (1.14 MB,1408x1988,352:497,tableofdateswargames.png)


Was established early

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e8d482 No.20906812

File: 10eeba9a9d6a706⋯.png (130.33 KB,282x271,282:271,NIBOR_blank_.png)


Additionally, the Clockfags made a tracker for such things however it's always getting the 'too complex' whine (not judging anyone), so there is a linear version coming, but it's taking time of course. In the meantime, we need to See Something, Do Something (like we used to). Anon A posts, Anon B graphic, Anon C adds news… this is how we as many used to function as ONE.

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6b0bde No.20906813

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a719c7 No.20906814

File: 2006c75fbf96a8f⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB,1280x720,16:9,DRILL_BABY_DRILL_TRUMP2024.mp4)



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5a78ec No.20906815

File: 7960d8cdf978f9b⋯.jpg (401.92 KB,1536x2048,3:4,GOTLznlXYAAPLQu.jpg)

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c788d8 No.20906816

File: 0fddd79b028f9c7⋯.jpg (13.82 KB,255x255,1:1,0fddd79b028f9c734371422459….jpg)

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7461fc No.20906817

File: 45bb2b69a8a0d4e⋯.png (735.7 KB,787x586,787:586,wr.PNG)


Even CNN is admitting President Trump's rally in the Bronx was a massive success:

"Certainly a bigger crowd than I think Democrats would like to see, particularly given this is one of the bluest counties in the entire country!" 🔥

- Trump War Room (https://x.com/trumpwarroom/status/1793800719415362030?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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8fa4e9 No.20906818


lookin forward to the linear version

how was worked out in beginning

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79a378 No.20906819

File: 81e7a0135e962f7⋯.jpg (84.41 KB,720x1199,720:1199,Screenshot_20240523_205719….jpg)

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9fdcf6 No.20906820


really how does that guy get so much info

must be a anon in disguise.

sounds british btw.

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56cdc3 No.20906822

whenyouput+ that means add a hour


I should always think 08 here


wait a hour







afraid to ask anybody for help

I had to leave earlier than I wanted MKULTRA TERRIBLE




Coming up on 0300

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aac92b No.20906823

File: d5c7422cd894b99⋯.jpeg (16.9 KB,255x246,85:82,bc23b932e48a02c5c0b1284a1….jpeg)



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0dd1ca No.20906824

should I go get checked out? this the stair wipeout chick, thought it was juat my wrist but rever berating through my elbow!!!! it was a stupid wipe out, but omfg

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b143d3 No.20906825

File: 191e08fc693f135⋯.jpeg (337.78 KB,755x543,755:543,EAF31C48_750F_40BC_8C53_4….jpeg)


Beware if ip hopping clowns telling you what to think

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a512d8 No.20906826

File: 98a9a0ded77dcf1⋯.png (127.27 KB,526x526,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ffe0aac6d192b9⋯.png (875.03 KB,1600x1060,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)


>Do you feel it?

yes even in canuckistan!

the debil worshippers are panicking

lot's of spiritual battles during the witching hours for the last three plus months

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e8d482 No.20906827


Because it was following the Hare. Not comms about Follow the White Rabbit or anything tho.

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e8be49 No.20906828


I am the source

Not sure what you are asking for

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127133 No.20906829

File: c3e1bf6c74ea045⋯.png (984.96 KB,1065x916,1065:916,ClipboardImage.png)

From CNN (sorry)

Here we go again, we've got him this time

Senate Democrats launch investigation into alleged Trump ‘quid pro quo’ with oil executives

CNN-Senate Democrats have launched an inquiry into recent reports that Donald Trump offered oil executives the reversal of some of President Joe Biden’s climate policies upon the former president’s reelection in exchange for campaign contributions.

The chairs of the Senate Finance and Budget committees announced in a joint statement Thursday that they have sent letters to nine oil companies, including ExxonMobile and Chevron, asking for additional information related to a fundraiser event where Trump allegedly sought $1 billion in campaign contributions in return for promises of policy changes to benefit their companies.


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8fa4e9 No.20906830


#25642 >>20906575

>>20906604 Tough issues narratives: contraception

>>20906610, >>20906592, >>20906805 AOC false prophet vid BECAUSE NEVER GONNA GET OLD/Q

>>20906658 FDA approves new cancer tests

>>20906681, >>20906686, >>20906701 Rally Notes

>>20906690 J.P. Morgan Securities to pay $200 million to settle CFTC charges of supervision failures

>>20906692 Blexit activist Madeline Brame right now is crushing it in the Bronx ahead of Trump’s speech.

>>20906711, >>20906814 ICYMI: @DanScavino DRILL BABY DRILL! #TRUMP2024

>>20906732 Spain's Repsol receives US license for Venezuela oil, gas projects

>>20906734 There’s a huge shift taking place.

>>20906753 A fight breaks out between a Trump supporter and Palestine protesters during Trump's speech, NYPD brings in reinforcement

>>20906768 Trump rally… Bronx-style: MAGA tattoos and chains


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a719c7 No.20906831

File: 3f5f07790c27d2d⋯.png (9.27 KB,444x121,444:121,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ee54983e014ed7⋯.png (49.43 KB,444x427,444:427,ClipboardImage.png)

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e8d482 No.20906832


Do you have the original MIL post w/timestamp etc.?

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b143d3 No.20906833

File: 7dca9e946bfdc0d⋯.png (230.59 KB,492x507,164:169,15F1794E_0593_4C31_AF1C_EC….png)


Go back to Reddit snowflake

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0b4a22 No.20906835

File: 9b615d57e4fd26e⋯.jpeg (30.05 KB,474x292,237:146,IMG_1879.jpeg)

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e8d482 No.20906836


See what I mean about not wanting COMMS in notables. It's bullshit.

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eb84ab No.20906837

File: a06190ae311856e⋯.mp4 (15.08 MB,706x720,353:360,a06190ae311856eb8a398dea1a….mp4)

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7461fc No.20906839

File: fb00daa90009ab8⋯.png (1.09 MB,908x907,908:907,map.PNG)


Supreme Court Backs GOP’s New South

Carolina Congressional Map

Epoch Times, by Zachary Stieber

Posted By: earlybird, 5/23/2024 12:25:52 PM

The U.S. Supreme Court on May 23 ruled in favor of South Carolina’s redrawn congressional map, reversing a lower court decision. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) challenged the map, arguing legislators were motivated by race when drawing district lines and committed “intentional racial discrimination.” A panel of federal judges in 2023 said that “race predominated over all other factors” when legislators redrew South Carolina’s First Congressional District, currently represented by Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.). The finding was based in part on the movement of more than 30,000 black voters to a different district.

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f0d201 No.20906840

File: 1be111ec13a8834⋯.png (376.82 KB,510x680,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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e92c62 No.20906841

File: cf56f1f26afa0d3⋯.jpg (285.12 KB,721x991,721:991,erisajoke.jpg)

File: b568d00817b5f45⋯.jpg (222.06 KB,700x877,700:877,bewareofofficialofficials.jpg)

>>20906191 lb


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fcc7c2 No.20906842

Had to take a break from Reddit. Thought I'd check in and see how you all are doing.

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cc5d2a No.20906843

File: a756dab33066a1a⋯.jpg (219.91 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_2….jpg)

File: e2cc1238d4ec9f0⋯.jpg (224.69 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_4….jpg)

File: 9971cc582e66f2b⋯.jpg (166.78 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_23_19_2….jpg)



SWAMPY STRIKE. definitely not comms.

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18257f No.20906844

File: d495e49da1ed21e⋯.png (320.11 KB,580x385,116:77,aoc.png)


>"She has done NOTHING for the Bronx."

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8fa4e9 No.20906845


no, don't see

tell me

don't whine

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5e4351 No.20906846

File: 4c79667ac156835⋯.jpeg (68.18 KB,944x820,236:205,1589330671.jpeg)

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b143d3 No.20906847

File: cc415fdfd555bb5⋯.jpeg (505.73 KB,1237x611,1237:611,19AB8EBD_FE64_4B93_9AF4_7….jpeg)

German AF GAF923 A350 departed Dulles Intl after arriving at about 11:30a local yesterday

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4a442a No.20906848


>Marker [1] confirmed


Here's a Looking Glass look at what would habben if I posted this on X-Twat right now:

Woo hoo! Q Marker [1] confirmed!


>Yeah, what's Q Marker [1] all about?



>Am you high?

>This makes no sense what does it even mean?

It means future proves past.

>So, it predicts the future?

No, it just means some news unlocked today that proves Q predicted it.

>Ok, so you just found out the BOOMS you've been waiting for are finally here?

Uh, well, no not really.

>Then wtf is the big deal?

Look Marker [1] has been confirmed which is a good thing.

>ok cool I guess

Yes it is.

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7461fc No.20906849

File: 4ea9eadd9370af3⋯.png (170.62 KB,381x371,381:371,ride.PNG)


President Trump has done something that no other Republican has done in 40 years

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cc5d2a No.20906850


you ain't black jack

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a512d8 No.20906851

File: 6554ccec10a1f45⋯.png (31.66 KB,568x345,568:345,ClipboardImage.png)


it didn't make it across!

the turtle soup was delicious and the side order of fricasseed spotted owl… mmmmmmmmm good! finger licking mmmmmmmmmmm good!

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8940c2 No.20906852


GOD has his hand on this..all will be well…Amen

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79a378 No.20906853


Was gonna say if the pain goes up the arm even up into your brain

Then get xrays

Take some Tylenol and ibuprofen

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b1b450 No.20906854

File: ed6dd32f2e78dd4⋯.png (246.53 KB,637x554,637:554,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2305381d4b58ef⋯.jpg (60.18 KB,679x495,679:495,2QF_TdSh.jpg)

Sky News



BREAKING: A man from Harlow in Essex has been charged with assisting the Russian intelligence service.

Read more: trib.al/A4NdQ4U

📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube

May 23, 2024 · 2:25 PM UTC


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eb84ab No.20906855

File: fea6a84d6d88c90⋯.png (221.79 KB,335x570,67:114,fea6a84d6d88c90366263a9efb….png)


Reddit in panic mode?

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7c557d No.20906856


post your tits so everyone feels better

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cfe9a5 No.20906857

File: e12fb598ee76865⋯.jpg (84.83 KB,800x600,4:3,e12fb598ee7686562d2de4edb2….jpg)

If you want to win: turning two or three of them would suffice.

Imagine what would happen if you subjected them to what we went through.

Interested? InitialsCity of last contact. I'm bored. Had shit bbq tonight. R1000

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9fdcf6 No.20906858

File: 5ff316f524da9ef⋯.png (389.86 KB,412x389,412:389,ClipboardImage.png)

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0dd1ca No.20906859


thanks you…doing exactly what you suggest. Think judst wrenched wrist really bad, nothing broken…but the feeeling in my gut when I move wrist is the worst

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a94d1f No.20906861

File: f82dccae500fc5e⋯.png (360.38 KB,555x555,1:1,f82dccae500fc5e2bba638bd97….png)


Nobody cares Karen!

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cc5d2a No.20906862

File: c8d80a13cb1623f⋯.png (67.43 KB,255x142,255:142,c8d80a13cb1623f9271b0ee6d0….png)

File: 96358abf2a2428c⋯.jpg (154.01 KB,1075x608,1075:608,96358abf2a2428c957ac314804….jpg)

File: 246e2531ccbd320⋯.png (878.73 KB,760x500,38:25,246e2531ccbd3202feaab4516d….png)


fucking cod is elusive

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3b0d4c No.20906863

File: a39e0dd4c3fe825⋯.jpg (1.87 MB,2500x2500,1:1,a39e0dd4c3fe825e1a4a3e7b3b….jpg)

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96b54c No.20906865



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e481ed No.20906866


This made me audibly kek and it felt so good to do so friend.


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3c9b21 No.20906867

File: 4c735b7ebbacadf⋯.png (21.06 KB,158x125,158:125,na4w1_2.png)


Your spacing says otherwise.

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b1b450 No.20906868

File: be92269e668dddf⋯.jpg (126.02 KB,1123x914,1123:914,be92269e668dddfc1fecc173f4….jpg)


We need some hills to climb.


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56cdc3 No.20906869




itcouldofbeen 3:05:05so make note what ls the true50/50combination2hourtogether






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f6f748 No.20906870

Rewrite chop chop

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7017b6 No.20906871

File: 07bf1059654044b⋯.png (406.49 KB,714x893,714:893,Screenshot_2024_05_20_11_5….png)

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a512d8 No.20906872

File: ed2e1d670fed985⋯.png (976.96 KB,500x381,500:381,ClipboardImage.png)


hi Joe, just go change your diaper. all will be well after the treason trial.

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7088e3 No.20906873

File: e1f7ed0bc7c85f3⋯.jpg (125.12 KB,500x334,250:167,Alwaleed_gold_plane.jpg)

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18257f No.20906874

File: 73e1353c314d05c⋯.png (318.43 KB,488x744,61:93,biden.png)

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b5b9cc No.20906875

File: b9f5bf91b5ad2ac⋯.jpeg (245.03 KB,1191x847,1191:847,IMG_2215.jpeg)

File: 2a4973f85909c9d⋯.jpeg (299.63 KB,1241x1036,1241:1036,IMG_2216.jpeg)

File: b7ae32f0f5a47ae⋯.jpeg (347.47 KB,1241x937,1241:937,IMG_2217.jpeg)

File: 99b85e5af9d8d19⋯.jpeg (602.79 KB,1183x1933,1183:1933,IMG_2218.jpeg)

23 May, 2024 20:53

UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis (PHOTOS)

Members of Azov were greeted as heroes in London

British lawmakers cheered a delegation of the notorious Azov Ukrainian military unit at a roundtable in Parliamenton Wednesday, while former Prime Minister Boris Johnson called them “heroes.”

The neo-Nazi militia was founded in 2014 by white supremacist Andrey Biletsky, who designed its logo with symbols once used by the SS. It was eventually integrated into the Ukrainian armed forces, while retaining its Third Reich iconography. The battalion has been accused by Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and the UN ofmultiple human rights abuses, including rape and torture of civilians.

Three members of Azov visited London and spoke before a group of parliamentarians. Lieutenant Arseniy Fedosiuk and Ruslan Serbov had been captured in Mariupol in 2022, while the third, Sergeant Vladimir Vernygora, joined the unit in 2023.

Fedosiuk and Serbov were presumably among the Azov members Russia handed over to Türkiye on condition they not return to Ukraine until the end of the hostilities. Ankara later violated those terms and sent them back to Kiev.

During the parliamentary roundtable, the trio of Ukrainian militants spoke about the 900 or so Azov members still being held prisoner by Russia.

Azov, which is banned in Russia as an extremist organization, posted photos of the meeting on its X (formerly Twitter) account, thanking the sponsors of their parliamentary visit.

The event, they said, waschaired by Victoria Prentis MP, attorney general of England and Wales. The two other MPs they thanked by name were Sir John Whittingdale, former minister for Data and Digital Infrastructure; and Bob Seely MP, chair of the UK-Ukraine Parliamentary Friendship Group. All three are from the ruling Conservative Party.

Fedosiuk, Serbov and Vernygora also posed with former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who famously visited Kiev in April 2022 to torpedo any possibility of a peace deal between Ukraine and Russia.

Johnson was photographed with the trio while holding an Azov bannerfeaturing the Wolfsangel symbol once used by the Waffen-SS Division Das Reich and several Wehrmacht units during WWII.

A video making the rounds on social media shows Johnsonspeaking at a reception for the Azov militants, urging the British government to give Ukraine whatever it wants – money, missiles, and air defenses.

“The single best investment that we can make in the defense of the whole Euro-Atlantic area is supporting Ukrainian heroes,” Johnson is recorded as saying. Former British Defense Minister Ben Wallace was also present at the event.

(UK anons show the people what your leaders just did, they are supporting Nazis. Yes the Nazis that the UK begged the US to enter WWII to save them. Your leaders are accepting Nazi tactics to control your citizens I’m sure you can find this info on other media than RT. Get to work UK anons and prove your country is in decline due to them. That’s why your elderly relatives cannot afford heat or food==. They’d rather defeat Russia, which they can’t, then feed and give warmth to your elderly. Heck as Covid proved, they’d rather eliminate them. UK friends we will help in any way we can, but its battle time.)


PS. The Tories are gonna lose so bad in your elections on July 4th They committed the most egregious sin they could!

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56cdc3 No.20906876






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a719c7 No.20906878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c788d8 No.20906879

File: 2a951f38a1451d4⋯.jpg (16.36 KB,255x251,255:251,2a951f38a1451d41936605a373….jpg)


>the feeeling in my gut when I move wrist is the worst

stop moving wrist

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9fdcf6 No.20906881

File: 4916a305c0e8715⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


beautiful, a work of art with Q clock and Qdrops +++

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7088e3 No.20906882

File: 43ab16d04390811⋯.png (151.5 KB,600x363,200:121,Alwaleed_Gates_birds.png)

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56cdc3 No.20906883





21:47:47 thatls5050too


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7088e3 No.20906885

File: a934bbb45fcd06c⋯.png (1.49 MB,1478x900,739:450,Alwaleed_media.png)

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7f0f4d No.20906887

File: 6d7a56e3b8c3c6b⋯.mp4 (178.2 KB,480x270,16:9,Meteor_Portagul_Ducks.mp4)

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7088e3 No.20906888

File: 66cf490cc6c4b48⋯.png (771.6 KB,864x654,144:109,AlWaleed_sings.png)

File: b89a5ee4cbb3595⋯.jpeg (129.43 KB,800x589,800:589,Alwaleed_Snapchat.jpeg)

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56cdc3 No.20906889







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a4b199 No.20906891

File: 9e73515bf56bb7f⋯.png (203.28 KB,495x255,33:17,hunt_ny_lakes.png)

File: 36742548245d94f⋯.png (120.76 KB,243x240,81:80,hunter_laptop.png)

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b5ddf2 No.20906892


Tf are you even saying bro

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7088e3 No.20906894

File: 9dac384c54ae16c⋯.jpg (427.6 KB,810x1246,405:623,Alwaleed_with_dems.jpg)

File: bfea9667546e66b⋯.png (557.7 KB,856x626,428:313,Alwaleed_Obama.png)

File: 2ec7ca641855aeb⋯.jpg (70.24 KB,966x579,322:193,AlWaleed5.jpg)

File: 8b39a8eea718cd3⋯.jpg (135.82 KB,669x500,669:500,AlWaleedBlackWhite.jpg)

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4a442a No.20906895

File: f59e2ce2edf1664⋯.gif (448.58 KB,444x258,74:43,ba_dum_tsss.gif)

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899a21 No.20906896

File: ce764b1d0d12606⋯.png (762.61 KB,854x480,427:240,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a75233b57b17333⋯.png (1.12 MB,1366x768,683:384,5_23_2024_Bronx_NY.png)


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9f009f No.20906897

File: 5882488d10c9224⋯.jpg (208.68 KB,1200x766,600:383,clown_car_947322379.jpg)

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56cdc3 No.20906898







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7088e3 No.20906900

File: 14d5502b5d195ad⋯.png (732.85 KB,566x800,283:400,Alwaleed_Blankfein.png)

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cfe9a5 No.20906901

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<3 TYB

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aac92b No.20906902

File: ab941174ed81492⋯.jpeg (46.92 KB,299x168,299:168,images_5_.jpeg)

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7088e3 No.20906904

File: a69b6833fee63cb⋯.png (779.71 KB,599x900,599:900,AlwaleedBySword.png)

File: 04ac9733fa9dda9⋯.jpeg (25.89 KB,380x283,380:283,Alwaleed_Carter.jpeg)

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cc5d2a No.20906905

File: 6f0e5a830623b61⋯.png (1.01 MB,686x876,343:438,6f0e5a830623b61d26c0464143….png)

File: 95eb1ffaf02dd95⋯.png (219.92 KB,640x1336,80:167,1910_2_.png)

File: c377b14197508ce⋯.jpeg (25.52 KB,680x453,680:453,QTKuRjoK.jpeg)

File: 136d468f30dd5eb⋯.jpg (102.56 KB,1060x1200,53:60,136d468f30dd5eb5960083f1b2….jpg)

File: f63ee5c63ae3fd4⋯.jpeg (244.2 KB,1354x1123,1354:1123,GN_9eOYXMAA5vw1.jpeg)


been thinking about dropping at the local legion. just to talk to a real person that knows basic math.

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5d6f9d No.20906906

File: a2e092a33cce30a⋯.jpg (74.95 KB,500x667,500:667,photo_1628137138287_a3aaaa….jpg)

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56cdc3 No.20906907









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e92c62 No.20906908

File: f078a0a7e58857e⋯.jpg (95.45 KB,600x762,100:127,davidferrieeyebrows.jpg)

File: e8ab3c65111ab4e⋯.jpg (126.03 KB,900x750,6:5,kathy_hochuleyebrows.jpg)

>>20906553 lb

>>20906543 lb

no one cares, madcow.



slurring her words.

What is she on?

Also she slipped.

"Biden is out there campaigning in the other battlegound states"

So she admits at the end New York is in play

"Freudian slip"

creepy eyebrows.

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7088e3 No.20906910

File: 338c2f80274158e⋯.jpeg (535.26 KB,1734x1308,289:218,AlwaleedDangles2.jpeg)

File: b3367b67d799c79⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,3500x2616,875:654,AlwaleedDangling.jpg)

File: d53953545bb215b⋯.jpeg (142.35 KB,800x590,80:59,Alwaleed_Dorsey.jpeg)

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b5b9cc No.20906911



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56cdc3 No.20906912









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e8be49 No.20906913

File: 50dd9e96b50f232⋯.png (1.62 MB,1600x2600,8:13,plusEdRdeletedwide.png)

File: 89c1a0e86743d6a⋯.png (546.87 KB,1000x1000,1:1,plusgraphic.png)

File: 32e62601a99c8cd⋯.png (638.26 KB,1128x1000,141:125,plusgraphicwtweet.png)


Plus Plus Plus

Plus Plus

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7088e3 No.20906914

File: ea7290b23e71905⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,543x359,543:359,Alwaleed_Dubya.jpg)

File: 65afbbfbf4068d7⋯.jpg (31.24 KB,512x361,512:361,Alwaleed_Dubya2.jpg)

File: f4e5f5057342415⋯.png (159.29 KB,301x373,301:373,Alwaleed_Dubya4.png)

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64b477 No.20906915

Truth Social is full of butt hurt faggots

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18b812 No.20906916

File: 88b1ed5401842f0⋯.jpg (173.26 KB,1080x1350,4:5,white_scar_primaris2.jpg)

Poor bastards.

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7088e3 No.20906917

File: e3e661a470b5a0b⋯.jpeg (80.11 KB,534x800,267:400,Alwaleed_Gates_Buffet.jpeg)

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56cdc3 No.20906919











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7088e3 No.20906920

File: fcff28ae4a7d2c4⋯.jpg (108.22 KB,800x560,10:7,AlwaleedMGMVegas.jpg)

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c788d8 No.20906922


all the images on phones seem off from each other if recording same thing from same spot

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7f0f4d No.20906923

File: fa7ab5430ff93cf⋯.png (208.06 KB,387x403,387:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a442a No.20906924

File: acf072b5664d5b7⋯.jpg (23 KB,341x268,341:268,Continue.jpg)

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7088e3 No.20906925

File: 17f9abe0634ad08⋯.jpg (28.5 KB,460x287,460:287,Alwaleed_Murdoch.jpg)

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7088e3 No.20906927

File: 04ff7d038b1c09a⋯.jpeg (134.07 KB,565x800,113:160,Alwaleed_Murdoch_Dorsey.jpeg)

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56cdc3 No.20906928











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e8d482 No.20906929






As for this,


The post timestamp and the Q drop are enough for it to be notable and in fact it's the very subject of the Q post (Duh)

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cfe9a5 No.20906930

File: cc2e34eba78685c⋯.jpg (40.18 KB,1024x576,16:9,1716042623474757m.jpg)


Dude, I'm a fuckup. I washed out of the program. Wanna hear my story? We lost a camera.

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9fdcf6 No.20906932

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB,640x360,16:9,anons_united_vid.mp4)


2nd Q is back in public

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ba6e44 No.20906933

File: 1bb73762251c8ab⋯.png (386.28 KB,560x369,560:369,Tits_GTFO_2.png)

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7088e3 No.20906934

File: ce2a22149197ae8⋯.png (298.57 KB,490x275,98:55,AlwaleedOwn.png)

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7088e3 No.20906935

File: 815412efa210861⋯.png (385.08 KB,634x431,634:431,Alwaleed_Prince_Charles_pr….png)

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56cdc3 No.20906936











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4b3745 No.20906937


NY and HI will vote Trump.

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7088e3 No.20906939

File: f945ee4513eee7d⋯.jpg (390.82 KB,1440x960,3:2,Alwaleed_RahmEmmanuel_.jpg)

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3b0d4c No.20906940

File: d83efb3722d287d⋯.png (144.24 KB,268x200,67:50,d83efb3722d287dd9a5d4eb786….png)

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e8be49 No.20906941


Single graphics are postable on social media.

Kind of what we used to do around here.

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64b477 No.20906942


Many of the Group owners are gatekeeping homos

I got kicked out of the Q group for exposing Bibi.

Most of my posts can't be shared or liked. People complaining to me about it.

And people are blocked from sending me a pm

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18b812 No.20906943

File: 533cccd74c185ae⋯.png (622.19 KB,735x637,15:13,533cccd74c185ae1db2ad64227….png)

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7461fc No.20906944

File: b912fa343c969cd⋯.png (671.43 KB,572x621,572:621,ch.PNG)

File: d3a2575b700ecf0⋯.png (22.4 KB,1235x398,1235:398,fb.PNG)

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56cdc3 No.20906945












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4c1fa6 No.20906947

File: 2d3fd455f79cd18⋯.mp4 (12.61 MB,480x480,1:1,2d3fd455f79cd184150bc65cbe….mp4)

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34d44e No.20906948

File: 081201fd48d9385⋯.png (534.98 KB,639x645,213:215,081201fd48d93851191606ca29….png)

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7088e3 No.20906949

File: 38bf4e9312c4da0⋯.jpg (131.86 KB,669x500,669:500,AlwaleedSwinger.jpg)

File: f1c9d10fddfc18a⋯.jpg (57.83 KB,966x579,322:193,AlWaleedTablecloth.jpg)

File: fa90cc8aca37898⋯.jpeg (445.4 KB,2434x2434,1:1,AlwaleedTryMe.jpeg)

File: b0fa2d80668ff6b⋯.jpeg (575.06 KB,2434x2434,1:1,AlwaleedUpsideDown.jpeg)

File: af2d210436036b0⋯.jpeg (594.36 KB,2434x2434,1:1,AlwaleedUpsideDown2.jpeg)

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e8d482 No.20906950


It's called "angles" you and 20 friends all get your phones and go outside and try a central point at varying zooms, then post a pic of your group shot here.

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7088e3 No.20906951

File: 12b86197aea17dd⋯.png (283.74 KB,500x334,250:167,AlWaleedWasUntouchable.png)

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cfe9a5 No.20906952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shits moving faster than I am. Maybe day shift is where the answers are.

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6b0bde No.20906954


Saying folks and people might mean something to you, however in other places and locales another meaning might be interpreted. Same here. Yes? Please correct me if mistaken.

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56cdc3 No.20906955













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3b0d4c No.20906956


Mission 4

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7461fc No.20906957

File: 5c8275528584e08⋯.png (1.01 MB,854x747,854:747,prep.PNG)


Maine National Guard Announces Training Exercises to Prepare for Nuclear Strikes on U.S. Soil

Seamus OthotBy Seamus OthotMay 23, 2024Updated:May 23, 2024

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1f49ba No.20906959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7088e3 No.20906961

File: ce69b811b47a1cd⋯.jpg (121.17 KB,750x500,3:2,Anderson_Cooper_fruity_fru….jpg)

File: 5a63a8f430912fb⋯.png (1.33 MB,1053x1534,81:118,Anderson_Cooper_Mockingbir….png)

File: fee5c183f70b9aa⋯.jpg (124.7 KB,500x690,50:69,Anderson_Cooper_occult_CIA.jpg)

File: 03bf410166ae1d5⋯.jpg (343.41 KB,1666x956,833:478,Anderson_Cooper_screw_the_….jpg)

File: 6656da6720dbc53⋯.png (616.23 KB,612x595,36:35,Anderson_Cooper_shop_for_k….png)

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56cdc3 No.20906962















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e92c62 No.20906963

File: 5f98bf33a09c447⋯.jpg (181.64 KB,675x1200,9:16,fbimadlibsf5.jpg)


It's ridiculous that charts aren't put into notables.

That what Q research is supposed to be doing.

Amalgamation of Mainstream News?

That's fairly close to bullshit (especially when sauce is … NY Times or CNN or some other lying news site - why promote their lies and psy-op?) and arguably fails to deserve the space that should be going to charts and actual Q research.

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70688d No.20906964

>You can't answer the above but will laugh once disclose details

I wondered why this was phrased this way >>20906831

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8fa4e9 No.20906965


try adding 12 hours to that time

mil time EST

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7088e3 No.20906967

File: 2e3c0e1b3a7ebde⋯.png (186.75 KB,1342x862,671:431,Anderson_Cooper_walnut_sau….png)

File: dbe145bead1bb89⋯.jpg (88.46 KB,460x449,460:449,Anderson_Coopers_mom_Glori….jpg)

File: ba81d237bb8ed43⋯.png (804.52 KB,600x829,600:829,Anderson_Coopers_mom_wicke….png)

File: 1f386217d9c4880⋯.png (786.77 KB,600x829,600:829,Anderson_Coopers_mom_worsh….png)

File: 28f9271f97729f7⋯.jpg (66.93 KB,800x430,80:43,Anderson_endorsed.jpg)

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56cdc3 No.20906968















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6b0bde No.20906970


You shouldn't eavesdrop on a non-public person's telephone conversations. It makes you look bad.

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7088e3 No.20906971

File: 3cdea2494a4736f⋯.png (87.56 KB,370x480,37:48,Anderson_Poodle.png)

File: 39461cbcea07ead⋯.png (777.77 KB,600x829,600:829,Anderson_V_Coopers_mom_wor….png)

File: 9c1a36805741bea⋯.png (165.03 KB,235x358,235:358,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: 789df7e3565b2ff⋯.jpg (19.39 KB,400x228,100:57,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 799e991de1b5e56⋯.jpg (114.41 KB,571x805,571:805,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

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7461fc No.20906972

File: 871823fefa4a6eb⋯.png (547.08 KB,598x767,46:59,june.PNG)



City of Portland, Maine


A full-scale inter-agency training exercise is happening the first week of June. Major impacts to the public are not anticipated. Learn more at http://maine.gov/mema/KatahdinShield

“Regional Weapons of Mass Destruction Response Exercise. You will see increased activity from local, state, and federal agencies as they practice coordinating a response to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats. There is no danger to the public. | Where? Statewide, see website for details. | When? June 3rd through June 6th.

1:00 AM · May 23, 2024




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5f7ce6 No.20906973

File: 59f983617ad5498⋯.jpg (84.04 KB,828x509,828:509,bolton_2024.jpg)

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4a442a No.20906974


It has too much of a trust the science vibe.

A black box not easy to understand process.

Gonna need to break it down to a normie audience otherwise it's just inside baseball puzzle solving pr0n.

Old School Notables were that way and that's why the OG Clockfags got ignored.

They never show their math in verifiable form so that many anons could verify what was being claimed.

That, and the fact they were/(prolly still are) hardcore spergs that don't know how to comm effectively when questioned and always end up in a Tourette's meltdown.

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e8d482 No.20906975


Can we get the vid link please.

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b5192f No.20906976


ISLAMABAD – The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for an attack on foreigners in central Afghanistan last week in which three Spanish citizens and three Afghans were killed.

Seven people were wounded in the attack on Friday in on Bamiyan province, a major tourist area, according to Abdul Mateen Qani, a spokesman for the interior minister. He said seven suspects were arrested at the scene.

The Islamic State group issued statements on its Aamaq news agency late Sunday that said IS fighters attacked a bus carrying tourists and their guides. “The attack was in response to the IS leaders’ directions to target citizens of the European Union wherever they are found,” it said.

Spain's Foreign Ministry said three Spaniards died and at least one more had been wounded. A Taliban official in Bamiyan, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said the four wounded foreigners were from Spain, Norway, Australia and Latvia. ..

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c788d8 No.20906977


have heard of the concept of angles once before

still looks off, as does the cluster of 3 hands front and center holding the phones in such a way

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7088e3 No.20906978

File: 0402c16588c885b⋯.jpg (403.99 KB,1358x960,679:480,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 9e0abfadff03a52⋯.png (375.97 KB,481x479,481:479,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: b0d3c1c545246ea⋯.png (395.01 KB,748x482,374:241,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: 53034c714f27032⋯.jpg (17.98 KB,605x328,605:328,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 1696cedf5774a82⋯.png (336.95 KB,827x434,827:434,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

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43c5ae No.20906979

File: beba68b6c49abb2⋯.png (362.95 KB,523x513,523:513,1f.png)


fucking mind bullets

dodge that shit

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5a78ec No.20906980



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3178d5 No.20906981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mario Merola. Spusalizio 'e marenare con testo video Mario Ferraro

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eb84ab No.20906982

File: e9c1d8e22fd8ced⋯.png (1.23 MB,821x1019,821:1019,e9c1d8e22fd8ced67791c957c9….png)


Why would you expose bibi when all leftist campuses are raging at him?

Doesn't matter if you are pro or against

Just never interfere with opponents when they do stupid shit

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e8d482 No.20906983

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74974d No.20906985

File: d5355fea234bf8c⋯.png (66.83 KB,191x263,191:263,d5355fea234bf8c973059e7a99….png)

File: a02957a58a7d415⋯.png (473.08 KB,512x512,1:1,a02957a58a7d41565063137c25….png)

File: 87318319580be18⋯.png (315.93 KB,500x372,125:93,87318319580be18ae1e3cd9e34….png)

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7088e3 No.20906986

File: d08ebbbc361e8f7⋯.jpg (30.43 KB,780x519,260:173,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 02c31af8d473621⋯.jpg (71.7 KB,612x612,1:1,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 1c69e2cd8efa09e⋯.png (350.2 KB,850x434,425:217,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: 725baaa5ab8e407⋯.png (462.56 KB,495x774,55:86,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: 87b5eb02c0632c6⋯.jpg (118.1 KB,634x809,634:809,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

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4a442a No.20906987


Ayo hol up.

So there's a Q club on Truth Social?

What's it like (size, topics, whatever)?

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e8d482 No.20906988


And WRAY would know!

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b5b9cc No.20906989

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


==Good idea a historian on Bannons War room. Patrick K. O’Donnell went to Legion to find out the truth about the wars, including VN, which they would never talk about. He said they never tell the family etc outside of that environment. He is one of the most accurate Historians and his books are always at the top. Check him out. Even my leftie brother reads his books, he loves accurate history. BTW Bannon will probably have him on for Memorial Day.

Patrick K O’Donnell Previews New Best Seller got the best review of new book “The Unvanguished” by WSJ

It at the top seller on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. Short video 7 minutes


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5e0928 No.20906990


You better lay off the tendies for a bit

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cc5d2a No.20906991

File: 10464dd174da0d6⋯.jpeg (29.55 KB,255x255,1:1,c27620e135ec72b34cb59f892….jpeg)

File: 6f0e5a830623b61⋯.png (1.01 MB,686x876,343:438,6f0e5a830623b61d26c0464143….png)

File: 37963f7ca73529c⋯.png (12.09 KB,254x255,254:255,86760e40a617a46419129be05c….png)

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7088e3 No.20906993

File: 055855296f62294⋯.png (66.77 KB,790x458,395:229,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: dd432468f828aec⋯.jpg (746.89 KB,1600x2000,4:5,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 8afdebbc30ae176⋯.jpg (210.54 KB,600x830,60:83,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: b840baa7375a838⋯.jpg (136.91 KB,625x603,625:603,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 82527851d270bc3⋯.jpeg (5.92 KB,255x168,85:56,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Coope….jpeg)

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7088e3 No.20906994

File: 7d93407a858e683⋯.jpeg (80.38 KB,880x400,11:5,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Coope….jpeg)

File: 483c941f0f7403f⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,3812x2539,3812:2539,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: 0842e56b3a74456⋯.jpg (95.19 KB,832x500,208:125,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: b7d868c5f5b31cd⋯.png (519.21 KB,571x805,571:805,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: 442f9e76f0b7b2a⋯.png (772.35 KB,1124x1024,281:256,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

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39fd5a No.20906995


Is he having a suicide weekend?

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3178d5 No.20906996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Santa Lucia", barcarola napolitana en 5 versiones - Subts.: italiano-alemán-inglés-español HD

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64b477 No.20906997

Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition

The U.S. Senate on May 23 again rejected a proposed border bill as the issue continues to dominate voters’ concerns ahead of the 2024 election. The bill was previously blocked by Republicans in February when it was rolled into a broader foreign aid package.

Republicans have criticized Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.) decision to bring the bill back up for a vote, saying it was a political move aimed at bolstering Democrat messaging ahead of the 2024 elections.

The legislation, dubbed the Border Act of 2024, was rejected in a 43–50 vote that included more opposition from members of both parties than the previous vote in February.

The bill includes $20 billion in funding for border security and a mechanism to shut down the border after seven consecutive days with an average of 5,000 illegal immigrants encountered per day or if more than 8,500 illegal aliens are encountered in a single day.

Proponents of the bill say that it would grant President Joe Biden additional authority to close the border, and say that it would alleviate the situation by providing new funding that could help stop the flow of fentanyl over the border.

“It’s a chance to show we’re serious about fixing the border,” Mr. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said ahead of the vote.

Opponents say the opposite, with many contending it would only make the situation worse—particularly through a clause that could effectively codify allowing 5,000 illegal aliens into the country a day.

In February, the bill failed to advance a 49–50 vote, including support from four Republicans and opposition from four Democrats.

On Thursday, Several Democrats, including Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who caucuses with Democrats, voted against the measure.

These lawmakers tied their opposition to the measure’s lack of protection for “Dreamers,” the recipients of deferred immigration enforcement under President Barack Obama.

Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) and John Lankford (R-Okla.), key negotiators for the initial package, both defected to vote against the measure.

No Republicans supported the measure during its second round, with many saying that the vote itself was a political ploy by Democrats that would only worsen the situation at the southern border.


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5f7ce6 No.20906999

File: ff7452a7f5da84f⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,720x900,4:5,Never_Give_Up.mp4)

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e8d482 No.20907000


The comms are for anons, once news is added it becomes a proof. Comms should be notable and Proofs should be notable. Proofs are for normies, Comms are for us.

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b5b9cc No.20907001


Dude, Butt hurt faggots are everywhere, get used to it, and stop being rude

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7088e3 No.20907003

File: 0e9edd814f576e2⋯.jpeg (1.54 MB,5946x3764,2973:1882,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Coope….jpeg)

File: 7311fd36c57f225⋯.jpg (158.71 KB,435x580,3:4,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

File: c30b16064b91875⋯.png (1.26 MB,1221x1600,1221:1600,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: c6aaf3eb4f358c5⋯.png (719.8 KB,634x809,634:809,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….png)

File: 90c0caa80d0274c⋯.jpg (64.1 KB,571x790,571:790,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….jpg)

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79a378 No.20907004



As usual

Chuckles no like Trumpster


Those that carry on the most…something something

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64b477 No.20907005

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Merrick Garland Lashes Out at Trump For Claiming the DOJ Had Authorization to Kill Him During Mar-a-Lago Raid …Which They Did

“Most of us got a solicitation email this morning from the former president of the United States saying the Justice Department had authorization to kill him during the Mar-a-Lago raid…” a reporter said to Merrick Garland.

Attorney General Garland on former President Trump's claim that the Justice Department had authorization to kill him during the Mar-a-Lago raid: "That allegation is false and it is extremely dangerous."


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9fdcf6 No.20907006

File: 6639c0837d69968⋯.mp4 (10.35 MB,480x480,1:1,smartmatic_and_skyking.mp4)


anon made that video.

this is a decode also.


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899a21 No.20907007

File: 1b88e2615271de3⋯.png (612.13 KB,796x598,398:299,ClipboardImage.png)

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7088e3 No.20907008

File: c8c80e910a5bb19⋯.jpeg (629.46 KB,2000x1979,2000:1979,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Coope….jpeg)

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cfe9a5 No.20907010

File: e76ac57d5e2d6d4⋯.png (119.83 KB,256x237,256:237,1715479550937380.png)




God bless you.

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7088e3 No.20907011

File: cb4219d3ff3830f⋯.jpg (39.77 KB,480x360,4:3,Anderson_walnut_1.jpg)

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d1ef2d No.20907012

So we have Marker 1 and 2 confirmed. 9 is still out there. Muhbe there are 5, 10, 15 still to go. Any others?

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7088e3 No.20907013

File: 763290f70d47bbf⋯.jpg (41.13 KB,480x360,4:3,Anderson_walnut_2.jpg)

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b143d3 No.20907014

File: c0cc4af9ccdba46⋯.jpeg (652.12 KB,828x619,828:619,E82F1D7B_81D1_4BFF_9C59_E….jpeg)

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4a442a No.20907015


Anon, it's not that hard of a simple as.

Anons are just having fun going over the top with the Good Morning wakey wakey vibe.

GM is just much shorter to type.

Same reason you don't see many Thank You Baker's up above.

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b1b450 No.20907016

File: ade42973935921e⋯.jpeg (11.96 KB,255x192,85:64,3f28bd38429288029e9096f76….jpeg)

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7088e3 No.20907017

File: f2b19ba7c74332f⋯.jpg (40.54 KB,480x360,4:3,Anderson_walnut_3.jpg)

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7088e3 No.20907019

File: 32ed5d3cef26ac4⋯.jpg (63.75 KB,634x457,634:457,AndersonBlackEyeClub.jpg)

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e8d482 No.20907020


No… the source post for this:

>>20905077 PB

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7088e3 No.20907021

File: 5e4f7ec91d3e2e2⋯.png (374.42 KB,750x499,750:499,AndersonKevinSpaceyGay.png)

File: 600c4c91e42c4e0⋯.jpg (77.77 KB,800x450,16:9,AndersonCardDeclined.jpg)

File: cd2b504e7195c81⋯.jpg (35.97 KB,460x259,460:259,AndersonDistraction.jpg)

File: 6f1ea821c4ed364⋯.jpg (63.81 KB,700x420,5:3,AndersonHelloDOJ.jpg)

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64b477 No.20907022


Not being rude it's the truth, what are you a deep state clown trying to censor Anon's????

Sure, looks that way

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899a21 No.20907023


>Can we get the vid link please.

Anons this was at the Bronx "rally" this afternoon.

The Q pic was meme'd by me because I captured the circle or whatever the patriot was holding up.

I repeat, The Q is a meme

My bad for the confusion, it's not a good one if you zoom in on the tail of the Q, kek

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aac92b No.20907024

File: e4b2757b574bf71⋯.png (108.56 KB,700x635,140:127,Screenshot_2023_10_03_at_0….png)





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7088e3 No.20907025

File: 25732a62f069536⋯.png (759.63 KB,1032x1620,86:135,AndersonLiarLiar.png)

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3caa1c No.20907026

File: a379f387c8d0dd1⋯.png (986.62 KB,1174x810,587:405,I_was_thrilled_to_be_back_….png)

I was thrilled to be back in the city I grew up in, the city I spent my life in, the city I HELPED BUILD, and the city WE ALL LOVE—THANK YOU!


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f041d1 No.20907028

File: 162fe4b8a651716⋯.png (237.07 KB,519x533,519:533,bill_hicks_smoking_depopul….png)

File: 26ca314d0a98d61⋯.png (1.44 MB,1192x794,596:397,alex_jones_the_infinite_bo….png)

File: 0e5e8f5debf0bb4⋯.jpg (65.9 KB,527x522,527:522,JONESTOWN_HICKS.jpg)

File: 3a9c0721b92c5b3⋯.gif (3.1 MB,400x224,25:14,Alex_Jones_and_Kevin_Booth….gif)


Surely no one fucking cares any more

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7088e3 No.20907029

File: efaa76d47906129⋯.jpeg (378.71 KB,1242x2208,9:16,AndersonPedo_2_.jpeg)

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64b477 No.20907030


Vatican Clown Alert

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e8d482 No.20907031


That's funny since we're on Mission 9 right now Censorship.

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7088e3 No.20907032

File: c8b0bb728901373⋯.jpeg (480.31 KB,2560x1536,5:3,AndersonPedo.jpeg)

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b5b9cc No.20907033


Well that isnotable

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79a378 No.20907034

File: c6ef3e01dbaa39d⋯.jpg (82.38 KB,720x720,1:1,Screenshot_20240220_214318….jpg)

Very nice

Ty for saying


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7088e3 No.20907035


<▶ Anonymous Just now e95052 No.20907027


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f041d1 No.20907036

File: 636a0722f750424⋯.png (506.7 KB,1306x880,653:440,non_human_alian_deputy_spe….png)


>i'll never

not with that attitude

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cc5d2a No.20907037

File: 615bfcf7404162d⋯.png (91.25 KB,640x802,320:401,2838.png)

File: bf030763dbdd729⋯.png (683.86 KB,640x5274,320:2637,28_9_.png)

File: 2f092ba90e330b7⋯.png (165.14 KB,640x1326,320:663,38_6_.png)

File: 295dcd131874848⋯.png (197.93 KB,276x244,69:61,295dcd131874848a092c0f4e62….png)

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181746 No.20907039

File: db65562b09647e2⋯.png (490.9 KB,692x628,173:157,288ef3a3f7ff28dbe1c06c3a66….png)


Damn straight Sky King is alive!

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7088e3 No.20907040

File: 43751ddb5df74ed⋯.jpg (120.26 KB,1600x900,16:9,AndersonSearchForMe.jpg)

File: 9487592dd8bbe5b⋯.jpg (493.53 KB,1008x1008,1:1,AndersonPoodleToNBW.jpg)

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4a442a No.20907041


Yes, it should be Noted, but not until clockfags do a much better job of showing the math.

Anon eyes even gloss over it - no way the gen pub will take it seriously as-is.

Is this concept difficult to understand?

Most people don't get it because you're just showing lines on a clock with no clear explanation as to how they got there.

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18b812 No.20907042

File: fe58c54431898da⋯.png (1.11 MB,1340x920,67:46,ClipboardImage.png)

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7088e3 No.20907043

File: 2b567d99b7f5ff4⋯.jpg (296.54 KB,800x800,1:1,AndersonSedition_2_.jpg)

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5b1fb6 No.20907045


(You) should go post that on Truth.

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7088e3 No.20907046

File: db689f31d8fb272⋯.jpeg (253.43 KB,1018x1236,509:618,AndersonTellThemConspirac….jpeg)

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79a378 No.20907047

File: 171eeb53a7144a5⋯.jpg (74.13 KB,720x891,80:99,Screenshot_20240423_220727….jpg)

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7088e3 No.20907048

File: 1645d55d9293561⋯.jpg (83.35 KB,800x450,16:9,AndersonSedition.jpg)

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f041d1 No.20907050

File: 3fd1baf953bac67⋯.png (90.99 KB,261x243,29:27,ClipboardImage.png)


>might be anderson coopers father

That's what they call "slinging mud".

It's something shills do when someone gets close to truth.

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7088e3 No.20907051

File: bf28183828dfa97⋯.jpg (62.47 KB,720x480,3:2,AndersonTrouble.jpg)

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64b477 No.20907052


I did and tagged Devin Nunes

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9f009f No.20907053

…Anon still find the clock completely retarded. Puzzle pieces hammered together, as usual.

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7088e3 No.20907055

File: 954bc63ff4cba42⋯.jpg (204.8 KB,2560x1536,5:3,AndersonTV.jpg)

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e8be49 No.20907056

File: 88a47bea9c74354⋯.png (7.53 MB,3700x4200,37:42,nov13missingifightIXXIUSar….png)

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124e41 No.20907057

File: 3111a8bc8d85f72⋯.png (166.9 KB,216x480,9:20,3e79cdbb1472bfe031d2edfe17….png)

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e8d482 No.20907058


Just learn the difference between COMMS and PROOFS. Q said LEARN OUR COMMS - that means (you). Q said meme the PROOFS - that means socmed.

Anons already know and have been knowing comms are for us. There's a reason the admins don't want them in notables and it's by design. I'll stop saying so when they start being put in notables again like they once were.

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b1b450 No.20907059

File: 8f91e1c92dbbc55⋯.png (373.05 KB,631x564,631:564,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c64c6848297028d⋯.png (86.09 KB,389x235,389:235,ClipboardImage.png)


>how bad is it?

Mate in 3.


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7088e3 No.20907060

File: f231d6aed2c3531⋯.jpg (91.86 KB,845x472,845:472,AndersonWas_Important.jpg)

File: cba21a4ed8bda45⋯.jpg (49.4 KB,847x475,847:475,AndersonWalnuts.jpg)

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7461fc No.20907061

File: c7e1e352762c982⋯.png (551.5 KB,596x552,149:138,ti.PNG)


Matthew Miller


“Debate me AOC!!!”

AOC’s opponent @TinaForteUSA

tears her a new one at the south Bronx Trump rally

11:44 AM · May 23, 2024




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6b0bde No.20907062


A difference does exist. Dayshift holds because of numbers. Nightshift cracks those numbers.

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cc5d2a No.20907063


white guys don't last bread.bird bird bird.

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7088e3 No.20907064

File: fea03a82f10ce97⋯.jpg (4.78 KB,250x183,250:183,Assange_2.jpg)

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64b477 No.20907066

File: d5eace0704734e9⋯.png (575.96 KB,602x582,301:291,ClipboardImage.png)

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7088e3 No.20907067

File: 8a1993248602998⋯.png (59.88 KB,899x558,29:18,Assange24Dec17.png)

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86c497 No.20907068


You're not an autist…it's ok..we've got it.

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7088e3 No.20907069

File: f9ef355854bb008⋯.jpg (40.25 KB,540x339,180:113,AssangeDaring.jpg)

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64b477 No.20907070

File: c4836ecfbfc95e3⋯.png (71.61 KB,286x301,286:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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7088e3 No.20907072

File: 5dced08316a6f5e⋯.png (279.13 KB,752x546,376:273,AssangeDrone2.png)

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f041d1 No.20907073

File: 3d7cde0f959bd1b⋯.mp4 (9.27 MB,1280x720,16:9,Donald_Trump_sings_Sabotag….mp4)

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7088e3 No.20907074

File: b2bfa6740668fa5⋯.jpg (67.97 KB,500x500,1:1,AssangeDroneMe.jpg)

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e8be49 No.20907075

File: 55f485c95dcb8ab⋯.png (2.32 MB,3000x3000,1:1,firstcircwlqpost.png)


They get there based on the dates the posts are made.

Seems like a simple enough concept.

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e8d482 No.20907076


It wasn't last bread, it was the bread previous to lb

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7088e3 No.20907077

File: e17a52f8d7a6206⋯.png (356.2 KB,1242x2208,9:16,AssangeGAB.png)

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9f009f No.20907079

File: f684e5fe52cd754⋯.jpg (294.92 KB,705x943,705:943,f684e5fe52cd7543b63a9d5624….jpg)


…Can't be one of the fuckin' cool kids.

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70688d No.20907080

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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7088e3 No.20907081

File: 08eba80c53af0de⋯.jpeg (215.86 KB,2486x1340,1243:670,AssangeInTouch.jpeg)

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7088e3 No.20907082

File: 9aab60c8fcffae8⋯.jpg (14.13 KB,220x280,11:14,AssangeLOL.jpg)

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7088e3 No.20907084

File: 07688cb27a454d1⋯.jpg (765.44 KB,1418x2083,1418:2083,AssangeNavyTweet.jpg)

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4a442a No.20907085


>we're a secret autist club we can't tell you what's in the black box just gibs us our Notables now reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Ok, good luck with that.

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cc5d2a No.20907086


hammer remmah

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7088e3 No.20907087

File: 70055a08ac9bc32⋯.png (18.77 KB,578x236,289:118,Assange_SethRich.png)

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64b477 No.20907088

Satan - Lucifer - Devil

Enoch of the Adamic line of Seth says in his Messianic Prophecy the Devil came out of the dimension of spirit about 41,000 years ago. He did it on his own accord, and God did not create him, yet Col. 1:16 says God created everything, and John 1:3 says: "All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made". That is true. God, however, did not create the Devil! Therefore are unrealities as a lie and an error in the tangible form of humans (John 8:44), God, however, created Lucifier, yet he died when he failed to conform in accordance with

Divine Law, and the spiritual deadness became Satan, or God's adversary. He was then thrust out from the Throne of God in the high planes of spirit, or heaven, to the lowest depths of the dimension of

spirit. He was totally cut off from God and he thought of ways of getting revenge, yet he could not touch God in any manner.

Therefore, he came out of the pit of spiritual upside downness to the material plane without God's approval in order to get revenge against God by spiritually and physically-killing man, because man's Life Force is of God and by killing man the pain would also hurt God. When he was in the pit he was intangible spiritual evilness, yet when he transposed himself to the material plane he was tangible flesh, yet counterfeit because he was in no manner a part of God and the transposition was in direct violation of Divine Law. Gen. 14:18 gives a relative picture of the situation in which God's Christ-Son of Righteousness as Melchizedek stepped out of the dimension of spirit to renew His Covenant with father Abraham in the sacrament ritual. He came into the material plane in accordance with Divine Law, because that Law is in His Being. He was real and as tangible as Abraham.

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cfe9a5 No.20907090

At this point, what do you have to lose?

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b143d3 No.20907091

File: 33d5076818d5bab⋯.jpeg (428.42 KB,1188x588,99:49,CD25B65E_91D5_4CB2_9F38_4….jpeg)

File: 885ffaa34d091d8⋯.jpeg (229.26 KB,804x365,804:365,1BC8F7E6_90BB_4F2D_9B01_A….jpeg)

93-00697 Beechcraft RC-12X Guardrail trackin’ over NE SoKo and offshore

Muh flying antenna farm

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a2c608 No.20907092


bread n nut gobbler


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e8d482 No.20907093


The Hive Mind is alive and well. Anons don't expect you to understand.

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7088e3 No.20907094

File: 0240121c51cd7fc⋯.jpeg (358.7 KB,1242x2208,9:16,AssangeStatus.jpeg)

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6b0bde No.20907095


Same thing happened when Hitler spoke. Ozempic? Poor diet and hydration? Sorcery? Something about wizards and warlocks?

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7088e3 No.20907097

File: b319cf1fc752a20⋯.jpg (647.59 KB,1367x1998,1367:1998,AssangeStillEmbassy.jpg)

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f041d1 No.20907098

File: acf99e05fde2276⋯.jpg (17.39 KB,255x229,255:229,skyking.jpg)

File: 8fefd70314fa4a8⋯.png (183.05 KB,756x850,378:425,richard_beebo_russell_q400….png)


Just one question.

Can you show that's the CEO of Smartmatic?

If I have a video with some guy I wouldn't put a big block of text over that guy's head

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7461fc No.20907100

File: 0ed729402ccd2bc⋯.png (508.92 KB,603x500,603:500,j.PNG)




Judge Blocks Florida Law Criminalizing Transport Of Illegal Immigrants Into State

From zerohedge.com

2:40 PM · May 23, 2024




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7088e3 No.20907101

File: e3b01ff2e726e40⋯.jpg (47.66 KB,640x334,320:167,AssangeThumbUp.jpg)

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e8be49 No.20907102

File: a10c5fb40192886⋯.png (4.14 MB,3000x3000,1:1,flynndec5.png)

There is a [19] as well

Just cause today is :19

19 was the delta on the Flynn birthday connection (Dec 5 to Dec 24)

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7088e3 No.20907103

File: d6fca1a5a2185a9⋯.jpg (65.7 KB,634x409,634:409,AssangeTickTock.jpg)

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7088e3 No.20907105

File: fb4c21bcc9866b7⋯.jpg (70.75 KB,677x380,677:380,AssangeTruth.jpg)

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b143d3 No.20907106

File: 82aa210e70971d3⋯.png (43.66 KB,657x651,219:217,CA3ED2EC_828D_4184_A036_92….png)

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7d659f No.20907107

File: fdaabf3b35f24d7⋯.png (428 KB,634x423,634:423,9824D489_8481_4D3A_B346_E1….png)

File: 6e5b06c3ffb20ab⋯.png (587.33 KB,645x481,645:481,EF9887AF_704B_4B2A_B0BA_DF….png)

>>20907061 Go Tina ….

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7088e3 No.20907108

File: 99462a6db3c1e8d⋯.jpg (91.68 KB,888x499,888:499,AssangeTruthBombs.jpg)

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f041d1 No.20907109

File: 5b5e27710fb1532⋯.png (92.16 KB,495x275,9:5,wikileaks_micro2.png)

File: 1d46ec1c84b9332⋯.png (25.35 KB,597x304,597:304,wikileaks_micro.png)


remember that time wikileaks tweeted "micro"'s account

And it was on "Pamela Anderson sandwich day"

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7088e3 No.20907110

File: 71e2e19e79c3e6b⋯.jpg (125.44 KB,900x507,300:169,AssangeTruthHear.jpg)

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7088e3 No.20907111

File: aea959311058a92⋯.jpg (361.29 KB,1080x974,540:487,AssangeTwitterBackUp.jpg)

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6cd3d2 No.20907113


Sundog in the sky.

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7088e3 No.20907114

File: 07c4e96de2fdd37⋯.jpg (59.9 KB,496x351,496:351,AssangeTwitterWhat.jpg)

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ff8b65 No.20907115


It could use a few more antennas

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7088e3 No.20907116

File: ebb58aa1f87a45c⋯.jpg (60.4 KB,960x568,120:71,AssangeWikileaks.jpg)

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e8d482 No.20907118

File: ec36fd2d4adf3e0⋯.png (22.88 KB,400x278,200:139,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a442a No.20907119


>A difference does exist.

It sure used to.

2018 especially were, pardon the pun, night and day different.

Not so much now.

GY is ded and nowhere near as deep into the woo as it once was.

Day Shift isn't ded, but it's pretty much food fights and newsbot articles.

At least Evening Shift still has some good anon discussions and Swordy Shift tho short in duration has a solid vibe right now.

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a2c608 No.20907121




well over 10% ,of posts

fuckin faggot

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8fa4e9 No.20907122


#25642 >>20906575

>>20906847, >>20907091 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20906604, >>20906829 Tough issues narratives: contraception, Oil quid pro quo

>>20906610, >>20906592, >>20906805 AOC false prophet vid BECAUSE NEVER GONNA GET OLD/Q

>>20906658 FDA approves new cancer tests

>>20906681, >>20906686, >>20906701 Rally Notes

>>20906690 J.P. Morgan Securities to pay $200 million to settle CFTC charges of supervision failures

>>20906692 Blexit activist Madeline Brame right now is crushing it in the Bronx ahead of Trump’s speech.

>>20906694 Applied Materials gets another subpoena on China customer shipments

>>20906711, >>20906814 ICYMI: @DanScavino DRILL BABY DRILL! #TRUMP2024

>>20906732 Spain's Repsol receives US license for Venezuela oil, gas projects

>>20906734 There’s a huge shift taking place.

>>20906753 A fight breaks out between a Trump supporter and Palestine protesters during Trump's speech, NYPD brings in reinforcement

>>20906768 Trump rally… Bronx-style: MAGA tattoos and chains


>>20906839 Supreme Court Backs GOP’s New South Carolina Congressional Map

>>20906875 UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis

>>20906957 Maine National Guard Announces Training Exercises to Prepare for Nuclear Strikes on U.S. Soil

>>20906972 @CityPortland A full-scale inter-agency training exercise is happening the first week of June.

>>20906976 ISLAMABAD – The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for an attack on foreigners in central Afghanistan

>>20906997 Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition

>>20907061 @mattmiller757 “Debate me AOC!!!”

>>20907100 Judge Blocks Florida Law Criminalizing Transport Of Illegal Immigrants Into State

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74974d No.20907123


they hated jesus cuz he was full of shit an a pederast

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3178d5 No.20907124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sign in

0:00 / 3:33

Le quattro giornate di Napoli (1962) - Scena finale

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d1ef2d No.20907125

Well done with the 19 marker. Vatitard is shilling Flynn big time.

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56cdc3 No.20907126




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71e907 No.20907128


Night Shift isn't better, but it's different.

More Muse.

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eb84ab No.20907129

File: b73ba6be3f8d5c7⋯.png (113.82 KB,355x400,71:80,b73ba6be3f8d5c70beae0e88b4….png)

Don't care if people are pro Flynn or against

Multiple IP reddit space posting is cancer tho

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56cdc3 No.20907130





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b143d3 No.20907131

File: 7ba2633feda1443⋯.png (1011.28 KB,580x641,580:641,34EDAF1F_1D1A_476B_842E_60….png)

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8fa4e9 No.20907132

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4c1fa6 No.20907133


Zap didn't age well.

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37053d No.20907134


forget to IP hop before insulting yourself?

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4a442a No.20907135


Let's see what the clockfags come up with in the lab re: the linear thingy.

Bigfoot's spare tire has never cut it from a dissemination to normies (hell, most anons even) standpoint.

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9fdcf6 No.20907137

File: 612928bf77627ed⋯.png (759.12 KB,653x592,653:592,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a9cfab3e0fa8a5⋯.png (678.56 KB,655x648,655:648,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0da0a3ffdf6cc96⋯.png (237.11 KB,627x464,627:464,ClipboardImage.png)

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b143d3 No.20907138


Muh niqqa


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da97b3 No.20907139

ID +

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e8be49 No.20907140

File: 172571e82515ba9⋯.png (10.98 MB,5500x4700,55:47,JAESBM365MMdtwideBIN1027ja….png)



Happen to have this with the date/timestamp versus the 7 minute delta?

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cfe9a5 No.20907142



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a2c608 No.20907143


got to cheer on a blonde tuff chick on PED's ccuz women politicians have such great track records. name 1 woman US politician equally worth her tampon.

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8fa4e9 No.20907144


them honey dew lists

kicked muh ass for a bit

think the tide haz turned

we see

all healthy otherwise


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e8be49 No.20907146

File: 426a46f0357c7d0⋯.png (8.1 MB,3400x4000,17:20,JAChristmascombinedexpand.png)

File: 550095f4a178bbc⋯.png (6.36 MB,3747x3200,3747:3200,jessewadewl514111dtwQ.png)


Moar JA

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4e90a0 No.20907150


Bring it, brutha.

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cc5d2a No.20907151

File: 19cfe3667cd26ee⋯.png (619.11 KB,800x986,400:493,19cfe3667cd26ee03cebedac3b….png)

File: 41e8679b7a594fe⋯.png (16.19 KB,255x255,1:1,f82dccae500fc5e2bba638bd97….png)

File: 1b88e2615271de3⋯.png (612.13 KB,796x598,398:299,1b88e2615271de3d877776c74d….png)

File: 8a83e394bb1a708⋯.jpeg (171.76 KB,1280x853,1280:853,211101_O_D0439_102.jpeg)

File: eeec092736f85b9⋯.jpg (132.94 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_3_.jpg)


apple bottom is derogatory.

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18b812 No.20907154

File: 279a76ffb4f529a⋯.png (771.26 KB,1371x499,1371:499,cfsw2c053cadfc98da75de5792….png)

They're restraining their panic fairly well tonight.

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ff8b65 No.20907155

File: 199bc1415d133bb⋯.png (3.19 MB,1600x1203,1600:1203,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a442a No.20907157

File: 92feb28b8ef14c2⋯.jpg (47.16 KB,596x333,596:333,SimplyNoTimeForDat.JPG)


It's all good.

Most anons will keep fighting on the irl battlefields against the Q'S GOT NOTHING IN THE SCOREBOARD crowd without your help like always.

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da97b3 No.20907158

A special conference (Urban Rat Summit) is scheduled in New York to address the issue of increasing rat populations.

The summit, which will take place on Sept. 18 and 19, will gather the best in the rat business from Boston, New Orleans and Seattle to mitigate the spiraling rodent problem in the Big Apple, the Mayor announced in a press release Wednesday.

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7d659f No.20907160

File: 4af4b0fcaea67e7⋯.jpeg (26.2 KB,150x226,75:113,0447F4AA_D680_4BE8_AEFA_B….jpeg)

>>20907143 Michele Bachmann

Was fighting the Patriot fight before

most people were awake .

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3178d5 No.20907161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gian Maria Volontè in LE QUATTRO GIORNATE DI NAPOLI di Nanni Loy 1962

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b143d3 No.20907162



Not driving’ ya cray

>honey do

Yeah got LOTS of that when this let’s go

Slow AF process.

Feeling better last few days and good as can be so no complaints

Taps all ‘round when ya can

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e8be49 No.20907163

File: 7c53296bb577db4⋯.png (4.33 MB,1977x3400,1977:3400,72757commsexpwQwAClong210w….png)


Calling Newport News

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5b1fb6 No.20907164


Sure you did

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b1b450 No.20907166

File: 47a63e6d4e608db⋯.jpg (88.34 KB,900x857,900:857,Fum31_EaAAEMjYp.jpg)

Panic in Shillwood.

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79a378 No.20907167


Just like Haman thought Xerxes was talking about him.

Just like Eliezer thought he was going to inherit Abraham's wealth

The fallen one thought wrong when hearing God's plan for Man

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7c557d No.20907168

told you the stupid ass vatican faggot would be in this bread

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9f009f No.20907169

File: 8f8578d37df9d55⋯.jpg (116.26 KB,587x778,587:778,150817105619_08_vdposters_….jpg)

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8fa4e9 No.20907170

File: 11b224c46bfe84d⋯.png (88.02 KB,1364x1384,341:346,130c84a0e2808065e883280ce4….png)


taps back bro

glad you up and comin

imma sittin again


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cc5d2a No.20907171


00:00:00 gonna be lit.

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0b4a22 No.20907173


Are you a wizard?

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56cdc3 No.20907176






AUTHO4 ls just straight up


04:01:00 41



04:04:0044 OBAMA DOD






Are these minute straight


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e8be49 No.20907177

File: 079760c2b4d6321⋯.png (4.13 MB,2700x2200,27:22,qclock_vanillaWIW45wIRANde….png)

QClock example

I made this on the one of the first blanks (5 years ago)

IRAN on the clock on marker :15

Then this most recent wind of the clock the leadership of Iran dies in a suspicious helicopter crash on marker :15

News unlocks the map

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56cdc3 No.20907178






AUTHO4 ls just straight up


04:01:00 41



04:04:0044 OBAMA DOD






Are these minute straight



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7461fc No.20907179

File: 3a7c578fd83fd99⋯.png (193.42 KB,365x427,365:427,I_O_phi.PNG)

File: dc5ca0d30390f78⋯.png (63.33 KB,264x271,264:271,god_wins.PNG)

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b5b9cc No.20907180


Yes you are trying to be rude DS shill. There are butt hurts everywhere, and you are too sensitive, this may not be the place for you agent.

Faking manners don’t work her, your manager should have told you

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79a378 No.20907181

Trump rally are like fountains of hope.

Da Bronx got a biggy that impacts the whole city.

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f041d1 No.20907182

File: ef18b1e4c57324b⋯.png (626.44 KB,1068x514,534:257,ClipboardImage.png)


OK so these are supopsed to be the same guy?

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b143d3 No.20907183

File: f6dccc412cf6c65⋯.jpeg (295.42 KB,500x398,250:199,C2365E15_D247_46D9_A52E_2….jpeg)



>you wanna sit but can’t while I can’t and don’t

Be a while afor that

This not too bad just no “access”

Have a good night brutha

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56cdc3 No.20907184






AUTHO4 ls just straight up


04:01:00 41



04:04:0044 OBAMA DOD






Are these minute straight



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3ca26b No.20907185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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18b812 No.20907186

File: 3b943c9d478e7b5⋯.jpg (357.38 KB,1179x1512,131:168,455a0445008010704e3ce3aa02….jpg)


He's usually quiet in the afternoons. Suspect that's when the handler of that persona sleeps. Most likely just another Absolute Retard reject from /Halfmind. Doesn't matter if not, it's without a doubt a paid to post clown of some kind. Easily filterable once you recognize how simple his gimmick is.

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ff8b65 No.20907187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

without warning

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9fdcf6 No.20907188



mark steyn has done many interviews with her

and she got attacked by everyone.

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b1180a No.20907189

File: 4588fe4d0107c54⋯.png (1.12 MB,970x1215,194:243,4588fe4d0107c543b5df383ea6….png)


Meh,Notable.Why not?

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56cdc3 No.20907190






AUTHO4 ls just straight up


04:01:00 41



04:04:0044 OBAMA DOD






Are these minute straight



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abbba5 No.20907191


definately, old digg

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56cdc3 No.20907192






AUTHO4 ls just straight up


04:01:00 41



04:04:0044 OBAMA DOD







Are these minute straight



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eb84ab No.20907193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JUST IN: Trump Supporter Madeleine Brame Slams AOC At His Rally In The Bronx


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ff8b65 No.20907194


Wrays of light

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8bde34 No.20907195

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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56cdc3 No.20907196






AUTHO4 ls just straight up


04:01:00 41



04:04:0044 OBAMA DOD







Are these minute straight



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56cdc3 No.20907197






AUTHO4 ls just straight up


04:01:00 41



04:04:0044 OBAMA DOD







Are these minute straight



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0b4a22 No.20907198


“As you are well aware it’s our policy not to discuss matters that are still under investigation…”

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78d7e9 No.20907199


MACRONi limp

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56cdc3 No.20907200






AUTHO4 ls just straight up


04:01:00 41



04:04:0044 OBAMA DOD








Are these minute straight



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b5b9cc No.20907201

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada



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d1ef2d No.20907203

Is there a list you’re keeping for each marker and its subject/topic?

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0b4a22 No.20907204

File: 591263d11d82600⋯.jpeg (89.97 KB,481x454,481:454,IMG_1893.jpeg)

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ff8b65 No.20907205



I have no recollection of that….Senator

There's a there there

Who else has strzok to make a DOJ stooge quit looking into someone's kid and their lawyer sugar daddy

clowns going to clown

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9fdcf6 No.20907206

File: 882a60f3d4266b7⋯.png (647.63 KB,1226x689,1226:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2dcff794a6232e7⋯.mp4 (5.04 MB,640x350,64:35,reflections_moon_and_earth.mp4)


anon started that dig

many anons helped pinpoint france arles

and the fact that beebo was there in shades making it obvious he was watching with a those shades was a hint to look behind.

this was surtinized beyond any doubt

great days.

that video also gives you the full picture how the fveys tried to take down by papa..

there is a lot there,

you have to view it through an anons eyes.

not just a short flashy video.

done years ago.

it was like catching a massive fish and proof.

great times, great days.

the best feeling for an anon.

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c3e88c No.20907207

File: 91a59f9be714ffc⋯.png (1.07 MB,960x720,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

Only way Bill can get his mRNA H5N1 Approved is thought Emergency Use Authorization

He owns the WHO he's behind the Plandemic Treaty

There will be Multiple Outbreaks

Covid + Bird Flu + One or more of the Following

Measles, Ebola, Hemorrhagic Fever, Dengay Fever, Yellow Fever, Marburg, West Nile, Swine Flu, Small pox, Cholera, Scarlet fever, Typhoid, H1N1, H2N2, Tuberculosis &/or HIV

It'll start in June & Continue through next summer

Problem is you'll need a test to even know you have any of them

Only the Vax is Real

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71e907 No.20907208


Alex Soros probably has armed security.

Security for me, but not for thee.

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ba6e44 No.20907209

File: aad4ffd0732c71a⋯.png (1.45 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1ebfcd4746f51c0⋯.png (1.15 MB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3e88c No.20907210


you were never supposed to know about it

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f6f748 No.20907211

File: 78631ecd709876f⋯.jpeg (11.21 KB,222x208,111:104,IMG_0356.jpeg)

Someone move their buns or I’ll bury us both.

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3ca26b No.20907212

File: 92ab7e2d01fa5d0⋯.png (128.21 KB,457x725,457:725,ClipboardImage.png)


>anon started that dig

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7c557d No.20907213

File: 94e40a5bd46e059⋯.png (522.09 KB,736x736,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


a pattern recognizer of sorts you could say

he runs one narrative, purposely using the well poisoning fallacy to discredit it and make it seem so outlandish that no normalfaggot would touch that topic - the jq, hence why even the welcome message has been changed now and this is the bad cop routine

this narrative would include the 1488 memes, the jew on knees headshot, heil hitler memes and so on

then, under a different ip of course, runs the counter narrative to the one he just well poisoned as if he's fighting against that now 'well poisoned narrative' while offering up the vatican as the "real bad guys" and proclaiming to be the good cop

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79a378 No.20907215


Obama Clinton Pelosi and every other plotter against Trump must be wondering how a court case could backfire so perfectly

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f041d1 No.20907216

File: 5fe94da226e4102⋯.png (2.28 KB,295x30,59:6,ClipboardImage.png)


>the fact that beebo was there in shades making it obvious he was watching with a those shades

yes this is the reason I have the video and have considered it a possibility

He's definitely not the guy he played on TV

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b5b9cc No.20907217


He’s right, the owner of the gas station is pissed off because he mother and father took 11-13 years to become legal citizens. They did everything that was required,they memorized the pledge and they were so proud to become legal Americans.

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f6f748 No.20907218

File: 688e2bd8c4b07b5⋯.png (1.63 MB,828x1792,207:448,IMG_0316.png)



Signs are not real.

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c3e88c No.20907220

The Level of Censorship we saw over Ivermectin

Was Greater than the Manhattan Project

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b5b9cc No.20907221

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka Gives First Impressions Of Kangaroo Court Persecuting Trump In NYC



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18b812 No.20907222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Almost there. Can smell it.

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3178d5 No.20907223


he ignores that with in the Catholic church there have always been people who disagree.

there have been factions favored by some and not by others.

but over time the better ones survive, and the self-serving self-dealing ones are thrown to the wayside. It comes, it goes.

The Church survives.

the good people go where they are destined to go and the bad, well it's not up to me to say where they go.

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4a442a No.20907224


I look askance at any anon that's a one trick pony only posting about the same subject repeatedly.

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e92c62 No.20907225


if you were here a while and interested, you would know it.

Are you aware of how the clock is constructed?

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f041d1 No.20907226

File: 7ad007ee49ca314⋯.png (3.59 KB,297x148,297:148,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2867b9bc31f5e3a⋯.png (2.1 KB,186x66,31:11,ClipboardImage.png)



>you were never supposed to know about it

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18b812 No.20907227

File: 7b9f6bf0c8a1741⋯.png (402.06 KB,600x345,40:23,ClipboardImage.png)

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124e41 No.20907228

File: 4a5335ed885a22f⋯.png (336.85 KB,571x437,571:437,4a5335ed885a22ff05b0d9429b….png)

File: 2c8d5ec1f04baf1⋯.png (569.56 KB,500x700,5:7,2c8d5ec1f04baf19d1de29c07b….png)

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c093ba No.20907229

File: eb6ecddb19e0134⋯.jpeg (402.25 KB,1536x2048,3:4,IMG_5196.jpeg)

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eb84ab No.20907230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin LIVE | Russian Prez Putin Reveals Russia's Kharkiv Plan, Takes On US, Zelensky and Macron


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b1b450 No.20907231

File: 79615b260d48e2f⋯.png (329.81 KB,635x431,635:431,ClipboardImage.png)




Thyssenkrupp board approves partial sale of steel unit to billionaire Kretinsky


May 24, 2024 · 1:50 AM UTC


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cc5d2a No.20907232


the exact skool bus route. to the west saw a spaceship on the ride home. same exact spot there habbened a car wreck. still here. hurt nobody.really should not be ok.weird fucking trip.

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79a378 No.20907233


They slither away when the winning is MAGA.

They will start poisoning and complaining to get fights start and bring back their agendas.

Wish newer anons would notice moar and not succumb

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0b4a22 No.20907234

File: 5cce8678b7cdd85⋯.jpeg (88.04 KB,333x499,333:499,IMG_1894.jpeg)


Askance looking…

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f041d1 No.20907235

File: 4b38b63fab055c1⋯.png (3.7 KB,246x202,123:101,ClipboardImage.png)


>Almost there. Can smell it.


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c3e88c No.20907236

File: 6e29d836cf9a79c⋯.png (833.37 KB,750x788,375:394,ClipboardImage.png)

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d95083 No.20907237

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NCSWIC “hit ‘em in the head with the Bible” Biblical Edition

BOOMs incoming, Δ’s

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4a442a No.20907238


Don't pull that newfag shit.

The clock in use today has never been confirmed by Q so that's one big strike against it being accepted as Q gospel.

The other is that it's not at all easy to understand.

There are multiple methods frequently being used not to mention sketchy connections.

Add in the fact that it's merely an after the fact confirmation tool and that leaves many disinterested both in house and out.

Have all the fun in the world with this I'm not a shut it down type.

What set me off was the Muh Notable begging above otherwise I would have just paged down when I seen't clock stuff like usual.

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b5b9cc No.20907239

File: 4629cb75843cb7b⋯.jpeg (558.35 KB,3024x2459,3024:2459,IMG_2222.jpeg)

File: 46e75a3d6a2e482⋯.jpeg (452.55 KB,3024x1944,14:9,IMG_2223.jpeg)

File: a83630d8d148303⋯.jpeg (556 KB,3024x2494,1512:1247,IMG_2224.jpeg)

File: a3002d095522423⋯.jpeg (674.14 KB,3024x2579,3024:2579,IMG_2225.jpeg)

File: 81cd78a760442c6⋯.jpeg (735.95 KB,3024x2753,3024:2753,IMG_2226.jpeg)

Weird face showing up with clouds and moon tonight. My Mom would lay down on the ground with us and ask us what we saw in the clouds.

I love and miss my mother and father

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4fadd8 No.20907240

File: 7e4ffdfd775ce91⋯.png (84.19 KB,547x193,547:193,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a442a No.20907241


Was going for the 1800's literary vibe for a moment.

I'll try to keep it in check next time.

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5e4351 No.20907242

File: e10d3fcf29e4b85⋯.gif (2.61 MB,498x280,249:140,20210821_183023.gif)

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3e3879 No.20907243

File: a37092e46c5c065⋯.png (569.72 KB,840x762,140:127,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61c9a41f502db0c⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,534x480,89:80,LtHUr_caa.mp4)


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0b4a22 No.20907244

File: a1a3a3501b02261⋯.jpeg (117.43 KB,900x772,225:193,IMG_1895.jpeg)


It’s all good.

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78d7e9 No.20907245


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c3e88c No.20907246

File: 1b4467554d2657a⋯.png (844.61 KB,873x509,873:509,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine is shelling Residential Areas

Russia didn't have a choice

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9fdcf6 No.20907247

File: 948736dbc8a4d80⋯.png (870.48 KB,767x696,767:696,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e677bd1b450e2d⋯.png (45.04 KB,255x227,255:227,ClipboardImage.png)


>The other is that it's not at all easy to understand.

it ok to not understand everything

enjoy the popcorn.

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c3e88c No.20907248

File: 549bdd32e62c523⋯.png (70.13 KB,834x554,417:277,ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting Choice

Greek meander?

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ab6581 No.20907249

File: 89883e190f4f146⋯.png (483.08 KB,680x597,680:597,ClipboardImage.png)

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f041d1 No.20907250

File: 8477119f6bb0917⋯.png (425.49 KB,719x756,719:756,jews_schizo_insane_paper_s….png)


except they're not saying that, not even close. You're psycho, and need medicine.

There are some good drugs available, you would feel better.

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8f8423 No.20907251

File: 7caa51d1653bcfb⋯.png (64.42 KB,980x490,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)


not the meme anon wanted but it'll do

anyone have the one with trump walking toward marine one with the batman shadow?

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c5a7c9 No.20907252


Just now the dog got spiked again, he becomes paralyzed and can only cry out in desperation and I have to shake him hard and either perform a Heimlich, pat him hard on the back, or squeeze his back and legs until he comes to. No doubt it comes from exposure to chemicals and radiation. The combination of radiation that depletes potassium which causes cramps and cyanide exposure causes loss of muscle control and radiation causes it to coagulate in the body.

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b5b9cc No.20907253

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dr. Gorka Says Both Sides Of Trump "Deadly Force" Argument Are Falling For Political Theater



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98a86e No.20907254

File: f5ae4a63bb423dc⋯.jpg (188.6 KB,886x1240,443:620,20240523_202421.jpg)

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ab6581 No.20907255


but the Manhattan Project was a scam

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c3e88c No.20907256


The Secrets of Ivermectin will Astound the World

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f041d1 No.20907257

File: 222ac7e272e763b⋯.webm (2.68 MB,406x320,203:160,Western_civilization.webm)



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71e907 No.20907258


It would be nice if people didn't hold up signs in front of the cameras.

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0b4a22 No.20907259



New word I give to you.

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4a442a No.20907260


>BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM day arrives


What beers are there going to be at the parade?

>The next day while most anons are at the parade

Guys check it out!

All markers have been confirmed!

BOOM time!


Is this thing on?

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b1b450 No.20907261

File: 00ed80cb9d543d6⋯.png (335.23 KB,714x500,357:250,00ed80cb9d543d63e4b25ccfe1….png)

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f041d1 No.20907262

File: 968bef1be805399⋯.png (139.17 KB,510x500,51:50,half_mast_flag_muh.png)


>Dr. Gorka Says Both Sides

Yeah he always tries to play the centrist faggot

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b5b9cc No.20907263


Wow Judge Merchan stated out loud to Trump’s defense atty,Sit down I don’t want to hear you again!

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4fadd8 No.20907264

File: d2b02248a204233⋯.png (595.5 KB,602x1064,43:76,ClipboardImage.png)

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b143d3 No.20907265

File: 27e184131223b4e⋯.jpeg (61.86 KB,700x700,1:1,66AA7820_9CA3_4EBA_BF2F_1….jpeg)

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f041d1 No.20907266

File: ba02c202d4c37b2⋯.png (281.03 KB,595x396,595:396,where_s_the_fucking_sauce.png)


>There will be Multiple Outbreaks

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f6f748 No.20907267

File: 3791f391bf464f2⋯.jpg (213.46 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_3627.jpg)

File: 61b37ab84bdf528⋯.jpg (230.08 KB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_3630.jpg)

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8fa4e9 No.20907268

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4fadd8 No.20907269

File: 2a15150a6dc7beb⋯.png (781.27 KB,795x805,159:161,ClipboardImage.png)

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c66930 No.20907270


All of this needs to be fixed at the local level, not via congress.

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4fadd8 No.20907271

File: d5a8b3d1042963d⋯.png (535.99 KB,526x593,526:593,ClipboardImage.png)

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4a442a No.20907272

File: 02608b8ac19c2fb⋯.png (284.39 KB,840x694,420:347,Both.png)

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b5b9cc No.20907273


Just listen before you judge asshole. Your opinions mean nothing unless you spend the time to research and listen agent

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8fa4e9 No.20907274

Last Call

#25642 >>20906575

>>20906847, >>20907091 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20906604, >>20906829 Tough issues narratives: contraception, Oil quid pro quo

>>20906610, >>20906592, >>20906805, >>20907193 AOC false prophet vid BECAUSE NEVER GONNA GET OLD/Q

>>20906658 FDA approves new cancer tests

>>20906681, >>20906686, >>20906701 Rally Notes

>>20906690 J.P. Morgan Securities to pay $200 million to settle CFTC charges of supervision failures

>>20906692 Blexit activist Madeline Brame right now is crushing it in the Bronx ahead of Trump’s speech.

>>20906694 Applied Materials gets another subpoena on China customer shipments

>>20906711, >>20906814 ICYMI: @DanScavino DRILL BABY DRILL! #TRUMP2024

>>20906732 Spain's Repsol receives US license for Venezuela oil, gas projects

>>20906734 There’s a huge shift taking place.

>>20906753 A fight breaks out between a Trump supporter and Palestine protesters during Trump's speech, NYPD brings in reinforcement

>>20906768 Trump rally… Bronx-style: MAGA tattoos and chains


>>20906839 Supreme Court Backs GOP’s New South Carolina Congressional Map

>>20906875 UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis

>>20906957 Maine National Guard Announces Training Exercises to Prepare for Nuclear Strikes on U.S. Soil

>>20906972 @CityPortland A full-scale inter-agency training exercise is happening the first week of June.

>>20906976 ISLAMABAD – The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for an attack on foreigners in central Afghanistan

>>20906997 Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition

>>20907061 @mattmiller757 “Debate me AOC!!!”

>>20907100 Judge Blocks Florida Law Criminalizing Transport Of Illegal Immigrants Into State

>>20907177, >>20907209 QClock example

>>20907201 Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada

>>20907221, >>20907253 Gorka Gives First Impressions Of Kangaroo Court Persecuting Trump In NYC

>>20907230 Putin LIVE | Russian Prez Putin Reveals Russia's Kharkiv Plan, Takes On US, Zelensky and Macron

>>20907231 Thyssenkrupp board approves partial sale of steel unit to billionaire Kretinsky/Germans to sell to Czech oligarch against labor concerns

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c3e88c No.20907275


Ziggy says that Scenario has a good Probability of occurring

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f6f748 No.20907276


Dumb dyke

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e50425 No.20907277


He wants to do a rally at Madison Square Garden.

That would be huge!

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78d7e9 No.20907278



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f6f748 No.20907279

Over it, ladies. Learn limitations fast.

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f6f748 No.20907280


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b5b9cc No.20907281


Fuck you too. So many fairy shills here. They seem to gather on our mystic and intelligent night shift.

Night Shift is the Right Shift for Intelligent war. Propaganda must be defeated.

Love you night shift, not here a lot, but you guys are so chill. I respect that.


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5a65c1 No.20907282

File: 6029f987b0f98e9⋯.jpg (835.78 KB,1723x1750,1723:1750,Qlock_3.jpg)

File: 3741a9a4d2adbb6⋯.png (3.62 MB,4168x7168,521:896,Qlock_4.png)

File: acd53fa7924f347⋯.jpg (812.41 KB,1901x1316,1901:1316,Qlock_5.jpg)

File: 50a29b5a064de6a⋯.jpeg (378.42 KB,1800x1800,1:1,one_day_this_pain_will_ma….jpeg)

File: 3f048674d37dc4e⋯.jpg (56.19 KB,680x521,680:521,pepe_math.jpg)


in contrast, some anons do understand the Qlock, and appreciate them noted

remember, if we can predict the future, so can our enemy

the Qlock is meant for confirmation of the continued plan while Q is dark

as are the news/truth/rally deltas to Q posts

have a good evenin'

o7 fren

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9cae17 No.20907283


Paytriots are not welcome here.

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f041d1 No.20907284


>listen before you judge

I've listened before. I have seen enough Gorka to know what he is.

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c3e88c No.20907285


>>>20907230 Putin LIVE | Russian Prez Putin Reveals Russia's Kharkiv Plan, Takes On US, Zelensky and Macron

Not live

Record from over a year ago

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b1b450 No.20907286

File: 5af19d3101ff1d4⋯.png (452.25 KB,618x574,309:287,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0db892a344f3c82⋯.png (247.09 KB,292x528,73:132,0db892a344f3c826464c3cac9e….png)

Sky News



A London-born teenager is set to become the first millennial to be made a saint after he has had a second miracle attributed to him by Pope Francis.

Read more 🔗 trib.al/7rI1Hfw


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5a78ec No.20907287

File: ae3163b55c7af21⋯.jpg (195.46 KB,815x1259,815:1259,GOR57IlWQAAGeN3.jpg)

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f041d1 No.20907288

File: 188a934dd143990⋯.png (324.9 KB,500x500,1:1,ai_sauce.png)

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9fdcf6 No.20907289

File: 0c72f7ca4e75975⋯.png (21.15 KB,220x165,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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c3e88c No.20907290


Sure they are

only the message matters

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986da2 No.20907291


Get the fuck of my world

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e92c62 No.20907292

File: 2f4ba6d75784533⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB,640x360,16:9,skyking.mp4)




There's one which seems to imply he was in France

One still shot where he's pointing to his left behind a girl pilot in front of him.

And there 's a still where he plays the part of a chemtrail pilot.

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4a442a No.20907293


Oh my ain't that somethin?

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0613ce No.20907294


That’s a fuckin beaut. Run it back!!!

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06524b No.20907295

Montana x2 same place madera

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9fdcf6 No.20907296


djt stated something for the young people

learn from the past, live in the present and plan for the future.

or words to that effect.

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3ca26b No.20907297


learned all about what to expect in that situation in scuba class

drowning person = zero fucks given

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8fa4e9 No.20907298

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3178d5 No.20907299


and only they can say what is miraculous, so they say.

but in fact if something miraculous happens anyone can see it.

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4fadd8 No.20907300

File: c3eaeb50729f8ec⋯.png (620.29 KB,1332x858,222:143,ClipboardImage.png)


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0b4a22 No.20907301

File: db48a6c48d268fe⋯.jpeg (317.52 KB,1478x1043,1478:1043,IMG_1897.jpeg)

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986da2 No.20907302

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f041d1 No.20907303

File: 3e59c3a903f2f88⋯.png (299.86 KB,525x475,21:19,meter_maid_time_cop.png)

The name is RITA.

Which is a joke.

A linguistic joke.

An LLM joke.

But then the question emerges, why is the "A" necessary. What value does the "A" add.

"Y" is the "A" added.

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d8e875 No.20907304

File: a59da6374283237⋯.png (318.17 KB,600x337,600:337,Astana_23BFrozen.png)

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986da2 No.20907305


Zip your mouth for the smell

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d8e875 No.20907306

File: d81f1cb97559af1⋯.png (548.25 KB,600x399,200:133,Astana.png)

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b5b9cc No.20907307


Too bad for you. You actually believed the agents before listening.

Sit down and shut up. Anons work on their biases caused by gossip.

I see you haven’t mastered that.

Sure you can dislike or hate him, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong.

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d8e875 No.20907308

File: ea8653f84083cc2⋯.jpg (394.25 KB,768x448,12:7,Astana1.jpg)

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f041d1 No.20907309


>drowning person = zero fucks given

And people think they can punch them real hard in the head and it knocks them out. It's a lot harder than you'd think.

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4fadd8 No.20907310

File: a0f6e03eaa10373⋯.png (62.22 KB,705x438,235:146,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8e875 No.20907311

File: 2b47fb698b43485⋯.jpg (6.36 KB,259x194,259:194,Astana2.jpg)

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c66930 No.20907312

File: 17a34af719814e5⋯.png (1.3 MB,796x804,199:201,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8e875 No.20907313

File: 47be9106973c253⋯.jpg (8.37 KB,289x174,289:174,Astana3.jpg)

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d8e875 No.20907314

File: c6035377c4b8d72⋯.jpg (238.34 KB,900x1200,3:4,Astana5.jpg)

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b1b450 No.20907315

File: cf8406f3682b862⋯.jpg (30.98 KB,600x600,1:1,1422c8593eea29aa75cc87b73e….jpg)

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986da2 No.20907316


fuck off

time to fill Gitmo

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3178d5 No.20907317


what a joke.

people don't like Media Matters because they are control freaks who slander people.

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d8e875 No.20907318

File: 2b47fb698b43485⋯.jpg (6.36 KB,259x194,259:194,Astana6.jpg)

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f041d1 No.20907319

File: 9b959e58a2679a0⋯.png (575.65 KB,602x1162,43:83,Trump_on_bannon.png)


>Sit down and shut up

No, nigger. No one gives a fuck about your shilling.

No one clicks your shit links.

Bannon is a piece of shit, and it of no use to the movement.

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e92c62 No.20907320

File: b687897bcef291a⋯.jpg (47.05 KB,503x503,1:1,chemtrailsone.jpg)

File: 96b8d6f90db7602⋯.png (585.96 KB,634x640,317:320,skykingandfriend8.png)


and then the one that shows him spying on the apparent Symantic exec. in France?




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d8e875 No.20907321

File: ea8653f84083cc2⋯.jpg (394.25 KB,768x448,12:7,Astana8.jpg)

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d8e875 No.20907322

File: 803b2a66a901145⋯.jpg (168.3 KB,1280x720,16:9,Astana9.jpg)

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3178d5 No.20907323


because people don't have doppelgangers?

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d8e875 No.20907324

File: e2bedc9067fe331⋯.png (434.21 KB,600x394,300:197,AstanaKazakhstan.png)

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3ca26b No.20907325


never had it happen to me

but was told if it ever does then try to get them in headlock and tow them using a semi backstroke

this gives rescuer best chance of not getting drowned by victim

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06524b No.20907326

Team hit

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e92c62 No.20907327

File: a829efaf6be8f24⋯.webm (2.83 MB,640x640,1:1,skykingballots.webm)

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d8e875 No.20907328

File: ae167fb93e99bbd⋯.jpeg (584.22 KB,1664x919,1664:919,AstanaSatan.jpeg)

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986da2 No.20907329


You too to be honest

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d8e875 No.20907330

File: 3d797e6b4368b02⋯.png (340.86 KB,490x367,490:367,AstanaSymbolismWhat.png)

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3178d5 No.20907331


in fact everyone is a sinner (barring two)

Martin Luther got his wish, Rome was sacked in 1527.

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d8e875 No.20907332

File: 49d127761c50452⋯.jpeg (299.1 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ATL_airport_damage.jpeg)

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d8e875 No.20907333

File: b653577b644ded5⋯.jpeg (478.3 KB,1480x986,740:493,ATL_airport_shut_Q.jpeg)

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ff8b65 No.20907334

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986da2 No.20907335


Not everyone slave of tyrant

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4a442a No.20907336


I have an old McNally's Atlas from the early 1980's in the shitter and that city isn't even on it.

I know it existed back then but it was so insignificant at the time that it didn't even get a dot like several other cities in the Kazakhstan partof the USSR did.

It wasn't until '97 that it became a capital and started growing like crazy.

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06524b No.20907337

MT is not Q

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d8e875 No.20907338

File: fb72b4b5bd223eb⋯.png (395.14 KB,1332x1194,222:199,ATL_show.png)

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ff8b65 No.20907339

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d8e875 No.20907340

File: 3569033d5725227⋯.png (305.61 KB,490x367,490:367,ATL_77planesWhat.png)

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b5192f No.20907341


"Hydroxychloroquine was used in Shanghai as the first line of treatment."

USA lockdown v China lockdown [non Wuhan][days]?

MSM [D]s 'vested interest' in censoring and attacking anything re: HCQ?



Knowledge is power.





Difficult to imagine media [D party] attempting to squash all hope of a cure?

Difficult to imagine media [D party] wanting public to remain in fear [re COVID-19] up until the election?

Difficult to imagine media [D party] willing to sacrifice lives in order to regain power?


Difficult truths will soon see the light of day.

Read in order.

1. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/04/06/gop-gears-up-for-next-relief-fight-democrats-want-the-federal-government-to-take-over-elections/📁

2. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/coronavirus-elections-wisconsin-democrats-harmeet-dhillon📁

3. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1247861952736526336📁

Why did WHO make several strong recommendation NOT TO impose a travel ban?

Why did select [D] govs ban the use of hydroxychloroquine [key]?

Why does FAKE NEWS push anti-hydroxychloroquine [fear tactics re: use]?

Why was impeachment pushed through H fast? [did they count on R’s blocking new witnesses?]

Time sensitive?


When did [BIDEN] become the front runner?

Why was this critically important?

What happened directly after?



When everything else FAILED….


Welcome to the [D][People’s Republic of China] party.

The Silent War continues..


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cc5d2a No.20907342

File: a0e572c169e905d⋯.png (2.64 MB,3526x1445,3526:1445,a0e572c169e905d8e700e32cfd….png)

File: af01020bd7c0717⋯.png (35.05 KB,387x436,387:436,af01020bd7c07179cc4299516b….png)



Nathan. in the speech in downtown core.

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d8e875 No.20907343

File: 406b71d936da74b⋯.jpg (80.29 KB,500x312,125:78,Atlanta_not_on_my_watch.jpg)

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401285 No.20907344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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986da2 No.20907345


Someone death?

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4fadd8 No.20907346

File: f8283ebe6b71934⋯.png (143.37 KB,320x292,80:73,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8e875 No.20907347

File: c5f6898bc505057⋯.jpg (125.09 KB,625x564,625:564,Atodaso.jpg)

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f041d1 No.20907348

File: 83a79dc8308b6d9⋯.png (328.16 KB,595x630,17:18,ClipboardImage.png)


Oddly-perfect sideburn arches he has.

Is there any chance our friend is CGI generated?

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4a442a No.20907349


>QAnon is garbage

Gorka's been hated since '18 around here.

Not like he's being singled out all of a sudden.

Anons have a history with the guy.

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d8e875 No.20907350

File: 51104234fc6ea60⋯.png (1.24 MB,3244x2275,3244:2275,AttemptedCoupDraft1.png)

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b5b9cc No.20907351


Seriously real anons this a Must listen. Must

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d8e875 No.20907352

File: c034dbff74171f9⋯.jpg (119.56 KB,800x500,8:5,Attention_CBTS.jpg)

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71e907 No.20907353


All Christians are Saints.

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d8e875 No.20907354

File: a11ceff5506a3ab⋯.png (312.94 KB,608x738,304:369,Australia_sex_abuse.png)

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c6d1c4 No.20907355

File: a267c1ceef54f0b⋯.png (997.58 KB,665x649,665:649,juturyuyryrt.PNG)

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fa91d1 No.20907356


it's not your pimp

That's funny too

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d8e875 No.20907357

File: 35c843fc54ba114⋯.jpeg (316.94 KB,978x1468,489:734,AventuraMallEvac.jpeg)

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ba5c1c No.20907358

Mt antifa

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d8e875 No.20907359

File: 030a7cf013e2f90⋯.jpeg (312.91 KB,1350x1222,675:611,AwansForged.jpeg)

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79a378 No.20907360

File: 80b14a5e0bd6cf8⋯.png (31.24 KB,198x103,198:103,a13789ac1c6d2d2fd8a0f6e11d….png)

Yea eh

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fa91d1 No.20907361


God won

Trump is peace of shit

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0b4a22 No.20907362

File: cf77787a36f1a4a⋯.jpeg (62.48 KB,628x628,1:1,IMG_1898.jpeg)

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d8e875 No.20907363

File: 63239ace1032218⋯.png (590.36 KB,674x533,674:533,b.png)

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0613ce No.20907364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And on the kun I went

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f041d1 No.20907365

File: 787aecede076c11⋯.png (175.37 KB,495x365,99:73,terry_sunglasses.png)


I'm not here posting links. I'm not here for clicks.

These headline posters with their red text actively seeking notables for their paid shiling - that's the issue at hand

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d8e875 No.20907366

File: cc8092b5459f349⋯.jpg (128.71 KB,1340x602,670:301,Babel_EU_parliament.jpg)

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8fa4e9 No.20907367


#25642 >>20906575

>>20906847, >>20907091 Gold Eyez on Skyz

>>20906604, >>20906829 Tough issues narratives: contraception, Oil quid pro quo

>>20906610, >>20906592, >>20906805, >>20907193 AOC false prophet vid BECAUSE NEVER GONNA GET OLD/Q

>>20906658 FDA approves new cancer tests

>>20906681, >>20906686, >>20906701 Rally Notes

>>20906690 J.P. Morgan Securities to pay $200 million to settle CFTC charges of supervision failures

>>20906692 Blexit activist Madeline Brame right now is crushing it in the Bronx ahead of Trump’s speech.

>>20906694 Applied Materials gets another subpoena on China customer shipments

>>20906711, >>20906814 ICYMI: @DanScavino DRILL BABY DRILL! #TRUMP2024

>>20906732 Spain's Repsol receives US license for Venezuela oil, gas projects

>>20906734 There’s a huge shift taking place.

>>20906753 A fight breaks out between a Trump supporter and Palestine protesters during Trump's speech, NYPD brings in reinforcement

>>20906768 Trump rally… Bronx-style: MAGA tattoos and chains


>>20906839 Supreme Court Backs GOP’s New South Carolina Congressional Map

>>20906875 UK MPs applaud Ukrainian neo-Nazis

>>20906957 Maine National Guard Announces Training Exercises to Prepare for Nuclear Strikes on U.S. Soil

>>20906972 @CityPortland A full-scale inter-agency training exercise is happening the first week of June.

>>20906976 ISLAMABAD – The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for an attack on foreigners in central Afghanistan

>>20906997 Senate Again Blocks Border Bill With GOP Opposition

>>20907061 @mattmiller757 “Debate me AOC!!!”

>>20907100 Judge Blocks Florida Law Criminalizing Transport Of Illegal Immigrants Into State

>>20907177, >>20907209, >>20907282 QClock example

>>20907201 Kash Patel: President Trump Experiencing Historic Surge In Nevada

>>20907221, >>20907253 Gorka Gives First Impressions Of Kangaroo Court Persecuting Trump In NYC

>>20907231 Thyssenkrupp board approves partial sale of steel unit to billionaire Kretinsky/Germans to sell to Czech oligarch against labor concerns


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f6f748 No.20907368


MT need sanctuary.

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3178d5 No.20907370


is that your name?

humans are fallen due to the sins of Adam and Eve.

Even Martin Luther.

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d8e875 No.20907371

File: f064d3b141712a2⋯.png (527.55 KB,868x837,28:27,Baby_Parts_for_Sale_aborti….png)

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fa91d1 No.20907372


Musk won

Trump lost

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78d7e9 No.20907373



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d8e875 No.20907375

File: 69d1979ee944bda⋯.jpg (50.9 KB,480x360,4:3,Babylon.jpg)

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9fdcf6 No.20907376

File: 935fdf921b5820a⋯.png (1.83 MB,875x861,125:123,ClipboardImage.png)

File: da75b391cf48fbb⋯.png (1.49 MB,890x851,890:851,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1eb9ae3c03a7a9b⋯.png (1.63 MB,875x835,175:167,ClipboardImage.png)


the woman was his wife hannah

The man who keeps me laughing': Airplane hijacker's wife gushed about the 29-year-old in dozens of Instagram posts detailing their happy marriage

Richard Russell has been revealed as the man who hijacked a jet in Seattle and took it for a joyride that ended in a fiery island crash Friday evening

His wife Hannah had documented their six happy years of marriage on Instagram

She gushed about 'the man who keeps me laughing' in several photo captions

The Seattle-based couple traveled the globe together thanks to Rich's job



PUBLISHED: 17:06 EDT, 11 August 2018 | UPDATED: 23:11 EDT, 11 August 2018

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d8e875 No.20907377

File: 01774525d6ae5c4⋯.png (498.65 KB,600x456,25:19,BacktoSpace.png)

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fa88c6 No.20907378

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d8e875 No.20907379

File: 9960ab844e84f2d⋯.jpg (98.92 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Baker.jpg)

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819027 No.20907380

>>20907333 Airplane falling from the sky's oh my oh my oh my.

Priming the public

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0613ce No.20907381


Anons won

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d8e875 No.20907382

File: 95a8e3bcdf90775⋯.png (100.22 KB,610x343,610:343,Ban.png)

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c3e88c No.20907383


One day it'll be the Death Sentence

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d8e875 No.20907384

File: 75d88c61ce8a069⋯.png (393.94 KB,572x514,286:257,Bank_for_International_Set….png)

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6ca1ba No.20907385


Our Internet connections have been severely deprecated in the last 2 days too. I have to reload this board just to see my post went through and it take up to 10 minutes to load this page. Relatives also say they have been having problems making calls as one on my wife's side just passed away last night.. Complained about the same symptoms with feet going number like thorns in them, the took her to the hospital where they cut off parts of the foot but she died then next day. They said diabetes but I say BS, they were targeted with exactly what I said is causing these symptoms, radiation and cyanide as we get the same symptoms and it has nothing to do with sugar and can remedy it in a few short minutes.

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3ca26b No.20907387

File: f9e74f4b3e036ef⋯.png (1 MB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

The nightly drone out of NAS Mayport is headed west for a change. Instead of up the east coast as per the usual flight. Also did not loiter of King's Bay to circle for altitude. Special dispatch?


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4fadd8 No.20907388

File: fc2391552a4fae3⋯.png (778.8 KB,790x810,79:81,ClipboardImage.png)

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8fa4e9 No.20907389

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fa91d1 No.20907390

if we escape Gitmo


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d8e875 No.20907391

File: 62f2d5752c41771⋯.jpeg (81.66 KB,283x212,283:212,Bank_for_International_Se….jpeg)

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fa88c6 No.20907392


You know where you can stick that hammer.

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d8e875 No.20907393

File: ba2c3f51921bd2e⋯.jpg (86.78 KB,644x350,46:25,BaphoGoodEvil.jpg)

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06be28 No.20907395

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d8e875 No.20907396

File: 987cff162dfde9f⋯.png (38.95 KB,650x600,13:12,BarrickGoldWeb.png)

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c3e88c No.20907397


Is that a racist statement?

That seem racists

Anyone gonna call that out?

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d8e875 No.20907398

File: 651ec4f8e9c19c3⋯.jpg (19.46 KB,620x350,62:35,Bayer_logo.jpg)

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