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6d0881 No.20904973 [Last50 Posts]

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6d0881 No.20904976

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT

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6d0881 No.20904979


#25639 >>20904062, >>20904272

>>20904074 Committee Hearing - Calling for Accountability on College Chaos

>>20904086 House Session considers repealing DC non-citizen voting law

>>20904112, >>20904230, >>20904121, >>20904439, >>20904535, >>20904641, >>20904853 PlaneFaggin’:EuropeMed & more

>>20904126 The CFPB’s Pyrrhic Supreme Court Victory

>>20904127, >>20904234 Update on China maneuvers around Taiwan

>>20904130 Bird flu is man-made, that’s why they already have a vaccine for it

>>20904132 Trump reveals new debate format for upcoming showdown with Biden

>>20904142 Hearing on National Institutes of Health 2025 Budget Request

>>20904145 Virologists emails are taking down the entire NIH

>>20904158 SURFLANT 6 AM Bilateral exercise between US & Brazil Navy

>>20904170, >>20904203 Joe Biden's ATF assembles to raid Bryan Malinowski's home.

>>20904178, >>20904181 attempt to reconstruct the chronology of involvement Hunter, Nathan Wolfe, others

>>20904191, >>20904206, >>20904213 US Army 9:09 AM Ranger Creed

>>20904218 SURFLANT 3:00 PM (5/22) Underway Replenishment

>>20904233, >>20904238, >>20904243, >>20904244, >>20904912 Another Provocative Flag Was Flown at Another Alito Home

>>20904265 Senator Cruz RIPS Secretary of State Blinken for catastrophic foreign policy

>>20904274, >>20904413 PDJT 12:09 AM United States Secret Service

>>20904277, >>20904281 PDJT 10:56 AM (link to RSBN) Yankee Stadium gets Trump surprise before Bronx visit

>>20904266, >>20904286, >>20904287, Netanyahu: Charging me with war crimes in Gaza is like charging G. Bush for 9/11

>>20904296 US5th Fleet 7:21 AM New SR and Master Chief Petty Officers

>>20904307 Alibaba to sell $4.5 billion in convertible debt to fund stock

>>20904310, >>20904340, >>20904475, >>20904729 Biden arrives in NH today; streets lined with Trump supporters

>>20904322 Rita Panahi slams Joy Behar for likening MAGA slogan to swastika

>>20904354 Microsoft’s “bing” API had a complete failure

>>20904357 Cassie Ventura speaks out about Diddy abuse vid

>>20904362 DOJ Also Approved the Use of Deadly Force During Search of Biden’s properties

>>20904379, >>20904649 Whistleblowers say Obama’s State Department blocked FBI warrants against illegals backing Iran

>>20904383 PDJT 11:20 AM Greg Jarrett 'Where is the crime?'

>>20904390 PDJT 11:25 AM Pam Bondi 'I wish all Americans could see.. how bad that judge was'

>>20904399 Ashley Biden admits diary account of showers and molestation fears real

>>20904496 USS George Washington (CVN-73) arrived this week in Rio de Janeiro for 2024 campaign

>>20904516 Tlaib and Others News Conference on Free Speech on College Campuses

>>20904529, >>20904156, >>20904908 Biden press conf. w/Kenyan President

>>20904551, >>20904671 Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat

>>20904573 TRUMP RALLY @5:00 PM EST

>>20904627, >>20904633 As Trump campaigns, he's spreading QAnon posts anew.

>>20904653, >>20904922 Yale, UCLA face woke woes

>>20904685, >>20904656, >>20904676, >>20904701, >>20904725, >>20904755, >>20904775, >>20904787 Twitter Files - CIA

>>20904730 Tom Fitton (5/13) - DC ran a special event to educate illegal aliens on how to vote

>>20904767, >>20904804 Charges Dropped Against New Jersey Gym Owner Who Defied Lockdown

>>20904768, >>20904770, >>20904891 Biden campaign held Zoom call with Haley supporters hours after she endorsed Trump

>>20904793, >>20904816 President Trump Shares VDH “Brace Yourself” Outline

>>20904896 Charlie Colin, a founding member of Train dead at 58 after he slipped and fell in the shower

#25639 >>20904937

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6d0881 No.20904983

#25638 >>20903233

>>20903243 Federal Judge rules against dem plan to close infowars

>>20903270 Joe Biden is completely gone "We can only re-elect Donald Trump"

>>20903278 DEI Conspiracy in Air Force

>>20903299 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20903306 Netanyahu Issues Warning To US Leaders Over ICC Arrest Warrants: 'You're Next'

>>20903324 Media Animals Physically Violate and Harass Christina Bobb Outside Court

>>20903325 China Initiates Large Drills 'Surrounding' Taiwan As Warning To New President Lai


>>20903448, >>20903465 PDJT 2:20 AM (illegal immigration chart)

>>20903467 Comey said Trump "is coming" for the FBI and DoJ

>>20903479 Dem. resolution to censure Judge Alito over upside-down flag outside his house after J6

>>20903484 PDJT 12:24 AM "Deranged Jack Smith…"

>>20903482 DanS - (calm water posts on FB)

>>20903486 New Poll - PDJT Tied w/ BIden in NH

>>20903505 Biden preview before State Dinner for Pres of Kenya

>>20903532 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20903549, >>20903594 For Normies - Climate scam explained (vid).

>>20903555, >>20903556 IRS Whistleblower - CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer

>>20903558 Is Sweden on brink of civil war over migrant violence

>>20903580, >>20903584 Bing and DuckDuckGo went down in UK last night

>>20903591 DonJR Text allegedly reveals Hunter proposed meeting for dad, uncle and Chyna exec in NY

>>20903609 It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees

>>20903611, >>20903650 Sean 'Diddy' Combs accused of 2003 sexual assault in lawsuit

>>20903618 BoE removes cash from the UK banking system in their version of Quantitative Tightening

>>20903621 CIA Blocked Probe Into Hunter's Hollywood Tax 'Sugar Brother': Whistleblower

>>20903624 Small Wisconsin Town Under Review by Feds After Eliminating Electronic Voting Machines

>>20903626, >>20903638 Elon comment on micro-plastics

>>20903649 CA Has Become a Billboard Advertisement for Trump Amid Rising Gas Prices

>>20903630, >>20903657, >>20903705 Fauci’s Sr. Advisor Admits Longtime Friend of Dr. Peter Daszak, Jokes About Kickbacks

>>20903652 Kaiser begging doctors they fired over the COVID shot to crawl back & reapply:

>>20903654 Congress to Subpoena Jen Psaki for False Claims in Her Book & role in Afghanistan withdrawl

>>20903635, >>20903645 All the Aid From Biden’s Gaza Pier was Seized by Hamas: 300M

>>20903670 Scottish COVID whistleblowers

>>20903680 China launches military drills, completely surrounding Taiwan

#25638 >>20904262 (posted in #25639)

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6d0881 No.20904987

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902477 New York City begins evicting immigrants who have been in shelters for 30 days

>>20902487 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902505 UN to Use US-Built Pier for Halted Gaza Aid Deliveries

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555, >>20902658 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575, >>20902578 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 PF: SAM390 G5 departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after arriving yesterday and starting to round western Cuba

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902923 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902705 Wired interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (TSMC, future of AI, moar)

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

>>20902744 Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium - thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

>>20902749 Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election

>>20902777 Dorothy Moon Discusses The Fight For MAGA Conservatism In Idaho

>>20902802 Anna Paulina Luna On New Plan To Use Sergeant-At-Arms To Force Garland To Divulge Hidden Recordings

>>20902823 Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds

>>20902824 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20902834 TX-21 Candidate David Covey On Taking On David Phelan

>>20902838 300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to explode mid-air

>>20902841, >>20903020 Top Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens asked in an email if he would receive kickbacks from COVID and COVID vaccines

>>20902848 Republicans are holding a five point margin to keep control of the House

>>20902858 Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died

>>20902862 Rep. Brian Harrison On Importance Of Removing Texas Speaker

>>20902905 A comet approaching Earth could become brighter than the stars this fall

>>20902941, >>20902984, >>20903064, >>20903091, >>20903133, >>20903163 China Holds Military Drills Around Taiwan As 'Punishment'

>>20902979 (5/11/2022) Nadler's mental gymnastics re: illegals voting in elections

>>20902996, >>20903034, >>20903048, >>20903029, >>20903033 Some sonic boom shaka lakas heard by anon

>>20903005, >>20903019 PF: F35LTNG over Prescott, Arizona

>>20903026, >>20903131 PF: 45 in N757 AF 757 departed Dallas, Love Fieldand into the stormheading EN

>>20903036 Nonprofit brings suicide prevention message to Lahaina, Hawaii, underscoring heavy toll it’s taken

>>20903038 New MAGA ad just dropped

>>20903102 Interesting visit to @LosAlamosNatLab today. Discussed a lot of science 😉

>>20903166, >>20903175, >>20903179, >>20903186 DJT Truth

>>20903187 BREAKING: At least 4 dead, more wounded, after stage collapse at rally for Mexican presidential candidate

>>20903207 Bureau of Prison to face trial over allegations of guards abusing female prisoners in California

>>20903222 #25637

Previously Collected

>>20901587 #25635A, >>20901591 #25635B, >>20902385 #25636

>>20899621 #25632, >>20899978 #25633, >>20900776 #25634

>>20896689 #25629, >>20897476 #25630, >>20898300 #25631

>>20895157 #25627, >>20896681 #25628, >>20896681 #25628

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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6d0881 No.20904991

File: da7ab80c29a9aa8⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x906,200:151,5ee.png)



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3daaec No.20904992

File: e72793b1e1aa263⋯.jpg (529.91 KB,1024x1280,4:5,e72793b1e1aa263339dcf21675….jpg)

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34714c No.20904993

File: bfafb82c472be16⋯.png (375.9 KB,534x535,534:535,95be430451b1da5e8b531bf924….png)

thank you baker

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681778 No.20904994

File: 407f702f3d5deca⋯.gif (2.18 MB,498x203,498:203,another_day_at_the_office.gif)

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90a778 No.20904995



>>20904977 lb

matches, knives, dead branches high up in a tree

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b84d75 No.20904996

File: 31aac7743f99930⋯.jpg (598.36 KB,2304x1296,16:9,DJT_BPE_003.jpg)

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47b89f No.20904997

File: 33aee75db120a96⋯.jpg (20.61 KB,512x512,1:1,20240523164854_na_1662_lit.jpg)


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ac755a No.20904998

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Georgia Senate committee hearing on probe into misconduct allegations against Fani Willis

Associated Press


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598942 No.20904999

File: d9375606a37a5c1⋯.jpg (77.29 KB,739x796,739:796,d9375606a37a5c186417f3bed0….jpg)

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8b60f7 No.20905000

File: f3b6dc7f6e75302⋯.jpg (48.32 KB,500x738,250:369,987y6fd.jpg)

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88ec44 No.20905001

File: 988181011affed6⋯.mp4 (10.99 MB,640x360,16:9,988181011affed68b87628b6c8….mp4)

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d17189 No.20905002

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We have Consultancy 4 You -> Marc v Ranst "Belgium" Gimmy a Break

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c9b5f1 No.20905003

File: 6d42ae0b39d93f4⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17164794551….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Supporters of President Trump have been lined up since 8 am (in the rain) in the South Bronx for tonight's rally.


Savanah Hernandez

1:17 PM · May 23, 2024





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2acb6a No.20905004

File: fdc9932bdaa788e⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1200x847,1200:847,fdc9932bdaa788e7c2abd155a1….jpg)

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5b357a No.20905005

File: eb59d14950ea870⋯.png (624.53 KB,657x500,657:500,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a9f83e3d17cc93⋯.mp4 (2.68 MB,720x640,9:8,jeremy_cunt.mp4)

File: e2477df40008074⋯.gif (1.55 MB,260x260,1:1,nightshift_guard_duty_gif.gif)



for those interested.

farage was a guest on his own slot at 7pm today.

The whole 1 hour segement was handed to some kid called howard and trump got 5 minutes on his own show.



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bf2362 No.20905006

File: bee6ee08e7fca4c⋯.png (714.64 KB,750x500,3:2,TYB_.png)

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105045 No.20905007

File: 678fc740a9f36ec⋯.jpg (57.22 KB,492x599,492:599,Thomas_Sowell_2621008646.jpg)

UNC System repeals diversity, inclusion policies, goals at NC public colleges

The Board of Governors replaced its 2019 policy on diversity and inclusion with a new one that promotes equality and requires schools to report on reductions in force and spending on diversity programs.

The UNC System Board of Governors, which oversees public colleges and universities in the state, voted Thursday to repeal and replace its policy on diversity and inclusion, a move that could lead to the elimination of diversity-related positions at schools across the state.

Dozens of students planned protests about the removal of diversity, equity and inclusion policies and potentially jobs before Thursday's final vote, the last step in a month-long process by the UNC System board. Two protesters were detained in the lobby of the building, far from the meeting.

The 24-member board has all been appointed by Republican state lawmakers. The move comes as universities in other states, including Florida and Texas, have cut diversity jobs.

The vote was not done by roll call, but two board members voted no: Joel Ford and Sonja Phillips Nichols, who are Black.

"Higher education does not exist to settle the most difficult debates in our democracy," UNC System President Peter Hans said at the meeting. "Our role is to host those debates, to inform them, to make them richer and more constructive. That's a vital responsibility, and we can't fulfill it if our institutions are seen as partisan actors in one direction or another."

Hans said higher education must maintain "principled neutrality," saying it enhances free speech rights, protects academic freedom and "allows us to welcome genuine diversity."

Nichols, from Charlotte, said she wanted people to feel as if they had been heard.

"I just want it to be said that there were some people who felt they weren't heard," she said after the meeting. "And that I wanted to say I could say I represented the people who said, 'We didn't feel heard.'"

Gene Davis, a member of the board, said DEI programs and their predecessors "have made our universities feel more welcoming to a more diverse group of people from North Carolina and beyond." He credited the programs with making the universities more reflective of "the richly diverse fabric of our state and have made our universities more welcoming for all."

But Davis, a Raleigh lawyer, said he favored the change to the policy, saying he had been made aware of things done in the name of DEI that made him uncomfortable.

"It hurts when you feel that you're not accepted and that your differences are held against you," he said. "I don't want any student, any potential student, any faculty member, any staff member, any alumni or any citizen of our state to ever have that feeling."

Pearl Burris-Floyd, a retired scientist and former state lawmaker who serves is the secretary on the Board of Governors, worked in the field of diversity, equity and inclusion. She said she hoped that campus leaders would not feel as if the board has turned its back on them.

"Diversity, equity and inclusion — and I must add belonging — are part of growing," said Burris-Floyd, a Black woman.

The new Board of Governors policy calls for each institution to certify by Sept. 1 that it "fully complies with the university's commitment to institutional neutrality and nondiscrimination."

It requires each school to "include a report on reductions in force and spending, along with changes to job titles and position descriptions, undertaken as a result of implementing this policy and how those savings achieved … can be redirected to initiatives related to student success and wellbeing."

In an information sheet handed out by the Board of Governors after the vote, it said "the goal of this policy is not necessarily to cut jobs, but to move our universities away from administrative activism on social and political debates. It is going to take some time to determine how many positions could be modified or discontinued to ensure that institutions are aligning with this revised policy."


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fa06b2 No.20905008

Hey the marines are flying over. Tell them to wing wave over my house.

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5b357a No.20905009

File: fe5b5313dc26a59⋯.png (418.06 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)




farage will over in the usa to help trump.


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99c5fa No.20905010

File: 66e43c33d8d14d8⋯.jpg (413.5 KB,1428x5702,714:2851,Screenshot_20240523_104830….jpg)

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d17189 No.20905011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We have Consultancy 4 You -> Marc v Ranst "Belgium" Gimmy a Break


Learn to Program:Gimmy a Break

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bf9819 No.20905012

File: b5f80d6a4eccaa7⋯.png (470.55 KB,620x412,155:103,373DB9DE_D6B2_4318_A777_A5….png)

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8b60f7 No.20905013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: President Trump pre-rally streams from The Bronx

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37ae09 No.20905014

File: 1ffd780f846f0eb⋯.png (442.99 KB,880x631,880:631,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20904070 lb

all together now

post you FJB memes


you were warned…

may JB be struck by lightning the next time he visits his beach, a on a sunny day no less!

a pox on the phony King of America

a pox on the Pedo King of America

a pox on Joe Biden

a pox on all his family and household

oh and a pox on all esafety droids and shills

GM Anons, Baker, eBaker, Frens,and enemies


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cb0bf7 No.20905015

File: 378354cfaee807b⋯.jpg (177 KB,1440x1440,1:1,1ce3da842a594d2b.jpg)

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ab0010 No.20905016

File: 75e89b439182bc5⋯.png (69.72 KB,745x521,745:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29d91cf7bdf9da0⋯.png (83.9 KB,751x627,751:627,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc64d43a9b96a93⋯.png (69.56 KB,745x579,745:579,ClipboardImage.png)

The Great Pandemic Walkback

The pattern is now clearly established. Major figures in and around the pandemic response are slowly walking back all the major claims surrounding the global compulsory regime that ruled life for two and a half years. And each statement is pointing to the same reality. The critics were correct all along. Yes, the very people whose social media accounts were throttled and banned for spreading supposed disinformation.

Consider the statement by Dr. Robert Redfield, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). His tenure there overlapped with the beginning of the lockdowns but he always seemed out of his element, outrun and overwhelmed by the bureaucratic miasma that washed through the agency at the time.

He has always tried to be a team player but you can sense his bitterness today. He knows the power of his words and is choosing them carefully now. In the past, he has said decisively that the idea that the pathogen was a gain-of-function lab leak was indeed possible. He was never a great enthusiast for the vaccine, even making a video in 2020 in which he said that a homemade mask might be more effective.

In other words, he was never on board with the whole plan. He was even excluded from meeting with Fauci/Birx and company.

Now he has come out and said what many people said from the beginning. He says that healthy people under the age of 60 never really needed the shots, and, further, that the injuries from the shots are high and must be recognized and acknowledged. True, this is information that everyone who has kept up already knows. What’s significant is the source.

“Those of us that tried to suggest there may be significant side effects from vaccines … we kind of got canceled because no one wanted to talk about the potential that there was a problem from the vaccines, because they were afraid that that would cause people not to want to get vaccinated,” Dr. Redfield said.


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d17189 No.20905017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Their GREAT Preset. -;)))

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681778 No.20905018

File: 4af94ec518911db⋯.webm (467.09 KB,427x240,427:240,incendiary.webm)


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ab0010 No.20905019

File: 3538b15444e6831⋯.png (69.02 KB,634x157,634:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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bba51c No.20905020

and there we are….another day at the Q+ board…

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3c0a0f No.20905021

File: 658259c9f57ffac⋯.png (635.09 KB,554x554,1:1,ynebtrewtrew.PNG)


thank you baker!

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416142 No.20905023

File: a2d21abc112fd6c⋯.png (2.74 MB,1024x1534,512:767,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf9819 No.20905024

File: 73634c21d909333⋯.png (1 MB,750x1334,375:667,723F643B_72A0_414B_A970_D4….png)

File: 25bf3d9a1790133⋯.jpeg (262.46 KB,2048x1280,8:5,989D786D_F9B1_4476_B92B_C….jpeg)

File: 0c171d60d37cbd4⋯.png (39.88 KB,690x498,115:83,AC3D43FA_DE46_43D7_88F5_AC….png)

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ab0010 No.20905026

File: 0381ed4ccad746e⋯.png (98.25 KB,731x358,731:358,ClipboardImage.png)

TD Bank Fires More Than A Dozen After Anti-Money-Laundering Failings, Says Report

The anti-money-laundering scandal at Toronto-Dominion Bank, currently under investigation by the US Justice Department, has sparked an internal reorganization at the Canadian bank, leading to the termination of over a dozen employees.

According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, citing a source familiar with the situation, the employees were fired for failing to maintain the bank's anti-money-laundering standards.

The person said action was taken against certain leadership in the anti-money laundering function and people working in US bank branches who were found to have breached TD's internal code of conduct, which employees agree to each year. Some employees were fired as criminal charges were brought against them. Other disciplinary steps were imposed on staff where the bank determined there were minor infringements, the person added. -WSJ

At an investor conference earlier today, following TD's financial results for the second quarter, President and Chief Executive Bharat Masrani said an internal investigation into the failings has progressed. He said the bank had fired employees responsible for the failings. Neither the source nor the bank released further details about the exact number of firings and or names of the fired workers.

"We have significantly strengthened the leadership of our US anti-money-laundering function," bank spokeswoman Elizabeth Goldenshtein said, adding the bank has brought in top talent with experience transforming and leading anti-money-laundering programs to ensure this lapse never happens again.

Earlier this month, WSJ revealed a Justice Department investigation into TD Bank's internal controls focused on how Chinese drug gangs used the bank to launder money from US fentanyl sales. The bank set aside $450 million to resolve one of those inquiries and expects more penalties.

Following the earnings report, Bloomberg Intelligence's Paul Gulberg and Ethan Kaye pointed out that the $450 million reserve for an anti-money laundering probe could exceed that amount as it only addresses negotiations with one regulator.

TD Bank's Canada-listed shares moved lower by 1.3% in the session, down 7% since WSJ's report on the DoJ probe earlier this month


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5781bf No.20905028

File: 575b5544f403439⋯.jpg (258.9 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1012.JPG)

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d17189 No.20905030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



We are Having Phun.

Their GREAT Preset. -;)))

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bba51c No.20905031

missing the good old days, when there was actually some research on Qposts being done around here…

now its just a resonating board for trumpers, ah yes. And shills

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5781bf No.20905035

File: 807d65f336e89a7⋯.mp4 (5.51 MB,640x360,16:9,Conservatives_No_Votes.mp4)

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5781bf No.20905038

File: a257ef4e3e78ee6⋯.jpg (365.82 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1016.JPG)

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6d0881 No.20905040

File: 14d10698a933e9d⋯.png (564.33 KB,737x529,737:529,1259.png)

File: 3dc38e7d724614e⋯.png (16.51 KB,444x318,74:53,1259_Q.png)

Donald J. Trump



May 23, 2024, 12:59 PM (EST)


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5781bf No.20905042

File: 63345f86b1ec464⋯.png (593.34 KB,800x489,800:489,457B5CD0_4BD2_4E70_B946_C1….PNG)

File: 4acc4bf476d6814⋯.jpg (518.69 KB,929x903,929:903,IMG_0466.jpg)

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bf9819 No.20905043

File: 627d1bfbd3439da⋯.png (840.88 KB,750x1334,375:667,10806542_E22E_42A9_A2E9_FC….png)

File: becb9dead4379a1⋯.png (406.68 KB,690x3314,345:1657,54A534AB_3C9B_48CF_8A0F_C7….png)


cryptic 229

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681778 No.20905044

File: be636b3a9d19ac3⋯.gif (1.66 MB,333x281,333:281,press_it.gif)


Nothing is stopping you from doing research of your own. Many here are. I understand that it's moar attractive to whine how the board used to be and how you'd like it to be though because you get get moar attention that way, but still, think I'll filter you now. Enjoy the (You).

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416142 No.20905045

File: cbf72d88fce4bea⋯.png (75.25 KB,921x821,921:821,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdeabdf7b7017fe⋯.png (21.72 KB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


NEW: Israel warns of ‘serious consequences’ for ties with countries recognising Palestinian state


From insiderpaper.com

12:24 PM · May 23, 2024



May 23, 2024 12:22 pm

Israel’s foreign ministry said Thursday that Israel’s ties with Ireland, Norway and Spain will face “serious consequences” after their governments decided to recognise a Palestinian state from next week.

“There will be additional serious consequences for relations with their countries following the decision they made,” the ministry statement quoted top official Jacob Blitstein as saying.

Blitstein was speaking during a meeting with the envoys of the three countries to “reprimand” them for their governments’ move announced on Wednesday.

During the meeting, Israeli officials showed the three envoys a video of the kidnapping of five women soldiers during the October 7 attack by Hamas.

The three-minute clip, also released to the media on Wednesday, showed the women sitting on the ground, some with blood on their faces, with their hands tied following their capture from the Nahal Oz base in southern Israel.

The footage was taken from a two-hour video filmed on a body camera by Hamas militants during the attack, campaign group Hostage and Missing Families Forum said in a statement accompanying the clip.

At Thursday’s meeting, Blitstein “reprimanded the ambassadors for the perverse decision of their governments to recognise a Palestinian state,” the ministry statement said.

He said the recognition move makes it “more difficult to promote a deal for the release of hostages” still held in Gaza by Palestinian militants.

The coordinated announcements by the three governments came days after the International Criminal Court prosecutor said he would seek arrest warrants for Israel’s prime minister and defence minister as well as Hamas leaders over alleged war crimes during the Gaza conflict.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who has visited several countries to drum up support for recognition, said the move would reinforce efforts to revive a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict.

Israel has reacted with fury, immediately recalling its envoys to the three countries.

“The intention of several European countries to recognise a Palestinian state is a reward for terror,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday, adding that a sovereign State of Palestine would be a “terror state”.

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5781bf No.20905046

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5b357a No.20905047

File: c958fe4d8c76adb⋯.png (533.12 KB,809x965,809:965,ClipboardImage.png)


zero seats anon vid for the tories - this is great and anon already has this saved and posted here previously, needs moar eyes

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5781bf No.20905048

File: d38d08e7aa376a2⋯.jpg (348.26 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1013.JPG)

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90a778 No.20905049


when petty tyrants like Fani Willis get a gubment job they lay waste in every direction

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841335 No.20905051

File: b990c256679f501⋯.png (724.85 KB,800x800,1:1,b990c256679f50137c8112f608….png)

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ab0010 No.20905052

File: 7cb58140c5114d7⋯.png (1.11 MB,899x597,899:597,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec26a981df8ada0⋯.png (33.87 KB,552x215,552:215,ClipboardImage.png)

Newly Released Emails Reveal that John Kerry and Obama Admin. Blocked FBI from Arresting Dangerous Iranians Including Terrorists at Least 8 Times

In March 2018, Barack Obama’s former Secretary of State, John Kerry was caught secretly meeting with Iranian officials to salvage Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Kerry was working against the Trump administration to salvage Obama’s Iranian nuclear deal that funded terrorism across the Middle East.

Obama’s former Secretary of State was seen dining with several Iranian regime officials. The above photo was taken as Kerry left the restaurant in Paris.

Around this time, President Trump withdrew from the sham Iranian nuclear deal. President Trump knew the deal with the Iranian mullahs was not working.

John Kerry reportedly told the Iranian officials to “wait out” Trump’s presidency for more accommodating policies from Democrats.

In April 2021, John Kerry was caught on audio sharing information on Israel’s covert operations in Syria with Iran’s foreign minister. This was treasonous behavior. The information was NOT in the public domain as Joe Biden’s administration suggested.

In March 2024 House Republicans demanded John Kerry disclose details about his “shadow diplomacy” with the Iranian regime during the Trump administration — warning that Kerry’s actions may have violated the federal Logan Act.

Earlier this week, Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) revealed that he has new emails that show Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry blocked MULTIPLE FBI attempts to arrest two dangerous Iranian individuals during Obama’s nuclear negotiations with the Iranian regime.

The documents show that Kerry’s State Department stopped eight arrests in order to protect the Iran nuclear deal, including arrests of terrorists.


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7d9cd8 No.20905053

File: 2b6add37b2f342c⋯.mp4 (230.4 KB,640x360,16:9,kleptocracy.mp4)


Dis guy Joe

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ef551d No.20905054

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cb0bf7 No.20905055

File: b03696cff3909c1⋯.png (217.48 KB,982x989,982:989,ClipboardImage.png)

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5781bf No.20905056

File: 61adf4d600c587f⋯.jpg (349.31 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1019.JPG)

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d17189 No.20905057

File: 83ec28593001108⋯.png (4.37 MB,2000x2536,250:317,ZeGreetResetNL.png)

File: 537ab5e64c0ce6e⋯.png (2.37 MB,2200x1682,1100:841,YaAreLovingAgain.png)

File: 08f02b01168f85d⋯.jpg (367.6 KB,2000x1062,1000:531,wij_stropen_onze_mouwen_op.jpg)

File: 3caf46f747f6083⋯.png (2.36 MB,2000x2000,1:1,WhatDoYouSee.png)



We are Having Phun.

Their GREAT Preset. -;)))

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34f9d5 No.20905058

File: 3e340e9eee823c0⋯.png (272.43 KB,515x505,103:101,3e39eee823c0db072d8f2dc560….png)

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ec0ee7 No.20905059

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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681778 No.20905060

File: 4406db160e9eac8⋯.png (474.9 KB,1054x962,527:481,4406db160e9eac88d9d02a474d….png)

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5781bf No.20905061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ab0010 No.20905062

Georgian PM accuses EU of ‘blackmailing’ him with assassination threat

The bloc is trying to intimidate Georgia over its foreign agents law, Irakli Kobakhidze has said

Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has claimed that a European commissioner told him he could end up suffering the same fate as Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who survived an assassination attempt last week.

In a Facebook post on Thursday, Kobakhidze said that the unnamed commissioner warned him during a recent phone call that the West would take “a number of measures” against him if his government pressed ahead with a law requiring foreign NGOs in Georgia to disclose their funding.

“While listing these measures, he mentioned: ‘you see what happened to Fico, and you should be very careful’,” he wrote.

Fico was shot multiple times as he met with supporters outside a government meeting in the town of Handlova on May 15. He was rushed to hospital, underwent emergency surgery, and is currently recuperating from his injuries. His would-be assassin – allegedly a 71-year-old poet who disagreed with Fico’s suspension of military aid to Ukraine – has been charged with attempted murder and may face terrorism charges.

Georgia’s parliament passed the ‘Transparency of Foreign Influence Act’ last week. The law requires NGOs, media outlets, and individuals receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as entities “promoting the interests of a foreign power” and disclose their donors.

While the act has been vetoed by Georgia’s pro-Western president, Salome Zourabichvili, parliament is expected to override the veto.

Despite similar yet more stringent foreign influence laws existing in the US, UK, and other Western nations, Georgia’s foreign agent law has been strongly condemned by US and EU officials, with Washington considering unspecified “actions” against Tbilisi and multiple EU members weighing sanctions, according to media reports.

“We have long been accustomed to this kind of insulting blackmail,” Kobakhidze wrote. “The parallel drawn with the attempted assassination of Robert Fico reminds us that in the form of the Global War Party, we are dealing with an extremely dangerous force that will do anything to bring chaos to Georgia.”

In an interview with Georgia’s Channel 1 on Wednesday,Kobakhidze argued that without a transparency law, foreign-funded NGOs operating in the country could easily foment a revolution akin to the US-backed ‘Maidan’ coup in Ukraine in 2014. “We want transparency… we don’t want to leave muddy water in this country, because a ‘Georgian Maidan’ could lead our country to very serious consequences, to its ‘Ukrainization’. We cannot agree with this,” he said.


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e1714b No.20905063

File: 721f573b0487593⋯.png (249 KB,500x445,100:89,m865nb64v34.png)

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3691e3 No.20905064

File: 5fa3aac5dcda042⋯.mp4 (3.76 MB,1280x720,16:9,3.mp4)

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36b777 No.20905065

File: 0953e8e83c43374⋯.jpeg (2.1 MB,2160x1403,2160:1403,IMG_6386.jpeg)

Can we name it Screw Your Holiday Weekend?

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b0b0d5 No.20905066

Hey you piddling pedo powers cowering in dread of the Sun.

Poor widdle Netty screaming that the ICC will come for all his "friends" in DC after he is indicted.

As an American and a Patriot, I say Good. Take em all, lock em all in a cell, no bail, and may prosecution drag on as many years as Assange has been in jail for telling the truth.

And all this going on while litstle Klaus Squab retires so that he may slip quietly away to his "bunker" to hide from the Sun and no one the wiser.

Man, you tiny pedos are Comedy Central.

God's will in all things. And that big beautiful Sun.

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7d9cd8 No.20905067

File: 663d058d32a9053⋯.mp4 (415.19 KB,384x480,4:5,sheeple.mp4)


>NEW: Israel warns of ‘serious consequences’ for ties with countries recognising Palestinian state

Better get in line

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72c1c2 No.20905068

Now the board can see the useless famefag shills for what they are. Nothing useful. A division slide.

Anon did that.

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bf9819 No.20905069

File: 84062b691153672⋯.png (500.92 KB,750x1334,375:667,B01286A1_ED02_499F_B539_3E….png)

File: 08d6b38034dff00⋯.png (609.63 KB,750x1334,375:667,2538FB83_F2B1_42F4_9A62_7F….png)

File: 4feaf44d0cc2f6c⋯.png (1.09 MB,690x3398,345:1699,B715D13A_D853_4FFE_A942_EE….png)

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c95ef8 No.20905070

Systematic destruction of our culture, wealth and virtue. Cool plan. Fuck Q and all those that allowed this to happen (you).

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6d0881 No.20905071

File: e62e8d99cccfcd8⋯.png (9.18 KB,444x206,222:103,509_Q.png)


00:17 shows Merchan, in 5:09 vid.

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ab0010 No.20905072

Blinken lobbying for strikes on Russia – NYT

The top US diplomat wants Ukraine to be given permission to use American weapons beyond its borders

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is pushing the administration of President Joe Biden to allow Ukraine to attack targets deep inside Russia with American weapons, the New York Times reported on Thursday, referring to unnamed US officials.

The ban, according to the White House, was imposed out of concern that if US arms were used inside what Washington acknowledges as Russian territory it would trigger an escalation and potentially World War III. Blinken has been advocating for scrapping the restriction after making a “sobering” visit to Kiev earlier this month, the newspaper said, citing insider sources.

Ukrainian officials have claimed that being unable to target Russian forces across the border with American weapons led to the failure of its troops to prevent the recent Russian advances in Kharkov Region.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that the offensive is a response to months of Ukrainian artillery and drone attacks in Russia’s Belgorod Region and that a buffer zone is required to deprive Kiev of the capability to make such strikes. The Times said that Ukrainian weapons “don’t pack the power and speed of the American weapons.”

Kiev has launched a lobbying campaign on Capitol Hill to pressure the White House over the issue and has some allies among lawmakers. A group of representatives signed a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin on Monday calling for the Ukrainian request to be granted.

During a hearing in Congress on Tuesday, Senator Michael McCaul displayed a map showing the strike range of ATACMS missiles – a weapon the US has donated to Ukraine – if Kiev were allowed to use them inside Russia. He called the outlined territory a “sanctuary zone” for Russian troops and accused the Biden administration of tying the hands of the Ukrainians behind their backs.

Ukraine’s Vladimir Zelensky has urged increased NATO involvement in the conflict and has argued that the West should not fear Russia’s reaction. Moscow believes that Zelensky’s goal is to trigger an escalation to maintain his position.



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5781bf No.20905073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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36b777 No.20905074


All of Tomz movies are the same

Tom running

Tom riding a motorcycle

Tom hanging off of something

Meh…..how about Tom raids Scientology HQ…oh wait, my bad

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5781bf No.20905075

File: 53c4cfb8e0275be⋯.jpg (341.41 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1010.JPG)

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7d9cd8 No.20905076

File: 492a70cac4e8950⋯.png (2.04 MB,1280x1202,640:601,POTUS.png)

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bf9819 No.20905077

File: 83d41d36576b0a0⋯.jpeg (219.68 KB,1200x1200,1:1,222D9A39_D6C2_41D5_9484_2….jpeg)

File: 8578e81147f7226⋯.jpeg (7.66 KB,159x208,159:208,EE55D25A_FE7B_4B8E_9CF8_B….jpeg)

File: 4103f6e571040dc⋯.png (60.67 KB,690x718,345:359,8B01DC85_7C3D_458C_AF47_63….png)

File: 3fe83acccdca853⋯.jpeg (8.47 KB,255x135,17:9,090A6CA8_8657_41DA_805F_D….jpeg)

File: d270595ed0100a4⋯.png (672.21 KB,690x2112,115:352,2241FA71_9D7B_4EA1_B2B1_50….png)

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dedbe6 No.20905078


Canada #58 >>20883212

Palestine Fails the Test of Statehood

by Antonio Graceffo May. 17, 2024

There are four conditions for statehood; Palestine arguably meets one of them.

The most widely accepted definition of a sovereign nation is found in the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, which was adopted at the Seventh International Conference of American States in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1933. The Montevideo Convention lays out the criteria for statehood, including a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. These criteria are widely accepted as the basic requirements for statehood in international law.

1) Defined Territory: The entity seeking statehood must have a clearly defined territory over which it exercises sovereignty. Palestine does not meet this criterion. The original mandate granted it the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. However, these territories are not contiguous, and the Palestinians are demanding more territory, including the whole of Jerusalem. Hamas, moreover, wants all of Israel. Thus, there is no clearly defined territory for Palestine, and even the Palestinians have not agreed on what their territory should be.

2) Permanent Population: The entity must have a permanent population residing within its defined territory. This is the only criterion that Palestine more or less meets, as Gaza and the West Bank do have a permanent population. However, the phrase "within its defined territory" suggests that the territory of Palestine would need to be clearly established first before it can be said to have a permanent population within that territory.

3) Government: The entity must have a functioning government capable of exercising control and authority over its territory and population. Palestine fails this test. Power in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is divided among three entities: the Palestinian Authority, the terrorist organization Hamas, and the state of Israel. Generally, the Palestinian Authority exerts control over the West Bank, Hamas over Gaza, and Israel over both. Therefore, it cannot be said that Palestine has a functioning government.

4) Capacity to Enter into Relations with Other States: The entity must possess the capacity to enter into relations with other states, indicating its independence and sovereignty. Palestine does not have the authority to enter into international agreements or treaties. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), previously designated as a terrorist organization, represents Palestine at international bodies but does not hold memberships or voting rights in those bodies. For example, the PLO has permanent observer status at the UN.

These criteria are widely recognized as the fundamental requirements for statehood in international law. Most countries and international organizations adhere to the principles laid out in the convention. Additionally, the criteria specified in the convention are commonly used by governments, legal scholars, and international bodies to determine the statehood of entities seeking recognition as sovereign states. Therefore, the definition provided by the Montevideo Convention is broadly accepted by the international community.

UN members recently voted to recognize Palestine. According to the UN Charter, "States are admitted to membership in the United Nations by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council." However, as a member of the Security Council, the US exercised its veto power, preventing Palestine's admission.


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39c835 No.20905079

File: 5604505a3bbefa5⋯.png (833.32 KB,1143x596,1143:596,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0c7facc92bb315⋯.png (816.92 KB,1187x666,1187:666,ClipboardImage.png)

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bf9819 No.20905080

File: 2401f1364c57a7e⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,E12ECF80_DA4E_44E0_92B8_19….png)

File: d33f0d21070c73e⋯.jpeg (431.5 KB,1152x1152,1:1,E2424FA3_80E1_4579_8E43_B….jpeg)

File: a62dfa177e17542⋯.png (556.15 KB,680x677,680:677,C8174C11_61E2_4C89_858E_20….png)

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36b777 No.20905081

File: 76d4dd0bcbd88bd⋯.gif (896.28 KB,480x313,480:313,IMG_6387.gif)

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6d0881 No.20905082

File: 2fb348bbfe1fbc1⋯.png (753.22 KB,727x604,727:604,238.png)

File: cef5cc24f497ba5⋯.png (669.46 KB,697x555,697:555,238_25_17.png)

File: 8cc45be19111683⋯.png (4.75 KB,444x121,444:121,238_Q.png)

File: 78e511fd754082d⋯.png (14.64 KB,444x250,222:125,25_Q.png)

Donald J. Trump


Will see you tonight at 6:00PM Eastern in The Bronx! Join me live on @RSBN, @NewsMax, @realamericasvoice, and Donald J. Trump @rumble, among others. See you soon—MAGA2024!!!

May 23, 2024, 2:38 PM


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be3447 No.20905083


you cant stop it, nothing can stop it

you just have to let corruption collapse it.

The only way is not to play.

The USA has been a corrupt hellhole the last 43 years

The Evil in our nation will be destroyed eventually.

Take a seat and grab some popcorn, dig, meme and pray, our republic never went away.

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5781bf No.20905084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6b1690 No.20905085

File: 44bb44dca8a49f7⋯.jpg (1.05 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Froggy_Night_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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ab0010 No.20905086

File: f177dba77355553⋯.png (68.27 KB,737x520,737:520,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f846956eddc1956⋯.png (82.14 KB,743x591,743:591,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80bcef77fb28309⋯.png (72.69 KB,725x488,725:488,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a01fe2962d2fed6⋯.png (38.56 KB,716x298,358:149,ClipboardImage.png)

Follow The Money: How Israel-Linked Billionaires Silenced US Campus Protests

An investigation reveals several wealthy individuals tied to numerous US universities as well as the military industrial complex and Israel fundamental in facilitating the crackdown against Palestinian solidarity anti-genocide protests.

Why have overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations against a foreign power’s actions been met with such a heavy-handed response?


The movement began on April 17 at Columbia University, where a modest Gaza solidarity encampment was established. Protestors hardly expected to be welcomed by university authorities but were shocked as university president Minouche Shafik immediately called in the NYPD – the first time the university had allowed police to suppress dissent on campus since the famous 1968 demonstrations against the Vietnam War.


Billionaire businessman and sports executive Robert Kraft, for example, publicly announced he was cutting the university off from his lavish funding over its failure to suppress the protests effectively enough. “I am deeply saddened at the virulent hate that continues to grow on campus and throughout our country,” he said in a statement, claiming that Columbia was not protecting its Jewish students.

The turning point, Kraft said, was watching a publicity stunt by Shai Davidai, an Israeli-American academic at Columbia, who claimed his access to campus was revoked. Davidai had previously called the student protestors “Nazis” and “terrorists” and called for the National Guard to be set upon the encampment, obliquely referencing the Kent State University Massacre while doing so.


Another billionaire benefactor pulling his Columbia funding is Leon Cooperman. The hedge fund manager suspended his donations in October, citing student support for Palestine. “These kids are fucking crazy. They don’t understand what they’re doing or what they’re talking about,” he fumed, adding that they “have to be controlled.” One person who does know what he is talking about on this issue is Columbia’s Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History, Joseph Massad. Yet Cooperman demanded Massad be fired after the academic took positions on Palestine he objected to.

Cooperman has enormous influence at Columbia precisely because he is one of its chief income sources. In 2012, for instance, he donated $25 million to support the construction of the university’s new Manhattanville campus.


A third billionaire backer using his financial clout to pressure Columbia is Soviet-born oligarch Len Blavatnik, who demanded that the university protestors be “held to account.” Leaked messages reveal that for Blavatnik, this meant using the full weight of the law against protestors.

Blavatnik was a member of a secret WhatsApp group created in October 2023 that included many prominent Americans, former Israeli prime ministers Naftali Bennett and Benny Gantz, and Israel’s ambassador to the United States, Michael Herzog. Its mission was, in its own words, to “change the narrative” in favor of Israel and “help win the war” for U.S. public opinion. This included donating to pro-Israel political candidates and trying to pressure black celebrities such as Alicia Keys, Jay-Z and LeBron James to publicly “condemn antisemitism” – i.e., attempting to conflate the protestors with racists.


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34f9d5 No.20905087


wonder if they met all the requirements in 1944?

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7d9cd8 No.20905088

File: 3c6feafb54c7474⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB,640x360,16:9,on_being_loyal.mp4)

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c95ef8 No.20905089


So three generations that’ll never be able to retire. Cool. Glad you’re cheering it on. Psst Trump can’t fix it.

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b0b0d5 No.20905090

One more thing, you tiny mentally-ill pedos.

Pass this along to Netty.

God said to tell Netty he better hope his Samson option works better than his Iron Dome.

God's will in all things. Oh, that Sun…

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6d0881 No.20905091

File: 16c6b94dcfc03da⋯.png (726.5 KB,719x570,719:570,249.png)

File: 53a6c6253e4a54e⋯.png (9.17 KB,444x266,222:133,249_Q.png)

Dan Scavino



May 23, 2024, 2:49 PM


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000000 No.20905092


you know that punk that keeps running his mouth and talking shit until someone finally decides to knock his teeth out?

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76f368 No.20905093


hamas wants the jews to fund their bullshit


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7d9cd8 No.20905094

File: f5e2af3f4a2b5b5⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,624x400,39:25,fauci_masks.mp4)

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d6ba58 No.20905095


Iran? Hamas? Yeah I know them.

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5781bf No.20905096

File: 62ecca8b00a4190⋯.jpg (136.97 KB,1130x1045,226:209,IMG_0993.JPG)

File: ebacf72d295aa48⋯.jpg (175.21 KB,1130x777,1130:777,IMG_0997.JPG)

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6d0881 No.20905097

File: df9207080458ec1⋯.png (712.4 KB,718x566,359:283,249_2.png)

File: 53a6c6253e4a54e⋯.png (9.17 KB,444x266,222:133,249_Q.png)

Dan Scavino



May 23, 2024, 2:49 PM


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ab0010 No.20905098


Hamas has been funded by Israel for at least a decade, mossads pet project

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3daaec No.20905099

File: 923d3458c9846e9⋯.png (70.28 KB,1368x584,171:73,4942.png)

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7d484d No.20905100

File: a9ff4aa4be02248⋯.png (297.54 KB,447x299,447:299,ClipboardImage.png)


>and then israel said "serious consequences"

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5b5b21 No.20905101

File: 94306b383434f5f⋯.png (200.03 KB,828x1792,207:448,IMG_0357.png)

Doing the right thing seems unaffordable

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ab0010 No.20905102

File: a3346dba1e0581b⋯.png (298.09 KB,302x426,151:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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5781bf No.20905103

File: 6b7585a5a9d7f8d⋯.jpg (235.1 KB,1089x746,1089:746,Trump_Won_07_FBI_Raid.JPG)

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099dc1 No.20905104

File: 1a478043db90f15⋯.png (115.16 KB,585x336,195:112,1a478043db90f1526bb346a601….png)

Fuck Israel.

Israel is seat of Anti-Christ, shortly (he sits in the rebuilt temple).

You know what?

I recognize the State of Palestine.

I won't "stand with" Israel.

I won't "stand with" zionism.

I won't "stand with" those who oppose Jesus.

I won't "stand with" televangelists who have a demonic love affair with Israel.

God damn all you Christian-Zionists. Literally.

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5781bf No.20905105

File: c781d339d21419b⋯.jpg (358.2 KB,1280x960,4:3,Trump_Won_06_Greta_Thunber….JPG)

File: 18870697b35a51d⋯.jpeg (927.26 KB,1276x1581,1276:1581,Trump_Won_05_Greta_Thunbe….JPEG)

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bf9819 No.20905106


local am radio parrots running a baby goose stomped story. parents & 2 surviving gooseling relocated.

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c5010b No.20905107


I remember the AIDS spot Barry did, but not the decode of it.


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d6ba58 No.20905108


>Israel is seat of Anti-Christ,

No, that's Rome. You know, the ones who deny Jesus come in the flesh (us) and falsely claim His authority over us. The false throne.

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c95ef8 No.20905109

It’s funny cause the blacks will be the ones to actually fight to save the country. Literally. Whitey fat ass sits back.

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ab0010 No.20905110

File: b2c6aebb659a73c⋯.png (711.38 KB,697x554,697:554,ClipboardImage.png)

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5781bf No.20905111

File: 2df7100b1f3db8a⋯.jpg (123.76 KB,800x470,80:47,Trump_Won_02_Zalensky_Stil….jpg)

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72c1c2 No.20905112



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5781bf No.20905113

File: 9a2f0ad61063088⋯.jpg (141.8 KB,800x717,800:717,UltraMAGA_17.jpg)

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c95ef8 No.20905114


Funny guy.

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099dc1 No.20905115

File: 7c25f3ad97b1ad3⋯.png (106.37 KB,352x341,32:31,7c25f3ad97b1ad38b114dd90e6….png)


>No, that's Rome. You know, the ones who deny Jesus come in the flesh (us) and falsely claim His authority over us. The false throne.

Dear Christian Zionist:

Read Revelation.

Mic drop.

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5781bf No.20905116

File: b72e2124e1cddee⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,Trump_01_You_re_Fired.MOV)


You’re Fired!

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423379 No.20905117

File: dae181886888b3a⋯.jpg (92.16 KB,1440x948,120:79,media_GOM9_8Ab0AMhYnu.jpg)

The Bird's the Word.

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7183e3 No.20905118



and what did you do to stop it?

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ab0010 No.20905119

YouTube openly brags about how it’s openly manipulating elections by banning videos that don’t represent establishment narratives

Google's YouTube video platform is switching gears in the lead-up to the 2024 election in order to rig the election against unapproved candidates.

In a new blog post, YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."

YouTube is not just interested in rigging the United States election, though; the changes arrived just prior to the European Parliament (EP) election, which is also right around the corner.

YouTube says its goal is to present "an overview of our efforts to help people across Europe and beyond find helpful and authoritative election news and information," meaning YouTube will disseminate only approved information for public consumption to sway people's voting habits.

"The overview is the usual hodgepodge of reasonable concepts, such as promoting information on how to vote or register for voting, learning about election results, etc., that quickly morph into yet another battle in the 'war on disinformation,'" warns Reclaim the Net about what YouTube is really up to.

"And what better way to 'support' an election (and by extension, democracy) – than to engage in another round of mass censorship? /s."

In 2023, YouTube removed 35,000 video uploads in EU

In the same above-linked blog post, YouTube also admits, and quite proudly, that it pulled down 35,000 videos that were uploaded in the European Union (EU) in 2023, with many more also coming down this year.

All of the videos purportedly contained information that violate the video platform's policies, including "certain types of election misinformation" – are there certain kinds of election misinformation that YouTube allows, we wonder?

It is not just artificial intelligence (AI) that is raking YouTube and pulling down "offensive" content, either. Reports indicate that YouTube has become a well-oiled machine "at scale" where "global teams of reviewers" search for videos to remove with the help of machine learning algorithms.

YouTube's excuse for behaving this way is that it simply wants to help it users "learn about the issues shaping the debate." In order to do that, one component of the effort involves "dealing with harmful content," which really means that YouTube is trying to shape the debate rather than simply facilitate it.

"Our Intelligence Desk has also been working for months to get ahead of emerging issues and trends that could affect the EU elections, both on and off YouTube," the blog post explains.

"This helps our enforcement teams to address these potential trends before they become larger issues."

Furthermore, under no circumstances will YouTube allow any kind of coordinated influence campaigns to occur on the platform from now on, "regardless of the political viewpoints they support." If Google's Threat Analysis Group (TAG) believes it has spotted such a campaign, it will immediately share the information with law enforcement, including EUROPOL.

While YouTube does admit that AI in general can potentially be used to destroy an election, its management insists that this type of AI is okay.

"When viewers search for 2024 European parliamentary candidates, an information panel will appear above the search results, highlighting candidate information, such as their political party, and link to Google Search," YouTube says. "Below the information panel, there may also be a link to the candidate's official channel."

"In the final weeks of the campaign, on the YouTube homepage, we'll show reminders on where and how to vote."


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5781bf No.20905120

File: ac60f10ed3bcb16⋯.gif (498.09 KB,500x281,500:281,IMG_1024.gif)

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c95ef8 No.20905121


Stopped believing in Q in 2020 and stopped voting. All time and money prepping. I promised you nothing.

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2acb6a No.20905122

File: 5ee1a838059d012⋯.jpg (126.08 KB,662x671,662:671,Untitledtjtjgxg.jpg)


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6d0881 No.20905123


That Kenyan Pres. press conf. today.. dinner tonight.. Renegade is going down.

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bf9819 No.20905124

File: 808faf15b558860⋯.png (1.58 MB,750x1334,375:667,204105E3_F7D8_44EF_8520_7A….png)

File: 1bfe926a676ac7f⋯.png (52.1 KB,690x674,345:337,F61A2659_D5CE_4C97_867D_07….png)

File: ea2ef7aa45001a5⋯.png (640.16 KB,690x1674,115:279,D93406A2_170E_41EB_84E1_74….png)

File: b6ed232a2c58404⋯.png (57.76 KB,690x586,345:293,337FE218_4689_42B5_8E47_7A….png)

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d6ba58 No.20905125


I have, you should try reading it looking for the truth rather than what you want to hear. The stone like a giant millstone is thrown down, and babylon is found no more.

The chair of Peter, the false throne.

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dedbe6 No.20905126


Incredibly unsat markings for that fire station. Nozzle is freaking green?!

Rust running down next to the sound-powered phone connections.

Rust on the bulkhead just above the non-skid

Upper right appears there's more rust marks being hidden by the fire hose

Complete Zone Inspection Fail

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5781bf No.20905127

File: 57f64e9998d8829⋯.jpg (168.71 KB,1130x1360,113:136,IMG_0989.JPG)

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ab0010 No.20905128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats

Republican California State Assemblyman Bill Essayli condemned his Democratic colleagues after they voted against advancing a bill requiring California law enforcement agencies to cooperate with federal authorities when dealing with illegal immigrants convicted of sexually exploiting children.

California has adopted so-called “sanctuary” policies, which limit the cooperation of state and local law enforcement officers with federal immigration authorities. Essayli introduced legislation, AB 2641, to cut into these “sanctuary” policies by requiring local law enforcement officials to detain and transfer to federal authorities any immigration suspects who have “been convicted of a crime of sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of minors, or crimes committed against minors, as specified, or crimes committed against a minor that require registration under the Sex Offender Registration Act.”

Essayli attempted to force a floor vote on his bill on Tuesday, with a motion to suspend the rules and go to the floor vote, but the effort failed in the Democratic supermajority California State Assembly.

Assembly Speaker Pro Tempore Jim Wood, a Democrat, cut off Essayli’s microphone as he began to describe the bill while motioning to bring it to a floor vote on Tuesday.


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72c1c2 No.20905129



Nothing funny about destroying famefag shills and winning at it and being comfy.

Oh wait.

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188cf1 No.20905130


Senator Schumer Holds News Conference After Border Security Bill Vote

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer speaks to reporters after Republicans again blocked a bipartisan border security bill negotiated earlier this year from being debated on the floor.


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ab0010 No.20905131

Blinken Says He Wants To Work With Congress To Punish the ICC

The Biden administration opposes the ICC case against Israeli leaders after backing the court against Russia

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday said he wanted to work with Congress on legislation to punish the International Criminal Court (ICC) for seeking arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Blinken was asked by Sen. Jim Risch (R-ID) at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing if he would support legislation to counter “the ICC sticking its nose in the business of countries that have an independent, legitimate democratic judicial system.”

Blinken replied, “Given the events of yesterday, I think we have to look at the appropriate steps to take to deal with again, what is a profoundly wrongheaded decision.”

The ICC was previously sanctioned by the US under the Trump administration for its plans to investigate alleged US war crimes in Afghanistan. The Biden administration reversed the sanctions, but the US pressure worked to get the court to announce the focus of its Afghanistan investigation would be on the Taliban and ISIS-K.

The ICC’s chief prosecutor announced warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant on Monday for their role in the slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza, which implicates Blinken and other top US officials for supporting the onslaught. The ICC is also seeking warrants for Hamas leaders for the October 7 attack on southern Israel and the taking of hostages.

The State Department has said it would rather Israel kill Hamas leaders than have them face trial in The Hague. “We absolutely believe that Hamas should be held accountable. That could either be through the prosecution of the war effort by Israel. It could be by being killed. It could be by being brought to justice in an Israeli court,” said State Department spokesman Matt Miller.

The Biden administration is opposing the ICC efforts against Israeli and Hamas leaders despite backing its warrant for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The US says the ICC doesn’t have jurisdiction to pursue Israeli leaders since Israel is not a member of the court, but neither is Russia and Ukraine. While not having full UN membership, the State of Palestine is a signatory to the Rome Statute, making it a member of the ICC.


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5781bf No.20905132

File: 8c0878622c5eed9⋯.png (583.21 KB,800x450,16:9,Thomas_Crown_Pepe_Art_1_To….PNG)

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5781bf No.20905134

File: dc38211f83d6124⋯.jpeg (103.56 KB,543x607,543:607,Elijah_Woods_Comfy.JPEG)

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423379 No.20905136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d0881 No.20905137

File: f9c5d9c0076fcc0⋯.png (140.36 KB,733x347,733:347,CA_human_compost.png)

TRUTHSocial Posted:



NEW - California legalizes human composting by 2027 for "eco-friendly" burials: "I really want to be a tree in my afterlife," says one future customer.


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8fa56d No.20905139

Once Upon A Time There Was A Dog…


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983ede No.20905140

Both sides have rested in the Hush Money trial, But the judge has NOT given it to the jury yet. What going on?

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5781bf No.20905141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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681778 No.20905142

File: 0525c283b860157⋯.jpg (35.33 KB,640x360,16:9,0525c283b86015744e9fdea458….jpg)

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72c1c2 No.20905144


Wood would.

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983ede No.20905145

File: 72f4b8b1586e38d⋯.jpg (94.44 KB,784x816,49:51,KEK.jpg)

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c5010b No.20905146

File: 0ba12413336c670⋯.jpg (21.81 KB,576x275,576:275,8f6c1f3dbe279ef31435f8bf9a….jpg)

File: 181bf752fecee47⋯.jpg (22.55 KB,448x299,448:299,00067b4e946869fdcfac4f3740….jpg)

File: 521db43ac0227c8⋯.jpg (7.88 KB,214x158,107:79,73d1f1f38cfde2e074149511b4….jpg)

File: 9f90e62ce10d66a⋯.jpg (11.47 KB,174x174,1:1,101_43731E9C_0_960.jpg)

File: eb5ae22c7d9f703⋯.jpg (35.03 KB,539x318,539:318,624d460ba54c78dd79d8998a8e….jpg)


i wonder what other times they've planted evidence?

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ab0010 No.20905147

File: 40ce5d057da4675⋯.png (496.96 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

This seems very staged

IDF airs interrogation clips of terrorist father and son confessing to rape on Oct. 7

Abdallah Radi says he, along with his father and cousin, raped a woman in Kibbutz Nir Oz before his father murdered her

Two interrogation videos were released by the Israel Defense Forces on Thursday, showing Palestinian members of Hamas, a father and son, confessing to murdering and kidnapping people and raping women in Kibbutz Nir Oz on October 7.

The footage, which was released after it was reported by The Daily Mail, showed Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his son Abdallah, 18 — both of whom were captured by the IDF in March — in a Shin Bet interrogation room describing their actions during the terrorist organization’s unprecedented terror onslaught in Israel, which targeted many civilian families in their homes and revelers at a music festival.

Both Jamal and Abdallah told the interrogators that they were members of Hamas, with Jamal saying he was a member of the terrorist organization’s security forces, and Abdallah saying he did not have a specific job yet because he was only 18.

Based on the testimony given by the two men, they crossed the fence into Israel from southern Gaza’s Khuza’a together with three men — two named Ahmad and one named Hassan — and “either killed or kidnapped” in every house in which they had found people.

Abdallah identified one of the Ahmads and Hassan as his cousins, saying that his cousin Ahmad was the one who convinced him to take part in the attack.

“I said no at first, but he kept trying to convince me, and we went,” he said.

Jamal, the father, told the interrogators that in the first house, the group shot and killed a couple in their late 40s before Hassan split from the group. Abdallah claimed the couple had been dead when they arrived.

In the next two houses they entered, Jamal said they kidnapped a woman and her daughter and a couple in their 50s and handed them over to other Hamas members who were in the kibbutz.

Asked why they murdered the first couple and kidnapped the rest, Jamal said it was because “the door was open, but they came out of the bomb shelter and surprised us.”

Jamal said that in the next house, he saw a woman in leather shorts in the living room with a few other terrorists.

“I took her to another room and had sex with her. She was screaming, she was crying, and I did what I did, I raped her,” he said.

Jamal initially told the interrogators that he alone had raped the woman and that he left her crying on the bed and didn’t know what ultimately happened to her.

Abdallah, however, said he and his cousin, Ahmad, also raped the woman and that his father had killed her.


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6d0881 No.20905148

File: a4341be8de2ef0c⋯.png (707.16 KB,706x571,706:571,308.png)

File: d79a7ff3a27f294⋯.png (5.69 KB,444x137,444:137,308_Q.png)

File: 139efd531f5f09e⋯.png (19.48 KB,444x217,444:217,16_Q.png)

Donald J. Trump



May 23, 2024, 3:08 PM


16-sec Vid.

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7fbf63 No.20905149

File: 82c887bfe766762⋯.jpg (129.54 KB,720x932,180:233,20240523_131904.jpg)

File: ea3a4e076963445⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,854x480,427:240,obamaatredrobin_20240523_2….mp4)

this is not a test, stephen colbert made a skibidi toilet joe biden video and broadcast live on his show, the seniors know the skibidi, repeat the seniors know the skibidi

the 9/11 of television


I honestly think Colbert was deploying some form of hypnosis or mind control with this little "meme" he made for his show. The flashes and zoom ins and repetitive words and shit, he's brainwashing his audience

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7b308a No.20905151

Czech president injured on motorcycle ride

May 23rd, 14:22:46

PRAGUE (Reuters) -Czech President Petr Pavel was injured on a motorcycle, but not seriously, his office said on Thursday.

"The president was injured while riding his motorcycle," Pavel's office said on social media platform X. "The injuries are not serious but will require a short observation in the hospital."

The office said it would provide more information when available.


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88ec44 No.20905152


Your programming has been thorough. Why you would cling to this world and how it was is very Stockholm Syndromish.

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2331fb No.20905153

Permits required for Remote stand alone Recording devices that cover any public space


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ab0010 No.20905154

Could Oct. 7 attack have been prevented? IDF reveals Netanyahu received prior warnings

Prime Minister Netanyahu had previously claimed that reports of warnings before October 7 were false.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received four warning letters between March and July 2023 from the Intelligence Division concerning how Israel’s "enemies" perceived the societal divides in the State of Israel and their effect on Israel and the IDF in particular, the IDF confirmed on Thursday.

The information was obtained in response to a Freedom of Information request by the "Success" movement.

The prime minister's office later on Thursday denied that these letters warned of an impending attack by Hamas. "Not only is there no warning in any of the documents about Hamas's intentions to attack Israel from Gaza, but they actually contain completely opposite assessments," the statement said.


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0560f0 No.20905155

File: 2798cbb1ba04f93⋯.png (370.81 KB,666x264,111:44,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fb375f1f419d476⋯.png (254.69 KB,442x337,442:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d19fbf6fd35d430⋯.png (282.04 KB,696x226,348:113,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b59f6fd2c029bc⋯.png (321.98 KB,499x348,499:348,ClipboardImage.png)

File: def936c55896e8f⋯.png (334.76 KB,460x462,230:231,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump's 32-year-old 'human printer': The rise of Natalie Harp, the ex-president's ultra-loyal aide

By Sarah Ewall-wice, Senior U.S. Updated: 12:54 EDT, 23 May 2024

Day after day as Donald Trump speaks before cameras outside his hush money trial he wields stacks of papers referencing legal experts. Choosing and providing them is the job of Natalie Harp, 32, an ultra-loyal aide who is now a fixture in Trump's entourage.In MAGA world they call her 'The Human Printer'and few have more access to the potential next President of the United States.

Harp, 32, a platinum blonde, whose nickname was first reported by The Bulwark, carries in her duffle bag a portable printer, batteries and plenty of paper to feed Trump's insatiable desire for news.

When not at the trial she follows her boss around the golf course in a buggy complete with her printing equipment. It serves as a mobile office. She often rides in her own golf cart that is specially equipped with a laptop and computer so she can deliver updates to Trump

• So who is Natalie Harp, and how did she become he information gatekeeper to the ex-president?

• Harp hails from California where she grew up in a devout Christian family.

• In 2015 she graduated from Liberty University, the evangelical Christian college in Lynchburg, Virginia.

• The same year, Harp was diagnosed with bone cancer and went on to have unsuccessful chemotherapy twice,

Harp is often seen accompanying the 2024 presidential candidate, 76, on his daily golfing trips, riding in her own golf cart that is specially equipped with a laptop and computer so she can readily show Trump positive stories about himself

In 2018 Trump's Right to Try law allowed her to seek an effective treatment for her Stage 2 bone cancer after others had failed. The law allows patients to apply to use experimental drugs that have not been FDA-approved. Harp said she was able to get effective treatment for stage 2 bone cancer after Trump signed the Right to Try law. She also spoke about her cancer battle at the 2020 Republican National Convention in a speech she later pinned to the top of her Twitter page. 'When I failed the chemotherapies that were on the market, no one wanted me in their clinical trials. 'They didn't give me the right to try experimental treatments, Mr. President. 'You did, and without you, I'd have died waiting for them to be approved.'

Harp says Trump's law saved her life. Speaking in 2019, she said: 'I'm not dying from cancer any more thanks to President Trump, I'm living with cancer.' She went on to host a TV show The Real Story on the One America Network.

Trump has described Harp as 'lighting up the television screen like very few people I’ve ever seen do it.

After forging a successful career at OAN - where her segments took aim at Democrat policies and were often peppered with references to her faith - Harp was poached by Trump. In March 2022 she left the One America After a career as an anchor at OAN, she joined Trump's communications team.

On Wednesday, the pair were seen cruising around Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, where Harp was seen wearing a chic pink tennis outfit with a black skirt and skintight hot pink top with a matching hat. She accessorized with a comfortable pair of white tennis shoes.

As Trump likes to see news stories on paper, rather than on a cell phone, her role has become hugely important. The stories she prints out help shape his view of the news coverage. Throughout the hush money trial she has been seen in Trump's motorcade and in the courtroom. She has a desk outside of Trump's office at Mar-a-Lago and is readily available to join him on meetings or trips.

Harp has also reportedly also taken on some of the responsibility for Trump's Truth social account. However, that appears to have led to her becoming involved in the latest furor surrounding the president.

This week Trump's Truth Social account reposted a video suggesting victory in the November election would lead to a 'unified Reich'.Joe Biden accused Trump of using 'Hitler's language' and the post was later deleted.

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt issued a statement saying the video had been 'reposted by a junior staffer who clearly did not see the word, while the President was in court.' It has since been reported that the 'junior staffer' was Harp. She has not commented on the incident and Trump's private reaction is not known.

However, allies of the president rallies around Harp.Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator, said: 'Natalie Harp is a professional, smart, talented individual who has proven herself to be an asset to President Trump. I have complete confidence in Natalie.'


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5781bf No.20905156

Haven’t you heard?

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5b5b21 No.20905157

Amber still single?

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983ede No.20905158

File: d4d5e87ec2e267c⋯.png (468.23 KB,671x900,671:900,ClipboardImage.png)

🚨EXPLOSIVE LITIGATION DOCS: We sued DOD and uncovered a secret Obama memo on presidential records which shows that Jack Smith is the one subverting the law.

The directive, which legally binds DOJ, vests POTUS with sole authority to determine which records are his.

This secretive memo established by the Obama Administration — and used through the Trump and Biden Administrations — confirms the government may have already had originals of the alleged classified documents involved in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s sham prosecution against President Trump through the Presidential Information Technology Community (PITC).

Some background…

In October 2014, Russian hackers breached the Executive Office of the President (EOP)’s network.

In response, President Obama created, via executive action, PITC.

🧵THREAD (https://x.com/America1stLegal/status/1793720339299754120)

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841335 No.20905159

File: 3df0555e7ddeea6⋯.jpg (122.21 KB,1080x707,1080:707,3df0555e7ddeea6510c7cd48b3….jpg)

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6d0881 No.20905160

#25640 >>20904991

Notables ~150

>>20905003 Bronx Rally supporters of President Trump have been lined up since 8 am (in the rain)

>>20905013 Live President Trump pre-rally streams from The Bronx


>>20905082 PDJT 2:38 PM EST "Will see you tonight at 6:00PM Eastern in The Bronx!"


>>20905097 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (18-sec vid)

>>20905091 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (6-sec vid)

>>20905124 @PapiTrumpo 2:44 PM EST "SOUTH BRONX IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!" @GavinWax

>>20904998 GA Senate committee hearing on probe into Fani Willis misconduct allegations

>>20905007 UNC System repeals diversity, inclusion policies, goals at NC public colleges

>>20905119 YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."

>>20905128 Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats

>>20905130 Schumer Holds News Conference After Border Security Bill Vote

>>20905137 CA legalizes 'eco-friendly' human composting by 2027

>>20905151 Czech President Petr Pavel was injured on a motorcycle, but not seriously,

>>20905024 USMC 12:00 PM @FleetWeekNYC

>>20905069 USSOCOM 11:59 AM Memorial Day message #StopToReflect

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c5010b No.20905161


seems like it mocks biden.

if his subjects are really deep in a trance, they won't notice.

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c73585 No.20905162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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423379 No.20905163

File: 367f20c1d203954⋯.png (121.65 KB,639x514,639:514,ClipboardImage.png)


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37ae09 No.20905164

File: 27c35991ca50c61⋯.png (123.1 KB,365x355,73:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d0c59aa0b33fc7d⋯.png (248.74 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



back at ya ten thousand fold [681778]

perish in your iniquity or repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!

oh look eSafety … PLONK


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983ede No.20905165


And will stay single till unearthed for Jurassic Park

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dedbe6 No.20905166

File: 749df0f9c9881b0⋯.gif (6.07 MB,1024x753,1024:753,749df0f9c9881b083375aa6d7e….gif)


Meh, it's just following the schedule

Same shit will appear in less than a week

Shill's way of cycling through the playbook while trying not to appear to be shilling with a playbook

After a while all the stuff is like being stuck watching a single red sock go around in the dryer full of whites

Around and around they go

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d66473 No.20905167

File: a0001a6c336f336⋯.png (140.34 KB,419x114,419:114,Screenshot_4992_.png)

File: 8ef985b4b2006b9⋯.png (287.38 KB,1255x78,1255:78,Screenshot_3401_.png)

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983ede No.20905168

File: 5f93c7b48854405⋯.png (260.06 KB,429x504,143:168,ClipboardImage.png)

Attorney General Merrick Garland said former President Trump’s false claim about the FBI being ready to kill him in their Mar-a-Lago search is “extremely dangerous” in recent comments.

Trump falsely claimed in a fundraising email Wednesday that President Biden was “locked & loaded and ready to take me out,” another attack about the classified records found at his estate. His email claimed that Biden or the Justice Department was “authorized to shoot” Trump.

READ (https://thehill.com/regulation/court-battles/4682474-garland-calls-trumps-false-fbi-search-claim-extremely-dangerous/)

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416142 No.20905169

File: 00243ead43dc4e6⋯.png (216.68 KB,355x364,355:364,ClipboardImage.png)

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216101 No.20905170

What a wonderful day it has been!!!

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188cf1 No.20905171

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4:00 PM EDT

A Conversation with Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX): Life Sciences and the Valley of Death

American Enterprise Institute



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37ae09 No.20905172

File: 48990f5bb008a7f⋯.png (9.17 MB,4000x2945,800:589,ClipboardImage.png)



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76f368 No.20905173


Then why complain

If you're pro hamas you're pro jew

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c95ef8 No.20905174

This board will be empty come suicide weekend. Would a 60% market drop do it for ya?

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ab0010 No.20905175

File: a4002f81aa61814⋯.png (303.77 KB,442x508,221:254,ClipboardImage.png)

Oreo, Proud Partner Of Group Championing Gender Transition For Kids, May Get Bud Light Treatment, Watchdog Warns

The cookie company Oreo may be the next company to be targeted for its capitulation to the LGBT agenda, a watchdog organization warned.

Oreo, whose parent organization is Mondelez International, has boastedof its partnership with the group PFLAG for years. Last October, Oreo co-sponsored PFLAG’s 2023 National Convention.

PFLAG “actively lobbies against state laws that seek to protect minors from medical butchery, pushes so-called “gender-affirming” procedures onto school-aged children as young as three years old,” Mia Cathell of Townhall noted. “PFLAG also battles to place pornographic books in public schools and libraries where children can easily access them.”

On Wednesday, the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), a Mondelez shareholder, will appear at the annual shareholder meeting and present a proposal warning shareholders that the company is endangering profits by its association with leftist and LGBT causes. The proposal states:

Mondelez placed its iconic snack label, Oreo, in partnership with radical LGBTQ activist group PFLAG. The cookie brand sponsored the group’s conference this year, whose centerpiece theme was to advocate for the placement of sexually explicit books in school libraries.

The company lists the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner as one of its many “Partners and Industry Memberships.” UN Human Rights paints a moral equivalence between Hamas and the State of Israel, mostly downplaying the vicious and unprovoked attacks of the terrorists while more frequently condemning Israel’s military response in Gaza, where the terror group uses civilians and hospitals as shields to cover its weapons stockpiles and tunnel systems.

“NLPC’s resolution calls upon the multinational snack giant to scrutinize areas of risk where it has engaged in disturbing relationships with outside organizations, such as the one Oreo has with PFLAG. Other examples in the proposal cite Mondelez’s support for the Marxist, anti-law enforcement group Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, and the company’s partnership with the anti-Semitic UN Human Rights,” NLPC declared.

“The political winds have shifted from just a few years ago, yet Mondelez is still living in the past as if nothing has changed,” NLPC Chairman Peter Flaherty stated in a press release. “Now that the extreme transgenderism push has inevitably progressed to endanger children, corporate involvement in social justice issues is more treacherous than ever.”


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5b5b21 No.20905176


Might have to make like a comet and smash.

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58332d No.20905177

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e1714b No.20905178


>three generations that’ll never be able to retire.

yep, had to accept that fact myself a decade ago

this is what laws and corruption do to a nation.

The American people and Trump will fix it.

The only thing left will be the Declaration of Independence, the constitution, and the bill of rights.

All the other forms of laws, privileges, mandates, recommendations, permits, and restrictions being integrated into society is treason and designed to destroy the liberty and mobility of the people, so government can control land and resources, and prop up the large to-big-to-fail wall street corporations so the people grovel at the feet of government.

The only thing the law brings to a society at its full bloom are tyranny and bondage over those that follow the liberty of the land and what it has to offer us.

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188cf1 No.20905179


U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate falls short (43-50) of the 60 votes needed to advance a bipartisan border security bill negotiated earlier this year. Senators also voted to confirm Melissa Griffin Dalton to be undersecretary of the Air Force.


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983ede No.20905180

File: 5d32fbdd5d402d0⋯.png (1.24 MB,902x664,451:332,AOC_mess.png)

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72c1c2 No.20905181


DGAF about the fake manipulated market. Anon holds bigly gold and silver.

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c73585 No.20905182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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39c835 No.20905183

File: 81064bf7068e3c7⋯.png (396.34 KB,498x398,249:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb6d02c9aedf37d⋯.png (437.22 KB,503x395,503:395,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d0881 No.20905184

File: 7b769eda4cd57bc⋯.png (607.45 KB,713x573,713:573,317.png)

File: ea05a561df01b20⋯.png (21.19 KB,444x318,74:53,317_Q.png)

File: 854a5114a5f3800⋯.png (36.85 KB,444x427,444:427,19.png)

Donald J. Trump



May 23, 2024, 3:17 PM


19-sec vid

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5781bf No.20905185

File: 8d4bde8f8d91ac7⋯.jpeg (35.58 KB,350x263,350:263,IMG_1025.jpeg)

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681778 No.20905186

File: 762c20977e681f1⋯.png (1.22 MB,1098x1268,549:634,762c20977e681f1f5ed259d386….png)

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247360 No.20905187


Why would you give so much importance to money?

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e4e6ac No.20905188

Joe Biden ABSENT From Ohio Ballot


will they use this "disenfranchisement" later to contest the election results?

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5b5b21 No.20905189


The show gets the word.

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c73585 No.20905190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ab0010 No.20905191

File: 5f6405e7817ff05⋯.png (72.5 KB,992x527,32:17,ClipboardImage.png)

Usury: The Crime of the Ages. “Bankers’ Greed”

Many historians believe, as do I, that the happiest period of history in the Christian West was during the High Middle Ages within the towns that had grown up most notably within Germany, Italy, France, and England.

Probably the most accessible chronicle of what life was like then may be found in Chaucer’s “Canterbury Tales.”

At the centers of these towns were the Gothic cathedrals which were both spiritual and technological hubs. Characteristic of the economic life of the era was the fact that the Church had outlawed usury. This was the key to personal freedom.

The dividing line between that era and our own came into being around 1500, when the German Fugger family persuaded the Pope to begin to allow usury, a practice which quickly spread.

This practice assured that, gradually, all the wealth of society would inevitably accrue to the bankers, especially when they gained the privilege of creating paper money or book-entry credits “out of thin air” and then lending it at interest.


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c95ef8 No.20905192


What a stupid thing to say. Give me all of yours then.

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416142 No.20905193

File: e2082787c9a41c0⋯.png (95.07 KB,384x480,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)



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247360 No.20905194

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6d0881 No.20905195

File: 72f4c6a3473a4d8⋯.png (508.19 KB,710x621,710:621,BHS.png)


Wow, very fucked up MK style

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5066a5 No.20905196


…It goes back further, to Sumer.

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983ede No.20905197

File: 57529765a30a7a8⋯.png (214.19 KB,414x659,414:659,ClipboardImage.png)

Loose Talk About the End of Everything

After a recent summit between new partners China and Russia, General Secretary Xi Jinping and Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin issued an odd one-sentence communique: “There can be no winners in a nuclear war and it should never be fought.”

No one would disagree, even though several officials of both hypocritical governments have previously threatened their neighbors with nuclear attacks.

But still, why did the two feel the need to issue such a terse statement—and why now?

READ (https://victorhanson.com/loose-talk-about-the-end-of-everything/) | XPOST (https://x.com/GenFlynn/status/1793722409197183354)

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5b5b21 No.20905198

In a heartbeat Garcia.

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247360 No.20905199


OK where shall I send it?

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5781bf No.20905200

File: 927c4c02b8e5793⋯.gif (606.95 KB,400x268,100:67,IMG_1026.gif)

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7fbf63 No.20905201

File: 7cfd01e928e96f1⋯.jpg (139.74 KB,720x881,720:881,20240523_133455.jpg)

File: 7511eb8a8027887⋯.mp4 (573.51 KB,1280x720,16:9,Conservative_War_Machine_2….mp4)


Is there any medical condition that can make someone angry, irritable, impulsive, and/or very agitated for no apparent reason?


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5b5b21 No.20905202


Even write the getaway music as it’s happening.

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72c1c2 No.20905203

Thank God it's the middle of the night in Beijing, which means no famefag Cat memes.

Comfy shift.

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99c5fa No.20905204

45 live in bronz

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5781bf No.20905205

File: 6ca02d631db0896⋯.gif (1.62 MB,640x360,16:9,IMG_1027.gif)


A-well, everybody's heard about the bird

B-b-b-bird, bird, bird — b-bird's the word

A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — bird is the word

A-well, a-bird, bird, bird, — well, a-bird is the word

A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — b-bird's the word

A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — well, a-bird is the word

A-well, a-bird, bird — b-bird's the word

A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — b-bird's the word

A-well, a-bird, bird, bird — well, a-bird is the word

A-well, a-bird, bird — b-bird's the word

A-well, a-don't you know about the bird?

Well, everybody knows that the bird is the word!

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72c1c2 No.20905206


Have you met SP the HRN mic drop?

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188cf1 No.20905207

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



1 hour ago


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247360 No.20905208


Ok tell me where.

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681778 No.20905209


Silence, failfag.

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983ede No.20905210

File: 31622133b9490a4⋯.png (16.1 KB,1200x720,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b5b21 No.20905211

Wouldn’t be any less fake than what we have going on here.

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88ec44 No.20905212

File: 06b5b5d1b95aee1⋯.png (19.32 KB,703x382,703:382,Capture.PNG)

File: 712ac29ef3528c5⋯.png (199.07 KB,712x2094,356:1047,1402.png)

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ab0010 No.20905213

File: 5e6f3df5036267e⋯.png (238.21 KB,598x339,598:339,ClipboardImage.png)


Israel assassinated on May 23 a prominent commander of Hezbollah in southern Lebanon and the group responded by firing dozens of rockets.

In a statement, the IDF said that it killed Nasser Farran who was a “prominent” commander of Hezbollah responsible for the manufacturing and procurement of weapons.

Farran was killed in a drone strike in the town of Kafr Dajjal in southern Lebanon. Hezbollah confirmed his death, but did not provide information on his role. The same strike wounded three children who were aboard a mini bus that was passing nearby at the time.

The IDF alleged in its statement that Farran was heavily involved in “the production of Hezbollah’s strategic and unique weapons.”

Some of the facilities under Farran command were struck in recent months, the IDF said, noting that the assassination is part of ongoing operations to “cause a blow to the build-up of the Hezbollah terror organization with weapons designed to attack the Israeli home front.”

Falaq rockets at a newly-established headquarters of the 91th Division in the settlement of Ayelet and another of the 769th Brigade in the settlement of Beit Hillel.

Hebrew media said that 30 rockets were fired from southern Lebanon in the first attack with the launcher being hit later by the IDF and at least five were fired in the second. No casualties were reported, only material losses.

In two other statements, Hezbollah announced that its fighters struck surveillance equipment of the IDF in the sites of Metula and al-Rahib using suitable weapons.

The four attacks were carried out in support of the Palestinian people and resistance in the Gaza Strip and as a response to the assassination in Kafr Dajjal, the group noted in its statements.


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39c835 No.20905214

File: fe0c9c1cc2bc923⋯.png (43.07 KB,168x168,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5b5b21 No.20905215

The valley boots are missing.

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32c4a1 No.20905216

File: 8d2e4e6b8094ea4⋯.jpg (289.73 KB,814x900,407:450,wtg54g5w5gw5yy.jpg)

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bd7ac3 No.20905217

Q, please tell me Ben Carson has been selected to be the next President bc The Plan is to finally go after that faggot Hussein 🙏🏼

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72c1c2 No.20905218

There it is, just like clockwork with 100% (literal) success rate. Plant the bait and watch them take it and expose themselves.




… These people are stupid.

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416142 No.20905219

File: c3055e0f0e0c2b5⋯.png (4.54 MB,1920x1295,384:259,ClipboardImage.png)


>that the happiest period of history in the Christian West was during the High Middle Ages

Sounds like the Dark Ages.

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188cf1 No.20905220

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



14 minutes ago


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423379 No.20905221

File: 4df6a64fc9cb613⋯.png (319.46 KB,629x441,629:441,ClipboardImage.png)




This is one of the happiest days of my life because this is the day when I meet you – King of Bahrain to Putin

May 23, 2024 · 10:08 AM UTC



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dffd6e No.20905222

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663c6e No.20905223

File: 993ff0eedc3e7b2⋯.png (447.51 KB,599x579,599:579,gp.PNG)


Greg Price


🚨BREAKING: The House just passed a bill to repeal the District of Columbia's law allowing non-citizens to vote in their elections.

Just 52 Democrats voted in favor of it.

143 Dems voted against.


7:07 AM · May 23, 2024




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5781bf No.20905224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A Bag of Weed

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ab0010 No.20905225

File: f2f25e435fb118e⋯.png (103.53 KB,671x589,671:589,ClipboardImage.png)

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Just who or what is the Lucis Trust summoning on ‘World Invocation Day’?

The Lucis Trust, which has a long history of working with the United Nations, will be celebrating the World Invocation Day tomorrow (23 May). This event has been consistently observed on the “day of the Gemini full moon since 1952,” according to the Lucis Trust website. The annual event has to align with astrological cues. Last year, the World Invocation Day was held on 3 June which naturally featured a Gemini full moon. (Tomorrow also happens to be the Buddhist holy day of Vesak).

An integral part of the event is the Great Invocation which summons the “spiritual energies of Light, Love and Purpose.” The following mantra, appealing to the “Mind of God” itself, will presumably be chanted by adherents worldwide to accelerate the “evolution of human consciousness and the elevation of the Planet.” Here it is, in all its claptrap glory:

The Great Invocation

From the point of Light within the Mind of God

Let light stream forth into human minds,

Let Light descend on Earth.

From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into human hearts,

May the Coming One return to Earth

From the centre where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide all little human wills –

the purpose which the Masters know and serve.

From the centre which we call the human race

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

If the Great Invocation appears like a sinister manifesto, it is simply because it is nothing other than one! Guised under the mumbo-jumbo of New Age esoterism, its primary goal is to hasten the return of the “light” and “Coming One” to Earth. Any guesses as to whom these appellations represent? I am also reminded of the mysterious “thousand points of light” which was invoked more than once by former US President George H.W. Bush.

I will include passages from the Lucis Trust itself to illustrate what the Great Invocation is all about.

The energies of Divinity are abundantly available and, when the Enlightened beings who occupy the realm of soul are invoked, this higher love flows through us into the world. Through widespread use of the Great Invocation on World Invocation Day, humanity becomes the bridge between spirit and matter, transmitting spiritual energies and distributing them to the entire planetary life.

Together, we can release energies which will enable humanity to give birth to a new civilisation, bringing illumination to the darkness and unification to that which has been divided.

The universal Christ, embodying the Principle of Love, is the head of Hierarchy and oversees all aspects of its work. As the “Coming One,” the World Teacher, He works for all humanity – people of all religions and those of no religious persuasion at all. He represents the fullest expression of divinity to which human beings can aspire. When the Great Invocation invokes the Coming One, it invokes this potentiality.


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37ae09 No.20905226

File: 297ebf51b9d0709⋯.png (370.72 KB,1024x892,256:223,ClipboardImage.png)


when reading scripture

disregard all footnotes & all margin entries

then simply pray this prayer

Holy Spirit show me the truth in my life and where i am in this current events world i live in.

Holy Spirit open my heart to the truth and draw me to it.

just sayin His ways are above our ways and as Joshua found out, YOU need to be on God's side to truly win in this lifetime.

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07df1d No.20905227

File: b1351aba31dbb5d⋯.jpg (188.9 KB,1439x618,1439:618,Screenshot_20240523_204215….jpg)


It looks like Britain is at the end of a cleanse,just before Trump comes back into power…



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07df1d No.20905228

File: b1351aba31dbb5d⋯.jpg (188.9 KB,1439x618,1439:618,Screenshot_20240523_204215….jpg)


It looks like Britain is at the end of a cleanse,just before Trump comes back into power…



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07df1d No.20905229

File: b1351aba31dbb5d⋯.jpg (188.9 KB,1439x618,1439:618,Screenshot_20240523_204215….jpg)


It looks like Britain is at the end of a cleanse,just before Trump comes back into power…



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90a778 No.20905230


"medical condition"?

yes, a very long and deep seated corruption

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7b2547 No.20905231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


…and a hat.

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681778 No.20905232

File: 5363ee0b37b325a⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,736x414,16:9,c3088e0cb8a67cc4a5cd0580e1….jpg)

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188cf1 No.20905233

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



29 minutes ago


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663c6e No.20905234

File: a94300ead77943f⋯.png (225.12 KB,612x668,153:167,oat.PNG)


Robby Starbuck


The Biden Admin’s desperate plot to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General just got more insane. Remember, she’s investigating child trafficking at the US border and how the Biden Admin may be involved.

Rep. @WarrenDavidson

exposed a tactic the Biden admin is using that involves threats that affect the kids of Guatemalan congressmen. He then directly confronted Secretary of State Tony Blinken about why the Biden Admin’s trying get Guatemala’s AG thrown out of office as she investigates how the Biden Admin may be involved in or funding child trafficking at the border. Here’s the new tactic 👇🏼

Biden’s State Dept. threatened to CANCEL the visas for Guatemalan Congressmen’s kids who go to school in America if the reps didn’t support removing the Attorney General.

This is a huge escalation in their efforts to remove the AG and it comes on the heels of my exclusive interview with the Secretary General of Guatemala’s AG office that went viral last week with over 4M views on @X


The Secretary General was also threatened BEFORE our interview by someone claiming to carry a message from the US Embassy that he was "playing with fire" if he did the interview.

At this point, the behavior of the Biden Admin only makes me more suspicious that the AG in Guatemala has stumbled onto something damaging to the Biden Admin.

I’ll post that interview again in this thread for anyone who missed it last week. This is eerily similar to how Biden got a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was in the middle of investigating issues that involved the Biden family.

I’ll remind you, Guatemala’s AG recently raided an NGO that Jill Biden used to be the chair of. Maybe that’s part of why Biden’s trying to retaliate? At any rate, it doesn’t look good for the Biden admin to try to throw out another nation’s Attorney General under any circumstances but it looks especially corrupt under these circumstances.

Let me know what you think. 👀

0:33 / 1:03

7:02 AM · May 23, 2024




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5f803f No.20905235


Just like a book deal by a black lezbo DS politician. Money Laundry Day.

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0da33b No.20905236

Want the undeniable synchronicities to start happening to you?

Raise your vibration.

Repeat this mantra often

I am the Light

I am the Love

I am the Truth

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72c1c2 No.20905237



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663c6e No.20905238

File: 407589995913ae7⋯.png (547.27 KB,599x603,599:603,boom.PNG)





House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

CBDC is one of the greatest threats to our freedom b/c the gov’t could track every dollar you spend and even “turn off” your money


7:07 AM · May 23, 2024




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188cf1 No.20905239

File: f900875c81bc531⋯.png (600.97 KB,1024x513,1024:513,pepe_lake_party.png)

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3c0a0f No.20905240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live in 73 minutes

May 23 at 2:00 PM

LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24


Get some popcorn!

just Click it for some real fun

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72c1c2 No.20905241


Beer and popcorn at the ready

God bless!

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5b5b21 No.20905242

D, I’ll keep her in my “prayers,” tonight.

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188cf1 No.20905243

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We Need to Make America Safe Again!


#AmericaFirst patriots are gathered today in the Bronx to rally for President Trump! Breaking Point host David Zere talks with Real American Voices about the crime crisis caused by the Democrats in New York. #MAGA #MAGARally #TrumpRally






Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at ravsocial.locals.com!

1 hour ago

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416142 No.20905244

File: 39c0a60de2d62b9⋯.png (793.13 KB,902x1372,451:686,ClipboardImage.png)

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Kerem Shalom and Erez crossings are open, and humanitarian aid, is flowing into Gaza.

Today (May 23):

🚛320 trucks transferred to Gaza.

🪂45 pallets airdropped over Gaza.

⛽️7 tankers of fuel entered Gaza.

Ramping up the amount of aid going into Gaza is our priority.

3:36 PM · May 23, 2024


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663c6e No.20905245

File: 25df878f63e69b8⋯.png (476.71 KB,596x456,149:114,3.PNG)




CNN Sees Lowest Primetime Ratings In Three Decades

From zerohedge.com

6:00 AM · May 23, 2024




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188cf1 No.20905246

File: faf712f5ec09eeb⋯.jpg (108.17 KB,680x510,4:3,ron_paul_central_banking.jpg)

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72c1c2 No.20905247


MSM has lost all control.

Anons winning.

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c5010b No.20905248

File: d094eff81d8d27a⋯.png (680.41 KB,1000x831,1000:831,whatglassesyouwear.png)


We know what side THE HILL is on;


When will the mirage of TRUMP,the crook - dissolve?

Look too close at the details and there's nothing there.

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ab0010 No.20905249

File: 5af137c08456b64⋯.png (320.66 KB,539x523,539:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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Netanyahu 'Invokes Another Genocidal Biblical Reference' While Scolding The ICC

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made yet another veiled allusion to the biblical war of extermination against "Amalek" during his speech denouncing the ICC, Mondoweiss reports.

From Israeli writer Jonathan Ofir in Mondoweiss, "Netanyahu's response to the ICC invokes another genocidal biblical reference":

[F]or Netanyahu, the ICC news was an occasion to once again make allusions to the biblical war of extermination against "Amalek." This was the same biblical reference Netanyahu invoked in a statement on October 28 at the outset of the Israeli ground invasion in Gaza. "Remember what Amalek did to you," he said, quoting the biblical verse where God commanded the Israelites to wipe out the enemy nation of the Amalekites down to their babies and animals. South Africa submitted Netanyahu's statement at the ICJ as evidence of Israel's genocidal intent in Gaza.

This time, Netanyahu is using the same reference to rally the nation against its enemies — which apparently now includes the ICC — using coded language in the Hebrew version of his rant against the Court. Apparently, Netanyahu believes that if he makes his Amalek references more vaguely, that they will fly under the radar.

[…] [Contrary to Netanyahu's speech in English, Netanyahu's speech in Hebrew for Israeli consumption] ended with a Hebrew phrase — "Netzah Israel lo yeshaker" — which means "the Eternal One of Israel shall not lie." This was the phrase he directed at "the lies at The Hague," as he said in the statement. The significance of this phrase will not be apparent to the general public, as it draws upon loaded codes in both biblical and Zionist history and mythology.

The phrase itself comes from Samuel I, 15:29. Context here is everything.

King Saul was admonished by the prophet Samuel for not completely eradicating the Amalekites — Saul had spared their king Agag and "the best of the sheep and cattle," which the Israelites "were unwilling to destroy completely." According to the Bible, this level of annihilation was not enough and displayed King Saul's supposed weakness. That is why the Prophet Samuel admonished the biblical king:

"The Lord anointed you king over Israel. And he sent you on a mission, saying, 'Go and completely destroy those wicked people, the Amalekites; wage war against them until you have wiped them out.' Why did you not obey the Lord? Why did you pounce on the plunder and do evil in the eyes of the Lord?"

Saul seeks to defend his actions, but Samuel delivers an uncompromising message:

"You have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you as king over Israel!"


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5781bf No.20905250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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37ae09 No.20905251

File: f6fd4869bd0a1ad⋯.png (60.12 KB,255x208,255:208,ClipboardImage.png)


Trump cleanse?

seriously DOH! facepalm inbound!

read it again and ponder what imma bout to tell yall

113 new seats for the islamic take over of england. scotland, wales, ireland, et al

crooked elections and dead voters. taquiyya


you should see muh lawn! 2" tall in the weed fueled center and two feet tall of grass seed blowing in the breeze all around that! high anon, i see you too!

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dffd6e No.20905252


>Attorney General Merrick Garland whimpers like a little bitch about DJT bringing attention to the lethal force authorization

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7b2547 No.20905253

File: 455f090fa3e5f1e⋯.png (132.15 KB,1343x316,17:4,ClipboardImage.png)

2 weeks™ bros..

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7d484d No.20905254

File: b79ab229479b64d⋯.mp4 (698.13 KB,886x494,443:247,xyggCvPNHlpV298c.mp4)

joe biden endorses trump to win the election

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88ec44 No.20905255


Republicans only do good things when they know it cannot be passed.

This is not a boom regardless of what the Draino shill claims.

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983ede No.20905256

File: d2e8e19e4d4a228⋯.jpg (102.94 KB,960x958,480:479,18731ff48a369236.jpg)

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37ae09 No.20905257

File: 0b60cf0e0d3b806⋯.png (40.33 KB,255x198,85:66,ClipboardImage.png)


a mostnotablestatement


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ab0010 No.20905258

File: 18b883e8a36e46b⋯.png (121.34 KB,977x548,977:548,ClipboardImage.png)

File: afa4cd170e53622⋯.png (151 KB,972x629,972:629,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7064638d34953c⋯.png (85.6 KB,985x445,197:89,ClipboardImage.png)

United States Reaches Over $310 Million Settlement with Norfolk Southern to Address Harms Caused by East Palestine Train Derailment


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56dc2e No.20905259



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d3ceea No.20905260

>>20904337 lb

Stop that hammering

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423379 No.20905261

File: cead0b0ed8de54a⋯.jpg (84.95 KB,828x788,207:197,media_GOJdvZyXMAArmqD.jpg)

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140f8e No.20905262

Congratulations everyone.

I'm going back to Mexico.

You win.



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5781bf No.20905263

File: ea421e7af5b6467⋯.jpg (54.71 KB,640x451,640:451,Two_Weeks_13.JPG)

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dedbe6 No.20905264

File: 0cab683ef9df955⋯.png (3.94 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Picsart_22_04_14_20_16_02_….png)


Viva La Grupo Bimbo!

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37ae09 No.20905265

File: 67fa2f4cd19ec4a⋯.png (191.52 KB,239x300,239:300,ClipboardImage.png)


ditto 0n the coffee & popcorn

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663c6e No.20905266

File: 3f6c95ee1c78795⋯.png (848.19 KB,786x441,262:147,live.PNG)



- Team Trump (https://x.com/i/status/1793724025690259843)

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de4336 No.20905267

File: 99805f126635daa⋯.png (1.11 MB,750x1334,375:667,CC4DCD92_C93C_4F14_84C1_4A….png)

File: 140f4582c5556ef⋯.png (843.03 KB,690x3230,69:323,829439EA_7AFF_462F_87B7_C4….png)

File: 39ac8b4b119b351⋯.jpeg (439.82 KB,1638x2048,819:1024,738EA1F7_935C_4D68_B2D5_D….jpeg)

swampy strike

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7d4984 No.20905268

File: f9971dce7cac7bc⋯.png (5.17 MB,3000x2800,15:14,qBABYclockftextJB2march28w….png)


4 years

10 months

20 days

The picture will be the signifier

There are no coincidences

Only deltas

This was a sweet one

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7d484d No.20905269



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ab0010 No.20905270

File: a87e82c33cd72c5⋯.png (117.29 KB,732x626,366:313,ClipboardImage.png)

Former Venezuelan Military Official Sentenced for Money Laundering and Bribery Scheme


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37ae09 No.20905271

File: 794a6bf985bb3bf⋯.png (242.81 KB,630x633,210:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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5781bf No.20905272

File: a84058d12678ffb⋯.gif (2.4 MB,498x278,249:139,Popcorn_17_Trump.GIF)

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ab0010 No.20905273

File: 9e581ddad4e7603⋯.png (129.48 KB,984x569,984:569,ClipboardImage.png)

60 Members of a Violent Gang Charged With Drug Trafficking and Firearms Violations in Ponce, Puerto Rico


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5b5b21 No.20905274

Sorry I was to the meeting

I will do better


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5b5b21 No.20905275

I’m just so hung over right nowwwwww

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6d0881 No.20905276


I couldn't locate that post on his TS account.

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681778 No.20905277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5781bf No.20905278

File: 0e7f9a1cfe16744⋯.jpeg (131.18 KB,800x653,800:653,Troy_McClure_Two_Weeks.JPEG)

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7fbf63 No.20905279

File: a09383318eb7351⋯.jpg (149.33 KB,720x901,720:901,20240523_135640.jpg)

File: d6243e9e5a99812⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,Breaking911_20240523_4_new.mp4)


REPORTER: "[Trump] says the Justice Department had authorization to kill him during the Mar-a-Lago raid…"

AG GARLAND: "That allegation is false and it is extremely dangerous."

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37ae09 No.20905280


no worries m8, hamas has already stolen it all and you can place a bid for any of it.

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423379 No.20905281

File: 372e8c4e22bc581⋯.png (331.51 KB,610x583,610:583,ClipboardImage.png)




BREAKING: The Justice Department and 30 state attorneys general are suing Live Nation, alleging it illegally abused its monopoly power in live ticketing following its 2010 acquisition of Ticketmaster.


May 23, 2024 · 3:13 PM UTC


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aa80fa No.20905282

File: d6578d9aa25cd5c⋯.jpg (45.67 KB,567x441,9:7,aj1zMdEx_700w_0.jpg)

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663c6e No.20905283

File: df24e7c6162d403⋯.png (618.82 KB,386x720,193:360,navy.PNG)


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5781bf No.20905284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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188cf1 No.20905285

File: 8e1179db4248ca2⋯.png (101.91 KB,351x392,351:392,a_fortnight.png)

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dedbe6 No.20905286


How about having your luggage on a hand truck and going into Mexico at one of the Border Crossing Stations? El Paso to Cuidad de Juarez is not all that far and somebody will likely give you a ride.

Just post video of the faces of everyone there when you tell them "I'm done, all fed up, going back to Mexico"

Guaranteed viral vid that

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6d0881 No.20905287

#25640 >>20904991

Notables ~300

>>20905240 POTUS LIVE @6 PM EST Bronx, NY Rally

>>20905003 Bronx Rally supporters of President Trump have been lined up since 8 am (in the rain)

>>20905013 Live President Trump pre-rally streams from The Bronx

>>20905207, >>20905220, >>20905233, >>20905266 MAGA is fired up in the Bronx


>>20905124 @PapiTrumpo 2:44 PM EST "SOUTH BRONX IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!" @GavinWax

>>20905082 PDJT 2:38 PM EST "Will see you tonight at 6:00PM Eastern in The Bronx!"

>>20905097 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (18-sec vid)

>>20905091 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (6-sec vid)



>>20904998 GA Senate committee hearing on probe into Fani Willis misconduct allegations

>>20905007 UNC System repeals diversity, inclusion policies, goals at NC public colleges

>>20905119 YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."

>>20905128 Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats

>>20905130 Schumer Holds News Conference After Border Security Bill Vote

>>20905137 CA legalizes 'eco-friendly' human composting by 2027

>>20905149 Colbert made a skibidi toilet joe biden video and broadcast live on his show

>>20905151 Czech President Petr Pavel was injured on a motorcycle, but not seriously,

>>20905158 Obama memo shows Jack Smith is subverting law

>>20905234 Biden Admin’s plot to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General just got more insane.

>>20905238 House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency

>>20905168, >>20905279 AG Garland whimpers like a bitch about DJT bringing attention to lethal force authorization

>>20905270 Former Venezuelan Military Official Sentenced for Money Laundering and Bribery Scheme

>>20905024 USMC 12:00 PM @FleetWeekNYC

>>20905069 USSOCOM 11:59 AM Memorial Day message #StopToReflect

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ab0010 No.20905288

New X Policy Forces Earners to Verify Their Government ID With Israeli Verification Company

X, formerly Twitter, is now mandating the use of a government ID-based account verification system for users that earn revenue on the platform – either for advertising or for paid subscriptions.

To implement this system, X has partnered with Au10tix, an Israeli company known for its identity verification solutions. Users who opt to receive payouts on the platform will have to undergo a verification process with the company.



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37ae09 No.20905289

File: 5c12a1fa4650dd1⋯.png (598.93 KB,786x756,131:126,ClipboardImage.png)



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8b60f7 No.20905290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Protest at UCLA by communists, useful idiots, and terrorist operatives; Riot Police on scene

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2b3c8a No.20905291


$309 million for the lawyers and $1 million for illegals who were living in a van down by the river.

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d5015a No.20905292



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4e94bd No.20905293



Think Mirror

Fake News being baited into defending a deadly force raid on a former president

These people are stupid


Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/13/2017 23:35:55 ID: 267271

8chan/cbts: 92710

“Documents from the Obama administration have been transferred to the Barack Obama Presidential Library. You may send your request to the Obama Library. However, you should be aware that under the Presidential Records Act, Presidential records remain closed to the public for five years after an administration has left office.”


Shockingly quiet.

No leaks?

Presidential libraries are put in place to retain control over self-incriminating c-doc releases.


Review the law.

What is different re: Hussein's PL?

Who controls?

These people really are stupid.


>>20903872 pb

>>20903887 pb

><Wrayded by the GOOD GUYS (per POTUS).

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7fbf63 No.20905294

File: cd9ca09a4c230b5⋯.jpg (129.17 KB,714x775,714:775,20240523_140458.jpg)

File: 61e41ae1a55a8ab⋯.mp4 (362.27 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clown_World_20240523_5_new.mp4)


BIDEN: “Our nation's first black vice president, President Kamala Harris.” 🤦‍♂️🤣

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7d4984 No.20905295

File: 93b6e1f7fa28204⋯.png (14.65 MB,6000x5500,12:11,z111QClock_vanillaMay155x5….png)


That post was his return to twitter.

After his last post at :44

Kind of a big deal

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188cf1 No.20905296

5:00 PM EDT

Kenyan President State Dinner Arrivals

Guests arrive for White House State Dinner honoring Kenyan President William Ruto.


May 23, 2024


President Biden & Kenyan President Attend State Dinner

President Biden and the Kenyan president arrive at the State Dinner.


May 23, 2024


Kenyan President Arrives at White House for State Dinner

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden greet the Kenyan president and first lady as they arrive for the State Dinner at the White House.


May 23, 2024


President Biden & Kenyan President Toasts at State Dinner

President Biden and the Kenyan president deliver ceremonial toasts during the State Dinner.


11:00 PM EDT

State Dinner for Kenyan President William Ruto

President Biden and first lady Jill Biden host a state dinner honoring the president of Kenya, William Ruto.


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d5015a No.20905297



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7b2547 No.20905298


If there's internet access to 8kun in Mexico then we didn't win shit.

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188cf1 No.20905299

File: 9c06b98e524c28c⋯.jpg (84.14 KB,620x703,620:703,do_not_want.jpg)

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7d4984 No.20905300

File: 172571e82515ba9⋯.png (10.98 MB,5500x4700,55:47,JAESBM365MMdtwideBIN1027ja….png)

JA back in the news

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39c835 No.20905301

File: da0a20d6b103516⋯.png (748.67 KB,990x557,990:557,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c639ce51753748d⋯.png (740.12 KB,990x606,165:101,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20f375c3f04f5a5⋯.png (243.17 KB,394x385,394:385,ClipboardImage.png)

WATCH LIVE: Fani Willis whistleblower testifies before Georgia Senate committee


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d5015a No.20905302


Stolen elections have consequences.

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7127d4 No.20905303


is this from halfchan?

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82cf4e No.20905304

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6d0881 No.20905305


I'm saying the TS post cannot be located. Date says today on the X-post.

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7fbf63 No.20905306

File: 0956febae995f86⋯.png (1.04 MB,1186x1288,593:644,0956febae995f86368ed856b52….png)

File: c4742295260467c⋯.jpg (185.23 KB,1200x1200,1:1,0_Screen_Shot_2020_01_03_a….jpg)

Who's collecting the Iranian rings?

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dedbe6 No.20905307


California's Kamala Harris becomes first Indian-American US senator

Associated Press Nov 9, 2016, 12:20 AM EST

Attorney General Kamala Harris wins the open Senate seat to replace retiring Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer in race that featured two Democrats in California.

Thanks to California's unusual primary system, in which the two top finishers from the June primary advance to the general election, voters were deciding between Harris and Democratic Rep. Loretta Sanchez.

The victory for 51-year-old Harris makes her the first Indian-American senator. Harris was backed by President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and other top Democrats.

Sanchez, a 10-term congresswoman, tried to consolidate support from Republicans and Latinos, but with little success.


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7b2547 No.20905308



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ab0010 No.20905309

File: ef053c1cd3ba212⋯.png (395.81 KB,625x839,625:839,ClipboardImage.png)

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7d4984 No.20905310

File: 5e9f91d4f78ef72⋯.png (6.28 MB,3000x4000,3:4,DOWNTHEYGOZTitleLHF.png)

Tomorrow is :20

:MM for the first Q post

1776 days later QEII dies

There are no coincidences

Only deltas

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681778 No.20905311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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188cf1 No.20905312

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

5:00 PM EDT

LIVE: President Trump Visits the South Bronx in New York - 5/23/24

Right Side Broadcasting Network



6:00 PM EDT

President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx

Doors Open: 3:00 PM (US/Eastern)



6:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in the Bronx

2024 presumptive Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump meets with voters during a campaign stop in the New York City borough of The Bronx.


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82cf4e No.20905313

File: 0418dc5b83b9c81⋯.jpg (922.03 KB,1620x1080,3:2,Picsart_24_05_23_14_04_06_….jpg)

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ab0010 No.20905314

File: d8918364b7c83f8⋯.png (432.53 KB,568x327,568:327,ClipboardImage.png)

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5781bf No.20905315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thriller 4K remaster

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423379 No.20905316


>I'm saying the TS post cannot be located. Date says today on the X-post.

That´s correct.

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7fbf63 No.20905317

File: 71338b475d546cc⋯.jpg (252.5 KB,1179x1957,1179:1957,20240522_005528.jpg)

File: 280e60a62d171f5⋯.jpg (218.02 KB,1179x1863,131:207,20240522_005531.jpg)

Facebook boomers are easily tricked by AI.

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983ede No.20905318


Every Movie Villain's Dream Plan!

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7d4984 No.20905319

File: 0be66e4d0a598a2⋯.png (381.31 KB,575x455,115:91,ClipboardImage.png)



Confirmed that it is not in my Truth feed either.

Trump is truthing now though

This clip has the same vibe for sure

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188cf1 No.20905320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

6:00 PM EDT

Election 2024 Preview

The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum



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188cf1 No.20905321

7:00 PM EDT

Speaker Johnson Remarks on Israeli Independence

Speaker Johnson gives remarks at the National Building Museum in Washington, D.C. on Israeli independence.


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e51f9b No.20905322

File: 942ef8c20406c26⋯.png (64.14 KB,507x565,507:565,ClipboardImage.png)

Climate Sustainability.

"Today's temperature is forecast to be NEARLY THE SAME as yesterday."

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37ae09 No.20905323


>Lindsey Graham, the Republican senator, said: 'Natalie Harp is a professional, smart, talented individual who has proven herself to be an asset to President Trump. I have complete confidence in Natalie.

imma mansplain now

lindsey stab you in back every chance he gets when trump not looking, lindesy is not a good guy, he is a good goy puppet!

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188cf1 No.20905324

10:07 PM EDT

SpaceX is targeting Thursday, May 23 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Liftoff is targeted for 10:13 p.m, with backup opportunities available until 10:45 p.m. ET.




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983ede No.20905325

File: ebd6d7f2e2e1b8d⋯.png (174.92 KB,403x212,403:212,ClipboardImage.png)

Soros-Funded DA Mike Schmidt Concedes Portland Race after 20+ Hour Ballot Counting

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt officially conceded defeat Wednesday evening. After 20+ hours of ballot counting, with Oregon’s infamous “vote by mail” system and a pile of newly found ballots that closed the lead for challenger Nathan Vasquez from 16% to 8%, Schmidt Show came to terms with reality and admitted his loss.

As we reported earlier today, Portlanders have rejected Schmidt, his Soros backers, and the “progressive reform” policies that resulted in massive spikes across the board in all areas of crime. Schmidt quickly gained a reputation for throwing victims under the bus and favoring criminals. The new boss, Nathan Vasquez, has served as a deputy DA in Multnomah county for nearly 25 years. But don’t hold your breath for too long. Compared to Schmidt Show’s far left buffoonery, Vasquez’s regular-left-wing-democrat policies will likely only move the needle slightly closer to sanity.

A quick gander at Schmidt’s Facebook and Twitter pages shows a plethora of ticked off citizens who couldn’t wait to vote him out. He will still hold the office until January.


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ab0010 No.20905326

Sweden approves Ukraine military aid plan for $7 billion

Sweden agreed on a plan for long-term military aid to Ukraine for EUR 6.5 billion ($7 billion), Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said on X on May 22.

The aid is planned for three years — from 2024 to 2026.

The funds will be spent on long-term donations of additional military equipment and the purchase of new equipment for direct deliveries to Ukraine, Kristersson said.

Since Russia's full-scale invasion, Sweden has provided Ukraine with 15 military aid packages, he said.


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5907c1 No.20905327

File: 87cc8e114a698ba⋯.jpg (143.37 KB,890x1366,445:683,bustershoead890.jpg)

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0855c9 No.20905328

File: a7df6286f2aa38a⋯.png (821.94 KB,1666x799,98:47,bidenSTARTEDandGOING.png)

>Q Research General #25640:TRUMPOCALYPSEEdition

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188cf1 No.20905329

File: 622ec34fd3087b0⋯.png (361.55 KB,710x391,710:391,aerial_view_rally_usa.png)

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db9bfe No.20905330

File: b681631a110e892⋯.jpg (375.25 KB,1045x768,1045:768,trump_showdown_with_the_de….jpg)

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423379 No.20905331

File: 63463ef1c76baa9⋯.png (156.89 KB,601x592,601:592,ClipboardImage.png)




WhatApp vulnerability lets governments see who you message. In march, security team even issued an internal warning to their colleagues about the vulnerability.

Meta claims that this is not true, but do you trust them?

Elon Musk



Replying to @cb_doge

Meta is not secure

May 23, 2024 · 2:33 PM UTC


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ab0010 No.20905332

File: d5eace0704734e9⋯.png (575.96 KB,602x582,301:291,ClipboardImage.png)

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e51f9b No.20905333

File: 9acaaae6c49184a⋯.png (49.68 KB,778x526,389:263,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f95eda2b41d5ba2⋯.png (42.09 KB,453x379,453:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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37ae09 No.20905334


sweden imported black islamic africans galore! they are right to be scared.

have yu seen sweden lately

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ab0010 No.20905335

File: 557580c6de55f82⋯.png (741.2 KB,561x561,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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b49a9c No.20905336

Canadian Reddit fags think Canada doesn't need to do their part.

Why would they when America will protect them with the lives of American men and women?


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983ede No.20905337


What happened to the promise of zero point energy?

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e51f9b No.20905338

File: 00b72b7b04221fe⋯.png (23.93 KB,769x316,769:316,ClipboardImage.png)

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56dc2e No.20905339


Why you faggin’ drops to leafy time stamps? Go get your ID-10-T card from gunny.

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34f9d5 No.20905340


thinks undergoing rebranding

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7d9cd8 No.20905341

File: bc9e1d91efe3977⋯.jpeg (166.76 KB,640x838,320:419,IMG_3860.jpeg)

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90a778 No.20905342


ya get Dark Energy when you divide by zero

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7fbf63 No.20905343

File: c8e1e17974a16cd⋯.jpg (184.63 KB,1286x916,643:458,20240521_202317.jpg)

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84deee No.20905344


that is a lie. Depends what god is being recognized.

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6d0881 No.20905345

File: 3f009b2e2adb22e⋯.png (28.5 KB,842x410,421:205,403.png)

File: f57bfb0e42093a8⋯.png (1.01 MB,706x830,353:415,403.png)

Donald J. Trump



May 23, 2024, 4:03 PM


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e6181b No.20905346

File: e2be24b40a413e4⋯.png (2.35 MB,2560x2560,1:1,QDreamcatcher.png)

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983ede No.20905347

File: fba2afe1f26c073⋯.jpg (160.39 KB,960x954,160:159,huntersfirstnightinWH59.jpg)


10 Hours Later

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8b4e73 No.20905348

File: 6a3eac3d5a9fc5c⋯.gif (66.94 KB,631x827,631:827,CoomerCrenshawIseentshit.gif)

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6d0881 No.20905349

File: ef5fe94f98d8040⋯.png (222.51 KB,727x361,727:361,408.png)

File: 707fbb7a16a21b4⋯.png (14.28 KB,444x302,222:151,408_Q.png)

Donald J. Trump


May 23, 2024, 4:08 PM


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90d998 No.20905350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Telsa called it radiant energy.

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659238 No.20905351



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983ede No.20905352

File: d4d42366179cbbc⋯.png (806.56 KB,889x1280,889:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship.

The Twitter Files showed the government colludes with private companies and universities to violate the 1st Amendment.

Congress must use the power of the purse to end this unconstitutional activity.

- Rep Massie (https://x.com/repthomasmassie/status/1793702219705160003?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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de4336 No.20905353


welcome newfag

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423379 No.20905354

File: 00a8a22c6fa159c⋯.png (456.11 KB,616x515,616:515,ClipboardImage.png)

File: db45ed0253acad9⋯.jpg (1.01 MB,2354x1590,1177:795,db45ed0253acad92e8081e475f….jpg)

New York Post



Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware


May 23, 2024 · 8:03 PM UTC



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b84d75 No.20905355


they even did the 'found ballets' bit?


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56dc2e No.20905356


And fucking college educated people like you apparently. This is a retard safe space. Please vacate.

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4c1036 No.20905357

File: 45f21ee6bf3cde7⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB,1620x2072,405:518,IMG_2120.jpeg)

File: 06f7fe847bdac70⋯.jpeg (295.09 KB,1249x517,1249:517,IMG_2121.jpeg)

ICYmI yesterday….

They’re all shitting bricks!

She wasn’t supposed to lose.



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6d0881 No.20905358

File: 4980e88bfdfba33⋯.png (680.28 KB,714x569,714:569,411.png)

File: b7c86c4c9676ec7⋯.png (9.77 KB,444x238,222:119,411_Q.png)

Donald J. Trump



May 23, 2024, 4:11 PM



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dedbe6 No.20905359


I'm going with if they are still using Farcebook then

not exactly rocket surgeons

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983ede No.20905360


The Jig is up….

People now aware of the Soro's shenanigans

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ecfc84 No.20905361


Since he opened the door to describe said national security super confidential similar memo authoritzing for use of force on the Biden docs in plainview raid , may we said doc on it’s true original timestamped authorized command chain

Askin for the Bronx rally frens

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681778 No.20905362

File: 92f7ceff85be0fc⋯.jpeg (7.68 KB,228x176,57:44,mPYxMG7x1qBK.jpeg)

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73c6be No.20905363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7d4984 No.20905364

File: 4bbbdd16a49be0c⋯.png (661.46 KB,1351x2006,1351:2006,qagg_news_Q_Truths_Tweetsa….png)

File: 26983a335672486⋯.png (18.03 KB,354x317,354:317,ClipboardImage.png)



PM in military 24 hour time to post number translation



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6d0881 No.20905365

File: b976aa0aa06ba10⋯.png (18.65 KB,444x250,222:125,29_Q.png)


29-sec vid.


Some things must remain classified to the very end. NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play. Who is the director? The truth would sound so outrageous most Americans would riot, revolt, reject, etc.

The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody).

We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction as we are truly up against pure evil.

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239dbd No.20905366

How bad is carl?

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dedbe6 No.20905367


BAE Systems is getting how much of that?

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58332d No.20905368

File: 071dc180c64e988⋯.png (485.74 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

Special forces plane returning from Gitmo….


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e1714b No.20905369


I hope he enjoys his parkinsons disease for being a lying mouthpiece.

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18e230 No.20905370

File: e5afd91586bd2c0⋯.png (1.16 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN512.png)

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e6181b No.20905371

File: 8bca0ae3000bdb5⋯.jpg (301.62 KB,800x546,400:273,Q_gift_wwg1wgaa.jpg)

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73c6be No.20905372


>15 years ago

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7d4984 No.20905373

File: 35acbd9335700ca⋯.png (14.86 KB,359x286,359:286,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a65e6efc8f7b83a⋯.png (763.47 KB,1242x671,1242:671,ClipboardImage.png)



Link defaults to home page

Perhaps an anon has the original capture?

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37ae09 No.20905374


>I recognize the State of Palestine.

and if israel says not in muh back yard?

i mean really, whatcha gonna do then?

cry like the gay bitch you are?

the declaration means squat and israel knows it.

balfour is history, they are currently cleansing the land and we all know who ever holds the land wins

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6d0881 No.20905375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And may the will of God Almighty only, be done.

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e51f9b No.20905376

File: 9c91e18e5d579fe⋯.png (24.98 KB,766x341,766:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ae6cd2e7c31f41b⋯.png (26.77 KB,977x232,977:232,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f8844926e3f3242⋯.png (20.19 KB,389x281,389:281,ClipboardImage.png)

TORNADO VS WIND TURBINE (don't think solar would make it either)


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18e230 No.20905377

File: 54e3e635f97b7c4⋯.png (534.79 KB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN510.png)

File: 62762e093d868e8⋯.png (944.23 KB,1024x768,4:3,LIBERALS3.png)

File: f6f59c4d561b162⋯.png (1.08 MB,992x558,16:9,COHEN4.png)

File: 1ab4cf9481347ec⋯.png (1.03 MB,1024x768,4:3,BIDEN511.png)

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3833f2 No.20905378

File: 5ba407377b9f59a⋯.png (22.79 KB,107x86,107:86,FAKE_election_notice_bogus….png)

File: 57bd2d7e114afae⋯.png (919.43 KB,647x857,647:857,FAKE_electlion_notice_bogu….png)

File: 50dacadc9c049ac⋯.png (954.63 KB,659x839,659:839,FAKE_election_notice_bogus….png)

File: 29fb511b9bb4f91⋯.png (521.39 KB,1521x952,1521:952,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)


Not sure if anyone has posted about this yet.

Just showed up in my mail box - been reported in media too.

Tiny symbol reads: America First Conservatives Election Department

but don't know who exactly are behind it (Dems or RINOs obviously)

This "Election Notice" is postmarked:





PERMIT No. 1318

Mentioned in media



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5adaec No.20905379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Welcome, Mr President.

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cb0bf7 No.20905380

File: 19a6c05bc59238d⋯.jpg (7.47 KB,255x211,255:211,a17367f34268732c3351f2efaf….jpg)

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841335 No.20905381

File: 5431c19af973fca⋯.jpg (370.03 KB,1052x896,263:224,5431c19af973fca17a05baffb7….jpg)


Tesla found a way for every home to have free electricity. JP Morgan saw it and said 'where's the meter?

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99c5fa No.20905382




no one saw this

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dedbe6 No.20905383

File: adba3beb2c7cb2f⋯.png (736.06 KB,900x600,3:2,broken_record_by_brokencha….png)


Yeah yeah yeah, heard the same tripe over and over

Tell me oh Whiny One, what dig are you currently doing?

Oh, that's right, just more of the same bitching

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3c0a0f No.20905384


They're the little horn in the bible.

The great deception.

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983ede No.20905385

File: 8aaac7f844da1a4⋯.jpg (92.85 KB,750x752,375:376,photo_2024_05_16_06_52_52.jpg)

Why hasn't the corrupt judge sent the trial over to the Jury? Could there be problem?

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6d0881 No.20905386

File: f1e946380519915⋯.png (414.76 KB,474x702,79:117,Smug_POTUS.png)

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88ec44 No.20905387


Why is this notable? It will not pass the Senate to ever make it to Potatoes desk which he would veto if it somehow did.

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dedbe6 No.20905388


The Dominion of Corruption is no big deal

Get California to do the same, that'd be something

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7d9cd8 No.20905389

File: 3dd7d0a602ccfb3⋯.jpeg (22.27 KB,236x207,236:207,IMG_9649.jpeg)


Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware

The left can’t meme!

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ab0010 No.20905390

File: abd177efb01e788⋯.png (53.26 KB,556x398,278:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05a288720369a92⋯.png (358.32 KB,569x551,569:551,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the U.S. government’s scheme to suppress ivermectin and push COVID-19 shots using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.

A “cartel” led by the U.S. government allegedly bribed large pharmacy chains like Walgreens and CVS with billions of dollars in contracts to promote COVID-19 vaccines and not fill prescriptions for ivermectin.

Dr. James Thorp and attorney Maggie Thorp on Monday published an article in America Out Loud News exposing the government’s scheme to suppress the Nobel prize-winning drug using some of the nearly $200 billion in “provider relief funds” allocated to hospitals and pharmacies during the pandemic.

The article highlights the controversy surrounding ivermectin, a drug that was “baselessly maligned” by the government, media and medical establishment despite its demonstrated efficacy against COVID-19.

The authors noted former CNN anchor Chris Cuomo’s recent disclosure that he was taking ivermectin for long COVID — or for his COVID-19 vaccine injury, which he implied but didn’t confirm.

Cuomo admitted, “We were given bad information about ivermectin,” and asked, “The real question is, why?”

While Cuomo fell short of taking responsibility for his role in quashing the drug and shaming vaccine refusers, his reversal on ivermectin sparked a new round of debate about the broad conspiracy to suppress effective and inexpensive therapeutics during the pandemic.

Pharmacies ‘brazen in their refusal to fill ivermectin prescriptions’

In their article, the Thorps quoted Dr. Pierre Kory’s book, “The War on Ivermectin: The Medicine that Saved Millions and Could Have Ended the Pandemic,” describing the suppression of therapeutics occurring at the height of the pandemic.

“In the wake of the global horse-dewormer propaganda campaign, hospitals started pulling ivermectin from their pharmacies,” Kory wrote.

Kory, a pulmonologist and co-founder and president emeritus of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, described hospital health systems threatening to fire employees if they prescribed the drug and pharmacies becoming “even more brazen in their refusal to fill ivermectin prescriptions.”

Some of these same pharmacies claim they are still prohibited from filling ivermectin prescriptions as a COVID-19 treatment, according to the Thorps.

According to Kory, the results of over 100 trials show that ivermectin could have effectively treated the virus and saved countless lives.

Paying pharmacies not to fill ivermectin prescriptions was only one element of a multi-prong strategy that included threats against doctors, ranging from shaming to loss of hospital access.

The Thorps cited the case of Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, who had her hospital privileges suspended for speaking out about her success treating patients with ivermectin.

Despite the suppression of ivermectin, credible sources reported U.S. Congress members in 2021 were taking the drug for COVID-19.


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423379 No.20905391

File: 988b784e91ae0bb⋯.png (15.42 KB,608x105,608:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d0881 No.20905392


It's ok to shit-post isn't it. No one puts CA in notables.

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983ede No.20905393

File: 9448f9c5a7210f7⋯.png (121.44 KB,577x433,577:433,ClipboardImage.png)


it's Just over a yard

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841335 No.20905394

File: 5473d25760f03ad⋯.gif (2.87 MB,498x498,1:1,1688263796478590.gif)

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99c5fa No.20905395


do you honestly think there will be an election come November

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39c835 No.20905396

File: 0cf0d1c09f7879e⋯.png (808 B,78x59,78:59,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e85319a5a8eafb⋯.png (231.75 KB,430x311,430:311,ClipboardImage.png)

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84deee No.20905397


because they have not made final statements before the jury, jury instructions have not even been issued yet. Quit being stupid.

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1c768c No.20905398



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90d998 No.20905399

File: 4fe6d400f347b5f⋯.png (2.96 MB,1125x1200,15:16,awoo_patch.png)


'Member Awoo posters?

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2f56d7 No.20905400


>You have rejected the word of the Lord, and the Lord has rejected you as king over Israel!

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ab0010 No.20905401



Only guy in congress with a set of balls

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18e230 No.20905402

File: 8d2234ab3bfcdec⋯.png (194.35 KB,1024x768,4:3,MEMER3.png)


The Trump campaign doesn't have to hire a meme specialist. Q set the ANONS to Dig, Meme, and Pray.

We have a meme army in place.

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8b4e73 No.20905403

File: c83cebafccbbce9⋯.png (331.84 KB,616x552,77:69,goldenEaglestrident.png)

File: b60dd78e198bfda⋯.png (2.29 MB,1211x1931,1211:1931,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

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7d4984 No.20905404

File: 932c5e49c280114⋯.png (27.96 KB,377x508,377:508,ClipboardImage.png)

Trending for me on X


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99c5fa No.20905405


have you ever been part of a court room

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88ec44 No.20905406


We've never had an election.

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7d4984 No.20905407

File: c3d9f72c0010425⋯.png (74.98 KB,1080x1409,1080:1409,ClipboardImage.png)


From the Hashtag

Another anon had some KEKs

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2f56d7 No.20905408

File: 628eb744fc491b4⋯.png (369.21 KB,592x422,296:211,ClipboardImage.png)



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f6d5dc No.20905409

File: fa98aa3893aefb3⋯.png (411.01 KB,507x500,507:500,ClipboardImage.png)


You gunna bake during the Rally? I would prefer to considering I am the Highest Ranking Rally Baker; there is no one like me that can bake a rally like I can - guaranteed.

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99c5fa No.20905410


well….thats a start

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0560f0 No.20905411

File: f88befd67bc84af⋯.png (299.69 KB,482x366,241:183,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 807b4ce10bd76c2⋯.png (150.04 KB,403x322,403:322,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5f8df643f75a8c3⋯.png (259.98 KB,499x355,499:355,ClipboardImage.png)

Kerry Kennedy Leads ‘Heart-Wrenching’ Campaign Against Her Brother’s White House Bid

(Boo Hoo Kerry Kennedy wants the public to attack her brother for Pedo Joe’s sake, what a lovely family!This idolatry of the Kennedy Family has to stop, they are all obvious nuts and radicals, and think more of themselves, then anyone could. Their father and uncle would be ashamed of them.)

By Adam Nagourney May 21, 2024, 2:27 p.m. ET

When members of the Kennedy family joined President Biden in Philadelphia to endorse his re-election — and denounce the presidential candidacy of the best-known Kennedy of this generation, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. — one person stepped forward to make the family’s case: his younger sister Kerry.

“Nearly every single grandchild of Joe and Rose Kennedy supports Joe Biden,” Ms. Kennedy said as her siblings, and Mr. Biden, flanked her onstage. “That’s right: The Kennedy family endorses Joe Biden for president.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s sister has become the face of the Kennedy family effort to block his candidacy and re-elect. That was not the first time that Ms. Kennedy, the seventh child of Robert and Ethel Kennedy, had been the face of the family’s pushback against her brother. As Mr. Kennedy has emerged as a skeptic of Covid-19 vaccines and a purveyor of conspiratorial theories on the assassination of his father, it has fallen to Ms. Kennedy to distance her family from the brother she has long held close and to guard the legacy of a proud and private family as it fades from the political stage.

To a large extent, Ms. Kennedy’s siblings say, her outsize role is an outgrowth of the affection she has displayed toward her brother since they were children playing on the grounds of the family estate in Hickory Hill, Va. — and the disappointment she feels now. It is political as well: She argues that her brother’s insurgent campaign threatens the re-election of Mr. Biden and is aware that her family could shoulder some of the blame should Donald J. Trump return to the White House next year. WTF?

“I love Bobby,” she said in an interview. “It’s heart-wrenching to be in this position.” But Kerry Kennedy’s decision to help lead an inevitably awkward effort against a family member also reflects her concern about the legacy of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, the organization founded upon her father’s death in 1968 that she has led for 15 years.

As its president, she has championed causes that reflected her father’s work: international human rights, fighting against disparities in health care and advocating for immigrants. In some cases, the positions that have been embraced by her brother, particularly his opposition to Covid vaccination, have run directly counter to the mission of the organization.

Kerry feels a special burdenwith his candidacy — a burden that impacts her work in a negative way,” said Christopher G. Kennedy, one of their brothers. “She has supported hundreds of human rights activists around the world. Her abilities would be diminished if the Kennedy name is associatedwith fringe thinking, crackpot ideas and unsound judgment. ” (These people wouldn’t believe the truth even of the CIA/SS came and told them personally because they are fringe thinking crackpot ideas?Apparently Kerry makes a lot of the money from Pharma companies and are fine with killing Africans and Asians in poor countries. She’s only supporting Bidan because she doesn’t want to loose the money.)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. declined to comment on his sister’s role in the Biden campaign.“I think I’ll stay out of this controversy,” he said in a text message…

Ms. Kennedy’s view on the potential impact of her brother’s candidacy is not shared across the family. “I think the mistake the media makes is to think that his appeal to people is solely based on his relationship to our family,” saidDouglas H. Kennedy, another of their brothers, who has not joined his siblings in the pushback because, he said, of his work as acorrespondent on Fox News. “I believe his followers are unaffected by his siblings’ or cousins’ concerns. His supporters believe in his message. I don’t think people coming out against him will have a great effect on that support.”

The Biden campaign disagrees. It is moving to deploy Ms. Kennedy, as well as other family members, in swing states in the coming months if her brother continues to make it onto ballots. “I’ve told the Biden campaign that I’ll campaign wherever they want me to go,” she said. Biden campaign officials said their polling showed that many people do not know much about Mr. Kennedy or what he stands for, and that Kennedy family members are particularly effective at filling in the gaps…..


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983ede No.20905412

File: 67c2db49359b741⋯.gif (2.28 MB,320x178,160:89,67c2db49359b741b4be1597619….gif)


But I have all this popcorn and no show

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ab0010 No.20905413


Baker is too busy fanboi ing the rally

And the shills will deflect

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2f56d7 No.20905414

File: ae12765546ee7c2⋯.png (339.02 KB,542x421,542:421,ClipboardImage.png)



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841335 No.20905415

File: 1e50f4fe64d045b⋯.jpg (96.99 KB,720x900,4:5,1e50f4fe64d045b275fd5a0052….jpg)

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e51f9b No.20905417

MORE Tornado Vs WInd Turbine


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37ae09 No.20905418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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90a778 No.20905419


well, this is not a "Democracy", so no matter either way.

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983ede No.20905420

File: d0d6b0e9567e8e1⋯.jpg (135.47 KB,791x837,791:837,d0d6b0e9567e8e1eaa43fd0b8a….jpg)

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3691e3 No.20905421

Whew, normie neighbor is all sorts of pissed off that he has to pay for college degrees, when he never went to college.

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5066a5 No.20905422

File: 385987ab25f2ecb⋯.jpg (25.21 KB,500x380,25:19,snooze.jpg)

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4d550c No.20905423

File: 2c05aff7e0880bd⋯.mp4 (9.1 MB,854x480,427:240,BdjUr_caa.mp4)

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2f56d7 No.20905424

File: 2cd7cebaac589ad⋯.mp4 (2.36 MB,1440x1080,4:3,surrendertomymemes.mp4)


Biden is hiring a meme manager and is willing to pay up to $85,000

President Joe Biden's campaign needs a manager for "content and meme pages."

The role involves collaborating with podcasters, digital media firms, and social media meme pages.

It offers up to $85,000 and requires relocation to Wilmington, Delaware.

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6d0881 No.20905425


Need to login? Link is good.


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c5010b No.20905426

File: 66767d2b3b92fc1⋯.jpg (441.42 KB,1763x1358,1763:1358,bidenmakesacatlaugcch.jpg)


non sequitur

doesn't even make sense.


likely a Satan-pedo

Look and think too closely at the details and there's nothing and you'll recognize the author


there. ^

supports Biden and thinks Q / Trump is at fault


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23baf8 No.20905427

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


now imagine Gen Z and Alpha having their brains rot with this.


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000000 No.20905428

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did CBS live news just get hacked by Ukraine?

>inb4 CIA


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882f9e No.20905429

They literally do have auth. If they deem you a threat, it's see ya.

The DOJ’s raid policy is guided by several principles and guidelines, including:

Announcement of Intent: Federal agents generally have to announce their presence before conducting raids, unless there is a legitimate reason to do otherwise.

Use of Force: <------—-

The use of force is only justified when necessary to protect the safety of law enforcement personnel or the public.

Minimization of Damage: Law enforcement personnel are required to minimize damage to property and to avoid unnecessary destruction of evidence.

Protection of Civil Liberties: The policy is designed to protect the civil liberties of individuals, including the right to privacy and the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.

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ef551d No.20905430



It's True then

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b84d75 No.20905431


as if the cartels that rule Israel would give up their franchises in those various nations.

as if.

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e51f9b No.20905432


kek someone should apply

"you're fired"

Oh you meant "Those Memes" not "These Memes"

How will ol Joe even fucking know if your in Deleware if you stay upstaris… kek

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6d5a0e No.20905433

The cabal tricked the Germans into WW1 and WW2.

Most of their masculine young men were killed.

This made it easy for the Satanist cabal to step in and change Germany as now there is not many masculine men to stand up to them.

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7d4984 No.20905434



Meant the Saracarter.com link in the Q post.

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6d0881 No.20905435

File: 3caa9370f4ce17d⋯.png (794.8 KB,1023x767,1023:767,1611.png)



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2f56d7 No.20905436

File: 715d78c0979eebf⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,960x720,4:3,regeneron.mp4)


>The left can’t meme!

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dedbe6 No.20905437

File: 5a7070142d36dde⋯.png (11.02 KB,422x168,211:84,75c0419c14d3ca724f978e950d….png)

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da4b1b No.20905438


thanks for this video - notable support of Trump in the Bronx

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6d0881 No.20905439


No, my bad. You even posted the home page. TY.

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ab0010 No.20905440

File: b8836be5ba17dc6⋯.png (66.33 KB,765x454,765:454,ClipboardImage.png)

Mapping which countries recognise Palestine in 2024

The State of Palestine is recognised by 143 countries around the world. Norway, Spain and Ireland will join that list.


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d5015a No.20905441


It's election interference.

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a1ea88 No.20905442


Anybody got that picture /video of him meeting at the sidewalk Cafe in Paris? I can't find it.

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983ede No.20905443


Biden needs to hire a few 8kun Shills for the job…

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e51f9b No.20905444


I'd hook up some Bronx Casket Company Music, but I don't actually like the bands songs kek

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4d550c No.20905445

File: 5b4ffaff59fac61⋯.mp4 (3.06 MB,854x480,427:240,a_gUr_caa.mp4)

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0560f0 No.20905446


Of course they did, they were trying to prevent Trump from sharing them because they & NARA refused to release the declassified documents.What's strange is that they think the American people would have a worse opinion of them, but that is not possible. We'd believe any crime they committed at this point.

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841335 No.20905447

File: a5553354aa27235⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB,1280x720,16:9,told_you.mp4)

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e6181b No.20905448

File: ca3728c9b6f4d75⋯.png (198.82 KB,470x144,235:72,capture_416_04122023_17324….png)


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d5015a No.20905449


Five Eyes.

WHOse eyes?

WHO sees?


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882f9e No.20905450


Levels of Force

Basic Verbal and Physical Restraint: This includes verbal commands, handcuffing, and other non-lethal means of controlling a situation.

Less-Lethal Force: This includes the use of Tasers, pepper spray, and other devices designed to incapacitate without causing serious harm.

Lethal Force: This includes the use of firearms and other deadly force to protect life or prevent serious harm.

Case Law

Graham v. Connor: This 1989 Supreme Court case established the “objective reasonableness” standard for evaluating the use of force. Officers must use force that is reasonable under the circumstances.

Tennessee v. Garner: This 1985 Supreme Court case held that officers may use deadly force to prevent escape if the suspect poses a significant threat to the officer or others.

Terry v. Ohio: This 1968 Supreme Court case established the legality of “stop and frisk” searches, which involve brief, suspicionless searches of individuals.

Plakas v. Drinski: This 1995 Supreme Court case held that officers have no constitutional duty to use lesser force when deadly force is authorized.

Pena v. Leombruni: This 1981 Supreme Court case addressed the issue of suspect’s known mental state regarding force.

Key Principles

Objective Reasonableness: The use of force must be reasonable under the circumstances.

Necessity: The use of force must be necessary to achieve a legitimate law enforcement goal, such as making an arrest or protecting life.

Proportionality: The amount of force used must be proportional to the threat posed by the suspect.

Minimization: Officers should use the minimum amount of force necessary to achieve their goals.

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7fbf63 No.20905451

File: 1b5d1bd912aa8ef⋯.gif (819.75 KB,360x234,20:13,8qu1xy.gif)

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ab0010 No.20905452

File: 4088fe2c24fe6c0⋯.png (792.55 KB,1310x768,655:384,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d72ee62a391671e⋯.png (91.31 KB,769x475,769:475,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 55e360f13a01ef5⋯.png (237.86 KB,761x583,761:583,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6ea5912d7cc2ae⋯.png (109.5 KB,770x570,77:57,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5be473586494e83⋯.png (117.6 KB,758x643,758:643,ClipboardImage.png)

Insurance Data Showing the U.S. Excess Death Crisis Slides Behind a $10,000 Paywall

An actuarial society's research depicted a huge surge in non-covid deaths in young insured workers. Is it pulling back on sharing its findings

The Society of Actuaries has put up a five-figure paywall for access to new reports on COVID mortality that in the past have revealed shocking rates of above-normal, or “excess,” deaths.

In a post on its website, the SOA—a national source of risk data for life insurers—said it will charge $10,000 for four updates of post-pandemic deaths through next February.

“This new series of group life mortality quarterly reports and data are only available for purchase,” SOA communications manager, Michael Nowak, confirmed in an email. Previous reports—which showed young workers dying at far higher excess rates than senior citizens—are still available on the SOA website, he said, and new, less technical ones will be released to the public at an unspecified time.

Some industry watchers suggested the non-profit society, whose members pay dues, may be trying to develop a new business model. But it also may be attempting to extract itself from the contentious and politically charged issue of excess deaths and, moreover, what is causing them.

Nowak would not grant my request to interview an SOA official who recently told a trade publication that deaths in young insured adults in 2023 were still far above normal. “Very important information in our reports we’ve been studying,” the official told me before our communication was cut off.

Moreover, in an email, Nowak included an advisory, writing, “Please know that the SOA Research Institute data and reports on COVID-19 mortality does not validate any claims made to suggest a causal relationship between COVID-19 vaccines and mortality.”

I had not asked about such a relationship.

The society’s primary job is to help insurers set rates based on the likelihood of injury and death, an indisputably technical and costly task. But because it is considered an unbiased source of trend information, its reports have also helped define the pandemic toll on working-age, insured people. While SOA has the right to use its reports as it sees fit, their loss would be a blow to pandemic information.

In six articles published in mainstream venues, Dr. Pierre Kory, president emeritus of FLCCC Alliance, and I have used Society of Actuaries findings to call attention to the unheralded problem of excess deaths in America. In the first nine months of 2023, 158,000 more Americans died than normal, fifty times the toll in the World Trade Center attacks and more than in every U.S. military conflict since the Vietnam War.


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2f56d7 No.20905453

File: c53f4a5a7a6bbf3⋯.mp4 (9.98 MB,640x360,16:9,Trump_Bond.mp4)

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18e230 No.20905454

File: 530cabe4659fa3c⋯.jpg (345.86 KB,800x600,4:3,biden7.jpg)

File: a8a8178df9c98e4⋯.jpg (459.06 KB,800x600,4:3,BIDEN38.jpg)

File: 97260e553324430⋯.jpg (381.23 KB,800x600,4:3,BIDEN60.jpg)

File: e91c990fd308499⋯.jpg (379.08 KB,800x600,4:3,BIDEN64.jpg)

File: 58bef263e4ee9cb⋯.jpg (237.51 KB,800x600,4:3,BIDEN67.jpg)


Thought about applying just for a lark, but if they ask for a sample of my work, I'd send them something like this.

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6301a5 No.20905455


It's the Jew's way of sabotaging a White country.

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7d4984 No.20905456

File: 875f20e1acfdc15⋯.png (2.64 MB,1351x5018,7:26,archive_ph_GRILLEDStrzokQu….png)


Thanks fren.

Figured someone would have it/find it.

Here is the page shot if anyone else wants to read it.

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7fbf63 No.20905457

File: e977fcdb10c48eb⋯.jpg (161.17 KB,720x1220,36:61,20240523_142634.jpg)

File: 68b35629e043831⋯.jpg (683.33 KB,3024x4032,3:4,20240523_142541.jpg)


The @MayoClinic rejected mom’s lung transplant due to lack of a full COVID ‘vaccination’

Mayo with a side of…. murder?!?!!

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cc4a06 No.20905458

File: 4b63c8150a7a48d⋯.mp4 (1.67 MB,270x480,9:16,4YVNr_caa.mp4)

Lara Trump


One of the greatest debate moments EVER! ☄️🔥 Oh, and, remember the first time they gave Hillary all the debate questions BEFOREHAND and Donald Trump STILL won?! 🏆 EPIC.


May 18, 2024, 1:06 PM

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dedbe6 No.20905459


When did Madagascar decide to care?

The Marianas?

New Guinea?

Not buying it

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d5015a No.20905461


Just steal Trump memes and put Biden's face on them. Easy monies.

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e6181b No.20905462

File: 8f4eff1df45e105⋯.png (821.3 KB,666x420,111:70,capture_249_18102022_06401….png)

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84deee No.20905463

File: 2bb7935fe8a4da5⋯.jpg (227.02 KB,650x428,325:214,jack.jpg)

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c73585 No.20905464



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b84d75 No.20905465


why not just tell them you did.

Oh, my bad, ya she did . . .

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4d550c No.20905466

File: 4aff30c6713704d⋯.mp4 (3.6 MB,854x364,61:26,DanUr_caa.mp4)

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62b8c6 No.20905467

File: 6f47ac6a8b931b9⋯.jpg (45.16 KB,799x524,799:524,nonameweaver.jpg)

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6d0881 No.20905468


Depends… which banner?

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da4b1b No.20905469

notable, if credible >>20905428

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2f56d7 No.20905470

File: e26344ebf5c54bf⋯.mp4 (7.7 MB,640x360,16:9,assange.mp4)

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37ae09 No.20905471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

what a time to be alive

Kick some ass President Trump

We Are With You

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ab0010 No.20905472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


20+ years ago in Sweden. watch it's short


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ecfc84 No.20905473


are we about to discover a new star - 🤩

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62b8c6 No.20905474


> guaranteed.

as long as it's guaranteed, i'm ok with it.


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e6181b No.20905475

File: 2ae399931de42fe⋯.png (2.27 MB,946x837,946:837,capture_1856_20012024_0312….png)

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f6d5dc No.20905476


It will be your second bake next bread anyways. Meet you at the top.

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e983dc No.20905477

File: 8e12a44dae3cdb9⋯.jpg (34.97 KB,522x543,174:181,photo_2024_05_23_08_52_53.jpg)


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37ae09 No.20905478

File: 5a1c71a86974f34⋯.png (132.8 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



maybe start a fresh loaf?

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cb0bf7 No.20905479


More then 3500

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882f9e No.20905480


Reminds me of Elysium

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423379 No.20905481

File: 92d08c87a9b8f6a⋯.png (609.71 KB,556x407,556:407,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d550c No.20905482

File: cff6dea67a9b063⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB,720x1280,9:16,Did_CBSNews_really_just_ge….mp4)



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e6181b No.20905483

File: 829621839bc6c46⋯.png (125.11 KB,367x116,367:116,capture_694_30112023_19112….png)


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c9b5f1 No.20905484

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Paoletta Breaks Down The Left's Strategy To Takeover The Supreme Court Through Forcing Recusals



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73c6be No.20905485

File: fb75d4f52654c70⋯.png (1.94 MB,1390x1200,139:120,Movie_Theater_Popcorn_Trum….png)

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7fbf63 No.20905486

File: c9b6f667ffda8ce⋯.jpg (139.02 KB,716x768,179:192,20240523_145557.jpg)

File: 23f3bb702af6ae9⋯.mp4 (9.43 MB,640x360,16:9,Oliya_Scootercaster_202405….mp4)

File: fed6cfaa231b3a7⋯.jpg (90.08 KB,720x499,720:499,20240523_145654.jpg)


"You goddam right I'm racist, America first" - man in Q Anon shirt outside Trump Rally in South Bronx

False Qanon Agitators

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37ae09 No.20905487


she is truedau's hero

sadly she was wrong… the transformation killed sweden!

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ab0010 No.20905488

File: f72a3d22fa0101b⋯.png (111.95 KB,711x572,711:572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab21e78f69b9cf5⋯.png (94.02 KB,689x522,689:522,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 314f201ce4f5257⋯.png (90.77 KB,686x506,343:253,ClipboardImage.png)

Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'

As Kenya's President Ruto visits Washington today, concerns mount over U.S.-backed plan to quell violence in the gang-embattled nation

Kenyan troops are expected to touch down in Port-au-Prince today, marking the start of a much-anticipated peacekeeping mission. Their arrival coincides with that of Kenyan President Willian Ruto in Washington, whose official state visit to the U.S., meant to strengthen bilateral ties between the U.S. and Kenya, continues today.

The deployment of Kenyan troops aims to alleviate the escalating crisis that has gripped Haiti since the assassination of former President Jovenel Moïse in 2023. In the wake of Moïse’s death, gangs have thrived in the ensuing political power vacuum, prompting acting Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign in April and agree to the establishment of a transitional government brokered by foreign states, including the U.S.

But with a fragile government established only a few weeks ago and no clear plan for the military operation, doubts linger about how effective the Kenyan force can be in addressing the dire situation. Analysts fear that this is yet another U.S.-backed mission that fails to address the need for deeper structural change in Haiti.

While it may be Kenyan troops on the ground in Haiti, this mission is ultimately engineered by the U.S., Robert Fatton Jr., a professor at the University of Virginia, told RS. After all, it was the U.S. that co-sponsored a resolution in the United Nations Security Council requesting approval for Kenya to lead a multinational peacekeeping operation, a move that followed unsuccessful attempts to persuade Canada and Brazil to do so.

Washington pledged its financial and logistical support for the mission in a defense agreement with Kenya signed in September 2023. It was then that Kenya committed to deploying 1,000 troops to Port-au-Prince.

This is an unprecedented model for a peacekeeping operation, says Jake Johnston of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. The U.N. is authorizing the multinational intervention but is not leading the mission itself, meaning the U.N. does not have direct oversight and responsibility for how the mission unfolds. With Haiti’s transitional government still on shaky ground, it’s not clear who will be held accountable for the mission’s execution.

The accord that outlines Haiti’s transitional presidential council mandates that a national security council is formed to oversee and define how international support will be carried out, including the Kenyan troops' involvement. But this council still doesn't exist, meaning the outgoing government and the depleted Haitian police force are stuck managing how resources come into Haiti.

“This is all a logistical coordination nightmare,” Johnston says. “You have a mission ostensibly designed to support and build local capacity, but which is being done without the involvement of the government that those same international actors helped put in power.”

Potential shortcomings of the mission don’t end there. The Kenyan troops are supposedly tasked to protect strategic sites in Port-au-Prince such as airports, the palace, and ministries. But it is unclear whether the forces are authorized to engage directly in combat, as well as if or how they will be integrated with the Haitian police force and military. Johnston says this is concerning given that these forces will be operating in densely-populated civilian areas.


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c5010b No.20905490

File: d4bee369da27ec9⋯.png (513.93 KB,1024x728,128:91,fbiback5bengazi.png)

File: d77ef6928c2a72f⋯.png (977.83 KB,1199x993,1199:993,fbibackground.png)

File: a4a11997973ca23⋯.png (316.78 KB,1024x532,256:133,fbibackground4.png)

File: 7f4e883ccb5deaf⋯.jpg (128.86 KB,1024x728,128:91,fbibackground6.jpg)

File: 8dded9ff3db31b2⋯.jpg (154.13 KB,1024x856,128:107,fbibackground7.jpg)



they do what they want


going back for a Century.

some examples


2. Murder of Black Panthers while they were sleeping.

they, as a matter of course and systematically deny citizens' rights.

They think they are the ELITE and have their own code of honor and alliegence; which is not to the Constitution of the United States nor to its people.

They have a good PR in Hollywood (figures. "Money talks, BS walks")

That's about it.

They infiltrated the Anti-War movement because they work for War mongers, even when the entire population is anti-war.

They need the dirty PR to hop up their disgusting wars.

They work for the NWO lads, no kidding.

Trump is Peace-President that's why they figured they could raid his Property and Kill him.

Unfortunately he was not home.

Cry moar, FBI

How many volumes will it take to catalog all their crimes?

Crimes of commission and of ommision.

Just their failure to vet various power-people who gained control in our Country.

What were the repercussions of that crime?

It propagates in waves of destruction, which would be difficult even for a Super Computer to calculate.

They themselves probably fail to fully comprehend all the harm they have done?

"They know not what they do [as pertains to the full extent of it]"

May God forgive them.

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841335 No.20905491

File: 734bb8557ad5af2⋯.mp4 (9.74 MB,320x240,4:3,White_Geno.mp4)

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90a778 No.20905492


or CBS 'hacking' itself

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37ae09 No.20905493

just went live through out this bread and elsewhere in muh browser

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6d0881 No.20905494


TY. On qanon.pub, click the folder icon beside the link, it will take you there

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35a155 No.20905495

File: a9b6193671fe65c⋯.png (934.25 KB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

Call sign TMCAT11. F-35 Lightning. Had lunch at Dyess AFB.


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d5015a No.20905496


Draped in a false flag.

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598942 No.20905498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ac755a No.20905499


>Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager

It will forever be known as the great meme war of '24.

Popcorn intensifies…

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cb0bf7 No.20905500

Thats CBS con job

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423379 No.20905501

File: e6ef292a4b166cb⋯.jpg (25.38 KB,500x310,50:31,398a1d842fc8509ee6c5d88db6….jpg)



Usual british tactics.

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ab0010 No.20905502


>sadly she was wrong… the transformation killed sweden!

She wasn't wrong everything Satanists say means the opposite!

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e6181b No.20905503

File: 8fb635dd506876e⋯.gif (65.92 KB,313x320,313:320,GreenDoor.gif)


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16a26a No.20905504




CBS pretends to be hacked by Ukraine as CBS airs heavy pro-ukraine, anti-Trump propoganda trying to scare rallygoers

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6d0881 No.20905505

File: 40f2117643afea3⋯.png (3.94 KB,444x105,148:35,406_Q.png)


4:06 PM (EST)



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d5015a No.20905506


>sadly she was wrong… the transformation killed sweden!

Dear summer child. She wasn't wrong. What happened was what was planned all along.

The death of White Europe.

The true Israel.

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d651d8 No.20905507

File: 51d2c7465f6616d⋯.jpeg (188.87 KB,1024x1024,1:1,7D7DBA6C_70A9_473E_B016_2….jpeg)

If good people prevented the rigging of the 2016 election, why didn’t they prevent the rigging of the 2020 election?

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e6181b No.20905508

File: 5ea60186bc4b94c⋯.gif (81.84 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe_christmas.gif)

‎December ‎24, ‎2017, ‏‎06:19:11

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e6181b No.20905509

File: 984e3ad958c4e62⋯.gif (100.44 KB,640x384,5:3,Covfefe_really.gif)

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c29f85 No.20905511

File: fc0ec5aae31a39c⋯.png (248.2 KB,773x511,773:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d550c No.20905512

File: 000c2fadc7b768d⋯.png (1.74 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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e6181b No.20905513

File: 24c720641b8265a⋯.gif (108.59 KB,321x321,1:1,Tick_Tock.gif)

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6301a5 No.20905514


Islam was created by the Jews to combat Christianity.

Why would the descendants of Abraham's first son, Ishmael, have waited 2500 to come up with a religion of their own? They didn't. Jews invented Islam to do their dirty work for them.

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16a26a No.20905515




The @MayoClinic rejected mom’s lung transplant due to lack of a full COVID ‘vaccination’

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90a778 No.20905516


to set the Trap?


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e6181b No.20905517

File: e540589bd961bb8⋯.gif (349.98 KB,600x683,600:683,Kek_clap.gif)

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6d0881 No.20905518


OK boss. NB all (you)

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e6181b No.20905519

File: c3e655c65444057⋯.gif (360.97 KB,500x501,500:501,Rise.gif)

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37ae09 No.20905520


they did / are doing the same here in canada

multiculturism is wrong and a failed debil worchipper tactic. we know they are replacing a complete existing culture with wickedness and evil

multiculturealism is wrong

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dc68a3 No.20905521


Sometimes you have to show them.

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e6181b No.20905522

File: 9e330de8dede1b6⋯.gif (585.82 KB,505x600,101:120,POTUS_MAGA_anim.gif)

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ab0010 No.20905524

File: 903bc4588e19142⋯.png (2.23 MB,1400x788,350:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Al-Aqsa 'belongs only to Israel', says Ben Gvir during 'incendiary' visit

The far-right minister storms Al-Aqsa as three countries announce recognition of Palestinian state

In a video taken from the courtyards of the mosque, the far-right minister said the Jerusalem site "belongs only to the state of Israel".

"I made it clear: the countries that recognised a Palestinian state this morning want to give a reward to the kidnappers of the female soldiers and their many supporters in Gaza," Ben Gvir said in the video published on X, formerly known as Twitter.

"We will not allow any surrender that would even include a declaration of a Palestinian state."


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ef551d No.20905525


Wanna know a Secret?

2016 was stollen

Tee hee

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e983dc No.20905526

File: 88442d038263ca7⋯.mp4 (6.55 MB,720x1280,9:16,video_2024_05_23_14_06_25.mp4)


CBSNews wurde angeblich gerade live im Fernsehen mit diesem pro-ukrainischen Video gekapert, das direkte Drohungen gegen den ehemaligen US-Präsidenten Trump ausstrahlte. 😲

Die pro-Trump-Maga-Leute werden bei Selenskyj ausrasten, wenn dieser Clip echt ist!!

CBSNews was reportedly just hijacked live on television with this pro-Ukrainian video that made direct threats against former US President Trump. 😲

The pro-Trump MAGA people will freak out at Zelensky if this clip is real!!


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e51f9b No.20905527


kek the "Notable Comment"

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90a778 No.20905528


Trump did give [Them All] an honest chance to walk away. [They] decided to double down.

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423379 No.20905529

File: 758bbecc0a86521⋯.png (407.05 KB,654x529,654:529,ClipboardImage.png)

End Wokeness



143 Democrats just voted in favor of non-citizens voting in American elections:

Elon Musk






Evidence of treason.

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18e230 No.20905530

File: 3b535d867ea6ad0⋯.png (129.86 KB,1024x768,4:3,HadToBe2.png)

File: 58375c117f6b38c⋯.png (1.08 MB,1024x768,4:3,HADTOBE4.png)

File: 1b0891c04e97ec2⋯.png (327.9 KB,1024x768,4:3,HADTOBE5.png)

File: 8f8d73c6cb42e30⋯.png (755.95 KB,1024x768,4:3,HADTOBE7.png)

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bf2362 No.20905531

File: 09cf84fbc2ee007⋯.png (519.68 KB,750x500,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


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73c6be No.20905532


It would be so hard not jaw these Commies.

They are hoping they get their asses kicked for the publicity and a CNN primetime report.

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6301a5 No.20905533


> 2500

2500 years

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4d550c No.20905534

File: 957e4c6e33a74c2⋯.png (66.95 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Cassie Kennedy MD

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c73585 No.20905535

File: d5355fea234bf8c⋯.png (66.83 KB,191x263,191:263,d5355fea234bf8c973059e7a99….png)

File: a02957a58a7d415⋯.png (473.08 KB,512x512,1:1,a02957a58a7d41565063137c25….png)

File: 87318319580be18⋯.png (315.93 KB,500x372,125:93,87318319580be18ae1e3cd9e34….png)

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ef551d No.20905536

Instead of Going to College you went straight to work & bought a Home

Now you have to pay for the people that went to college & your Home?

Why do we have to take on other peoples bad financial decisions?

not cool

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e6181b No.20905537

File: 98235eac22f1a06⋯.gif (602.45 KB,320x213,320:213,Happening.gif)

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bf2362 No.20905539

File: b8801caae08ee75⋯.png (154.51 KB,495x480,33:32,pepe_roll_eyes.png)


Leftist plant…. They're going to have to try harder than that.

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cc4a06 No.20905540

File: d849081a8cad51a⋯.png (366.62 KB,1286x2652,643:1326,28.png)

File: 13fe174dad8d107⋯.png (6.66 KB,600x300,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



12:59 PM · May 23, 2024


28 sec long video …Q post 28:

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ef551d No.20905541

File: 00a6ada9ea236ed⋯.png (98.8 KB,1212x725,1212:725,ClipboardImage.png)

Silver in Canada is now the Highest it's ever been


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ab0010 No.20905542

File: aa5ae0dbfcb52fd⋯.png (252.14 KB,770x796,385:398,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c6bf2053ec8cb6⋯.png (112.77 KB,770x770,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ee2c1212d7bce78⋯.png (77.21 KB,708x660,59:55,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 804510f1129ecaa⋯.png (62.44 KB,814x465,814:465,ClipboardImage.png)

Are you chatting with a pro-Israeli AI-powered superbot?

Smart bots have emerged as an unexpected weapon in Israel’s war on Gaza.

As Israel's assault on Gaza continues on the ground, a parallel battle rages on social media between people and bots.

Lebanese researchers Ralph Baydoun and Michel Semaan, from research and strategic communications consulting firm InflueAnswers, decided to monitor how what seemed like “Israeli” bots have behaved on social media since October 7.

Early on, Baydoun and Semaan said, pro-Palestinian accounts dominated the social media space. Soon, they noticed, pro-Israeli comments increased vastly.

“The idea is that if a [pro-Palestinian] activist posts something, within five… 10… or 20 minutes or a day, a significant amount of [comments on their post] are now pro-Israeli,” Semaan said.

“Almost every tweet is essentially bombarded and swarmed by many accounts, all of whom follow very similar patterns, all of whom seem almost human.”

But they are not human. They are bots.

Bots can be good, or bad.

Good bots can make life easier: they notify users of events, help discover content, or provide customer service online.

Bad bots can manipulate social media follower counts, spread misinformation, facilitate scams and harass people online.

By the end of 2023, nearly half of all internet traffic was bots, found a study by United States cybersecurity company Imperva.

Bad bots reached their highest levels recorded by Imperva, making up 34 percent of internet traffic, while good bots made up the remaining 15 percent.

According to Baydoun, the pro-Israeli bots they found mainly aim to sow doubt and confusion about a pro-Palestinian narrative rather than to make social media users trust them instead.

Bot armies - thousands to millions of malicious bots - are used in large-scale disinformation campaigns to sway public opinion.

As bots become more advanced, it is harder to tell the difference between bot and human content.

“The ability of AI to create these larger bot networks … has a massively deleterious effect on truthful communication, but also freedom of expression because they have the ability to drown out human voices,” said Jillian York, director for International Freedom of Expression at international non-profit digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation.

This was partly due to the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence (AI) for generating text and images.


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18e230 No.20905543

File: 9841b2189498f66⋯.png (972.86 KB,1024x768,4:3,FAUCI6.png)

File: 570bb5ccf1774b1⋯.png (974.79 KB,1024x768,4:3,FAUCI9.png)

File: dcb50dc88c80022⋯.png (1.14 MB,1400x1000,7:5,FAUCI12.png)

File: e5a02733271767a⋯.png (674.39 KB,1024x768,4:3,FAUCI16.png)

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e51f9b No.20905545


wait wait wait




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8b4e73 No.20905546


>If good people prevented the rigging of the 2016 election, why didn’t they prevent the rigging of the 2020 election?

Think of all that's been exposed since 2020

-Persecution of Jan 6

-Government Weaponization

-Dems really do want open borders

-Ukraine Biolabs

-Ken Paxton peachmint

-Corrupt judges everywhere


-All of the Desanctus Desimps

-Fox News exposed

-Censorship Industrial Complex

-Twitter Files

this list is long

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37ae09 No.20905547


digits confirm baker comms

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7d4984 No.20905548

File: 55bed1dea33a710⋯.png (32.09 KB,673x223,673:223,ClipboardImage.png)

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5adaec No.20905549

So many videos on X right now, HUGE crowds at Bronx rally. Trump really is looking to be the most popular president in US history, and the fake news cannot hide it anymore! KEK

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ecb915 No.20905550

File: 40dd4da3606bd34⋯.png (228.9 KB,537x650,537:650,CrimesAgainstChildren.png)


It is right in front of you

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c9b5f1 No.20905551

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mark Paoletta: The Dems' Lawfare Aims To Treat President Trump As A "Danger"



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f782e9 No.20905552


Empty call sign just like Pedo Pete's plane

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d66bf6 No.20905553

File: 87c7f620bde18f8⋯.png (1.67 MB,1200x666,200:111,ClipboardImage.png)

143 Demokkkrats just voted IN FAVOR of non-citizens voting in US elections.

In other words, those 143 Democrats care more about their own power over you, than you.


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ef551d No.20905554

Why is Bill gates shipping unapproved vaxes WW?

Cause he know it'll be approved

Prepare yourselves for another Round of "Emergency Measures"

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dc68a3 No.20905555

File: 813c6d80ba3ca86⋯.png (201.68 KB,352x393,352:393,ClipboardImage.png)


Take off the stupid mask lady

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8b4e73 No.20905556


goes with this


>Sometimes you have to show them.


>to set the Trap?

Yes, Trap set for the Fake News


>Think Mirror

>Fake News being baited into defending a deadly force raid on a former president

>These people are stupid

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df9ecb No.20905557

File: 148979526f4622b⋯.gif (735.9 KB,738x780,123:130,21.gif)

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6d0881 No.20905558

#25640 >>20904991

Notables ~550

>>20905240, >>20905304, >>20905312 POTUS LIVE @6 PM EST Bronx, NY Rally

>>20905003 Bronx Rally supporters of President Trump have been lined up since 8 am (in the rain)

>>20905013 Live President Trump pre-rally streams from The Bronx

>>20905207, >>20905220, >>20905233, >>20905266 MAGA is fired up in the Bronx


>>20905124 @PapiTrumpo 2:44 PM EST "SOUTH BRONX IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!" @GavinWax

>>20905082, >>20905445, >>20905479 PDJT 2:38 PM EST "Will see you tonight at 6:00PM Eastern in The Bronx!"

>>20905097, >>20905423 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (18-sec vid)

>>20905091 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (6-sec vid)



>>20905345, >>20905364 PDJT 4:03 PM EST (pic - I'M COMING TO THE BRONX!)

>>20905458, >>20905505 Lara Trump 4:06 PM One of the greatest debate moments EVER!

>>20905349, >>20905364 PDJT 4:08 PM EST (link - MAGA takes over NYC)

>>20905358, >>20905365, >>20905373, >>20905435, >>20905456, >>20905466 PDJT 4:11PM "WILL SEE EVERYONE IN THE BRONX SOON, THANK YOU!"

>>20904998 GA Senate committee hearing on probe into Fani Willis misconduct allegations

>>20905007 UNC System repeals diversity, inclusion policies, goals at NC public colleges

>>20905119 YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."

>>20905128 Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats

>>20905130 Schumer Holds News Conference After Border Security Bill Vote

>>20905137 CA legalizes 'eco-friendly' human composting by 2027

>>20905149 Colbert made a skibidi toilet joe biden video and broadcast live on his show

>>20905151 Czech President Petr Pavel was injured on a motorcycle, but not seriously,

>>20905158 Obama memo shows Jack Smith is subverting law

>>20905234 Biden Admin’s plot to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General just got more insane.

>>20905238 House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency

>>20905168, >>20905279, >>20905293 AG Garland whimpers like a bitch about DJT highlighting lethal force authorization

>>20905223, >>20905529 House just passed a bill to repeal the DC law allowing non-citizens to vote in their elections

>>20905270 Former Venezuelan Military Official Sentenced for Money Laundering and Bribery Scheme

>>20905290 UCLA campus protest, riot police on scene

>>20905294 BIDEN: “Our nation's first black vice president, President Kamala Harris.”

>>20905324 SpaceX is targeting Thursday, May 23 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites

>>20905325 Soros-Funded DA Mike Schmidt Concedes Portland Race after 20+ Hour Ballot Counting

>>20905326 Sweden approves Ukraine military aid plan for $7 billion

>>20905352 Rep Massie "I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship."

>>20905354, >>20905424 Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware

>>20905390 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions

>>20905411 Kerry Kennedy shills for Biden against brother RJFK

>>20905486 Fake "Qanon" supporter in NY is racist

>>20905488 Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'

>>20905457 MayoClinic rejected mom’s lung transplant due to lack of a full COVID ‘vaccination’

>>20905268, >>20905295, >>20905300, >>20905310 Clockfags "Tomorrow is :20"

>>20905495 Planefags

>>20905024 USMC 12:00 PM @FleetWeekNYC

>>20905069 USSOCOM 11:59 AM Memorial Day message #StopToReflect

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7d4984 No.20905559


No it was higher in the 70s bull run before the scammers got control

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099310 No.20905561


>If good people prevented the rigging of the 2016 election, why didn’t they prevent the rigging of the 2020 election?

They didn't follow the plan

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d66bf6 No.20905562


quads chekt

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df9ecb No.20905563

File: 986cd9aaf377dd1⋯.gif (876.91 KB,209x111,209:111,Julie_Uzi.gif)

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bf2362 No.20905564

File: d685a271fdc5e91⋯.png (463.36 KB,500x512,125:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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0560f0 No.20905565

File: 01b1fc133115751⋯.png (263.56 KB,420x274,210:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Prosecutors plan to use highly personal evidence in Hunter Biden trial

Hunter Biden’s former wife and another ex-partner could be called to testify, and intimate texts on drug addiction could be offered as evidence.

By Matt Viser May 21, 2024 at 6:45 p.m. EDT

Hunter Biden, in a trial scheduled to get underway in two weeks, could face testimony from his ex-wife and his brother’s widow, with whom he became romantically involved, according to new filings from federal prosecutors that illustrate just how messy the seemingly simple court case could turn.

The filings from special counsel David Weiss provide a window into prosecutors’ plans and how they may reopen some of the most painful moments in the Biden family’s past,potentially embarrassing not only Hunter Biden but also a presidentwhose political career has long been defined by a close-knit family that stuck together through difficult times.

In black and white, the court papers detail the depth of family members’ turmoil as they struggled to grapple with the death of President Biden’s oldest son, Beau, in 2015, and the drug and alcohol addiction of his younger son, Hunter. The family divisions were deepened when Hunter began a romance with Beau’s widow, Hallie.

Hunter Biden has been charged with falsely declaring — on a form he was required to fill out to buy a gun in 2018 — that he was not using illegal drugs. By calling women close to Hunter Biden as witnesses andintroducing contemporaneous text messages, prosecutors appear to be trying to prove he was in fact abusing drugs at the time he filled out the form. Biden has admitted he was using drugs at the time, including in his memoir.

“I am afraid you are going to die,” Hallie wrote to Hunter at a time when he was in possession of the gun, according to one of the text messages entered into the court record by prosecutors. Two minutes later, she added: “And I can’t live without you.”

Hunter Biden’s lawyers declined to comment for this article. Federal prosecutors also declined to comment.

Hunter Biden has largely stabilized his life, his friends and associates say, having remarried and relocated to California, but those close to him and the president worry about the toll the upcoming trial could take on someone who has struggled with addiction for much of his life. While he has viewed the process of making amends and admitting mistakes as part of his recovery, the court documents show just how painful some of that could be.

“I am not doing this. You have to get sober for your 5 kids and me,” Hallie Biden wrote in another text message. “Bottom line. Or you lose everyone slowly.”

Much about the case is not in dispute. In Hunter Biden’s published memoir, which prosecutors have submitted as evidence, Hunter Biden described himself as someone who was “up twenty-four hours a day, smoking every fifteen minutes, seven days a week.” “All my energy revolved around smoking drugs and making arrangements to buy drugs—feeding the beast,” he wrote.

Prosecutors in their latest filings indicate that they will use the text messages to confirm and flesh out details from the book, such as one message in which Hunter Biden describes waiting for a drug dealer at an intersection in Wilmington. “I was sleeping on a car smoking crack on 4th Street and Rodney,” he wrote.

Prosecutors are also planning to show images of drug paraphernalia and of Hunter Biden smoking crackthat were backed up on his Apple iCloud account or his laptop. The case centers on a claim Biden made, onthe forms required to buy a gun on Oct. 12, 2018, that he was not addicted to illegal drugs— when, the indictment says, “he knew that statement was false and fictitious.”…long article


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dc68a3 No.20905566


so when are these traitors going to be removed from the house and forced to walk down the streets lined with TRUMP supporters?

What a parade that would be.

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e51f9b No.20905567

File: 83afa4bb88e8268⋯.jpg (306.01 KB,670x1522,335:761,Welcome_UPDATED_BUCKETLIST….jpg)

File: 3fda32d71c294ea⋯.png (1.01 MB,3268x2181,3268:2181,3fda32d71c294ea404643b30f6….png)


when they can't take it they CENSOR and SPIN it.

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ef551d No.20905568


"I Love you"

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f782e9 No.20905569


Anons should apply.

Infiltration rather than invasion.


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c73585 No.20905570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df9ecb No.20905571

File: e74e9ce7fa5b5ca⋯.gif (931.2 KB,300x381,100:127,PodestaPizzaAnimBaby.gif)

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d5015a No.20905572


Why would there be any question as to why a non-citizen should not be allowed to vote in any US election? Take notice Republicans. This one issue should win a challenger a seat against any of those 143 retards that voted against the repeal.

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df9ecb No.20905574

File: 8efd5665c0e7bb9⋯.gif (980.35 KB,500x500,1:1,Stormy.gif)

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e983dc No.20905575

File: 37be049361909e0⋯.jpg (107.41 KB,444x1280,111:320,photo_2024_05_23_11_22_06.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905576

File: ea11ab4f632dda7⋯.gif (1.5 MB,800x600,4:3,MAGA_Pepe_Animation.gif)

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dc68a3 No.20905577

File: 0d812b538ed4f64⋯.png (639.31 KB,818x584,409:292,ClipboardImage.png)


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e51f9b No.20905578


That's what I was driving at.

A Typo here, a mistake there. + you get $85

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df9ecb No.20905579

File: 46120f8f7249972⋯.gif (1.7 MB,590x633,590:633,PepeVeultANIMATED.gif)

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ef551d No.20905580

File: 0dc02477ec2c18f⋯.png (108.76 KB,1501x746,1501:746,ClipboardImage.png)


I stand Corrected


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6d0881 No.20905581


Do you have the link to the Dan post please.

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37ae09 No.20905582


just sayin they knew the blood supply is bad / tainted

they may have actually saved her life by not poisoning her with bad blood.

horse paste and fenbendazol work best anyway

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df9ecb No.20905583

File: 294a5c001dd731d⋯.gif (1.72 MB,235x240,47:48,Smile_yeah_anim.gif)

‎December ‎9, ‎2017, ‏‎08:17:38

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b170e5 No.20905585


>Pick either one depending on your preference.

If they was from around here they would have mentioned the Jews at some point.

If they was from around here they would have Muh Joo'd at some point.

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c5010b No.20905586

File: a1cb7c22028635d⋯.jpg (787.65 KB,1025x907,1025:907,fbithugsfordecades1.jpg)

File: 76cf519f2d5ca76⋯.jpg (372.42 KB,1025x527,1025:527,fbihuntingtherussianspylia….jpg)


FB1 screwing around with American citizens for how long? With ZERO provable mandate, nor authority from Constitution.


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df9ecb No.20905587

File: 1c65da0cb652934⋯.gif (1.78 MB,540x230,54:23,Let_my_people_go.gif)

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e7ce16 No.20905589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df9ecb No.20905590

File: 9eb211bd82006c2⋯.gif (1.83 MB,480x256,15:8,giphy_52_.gif)

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df9ecb No.20905591

File: d125e8cb52d9001⋯.gif (1.98 MB,500x500,1:1,kim.gif)

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90a778 No.20905592


the Dems would have a chance with their illegals voting so long as the Dems and Media can prevent migrants from seeing authentic information. However, id seriously wager that IF migrants (irrespective Papers Please), if 'illegals' are exposed to authentic information then they would 'vote' in massive majority with honest America, and for Trump

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df9ecb No.20905593

File: ca9e72d6fbfa7cc⋯.gif (2 MB,360x345,24:23,Unicorn_toothbrush_anim.gif)

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b84d75 No.20905594


so you have to move to delaware?


do they care

do you have to breath the mellow air?

is that really even fair?

I could live in Maryland

why not there

or even Pennsylvania, that's not far.

I will, in fact, have a car.

Or I could stay at Cape May.

I'll just ride the ferry

each and every day . . .

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df9ecb No.20905595

File: ccce1036fefd759⋯.gif (2 MB,746x746,1:1,MAGA_animation.gif)

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e51f9b No.20905596

File: 6a2be612911f22e⋯.jpg (66.27 KB,731x635,731:635,ursola_2024_.jpg)


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df9ecb No.20905597

File: 853df26d06f3dfb⋯.gif (2.11 MB,540x290,54:29,Happening_NYC_attack_thwar….gif)

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bf2362 No.20905598

File: 81c807f2b7ae8cf⋯.png (437.27 KB,459x634,459:634,_Untitled_1a.png)

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d66bf6 No.20905599

File: c8d663051996ee8⋯.png (578.28 KB,736x403,736:403,ClipboardImage.png)

UCLA implements racist standards.

Whistleblowers at UCLA medical school say it has dramatically lowered admissions standards for minority applicants.

As a result, they say, 50% of some cohorts now fail basic tests of medical competence.

This is going to result in medical misdiagnoses. Medical misdiagnoses KILL people. Ergo, racist wokism is literally killing human beings.

And for what? So racists can say they're not racists because they implemented racist decision criteria?


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c73585 No.20905600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df9ecb No.20905601

File: cf97d68d8024523⋯.gif (2.16 MB,540x290,54:29,Happenings_fireworks.gif)

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b170e5 No.20905602


The way they were arguing, talking over each other, and giving each other raspberries was pretty spot on.

At least they got that part right.

I fully expect to see moar of this kinda F&G tho.

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73c6be No.20905603

File: e0c326bf383ddb8⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,624x346,312:173,United_Nations.mp4)

For the next time, The UN comes up.

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37ae09 No.20905604

File: 918ef4807cfb147⋯.png (185.7 KB,1080x1060,54:53,ClipboardImage.png)

like all cornered animals…

Panic in DC

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df9ecb No.20905605

File: 75323fe7fddae9e⋯.gif (2.48 MB,424x530,4:5,Fake_News_CNN_Maga.gif)

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5066a5 No.20905606

…Going to need another pot of coffee. Fuck.

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7d4984 No.20905607

File: 57b84a0ee40a242⋯.png (4.23 MB,2466x4122,137:229,stockmarketcommswclockm135….png)

File: 0393c2f5ebe229e⋯.png (158.48 KB,1211x1118,1211:1118,40kstockmarketw139.png)


Trust me the 50+ dollars it hit was a lot more money than 50 dollars is today. It was a brief run to be smashed down by the manipulators. Their games are coming to an end I believe.

Stock market KEKs

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df9ecb No.20905608

File: 0bd9bf7eedfd2a1⋯.gif (2.93 MB,370x480,37:48,Anderson_Vanderbilt_Cooper….gif)

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df9ecb No.20905610

File: b3074e80d9a313d⋯.gif (3.04 MB,590x633,590:633,Pepe_Vult.gif)

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df9ecb No.20905611

File: fff7f26da3d35a2⋯.gif (3.41 MB,424x240,53:30,HERECUMSSC.gif)

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b84d75 No.20905612

all perverted cringe graphics are FILTERED ON SIGHT.

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c73585 No.20905613

File: c681ed83cc2a00f⋯.png (5.26 MB,2048x1287,2048:1287,ClipboardImage.png)

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df9ecb No.20905614

File: 073438e8e054cc3⋯.gif (4.63 MB,600x338,300:169,Red_Nose_Day_5.gif)

tony podesta

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7d9cd8 No.20905615

File: 74e9a64c4e102a4⋯.jpeg (36.85 KB,255x255,1:1,IMG_5172.jpeg)


> 143 Democrats just voted in favor of non-citizens voting in American elections:

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df9ecb No.20905616

File: 87aa61e7497cc2e⋯.gif (4.98 MB,450x450,1:1,Trump_wall_anim.gif)

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df9ecb No.20905617

File: 86cef52849ec4a4⋯.gif (5.83 MB,355x200,71:40,Eagle_hunting_animated.gif)

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e51f9b No.20905618


Afternoon Doctor.

How old are you?

34 I'm sorry, I've got to use Bathroom (drive off)

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b170e5 No.20905619


You have to point them out or you're the one that's cringe.

And none of that taking off the < wussy stuff either.

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e983dc No.20905620

File: a42c0ec6f53bd65⋯.mp4 (14.16 MB,1280x720,16:9,_2q0T6DHPp40PrN_.mp4)


This is the line to get into President Trump’s rally in deep-blue NYC

Media doesn’t want people to see how popular he is

But this wave is growing bigger


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6d0881 No.20905621

File: e356982d2e5483c⋯.png (1.13 MB,695x1059,695:1059,501.png)

File: d08e74d084cff55⋯.png (6.98 KB,444x153,148:51,501_Q.png)

File: 4596ce4e0ef64cb⋯.png (4.83 KB,444x153,148:51,126_Q.png)

Donald J. Trump


May 23, 2024, 5:01 PM


1:26 vid


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2bbad1 No.20905622

File: 94157b4b892f740⋯.png (223.94 KB,1080x467,1080:467,Screenshot_20240523_172653.png)



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df9ecb No.20905623

File: c721d23b9ce2861⋯.gif (9.66 MB,448x336,4:3,FlyAlFly_animated.gif)

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73c6be No.20905626

File: f863c615f622443⋯.png (41.1 KB,1000x1501,1000:1501,ClipboardImage.png)

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180b36 No.20905627

File: 0339933130a2681⋯.jpeg (390.57 KB,1121x588,1121:588,F5B10643_FA2F_4C00_A83E_8….jpeg)

File: ec19ff3fc5a0d9c⋯.jpeg (434.79 KB,1185x621,395:207,1451415C_65C4_4582_875B_1….jpeg)

File: b0bf7d7e74466f3⋯.jpeg (429.68 KB,1214x619,1214:619,EC10312A_A53C_4D04_8C85_D….jpeg)

File: 1a305ba76a94c99⋯.jpeg (569.28 KB,1177x619,1177:619,309AF68A_E151_45C0_BBD7_0….jpeg)

File: 7db5c05c5552d11⋯.jpeg (820.06 KB,828x1178,414:589,025CB645_9968_4B4B_AEDA_E….jpeg)

PF: CONUS/Caribbean activity-Southern Cmdr. arrived in Panama

RCH226 C17 Globey Port Au Prince to Charleston

95-0038 USAFSOC C146 Wolfhound from Gitmo to Homestead ARB,FL and left Eglin AFB earlier today

SAM501 G5 landed at Panama-Pacifico Airport from Rio di Janero depart this isSouthern Command Chief General Laura Richardson

C101 USCG G5 landed at El Paso Intl from Reagan National depart earlier

BOXER22 C40C departed Grant Cty Airport-N. Of Moses Lake,WA after a stop of about 50m

RUNNR01 C40C Marine Corp left Savannah Intl then flew over MacDill AFB at high altitude and then NW

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f782e9 No.20905628


They had too many chances to do the right thing and have repeatedly chosen not to. No sympathy when the book is thrown at em.

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df9ecb No.20905629

File: 7bd75c8c16615a1⋯.gif (9.9 MB,550x400,11:8,Hillary_Trump_animation.gif)

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e51f9b No.20905630


Anon won't worry about Emergency Room, because if they fuck up there they get sued anyway so Rules are already on their ass, RACISM will just help them get sued. kek

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f782e9 No.20905631


It was allowed to be stollen.

Is it your first day?

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ef551d No.20905632

File: df135f7b552a5cd⋯.png (666.65 KB,517x535,517:535,ClipboardImage.png)


"Is your White Privilege going to help him?

Some lady going on a racists Anti-White Rant

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2bbad1 No.20905633

File: bf4ed0ac11af7fb⋯.mp4 (6.24 MB,854x480,427:240,DWqUr_caa.mp4)

File: 6fd34d599063816⋯.png (850.06 KB,1079x1295,1079:1295,Screenshot_20240523_172816.png)




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e51f9b No.20905634

File: d790b5c1209d28c⋯.png (95.92 KB,640x400,8:5,drug_test_govt_.png)



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4d550c No.20905635

File: eeb07e68a9595f5⋯.png (960.17 KB,1165x654,1165:654,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7d48d73f27785b1⋯.png (1.4 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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df9ecb No.20905636

File: 42f309f82b247b6⋯.gif (14.08 MB,720x404,180:101,Storm_anim.gif)

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7d4984 No.20905637

File: 8e4940c36fe7fb4⋯.jpg (16.36 KB,292x291,292:291,5x5.jpg)


5:05 EST


Five By Five

Loud and Clear

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df9ecb No.20905638

File: 114b69d6181f5ff⋯.gif (1.14 MB,680x849,680:849,TrumpTrainANIMATION.gif)

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c5010b No.20905639

File: cf6f90cbcba5eac⋯.jpg (39.21 KB,680x523,680:523,kittypic.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905640

File: b1f567de3465b9d⋯.gif (368.75 KB,640x881,640:881,Mad_Apocalypse.gif)

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1bf441 No.20905641

File: 103883b54c2c850⋯.png (294.06 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

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6d5a0e No.20905642


did you want Trump to bring America to the precipice and get all the blame for it?

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3fcc8e No.20905643

File: b20c6b9b8c27fb2⋯.jpg (26.48 KB,764x432,191:108,CMS_1280X_720_2024_05_16T1….jpg)

California man pleads guilty to repeatedly raping young sister



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df9ecb No.20905644

File: dc459f88097d550⋯.gif (351.46 KB,640x880,8:11,Christ_battles_Islam_comix.gif)

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4c2f51 No.20905645


This. Lame.

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df9ecb No.20905646

File: 0a3ee7b7c5a1f29⋯.gif (222.58 KB,800x550,16:11,PoliticsCartoon.gif)

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180b36 No.20905647


That was the Hunt Brothers accumulation.

They were doomed as they amassed to many paper contracts to go along with the phyzz they accumulated. The COMEX raised margin requirements several times to carry those paper contracts and that is what made them give up.

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6301a5 No.20905648


To wake people up.

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df9ecb No.20905649

File: ad863bec70ec1e7⋯.gif (220.38 KB,480x270,16:9,giphy_32_.gif)

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e51f9b No.20905650

File: a1cd562fcefa907⋯.jpg (258.1 KB,1200x675,16:9,america_fuck_yeah_LA_TRAIN….jpg)


Good Work! Bike shows off size well kek.

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4c1036 No.20905651

File: 54e779deacfe6fa⋯.png (636.1 KB,2160x1620,4:3,IMG_2125.png)

File: c283129302b1fc9⋯.jpeg (749.71 KB,1427x1502,1427:1502,IMG_2126.jpeg)


Election Fraud by SBA on Biden’s behalf.

Press Releases

Luetkemeyer Calls for the SBA to Refocus Their Priorities

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Washington, May 17, 2024

Tags: Small Business

Today, Congressman Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO-03) released the following statement regarding the Small Business Administration (SBA):

“The Small Business Administration’s (SBA) sole purpose is to help small businesses, but unfortunately, they have strayed from their mission and are using taxpayer resources in collusion with the Biden campaign to commit election fraud. American people deserve to know the truth and see where their hard-earned money is going. Under Administrator Guzman, the agency is rife with fraud, waste, and abuse, and nothing has been done to improve it. Recent revelations, including claims of politically motivated travel and efforts to influence elections, paint a disturbing picture of an agency veering off course, Said Congressman Luetkemeyer.”

“This egregious overstep of executive power underscores a blatant disregard for the American people's trust and the sanctity of public institutions. Instead of safeguarding the interests of small businesses, the SBA has been squandering resources on President Biden’s re-election, betraying the very essence of its existence. It's high time for the SBA to refocus its priorities, redirecting its efforts back to nurturing and supporting small businesses, rather than dabbling in electioneering antics. Rest assured; I will work with my colleagues to end Administrator Guzman’s taxpayer funded campaign efforts for President Biden’s reelection. I am determined to restore integrity and focus within the agency, ensuring that it remains true to its mission and accountable to the American people.”

CONTACT US: I encourage you to visit my official website or call my offices in Jefferson City (573-635-7232) or Cottleville (636-327-7055) with your questions and concerns. If you want even greater access to what I am working on, please visit my YouTube site, Facebook page, and keep up-to-date with Twitter and Instagram.



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df9ecb No.20905652

File: 1017ff07971e4e9⋯.gif (135.61 KB,500x511,500:511,No_Sir.gif)

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c5010b No.20905653

File: 6970f17b40a265f⋯.png (331.93 KB,665x586,665:586,wellspokennyjewsforTRUMP.png)



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df9ecb No.20905654

File: ce59f562b590938⋯.png (192.69 KB,490x266,35:19,_TrumpEmergencyCheckQRcode.png)

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2bbad1 No.20905655

File: 3795fc25abd6a73⋯.mp4 (286.06 KB,784x848,49:53,3795fc25abd6a737ff028f3c92….mp4)

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37ae09 No.20905656

File: 0c4ba6ed19db8f5⋯.png (819.72 KB,1533x798,73:38,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcee742475002a5⋯.png (165.6 KB,1102x1374,551:687,ClipboardImage.png)

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df9ecb No.20905657

File: 8b59748c4e36f54⋯.png (5.58 MB,6233x11648,6233:11648,_002_Q_Posts_28_29_10_2017….png)

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c6cb74 No.20905658

File: 5ddf6df23325c04⋯.png (737.79 KB,846x475,846:475,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3047a494d96d2dd⋯.png (743.57 KB,848x476,212:119,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 967a76b30125119⋯.png (727.83 KB,846x471,282:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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5786eb No.20905659


Latest email states he has a big announcement.

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bf2362 No.20905660


CBS / Democrats issue a threat to Trump, and his supporters.

They need to be made accountable for this. Secret service should be all over this.

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7b308a No.20905661


How the Hunt Brothers Cornered the Silver Market and Then Lost it All

Until his dying day in 2014, Nelson Bunker Hunt, who had once been the world’s wealthiest man, denied that he and his brother plotted to corner the global silver market.

Sure, back in 1980, Bunker, his younger brother Herbert, and other members of the Hunt clan owned roughly two-thirds of all the privately held silver on earth. But the historic stockpiling of bullion hadn’t been a ploy to manipulate the market, they and their sizable legal team would insist in the following years. Instead, it was a strategy to hedge against the voracious inflation of the 1970s—a monumental bet against the U.S. dollar.


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df9ecb No.20905662

File: 5de02125c718201⋯.jpg (8.24 MB,8560x7520,107:94,8ch_Q_Drops_Updated_Map.jpg)

‎January ‎13, ‎2018, ‏‎05:13:10

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b84d75 No.20905663


they glow. no pointing out is necessary.

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7d4984 No.20905664

File: dbc85b52b28e971⋯.jpg (297.87 KB,1250x1250,1:1,goldsilver.jpg)


Trading Places (movie) brothers were based on the Hunts.

They tried to call out the corrupt government and were stung by it.

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df9ecb No.20905665

File: 32cd63b58a556d4⋯.png (749.95 KB,988x768,247:192,After_Trump.png)

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b170e5 No.20905666

File: b904dffdd339e56⋯.jpg (62.32 KB,786x322,393:161,Q_Biden_POTUS.jpg)


>Anons at 3:24

Does that mean what I think it does?

STFU still voting for POTUS!

Gotta admit it's kinda Spoopy.

Quit being a concernfag!

>Anons at 3:26

Holy shit he dropped it again.


It's nothing, you're reading too much into it.

Yeah fucking concernfags POTUS got this.

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c6cb74 No.20905667

File: 66425415ff8808e⋯.png (582.96 KB,849x474,283:158,ClipboardImage.png)

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df9ecb No.20905668

File: 1d8c808cd7601bc⋯.png (398.65 KB,986x576,493:288,BDJTF.png)

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df9ecb No.20905669

File: b8e101a56913159⋯.png (103.28 KB,270x340,27:34,BestPotusEver.png)

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1bf441 No.20905670

File: 0fedf5f30035d03⋯.png (996.59 KB,1210x680,121:68,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)



crowd at south bronx rally holding up the Boss's mug shot

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2bbad1 No.20905671

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB,510x438,85:73,ee31bae16587bc53a4779317cc….png)


Stealing that second one.

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180b36 No.20905672

File: 695f89cb584ca91⋯.jpeg (160.23 KB,1186x597,1186:597,4E388446_293B_48BE_B002_3….jpeg)


For the visually inclined

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df9ecb No.20905673

File: ac6fe0a1eff7cb3⋯.png (240.82 KB,600x600,1:1,Boss.png)

such fun

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6d0881 No.20905674

File: d5074283bac108b⋯.png (5.22 KB,444x137,444:137,505_Q.png)





Marker [1] Confirmed.

Confirmed: 15, 10, 5, 1


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890eca No.20905675


I miss the Q posts.

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4c1036 No.20905676

File: 581afefd2bbad23⋯.png (2.23 MB,1620x2160,3:4,IMG_2127.png)



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df9ecb No.20905677

File: be15da010993e16⋯.jpeg (49.68 KB,432x464,27:29,Booing.jpeg)

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e51f9b No.20905678


SBA isn't in the constitution kek

instead of calling their office saying "I WANT" "I NEED" call congress and say "deactivate the SBA they ain't in the constitution"

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df9ecb No.20905679

File: 3914d1cf007f626⋯.jpeg (113.18 KB,600x900,2:3,Christ_MAGA.jpeg)

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6d0881 No.20905680


He talks to us all the time thru the recognized Timestamps. Look at the 5:05 for example.


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2bbad1 No.20905681

File: 08184a436ef89e9⋯.png (138.47 KB,273x295,273:295,08184a436ef89e9dc07844c388….png)

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df9ecb No.20905682

File: ac94e12b647b2b0⋯.jpeg (186.89 KB,643x892,643:892,CliffEastwoodMAGA.jpeg)

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df9ecb No.20905683

File: e7c8a0ae3c81b9a⋯.jpg (131.38 KB,783x959,783:959,Commies_BTFO.jpg)

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e7ce16 No.20905684

File: bdc0381cec9b99f⋯.png (1.29 MB,666x908,333:454,ClipboardImage.png)

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df9ecb No.20905685

File: 89e2c7ac2ee8b6c⋯.jpg (91.21 KB,1086x735,362:245,DarkbeforeDon.jpg)

File: 1c1f915dfa38936⋯.png (64.06 KB,500x389,500:389,DarkBeforeDon.png)

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df9ecb No.20905686

File: 41472f8e6b4e493⋯.jpg (143.19 KB,933x1167,311:389,DNeXMpqX4AAGS_p.jpg)

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6d0881 No.20905687

#25640 >>20904991

Notables ~670

>>20905240, >>20905304, >>20905312 POTUS LIVE @6 PM EST Bronx, NY Rally

>>20905003 Bronx Rally supporters of President Trump have been lined up since 8 am (in the rain)

>>20905013 Live President Trump pre-rally streams from The Bronx

>>20905207, >>20905220, >>20905233, >>20905266, >>20905577 MAGA is fired up in the Bronx


>>20905124 @PapiTrumpo 2:44 PM EST "SOUTH BRONX IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!" @GavinWax

>>20905082, >>20905445, >>20905479 PDJT 2:38 PM EST "Will see you tonight at 6:00PM Eastern in The Bronx!"

>>20905097, >>20905423 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (18-sec vid)

>>20905091 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (6-sec vid)



>>20905345, >>20905364 PDJT 4:03 PM EST (pic - I'M COMING TO THE BRONX!)

>>20905458, >>20905505 Lara Trump 4:06 PM One of the greatest debate moments EVER!

>>20905349, >>20905364 PDJT 4:08 PM EST (link - MAGA takes over NYC)

>>20905358, >>20905365, >>20905373, >>20905435, >>20905456, >>20905466 PDJT 4:11PM "WILL SEE EVERYONE IN THE BRONX SOON, THANK YOU!"

>>20905621 PDJT 5:01 PM EST (1:26 vid w/RT)

>>20905622, >>20905633, >>20905674 PDJT 5:05 PM EST Getting ready for the BRONX. Big Crowd!

>>20904998 GA Senate committee hearing on probe into Fani Willis misconduct allegations

>>20905007 UNC System repeals diversity, inclusion policies, goals at NC public colleges

>>20905119 YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."

>>20905128 Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats

>>20905130 Schumer Holds News Conference After Border Security Bill Vote

>>20905137 CA legalizes 'eco-friendly' human composting by 2027

>>20905149 Colbert made a skibidi toilet joe biden video and broadcast live on his show

>>20905151 Czech President Petr Pavel was injured on a motorcycle, but not seriously,

>>20905158 Obama memo shows Jack Smith is subverting law

>>20905234 Biden Admin’s plot to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General just got more insane.

>>20905238 House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency

>>20905168, >>20905279, >>20905293 AG Garland whimpers like a bitch about DJT highlighting lethal force authorization

>>20905223, >>20905529 House just passed a bill to repeal the DC law allowing non-citizens to vote in their elections

>>20905270 Former Venezuelan Military Official Sentenced for Money Laundering and Bribery Scheme

>>20905290 UCLA campus protest, riot police on scene

>>20905294 BIDEN: “Our nation's first black vice president, President Kamala Harris.”

>>20905324 SpaceX is targeting Thursday, May 23 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites

>>20905325 Soros-Funded DA Mike Schmidt Concedes Portland Race after 20+ Hour Ballot Counting

>>20905326 Sweden approves Ukraine military aid plan for $7 billion

>>20905352 Rep Massie "I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship."

>>20905354, >>20905424 Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware

>>20905390 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions

>>20905411 Kerry Kennedy shills for Biden against brother RJFK

>>20905486 Fake "Qanon" supporter in NY is racist

>>20905488 Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'

>>20905457 MayoClinic rejected mom’s lung transplant due to lack of a full COVID ‘vaccination’

>>20905599 UCLA med school implements racist standards, say whistleblowers

>>20905268, >>20905295, >>20905300, >>20905310 Clockfags "Tomorrow is :20"

>>20905495, >>20905368 Planefag updates

>>20905024 USMC 12:00 PM @FleetWeekNYC

>>20905069 USSOCOM 11:59 AM Memorial Day message #StopToReflect


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6d5a0e No.20905688

File: 1ae262cce59004e⋯.png (27.93 KB,640x360,16:9,2012.png)

I wonder how many years President Trump signed up for when asked to do this operation?

Seems to go back to 2012/2013 when he was baiting Hussein with the birth certificate tweets.

If that is correct., 2012-2024 he's in 12 years already.

How much can one man do for his country?

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73c6be No.20905689

File: b80a0271a7ad23b⋯.png (10.35 KB,609x150,203:50,ClipboardImage.png)


O'Keefe should do an undercover video on DC's private parties.

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df9ecb No.20905690

File: d12d4b991c75219⋯.jpg (115.01 KB,634x601,634:601,Donald_and_Melania_Trump_C….jpg)

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4d550c No.20905691

File: 5039f6d8d31077f⋯.png (1.44 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c3c73d4b097dab2⋯.png (1.31 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c29f97aa99dd486⋯.png (1.57 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17b460bdb8a6900⋯.png (1.4 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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df9ecb No.20905692

File: 938148c69ef814b⋯.png (405.93 KB,600x452,150:113,donald_trump_christmas_san….png)

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841335 No.20905693

File: e8c75697401ecef⋯.png (510.74 KB,1186x597,1186:597,e8c75697401ecef693edb567a7….png)

File: 6cdb8fb71a99614⋯.jpg (38.94 KB,500x500,1:1,t_rex_2.jpg)

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ef551d No.20905694


Well there goes MSM's "Ukraine are he good guys" story

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802762 No.20905695


now comes the PAIN

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df9ecb No.20905696

File: 8fdb61cdfded701⋯.png (500.64 KB,760x576,95:72,Fed_Trump_chainsaw.png)

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b170e5 No.20905698

File: 093282e5f9a744b⋯.jpg (33.65 KB,489x289,489:289,potus_nuffin.JPG)


>now its just a resonating board for trumpers

Finally, someone blaming PDJT instead of Q.

If Q was running The Plan this shit would be over already.

PDJT is the one dragging it out so he can party in the Bronx I guess.

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df9ecb No.20905699

File: dcb5af2ee75d9c1⋯.png (297.85 KB,660x470,66:47,GannettTrumpWillPrison.png)

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1bf441 No.20905700

File: 8c2aa4d7ee4eee0⋯.png (50.77 KB,178x178,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

File: 103883b54c2c850⋯.png (294.06 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

File: 103883b54c2c850⋯.png (294.06 KB,673x628,673:628,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

File: 8c2aa4d7ee4eee0⋯.png (50.77 KB,178x178,1:1,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

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7d4984 No.20905701

File: 97d612abd86acd5⋯.png (7.75 MB,5000x5000,1:1,zzclock15jan7McCout.png)

File: 00726c4ebb109ef⋯.png (7.56 MB,4000x6000,2:3,DTL2024.png)


Would make a good graphic if Trump hits all those :MM as truth timestamps

Jan 7



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df9ecb No.20905702

File: 1ba89920e7d771a⋯.jpg (580.78 KB,1800x1308,150:109,Garrison_trump_extinguish.jpg)

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6d5a0e No.20905703


This has the C lie A all over it.

Such a shit level production at that.

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5066a5 No.20905704

File: 833a4d331588331⋯.png (781.53 KB,1200x358,600:179,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

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df9ecb No.20905705

File: 9c092d003ece9ed⋯.jpg (319.18 KB,1200x828,100:69,Garrison_trump_turn_ship.jpg)

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b170e5 No.20905706


ok furber

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2bbad1 No.20905707

File: ea2be71cb7f7632⋯.jpg (23.48 KB,419x421,419:421,b78.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905708

File: ed61a76c0f87fdb⋯.jpg (120.55 KB,952x979,952:979,HRCPrisonMAGA.jpg)

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e51f9b No.20905709

Telephone Phone numbers are available on each state's page or on your senator's website Senators Suite & Telephone List (PDF) A U.S. Capitol Switchboard operator can also connect you directly with the Senate office. (202) 224-3121

Hello, I hear the SBA is funding Biden Re-Election Campaign. I searched and didn't see it in the Constitution, deactivate it.

Also send me the contact for Foreign Affairs office.


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6d0881 No.20905710


Yes, I'm working on a linear version of the Clock, to align his post timestamps and markers to Q drops and inserting the news. Tedious tho…

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df9ecb No.20905711

File: 011152a137c7cfd⋯.jpg (137.64 KB,800x447,800:447,HUMANE.jpg)

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37ae09 No.20905712


chck the meme folder in catalogue anon

there are some great ones

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23baf8 No.20905713


Noteable Baker

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c6cb74 No.20905714

File: bf7f18fc3adf547⋯.png (1.3 MB,1440x907,1440:907,POTUS_tremndous_power.png)

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6d5a0e No.20905715

40 fucking posts, you get the filter faggots

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df9ecb No.20905716

File: 52c82bc843c4960⋯.jpg (162.55 KB,600x414,100:69,IMG_1245.JPG)

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841335 No.20905717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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90a778 No.20905718


they became too addicted to outsourcing the outsourcing of outsourcing. made'm stupid

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df9ecb No.20905719

File: 3b088e677a8a727⋯.png (547.02 KB,600x450,4:3,IMG_2668.PNG)

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180b36 No.20905720



Not even believable with that digitized voice Too bad no one outside of that local station will see it other than soc. media and of course here.

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37ae09 No.20905721

File: 998e07b237084e4⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x1790,120:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d550c No.20905722

File: 89aa295dd0fcd76⋯.png (1.65 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8adec No.20905723

File: 74bce74c4e9ac85⋯.png (2.22 MB,1467x780,489:260,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ce6236172998b9⋯.png (2.09 MB,1480x762,740:381,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1feacb3f72df1f8⋯.png (2.23 MB,1443x792,481:264,ClipboardImage.png)

Somebody tell this guy to put his damn sign down so we can actually see the face of the speaker!!!!

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df9ecb No.20905724

File: 56f6679cb636c0d⋯.jpeg (120.47 KB,750x773,750:773,Lightweight_Gillibrand_tr….jpeg)

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802762 No.20905725

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882f9e No.20905726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df9ecb No.20905727

File: 9335a5fbd8d4da4⋯.png (557.8 KB,600x420,10:7,MAGA_45_ACP.png)

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982ca7 No.20905728














06. 12. 06.


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37ae09 No.20905729


it is deliberate

they don't want us to see black / brown support for Trump

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df9ecb No.20905730

File: b68d763ba672949⋯.jpg (53.81 KB,800x450,16:9,MAGA_hat_girl.jpg)

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b170e5 No.20905731


One of them claims to be talking to Q so I guess he should prolly get a pass then.

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df9ecb No.20905732

File: fee4ba478d0d26e⋯.png (488.89 KB,659x732,659:732,MAGA_merry_xmas_anons.png)

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e51f9b No.20905733

File: 9de069e35b016a6⋯.jpg (96.1 KB,1028x756,257:189,q_said.jpg)

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7d4984 No.20905734

File: 45f1ea3823a970b⋯.jpg (942.44 KB,1969x2000,1969:2000,Clock_Challenge_Coin2.jpg)


ClockFaggin ain't easy

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6d0881 No.20905735

#25640 >>20904991

Notables ~715

>>20905240, >>20905304, >>20905312 POTUS LIVE @6 PM EST Bronx, NY Rally

>>20905003 Bronx Rally supporters of President Trump have been lined up since 8 am (in the rain)

>>20905013 Live President Trump pre-rally streams from The Bronx

>>20905207, >>20905220, >>20905233, >>20905266, >>20905577 MAGA is fired up in the Bronx


>>20905124 @PapiTrumpo 2:44 PM EST "SOUTH BRONX IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!" @GavinWax

>>20905082, >>20905445, >>20905479 PDJT 2:38 PM EST "Will see you tonight at 6:00PM Eastern in The Bronx!"

>>20905097, >>20905423 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (18-sec vid)

>>20905091 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (6-sec vid)



>>20905345, >>20905364 PDJT 4:03 PM EST (pic - I'M COMING TO THE BRONX!)

>>20905458, >>20905505 Lara Trump 4:06 PM One of the greatest debate moments EVER!

>>20905349, >>20905364 PDJT 4:08 PM EST (link - MAGA takes over NYC)

>>20905358, >>20905365, >>20905373, >>20905435, >>20905456, >>20905466 PDJT 4:11PM "…BRONX SOON, THANK YOU!"

>>20905621 PDJT 5:01 PM EST (1:26 vid w/RT)

>>20905622, >>20905633, >>20905674 PDJT 5:05 PM EST Getting ready for the BRONX. Big Crowd!

>>20904998 GA Senate committee hearing on probe into Fani Willis misconduct allegations

>>20905007 UNC System repeals diversity, inclusion policies, goals at NC public colleges

>>20905119 YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."

>>20905128 Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats

>>20905130 Schumer Holds News Conference After Border Security Bill Vote

>>20905137 CA legalizes 'eco-friendly' human composting by 2027

>>20905149 Colbert made a skibidi toilet joe biden video and broadcast live on his show

>>20905151 Czech President Petr Pavel was injured on a motorcycle, but not seriously,

>>20905158 Obama memo shows Jack Smith is subverting law

>>20905234 Biden Admin’s plot to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General just got more insane.

>>20905238 House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency

>>20905168, >>20905279, >>20905293 AG Garland whimpers like a bitch about DJT highlighting lethal force authorization

>>20905223, >>20905529 House just passed a bill to repeal the DC law allowing non-citizens to vote in their elections

>>20905270 Former Venezuelan Military Official Sentenced for Money Laundering and Bribery Scheme

>>20905290 UCLA campus protest, riot police on scene

>>20905294 BIDEN: “Our nation's first black vice president, President Kamala Harris.”

>>20905324 SpaceX is targeting Thursday, May 23 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites

>>20905325 Soros-Funded DA Mike Schmidt Concedes Portland Race after 20+ Hour Ballot Counting

>>20905326 Sweden approves Ukraine military aid plan for $7 billion

>>20905352 Rep Massie "I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship."

>>20905354, >>20905424 Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware

>>20905390 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions

>>20905411 Kerry Kennedy shills for Biden against brother RJFK

>>20905486 Fake "Qanon" supporter in NY is racist

>>20905488 Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'

>>20905457 MayoClinic rejected mom’s lung transplant due to lack of a full COVID ‘vaccination’

>>20905599 UCLA med school implements racist standards, say whistleblowers

>>20905428, >>20905482, >>20905504 Did CBS live news just get hacked by Ukraine?

>>20905268, >>20905295, >>20905300, >>20905310 Clockfags "Tomorrow is :20"

>>20905495, >>20905368 Planefag updates

>>20905024 USMC 12:00 PM @FleetWeekNYC

>>20905069 USSOCOM 11:59 AM Memorial Day message #StopToReflect


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df9ecb No.20905736

File: bf231bd3bfa5878⋯.jpg (145.05 KB,1024x764,256:191,MAGAManyAreGettingArrested.jpg)

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82cf4e No.20905737

File: c0e103653be2e7e⋯.jpg (125.97 KB,1080x1070,108:107,IMG_20240523_150100_983.jpg)

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4d550c No.20905738

File: 14c3d9faf7f802a⋯.png (1.11 MB,1163x652,1163:652,ClipboardImage.png)

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982ca7 No.20905739













06. 12. 06.



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df9ecb No.20905740

File: dbe611a468d68a1⋯.jpg (117.7 KB,1024x764,256:191,MAGAManyGrovel.jpg)

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2027f7 No.20905741




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df9ecb No.20905742

File: dfb2e662526321e⋯.jpg (855.19 KB,1920x2011,1920:2011,MAGA_MEGA.jpg)

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180b36 No.20905743

File: 98ec0a83cb94741⋯.png (262.83 KB,648x394,324:197,ClipboardImage.png)


That is a berry funny movie

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df9ecb No.20905744

File: 969c37839edafc8⋯.jpg (132.75 KB,1024x764,256:191,MAGAMemeGreat.jpg)

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37ae09 No.20905745

File: d2dcfd33e71f2e8⋯.png (46.6 KB,240x240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


kek no!

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90a778 No.20905746

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17edfe No.20905747

File: 23a89422edf8239⋯.gif (785.41 KB,200x200,1:1,kek.gif)


Deep State are panicked as fuck.

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df9ecb No.20905748

File: 3ce08b7c2f0f0b7⋯.jpg (26.02 KB,500x337,500:337,MAGAMemetic.jpg)

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d4ea9c No.20905749

File: de93b3f5844d81d⋯.png (499.15 KB,1509x835,1509:835,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d905d66bac8e6ae⋯.png (83.18 KB,1054x671,1054:671,ClipboardImage.png)


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1bf441 No.20905750

File: 32a398d1c5d3032⋯.png (1.22 MB,1210x680,121:68,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

Donald Trump is giving a voice to these people

democrats don't give a fuck about them, except only at election time

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ef551d No.20905751



Cause threatening a Mass shooting at a trump rally is what all the Good Guys do

Ukraine NAZI's gone way off the plantation

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df9ecb No.20905752

File: 9b78b92e0a29485⋯.jpg (23.42 KB,702x443,702:443,MAGAMoon.jpg)

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b170e5 No.20905753

File: 4d6adf3664e3775⋯.jpg (48.55 KB,524x699,524:699,would.jpg)



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df9ecb No.20905755

File: 1d93b6a01f4f322⋯.jpg (112.69 KB,500x500,1:1,MAGASnowman.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905756

File: 49c9e2343016ec5⋯.png (876.68 KB,673x853,673:853,MAGAStormArrived.png)

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df9ecb No.20905757

File: 150326f90d70ecd⋯.jpeg (343 KB,1242x2208,9:16,McCabeKicked.jpeg)

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b170e5 No.20905758

File: 1a145d31e79085b⋯.jpg (97.79 KB,834x1024,417:512,AOC_Blue.jpg)


>not say no


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df9ecb No.20905759

File: 8ff92adcfdc8908⋯.png (502.65 KB,752x792,94:99,McCainOpposesTrump.png)

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df9ecb No.20905760

File: 371ec1c3a1ede61⋯.jpg (106.01 KB,1200x754,600:377,MerryTrumpmas.jpg)

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b84d75 No.20905761

vote her . . . out

vote his . . . out


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df9ecb No.20905762

File: 70c5f60c02d96d0⋯.jpg (34.43 KB,345x172,345:172,MountTrumpmore.jpg)

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37ae09 No.20905763



you just wanna date me …

she said!

and (You) would

get rid of aoc, blow her ass out!

much love anon

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df9ecb No.20905764

File: 19e8ad35bf6e1da⋯.png (331.28 KB,526x362,263:181,MountTrumpmore2.png)

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df9ecb No.20905765

File: f55919143f15681⋯.jpg (133 KB,1068x691,1068:691,mt.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905766

File: bef930dc35f6ea7⋯.jpg (168.78 KB,1125x1105,225:221,Patriot_Trump_flag_horse.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905767

File: 6972174deccaad6⋯.jpg (76.86 KB,736x922,368:461,Patriots_pray_for_Trump.jpg)

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180b36 No.20905768

File: bd9be3bbe8d05c4⋯.png (249.1 KB,416x597,416:597,4935ED98_F42E_47AD_8C23_90….png)

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ef551d No.20905769

File: 320ec2f464b14ec⋯.png (1.55 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Only Reason Americans need to have to start Supporting Russia

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df9ecb No.20905770

File: 98f1f05fdb6a08a⋯.jpg (335.41 KB,1440x896,45:28,PatriotsMAGA.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905772

File: e7b6193cbecf984⋯.jpg (116.15 KB,500x667,500:667,PatriotTrumpGaveHis.jpg)

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