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File: c6f171fb6064da0⋯.jpg (701 KB,1384x778,692:389,c6f171fb6064da0766d7779e57….jpg)

c86c1b No.20903223 [Last50 Posts]

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c86c1b No.20903224

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c86c1b No.20903226


#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902477 New York City begins evicting immigrants who have been in shelters for 30 days

>>20902487 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902505 UN to Use US-Built Pier for Halted Gaza Aid Deliveries

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555, >>20902658 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575, >>20902578 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 PF: SAM390 G5 departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after arriving yesterday and starting to round western Cuba

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902923 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902705 Wired interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (TSMC, future of AI, moar)

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

>>20902744 Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium - thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

>>20902749 Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election

>>20902777 Dorothy Moon Discusses The Fight For MAGA Conservatism In Idaho

>>20902802 Anna Paulina Luna On New Plan To Use Sergeant-At-Arms To Force Garland To Divulge Hidden Recordings

>>20902823 Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds

>>20902824 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20902834 TX-21 Candidate David Covey On Taking On David Phelan

>>20902838 300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to explode mid-air

>>20902841, >>20903020 Top Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens asked in an email if he would receive kickbacks from COVID and COVID vaccines

>>20902848 Republicans are holding a five point margin to keep control of the House

>>20902858 Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died

>>20902862 Rep. Brian Harrison On Importance Of Removing Texas Speaker

>>20902905 A comet approaching Earth could become brighter than the stars this fall

>>20902941, >>20902984, >>20903064, >>20903091, >>20903133, >>20903163 China Holds Military Drills Around Taiwan As 'Punishment'

>>20902979 (5/11/2022) Nadler's mental gymnastics re: illegals voting in elections

>>20902996, >>20903034, >>20903048, >>20903029, >>20903033 Some sonic boom shaka lakas heard by anon

>>20903005, >>20903019 PF: F35LTNG over Prescott, Arizona

>>20903026, >>20903131 PF: 45 in N757 AF 757 departed Dallas, Love Fieldand into the stormheading EN

>>20903036 Nonprofit brings suicide prevention message to Lahaina, Hawaii, underscoring heavy toll it’s taken

>>20903038 New MAGA ad just dropped

>>20903102 Interesting visit to @LosAlamosNatLab today. Discussed a lot of science 😉

>>20903166, >>20903175, >>20903179, >>20903186 DJT Truth

>>20903187 BREAKING: At least 4 dead, more wounded, after stage collapse at rally for Mexican presidential candidate

>>20903207 Bureau of Prison to face trial over allegations of guards abusing female prisoners in California

>>20903222 #25637

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c86c1b No.20903228

#25636 >>20901605

>>20901606 Robert Gouveia - Feds RANSACKED Melania's BEDROOM; "LETHAL FORCE" APPROVED; Merchan Under FIRE; Fani & Wade REUNITED

>>20901634 Crimes and Criminal Procedures 18 USC 879. Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons

>>20901664, >>20901679 Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which The Post exposed and he denied — will be used as evidence in his gun case

>>20901670 The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money

>>20901676 PF Happenings

>>20901695, >>20901707 @EmeraldRobinson FOUR YEARS AGO - This was the shot heard around the world

>>20901726, >>20901752 Kenya - Dinner is served - WH is hosting Kenyan President Ruto and First Lady Ruto

>>20901730 a 3 second kek James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'F*ck you!' on the street."

>>20901779, >>20901815 Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. It is not new and has been ongoing - Col. Karl Nell of the UAPTF

>>20901833 Hunter Biden: Markup of Materials Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

>>20901845 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

>>20901853 @libsoftiktok 3 board members who pushed a policy to allow males in the girl’s bathroom just lost their reelection

>>20901860 @JamesOKeefeIII on Comey: In psychology this is called “Projection.”

>>20901880 President @realDonaldTrump greets the great Line Crew at Wilson Air FBO!!

>>20901902 @jsolomonReports Maricopa County, and Arizona Sec. of State censored 2020 election audit hearing, elected officials

>>20901919, >>20901923, >>20901987, >>20902020, >>20902163 TREASON John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal

>>20901934 On The Move - President Trump’s motorcade on the move in TX

>>20901950, >>20901964 Potato tries to convince Veterans he is with them

>>20901988, >>20901999 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about the children being murdered in Gaza, Palestine

>>20902033 POTUS TRUTH Post - Joe Biden - The Real Threat To Our Democracy - new campaign ad video

>>20902036 Microsoft Goes all in with surveillance: new “Recall” feature will record everything you do on your PC

>>20902057, >>20902133 @JohnSolomon Denver set to buy two buildings for $4 million to house migrants

>>20902151 Apparently there is a rumor of Microsoft getting ready to make an offer of $16 Billion dollars to buy Valve owners of the Steam Platform

>>20902166 @JamesOKeefeIII BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force

>>20902288 NYC ex-con whose past murder conviction was tossed by DA now charged in fatal shootout less than two years later

>>20902308 WAR ROOM - Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902322 Assembly Member Dist 84 Amanda Septimo announcing Counter Protest to Trump's visit to the Bronx

>>20902330 ATTENTION @SecretService! Please arrest this person @garbotweetsU2 for threatening to kill Donald Trump tomorrow in the Bronx!!

>>20902357 Trump's glamorous aide Margo Martin rescues Eric by slapping back at 'liars' who said ex-president's son posted 'fake' video of crowds lining the street to greet him

>>20902385 #25636

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c86c1b No.20903229

#25635-A >>20900794

>>20900805 Germany Will Reduce Sentences For Possession of Child Pron, Downgrade From Felony to Misdemeanor

>>20900817 Massie Taunts AIPAC After Demolishing Primary Challengers

>>20900824, >>20901213 DEVELOPING: House Republicans Accuse Hunter Biden of Repeatedly Lying Under Oath During Deposition

>>20900834, >>20901030, >>20901297, >>20901308 Nearly 70% Of Gaza Aid From US-Built Pier Stolen

>>20900840 The country is now on the PRECIPICE between its traditional ideology of political liberalism and a path that will lead, far sooner than Americans might think, to totalitarianism

>>20900849 WOW in 17 seconds AOC spills the beans on the Deep State’s entire plan

>>20900850 Outraged Israel Recalls Ambassadors From Spain, Norway, & Ireland Over Recognition Of Palestinian State

>>20900826, >>20900833, >>20900869 8/4/23 Trump Charlotte - 9:08 = 17 - 9 cookies inside the 8 = 17

>>20900859, >>20901381, >>20901472 DA Leslie Wolf told investigators they could not pursue Hunter Biden’s sugar daddy Kevin Morris based on information she received from the CIA

>>20900891 THIRTEEN conservative counties in Oregon approve ballot measures for SECESSION vote that would see them join non-woke Idaho

>>20900894 Capitol Police: suspicious package cleared by our Hazardous Incident Response Division contained two vials of blood. The source of the package & its contents will be further investigated.

>>20900837, >>20900868, >>20900898 Hilary Comms? Ex-Royal Marine, 37, accused of spying for Hong Kong suicides in a park

>>20900913 Former BBC Boss Accuses Broadcaster of ‘Egregious’ Anti-Israel Bias

>>20900928 Iranian Police Commander-in-Chief Assassinated in Shocking Incident

>>20900942, >>20901050, >>20901126, >>20901161, >>20901368, >>20901400, >>20901480, >>20901540 PlaneFaggin' Around the Globe

>>20900948 Hilary strongly supports an online portal to child data

>>20900950 Israeli forces raze parts of Gaza's Jabalia, hit Rafah with airstrikes

>>20900975 We Spend More Per Illegal Alien Than We Spend on the Most Vulnerable American Citizens

>>20901004 The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See

>>20901017 Trump Ireland - Meet Missy

>>20901029 Inside Tiffany Trump's husband's meeting with Arab-Americans furious with Biden over Gaza

>>20901042 Lizard that hulks out shows off its superhero genes

>>20901076 How to be the master of a terrorist state. Netanyahu Really Said This!

>>20901078, >>20901081 Software engineer arrested, suspected of grooming teen with AI-generated CSAM.

>>20901101 17 arrested in Italy after Turkish criminal organisation involved in homicides is dismantled

>>20901113 Panicked Gaza Hospital staff evacuates patients after missile strike, video shows

>>20901116, >>20901124, >>20901431 Turley: THE INSANITY - Judge Merchan Becomes an Oddity in his Own Courtroom

>>20901121 US Taps Lockheed for $756M Long Range Hypersonic Weapon Deal

>>20901122 Hunter Biden’s tax trial set for September as judge agrees to delay, with gun trial still in June

>>20901131 Nobody in the US government actually knows all the unregistered, privately owned high containment labs that exist in the US

>>20901146 Florida mayoral candidate arrested for armed robbery of Dollar General while in disguise

>>20901147, >>20901242 Rishi Sunak announces the country is headed for a snap election on July 4th

>>20901150 ‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to US citizen’s killing “Yeah, I enjoy it" he declared

>>20901178, >>20901190, >>20901322, >>20901341, >>20901354, >>20901419 Top Adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies on COVID-19 Origins Emails

>>20901200, >>20901240 FBI raids office of controversial Soros-funded Mississippi DA and the cigar shop he owns

>>20901243 Flattened Buildings, Widespread Destruction: This Is What Israel's 'Limited Operation' in Rafah Looks Like

>>20901246 A new movie about faking the moon landing coming in July

>>20901253 Packed school bus ripped apart by tractor in terrifying crash as several children are rushed to hospital

#25635A >>20901587

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c86c1b No.20903230

#25635-B >>20900794

>>20901281 Ringleader and Company Insider Plead Guilty to Defrauding Biochemical Company and Diverting Products to China

>>20901293 Outrageous: Federal Law Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in the Upcoming 2024 Election

>>20901295 Why desperate ranchers say their land has been turned into 'the new CHERNOBYL'

>>20901340 Uvalde shooting families settlement and lawsuit

>>20901389, >>20901401 Joe M just posted this on telegram His Last post was April 2021 - NEVER GIVE UP

>>20901396 @nicksortor on Crockett - All this did was reaffirm that she IS a DEI hire 🤣🤡

>>20901434, >>20901443, >>20901467 using taxpayer money to pay off student debt and transferring that debt to working class taxpayers to get votes and that’s not illegal?

>>20901438 Portland voters have chosen a onetime Republican to be their next district attorney

>>20901466 coincidences? so many world leaders being killed or attempts made on their lives

>>20901486 The first head transplant system, uses robotics and AI for head and face transplants, offering hope to those with severe conditions like no head

>>20901497 Senate confirms 200th federal judge under Biden as Democrats surpass Trump’s pace

>>20901505 Rotting human remains and children raped: Why US Border Patrol suicides have skyrocketed under Biden

>>20901519 Jen Psaki facing subpoena for dodging Congress after 'lying' in book about Biden's disastrous Afghanistan response and 'profiting off tragedy'

>>20901523 NEVADA is onboard with THE PEOPLE'S AUDIT (https://the-peoples-audit.org/)

>>20901545 Republican governors opposing proposals that would grant the World Health Organization unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and its people

>>20901558 BILLIONS still expected to die in coming years from COVID “vaccines,” says analyst

>>20901573 @Charliekirk Trump has now opened up a 17-point lead over Biden on the Polymarkets betting site

#25635B >>20901591

Previously Collected

>>20899621 #25632, >>20899978 #25633, >>20900776 #25634

>>20896689 #25629, >>20897476 #25630, >>20898300 #25631

>>20895157 #25627, >>20896681 #25628, >>20896681 #25628

>>20892736 #25624, >>20893499 #25625, >>20894287 #25626

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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c86c1b No.20903233

File: ec163f3b9628fb0⋯.png (353.5 KB,553x697,553:697,ec163f3b9628fb068a3002d565….png)


Ghost is baked

Next baker, note taker, e-baker, step it up and have a great night.

God speed, patriots!


P.S. BO/BV please change the bread # to #25638. Baker came in having already a pretty long day.

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81b519 No.20903235

File: b7cde56f6f49ade⋯.png (165.06 KB,481x210,481:210,gingerbread_boy.png)


your fav.

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81b519 No.20903237

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9c7868 No.20903240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c86c1b No.20903241

File: 931961eec3951a5⋯.png (214.67 KB,861x744,287:248,2wolfsfren.png)

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81b519 No.20903242

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fb9b5d No.20903243

File: 55f05779a37dcc8⋯.png (822.12 KB,1424x741,1424:741,ClipboardImage.png)

thank you Jesus Christ for answered prayer.., now for the doj shennanigans and classless lawfare… aka the appeal!


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9c7868 No.20903245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fa9ed0 No.20903246

File: 82d3dc911b8287c⋯.jpg (106.96 KB,662x653,662:653,djt_they_got_us_this_time.jpg)

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ef038d No.20903247

File: 9a260b462a9f055⋯.jpg (43.75 KB,750x472,375:236,uahbkeljdcasd.jpg)

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381631 No.20903249

File: 8686e80ff340dba⋯.png (477.16 KB,502x353,502:353,8686e80ff340dba27adaeff3fa….png)

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f4176b No.20903250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb9b5d No.20903251

File: f2aa380116b42aa⋯.png (42 KB,809x166,809:166,ClipboardImage.png)

oh there be panic in DC today

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7ea4dc No.20903253

File: 56a35f0f7145658⋯.png (1.03 MB,1153x701,1153:701,ThereCanBeOnlyOne.png)

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3be250 No.20903254

File: 0d9d2ce26f80af7⋯.gif (181.08 KB,360x258,60:43,67nghl.gif)

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fb9b5d No.20903256

File: c400143767a9d4b⋯.png (743.96 KB,220x195,44:39,ClipboardImage.png)


GE Ghost baker

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bb57a7 No.20903259

File: 678275c68fb3fc2⋯.jpg (5.77 KB,300x168,25:14,images_109_.jpg)

File: b3542dd3538fbfd⋯.jpg (5 KB,183x275,183:275,2Q_21_.jpg)

File: 34fc0eea93c9c62⋯.jpg (935.6 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_215147….jpg)

File: 1cc9f602e1f2480⋯.png (1.09 MB,1200x630,40:21,proxy_image.png)

File: d4c75640d5da254⋯.jpg (26.38 KB,474x474,1:1,proxy_image.jpg)

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31be98 No.20903260


i like the part where Biden's minions had placed a deadly force authorization on a raid of Biden's political rival, which was a threat on the life of a former president, which is a crime.

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f76542 No.20903262


Goto bed and get some sleep :/

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66d262 No.20903266

File: c0603f0e88a69bd⋯.jpg (368.15 KB,1125x1500,3:4,media_GOOi7WTX0AA7cLc.jpg)

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283cde No.20903267

File: d35a223472b98c9⋯.jpg (146.71 KB,719x791,719:791,20240522_225631.jpg)

File: c15a8712cc7fe23⋯.jpg (121.03 KB,1016x597,1016:597,20240522_225612.jpg)


Always funny to me that the WNBA treats a pregnancy as an injury

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c559f7 No.20903268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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31be98 No.20903269


Go to bed.

Goto is syntax.

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283cde No.20903270

File: 87cc6bbd87292a6⋯.jpg (136.35 KB,720x912,15:19,20240522_222515.jpg)

File: f89d63bf6cfd1ed⋯.mp4 (697.78 KB,886x494,443:247,Concerned_Citizen_20240522….mp4)

🚨🇺🇸 Joe Biden is completely gone ‼️

“We cannot get re-electe”

“We cannot win this reelection”

“We can only reelect Donald Trump “


WoW what an endorsement hahahahhahaha kek

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518246 No.20903271

File: fc0876181cbe508⋯.png (303.67 KB,573x429,191:143,79de6d6f0006ed5a082328be39….png)

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f4176b No.20903273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f76542 No.20903274


actually…. we used goto for commodore.

55 GOTO 55

This code will loop indefinitely, but can be aborted manually by pressing the RUN/STOP key.

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2d1b94 No.20903278

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DEI Conspiracy in Air Force: “We basically contacted everybody who had a title like that and got them to sneakily change their title so it doesn’t sound as diversity oriented even though it is,” reveals Jake Reyna,




Operations Research Analyst for the


in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Believing Republicans have attempted to cut back on the government’s use of discriminatory DEI policies “just to fuck with the [DEI] system,” Reyna confesses on undercover footage caught by O’Keefe Media Group that the Air Force manipulates job titles to cheat the system out of a higher salary for DEI personnel. Bragging, “We just weaseled around it,” Reyna claims “there’s nothing really they [Republicans] would be able to do.” The cover-up does not end there. Reyna states about his office, “We’re actually moving into this other group called Manpower and Readiness” to stay under the radar.

Reyna confirms DEI training is mandatory for airmen and if an airman does not participate in DEI trainings, he “wouldn’t be qualified for promotions or he’d get reprimanded and…he’d get written up” before eventually being dishonorably discharged, which includes being stripped of all benefits.

Tasked with developing programs like the Workforce Analytics Dashboard that lists the demographics of the Air Force with an emphasis on “race, ethnicity, and gender,” Reyna admits the Air Force has no data to support its DEI policies. “I don’t know if there’s any specific data you can provide outside of just saying like, yeah, we’re getting more diverse talking about changing officers.” Asked, “In your experience, have you seen or have you come across any data that actually serves as evidence that indeed DEIA candidates or troops perform better than non-DEIA troops?” Reyna responds, “No, I don't think so.”

Empowered in the Air Force’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Reyna believes white men are “definitely stupid” and “definitely suck.” “Do you think they [white men] make us weaker as a military?” asks OMG’s American Swiper. Reyna responds, “In some ways, probably.”


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fb9b5d No.20903280


>we used goto for commodore

don't forget on error level

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7ea4dc No.20903282

File: d9e0a1cd3b15b94⋯.png (585.79 KB,447x872,447:872,ClipboardImage.png)


Good Job!

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1ebf69 No.20903284

File: d52513759611362⋯.png (138.65 KB,561x502,561:502,d52513759611362f1b2eeb990d….png)

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a96261 No.20903285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f4176b No.20903287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fb9b5d No.20903288


she finally scored!

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308ebd No.20903289

Evenin’ Nightshift

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f76542 No.20903290


loved that song <3

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381631 No.20903295

File: 7be0c66c1fa79e0⋯.gif (3.43 MB,480x258,80:43,hattip.gif)

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34aad0 No.20903296

File: 2a5acf315ea0f3c⋯.jpg (7.81 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_24_.jpg)

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31be98 No.20903298


If a corrupt pResident, who stole an election, pardons everyone including himself when he loses reelection, can his pardon be disregarded as a criminal act to obstruct justice?

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3be250 No.20903299

File: a67f5b8e6bdac87⋯.jpg (69.75 KB,800x450,16:9,GettyImages_79000168.jpg)

CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

The new trove of documents released Wednesday provide details about the CIA’s intervention in the Hunter Biden investigation. From how high up did the orders come?

By Steven Richards

Published: May 22, 2024 11:00pm


Dig Deeper

A new cache of documents from the IRS whistleblowers released Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee show how the Central Intelligence Agency directly intervened to prevent the IRS investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer and benefactor Kevin Morris.

The CIA’s involvement in the case was first suggested in earlier this year when the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees wrote a letter to Director William Burns that revealed impeachment investigators had at least one whistleblower who alleged the spy agency tried to interfere with a witness interview in the case, Just the News previously reported.

"According to the whistleblower, in August 2021, when IRS investigators were preparing to interview Patrick Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden, the CIA intervened to stop the interview," Chairmen Jim Jordan and James Comer wrote. "Two DOJ officials were allegedly summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris. At that meeting, it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness during the investigation.”

The new documents show IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler provided documents to the committee detailing the CIA’s intervention.

According to Shapley’s affidavit of the incident, Assistant U.S. Attorney Lesley Wolf from the Delaware prosecutor’s office in charge of the case and the Department of Justice Tax Division Attorney Jack Morgan were summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, for a briefing.

At the meeting, the officials were given a classified briefing and were told by the CIA that the IRS “could no longer pursue” Kevin Morris as a witness in their case. Wolf did not share CIA’s reasoning with the IRS whistleblowers, who then requested their own briefing from the intelligence agency through Wolf.

According to Shapley’s account, Wolf ultimately failed to secure a briefing for the case investigators.

“Although AUSA Wolf initially appeared to be receptive to facilitating a briefing for me on the information, she ignored multiple attempts by me to arrange the briefing. Since obtaining this briefing was outside of my control, eventually I was forced to accept it would not happen,” Shapley wrote in his affidavit. “However, it served as yet another example of deviations from normal investigative processes in this matter.”

You can read Shapley’s affidavit below:



It remains unknown why the CIA intervened in the case, how they became aware that the IRS investigators had targeted Morris as a witness and most importantly, who at the CIA issued the directive.


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f4176b No.20903301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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feb51b No.20903302

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB,1280x674,640:337,Freedom_Flag.png)

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2d1b94 No.20903306

Netanyahu Issues Warning To US Leaders Over ICC Arrest Warrants: 'You're Next'

Mr. Netanyahu said the warrants against himself and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant over the country’s conduct in its fight against Hamas in the Gaza Strip set a “dangerous” precedent for other democratic countries, including Israel’s allies.

“Israel is given here a bum rap. I think it’s dangerous. Basically, it’s the first democracy being taken to the dock when it is doing exactly what democracies should be doing in an exemplary way,” he told CNN in a televised interview. “It endangers all other democracies. Israel is first, but you’re next. Britain is next. Others are next, too.”

Also in the interview, Mr. Netanyahu asserted that the ICC claims were “false, dangerous, and outrageous,” and that chief prosecutor Karim Khan is only exacerbating the problem. It’s also false to see Israel and Hamas as equals, he added.

“He’s equating the democratically elected leaders of Israel with the terrorist tyrants of Hamas. That’s like saying, well, I’m issuing arrest warrants for FDR and Churchill but also for Hitler. Or I’m going to issue arrest warrants for George W. Bush but also for [Osama] bin Laden. That’s absurd,” Mr. Netanyahu said.


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3be250 No.20903307


(Her) baby's gonna cause a few injury's, when he or she grows up

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947e0d No.20903308


pri·ma fa·ci·e

/ˌprēmə ˈfāSHē(ˌē)/


based on the first impression; accepted as correct until proved otherwise.

aka self evident and id bet the whole world would see it, too.

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31be98 No.20903310



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78494e No.20903312

File: 7ae2e5f4f4f698d⋯.gif (860.53 KB,280x281,280:281,7ae2e5f4f4f698d858eb9c9950….gif)

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2d1b94 No.20903314


He's isolated and doesn't like it

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66d262 No.20903316

File: 3171ee5ef5a02e7⋯.png (526.77 KB,616x543,616:543,ClipboardImage.png)

New York Post



Chubby cat takes up aqua aerobics to lose weight, with promising and adorable results — see the video


May 23, 2024 · 2:01 AM UTC


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7ea4dc No.20903317

File: bac8e6cd57bf7e5⋯.png (239.65 KB,758x512,379:256,ClipboardImage.png)

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31be98 No.20903318



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f76542 No.20903319

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13e49d No.20903323

File: 20d5089a5bb1201⋯.png (90.52 KB,418x335,418:335,Screen_Shot_2024_05_23_at_….png)

Lots of activity over the west coast tonight.

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3be250 No.20903324

File: 60e9e4277eefb66⋯.jpg (8.76 KB,200x200,1:1,4c1fc9750b9cc_preview_300.jpg)

DISGUSTING: Media Animals Physically Violate and Harass Christina Bobb Outside Court Following Democrat Party Arrest on Speech Charges – Christina Responds WITH FIRE! (VIDEO)

Christina Bobb, President Donald Trump’s former Attorney and head of the RNC’s Election Integrity Unit, was charged by Democrats with speech crimes in Arizona and arrested, arraigned, and booked in Phoenix on Tuesday.

Bobb was charged for speaking out against the 2020 election results, something that is now a crime if you are a member of the Republican Party.

Christina Bobb pleaded not guilty to all charges.

A video was released on Wednesday of liberal reporters physically violating Christina and harassing her as she left the courtroom.


Leave former Marrines out of this.


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2d1b94 No.20903325

File: 13961683f295ccb⋯.png (176.43 KB,485x498,485:498,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c8505b17209ab69⋯.png (149.34 KB,744x638,372:319,ClipboardImage.png)

China Initiates Large Drills 'Surrounding' Taiwan As Warning To New President Lai

A mere few days after Taiwan’s new president, Lai Ching-te, was sworn into office at the start of the week, China's military on Thursday morning (local time) initiated two days of large-scale military drills.

PLA navy ships and aircraft are now reportedly "surrounding the island of Taiwan," according to state media and PLA statements. The drills are said to be ensuing in the Taiwan Strait as well as to the north, south and east of the island - and additionally near the disputed tiny islands of Kinmen, Matsu, Wuqiu, and Dongyin in the East China Sea.

"The Eastern Theater Command of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) started joint military drills surrounding the island of Taiwan from 7:45 a.m. Thursday (2345 GMT)," Xinhua news agency said.

Dubbed Joint Sword-2024A, the exercises will "focus on joint sea-air combat-readiness patrol, joint seizure of comprehensive battlefield control, and joint precision strikes on key targets" - according to military spokesman Li Xi.

The statement described that the drills "involve the patrol of vessels and planes closing in on areas around the island of Taiwan and integrated operations inside and outside the island chain to test the joint real combat capabilities of the forces of the command."

And ominously, Xinhua further cited the spokesman as saying the drills will serve as a "strong punishment for the separatist acts of 'Taiwan independence' forces and a stern warning against the interference and provocation by external forces."

Taiwan's new president Lai only on Tuesday called on China "to cease their political and military intimidations against Taiwan, and share with Taiwan the global responsibility of maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, as well as the greater region, and to ensure the world is free from the fear of war." These were some of his first words spoken as president.


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7ea4dc No.20903326

File: 44a75123a69a073⋯.png (184.06 KB,417x451,417:451,ClipboardImage.png)

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78494e No.20903327

File: bf6e521de3036a2⋯.png (441.66 KB,1862x795,1862:795,Disgusting_.png)

File: 5c8e67402f10aea⋯.jpeg (379.25 KB,1125x2380,225:476,HRN_stealing_other_people….jpeg)

File: 2120925f0c02453⋯.png (421.37 KB,607x411,607:411,2120925f0c0245384355f142e0….png)

File: 8159900cdf45f1d⋯.jpg (56.45 KB,500x500,1:1,HRN.jpg)

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2d1b94 No.20903328

China surrounding Taiwan

Russia testing tactical nukes

US ports being blocked

Israeli exposed

Coups and assassinations attempts all over the place

Covid liars being exposed

WEF KS quits

Nothing much happening! Kek

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6b01bc No.20903329

File: 6b8606840709fce⋯.png (88.77 KB,254x220,127:110,20240522_232336.png)

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ca6a2c No.20903330


Same director the Democrats hired to showcase the J6 hearings…

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3be250 No.20903331

File: 49abf49bde96f94⋯.jpg (551.24 KB,1778x2000,889:1000,about04.jpg)

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2d1b94 No.20903332

File: 835f9083053ae71⋯.png (432.09 KB,598x597,598:597,ClipboardImage.png)

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12ac80 No.20903333

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095c8e No.20903334

File: 811365c6fe65bb7⋯.png (332.48 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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b0cd11 No.20903335


>“We cannot win this reelection”

>“We can only reelect Donald Trump “

Accurate statements by POTATO Bidan.

If you weren't actually elected, you can't be re-elected.

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31be98 No.20903336



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6b01bc No.20903337

File: b4bf7c4623e6cd7⋯.png (319.99 KB,758x512,379:256,20240522_232638.png)


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fc4d94 No.20903338

File: 3630571662f6c2f⋯.jpg (675.92 KB,1778x1514,889:757,WithGodAllThings.jpg)

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7ea4dc No.20903339

File: 9e436f7d9fdd905⋯.png (521.05 KB,830x663,830:663,Ultra_BOOM.png)

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6b01bc No.20903340


calmtf daown kari

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13e49d No.20903341

File: e7ead3c0f5c6a3f⋯.png (396.07 KB,775x653,775:653,pepe_blushing_chickum.png)

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2decd2 No.20903342

File: 40c6d21a2d9cea0⋯.jpg (138.8 KB,963x714,321:238,Bullshit.JPG)

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7ea4dc No.20903343

File: ad7e821ea340751⋯.png (247.92 KB,773x523,773:523,ClipboardImage.png)

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518246 No.20903344

File: bfa6f449ee6c558⋯.png (805.4 KB,743x1607,743:1607,Savage.png)

File: 0c1ac44b8883ef4⋯.jpg (220.3 KB,1656x858,276:143,0c1ac44b8883ef4a52cf05bddd….jpg)

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2d1b94 No.20903345

File: 4fe1729214e2fe7⋯.png (769.7 KB,668x958,334:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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920816 No.20903347

File: 88527117ec9fa68⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,816x480,17:10,Israel_is_reportedly_tryin….jpg)

WW3 monthly review: Israeli EMP edition


▶ ConUS

** Generations

> May the Fourth | VD> | Star Wars is Boomer faggotry

> No, God is Not Going to Bless You | VD> | Boomer churchians' Satanic Judaeophilia

> Their Journey is Just Beginning | VD> | Boomer wastrels condemned

> My "crazy" Uncle passed away recently. Let me tell you bout him. | Voat | based uncle raises rural trad kids

** Monarchy

> Trump on Trial: Week 2 | “This is getting very hostile…” | Techno Fog> | Judge Merchan will imprison Trump | BB predicted this

** Race

> James O'Keefe reveals who's really running the Biden White House-it's probably not who you think… | Jeff Zients, Chief of Staff, Jew

> Biden Has Installed the Most Non-White Judges of Any President | AmRen>

> There’s Been a Major Shift in Demographics at the Border. Here’s What’s Behind the Change. | AmRen>

> US Justice Department Warns It Will Sue if Iowa Tries to Enforce Its New Immigration Law | AmRen>

> Man Sues IBM Company After They Allegedly Fired Him for Being Too White | AmRen> | elite executive challenged DEI

> The Return of Self-Determination | AmRen> | Whites secede from Baton Rouge; niggers hardest hit

> Fear of Calling a Spade a Spade | Jim Goad> | nigger marine pre-confesses, gets caught, before anti-White rampage

** War

> This report in The Atlantic, credibly alleging that 9/11 was a conspiracy run out of the Saudi embassy, is especially alarming considering that the Saudi ambassador at the time was Bandar bin Sultan, a/k/a "Bandar Bush" for his close ties to both Bush presidents.

> What Would a New Civil War Look Like? | Not Like the One You Learned In School | Matthew Smith> | American Revolution 2: chaos edition

> Who is the Patriot Front? Are they feds? Racists? Deep dive into the mysterious masked right-wing group… | Revolver.news> | I> clade first.

▶ full document:


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6ef82d No.20903348


Check is spelled CheQue…

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c11741 No.20903349


hooah is not marines.

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c5e627 No.20903350

You’re a saint.


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13e49d No.20903351

File: 09cec8139ee0867⋯.png (71.06 KB,255x215,51:43,9f315d27e523e87584e710d90c….png)

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89a66a No.20903352

File: cde014d3711af56⋯.jpg (564.66 KB,2048x1081,2048:1081,Pedowood.jpg)

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2d1b94 No.20903353

The Secret of Secrets

The Bucegi Mountain Secrets

I have given this information to a small handful of researchers and I have spoken to many people who live around the Bucegi Mountains. The researchers have all found their own confirmations and the people around Bucegi ALL talk of events (historical and present) that happen there. Things that entire villages have witnessed or discovered.

What this document will hopefully show you is what I have found and some of the connections. Although what I discovered was regarding Romania it is very strongly connected to the Giza Pyramid but especially the Tibetan Mountains and Mount Kailash in particular.


There are a couple more subjects in this file that he did not add in the PDF FILE here


This is the book that started Simon Day on this research, it appears to me that about 10 pages in, some severe meddling has taken place with the book.


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e8011e No.20903354

File: c9179a24d42ab79⋯.jpg (546.3 KB,1707x1080,569:360,AirQubana.JPG)


Yours is Gitmo

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6dadc5 No.20903355

File: baa813bc42d32e8⋯.jpg (352.2 KB,1550x1894,775:947,SRIKE.jpg)


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c5e627 No.20903356


They know everything they have done…and as far as repressive memory is concerned…I guess they forget. Newspeak and thought police is real.

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537539 No.20903358

File: 94246d2be4d2de4⋯.jpg (612.62 KB,2100x1438,1050:719,ConspiracyPhnx.JPG)

File: d1c7f235005e899⋯.jpg (166.67 KB,1677x784,1677:784,ConspiracyWEF.JPG)

File: bf7bb6686cc517f⋯.jpg (272.83 KB,1700x1026,850:513,ConspiracyJFK.jpg)

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b865ad No.20903359


Thanks, kiddo!

Love, no homo

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e51eed No.20903360

vedy vedy baht

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2d1b94 No.20903361

File: 890596d50279be1⋯.png (58.45 KB,678x479,678:479,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 787a09df6ba72a9⋯.png (73.84 KB,653x621,653:621,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b7f268787cf7fb⋯.png (226.54 KB,657x439,657:439,ClipboardImage.png)

AMERICAN BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION: Here’s how you know when they’re crossing the Rubicon

BE AWARE! These are the two

primary drivers of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution.


“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force,

but once the fraud is exposed they must rely

exclusively on force.”

— George Orwell

Which means that we are literally moments to midnight in light of all the naked fraud and outright criminality and brazen corruption that has been exposed throughout the U.S. Federal Government. In point of fact , the American people have never seen so much proven government malfeasance and reckless grifting in U.S history.


Only when elected representatives and government

officials fear We the People more than they fear their

NWO masters and Deep State handlers will the present tyranny collapse.

Which means that, as things are getting very tense especially at the local level, the hidden power structure is now having a very difficult time maintaining control. While The Powers That Be do have various schemes and blackops and psyops to buy them time, they consider the American Bolshevik Revolution inevitable at this point because of so much resistance to their total government takeover and plan for a permanent collapse of the Republic.

Let’s elaborate more on #1.

Just click on any Youtube video that presents any hearing being conducted in either the U.S. Senate or House of Representatives.

What you will quickly witness is an exchange between the Right and the Left that will leave the viewer either spellbound or stunned with disbelief. The level of raw and radioactive revelation — ABOUT EVERYTHING WRONG WITH GOVERNMENT — is simply unparalleled in American history.

Of course, these public cat fights are as fierce and full of rancor as ever seen on TV. And, as you scroll down the right column of other YouTube videos covering similar hearings, every one captures a congressional clusterf*ck created by the Democrats (yes, the RINOs play their treacherous parts as well) the likes of which we never saw before.

What’s the point?

The Congress critters can no longer get away with their deceit and deception ABOUT EVERYTHING. The Executive Branch can no longer avoid searing analysis and no-nonsense scrutiny regarding all of their brazen treason and willful negligence and other capital crime sprees committed against the American people.

It’s over.

The game is over…finally.

The jig is up—FOREVER!!!

And the traitorous perps know it.

Which means that they know they have no choice but to resort to brute force … … … or else they will all be HANGED LIVE ON THE INTERNET.

Now let’s elaborate more on #2.

Just take a close look at what’s going on at the local level across the USA today.

Many school board meetings, city council meetings, county commission meetings and board of supervisors meetings have all turned into serious brawls between the citizens and their leaders but without the fistfights.

For example, there was the recent case where the Maricopa Board of Supervisors was served with papers right during the meeting which caused all nine of them to walk out of the official forum. That has never happened before. See: Here’s the description of the document that, when the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors were served, compelled all 9 members to run out of the meeting.

Who has not heard about school board meetings turning into ‘high school food fights’ over the past few years. The intensity of the clashing between conservatives and liberals is simply unprecedented, and it’s only getting worse by the month.

Again, what’s the crucial point?


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454a5c No.20903362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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9cb4ae No.20903363

File: 0fc7fb8a18bb541⋯.jpg (716.83 KB,2017x1229,2017:1229,PureEvil.jpg)

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31be98 No.20903364


Killer Queen

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3be250 No.20903365

File: 421b4f20afa808a⋯.jpeg (115.46 KB,758x512,379:256,b4bf7c4623e6cd750778fbe54….jpeg)

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78494e No.20903366

File: 914a2bf98249dcb⋯.jpg (35.76 KB,474x668,237:334,914a2bf98249dcbc8b399ada88….jpg)

I think I might go for a shave.

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c86c1b No.20903367

File: a70bb8a960f5fe7⋯.jpeg (10.84 KB,225x225,1:1,images_3_.jpeg)

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81b519 No.20903368



#25638 >>20903233@100

>>20903243 Federal Judge rules against dem plan to close infowars

>>20903270 Joe Biden is completely gone

>>20903278 DEI Conspiracy in Air Force

>>20903299 CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

>>20903306 Netanyahu Issues Warning To US Leaders Over ICC Arrest Warrants: 'You're Next'

>>20903324 DISGUSTING: Media Animals Physically Violate and Harass Christina Bobb Outside Court

>>20903325 China Initiates Large Drills 'Surrounding' Taiwan As Warning To New President Lai


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e8011e No.20903369

File: 7dfe6500ffe728d⋯.png (156.89 KB,531x503,531:503,ObamaMike.PNG)

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e51eed No.20903370


the point.

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81b519 No.20903371

>>20903233 DOUGH

>>20903368 Early notetaker notes

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095c8e No.20903373

File: a74c0cff66f5eee⋯.png (494.98 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

But, There's still Worms up your butt


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2d1b94 No.20903374

File: f316122a55b5062⋯.png (73.15 KB,146x199,146:199,ClipboardImage.png)

The Modern State of Israel

The most consequential move ever made by the U.S. Federal Government was its political, economic and military commitment to the apartheid state of Israel. In this context, it is actually the Modern State of Israel (MSI) that is joined at the hip with the United States, not the biblical Israelites of 2000 years ago. From this point forward, Israel will be referred to as the MSI so as to distinguish it completely from the 12 ancient tribes of pre-Christian Israel.

The critical point here is that the year 2017 reigns supreme in the history of both the Jewish people and the Modern State of Israel. As a matter of calendrical fact, September 20, 2017 marks the end of year 5777 according to the Hebrew calendar. Nevertheless, this discussion will primarily focus on the creation of the MSI which began in earnest in 1897 with the First Zionist Congress.

First Zionist Congress (Hebrew: הקונגרס הציוני הראשון‎‎) was the inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization (ZO) (to become the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1960) held in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897. 208 delegates and 26 press correspondents attended the event.[1]

It was convened[2] and chaired[3] by Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionism movement. The Congress formulated a Zionist platform, known as the Basel program, and founded the Zionist Organization. It also adopted the Hatikvah as its anthem (already the anthem of Hovevei Zion and later to become the national anthem of the State of Israel).[1]

There is no more fateful a day throughout the modern era than the First Zionist Congress. If ever there is a day that will live in infamy, it is this defining moment in 1897 when the worldwide Zionist movement became organized under one umbrella. Some have even written that Zionism was directly accountable for both World Wars as they ask: Did 70 Million Die So The Jews Could Have Palestine?

What follows is a general timeline of the development of the MSI from 1897 onward. If there is one thing that stands out it is that the most significant years end with the number “7”. This is by purposeful design, just as the Shemitah year occurs every 7 years within the modern and ancient Judaic tradition.

1897 + 50 years (jubilee) = 1947 (U.N. Mandate to establish the State of Israel)

1897 + 70 years (that number is found many places in the Bible) = 1967 (Israel captured E. Jerusalem and the temple mount) + 120 = 2017

1897 — (World Zionist Conference) + 120 years = 2017

1917 — (Balfour Declaration by the British allowing Jewish immigration into Palestine) + 100 years = 2017

1947 — (UN Mandate for Palestine allowing Israel to come into existence) + 70 years = 2017

1967 — (Israel captures East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount) + 50 years (jubilee) = 2017

1977 — (Anwar Sadat of Egypt flies to Israel and the “peace process” begins) + 40 years (a classic biblical generation) = 2017

1987 — (first Palestinian uprising [Intifadah]) + 30 years (used many places in the Bible-Jesus began his ministry at 30, David became king at 30) = 2017

2017 — 3 remaining Fall Feasts of the Hebrew Calendar (aka the MOEDIM—Trumpets, Atonement & Tabernacles)


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cf434c No.20903375

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,1DayPaper1.jpg)

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2decd2 No.20903376

File: 8ad1ae2cf6fee92⋯.jpg (187.46 KB,1612x988,31:19,BrandTheCommies.JPG)

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fef885 No.20903378

no one cares regardless.

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3be250 No.20903379

File: 06973a501da474b⋯.jpg (24.33 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault.jpg)

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e5157a No.20903380

File: b966a692008866c⋯.jpg (6.8 KB,182x277,182:277,2Q_23_.jpg)

File: 1ea935f743ba848⋯.png (6.22 KB,175x175,1:1,images_6_.png)

File: 01a591eec5de973⋯.jpg (483.1 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_155119….jpg)

File: f1a28e05d254a54⋯.jpg (12.23 KB,225x225,1:1,images_83_.jpg)

File: d17c270c207a921⋯.jpg (11.59 KB,259x194,259:194,images_84_.jpg)


The international brotherhood get off on beating down military and veterans.

They really are envious of and hateful toward u.s. military.

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fef885 No.20903381


appropriately written in crayon

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864e5a No.20903382


two moar weeks too

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125e7b No.20903383


how rude


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fef885 No.20903384



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7ea4dc No.20903385

File: 48fe13081e01691⋯.mp4 (473.73 KB,320x482,160:241,FuckYouSetToPianoMusic.mp4)

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81b519 No.20903386


invasions are always rude

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78494e No.20903387

File: f6db28d4632129c⋯.png (604.86 KB,741x440,741:440,f6db28d4632129cd64f4f7062c….png)

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fef885 No.20903388


when did night shift get a glow

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9dbc9b No.20903389


France "elected" Macron.

How's that working out for them?

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81b519 No.20903390


if you're staying, you could always bake.

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2d1b94 No.20903391

The Zio-Anglo-American Axis is represented, first and foremost, by the major English-speaking countries of the world: USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Israel. The European member nations of NATO, such as Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands are also closely aligned with the AAA as are all the Scandinavian countries. So are the Asian Pacific Rim nations of Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and the Philippines. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Kuwait, Jordan, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, and Qatar also owe their allegiance to the AAA but some of these may be changing (in red). The World Shadow Government is an ultra-secret, supranational organization which completely controls the Anglo-American Axis, as well as the European Union, NATO, among many other institutional entities which constitute the Global Control Matrix.

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55335a No.20903392

File: 0f416d664b234c6⋯.png (1.66 MB,1256x1081,1256:1081,ClipboardImage.png)

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2b4fa5 No.20903393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are (you) are chosen one?

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e2d8c0 No.20903394

File: acdc23d7f85d74f⋯.jpg (5.64 KB,298x169,298:169,images_85_.jpg)

File: 1d9f2c039539aca⋯.jpg (10.68 KB,275x183,275:183,images_89_.jpg)

File: 5da8b10d2ba5bf8⋯.jpg (10.81 KB,275x183,275:183,images_88_.jpg)

File: dc2c95893aca3b3⋯.jpg (15.18 KB,275x183,275:183,images_86_.jpg)

NOTE: This may be merely coincidence…

Hillary Clinton: U.S. Politics Could Use “Camps for …

www.nbcphiladelphia.com › news › hilla…

Mar 19, 2015 · Hillary Rodham Clinton says the nation's political class could use “camps for adults” to foster cooperation but too many leaders get backed …

Supreme Court skeptical of laws against unhoused …

www.sacbee.com › article287890765

camping Supreme court from www.sacbee.com

Apr 22, 2024 · The Supreme Court heard arguments on Monday over whether fining or arresting unhoused people who lack other shelter and camp in public areas …

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bb0a8d No.20903395


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125e7b No.20903396

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Billions Season 7 Official Trailer | The Final Season | SHOWTIME


119K subscribers

Jun 27, 2023

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cb265b No.20903397

There is no beard?

There are no beats.

Let the imposters bleat.

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095c8e No.20903398

File: da8e2dcb23737b2⋯.png (519.92 KB,707x514,707:514,ClipboardImage.png)

Here Come the Groypers


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e8716f No.20903400

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GM gimmy a Break: Learn to Program

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180bd6 No.20903401

Has anyone seen a black airplane with a camera on one wing?

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454a5c No.20903402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Holy Spirit is the power of the living God in us, enabling us to love and forgive, to endure, to persist. God bless the anons on this board, God bless President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America. MAGA


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bb0a8d No.20903403

enjoy hell

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2b4fa5 No.20903404


ThankQ Joe, we know you are Irish and not stupid, but your audience? Think about that…

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180bd6 No.20903406

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095c8e No.20903407


what day, what location, how high, how fast, which direction, whats the tailnumber?

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2d1b94 No.20903408

File: 1ee76afbde8f947⋯.png (1.61 MB,944x1398,472:699,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb0a8d No.20903409


wasnot fonting at you.

no black cameras.

only f35s.

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095c8e No.20903410

Hey Vatican…

What's Flynn's take on GAZA?

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bb0a8d No.20903412




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e2d8c0 No.20903413

File: bde10baaea67ed4⋯.png (1.54 MB,956x770,478:385,10d83cdfbd538b5b9119ce267f….png)

File: 7c12f9f41b04b99⋯.jpg (6.53 MB,4000x3000,4:3,57e15a6083fb2b21723524272d….jpg)

File: 9cd9e1d4d3a9c87⋯.jpg (6.91 KB,300x168,25:14,images_91_.jpg)

File: 3c7c87a82309fbe⋯.jpg (11.86 KB,311x162,311:162,images_92_.jpg)

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bb0a8d No.20903415

there is no money in it.

he does not have a take.

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095c8e No.20903416

on click

shell e x e c('lockherup.exe')

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b502f9 No.20903417

tea tree oil–tea trees

olive oil—ground olives

hemp oil – ground hemp seeds

thc oil—weed buds and leafs

neem oil—neem tree

crude oil—fossils ?????????????????

maybe crude oil was plants/trees/forests/jungles covered by dirt or water unable to dryout in oxagen and (ever seen a bag of leafs in a bag for long period of time? )

maybe years

could explain the fact more pil in ground now then 30 years ago

then again i could just be drunk

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bb0a8d No.20903418

pressed olives ye daft

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095c8e No.20903419


no way the Earth is flat and oil comes from CALCIUM BONES THAT GOD PUT A HALF MILE DOWN.

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bb0a8d No.20903420

earth is a maschine that makes all it needs.

you have been misled.

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095c8e No.20903421

Every time an animal dies in the forest God Snatches it and buries it a mile down.

Every time you go home after a Funeral, God Snatches the body and buries it a mile down.

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180bd6 No.20903422


Feb 2021.

I checked the flight trackers and it wasn’t squawking. It was pretty low went north overhead and then came back south, much much higher and disappeared from Canada back to Washington state. Just looking for any ideas about what it was.

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095c8e No.20903423


Le Machina

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f76542 No.20903424


Here's one for u. What if earth is really epsteins island? why did they have subs…ever been to epsteins island?

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b502f9 No.20903425


ok so who turns the sun off at night so it goes dark

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bb0a8d No.20903426


guess who the ghosts innit are.


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fe63b7 No.20903427

File: 09e058805681b9f⋯.mp4 (9.61 MB,1920x1080,16:9,MatrixNightShift.mp4)

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bb0a8d No.20903428


one does not read idiot.

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095c8e No.20903429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thats the BackBacon Express. it has Camera to scope out the BackBacon up in the Great White North

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bb0a8d No.20903430

File: 14dee4fd9612adb⋯.gif (635.17 KB,520x400,13:10,20240523_002049.gif)

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78494e No.20903431

File: b22e3a524c5b9cb⋯.jpg (171.23 KB,500x665,100:133,b22e3a524c5b9cbb562ff9604e….jpg)

File: f5f4c441c778907⋯.jpg (426.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,f5f4c441c7789078985b68a6da….jpg)

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b502f9 No.20903432


probley, slightly for sure

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0a8857 No.20903433

>>20902487 Vaccine History: Developments by Year(Lb) notable

Baker, this should sayRECENT Vaccine History

You must go much further than just 1970 if you want to understand this enemy of humanity.

“The smallpox vaccine developed by Jenner in 1798 was successfully introduced in France in 1800 with the support of Napoleon Bonaparte. ”

“•Two years after its discovery in 1798, the smallpox vaccine was introduced in France.

•A privately funded vaccine committee was established in 1800 to evaluate its value.

•An official vaccine society was established in 1804 to distribute the vaccine in France.

•Vaccination activities were supported by Napoleon Bonaparte.

•Different medals and tokens were issued to commemorate vaccine introduction.”


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8e2883 No.20903434


Rothschild and co. were able to get oil classified a certain way to exploit it. Oil forms naturally and it's not from bones, nor is it scarce. Many a time "dry" wells have been revisited and they are producing again.

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d7209b No.20903435

File: 872c38f0418a83e⋯.jpg (396.65 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240522_232314….jpg)

File: 6bf02975c711731⋯.jpg (407.66 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240522_232327….jpg)

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794880 No.20903436

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095c8e No.20903437


You head the Doors, yo know the day turns into night and night into the day, break on thru to the other side, break on thru to the other side Woooo

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bb0a8d No.20903438

File: ae911904529079b⋯.jpg (128.32 KB,506x626,253:313,20240523_002410.jpg)

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6046d4 No.20903439

File: cc0d123dd19cf96⋯.png (2.68 MB,1260x840,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump




Engoron’s $350+ Million Verdict Against President Trump Spells Doom For Business In New York, Ending Free Enterprise And…

Without the ability to commence free enterprise unencumbered by the law, it will only accelerate the bloodletting of business out of New York State.

May 22, 2024, 11:14 PM


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58609b No.20903440

File: f00a7bb350d8745⋯.jpg (107.68 KB,657x438,3:2,duner.jpg)

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9e3cb2 No.20903441


[Maybe oil is a crude joke

When free energy is hidden]

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b502f9 No.20903442


i know and you know and they know we know but this only place i can say we know without a knock at my door ya know

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bb0a8d No.20903443

olives are pressed for oil lo these many millenia.

there is no probability in it.

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bb0a8d No.20903444

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bb0a8d No.20903445


who tf told you that line of bullshit

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9e3cb2 No.20903446


[Yall are cute enjoying fiction shows

Like reality isn't a shitshow enough already]

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095c8e No.20903447


setup a nustar reactor and side drill

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454a5c No.20903448

File: 276ad291827283e⋯.png (461.23 KB,1172x866,586:433,Illegal_immigration_into_t….png)


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bb0a8d No.20903449

File: 8aa73b96f33d102⋯.jpg (38.59 KB,460x306,230:153,20240523_002916.jpg)

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b502f9 No.20903450



i think i unwittinly started an oil slide

kinda wierd not knowing who sliding around with but hey ima just gonna go with it

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b502f9 No.20903451


that line just sounded good in my head at the moment

well call it a fail

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561441 No.20903452

crude joke

almost funny

for a grifting war profiteer subject to uscode.

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9e3cb2 No.20903453


[Crude joke that energy needs to be paid for

When it could be limitless and free of cost]

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58609b No.20903454

File: 7db82b04d07022b⋯.jpg (107.02 KB,1200x800,3:2,pauloverhaul.jpg)


"I can make you famous"

Oh wait, I did already.

And I just did again annon.

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561441 No.20903455


just checking.

jim is no bar to federal visitation.

bad thing to spread.

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095c8e No.20903456

File: ccbeb5ef86a00f1⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB,720x1270,72:127,rio_vino_.mp4)


Fishing for corks.

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9e3cb2 No.20903457





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561441 No.20903458

you can say it is the jews hier.

they just put you on the list

but hell

everyone is on the list naow

<inb4mu plan

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561441 No.20903459


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b502f9 No.20903460


found ebot

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561441 No.20903461

you are going to be nuremberged

for exploiting civilians during wartime

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561441 No.20903462



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095c8e No.20903463

File: 52a30284af2a936⋯.mp4 (2.51 MB,720x1556,180:389,beam.mp4)


Energy = Life (without it you die)

Energy = Money (with energy you can create widgets and work and harvest)

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561441 No.20903464


think mirror


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44cb29 No.20903465

File: b51fe240905275c⋯.png (212.67 KB,552x599,552:599,ClipboardImage.png)


2320 Timestamp

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561441 No.20903466

File: 369487119a13a1c⋯.jpg (385.52 KB,2048x1240,256:155,20240523_004019.jpg)

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66d262 No.20903467

File: 7bba90e2380a3e2⋯.png (313.63 KB,622x557,622:557,ClipboardImage.png)

I love the smell of panic in DC


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b4cf3d No.20903468


I read it may have nothing to do with fossils - it maybe the result of extreme pressure - the are finding old wells are refilling themselves.

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454a5c No.20903469

File: dda7921a41a50a5⋯.png (3.89 MB,2880x1496,360:187,Nancy_s_dream_.png)

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561441 No.20903470

vedy vedy fookd

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b4cf3d No.20903471


About fucking time this criminals get a long stint at Gitmo.

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561441 No.20903472

you will not listen

bad for you.

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b502f9 No.20903473

love you fags for realz

you all keep me sain ish

imout got workfaging in morning


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9e3cb2 No.20903474



Didn't define my terms well enough

Anon isn't a material scientist, alchemist, electrician…

Aether is cool though 369]

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454a5c No.20903475

File: 4769df70c9a9e2c⋯.png (1.07 MB,1433x708,1433:708,_981_You_are_safe_Sleep_we….png)

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f8f47b No.20903476

Why does twatter (X) keep defaulting to dark mode no matter how many times I change it back to (racist) white?

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864e5a No.20903477



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e055e9 No.20903478

File: 9f1a02efcadaef1⋯.jpg (381.84 KB,1079x1085,1079:1085,Screenshot_20240523_075128….jpg)

File: 457f598c77aacff⋯.jpg (209.68 KB,1080x358,540:179,Screenshot_20240523_075216….jpg)


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66d262 No.20903479

File: e066800d963359c⋯.png (401.92 KB,623x567,89:81,ClipboardImage.png)


The loser can only prolong the game.


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77fb20 No.20903480

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)

File: 01286e9f442a35b⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,560x240,7:3,dayshift_crows.mp4)

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66d262 No.20903481

File: cfd6ee3dddf28b0⋯.png (189.11 KB,574x576,287:288,ClipboardImage.png)


Margo Martin



2:00AM and President @realDonaldTrump is still going 💪🏼

May 23, 2024 · 6:05 AM UTC


Night Shift in da house.

Godspeed sir.

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e055e9 No.20903482

File: 8e519add0de84ac⋯.jpg (1022.26 KB,1079x1784,1079:1784,Screenshot_20240523_075637….jpg)

File: bdd170412ea8459⋯.mp4 (1008.82 KB,360x640,9:16,436161544_967814488341161_….mp4)


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77fb20 No.20903483

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Leave former Marrines out of this.


not marines

Arm - Y

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66d262 No.20903484

File: 2aef01765ef71d0⋯.png (127.58 KB,593x527,593:527,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8fa45e8aa7d11d9⋯.jpg (213.05 KB,856x1232,107:154,media_GOPlZu5agAAubxK.jpg)


Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social



Deranged Jack Smith, together with his Team of Political Hacks and Thugs, were once again caught in a LIE in the Sham “Documents” Case, far less in importance or gravity than Joe Biden’s Document Case, for which he was fully exonerated on the basis of his TOTAL INCOMPETENCE. They said, in effect, that Biden is not capable of defending himself in Court, but could nevertheless run for President, if he wanted. An Exoneration like that I would not want. “The Deranged One,” Smith, badly wanted to hide his own GRAVE MISCONDUCT, but must have been prevented from doing so by an Honest and Patriotic Eyewitness. The Corruption of our Justice System has to be put to an end, and those responsible, including Crooked Joe Biden and those controlling him, have to be held to account. MAGA 2024!

Donald Trump Truth Social 12:24 AM 05/22/24


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af72e3 No.20903485

File: 51ae1b957426815⋯.png (560.9 KB,663x497,663:497,scbbydoo.png)

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58609b No.20903486

File: fc8084c528fe3b0⋯.webp (60.03 KB,1200x630,40:21,trump_biden_1200x630.webp)

Trump is now tied with Joe Biden in New Hampshire, according to new polling.

Years ago, this would not be surprising. New Hampshire used to be a red state, but decades of migration from liberals in Massachusetts who didn’t want to pay the taxes that they consistently voted for has turned the Granite State blue.

Maybe people in New Hampshire have finally had enough.


GO JOE, (just go away).

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13e49d No.20903487


Dan posting calm water pics


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8ade04 No.20903488


How aggressive of Taiwan to place their country in the middle of the Chinese exercise area.

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38eec8 No.20903489

Anyone else's Duckduckgo down?

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66d262 No.20903490

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6f1ec4 No.20903491

As the reality of the coming Russian victory over the combined NATO Leviathan has slowly dawned on the West, it has engendered a poignant shift in the increasingly high-pitched narrative. The comprador elite class has awakened to the fact that their global order is on the brink of dissolution, following Russia’s unclothing of their designs. The many decades of Gladio and other subversions are coming undone before our very eyes, as the dreams of a certain line of elite architects stretching back many generations are being washed away by the fitful birth of a new world.


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66d262 No.20903492

File: 60a82e9dd155732⋯.png (78.2 KB,878x439,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)




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e8716f No.20903493

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanx 3 letter agencies.

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78494e No.20903494

File: e779d3b1e798273⋯.jpg (161.34 KB,800x800,1:1,e779d3b1e798273a08367855f0….jpg)

File: e0966a1fe3f30af⋯.png (136.47 KB,320x240,4:3,e0966a1fe3f30af5599e2d4eaa….png)

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9e3cb2 No.20903495


[Spell check]

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78494e No.20903496

File: 053917b8d6ca4e9⋯.jpg (80.31 KB,1000x562,500:281,053917b8d6ca4e9490055f10a5….jpg)


Be gone clown, filtered!

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78494e No.20903497

File: 15ceb8666a038b4⋯.png (276.53 KB,612x408,3:2,15ceb8666a038b4c6d19957964….png)

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3cc929 No.20903498

File: 415f6b7c6d95287⋯.png (585.27 KB,658x499,658:499,IMG_5188.png)


> GO JOE, (just go away).

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1d65ce No.20903500

File: d61b61dbee5e0f9⋯.jpeg (299.58 KB,707x720,707:720,d61b61dbee5e0f91017d03394….jpeg)

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6f1ec4 No.20903501

File: 18305b392adb4c6⋯.png (120.34 KB,735x497,105:71,ClipboardImage.png)

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58609b No.20903502

File: c71a348581dd670⋯.jpeg (5.67 KB,312x200,39:25,V22.jpeg)


According to this article.

"Hooah!" It is uttered at Army award ceremonies, bellowed from formations, and repeated before, during, and after training missions. You can hear it shouted by Air Force Security Forces, Pararescue, and Combat Controllers. The word HOO-YAH is thundered out by Navy SEALs, Navy Divers, and Navy EOD, and by United States Marines who pronounce their motivational cheer as "OohRah!" All are said to be slightly different versions of each other.

So, where do the terms originate? The simple answer is that nobody knows, although there are dozens of theories. In fact, nobody can even agree on the correct spelling of these widely used military "words."

No matter how one might spell the word, it's an expression of high morale, strength, and confidence. And theories abound regarding its true origin. "

Learn More

By Stewart Smith

Stewart Smith

Author, Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Former Navy SEAL Officer

US Naval Academy

Stew Smith, CSCS, is a Veteran Navy SEAL Officer, freelance writer, and author with expertise in the U.S. military, military fitness, and its traditions.

Learn about our Editorial Process

Updated on 06/07/19

"Hooah!" It is uttered at Army award ceremonies, bellowed from formations, and repeated before, during, and after training missions. You can hear it shouted by Air Force Security Forces, Pararescue, and Combat Controllers. The word HOO-YAH is thundered out by Navy SEALs, Navy Divers, and Navy EOD, and by United States Marines who pronounce their motivational cheer as "OohRah!" All are said to be slightly different versions of each other.

So, where do the terms originate? The simple answer is that nobody knows, although there are dozens of theories. In fact, nobody can even agree on the correct spelling of these widely used military "words."

No matter how one might spell the word, it's an expression of high morale, strength, and confidence. And theories abound regarding its true origin.

Seminole Chief

One theory is that the word originated with the Second Dragoons in Florida as "hough" in 1841. In an attempt to end the war with the Seminoles, a meeting was arranged with the Indian Chief Coacoochee. After the meeting, there was a banquet.

Garrison officers made a variety of toasts, including "Here's to luck" and "The old grudge" before drinking. Coacoochee asked Gopher John, an interpreter, the meaning of the officers' toasts. Gopher John responded, "It means, How d'ye do.'"

The chief then lifted his cup above his head and exclaimed in a deep, guttural voice, "Hough."


"Oorah" in fact dates back to post-Korean War Recon Marines in the Pacific.

Though the use of Marines to survey landing sites for amphibious assaults dates back much further than World War II, small raiding units were formed during the war to gather information and intelligence on target beachheads. At places like Saipan, Tinian and Iwo Jima, Recon Marines scouted the beaches and inland areas in preparation for major landings.

Reconnaissance battalions disappeared after World War II but were reformed in platoon size during the Korean War. In 1953, company-size recon units were reactivated in Korea. One of these, the 1st Amphibious Reconnaissance Company, traveled to its landing areas via submarine. It was aboard these submarines that "oorah" was born.



Maybe anon didn't wear the marpat when saying/typing it.

Not trying to take any personal credit or anything.

But OohRah!!!

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c5e627 No.20903503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Listen ya little pervert, who hypnotized you into doing this

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c5e627 No.20903504


You’re a nasty woman

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66d262 No.20903505

File: 5f71ba48d12d023⋯.png (425.07 KB,619x467,619:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a580027ab4afc5a⋯.jpg (239.02 KB,620x536,155:134,putin_popcorn.jpg)




Jill Biden hosted a preview before Thursday evening's White House State Dinner for President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto of the Republic of Kenya.

May 23, 2024 · 5:00 AM UTC


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c5e627 No.20903506


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68d28e No.20903507

It’s time to wake up! We are going on a trip!

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c5e627 No.20903508

File: 1e76430cc7ef4e2⋯.jpeg (97.08 KB,544x865,544:865,IMG_1454.jpeg)


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9e3cb2 No.20903509



Gut microbiome]

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c5e627 No.20903510

Take another Xanax

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6f1ec4 No.20903511



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c5e627 No.20903512

File: 271d1a160d91de3⋯.webp (44.98 KB,1640x933,1640:933,IMG_1455.webp)

Fucking retard

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74db5e No.20903513

File: 1c5934302ec9b25⋯.jpeg (107.79 KB,828x601,828:601,D65106B1_6D5F_46AA_9F79_2….jpeg)

File: ea7ab2644612c82⋯.jpeg (183.68 KB,828x997,828:997,33370302_8F4D_4FCE_BA9F_6….jpeg)

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08a7a6 No.20903514


>You must go much further than just 1970 if you want to understand this enemy of humanity.

for a fairly long time, the smallpox vax was the only vax

and it wasn't "invented," it was "discovered"

it was observed that people who had gotten the related cowpox were immune to smallpox

the original smallpox vax was simply deliberate infection with related natural virus, cowpox

and it WORKED

beware of shills fabricating PHONY conspiracies, in order to discredit the real conspiracies that are being exposed

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58609b No.20903515

File: dcd0ad90af099f9⋯.jpeg (544.3 KB,1920x1080,16:9,O.jpeg)


Forgot HI was last on the list, did ya Anon?

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47c027 No.20903516


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47c027 No.20903517


Your HRN is spot on. Did you catch the absolute seethe fest from mic drop and cat pig Turd II last night? It was glorious.

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c5e627 No.20903518

Q I’m gonna kill this bitch I swear to God what the fuck are you doing

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2d1b94 No.20903519


CCP is run from Taiwan, Li Clan

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c5e627 No.20903520

I’m going blind I have digestion she’s absolutely trying to kill me

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2d1b94 No.20903521

Here it is the first nest exposed

Dozens of Tasmanian public servants under internal investigation due to adverse findings of child sexual abuse inquiry

Tasmania's Commission of Inquiry (COI) identified 22 public servants who had allegedly committed child sexual abuse, and 42 who failed to take proper steps to prevent abuse or act on allegations.

More than six months after the COI report was handed down, 28 are still employed and under internal investigation, while 20 left before an investigation could be finished.


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c5e627 No.20903522

Fucking weird cunt. “Investigate” fuck that I want her scalp

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fc7ce9 No.20903523


Go to bed. You are losing it.

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e69340 No.20903524


GM! Woot Woot!

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58609b No.20903525

File: 478a6be8ff47543⋯.webp (36.58 KB,1015x571,1015:571,4e1103ec_2d4f_4f6d_a0c4_2….webp)

The Kaneohe Bay Range Training Facility is located in the northeastern corner of Marine Corps Base Hawaii in the Ulupa'u Crater. Nestled downrange just outside of the impact area are approximately 2,500 federally protected tree-dwelling seabirds.

The crater hosts two competing priorities. One is the mission to train Marines in the use of their combat weapons and to maintain their combat readiness. The other is conservation of natural resources present in the crater, which in this case means protecting one of only two Red-footed booby colonies on the main Hawaiian Islands.

As we look to the future, the delicate balance remains between keeping Marines operationally ready and providing stewardship of our natural and cultural resources for years to come.

Every year, over 10,000 Marines, Soldier, Sailors, Federal Law Enforcement Agents, and reservists use the approximately 160 acre Ulupa'u Crater to engage in weapons training, including small arms, and heavy weapons. Located in the heart of the range sits the 25 acre Ulupa’u Head Wildlife Management Area (WMA), a nesting site for Migratory Bird Protection Act (MBTA) protected Red-footed Boobies, or 'ā. These seabirds seem oblivious to the millions of rounds flying down range, and over the years have proven to be remarkably resilient. That does not make them immune to bullets. Seabirds should never be used as target practice. The intentional killing of wildlife is punishable by law and could potentially lead to the permanent closure of the range.

Red-footed Boobies are the smallest of three species of boobies that nest in the main Hawaiian Islands. Adults have a wingspan of about 40 inches, are white with black wingtips, sport a blue bill and have distinctive red feet. They, as well as other species of Hawaiian seabirds, are protected by state laws and the federal MBTA, which was established in 1918 to combat over-hunting and poaching that supplied the commercial trade of migratory birds. Per the MBTA, the intentional pursuit, hunting, taking, capture, killing, or selling of migratory birds is punishable with up to a year in jail and a fine up to $10,000 per bird.

The Booby is not alone in its Ulupa'u Crater residency. The albatross, or Mōlī, is a ground nesting seabird that intermittently visits the crater from October to late spring. If you spot an albatross on the range, report it to Range Control so that proper steps can be taken to insure the safety of this federally protected seabird.



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c5e627 No.20903526

Biden you’re a fucking faggot too

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c5e627 No.20903527


You’re gaslighting as usual you fucking creep.

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2d1b94 No.20903528

File: 324d48d813dd0fc⋯.png (319.93 KB,321x375,107:125,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d1b94 No.20903529

File: 79e838d06160553⋯.png (2.81 MB,1080x2220,18:37,ClipboardImage.png)

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614fa4 No.20903530


What drugs are you on today?

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6f1ec4 No.20903531

File: 060b9843bf3e5e9⋯.png (382.82 KB,514x480,257:240,ClipboardImage.png)

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58609b No.20903532

File: d766ef16ebe4de8⋯.jpg (27.93 KB,800x450,16:9,ewefwef.jpg)

Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

The senators claimed the reason for the State Department's interference was because of ongoing negotiations related to the Obama administration's Iran nuclear deal, which former President Barack Obama signed in 2015.

Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson unveiled evidence on Wednesday that former Secretary of State John Kerry's State Department "actively interfered" with the FBI's attempts to arrest people suspected of being in the United States illegally to support Iran's efforts to create weapons of mass destruction.

Whistleblowers allegedly told the senators and shared unclassified documents with them that supported their claims, and showed that the Justice Department and FBI did not "failed to take the necessary steps to stop Kerry’s obstructive efforts against law enforcement," according to Fox News.

The senators claimed the reason for the State Department's interference was because of ongoing negotiations related to the Obama administration's Iran nuclear deal, which former President Barack Obama signed in 2015.

“The records provided to our offices show that the Obama/Biden administration’s State Department, under the leadership of John Kerry, actively and persistently interfered with FBI operations pertaining to lawful arrests of known terrorists, members of Iranian proliferation networks, and other criminals providing material support for Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs,” the senators wrote in letters to the State and Justice Departments, and the FBI. “The records also show that DOJ and FBI leadership apparently allowed it to happen until the Trump administration altered course.”  


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13e49d No.20903533

File: ce10825331a5c9e⋯.png (251.41 KB,757x693,757:693,Screen_Shot_2024_05_22_at_….png)

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c5e627 No.20903534


Gaslighting again

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c5e627 No.20903535

I’m assuming the CIA agent that “randomly” popped up at a bar I frequented and “coincidentally” followed me into the bathroom has nothing to do with trying to torture me right now what so ever. Fucking cunt.

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8b132d No.20903536


Well you seem crazy as fuck, so I will allow an “eye” on you.

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920816 No.20903537

File: 7f7c1b9c0213567⋯.png (168.65 KB,658x548,329:274,Screen_Shot_2024_05_23_at_….png)

Next bioweapon just dropped:

A Michigan farmworker is diagnosed with bird flu in case tied to dairy cows (npr.org) | Airborne rabies?


> The virologists I know are much more concerned about this than they were about covid. I guess it's presenting neurological symptoms in bears/small mammals. Last fall there was a rash of small mammals showing rabies signs, that were euthenised that wound up negative for rabies, so they're now retesting them for this influenza.

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2d1b94 No.20903538


One in Australia yesterday too some kid returning from India

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c5e627 No.20903539

File: 97139ee1a69867a⋯.mp4 (9.19 MB,IMG_1459.mp4)

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74db5e No.20903540

File: 5255e590e33b51e⋯.jpeg (176.9 KB,828x828,1:1,175A3383_820E_41F7_B806_5….jpeg)

File: 8a0440e1fbd5db2⋯.jpeg (477.09 KB,828x1060,207:265,39C6F51C_2F40_4DFB_B1F4_F….jpeg)


Funny that.

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4094bb No.20903541

so..how are things here on the Q+ board??

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13e49d No.20903542

File: 4e5aebb45dbd493⋯.jpg (9.24 KB,195x259,195:259,ed1b2f6b823c956f0d639eb90a….jpg)


>A Michigan farmworker is diagnosed with bird flu in case tied to dairy cows

Time to order another half a cow.

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0e0e09 No.20903543

>>20903541 top.

Nigel Farage says he will not stand in general election in bombshell announcement

The former Ukip leader said he has decided to help with Donald Trump’s re-election bid in the US instead


Farage standing up for the cause.

Top man

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2d1b94 No.20903544

File: 140f36e3f1c01bb⋯.png (234.78 KB,540x304,135:76,ClipboardImage.png)

‘We’re next!’ US senator warns about ICC

A group led by Lindsey Graham has urged sanctions against The Hague-based court

“We – hopefully, together – will find a way to register our displeasure with the ICC because if they’ll do this to Israel, we’re next,” Graham said on Tuesday, at a Senate appropriations subcommittee hearing where US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was testifying.

“Yeah, you can clap all you want,” Graham replied, as a group of protesters in the chamber began to applaud at his “we’re next” comment.

He argued that the US needs to impose sanctions against the ICC “to not only help our friends in Israel but protect ourselves over time,” noting that the court “tried to come after our soldiers in Afghanistan, but reason prevailed.”


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2d1b94 No.20903545

Beijing launches ‘punishment’ drills around Taiwan

China’s army, navy, rocket and air forces will practice “precision strikes on key targets”

The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has kicked off a series of joint exercises around Taiwan designed to serve as a “punishment” and “warning” to separatist forces seeking independence of the island, it announced in a press release on Thursday.

The drills will coordinate the PLA’s army, navy, air force and rocket force in the Taiwan Strait, taking place in several directions around Taiwan and its outlying islands on Thursday and Friday, military spokesperson Li Xi declared.

The exercises will focus on combined sea-air combat-readiness patrol, capture of battlefield control, and joint precision strikes on key targets, Li stated. The drills will practice closing in on areas around Taiwan, as well as operations inside and outside the island chain to test real combat capabilities, he said.

The Chinese military said the exercise is designed to serve as a “strong punishment for the separatist acts of ‘Taiwan independence’ forces,” as well as a “stern warning against the interference and provocation by external forces."

In response, the Taiwanese Defense Ministry deployed aircraft, navy vessels, and coastal missile systems to monitor the PLA forces, condemning the surprise drills as jeopardizing regional stability.

Taiwan was the last refuge of the nationalist forces during the Chinese Civil War in the 1940s, and has since remained de facto autonomous, referring to itself as the Republic of China, and allied with the US. Beijing seeks the peaceful reintegration of the island, but makes the provision that it could use military force should Taipei officially declare independence.

In a speech on Monday, the newly-inaugurated Taiwanese president, Lai Ching-te, urged Beijing to “face the reality of the Republic of China’s existence” and “engage in cooperation with the legal government chosen by Taiwan’s people.” He added that Taipei and Beijing are “not subordinate to each other.”

Beijing has slammed the statements as provocative and separatist. Chen Binhua, a spokesperson for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, accused Lai of “collusion” and acting as a “pawn” to external forces, promising to “counteract and punish them.”


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402952 No.20903546

File: d5e1092c6624899⋯.png (358.61 KB,750x378,125:63,d5e133.png)

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6f1ec4 No.20903547

File: 50dfe7b3278fb8d⋯.png (584.49 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d1b94 No.20903548

File: b97f11fcfc7277b⋯.png (352.17 KB,660x422,330:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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3eae51 No.20903549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Climate scam explained and debunked.

Excellent video - "The Cold Truth"- 1:19:53

Updated 4k version

Send it to the climate freaks in your life.

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6f1ec4 No.20903550

File: 3df0f96d3f6bf7c⋯.png (656.72 KB,798x801,266:267,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d1b94 No.20903551

The word "serpent" makes its next appearance in Exo. 4:3 and 7:15 in which it is nachash. It is written

without bars and dots under the last two characters. Written thus. and close study of the chapters, we

know the word means Divine. Then why did Moses run from it?. The fire in the burning bush in Exo. 3

was Divine, yet it aroused his curiosity which brought a warning from God. We know that fire was

Divine, because it is "esh" in the Hebraic. It was the manifestation of Jehovah's Power being translated

into the material plane. It was a corona of cosmic electricity similar to the corona observed at night

around a copper transmission line carrying 100,000 or more volts of electricity. In the vicinity of that

bush was generated a tremendous field of cosmic energy. That is the reason Jehovah told Moses to

remove his shoes—so he would be thoroughly grounded and would not be spiritually-electrocuted. Or,

as the text says, the ground was holy. The Hebraic for that word "holy" is qodesh, or a sanctuary.

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e8716f No.20903552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Greets from Marc v Ranst (Belgium)


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402952 No.20903553

File: 143b56f7e43d778⋯.png (656.13 KB,630x466,315:233,143b56f7e43d778a382804c617….png)

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2d1b94 No.20903554

A relative of theirs exalted himself as God in India in 600 B. C. He was the King of the Naga, or

Serpent, race in that land. Since time immemorial, the King of the Serpent race has been the current

eldest son of the eldest son of the original Crown Prince of Hell. He was worshipped as Lucifer yet

called God. The record of the one exalting himself as God in 600 B.C. is the first secular record of the

exaltation in India, whereas his record in the Hindu Scriptures goes back to about 35,000 B. C. when

Enoch of the Adamic line of Seth says in his Messianic Prophecy Satan first came out of the dimension

of spirit a counterfeit material Beast making his appearance amidst man contrary to Divine Law. Isa.

14:29 is so big we have to stand at a distance and observe it from Psa. 58:3, 4 on through the Book of

Revelations and verify it by the Serpent's own record.

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402952 No.20903555

CIA prevented investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer, new IRS whistleblower docs say

The new trove of documents released Wednesday provide details about the CIA’s intervention in the Hunter Biden investigation. From how high up did the orders come?

A new cache of documents from the IRS whistleblowers released Wednesday by the House Ways and Means Committee show how the Central Intelligence Agency directly intervened to prevent the IRS investigators from interviewing Hunter Biden lawyer and benefactor Kevin Morris.

The CIA’s involvement in the case was first suggested in earlier this year when the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees wrote a letter to Director William Burns that revealed impeachment investigators had at least one whistleblower who alleged the spy agency tried to interfere with a witness interview in the case, Just the News previously reported.

"According to the whistleblower, in August 2021, when IRS investigators were preparing to interview Patrick Kevin Morris, an associate of Hunter Biden, the CIA intervened to stop the interview," Chairmen Jim Jordan and James Comer wrote. "Two DOJ officials were allegedly summoned to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia for a briefing regarding Mr. Morris. At that meeting, it was communicated that Mr. Morris could not be a witness during the investigation.”

The new documents show IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler provided documents to the committee detailing the CIA’s intervention.



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402952 No.20903556


CIA Blocked Probe Into Hunter's Hollywood Tax 'Sugar Brother': Whistleblower

A trove of new whistleblower documents provided to House GOP investigators reveal, among other things, that the CIA prevented federal investigators from pursuing Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris as a witness in their investigation of Hunter Biden.

We've known about the CIA connection since March, when the Chairmen of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, Jim Jordan (R-OH) and James Comer (R-KY) said that a whistleblower has brought them information that 'seems to corroborate our concerns' that the CIA directly interfered with DOJ and IRS investigations of Hunter Biden.

According to a whistleblower, the CIA "intervened in the investigation of Hunter biden to prevent the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) from interviewing a witness," the letter, addressed to CIA Director William Burns, reads.

Specifically, the Committees were concerned at how "the DOJ deviated from its standard processes to afford preferential treatment to Hunter Biden," which they learned "after two brave whistleblowers testified to Congress" that the Justice Department had done just that.

"DOJ officials restricted what investigative steps the investigators could pursue, tipped off Hunter Biden’s attorneys about investigative steps, and even prevented investigators from conducting witness interviews. The whistleblowers’ testimony about the preferential treatment provided to Hunter Biden has been corroborated by testimony from other witnesses and documents the Committees have received."

And now we know who that witness is…

In a Wednesday statement, the House Ways and Means Committee wrote that whistleblower documents indicate "In 2021, Assistant U.S. District Attorney Leslie Wolf told investigators they could not pursue Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris as a witness based on information she received from the CIA. Investigators were never provided the same information that AUSA Wolf received."

"From whistleblower-provided evidence, we know Hunter Biden and his business associates made millions from selling access to Joe Biden and the quote ‘brand’ that is Joe Biden around the world. We know President Biden’s denials of any knowledge or involvement are not true," reads the letter. "We know the Department of Justice tried to undermine, stonewall, and block the investigation into the Biden family, including President Biden."



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2d1b94 No.20903557

Satan's Serpent race bobs up again in Job 26. He is the same breed as the one in Isa. 14:29.Another

track is observed in Job 24 as the low chicanery of Satan's vampire race whom Job calls "he"

occasionally, and "he" is Satan as Bildad's god. Bildad and his companions are Cainite Sabine-Serpent

mongrels. Another Snake track is observed in Job's 25th chapter where Bildad is praising Satan

andcondemning God. He says to Job: "How then can man be justified with God?". So, come on over to

Satan's house, Job. His light of the Luciferian Doctrine shines on all good men. God even looks with

scorn on the moon and stars, but Satan is wiser—he worships them. How can God love a man who God

looks on as a worm and the son of a worm? But Job answered and said, "How have you (Bildad) helped

him that is without power? How save you the arm that has no strength? Dead things are formed from

under the waters, and (from under) the inhabitants thereof" (Job 26: 1, 2, 5)

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402952 No.20903558

Expert warns Sweden is on the ‘brink of civil war’ as country has been gripped by migrant violence

Sweden is bordering on “civil war” as the country has become gripped by migrant violence, according to a leading expert.

Göran Adamson, a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Uppsala University, told Express.co.uk that his country was becoming a “capital of violence” – partly due to a wave of suspected criminals moving there.

According to official figures from the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention (Brå), the number of fatalities a year per million from gun violence is more than double the European average.

In 2017, there were 281 shootings in Sweden and by 2022 that number had grown to 391, 62 of which were fatal. According to the Office for National Statistics, in the UK there were 28 people killed by shooting in the year ending March 2022.

That means the Swedish rate of death by shooting was more than twice that of the UK, despite Sweden having a population less than a sixth the size. Most startlingly, in 2022 the gun murder rate in Stockholm was around 30 times that of London, despite having a population of less than a million.

Speaking to Express.co.uk from Berlin, Mr Adamson said that the main pockets of the violence in the Swedish capital aren’t found in the centre of the city, but in residential neighbourhoods.

“It’s terrifying. You can barely believe it,” he said. “That has mainly to do with the suburbs of Stockholm because some of these suburbs are extremely violent and so forth. So things are getting worse.”

A research paper he published in 2020 shows a link between the sharp uptick in crime and the marked increase in immigration into the country.

He found that in 2017, 58 percent of those “suspected of crime on reasonable grounds” had migrated to Sweden. However for murder, attempted murder and manslaughter the figures swelled to 73 percent. The corresponding data for robbery was 70 percent.


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2d1b94 No.20903559

Isa. 27:1 says: "In that day the Lord with His sore and great sword shall punish leviathan the piercing

serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and He shall slay the dragon that is in the sea".That word

"piercing" is bariach in the Hebraic. It is synonymous with the word "flying" in Isa.14:29. The word

"serpent" is nachash, and it is written originally with bars and dots to prove it is the Serpent race of

Jews, The word "dragon" is tannin. It means a great sea serpent. The word"sea" is yam. It means west,

west side, western, westward.

One observes, therefore, that particular sea is not a sea of water. Instead, it is the people of

Christendom, which is further denoted in the time measurement of "the Day of the Lord" which is

Armageddon. The latter is a place and an era. The era is the 40-year "day" of Jacob's Trouble brought

out of the lowest depths of the dimension of spirit by Jewry's Era of Kali. It began in1913 and ends in

1953. In the near future we will see the Day of the Lord in which Satan's Serpent race of Jews will be

annihilated in Christendom. It is inevitable so Israel can sweep out and cleanup the Kingdom of God

before the beginning of the Millenial Reign of our Lord Christ Jesus on the Throne of David, which is

the Throne of England today. The annihilation is also portray edin Isa. 34:5, 6 in which the Jew is

clearly mentioned by name—Idumea; Ezek. 35:15; 36:5; Zech.14:21 where he again is mentioned by

name—Canaanite; and Rev. 20:1-3.We observed the dragon in Isa. 27:1 is a "tinnin", or a great sea

serpent. Then, in Exodus. 7:9,10, 12 the word "serpent" is also tannin, but it means a howling dragon

(lizzard). Inasmuch as he is pronounced in the Hebraic the same as Isaiah's sea serpent, then both

creatures are shaped the same, yet one lives on land and the other in water. The one in Isa. 27:1 is

symbolical yet the other is a living lizard, and because the leviathan, serpent and dragon in Isa. 27:1 are

one reptile symbolized as being shaped like a lizard, then, when we observe the leviathan in Job 41:1;

Pha.74:14; 104:26 has the same meaning as the one in Isa. 27:1, we know David and Job are referring

to a crocodile.

Moreover, when we denote the word "leviathan" also means mourning and crying;and the word

"piercing" is synonymous with the "flying" in Isa. 14:29, then, leviathan is further revealed to be a

crocodile. Thus, we observe Isaiah in symbolizing the Serpent race of Jews have attributes similar to

crocodiles: When his slithering chicanery backfires in his face, when a nation wakes up to the fact that

it has been sabotaged and destroyed by Jews, who were admitted into the nation so asto find sanctuary

from persecution and destruction, the crying, moaning Jew sheds "crocodile"tears in efforts to win

sympathy and pity from the betrayed people driving him root and. Branch from among them. He flees

from the justified punishment and sheds more "crocodile" tears at the gates of another nation while

crying and moaning his age-old lamentation that he is a homeless refugee fleeing from punishment

piled on for no reason than that he is a Jew

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2d1b94 No.20903560

Jeremiah's prophecy was fulfilled in 566 B. C. when the Luciferian priesthood succeeded in

consummating the great Babylonian Empire through King Nebuchadnezzer II. The 29th throught he

32nd chapters of Ezekial prophesy the same episode. In all the annals of history while the Serpents

murdered and robbed one another God used them to destroy their own evilness so as to prevent them

from becoming too strong. God placed Nebuchadnezzer II on the Throne of Babylon in order to destroy

the Devil in Tyrus (Ezek.28:12-19) and imprison the insane Pharaoh Uahabra of Egypt so the King of

Babylon could incorporate all western Asiatic civilization into one empire and set the stage to raise up

the branch of Satan in whose house his sceptre would be broken and God would not permit him toreestablish a World Empire.

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2d1b94 No.20903561

Anyone hearing the Message of Christ yet turns from Him to the Serpent's Luciferian Doctrine will be

destroyed by the Serpent in accordance with II Cron. 10:9. The Serpent there is anophis. One taking

that deadly thing to one's bosom renounces spiritual life, because the portions of the Luciferian

Doctrine (ophis) which the Serpent race (the Ophites) permits us to see seems so logical it appears to be

the true way of spiritual salvation.

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2d1b94 No.20903562

Enoch of the Adamic line of Seth says in his Messianic Prophecy the Devil came out of the dimension

of spirit about 41,000 years ago. He did it on his own accord, and God did not create him, yet Col. 1:16

says God created everything, and John 1:3 says: "All things were made by Him; and without Him was

not anything made that was made". That is true. God, however, did not create the Devil! Therefore, he

and his counterfeit race of Jews are unrealities as a lie and an error in the tangible form of humans

(John 8:44), God, however, created Lucifier, yet he died when he failed to conform in accordance with

Divine Law, and the spiritual deadness became Satan, or God's adversary. He was then thrust out from

the Throne of God in the high planes of spirit, or heaven, to the lowest depths of the dimension of

spirit. He was totally cut off from God and he thought of ways of getting revenge, yet he could not

touch God in any manner. Therefore, he came out of the pit of spiritual upside downness to the material

plane without God's approval in order to get revenge against God by spiritually and physically-killing

man, because man's Life Force is of God and by killing man the pain would also hurt God.

When he was in the pit he was intangible spiritual evilness, yet when he transposed himself to the

material plane he was tangible flesh, yet counterfeit because he was in no manner a part of God and the

transposition was in direct violation of Divine Law. Gen. 14:18 gives a relative picture of the situation

in which God's Christ-Son of Righteousness as Melchizedek stepped out of the dimension of spirit to

renew His Covenant with father Abrahamin the sacrament ritual. He came into the material plane in

accordance with Divine Law, because that Law is in His Being. He was real and as tangible as

Abraham. The wine and bread He brought out of the dimension of spirit was also real and tangible. He

and Abraham ate the bread and drank the wine. In Gen. 19:1-22 is the record of two of the archangels

who stepped out of the dimension of spirit into the material plane in the interest of Lot and his family.

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402952 No.20903563

File: 0e52d719f8a0bc7⋯.png (119.41 KB,317x298,317:298,1891d0e52d719f8a0bc777ddc3….png)

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2d1b94 No.20903564

In Acts 1:11 are two of the archangels talking to the disciples of Christ after the latter passed back into

the spiritual plane after His resurrection from death. He passed back into the spiritual plane in the same

Body His disciples loved, walked and talked with, ate and drank with, and that which was pierced on

the cross. Yet, at the moment of ascension His Powers of the Cosmos changed the vibratory impulses of

the Spiritual Energy of which His Body was made, and the intensity of vibration changed Him to

tangible, visible Spirit as He presented Himself to James, Peter and John in Matt, 17.The record,

therefore, proves when it became necessary for God's Christ-Son of Righteousness and His archangels

to come into the material plane in accordance with Divine Law, all that was necessary was merely to

change the wave length of the Spiritual Energy of which they are made,and the lowering of the

vibratory impulses made them visible to human eyes without discomfort,and they were as tangible as

any human. They ate, they breathed and they had all the prerogatives of man; and because they were in

direct communication with the Eternal Father, they could step into the material plane and back into the

spiritual plane with impunity.

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6f1ec4 No.20903565

File: 5631efe7fb93c5b⋯.png (920.15 KB,1200x628,300:157,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f47d2 No.20903566

File: dc4c1586ad9977e⋯.webp (51.35 KB,1024x1024,1:1,forlorn_pepe_ai.webp)


>>20902166 @JamesOKeefeIII BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force

Because muh military is the only way…

Gullible faggots.

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64815f No.20903567

File: c103decb3f1b680⋯.png (942.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,c103decb3f1b6806b234e073ee….png)


>GM Woot

You do realize you will now get grouped in with me and labeled as a "paid posting deep state shill trying to normalize a 2 letter handshake between 3 letters across multiple platforms because you're angry that your muhjoo shillery was deleted by BVs" by the highest ranking mic drop projection retard. It's a badge of honor though.

Good morning.

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6f1ec4 No.20903568

File: 930fb8de7345271⋯.png (423.73 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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6f1ec4 No.20903569

File: 24db9108fe7f174⋯.png (452.54 KB,916x765,916:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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ac455f No.20903570


>so..how are things here on the Q+ board??

(((Q+))) board is a bunch of gatekeeping Jews and Minions. Truth about demons spawn are not allowed.

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2d1b94 No.20903571


Yalkut 245c

Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.

Zohar, Shemoth

Tob shebbe goyyim harog - Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.

* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)

* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)

* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)

In Zohar, II, (64b) it says:

"…People who worship idols, and who are called cow and ass, as it is written: I have a cow

and an ass…"

Rabbi Bechai, in his book Kad Hakkemach, ch. I, beginning with the word Geulah—redemption—

referring to Psalm 80, v. 13: The boar out of the wood doth waste it, says:

"The letter ain is dropped [suspended] the same as these worshippers are followers of him

who was suspended."

Mas. Shabbath 31b

On the house of the Goy [Goy means unclean, and is the disparaging term for a non-Jew] one looks as

on the fold of cattle.

Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b

When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.

In Midrasch Talpioth (fol. 225d) it says:

"God created them in the form of men for the glory of Israel. But Akum were created for the

sole end of ministering unto them [the Jews] day and night. Nor can they ever be relieved

from this service. It is becoming to the son of a king [an Israelite] that animals in their

natural form, and animals in the form of human beings should minister unto him."

We can quote here also what is said in Orach Chaiim, 57, 6a:

"If pigs are to be pitied when they suffer from disease, because their intestines are similar to

ours, how much more should the Akum be pitied when thus affected."(49)

(49) In Taanith (21b) it says: "How much more the Nokhrim since they are similar to


Rabbi Edels, in commenting on Kethuboth (110b) says:

"The Psalmist compares the Akum to the unclean beast in the woods."

Sanhedrin 59a

To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against


A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.

Gad. Shas. 2:2

A boy-goy after nine years and one day old, and a girl after three years and one day old, are considered


Pereferkowicz, Talmud t.v., p. 11

They decreed in connection with a heathen child that it should cause defilement by seminal emission so

that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to commit pederasty with him…. It is therefore to

be concluded that a heathen girl [communicates defilement] from the age of three years and one day,

for inasmuch as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux. This is obvious!

Avodah Zarah 36b-37a

R. Joseph said: Come and hear! A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by

coition [intercourse], and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her, she becomes his. The

penalty of adultery may be incurred through her; [if a niddah] she defiles him who has connection with

her, so that he in turn defiles that upon which he lies, as a garment which has lain upon [a person

afflicted with gonorrhoea].

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64815f No.20903572

File: 7ff57e0685c55d2⋯.jpg (295.42 KB,732x1024,183:256,7ff57e0685c55d2e66f37391a1….jpg)


WH is known for habbing the worst AMA of all time.

Change muh mind.

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2d1b94 No.20903573


Sanhedrin 55b

Rab said: Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above

that. Samuel said: Pederasty with a child below three years is not treated as with a child above that.24

(24) I.e., Rab makes nine years the minimum; but if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age,

no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three the minimum.

Sanhedrin 54b

Raba said. It means this: When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when

the girl is less than this [three years old], it is as if one puts the finger into the eye; but when a small

boy has intercourse with a grown-up woman he makes her as 'a girl who is injured by a piece of


Kethuboth 11b

[This debate concerns whether or not someone is a virgin. Virginity is prized above all, such that it is

believed that a girl under the age of three will regain her virginity, even if a man has had intercourse

with her. (Fn. 7 says, in regard to putting "the finger into the eye": "I.e., tears come to the eye again and

again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.") Since virginity is prized above

all, one could assume that this conclusion has allowed grown men to have sex with little girls with

immunity. A grown-up woman is not deflowered by having sex with a small boy, however, since he is

only like a "piece of wood."]

Menachoth 43b-44a

[A "prayer" or "benediction" to be said by a Jewish man every day: "Thank God for not making me a

Gentile, a woman or a slave."]

Do not save Goyim in danger of death.

Show no mercy to the Goyim.

Hilkkoth Akum X1

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3e6b1f No.20903574


The scale of the foliage on the first earth created all the oil we could ever need.

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6f1ec4 No.20903575

File: 0454f3173ca7e1d⋯.png (53.2 KB,247x255,247:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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7f47d2 No.20903576

File: 47c47cfe3733f88⋯.jpg (167.68 KB,608x626,304:313,pepe_blush_motherfucker_no….jpg)


Just for the memes and the keks, fren.

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ac455f No.20903577


Jew being filtered early.

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133f40 No.20903578

It had become about them projecting crap trying to frame anyone they can that is a Trump supporter. Patriot Front group types. This must be a government run operations as they are going for no production. Lol

They must have a large budge as it seems these types of no production is what gets the most funding.

Always now like this… the idea is voter manipulation. This is one area or way they are trying to intimidate people like the gang thugs they really are… it continues to be crazy weird threats that I’d you support Trump we will continue to harass you. This now seems to be the center of the gas lighting. Some times even using Trump images and so on with MK Ultra bs going on.

The message is clear the mob does not want people to support Trump and if you do they will harass you. Saying they are controlled oppression and really trying to motivate people by harassing them.

I am not going to vote due to the massive amount of voter intimidation I am facing from these people as well as the election was stole and well void in my mind.

No reason to vote in a fake election… this sight has now served as understanding how corrupt the government is and how far they are willing to go to try to act like they want people to organize to frame them in some type of way as an organized group…

Continues to be they are the board playing both sides constantly saying they are the “best.”

There is no good or bad here but which ever way they think they can get a reaction to try to gain information that they can then frame people with… as extremist simply because they voted for Trump.

Personally now this has become like the rest of the news just fake… kinda said but no one will do anything because the board people are likely in on it as the idea is being the board. They don’t care about good or bad they just want to push and pull in what ever way trying to play god with technology. It is the Government and they are going to abuse the people as much as they can until they can’t anymore.

Lurking and very little at that is now how I take what is going on.

The fact they can edit numbers or other bs only shows they control the foundational aspects of the board. It is as if antifa and blm are taking over as faketriots…

Or paytriots lol

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2d1b94 No.20903579

File: ae24a344e804188⋯.png (369.75 KB,448x372,112:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a78ab No.20903580

File: 59ae09cde963b7a⋯.jpeg (261.67 KB,1671x769,1671:769,IMG_0968.jpeg)

Any Anon having issue with Search Engines this morning?

Bing and DuckDuckGo currently not working in UK

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3e6b1f No.20903581


I will never forgive this song for denying Ultravox the number one spot. NEVER!

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3ccb55 No.20903582

File: e89ddaf644ec3fc⋯.png (839.08 KB,1200x1411,1200:1411,frog_eye.png)

this is a frog eye

the frog is the matrix

the frog sees all

because the frog is behind it all

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00686b No.20903583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) Updated 4K version

Narrative Bending Stuffs For Normies



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0e0e09 No.20903584


Yes, was reported at work.

Intermittent with bing fugfugno also down.

May revert to altavista or yandex

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7f47d2 No.20903585

File: b43e8af82219ab7⋯.png (124.26 KB,500x469,500:469,wash_sand.png)


>I am not going to vote due to the massive amount of voter intimidation

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c433e2 No.20903586


Notice they have a guy that is where this shirt and the GM being purple shirt. All mk ultra gas lighting so on…

The “great white hate” movement organizes here… now. It is always about hating white people especially white men. The idea was to get all other groups together in a vote to take over government and round up opening extermination camps. This way they could wipe the people they hate the most…

This is what they choose to use bots for and AI… seems pretty clear how racist these people are with there invented new racial slur of Whiteness…

Imaging being know as the creator of a racial slur… lol

How positive of an impact on the world they think they are having with it.

Don’t let them crazy mess with you they are unstable mental cases that hate Trump. The faketriots that want massive budgests with no results… it is always about the money they can steal.

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e8716f No.20903587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nowhere to Hide;-)))


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9a78ab No.20903588

File: 9e0793d8f36f43a⋯.jpeg (40.03 KB,265x190,53:38,IMG_0973.jpeg)

File: 4155ff983eca488⋯.jpeg (14.08 KB,217x171,217:171,IMG_0972.jpeg)

File: 1a39bceecd5d96c⋯.jpeg (30.2 KB,225x225,1:1,IMG_0971.jpeg)

File: 6510eecb818d432⋯.jpeg (13.27 KB,176x168,22:21,IMG_0970.jpeg)

File: 943598c4a866fce⋯.jpeg (20.16 KB,194x259,194:259,IMG_0969.jpeg)

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64815f No.20903589


She's pretty.

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9a78ab No.20903590

File: 6274781fb637989⋯.jpg (177.27 KB,1379x1348,1379:1348,IMG_0868.jpg)

File: 3527cf4394d6df6⋯.png (937.45 KB,1377x1322,1377:1322,IMG_0870.PNG)

File: bf2bd310937dbe5⋯.jpg (183.78 KB,1293x1470,431:490,AOC_Jewish_Space_Lasers.jpg)

File: e9e79730629bed1⋯.png (378.36 KB,504x600,21:25,AOC_Head.png)

File: f9eb55fe119bcb9⋯.png (1010.67 KB,906x1079,906:1079,IMG_4457.PNG)

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5873eb No.20903591

File: 25a23021f9bd264⋯.png (426.94 KB,585x531,65:59,ex.PNG)


Donald Trump Jr.



New text message allegedly reveals Hunter Biden proposed meeting for dad, uncle and Chinese exec in NYC

From foxnews.com

3:29 PM · May 22, 2024




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e8716f No.20903592

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gimmy a Break: Learn to Program



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5e4805 No.20903593



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00686b No.20903594


Notable AF

Narrative Bending Stuffs For Normies


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5873eb No.20903595

File: bc0f971b62e1589⋯.png (348.87 KB,594x847,54:77,dn.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Walmart apparently didn’t learn a lesson from Target. We are sick of the propaganda being forced upon our kids in every single aspect of their lives!!

Walmart is also known for sponsoring many d*ag and pride events for kids.

0:04 / 0:30


January Littlejohn

7:58 AM · May 22, 2024




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c433e2 No.20903596


Largely again I no longer research because of these people. Remember how they always want to act like this site was the organization platform for extreme groups of white nationalist. So again they want to take it over in order to frame any Trump supporters as racist… and the new racial slur “whiteness.” This site now is only become an entertainment area now and lost all credibility and just a honey pot to frame people period.

Warning to anyone they consider white they are tracking you and even if you do not consider your self white it is not up to you but them. So just remember they will never bring it up unless they don’t like something your doing to try to make “white” uncool. Whiteness is a sign of political extremism to me now…

Imagine if someone tried to say “blackness” what a shit storm it would be… double standards everywhere.

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9a78ab No.20903597

File: 6edd64ab8236a97⋯.jpeg (24.29 KB,164x308,41:77,IMG_0979.jpeg)

File: 024aaed2068b28d⋯.jpeg (8.46 KB,87x141,29:47,IMG_0978.jpeg)

File: 4e769b02284927d⋯.jpeg (81.93 KB,498x616,249:308,IMG_0977.jpeg)

File: 8a4fabe755ba1b1⋯.jpeg (97.5 KB,755x750,151:150,IMG_0975.jpeg)

File: 77a7b53213b2252⋯.jpeg (42.67 KB,375x571,375:571,IMG_0974.jpeg)

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cb1333 No.20903598


indeed. had to go through history to get in

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133f40 No.20903599


What’s the matter you got a frog in your soup… French love to eat frog legs where are the activist? Lol

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402952 No.20903600

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)

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402952 No.20903601

File: 9f3e1d748772580⋯.webm (3.25 MB,426x240,71:40,dayshift_drillsergent.webm)

GM Frens

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3cb349 No.20903602

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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7f47d2 No.20903603

File: 9cef5f396caf034⋯.jpg (48 KB,637x468,49:36,apu_waffle_gm.jpg)

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2d1b94 No.20903604

File: 6073ecfbfa51e9b⋯.png (348.13 KB,634x680,317:340,ClipboardImage.png)

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64815f No.20903605

File: 5627882ec583293⋯.png (13.4 KB,255x255,1:1,3745bcd7f094d1c8b4befe674a….png)

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9a78ab No.20903606



Thanks 🫡

Google appears to be working.

Also, currently using direct hyperlinks from browser favourites.

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cb1333 No.20903607

File: fb50e068404869a⋯.png (259.42 KB,512x525,512:525,8325C53A_3F02_4FCD_B4D9_99….png)


mornin it’s gonna be fucked in here today.

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c9970c No.20903608

File: eeab7c1ae2b827b⋯.jpeg (98.69 KB,751x736,751:736,eS1hwC4.jpeg)

File: 28bdfa3d6276413⋯.png (986.17 KB,902x508,451:254,dgvhddf.png)

File: fa7f0f477415d2c⋯.jpeg (131.47 KB,811x825,811:825,fa7f0f477415d2c2fc6ec3c82….jpeg)

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c4a4b9 No.20903609

It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees

MEXICO CITY (AP) — It’s so hot in Mexico that howler monkeys are falling dead from the trees.

At least 138 of the midsize primates, who are known for their roaring vocal calls, were found dead in the Gulf Coast state of Tabasco since May 16, according to the Biodiversity Conservation of The Usumacinta group. Others were rescued by residents, including five that were rushed to a local veterinarian who battled to save them.

“They arrived in critical condition, with dehydration and fever,” said Dr. Sergio Valenzuela. “They were as limp as rags. It was heatstroke.”

While Mexico’s brutal heat wave has been linked to the deaths of at least 26 people since March, veterinarians and rescuers say it has killed dozens and perhaps hundreds of howler monkeys. Around a third of the country saw highs of 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) on Tuesday.

In the town of Tecolutilla, Tabasco, the dead monkeys started appearing Friday, when a local volunteer fire-and-rescue squad showed up with five of the creatures in the bed of a truck.

Normally quite intimidating, howler monkeys are muscular and some can be as tall as 90 centimeters (3 feet), with tails just as long. Some males weigh more than 13.5 kilograms (30 pounds) and can live up to 20 years. They are equipped with big jaws and a fearsome set of teeth and fangs. But mostly they’re know for their lion-like roars, which bely their size.

“They (the volunteers) asked for help, they asked if I could examine some of the animals they had in their truck,” Valenzuela said Monday. “They said they didn’t have any money, and asked if I could do it for free.”

The veterinarian put ice on their limp little hands and feet, and hooked them up to IV drips with electrolytes.


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402952 No.20903610

File: 3d6eeaadf2ff36f⋯.png (32.1 KB,1582x886,791:443,0f173d6eeaadf2ff36f47f9665….png)

File: 16d695916a9ddc7⋯.png (27.28 KB,1200x800,3:2,0f1716d68cf.png)

File: a813af4c7c07011⋯.png (131.01 KB,1458x680,729:340,0f17a813af4c7c070111689c5c….png)

File: 88c2e6706baa21b⋯.jpg (57.48 KB,500x500,1:1,88c2e6706baa21ba37c8268960….jpg)

File: 0287b88c179fa28⋯.png (597.75 KB,695x500,139:100,0287b88c179fa28cccf5fdc4c3….png)

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2d1b94 No.20903611

Sean 'Diddy' Combs accused of 2003 sexual assault in lawsuit

A former model accused Sean “Diddy” Combs of sexually assaulting her at his New York City recording studio in 2003 in a lawsuit filed on Tuesday, the latest in a series of allegations against the embattled hip-hop mogul.

The woman said she was a successful 22-year-old model when she met Combs at a restaurant during Men’s Fashion Week in Manhattan. Combs invited her to his recording studio later that night, according to the federal complaint filed in New York City.

The lawsuit alleges the woman arrived to find Combs drinking and smoking joints with several other men.

She smoked some marijuana, which she “later came to understand” was laced with a narcotic or intoxicating substance, the lawsuit says. She felt as though she was floating. Combs led her to the bathroom, where the sexual assault took place, according to the lawsuit.

Combs led her back to the studio and she lost consciousness, the lawsuit says. She later awakened in a taxi and realized that she had been sexually assaulted, according to the lawsuit.

Combs' representatives did not immediately reply to an email seeking comment.

Combs is not in danger of being criminally prosecuted for the beating because of the statute of limitations.

A lawsuit filed by Cassie in November alleging beatings and abuse was settled a day after it was filed.

But it spurred intense scrutiny of Combs, with several more lawsuits filed in the following months, along with a federal criminal sex-trafficking investigation that led authorities to raid Combs’ mansions in Los Angeles and Miami.

The claim on Tuesday was filed under a New York City law that allows accusers to file civil litigation during a limited window even if the events allegedly happened long ago.


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95c0c6 No.20903612


Jew being filtered early.

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9a78ab No.20903613

File: c42d359fc978b60⋯.webp (83.78 KB,1170x1978,585:989,IMG_0980.webp)

File: 5bded8c1f443ddf⋯.webp (1.23 MB,1080x1080,1:1,IMG_0984.webp)

File: 9486abf188e0218⋯.jpeg (35.97 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_0985.jpeg)

File: 8335a4731c60646⋯.webp (371.91 KB,1144x1958,52:89,IMG_0986.webp)

File: 366674f3f46c443⋯.webp (33.31 KB,900x603,100:67,IMG_0987.webp)

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9a78ab No.20903614

File: c094b560d9972d7⋯.jpeg (67.4 KB,306x517,306:517,IMG_0983.jpeg)

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9a78ab No.20903615

File: 3ff222aab52071c⋯.webp (14.67 KB,643x588,643:588,IMG_0988.webp)

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9d05d5 No.20903616

File: c103decb3f1b680⋯.png (942.88 KB,1400x700,2:1,wile_e_coyote_GM.png)

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9a78ab No.20903617

File: 84c6bfe7ef1730b⋯.jpeg (326.72 KB,1130x1127,1130:1127,IMG_0967.jpeg)

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a69f46 No.20903618

BoE removes cash from the UK banking system in their version of Quantitative Tightening, akin to the Fed's use of ReverseRepo.

Bank of England allots latest record amount at short-term repo operation

May 23rd, 04:55:46

LONDON (Reuters) - The Bank of England allotted 16.245 billion pounds ($20.64 billion) of one-week funds in its short-term repo operation on Thursday, the largest usage of the facility since it launched in October 2022 after previous records were set in recent weeks.

The BoE uses the weekly repo to help keep money market rates close to its official Bank Rate while it takes reserves out of the financial system with its quantitative tightening (QT) programme.

Under QT, the BoE is selling a large chunk of the government bonds that it bought over the past 15 years via its quantitative easing programme, and allowing others to mature.

BoE Governor Andrew Bailey said on Tuesday the recent increase in the use of the short-term repo facility was encouraging and showed the benefits of having "tried and tested" liquidity facilities as the central bank ran down its balance sheet.

(Writing by William Schomberg; editing by Sarah Young)


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58609b No.20903619

File: a10a7782f2d566e⋯.jpg (75.36 KB,1600x900,16:9,GettyImages_1494869182.jpg)

Victor Davis Hanson: Trump Seeks Drug Testing and AOC "Baby-Girl" Colleagues


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64815f No.20903620

File: f1c97d5b5925cc2⋯.jpg (77.15 KB,527x424,527:424,f1c97d5b5925cc2ef373be859a….jpg)



The good morning haters will arrive soon, it's after 6am in Langley. Sorry for them they will fail spectacularly in their seething choleric morning-hating rage.

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9d05d5 No.20903621

File: a7173f4ca8ae548⋯.png (274.28 KB,497x293,497:293,ClipboardImage.png)

CIA Blocked Probe Into Hunter's Hollywood Tax 'Sugar Brother': Whistleblower

A trove of new whistleblower documents provided to House GOP investigators reveal, among other things, that the CIA prevented federal investigators from pursuing Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris as a witness in their investigation of Hunter Biden. Morris, a Hollywood entertainment lawyer who has 'long supported' Hunter (and why?) has loaned the First Son more than $6.5 million, according to a January letter to the House oversight committee.


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9e4111 No.20903623

File: dc59798176a5180⋯.mp4 (108.05 KB,854x480,427:240,Fuck_you.mp4)

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58609b No.20903624

File: f9c82540a73ba5c⋯.jpg (80.33 KB,1200x630,40:21,townhall_1200x630.jpg)

Small Wisconsin Town Under Review by Feds After Eliminating Electronic Voting Machines and Opting for Paper Ballots

A small town in Wisconsin is currently under Federal review after making a decision to eliminate electronic voting machines and replace them with paper ballots.

In June 2023, board members of the town of Thornapple in Rusk County, Wisconsin, decided to stop using electronic voting machines for elections and instead rely entirely on hand-counting ballots.

The decision by board members has since caught the attention of the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, which is now investigating the move.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that Suzanne Pinnow, who serves as Thornapple’s chief election official, received a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division seeking information about why the town decided to get rid of electronic machines and how the township is helping to accommodate disabled voters in the process.


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9d05d5 No.20903625

File: b66cb724d81f5f1⋯.jpg (10.87 KB,255x255,1:1,SunrisePepe.jpg)


Take a moment for yourself to recharge


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5873eb No.20903626

File: dfe0043ab0f065e⋯.png (20.48 KB,592x235,592:235,balls.PNG)


Elon Musk


Is suspect this thought has gone through many men’s minds recently 😂😂






So how exactly do I get these microplastics out of my balls?

7:53 PM · May 22, 2024




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5873eb No.20903627

File: d7b3bf213fbca61⋯.png (328.05 KB,599x717,599:717,mist.PNG)


Mike Benz


Let me make today’s news about the CIA blocking feds from interviewing Hunter’s funders simple:

Burisma was being used as a corporate crowbar by the CIA to pry Russia off the gas market. Hunter helped that happen.

There. No more mystery.


Grace Chong 🇺🇸



Mar 22

Mike Benz Explains How Hunter Biden's Work In Ukraine Touched On A CIA Operation @MikeBenzCyber

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9d05d5 No.20903628

File: 2dd0eb6df16693a⋯.png (995.72 KB,720x1280,9:16,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e4111 No.20903629

File: 2f086a0ad055d73⋯.jpeg (371.58 KB,720x548,180:137,kenya.jpeg)


>Republic of Kenya

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5873eb No.20903630

File: 4c36b6c60dfe8d3⋯.png (301.47 KB,593x580,593:580,kb.PNG)


Chief Nerd


🚩 NOW — Fauci’s Sr. Advisor Dr. David Morens Admits He is a Longtime Friend of Dr. Peter Daszak, Jokes About Kickbacks from Federal Grants

“Peter Daszak…has been a personal friend of mine for almost 20 years”


10:38 AM · May 22, 2024




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64815f No.20903632

File: 97740acf79019f7⋯.jpg (182.79 KB,1024x1024,1:1,F_O9zpcWYAApaSG.jpg)


Good point, will take note. Sometimes Anon gets carried away with exposing and destroying shills, last night for instance. Anon shit the bread without using lb/pb in the post, then subsequently ran the post count bigly high. I don't expose and destroy GM hating shills just because it's easy, but because it's fun. Anon must take some time to recoup from the battles though.

God bless.

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5873eb No.20903633

File: a15ccebbcf001ec⋯.png (254.16 KB,594x827,594:827,dc.PNG)




Montana Senator Jon Tester voted against the Laken Riley Act when it was 1st introduced

Yes, a politician from MONTANA voted against deporting illegals who assault cops

Now he pretends to care but @Eric_Schmitt

called him out

This is why Montana needs to kick his ass out of the Senate and vote in Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy @SheehyforMT

Republican father of 4

Founded a company with 200 employees

Bronze Star and Purple Heart

We need this guy in DC





May 21

It’s insane that the people of Montana have Democrat Jon Tester as their Senator

How does a deep red state have a liberal Senator who supports the open borders, Bidenflation agenda?!

Thankfully we can kick his ass out this fall and replace him with Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy


Show more


2:18 PM · May 22, 2024




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9d05d5 No.20903634

File: 42452013b10033c⋯.png (1.02 MB,1085x1085,1:1,GMSunshine.png)



GM SunShine

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5873eb No.20903635

File: c9aa6d5fb2ec18c⋯.png (535.36 KB,728x610,364:305,id.PNG)


All the Aid From Biden’s Gaza Pier was

Seized by Hamas: That was $300 million

in taxpayer money well spent

Front Page Magazine, by Daniel Greenfield

Posted By: OhioNick, 5/23/2024 3:51:04 AM

If you’re keeping track, Biden announced that America was going to spend two months building a floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza at a cost of $300 million that would be operated by the U.S. military. Then the pier came under attack by terrorists, was withdrawn to the Israeli port of Ashdod for repairs while the Biden administration conducted backchannel talks with Hamas urging it not to attack the pier, then redeployed for aid deliveries and it’s been a smashing success. For Hamas.

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491517 No.20903636

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)





>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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64815f No.20903637


Is that an egg cooked sunny side up?

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13e49d No.20903638

File: 2b8bdca9fc3a8c2⋯.png (294.43 KB,1014x902,507:451,Screen_Shot_2024_05_23_at_….png)


>Is suspect this thought has gone through many men’s minds recently

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cb1333 No.20903639

File: d03820fd14dd8c2⋯.png (351.24 KB,690x1256,345:628,E8E483D5_EA8A_474D_AF2C_D6….png)

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64815f No.20903640

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,449b8c73b6939dec137c558a84….png)


GM Ralph


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402952 No.20903641

File: be379e865d87ac5⋯.jpg (30.32 KB,640x427,640:427,169944641_1015954419298216….jpg)

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5873eb No.20903642

File: 374b6b6687491f1⋯.png (32.89 KB,1021x278,1021:278,hl.PNG)


California's median home price hits record

high at $900,000, realtors association says

Scripps News, by Staff

Posted By: OhioNick, 5/22/2024 11:16:34 PM

The average price to buy a home in California has reached a new historic high with the median price for a dwelling in the state hitting $900,000, the California Association of Realtors said in a recent report. The new record of $904,210 was recorded amid a spike in home sales for April. [SNIP] California Association of Realtors President Melanie Barker said the rebound "in both home sales and price shows the resilience of California’s housing market and is a signal that buyers and sellers are beginning to adjust to the higher interest rate environment."

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64815f No.20903644


Anon will initiate healing sequence. God bless you.

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a69f46 No.20903645


Be a real shame if Hamas took all that Aid into their, as yet to be fully mapped, tunnel system.

Hey! Anyone seen my box of Airtags?

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402952 No.20903646

File: d32c1f077258222⋯.jpg (36.28 KB,800x560,10:7,151644117_1015934240054716….jpg)

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9e4111 No.20903647


>David Morens


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5873eb No.20903649

File: 183182ba411db8a⋯.png (45.43 KB,1379x337,1379:337,cali.PNG)


California Has Become a Billboard Advertisement

for Trump Amid Rising Gas Prices

Townhall, by Sarah Arnold

Posted By: Imright, 5/22/2024 9:58:33 PM

Californians pay more at the gas pump than residents of any other state in the United States despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s (D-CA) so-called “plan” to crack down on windfall oil profits. “Is Gavin Newsom trying to help Donald Trump?” Is Wall Street Journal’s Allysia Finley question, citing his plan to raise fuel prices in Nevada and Arizona just before the November presidential election. Nevada and Arizona’s gas prices heavily reflect those in California due to them being significantly reliant (90 and 50 percent) on California for their fuel supply. According to recent reports, the California Energy Commission is looking to implement a new tax on refinery gross margins which would result

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326eba No.20903650

File: 033988d02d73a09⋯.png (59.36 KB,643x319,643:319,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)

File: efcf791dc40ef41⋯.png (804.85 KB,640x868,160:217,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)

File: 0abd2acf552b8cb⋯.png (287.98 KB,646x473,646:473,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)



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b15449 No.20903651

File: f0afe380d02b4ac⋯.jpeg (745.16 KB,1280x1009,1280:1009,f0afe380d02b4ac21d515a533….jpeg)

No real anons in here, just Jews/Kikes/minions!

A bunch of retarded gatekeeping faggots who smear honey around each other's buttholes!

Pathetic fuckwits!

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5873eb No.20903652

File: 6f3f9cc9d4ed15c⋯.png (805.21 KB,588x798,14:19,beg.PNG)


Amy Reichert


🚨 Breaking:

Kaiser Permanente is begging doctors they fired over the COVID shot to crawl back to the HMO & reapply:


May 17, 2024

Dr. Owen Johnston,

We are writing to let you know that there has been a change in the Kaiser Permanente COVID-19 Vaccination for KP Workforce Members Policy ("Vaccine Policy") that may impact you. As you may recall, the federal government and various state and local entities required COVID-19 vaccinations for, among others, healthcare workers during the pandemic. Consistent with the government-mandated COVID-19 vaccine laws, and as part of its ongoing efforts to protect the health and safety of Kaiser Permanente members, patients, and employees, many of whom were at high-risk from COVID-19, in 2021 Kaiser Permanente implemented a Vaccine Policy. The Vaccine Policy required, as a condition of employment, that employees must either submit proof that they were fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (including any applicable boosters), or receive an approved exemption, by the specified timeline.

Due to changes in the federal, state and local vaccine requirements or recommendations, among other reasons, the Vaccine Policy has been revised effective February 1, 2024.

Specifically, vaccination against COVID-19 is no longer required as a condition of employment. While COVID-19 vaccination will not be a requirement of working at Kaiser Permanente, employees will be required to annually verify their COVID-19 vaccination status.

We understand that your employment may have ended at Kaiser Permanente because of your non-compliance with the Vaccine Policy. Given the revision to the Vaccine Policy, we wanted to inform you that you are eligible for rehire with Kaiser Permanente for open and available positions for which you are qualified if you chose to reapply (unless you are ineligible for rehire for other reasons unrelated to the non-compliance with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate). You may search for open and available positions here:


We appreciate your prior service to Kaiser Permanente and its members and patients, and we encourage you to apply for open positions.

Sincerely Yours,

Kaiser Permanente


1:02 PM · May 22, 2024




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9d05d5 No.20903653


How disgusting!!!

Dirty Diddy's Laundry

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58609b No.20903654

File: 0f9edac2f4afb8b⋯.jpg (115.73 KB,1600x900,16:9,psaki_biden_withdrawal_160….jpg)

Congress to Subpoena Jen Psaki for False Claims in Her Book and Role in Catastrophic Afghanistan Withdrawal Resulting in Deaths of 13 American Heroes

House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Michael McCaul has issued a formal request for former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to testify.

The committee seeks answers regarding her role in the Biden regime’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan—a horrific incident that tragically resulted in the deaths of 13 brave American servicemembers.

McCaul, in a letter addressed to Emily Loeb, Psaki’s counsel, demanded that Psaki arrange a transcribed interview by May 28, 2024. The chairman criticized Psaki for advancing “untrue” narratives about the withdrawal process and the non-combatant evacuation operation that ensued during the chaotic Taliban takeover in August 2021.

“The Committee’s thorough investigation points to Ms. Psaki as having played an important role in the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the deadly August 2021 non-combatant evacuation operation,” wrote Chairman McCaul.


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5873eb No.20903655

File: 37cc9db9b449577⋯.png (281.17 KB,590x713,590:713,ll.PNG)


Lara Logan


Praise God. America united.

4:24 PM · May 22, 2024




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491517 No.20903656

File: d26764fbb06dfe1⋯.jpg (13.83 KB,190x266,5:7,d26764fbb06dfe1e7f879b359e….jpg)


>GM Ralph



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326eba No.20903657

File: b4286a83d2008ef⋯.png (27.3 KB,1256x157,8:1,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)


Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) sent a letter to the Department of Justice, urging them to open a formal investigation into Dr. David Morens for the alleged “improper concealment and intentional destruction of records.”

Morens, a former top aide to Dr. Anthony Fauci and current Senior Advisor to the Director at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is accused of engaging in corrupt behavior to skirt the rules on various issues, the least of which involved investigations from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. It is believed that Morens engaged in a cover-up and destroyed vital records and communications related to the investigation.

“I write to urge the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to open an investigation into the alleged improper concealment and intentional destruction of records by Dr. David Morens, Senior Advisor to the Director at the National Institutes of Health (NIH),” Paul wrote in his letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland. “Additionally, I request you investigate allegations that employees within NIH’s FOIA office may have conspired with Dr. Morens to evade public records retention laws.”

In the letter, Paul cited a statute that states that any person who “‘willfully and unlawfully’ conceals, removes, or destroys a federal record can be fined and imprisoned for up to three years.” Furthermore, Paul highlighted that this applied to anyone who tries to “conceal, remove, or destroy a federal record.”

Additionally, Morens is suspected of using a personal email account in lieu of an authorized government account so he could discuss matters related to the pandemic and, as the Washington Examiner previously reported, avoid any scrutiny and accountability through Freedom of Information Act requests.

Paul’s letter is of utmost importance because he is trying to hold potentially corrupt bureaucrats accountable. The junior senator from Kentucky has been leading the charge to expose disreputable government officials who operated as if they were above the law during the pandemic. Such people used the chaos associated with a once-in-a-lifetime worldwide emergency to violate rules and regulations, believing they would never be held accountable.


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fcf559 No.20903658

File: 9cb9ec10d643ea7⋯.png (23.36 KB,601x685,601:685,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d22ad5701661a76⋯.png (23.71 KB,593x720,593:720,ClipboardImage.png)

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390d5a No.20903659

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a69f46 No.20903660


Partially torn ballot scam vs Le Pen was a guid one, even by Chicago standards.

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9e4111 No.20903661

File: 04f02f963fb82be⋯.mp4 (8.91 MB,854x478,427:239,DavidMorens.mp4)

File: 7db2558b7ecbb20⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,852x480,71:40,Unearthed_video_of_Peter_D….mp4)

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5873eb No.20903662

File: 77c8b7ad03714ac⋯.png (894.09 KB,847x847,1:1,boo.PNG)


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bcfd2d No.20903663


smart woman

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390d5a No.20903664


>0407 EDT

GM break the seal anon.

CaliFags don't have a chance at that first jelly donut.

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326eba No.20903665

File: 3bf1c3a8404b13a⋯.png (509.05 KB,535x584,535:584,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)

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cb1333 No.20903666

File: a58ab37e5a36c2e⋯.png (74.67 KB,690x762,115:127,C2699CE9_0C34_423A_8032_7A….png)


good morning Ralph. fucking surrounded by stupid as fuck, this early is not a bad thing.

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5873eb No.20903667

File: e9f2c136ba858ec⋯.png (1.87 MB,1468x910,734:455,bp.PNG)


Dr. Naomi Wolf Joins Alex Jones And Exposes The Globalist Blueprint

The Alex Jones Show

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326eba No.20903668


yep, hope she is anon

if she on the board, we want her to know we support her

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402952 No.20903670

File: 48990f5bb008a7f⋯.png (9.17 MB,4000x2945,800:589,48990f5bb008a7fd199308c7f8….png)



Several whistleblowers have provided explosive testimony during an official inquiry, revealing that hospitals were euthanizing patients during the pandemic and blaming their deaths on Covid.

The patients were reportedly given a lethal drug combination before their deaths were listed under “COVID-19” in an apparent effort to boost the number of fatalities from the virus.

The bombshell testimonies were provided during the ongoing Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry.

The independent inquiry has now been ongoing for almost two months.

The panel is investigating failures in Scotland’s response to the pandemic.

The witnesses specifically testified that elderly patients were being unnecessarily administered end-of-life protocols.

Those who tested positive for the virus were given deadly doses of drugs such as midazolam and morphine, even if their Covid symptoms were only mild.

However, when the drugs killed them, the patients were listed as having died from Covid.

The whistleblowing testimonies were provided by government officials and Scottish citizens who witnessed the practice.




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fcf559 No.20903672

looks like ddg is borked

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cb1333 No.20903673

File: 332b60a8483da92⋯.png (142.12 KB,690x1786,345:893,339D7D79_7888_4542_9817_90….png)

File: 8f007aad77e606e⋯.png (43.98 KB,690x586,345:293,4D1B2E06_A039_42D9_963C_98….png)

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a69f46 No.20903675

Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Europe

Get up to speed with what the markets are monitoring

Good morning. Rishi Sunak has just six weeks to convince voters his government deserves another term. The drumbeat for keeping US rates higher for longer gets louder. And Nvidia delivers with a bullish sales forecast. Here’s what people are talking about.


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402952 No.20903676

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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78494e No.20903677

File: 5a15e43472bae5f⋯.png (133.41 KB,400x400,1:1,5a15e43472bae5f9b711bfa7ff….png)

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390d5a No.20903678

File: c7468126e989870⋯.jpg (45.88 KB,834x627,278:209,EddieHeadPoint.JPG)


She read Monica's book.

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78494e No.20903679

File: d9a8dd07d1bf08b⋯.jpg (175.25 KB,1024x752,64:47,d9a8dd07d1bf08b213573337af….jpg)

File: 663b0d37ebceed2⋯.png (294.19 KB,667x374,667:374,663b0d37ebceed26c6c8a8d6db….png)


Shit I missed it. Can you give me a quick recap?

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283cde No.20903680

File: 4019eb6469468ea⋯.jpg (159.2 KB,923x1157,71:89,20240523_045208.jpg)


China launches military drills, completely surrounding Taiwan



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149b45 No.20903683

File: a268563d006d436⋯.png (155.6 KB,478x477,478:477,vHCYusH.png)

File: e5cedf0f95d2a0f⋯.png (435.04 KB,454x652,227:326,jzrdfc.png)

File: e41c091682b8a05⋯.png (163.6 KB,515x261,515:261,ujrdstzd.png)

File: f67f050069a0e83⋯.png (257.07 KB,368x276,4:3,jhtdd.png)

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390d5a No.20903684


>Joins Alex Jones

She interviewed Uncle Clif a couple weeks ago.

She was all I like how you're kinda out there dude.

Then he mentioned the Khazarian mafia hiding behind the Jews.

Whoa whoa Clif let's not get carried away here stick with the standard spoopy please!

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5873eb No.20903685

File: 5879eecfaeb9f03⋯.png (252.26 KB,356x766,178:383,sc.PNG)


Trucks can be seen lined up on the side of the road after South Carolina Ports were unable to open their marine terminals and inland ports this morning. They just announced they will be unable to open for the remainder of the day.

On their website they said "SC Ports is working to resume operations as quickly as possible. We are reintroducing systems as they become available."


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cb1333 No.20903686

File: dd2ce432a7f9191⋯.png (1.12 MB,750x1334,375:667,ABC87EAC_727D_4D90_B5C2_4C….png)

File: cbce3eb40cc0f00⋯.jpeg (319.12 KB,2048x1536,4:3,0BF38250_0E35_42C0_8C57_8….jpeg)

File: ed5493f46770f20⋯.png (108.94 KB,690x1208,345:604,6A0A0406_C8C7_4E48_AD71_5B….png)

6:11 dronebuster

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a69f46 No.20903687

SV does not have a problem they're burying with lobbying.

U.S. Attorney NDNY


Syracuse Man Pleads Guilty to Receiving Child Pornography from Multiple Minors via SnapChat


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390d5a No.20903688


Half the posts on Evening Shift:

SP doing his thing.

Then GM started doing his thing.

Pig showed up with the usual.

Which drew Pig Hater's ded cat memes out.

Then SP & Pig started giving each other high fives because nobody else was.

Then came the lawyer posts by each side trying to get the anon jury to pick sides.

SSDD but at least the breads were moving fast since Vatican took the evening off.

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283cde No.20903689

File: 05fbc05eb38a9b9⋯.jpg (128.64 KB,720x1026,40:57,20240523_050033.jpg)

File: 254a49a829cb137⋯.jpg (166.98 KB,720x978,120:163,20240523_050215.jpg)


The largest Coca-Cola plant in South America has been flooded in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.

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cb1333 No.20903690

File: 679d7f0cec81c5f⋯.png (804.1 KB,750x1334,375:667,6AF83AEE_E8B2_4A86_A6BD_5D….png)

File: 8b9f644c8e53fa8⋯.png (447.16 KB,690x1926,115:321,B5EA451B_A7AD_47C1_92D3_40….png)

File: c9acc52dffe95e0⋯.png (93.04 KB,690x806,345:403,DDC5B507_DC40_43B0_B8B0_76….png)

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a69f46 No.20903691


Pig Hater IS Vat IS Mimic.

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5873eb No.20903693

File: 69809bb460feea6⋯.png (399.34 KB,604x536,151:134,muse.PNG)




WAR: Disgraced warmonger Victoria Nuland is calling to direct strikes against Russia. She is desperate to have US troops in Eastern Europe to protect her interests in Ukraine.


Michael Tracey

11:39 PM · May 19, 2024




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989e3a No.20903694

File: 51d2c7465f6616d⋯.jpeg (188.87 KB,1024x1024,1:1,33A6360C_731B_4B25_BDD5_E….jpeg)

File: 8b5e0b81c3f939e⋯.jpeg (339.68 KB,720x2616,30:109,10D28091_12C5_4539_91D7_9….jpeg)

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64815f No.20903695

File: 80364025f761231⋯.png (884.44 KB,908x896,227:224,80364025f7612317c75acc3c07….png)



Tippy Top synopsis of the series of events. You get a gold star, Anon. Mad props.

o7 & GM

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a69f46 No.20903696

Why do I suddenly get the feeling that Gazan banking system is run like Ukraine's?

Arab News


#BREAKING: #US Treasury Secretary


says #US fears a humanitarian crisis if #Israel isolates #Palestinian banks



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b34a6b No.20903697

File: 65bbfa4fe08667c⋯.jpg (308.55 KB,1032x630,172:105,3d6af8d7b347d23428a2e4a45a….jpg)

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283cde No.20903698

File: 42fcfee599d8dca⋯.jpg (125.35 KB,720x874,360:437,20240523_050644.jpg)

File: c0e870ff9e822a4⋯.jpg (66.94 KB,911x683,911:683,20240523_050545.jpg)


The Taiwanese Coast Guard and Chinese navy are currently having a standoff in the Taiwan Strait

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5873eb No.20903699

File: 8f2b72b8db319c7⋯.png (751.78 KB,687x455,687:455,m.PNG)

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390d5a No.20903700


And you have admin powers with the ability to do a QR Declas via the hashes?

Otherwise, you're gonna need to put together a graphics intensive gotcha timeline like everyone else has to do.

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64815f No.20903701


Pig hater is pig, is VD, is muhjoo, is CP, is SP, is all the same Chinese CCP cubicle farm.

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a69f46 No.20903702




Full Story → https://PiQSuite.com/reuters/russiars/russia-says-it-will-strike-british-targets-if-uk-weapons-are-used-to-hit-its-territory

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Thursday that Moscow will retaliate with strikes on British targets if British weapons are used by Ukraine to strike Russian territory.


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9d05d5 No.20903703

File: 284075d12b963e6⋯.png (1007.48 KB,1269x1280,1269:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

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d90fe9 No.20903704

File: 1f9a0657ca11ab5⋯.jpg (23.88 KB,199x255,199:255,pain.jpg)


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b5c24d No.20903705


“…believing they would never be held accountable.”, might have worked had they been successful with their plan to kill of enslave all humanity, or at least spark a Civil/Global War and smokebomb-out. But that didn’t happen.

That’s the kind of thing that boosts my Trust in the Plan that “Q” hinted at but never really detailed with specifics. [They] seem a bit trapped. Here we are today.

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cb1333 No.20903706

File: b5425dc2d875fe2⋯.png (1.63 MB,750x1334,375:667,129C262B_3072_4AF4_97FE_59….png)

File: 3ba5e6f5143be78⋯.jpeg (484.22 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,D449AAB0_3325_4B93_864E_3….jpeg)

File: bc7f6b00a2bbcb4⋯.png (443.31 KB,690x2090,69:209,DE13AC82_CD81_4E5D_B007_7B….png)

File: ca173e7f600f1da⋯.png (135.4 KB,690x1384,345:692,EDED5292_231C_410F_AD73_99….png)

File: dde4e10f2f9bb1c⋯.jpeg (520.83 KB,2048x1363,2048:1363,E9B3DF38_A176_40D9_B70E_B….jpeg)

the blondes t shirt. also for the kek. that one guy looking at yoga pants ass

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5873eb No.20903707

File: 48b48916c691b00⋯.png (37.42 KB,1373x286,1373:286,sup.PNG)


Supreme Court won't hear parents' challenge to Maryland school transgender policy

The Supreme Court declined to hear the case John and Jane Parents 1 v. Montgomery County Board of Education

By Brianna Herlihy Fox News

Published May 20, 2024 12:13pm EDT

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64815f No.20903708

File: 379f752cc337c1d⋯.png (769.93 KB,798x800,399:400,379f752cc337c1d306043254a8….png)


GM Punisher Pepe

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283cde No.20903709

File: 6bbe54774dfe031⋯.jpg (165.24 KB,720x1198,360:599,20240523_051039.jpg)

File: 07635a4714272d4⋯.jpg (64.02 KB,1290x1326,215:221,20240523_050928.jpg)

File: e532ac70220199d⋯.jpg (41.79 KB,720x350,72:35,20240522_181339.jpg)

Kathryn Grace Jordan, the woman followed by Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar @SenAmyKlobuchar who threatened to shoot and kill President Trump in the Bronx today at his rally, has been banned from X.

After I reported her to @SecretService last night, I can confirm she’s under investigation.

Waiting to see if she’s been arrested too.



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9e4111 No.20903710


>when the drugs killed them, the patients were listed as having died from Covid

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4f61aa No.20903711


any relation to Michael or Gym

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283cde No.20903712

File: dd6921ea2056e9b⋯.jpg (95.92 KB,715x802,715:802,20240522_212153.jpg)

File: a55398d80906e75⋯.mp4 (4.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,Dan_Scavino_Jr_20240522_9_….mp4)


Last night Dan Quote tweeted that woman with this savage new ad about insane leftists

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5873eb No.20903713

File: ce71c6923df8062⋯.png (353.84 KB,588x814,294:407,red.PNG)



Elon Musk


The New Woke Times is truly unreadable


9:09 AM · May 20, 2024




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64815f No.20903714

File: 8f62855284019c0⋯.jpg (14.49 KB,386x257,386:257,Saw_billy.jpg)


Thanks Laura

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b5c24d No.20903715


Someone PLEASE, shove a gun in her hands and tell her to lead the way on the front line.

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491517 No.20903716

File: a844537fb6f4db5⋯.png (397.47 KB,733x1735,733:1735,q3636_russianBotsWhoContro….png)

File: 33eb3e0447ac06e⋯.png (636.93 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_23….png)

File: 3fca1a1ff101924⋯.png (309.04 KB,1366x768,683:384,q3636_qanon.png)

File: 98dbac3e45b6566⋯.png (408.33 KB,1254x571,1254:571,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)

File: 8b382a6e613cda1⋯.png (216.02 KB,1181x1322,1181:1322,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)


>good morning Ralph. fucking surrounded by stupid as fuck, this early is not a bad thing.



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cb1333 No.20903717

File: 76f8b714db6df68⋯.png (1.07 MB,750x1334,375:667,68AB6E06_335C_4677_9871_78….png)

File: c4f13a4ef2261bd⋯.png (31.12 KB,690x498,115:83,A65674FA_18E4_4EAB_8EAF_FC….png)

File: 04b1fe8f30caeea⋯.png (47.84 KB,690x542,345:271,7ABA088D_4AA9_4140_A13B_C8….png)

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5c049e No.20903718

File: a7f3044c4a99be7⋯.png (708.42 KB,829x466,829:466,ajjw11.PNG)

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9d05d5 No.20903720

File: a6dcc1ff4f98ee4⋯.jpg (140.05 KB,1280x958,640:479,GM_FRENS.jpg)

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390d5a No.20903721


This board would have already been long ded if it weren't for the Board Wars.

Most don't like to admit that which I get and understand.

Special GM shout out to all Board War veterans!

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3cb349 No.20903723


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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9e4111 No.20903724

File: b7764eca2513542⋯.png (357.54 KB,451x778,451:778,ClipboardImage.png)

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5873eb No.20903725

File: 577a0906fa032b7⋯.png (29.44 KB,819x317,819:317,lob.PNG)


Meta, Google leading nearly $1M lobbying fight to kill NY online child safety bills

By Social Links for Thomas Barrabi

Published May 20, 2024, 6:22 a.m. ET

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9e4111 No.20903726

File: 32b75fed89b3625⋯.mp4 (11.74 MB,720x1280,9:16,aid_unloaded.mp4)

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a69f46 No.20903727

File: 23244e37703edeb⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17164274666….mp4)

James O'Keefe


BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force: “We basically contacted everybody who had a title like that and got them to sneakily change their title so it doesn’t sound as diversity oriented even though it is,” reveals Jake Reyna,




Operations Research Analyst for the


in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Believing Republicans have attempted to cut back on the government’s use of discriminatory DEI policies “just to fuck with the [DEI] system,” Reyna confesses on undercover footage caught by O’Keefe Media Group that the Air Force manipulates job titles to cheat the system out of a higher salary for DEI personnel. Bragging, “We just weaseled around it,” Reyna claims “there’s nothing really they [Republicans] would be able to do.” The cover-up does not end there. Reyna states about his office, “We’re actually moving into this other group called Manpower and Readiness” to stay under the radar.

Reyna confirms DEI training is mandatory for airmen and if an airman does not participate in DEI trainings, he “wouldn’t be qualified for promotions or he’d get reprimanded and…he’d get written up” before eventually being dishonorably discharged, which includes being stripped of all benefits.

Tasked with developing programs like the Workforce Analytics Dashboard that lists the demographics of the Air Force with an emphasis on “race, ethnicity, and gender,” Reyna admits the Air Force has no data to support its DEI policies. “I don’t know if there’s any specific data you can provide outside of just saying like, yeah, we’re getting more diverse talking about changing officers.” Asked, “In your experience, have you seen or have you come across any data that actually serves as evidence that indeed DEIA candidates or troops perform better than non-DEIA troops?” Reyna responds, “No, I don't think so.”

Empowered in the Air Force’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Reyna believes white men are “definitely stupid” and “definitely suck.” “Do you think they [white men] make us weaker as a military?” asks OMG’s American Swiper. Reyna responds, “In some ways, probably.”


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9e4111 No.20903728


>Disgraced warmonger Victoria Nuland

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d90fe9 No.20903729

File: ac1f25e302b336e⋯.png (39.46 KB,519x635,519:635,ClipboardImage.png)

Interdasting delta, wasn't Corney on tv yesterday?

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aef58c No.20903730

File: a1a378ed8878b4b⋯.png (1.82 MB,1396x754,698:377,ClipboardImage.png)

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5873eb No.20903731

File: c7db32d74611b83⋯.png (16.74 KB,1259x178,1259:178,hatch.PNG)


Hatch Act gets more teeth after White House ‘loophole’ closed


David Sivak

May 20, 2024 3:35 pm

On Monday, the Office of Special Counsel announced it would no longer give the president sole discretion on whether to pursue violations, as it has for senior White House officials. Instead, cases will be brought to the Merit Systems Protection Board, a quasi-judicial body that can punish staffers if they are found to have violated the statute.

White House officials have routinely run afoul of the Hatch Act, which prevents federal employees from using their office to engage in political activity. The president and vice president are immune from the law, but other officials are not.

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9e4111 No.20903733



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491517 No.20903734

File: b82b7f642cb591d⋯.png (61.01 KB,1109x493,1109:493,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)




What’s trending in fake news? IU tools show which stories go viral, and if ‘bots’ are to blame

Hoaxy, Fakey and Botometer are three powerful tools for studying and countering online misinformation and manipulation

For Immediate Release May 17, 2018

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. – Researchers at the Indiana University Observatory on Social Media have launched upgrades to two tools playing a major role in countering the spread of misinformation online.

A Hoaxy search showing the spread of a news story on the Syria Civil Defense group

View print quality image

A Hoaxy search traces the spread of a story on Twitter that claims the Syria Civil Defense, a volunteer search-and-rescue organization also known as the “White Helmets,” are staging mass casualty events like chemical weapons attacks. The red and dark pink dots indicate likely bots used to amplify the message.Image courtesy Hoaxy

The improvements to Hoaxy and Botometer are supported by the Knight Prototype Fund on Misinformation, a joint venture of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, the Rita Allen Foundation and the Democracy Fundto address concerns about the spread of misinformation and to build trust in quality journalism. A third tool – an educational game designed to make people smarter news consumers – also launches with the upgrades.

“The majority of the changes to Hoaxy and Botometer are specifically designed to make the tools more usable by journalists and average citizens,” said Filippo Menczer, a professor in the IU School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering and a member of the IU Network Science Institute. “You can now easily detect when information is spreading virally, and who is responsible for its spread.”

Video: Filippo Menczer talks about Hoaxy

Hoaxy is a search engine that shows users how stories from low-credibility sources spread on Twitter. Botometer is an app that assigns a score to Twitter users based on the likelihood that the account is automated.

Hoaxy’s new functions show users which stories are trending on Twitter, including those from low-credibility sources. It also indicates what proportion of the users who are spreading the stories are likely to be “bots.” These new features were previewed April 12 at the International Symposium on Online Journalism in Austin, Texas, by Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia, a research scientist at the IU Network Science Institute who is part of the team that developed the tools.

Filippo Menczer

View print quality image

Filippo Menczer.Eric Rudd, IU Communications

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d90fe9 No.20903735

File: 5cbadbab2a55db4⋯.jpeg (32.64 KB,680x434,340:217,5cbadbab2a55db4d5903c32c9….jpeg)

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5873eb No.20903736

File: fe7ca7fa10180d8⋯.png (482.29 KB,891x530,891:530,at.PNG)



Microplastics found in every human testicle in study

Scientists say discovery may be linked to decades-long decline in sperm counts in men around the world

Damian Carrington Environment editor

Mon 20 May 2024 10.34 EDT

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cb1333 No.20903737

File: 2401f1364c57a7e⋯.png (1.42 MB,750x1334,375:667,6D2E9EF2_B22C_4F33_BA9A_4C….png)

File: 83d41d36576b0a0⋯.jpeg (219.68 KB,1200x1200,1:1,67F64FEA_ABBF_4B65_9789_6….jpeg)

File: d270595ed0100a4⋯.png (672.21 KB,690x2112,115:352,E618B367_19A5_4BC7_B113_E9….png)

File: 4103f6e571040dc⋯.png (60.67 KB,690x718,345:359,AD986ABF_658B_459B_B17B_C1….png)

File: d33f0d21070c73e⋯.jpeg (431.5 KB,1152x1152,1:1,200A82EC_D8BD_43A8_BC2C_4….jpeg)

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390d5a No.20903738


Yes, after hiding in the shadows for a long time.

No doubt the deltas are getting spoopier by the day.

That said, don't anybody start datefagging and getting the nowfags riled up.

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854b5c No.20903739

File: 6dfeced7c0a7371⋯.jpeg (315.62 KB,1459x1248,1459:1248,IMG_6212.jpeg)

Hey bakes

The real threat to democracy is partisan politics

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64815f No.20903740




Talk about GM synchronicity. Kek.

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a69f46 No.20903741


Jefferson started it here.

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58609b No.20903742

US threatens action against NATO applicant

Western officials claim that Georgia’s crackdown on foreign influence “undermines democracy”

The US is looking into how it could punish Georgia over a ‘foreign agents’ bill which was recently passed in the country's parliament, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a congressional hearing on Wednesday.

Georgia’s Transparency of Foreign Influence Act would require non-profit organizations, media outlets, and individuals which derive more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as entities “promoting the interests of a foreign power” and disclose their income and sponsors or face fines of up to $9,500.

The legislation ignited weeks of violent protests and clashes across the country, which is an applicant to both the EU and NATO.


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5c049e No.20903743

File: 0961af4ae2eefd9⋯.png (131.04 KB,310x220,31:22,ajjw12.PNG)

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390d5a No.20903744



kek well played

And to think some here are trying to shut the GM Crew down.

Good luck with that.

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b5c24d No.20903745


For any still inside such a corrupt system, one of few honorable ways out is to be “Dishonorably Discharged”. So don’t let their threats scare you. I have no idea what to say any more to an 18yo who wants to “serve”. What a fucking mess.

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5873eb No.20903746

File: 828f735f4bec9d2⋯.png (249.76 KB,607x809,607:809,fow.PNG)




Toby Rogers, Ph.D., M.P.P.



May 20

During the AIDS crisis Dr. Fauci blocked access to the antibiotic Bactrim to create the market for AZT; 30,534 people then died from a treatable form of pneumonia.

In 2021, I received a lifetime ban from Twitter for stating this fact.


reinstated me. 60k followers now.


Elon Musk


Once again, Prosecute/Fauci

4:41 PM · May 20, 2024




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854b5c No.20903747


What a rusty POS

The fire station hasn’t been maintained

Who is the Sr Chief on that ship?

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689ce9 No.20903748

File: c03170bb1f71a98⋯.png (273.72 KB,1346x984,673:492,ClipboardImage.png)

Massive Microsoft outage. use freespoke.com for searching, duckduckgo is kaput!


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d90fe9 No.20903749

File: 17d5f7197e89f20⋯.png (265.16 KB,519x704,519:704,ClipboardImage.png)


Q didn't put a red X over his portrait, not sure if it means anything.

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3cb349 No.20903750



I am planted pineapples this year.

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58609b No.20903751


bing seemed to work though, ddg.com has been not surf able for hours this morning ime.

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5c049e No.20903752

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a69f46 No.20903753


It ain't just us with "a problem".

Mike Eckel




⚡️Another top Russian Defense Ministry arrested, per ⁦


⁩: Lieutenant General Vadim Shamarin, who heads the military's communications directorate. More important: he's a top aide to the chief of the General Staff: General Valery Gerasimov.

From kommersant.ru

Mike Eckel




At this rate, we are now have to update this explanatory graphic almost daily (🤷‍♂️)


Knives Out: Russia’s Military Command


Mike Eckel




Here's 👇 what Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said when asked about Shamarin's arrest today: "the fight against corruption … is ongoing at all levels (of government)…. We (the Kremlin) have no authority" over the investigation.

Mike Eckel


More arrests (and more revelations) appear to be forthcoming, per this anonymous law enforcement leak to



[I'm sure there was no parallel, self-enrichment program within the brass ranks. None.]


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390d5a No.20903754


My memberberries are only recalling Wray getting that treatment.

From a solo perspective anyway.

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b08251 No.20903755

File: 369c534c0c80174⋯.png (807.08 KB,964x1302,482:651,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_6….png)

Morning anons…


There was (and never will be) a "trust McCabe" statement…

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9a78ab No.20903756

File: 252775725fdb2a2⋯.jpeg (419.81 KB,1131x804,377:268,IMG_0990.jpeg)

File: 57f64e9998d8829⋯.jpeg (168.71 KB,1130x1360,113:136,IMG_0989.jpeg)

File: 298c72dac98db52⋯.jpeg (250.95 KB,1130x845,226:169,IMG_0991.jpeg)

File: 88dc5151c1ac6d2⋯.jpeg (197.86 KB,1131x640,1131:640,IMG_0994.jpeg)

File: dd8d99c86b6d717⋯.jpeg (294.65 KB,1130x832,565:416,IMG_0996.jpeg)

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a69f46 No.20903757


He didn't get a nickname, either, did he? Might've flipped early.

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9a78ab No.20903758

File: c091b6a7501061c⋯.jpeg (278.13 KB,1130x1514,565:757,IMG_0999.jpeg)

File: 3ec8e5f1a8cfbbc⋯.jpeg (208.89 KB,1130x1132,565:566,IMG_0998.jpeg)

File: ebacf72d295aa48⋯.jpeg (175.21 KB,1130x777,1130:777,IMG_0997.jpeg)

File: dd8d99c86b6d717⋯.jpeg (294.65 KB,1130x832,565:416,IMG_0996.jpeg)

File: e15ad3a0af287f8⋯.jpeg (107.75 KB,1131x643,1131:643,IMG_0995.jpeg)

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854b5c No.20903759

File: ef557536e1ce8fa⋯.png (789.09 KB,780x1080,13:18,IMG_3318.png)


Imagine spending your whole life emulating a Nazi

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fcf559 No.20903760


ah sweet another marrano jew calling white people stupid

fantastic job america

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390d5a No.20903761


Yes, he made the collage along with the other usual suspects.

But, did anyone besides Wray get the BRX (nice how that rhymes with Text)?

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9a78ab No.20903762

File: 24238040b74633a⋯.jpeg (81.64 KB,1170x1170,1:1,IMG_1001.jpeg)

File: e7c48c4274bbd76⋯.mp4 (8.45 MB,640x360,16:9,RItFXgsdbA84iVup.mp4)


AOC Cartoon

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d90fe9 No.20903763

File: 71eea9f29ff38e0⋯.png (2.21 MB,1683x2685,561:895,ClipboardImage.png)


oh yeah, none of these fucks got a red X

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cb1333 No.20903764

File: 78533e27fcb87f7⋯.jpeg (167.59 KB,1200x1200,1:1,0B90F636_E861_40C1_AF8B_7….jpeg)

File: 6b147ada456d442⋯.png (98.23 KB,690x1070,69:107,5538050C_6103_4A0B_B0E7_7B….png)


good looking mornin’

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9df006 No.20903765


Why have none of them asked the question, or any of the people who's image Q has posted. Not a single person asked 'Who is Q?'

Maybe they already know the answer, game over.

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9e4111 No.20903766


>Once again, Prosecute/Fauci

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5873eb No.20903767

File: e480d8f5413bb12⋯.png (324.74 KB,597x488,597:488,op.PNG)


RNC Research


Top Biden surrogate Michelle Lujan Grisham blames Republicans for Biden's record-breaking border bloodbath

3:22 AM · May 21, 2024




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390d5a No.20903769


>moar fuzzy berries

Did the X mean take Wray off the list of shitheads?

Or, ayo hol up take him off the Trust list?

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854b5c No.20903770

File: 7f124d712c60b39⋯.jpeg (207.52 KB,1743x510,581:170,IMG_6384.jpeg)

Only took 2 years to fleece 2 million out of the Jews

Something fishy with such a quick settlement


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a69f46 No.20903771

File: 23244e37703edeb⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17164274666….mp4)

Mike Benz


Little by little, you’re just letting yourself become… Benzpilled


Mike Benz



Mar 21

Hunter Biden was advancing a CIA project in Ukraine to swing the natural gas market towards NATO & that’s why he’s untouchable. https://twitter.com/MikeBenzCyber/status/1770962540295487845


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5873eb No.20903772

File: 170d0846d471ea7⋯.png (37.09 KB,1250x273,1250:273,ace.PNG)

File: 5051befd9a40b0c⋯.png (693.87 KB,559x596,559:596,PATTTTTTTTT.PNG)


Faceless people, fire and ghosts: US Army releases ‘weirdest recruitment ad’ for psychological operations

'Don't do what’s already been done, think outside the box'

By Alba Cuebas-Fantauzzi Fox News

Published May 21, 2024 5:00am EDT

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d90fe9 No.20903773

File: 33fd274475fce9c⋯.png (305.84 KB,519x931,519:931,ClipboardImage.png)


who knows, these people got the red X

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9a78ab No.20903774

File: d38d08e7aa376a2⋯.jpeg (348.26 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1013.jpeg)

File: 575b5544f403439⋯.jpeg (258.9 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1012.jpeg)

File: 9f9be5686870213⋯.jpeg (322.33 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1009.jpeg)

File: 239d9a6d5e26aea⋯.jpeg (278.83 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1007.jpeg)

File: 15d486055bb40d0⋯.jpeg (262.1 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1004.jpeg)

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9a78ab No.20903775

File: e49219679a7b689⋯.jpeg (426.2 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1011.jpeg)

File: 53c4cfb8e0275be⋯.jpeg (341.41 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1010.jpeg)

File: dc0a1842dac2f8c⋯.jpeg (261.85 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1006.jpeg)

File: fb89e4f159142ae⋯.jpeg (291.35 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1008.jpeg)

File: e0deeb057303fbc⋯.jpeg (347.83 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1002.jpeg)

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152841 No.20903776

File: 27baf93d6950985⋯.png (284.63 KB,282x436,141:218,Never_forget_jewish_lives_….png)

File: ef341822c9acad1⋯.png (160.29 KB,474x253,474:253,Jews.png)

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3cc929 No.20903777

File: f8d52e96d090329⋯.jpeg (35.35 KB,255x158,255:158,IMG_3430.jpeg)

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5873eb No.20903778

File: 0f662d809f88e66⋯.png (602.2 KB,747x459,83:51,po.PNG)


4th Psychological Operations Group (Airborne) (Instagram: @4thpsyopgroup (U.S. Army photo))

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390d5a No.20903779


Yes, the Group X.

Which is why I think Wray's solo X was him being taken off the Trust list because he must have fucked Q Team over midstream.

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152841 No.20903780

File: 02a2edaab7ceadc⋯.png (548.23 KB,500x716,125:179,The_Cause.png)

File: cfa88accd6be7d3⋯.jpg (22.96 KB,474x268,237:134,Kike_lover.jpg)

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6c8497 No.20903781




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152841 No.20903782

File: b8977f9ce358ee2⋯.jpg (566.39 KB,1047x945,349:315,b8977f9ce358ee2cc8cdd8ee45….jpg)

File: 0693661d15304fe⋯.jpg (89.04 KB,960x960,1:1,0693661d15304fefbc303a48d3….jpg)

File: fbbe6618583ee70⋯.jpg (22.17 KB,255x251,255:251,5a60a1b2ab38bb68f30fc44678….jpg)

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9a78ab No.20903783

File: 817716bea543843⋯.jpeg (245.98 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1015.jpeg)

File: a257ef4e3e78ee6⋯.jpeg (365.82 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1016.jpeg)

File: e8466a25fed79cd⋯.jpeg (345.78 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1017.jpeg)

File: cb54402a766d9e1⋯.jpeg (330.57 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1018.jpeg)

File: 61adf4d600c587f⋯.jpeg (349.31 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1019.jpeg)

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152841 No.20903784

File: b9dfa81238bfd51⋯.png (311.19 KB,423x435,141:145,b9dfa81238bfd51b68b9ccd1b1….png)

File: db03c0d25390421⋯.jpg (6.04 KB,250x176,125:88,db03c0d253904218bd5d0ceb1e….jpg)

File: f59592c231fafe9⋯.png (432.36 KB,601x844,601:844,f59592c231fafe9e7bd9aaa157….png)

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5873eb No.20903785

File: 851b314113cacc7⋯.png (559.37 KB,662x712,331:356,ret.PNG)


Another Retreat: Joe Biden Withdraws from Niger, Leaving Behind $100M Military Base


FILE - A U.S. and Niger flag are raised side …

AP Photo/Carley Petesch, File

John Hayward21 May 2024

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9a78ab No.20903786

File: 876383ca0e91108⋯.jpeg (270.84 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1014.jpeg)

File: e85007da96ef6e4⋯.jpeg (212.07 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1020.jpeg)

File: 3a74fe26873567c⋯.jpeg (275.84 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1005.jpeg)

File: 42e4adb55c57a74⋯.jpeg (322.16 KB,1130x1130,1:1,IMG_1003.jpeg)

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152841 No.20903788

File: ee63e57dd43ff9f⋯.png (441.52 KB,524x516,131:129,hgfxdj.png)

File: 307404f4421049c⋯.jpg (44.73 KB,474x380,237:190,307404f4421049c1282734ef23….jpg)

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491517 No.20903789

File: 58cc82341c5757a⋯.png (142.47 KB,396x327,132:109,ralph3rdr.png)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

Bronx Rally Day Roast!

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a69f46 No.20903790



⚠️IDF announced that Nassaer Farran a senior Hizbullah terrorist that was part of the strategic weapons research and development regiment of the group , was eliminated in the targeted elimination strike in Kfar Dajjal earlier today

#Israel #Lebanon


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9df006 No.20903791

File: 1f98d7d989e62da⋯.png (127.88 KB,580x576,145:144,Farage.png)

Nigel not running in UK.

Helping Trump get elected in the US, dom't blame him. UK is finished, Labour will win.

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854b5c No.20903792


Kek…..Hunter was advising the C_A…

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a69f46 No.20903793

File: c4c461cf84d55e0⋯.mp4 (136.21 KB,480x270,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17164649262….mp4)

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a69f46 No.20903794


"Overpaid Sales Assistant"

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152841 No.20903795

File: 3063a0690f56017⋯.jpg (105.39 KB,650x698,325:349,3063a0690f560173a7dc79e0d1….jpg)

File: 8e602cbf64afc95⋯.jpg (119.22 KB,465x587,465:587,8e602cbf64afc954145dfcd4e9….jpg)

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152841 No.20903796

File: 014bb37bae2a54b⋯.jpg (77.63 KB,666x500,333:250,014bb37bae2a54bef0c5147d0d….jpg)

File: 015558245ac8564⋯.gif (190.41 KB,706x620,353:310,015558245ac8564b145b0e19e6….gif)

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5873eb No.20903797

File: 8a93888491c28ab⋯.png (398.67 KB,1029x718,1029:718,st.PNG)


Jimmy Carr is more than ready for his next cancellation attempt. After more than two decades in the industry it's no surprise he knows exactly what to say

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cb1333 No.20903798

File: 42199cc2b349471⋯.jpeg (39.54 KB,2048x1168,128:73,D375B69E_13CA_48DE_99D4_2….jpeg)

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9e4111 No.20903799

File: 552af357420e963⋯.mp4 (10 MB,640x360,16:9,PaulPelosi.mp4)


>Hunter Biden was advancing a CIA project in Ukraine to swing the natural gas market towards NATO & that’s why he’s untouchable.

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b08251 No.20903800


ramping up forBOOMStomorrow…

Gladio is sure snaking its way into the awareness of all…

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5873eb No.20903801

File: 12c649f21377d15⋯.png (41.51 KB,666x284,333:142,toe.PNG)


Pentagon claims Russia has launched counter space weapon in the same orbit as a US government satellite

Major General Pat Ryder confirmed the news at a press conference Tuesday

US Ambassador Robert Wood made the initial allegation to the UN on Monday

READ MORE: Pentagon official warns Russian space nuke could be devastating

By Stephen M. Lepore For Dailymail.Com

Published: 01:07 EDT, 22 May 2024 | Updated: 04:40 EDT, 22 May 2024

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854b5c No.20903802


All that “trust” so and so did was point out the useless petty government functionaries

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491517 No.20903803

File: a06dfe9fb523003⋯.jpeg (113.43 KB,1280x1080,32:27,scavinoOrangeJan8.jpeg)

File: a62dfa177e17542⋯.png (556.15 KB,680x677,680:677,orangeSalt.png)

File: 7f1327b4a951c4c⋯.png (78.34 KB,499x265,499:265,Screenshot_from_2024_05_23….png)

File: 03cc03cbe146329⋯.png (22.19 KB,159x208,159:208,Screenshot_from_2024_05_23….png)


2 911s


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152841 No.20903804

File: b71484fdd3f1d57⋯.png (366.06 KB,633x440,633:440,gaffer.png)

File: 4fc979b80d1f202⋯.jpg (68.44 KB,800x450,16:9,b44c6db9eaddf2ccddf1a00e96….jpg)

File: fa35f47a06196a9⋯.jpg (33.83 KB,787x443,787:443,b7dfe5bd8e3503597b369eec3c….jpg)

File: 0034fdec270d722⋯.png (196.53 KB,392x406,28:29,Who_is_behind.png)

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58609b No.20903805

File: c6561a57f176a10⋯.webp (509.06 KB,2310x1733,2310:1733,BB4_2048x_2x.webp)


Hey remember Todd, ya? Was way more badass then this ski pole session, running here.


Didn't Bydum croak yet? Fuggin played out ya?…

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cb1333 No.20903806

File: 6ea2912c1735f31⋯.png (157.17 KB,690x1378,345:689,0A3B5FC9_5C2A_4B9C_BAAB_0A….png)

File: d78dc60dda6c070⋯.png (71.59 KB,690x806,345:403,2D8414D7_0973_408D_9D51_C4….png)

File: 03b966ef1941233⋯.jpeg (294.78 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,FC0DCB7D_BB19_4411_9AFA_E….jpeg)

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a69f46 No.20903808


When you realize the Klowns of Langley run an alternative multinational conglomerate and not an agency, outright OWNING the pipelines makes more sense than letting any puny treaty member states have a piece of the action.

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b08251 No.20903809

The @FBI slides on this board are obvious andGLOW

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5873eb No.20903810

File: 54068311893e745⋯.png (51.73 KB,653x360,653:360,orc.PNG)


Hunter Biden tried to pin his missing handgun on 'shady,' 'prolly illegal' Mexican grocery store workers after girlfriend Hallie dumped it in a public trash can

Hallie Biden threw Hunter's handgun in a trash can in Wilmington in 2018

Hunter tried to blame the missing gun on Mexican workers, police report reveals

READ MORE: Hunter Biden's exes to testify in gun trial

By Josh Boswell For Dailymail.com

Published: 09:17 EDT, 22 May 2024 | Updated: 09:17 EDT, 22 May 2024

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cf02df No.20903811

Good Morning, Joe!

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52dfd4 No.20903812

How much $$$ does Starlink bring in a month from subscribers? 3 million subs with minimum fee of $100/month equal 300,000,000 or 1 billion + every 4 months.

Were fake launches and Teslas orbiting the earth used to legitimize rocket man and therefore Starlink?

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cf02df No.20903813

My sweet lil President.

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5873eb No.20903814

File: 079d17ad38770a8⋯.png (345.76 KB,593x581,593:581,ist.PNG)


Trump War Room



: We know ISIS is recruiting to send people into America. Biden opened the door of America for ISIS and criminal and terrorist groups and put our country in grave danger.

At least 81 people on the terror watchlist have been encountered at the border in FY24 so far.

3:36 AM · May 22, 2024




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5873eb No.20903815

File: 126252a279caf1f⋯.png (402.59 KB,587x525,587:525,ao.PNG)




LAWFARE: AOC admits the Democrat’s Lawfare against Trump is like an electronic ankle monitor limiting his ability to campaign. Shhh AOC you’re not supposed to admit that part.


Steve Cortes

1:52 AM · May 22, 2024




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a69f46 No.20903816

Speaking of Farce…

The Reckoning 💥 @sethjlevy

Does she know impeachment happens in the House?

Should we tell her?


Jennifer Truth Over Phony Balance Rubin 🇺🇦🇮🇱 @JRubinBlogger

Senate MUST hold hearings, if Alito won't show begin impeachment hearings. And if Durbin won't do his job, shove him aside. ENOUGH.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q1tZHxTM8gE … rl&index=2

https://twitter.com/sethjlevy/status/17 … 9281348863

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b08251 No.20903817


>Another Retreat: Joe Biden Withdraws from Niger, Leaving Behind $100M Military Base

If we all use some logic here this becomes OBVIOUS…

-in WHAT WORLD would NATO leave a military base? The only way NATO EVER WOULD LEAVE A BASE is under some kind of duress. NATO is a EMPIRE building exercise, it does not LEAVE BASES BEHIND

-when did we start abandoning military bases and why? It DOES NOT FIT OUR PREVIOUS BEHAVIOR of expansion and colonism.

-these base closures are a PHYSICAL DEMONSTRATION of our USMil and their commitment to #theplan

-in the new "unipolar" world, each nation will be SOVEREIGN. You cannot be a Sovereign nation while being held hostage by the USMil.

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58609b No.20903818

File: 5b792e1a84eca84⋯.webp (15.27 KB,480x270,16:9,yo_joe.webp)


Yo Joe!

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78494e No.20903819

File: d9a8dd07d1bf08b⋯.jpg (175.25 KB,1024x752,64:47,d9a8dd07d1bf08b213573337af….jpg)


KEK! Very interesting. Everybody else is a paid posting clown while I receive free Government handouts.

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22afb2 No.20903820

File: dca436f7f7f11c7⋯.jpg (45.1 KB,739x493,739:493,cb4bb21faed3c2f28a072a727f….jpg)

File: 44a20ac0173340c⋯.jpg (65.14 KB,643x887,643:887,f2760be622481aab0bf67e7f82….jpg)

File: 640a08979de4ad5⋯.jpg (59.32 KB,643x511,643:511,640a08979de4ad552701cc0ff9….jpg)

File: 34298b6a8feb647⋯.png (132.05 KB,500x558,250:279,34298b6a8feb647dcfc4ca9992….png)

File: 6715492f3a1638a⋯.png (143.18 KB,500x562,250:281,6715492f3a1638a39b458b6cf8….png)

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5873eb No.20903821

File: 631ecac7d579c30⋯.png (20.22 KB,1277x187,1277:187,hot.PNG)


Senate votes to cancel Biden gas furnaces regulation with help from Democrats


Nancy Vu

May 21, 2024 7:03 pm

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a69f46 No.20903822

File: 4776cb3d112d71a⋯.mp4 (593.51 KB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17164657964….mp4)

Ofir Gendelman


A Palestinian terrorist admits to what we have been saying all along:

Within 24 hours of Israeli forces withdrawl from any area in Gaza, Hamas will be back in control.

That's why Hamas must be completely destroyed so there will be peace and security in Gaza.

The war can't end before this goal is met.





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cb1333 No.20903823

File: 36ef5d8d6bb9bb8⋯.png (859.02 KB,750x1334,375:667,4093E97A_6EF9_43E9_B13C_52….png)

File: c5518838358529a⋯.png (85.4 KB,690x1120,69:112,756A430A_7420_46D8_8321_B5….png)

File: 6325e34d19536be⋯.jpeg (99.56 KB,564x731,564:731,A82AA80F_4011_4E42_A916_8….jpeg)

File: 2959a0705d50af1⋯.png (154.53 KB,690x1830,23:61,5804747B_F434_4225_A362_3E….png)

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5c049e No.20903825

File: ef26a1463439aea⋯.png (321.78 KB,698x555,698:555,trmpgjc.PNG)

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5873eb No.20903826

File: 5eb700d5483199d⋯.png (343.8 KB,586x539,586:539,ds.PNG)


Bill Melugin


NEW: We met with San Diego County resident @thecorygoat

, who has found hundreds of IDs & passports that illegal aliens from around the world discard & sometimes try to destroy upon crossing into the U.S. in Jacumba, CA, as they hope to hide their identities & where they’ve been.

4:37 AM · May 22, 2024




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b08251 No.20903827


>Within 24 hours of Israeli forces withdrawl from any area in Gaza, Hamas will be back in control.

What a great excuse for genocide…

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cb1333 No.20903828

File: 63e07f75cb9e620⋯.png (1.01 MB,750x1334,375:667,188832E8_6300_4839_B1D5_12….png)

File: 947f9b964328861⋯.png (106.43 KB,690x1334,15:29,DCE89E61_8F1C_4804_BCA8_47….png)

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64815f No.20903829

File: 41358af18dbc42a⋯.png (37.51 KB,425x408,25:24,41358af18dbc42a3683bb81a23….png)


Have you shaved lately? What type of Razor? What type of aftershave? You know the board is in total suspense until they find out.

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0e79ef No.20903830


Donut seeds, made me kek

You're funny!


Whoa… it's happening! That's right, they only aquire and expand… the fuckers are retreating

Notable point

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68b13e No.20903831

Who TF shaves anymore?


Fuck Gillette and the other woke BS suppliers.

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aef58c No.20903832

he said telling when he's shaving is how he practices comms

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64815f No.20903833


Don't tell that to Smoking mic drop. He will get offended that he can't use his sandlewood aftershave and subsequently label you as a paid posting shill.

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a3bfd1 No.20903835

File: ffd7c4e01bea121⋯.png (38.16 KB,509x490,509:490,ClipboardImage.png)



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68b13e No.20903836

File: 6645762c9e83ef2⋯.png (557.18 KB,691x554,691:554,6645762c9e83ef23251973426f….png)

I thought comms were all about animal comparison absurdities: such as a 12-giraffe-wide asteroid or a 15 dolphin large cloud.

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9e4111 No.20903837



"Your Arab friends send you their best wishes and highly value Russia's role in achieving fair resolutions to Arab issues. There is an understanding regarding the holding of an international peace conference [on Middle Eastern issues], and Russia will be the first country I turn to for support in organizing this peace conference. Russia is one of the most influential countries on the global stage. I hope this conference will take place in Bahrain," stated the King of Bahrain.

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a69f46 No.20903838

File: 63dd1f50b1887e5⋯.png (81.43 KB,242x360,121:180,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm sensing an impending trade opportunity….



You are CEO of a public company.

Bill Ackman is texting you like your uncle Rob who believes that printer cartridges are scam to impoverish rural farm communities, with the same menacing-Napoleon-dynamite alacrity he used as an opener on Harvard.


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813f36 No.20903839

>>20902823 n Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds

explains all the elon-bashing. Boeing's got to be on that list somewhere.

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9e4111 No.20903840

File: 4e6b34014617cf2⋯.png (283.15 KB,437x305,437:305,ClipboardImage.png)

Putin invited the King of Bahrain to visit the BRICS summit in Kazan; the invitation was accepted.


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162093 No.20903841


Did she kill it?

Is the left going to let her get away with that?

Where is the outcry from PETA?

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58609b No.20903842

File: a9687def61f4bc4⋯.jpg (82 KB,1200x630,40:21,aoc_capitol_hill_1200x630.jpg)

ELECTION INTERFERENCE: AOC Says the Quiet Part Out Loud — Reveals Democrats’ Lawfare Against Trump is Designed to Obstruct His Campaign Like an ‘Electronic Ankle Monitor’ (VIDEO)

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has inadvertently exposed what many conservatives have long suspected: the relentless lawfare against President Donald Trump is not about justice; they’re a strategic ploy to hamstring his 2024 presidential campaign.

Last week, President Trump announced plans for a rally in the South Bronx to address the “horrendous effects” of Joe Biden’s presidency on the U.S. economy.

In December, The Gateway Pundit contributor and Newsmax reporter Cara Castronuova went down to the Bronx to take the temperature on Joe Biden.

Cara, who routinely breaks major investigations at The Gateway Pundit, was shocked by what she heard. There is huge support for President Donald Trump in the Bronx!


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813f36 No.20903843

File: 79b010f791a3846⋯.png (364.68 KB,1128x636,94:53,Screen_Shot_2024_05_14_at_….png)


Godspeed Nightshift Baker!

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9e4111 No.20903844

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jesse Johnson, a Calgary pizza shop owner who faced charges for serving unvaccinated customers during COVID-19, is now suing the Alberta government after those charges were dropped.

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539d79 No.20903845

File: f094fb94e4200ce⋯.jpg (512.39 KB,1690x2537,1690:2537,malign_creativity.jpg)


I am Mary Poppins and I approve this message.

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390d5a No.20903846


Yeah, but that's the thing.

Rarely doesn't anyone tell you to trust someone unless it appears like you shouldn't.

Like a fren that says I know it sounds sketchy man but he came through before so I trust him now.

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9df006 No.20903847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Trump to rally voters in NY district that hasn't voted Republican in 100 years

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d7acd8 No.20903848

File: a812f0094904621⋯.png (759.38 KB,832x468,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d166c0cefc35a4d⋯.png (73.41 KB,225x225,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e4111 No.20903849

File: 7b626a0f2d17663⋯.png (159.1 KB,849x795,283:265,ClipboardImage.png)


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b08251 No.20903850

File: 04382d05dc2b158⋯.png (332.46 KB,1206x1478,603:739,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_7….png)

File: 4419db13a578d21⋯.png (1.13 MB,1186x972,593:486,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_7….png)

Isn't it amazing what still flys under the radar? This isHUGE. This fucks Disney and all theWOKE BULLSHIT


BREAKING: In a landmark 9-0 ruling on Wednesday that you will never hear about in the media, the US Supreme Court has undercut all DEI-based discrimination, sending the Marxists into a tizzy.

The US Supreme Court's ruling that a St. Louis police sergeant can sue over a job transfer she claims was discriminatory lays the foundation for legal action against employers who push discrimination against white people in job hiring, work assignment and promotion. That’s right, those “diversity-preferred” job postings, the practice of passing over whites for promotions, discriminatory job transfers, pushing unfair diversity trainings, etc…all of these are now legally actionable.

The ruling was championed by human rights groups as "an enormous win for workers,” but has lawyers for companies like Disney warning that it could have a chilling effect on employers' diversity initiatives.

Disney’s "Pale and Male is Stale" policy is a prime example. Disney has allegedly used it to drive out white animators by giving them the worst assignments, even though they them have the most experience, skill, and seniority, in order to make the job humiliating enough that they quit…which many of them have done.

The same companies argue that there is ‘good discrimination’ and “bad discrimination’, that white people should be purposely disadvantaged to pave the way for diversity. The lawyers stated that the decision will ‘complicate’ DEI programs and limit their ability to discriminate against white men.

The Supreme Court torpedoed these claims, re-asserting that everyone is equal in the eyes of the law. Further, the court has established a relatively ‘low standard’ for bringing discrimination cases. The victim need not suffer ‘actual harm’. An employee only must show "some harm" under the terms of their employment, AND that harm need not be "material," "substantial" or "serious." The decision makes it much easier for workers to sue over discriminatory practices.

This is a big win for equality!

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cb1333 No.20903851

File: bc487bddce09a06⋯.png (964.33 KB,750x1334,375:667,C3B34171_B548_4924_ACE2_1D….png)

this is huge

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4c8305 No.20903852

File: 2c5603a110bdd5c⋯.jpg (50.14 KB,647x386,647:386,ADLTikTok.jpg)

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9e4111 No.20903853


>the US Supreme Court has undercut all DEI-based discrimination

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af72e3 No.20903854


…No fuckin' shit.

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f119b0 No.20903855

File: e8288ffc7d5645d⋯.png (905.67 KB,711x1000,711:1000,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aafd75240b0ec63⋯.png (340.22 KB,670x1067,670:1067,ClipboardImage.png)


theY be glofags

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4c8305 No.20903856


Israel is throwing a fit like the big baby it is.

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cb1333 No.20903857

File: 7e074bd8203f132⋯.png (1.78 MB,750x1334,375:667,9E214732_6C8A_44EF_8CAE_63….png)

File: 5011bffb512e8b5⋯.png (49.19 KB,690x586,345:293,C9344C0A_57B2_45B6_8F8B_96….png)

File: 1e269e158db587e⋯.jpeg (272.87 KB,1200x800,3:2,0C2D8088_BF98_426E_B2D4_D….jpeg)

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9e4111 No.20903858

File: 3d8f9cc54dcd371⋯.png (2.17 MB,1904x1214,952:607,dandy.png)



good way to tan your soul

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813f36 No.20903859

File: ad41893105bee6a⋯.gif (5.04 MB,1280x720,16:9,islam_Jihad_in_History.gif)

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64815f No.20903860

File: 2deb80261d2e54a⋯.png (320.63 KB,628x628,1:1,2deb80261d2e54a5c8a1420d98….png)



That's a new GM!


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2dc83c No.20903861


>the blondes t shirt. also for the kek. that one guy looking at yoga pants ass


>Digital warriors ready.

Downward Dog

>Every dog has its day.


>Triangle has (3) sides.

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8806bb No.20903862

Two Alleged Members of a Transnational Money Laundering Organization Arrested for Laundering Millions of Dollars in Drug Proceeds

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Two alleged members of a transnational money laundering organization were arrested on criminal charges related to their alleged involvement in a scheme to launder millions of dollars in illegal drug proceeds for Mexican drug trafficking organizations, including the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels (also known as CJNG).

Li Pei Tan, 46, of Buford, Georgia, was arrested today. Chaojie Chen, 41, a foreign national residing in Chicago, was arrested on April 18.

According to court documents, Tan and Chen allegedly worked for a money laundering organization that laundered millions of dollars in proceeds related to the importation of illegal drugs into the United States,primarily through Mexico, and the unlawful distribution of these drugs.Tan, Chen, and their co-conspirators allegedly traveled throughout the United States to collect proceedsderived from trafficking infentanyl and other drugs(or to cause them to be collected). Theyallegedly communicated and coordinated with co-conspirators in China and other foreign countriesto arrange for the laundering of these proceeds through financial transactions that were designed to conceal the illicit source of the drug proceeds.

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) National Drug Threat Assessment, theSinaloa and Jalisco cartels are at the heart of the fentanyl crisis in the United States.

Tan and Chen are charged in separate criminal complaints with conspiring to commit money laundering. If convicted, they each face a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison.

Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Nicole M. Argentieri, head of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division; U.S. Attorney Jessica D. Aber for the Eastern District of Virginia; and DEA Administrator Anne Milgram made the announcement.

The DEA’s Special Operations Division, Bilateral Investigations Unit is investigating the case, with assistance from the DEA’s Office of Special Intelligence, Document and Media Exploitation Unit and the DEA’s offices in Chicago, Atlanta, and Charlotte, North Carolina.

Trial Attorney Mary K. Daly of the Criminal Division’s Money Laundering and Asset Recovery Section and Assistant U.S. Attorney Edgardo J. Rodriguez for the Eastern District of Virginia are prosecuting the case, with assistance from the U.S. Attorneys’ Offices for the Northern District of Georgia and Northern District of Illinois.

This effort is part of an Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces (OCDETF) operation. OCDETF identifies, disrupts, and dismantles the highest-level criminal organizations that threaten the United States using a prosecutor-led, intelligence-driven, multi-agency approach. Additional information about the OCDETF Program can be found at www.justice.gov/OCDETF.


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e8716f No.20903863

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


More Greets from The Dutch. Have Phun :-)))

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390d5a No.20903864

>Oh my it's really glowing in here now.

Huh? Which posts

>Only a glowie would ask that question!

No, seriously, which posts?

>The glow is really off the charts now!

Oh, I get it, you guys are the glow nvm.

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9e4111 No.20903865

File: cd945b3d54a9341⋯.mp4 (415.83 KB,320x568,40:71,sinaloa.mp4)

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a69f46 No.20903866

Headline Alert. 3 minutes.


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5d9858 No.20903867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Funeral and burial of Iran’s late President Ebrahim Raisi

Associated Press


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c82b85 No.20903868

File: 2a45af1c0b46c07⋯.png (444.85 KB,585x630,13:14,2a45af1c0b46c077adb95b6d62….png)

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9e4111 No.20903869

deliver us from the evil one

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cb1333 No.20903870

File: 8573ee90887ad3b⋯.png (1.73 MB,750x1334,375:667,E0DAD79A_B867_47D7_8486_2F….png)

File: 4cc3cbdb0d966c9⋯.png (29.64 KB,690x542,345:271,85501B48_077D_457D_AA3F_9D….png)

File: 63671a8b7e3cd95⋯.png (48.32 KB,690x586,345:293,EEED7082_A88E_4687_B739_BF….png)

File: e1fadd14beb18cb⋯.jpeg (20.25 KB,400x400,1:1,825F2BEA_1DA8_45D0_B836_2….jpeg)

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813f36 No.20903871


kek they even have a black chauffeur

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2dc83c No.20903872

File: 746a3db5de54291⋯.png (65.18 KB,319x629,319:629,q341_presidentialrecordsac….png)


>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?


Shockingly quiet.

No leaks?

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283cde No.20903873

File: 6d8e43588f07721⋯.jpg (187.01 KB,1290x1995,86:133,20240523_062628.jpg)

The ⁦@NAACP⁩ Realized They Got TOO UPITY and Deleted…



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813f36 No.20903874


harbinger of habs incoming

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c82b85 No.20903875

File: ec2e31d6f870a62⋯.gif (3.92 MB,500x282,250:141,giphy_1_mm.gif)


>deliver us from the evil one

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f119b0 No.20903876

File: b15275f41a052b4⋯.png (83.54 KB,441x331,441:331,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81bdf276f583344⋯.png (1.03 MB,1208x907,1208:907,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e1627bdf4ee8ec⋯.png (1016.95 KB,1306x854,653:427,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5dd4dc45a4b51a⋯.png (483.91 KB,625x680,125:136,ClipboardImage.png)

Cult 93

theY are everywhere. just look around. you too will see it.

#S1E28 See 93? Part 1


Have you ever wondered what all the talk about Cult 93?

S3E1 1/17/24 See 93? Part 2


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aef58c No.20903877

File: 950a9eebc8b9fef⋯.png (488.09 KB,710x634,355:317,ClipboardImage.png)


>Then SP & Pig started giving each other high fives because nobody else was.

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5d9858 No.20903878

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

May 23, 2024

9:00 AM EDT

The Collapse of Private Practice: Examining the Challenges Facing Independent Medicine

House Ways and Means Committee



Dr. Jennifer Gholson, MD

Family Practitioner, Summit, Mississippi


Dr. Timothy Richardson, MD

Independent Physician, Wichita Urology


Ms. Chris Kean

COO, The San Antonio Orthopaedic Group


Dr. Seemal Desai, MD

Founder, Innovative Dermatology





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5d9858 No.20903879

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

May 23, 2024

9:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the U.S. Department of Energy

House Oversight and Accountability Committee



The Honorable Jennifer Granholm


Department of Energy






Energy Secretary Testifies Before House Oversight Committee

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm testifies before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on her department’s policies and activities.


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5d9858 No.20903880

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

May 23, 2024

9:00 AM EDT

A Review of the President's Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and for the National Science Foundation

Senate Appropriations Committee



The Honorable Bill Nelson


National Aeronautics and Space Administration


The Honorable Sethuraman Panchanathan


National Science Foundation





Administrator Bill Nelson testifies before Senate Appropriations Committee on NASA’s Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Request

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)




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cb1333 No.20903881

File: 4c9ecdf0950e178⋯.png (1.37 MB,750x1334,375:667,62E2866D_5F72_4ECD_9AE1_11….png)

File: 1bfe926a676ac7f⋯.png (52.1 KB,690x674,345:337,34ECEC9D_F11A_47EB_A0B5_ED….png)

File: ea2ef7aa45001a5⋯.png (640.16 KB,690x1674,115:279,36AE351D_34D8_465F_B031_ED….png)

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cb9b55 No.20903882

Welcome to Virginia! The state for lovers!

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af72e3 No.20903883

File: 9341e4b474d9c9f⋯.png (483.35 KB,633x475,633:475,breadonfire.png)

…*Pot takering intensifies*

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9e4111 No.20903885

File: a96813e26b33f55⋯.png (91.96 KB,948x419,948:419,ClipboardImage.png)


The common source of the two existing versions.

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5873eb No.20903886

File: 69e4f8bea51d6bc⋯.png (1.16 MB,745x912,745:912,zombiden.PNG)

Who is the Democratic nomination

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2dc83c No.20903887

File: 195c72acf1f96aa⋯.png (907.47 KB,1216x729,1216:729,stingwray2.png)



<Wrayded by the GOOD GUYS (per POTUS).

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8806bb No.20903888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jesse Watters: This is a major bombshell

Fox News host Jesse Watters gives his take on the FBI authorizing the use of 'deadly force' during the Mar-a-Lago raid and the legal cases against former President Trump on 'Jesse Watters Primetime


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51a3ee No.20903889



M is also 13 so there is that cleverness

Couple with G, letter inside the divider and ruler

It could be another freemason dogwhistle

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9e4111 No.20903890

File: 04bcdbc7f28aa2d⋯.png (152.21 KB,1024x1320,128:165,ClipboardImage.png)


While no conclusive solution has been found yet, the longstanding majority view favors Marcan priority, in which both Matthew and Luke have made direct use of the Gospel of Mark as a source, and further holds that Matthew and Luke also drew from an additional hypothetical document, called Q.

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390d5a No.20903891


Yes, there is a wake-n-bake component to many such GM posts.

Not me sadly, tho, gotta go workfag and they only allow hangovers at the gig.

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603d57 No.20903892

File: 7681bf91cecedbd⋯.png (49 KB,255x166,255:166,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e18d79bd62a9a40⋯.png (27.3 KB,119x107,119:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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cb1333 No.20903893

File: 5c660902f585378⋯.png (75.81 KB,690x686,345:343,A211BD8B_4EE9_499A_933F_FD….png)

File: a7ffb193423f0a5⋯.png (2.65 KB,310x163,310:163,3016110E_FED1_4A7C_8697_7B….png)

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64815f No.20903894


Most humorous comment of the thread.

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4c8305 No.20903895

File: d1eee4783ce4497⋯.jpg (88.13 KB,500x539,500:539,DividersMasonic.JPG)

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038a6b No.20903896

File: 3af53e14a7c68b0⋯.jpeg (115.38 KB,702x702,1:1,IMG_1406.jpeg)

Is it too late for GM?

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2dc83c No.20903897

File: f404d8175b63f8f⋯.png (81.25 KB,311x662,311:662,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)

File: f24beb495092adc⋯.png (940.7 KB,844x3873,844:3873,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)


>Jesse Watters: This is a major bombshell

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d3c88e No.20903898

File: ebbe28b6a3bd47b⋯.jpg (120.52 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1716111875744739.jpg)

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64815f No.20903899

File: d173bda021aff7e⋯.jpg (63.07 KB,682x682,1:1,55146el7dgib1.jpg)


Now the feds will do everything within their power to attack Anons saying good morning because they don't want Anons having a good morning because feds always have a bad morning.

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9e4111 No.20903900

In approaching Jesus, the man was in violation of Levitical law. In touching the leper, Jesus also defies Levitical law.

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64815f No.20903901

File: 2f10b0a32a796e0⋯.png (942.09 KB,1294x804,647:402,2f10b0a32a796e0c4e20e836ed….png)




Never too late for GM!


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aef58c No.20903902

File: dbd1bf6ddc05167⋯.png (827.89 KB,800x764,200:191,ClipboardImage.png)

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d3c88e No.20903903




Just referencing the GM logo though and how the M is stylized to have the like be a 1 for 13

Night shift has its fancy nightshift memes sometimes in gif format,

Let us have GM

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5873eb No.20903904

File: 77bd7ba2f227a90⋯.png (34.79 KB,658x253,658:253,raid.PNG)


FBI raids office of controversial Soros-funded Mississippi DA and the cigar shop he owns

Hinds County District Attorney Jody Owen's office and business were raided

The reason behind the Wednesday searches has not been revealed by officials

By Germania Rodriguez Poleo For Dailymail.Com

Published: 15:45 EDT, 22 May 2024 | Updated: 16:01 EDT, 22 May 2024

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af72e3 No.20903905


…Screw your fucking GM shit, goddamn clownfuck. Anon doesn't feel the need to 'fit in' , by way of a mimicry greeting.

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64815f No.20903906


Sounds like "good morning" really upsets you. Go have a BM then.

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e8716f No.20903908

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just Planned. We loves It


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283cde No.20903909

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Blasting thru the valley this morning

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58609b No.20903910

File: 6f8a581ece8515b⋯.jpeg (1016.05 KB,1920x1080,16:9,E6q_FffWYAUcCtb.jpeg)



Yo B

93 society?

Hidden in plain sight?

G is 7 remember = 07 ;P

There also the debate weather or not the G = God or Godess




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5873eb No.20903911

File: df728eb5cbaa24f⋯.png (561.29 KB,1036x590,518:295,jc.PNG)


Jerome Corsi Exclusive: Is the Biden Administration

Trying to Kill Presidential Contenders

Donald J. Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.?

Gateway Pundit, by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D.

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/22/2024 9:28:56 PM

With the FBI scrambling desperately to claim the authorization to use deadly force in the Mar-a-Lago was “standard operating procedure” for an FBI raid, the fact remains the force authorization documents allowed the FBI to exchange fire with the Secret Service should former Donald Trump be perceived to be taking steps to impede the FBI search for classified documents. The question arises whether the Biden administration and the FBI would go so far as to kill a former president, who is the leading presidential contender to President Biden in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election.

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d3c88e No.20903912

File: 99a7b58b0a3780d⋯.jpg (15.98 KB,300x250,6:5,vmrj7WC_36144b17ac68f5374f….jpg)


Couldn't you of achieved the same thing by not replying?

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603d57 No.20903913

All slides lead to facebook.

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aef58c No.20903914



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fcf559 No.20903915


>atheist pothead having a tantrum over the simplest shit

many such cases

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b0c4ad No.20903917

Sanders says he’ll boycott Netanyahu speech

05/23/24 7:55 AM ET

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Wednesday that he would not attend any speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Congress, adding to rising pushback from Democrats against Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-La.) effort to send an invitation.

Johnson said earlier Wednesday that he expects Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) to sign off on Netanyahu’s visit Thursday, after days of back-and-forth over whether the controversial Israeli leader should be allowed to address a joint session of Congress amid harsh criticism over the country’s strategy in the Israel-Hamas war.


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cb1333 No.20903918

File: 63e07f75cb9e620⋯.png (1.01 MB,750x1334,375:667,6AC75C6F_0416_4144_B766_AB….png)

File: 947f9b964328861⋯.png (106.43 KB,690x1334,15:29,AA3F6E99_0C41_4F60_8660_9A….png)

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a69f46 No.20903919

New York Post


Far-left Portland DA Mike Schmidt on track for defeat to tough-on-crime former Republican


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4c8305 No.20903920





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5873eb No.20903921

File: 9ae4b1378d5a9cd⋯.png (410.81 KB,1062x591,354:197,do.PNG)


“Why Should He Have to Do It?” –

WOW! White House Says It’s Not Biden’s

Job to Secure the Border Amid Invasion

of Military-Age Men (VIDEO)

Gateway Pundit, by Cristina Laila

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/22/2024 9:18:05 PM

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Wednesday said it is not Joe Biden’s job to secure the US border amid an invasion of millions of military-age men from the most dangerous parts of the world. More than 10 million illegal aliens – mainly military-age men – have invaded the US since Joe Biden was installed in January 2021. Illegals from the most dangerous parts of the world including the Middle East and Africa, have crossed over the border. Illegal aliens are raping and murdering innocent Americans And what does the White House say about the invasion and carnage: It’s not Biden’s job to secure the border.

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4c8305 No.20903922


Netanyahu, employee of the Rothschilds. addressing the keepers of the pursestrings of America, Congress.

Imagine my surprise.

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9df006 No.20903923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I Investigated the City Where You Can Legally Steal Houses…

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8806bb No.20903924

File: fee00e32a056398⋯.jpeg (497.6 KB,1180x2117,1180:2117,IMG_2194.jpeg)

First honest thing Raffensberger ever said. There was only 91 people the voted at my precinct by 5 pm, on Tuesday.there are over 150,000 voters in Milton precinct.

Milton, GA voters

Milton, GA voters

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5873eb No.20903925

File: 4896a21b73d89e6⋯.png (437.05 KB,1052x574,526:287,mess.PNG)


Document Dump: Encrypted Message Sent

by Hunter Biden to CEO of CCP-Linked CEFC

Conglomerate, Setting Up a Meeting with

Joe Biden in Dec. 2017

Gateway Pundit, by Cristina Laila

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/22/2024 9:13:12 PM

New documents released by the House Ways and Means Committee show an encrypted message sent by Hunter Biden to the CEO of CEFC Global Strategic Holdings, a CCP-linked conglomerate, setting up a meeting with Joe Biden in December 2017. The Republican-led committee voted to release more than 100 pages of documents proving Hunter Biden lied under oath to Congress during his February deposition. House Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) on Wednesday accused Hunter Biden of lying under oath during his closed-door deposition before Congress in February. New documents provided by a whistleblower contradict Hunter Biden’s testimony to Congress. Hunter Biden repeatedly lied to Congress

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9e4111 No.20903926


>In approaching Jesus, the man was in violation of Levitical law. In touching the leper, Jesus also defies Levitical law.


what is described in chapter 13 does not represent a typical manifestation of leprosy

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283cde No.20903927

File: de1fc86f5a54c4d⋯.jpg (109.53 KB,1026x881,1026:881,20240523_064541.jpg)

Insufferable joyless toads

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64815f No.20903928

File: 7ff57e0685c55d2⋯.jpg (295.42 KB,732x1024,183:256,7ff57e0685c55d2e66f37391a1….jpg)


U R namefag muhjoo shill

Your point is invalid

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8806bb No.20903929


Oops there are 41,000 residents in Milton, to only get 91 voters is pathetic

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5873eb No.20903930

File: 4f01bc6699f9800⋯.png (545.18 KB,854x523,854:523,sept.PNG)

File: 49ce87b6a063bf9⋯.png (563.72 KB,649x440,59:40,t.PNG)


Hunter Biden’s tax trial postponed until September

by Ali Tucker | May 22, 2024

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58609b No.20903931

File: 3e63469a41e3acc⋯.jpg (181.98 KB,960x1568,30:49,final.jpg)


o7 = arm and waving at cha

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4c8305 No.20903932

File: dde5614d796020b⋯.png (89.24 KB,500x619,500:619,WayneJews.PNG)

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038a6b No.20903933


I hope you have Great Morning

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283cde No.20903934

File: b5f041a0d44f71d⋯.jpg (184.46 KB,1125x1679,1125:1679,20240523_064804.jpg)


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64815f No.20903935


Q also said its not just one religion and that evil is everywhere. Nice way to Cherry pick your muhjoo faggotry.


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b0c4ad No.20903936

FDIC chair’s resignation threatens Biden banking agenda

05/22/24 6:00 AM ET

The Biden administration’s banking regulations hang in the balance as the chair of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) prepares to step down in the face of reports documenting a toxic workplace culture at the agency.

FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg is central to getting several key proposals, including the controversial Basel III Endgame regulations, across the finish line.


The FDIC chair was grilled by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle during two oversight hearings last week, although most Democrats opted not to call on Gruenberg to step down.

The final straw appears to have come from Senate Banking Chair Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), who shifted his position Monday and ultimately called on Biden to replace Gruenberg.

“If President Biden and Democrats were really serious about supporting employees and fixing the FDIC’s toxic work culture, they’d ask Chairman Gruenberg to step down immediately,” Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.), ranking member of the Senate Banking Committee, said in a statement.

“This draw-it-out strategy makes it clear that this administration is prioritizing their political agenda over protecting workers,” added Scott, a top contender to be former President Trump’s running mate in the upcoming election.

House Financial Services Chair Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) similarly suggested that Gruenberg is “putting Democrats’ politicized regulatory agenda ahead of the well-being of the FDIC and the stability of our financial system.”


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5873eb No.20903937

File: 1dbb91e0662e3c8⋯.png (25.26 KB,586x347,586:347,dc.PNG)




Here are 2 big lies mainstream media has pushed this week:

Red Lobster didn’t go bankrupt because of “endless shrimp”. It went bankrupt b/c a hedge fund bought and sold all its real estate and leased it back at exorbitant prices.

The “unified reich” hoax is just that - a hoax. The actual image is a mock newspaper clipping from the WW1 era.

Did you fall for any of these?

1:13 AM · May 23, 2024




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64815f No.20903938

File: 26569649dc5f19a⋯.png (139.54 KB,364x363,364:363,26569649dc5f19a27e33443325….png)


Soon the FIB will classify saying good morning as alt right domestic terrorist hate speech.

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9e4111 No.20903940


Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah. Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, though I was a husband to them, says the Lord. But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel. After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people. No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.

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a69f46 No.20903941


Thou Shalt Not Taint Private Equity.

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4c8305 No.20903942

File: 50d324db11c2a1c⋯.png (16.11 KB,658x492,329:246,PuppetMastersQPost.png)


The 'Puppet Masters' are Jewish,

Good job diverting from fact.

Historical reference is not kind to Jews.

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038a6b No.20903943


Maybe the corn is ripe for harvesting

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d59d5d No.20903944

File: fcfabdff4347232⋯.png (317.86 KB,669x422,669:422,ClipboardImage.png)

Footage shows hundreds of Palestinians looting aid convoy in Gaza, blocking delivery from US pier


Hundreds of Palestinians swarmed and looted an aid convoy in Gaza this weekend, one of the latest incidents revealing the disorganized distribution of aid in the region.

The U.S. has spent $350 million constructing a pier in the Mediterranean Sea to facilitate the delivery of aid into Gaza. The U.S. has used the pier to transfer roughly 569 metric tons of aid into Gaza, but none of that aid has been delivered to Palestinians, according to the Pentagon.

Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, who serves as Pentagon press secretary, confirmed the aid blockage in a statement to reporters on Tuesday.

He touted the 569 metric tons that had been transferred but admitted when pressed that none of that aid had been delivered.

"Is it, am I accurate to say zero has been delivered to the people of Gaza so far?" a reporter asked Ryder.

"You know, we've been doing air drops. We've been helping to facilitate aid coming over the land crossings, but the causeway has been able to get over 569 metric tons of aid into Gaza for onward delivery. So, yes, very shortly, I think you'll see aid starting to be delivered," Ryder responded.

"But none of that has been delivered, right? As of today," the reporter pressed.

"As of today? I do not believe so," Ryder admitted.

Crowds, like the one seen in the May 18 footage, have swarmed multiple aid caravans throughout the region, preventing them from accessing certain areas.

U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric acknowledged the issue in a press conference on Tuesday, telling reporters that crowds of Palestinians had resorted to "what I think I would refer to as self-distribution."

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a69f46 No.20903945

File: a8c8de825982b26⋯.png (174.82 KB,293x360,293:360,ClipboardImage.png)






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038a6b No.20903946

File: 55c10008bd8c0cc⋯.png (273.2 KB,580x950,58:95,3525.png)

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038a6b No.20903947


adl did a long time ago

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a69f46 No.20903948


Fox misspelled "Hamas".

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5873eb No.20903949

File: b2a09c27a553232⋯.png (149.26 KB,382x480,191:240,five.PNG)

File: 704b6b1dcb62961⋯.png (695.72 KB,546x508,273:254,y.PNG)


Psst. Hey. Hey you.

Come over here. Closer.

… Your history is fake.

Allow Chris Paul and I to explain:

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038a6b No.20903950

File: 85e6aa1926fbe8c⋯.png (178.17 KB,473x511,473:511,ClipboardImage.png)

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80b8ea No.20903951

File: f45d213e49e64b4⋯.jpg (144.66 KB,864x642,144:107,COVFEFE_WIN.jpg)

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32646e No.20903952

File: 70d1961260e0b45⋯.gif (3.01 MB,350x193,350:193,IMG_4628.gif)


Blow it out your ass, Bi-dan.

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603d57 No.20903953

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)

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4c8305 No.20903954

File: b1b7f4aa7f89fac⋯.png (383.68 KB,752x582,376:291,ClipboardImage.png)


Every new FBI agent


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5873eb No.20903955

File: 68022a3777dc012⋯.png (519.38 KB,590x592,295:296,wr.PNG)


Trump War Room




Bill Melugin




NEW: Mass illegal crossing of people from around the world just now in Jacumba, CA. Mostly Chinese & Turkish. Border Patrol van playing Mandarin audio. Turkish man told me on camera he’s stunned how easy it was to walk into U.S. w/ no security. Paid $10k to cartel. More to come.





1:15 PM · May 22, 2024




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64815f No.20903956


Are they Jewish or satanists pretending to be Jewish?

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022769 No.20903957

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/23/2024



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5873eb No.20903958


"justice-impacted individual"

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aef58c No.20903959

File: efd8e663be6fb75⋯.png (830.32 KB,437x936,437:936,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d9858 No.20903960

File: 5a33fc09d58daf8⋯.jpg (94.96 KB,951x1280,951:1280,karens_HOA.jpg)

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5873eb No.20903961

File: 7e133748990dede⋯.png (98.86 KB,384x482,192:241,dot.PNG)


Remember 2 weeks ago when DJT made that “Mistake” on spelling Smoking Gun? 5/7/24


Today’s News:

Fauci top Aid

“Smoking Gun”

Follow the Comms 😎😎👊🏻👊🏻

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2dc83c No.20903962

File: 4ace2674914ffe5⋯.png (95.28 KB,608x391,608:391,downtownPizza.png)

File: 19f867399368af4⋯.png (495.89 KB,1004x556,251:139,Screenshot_from_2024_05_23….png)

File: 12e2f971145e679⋯.png (73.73 KB,1116x507,372:169,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)

File: 87e5dc6a41dc68c⋯.png (70.83 KB,1105x485,221:97,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_0….png)

File: e01c539c8516d9e⋯.png (58.23 KB,1121x512,1121:512,Screenshot_from_2024_05_23….png)


>FBI raids office of controversial Soros-funded Mississippi DA and the cigar shop he owns








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58609b No.20903963

File: 676e84eab856e68⋯.jpg (77.66 KB,700x493,700:493,meme_corps.jpg)





ez kiddo, the corns ready,

pop pop…

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64815f No.20903964

File: f2eb530be5cb953⋯.jpg (5.89 KB,224x224,1:1,download_jpeg_4.jpg)



Now look what habbened. The funniest comment of the morning triggered the algorithm to wake up the cubicle farm in Beijing. Now we gotta look at shitty lefty grade famefag memes until the famefag is filtered with extreme prejudice.

Which is now.

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5d9858 No.20903965

File: 2e018aeede0dea5⋯.png (938.11 KB,587x915,587:915,2024_05_Grassley_Cornwatch.png)


Chuck Grassley


Corn now in 3 leaf stage #cornwatch

12:35 PM · May 19, 2024


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5873eb No.20903966

File: 681a77c4f6e3f9d⋯.png (1.07 MB,636x848,3:4,z.PNG)

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9e4111 No.20903967



Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah; not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; forasmuch as they broke My covenant, although I was a lord over them, saith the LORD. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the LORD, I will put My law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people; and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying: 'Know the LORD'; for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more.

The Quran mentions that God has made a new covenant of sorts with the Christians but they "neglected part of it" and were consequently punished for that.


And from those who say, "We are Christians" We took their covenant; but they forgot a portion of that of which they were reminded. So We caused among them animosity and hatred until the Day of Resurrection. And Allah is going to inform them about what they used to do.

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5873eb No.20903968

File: 05b8e199b632e61⋯.png (316.16 KB,897x572,69:44,ko.PNG)


Unbelievable: HOA Accused of Blocking

Synagogue to Keep Out Jewish Residents

Red State, by Jeff Charles

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/22/2024 8:55:57 PM

An Orthodox Jewish rabbi and his family are suing a Florida homeowners association (HOA), alleging repeated instances of antisemitic discrimination. The family, represented by First Liberty Institute and Jones Day, says they were mistreated after they approached the HOA board about acquiring land on which to build a synagogue. Rabbi Naftaly Hertzel, his wife Henya, and their five children have lived in Loggers’ Run for 14 years. The father runs a local Jewish nonprofit organization. The family reportedly never experienced any issues until they discussed the synagogue idea with the HOA. Jeremy Dys, senior counsel for First Liberty Institute, released a statement

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4f61aa No.20903969


more corny comms

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5d9858 No.20903970

File: a4a74b13e01e7cc⋯.jpg (153.52 KB,1088x803,1088:803,Where_the_fuck_am_i_biden.jpg)

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7cd01e No.20903971

File: e2d206d3b6c587e⋯.png (69.86 KB,1492x492,373:123,ddg.png)

DDG currently down here in Brazil, dunno about the rest of the world.

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4c8305 No.20903972

File: 0ff55ee58093531⋯.jpg (56.61 KB,555x450,37:30,ZaslavWBII.jpg)

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047ddf No.20903973


Also substituting Lobster with fish meal product.


Fake lobster, also known as imitation lobster or faux lobster, is a seafood product that is made to resemble the taste, texture, and appearance of real lobster meat. It is typically made from a combination of fish, such as pollock or whiting, along with other ingredients such as starches, flavorings, and colorings.

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de988a No.20903974

File: 6c651509072d7ff⋯.png (49.42 KB,1887x632,1887:632,ClipboardImage.png)

DuckDuckGo is down.

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5873eb No.20903975

File: be81651898ceaf6⋯.png (819.39 KB,795x685,159:137,auth.PNG)


Biden Admin Authorized Deadly Use of Force in Mar-a-Lago Raid

by Johnathan Jones, Western Journal

May 22, 2024

in News

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603d57 No.20903976

File: 70d57344f3dc8c6⋯.png (46.12 KB,930x356,465:178,ClipboardImage.png)

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8806bb No.20903977

File: 699f913288d63ff⋯.mp4 (9.87 MB,640x360,16:9,ssstwitter_com_17164698900….mp4)

Citizen Free Press


Joe Biden arrives in Nashua, New Hampshire today where the streets are lined with supporters – Trump supporters.


Heather Mullins

11:48 PM · May 22, 2024




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047ddf No.20903978

File: 6833367ec72bc1d⋯.png (187.67 KB,400x287,400:287,ClipboardImage.png)


30 lashes

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64815f No.20903979


Nah. It's the satanists who scapegoat legit jews. God bless all the Jewish Patriots around the world.

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b0c4ad No.20903981

FDIC chair’s resignation threatens Biden banking agenda. Is Basel lll being killed?


Basel III and the Impact on the American Homebuyer and the Mortgage Market

Why Federal Regulators Must Pull Back on the Basel III Proposal

US banking regulators have proposed to implement a

version of Basel III that would:

• Adversely impact credit availability to consumers

• Adversely impact pricing to consumers

• Put US banks on an unlevel playing field

compared to its international competitors

• Stifle real estate finance when layered-in with

other proposed regulations

• Skew the market to higher risk products like

unsecured loans


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c10ab7 No.20903982



this one is a GM psyop booster.

it has 27 posts over 3 to 4 hours and has adding nothing but commentary that adds nothing.

no digs, no links, no news.

It's a gatekeeper shill.

this is why the GM is an easy filter.

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854b5c No.20903983



SCOTUS rules DEI is unconstitutional

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fcf559 No.20903984

File: 133a4e98599e137⋯.mp4 (223.64 KB,462x444,77:74,vs2YyrbEd1IDNEyV.mp4)

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4c8305 No.20903985



>this is why the GM is an easy filter.

Agreed, shills bring asolutely nothing to the table but lies and projection.

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64815f No.20903986


Then just Filter me nigger? Why the need to announce and virtue signal your hatred of Anons having a good morning? GM is the only thing keeping the breads moving in morn'n. You can thank me now, or later.

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9a78ab No.20903987



Cheerios is actually Latin for Doughnut seeds. Kek

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64815f No.20903988


Coming from a projecting namefag muhjoo hater shill. This really helps the optics of anti-GM.

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78494e No.20903989

File: f7c3a18a538dea0⋯.png (1.4 MB,1024x1024,1:1,f7c3a18a538dea0e60949e4579….png)


I just turned 50 the other week. Maybe I'll keep the board in suspense because nobody ever fucking asked me. But I just can't help myself. My personal life is too important not to share.

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a6efc4 No.20903990

File: 0433530f300cc1d⋯.jpeg (447.07 KB,726x594,11:9,50DB8F5C_FA0D_4E91_884D_9….jpeg)


Sounds like JC Penny and Vornado

Mebby a little

With anything finance you never “hear” the real story just some lame excuse like that.

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854b5c No.20903992


Shut it down, Red Lobster is gross

In the 1800’s the served lobster and shellfish to prison inmates because they were bottom feeders.

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64815f No.20903993


Well, this IS your blog. Blog away bro.

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58609b No.20903994

File: 0d9d2ce26f80af7⋯.gif (181.08 KB,360x258,60:43,67nghl.gif)

Anon did post a story earlier about the Grassman, as well.



The way it's lookin it could be knee high by July, maybe?

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32646e No.20903995

File: b0f5507accc9f99⋯.jpeg (213 KB,749x901,749:901,IMG_4627.jpeg)


Big Mike R. can’t pass worth a shit nowadays. No wonder [They] keep him hidden away, busy murdering Bathhouse Barry’s Cornholders.

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4c8305 No.20903997

File: 3c9704b35a7ba1f⋯.png (14.73 KB,506x159,506:159,FilterNamefag.png)


> projecting namefag muhjoo hater shill.

that's a mouthful.


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7bc68e No.20903998


cumbrellas, yuck

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967f4b No.20904000

I'm here with potato. Ask me anything and I'll ask him.

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3cc929 No.20904001

File: d522835ce4c25d9⋯.gif (3.57 MB,434x308,31:22,bidan_laugh.gif)


>Joe Biden arrives in Nashua, New Hampshire today where the streets are lined with supporters – Trump supporters.

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4c8305 No.20904002


At one time Red Lobster was an awesome, fun place to eat. About 10yrs ago, something changed. Probably the Jews got involved.

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a6efc4 No.20904003

File: 77d665e7f0e8f2d⋯.gif (1.78 MB,472x480,59:60,DCAF3BA2_E485_403C_80DA_78….gif)

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854b5c No.20904004


The boomer housing market is ded

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64815f No.20904005


Yep in NS here in the 50s and 60s apparently only the poorest kids came to school with Lobster. When swissair 111 crashed right in front of our house they outlawed fishing Lobster for years in that zone, knowing 100% they would be eating all the bodies. Lots of weird shit washed up on shore from the crash. Still remember the immense boom when it hit the water at night. Shit Anon never forgets.

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047ddf No.20904006


Why do you keep using idiots to as messengers?

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c10ab7 No.20904007


Howie discusses how a web search has perhaps torpedoed the prosecution of Karen Reed, who many feel was framed by a group of clanish law enforcment families.

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967f4b No.20904008


Lobsters, the cockroaches of the sea.

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099949 No.20904009

File: 2a407ce556d04ea⋯.png (361.26 KB,521x478,521:478,ClipboardImage.png)

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813f36 No.20904010

File: db598143932e769⋯.png (828.56 KB,933x466,933:466,white_trash_cafe.png)

File: 127fc68983d868e⋯.png (260.58 KB,702x542,351:271,mjs_blue.png)

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5873eb No.20904011

File: 4ba1e39ce4b727f⋯.png (36.48 KB,643x247,643:247,users.PNG)


Huge Microsoft outage takes down Bing.com, DuckDuckGo and ChatGPT for thousands of users

Microsoft has said that they are investigating the cause of the issue

DuckDuckGo issued a brief statement on X confirming their service was down

By Paul Farrell and Natasha Anderson For Dailymail.Com

Published: 05:55 EDT, 23 May 2024 | Updated: 08:06 EDT, 23 May 2024

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967f4b No.20904012


He said: Listen fat, I can do pushups jack

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813f36 No.20904013


> clanish law enforcment families.

sounds like typical massholes

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2dc83c No.20904014

File: 34dc8849f0ba33a⋯.png (144.68 KB,444x336,37:28,grassleyCornReadyForTobecu….png)


>more corny comms


>more corny comms

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813f36 No.20904015

File: 3fb4f747dead8b2⋯.png (281.63 KB,611x340,611:340,Screen_Shot_2024_05_23_at_….png)

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7cd01e No.20904016

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4c8305 No.20904017


You've never had a Lobster Roll in Maine on the beach in the summer.

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32646e No.20904018

File: 0789654cb51111b⋯.jpeg (184.14 KB,1024x912,64:57,IMG_4625.jpeg)


The molten iron core swirling around the center of the Earth chews up rock and cooks it making oil which then works it way outwards/upwards. Oil is sort of like “the sweat” of earth geomagnetic Field generation process. Everything the public thinks they know is a fucking lie to promote blind consumerism and ignorant enslavement.

The whole corrupt temple must be destroyed.

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303acb No.20904019

Anything happening today, or can I go fishing?

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a0456c No.20904020

This anon thinks exposing the war on tobacco is the ultimate red pill. Once normies realize the duration and depth of deception intended solely to weaken citizens' health, they will begin looking at absolutely everything with the cynical eye.

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4c8305 No.20904021

File: fe2935da1190b09⋯.jpg (40.37 KB,524x476,131:119,48hrsIII.jpg)

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3cc929 No.20904022

File: aab63e01d159240⋯.png (3.43 MB,1872x2048,117:128,2024_05_16_10_54_07.png)

File: d6186319fd061f8⋯.png (2.75 MB,2560x1442,1280:721,2024_05_16_10_54_08.png)


>Joe Biden arrives in Nashua, New Hampshire today…

Will Joe be creeping any young girls today?

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5d9858 No.20904023

File: af6b52840970c9a⋯.png (44.03 KB,680x340,2:1,commies_stonetoss.png)

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4c8305 No.20904024


trapped energy. Earth is a giant battery.

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518246 No.20904025

File: 73314d8b4228ea8⋯.jpeg (142.86 KB,1000x800,5:4,73314d8b4228ea815723da7b6….jpeg)

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5d9858 No.20904026

File: 76bc0cf2f7c103a⋯.png (424.14 KB,719x735,719:735,76bc0cf2f7c103a402bd500d30….png)

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4d7c09 No.20904027


Fishing is fun

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5d9858 No.20904028

File: acb27a0f5bf2c23⋯.jpg (104.81 KB,720x863,720:863,acb27a0f5bf2c238b6ca2e5d60….jpg)

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32646e No.20904029

File: 115a3c858dcfda4⋯.jpeg (153.33 KB,794x1024,397:512,IMG_4642.jpeg)


Jews are fucking awful; a true force of entropy. Carrion birds of humanity.

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326fa0 No.20904030

File: e12d0d8e8847054⋯.jpeg (141.52 KB,1125x1845,25:41,IMG_2564.jpeg)

File: 6740c8fa4e40a5a⋯.jpeg (205.63 KB,1125x1152,125:128,IMG_2565.jpeg)


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a6efc4 No.20904031


Back in the 1800s they used to give it to prisoners for food

Only in the 1909s did it become what it is today

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4c8305 No.20904032

File: 05386b1c5b289b3⋯.png (221.88 KB,723x623,723:623,CDCWalensky.png)

File: ccf01cfc2cafd41⋯.png (64.49 KB,804x500,201:125,Donnie.png)

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5d9858 No.20904034

File: fce4adb6a26dc21⋯.jpg (84.67 KB,804x600,67:50,human_bear_encounters_sign.jpg)

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c10ab7 No.20904035

"Biden Administration Denies Permit to Celebrate Long-Standing Memorial Day Mass in National Cemetery"


imagine that, one can't have a Catholic Service at a National Cemetery.

sounds like religious discrimination.

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5d9858 No.20904036

File: 2d65262ee03f054⋯.jpg (108.89 KB,736x651,736:651,hooked_on_fishing.jpg)

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603d57 No.20904037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


using "bangs"

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3cc929 No.20904038

File: b4dd80e939bdf6a⋯.png (319.1 KB,526x740,263:370,IMG_5179.png)


People are catching on that he is a tard.

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5d9858 No.20904039

File: 563a88a625b3573⋯.png (641.42 KB,1050x698,525:349,bob_ross_sparta.png)

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5873eb No.20904040

File: 80b347b99be4acd⋯.png (212.35 KB,380x580,19:29,did.PNG)


⚡️🇲🇽 SCREAMS OF HORROR as stage collapses at Mexico Presidential candidate’s rally; 9 people are killed and scores injured, as high winds blamed for unstable structure.

Candidate Jorge Maynez suspends all following campaign rallies.

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost)! @IntelRepublic

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5d9858 No.20904041

File: 83125d794c3c804⋯.png (1.13 MB,1170x1166,585:583,conspiracy_theorists_corre….png)

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27b0b3 No.20904042


Go Fishing

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813f36 No.20904043

File: 6a6a01e5bb4ae47⋯.png (146.15 KB,655x328,655:328,he_s_lying_newsome_.png)

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23d6ba No.20904044

File: c8ac708fafa1b74⋯.png (1.73 MB,1278x1282,639:641,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d9858 No.20904045

File: 2cc7c3f0573e21c⋯.jpg (78.69 KB,500x629,500:629,badass_old_man.jpg)

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5d9858 No.20904046

File: 670bd7b27ba8300⋯.jpg (47.6 KB,750x917,750:917,conspiracy.jpg)

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3ccb55 No.20904047

File: c64d955419249a5⋯.png (718.77 KB,1366x768,683:384,biden_wish.png)

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5d9858 No.20904048

File: 88de477b22bcfcc⋯.jpg (36.01 KB,360x360,1:1,psyop_world_here.jpg)

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5873eb No.20904049

File: 0a8220f7d8c5c54⋯.png (207.73 KB,379x668,379:668,fl.PNG)


⚡️🇦🇺 AUSTRALIA FLIRTS WITH NEW COVID VARIANT - THAT'S CALLED "FliRT": A senior news reporter who has been vaccinated SIX TIMES falls ill with this deadly new strain. It's certainly time for a 7th booster!

01:30 Get your boosters, wear your masks, wash your hands! - Bruce says. Sounds like it worked the first 6 times! 🤡

Australia has recently passed Digital I.D legislation, which activists warn may lead to an all encompassing "eco-system of control" of an individual's activities and health data.

The World Health Organization is also on schedule to finalizing a global pandemic response treaty - is FliRT rather on time?…👁

Boost us here (http://t.me/IntelRepublic?boost)! @IntelRepublic

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739b7d No.20904050

Is anyone baking?

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a6efc4 No.20904051

File: 09b8feceb345b10⋯.png (2.8 MB,920x1091,920:1091,186AB105_F7A1_4A7B_8A1B_5D….png)

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23d6ba No.20904052

File: c01af375d854d90⋯.png (862.61 KB,828x791,828:791,ClipboardImage.png)

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