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File: c37757bde6a2ec3⋯.png (45.12 KB,250x140,25:14,iwojima_banner.png)

6d0881 No.20904973 [View All]

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701 posts and 541 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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37ae09 No.20905721

File: 998e07b237084e4⋯.png (1.03 MB,1200x1790,120:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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4d550c No.20905722

File: 89aa295dd0fcd76⋯.png (1.65 MB,1463x822,1463:822,ClipboardImage.png)

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c8adec No.20905723

File: 74bce74c4e9ac85⋯.png (2.22 MB,1467x780,489:260,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ce6236172998b9⋯.png (2.09 MB,1480x762,740:381,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1feacb3f72df1f8⋯.png (2.23 MB,1443x792,481:264,ClipboardImage.png)

Somebody tell this guy to put his damn sign down so we can actually see the face of the speaker!!!!

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df9ecb No.20905724

File: 56f6679cb636c0d⋯.jpeg (120.47 KB,750x773,750:773,Lightweight_Gillibrand_tr….jpeg)

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802762 No.20905725

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882f9e No.20905726

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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df9ecb No.20905727

File: 9335a5fbd8d4da4⋯.png (557.8 KB,600x420,10:7,MAGA_45_ACP.png)

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982ca7 No.20905728














06. 12. 06.


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37ae09 No.20905729


it is deliberate

they don't want us to see black / brown support for Trump

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df9ecb No.20905730

File: b68d763ba672949⋯.jpg (53.81 KB,800x450,16:9,MAGA_hat_girl.jpg)

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b170e5 No.20905731


One of them claims to be talking to Q so I guess he should prolly get a pass then.

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df9ecb No.20905732

File: fee4ba478d0d26e⋯.png (488.89 KB,659x732,659:732,MAGA_merry_xmas_anons.png)

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e51f9b No.20905733

File: 9de069e35b016a6⋯.jpg (96.1 KB,1028x756,257:189,q_said.jpg)

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7d4984 No.20905734

File: 45f1ea3823a970b⋯.jpg (942.44 KB,1969x2000,1969:2000,Clock_Challenge_Coin2.jpg)


ClockFaggin ain't easy

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6d0881 No.20905735

#25640 >>20904991

Notables ~715

>>20905240, >>20905304, >>20905312 POTUS LIVE @6 PM EST Bronx, NY Rally

>>20905003 Bronx Rally supporters of President Trump have been lined up since 8 am (in the rain)

>>20905013 Live President Trump pre-rally streams from The Bronx

>>20905207, >>20905220, >>20905233, >>20905266, >>20905577 MAGA is fired up in the Bronx


>>20905124 @PapiTrumpo 2:44 PM EST "SOUTH BRONX IS TRUMP COUNTRY!!!" @GavinWax

>>20905082, >>20905445, >>20905479 PDJT 2:38 PM EST "Will see you tonight at 6:00PM Eastern in The Bronx!"

>>20905097, >>20905423 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (18-sec vid)

>>20905091 DanS 2:49 PM EST LIVE——6:00PM EASTERN… (6-sec vid)



>>20905345, >>20905364 PDJT 4:03 PM EST (pic - I'M COMING TO THE BRONX!)

>>20905458, >>20905505 Lara Trump 4:06 PM One of the greatest debate moments EVER!

>>20905349, >>20905364 PDJT 4:08 PM EST (link - MAGA takes over NYC)

>>20905358, >>20905365, >>20905373, >>20905435, >>20905456, >>20905466 PDJT 4:11PM "…BRONX SOON, THANK YOU!"

>>20905621 PDJT 5:01 PM EST (1:26 vid w/RT)

>>20905622, >>20905633, >>20905674 PDJT 5:05 PM EST Getting ready for the BRONX. Big Crowd!

>>20904998 GA Senate committee hearing on probe into Fani Willis misconduct allegations

>>20905007 UNC System repeals diversity, inclusion policies, goals at NC public colleges

>>20905119 YouTube laid out how it is "voluntarily" assuming the role of a private business that "supports elections."

>>20905128 Illegal immigrant pedophiles shielded by Calif. Democrats

>>20905130 Schumer Holds News Conference After Border Security Bill Vote

>>20905137 CA legalizes 'eco-friendly' human composting by 2027

>>20905149 Colbert made a skibidi toilet joe biden video and broadcast live on his show

>>20905151 Czech President Petr Pavel was injured on a motorcycle, but not seriously,

>>20905158 Obama memo shows Jack Smith is subverting law

>>20905234 Biden Admin’s plot to remove the Guatemalan Attorney General just got more insane.

>>20905238 House passes bill banning the Federal Reserve from establishing a Central Bank Digital Currency

>>20905168, >>20905279, >>20905293 AG Garland whimpers like a bitch about DJT highlighting lethal force authorization

>>20905223, >>20905529 House just passed a bill to repeal the DC law allowing non-citizens to vote in their elections

>>20905270 Former Venezuelan Military Official Sentenced for Money Laundering and Bribery Scheme

>>20905290 UCLA campus protest, riot police on scene

>>20905294 BIDEN: “Our nation's first black vice president, President Kamala Harris.”

>>20905324 SpaceX is targeting Thursday, May 23 for a Falcon 9 launch of 23 Starlink satellites

>>20905325 Soros-Funded DA Mike Schmidt Concedes Portland Race after 20+ Hour Ballot Counting

>>20905326 Sweden approves Ukraine military aid plan for $7 billion

>>20905352 Rep Massie "I've introduced HR 8519 to eliminate taxpayer funding of online censorship."

>>20905354, >>20905424 Biden’s campaign is hiring a meme manager — but you have to move to Delaware

>>20905390 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions

>>20905411 Kerry Kennedy shills for Biden against brother RJFK

>>20905486 Fake "Qanon" supporter in NY is racist

>>20905488 Kenyan police to arrive in Haiti amid 'logistical nightmare'

>>20905457 MayoClinic rejected mom’s lung transplant due to lack of a full COVID ‘vaccination’

>>20905599 UCLA med school implements racist standards, say whistleblowers

>>20905428, >>20905482, >>20905504 Did CBS live news just get hacked by Ukraine?

>>20905268, >>20905295, >>20905300, >>20905310 Clockfags "Tomorrow is :20"

>>20905495, >>20905368 Planefag updates

>>20905024 USMC 12:00 PM @FleetWeekNYC

>>20905069 USSOCOM 11:59 AM Memorial Day message #StopToReflect


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df9ecb No.20905736

File: bf231bd3bfa5878⋯.jpg (145.05 KB,1024x764,256:191,MAGAManyAreGettingArrested.jpg)

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82cf4e No.20905737

File: c0e103653be2e7e⋯.jpg (125.97 KB,1080x1070,108:107,IMG_20240523_150100_983.jpg)

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4d550c No.20905738

File: 14c3d9faf7f802a⋯.png (1.11 MB,1163x652,1163:652,ClipboardImage.png)

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982ca7 No.20905739













06. 12. 06.



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df9ecb No.20905740

File: dbe611a468d68a1⋯.jpg (117.7 KB,1024x764,256:191,MAGAManyGrovel.jpg)

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2027f7 No.20905741




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df9ecb No.20905742

File: dfb2e662526321e⋯.jpg (855.19 KB,1920x2011,1920:2011,MAGA_MEGA.jpg)

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180b36 No.20905743

File: 98ec0a83cb94741⋯.png (262.83 KB,648x394,324:197,ClipboardImage.png)


That is a berry funny movie

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df9ecb No.20905744

File: 969c37839edafc8⋯.jpg (132.75 KB,1024x764,256:191,MAGAMemeGreat.jpg)

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37ae09 No.20905745

File: d2dcfd33e71f2e8⋯.png (46.6 KB,240x240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


kek no!

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90a778 No.20905746

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17edfe No.20905747

File: 23a89422edf8239⋯.gif (785.41 KB,200x200,1:1,kek.gif)


Deep State are panicked as fuck.

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df9ecb No.20905748

File: 3ce08b7c2f0f0b7⋯.jpg (26.02 KB,500x337,500:337,MAGAMemetic.jpg)

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d4ea9c No.20905749

File: de93b3f5844d81d⋯.png (499.15 KB,1509x835,1509:835,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d905d66bac8e6ae⋯.png (83.18 KB,1054x671,1054:671,ClipboardImage.png)


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1bf441 No.20905750

File: 32a398d1c5d3032⋯.png (1.22 MB,1210x680,121:68,Screenshot_2024_05_23_at_1….png)

Donald Trump is giving a voice to these people

democrats don't give a fuck about them, except only at election time

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ef551d No.20905751



Cause threatening a Mass shooting at a trump rally is what all the Good Guys do

Ukraine NAZI's gone way off the plantation

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df9ecb No.20905752

File: 9b78b92e0a29485⋯.jpg (23.42 KB,702x443,702:443,MAGAMoon.jpg)

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b170e5 No.20905753

File: 4d6adf3664e3775⋯.jpg (48.55 KB,524x699,524:699,would.jpg)



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df9ecb No.20905755

File: 1d93b6a01f4f322⋯.jpg (112.69 KB,500x500,1:1,MAGASnowman.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905756

File: 49c9e2343016ec5⋯.png (876.68 KB,673x853,673:853,MAGAStormArrived.png)

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df9ecb No.20905757

File: 150326f90d70ecd⋯.jpeg (343 KB,1242x2208,9:16,McCabeKicked.jpeg)

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b170e5 No.20905758

File: 1a145d31e79085b⋯.jpg (97.79 KB,834x1024,417:512,AOC_Blue.jpg)


>not say no


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df9ecb No.20905759

File: 8ff92adcfdc8908⋯.png (502.65 KB,752x792,94:99,McCainOpposesTrump.png)

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df9ecb No.20905760

File: 371ec1c3a1ede61⋯.jpg (106.01 KB,1200x754,600:377,MerryTrumpmas.jpg)

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b84d75 No.20905761

vote her . . . out

vote his . . . out


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df9ecb No.20905762

File: 70c5f60c02d96d0⋯.jpg (34.43 KB,345x172,345:172,MountTrumpmore.jpg)

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37ae09 No.20905763



you just wanna date me …

she said!

and (You) would

get rid of aoc, blow her ass out!

much love anon

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df9ecb No.20905764

File: 19e8ad35bf6e1da⋯.png (331.28 KB,526x362,263:181,MountTrumpmore2.png)

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df9ecb No.20905765

File: f55919143f15681⋯.jpg (133 KB,1068x691,1068:691,mt.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905766

File: bef930dc35f6ea7⋯.jpg (168.78 KB,1125x1105,225:221,Patriot_Trump_flag_horse.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905767

File: 6972174deccaad6⋯.jpg (76.86 KB,736x922,368:461,Patriots_pray_for_Trump.jpg)

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180b36 No.20905768

File: bd9be3bbe8d05c4⋯.png (249.1 KB,416x597,416:597,4935ED98_F42E_47AD_8C23_90….png)

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ef551d No.20905769

File: 320ec2f464b14ec⋯.png (1.55 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Only Reason Americans need to have to start Supporting Russia

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df9ecb No.20905770

File: 98f1f05fdb6a08a⋯.jpg (335.41 KB,1440x896,45:28,PatriotsMAGA.jpg)

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df9ecb No.20905772

File: e7b6193cbecf984⋯.jpg (116.15 KB,500x667,500:667,PatriotTrumpGaveHis.jpg)

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