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File: 2accca306e69cdd⋯.png (271.41 KB,548x301,548:301,stormyBANNER.png)

d00a6c No.20902388 [Last50 Posts]

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#25636 >>20901605

>>20901606 Robert Gouveia - Feds RANSACKED Melania's BEDROOM; "LETHAL FORCE" APPROVED; Merchan Under FIRE; Fani & Wade REUNITED

>>20901634 Crimes and Criminal Procedures 18 USC 879. Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons

>>20901664, >>20901679 Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which The Post exposed and he denied — will be used as evidence in his gun case

>>20901670 The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money

>>20901676 PF Happenings

>>20901695, >>20901707 @EmeraldRobinson FOUR YEARS AGO - This was the shot heard around the world

>>20901726, >>20901752 Kenya - Dinner is served - WH is hosting Kenyan President Ruto and First Lady Ruto

>>20901730 a 3 second kek James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'F*ck you!' on the street."

>>20901779, >>20901815 Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. It is not new and has been ongoing - Col. Karl Nell of the UAPTF

>>20901833 Hunter Biden: Markup of Materials Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

>>20901845 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

>>20901853 @libsoftiktok 3 board members who pushed a policy to allow males in the girl’s bathroom just lost their reelection

>>20901860 @JamesOKeefeIII on Comey: In psychology this is called “Projection.”

>>20901880 President @realDonaldTrump greets the great Line Crew at Wilson Air FBO!!

>>20901902 @jsolomonReports Maricopa County, and Arizona Sec. of State censored 2020 election audit hearing, elected officials

>>20901919, >>20901923, >>20901987, >>20902020, >>20902163 TREASON John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal

>>20901934 On The Move - President Trump’s motorcade on the move in TX

>>20901950, >>20901964 Potato tries to convince Veterans he is with them

>>20901988, >>20901999 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about the children being murdered in Gaza, Palestine

>>20902033 POTUS TRUTH Post - Joe Biden - The Real Threat To Our Democracy - new campaign ad video

>>20902036 Microsoft Goes all in with surveillance: new “Recall” feature will record everything you do on your PC

>>20902057, >>20902133 @JohnSolomon Denver set to buy two buildings for $4 million to house migrants

>>20902151 Apparently there is a rumor of Microsoft getting ready to make an offer of $16 Billion dollars to buy Valve owners of the Steam Platform

>>20902166 @JamesOKeefeIII BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force

>>20902288 NYC ex-con whose past murder conviction was tossed by DA now charged in fatal shootout less than two years later

>>20902308 WAR ROOM - Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902322 Assembly Member Dist 84 Amanda Septimo announcing Counter Protest to Trump's visit to the Bronx

>>20902330 ATTENTION @SecretService! Please arrest this person @garbotweetsU2 for threatening to kill Donald Trump tomorrow in the Bronx!!

>>20902357 Trump's glamorous aide Margo Martin rescues Eric by slapping back at 'liars' who said ex-president's son posted 'fake' video of crowds lining the street to greet him

>>20902385 #25636

#25635-A >>20900794

>>20900805 Germany Will Reduce Sentences For Possession of Child Pron, Downgrade From Felony to Misdemeanor

>>20900817 Massie Taunts AIPAC After Demolishing Primary Challengers

>>20900824, >>20901213 DEVELOPING: House Republicans Accuse Hunter Biden of Repeatedly Lying Under Oath During Deposition

>>20900834, >>20901030, >>20901297, >>20901308 Nearly 70% Of Gaza Aid From US-Built Pier Stolen

>>20900840 The country is now on the PRECIPICE between its traditional ideology of political liberalism and a path that will lead, far sooner than Americans might think, to totalitarianism

>>20900849 WOW in 17 seconds AOC spills the beans on the Deep State’s entire plan

>>20900850 Outraged Israel Recalls Ambassadors From Spain, Norway, & Ireland Over Recognition Of Palestinian State

>>20900826, >>20900833, >>20900869 8/4/23 Trump Charlotte - 9:08 = 17 - 9 cookies inside the 8 = 17

>>20900859, >>20901381, >>20901472 DA Leslie Wolf told investigators they could not pursue Hunter Biden’s sugar daddy Kevin Morris based on information she received from the CIA

>>20900891 THIRTEEN conservative counties in Oregon approve ballot measures for SECESSION vote that would see them join non-woke Idaho

>>20900894 Capitol Police: suspicious package cleared by our Hazardous Incident Response Division contained two vials of blood. The source of the package & its contents will be further investigated.

>>20900837, >>20900868, >>20900898 Hilary Comms? Ex-Royal Marine, 37, accused of spying for Hong Kong suicides in a park

>>20900913 Former BBC Boss Accuses Broadcaster of ‘Egregious’ Anti-Israel Bias

>>20900928 Iranian Police Commander-in-Chief Assassinated in Shocking Incident

>>20900942, >>20901050, >>20901126, >>20901161, >>20901368, >>20901400, >>20901480, >>20901540 PlaneFaggin' Around the Globe

>>20900948 Hilary strongly supports an online portal to child data

>>20900950 Israeli forces raze parts of Gaza's Jabalia, hit Rafah with airstrikes

>>20900975 We Spend More Per Illegal Alien Than We Spend on the Most Vulnerable American Citizens

>>20901004 The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See

>>20901017 Trump Ireland - Meet Missy

>>20901029 Inside Tiffany Trump's husband's meeting with Arab-Americans furious with Biden over Gaza

>>20901042 Lizard that hulks out shows off its superhero genes

>>20901076 How to be the master of a terrorist state. Netanyahu Really Said This!

>>20901078, >>20901081 Software engineer arrested, suspected of grooming teen with AI-generated CSAM.

>>20901101 17 arrested in Italy after Turkish criminal organisation involved in homicides is dismantled

>>20901113 Panicked Gaza Hospital staff evacuates patients after missile strike, video shows

>>20901116, >>20901124, >>20901431 Turley: THE INSANITY - Judge Merchan Becomes an Oddity in his Own Courtroom

>>20901121 US Taps Lockheed for $756M Long Range Hypersonic Weapon Deal

>>20901122 Hunter Biden’s tax trial set for September as judge agrees to delay, with gun trial still in June

>>20901131 Nobody in the US government actually knows all the unregistered, privately owned high containment labs that exist in the US

>>20901146 Florida mayoral candidate arrested for armed robbery of Dollar General while in disguise

>>20901147, >>20901242 Rishi Sunak announces the country is headed for a snap election on July 4th

>>20901150 ‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to US citizen’s killing “Yeah, I enjoy it" he declared

>>20901178, >>20901190, >>20901322, >>20901341, >>20901354, >>20901419 Top Adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies on COVID-19 Origins Emails

>>20901200, >>20901240 FBI raids office of controversial Soros-funded Mississippi DA and the cigar shop he owns

>>20901243 Flattened Buildings, Widespread Destruction: This Is What Israel's 'Limited Operation' in Rafah Looks Like

>>20901246 A new movie about faking the moon landing coming in July

>>20901253 Packed school bus ripped apart by tractor in terrifying crash as several children are rushed to hospital

#25635A >>20901587

#25635-B >>20900794

>>20901281 Ringleader and Company Insider Plead Guilty to Defrauding Biochemical Company and Diverting Products to China

>>20901293 Outrageous: Federal Law Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in the Upcoming 2024 Election

>>20901295 Why desperate ranchers say their land has been turned into 'the new CHERNOBYL'

>>20901340 Uvalde shooting families settlement and lawsuit

>>20901389, >>20901401 Joe M just posted this on telegram His Last post was April 2021 - NEVER GIVE UP

>>20901396 @nicksortor on Crockett - All this did was reaffirm that she IS a DEI hire 🤣🤡

>>20901434, >>20901443, >>20901467 using taxpayer money to pay off student debt and transferring that debt to working class taxpayers to get votes and that’s not illegal?

>>20901438 Portland voters have chosen a onetime Republican to be their next district attorney

>>20901466 coincidences? so many world leaders being killed or attempts made on their lives

>>20901486 The first head transplant system, uses robotics and AI for head and face transplants, offering hope to those with severe conditions like no head

>>20901497 Senate confirms 200th federal judge under Biden as Democrats surpass Trump’s pace

>>20901505 Rotting human remains and children raped: Why US Border Patrol suicides have skyrocketed under Biden

>>20901519 Jen Psaki facing subpoena for dodging Congress after 'lying' in book about Biden's disastrous Afghanistan response and 'profiting off tragedy'

>>20901523 NEVADA is onboard with THE PEOPLE'S AUDIT (https://the-peoples-audit.org/)

>>20901545 Republican governors opposing proposals that would grant the World Health Organization unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and its people

>>20901558 BILLIONS still expected to die in coming years from COVID “vaccines,” says analyst

>>20901573 @Charliekirk Trump has now opened up a 17-point lead over Biden on the Polymarkets betting site

#25635B >>20901591

#25634 >>20899994

>>20900000 Digits Of Winning - watch - RIGHT NOW Video for (you) anons

>>20900008 One of Jack Smith's inquisitors, Julie Edelstein, tried to pressure former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore into disclosing privileged conversations with the president

>>20900013, >>20900049 Hunter Biden tried to pin his missing handgun on 'shady,' 'prolly illegal' Mexican grocery store workers after girlfriend Hallie dumped it in a public trash can

>>20900057 PlaneFaggin’: CONUS activity

>>20900084, >>20900188, >>20900209 May 23rd 2024 - EPIC - President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx

>>20900099, >>20900667, >>20900669 Swamp Happenings

>>20900104 DJTJr WTF??? The real threat to American Democracy is coming from the Bolsheviks in the Biden Administration

>>20900117 READ THE LABELS Stores and Growers that Use 'Apeel' Bill Gates Food Coating - Demand Accountability Locally

>>20900131 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Green Aurora over Sweden

>>20900132, >>20900138 Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections

>>20900137 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.14 million SAAR in April

>>20900179 Senator McConnell on Justice Alito: "We Need to Leave the Supreme Court Alone"

>>20900184 Go Back to the Future with NASA at Comicpalooza 2024

>>20900187 Senator Schumer in Talks with Speaker on Netanyahu Address to Congress

>>20900192 President Biden: "We Reject ICC's Application for Arrest Warrants Against Israeli Leaders"

>>20900246 DEVELOPING: Republican National Committee headquarters under lockdown after being sent vials of blood - NBC

>>20900250 US threatens German banks with sanctions

>>20900275 NASA Tool Gets Ready to Image Faraway Planets

>>20900295 Feds Ban Memorial Day Event to Honor Fallen Heroes From National Cemetery, Call it a ‘Demonstration’

>>20900298 British politician Andrew Bridgen just CALLED OUT the World Economic Forum in parliament

>>20900367 NASA and Boeing have further delayed the launch of a crewed test flight of the company’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft

>>20900392 2 killed and 3 hurt in a mass shooting at a Pennsylvania linen company. A suspect is in custody

>>20900411 California lawmaker's mic cut off while reading bill to end sanctuary state laws, says Dems 'don't care'

>>20900437 "Fat Leonard" Judge dismisses felony convictions of 5 retired military officers in US Navy bribery case

>>20900447 Pentagon says NONE of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

>>20900463 Speaker Johnson Demands U.S. Punish ICC For Issuing Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu

>>20900472 SpaceX Launches - MAY 22, 2024 - NROL-146 MISSION

>>20900513, >>20900547, >>20900566 FBI Was Planned Deadly Force Against Trump Security Detail During MLRaid to Regain Deep State FBI/DOJ Secrets

>>20900521 Walton Family just sold 3,540,250 shares of Walmart equity for: $228,539,069m on May 17th, 2024

>>20900531, >>20900540 ESA’s Vigil space weather forecasting mission, ESA signs contracts for commercial space cargo return service

>>20900545 QClock May 22, 2024 - Cannibal Club, Vials of Blood, RNC HQ

>>20900546 QClock May 21, 2024 - Bush & Israel 911, Israel for Last

>>20900576 Pentagon working with SpaceX to cut off Russian military’s illicit use of Starlink internet

>>20900577 bun of LIBS Have Salty, Unhinged MELTDOWNS As Trump’s GOLDEN SNEAKER’S Skyrocket To WORLDWIDE Success

>>20900581 You guys @BarackObama unfollowed @Diddy lmao

>>20900596, >>20900606 Panic- Mimsey Graham says the US should sanction the ICC over fears an arrest warrant will be issued for him next

>>20900600 BREAKING: At least 16 U.S. elected officials are parroting "equivalency" to comment on the ICC’s decision

>>20900614 The 4th TES Cyber Team recognized as Space Force’s best for 2023

>>20900630 Pro-life rescuer Heather Idoni sentenced to 24 months, denied home detention despite stroke

>>20900710, >>20900714 Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

>>20900776 #25634

Previously Collected

>>20899621 #25632, >>20899978 #25633

>>20896689 #25629, >>20897476 #25630, >>20898300 #25631

>>20895157 #25627, >>20896681 #25628, >>20896681 #25628

>>20892736 #25624, >>20893499 #25625, >>20894287 #25626

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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d00a6c No.20902403

File: 1f1fde835d807d9⋯.png (84.69 KB,280x280,1:1,1509645963585_2020_07_22_0….png)



baker ghosting

ty anons

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d00a6c No.20902404


what is up with the blued links?

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f58e3a No.20902405

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

From Sea to Shining Sea

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4bd97f No.20902415

File: d05d90c683abbb9⋯.png (405.22 KB,699x367,699:367,d05d90c683abbb95430c29f468….png)

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ff9966 No.20902416


claiming dough

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8e4387 No.20902418

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

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d00a6c No.20902419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e9bc54 No.20902420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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556198 No.20902425

File: 92a0e08be25ed1a⋯.jpg (122.46 KB,802x798,401:399,6bed27efdee16efe.jpg)

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36cd06 No.20902428

File: ae283bc945ddd16⋯.jpg (53.82 KB,480x720,2:3,06fd33f53c29843b0c7fd4b90f….jpg)

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d00a6c No.20902429


ty anon

confirmed handoff

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e329e5 No.20902431

File: e658dadd3ebda9d⋯.png (32.21 KB,1280x674,640:337,f768deaef22da979abcfb73c91….png)


Thank you Baker!!! o7

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799c51 No.20902433

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In FloridaPrayers needed

Julie attended Judge Cannon’s hearing today in Florida and a lot going on. The Prosecutors are mad at Cannon for releasing those documents yesterday. They were basically losing their minds, hammering the hands on the podium and Judge Cannon interrupted andsaid: “I need to ask you to calm down”

Bannon says these prosecutors are understanding their lawfare is not working, that is why Merchan lost his mind yesterday. It seems like all of it, will crash and burn. There has got to be a few honest judges left.There has to beGod is with us.

The left on social media keeps on attacking Julie Kelly saying:“Julie Kelly is not a lawyer”. To try to stop people from reading her tweets. And they are pissed off its not working.Pray for Julie Kelly too

Listen to the video and Pray for Judge Cannon ongoing. She is in danger like Trump is. Important to remember her courage as a Judge to take these actions.

1 hour ago



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a0a7bf No.20902435

File: 3b7dcdacb44a403⋯.jpg (53.82 KB,460x215,92:43,Bot_Wars.jpg)


>in this thread

Bots fighting bots

Pigs in filters

ai anons


Best timeline ever frens. Praise god, thanks Q, tippy tops was best day ever.

Can you send anon a rally someday? Seems like there are never any nearby. Would be sweeeeeeet.

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8e4387 No.20902436

File: f50c0bd052cac37⋯.png (295.38 KB,478x598,239:299,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

BREAKING: Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

She has made $10,000,000 in the stock market so far this month alone


10:28 AM · May 21, 2024





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fae73b No.20902441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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53e141 No.20902444

File: c05c5a2bc36993c⋯.gif (93.34 KB,260x208,5:4,7uxzxr.gif)

File: 5b04b84e1a2d423⋯.png (263.59 KB,1262x737,1262:737,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e48daa3e703cf9⋯.gif (773.31 KB,500x281,500:281,eye_shift_.gif)



well the links in past notables look different but they are working.

any idea baker why they have changed from red to blue?


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ecb839 No.20902445

File: ed0167ea897e28a⋯.png (262.77 KB,800x333,800:333,ClipboardImage.png)


ty baker

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db267c No.20902453

File: 952882f8cad6455⋯.jpg (107.35 KB,1113x1058,1113:1058,20240521_202321.jpg)

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fae73b No.20902454

File: b632996331cc856⋯.png (875.44 KB,592x837,592:837,lb.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Their blood is on your hands.



President Biden




In America, we leave no veteran behind.

President Biden is pictured with a WWII veteran.

Rate proposed Community Notes

1:06 PM · May 22, 2024




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010c0c No.20902455

File: 56a35f0f7145658⋯.png (1.03 MB,1153x701,1153:701,ThereCanBeOnlyOne.png)

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e9bc54 No.20902456

File: 1b5084522c458ba⋯.gif (1.29 MB,500x215,100:43,glitch.gif)


Check'd trips.

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631152 No.20902459


Thats the youngest WW2 veteran ive ever seen

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fae73b No.20902460

File: b61026593e27783⋯.png (1.39 MB,706x866,353:433,do.PNG)

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66e1f7 No.20902461


Fastest way to avoid wasting your time is instant filter when you see a pig meme. Works great.

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8e4387 No.20902462

File: 263549594210625⋯.png (452.82 KB,809x711,809:711,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

Reports that the FBI authorized agents who were involved in that infamous raid on President Trump's Mar-a-Lago home to use "deadly force" as needed have triggered a resurgence of reports about just what the bureau was seeking there.

The publicly stated concern was over documents from Trump's presidency that he still had. But Joe Biden had classified documents from his days as senator and vice president, and there was no raid. And Mike Pence had documents from his vice presidency and there was no raid.

Perhaps the target was a binder including documents from the government's Crossfire Hurricane investigation, that fabricated claim that the Trump campaign in 2016 was colluding with Russians, a claim that was sponsored by Democrats involved in failed presidential bid by Hillary Clinton, claims that were later debunked by special counsel Robert Mueller.

A report at the Gateway Pundit pointed out sources, months ago, charged that that "missing top-secret binder" that could link Barack Obama directly to the conspiracy against Trump, was being sought.

"This document is rumored to contain damning evidence of former President Barack Obama’s CIA’s involvement in initiating the Russia collusion narrative against President Trump. Fox News host Jesse Watters discussed these details on his show, citing reporting by investigative journalists Michael Schellenberger and Matt Taibbi," the report said.

The Pundit report noted Trump had declassified a binder in 2021 that "contains hundreds of pages about the Crossfire Hurricane scandal. It contains damaging information about the corrupt actors involved with our government. Two different DOJ attorney generals have defied President Trump’s direct lawful order to publish the binder in the Federal Register."

The report said the DOJ made redactions, then sent the binder to the White House, but then insisted on more redactions.

"Hours before Trump left office on January 20th, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows gave the binder back to the DOJ, along with this memo. He asked the DOJ to make any Privacy Act redactions 'out of an abundance of caution.' In the memo, he asks them to expeditiously release the binder when finished. Meadows foolishly expected this would take 3-4 days. It’s over three years now and it’s still not released. Just the News recently obtained the Meadows memo from the National Archives, who also denied having a copy of the declassified binder," the report said.

The Pundit said, "Meadows admitted in interviews that various agencies often stalled or defied Trump’s orders. Meadows knew better than to rely on the DOJ to release this damaging binder after they left the White House. He should have released the binder to the public himself. But in doing so, there was a chance he would become a target of the DOJ and FBI."

Previously investigative reporter Paul Sperry documented how the federal bureaucracy was meeting with Trump's staff about documents and things seemed "copasetic." But then something changed, as if the FBI "had PERSONAL stake" in search.

The report noted the "Biden regime" took photos of binders in Melania Trump's room.


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db267c No.20902463

File: 56fedc8f8955a47⋯.jpg (126.51 KB,1096x1181,1096:1181,20240421_235939.jpg)

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8ade69 No.20902464

File: cebd82a67183051⋯.png (117.62 KB,504x360,7:5,23991.png)

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ee0b73 No.20902465

File: 9219da37796050f⋯.jpeg (68.01 KB,800x800,1:1,CC0B9B4D_1080_45D5_AC67_D….jpeg)


TY Baker

NightShift Authorized

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a0a7bf No.20902466

File: 8df20088e246c8f⋯.png (1.92 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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fae73b No.20902467

File: 4ba1cdec4f45dca⋯.png (27.6 KB,587x319,587:319,ilk.PNG)



Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Told y'all this guy was a Democrat


Robert F. Kennedy Jr




I want to take a moment to celebrate Harvey Milk Day and honor a man whose bravery transformed our society. Harvey Milk was a trailblazer for LGBTQ+ rights and the first openly gay individual elected to public office in California.

Harvey died fighting for what he believed in

Show more

1:16 PM · May 22, 2024




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3bf08a No.20902468

>meme this

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed


Donald J. Trump



Apr 29


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69355c No.20902469

File: c9d7f8495f34e05⋯.jpg (176.37 KB,1200x1200,1:1,FWWOLsJXgAIWfBw.jpg)

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53e141 No.20902470

File: a585ad02596122c⋯.png (308.14 KB,445x448,445:448,ClipboardImage.png)


ww3 veterans.

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e329e5 No.20902471

File: a0650db95957fe0⋯.jpg (16.65 KB,245x249,245:249,Melania_and_Donald_Trump_l….jpg)


Top KEK on that meme!

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36cd06 No.20902473

File: 8c29ae6965df694⋯.png (253.41 KB,1080x866,540:433,45585783350.png)

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650057 No.20902474

File: 73c27badfc29d4e⋯.png (918.02 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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314d16 No.20902475


"in America we leave no veteran behind."

does he think: if they are active duty, well, they knew what they were signing up for.

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0aae3e No.20902476

File: 4dfcd2ac43a88c0⋯.jpg (34.31 KB,474x267,158:89,th.jpg)


blue bloods taking over outright?

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3bf08a No.20902477


New York City on Wednesday began its latest eviction policy, which removes migrants from shelters who have been in the city's system for 30 days in most cases, or 60 days for young adults between 18-23.

The policy comes after the New York City Mayor Eric Adams reached a settlement with migrant advocacy groups over the city's "right to shelter" law. The city needed a way to cap the amount of migrants in its care, because it has seen nearly 200,000 migrants flood the city since 2022, according to NBC News. More than 65,000 remain in its care.

City officials are examining the migrants in a case-by-case basis, because some are entitled or eligible for extensions, such as high school students who are moving towards graduation, people recovering from medical procedures, and those with immigration hearings within 30 days, but it is expected to impact roughly 250 migrants between Wednesday and Sunday.

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69355c No.20902478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dark Forest Encounter


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78edd6 No.20902479

File: c34920756f939fb⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB,640x800,4:5,cf7bd99af8475ca68526bad750….mp4)

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aa1681 No.20902480

File: 8869004fbb734c9⋯.png (2.67 KB,91x62,91:62,chk.png)



Yeah, QR still has some sperg left in it.

So, hop to admin, gonna need an answer about those blue links.

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9025a4 No.20902481

File: 678275c68fb3fc2⋯.jpg (5.77 KB,300x168,25:14,images_109_.jpg)

File: ee37e970cfb8f04⋯.jpg (5.16 KB,275x183,275:183,images_110_.jpg)

File: b3542dd3538fbfd⋯.jpg (5 KB,183x275,183:275,2Q_21_.jpg)

The Brown fam

Moonbeam and the LunaticFringe

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5e8261 No.20902482

File: 023b2bc19c09082⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ritz.mp4)

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e9bc54 No.20902483

File: 5363ee0b37b325a⋯.jpg (57.82 KB,736x414,16:9,c3088e0cb8a67cc4a5cd0580e1….jpg)

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adaa19 No.20902484

File: c33b974e85d0834⋯.png (770.84 KB,984x687,328:229,ClipboardImage.png)

The Death Sentence for Pedophiles will Spread

As it Spreads, Pedophiles will Flee to "Safe" zones

According to my kekulations

California, New York & San Francisco will be their Final Destinations

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eebfa5 No.20902485

File: be0dfd5e8a493be⋯.png (3.59 MB,1440x1800,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)




It looks so weird …

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53e141 No.20902486

File: ae187e7bbcd5114⋯.png (323.36 KB,1012x721,1012:721,ClipboardImage.png)


while you are there

ask about the progress about the 60 second countdown button which is missing and the update button on the catelogue.


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e1e1d2 No.20902487

(PB) >>20902207

>Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis

Which one? 😎

Vaccine History: Developments by Year


The 1970s — vaccine success

During the 1970s, one vaccine was eliminated. Because of successful eradication efforts, the smallpox vaccine was no longer recommended for use after 1972. While vaccine research continued, new vaccines were not introduced during the 1970s.

Late 1970s | Recommended Vaccines




Polio (OPV)




* Given in combination as DTP

** Given in combination as MMR

Vaccine development in the 1980s — hepatitis B and Haemophilus influenzae type b

The vaccine for Haemophilus influenzae type b was licensed in 1985 and placed on the recommended schedule in 1989. When the schedule was published again in 1994, the hepatitis B vaccine had been added.

The hepatitis B vaccine was not new, as it had been licensed in 1981 and recommended for high-risk groups such as infants whose mothers were hepatitis B surface antigen positive, healthcare workers, intravenous drug users, homosexual men and people with multiple sexual partners. However, immunization of these groups didn't effectively stop transmission of hepatitis B virus. That’s because about one-third of patients with acute disease were not in identifiable risk groups. The change of recommendation to immunize all infants in 1991 was the result of these failed attempts to control hepatitis B by only immunizing high-risk groups. Following this recommendation, hepatitis B disease was virtually eliminated in children less than 18 years of age in the United States.

1985 - 1994 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (OPV)


1994 - 1995 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (OPV)


Hepatitis B

* Given in combination as DTP

** Given in combination as MMR

Annual updates to the immunization schedule — 1995 to 2010

As more vaccines became available, an annual update to the schedule was important because of changes that providers needed to know, such as detailed information about who should receive each vaccine, age(s) of receipt, number of doses, time between doses, or use of combination vaccines. New vaccines were also added.

Important changes to the schedule between 1995 and 2010 included:

New vaccines: Varicella (chickenpox - 1996), rotavirus (1998-1999; 2006, 2008); hepatitis A (2000); pneumococcal vaccine (2001)

Additional recommendations for existing vaccines: influenza (2002); hepatitis A (2006)

New versions of existing vaccines: acellular pertussis vaccine (DTaP ,1997); intranasal influenza (2004)

Discontinuation of vaccine: Oral polio vaccine (2000)

2000 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A

2005 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A



2010 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A




* Given in combination as DTaP

** Given in combination as MMR

The schedule from 2011 to Present

Annual updates to both the childhood and adult immunization schedules offer guidance to healthcare providers in the form of new recommendations, changes to existing recommendations, or clarifications to assist with interpretation of the schedule in certain circumstances. The schedules are reviewed by committees of experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Important changes to the schedule:

New vaccines: meningococcal serogroup B vaccine (2014); COVID-19 (2021-2022)†

Additional recommendations for existing vaccines: HPV (2011 to routinely vaccinate males), intranasal influenza vaccine (2018 again recommended)

Discontinuation of vaccine: intranasal influenza vaccine (2016)

†COVID-19 vaccines were recommended during the pandemic for increasingly younger age groups starting in late 2020. They were recommended for 5- to 11-year-olds in 2021, but they were not recommended for those younger than 5 years of age until 2022. COVID-19 vaccine was not added to the immunization schedule until 2023.

2020 | Recommended Vaccines







Polio (IPV)


Hepatitis B


Hepatitis A




* Given in combination as DTaP

** Given in combination as MMR

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9ad739 No.20902488

File: fee128fa34e3790⋯.png (727.1 KB,936x1047,312:349,ClipboardImage.png)

File: ce51b6ddfff63a4⋯.png (286.42 KB,946x764,473:382,george_carlin_euphemisms.png)

File: 8701ab5c07f864d⋯.mp4 (1.42 MB,320x240,4:3,George_Carlin_Elections_ar….mp4)

File: d2fe9b67e2f575a⋯.png (601.1 KB,1144x742,572:371,johnny_carson_george_carli….png)

File: 96084f1c8effe0f⋯.jpg (43.49 KB,600x333,200:111,ILLUSION_OF_CHOICE_GEORGE_….jpg)

"justice-impacted individuals"

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540f48 No.20902489


>The Death Sentence for Pedophiles will Spread

That's homophobic.

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3bf08a No.20902490


Diamond and Silk


"ASK SILK" Ask me anything about anything. Q&A Post your questions in the Chat. Tonight at 10pm ET on FrankSpeech. #DiamondandSilk

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3dfd28 No.20902491

File: f1ac4ea22b1cbe8⋯.png (1.46 MB,2048x1363,2048:1363,IMG_2632.png)

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7e9db4 No.20902492






The tanooki suit?

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92fa6b No.20902493


Good, after her family is tried/convicted for Treason, we can use her assets to nip at the debt.

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fae73b No.20902494

File: a0991aa81cf95f7⋯.png (1.56 MB,741x863,741:863,bless.PNG)

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5e8261 No.20902495

File: d8e992a6a821139⋯.png (259.06 KB,413x375,413:375,swingpepe.png)



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041e21 No.20902496

File: 5f711be27d2d0ff⋯.jpg (31.77 KB,612x401,612:401,sdfghjccfc.jpg)

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8e4387 No.20902497

File: 17526215d30ede3⋯.png (16.86 KB,560x104,70:13,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

File: 0f694487ebb9bd8⋯.png (427.49 KB,617x681,617:681,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

File: 52ca31e0bf4b0c6⋯.png (411.78 KB,621x658,621:658,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

File: 6cf6d0c89d4bb45⋯.png (379.98 KB,617x640,617:640,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

File: 4b58cd32cbdeeee⋯.png (379.32 KB,620x562,310:281,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

We now know with forensic certainty that two frontal headshots and one shot from the rear at a low angle (not from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository) killed JFK. The evidence for these conclusions comes from a new book, The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis, that I have recently published with Dr. David W. Mantik, who has a Ph.D. in physics and a medical practice extending over five decades as a radiation oncologist and who has seen the JFK autopsy skull X-rays more than anyone else.

Using a densitometer, Dr. Mantik measured the light coming through the X-rays millimeter-by-millimeter (with some measurements at a tenth-of-a-millimeter calibration). After analyzing the JFK right lateral autopsy, Dr. Mantik provided forensic proof that the third and final shot hit JFK in the right temple by the ear. The bullet furrowed a trail to the back of JFK’s head and blew out a gaping, avulsive wound in the right occipital region of JFK’s skull.

Dr. Michael Chesser, M.D., made optical density measurements of the three extant JFK autopsy skull X-rays in the National Archives, confirming Dr. Mantik’s findings. In JFK’s lateral X-ray film, Dr. Michael Chesser spotted a keyhole fracture in the temporal bone near JFK’s right ear. Such a fracture was described in “Keyhole Fracture of the Skull,” published in the December 2008 issue of the Military Medicine Radiology Corner:

A keyhole fracture has a characteristic pattern of both gunshot entrance and exit trauma. Keyhole fractures can be created by bullets penetrating the skull at an angle, by a bullet yawing off path, or by grazing the skull at a tangential trajectory without penetrating into the intracranium. These fractures exhibit a circular entrance defect and a triangular exit deficit created by bone or bullet fragments propagating from the initial point of impact on external examination or CT imaging.

According to the analysis of both Drs. Mantik and Chesser, Zapruder frame Z-313 shows the shot from the rear that hit JFK in the back of the head at the External Occipital Protuberance (EOP, the knob at the back of the head). This shot exited at the right front of JFK’s head, sending a stream of brain matter, bone, and blood up and to the front of JFK (Figure 3).

The shot at Z-313 pushes JFK’s head and body forward. A few frames later, at Z-330, we see JFK stabilized, with the “head flap” from the shot to the rear hanging from JFK’s scalp, not blown away. In Figure 4, we notice that JFK’s body has rocked slightly back from the impact of the shot from the rear and is still nearly upright but leaning left.

Zapruder Frame Z-331 is the frame the CIA would wish us to ignore. In Figure 5, you can see that at Z-331, JFK’s right temporal bone explodes from the impact of the bullet that hit JFK’s head obliquely, entering just above his right ear at the temporal bone. Zapruder Frame Z-331 occurs less than two seconds after the shot from the rear at Z-313.

Magnifying Z-331, the critical frame in the Zapruder film that makes clearer the explosion of JFK’s temporal bone is a shot from the right front that happened after the shot to the back of his head seen in Z-313. Forensic and visual evidence of a second head shot, especially one from the right front, is sufficient evidence to dismiss the Warren Commission’s findings as a proven coverup.

At a book signing, Clint Hill described his run from the follow-up car to the limousine:

As I approached the vehicle [JFK’s limousine] there was a third shot. It hit the President in the head, upper right rear of the right ear, causing a gaping hole in his head, which caused brain matter, blood, and bone fragments to spew forth out over the car, over myself. At that point Mrs. Kennedy came up out of the back seat onto the trunk of the car. She was trying to retrieve something that had gone off to the right rear. She did not know I was there. At that point I grabbed Mrs. Kennedy, put her in the back seat. The President fell over into her lap, to his left.

Clint Hill had to know the shot that hit JFK in the temporal bone by the right ear must have come from the grassy knoll—as made clear both by JFK’s body being thrown violently back and to the left from the impact, and from the backward-to-the-left outflow of brain matter from the wound.


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53e141 No.20902498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


notable vaccine roll outs by years


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9ad739 No.20902499

File: 2ac1515c15a9654⋯.jpg (65.72 KB,646x531,646:531,Tyson_chicken_illegals_vax.jpg)

File: 57c7699b1295582⋯.png (431.13 KB,550x773,550:773,illegal_immigrant_city_in_….png)

File: 43250eb25bc2b34⋯.png (423.41 KB,1018x758,509:379,serial_killer_illegal_stab….png)

File: 4eae63b3a124ba6⋯.png (394.15 KB,724x825,724:825,ca_illegal_prop_187.png)

File: 876b0f8b1e41214⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB,576x576,1:1,Nadler_admits_letting_ille….mp4)


>"justice-impacted individuals"

We went from


>Illegal aliens

>illegal immigrants

>undocumented immigrants

>undocumented workers


to just fucking


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2b1b06 No.20902500

File: 1bd1f1f08f4a466⋯.jpeg (46.07 KB,498x473,498:473,c51776ce5835b44747160cd1c….jpeg)

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03c130 No.20902501

File: dab4feb67da8e71⋯.gif (1.09 MB,260x146,130:73,9B240393_16B3_4A63_B5FA_76….gif)

Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

A string of defaults by Chinese property developers has highlighted the limits of a state-backed credit-support program that was meant to boost confidence in the country’s battered property sector. The latest such default involves Chinese developer Agile Group Holdings Ltd., which missed a payment on publicly issued dollar bonds for the first time last week. Agile is one of more than a dozen developers that issued yuan notes guaranteed through a state-backed program rolled out in 2022 to help cash-strapped developers raise money in the public market, a challenge for many of them since the onset of the property crisis.  When it was launched, the credit-support program was seen as a turning point, showing that policymakers’ attention had shifted to ensuring the survival of some developers, rather than focusing only on getting uncompleted housing projects finished. Because China Bond Insurance Co. is state-owned, issuing bonds with its guarantee signaled government support. Recent defaults suggest that the program hasn’t eased some developers’ cash strains as effectively as some investors initially expected.

So far at least 13 private developers have issued a total of 36 bonds via the program, with 35.9 billion yuan ($5 billion) raised, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. “The bond guarantee program was meant to boost confidence in developers and help them avoid defaults, at least in the public debt market, but it’s a drop in the bucket considering the property market headwinds,” said Ziqi Jiang, chief investment officer of Regent Capital Management Ltd. 

China’s government has struggled to ease pressure on a property sector plagued by record defaults and unfinished projects. Home-price declines accelerated in April, prompting the government to introduce new measures to prop up the sector, including further relaxing mortgage down-payment requirements. The package also included 300 billion yuan in central bank funding to help government-backed firms buy excess inventory from developers. Despite its limitations, the program is still helping some of the few surviving developers bolster their liquidity. In the past few days, Seazen Holdings Co. and New Hope Wuxin Industrial Group Co. sold bonds backed by the program, raising a combined total of more than 2 billion yuan.

China Bond Insurance didn’t reply to a request for comment.

While no developer has missed an interest payment on a bond guaranteed by China Bond Insurance,at least six that have issued notes via the program have defaulted or missed payments on other bonds.These developers include CIFI Holdings Group Co., Radiance Holdings Group Co., China SCE Group Holdings Ltd., Country Garden Holdings Co. and KWG Group Holdings Ltd.

Earlier this month, Country Garden paid interest totaling 65.95 million yuan on two yuan bonds that were guaranteed under the program. The coupon payments were made despite Country Garden earlier saying it couldn’t meet initial deadlines and that China Bond Insurance would offer help.

Repayment isn’t a concern given the program’s state backing, but “without a visible improvement of contracted sales, we expect continued default of developers, albeit at a slower pace than the past two years,” said Zerlina Zeng, senior credit analyst at Creditsights Singapore LLC.


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7e9db4 No.20902502


Weren't pedos fleeing to Israel?

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eebfa5 No.20902503

File: 6617d37e819e054⋯.jpg (26.95 KB,480x478,240:239,OMG_Freak.jpg)


>Robert F. Kennedy Jr

>Told y'all this guy was a Democrat

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9ad739 No.20902504

File: 9fcfd00cdd71745⋯.png (331.11 KB,847x541,847:541,oh_really_john_cleese.png)

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95b9cf No.20902505

UN to Use US-Built Pier for Halted Gaza Aid Deliveries

By Michelle Nichols and Idrees Ali Reuters May 21, 2024

UNITED NATIONS/WASHINGTON, May 21 (Reuters) – The United Nations has planned new routes within the Gaza Strip to transport aid from a U.S.-built floating pier after crowds of desperate Palstinians intercepted 11 trucks, causing a halt to deliveries that continued for a third day on Tuesday.

The temporary pier was anchored to a Gaza beach last Thursday as Israel comes under growing global pressure to allow more supplies into the besieged coastal enclave, where it is at war with Palestinian militants Hamas and a famine looms.

Operations began on Friday and 10 aid trucks were driven by U.N. contractors to a World Food Programme warehouse in Deir El Balah in Gaza. But on Saturday, only five trucks made it to the warehouse after 11 others were intercepted.

“Crowds had stopped the trucks at various points along the way. There was … what I think I would refer to as self-distribution,” U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters in New York on Tuesday.

“These trucks were traveling through areas where there’d been no aid. I think people feared that they would never see aid. They grabbed what they could,” he said.

Distribution was paused as the U.N. planned new routes and coordination of deliveries in a bid to prevent more aid being intercepted, said Abeer Etefa, a WFP spokesperson in Cairo.

“The missions were planned for today using the new routes to avoid the crowds,” she said. Dujarric later said there had been no transportation of aid from the pier since Saturday.


The pier has been met with hope and skepticism by residents in Gaza. The pier operation – announced by U.S. President Joe Biden in March – is estimated to cost $320 million and involve 1,000 U.S. service members.

“The pier should be there when the (Israeli) occupation completely ends. Then, it will be good for us. It will be good to travel, to get things,” said Abu Nadi al-Haddad, questioning why it was needed now, given there were several land crossings.

Another resident, Abu Nasser Abu Khousa, came to the coastal road close to where the pier is located with his four-year-old son and a donkey-drawn cart in the hope of receiving aid.

“We are waiting for the American aid, but we did not get anything,” he said, adding that he had lost his home in the war and had been displaced multiple times. “We will come back tomorrow, God willing, in the hope that we will get some aid, that will help us survive.”

U.S. officials have said that once up and running the pier would initially handle 90 trucks a day, but that number could go to 150 trucks. The U.N. has said at least 500 trucks a day are needed to enter Gaza.

Aid offloaded at the pier comes via a maritime corridor from Cyprus, where it is first inspected by Israel. Two ships carrying aid left Cyprus earlier this month and the Pentagon said more than 569 metric tons of aid had been delivered to Gaza.

“More is on the way, so you’re going to see those numbers increase,” Pentagon spokesman Brigadier General Pat Ryder told reporters on Tuesday.

It was not immediately clear how much of the 569 metric tonnes of aid – which the Pentagon said had been donated by the U.S., Britain, the United Arab Emirates and the European Union – was still waiting to be transported by U.N.-contracted trucks.

Israel is retaliating against Hamas in Gaza – an enclave of 2.3 million people – over the Oct. 7 attack by the Palestinian militants where more than 1,200 people were killed and over 150 taken hostage, according to Israeli tallies. Aid access into southern Gaza has been disrupted since Israel stepped up military operations in Rafah, a move that the U.N. says has forced 900,000 people to flee.


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fae73b No.20902506

File: b9fdeebcbed94c8⋯.png (1.23 MB,1461x912,487:304,rum.PNG)


June 2015 to Present Day - How President Trump is a Wartime President - Derek Johnson - May 22, 2024


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a0a7bf No.20902507

File: 86760e40a617a46⋯.png (619.95 KB,807x811,807:811,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f0e5a830623b61⋯.png (1.01 MB,686x876,343:438,ClipboardImage.png)

>enjoying the show

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799c51 No.20902508

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Raheem Kassam Details The Establishment Trying To Steal Trump's Primaries And British PoliticsAnons we are at war if you didn’t know it. They are trying to use Lawfare to defeat us. It won’t work.

1 hour ago



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e1e1d2 No.20902509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Fugly and Foolish.

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6c4ea4 No.20902510

File: c2f2c6ad548dbe2⋯.jpg (196.43 KB,600x726,100:121,QuoteSamA1.jpg)

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905897 No.20902511

File: e17349b779562ba⋯.jpg (708.68 KB,803x1447,803:1447,media_GOMjPoRXAAAUoet.jpg)

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adaa19 No.20902512


WW "safe" zones will be

Germany, France, Israel & Canada

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9ad739 No.20902513

File: 04806b30f7ae072⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB,1152x720,8:5,Dianne_Feinstein_Announces….mp4)

File: 4c5e7f97f5981e7⋯.png (300.05 KB,649x463,649:463,feinstein_thumb_alien.png)

File: b88aa040e08dbf4⋯.png (1.44 MB,1480x1090,148:109,feinstein_eye_wtf_1.png)

File: 02fd1f937a40187⋯.png (123.7 KB,474x237,2:1,feinstein_and_associate_pr….png)

File: efed51425b97594⋯.png (606.77 KB,834x873,278:291,feinstein_creature.png)


>Harvey died fighting for what he believed in


is that right

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3bf08a No.20902514

File: 6b56aeec6d95120⋯.png (672.81 KB,1100x674,550:337,camela_provolone_05222024.png)

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fae73b No.20902515

File: 9e096285441a3a4⋯.png (1.33 MB,844x601,844:601,min.PNG)

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db267c No.20902516

File: f6628f728b90283⋯.jpg (126.14 KB,720x1001,720:1001,20240522_183952.jpg)

File: 298ba36bf2956d9⋯.jpg (122.94 KB,720x1119,240:373,20240522_020714.jpg)

File: f26ba5fa0307955⋯.jpg (155.83 KB,720x1196,180:299,20240522_020748.jpg)


Duck on the loose in Michigan 🐥

Would you believe it happened again? 🐘

What the hell is going on? 3 Days in a row now

Vids in next post

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66e1f7 No.20902517

Nice that the board shills haven't made an appearance yet. This bread might turn out well after all.

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3bf08a No.20902518

File: 49fcdc7918ae1bf⋯.png (620.01 KB,1000x553,1000:553,biden_previous_2024_loan_b….png)

File: b48005f697a8ed4⋯.png (581.95 KB,974x534,487:267,US_debt_held_by_china_778_….png)

File: 1b9194e5b96059a⋯.png (968.27 KB,1100x800,11:8,debt_none_left_for_other_c….png)

File: d054d4e817694be⋯.png (786.88 KB,950x1000,19:20,embarrassing_joe_biden_051….png)

File: 4aee9fe1e69915b⋯.png (710.39 KB,955x1000,191:200,biden_past_bills_05192024.png)

>dark-stain brandon

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5044b7 No.20902519

File: 977e1d305d0cd4c⋯.jpg (101.94 KB,500x1211,500:1211,8qldio.jpg)

File: a8994c1ccbea17d⋯.jpeg (588.02 KB,1554x2048,777:1024,GN9CHO4XUAEclwZ.jpeg)

File: 246e2531ccbd320⋯.png (878.73 KB,760x500,38:25,246e2531ccbd3202feaab4516d….png)

File: 8e359ec7f81f4b4⋯.gif (8.29 MB,578x447,578:447,8e359ec7f81f4b4098085b561e….gif)

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fae73b No.20902520

File: 81de20ccb4dde39⋯.png (341.57 KB,591x549,197:183,ic.PNG)



Erica Knight


The TRUTH in the courtroom is shocking.

"As a guy who's tried 60 jury trials - I've never seen anything like this." @Kash





May 22, 2024, 8:25 AM

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9ad739 No.20902521

File: 00651b99473ecf3⋯.png (530.88 KB,1185x655,237:131,christine_blasey_ford_kava….png)



It's a very 80s look

fucking bangles earrings

pre-demi moore 80s hairdo

It's stuck in the 80s like time travel shit

it covers it's ears like it's hiding it's ears

"christine blasey ford" used that trick

London bitch. maxwell hill is a hamlet in london that she must have been familiar with

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905897 No.20902522

File: c4bd0b07a103354⋯.png (366.75 KB,592x566,296:283,ClipboardImage.png)




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370565 No.20902523


Ever heard the old expression anon? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth? Think before you post next time.

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fae73b No.20902525

File: 0c96aee63d9b2c6⋯.png (150.58 KB,599x555,599:555,rs.PNG)



Grace Chong 🇺🇸


Julie Kelly:

MORE bombshells from unsealed filings in classified documents case.

FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom:

May 21, 2024, 10:16 AM

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95d84a No.20902526


“Imagine working at Tyson’s foods…”

No thanks!

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66e1f7 No.20902527


Fuck sorry you're right anon. Don't want to summon them. My bad.

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9ad739 No.20902528


Remember 2015 youtube

those tunnels they say went from DC to Maine

Guy was outside the tunnels interviewing truckers

Around the time of that big military drill, the internet thought martial law was coming, and Walmarts were going to be the concentration camps

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727d89 No.20902529

File: d24b4d0da7abd6d⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,576x1024,9:16,zelenskidance.mp4)

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db267c No.20902530

File: a950bb1588bb471⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB,720x720,1:1,AccuWeather_20240522_7_new….mp4)

File: a307e6d1c155dfd⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,720x720,1:1,Volcaholic_20240522_4_new.mp4)

File: e6844421a9408ea⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB,480x844,120:211,Volcaholic_20240522_3_new.mp4)


A bear a duck and an elephant walk into a bar….

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961444 No.20902531

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Who’s RUNNING this shit show?

Obamaclown Rising.

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3bf08a No.20902532

File: a6e7ffa855fb89f⋯.png (645.65 KB,1100x616,25:14,camela_no_respect_philly_0….png)


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9000e7 No.20902533

File: 6743d54d1186598⋯.png (306.93 KB,490x481,490:481,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 93eab6597522a86⋯.png (260.7 KB,494x430,247:215,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9268afedf9b97b4⋯.png (783.29 KB,670x447,670:447,ClipboardImage.png)

Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

Tens of thousands of Iranians have filled up Tehran's streets on Wednesday for a massive funeral procession for President Ebrahim Raisi and seven other officials who died in Sunday's helicopter crash.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led funeral prayers for the deceased, which also includes foreign minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. "Oh Allah, we didn’t see anything but good from him," said Khamenei, reciting Islamic funeral verses.

According an Al Jazeera correspondent who is present at 'Freedom Square' where memorial events are taking place, "The streets are completely closed to the traffic, [with] heavy security measures here, several security checkpoints, and you can see thousands and thousands of people are already pouring into this area."

Other cities also hosted memorial processions. The Associated Press details of the Khamenei-led prayers in Tehran:

He soon left and the crowd inside rushed to the front, reaching out to touch the coffins. Iran’s acting president, Mohammad Mokhber, stood nearby and openly wept during the service.

People then carried the coffins out on their shoulders, with chants outside of “Death to America!” They loaded them onto a semitruck-trailer for a procession through downtown Tehran to Azadi Square, or Freedom Square, where Raisi gave speeches in the past.


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fae73b No.20902534

File: d1f9493b62120e6⋯.png (395.49 KB,588x635,588:635,tom.PNG)



Lara Logan


One of the many reasons I love Tom McDonald. youtube.com/watch?v=7DTlNm3icO



This Friday 9 A.M. @ http://www.HangOverGang.com25% OFF CODE: MEMORIALHOG4 DAYS ONLYAutographed albums, autographed shirts, autographed photos, hoodies, hats…

May 20, 2024, 12:05 PM

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95b9cf No.20902535

Canada #58 >>20902152

US profits from climate change loans to poor countries – media

A program billed as fighting global warming has reportedly funneled back billions of dollars to wealthy nations

22 May, 2024

A program that ostensibly helps developing nations deal with the effects of climate change has reportedly generated windfall profits for Japan, the US, and other wealthy countries, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

The gains stem from a pledge to provide $100 billion a year to help poor nations cope with climate change and undertake projects to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, according to the report, which cites an analysis of UN and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) data. Benefactor countries have channeled money from the program back into their own economies, reaping billions of dollars in profits, it says.

Japan, the US, France, Germany, and other wealthy nations have made the initiative a money-making opportunity by extending loans at market rates – rather than giving grants or low-interest financing – or insisting that the recipients hire their companies to carry out the projects. Reuters said it identified nearly $22 billion in loans and grants that came with such strings attached.

“Offering climate loans at market rates or conditioning funding on hiring certain companies means that money meant for developing countries gets sent back to wealthy ones,” Reuters said. Liane Schalatek, associate director with Germany’s Heinrich-Boll Foundation policy think tank, called the tactics “deeply reprehensible.” She added, “Climate finance provision should not be a business opportunity.”

The funding pledges were first made in 2009, supposedly to help poor countries that were disproportionately harmed by climate change. Roughly $353 billion was paid from 2015 through 2020. Reuters said more than half of that money came in the form of loans, which indebted poorer nations used “to solve problems largely caused by the developed world.”

Andres Mogro, Ecuador’s former director of climate initiatives, said the program heaped a new wave of debt on the global south. “It’s like setting a building on fire and then selling the fire extinguishers outside.”

Ritu Bharadwaj, a researcher at the UK-based International Institute for Environment and Development, told Reuters that the benefits reaped by developed nations have overshadowed the program’s primary objective of supporting climate action in poorer countries. “This is a classic example where a bad loan, which has been given to a country in the garb of climate finance, will create further financial stress.”

UN data showed that more than half of the 54 most indebted developing nations also ranked among the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Reuters showed that ten debt-distressed nations – led by Egypt, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Tunisia – took on a combined $11.5 billion in climate loans.

“Heavily indebted countries face a vicious cycle: Debt payments limit their ability to invest in climate solutions, while extreme weather causes severe economic losses, often leading them to borrow more,” Reuters said.


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36cd06 No.20902536

File: eef996216dd31ce⋯.jpeg (224.92 KB,1440x1080,4:3,1531878423.jpeg)

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8e4387 No.20902537

File: db2f69cf8a063b3⋯.png (1.1 MB,1169x613,1169:613,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

File: 7b775baaf4260b3⋯.png (2.1 MB,1662x892,831:446,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

File: 04c64fefbd0012a⋯.png (533.52 KB,1200x900,4:3,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)

1 mo day

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db267c No.20902538

File: 90dfbbfb445b01c⋯.jpg (58.64 KB,450x227,450:227,8173119b0a30df0cecfd2af44f….jpg)



'Oh, I like money'

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8ade69 No.20902539


FEMA camps and all that.

What about all those coffins stacked up all over the place?

Where they expecting a virus?

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a0a7bf No.20902540

What is the value of an anon embedded in local politics post storm?

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9ad739 No.20902541

File: e08a60bda83d334⋯.webm (2.9 MB,288x512,9:16,stairs_and_trampoline_jum….webm)


morons don't tie down their trampolines

one took a walk near me

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1f5ebb No.20902542


>post storm?

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a45d47 No.20902543

File: 7c2f1a4bf6ceebc⋯.jpg (350.67 KB,870x654,145:109,goodgawd.jpg)

God help us.

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62ed22 No.20902544


Anyone remember the guillotines?

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a0a7bf No.20902545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5044b7 No.20902546

File: 28a67ad9ae4ddcb⋯.jpg (60.78 KB,525x800,21:32,cca9787a30086bdb115acb03b6….jpg)

File: a58508be916d47c⋯.jpeg (42.56 KB,474x359,474:359,a58508be916d47c05f3f18599….jpeg)

File: a0e572c169e905d⋯.png (2.64 MB,3526x1445,3526:1445,a0e572c169e905d8e700e32cfd….png)

File: 5af4d46360d74b1⋯.jpg (100.77 KB,624x379,624:379,5af4d46360d74b15cff609edd4….jpg)

File: 43502fd35e425af⋯.jpeg (85.14 KB,538x307,538:307,43502fd35e425af82a86c1333….jpeg)

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95d84a No.20902548

Justice for the world’s people cannot happen fast enough.

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6590e2 No.20902549

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Night Owl News Archives - 05/22/2024



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e1e1d2 No.20902550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Harvey died fighting for what he believed in

Pack it in Bob before you make a no coming back from fool of yourself. You're on the precipice.

Died is one way to say it. Some would say murdered.

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69355c No.20902551

File: 2966f44b69e802f⋯.png (1.01 MB,882x664,441:332,2966f44b69e802fade31ff2292….png)

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fae73b No.20902552

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Reading from "The Secret of Light"

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9ad739 No.20902553

File: 01699a863e394c4⋯.png (599.98 KB,834x642,139:107,Aung_San_Suu_Kyi_meets_Hil….png)


>God help us.

Was it a McDonnell Douglas guy who said "if you can imagine it, we've already done it"

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a0a7bf No.20902554


Agreed fren

This is painful to endure.

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370565 No.20902555

File: 08f0a6aa336e9ec⋯.png (534.93 KB,818x787,818:787,ClipboardImage.png)


Goes into detail about her career and COMPLETELY omits the fact the she worked for a Chinese Law Firm.

Fuck you NYT!

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03c130 No.20902556

File: dc820cd656c944f⋯.gif (499.02 KB,500x360,25:18,F1E9E55F_59FA_4CA6_800D_E8….gif)


Can’t say seen’t that before


>inet is forever

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95b9cf No.20902557


If said anon serves the People and doesn't fall into the temptation of serving only self, then priceless

If said anon becomes that which has been deposed, then I believe at today's prices about $7.98 in raw chemicals

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53e141 No.20902558

File: 80adc4745d570a3⋯.png (1.17 MB,1649x819,1649:819,ClipboardImage.png)


notable video - as anon stated, trusted sources, the national pulse called the july 4th election on the 22nd may 2024

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d839c4 No.20902559

File: 7f25e8001135ab5⋯.jpeg (48.17 KB,720x405,16:9,107334694_1700113136070_g….jpeg)

Knock on ye wooden head of ye schill, to avoid influencing the future with statements about phase conditions. Thank you for your inattention.

Also is the chimera on the Federal Reserve new?

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ea3abf No.20902560

File: 938465c50838a7c⋯.png (287.93 KB,768x480,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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5044b7 No.20902561


there's a joke about that forgot it. meet here last Thursday. that's tomorrow

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9ad739 No.20902562


>Anyone remember the guillotines?

I remember the stories.

"Jade Helm 15"

jade helm site:youtube.com guillotines


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fae73b No.20902563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Reading "The Secret of Light" 12

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a872bd No.20902564

File: 6e950a673688aff⋯.jpg (125.21 KB,1125x1384,1125:1384,nw.jpg)

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314740 No.20902565

File: 98ab78f11e8589e⋯.png (537.77 KB,510x490,51:49,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1e1d2 No.20902566


Damn right. Compare the start to now.

Late 1940s | Recommended Vaccines





* Given in combination as DTP

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a0a7bf No.20902567


May we all aspire for the priceless.

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03c130 No.20902568

File: 0525daa684f866c⋯.gif (324.5 KB,400x166,200:83,B4F22446_F0BD_405C_9BC4_77….gif)


She’s his money and her claim to fame is blowing Brin

His stances on many things are horrible but THAT made him unelectable.

Wasn’t voting for him in the first place

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5044b7 No.20902569

File: fcc4ee38aaf29ac⋯.jpg (152.91 KB,650x1000,13:20,1297575871159_ORIGINAL.jpg)

File: e17349b779562ba⋯.jpg (708.68 KB,803x1447,803:1447,e17349b779562ba95ed7937d0a….jpg)

File: 07d6a56e2bf73be⋯.jpeg (353.17 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GOM3QtoWUAAEcg2.jpeg)

File: f31e11698869ff0⋯.jpg (13.84 KB,255x143,255:143,976f56eb82456c8affa21a4f4f….jpg)

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fae73b No.20902570

File: e817eff2ef84ac8⋯.png (859.93 KB,700x812,25:29,cr.PNG)

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e329e5 No.20902571

File: 094cc38c6365b3d⋯.png (11.61 KB,255x255,1:1,0de26bbc1ba33f41ce02d8ac70….png)



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9ad739 No.20902572

File: fdcb2fb50c77938⋯.jpg (77.11 KB,676x678,338:339,cia_kills_every_faggot_the….jpg)

File: 122089bcf9bd876⋯.mp4 (369.48 KB,478x360,239:180,ukraine_zelensky_95.mp4)

File: e59f65746d6105c⋯.png (142.83 KB,598x688,299:344,ukraine_zelensky_95_2.png)

File: 7962853d5eebb8c⋯.jpg (168.34 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ex_enemies_saddam_ukraine.jpg)


They always have multiple name spellings, these cia monsters

bin laden

ben ladin






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53e141 No.20902573

File: 67a0d0a3044c20e⋯.png (289.64 KB,750x1000,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)



still notable but anon had a retard moment.

tard jail 10 minutes.

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78edd6 No.20902574

File: 776703f4a99eb55⋯.png (956.57 KB,960x621,320:207,776703f4a99eb55d295f5918da….png)


sure do remember that.

on ewetube seen 5 enter a tunnel and 5 exit.

Guess they was carrying nursiing supplies 'round thatTime.

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fae73b No.20902575

File: 11764172a9aa3ee⋯.png (45.94 KB,668x347,668:347,tt.PNG)


TikTok plans to lay off 'large proportion' of its 1,000 global workers today weeks after Biden signed law to ban the social media platform unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

TikTok will send layoff notifications to an unspecified number of staffers tonight

By Natasha Anderson

Published: 05:55 EDT, 22 May 2024 | Updated: 08:07 EDT, 22 May 2024

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905897 No.20902576

File: cda8dc1b57f76a4⋯.png (1.49 MB,896x901,896:901,cda8dc1b57f76a4125ce9264cc….png)

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da745a No.20902577

Jimmy Carter will not make it past Memorial Day.

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95b9cf No.20902578


archive offline

General Research #23075 >>18802004



Amid a national hysteria claiming the popular video-sharing app is a Chinese Trojan Horse, a MintPress News investigation has found dozens of ex-U.S. State Department officials working in key positions at TikTok. Many more individuals with backgrounds in the FBI, CIA and other departments of the national security state also hold influential posts at the social media giant, affecting the content that over one billion users see.

While American politicians demand the app be banned on national security grounds, try to force through an internet surveillance act that would turn the country into an Orwellian state, make clueless statements about how TikTok is dangerous because it connects to your Wi-Fi, it is possible that TikTok is already much closer to Washington than it is to Beijing.


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8d88cd No.20902579

Marla in Limbo

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14cedf No.20902580

File: 4904565c972b32d⋯.png (353.77 KB,610x505,122:101,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ad739 No.20902581

File: fc7cc199dbf230f⋯.png (625.25 KB,1080x607,1080:607,ClipboardImage.png)


>"justice-impacted individuals"

This is literally from Idiocracy.

"Particular Individual"

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db6224 No.20902582


>California, New York & San Francisco

or Germany

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da745a No.20902583


please expand anon.

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0aa6c3 No.20902584

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fae73b No.20902585

File: 40d8d6415a18ee3⋯.png (326.96 KB,354x748,177:374,fox.PNG)


🚨 NEW: Joe Rogan says he would be “IN JAIL” if podcasters called people plague rats and pushed dangerous medical products while the mainstream media urged people to be wary of potential side effects.

This is how you know you are on the right side of history:

Rogan says, “If all these people that are dropping dead, all these people with strokes, all these people with heart attacks” were because podcasters told them to take a dangerous medical product, then there would be a “very good argument for ending podcasts” and “prosecuting people.”

But that’s not happening. THEY were the ones who pushed the dangerous medical products, which is why the subject of “died suddenly” hardly makes the evening news.

Full Episode: https://youtu.be/KBwNaW8j800?si=eYJ-tzZrkDZq1RYM

Related Stories:

‘Fully Vaxxed’ CNN Correspondent Dies Suddenly (https://t.co/VgO74x79Gj)

300 Pages of Emails Leave No Doubt: Fauci Lied, People Died (https://t.co/J4icqWOLIv)

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

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db6224 No.20902586


the Sex Justice Impacted Individual registry

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3e78c6 No.20902587

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2ffa3a No.20902588

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3bf08a No.20902589


(video: biden nancy visiting angels)

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adaa19 No.20902590

File: 2a0a92e0cd4b533⋯.png (746.99 KB,986x685,986:685,ClipboardImage.png)


& so It Begins….


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4fe14c No.20902591

File: 6274781fb637989⋯.jpg (177.27 KB,1379x1348,1379:1348,IMG_0868.jpg)

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5044b7 No.20902592

File: 62aceebb7e02ec7⋯.jpg (148 KB,587x583,587:583,62aceebb7e02ec799dc0f93f83….jpg)

File: 7b33e6fbb9c2715⋯.jpg (10.64 KB,255x156,85:52,e7f0a90cee43f8f4673dff82d5….jpg)

File: fbb4e01156ed11a⋯.jpeg (36.63 KB,255x252,85:84,6fe04e6592ce18d954ff6fcad….jpeg)

File: ee1fe978e153875⋯.jpg (514.47 KB,894x1855,894:1855,ee1fe978e15387545b526bd9e9….jpg)


class is in skool


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650057 No.20902593

File: 6d3dc24b83c3ce4⋯.mp4 (7.05 MB,546x360,91:60,Imam_Khamenei_led_the_fune….mp4)



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cba0db No.20902594

TheDukeReport - Find Fix Finish Flynn Fake???


George Webb joins Peter Duke to discuss the metadata analysis of the public positioning of General Mike Flynn and the mitigating circumstances that have been misremembered over time.

Big Long ass thing TRT 1:22:26 open in new window.

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9000e7 No.20902595

File: a2bccef724988dc⋯.png (178.25 KB,625x476,625:476,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ae24d943600690⋯.png (146.72 KB,611x442,47:34,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44c27e2f9b6e31f⋯.png (84.53 KB,618x212,309:106,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b955f36d72e523c⋯.png (190.81 KB,621x451,621:451,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bde3624d9c22928⋯.png (111.55 KB,603x251,603:251,ClipboardImage.png)


Appears they haven't changed the main part.

The highlighted pages were sent to Gov in 2021 by me when I told them they were an occupying force and were committing war crimes against protected persons.



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370565 No.20902596

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)

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905897 No.20902597

File: 66af855d6142528⋯.png (372.67 KB,590x540,59:54,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Air Force



Air Force Chief of Chaplains (Maj. Gen.) Randall E. Kitchens recently commemorated the 75th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force Chaplain Corps in an event at Arlington National Cemetery.

Full story here:


May 22, 2024 · 8:56 PM UTC



>baker ghosting


>ff9966 (1) 

>claiming dough

RIP Kitchens


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3bf08a No.20902598

File: 0e96d5486a25ffd⋯.png (349.29 KB,1086x800,543:400,kamala_harris_never_brough….png)

File: cc8e64098b2f74b⋯.png (639.18 KB,743x1100,743:1100,leslie_wolf_kevin_morris_c….png)

File: e4a8d12be0406a0⋯.png (667.08 KB,1100x612,275:153,diddy_Cartier_Fam_05212024.png)

File: b2efe43ea092236⋯.png (174.67 KB,1000x1016,125:127,fauci_covid_aids.png)

File: b6657cf7392f77e⋯.png (316.59 KB,889x1259,889:1259,government_cartel_paid_bil….png)

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ea3abf No.20902599

File: 98ab8babb8572b1⋯.png (239.43 KB,473x472,473:472,ClipboardImage.png)

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e81400 No.20902600

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Have You Been Found? | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | May 22, 2024

" . . . be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.''

Eat the manna from heaven and drink the living waters given to you at the greatest cost . . . now is the time.

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db6224 No.20902601


is it someone's 18th birthday party?

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fae73b No.20902602

File: 7d665199b4a1f3f⋯.png (89.95 KB,382x482,191:241,jp.PNG)



Discover The Linux Alternative: A Path to True Privacy

For those deeply disturbed by Microsoft’s invasive new “Recall” surveillance feature in Windows 11, there is a powerful alternative – the Linux operating system.

Unlike Windows, which is proprietary software controlled by a corporation, Linux is open-source (meaning, we can see what’s in the source code, unlike Windows, where the source code is closed and ‘secret’) and Linux is developed collaboratively by a community of volunteers.

This fundamental difference means Linux is free from the profit motives and data-mining incentives driving Microsoft’s erosion of digital privacy.

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3bf08a No.20902603

File: 002dc0b7a1e7e10⋯.png (250.05 KB,658x1071,94:153,george_clooney_julia_rober….png)

File: 1277e716297b77a⋯.png (247.02 KB,1008x1201,1008:1201,international_criminal_cou….png)

File: 5493a187f13c4e7⋯.png (376.42 KB,987x1109,987:1109,amal_clooney_sunni_muslim_….png)

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8e9cb4 No.20902604



Those were the days

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4fe14c No.20902606

File: 84c6bfe7ef1730b⋯.jpeg (326.72 KB,1130x1127,1130:1127,IMG_0967.jpeg)

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8d88cd No.20902607


Well life‘s been crazy ever since Q, not in a little part because of women, love and stuff. For some weird reason the movie fight club was the piece of media that had an incredible amount of resonance with my self. After a hefty phase of strife with my parents I found a new job in a field I‘d never thought I‘d find myself in and I totally loved it more than I ever thought I could love a job. Then one day the most beautiful girl I‘ve ever seen comes in and of course her name has to be marla, same as the female lead in fight club. She often brushes me by and smiles at mein a way that makes me think about her for days after we share a shift. Lately she was around very sparsely so I started wondering if I‘m just superficially attracted to her. The last two times I made a one post in a thread I got a 33 digit get. This time no dubs but 33 second time stamp. Am I crazy? Maybe. Do I want to marry that girl one day? Probably. Will that happen? No fuckin clue

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a0a7bf No.20902609

File: f13cfec36165dcb⋯.png (116.53 KB,860x538,430:269,ClipboardImage.png)

Could you use the hiring and retention of employees as an economic weapon to create artificial low unemployment rates?

Could this be used to force employers to welcome and even demand immigrant labor?

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727d89 No.20902610

File: 053917b8d6ca4e9⋯.jpg (80.31 KB,1000x562,500:281,unknownnobelman.jpg)

File: 6e3fa36c08f5546⋯.png (116.12 KB,289x380,289:380,rosehanbery.png)

File: 4a164cdb0fce490⋯.png (134.61 KB,265x380,53:76,rosehanbery2.png)

File: 7de6eeb863d57f6⋯.jpg (9.8 KB,232x240,29:30,TuesdayWeldMask.jpg)

File: 5fd82f76f365bab⋯.jpg (90.62 KB,817x1000,817:1000,catherinemaskface2.jpg)




Yes I remember.

And if you mentioned "Jade Helm" you got banned.

Doesn't this aristocrat dude remind you of the mistress of the Antichrist? picrel

She resembles someone from the Middle Ages? The outfit screams "Inquisition" / Inquisitor ?

Her apparently estranged husband's face is really haunting.

Would love to know the true story behind all this.

The latest portrait of the Missing Catherine reminds me of a witch's mask. Used around (in Predictive Programming) the Kennedy assassination.


Route 66, Weld, JFK, and To Kill a King


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a872bd No.20902611

File: 102326a42134b8c⋯.mp4 (4.95 MB,540x540,1:1,Joe_Rogan_says_he_would_be….mp4)

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3e78c6 No.20902612

das shekel grübber


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03c130 No.20902613

File: e5956c722ab4e82⋯.jpeg (358.86 KB,1216x613,1216:613,E627625E_8BB3_4692_B2B6_E….jpeg)

File: d95c14265b1bc73⋯.jpeg (489.68 KB,828x1288,9:14,04A3CF85_9D6B_43D2_85EC_E….jpeg)

SAM390 G5 departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after arriving yesterday and starting to round western Cuba

This AC was used by Jake Sullivan to go to Tel Aviv and meet w/ Netanyahu last Sunday and returned on Monday-cap 2 SAM837

In the top 5 of the food chain for 99th Airlift Squad

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93b834 No.20902614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>She has made $10,000,000 in the stock market so far this month alone

That capital gain was a sale through a preprogrammed trading bot probably now run by a.i.

What was volume for the transaction? Much more complex than what one might infer on retail accounts. She thinks she's exempt cuz its private equity.

Anyhooo this was the dump..

Pump and dump - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pump_and_du…

Pump and dump (P&D) is a form of securities fraud that involves artificially inflating the price of an owned stock through false and misleading positive …


Dollars to doughnuts that her portfolio benefited from regulatory and other such exposure.

This Robot Already Owns Everything (And it's just getting started) : Blackrock Aladdin

310K views · 2 years ago#creator

Do yourself a favor and look up www.Aladdin.com


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8f271c No.20902615


>please expand

M a r l a i n L i m b o

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4fe14c No.20902616

File: 4e1931faa56e138⋯.png (1.63 MB,1366x724,683:362,42EB69CD_1E99_4577_AF2A_31….PNG)

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e1e1d2 No.20902617


Strange. Google, FB and Twitter were never under US government threat. 😎.

If Rumble can get their User Experience platform to mirror YouTube then you'll see a tide shift. The Rumble platform sucks. Bitchute likewise. Spotify is confusing as all hell. On an on which is amazing seeing how many dweebs they all employ.

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247156 No.20902618

That is not funny, I’m disappointed in you.

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4fe14c No.20902619

File: 199f3617572492d⋯.jpg (873.09 KB,1967x1365,281:195,IMG_0799.jpg)

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93b834 No.20902620


For the lazy


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2b1b06 No.20902621

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fae73b No.20902622

File: 285c423178ff519⋯.png (213.84 KB,388x462,194:231,sw.PNG)


While pro-Hamas mobs continue to march and illegally occupy college campuses calling for the extermination of Jews, Joy Behar says that MAGA hats might as well have a swastika on them. We aren’t the problem, Joy.

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a45d47 No.20902623

File: dc5f9fe60dd159b⋯.png (2.16 MB,810x990,9:11,dc5f9fe60dd159b639bd3aee3c….png)


Couple of generals have said it, too.

One of them said, "If you've seen it on Star Trek, we already have it."

Being that mass media is a ritual mockery, I believe much of what we have seen in movies was inspired by real developments.

Star Trek, Star Wars, Aliens, Stargate, Midnight Meat Train, etc

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4fe14c No.20902624

File: 9b62505b8c62091⋯.mp4 (125.88 KB,640x360,16:9,Biden_THE_Erectionist.mp4)


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adaa19 No.20902625


Nuremberg II isn't a pipedream

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e1e1d2 No.20902626


Truth in movies lies in the MSM.

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8d88cd No.20902627


Look at mr galaxy brain over here kek

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799c51 No.20902628

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I agree;Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD


The German authorities — like their American counterparts — are playing with fire using the state’s judicial apparatus to inhibit the legitimate progress of anti-establishment movements such as the AfD. (They are trying to ban the equivalent of the MAGA movement in the US)@

Free elections are like the safety valve on a pressure cooker. Anger must be allowed to dissipate at the ballot box.

If the pressure-release is frustrated for too long, it will eventually dissipate elsewhere far more violently, blowing apart the system itself. And when that happens, our Sociopathic Overlords will only have themselves to blame.


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e81400 No.20902629

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Christ is Sufficient for All Your Crises: John MacArthur May 5, 2024

"It was about a week or so ago that I was in a panel discussion, and it was being videoed, and the question came up about mental illness, and I made the comment, “There’s no such thing as mental illness.” And I was told within a matter of a few hours that blew up the Internet, and one of the headlines was “Doctor and Woman Preacher Take Issue with John MacArthur.” I don’t know about the doctor, but I’m happy to take issue with a woman preacher; that’s fine. But there were lots of other people who weighed in on what a horrendous thing I had just said. And I know it’s been circulating out there because people have been asking me about it . . . ''

Fantastic sermon. Nuff said.

There’s no such thing as mental illness. That is not a new concept.

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4fe14c No.20902630

File: 041ab0fd618ab0d⋯.mp4 (217.85 KB,480x608,15:19,Dr_Fauci_Workout.mp4)



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cba0db No.20902631



pro tip

chronological sort

rss feed

passive chatter views.

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347ffd No.20902632


Don't need no Khan's, thank yew.

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5044b7 No.20902633


pretty fucked up clock during the covid bonus hours.

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8f84c8 No.20902634


Is the wrap on the Fed Res building that deteriorated? Any more photos?

Don’t remember seeing this statue.

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347ffd No.20902635


City Of London's the most important part. Almost like a country within a country.

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650057 No.20902636

File: c94983ba8317ea6⋯.mp4 (487.95 KB,500x282,250:141,Hamas_Chief_Ismail_Haniyeh….mp4)

File: c94983ba8317ea6⋯.mp4 (487.95 KB,500x282,250:141,Hamas_Chief_Ismail_Haniyeh….mp4)




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a872bd No.20902637

File: 0f8f9bddb7a0603⋯.png (309.75 KB,400x573,400:573,0f8f9bddb7a0603ef87d111799….png)

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8e9cb4 No.20902638

File: 22db3242d086fe5⋯.jpeg (369.13 KB,822x1580,411:790,IMG_5050.jpeg)


NY public health care system still demands vaccine proof for work

The crazy is still going on

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15f5dd No.20902639

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3dfd28 No.20902640

File: 321ca0221bf4c58⋯.png (2.77 MB,1536x1587,512:529,IMG_2451.png)

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03c130 No.20902641


It IS a ‘country’ within a country

Just like DC,Vatican

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650057 No.20902642

File: 4970484febf8436⋯.png (97.89 KB,719x719,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh, is all smiles today at Ebrahim Raisi’s funeral in Tehran.




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aa8413 No.20902643

File: bb2f512b81f4565⋯.jpg (621.9 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240522_182348….jpg)

File: d421fcb0a8b2be6⋯.jpg (548.9 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_182506….jpg)


Through Talus, you will find B.GATES, ELLISON, possibly MUSK, now that he's got a former cia/fbi/mos computer hardware farm and a net.

Dive in!



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e1e1d2 No.20902644


NO ONE signs a 250 million dollar deal without being owned. Joe Rogan is a clown + the new fad tough guy look bald head.

Under a prior multimillion-dollar deal, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” had been a Spotify exclusive since 2020. The Wall Street Journal, which first reported the new deal on Friday, estimated that the new contract was worth as much as $250 million over its multiyear term. It cited unnamed people familiar with the matter.

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97c690 No.20902645


>Linux is developed .. by .. volunteers

A lot of whom work at Redhat (IBM) or Amazon or similar big tech companies.

You need to be careful about what things you put on your box and learn to make good choices.

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a872bd No.20902646

File: bdd7a9710eac156⋯.jpg (52.88 KB,480x480,1:1,1600410024405.jpg)

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ff9966 No.20902647

notables @ 205

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902487, >>20902498 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902508 Raheem Kassam Details The Establishment Trying To Steal Trump's Primaries And British Politic

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 Planefag


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adaa19 No.20902648

It's Good Vs. Evil

The[y] Have their Champion

God is Willing to be your Champion

you only have to ask him

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e1e1d2 No.20902649


>pro tip

>chronological sort

>rss feed

>passive chatter views.

Pro Tip - If you have to explain it vs being intuitive then someone is doing it better.

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ff9966 No.20902650

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5044b7 No.20902651

File: ad53fb0fb6b9817⋯.png (68.84 KB,640x708,160:177,856_1_.png)


true story. was originally gonna just post fuck it. irl at dawn. somebody else check it. glad someone did. fucking tired. that's it for today.

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3dce4b No.20902652

File: a8a2013962461c2⋯.png (243.42 KB,484x323,484:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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8672dc No.20902653


You can never win if you never try. Unless you are a stalker.

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e81400 No.20902654

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Great Taking

David Rogers Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.

Great expose. Not fear pron.

Download it on yt and share with your college 'educated' friends, 'business' mavericks and CPAs. Watch them have a normie melt right before your eyes.


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8f84c8 No.20902655

File: dfce9c49fb530b8⋯.jpeg (244.49 KB,1024x670,512:335,IMG_0476.jpeg)

Here is Eccles building

One prominent Eagle above main entrance



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8ade69 No.20902656


Is Webb coming out of the clown-closet?

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370565 No.20902657

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Dark Side of Surveillance - John B Wells LIVE

John B. Wells - Caravan to Midnight

143K subscribers

292 watching now

Started streaming 29 minutes ago #CTM

#CTM Tonight

Topic: The Dark Side of Surveillance

Start: 8:30pm CST

• Ana Toledo

Website: https://www.targetedjustice.com/

X: @anatoledodavila

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/atoledopr

Listen Links:

AM/FM Radio



https://zutalk.com/ (live & archives)



Speak Free Radio











Live now.

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fae73b No.20902658

File: ea9213d5a36679a⋯.png (475.25 KB,927x807,309:269,23.PNG)


Thursday, May 23, 2024

59 minutes ago

Election 2024

RFK Commemorates Literal Pedophile.

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8e9cb4 No.20902659


Look it up

NY public healthcare

Anon took a shot of an email that someone got

It’s true

They are still running the ads for the vaccine in NY

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9000e7 No.20902660

File: b550b6e3fb8e28f⋯.png (54.84 KB,726x655,726:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b7fd4959ab95c28⋯.png (49.44 KB,726x629,726:629,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1d7e959f826ff8⋯.png (18.97 KB,728x275,728:275,ClipboardImage.png)

Israel blackmailed Bill Clinton with Monica tapes; spy hunt ended after Mossad bugged Prez sex chats

ISRAEL blackmailed President Clinton with phone-tapped tapes of his steamy sex talks with Monica Lewinsky, a blockbuster new book charges.

The price Clinton paid for the silence of the Mossad spy agency was calling off an FBI hunt for a top-level Israeli mole allegedly installed at the White House.

The allegation appears in “Gideon’s Spies – The Secret History of the Mossad,” written by respected author Gordon Thomas and due out next week.

Asked for comment, White House spokesman P.J. Crowley replied, “The only thing I can possibly say is we’ll skip the book and wait for the movie.”

Israel has denied conducting spying operations in the United States.

But hints about the Mossad connection to Sexgate surfaced in evidence given to independent counsel Kenneth Starr last year.

Lewinsky testified under oath that after a session of heavy petting and oral sex in the White House, Clinton told her that a foreign embassy was tapping the two phone lines in her D.C. apartment.

She said Clinton advised her that if she was questioned about their phone-sex sessions she should claim that they knew their calls were being bugged – and were joking to make the phone-tappers look silly.

Starr did not pursue the matter, as far as the public record shows, and Lewinsky apparently accepted Clinton’s story without asking for details.

But author Thomas says Danny Yatom, Mossad inspector general, succeeded in tapping Lewinsky’s phone and amassed some 30 hours of sexually explicit conversations between the president and Lewinsky.

Thomas says Tel Aviv used the tapes to stop the probe of an operative code-named “MEGA,” who was, and could still be, deep within the White House.


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fc19f5 No.20902661

Did Nikki endorse Trump?

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1f5ebb No.20902662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e81400 No.20902663

File: 6c3b382bead989e⋯.pdf (2.15 MB,The_Great_Taking.pdf)


The Great Taking documentary PDF

Lays out the same message as the film in a tidy pdf.

Spread 'em far and wide.

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5044b7 No.20902664


just the tip

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41104d No.20902665



was this a reporter account baker and everything posted in (OP) of bake? kek

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347ffd No.20902666

File: ea372a66973eff7⋯.png (1.81 MB,1600x1169,1600:1169,ClipboardImage.png)


==The Last Public Execution by Guillotine, 1939



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82ad57 No.20902667

File: 449b8c73b6939de⋯.png (1.59 MB,858x1200,143:200,449b8c73b6939dec137c558a84….png)

Is it too early for GM?

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1f5ebb No.20902668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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799c51 No.20902669

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The FBI Raid At Mar-A-Lago Was An Attempted Assassination On President Trump


Bannon challenging the DS


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e1e1d2 No.20902670


It's true. The cow has been milked dry. That finished up in the late 1970's. It's now been bled dry. The Cow is the USA.

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e9bc54 No.20902671

File: 7a889f8b07a801d⋯.gif (107.78 KB,595x527,35:31,7a889f8b07a801df5e6d559882….gif)

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d839c4 No.20902672

File: 02e2fea85bf6d0a⋯.png (189.25 KB,526x191,526:191,02e2fea85bf6d0a16bbb738b3b….png)

File: 10c729fd700b2f8⋯.jpg (13.13 KB,293x340,293:340,Chefboyardeepic.jpg)


We demand a commission of inquiry into the death of our beloved colleague whose sudden and mysterious death has troubled us all as much as the rumors of satanic paraphernalia and his subsequent revival as a zombie fry cook must be investigated.


Chef Boyardee

Anonymous Benevolent & Brotherhood of chefs, saucers and pearl diving clochards.

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15f5dd No.20902673

File: f6f03d2dd31ccb5⋯.jpeg (51.09 KB,601x601,1:1,IMG_1344.jpeg)


“Trump made me get it”

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8ade69 No.20902674



Yup, George Webb decided to expose himself. He´s talking shit about Flynn.

Just listen, he sounds like a slick shill

They panic is intensifying

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bc5b82 No.20902675

File: e358d710878c1ad⋯.png (349.57 KB,570x679,570:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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ff9966 No.20902676


It's an anniversary of a Corps, not a death.

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347ffd No.20902677



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03c130 No.20902678

File: 20c7f090c73c0a1⋯.jpeg (428.84 KB,781x653,781:653,84E77C5A_E2A4_41FB_850C_7….jpeg)

Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

(Usually a kiss of death within a few weeks of split-historically speaking-but the rally will continue UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES and this will make the uneducated think it’s ‘cheaper’ cuz they don’t understand it’s just an accounting trick)

Nvidia is rolling out a 10-for-1 stock split, cashing in on the AI boom it has been driving and giving investors a hefty nugget. The stock has advanced over 91% this year, closing at $949.50 per share on Thursday in the extended session shares rose past the $1,000 mark. Post split, which is effective on June 7, 2024, one Nvidia share would be worth $94.95.  Nvidia shares have risen over 231,485% since its IPO in January 1999. 

The announcement came as first quarter revenue of $26 billion, up 262% from the same period a year ago, beat estimates of $24.6 billion, as tracked by LSEG. The company also delivered a higher-than-expected second quarter revenue forecast of $28 billion compared to a $26 billion estimate. Nvidia is considered the poster child for AI leading other rivals including Meta and Google under the direction of CEO Jensen-Huang who is also the company's largest individual shareholder, owning nearly 4% of company shares, as tracked by Thomson Reuters. 


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e9bc54 No.20902679

File: 1d549eededab210⋯.gif (1.25 MB,360x270,4:3,cotton3.gif)

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fe15a5 No.20902680

File: c4f46016e3f6678⋯.jpg (7.77 KB,225x225,1:1,2Q_24_.jpg)


Imo, Roman's camp did what AJ's camp did to Cooper.

Although a metaphorical,''got played close and assassinated took place, the hijacking of, first, independent minded people, including AJs base.

He's the equivalent of the community organizer.

He's no spook, he's Joey! The cool dude!

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3e78c6 No.20902681


Exodus 8:13-14

And the Lord did according to the word of Moses; and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the villages, and out of the fields. [14] And they gathered them together upon heaps: and the land stank.

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e1e1d2 No.20902682


Lets just say the jury is out on both and throw in Pence for a trifecta.

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03c130 No.20902683


>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

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82ad57 No.20902684


I'm just a GM Anon, nigger.

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5044b7 No.20902685



the cat slide failed

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347ffd No.20902686


Cheapens the price so retail investors, like you!, can get on the gravy train and let the Big Boys out before it rolls over. Funny things happen when you design for right-of-decimal problems and assume the left side can take care of itself.

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03c130 No.20902687


>Webb decided to expose himself

He did that long ago

Welcome to 2017

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3dce4b No.20902688

File: b8472bd0950cbe7⋯.png (128.55 KB,438x620,219:310,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 97f87843a30ad1a⋯.png (330.94 KB,598x438,299:219,ClipboardImage.png)

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69c2ef No.20902689


Linux Mint or Ubuntu are a good choice.

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82ad57 No.20902690


Baited by the GM

You niggers are dumb

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370565 No.20902691

File: 4b56aa5cdd6cfc9⋯.png (748.95 KB,770x749,110:107,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1e1d2 No.20902692


Thank God I have no idea what you're talking about.

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5044b7 No.20902693

File: a756dab33066a1a⋯.jpg (219.91 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_2….jpg)

File: e2cc1238d4ec9f0⋯.jpg (224.69 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_4….jpg)

File: 7b48164d2cfa5fb⋯.png (195.32 KB,640x1746,320:873,147_1_.png)

File: f3e239083030df1⋯.png (380.81 KB,640x3526,320:1763,1347.png)

File: bb19cfc44be764d⋯.png (150.9 KB,640x1708,160:427,675.png)

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8ade69 No.20902694

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,af0519bdf67eb51e3a310cc73b….png)

File: 1035941708c2a6c⋯.jpeg (63.09 KB,1080x810,4:3,1035941708c2a6cd5e0173152….jpeg)

File: d9e4382635b9c60⋯.jpg (233.74 KB,992x992,1:1,d9e4382635b9c60c2817a78c51….jpg)

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9000e7 No.20902695

Richie Allen: The Israelis say, “not us, we didn’t do it.” I’m inclined to not know what to think. I’m looking for motivation. And I’m thinking, well, Khamenei will just find another guy like the president and nothing will change. What say you?

Kevin Barrett: Well, I think Israel did it, Richie, and they are the world’s most outrageous psychopathic liars. So anything they deny can be taken as confirmation.

Richie Allen: But have you any proof that Israel did it?

Kevin Barrett: Of course not. That’s way above my pay grade.

Richie Allen: You know, I’m not being silly or childish when I ask that. But, you know, Israel has been blamed for it. from everything from September the 11th—

Kevin Barrett: Which they did.

Richie Allen: —to the (7/7/2005) bombings in London—

Kevin Barrett: Which they did.

Richie Allen: —to guys slipping on banana skins in Manchester on a Saturday night coming out of the pub.

Kevin Barrett: I’m not so sure about that one.

Richie Allen: They will say, where’s the proof and where’s the motivation? What do we have to gain by killing the Iranian president? What would they gain?

Kevin Barrett: Well, they’re extremely desperate right now. Their genocide in Gaza is getting them nowhere. They’ve fallen into a trap of their own making through the crazed rage that was their response to the very successful raid by Hamas on October 7th. And so they’ve been busily slaughtering women and children ever since, but they’re still losing the military fight. And the world has turned against them. Netanyahu in particular and his faction will only stay in power if they can keep this war getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

And Iran is their major adversary. They’ve been trying to drag the United States into an all-out war with Iran since 9/11, which was designed to take out seven countries in five years. And by far the most important was number seven, Iran. And they tried everything from stealing American nuclear weapons with the complicity of then Vice President Dick Cheney towards the end of the Bush-Cheney regime—They’ve tried everything in the book.

And now Netanyahu and his friends are going down. They need to turn this into World War III. They need to drag the U.S. into their war against Iran. And by murdering the Iranian president, they guarantee that Iran, once it determines that that’s what happened, is going to have to retaliate. And that, of course, could be spun as the provocation that leads to the war.

Richie Allen: Why are we not hearing from any sources inside the Iranian government that there is a belief that Israel was involved? Because it usually doesn’t take them too long to come out and throw accusations at Israel. So why have they taken so long? Why haven’t we heard from somebody in officialdom there, Kevin? Why not now?

Kevin Barrett: Well, they’re probably weighing their options. What they’ve said is that they’ve called it martyrdom. Now, you’re not a martyr if you just die in a crash. You’re a martyr if somebody kills you. So they have already essentially stated that the enemy or the enemies of Iran did this, by calling it a martyrdom.

As far as making it more explicit and calling out Israel directly, well, that’s all-out war. And they’re going to have to figure out how to make the war happen or do their retaliation in a way that works for them. If they announce it right now, then they’re obligated to strike Israel instantly. And then Israel, of course, knows that, and they’ll probably strike Iran first. And that may not be the best way for Iran to win the war.

Richie Allen: I heard a pro-Iranian commentator on BBC Radio this morning, and he made two very interesting points. So the weather and visibility was really bad. That’s number one. But number two, he lamented the fact that the economic sanctions on Iran have been so severe in recent years. And I don’t agree with them, of course. That’s just my opinion. But they can even impact on things like aeronautical safety—airplane travel safety and helicopter safety. And he seemed satisfied that it was the weather and maybe, just maybe, the helicopter itself wasn’t up to scratch. That’s a fair point. We can’t discount that, right?

Kevin Barrett: When people blame things like this (on the weather)—for instance, when Paul Wellstone’s plane went down in 2002…


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e9ea2d No.20902696

File: 71e0975fbc29709⋯.jpg (39.89 KB,613x589,613:589,AI_talking_to_AI.JPG)

File: d0ced34b4cf51a1⋯.mp4 (6.22 MB,480x852,40:71,AI_talking_to_AI.mp4)

AI talking to……AI….kek


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82ad57 No.20902697


GN fam

See you in the morning

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314740 No.20902698

File: c7271ba08e2bd7c⋯.png (566.65 KB,577x432,577:432,ClipboardImage.png)

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3e78c6 No.20902699


mas shekel grübbing

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347ffd No.20902700


Hello, Brit.

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fc19f5 No.20902701

Night Night, you sweet lil’ frgoggies!

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8ade69 No.20902702


Never trusted him, but never seen this so blatantly before.

He even looks like a spook.

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be99e7 No.20902703


7 of 10

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3c38b1 No.20902704


“One day the military snatched me off the street, gave me a trial for my crimes, found me guilty, sentenced me to death and then offered me a deal to be a stooge for the white hats to assist with the take down of the deep state.”

This seems more like it. Tucker ain’t no patriot or hero, he was a clown tool and was just as deep in the evil as the rest of them.

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ff9966 No.20902705


This is a good Wired interview worth reading with the CEO of Nvidia, Jensen Huang.


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9000e7 No.20902706

File: d5e57ad54ddac7d⋯.png (427.91 KB,628x560,157:140,ClipboardImage.png)

Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

Prosecutors opposed the request to delay the trial, dismissing prosecutors's argument about its "high-profile" nature.

Ajudge on Wednesday granted Hunter Biden's request to have his tax trial in California postpone from June to September.

U.S. District Judge Mark C. Scarsi agreed to delay the trial until Sept. 5, citing the needs of the defendant to prepare for a June 3 trial in Delaware on federal gun charges, according to the Associated Press.


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1a8b7d No.20902707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ignorance is bliss

Some TP for that ass (You)

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03c130 No.20902708

File: fa881f0f07ab949⋯.jpeg (596.25 KB,3840x2160,16:9,14EF9955_FA74_47F4_9086_6….jpeg)


Exactly wut it sez (accounting trick)

Parrots not needed

Do not pass go do not collect $200

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370565 No.20902709

File: 4d773b07c1bf12e⋯.mp4 (8.37 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_18_18_35_12.mp4)

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8ade69 No.20902710

File: f0cc6b90bdbc41f⋯.jpg (16.32 KB,600x600,1:1,f0cc6b90bdbc41f4abf9c05239….jpg)

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db267c No.20902711

File: 8d7d0841523fe98⋯.jpg (98.72 KB,720x960,3:4,20240522_194156.jpg)

File: 395ef5fbfc99542⋯.mp4 (6.2 MB,480x892,120:223,Bill_S_Esquire_20240522_8_….mp4)


Just two AI robots striking up a conversation about Quantum Computing

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82ad57 No.20902712

File: 16e2d28641d3e07⋯.jpeg (33.87 KB,667x374,667:374,16e2d28641d3e071a4c20906e….jpeg)

GM brings them out the woodwork

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e1e1d2 No.20902713


But I will say this. They are all spooks. Because no one outside the spook world would play their stupid games.

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ec80ae No.20902714

state funeral incoming >>20902577

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db267c No.20902715

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53e141 No.20902717

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Note: Anon has done all the b.i.s research including its history and archives producing short videos and digs here and posted to 8kun which now have over 300k views on a obscure rumble channel under the same tag here as chestercat01.

Will write a summary and point the truths from the flaws. interested to see how it compares to anons exposures and digz.

see below with sources, the title is highlight in red full caps fuck yeah…







Note: If it is too fast, pause the video so you can read what is on the screen.

sources below. All below is from primary sources like the B.I.S home site, I.M.F plus research and saved archives from 8kun and the anons on Qresearch.






First published at 01:30 UTC on September 20th, 2023.




5) Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30


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adaa19 No.20902718


Prefect timing forOctober Surprise

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e1e1d2 No.20902719


>Ignorance is bliss

I knew some idiot would prove it. Amazing. Without even asking.

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347ffd No.20902720


It's not a "trick". It's called dilution, and it is very real. Total market cap ordinarily rises quite a bit after such a split. Gonna make a mess of the 0DTE crowd, especially at the risk desks.

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e9ea2d No.20902721


We are going to be fucked when they figure out how to get rid of us useless meat-eating carbon units.

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8ade69 No.20902723


You shills should know better by now. Really. Can´t you see how obvious you are?

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e329e5 No.20902724

File: 59fa532d4552ef3⋯.jpg (76.58 KB,577x432,577:432,8qypms.jpg)

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03c130 No.20902725


Some made up shit with a brother and then “mom” in on the switch

Can’t remember

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e329e5 No.20902726

File: 72a0216c0bdffa1⋯.jpg (76.28 KB,577x432,577:432,8qypp2.jpg)

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905897 No.20902728


>not a death.

yep, just a joke.

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7e9db4 No.20902729

File: 1d9939ebb621c07⋯.png (210.41 KB,600x337,600:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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e1e1d2 No.20902730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Total market cap ordinarily rises quite a bit after such a split.

Do you know what you're talking about?

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3e78c6 No.20902732

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2f8b42 No.20902733

File: 4270345cdaaf581⋯.png (994.41 KB,758x758,1:1,Carter_Hospice.png)

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3dce4b No.20902734

File: c1c06c81382b78c⋯.png (640.75 KB,728x556,182:139,ClipboardImage.png)


try harder

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650057 No.20902735

File: 88c92353de0019f⋯.png (893.68 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

Netanyahu: "It's dangerous bc Israel is first, America is next and all democracies will follow…"

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e9bc54 No.20902736

File: 22614df452e20d9⋯.png (229.66 KB,651x519,217:173,pepe_sip2.png)

I wonder what possible gimmick they could be working now rather than their usual dumb ass ethnic accusation division propaganda routine.

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ff9966 No.20902737

notables @ 295

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902487, >>20902498 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 Planefag

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902705 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September


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adaa19 No.20902738


I'll Pray for you

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314740 No.20902739


It will be obvious when they roll it out.

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78edd6 No.20902740

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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8ade69 No.20902741

File: e0966a1fe3f30af⋯.png (136.47 KB,320x240,4:3,e0966a1fe3f30af5599e2d4eaa….png)

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bc5b82 No.20902742

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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347ffd No.20902743


Total Share count times single share price equals market capitalization, or Total Market Cap.

So to answer your simple sneering question, yes. Don't go all Abe Lincoln-y on me and remove any doubts I might harbor.

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db267c No.20902744

File: 62718bfd8429d99⋯.jpg (281.51 KB,720x1211,720:1211,20240522_195038.jpg)

File: c0603f0e88a69bd⋯.jpg (368.15 KB,1125x1500,3:4,20240522_195001.jpg)


Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium 🔥

Thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

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540f48 No.20902745

File: ed7e501ce51b813⋯.png (161.17 KB,974x1464,487:732,666.png)

File: 484b5fd7bf32df7⋯.png (530.32 KB,974x2172,487:1086,916.png)

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727d89 No.20902746

File: 4a052de759da63c⋯.png (159.08 KB,715x921,715:921,image_2024_05_22_215140401.png)


"Mystery (Secret) of the Goddess of the Three Cities"

too many translations. can't sort it out.

Three Cities, wonder if there's any connection?

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3dce4b No.20902747

File: 085e0160afb9e0c⋯.png (93.04 KB,323x323,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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a4ff13 No.20902748

File: 8e4894e5bc9257f⋯.jpg (54.38 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault_1034297737.jpg)

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799c51 No.20902749

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election. Britain is going through a Brexit downfall, because the Tory Party never believed in it. They willingly went to the left. Now its the Labor Party to destroy it more. Our future if its not fixed



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03c130 No.20902750

File: f9ca7d2c0d6e2cf⋯.gif (228.81 KB,220x127,220:127,CD09FFBD_2D71_4162_9C31_EC….gif)


Breh you don’t get sarcasm well first

It’s not dilution the same # of shares exist as market cap does not change.

Look shit up K?

Know EXACTLY what it is and why they do it

They use it as a trick to fool people into thinking it’s cheaper.

You have to read the comments in full

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97c690 No.20902751


and both have the systemd backdoors.

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e9ea2d No.20902752

File: 5f3bb9d979bb902⋯.jpg (39.48 KB,647x296,647:296,Sophia_Codex_149845853.JPG)

File: 565def89888936d⋯.jpg (93.04 KB,1433x111,1433:111,Shophia_AI_red.jpg)


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db267c No.20902753

File: 0b4845cd59e050a⋯.jpg (103.99 KB,720x870,24:29,20240522_195315.jpg)

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4aaf9c No.20902754


Looks like Donald Trump is not the only chosen one. God bless both of them.

My intention is to cancel your evil thoughts.

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1f5ebb No.20902755


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5e8261 No.20902756


>AI robots striking up a conversation about Quantum Computing


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0a1b08 No.20902757


1:31 is very important. Dont ask why idk.

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1f5ebb No.20902758



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347ffd No.20902760


10 for 1 split floats how many new shares?

You had to remove the doubt, didn't you.

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e1e1d2 No.20902761


>You shills should know better by now. Really. Can´t you see how obvious you are?

Are you typing this with English clenched teeth. Really? 😎

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5ec168 No.20902762

File: 2f38befb8d255b2⋯.jpg (344.22 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_185023….jpg)

File: 860d168120d2e45⋯.jpg (290.98 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_185242….jpg)

File: 7ec22c570db24e0⋯.jpg (710.59 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_185553….jpg)


Bayer Leverkusen-Atalanta

Nvidia earnings

Israel-Hamas war

Trump classified documents case

Student loans

U.S. News

New York appeals judge rejects Donald Trump’s request to delay his April 15 hush money trial


Updated 4:12 PM PDT, April 8, 2024

NEW YORK (AP) — A New York appeals court judge on Monday rejected Donald Trump’s bid to delay his April 15 hush money criminal trial while he mounts a last-minute fight to move the case out of Manhattan, foiling the former president’s latest attempt to put off the historic trial.

Justice Lizbeth González of the state’s mid-level appeals court ruled after an emergency hearing Monday where Trump’s lawyers asked that she postpone the trial indefinitely while they seek a change of venue.

They contended the presumptive Republican nominee faces “real potential prejudice” in heavily Democratic Manhattan and said the jury pool has been polluted by news coverage of Trump’s other recent cases, including his $454 million civil fraud judgment and the $83.3 million he’s been ordered to pay for defaming writer E. Jean Carroll. He is appealing both verdicts.


This faggot said, "Trump blasted…" kek

Trump blasts judge for denying trial delay for mother-in-law funeral: ‘He is a bad person’

The former president had requested a postponement of the trial – due to begin on 16 January – so that he could attend the funeral of Amalija Knavs

Mike Bedigan

Los Angeles

Saturday 13 January 2024 21:24 GMT


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5e8261 No.20902763

File: 7e844543dbef3ae⋯.gif (648.44 KB,319x200,319:200,coach.gif)

just put the phones on a table

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727d89 No.20902764


all a sudden no chemtrails

Wonder how long that will last.

10 9, 8, ….

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1f5ebb No.20902765




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fb8c71 No.20902766



should run the sounds through an analyzer to check for sub or hyper sonic datatransmission.

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1f5ebb No.20902767



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8bed14 No.20902768

Always wasching!

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650057 No.20902769

File: f1b311115ae0d95⋯.png (19.74 KB,444x201,148:67,ClipboardImage.png)


It looked like this:

If America falls, the World falls. Q

If Israel falls, the World falls. N

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e1e1d2 No.20902770


Take the loss asshole.

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78edd6 No.20902771


sufficiently advanced something something

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1f5ebb No.20902772



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8ade69 No.20902773


>Can´t you see how obvious you are?

apparently not

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15f5dd No.20902774

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1f5ebb No.20902775


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347ffd No.20902776


Take the 2 minutes, even the idiots at MSNBC got it.

Nvidia’s incredibly pricey shares are about to get much cheaper

Story by Samantha Delouya and Clare Duffy, CNN • 4h • 2 min read

"Nvidia announced a 10-for-1 stock split on Wednesday, making buying shares in the red-hot semiconductor company more accessible for individual investors.

Five years ago, an investor could have purchased Nvidia stock for less than $50 a share. But since then, the stock has exploded more than 2,500%. A single share in the company was worth $949.50 as of Wednesday’s close.

Nvidia’s (NVDA) announcement, which came in its quarterly earnings report, means that each common share will be split into 10 smaller shares, effectively cutting the price of investing in the company.

The company posted yet another quarter of strong financial results on Wednesday, as well. Nvidia reported a 262% increase in revenue and a 462% increase in profits year-over-year.

Nvidia’s post-split shares will begin trading at the market open on June 10, coming at a time when Nvidia’s stock has been on a tear, fueled by investor enthusiasm about the company’s role in artificial intelligence."


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799c51 No.20902777

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dorothy Moon Discusses The Fight For MAGA Conservatism In IdahoRNC



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82ad57 No.20902778

File: eac81558ff4d886⋯.png (8.36 KB,315x44,315:44,ClipboardImage.png)


A theme in the May deltas.

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ea3abf No.20902779

File: f9a92559fa44294⋯.png (795.25 KB,768x926,384:463,ClipboardImage.png)

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314740 No.20902780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3bf08a No.20902781

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So, Black American Culture is Dying & Ghetto Black People Are to Blame?


989K subscribers

3 hours ago

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03c130 No.20902782

File: 4ea130547c2050a⋯.png (70.15 KB,225x225,1:1,A2115B0F_CF71_4E95_B48D_0B….png)


You have no idea what you are doing

Go look up the actual stock split and not what habbens AFTER that split.

Shares are revalued to the split.

There are no new shares issued in a split end of story

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5e8261 No.20902783


>each common share will be split into 10 smaller shares

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fb8c71 No.20902785


heaps coals unknowing.

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2ffa3a No.20902786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MEME backwards is M&M (EM & EM [EMINEM]) and MM = 1331

Wanna see some MEME Magic?

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314740 No.20902787

File: d4929299206367b⋯.png (308.19 KB,514x486,257:243,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb8c71 No.20902788



spurns you.

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d27df8 No.20902789

File: 02bb8462e6b4fbe⋯.jpg (682.01 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_190118….jpg)



A counting trick and a pump and dump!

See what I did there? Picrel!

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92fa6b No.20902790


To be fair, playing devils advocate, 'proof of vaccination' isn't new, it's when it calls out the MRnA Covid Jab specifically.

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15f5dd No.20902791


It was truly revolutionary deserve a fucking Nobel peace prize

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fb8c71 No.20902793

told you webb was shit


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78edd6 No.20902794


didn't they keep the prices high on their product,

to prevent easy access to self developed machine learning skills?

reckons it is one way to keep the perception of it being sufficiently advanced,

so most think its magic.

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adaa19 No.20902795

Divine Interference Brought me here

Q Enticed me to stick around

But I Stay Because of Anons

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314740 No.20902796

File: eb24e9659d5296b⋯.png (184.3 KB,563x443,563:443,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e75de No.20902797

Who tf is Q Anon?

Did they issue any credible death threats to Daszak?

WTF is this absolute bullshit?

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82ad57 No.20902798


>There are no new shares issued in a split


I think Anon is referring to the float increasing ten fold. Will make it much easier for the shit heads to keep it in range as they distribute the overpriced paper.

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c5d7a9 No.20902799

File: 5fe513cb9f4a9b8⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB,640x480,4:3,mortgate_scams_by_banks.mp4)







7 minute video.

much easier to digest.

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fb8c71 No.20902800


if any if you knew aught of Him

the world would be different

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cba0db No.20902801



Anon don't see how that goes together.

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799c51 No.20902802

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anna Paulina Luna On New Plan To Use Sergeant-At-Arms To Force Garland To Divulge Hidden Recordings



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78edd6 No.20902803

File: 40eb6b23cfd9c22⋯.jpeg (22.87 KB,251x255,251:255,40eb6b23cfd9c22fe5deb469d….jpeg)


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a41d10 No.20902804

notables @ 360

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902487, >>20902498 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 Planefag

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902686, >>20902708, >>20902720, >>20902750, >>20902760, >>20902782 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902705 Wired interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (future of AI, TSMC, etc)

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

>>20902744 Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium - thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening


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5044b7 No.20902805

File: f4fcbbf4aa59f46⋯.jpg (178.31 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_22_0….jpg)

File: ccd3203b391266c⋯.png (181.02 KB,640x1850,64:185,834.png)





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cba0db No.20902806


Q: could you help me?

A: only if you are a dishwasher on min wage

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fb8c71 No.20902807


feloniously even

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36cd06 No.20902808

File: 201ac441b8e3997⋯.jpg (91.47 KB,750x1000,3:4,1649583167644.jpg)


I enjoy their clips.

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347ffd No.20902809


No, demand for the GPUs from the like of Meta , MSFT, and Google for their barns is keeping NVDA's pricing intact, as well as the actual manufacturing tool vendors from the likes of TSMC and ASML. Their customers are telling them their pricing in just right, and do not CARE what the price is. After reading their "Ada" white paper, I still think it's got a left of decimal flaw in it, simply because it's a GPU.

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8d88cd No.20902810



Yea but I don‘t know if I could keep working there if rejected and I really love the job. I‘m thinking about waiting until circumstances will make either of us change jobs. She is studying to be a nurse of some kind and I am doing computer science so it‘s very much in the cards

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8bed14 No.20902811

File: 6274781fb637989⋯.jpg (177.27 KB,1379x1348,1379:1348,6274781fb63798956c5398de8c….jpg)

File: b3542dd3538fbfd⋯.jpg (5 KB,183x275,183:275,2Q_21_.jpg)


Now do Moonbeam

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e1c602 No.20902812


((They)) are so outnumbered!

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ea3abf No.20902813

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb8c71 No.20902815


may be notable

parliamentary trick that could fuck garland

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fb8c71 No.20902817

yet to them you remain a slave.



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3bf08a No.20902818

File: 419ea9209bb348a⋯.png (473.5 KB,900x501,300:167,bloodbath_hoax_03192024_Ca….png)

File: 5a870a58dd93afb⋯.png (1.04 MB,1165x767,1165:767,Cartier_Fam_02112024.png)

File: e2a34ce371050b1⋯.png (638.02 KB,900x497,900:497,soldiers_from_china_questi….png)

File: abde04eca33e714⋯.png (228.82 KB,873x765,97:85,Cartier_Fam_11162023.png)

File: 5b9122dd35adeff⋯.png (344.92 KB,900x439,900:439,Cartier_Fam_02062021.png)



they came along way from blm kek

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a41d10 No.20902819


Is the conversation worth it or just keep the nvidia stock news. Edit the convo if you want.

>>20902678, >>20902686, >>20902708, >>20902720, >>20902750, >>20902760, >>20902782 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

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1f5ebb No.20902821


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347ffd No.20902823

File: d267c7bca18a9a4⋯.png (1.27 MB,1184x1172,296:293,ClipboardImage.png)

Now here's something of "interest", as in Shorts! Fresh squeezed Goldman sales pitching…



Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds: GS


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3bf08a No.20902824


Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson unveiled evidence on Wednesday that former Secretary of State John Kerry's State Department "actively interfered" with the FBI's attempts to arrest people suspected of being in the United States illegally to support Iran's efforts to create weapons of mass destruction.

Whistleblowers allegedly told the senators and shared unclassified documents with them that supported their claims, and showed that the Justice Department and FBI did not "failed to take the necessary steps to stop Kerry’s obstructive efforts against law enforcement," according to Fox News.

The senators claimed the reason for the State Department's interference was because of ongoing negotiations related to the Obama administration's Iran nuclear deal, which former President Barack Obama signed in 2015. ..

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c39d81 No.20902825


Go for it. Be bold. Audacious even. Be the person she would hitch her wagon to, anon.

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cba0db No.20902826


nvidia still have linux love or is that dead now?

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fb8c71 No.20902827


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adaa19 No.20902828

File: e7b061adf31cf28⋯.png (1.82 MB,1348x872,337:218,ClipboardImage.png)

There is no Covid

There is no Bird Flu

There is only the Vax

The People that want to Murder 7.5billion people

Are not to be Trusted when they say They care about your health

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1f5ebb No.20902830

oliver falls off wagon

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95b9cf No.20902831

hello Marketfag!

How long do you think it will be before BNP Paribas figures out they've been left holding the ESG bag and go to the IMF for a bailout?

BNP Paribas seeks significant emission cuts from shipping clients

Sam Chambers May 22, 2024

The world’s largest ship finance bank, BNP Paribas, has decided to include shipping into its drive to decarbonise its portfolio.

In 2022, the group committed to decarbonising its portfolio in three key sectors: oil and gas, power generation and automotive. In 2023, new targets were set for the steel, aluminium and cement production sectors. Today, the bank added aviation, shipping and commercial real estate.

By 2030, BNP Paribas is targeting an 18% reduction in its portfolio emissions intensity for air transport compared with the 2022 baseline, a reduction of at least 23% for maritime transport and at least 31% for commercial property compared with 2022 as well.

The bank has been a signatory to the Poseidon Principles for the past four years. The principles establish a common framework to quantitatively assess and disclose whether financial institutions’ lending portfolios are in line with climate goals set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).


More insurers desert net-zero alliance as U.N. climate group sounds alarm

By Tommy Wilkes May 26, 2023

LONDON, May 26 (Reuters) - Lloyd's of London became the sixth organisation to quit a net-zero alliance for insurers within 36 hours on Friday, as a U.N.-backed coalition of financial groups warned about the fallout of "political attacks" on insurers in the United States.

Lloyd's joined Australia's QBE Insurance (QBE.AX) in withdrawing from the Net-Zero Insurance Alliance (NZIA) on Friday. Germany's Allianz (ALVG.DE), France's AXA (AXAF.PA) and SCOR (SCOR.PA) and Japan's SOMPO Holdings (8630.T) left the day before following more accusations from U.S. Republican attorneys general that insurers are violating antitrust laws.

The NZIA has now lost a fifth of its members in a week all of them major global insurers and a total of 10 have quit since March, when it counted 30 members.

Vanguard, one of the world's biggest asset managers, in December left another alliance for fund managers, citing a need for independence, although other GFANZ groups have largely withstood the pressure.



JPMorgan, State Street quit climate group, BlackRock steps back

By Simon Jessop and Ross Kerber February 15, 2024

JPMorgan Chase's (JPM.N), and State Street's (STT.N), investment arms on Thursday both quit a global investor coalition pushing companies to rein in climate-damaging emissions, while BlackRock (BLK.N), said it has transferred its membership to its international arm, limiting its involvement.

The decisions together remove nearly $14 trillion of total assets from efforts to coordinate Wall Street action on tackling climate change and came after the coalition, known as Climate Action 100+, or CA100+, asked signatories to take stronger action over laggards.



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7e9db4 No.20902832


0 post(s) found containing "israel falls".

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8d0772 No.20902833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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799c51 No.20902834

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

TX-21 Candidate David Covey On Taking On David Phelan. TX is gonna get rid of speaker of the House, Republican that impeached PaxtonYahoo! More reps discussing this with Bannon. Covey is in runoff with Phelan==. TX vote for Covey



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347ffd No.20902836


TY, Bakes, if you add this, for a little clarity on the dilution, which is all I was getting at, or drop it all. The "accounting gimmick" carp could mislead someone into what they might be trading in, when you get down to real money.



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905897 No.20902837

File: b21a11b609f3276⋯.png (242.91 KB,501x568,501:568,ClipboardImage.png)

PB >>20901880 (You) PB President @realDonaldTrump greets the great Line Crew at Wilson Air FBO!!

o7 Mr. President


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ec80ae No.20902838

File: 15ae6aa7d45e12f⋯.png (428.47 KB,634x476,317:238,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d95809b4162caff⋯.png (197.67 KB,306x586,153:293,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87fb702dc263de5⋯.png (213.97 KB,306x586,153:293,ClipboardImage.png)

EXCLUSIVE REVEALED: 300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to EXPLODE mid-air - in latest blow for scandal-hit company


Another fleet of Boeing jets were found earlier this year to have a potentially fatal flaw, DailyMail.com can reveal.

The issue involved an electrical fault on the company's 777 jets that could cause fuel tanks on the planes' wings to catch fire and explode.

Discovery of the flaw exposes that nearly 300 more Boeing planes are potentially at risk, including jets used by United and American Airlines, according to the notice by the Federal Aviation Administration.

The FAA reported the issue in March and requested that Boeing and other outside experts respond by May 9, but it remains unclear if the company has done so.

DailyMail.com has approached both Boeing and the FAA for comment.

A spokesperson for Boeing emphasized that the FAA's March 25, 2024 notice was for a 'proposed rulemaking,' seeking comment from Boeing and others before the federal agency would formally mandate any proposed fix to its 777 series of jets.

It is just the latest major safety warning to be directed at the scandal-hit company by regulators — as multiple models of Boeing passenger jets have face door plug blowouts, mid-air engine fires, and two deadly crashes which killed 346 people.

>This little seen FAA 'airworthiness directive' proposal has warned Boeing of an 'electrostatic discharge,' or static electricity risk, near the center-wing fuel tanks on the 777, which the FAA advised could result in 'an ignition source inside the fuel tank and subsequent fire or explosion'

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03709d No.20902840


Can't believe it has been six years since "saving Israel for last"

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3bf08a No.20902841


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Top Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens asked in an email if he would receive kickbacks from COVID and COVID vaccines.

This is a question Dr. Fauci still refuses to answer under oath.

Did Dr. Fauci and his team profit off pushing a deadly and experimental vax on the American people?


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03c130 No.20902842


It’s depth of book or liquidity but that’s nothing to do with dilution as the post stated.

The float is not increased it’s just revalued.

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1f5ebb No.20902843


moe gets a wedgie

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cba0db No.20902844

File: b023eb075a107c9⋯.png (377.44 KB,640x400,8:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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370565 No.20902845

File: 0a3efb3d30e1e6b⋯.png (3.46 MB,1600x1060,80:53,ClipboardImage.png)


> ignition source inside the fuel tank and subsequent fire or explosion

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cba0db No.20902846


what the fuck are they gona fucking LUCITE that baby back together?

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3bf08a No.20902848


Republicans are holding a five point margin to keep control of the House, according to a new poll released on Wednesday, with nearly half of voters claiming they would vote for the Republican candidate in their local races if the election was held today.

The Rasmussen poll found that 47% of Americans would vote Republican, and 42% would vote Democrat, while 10% remained undecided. The five-point lead is a one percent decrease from March, when 47% said they'd vote Republican and 41% said they'd vote Democrat.

The poll also found that Republicans were more likely to stick with their party's candidate, with 88% claiming they would vote Republican if the election was today. Just 80% of Democrats said the same. Republicans also fare better among independent voters, with 40% leaning Republican and 36% leaning Democrat. Almost a quarter of them are still undecided.

Republicans are also polling better among white and Latino voters, with 61% of Latino voters favoring Republicans. But 59% of black voters favor Democrats, and 44% of other minorities favor Democrats. Half of the white voters favor Republicans, while 41% favor Democrats. ..

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03c130 No.20902849

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a41d10 No.20902851


It's for other marketfags more-so than for the poor folks. I believe in trickle-down anonomics.

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2ffa3a No.20902852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They almost won, but ALL MOST 1!

John 10:30 - I and the Father are 1

11.3 is 3.11 and 11³ = 1331

11 x 11 x 11 = ?

420 + 911 = ?

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af214f No.20902853

File: 7fc4395c388525b⋯.gif (2.11 MB,528x297,16:9,frog.gif)


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e9bc54 No.20902854

File: f98be91fe294779⋯.jpg (97.15 KB,1200x800,3:2,mmcoffee.jpg)

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6e75de No.20902855


Flawed meme.

The nightshift is standing right fucking there!

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2ffa3a No.20902856

File: ab22385354f77c6⋯.png (144.05 KB,667x572,667:572,1.PNG)

311 is 113

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905897 No.20902857

File: 98750f045dab5a8⋯.png (325.55 KB,617x545,617:545,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0603f0e88a69bd⋯.jpg (368.15 KB,1125x1500,3:4,media_GOOi7WTX0AA7cLc.jpg)

File: ea9d96767442164⋯.png (413.6 KB,668x279,668:279,ClipboardImage.png)

johnny maga



Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium 🔥

Thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

May 23, 2024 · 1:37 AM UTC



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ec80ae No.20902858

File: 173b73d1f317f1b⋯.png (324.09 KB,580x532,145:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died


Mike Schmidt, who is the prosecutor for Multnomah County, which covers the Oregon city, conceded the race to Nathan Vasquez shortly after 7pm ET Wednesday. The Soros-backed progressive was elected with 77 percent of the vote in 2020 after touting a host of 'equity'-focused policies, in a county that has not voted for a Republican president since 1960. Vasquez also works as a prosecutor for Multnomah County, but decided to stand against his boss after accusing him of ruining the city.

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370565 No.20902859

File: cd52c1905f2095e⋯.png (18.12 KB,81x104,81:104,ClipboardImage.png)




if you look closely enough the truth is there for those with eyes to see

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ee0b73 No.20902860

File: dc9ddf06abc51b0⋯.jpeg (114.44 KB,810x1280,81:128,50A125AF_5B9B_4602_8EF4_C….jpeg)


TY NoteTaker

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2f8b42 No.20902861

May 22, 2024

Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, April 30–May 1, 2024

For release at 2:00 p.m. EDT


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799c51 No.20902862

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Brian Harrison On Importance Of Removing Texas Speaker. He worked under Trump as Chief of Staff at HHS for three years. Texas anons the Alamo is going on in the House and Senate in TX. Vote to kick Phelan outListen to short video



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347ffd No.20902864


Pay ~$975 now for one share, if price stays same at June split, still worth $975 in account but now have 10 shares after split. Dats all.

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adaa19 No.20902865

File: 0503cebb39edea9⋯.png (1.14 MB,947x883,947:883,ClipboardImage.png)


Portland is an Antifa Main Base of Operations

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03709d No.20902866


When? Where?

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97f56f No.20902868


>Portland kicks out Soros-backed DA


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fb8c71 No.20902870

File: 12cb8923b9c2ff8⋯.jpg (37.69 KB,474x378,79:63,20240522_203006.jpg)

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5e8261 No.20902871


>the truth is there for those with eyes to see

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3bf08a No.20902873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kenny Loggins - Footloose (Official Audio)

Kenny Loggins

528K subscribers

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1f5ebb No.20902876


juuuuu lie



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fb8c71 No.20902877

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e9bc54 No.20902879

File: 7565dafa0b6a700⋯.png (841.04 KB,1635x933,545:311,dontcare.png)

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3bf08a No.20902880

File: 5493a187f13c4e7⋯.png (376.42 KB,987x1109,987:1109,amal_clooney_sunni_muslim_….png)

File: 4285a2077059540⋯.png (925.09 KB,800x1051,800:1051,colleges_pro_palestinian_p….png)

File: 4ed4d164b0c3f8a⋯.png (703.5 KB,1010x564,505:282,nypd_arrest_man_suspected_….png)

File: f464acefc3d3f84⋯.png (482.16 KB,900x500,9:5,diddy_former_assistant_suz….png)

File: 4cef622a083799b⋯.png (514.06 KB,1100x713,1100:713,love_album_diddy_kicks_051….png)

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f5433e No.20902881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cba0db No.20902882


I'm blind, tell me the truth then.

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905897 No.20902883

File: 1da16356a61f2ca⋯.jpg (310.87 KB,1290x1491,430:497,media_GOMWQ8AXEAAHdVL.jpg)

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799c51 No.20902884

File: 3fd81152ec141aa⋯.jpeg (702.81 KB,4032x3024,4:3,IMG_2184.jpeg)

File: 5607b50494a4e71⋯.jpeg (399.1 KB,3024x1796,756:449,IMG_2183.jpeg)

Anons what does this look like to you, the moon and clouds tonight?

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3bf08a No.20902885

File: 7fc3d0c4912efff⋯.png (242.23 KB,785x1208,785:1208,washington_dc_training_on_….png)

File: f958718aa80d543⋯.png (323.49 KB,941x1000,941:1000,communist_party_of_romania….png)

File: 4ca9f0b9e502a20⋯.png (240.49 KB,650x1005,130:201,newsom_no_mask_dinner_1118….png)

File: 641c6ad13e0ab8d⋯.png (1.44 MB,960x978,160:163,stormy_vs_Trump_kek_051520….png)

File: 8b495d43ea6b8c3⋯.png (861.87 KB,1100x618,550:309,cali_lost_track_of_20_bill….png)

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34fdf0 No.20902886

File: 8da70146e154358⋯.jpg (622.73 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_192809….jpg)

File: c0a237da8437a91⋯.jpg (535.57 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_192721….jpg)

File: 70fe4cc6d4d444e⋯.jpg (535.44 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_192736….jpg)

File: 4fd8e16d0cbb49c⋯.jpg (934.8 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20240522_192942….jpg)

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2b1b06 No.20902888


moon and clouds

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8d0772 No.20902889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c76b26 No.20902891

File: 5b0f755cdf50a3a⋯.jpg (69.22 KB,467x640,467:640,7610dcb.jpg)

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3bf08a No.20902892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Star Trek - Strange New Worlds - 1x05 - Spock Amok - "A new ally"


1.73K subscribers

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799c51 No.20902893


Good guess

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8d0772 No.20902894


trippy times check't

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556198 No.20902895

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB,814x851,22:23,e54a2d73e6376bd7091687454e….jpg)



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03c130 No.20902896

File: fab1bd4938e55d2⋯.jpeg (351.3 KB,1340x1088,335:272,66C4F033_FECE_4975_80E6_0….jpeg)


Minutes are always the “light” version as the entire transcripts with all the real discussions are embargoed for 5 years (I think) and by then no one cares.

Point is the full meeting notes are not released until much later

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370565 No.20902898



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69c2ef No.20902899

File: cec8f618203a8ef⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB,480x480,1:1,antifa_benny_hill.mp4)

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3dce4b No.20902900

File: fb2fe1bb9b325ce⋯.png (372.32 KB,1219x323,1219:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04e989ed407e988⋯.png (19.09 KB,672x133,96:19,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a2b9bff28ddb5d5⋯.png (247.43 KB,430x323,430:323,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 882c2ebc9cef34b⋯.png (82.57 KB,269x233,269:233,ClipboardImage.png)

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799c51 No.20902901


So many orgs that need to be fucked, I’d say the Executive Branch

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c5d7a9 No.20902903

File: 475f9ce169c487a⋯.gif (3.26 MB,540x400,27:20,eye_shift_2.gif)

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cba0db No.20902904


stop wasting my time you got worms in your butt and it's making you a cuck.

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93b3fa No.20902905

File: 6f6b30b94db8fb9⋯.png (58.83 KB,700x400,7:4,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 92dac9952ea97c4⋯.png (118.54 KB,650x366,325:183,ClipboardImage.png)

What was the drop about a new star being found or something?

This celestial body to shine brighter than stars this fall

Here is good news for skywatchers as they have a cosmic treat this autumn.

A comet approaching the earth will be visible with more shine than the stars. Known as C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS), this comet was spotted by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) in South Africa on February 22, 2023.

Initially, scientists believed it was an asteroid, but later observations from the Purple Mountain Observatory in China confirmed it as a comet.

In recent years, two comets have made the news. The “Great Green Comet” passed near Earth in February 2023, and the “Devil’s Comet” sparked interest of skywatchers last month as it shone exuberantly. However, both were hard to spot without a dark sky and good binoculars or a small telescope.

When it was first spotted, the comet was beyond Jupiter’s orbit, about 680 million miles from the Sun. But on September 27, this year, Tsuchinshan–ATLAS is expected to come closest to the Sun. It will pass at a mere 36 million miles away from the sun. This is almost as close as Mercury's usual distance. Then, just over two weeks later, on October 12, 2024, it'll pass within 44 million miles of Earth.

Astronomers think that these close encounters could make the comet brighten up to become as radiant as some of the brightest stars, possibly even developing a striking tail. If all goes according to plan, by mid-October, it could be an eye-catching sight in the evening sky out west.

If the predictions pan out, it would be a truly breathtaking spectacle for stargazers.

There is the possibility that Tsuchinshan–ATLAS might become as brilliant as Venus on October 8, 2024, according to some calculations.

It will start fading as it recedes from both the sun and Earth. However, it hopefully will be bright enough to be seen with the naked eye.




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540f48 No.20902906

File: 77cff4cbff69bf6⋯.mp4 (2.76 MB,640x360,16:9,77cff4cbff69bf6a5650f16590….mp4)

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ff9966 No.20902907

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95b9cf No.20902909


First one looks like Apu with the Three Stooges Moe haircut

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8d0772 No.20902910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ea3abf No.20902912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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03c130 No.20902913


It all needs to be steam cleaned, flushed, burned to the ground..

Need a few things from some of them cuz still need to function however it’s not a lot imo

Torches and pitchforks what it will take but we’ve all seen that get turned into something else to discourage anything like that.

Only when the people who did not want to be involved actually get involved will it have a chance.

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e9bc54 No.20902914

File: bdc2488390ab7fa⋯.jpg (38 KB,522x538,261:269,cornflakes_pepe.jpg)


There's a wispy nipple in there.

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cba0db No.20902917


* fuck flynn and vision 2030 and chopstix at chrismas

* fuck Qanon

* fuck RollingStone (music magazine isn't credible source of news)

* fuck Ivan Raikln

I reject being tainted or bound to these fuckers now, or in the future, and I don't like that this place is called QResearch it needs a new name to seperate from these fucking State Department Troll fuckers with worms up their butts

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fb8c71 No.20902918

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78edd6 No.20902920

the sound, kun, in arabic means the command 'be!'

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0aa6c3 No.20902922

File: a01056df02c97a8⋯.png (536.74 KB,869x662,869:662,ClipboardImage.png)


>what does this look like to you

sky event

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a41d10 No.20902923

Nvidia Marketfag Showdown


Cheapens the price so retail investors, like you!, can get on the gravy train and let the Big Boys out before it rolls over. Funny things happen when you design for right-of-decimal problems and assume the left side can take care of itself.


Exactly wut it sez (accounting trick)

Parrots not needed

Do not pass go do not collect $200


It's not a "trick". It's called dilution, and it is very real. Total market cap ordinarily rises quite a bit after such a split. Gonna make a mess of the 0DTE crowd, especially at the risk desks.

>>20902776, >>20902794, >>20902809

Take the 2 minutes, even the idiots at MSNBC got it.


Breh you don’t get sarcasm well first

It’s not dilution the same # of shares exist as market cap does not change.

Look shit up K?

Know EXACTLY what it is and why they do it

They use it as a trick to fool people into thinking it’s cheaper.

You have to read the comments in full


10 for 1 split floats how many new shares?

You had to remove the doubt, didn't you.


You have no idea what you are doing

Go look up the actual stock split and not what habbens AFTER that split.

Shares are revalued to the split.

There are no new shares issued in a split end of story


>There are no new shares issued in a split


I think Anon is referring to the float increasing ten fold. Will make it much easier for the shit heads to keep it in range as they distribute the overpriced paper.


It’s depth of book or liquidity but that’s nothing to do with dilution as the post stated.

The float is not increased it’s just revalued.


Pay ~$975 now for one share, if price stays same at June split, still worth $975 in account but now have 10 shares after split. Dats all.

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adaa19 No.20902924

File: ef5996c9592d14b⋯.png (1.24 MB,974x681,974:681,ClipboardImage.png)

We Pleaded with the Normie

We Gave them Evidence

We Gave them Facts

We even Prayed

But the only thing they understand is Death

Now that there is Death

They Awaken

It didn't have to be this way

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799c51 No.20902925

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I KNEW IT!!!🤣🤣🤣

Fucking Kek. They love to troll her



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503f15 No.20902926

File: 89119c1dc50d0c4⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2299x1440,2299:1440,Picsart_24_05_17_11_25_21_….jpg)

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a76cfd No.20902927

File: 5b413e3d825feca⋯.jpg (535.21 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_193912….jpg)

File: 50cc98538987de8⋯.jpg (880.51 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_194346….jpg)

Super BOWL > puppy show

Cal Ripkin…


Perque sono piso paesano

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2ffa3a No.20902928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2b1b06 No.20902929

File: 85d5808325a9285⋯.png (85.54 KB,625x473,625:473,ClipboardImage.png)

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fb8c71 No.20902931

the plan said it did

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bc5b82 No.20902932

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9ad739 No.20902933

File: 1dd74e504f3d756⋯.jpg (700.38 KB,1317x1860,439:620,flynn_the_fingers.jpg)


>first quarter revenue of $26 billion

Only because TSMC can make them so fast


What flynn did is exactly what cohen did

accepted bribes from turkey so he could be linked to trump

cohen paid stormy with his own money so it could be linked back to trump

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0aa6c3 No.20902935

File: f6523d27c344351⋯.png (297.01 KB,698x393,698:393,ClipboardImage.png)

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799c51 No.20902936

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love him, but he dances like me!



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c9102c No.20902937

notables @ 465

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902487, >>20902498 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 Planefag

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902923 Marketfag: Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902705 Wired interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (TSMC, future of AI, etc)

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

>>20902744 Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium - thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

>>20902749 Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election

>>20902777 Dorothy Moon Discusses The Fight For MAGA Conservatism In Idaho

>>20902802 Anna Paulina Luna On New Plan To Use Sergeant-At-Arms To Force Garland To Divulge Hidden Recordings

>>20902823 Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds

>>20902824 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20902831 Marketfag: BNP Paribas / U.N. & Vanguard / JPMorgan

>>20902834 TX-21 Candidate David Covey On Taking On David Phelan

>>20902838 300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to explode mid-air

>>20902841 Top Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens asked in an email if he would receive kickbacks from COVID and COVID vaccines

>>20902848 Republicans are holding a five point margin to keep control of the House

>>20902858 Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died


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1f5ebb No.20902938


>juuuuu lie



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e329e5 No.20902939

File: f0c6d927bbfb0ac⋯.jpeg (639.47 KB,3024x4032,3:4,3fd81152ec141aa42c2ad42e8….jpeg)


A frog hanging its tongue out.

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ecb839 No.20902940

File: de9fd98052743ca⋯.mp4 (6.54 MB,720x720,1:1,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)

i jus lub her fire dance!

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370565 No.20902941

File: 112e202507224d8⋯.png (603.07 KB,1052x934,526:467,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 244efcf21cba5a5⋯.png (1.14 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)



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1f5ebb No.20902942

File: 07b41c4ddad5265⋯.png (393.97 KB,800x800,1:1,07b41c4ddad5265ec83da38b63….png)

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370565 No.20902943


ok you're fucking filtered jackass

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7c527c No.20902944


>11.3 is 3.11

Read Revelation 11.3 them 3,11 there is no coincidence.

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799c51 No.20902945

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I love this, even dogs obey Trump! I could literally play this all day and laugh.



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9ad739 No.20902946

File: 56e78f8109713e3⋯.png (595.66 KB,1340x607,1340:607,Colossus_The_Forbin_Projec….png)

File: 66a5b3e8d138346⋯.png (117.08 KB,569x304,569:304,Colossus_The_Forbin_Projec….png)

File: a85a6c37904a0fd⋯.png (527.5 KB,1335x678,445:226,Colossus_The_Forbin_Projec….png)

File: c5936e8a0b97691⋯.png (508.63 KB,1339x605,1339:605,Colossus_The_Forbin_Projec….png)

File: 76a1062618b474b⋯.png (448.98 KB,976x418,488:209,ClipboardImage.png)


>AI talking to……AI….kek

that was in this movie.

The movie opens with a capacitor labeled "vitamin Q"

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e329e5 No.20902947

File: 41702aeb3bed173⋯.jpeg (655.4 KB,3024x4032,3:4,3fd81152ec141aa42c2ad42e8….jpeg)


Or a frog wearing a traditional Chinese farmer bamboo hat.

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1f5ebb No.20902949

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9ad739 No.20902950

File: 1557b5c9937ec53⋯.mp4 (5.71 MB,852x480,71:40,Trump_in_2016_I_will_put_2….mp4)

Trump in 2016- I will put 2-3 judges on the Supreme Court and we will overturn Roe v Wade

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95b9cf No.20902951



The >>20902831 was actually me with the boatfag hat on asking the marketfags.

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ecb839 No.20902952

File: 57231b821169fc5⋯.png (133.71 KB,313x313,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


i gotta ask…

so if some rando walks up to you and starts forcefully jabbing your chest with his finger, is it considered assualt if you break said finger as you shove your assailant away?

hypothetical of course.

asking for a fren

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cba0db No.20902953


you bind yourself to it.

I reject it.

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db267c No.20902954

File: 704b8048c246edd⋯.jpg (169.75 KB,715x853,715:853,20240522_204711.jpg)

File: 4a6cdc57102cf64⋯.jpg (136.95 KB,719x776,719:776,20240522_204833.jpg)

File: aafc0927cd463cf⋯.jpg (182.95 KB,720x1056,15:22,20240521_181952.jpg)

Significant damage to homes on the west side of Temple, Texas after a possible tornado this evening.


This guy is a storm chaser……

"possible Tornado" what is with this reporting? Yesterday NBC said "Alleged Tornado"

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370565 No.20902955

File: 967ce81e9b0d79b⋯.png (83.25 KB,878x846,439:423,ClipboardImage.png)

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c55f3b No.20902956

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9ad739 No.20902957

File: dfa1879bf46a2f4⋯.png (601.21 KB,1012x762,506:381,groundhog_day_what_if_noth….png)

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41104d No.20902958


"wanna try picking up your teeth with broken fingers?"

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95b9cf No.20902960


Please inform your fren it depends on jurisdiction, age difference, and what mood LEO is in that day

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1a9a59 No.20902961


babylonian tripe

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1f5ebb No.20902962

File: 39cb1d59cce2721⋯.png (440.77 KB,474x515,474:515,ClipboardImage.png)

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97f56f No.20902963

File: 1081e055c3bfed6⋯.png (485.36 KB,637x631,637:631,Biden_Sniffmas.png)

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9ad739 No.20902964

File: c2fd7f2ec6f120b⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB,1280x720,16:9,Donald_Trump_Democrats_Wan….mp4)



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db6224 No.20902965


why is it an "alleged" tornado? Why would they say that? they can track tornados. Was this a Dyson Sphere attack?

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8d0772 No.20902966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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799c51 No.20902968

File: ac09bfc2f1d5fa8⋯.jpeg (26.05 KB,189x270,7:10,IMG_2185.jpeg)


The dog that didn’t sit down was Jim Acosta from CNN

Do you think his last name is misspelled. ==Should his name be, Accoster?=•

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b27a4b No.20902969

File: 4bf5d26a391d567⋯.jpeg (52.67 KB,568x512,71:64,gaza_plan_immivasion_cxty….jpeg)

Monthly review 2024-04-23 to 05-23:

taking Taiwan | bankster BRICS | machete Melbourne | Boomer doom | martyr Trump | Judaeo-Biden | Uncivil War | migrant rape | Irish carbombs | Israeli EMP | Aboriginal abusers | AIPAC crackdown | Taboo science | Deathless Daria | biology vs ideology | galactic evolution | 7 events


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1f5ebb No.20902970

File: 40c89af2c562848⋯.png (221.79 KB,474x260,237:130,ClipboardImage.png)

illegal abortion financed from robbed old ladies

butt church tho

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e329e5 No.20902971

File: 2300c8766a62b41⋯.png (408.11 KB,869x662,869:662,a01056df02c97a8a846ae8f9ce….png)


Fire breathing lethal frog.

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1f5ebb No.20902972

File: 409a0ea3eef34da⋯.png (1.28 MB,1080x1077,360:359,ClipboardImage.png)


>illegal abortion financed from robbed old ladies

>butt church tho

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1a9a59 No.20902974

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0a5de0 No.20902977

File: 48f839e28c79d3c⋯.png (745.16 KB,712x537,712:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ad739 No.20902978

File: 05b680a0fc6cfd6⋯.png (1.37 MB,1630x1915,326:383,ClipboardImage.png)


chinaman with the old timey chinaman hat all like "herro berry much me rikey the rice"

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c55f3b No.20902979

File: 876b0f8b1e41214⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB,576x576,1:1,876b0f8b1e41214705ce6e2975….mp4)

Nadler's mental gymnastics re: illegals voting in elections

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312f1b No.20902980

File: 98313d3ba5d93ac⋯.png (2.41 MB,1908x920,477:230,1j.png)



holy fucking shit notable

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1f5ebb No.20902981

File: d5355fea234bf8c⋯.png (66.83 KB,191x263,191:263,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5433e No.20902982

that must be absolutely terrifying!


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1a9a59 No.20902983



one ring to kill them all

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370565 No.20902984

File: 72c8579d9f2edab⋯.png (886.24 KB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)




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e329e5 No.20902985

File: 20fd4beea4fcdb0⋯.jpg (29.92 KB,442x512,221:256,f4159a9ccfdf6045e42b880035….jpg)


>Dyson Sphere

You meant Tyson Sphere, right?

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f5433e No.20902986

you feelin gu'ud?


you look like you just saw a ghost

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5321fc No.20902987


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1f5ebb No.20902988

File: a02957a58a7d415⋯.png (473.08 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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03c130 No.20902989

File: 867533db5dbbbb5⋯.webp (461.84 KB,500x271,500:271,30065691_781B_4D20_BD06_0….webp)


Tesla totally get the short as demand has dropped for all cars, not just EVs because of financing. Tesla has a history of lying and fudging it’s qtrly numbers but these short positions are also used against the holders as a market maker can turn the order book on a dime if they want.

There is also the factor of margin calling Musk out of owning twatter by dropping Tesla shares to margin him as he used restricted shares as loan collateral.

So he better not misbehave because the system allowed him to own it and if this “champion “ of free speech can’t unban accounts for simple things what do you think he’s going to do with all that metadata collected?

He’s controlled and stayin’ alive and if he doesn’t do as told those Tesla shares will drop and he’s forced to come up with cash for the margin call.

Exxon…ok I get that because of demand destruction but all it takes is someone at OPEX+ to flinch in the direction of additional cuts and BOOM you’ve been put in a position to cover

Better ideas than Exxon methinks

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3036bd No.20902990

File: 3b9dd7051cb21ae⋯.jpg (23.93 KB,385x385,1:1,3b9dd7051cb21ae0a0ac607a44….jpg)



Bad doggo!! Didn't sit down - Jim Acosta!!!

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05c79c No.20902992

File: 7f6f5082c727419⋯.png (4.85 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Freedom_Eagle_Q_Alpha.png)


Thank You Bakes

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9ad739 No.20902993

File: 93897869a2d97e4⋯.webm (3.86 MB,460x258,230:129,_debate_nig_champ.webm)


>Was this a Dyson Sphere attack?

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1f5ebb No.20902994

File: 87318319580be18⋯.png (315.93 KB,500x372,125:93,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5433e No.20902995

File: 62a9f8d8df418c1⋯.png (69.11 KB,640x716,160:179,62a9f8d8df418c125c80cfe65e….png)


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f5af04 No.20902996


total cray.

big sonic boom 10-15 mins ago while walkin doggos b4 bed.

approx. location 25 mi N of Mar e Lago along the intracoastal.

from my location can see SpaceX launches on the regular (and feel d'booms)

NOTHING in the sky before during or after said boom tonight…one slow moving high flying jet…nothing abnormal.

Any thoughts…?

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ecb839 No.20902997


somehow i should have expected this slide.

i didn't sniff that cumming

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799c51 No.20902998

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This one always warms my heart. He wants the children to ask. Free will. The son and daughter were in awe. A personable President. Who would have ever thought.


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2b1b06 No.20902999

File: 808d0877ed995dc⋯.png (835.43 KB,980x488,245:122,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ad739 No.20903000

File: 0a2c1d0e228459f⋯.png (79.78 KB,217x255,217:255,ClipboardImage.png)

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727d89 No.20903001


weirdly no chemtrails today


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7e9db4 No.20903002


Cookie monster

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03c130 No.20903003


NOT financial advice just opinion

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9ad739 No.20903004


>big sonic boom



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370565 No.20903005

File: bbdfb01adee106f⋯.png (800.23 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b47e478d09d903⋯.png (382.67 KB,1920x1012,480:253,ClipboardImage.png)


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e329e5 No.20903006

File: 9d39ed91559ff44⋯.jpeg (20.14 KB,229x220,229:220,images.jpeg)



Bull in a China shop.

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f5433e No.20903007

File: 8958169e1eb9bd2⋯.png (68.3 KB,880x309,880:309,code33.png)

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1f5ebb No.20903008

File: fd588148be7825e⋯.png (95.56 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)



>>illegal abortion financed from robbed old ladies

>>butt church tho

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799c51 No.20903009

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

THE KING'S IN THE BUILDING!!!😎🇺🇸Tell me how you feeling



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8d0772 No.20903011

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f5433e No.20903012



you really love coincidences, right?

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1a9a59 No.20903013

File: 62ee9252f536189⋯.mp4 (5.21 MB,270x480,9:16,62ee9252f53618993b9359ae5d….mp4)


you won't be.

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30556b No.20903014

File: 5af24352734856f⋯.jpg (579.72 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_200753….jpg)

File: ab67c6106d1f539⋯.jpg (187.34 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_200915….jpg)

File: de56782fda27e74⋯.jpg (10.53 KB,225x225,1:1,2Q_16_.jpg)

File: ab1368b3ef54835⋯.jpg (6.86 KB,260x128,65:32,Z_15_.jpg)







Turn that frown upside down

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f5af04 No.20903015



Technically, i don't.

It was similar to SpaceX / Fighter Jet sonic booms I've heard in the past.


>weirdly no chemtrails today

Noticed that as well….dunno what it mght mean.

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9ad739 No.20903017

File: 86e125b03973074⋯.mp4 (9.02 MB,480x480,1:1,african_american_culture.mp4)


2 IQ 45 sheboons squaring off for a street fight

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e329e5 No.20903018


Dude!!! That was my second guess!

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370565 No.20903019

File: b8a259ff762aa83⋯.png (352.92 KB,1920x1011,640:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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a872bd No.20903020

File: 51e31d85fd764a9⋯.mp4 (6.16 MB,854x480,427:240,Top_Fauci_advisor_Dr_David….mp4)

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1f5ebb No.20903021

File: 0b776c73a197750⋯.png (337.43 KB,640x321,640:321,ClipboardImage.png)


>>>illegal abortion financed from robbed old ladies

>>>butt church tho


gay alien probes volcano

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f5433e No.20903022

File: 015cb5efd43d70f⋯.png (83.98 KB,886x313,886:313,code34.png)



do you do them?

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0a1b08 No.20903023

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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1f5ebb No.20903025

File: d08933bc75b1b68⋯.png (1.32 MB,1080x1098,60:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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03c130 No.20903026

File: 45a48ffcd06cc71⋯.jpeg (626.19 KB,1215x571,1215:571,E982B7FB_A81B_42C4_84B7_A….jpeg)

File: fcf16a1dc801df8⋯.png (446.41 KB,550x346,275:173,A6935D5C_D1C5_42EE_86B5_78….png)

45in N757 AF 757 departed Dallas, Love Fieldand into the stormheading EN

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f5af04 No.20903027


I feel better about myself now.

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95b9cf No.20903029

File: 3d1fd8d57525c55⋯.png (910.77 KB,1080x735,72:49,pinecastle_map.png)

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f5433e No.20903030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pope Francis calls for 'concrete' action at start of sex abuse summit

Mar 30, 2023

Pope Francis kicked off an unprecedented meeting Thursday by calling for "concrete and effective measures" taken against the "scourge of sexual abuse" by priests

Nov 05, 2017 7:59:21 PM EST 107



May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.

Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.




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1f5ebb No.20903031

File: 51d405df458965a⋯.png (7 KB,308x164,77:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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9ad739 No.20903032

File: 47e5ded778aa53e⋯.jpg (156.05 KB,950x972,475:486,glowniggers.jpg)


>overpriced paper.


But not as overpriced as people think





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f5af04 No.20903033


hmmm…about 3 hrs north of me…(220 miles…)

maybe if they were doing something super fun.

spouse anon was inside said the house shook

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370565 No.20903034


>>20903029 that's a long long way from 25 mi N of Mar A Lago

If you are on the coast then prolly something going trans-sonic offshore to the east. Mebbe an F-18 or F-35 etc. Nothing on ADS-B at this time.

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9ad739 No.20903035

File: 5be23ad45e8affa⋯.png (72 KB,351x283,351:283,fauci_hanging_from_a_noose.png)


>concrete steps

that's where they put the dead kids they kill

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cba0db No.20903036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Motherfucking Biden

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f5433e No.20903037






REALlY REALLY enjoy coincidences…

Pope Francis calls for 'concrete' action at start of sex abuse summit

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Nov 05, 2017 7:59:21 PM EST 107



May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.

Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.




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db267c No.20903038

File: dd6921ea2056e9b⋯.jpg (95.92 KB,715x802,715:802,20240522_212153.jpg)

File: a55398d80906e75⋯.mp4 (4.93 MB,1280x720,16:9,Dan_Scavino_Jr_20240522_9_….mp4)


BOOM new ad

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ecb839 No.20903039

File: fd83c0470ba3109⋯.png (87.52 KB,623x532,89:76,ClipboardImage.png)


u r all wrong!

he went straight to hell, no virgins, no young boys, just eternal torment

oh look, there's no name and ginsberg


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f5af04 No.20903040

File: 05f0e483a873a9a⋯.png (293.36 KB,400x300,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a9a59 No.20903041


Terry never.

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e243a7 No.20903042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9ad739 No.20903043


There's a civil war they are trying to whip their monkeys up to it

No one on our side has the fucking balls to do the same

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799c51 No.20903044

File: ca4d73479a258c3⋯.jpeg (122.87 KB,1110x710,111:71,IMG_2186.jpeg)

File: ff5386b8f6628b8⋯.jpeg (238.19 KB,1885x1242,1885:1242,IMG_2187.jpeg)

File: fc6f4c022fc3da4⋯.jpeg (276.45 KB,2163x1242,721:414,IMG_2189.jpeg)

File: 50b7570d05c9b83⋯.jpeg (272.57 KB,2156x1242,1078:621,IMG_2190.jpeg)

File: 979e75b48bbadeb⋯.jpeg (245.9 KB,1942x1242,971:621,IMG_2188.jpeg)

The funniest thing about Trump’s announcements at the breaks, is his lawyer staring down the cameras.You know the lawyer never wanted to do this, so he looks very angry but resolute. I don’t know if this is Blanche, but it’s fun to watch him. He hardly ever changes his expressions but just stares

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9ad739 No.20903045


I thought he was SS/bodyguard

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905897 No.20903047

File: 3edaba18e798c6b⋯.png (137.72 KB,625x354,625:354,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5af04 No.20903048


>If you are on the coast then prolly something going trans-sonic offshore to the east. Mebbe an F-18 or F-35 etc. Nothing on ADS-B at this time.

tequesta area.


mebee we get to read about it tomorrow.

No trails in sky, Clear night, full moon.

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a516d8 No.20903049


rockwhor monologues

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1a9a59 No.20903050


only the bones.

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c55f3b No.20903051

notables @ 570

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902487 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555, >>20902658 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 Planefag

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902923 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902705 Wired interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (TSMC, future of AI, moar)

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

>>20902744 Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium - thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

>>20902749 Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election

>>20902777 Dorothy Moon Discusses The Fight For MAGA Conservatism In Idaho

>>20902802 Anna Paulina Luna On New Plan To Use Sergeant-At-Arms To Force Garland To Divulge Hidden Recordings

>>20902823 Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds

>>20902824 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20902834 TX-21 Candidate David Covey On Taking On David Phelan

>>20902838 300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to explode mid-air

>>20902841, >>20903020 Top Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens asked in an email if he would receive kickbacks from COVID and COVID vaccines

>>20902848 Republicans are holding a five point margin to keep control of the House

>>20902858 Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died

>>20902862 Rep. Brian Harrison On Importance Of Removing Texas Speaker

>>20902941, >>20902984 China Holds Military Drills Around Taiwan As 'Punishment'

>>20902979 (5/11/2022) Nadler's mental gymnastics re: illegals voting in elections

>>20903005, >>20903019 PF: F35LTNG over Prescott, Arizona

>>20903026 PF: 45 in N757 AF 757 departed Dallas, Love Fieldand into the stormheading EN

>>20903036 Nonprofit brings suicide prevention message to Lahaina, Hawaii, underscoring heavy toll it’s taken

>>20903038 New MAGA ad just dropped


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95b9cf No.20903052

File: e663c18cc7f4947⋯.png (320.48 KB,400x400,1:1,e663c18cc7f4947fdaf8016d0e….png)


>No one on our side has the fucking balls to do the same

That you can name or have even seen

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a872bd No.20903053

File: 0e98c47304d7222⋯.jpeg (62.29 KB,684x726,114:121,u.jpeg)

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9ad739 No.20903054

File: 88ae8afaf0eeb98⋯.png (731.35 KB,1440x1440,1:1,pepe_usa_flag_salute.png)

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a516d8 No.20903055

File: fb90a42689e15ee⋯.png (53.78 KB,474x266,237:133,fb90a42689e15eed7c209e2d5a….png)

File: ff7a4b2797b712e⋯.png (149.08 KB,474x334,237:167,ff7a4b2797b712ed4f651ae39d….png)

File: 705a89197739935⋯.png (Spoiler Image,417.9 KB,700x465,140:93,juwresearch.png)

File: 4df405024b7d9f3⋯.png (234.37 KB,479x350,479:350,pedostashift.png)

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f5433e No.20903056

File: a994ffbe13a7695⋯.png (55.85 KB,878x260,439:130,code35.png)


really though

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a3582c No.20903057

File: 51e994fb4be932f⋯.png (1 MB,934x437,934:437,1a.png)




did you feel that?

holy shit huh?

yeah… its nothing

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c55f3b No.20903058


anyone around to bake this? gotta go soon

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0a1b08 No.20903059



lol what did i just watch lmao

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1a9a59 No.20903060


hired gun checked

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a3582c No.20903061

8 minutes…

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a516d8 No.20903062

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a3582c No.20903063

File: f13124cdd5e056f⋯.jpg (95.5 KB,894x894,1:1,00000000000000000.jpg)


you feelin ok?

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370565 No.20903064

File: 1c3210e26482baf⋯.png (912 KB,1920x1014,320:169,ClipboardImage.png)


Rivet Joint flew up the Yellow Sea toward Beijing, turned and flew a pass south of the Korean DMZ. Has now turned back around for another pass.

This aircraft took off from Okinawa less than one hour after the start of the Chinese maneuvers off Taiwan. Definite up Tempo US and Japanese military air activity in the region.


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042ac0 No.20903065

File: 63d7e529e092a8f⋯.mp4 (6.97 MB,1600x796,400:199,summerBLOOPS.mp4)

File: c48b7800f7a1aad⋯.png (1.13 MB,1022x656,511:328,QatRally.PNG)

File: 5dbd5df153928ec⋯.jpg (250.15 KB,1194x660,199:110,TrumpThumbUpRally.jpg)

File: 1955212a229a3ac⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,4000x2667,4000:2667,TrumpRallyFists.jpg)

File: 56c13b094d7b0a3⋯.png (341.96 KB,602x500,301:250,PepeRallyComfy.png)

[the beginning the the movie Pope of Greenwich Village is playing in the background.]

see you at the rally tomorrow, kek!!

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dd2a9b No.20903066

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a516d8 No.20903067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


these weed prices are too damn high

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15f5dd No.20903068

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496456 No.20903069


does not know it is already done.

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15f5dd No.20903070


On top of cemex…laying a lot of concrete in my area and fixing roads…preciate it

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ecb839 No.20903071

File: dab59428ac4071c⋯.png (685.01 KB,1008x748,252:187,ClipboardImage.png)


diddy again?

diddy do OP round two?

when we be dun diddy dun?

with all this diddy fun!


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c55f3b No.20903072

notables @ 595

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902477 New York City begins evicting immigrants who have been in shelters for 30 days

>>20902487 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902505 UN to Use US-Built Pier for Halted Gaza Aid Deliveries

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555, >>20902658 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575, >>20902578 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 PF: SAM390 G5 departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after arriving yesterday and starting to round western Cuba

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902923 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902705 Wired interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (TSMC, future of AI, moar)

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

>>20902744 Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium - thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

>>20902749 Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election

>>20902777 Dorothy Moon Discusses The Fight For MAGA Conservatism In Idaho

>>20902802 Anna Paulina Luna On New Plan To Use Sergeant-At-Arms To Force Garland To Divulge Hidden Recordings

>>20902823 Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds

>>20902824 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20902834 TX-21 Candidate David Covey On Taking On David Phelan

>>20902838 300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to explode mid-air

>>20902841, >>20903020 Top Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens asked in an email if he would receive kickbacks from COVID and COVID vaccines

>>20902848 Republicans are holding a five point margin to keep control of the House

>>20902858 Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died

>>20902862 Rep. Brian Harrison On Importance Of Removing Texas Speaker

>>20902941, >>20902984, >>20903064 China Holds Military Drills Around Taiwan As 'Punishment'

>>20902979 (5/11/2022) Nadler's mental gymnastics re: illegals voting in elections

>>20902996, >>20903034, >>20903048, >>20903029, >>20903033 Some sonic boom shaka lakas heard by anon

>>20903005, >>20903019 PF: F35LTNG over Prescott, Arizona

>>20903026 PF: 45 in N757 AF 757 departed Dallas, Love Fieldand into the stormheading EN

>>20903036 Nonprofit brings suicide prevention message to Lahaina, Hawaii, underscoring heavy toll it’s taken

>>20903038 New MAGA ad just dropped


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15f5dd No.20903073

Endorse Trump or die.

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e243a7 No.20903074


Lost in translation, huh? if you're a part of a country that has a HUGE middle class, but you've also accepted that people pooping all over the streets is normal, this was incredibly sexy in the late 80s.

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adaa19 No.20903075


you are denounced

it has been noted in the ships log

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af214f No.20903076

File: 033db7249a068ac⋯.gif (8.47 MB,730x671,730:671,033db7249a068ac8f74868f6c1….gif)



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799c51 No.20903077

File: 072bc4206d0f4d6⋯.jpeg (169.48 KB,1241x807,1241:807,IMG_1636.jpeg)

File: 8bc8225bf735672⋯.png (7.84 MB,2688x1242,448:207,IMG_1742.png)

File: 1e5182799db17e5⋯.jpeg (347.23 KB,2040x905,408:181,IMG_1635.jpeg)


No he’s not SS, Bongino says the orders to SS is stay out of the picture. Trump turned to him last week, and said, “Is that right Mr. Attorney?”. And he, for the first time smiled.

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c55f3b No.20903078



offhand confirmed

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a516d8 No.20903079

File: 3832236406fbb99⋯.png (209.46 KB,467x381,467:381,3832236406fbb9939b6c2491b8….png)

frickin bunghol laser thongs man dates nuremberg poleland stank croutons screendoor biltmoar water feature

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8d0772 No.20903080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0aa6c3 No.20903081

File: 6eac89a1b216cf6⋯.png (94.05 KB,149x313,149:313,DontSideEyeMe.png)

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bc5b82 No.20903082

File: 1dbb058ce3cfb2a⋯.png (41.52 KB,275x183,275:183,1dbb058ce3cfb2ae158817cb09….png)

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15f5dd No.20903083


Probably anon. With real law degree

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a516d8 No.20903084

File: 72541c06fc1cdce⋯.png (774.73 KB,474x635,474:635,ClipboardImage.png)


>moar water feature

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d5ec88 No.20903085

File: b3abf1c5cefebe2⋯.jpeg (58.39 KB,700x453,700:453,IMG_1892.jpeg)

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af214f No.20903086



I'll only be able to bake once then it'll be a free for all.

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cba0db No.20903087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Multinational totalitarian communist facism has fucked Hawaii.

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a516d8 No.20903088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3dfd28 No.20903089

File: 648962e9b8ccbd7⋯.png (411.71 KB,474x589,474:589,IMG_2113.png)



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a516d8 No.20903090


$50 watermelon and you can;t call the native americans 'gay' or ni**a

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95b9cf No.20903091

File: ff6230fe244c9d6⋯.png (738.75 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_05_22_at_2….png)


All the tracks in gray are "unspecified" so I could not tell you who's who in that zoo. Standard mush

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cba0db No.20903092

File: 5a1b00ff25171f6⋯.png (147.76 KB,701x486,701:486,ClipboardImage.png)


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db6224 No.20903094


abeeda abeeda beeda Porky Peeg

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0a1b08 No.20903095

File: 48ee65fcc248511⋯.jpg (289.12 KB,1885x1242,1885:1242,tom.jpg)

File: 4b5437fcea3bee1⋯.jpg (353.01 KB,2156x1242,1078:621,tom2.jpg)


This is what I see.

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a516d8 No.20903096

File: 97f83b9ae70882f⋯.png (113.28 KB,266x200,133:100,97f83b9ae70882fa7cafef3356….png)


>ans 'gay' or ni**a

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15f5dd No.20903097

Bitch shut the fuck up already for Christ sake what the fuck is wrong with you take the deal and shut the fuck up

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ecb839 No.20903098

File: 120f03abf49cf78⋯.png (204.65 KB,1101x572,1101:572,ClipboardImage.png)


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dd2a9b No.20903099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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15f5dd No.20903100


Yea shut it the fuck down

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a516d8 No.20903101

File: 0a97f9e46909d3a⋯.png (389.49 KB,580x631,580:631,0a97f9e46909d3aa5450713a69….png)


> 'gay' or ni**a

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905897 No.20903102

File: 1e3318095982c2d⋯.png (21.99 KB,618x152,309:76,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1806480214361b9⋯.png (165.06 KB,636x366,106:61,ClipboardImage.png)

Elon Musk



Interesting visit to @LosAlamosNatLab today. Discussed a lot of science 😉

May 23, 2024 · 1:51 AM UTC



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a03f7e No.20903103

File: 60e37b954f902d3⋯.jpeg (552.99 KB,828x934,414:467,967DD5C8_7132_45F0_A3A8_A….jpeg)


Who shock the monkey?

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e329e5 No.20903104

File: 64070cf8108e2b8⋯.jpg (77.62 KB,1143x1280,1143:1280,F4Zyx8uW8AAh2h6_jpg_large.jpg)

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a516d8 No.20903105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

josh is the walrus

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e9bc54 No.20903106

File: be2ab7a8a487e3c⋯.gif (544.28 KB,320x180,16:9,popcorn4.gif)

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15f5dd No.20903107


Fucking faggot get shot in the face

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799c51 No.20903108


Seriously this is very sad. What happened to an education

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a516d8 No.20903109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d5ec88 No.20903110


Maybe they just high af?

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2bf7be No.20903111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald J. Trump giving a Tour of His Manhattan Office


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a516d8 No.20903112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'donny' is his imaginary fren

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db6224 No.20903113

File: 8fe71abe5fb01f8⋯.jpg (47.96 KB,500x555,100:111,doyouwilcock.jpg)

File: 924660e5bc7c880⋯.jpg (48.81 KB,500x555,100:111,doyouascension.jpg)

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a516d8 No.20903115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

jesus is a 'pederasts'

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8d0da4 No.20903116

File: 0fa5c2dbcfb9db5⋯.jpg (8.34 KB,318x159,2:1,images_203_.jpg)

File: 77fe9577c20c253⋯.jpg (9.44 KB,300x168,25:14,images_197_.jpg)

File: ac45d3ade928c8a⋯.jpg (7.73 KB,275x183,275:183,images_198_.jpg)

File: 6d6833200c65095⋯.jpg (7.89 KB,275x183,275:183,images_196_.jpg)

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e243a7 No.20903117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


It didn't stop there though, you might see it as low budget but a lot went into the production of the adavi donga music video series…

For a more contemporary indian treasure, check this one out.. by 1998 they were way ahead of the west.. interesting tidbit on this one, the artist had been harshly criticized for his use of young scantly clad females in his video and was awash with claims that he himself wouldn't be popular or seen as talented had he not been in the business of peddling aankhon ki thandak, or "coolness to the eyes" which you folk probably know as "eye candy" so he released this hit and it pretty much remains the one song played at every single fucking desi wedding or similar party scene 26 years later. Enjoy

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cba0db No.20903118

File: ad0a67c51eb15a1⋯.png (904.1 KB,1540x651,220:93,ClipboardImage.png)


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e329e5 No.20903119

File: e41af1c9889bc0b⋯.jpg (17.12 KB,460x276,5:3,3dd0fb8cf7927eef806e962d83….jpg)

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a2e5ef No.20903120

File: 316c0068ee046b4⋯.jpeg (535.75 KB,1334x1433,1334:1433,IMG_5144.jpeg)

Good bye Hope & the dopes.

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e243a7 No.20903121


also I'm not indian but please read this post with a silly indian accent in your head

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05c79c No.20903122


What's your point?

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93b3fa No.20903123

File: d519f5c8f2b7236⋯.png (462.49 KB,646x466,323:233,d519f5c8f2b7236ae4dc715188….png)



almost forgot they said it will be green, kek!

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33c63c No.20903124

File: 3e05b9ba1df9b33⋯.jpg (423.51 KB,2011x1046,2011:1046,20240522_215454.jpg)


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a516d8 No.20903125

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

duh 'nihlist' aRR frum fargo an rudeAU

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8d0772 No.20903127

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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cba0db No.20903129

File: 47cf6bec0b562c5⋯.png (638.85 KB,821x790,821:790,ClipboardImage.png)

The system is broken and can never work

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a516d8 No.20903130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>duh 'nihlist' aRR frum fargo an rudeAU

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03c130 No.20903131

File: 1cc1f45c055f2a3⋯.jpeg (533.08 KB,1199x613,1199:613,E0FE0EDB_C51B_42F9_9A1F_5….jpeg)

File: c917833e9a3137a⋯.png (1.43 MB,959x626,959:626,D9F8EB4C_91B7_4066_AEE8_54….png)


N757AF 757 still hauling’ ass with 558kts at 37k Ft

Thought they’d throttle back a little after passing through then around that storm but nope

Maintaining warp speed (for that AC) back to Laguardia

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370565 No.20903133

File: dc55e6164d3aeee⋯.png (712.22 KB,720x576,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)


>Rivet Joint

Correction: Combat Sentry

RC-135U Combat Sentry

A Combat Sent aircraft in flight with its unique nose cone, wingtips, and tail

The RC-135U Combat Sent is designed to collect technical intelligence on adversary radar emitter systems. Combat Sent data is collected to develop new or upgraded radar warning receivers, radar jammers, decoys, anti-radiation missiles, and training simulators.[5]

Distinctly identified by the antenna arrays on the fuselage chin, tailcone, and wing tips, three RC-135C aircraft were converted to RC-135U (63-9792, 64–14847, & 64–14849) in the early 1970s. 63-9792 was later converted into a Rivet Joint in 1978, and all aircraft remain in service based at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Minimum crew requirements are 2 pilots, 2 navigators, 3 systems engineers, 10 electronic warfare officers, and 6 area specialists.[27]


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db6224 No.20903134


Did one piss her pants or she wanted money on the piss pants look? Her Low IQ says the latter

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dd2a9b No.20903135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a516d8 No.20903136

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

an chucky got duh load frum jorge bush

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db6224 No.20903137


KEK Yesth

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cba0db No.20903138


would be more notable if they added 1000 Judges.

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b6da8b No.20903140

File: edfe88e276d30c0⋯.jpeg (238.63 KB,1290x730,129:73,IMG_0493.jpeg)

File: 5fbe28099fb48ce⋯.jpeg (80.3 KB,541x518,541:518,IMG_0494.jpeg)



Oh, wait, nvm, muh movie…

This post brought to you by Qtard, please text 88022 for all donations!

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e9bc54 No.20903142

File: a5e23be55943f10⋯.png (394.9 KB,709x595,709:595,ClipboardImage.png)

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a516d8 No.20903143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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db6224 No.20903144


They got AIDS from fucking niggers

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213c62 No.20903146

File: be3b7d2cf7ec256⋯.png (484.73 KB,672x371,96:53,ClipboardImage.png)

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b6da8b No.20903148

File: 873b5891841a22d⋯.jpeg (81.1 KB,1024x681,1024:681,IMG_0495.jpeg)


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cba0db No.20903149



Careful, they will simply say, "But they didn't." is the Satanic Rebutal.

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838621 No.20903150


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03c130 No.20903151

File: f527984c6388924⋯.gif (756.63 KB,400x225,16:9,1F33B1DF_7C55_4A67_8FFE_69….gif)

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a03f7e No.20903152

File: 3fa20bbe175b6b6⋯.jpeg (844.6 KB,828x749,828:749,6263C865_1579_416F_A654_6….jpeg)

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a516d8 No.20903153


>ernesto poorass got AIDS from fucking niggers

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af214f No.20903155

Notables @~661

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902477 New York City begins evicting immigrants who have been in shelters for 30 days

>>20902487 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902505 UN to Use US-Built Pier for Halted Gaza Aid Deliveries

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555, >>20902658 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575, >>20902578 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 PF: SAM390 G5 departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after arriving yesterday and starting to round western Cuba

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902923 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902705 Wired interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (TSMC, future of AI, moar)

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

>>20902744 Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium - thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

>>20902749 Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election

>>20902777 Dorothy Moon Discusses The Fight For MAGA Conservatism In Idaho

>>20902802 Anna Paulina Luna On New Plan To Use Sergeant-At-Arms To Force Garland To Divulge Hidden Recordings

>>20902823 Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds

>>20902824 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20902834 TX-21 Candidate David Covey On Taking On David Phelan

>>20902838 300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to explode mid-air

>>20902841, >>20903020 Top Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens asked in an email if he would receive kickbacks from COVID and COVID vaccines

>>20902848 Republicans are holding a five point margin to keep control of the House

>>20902858 Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died

>>20902862 Rep. Brian Harrison On Importance Of Removing Texas Speaker

>>20902905 A comet approaching Earth could become brighter than the stars this fall

>>20902941, >>20902984, >>20903064, >>20903091, >>20903133 China Holds Military Drills Around Taiwan As 'Punishment'

>>20902979 (5/11/2022) Nadler's mental gymnastics re: illegals voting in elections

>>20902996, >>20903034, >>20903048, >>20903029, >>20903033 Some sonic boom shaka lakas heard by anon

>>20903005, >>20903019 PF: F35LTNG over Prescott, Arizona

>>20903026, >>20903131 PF: 45 in N757 AF 757 departed Dallas, Love Fieldand into the stormheading EN

>>20903036 Nonprofit brings suicide prevention message to Lahaina, Hawaii, underscoring heavy toll it’s taken

>>20903038 New MAGA ad just dropped

>>20903102 Interesting visit to @LosAlamosNatLab today. Discussed a lot of science 😉





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905897 No.20903156

File: 88819503281be55⋯.png (1.09 MB,720x908,180:227,88819503281be552ca724ac998….png)



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a03f7e No.20903157

File: e5fbe38a60e6baa⋯.jpeg (129.68 KB,828x466,414:233,82F32053_E8EA_49C2_81D2_C….jpeg)

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db6224 No.20903158

File: de9c0b1f9f85962⋯.jpg (70.69 KB,588x500,147:125,6gr1ofumaga.jpg)

File: 59994e530f00aac⋯.jpeg (21.19 KB,254x183,254:183,sadultramaga.jpeg)

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b6da8b No.20903159

File: 84d9e1d653190a4⋯.png (702.16 KB,1200x903,400:301,IMG_0496.png)


Imagine getting sentenced to hang for being the FBzi guy that took a pair of the First Lady’s panties?

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93b3fa No.20903160

File: a74da1cbd85813d⋯.png (30.24 KB,578x426,289:213,ClipboardImage.png)




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db6224 No.20903161

File: b2a9573af050c7e⋯.jpg (78.63 KB,500x739,500:739,6gqv5mfamgap.jpg)

File: 20acddb96b62664⋯.jpg (77.71 KB,500x739,500:739,6gqv2e.jpg)

File: 8c8b3068239fd93⋯.jpg (161.12 KB,937x499,937:499,itsworkingpox1.jpg)

File: 970a9b0e797d5f2⋯.jpg (160 KB,937x499,937:499,FAFO11.jpg)

File: ccf4e64363dda77⋯.jpg (160.14 KB,937x499,937:499,isntpox.jpg)

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a03f7e No.20903162

File: 1af792e17369a17⋯.jpeg (285.12 KB,1366x768,683:384,FC2EFBB0_4A32_4BD6_91BC_1….jpeg)


Breakin brains and takin names.

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370565 No.20903163

File: 9a4e73df2531f14⋯.png (349.66 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,ClipboardImage.png)



A second 135. This one is a Rivet Joint. Vicinity Okinawa.


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7014c4 No.20903165

File: 920f3777c967baf⋯.png (18.42 KB,220x255,44:51,328b705336bdd2addd828f2eeb….png)

my dog will eat chicken

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3bf08a No.20903166


Donald J. Trump




Leaving the Great State of Texas after a fantastic day in Houston and Dallas. Heading for New York for the Big Rally in the South Bronx. It’s been 50 years since such a thing as this has taken place. We are going to Make New York Great Again!!! Far Lower Taxes, Safe, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Good Schools, and everything else that goes towards the American Dream!

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b6da8b No.20903167

File: 93f6625c72aaf80⋯.jpeg (148.81 KB,409x618,409:618,IMG_7558.jpeg)

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8d0772 No.20903168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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370565 No.20903170

Funny how a certain board personality stopped posting right about the time that China started it's military exercises surrounding Taiwan. Prolly just a coincidence.

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cba0db No.20903172


Imagine Joe Biden's arrest scenario.

He goes Mafia style "you can't fuck with a biden"

He goes Frail Old Man Style with WORMS and Poop in his pants.

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15f5dd No.20903174


Teach me this

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93b3fa No.20903175

File: add5bf0b8be7796⋯.png (54.91 KB,606x262,303:131,ClipboardImage.png)


o7 baker


Leaving the Great State of Texas after a fantastic day in Houston and Dallas. Heading for New York for the Big Rally in the South Bronx. It’s been 50 years since such a thing as this has taken place. We are going to Make New York Great Again!!! Far Lower Taxes, Safe, Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, Good Schools, and everything else that goes towards the American Dream!

11:48 ET


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e243a7 No.20903176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


as with all good things, however, they must all come to an end with white/jewish women.. such is the final destination of all entertainment.. I wish I could say enjoy, but here is the current #1

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0a1b08 No.20903178


-I like this lol ty

I never watched music videos when young, so Idk much about who had what or when.

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3bf08a No.20903179

>Night Shift

May 23, 2024, 12:09 AM


Donald J. Trump


I have gotten to know so many amazing United States Secret Service Agents - It has been my honor to have them protecting me and my family since our historic 2016 Victory against “Beautiful” Hillary Clinton. Shockingly, however, Crooked Joe Biden’s Department of Injustice authorized the use of “deadly force” in their Illegal, UnConstitutional, and Un-American RAID of Mar-a-Lago, and that would include against our Great Secret Service, who they thought might be “in the line of fire.” As I told Crooked Joe’s DOJ, if they needed anything, “all they had to do was ask.” They did not have to ILLEGALLY AND UNCONSTITUTIONALLY RAID my home, and rummage through my family’s, including Barron’s, private quarters. END THESE THIRD WORLD WITCH HUNTS, AND MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

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dd2a9b No.20903181

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a516d8 No.20903182

File: 4465cf66cb27b27⋯.png (173.45 KB,731x542,731:542,4465cf66cb27b2720127321a89….png)


>> 'gay' or ni**a


>> 'gay' or ni**a


>> 'gay' or ni**a

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0a1b08 No.20903185


"PopCorn chicken" to be exact

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93b3fa No.20903186

File: 0560bb20244a695⋯.png (90.35 KB,605x455,121:91,ClipboardImage.png)


Governor Greg Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick gave wonderful Introductory Speeches of me tonight in Texas, where we raised a Record Amount of Money for our Presidential Run against Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst and Most Corrupt President in the History of the United States - A REAL THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. Thank you very much to Greg and Dan for the beautiful words. Our lead in Texas is a MASSIVE one, and we will keep it there, and in many other places all throughout the United States. November 5th, Election Day, will go down as THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY IN AMERICAN HISTORY!

12:08 ET


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db267c No.20903187

File: 7a70afbfd8f0ed3⋯.jpg (105.12 KB,720x770,72:77,20240522_220925.jpg)

File: 50c5aea8c879cc7⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,832x464,52:29,Breaking911_20240522_10_ne….mp4)

File: a82c51016f6daba⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,848x478,424:239,Breaking911_20240522_11_ne….mp4)


BREAKING: At least 4 dead, more wounded, after stage collapse at rally for Mexican presidential candidate

Oh shit

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95b9cf No.20903188

File: 423250300d91232⋯.png (83.11 KB,643x361,643:361,Zumwalt_advanced_gun_syste….png)

USS Zumwalt is Losing its Iconic Cannon

Published May 20, 2024 9:16 PM by The Maritime Executive

The U.S. Navy's futuristic Zumwalt-class destroyers were built to carry twin high-velocity cannons for shore bombardment, like a modernized, stealthier version of a battleship. The cannons were installed, but after the number of vessels in the class was radically cut back from 32 to three, the cost per round of manufacturing the ammunition rose to an impractical $800,000-$1 million per shot. The production run of ammunition was canceled, and the guns are functionally unusable - but the Navy has other things in mind for the Zumwalts. Soon, half the cannons will come off and the ships will field the Conventional Prompt Strike hypersonic missile system.

First-in-class USS Zumwalt is first in line for the modification, and her forward cannon has been removed, photos from her crew's Facebook page show. In its place, USS Zumwalt will carry four all-up round canisters, each containing three hypersonic missiles. This will add a dozen of the hard-to-stop hypersonic maneuvering missiles to her more conventional arsenal of 80 vertical launch cells.

Adding hypersonic missiles to the Zumwalt-class will not be cheap. Lockheed Martin, which is carrying out the work for the Navy, secured a contract worth $1.1-2.0 billion for the project (over all three vessels in the class). This covers removal of the forward gun and replacement with four extra-large missile cells; however, the second gun just forward of the deckhouse will remain in place for an indeterminate period.

Huntington Ingalls is carrying out the first modification on USS Zumwalt at Ingalls Shipbuilding, and second-in-class USS Michael Monsoor will be next. Bath Iron Works - the original home of the class - will perform Monsoor's refit.

Conventional Prompt Strike is the Navy's version of a joint hypsersonic weapons program, shared with the U.S. Army and U.S. Strategic Command. The Navy's version will be fielded on the Zumwalts first, and will be installed on the Block V Virginia-class attack sub when it begins to deliver in the 2030s. Strategic Command sees it as a "highly lethal platform" that will send a "strong deterrence message to our adversaries."

"The Navy / Industry team is moving with a sense of urgency to integrate CPS capability into USS Zumwalt," said Rear Adm. Tom Anderson, Program Executive Officer (PEO), Ships. "Many steps have been taken and are on track to get this important player on the field on time."


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3dfd28 No.20903190

File: cae479dce8b0049⋯.png (69.72 KB,474x243,158:81,IMG_2413.png)

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cba0db No.20903191

File: d613fd1c50c2d3a⋯.png (596.26 KB,655x580,131:116,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 889cbe82b3ff659⋯.png (604.74 KB,655x580,131:116,ClipboardImage.png)

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a516d8 No.20903193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.











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db6224 No.20903194


So is he a Straight Tom Fitton?

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838621 No.20903195



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a516d8 No.20903197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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b711fe No.20903198

File: 98313d3ba5d93ac⋯.png (2.41 MB,1908x920,477:230,1j.png)

on all levels, frens

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a516d8 No.20903199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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838621 No.20903200


I see wind.

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905897 No.20903201

File: 27f2ea165233851⋯.jpg (132.28 KB,1377x815,1377:815,acfb0d6cdd6a8944abf02ddefb….jpg)



climate change is here buds.

weather weapons.

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dd2a9b No.20903202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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02814c No.20903203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Did you expect anything less and are you not entertained?

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a2e5ef No.20903204

File: 11bd16da9af65f1⋯.jpeg (41.55 KB,329x330,329:330,IMG_3053.jpeg)

File: ba9727971515534⋯.jpeg (470.95 KB,2048x1536,4:3,IMG_5948.jpeg)

File: fc124df2d91c45f⋯.jpeg (90.33 KB,1536x590,768:295,IMG_7430.jpeg)


A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5…J=10&1+0, K=11&1+1

Not all information is found reading left to right & top to bottom.

Begin here.

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a516d8 No.20903205

File: 28b24e258827ca9⋯.png (8.99 KB,530x530,1:1,qrcode_www_dragqueenmerch_….png)

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a516d8 No.20903206

File: fefad051f5b5439⋯.png (543.58 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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3bf08a No.20903207


A federal judge on Wednesday ordered the Bureau of Prisons to be ready to stand trial next year over its handling of prison guards who sexually abused female convicts at a federal facility in California.

The bureau closed down the Federal Correctional Institution in Dublin, California, after multiple guards were accused of sexually abusing inmates and retaliating against those who have tried to report it. In some cases, the abuse stretches back decades, according to an investigation by the Associated Press last month.

U.S. District Court Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers ordered the bureau and prosecutors to be prepared for a June 23, 2025, trial, but a case management conference will be held on Sept. 9. However, attorneys for the whistleblowers in the case have indicated that they are open to a settlement if the bureau agrees to certain changes like better medical, and mental healthcare. Discussions on the settlement are still ongoing, the Associated Press reported.

Rogers also ordered a special master to handle the cases of the more than 600 prisoners at the facility being transferred to other prisons. There are only five federal women's facilities operating now that FCI Dublin has closed. Some of the prisoners at FCI Dublin have complained of mistreatment amid the transfer process, and Rogers said the closure of the facility has created some “serious concerns." ..

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a516d8 No.20903208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e6d6a3 No.20903209

File: b798a9de448b2e1⋯.jpg (789.45 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_211459….jpg)

File: 907926e5d0bdf70⋯.jpg (10.49 KB,221x228,221:228,images_78_.jpg)

File: d09eb579e1462e8⋯.jpg (788.35 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_211602….jpg)

File: b889682bcead858⋯.jpg (881.27 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_211648….jpg)


>Alice Stewart dies…

Why is the crypto tyranny dead so young? (A transphobic might ask)

CNN’s Alice Stewart found dead in northern Virginia neighborhood

By By DEEPA BHARATH Associated Press

Updated May 21, 2024 1:32pm EDT


Associated Press

Alice Stewart, a CNN political commentator and veteran political adviser who worked on a number of GOP presidential campaigns, has died at age 58, the news network reported Saturday.

Police in northern Virginia told CNN that Stewart's body was found outdoors in the Bellevue neighborhood early Saturday morning and that no foul play was suspected. Officials believe Stewart suffered a medical episode, according to CNN.


I make jest over the superficial, but it's too sad leaving here without salvation of the Lord. Just saying.

Maybe those she left behind want to find more meaning in life, like Jesus,

John 14:6

New International Version

6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

1 Corinthians 6:9

King James Version

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

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042ac0 No.20903210

File: 24b7ac57348c166⋯.png (1.17 MB,1200x800,3:2,QYorkTimesNewsNow.png)

File: 252a56e5d653da2⋯.jpg (336.69 KB,995x663,995:663,new_york_power_outage_the_….jpg)

File: 5f8cb908caffc2f⋯.png (1.18 MB,2560x1336,320:167,New_York_City_Plus.png)

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010c0c No.20903211

File: 923fa3a61c19c1f⋯.png (233.23 KB,850x988,425:494,X_inactivation_patterns_Ea….png)


climate change is making them gay.

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3e9acc No.20903212

File: bda89db46fdbc1f⋯.gif (4.9 MB,268x201,4:3,20201004_095140.gif)

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dd2a9b No.20903213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6aba97 No.20903214

>>20901078, >>20901081 Software engineer arrested, suspected of grooming teen with AI-generated CSAM.

>>20901146 Florida mayoral candidate arrested for armed robbery of Dollar General while in disguise

>>20901200, >>20901240 FBI raids office of controversial Soros-funded Mississippi DA and the cigar shop he owns

traditionally this is what would happen to those who are dangerous to the regime

it works better in a 'guilty until proven innocent' society

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3e9acc No.20903215


no one cares.

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8d0772 No.20903216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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010c0c No.20903217

File: 6ba1a081a7b8026⋯.png (787.41 KB,533x838,533:838,ClipboardImage.png)

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15f5dd No.20903218


Show me L M N O P

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3e9acc No.20903219


now That

is election interference.

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ecb839 No.20903220


lol the famous modified telephone keypad cipher

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264856 No.20903221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af214f No.20903222

File: 989e854698fb0a4⋯.jpg (10.5 KB,255x196,255:196,021ebb157af8f0afe13b85ce99….jpg)

Time's up, kiddos.FINALBaking now

#25637 >>20902403

>>20902418 Nikki Haley says she will be voting for Trump

>>20902433 Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902436 Nancy Pelosi's net worth just crossed $250,000,000 for the first time

>>20902462 Was Obama-implicating 'top-secret binder' what FBI really wanted?

>>20902477 New York City begins evicting immigrants who have been in shelters for 30 days

>>20902487 Vaccine History: Developments by Year

>>20902501 Chinese Defaults Flag Limits to $5 Billion of Bond Guarantees

>>20902505 UN to Use US-Built Pier for Halted Gaza Aid Deliveries

>>20902525 FBI ransacked and took photos of Melania and Barron’s bedroom

>>20902533, >>20902593, >>20902636, >>20902642 Hamas Leader Attends Raisi's Funeral In Tehran, Overseen By Ayatollah Khamenei

>>20902555, >>20902658 ‘Silicon Valley Princess’: Inside the Life of Nicole Shanahan, R.F.K. Jr.’s Running Mate

>>20902575, >>20902578 TikTok plans large layoffs after Biden signed law to ban it unless China's ByteDance sells it to a US-based company

>>20902613 PF: SAM390 G5 departed MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after arriving yesterday and starting to round western Cuba

>>20902628 Harnwell: The German State Is Playing A Very Dangerous Game Using The Judiciary To Frustrate AfD

>>20902654, >>20902663 The Great Taking: The system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone

>>20902678, >>20902923 Nvidia announces 10-for-1 stock split, shares hit $1,000

>>20902705 Wired interview with Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang (TSMC, future of AI, moar)

>>20902706 Judge grants Hunter Biden request to delay start of federal tax trial from June to September

>>20902744 Trump’s mugshot hanging at Yankee stadium - thousands of people are expected for his rally right down the road tomorrow evening

>>20902749 Peter Mcilvenna Discusses The Upcoming British General Election

>>20902777 Dorothy Moon Discusses The Fight For MAGA Conservatism In Idaho

>>20902802 Anna Paulina Luna On New Plan To Use Sergeant-At-Arms To Force Garland To Divulge Hidden Recordings

>>20902823 Tesla and Exxon represent the two largest short positions among hedge funds

>>20902824 Grassley: Obama State Department blocked FBI's effort to arrest Iranian suspects

>>20902834 TX-21 Candidate David Covey On Taking On David Phelan

>>20902838 300 Boeing planes used by United and American Airlines have potentially fatal fault that could cause jets to explode mid-air

>>20902841, >>20903020 Top Fauci advisor Dr. David Morens asked in an email if he would receive kickbacks from COVID and COVID vaccines

>>20902848 Republicans are holding a five point margin to keep control of the House

>>20902858 Portland kicks out woke Soros-backed DA and elects tough-on-crime rival after murders soared and downtown died

>>20902862 Rep. Brian Harrison On Importance Of Removing Texas Speaker

>>20902905 A comet approaching Earth could become brighter than the stars this fall

>>20902941, >>20902984, >>20903064, >>20903091, >>20903133, >>20903163 China Holds Military Drills Around Taiwan As 'Punishment'

>>20902979 (5/11/2022) Nadler's mental gymnastics re: illegals voting in elections

>>20902996, >>20903034, >>20903048, >>20903029, >>20903033 Some sonic boom shaka lakas heard by anon

>>20903005, >>20903019 PF: F35LTNG over Prescott, Arizona

>>20903026, >>20903131 PF: 45 in N757 AF 757 departed Dallas, Love Fieldand into the stormheading EN

>>20903036 Nonprofit brings suicide prevention message to Lahaina, Hawaii, underscoring heavy toll it’s taken

>>20903038 New MAGA ad just dropped

>>20903102 Interesting visit to @LosAlamosNatLab today. Discussed a lot of science 😉

>>20903166, >>20903175, >>20903179, >>20903186 DJT Truth

>>20903187 BREAKING: At least 4 dead, more wounded, after stage collapse at rally for Mexican presidential candidate

>>20903207 Bureau of Prison to face trial over allegations of guards abusing female prisoners in California


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6aba97 No.20903225

File: fd934a166923143⋯.jpeg (101.81 KB,732x500,183:125,download_1_.jpeg)

File: ec074c035561d89⋯.png (336.74 KB,860x587,860:587,New_Project_1_.png)

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a4a992 No.20903227

File: ccb243a680def87⋯.jpg (2.57 KB,224x224,1:1,images_82_.jpg)


www.transgenderpulse.com › forums › 2…

Aug 1, 2010 · Girls-small hips are not universal for transwomen. … accentuate a part that she was happy with. … We have assumed the position that "if you …

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a2e5ef No.20903231

File: 76eec75b98ccdf6⋯.jpeg (117.6 KB,2048x471,2048:471,IMG_5154.jpeg)

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010c0c No.20903232


what time is rally?

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e243a7 No.20903234


I was kinda kidding, but they may have been on pace with us in CGI the whole way, but they also had lower standards.. yknow, shitty animation, poop on the streets, meh, awesome…. but yeah this video kinda badass.. bro is flirting with himself after shit talk about relying on hos in his videos. Ends up being acceptable video for indian dads to rock out to with their families but coming from an artist whos known as a pimp.. Boom, every fucking wedding.

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a2e5ef No.20903236


Horizontal, vertical & 45° add to 15.

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8d0772 No.20903238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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af214f No.20903239

File: 3954e1754de7ea9⋯.png (266.89 KB,657x527,657:527,3954e1754de7ea9782a109ade5….png)











BO/BV please correct bread number to #25638. im fucking tired…..

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010c0c No.20903244


The Top Secret Binder is located here:

40.653920985679285, -74.69696873474112

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905897 No.20903248

File: 1d8e9688646d1d7⋯.jpg (62.2 KB,960x720,4:3,c1fb317d263b2be5e497eeff7d….jpg)

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0a0a4a No.20903252

File: fea5343500e4b7e⋯.png (400.99 KB,680x383,680:383,ClipboardImage.png)

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4eb473 No.20903255









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638206 No.20903257

File: 9e2d3ee8aa289f9⋯.jpg (15 KB,255x213,85:71,BrennanStare.JPG)

File: cfd1ea8a176a948⋯.jpg (306.93 KB,1920x1080,16:9,FreddiesAlters.JPG)

Ending the bread early again, are we?

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cba0db No.20903258

File: b249163a6174679⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,1316x720,329:180,Evil_Dust.mp4)

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a872bd No.20903261

File: 6df889032b1f8d6⋯.png (402.39 KB,583x397,583:397,6df889032b1f8d682ce7694e7e….png)

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a03f7e No.20903263

File: 56acbb1be2673ac⋯.jpeg (467.15 KB,828x903,276:301,7B1490C6_CF23_4A5B_849D_2….jpeg)


There goes their allowance.

Learn 'em to fuck with clams in the commie.

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cba0db No.20903264



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cba0db No.20903265

Find Fix Finish Flynn Fake???



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3e78c6 No.20903272


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3e78c6 No.20903276

File: 69accf3c6b3d8ee⋯.gif (902.7 KB,539x539,1:1,20210621_001024.gif)

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cba0db No.20903277

File: 7fc931a943b0469⋯.png (162.57 KB,348x487,348:487,ClipboardImage.png)

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a872bd No.20903279

File: 09426b5a1676e89⋯.png (255.8 KB,571x720,571:720,09426b5a1676e89ff989aeed9e….png)

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6aba97 No.20903281


it mentions quantum computing and you reeee


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48714f No.20903283

File: 004d48f8e957016⋯.jpg (83.22 KB,980x740,49:37,20240522_230429.jpg)

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48714f No.20903286

File: 0959d195a0d85f5⋯.gif (1.14 MB,180x240,3:4,20200924_125832.gif)

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48714f No.20903291

File: f542992bb263efd⋯.gif (749.97 KB,640x360,16:9,20200813_173628.gif)

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855ea5 No.20903292

File: 086752598a6d732⋯.png (526.56 KB,483x560,69:80,Comfy.PNG)

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6aba97 No.20903293


called a disorder

but can be influenced by gaslighting and/or drug use

or a therapist

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a44fed No.20903294

File: cc292dd4e038361⋯.gif (1.71 MB,359x359,1:1,20200505_060435.gif)

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cba0db No.20903297

File: 1f53827303ed924⋯.png (315.2 KB,1000x978,500:489,ClipboardImage.png)

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d8a1ad No.20903300

File: 86d4dfa15526a56⋯.gif (484.4 KB,640x360,16:9,20200830_001522.gif)

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3dfd28 No.20903304

File: 4fa136e50dfd34d⋯.png (1.51 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,IMG_2560.png)

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2e467a No.20903305

File: 77823fa588e7136⋯.jpg (576.87 KB,2027x1080,2027:1080,EasyWayOut.JPG)

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0db743 No.20903309

File: f9929c2aa6f2024⋯.gif (461.57 KB,564x564,1:1,20200619_015157.gif)

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a858c7 No.20903311

File: 6496b52fca37d71⋯.jpg (93.34 KB,640x402,320:201,RatsRun.JPG)

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0db743 No.20903313

File: 2e910645ef2f69b⋯.gif (4.14 MB,550x550,1:1,20200727_022126.gif)

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0db743 No.20903315

File: 5e09b50123e3c30⋯.gif (1.6 MB,640x360,16:9,20191202_151107.gif)

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0db743 No.20903320

File: f3eeb6b86455c39⋯.gif (492.28 KB,255x255,1:1,20200816_164736.gif)

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