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0f2ed9 No.20901596 [Last50 Posts]

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0f2ed9 No.20901597

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0f2ed9 No.20901598


#25635-A >>20900794

>>20900805 Germany Will Reduce Sentences For Possession of Child Pron, Downgrade From Felony to Misdemeanor

>>20900817 Massie Taunts AIPAC After Demolishing Primary Challengers

>>20900824, >>20901213 DEVELOPING: House Republicans Accuse Hunter Biden of Repeatedly Lying Under Oath During Deposition

>>20900834, >>20901030, >>20901297, >>20901308 Nearly 70% Of Gaza Aid From US-Built Pier Stolen

>>20900840 The country is now on the PRECIPICE between its traditional ideology of political liberalism and a path that will lead, far sooner than Americans might think, to totalitarianism

>>20900849 WOW in 17 seconds AOC spills the beans on the Deep State’s entire plan

>>20900850 Outraged Israel Recalls Ambassadors From Spain, Norway, & Ireland Over Recognition Of Palestinian State

>>20900826, >>20900833, >>20900869 8/4/23 Trump Charlotte - 9:08 = 17 - 9 cookies inside the 8 = 17

>>20900859, >>20901381, >>20901472 DA Leslie Wolf told investigators they could not pursue Hunter Biden’s sugar daddy Kevin Morris based on information she received from the CIA

>>20900891 THIRTEEN conservative counties in Oregon approve ballot measures for SECESSION vote that would see them join non-woke Idaho

>>20900894 Capitol Police: suspicious package cleared by our Hazardous Incident Response Division contained two vials of blood. The source of the package & its contents will be further investigated.

>>20900837, >>20900868, >>20900898 Hilary Comms? Ex-Royal Marine, 37, accused of spying for Hong Kong suicides in a park

>>20900913 Former BBC Boss Accuses Broadcaster of ‘Egregious’ Anti-Israel Bias

>>20900928 Iranian Police Commander-in-Chief Assassinated in Shocking Incident

>>20900942, >>20901050, >>20901126, >>20901161, >>20901368, >>20901400, >>20901480, >>20901540 PlaneFaggin' Around the Globe

>>20900948 Hilary strongly supports an online portal to child data

>>20900950 Israeli forces raze parts of Gaza's Jabalia, hit Rafah with airstrikes

>>20900975 We Spend More Per Illegal Alien Than We Spend on the Most Vulnerable American Citizens

>>20901004 The US-Israel Special Relationship Timeline That AIPAC Doesn’t Want You To See

>>20901017 Trump Ireland - Meet Missy

>>20901029 Inside Tiffany Trump's husband's meeting with Arab-Americans furious with Biden over Gaza

>>20901042 Lizard that hulks out shows off its superhero genes

>>20901076 How to be the master of a terrorist state. Netanyahu Really Said This!

>>20901078, >>20901081 Software engineer arrested, suspected of grooming teen with AI-generated CSAM.

>>20901101 17 arrested in Italy after Turkish criminal organisation involved in homicides is dismantled

>>20901113 Panicked Gaza Hospital staff evacuates patients after missile strike, video shows

>>20901116, >>20901124, >>20901431 Turley: THE INSANITY - Judge Merchan Becomes an Oddity in his Own Courtroom

>>20901121 US Taps Lockheed for $756M Long Range Hypersonic Weapon Deal

>>20901122 Hunter Biden’s tax trial set for September as judge agrees to delay, with gun trial still in June

>>20901131 Nobody in the US government actually knows all the unregistered, privately owned high containment labs that exist in the US

>>20901146 Florida mayoral candidate arrested for armed robbery of Dollar General while in disguise

>>20901147, >>20901242 Rishi Sunak announces the country is headed for a snap election on July 4th

>>20901150 ‘Israeli soldier’ from notorious unit confesses to US citizen’s killing “Yeah, I enjoy it" he declared

>>20901178, >>20901190, >>20901322, >>20901341, >>20901354, >>20901419 Top Adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci Testifies on COVID-19 Origins Emails

>>20901200, >>20901240 FBI raids office of controversial Soros-funded Mississippi DA and the cigar shop he owns

>>20901243 Flattened Buildings, Widespread Destruction: This Is What Israel's 'Limited Operation' in Rafah Looks Like

>>20901246 A new movie about faking the moon landing coming in July

>>20901253 Packed school bus ripped apart by tractor in terrifying crash as several children are rushed to hospital

#25635A >>20901587

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0f2ed9 No.20901600

#25635-B >>20900794

>>20901281 Ringleader and Company Insider Plead Guilty to Defrauding Biochemical Company and Diverting Products to China

>>20901293 Outrageous: Federal Law Allows Illegal Aliens to Vote in the Upcoming 2024 Election

>>20901295 Why desperate ranchers say their land has been turned into 'the new CHERNOBYL'

>>20901340 Uvalde shooting families settlement and lawsuit

>>20901389, >>20901401 Joe M just posted this on telegram His Last post was April 2021 - NEVER GIVE UP

>>20901396 @nicksortor on Crockett - All this did was reaffirm that she IS a DEI hire 🤣🤡

>>20901434, >>20901443, >>20901467 using taxpayer money to pay off student debt and transferring that debt to working class taxpayers to get votes and that’s not illegal?

>>20901438 Portland voters have chosen a onetime Republican to be their next district attorney

>>20901466 coincidences? so many world leaders being killed or attempts made on their lives

>>20901486 The first head transplant system, uses robotics and AI for head and face transplants, offering hope to those with severe conditions like no head

>>20901497 Senate confirms 200th federal judge under Biden as Democrats surpass Trump’s pace

>>20901505 Rotting human remains and children raped: Why US Border Patrol suicides have skyrocketed under Biden

>>20901519 Jen Psaki facing subpoena for dodging Congress after 'lying' in book about Biden's disastrous Afghanistan response and 'profiting off tragedy'

>>20901523 NEVADA is onboard with THE PEOPLE'S AUDIT (https://the-peoples-audit.org/)

>>20901545 Republican governors opposing proposals that would grant the World Health Organization unprecedented and unconstitutional powers over the United States and its people

>>20901558 BILLIONS still expected to die in coming years from COVID “vaccines,” says analyst

>>20901573 @Charliekirk Trump has now opened up a 17-point lead over Biden on the Polymarkets betting site

#25635B >>20901587

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0f2ed9 No.20901601

#25634 >>20899994

>>20900000 Digits Of Winning - watch - RIGHT NOW Video for (you) anons

>>20900008 One of Jack Smith's inquisitors, Julie Edelstein, tried to pressure former Trump attorney Tim Parlatore into disclosing privileged conversations with the president

>>20900013, >>20900049 Hunter Biden tried to pin his missing handgun on 'shady,' 'prolly illegal' Mexican grocery store workers after girlfriend Hallie dumped it in a public trash can

>>20900057 PlaneFaggin’: CONUS activity

>>20900084, >>20900188, >>20900209 May 23rd 2024 - EPIC - President Donald J. Trump to Visit the South Bronx

>>20900099, >>20900667, >>20900669 Swamp Happenings

>>20900104 DJTJr WTF??? The real threat to American Democracy is coming from the Bolsheviks in the Biden Administration

>>20900117 READ THE LABELS Stores and Growers that Use 'Apeel' Bill Gates Food Coating - Demand Accountability Locally

>>20900131 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - Green Aurora over Sweden

>>20900132, >>20900138 Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections

>>20900137 NAR: Existing-Home Sales Decreased to 4.14 million SAAR in April

>>20900179 Senator McConnell on Justice Alito: "We Need to Leave the Supreme Court Alone"

>>20900184 Go Back to the Future with NASA at Comicpalooza 2024

>>20900187 Senator Schumer in Talks with Speaker on Netanyahu Address to Congress

>>20900192 President Biden: "We Reject ICC's Application for Arrest Warrants Against Israeli Leaders"

>>20900246 DEVELOPING: Republican National Committee headquarters under lockdown after being sent vials of blood - NBC

>>20900250 US threatens German banks with sanctions

>>20900275 NASA Tool Gets Ready to Image Faraway Planets

>>20900295 Feds Ban Memorial Day Event to Honor Fallen Heroes From National Cemetery, Call it a ‘Demonstration’

>>20900298 British politician Andrew Bridgen just CALLED OUT the World Economic Forum in parliament

>>20900367 NASA and Boeing have further delayed the launch of a crewed test flight of the company’s CST-100 Starliner spacecraft

>>20900392 2 killed and 3 hurt in a mass shooting at a Pennsylvania linen company. A suspect is in custody

>>20900411 California lawmaker's mic cut off while reading bill to end sanctuary state laws, says Dems 'don't care'

>>20900437 "Fat Leonard" Judge dismisses felony convictions of 5 retired military officers in US Navy bribery case

>>20900447 Pentagon says NONE of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population

>>20900463 Speaker Johnson Demands U.S. Punish ICC For Issuing Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu

>>20900472 SpaceX Launches - MAY 22, 2024 - NROL-146 MISSION

>>20900513, >>20900547, >>20900566 FBI Was Planned Deadly Force Against Trump Security Detail During MLRaid to Regain Deep State FBI/DOJ Secrets

>>20900521 Walton Family just sold 3,540,250 shares of Walmart equity for: $228,539,069m on May 17th, 2024

>>20900531, >>20900540 ESA’s Vigil space weather forecasting mission, ESA signs contracts for commercial space cargo return service

>>20900545 QClock May 22, 2024 - Cannibal Club, Vials of Blood, RNC HQ

>>20900546 QClock May 21, 2024 - Bush & Israel 911, Israel for Last

>>20900576 Pentagon working with SpaceX to cut off Russian military’s illicit use of Starlink internet

>>20900577 bun of LIBS Have Salty, Unhinged MELTDOWNS As Trump’s GOLDEN SNEAKER’S Skyrocket To WORLDWIDE Success

>>20900581 You guys @BarackObama unfollowed @Diddy lmao

>>20900596, >>20900606 Panic- Mimsey Graham says the US should sanction the ICC over fears an arrest warrant will be issued for him next

>>20900600 BREAKING: At least 16 U.S. elected officials are parroting "equivalency" to comment on the ICC’s decision

>>20900614 The 4th TES Cyber Team recognized as Space Force’s best for 2023

>>20900630 Pro-life rescuer Heather Idoni sentenced to 24 months, denied home detention despite stroke

>>20900710, >>20900714 Donald Trump Jr. Brings Professional MAGA Team to New York City

>>20900776 #25634

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0f2ed9 No.20901602

#25633 >>20899213

>>20899221, >>20899904, >>20899908 UK Families to be urged to stockpile three days' worth of food and water to help build national 'resilience'

>>20899245 Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon

>>20899267 Dutton threatens to pull Australia from ICC over its stance on Israeli war crimes

>>20899286 Court Lets Lawsuit Over Refusal To Give Dying Woman Ivermectin Proceed

>>20899316 Former FBI Director James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term

>>20899338, >>20899341, >>20899343, >>20899345, >>20899517, >>20899615 Christina Bobb /ourgirl

>>20899339, >>20899493 Three leading members of Speaker Mike Johnson’s policy team are leaving his office by the end of May

>>20899342 Tony Blair has emerged as the leading candidate to replace Klaus Schwab as chairman of the WEF

>>20899368 Sky Event tomorrow VENUS AND JUPITER CONVERGE

>>20899423 Nathan Vasquez has sizable lead over Mike Schmidt (Soros DA) in race to be Multnomah County DA

>>20899451, >>20899537, >>20899587 Fani Willis and judge presiding over Georgia Trump election case defeat challengers

>>20899462 Governor of South Carolina signed a bill today banning puberty blockers, cross-s*x hormones, and s*x change surgeries for minors.

>>20899466 MAGA! Trump-backed Republican wins House seat increasing the GOP majority!

>>20899470 Feminist Campaigner says she stopped supporting trans rights after being beaten and raped by trans woman

>>20899502 The two Kentucky "Republicans" receiving the most money from the teachers unions just lost their elections by more than 40 points tonight

>>20899509 Harvard Faculty Votes to Reinstate 13 ‘Encampment’ Seniors Barred from Graduation

>>20899524 Potato NH rally - Feel the excitement?!


>>20899586 White House announces another $7.7 billion in student debt relief Wednesday morning, bringing the total to $167 billion. That’s about the size of the U.S. Army’s budget

>>20899620 Biden administration sues Oklahoma over new law allowing arrest of illegal migrants

>>20899644 MIT is sued over women of color scheme that BANS white students from applying

>>20899665 Best 60 seconds of any day Norm Eisen gets called TF Out

>>20899684 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/22/2024

>>20899737, >>20899846 'PlaneFaggin’: Europe/Med

>>20899745 Court Rules $25-Million Defamation Case Against ADL Can Move Forward: Tracy Beanz

>>20899761 Bannons War Room Episode 3624: The Vatican Encourages The Illegal Invasion Of America

>>20899787 Moscow condemns EU ruling on frozen assets

>>20899794 WarRoom Battleground EP 271: The Real Robert F Kennedy JR

>>20899797 The active FAA US Military No Fly Zone over Mar a Lago, Florida ends on June 1, 2024

>>20899801 Tucker Carlson: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Is Winning!

>>20899819, >>20899833, >>20899925 JUST IN - RNC HQ in DC on lockdown: Hazmat team on scene at Republican headquarters "vials of blood"

>>20899820, >>20899821 Why does key former Trump adviser Steve Bannon now face jail time?

>>20899829 zealot Michael Rappaport actually admits he was wrong about Charlottesville

>>20899845, >>20899862 PRAY a hedge of protection around Donald Trump and all weapons forged against Donald Trump will not prosper

>>20899878, >>20899884, >>20899896 10 AM EST Hearings Swamp Happenings

>>20899978 #25633

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0f2ed9 No.20901603

#25632 >>20898306

>>20898314 Judge Michael J. Gableman Details What Must Be Done To Help President Trump Win Wisconsin

>>20898341 Denys Yaroslavskyi, Commander of the Ukrainian Special Reconnaissance Unit: “There was no first line of defence. We saw it. The Russians just walked in. "

>>20898350 Today: Moms Across America just got back their toxic metals testing results for baby formula

>>20898385 Aaron Gulbransen Details Human And Child Trafficking Going On In The United States

>>20898463 Judge Merchan’s Daughter Worked With Anti-Trump, Democrat-Aligned Lawfare Group.

>>20898305 Zelensky's term has ended but he still rules via martial law

>>20898474 Trump Trial Witness BARRED By Corrupt Judge Reveals What He Would Have Said.

>>20898478 Brad Miller And Kelli Ward Detail The Criminalization Of Free Speech On Elections In AZ

>>20898482, >>20898596, >>20898657 James Comey is worried that Donald Trump is “coming for” the Justice Department and FBI in his second term

>>20898505 German Foreign Minister flags ‘dramatic’ worsening on Ukraine front

>>20898511 Josh Green: Biden Is On Track To Have The Highest Cumulative Inflation Of Any President In 40 Years

>>20898518 PDJT: MTG Wins! poster

>>20898523 Pro pedo activist gp celebrates as Germany decriminalizes child porn possession

>>20898605 The U.S. was pursuing a secret plan to move a group of Guantánamo prisoners to Oman for resettlement last year. It was put on hold after the Hamas attack.

>>20898622 Morgan Stanley Was ‘Angry’ as Archegos Fell, Witness Says

>>20898624 Secret Service denies involvement in Hunter Biden gun fiasco — despite FBI doc claiming otherwise

>>20898628 PDJT: They actually think Trump will try to be President forever. They took the meme video too seriously, Trump forever

>>20898730 Former Red Sox pitcher arrested in Florida as part of underage sex sting

>>20898766 Google cuts mystery check to US in bid to sidestep jury trial

>>20898801 Dersh SHOCKED at what happened in the Trump trial

>>20898903, >>20898925, >>20898942, >>20898966, >>20898972 Global Elites plans from 2017

>>20898995, >>20899027, >>20899036 Netanyahu says more people starving to death in US than in Gaza

>>20899132 American Airlines ‘outrageously’ suggests girl, 9, to blame after creepy flight attendant records her in bathroom

>>20899621 (final posted in #25633) #25632

Previously Collected

>>20896689 #25629, >>20897476 #25630, >>20898300 #25631

>>20895157 #25627, >>20896681 #25628, >>20896681 #25628

>>20892736 #25624, >>20893499 #25625, >>20894287 #25626

>>20890184 #25621, >>20890965 #25622, >>20891851 #25623

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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d6df28 No.20901604

File: 6b12e48ecb88d71⋯.png (760.07 KB,880x500,44:25,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f2ed9 No.20901605

File: a2155e91f9b8779⋯.jpg (108.1 KB,471x480,157:160,a2155e91f9b87795ed77b195af….jpg)



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c47350 No.20901606

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Robert Gouveia


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1b5325 No.20901607

File: 4c0bc924bd929e9⋯.png (4.78 MB,2048x2048,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a1f8f No.20901608

File: 76f4c221b8120d5⋯.jpg (196.29 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GOMMnz8XUAANd5I.jpg)

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b30c5d No.20901609

File: af947c1c5eb6573⋯.png (1.51 MB,1592x1848,199:231,ClipboardImage.png)

Lock Me Up Ladybug Lindsay gettin a panic on.


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fe2367 No.20901610

File: d30ac611a7ee157⋯.png (358.17 KB,577x599,577:599,d304d.png)

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e4e572 No.20901611



I am old enough to member when shitting the bread was verbötten

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d61479 No.20901612

File: d170ec26a8edaab⋯.jpeg (131.02 KB,1200x1200,1:1,51d459a00168a6cc292e0ceee….jpeg)

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31d168 No.20901614

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0bd875 No.20901615

File: 40963be20b26d3c⋯.jpg (142.33 KB,1024x1024,1:1,40963be20b26d3cb18a49728e0….jpg)

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e4e572 No.20901618

>>20901486 (LB)

Oh look Klaus's body is past it's best by date so he just puts his old bald head on a younger body.

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07c921 No.20901619


WHT didn't the Feds kill anyone I wonder?

To high profile case or because DJT was not there?

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b30c5d No.20901620

File: c98843c5c35a496⋯.jpg (100.86 KB,600x313,600:313,Trump_Tweet_Shit_The_Bread.jpg)


still is.

Death penalty still applies.

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fe2367 No.20901621

File: 7f432f4ddcca7d7⋯.png (2 MB,1593x964,1593:964,7f432f4ddcca7d76b0b2c6cb9f….png)

File: 8487474c69b04d4⋯.jpg (132.3 KB,606x444,101:74,8487474c69b04d45425a14950a….jpg)

File: 2831624326e3143⋯.jpg (227.38 KB,1200x1200,1:1,2831624326e3143fd4eb218089….jpg)



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1b5325 No.20901622

File: 0ed3393807496fe⋯.png (461.19 KB,535x466,535:466,ClipboardImage.png)

There is no "Bird Flu"

There is only the Vax

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bd317b No.20901623


Don't shit the bred asshole

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e4e572 No.20901625


nice member dat as well

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b30c5d No.20901626


Maybe the wife can get an upgrade.

If I had a wife.

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c47350 No.20901628

File: aeaf3e7d829c2c1⋯.mp4 (12.25 MB,960x544,30:17,October_7th_2023_Nahal_Oz_….mp4)

>>20901464 lb


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3d7563 No.20901630

File: b18e89e93989c54⋯.jpg (88.39 KB,1340x920,67:46,b18e89e93989c54d5cc36553e6….jpg)

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a00953 No.20901631

File: 93efe12060ab175⋯.jpg (37.07 KB,500x515,100:103,joeeliminatedlori.jpg)

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5d5136 No.20901634

File: 799cd4caa9f52fd⋯.png (82.33 KB,1225x593,1225:593,ClipboardImage.png)



Booms Bombshells and Boomerangs

§879. Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons

(a) Whoever knowingly and willfully threatens to kill, kidnap, or inflict bodily harm upon-

(1) a former President or a member of the immediate family of a former President;

(2) a member of the immediate family of the President, the President-elect, the Vice President, or the Vice President-elect;

(3) a major candidate for the office of President or Vice President, or a member of the immediate family of such candidate; or

(4) a person protected by the Secret Service under section 3056(a)(6);

shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.

(b) As used in this section-

(1) the term "immediate family" means-

(A) with respect to subsection (a)(1) of this section, the spouse of a former President during a former President's lifetime, the surviving spouse of a former President until the surviving spouse's death or remarriage, and minor children of a former President until they reach sixteen years of age; and

(B) with respect to subsection (a)(2) and (a)(3) of this section, a person to whom the President, President-elect, Vice President, Vice President-elect, or major candidate for the office of President or Vice President-

(i) is related by blood, marriage, or adoption; or

(ii) stands in loco parentis;

(2) the term "major candidate for the office of President or Vice President" means a candidate referred to in subsection (a)(7) of section 3056 of this title; and

(3) the terms "President-elect" and "Vice President-elect" have the meanings given those terms in section 871(b) of this title.


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b30c5d No.20901635

File: dc7c74393096411⋯.jpeg (298.73 KB,1130x1126,565:563,Covid_Vaccine_Lies_Fake_N….jpeg)

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c47350 No.20901636

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'I've Never Seen Anything Like It': Storm Tracker Describes Destruction To Iowa Wind Turbines

FOX Weather


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1cca7d No.20901637

File: 8045b0192518368⋯.jpeg (521.07 KB,788x581,788:581,4E6EF00C_9798_4635_B0C9_E….jpeg)



>Dafuq with these fuckin’ bread shatters?



Don’t shit the bred newFags

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4c97ad No.20901639

LB/PB >>20900849

Their arrogance is really bad and ready for the collapse.

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3987e6 No.20901640

File: b3542dd3538fbfd⋯.jpg (5 KB,183x275,183:275,2Q_21_.jpg)

File: 51cb0647e4db4cb⋯.jpg (6.21 KB,225x225,1:1,images_105_.jpg)

File: 39fd3117661db3f⋯.jpg (36.78 KB,440x536,55:67,440px_Titian_Ranuccio_Farn….jpg)


Could someone put Moonbeam in a black wig, to illustrate the lunatic in him?

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4c8e37 No.20901641

File: 6830f36d9d10bdb⋯.png (131.34 KB,1126x643,1126:643,steinervaccine1.png)

File: 75f71c29a4d7389⋯.png (121.09 KB,1081x564,23:12,steinerautomaton.png)

File: 577ee4f15bd5d76⋯.jpg (154.63 KB,1000x569,1000:569,ronaldbernard.jpg)

File: 78aed7fdc7519c2⋯.jpg (173.21 KB,489x470,489:470,pepestillhere.jpg)

>>20900132 pb

>>20900138 pb

^ This has been gone over before on qresearch.

The philosopher, "Wizard" "Right-handed" (transparency, acceptable moral practices) founder of an education movement, Rudolf Steiner (persecuted by Adolf) made a speech close to the end of his life.

The speech was made over 100 years ago by now. His followers have the records. He's had disciples to his system for all of this time - who kept the records.

In the speech he stated that the "left-handed" occultists, ie. sinister, were planning an injection "vaccine" to destroy the relationship between the human soul and the spiritual world.

"Dark Journalist" read the speech out on one of his shows.

I need to re-read to get the details but that's the jist.


I believe Steiner mentioned they already, by then, had the technique. It was a shot that altered the human body and blocked its connection to the spirit world. (it's a field, Genes are receptors)

The video file of Daniel Liszt reading it out is too big to upload here.; But picrel is abridged transcript/ excerpt.

Seems the plan is for tweeking the human body to cause lobotomy type automatons? (As Hariri desires, under complete control of the 'gods' - him and his atheist friends (unless they only pretend to being atheist?)) Seems occultists are often ambivalent on that point? (i.e. worship something weird which they call their God?) cf. Bernard the financier.

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1b5325 No.20901643

File: f1abce5557412a1⋯.png (197.67 KB,500x491,500:491,ClipboardImage.png)

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ec77bd No.20901646

Hell of a delta yesterday, fren.

Phase [3] still ongoing.


All will collapse when the TRUTH is revealed.

No one escapes this.

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e40dbe No.20901647

File: 8b89186dee4839b⋯.jpg (108.65 KB,967x966,967:966,8b89186dee4839bb83fe6ec2b7….jpg)

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160a4b No.20901650

File: c724b243b98e129⋯.png (469.21 KB,549x499,549:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fdafeebd01a41f4⋯.png (805.86 KB,749x499,749:499,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d54daa9306fb5c5⋯.gif (3.59 MB,540x540,1:1,neo_night_shift.gif)







note: list of assassinations and deaths of leaders below over the last 2 weeks

remember during the lockdowns how many leaders died of suspicious circumstances


>>20901466 Pb

Over the past two weeks:

May 7th: Assassination attempt against Saudi Crown Prince.

May 13th: Turkish President Erdoğan holds emergency meeting following warning of possible military coup.

May 15th: Assassination attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico.

May 16th: Citizen arrested for threatening to assassinate Serbian President Vučić.

May 19th: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman hospitalised for second time in four weeks.

May 19th: Helicopter crash involving Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian.

What is going on right now?


missed at least one other:


Congo coup: Who are the Americans tied up in failed putsch?

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f34c44 No.20901652

File: 1001fc9a08b017f⋯.png (171.17 KB,549x600,183:200,ClipboardImage.png)

The Russian company « Tekhkrim » introduced new cartridges « Interception » for the destruction of drones.

▪ 武The 12/70 UAV cartridge has 6 lead segments connected by Kevlar filament.

▪ 武When shooting, a strong Kevlar thread opens, which, when hit, instantly entangles the drone and disables it. The maximum diameter of the opened cartridge network « Interception » is 1 meter, the entire grid is opened at a distance of 15-20 meters from the barrel cut.

▪ 武According to the manufacturer, the effective range of firing with a cartridge is up to 100 m, while shooting with a shotgun and buckshot - up to 50 m.

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40dac9 No.20901653

File: 968ceb60abda46b⋯.png (457.52 KB,665x659,665:659,ClipboardImage.png)

So, Massie ratios AIPAC on twitter.

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fdeffa No.20901654

If they keep draining the SPR the United States won't be able to fight a multifront "police action"

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954dfc No.20901655

File: 7d40de589a3f232⋯.jpg (113.73 KB,814x415,814:415,BEYOND_3D_WINNING.jpg)

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87e96a No.20901657


You dumb fucking breadshitting cunt and you didn’t even use pb/lb either.

Fuck way off

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fe2367 No.20901658

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)


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40dac9 No.20901659

File: a3fd24c72405d52⋯.png (74.93 KB,314x173,314:173,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3db9041d58aa84c⋯.png (92.37 KB,322x180,161:90,ClipboardImage.png)


>If they keep draining the SPR the United States won't be able to fight a multifront "police action"

Oh, no.

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0f2ed9 No.20901660

File: be99650150ef7b7⋯.jpg (508.94 KB,2560x2560,1:1,be99650150ef7b7c45d59bd0c2….jpg)


friggin bloatables

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05d804 No.20901661


Isn't changing the rules taboo after you broke the rules, especially if you are changing the rules to avoid prosecution or a team of jsoc space forces pipe hitters?

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58a34a No.20901662


>All will collapse when the TRUTH is revealed.

Let's do that, please.

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1cca7d No.20901663

File: 8b6c650ecc6e58a⋯.png (441.7 KB,503x509,503:509,4629AE98_EACC_42EB_90FA_2B….png)

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1a1f8f No.20901664

File: d53e9781acd8560⋯.png (454.33 KB,639x541,639:541,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ebb840ec57f53d⋯.jpg (99.96 KB,930x1038,155:173,FrMGWM4WIAAQC8J.jpg)

New York Post



Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which The Post exposed and he denied — will be used as evidence in his gun case


May 22, 2024 · 9:12 PM UTC


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cd57f1 No.20901666

File: a1297a6579d7a2c⋯.jpg (309.43 KB,931x1024,931:1024,lil_pepe_and_his_project.jpg)

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40dac9 No.20901667

File: 1939cdf97dc7f47⋯.png (218.28 KB,434x534,217:267,TWO_WEEKS_2.png)


>All will collapse when the TRUTH is revealed.

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164b96 No.20901668

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)


>Hunter Biden’s laptop will be used as evidence in his gun case

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1b5325 No.20901669

We're in the Ultimate Battles of Good V.s Evil

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14b6b1 No.20901670

File: 3c1f7c6bd949ab6⋯.png (1.72 MB,1240x826,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money

A court dispute has ensnared potentially millions of Americans, leaving them without access to their money for nearly two weeks.


A dispute between a fintech startup and its banking partners has ensnared potentially millions of Americans, leaving them without access to their money for nearly two weeks, according to recent court documents.

Since last year, Synapse — an Andreessen Horowitz-backed startup that serves as a middle-man between customer-facing fintech brands and FDIC-backed banks — has had disagreements with several of its partners about how much in customer balances it owed.

The situation deteriorated in April after Synapse declared bankruptcy following the exodus of several key partners. On May 11, Synapse cut off access to a technology system that enabled lenders, including Evolve Bank & Trust, to process transactions and account information, according to the filings.

That has left users of several fintech services stranded with no access to their funds, according to testimonials filed this week in a California bankruptcy court.

One customer, a Maryland teacher named Chris Buckler, said in a May 21 filing that his funds at crypto app Juno were locked because of the Synapse bankruptcy.

“I am increasingly desperate and don’t know where to turn,” Bucker wrote. “I have nearly $38,000 tied up as a result of the halting of transaction processing. This money took years to save up.”

10 million ‘end users’

Until recently, Synapse, which calls itself the biggest “banking as a service” provider, helped a wide swath of the U.S. fintech universe provide services like checking accounts and debit cards. Former partners included Mercury, Dave and Juno, well-known fintech firms that catered to segments including startups, gig workers and crypto users.

Synapse had contracts with 20 banks and 100 fintechs, resulting in about 10 million end users, according to an April filing from founder and CEO Sankaet Pathak.

Pathak didn’t immediately return an email seeking comment. A spokesman for Evolve declined to comment, instead pointing to a statement on the bank’s website that read, in part:

“Synapse’s abrupt shutdown of essential systems without notice and failure to provide necessary records needlessly jeopardized end users by hindering our ability to verify transactions, confirm end user balances, and comply with applicable law,” the bank said.

It is unclear why Synapse switched the system off, and an explanation couldn’t be found in filings.

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037bc3 No.20901671


They should kill themselves

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e03338 No.20901672

>>20895144 pb

the most absurd argument in political history

bidan is not competent enough to indict, but the fucking guy is supposedly competent enough to be CIC and president

unbelievable. no shame at all.

they have no fear of the populace.

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f34c44 No.20901673

File: 50dfe7b3278fb8d⋯.png (584.49 KB,800x800,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8e740 No.20901674

File: 39befcb50e3c767⋯.mp4 (658.4 KB,828x600,69:50,burningbut.mp4)


In their butts and in their brains they have worms that drive them insane

they have worms in their butts and they're driving America nuts.


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40dac9 No.20901675

File: dba2f690d8123b5⋯.png (52.41 KB,214x189,214:189,touch_your_nose_if_JFK_Jr_….png)

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1cca7d No.20901676

File: 8843594f8bc1a9d⋯.jpeg (474.97 KB,1290x608,645:304,A39B7D95_A6D7_4B61_94F8_1….jpeg)

File: c46618a88cfcbb2⋯.jpeg (382.97 KB,828x958,414:479,AE40ED8C_438B_494F_A22F_3….jpeg)

File: 7ed5975a40cd649⋯.jpeg (590.09 KB,1194x587,1194:587,E0A761E3_A818_41AC_833B_4….jpeg)

>>20900472 pb

> On Wednesday, May 22 at 1:00 a.m. PT, Falcon 9 launched the NROL-146 mission from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California.

SAM902 C40B left Vandenberg SFB after arriving yesterday

That’s why that P8 >> 20901368 lb was out covering SAM902’s visit as that AC is connected to JCOS

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0bd875 No.20901677

File: 0a6dc220393056a⋯.gif (2.39 MB,480x264,20:11,0a6dc220393056a7c91e75fe7e….gif)

File: 754f010ab1c3155⋯.gif (446.76 KB,400x212,100:53,754f010ab1c3155ef2f684fbb7….gif)

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e03338 No.20901678


>provide services like checking accounts and debit cards

that doesn't sound like crypto… i thought elizabeth warren said only crypto is risky.

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164b96 No.20901679


Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which The Post exposed and he denied — will be used as evidence in gun case

So much for having “all the hallmarks” of Russian disinformation. So much for “it could be that I was hacked.”

Almost four full years after Big Tech suppressed The Post’s bombshell reporting on Hunter Biden’s abandoned “laptop from hell” with its evidence of influence-peddling, drug use, and other lurid activity, the device will take center stage in the first son’s federal trial on gun charges next month.

Special counsel David Weiss’ team made clear that it intends to use data from the notorious hard drive as evidence against the now-54-year-old.

“The defendant’s laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt,” prosecutor Derek Hines wrote in a scathing filing Wednesday.

Hines underscored that the laptop data the special counsel will reference is “self-authenticating” and will be “introduced with corroborating evidence at trial.”

He also noted that prosecutors plan to use information from Hunter Biden’s iCloud data that came from “two separate and independent sources” — his iPad and iPhone XR.

Prosecutors are planning to use that data in their pursuit of three charges against Hunter Biden related to illegal possession of a firearm while addicted to illicit drugs. He has pleaded not guilty

Hunter Biden has tried to cast aspersions on the authenticity of the laptop, which he dropped off at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019.

Store proprietor John Paul Mac Isaac took possession of the laptop and hard drive after trying and failing for months to notify Hunter that the device was ready to be picked up.

Once Mac Isaac saw the laptop’s contents — including emails detailing shady business deals involving then-Vice President Joe Biden other first family members and videos of Hunter Biden smoking crack and having sex with prostitutes and his work subordinates — he alerted the FBI.

The feds picked up the laptop in December 2019, but not before Mac Isaac made a copy which he gave to Robert Costello, then Rudolph Giuliani’s personal lawyer, in August 2020.

Giuliani provided The Post with a copy of the hard drive that October, with the first in a series of reports on its contents published Oct. 14.

Facebook and Twitter (now X) quickly moved to throttle sharing of the story, with Twitter even suspending The Post’s account.

That same week, 51 former intelligence officials signed a letter — possibly at the behest of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign — claiming that the laptop story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

However, The Post’s initial reporting has been belatedly confirmed by outlets including the Washington Post, New York Times and CBS News.

Two IRS whistleblowers confirmed last year that the FBI had verified the authenticity of the abandoned laptop in November 2019 — 11 months before The Post broke the story.

Despite that, Hunter testified before the House GOP impeachment probe this past February and claimed there were reports on his laptop that were either “fabricated, hacked, stolen, or manipulated 100%.”

Hines demanded that trial judge Maryellen Noreika bar Biden from “suggesting that the electronic evidence is fabricated, manipulated, altered, or inauthentic because he has not offered any evidence supporting such a claim.”

“[T]he defendant’s theory about the laptop is a conspiracy theory with no supporting evidence,” said Hines, who noted that Hunter’s argument includes a claim “that a Russian businessman told a third-party that Biden’s devices were compromised … during his 2014 trip to Kazakhstan.

“This is yet another example of the defendant asking people to believe Russian intelligence when it suits his interests, but not to believe Russian intelligence when it doesn’t suit his interests,” the prosecutor wrote. “None of this hearsay on hearsay is evidence, and none of it demonstrates that the actual trial evidence was altered. Any questioning suggesting this would be without a foundation.”

Further, Hines went on, Hunter “has had the laptop data in its raw, original form since September 2023, but has provided the government with no evidence of its manipulation or alteration. He has not provided any evidence or information that shows that his laptop contains false information, and the government’s evidence shows the opposite.”

The Delaware trial is set to begin June 3 in Wilmington federal court.

Meanwhile, Hunter is facing another nine-count indictment out of Los Angeles for allegedly bilking Uncle Sam out of $1.4 million worth of federal income taxes between 2016 and 2019.

That trial is now slated to commence in Sept. 5, per a court order issued Wednesday.

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1b5325 No.20901680


Evidence Introduction How to

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160a4b No.20901681

File: 7e1b7dccc3bc5dd⋯.mp4 (10.79 MB,480x360,4:3,ronald_bernard_3.mp4)

File: c4743e39eb8f5c1⋯.png (511.06 KB,1773x882,197:98,ClipboardImage.png)





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8af869 No.20901682

File: e815f54c3a513ac⋯.mp4 (4.17 MB,640x1094,320:547,How_do_you_feel_about_maki….mp4)

All I asked was can I get a sandwich here?

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c57968 No.20901683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e4e572 No.20901684


I wonder also what is the penalty for threatening members of USSS

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58a34a No.20901685

File: 356d754078754d0⋯.png (27.6 KB,473x273,473:273,ClipboardImage.png)



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40dac9 No.20901686

File: 18ca07f6aa4cc5e⋯.jpg (290.22 KB,1548x1384,387:346,another_6_year_delta_Dow_4….jpg)


>Hell of a delta yesterday, fren.

which one now. There's been masses in the last month

It's like 11:11 all over again

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c57968 No.20901687



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14b6b1 No.20901688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4c8e37 No.20901689

File: b75de482928957f⋯.mp4 (1003.44 KB,270x480,9:16,powelweiner.mp4)

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390f14 No.20901690

File: fa5638e5009ad79⋯.mp4 (8.43 MB,480x270,16:9,r103QBnCVnBkEmeR.mp4)

File: b38689205c60380⋯.png (291.13 KB,601x513,601:513,b38689205c6038049e7d9e7a20….png)

🤖 BrainBridge, the first head transplant system, uses robotics and AI for head and face transplants, offering hope to those with severe conditions like stage-4 cancer and neurodegenerative diseases…


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f73471 No.20901691

File: f08ee5c03325ecd⋯.jpg (541.54 KB,2048x1316,512:329,f08ee5c03325ecdce5ca57cd41….jpg)

Cornshit on MSNBC three times over the last two days is TOP KEK PANIC.

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1cca7d No.20901692

File: b024d5855fe8e77⋯.gif (720.39 KB,400x202,200:101,B610214E_7F1D_478A_863A_F0….gif)


If you can’t see it, touch it, or smell it you don’t own it

People never learn

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3d7563 No.20901693

File: 8f89491a39fc63a⋯.png (968.97 KB,542x783,542:783,8f89491a39fc63a1afee98fd4d….png)

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f34c44 No.20901694

File: b6bd69530ad3017⋯.png (1.2 MB,1004x1167,1004:1167,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f8804 No.20901695

File: aeeb5a1c44a82dd⋯.png (347.02 KB,599x688,599:688,nih.PNG)


Emerald Robinson ✝️



This was the shot heard around the world.


Bree A Dail



Jan 4, 2022

THREAD: On April 18, 2020, Emerald Robinson (then, White House Correspondent for @newsmax) asked Donald Trump about NIH funding of Wuhan lab.

She was dismissed by fellow journalists as spreading conflated conspiracies.

(Robinson was later fired by Newsmax in December, 2021)

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2:42 AM · May 22, 2024




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5e29d1 No.20901696

File: 6e39d99c53a868d⋯.png (867.39 KB,686x1280,343:640,ClipboardImage.png)

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8af869 No.20901697

File: 3498e7be63a2416⋯.mp4 (740.1 KB,320x568,40:71,genders_how_many.mp4)

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40dac9 No.20901698

File: 2207d8302c34571⋯.png (776.13 KB,806x548,403:274,viva_la_revolution.png)


I'd love to see Mike Roughschilds "report" on that one

"Qanons see upside down gun delta in Hunter Biden gun case"

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5e29d1 No.20901700


Is this from a Vault!

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776789 No.20901702

File: 4872e7de1ba3ab5⋯.mp4 (3.41 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_21_19_20_08.mp4)

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390f14 No.20901703


They paid 4 grand for that experience.

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58a34a No.20901705


Hey Mikey we know your faggot ass is reading the bread.

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0b3a85 No.20901707

File: 8a70812219ce089⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,888x486,148:81,864n7b6654.mp4)



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390f14 No.20901708



>Is this from a Vault!

Too bad the CGI didn't have welding sparks when attaching the head

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5824d3 No.20901709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maybe the " It's gonna be Biblical" has something to do with the ark being presented to the world solidifying the cover up of the HOLY TRUTH and the downfall the Synagog of Satan.

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fe2367 No.20901710

File: e496ced01b4c377⋯.jpg (113.97 KB,960x552,40:23,e496b7.jpg)

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590cb5 No.20901711

File: ba96f6296f034a7⋯.png (108.76 KB,900x675,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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776789 No.20901712

File: 7e3097966c73ac7⋯.png (1.17 MB,720x1041,240:347,ClipboardImage.png)

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f73471 No.20901714


>the populace

Too busy running marathons and going on vacations, I guess kek.

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f34c44 No.20901715

File: 77350952800c23e⋯.png (224.43 KB,549x617,549:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d7563 No.20901717

File: cce5330e493a804⋯.png (781.1 KB,861x1200,287:400,ClipboardImage.png)

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40dac9 No.20901718

File: 9042751d30e8f47⋯.jpg (698.53 KB,1079x1123,1079:1123,cloning_cartoon.jpg)

File: 5be9d6ec400406a⋯.png (205.42 KB,784x574,56:41,jon_voight_clone_of_christ….png)

File: 563895ef3b028f5⋯.png (97.72 KB,261x161,261:161,hefner_bill_maher_playboy_….png)

File: 99038b460e67be4⋯.png (160.68 KB,423x275,423:275,hillary_clones_simpsons.png)

File: f77706ee6459868⋯.png (609.27 KB,634x832,317:416,hugh_hefner_with_early_clo….png)


>the first head transplant system

>the first

Maybe I don't believe that….

There has been a couple of heads on bodies with weird lines at the join that don't look like typical mask jobs

Cloning has been safe & effective since the 1960s, so why not this

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7e2cdc No.20901720

File: 63a0f5993658b48⋯.jpg (71.03 KB,727x568,727:568,ToadYaSo.jpg)

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1cca7d No.20901724


They’re husbands paid 4 grand

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390f14 No.20901725


Why harvest organs ONE at a time, just swap your head.

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1a1f8f No.20901726

File: 03df4c10fea8c14⋯.png (289.31 KB,624x548,156:137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0389f39965f0ba⋯.png (364.6 KB,652x481,652:481,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0972148f9fb10f⋯.png (52.59 KB,746x718,373:359,947.png)






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7414b9 No.20901727


Which the Post got thrown off twitter for..

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ffcf61 No.20901728

File: 7aba0d1714dc675⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB,848x720,53:45,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)


sooooo many circles


for shame anon… lines are not arrows!

for shame…

oh well might as well dance it off

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390f14 No.20901729



>They’re husbands paid 4 grand

Yeah, they are married I'm sure.

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73e6e3 No.20901730

File: 9fefa19e1aa0b29⋯.jpg (110.47 KB,720x887,720:887,20240522_162849.jpg)

File: dc59798176a5180⋯.mp4 (108.05 KB,854x480,427:240,Eric_Abbenante_20240522_6_….mp4)


James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'Fuck you!' on the street."

This means they only 'occasionally' recognize you, James.

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164b96 No.20901731

File: f5698a0eb132f61⋯.png (2.42 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,ClipboardImage.png)

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776789 No.20901732

File: e86355590bef361⋯.png (422.19 KB,534x422,267:211,ClipboardImage.png)


>Cloning has been safe & effective since the 1960s

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164b96 No.20901733

File: cb96820151b3d3c⋯.png (969.56 KB,781x1024,781:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

Royal fans are outraged over a new portrait of Kate Middleton on Tatler magazine's cover.

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622435 No.20901734

File: 4b221fc70e4daa7⋯.png (124.63 KB,728x410,364:205,4b221fc70e4daa7ae7927f72d8….png)


Is anyone else getting the "tidy the ship" crumb..?


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bd74d5 No.20901735

File: 2b69b49015e7ee7⋯.mp4 (109.08 KB,640x356,160:89,2b69b49015e7ee7bed80a4f93c….mp4)

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40dac9 No.20901736

File: d9e1b18660bec89⋯.jpg (87.77 KB,1088x638,544:319,SO_CLEARLY_NEWSOM_IS_OVER_….jpg)


>>Hell of a delta yesterday, fren.


>which one now. There's been masses in the last month


>It's like 11:11 all over again

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f8e740 No.20901737



From your butt to your brain there are worms drving you insane

there are worms in your butts these worms travel in your guts.

There's a worm in your brain, that's why it's happening again.



QAnons have worms up their butts. Hunter biden is the CARPET to bury 40 years of country topples underneath. You spiteful or wormful fuckers want Hunter to get fucked so that ZIONISM and NAZISM of the US STATE DEPARTMENT can go unscathed

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5d5136 No.20901738

File: 282cc53388d804e⋯.png (52.2 KB,167x196,167:196,ClipboardImage.png)


damn. kek

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954dfc No.20901739

File: 41218d1f511d4b1⋯.jpg (115.68 KB,566x465,566:465,OFF_KILTER.jpg)


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c57968 No.20901741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4c8e37 No.20901742

File: 4eda435c4ebe61d⋯.png (2.25 MB,1393x2321,1393:2321,cornreadytobecut.png)

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40dac9 No.20901743

File: 770b7775a2f3833⋯.png (345.81 KB,648x533,648:533,ClipboardImage.png)


let the memes begin

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590cb5 No.20901744

File: 26568faab833220⋯.png (161.01 KB,415x460,83:92,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e2cdc No.20901745

File: dfe2b80eb417baa⋯.gif (486.83 KB,500x218,250:109,1477362987374.gif)

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bd317b No.20901746


Accident ? You wait for the dough. Stop being an ass wipe

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0bd875 No.20901747

File: 292e6ff7a8c6a9c⋯.jpeg (7.01 KB,258x196,129:98,292e6ff7a8c6a9cf2c15e14ec….jpeg)

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40dac9 No.20901748

File: bd42699c8deeff1⋯.jpg (64.69 KB,782x788,391:394,MOAR_LIFE_FUCKER.jpg)


>You spiteful or wormful fuckers

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5e29d1 No.20901749


She's an avatar

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390f14 No.20901750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OMFG guise this is the leader of the Knights Templar and he says they found 6 Arks


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3d7563 No.20901751

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)

Did I hear that the mimic is having a bad day? That's too bad. It'd be a shame if his bad day turned into a super bad day.

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1a1f8f No.20901752

File: 2490391c30d9066⋯.png (253.44 KB,626x406,313:203,ClipboardImage.png)

Department of State



This week, @POTUS is hosting Kenyan President Ruto and First Lady Ruto for a State Visit to mark the 60th anniversary of U.S.-Kenya diplomatic relations.

The visit will strengthen our commitment to advance peace and security, expand economic ties, and defend democratic values.

May 22, 2024 · 4:49 PM UTC



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8af869 No.20901753

File: fab7f332039981b⋯.mp4 (4.62 MB,576x1024,9:16,Prince_charles.mp4)


File under - Upside down sperm guzzlers.

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d61479 No.20901754

File: 036f4110aab8df3⋯.jpg (62.17 KB,400x483,400:483,0c397cd190f176594294fc2bdc….jpg)

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954dfc No.20901755

File: 50f1d0b598a6f5e⋯.jpg (126.24 KB,460x625,92:125,45_47_BIG_WIN.jpg)

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390f14 No.20901757


Blue background and Kingchuck was Red. Did her husband have a portrait done?

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4f9cfb No.20901758

File: 5a01f137f2d1a80⋯.jpg (5.22 KB,253x200,253:200,Z_22_.jpg)

File: 64fa25aefec8d70⋯.jpg (5.6 KB,225x225,1:1,images_106_.jpg)

File: d9ba6de81625e42⋯.jpg (4.86 KB,259x194,259:194,images_107_.jpg)

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4c8e37 No.20901759

File: b5df61072ac1b2b⋯.jpg (258.9 KB,1200x1345,240:269,foolsthehicks.jpg)


doesn't look like Cat.

Eyes are wrong.

Maybe they did some gene editing?

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5ef674 No.20901761

Biggest Drop Ever.

Joe Biden does not know the meaning of life.

Donald J Trump does.

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c57968 No.20901762



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40dac9 No.20901763

File: bd5cf5ed26767bc⋯.png (181.01 KB,404x422,202:211,ClipboardImage.png)


>James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'Fuck you!' on the street."


>This means they only 'occasionally' recognize you, James.

Exactly. He's a moustache guy. He's starting to loko weird too

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f8e740 No.20901764



Thes ocr tif scan glitches are because there is WORMS up your butts. It's creating brand new Cucks

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fe2367 No.20901765

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,af0519bdf67eb51e3a310cc73b….png)



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6ad1d8 No.20901766

File: a96d0e6c3b3606d⋯.png (149.62 KB,964x771,964:771,farmer_pepe_wind.png)

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776789 No.20901767

File: 07fe1f37c5e67be⋯.png (929.5 KB,601x960,601:960,ClipboardImage.png)

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8af869 No.20901769

File: afb9f00db8e00d3⋯.jpg (287.38 KB,1024x768,4:3,March_029.jpg)


America is morphing into the defunct Stalin Soviet Union.

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c57968 No.20901771


Anyone clearly start talking shit the second certain anons post? Shut up pussy. You’re talking to yourself again.

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e4e572 No.20901772


the ultimate irony.... namefag/famefag by the name of Q and not anon

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4c8e37 No.20901773

File: 0293847e4428cfd⋯.png (1.03 MB,489x756,163:252,valeriejarrett.png)


Go back, FB1

You're days might be numbered now?

Remember when Q team hinted there were records showing of your plot to kill DJT?.

Well, it's happening.

Don't you feel it might be better to keep a low profile around now?

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f73471 No.20901774

File: 1e533e59b53bf77⋯.jpg (28.95 KB,500x500,1:1,1657393214729.jpg)


Jimmy looks like he had his face pulled. Not enough though if he's still crying about being recognized kek.

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edb850 No.20901775

File: c71596d53344084⋯.png (307.89 KB,642x674,321:337,fd1e125991190d4e2d135f4475….png)

File: a000f5c54c4b528⋯.png (5.86 MB,1125x2436,375:812,a000f5c54c4b528b52572bfc93….png)


The painting appears like when a chick puts on caked on cover-up make-up.

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f8e740 No.20901776


Q sure fucking is popular again. Wow. when did Q come back. seems like every fucking thread is about Q post in 2024.

Unfortunately Q has been Awol 6 YEARS

So I wonder how many worms are up your butts?

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3d7563 No.20901778

File: 0d53b27c8e1400f⋯.jpg (52.84 KB,680x673,680:673,0d53b27c8e1400f1ade92cc622….jpg)


That's a nice bookshelf.

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5e29d1 No.20901779

File: b53e81fb558763a⋯.png (199.08 KB,607x578,607:578,ClipboardImage.png)

"Non-human intelligence exists. Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing."

Col. Karl Nell of the UAPTF speaking at the SALT Conference in NYC. 👽🛸


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8092ba No.20901780

File: 9edab83ec0958da⋯.png (359.41 KB,1080x906,180:151,Screenshot_20240522_184632.png)




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1b5325 No.20901781

File: 5d44cce1fe43da4⋯.png (2.05 MB,1242x1087,1242:1087,ClipboardImage.png)

Don't listen to your Neighbors, the[y] said

Don't listen to Conspiracy Theories, the[y] said

The Gov is your ONLY trusted source for information, the[y] said

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f8e740 No.20901782


Another Q post

Man Q is more popular than BIDEN today.


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7414b9 No.20901783


1st sentence

"….blah blah blah …concept…blah blah blah "

Look at all those views. How many are discerning?

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1cca7d No.20901784

File: 5735c2eb7377f92⋯.png (312.98 KB,750x471,250:157,4ED633D2_3745_40D8_8844_3D….png)


Wut he said

Never stops

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c26bfc No.20901785

File: b4e4363db9f30e4⋯.png (36.37 KB,519x473,519:473,ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Fuck you, you literal giant faggot.

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954dfc No.20901786

File: 592be26d9f18375⋯.jpg (178.18 KB,715x467,715:467,BARE_TRUTH.jpg)



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4f8804 No.20901787

File: b25783546533a6b⋯.png (778.64 KB,590x585,118:117,pl.PNG)

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e4e572 No.20901788


translation : DC interacts with demons

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e4e572 No.20901790


Holy double ocho concurs

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164b96 No.20901791


>"Non-human intelligence exists. Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing."

bitch is that a dinosaur

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431913 No.20901792

File: a0588a7387dc1db⋯.png (167 KB,752x600,94:75,Tahuti.png)


>I wonder how many worms are up your butts

At least 2. Do you have a butt (Whole) fetish?

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f8e740 No.20901793

I come here to spend all day LEARNING ABOUT Q in 2018… I don't care about what's happening outside or my family getting killed off. THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS IS WHAT DID Q HAVE TO SAY TODAY.


another Q post. YEAH.. ask me more questions and waste me more time for YE OL WORMS UP YE BUTT ARE KOSHER TODAY

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4c8e37 No.20901794

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Glow fags need to keep their heads down.

times are changing.

"You better start swimming or you'll sink like a stone"


"The Loser Now will be Later to Win"

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5d5136 No.20901795

File: 492a835e2a45b3e⋯.png (64.24 KB,298x786,149:393,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3dc985e84835391⋯.jpg (119.93 KB,750x752,375:376,Indeed_Star_Trek.jpg)

File: c27e94d45578f4c⋯.jpg (88.87 KB,1167x959,1167:959,Leonard_Nimoy_Indian.jpg)


>"ANONS are nameless, faceless, fameless and FEARLESS" - Q

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8af869 No.20901797


Big week for Royal Portraits. Probable something hidden in this one too.

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d80404 No.20901798


look at the ears,not the same guy - thats william in asia

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1a1f8f No.20901799

File: 4f2e62575ba0cbc⋯.jpg (133.61 KB,1290x1604,645:802,media_GOMPNljXEAA4Ndy.jpg)

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3d7563 No.20901800

File: 5b77a449c33ef0c⋯.png (362.53 KB,800x500,8:5,be_best_in_life.png)

Almost want to clear the filters to see the tantrum. Almost, but not quite.

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954dfc No.20901801

File: 3c4ddfc25212c25⋯.jpg (166.92 KB,637x560,91:80,U_SHOULD_IP_HOP_ABOUT_NOW.jpg)


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0f2ed9 No.20901802

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f8e740 No.20901803


In your case the WORMS in your butt have traveled to your gut, and now they're in your brain, that's why your so insane.

I can provide a DSM code for your worm-butt-gut-brain if you like.

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164b96 No.20901804



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ffcf61 No.20901805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

where da plane? da plane

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7414b9 No.20901806

baal worship


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4c97ad No.20901807

File: 46b31c1aa75c1b0⋯.png (187.5 KB,600x400,3:2,46b31c1aa75c1b0922b7522b4a….png)

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f8e740 No.20901808

To see who wastes your time.


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5e29d1 No.20901810

File: 35606dd4db87327⋯.jpg (80.14 KB,576x433,576:433,TwilightShift.jpg)

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e4be15 No.20901811

File: 1b66441f4fd49e9⋯.png (454.13 KB,634x567,634:567,yet.png)

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c47350 No.20901812

File: 988bbf77d47019d⋯.png (39.56 KB,848x423,848:423,ClipboardImage.png)


>DJT was not there

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0f2ed9 No.20901813

File: 490939f7c056b32⋯.png (176.01 KB,415x400,83:80,ClipboardImage.png)

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8092ba No.20901814

File: 5ece26795e2e869⋯.jpeg (121.6 KB,960x720,4:3,5ece26795e2e8695170a7b7eb….jpeg)

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e40dbe No.20901815

File: c4880228078ea7f⋯.mp4 (532.77 KB,476x270,238:135,Col_Karl_Nell_of_the_UAPTF….mp4)

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1b5325 No.20901816

Know that

When the "Bird Flu" Breaks out

The Cold & Flu will Disappear

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e4e572 No.20901817


aka the "taint" shift

taint day shift

taint night shift

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c26bfc No.20901818

File: 4cd4e7fb2c9552e⋯.png (98.79 KB,978x920,489:460,ClipboardImage.png)



this is /qresearch/ dumb nigger

Maybe there are worms in yer butt?

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c57968 No.20901819


Perhaps some new gloves sir. I know we stick to what we know, hey more power to ya. o7

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f8e740 No.20901820

to know who lies to you and leads you astray,

look for the "Q"


you have worms in your butt, they have turned you into a nut.

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4c8e37 No.20901821


^ fame fag.

who cares if you get a "you"

It's just means you're an idiot

cry moar

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954dfc No.20901822

File: 4db6e5084a11c34⋯.jpg (105.85 KB,576x465,192:155,PIG_GOT_PLASTIC_4_U.jpg)


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164b96 No.20901824

File: bcf2e0a7d22464a⋯.png (908.14 KB,941x723,941:723,huma.png)


>head transplant system

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eba4ea No.20901825

File: 0a320bb6243c5c9⋯.png (33.97 KB,185x240,37:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61089b795038d30⋯.png (35.92 KB,185x240,37:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a091d8036039ca8⋯.png (29.16 KB,185x240,37:48,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a36e04ccd9985f⋯.png (29.58 KB,185x240,37:48,ClipboardImage.png)

Gabriel Noronha


Read this letter.

Whistleblowers’ emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal.

He even ran away from a White House meeting to avoid getting confronted by the Attorney General.


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7414b9 No.20901826


Always a good moisturizer

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160a4b No.20901827

File: c5100138b9587b4⋯.png (410.16 KB,575x500,23:20,ClipboardImage.png)



A scenario - The W.H.O gets the pandemic treaty signed and they bring in a childhood MRNA mandatory vaccine for all children around the world, cutting their spiritual connection to God.

There was a video of bill gates or someone displaying this in a presentation to the c.i.a.

cannot find it now but bet an anon could find it.

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ca0ac8 No.20901828

File: 1bd7d19357efd3f⋯.png (330.24 KB,643x567,643:567,1bd7d19357efd3fcbbeac3a490….png)



: Concur.

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f8e740 No.20901829



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d80404 No.20901830

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954dfc No.20901831

File: 91a26f46834bb0c⋯.jpg (130.12 KB,484x594,22:27,CUDDLE_COMFY.jpg)



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d80404 No.20901832



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4f8804 No.20901833

File: e1697a87e94e1e4⋯.png (84.87 KB,1274x630,91:45,muk.PNG)


Chairman Smith Opening Statement – Markup of Materials Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

May 22, 2024

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cd57f1 No.20901835

File: 03020f7208b8636⋯.png (208.83 KB,370x368,185:184,03020f7208b8636fc050c6834a….png)

File: 1807fba101e6a4f⋯.jpg (179.93 KB,500x1305,100:261,1807fba101e6a4ff752f26f5ad….jpg)

File: 5dffc64ed9e6704⋯.png (471.2 KB,490x842,245:421,58064786245ff0897cda02e929….png)

Prayer Time Soon

Get ready, it's going to be Biblical

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d80404 No.20901836

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c57968 No.20901837



He has a protruded asshole

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f34c44 No.20901838

File: 6481aae9849d98d⋯.png (576.27 KB,710x602,355:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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8af869 No.20901839


That implies you don't get out much. BTW - Nice picture on the wall. Looks as empty as your head.

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88516a No.20901840


Signs a lot of things.

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390f14 No.20901841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Since way before the 60's. This cartoon has Bimbo being extended an offer to "join a club" but he refuses. Tons of symbolism. But in the end he s offered a clone and he finally accepts, this is from the 30's


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4c8e37 No.20901842

File: 999a195666eab7a⋯.jpg (40.18 KB,720x406,360:203,jonestranny7.jpg)


nope, not 6 years.

Is that you "Alex"?

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7414b9 No.20901844


Is she Mongolian meow?

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4f8804 No.20901845

File: dc22ba9a5725f76⋯.png (196.83 KB,392x623,56:89,iv.PNG)


U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

Pharmacies were bribed to follow the government’s lethal COVID-19 narrative.


Follow @Vigilant_News

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650916 No.20901846

>>20901571 lb

SRV or JH?

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3d7563 No.20901847


>^ fame fag.

You mean "fail fag," anon. FIFY. I contract it to one word.

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0f2ed9 No.20901848


link is bad and images unreadable

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eba4ea No.20901849

File: 3426b80a19ac9f1⋯.png (108.51 KB,612x368,153:92,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d1f37375ef63a1⋯.png (415.59 KB,794x596,397:298,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d5136 No.20901850

File: 81fa78335d2db7b⋯.png (300.8 KB,1084x672,271:168,NCSWIC_Cumming.png)

File: 0a27895e8038f11⋯.jpg (78.78 KB,783x695,783:695,NCSWIC_CISA.jpg)


>Nothing can stop what is comfy

Ahhhhhh. Now I get it ... tyA

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ffcf61 No.20901851

File: c5f56bf62faf753⋯.png (70.73 KB,232x255,232:255,ClipboardImage.png)


>>Cloning has been safe & effective since the 1960s

adrian dittman agrees with this post

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590cb5 No.20901852


this is the day that the lord has made;

let us rejoice and be high in it

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4f8804 No.20901853

File: 12b00aa41f18d3e⋯.png (462.4 KB,598x840,299:420,ost.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


UPDATE: I just received one of the most meaningful messages. The 3 board members who pushed a policy to allow males in the girl’s bathroom just lost their reelection. They ran on this policy. They were replaced by 3 parental rights advocates.

Maybe they should’ve listened to their students!!!




Libs of TikTok



Feb 15

POWERFUL! Students in @CCSDSchools begged the school board to reverse their bathroom policy which allows males to use the girl’s bathrooms/locker rooms.

"I no longer feel safe… I don't feel mature enough to see any man's p*nis.”

These young girls shouldn’t feel unsafe going

Show more

3:05 AM · May 22, 2024




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1a1f8f No.20901854

File: 452415c56cadbd0⋯.png (562.62 KB,339x617,339:617,ClipboardImage.png)

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eba4ea No.20901855


Hmmm. Gimme a sec.

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e40dbe No.20901856

File: 5602f3a8d18553f⋯.png (38.23 KB,362x344,181:172,5602f3a8d18553f2bf1051bc67….png)

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776789 No.20901857

File: 023b2bc19c09082⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,2024_05_22_17_58_10.mp4)




>head transplant system

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f8e740 No.20901858


The FDA already conspired to do this with their criminal genocidal and country toppling emergency proposals and approvals.


You put a "Q" in your posts so this is why you are stupid and don't know this.

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31d168 No.20901859

File: 54f27ecda63e1f2⋯.png (755.75 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)



>"Non-human intelligence exists. Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. This interaction is not new and has been ongoing."

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4f8804 No.20901860

File: f985b005278d86d⋯.png (381.53 KB,597x640,597:640,ject.PNG)


James O'Keefe


In psychology this is called “Projection.”


Eric Abbenante



May 21

James Comey on Morning Joe asserts Trump is a 'threat' to the rule of law that will target his political enemies:

"He is a threat to the rule of law in America. If he has the ability, smarter than he was last time, to use the power of the DOJ and the FBI to target his enemies."

Show more

0:16 / 0:58

3:19 AM · May 22, 2024




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f34c44 No.20901861

File: 0c82b4d7e405ec3⋯.png (448.67 KB,639x639,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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00200d No.20901862

File: cf18fc9fc66c7d1⋯.png (849.81 KB,828x791,828:791,80239df4966dddc7d4bb2e6aa6….png)

File: 291a4fd6b8e6f74⋯.png (2.56 MB,1887x1857,629:619,202098bd3db06edef4cbf16866….png)

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e4be15 No.20901863

File: 9e1d23295fda55d⋯.png (241.96 KB,550x384,275:192,zebras.png)

File: 7e9db9f5ed7c3f9⋯.png (702.32 KB,730x484,365:242,Clown.png)

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d80404 No.20901864

File: 92da6426943d2e8⋯.png (1.13 MB,720x1018,360:509,ClipboardImage.png)

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c57968 No.20901865


He’s a sheep

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164b96 No.20901866

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB,320x320,1:1,Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)

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3d7563 No.20901867

File: bb335175060f714⋯.gif (140.95 KB,600x600,1:1,wall.gif)

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f34c44 No.20901868

File: 47194bdd35ebc82⋯.png (67.05 KB,217x232,217:232,ClipboardImage.png)

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eba4ea No.20901869

File: 9b04d4f3bac28b2⋯.png (826.84 KB,1211x1572,1211:1572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9efa7b27d00b3dd⋯.png (954.99 KB,1213x1577,1213:1577,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 084b8ade74b0a1e⋯.png (790.39 KB,1215x1578,405:526,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 148c0caa70ecdd5⋯.png (544.06 KB,1207x1563,1207:1563,ClipboardImage.png)


Gabriel Noronha


Read this letter.

Whistleblowers’ emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal.



He even ran away from a White House meeting to avoid getting confronted by the Attorney General.

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4c97ad No.20901870


Must be looking for funding with the CGI vid.

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00200d No.20901871

File: d812f46a2e08187⋯.png (155.43 KB,1080x1174,540:587,d01524bbf37a677f58dbf0f632….png)

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4f8804 No.20901872

File: 7365eb601f84f64⋯.png (80.19 KB,380x520,19:26,fb.PNG)


A recent report reveals that over 200 mortgage lenders unlawfully shared sensitive information with Facebook via the Meta Pixel. This data breach included the disclosure of unique IDs, co-borrower details, bankruptcy status, military history, and addresses of homes viewed by users.


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f73471 No.20901873

File: 6781c5cb9800899⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,854x480,427:240,VxlSADImuOMcxMFm.mp4)



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160a4b No.20901874

File: f05515cd7395768⋯.png (492.53 KB,654x459,218:153,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 87f45cca35d5f4e⋯.png (463.72 KB,500x716,125:179,ClipboardImage.png)

midnight prayers

Please God

lift the veil from the eyes from the masses

so they can see the evil that surrounds them

All they have to say is NO.

We are made in the image of God

And God Wins


breath in - Aaaaam

breath out -ennnnnnnnnnn

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4b2f20 No.20901875

File: bde6cdd244cc5e4⋯.png (146.7 KB,640x1468,160:367,755_12_.png)


evenin' Mr.Pig

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2774df No.20901876


Guys used to tease women that they always had to go to the bathroom together.

Maybe it's not a bad idea.

They can arm themselves and cover for each other.

"Cover me while I use this stall."

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eba4ea No.20901877

File: acbbdea4b3b8a12⋯.png (590.37 KB,968x1462,484:731,ClipboardImage.png)

Gabriel Noronha


New FBI emails reveal Kerry’s


successfully blocked the arrest of six Iranian targets, even one who was mid-flight to the United States.

Kerry wasn’t obliged to appease Iran. He chose to.

Full letter and FBI emails in the full






Bettah now?

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954dfc No.20901878

File: adbd7fc79b92c7b⋯.jpg (116.35 KB,557x465,557:465,MAKING_UP_FOR_IT.jpg)


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c47350 No.20901879

File: e370b14765425b6⋯.png (3.07 MB,2422x3144,1211:1572,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a1f8f No.20901880

File: 08304a84e752df2⋯.png (288.79 KB,563x584,563:584,ClipboardImage.png)

Margo Martin



President @realDonaldTrump greets the great Line Crew at Wilson Air FBO!!

May 22, 2024 · 10:36 PM UTC





Yellow tie.

17 sec vid


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502df4 No.20901881

File: 094cd3117a8ada8⋯.png (2.08 MB,2223x2251,2223:2251,ClipboardImage.png)


Hunters become the Hunted.



How do you remove a liability?

Six o' clock can be dangerous.

Family proud?

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e4be15 No.20901882

File: 5c12a1fa4650dd1⋯.png (598.93 KB,786x756,131:126,Jan_24_No_table.png)


Notable nomination

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5d5136 No.20901883

File: 05814403455f325⋯.jpg (21.71 KB,430x322,215:161,Important.jpg)

File: e934d90825c9c07⋯.jpg (27.78 KB,474x355,474:355,Feels_So_Good_Chuck_Mangio….jpg)


>most meaningful messages

mooey importante signor

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8af869 No.20901884

File: b2e7af840a11445⋯.mp4 (1.96 MB,576x1024,9:16,hrc_go_fuckyourself.mp4)


>to use the power of the DOJ and the FBI to target his enemies."

"I find the lack of self-awareness here astonishing"

Biden Admin Authorized Deadly Use of Force in Mar-a-Lago Raid

President Joe Biden’s Justice Department was prepared to use “deadly force” during the August 2022 FBI raid of former President Donald Trump’s south Florida club and home, according to a report.

New documents obtained and shared on the social media platform X purport to show agents were not only authorized to use their firearms at the Palm Beach Mar-a-Lago club owned by Trump but had staged medical personnel to treat anyone who might have been wounded


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7e2cdc No.20901885

File: 50f2d30e24d200b⋯.png (416.46 KB,675x489,225:163,Screenshot_2024_05_08_at_0….png)

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768faf No.20901886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20901529 LB

How anyone cannot see his foot is bigger than he. lmao nice fake image.

oh here's some bread. Just made 3 loaves and is so good.

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eba4ea No.20901887


Now, Dat's an Embiggen! Danks!

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0f2ed9 No.20901890


anon, had to take the /history off the end to get link to load

can you repost once more…

images work great

not this


this one works-


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d80404 No.20901891

File: 4a275a8f24597d8⋯.mp4 (6.61 MB,854x480,427:240,uzbTr_caa.mp4)

Donald J. Trump


May 22, 2024, 3:26 PM

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524188 No.20901892

are we there yet Q?

asking for a fren

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4f8804 No.20901893

File: 499ae6ddd26746b⋯.png (288.34 KB,378x736,189:368,wy.PNG)


Gee - I wonder why.

Dozens of countries suffering spike of different cancers in under 50s https://mol.im/a/13197079


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f34c44 No.20901894

File: 9de86cb23674e74⋯.png (231.52 KB,930x500,93:50,ClipboardImage.png)

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164b96 No.20901895


Turtleboy blogger encouraged ‘minions’ to intimidate witnesses in Karen Read case

Prosecutors allege that Read killed O’Keefe while dropping him off at a fellow Boston officer’s home in Canton following a night of drinking, but Read’s lawyers argue that she’s being framed and that other guests at the home were to blame.

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e4e572 No.20901896


Q was a namefag / famefag…..change my mind

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5d5136 No.20901897

File: 572e9a5dbfc37a9⋯.png (4.46 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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eba4ea No.20901898


Missed that. Will fix.

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037bc3 No.20901899


Want to join our club?

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9c103a No.20901900

File: c98238b7044580d⋯.jpg (922.13 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_160526….jpg)

File: 6b7e030db9feabf⋯.jpg (498.63 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_160409….jpg)







Look at the ears again..

This is before he got the male pttrn balding. Mid life crisis nip-tuck?

Tha gaite, though. Can't change the form/function. Bet me all your bitcoin…

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4c8e37 No.20901901

File: e91b640214d9c71⋯.jpg (265.84 KB,1025x1025,1:1,toplevelsishadedcc2.jpg)


no, you guys are the failures.

Your side is filled with murderers, crooks, perverts, and psychopaths.

Aren't you proud?

Have you ever noticed you crooks can never win under a policy of free speech?

Truth is stronger.

Thank you Jim. Thank you BV. Thank you BO.

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4f8804 No.20901902

File: b9069da8eb16980⋯.png (385.74 KB,595x480,119:96,copa.PNG)


John Solomon


Maricopa County, and Arizona Sec. of State censored 2020 election audit hearing, elected officials

Maricopa County ballot drop box | Getty Images

From justthenews.com

2:00 AM · May 22, 2024




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fe2367 No.20901903

File: 48990f5bb008a7f⋯.png (9.17 MB,4000x2945,800:589,48990f5bb008a7fd199308c7f8….png)



>Notable nomination


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aa0644 No.20901904


What's a "QANON???"

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e4e572 No.20901905


oh boy…..two moar weeks

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776789 No.20901906


filtered for complete retardation of the posting

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160a4b No.20901907


filtered for sliding


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954dfc No.20901908

File: 148cf2c6c5654c2⋯.jpg (114.96 KB,581x553,83:79,SIT_BACK_N_WIN.jpg)





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f34c44 No.20901909

File: 935529c3a55675e⋯.png (898.54 KB,844x1280,211:320,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f2ed9 No.20901910

some earlies


#25636 >>20901605

>>20901606 Robert Gouveia - Feds RANSACKED Melania's BEDROOM; "LETHAL FORCE" APPROVED; Merchan Under FIRE; Fani & Wade REUNITED

>>20901634 Crimes and Criminal Procedures 18 USC 879. Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons

>>20901664, >>20901679 Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which The Post exposed and he denied — will be used as evidence in his gun case

>>20901670 The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money

>>20901676 PF Happenings

>>20901695, >>20901707 @EmeraldRobinson FOUR YEARS AGO - This was the shot heard around the world

>>20901726, >>20901752 Kenya - Dinner is served - WH is hosting Kenyan President Ruto and First Lady Ruto

>>20901730 a 3 second kek James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'F*ck you!' on the street."

>>20901779, >>20901815 Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. It is not new and has been ongoing - Col. Karl Nell of the UAPTF

>>20901833 Hunter Biden: Markup of Materials Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

>>20901845 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

>>20901853 @libsoftiktok 3 board members who pushed a policy to allow males in the girl’s bathroom just lost their reelection

>>20901860 @JamesOKeefeIII on Comey: In psychology this is called “Projection.”

>>20901880 President @realDonaldTrump greets the great Line Crew at Wilson Air FBO!!

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164b96 No.20901911


>Hi Bill

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f8e740 No.20901912

use the power of the DOJ and the FBI to target his enemies

They did a good job of fucking Americans who bank at HSBC, then that slimy worm butt slipped back into the SES plum books.

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3d7563 No.20901913

File: bd701757890eb6f⋯.jpeg (64.44 KB,640x621,640:621,4LC6ZLc9wZSu.jpeg)


Came to a similar conclusion when that clown was busy mimicking last year based upon things he said at the start of his crusade that established the motive for one of his vendettas, and behavior displayed during it as well all added up.

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8092ba No.20901914


Q+ is the highest ranking namefag.

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e4e572 No.20901915


pbbbbbt….duty of anon is to point out namfags / famefags

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8af869 No.20901916

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

>Pharmacies were bribed to follow the government’s lethal COVID-19 narrative.

Attempting to conjugate all this Lethal COVID Shot stuff year after year with the Trump medical miracle is a conundrum.

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ffcf61 No.20901917

File: d37fb6453a4cfb9⋯.png (64.18 KB,368x256,23:16,ClipboardImage.png)


if that came out the womans stall… i'd mag dump, reload, and mag dump again!

there can be no survivors left to multiply.

if only they left the children alone but no, they gotta reproduce by molestation

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1a1f8f No.20901918

File: 62010e63b64c485⋯.jpg (35.92 KB,634x504,317:252,article_0_1B6F077D00000578….jpg)

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eba4ea No.20901919

File: 9b04d4f3bac28b2⋯.png (826.84 KB,1211x1572,1211:1572,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9efa7b27d00b3dd⋯.png (954.99 KB,1213x1577,1213:1577,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 084b8ade74b0a1e⋯.png (790.39 KB,1215x1578,405:526,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 148c0caa70ecdd5⋯.png (544.06 KB,1207x1563,1207:1563,ClipboardImage.png)

Gabriel Noronha


Read this letter.

Whistleblowers’ emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal.

He even ran away from a White House meeting to avoid getting confronted by the Attorney General.



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e4e572 No.20901921


hmmmmm dank theory anon

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f34c44 No.20901922


>they gotta reproduce by molestation

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eba4ea No.20901923

File: acbbdea4b3b8a12⋯.png (590.37 KB,968x1462,484:731,ClipboardImage.png)

Gabriel Noronha


New FBI emails reveal Kerry’s


successfully blocked the arrest of six Iranian targets, even one who was mid-flight to the United States.

Kerry wasn’t obliged to appease Iran. He chose to.

Full letter and FBI emails in the full






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037bc3 No.20901924


In a fortnite for sure

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9c103a No.20901925

File: 01a591eec5de973⋯.jpg (483.1 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_155119….jpg)

File: a386d8809f98dd9⋯.jpg (862.93 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_155034….jpg)

File: 51cb0647e4db4cb⋯.jpg (6.21 KB,225x225,1:1,images_105_.jpg)


Who nose?…

Chinky eyes

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eba4ea No.20901926


The anthropological term is "Imprinting".

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222fb7 No.20901927








Original date for Operation VValkyrie: 20th of July 1944

Current year: 2024

Delta: 80

-> 8


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d80404 No.20901928

File: 45442f7143036ac⋯.png (705.49 KB,642x674,321:337,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fddf87e2681a3c2⋯.png (524.99 KB,339x617,339:617,ClipboardImage.png)


and i really like both princes… i just was warned that kate was not good, and i couldnt believe that either, but im a poor judge of character apparently

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eba4ea No.20901930


Through child molestation, the molester's sexual preference is imprinted on the victim.

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87e96a No.20901931


Drumpf has podesta fingers.

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30d443 No.20901932

File: d48cd062f906162⋯.jpeg (26.72 KB,255x137,255:137,IMG_4645.jpeg)

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0f2ed9 No.20901933

File: 739a70f4fbed643⋯.png (280.54 KB,490x475,98:95,brilliance.png)

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1a1f8f No.20901934

File: 8578283a1a98a96⋯.png (183.62 KB,519x563,519:563,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7ea236f918abf2c⋯.jpg (121.36 KB,1283x1302,1283:1302,media_GBLv0VwXEAEcGHg.jpg)

Margo Martin



President Trump’s motorcade on the move in TX 🇺🇸🇺🇸

May 22, 2024 · 9:34 PM UTC



On the move.

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f34c44 No.20901935

File: ccc54a6a2c22440⋯.png (290.7 KB,710x710,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f8804 No.20901936

File: fbbd3f5cc5fbe87⋯.png (115.23 KB,386x838,193:419,subs.PNG)


I'm convinced that coastal condominiums, beach homes, and vacation properties are being used as fuel for fraudulent absentee voting, with property records used to corrupt the registration database.

Dare County was won in 2016 by Trump by 5.7% more than won by Romney, with a gain of just 1,212 votes. Trump gained 2,478 more votes in 2020 with a big GOP registrations gain, only to dump 5.1% of that margin back. Biden's gain of 2,714 votes is an all time record for either party in the county.

The three green precincts on the west are on the mainland of NC. They are small but show no sign of manipulation. In Wanchese, Trump outdid Biden for net new votes at a rate of 15:1.

Kill Devil Hills is at least 500 high for Biden, despite 10.6% move for Trump in 2016 with a smaller Trump gain. The other reds have at least 200 too many each.

To get your county mapped, email mapping@goefi.org. We will need you to sponsor the professional mapping seen here.

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037bc3 No.20901937



Maybe? Or controlled OPs.

Do “thing” in 2024 so we can say 80 years and say infinity 8. See. Easy.

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eba4ea No.20901938


Took me a while to unretard. Danks for the "history" lesson. Will keep my eyes peeled.

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954dfc No.20901939

File: 42bb56f68070d5e⋯.jpg (186.55 KB,633x557,633:557,DA_ONES_DA_DOC_TOLD_U_ABOU….jpg)


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431913 No.20901940

File: 97bd0081927e8f1⋯.png (2.17 MB,1546x1081,1546:1081,Screenshot_2024_05_22_1915….png)


Is there an entry fee? Or Prerequisites?

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037bc3 No.20901941



Voting has always been for faggots

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f34c44 No.20901942


mind virus?

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0f2ed9 No.20901943


warming up some tendies?


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4c3055 No.20901944


'All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.' George Orwell.

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222fb7 No.20901945


We will see in 2 months.

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390f14 No.20901946


I wonder if she wears flip flops

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8af869 No.20901947


It's like standing 10 feet from a wall and moving half the distance closer with each move. How many moves to the finish line?

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037bc3 No.20901948


>Or Prerequisites?

Hey boys, we got a live one here. Tell him you only gotta sign this contract. Ez Pz.

You only have to sign a contract. Kek.

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1e5fc1 No.20901950

File: 9cd87911b87657e⋯.jpeg (807.98 KB,1125x1950,15:26,IMG_0861.jpeg)

17 beats


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f34c44 No.20901951

File: a4e95e82c922950⋯.png (560.5 KB,768x602,384:301,ClipboardImage.png)

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954dfc No.20901952

File: 2f7c9aea681b771⋯.jpg (91.42 KB,579x470,579:470,STEREOTYPES_COME_FROM_SOME….jpg)

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037bc3 No.20901953


>We will see in 2 months.

Make sure to remind me.

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eba4ea No.20901954


Like a lamb getting imprinted that a cow in the yard is its "mom". Same principle.

Every gay person I've ever met has told me that they were molested as a child by a same sex, non-parent, adult.

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8092ba No.20901955

File: afade78abd891de⋯.jpg (855.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,afade78abd891de0a5fb54b3e5….jpg)


Although Jim could probably swoop in and drop the bane hammer so maybe it's a lateral rank

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f34c44 No.20901956

File: 778e7b70efb6ad0⋯.png (459.6 KB,720x651,240:217,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4e572 No.20901958


Q+ did not ever post under Q+ if I remember correctly. Q+ was more of an honorary title imposed upon Q+ by anons to acknowledge Q+'s superiority over Q. Since Q+ never posted on the board, Q+ remained humble even after having the Presidency stolen from him. I reject your hypothesis.

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f8e740 No.20901959


My vote is to change the name Qresearch to Research and lose this Q complex / fixation forever.

halfchan hates Q and I liked that a lot.

I mean it's literally Gonzo Journalism without the journalists at this point, the story, the news, the gossop the created graphics all litterally just another rehashed repeat story of a drug addict (now replaced by this fucking Q bullshit) in vegas over and over. 2 more weeks and the series ends…

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160a4b No.20901960

File: de0ce918eefda79⋯.png (489.1 KB,500x544,125:136,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a03be52f7bdc33d⋯.png (1.35 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 395cfcda11c42c7⋯.png (448.73 KB,541x461,541:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7fc1e0df7712287⋯.png (255.44 KB,538x359,538:359,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1db73473e58fb5b⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,540x540,1:1,bill_gates.mp4)







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1a1f8f No.20901961

File: 858e3baabebe87b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.57 MB,1063x1501,1063:1501,media_GOMjPoCW8AE_FZT.jpg)


>warming up




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222fb7 No.20901962

File: f3a83aa76a291f1⋯.png (515.67 KB,680x673,680:673,f3a83aa76a291f1a7ec8b4cc41….png)

File: b710a5bbbc430a5⋯.jpg (120.63 KB,956x750,478:375,1587059818252.jpg)

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037bc3 No.20901963


>imprinted on the victim.

Not true.

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1e5fc1 No.20901964

File: f21b16b80cf2c09⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB,1125x1898,1125:1898,IMG_0862.jpeg)



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8af869 No.20901965


They killed off the mother and went to work on the siblings.

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fe2367 No.20901967

File: 8925eb2c18d9480⋯.png (573.04 KB,637x478,637:478,89a8530.png)

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ffcf61 No.20901968

File: 0ab090b39fad662⋯.png (Spoiler Image,263.51 KB,613x644,613:644,ClipboardImage.png)


>there an entry fee

just send a one time fee / gift to the senior anon. he can be reached at crooked scum at lawyer dot …

or just do like all newfags do and etransfer your gift to the Highest Ranking Anon c/o Q Research

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431913 No.20901969

File: 5a0408f6329d9cf⋯.png (1.02 MB,2210x1140,221:114,Screenshot_2024_03_06_1116….png)


Just make sure that if I ever forget about this contract that you can produce the original copy to verify.

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cf9b4f No.20901971

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776789 No.20901972


>Every gay person I've ever met has told me that they were molested as a child by a same sex, non-parent, adult.

I get what you are saying anon. And I believe the concept you put forth. But to read your sentence. You seem to be saying that every gay person you've ever met told you their history of being molested as a child. Which anon doubts.

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037bc3 No.20901973


That’s not really my style. That’s why I have so many issues with the plan. I get shot done. Quick.

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954dfc No.20901974

File: cc21dd0cf5993b4⋯.jpg (149.6 KB,599x570,599:570,COUNT_2_3.jpg)


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502df4 No.20901975

File: 017c9aadccdd892⋯.png (132.08 KB,519x809,519:809,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 164be7c8c75d9fb⋯.png (109.51 KB,519x1252,519:1252,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0d8f9bbfd43ef8⋯.png (641.93 KB,519x1469,519:1469,ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa16366f15fabf3⋯.png (222.31 KB,519x2478,173:826,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08cec42f1887f2a⋯.png (93.85 KB,519x1063,519:1063,ClipboardImage.png)


Re_read drops.

Today: JK & Iran

Important - context for future news.

Full Circle.

Now comes the pain.

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691af8 No.20901976


Am you high or newfag?


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c26bfc No.20901977

File: bf80e7b8024c520⋯.png (20.74 KB,453x177,151:59,ClipboardImage.png)


>17 beats



8+9 = 17

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f34c44 No.20901978

File: b59eede5b75c5f9⋯.png (605.91 KB,1029x1093,1029:1093,ClipboardImage.png)

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6c9ffc No.20901979


… Why are you even here? You can fuck off back to reddit, faggot.

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502df4 No.20901980

File: 8d5a6d5fe26ff57⋯.png (222.16 KB,519x2411,519:2411,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05f821eb167136f⋯.png (197.64 KB,519x2377,519:2377,ClipboardImage.png)




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037bc3 No.20901983


No, not Q…

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f8e740 No.20901984


in typical Q troll style, first it's "a scenario" now you got that bitch up to "COMING SOON"

I'll call your bluff. SHOW US the PROPOSAL from the secretariat (and you need to figure out who that is) @who.int

If a MANDATORY CHILDHOOD VAX is coming as you and your Qanon's claim, show us the proposal.

Show it. Worm butt.

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3d7563 No.20901986

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


>Am you high

He did high, anon.

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8af869 No.20901987

File: 0e75cc896e40803⋯.jpg (459.71 KB,940x500,47:25,r81bQ6s.jpg)


>Gabriel Noronha


>New FBI emails reveal Kerry’s


> successfully blocked the arrest of six Iranian targets, even one who was mid-flight to the United States.

>Kerry wasn’t obliged to appease Iran. He chose to.

He married his daughter off to Iran. Back when [they] were all dreaming of carving up America into individually owned kingdoms.

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4f8804 No.20901988

File: 9326e0681cf4145⋯.png (530.55 KB,792x583,72:53,shh.PNG)


BREAKING: Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about the children being murdered in Gaza, Palestine.

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e4e572 No.20901989


Many anons attributed many anonymous posts to Q+, but again I stand by my solid claim that there was never a post on the boards by Q+

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d80404 No.20901990


the mother? you mean Princess Diana?

she shines in both of them,…thats why i think they are both good

kate tho was seen with bandages on her fingers like a spirit cooker and she looked really old in the park bench pic like she aging to her true age of 1500 or some years old, and thats why she has to stay out of the public eye

they cannot walk the streets i think means that once their supply of adrenochrome is cuttoff all sorts of nasty things happen to their exteriors

but one thing william did that i do not approve of is when he sent plutonium, whats that word? depleted plutonium to UKraine to use against the russians

i despise UKraine's occupying coup "government"

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eba4ea No.20901991


It's my werkin' hypothesis. Waiting on my grant application.

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f34c44 No.20901992

File: 9521b9a76f0afa9⋯.png (384.51 KB,930x687,310:229,ClipboardImage.png)

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954dfc No.20901993

File: a6cd6184d3c659d⋯.jpg (195.08 KB,911x602,911:602,LEGAL_LIKE.jpg)





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0f2ed9 No.20901994



ty don't always check links but that big'n was worth it

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4b2f20 No.20901995

File: b43564e92f01fb8⋯.jpg (134.94 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_2….jpg)

File: bcd16a326f48951⋯.png (107.67 KB,640x946,320:473,659.png)

File: f05bc7680d195af⋯.png (122.8 KB,640x1166,320:583,1859.png)

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6ad1d8 No.20901996

Boeing Starliner's 1st astronaut launch delayed again, this time with no new flight date

published 9 hours ago

"The next possible launch opportunity is still being discussed."

The first astronaut mission aboard Boeing's Starliner is indefinitely grounded.

Starliner will not lift off on Saturday (May 25) as planned, which was the latest launch date following several delays in recent weeks. NASA officials communicated the delay late on Tuesday (May 21), providing no specific cause yet. But the team has been examining a small helium leak in a Starliner thruster in recent weeks.


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590cb5 No.20901997


you're fighting human nature

you won't win

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c57968 No.20901998


@s8n is a nipple

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8af869 No.20901999

File: 68300294cc66c39⋯.mp4 (2.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,breaking_russian_president….mp4)



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160a4b No.20902000

File: f363db6cc99d676⋯.png (344.9 KB,1181x800,1181:800,ClipboardImage.png)



why cos you are a faggot and obsessed with butt worms.

too much anal sex

The record shows they are a criminal captured entity of bill gates and the Rockefellers.

all the way up to the b.i.s


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f34c44 No.20902001

File: 890f58f9ea1c168⋯.png (488.96 KB,860x743,860:743,ClipboardImage.png)

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3d7563 No.20902002

File: 5829a7262870bc5⋯.png (877.51 KB,1917x2035,1917:2035,smokingapu3.png)

I wonder if the mimic thinks exposing himself further was worth all the effort he put into attacking his targets for the past year, all because his feelings were hurt. Poor, dumb bastard.

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390f14 No.20902003


>Want to join our club?

What type of clone do I get? I am all set with your Keri model.

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8af869 No.20902004


>the mother? you mean Princess Diana?

>she shines in both of them,…thats why i think they are both good

Yes Diana. Not both. Harry was replaced. Reason - Infidelity.

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cf9b4f No.20902006


No worries.

Sometimes I know better and still screw up posts.


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eba4ea No.20902007


Every single one I've had an extended conversation with, and alcohol was in the room.

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1a1f8f No.20902008

File: a3d61aa4a213b29⋯.png (126.73 KB,569x586,569:586,ClipboardImage.png)

Margo Martin



The only liars here are you and Joe Biden.

I took this video from President Trump’s motorcade outside of Trump Tower.

Here’s the time stamped screenshot from my phone to prove it.

This tweet is unavailable

May 22, 2024 · 3:19 PM UTC



I like your timestamps Margo.

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4f8804 No.20902009

File: 516eb80c21d9675⋯.png (287.88 KB,596x711,596:711,vk.PNG)

File: 5bf9c5dd67efd25⋯.png (675.52 KB,626x421,626:421,pow.PNG)


Vincent Kennedy


Some more disclosure…

10:17 AM · May 22, 2024




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c57968 No.20902010


Yous are out in force tonight. Attaching a Pepe to it doesn’t make you glow less. Repent.

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83c31d No.20902011

File: 1609cb1891602dc⋯.jpg (192.79 KB,640x480,4:3,Shit_posts.jpg)

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5d5136 No.20902012

File: 45b528d8d5543ae⋯.png (27.81 KB,375x600,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)


> Q was a namefag / famefag

That makes absolutely no sense. kek

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776789 No.20902013


It is in direct competition with the SpaceX Crew Dragon. And it is going to be launched to orbit by a SpaceX Falcon 9. Which is pretty amusing.

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e4e572 No.20902014


>That makes absolutely no sense. kek

It makes complete sense

They could have easily posted as an anon

yet they did not

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8092ba No.20902015

File: 8b6d7af2e3958d5⋯.png (257.98 KB,473x838,473:838,qaggdropimage4095.png)


Here is but one:

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954dfc No.20902017

File: 74fbed5f9e0ff75⋯.jpg (92.28 KB,677x613,677:613,HAD_IT_COMING.jpg)

File: ccb5bd4fc634086⋯.jpg (120.87 KB,688x546,344:273,NO_OBSTACLES.jpg)

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691af8 No.20902019

File: b2fceb37448d7c6⋯.gif (5.65 MB,300x411,100:137,YeahSureOK.gif)

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4f8804 No.20902020

File: e834e89029467cd⋯.png (152.85 KB,596x662,298:331,vi.PNG)




Treason. The real kind. Not the made up stuff they said about Trump. This is real shit. Capital T.


Gabriel Noronha




Read this letter.

Whistleblowers’ emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal.

He even ran away from a White House meeting to avoid getting confronted by the Attorney General.

Show more





11:52 AM · May 22, 2024




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e4e572 No.20902021


Yet again the post was by Q and not Q+

Details matter

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5e29d1 No.20902022

File: d57c2d774781526⋯.png (1.16 MB,1255x939,1255:939,PepeSmoking_and_A_Tear.png)

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f34c44 No.20902023

File: b610b46c22ff96a⋯.png (310.26 KB,600x326,300:163,ClipboardImage.png)

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7da813 No.20902024

File: 68be880bc3f6ba5⋯.jpg (116.42 KB,666x486,37:27,MR_PIG_GOES_ACK_.JPG)

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36dd5f No.20902025


At least she can reach all of her back itches

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ca0ac8 No.20902026

File: a8e8b51c35cfb64⋯.jpg (57.74 KB,558x501,186:167,Screen_Shot_2024_05_22_at_….jpg)

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3d7563 No.20902027

File: 85b4cafdc80ca57⋯.jpg (20.33 KB,255x254,255:254,85b4cafdc80ca57e1bbc8b3a00….jpg)


Okay, you're coming to the defense of the mimic, for one, a malicious persona. And mocking that clown makes me glow to you? And then you tell me to repent? Get a better script, you half-dollar dipshit.

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f34c44 No.20902028

File: 9f7718be0e13d58⋯.png (525.8 KB,640x708,160:177,ClipboardImage.png)

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1a1f8f No.20902029

File: 93589f7f3429c04⋯.png (272.31 KB,492x245,492:245,ClipboardImage.png)


>Ultra Boom

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4c8e37 No.20902030

File: cce9ffb2cb65c0f⋯.jpg (133.81 KB,500x690,50:69,boomerrang.jpg)


The invaders / marauders told Eric Trump to turn off the cameras, but he didn't

Robert Gouveia apparently missed that? Eric attested to that, at the time.

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f8e740 No.20902031

File: ac35f464a71a597⋯.jpg (279.26 KB,1200x896,75:56,lelani_savior_suffering_fe….jpg)

About that Savior, Suffering, and Fear


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d80404 No.20902032

File: 003abd33ea27ac8⋯.png (597.65 KB,417x680,417:680,ClipboardImage.png)

Queen of Hearts

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8092ba No.20902033

File: cea54ee68730b58⋯.png (346.37 KB,1080x891,40:33,Screenshot_20240522_193113.png)

File: 4a275a8f24597d8⋯.mp4 (6.61 MB,854x480,427:240,uzbTr_caa.mp4)


(Reposting w/video)


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e4e572 No.20902035


Posted by Q

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be261c No.20902036

File: 77d6b68c85c61bd⋯.png (446.21 KB,1024x774,512:387,ClipboardImage.png)

Microsoft Goes all in with surveillance: new “Recall” feature will record everything you do on your PC

Microsoft has unveiled a controversial new feature called “Recall” for Windows 11, sparking widespread privacy concerns. Recall essentially turns personal computers into surveillance devices by continuously recording everything users do on their screens – including apps, messaging, documents, websites, and video calls.

According to Microsoft, Recall employs advanced AI to “help you remember things” by analyzing your past activities, conversations, and files. You can search back through this recorded data using visuals, text, or voice commands. However, privacy experts are sounding the alarm because, to function, Recall must continuously monitor and log all computer usage, even private chat logs and sensitive information.


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eba4ea No.20902037

File: aebdec7fc7d49da⋯.gif (1.47 MB,480x270,16:9,Squeaky_Talkin_To_Hisself.gif)

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87e96a No.20902038


No worries. The tranny CUCK military will be right on it

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7da813 No.20902039

File: 3e77ac181252e46⋯.jpg (66.39 KB,600x403,600:403,MR_PIG_NIGGER_LOVER.JPG)



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160a4b No.20902040

File: 80064761c661bec⋯.png (758.61 KB,1670x908,835:454,ClipboardImage.png)




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954dfc No.20902041

File: 56ceb82ba1befbe⋯.jpg (157.6 KB,615x552,205:184,HERES_UR_E.jpg)


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390f14 No.20902042


Unless it is in Afghanistan

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7dd0ee No.20902043

Any anon is coming with allergies

Anon never got sick, always healthy and active

Never got any allergy

For the past week anon been having runny nose, bad headaches and watery eyes

Throughout my life I had maybe two headaches one was dehydration Kek

Trying to detox but that damn body feels weak

Anyone else feeling this? Any advice

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f34c44 No.20902044

File: cf6c93d1696e66f⋯.png (1.12 MB,1077x1620,359:540,ClipboardImage.png)

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e4e572 No.20902046


Show me a post with Q+ in the header anon then I will agree

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dabdfb No.20902047

Thank God for Q and the HATCH ACT.

Sooooooo many waking up!

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7da813 No.20902048

File: 82db19ba62b2c52⋯.jpg (66.89 KB,500x537,500:537,MR_PIG_FUCKS_A_REEETARD.jpg)



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037bc3 No.20902049


>Waiting on my grant application.

Kek. It’s not 100% of victims. That much I know for sure.

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12636a No.20902050


встревоженный отбеленный анус, тоскующие призраки, сидящие на фарфоровом троне и жаждущие какашек

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87e96a No.20902051


It’s SIGNED Q+ tard. Not posted by Q+

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7dd0ee No.20902052


Who ever is scripting the show is trying way too hard to be funny

Its like a bad stand up comedy at this point

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3d7563 No.20902053

File: eba17b5af383a6c⋯.gif (1.46 MB,637x637,1:1,eba17b5af383a6c179ce1cd3d8….gif)

They seem a little angry tonight. Don't be mad, shills. How about instead of defacing the memes of the anons you hate on this board, you can just go and post some MuhJoo to get it out of your system. You're not your normal shill selves without your propaganda.

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40dac9 No.20902054

File: cac8193d5d0f0e0⋯.png (168.79 KB,575x369,575:369,ClipboardImage.png)


>which one now. There's been masses in the last month


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4f8804 No.20902056

File: 5d72db7248d87fa⋯.png (331.92 KB,710x391,710:391,laps.PNG)


🇨🇦 | Canada | Montreal mayor collapses live on air during a press conference.

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73e6e3 No.20902057

File: f96b77bc9f71bda⋯.jpg (151.93 KB,720x887,720:887,20240522_173137.jpg)


Denver set to buy two buildings for $4 million to house migrants

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5e29d1 No.20902058

File: 76cc0aec93cbf7a⋯.png (400.26 KB,640x591,640:591,BearChoosesMan.png)

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590cb5 No.20902059

File: 94be3cbb9aa8d5f⋯.png (560.31 KB,1664x818,832:409,ClipboardImage.png)

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390f14 No.20902060



> and alcohol was in the room.

So you sucked their dick but weren't molested so that doesn't make you gay?

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8092ba No.20902061

File: 7c7578657f2f8cc⋯.png (127.42 KB,820x399,820:399,933_9335565_0_replies_0_re….png)


So Q couldn't just hand POTUS a phone?


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4c8e37 No.20902062

File: f887ef415e55651⋯.jpg (48.73 KB,526x526,1:1,Tibetan_Buddha_statue_gold.jpg)



Read Gautama the Buddha's 4 basic truths.

All life is suffering.

Understand that.

Suffering fails to make you dead, it's just a constant condition of life; sooner or later.

oh yeah, and the "savior" isn't a person; it's the teachings and Grace which are obtained through devotion, by whatever means.

"Seek and you shall Find"

"Knock and the Door shall be opened to you"

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19ebd4 No.20902063

File: c55ed65fcf55892⋯.jpg (98.48 KB,500x513,500:513,MR_PIGSHITTER.JPG)


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dabdfb No.20902065

I’ve posted 4 times but it keeps saying (1)

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160a4b No.20902066

File: 8015f1c48fb950c⋯.png (167.52 KB,1688x464,211:58,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3fb01ef6ac3f887⋯.png (192.63 KB,745x423,745:423,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 704943c553bed1d⋯.png (599.31 KB,722x912,19:24,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c6c6a No.20902067


He loves the anons.

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fe2367 No.20902068

File: 899544a2e6e7ef6⋯.gif (2.01 MB,292x200,73:50,yuck.gif)


>встревоженный отбеленный анус, тоскующие призраки, сидящие на фарфоровом троне и жаждущие какашек

google translation

disturbed bleached anus, yearning ghosts sitting on a porcelain throne and craving poop

shills are getting weirder

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6ad1d8 No.20902069

File: 591876a291634ac⋯.jpg (98.13 KB,315x275,63:55,088604_Kerrys_12172009.jpg)



In her sweet little ketchup-red gown

The Heinz-Kerry family holiday card features, from left, Andre, Alexandra and Christopher Heinz, Teresa and John Kerry, Vanessa Kerry and her groom Brian Nahed, Alexandra Kerry, Kristann and H. John Heinz IV and their daughter, Astrid.

December 17, 2009



Vanessa Kerry, Brian Nahed

Oct. 9, 2009

When Dr. Vanessa Bradford Kerry and Dr. Brian Vala Nahed were making plans to marry, she received a sketch of a wedding dress done by her father.


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12636a No.20902070


взволнованный отбеленный анус, тоскующие призраки, сидящие на фарфоровом троне и жаждущие какашек >>20902059

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eba4ea No.20902071

Just Squeaky in a logic loop.

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f34c44 No.20902072

File: acb9c33616281ac⋯.png (476.01 KB,720x696,30:29,ClipboardImage.png)

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dabdfb No.20902073


There is A LOT of this going on right now.

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57c9e8 No.20902074


at least there isn't a James and Joaquin Comey…

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8092ba No.20902075

File: e8e19d686d11d13⋯.png (844.63 KB,1426x1148,713:574,e8e19d686d11d13dca62f52a21….png)


Ebot learned Russian. Not on my bingo card.

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c57968 No.20902076


Yes same. Breathe, meditate, no caffeine. After getting done an activity ya gotta breathe. Also no smokes seems to be the biggest cause

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954dfc No.20902077

File: 3094384438323bd⋯.jpg (159.87 KB,586x565,586:565,STILL_TRYING_2_HARD.jpg)


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57c9e8 No.20902078


No Shit?

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5e29d1 No.20902079

The sign post up ahead says,

You've entered The Kun Zone

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473081 No.20902080

File: 7eceda64817f313⋯.png (528.08 KB,1360x640,17:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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19ebd4 No.20902081

File: 790bec893ad5fa4⋯.jpg (66.7 KB,600x391,600:391,PHONY_PIG_SHIT.JPG)




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aa0644 No.20902082


No, they get to camp on a piece of sidewalk as they watch the illegals being brought to their hotels

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12636a No.20902083

File: 823e093e0596dca⋯.jpg (77.51 KB,600x664,75:83,work_memes_42_1.jpg)

сядь ему на лицо и скажи, что любишь его >>20902068

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4b2f20 No.20902084

File: a756dab33066a1a⋯.jpg (219.91 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_2….jpg)

File: 7b48164d2cfa5fb⋯.png (195.32 KB,640x1746,320:873,147_1_.png)

File: f3e239083030df1⋯.png (380.81 KB,640x3526,320:1763,1347.png)

File: 07d6a56e2bf73be⋯.jpeg (353.17 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GOM3QtoWUAAEcg2.jpeg)

File: 54f17f48e95f25a⋯.jpeg (430.36 KB,2048x1365,2048:1365,GOM3PzvX0AAL4up.jpeg)






had to fuck around to post this

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4f8804 No.20902085

File: 57d0be332116cfb⋯.png (203.96 KB,381x547,381:547,ew.PNG)


New Jersey Gym Owner Who Stayed Open During COVID-19 Lockdowns Cleared Of All Criminal Charges


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07c921 No.20902086

IF no one gets a pass…

What happens to our shill teams?

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ffcf61 No.20902087

File: cb9ba038c2813d1⋯.png (379.13 KB,639x771,213:257,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9280eee7217ea7⋯.png (34.59 KB,478x222,239:111,ClipboardImage.png)




dats why you spoiler that shit

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fe2367 No.20902089


why does a ghost crave poop??

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dabdfb No.20902090


Dag Nabbit. I knew I should have learned Rissian.

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12636a No.20902092

File: 7523300fcceda7f⋯.png (261.09 KB,474x247,474:247,ClipboardImage.png)


>сядь ему на лицо и скажи, что любишь его

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222fb7 No.20902094

File: e7ff8d08e3e6401⋯.jpg (1.61 MB,1242x1834,621:917,e7ff8d08e3e64019300db894a6….jpg)

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40dac9 No.20902095

File: 70114aa8b25d895⋯.png (1.49 MB,1230x1021,1230:1021,ClipboardImage.png)


no way does anyone that age vote democrap now

except jews obviously

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160a4b No.20902096



cruelty to animals.

filter pig if you must.

this is evil..

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8af869 No.20902097

File: 429b66a6c8ea1fa⋯.mp4 (3.35 MB,720x1280,9:16,Netanyahu_Judged_by_his_ow….mp4)

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d83d37 No.20902098

File: 330ded01816cc98⋯.jpg (518.06 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_163754….jpg)

File: 47e5ed6f825c51d⋯.jpg (10.47 KB,211x210,211:210,2Q_22_.jpg)

File: 8044ea982c1e8d7⋯.jpg (551.59 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240522_164012….jpg)

File: 1ea935f743ba848⋯.png (6.22 KB,175x175,1:1,images_6_.png)

File: b966a692008866c⋯.jpg (6.8 KB,182x277,182:277,2Q_23_.jpg)


"Rule of law"

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b898fb No.20902099

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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954dfc No.20902100

File: 0749212edd420b1⋯.jpg (109.42 KB,572x468,11:9,HYPER_PANIC.jpg)


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1a1f8f No.20902101

File: 2f058c88a6ca271⋯.jpg (200.93 KB,1243x2048,1243:2048,media_GOJdDRqXoAA6IVM.jpg)

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4f8804 No.20902102

File: 9c69ef2cbaf8387⋯.png (613.28 KB,1271x898,1271:898,tools.PNG)


8 Tools to View Old Versions of Any Website


Syed Hammad Mahmood

Updated 1 day ago

Want to see an old version of the website you love? Need to find an article or link that's no longer available? Here's how you do it.

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590cb5 No.20902103

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f34c44 No.20902105

File: b34a22f02605acb⋯.png (441.87 KB,800x488,100:61,ClipboardImage.png)

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691af8 No.20902106


At least someone here followed through on what Q said to do.

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e4e572 No.20902107



I will admit a possible error in my posts.

Thinking back harder from memory, it was Q who first coined the title Q+ and not anons. Anons however rightly acknowledged that Q+ was superior.

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390f14 No.20902108

File: 56d9c751a3fd2f0⋯.mp4 (1.68 MB,720x404,180:101,_canada_montreal_mayor_col….mp4)



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c57968 No.20902109


That’s what I’m talking about hubba hubba

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3d7563 No.20902110

File: 04210aa073c981d⋯.gif (90.52 KB,220x168,55:42,THE_OG_popcorn2.gif)


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590cb5 No.20902111



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0f2ed9 No.20902112


I like when Pig shows up to play with the dying rats

cats enjoy that stuff

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502df4 No.20902113

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205bab No.20902114

File: 5ffc20266a9371f⋯.png (59.63 KB,840x586,420:293,ClipboardImage.png)


> anus


Make sure to learn Russian.


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16b038 No.20902115

File: 66a811fcbbbfe2c⋯.png (1.61 MB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

filtered bread shitter GMfag

poasts be way tarded

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5e29d1 No.20902117

File: e4285d84358ff9b⋯.png (806.96 KB,1276x709,1276:709,e4285d84358ff9bc41780d0f4b….png)

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954dfc No.20902118

File: a29069657af4060⋯.jpg (111.68 KB,547x556,547:556,RADAR_LOCK.jpg)

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40dac9 No.20902119

File: 4264ab3ed385bae⋯.png (1.87 MB,1279x1492,1279:1492,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94a6996a6c40cfc⋯.jpg (2.51 MB,2400x3200,3:4,marx_grave_highgate_cemeta….jpg)

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12636a No.20902120


after the third divorce its not about the buell

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8af869 No.20902121


Filtered for stupidity.

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dabdfb No.20902122

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f34c44 No.20902123

File: 5257c79ea503a21⋯.png (205.03 KB,506x432,253:216,ClipboardImage.png)

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d80404 No.20902125

File: 911d7849c9177f0⋯.png (2.19 MB,1286x3300,643:1650,766.png)

File: 3b6b173fe701c0a⋯.png (196.49 KB,1286x1750,643:875,667.png)

File: 0fb39935af6e4e7⋯.png (158.92 KB,1286x1338,643:669,666.png)

File: 5013e17f92611d7⋯.png (33.3 KB,1286x282,643:141,646.png)

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7da813 No.20902126

File: d6e707edc6e1d49⋯.jpg (71.4 KB,584x482,292:241,PIG_TINY_PENIS.JPG)



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0f2ed9 No.20902127


detox does that

research herxheimer reaction


avoid dairy and processed sugar foods OJ & other rotten heated fruit juices

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768faf No.20902128


You won!

Here's your filturd

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12636a No.20902129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the goonies


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f8e740 No.20902130

File: 1a970e990c4c10a⋯.png (274.91 KB,1389x927,463:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aefb16281f7bb2d⋯.jpg (75.48 KB,750x763,750:763,povidone_shot_glass_2021_1….jpg)


advice: yeah

Use the povodine iodine trick.



Anon Puts this Mix into a nasal spray bottle you can empty one of them old ones that nuke your mucus and wash it good. Anon gargle spits, does the nose spray (UP to 3x a day), also anon sprays it on cuts and in eyes when eyes get itchy (note: there is a COVID EYE out there)

This anon votes to REMOVE the whole fucking Q larp - I don't like Q and the time wasting bullshit team behind it

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ffcf61 No.20902131


so the bioweapon known as mRNA vaccines are straight up terrorism then!

such double speak!

bring on the hangings for medical experimentation on people, western european and white people specifically!

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954dfc No.20902132

File: d4fa4f753813458⋯.jpg (79.53 KB,719x417,719:417,INFERTILITY.jpg)

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73e6e3 No.20902133

File: 228e1cc15cc7885⋯.png (1.61 MB,750x920,75:92,228e1cc15cc7885bf7ece8985b….png)



[They] need to keep the Migrant battalions fed and sheltered . Can't have them on the street ,they need to be strong to try their little takeover of America that they are going to attempt. Why do you think they flew migrants to certain areas so they could link up with the rest of the Migrant armed forces ,who conveniently have weapons stored and waiting for them in the national parks provided by the US forest service (remember the story?) fuck these peole for amassing an Army under the noses of the sleeping American sheep

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2bbacb No.20902134


keep your medical advice to yourself

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9db97e No.20902135

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Government is a necessary evil, but it's still an evil and, like fire, must always be contained.

Fuck the popo

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473081 No.20902137

File: a79137a317f39c9⋯.gif (1.54 MB,500x250,2:1,x.gif)

File: fd27e0ef6dc4e2b⋯.gif (1.48 MB,320x180,16:9,y.gif)


Cosplay Ukrainian nazi fags voting in our elections. Call the Marines!

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5e29d1 No.20902138

File: 5f05303f8b87645⋯.mp4 (4.43 MB,720x1280,9:16,This_guy_has_a_frog_army_i….mp4)

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aa0644 No.20902139


The Mimic wants the (You)s thinking its existence is somehow validated by them

If it gets ignored long enough, it will sperg and try red text spamming, which generally gets the attention of BVs, that then means deletions, that makes the Angry Inch even more angry

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12636a No.20902140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

rosenstein said prodigy is playing brochella

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f6f96f No.20902141

File: 908427189d3995f⋯.jpg (1.24 MB,2560x2560,1:1,Mine_1_Q.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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4c8e37 No.20902142

File: 9604e602845bb84⋯.png (1.17 MB,801x1000,801:1000,mikecohengoober.png)

File: 7308e6f46c7c0c5⋯.jpeg (941.34 KB,1272x1952,159:244,michaelcohenconfession.jpeg)

File: 260022d9725e89f⋯.jpg (183.92 KB,797x457,797:457,SchiffNoQuestions2.jpg)

File: 625b9116b1d9eef⋯.png (435.46 KB,790x440,79:44,schumercapitalff.png)

File: f82478682b53ff8⋯.jpg (106.79 KB,401x560,401:560,schiffleaker.jpg)


The Wise, who are full of Grace, are fearless. It's a power. Some people have it, some don't.

You might not know who is who, or even about yourself, until the time of testing arrives.

Let's have a "Who are the biggest Cowards Awards?" contest.

I nominate Cohen, then Shifty.

Crybaby Schumer is right up there.

Then of course no one can forget "AJ"

Who wants to bet Pedesta is a total coward?

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160a4b No.20902143

File: 55c7616ee662531⋯.png (235.38 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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19ebd4 No.20902144

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2bbacb No.20902145


relax and stop spreading your fear porn

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4f8804 No.20902146

File: cc0a2c102b566ba⋯.png (1.61 MB,1461x912,487:304,lf.PNG)


Michael Cohen - The Lawfare Agent, Norm Eisen Deep Dive, Hunter Problems


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1a1f8f No.20902147

File: 159adb5bae7bc94⋯.jpg (48.71 KB,828x452,207:113,media_GOOIJLwbgAAqrAN.jpg)

TRUMP CARD coming.


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3d7563 No.20902148

File: 533cccd74c185ae⋯.png (622.19 KB,735x637,15:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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8af869 No.20902149


Yup. Based like an oven roasted turkey.

PEEK-A-BOOB Kardashian rival Amber Rose shows off bare boobs and nipples in totally sheer top for new pics from social media event


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12636a No.20902150

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

paris hilton smuggles malt beverage past security

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390f14 No.20902151

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They are trying to buy Steam pretty much all PC games are sold through them

🚨RUMOR: Microsoft to Buy Steam🚨

Apparently there is a rumor of Microsoft getting ready to make an offer of $16 Billion dollars to buy Valve owners of the Steam Platform

While it’s not confirmed let’s speculate

I love Xbox, but I don’t want to see this happen AT ALL. Microsoft buying Valve would be a move that would hurt Steam

First off Microsoft with Satya has shown us they don’t care much for Xbox and great developers. So they can easily destroy the good rapport Valve has with its customers.

- Valve is consumer friendly when it comes to digital returns (Microsoft doesn’t offer a fair digital return policy)

- Microsoft turned Valve down back in the day when they were starting up Steam because they didn’t believe in it

- Valve is worth WAY MORE than $16 Billion

- Valve has proved a market no one even knew existed and that’s PC handheld space which is something to take serious and competition is good

- Gabe Newell is a pioneer when it comes to frictionless products and ease of use. Microsoft does not know how to manage and will only complicate things

- I’d much rather Microsoft sell Xbox to Valve 😅 at least with Xbox being a Steam machine, all games will come to it lol


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d61479 No.20902154

File: b990c256679f501⋯.png (724.85 KB,800x800,1:1,b990c256679f50137c8112f608….png)

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8092ba No.20902155

File: fc01d90eb752e26⋯.jpg (49.96 KB,731x747,731:747,48a1f6d89e3d36fd955e14af1f….jpg)


Ouch. What if my FBI agent speaks Russian, does that count?

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19ebd4 No.20902156

File: 69c7c0246f408f9⋯.jpg (79.23 KB,500x513,500:513,MR_PIG_TINY_BRAIN.JPG)

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0f2ed9 No.20902157

File: 2efbf5b603f3820⋯.png (130.27 KB,334x506,167:253,2efbf5b603f3820ea9584f97ce….png)



#25636 >>20901605

>>20901606 Robert Gouveia - Feds RANSACKED Melania's BEDROOM; "LETHAL FORCE" APPROVED; Merchan Under FIRE; Fani & Wade REUNITED

>>20901634 Crimes and Criminal Procedures 18 USC 879. Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons

>>20901664, >>20901679 Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which The Post exposed and he denied — will be used as evidence in his gun case

>>20901670 The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money

>>20901676 PF Happenings

>>20901695, >>20901707 @EmeraldRobinson FOUR YEARS AGO - This was the shot heard around the world

>>20901726, >>20901752 Kenya - Dinner is served - WH is hosting Kenyan President Ruto and First Lady Ruto

>>20901730 a 3 second kek James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'F*ck you!' on the street."

>>20901779, >>20901815 Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. It is not new and has been ongoing - Col. Karl Nell of the UAPTF

>>20901833 Hunter Biden: Markup of Materials Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

>>20901845 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

>>20901853 @libsoftiktok 3 board members who pushed a policy to allow males in the girl’s bathroom just lost their reelection

>>20901860 @JamesOKeefeIII on Comey: In psychology this is called “Projection.”

>>20901880 President @realDonaldTrump greets the great Line Crew at Wilson Air FBO!!

>>20901902 @jsolomonReports Maricopa County, and Arizona Sec. of State censored 2020 election audit hearing, elected officials

>>20901919, >>20901923, >>20901987, >>20902020 TREASON John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal

>>20901934 On The Move - President Trump’s motorcade on the move in TX

>>20901950, >>20901964 Potato tries to convince Veterans he is with them

>>20901988, >>20901999 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about the children being murdered in Gaza, Palestine

>>20902033 POTUS TRUTH Post - Joe Biden - The Real Threat To Our Democracy - new campaign ad video

>>20902036 Microsoft Goes all in with surveillance: new “Recall” feature will record everything you do on your PC

>>20902057, >>20902133 @JohnSolomon Denver set to buy two buildings for $4 million to house migrants

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7dd0ee No.20902158



Anon started showering twice it helped

Its something in the weather

It only happens if anon is outdoor

No smoking

But anon does drink lots of coffee,

No more coffee

Screw it, anon wanna feel better again

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4b2f20 No.20902159

File: 07d6a56e2bf73be⋯.jpeg (353.17 KB,2048x1463,2048:1463,GOM3QtoWUAAEcg2.jpeg)

File: e2cc1238d4ec9f0⋯.jpg (224.69 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_4….jpg)

File: b8f30eeb1c73b0a⋯.png (265.29 KB,640x1802,320:901,15_8_.png)

File: bb19cfc44be764d⋯.png (150.9 KB,640x1708,160:427,675.png)

debating if the second integer is a 5 or s compared the the obvious last integer 5





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52b370 No.20902160

File: d5cf1c504ace666⋯.png (774.39 KB,1080x941,1080:941,d5cf1c504ace666b301745a516….png)

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52b370 No.20902162

File: 5c304f1c2051936⋯.png (687.43 KB,680x677,680:677,5c304f1c20519360059f47f033….png)


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5d5136 No.20902163

File: f3be210a6f2ba65⋯.png (303.88 KB,540x360,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Whistleblowers’ emails reveal John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal.

The John Kerry-Iran controversy, explained

For years, Republicans have been arguing that John F. Kerry has loose lips unbefitting an American diplomat. Before, it was a strained argument that the former secretary of state had violated the Logan Act by talking to Iran. And now, some Republicans are calling for Kerry’s resignation as President Biden’s climate envoy over leaked audio of Iran’s foreign minister. On the tape, the Iranian official claims Kerry shared secrets with him about the military actions of Israel, a top U.S. ally. /moar

April 27, 2021


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19ebd4 No.20902164

File: eb23c0653c71624⋯.jpg (31.75 KB,486x331,486:331,MR_PIG_CANNOT_MEME.jpg)

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f8e740 No.20902165


you have WORMS up you butt, and they've turned you to a nut.


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4f8804 No.20902166

File: df35684f5f8e82a⋯.png (469.03 KB,602x476,43:34,inc.PNG)


James O'Keefe


BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force: “We basically contacted everybody who had a title like that and got them to sneakily change their title so it doesn’t sound as diversity oriented even though it is,” reveals Jake Reyna, @DeptofDefense

and @USAirForce

Operations Research Analyst for the @SecAFOfficial

in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Believing Republicans have attempted to cut back on the government’s use of discriminatory DEI policies “just to fuck with the [DEI] system,” Reyna confesses on undercover footage caught by O’Keefe Media Group that the Air Force manipulates job titles to cheat the system out of a higher salary for DEI personnel. Bragging, “We just weaseled around it,” Reyna claims “there’s nothing really they [Republicans] would be able to do.” The cover-up does not end there. Reyna states about his office, “We’re actually moving into this other group called Manpower and Readiness” to stay under the radar.

Reyna confirms DEI training is mandatory for airmen and if an airman does not participate in DEI trainings, he “wouldn’t be qualified for promotions or he’d get reprimanded and…he’d get written up” before eventually being dishonorably discharged, which includes being stripped of all benefits.

Tasked with developing programs like the Workforce Analytics Dashboard that lists the demographics of the Air Force with an emphasis on “race, ethnicity, and gender,” Reyna admits the Air Force has no data to support its DEI policies. “I don’t know if there’s any specific data you can provide outside of just saying like, yeah, we’re getting more diverse talking about changing officers.” Asked, “In your experience, have you seen or have you come across any data that actually serves as evidence that indeed DEIA candidates or troops perform better than non-DEIA troops?” Reyna responds, “No, I don't think so.”

Empowered in the Air Force’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Reyna believes white men are “definitely stupid” and “definitely suck.” “Do you think they [white men] make us weaker as a military?” asks OMG’s American Swiper. Reyna responds, “In some ways, probably.”

0:01 / 15:17

12:01 PM · May 22, 2024




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d8ad79 No.20902167

File: 51d2c7465f6616d⋯.jpeg (188.87 KB,1024x1024,1:1,9C0380BC_34E6_464F_A735_8….jpeg)

Was Trump asked to run for President?


By Who?

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2bbacb No.20902168

anon, I've been having tendinitous.

it was painful to do exercises that I'd done for years. I had to stop doing them.

I realized it was my bodies way to saying that I was doing too much.

I stretch and exercise and the use of my muscles comes back. I'm healing.

People heal.

all of you with the sniffles for the first time in your life: do you really expect anyone to believe that?

everyone is subject to allergies, food poisoning, sun poisoning, and just plain old poisoning. Rashes are often chemical burns.

the body heals.

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b898fb No.20902169



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52b370 No.20902170

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590cb5 No.20902171

File: fea2899e2ed13ba⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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5e29d1 No.20902172

File: 218cab9163c2a58⋯.png (833.99 KB,1156x782,34:23,SunSetwithFren.png)

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19ebd4 No.20902173


>WORMS up you butt

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07c921 No.20902174


What year was he asked?

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4b2f20 No.20902175

File: 4e7a9c06d19ef96⋯.png (43.53 KB,420x400,21:20,4e7a9c06d19ef96fd63ea911de….png)

File: 5b22a3b9ce17f30⋯.jpeg (689.6 KB,2500x1500,5:3,5b22a3b9ce17f30bb33a9208f….jpeg)

File: c7d17b481d409ed⋯.png (99.25 KB,268x312,67:78,c7d17b481d409edb6b4cbe2880….png)



fucking timestamps

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d61479 No.20902176

File: 2e23a2a541a02fd⋯.gif (8.44 MB,320x568,40:71,2e23a2a541a02fd6bf08ddfea2….gif)

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609aa2 No.20902177

File: 9682b92d4bb1dc8⋯.png (1.27 MB,1176x1266,196:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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8af869 No.20902178


>so the bioweapon known as mRNA vaccines are straight up terrorism then!

Or a political weapon. Or a clusterfuck of magnanimous proportions. Or a life saver. Or a means to weed out the good. Or a means to weed out the bad. Add 100 more.

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7dd0ee No.20902179


Anon been detoxing regularly since 2015

After getting red pilled by an FDA employee after child got cancer

Got lazy the past few months or year

But anon wants to detox the immune system and the lymph system

Allergy is toxins overload

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e40dbe No.20902180

File: 98036c00dc52a4d⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,480x270,16:9,the_unvaccinated_are_uncle….mp4)

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037bc3 No.20902181


What’s the glowie orb thing and can I play with it?

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6d353e No.20902182

Hey Q!!!

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fe2367 No.20902183

File: c37c0f5aa497f5c⋯.jpeg (18.18 KB,202x255,202:255,c37c0f5aa497f5ccc6bd2b519….jpeg)

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5e29d1 No.20902185

File: af1e3ad0f9a511b⋯.png (652.64 KB,647x1280,647:1280,ClipboardImage.png)

Both Mahomes and Reid invoked freedom of speech in the United States during their answers.

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390f14 No.20902186

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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954dfc No.20902187

File: 4154ab186a95dd7⋯.jpg (116.56 KB,530x553,530:553,NOT_4_U.jpg)


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164b96 No.20902188


>Montreal mayor collapses live on air during a press conference.


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2bbacb No.20902189

File: 3bec1effb70761b⋯.jpg (188.63 KB,1630x938,815:469,people_heal_008.jpg)

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67eed4 No.20902190

File: f7a99831fbaf1c8⋯.png (102.4 KB,256x415,256:415,542542b34323.png)

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5d5136 No.20902191

File: 5366d586ba50051⋯.jpg (697 KB,720x815,144:163,Cheers_Beer_Hottie.jpg)


I have noticed much allergies sense I turned old.

It don't scare me none so much.

Work with it as it cums.

Cheers, Anon.

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4f8804 No.20902192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry

You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you, tell you I need you

Tell you I set you apart

Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions

Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles, coming up tails

Heads on a science apart

Nobody said it was easy

It's such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy

No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh, take me back to the start

I was just guessing at numbers and figures

Pulling the puzzles apart

Questions of science, science and progress

Do not speak as loud as my heart

But tell me you love me, come back and haunt me

Oh and I rush to the start

Running in circles, chasing our tails

Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy

Oh, it's such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy

No one ever said it would be so hard

I'm going back to the start

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f8e740 No.20902193


I was hoping you wouldn't go there Mr Pig.


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691af8 No.20902194



Yeah, you could look at it that way.

I see it as a mini BOOM in that it's nice to finally learn what exactly it is that ebot does around here.

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614de1 No.20902196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


by whom



Man down, call an amberlamps, tell him, "Breathe, bro.

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2bbacb No.20902197


even the words you use show you to be a shill.

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390f14 No.20902198

File: 9dd1c8f56f31e50⋯.mp4 (5.64 MB,480x852,40:71,GO3p0y8ej6ig9SK2.mp4)




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7dd0ee No.20902199


Anon only drinks water

The past two days anon made oregano , cyanne pepper and some herb for the lung tea with honey to ease the breathing and it helps to stop the runny nose

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4f8804 No.20902200

File: e648b78e80969a8⋯.png (767.32 KB,1255x814,1255:814,ANON_I_O.PNG)

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87e96a No.20902201


Yeah okay

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164b96 No.20902203

File: 7ae0a2c47bd9691⋯.mp4 (873.57 KB,720x1106,360:553,CIA.mp4)



how hard can it be

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d8ad79 No.20902204

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aa0644 No.20902205


Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails←You Are Here

Back to top

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2bbacb No.20902206


that combination would trigger me into serious allergies.

what works for one doesn't work for all

keep your fake cures to yourself.

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4f8804 No.20902207

File: cd9d0dbabcc78ab⋯.jpg (49.3 KB,641x841,641:841,cult_members.JPG)

Man Who Died Suddenly From Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis Wasn’t Informed of Side Effect

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f8e740 No.20902208

File: 9887137e63665a4⋯.png (791.46 KB,1395x746,1395:746,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a286afd750b4e8e⋯.png (692.42 KB,1190x757,1190:757,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4283e00eed534a5⋯.png (436.07 KB,1202x758,601:379,ClipboardImage.png)



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4c8e37 No.20902209


Why bother?

Shills just want to convince anons to leave them alone and let them spew without contradiction.

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954dfc No.20902210

File: 683db97b2dc7c7a⋯.jpg (124.5 KB,530x569,530:569,PAINTED_PIG_GREEN.jpg)


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8092ba No.20902211

File: 76e4a4b560dc909⋯.png (53.45 KB,473x455,473:455,qaggdropimage3683.png)


It's a humble message.

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222fb7 No.20902212


>with honey

no honey, honey, because honey == sugar

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4b2f20 No.20902213

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5d5136 No.20902214

File: 8aceecf0e4c33c7⋯.png (2.02 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


>I’ve posted 4 times but it keeps saying (1)

We've found the One. yay

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1d5faf No.20902215

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7dd0ee No.20902216




Anon just want to sleep and wake up with all this gone

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ffcf61 No.20902217

File: 5c12a1fa4650dd1⋯.png (Spoiler Image,598.93 KB,786x756,131:126,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 48990f5bb008a7f⋯.png (9.17 MB,4000x2945,800:589,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 908728e52ca0a99⋯.png (280.88 KB,567x545,567:545,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 696d76660d9f81b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,146.7 KB,900x742,450:371,ClipboardImage.png)




no table


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954dfc No.20902218

File: b2c16ea046d641b⋯.jpg (157.99 KB,586x569,586:569,BANGLE_POTUS_45_47.jpg)

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52b370 No.20902219


Rearrange the letters of one = Neo

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a9dbca No.20902220


day after day

you get used to it

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2bbacb No.20902221


it passes when you let yourself heal and obsessing on it.

if you're really sick do you run a Hepa filter?

try it out.

also hows the humidity level?

maybe it's time to turn on the dehumidifier.

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07c921 No.20902222

The Georgia guide stones were destroyed


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7dd0ee No.20902223


Ok boss


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390f14 No.20902225

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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037bc3 No.20902226



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585824 No.20902227

File: 7f142373f1be697⋯.png (125.27 KB,173x259,173:259,luny15.PNG)

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2bbacb No.20902228


stop obsessing on it is what I meant to say.

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4b2f20 No.20902229


and commie

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d61479 No.20902230

File: 6cb67d71834b9ad⋯.mp4 (846.09 KB,960x960,1:1,6cb67d71834b9ad143605ca9a6….mp4)

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d42e14 No.20902231


aren't they all?

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5d5136 No.20902232

File: 050053fcdf81e66⋯.png (138.96 KB,305x309,305:309,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2683da44da4e60a⋯.jpg (17.82 KB,433x538,433:538,Ewww_Cat.jpg)


Man, that's gross. fuckin ewww

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f8e740 No.20902233


>hepa filter

Most house filters are to PROTECT THE HVAC, not make the AIR clean

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2bbacb No.20902234


seriously get a HEPA filter, anon, if you don't have one, when you have breathing problems.

I'm not your boss.

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52b370 No.20902235

File: 5b44fdffc89ed83⋯.png (638.6 KB,640x480,4:3,5b44fdffc89ed838e34402380a….png)

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7dd0ee No.20902236



Anon doesn’t have iodine

Anon will research it more

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954dfc No.20902238

File: 272c549fe5c4e70⋯.jpg (113.65 KB,448x560,4:5,SAME_CONTENT.jpg)


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48aea9 No.20902239

File: 02f57a928c715f5⋯.jpg (6.1 KB,183x275,183:275,images_95_.jpg)

Shillin hard!

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d42e14 No.20902240


>Government is a necessary evil



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a9dbca No.20902241


can ai figure out why this is happening, or why it's funny?

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07c921 No.20902242

How many inventions / how much technology have they kept from humankind?

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7da813 No.20902243

File: b8a1bf6c95e73b9⋯.png (487.56 KB,500x511,500:511,MR_PIGS_NEMESIS.png)


>Anon only drinks water

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ffcf61 No.20902244

File: da0479090f0b30a⋯.png (120.04 KB,479x681,479:681,ClipboardImage.png)


GM piggie Oh

you on fire today!

winning biggly as usual!

i'd say we are shillcon 1

cuz there is a noticable txt input lag. as in i type, i wait, it finally appears!

hi esafety… rot in the lake of fire eh!

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4b2f20 No.20902245

File: 3ad74fed730bc2d⋯.png (52.62 KB,640x612,160:153,129_10_.png)


indeed 1:19

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160a4b No.20902246

File: 9a7899246923b1a⋯.png (332.38 KB,666x500,333:250,ClipboardImage.png)


that was a good movie and these scenes were exactly right.

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fe2367 No.20902247


>aren't they all?

selected, not elected.

not same as asked

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691af8 No.20902248


Steve P. (hard to spell) said by the old patriotic glowies that seen't what was going down and had a plan to stop it.

Clif High refers to it as the Self Organizing Collective (SOC).

X22 Dave has had a few theories (lost track at this point).

The general theme tho from various public (not anon but not govt/MSM either) figures is the Good Guys in the White Hats asked him to help beat the Bad Guys in the Black Hats.

You have a moar refined/specific answer to those q's?

Or are you just doing the spoopy thing?

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19ebd4 No.20902249

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1cca7d No.20902250

File: 61b1dacbcfe9c08⋯.jpeg (751.04 KB,1216x619,1216:619,656D07AE_5A20_4ED0_8FA0_6….jpeg)


757 back in use

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164b96 No.20902251

File: 01b758263b44fc6⋯.png (1.69 MB,1658x1065,1658:1065,ClipboardImage.png)

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390f14 No.20902253


>that was a good movie and these scenes were exactly right

pirating it right now, I'd like to check it out

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473081 No.20902254

File: 32e220dd1a5410a⋯.png (501.48 KB,660x454,330:227,ClipboardImage.png)


What will they do when they get 1 billion ballots for The Donald, mailed postage paid from China?

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674e90 No.20902255

File: 29f13634af5607b⋯.jpg (7.69 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_24_.jpg)


Did you even primary school, gehy?

Fuck around, gehy..

T. PainE, gehy.

Thomas Paine: Common Sense - USHistory.org

www.ushistory.org › paine › sense2

Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state an intolerable one: for when we suffer …

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2bbacb No.20902256


it's Springtime where I am. There is pollen on the car, on the sidewalk. dust everywhere.

a hepa filter cleans that out of the air that I breath and that cuts down on allergies.

if you are having respitory problems the air in your residence might need to be cleaned and the humidity brought to a healthy level.

especially in you live in a place that is usually dry and you had a lot of rain (like Arizona) you might not realize that they humidity is very high.

you get a small 40 dollar filter and put it near you where you are and that will help a lot if you are allergic to some kind of pollen.

as far as a dehumidifier? well those can be a bit more expensive.

do you at least have a humidity monitor?

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4f8804 No.20902257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Melania Trump says Lord's Prayer to open Pres. Trump Rally

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160a4b No.20902258

File: 5e47be3ccafe5f1⋯.mp4 (9.79 MB,854x480,427:240,covid_the_first_test.mp4)

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954dfc No.20902259

File: 7b7d83dd271bc11⋯.jpg (105.31 KB,435x563,435:563,UAW_ALL_VOTING_TRUMP.jpg)

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d42e14 No.20902261

File: 71fb4dd16574d64⋯.jpg (106.42 KB,1920x1080,16:9,2047_im_gonna_make_him_an_….jpg)


all selected are asked.

all are selected.

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bd317b No.20902262


3 Days of Darnkess

Hell on earth

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f34c44 No.20902263

File: 71e7899fb8bf453⋯.png (857.12 KB,810x648,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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f8e740 No.20902264


MIX that fucker first.

I use 300ml water

2 tablespoons of 3% (out of that bottle)

they say 250-300ml I suppose if you feel like shits bad you could reduce that water some for more amplification.

Don't SWALLOW that shit. SPIT IT.

ya know, hold it in for 25 seconds, then spit.

Like I said, Cuts and Eyes are Fair Game I spray the fucks all day.

the NOSE I limit to 3x a day, but I have gone over this with no bad effect. But then I don't USE it every day either.

if you have sinus for years try this shit. You might still need to cut your mucus, that's a different thing. if you can't breath thru the hole how the fuck you spray anything in.

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1cca7d No.20902265

File: 49c8c6fe1b1421e⋯.png (720.36 KB,514x691,514:691,18D9CD3F_479B_4519_9A69_A6….png)

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52b370 No.20902266

File: 58a08be325e17fc⋯.jpg (83.94 KB,1200x719,1200:719,2000.jpg)

Who wants to have a quick battle on Neopets?

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222fb7 No.20902267


10 days

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d61479 No.20902268


tries to be a good role monolith for it.

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19ebd4 No.20902269


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390f14 No.20902270


>Any anon is coming with allergies

Try finding some Local Honey made with pollen from your area, it works wonders on Allergies.

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4f8804 No.20902271

File: d21b056e707ecec⋯.png (489.6 KB,793x906,793:906,keys.PNG)


FBI Authorized Use of Deadly Force During Mar-a-Lago Raid

Newly unsealed documents in Special Counsel Jack Smith's espionage case against Donald Trump demonstrate the FBI's plans to use deadly force–even if the former president arrived at the scene.

Julie Kelly

May 21, 2024

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8af869 No.20902272


2000. The Start.

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: a0205a No.952914 📁

Apr 8 2018 13:15:14 (EST)



Plane crash 1999.

HRC Senate 2000.

The “Start.”

Enjoy the show.


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19ebd4 No.20902273

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7dd0ee No.20902274


Heard about the cyanne pepper tea from Barbara one’ll , look it up yourself

Cyanne pepper Barbara O’Neill

Anon tried it because of how lousy anon was feeling especially with the energy, and that tea works

Anon puts a little bit, the oregano is from an Italian doctor and it does help

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164b96 No.20902275

File: 8c63eebfd31a990⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB,1280x720,16:9,stopcounting.mp4)

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73e6e3 No.20902276

File: 02832429c1cf099⋯.mp4 (651.8 KB,1334x750,667:375,02832429c1cf0992b3b7b77f75….mp4)


Nice digits chek'd and kek'd

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4f8804 No.20902277

File: 229232b8cb802d9⋯.png (886.04 KB,884x772,221:193,snap.PNG)


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

7 hours ago



BREAKING: UK PM Sunak Announces Snap July 4 Election.

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f34c44 No.20902278

File: e4f8c82dcd50c20⋯.png (960.89 KB,831x717,277:239,ClipboardImage.png)

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954dfc No.20902279

File: 4a0996a7e539a66⋯.jpg (119.03 KB,450x555,30:37,SUPER_EASY.jpg)


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a9dbca No.20902281

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fe2367 No.20902282


>all selected are asked.

>all are selected.

incorrect. you can be selected if you offer yourself, or you can be asked

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cf40b4 No.20902283

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4b2f20 No.20902284

File: 20fdda2a0a0ea82⋯.jpg (241.92 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_21_22_2….jpg)

File: 003abd33ea27ac8⋯.png (597.65 KB,417x680,417:680,003abd33ea27ac8fd5eafbf6c8….png)

File: e68097d344c04b0⋯.jpg (21.27 KB,320x320,1:1,discog_tn_3.jpg)

File: 1d1dc36f4134e41⋯.jpg (134.55 KB,1377x1377,1:1,s_l1600.jpg)



fucking lightning bolts mirrors

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65a237 No.20902285


Whistleblowers Allege John Kerry Blocked FBI from Arresting Iranian Agents on U.S. Soil while Obama Admin Secretary of State

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3ef640 No.20902286



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d42e14 No.20902287


because someone said it is necessary, that makes it so?


mind control is never necessary. nor is secrecy or deception.

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4f8804 No.20902288

File: 66e6cc4da84c348⋯.png (36.45 KB,795x344,795:344,toss.PNG)


NYC ex-con whose past murder conviction

was tossed by DA now charged in fatal

shootout less than two years later

New York Post, by Joe Marino , Larry Celona & Jorge Fitz-Gibbon

Posted By: mc squared, 5/22/2024 10:06:21 AM

A Brooklyn ex-con whose murder conviction was tossed out by prosecutors is back behind bars – this time charged in a shooting that left a 19-year-old man dead just nine months after he was released from prison. Shamel Capers, 25 was found guilty in 2016 in the shooting death of 15-year-old D’aja Robinson with a stray bullet while she rode a Q6 bus in Jamaica after a Sweet 16 birthday party. Now, after serving just eight years of a 15-year-to-life prison sentence for murder, Capers is facing new charges in a Queens shootout last year that left another teenager dead in a hail of bullets.

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2bbacb No.20902289


both of those cause me to have an almost instant inflammation.

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f8e740 No.20902290


There are OIL or OREGANO Carvacrol capsuls you can swallow now *no mouth burn

Anon uses both.. Droppers and caps.

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cf40b4 No.20902291

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8af869 No.20902293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Especially when appointing Pompeo to do the job. He wanted Assange dead. For being a journalist.

Big fucking joke. And the seals clap.

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768faf No.20902294


Take me back 2

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d42e14 No.20902295


you can be selected with or without your interest and will. why do you think epstein and myriad other honey pot ops exist. To find those to 'ask' and thus select.

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450938 No.20902296

Someone let Nikkishill know that she is voting for Trump 2024.

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dbbc7d No.20902297


Deception was very clearly necessary in order to minimize casualties and preserve the union and thus the world.

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c47350 No.20902298

File: a242151afa42c32⋯.png (701.71 KB,1214x683,1214:683,ClipboardImage.png)

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152cb0 No.20902299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Did yall feel that?

The SEAS felt that one.


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4f8804 No.20902300

File: 6ce04e518a73357⋯.png (736.32 KB,783x717,261:239,fed_up.PNG)


Fed Up With Anti-Israel Demonstrations

On College Campuses? 60% Of All Voters

Agree: I&I/TIPP Poll

Issues & Insights, by Terry Jones

Posted By: RockyTCB, 5/22/2024 9:38:20 AM

American college campuses have experienced mass demonstrations and occupations by students and outsiders in recent months following Israel’s powerful response to the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks by the Islamist group Hamas. Do Americans support this? No, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll shows. Many average Americans expressed shock at the sudden violent, and well-organized, demonstrations and tent cities that sprang up at universities around the nation, largely in support of Hamas and the destruction of Israel. A solid majority of Americans are not happy with this, according to May’s national online I&I/TIPP Poll

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954dfc No.20902301

File: 3df52eefe1b851e⋯.jpg (132.4 KB,494x565,494:565,DINDU_THEM_EXERCISES_HUH.jpg)


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af63b9 No.20902302


The stupid meme will magnify the lie and delusion. It's about poopy pants, and cranky plantation decrepit dem world - faggoty ole boi hate everyone monocumslugger give me moar doleslime money - view

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f34c44 No.20902303

File: dd23536ea57f0da⋯.png (823.41 KB,960x829,960:829,ClipboardImage.png)

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2bbacb No.20902304


the burn doesn't just happen in the mouth.

once you disrupt your Ph balance you also get the burn in your gut and in your bowels.

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cf40b4 No.20902305

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f8e740 No.20902306


>Somewhere Q is sitting back and smiling bigly

The county is going to fucking Shit. You are fucking INSANE. You have WORMS UP YOUR BUT AND THEY TURNED YOU TO A Q NUT

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8af869 No.20902307


2024 Anarchy in all major cities.

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5a82d7 No.20902308

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

1 hour ago



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0f2ed9 No.20902309

File: 0e4bd67834ffce6⋯.png (1.78 MB,968x800,121:100,0e4bd67834ffce6451153bc500….png)

Last Shout


#25636 >>20901605

>>20901606 Robert Gouveia - Feds RANSACKED Melania's BEDROOM; "LETHAL FORCE" APPROVED; Merchan Under FIRE; Fani & Wade REUNITED

>>20901634 Crimes and Criminal Procedures 18 USC 879. Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons

>>20901664, >>20901679 Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which The Post exposed and he denied — will be used as evidence in his gun case

>>20901670 The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money

>>20901676 PF Happening

>>20901695, >>20901707 @EmeraldRobinson FOUR YEARS AGO - This was the shot heard around the world

>>20901726, >>20901752 Kenya - Dinner is served - WH is hosting Kenyan President Ruto and First Lady Ruto

>>20901730 a 3 second kek James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'F*ck you!' on the street."

>>20901779, >>20901815 Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. It is not new and has been ongoing - Col. Karl Nell of the UAPTF

>>20901833 Hunter Biden: Markup of Materials Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

>>20901845 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

>>20901853 @libsoftiktok 3 board members who pushed a policy to allow males in the girl’s bathroom just lost their reelection

>>20901860 @JamesOKeefeIII on Comey: In psychology this is called “Projection.”

>>20901880 President @realDonaldTrump greets the great Line Crew at Wilson Air FBO!!

>>20901902 @jsolomonReports Maricopa County, and Arizona Sec. of State censored 2020 election audit hearing, elected officials

>>20901919, >>20901923, >>20901987, >>20902020, >>20902163 TREASON John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal

>>20901934 On The Move - President Trump’s motorcade on the move in TX

>>20901950, >>20901964 Potato tries to convince Veterans he is with them

>>20901988, >>20901999 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about the children being murdered in Gaza, Palestine

>>20902033 POTUS TRUTH Post - Joe Biden - The Real Threat To Our Democracy - new campaign ad video

>>20902036 Microsoft Goes all in with surveillance: new “Recall” feature will record everything you do on your PC

>>20902057, >>20902133 @JohnSolomon Denver set to buy two buildings for $4 million to house migrants

>>20902151 Apparently there is a rumor of Microsoft getting ready to make an offer of $16 Billion dollars to buy Valve owners of the Steam Platform

>>20902166 @JamesOKeefeIII BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force

>>20902288NYC ex-con whose past murder conviction was tossed by DA now charged in fatal shootout less than two years later

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4176ff No.20902310

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB,474x470,237:235,254ef3554abf8dfbb17fff716….jpeg)


Two and a half weeks is pretty good.

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cf40b4 No.20902311

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390f14 No.20902312


>Kerry shared secrets with him about themilitary actions of Israel,

Oh THAT'S Why they are going after him

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1a1f8f No.20902313

File: c9572f508a732c9⋯.jpg (180.67 KB,1290x1403,1290:1403,media_GOJnWuQWUAAjPmB.jpg)

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1cca7d No.20902314

File: af7300835cc8e9f⋯.gif (378.11 KB,400x225,16:9,577DF657_AD78_4E3D_B9D4_83….gif)

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fe2367 No.20902315


>To find those to 'ask' and thus select.


also, pointless argument, definition of words

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776789 No.20902316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We Can't Talk About China. Because Trump.

China Uncensored

1.94M subscribers


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4b2f20 No.20902317

File: a756dab33066a1a⋯.jpg (219.91 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_2….jpg)

File: e2cc1238d4ec9f0⋯.jpg (224.69 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_22_19_4….jpg)

File: 20fdda2a0a0ea82⋯.jpg (241.92 KB,480x960,1:2,Screenshot_2024_05_21_22_2….jpg)




fucking spaceman undisclosed stars

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7dd0ee No.20902318


Those digits though

No coincidence

It’s gonna be biblical

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eedbb2 No.20902319

File: 22666d63731a971⋯.png (74.7 KB,406x535,406:535,June3_GunTrialHunterHunted.png)

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f34c44 No.20902320

File: c92fc09559ebb57⋯.png (483.38 KB,655x529,655:529,ClipboardImage.png)

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8af869 No.20902321


"There's got to be a position for me. Besides ass backwards".

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8f47f9 No.20902322

File: 53144a48be48ed9⋯.png (277.71 KB,545x650,109:130,ClipboardImage.png)

Trump holding a campaign rally in the South Bronx and not getting an answer from us?

Not on my watch!

You’re all invited join me,


with the Arc of Justice & the South Bronx community to rally in support of everything The Bronx is *really* about!


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954dfc No.20902323

File: c5b97152c83911c⋯.jpg (91.98 KB,679x476,97:68,IN_STEREO_WINNING.jpg)

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7da813 No.20902324

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f8e740 No.20902325


Yeah so only take one.

I experimented use em to replace (avoid taking antibiotic)

I think similar to LiPO-C it helps remove water from lungs to rid that low end exhale cough..

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f34c44 No.20902326

File: 6b8a937d55a44a2⋯.png (643.25 KB,1600x900,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ef640 No.20902327


Correct checkt!

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7da813 No.20902329

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73e6e3 No.20902330

File: e532ac70220199d⋯.jpg (41.79 KB,720x350,72:35,20240522_181339.jpg)

File: ab9a4de68d981e6⋯.jpg (146.69 KB,720x1076,180:269,20240522_181437.jpg)

File: 1a692d3682035bb⋯.jpg (87.19 KB,1071x1061,1071:1061,20240522_181258.jpg)



ATTENTION @SecretService!

Please arrest this person @garbotweetsU2 for threatening to kill Donald Trump tomorrow in the Bronx!!

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450938 No.20902331

File: 618da88d8b18beb⋯.mp4 (130.26 KB,538x310,269:155,Nikki_voting_for_Trump.mp4)




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f34c44 No.20902332

File: 15ef9c462b13f1e⋯.png (312.07 KB,710x539,710:539,ClipboardImage.png)

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d42e14 No.20902333


not true. TRUTH is always the better path.

You lie to your kids about Santa? anon didn't. we differ to the core.

If the union of the world cannot survive 100% truth, it is a sand castle, and illusion of unity anyway, that should endure the totality of revelation, come what may. And casualties are not relevant to eternal, repentant souls.

I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life. John 14:6

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160a4b No.20902334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Utopia Vaccine Scene


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4f8804 No.20902335

File: ea987a384962dbc⋯.png (70.41 KB,389x558,389:558,uk.PNG)


NEW - UK government launches "Prepare" website, advising people on how to prep for "natural and human induced" emergencies like viral outbreaks, climate emergencies, cyber and terror attacks.



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f34c44 No.20902337

File: 8c6be0fd3cd8042⋯.png (363.88 KB,680x676,170:169,ClipboardImage.png)

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d42e14 No.20902338


correct, there is no argument. being asked and being selected is the same thing. in either case, one accepts or refuses.

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4c8e37 No.20902339

File: 5facf0467940083⋯.jpg (297.61 KB,800x600,4:3,BIDEN5.jpg)



Good ONE!

Biden's a coward, for sure.

Bullies alway are.


Making his daughter dread having him come in the shower with her?

when she was a child.

How much more 'Bully' is that?

Taking advantage of a child?

And copping feels and sniffs without permission?

He "gets off" on breaking boundaries of those he has power over.


How was he, even, elected?

Oh right, he wasn't.

I forgot.

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e40dbe No.20902340

File: 7114b0183215930⋯.png (339.54 KB,587x668,587:668,7114b01832159308d6a6a07b7d….png)

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7da813 No.20902341

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2bbacb No.20902342


poison ivy, for example, causes me great distress. I get near it once, I'm fine.

twice, small bumps, if I get around it a few more times suddenly there are giant boils.

imagine that in your gut, what that might feel like.

but I know it passes as long as I don't aggrivate it.

The bunnies that play in the yard think of poison ivy as a good food.

so each creature is different.

if it works for you it doesn't necessarily work for others. there is the danger in your advice.

you might end up convincing someone else to poison themself.

is that what you want to do?

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87e96a No.20902343


FBI already has them and getting them VIP passes

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fe2367 No.20902344


two different words, two different meanings. that´s how it works.

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bd74d5 No.20902345

File: 1b8a06d89e1191c⋯.webm (2.8 MB,502x720,251:360,1b8a06d89e1191cc9b69bd1dd….webm)

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1cca7d No.20902346

File: 2df4ce1b1f49231⋯.png (978.01 KB,1194x797,1194:797,3820B28F_8706_45D2_A1DF_49….png)


Neck yerself snowflake

Get thicker skin

It’s a meme

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7dd0ee No.20902347


Anon agrees

Truth is the only way out of all this mess

It doesn’t matter how harsh or unrealistic

It’s the only way

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1b5325 No.20902348

File: 2afca2057573ab0⋯.png (587.31 KB,772x516,193:129,ClipboardImage.png)


The Doctors may be Baffled

The Experts may be Baffled

The Talking Heads may be Baffled

The Rest of the World know exactly what the cause is

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65a237 No.20902349

File: 29dcc22d38b9fca⋯.jpg (23.81 KB,640x640,1:1,vhtransformation.jpg)

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674e90 No.20902350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Paul pauses…wait for it.

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8af869 No.20902351

File: 2e47dc2547562fc⋯.mp4 (6.29 MB,464x848,29:53,stan_myers_water_fuel_cell….mp4)


Here's one. Many are invented by US and stolen by THEM.

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dbbc7d No.20902352


Truth comes after deception.

What is a ruse?

When are ruses legal for the military to use on the public?

Conditions met?

Truth yes, but not at a cost we cant recover from. Member?

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f34c44 No.20902354

File: 2fc060668d4bda9⋯.png (128.55 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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390f14 No.20902355

File: d6945592f8a5b40⋯.jpg (57.66 KB,500x650,10:13,7ietl1.jpg)


>Notice how 100% of their focus and attention is on attacking REAL Anons

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f8e740 No.20902356

File: b5c7fffc047c7e5⋯.png (21.91 KB,846x534,141:89,ClipboardImage.png)


If your happy X won't load, CLAP YOUR HANDS

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1a1f8f No.20902357

File: 91a171d0287798e⋯.png (397.25 KB,624x473,624:473,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88bf5d98fb56836⋯.png (305.18 KB,291x505,291:505,88bf5d98fb56836de5b2df310b….png)

Daily Mail Online



Trump's glamorous aide Margo Martin rescues Eric by slapping back at 'liars' who said ex-president's son posted 'fake' video of crowds lining the street to greet him


May 22, 2024 · 11:01 PM UTC



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4b2f20 No.20902359

File: 8fbe00b3897d56a⋯.png (115.7 KB,640x1040,8:13,1955_1_.png)

File: e19bbe57bc4eb54⋯.png (246.16 KB,640x2070,64:207,183.png)

File: a2976fb69e9b2bd⋯.jpg (338.22 KB,1908x606,318:101,a2976fb69e9b2bd0ab551aff7c….jpg)

File: 1c9fe2df74fe958⋯.jpg (153.59 KB,874x500,437:250,1c9fe2df74fe958566369bdfa9….jpg)


c'mon man is it legit

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222fb7 No.20902360


>if X won't load





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f8e740 No.20902361

File: 51fa08b6a979581⋯.jpg (26.87 KB,480x360,4:3,baffled.jpg)

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73e6e3 No.20902363

File: 66db29a1b6dbdcc⋯.mp4 (1020.23 KB,480x852,40:71,twitter_177954287973763932….mp4)


Remember this terrorist behind Trump at a rally making the throat slashing motion a few weeks ago?

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19ebd4 No.20902364

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f34c44 No.20902365

File: 0362a483c488483⋯.png (1015.03 KB,960x947,960:947,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2b58d27e64969b7⋯.png (233.75 KB,370x432,185:216,ClipboardImage.png)

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5d5136 No.20902367


>even the words you use show you to be a shill.


Just enjoying the environment 2night

And trying to share a little wisdom.

I hope it helps him a bit.

Keep trying, faggot.

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4f8804 No.20902368

File: 887b0e02a031330⋯.png (782.51 KB,713x715,713:715,pa.PNG)

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164b96 No.20902369



No credible scientific research has ever proven the efficacy of orthotropics.

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2bbacb No.20902370

File: 24de26707f6cde4⋯.jpg (1.37 MB,1290x1083,430:361,word_011.jpg)

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1a1f8f No.20902371

File: 2f9feb4fc6dd9b3⋯.png (243.2 KB,635x485,127:97,ClipboardImage.png)

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19ebd4 No.20902372

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d42e14 No.20902373


ruse = lie

tool of the enemy

there is no cost we cant recover from. Did not Jesus pay the ultimate cost, and defeat death? No fear, and certainly no support of deceptions from this and many other anons.

100% revelation - no 60/40, 80/20 BS.

Jesus is the TRUTH. Who dare withhold that truth from the bride? Only the enemy.

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2bbacb No.20902374


the words you use, anon, show you as a shill

NO ONE spells that word like you do unless they mean something sexual and YOU KNOW THIS.

but you deny it. and name call.

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954dfc No.20902375

File: eda7e9b9f54437d⋯.jpg (122.05 KB,457x565,457:565,EXPEND_AMMO_ON_PIG.jpg)



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8f0313 No.20902376



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4f8804 No.20902377

File: af38fe1173766b2⋯.png (865.82 KB,788x783,788:783,kon.PNG)

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7dd0ee No.20902378


Anon uses dry organic oregano leaves and after adding the water, anon covers it for 10 minutes then drink it. Honey masks the sharp taste

Anon loves oregano on anything so it’s ok

But it does have a sharp taste

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19ebd4 No.20902379

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f34c44 No.20902380

File: 7f7ab220a63bfe3⋯.png (864.98 KB,800x1280,5:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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52b370 No.20902381

File: 79b9cab469b6db4⋯.jpg (54.28 KB,610x500,61:50,92caa7ce9ab590c4d520b68eb8….jpg)

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450938 No.20902383

So many useless spam posts wiped clean with that last refresh, as if they were never even posted. Well done BV's o7

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164b96 No.20902384

File: 18d793e26029f32⋯.png (509.85 KB,652x697,652:697,doublespeak.png)

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0f2ed9 No.20902385



#25636 >>20901605

>>20901606 Robert Gouveia - Feds RANSACKED Melania's BEDROOM; "LETHAL FORCE" APPROVED; Merchan Under FIRE; Fani & Wade REUNITED

>>20901634 Crimes and Criminal Procedures 18 USC 879. Threats against former Presidents and certain other persons

>>20901664, >>20901679 Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop — which The Post exposed and he denied — will be used as evidence in his gun case

>>20901670 The collapse of a fintech firm with 10 million users has left many Americans without access to their money

>>20901676 PF Happenings

>>20901695, >>20901707 @EmeraldRobinson FOUR YEARS AGO - This was the shot heard around the world

>>20901726, >>20901752 Kenya - Dinner is served - WH is hosting Kenyan President Ruto and First Lady Ruto

>>20901730 a 3 second kek James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'F*ck you!' on the street."

>>20901779, >>20901815 Non-human intelligence has been interacting with humanity. It is not new and has been ongoing - Col. Karl Nell of the UAPTF

>>20901833 Hunter Biden: Markup of Materials Protected Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6103

>>20901845 U.S. Government ‘Cartel’ Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots

>>20901853 @libsoftiktok 3 board members who pushed a policy to allow males in the girl’s bathroom just lost their reelection

>>20901860 @JamesOKeefeIII on Comey: In psychology this is called “Projection.”

>>20901880 President @realDonaldTrump greets the great Line Crew at Wilson Air FBO!!

>>20901902 @jsolomonReports Maricopa County, and Arizona Sec. of State censored 2020 election audit hearing, elected officials

>>20901919, >>20901923, >>20901987, >>20902020, >>20902163 TREASON John Kerry blocked the FBI and DOJ from arresting Iranian terrorists and agents on U.S. soil in order to protect his Iran deal

>>20901934 On The Move - President Trump’s motorcade on the move in TX

>>20901950, >>20901964 Potato tries to convince Veterans he is with them

>>20901988, >>20901999 Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks about the children being murdered in Gaza, Palestine

>>20902033 POTUS TRUTH Post - Joe Biden - The Real Threat To Our Democracy - new campaign ad video

>>20902036 Microsoft Goes all in with surveillance: new “Recall” feature will record everything you do on your PC

>>20902057, >>20902133 @JohnSolomon Denver set to buy two buildings for $4 million to house migrants

>>20902151 Apparently there is a rumor of Microsoft getting ready to make an offer of $16 Billion dollars to buy Valve owners of the Steam Platform

>>20902166 @JamesOKeefeIII BREAKING: DEI Conspiracy in Air Force

>>20902288 NYC ex-con whose past murder conviction was tossed by DA now charged in fatal shootout less than two years later

>>20902308 WAR ROOM - Julie Kelly Gives Updates On President Trump's Classified Records Case In Florida

>>20902322 Assembly Member Dist 84 Amanda Septimo announcing Counter Protest to Trump's visit to the Bronx

>>20902330 ATTENTION @SecretService! Please arrest this person @garbotweetsU2 for threatening to kill Donald Trump tomorrow in the Bronx!!

>>20902357 Trump's glamorous aide Margo Martin rescues Eric by slapping back at 'liars' who said ex-president's son posted 'fake' video of crowds lining the street to greet him

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d61479 No.20902387

File: b5bd2b89ee82b61⋯.png (625.31 KB,720x576,5:4,grmblgrmbl_bleh.png)

File: cfd6edf15957343⋯.jpg (37.46 KB,727x423,727:423,multi_D_resonanc.jpg)

File: ca167af603bdc34⋯.jpeg (142.7 KB,920x920,1:1,ca167af603bdc34436a5f7de9….jpeg)

File: d205d4abb974afd⋯.gif (537.77 KB,182x275,182:275,pepe_portal_sm_f.gif)

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164b96 No.20902389


>James Comey: "I occasionally have someone say 'Fuck you!' on the street."


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e4e100 No.20902390

the only way is up ^

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954dfc No.20902391

File: bbb3f6196fdc497⋯.jpg (126.12 KB,514x558,257:279,ALL_C.jpg)



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8af869 No.20902392

(pb) >>20902357

Put some shades on her and Margo-a-Lago looks like a Melania double.

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dbbc7d No.20902393


Good luck.

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d42e14 No.20902394


not so much

if one asks you to do something, you can accept or refuse the request

if one selects you for something, you can accept or refuse the request

shit aint that hard, Craig

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1cca7d No.20902395

File: 741058dbb9dd3d4⋯.jpeg (590.71 KB,747x1127,747:1127,F28DEA4D_F9AD_45DF_81C8_4….jpeg)

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d42e14 No.20902396


no such thing

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4c8e37 No.20902397

File: a58508be916d47c⋯.jpeg (42.56 KB,474x359,474:359,pepemidnightrierf6.jpeg)

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164b96 No.20902398


red pill butt joke

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8f47f9 No.20902399

File: e63ca27d7bdf271⋯.png (68.21 KB,695x179,695:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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6ad1d8 No.20902400

File: 49141a34e082739⋯.jpg (52.09 KB,1080x993,360:331,guidestones_dollar_general.jpg)

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691af8 No.20902401


Yeah, but it was one-sided.

It was pretty clear who the food fight participants were in this bread.

Leave them all alone or whack them all.

None of this selective enforcement shit.

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8af869 No.20902402

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473081 No.20902407

File: 8ae2ee5f99178c1⋯.png (476.11 KB,800x661,800:661,ClipboardImage.png)

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76cc5b No.20902408


Tried, I don't have the chops for Russian apparently. Went so far as to take a 'test' to see the probability of being able to read/speak it (yeah that's a thing) and wasn't accepted into the course.

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4c8e37 No.20902409

File: 564918882fa793e⋯.jpeg (165.25 KB,802x1120,401:560,comey9.jpeg)


Will be happening moar.

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0f2ed9 No.20902410







Baker Ghosting top of next bread, anons pls step up

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776789 No.20902411

File: 8e6358d72ceccc5⋯.png (83.62 KB,250x243,250:243,ClipboardImage.png)


>It’s a meme

It's a namefag/famefag. And no good can ever come from that on this board. Thought you already knew that anon.

However. In this particular case. It is also communist subversive subliminal psyops.

Anon ragrets to inform you that (you) have been successfully programmed.

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f3eb6a No.20902412


This guy just asked the entire world to chant 'Corney is a FAGGOT!" at every public sporting event.


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6ad1d8 No.20902413

File: fb197a46f66f288⋯.jpg (120.35 KB,853x480,853:480,guidestones_gonestones.jpg)

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1b5325 No.20902414

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fe2367 No.20902417


>if one selects you for something,

must have a selection to select, i.e. plural

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954dfc No.20902421

File: 5eff31e6f0a0999⋯.jpg (112.33 KB,595x476,5:4,MISTRESSMIND.jpg)


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8af869 No.20902422


"How I became a Faggot"

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0f2ed9 No.20902423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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76cc5b No.20902424


Hypotensive, sit down or fall down, she saved her own bacon from getting hurt. Probably vaxx'd…

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4c8e37 No.20902426

File: 6cec040cec6afad⋯.jpg (160 KB,1200x265,240:53,thankuforyourservicepepe.jpg)

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1cca7d No.20902427

File: 40fd76a460cf2da⋯.webp (253.24 KB,400x250,8:5,5265E639_DBC7_4EC0_A2F6_9….webp)

All that time and effort wasted because of a cat meme

Yeah you did do that

Be proud if THAT


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d42e14 No.20902430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


like every presidential/prime minister etc selection ever

save it

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473081 No.20902434

File: e5c6472720de127⋯.png (916.72 KB,732x509,732:509,ClipboardImage.png)


Criminal invaders aren't vaccinated.

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1cca7d No.20902437

File: e584264e26147b1⋯.jpeg (529.67 KB,907x594,907:594,E830A1DD_134E_4E3E_958F_7….jpeg)

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f8e740 No.20902438


poast, nitter, fedverse

I'll have to see how far this works.


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776789 No.20902439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This Chinese Casino in America Should Be Stopped

China Unscripted

204K subscribers


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fe2367 No.20902440


not trump, if he was asked


hairsplitting nonsense this..

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a9dbca No.20902442


thank goodness that's only a hundred and four seconds

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d42e14 No.20902443

File: 4c25e84f82dd286⋯.gif (1.43 MB,498x280,249:140,bitch_please_redd_foxx.gif)


ALL of them

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d42e14 No.20902446


74 =104?

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f8e740 No.20902447



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954dfc No.20902449

File: 7c63347b3a89e30⋯.jpg (97.01 KB,576x469,576:469,BUT_PIG_DONT.jpg)


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a9dbca No.20902450


ur math is better

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1cca7d No.20902451

File: 7cadbd34d0747a5⋯.png (302.55 KB,474x527,474:527,FCCCD7BB_10A7_4B6A_AB0C_18….png)


It’s your problem phaggit

Just because you are a weak pussy doesn’t make others that way

Been here longer than your sad triggered ass

Run along nao yer moms got hit pockets fer ya

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4c8e37 No.20902452

File: 47aa8e405771aca⋯.jpg (24.34 KB,632x632,1:1,comeymcabe.jpg)

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4c8e37 No.20902457


but its true

that trumps all your BS


Hope you choke on the money

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768faf No.20902458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


money doesn't buy peace of mind when you're an asshole. ( him)

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