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e72fb9 No.20867436 [Last50 Posts]

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e72fb9 No.20867440

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Plz sign out clearly when e-baking or ghosting, use RED TEXT

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e72fb9 No.20867441


#25593 >>20866543

>>20866588 Senator Cassidy said if we don’t pass bipartisan border security legislation, the problem will get worse - then he voted against the bill

>>20866617 Vivek Walks Into Court With Trump

>>20866634 Soros cash paying Loren Merchan’s bills

>>20866637 Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay

>>20866652 Pfizer Earning Billions Treating Covid Vax-Induced Turbo Cancers

>>20866686 Paris Holocaust memorial vandalized with 'blood-red hands'

>>20866702, >>20866721 The largest judicial corruption scandal in the entire recent history of democracy in Spain

>>20866784 Ohio A.G. Dave Yost Charges Protesters Under Ancient KKK Anti-Masking Law, Grand Jury Rejects Charge

>>20866817, >>20866858, >>20866886, >>20867347 Planefag

>>20866841 HAMAS = UN soldiers?

>>20866862, >>20867096 CNN stars act out dramatic scenes from Trump trial reading from testimony transcripts

>>20866871 Eric Adams suggests migrants could fill NYC’s lifeguard shortage because ‘they’re excellent swimmers’

>>20866873, >>20866899 Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system

>>20866884 Only Fans King Pin Leonid Radvinsky is AIPAC's biggest donor

>>20866888 New Black Project Whistleblower with claims that appear to be related to Dave Grusch’s group that have been appearing before congress

>>20866890 Indictment Charges Former D.C. Department of Human Services Official and Co-Conspirator with Extortion

>>20866900 Border Collie Messi arrives at Cannes Film Festival

>>20866952, >>20866969 @MRobertsQLD: I'm proud to have co-signed this letter urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>20866989, >>20866992 Federal Judge Tosses Biden Admin's Effort to Stop Media Censorship Lawsuit

>>20867019 Sydney Population Change (2022-2023)

>>20867046, >>20867112, >>20867298 President Trump Speaks After Day 17 of Hush Money Trial on New York

>>20867051, >>20867065 Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products from Non-Existent Origination Country - Here’s Why

>>20867058 CERN Cuts Ties with Russia

>>20867082, >>20867117 WH Press Sec. confirms Trump's criminal trial is "related to 2024 elections"

>>20867087 New Jersey Democrat US Senator @CoryBooker is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s company @Authentic_HQ

>>20867089 Agencies announce public meeting on proposed acquisition by Capital One of Discover

>>20867125 Former Obama officials, Peggy Wood and wife Hope Wood, dead after head-on car crash in San Diego County

>>20867132 Republican-Led States Sue Biden Administration Over New Transgender Protections

>>20867137 Another State Just Banned Biological Men From Women's Spaces

>>20867147, >>20867157 The ship that collapsed the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore experienced a “total power blackout” hours before leaving the port

>>20867165 The Most Important Election in Georgia Is One That Many Voters Could Overlook

>>20867210 EU condemns ‘Israeli extremists’

>>20867319 Turley: You have to wonder if the judge is having second thoughts

>>20867404 Supreme Court Justices Thomas And Alito Issue Warnings About State Of America

>>20867423 Supplemental notes

>>20867431 #25593

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e72fb9 No.20867444

#25592 >>20865754

>>20866220, >>20866225, >>20866227, >>20866230, >>20866233, >>20866238, >>20866248, >>20866256, >>20866259, >>20866267, >>20866270, >>20866274, >>20866281, >>20866288, >>20866292 DJT Truths

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20865762 Remembering the Battle of Coral Sea: 82nd Anniversary

>>20865823 Some truly incredible patriots

>>20865845, >>20866174, >>20866149, >>20866251, >>20866287 Planefag

>>20865848 Toulouse-based space tech Infinite Orbits bags €12 million to build first life extension satellite

>>20865858, >>20865864, >>20865933, >>20865952, >>20866494 Strong R3 radio blackout in progress (≥X1 - current: X8.53)

>>20865865 King Charles unveils his first official portrait since coronation as he continues cancer treatment

>>20865878 Scavino: THANK YOU!!! #LESM #NationalPoliceWeek

>>20865895 Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden, Jayne Zirkle Reports

>>20865898 Breaking exascale barrier: US tops supercomputer list with Frontier, Aurora

>>20865901, >>20865997 The Gamestop short squeeze is getting interesting

>>20865938 Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld - 2.3 Trillion Missing

>>20865945 Legendary Investor Scott Bessent w/ Don Trump Jr. on TRIGGERED

>>20865973 Steve Bannon Calls For Action Against Lawfare From House Judiciary Committee, get to Work Jordan

>>20866020 Hundreds of tiny 'dancing orbs' during Northern Lights

>>20866034, >>20866039 Wyoming Sorority Sisters Argue Against Trans Membership In Appeals Court

>>20866051 Red Lobster closing at least 99 locations as its future comes into question

>>20866065 At least 8 people killed in Florida bus crash; dozens injured

>>20866101 Scott Bessent On Bidenomics: High Interest Rates Are Hitting Poorer Americans The Hardest

>>20866129 Hunter Biden’s trial on gun charges will begin next month after judge rejects bid to delay

>>20866163 Donald Trump had his own game show in the early 90's called Trump Card

>>20866202 How Europe and Britain are getting ready for 'WWIII': Interactive graphic reveals how West will stop Putin

>>20866306 Supreme Court Justices Thomas And Alito Issue Warnings About State Of America

>>20866308 Canada Under State of Emergency From Forest Fires

>>20866317 Steve Bannon And Russ Vought React To Speaker Mike Johnson

>>20866327, >>20866331 Israeli Tanks Plunge Deeper Into Rafah As 500,000 Palestinians Flee

>>20866341 Biden Ally Rep. Goldman Admits Meeting with Michael Cohen “Many Times” to “Prepare Him” for Testimony in Biden/Bragg Trial

>>20866352 Schumann

>>20866356 Australian Government’s Overreach Slammed: Conservative Social Media ‘Gab’ Defies Censorship Demands, Faces $500,000 Fine for Upholding Free Speech

>>20866362 New York Appeals Court Upholds Merchan’s Gag Order - Claims Crooked Judge “Properly Weighed” Trump’s First Amendment Rights

>>20866368 Office-loan delinquencies jump to nearly 6-year high

>>20866372 Kelly Collins On Precinct Strategy And How To Get Involved In Your Local Party

>>20866379 Merrick Garland and Chris Wray Proudly Announce Government Censorship Apparatus to Target “Cyber-Enabled Campaigns”

>>20866389 Russian MPs pass bill banning ‘foreign agents’ from elections

>>20866413 Cohen raid by FBI?

>>20866430 Mike Lindell On Speaker Johnson

>>20866443 Former Obama campaign worker and wife killed in Southern California vehicle crash

>>20866448 Americans Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of GDI From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital

>>20866453 Utah mom sues AstraZeneca, claiming she was left ‘permanently disabled’ in COVID vaccine trial

>>20866460, >>20866531 New Documents Reveal Training Materials Explaining to Noncitizens and Illegal Aliens How They Can Register to Vote in DC Elections

>>20866462 Live: Border Crisis Hearing

>>20866611 #25592

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e72fb9 No.20867446

#25591-B >>20864863

>>20864869 @DecentBackup - Can someone file a motion to intervene for me so I can dismiss Perkins Coie from existence for operating as a FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (ISRAEL, CCP, GCHQ and UKRAINE), engaged in wide-scale sedition, election fraud and child trafficking?

>>20864902, >>20864903, >>20864912 POTUS Truth - Virtually every Legal Analyst and Scholar said yesterday, at the end of the day, THAT THERE IS NO CASE, AND THAT THIS WITCH HUNT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT, AND SHOULD BE THROWN OUT NOW!!!

>>20864951 Delaware County Lawyer Tom Gallagher Destroying Voting Machine Tapes To Bypass A FOIA Request

>>20865033 POTUS Truth - Fox News should let Judge Jeanine cover the Trial, not Eric Shawn, who has no clue what’s going on - Just another RINO.

>>20865040 POTUS Truth - Fareed Zakaria, CNN: “I doubt the New York Indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Donald Trump.”

>>20865042 Texas school principal's husband is exposed as suspected pedophile 'who produced child porn on school grounds, before distributing it on the dark web'

>>20865043 POTUS Truth - Mark Levin: “Our Judicial System has blown up!”

>>20865051 POTUS Truth - Jonathan Turley: “After Bragg closes the prosecution’s case, the defense will make a standard motion for dismissal. Merchan should grant that motion. There has been no showing of an actual crime…

>>20865055 POTUS Truth - Gregg Jarrett: “We’re entering the Fourth Week, and there’s still NO EVIDENCE connecting Trump with any criminal wrongdoing…

>>20865066 POTUS Truth - Virtually every Legal Analyst and Scholar said yesterday, at the end of the day, THAT THERE IS NO CASE, AND THAT THIS WITCH HUNT SHOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN BROUGHT, AND SHOULD BE THROWN OUT NOW!!!

>>20865087 POTUS Truth - Andrew C. McCarthy: “TRUMP SHOULD BE ACQUITTED IN MANHATTAN: Wholly independent of the plethora of Constitutional infirmities in the prosecution, it should be thrown out for the most basic of reasons: Bragg can’t prove his case.”

>>20865091 May 14, 2024 3:00 AM EDT Secretary Blinken meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy Kyiv, Ukraine

>>20865178 9:00 AM EDT The Future of the American University: Civic Education, Past and Present - American Enterprise Institute

>>20865179 9:00 AM EDT United for Infrastructure: Invest. Permit. Build U.S. Chamber of Commerce

>>20865180 May 14, 2024 9:00 AM EDT Rural Communities In Action Event - The White House

>>20865197 Multiple deaths, injuries reported after bus overturns on Highway 40. There is no access to Highway 40 from Highway 41 near the Citrus and Marion county line.

>>20865208 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/14/2024

>>20865252 PF Report: Europe/Med/Gulf activity

>>20865253 Biden administration to increase tariffs on Chinese electric cars to 100 percent

>>20865261 Criminal gangs, profiteers thrive in Gaza as cash shortage worsens misery

>>20865294 AMC stock more than doubles amid meme craze as company completes $250 million share sale

>>20865302 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 14, 2024 - The 37 Cluster

>>20865307 Foreign terrorist organizations could target Pride month events: FBI, DHS (Another Hoax Incoming?)

>>20865318 Oh Hell NO Game on anons. Memes Galore! Vindman’s brother running for House.

>>20865353 NASA Names First Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer - NASA Administrator Bill Nelson on Monday named David Salvagnini as the agency’s new chief artificial intelligence (AI) officer, effective immediately

>>20865747 #25591-B

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e72fb9 No.20867447

#25591-A >>20864863

>>20865355 10:00 AM EDT War Room With Steve Bannon AM Edition 5-14-24

>>20865359 10:30 AM EDT Department of the Army Criminal Investigation Division Fallen Agent Remembrance Ceremony - Department of Defense

>>20865379 POTUS Truth - (Video statement)

>>20865390 Blinken Tells Zelensky US AID Is On Way, during a surprise Ukraine visit

>>20865393 @NavalInstitute - Happy 105th birthday to CAPT Dale Reed, USN (Ret). CAPT Reed is the oldest living graduate of the United States Naval Academy (Class of 1942).

>>20865396 Democrat Appointed Judge Throws Out Abe Hamadeh’s Petition for Writ of Quo Warranto to Remove AZ AG Mayes from Office, Suggests Sanctions

>>20865407 MAY 14, 2024 Former President Trump Speaks Ahead of Day 17 of Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20865410, >>20865561 PF Report: RCH535 C17 Globey left Port Au Prince, Haiti back to Charleston SC after 2h on ground. Upper 30s of total flights here

>>20865421 NASA’s Juno Mission Spots Jupiter’s Tiny Moon Amalthea

>>20865446 Secretary of State Antony Blinken takes an impromptu walk about the streets of Kyiv and stops in a coffee shop, where he met with members of civil society organizations

>>20865451 Speaker Johnson News Conference at Trump Hush Money Trial in New York

>>20865458 PF Report: Billy G N887WM G6 went back to Seattle earlier this morning from Indio, CA depart

>>20865502 US regulator opens Waymo investigation

>>20865512 11:00 AM EDT Secretary Blinken delivers remarks at Kyiv Polytechnic Institute

>>20865514, >>20865561 PF Report: SAM668 G5 departed JBA NE and still haz AF2 kneepads sitting at Laguardia from last night arrival

>>20865519, >>20865526 H. Res. 1210 - Condemning the Biden border crisis and the tremendous burdens law enforcement officers face as a result.

>>20865550 Blinken in Kyiv says US arms will make a difference as Ukraine reels from a new Russian offensive

>>20865582 NASA to Discuss New Polar Climate Mission During Media Teleconference

>>20865602 Former SEC Chair Jay Clayton says he is bothered by the GameStop $GME situation

>>20865607 Fed's Powell: PPI 'mixed,' next move unlikely to be a rate hike

>>20865621 SpaceX Starlink Mission - SpaceX is targeting Tuesday, May 14 for a Falcon 9 launch of 20 Starlink satellites, including 13 with Direct to Cell capabilities, to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. Liftoff is targeted for 11:39 a.m. PT. If needed, additional opportunities are also available on Wednesday, May 15 starting at 9:06 a.m. PT.

>>20865632 Russia issues military ultimatum to UK; Moscow has threatened retaliation for any attacks with British weapons (RT)

>>20865670 Space Force publishes Data, AI strategic action plan

>>20865687 Wisconsin bought $100M of Bitcoin ETF shares.

>>20865693 12:15 PM EDT The resident delivers remarks on his agenda to promote American investments and jobs - Rose Garden

>>20865709 USS Constitution is scheduled to go underway this Friday, May 17th, from Charlestown Navy Yard at 10:00 a.m.

>>20865747 #25591-A

Previously Collected

>>20863979 #25589, >>20864853 #25590

>>20861583 #25586, >>20862375 #25587, >>20863162 #25588

>>20859030 #25583, >>20859803 #25584, >>20860787 #25585

>>20856604 #25580, >>20857367 #25581, >>20858153 #25582

>>20854258 #25577, >>20855037 #25578, >>20855804 #25579

>>20852953 #25574, >>20852712 #25575, >>20853480 #25576

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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e72fb9 No.20867451

File: e7fcf2a9996e2b1⋯.png (32.72 KB,411x464,411:464,ClipboardImage.png)



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1080da No.20867465

File: e1bf5aa05df9d1d⋯.jpg (375.38 KB,1673x2507,1673:2507,mmmm00096.jpg)

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3cf16a No.20867468

File: c9fc90cefd39fde⋯.gif (360.72 KB,457x609,457:609,c9fc90cefd39fde0099a97c47c….gif)

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9658cf No.20867469

Any of your stupid ass deltas pay off yet?

Pope having a bad May yet?

How about that Declass?

I'm watching NY & CA…same ol' commie shit.

Watched the water…it's wet. Congrats.

Where's the payoff from that lil alphabet bitch?

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284727 No.20867471

File: b1f855da732c69d⋯.jpeg (9.45 KB,255x143,255:143,Fresh_Bread_Sense.jpeg)

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dd89e4 No.20867476


How’s Huma?

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900129 No.20867480

File: ef83cf9f26cc1ed⋯.jpg (84.72 KB,500x719,500:719,LongDay.jpg)

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e8af74 No.20867487

got a little distracted, but didn't see this in notables…

Michael Cohen CRUSHED During CROSS; Dems PREPPED Testimony; Trial Day 17

<iframe width="1501" height="786" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/EVMjV0cKqAc" title="Michael Cohen CRUSHED During CROSS; Dems PREPPED Testimony; Trial Day 17" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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1080da No.20867488

File: 7c40bcde9523409⋯.jpg (57.17 KB,600x532,150:133,7c40bcde95234098a926f9e709….jpg)

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77db00 No.20867490

File: 9e746f934f05d76⋯.png (642.46 KB,1267x1286,1267:1286,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ecb78 No.20867491


Thanks for using a banner that doesn't visibly show Q RESEARCH. Clown.

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b3e342 No.20867493

File: a0a00704f8c1009⋯.png (666.99 KB,1278x910,639:455,GS_AOC_Likes.png)

File: f6e5e96f5bf06c0⋯.png (12.33 KB,326x39,326:39,GS_AOC_Likes2.png)



That's a multiple meaning decode proving AOC really is /ourplant/.

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3cf16a No.20867494


Have a beer, or a joint, or go jerk off, or something.

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1080da No.20867495

File: 956f86e70572568⋯.png (75.22 KB,261x249,87:83,ClipboardImage.png)


It's implied, cry baby.

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8ecb78 No.20867496


You're liberal trash. Thanks for proving that fact.

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774f84 No.20867497

File: 93032a038118287⋯.jpg (9.59 KB,187x269,187:269,Z_32_.jpg)

File: b93d2bbc781873e⋯.jpg (15.05 KB,275x183,275:183,images_185_.jpg)

File: e5dc60594318d7d⋯.jpg (5.12 KB,191x264,191:264,images_186_.jpg)

>>20866841 HAMAS = UN soldiers?


Rich kids wannabe spec op faggots for sex drugs and RR

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8ecb78 No.20867498

No more liberal trash board clown bakers.

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d6ae22 No.20867499

File: 5cf4c6a988ba6a2⋯.jpg (70.74 KB,450x450,1:1,vldgq.jpg)

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3f1727 No.20867500

File: 53fda819040ee41⋯.png (88.81 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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77db00 No.20867501

File: 37fa390e294812e⋯.mp4 (697.57 KB,640x368,40:23,secretdocuments.mp4)

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0b46f2 No.20867502

File: c27d2d0a4a2ab75⋯.png (1.2 MB,960x716,240:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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1080da No.20867503



admit it, you roll your shorts.

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b3e342 No.20867504

File: 807941c45bce444⋯.png (39.88 KB,770x762,385:381,Q3387.png)


You're gonna have to wait until Summer of '25 to gloat if there's no habbenings by then.

Think of it as your own Personal Precipice.

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fb784e No.20867505

File: fbc640545f0accf⋯.jpg (27.3 KB,282x567,94:189,go_on_tea.jpg)


I'll pour you a cup

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fe8cb7 No.20867506

File: 69aee79b5df36b0⋯.png (141.15 KB,746x1114,373:557,4281_1_.png)

File: beb271a902e92c5⋯.png (461.16 KB,624x490,312:245,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a4a2ff017eaec4⋯.jpg (64.5 KB,1200x675,16:9,media_GNexQ_lWUAERIfM.jpg)




Game Over.


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8ecb78 No.20867507


The board has been getting cleaned since 11-23-23 and it's not going to be stopped now.

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774f84 No.20867509

File: c18814c3448558e⋯.jpg (13.09 KB,300x168,25:14,images_187_.jpg)

File: 8e3bd114b3ba153⋯.jpg (8.21 KB,259x194,259:194,2Q_38_.jpg)


I'll kick your bitch ass, punk

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b3e342 No.20867511

File: cbe2179b8fff010⋯.png (389.04 KB,481x603,481:603,GerbilShift.png)


-BakerG has been using that banner for many such years now.

Where you been nigga?

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bf92e9 No.20867512

File: a837fbef53e6b1b⋯.jpg (16.92 KB,178x255,178:255,8f36cf97e2c884b59ffb2afd35….jpg)

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1080da No.20867513

File: 2ba1e4818959323⋯.png (412.88 KB,668x375,668:375,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ecb78 No.20867514


I've been here. Doing something wrong for years doesn't make it right. Fuckery is going to stop.

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a4af30 No.20867515


>a word that only a marrano could have known


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8ecb78 No.20867516


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d6ae22 No.20867517

File: 88b540c140486ff⋯.jpg (11.46 KB,220x229,220:229,images.jpg)

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bf92e9 No.20867518

File: c1054add26a3b52⋯.png (96.87 KB,500x715,100:143,c1054add26a3b52e6c0a0c970e….png)

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900129 No.20867520

File: 24abd167688f9fb⋯.png (326.25 KB,354x476,177:238,NobodyNos.png)

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77db00 No.20867521

File: 9e13d1eb5a001c2⋯.jpg (203.98 KB,1024x1371,1024:1371,Mesopotamia_male_worshiper….jpg)


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b0c51d No.20867522

File: 8ffec7d329378a3⋯.jpg (13.32 KB,194x259,194:259,2Q_39_.jpg)

File: 7625f4a09226224⋯.jpg (6.43 KB,225x225,1:1,images_188_.jpg)

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77db00 No.20867524

File: c42990585e50681⋯.png (1.07 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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71cab9 No.20867525

North Carolina bill to curb mask-wearing in protests could make it illegal for medical reasons too

Republican lawmakers in North Carolina have proposed a bill that would enhance penalties for people wearing a mask during a crime or intentionally blocking traffic during protests

By MAKIYA SEMINERA Associated Press

May 14, 2024, 3:21 PM ET

RALEIGH, N.C. – Peoplewearing a mask during protests in North Carolina could face extra penalties if arrested, under proposed legislation that critics say could make it illegal to wear a mask in public as a way to protect against COVID-19 or for other health reasons.

Republicans supporters say the legislation, which passed its first committee Tuesday, was prompted in part by the recent wave of protests on universities nationwide — including at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill — against Israel’s war in Gaza.

GOP Sen. Buck Newton brushed off concerns that getting rid of pandemic-era exemptions on masks was overly broad, saying he expects authorities to use “good common sense.”

“We didn’t see Granny getting arrested in the Walmart pre-COVID,” Newton said as he presented the bill Tuesday in the state Senate Judiciary Committee.

While the main thrust of the bill enhances penalties for people wearing a mask during a crime or intentionally blocking traffic during protests, most concerns centered on the health and safety exemption. According to the bill's summary, people could no longer wear masks in public for medical reasons.

“You say, ‘Well, this wasn’t a problem before COVID,’” Democratic Sen. Natasha Marcus told Newton. “The world is different now. We can’t go back to when pandemics didn’t happen.”

The exemption was originally added to state statutes in 2020 along mostly bipartisan lines.

The general statutes on masking go back to 1953. As a way to curb Ku Klux Klan membership in North Carolina, the state legislature passed a slew of restrictions targeting “prohibited secret societies,” including most public masking, according to a 2012 book about the KKK authored by David Cunningham, a sociology professor at Washington University in St. Louis.

During public comment, several speakers also voiced disapproval for the bill, such as Melissa Price Kromm, executive director of the North Carolina For the People voter engagement coalition, who called the legislation an “anti-protest bill” that aimed to curb free speech.

If passed, the bill would enhance punishments for people using a mask to disguise their identity while committing a crime— making their misdemeanor or felony one class higher than if they weren't wearing a mask. Intentionally blocking traffic or obstructing emergency vehicles for a protest would also be criminalized.

Since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, instances of pro-Palestinian protesters blocking roadways have occurred across the country, including in Raleigh and Durham. In recent weeks, tensions escalated on UNC's campus with several arrests and clashes with police. Many demonstrators wore masks during the protests.

When the bill was first discussed last week, it was met with silence from all committee members. That wasn't the case on Tuesday, as several Democratic legislators, as well as members of the public, expressed concern with the bill's potential ramifications.

Sen. Sydney Batch, a Wake County Democrat who said she was immunocompromised during the pandemic, cited the health exemption removal as one of her biggest concerns about the bill.

When asked by Batch if someone wearing a mask for health purposes in public would be violating the law, a legislative staff member said it would, because the bill repeals the exemption.

Newton said he could revisit the bill if problems arise.

Batch told reporters after the committee that she planned to meet with Newton this week to discuss her issues with the bill before it reaches the Senate floor.

Newton told reporters last week he expected the Senate to want to pass the bill, but he had yet to have further conversations with the House to see if it would be prioritized.

(KEK Antifa targeted)


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8ecb78 No.20867526


Be offended more. It shows you care. Which means it matters. Board Clowns R FQD.

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1080da No.20867528

File: 1468c4ff7714fd8⋯.png (46.89 KB,136x160,17:20,ClipboardImage.png)

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60244b No.20867529

File: 3c2d8fdc22983ff⋯.png (38.33 KB,392x484,98:121,ClipboardImage.png)

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8ecb78 No.20867530

Monday night we're going to review this week's activities and clear the next step. Six months.

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b42f35 No.20867531


This is the bread you are looking for

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643edd No.20867533

File: d9bd7303ee3bbb4⋯.png (328.43 KB,507x280,507:280,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43b4bd8d7b4ab48⋯.png (366.83 KB,527x631,527:631,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ac37d7e6f4d9a2⋯.png (84.03 KB,744x644,186:161,ClipboardImage.png)

Attempt to start WW3 No. 10,563

Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

A top British intelligence official has issued a new alarmist warning concerning the 'Russian threat' to the West. Anne Keast-Butler, who for the last year has headed up the UK's GCHQ, or signals intelligence operations (which is the equivalent of America's NSA), has warned in her first major speech that President Putin is plotting "physical attacks" against Western targets.

Addressing cyber security experts in Birmingham, the GCHQ director claimed that Moscow is busy "nurturing and inspiring" groups of cyber attackers, and is even "in some cases seemingly coordinating physical attacks against the West."

She said that alongside Russia, China poses an "epoch-defining" risk to long-term UK national security as well. She admitted that currently China is taking up "more resource… than any other single mission" at GCHQ.

But ultimately she focused the speech on British intelligence being "increasingly concerned about growing links between the Russian intelligence services and proxy groups to conduct cyber-attacks – as well as suspected physical surveillance and sabotage operations."

She also said at a moment the major new Kharkiv offensive is underway that "Putin has not given up on his maximalist goal of subjugating the population of Ukraine."

Her dire assessment comes as the British government is seeking to crack down on Russian diplomatic sites in the UK which are suspected of being dual Russian intelligence hubs.

There have also been recent new accusations of specific attacks on UK infrastructure being linked to Russia. For example The Telegraph writes that "Last week, a British man was charged with an arson attack in London and accused by prosecutors of working for Wagner Group, the Russian paramilitary organization."

The same report notes that "Russia has long been accused of protecting cyber gangs that target Western organizations, allowing them to operate with relative impunity as they carry out sophisticated hacks."

"Last week, the National Crime Agency named Dmitry Khoroshev, a Russian national, as the person behind LockBit – a ransomware group that had stolen hundreds of millions of pounds from businesses," The Telegraph continues.

There are other locations in Europe where recent 'mystery fire


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bf92e9 No.20867534

File: 98f8f422e8ec751⋯.jpg (69.71 KB,500x500,1:1,8nshk8.jpg)

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8ecb78 No.20867535

Sunday night we're going to review this week's answered prayers and clear the next mission.

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a833a7 No.20867536

File: 67a733ffe8dca00⋯.gif (11.34 KB,255x182,255:182,2126a42cbef85839a033d5319a….gif)

>>20867472 LB

Thank you for posting the updated clock.

Much appreciated.

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fe8cb7 No.20867537

File: 0db178afde9c0b2⋯.png (124.75 KB,607x489,607:489,ClipboardImage.png)



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a4af30 No.20867538


Yes I know your nonsense claim is wrong.

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8ecb78 No.20867539


I'm unstoppable. Anons are unstoppable. You lost already.

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890d74 No.20867540

File: c523ea039793843⋯.png (626.21 KB,500x758,250:379,ClipboardImage.png)

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7cf9f3 No.20867541


Pope had a bad May a few years ago when they shut down international sex trafficking lanes, also alot of shit got exposed when Q was posting here.

It's just as easy to interpret a drop 100 different ways as it is to say nothing happened. The choice to know, anon, is yours.

Also, real quick, does the JIDF not realize that better demoralization shills have tried?

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e0f3ab No.20867543

Here is an example on how the R's steer the sheep.

Laura Ingram just said the D's want to flood in migrants for theclow wage workers.

Said as a statement and gave no other reasons.

She is telling the R sheep how to think

Keeping them in line.

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8ecb78 No.20867544

It's not going to work, losers. Elon is on our side now and will subjugate your processes to conform until he's no longer used.

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d6ae22 No.20867545


At this point, everyone is doing that.

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bf92e9 No.20867546

File: 157a0404abfc43e⋯.jpg (60.66 KB,602x360,301:180,360_F_85159555_ej8LpmRTiin….jpg)


I stomp the ground, and snort, to alert you that you are in my breeding territory.

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8ecb78 No.20867547

God isn't slack concerning His promises. God wins. Simple.

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b3e342 No.20867551


>Monday Night it goes down…

Got any sneak peek bullet points you can share?

You know think movie preview style.

I mean let's get a little foreplay going to build up the anticipation.

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bd5ac6 No.20867552

File: a19800238cc57aa⋯.jpeg (222.25 KB,1920x1080,16:9,56269C69_3187_4508_92B5_E….jpeg)



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b42f35 No.20867553



a continuation of Khazars

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bf92e9 No.20867554

File: e8ab4cbd6328d01⋯.jpg (29.63 KB,400x300,4:3,rhino_charge_1.jpg)


It doesn't get any more serious than a Rhinocerus about to charge your ass.

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6c5059 No.20867555

File: a3423f6b91b0588⋯.png (2.41 MB,1280x850,128:85,ClipboardImage.png)

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fe8cb7 No.20867556

File: 01e3006543aa5b0⋯.png (156.46 KB,619x496,619:496,ClipboardImage.png)


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643edd No.20867558

File: b22a0550743ff7c⋯.png (310.66 KB,594x442,297:221,ClipboardImage.png)

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken plays guitar and performs “Rocking to the Free World” in a bar in Kyiv, Ukraine


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b42f35 No.20867559


and a little extra for that fire you started

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71cab9 No.20867560

File: d88440138536f07⋯.jpeg (121.6 KB,1241x585,1241:585,IMG_1743.jpeg)



Lol Michael Cohen just confirmed he still lives in a Trump building in New York.What a douche.

2:58 PM · May 14, 2024





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77db00 No.20867561

File: a3fabf83967615b⋯.jpg (13.45 KB,204x255,4:5,bluntpepe.jpg)


plant grow orchard pot bud

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330995 No.20867562

File: 4654cc8e1171bbc⋯.png (262.73 KB,530x319,530:319,ClipboardImage.png)

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e72fb9 No.20867563

File: 5d1bdaf6f48ab7b⋯.png (90 KB,1024x576,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Everything is fine. Someone fucked the other baker over then tried to fuck my bread too last second when both times it was claimed already. I claimed 20 minutes before you did lb then you have the audacity to use red text on top of being wrong as fuck.

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643edd No.20867564

File: 32d074dfbf85cb4⋯.png (1.02 MB,758x843,758:843,ClipboardImage.png)

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60244b No.20867565




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8e7cfb No.20867566

File: 829d31c9d6e0539⋯.jpg (37.77 KB,640x756,160:189,9porqjxhetu51.jpg)

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340b1a No.20867567


hamburger meat instead of steak slide_reduceced to eggs

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bdd6b0 No.20867568

File: 7f01bf0a10abfdc⋯.gif (1.63 MB,368x210,184:105,IMG_0072.gif)

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4e334e No.20867569

Mr. Biden [Asian Pacific American Institute Gala]: I was told that other guy, that loser; I think he's having trouble.

[trouble from a rogue administration attempting to frame him for crimes he did not commit?]

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7a7ec8 No.20867570

File: d41c47cc5b9f764⋯.jpeg (687.86 KB,1125x1919,1125:1919,IMG_0736.jpeg)

File: 616277b6ebc8706⋯.jpeg (619.3 KB,1125x1784,1125:1784,IMG_0735.jpeg)

File: 11c10c3eaad4926⋯.jpeg (583.11 KB,1125x1690,225:338,IMG_0734.jpeg)

Joseph, here are 3 #’s I would like to report today to your administration for harassment.

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60244b No.20867571


I plant to grow an orchard of pot buds ✅


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3cf16a No.20867572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Game Over.

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b4a0c8 No.20867573

File: 78e4d35f75ed37b⋯.png (11.8 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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1080da No.20867574

File: 576858a4662317e⋯.png (1.22 KB,96x36,8:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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77db00 No.20867576

File: d521547a02fd8c6⋯.png (31.5 KB,373x131,373:131,ClipboardImage.png)

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9d4e59 No.20867577


That sounds like something some lame host of a lame political talk show would ask.

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b3e342 No.20867578

File: 7e99ef3f88fe14d⋯.jpg (46.08 KB,1229x202,1229:202,NoUreQNiggerHistory8.JPG)


>Also, real quick, does the JIDF not realize that better demoralization shills have tried?

QR had the necessary evil training pretty much from the start thanks to Q operator Toots.

It's really paid off bigly huh?

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bf92e9 No.20867579

File: dc7b97ae526bfd3⋯.jpg (93.41 KB,675x900,3:4,angry_rhino_daniel_eskridg….jpg)


I stomp my feet, the dust stirs around my tough skinned feet.

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4e334e No.20867580

Mr. Biden: I'll never forget him lying about the pandemic, telling Americans to inject bleach under their skin. I wonder if he did it. Might explain some things. We'll never forget the rise of anti-Asian hate crimes during the pandemic.

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7cf9f3 No.20867581

File: 2dbef058bbac465⋯.png (263.65 KB,623x454,623:454,Hegetsit.png)


Could be fine, if he stops using Obama's scripts damn near word for word…

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bb14fe No.20867582

It'll Start in June

Before School let's out for summer

Seems to be the Standard operation procedure

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2bf973 No.20867583


woah, who skinned your feet? brutal.

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99efd8 No.20867584

File: 961bf3ec54703e7⋯.png (3.86 MB,1536x2138,768:1069,sausages.png)

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71cab9 No.20867585

Absentee ballots are already causing problems.

Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

May 13, 2024

COLUMBUS, Ga. (WTVM)—Muscogee County Elections and Registration has identified what it calls significant issues with absentee ballots placed in mail service and the return rate.

News Leader 9 was told nearly 1,400 ballots have been mailed for the May 21st General Primary and Nonpartisan Election and less than 200 have been returned to the elections office for counting.

Official say if you have your absentee ballot and are able, please deliver it to the dropbox at the City Services Center.

If you have not received your requested absentee ballot, please contact the Elections Office.

Early voting continues through May 17. For those locations, click here.


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bf92e9 No.20867587

File: 3a3bf898a45f190⋯.jpeg (68.24 KB,602x394,301:197,main_qimg_397b783de001d3a….jpeg)


Nostrils flaring, I lower my head. My horn, like some phallic symbol of my potent virility, is the last thing you see as skulls collide and mine remains the victor. You are now a bloody red ragdoll suspended in the air on my mighty horn.

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bd5ac6 No.20867588

File: 9e15f51d50fcaaa⋯.jpeg (459.65 KB,1170x1755,2:3,92935EB4_63B5_44F9_A3B3_7….jpeg)


How much more evidence do anons need to realize Michael Cohen is still on team?


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b3e342 No.20867589

File: d21cf4912c7ec86⋯.png (2.21 KB,81x63,9:7,ckd.png)


That's a nice Christmas tree lot.




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9d4e59 No.20867590


I think you would feel better if you just let it go.

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fb784e No.20867592


happiness is a sound mind

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bf92e9 No.20867593

File: 368cfec451577c8⋯.jpg (112.35 KB,1024x740,256:185,12068441955_dfa1f7575c_b.jpg)


Rhinoceruses don't skin their feet.

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bb14fe No.20867594

-Film your Hospital

-Do. Not. Comply.

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71d0c2 No.20867595

File: 8a19f9f87a368f8⋯.jpg (248.52 KB,1085x989,1085:989,charlieandbloodyhorse.jpg)

File: 13bda2288f16542⋯.jpg (463.69 KB,1240x1550,4:5,charliesportraitcollage.jpg)

File: 23f2f5dc01b5a34⋯.png (176.22 KB,747x348,249:116,prescottimpostor.png)

File: f02f6a2d5f96df3⋯.png (358.47 KB,1200x818,600:409,prescottnazilarge.png)

File: 266defb3a7483b3⋯.jpg (120.2 KB,787x1000,787:1000,prescottbushfundednazigerm….jpg)

>>20867308 lb

>>20867286 lb

odd. He's looks like impostor PRESCOTT,


Queen is gone now, His protection is Gone.

Could he already be dead?

And this is a way to show it?

This portrait show Charlie strongly resembling Prescott.

Connect the dots.

the European Royals are known to send imposters into their enemies "kingdoms" to take over from within.

Charlies Uncle "King Edward" (married to a trans female abdicated) but was a NAZI .

Adolf was likely a blood relative.

Just for a summary. Details in qresear.ch I will assume. Night Shift material

Bushes are apparently impostors.

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4e334e No.20867597

Mr. Biden: And while we fight for comprehensive immigration reform, Trump continues to vilify immigrants. I can't believe the way this guy talks. He talks about immigrants as rapists and murderers…he says they are not people. He said immigrants are poisoning the blood of this country. Folks, that's not who we are. Diversity is our strength as a nation…my predecessor's prejudices leads him to obscure positions.

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e72fb9 No.20867598

NTSB release preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse


Lookner doing a Livestream looking through it:


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e7c830 No.20867599

File: 6535da2e423c80c⋯.png (73.6 KB,910x641,910:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 172571e82515ba9⋯.png (10.98 MB,5500x4700,55:47,JAESBM365MMdtwideBIN1027ja….png)

JA news

Not sure if will get it added

Today is :10

Shared dates (12/7) with :00 and :05

Will post as follow up

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b3e342 No.20867600


LB was a bread the early af ebaker won the Bakeoff with.

I'm not sure you were a lock to win this bread if there'd been one, Gerbs.

The natives are a bit restless.

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fe8cb7 No.20867601

File: e66c2422f3abc80⋯.png (87.89 KB,639x554,639:554,ClipboardImage.png)

Sam Altman



Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways. This is very sad to me; Ilya is easily one of the greatest minds of our generation, a guiding light of our field, and a dear friend. His brilliance and vision are well known; his warmth and compassion are less well known but no less important.

OpenAI would not be what it is without him. Although he has something personally meaningful he is going to go work on, I am forever grateful for what he did here and committed to finishing the mission we started together. I am happy that for so long I got to be close to such genuinely remarkable genius, and someone so focused on getting to the best future for humanity.

Jakub is going to be our new Chief Scientist. Jakub is also easily one of the greatest minds of our generation; I am thrilled he is taking the baton here. He has run many of our most important projects, and I am very confident he will lead us to make rapid and safe progress towards our mission of ensuring that AGI benefits everyone.

May 14, 2024 · 11:02 PM UTC


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a4f057 No.20867602

File: b5f2e1be1fa3e69⋯.gif (552.2 KB,639x347,639:347,20240514_201324.gif)



God wins

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99efd8 No.20867603


Storny Daniels -> part of the storm

Michael Cohen -> part of the storm

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a833a7 No.20867604

File: 2e70ee59a70081e⋯.jpeg (10.18 KB,255x241,255:241,INCREDULOUS.jpeg)


Oh Thank God!

I was wondering when that was scheduled.

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77db00 No.20867605

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


>NTSB release preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

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6ddd92 No.20867606


Would be good but he wants the top job

And it willneverhappen

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bb14fe No.20867607

MSM Death Counter -Will- Return

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55cd80 No.20867609

Evenin’ Nightshift

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e7c830 No.20867610

File: 2ede76f3452802b⋯.png (6.87 MB,4000x4000,1:1,missouriwQ23.png)

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77db00 No.20867611

File: b30f90aba0d2a2b⋯.png (405.02 KB,916x426,458:213,MakeSyriaGreatAgain.png)

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57d8fd No.20867613

File: 7cbac30538ff797⋯.png (463.59 KB,573x386,573:386,ny.PNG)


Greg Price


Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is playing guitar at a bar in Kyiv after going to Ukraine and pledging them American tax dollars until the end of time


Ostap Yarysh

8:31 AM · May 14, 2024




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eaa66a No.20867614

File: 25937a47f0c2e2e⋯.png (88.67 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)






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57d8fd No.20867615

File: 4a3151c599ea217⋯.png (557.66 KB,1261x750,1261:750,le.PNG)


Should You Believe Faulty U.S. Crime Stats

or Your Own Lying Eyes? It's a Tough Call

Real Clear Investigations, by James Varney

Posted By: Moritz55, 5/14/2024 11:48:03 AM

Americans can be forgiven for suffering from whiplash regarding law and order. In recent weeks the Biden administration and many news outlets, including USA Today and The Hill, have touted declines in violent crime statistics to argue that America is becoming a safer place. “Right now, with 2023 figures and early 2024, the trends are all pointing down, in a positive direction,” Jeff Asher, whose New Orleans-based AH Datalytics is developing his own “Real-Time Crime Index,” told RealClearInvestigations. Conservative outlets, including City Journal and the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal, assert that minor declines in headline grabbers like homicides fail to capture what is really happening

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b3e342 No.20867616


I think it's gonna be a flop when it comes out.

That anon is afraid to release any previews the biggest sign of it sucks there is.

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6ddd92 No.20867618

File: f81e7ebe1e50b23⋯.jpg (44.46 KB,461x608,461:608,Screenshot_20240514_200928….jpg)

It's all been done.

Chuck is just pulling out all the stops .

Even tried to create a red sky.

Monarchs mkultra majestic

How do you catch a very dangerous animal?

They got nuffin

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207b00 No.20867619

File: 56a79a8e1045fb3⋯.png (273.28 KB,527x631,527:631,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867621

File: 13e9e38f4ef74b1⋯.png (344.29 KB,603x767,603:767,rog.PNG)


Green Lives Matter


Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children to no one and likely worked for the Mossad, Epstein didn't kill himself in Federal Prison, and talk about the Bohemian Grove and secret societies blackmailing elites in our society. This kind of rhetoric is becoming mainstream. Normalize exposing elite who commit crimes against children. Boom!

"How many Jeffrey Epstein type people are out there? And who is pulling the strings on that?

Ghislaine Maxwell has a lot of ties to the Mossad. That would make sense. I mean Jeffrey didn't seem to get some of the appointments based on merit, someone was putting him in the right spots. I don't think he's the only one. I think there is a weird bizarre problem that has a sex component with the elites. There's a pedophile component to it as well which is really sick…

I would like that to be exposed. Jeffrey Epstein had the goods on everybody. There's a lot of people that didn't want him to be alive. The wild story around multiple people being asleep, him not being watched at the time. I just don't believe in that many coincidences.


"He was murdered in federal detention in Manhattan. I don't think there's any question about that. And people lied about it."


"The Ghislaine Maxwell trial had next to no coverage. Trafficked to nobody. She is indicted for trafficking kids and nobody who she was trafficking kids to got indicted or named. And all the files still haven't been released…Super prominent names on the flight logs…

I've seen some interesting things.. Been around some interesting parties and gatherings that are strange. Not anything like Diddy party… Even at an Oscar party seeing how some of these people act, a little strange. Parties within the party that always kind of weirded me out a little bit.

Getting into conspiracy stuff…Then you know about secret society stuff the Bohemian Grove..The secrecy around that. That's not the only secret society…The Skull and Bones at Yale which has produced all those Presidents… And the Freemasonry at its highest level.. There is a sexual component to a lot of that.. Obviously with Epstein it was blackmail to get them to do what they want… How many people are compromised by that that are in positions of power today? You are naive to think it's none." @AaronRodgers12

1:40 / 4:31

7:58 AM · May 14, 2024




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71cab9 No.20867622

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

Must listen to how the Globalists took Trillions from the American workers in the 1970s. Our elites sold out the country. How in the world why we would we allow chips be left in Taiwan, based on what China does?



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245b59 No.20867623

File: 35759e0d86dab22⋯.png (776.13 KB,3000x1996,750:499,ClipboardImage.png)


How about the goofy Patriots Front Fed Boies?

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60244b No.20867625

File: dc95e5d97c2927d⋯.png (356.2 KB,573x386,573:386,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867626

File: 2cce20534d2067b⋯.png (509.9 KB,683x755,683:755,ope.PNG)


Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden

Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’

After Journal Authenticated in Letter

to Judge

Breitbart Politics, by Elizabeth Weibel

Posted By: Imright, 5/14/2024 11:06:07 AM

Snopes, a fact-checking website, quietly changed a fact check about a diary belonging to Ashley Biden, President Joe Biden’s daughter, being real. The fact-checking website describes the diary, which was written by Ashley Biden, describing “actions taken toward her” by the president when she was younger that are “not appropriate,” according to Snopes.This comes a month after Ashley Biden wrote a letter on April 8 to Chief Judge Laura Taylor Swain of the Southern District of New York. The younger Biden acknowledged the existence of the diary, writing that she was “deeply saddened” to “even have to write”

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f6c259 No.20867627

File: 0fd1928004ba9db⋯.png (Spoiler Image,154.08 KB,357x346,357:346,0fd1928004ba9db81169c22fd9….png)

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dd89e4 No.20867628

File: 1bcc848d5066366⋯.jpeg (562.42 KB,4096x4096,1:1,IMG_1770.jpeg)


> Green Lives Matter

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57d8fd No.20867631

File: f890d276352d41f⋯.png (414.22 KB,610x452,305:226,jb.PNG)




POTUS: "My name's Joe Biden, I work for Kamala Harris."

7:58 AM · May 14, 2024




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16a6e0 No.20867632

File: d6407f1e8cdb211⋯.jpg (285.53 KB,1085x989,1085:989,ggmrh.jpg)

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a833a7 No.20867633

File: 80bbba69687c217⋯.png (27.51 KB,495x245,99:49,q2564.png)

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57d8fd No.20867634

File: 14fc9d9f0014214⋯.png (735.34 KB,594x765,66:85,sh.PNG)




With pictures of Stormy all over it would be a shame if people got reminded that Stormy Daniels paid a tattoo artist to cover the scar she received from being literally branded like cattle by Keith Ranier, head of the global NXIVM traffic human trafficking cult.


7:34 AM · May 14, 2024




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247742 No.20867636

File: 71ac27bfefbeb7e⋯.png (1.36 MB,1080x965,216:193,20220127_174849.png)

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245b59 No.20867637


>expects authorities to use “good common sense.”

since when does the good squad use common sense?

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e7c830 No.20867638

File: 55f485c95dcb8ab⋯.png (2.32 MB,3000x3000,1:1,firstcircwlqpost.png)

File: 983201f06b450d3⋯.png (7.57 MB,3200x3200,1:1,jan152022HAMMERJUSTICEdjtj….png)


Dec 7

Clock Started



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7cf9f3 No.20867639

File: 2587b29ca2bec70⋯.jpg (159.71 KB,2048x1152,16:9,SheWillBeMineOhYesSheWillB….jpg)


Also I'm not done with this one

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bb14fe No.20867640


NATO accuses Russia of what they themselves are doing

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054538 No.20867641


I've never registered to vote.

Fuck all data mining pigs to hell.

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1c7566 No.20867642

File: 73f5eeb05b22014⋯.jpg (55.28 KB,300x300,1:1,smokingthinker2.jpg)

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57d8fd No.20867643

File: ab3aff1a0f8f453⋯.png (50.65 KB,821x907,821:907,ink.PNG)


…. Are we stronger than we believe?

Defending The Republic

May 13, 2024

May 13, 2024

Dear Patriot,

Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

Jaw dropping is the only way to describe it. How does a man so maligned and prosecuted manage to garner the love and enthusiasm of more that 80,000 people in New Jersey? Is there any other political figure from any party who could gather that kind of crowd?

Are we stronger than we think? Are there more sane happy people in American than there are crazy sad ones?

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dd89e4 No.20867644

File: 5e2f8e103bb1ab5⋯.jpeg (104.25 KB,1080x655,216:131,IMG_1773.jpeg)

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247742 No.20867646

File: 4275ef229f4f9e9⋯.png (231.58 KB,478x469,478:469,1623344155353.png)

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57d8fd No.20867647

File: f8542e80d6b8448⋯.png (16.75 KB,589x200,589:200,pm.PNG)


Praying Medic


A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb; a weapon designed to penetrate deeply buried nuclear facilities like those in Iran and North Korea.

7:59 AM · May 14, 2024




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dd89e4 No.20867648

File: 1e692c9bc6cc2b7⋯.jpeg (82.53 KB,736x588,184:147,IMG_1771.jpeg)


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6ddd92 No.20867649

File: 21d732817f93c40⋯.jpg (75.49 KB,712x701,712:701,Iyjhct64.jpg)

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245b59 No.20867651


> good squad

goon squad

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e7c830 No.20867653

File: 13f772ffdb391d9⋯.png (1.5 MB,1000x4000,1:4,z1700deltaapridropNC.png)

Trump Card KEKs


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57d8fd No.20867654

File: 4e67ef93c127a15⋯.png (726.91 KB,908x748,227:187,nf.PNG)


Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus

to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies

That You Fled'

Red State, by Bob Hoge

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/14/2024 10:47:10 AM

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott responded to a Sunday article in Daily Mail that detailed the large number of cops ditching California for the pastures of Texas, which might not be greener but are certainly more friendly to law enforcement. Morale is low among peace officers in the Golden State as soft-on-crime woke district attorneys like LA’s George Gascón and Alameda County’s Pamela Price, along with criminal-loving measures like Proposition 47, make them feel undermined and unwelcome. Thousands of them are getting out of Dodge, the outlet reported: …the Golden State is hemorrhaging thousands of police every year, with numbers down by more than 5,000 since 2019.

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fb784e No.20867656

the universe is unfolding as intended

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a4f057 No.20867657


I wouldn't go near a hospital volunteerly, from past experience of being abducted and druged after corrupt court and doctors deemed necessary to adjust dialog away from pedo/CIA concerns. Was told if Anon ever comes back it'd be forced antipsychotic long lasting injections. There's a reason why walking dead series starts out in a hospital, focuses on the CDC, then again focuses on escape from hospital.

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1c7566 No.20867658

File: e1ee57d413773f3⋯.webm (1.32 MB,427x240,427:240,canyou.webm)


Failfag. Not even worthy of rank.

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bf92e9 No.20867659

File: a446c2e2076af3a⋯.gif (929.13 KB,498x356,249:178,a446c2e2076af3a8c0d8b1d8c5….gif)







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48ec9f No.20867660


> "My name's Joe Biden, I work for Kamala Harris."

Damn, he ackshually said it.

Also said, "I needed somebody smarter than me"

Right, I know, that sets the standard pretty low but the point is:

Sounds like he is setting her up to take over / be the presidential candidate for the dems.

Sounds like it and fits with the rumors that he will have to drop out of the race if the dems want to have any kind of a shot.

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71cab9 No.20867661

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Really like Harnwell to tell us what is going on in Europe

Harnwell: Blinken In Kiev To Pave The Way For “The Mother Of All Grifts” — The Rebuilding Of Ukraine


Three weeks away from the European Elections, and a shock new pollreveals four out of five citizens across all EU countries believe the bloc should be doing more to combat the ongoing INVASION of third-world illegals. Well — here’s your chance Europe! The reigning centre-right European People’s Party has demonstrably failed. It’s time for Identity and Democracy.

Staying on the subject of the importance of elections, theBiden regime is trying to Trump-proof its Ukraine funding. Blinken told the Ukrainian prime minister that the U.S. intends to support Kyiv “beyond the war’s end.” Not if the American people have anything to do with it.

European Union is Fucked Poll


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b4a0c8 No.20867662


Did he say it in Chinese? because thats prob the only thing they understand. Abbott just let the CCP MIL into TX

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60244b No.20867665

File: a34a5b1c19796f9⋯.jpg (204.31 KB,750x1075,30:43,similar_to.jpg)


Oh yeah it's WORTH IT..

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57d8fd No.20867666

File: 653ab5768dee029⋯.png (406.09 KB,589x461,589:461,bl.PNG)



Praying Medic



From bloomberg.com

7:59 AM · May 14, 2024




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c339be No.20867667


America Winning!

Fuck you.

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284727 No.20867668

File: cf7d586f83ce5fb⋯.mp4 (11.07 MB,480x480,1:1,Boards_Power_Glory.mp4)


Dubs of infinity

In God's words "completion"

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57d8fd No.20867669

File: 21e7a49cbd78cf5⋯.png (1.41 MB,650x866,325:433,od.PNG)




This is what @JoeBiden

and the @DNC

is supporting.

What do you see?


👑 🇺🇸 0HOUR 🇺🇸👑




Ukrainian Soldier Caught by Russian Special Forces

Notice anything odd?


8:13 AM · May 14, 2024




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245b59 No.20867670


It's worse than entrapment.

People were actually following the directions of uniformed officers.

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c2d84a No.20867673

File: 4e21f44179cb077⋯.png (500.6 KB,1080x2400,9:20,Screenshot_20240514_193417.png)

Hey Mike Johnson

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1a2521 No.20867674

>>20866873 pb

article about dangerous covid vaccine

dated January 20, 2023

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207b00 No.20867675

File: a2b52a0ffc6dbc8⋯.png (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867677

File: 24faaf2b8cdd385⋯.png (438.62 KB,651x370,651:370,st.PNG)

File: 24618b8379130c1⋯.png (1.55 MB,624x869,624:869,mist.PNG)

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60244b No.20867678


>Notice anything odd?

The Russians tortured him with NAZI tatoos?

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dd89e4 No.20867679

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245b59 No.20867680


I thought he was supposed to be working for the American people.

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57d8fd No.20867681

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Mysterious Stranger

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6ddd92 No.20867682

File: 0f0c109d7380319⋯.jpg (124.23 KB,500x877,500:877,side.jpg)

William's rumored mistress gets royal treatment from camilla with a soft launch re intro and headlines

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530ea3 No.20867683

File: 388c94407bf1b5e⋯.png (557.01 KB,642x364,321:182,CB00BA0E_8073_47BB_8415_7F….png)

File: c0e160fd5e5b814⋯.jpeg (229.33 KB,828x1118,414:559,D31A9318_6656_4BB6_A2E8_F….jpeg)

File: 280d239be0aa819⋯.jpeg (267.89 KB,828x1091,828:1091,B242F0F8_D0B4_4215_9FD9_0….jpeg)

File: 70480c7c04acbae⋯.jpeg (325.88 KB,828x1271,828:1271,A03A8DEB_58B3_4AF3_A871_B….jpeg)

File: a5578e1c0cf8c52⋯.jpeg (166.36 KB,828x1156,207:289,5BD18BFD_F5A3_43DA_AEE8_2….jpeg)

Asian Stocks to Follow US Rally With Focus on CPI

(Muh NASDAQ closed at a record high so everyone seems to be in the long pool-which is now the crowded trade do tread lightly as the meme stocks helped but AMC basically ded meat-that FUGLY from $9 to below $6 andback to about $6.88 as the secondary told ya what it was really worth and it’s “about tree-fiddy” >>20865294 pb GameStop’s short interest is 64,370,000 shares but that is non-naked reported volumes so this has a few moar days in it then it’s over-AMC pretty much told you that plus this comes as the markets have run out of gas and not many are short….how much did they pay that douche yo “resurface” after 3 years at market highs?….not a coincide imo…Japanese Yields on Govt debt still at 11year highs and that shows no sign of cooling off -10y cap 3 and 20y cap 4 and cap 5 our 10y just under 4.5%-have broken out above the recent highs of Oct 2023 but unless the BoJ reversed its stated trajectory on bond monetizing however muh yen has retraced about 2/3rds of the total intervention so Mr. Bond has to be dealt with sooner or later)

Stocks in Asia are poised to follow a big tech-led rally in US benchmarks, as investors look to key inflation data later Wednesday for clues on the Federal Reserve’s next steps.  Equity futures for Japan and Australia pointed higher, while those for Hong Kong were little changed with that market closed for a holiday. In the run-up to US consumer price index data, the S&P 500 shrugged off Jerome Powell’s signals that interest rates will be higher for longer(the rate THEY control is Prime and rates could go higher especially if Japan doesn’t take the same route in those currency interventions as they used cash instead of US Treasuries at the end of April)a mixed reading on producer inflation. The report weighed on bond yields and oil. Tesla Inc. and Nvidia Corp. led gains in the “Magnificent Seven” cohort of megacaps, as meme-stock traders once again piled into GameStop Corp. and AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc. US futures were little changed in early Asia trading. Underlying US inflation probably moderated in April for the first time in six months, offering some hope that price pressures will start to ease again. Compared with April 2023, the core CPI is projected to rise 3.6%. While the annual increase would be the smallest in three years, it would still be too high to warrant rate cuts. A survey conducted by 22V Research showed 49% of investors expect the market reaction to the CPI report to be “risk-on” — while only 27% said “risk-off.” The S&P 500 rose to around 5,247, just shy of the March 28 closing level of 5,254.35 that would mark its 23rd record in 2024. Treasury 10-year yields fell five basis points to 4.44%, a Bloomberg gauge of the dollar declined for the first time in three days and oil slipped 1.4% in New York while gold rose. The Nasdaq Golden Dragon Index of US-listed Chinese companies slipped from a seven-month high reached Monday. US producer prices rose in April by more than projected >>20865607 pb

The options market is betting that the S&P 500 will move 1% in either direction after today’s CPI report.

Key (remaining) events this week:

* China rate decision, Wednesday

* Eurozone industrial production, GDP, Wednesday

* US CPI, retail sales, business inventories, empire manufacturing, Wednesday

* Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari speaks, Wednesday

* Japan GDP, industrial production, Thursday

* US housing starts, initial jobless claims, industrial production, Thursday

* Philadelphia Fed President Patrick Harker speaks, Thursday

* Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester speaks, Thursday

* Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic speaks, Thursday

* China property prices, retail sales, industrial production, Friday

* Eurozone CPI, Friday

* US Conf. Board leading index, Friday







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e72fb9 No.20867684

NOTES ~175

#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556 RIP: Reuters

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634 Stormy Daniels was branded into Keither Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'


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c339be No.20867687


Why you hate the pig?

You don't want America Winning?

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054538 No.20867688

File: 3ec535e91d68eae⋯.png (621.7 KB,549x705,183:235,ClipboardImage.png)


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71d0c2 No.20867689

File: f3b5e300003a3ba⋯.jpg (135.57 KB,1200x578,600:289,prescottphillip.jpg)



They're all closely related?

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57d8fd No.20867690

File: 8cf5308a2d1f52c⋯.png (189.81 KB,379x462,379:462,harp.PNG)




Q 1337 Delta


Cannibal Storm

6/11 Q to keep on radar

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e7c830 No.20867692

File: 5e9f91d4f78ef72⋯.png (6.28 MB,3000x4000,3:4,DOWNTHEYGOZTitleLHF.png)



Down They Go

There are no coincidences

Only deltas

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71d0c2 No.20867693


sure he is, liars.

attack yourself again.

that always works.

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57d8fd No.20867694

File: efacda8cb437e96⋯.png (253.05 KB,592x756,148:189,doe.PNG)


South Carolina Freedom Caucus


🚨SC government employees using taxpayer-funded positions to peddle dangerous garbage to minors.

We closed down a pediatric transgender clinic, fought to pass a bill outlawing this mutilation, and we will hold our state employees accountable for pushing this nonsense.


Libs of TikTok




The 'Emergency Medical Services' Coordinator in Berkeley County, SC is is holding a fundraiser by selling pride T-shirts to raise money for an organization which helps youth access "gender-affirming care."

Why are Government agencies promoting the mutiIation and steriIization of

Show more




6:54 AM · May 14, 2024




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c04d1d No.20867695

File: 7029590276989ea⋯.png (839.18 KB,736x552,4:3,0e9b0d3fcf683a1c76aca3472e….png)



your banner is fine is iwo jima

replaced ill papi banner

your post count dead on


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207b00 No.20867696

File: b1985dd4e688b8b⋯.png (349.17 KB,506x540,253:270,ClipboardImage.png)

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60244b No.20867697


Biden has SOLD America to Kamala,



It might not be safe if you just wander so Kamala has offered you all a JOB on her America Plantation.

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57d8fd No.20867698

File: 628a1363d24aaa7⋯.png (689.31 KB,596x834,298:417,ago.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING: Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle - NOAA



Insider Paper


NEW - After a ‘final blast’ solar flare, the Northern Lights may return this week


Last edited

7:16 AM · May 14, 2024




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55bd81 No.20867699

File: a02458c00a1a6f4⋯.png (211.01 KB,438x442,219:221,8b98bf4fe07519739920e40094….png)


>Why you hate the pig?

>You don't want America Winning?

Just shilling, they are.

A glowie can be sure Mr Pig has been around for quite some time.

In essence, Mr Pig is a symbol of the rest of us: legitimate, whether or not Mr Pig is "famefagging."

Thus, a Mr Pig attack is essentially an attack on the rest of us, whether or not we identify, like, or just tolerate Mr Pig.

An attack on you and me by association.

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e13449 No.20867700

File: dc09f05aa8afa3c⋯.png (1.37 MB,755x767,755:767,k86e7jytr.PNG)

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60244b No.20867702


Too bad the John Deer Tractors run on GPS and not a CB radio.

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3aee63 No.20867703


I know what you mean.

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57d8fd No.20867704

File: 69cf3f783591f47⋯.png (309.47 KB,598x472,299:236,pa.PNG)


The Gateway Pundit


WAYNE ROOT: If You’re Paying Attention, Biden Just Told Us How Democrats Plan to Rig & Steal 2024 Election. via @gatewaypundit

From thegatewaypundit.com

6:49 AM · May 14, 2024




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1c7566 No.20867705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe8cb7 No.20867706

File: c11b2454920b896⋯.jpg (31.59 KB,620x465,4:3,media_GNgzSemXYAAHcV1.jpg)


>I thought

>I thought he was supposed to

>I thought he was supposed to be working

>I thought he was supposed to be working for the American people.


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974b00 No.20867707

File: 1c8dd895faedc37⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,744x744,1:1,1c8dd895faedc3743bec0075dc….jpg)

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57d8fd No.20867708

File: 6d85f2949451de1⋯.png (47.37 KB,1286x456,643:228,2.PNG)


Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements

after Youngkin audit

Washington Examiner [DC], by Breccan F. Thies

Posted By: Dreadnought, 5/14/2024 10:40:00 AM

Two public universities in Virginia have scrapped their planned diversity, equity, and inclusion requirements after a review by Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s (R-VA) administration. Virginia Commonwealth University and George Mason University canceled their plans to implement DEI-oriented classes as a requirement for undergraduate studies after Youngkin raised concerns about “core curriculum mandates that are a thinly veiled attempt to incorporate the progressive Left’s groupthink.” However, while the VCU Board of Visitors voted 10-5 publicly in a meeting on Friday to reject a “racial literacy” requirement just before the fall 2024 academic semester,

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530ea3 No.20867709

File: 107368e4c2f1a0b⋯.gif (1014.32 KB,500x294,250:147,899E9D33_86B5_41E6_A61E_6D….gif)

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4e334e No.20867711

File: c5d9903d98ae8e5⋯.jpg (19.63 KB,480x360,4:3,mmhsdwdsdf.jpg)

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b3e342 No.20867712


I seen't the older bikini pic of her shown here in recent weeks.

Man the Wall hit hard it appears.

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57d8fd No.20867713

File: 2f33673047f9c15⋯.png (532.74 KB,589x604,589:604,clay.PNG)


Citizen Free Press


Kamala drops F Bomb speaking to students.


5:58 AM · May 14, 2024




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1c7566 No.20867714

File: 947a6dc70d85ccf⋯.png (380.43 KB,446x437,446:437,947a6dc70d85ccf84b2554258c….png)


Get ready for moar arson masquerading as climate change.

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f6bcd2 No.20867716


those are not fresh tatoos

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57d8fd No.20867717

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fe8cb7 No.20867718

File: 58f8a19701f1142⋯.jpg (132.07 KB,1080x1080,1:1,media_GNdApLybMAEoHGA.jpg)

File: 566d3953de2df9e⋯.png (67.57 KB,213x187,213:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc266794d6a2615⋯.png (401.96 KB,566x595,566:595,Opera_Instant_nea_2024_05_….png)


KJU did it again?

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bf2948 No.20867719

File: 57fe1136d4ff01e⋯.png (55.56 KB,690x388,345:194,ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine Admits Frontlines In Kharkiv Are Collapsing

For the first time since Russia launched its major cross-border offensive into Ukraine's Kharkiv region (it began last Friday), Ukraine's government has acknowledged that Moscow forces have made rapid gains.

Oleg Sinegubov, the head of the military administration of the Kharkov Region, has said Russia is pushing past the frontline. "Essentially, the frontline is expanding as the enemy is advancing from multiple positions," he admitted during an interview with Sky News.

This confirms a prior Associated Press observation which stated that "Ukraine’s lack of adequate defensive lines has helped Russia make significant military gains, and constant enemy fire hinders building."

As for the lack of fortifications, it is widely believed that last year Kiev was so optimistic about the chances of its counteroffensive that defensive outposts were not prioritized. In essence Ukrainian officials bought into their own propaganda, which was also being widely echoed in the West.

Video from Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region. Very difficult to watch.

”Vovchansk is turning into another Bakhmut”, Kharkiv regional police.

“In 3 days, the city has suffered in a way that has not suffered since 2022. The police, the State Emergency Service, the emergency and… pic.twitter.com/yKoXo3hvZG

— Natalka (@NatalkaKyiv) May 13, 2024

Sauce: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukraine-admits-frontlines-kharkiv-are-collapsing

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5fce78 No.20867720


spaceX paddles

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c94651 No.20867721


You are a pro!

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247742 No.20867722

File: 677e8e122beb36d⋯.png (2.83 MB,1826x2019,1826:2019,20230715_201239.png)

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e7c830 No.20867723

File: 691db313a4e1cf2⋯.png (670.59 KB,662x441,662:441,timebandits.png)


Seen Kate?

Not sure how they handle that BOOM.

Expect them to just announce that she died from cancer.

Never heard from again.

The kids are old enough to know what went on.

When will WE find out the truth.

I don't see the Royals surviving this one.

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3aee63 No.20867724

File: 788c8a204107ebe⋯.jpg (458.31 KB,960x716,240:179,Apu_Bread_Van_Bakery.jpg)

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48ec9f No.20867725

File: 8b28ff669dce87b⋯.png (137.26 KB,1081x751,1081:751,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867726

File: ad16ab477c23c9c⋯.png (721.02 KB,699x812,699:812,puss.PNG)


MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans. Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists, Complaint Alleges.

In dissertation titled 'Cite a Sista,' Tracie Jones-Barrett stole an entire passage on 'ethical considerations' from her classmate

Tracie Jones-Barrett (extension.harvard.edu), Alana Anderson (LinkedIn)

Aaron Sibarium

May 14, 2024

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340b1a No.20867727

File: e5ed17a38227b78⋯.jpeg (536.26 KB,2048x1367,2048:1367,GNeFAM7XYAA9hKp.jpeg)

File: 8b06d5be759c7e3⋯.png (10.39 KB,227x255,227:255,4626a2f6e091a62eb62b9a3633….png)

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3aee63 No.20867728


Often suicidal.

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a833a7 No.20867729

File: 9a9bd7e07bf85ef⋯.jpg (21.58 KB,253x255,253:255,keep_off.jpg)


So, could MOMALA be on our team?

We all know he's a fake Resident….

There's an element of truth in every lie.

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f647e3 No.20867730

This Pig character must be over the target for so many to be attacking.

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60244b No.20867731


The National Security Background Checks (Who I never Consented to) missed

commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud who intend Death of all White people and conversion of the united states into Multinational totalitarian communist fascism.

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3876c0 No.20867732

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3aee63 No.20867733


At least this clown is humourous.

You might make it to Shill Team 7 by Hannukah.

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57d8fd No.20867734

File: 7e542adf51df0a6⋯.png (737.8 KB,899x691,899:691,kp.PNG)


Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

By Rusty Weiss | 10:18 PM on May 13, 2024

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fb784e No.20867735


if only pigs could fly

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beaeef No.20867736

File: 93e29c02634d9c1⋯.png (343.68 KB,1103x431,1103:431,ClipboardImage.png)

C before D?

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57d8fd No.20867737

File: fa602bff8cc5aa7⋯.png (334.71 KB,601x837,601:837,ian.PNG)

File: 390fd5bf1b47dda⋯.jpg (47.12 KB,787x333,787:333,my_name_is_4_Copy_3_.JPG)


Ian Carroll


. @slave_2_liberty

I got you homie-

Here’s an explanation of the actual market wide criminal conspiracy that GameStop exposed

and how and why short sellers could actually blow up the entire global economy.

Cameos by @blockbuster

and @ToysRUs

No exaggeration.

Last edited

12:29 PM · May 14, 2024




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bf2948 No.20867738

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video shows ''Israeli settlers attacking and looting an aid truck heading towards Gaza.


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57d8fd No.20867739

File: 807a79df9cbeaea⋯.png (207.82 KB,596x534,298:267,ps.PNG)


Paul Sperry


BUSTED: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) official caught on tape exhorting Muslim students to also use pro-Hamas encampments to convert Christians, even Jews, to Islam, telling them the protests could be a "big conquest for Islam in America"

From memri.org

7:13 AM · May 13, 2024




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b3e342 No.20867740



Another article proving that Glowie Op J6 was indeed a glowie op.

Can't wait for the next one already, Kash.

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57d8fd No.20867742

File: 9c447ccdc841e4e⋯.png (977.98 KB,1063x644,1063:644,hit.PNG)


US wholesale inflation just hit its highest

rate in a year

CNN Business, by Alicia Wallace

Posted By: NorthernDog, 5/14/2024 10:29:47 AM

Americans already contending with persistent and stubbornly high inflation just got more unwelcome news on Tuesday: There are more price hikes likely coming down the pike. Wholesale inflation picked up in April to its highest rate in a year, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data released Tuesday. (Snip) “The concern here is that we now have a trend, an upward trend in producer prices, which can only be passed through to consumers and result in upward pressure on consumer price inflation over the coming months,” Kurt Rankin, senior economist for the PNC Financial Services Group, told CNN in an

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3aee63 No.20867743




>‘No’ deal between Moscow and Kiev – London

“We will simply not allow this to happen,” Grant Chapps has said, speaking about any concessions to Russia.

These motherfuckers WANT WAR.

Trust the Plan

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054538 No.20867744



Pig attacked me for no reason.

He must be a data mining pig.

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c2d84a No.20867745


Is this part of the plan, dwac I am fairly certain is heavily shorted, dwac and gme bring down the house or am I too baked rt now

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57d8fd No.20867746

File: 22e5b7cc4cf5493⋯.png (334.35 KB,588x482,294:241,moo.PNG)



New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

6:00 AM · May 14, 2024




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1c7566 No.20867747

File: 79cdffdab8a65ae⋯.jpeg (12.68 KB,255x253,255:253,439c1f769b2693e8e79e97793….jpeg)


Don't know why the message "America Winning" from a cat meme agitates them so much. Is it the meme, or the person creating the meme that doesn't take any shit from those clowns? But, coincidentally, notice that there's next to no ethnic accusation spam at the moment?

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16a6e0 No.20867748


on ice i see…probable

along with many others

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e7c830 No.20867749

File: 00726c4ebb109ef⋯.png (7.56 MB,4000x6000,2:3,DTL2024.png)


King Charles


11 3

Q post 100

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57d8fd No.20867750

File: 98a82de89613593⋯.png (388.3 KB,863x896,863:896,tam.PNG)


Science journal confirms excessive DNA contamination in Pfizer GMO products

.. finally .. peer reviewed confirmation

Julian Gillespie

May 14, 2024

a brief note confirming what we already knew, but the difference now .. a leading science journal has subjected the data to peer review scrutiny

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3aee63 No.20867751

File: 13a4c8657da7c3a⋯.jpg (342.4 KB,1600x837,1600:837,Jaws_We_re_Gonna_Need_A_Bi….jpg)


It's off the charts.

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bb14fe No.20867752


Better them than Hamas

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77db00 No.20867753


>Stormy Daniels paid a tattoo artist to cover the scar she received from being literally branded like cattle by Keith Ranier

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57d8fd No.20867754

File: 5a41c864c03fa92⋯.png (12.43 KB,586x223,586:223,td.PNG)




$AMC is still halted.

It has been halted more than 17 times today.


6:10 AM · May 14, 2024




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77db00 No.20867755


Hitting him where it hurts! Stormy Daniels lounges poolside in a patriotic red, white and blue bikini after criticizing Trump's manhood in Penthouse

Daniels was photographed sitting poolside in New York earlier this week

The 39-year-old porn star wore a red, white and blue bikini that showed off her stomach tattoos of a flower and clock

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3aee63 No.20867756


Did they find the passports?

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57d8fd No.20867757

File: 100d0c231a338cc⋯.png (268.94 KB,596x501,596:501,goo.PNG)


Insider Paper


BREAKING: Google to offer AI-generated answers in search results: CEO

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/google-to-offer-ai-generated-answers-in-search-results-ceo/


6:11 AM · May 14, 2024




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3aee63 No.20867758


Nice beaver

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57d8fd No.20867759

File: d3e3f808c36fc70⋯.png (259.44 KB,594x651,198:217,ash.PNG)




Ashley St. Clair





The Guardian articles have a Wikipedia-style plea for donations where they cry about Donald Trump and Elon Musk



Elon Musk


The Guardian sucks donkey 🍆 🤣

Strong candidate for most misanthropic publication on Earth!

5:55 AM · May 14, 2024




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c04d1d No.20867760


disinformation comin up

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3aee63 No.20867761



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b8fb8a No.20867762

File: c258914db824228⋯.png (832.27 KB,980x724,245:181,zoomeris.png)

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b3e342 No.20867763

File: 0898d42759e3fcb⋯.webm (2.89 MB,320x584,40:73,FlagFagBlues.webm)


All kinds of ME stuff making the rounds these days especially across the street and on X-Twat.

So hard to know what's real (prolly not much) and what's F&G.

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b8fb8a No.20867764

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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57d8fd No.20867765

File: c9ce7b87b149efb⋯.png (363.58 KB,592x538,296:269,owe.PNG)


Emerald Robinson ✝️




Liz Harrington



May 13

Delete the voter rolls and vote by legal ID and proof of citizenship

2:21 AM · May 14, 2024




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bf2948 No.20867766

File: 7943e2aedf98f0e⋯.png (21.5 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867767

File: b34687eca59c9c8⋯.png (361.52 KB,589x832,589:832,poe.PNG)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Blinken is already blaming the lack of Kharkiv defenses on Republicans

He wont mention the millions pocketed by Ukrainian oligarchs

He’s over there on a cleanup operation


Face The Nation

1:23 AM · May 14, 2024




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beaeef No.20867768

File: aaab918a18cff87⋯.png (798.32 KB,946x641,946:641,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867770

File: ee459c2e98997aa⋯.png (443.7 KB,594x570,99:95,det.PNG)


Greg Price


The Deep State used to be a right wing conspiracy theory according to the media.

Now you have George Stephanopoulos happily proclaiming on the View that "The Deep State is packed with patriots.”


Nicholas Fondacaro

5:36 AM · May 14, 2024




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f9a49b No.20867771

File: d7c5f28276d204f⋯.png (654 KB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Hidden in last nights AUS budget, more money laundering of AUS tax payer cash, to Ukraine.

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beaeef No.20867772

File: a50fe54688fc015⋯.png (1.27 MB,942x639,314:213,ClipboardImage.png)

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3aee63 No.20867773

File: d9286a20d38d39d⋯.png (1.95 MB,864x1955,864:1955,ClipboardImage.png)


Ham Radios knocked out


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57d8fd No.20867774

File: b4581f94b8e905b⋯.png (862.71 KB,592x839,592:839,att.PNG)




JUST IN: Michael Cohen is now admitting in the stand that he had meeting with the New York Attorney General’s office and the District Attorney as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial.

In 2018 Cohen was incarcerated, so he was in jail while meeting with them. Miraculously, he got out of prison early for “covid” precautions, right after he started working with the prosecutors.

This is a sham trial and I hope Trump pi’s quickly acquitted! How many more attempts can they make to stop him from winning in November?


5:39 AM · May 14, 2024




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ac7e54 No.20867775

File: 1a6d3d6cde3c116⋯.gif (7.1 MB,259x255,259:255,1a6d3d6cde3c1166fa641a400f….gif)

File: d4a8d6d25d62ad3⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,260x256,65:64,durham_NIGHT_SHIFT.mp4)

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b8fb8a No.20867776

is it true that Nixon said the Jews in America run the banking and media?

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207b00 No.20867777

File: 3e821247d6ae220⋯.png (205.92 KB,728x538,364:269,ClipboardImage.png)

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530ea3 No.20867778

File: 4d5f60eed37f2fb⋯.jpeg (462.39 KB,1144x596,286:149,CE39E3C1_EA54_4F33_8068_9….jpeg)

File: 5f05c7f7555d1e1⋯.jpeg (103 KB,828x1056,69:88,64E706E7_7AD0_416C_8998_5….jpeg)


Naked shiort selling aside those same criminal conspirators are long and unloading into the strength. They are in complete control and this will expose it to moar people but bringing it down?

Don’t make me laugh

All algo driven momo that they are reaping benefits of and when THEIR time is right it will be faded and many bag holders will be crying about a game they played but don’t understand

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60244b No.20867779


ID isn't the PROBLEM

Putting people with a National Security background check that misses those who intend to do the harm to life and turn america into a multinational totalitarian communist dictatorship commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity frauds will do is the problem


you put these shitty motherfuckers on the ballot.

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16a6e0 No.20867780

File: 31dfd75dcc21614⋯.jpg (396.62 KB,600x600,1:1,Steal_Your_Meme.jpg)

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3aee63 No.20867781


Is this how you envisioned your 'coming out' would be like?

>Thus, a Mr Pig attack is essentially an attack on the rest of us,

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57d8fd No.20867782

File: a166268be1bf572⋯.png (522.86 KB,1076x605,1076:605,gb.PNG)


‘Change Your Views or Go Back!’ —

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno’s

Blunt Message to Lawless Liberals Flocking

to Florida

Gateway Pundit, by Jim Hᴏft

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/14/2024 8:57:04 PM

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno is making it clear: if liberal migrants from blue states don’t appreciate Florida’s firm stance on law and order, they should pack their bags and return to their crime-ridden home states. Sheriff Marceno’s primary message is that Californians and other liberals shouldn’t bring the policies that ruined their states to Sunshine State, Florida. Sheriff Marceno’s message comes as a rallying cry amidst growing frustration with policies in liberal states that have led to increased crime rates. In an interview with Fox News, the sheriff, who had previously lived in New York, spoke frankly about the flood of left-leaning newcomers who bring their failed policies with them.

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beaeef No.20867783

File: 1b1b7402603ff3b⋯.png (786.94 KB,1020x697,60:41,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867785

File: ee800072dfc381e⋯.png (189.74 KB,588x651,28:31,calima.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


Middle School in California is teaching students s*x-ed. The principal sent an email to parents that they can opt out of any individual lessons EXCEPT for the chapter on gender and s*xuality. They're forcing kids to learn about gender pseudoscience and alternate gender identities.

If you're a parent who wants your kid educated on s*x-ed and just not gender ideology, tough luck.

Why is @LaderaVistaJH

so intent on confusing kids?



5:43 AM · May 14, 2024




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77db00 No.20867786

File: bf1ea7b2c3a5928⋯.gif (2.27 MB,434x308,31:22,BidenLaugh.gif)


>George Stephanopoulos happily proclaiming on the View that "The Deep State is packed with patriots.”

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4e8406 No.20867788

File: 9534d25fc899870⋯.png (94.96 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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60244b No.20867789


what authority. what law.

It get it he's pissed but it's fucking toothless banter.

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890d74 No.20867790

File: 1ad7091b965b16d⋯.png (183.06 KB,280x392,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)


The monkey DNA issues come out yet?

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77db00 No.20867791

File: ae2fd3b8c91817c⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,liltiny.mp4)


ABC's George Stephanopoulos proclaims "The Deep State is packed with patriots…they don't care about political parties…serve in silence."

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b4a0c8 No.20867792


So, patriots are fucking the deep state in the ass like a 20 dollar whore?


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3aee63 No.20867793


Google search is fucking useless. even when you do finally want to buy something.

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247742 No.20867794

File: 1e5def1611d5ece⋯.gif (3.02 MB,360x264,15:11,2hpu3l.gif)

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bb14fe No.20867795

File: bc1af2950760bee⋯.png (1.46 MB,1122x1225,1122:1225,ClipboardImage.png)


Went from "There is no Deep State"

To "There is a Deep State but their the good guys"

In Record Time

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57d8fd No.20867796

File: a88b3b18e1c3cb8⋯.png (424.49 KB,602x638,301:319,gc.PNG)


Grace Chong 🇺🇸


BANNON: Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races. All the big Senate races except for—wait for it, @KariLake

. This is a complete scam.


Scott Suttell



May 13

One Nation, a conservative group, "is plowing $70 million more into hitting vulnerable Democrats in key Senate races nationwide," @politico reports. The focus is on Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Nevada.


4:34 AM · May 14, 2024




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e8af74 No.20867797

Pay Attention


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9adc7c No.20867798

File: 7ac96596119a7d1⋯.png (1.46 MB,936x1259,936:1259,1715735111803.png)

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f9a49b No.20867799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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71cab9 No.20867800

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Steve Bannon first thinks Johnson is intentionally trying to trigger him. (KeK, I agree). And then Bannon & Russ Vought React To Speaker Mike Johnson. Seriously anons you must listen to this. Johnson and Dems will cut off all funding of Trump to cut off all progress in his first year. And Johnson and RINOS are working with Dems to do this.They want to neuter Trumpand MAGA in his first year Vought was the head of OMB

Vought: The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is the largest office[a] within the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP).OMB's most prominent function is to produce the president's budget,[2] but it also examines agency programs, policies, and procedures to see whether they comply with the president's policies and coordinates inter-agency policy initiatives.

This is why I don’t believethere will be a 2024 election held on time. The CiC will take over. Murmurs saying it will be brutal for a while.



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3aee63 No.20867802

File: 55d7dbc8b464b9f⋯.png (699.81 KB,977x861,977:861,Cool_Mist_Drums_With_Cops_….png)


fuck em.

They did their masters bidding, now they die.

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77db00 No.20867803

File: f7940a03bd0a4ea⋯.png (420.37 KB,320x640,1:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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6d8069 No.20867804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f647e3 No.20867805

File: b18155e38d14dc2⋯.png (224.18 KB,600x450,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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77db00 No.20867806

File: 0f6e3714ea4dbe6⋯.mp4 (946.16 KB,640x360,16:9,wtc7.mp4)



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1a2521 No.20867807


so, this is the Jews / Mossad / CIA working together in order to do a false flag, blame it on Russia, and then the Jews steal more Billions from the US Taxpayer, maybe even getting US soldiers killed?

Maybe Putin and Russia are in on it?

It's Russia + Ukraine + Israel + Palestinians + Hamas + Mossad + CIA + Jews

and the plan is - steal more Billions from the US Taxpayer for the Jews + kill White Christians.

Stop Giving Money To The Jews.

The US just gave $100 Billion to Jews in Israel and Ukraine. Some of that money goes into the pockets of the leaders of Ukraine and Israel, but there is plenty of money left over to plan false flag attempts in order to continue stealing US Taxpayers money and give it to Jews.

Israel is Rothschild country

Ukraine is Soros country

one of the few things Q got right was mentioning Rothschild and Soros as the main actors here. He wrote about them in 2017, and it's now 2024, and there's even more Rothschild / Israel / Soros / Ukraine than before 2017. He did a pretty good job predicting who would be doing the bad stuff in the future, didn't do a good job predicting that Trump or whoever would be able to curtail what they were doing, since we see that the money funnel is going full blast in the direction of Rothschild and Soros.

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207b00 No.20867808

File: 476e8f66a9aedc4⋯.png (1.3 MB,1820x910,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867809

File: bc6e6c81c99b758⋯.png (18.51 KB,596x201,596:201,as.PNG)


Andrew H. Giuliani


The court sketch artist has left the room (with what will no doubt be some more horrendous sketches of President Trump). I will not reveal anything to identify this person except to say, the sketch artist was wearing a mask.

5:08 AM · May 14, 2024




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77db00 No.20867810

File: ef215767f4ec21e⋯.jpg (91.97 KB,680x680,1:1,Loren_Merchan_2.jpg)

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3aee63 No.20867811

File: 4dc72d474d01075⋯.jpg (133.19 KB,586x773,586:773,Cryin_Chuck_Anthony_Albane….jpg)


That's why he hates memes.

Cuz they're the only news left.

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1c7566 No.20867812

File: 89f71dd71965bb8⋯.gif (2.51 MB,384x214,192:107,anons_vs_shills.gif)


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3876c0 No.20867813


it's JW's faggotry

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330995 No.20867814

File: 42aaac09849b198⋯.png (255.1 KB,524x315,524:315,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3e342 No.20867815

File: 909ecbc67371f1d⋯.gif (1.39 MB,480x270,16:9,Hussein_micdrop.gif)


That meme suddenly went from being leftyreddit only to QR several times per week now.


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3aee63 No.20867816

File: ea9394dcc869598⋯.png (22.28 KB,1417x134,1417:134,Snapshot_2023_12_21_171935….png)


no. It's that you became another shill like the rest.


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340b1a No.20867817

File: 4d5e761a9eba8ae⋯.jpg (116.84 KB,634x832,317:416,4499CFF000000578_4911062_i….jpg)

File: 196159450d2fd82⋯.png (400 KB,766x2608,383:1304,229_6_.png)

File: bb1789e5d18354f⋯.png (369.92 KB,766x1178,383:589,1302_3_.png)

File: 44220146fa6b2e2⋯.png (110.39 KB,766x1068,383:534,755_2_.png)

File: d732a87b465949e⋯.jpg (39.04 KB,393x280,393:280,ottawa_canada_june_30_unit….jpg)


then she say let's buy some new heels she toad told you affirmatively

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77db00 No.20867818

File: ef41987558e2204⋯.mp4 (887.54 KB,480x852,40:71,podestasnake.mp4)

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207b00 No.20867819

File: 10645669a535e0e⋯.png (3.57 MB,2000x2195,400:439,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a6d37 No.20867820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

shills = ADL ?

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32f548 No.20867821

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b3e342 No.20867822


Yeah, that's spoopy as well.

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3aee63 No.20867823

File: d1afbdb6f0b90c5⋯.jpg (98.32 KB,304x470,152:235,Anthony_Albanese_Cartman_R….jpg)


Meme licence. Now!

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f9a49b No.20867824

File: 03c36b030509816⋯.png (924.71 KB,607x607,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Dr Russell McGregor




We are told the 17th largest solar flare in recorded history just occurred today.

Understand you are being primed for election occurrences at the end of the year.

Power, internet and communications blackouts will be labelled as caused by said flares.


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e7c830 No.20867825

File: f686a31efb9c363⋯.png (3.62 MB,3000x3000,1:1,smocking.png)



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1a2521 No.20867826


I don't know.

It's been well known for some time that the Jews in America run the banking and media. It's even more true now than in 1973, around the time of Watergate tapes.

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57d8fd No.20867827

File: 0e8b5cf73a2440b⋯.png (133.75 KB,359x693,359:693,dg.PNG)


The more you know…

Join us: t.me/cruel_history (https://t.me/cruel_historyy)

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247742 No.20867828

File: 59b593457910504⋯.jpeg (142.17 KB,1080x1081,1080:1081,1601207620.jpeg)

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f647e3 No.20867829

File: 15133c70bea43fd⋯.png (356.59 KB,500x674,250:337,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867830

File: 30c76a651e336a3⋯.png (1.41 MB,1018x866,509:433,fink.PNG)

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beaeef No.20867831

File: d01dbd6faccbb46⋯.png (246.94 KB,734x546,367:273,ClipboardImage.png)

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2a6d37 No.20867832

if you control the media you can control what people hear about anything

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a64020 No.20867833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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207b00 No.20867834

File: 3e75aa3a5bf228d⋯.png (284.82 KB,480x480,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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340b1a No.20867835

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57d8fd No.20867836

File: 7d17365202329de⋯.png (220.54 KB,591x696,197:232,ork.PNG)




LAWFARE: Is it a coincidence that the Democrat's star witness, Michael Cohen, has been working with Democrat Rep Dan Goldman to prepare for cross examination AND that Dan is a customer of acting Justice Merchan's daughter? How much is Dan paying Loren Merchan? @DonaldJTrumpJr

h/t @TruthNinja316


5:10 AM · May 14, 2024




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f647e3 No.20867837


Looks like a post from a snowflake with an itchy filter finger to me

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60244b No.20867838


kek they fucked it up actually

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9adc7c No.20867839

File: b82e1d2ec50141a⋯.png (1.88 MB,1318x894,659:447,1715735987170.png)

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207b00 No.20867840

File: 4aeeccf43da7c70⋯.png (142.12 KB,405x488,405:488,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb14fe No.20867841

File: 8a4c5ab2dd23487⋯.png (500.23 KB,1178x1258,589:629,ClipboardImage.png)


Funny thing about that

They're not the news anymore

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57d8fd No.20867842

File: 6561e50d6216547⋯.png (237.07 KB,595x835,119:167,wrd.PNG)


Bad Hombre


Well, this is awkward.



President Biden




I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China:

25% on steel and aluminum,

50% on semiconductors,

100% on EVs,

And 50% on solar panels.

China is determined to dominate these industries.

I'm determined to ensure America leads the world in them.

Show more

Rate proposed Community Notes

4:23 AM · May 14, 2024




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57d8fd No.20867845

File: 31d2cc21737c4be⋯.png (751.86 KB,1127x663,1127:663,file.PNG)


Vaccine trial patient files first US lawsuit against AstraZeneca

American woman says she was left permanently disabled by vaccine credited with saving six million lives

Tony Diver, US Editor and Robert Mendick, Chief Reporter 13 May 2024 • 9:33pm

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1c7566 No.20867846

File: 8ef44502649760f⋯.png (147.86 KB,1000x706,500:353,ClipboardImage.png)


That meme doesn't fit Pig's style. It's a cheap knockoff, obviously not mean spirited in any way, and made to give the impression that it's him; imitation is the most sincere something something. But if you would have checked the ID's first post you'd realize that it is, in fact, not him at all. The filename is off, just copypasted. Pig has always named his files a certain way that I've seen.

Oh, and are you telling everyone you actually saved your own post, probably replying to Pig because he bitchslapped you, and are posting your attempt at character smearing again? How fucking watered down and weak can you absolutely retarded clowns get? Seriously. You're pathetic, dude. Beyond pathetic actually. You clowns sowed distrust on the line for a while over the past year, but it's pretty fucking solid again, and anons are on to you dipshits.

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b3e342 No.20867847


> made in China

kek that's the key part

Made in Mexico by Chinese front companies tho?

Yeah, no tariffs.

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77db00 No.20867848

“As for rebuilding Ukraine after the war, we first need to ensure that it prevails. If Ukraine does not prevail, then there will be nothing to restore in a free and independent Ukraine,” Stoltenberg said, speaking at the NATO youth summit.

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beaeef No.20867849

is there an archive of William Cooper anywhere?

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bf2948 No.20867850

File: 7d8659927af430e⋯.png (40.12 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

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57d8fd No.20867851

File: 7fe849eb24122f1⋯.png (501.04 KB,987x638,987:638,bb.PNG)


Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien

From El Salvador Murders West Virginia

Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

Gateway Pundit, by Cristina Laila

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 5/14/2024 7:05:18 PM

Joe Biden’s America. An illegal alien from El Salvador who entered the US on Joe Biden’s open border invitation was arrested in the murder of a 33-year-old West Virginia woman. David Antonio Calderon, 46, was arrested in Virginia after authorities found an unidentified woman on a burning couch in a field in Martinsburg. “Early findings from the state Medical Examiner’s Office point to burn injuries as the likely cause of death.” West Virginia News reported. According to police, Calderon, who went by the nickname “Amigo,” also attacked two homeless people with a baseball bat in April.

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7e1bba No.20867852

File: 501795d981bce9b⋯.jpeg (786.28 KB,1620x1656,45:46,IMG_0822.jpeg)


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1a2521 No.20867853


Jews Killing White Christians

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c3be6c No.20867854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Oscar Blue Ramirez reporting for Real America’s Voice News – live stream May 13, 2024

Newly-elected President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino says he will close the Darien Gap to migration.

Organized Crime in Colombia has enriched themselves out of human misery while destroying the culture of the indigenous tribes. President José Raúl Mulino wants to decontaminate the jungle that has become an environmental disaster of this mass migration.

The Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) are calling President Mulino inhumane and violating human rights. Oscar Blue states that the Panamanian President is protecting the sovereignty of his nation and its border while preventing people from dying (in this dangerous border crossing, the Darien Gap).

The NGO’s offer no solutions and are demanding that the Darien Gap crossing remain open simply because they are the ones profiting from this human misery.

International Organizations, Cartels, NGO’s (like the ones operating within the United States at the southern border) businesses, and individuals are benefiting from government and private funding…reaping large sums of money in this human trafficking situation.

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8b0470 No.20867855

File: a3582e1ffc1d0eb⋯.jpeg (125.22 KB,500x715,100:143,IMG_0207.jpeg)

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57d8fd No.20867856

File: fd3d346f3dc269e⋯.png (90.03 KB,594x843,198:281,de.PNG)


Elon Musk








BREAKING: Reuters is dying. Website traffic has declined by nearly 50% over the past seven months.


Rate proposed Community Notes

4:21 AM · May 14, 2024




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2a6d37 No.20867857

File: 3d8823dd1659dac⋯.png (1.37 MB,978x1316,489:658,mediamm.png)

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c3be6c No.20867858

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



May 11, 2024 The Epoch Times Documentary - “Weapons of Mass Migration”

This video explains what is happening in the Caravans, the Darien Gap, Mass Migration through the borders of the Mexico and the United States – all orchestrated using people for political gain.

A “Global Compact of Migration” perpetrated by the UNITED NATIONS, coerced more than 154 countries to sign, thus giving the evil UN power and control.

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207b00 No.20867859

File: 7ed54045d43ec5c⋯.png (299.35 KB,526x537,526:537,ClipboardImage.png)

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340b1a No.20867860


do an elephant trip

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2a6d37 No.20867861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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57d8fd No.20867862

File: 98051c78c3c9232⋯.png (615.8 KB,594x786,99:131,arty.PNG)


Square profile picture



JUST IN: In a 2018 letter to the FEC, Michael Cohen’s own attorney stated “Mr. Cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to Ms. Stephanie Clifford. Neither the Trump Organization nor the Trump campaign was a party to the transaction with Ms. Clifford, and neither reimbursed Mr. Cohen for the payment directly or indirectly.”

Prosecutors are using this as an attempt to show Trump lied, but this letter has nothing to do with Trump. Cohen wrote this with his own attorneys. His story has changed so much he can no longer be considered a credible witness.

Why isn’t the media pointing out these facts?


3:53 AM · May 14, 2024




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1a2521 No.20867863



>credited with saving six million lives

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7e1bba No.20867865

File: f3889c707ff6d1d⋯.jpeg (1.35 MB,1620x1865,324:373,IMG_0823.jpeg)



Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker rails against Pride month, working women in commencement speech

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57d8fd No.20867866

File: 2886e01580a6fd2⋯.png (466.24 KB,591x454,591:454,ar.PNG)


Insider Paper


ALERT: Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

From insiderpaper.com

3:47 AM · May 14, 2024




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530ea3 No.20867867

File: 171ac11a6c39323⋯.jpeg (424 KB,1292x619,1292:619,2198B0CA_CC20_4865_ADE5_2….jpeg)

File: 565ed03c2077e08⋯.png (474.66 KB,546x476,39:34,BFB54D41_6D4A_45CC_B30B_2A….png)

RCH530 DC-10 tanker/transport left Guatemala City

Speaking of Guatemala.

>>20862702, >>20862871 pb

Spanish AF AME4504 A310 arriving at San Salvador, El Salvador

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60244b No.20867868


They better put all the wars on hold, Drones cant fly

AI can't kill


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57d8fd No.20867869

File: 66f52a5d70e663f⋯.png (195.7 KB,594x639,66:71,ll.PNG)


Lara Logan


This is what you need to know.


Michael Rae Khoury



May 7, 2023


The investigation into Ericsson includes oversight and control of the data that feeds into the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children which oversees and controls The CyberTipline.

The CyberTipline is the central clearinghouse where ALL CHILD… x.com/Vltra_MK/statu…

Show more





2:24 AM · May 13, 2024




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ac7e54 No.20867870

File: 4d6c4efe1ba10e8⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB,848x848,1:1,IMG_6553.MP4)

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77db00 No.20867871


Ukrainians are committing more and more petty crimes to avoid mobilization

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cd77c3 No.20867872


Nothing different

Again: The only tactic they have ever had with any effect is using anons against anons. That hunger for new bread.

The muh joo tends to get tossed, but start arguments or anything anyway that eats bread to push goodies into Previously Collected and then the archives.

Yes, indeed, still there, but they need memory-hole

Honestly anons, who comes up on the board and bothers to look further than the three previous breads? Ever look at the Previously Collected section?

The "provoke an emotional response" they used at the beginning to drive away newfags and discourage new bakers lost so much traction when oldfags pointed out just what was going on

Here's where a shill tends to scream "copypasta" but still valid methinks:

Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails

Back to top

The muh joo has no real effect, and lately zonked

They know that

The muh mason same thing

They know that

The fedboi Maga Patriots (insert suffix) and the AI Warfare and the older "black african negroid" that for some reason even explained to them they still don't get (other than waste bread knowing real anons get a chuckle out of the stupidity)

One more time: They need to waste bread to bury goodies. Not just duplication between Day Shift and Graveyard. The minion's masters need stuff buried because they cannot have the exposure. That part about "can't walk down the street" is real. Wealth comes to them via Power and Influence. once exposed those are gone and their "friends" and "allies' will bail to save their own asses. Did anons forget the Hollyweird Pdiddy stuff already? Oprah connected to them and Harvey Weinstein?

{{{they]]] need anons distracted and need those memory-holed posts. Survival mechanism has kicked in. Anons saw the shills revert to 2018/2019 tactics when {{{they}}} thought they could outsource to avoid blue hairs wanting Maternity leave to give birth to an infected piercing

Came back to Media Matters and ShareBlue rather quick didn't it?

Anons come in, post goodies and memes so the victims of the "Publik Educatshun Sistum" can see.

And then the shitposts. Demoralization shills try here and there, seems a Contractual Obligation since all these years they know it won't deter Anons

Somehow the Internet and networked Banking and all the other stuff was to consolidate Control

Anons turned that shit on them. "ten days" of no Net and no MSM (not that I listen anymore)? Cool by me. Won't see me staring at a phone begging for bars and have seen way too many anons over the years that won't either.

Anons are a force {{{they}}} never saw coming. The elites now have never faced such a challenge and are too arrogant and ignorant to have a clue as how to react as their ancestors would have.

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dbdd68 No.20867873

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e0f3ab No.20867874

Remember Remember the 5th of November

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bf2948 No.20867875


1913 Christmas Eve when most of Congress was home, their puppet Swamp voted in the Federal Reserve Act which took the power to create money AWAY from our US Treasury and gave it to themselves.

Then turned America into the Cabal's debt slave and forced the Income Tax on us making all Americans the Jewish Banking Cartel's slaves for life.

Although I think the "Federal" Reserve system has been taken down because the main Fed Bank in Washington DC has been locked and a green tarp fence draped over its fence perimeter for a couple years now.

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f647e3 No.20867876

File: 267a1e76b31d5aa⋯.png (297.15 KB,508x492,127:123,ClipboardImage.png)


That stupid faggot (picrel) wont even see (You)r post

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7e1bba No.20867877


What is this about?

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646f38 No.20867878


Didn't they already clear out the prisons a couple times and sent them to the front lines?

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a64020 No.20867879

File: 2c8e896bb9599b8⋯.png (610.92 KB,879x837,293:279,Screenshot_2024_05_14_at_2….png)

File: f9eda2496f12f99⋯.png (567.54 KB,841x674,841:674,Screenshot_2024_05_14_at_2….png)

File: f03de1edb896534⋯.png (49.25 KB,1280x324,320:81,Screenshot_2024_05_14_at_2….png)

File: a8515143f2f6a74⋯.png (480.86 KB,737x475,737:475,Screenshot_2024_05_14_at_2….png)





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2a6d37 No.20867880

is the Nakba the same day as Israel independence?

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307a76 No.20867881



war n peace length post


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530ea3 No.20867882

File: 2981145311fd9a4⋯.png (341.83 KB,631x630,631:630,5C74DD9F_B82D_4805_AD74_20….png)


Search rumble and yt

Plenty of old episodes

Search “hour of the time”,”William Cooper”

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bb14fe No.20867883

The Bioweapon Pandemic has only just begun

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e70b8e No.20867884


he's a clown in america

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ac7e54 No.20867885

File: c28277bb09050f8⋯.mp4 (516.67 KB,640x640,1:1,video.mp4)

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ee01fc No.20867886


Google are a monopoly but the monopolies commission are funded by… guess who?

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e72fb9 No.20867887

NOTES ~365

#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556, >>20867856, >>20867759 Rest In Piss: Reuters / The Guardian

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634, >>20867755 Refresher: Stormy Daniels has a brand mark from Keith Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

>>20867694 SC government employees using taxpayer-funded positions to peddle dangerous garbage to minors

>>20867698, >>20867773, >>20867824 Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle

>>20867708 Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements after Youngkin audit

>>20867726 MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans - Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists

>>20867734 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>20867737 Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

>>20867739 CAIR Official Dawud Walid: Campus Protests Are An Opportunity For Us To Invite People To Join Islam

>>20867746 New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

>>20867750 Science journal confirms excessive DNA contamination in Pfizer GMO products

>>20867754 $AMC is still halted - it has been halted more than 17 times today

>>20867757 Google to offer AI-generated answers in search results

>>20867770, >>20867791, >>20867879 It's so obvious that they can't even deny it anymore

>>20867774, >>20867836, >>20867862 Michael Cohen is now admitting he had meeting with the NY AG’s office and the DA as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial

>>20867796 Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races

>>20867842 Biden: I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China

>>20867851 Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

>>20867866 Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

>>20867867 Planefag

>>20867869 CyberTipline


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47f510 No.20867888

File: 924d8d18628bf12⋯.jpg (119.86 KB,718x711,718:711,Kittycoffee.jpg)

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1c7566 No.20867889

File: b5c961fc13e62e3⋯.png (144.47 KB,331x320,331:320,smokingpepe8_2017018f08db8….png)


Doesn't matter if he sees it or not. The absolute retards need a slap from time to time. Time for an audiobook and a smoke.

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7e1bba No.20867890


I kind of fell sorry for Cohen and anyone else prosecuted by Obama/Biden DOJ

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47f510 No.20867891


dem digits

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c94651 No.20867892

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ac7e54 No.20867893

File: ea7870af3f820da⋯.mp4 (8.59 MB,720x1280,9:16,IMG_6555.MP4)

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e0f3ab No.20867894


William Cooper claimed all kinds of crazy stuff.

Now I wonder if it was all true.

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ee01fc No.20867895



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57d8fd No.20867896

File: a28a91ca29aa141⋯.png (332.18 KB,592x659,592:659,ord.PNG)


Lara Logan


This is incredible. Ordinary people standing up against the corruption of the judiciary.


Treniss J. Evans III



May 10

Today, I sued Judge Merchan & corrupt

Alvin Bragg.

Voters have rights, and these two are in direct constitutional violation of our rights.

See the full case at CondemnedUSA and follow me to stay tuned for the next two complaints, next week.

Show more


12:30 AM · May 14, 2024




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e70b8e No.20867897


as long as garland is there n o t h i n g will happen.

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530ea3 No.20867898


>the main Fed Bank in Washington DC

The main Fed bank is the NYFRB and as long as that remains open it’s bidness as usual

DC is just a bodega

The “store” is in New York

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284727 No.20867899

File: 2bec100572ce1a8⋯.jpg (1.78 MB,3024x3764,756:941,20240514_203109_0_.jpg)


Come kick muh Vets for Trump sign, dare ya.

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f55e03 No.20867900


Maybe they're allergic.

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ac7e54 No.20867901

File: 159e0683ed0bd5f⋯.mp4 (494.56 KB,640x640,1:1,video.mp4)

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beaeef No.20867902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>hour of the time”,”William Cooper”

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b05778 No.20867903


>and a smoke.

pole smoker no doubt

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57d8fd No.20867904

File: 61e82209765374e⋯.png (787.38 KB,721x843,721:843,I_O_chess_b.PNG)

File: dc5ca0d30390f78⋯.png (63.33 KB,264x271,264:271,god_wins.PNG)





TYB TY Anons


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1a2521 No.20867905


Wild Things

The movie we are watching is Wild Things.

Matt Dillon is Trump

not sure who is Neve Campbell and who is Denise Richards, but you expect someone to stand up in court and say "Stormy Daniels is just pissed off because Trump fucked her mom".

If it was exactly Wild Things, Trump would then sue Stormy Daniels rich mom for a ton of money. So, it's not exactly Wild Things.

The similarity is that all are on the same side from the beginning. Trump v Democrats isn't as good for Trump as Trump v Historic Level of Awful Democrats.

Why the fuck would Stormy Daniels be involved with this? It's Trumps attempt at a skit. We have overmatched Trump and the uniparty. Trump has his people around him, suing him, but Wild Things.

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530ea3 No.20867906


At the time I thought same

He was correct about many things

As I looked it up after hearing when originally broadcast it became moar obvious how right he was.

Some I just dint believe but time allows perspective

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b3e342 No.20867907


>qrd for you:

These are like 3-4 hour breads these days.

People starting arguments are keeping people from seeing the good stuff.

Need moar time like maybe 5-6 hour breads.

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fe8cb7 No.20867908

File: a9ab5753f46ace8⋯.png (314.94 KB,648x516,54:43,ClipboardImage.png)


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b05778 No.20867909


wasted those digitz u idjit

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77db00 No.20867910

File: a4eb2181554fb0b⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,784x1280,49:80,wristwatch.mp4)


how strong is that coffee

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6b1774 No.20867911


The claim of life is like being some faggot skating thru some shithole

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bf2948 No.20867912

File: 7227708b0fa583f⋯.png (17.85 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


Remember the HIAS map of the HIAS centers allllll along the migrant route from South America through Central America and assisting the third world invaders all the way up through Mexico into the US.

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e0f3ab No.20867913

Biden increases tariffs on $18 billion in Chinese imports in a new warning to Beijing


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284727 No.20867914

File: 376577172758232⋯.png (440.14 KB,550x550,1:1,376577172758232c2cfb29cacb….png)


kek you never seen a 30 min bred

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f647e3 No.20867915

File: 314ed85b8525ee6⋯.png (405.74 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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bd5ac6 No.20867916

File: ce058f9059592b5⋯.jpeg (138.24 KB,768x1024,3:4,47FB7F0A_05F0_4B5F_931D_4….jpeg)

What does it mean?

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b3e342 No.20867917


Prolly true.

I would always keep maxing down to the bottom so yeah I technically never saw much of those 30 min ones.

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7a7ec8 No.20867918

Define an “appropriate rule”, Comer!

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1c7566 No.20867919

File: 163df1e9602cb17⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB,720x720,1:1,vxD1rgiqc5Ha.jpeg)


What is allergic to good? Pig is far from evil, a noble smartass without a doubt (KEK), but there is evil that tries to attack him and quite regularly now. It's tried the same towards this end for almost a year, developing entire routines of imitation to try and fool others, all to sow distrust, to divide, to demoralize. That's why they're called failfags now, because they failed.

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bf2948 No.20867920


Hmmm, next time I'm down in the Wall St area I'll go by the Fed there and see if they're still active.

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f647e3 No.20867921

File: 63e6e2c61dd3cfd⋯.png (404.49 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd77c3 No.20867922


Canada is on #58 now, sucks for shill masters those pesky Internationals hang around for weeks/months themselves and just don't get pushed off the Catalog as fast as they'd like

Canada #57 >>20837989

Ukraine Passes Bill To Recruit Prisoners For Depleted Army Ranks

By Tyler Durden Wednesday, May 08, 2024

The severe manpower crisis of Ukraine's armed forces continues to be on display, particularly after the recent decision of the government to deny embassy and consular services for Ukrainian men of fighting age who live abroad but refuse to come back home.

Ukraine's parliament on Wednesday just once again upped the controversy and advanced a dramatic change in law and national policy. It passed a bill enabling select prisoners to be released in order to fight in the armed forces.

"The parliament has voted 'yes,'" MP Olena Shuliak, head of Zelensky's party, announced in a social media post. "The draft law opens the possibility for certain categories of prisoners who expressed a desire to defend their country to join the Defense Forces," she said.

Ironically Moscow has previously come under international condemnation and mockery for just such a policy.

AFP and other international outlets acknowledged this as follows: "Long-opposed to the measure and having criticized Moscow's mobilization of prisoners to fill its ranks, Kyiv has recently U-turned amid fresh Russian advances on the battlefield," a report said.

The legislation still has to be signed by parliament's chairperson and President Zelensky in order to come into force as an active policy. The bill includes the following reported stipulations and parameters:

Prisoners must volunteer

Only those with three or more years left on their sentence can apply

Those convicted of violent sexual crimes are not eligible

Former high-ranking officials and those guilty of "serious corruption" are not eligible

Prisoners who killed two or people are not eligible

One glaring aspect is that it appears literal murderers can possibly still go free if they join the army, so long as they killed no more than one person, based on the AFP's reporting

The following unexpected and bizarre line is in the AFP report detailing the new Ukrainian bill:

Among those not eligible to serve include those found guilty of sexual violence, killing two or more people, serious corruption and former high-ranking officials, Shuliak said.

However, some conflicting information has emerged. The below is via a Ukrainian news source:

Shuliak told Ukrainska Pravda that the following will not be eligible to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine: those who have committed premeditated murder, rapists and paedophiles, corrupt officials, those who have committed crimes against the foundations of Ukraine's national security, and those who have held a particularly responsible position, including MPs and ministers.

Meanwhile, Ukrainians living abroad are said to be outraged at the government's efforts to lure them back to Ukraine by the denial of consular services. One 19-year old man living abroad told Al Jazeera the following:

“I support individual battalions in Ukraine with donations every month – this is my duty,” said Anton, who works as a waiter.

“But I don’t want to fight, as I don’t trust our government. They don’t care about people. And they don’t care if there’s a war going on, they’re corrupt and keep stealing the money that we pay for the army. Why go to war for a state who only wants to steal?” he said bitterly.

Another 35-year old man currently in Poland (where many Ukrainian families fled once the war began) told Al Jazeera as follows: "If the army could guarantee that my work would be aligned with my skills and knowledge, I would go back. I could help with drones and other technology. But getting a rifle and shooting would not be the most efficient way of utilizing my skills."

Ukraine forces continue losing ground along front line positions in the east. Not only are they outgunned, but the more experienced fighters who have been in it from nearly the beginning are exhausted, with commanders having few options in terms of rotating in fresh battalions from the back.


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71d0c2 No.20867923

File: 1b0bb671e060e9f⋯.jpg (53.08 KB,285x512,285:512,merchanfakeandgay.jpg)


I get it now.

Laurel Merchen is getting paid millions (for nothing, like Hunter Biden) in a influence bid on her Dad.

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7c87fc No.20867924

File: 036cbaa8882d42e⋯.jpeg (120.8 KB,1000x1000,1:1,IMG_0226.jpeg)


breads in the current year are bland and boring, made with mouldy weevil infested dough

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47f510 No.20867925

Aye yi yi, anon has been tied up with irl and been away for few days. It was stormy daniels when I left. Come back and it's STILL stormy daniels this, stormy daniels that. When is her part in this movie gonna end?


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af384f No.20867926

File: 118d974642a9de2⋯.png (3.24 MB,1478x1407,1478:1407,47017_55.png)

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a64020 No.20867927


kate's ded

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71d0c2 No.20867928


hard to see if anyone's in there

You can ask the guard.

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19a747 No.20867929


Have you heard about the solar flares?

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71cab9 No.20867930


This really reveals Johnson in this opening when he continues to whimper, Johnson seems to be a coward or something worse. I personally believes its worse. Johnson believes the media propaganda!

How Mike Johnson Is Taming Trump and His Party — Against All Odds

At a crucial juncture, the speaker went from pandering to Trump to managing him and from challenging the Democrats to working with them.

Updated: 04/23/2024 02:03 PM EDT

There are no atheists in foxholes and few isolationists in high office.

Confronted with sobering briefings revealing Ukraine on the brink of collapse, Speaker Mike Johnson made the leap from Benton, Louisiana (pop. 2,048) congressman to custodian of the trans-Atlantic alliance.

“It was the intelligence, it was the Europe generals who are in charge of the freedom of the world and of course it was the developments as well, everything has escalated,” Johnson told me, alluding to the conversations he had with the American brass at European Command.

If those developments, namely Ukraine running out of weapons, finally brought urgency to the speaker, his decision to call the foreign aid vote Saturday delivered a bracing dose of political clarity in Washington.

The Republican Party is drifting from its Reaganite past, but when faced with the burden of leadership, there’s still muscle memory to be found; Donald Trump is more committed to self-interest than any ideological anchorage and can be managed accordingly; and bipartisanship remains possible when bad actors are removed from the negotiating table.

It may seem hard to square the congressman who, only in September, opposed $300 million in Ukraine aid with the one who put his career on the line to deliver $61 billion to the battered country.

It’s easier to grasp when you realize Johnson grew up in the shadow of B-52s at Barksdale Air Force Base during the 1980s. He’s a Republican of the “Red Dawn” generation. It only took a higher level of intelligence briefings, granted to congressional leaders, for him to pick up that old Cold War hymnal.

Recall: While Johnson dragged his feet for months on bringing the aid bill to the floor,he changed his tune almost immediately on the concept once he became speaker. Just days after his October election to the post, Johnson told Senate Republicans he supported Ukraine funding, so long as aid to Israel received a separate vote.

I was struck by the turnaround at the time and asked a savvy House GOP aide how to explain it. “Amazing what some intel briefs will do,” the aide said.

By spring, Johnson was sounding more like Dick Cheney than Rand Paul.

“This is a projection of American strength,” Johnson said last week, adding that “we stand in the defense of freedom.”…


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7a7ec8 No.20867931

Red Lobster filing for bankruptcy

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47f510 No.20867933


Didn't choose those digits; they chose me. They need coffee.

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284727 No.20867934

File: 62d1129dbaab1ba⋯.jpg (245.49 KB,845x894,845:894,10d9a27de2216b85.jpg)


>never saw much of those 30 min ones.

Nobody did even the best of the autists unless they went back.

When Q was posting they moved quick, even a late night shift bred.

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bb14fe No.20867935

File: 196886f3baea936⋯.png (449.31 KB,508x471,508:471,ClipboardImage.png)

We Are Very Bad Slaves

The Elite Are Not Happy With Us

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4e334e No.20867936

File: 7313ff3dd6a3c84⋯.jpg (16.9 KB,474x355,474:355,sdfgsdgfdgg.jpg)

CHARLESTON, WV: "Two-term Governor Jim Justice has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, a race that was called shortly after voting concluded. MetroNews and other outlets called the race early on. The Associated Press called the race for Justice at 8:15 p.m.

“I love the people of West Virginia, and they know me through and through. They have the opportunity to judge me by my deeds; they’ve done that,” Justice said on MetroNews’ election coverage. “That’s why we have this landslide, landslide, landslide.”

Joe Manchin, a Democrat, decided not to run for reelection in increasingly Republican-leaning West Virginia this year. So the seat is open and most national pundits believe the seat is likely to swing to a Republican.

Justice is a two-term governor who first won that office as a Democrat in 2016. He switched parties in 2017 at a rally for then-President Donald Trump, citing his close relationship with Trump and saying he could accomplish more as a Republican. Trump announced an endorsement for Justice several months ago."


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8228ba No.20867937



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60244b No.20867938

File: 301705792b133c8⋯.jpg (64.58 KB,392x484,98:121,webb_vs_podesta_actblue_ac….jpg)


What if anon told you

The coffee pot is in INDIA….

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b42f35 No.20867939

File: 96e2cad1d13cf0f⋯.png (250.5 KB,480x360,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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5fce78 No.20867940


Packed with PAYtriots

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1c7566 No.20867941

File: bb71e3d6f01b778⋯.png (250.38 KB,526x581,526:581,bb71e3d6f01b778f7aa486f8cf….png)


15 minutes or under when things were really happening back in the day. Hence why going over 10 posts back in those days was considered ill form and signs of a shill. With how slow things move now… I try to stick to 15 now but sometimes I "roll the dice" and let the math decide what the transitory column should land on.

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71d0c2 No.20867942

File: 3aaa239b1ec8046⋯.jpg (123.73 KB,1200x510,40:17,allofthemwitches2.jpg)


he ded.

they are all related. Look at his face.

"all of them witches"


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b42f35 No.20867943


at least it isn't a Civet brewer?

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a64020 No.20867944

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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77db00 No.20867945


Do these sound like the actions of a man who had all he could eat?

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822af0 No.20867946

File: 231f13238a7eb0a⋯.jpeg (112.78 KB,800x592,50:37,IMG_5062.jpeg)


Where have we seen that look before?

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5fce78 No.20867947


donnie darko

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47f510 No.20867948


>C before D

What if it's Charles before Diana?

So many times it was hinted she is not dead.

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284727 No.20867949

File: 3968fb4281def96⋯.png (314.14 KB,1117x573,1117:573,ClipboardImage.png)

He gone

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c94651 No.20867950

File: 11705772cd0f266⋯.png (87.79 KB,450x600,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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7e1bba No.20867951



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b42f35 No.20867952

File: 33e1c35b085f80f⋯.png (1.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


giddy up

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5fce78 No.20867953


still propagation on 28 Mhz

No activity tho on 50Mhz unlike yesterday

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7e1bba No.20867954


Obama’s will be right behind them

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bf2948 No.20867955

File: 91752ab412f6774⋯.png (90.58 KB,474x593,474:593,ClipboardImage.png)


Wall St area's been a ghost town since the 2020 lockdown. All the business areas are, vacant office bldgs.

The real estate developers won't admit it, and the Cabal owned MSM will only admit that the office bldgs are "half" vacant but the delinquent rate is moar like 80%.

The one and only honest article was in NY Magazine.


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71d0c2 No.20867956


ancient history

How do you know when he's lying?

When his lips are moving.

Grow Up. Cohen's too stupid to be a great actor.

He's an authentic Putz.

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284727 No.20867957

File: 4a6bfb81342476f⋯.png (701.37 KB,701x913,701:913,ClipboardImage.png)




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9ece67 No.20867958


>Bushes are apparently impostors.

Not Bush, Scherff

go deeper down the rabbit hole

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6b1774 No.20867959

File: 6dff1fc7051b48f⋯.png (6.67 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

Go buy myfucking six piece towel set you faggots. Dry yourselves, you're disgusting. By the way the profits will be used to help people get off crack and we'll probably blow the rest of it on semi-frivolous lawfare against actual faggotry. You can get dry and fight actual faggotry at the same time at mypillow.com.

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bf2948 No.20867960


Wonder how many dead children's blood was mixed in with the paint?

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5aa773 No.20867961

File: f2a5f4f6e55c3bc⋯.png (277.93 KB,526x581,526:581,ClipboardImage.png)

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284727 No.20867962

File: f14c5474f96176c⋯.png (982.49 KB,918x650,459:325,Screenshot_2023_05_29_1644….png)

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af384f No.20867963



Why is this event BIG?

What does it signify?

Why is NK out of the news?

As The World Turns.



How could we know?




We have them, they are very nice.

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bb14fe No.20867964

File: 4b5d02402fbd5c8⋯.png (862.43 KB,640x907,640:907,ClipboardImage.png)

All their Sceeming

All their Grand Plans

Their Utopian Dreams

All Turning to Shit Before their Eyes

The Death Sentence for Pedophiles Must be in place before they are exposed

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530ea3 No.20867965

File: 83684982d6c1005⋯.jpeg (721.64 KB,712x780,178:195,F74BD6B1_22E5_40C8_9FF3_4….jpeg)

File: 171d1799198db14⋯.jpeg (452.42 KB,828x1381,828:1381,28BED4A0_D3D0_4A56_8DB9_8….jpeg)


Oh the are open

Click on Menu, then ‘Markets and Policy Implementation’

See cap 2


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247742 No.20867966

File: a458634610e6334⋯.png (437.51 KB,1080x1080,1:1,1709680046586549.png)


I do like the pillows

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f50c7f No.20867967

File: bf09bea233859cb⋯.png (88.43 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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0be1a3 No.20867968

File: f831960329eb2dc⋯.png (22.83 KB,400x400,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


"Stormy Daniels' husband?" Husband?

That must be fun after she comes home from a "hard" day at work!

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b3e342 No.20867969


>unless they went back.

I think I did that once during graveyard later on one day.

After the 10th Hi Q! I was like what's the point.

Besides, good stuff usually got repeated later.

By '19 many such anons got with the program tho.

Being all thanks Q was gonna post muh dig now I'll wait until later became a real meme.

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16854f No.20867970

File: 37e9bdac75cf5fa⋯.png (226.87 KB,494x514,247:257,37e9bdac75cf5fa2cd19a4817c….png)

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1c7566 No.20867971

File: 8879a272a3526d0⋯.jpg (21.99 KB,320x280,8:7,sniff.jpg)


>Dry yourselves, you're disgusting.

I smell the seeds of a MyPillow Navy Seal copypasta variation…

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7e1bba No.20867972


All Hail Satan!

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71cab9 No.20867973


If you hear “Clear the Decks”, it a conspiracy between Republicans and Democrats to defund Trump’snext 4 years. They will excuse it and say they are just trying to get their work done,but they are intentionally limiting Trump in anything he can accomplish in the next four years; and Johnson is in on it

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47f510 No.20867974

File: d1bad3174765af2⋯.jpg (286.99 KB,717x996,239:332,Screenshot_20240514_205124….jpg)

File: 37f86fd43aed912⋯.jpg (355.67 KB,720x981,80:109,Screenshot_20240514_205209….jpg)

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0e3d3e No.20867975

File: 15aae49e75dabcf⋯.png (377.91 KB,514x892,257:446,leag1.png)

File: 34a25ee1c87c087⋯.png (110.5 KB,1356x236,339:59,leag2.png)

File: f45cb2bf09bce99⋯.png (174.58 KB,1372x372,343:93,leag3.png)

File: 829391f5e4f5e4e⋯.png (987.5 KB,1968x1702,984:851,leag4.png)

File: ede2e9d8586bf40⋯.png (129.86 KB,1370x294,685:147,leag5.png)

do you think that Zionists brought the USA into WWI because England agreed to give them Palestine, and then they founded the League of Nations which did the Mandate for the reason of getting Israel?

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9dc087 No.20867976


Obama in diguise. No thanks.

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207b00 No.20867977

File: bfbf4663f48a2a6⋯.png (407.77 KB,811x788,811:788,ClipboardImage.png)

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bb14fe No.20867978


This Omen is Bad

He's Channeling his Vlad the Impaler Ancestry

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60244b No.20867979


I wish someone would send a fucking note to the top:

Hey election fraud don't matter when the national security background check misses (on purpose) commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud who intend to genocide white people and transform America into multinational totalitarian communist fascism

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47f510 No.20867980


>The Death Sentence for Pedophiles Must be in place before they are exposed

Ah. That's good.

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7e1bba No.20867981

File: c8e29c17c1c4ab6⋯.jpeg (202.85 KB,1380x556,345:139,IMG_0824.jpeg)

File: 61567acca0b8058⋯.jpeg (803.01 KB,1174x909,1174:909,IMG_0825.jpeg)

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71d0c2 No.20867982


vacant storefronts, YES.

massive numbers of tourists,

Chinese tours of the Bull statue of Wall St.

Massive tourists on Battery Park on a weekday.

New Colonists / Invading insurgency ( depending how you name it ) flooding Battery Park and the Ferry to Staten Island.

The Battery Park is entirely re-done. The plantings all look like Marsh Plants (getting ready for Ocean rise? Or Sandy redux? )

Building a giant wall against the Ocean "I think we need it"

so ruins the view.

Wall on Battery Park against Global Warming, but nothing on South Border.

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bc5d5f No.20867983

File: 98cad42638fe77a⋯.jpeg (115.9 KB,720x347,720:347,IMG_0224.jpeg)


Churchill the drunkard stooge was a Rothschild puppet

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817c51 No.20867984

File: 76cc39c1773db70⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,4000x1868,1000:467,misc_photos_of_the_aurora_….jpg)


>Power, internet and communications blackouts will be labelled as caused by said flares.

That is pretty plausible

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530ea3 No.20867985

File: 9113f0aed73a283⋯.jpeg (212.69 KB,1601x617,1601:617,8F8F5AFB_90E1_4A6D_B69D_8….jpeg)

File: 7ab2a15891a3c60⋯.jpeg (312.14 KB,828x831,276:277,FE1556B9_C0C3_471B_B7D8_C….jpeg)

File: 8836a7a897cd751⋯.jpeg (386 KB,828x851,36:37,D06B4EFC_C120_42AA_B81C_7….jpeg)

File: d01263c07cf2c9b⋯.jpeg (56.06 KB,528x432,11:9,7CD1A23C_749C_49D4_B6B5_D….jpeg)

Household Debt Climbs to $17.69 Trillion in First Quarter; Delinquency Rates Rise Again

Total household debt rose by $184 billion to reach $17.69 trillion, according to the latest Quarterly Report on Household Debt and Credit. Mortgage balances increased by $190 billion to $12.44 trillion, while balances on auto loans climbed $9 billion to $1.62 trillion, continuing their upward trajectory. Credit card balances declined, as is typical for the first quarter, falling by $14 billion to $1.12 trillion. Nearly 9 percent of credit card balances and 8 percent of auto loans (annualized) transitioned into delinquency.

Mortgage balances shown on consumer credit reports increased by $190 billion during the first quarter of 2024 and stood at $12.44 trillion at the end of March. Balances on home equity lines of credit (HELOC) increased by $16 billion, the eighth consecutive quarterly increase after 2022Q1, and there is now $376 billion in aggregate outstanding balances, $59 billion above the series low reached in the third quarter of 2021. Credit card balances, which are now at $1.12 trillion outstanding, decreased by $14 billion during the first quarter but remain 13.1% above the level a year ago. Auto loan balances increased by $9 billion, continuing the upward trajectory that has been in place since 2020Q2, and now stand at $1.62 trillion. Other balances, which include retail cards and other consumer loans, decreased by $11 billion. Student loan balances were effectively flat, with a $6 billion decrease, and stand at $1.6 trillion. In total, non-housing balances fell by $22 billion.


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60244b No.20867986


Lindel has a LOUD AMPLIFIER.

he needs a modified message.


not election fraud

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e8af74 No.20867987

If Trump was elected in both 2016 and then…oh yeah…..2020 was hijacked…

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7e1bba No.20867988

File: a390c56486c50b7⋯.jpeg (36.37 KB,191x255,191:255,IMG_0826.jpeg)

File: e86c3a49166ddf3⋯.webp (173.5 KB,1240x827,1240:827,IMG_0827.webp)

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6c5059 No.20867989



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4ff948 No.20867990

File: c4447904522c0f3⋯.gif (435.58 KB,400x211,400:211,5CE6C8EF_6449_4AAD_9AD8_3F….gif)

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47f510 No.20867991

File: a61e56952d7b0de⋯.jpg (128.39 KB,720x602,360:301,Screenshot_20240514_205833….jpg)


>Charles; Red Lobster


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8c16b6 No.20867992


Always said Grvl should have a couple stars on that helmet. Or at least some pepes.

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054538 No.20867993

File: 2afcee6b63eb1d3⋯.png (996.21 KB,754x762,377:381,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd77c3 No.20867994


Seriously doubt she's been part of a "production" in years

I can imagine Kenworths hauling trailers about now wish they had that size of mud flaps

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bf2948 No.20867995


they're open but how many workers are going in and out?

In Midtown, office bldgs are dead. Lunchtime, 5pm, 6pm normally should have tons of people going in and out.

Delis and coffee shops at lunchtime - empty.

It's waaay worse than they're letting on.

What's never mentioned in the MSM is the ton of small businesses that went bankrupt during the Convid lockdown.

The officeial excuse is the "Working from Home" trope to explain the empty office bldgs.

Empty storefronts all over Manhattan.

Also Ed Dowd said that the mRNA clot shots killed 33 Million Americans. So far.

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b3e342 No.20867996


Please no.

He's the kod with anything he gets involved with.

The MSM just played clips of him rambling on promising sauce that never came and all the normies I knew were like wtf is up with that nutcase???.

Stay in your lane for '24, Pillowman.

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5fce78 No.20867997


Current "A" index is only 6. Last major flare it was 226 which indeed wiped out HF comms. This recent alleged solar flare not so much…..fake news

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530ea3 No.20867998



mktFag: Asian Stocks to Follow US Rally With Focus on CPI and comments

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035c30 No.20867999

File: 7ec913491783afd⋯.png (365.16 KB,2160x2768,135:173,IMG_0195.png)

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a833a7 No.20868000

File: 1fa2219439e0e18⋯.png (26.24 KB,255x255,1:1,annoning.png)

I am looking for a quicker way to cross reference timestamps.

Has anyone ever created a excel spread sheet of all the Q drops- specifically as pertains to the dates and timestamps? (Yes, I am familiar with Qanon.pub- can't zero in on timestamps on that site)

If it exists, can you post it?

If it's on another website, can anyone point me toward such an animal?


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6d8069 No.20868001

File: f55198ebb18dbb4⋯.png (1021.83 KB,1447x1180,1447:1180,Screenshot_2024_05_14_2000….png)


The guy has no business anywhere near a Senate seat.


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a833a7 No.20868002


Sorry, specifically looking at Q-drop timestamps.

I guess I didn't clarify that very well.

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7e1bba No.20868003


Bloody British!!

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530ea3 No.20868004


I get that..some frens related similar views

It’s the Ops that are the meat

Don’t have to have people to do those either…mebby a clerk or two to process formality but essentially all automated

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77db00 No.20868005


Ray Epps

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5fce78 No.20868006


Chuck the Red

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cd77c3 No.20868007


Article from January, this is May

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16854f No.20868008

File: 2134c420b0576b7⋯.jpg (68.5 KB,736x1308,184:327,ba18df47b3c18ba3c09523ba66….jpg)

File: d08bf43130cffa6⋯.jpeg (10.99 KB,225x225,1:1,images_15_.jpeg)


Needs some things.

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054538 No.20868009

File: 39de09a630282cd⋯.png (452.69 KB,474x315,158:105,ClipboardImage.png)

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f3b837 No.20868010

File: 47f881e34403527⋯.jpeg (655.08 KB,960x1467,320:489,A2D9FEFF_3B97_49BE_BDB1_2….jpeg)



Evening All

Enjoyed the honking


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b3e342 No.20868011


>Has anyone ever created a excel spread sheet of all the Q drops- specifically as pertains to the dates and timestamps?


Even had a "fanefag" named spreadsheet anon here.

All back in the say tho.

Some oldfag that still lurks moar may still have an archived off line copy.

Otherwise, go check the pinned thread stuff to see if a link to it exists somewhere.

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ba8f04 No.20868012

Does any a non have the Nixon audio where he's talking about Bohemian Grove handy?

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be4ab5 No.20868013



The Chinese are already here and those people may like their jobs better but they bring their families and their politics with them.

Texas needs to build a wall and call a time-out.

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0e3d3e No.20868014


So at the end of WWI England took over Palestine in 1920 and then handed it off to Israel after they kicked everyone out on May 15 1948 a day after their independence day

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60244b No.20868015

File: 83afa4bb88e8268⋯.jpg (306.01 KB,670x1522,335:761,Welcome_UPDATED_BUCKETLIST….jpg)

File: 3fda32d71c294ea⋯.png (1.01 MB,3268x2181,3268:2181,3fda32d71c294ea404643b30f6….png)



you just tried to fucking gas light me.

He indeed is a LOUD AMP but his message of Election Fraud isn't effective.

A message of National Security Background Check failure to remove threats who intend death and theft and lies so this lets commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud appear on the ballot.

You already are in COMMUNISM now. fuck off with this KOD shit.

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192b7e No.20868016

NOTES ~495

#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556, >>20867856, >>20867759 Rest In Piss: Reuters / The Guardian

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634, >>20867755 Refresher: Stormy Daniels has a brand mark from Keith Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

>>20867683, >>20867742, >>20867985 Marketfag

>>20867694, >>20867785 Taxpayers fund the dangerous garbage fed to minors

>>20867698, >>20867773, >>20867824 Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle

>>20867708 Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements after Youngkin audit

>>20867726 MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans - Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists

>>20867734 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>20867736, >>20867981, >>20867991 C before D?

>>20867737 Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

>>20867739 CAIR Official Dawud Walid: Campus Protests Are An Opportunity For Us To Invite People To Join Islam

>>20867746 New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

>>20867754 $AMC is still halted - it has been halted more than 17 times today

>>20867770, >>20867791, >>20867879 It's so obvious that they can't even deny it anymore

>>20867774, >>20867836, >>20867862 Michael Cohen is now admitting he had meeting with the NY AG’s office and the DA as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial

>>20867796 Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races

>>20867842 Biden: I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China

>>20867851 Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

>>20867854, >>20867858 Newly-elected President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino says he will close the Darien Gap to migration

>>20867866 Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

>>20867867 Planefag

>>20867869 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children / CyberTipline

>>20867896 Ordinary people standing up against the corruption of the judiciary

>>20867936 CHARLESTON, WV: Two-term Governor Jim Justice has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate


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77db00 No.20868017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7fdb51 No.20868018

File: 51ae1b957426815⋯.png (560.9 KB,663x497,663:497,scbbydoo.png)

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054538 No.20868019

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1c7566 No.20868020

File: f31872c24c1e039⋯.png (869.83 KB,736x981,736:981,ClipboardImage.png)


Not that I can think of. Not too concerned about it though. Math in the timestamp and columns happens eerily often now, and not just for me. It's in a lot of anon timestamps and columns. Some of the shills seem to be pretty strong in it too, whatever the fuck "it" is that could explain the consistency of it happening so often now. Is it because the board's slow? I couldn't say. Never really started noticing it until an anon would announce what would be coming next, like "Next will be palindromes. Next will be dubdubs, etc, etc." And it never really started happening either until the post number hit 8 digits, or at least that's when I started noticing it. Might be an interesting dig though.

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0be1a3 No.20868021

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hey Mom! Guess who I married?


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5fce78 No.20868022


Modern day Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq and others were defined by Balfour. Hmmmm

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47f510 No.20868023

File: 729884630344e9a⋯.jpg (76.03 KB,565x852,565:852,Screenshot_20240514_210204….jpg)

File: 98cb9f4b17ac21c⋯.jpg (102.97 KB,720x965,144:193,Screenshot_20240514_210221….jpg)

File: 33d7aa44cb8b93d⋯.jpg (47.42 KB,611x509,611:509,Screenshot_20240514_210251….jpg)

File: 591b67c34b0bf6f⋯.jpg (73.23 KB,626x781,626:781,Screenshot_20240514_210351….jpg)

File: b45d4a160aad1b8⋯.jpg (116.39 KB,714x1022,51:73,Screenshot_20240514_210510….jpg)

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32f548 No.20868024

Maybe it's P > C?

Charles is the new Phillip?

Something feels sinister.

Don't know, just spewing what comes to mind.

There's something about his portrait that doesn't sit well.

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ba8f04 No.20868025


Thank you I'm on my phone and didn't have it handy one of the friend to hear it he didn't believe me.

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f9a49b No.20868026

File: a2e0e6d28ab1b17⋯.png (217.06 KB,670x447,670:447,ClipboardImage.png)

Speaking of Satan, the sausage fingered one or the Demon of Rome…



Vatican City, May 1, 2019 / 10:35 am

A group of nineteen Catholics, including some prominent academics, have published an open letter to the bishops of the world accusing Pope Francis of heresy.

The letter, made public on April 30, was dated "Easter week" and signed by 19 individuals, including Fr. Aiden Nichols OP, an internationally recognized theologian and author. The 15-page letter begins by asking the bishops of the world to take some action against the pope.

"We are addressing this letter to you for two reasons: first to accuse Pope Francis of the canonical delict of heresy, and second, to request that you take the steps necessary to deal with the grave situation of a [sic] heretical pope."

The letter lists seven specific areas of Church teaching where the signatories believe the pope has "through his words and actions, publicly and pertinaciously" demonstrated his belief in "propositions that contradict divine law."

The complaints focus on supposed teachings of the pope concerning sexuality and morality which they claim run contrary to the Church's magisterium. The letter highlights what the signatories believe to be problematic passages from the pope's 2016 post-synodal apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, especially concerning Catholics in irregular marital situations.

Among specific heretical beliefs the letter accuses the pope of holding is the position that a Catholic can, with full knowledge of divine law, violate that law and not be in a state of grave sin.

The letter also references a number of bishops, cardinals, and priests whom the authors claim are themselves heretical and the pope either appointed or allowed to remain in office, as further proof of the Holy Father's "heresy."

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b3e342 No.20868027


>There's something about his portrait that doesn't sit well.

It's weird af might have something to do with that.

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7fdb51 No.20868028


…Monarch butterfly and pink mist. Nothing to see, though.

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7e1bba No.20868029



I really noticed the butterfly, too

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9782d0 No.20868030


Same time as Walmart announces massive lay offs

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817c51 No.20868031


>six piece towel set

No get the mattress topper

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192b7e No.20868032


Painted with his blood?

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f3b837 No.20868033

File: f6511979ec1c03f⋯.jpeg (418.46 KB,960x1429,960:1429,3E9330AE_63CB_4CED_92F5_2….jpeg)


Luckily he didn’t add that stoopid goat from his regiment .

Ninth Circle nincompoop .

Kek .

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0e3d3e No.20868034


monarch butterfly = monarch ?

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817c51 No.20868035


>$AMC is still halted.

>It has been halted more than 17 times today.

someone important must be losing money

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dd89e4 No.20868036


I think it’s lovely and perfect for he and his family.

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054538 No.20868037

File: 21afc9339e8a974⋯.png (219 KB,483x323,483:323,ClipboardImage.png)

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60244b No.20868038

WHEN the Sheriff runs away like a Pussy to Texas.

This comes next


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71d0c2 No.20868039


i think so too.


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c04d1d No.20868040

File: 646b05eb4b4d781⋯.png (527.47 KB,838x1200,419:600,ClipboardImage.png)


fast and furious

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b3e342 No.20868041


It's a decent pillow and I've had worse.

But, the orgasms some anons used to have about them was only because he gave good Kabuki performances.

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c36fa1 No.20868042


I think it is a Humiliation thing. He wasted all his time Dressing up and Posing for this portrait .Remember how PISSED he was over a Leaky Pen !! KEK

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7e1bba No.20868043


Rolling Stones song


What did song mean?

Is it answer to Ttump’s rolling sone song?

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284727 No.20868044

File: a111d8828ef148a⋯.png (438.34 KB,941x680,941:680,ClipboardImage.png)

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be4ab5 No.20868045

File: daaf14cb068f6c2⋯.jpg (231.83 KB,1200x1200,1:1,GMx0pUZWcAABcBi.jpg)



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cd77c3 No.20868046

First there's this:

NTSB Preliminary Report on Baltimore Bridge Collapse Released

Mike Schuler May 14, 2024

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has published its preliminary report into the catastrophic incident involving the Singapore-flagged cargo vessel Dali and the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore on March 26, 2024.

The collapse effectively closed the Port of Baltimore to ship traffic, before salvage crews were able to open temporary channels allowing for limited navigation in and out of Baltimore Harbor.

According to the report, which does not include any analysis or conclusions, the Dali lost electrical power and propulsion as it approached the bridge, causing it to strike the bridge and resulting in a portion of the bridge collapsing.

Seven road maintenance crew members and one inspector were present on the bridge during the incident. Tragically, six crew members lost their lives, one survived with severe injuries, while the inspector escaped unscathed. A crew member aboard the Dali also sustained minor injuries.

The U.S. Coast Guard has classified the accident as a major marine casualty, with the NTSB leading the safety investigation.

The preliminary report chronologically traces the events leading up to the accident, as well as efforts to stop the ship and alert authorities ashore to the danger.

At about 0005, a senior pilot and an apprentice boarded the Dali, which was about to depart from Seagirt Marine Terminal to Colombo, Sri Lanka, carrying 4,680 containers. The captain reported the ship was in good working order during the master/pilot exchange.

The sequence of events quickly took a turn for the worse as the Dali experienced two electrical blackouts during its approach to the bridge.

he Dali’s route on March 26, between the first blackout, and the Dali striking pier no. 17 of the Key Bridge. The location and approximate size of two of the bridge’s “dolphins,” sheet pile and concrete structures protecting the bridge’s piers, are labeled in the lower right.

he Dali’s route on March 26, between the first blackout, and the Dali striking pier no. 17 of the Key Bridge. The location and approximate size of two of the bridge’s “dolphins,” sheet pile and concrete structures protecting the bridge’s piers, are labeled in the lower right.

The first blackout occurred at about 0125 as the ship was approximately 0.6 miles from the Key Bridge, when electrical breakers that fed most of the vessel’s equipment and lighting unexpectedly tripped. This resulted in an automatic shutdown of the main propulsion diesel engine and the halting of all three steering pumps, leaving the vessel traveling at a speed over ground of 9.0 knots without any means of steering or propulsion.

While the Dali’s crew managed to restore electrical power briefly, a second blackout occurred when the ship was only 0.2 miles from the bridge, causing a complete loss of electrical power on the vessel. Despite attempts to restore power and drop anchor, the crew was unable to regain control over the vessel’s propulsion.

The sequence also provided details of the pilots’ efforts to alert others of the dangers in the minutes after the first blackout.

The pilots called for tug assist at 0126:39, with the Eric McAllister responding immediately (although it did not reach the Dali before it struck the bridge).

At 0127:01, senior pilot ordered an anchor drop after the ship, Dali, lost power. The pilots’ dispatcher informed the MDTA Police duty officer and the Coast Guard about the situation.

One of the pilots issued a warning to all waterborne traffic via very high frequency marine radio at 0127:25.

At 0127:53, the MDTA duty officer ordered the closure of the bridge to all traffic, leaving only the maintenance crew and the inspector on the bridge.

The Dali struck pier no. 17 of the Key Bridge at 0129:10 while traveling at approximately 6.5 knots, leading to the collapse of six spans of the bridge.

Events Prior to the Accident

The NTSB report also provided a background on the Dali and key events prior to the accident.

The ship arrived in the U.S. from Sri Lanka on March 19, 2024, and made port calls in Newark, New Jersey (March 19-21), and Norfolk, Virginia (March 22-23), before mooring at the Seagirt Marine Terminal in Baltimore Harbor early on March 23.

In-Port Blackouts

The day before the accident, the Dali had experienced two in-port blackouts due to a blocked engine exhaust damper and insufficient fuel pressure. The crew had switched the main electrical bus configuration, which was in use when the ship departed. The NTSB is now investigating the electrical configuration and its potential impacts on the accident voyage.

Fuel Testing

As for fuel testing, the Dali switched to low-sulfur marine gas oil (LSMGO) five days before the accident. Post-accident fuel samples taken from the LSMGO in use and from all fuel tanks complied with international standards and regulations, ruling out fuel quality as a contributing factor to the accident.

The release of the preliminary report comes a day after salvage crews used small charges to make precision cuts in the bridge truss sitting on top of the Dali’s bow, which will allow for a refloating attempt to take place sometime this week.

Officials anticipate opening the 50-foot-deep federal channel by next month.

The FBI opened a criminal probe into the collapse in April.


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b42f35 No.20868047


The name "monarch" is believed to have been given in honor of King William III of England, as the butterfly's main color is that of the king's secondary title, Prince of Orange.

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7e1bba No.20868048





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77db00 No.20868049

File: 9dfe79d9f18750f⋯.png (382.32 KB,678x380,339:190,ClipboardImage.png)

The letter also suggests that a cross and staff used by the pope during the 2018 Synod on Young People liturgies were respectively "satanic" and proof of a pro-homosexual agenda.

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bb14fe No.20868050

File: f9f6e58505bb6df⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,1280x720,16:9,1622936232_1_Copy.mp4)

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b3e342 No.20868051


Now the red door that needed a new paint job…

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284727 No.20868052




We knew in April

"Red Lobster seeks a buyer as it looks to avoid bankruptcy filing"


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0e1612 No.20868053

File: 76e24ba7c0310c5⋯.jpg (59.41 KB,700x375,28:15,CEHPD.jpg)




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7e1bba No.20868054

File: 9fe3165269b0045⋯.jpeg (318.22 KB,1601x454,1601:454,IMG_0829.jpeg)



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cd77c3 No.20868055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now regarding a bit of that:

Published is:

Fuel Testing

As for fuel testing, the Dali switched to low-sulfur marine gas oil (LSMGO) five days before the accident. Post-accident fuel samples taken from the LSMGO in use and from all fuel tanks complied with international standards and regulations, ruling out fuel quality as a contributing factor to the accident.

Anons, your discernment reques

ted, here's voice of Experience talking about that black smoke seen on video

YT vid re: DALI from experienced Chief Engineer, embedded for anons:


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77db00 No.20868056

File: 31566b2e00d3cef⋯.png (51.58 KB,164x218,82:109,captain.png)


>The FBI opened a criminal probe into the collapse in April.

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47f510 No.20868057

CIA and ProjectMonarchFull History Ron Patton


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1c7566 No.20868058

File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f⋯.gif (1.37 MB,207x207,1:1,kek8.gif)


Learning to follow the end of the bread and multiple conversations at the same time. Combined with Q posting and the information that was expanding everyone's minds back then. KEK. Reminiscing about the old days.

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7fdb51 No.20868059

File: 9b902432f65bddd⋯.jpg (27.48 KB,600x900,2:3,GLf_mJzaoAELA3s.jpg)

File: 853eee63890f94a⋯.jpg (247.91 KB,1000x903,1000:903,SpritesHD_Vetter_1000.jpg)

…Mon, moon, mountain. Arch, arc, electric discharge. World mountain reference - Monarch. Nevermind.

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530ea3 No.20868060


>>20865294, >>20865752, >>20865887 pb

AMC Is ded meat w/ that secondary and drop

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71cab9 No.20868061


Conspiracy of Republican and Democrat Congress on Trump coming back. Code words, “Clear the Decks”

Anons tell & notify your Congressmenif Johnson and leaders say let’s Clear the Decks”tell to them to not do this.__

This is their code words andstrategy to defund and nullify Trump’s budgetand strategy to right the Ship of America. They are trying toneuter himby messing with the budget before he gets in for Jan. 2025, for the first (and more) years in office.

Anons on social media, listen to the end of this video, and alert everyone that “Clear the Decks”means sabotaging Trump when he is back in Jan. 2025.

Listen to their plan told by Russ Vought


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c94651 No.20868062

File: ce04d81c52b384f⋯.mp4 (3.03 MB,576x1024,9:16,Michael_Cohen_Tiktok_Lunat….mp4)

File: a7d86944ef30439⋯.mp4 (886.58 KB,576x1024,9:16,Michael_Cohen_Tiktok_Lunat….mp4)

File: 0dc1a235b105b55⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB,576x1024,9:16,Michael_Cohen_Tiktok_Lunat….mp4)




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47f510 No.20868063

I see the girls walk by

Dressed in their summer clothes

I have to turn my head

Until my darkness goes

I see a red door

I must have it painted black

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f8eb1c No.20868064

File: e5c834a928b4172⋯.png (168.65 KB,262x219,262:219,20220717_042617.png)

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c04d1d No.20868065


timing was crucial when baking

8kun froze

could feel Q plug into the board

def guud times

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9782d0 No.20868066

Is that a monarch butterfly coming off the sun?


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71cab9 No.20868067


Should I sell all mine now? Why do you think that?

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b42f35 No.20868068


Recorded throughout Britain and Ireland as a very rare immigrant with a concentration of sightings in the south-west, notably from Cornwall and Scilly Isles.

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284727 No.20868069

File: 949d7471c605463⋯.png (1.6 MB,694x922,347:461,ClipboardImage.png)

Are you here fren?

Whoa. Hidden symbolism found underneath the newly unveiled King Charles portrait that is blowing peoples minds.

What could this possibly mean?


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1c7566 No.20868070


It was an exhilarating time. Now the time has grown strong.

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cfeffa No.20868071

File: 9e82c261170ee18⋯.png (383.08 KB,636x382,318:191,ClipboardImage.png)

Jimmy Carter's grandson says the 99-year-old president is 'coming to the end' after more than a year in hospice care

Jason Carter (inset) said at a mental health forum on Tuesday that the life of his grandfather Jimmy Carter (top) is 'coming to the end'. The 99-year-old former president has been in hospice care for more than a year after deciding to forego any further medical treatment. Since then his beloved wife Rosalynn (together bottom) has passed away and he has been living at home with regular visits from his family. The Georgia peanut farmer has already survived metastatic brain and liver cancer.


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eca83f No.20868072

File: d137d9327e238fa⋯.png (444.47 KB,646x726,323:363,d137d9327e238fa54c4c5abd25….png)

Red King? Through the Looking Glass? Weird ass weird but maybe a slide.

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71cab9 No.20868073

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rep. Chip Roy Discusses The Push For Illegals To Vote In Washington D.C.. They changed code to allow many areas in 2024 and states, if they can’t check citizenship in federal elections. Many states are letting illegals to vote



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be4ab5 No.20868074


Jones Plantation Trailer


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9803c8 No.20868075

Embarassing antonyms :

Convenient, helpful, comfortable, straightforward, uncomplicated

Awkward antonyms :

Easy, straightforward, convenient

Weirdo antonyms:


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530ea3 No.20868076

File: bbc95ee0e00d3c1⋯.png (74.25 KB,720x508,180:127,ClipboardImage.png)


Had pretty great marketing in 80s w/this

Most of the teams in this form were all funded by the pots smugglers so $ laundering but these guys were first to have act together marketing wise even though the food sucked.

All depends where you lived, ‘fresh’ seafood in Omaha was moar appealing than the coasts where it came from and had better restaurants

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9803c8 No.20868077


That he’s a fucking faggot

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1a2521 No.20868078


Definitely Taylor Swift 2028.

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71d0c2 No.20868079

File: 89d24b94ed012a6⋯.png (580.2 KB,1034x595,1034:595,OGprescottandimpostor.png)

File: 4a85aa0100f3586⋯.jpg (88.23 KB,869x511,869:511,prescottcompare.jpg)




"We are the 'Good Ol Days'"

Isn't that a song?


ya, I know. Why do you think I wrote Prescott was an imposter.

I notice that people fail to notice the OG from -19 looks nothing like Prescott we know from later photos.

Notice how the impostor Prescott (Scherff) on the right is the wrong age to match the 1919 OG Prescott on the Left.

There's no match here.

Can't believe they publish this.

The young OG Prescott image has been shooped a bit. They imposed the right ear of the impostor?

The doctored the old photo, tweaked it, to make it match better the impostor.

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c04d1d No.20868080


Q+ winning

gonna flip the DS on its ass in front of our eyes

world is going to change and whether Q ever posts again or not would not be any place else

I've had the honor of anoning, baking, beeveeing with the greatest bunch of gents ever

fuck shills


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9782d0 No.20868081


They can't have a state funeral and have Trump sitting in the first spot

what to do?

What to do?

O bother

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530ea3 No.20868082


Can’t tell you what to do.

Nor should you listen to anyone giving stock advice on a public board

That was a fugly drop intra-today though that’s for sure

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192b7e No.20868083

NOTES ~560

#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556, >>20867856, >>20867759 Rest In Piss: Reuters / The Guardian

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634, >>20867755 Refresher: Stormy Daniels has a brand mark from Keith Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

>>20867683, >>20867742, >>20867985 Marketfag

>>20867694, >>20867785 Taxpayers fund the dangerous garbage fed to minors

>>20867698, >>20867773, >>20867824 Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle

>>20867708 Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements after Youngkin audit

>>20867726 MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans - Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists

>>20867734 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>20867736, >>20867981, >>20867991, >>20867993, >>20868023, >>20868053, >>20868054 C before D?

>>20867737 Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

>>20867739 CAIR Official Dawud Walid: Campus Protests Are An Opportunity For Us To Invite People To Join Islam

>>20867746 New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

>>20867754 $AMC is still halted - it has been halted more than 17 times today

>>20867770, >>20867791, >>20867879 It's so obvious that they can't even deny it anymore

>>20867774, >>20867836, >>20867862 Michael Cohen is now admitting he had meeting with the NY AG’s office and the DA as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial

>>20867796 Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races

>>20867842 Biden: I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China

>>20867851 Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

>>20867854, >>20867858 Newly-elected President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino says he will close the Darien Gap to migration

>>20867866 Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

>>20867867 Planefag

>>20867869 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children / CyberTipline

>>20867896 Ordinary people standing up against the corruption of the judiciary

>>20867936 Charleston, WV: Two-term Governor Jim Justice has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate

>>20868071 Jimmy Carter's grandson says the 99-year-old president is 'coming to the end' after more than a year in hospice care


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2c152a No.20868084

File: 54a9de945b20d78⋯.png (112.27 KB,1533x1767,511:589,_Anonymous_2_minutes_ago_6….png)

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c94651 No.20868085



That painting needs a X-ray fluorescence scan…


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284727 No.20868086

File: 4fa17da1a7e1741⋯.png (2.05 MB,1500x1000,3:2,4fa17da1a7e1741a9e28e2a29c….png)


Was fun, back when I was still battling on twat

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71d0c2 No.20868087


They doctored the old photo, tweaked it, to make it match better the impostor.

Looks like they messed with the right (his right) eyebrow to make it better match the weird brow of the impostor ; which brow is very distinctive.

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822af0 No.20868088

File: dcb8507db090898⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,640x360,16:9,fjb_biden.mp4)

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71d0c2 No.20868089



Yes, it so cool to be shadowbanned for years

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71cab9 No.20868090


This is very bad! Many states allow illegals to vote in 2024 election and all future elections in states and federal elections

Ask your Congress to pass and

Cosponsor the SAVE act

Call members of Congress to pass the SAVE act NOW

Very important

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77db00 No.20868091

Because the messenger's mouth was heavy and he couldn't repeat [the message], the Lord of Kulaba patted some clay and put words on it, like a tablet. Until then, there had been no putting words on clay.

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bd5ac6 No.20868092

File: 7623931399f796f⋯.jpeg (656.45 KB,1170x1340,117:134,2733D0D4_73C0_4078_BA8A_C….jpeg)

File: c4d1cd23ac8c6d4⋯.jpeg (181.28 KB,1170x550,117:55,8886B724_EB59_4877_8DDD_4….jpeg)


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b8dab2 No.20868093

File: 0be67177ed24b26⋯.jpg (29.33 KB,657x527,657:527,ebf27ab4b55f6ac7ef796fe3b0….jpg)


It needs a priest or shaman or something.

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fe8cb7 No.20868094

File: db798606e1b7e9c⋯.jpg (56.11 KB,578x300,289:150,Phantom.jpg)


These demons must be locked up in a special place, something like the Two-dimensional space.

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b3e342 No.20868095

File: 04d99f68d706444⋯.jpg (7.36 KB,257x145,257:145,OldBanner.jpg)



Oh man did some anons hate your guts over the whole Halloween '20 Old Glowie massacre.

Not OSS level hate but it was in the neighborhood.

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6d7cba No.20868096

File: 5d562715c0ef120⋯.mp4 (3.59 MB,820x462,410:231,2022_07_08_The_Gateway_Pun….mp4)

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9bbe6e No.20868097

File: fa1e3ab5218bbad⋯.png (12.7 KB,253x255,253:255,71b1a69819b23e5fde439b1633….png)

File: 02e85ffd1b27354⋯.jpg (12.53 KB,255x196,255:196,de2f3641f3f32b8577c9bcdbb3….jpg)

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d4385e No.20868098

File: 8c6122b2ef9ec2c⋯.png (619.35 KB,1092x749,156:107,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5b86db9284b1030⋯.png (880.21 KB,1075x746,1075:746,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 96c2daadc514937⋯.png (503.37 KB,1088x884,16:13,ClipboardImage.png)

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cd77c3 No.20868099

File: 771a4101eaa659f⋯.png (249.84 KB,399x463,399:463,fcc7398f58a348fa3c66eb50bb….png)


> whether Q ever posts again

That's the beauty

Shills try the demoralize bit of "Q abandoned anons"

How cute

Q got things running, anons picked up

Q saw and took off the training wheels

Anons got this now

Shills and MSM are dying for Q to return to try hit pieces and "conspiracy theory" propaganda

Anons are scorching their asses on the daily

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

some are actually beginning to see that now, and anons can smell that fear

Oh my, a larp, an underwater yak hair basket weaving forum

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b42f35 No.20868100


Songs that made the hit parade

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60244b No.20868101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jimmy Jack always makes jones plantation day go good


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71cab9 No.20868102


Must listen.Chip Roy is really on fire to Support President Trump.and not to sabotage him in 2025.

Congress has to vote and pass “The SAVE Act”Stop illegals from voting.

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0cc030 No.20868103

File: d2dcfd33e71f2e8⋯.png (46.6 KB,240x240,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



whitehouse toilet cleaner

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6d7cba No.20868104

File: 11eac39c9190df5⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB,854x480,427:240,_Anonymous_You_Just_now37f….mp4)

File: 190e94f762ab147⋯.png (823.02 KB,555x505,111:101,capture_4425_29062022_1350….png)

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0e1612 No.20868105

File: c1dd2a1a2125c8e⋯.gif (1.65 MB,500x206,250:103,GB.gif)

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d4385e No.20868106

File: 4005ef70098f7b5⋯.png (1.28 MB,1069x1281,1069:1281,ClipboardImage.png)

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d6b864 No.20868107

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

H1N1 Bird flu

WHO will use bird flu to get rid of cows. The treaty Biden is going to sign later this month includes veterinary medicine as well as human medicine.

About three months ago I posted a story about H1N1 on here, it was in the Notables. The story also found first on Redacted, was from a European journalist who found a lab in the country of Georgia was manipulating H1N1 bird flu virus (not harmful to humans) to be deadly to humans. I cannot find my notes or screenshots I used in that post.

Can any anon search past notables to try and find that post, I don’t know how to do that. It is highly relevant to what is about to happen, WHO says over 50 people in Colorado have contracted this virus.

Any help appreciated.

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fe8cb7 No.20868108

File: 103e68d2e73d44e⋯.jpg (139.91 KB,892x960,223:240,media_F8sZUIqXYAAbHdL.jpg)

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16a6e0 No.20868109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cd77c3 No.20868110


I hope there are plenty of cameras there

I want to see them squirm with the "I'm stuck here with the remains of President Double Digit Inflation and have to trust my Staff to cover my ass and keep my agenda. Oh shit, so many Diversity hires on my staff. Oh sit, stained glass windows, are there Marines out there waiting for me?"

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b8dab2 No.20868111

File: 1b1abdada8bc68c⋯.jpg (109.41 KB,1078x685,1078:685,1b1abdada8bc68c14ab648ae88….jpg)

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71d0c2 No.20868112

File: c4b6c814434475d⋯.png (201.83 KB,1156x473,1156:473,petagonofpower.png)


looking at a book called

"The Myth of the Machine"


by Lewis Mumford.

Bears more study.

Published in '70

What I got from it so far, The progressive plan has been to erase borders, since at least since this book was published

"seeks to establish a more organic social order"

Mumford believes Countries who ask for passports for entry are despotic.


"Everybody should be free to go everywhere" No bars.

That's freedom and dreams of a perfect future (?) according to Mumford


Except when it's used as a weapon of war!

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d4385e No.20868113

File: 209dd292403f74e⋯.png (146.01 KB,1200x630,40:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3e342 No.20868114


Time to learn because your chances of someone doing it for you is pretty much lotto level.

Go here:


Type in some shit you know you wrote at the time.

Then click the + to get the QResearch 8Kun posts.

Ctrl-f and at some point you'll find it.

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6d7cba No.20868115

File: 02f3f5c05f0caa0⋯.jpg (56.5 KB,1280x720,16:9,Wild_Night_complete_versio….jpg)

File: 6f164a39c6aac38⋯.mp4 (11.04 MB,1440x1080,4:3,Wild_Night_complete_versio….mp4)

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71cab9 No.20868116

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Andrew Giuliani Gives Updates On Michael Cohen's Testimony Live From NYC

Todd Blanch (Defense Atty) got in the face of Cohen. And Andrew thinks there may be some empathy for Trump. Cohen fucked up his time on the stand today. Cohen was definitely coached before he got up there.



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0cc030 No.20868117

File: 33def31822ab844⋯.png (47.77 KB,225x177,75:59,ClipboardImage.png)


what is scrotus' butt wiper's name?

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be4ab5 No.20868118


Structure of the Federal Reserve System

Structure and Function

The 12 Federal Reserve Banks and their 24 Branches are the operating arms of the Federal Reserve System. Each Reserve Bank operates within its own particular geographic area, or district, of the United States.

Each Reserve Bank gathers data and other information about the businesses and the needs of local communities in its region. That information is then factored into monetary policy decisions by the FOMC and other decisions made by the Board of Governors.


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99efd8 No.20868119


(((they))) have a religion/ideology to adhere to.

in order to dominate someone, in order to demonstrate absolute domination, as a master to a slave, one must have the power to not only hurt the slave, but tell the slave you are about to hurt him before you hurt him. "I'm going to punch you in the face, and there is nothing you can do about it…<proceeds to punch>"

the elites are satanists. satan has no power of his own. he can only try and deceive and trick God's creation, especially humans, into doing what he wants - to "use God's power against Him", so to speak. ultimately, satan's goal is to absolutely corrupt humanity, who God loves, in order to force God's hand to destroy or purge his creation - like in the days of Noah. satan wants to force God's hand, and thereby in a way demonstrate his own authority over God. I believe satan hates God's creation and wants it to burn, because he himself is miserable.

in order to corrupt humanity, satan uses the elites to make humanity into slaves - represented by the monarch butterfly (look up project monarch - mind controlled slaves). the elites get to be the "masters", while satan gets the corruption he seeks. that's their deal.

wish it weren't so, but that's the world we live in, anon.

ultimately, as the elites move to make all of humanity into mind controlled slaves (with the advancement of technology making that more of a real possibility), they must reveal the game to us in order to make the "sacrament" perfect - to tell the slaves exactly what tbey are doing before they do it.

they must tell us, but they are liars and cowards, and so bury the facts in symbols. the symbols get more revealing and more satanic as the day or reckoning (armageddon, the singularity) approaches.

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284727 No.20868120

File: 078a1f6f1c8a3fc⋯.mp4 (15.3 MB,1920x1068,160:89,Rainman.mp4)


>Oh man did some anons hate your guts

I'm sure some anons but lots of shills over multiple platforms, yes..was fun.

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b8dab2 No.20868121

File: d5cf1c504ace666⋯.png (774.39 KB,1080x941,1080:941,d5cf1c504ace666b301745a516….png)

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99efd8 No.20868122


…hence, the weird painting

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822af0 No.20868123

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


> what is scrotus' butt wiper's name?

Fam member who didn't like the limelight?

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6f2112 No.20868124



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fe8cb7 No.20868125

File: c23a389995c55ea⋯.jpg (191.08 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,media_GKe_q4OXEAA0B1G.jpg)


I was just wondering, "dude wtf? why have you kept that meme for months waiting for the right moment to post it".

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1a2521 No.20868126


Foreign quasi governmental organization planning to starve us by removing Chicken and Beef?

Why don't they tell us good natural and healthy things we can take to make flu, cold, bird flu, covid go away faster, and ask our government to stop creating new viruses using gain of function research?

Why doesn't Trump attack those who deserve the attacks the most?

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c70269 No.20868127

File: 9eb4586b6a561ba⋯.jpg (13.17 KB,480x360,4:3,Magokoro_Bros.jpg)

File: c029ab18961221b⋯.mp4 (15.57 MB,640x480,4:3,Magokoro_Bros.mp4)

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77db00 No.20868128

The four devils depicted on the pendentives of the walls of the main hall represent their defeat and subjugation by goodness. The head of the defeated devils are used as column capital under the ceilings, like an allusion to their entrapment and restraining as ‘salvation arrives when the devils are subdued.”

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be4ab5 No.20868129


What's a death ripper?

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71cab9 No.20868130


Todd Blanch (defense atty of Trump) has got an opportunity to grill Cohen on Thursday and possibly Friday.He may be able to reveal Cohen perjuring himself on the stand.

That would be great fun.

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822af0 No.20868131

File: ac207d9de8f213d⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,720x1278,40:71,biden_666.mp4)

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71d0c2 No.20868132


and all these high rises need elevators.

That could get expensive with Biden era energy costs.

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284727 No.20868133





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d4385e No.20868134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Why don't they tell us good natural and healthy things

They've been poisoning us for a very long time.

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77db00 No.20868135

The Greek playwright Aeschylus was killed by a tortoise dropped by an eagle who mistook his bald head for a stone.

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5c0836 No.20868136

File: f34abd196f1e100⋯.png (452.67 KB,549x303,183:101,f34abd196f1e1006b568b5f9d7….png)

A sated Shoggoth said "Oh dear me,

I believe I've engulfed an NPC"

pulled its own pseudopod and blasted a fart

Shoggothic epitome of comic art .

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b3e342 No.20868137

File: ffd7b7dec441545⋯.png (259.12 KB,1273x387,1273:387,Pig_Test_Spoopy.png)


And the most ironic thing of all is some of those anons that got all big mad about the banner change would enthusiastically be supportive of one of your first choices back then if it were used today.

Timelines are funny that way.

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fe8cb7 No.20868138

File: da1a5f5c5a3837a⋯.jpg (59 KB,1000x682,500:341,FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg)

File: 9a295daf9024786⋯.png (21.49 KB,60x119,60:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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0cc030 No.20868139


>Fam member

so she's tithing 10 percent to FJB then.

a new dig angle! these peeps are sooo predictable!

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a2454f No.20868140

File: ff83eb2069cb13f⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB,640x480,4:3,747_Hard_Crosswind_Landing….mp4)

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ba618d No.20868141

File: 8293eb4cfbea5a8⋯.png (164.89 KB,512x512,1:1,8293eb4cfbea5a8c877e6b3de1….png)


You just know there is going to eventually be a right time.

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9803c8 No.20868142


The Analysis Corporation

[JB] cunt

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71cab9 No.20868143

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

MTG Blasts Mike Johnson For Doing Nothing To Stop The Weaponization Of The DOJ. He’s not even letting Congress to do their job


Johnson is not at all trying to defend Trump, he’s a faggot!


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284727 No.20868144

File: 596491b1270c8aa⋯.jpeg (8.8 KB,255x147,85:49,Temp_8.jpeg)


Kek I never minded as long as it had QR & the statue

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77db00 No.20868145



“Our lives were built on death, our brightest days shadowed by it. Looking back, I didn’t see spots of time, but dances with death . . . maybe we were a death cult.”


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71d0c2 No.20868146

File: 6fdf74d592eec7d⋯.png (192.76 KB,248x606,124:303,princeeddyhomefromindia.png)


good one.

The death ripper looks like Saturn in that tiny pic

Charles Great Uncle was "Jack the Ripper"?

Something like that.

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a2454f No.20868147

File: b10e371bdb36ea4⋯.mp4 (15.47 MB,1920x1080,16:9,A_10_Promo.mp4)

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26222c No.20868148

File: 261120fde91af91⋯.png (1.13 MB,500x936,125:234,ClipboardImage.png)

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a2454f No.20868149

File: 1fc2b6d9f409f8f⋯.mp4 (12.01 MB,1280x720,16:9,A_10_Strafing_Runs_Family_….mp4)

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71d0c2 No.20868150

File: 0db4b13e9d954a2⋯.png (1.3 MB,1239x723,413:241,saturnreapersickle.png)





Saturn is called "The Reaper"

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9adc7c No.20868151

File: 16554fb8d7892e0⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,594x774,33:43,20240514_210036.jpg)

File: a3c1b850149fce8⋯.jpg (645.67 KB,1500x2250,2:3,20240514_210059.jpg)

File: f6bb6c1b1f2bed6⋯.jpg (285.19 KB,1240x1860,2:3,20240514_210103.jpg)

File: 6af538f4a9ffa86⋯.jpg (306.21 KB,1240x1860,2:3,20240514_210110.jpg)

File: 8dbf30ddba21141⋯.jpg (219.6 KB,1240x827,1240:827,20240514_210115.jpg)

Oprah's bestie, Gayle King, is on the cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition

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0e1612 No.20868152

File: c694f520ba944d6⋯.jpg (266.69 KB,625x1266,625:1266,Cary_Yale_Tarot_deck_Death.jpg)


The Grim Reaper - Death.

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d03901 No.20868153

File: 5cc3fb87cc4d750⋯.jpg (54.14 KB,618x327,206:109,27ub.jpg)

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f8726c No.20868154

File: 254ef3554abf8df⋯.jpeg (27.96 KB,474x470,237:235,254ef3554abf8dfbb17fff716….jpeg)


Insta chub.

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9f2b47 No.20868155

File: d462635a1ed52c6⋯.png (598.62 KB,731x500,731:500,ClipboardImage.png)


I thought this was a meme until I realized it was indeed.

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a2454f No.20868156

File: 5ef99a8c125fbed⋯.mp4 (13.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,AC_130_Live_Fire_Exercise.mp4)

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f6c259 No.20868157

File: 6a24aad333eb5ed⋯.jpg (110.9 KB,1249x723,1249:723,6a24aad333eb5ed2bc243d81bc….jpg)

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b42f35 No.20868158



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9803c8 No.20868159

File: f7115ef6d4e0caa⋯.jpeg (141.58 KB,1242x1258,621:629,IMG_1398.jpeg)

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16a6e0 No.20868160


the celebrating of celebs has been strong this year

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9adc7c No.20868161

File: 8a19f9f87a368f8⋯.jpg (248.52 KB,1085x989,1085:989,l2o8r8.jpg)

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247366 No.20868162

File: fa6d1681e0bb96e⋯.png (2.28 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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d4385e No.20868163

File: 4ca7d1a5e1fb756⋯.gif (993.2 KB,320x444,80:111,Beyonce_final_form.gif)

File: 7c2ac5c3da4041c⋯.jpg (52.35 KB,444x444,1:1,Beyonce_Vouge.Jpg)

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9803c8 No.20868164


One last hoorah for these fucking assholes

[Freedom of thought]

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a2454f No.20868165

File: afd1626d6d9f52c⋯.mp4 (674.46 KB,384x288,4:3,C_130_Angel_Wing_Flare_Pat….mp4)

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284727 No.20868166

File: aec9b3d136a25c2⋯.mp4 (13.88 MB,480x360,4:3,Hells_bells_A_10_warthog.mp4)


A10, slow & hard to fly.

Only fun to shoot.

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a2454f No.20868168

File: 9e796998ed47926⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,854x470,427:235,Formation_Angel_Flare_Patt….mp4)

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530ea3 No.20868169

File: 129f12f65355a04⋯.jpeg (345.7 KB,828x635,828:635,4E3FFC10_6567_483C_B6E1_E….jpeg)




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b3e342 No.20868170


Is Ivanka considered a Crypto Jew?

Seems like her kids prolly don't rank too high and having a German great-grandad isn't doing them any favors either.

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16a6e0 No.20868171



always optics

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0cc030 No.20868172




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be4ab5 No.20868173


IMO this is notable.

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9803c8 No.20868174



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1a2521 No.20868175


yes. but this is Q research, and by 2024 we're supposed to be Trump fans. We're here, by and large, because in 2016 and 2017 we wanted to lock her up and drain the swamp. Many think that Trump is supposed to be doing some of that, in some way. "They" have been doing this shit for a long time, but Trump is supposed to be against that. So, Trump should be going out there against whatever faction of awful it is that is doing that specific thing. I haven't been paying attention to what Trump says in his rallies, but there seems to be a long list of things that Trump is not saying, to go with a long list of things that Trump did not do.

Tell people to drink Tonic Water, zinc, baking soda, to list only things that you can just buy in the supermarket. Trump always seems to be swinging, and we like the swinging, but there's a limit to the utility of saying "Biden's a doddering old fool" 100 times.


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dd89e4 No.20868176



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26222c No.20868177

File: e6c8948805e46d7⋯.png (1.35 MB,681x1024,681:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3e342 No.20868178


Did you specifically request the Saddam Hussein stache?

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60244b No.20868179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a2454f No.20868180

File: 480eadfa1c00d70⋯.mp4 (15.24 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Ghost_First_Flight.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868181

File: 52cb1d3cb5d8504⋯.mp4 (7.83 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Putin_braves_icy_dip_in_fr….mp4)

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247366 No.20868182

File: f64212d84dc440b⋯.png (1.81 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


No, stable diffusion refuses to do him justice.

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a2454f No.20868183

File: 606d449866ec451⋯.mp4 (14.84 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Putin_brings_defense_minis….mp4)

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9803c8 No.20868184

Forced projection




Embarassing antonyms :

Easy, helpful, comfortable

Awkward antonyms :

Relaxed, at ease, graceful

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71cab9 No.20868185


I don’t care for her at all, but occasionally she comes out with needed info.Tonight was a nothing burger for MTG, don’t bother to listen to it.

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46d34b No.20868186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Life in 1850



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a2454f No.20868187

File: 39bfb08fa2b2e24⋯.mp4 (12.29 MB,1280x720,16:9,Putin_Plays_The_Piano.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868188

File: e3de70aa23ccd59⋯.mp4 (8.21 MB,1280x720,16:9,Russian_nuclear_submarine_….mp4)

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a2454f No.20868189

File: 3d78b21561a9bd5⋯.mp4 (9.54 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Russia_s_Vladimir_Putin_Ha….mp4)

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a00131 No.20868190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b42f35 No.20868191


as long as it doesn't require Brawny

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dd89e4 No.20868192

File: 6ca361a55d9e714⋯.jpeg (64.36 KB,560x799,560:799,IMG_2238.jpeg)

The rest of this movie should be a musical.

With interpretive and tap dancing.

Make it so Q-Team.

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a2454f No.20868193

File: aa0000ab2123e11⋯.mp4 (14.77 MB,854x480,427:240,ALL_YOU_CAN_SAY_IS_THANK_Y….mp4)

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77db00 No.20868194

File: ff9efc99635d9b8⋯.png (536.95 KB,860x675,172:135,ClipboardImage.png)

take it easy

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cd77c3 No.20868195



Anon, that rings a bell with International Baker

Looking as far back as my Notables listed for Canada #55 I don't see what you are talking about, but "Redacted" rang a bell and I do recall seeing such a post

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b3e342 No.20868196


For me, if I consider AOC as /ourplant/, I have to stay consistent and say MTG is /theirplant/.

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749dcb No.20868197

File: f5fc662df114370⋯.jpeg (32.85 KB,657x527,657:527,f5fc662df114370dcb274658c….jpeg)

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a2454f No.20868198

File: fe53eb52e0c35e9⋯.mp4 (13.3 MB,854x480,427:240,Basically_Were_Trafficking….mp4)

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fe8cb7 No.20868199

File: ce69f23882fc5cd⋯.png (208.06 KB,630x565,126:113,ClipboardImage.png)


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b42f35 No.20868200



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a2454f No.20868201

File: c05a5458606cc97⋯.mp4 (14.36 MB,854x480,427:240,John_Kennedy_Explodes_At_S….mp4)

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d4385e No.20868202

File: 1124991b73a5b28⋯.png (406.2 KB,556x728,139:182,ClipboardImage.png)


If Trump told everyone all their evils, it would melt people's brians.

Imagine dumping Frazzle Drip on the world how that would fly?

When waking the Normies raising the water temp slowly applies.

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a2454f No.20868203

File: 36255874530a5f6⋯.mp4 (13.57 MB,854x480,427:240,LONG_CAREER_AS_ACTIVIST_Bi….mp4)

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0cc030 No.20868204

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dd89e4 No.20868205



And fuck you with your correcting ways.

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245b59 No.20868206


Crypto Jews are Jews who are pretending that they aren't Jews. Usually because people are mad at the Jews once they find out about all of the lying, murdering, cheating, and stealing that they have been doing.

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a2454f No.20868207

File: 58340b7c27f4f49⋯.mp4 (14.74 MB,854x480,427:240,WE_ARE_NOT_A_DEMOCRACY_Chi….mp4)

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16a6e0 No.20868208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


MAGA the Musical

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a2454f No.20868209

File: 7380a4e7704ce2d⋯.jpg (115.71 KB,570x945,38:63,None_dare.jpg)

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a2454f No.20868210

File: 52d33e32867de21⋯.mp4 (3.32 MB,640x352,20:11,_WxChannelFounder.mp4)

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cf0e22 No.20868211

NOTES ~690

#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556, >>20867856, >>20867759 Rest In Piss: Reuters / The Guardian

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634, >>20867755 Refresher: Stormy Daniels has a brand mark from Keith Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

>>20867683, >>20867742, >>20867985 Marketfag

>>20867694, >>20867785 Taxpayers fund the dangerous garbage fed to minors

>>20867698, >>20867773, >>20867824 Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle

>>20867708 Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements after Youngkin audit

>>20867726 MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans - Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists

>>20867734 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>20867736, >>20867981, >>20867991, >>20867993, >>20868023, >>20868053, >>20868054, >>20868092 Coronation before Death?

>>20867737 Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

>>20867739 CAIR Official Dawud Walid: Campus Protests Are An Opportunity For Us To Invite People To Join Islam

>>20867746 New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

>>20867754 $AMC is still halted - it has been halted more than 17 times today

>>20867770, >>20867791, >>20867879 It's so obvious that they can't even deny it anymore

>>20867774, >>20867836, >>20867862 Michael Cohen is now admitting he had meeting with the NY AG’s office and the DA as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial

>>20867796 Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races

>>20867842 Biden: I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China

>>20867851 Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

>>20867854, >>20867858 Newly-elected President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino says he will close the Darien Gap to migration

>>20867866 Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

>>20867867 Planefag

>>20867869 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children / CyberTipline

>>20867896 Ordinary people standing up against the corruption of the judiciary

>>20867936 Charleston, WV: Two-term Governor Jim Justice has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate

>>20868026 (2019) Theologians accuse pope of heresy

>>20868044, >>20868133 ICYMI: Ashley Biden, daughter of Joe Biden, confirmed the authenticity of her diary

>>20868071 Jimmy Carter's grandson says the 99-year-old president is 'coming to the end' after more than a year in hospice care

>>20868073 Rep. Chip Roy Discusses The Push For Illegals To Vote In Washington D.C.

>>20868116 Andrew Giuliani Gives Updates On Michael Cohen's Testimony Live From NYC


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edeeed No.20868212

File: 7288fa995de1dab⋯.mp4 (3.91 MB,848x480,53:30,FartMotorcycle.mp4)

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9803c8 No.20868213

File: 7a5aa893879e04f⋯.jpeg (249.06 KB,748x1237,748:1237,IMG_1399.jpeg)



Any other HIPPA violations?

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71cab9 No.20868214


Thx anon, I’ll save that for the future.

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a2454f No.20868215

File: a8ba65c7b05cc72⋯.mp4 (9.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,_DanScavino.mp4)

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b3e342 No.20868216



But, like the OG Jesuit converts discussed earlier, I wonder if she's seen by "old Jews" as suspect because she's a "new Jew".

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245b59 No.20868217


Not sure, but I suspect that the Jesuits are Crypto Jews.

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a2454f No.20868218

File: 24b74c960e20513⋯.mp4 (6.9 MB,640x360,16:9,_DanScavino2.mp4)

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9803c8 No.20868219


If I told you to jump off a bridge would you do it

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583931 No.20868220

File: 746f87d6b5b30fa⋯.jpeg (142.94 KB,914x556,457:278,2AAC4078_6CAD_4032_BA50_4….jpeg)


Da Baker

NightShift has Arrived

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a2454f No.20868221

File: 88508d105dac91a⋯.mp4 (9.35 MB,640x360,16:9,_JSololomreports.mp4)

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b42f35 No.20868222



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b3e342 No.20868223


Yeah I messed up with the usage of Crypto.

What I was getting at is the Ivanka Jew convert status (or lack thereof).

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3c9f7d No.20868224

File: acec09bce733a1e⋯.jpeg (115.17 KB,768x565,768:565,IMG_0284.jpeg)


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a2454f No.20868225

File: c98b2def1665b95⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB,568x270,284:135,_MrAndyNgo.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868226

File: ff41055eadf1048⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,640x360,16:9,_RealJamesWoods2.mp4)

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edeeed No.20868227

File: 820bcbb9782f838⋯.gif (58.56 KB,255x187,15:11,REEEEEEEEEBBBRRRRTTTTTTT2T.gif)



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cf0e22 No.20868228


Saucceee. You got exactly 1.5 minutes.

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a2454f No.20868229

File: 51941f5bc38f3fd⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,1280x712,160:89,_RepMattGaetz_just_brought….mp4)

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a2454f No.20868230

File: 33a262e4503f15b⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,640x360,16:9,_SenRichardBlack.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868231

File: ef7fd220af3638a⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB,624x360,26:15,_TheNatPulse.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868232

File: c0dc8d18e337258⋯.mp4 (13.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,_Jussie_sLawfag_.mp4)

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cf0e22 No.20868233


#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556, >>20867856, >>20867759 Rest In Piss: Reuters / The Guardian

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634, >>20867755 Refresher: Stormy Daniels has a brand mark from Keith Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

>>20867683, >>20867742, >>20867985 Marketfag

>>20867694, >>20867785 Taxpayers fund the dangerous garbage fed to minors

>>20867698, >>20867773, >>20867824 Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle

>>20867708 Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements after Youngkin audit

>>20867726 MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans - Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists

>>20867734 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>20867736, >>20867981, >>20867991, >>20867993, >>20868023, >>20868053, >>20868054, >>20868092 Coronation before Death?

>>20867737 Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

>>20867739 CAIR Official Dawud Walid: Campus Protests Are An Opportunity For Us To Invite People To Join Islam

>>20867746 New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

>>20867754 $AMC is still halted - it has been halted more than 17 times today

>>20867770, >>20867791, >>20867879 It's so obvious that they can't even deny it anymore

>>20867774, >>20867836, >>20867862 Michael Cohen is now admitting he had meeting with the NY AG’s office and the DA as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial

>>20867796 Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races

>>20867842 Biden: I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China

>>20867851 Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

>>20867854, >>20867858 Newly-elected President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino says he will close the Darien Gap to migration

>>20867866 Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

>>20867867 Planefag

>>20867869 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children / CyberTipline

>>20867896 Ordinary people standing up against the corruption of the judiciary

>>20867936 Charleston, WV: Two-term Governor Jim Justice has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate

>>20868026 (2019) Theologians accuse pope of heresy

>>20868044, >>20868133 ICYMI: Ashley Biden, daughter of Joe Biden, confirmed the authenticity of her diary

>>20868071 Jimmy Carter's grandson says the 99-year-old president is 'coming to the end' after more than a year in hospice care

>>20868073 Rep. Chip Roy Discusses The Push For Illegals To Vote In Washington D.C.

>>20868116 Andrew Giuliani Gives Updates On Michael Cohen's Testimony Live From NYC


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

a2454f No.20868234

File: c5971e9ea332e60⋯.mp4 (241.57 KB,640x360,16:9,_DS_.mp4)

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284727 No.20868235

File: 894945a15464a8d⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,270x480,9:16,Valentina_Gomez_is_running….mp4)

Something bout her, I like.

Valentina Gomez is running for Missouri Secretary of State

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a2454f No.20868236

File: 05d8cdb9fec5f1b⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,320x180,16:9,_FakeNews_.mp4)

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3c9f7d No.20868237


I’ve had that so long, the sauce is lost.

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a2454f No.20868240

File: 78b2db160a1fb89⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,640x360,16:9,_Holder_Asset_.mp4)

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b3e342 No.20868241



Just write a script that tags all of Newsbot (50+)'s posts automatically next time.

Unless that's what you already did and if so well played.

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8df762 No.20868242

File: 0d369a6cdc53e05⋯.jpeg (597.11 KB,2460x1106,1230:553,IMG_0432.jpeg)

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16a6e0 No.20868244

File: 6b5f2bf4139d6ba⋯.jpg (10.14 KB,225x225,1:1,sbw.jpg)


what bridge?

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a2454f No.20868247

File: 3677c77ba65c99c⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,_Knowingly_.mp4)

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b42f35 No.20868248



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95e879 No.20868249


Bimbo foods did the same thing last month with Their Bread outlets.

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530ea3 No.20868251

File: 3c604ce6f02263c⋯.gif (3.38 MB,396x223,396:223,5885F602_47F0_4739_98CD_01….gif)

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a2454f No.20868252

File: c939de19800c8dd⋯.mp4 (7.59 MB,720x720,1:1,_PP_.mp4)

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cf0e22 No.20868253

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77db00 No.20868254

File: b656fc184d1a6b5⋯.png (378.52 KB,756x598,378:299,witches.png)


The Witches of Breastwick

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a2454f No.20868255

File: d93d08a69e986b9⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,8kun.mp4)

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3c9f7d No.20868256


My knee grow!! Sauce.

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a2454f No.20868258

File: 558eff0b5b13d26⋯.mp4 (13.07 MB,640x360,16:9,8Kun_Keks.mp4)

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b42f35 No.20868259



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245b59 No.20868260


Not sure.

Maybe once they have kids who are Bar Mitzvahed and Bat Mitzvahed, they get accepted into the fold.

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fe8cb7 No.20868261

File: 2367341be8aae74⋯.jpg (21.05 KB,474x266,237:133,tictactoe.jpg)

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a2454f No.20868262

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,1066x600,533:300,8KUN_Last_place_on_earth_f….mp4)

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60244b No.20868263

File: dcab9c91fd53709⋯.png (117.47 KB,613x556,613:556,ClipboardImage.png)



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cf0e22 No.20868264


Did not execute in time I'm afraid. I'll make another bun out of it sometime. Saved the sauce and pic.

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a2454f No.20868266

File: 66091d5b9c272f2⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,478x270,239:135,marina_lying_as_usual.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868267

File: a6df7168b1f7322⋯.png (3.87 MB,2600x2600,1:1,45DChess.png)

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cf0e22 No.20868268


Post first notes @ like 500-550, like, all of the time.

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a2454f No.20868270

File: 3f95ffa146f766c⋯.png (708.68 KB,854x600,427:300,2019_01_19_10_20_24.png)

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b3e342 No.20868271



I'm just wondering with old Jews is it like

Yay! Ivanka is one of us now.


Eh, not sure I trust the bitch.

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a2454f No.20868272

File: 6a72704ccc7f73e⋯.png (185.97 KB,285x290,57:58,2019_05_12_09_27_52.png)

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a2454f No.20868273

File: cf987b6051e8046⋯.png (401.71 KB,897x648,299:216,6000_Breads.png)

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a2454f No.20868274

File: e4368c5f695aa6e⋯.png (1.51 MB,900x800,9:8,bread4965.png)

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a2454f No.20868275

File: 493c695bc74d428⋯.png (1.48 MB,900x800,9:8,bread4966.png)

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9803c8 No.20868277

File: 76d0fb9541558cc⋯.jpeg (135.97 KB,1080x1092,90:91,IMG_1401.jpeg)

File: 11ba74336f286d0⋯.jpeg (54.59 KB,640x360,16:9,IMG_1400.jpeg)





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a2454f No.20868278

File: 1e3916cafafe516⋯.png (1.65 MB,900x800,9:8,bread4967.png)

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245b59 No.20868279


Maybe it depends on how much money they bring into the clan.


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a2454f No.20868280

File: 2ba439eaef1ba87⋯.png (1.5 MB,900x800,9:8,bread4968.png)

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a2454f No.20868281

File: cde8a065e895d3a⋯.png (2.21 MB,1199x850,1199:850,CollageB4337_6.png)

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0cc030 No.20868282

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a2454f No.20868283

File: a15537c17f87342⋯.png (463.4 KB,800x800,1:1,Thanks_Bakesy.png)

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a2454f No.20868284

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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643edd No.20868285

File: 6386c2638670ed4⋯.png (125.74 KB,434x610,217:305,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80d06e4dcc8f154⋯.png (75.6 KB,735x545,147:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

The Australian government has paid out $20.5 million (US$13.2 million) in COVID-19 vaccine injury claims to people who experienced harm from the jab.

Services Australia data provided to The Epoch Times reveals 6.82 percent of claims have been compensated so far, that is 286 out of 4,191.

“As at 31 March 2024, the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme has received 4,191 claims and paid 286 claims to the value of around $20.5 million,” a spokesperson said.

“Services Australia expects to receive new claims until the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme’s end date of 30 September 2024.”

The updated figures up to the end of March, follow a submission to the government’s COVID-19 Inquiry, revealing it had paid $16.9 million worth of claims up to the end of November 2023.

The federal government is due to deliver a budget for 2024/2025 covering all government agencies in the evening on May 14.




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