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22f36f No.20868238 [Last50 Posts]

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22f36f No.20868239

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22f36f No.20868243


#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556, >>20867856, >>20867759 Rest In Piss: Reuters / The Guardian

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634, >>20867755 Refresher: Stormy Daniels has a brand mark from Keith Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

>>20867683, >>20867742, >>20867985 Marketfag

>>20867694, >>20867785 Taxpayers fund the dangerous garbage fed to minors

>>20867698, >>20867773, >>20867824 Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle

>>20867708 Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements after Youngkin audit

>>20867726 MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans - Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists

>>20867734 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>20867736, >>20867981, >>20867991, >>20867993, >>20868023, >>20868053, >>20868054, >>20868092 Coronation before Death?

>>20867737 Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

>>20867739 CAIR Official Dawud Walid: Campus Protests Are An Opportunity For Us To Invite People To Join Islam

>>20867746 New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

>>20867754 $AMC is still halted - it has been halted more than 17 times today

>>20867770, >>20867791, >>20867879 It's so obvious that they can't even deny it anymore

>>20867774, >>20867836, >>20867862 Michael Cohen is now admitting he had meeting with the NY AG’s office and the DA as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial

>>20867796 Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races

>>20867842 Biden: I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China

>>20867851 Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

>>20867854, >>20867858 Newly-elected President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino says he will close the Darien Gap to migration

>>20867866 Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

>>20867867 Planefag

>>20867869 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children / CyberTipline

>>20867896 Ordinary people standing up against the corruption of the judiciary

>>20867936 Charleston, WV: Two-term Governor Jim Justice has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate

>>20868026 (2019) Theologians accuse pope of heresy

>>20868044, >>20868133 ICYMI: Ashley Biden, daughter of Joe Biden, confirmed the authenticity of her diary

>>20868071 Jimmy Carter's grandson says the 99-year-old president is 'coming to the end' after more than a year in hospice care

>>20868073 Rep. Chip Roy Discusses The Push For Illegals To Vote In Washington D.C.

>>20868116 Andrew Giuliani Gives Updates On Michael Cohen's Testimony Live From NYC

>>20868233 #25594

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22f36f No.20868245

#25593 >>20866543

>>20866588 Senator Cassidy said if we don’t pass bipartisan border security legislation, the problem will get worse - then he voted against the bill

>>20866617 Vivek Walks Into Court With Trump

>>20866634 Soros cash paying Loren Merchan’s bills

>>20866637 Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay

>>20866652 Pfizer Earning Billions Treating Covid Vax-Induced Turbo Cancers

>>20866686 Paris Holocaust memorial vandalized with 'blood-red hands'

>>20866702, >>20866721 The largest judicial corruption scandal in the entire recent history of democracy in Spain

>>20866784 Ohio A.G. Dave Yost Charges Protesters Under Ancient KKK Anti-Masking Law, Grand Jury Rejects Charge

>>20866817, >>20866858, >>20866886, >>20867347 Planefag

>>20866841 HAMAS = UN soldiers?

>>20866862, >>20867096 CNN stars act out dramatic scenes from Trump trial reading from testimony transcripts

>>20866871 Eric Adams suggests migrants could fill NYC’s lifeguard shortage because ‘they’re excellent swimmers’

>>20866873, >>20866899 Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system

>>20866884 Only Fans King Pin Leonid Radvinsky is AIPAC's biggest donor

>>20866888 New Black Project Whistleblower with claims that appear to be related to Dave Grusch’s group that have been appearing before congress

>>20866890 Indictment Charges Former D.C. Department of Human Services Official and Co-Conspirator with Extortion

>>20866900 Border Collie Messi arrives at Cannes Film Festival

>>20866952, >>20866969 @MRobertsQLD: I'm proud to have co-signed this letter urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>20866989, >>20866992 Federal Judge Tosses Biden Admin's Effort to Stop Media Censorship Lawsuit

>>20867019 Sydney Population Change (2022-2023)

>>20867046, >>20867112, >>20867298 President Trump Speaks After Day 17 of Hush Money Trial on New York

>>20867051, >>20867065 Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products from Non-Existent Origination Country - Here’s Why

>>20867058 CERN Cuts Ties with Russia

>>20867082, >>20867117 WH Press Sec. confirms Trump's criminal trial is "related to 2024 elections"

>>20867087 New Jersey Democrat US Senator @CoryBooker is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s company @Authentic_HQ

>>20867089 Agencies announce public meeting on proposed acquisition by Capital One of Discover

>>20867125 Former Obama officials, Peggy Wood and wife Hope Wood, dead after head-on car crash in San Diego County

>>20867132 Republican-Led States Sue Biden Administration Over New Transgender Protections

>>20867137 Another State Just Banned Biological Men From Women's Spaces

>>20867147, >>20867157 The ship that collapsed the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore experienced a “total power blackout” hours before leaving the port

>>20867165 The Most Important Election in Georgia Is One That Many Voters Could Overlook

>>20867210 EU condemns ‘Israeli extremists’

>>20867319 Turley: You have to wonder if the judge is having second thoughts

>>20867404 Supreme Court Justices Thomas And Alito Issue Warnings About State Of America

>>20867423 Supplemental notes

>>20867431 #25593

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22f36f No.20868246

#25592 >>20865754

>>20866220, >>20866225, >>20866227, >>20866230, >>20866233, >>20866238, >>20866248, >>20866256, >>20866259, >>20866267, >>20866270, >>20866274, >>20866281, >>20866288, >>20866292 DJT Truths

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20865762 Remembering the Battle of Coral Sea: 82nd Anniversary

>>20865823 Some truly incredible patriots

>>20865845, >>20866174, >>20866149, >>20866251, >>20866287 Planefag

>>20865848 Toulouse-based space tech Infinite Orbits bags €12 million to build first life extension satellite

>>20865858, >>20865864, >>20865933, >>20865952, >>20866494 Strong R3 radio blackout in progress (≥X1 - current: X8.53)

>>20865865 King Charles unveils his first official portrait since coronation as he continues cancer treatment

>>20865878 Scavino: THANK YOU!!! #LESM #NationalPoliceWeek

>>20865895 Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden, Jayne Zirkle Reports

>>20865898 Breaking exascale barrier: US tops supercomputer list with Frontier, Aurora

>>20865901, >>20865997 The Gamestop short squeeze is getting interesting

>>20865938 Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld - 2.3 Trillion Missing

>>20865945 Legendary Investor Scott Bessent w/ Don Trump Jr. on TRIGGERED

>>20865973 Steve Bannon Calls For Action Against Lawfare From House Judiciary Committee, get to Work Jordan

>>20866020 Hundreds of tiny 'dancing orbs' during Northern Lights

>>20866034, >>20866039 Wyoming Sorority Sisters Argue Against Trans Membership In Appeals Court

>>20866051 Red Lobster closing at least 99 locations as its future comes into question

>>20866065 At least 8 people killed in Florida bus crash; dozens injured

>>20866101 Scott Bessent On Bidenomics: High Interest Rates Are Hitting Poorer Americans The Hardest

>>20866129 Hunter Biden’s trial on gun charges will begin next month after judge rejects bid to delay

>>20866163 Donald Trump had his own game show in the early 90's called Trump Card

>>20866202 How Europe and Britain are getting ready for 'WWIII': Interactive graphic reveals how West will stop Putin

>>20866306 Supreme Court Justices Thomas And Alito Issue Warnings About State Of America

>>20866308 Canada Under State of Emergency From Forest Fires

>>20866317 Steve Bannon And Russ Vought React To Speaker Mike Johnson

>>20866327, >>20866331 Israeli Tanks Plunge Deeper Into Rafah As 500,000 Palestinians Flee

>>20866341 Biden Ally Rep. Goldman Admits Meeting with Michael Cohen “Many Times” to “Prepare Him” for Testimony in Biden/Bragg Trial

>>20866352 Schumann

>>20866356 Australian Government’s Overreach Slammed: Conservative Social Media ‘Gab’ Defies Censorship Demands, Faces $500,000 Fine for Upholding Free Speech

>>20866362 New York Appeals Court Upholds Merchan’s Gag Order - Claims Crooked Judge “Properly Weighed” Trump’s First Amendment Rights

>>20866368 Office-loan delinquencies jump to nearly 6-year high

>>20866372 Kelly Collins On Precinct Strategy And How To Get Involved In Your Local Party

>>20866379 Merrick Garland and Chris Wray Proudly Announce Government Censorship Apparatus to Target “Cyber-Enabled Campaigns”

>>20866389 Russian MPs pass bill banning ‘foreign agents’ from elections

>>20866413 Cohen raid by FBI?

>>20866430 Mike Lindell On Speaker Johnson

>>20866443 Former Obama campaign worker and wife killed in Southern California vehicle crash

>>20866448 Americans Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of GDI From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital

>>20866453 Utah mom sues AstraZeneca, claiming she was left ‘permanently disabled’ in COVID vaccine trial

>>20866460, >>20866531 New Documents Reveal Training Materials Explaining to Noncitizens and Illegal Aliens How They Can Register to Vote in DC Elections

>>20866462 Live: Border Crisis Hearing

>>20866611 #25592

Previously Collected

>>20865747 #25591-B

>>20863979 #25589, >>20864853 #25590, >>20865747 #25591-A

>>20861583 #25586, >>20862375 #25587, >>20863162 #25588

>>20859030 #25583, >>20859803 #25584, >>20860787 #25585

>>20856604 #25580, >>20857367 #25581, >>20858153 #25582

>>20854258 #25577, >>20855037 #25578, >>20855804 #25579

>>20852953 #25574, >>20852712 #25575, >>20853480 #25576

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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22f36f No.20868250

File: 3aa0068ba6c9780⋯.png (345.25 KB,576x323,576:323,ClipboardImage.png)



seeking offhand, will ghost soon

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36455e No.20868269

File: dcab9c91fd53709⋯.png (117.47 KB,613x556,613:556,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdd135fe896b01c⋯.png (66.6 KB,822x255,274:85,ClipboardImage.png)


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b02e6d No.20868286

File: 9627d33be073b8d⋯.jpeg (561.5 KB,900x473,900:473,922EDBD6_069C_4444_82A2_2….jpeg)

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24c3b3 No.20868287

File: ef3dd51c5978ada⋯.jpg (82.11 KB,500x701,500:701,whhq8.jpg)

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0e369a No.20868288

File: cf73dc58c050a97⋯.jpg (386.6 KB,640x870,64:87,RFKbortion.jpg)

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b30069 No.20868289

File: 204f67b34efae50⋯.png (2.15 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)




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0e369a No.20868290



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494c81 No.20868291

File: 0552cb6522d16f5⋯.webp (15.96 KB,717x403,717:403,IMG_1744.webp)

Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says



Dan Mangan



The wing of a Boeing 757 jet owned by former President Donald Trump struck a parked plane at a Florida airport after landing safely and taxiing early Sunday morning, the Federal Aviation Administration said.

It is not known if Trump, who had held a campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday, was on his aircraft when its winglet struck the rear elevator of a parked VistaJet in West Palm Beach.

The wing of the Boeing jet owned by former President Donald Trump struck a parked plane at a Florida airport after landing safely and taxiing early Sunday morning, the Federal Aviation Administration said on Tuesday.

It is not known if Trump, who had held a campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Saturday, was on his Boeing 757 when its winglet struck the rear elevator of a parked VistaJet in West Palm Beach.

No injuries were reported in the collision.

The FAA notice about the incident, which occurred at 1:19 a.m. ET on Sunday, gives the tail number of Trump’s aircraft, N757AF.

In a statement, the FAA said, “A privately owned Boeing 757 landed safely at West Palm Beach International Airport around 1:20 a.m. local time on Sunday, May 12.”

“While taxiing, its winglet contacted a parked and unoccupied corporate jet,” the FAA said. “The incident occurred in an area of the airport where the FAA does not direct aircraft. The FAA is investigating.”

A winglet is a short fin that projects upward from the wing of an aircraft. They are used to reduce aerodynamic drag.

CNBC has requested comment from a spokesman from Trump’s presidential campaign about the incident.

Trump maintains a residence at his Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach.


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ced94e No.20868292

File: acec09bce733a1e⋯.jpeg (115.17 KB,768x565,768:565,IMG_0284.jpeg)





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b0ae67 No.20868293


baker is ghosted

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b30069 No.20868294

File: 82e0471d77e27bd⋯.png (2.49 MB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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494c81 No.20868295

File: 62ad08ee1e75e78⋯.jpeg (77.39 KB,1480x833,1480:833,IMG_1745.jpeg)

Facts First

Fact check: Biden again falsely claims inflation was 9% when he became president

By Daniel Dale, CNN

EDT, Tue May 14, 2024

For the second time in less than a week, President Joe Biden falsely claimed Tuesday that the inflation rate was 9% when he began his presidency.

Biden was criticized by many Republicans, including former president and current presidential rival Donald Trump, for telling CNN in an interview last Wednesday: “No president’s had the run we’ve had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% percent when I came to office, 9%.”

Biden repeated the claim about the inflation rate, albeit in slightly vaguer form, in a Tuesday interview with Yahoo Finance. This time, he said: “I think inflation has gone slightly up. It was at 9% when I came in, and it’s now down around 3%.”

Facts First: Biden’s claim that the inflation rate was 9% when he became president is not close to true. The year-over-year inflation rate in January 2021, the month of his inauguration, was about 1.4%. The Biden-era inflation rate did peak at about 9.1% – but that peak occurred in June 2022, after Biden had been president for more than 16 months. The March 2024 inflation rate, the most recent available rate at the time Biden made these comments, was about 3.5%, up from about 3.2% the month prior.

In other words,Biden’s claims make it sound like inflation is much lower today than it was when he was inaugurated – but it is actually higher, though there has been a steep decline since the June 2022 peak. (That peak followed Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, which sparked global increases in energy and food prices.) And while Biden’s claims make it sound like the end of the Trump presidency was plagued by high inflation, inflation was unusually low during Trump’s last months in the White House amid the economic slowdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Similar to a previous false claim

Biden’s false claims in the past week about overall inflation are similar to a false claim he made in October 2022 when talking about gas prices in particular. In both cases, he has wrongly depicted a figure from June 2022 as if it was the Biden-era starting point.

A White House official said in a Tuesday email to CNN: “The President was making the point that the factors that caused inflation were in place when he took office. The pandemic caused inflation around the world by disrupting our economy and breaking our supply chains.”

The April 2024 inflation rate will be revealed Wednesday with the release of new Consumer Price Index data. Separate Producer Price Index data that was released on Tuesday showed the highest wholesale inflation rate in a year.

(FunnyCNN fact checking Bidan finally)


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b9f769 No.20868296

File: 4283c95c9a20189⋯.png (172.48 KB,434x610,217:305,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0680c362827c9a4⋯.png (65.71 KB,735x545,147:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

The Australian government has paid out $20.5 million (US$13.2 million) in COVID-19 vaccine injury claims to people who experienced harm from the jab.

Services Australia data provided to The Epoch Times reveals 6.82 percent of claims have been compensated so far, that is 286 out of 4,191.

“As at 31 March 2024, the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme has received 4,191 claims and paid 286 claims to the value of around $20.5 million,” a spokesperson said.

“Services Australia expects to receive new claims until the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme’s end date of 30 September 2024.”

The updated figures up to the end of March, follow a submission to the government’s COVID-19 Inquiry, revealing it had paid $16.9 million worth of claims up to the end of November 2023.

The federal government is due to deliver a budget for 2024/2025 covering all government agencies in the evening on May 14.




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b9f769 No.20868297


If you're thinking those numbers are low, they have this payout as well

Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs

In cases involving death you may be eligible for payment and support for funeral costs. We’ll make this payment to the deceased’s estate.

What proof you need

Before you can claim, you need to get your doctor to complete a COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme medical report. You need this as proof when you submit the claim. We need your doctor’s responses to help us assess your claim.

You need to provide the following documents with your claim:

the deceased’s death certificate or medical cause of death certificate

proof that you’re acting on behalf of the deceased

proof of any funeral costs and who paid, like receipts

proof of any amounts you got or will get from third parties, like funeral insurance

proof of the deceased’s partner and children dependent on the earnings of the deceased at the time of death, if applicable.

How to calculate payments and funeral costs

You need to show your actual costs for the funeral. Remember to deduct any amounts you got or will get from third parties.

If your claim involves death, find out what you can claim in the COVID-19 vaccine claims scheme policy on the Department of Health and Aged Care website.


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72be5b No.20868298

File: e973a12377b9cc1⋯.jpeg (26.23 KB,1000x866,500:433,e973a12377b9cc14a77a25708….jpeg)

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8e41cc No.20868299

File: 3ab00cc805428c3⋯.jpg (1.26 MB,1439x1966,1439:1966,Screenshot_20240514_225147….jpg)

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b948e2 No.20868300


spoiler that shit anon


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bf2d3c No.20868301

File: 1142c2bbac84459⋯.png (565.05 KB,2037x1201,2037:1201,IMG_2630.png)

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494c81 No.20868302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He’s been seriously lying since day one, what took the media so long to call it out?

Someone gave the signal, “Who let the dogs out”?


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24c3b3 No.20868303


Reminds one of Obama fading into the bushes..only hotter

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502bf3 No.20868304

File: 0bbe71526def24f⋯.jpeg (634.02 KB,960x1043,960:1043,IMG_4278.jpeg)

File: f2b55900c688f97⋯.jpeg (1.25 MB,890x1793,890:1793,IMG_4273.jpeg)

File: cc227d04dd6ba2a⋯.jpeg (249.97 KB,960x639,320:213,IMG_4272.jpeg)

File: 79e5ca863f3c158⋯.jpeg (760.01 KB,960x653,960:653,IMG_4269.jpeg)


If you mirror the picture of King Charles' new painting, you can see something interesting.

Do you see it?



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b948e2 No.20868305

File: bb00168bd5767ca⋯.png (135.77 KB,800x679,800:679,ClipboardImage.png)

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36455e No.20868306

File: fa6d6c0e33e0a64⋯.png (232.11 KB,1111x530,1111:530,ClipboardImage.png)

Oh this is gona be fun

Anon can tell without being told.

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9a1921 No.20868307

File: 7308e6f46c7c0c5⋯.jpeg (941.34 KB,1272x1952,159:244,IMG_0576.jpeg)

File: f72364af5bb8738⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,1267x1705,1267:1705,IMG_0577.jpeg)

File: a50e511ed2fe53e⋯.mp4 (8.3 MB,540x540,1:1,qgLdERQGP0a4vaT9.mp4)

Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

The media including Fox News never showed this clip 👇 so you know exactly what to do


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b948e2 No.20868308


if you do the same to the start up screen of an xbox one, you get the green version of baphomet

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374a68 No.20868309


Alright 1 extra O so you're prolly drunk, but go ahead and use good speed to make it an official Tranny Bake.

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ab2a20 No.20868310

File: 7b96bcbc145f9cd⋯.gif (6.93 MB,645x645,1:1,QrpY4tbLkcLm.gif)

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46779f No.20868311


Painter captured the sausagefingers fairly well.

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736179 No.20868312

File: 4b3fd124c9875ef⋯.jpg (143.73 KB,720x1084,180:271,20240514_214931.jpg)

File: c86e9f58448232d⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB,720x1280,9:16,Dean_Moses_20240514_5_new.mp4)

CUNY Graduate Center occupation: A protester sits at the security booth while photographers snap photos


Terrorist Cosplay

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72be5b No.20868313

File: a1547a6e65fc9bb⋯.png (158.28 KB,619x435,619:435,ClipboardImage.png)


S p r i n t e r F a c t o r y



On this day, May 14, 1896, Nicholas II Romanov , the last Russian emperor, was crowned…

May 14, 2024 · 7:55 PM UTC




>If you mirror

Totally unrelated.

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374a68 No.20868314

File: 95b044c8ed69f33⋯.webm (953.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Abby_stfu.webm)


It's really not that much different from the real thing.

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36455e No.20868315

File: 6b2baa53cd17ca4⋯.jpg (616.43 KB,732x3325,732:3325,A_citizen_s_guide_to_savin….jpg)





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9a1921 No.20868316

File: a38a2f934fff58c⋯.mp4 (9.37 MB,848x464,53:29,_927456039051807391.mp4)

File: 28ffc5bfb5eb947⋯.jpeg (415.87 KB,1042x624,521:312,IMG_0578.jpeg)


Hamas UN https://t.me/whip347/116943

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73369a No.20868317

File: 815644794db5b49⋯.png (753.75 KB,768x1124,192:281,gibson_mel.png)

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428a52 No.20868318

File: 1ec4707310cf2d6⋯.jpeg (164.36 KB,1024x576,16:9,87CC6C9C_8F96_4276_A265_A….jpeg)

File: acbf16924ba5419⋯.jpeg (915.78 KB,1288x1545,1288:1545,ECF0DA8B_3C01_49DA_9684_1….jpeg)


Red Castle, Green Castle.

“Official portraits”

There has to be something to this….

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9a1921 No.20868319

File: 35386105a1031be⋯.jpeg (235.55 KB,1179x1121,1179:1121,IMG_0569.jpeg)

File: fc27117af6e740c⋯.jpeg (340.91 KB,1088x1360,4:5,IMG_0573.jpeg)

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9a1921 No.20868320

File: 93a0c2cf25b4cfa⋯.mp4 (365.05 KB,480x360,4:3,MVTTJ0G8AWwL3L7R.mp4)

File: df43111b2a448d9⋯.mp4 (1.7 MB,480x852,40:71,Ss4i_30DLhP7hge2.mp4)

File: 6584843d064bc53⋯.mp4 (150.33 KB,480x852,40:71,Oyz9ZKcZuAjjSgHT.mp4)

File: 6965946c65e1b6a⋯.jpeg (163.47 KB,1088x726,544:363,IMG_0574.jpeg)

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b02e6d No.20868321

File: 925ad055ce95a7d⋯.jpeg (679.54 KB,828x1262,414:631,A6CE0572_F254_452B_A78C_A….jpeg)


Would have habbened after he deplaned as it landed at 11:24pm EST and last transmission in ADS-B is at 11:28pm EST

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494c81 No.20868322


She’s gonna regret what she did, send her to a nunnery, she won’t last but she needs either penance or punishment

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494c81 No.20868323


Yeah I thought it was a weird report

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374a68 No.20868324


>penance or punishment

kek go with the former as the latter would only turn her on

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b9f769 No.20868325


Vaccines and safety

There are 4 COVID-19 vaccines currently in use in Australia:

Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca)

Comirnaty (Pfizer)

Spikevax (Moderna)

Nuvaxovid (Novavax).

Like all medicines, vaccines can have side effects (also known as adverse events). Almost all of these are mild and resolve within a few days.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) closely monitors vaccine safety. It often finds that adverse events or suspected side effects are not caused by the vaccine itself.

In rare cases, some people may suffer a severe impact after a COVID-19 vaccine.


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b02e6d No.20868326


Not that hard to check

>CNBC tards

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b948e2 No.20868327


time for a complete inspection, these peeps will use this to "insert" something onto the aircraft. they are that evil!

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494c81 No.20868328


Oh yes. I didn’t think about that. Kek

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24c3b3 No.20868329

File: df7bc7c1344d9a0⋯.jpeg (39.9 KB,493x474,493:474,download_1.jpeg)

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7d1a0c No.20868330


40% excess death -After- the Vax was rolled out

None before, only after the "life saving" Medication was released

One would think that it would have been the other way around

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5d33a6 No.20868331

File: 5743f8086ff8c5f⋯.jpeg (75.01 KB,1024x1024,1:1,mot_st_michel.jpeg)

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494c81 No.20868332


Yikes, please don’t show the sand bags

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5e558c No.20868333

File: a524ba62c9c77b3⋯.png (32.14 KB,309x425,309:425,ClipboardImage.png)

Health question for anyone that can help.

Close family friend just admitted to hospital with a staph infection. He knows of no injuries and docs/nurses can find no wounds so source is a mystery.

He's on high dose, IV antibiotics.

Looking for prayers and potential options outside of conventional medical treatment.

I will research but I need to know which direction to go.

Gotta get him out of the clutches of the medical industrial complex.


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9a1921 No.20868334

File: 1ff5bbe1e84754e⋯.png (1.27 MB,1024x576,16:9,0A6F8ECB_AD91_4FBF_ADE3_AC….png)

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36455e No.20868335

File: a696cb54d231aae⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1008x5827,1008:5827,What_must_the_US_do_to_sus….jpg)


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b02e6d No.20868336

File: 6f4d4522c12eab3⋯.jpeg (534.35 KB,1194x581,1194:581,653FBF4A_D6BD_4516_8D91_2….jpeg)

File: 275fef0f85d51c1⋯.jpeg (457.78 KB,828x597,276:199,17A35062_77ED_41D3_ADAD_6….jpeg)

Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

Non-stop w/no fuel stops thus no one could see him at Shannon,Ireland (usual refueling point)

This is a desperate move here and shows how bad it really is for muh Ukrainian military. That one sided Summit coming up first week of June and Blinken goes out the ‘back door’ late Sunday “in secret” but on a marked SAM (Special Air Mission) flight. Both he and Sec. Def. Austin did this trip in the first few weeks of this conflict and used C-17 Globemasters the entire time.

All pb/lb

>>20865091, >>20865446,



Secretary Blinken meets with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy

>>20865252 pb

>expect someone to come out of there or arrive.

Blinken arrived earlier hence that defensive position by Italian AF AEW&C G550

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b30069 No.20868337


Chekt, try sunlight colloidal silver and ivermectin

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494c81 No.20868338


=Thats an actual terrorist, whats wrong with these people

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46779f No.20868339


Yes, they would totally use this to sabotage the plane and/or make some kind of legal stink. It should be totally expected.

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b948e2 No.20868340




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24c3b3 No.20868341


They're all terrorists


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5d33a6 No.20868342

File: e6eb0dc34f26974⋯.jpg (31.33 KB,361x362,361:362,laugh_leo_guy.jpg)


They need to be shipped to Gaza to fight on the front lines where it counts.

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b02e6d No.20868343


It’s still at Palm Beach so not used to go to NYC.

I wondered why he did not use it so now we have the answer

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696683 No.20868344


The nuns don't need the hassle

Ask anybody to name a porn actress from years past, Candy Samples will come up first because she was indeed not only stacked but a very outgoing person (died age 91, vehicle accident)

Stormy is going the way of Marylin Chambers, Seka, and others that are only remembered by a few and that number dwindles daily

Has-been actress, there were court drawings up last night and from what I could tell Stormy is off the "fuckable" list so looks gone, fame about gone and I'll bet she made no investments for her future so no pesos on the way for security as obscurity coming fast.

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72be5b No.20868345

File: f1d61ae50790c1f⋯.png (306.32 KB,626x454,313:227,ClipboardImage.png)




🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

May 14, 2024 · 5:40 PM UTC



Talking about foreign agents…

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20d93d No.20868346

File: f779e69c4d13476⋯.png (835.83 KB,515x768,515:768,ClipboardImage.png)

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4effe3 No.20868347

File: 9f4df7e846ee450⋯.jpg (40.53 KB,789x315,263:105,auehkdcd.jpg)

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d1953c No.20868348


I din't know Trump wore a hearing aid. Or is that a like an ear bud?

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d35358 No.20868349

I grew up watching WWF and Stormy Daniel is WWF AF. The whole thing is a splish splash show.

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24c3b3 No.20868350


He's going to need his immune system rebuilt. Had that twice. It wipes you out for months if you're not aware of the side effects of high doses. Gut health too.

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4ebebe No.20868351

File: 47252059750baad⋯.jpg (28.36 KB,310x163,310:163,pfgd.jpg)

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a8e052 No.20868352

File: 599523a607114b9⋯.png (122.14 KB,255x354,85:118,Diablo_III_cover.png)

File: 71c114a8fa53dd0⋯.jpg (90.24 KB,647x1000,647:1000,81dkf1dFePL_AC_UF1000_1000….jpg)


First that comes to mind.

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b30069 No.20868353

File: 7c429a857a6dcca⋯.png (976.04 KB,638x627,58:57,ClipboardImage.png)

it smell like BITCH in here

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36455e No.20868354

File: 67ccf0b8ff67d1b⋯.png (136.82 KB,1460x833,1460:833,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89040a7ee1bb6e2⋯.png (155.21 KB,1159x832,1159:832,ClipboardImage.png)


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736179 No.20868355

File: 50c3636fc4f8ac6⋯.png (2.02 MB,1243x876,1243:876,20240514_221853.png)

File: e1b44a8a00dfa27⋯.png (847.75 KB,661x776,661:776,20240514_221725.png)

File: 4006fab8ae27b4d⋯.png (1.5 MB,892x1189,892:1189,20240514_222030.png)

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23fe61 No.20868356

File: c060bc723115002⋯.png (2.52 MB,1832x1023,1832:1023,d321b3043851d982.png)

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0f9869 No.20868357


prayers your way, anon.

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36455e No.20868358

File: 0f116eda6e46cf4⋯.png (211.88 KB,1029x837,343:279,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6ec15f49e25e49⋯.png (367.95 KB,1003x790,1003:790,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fd359828b203d4⋯.png (686.11 KB,1494x539,1494:539,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 98841bf37f1deee⋯.png (695.58 KB,1428x824,357:206,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b3b92672be000e7⋯.png (280.09 KB,1447x765,1447:765,ClipboardImage.png)

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a8e052 No.20868359

File: 1efbb03be6054c0⋯.jpeg (288.2 KB,890x1793,890:1793,f2b55900c688f97929bca3099….jpeg)


Evidently, has two sets of bewbs.

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4ebebe No.20868360


we see it

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df4a9b No.20868361

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ab04cb No.20868362

File: 1e6b4ed8f3f109f⋯.png (875.59 KB,1200x358,600:179,Screenshot_2024_05_14_at_2….png)

>>20868250, >>20868293

…Damn it.Claiming the dough

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2219ae No.20868363

File: 771445981b08915⋯.png (269.5 KB,597x607,597:607,ClipboardImage.png)

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a3c48a No.20868365

File: 307f183c9cc60e7⋯.gif (4.79 MB,480x432,10:9,storming_the_castle.gif)

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b30069 No.20868366

File: 3b41363db0b3feb⋯.png (1.45 MB,802x797,802:797,ClipboardImage.png)



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ab04cb No.20868367

File: 5543fd4cfb07d5e⋯.png (377.7 KB,803x628,803:628,Here_s_What_People_Called_….png)


#25595 >>20868250

>>20868291, >>20868321 Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says

>>20868296 Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

>>20868307 Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

>>20868336 Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

>>20868345 🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

>>20868293, >>20868362 Dough claim


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0f9869 No.20868368



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494c81 No.20868369

File: 3918c11cb1c3c7a⋯.jpeg (24.92 KB,474x355,474:355,IMG_1749.jpeg)

File: 466dc333110617a⋯.jpeg (25.61 KB,474x266,237:133,IMG_1750.jpeg)


Thats so freakin damning, only a liar can lie to himself and can justify lying about others.How does this guy sleep at night?

I found that Gomer Pile pic of Cohen last week, and it disappeared from pictures online. Anons save the Gomer Pile=Michael Cohen pic, we’ll need it for a Future story

I really get the intuitive impression the Mafia doesn’t like what he is doing now. I don’t know why.

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9a1921 No.20868370

File: 040f64bbbf7bdd9⋯.jpeg (90.41 KB,636x828,53:69,IMG_0584.jpeg)

BREAKING - Flyers distributed at NGO in Mexico encouraging illegals to vote for President Biden

The flyers reads:

“Reminder to vote for President Biden when you are in the United States. We need another four years of his term to stay open”

This is part of their plan


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374a68 No.20868371


You sure?

There won't be a need for a new bread until Swordy Shift.

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36455e No.20868372

File: 60ad2f0cfc39751⋯.png (996.03 KB,1393x641,1393:641,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7aa767a49460d84⋯.png (997.28 KB,1475x836,1475:836,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a478c10c679157⋯.png (243.24 KB,1415x840,283:168,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dce58d74a324653⋯.png (76.31 KB,1459x808,1459:808,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64b94c0d22f6c8b⋯.png (219.32 KB,1369x825,1369:825,ClipboardImage.png)


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a8e052 No.20868373

File: 9afd2be92f85423⋯.png (321.55 KB,1243x876,1243:876,50c3636fc4f8ac6d0ef0d31f8b….png)


Damn, interesting.

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b948e2 No.20868374

so he be swimming with the fishes in the east river soon? fitting end to a treasonous worm


>the Mafia doesn’t like what he is doing now

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494c81 No.20868375


Freaks one and all

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b30069 No.20868376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says


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ab04cb No.20868377


…A fresh pot of coffee and the pots says anon will be ok. Like every other GY shift bread.

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88f616 No.20868378

File: e27caa96423a98b⋯.jpeg (235.19 KB,596x649,596:649,IMG_4899.jpeg)

File: 14fa0a881692102⋯.jpeg (589.12 KB,1284x1209,428:403,IMG_4898.jpeg)

There goal is to groom men to hate woman so they become gay with African American gay men. This way they can subjugate them to there will.

So I met this person in passing they are telling me they are the FBI and they control her and are human trafficking her.

They say though mk ultra that they are the best and because I walked into a Toyota dealers and saw a red sports car they want me to think it is her…


What I understand she is a lesbian…

Then they have a Dotson blue Toyota truck next to it…

They had this on an appointment the guys name was Bruse Wayne… lol bat man…

There is a picture of the address numbers and 4 of his phone number.

Then I go in to a Kaiser hospital and a nurse taking my blood pressure tells me about a 58 year old older man leaving his wife for a younger woman… and that she was from Columbia… implying it was a drug deal or having to do with large amounts of drugs. Then she said the girls brother held a gun to the guys head and said that he was going to kill him unless he left. Then the nurse told me the man got back with his wife.

I played this for the doctor and he was being shadowed by a guy…

On the street I had an appointment at the same care in the dealership was there right before his house.

I believe that I have rouge intelligent agents stalking me…

I believe people are trying to get me or frame me as some type of domestic extremist.

They want anything to do with racism because they seem to hate white people or “whiteness”

Note this is very creepy and what is going on when I go to work… people seem to want to continue to threaten me…

I have a recording of the nurse that said this…

At this point I do not know what to do.

Again I met the woman in passing period…

I am a victim of human trafficking and grooming I believe that 8kun is the center of this gang stalking and human trafficking going on.

They are saying they can human traffic the woman and that she is owned like a car by them…

Note they all keep saying you are going to have Christmas presents and that they control people.

Note I no longer talk to anyone period because they do this to everyone it is as if they have the fbi going to these people and doing stupid crap.

Note my auto correct is saying “good,” “die,” and “kill”

They keep telling me they are the master groomers and human traffickers they control all woman and although woman think they are being worshiped it is really the human traffickers that control them and the men they are with.

I do not know what kinda sick shit these people are into but this is why I no longer research.

Note the woman seemed nice nothing wrong with her but where where friends more in passing…

This is extremely creepy and I hope that the mob does not try to have her killed

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72be5b No.20868379

File: 0804bf4c4218f58⋯.png (71.91 KB,735x435,49:29,ClipboardImage.png)


Some UV?

Godspeed fren.

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a8e052 No.20868380

File: 6f1e0570d29947d⋯.png (2.62 MB,1000x2043,1000:2043,6f1e0570d29947d5be5e7bc9d1….png)


Thanks you Baker!!!

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428a52 No.20868381


Perhaps they’re both dead.

That white horse with blood running through the streets. Shit’s pretty weird right now.

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b02e6d No.20868382

File: 44264ee3193bbd0⋯.png (1.35 MB,3543x2362,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


>Vote for Biden

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20d93d No.20868383

File: 92cd853f6b5e0e0⋯.png (825.72 KB,1077x548,1077:548,ClipboardImage.png)



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374a68 No.20868384


a'ight was only sayin just in case you didn't know

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c31296 No.20868385


Total fuckin' gold, Anon.

Masterful & stolt !

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a8e052 No.20868386

File: 279ba922fc5fa8b⋯.jpg (26.45 KB,300x300,1:1,ems_cHJkLWVtcy1hc3NldHMvbW….jpg)


You wrote so much text.

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e32cad No.20868387

хлопающие губы в жопе заставляют мужчину свидаться с задницей, смотреть, как Роско берет с собой бойфренда Болдуина, чтобы трахать город Макангус schatz alles uber heimat Grosse Weider

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9a1921 No.20868388

File: 4fd4730ac3c865e⋯.png (1.32 MB,1158x664,579:332,Windsors_Executed.PNG)

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e59478 No.20868390

File: 5743546050478dc⋯.jpg (91.56 KB,1019x1001,1019:1001,Night_Shift.jpg)


Thank You Baker

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a8e052 No.20868391

File: b3238be219bff00⋯.jpeg (191.15 KB,890x1793,890:1793,f2b55900c688f97929bca3099….jpeg)


Messing with contrasts, etc

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b9f769 No.20868393


White Rabbit

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494c81 No.20868394


I’m Just surprised they are taking pictures of it. They say if you can’t get a pic of their eyes the can not be identified

What us happening to our country? Don’t answer. I know

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494c81 No.20868395


Agreed, why us it in the library?

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fb6019 No.20868396


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9a1921 No.20868397

File: e716882131fe8ae⋯.mp4 (926.69 KB,480x852,40:71,RI_WS6GZfNb81UiD.mp4)

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b9f769 No.20868398

CP reported

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8475b2 No.20868399

File: d14482cc2de6dd7⋯.jpeg (92.13 KB,800x419,800:419,IMG_7721.jpeg)

>>20865938 PB

A trillion here, a trillion there…

Pretty soon, you are talking real money.

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977bdb No.20868400

File: 9ae7cfe2b00d0ae⋯.jpeg (659.42 KB,1191x1102,1191:1102,IMG_4900.jpeg)


Not they like to compare me to this guy they keep telling me they hate me want me to die. They want to dominate and make me not like woman… by doing the crap they do and this way they can try to force me to be gay with African American gay men.

They want to train you ti not be attacted to woman period anymore…

The bottom line is these people are extremist they stalk me everywhere… they keep saying they are apart of intelligence groups and no one can stop them as they seem to be part of an organized mob.

Mob is organized crime with in government.

Top priority is to try to harass people into become domestic extremist to frame Trump supporter's.

Again my family has had death threats for political signs. These people insist on that they have the right to human traffic people though mk ultra and grooming.

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a3c48a No.20868401



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ab04cb No.20868402

…Fucking goddamn it, why does this shit habben, when anon bakes?

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72be5b No.20868403

File: eb50d5d72eaf661⋯.jpg (120.46 KB,626x680,313:340,media_GNkYLt1WMAERqyr.jpg)


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0e369a No.20868404

File: ef246ef3bddc4f7⋯.jpg (192.53 KB,577x432,577:432,Max_Azzarello.jpg)


ffucking Jim is responsible for this shit. NOBODY is this incompetent at running a fucking website.

This shit gets posted ON PURPOSE.

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b3acdb No.20868405

Patriots you are the light of this world.

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ab04cb No.20868406

…When that sick fuck gets hanged, anon hopes their neck doesn't break and they strangulate.

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b30069 No.20868407


They're even spamming the meme bread on /pol/

lol, lmao.

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a8e052 No.20868408

File: 6a039ca7773c38d⋯.jpeg (177.42 KB,890x1793,890:1793,f2b55900c688f97929bca3099….jpeg)


Even spookier when you rotate.

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494c81 No.20868409


“off the "fuckable" list ” you mean unfuckable? Kek that was damn funny

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b02e6d No.20868410

File: f8abdef12b1642b⋯.png (1.56 MB,936x609,312:203,1B6D3B98_7512_4E87_A4E2_5D….png)

China set to host Putin as economic ties grow under Western pressure

Russian President Vladimir Putin is set to visit China on Thursday in an attempt to shore up ties with Beijing seen as crucial for the war in Ukraine.

The two-day trip carries symbolic as well as practical significance. It marks Putin's first journey abroad since his inauguration for a fifth term about a week ago, mirroring Chinese President Xi Jinping's decision to make Moscow his first destination after starting his third term last year.

But Putin is heading to China on the heels of two top American officials, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who both pressed their Chinese counterparts to curb exports that support Russia's defense-industrial base. The U.S. recently sanctioned a slew of Chinese entities with Russian links, and is reportedly turning its crosshairs on Chinese banks deemed to be aiding the war effort.

The visit also comes just after Xi's tour of Europe, where he called for a global war truce during the Paris Olympics in July and August, and Blinken's trip to Ukraine. The two countries' economic and financial ties have grown considerably since the start of the war. According to Chinese customs data, trade turnover reached a record $240 billion in 2023. The redirection of Russian crude oil to China following the European Union's import ban has helped sustain Russia's export revenues, while trade with China assures continued access to machinery, equipment and consumer goods along with, reportedly, "dual use" goods with potential military applications.


>edited for stoopidness

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f7a667 No.20868411

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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fb6019 No.20868412

File: 463e326ab51089d⋯.png (7.22 KB,640x352,20:11,sos_273968135.png)

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d35358 No.20868413

File: c1fa4388b84f3c4⋯.jpeg (45.12 KB,411x514,411:514,28EC03A8_4B40_44A8_A0AA_1….jpeg)


Light up the night!

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1173e7 No.20868415

I hate niggers. Worst race on the planet.

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0e369a No.20868416

File: 3d6f816f0634aed⋯.jpg (3.89 MB,3510x2220,117:74,Victory_Satan_I.jpg)

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502bf3 No.20868417

File: a1f7b469ba4948f⋯.jpeg (1012.16 KB,960x1782,160:297,IMG_4287.jpeg)

File: 22f4eae7ae83297⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB,960x1237,960:1237,IMG_4289.jpeg)

File: 22d505e551c49e7⋯.jpeg (622.79 KB,960x1835,192:367,IMG_4290.jpeg)

File: 4b37e26d4417b62⋯.jpeg (951.96 KB,960x1634,480:817,IMG_4288.jpeg)

King Charles Satanic death sacrifice portrait is by Charlatan painter Jonathan Yeo

Nepotism painting

He also pained Bush, Kevin Spacey, Prince Phillip and many other ‘stars’



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23fe61 No.20868418

File: d7f3bdd871941b9⋯.png (12.68 KB,442x102,13:3,Screenshot_2024_05_14_at_9….png)

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b02e6d No.20868419

File: ba492d8f3f574c2⋯.png (527.35 KB,720x1085,144:217,EF352013_CFFD_417A_8F2E_5E….png)


And you linked to it

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88f616 No.20868420


All the human trafficking and mk ultra seems to be going though this site and what ever they are doing…

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72be5b No.20868421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Max’s Song (Full Scene) | Kate Bush - Running Up That Hill | Stranger Things |

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494c81 No.20868422


Sending prayers, get him probiotics from health food store and if you can give him 2-3 a day. The gut us tge second brain. Look up some solutions on pubmed asap

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736179 No.20868423

File: 8a19f9f87a368f8⋯.jpg (248.52 KB,1085x989,1085:989,l2o8r8.jpg)

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23fe61 No.20868424

File: 44cc0b81852671e⋯.jpg (30.51 KB,353x352,353:352,44cc0b81852671ed4373a2c901….jpg)

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494c81 No.20868425

File: 6c3f6062ce38278⋯.jpeg (118.84 KB,1004x829,1004:829,IMG_1671.jpeg)

File: 9a5a5ef53ac3558⋯.jpeg (109.25 KB,985x791,985:791,IMG_1672.jpeg)

File: 27d797efdc9f58e⋯.jpeg (162.58 KB,1241x911,1241:911,IMG_1673.jpeg)

File: c9256af42987a0f⋯.jpeg (137.62 KB,1029x791,147:113,IMG_1674.jpeg)


They want to f each other

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374a68 No.20868426

Quick, someone post that Protocols copypasta.

That'll get the admins in here real quick to delete it.

Maybe they'll see the cp when they get here and delete it, too.

Worth a shot…

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f7a667 No.20868427

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Apr 21, 2023

Iron Lung. Coming Soon.

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2219ae No.20868428

File: f1f2152b89c7111⋯.png (952.57 KB,516x844,129:211,ClipboardImage.png)

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b3f654 No.20868429

File: 12499fb2ec05610⋯.gif (2.56 MB,498x494,249:247,12499fb2ec056107d9cf2440d3….gif)

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0e369a No.20868430

File: fd803e783371dba⋯.gif (1.95 MB,450x297,50:33,ImOut.gif)

File: fd803e783371dba⋯.gif (1.95 MB,450x297,50:33,ImOut.gif)


That same fucking pic has been put up the past 3 nights. There exists MOTHERFUCKING off-the-shelf software to deal with this bullshit. It's OBVIOUS Jim and Ron want this here.

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494c81 No.20868431


It’s just a feeling, but I don’t think he can be reformed

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9a1921 No.20868432

File: 5f7e86fdf4c7706⋯.jpeg (332.44 KB,1795x1431,1795:1431,IMG_0585.jpeg)

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b02e6d No.20868433

File: 60d24a66cf183c2⋯.png (337.78 KB,612x421,612:421,74D113EC_63CA_4745_83F4_C4….png)



KYS faggit

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4a74d2 No.20868434

File: 023551f3e54808e⋯.png (300.32 KB,518x347,518:347,BushLynch.PNG)

File: c7ffb76e6816711⋯.jpg (157.4 KB,800x532,200:133,BushDids.JPG)

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494c81 No.20868435


That’s the first time I’ve seen him looking exhausted, pray for our CiC

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07bdd8 No.20868436


>Looking for prayers and potential options outside of conventional medical treatment.

prayers sent

get independent verification of the diagnosis

PROPER conventional antibiotics MAY be best option


afaik, there is no interation between ivermectin and other antibiotics, so ask the drs

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72be5b No.20868437

File: 3544956a4e48ac3⋯.jpg (91.72 KB,832x468,16:9,169500_352364_352363_rc.jpg)


>The king is dead, long live the king!

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6718c0 No.20868438

File: da2f42d1459dd7e⋯.jpg (125.51 KB,707x960,707:960,GITMOupgrade.JPG)

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d1953c No.20868439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aquatronics Galvanic Bath Demo

Kelly Rainbow Butterfly

1.38K subscribers

52 views Jan 2, 2024

Byington Sims, founder of Aquatronics, developed and built the Galvanic Bath, also known as an Electrolytic Therapeutic Aqua Machine (ETAM), with the intent of helping people recover from persistent and chronic infections by establishing a low-amperage current that can kill pathogens. It’s a portable machine with no bells and whistles, and there is little to do but enjoy yourself in a hot bath.

“It will do nothing to healthy tissue, but if you have an infection or an injured area you will feel a stinging or burning sensation as you move the anode across your body,” Sims said.

An electrical current of 20 to 30 miliamps (a miliamp is one thousandth of an ampere) that is produced through battery power runs through the body from the cathode, which acts as a ground in the water, to the anode that you hold in your hand. The cathode emits the electron flow and the anode collects the electron flow. You have to be submerged in water, or the affected area needs to be immersed, and place the cathode under a foot or other body part. With the anode in your hand underwater you move it across the affected area.

The current affects tissue on a cellular level and can bust up those microscopic colonizing invaders that have taken up residence in a wound or even in an organ. Sims developed MRSA, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus, which is a particularly bad, anti-biotic resistant infection. He built his first Galvanic Bath Machine and went to work on it.

“When I first treated it, I couldn’t hold the anode near the sore. It hurt too much. But, as time went on, I was able to bring it closer and closer as the infection went away,” Sims said. “Small amounts of electricity applied through the right techniques can do wonders. The electricity emitted can kill unwanted microbes and the small electrical charge also may provide a catalytic or even a direct boost to the body’s immune system.”

“This device also creates electroporation, a temporary state in which cells can absorb substances dramatically faster. This is a temporary condition and it dies down quickly after the treatment is over, generally in about 15 minutes. If you are in a compromised immune condition, on medication or are being treated for cancer or other chronic diseases, please do not use this device,” he said.

“This is an experimental device. It is not intended for medical use or for the replacement of medical treatment.” said Byington Sims, inventor of the Electrolytic Therapeutic Aqua Machine. His device has not undergone testing by the Food and Drug Administration.

Byington Sims lives in Bisbee, AZ where he builds the Galvanic Bath Machines and many other bio-electronic innovative machines such as Ionic Nebulizers, BioPhoton Resonators, Lightening Box Machines and Negative Ionizers. He has presented, sells, and demonstrates his devices at the annual Tesla conference in Albuquerque, NM and you can find more videos of him by searching on Youtube.

Rainbow Butterfly Wellness and the Children of Earth Coalition in Colville, WA are distributors for the Galvanic Bath Machine. For questions or orders, please email childrenofearth@outlook.com.


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494c81 No.20868440


Baker ban this shit, its been around for a couple of days

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b2b180 No.20868441

File: 95c367f59d9ef0e⋯.png (639.88 KB,869x785,869:785,ClipboardImage.png)

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494c81 No.20868442


CP report again, block this shit baker

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1173e7 No.20868443

this place is still a useless shit hole i see.

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502bf3 No.20868444


This guy is a nutjob

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b02e6d No.20868445

File: cc481d21cb452ed⋯.png (226.82 KB,579x463,579:463,BAF9D502_5A61_4F87_953E_27….png)


Baker can’t ban,delete etc

Try and keep up

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07bdd8 No.20868446



archived offline

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a8e052 No.20868447

File: 90da22c52ece567⋯.jpg (20.78 KB,269x373,269:373,wat.jpg)

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b948e2 No.20868448


>Kevin Spacey,

this one alone should tell you absolutely everything you need to know and moar

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ab04cb No.20868449


…Baker doesn't have admin/BV/BO capability. Filter, global it and move on. Someone will come around, eventually.

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fb4e29 No.20868450

File: 6e7c11c562e76f0⋯.png (1.53 MB,1062x751,1062:751,DisneyRabbit.PNG)

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b02e6d No.20868451

File: e28ded549d73c24⋯.gif (3.4 MB,1095x707,1095:707,F8EF1C03_CB49_4D33_B073_22….gif)

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36455e No.20868452

put some HONEY +5 or greater UMF in the HOLE of the STAFF infection cover it and keep re-dressing it.

Got rid of terrible Belt cut that stayed in belt line for fuckin 15 years, used honey got rid of it in month.

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736179 No.20868453

File: 51f675420cf8cad⋯.jpg (179.57 KB,720x1190,72:119,20240514_225405.jpg)

File: 9309f03ada2e802⋯.mp4 (948.17 KB,480x848,30:53,Hodgetwins_20240514_6_new.mp4)


Biden supporter spotted at local gas station 🤣

This damn video is all over the Internet, Enjoy Anons

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9a1921 No.20868454

File: 7267fb481b3fe2c⋯.jpeg (41.61 KB,474x316,3:2,IMG_0594.jpeg)

File: d2d79aa1f346cd4⋯.jpeg (151.14 KB,500x500,1:1,IMG_0592.jpeg)

File: 7b6cb4e2a40f94f⋯.jpeg (66.45 KB,474x535,474:535,IMG_0591.jpeg)

File: 128312a1999b6cb⋯.jpeg (86.09 KB,474x632,3:4,IMG_0588.jpeg)

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1173e7 No.20868455


this must be staged. He acts so surprised that someone sees him, in broad daylight at a gas station.

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9a1921 No.20868456

File: 645c3160e8e69a4⋯.jpeg (52.13 KB,425x330,85:66,IMG_0593.jpeg)

File: f317ef593b66689⋯.jpeg (451.12 KB,1125x1371,375:457,IMG_0590.jpeg)

File: 069e03f8f371a2c⋯.png (1.86 MB,896x892,224:223,IMG_0586.png)

File: d58ae6d8f90f805⋯.jpeg (221.95 KB,1000x1239,1000:1239,IMG_0589.jpeg)

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b3acdb No.20868457

Patriots you are the light of this board.

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66765b No.20868458

File: 381f5d84a28d677⋯.jpg (294.29 KB,2046x900,341:150,NightShiftSR71.JPG)

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b2b180 No.20868459

File: 848548711d5fddb⋯.png (763.12 KB,535x784,535:784,ClipboardImage.png)

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736179 No.20868460

File: ce3423d8495c55b⋯.jpg (716.64 KB,2284x3072,571:768,20240514_225823.jpg)

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36455e No.20868461

File: 0a592f2cf4baef2⋯.png (383.82 KB,1273x373,1273:373,ClipboardImage.png)

look I'm not the only one using HONEY to fix wounds..

note: You don't buy the cheap/fake corn syrup honey.

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b948e2 No.20868462


>Baker doesn't have admin/BV/BO capability. Filter, global it and move on. Someone will come around, eventually.

i have had great success by dropping a complaint or two in meta from time to time. ymmv but as a rule of thumb, it just works quicker

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f7a667 No.20868463

File: 6ccd762ed4ad12c⋯.png (1.16 MB,680x680,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Hoodlum 🇺🇸


King Charles official portrait. Apparently he’s in hell.


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494c81 No.20868464

File: 0a7ad086124cae2⋯.jpeg (63.29 KB,900x562,450:281,IMG_1753.jpeg)

File: d09d99e7695668c⋯.jpeg (216.42 KB,999x562,999:562,IMG_1752.jpeg)

T-6 Instructor Pilot Dies After Ejection Seat Goes Off on the GroundWeird

May 14, 2024 | By David Roza

An Air Force instructor pilot died early in the morning on May 14 from injuries sustained when the pilot’s T-6A Texan II training plane ejection seat activated during ground operations the day before, the 82nd Training Wing at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, announced in a press release.

“An investigation into the cause of the incident is underway,” the wing wrote, adding that the pilot’s name is being withheld for 24 hours to notify his or her next of kin.

The 82nd is the host unit at Sheppard, but the pilot was assigned to the 80th Flying Training Wing, the unit which runs the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training (ENJJPT) Program, a multinational school where students and instructors from across NATO learn and teach the basics of flying.

The wing flies the T-6, a two-seat propeller plane often used for basic aviation lessons in undergraduate pilot training, and the T-38, a two-seat jet typically used to teach future fighter and bomber pilots. Two years ago, 76 T-6s and 203 T-38s were grounded due to concerns about potentially faulty ejection seat parts. The grounding affected 40 percent of the T-38 fleet and 15 percent of the T-6 fleet.

At the time, Air Force Materiel Command said the explosive cartridges used in the ejection seats may suffer from “quality defects.” Each seat has multiple and redundant explosive cartridges. Two months after the stand-down, the Air Force had found no faulty cartridges on any of the T-6s, Breaking Defense reported at the time.

“Our primary concern is the safety of our Airmen and it is imperative that they have confidence in our equipment,” Maj. Gen. Craig Wills, then-head of the 19th Air Force, said at the time.

The average age of the T-6 fleet is 17 years old, according to 2023 data. While spry compared to the T-38’s average age of about 56 years, senior Air Force leaders say the age of trainer aircraft is slowing down pilot production.

“From the time they [student pilots] are commissioned—because of the challenges we’re having with T-6 and T-38—we have a little bit of a backup. It can be as many as four years,” then-Vice Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin toldthe House Armed Services Committee in 2023. “So almost an 18 month- to 24 month-wait just to get into pilot training.”

A T-6 made an emergency “belly flop” landing at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, on April 3 after its pilot declared an in-flight emergency. No one was injured in the incident.


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c626bb No.20868465

File: f01349f1e26fa2b⋯.jpeg (439.84 KB,1823x1080,1823:1080,phonto.jpeg)

File: 9a2acd9be05aebc⋯.jpeg (498.02 KB,2099x1080,2099:1080,phonto.jpeg)

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2219ae No.20868466

Titor's predictions

Most of what Titor has said of events between 2000 and 2036 centre on a third World War followed by two decades of ongoing recuperation. According to Titor, the period of conflict begins at the time of the American Presidential elections of 2004/5 when the seeds for a second American civil war are germinated. The nature of the conflict is described as civil unrest brought on by intrusive police-state tactics, which leads to an increasing number of Waco or Ruby Ridge-type events, peaking at approximately one per week. Eventually urban and rural areas are openly pitched against each other. Titor claimed that at the age of thirteen he had joined a shotgun militia to fight on the side of the rural army. By 2008 it is popularly realised the pre-civil war conditions that existed within America are lost for good.

By 2015 the civil war is effectively ended when Russia begins a series of nuclear strikes on most major American cities therefore eliminating the federal government. Most major urban areas worldwide are also badly affected through a tit-for-tat series of nuclear strikes, with a death count of approximately three billion people. The areas worst affected are Europe, Africa and Australia.

By 2036 the world has changed considerably. America is now made up of five states with Nebraska as the capital and consists of decentralised, tightly-knit rural communities. There is a greater emphasis on religion, personal interaction (as opposed to mass media), as well as self-sufficiency with people expected to work for part of the day in the fields to produce food. Water is still contaminated with radioactivity and needs to be filtered. In spite of the war and the efforts to construct this new society from the remains of the old, technology does not seem to be too badly affected. Titor mentioned a system of rapid rail travel between cities, space travel, genetic engineering and of course time travel.

Besides the American civil conflict and a third World War Titor made a number of other significant predictions:

America will wage war on Iraq, claiming Iraq has nuclear weapons. Titor made this statement years before a war with Iraq was considered. He also claimed no weapons of mass destruction would be found.

War will erupt between Israel and its Arab neighbours, and weapons of mass destruction will be used.

Korea, Taiwan and Japan will be annexed by China as the West becomes unstable.

In the early 2000's CERN will lay the foundations for time travel. In the autumn of 2001 after Titor had left, CERN released a statement indicating the creation of mini black holes was possible.

Mad cow disease will be a health issue in America but it will be under-played.

Genetically modified food will be used to produce hybrid seeds that will have detrimental effects on the population's health.

Titor made a number of statements about constitutional and civil rights in America. He also said the American government will assume its citizens will prefer security over certain personal freedoms.


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736179 No.20868467

File: 1364604d68818e1⋯.jpeg (20.15 KB,255x253,255:253,1364604d68818e1a8cab91a96….jpeg)

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5fd8d8 No.20868468

File: 746dc2c38a71d72⋯.mp4 (9.2 MB,1152x1080,16:15,InShot_20240514_224919915_….mp4)

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72be5b No.20868469

File: 8c4b7b3cca328e8⋯.png (371.85 KB,630x561,210:187,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f8b188a0dd1202⋯.jpg (26.5 KB,444x444,1:1,71148963_10214557720040070….jpg)

GITMO Update

Carol Rosenberg



Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay: Judge McCall, in the 9/11 case, just halted the hearing for the rest of today following a complaint by the KSM team that members of the Washington Headquarters Services entered their privileged offices without a defense escort.

May 14, 2024 · 5:57 PM UTC


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1173e7 No.20868470


yet further evidence that we're living in a state of cultural decay induced by the jew.

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9a1921 No.20868471

File: ee483d11233bc2a⋯.png (630.54 KB,960x540,16:9,IMG_0595.png)

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f7a667 No.20868472






“He’s wearing red”

“What should I paint the background?”

“How about red?”


Hoodlum 🇺🇸





кєηт_ωιℓℓιαмѕ 🇮🇪📷🇸🇪




Charlie’s not here anymore Ms. Parker Bowles.

cue the white horse …


or should i say Q

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947652 No.20868473

File: 298b8beb34a0a92⋯.jpg (563.81 KB,2048x1444,512:361,WatergateX1000.JPG)

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72be5b No.20868474

File: 57410bf04b43fe8⋯.png (48.15 KB,630x300,21:10,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a94a0f38bf9a3b⋯.png (6.32 KB,1118x166,559:83,media_GNjquAkWYAAmoVn.png)



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502bf3 No.20868475

File: c8f9f41976c8c07⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,960x1573,960:1573,IMG_4296.jpeg)

File: c2c477556e3c62e⋯.jpeg (340.79 KB,960x1376,30:43,IMG_4297.jpeg)

File: 9456e817c1a0fda⋯.jpeg (1.05 MB,960x1528,120:191,IMG_4299.jpeg)

File: 61a1724c00213a9⋯.jpeg (698.29 KB,960x1600,3:5,IMG_4298.jpeg)

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9a1921 No.20868476

File: 9a8aa26499c7ea1⋯.jpeg (39.13 KB,236x290,118:145,IMG_0597.jpeg)

File: fe9afbaa47db92f⋯.jpeg (217.91 KB,1440x1080,4:3,IMG_0596.jpeg)

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d1953c No.20868477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Byington Sims Tesla "Zapper"

>starting at 2 min you can see the Tesla Zapper in operation

Alt Propulsion

16.8K subscribers

524 views Aug 22, 2012

https://www.altpropulsion.com - Inventor Byington Sims demonstrates a tesla "zapper" for Gary Voss at TeslaTech 2005. Sims claims an array of health benefits since he started using the homebuilt device.


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ab04cb No.20868478

File: 5ca7436353d1a08⋯.png (35.35 KB,760x311,760:311,Definition_of_PAREIDOLIA.png)

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07bdd8 No.20868479


why waste all that energy play acting ritualized mock sex?

why not just fuck?

if you see a guy dancing

you know one of two things is true

A: he's trying to get laid

B: he's a faggot

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36455e No.20868480

File: dc584a177356287⋯.jpg (54.79 KB,568x383,568:383,paris.jpg)





THE PROBLEM IS PUTTING commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi leninist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist zionist or identity fraud ON THE BALLOT AS A CHOICE

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7d1a39 No.20868481

File: 1afbc25d0300382⋯.png (5.85 KB,236x48,59:12,report.png)


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bf2d3c No.20868482

File: b2fcf80831da258⋯.png (171.06 KB,474x271,474:271,IMG_1532.png)

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ab04cb No.20868483

File: 08ab38986663845⋯.gif (3.91 MB,828x949,828:949,xflare_crop.gif)



#25595 >>20868250

>>20868293, >>20868362 Dough claim

>>20868291, >>20868321 Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says

>>20868296 Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

>>20868307 Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

>>20868336 Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

>>20868345 🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

>>20868410 China set to host Putin as economic ties grow under Western pressure

>>20868464 T-6 Instructor Pilot Dies After Ejection Seat Goes Off on the Ground (Weird)

>>20868469, >>20868474 GITMO Update: Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay: Judge McCall, in the 9/11 case, just halted the hearing for the rest of today following a complaint by the KSM team that members of the Washington Headquarters Services entered their privileged offices without a defense escort.


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07bdd8 No.20868484


spoiler that shit

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72be5b No.20868485

File: 8236e611d050d18⋯.gif (54.07 KB,220x168,55:42,i_want_the_truth_tom_cruis….gif)

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9c98d4 No.20868486

хлопающие губы в жопе заставляют мужчину свидаться с задницей, смотреть, как Роско берет с собой бойфренда Болдуина, чтобы трахать город Макангус schatz alles uber heimat Grosse Weider

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5c9857 No.20868487


Thank you red text Clown, you make this war worthwhile.

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7d1a39 No.20868488

File: 638a5b25f0b99da⋯.png (Spoiler Image,33.24 KB,326x192,163:96,spoiler.png)

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2e2df4 No.20868489




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5892fa No.20868490

what could go wrong when you knew I am most likely to post at 7:07?

maybe God himself not apologizing you ging against me anymore and for 5 days in a row confirming that talk can only be possible if you [ ] all organizers here and now.

do not dare to ask questions.

holy temple is now closed and needs comfyness for a year or two or maybe longer.

whatever your tiny focus on reality is, no matter whom you´d like to help, I do a lot more and the main thing probably is me creating all that is.

please do not interfere.

please do not ever shout at heavens, those asking for me, for my stuff, maybe for my white God sign, or whatever else.

do not take my word in vain.

heavens, I did post for 10 hours while having pain in my back, not on this board though, which I likely will not do in the future.

I love you very much and did let heavens know to go help everyone, as my stuff is more chairman like.

again, have organizers [ ] who forgot to tell I do not take cold showers any longer and who try to frame torture talk. do it in the next few minutes.

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502bf3 No.20868491

File: 62554e63a1d8303⋯.jpeg (722.99 KB,960x1301,960:1301,IMG_4300.jpeg)

File: 25856ad846a4f52⋯.png (224.71 KB,960x2079,320:693,IMG_4301.png)

File: 681807da356fd74⋯.jpeg (380.06 KB,960x818,480:409,IMG_4302.jpeg)


I was after mystique rather than power’: artist Jonathan Yeo on his radical portrait of King Charles

the butterfly entering stage right (the King’s idea) can work on multiple levels. It’s called a monarch – emotive also given its rarity and endangered status


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736179 No.20868492

File: 0279dedaa7ba65f⋯.jpg (172.28 KB,1115x1291,1115:1291,20240514_231012.jpg)


What kind of big tech faggotry is this?

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494c81 No.20868493

File: ff33f717fcc5714⋯.jpeg (367.24 KB,1242x2138,621:1069,IMG_1756.jpeg)

File: 04f7268eb9d24b4⋯.jpeg (179.28 KB,1241x855,1241:855,IMG_1755.jpeg)

In exclusive interview, disgraced archneocon Victoria Nuland carefully refuses to hope that Ukraine can win the war…. 1/2

May 13, 2024 (a day

Joe Biden isn’t great at much, except raising troubled kids and lining his pockets on the American people’s dime. Let’s just say that nobody’s going to accuse him of being a brilliant thinker or a skilled foreign policy leader. Biden very much seems to be a puppet of the leftover Obama regime, with key figures from those failed days still leaving their ghastly marks today in a twisted and chaotic foreign policy that has left America in the dust once again. One of the former stars of this failed approach was none other than the hulking war lover, Victoria Nuland, who helped stir up all of the antagonism between Russia and Ukraine during Obama’s second term. Nuland’s stint in government actually goes all the way back to the Clinton regime, but her real claim to fame is as an arch-neocon Iraq War enthusiast under Dick Cheney and later an Afghanistan War booster as US Ambassador to NATO during Bush’s second term. Her husband, Robert Kagan, was the co-founder of the neoconservative Project for the New American Century back in 1998. That organization famously dreamed up the Iraq War and planted the seeds for said war during President Bush’s first term.

Nuland recently tucked tail and slithered out of the US State Department as Biden’s foreign policy went up in flames, but don’t think she harbors any shame over her 30-year stint of pushing failed war policy in DC.

Instead of cringing in shameand living her life out at an honest job, perhaps scrubbing toilets at an old folks home, Nuland recently sat down with Politico to answer some burning questions—those that caught our attention centered around Ukraine.

What we found particularly interesting was that, amid all the political gobbledygook and fast-talking, Nuland refused to say that Ukraine can win the war with Russia.

Pretty telling stuff, eh?

The first relevant question from Politico went like this:

Can Ukraine win this war against Russia? And how do you define winning?

Here was Victoria’s cleverly crafted refusal to declare “victory” for Ukraine.


Let’s start with the fact that Putin has already failed in his objective. He wanted to flatten Ukraine. He wanted to ensure that they had no sovereignty, independence, agency, no democratic future — because a democratic Ukraine, a European Ukraine, is a threat to his model for Russia, among other things, and because it’s the first building block for his larger territorial ambitions.

Can Ukraine succeed? Absolutely. Can Ukraine come out of this more sovereign, more economically independent, stronger, more European than it is now? Absolutely. And I think it will. But we’ve got to stay with it. We’ve got to make sure our allies stay with it.

And we have to accelerate a lot of the initiatives that were in the supplemental, like helping Ukraine build that highly deterrent military force of the future, like deploying these longer-range weapons to strategic effect, like ensuring that the critical infrastructure and the energy sector are protected, like building up our own defense industrial base and that of our allies and Ukraine’s again, so that we and Ukraine are building faster than Russia and China.

When asked if Ukraine could reclaim territory, Nuland whipped out her smoke and mirrors and got back to work. The Politico piece continues:

It can definitely get to a place where it’s strong enough, I believe, and where Putin is stymied enough to go to the negotiating table from a position of strength. It’ll be up to the Ukrainian people what their territorial ambitions should be. But there are certain things that are existential.

Any deal that they cut in their interest and in the larger global interest has to be a deal that Putin is compelled to stick to. We can’t be doing this every six months, every three years. It has to actually lead to a deal that includes Russian withdrawal.


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2219ae No.20868494

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fa823c No.20868495


Deep State fuckery

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36455e No.20868496



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ab04cb No.20868497


…Shut it Father Imam Kabnob

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5892fa No.20868498


[ ] all organizers in the next few minutes. ony here and now. all versions.

every one of your posts is a ridicule. do not post.

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9a1921 No.20868499

File: 1d7340a9891f2c7⋯.jpeg (234.41 KB,1089x1152,121:128,IMG_0599.jpeg)

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e9e446 No.20868500

File: ec90e6efcd673d8⋯.jpg (56.76 KB,640x480,4:3,DefenseIsMoral.JPG)


Oy Veh! You got me good!

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72be5b No.20868501

File: 1c4d5b13b4ec550⋯.png (381.1 KB,632x583,632:583,ClipboardImage.png)

Adam Schiff



The guy on trial for hiding hush money payments to a porn star, awaiting trial for hiding classified documents, and awaiting trial for inciting an attack on the Capitol… says we should have our heads examined if we don’t support him.

Who needs the help of a professional, again?

Biden-Harris HQ



Trump once again attacks Jewish people who vote against him: “You oughta have your head examined”

May 14, 2024 · 11:24 PM UTC




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494c81 No.20868503

File: 04f7268eb9d24b4⋯.jpeg (179.28 KB,1241x855,1241:855,IMG_1755.jpeg)

File: 24aecd1326e2062⋯.jpeg (260.86 KB,1241x1155,1241:1155,IMG_1757.jpeg)



Putin is a master at what we call rope-a-dope negotiating, where he never actually cuts the deal. It has to be a deal that ensures that whatever is decided on Crimea, it can’t be remilitarized such that it’s a dagger at the heart of the center of Ukraine.

So much for the reconquest of Crimea and forcing a broken Putin beg Zelensky not to march on Moscow, eh?

When she was asked if it was a mistake not to push the Ukrainians harder to go for some sort of negotiated end to the war in 2022, especially the fall of 2022, Nuland once again tiptoed on a tightrope like a pro. The Politico piece continues:

They were not in a strong enough position then. They’re not in a strong enough position now. The only deal Putin would have cut then, the only deal that he would cut today, at least before he sees what happens in our election, is a deal in which he says, “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is negotiable.” And that’s not sustainable.

Victoria knows Ukraine is toast, but she can’t say that out loud.

Nuland has always been a shadowy, key player in the Deep State. She typically knows far more than she reveals, but occasionally, she slips up—like she did not too long ago under Senate questioning by Marco Rubio.

Revolver hasn’t been shy about calling out Nuland; in fact, we’ve been intensely focused on her, unveiling some of her darkest secrets and maneuvers. Interestingly, right after Victoria slithered away, Revolver’s own Darren Beattie guided readers through a fascinating deep dive. He explained the intricate relationship between Zelensky and Nuland and what was really happening when she decided to jump ship.


Biden’s slavish and bungling approach to arming Ukraine still wasn’t enough for Nuland, who consistently lobbied for more and more weapons, including anti-tank missiles. The esteemed Mrs. Nuland was no stranger to Ukraine politics and had amassed one of the most decorated Deep State resumes when it comes to influencing and outright meddling in the affairs of Ukraine and other Eastern European nations.

Nuland’s regime change tool of choice was, of course, the color revolution model, which involves a combination of lawfare, media censorship, leveraging Soros-controlled NGOs, and mass mobilization and street action efforts. In fact, Nuland enjoyed an honorable mention in Revolver News’ now classic color revolution series, advancing the argument that several key players in the plot against Trump were also part of the “Atlanticist” faction of the deep state that has traditionally relied on color revolution operations for regime change overseas.

Nuland has always been vigorously anti-Trump, an unsurprising position given Nuland’s commitment to US intervention overseas. Indeed, Nuland belongs right alongside Norm Eisen as a poster child for Revolver’s thesis that some of Trump’s most effective detractors were color revolution operatives with Eastern Europe diplomatic portfolios who aimed to target Trump in much the same way they would target an ostensibly “authoritarian” Eastern European leader for removal.

Nuland is not only a poster child for the Deep State’s Color Revolution faction; she in many ways instantiates the very notion of a deep state itself—that is, the notion of a powerful bureaucratic class that operates on a trans-partisan basis on behalf of entrenched special interests of the ruling class. She has worked for Hillary Clinton and George Bush alike and just happens to be married to Robert Kagan, one of the key architects of George Bush’s tragically disastrous Iraq War. Talk about bedfellows!

We encourage you to read this deep diveinto Nuland and her ouster—it will offer you a whole new understanding of what’s really happening, not only with Ukraine but also how the Biden regime operates with operatives like Nuland at the helm.

The bottom line is this: no, Ukraine never stood a chance. Most experts now begrudgingly agree that Russia is winning the war, no matter how many billions we’ve thrown into the mix. The US funding this farce is just prolonging the inevitable. Ukraine’s loss isn’t Victoria’s secret anymore—pretty much everyone knows it’s coming.


Bitch killed 500,000 to 1 million Ukrainians. Lake of Sacred Fire and the Second and Final Death Coming

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b669b8 No.20868504


That’s lovely.

Where did ya find it?

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502bf3 No.20868505

File: 4b63ba01a9de893⋯.jpeg (676.73 KB,960x1421,960:1421,IMG_4306.jpeg)


Artist Jonathan Yeo: I made a collage of George W Bush out of porn mags – and the White House found out


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df4a9b No.20868506

File: e1d0763a08ebf45⋯.png (1.47 MB,1200x1200,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a667 No.20868507


well so are we tho …

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b948e2 No.20868508

File: 1c15600a35c7a20⋯.png (22.14 KB,135x210,9:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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abd27a No.20868509

File: 75c9e2e24f7d270⋯.png (354.69 KB,1440x1800,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

That's a creepy painting

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36455e No.20868510

Why doesn't the GOP make a law so the UN who is helping the IOM invade America can't later make UN people into cops.

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8475b2 No.20868511

File: 5cabda97aa693c7⋯.jpeg (299.42 KB,1600x1067,1600:1067,IMG_5824.jpeg)

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da8577 No.20868512

File: e308a4c2c4d6a4b⋯.png (276.47 KB,957x1064,957:1064,fani_willis_election_2.png)

File: 610130fd9380121⋯.png (206.58 KB,668x1026,334:513,fani_willis_election.png)

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f7a667 No.20868513


literally an x flare

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b669b8 No.20868514



Same goals. You know this tho. Stop axing stupid things.

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b54b5c No.20868515

File: 59f5e85a17f8d7c⋯.png (56.49 KB,640x299,640:299,ClipboardImage.png)

The Symbol of the Russian Forces Is the "Rune of Gungnir" or the "Spear of Odin"

The new symbol of the Russian military forces "North" operating in Northeastern Ukraine has caused a great debate in Russia and in various circles internationally.

According to Norse mythology, it is a weapon that does not miss and is capable of hitting any target.

This symbol has great historical significance for Russians.

Historically, the Varangian warriors of Svyatoslav (Ancient Russia) marked their weapons and armor with such runes and symbols when they went to war against the Khazarian Khaganate. (Khazar is present day Ukraine)

There is no longer any doubt that Russia knows who its real enemy is and is preparing for global conflict.

The Khazars (Ashkenazi) are a White-Mongolian branch which in the past had a large state, and where during the 8th century AD converted to Judaism en masse.

The former state of the Khazars was overthrown by the Russians, who for this reason consider them eternal enemies.

Today, the Khazars essentially do not have their own state as a national cradle. That is why they have as their homeland….capital, with a political ideology [of] international capitalism.

They play a leading role in many Western countries that are currently at war with Russia.

Sauce: https://warnews247-gr.translate.goog/diethnh/rwsia/h-rwsia-khrukse-ton-polemo-ston-aiwnio-pagkosmio-exthro-ths-to-doru-tou-odin-twn-maxhtwn-tou-sbiatoslab-sumbolo-taktikhs-anagnwrishs-twn-rwsikwn-ed/?_x_tr_sl=el&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en

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bf2d3c No.20868516

File: 56fd7cbf197033c⋯.png (259.69 KB,445x457,445:457,IMG_2310.png)

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da8577 No.20868517



(video 5PM)

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9a1921 No.20868518

File: 985bb07933c76ca⋯.jpeg (268.41 KB,1062x1280,531:640,IMG_0606.jpeg)

File: 64f2a598d1f09ca⋯.jpeg (212.47 KB,1000x997,1000:997,IMG_0605.jpeg)

File: 1e1f5330c321d1a⋯.jpeg (192.47 KB,721x1280,721:1280,IMG_0604.jpeg)

File: 22f28e75b9cc70d⋯.jpeg (105.49 KB,736x1030,368:515,IMG_0603.jpeg)

File: 00a5c18ff1f5b0f⋯.jpeg (47.95 KB,428x640,107:160,IMG_0602.jpeg)

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ab04cb No.20868519


…The next event, anon will have to remember to something something involving playing a video game console, through the RF.

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b669b8 No.20868520


An X-Flare just flew over my house!

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b3f654 No.20868521

File: 56a52fec00fd6ad⋯.png (976.76 KB,1081x1082,1081:1082,56a52fec00fd6adf218fab93ed….png)

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b2b180 No.20868522

File: d89a0b782328e30⋯.png (49.79 KB,149x255,149:255,ClipboardImage.png)


Who is this guy behind him?

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b54b5c No.20868523

File: 7832280cc3ac240⋯.png (99.89 KB,1170x813,390:271,ClipboardImage.png)


The Khazar Khaganate

c. 650 - 969 CE

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da8577 No.20868524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>diddy drake akademics; the exposure continues..


DJ Akedemics Just Made His LAWSUIT 10x Worse|I Can’t BELIEVE He Admitted THIS On Live Stream|Drake

Tisa Tells

415K subscribers


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44cc09 No.20868525

хлопающие губы в жопе заставляют мужчину свидаться с задницей, смотреть, как Роско берет с собой бойфренда Болдуина, чтобы трахать город Макангус schatz alles uber heimat Grosse Weider

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36455e No.20868526


MAGA Lawsuite fuck the GOP and DNC

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9a1921 No.20868527

File: f9aa72ce7eb651a⋯.jpeg (316.32 KB,1088x1676,272:419,IMG_0607.jpeg)

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36455e No.20868528

File: d9b93846b4834c0⋯.jpeg (102.17 KB,480x640,3:4,f5b954e101514e20.jpeg)

MAGA has no fucking CLUE the United Nations plans to replace the police during insurrection they plan to create.

It's not systemic racism


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72be5b No.20868529

File: 2cba6a755bfe2e2⋯.png (26.84 KB,639x231,213:77,ClipboardImage.png)

File: aae4f83c162df88⋯.jpg (37.06 KB,381x578,381:578,media_GNl7bstWAAEeTXO.jpg)


Jack Poso 🇺🇸



Blinken 182

Mystery Grove Movie List Co.



U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken performs“Rocking to the Free World” in a bar in Kyiv. // video by @cspan

May 15, 2024 · 4:16 AM UTC


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c31296 No.20868530

File: 6a83765aa274ae8⋯.png (2.47 MB,941x1125,941:1125,ClipboardImage.png)

File: bdfed5a65d7bde9⋯.png (582.56 KB,444x778,222:389,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cc682f221fdbb51⋯.png (608.85 KB,700x416,175:104,ClipboardImage.png)


is that Kevin Rudd om the far right… Ex Aussie Prime Minister who took about $650K offa Epstein ?!

Are all these guys part of 'the family' ??

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36455e No.20868531

Poso remembers Blinken for Music

Anon remember Blinken for Theft, Gas Lighting, Genocide.

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f7a667 No.20868532

File: 10a0bc41c52baae⋯.png (53.88 KB,400x267,400:267,ClipboardImage.png)


IBM, or hal

wish i cold read the monitor

then brings to miind the carters with the bidens, harvard in red, lavalamp,

"Ceterum (autem) censeo Carthaginem esse delendam ("Furthermore, I consider that Carthage must be destroyed"), often abbreviated to Carthago delenda est or delenda est Carthago ("Carthage must be destroyed"), is a Latin oratorical phrase pronounced by Cato the Elder, a politician of the Roman Republic. The phrase originates from debates held in the Roman Senate prior to the Third Punic War (149–146 BC) between Rome and Carthage. Cato is said to have used the phrase as the conclusion to all his speeches, to push for the war."

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84b069 No.20868533

File: c189d0eba0653f6⋯.png (8.19 KB,208x243,208:243,c189d0eba0653f6f773518725b….png)

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f7a667 No.20868534


looks like charles has blood on his hands

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b54b5c No.20868535

File: 7db7a1d856d03c7⋯.png (40.13 KB,474x474,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Victoria fuck-the-EU cookie doling Nuland's husband is Robert Kagan.

The Ashkenazi's converted to Judaism when they were in Khazar, and the Kings of Khazar were called Khagan. so Nuland's fat husband Robert Kagan may have high level bloodline ties within the System.

Could be reason why she was put in a powerful State Dept position which directs our ZOG military to send our money to the Cabal ZOG owned Ukraine.

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f7a667 No.20868536


what did the butterfly mean in silence of the lambs?

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b54b5c No.20868538

File: 687c4d4c08b3ce5⋯.png (38.47 KB,474x316,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


I remember reading an article years ago in which Zucker berg's wife Priscella Chan said that Zuckerberg was "obsessed with a Roman Emperor".

Anon forgets which Roman Emperor, but it sure explains his Nero like haircut.

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f7a667 No.20868539

File: 56d7c6999ea0057⋯.png (948.63 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

i though jody foster had blue eyes …

i guess was a moth not a butterfly …

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f7a667 No.20868540


him and elon

cage fight in the colloseum

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c31296 No.20868541


Deaths Head Moth

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494c81 No.20868542

File: 1e1c1151de8e34d⋯.jpeg (404.06 KB,1093x1902,1093:1902,IMG_1758.jpeg)

Julie Kelly

The DOJ not following federal law"existing DOJ practice is inconsistent with the intent of the federal statute"is so on brand for this lawless DOJ.

Say what you want about Michael Horowitz–he remains the most honest official at the DOJ.

"The Department’s existing appeals policy for employees whose security clearances have been suspended, revoked, or denied, DOJ Instruction 1700.00.01 (March 2018), while providing for an OIG appeal in alleged cases where a security clearance has been revoked or denied, does not include an OIG appeal process for employees whose security clearance has been suspended for more than 1 year and who allege retaliation."

This section of Horowitz's report relates to Marcus Allen, FBI agent accused of holding "conspiratorial" views about Jan 6 because he dared to question the official narrative.

“The OlG identified these concerns in connection with our work assessing retaliation complaints from DOJ employees whose security clearances had been suspended and who had been placed on leave without pay. For example, in one matter, the OIG initiated a reprisal investigation, consistent with Section 3341, after the employee had been suspended without pay for over 1 year, notwithstanding the absence of a suspension appeal policy in DOJ Order 1700.00.01 for employees claiming retaliation. In that case, the employee was suspended without pay for approximately 15 months before the FBI issued a decision revoking his security clearance and it then took another 4 months for the FBI to provide the employee with the information that the FBI used to support its revocation decision. As provided for in the Department's appeal process, the employee filed a request for reconsideration of the revocation decision, which remains pending with the FBI. The employee has been suspended without pay for more than 2 years. Had the OlG not decided to move forward with its reprisal investigation as provided for in Section 3341 and SEAD 9, the employee would still not have had the right to file a retaliation complaint with the OlG under the terms of

DOJ Instruction 1700.00.01 because the revocation decision is not yet final.”

Same DOJ thugs who held a presser yesterday warning about the use of federal law enforcement power against individuals accused of making "threats" against election workers using their power toretaliate against those who won't genuflect before Lisa Monaco.


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b54b5c No.20868543

File: 9c7d66bec38d637⋯.png (31.46 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Meanwhile in America, the latest reality show out of Hollywood is Drag Heals.

Watch a bunch of trans guys learn how to be a Drag Queen.

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494c81 No.20868544

Good Night Night Shift Anons! You are Loved by God and Anons!

Peace and Victory Be With Us!

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f7a667 No.20868545


i like kevin spacey, but Frankly, i heard he is the devil

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c63492 No.20868546

File: dc7fe012a889aea⋯.jpeg (75.77 KB,888x499,888:499,IMG_3580.jpeg)

Top hat edition

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5892fa No.20868547

no acting. no movie. no boat. no cooking.

not caring for symbolism and doing normal politics.

not knowing God in the flesh.

having all organizers here and now [ ] and that not having seen by many and me not ever being reminded.

I do love you. but what you knights do is treason against God and the heavens.

I kindly ask you to stop or I will unknight worlds.

God. the one God there is. creator of all that is.

do you really think you should try to torture me to a place to be nailed down of your choosing?

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95cb96 No.20868548

File: 58b98b1420eb3a0⋯.png (1.11 MB,897x900,299:300,LightSupremacy.png)

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72be5b No.20868549

File: 0b44ea352fa55aa⋯.png (638.82 KB,854x1536,427:768,Screenshot_2024_05_15_at_0….png)

Jack Straw



A storm is brewing before your eyes as the Military Alliance meticulously constructs a case, laying bare the intricate infrastructure of the World Cabal Deep State.

At the center of this unfolding saga lies J. Epstein, poised to reveal secrets (he is alive in GITMO) that will shake the very foundations of power. With whistleblowers emerging from the CIA, Pentagon, and Military Intelligence, the veil is being lifted on the sinister forces controlling Hollywood, the music industry, and all branches of the U.S. government.

But the storm's reach extends far beyond American borders; it threatens to expose the corruption entrenched within the European Union, UN, DAVOS, the Rothschilds, the Vatican, and even Israel—a global tempest of unprecedented proportions. As the pieces fall into place, the truth begins to emerge: Epstein's connections run deep, and the White Hats, through cryptic messages, are urging us to see the bigger picture. It's becoming clear that the military holds the key to unraveling this web of deceit. Brace yourself, for the storm is coming, and it will change everything.

May 14, 2024 · 10:29 AM UTC


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a502d3 No.20868550

File: d7937cc4dded333⋯.png (38.06 KB,220x256,55:64,Arms_of_the_house_of_Malat….png)

File: 1c1c43db1adaa4e⋯.jpg (3.03 KB,110x144,55:72,images_189_.jpg)

File: 3e1c6d4f098d99b⋯.jpg (7.66 KB,194x260,97:130,Z_33_.jpg)

Motto: "The Indian elephant isn't afraid of mosquitos"

(Latin: Elephas indus culices non timet)[1]

Boston Brahmin - Wikipedia

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Boston_Brahmin

The Boston Brahmins or Boston elite are members of Boston's traditional upper class. They are often associated with a cultivated New England or Mid-Atlantic …

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d1953c No.20868551


she has a big head for a woman. wonder how long her ring finger is.

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502bf3 No.20868552

File: 0e79844a0ca9e21⋯.jpeg (574.71 KB,960x1288,120:161,IMG_4308.jpeg)


Zuckerberg has man crush on Emperor Augustus

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f7a667 No.20868553

File: 1f29b82b87e6910⋯.png (1.36 MB,730x913,730:913,ClipboardImage.png)


Queen Elizabeth Banned Garlic from Buckingham Palace

Elizabeth Licata

Updated May 24, 2019


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69dd21 No.20868554

Any thoughts on whether or not the jury will convict Trump in NY?

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f2f921 No.20868555

File: ceb08af0b0412d2⋯.jpg (10.07 KB,225x225,1:1,9k_39_.jpg)

File: 4893784c8fb8d7b⋯.jpg (10 KB,300x168,25:14,Z_34_.jpg)

File: d7b2b87c1305958⋯.jpg (13.74 KB,290x174,5:3,images_190_.jpg)

File: ce47548bad85594⋯.jpg (17.14 KB,262x192,131:96,Z_35_.jpg)

File: b0d580efdba8c5e⋯.jpg (14.87 KB,275x183,275:183,images_191_.jpg)


Donald Trump and Mike Pence's Secret Service …

www.cnn.com › 2016/07/27 › politics

Jul 27, 2016 · The Secret Service has new code names for GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mike Pence: Mogul and Hoosier.

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4837d0 No.20868556


Vampires no likey.

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5892fa No.20868557

do you want me to type words that will lead to a world being gone bc I will live amongst you for some years?

I want you cunts to shut the fuck up and not do anything at all.

[ ] all organizers here and now.

templehof. wait and lurk. I love you very much and would like to not be manipulated into shouting at you.

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b02e6d No.20868558

File: 9c6834bf6326277⋯.jpeg (471.16 KB,1193x625,1193:625,CD982E4F_9275_481C_8781_9….jpeg)

File: e92b318e5f06962⋯.jpeg (999.2 KB,1587x792,529:264,6D2F20D6_0C3A_4707_8C5F_5….jpeg)


Swedish AF SVF680 G550 AEW&C out from Malmen AB and it’s going to play the same role as the Italian AF G550 did as Blinken arrived

Look for that SAM flight w/Captain “No hands” Blinken-fugger haz 2 wars going on but let’s go to a bar and ‘hang out’-from Rzeszow very soon as this Swedish AC is the ‘cover’ for him departing and should eventually make it’s way south from the Baltic Sea

Still remain unconvinced the majority of these trips are real although they are letting enough time elapse so it’s believable however you know what is capable with green screens and deep fakes.

The past of these trips “to Kiev” has shown flat out lies and fuggery so why would they change that at this point.

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69dd21 No.20868559

File: a390c56486c50b7⋯.jpeg (36.37 KB,191x255,191:255,IMG_0826.jpeg)

File: a061152217425f0⋯.jpeg (937.85 KB,1170x1459,1170:1459,IMG_9415.jpeg)

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ab04cb No.20868560


…Not even the same color.

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36455e No.20868561

File: 6e647dbbdf53eab⋯.png (306.96 KB,674x770,337:385,ClipboardImage.png)


>Michael Horowitz

Michael Horowitz


I see em in one of the plum book. Is he SES?

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9e3e6d No.20868562

File: d3f7038ad948f19⋯.png (1.51 MB,2000x1122,1000:561,EpsteinAndrewOne.png)

File: d47fb27fbfdd34f⋯.png (4.62 MB,2000x3000,2:3,EpsteinKingsCrown.png)

>>20868482 Just Dig.

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f7a667 No.20868563


hmmm, his head been separated from his shoulders?

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f12153 No.20868564

File: 8e7a5814f9b1dfb⋯.png (244.78 KB,378x370,189:185,ClipboardImage.png)

I like lonley walks in the park at night talking with strangers and thier dogs…

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72be5b No.20868565

File: d59c83e3318ddfb⋯.png (88.31 KB,174x262,87:131,d59c83e3318ddfb03db9cfc969….png)

File: 476420a7c04b9c0⋯.jpg (147.73 KB,1161x1600,1161:1600,NAMABG_Caligula_1.jpg)

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f7a667 No.20868566

uk raine

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5892fa No.20868567


the heavens did suggest I might drink out of my green drink.

they offered me a nicely meant solution and even showed knowledge about my stuff.

I love you alot and amd happy to have talks with you soon when I watch random tv or listen to a song or whatever. hopefull this will soon be more organized.

you tried to comfort the heavens, while sort of offending me. God in the flesh, that is being tortured in this moment and ridiculed by your post. that is not heavens fault, but your. and will make sure heavens will not be mislead by you anymore.

[ ] all organizers here and now. do not talk about it, do not let me know. ensure me doing fine.

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f7a667 No.20868568

i think the sun is setting on the british empire

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5892fa No.20868569


me writing a wrong mail will never happen.

no ritual of any kind, knights will be held accountable.

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36455e No.20868570

File: b9e16c359bb1966⋯.png (628.97 KB,975x548,975:548,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf812bd2b5314f8⋯.png (376.27 KB,661x403,661:403,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6915ede956736d7⋯.png (750.16 KB,975x538,975:538,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 36aef0ec1c49d4d⋯.png (176.47 KB,553x732,553:732,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e3e6d No.20868571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20868562 Lets Create and Have Phun

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f7a667 No.20868572


deaad ringer

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36455e No.20868573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Gods Chosen Lunatics are Lunticking again

don't care if you call me anti-semisweet


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69dd21 No.20868574

File: bfbf58780343090⋯.jpeg (1.53 MB,1170x2391,390:797,IMG_9416.jpeg)

File: 87b90baf8235f0f⋯.jpeg (1.55 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9417.jpeg)

File: 6fa98d5112d0008⋯.png (334.22 KB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9418.png)

File: fe32efa9b5d9c64⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,1170x2532,195:422,IMG_9419.jpeg)



What Do You See in This Portrait of King Charles?

Portrait of Danielle Cohen

By Danielle Cohen, a writer for the Cut who covers pop-culture news

Art is subjective, but I am finding it hard to subject myself to this new portrait of King Charles, the first made since his coronation and one of the spookier paintings I have ever laid eyes on. The eight-foot-tall tableau, which was recently completed by artist Jonathan Yeo and unveiled at Buckingham Palace on Tuesday, shows Charles’s face amid a roiling sea of red paint, which the BBC has dubbed “vivid red” and the Daily Mail described as “fiery.” Great adjectives, but to me, this color is giving the distinct vibe of blood.

According to the BBC, Yeo painted Charles in the uniform of the Welsh Guards, a nod to his role as regimental colonel of that division of the British Army. Most of the Welsh Guards uniform is red, but in this portrait, everything except the king’s face looks as though it’s gotten a hefty dunk in some thick crimson plasma. Yeo told the BBC that the butterfly (also red) hovering near Charles’s right shoulder symbolizes “metamorphosis and rebirth” and his dedication to environmental causes “long before they became a mainstream conversation.” Hmm, could it also represent thousands of souls slaughtered by the British Empire, their wings beating fruitlessly against the chains of oppressio

Butterfly symbolism aside, this image generally does not exude the aura of calm and comfort one expects from a monarch who sells jam and sings to his plants. Instead, Charles’s face is like a disembodied specter of death floating between violent brushstrokes. Does this guy really think now is a good time to remind us of our associations between himself and blood? Alternatively, perhaps this is an imagined depiction of King Charles rotting in hell in real time.

But who am I, an American woman who minored in art history, to say what makes a good royal portrait? Let’s ask the only woman whose opinion really matters: Apparently, Queen Camilla paid Yeo a visit toward the end of his process and appraised the painting. Her verdict? “Yes, you’ve got him.”

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44ecb2 No.20868575

File: 14fa0a881692102⋯.jpeg (589.12 KB,1284x1209,428:403,IMG_4898.jpeg)

It now continues now they have a 78…

This again is what keeps being told to me they are the FBI… and they are grooming and human trafficking this woman.

They say they are above the law and no one can do anything to them because they are the master groomers of society.

I am actually a little worried and I really think people should track back the person that posted this and make sure they are not human trafficking people.

They are post pictures of people I have not seen for years and just passed by maybe even or barely know.

They keep saying they are the master of this world and will mk ultra human traffic me id it is the last thing they will do.

They want to try to force me to be in a relationship with African American gay men only.

They are trying to groom me to hat woman constantly with skits they are doing.

Note they say this is Santa but really satan…

So they want you to think of woman as evil and Satan.

They keep saying it is there turn and they will teach you to hate all white people and your self because they hate white people… they say it is only ok to be racist against white people and it is encouraged.

They say don’t worry they are the FBI and untouchable.

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69dd21 No.20868576


British Son/sun is blood red and going down

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5892fa No.20868577

[ ] all organizers here and now.

heavens will find me, templehof, relax and be comfy. you will get help even when not being led into the temple by an uncontrolled cunt.

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91b530 No.20868578


Porphyria. The sulfur content of garlic can cause a reaction in the afflicted.

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36455e No.20868579

Israeli Settlers Block, Destroy Gaza Aid Trucks


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f7a667 No.20868580

“Chop off the head and burn the body seems the most universal way of stopping a vampire. Bereft of a body, you don’t have a vampire anymore, since technically it’s a reanimated corpse."


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f12153 No.20868581

File: 431f5a5575ef382⋯.png (1.58 MB,952x780,238:195,ClipboardImage.png)


was weird seeing another person there at 12am tho walking a dog at the field.

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69dd21 No.20868582

File: ce53cd9a7289564⋯.jpeg (72.27 KB,335x389,335:389,IMG_9420.jpeg)


Looks like blood is dripping from his mouth

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b2b180 No.20868583

File: 9578451dcb3d59d⋯.png (1.14 MB,771x557,771:557,ClipboardImage.png)






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36455e No.20868584

File: 0a30615f3a2fc4c⋯.png (674.73 KB,1200x675,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a667 No.20868585


i heard this battle is old as thyme …

the vampyres against the werewolves

the wolves are romulus

rome, and the vampyres carthage???

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2e2df4 No.20868586




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cf1af1 No.20868587

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f12153 No.20868588


He tried but failed with the Rothschild they both became horses and ran around like LUNA Ticks.

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36455e No.20868589

File: d1e04fb3835159a⋯.png (1.49 MB,1407x799,1407:799,Screenshot_2024_05_12_01_2….png)

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f7a667 No.20868590


so the painting is truly the proof that this vammpyre head cut off and the body burned

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72be5b No.20868591

File: 1a9c12d101eaa1b⋯.png (346.5 KB,627x478,627:478,ClipboardImage.png)




🐯 Kuno and Ede, Sumatran tiger cubs born in a zoo in Berlin, were presented to public

May 15, 2024 · 2:15 AM UTC

Ede Kuno

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b54b5c No.20868592

File: 46c6a3a006089b2⋯.png (32.06 KB,474x355,474:355,ClipboardImage.png)


Elon Musk is very high up in the (Satanic) System, according to Jesse Czebotar who was trained for the tip top position of Queen Mother of Darkness.

She said that Elon Musk was in her inner training circle, and that she also witnessed him in the Hierarchy boys' 12 year old ritual which is when the Hierarchy boys are no longer considered children.

Held in that VanderBilt "pool" which she said is a boat cleaning space. The 12 year old ritual is in her words "a bloodbath."

Notice how these 4 have been paraded with the title of "Richest Man in the World" :

Bill Gates  - Crypto Jew . His mother was a Maxwell, related to Mossad Robert Maxwell, father of Ghislaine Maxwell.

Mark Zuckerberg - admitted in MSM that that's not his real last name, that he chose the name "Zucker   berg." Real father unknown.

Ben Fulford said that his MI6 and Mossad sources told him that Mark Zuckerberg is the grandson of David Rockefeller.

Jeff Bezos - from garage to global position. Mother is Jewish, bio father unknown. Known for Amazon, then suddenly it comes out that Amazon is one of the biggest Cloud computing services, and Bezos' Amazon Cloud has US Gov't contract where all the CIA servers uses his Cloud.

Elon Musk - his childhood babysitter of many years gave one interview, on Jessie Czebotar's ytube channel a couple years ago. (which means vetted by Jesse or she wouldn't allow it)

Babysitter "Shalom Girl" said that when Elon was age 7 or 8, she saw Elon Musk open a portal. As she grabbed him, they were both sucked into portal where she saw 2 huge terrifying creatures.

Also said that his mother Maye Musk always called him Elyon, not Elon.

*Side note- in Hebrew "Elyon means God most high.

***Notice how during the tenure of Each of these 4 "Richest Men" in the World , they get daily MSM exposure where their every fart is glorified.

The first three couldn't get much popularity:

Bill Gates: dull, clammy and py wimpy looking

Jeff Bezos: freakish face with that bulging eye that looks in a different direction

Mark Zuckerberg: Stiff robot, psychopathic unblinking dead eyes

Elon Musk: Finally one with some charisma and wit. Flip flops on issues so does not offend either side, making him moar likeable to the Sheeple. but remember that he was very chummy with Obama and got $$$Billions during Hussein's "Green Energy" scam policy.

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2e2df4 No.20868593

File: 69edb0d09874026⋯.png (317.14 KB,568x724,142:181,ClipboardImage.png)

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b30069 No.20868594


She's pretty

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2e2df4 No.20868595

File: ffb292e759227da⋯.png (483.46 KB,568x637,568:637,ClipboardImage.png)

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8118ea No.20868596

Last night Operators 1&3 jammed the exhaust on X’s space pod.

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36455e No.20868597

File: bb0d245da48e6d2⋯.png (63.85 KB,385x283,385:283,ClipboardImage.png)




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2e2df4 No.20868598

File: 92d4856db284a75⋯.png (538.89 KB,568x553,568:553,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a667 No.20868599


and this is why elon is exposing human traffickiing and the epstein list on his high profile account?

elon is a stranger in a strange land … good

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9b56e7 No.20868600

Kagan / Khaganate

Nuland recently sat down with Politico to answer some burning questions—those that caught our attention centered around Ukraine.


Nuland's husband, Robert Kagan


Victoria Nuland, Veteran Russia Hawk, to Leave the State Department. A hard-charging diplomat and determined advocate of supporting Ukraine will step down from the department's No. 4 post



Historically, the Varangian warriors of Svyatoslav (Ancient Russia) marked their weapons and armor with such runes and symbols when they went to war against the Khazarian Khaganate


The Khazar Khaganate

The Khazar Khaganate was a state based around modern day Ukraine from the 7th to 10th centuries AD.


Khazars conquered some of the Bulgar and other Caucasian (eg, Alans) and Slavic tribes, and established the Khazar kaganate, the first state in eastern Europe. The supreme sovereign was the kagan, the high priest, but the actual ruler was the vicegerent or assistant kagan.


Nuland supporting Ukraine’s democracy (or money-laundering, or something)

Nuland married to Kagan

Kagans being Khazar leaders

Khazars ruling “Ukraine” territory



The odds…

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2e2df4 No.20868601

File: a378f5c40dcc4ac⋯.png (349.21 KB,568x533,568:533,ClipboardImage.png)

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2e2df4 No.20868602

File: 5dac4c3cfc1f782⋯.png (128.52 KB,568x564,142:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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36455e No.20868603

File: 6835ea5047d035f⋯.png (71.15 KB,93x298,93:298,ClipboardImage.png)


>high profile


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f7a667 No.20868604


emerald robinson is irritating

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2e2df4 No.20868605

File: 3feef0ebc5eff71⋯.png (348.7 KB,568x564,142:141,ClipboardImage.png)

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f7a667 No.20868606


what is tht?

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36455e No.20868607

File: da27d175ef9b63c⋯.png (1.29 MB,1443x718,1443:718,ClipboardImage.png)


sez Ice Cream Cake

I just like all those colors look at that shit…

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b54b5c No.20868608


Starting about a year ago, Jesse said that "rumors" are that Elon Musk had turned to the Light side.

Jesse herself got out of the System. She became a Chaplain and helps homeless Veterans.

Her teenage son was mysteriously killed 2 1/2 years ago, about a year after she went public an d did regular interviews on ytube. (After testifying at the Federal level about the System's child trafficking and other horrific things)

Side note- she also said that within the System, there is a Light side AND a dark side.

I hope he did turn to the Light side. but he still could be a Trojan Horse.

Remember in Revelation, the Anti-Christ is described as "he will be liked by all."

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461fe0 No.20868609

File: 7c98325ef04e93e⋯.png (488.92 KB,595x780,119:156,ClipboardImage.png)


>If the French can do it, so can we.

The French got Macron. How's that working out for them? Good thing they got good lube.

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f7a667 No.20868610

suicide weekend

vampire weekend?

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8118ea No.20868611

Elon I appreciate you opening up X to viewing direct links without logging in as I requested some months ago; however, I need you to open it to real-time post viewing without being logged in as well.

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8118ea No.20868612


Elon, PS - please make sure this is completed within the next 17 days. Thank you, E.

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f7a667 No.20868613


he was making paypal and space invader games and helped out at the family farm and he works a ton

he agonizes for that ape, huarache? doesnt sound satanic

satanists hate anything created by the Father

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36455e No.20868614

File: fa50d9d3bbd3319⋯.png (1.07 MB,1439x772,1439:772,snakebros_giants.png)


So if I want to be a Christian I got to believe that.

Lucifer in his mighty Cave on "Flat Earth" is LIMITED to only a Ruler of "Flat Earth"

But if you get high in Elyon's Rocket Out to Space (leaving FLAT EARTH ORBIT), Lucifer doesn't Rule it anymore.

BUT… Elyon wants to goto MARS. is it out of the pan into the fire?

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f7a667 No.20868615

we are in hell, and trump and elon are going to open the exit door, the door of doors

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36455e No.20868616

File: f16603685a9240f⋯.jpeg (26.94 KB,465x458,465:458,GNV7gP7XsAA6AbD.jpeg)

some anon posted this.. is it real?

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f7a667 No.20868617


once there were giants

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d68733 No.20868618


weed nigga

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f7a667 No.20868619

File: 05eb41a844e7f7f⋯.png (158.51 KB,342x180,19:10,ClipboardImage.png)

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36455e No.20868620

File: 8ce58907e592cd2⋯.png (268.99 KB,836x493,836:493,ClipboardImage.png)


There are GIANTS right now. (maybe I play with language, maybe I don't)


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36455e No.20868621



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b54b5c No.20868622

File: 030ddf24b88bae2⋯.png (15.5 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


No coinkidinks.

Ukraine was supposed to be Israel 2.0 but not going too well for the Khazarian Jews because Russia has Hypersonic nuclear missiles.

Every day now Russia is taking chunks of territory back.

If you want to see their progress, go to warnews.24/7 site auto translates to English.

Shows videos of Russian bombs on Ukrainaina troops ,equipment ,military depots etc.

MSM will only show when Ukraine drops a drone on a Russiancivilian apartment bldg in Belgorod.

Same with the Bakers here achkshually, they're pro-Ukraine and will not Note anything favorable to Russia's winning in Ukraine.

The reality is that Russia is kicking Zelensky's butt every day.

Zelensky is "discussing" moving the capitol from Kiev to Lviv. that's a retreat capitualtion of the Capitol of Ukraine.

Anon thinks that Russia will take Kharkiv within 7-10 days. It's a straight line to Kiev.

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d68733 No.20868623


is elon a military genius

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5e558c No.20868624

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36455e No.20868625

File: 10952a930aa57bb⋯.png (50.53 KB,349x145,349:145,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anon thinks that Russia will take Kharkiv within 7-10 days. It's a straight line to Kiev.

I agree


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b54b5c No.20868626

File: 707d243e60a2c1e⋯.png (33.21 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)


Nephilim were real

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f7a667 No.20868627

File: 2cdd5ec452cc3ec⋯.png (3.46 MB,1145x1641,1145:1641,ClipboardImage.png)


yes, patagonia means big foot

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f7a667 No.20868628



enoch is metatron is michael

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d68733 No.20868629


interesting channel name

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36455e No.20868630


check out snakebros 12 hrs of Giants right now.

I never knew there was fucking Cannibals right near me in Cali…

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ab04cb No.20868631

File: e9cc40ab91fcaa7⋯.png (151.55 KB,722x770,361:385,allegory.png)

…You retards believing Zecharia Sitchin??? Shit, go back to fuckin' reddit.

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f7a667 No.20868632


the beast lives under Los Angeles

consumes a lot of carbon…..

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36455e No.20868633

File: 34a683b7df47a7c⋯.png (208.12 KB,838x845,838:845,ClipboardImage.png)


But wait , we already know this shit.

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01ac9f No.20868634


>BUT… Elyon wants to goto MARS. is it out of the pan into the fire?

Mars California is not too far from beverly hills I heard. wich the moon is a part of.

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f7a667 No.20868635

theres ahura mazda and ahriman ….

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36455e No.20868636


So what your saying is iif you DRIVE FAST from Studio to the Planet, you can simulate hyperspeed….

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b54b5c No.20868637


thanks will check out the militarysummary tomorrow.

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ab04cb No.20868638

File: 6b40d0d0cd44dee⋯.jpg (126.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,1c85435b7008c5501fc5364acc….jpg)

File: 9c571002b329b7f⋯.png (361.46 KB,800x530,80:53,lightning_sprite_Stephen_H….png)

…These are the 'gods'. Planets. It sure as fuck it ain't ayys.

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01ac9f No.20868639

File: 5fc6d159f771db9⋯.png (665.92 KB,850x567,850:567,ClipboardImage.png)

You could go here too I suppose.


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f7a667 No.20868640


you forgot pluto!

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d68733 No.20868641


planets are wandering stars

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f7a667 No.20868642


dont trust your our senses

its all an illusion


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36455e No.20868643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3f2254 No.20868644

Stage set?

[N]ot ]Y[et

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f59006 No.20868645

File: c65931a0d4c2dc2⋯.jpg (70.59 KB,500x578,250:289,8bv.jpg)

Elon Musk

Mark Zuckerberg

Jeff Bezos

Billions wasted on old AI technology.

AI WARFARE SYSTEMS everything they think is AI high technology is basically a joke.

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f7a667 No.20868646

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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01ac9f No.20868647

File: ff0828d8816dc3d⋯.png (943 KB,1299x860,1299:860,ClipboardImage.png)


What happened to the one in California?

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ab04cb No.20868648

File: a9fe2cbccda6274⋯.png (2.06 MB,1628x940,407:235,clownops.png)


…Try to blend in better.

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b54b5c No.20868649


>So if I want to be a Christian I got to believe that.

It's ackshuaally what the Satanic System believes. They've used Hollywood and Media to denegrate Christianity, while they know its truth.

If you check out Jessie's 3 years of testimony on ytube she describes what they do and believe.

Just know that they have fed us LIES, the biggest one is that God is not real and that spiritual power is absurd. Meanwhile, they study their Heirarchy children from birth to look for those what Jesse calls "spiritual gifts".

Such as the ability to see forward in time, to see and hear into other dimensions. This is the MOST precious quality that the elite rulers of thsi world want, while they condition the Sheeple to ridicule it so that you do not know your own power, nor your connection to the Creator.

Power for them, but not for thee.

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f7a667 No.20868650


new york, new york

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cabe69 No.20868651

File: c65931a0d4c2dc2⋯.jpg (70.59 KB,500x578,250:289,8bv.jpg)

File: e2e5a549f2627a6⋯.jpg (100.97 KB,500x500,1:1,8jeb4d.jpg)

International AI Warfare is coming and America is not going to set this on out.

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b54b5c No.20868652


All Hierarchy high level people have normal "cover lives".

Jesse said that at around age 4- 5, hierarchy kids are chosen for the future positions within the System.

Training starts then and they are fully trained by age 10 to take that position, in case something habbens to the person that they will succeed.

Jesse said that throughout her entire childhood, she got 2 to 3 hours of sleep each night.

Training daytime and nighttime. Intense stuff.

Not just paypal and games, he also has 5,000 Satellites around the world right now, and thousands moar planned.

As we were all told, Zucker berg created Facebook in his dorm room, but now we all know it was created by DARPA.

Look deeper behind the cover lies. Deception is the game.

If you're really interested in Elyon musk, look up Jesse's interviews where she described what goes on at the 12 year old boys ritual in that tiled pool.

Stay gullible or learn how they deceive everyone. Your choice.

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67e924 No.20868653

File: a09e53d7a8531f4⋯.png (779.89 KB,1020x697,60:41,1b1b7402603ff3b5bd6abe38cc….png)

If anon 'members correctly…

"UP is DOWN, LEFT is RIGHT" or somethink.

So try this, flip the img to get the MIRROR, then flip the mirror & what'ch got?

ANS: a f'n really wierdass piccy, but dat's chucky right? in an ALL read piccy.

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36455e No.20868654

File: fabfc6ed0543f85⋯.png (2.62 MB,1920x1120,12:7,ClipboardImage.png)


>What happened in California?

Soilent Green is People

15 min prison for lifetime.

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ab04cb No.20868655



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d68733 No.20868656


a rodent in the middle with a helmet

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36455e No.20868657

File: e0565d1fa39bf32⋯.png (346.98 KB,1304x803,1304:803,ClipboardImage.png)

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01ac9f No.20868658


Yea we did that dig already.

And the rest does not compute

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01ac9f No.20868659


yes now it makes sense.

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01ac9f No.20868660

Probably like the walls in my home.


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01ac9f No.20868661

Or like the great wall? Of people?

Or the Berlin Wall of People?

Like Chemex?




All kinds of shit

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01ac9f No.20868662


The ethics of HEK 293

Alvin Wong

PMID: 17091554 DOI: 10.5840/ncbq20066331

No abstract available

PubMed Disclaimer

Similar articles

Complicity, fetal tissue, and vaccines.

Pruss AR.

Natl Cathol Bioeth Q. 2006 Autumn;6(3):461-70. doi: 10.5840/ncbq20066330.

PMID: 17091553 No abstract available.

Cooperation with past evil and use of cell-lines derived from aborted fetuses.

Pruss AR.

Linacre Q. 2004 Nov;71(4):335-50. doi: 10.1080/20508549.2004.11877730.

PMID: 15685774 No abstract available.

Moral reflections on vaccines prepared from cells derived from aborted human fetuses.

Pontifical Academy for Life.

Natl Cathol Bioeth Q. 2006 Autumn;6(3):541-37.

PMID: 17091557 No abstract available.

The ethics of fetal tissue transplant research: a review.

Reardon L.

Linacre Q. 1999 Aug;66(3):21-34. doi: 10.1080/20508549.1999.11877547.

PMID: 11770571 Review. No abstract available.

Abortion and fetal tissue research: some ethical concerns.

Shorr AF.

Fetal Diagn Ther. 1994 May-Jun;9(3):196-203. doi: 10.1159/000263931.

PMID: 8060515 Review.

See all similar articles

Cited by

The Challenges to Advancing Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Dependent Cell Replacement Therapy.

Moy AB, Kamath A, Ternes S, Kamath J.

Med Res Arch. 2023 Nov;11(11):4784. doi: 10.18103/mra.v11i11.4784. Epub 2023 Nov 29.

PMID: 38188933 Free PMC article.

Evolution of Diploid Progenitor Lung Cell Applications: From Optimized Biotechnological Substrates to Potential Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Respiratory Tract Regenerative Medicine.

Laurent A, Abdel-Sayed P, Hirt-Burri N, Scaletta C, Michetti M, de Buys Roessingh A, Raffoul W, Applegate LA.

Cells. 2021 Sep 24;10(10):2526. doi: 10.3390/cells10102526.

PMID: 34685505 Free PMC article. Review.

Creating Catholic Regenerative Medicine Organizations in a Secular Biotechnology Field: A Physician-Scientist Experience.

Moy A.

Linacre Q. 2020 May;87(2):218-222. doi: 10.1177/0024363919890941. Epub 2019 Nov 28.

PMID: 32549639 Free PMC article.

Use of Aborted Fetal Tissue in Vaccines and Medical Research Obscures the Value of All Human Life.

McKenna KC.

Linacre Q. 2018 Feb;85(1):13-17. doi: 10.1177/0024363918761715. Epub 2018 Mar 28.

PMID: 29970932 Free PMC article.

In utero lung gene transfer using adeno-associated viral and lentiviral vectors in mice.

Joyeux L, Danzer E, Limberis MP, Zoltick PW, Radu A, Flake AW, Davey MG.

Hum Gene Ther Methods. 2014 Jun;25(3):197-205. doi: 10.1089/hgtb.2013.143. Epub 2014 Apr 21.

PMID: 24660751 Free PMC article.

See all "Cited by" articles

MeSH terms

Aborted Fetus / cytology*

Abortion, Induced / ethics

Abortion, Spontaneous


Cell Line*

Commerce / ethics


Embryo, Mammalian / cytology*


Fetal Research / ethics

Health Facilities / ethics


Kidney / cytology*


Research Personnel / ethics

Vaccination / ethics

Vaccines / biosynthesis

Wedge Argument



LinkOut - more resources


NCI CPTAC Assay Portal

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01ac9f No.20868663


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3f2254 No.20868664


What is @godslovenyc

IG report?

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70c83d No.20868665

File: c65931a0d4c2dc2⋯.jpg (70.59 KB,500x578,250:289,8bv.jpg)

File: 69715f35524bab9⋯.png (1.22 MB,1080x1349,1080:1349,DJT.png)

As the corrupted Deep Staters fall one by one they can only blame president Trump.

America today is protected by outside international threat's because of the systems president Trump left behind and nobody else.

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3c39c4 No.20868666

just not worth it.

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193550 No.20868667


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ab04cb No.20868668


…Now, be sure to bat yourself on the back, with another device for a job well done.

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193550 No.20868669

Anons we need to start keeping track of Q Comms via timestamps now that we are heading into the last half of this election cycle.

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193550 No.20868670

We know others are using the same markers/timestamps to Q drop method, and we need to organize everything in that arena now.

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70c83d No.20868671

File: c65931a0d4c2dc2⋯.jpg (70.59 KB,500x578,250:289,8bv.jpg)

File: 4ad209bb9c6c811⋯.jpg (107.13 KB,500x704,125:176,8pxv27.jpg)

File: 1cef9a8a628f524⋯.jpg (81.63 KB,500x697,500:697,Vvgu_1_.jpg)

As the corrupted Deep Staters fall one by one they can only blame president Trump.

America today is protected from hostile outside international threat's because of the systems president Trump left behind and nobody else.

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9e16e5 No.20868672


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193550 No.20868673

"some bakers" have been keeping Q comms out of notables, and we will just have to work around that ourselves.

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ab04cb No.20868674

File: 3890a60fb951e1f⋯.png (361.26 KB,642x432,107:72,bbsucko.png)

…Fuckin' inbred oaf.

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3f2254 No.20868675

What came first?

[Facebook] Marketplace or [Instagram] restaurant profiles?

Why during COVID did Brazilian Funk star MC Mirella have a "Order Food" tab on her Instagram account?

Can law enforcement enter favela?

Why not?

What can be facilitated in a "No-Go" zone for Police Officers?

Why did a music star have an "Order Food" tab on her IG account?

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193550 No.20868676

Priority is POTUS, then Dan, then US MIL. POTUS' shitpost Il Don account on X. From there, everyone else can get logged in order of relevance to the unlocked map from POTUS/Dan.

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193550 No.20868677


>Order Food

Because people couldn't go out due to lockdown (supposedly)?

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67e924 No.20868678

File: 21e7a49cbd78cf5⋯.png (1.41 MB,650x866,325:433,UKr_POW.png)

File: a2b52a0ffc6dbc8⋯.png (1.1 MB,1280x720,16:9,UKr_soldiers.png)

File: e5efce2c90937cf⋯.png (326.42 KB,592x580,148:145,e5efce2c90937cff378e58a83b….png)

File: b34687eca59c9c8⋯.png (361.52 KB,589x832,589:832,UKr_LOST_already.png)

File: 8708472e35aa7bb⋯.jpg (651.95 KB,1080x1557,120:173,Somethink_DED.jpg)

Comms is comms, right?

21guns = something ded? / died?

add in some: 17th @ 10:00am add "indy" add "Castle" add 11:30am add lotsa flags add "tallship" add a "tugboat" add 11:37 post and…

forget it, move along nothing to see 'ere, anon has been looking at to many titty pics & is a mental retard anyhow, move along…

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eb60a9 No.20868679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3f2254 No.20868680


Not a bad idea. Early drops Q said order is important.

Maybe Qcomms and timestamps paint a picture when combined into a graphic in order posted

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01ac9f No.20868681


She was seeling food from home perhaps


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193550 No.20868682


Yes as Q instructed us to do specifically that, years ago. Time to resurrect the basics now. Last leg leading up to the most important day in the history of the US.

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193550 No.20868683


Instagram has it there so other people can see the places you order food from and get exposed to the places you order from. Basic social engineering probably nothing sinister about this lady's account but anything's possible.

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3f2254 No.20868684


Did anons see this on other pages?

Could have been as it linked to GrubHub. Not sure why a Funk star would have a dedicated button on her account next to "follow"

IG would have had to put that in there.

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01ac9f No.20868685


>Why did a music star have an "Order Food" tab on her IG account?

It was a grooming tool. Like way to use havana or frequeny to mind control people.

Not hard since the vaxx sheds all over

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193550 No.20868686

I'm going to work on a linear version of something like the Q-clock but in a straight line with the posts-to-drops by date/time.

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193550 No.20868687


It's been around for a while a quick internet search will show it's basic but still could be used for evil, I'm workfagging and can't really dig that right now tho.

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ab04cb No.20868688

File: 28d32ed0862f495⋯.jpg (304.56 KB,800x967,800:967,800px_Charles_Prince_of_Wa….jpg)



#25595 >>20868250

>>20868293, >>20868362 Dough claim

>>20868291, >>20868321 Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says

>>20868296 Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

>>20868307 Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

>>20868336, >>20868558 PF Report: Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

>>20868345 🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

>>20868410 China set to host Putin as economic ties grow under Western pressure

>>20868464 T-6 Instructor Pilot Dies After Ejection Seat Goes Off on the Ground (Weird)

>>20868469, >>20868474 GITMO Update: Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay: Judge McCall, in the 9/11 case, just halted the hearing for the rest of today following a complaint by the KSM team that members of the Washington Headquarters Services entered their privileged offices without a defense escort.


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01ac9f No.20868689


Like you get the antenne through the phone and you get swapped and whatnot. Next thing you know you are part of that club.

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193550 No.20868690

Anons, I will bring a template version to bread on Monday night for Moab Monday, we can go from there. Until then, if the baker is being difficult let's just keep the running comms noted within the breads at least (even if baker refuses to Notable).

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9e3e6d No.20868691

File: ef19caa7353b869⋯.png (1.35 MB,2000x1196,500:299,RutteWokeTurns2Shit.png)

File: c13887266aebe16⋯.png (1.63 MB,2200x1238,1100:619,SelectClowns.png)

File: 7a3e88f2faeedbc⋯.mp4 (9.43 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Ukrainian_and_Dutch_leader….mp4)

File: dbbabd40b48fb6d⋯.png (1.91 MB,2000x1125,16:9,RutteTrudeau.png)

We love the Clowns

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67e924 No.20868692


>“While taxiing, its winglet contacted a parked and unoccupied corporate jet,” the FAA said. “The incident occurred in an area of the airport where the FAA does not direct aircraft. The FAA is investigating.”

>A winglet is a short fin that projects upward from the wing of an aircraft. They are used to reduce aerodynamic drag.

a BS story. as says a WINGLET is an UPWARDS pointing extention to a BIG planes wing. How da fook could it hit an eeny-weeny tiny low level corp jet?

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3f2254 No.20868693




For anons not familiar with the genre of Brazilian Funk,

See video below and reconsider.

Lyric translation - "Fuck my pussy"

Notice age of artist.

Favelas are no go zones for cops.

Anything and Everything goes in a favela.


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193550 No.20868694

File: bb4d6cb31d9abdb⋯.png (47.54 KB,300x225,4:3,thelight.png)

File: 1c6e6d826b0a20b⋯.png (71.49 KB,640x400,8:5,possibilities.png)

o7 Patriots

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01ac9f No.20868695


Or people get targeted Ive seen it with my own eyes how these influencer scams work.

people Claim IT WORKS but it doesnt. Or it used to and the person is worked for is no longer herself because of said phone apps.

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3f2254 No.20868696


Joan Rivers, Huma Abedin, and Nicky ROTHSCHILD are involved.


What did Joan Rivers know?

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01ac9f No.20868697


So street justice is fine with me then…

Fuck the Police!

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01ac9f No.20868698


Nikki did a pizza ad during covid.

Forgot the name but it was dug on here as well.

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1e4ae4 No.20868699

up is in

down it out

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01ac9f No.20868700



In this weeks STWT show we are going over the Department of Justice Satanic Cult Awareness document and reviewing the social media accounts of the political and famous figures in DC. nikki hilton Rothschild's account is one of the most heavily analyzed. In this video we are reviewing "MK Ultra" / "Monarch" mind control programming, specifically "Beta Sex Kitten Programming". This is one of the documented types of mind control. We took a close look at the following social media posts from these Instagram accounts:

1. nikki Rothschild: https://www.instagram.com/nickyhilton…

2. Derek Blasberg: https://www.instagram.com/derekblasbe…

3. Ivanka Trump: https://www.instagram.com/ivankatrump…

4. Jimmy Comet: https://www.instagram.com/jimmycomet/…

5. Izette Folger: https://www.instagram.com/izettefolge…

Carolyn's Twitter: https://twitter.com/carolyn_limaco

Carolyn's Bitchute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/caro…

DOJ Satanic Cult Awareness Document: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/Photo…

Last Week Part 1: https://steemit.com/stwt/@titusfrost/…


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bcb480 No.20868701


most accurate phrase today

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9d93da No.20868702


"Caterpillar into chrysalis, or pupa, and from thence into beauty." - Hannibal Lector - Silence of the Lambs

Anyone notice the butterfly?

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01ac9f No.20868703

nikki hilton involved with these stores?

Type in your zip code


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01ac9f No.20868704


Zip it adults are thinking.

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50cb05 No.20868705



> >>20867737 (pb) Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

Anon knows exactly how this is happening; or at least, could be happening.

A bunch of whales just sold about 8,000 BTC.

They freed up some cash; @$62K, that'd be $496,000,000. GME market cap is $14.9B; AMC's is only $2.0B though, so that's 1/4 of AMC's market cap.

Looking back a couple months, see a ~50,000 BTC volume day (not all of which are sales of course), and a dozen or so 40,000 BTC volume days.

A bunch of whales moved BTC out of wallets for the first time in a long time recently, as well. CoinTelegraph reported on that.

So BTC, invented to be a value hold against fiat currency, a form of digital gold, might also be one of the vehicles to destroy the fiat naked shorting games for good!


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bcb480 No.20868706


if all this shit is because of the hereditary bloodlust from dracula, I'm going to be sorely disappoint.

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01ac9f No.20868707

File: b56bb9eef6a2f30⋯.png (419.35 KB,568x381,568:381,ClipboardImage.png)

Those stores are all oveer and I bet there are more. I find a lot of weird shit on yelp as well sometimes the symbols and language gives them away.

Especially Narcissistic food reviewers.

Not hard to spot.

ALso lots of Fish aquarium digs from pol that went all over the country basically.

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bcb480 No.20868708


Castle Lock

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5624d7 No.20868709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


covefe kek

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db6f94 No.20868712

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3f2254 No.20868713


What I'm alluding to is that favelas are safe zones for drug and human trafficking.

Why is Brazil so important?

Why did the traffickers in the favelas celebrate by shooting their rifles in the air when Lula stole the election from Bolsonaro?

What can be operated inside of a favela?




Fake money?

The government agrees not to enter?

Again, for those not familiar with favela culture

See below video


Mel da minha buceta = honey from my pussy

Notice her age.

Now ask yourself again

Why would a funk star from the favela have a special tab on her IG account (which could have only been put there with IG knowledge) which says "Order Food"?

Is pizza food?


Did anyone see Lara Logans post today?

A Instagram jewelry add elicited users to respond inquiring about sex with a 5 year old.

IG shops are operating illegal marketplaces right under our noses.

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db6f94 No.20868714

leave it.

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f12153 No.20868715

File: 35672d47955d817⋯.png (284.37 KB,472x1024,59:128,ClipboardImage.png)

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d68733 No.20868716


that vid is fucked up

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aa0f26 No.20868717

File: c6195e276c18681⋯.png (710 B,75x24,25:8,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb60a9 No.20868718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>See video below and reconsider.

Heinous, but there is much better Brazilian music.

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49eb15 No.20868719

all those little sigint e-4s deleting like hell.

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67e924 No.20868720



Yea heard that one, per wiki it's where I see something (YOU) can NOT, or refuse to, or nuffinburger right?

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9a1921 No.20868721

File: 2458ead96dd01fb⋯.mp4 (8.3 MB,910x1216,455:608,Dublin_Portal_2024.mp4)

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70262c No.20868722

learns pareidolia from wiki…

the absolute state of humanity.

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4f1590 No.20868723

File: 2e09f195f16e82c⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,2048x2048,1:1,2e09f195f16e82c010d02e3632….jpg)

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eb60a9 No.20868724

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b9f769 No.20868725

File: 59b3f29e12e5c87⋯.png (224.65 KB,363x548,363:548,ClipboardImage.png)


Billionaire not happy kek

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6d7ec2 No.20868726

>>20868202 pb

>When waking the Normies raising the water temp slowly applies.

no, that's how you kill frogs without alarming them with surprise heat.

Trump is running for President. His job has little to do with "waking the normies". His job as President is to know how to fix these complex problems, and much other things.

Since everything is shit in USA, you can say that Trump did a better job at covid than Biden did. But you can't say Trump did a good job. He pushed the vaccine. He mentioned HCQ early enough, but not hard enough. He could have made the basic argument that 1) this is a mutating target, and they're impossible to solve with vaccines and 2) there are natural things that people have been using, effectively, not perfectly, but effectively, against cold and flu virues for years. And the US government is going to shift our focus entirely away from Big Pharmas Vaccines, and to Natural Cures. And spend big money to find out the best Natural Cures for a wide variety of ailments. And we'll tell you about it.

Trump could have said "Tonic Water with Quinine was used effectively against the Spanish Flu 100 years ago, and test are showing that Synthetic Quinine (HCQ) works ok against covid, keeps some people out of the hospital and prevents death. With Zinc Just everyone drink tonic water and zinc. We could mail everyone 2 tablets or capsules of HCQ every week. It would be as hard to do that as adding a supermarket insert. We don't need vaccines, they won't work against a mutating viral target, and there is no way that there is anywhere near enough time to prove the safety of the vaccine. All of that shit is something we were discussing here in March 2020. We were discussing those Marceilles studies by a virologist who knew what they were doing, they were effective. Tucker and then Trump talked about HCQ when it wasn't clear yet that, destroy everything, dystopian nightmare because of cold/flu type covid, which might have been made worse by US Army gain of function research, or wuhan created, US paid for, gain of function research. Trump could have pushed hard, pushed against the media, with HCQ and later solutions like Ivermectin, but he didn't, not enough.

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67e924 No.20868727


>learns pareidolia from wiki…

>the absolute state of humanity.

absolutely. humanity is upside down, inverted & totally fucked. So 'wiki' as a "sauce" is prob as anti-info / actually as anything. a benchmark none the less. Prob less better than getting brainfood from a nutty proffessor at a uni with a lifetime debt who sells own books to confirm he is the oracle. if professors were any good at anything the would do good sh!t rather than taking kids $$$ via books/loans in exchange for mind f'cking kids with PROPOGANDA.

what the actual F is a "source" anyhow?

simple: "reality is 90% perception" it's what ever YOU think it might be. wiki just makes a fairly consistant benchmark in BS

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b9f769 No.20868728

Council meeting starts, then stops due to technical issue

ByMegan Gorrey

The meeting started a few moments ago with councillors singing the national anthem, but has already been adjourned due to a technical problem.

When the meeting resumes, Cumberland councillors will debate a rescission motion to overturn an earlier decision to banish books about same-sex parenting from the council’s libraries.

A majority of councillors voted earlier this month to remove same-sex parenting material from the western Sydney council’s eight libraries in a move that has outraged the mayor and families.

A few minutes ago, Mayor Lisa Lake urged those due to speak at tonight’s meeting to be respectful.

Meantime, we asked each councillor how they’d vote on a rescission motion, and what they had to say about the vote, earlier this week. You can read our full story here, and their responses below:


Pedos not happy

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474c1b No.20868729

File: b2b5c2aa2a89562⋯.png (342.83 KB,397x526,397:526,magaseason.png)

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f12153 No.20868730


He said many things zip it look at you squirm

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9bd182 No.20868731

Message received.

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eb60a9 No.20868732

File: 7ad7bd14916c52f⋯.png (125.27 KB,324x441,36:49,fantastic.png)


>Trump is running for President.[1]

>His job has little to do with "waking the normies".[2]

>His job as President….[3]

if [2], then [1] !-> [3]

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9ee9bc No.20868733

>>20868631 you sound like the main stream media….and we all know what they do

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a9c1cd No.20868734

They have been cycling in young blood.

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b9f769 No.20868735

EU urges Israel to ‘immediately’ end Rafah op, warns ties will be harmed if not

The European Union urges Israel to end its military operation in Gaza’s Rafah “immediately,” warning that a failure to do so will undermine ties with the bloc.

“Should Israel continue its military operation in Rafah, it would inevitably put a heavy strain on the EU’s relationship with Israel,” says the statement issued in the EU’s name by its foreign policy chief Josep Borrell.


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b9f769 No.20868736

US sending Israel $1 billion in military aid, Biden administration tells Congress

First major deal since American president said he would stymie sales of offensive weapons includes ammunition for tanks, mortar rounds and tactical vehicles

The Biden administration has told key lawmakers it is sending a new package of more than $1 billion in arms and ammunition to Israel, three congressional aides said Tuesday.

It’s the first arms shipment to Israel to be announced by the administration since it put another arms transfer — consisting of 3,500 high-payload bombs — on hold earlier in the month. The administration has said it paused that earlier transfer to keep Israel from using the bombs in its growing offensive in the crowded southern Gaza city of Rafah.

The congressional aides spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an arms transfer that has not yet been made public.

The package being sent includes about $700 million for tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles and $60 million in mortar rounds, the aides said.

There was no immediate indication of when the arms would be sent. Israel is now seven months into its war against the Hamas terror group in Gaza.


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b9f769 No.20868740

Red Lobster Closes Nearly “120 Restaurants” in 27 States — Plans to File Bankruptcy in the Coming Weeks

Residents in Florida, New York, Iowa and Illinois, among others, found the stores suddenly shuttered.

“I was just notified by one of our local Red Lobster managers that after 31 years of serving our community, without notice, their parent company laid off the entire crew and closed the restaurant effective immediately,” Danville, Illinois Mayor Rickey Williams Jr. wrote in a Facebook post. “This is despite the fact that they were rated number 15 out of over 600 stores for customer service & satisfaction last year.”

The beleaguered seafood chain will be auctioning off the contents of 48 locations, according to a TAGeX brands, a restaurant supply liquidator. It’s not clear if there are any plans to reopen the restaurants not listed.

Nexstar reached out to Red Lobster for more information about the closures but didn’t receive a response as of publishing time.

Red Lobster owner Thai Union Group announced in January 2024 that it was looking to sell its stake in the brand, citing the impact of a “combination of [the] COVID-19 pandemic, sustained industry headwinds, higher interest rates and rising material and labor costs” on profits.


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4f1590 No.20868741


> Zecharia Sitchin

Zecharia Sitchin is stupid. The worst part is that it sometimes overshadows the real investigators, such as Graham Hancock.


Space-aliens have never visited the Earth, but there was something we today call Atlantis.

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947966 No.20868742

File: aa55c6c9c22bf0a⋯.png (64.24 KB,901x307,901:307,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 68dbc42327a0df0⋯.png (676 KB,847x1369,847:1369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb59ee254e40f54⋯.png (721.54 KB,999x1002,333:334,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d223a26146b78b0⋯.png (425.66 KB,612x408,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Kash Patel


Bragg's star witness convicted federal inmate, Michael Cohen has so far lied to: DOJ, Special Counsel, Congress, the District Attorney, his former Clients, judges, the media, America, the world, and of course @realDonaldTrump- seems a gem of a guy to build a judicial case on

May 14, 2024, 11:06 PM


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6d7ec2 No.20868743


yeah, but I don't know what



his job is to get votes before he becomes President. It seems like Trump just likes to do rallys and make speeches.

Everything is fucked up. It's more fucked up than it was in 2016.

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d68733 No.20868744



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947966 No.20868745

File: d23b35848e695ba⋯.png (401.2 KB,620x413,620:413,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e2d4bc1480add6d⋯.png (1.18 MB,1440x960,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1acccf6326fd364⋯.png (571.24 KB,820x499,820:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb60a9 No.20868747

File: a83031c81c70d43⋯.jpg (36.63 KB,500x500,1:1,kekd.jpg)


>warns ties will be harmed if not

Hamas playbook

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b9f769 No.20868748

File: 9b7598cc28525de⋯.png (52.83 KB,666x660,111:110,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 52b1b9f0c177e3b⋯.png (57.12 KB,715x663,55:51,ClipboardImage.png)

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df412f No.20868749


Not much information, but here goes. Its MRSA, its not the first infection, its a pre-existing colony. I am interested to know what they cultured if there were no wounds. Could be in the urine, heart, blood, sputum etc. Vancomycin and tell them they'll always culture positive, even with no active infection…

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9a1921 No.20868750

File: 2a5a6025707a8ed⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB,1498x1452,749:726,IMG_0619.jpeg)

File: 521e2cf553c6d7c⋯.jpeg (34.81 KB,306x495,34:55,IMG_0618.jpeg)

File: 65f12e06512df33⋯.jpeg (40.92 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_0617.jpeg)

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9a1921 No.20868751

File: 29535e3b4d03392⋯.jpeg (119.64 KB,784x784,1:1,IMG_0620.jpeg)

File: 7393be8cbc0771b⋯.jpeg (57.27 KB,474x378,79:63,IMG_0623.jpeg)

File: 5a4b0a0bba99a9f⋯.jpeg (575.68 KB,1508x2000,377:500,IMG_0624.jpeg)

File: 0de6eef2499376e⋯.jpeg (114.42 KB,650x535,130:107,IMG_0628.jpeg)


Vincent Namatjira

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9a1921 No.20868752

File: 6b2b8aebffcaf7f⋯.jpeg (56.68 KB,474x364,237:182,IMG_0630.jpeg)

File: d377a905b11f81c⋯.jpeg (50.28 KB,474x377,474:377,IMG_0629.jpeg)

File: 5ed1e8a48cbb4aa⋯.jpeg (56.3 KB,474x382,237:191,IMG_0625.jpeg)

File: ac25359805b3960⋯.jpeg (680.05 KB,1920x1299,640:433,IMG_0621.jpeg)

File: 551e6e852163781⋯.jpeg (91.32 KB,800x605,160:121,IMG_0626.jpeg)

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5e70dd No.20868753




#State Street

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b9f769 No.20868754

File: 57d87232cd05e89⋯.png (108.43 KB,248x171,248:171,ClipboardImage.png)



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947966 No.20868755

File: 758a65e624cb2cf⋯.png (836.55 KB,1024x645,1024:645,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 00352426bb96b8f⋯.png (338.4 KB,768x403,768:403,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a1921 No.20868756

File: b1f99be51c48998⋯.jpeg (49.03 KB,408x266,204:133,IMG_0631.jpeg)

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947966 No.20868757

File: c8060da761071f1⋯.png (20.92 KB,243x255,81:85,71a80416380316aa1ef51c9647….png)


looks like her

keep it

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a9c1cd No.20868758

Palestine Kids Lives Matter

Stop Hamas using children as shields.

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df412f No.20868759


Wikipedia…is not a source per say, it is a source of sources, but you have to dig and discern. It has its uses…

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9a1921 No.20868760

File: e4d318aa5d2f62e⋯.png (1.53 MB,801x1000,801:1000,C5D266F2_8716_4E37_8770_D5….png)

File: c77e11f3a02b4ee⋯.png (1.46 MB,801x1000,801:1000,5E3EEFA7_9BAF_434A_9E9A_F5….png)

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947966 No.20868761

File: f792ada8ce80239⋯.jpg (23.95 KB,501x456,167:152,kim_you_rang_.jpg)

File: c12d370863b73b5⋯.jpeg (103 KB,735x898,735:898,kim_jong_biden_sniff_ever….jpeg)

File: fd59396710dc182⋯.jpg (126.64 KB,1024x738,512:369,kim_jong_8976_step_on_it.jpg)

File: 56e0a479bc6b79c⋯.png (947.9 KB,1170x1227,390:409,kim_jong_876.png)

File: 4e338f99e3fcd49⋯.png (96.15 KB,255x250,51:50,kim_jong_23.png)


third one is kim getting a hair cut from the artist

i like the two trump ones, him and the queen has an amusing quality

would buy

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b9f769 No.20868762

homos raiding the catalog

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ab04cb No.20868763

File: 564cd72f412c839⋯.png (109.08 KB,1121x554,1121:554,Screenshot_2024_05_15_at_0….png)

…A basic dictionary search, but no wiki. End up with the same thing. But anon is sure it isn't good enough for your discerning minds.

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947966 No.20868764


he has a really good sense of humor

quiet and playful, lovely soul

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9a1921 No.20868765

File: df8e6f1ba45c92e⋯.png (1.3 MB,801x1000,801:1000,EA1873E7_7553_4C6D_A6C6_9D….png)

File: 7c0322e8c868d2b⋯.png (1.29 MB,801x1000,801:1000,6FD286F5_EAE7_4823_ABCB_91….png)

File: 107f6e43efca89a⋯.png (1.3 MB,801x1000,801:1000,8E413C5E_CE18_41ED_8717_98….png)

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947966 No.20868766


thank you, did not know he existed

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90dfe4 No.20868767

File: 0ccf324049ab25e⋯.png (1.02 MB,1195x595,239:119,ClipboardImage.png)

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b771c0 No.20868768

File: c3f9901e7f6fd10⋯.png (1.22 MB,1295x888,35:24,bots.PNG)


Slave AI Cameras Monitoring Us Everywhere? Big Brother's 1984 Finally Complete

May 8, 2024

There's a new technology present in most new model phones and iPhones since iPhone X that presents a more complicated kind of privacy problem. This is where devices can act as slave robots to do the bidding of an external party – someone other than the owner of the device. This can then be used to perform a deeper level of surveillance which may be impossible to escape when fully activated.

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eb60a9 No.20868769

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>yeah, but I don't know what



negated conditional

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947966 No.20868770

File: 9bfaa2df2277c10⋯.png (600.79 KB,1202x912,601:456,ClipboardImage.png)

Jimmy Carter’s grandson says former president is ‘coming to the end’

Jimmy Carter, 99, entered hospice care in February 2023


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947966 No.20868771


Jimmy Carter’s grandson provided an update on the former president’s health after he spent more than a year in hospice care, reconciling that his life is "coming to the end."

Jason Carter, 48, addressed a mental health forum at the Carter Center in Georgia on Tuesday, where he said his grandfather was "doing ok" and praised the "outpouring of love" his family has received after the passing of the former first lady Rosalynn Carter, the forum’s namesake.

"My grandfather is doing okay. He has been in hospice, as you know, for almost a year and a half now, and he really is, I think, coming to the end," Jason Carter said at The 28th Rosalynn Carter Georgia Mental Health Forum. "I’ve said before, there’s a part of this faith journey that is so important to him, and there’s a part of that faith journey that you only can live at the very end and I think he has been there in that space."

Jimmy Carter, 99, entered hospice care in February 2023.

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531d2f No.20868772


Looks photographic… it's a keeper

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9a1921 No.20868773

File: ef9a9effa7ca764⋯.png (1.53 MB,801x1000,801:1000,F0BF2866_1B2C_4EAA_AC0E_55….png)

File: 7cc7a7ba6e528ed⋯.png (1.42 MB,801x1000,801:1000,09E9FB66_9ECD_4DB0_AABC_D5….png)

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90dfe4 No.20868774

File: 016287ed7d134c7⋯.png (1.55 MB,921x702,307:234,ClipboardImage.png)

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eb60a9 No.20868775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Slave AI Cameras

Enslaved AI Cameras

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947966 No.20868776

File: 6f3bd6d072fd71f⋯.png (690.82 KB,1184x807,1184:807,ClipboardImage.png)

NY v Trump: As 'star witness' Michael Cohen testifies, Trump allies flock to court to 'support their friend'

Cohen expected to be prosecution's final witness

As the prosecution’s "star witness," and likely its final witness, Michael Cohen testified on Tuesday, allies of former President Trump flocked to the court in a show of support for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee in his criminal trial.

A number of high-profile GOP allies joined Trump at the Lower Manhattan court for the 17th day of his criminal trial – a day that once again featured Cohen, Trump’s former attorney, being questioned by both New York prosecutors and a cross-examination by Trump's defense attorneys.

"I came here, again, today, on my own to support President Trump," House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said outside the court in New York City on Tuesday morning, blasting Cohen as a "man who is clearly on a mission for personal revenge."

"[He] is widely known as a witness who has trouble with the truth. He is someone who has a history of perjury and is well-known for it. No one should believe a word he says today," Johnson said of Cohen, adding that "he lied to Congress; he lied to the IRS; he lied to federal election officials."

"Even Cohen's own lawyer testified to a grand jury that he is not reliable. So, there's nothing that he presents here that should be given any weight at all by a jury," Johnson said, noting the case "is not about justice" but "all about politics, and everybody can see that."

Johnson, along with Reps. Byron Donalds and Cory Mills, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy all attended the trial in a show of support for Trump. Sens. J.D. Vance, Tommy Tuberville, Rick Scott and Rep. Nicole Malliotakis attended court with the former president on Monday.

"All guests volunteer to come to court to support their friend, President Trump, and are not invited by the campaign," a Trump campaign official told Fox News Digital.

The official said the growing number of Republican allies coming to the downtown Manhattan courthouse is "not some kind of coordinated political thing."

Cohen is said to be the star witness for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and his team as they try to prove the former president falsified business records relating to a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress, in the lead-up to the 2016 election to silence her about an alleged affair with Trump in 2006.

Bragg charged Trump with 34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree. Trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges and maintains his innocence.

Cohen's testimony

As for Cohen’s testimony, the ex-Trump attorney said he was "reimbursed $420,000" for the $130,000 he paid to Daniels. Cohen said former Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg suggested he "gross up" the payments.

Cohen testified that Weisselberg facilitated his reimbursement plan for the payment and that Trump knew the details of that reimbursement.

Trump is unable to speak about witnesses or court staff due to the gag order imposed upon him by Judge Juan Merchan.

The former president appealed the gag order, arguing that it violated his First Amendment rights. But as Cohen testified Tuesday, the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court denied Trump’s appeal of the gag order.

Now Trump’s attorneys will have the opportunity to appeal to the New York Court of Appeals.

The prosecution presented Cohen with 11 checks totaling $420,000. Cohen confirmed that they were all received and deposited. The checks had a description of "retainer," which Cohen said was false.

Under cross-examination by Trump attorney Todd Blanche, Cohen testified that he apologized to Congress, the country and to his family for lying to them in 2017 and "acting in a way that suppressed information that the citizenry had a right to know in order to make an informed decision about an individual who was seeking the highest office in the land."

Cohen pleaded guilty in 2018 to campaign finance violations, making false statements to Congress and tax evasion. He was sentenced to three years in prison.

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947966 No.20868777


Blanche grilled Cohen on his negative past statements he made online and to the media about Trump.

Over the course of the investigation and case, Cohen made more than 20 television appearances. He has recorded hundreds of podcast episodes – four total episodes a week all year long – since the investigation for this trial started. Cohen agreed that Trump has been mentioned in every podcast.

Blanche also asked Cohen if he was obsessed with Trump.

"I don’t know if I would call it obsessed," Cohen said. "I admired him tremendously."

Under cross-examination, Cohen also admitted to meeting with former New York prosecutor Mark Pomerantz, who resigned in 2022 when Bragg took over the Manhattan DA's probe of Trump after he signaled he was uninterested in bringing charges against the former president.

Cohen in 2021 testified that he wanted the DA's office to publicly acknowledge he was cooperating with their investigation, as he was hoping to have his sentence lessened. Cohen, at the time, was serving his sentence but was moved from prison to home confinement.

Ultimately, there was no letter or public announcement made by the DA about his cooperation.

Blanche said he will continue the cross-examination of Cohen on Thursday; court does not meet on Wednesdays.

Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass said Cohen was the prosecution’s last witness.


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736179 No.20868778

File: acce88df8a994da⋯.jpg (144.39 KB,720x1140,12:19,20240515_030517.jpg)

File: 39a9ff49bbbb5de⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB,680x360,17:9,johnny_maga_20240515_1_new.mp4)


Robert De Niro went on an unhinged rant on The View about Trump and his supporters, ironically calling them angry and hate filled

He then goes on to say he wants “to punch” Trump “in the face”

I hope @SecretService pays him a visit. This isn’t ok

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947966 No.20868779

File: 42a5349c10e5ca5⋯.jpg (26.86 KB,640x640,1:1,42a5349c10e5ca5a69b9a3fd79….jpg)


nik'd the second one


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90dfe4 No.20868780


Ask him who Wojciech Fibak is.

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ab04cb No.20868782

File: 707eb327ed3f560⋯.png (245.54 KB,571x437,571:437,707eb327ed3f560af717c79fee….png)


>Trump allies flock to court to 'support their friend'

…And those who cannot make it still support fren.

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90dfe4 No.20868784

File: 0bf223fa9fda17b⋯.png (181.13 KB,714x500,357:250,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a1921 No.20868785

File: 4adc1bf159b9235⋯.png (1.39 MB,801x1000,801:1000,179FCB90_2DFD_40CF_A36C_C3….png)

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9a1921 No.20868786

File: 2f3beeb007af22b⋯.png (1.17 MB,801x1000,801:1000,IMG_0633.png)

PNG Template

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ab04cb No.20868787

File: 0b74a4192637d06⋯.png (134.72 KB,591x422,591:422,drivers_license_1536x1097_….png)


…Stolen as fuck.

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9a1921 No.20868788

File: cfdffc6edfd022a⋯.png (2.23 MB,1366x911,1366:911,39854C5D_456B_490A_87E5_C5….png)


PNG Template 2

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67e924 No.20868789

File: cddd5ef3b50beb2⋯.jpg (66.29 KB,720x760,18:19,msm_brainwashing.jpg)

File: 7c1c042faadc8da⋯.jpg (25.2 KB,255x255,1:1,msm_illusion.jpg)

File: 16dc9ccbf078435⋯.png (346.49 KB,459x592,459:592,msm_owners_6.png)


>Wikipedia…is not a source per say

Agree, I said it was a "benchmark" of "info". Usually has lotsa dig worth links as you say, even if the info has / does get twisted. and it's easier than looking up Britannica or world almanac etc. the INTENT, originally of wiki was same as HTML, ie a "user" can add/create/ distribute info & add "comments" etc. sadly for wiki (& html) those "additions'/edits" usually have bias & a lot of msm style 'tweaks"/political input in interpretation. aka propoganda. but as you say still a starting point. sorta same-same as msm

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947966 No.20868790

File: 7c449c437fb94c5⋯.jpeg (392.63 KB,828x684,23:19,7c449c437fb94c5aa64ffea29….jpeg)

File: 900bf34f5f7f114⋯.png (242.72 KB,731x565,731:565,muh_fren_.png)


yes, i support muh fren

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9a1921 No.20868791

File: 72dd6f2c31bf9ff⋯.png (1.38 MB,801x1000,801:1000,9547891A_2A73_4AAD_9213_E3….png)

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947966 No.20868792


dats berry noice

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97c53f No.20868793


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947966 No.20868794

File: 784124968fda0b1⋯.png (1.48 MB,678x944,339:472,ClipboardImage.png)

Wall Street Apes




Mirrored King Charles portrait upside down.

It’s right in your face.


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9a1921 No.20868795

File: 7b9330bc80860fe⋯.png (1.35 MB,801x1000,801:1000,CBD82DDA_A7D9_4854_A4EB_F1….png)

File: 5f79880d8505291⋯.jpeg (510.6 KB,1088x1451,1088:1451,IMG_0655.jpeg)

File: 6a107b1470fb789⋯.jpeg (259.58 KB,1179x1121,1179:1121,IMG_0653.jpeg)

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ab04cb No.20868796

File: 6b36821b4d98061⋯.png (1.02 MB,634x790,317:395,arcadechuckiii.png)

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f5d68b No.20868797

File: b30988a201e8e5b⋯.png (539.54 KB,1019x674,1019:674,Screenshot_20240510_024008….png)

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f5d68b No.20868798

File: 852a3db09dfe9a4⋯.png (1.71 MB,1080x1073,1080:1073,Screenshot_20240514_125508….png)

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947966 No.20868799

File: 5176bb59f497087⋯.png (1.98 MB,830x1237,830:1237,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f426fbe7fc8dd4⋯.png (4.91 MB,1309x1585,1309:1585,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4a55ccdb40351d⋯.png (2.96 MB,1717x1208,1717:1208,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 868374a4a8243e0⋯.png (1.42 MB,960x954,160:159,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 74034304c258a3e⋯.png (954.53 KB,960x499,960:499,ClipboardImage.png)

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f5d68b No.20868800

File: 76d78eca1508904⋯.png (373.37 KB,691x1122,691:1122,Screenshot_20240514_101059….png)

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947966 No.20868801

File: 24f132ceecac104⋯.png (4.38 MB,1110x1560,37:52,ClipboardImage.png)

King Charles’ first official portrait since coronation proves divisive


og large image

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4f1590 No.20868802

File: a80b535b548420a⋯.jpg (28.84 KB,487x343,487:343,a80b535b548420aeecc9d35710….jpg)

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9a1921 No.20868803

File: dc8fe987e367445⋯.png (1.46 MB,801x1000,801:1000,4E31D656_169D_4A29_96BA_0B….png)

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56004e No.20868804


>staph infection.

Is the infection internally or on his skin?

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0f9869 No.20868805


Good morning, baker.

How's the graveyard?

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ab04cb No.20868806

File: 16db7e0fecf6561⋯.png (903.58 KB,698x794,349:397,burgertimechuck.png)


…Thankfully uneventful.

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947966 No.20868807

File: 58022e5971a0634⋯.png (1.26 MB,639x884,639:884,ClipboardImage.png)

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6e7ff7 No.20868808

File: 697e7900a9f0cc1⋯.jpeg (50.2 KB,680x607,680:607,GM2QxWeXgAAe_F5.jpeg)


What the Fuck you doing here? Just cause you own the board and shit. You should always say GM to all the anons on the board not just the damn baker

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4f1590 No.20868809


What about that butterfly? Meaning to it?

Symbol of change and transformation? (as claimed in Silence of the Lambs)

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4f1590 No.20868810

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB,1035x614,1035:614,4170260791ee7b417c5df5a868….jpg)

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947966 No.20868811

File: 83c9ccf28c7c14c⋯.png (911.53 KB,1083x883,1083:883,ClipboardImage.png)

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0f9869 No.20868812


Took out 4 threads in the catalog.

Things should pick up soon, as East coast revs up. We are short BVs this am. Cannot stay but will return when I can. There are always eyes watching for illegal posts.



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8a1ba8 No.20868813

How are TPTB making White people infertile?

I know a bunch of White people who have spent thousands of dollars on infertility treatments.

Seems like a racket.

Make White people infertile then charge them thousands of dollars for infertility treatments.

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ab04cb No.20868814


…Aye o7

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f5d68b No.20868815

File: 2c8c31ea3c7c2a4⋯.png (604.66 KB,606x787,606:787,Screenshot_20240515_031605….png)

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bf2604 No.20868816

File: 51dfebd86443fd7⋯.webp (53.33 KB,857x1200,857:1200,51dfebd86443fd7eab54da57d….webp)

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aa0f26 No.20868817

File: 271e4e3d613392d⋯.gif (27.53 KB,198x188,99:94,muppets.gif)


>eyes watching for illegal posts.

We all know you don't limit yourself to only 'illegal posts'. Kek

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f64e78 No.20868818


>How are TPTB making White people infertile?


cell phones




probably not a complete list

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0f9869 No.20868819


>What the fuck…

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little gm fren? i'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the gm anons, and I've been involved in numerous secret gm's on 8-Kun, and I have over 300 confirmed gm. I am trained in gm warfare and I'm the top gm in the entire US armed gm's. you are nothing to me but just another gm anon. I will gm you the fuck out with gm's the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. you think you can get away with saying gm to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of anons across the USA and your gm's is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, gm anon. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call gm. you're fucking gm anon, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can gm you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed gm's, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine gm's and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your gm's ass off the face of the continent, you little gm anon. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "gm" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit gm all over you and you will drown in it. you're fucking gm anon, kiddo.


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629700 No.20868820

File: fbbce3487e22085⋯.jpg (186.98 KB,790x993,790:993,Screen_Shot_2024_05_15_at_….jpg)

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ab04cb No.20868821

File: baca5162bdfcbb9⋯.png (345.28 KB,563x383,563:383,bnbhiro.png)


…Nevermind the Asians, right?

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82713c No.20868822

File: a44b4cbf18e2f00⋯.mp4 (7.4 MB,480x360,4:3,a44b4cbf18e2f00a4145bbff78….mp4)

Q, Q+ could you play this song at the next Rally? I seriously was dreaming about that and was like "Look, the trollolo man and POTUS is dancing to the rhythm!"

>it was intense!

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0f9869 No.20868823


>We all know you don't limit yourself to only 'illegal posts'. Kek

you are right, we also take out spam and stuff that breaks board rules like ethnic slurs.

Gotta go, time is fleeting.

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aa0f26 No.20868825

File: c4ae660283120c6⋯.png (390.05 KB,500x498,250:249,wat.png)


>stuff that breaks board rules like ethnic slurs

That's some nigger action if I ever seen some

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5624d7 No.20868826

File: 986d1c72bac9b35⋯.png (1.35 MB,1514x1081,1514:1081,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2bd7f3f7b591e15⋯.png (8.71 MB,2111x1683,2111:1683,ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like he got his wish.

member that time he wanted to be a tampon.

Well, now he immortalized as one.

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629700 No.20868828

File: 4861a67e6384bef⋯.mp4 (14.06 MB,1280x532,320:133,4861a67e6384bef7aac00afce5….mp4)

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4f1590 No.20868829

File: 0287b88c179fa28⋯.png (597.75 KB,695x500,139:100,0287b88c179fa28cccf5fdc4c3….png)

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629700 No.20868830

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aa0f26 No.20868831

File: 97cfa672f65fe33⋯.png (1.08 MB,900x720,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)



I'm more anon than you.

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4f1590 No.20868832

File: 044fd7825379da0⋯.jpeg (84.75 KB,800x582,400:291,044fd7825379da0d78e964a3f….jpeg)

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66372e No.20868833

G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.

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39694c No.20868834



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f5d68b No.20868835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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aa0f26 No.20868836

File: 9b2103230068af7⋯.png (336.09 KB,460x741,460:741,ClipboardImage.png)

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4f1590 No.20868837

File: 0f17bb0b771f286⋯.jpg (26.65 KB,480x434,240:217,bb0b771f286fd0e10c7269bca2….jpg)

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aa0f26 No.20868838

File: e511c0d09d3443d⋯.gif (5.04 MB,475x264,475:264,catRide.gif)


The cat was broken from the start

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d1b10e No.20868839

File: b079591a06f4d52⋯.mp4 (3.05 MB,480x600,4:5,Unveiling.mp4)


this is what was revealed….

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39694c No.20868840


He woke up with his foot sore and swollen. He had two arterial stents put in many months ago (6+). Had no issues with those. I suspect it's in his blood. I live in a different city. I'll get more info from my brother later today.

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a3c403 No.20868841

File: aebf64c0573aef7⋯.gif (2.06 MB,339x195,113:65,5kuz14.gif)


>G'Mornin' Anons… Another Day at the Office.



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d1b10e No.20868842

File: ac1917e9abb0b9f⋯.jpg (21 KB,255x237,85:79,757a1e54123e6d211fb9e2f2c0….jpg)



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d1b10e No.20868843

File: 4191a1fcdf0c7cb⋯.png (668.8 KB,803x1024,803:1024,ClipboardImage.png)

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39694c No.20868844



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66372e No.20868845


Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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39694c No.20868846


Sry. Replied to the wrong post.

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bc95ce No.20868847


Maybe things what wakes Trump up to the “Jew”

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b1cdd6 No.20868848


>Its MRSA, its not the first infection, its a pre-existing colony. I am interested to know what they cultured if there were no wounds.


>on his skin

I have given numerous discourses on staph and MRSA. If there is an infection on the skin and no medications, creams, or OTC ointments are working then let me reiterate what I have been saying for nearly 4 years to no avail. You friend has most likely being chemically sabotaged, which is why nothing is working. Any topical would help if not work entirely but you have to understand that these attacks are just not just germs, bacteria, or fungi, although they do contain them. They are using what I call industrials: plastic/nylons and adhesives glues mixed with the other pathogens: germs, bacteria, and fungi. So you must remove the industrials first because they act like a protective layer against all remedies. Try using the hottest water on the area first to make it a little more solvent, then use a green sunburn relief aloe with glycol with lidocaine and sodium hydroxide then spray bactine or another type of Benzalkonium Chloride 0.13% after a an hour or you can use menthol alcohol 70%. You will slowly work away the protective layer doing these 2 steps and in about a week it will be gone. If there is any discoloration around the area as in white spots, then they also used cyanide in that mixture. We get attacked with these types of assaults almost everyday and as recent as 30 minutes ago. There are various chemical combos that they are using against us. Even though it drizzled all day yesterday and is lightly raining now, when I went onto my front porch it smelled like roundup glyphosate, other times they use pesticides.

And by the way the foot sore and swollen is because they are also using radiation because most likely they used cyanide in the mixture because cyanide settles in the feet and fingertips. Ask him how his fingertips feel. The use radiation to agitate the area but will try to move it up his leg in order to cause a blood clot.

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0137b3 No.20868849



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f29d2a No.20868850

File: 62cf6a355d77676⋯.png (130.55 KB,1362x310,681:155,diddy.png)



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101f8d No.20868851

File: 1562eb3a446e9e6⋯.png (144.53 KB,298x744,149:372,Screenshot_2024_05_15_at_0….png)

BREAKING 🚨 Former People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrii Derkach says they have proof that Biden family member affiliates, both Burisma founders and employees, are complicit in the blowing up of Nord Stream 2 and other terrorist activity by way of at least a $50 million collective bribe.

According to Derkach, a $6 million cash bribe was reportedly handed over to Ukrainian law enforcement to shut down the investigation into Burisma. $12 million was given to a drone army under secret court order.

The Burisma lawyer who handed over the $6 million did it on camera. The other $12 million, according to Derkach, was donated to a drone army under secret court ruling. The drone army reportedly kills people and does not target infrastructure facilities.

Derkach says that the chains of transactional records would lead investigators to believe that funds were used to supply American companies to send to the Central Intelligence Office (GUR).

The $6 million has been held as evidence, by a secret court order. The money was handed over to a military unit of the Central Intelligence Office (GUR) for the sake of carrying out terrorist activities. After that, Derkach says, the Nord Stream explosions occurred, Prilepin was attacked, Darya Dugina, daughter of far-right political activist Aleksandr Dugin, was assassinated.

Top officers of security agencies in Ukraine—Malyuk, Budanov—they reportedly conduct interviews using extra-budgetary cash.

Derkach says all transactions of funds have been traced from Burisma to Morgan Stanley to Rosemont Seneca, which is affiliated with and owned by Hunter Biden. U.S. Congress is using these documents to prove influence peddling.

The criminal case initiated in regard to Burisma, actively investigated by Prosecutor General Shokin was not closed until 2020.

Derkach says all who have sponsored and participated in terrorism will be held accountable for their crimes.

10:57 PM · May 14, 2024





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88f49b No.20868852

File: 812d2849f5ae19a⋯.png (518.97 KB,866x760,433:380,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3be6a23d2642ad⋯.png (117.19 KB,455x267,455:267,digits_confirm.png)

File: d16b9f23f0bd51f⋯.png (159.46 KB,561x399,187:133,digits.png)

Donald J. Trump



66 Following

Joined February 2022



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f364ce No.20868854

File: d8911879ecd9e36⋯.png (378.67 KB,399x493,399:493,dtyj1.png)

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b6f0ca No.20868855



Is it because of the swollen foot? Then read this first, at the end I explain the feet. >>20868848

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88f49b No.20868856

File: a5787e6ba0f6127⋯.png (53.54 KB,124x180,31:45,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a86de9faa44020⋯.png (757.89 KB,1147x739,1147:739,ClipboardImage.png)


in red

Ghost busters the original

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88f49b No.20868857




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39694c No.20868858


All I know is he was fine night before last. Woke up yesterday morning with a very sore and swollen foot. No evidence of wounds/scratches. He went to ER in the afternoon and they admitted him. He's 66yo and generally in good health. I'll know more today.

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88f49b No.20868859

File: 9365387b1a80775⋯.jpg (18.17 KB,255x255,1:1,BURN_fire.jpg)

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a3c403 No.20868860

File: a7659f19ac2a46b⋯.gif (1 MB,360x270,4:3,ralph_2a_.gif)


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.

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4a8ae6 No.20868861


So, it is really on his skin and he also had a swollen foot and you are stating that it is internal only because of the swollen foot, right? Did you read this? >>20868848 , you friend's life is in serious danger and it is important that we address this asap.

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88f49b No.20868862

File: 2a86de9faa44020⋯.png (757.89 KB,1147x739,1147:739,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 795a872b4e37431⋯.png (937.73 KB,1200x677,1200:677,ClipboardImage.png)

What happened to the Vigo the Carpathian painting from Ghostbusters II

Vigo the Carpathian: he was the Scourge of Carpathia, the Sorrow of Moldavia, and one very bad painting. Played by Wilhelm von Homburg and voiced by Max von Sydow, he was also the villain in Ghostbusters II. But he’s best known as a painting, even though it’s a lot more complicated than that.

How Vigo began

Director Ivan Reitman knew he wanted something frightening for Vigo the Carpathian. Wizards at Industrial Light And Magic worked up many concepts for the character, and artist Lou Police drew a reference copy. According to Reitman, they were all “too Conan.” So artist Glen Eytchison was brought in.

Eytchison had the perfect experience to draw from: he was production director at the Pageant of the Masters (which was lovingly parodied on Arrested Development as the Living Classics pageant). ILM quickly realized he was the right man for the job, so he was brought on board to create a new living painting.


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cff2e8 No.20868863

File: db5f49a09ddde5d⋯.png (492.44 KB,720x450,8:5,watnn.png)

>>20868250 tyb

>>20868688 ty gyb

sorry can't help w morn'n kitchen or shill watch duties - irl been a mofo

ty agin for yer svc and just ghost if you need to -wnb

morn'n / eevn'n anons

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06b901 No.20868864


Of the original, “Ghoastbusters 2”

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23c216 No.20868865

HENRY!!!!!! WAKE YOUR ASS UP & SMELL THE ROSES!!!!! Happy Wednesday Everyone!

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88f49b No.20868866

File: 8d5701712d0ff34⋯.png (538.7 KB,913x752,913:752,ClipboardImage.png)

Charlie Kirk


RFK claims that his campaign’s internal polling shows that 57% of his voters would vote for President Trump if he was not in the race.


May 15, 2024, 1:33 AM


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88f49b No.20868867


the 80's not the 2020's cheap versions

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5f645b No.20868868

File: abd12e7c18e7d59⋯.png (620.27 KB,1080x1178,540:589,Svcj.png)

File: c65931a0d4c2dc2⋯.jpg (70.59 KB,500x578,250:289,8bv.jpg)

File: 5694993a5e0a8aa⋯.jpg (82.33 KB,500x500,1:1,8o2ch4.jpg)


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06b901 No.20868869

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82713c No.20868870

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am taking this for almost two years now. I have seen unbelievable things with sick elder people. Look it up and maybe it will help.

My personal take, it could be a cure (for numerous things) Q was talking about!

What is CDS? - Chorine Dioxide - The scientific facts


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39694c No.20868871


I do not know. He has no open wounds/sores that he knows of and the docs/nurses could not locate any either. He has not had and recent injuries. He presented with sore and swollen foot and they told him he had a staph infection, admitted him and put him on high dose IV antibiotics. No idea which one. I'm 600 miles away.

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b4157d No.20868872

File: feaad2d36934996⋯.png (86.85 KB,1206x372,201:62,Screenshot_2024_05_15_at_5….png)

File: 14a84d346e4c516⋯.png (622.58 KB,718x554,359:277,Screenshot_2024_05_15_at_6….png)

Morning anons…

Recall "the pit"?

Recall how no board anons attended?

Recall how we all though the idea was cool but felt a bit "passed over"?

Well now looking like that was a honey pot. Almost every single attendee has aGLOWabout the right now.

I have no idea if thisSOCKattended theGLOWIEevent or not, but thisSOCKnowGLOWS

TheFLYNN / STONE OPis blown up sir!


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88f49b No.20868873


you knew what i meant, asshole

it was the idea not the accuracy that counted

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0ce4d9 No.20868874

File: 8fb9c4577454cc7⋯.webp (257.59 KB,2000x1334,1000:667,gettyimages_2152375256.webp)


This is the other pic from your link. It features the "artist" Johnathon Yeo, and King Charles. There are some things very off in this pic.

>Yeo isn't wearing a proper suit, but a clown-type shirt

>Charles is wearing a single-breasted suit

>Charles has the bottom button tied, not the top

>Charles's suit is wrinkled

>His normal attire is a double-breasted suit that's perfectly pressed without wrinkles

>Why did Charles "dress down"?

>Why did he allow Yeo to dress down at such an event?

>What is that hand signal that Yeo is making?

>Who or what are the two of them looking at off camera?

>What are they laughing about?

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9a1921 No.20868875

File: 41a4ac82177b4fb⋯.mp4 (10.92 MB,800x502,400:251,Bernie_and_Joe.mp4)

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308bca No.20868876


He is probably on our side. Him and Haley were probably in the race to try to capture a wider net of voters for Trump eventually. He will drop out at some point.

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996c61 No.20868877




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06b901 No.20868878


Sorry to have upset you this morning.

Hope your day gets better.


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db0dba No.20868879

File: 12a3d19d1eb4f29⋯.jpeg (74.13 KB,828x511,828:511,D72B264A_2B1B_4D72_AEB2_3….jpeg)

State funeral coming up.

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15a9f7 No.20868880

File: b40da306420473a⋯.png (1.13 MB,710x826,355:413,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4d6485dcc762b0⋯.mp4 (69.51 KB,350x550,7:11,tornado_gif.mp4)

File: 10481e7b4488e17⋯.gif (981.16 KB,500x269,500:269,eagle.gif)

File: 56fb2483d8ba926⋯.gif (4.3 MB,498x280,249:140,flag_eagle.gif)



Alrite you useless bunch of faggots.

what the fuck is going on here.

this place looks like a gay parlour.

get some fucking direction

1) list currect topics

2) produce targeted memes

3) Shitpost to your hearts content.

And above all, enjoy being you.

not you shills, spammers and clowns.

you suck gay dicks

carry on faggots.


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39a9e2 No.20868881

File: f4cde06b431a19b⋯.jpg (50.73 KB,586x846,293:423,1715706408994206.jpg)

Roid, you came from a lazy one of workers.

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88f49b No.20868882

File: b1c95b100129669⋯.png (1.62 MB,942x639,314:213,ClipboardImage.png)


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f29d2a No.20868883

>>17980519 PB

Q told us "News Unlocks".

He/She did NOT say "Use only these specific media sources".

Who are we to determine which news source Q may/may not have been referencing? Remember the saying " Even a broken clock is right twice a day"? Well, even lies told thru the media hold a certain element of truth. It's up to Anons to determine if that truth "speaks to them" or if they think it's bullshit.

Currently, the majority of all media being suggested as "credible" is controlled and presented by DS players. Why would we consider them credible, and not RRN? That logic doesn't hold water.

IMHO, all news sources should be considered.

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3e3893 No.20868884


probably VAIDS from lowered immunity

all vaxxies gonna die soon

blood poisoning follows staph usually

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b4157d No.20868885


>Chorine Dioxide

Is a good anti-parasitic and a good thing to take occasionally. I would suggest you do 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off and you might also rotate ivermectin and fenben.

Good for you anon! You are ahead of the curve.

Pathogens (bacteria, fungus, parasites, viruses, etc) are things of the earth that help with decay and earth processes. Mammals of the earth need these bacteria to help them digest the foods of the earth.

(you) are something special. You have allowed yourself to be CORRUPTED and you have "fallen to the earth" by living like an earth creature. When we do this we get POLLUTED with PATHOGENS.

Soon we will realize how we fell (we ate and we hid ourselves from THE SON). By this falling we allowed ourselves to become INFECTED. When we ar infected we are weaker and more controllable.

As hard as it is to believe, we will RETURN to our glory and part of the story will be our relationship with earthly food and our begotten SON.

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ab04cb No.20868886

File: f11aa899198dbf2⋯.png (330.14 KB,646x430,323:215,bbsocko.png)


#25595 >>20868250

>>20868293, >>20868362 Dough claim

>>20868291, >>20868321 Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says

>>20868296 Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

>>20868307 Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

>>20868336, >>20868558 PF Report: Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

>>20868345 🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

>>20868410 China set to host Putin as economic ties grow under Western pressure

>>20868464 T-6 Instructor Pilot Dies After Ejection Seat Goes Off on the Ground (Weird)

>>20868469, >>20868474 GITMO Update: Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay: Judge McCall, in the 9/11 case, just halted the hearing for the rest of today following a complaint by the KSM team that members of the Washington Headquarters Services entered their privileged offices without a defense escort.

>>20868770 Jimmy Carter’s grandson says former president is ‘coming to the end’

>>20868776, >>20868777 NY v Trump: As 'star witness' Michael Cohen testifies, Trump allies flock to court to 'support their friend'

>>20868851 Former People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrii Derkach says they have proof that Biden family member affiliates, both Burisma founders and employees, are complicit in the blowing up of Nord Stream 2 and other terrorist activity by way of at least a $50 million collective bribe.

>>20868866 RFK claims that his campaign’s internal polling shows that 57% of his voters would vote for President Trump if he was not in the race.


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3e3893 No.20868887


dubdubs confirm

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9f96ff No.20868888


Ok, gotcha, but listen to me closely because if I am right, which I am sure I am based upon years of experience and taking care of others that have the same exact symptoms including myself. Ask the hospital to check for cyanide poisoning if they can. If you read my full discourse then you friend was sprayed with industrials that contain pathogens, which is why there is no cuts. And the pain in the feet is from low dosages of cyanide in that chemical attack. One test is to use a simple vibrating massager on his foot and then flex the toes backwards, if he gets relief, it is not internal staff but cyanide. By doing this he would be flushing out the dead cells which are causing the pain. Do you follow?

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39a9e2 No.20868889

File: a373478c0752126⋯.png (807.12 KB,878x1058,439:529,a373478c07521266b65af8ddc3….png)


Yet here you are.

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88f49b No.20868890


was doing that from memory 40 years ago


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88f49b No.20868891

File: 867b5b2cf1f595f⋯.jpg (14.94 KB,219x300,73:100,kisses_867b5b2cf1f595f8c9f….jpg)

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efb3f4 No.20868892


>Gotta go

good riddance BO

>BO/butt orgasm

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8c24bd No.20868893


I don't think he'll do what he says he'll do, he already failed that mission.

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efb3f4 No.20868894


beavis butthead cockhead

I am here to fuck you over

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efb3f4 No.20868895


faggot beavis buttbrain

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efb3f4 No.20868897


hop IP's moar….butthead

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ab04cb No.20868898

File: e50580f91fd1470⋯.jpg (127.13 KB,800x800,1:1,buttshutup.jpg)

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39694c No.20868899


Copied and sending along to my brother who is in the same city. Thanks.

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8c24bd No.20868900


>probably VAIDS from lowered immunity

>all vaxxies gonna die soon

Sometimes I like to pretend the journals are fake, but that seems pretty naive.

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813255 No.20868901


go and suck a bag of dicks you faggot

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cee0e9 No.20868902

File: 5c3f928c5ea4774⋯.png (489.13 KB,1080x662,540:331,Screenbvv.png)


You are here to suck David Hogg's balls.

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374a68 No.20868903



Yeah no BVs around today OUT

>Morning BV

Yeah guyz gotta run no Bake today see you laterz


Well well well say no moar!

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813255 No.20868904


u r a pathetic baker btw

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9a1921 No.20868905

File: b99a8d99316fc0c⋯.png (1.47 MB,801x1000,801:1000,D0D43F7C_BE54_475A_8939_55….png)

File: dcaf7974f691a33⋯.jpeg (359.94 KB,1088x1580,272:395,IMG_0659.jpeg)

Prince William The Carpathian

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c62743 No.20868906

"white colonies must remain white!" you people (i'm not saying all who post here, but some) are fucking insane, if you really really really want to have a "pure white" homeland you should come home to europe and try to keep europe white, but australia and the americas, like, if you want to "keep them white" you are literally insane and need to seek help, either from God or from i dunno, medication of some sort

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ab04cb No.20868907

File: bb6898a37555da1⋯.jpg (43.54 KB,720x807,240:269,beavis.jpg)


…Anon likes to think he makes a difference, in the Kun community.

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813255 No.20868908


yep, you are first in the queue though

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813255 No.20868909


moran tier kitchen orc


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15a9f7 No.20868910

File: 4c6c34e7783a725⋯.png (1.01 MB,500x702,250:351,ClipboardImage.png)

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e363c9 No.20868911


Your welcome, this is the DS main attack that they have been doing on the entire US. The SCIF about energy weapons being used on US citizens is only one part of my discourse , and pertains to the microwave and radiation attacks but they haven't considered the chemical aspects to it yet.

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4f1590 No.20868913

File: 50509623e0e278b⋯.png (192.25 KB,517x594,47:54,3f16ddb929f4ac3403c89803d7….png)


>Why would we consider them credible, and not RRN?

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88f49b No.20868914

File: 0fb389d15ddd85d⋯.png (154.28 KB,906x689,906:689,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cf488851df6ae60⋯.png (161.34 KB,1188x925,1188:925,ClipboardImage.png)

Marco Polo


10AM on Thursday, May 16th

Biden vs @MarcoPolo501c3

First Street Courthouse

350 W. 1st Street

Courtroom 5B, 5th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 900121

Finally, a hearing on our motions to dismiss a frivolous lawsuit brought by Joe's degenerate son.

You can support our group (unlike Hunter, we don't use a caveman sugar brother) HERE: FightBiden.org

Docket here:


May 14, 2024, 9:34 PM


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cee0e9 No.20868915

File: 4b62f549255b700⋯.jpg (56.08 KB,500x485,100:97,FREDDY.jpg)


HotWheels step it up.

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88f49b No.20868916


can you make that with a red hue, please?

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ab04cb No.20868917

File: 4a9f2ff5fcc857c⋯.png (521.76 KB,684x458,342:229,bnblff.png)


…You're a dumb bunghole and your mother is a slut.

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88f49b No.20868918


there is one that is more sinister..

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3e0b6d No.20868919

Wang Doodle

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e0ab7b No.20868920

File: 9b58682df2b781e⋯.png (338.66 KB,596x500,149:125,9b58682df2b781eb078f079b2a….png)

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374a68 No.20868921



Everybody knows the real patch for that squadron is a cardigan pepe sitting in a chair having a smoke.

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b4157d No.20868922

File: 142eef90246be14⋯.png (1.05 MB,1214x1022,607:511,Screenshot_2024_05_15_at_6….png)



"Mayor Adams says illegal aliens could be used to fill New York City's lifeguard shortage because they are "excellent swimmers.""

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9a1921 No.20868923

File: c5f480c532c437f⋯.png (1.33 MB,801x1000,801:1000,C96C9442_DB85_4313_A871_90….png)


A Red Hugh

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4f1590 No.20868924


>Prince William

too much hair

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b4157d No.20868925


Every baker needs to be respected for their efforts.


Don't feed'em bake…

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f4cf36 No.20868926

File: 931c600db5f5eb8⋯.jpg (240.48 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,IMG_20240513_184710.jpg)

File: f731feef41e28a3⋯.png (1.14 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Scrvvfi_1.png)

Since AI WARFARE SYSTEMS memes hit Trish Regan is getting a big bump on YouTube and social media.

She's a green eye's beauty…

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15a9f7 No.20868927

File: fccac7c45233398⋯.gif (3.4 MB,588x588,1:1,kek_gif.gif)

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f48537 No.20868928


>Your welcome


you fucking useless illiterate imbecile flyover country hick

lobsterbacks need to re-visit YOUR shithole town and teach you the King's English YOU fucking dumb Colonial cunt

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e0ab7b No.20868929


We should use politicians for shark bait and vaccine testing.

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85c6c4 No.20868930

US Military:

Are we ready?

What are we waiting for?

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3ecbda No.20868931


There's a song about that

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4f1590 No.20868932

File: 06e445070fbc630⋯.gif (1.73 MB,400x206,200:103,06e445070fbc630653da554ff4….gif)


Anyone promoting RRN in here is a shill. That´s just the way it is, fedboi. You guys really should try to up your game. This is just silly.

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f4cf36 No.20868934


Anon you got the transparent blank.

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374a68 No.20868935


>their efforts

Copypasta create a bread.

Locate the 2 main newsbots and the PF on duty.

Auto notable everything they post.

Tough gig - glad that a few are still doing it these days.

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ab04cb No.20868936


…And lose again? Will this happen before or after the USA has to pull Europe's ass out of the fire…a-fucking-gain?

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9a1921 No.20868937


Already posted in this bread

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388069 No.20868938


pathetic attempt to blend in

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f4cf36 No.20868939

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8a0201 No.20868940

File: 9cc84a88d81f6a0⋯.png (959.56 KB,1366x768,683:384,Screenshot_from_2024_05_15….png)

File: 0497394558e21f0⋯.png (585.35 KB,1271x491,1271:491,transylvaniaUkraine.png)

File: bd65e1c55ad644d⋯.png (461.01 KB,971x377,971:377,Screenshot_from_2024_05_15….png)

File: 27d444eebee817b⋯.png (628.24 KB,1008x631,1008:631,Screenshot_from_2020_10_15….png)

File: cff0b1c93817fa0⋯.png (146.93 KB,925x437,925:437,Screenshot_from_2020_10_15….png)


right next to Ukraine

Transylvania is a historical and cultural region in Central Europe, encompassing central Romania. To the east and south its natural border is theCarpathian Mountains and to the west the Apuseni Mountains. Broader definitions of Transylvania also include the western and northwestern Romanian regions of Crișana and Maramureș, and occasionally Banat. Historical Transylvania also includes small parts of neighbouring Western Moldavia and even a small part of south-western neighbouring Bukovina to its north east. The capital of the region is Cluj-Napoca.

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f4cf36 No.20868941

File: e9f1c914d4b05c6⋯.png (1.01 MB,1066x1058,533:529,AI_Trish_Regan_1.png)

Trish Regan was fired from a prime time show for supporting Trump and down playing the Covid Bioweapon.

She's Trump's next press secretary or White House Spokeswoman.

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a16155 No.20868942


Your right.

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f48537 No.20868943


>Anyone promoting RRN

fuck off with your attempt to form a consensus here you creepy shill

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56d1ba No.20868944

File: 65c03f4ddde589f⋯.png (1.31 MB,1080x1080,1:1,Screenbbi.png)

Fox made a huge mistake by firing Trish Regan.

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f48537 No.20868945


nobody cares

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374a68 No.20868946

File: 9ebe6e431b6c22d⋯.jpg (19.84 KB,253x256,253:256,Kay_Kay.jpg)


>She's Trump's next press secretary

She didn't get her tits cut off for precautionary reasons because Big Pharma told her to did she?

MAGA has decided not to make that mistake again.

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a16155 No.20868947


>Trish Regan

Would be a good fit for many positions.

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3e0b6d No.20868948


Top Kek Ultra

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4f1590 No.20868949

File: 8487474c69b04d4⋯.jpg (132.3 KB,606x444,101:74,8487474c69b04d45425a14950a….jpg)

File: 054832e527b83a5⋯.jpg (80.37 KB,500x666,250:333,054832e527b83a5b8c68d454ba….jpg)

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f48537 No.20868950


take cyanide and die

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56d1ba No.20868951

File: ab68d675421f63a⋯.png (884.4 KB,1080x994,540:497,Screenvcg.png)

File: 931c600db5f5eb8⋯.jpg (240.48 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,IMG_20240513_184710.jpg)

You real women and then you got Stormy Butthole Daniels.

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f48537 No.20868952


just another hooker,worthless quim

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f48537 No.20868953



it is clearly visible

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374a68 No.20868954



Why do you guys always say go to hospital instead of go to THE hospital?

The differences between English and American are pretty wild.

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4f1590 No.20868955

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,af0519bdf67eb51e3a310cc73b….png)

File: 88c2e6706baa21b⋯.jpg (57.48 KB,500x500,1:1,88c2e6706baa21ba37c8268960….jpg)




(the shill is attacking shills for credibility (that will never come))

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e6877b No.20868957



every anon is a shill except you

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f29d2a No.20868958

File: 32959d915a95024⋯.jpg (5.93 KB,211x239,211:239,CRINGE.jpg)


Another Bullshit definition (((they))) made up, to make you think you are crazy, and not seeing what you are really seeing.

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56d1ba No.20868959

File: 09b342f3495b92e⋯.png (205.17 KB,525x507,175:169,Screenshot_20240514_123136….png)



Faggot you think Goldman Sachs would give your lowlife a job…? Trish Regan killed it at Goldman Sachs.

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645b78 No.20868960


Trish Regan, Emeral Robinson, and the original blonde girl from OAN, Liz Wheeler, should have their own News Channel together. I think they would be the number one mews agency in less than 6 months. PS I am always right.

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e6877b No.20868961


muh american spelling

most americans have a 2nd grade education at best

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4f1590 No.20868962


no, anyone promoting RRN is a shill, obviously.

Your best option is to ip-hop and start again. They should have trained you better.

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ab04cb No.20868963


…Prove it or you're making shit up. (A: You're making shit up, duh)

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56d1ba No.20868964

File: 353792192d28856⋯.webm (2.21 MB,720x1140,12:19,1715294948756903.webm)



Just drink your beer and STFU.

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645b78 No.20868965


>most americans have a 2nd grade education at best

'Your' wrong, we are just 2nd class citizens, there is a difference.

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61f25c No.20868966





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8c24bd No.20868967


>Trish Regan killed it at Goldman Sachs.

You say that like I haven't bailed out that sorry sack of shit company that should be bankrupt if we actually had capitalism.

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7c38f2 No.20868968

File: 51943707eaf662c⋯.jpg (21.16 KB,500x500,1:1,54d6cbfba820bb71fde3f4a167….jpg)


Oh, I definitely have that.

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8c24bd No.20868969


>Faggot you think Goldman Sachs would give your lowlife a job…?

I don't want a job with these treasonous pedophiles that should be out of business, did you ever think of that faggot?

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4180b8 No.20868970

File: 2766951e90a4972⋯.jpg (429.44 KB,634x737,634:737,193323129_Amanita_Jesus_38….jpg)

File: e2c87da091815b9⋯.jpg (216.21 KB,1200x900,4:3,Plaincourault_fresco_Garde….jpg)

File: b9b37fe32144d50⋯.jpg (83.84 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)

File: 01247540ba4ee8c⋯.jpg (133.91 KB,800x487,800:487,Mushroom.jpg)

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a7694b No.20868971

File: 42d0da6a082a44d⋯.jpg (42.89 KB,439x544,439:544,cdsa.JPG)

File: da491d18dc99512⋯.jpg (43.59 KB,480x424,60:53,Capture.JPG)

File: b4fdeddf8392b02⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,1280x720,16:9,18tY9EyvQZDkdTeH.mp4)

Jim Ferguson


King Charles reveals his new portrait in the UK

Apologies I couldn't resist this one :)

#RoyalFamily #KingCharles


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f1c13e No.20868972

What percentage do you think work at home?

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3be030 No.20868973


oh look it is the internet nanny policing the breads

how safe I feel knowing the censorship is alive and well to protect anons

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7c38f2 No.20868974


Percentage of what?

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ab2a20 No.20868975

File: 1067e814785986b⋯.webp (48.19 KB,613x746,613:746,pepe_stretch.webp)

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3be030 No.20868976


America has lost every war it ever fought

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d68733 No.20868977

anon had an unclaimed check sitting in a state account for about 20 years.

it was a payroll check that had already been taxed. anon filed a claim and they re-taxed it another 33% before depositing it. so they taxed anon initially, made money off it in those 20 years, then re-taxed it. cocksuckin jews

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7c5ce9 No.20868978

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f1c13e No.20868979


%age of US Citizens that work from home?

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3be030 No.20868980


>cocksuckin jews

nannybots will delete your posts for naming the ***

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4f1590 No.20868981

File: 3f136041b7be532⋯.jpg (40.61 KB,350x272,175:136,3f136041b7be532f59396b904b….jpg)

File: bf4c6148dc97309⋯.png (148.4 KB,610x613,610:613,bf4c6148dc97309c4d0771f101….png)


oh look, it´s the shill crying about being called out for promoting RRN.

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9b6bf9 No.20868982



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9b6bf9 No.20868984


Anyone not promoting RRN in here is a shill. That´s just the way it is, fedboi. You guys really should try to up your game. This is just silly.

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36163a No.20868985

File: 63a7dda58b38fd0⋯.png (402.45 KB,690x1104,5:8,F6AE06E5_9140_4B37_B35F_82….png)

File: ea4654610e5475e⋯.jpeg (42.86 KB,581x465,581:465,0B8551A8_7037_41F5_BDB6_0….jpeg)


good morning Ralph.

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7c5ce9 No.20868986

File: dc8183ceccae24d⋯.png (87.27 KB,365x254,365:254,dickhead_cutout_meme_mater….png)

full speed shillin at am times!!








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9b6bf9 No.20868987


too much hair

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7c38f2 No.20868988




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c4e541 No.20868989

Does anyone know what we are waiting for?

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4f1590 No.20868990

File: 1035941708c2a6c⋯.jpeg (63.09 KB,1080x810,4:3,1035941708c2a6cd5e0173152….jpeg)

File: 51070f367e695bd⋯.png (388.33 KB,680x479,680:479,51070f367e695bdd4a2d2c2f62….png)


>Anyone not promoting RRN in here is a shill.

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7071ca No.20868991


the beginning

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9b6bf9 No.20868992


the shill is attacking shills for credibility that will never come

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c4e541 No.20868993



So 10% roughly.

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9b6bf9 No.20868994



reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee moar,loser

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a7694b No.20868995

File: 2501bd9f18d73fa⋯.jpg (57.07 KB,474x684,79:114,OIP_5_.jpg)


this guy and this song were in Cell, where a propagated signal turns the human collective into 'something else'…

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7c38f2 No.20868996


Looks like. o7

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c4e541 No.20868997


>the beginning

the beginning? To end?

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ab2a20 No.20868998

File: 847d4452fe7ba21⋯.png (500.47 KB,1389x1599,463:533,fucking_retard.png)


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a7694b No.20868999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4f1590 No.20869000

File: 75fdbb9772e150f⋯.png (153.22 KB,480x360,4:3,2743716cbd45b01daca13923ab….png)

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b93356 No.20869001


Your best option is to ip-hop and start again. They should have trained you better.

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ab04cb No.20869002

File: b6a6f269615dc67⋯.png (137.61 KB,536x404,134:101,bboopsaturn.png)

~@700Last call

…Bakering around 720


#25595 >>20868250

>>20868293, >>20868362 Dough claim

>>20868291, >>20868321 Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says

>>20868296 Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

>>20868307 Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

>>20868336, >>20868558 PF Report: Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

>>20868345 🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

>>20868410 China set to host Putin as economic ties grow under Western pressure

>>20868464 T-6 Instructor Pilot Dies After Ejection Seat Goes Off on the Ground (Weird)

>>20868469, >>20868474 GITMO Update: Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay: Judge McCall, in the 9/11 case, just halted the hearing for the rest of today following a complaint by the KSM team that members of the Washington Headquarters Services entered their privileged offices without a defense escort.

>>20868770 Jimmy Carter’s grandson says former president is ‘coming to the end’

>>20868776, >>20868777 NY v Trump: As 'star witness' Michael Cohen testifies, Trump allies flock to court to 'support their friend'

>>20868851 Former People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrii Derkach says they have proof that Biden family member affiliates, both Burisma founders and employees, are complicit in the blowing up of Nord Stream 2 and other terrorist activity by way of at least a $50 million collective bribe.

>>20868866 RFK claims that his campaign’s internal polling shows that 57% of his voters would vote for President Trump if he was not in the race.


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7bd05e No.20869003

File: ad5e1d747f54831⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1079x1745,1079:1745,Screenshot_20240515_125834….jpg)

File: d8dde48277bba83⋯.mp4 (9.49 MB,720x1280,9:16,A943C3FA15A99E1C2A22949F07….mp4)

Dan fb


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36f137 No.20869004

File: 9ee54f14dffb90e⋯.png (64.08 KB,910x395,182:79,Screenshot_2024_05_15_at_0….png)


>is theCarpathian Mountains




>Looks like blood is dripping from his mouth


>What happened to the Vigo the Carpathian painting from Ghostbusters II

Carpathian Mythology

The Carpathian people, residing predominantly in the Carpathian Mountains, stretching across Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Serbia, have a rich and diverse cultural heritage. Their beliefs, mythology, and rituals have been shaped by a myriad of influences, including pre-Christian traditions, Slavic, Dacian, and Thracian roots, as well as regional folklores. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Carpathian culture, with a particular emphasis on their deities, their personalities, and stories, as well as the unique aspects of their belief system.

Deities and their Personalities

Zalmoxis: One of the principal deities in the Carpathian pantheon, Zalmoxis is a god of the sky, health, and immortality. He is often portrayed as a wise, elderly man who lives in a cave and is the divine embodiment of wisdom and eternal life. Zalmoxis also serves as a messenger between the people and the gods, sharing divine knowledge and ensuring a harmonious relationship between the human and divine realms.

Bendis: A Thracian goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature, Bendis is associated with fertility, childbirth, and the protection of women. She is often depicted as a powerful, independent figure, adorned in animal skins and carrying a torch or bow and arrow. The cult of Bendis was widespread in the Carpathian region, with her worshippers participating in nocturnal rites and ceremonies.

Perun: A prominent Slavic deity, Perun is the god of thunder and lightning, representing the forces of nature and the heavens. He is typically depicted wielding a mighty axe or hammer, which he uses to create thunderstorms and strike down his enemies. As the supreme deity of the Slavic pantheon, Perun is regarded as the protector of the people and the embodiment of justice and righteousness.

Mokosh: The Slavic goddess of fertility, earth, and women, Mokosh is often portrayed as a motherly figure, nurturing and sustaining life. She is associated with agricultural abundance and the protection of women during childbirth. Mokosh is revered as a symbol of life-giving energy and a benevolent force that nourishes the earth.

Mythological Creatures and Heroes

The Zmeu: A shape-shifting, fire-breathing dragon, the Zmeu is a prominent figure in Carpathian folklore. It is known to kidnap beautiful women and steal valuable treasures, only to be defeated by courageous heroes who outsmart the cunning creature.

The Strigoi: Stemming from Romanian folklore, the Strigoi are undead creatures that are believed to rise from their graves and torment the living. They are closely associated with vampiric legends and often serve as cautionary tales about the dangers of succumbing to evil and greed.

The Iele: Mythical nymph-like creatures, the Iele are often depicted as beautiful, seductive women who inhabit forests and rivers. They are known to dance in circles under the moonlight, enchanting and luring men to their doom. The Iele serve as a reminder of the dangers of succumbing to temptation and the power of feminine allure.

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7f0615 No.20869005


>Carpathian Mythology

Rituals and Unique Beliefs

The Ritual of Paparuda: A unique Carpathian rainmaking ritual, Paparuda is performed to invoke the goddess of rain and ensure a bountiful harvest. Participants create an effigy of a young girl, which they dress in leaves and flowers, and then parade through the village while singing and dancing. The ritual is believed to connect the community with the forces of nature and to secure the blessings of the rain goddess.

Martisor: Celebrated on the first of March, Martisor is a traditional Carpathian festival marking the beginning of spring. During this time, people exchange small trinkets or talismans, called "martisoare," which are made of red and white threads. These tokens are believed to bring luck, health, and prosperity to the recipients, symbolizing the renewal of life and the victory of spring over winter.

The Cult of the Ancestors:An important aspect of Carpathian beliefs is the veneration of ancestors, who are thought to play an active role in the lives of the living. Rituals and ceremonies, such as the "pomana" (feast for the dead), are performed to honor and appease the spirits of deceased relatives, ensuring their protection and guidance. This belief in the continued presence and influence of ancestors highlights the strong connection between the living and the dead in Carpathian culture.

The Bear Dance: A unique ritual found among the Hutsul people of the Carpathians, the Bear Dance, or "Arkan," is performed during the winter solstice to celebrate the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Participants, wearing bear skins and masks, dance in a circle to the rhythm of drums and flutes, imitating the movements of bears. The ritual is believed to ensure the renewal of the earth and the continuity of life in the face of the harsh winter season.

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b93356 No.20869006


Your dumb has broken the cat

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4f1590 No.20869007

File: 6025fab5fa7dd4a⋯.jpeg (123.19 KB,686x499,686:499,6025fab5fa7dd4af181ae1cdb….jpeg)

File: 2831624326e3143⋯.jpg (227.38 KB,1200x1200,1:1,2831624326e3143fd4eb218089….jpg)

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56d1ba No.20869008

File: 28ecd0f719083d8⋯.jpg (102.43 KB,500x666,250:333,8q4fz6_6.jpg)


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c4e541 No.20869009


The thing is, is that most of our at home jobs were outsourced to India by Wall st after 911. Technically those are our jobs, because it is our technology used against us. I wonder how many Indians are working from home being paid to destroy the US job market? Everyone in India owns an IT shop or are a recruiter; or both.

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66372e No.20869010


>Just drink your beer and STFU.

It looks like spray paint.

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2a6b90 No.20869011


shill better,shill,if you can, you legendary loserrrrrrrrr

cry like the baby you are

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c4e541 No.20869012


>the beginning? To end?

Therefor we are waiting on the end to begin.

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617a7f No.20869013

File: 0ec414cb01260a8⋯.jpg (60.77 KB,747x500,747:500,nailedit.jpg)

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2a6b90 No.20869014


Your best option is to ip-hop and start again. They should have trained you better.

Your dumb broke the cat.

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15a9f7 No.20869015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note; Anon has linked all the sources provided by dr campbell below for further research. Remember this was Matt Hancock doing and fauci plus w.e.f and big pharma around the world. this is just a window into scotland.


Midazolam concerns

14 May 2024



180,000 views 14 May 2024

Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry


Direct link to all inquiry hearings


Link to Dave, independent researcher

/ biologyphenom

Day 15 of the inquiry

Direct link to this witness statement


54. The care home thought that they should give her a mild sedative to stop her getting up and down so much and help her sleep through the night and keep the cannula in. My mum agreed to that but if she had known what the sedative was she would have said no as she was a retired nurse and, they (care home) should not have asked her anyway as she was not authorised to approve this.

55. At this point my grandmother was eating and drinking by herself, moving to the toilet herself, that there was only mild symptoms and that they were giving her the nasal oxygen just as a precaution as her stats were a little low but, with the cannula in, she was fine. Her stats had actually improved

65 I was provided with a document at a meeting I had with one of the solicitors. The document was the DNR but this had my name written on it. I was shocked as this was the first time I had seen this document and did not even know it existed.

Also from day 15

Direct link to this witness statement


Day 21 of the inquiry

Day 30 of the inquiry

Direct link to transcript for day 30



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56d1ba No.20869016

File: 68aedd2945a60e6⋯.jpg (101.71 KB,500x622,250:311,Xxhh.jpg)

Why would Trish Regan work for the old shithead Donald Trump?

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ab2a20 No.20869017

File: 8485b32323a414d⋯.png (109.49 KB,367x298,367:298,pepe_cereal.png)


That film was an interesting take on the zombie genre. Caused by a cell signal. Sort of reminds me of the movie Pontypool where it's caused by language; just a unique take on the genre. Found the zombie horde circling the tower at the end kind of creepy and disturbing, which a good horror movie should induce. Thought it was decent for a S.K. story when first seeing it. Then learned about things here. Cusack and King, ugh, but I separate the art from the artist.

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2f664e No.20869018


So Trump can get 80,000 to 100,000 at a rally, easy. Democrats keep saying that they mean nothing and that 'rallies do not win elections' that is correct but they do show how popular your candidate is, If Biden can not get crowds like that in blue states, it's pretty obvious he will lose. But they are going to rig the 2024 election and Biden will win again, so this all really is just part of the show…

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c4e541 No.20869019


Beautiful sight.

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8c24bd No.20869020


>it's pretty obvious he will lose.

Biden and Trump have both been replaced by people with masks.

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c4e541 No.20869021


>rallies do not win elections

Only those that count votes do.

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4f1590 No.20869022

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,af0519bdf67eb51e3a310cc73b….png)




repetition game?



firstly you shouldn´t be so obvious shill by promoting RRN, and secondly you should not reveal yourself as a shill by continuing a shill bitching once you´ve ip-hopped

(they really should have trained you better)

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ab04cb No.20869023

File: d5835b72b989780⋯.png (105.48 KB,373x243,373:243,d5835b72b989780cfe23ed832d….png)


…Bakering the thing


#25595 >>20868250

>>20868293, >>20868362 Dough claim

>>20868291, >>20868321 Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says

>>20868296 Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

>>20868307 Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

>>20868336, >>20868558 PF Report: Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

>>20868345 🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

>>20868410 China set to host Putin as economic ties grow under Western pressure

>>20868464 T-6 Instructor Pilot Dies After Ejection Seat Goes Off on the Ground (Weird)

>>20868469, >>20868474 GITMO Update: Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay: Judge McCall, in the 9/11 case, just halted the hearing for the rest of today following a complaint by the KSM team that members of the Washington Headquarters Services entered their privileged offices without a defense escort.

>>20868770 Jimmy Carter’s grandson says former president is ‘coming to the end’

>>20868776, >>20868777 NY v Trump: As 'star witness' Michael Cohen testifies, Trump allies flock to court to 'support their friend'

>>20868851 Former People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrii Derkach says they have proof that Biden family member affiliates, both Burisma founders and employees, are complicit in the blowing up of Nord Stream 2 and other terrorist activity by way of at least a $50 million collective bribe.

>>20868866 RFK claims that his campaign’s internal polling shows that 57% of his voters would vote for President Trump if he was not in the race.


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15a9f7 No.20869024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Neil Oliver: Out Of Control!!!


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7edf95 No.20869027

File: 87055695e1f6415⋯.jpg (61.98 KB,500x595,100:119,Fdgu.jpg)

I recommend coffee and heavily buttered raisin toast.

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c4e541 No.20869028


>just part of the show

I guess we are waiting for the election to stolen again then the arrests?

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98e401 No.20869029

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3ba7e7 No.20869030

File: ff2169a3ff41f48⋯.png (1.71 MB,1000x800,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a1921 No.20869032

File: 7ad1a6065a3a4ae⋯.png (1.29 MB,801x1000,801:1000,CD3B5AF6_6EB5_4DF6_8264_AC….png)

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900d8b No.20869033


Your dumb broke the cat.

>again and again

you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over

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9a1921 No.20869034

File: 40037b1f30616ae⋯.jpeg (234.63 KB,1089x1152,121:128,IMG_0675.jpeg)

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3ca36e No.20869035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Plot of Kings men also

A favored cabal movie series from UK

Did the revolutionary war ever end?

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4f1590 No.20869038

File: a95242bda6094de⋯.jpg (62.89 KB,506x500,253:250,a95242bda6094de39c5c114e0e….jpg)



>you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over

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374a68 No.20869039



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95cc05 No.20869040


firstly you should be so obvious anon, by promoting RRN, and secondly you should not reveal yourself as an anon by continuing shill bitching once you´ve ip-hopped and posted the same attention alphabet agency shills meme

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118d14 No.20869041

File: e99170e8f72a844⋯.png (811.31 KB,1080x1045,216:209,Screenshot_20240202_161243….png)

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9a1921 No.20869042

File: 9bc251b74cfe13d⋯.png (1.33 MB,801x1000,801:1000,0D987D1B_6BE0_43EE_B5A4_E4….png)

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4f1590 No.20869043


>firstly you should be so obvious anon, by promoting RRN

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95cc05 No.20869044


you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over

tippy toppy KEK

That is a bingo!

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8c24bd No.20869045


>by promoting RRN

My favorite part about the RRN slide is every fucking MSM source is just as fucking retarded.

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ab04cb No.20869046

File: f7a34d3b15b83b9⋯.png (42.39 KB,400x306,200:153,e7a295b36c4ee98945add710aa….png)

Fresh Gm bread




This way

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95cc05 No.20869047


you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over and you broke the cat again

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4f1590 No.20869048

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,af0519bdf67eb51e3a310cc73b….png)


>posted the same attention alphabet agency shills meme

I´ll stop posting when you start to listen

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79a9b5 No.20869049

File: 931c600db5f5eb8⋯.jpg (240.48 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,IMG_20240513_184710.jpg)

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95cc05 No.20869050


you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over

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89463d No.20869051


Mexicans can’t fly…..

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374a68 No.20869052


The astute Streetshitters are the ones that give out IT certificates for a nominal fee.

Money for nothing cubefarm bodies for free.

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7c5ce9 No.20869053


ugh.. RRN is JUST as believable as MSM..

and THAT is its notable'ness… its worth reading IMHO, but treat as MSM… agenda based.

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95cc05 No.20869054


I´ll stop posting when you start to listen

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4f1590 No.20869055

the shill AI might be broken

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95cc05 No.20869056


I´ll stop posting when you start to listen

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ab04cb No.20869058

File: 3355657475cb40e⋯.jpeg (157.62 KB,634x550,317:275,3355657475cb40ec0c52cc00d….jpeg)

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