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File: 50ff6f2576687c0⋯.png (62.49 KB,255x171,85:57,ClipboardImage.png)

22f36f No.20868238 [View All]

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7bd05e No.20869003

File: ad5e1d747f54831⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1079x1745,1079:1745,Screenshot_20240515_125834….jpg)

File: d8dde48277bba83⋯.mp4 (9.49 MB,720x1280,9:16,A943C3FA15A99E1C2A22949F07….mp4)

Dan fb


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36f137 No.20869004

File: 9ee54f14dffb90e⋯.png (64.08 KB,910x395,182:79,Screenshot_2024_05_15_at_0….png)


>is theCarpathian Mountains




>Looks like blood is dripping from his mouth


>What happened to the Vigo the Carpathian painting from Ghostbusters II

Carpathian Mythology

The Carpathian people, residing predominantly in the Carpathian Mountains, stretching across Romania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Serbia, have a rich and diverse cultural heritage. Their beliefs, mythology, and rituals have been shaped by a myriad of influences, including pre-Christian traditions, Slavic, Dacian, and Thracian roots, as well as regional folklores. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Carpathian culture, with a particular emphasis on their deities, their personalities, and stories, as well as the unique aspects of their belief system.

Deities and their Personalities

Zalmoxis: One of the principal deities in the Carpathian pantheon, Zalmoxis is a god of the sky, health, and immortality. He is often portrayed as a wise, elderly man who lives in a cave and is the divine embodiment of wisdom and eternal life. Zalmoxis also serves as a messenger between the people and the gods, sharing divine knowledge and ensuring a harmonious relationship between the human and divine realms.

Bendis: A Thracian goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature, Bendis is associated with fertility, childbirth, and the protection of women. She is often depicted as a powerful, independent figure, adorned in animal skins and carrying a torch or bow and arrow. The cult of Bendis was widespread in the Carpathian region, with her worshippers participating in nocturnal rites and ceremonies.

Perun: A prominent Slavic deity, Perun is the god of thunder and lightning, representing the forces of nature and the heavens. He is typically depicted wielding a mighty axe or hammer, which he uses to create thunderstorms and strike down his enemies. As the supreme deity of the Slavic pantheon, Perun is regarded as the protector of the people and the embodiment of justice and righteousness.

Mokosh: The Slavic goddess of fertility, earth, and women, Mokosh is often portrayed as a motherly figure, nurturing and sustaining life. She is associated with agricultural abundance and the protection of women during childbirth. Mokosh is revered as a symbol of life-giving energy and a benevolent force that nourishes the earth.

Mythological Creatures and Heroes

The Zmeu: A shape-shifting, fire-breathing dragon, the Zmeu is a prominent figure in Carpathian folklore. It is known to kidnap beautiful women and steal valuable treasures, only to be defeated by courageous heroes who outsmart the cunning creature.

The Strigoi: Stemming from Romanian folklore, the Strigoi are undead creatures that are believed to rise from their graves and torment the living. They are closely associated with vampiric legends and often serve as cautionary tales about the dangers of succumbing to evil and greed.

The Iele: Mythical nymph-like creatures, the Iele are often depicted as beautiful, seductive women who inhabit forests and rivers. They are known to dance in circles under the moonlight, enchanting and luring men to their doom. The Iele serve as a reminder of the dangers of succumbing to temptation and the power of feminine allure.

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7f0615 No.20869005


>Carpathian Mythology

Rituals and Unique Beliefs

The Ritual of Paparuda: A unique Carpathian rainmaking ritual, Paparuda is performed to invoke the goddess of rain and ensure a bountiful harvest. Participants create an effigy of a young girl, which they dress in leaves and flowers, and then parade through the village while singing and dancing. The ritual is believed to connect the community with the forces of nature and to secure the blessings of the rain goddess.

Martisor: Celebrated on the first of March, Martisor is a traditional Carpathian festival marking the beginning of spring. During this time, people exchange small trinkets or talismans, called "martisoare," which are made of red and white threads. These tokens are believed to bring luck, health, and prosperity to the recipients, symbolizing the renewal of life and the victory of spring over winter.

The Cult of the Ancestors:An important aspect of Carpathian beliefs is the veneration of ancestors, who are thought to play an active role in the lives of the living. Rituals and ceremonies, such as the "pomana" (feast for the dead), are performed to honor and appease the spirits of deceased relatives, ensuring their protection and guidance. This belief in the continued presence and influence of ancestors highlights the strong connection between the living and the dead in Carpathian culture.

The Bear Dance: A unique ritual found among the Hutsul people of the Carpathians, the Bear Dance, or "Arkan," is performed during the winter solstice to celebrate the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Participants, wearing bear skins and masks, dance in a circle to the rhythm of drums and flutes, imitating the movements of bears. The ritual is believed to ensure the renewal of the earth and the continuity of life in the face of the harsh winter season.

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b93356 No.20869006


Your dumb has broken the cat

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4f1590 No.20869007

File: 6025fab5fa7dd4a⋯.jpeg (123.19 KB,686x499,686:499,6025fab5fa7dd4af181ae1cdb….jpeg)

File: 2831624326e3143⋯.jpg (227.38 KB,1200x1200,1:1,2831624326e3143fd4eb218089….jpg)

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56d1ba No.20869008

File: 28ecd0f719083d8⋯.jpg (102.43 KB,500x666,250:333,8q4fz6_6.jpg)


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c4e541 No.20869009


The thing is, is that most of our at home jobs were outsourced to India by Wall st after 911. Technically those are our jobs, because it is our technology used against us. I wonder how many Indians are working from home being paid to destroy the US job market? Everyone in India owns an IT shop or are a recruiter; or both.

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66372e No.20869010


>Just drink your beer and STFU.

It looks like spray paint.

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2a6b90 No.20869011


shill better,shill,if you can, you legendary loserrrrrrrrr

cry like the baby you are

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c4e541 No.20869012


>the beginning? To end?

Therefor we are waiting on the end to begin.

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617a7f No.20869013

File: 0ec414cb01260a8⋯.jpg (60.77 KB,747x500,747:500,nailedit.jpg)

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2a6b90 No.20869014


Your best option is to ip-hop and start again. They should have trained you better.

Your dumb broke the cat.

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15a9f7 No.20869015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Note; Anon has linked all the sources provided by dr campbell below for further research. Remember this was Matt Hancock doing and fauci plus w.e.f and big pharma around the world. this is just a window into scotland.


Midazolam concerns

14 May 2024



180,000 views 14 May 2024

Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry


Direct link to all inquiry hearings


Link to Dave, independent researcher

/ biologyphenom

Day 15 of the inquiry

Direct link to this witness statement


54. The care home thought that they should give her a mild sedative to stop her getting up and down so much and help her sleep through the night and keep the cannula in. My mum agreed to that but if she had known what the sedative was she would have said no as she was a retired nurse and, they (care home) should not have asked her anyway as she was not authorised to approve this.

55. At this point my grandmother was eating and drinking by herself, moving to the toilet herself, that there was only mild symptoms and that they were giving her the nasal oxygen just as a precaution as her stats were a little low but, with the cannula in, she was fine. Her stats had actually improved

65 I was provided with a document at a meeting I had with one of the solicitors. The document was the DNR but this had my name written on it. I was shocked as this was the first time I had seen this document and did not even know it existed.

Also from day 15

Direct link to this witness statement


Day 21 of the inquiry

Day 30 of the inquiry

Direct link to transcript for day 30



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56d1ba No.20869016

File: 68aedd2945a60e6⋯.jpg (101.71 KB,500x622,250:311,Xxhh.jpg)

Why would Trish Regan work for the old shithead Donald Trump?

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ab2a20 No.20869017

File: 8485b32323a414d⋯.png (109.49 KB,367x298,367:298,pepe_cereal.png)


That film was an interesting take on the zombie genre. Caused by a cell signal. Sort of reminds me of the movie Pontypool where it's caused by language; just a unique take on the genre. Found the zombie horde circling the tower at the end kind of creepy and disturbing, which a good horror movie should induce. Thought it was decent for a S.K. story when first seeing it. Then learned about things here. Cusack and King, ugh, but I separate the art from the artist.

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2f664e No.20869018


So Trump can get 80,000 to 100,000 at a rally, easy. Democrats keep saying that they mean nothing and that 'rallies do not win elections' that is correct but they do show how popular your candidate is, If Biden can not get crowds like that in blue states, it's pretty obvious he will lose. But they are going to rig the 2024 election and Biden will win again, so this all really is just part of the show…

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c4e541 No.20869019


Beautiful sight.

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8c24bd No.20869020


>it's pretty obvious he will lose.

Biden and Trump have both been replaced by people with masks.

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c4e541 No.20869021


>rallies do not win elections

Only those that count votes do.

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4f1590 No.20869022

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,af0519bdf67eb51e3a310cc73b….png)




repetition game?



firstly you shouldn´t be so obvious shill by promoting RRN, and secondly you should not reveal yourself as a shill by continuing a shill bitching once you´ve ip-hopped

(they really should have trained you better)

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ab04cb No.20869023

File: d5835b72b989780⋯.png (105.48 KB,373x243,373:243,d5835b72b989780cfe23ed832d….png)


…Bakering the thing


#25595 >>20868250

>>20868293, >>20868362 Dough claim

>>20868291, >>20868321 Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says

>>20868296 Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

>>20868307 Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

>>20868336, >>20868558 PF Report: Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

>>20868345 🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

>>20868410 China set to host Putin as economic ties grow under Western pressure

>>20868464 T-6 Instructor Pilot Dies After Ejection Seat Goes Off on the Ground (Weird)

>>20868469, >>20868474 GITMO Update: Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay: Judge McCall, in the 9/11 case, just halted the hearing for the rest of today following a complaint by the KSM team that members of the Washington Headquarters Services entered their privileged offices without a defense escort.

>>20868770 Jimmy Carter’s grandson says former president is ‘coming to the end’

>>20868776, >>20868777 NY v Trump: As 'star witness' Michael Cohen testifies, Trump allies flock to court to 'support their friend'

>>20868851 Former People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrii Derkach says they have proof that Biden family member affiliates, both Burisma founders and employees, are complicit in the blowing up of Nord Stream 2 and other terrorist activity by way of at least a $50 million collective bribe.

>>20868866 RFK claims that his campaign’s internal polling shows that 57% of his voters would vote for President Trump if he was not in the race.


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15a9f7 No.20869024

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Neil Oliver: Out Of Control!!!


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7edf95 No.20869027

File: 87055695e1f6415⋯.jpg (61.98 KB,500x595,100:119,Fdgu.jpg)

I recommend coffee and heavily buttered raisin toast.

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c4e541 No.20869028


>just part of the show

I guess we are waiting for the election to stolen again then the arrests?

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98e401 No.20869029

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3ba7e7 No.20869030

File: ff2169a3ff41f48⋯.png (1.71 MB,1000x800,5:4,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a1921 No.20869032

File: 7ad1a6065a3a4ae⋯.png (1.29 MB,801x1000,801:1000,CD3B5AF6_6EB5_4DF6_8264_AC….png)

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900d8b No.20869033


Your dumb broke the cat.

>again and again

you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over

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9a1921 No.20869034

File: 40037b1f30616ae⋯.jpeg (234.63 KB,1089x1152,121:128,IMG_0675.jpeg)

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3ca36e No.20869035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Plot of Kings men also

A favored cabal movie series from UK

Did the revolutionary war ever end?

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4f1590 No.20869038

File: a95242bda6094de⋯.jpg (62.89 KB,506x500,253:250,a95242bda6094de39c5c114e0e….jpg)



>you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over

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374a68 No.20869039



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95cc05 No.20869040


firstly you should be so obvious anon, by promoting RRN, and secondly you should not reveal yourself as an anon by continuing shill bitching once you´ve ip-hopped and posted the same attention alphabet agency shills meme

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118d14 No.20869041

File: e99170e8f72a844⋯.png (811.31 KB,1080x1045,216:209,Screenshot_20240202_161243….png)

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9a1921 No.20869042

File: 9bc251b74cfe13d⋯.png (1.33 MB,801x1000,801:1000,0D987D1B_6BE0_43EE_B5A4_E4….png)

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4f1590 No.20869043


>firstly you should be so obvious anon, by promoting RRN

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95cc05 No.20869044


you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over

tippy toppy KEK

That is a bingo!

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8c24bd No.20869045


>by promoting RRN

My favorite part about the RRN slide is every fucking MSM source is just as fucking retarded.

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ab04cb No.20869046

File: f7a34d3b15b83b9⋯.png (42.39 KB,400x306,200:153,e7a295b36c4ee98945add710aa….png)

Fresh Gm bread




This way

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95cc05 No.20869047


you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over and you broke the cat again

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4f1590 No.20869048

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,af0519bdf67eb51e3a310cc73b….png)


>posted the same attention alphabet agency shills meme

I´ll stop posting when you start to listen

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79a9b5 No.20869049

File: 931c600db5f5eb8⋯.jpg (240.48 KB,1080x1063,1080:1063,IMG_20240513_184710.jpg)

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95cc05 No.20869050


you are so stupid you even use the same memes over n over

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89463d No.20869051


Mexicans can’t fly…..

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374a68 No.20869052


The astute Streetshitters are the ones that give out IT certificates for a nominal fee.

Money for nothing cubefarm bodies for free.

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7c5ce9 No.20869053


ugh.. RRN is JUST as believable as MSM..

and THAT is its notable'ness… its worth reading IMHO, but treat as MSM… agenda based.

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95cc05 No.20869054


I´ll stop posting when you start to listen

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4f1590 No.20869055

the shill AI might be broken

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95cc05 No.20869056


I´ll stop posting when you start to listen

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ab04cb No.20869058

File: 3355657475cb40e⋯.jpeg (157.62 KB,634x550,317:275,3355657475cb40ec0c52cc00d….jpeg)

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