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544aea No.20869025 [Last50 Posts]

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544aea No.20869026

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#25595 >>20868250

>>20868293, >>20868362 Dough claim

>>20868291, >>20868321 Trump’s Boeing 757 clipped parked plane after landing at Florida airport Sunday, FAA says

>>20868296 Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

>>20868307 Video replay 🚨 in this damming video Michael Cohen admits to all the crimes he was sentenced for, and he also admits Trump never asked him to pay Stormy Daniels

>>20868336, >>20868558 PF Report: Blinken will be departing Rzeszow Airport after muh “secret visit to Kiev” on SAM743 C32A or a different number and landed there on 0513 at about 10:50 Zulu time and departed late on Sunday evening from JBA

>>20868345 🇬🇪 Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili, who held French citizenship, has stated that she will veto the bill on foreign agents.

>>20868410 China set to host Putin as economic ties grow under Western pressure

>>20868464 T-6 Instructor Pilot Dies After Ejection Seat Goes Off on the Ground (Weird)

>>20868469, >>20868474 GITMO Update: Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay: Judge McCall, in the 9/11 case, just halted the hearing for the rest of today following a complaint by the KSM team that members of the Washington Headquarters Services entered their privileged offices without a defense escort.

>>20868770 Jimmy Carter’s grandson says former president is ‘coming to the end’

>>20868776, >>20868777 NY v Trump: As 'star witness' Michael Cohen testifies, Trump allies flock to court to 'support their friend'

>>20868851 Former People's Deputy of Ukraine Andrii Derkach says they have proof that Biden family member affiliates, both Burisma founders and employees, are complicit in the blowing up of Nord Stream 2 and other terrorist activity by way of at least a $50 million collective bribe.

>>20868866 RFK claims that his campaign’s internal polling shows that 57% of his voters would vote for President Trump if he was not in the race.

>>20869023 #25595

#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556, >>20867856, >>20867759 Rest In Piss: Reuters / The Guardian

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634, >>20867755 Refresher: Stormy Daniels has a brand mark from Keith Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

>>20867683, >>20867742, >>20867985 Marketfag

>>20867694, >>20867785 Taxpayers fund the dangerous garbage fed to minors

>>20867698, >>20867773, >>20867824 Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle

>>20867708 Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements after Youngkin audit

>>20867726 MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans - Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists

>>20867734 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>20867736, >>20867981, >>20867991, >>20867993, >>20868023, >>20868053, >>20868054, >>20868092 Coronation before Death?

>>20867737 Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

>>20867739 CAIR Official Dawud Walid: Campus Protests Are An Opportunity For Us To Invite People To Join Islam

>>20867746 New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

>>20867754 $AMC is still halted - it has been halted more than 17 times today

>>20867770, >>20867791, >>20867879 It's so obvious that they can't even deny it anymore

>>20867774, >>20867836, >>20867862 Michael Cohen is now admitting he had meeting with the NY AG’s office and the DA as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial

>>20867796 Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races

>>20867842 Biden: I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China

>>20867851 Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

>>20867854, >>20867858 Newly-elected President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino says he will close the Darien Gap to migration

>>20867866 Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

>>20867867 Planefag

>>20867869 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children / CyberTipline

>>20867896 Ordinary people standing up against the corruption of the judiciary

>>20867936 Charleston, WV: Two-term Governor Jim Justice has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate

>>20868026 (2019) Theologians accuse pope of heresy

>>20868044, >>20868133 ICYMI: Ashley Biden, daughter of Joe Biden, confirmed the authenticity of her diary

>>20868071 Jimmy Carter's grandson says the 99-year-old president is 'coming to the end' after more than a year in hospice care

>>20868073 Rep. Chip Roy Discusses The Push For Illegals To Vote In Washington D.C.

>>20868116 Andrew Giuliani Gives Updates On Michael Cohen's Testimony Live From NYC

>>20868233 #25594

#25593 >>20866543

>>20866588 Senator Cassidy said if we don’t pass bipartisan border security legislation, the problem will get worse - then he voted against the bill

>>20866617 Vivek Walks Into Court With Trump

>>20866634 Soros cash paying Loren Merchan’s bills

>>20866637 Latest from Camp Justice at Guantanamo Bay

>>20866652 Pfizer Earning Billions Treating Covid Vax-Induced Turbo Cancers

>>20866686 Paris Holocaust memorial vandalized with 'blood-red hands'

>>20866702, >>20866721 The largest judicial corruption scandal in the entire recent history of democracy in Spain

>>20866784 Ohio A.G. Dave Yost Charges Protesters Under Ancient KKK Anti-Masking Law, Grand Jury Rejects Charge

>>20866817, >>20866858, >>20866886, >>20867347 Planefag

>>20866841 HAMAS = UN soldiers?

>>20866862, >>20867096 CNN stars act out dramatic scenes from Trump trial reading from testimony transcripts

>>20866871 Eric Adams suggests migrants could fill NYC’s lifeguard shortage because ‘they’re excellent swimmers’

>>20866873, >>20866899 Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system

>>20866884 Only Fans King Pin Leonid Radvinsky is AIPAC's biggest donor

>>20866888 New Black Project Whistleblower with claims that appear to be related to Dave Grusch’s group that have been appearing before congress

>>20866890 Indictment Charges Former D.C. Department of Human Services Official and Co-Conspirator with Extortion

>>20866900 Border Collie Messi arrives at Cannes Film Festival

>>20866952, >>20866969 @MRobertsQLD: I'm proud to have co-signed this letter urging Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to reject the WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>20866989, >>20866992 Federal Judge Tosses Biden Admin's Effort to Stop Media Censorship Lawsuit

>>20867019 Sydney Population Change (2022-2023)

>>20867046, >>20867112, >>20867298 President Trump Speaks After Day 17 of Hush Money Trial on New York

>>20867051, >>20867065 Joe Biden Announces Tariffs on Non-Existent Products from Non-Existent Origination Country - Here’s Why

>>20867058 CERN Cuts Ties with Russia

>>20867082, >>20867117 WH Press Sec. confirms Trump's criminal trial is "related to 2024 elections"

>>20867087 New Jersey Democrat US Senator @CoryBooker is a client of Judge Merchan’s daughter’s company @Authentic_HQ

>>20867089 Agencies announce public meeting on proposed acquisition by Capital One of Discover

>>20867125 Former Obama officials, Peggy Wood and wife Hope Wood, dead after head-on car crash in San Diego County

>>20867132 Republican-Led States Sue Biden Administration Over New Transgender Protections

>>20867137 Another State Just Banned Biological Men From Women's Spaces

>>20867147, >>20867157 The ship that collapsed the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore experienced a “total power blackout” hours before leaving the port

>>20867165 The Most Important Election in Georgia Is One That Many Voters Could Overlook

>>20867210 EU condemns ‘Israeli extremists’

>>20867319 Turley: You have to wonder if the judge is having second thoughts

>>20867404 Supreme Court Justices Thomas And Alito Issue Warnings About State Of America

>>20867423 Supplemental notes

>>20867431 #25593

#25592 >>20865754

>>20866220, >>20866225, >>20866227, >>20866230, >>20866233, >>20866238, >>20866248, >>20866256, >>20866259, >>20866267, >>20866270, >>20866274, >>20866281, >>20866288, >>20866292 DJT Truths

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20865762 Remembering the Battle of Coral Sea: 82nd Anniversary

>>20865823 Some truly incredible patriots

>>20865845, >>20866174, >>20866149, >>20866251, >>20866287 Planefag

>>20865848 Toulouse-based space tech Infinite Orbits bags €12 million to build first life extension satellite

>>20865858, >>20865864, >>20865933, >>20865952, >>20866494 Strong R3 radio blackout in progress (≥X1 - current: X8.53)

>>20865865 King Charles unveils his first official portrait since coronation as he continues cancer treatment

>>20865878 Scavino: THANK YOU!!! #LESM #NationalPoliceWeek

>>20865895 Trump Leads in 5 Key States, as Young and Nonwhite Voters Express Discontent With Biden, Jayne Zirkle Reports

>>20865898 Breaking exascale barrier: US tops supercomputer list with Frontier, Aurora

>>20865901, >>20865997 The Gamestop short squeeze is getting interesting

>>20865938 Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld - 2.3 Trillion Missing

>>20865945 Legendary Investor Scott Bessent w/ Don Trump Jr. on TRIGGERED

>>20865973 Steve Bannon Calls For Action Against Lawfare From House Judiciary Committee, get to Work Jordan

>>20866020 Hundreds of tiny 'dancing orbs' during Northern Lights

>>20866034, >>20866039 Wyoming Sorority Sisters Argue Against Trans Membership In Appeals Court

>>20866051 Red Lobster closing at least 99 locations as its future comes into question

>>20866065 At least 8 people killed in Florida bus crash; dozens injured

>>20866101 Scott Bessent On Bidenomics: High Interest Rates Are Hitting Poorer Americans The Hardest

>>20866129 Hunter Biden’s trial on gun charges will begin next month after judge rejects bid to delay

>>20866163 Donald Trump had his own game show in the early 90's called Trump Card

>>20866202 How Europe and Britain are getting ready for 'WWIII': Interactive graphic reveals how West will stop Putin

>>20866306 Supreme Court Justices Thomas And Alito Issue Warnings About State Of America

>>20866308 Canada Under State of Emergency From Forest Fires

>>20866317 Steve Bannon And Russ Vought React To Speaker Mike Johnson

>>20866327, >>20866331 Israeli Tanks Plunge Deeper Into Rafah As 500,000 Palestinians Flee

>>20866341 Biden Ally Rep. Goldman Admits Meeting with Michael Cohen “Many Times” to “Prepare Him” for Testimony in Biden/Bragg Trial

>>20866352 Schumann

>>20866356 Australian Government’s Overreach Slammed: Conservative Social Media ‘Gab’ Defies Censorship Demands, Faces $500,000 Fine for Upholding Free Speech

>>20866362 New York Appeals Court Upholds Merchan’s Gag Order - Claims Crooked Judge “Properly Weighed” Trump’s First Amendment Rights

>>20866368 Office-loan delinquencies jump to nearly 6-year high

>>20866372 Kelly Collins On Precinct Strategy And How To Get Involved In Your Local Party

>>20866379 Merrick Garland and Chris Wray Proudly Announce Government Censorship Apparatus to Target “Cyber-Enabled Campaigns”

>>20866389 Russian MPs pass bill banning ‘foreign agents’ from elections

>>20866413 Cohen raid by FBI?

>>20866430 Mike Lindell On Speaker Johnson

>>20866443 Former Obama campaign worker and wife killed in Southern California vehicle crash

>>20866448 Americans Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of GDI From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital

>>20866453 Utah mom sues AstraZeneca, claiming she was left ‘permanently disabled’ in COVID vaccine trial

>>20866460, >>20866531 New Documents Reveal Training Materials Explaining to Noncitizens and Illegal Aliens How They Can Register to Vote in DC Elections

>>20866462 Live: Border Crisis Hearing

>>20866611 #25592

Previously Collected

>>20865747 #25591-B

>>20863979 #25589, >>20864853 #25590, >>20865747 #25591-A

>>20861583 #25586, >>20862375 #25587, >>20863162 #25588

>>20859030 #25583, >>20859803 #25584, >>20860787 #25585

>>20856604 #25580, >>20857367 #25581, >>20858153 #25582

>>20854258 #25577, >>20855037 #25578, >>20855804 #25579

>>20852953 #25574, >>20852712 #25575, >>20853480 #25576

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Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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544aea No.20869031

File: 290679935579163⋯.png (2.15 MB,1216x719,1216:719,6c25cec0b0050ae6f1fa2aa991….png)

Dough; Looking for handoff


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8e8585 No.20869036

File: fe5d66b2a04aced⋯.png (419.66 KB,618x410,309:205,ClipboardImage.png)




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77a45f No.20869037

File: 1bd6cdd370a8d05⋯.png (613.4 KB,450x672,75:112,ClipboardImage.png)

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e19f54 No.20869057

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ee85ad No.20869059

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,IMG_0229.png)

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5c8986 No.20869060

File: 2b0b35bda0b70bd⋯.png (456.31 KB,681x366,227:122,2b0b35bda0b70bdeaecddc8365….png)

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ee85ad No.20869061

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,IMG_0229.png)

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3ceaa4 No.20869062

File: f5b8e4c98d2f75c⋯.jpeg (567.27 KB,1687x1125,1687:1125,224DC16D_BE9A_4350_8418_0….jpeg)

File: cfaee1aab13fa6e⋯.jpeg (87.52 KB,481x601,481:601,A2626D64_5D48_44BB_894A_E….jpeg)

File: 6df0c4d16339b69⋯.jpeg (815.07 KB,1537x1921,1537:1921,CA89056A_DCD3_42A9_B924_3….jpeg)

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3ceaa4 No.20869063

File: 2458ead96dd01fb⋯.mp4 (8.3 MB,910x1216,455:608,Dublin_Portal_2024.mp4)

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ee85ad No.20869064

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,IMG_0229.png)

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ca92da No.20869065

File: db65c03a047e1cc⋯.jpeg (137.24 KB,460x610,46:61,IMG_5138.jpeg)

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a527bb No.20869066

File: 3030466a1660e8e⋯.png (2.03 MB,1088x1376,34:43,Northernlights.png)

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3ceaa4 No.20869067

File: ef322400a7b4bfa⋯.mp4 (10.92 MB,800x502,400:251,Bernie_and_Joe.mp4)

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ca92da No.20869068


I can’t believe people in Florida said they saw the Aurora

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ee85ad No.20869069

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB,800x800,1:1,IMG_0229.png)

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3ceaa4 No.20869070

File: 9bc251b74cfe13d⋯.png (1.33 MB,801x1000,801:1000,0D987D1B_6BE0_43EE_B5A4_E4….png)

File: 7ad1a6065a3a4ae⋯.png (1.29 MB,801x1000,801:1000,CD3B5AF6_6EB5_4DF6_8264_AC….png)

File: 7b9330bc80860fe⋯.png (1.35 MB,801x1000,801:1000,CBD82DDA_A7D9_4854_A4EB_F1….png)

File: 7cc7a7ba6e528ed⋯.png (1.42 MB,801x1000,801:1000,09E9FB66_9ECD_4DB0_AABC_D5….png)

File: c77e11f3a02b4ee⋯.png (1.46 MB,801x1000,801:1000,5E3EEFA7_9BAF_434A_9E9A_F5….png)

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e19f54 No.20869071

File: da80c57f332caf6⋯.png (68.97 KB,216x276,18:23,ClipboardImage.png)

Looks like someone put the shillbot into a feedback loop.

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8e8585 No.20869072

File: c94c3ce8b6ecb3e⋯.png (419.19 KB,437x464,437:464,ClipboardImage.png)

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3ceaa4 No.20869073

File: 2f3beeb007af22b⋯.png (1.17 MB,801x1000,801:1000,IMG_0633.png)

File: cfdffc6edfd022a⋯.png (2.23 MB,1366x911,1366:911,39854C5D_456B_490A_87E5_C5….png)


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56ff91 No.20869074


'back in the day' i only had radio and cassette tape to listen to this over and over. I thought it was great. I would have been fine going to my grave never seeing such gay with my own eyes.

How can i wash away the gay?

The name of the band should have been my first warning?

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3ceaa4 No.20869075

File: 5ed1e8a48cbb4aa⋯.jpeg (56.3 KB,474x382,237:191,IMG_0625.jpeg)

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8e8585 No.20869076

Blinken arrived in Kiev yesterday and said that Ukrainian men need to be mobilized.

“The defenders, who have been holding this front for more than two years, require help and need to rest,” he announced.

After this, the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Kuleba fed his (owner) guestpizzaat a local establishment. And then the head of the American State Department had a fun time in one of the capital's clubs.

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e19f54 No.20869077


You should lament harder. On the potential filter list now.

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ca92da No.20869078

File: 4904d265e8bbd57⋯.jpeg (175.67 KB,2699x1414,2699:1414,IMG_5804.jpeg)

What up with news today?

Local stations ain’t working

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85f8a5 No.20869079

File: b8ae6b7c5591fcc⋯.png (280.96 KB,922x597,922:597,backchannel.png)

File: e43e9944a9a492b⋯.png (158.65 KB,1280x800,8:5,husseinIranBackchannel.png)

File: 50b85b61de544bd⋯.png (177.44 KB,1113x609,53:29,qBackchannelUsMilUs.png)

File: 8cfcfaf84974713⋯.png (3.25 MB,3920x3568,245:223,tt1915_upandthroughBackcha….png)

>>20868985 lb

>good morning R

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123013 No.20869080

File: af75e25c2229e3b⋯.jpeg (247.46 KB,1800x977,1800:977,80AE4C3F_275D_4A95_B144_8….jpeg)

File: 63a7dda58b38fd0⋯.png (402.45 KB,690x1104,5:8,7FC53B24_E752_4B60_A8DB_E3….png)

File: ea4654610e5475e⋯.jpeg (42.86 KB,581x465,581:465,6CDA3DD6_71C6_4117_B8A8_9….jpeg)

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df3a98 No.20869081

File: 987dda36747fdef⋯.jpeg (747.19 KB,3200x1800,16:9,3488d2b9_1a7f_45a3_b5ee_2….jpeg)

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a18dfd No.20869082


Humans cannot survive passing the van Allen radiation belt. Every single astronaut is a fucking phoney!

Go ask Buzz Aldrin on his death bed before he passes, he might tell the world the truth…

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8e8585 No.20869083

File: 34a1745efd5ca3d⋯.png (1.52 MB,1280x851,1280:851,ClipboardImage.png)


"As someone familiar with pizza, like most Americans, I can say it's excellent here; I highly, highly recommend it," said Blinken.

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c8682e No.20869084

File: 3ba815abc1ea5f2⋯.jpeg (73.53 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1036.jpeg)

15 May, 2024 11:01

Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances=

The move comes after Moscow’s forces captured several settlements in Kharkov Region in recent days

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has postponed foreign visits scheduled for later this week, his press secretary has announced. His comments come amid the Russian offensive in the border Kharkov Region.

The statement was made on Wednesday by Sergey Nikiforov, who wrote on his Facebook page that the Ukrainian leader “has instructed that all international events involving him scheduled for the coming days be postponed and new dates coordinated.” He thanked Kiev’s backers for their understanding.

Zelensky was due to travel to Spain on Friday and meet with King Felipe. Later, he was expected to visit Portugal, where he was set to sign a bilateral security cooperation agreement with Lisbon.

While Nikiforov did not state the reason for the postponement of Zelensky’s travel, the move comes as the Russian Defense Ministry reported an advance in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region. On Wednesday, it said Moscow’s troops had captured the villages of Glubokoye and Lukyantsy, which are close to the Ukraine-Russia border.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov admitted that Kiev wasfacing an “extremely difficult” situationas itstroops were struggling to hold groundand were outgunned by the Russian forces. Against this backdrop, he urged Ukraine’s backers to ramp up ammunition deliveries.

Ukrainian officials have long warnedthat theywere not ready to repel a major Russian attack, complaining about delays with Western arms shipments. In April, the head of Kiev’s military intelligence, Kirill Budanov, warned that Ukraine would face serious difficulties in mid-May and early June.

Kharkov Region has frequently been used by Ukrainian forces to stage artillery and drone attacks on Russian border areas, many of which targeted residential buildings, resulting in dozens of civilian casualties. In March, Russian President Putin suggested that Moscow could “at some point” beforced to “create a certain cordon sanitaire” in Kiev-controlled territoriesto prevent further attacks.


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1748f5 No.20869085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This is required media for all senior anons to watch, newbies are exempt.

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544aea No.20869086

File: 663163a91a95c42⋯.png (343.68 KB,403x715,31:55,frogja.png)


…Bullshit. That is what gold shielding is for, you moran. Next slide.

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3ceaa4 No.20869087

File: bf36cf2f279b571⋯.jpeg (32.41 KB,254x249,254:249,Kim_Jong_Un_Q_Made_Me_Do_….JPEG)

File: 018e32c8c73f283⋯.jpeg (59.13 KB,405x467,405:467,Creepy_Guy_10_Kim.JPEG)

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5c8986 No.20869088


>Humans cannot survive passing the van Allen radiation belt

1. They said they didn´t go through the thickest part.

2. How would you know?

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be25c2 No.20869089


tired of these motherfuckers stealing my money

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8e8585 No.20869090

File: 4f6314d66bcf0c1⋯.png (317.13 KB,382x776,191:388,ClipboardImage.png)


You don't like pizza?

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a18dfd No.20869091



But wait! we will send humans back to the moon in 2026!

Keep waiting faggots

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1748f5 No.20869092


17 UIDs the state of this place.

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1f2253 No.20869093

wew lads

The Absolute State potential for Day Shift today is off the charts.

Glad I won't be back on until Evening Shift.

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290ef6 No.20869094

File: 302bad45d712c41⋯.jpg (208.73 KB,720x1250,72:125,Jv.jpg)

Hope this is not true

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df3a98 No.20869095


It's a respectable number.

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e19f54 No.20869096


Only the best. Or the most stubborn. KEK

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8e8585 No.20869097

The two men made their way into a small pizza restaurant- "Veterano Pizza" - in central Kyiv


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5c8986 No.20869098


it´s kinda big deal to do it. no need for it really. now we´re doing more, prep for Mars basically.

I figure long distances to Mars won´t be possible without centrefuge of some kind. No gravity and human body are not good friends.

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8e8585 No.20869099

File: 8df1c7358381ecb⋯.png (205.54 KB,437x245,437:245,ClipboardImage.png)

️The head of the British Ministry of Defense admitted that London granted Kiev permission to strike Crimea because it considers the peninsula part of Ukraine.

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5c8986 No.20869100

>>20869098 me

(space radiation prolly the biggest problem, though)

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8e8585 No.20869101

Blinken described Ukraine's recent mobilisation reforms as "a difficult decision but a necessary one", lauding all those who have stepped up to serve their country.

He also vowed to "make Russia pay for Ukraine's recovery and reconstruction", in part by seizing and immobilising Russia's overseas assets.

Blinken concluded by hailing Ukraine for "moving forward" while its neighbour was "going back in time", adding that Putin had underestimated their fierce spirit and would as a result ultimately fail

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df3a98 No.20869102


They need to employ the tit-calming machine over there or everyone involved is going to lose.

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48b5bc No.20869103

File: 920e3278457b1a2⋯.jpg (13.14 KB,238x255,14:15,gitmo_tv.jpg)

>>20868438 (pb)

anyone have a rough date for the before pic?

Was that 2016 or 2015?

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7cd8d0 No.20869104


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1748f5 No.20869105


>It's a respectable number.


>Only the best. Or the most stubborn. KEK

We are the Q Team now.

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6ef40d No.20869106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just 4 Phun.

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5071ba No.20869107

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB,375x372,125:124,really.png)


>Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances

Does Zelensky want to make sure no-one steals his ill-gotten $billions?

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c8682e No.20869108

File: 30369a20dc698d5⋯.jpeg (132.5 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1760.jpeg)

15 May, 2024 10:31

Russian army reverses only gain of Ukrainian counteroffensive

The village of Rabotino in Zaporozhye Region is once again under Moscow’s full control, the Defense Ministry has confirmed

Russian forces have recaptured thesymbolically important village of Rabotino in Zaporozhye Region, the Defense Ministry reported on Wednesday.

The territorial gain was achieved through military action against the Ukrainian forces in the region, in which theadversary lost up to 25 troops and a US-made M777 howitzer, the ministry’s update on the Ukraine conflict said.

Rabotino is located some 75km northeast of Melitopol, the regional capital. Zaporozhye Region, together with three other regions, officially joined Russia in the fall of 2022 after referendums that Kiev did not accept. The city of Zaporozhye, which is further to the north, is under Kiev’s control and houses the Ukrainian regional administration.

Russian forces captured Rabotino in March 2022 during the early stage of the conflict but were forced to withdraw in August of last year, as Kiev’s Western-armed troops attempted to overwhelm Russian defensive positions during its counteroffensive.

The Ukrainian government and its backers placed their hopes in the counteroffensive as a way to reestablish control over all lands claimed by Kiev and eventually achieve victory in the conflict. The capture of Rabotino was hailed by the Ukrainian side as a major step toward this aim.

Russian troops currently have the overall initiative in the fighting. A recently launched offensive in Ukraine’s Kharkov Region in the north has resulted in the capture of numerous settlements by the advancing forces.

The Ukrainian military leadership has said that Russia’s operation has forced it to stretch even thinner the already limited military reserves available to Kiev.This opens up the possibilitythat Russian forceswill be able to breakthrough elsewhere.


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9f3b02 No.20869109


yet you will do nothing

as usual

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290ef6 No.20869110

File: c5960c9a6fb5614⋯.png (75.73 KB,204x254,102:127,2f3beeb007af22bddf97640083….png)

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2d6cc3 No.20869111

File: a476bad56d42f89⋯.png (278.63 KB,598x668,299:334,ClipboardImage.png)



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61a131 No.20869112

File: b40da306420473a⋯.png (1.13 MB,710x826,355:413,ClipboardImage.png)

File: d36a106d0adccd6⋯.png (815.04 KB,659x680,659:680,ClipboardImage.png)




you still have another 16 hours of your shift left.



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f45c3e No.20869113

File: 6e3e7af616a7651⋯.jpeg (45.87 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_0751.jpeg)

File: e9b4902756400ec⋯.png (6.43 KB,318x159,2:1,IMG_0749.png)

File: eaf9ad9409dcde4⋯.jpeg (38.91 KB,273x183,91:61,IMG_0750.jpeg)

File: 081009606d15aec⋯.jpeg (36.44 KB,275x183,275:183,IMG_0752.jpeg)

File: 5957f249f44ae7b⋯.jpeg (32.18 KB,299x168,299:168,IMG_0748.jpeg)

Does ceasefire also apply to stop launching MEMES in the Information War?


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56ff91 No.20869114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


light'n up, francisanon

currently washing with Joan Jett

i think this was a B Side of my 45s

(i just think how different my own life may have gone had i SEEN all these rockers? I was radio and mixtapes before MTV and nver saw all the video, and i wonder if that might explain why so many kids after me were turned so ultra gay???)

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2d6cc3 No.20869115

File: 00885e8e6e53306⋯.png (42.16 KB,1065x512,1065:512,ClipboardImage.png)


Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government


Committee: House Judiciary

Subcommittee: House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

Related Items: Data will display when it becomes available.

Date: 05/15/2024 (10:00 AM Local Time) (Add to My Calendar)

Location: 2141 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C.

Website: https://judiciary.house.gov/

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925ae0 No.20869116


>Keep waiting faggots

>back to the moon

back to the moon


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e19f54 No.20869117

File: 788c8a204107ebe⋯.jpg (458.31 KB,960x716,240:179,788c8a204107ebe38111a6b649….jpg)


No, that's just silly.

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6ef40d No.20869118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>20869106 Covefe kek

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925ae0 No.20869119



yes I am bent over and my anus is fully dilated

give it to me daddy gubbermint!

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2d6cc3 No.20869120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government


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2d6cc3 No.20869121


Do you kiss mom with that mouth?

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925ae0 No.20869122

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5c8986 No.20869123

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c9081d No.20869124

File: 8bf4c6d624e05d0⋯.png (406.57 KB,424x362,212:181,ClipboardImage.png)

Whitney Webb: New “Smart” Border Wall Will Track Migrants – And You!

The political response to the mass immigration crisis continues to advance the bipartisan “smart wall,” backed by both Trump and Biden. Much of the world is similarly speeding along in implementing “digital borders.” A a smart wall is just one prong in a wide-ranging effort to digitize and control all our lives, not just immigrants. The Biden administration is dismantling physical barriers on the border on purpose and mass migration is priming the American Right voting block for military-style “solutions”. Biometric entry and exit tracking systems are planned not just on borders, but in airports and every port of entry. The scheme comes from the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals #16. Interpol created Global Policing Goals – digital ID and tracked entrance and exits.

Some in the independent media are endorsing the smart wall, including Bret Weinstein and Colonel Douglas MacGregor. Mass migration has caused chaos, which always benefits the establishment. The program sells safety and security, but it is a prison that removes freedom of movement. The main problem with the smart wall is that it is intimately tied to Anduril, a company run by the same people making ‘pre-crime’ detection technology for use by the CIA and other agencies. Silicon Valley funds both sides of the government and has essentially fused with the intelligence agencies and defense apparatus. AI drones interface with smart wall technology.

Webb explained that the smart wall requires digital ID. If people do NOT use digital ID, it will fail. They need our compliance.




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925ae0 No.20869125


I rimmed your poppy's taint last nite

your next

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77a45f No.20869126

File: edbb6708eb8c373⋯.gif (1.25 MB,500x281,500:281,tumblr_ow119cOtXm1rkfygeo1….gif)


We got this…

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1748f5 No.20869127

File: eca8d71dbaf20c3⋯.png (26.39 KB,255x202,255:202,Para_gliders.png)


Did any anons post this onto Twitter for me? The day someone asks this question to enough of the right people is the day that war is over!

That is how the Afghan war was really ended, by asking tough questions about 911 to the right people.

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61a131 No.20869128

File: a562bcdc212d5e1⋯.png (299.19 KB,640x274,320:137,ClipboardImage.png)

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925ae0 No.20869129


mmmmm yeah baby!


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c9081d No.20869130

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Egypt Is the Cornerstone of Support for Israel’s Existence, But Egypt Is Breaking from Israel

Egypt said it would intervene in support of South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), citing the growing scale of Israel’s operations in Gaza and their impact on civilians. Turkey and Colombia have also formally requested to join the case.

What little aid that allowed into Gaza has passed through its border with Egypt, but Israeli forces seized the Palestinian side of the main crossing, taking over operational control. This violates international agreements and creates instability. Egypt is the cornerstone for Israel’s continued existence in the Middle East. It is joining the BRICS countries and is breaking away from Israel.




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9f3b02 No.20869131


only niggers use twitter

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be25c2 No.20869132


you seriously believe what you typed

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d34cd3 No.20869133

File: a003f7e6725b101⋯.png (160.39 KB,294x340,147:170,a003f7e6725b101bc7160da46f….png)


Donald J. Trump


Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together! Crooked is also the WORST President in the history of the United States, by far. It’s time for a debate so that he can explain to the American People his highly destructive Open Border Policy, new and ridiculous EV Mandates, the allowance of Crushing Inflation, High Taxes, and his really WEAK Foreign Policy, which is allowing the World to “Catch on Fire.” I am Ready and Willing to Debate Crooked Joe at the two proposed times in June and September. I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds - That’s only because he doesn’t get them. Just tell me when, I’ll be there. “Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!”





May 15, 2024, 8:43 AM


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a527bb No.20869134


>17 UIDs the state of this place.

Well if your computer says it, it must be true, does it count the bots it runs?

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9f3b02 No.20869135


>asking tough questions

and write a sternly worded email

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c9081d No.20869136

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees

The US border has been intentionally flooded with fighting age men who have been distributed across the US. This has been happening in Europe for over a decade. The United Nations published ‘Replacement Migration’ that proposes changing out declining and aging populations for foreigners that was passed off as a conspiracy theory.

COVID whistleblower and funeral director John O’Looney said that migrant men will be used as UN soldiers that will be deployed by the World Health Organization during the next phony pandemic lockdown. O’Looney said that the migrant soldiers in the UK were trained by Scottish infantry known as Black Watch. He added that foreigners from the East and black soldiers will be used against white people because there is a cultural disassociation. He predicted there would be loads of bloodshed, but that people of all colors will come together and recognize their common enemy in the end.




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be25c2 No.20869137

who says anon hasnt

besides your faggoty assumptions


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9f3b02 No.20869138


believes in "space"

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2d6cc3 No.20869139


Hold on just had tacos, but lets talk *soon

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1748f5 No.20869140


>No, that's just silly.

Here is a clue.

Knock Knock! There are no coincidences.

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9f3b02 No.20869141


prove it

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77a45f No.20869142

File: c2f44858864b644⋯.gif (1.07 MB,498x498,1:1,skater_girl_skating_1_.gif)



stole a few…

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18465a No.20869143


The UN needs to be abolished.

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61a131 No.20869144

File: 04626a9843565aa⋯.png (47.96 KB,498x280,249:140,ClipboardImage.png)


lets get ready to RUMBLE

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9f3b02 No.20869145


kek, I have seen it as low as 2

just me and the baker

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be25c2 No.20869146


fuck you fedfag

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a527bb No.20869147


You're a faggot.

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be25c2 No.20869148


filtered for being a smug cunt

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9f3b02 No.20869149


ok name time and place to meet up?

I will bring the lube from our fbi stock

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1748f5 No.20869150


True, we have to learn how to destroy these bots before they become Skynet.

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2d6cc3 No.20869151

File: 1da1ec5b49d24c9⋯.png (44.76 KB,298x872,149:436,ClipboardImage.png)


>only niggers use twitter

"Never retreat from the battlefield [Twitter, FB, etc.]." - Q

Learn your P's & Q's

reply back with BS and you will be filtered with prejudice

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5c8986 No.20869152


How can you be so sure that they couldn´t have gone?

They went to orbit, that´s a fact. Need a reason why they couldn´t go from there to the Moon, something else than VanAllen.

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e19f54 No.20869153

File: d01a15e69f487e9⋯.png (598.59 KB,800x800,1:1,d01a15e69f487e986823f7d4f3….png)

If Johnson wouldn't have pushed through that spending bill, would people have had their eyes open to the amount of EUkrainian flag wavers on the floor of the House? Starting to think he's playing his role to advance the plan, and taking a lot of flak for it, because didn't he have a meeting with POTUS Trump, like, a week before that bill passed? Kind of foggy this morning on this end.

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c9081d No.20869154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

‘Playing with Fire’: Scandal In Guatemala & Allegations of US Child Trafficking!

Robby Starbuck, a music and video director and a conservative documentarian, interviewed Guatemalan Secretary General (SG) Ángel Pineda about child trafficking across the US border. 70% of all unaccompanied minors that cross into the US come from either Guatemala or Honduras. SG Pineda was discouraged by the American Embassy from doing this interview. Starbuck says the Biden administration appears to be retaliating against Guatemala’s SG and their Attorney General for investigating child trafficking and child abuse by non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Guatemalan authorities raided the Save The Children, and NGO that was chaired by First Lady Jill Biden in 2017. Starbuck said that Bill Gates has given $50 million to Save the Children and George Soros was another high profile donor. Pineda claims the Biden administration is pushing back against the investigation. SG Pineda admitted the US is harboring illegal alien pedophiles and murders. These are people Guatemala WANTS to put in prison but Biden’s Admin is protecting them instead of cooperating.

According to Starbuck, the Biden admin has spent over $500M in Guatemala since he has been in office.




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61a131 No.20869155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this should be notable and is part of the pandemic treaty debate.



Note; Anon has linked all the sources provided by dr campbell below for further research. Remember this was Matt Hancock doing and fauci plus w.e.f and big pharma around the world. this is just a window into scotland.


Midazolam concerns

14 May 2024



180,000 views 14 May 2024

Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry


Direct link to all inquiry hearings


Link to Dave, independent researcher

/ biologyphenom

Day 15 of the inquiry

Direct link to this witness statement


54. The care home thought that they should give her a mild sedative to stop her getting up and down so much and help her sleep through the night and keep the cannula in. My mum agreed to that but if she had known what the sedative was she would have said no as she was a retired nurse and, they (care home) should not have asked her anyway as she was not authorised to approve this.

55. At this point my grandmother was eating and drinking by herself, moving to the toilet herself, that there was only mild symptoms and that they were giving her the nasal oxygen just as a precaution as her stats were a little low but, with the cannula in, she was fine. Her stats had actually improved

65 I was provided with a document at a meeting I had with one of the solicitors. The document was the DNR but this had my name written on it. I was shocked as this was the first time I had seen this document and did not even know it existed.

Also from day 15

Direct link to this witness statement


Day 21 of the inquiry

Day 30 of the inquiry

Direct link to transcript for day 30



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be25c2 No.20869156


>logic has left the chat

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925ae0 No.20869157




OMG anons are triggered!

poor lil babbys, the butthurt, the feelz, the upset!

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1748f5 No.20869158


>kek, I have seen it as low as 2

>just me and the baker

That's enough to start a war.

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61a131 No.20869159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Neil Oliver: Out Of Control!!!


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a527bb No.20869160


> that´s a fact.

Facts don't exist.

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925ae0 No.20869161


>They went to orbit

low earth orbit only

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a527bb No.20869162


You're still a faggot.

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2d6cc3 No.20869163


Early Morning Shift - Defend Trump on Twitter

Dayshift Shift - Meme against the Open Border

Afternoon Shift - Watch Hearings

Late Afternoon Shift - Generate Memes for next day

NightShift - Shitpost and wait for the signal from the source

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61a131 No.20869164

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


repost. all part of the pandemic treaty evidence.


Note: this is the 4 minute clip during the meeting posted .

p.s even though they are fucking with the figures, ed dowd company has the insurance company's figures and the deaths are off the charts.

>>20863128, >>20863116 ED DOWD – “YOU CAN’T HIDE THE DEAD BODIES” - sen johnson and ed dowd with insurance company figures of excess deaths. (clip and full 4 hour hearing).




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5c8986 No.20869165


yeah, but why?

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5071ba No.20869166

File: e50da134afa39ad⋯.png (407.17 KB,580x548,145:137,gm.png)

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d34cd3 No.20869167

File: 67373f7c73a62be⋯.png (123.77 KB,356x565,356:565,67373f7c73a62bec757ca09d53….png)


So great that's his first post of the day.

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2d6cc3 No.20869168


Pfft I have seen it with just UID 1

- a baker

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1748f5 No.20869169


>only niggers use twitter


>and write a sternly worded email

You could be heroes. I would just put that text up there and leave out the Tucker part. What do you think the affect would be if people started to ask that question to the right people?

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77a45f No.20869170

File: 2190889cc142bf2⋯.png (2.41 MB,2734x1780,1367:890,QClock_October_08_2023_Kee….png)

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61a131 No.20869171

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


repost - again, this can all be a bun under pandemic covid topic.




Note: This is nearly 4 hours long, will watch later. found a clip of ed dowd talking about excess deaths so went digging for the full video which is below.


First published at 03:14 UTC on March 3rd, 2024.



Lots of good information. However, they push the lab leak nonsense They all admit the so-called virus was not as deadly as claimed, yet they fail to realize that if it is a lab-leaked virus, it is a very poor one. The real bioweapon, of course, is the vaccine.Funny how they hold the idea of a "virus" with a death rate of the flu as a lab-leak while admitting that the jab is the real killer, and failing to call the vax what it is, a bioweapon. Funny how lab-leak documents can be found whereas other documents are redacted. Excess deaths in 2020 can easily be blamed on death protocols pushed onto hospitals by mandates and monetary incentives; whereas, the real excess deaths begin with the jabs.

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c9081d No.20869172




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ba389b No.20869173

File: cc4ee38c3aafe8f⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB,960x720,4:3,Obamaphone.mp4)


>only niggers use twitter

I blame Obummer phone.

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699162 No.20869174

File: d3a59dfa8910e6b⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,1080x1350,4:5,wat.mp4)

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544aea No.20869175

>>20484441 (PB) SEN JOHNSON vax round table

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2d6cc3 No.20869176

File: d09bc96fef29fff⋯.png (235.45 KB,638x479,638:479,ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone else notice that the 33 degrees of mason, the 33 years of jesus all use the same number from your vertebrae. [33]

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be25c2 No.20869177

people who "witnessed" the moon landing knew it was fake then.

jfk assassination ff

uss liberty ff

9/11 ff

sandy hook ff

countless other ff's

moon landing absolutely real


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a527bb No.20869178



This isn't notable because it's fucking anecdotal fucking evidence in a science fucking discussion.

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2d6cc3 No.20869179


>jfk assassination ff

well that actually did happen.

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a527bb No.20869180


>well that actually did happen.

Sure, it was on your TV just like the moon landing.

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d34cd3 No.20869181

File: 1578147ec5038b7⋯.png (15.1 KB,657x527,657:527,157.png)

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2d6cc3 No.20869182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government



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be25c2 No.20869183


of course it happened

was narrative fucked with

and was the actual shooter arrested

or was someone else blamed

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56ff91 No.20869184


you might not have a full grasp of what "ff" means?

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64a293 No.20869185

File: 552af9e83b331c4⋯.jpg (15.27 KB,255x213,85:71,holdon.jpg)

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2d6cc3 No.20869186


No, i got the autopsy photos and so most of the rest of us here

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1748f5 No.20869187


>Pfft I have seen it with just UID 1

>- a baker

So that would be (you) else there would be at least 2 UIDs. Pfft vs Dough, still enough to start a war.

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64a293 No.20869188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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56ff91 No.20869189


9/11 'happened' too.

the full question is who really made it happen?

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a527bb No.20869190


>No, i got the autopsy photos and so most of the rest of us here

Faggot, you could exhume the fucking body and I'd still call you a fucking retarded liar.

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2d6cc3 No.20869191


>"ff" means?

The assasination was not a ff

it was an assasination to remove a man that was about to dismantly the Industrial complex

nothing false or fake abouit it

but go ahead i will listen to anon if valid argument is made

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77a45f No.20869192

>>20869170 (me)


clockfag here posits here that this whole sh*t show was coordinated btwn Israel, Saudi Arabia & The US. (And by US, I mean DJT / White Hat Shadow gov't…not the Oblowhole accolytes parading around behind podiums).

Territorial / Security gains for Israel.

Saudi Alliance with Israel forthcoming (sharing of security, tech & trade)

Security for SA & Israel through regime change in Iran.

Win for Iranian people as 65% (SWAG) of the population would like to see the mullahs gone.

Just a thought.

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fb2385 No.20869193

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024



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e19f54 No.20869194

File: 773cd4e38d8ba22⋯.webm (140.97 KB,427x240,427:240,ready2.webm)

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be25c2 No.20869195

A false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party.

who shot jfk

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c8682e No.20869196

File: 498355e66ab86aa⋯.jpeg (125.51 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1762.jpeg)

15 May, 2024 08:45

Kiev blames US for Russian advances – Politico

Ukrainian MPs claim restrictions on the targets that can be hit with Western weapons are giving Moscow an advantage

Ukrainianlawmakershave traveled to Washington, DC in a bid toconvince the White Houseto lift restrictions on how Kiev can use weapons donated by the US, Politico reported on Tuesday.

The delegation is headed by David Arakhamia, who leads the parliamentary faction of President Vladimir Zelensky’s party. He and otherMPs have scheduled dozens of meetings on Capitol Hillas part of their lobbying effort. (They embezzle money given to them and the government take 100s of trips around the world to whine, complain and beg for more arms and money. Zelensky is rarely ever there.)

The US has been supplying arms to Ukraine on theconditionthat theymust not be usedagainsttargets located insidewhat Washington acknowledges asRussian territory. The restriction is intended to demonstrate the supposedly defensive nature of the arms supplies. The Ukrainian MPs claim that the policy has facilitated a Russian offensive, which Moscow launched last Friday in Kharkov Region.

“We saw their military sitting one or two kilometers from the border inside Russia and there was nothing we could do about that,”one of the lawmakers, Aleksandra Ustinova, told the news outlet.

Kharkov Region borders Russia’s Belgorod Region. Kiev has launched multiple attacks inside it using drones, rocket artillery, and short-range missiles. Civilian deaths have been reported on a weekly basis in villages close to Kiev-controlled territory and the regional capital Belgorod.

In March, militants backed by the Ukrainian military made multiple attempts to seize settlements in several Russian border regions. President Vladimir Putin said at the time that a buffer zone along the border may be necessary to stop Ukrainian attacks.

According to some Ukrainian news reports, Moscow’s initial success in seizing territory in Kharkov Region was partiallydue to a lack of defenses, which Ukrainianengineers were supposed to constructin the area.Fundsappropriated for them have allegedly beenembezzled by corrupt officials.

Just last month,Zelensky reported that he had personally inspectedthe defensive lines near Kharkov. The role of troops in that area was “very important” to demonstrate to the Russia forces that the province is prepared to stand up to them, he added. (If the defensive lines weren’t constructed, how did Z inspect them? Zelensky has been no where none the front since a couple months into the operation.)

US government insiders told Politico that theWhite House has no intention of lifting the ban. In contrast, US ally Britain has apparently made a policy change regarding its weapons sent to Ukraine.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron declared this month that Kiev “has the right” to attack any Russian targets with British weapons. Moscow has warned that it would consider London’s military assets in Ukraine and elsewhere fair game for retaliation, if such a strike were to happen.


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699162 No.20869197

File: 0d82615e0070b2b⋯.mp4 (8.68 MB,720x1280,9:16,somuchgay.mp4)

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56ff91 No.20869198


False Flag is not about the act. it is about who was really behind an act and blamed upon others by the dominant narrative. You can't know why JFK was really killed or why 9/11 actually happened, without a truthful knowing of who was really behind making those things happen.


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5071ba No.20869199

File: 2da73c4a8cdc951⋯.png (489.22 KB,740x808,185:202,loser.png)

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1186e7 No.20869200

File: b5bcfb3fd61d153⋯.png (43.68 KB,417x364,417:364,ClipboardImage.png)


with respect, i like the meme! but as of last week, it deserves an upgrade… a spear of odin upgrade in the expert only box

just sayin is all

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d34cd3 No.20869201

File: 7e7bf4360ff6823⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,720x758,360:379,7e7bf4360ff6823b58063c7336….mp4)

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ebcf05 No.20869202

File: 70cad438953e0f2⋯.png (350.15 KB,539x718,539:718,Screen_Shot_05_15_24_at_09….PNG)

File: 4eb202ac82ef14c⋯.mp4 (653.2 KB,720x900,4:5,darkbrandon.mp4)


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77a45f No.20869203

File: f6a3bdfb0b43aa1⋯.png (15.23 MB,2495x4537,2495:4537,ClipboardImage.png)


>Anyone else notice that the 33 degrees of mason, the 33 years of jesus all use the same number from your vertebrae. [33]

Nice catch!

(no, I did not…)

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8198ed No.20869204


carpet not matching the drapes

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59bf0e No.20869205

File: 9d9eac22d4cdbab⋯.png (79.77 KB,204x231,68:77,ClipboardImage.png)

Anti-Defamation League ramps up lobbying to promote controversial definition of antisemitism

Federal records show a dramatic spending increase that critics say is primarily intended to punish criticism of Israel and target pro-Palestinian group


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1748f5 No.20869206



Q Post 843

Mar 04, 2018 11:29:14 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 245782 No. 548253



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699162 No.20869207

File: 644a25d937e7cea⋯.png (418.81 KB,793x884,61:68,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b4f9c0d0896932⋯.png (173.67 KB,567x651,27:31,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f8dda807360102⋯.png (242.46 KB,590x389,590:389,ClipboardImage.png)

Crying Capitol Cop Harry Dunn LOSES Congressional Primary.

Harry Dunn — the far left Capitol Hill police officer who has cried repeatedly in public over his role in January 6th — has lost his Congressional primary campaign. It is unknown as to whether or not he cried upon hearing the news.Dunn, 40, had the endorsements of former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Adam Schiff, and had out-raised all his other primary opponents.

Much like on January 6th, Dunn was beaten by a girl.


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adcff1 No.20869208


I've wondered the same.

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1195b9 No.20869209

File: 6ce517ed257ebfd⋯.jpeg (41.04 KB,397x526,397:526,b2b5c2aa2a8956280bd2c2e2a….jpeg)

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be25c2 No.20869210


might be hardwood


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5071ba No.20869211

File: f50c1e5f511869e⋯.png (630.73 KB,440x616,5:7,gm.png)

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2d6cc3 No.20869212


I like your reply anon and wil note it in my future Shit talking

To me a FF is an event that occurs to keep you from knowing what is really going on.

Such as when trump was indicted we had all boom of BS hit us.

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be25c2 No.20869213


how did i miss the camel toe

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8198ed No.20869214


should dye her eyebrows

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a5ea82 No.20869215

File: 1815e3cb35b875e⋯.jpg (188.64 KB,1080x1018,540:509,Screenshot_20240515_080719.jpg)

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d34cd3 No.20869216

File: 616f23aa6701d2e⋯.jpg (19 KB,255x252,85:84,616f23aa6701d2e6f842306651….jpg)

File: df762b9d97ffbf1⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,540x540,1:1,df762b9d97ffbf147af575d00d….mp4)

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133aea No.20869217


There is no hope for the future of the white race. Glad I am a gay, black, journalist.

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f9b79c No.20869218

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB,1209x713,39:23,bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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e19f54 No.20869219

File: 8f89491a39fc63a⋯.png (968.97 KB,542x783,542:783,8f89491a39fc63a1afee98fd4d….png)


>Territorial / Security gains

I've played around with the idea that Russia was also given the same accommodations for their participation in helping take down these evil fuckers.

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1748f5 No.20869220


Nein O'clock on the button.

Marker [9]

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699162 No.20869221


you hit the lottery…..be proud

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2d6cc3 No.20869222


>So that would be (you)

it was just me, myself and I

"I" got out of hand a bit and "myself" had to step up, but "me" was ok when it was all over


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be25c2 No.20869223


second only to a fat asain slut

the trifecta of fectas

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2d6cc3 No.20869224


>who shot jfk


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59bf0e No.20869225

File: 51ac186a5cf0578⋯.jpg (100.03 KB,500x779,500:779,CSStoryIIII.jpg)


Bill Maher: Israel has the moral high ground


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d51479 No.20869226

File: 8825760e50f9e7e⋯.png (409.26 KB,800x500,8:5,moar_than_8ee44d39bd.png)

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61a131 No.20869227

File: 92b9fdb53b4328c⋯.png (369.8 KB,539x500,539:500,ClipboardImage.png)


hello don

still have that finger up the bum smell on your finger.

cheetos right.


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2dd868 No.20869228


Listen to what and how he's saying this. He's really an old street thug..been a thug all his life..Delaware mafia thug.and the Wednesday reference is pretty damn low since he's the one who pulled this weaponized schitt on POTUS.

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1748f5 No.20869229


Kek. One day when this is all over, you will find you and thank you.

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e19f54 No.20869230

File: 979360b91248436⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,409x393,409:393,kek.jpg)


>finger up the bum smell on your finger.

Is that like new car smell, but for faggots?

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2dd868 No.20869231

File: aab5ff6d188fd0c⋯.jpg (83.17 KB,800x764,200:191,aab5ff6d188fd0c8011a2d2415….jpg)

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5c9e12 No.20869232


Both debates. Mmmm aren't there 3 debate interdasting

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116b71 No.20869233

6 1/2 years of this bullshit.

This Q shit has been the biggest bust since New Coke.

Shittiest prophecy ever.

The retards that made those posts are off somewhere laughing their asses off that people bought into their shit.

Justice is coming tho, amirite?


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2d6cc3 No.20869234

File: 0fd6d7840d260ac⋯.png (265.63 KB,474x266,237:133,ClipboardImage.png)

Damn its hot guys

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2d6cc3 No.20869236

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e19f54 No.20869237


>Shittiest prophecy ever.

Not prophecy. Plan. No one here is a prophet. You're dumb. Learn the material before opening your mouth on it.

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2d6cc3 No.20869238


>Shittiest prophecy ever.

Time line traveler here, no such thing as a prophet

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5071ba No.20869239

File: 7a10e4cc78b0670⋯.png (217.06 KB,498x788,249:394,gm.png)

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98e5fc No.20869240

File: a97dea13644ab72⋯.png (13.71 KB,255x255,1:1,a97dea13644ab72aa86b9ad999….png)



>6 1/2 years of this bullshit.

>This Q shit has been the biggest bust since New Coke.

>Shittiest prophecy ever.

>The retards that made those posts are off somewhere laughing their asses off that people bought into their shit.

>Justice is coming tho, amirite?


Shill is gonna shill.

Otherwise, you're too fucking stoopid to be here.

99% positive this one is a glow-fag shill from Media Matters.

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87e0ba No.20869241

Dark Brandon can beat Trump in a debate! Practice, Practice Joe!

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6e739a No.20869243

File: 86e9ca3fe5889ca⋯.png (95.15 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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2d6cc3 No.20869244


>Dark Brandon can beat Trump in a debate! Practice, Practice Joe!

Well to be fair, joe is a Master d'Bater

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5c8986 No.20869245

File: 3876ebdd2e40032⋯.jpeg (497.85 KB,1028x678,514:339,3876ebdd2e40032c9f94be3ba….jpeg)

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2d6cc3 No.20869246


been awake since the day anon was born

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09a7cf No.20869247

File: cc1382399f4fdbf⋯.png (41.55 KB,440x356,110:89,Q94.png)



rumble (1 Qdrop- inside 'crumble')

(now getting SEVER TOOK TOO LONG messages when posting. )

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f96cb1 No.20869248

File: 40b90756a6d2227⋯.jpg (9.17 KB,211x255,211:255,biden_look_fat.jpg)

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d34cd3 No.20869249

File: b39def909bde55f⋯.jpg (47 KB,736x837,736:837,1730488959ec5694fc86df9283….jpg)

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06fa66 No.20869250


Anon had same experience in the past

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d51479 No.20869251


At least a "thug" would be capable of beating some ass. Joe Biden is no thug. He is a life long, serial liar who has always had feelings of insecurity and non accomplishment and tries to make himself a 1000 x's moar than what he really is. He's a fucking humpwuss and always has been.

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5071ba No.20869252

File: 2009e39283ac556⋯.png (1.51 MB,955x967,955:967,swordanon.png)


GM Swordanon

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77a45f No.20869253


>I've wondered the same.

hive mind


>>Territorial / Security gains

>I've played around with the idea that Russia was also given the same accommodations

Didn't occur to me…but makes sense.

My concern with all of it, as i imagine is with the white hat team is oversteps by peeps like Bibi & Putin.

Personally speaking, my real concern is the Taiwan front. Taiwan produces 90%+ of global chips. China makes a move and sh*t can go sideways real quick (I think).

Of course, Q did say, "every scenario planned for"

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ba389b No.20869254

The ability to realize that you are dreaming doesn't make you awake.

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1748f5 No.20869255

File: 7320e2c7860aba0⋯.png (7.23 KB,255x134,255:134,Q_Angel.png)


>There is no hope for the future of the white race.

The Best Is Yet To Come.

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544aea No.20869256

File: 20005536060aa7c⋯.jpg (80.58 KB,1280x720,16:9,burntbread.jpg)



#25596 >>20869031

>>20869084 Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances (RT)

>>20869115, >>20869120 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>20869133 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!

>>20869193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024


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61a131 No.20869257

File: 47ce2e5b7c66b5a⋯.png (608.58 KB,627x424,627:424,ClipboardImage.png)

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09a7cf No.20869258

File: cee72309b15cd47⋯.jpeg (11.86 KB,255x227,255:227,fc761c190063bfd69f6f22d95….jpeg)


Did it?

Or was it too faked?

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6ef40d No.20869259

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Turning into Grapics -> Rumble

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2d6cc3 No.20869260




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77a45f No.20869261

File: c27f3efa616a4db⋯.png (594.6 KB,912x1272,38:53,Screenshot_2024_05_15_0918….png)

File: 4eb202ac82ef14c⋯.mp4 (653.2 KB,720x900,4:5,YjvjUSGfZ_WtuPvf_1_.mp4)


Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then, he hasn’t shown up for a debate.

Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again.

Well, make my day, pal.

0:05 / 0:14

8:00 AM · May 15, 2024


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2d6cc3 No.20869262

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61a131 No.20869263


are you still bakering?

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56ff91 No.20869264


largely agreed

most normies remain moistly confused by it all (yet Awakening seems to be habening slowly two weeks at a time).

unfortunately, even anons too often juxtapose things like 9/11 and Moonlanding in the same general mix. Those things could be 'related' in a rather roundabout sort of way, but for very different reasons on the part of the Same Media (gov/intel/banking)… one being done to overboost national pride, the other being done to overboost national fear. Ironically, both achieving over-spending, bankruptcy, war and death.

GM, frenanon.

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d51479 No.20869265

File: 16c3ff09c5ee798⋯.jpg (269.4 KB,1088x1365,1088:1365,NCSWIC_Nothing.jpg)


You're purposely or unwittingly leaving out the one constant in all of this. Q+

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732107 No.20869267

File: f2c8a70267acd3e⋯.png (62.47 KB,236x207,236:207,f2c8a70267acd3e7a03e853906….png)


>..a life long liar..He's a fucking humpwuss

Well, that too.

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77a45f No.20869268

File: 1cd94d710431a14⋯.png (1.86 KB,112x52,28:13,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c7f22873b41aee⋯.png (286.49 KB,474x356,237:178,ClipboardImage.png)


timestamp of infamy.

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e46d64 No.20869269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

France manhunt continues as prisoner escapes after ambush | BBC News


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d51479 No.20869271


Oh hell, Joe is trying to bow up. Bow up JOE!! Show all of us what a man is……………..fucking retard.

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f96cb1 No.20869272

10:00 AM EDT

House Republican News Conference on Police Week

Speaker Johnson (R-LA) and other House Republican leaders hold a news conference on Police Week.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. House of Representatives: Morning Hour

The House will consider a rule for several police-related bills to highlight National Police Week as legislation calling on the Biden Administration to the end the pause of transferring approved military weapons to Israel.


10:00 AM EDT

U.S. Senate: Senate Session

The Senate will vote on Courtney O’Donnell to be U.S. Permanent Representative to the Paris-based UNESCO. She’s a senior adviser to VP Harris & second gentleman Emhoff’s acting chief of staff.


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f96cb1 No.20869274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

House Judiciary Committee



Robert Costello, Partner, Davidoff Hutcher & Citron


James Trusty, Former Federal Prosecutor


Gene Hamilton, Executive Director, America First Legal





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1748f5 No.20869276


You are right in being disappointed and I understand that sentiment. But the only thing I know for sure, is that Trump is a man of his word. I have seen him answer the call many times before and he has saved more lives probably than any other President in our history due to such times as this.

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61a131 No.20869277

File: 4916a305c0e8715⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)


cheeky fucker

>i hear you are free on wednesday.

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d43cb3 No.20869279

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bd31fb No.20869280

Well I see Squeaky slept in.

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f96cb1 No.20869281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of Prudential Regulators

House Financial Services Committee



The Honorable Michael Barr

Vice Chairman for Supervision, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System


The Honorable Martin Gruenberg

Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


The Honorable Michael Hsu

Acting Comptroller, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency



H.R. 8287, “Stress Testing Accountability and Transparency Act”



H.R. 8264, “Bank Supervision Appeals Improvement Act”



H.R. 8288, “Bringing the Discount Window into the 21st Century Act”



H.R. 4346, “Small Bank Holding Company Relief Act”








Financial Regulators Testify at House Oversight Hearing

FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg, Federal Reserve Vice Chair Michael Barr and acting Comptroller of the Currency Michael Hsu testify on financial oversight before the House Financial Services Committee.


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2d6cc3 No.20869282




ty anons, wise words to re read

Notable and [G]o [M]avericks to you too

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7d69ac No.20869284

File: 1db453ed7bd583f⋯.gif (8.29 MB,600x595,120:119,SPARKLINGPEPEFINALGIF.gif)

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f96cb1 No.20869285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Standing Strong on the Thin Blue Line: How Congress Can Support State and Local Law Enforcement

House Homeland Security Committee



Gregory Mays

Deputy Commissioner of Homeland Security, Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security


Michael Bullock

President, Austin, Texas Police Association


Michael Chapman

Loudoun County Sheriff






State and Local Law Enforcement Officials Testify on Law Enforcement Challenges

State and local law enforcement officials testify on the challenges to law enforcement before the House Homeland Security Committee.


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3c6d05 No.20869286

File: c6cb31d9d94640e⋯.jpg (35.79 KB,657x527,657:527,3456076b3e02c34d927933aeb7….jpg)



"Roasted" and "Catch on fire" are deniably plausibly similar too. Largest trolling operation in history, if you ask me.

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1186e7 No.20869287

File: af30b7875cab108⋯.png (946.42 KB,801x1000,801:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


murky buckets anon!

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f96cb1 No.20869289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

10:00 AM EDT

Reviewing and Examining the Francis Scott Key Bridge Federal Response

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee



Vice Admiral Peter Gautier, Deputy Commandant for Operations, United States Coast Guard


Major General William (Butch) H. Graham, Deputy Commanding General, Civil and Emergency Operations, United States Army Corps of Engineers


Hon. Shailen Bhatt, Administrator, Federal Highway Administration, United States Department of Transportation


Hon. Jennifer Homendy, Chair, National Transportation Safety Board







Officials Testify on Investigation Into Key Bridge Collapse

Federal officials testify on their ongoing investigation into the collapse of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge before the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.


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77a45f No.20869290

File: d288c41547540d3⋯.png (261.4 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>This Q shit has been the biggest bust since New Coke.

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18465a No.20869291

File: 1eb81b099899548⋯.jpg (14.27 KB,255x195,17:13,thinking_pepe.jpg)


Isn't debating a thing that candidates for President do and have always done? Why make a thing of it at all? Debate should be expected.

Tl;dr - Uncle Joe is retarded.

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06fa66 No.20869292

so much clutter…must be the result of exposures and things to come.

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1748f5 No.20869293



But we don't hide and nothing we do is in secret, so we cannot be classified as a cult.

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f96cb1 No.20869294

10:00 AM EDT

A Review of Select Department of Defense Acquisition Programs

Senate Appropriations Committee



The Honorable William A. LaPlante

Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment

Office of the Secretary of Defense


The Honorable Douglas R. Bush

Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology

United States Army





Defense officials testify about the Defense Department’s acquisition programs before the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Defense Subcommittee. Testifying are: William A. LaPlante, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment; Douglas R. Bush, the assistant secretary of the Army for acquisition, logistics and technology; Nickolas H. Guertin, the assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development and acquisition; and Andrew P. Hunter; the assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology and logistics.

Department of Defense




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56ff91 No.20869295

File: e93d4496b461237⋯.jpg (29.54 KB,474x579,158:193,a4598a9d4c027605d483735957….jpg)

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b56ded No.20869297


What is New Coke?

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dca4fb No.20869298

File: fa8e6e3d20be5ca⋯.jpg (547.81 KB,1080x1637,1080:1637,Screenshot_20240515_063318….jpg)

It is now up to the DOJ to weigh whether to file charges against the aircraft maker.


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18465a No.20869299


Classic Dem projection.

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8e8585 No.20869300

File: d99a9ccca48eaa6⋯.png (973.07 KB,1249x579,1249:579,ClipboardImage.png)

Its center consists of a siliceous breccia covering an area that is at least 30 kilometres (19 mi) in diameter. The inner ring dike is about 30 m in width, 3 km from the center of the Richat Structure. The outer ring dike is about 70 m in width, 8 km from the center of the structure.

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f96cb1 No.20869301

File: 840caed6b5fd073⋯.jpg (16.96 KB,196x255,196:255,Think_For_Yourself.Jpg)

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ba389b No.20869302

File: 33091a89e735b3c⋯.jpg (39.69 KB,634x634,1:1,33091a89e735b3cdd963bd6e00….jpg)

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2d6cc3 No.20869303


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8e8585 No.20869304


have they not suffered enough

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d51479 No.20869305


>but PELOSI did Jan 06 all by her self!

She had a lot of help. ABCs, CPD, McConnell, Pence. Once she declared the little known House Rule emergency the protest of the several state electoral certifications became mute. Once back in session, no one was allowed to contest any of the certifications. Joe Biden won.

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e20e49 No.20869306


>6 1/2 years

Just round up. 7 years.

<7 years of nothingburgers and New Coke>

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09a7cf No.20869307

File: 79540d7feed1e86⋯.png (75.73 KB,501x397,501:397,Q2691.png)

File: 4145a68b63b70bd⋯.png (11.78 KB,915x150,61:10,Q3717.png)

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06fa66 No.20869308

Anon spouse is unaware of AI being used in TV ads n such. It tells anon society may still be unaware of the AI infiltration to coerce ideas n such.

Waiting for the kickoff

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b56ded No.20869309


You the best of the two, Joe! Just bring your humor and don’t follow your handlers script for you!

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11859a No.20869310


Operation Trust. History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes. People fall for the same old shit all the time. Especially when they're desperate for something to change. Try not to hold it against them too much. All any of us wanted was to keep the country from being taken over by commies. It was a failure, and now we're stuck. The "plan" is all that most have to cling to now. It sucks that they're going to be so late in figuring out that we've already passed the point of no return. Be nicer about it, and try to be understanding, because in the end, we're all fucked.

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c8682e No.20869311

File: a83bf561d005090⋯.jpeg (72.83 KB,768x432,16:9,IMG_1767.jpeg)

(This is the “democracy” they shout about, Zelensky can be dictator forever)

14 May, 2024 21:03

Blinken reveals US conditions for Ukrainian elections

The American diplomat suggested that Washington will potentially allow Vladimir Zelensky to remain in power indefinitely

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said that Ukraine will hold elections when all Ukrainians – including those now living in Russian territory – decide the time is right. Blinken’s conditionsessentially permitUkrainian President VladimirZelensky to postpone a vote unless these territories are recaptured.

“We’re working with the government and civil society groups to shore up Ukraine’s election infrastructure,” Blinken said in a speech at Kiev Polytechnic Institute on Tuesday. (US rigging election infrastructure to keep Zelensky in)

“That way, as soon as Ukrainians agree that conditions allow, all Ukrainians – all Ukrainians including those displaced by Russia’s aggression – can exercise their right to vote,”he continued. “People in Ukraine and around the world can have confidence that the voting process is free, fair, and secure.”

Ukraine was supposed to hold a presidential election on March 31, but Zelensky canceled the vote last year, citing martial law and the conflict with Russia. “We must realize that now is the time of defense, the time of the battle that determines the fate of the state and people,” he said at the time. “I believe that now is not the right time for elections.”

Blinken’s statement impliesthat theUS does not expect Zelensky to hold elections unless the millions of Ukrainian refugeesscattered across Europe, and those living in the formerly Ukrainian regions of Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, and Zaporozhye,can take part. This is highly unlikely, since residents of these regions voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation in September 2022.

Few analystsin Kiev or the Western capitals nowbelieve that Ukraine stands a chance of regaining controlof these territories, much less Crimea. Zelensky still promises that his forces will do so, but this belief in Ukraine’s victory has been described as “delusional” by his own aides.

“Our leadership, in my assessment, exhausted the limits of its competence a long time ago,”his former adviser, Aleksey Arestovich wrote in October. In order to pull the country out of its current “dead end,” he urged Zelensky to hold elections as planned this year, and to accept that his goal of retaking Crimea and restoring Ukraine’s 1991 borders will not happen, despite the “blood, sweat, and tears” of the Ukrainian people.

In his speech, Blinken praised Zelensky for introducing tough new conscription laws, and vowed that theUS will keep bankrollingthe Ukrainianmilitary “until Ukraine’s security, sovereignty, its ability to choose its own path is guaranteed.

Moscow has repeatedly warned that continued Western military aid to Ukraine will only prolong the conflict without changing its outcome. In a statement earlier this month, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) claimed that the US does not care whether Zelensky or someone else leads the country, as long as the “war till the last Ukrainian” does not stop.


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2c720c No.20869312


The majority of society have no clue how big it is.

I guess "ignorance is bliss".

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5c8986 No.20869313

File: 8487474c69b04d4⋯.jpg (132.3 KB,606x444,101:74,8487474c69b04d45425a14950a….jpg)

File: 52552933dbf2714⋯.jpg (44.91 KB,431x319,431:319,52552933dbf2714a94ffa64a40….jpg)


> It was a failure, and now we're stuck.

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96e0df No.20869314

Night anons, haven't slept in two days due to my dog choking on spike chems both days.

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56ff91 No.20869315

File: 661acdf8dbf5df3⋯.jpg (30.37 KB,600x557,600:557,17e4e38ebcbf2d58793db8cd80….jpg)


people today have a hard time contemplating just how much bigger the lightn'n bolts may have been in the past, and can really become again.

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3fef52 No.20869316

File: 88b8c5b46d162bd⋯.png (631.92 KB,1200x1704,50:71,snapshot_www_express_co_uk….png)

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

Robert Fico, the populist Prime Minister of Slovakia, has been rushed to hospital after a shooting, according to reports.

The terrifying attack took place in Handlova, a town located 93 miles north east of the country's capital Bratislava.

A suspect has been detained, according to local news station TA3, with a dramatic video showing the moment they were arrested.

A loud commotion can be heard, as police officers can be seen swarming the alleged attacker while sirens can be heard blaring in the distance.

Robert Fico has served as the Slovakian PM since 2023, after previously serving from 2006 to 2010 and again from 2012 to 2018.

He has recently come under fire for oppposing NATO membership for Ukraine.

His government has long opposed giving military aid to President Zelensky and his troops, and has bizarrely claimed that life is "normal" in Kyiv.


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1186e7 No.20869317


>Classic Dem projection

classic FED projection

if one reads the bible, one sees that the terrorists are those who received NOT the mark of the beast and those who resisted the devil.

i refer you to Q Drop 10

These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.

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d51479 No.20869318


KMFAO!! Well, he does have ALL of the goods on everyone of these corrupt pieces of shit in DC. Especially Joe and Family.

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e20e49 No.20869319


>Well, make my day, pal.

We clearly like the same things. We must be frens. Can we do more transformers or he-man references OR more kung-fu stuff?

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d51479 No.20869320


Prayers for your Doggy fren.

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61a131 No.20869321

File: 2e4890b69b491ce⋯.png (1.9 MB,1136x1279,1136:1279,ClipboardImage.png)


keep in him doors moran.

prayers sent.

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2d6cc3 No.20869322

Just to be clear

I own my cat, she dont own me.

-not the cat

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2c720c No.20869324


I wonder if he killed Kate and the kids to squeeze a little more time in?

Personally, I think he's long gone.

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544aea No.20869325

File: 72aed6acda743fb⋯.jpg (11.46 KB,300x233,300:233,velikovsky_horizon_300x233.jpg)


>if one reads the bible

…Ah, fuck, really? This shit, again?

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e20e49 No.20869326


>The ability to realize that you are dreaming doesn't make you awake.

Sometimes I know I am dreaming in my dreams.

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c8682e No.20869327


notablehe and Orban are the only country leaders that won’t send arms to Ukraine. And is Blinken still in the EU?

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e19f54 No.20869329

File: 69e1f09f94e970a⋯.png (609.74 KB,2619x1307,2619:1307,69e1f09f94e970a821b522d85d….png)


The side that cuts their dicks off and thinks they're women for doing so is calling the side that wants to make the country great again a cult? Delicious irony.

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61a131 No.20869330

File: f5054729d3de10b⋯.mp4 (5.85 MB,1280x720,16:9,day_shift_2nd_tester.mp4)


you cannot own a cat unless you keep it locked up at home.


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ba389b No.20869332


>Sometimes I know I am dreaming in my dreams.

This is an ability you can train which enables lucid dreaming. It allows you to control the aspects of the dream while you are experiencing it.

Now imagine doing that to the persistent dream.

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d51479 No.20869333


Psychotic projection at it's finest.

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3fef52 No.20869334


Anyone who opposes NATO or the US ends up getting assassinated or regime changed.

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8e8585 No.20869336


>He has recently come under fire for oppposing NATO membership for Ukraine.


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2c720c No.20869337

File: 1dbeb7518ae1560⋯.png (10.82 KB,282x376,3:4,image_2024_05_15_094231955.png)


Nice tie fucktard.

And we all know this is a trap to assassinate Trump.

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8e8585 No.20869340

File: 1f99ba34a8c5cbf⋯.png (779.88 KB,930x558,5:3,AzovRabbi.png)

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c8682e No.20869341


They just change tradition whenever they want because he’s too demented to debate. He really is quickly going downhill fast

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2d6cc3 No.20869342

Be advised, All personnel will now refer to the Democrat party as the "NWOdems" when speaking of the Democrat Party.

Please update your records to reflect accordingly


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56ff91 No.20869343

File: 280188c049b5ab3⋯.png (1.03 MB,1000x730,100:73,c8886d47b87fa6c2e750c79200….png)



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8e8585 No.20869344


>Uncle Joe is retarded.

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2d6cc3 No.20869345



she's sleeping, but will let wifeanon know there is a request pending

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e83079 No.20869347

File: 1563da3ef3f7109⋯.jpg (14.55 KB,255x191,255:191,1563da3ef3f71095c58b5f87ac….jpg)


>since New Coke

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581a39 No.20869348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> wonder if that might explain why so many kids after me were turned so ultra gay???

Well, bands like Motley Crue, Poison, Warrant, Skid Row, etc didn't help, I'm sure. Then again, as much as I loved the Cure back then, Rob's makeup didn't help either.

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43a6ae No.20869349

File: 2eb872c93c4a330⋯.png (2.04 MB,1200x720,5:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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06fa66 No.20869350



(but true)

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3fef52 No.20869352


>He has recently come under fire for oppposing NATO membership for Ukraine.



He also opposed the COVID malarkey too.

Blame the Daily Express.

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bd31fb No.20869353


Brian Cox


Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in public. This comes just days after Fico officially and publicly rejected the WHO's global agreement on the pandemic ‼️






Le Premier ministre slovaque Robert Fico victime d’un tir en public.

Cela survient quelques jours seulement après que Fico a officiellement et publiquement rejeté l'accord mondial de l'OMS sur la pandémie ‼️


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00f896 No.20869354


>oh man sorry the entire right portion of this still has been cropped using mspaint

show the driver and the timing of the passenger to lean forward at that pace despite a gun shot going off and the most precious cargo for his job behind him

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77a45f No.20869355

File: 6f549eb76b9e630⋯.png (2.26 MB,1085x989,1085:989,ClipboardImage.png)

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e19f54 No.20869357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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56ff91 No.20869358


in regards to the photoshoped lightning/hand of God picture, this anon does NOT profess to know the cosMOGONY of it All. Just a pic to keep the mind open, as Velikovsky himeslf was so good at.

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bd31fb No.20869360


Looks like the same tie Johnson wore to NY trial site.

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c8682e No.20869361


The dementia is getting worse. He knows he can’t debate without lying and garbling whatever comes out if his mouth. He’s afraid! He should be too.

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e83079 No.20869362

File: ccadee1bc3ed046⋯.jpg (137.37 KB,768x503,768:503,peplu1.jpg)

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d51479 No.20869363


Social Media and the AFTA.

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544aea No.20869364

File: 8bb9c307092f521⋯.png (22.28 KB,597x360,199:120,thisshitagainNPCucks.png)

File: 6b40d0d0cd44dee⋯.jpg (126.92 KB,1280x720,16:9,1c85435b7008c5501fc5364acc….jpg)

File: 438219341fdc4b8⋯.jpg (38.54 KB,737x400,737:400,planet_formation_1.jpg)

…If you cannot grasp the concept of planets as the 'Gods', then you'll be hopelessly lost.

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5ce684 No.20869365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



nice banner yo

& many thanks for baking

hope you enjoy "confirmations la durango"

(solve for Q when la durango = B)

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2c720c No.20869366

File: 37b239a3a2bd509⋯.png (282.19 KB,530x674,265:337,Capture.PNG)

#OTD 1935, 52-year-old William Halsey became became the oldest person to earn naval aviator's wings. RADM Ernest King had offered him command of the carrier USS Saratoga if he took an air observer course, but he chose to complete the aviator course to better understand pilots.


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06fa66 No.20869367


At this point anon HAS to believe its all staged. There's no way, tactically, DS wd continue to use this alzheimer clown for anything on his own, or speak publicly.

Maybe to still wake the normies?

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a527bb No.20869368


So the planets traffick children?

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77a45f No.20869369

File: 2d3fdf4c1baf757⋯.png (439.95 KB,914x724,457:362,ClipboardImage.png)


>timestamp of infamy.


BREAKING: Prime minister of Slovakia Robert Fico has just been shot

9:11 AM · May 15, 2024


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c8682e No.20869371

Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

Joe Biden took to Twitter on Wednesday morning to demand two, not three, presidential debates and hope to shift them forward in the calendar year—seemingly so he has time torecover from an expected poor performance before election day.

The Biden campaign even sent a formal letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, stating that Biden would not be participating in the organization’s debates.

Instead, Biden’s team proposed debates in June and September, conducted under an umbrella of corporate-left news organizations, with a scheduled vice-presidential debate in July.


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bd31fb No.20869373

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544aea No.20869374


…Do you bother with any form of deductive reason and logic?

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8e8585 No.20869376

File: e13a81e6690b9f1⋯.png (101.12 KB,1101x1102,1101:1102,ClipboardImage.png)

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e19f54 No.20869377


Kids weren't turned "ultra gay" by 80s music. Separate the art from the artist. It's not hard to do. Besides which, look back further, there's always been effeminate men being flamboyant in the arts.

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61a131 No.20869379

File: 0176db50099d44c⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20869155, >>20869159, >>20869164, >>20869171 scottish covid enquiry and excess death sen johnson meeting - pandemic treaty, excess deaths and sen johnson covid meeting


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c918eb No.20869380

"Bring it on pal"

"Lets get ready to rumble"


What the fuck did I just wake up to?

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56ff91 No.20869382


id wager that most of us back in the 70's/80's stomping out in the hockey stadium with "We will we will rock you!" just had no idea how gay Queen really was. One if life's great ironies.

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3c6d05 No.20869383

File: 4af5001a8fa60c6⋯.jpg (5.4 KB,200x200,1:1,pepe_with_screaming_and_cr….jpg)


>Maybe to still wake the normies?


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77a45f No.20869384

File: 3822763c43a04bb⋯.png (1020.84 KB,924x1382,462:691,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3177d43f59fe80e⋯.mp4 (3.69 MB,1080x600,9:5,nFW0fBHltpNn2Mtb_1_.mp4)



JUST IN - Robert Fico, Slovakia's Prime Minister, has been shot.



UPDATE - Slovak PM Fico was taken to hospital after being shot. His condition is unknown.


Clash Report

9:36 AM · May 15, 2024


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1186e7 No.20869385

File: 8052761a0461ad3⋯.png (64.04 KB,255x198,85:66,ClipboardImage.png)

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581a39 No.20869386


>What is New Coke?

Coca Cola created a "new formula" back in the 80s, 'cos reasons. It was an abysmal failure, it never took off and they were mocked relentlessly for how awful it tasted, causing them to go back to the "original" (tm) formula. Ironically, the "original" (tm) formula wasn't actually original, either. It was the second variation of the original. They just removed the cocaine from it.

In an ironic moment in the 90s, Pepsi tried the same BS with "Crystal Pepsi" or some shit like that. Crystal Pepsi was even a bigger failure than New Coke was.

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2d6cc3 No.20869388


Can i get a NS anon on this meme and Animate?

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bd31fb No.20869389



🚨 BREAKING: Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot today after a government meeting, local media reported, suffering injuries to his head and chest before he was taken from the scene by his security detail.

Full story: https://www.politico.eu/article/slovakia-prime-minister-robert-fico-shot-head-chest/


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a527bb No.20869390


Your post was too fucking retarded to not shit post, explain your schizo shit with some fucking words next time you fucking edgelord.

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2feb52 No.20869391


I guess moving the capital from Kiev to Lviv is out of the question now.

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544aea No.20869392

File: 6ff738c57fbc20c⋯.png (27.31 KB,522x372,87:62,crescentsymbolism3.png)


…Superstitions are the shackles of the mind.

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61a131 No.20869394

File: 1b5c921459934b9⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB,400x300,4:3,Cat_vid_2.mp4)

File: d2657ca724fa26a⋯.gif (2.37 MB,500x300,5:3,cat_infinity_.gif)


take care of the little soul.


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8e8585 No.20869395


>Robert Fico, Slovakia's Prime Minister, has been shot.

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bd31fb No.20869396

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico shot in head and chest, reports say


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544aea No.20869398


…Gotta 'show' the people.

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8b2be4 No.20869399

File: 2084e6542b9feb0⋯.png (11.83 KB,300x168,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)

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8e8585 No.20869400

suffering injuries to his head and chest before he was rushed away by his security detail

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c8682e No.20869401

File: 08aedeabebadf52⋯.webp (19.2 KB,680x383,680:383,IMG_1768.webp)

Justice Department asks federal judge to start former Trump adviser Steve Bannon’s prison sentence

Casey Gannon and Tierney Sneed, CNN Tue May 14, 2024

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon should begin serving a four-month prison sentence now that a federal appeals court has upheld his contempt-of-Congress conviction, the Justice Department told a federal judge Tuesday.

US District Judge Carl Nichols, who presided over Bannon’s trial, had paused Bannon’s sentence while an appeal of his conviction played out.He has given Bannon until Monday to respond to the DOJ’s request, extending an earlier deadline following a motion to delay from the defense team.

Bannon was found guilty in July 2022 by a federal jury of two counts of contempt of Congress for defying a subpoena by the House January 6 select committee in its investigation into the 2021 attack on the US Capitol.

The Justice Department said in its court filing that a person who is found guilty must report for their term of imprisonment unless the defendant can establish “the appeal is not for the purpose of delay and raises a substantial question of law or fact likely to result in reversal.”

“The D.C. Circuit rejected defendant’s appeal on all grounds, including the primary argument on appeal: the requisite mental state required for a contempt of Congress violation,” the Justice Department wrote.

The unanimous decision by the appeals court was a win for Congress, potentially paving the way for how others will be held accountable for defying a congressional subpoena.

The timing of when Bannon will be expected to report to prison is still unclear.

(CNN can’t wait until Bannon goes to jail, because Bannon mocks them all the time)


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2c720c No.20869402

File: cc9240abcf04814⋯.png (330.66 KB,530x551,530:551,Capture.PNG)

That’s a Wrap!!! National Training Center Rotation 24-07 is complete.





finished the Rotation strong by conducting vigorous force-on-force under live fire exercises.

#Readiness #BeAllYouCanBe #ArmyTeam #Soldeirs




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2d6cc3 No.20869403

File: 8b8ae1143314b3f⋯.png (1.02 MB,1048x800,131:100,ClipboardImage.png)


>Superstitions are the shackles of the mind.

amazing how both of those symbols look like a Planetary Plasma dischage

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6939e5 No.20869404


Refresh for accurate post count. o7

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6c9025 No.20869405

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581a39 No.20869406

File: 66a67821d77949d⋯.png (494.36 KB,306x254,153:127,ClipboardImage.png)


>id wager that most of us back in the 70's/80's stomping out in the hockey stadium with "We will we will rock you!" just had no idea how gay Queen really was. One if life's great ironies.

Kek. Bruh. It wasn't just the rock bands…. Remember Rick Astley? I got lucky. Mom made me appreciate the Beatles and things like Tom Petty, Dad made me appreciate Elvis and old-school country, my older brother got me into rock, so I was listening to Joan Jett, Judas Priest, Metallica, Journey. Kek. Then, Dave Kendal got me into the post-modern Brit invasion. By the time I left for the Army, in 89, I was a full-on punk and industrial fan. All the music we were listening to in the 70s and 80s (or in my case the 80s, mainly) was almost all closet gay.

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16005d No.20869407

Nationwide gold & silver tax cuts: 13 states scrap capital gains, Fed on high alert

(Kitco News) - In the US, legislation is being reshaped by a combination of state and federal efforts aiming to revise the taxation and legal tender status of gold and silver. This trend is catalyzed by a broader movement among lawmakers and fiscal conservatives who see these changes as essential to reinforcing economic stability. "Both the state of Nebraska and the state of Alabama passed legislation exempting capital gains from gold and silver on the state level. This is part of a movement. Other states have recently done the same thing," notes Jp Cortez, Executive Director of Sound Money Defense League. In response to these state-level initiatives, federal legislation is also being considered, with "Congressman Alex Mooney recently reintroduced legislation to end all federal income taxation on gold and silver, coins and bullion in the entire country.”

However, not all states have joined this movement. Hawaii, New Mexico, New Jersey, Vermont, and Maine still impose sales taxes on precious metals. These states are targets for future legislative efforts aimed at aligning them with the broader national trend.

The Constitutional Context and Implications for Sound Money

The U.S. Constitution grants Congress the power to coin money and regulate its value. Historically, this included precious metals like gold and silver, which were once part of the U.S. monetary system. Reintroducing gold and silver as money aligns with constitutional principles and acts as a countermeasure against inflation and government overspending. Cortez emphasizes the constitutional and economic stability sound money can bring in a recent interview with Jeremy Szafron, Anchor at Kitco News, "Sound money constrains a government that would otherwise do bad things with the power afforded to the printer of money… It provides people the chance to be able to save and plan in a currency that they know will hold value over the long term."

Sound money refers to money backed by a physical commodity such as gold or silver and is not susceptible to significant depreciation or inflation. It is characterized by its ability to hold value over time, offering predictability in financial planning and a check on the government's ability to inflate the currency supply.

The momentum for recognizing gold and silver as legal tender is growing across the U.S., highlighted by a Federal bill and recent legislative actions in several states. Nebraska joined the movement last month, becoming the 12th state to eliminate capital gains taxes on these precious metals, following Alabama's earlier decision.

Similarly, Arizona, Arkansas, and Utah have passed comparable laws in recent years. Efforts to exempt these metals from income taxes are also advancing in states like Iowa, Georgia, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas, with significant legislative progress made in 2024. Additionally, Kentucky has recently become the 45th state to abolish sales taxes on gold and silver, further cementing the trend towards easing financial regulations on these assets.


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e19f54 No.20869408

File: 44bb95657c2934a⋯.webm (781.4 KB,427x240,427:240,nrmtm.webm)


>id wager that most of us back in the 70's/80's stomping out in the hockey stadium with "We will we will rock you!" just had no idea how gay Queen really was.

Never knew until the singer died from AIDS, but was still a kid and didn't know the extent of what "gay" was back then. By that point the body of work he left behind was so prolific it… didn't really matter if he was or not. I have nothing against gay people, they can suck as much dick and tap as many feces exit holes all they want, just don't force their preference on children is all.

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c8682e No.20869409

John Eastman on lawfare in America, hosted by Michigan Fair Elections

May 9, 2024

Can an anon edit this link so it can be recognized and play?


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581a39 No.20869410


Kek. I misread shackles as shekels. I need to finish my covfefe.

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43a6ae No.20869411

File: 966d742cd6fb553⋯.png (1.52 MB,960x960,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

May 15, 2024

AR 3664 at the Sun's Edge

What did the monster active region that created the recent auroras look like when at the Sun's edge? There, AR 3664 better showed its 3D structure. Pictured, a large multi-pronged solar prominence was captured extending from chaotic sunspot region AR 3664 out into space, just one example of the particle clouds ejected from this violent solar region. The Earth could easily fit under this long-extended prominence. The featured image was captured two days ago from this constantly changing region. Yesterday, the strongest solar flare in years was expelled (not shown), a blast classified in the upper X-class. Ultraviolet light from that flare quickly hit the Earth's atmosphere and caused shortwave radio blackouts across both North and South America. Although now rotated to be facing slightly away from the Earth, particles from AR 3664 and subsequent coronal mass ejections (CMEs) might still follow curved magnetic field lines across the inner Solar System and create more Earthly auroras.


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544aea No.20869412

File: 93112869908c528⋯.png (458.88 KB,1021x571,1021:571,Capture.png)

File: 9ec89fb0f0eda84⋯.png (606.83 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Md2nxLZ.png)

…Quick breakdown for the mentally lazy:

Electromagnetic bumper pool with planets; charged bodies react (arcing). Suns effect these further. Expand further with galaxies colliding.

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6c9025 No.20869413

Anon is confused by post count changed for posts anon made? Anon has VPN but does not hop.

Any anon have a clue why this occurred?

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56ff91 No.20869414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the androgynous confusion of hair-band glam-rock had to have had an effect. Looking back through time from now, it sure seems it had a strong intention 'behind it', so to say.

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3ceaa4 No.20869415

File: 4b2fcc109673513⋯.jpeg (1.73 MB,2022x1509,674:503,IMG_0681.jpeg)

The Prime Minister of Slovakia has been 'shot and wounded and taken to hospital,' local reports have claimed.

Robert Fico, 59, was shot in Handlova, north-east of Bratislava, following a Slovak government meeting.

Shots were fired in front of the House of Culture, before a man was quickly pounced upon and detained by security officials.


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a527bb No.20869416


This is a closed instance for each user, kinda like logging onto Stadia. They fuck with you to fuck with you so you don't talk about all the shit they're doing to fuck with you in real life.

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2c720c No.20869417

File: ce0261044bd7198⋯.jpg (504.83 KB,1715x1240,343:248,GNoAUtGagAE3wTD.jpg)



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6c9025 No.20869418


such tough guys

thanks fren

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c2743c No.20869419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No blood trail, odd.

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4dd9c6 No.20869420


Earth's magnetic field is weakening.

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a527bb No.20869421


They're both Intel agents wearing masks so it's all just so fucking gay.

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6939e5 No.20869422


Vatican shill was deleted. Had nothing to do with your posts, sir/madam.

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968694 No.20869423


Sun storms are a consequence of the clouds on Sol having disappeared.




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3ceaa4 No.20869424

File: 2ff30eb8a196c91⋯.jpeg (120.51 KB,1089x612,121:68,IMG_0683.jpeg)

File: 0265e6ade3e549a⋯.jpeg (234.16 KB,1088x612,16:9,IMG_0682.jpeg)

File: d8a1dbd92fa0d23⋯.mp4 (1.99 MB,614x360,307:180,Q6l_jfLslpBe1yUt.mp4)



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a527bb No.20869425


Maybe, but pedos are also blaming 9/11 on MKUltra victims and handing out genocide vaccines so priorities are a bit wacky.

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1139ca No.20869426

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB,1496x788,374:197,2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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1186e7 No.20869427

File: 0a426b39f483bb3⋯.png (101.62 KB,309x425,309:425,ClipboardImage.png)




GM Frens, anons, shills, feds, alphabets

May the Good Guys have a blessed day; may those of you who are evil, have a really really really bad day!


now pass the covfefe please

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2c720c No.20869428

File: bb17f8bd716559e⋯.jpg (229.53 KB,522x2048,261:1024,GNn84y_WoAA29TH.jpg)

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6c9025 No.20869429


Anon mostly lurks to not screw up info flow of actual info. ThanQ for info

So ID's will change intermittently? (other than those who IP hop, that anon gets)

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974211 No.20869431

File: a42921560d3a4b5⋯.gif (4.45 MB,400x222,200:111,BowieCrackedActor.gif)


Bowie, Cracked Actor (gifrel)

Also "Phantom of the Parafise"

Details (read between the lines") the push of HORROR-rock

around the same time.

All planned.

OIL business people involved in RADIO and then TV

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3ceaa4 No.20869432

File: 31b2c7c5d9a3a92⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,540x540,1:1,tcibBQyQJRKz2fA2.mp4)



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e19f54 No.20869433

File: d9259d577d4776a⋯.png (1.07 MB,1024x1024,1:1,pepe_damn2.png)


Uh… that's pretty fuckin'NOTABLE.

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f96cb1 No.20869434

File: ba90c96d74e3cc9⋯.png (376.35 KB,506x500,253:250,mika_joe_think.png)

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581a39 No.20869435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>the androgynous confusion of hair-band glam-rock had to have had an effect. Looking back through time from now, it sure seems it had a strong intention 'behind it', so to say.

Kek. Remember when these fags would show up on MTV and go, "Yeah, we wear make up. We'll kick your ass if you make fun of us for it."

No you won't, fags. Nikki will OD before he swings the first punch. The 80s was to turn the West Gay. The 90s was to rile up the Blacks against "White Oppression" (tm). If you pay attention to the political climates at the time and compare them to the musical trends, they played into one another. It was an ingenious strategy, I have to hand it to them on that one. Solid tactic that worked incredibly well.

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2d6cc3 No.20869436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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1186e7 No.20869437


prayers up

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5c8986 No.20869438


Also, Panic in DC

Who wants to be captain of a sinking ship?

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544aea No.20869439

File: b1ddebd27615313⋯.jpg (266.96 KB,1024x761,1024:761,3057952953_454d075bf6_b_36….jpg)


#25596 >>20869031

>>20869084 Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances (RT)

>>20869115, >>20869120 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>20869133 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!

>>20869193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024

>>20869272, >>20869274, >>20869281, >>20869285, >>20869289, >>20869294 Swamp Schedule

>>20869316, >>20869353, >>20869396 Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

>>20869371 Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

>>20869407 Nationwide gold & silver tax cuts: 13 states scrap capital gains, Fed on high alert

>>20869411 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 15, 2024 - AR 3664 at the Sun's Edge


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56ff91 No.20869440


true that.

juss say'n, that Boy George and B52's (fantastic music) and and and…. made 'transition' vastly more accepted and acceptable by society and the currents Parents of today. Not science, just observing the overall of it all.

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e9f913 No.20869441

File: 768fa809b48c396⋯.jpg (46.19 KB,1024x678,512:339,6636069005_53223b268a_b.jpg)


I think it's a benevolent function. Don't ask me to explain it though kek

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2d6cc3 No.20869442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government


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09a7cf No.20869443

File: 5d0ca47f7847954⋯.png (50.47 KB,506x246,253:123,Q4122.png)

File: 6898b3e9a014bf7⋯.png (115.13 KB,503x670,503:670,q1935.png)

File: 049ad08611653e9⋯.png (82.17 KB,497x492,497:492,Q52.png)





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77a45f No.20869444

File: a52b39dd0996973⋯.png (570.33 KB,500x579,500:579,ClipboardImage.png)


>Can i get a NS anon on this meme and Animate?

I stole that one too…

No idea what a, "NS" is…nor how to animate…


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6c9025 No.20869445



roger, thanQ anon

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4dd9c6 No.20869446


If i was him i'd do the same.


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09a7cf No.20869447

File: b521c0eca7f64b7⋯.png (11.67 KB,498x110,249:55,Q945.png)

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3ceaa4 No.20869448

File: a572d1f949276d8⋯.jpeg (809.06 KB,1291x1237,1291:1237,IMG_0684.jpeg)

File: cf7ecb5dcae7983⋯.jpeg (1.02 MB,1293x1314,431:438,IMG_0686.jpeg)

File: 6a4fa9eff020492⋯.jpeg (235.52 KB,1088x680,8:5,IMG_0685.jpeg)




Apparently he is fine.


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e19f54 No.20869449


Ah, I see where you're coming from now. KEK. Just had to mention the Culture Club guy and it clicked. Following your line of thought I think it helped pave the way. Not so much as our generation indulging in that behavior, but making it so everyone was desensitized to it and tolerating accepting it in their children. Maybe? I don't know.

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2c720c No.20869450

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a527bb No.20869452


Do I even need to shit post about how fucking stupid watching this would be?

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3a2d77 No.20869453


I don't know that for sure kek

It just seems anti-shill for some reason. I've made way more than 2 posts in this bread.

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f96cb1 No.20869454

10:45 AM EDT

House Democratic Leadership News Conference

House Democratic Caucus leaders speak to reporters on Capitol Hill about the legislative agenda for the week and other issues in the news.


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6939e5 No.20869455


If your ID changes w/in a bread, it's your VPN, outside the rare instance this occurs. The board ID's are consistent within breads outside an extremely rare glitch or unless you or your VPN changes location. I ck all posts b4 deleting, so unless you are Vatican Shill, none of your posts have been deleted at this time.

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9eb6c8 No.20869456



kek, make that 1

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699162 No.20869457

File: 1aafe2a42c0b0e4⋯.png (325.65 KB,504x391,504:391,ClipboardImage.png)

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9a1096 No.20869458

With Jimmy Carter near the end… Trump mentioned him in rally…US about to have an actual State Funeral….intetdasting


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3fef52 No.20869459

File: 3556ea3e7aafea8⋯.png (34.95 KB,709x372,709:372,6ff738c57fbc20c0732a2d1862….png)

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544aea No.20869460

#25596 >>20869031

>>20869084 Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances (RT)

>>20869115, >>20869120 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>20869133 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!

>>20869193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024

>>20869272, >>20869274, >>20869281, >>20869285, >>20869289, >>20869294 Swamp Schedule

>>20869316, >>20869353, >>20869396, >>20869415, >>20869448 Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

>>20869371 Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

>>20869407 Nationwide gold & silver tax cuts: 13 states scrap capital gains, Fed on high alert

>>20869411 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 15, 2024 - AR 3664 at the Sun's Edge


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f96cb1 No.20869461

File: b18e89e93989c54⋯.jpg (88.39 KB,1340x920,67:46,pepe_popo.jpg)

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9eb6c8 No.20869462

File: afade78abd891de⋯.jpg (855.83 KB,2560x2560,1:1,afade78abd891de0a5fb54b3e5….jpg)




Okay, that's funny wtf

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a527bb No.20869463


You're locked inside a honeypot/subnet, do you actually think they banned you from all social media to allow your thoughts to hit the internet?

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4dd9c6 No.20869464


Had to mute the shit throwing sheboon.

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1186e7 No.20869465

File: 3538a6e8bd903d0⋯.png (358.38 KB,1008x656,63:41,ClipboardImage.png)


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6c9025 No.20869466



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77a45f No.20869467

File: e4fd32e4fcbc47a⋯.png (925.03 KB,911x810,911:810,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d17c2ef9f5481a⋯.png (2.18 MB,1019x1607,1019:1607,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f2f485554c75df⋯.png (1.21 MB,1052x770,526:385,ClipboardImage.png)



Peru classifies trans, intersex people as ‘mentally ill’

9:44 AM · May 15, 2024


The Peruvian government has officially classified transgender, nonbinary and intersex people as “mentally ill.”

The controversial decision was made to ensure the country’s public health services could “guarantee full coverage of medical attention for mental health” for the trans community, the Peruvian health ministry explained, according to the Telegraph.

The decree will supposedly alter the language in the Essentials Health Insurance Plan to reflect that trans and intersex people have a mental disorder, LGBTQ+ outlet Pink News reported.

Despite the change, trans and other LGBTQ+ people will not be forced to undergo conversion therapies, the health ministry insisted in a statement issued on Friday, the outlet reported.

LGBTQ+ activist groups across Peru, however, slammed the decision as a major step backward in the fight for their rights and safety.

“100 years after the decriminalization of homosexuality, the @Minsa_Peru has nothing better to do than to include trans people in the category of mental illnesses,” Jheinser Pacaya, director of OutfestPeru, wrote on X.

Percy Mayta-Tristán, a medical researcher at Lima’s Scientific University of the South, told the Telegraph that the decision showed a lack of awareness around the complexity of LGBTQ+ issues.

“You can’t ignore the context that this is happening in a super-conservative society, where the LGBT community has no rights and where labeling them as mentally ill opens the door to conversion therapy,” he explained.

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18465a No.20869468

File: 9dfd4f3ec598324⋯.jpg (27.59 KB,596x682,298:341,sem_viking.jpg)


Trip trips check't

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56ff91 No.20869469


we must be near age, fren.

my father had a yuge album collection and played LP's A and B sides almost every day when i was growing up. I didn't know anyone else with a wider selection of music.

as for myself, i just never saw the bands in photos, tv nor video almost until MTV was already not playing video anymore. all i had was the earphones and speakers to listen to the musical performance. i was far too naive to understand anything about straight vs. gay.

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d2a8eb No.20869470

File: f7c03caa572a106⋯.png (2.21 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Zuckerberg post sitting in his old bedroom with a gold gangster chain in front of Windows 95 screensaver but as an adult…


Carthago delenda est

"Carthage must be destroyed"

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60fe54 No.20869471

File: 37217ec3c910823⋯.png (559.08 KB,759x468,253:156,8A6157B1_E62A_4DD4_B954_C8….png)

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6c9025 No.20869472


kek that's exactly what happened to anon

jus checked, vpn location remains the same

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09a7cf No.20869474

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6c9025 No.20869475



too funny

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de8be4 No.20869477

Is the pope having a bad May or do we have to wait until next year?

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e46d64 No.20869478

File: f17da966248d918⋯.jpeg (25.41 KB,292x249,292:249,2020_11_07.jpeg)



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59bf0e No.20869479

If you're a student and you're burning the American flag, that's free speech, but if…

Delaware student who went on 'antisemitic tirade,' spit on Holocaust memorial charged with hate crime: warrant

University of Delaware student Jenna Kandeel charge with hate crime, 2 other misdemeanors, banned from campus


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77a45f No.20869480

File: 83385812192b328⋯.png (9.53 MB,3008x1692,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4fcbbf74729a877⋯.png (374.66 KB,728x409,728:409,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15aaf4f88811fa4⋯.png (2.27 MB,2048x1365,2048:1365,ClipboardImage.png)


Understand something, Peru just called the Biden Administration, "mentally ill"

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bd31fb No.20869481

3 people to write ONE sentence?

Slovak PM Fico in a life-threatening condition, govt office says

May 15th, 09:21:16

(Reuters) - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is in a life-threatening condition, the Slovak government office said in an emailed statement, adding that he was being transported by a helicopter to Banska Bystrica hospital.

(Reporting by Alan Charlish, Jan Lopatka, Jason Hovet)


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c9081d No.20869482

File: 79bd6fa21de7342⋯.png (352.32 KB,1024x738,512:369,ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0334455d6711ef⋯.png (434.85 KB,1029x728,147:104,ClipboardImage.png)


Utah Goldback Holds it's value, and then some.

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581a39 No.20869484


>Kids weren't turned "ultra gay" by 80s music. Separate the art from the artist. It's not hard to do. Besides which, look back further, there's always been effeminate men being flamboyant in the arts.

Indeed. Look at Bowie in the 70s, during the Ziggy Stardust Days. By the time the 80s, came around, Bowie had shed that image for a more "modern look." My point was merely they've been shoving this shit in our faces, for decades. I remember meeting a hot Chinese girl in the late 90s that I dated for a while. Got all excited when she told me she was "into Punk," so I started sperging names like GBH, TSOL, Sex Pistols, etc. She knew none of them, so I asked her what her favorite punk bands were:

Green Day and Blink 182.

Thankfully, the sex was worth it for a couple of years.

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3ceaa4 No.20869485

File: 2fd4cf2f4acaa73⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1617x1626,539:542,IMG_0687.jpeg)

File: 4bf8d8a586048a2⋯.mp4 (972.32 KB,480x852,40:71,OXH0nQThnwp6IJgA.mp4)

File: 7dc46982d6775fe⋯.mp4 (1.02 MB,480x852,40:71,N63jK_4FegeI60Sh.mp4)

Missouri GOP candidate Valentina Gomez tells voters not to be ‘weak and gay’ in campaign video


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1186e7 No.20869486


oh! the old exploding coffin trick?

gotta boom em all! yup obummer, pelosi, clinton, biden, sunak, marcon, trudeau, schwab, rothchilds, soros would do just that

just sayin i'd appear by zoom or skype or whatever, but not in person!

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6c9025 No.20869487

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c9081d No.20869488

File: 89c6c94eaccc574⋯.png (1.3 MB,900x900,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

>>20869482 (me)


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508569 No.20869490

File: 95ee291b577cda4⋯.png (967.66 KB,992x1152,31:36,95ee291b577cda417d9f940070….png)


Ikr? Not using one. I sense nerd humor here.

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18465a No.20869491

File: 55679a195b20fef⋯.png (13.33 KB,255x157,255:157,pepe_looook.png)

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bd31fb No.20869492

Related to Fico? Demolition Vicky's other little project.

Factbox-Major cases keeping former Pakistan PM Imran Khan in jail

May 15th, 09:08:02

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - Former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was granted bail in a land corruption case on Wednesday, but will remain in prison on other charges.

The 71-year-old former cricket star who has been in jail since August last year has been convicted in four cases, of which sentences in two have been suspended.

Details of the convictions and some important cases follow:



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544aea No.20869493

File: 1ab8352f62b593d⋯.png (182.86 KB,529x301,529:301,1ab8352f62b593dbd3af5796ea….png)

…This better not be another Franz Ferdinand.

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ae3ded No.20869494


I have a top grade vpn I use all the time and since proto here, I'm lucky if my post count shows 2 meebe 3..always 1's. I've been instructed by anons to clear cookies, change vpn location etc..did all that to no avail..still only shows 1 post for me although I may have 8. I honestly don't think the bitching and screaming about 1 post posters is from real patriot anons..just the shills trying to divide.

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581a39 No.20869495

File: a08b9fd670fcdd8⋯.png (295.95 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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be25c2 No.20869496

File: b0678f480d462d9⋯.mp4 (4.37 MB,784x224,7:2,b0678f480d462d919186cd6469….mp4)

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c2743c No.20869497

File: 817e48b960cdba1⋯.png (614.98 KB,602x602,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



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3fef52 No.20869499


>3 people to write ONE sentence?

3 people to repeat the statement issued by the government.

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18465a No.20869500


It's been a long slow frog boil to turn society gay. The 80's definitely contributed.

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2c720c No.20869501


And America agrees

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a527bb No.20869502


Fuck this bitch is retarded.

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bd31fb No.20869503


It's jess Squeaky bitchin' about HIS posts gettin' removed.

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56ff91 No.20869504


no doubt, frenanon.

a possible theory… music, not unlike lots of other Arts, needs to flow from emotion. it is not a fault to say, that society these past many decades has welcomed the Art, from a kind of person already predisposed to the inhibition (or lack thereof), to let their emotion flow publicly (instead of a closet) and thus produce a Mass appealing Art.

Not Science, just some general observations here.

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c918eb No.20869506

File: 1ce5bb49ba90a93⋯.jpg (11.25 KB,255x215,51:43,pepe94639a4f6e818c695240c2….jpg)



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60fe54 No.20869507

File: 374be0702999ee4⋯.jpeg (235.38 KB,905x420,181:84,CCFC713D_E735_4C95_8E24_6….jpeg)

File: bbb0df9856c0b33⋯.jpeg (417.04 KB,1338x578,669:289,A1AC783B_188C_4E69_AC88_0….jpeg)

File: 45332ae8a4a2f0c⋯.jpeg (400.38 KB,1109x619,1109:619,DE27CB21_2535_4860_B8AE_5….jpeg)

File: dc9b60e1402ce87⋯.jpeg (716.28 KB,1372x613,1372:613,AEBE6572_714F_4B76_ACB0_C….jpeg)

PlaneFaggin’: Russia/Gulf/Med/Europe: VP to Beijing

>>20868410 lb

Russian AF RSD171 Ilyushin 96VPheading to Beijing from Moscow depart


US Navy AE6867 P8 Poseidon just NW of E of UAE after a run over Straight of Hormuz

Moroccan AF FRV1325 G5 arrived at Manama, Bahrain from Casablanca depart for muh Arab Summit ongoing

Saudi AF SVA7040Ministry of FinanceG5 left Riyadh heading NW


Israel AF IAF053 707 Re’em tanker on refueling dooty

Qatar AF LHOB280 C17 departed Konya, Turkey and heading S over Egypt nao


Italian AF PERSE71 G559 AEW&C over central and eastern Lithuania on the track

HKY739 C130 Super Hercules on ground at Rzeszow Airport and just landed (Blinken’s AC is still there) from Ramstein AFB

DUKE28 Army C-12F Huron switched on at Rzeszow (under that Super Herc arriving)

Polish AF PLF120 737 ES from Lotnisko AB on ground at Warsaw

French AF CTM1070 A330 SW from Vilnius, Lithuania depart

JAKE17 RC-135 Rivet Joint back to RAF Mildenhall from it’s eastern Romania patrol-right up against NATO’s next target for ‘inclusion’ Moldova

Libya AF 5ADCN Falcon 909 still at Brussels from yesterday arrival from Tripoli depart

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6c9025 No.20869508


Anon was on 8 then it went to 1 but still showed it was (you) when replied to, but next reply went to 1. Dbl checking it's a fluke

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bd31fb No.20869509


That's what gave it ALL CAPS.

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13e0ac No.20869511



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6939e5 No.20869512


I'm not locked in here w/you anon. You're locked in here w/me. kek

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43a6ae No.20869513

File: b398a265e7a958a⋯.png (3.64 MB,2048x1918,1024:959,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8e85c2e65201726⋯.png (2.64 MB,2048x1582,1024:791,ClipboardImage.png)

Hubble Views the Dawn of a Sun-like Star

MAY 15, 2024

Looking like a glittering cosmic geode, a trio of dazzling stars blaze from the hollowed-out cavity of a reflection nebula in this new image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. The triple-star system is made up of the variable star HP Tau, HP Tau G2, and HP Tau G3. HP Tau is known as a T Tauri star, a type of young variable star that hasn’t begun nuclear fusion yet but is beginning to evolve into a hydrogen-fueled star similar to our Sun. T Tauri stars tend to be younger than 10 million years old ― in comparison, our Sun is around 4.6 billion years old ― and are often found still swaddled in the clouds of dust and gas from which they formed.

As with all variable stars, HP Tau’s brightness changes over time. T Tauri stars are known to have both periodic and random fluctuations in brightness. The random variations may be due to the chaotic nature of a developing young star, such as instabilities in the accretion disk of dust and gas around the star, material from that disk falling onto the star and being consumed, and flares on the star’s surface. The periodic changes may be due to giant sunspots rotating in and out of view.

Curving around the stars, a cloud of gas and dust shines with their reflected light. Reflection nebulae do not emit visible light of their own, but shine as the light from nearby stars bounces off the gas and dust, like fog illuminated by the glow of a car’s headlights.

HP Tau is located approximately 550 light-years away in the constellation Taurus. Hubble studied HP Tau as part of an investigation into protoplanetary disks, the disks of material around stars that coalesce into planets over millions of years.


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18465a No.20869515

File: b9c698f270bf3ae⋯.jpeg (32.08 KB,640x581,640:581,queen_i_want_freddie.jpeg)


Freddie was bisexual. The rest of the band is straight. Not that gay, imho.

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bd31fb No.20869516


Ummm, is Melania in Slovakia by any chance?

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5e73ff No.20869517

>>20869512 feel like I am locked in with Plaskett

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09a7cf No.20869518

File: a2ef8c44de29c40⋯.png (10.28 KB,255x197,255:197,ADJUSTSGLASSES.png)


Was notabled last bread, also.

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d2a8eb No.20869519

File: affeeffc749f641⋯.png (1.93 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


>Zuckerberg post sitting in his old bedroom with a gold gangster chain in front of Windows 95 screensaver but as an adult…


>Carthago delenda est

>"Carthage must be destroyed"

A few other photos. Pinocchio and Pizza. A cringe AF video. Seems to be comms.

Also, https://www.instagram.com/p/C69X9zZP_Yd/

Pricilla's posts.

All part of his 40 year old birthday celebrations

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f96cb1 No.20869520

File: 759e8847db6dd6e⋯.jpg (265.33 KB,2048x1212,512:303,biden_administration.jpg)

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544aea No.20869521

File: 173327440ff606e⋯.png (84.45 KB,208x174,104:87,isitbob.png)


>Sun-like Star

…Fuckin' one moment, while anon throws a shit fit about a sun is a goddamn star. Thank you for your patience.

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544aea No.20869522


*about a sun being a star

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d2a8eb No.20869523


>Carthago delenda est

>"Carthage must be destroyed"

Aka, Rome must rise.

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461cd0 No.20869525

File: ef2858115f01ff6⋯.png (450.05 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

Gitmo express on route….


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69c389 No.20869526

File: f6baffe2705f957⋯.jpg (100.05 KB,634x355,634:355,Screenshot_20240515_152932….jpg)

File: 5924d584976e12f⋯.jpeg (204.15 KB,1201x1664,1201:1664,the_c_programming_languag….jpeg)

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18465a No.20869527


Based Peru!

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be25c2 No.20869528


sperge filter activated


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3ceaa4 No.20869529

File: d3f4470f38cdad5⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,480x852,40:71,Qn5LKRZbQG8xyH2O.mp4)

File: 587f3fda67ebfa4⋯.jpeg (70.11 KB,678x452,3:2,IMG_0690.jpeg)

File: 94968c45e9a5fab⋯.jpeg (559.96 KB,1088x1519,1088:1519,IMG_0689.jpeg)

File: bbf9e68d630797b⋯.jpeg (344.17 KB,1166x2048,583:1024,IMG_0688.jpeg)




Flamethrower Activated

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f38c01 No.20869530



Can't believe the street junkies haven't started stripping out the abandoned skyscrapers and empty office complexes in the SF business district.

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bd31fb No.20869531

Billionaire Frank McCourt's Project Liberty forms consortium to bid for TikTok's US operations

May 15th, 09:27:45

(Reuters) -Entrepreneur and former Los Angeles Dodgers owner Frank McCourt said on Wednesday his organization, Project Liberty, is forming a consortium to buy social media platform TikTok in the United States.

A law signed by President Joe Biden on April 24 gives the social media platform's owner, ByteDance, until Jan. 19 next year to sell TikTok or face a ban.

The bill was passed by U.S. lawmakers on account of worries that China could access Americans' data or surveil them through the app.

The White House had said it wants to see Chinese-based ownership ended on national security grounds but not a ban on TikTok.

Project Liberty, working with Guggenheim Securities, law firm Kirkland & Ellis, technologies, academics and others, proposed to migrate the platform to a digital open-source protocol.

Inventor of the World Wide Web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, and David Clark, senior research scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, are among the supporters of the bid, the organization said.

Project Liberty had launched the open-source Decentralized Social Networking Protocol in 2021, establishing a shared social graph that is not dependent on a specific application or a centralized platform.

The organization encompasses work of the Project Liberty Institute, with an international partner network that includes academic institutions and a for-profit arm that includes a technology team developing digital infrastructure.

(Reporting by Akash Sriram in Bengaluru; Editing by Shilpi Majumdar)


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a527bb No.20869532


This a dude?

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a527bb No.20869533


What kind of American accent is that?

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56ff91 No.20869534


if… IF there is an INCREASE in current flow, and that increase passing through an iron earth core resistance, causing a heat rise in core temp… the magnetic field is REDUCED by heating of a magnet.

Says, Exploratorium Kid

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6c9025 No.20869535


anon had same question

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1186e7 No.20869536

File: fd83c0470ba3109⋯.png (87.52 KB,623x532,89:76,ClipboardImage.png)


it's is correct in this instance, as it is the utah gold back being referenced

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d2a8eb No.20869537

File: 1c2290a8963838d⋯.png (186.66 KB,500x563,500:563,ClipboardImage.png)

Just sayin…

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61a131 No.20869538

File: 1fa550a76d8bd05⋯.png (1.5 MB,722x1022,361:511,ClipboardImage.png)


a bit too instagrammy.

mtg did the best and tulsi anon thinks.


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bd31fb No.20869540


Gains on said "in state" securities not taxed?

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be25c2 No.20869541


possibly 1st gen mexican

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662845 No.20869542

File: a06c07baba43d2e⋯.png (703.36 KB,1599x827,1599:827,ClipboardImage.png)

Neil Young Trending



Lou Perez


Open letter to Joe Rogan and Spotify: WE DEMAND ANSWERS!

Thank you, Neil Young and Joni Mitchell!


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d2a8eb No.20869543


>Flamethrower Activated

Keep the books. Make a museum of shame and plaster this shit everywhere. Make the future remember this time.

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e19f54 No.20869544


Used to have a copy of that book back-in-the-day. Used to be proud of that sitting on the shelf, along with the full collection of O'Reilly's X11R4 books. Lost 'em all in a break-up.

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974211 No.20869545

File: e8054f8807766eb⋯.jpg (55.78 KB,621x914,621:914,devilsignrockytoddler.jpg)

File: 1f93f10d6e17afd⋯.jpg (144.07 KB,961x1353,961:1353,tradetowers.jpg)

File: 2e760debb0edb74⋯.jpg (51.34 KB,480x522,80:87,sandyhook.jpg)



cultural engneering 100% same as with the "Summer of Love" and push to LSD

somewhat before then.


The Rocky Toddler doing the devil sign was in a pdf Q pointed us toward.

Open source from a C1A site.

also had a pic of Cuomo doing the same sign

There's another image of a toddler doing the sign from Sandy Hook / Obama meeting.

Funny how Oh Bomb Them is smiling with those kids. Right after an alleged massacre.

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56ff91 No.20869546


kinda like that, anon.

ijdfk, but the very weird acceptance (even if still mostly limited) of chopping kids nuts is super super weird

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4830ea No.20869547


Radiation is not as bad as people think…

There was a guy swimming in nuclear cooling pools to prove Nuclear Waste is a govt scam.

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09a7cf No.20869549

File: 2a21248164638e2⋯.jpg (14.56 KB,255x191,255:191,GITMO.jpg)


Hey planefag, what can you tell us about this plane?

Im wondering how many people it holds, multiplied by daily visits for the past X number of days = how many people taken to GITMO?

Do we know if it is a supply plane? Or a people carrying -plane? Wondering about all those sealed indictments and how they might apply….

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d2a8eb No.20869550


Front and to the right for sure.

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f45c3e No.20869551

File: c9131f24a715683⋯.jpeg (219.24 KB,1221x593,1221:593,IMG_0753.jpeg)

File: 20232caed81d0a1⋯.png (1.54 MB,1024x1024,1:1,IMG_0756.png)

File: 6dc9a74101d1768⋯.jpeg (607.96 KB,1290x497,1290:497,IMG_0754.jpeg)

File: ef1decbc9635dc1⋯.webp (93.13 KB,800x788,200:197,IMG_0755.webp)

What door did Trump open?



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4830ea No.20869552


Don't give a fuck about the royalty factor, but as a mother to the kids, that is awful and would not wish it on any family.

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5c8986 No.20869553

File: 926bf6bdcb669d2⋯.jpg (94.06 KB,625x428,625:428,926bf6bdcb669d25935c48be81….jpg)


>There was a guy swimming in nuclear cooling pools to prove Nuclear Waste is a govt scam.

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43a6ae No.20869554

File: 6b642a5489f9d8a⋯.png (486.19 KB,756x425,756:425,ClipboardImage.png)

Lithuania and NASA sign space exploration pact

2024.05.15 11:48

Lithuania has signed the Artemis Accords initiated by the US State Department and NASA, which establishes practical principles for safe and sustainable space exploration.

Lithuania became the 40th signatory, the Economy and Innovation Ministry said on Wednesday.

“The country’s space sector is growing and our innovative space companies are developing globally competitive solutions. By signing the Artemis Accords, we are entering a new phase and committing to the principles of responsibility, security and sustainability in the space sector,” Minister Aušrinė Armonaitė said in a statement.

Lithuania has committed to ensuring that planned space missions, including the extraction and use of space resources, will be carried out in accordance with the Outer Space Treaty and in support of safe and sustainable space activities.

The agreement also sets out principles for the reduction of space debris and other principles for space missions. The signatories also agree to cooperate and consult.

In 2021, Lithuania became an associate member of the European Space Agency (ESA).


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be25c2 No.20869555



she was born in colombia

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3ceaa4 No.20869556

File: a52cb7923dd29b0⋯.gif (419.15 KB,491x275,491:275,IMG_0691.gif)

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59bf0e No.20869558


I saw it too.

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d62816 No.20869559

File: e93d90b3b55d5ba⋯.webm (2.9 MB,724x772,181:193,George_Banana_Time.webm)


Happy breakfast time, Baker, thank you!

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09a7cf No.20869560

File: 20443747fe49150⋯.png (9.01 KB,209x255,209:255,8d756cc76363e8e9eed34e0010….png)


That's ahard noon book burning.

Remove them, yes.

But we need to preserve history correctly.

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d2a8eb No.20869562


Don't misinterpret the post.

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6c6d74 No.20869564

>>20867622 (pb)

So Bannon is just a commercial for Trump huh


It's as if the American people are children and have to be told that the only solution to the economic disaster of our society can be solved by one man only.

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9105ff No.20869566

File: 3b5fae55dd2af1a⋯.jpg (303.44 KB,1122x1498,561:749,Charles_Portrait_Baphomet.jpg)

Q is 100% correct about Satanists taking over. "Think Mirror."

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6c6d74 No.20869567


Go fuck yourself, nigger.

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108915 No.20869568

File: 5bd0a2620cc85c2⋯.png (317.71 KB,473x1652,473:1652,qaggdropimage2998.png)

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974211 No.20869569


quite suspicious. Why ws guy with camera made to leave.

Who were the guys in the black with the sunglasses? The failed security detail?

What is this; the Zapruder of slovakia?

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2c720c No.20869570

File: b7df833bfcf3041⋯.jpg (49.92 KB,680x279,680:279,GNoIJTVX0AAYvI_.jpg)

"Where they going?

Russia special flight operations.

Anyone know?

Used as the primary aircraft in the Russian presidential aircraft fleet. Four were used by Russian president Vladimir Putin, and by Dmitry Medvedev as VIP planes."

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4830ea No.20869572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Guy also drank a glass of water from the Nuclear Cooling pools.

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d62816 No.20869573

File: df9747ebd66a1f7⋯.jpg (143.72 KB,1125x1727,1125:1727,d65dffae90f7d14b93d067152f….jpg)


Key + Stone = DECLAS and Exposure.

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6c6d74 No.20869575


Kill yourself.

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d1adc2 No.20869576


more like, in this case 'think psyop'.

anything put into a mirror like what you have done will display the same effects.

what a cheep psyop.

the image is creepy enough without you projecting this NONSENSE.

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544aea No.20869577


…Pareidolia slide is old, but you're going to keep beating at it.

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5c8986 No.20869578

File: 9e1c80887935e6d⋯.jpg (37.83 KB,600x450,4:3,9e14066c.jpg)

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c9081d No.20869579


possessive version

It's is a contraction and should be used where a sentence would normally read "it is" or "it has." The apostrophe indicates that part of a word has been removed. Its with no apostrophe, on the other hand, is the possessive word, like "his" and "her," for nouns without gender. For example, "The sun was so bright, its rays blinded me."

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09a7cf No.20869580

File: 0e1110969ec3960⋯.jpeg (16.28 KB,255x192,85:64,calmdown.jpeg)

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1186e7 No.20869581


you are wrong anon

read Acts 19:14-20 KJV

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ef3a15 No.20869583

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

2024 electoral college map based on current polls.

2024 Election Map Based On the Latest Poll From ALL 50 STATES! | Trump vs Biden vs RFK Jr.


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f29334 No.20869584

So the data recorders and related sensors on ships don't have autonomous power (dedicated batteries)?

Why fucking bother with a data recorder at all if it's not going to work when there's a failure? It's fucking retarded.

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5c8986 No.20869585

File: 69bbc264b1bc8d1⋯.jpeg (188.1 KB,842x703,842:703,69bbc264b1bc8d198ef97ccea….jpeg)

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d2a8eb No.20869586

File: 581745dad94f2e0⋯.png (203.68 KB,221x350,221:350,ClipboardImage.png)


>Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting


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19f010 No.20869588

The multi-personality evil. When we are done here, I'm going to make a copy of her, and force it upon the person that was in charge of her behavior. Let's see how long their sanity can hold up. Two months tops. After two months, a sledgehammer to the skull is much more fun. Coating your face with honey and visiting a bear that has cubs will be your activity rather than facing her. Do you have any idea how fuked up she is? Thank God Karma drives a steamroller, it takes time, but eventually, she finds her recipient and flattens them. Being in this position is like juggling chainsaws on a tightrope over a pit of broken glass. You can do better for me, please do better for me. There are millions of women and you found the most mentally fuked up one possible. She could kill puppies, fillet them, and eat them raw without batting an eyelid. MK ultra'd from childhood, abused since 3, hates men. She is your typical Manchurian candidate, no clue she is being used as a pawn in a huge game of 3d chess. Fix her, right goddamned now. Turn her off if you cannot fix her, she's a hazard to everyone's health.

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2c720c No.20869589

File: 4b014336c6ddaf3⋯.png (23.3 KB,371x346,371:346,image_2024_05_15_104533379.png)

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968694 No.20869591

File: de8ee511738b5d5⋯.jpeg (147.1 KB,1170x629,1170:629,IMG_0845.jpeg)

This fella seems trustworthy.

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1186e7 No.20869592


again you are wrong. see muh original post. read it again!

the instance of use declares the use correctly. it is referring to the gold back. it's used correctly here!

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e19f54 No.20869595


Who is "she?"

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6c6d74 No.20869596



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60fe54 No.20869597

File: c8f374ff1c92d07⋯.png (167.12 KB,435x419,435:419,4F1188C9_A20A_4601_82FD_22….png)

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e19f54 No.20869599

I mean, probably a shill, but I had to ask. Something in what he wrote piqued my interest.

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3b076c No.20869600


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1b764f No.20869601

File: 799f141e61c654e⋯.jpg (92.75 KB,750x487,750:487,fdasdfghjhgtfre3.jpg)

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48b5bc No.20869602

File: 17cf9bc0c33b55b⋯.jpg (37.44 KB,552x520,69:65,alan.jpg)


Oh…is that the dorm room where he wrote / created Facebook his sophomore year?

I know he developed it…I saw the movie!

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c9081d No.20869603


i copied straight of Merriam Webster

possessive use requires its

it's is a contraction for it has

re-read previous post

don't just decide you're right about anything

look it up


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4830ea No.20869604

File: 3e6ac5cd27edb5d⋯.png (719.89 KB,1000x563,1000:563,ClipboardImage.png)

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d62816 No.20869605

File: 845f7f7bd3927e6⋯.png (739.03 KB,648x829,648:829,Screen_Shot_2018_09_09_at_….png)

File: a799058e72601da⋯.png (711.84 KB,989x676,989:676,Screen_Shot_2018_09_18_at_….png)

File: 976262a7f0b5064⋯.png (427.31 KB,766x559,766:559,Screen_Shot_2018_09_18_at_….png)

File: cbe7ae3304bc202⋯.png (586.54 KB,1389x999,463:333,Screen_Shot_2019_09_16_at_….png)

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a05432 No.20869607


space travel is a larp

time travel, on the other hand, isn't

CERN's purpose is to wormhole this planet out of the coming apocalypse

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2d6cc3 No.20869608


>Had to mute the shit throwing sheboon.


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150ff1 No.20869609

File: ca80bf1ed537071⋯.jpeg (1.38 MB,1290x2550,43:85,IMG_0433.jpeg)

File: 2b18209b0b7d997⋯.jpeg (292.87 KB,1920x1080,16:9,IMG_0434.jpeg)

Scientists Say Our Universe Might Be a Hall of Mirrors


Mentions the universe as a 3 Torus…

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43a6ae No.20869610

File: 0f65b716ac0fa8d⋯.png (416.61 KB,1500x992,375:248,ClipboardImage.png)

Saudi Space Agency, NASA Hold 'Beyond Earth: Journeys to the Stars' Dialogue

01:02-15 May 2024

Prince Sultan University in Riyadh hosted a joint delegation from the Saudi Space Agency (SSA) and its US counterpart, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

The event was attended by the SSA CEO Dr. Mohammed bin Saud Al-Tamimi, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, US Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Michael Ratney, and Saudi Astronauts Rayyanah Barnawi, Ali Al-Ghamdi, and Mariam Fardous.

The event aimed to discuss ways to enhance cooperation in the fields of science, research, development, and innovation as part of the SSA's ongoing efforts to develop national capabilities and competencies.

The agency aims to adopt scientific methods and modern technologies and harness all of these to develop the Saudi space sector, according to SPA.

The Saudi agency hosted a dialogue session titled "Beyond Earth: Journeys to the Stars" featuring a distinguished panel. The event included NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, alongside Saudi astronauts Rayana Barnawi, Maryam Firdaus, and Ali Al-Ghamdi. The discussion addressed several key topics, including articles on the Saudi space program, NASA's vision for the future, the challenges and opportunities presented by space exploration, and the role of pioneers in inspiring future generations to pursue careers in the vast field of space exploration.


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1195b9 No.20869611

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB,581x614,581:614,000f0f4f7cd17acb340c5ded2e….png)


Death is but a doorway, time is but a window, I'll be back.

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ffa4b9 No.20869613

File: 0e465277f1c4c89⋯.jpg (29.5 KB,449x285,449:285,baking_kitchen.jpg)



Picked up a lot since GY.

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3b076c No.20869614

File: 6f7653defaa2ed4⋯.png (265.03 KB,500x667,500:667,ClipboardImage.png)

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2c720c No.20869615

File: c28586b105740e3⋯.mp4 (1 MB,480x852,40:71,AQNVWCFgPwpUmAb4.mp4)

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a05432 No.20869617


what's your plan for the apocalypse, VD?

gonna bunker down with your buds?

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5c8986 No.20869618

File: 6d3f6fb6de19afe⋯.png (757.85 KB,736x736,1:1,6d3f6fb6de19afef196070331b….png)

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18465a No.20869621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Torus is everything.

This blew my mind a few years ago:

Stan Tenen - A Matrix of Meaning for Sacred Alphabets (1991)


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19f010 No.20869622


Mary Magdalene. Think Westworld with malfunctioning NPCs.

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1186e7 No.20869623



>i copied straight of Merriam Webster


thaz nice anon, it's still used correctly in the original use.

oh just for keks…how many Merriam Webster revisions are there? what version are you using? they have changed a lot of things in dictionaries lately.

peace out anon


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2c720c No.20869624


I hope that is CERN's new purpose.

Because their original goal, was to bring the demons into this dimension.

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7d6715 No.20869625

File: cc973eb7bc034e8⋯.jpg (429.71 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240511_193927….jpg)

File: ae3ae048c5a77a1⋯.jpg (6.64 KB,202x249,202:249,9k_24_.jpg)

File: 69efdca6d858304⋯.jpg (7.45 KB,208x243,208:243,images_184_.jpg)

File: c64c01b187b5011⋯.jpg (512.62 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20240513_005229….jpg)

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ef3a15 No.20869626

File: 32977a97d98e39a⋯.png (109.89 KB,637x497,91:71,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14dbb9f18ae9242⋯.png (564.71 KB,865x441,865:441,ClipboardImage.png)

Dumps bipartisan commission for corporate media oversight. President Trump: ‘Lets gets ready to rumble!!!’

Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

Joe Biden took to Twitter on Wednesday morning to demand two, not three, presidential debates and hope to shift them forward in the calendar year—seemingly so he has time to recover from an expected poor performance before election day.

The Biden campaign even sent a formal letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates, stating thatBiden would not be participating in the organization’s debates. Instead, Biden’s team proposed debates in June and September, conducted under an umbrella of corporate-left news organizations, with a scheduled vice-presidential debate in July.

In a brief and heavily edited message, Biden said to Trump: “Make my day, pal,” claiming he would “even” debate “twice.” But the “twice” debate challenge actually appears to mean fewer debates, with the Commission on Presidential Debates usually organizing three moments in autumn.

The full letter from the Biden campaign to the Commission on Presidential Debates is included in the Editor’s Notes section below.

Trump responded, in a message sent to Fox News’s Brooke Singman:

EXCLUSIVE: @realDonaldTrump tells me:“I'm ready to go…The dates that they proposed are fine…Let's see if Joe can make it to the stand-up podium.”"The proposed June and early September dates are fully acceptable to me. I will provide my own transportation." — Brooke Singman (@BrookeSingman) May 15, 2024

Trump also added, on Truth Social:

Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced– He can’t put two sentences together! Crooked is also the WORST President in the history of the United States, by far. It’s time for a debate so that he can explain to the American People his highly destructive Open Border Policy, new and ridiculous EV Mandates, the allowance of Crushing Inflation, High Taxes, and his really WEAK Foreign Policy, which is allowing the World to “Catch on Fire.” I am Ready and Willing to Debate Crooked Joe at the two proposed times in June and September.I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although Biden is supposedlyafraid of crowds– That’s only becausehe doesn’t get them. Just tell me when, I’ll be there. “Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!”


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d1adc2 No.20869627


think 'slanderous jerk'

please just shut up

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d2a8eb No.20869629


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c9081d No.20869630


i accept your apology

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544aea No.20869631


>demons into this dimension.

…Dark age thinking rears it's ugly head.

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be25c2 No.20869632


they're passed that

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a527bb No.20869633


>what's your plan for the apocalypse, VD?

Not VD, but I'm doing mushrooms and going full fucking Beserker.

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3b076c No.20869634

File: d5ada53291e08d6⋯.png (282.99 KB,474x265,474:265,ClipboardImage.png)

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e19f54 No.20869635

File: c93b44995fe23a7⋯.png (406.9 KB,465x651,5:7,ClipboardImage.png)


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2c720c No.20869636

File: 2510e32fdb6241e⋯.png (13.1 KB,498x164,249:82,Capture.PNG)

I’ve received and accepted an invitation from


for a debate on June 27th. Over to you, Donald. As you said: anywhere, any time, any place.


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fd97f1 No.20869637

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be25c2 No.20869639

File: 2aa3b64c979d60d⋯.jpg (609.18 KB,1200x800,3:2,Bruce_Buffer_2684533110.jpg)


Madison Square Garden it is.

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d321e4 No.20869641

File: 1f1d306490ce7ba⋯.jpg (21.44 KB,255x254,255:254,HB_armorofgod2.jpg)

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f38c01 No.20869642

File: 6d6064ec5e5e210⋯.png (83.16 KB,203x248,203:248,ClipboardImage.png)




Zuckerberg has always been a faggot liar. He did not create Facebook. It was a govt project made public.

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1186e7 No.20869643


just make sure you get all their property records. like when killary had all her evidence go boom(oklahoma) or like the dod's evidence of malfeasance came crashing down (building 7)

remember Be Best

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a527bb No.20869644


Do it at fucking Langley you stupid fucking PSYOPS.

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d321e4 No.20869646

File: f07e7cb080b6e39⋯.jpg (49.03 KB,535x399,535:399,ashleybidendiary.jpg)

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699162 No.20869647


Thursday June 27……..no doubt Trump has something already scheduled for then yeah?

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a05432 No.20869648




CERN has been doing the demon thing for decades

CERN will hijack time

Satan won't settle for the time he's allotted in scripture

Satan wants to live forever

CERN is his golden ticket

and a snare for all humanity

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1a5068 No.20869649

GM Anons, any assassinations, treason, faggotry, or skulllduggery happening for today?

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b58261 No.20869651


why does it take nearly a decade to wake these sleepy minds?

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69c389 No.20869652

File: 6b924e894f57fd7⋯.mp4 (623.52 KB,360x640,9:16,Dan_Rhapsody.mp4)


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d321e4 No.20869653


but it helps you control your dreams and give yourself superpowers

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2c720c No.20869654


"Be Best"

Trying real hard.

Thank you anon.

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e19f54 No.20869655

File: 8590dac26a9f8b8⋯.png (543.77 KB,634x525,634:525,ClipboardImage.png)


What if… Zuckerberg wasn't the first one they've done that with?

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3b076c No.20869656

File: d3c66ae6cbb3dcd⋯.png (79.49 KB,220x292,55:73,ClipboardImage.png)

Jill Wine was born to a family of Jewish immigrants[3] in Chicago, Illinois[4] on May 5, 1943, as Jill Susan Wine.[2] Her parents were Bert S. Wine and Sylvia Dawn (née Simon) Wine.[2] She was raised in Chicago, where her father was a Certified Public Accountant.[5] She was educated at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, receiving a B.S. in Communication studies and was president of her chapter of Iota Alpha Pi,[6][7] and at Columbia Law School, receiving a J.D. in 1968.[5] After her marriage to Ian Volner, also a lawyer, she practiced law as Jill Wine-Volner.[5]

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d62816 No.20869657

File: b03acb979b5864c⋯.png (359.26 KB,1189x619,1189:619,1621044166637.png)

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a527bb No.20869658


Viggo the Carpathian has risen from the dead and will be debating a guy wearing a Donald Trump mas this summer at Langley.

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c765c6 No.20869659

File: 7179d64d5eb3341⋯.png (476.71 KB,870x1114,435:557,Screenshot_20240515_080215….png)


Looks a lot like a Rorschach test.

Dr.:"What do you see?"

Patient: " I don't know, a tampon surrounded by bloody demons eating sausage?"

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19f010 No.20869660


zuck was a cloned man, his 'wife' was his creator.

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18465a No.20869662



Attempted, yes: Serbian pm.



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974211 No.20869663

File: 5d157656723c735⋯.png (56.46 KB,480x422,240:211,SDNYqcrumb.png)

>>20868307 pb

maybe Cohen expected a "prominent role in the next Trump administration" because he was blackmailing Trump?

Also avoided 70 years in jail by lying.

SDNY so dirty.

But yet, they've all done this for years.

all they and the Fb1 do is frame people and blackmail judges.

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a05432 No.20869664


it's scheduled for this weekend

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581a39 No.20869665


>Freddie was bisexual. The rest of the band is straight. Not that gay, imho.

I'm still pissed these assholes killed Freddie. You want to talk about musical aptitude - Freddie Mercury had that in spades. But yeah…. You want gay in the 80s, honestly, it was bands like Culture Club or George Michael. All the undertones from Michael's "Faith" album are all there, hidden at the time of course. Boy George was open about it. George Michael, like Morrissey, kept that shit hidden for years.

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f38c01 No.20869666

File: 6d6064ec5e5e210⋯.png (83.16 KB,203x248,203:248,ClipboardImage.png)


Zuckerberg needs to hang!

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e84e7b No.20869669

File: ea4654610e5475e⋯.jpeg (42.86 KB,581x465,581:465,1715776189_2.jpeg)

it turned out well.

cut the leg off of q though.

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581a39 No.20869671

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Trying real hard.

Try not. Do or do not. There is no try, Anon. o7

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699162 No.20869672

File: 3a5441c63fb65e2⋯.png (291.03 KB,808x479,808:479,ClipboardImage.png)


arts and crafts time per usual

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a05432 No.20869673


George Michael was FTM transgender.

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e84e7b No.20869674


jessie kelly's head explodes in 3… 2..

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6fe69b No.20869675

File: 0714525b282c0ac⋯.mp4 (6.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,051524Pravda_Video_from_th….mp4)

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581a39 No.20869676


>George Michael was FTM transgender.

George Michael was a homersexual.

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43a6ae No.20869677

File: ccc5d11d93df895⋯.png (631.57 KB,1041x781,1041:781,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA’s DC-8 to Fly Low Altitude Over Pocatello, Idaho, for Final Flight

MAY 14, 2024

NASA’s DC-8 aircraft will fly at low altitude over Pocatello, Idaho, and surrounding areas during its final flight from NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, to Idaho State University.

After 37 years of successful airborne science missions, the DC-8 aircraft is retiring at Idaho State University, where it will be used to train future aircraft technicians by providing hands-on experience at the college’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program.

Residents in the areas below will see and hear the aircraft as it flies to its new and final home.

Where: Pocatello, Idaho (and surrounding areas).

When: Wednesday, May 15, between 2:00-2:30 PM.

Additional details: All flyovers are conducted at a safe altitude without harm to public, wildlife, or infrastructure. Jet aircraft are loud and those with sensitivity to loud noises should be aware of the flyover window.

To follow along real-time with the DC-8’s flight path, visit https://airbornescience.nasa.gov/tracker/#!/status/list, or:

Go to www.FlightAware.com , or download the app.

Type the aircraft tail number in the search bar: N817NA.

Follow the aircraft in real time!


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61a131 No.20869678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

djt on his day off from nyc court 15th may 2024

Not ONE THING is cheaper under Crooked Joe.


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1186e7 No.20869680

File: afa6375600a38a8⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,720x406,360:203,00000_00000_00000_00000_00….mp4)




i made none! but i accept your apology!


cheers and enjoy

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3b076c No.20869681


Was he shot or arrested?

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2c720c No.20869682

File: 0b0efcf1619ef0e⋯.jpg (87.36 KB,506x526,253:263,Saeeds_I94Form.jpg)


Saeed al-Ghamdi his passport was stamped on June 27th 2001.

Couldn't find much for 6/27, except a 9/11 reference.

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18465a No.20869683

File: 3f50c1edd308593⋯.png (265.65 KB,567x526,567:526,pepe_mercury.png)


Agree, anon. My soul mourns the death of Freddie.

Also, Boy George, Wham, Glam metal, etc. were part of a clearly gay media "push" that many homosexual artists were not personally involved in.

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e84e7b No.20869684

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461cd0 No.20869686

File: ad76ca6b5ef64c1⋯.png (1005.11 KB,1600x769,1600:769,ClipboardImage.png)

E4-B doomsday up….


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544aea No.20869688

File: 8dc1502396766ac⋯.png (1.15 MB,1867x1050,1867:1050,8dc1502396766ace28a0d17dfe….png)



#25596 >>20869031

>>20869084 Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances (RT)

>>20869115, >>20869120 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>20869133 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!

>>20869193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024

>>20869272, >>20869274, >>20869281, >>20869285, >>20869289, >>20869294 Swamp Schedule

>>20869316, >>20869353, >>20869396, >>20869415, >>20869448, >>20869465 Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

>>20869371 Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

>>20869407 Nationwide gold & silver tax cuts: 13 states scrap capital gains, Fed on high alert

>>20869411 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 15, 2024 - AR 3664 at the Sun's Edge

>>20869481 Slovak PM Fico in a life-threatening condition, govt office says

>>20869507 PF Report: Russia/Gulf/Med/Europe: VP to Beijing

>>20869525 PF Report: Gitmo express on route….

>>20869531 Billionaire Frank McCourt's Project Liberty forms consortium to bid for TikTok's US operations

>>20869554 Lithuania and NASA sign space exploration pact

>>20869570 PF Report: Where they going? Russia special flight operations.

>>20869610 Saudi Space Agency, NASA Hold 'Beyond Earth: Journeys to the Stars' Dialogue


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e84e7b No.20869689


you fucked that one up

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e19f54 No.20869690

File: 527acee28a5a986⋯.webm (443.77 KB,427x240,427:240,here_we_go.webm)

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60fe54 No.20869691

File: 2104ec7bae90226⋯.jpeg (364.22 KB,1206x613,1206:613,892EADB2_7E7F_4CE0_A72C_E….jpeg)


Polish AF PLF101President Dudaleft Doha, Qatar after visit with Emir==

=+Emir of Qatar to visit Poland, Polish president says==

The emir of Qatar will pay an official visit to Poland, Polish President Andrzej Duda has said. We're expecting the official visit of His Highness Emir of Qatar in Poland in early July," Duda said on Wednesday while on a visit to Qatar.

Representatives of the Qatar Investment Authority will also visit Poland, the Polish president added.

Duda said that Warsaw's economic relations with Doha translate into Poland's security, primarily energy security, as he recalled that Qatari gas has been shipped to Poland since 2015.


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6939e5 No.20869693


Refresh, post count is now 574 >>20869691

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2c720c No.20869694

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apparently the Deep State is no longer a conspiracy - it is awesome. From the horse’s mouth…


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d62816 No.20869696

File: d49faf3aa8d46e1⋯.png (1.16 MB,1118x873,1118:873,Screen_Shot_2019_05_20_at_….png)

File: ee805f3e39881c7⋯.jpg (10.81 KB,255x132,85:44,76be752e440fb782d08cb3fdc3….jpg)


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6fe69b No.20869697


In Slovakia, Prime Minister Robert Fico has been attacked. He is said to have been shot with a firearm in Handlova, near the capital Bratislava. According to media, he was hit in the abdomen. The government has announced that Fico is 'critically injured'.

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d321e4 No.20869698



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883338 No.20869699


something should be done about that.

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544aea No.20869700


…Cool, thank you.

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c2743c No.20869702

File: 19fbc9cd59f203a⋯.png (158.92 KB,198x306,11:17,ClipboardImage.png)

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d1adc2 No.20869703


Albert Einstein?

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69c389 No.20869704

File: c84d9f1edbd9920⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB,634x270,317:135,c84d9f1edbd9920bd94560ef28….mp4)

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18465a No.20869705


Can't wait til these two are burning in hell.

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60fe54 No.20869706


Mornin kneegar

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69c389 No.20869707


PSYWAR: U.S. Army Drops Fiery Recruitment Ad Featuring Baphomet Statue and ‘Invisible Hands.’

The U.S. Army has released a recruitmentvideo for PSYOP Soldiers titled “GHOSTS IN THE MACHINE 2,” attempting to lure new members with dark imagery and a suggestion that “invisible hands” move every choice people make.

“The most powerful weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed,” the video declares. “Behind every idea, a belief; behind every choice, invisible hands; behind every emotion, fire,” it continues.

The video contains disturbing imagery, including a human-like mannequin burning, a silhouette of a Baphomet-like figure with the head of an animal surrounded by flames, and a ticking watch with ‘PSYWAR’ written on its face.

Eventually, the video links to the U.S. Army Special Operations Recruiting website GoArmySOF.army.mil, with the page for Psychological Operations front and center.

“Someone who watches it and thinks, wow, that was effective, how was it constructed — that’s the kind of creative mindset we’re looking for,” said the 8th Psychological Operations Group major who created the video.

“We’re all nerds,“ he said of PSYOP Soldiers. Recruits are “writers, they’re great thinkers. They’re idea people,” he added.

While it is technically unlawful for PSYOP Soldiers to use psychological warfare against the American public directly, the Army website notes they can, “whencalled upon by the President, provide civil authority information support.”

Presently, the government uses its resources to influence or “correct” public opinion, sometimes through third parties. A U.S. government private-public partnership organization called the Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) tracks Americans with certain political beliefs. During the coronavirus pandemic, the government pressured social media firms to censor Americans and alter the public discourse around the virus and vaccinations.



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ef3a15 No.20869708

File: 474fd4613c85505⋯.png (294.88 KB,594x549,66:61,ClipboardImage.png)

KEK, why do they even let Plaskett speak?She's a non voting delegate. She is a witch, and she knew about Epstein and his Island, she probably went there. He gave her funds for her campaign.


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3fef52 No.20869709


Plane is a UC-12 it can carry around 10 people.

This plane along with several others flies a taxi/bus service between south Florida and Guantanamo Bay.

Generally carrying personnel and small freight/mail etc.

Callsign GTMO001 is used for the base commander at Gitmo.

When flying other people they use GTMO### with the hashes being the last three digits of the plane's tail number. 842-845

Not sure of the exact number of flights but there are generally at least a couple of round trips each day.

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35111c No.20869710

File: 705f4ffb67325d0⋯.png (488.16 KB,1024x683,1024:683,00000000000a.png)


i like your time stamp though…

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18465a No.20869711


Einstein was also a hack who invented nothing.

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581a39 No.20869712


Everything about the gay media push has been inorganic. It was organic in the 80s and 90s, but something happened that caused them to speed up the timeline, which blew up in their faces.

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4830ea No.20869713


More vermin in that room then all the sewers of the world.

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1b764f No.20869714

Goldman just accused witness at Weaponization of Government hearing of 'jury tampering', for going after Michael Cohen in his opening statement.

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f38c01 No.20869715


Or this guy!


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2c720c No.20869716

File: afb93bfcc9a175d⋯.png (10.16 KB,532x122,266:61,Capture.PNG)

BREAKING: Trump and Biden both agree to debate each other on June 27


It's on!

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28f12d No.20869717

Breaking news. Slovak Prime Minister Fico in 'life threatening' condition, next hours decisive

(Ever even hear of Slovakia before Trump scared them?)

God bless Trump and keep him safe always.

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c9081d No.20869718

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5c8986 No.20869719


>Ever even hear of Slovakia

They just turned down the new WHO amendment, or whatever it´s called.

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20bf48 No.20869720


I wouldn't say that Trump lost the debates with Joe in 2020, but Trump did seem soft on him. Trump could have ripped him more but it seemed as if he went soft on purpose.

This time around, I'd like to see Trump rip Biden a new one.

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18465a No.20869721

File: 3ff505df6b2e9ea⋯.jpg (81.17 KB,414x600,69:100,illum_gay_activists.jpg)


True, they've been pushing it so hard, esp. the trans angle, that people are fed up.

It's anti-human/anti-reproduction and creepy all around.

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2c720c No.20869722

File: 303de397e20d894⋯.png (15.65 KB,413x312,413:312,GNoO443bkAAjnpd.png)

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69c389 No.20869723

File: 5da5b9f223aa89a⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB,1914x1080,319:180,Please_Stand_By_PSYWAR.mp4)

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6fe69b No.20869724

File: 74cbc39aff5834a⋯.mp4 (7.36 MB,1280x720,16:9,RT_Slovak_PM_Fico_wounded_….mp4)

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6939e5 No.20869725

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3fef52 No.20869726


>Attempted, yes: Serbian pm.

Slovakian PM not Serbian.

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f96cb1 No.20869727

File: 1478346a5430b57⋯.png (551.9 KB,691x620,691:620,usa_map_biden_trump.png)

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d1eb7c No.20869728

File: b6834cb698fcd3b⋯.png (3.16 MB,1920x1080,16:9,b6834cb698fcd3bbf207057a6b….png)


ATT / Bell


Intel / AMD





LifeLog / Facebook


Deep Dream / Twitter / X


Of course there are many, MANY others, just in the population surveillance space…then there are the Big Pharma, Big Energy, Big Defense, etc… all managed for maximum profit and loosh. Max loosh.

We live in a world created by the US DoD / CIA. I wonder how successful Operation Paperclip really was? Anything that can be destroyed by the truth, must be.

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20bf48 No.20869729


>It was organic in the 80s and 90s,

That's when AIDS came out.

Homosexuality has been a sexual perversion at least as far back as Sodom & Gomorrah.

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1b764f No.20869730

Stefanik: Isn't it correct that Michael Colangelo, who was the third highest ranking official in Biden's DOJ, was transferred to Bragg's office to run this weaponized prosecution of President Trump? Isn't that true?

Costello: Not only true, but it's unheard of.

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43a6ae No.20869731

File: 6e346abc9c98dab⋯.png (1.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

NASA Names Deputy Station Manager, Operations Integration Manager

MAY 14, 2024

NASA selected Dina Contella as the deputy program manager and Bill Spetch as the operations integration manager for the agency’s International Space Station Program, effective Sunday, June 2.

“Dina’s depth of experience with the complex and dynamic aspects of the space station mission will be instrumental for leading through future challenges,” said Dana Weigel, program manager for NASA’s International Space Station Program. “Bill’s extensive experience with space station hardware and transportation systems uniquely position him for the leadership role as the operations integration manager.”

Contella succeeds Weigel, who became space station program manager in April, and the two will share overall management of the International Space Station, including development, integration, and operations, as well as its cargo and commercial missions. Spetch will oversee day-to-day operations, maintenance, and research aboard the orbiting laboratory, taking over the position held by Contella.

Contella has more than 30 years of experience in various roles supporting the International Space Station, Artemis, and the space shuttle. For the past two-and-a-half years, she was the operations and integration manager, responsible for leading real-time aspects of the program, including chairing the International Space Station mission management team. Contella led about 40 dynamic station operations each year, managing day-to-day space station technical risk decisions and programmatic mission integration among the orbiting laboratory’s five international partner agencies.

Prior to her work in the space station program, Contella held technical and management positions of increasing responsibility, including Gateway program mission integration and utilization manager, Advanced Exploration Systems lead for utilization and logistics across multiple Moon-to-Mars programs, and lead for an industry study to enhance NASA’s understanding of commercialization of low Earth orbit. Before these positions, she served as a NASA flight director, the spacewalk operations group lead, a spacewalk liaison stationed in Russia, a spacewalk flight control officer for space shuttle and space station missions, and a space shuttle navigation and computer instructor.

Contella, from Austin, Texas, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering from Texas A&M University, College Station.

Spetch has 27 years of experience supporting the space station throughout his career. He most recently was the office manager responsible for the health and integrity of the space station, including sustaining, sparing, and integrating commercial elements onto station and providing real-time engineering support. Before that, he was station transportation integration office manager, acting space station mission integration and operations manager, space station transportation integration office deputy manager, and station Vehicle Integrated Performance Environments and Resources (VIPER) team manager.

The Maple Grove, Minnesota native graduated from the University of Minnesota Minneapolis with a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics.

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581a39 No.20869732


>KEK, why do they even let Plaskett speak?

The illusion of muh "democracy," Fren. USVI, Guam, etc all have "non-voting delegates." Remember, these places aren't "States." If they're not "States" what are they, exactly and how do their "Representatives" fit into our Legislative branch, when they have a "voice" but no voting status?

They don't.

All animals are equal, Anon. But some animals are more equal than others. Places like Guam and the Virgin Islands need to be released from US Imperialism. We won't offer them statehood, but they're of too much "strategic importance" to allow independence. America is now everything our forefathers rebelled against in the late 18th century.

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2c720c No.20869733

File: bafacfbf655f498⋯.png (15.51 KB,526x185,526:185,Capture.PNG)

🚨BREAKING: HHS Suspends Funding and Proposes Formal Debarment of EcoHealth Alliance, Cites Evidence from


’s Report.

Accountability is here!


It's a small step in the right direction.

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6fe69b No.20869734

File: d3169c4abf26a08⋯.mp4 (7.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,RT_Fico_seen_at_govt_meeti….mp4)


Fico seen at govt meeting shortly before attack

red map!

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20bf48 No.20869735


Biden presidency is their last Hurrah.

They are using up all of their ammo for this last chance of survival.

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60fe54 No.20869736

File: 21d86c4ce334d3a⋯.jpeg (416.7 KB,1107x585,123:65,25F919C9_F6F2_464B_95BE_F….jpeg)


Slovenia AF LSV101 Falcon 900 left Riyadh,SA NW

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2c720c No.20869737

File: ea6415329f60a93⋯.png (11 KB,526x141,526:141,Capture.PNG)

US will provide an additional $2 billion in foreign military financing to Ukraine, per Blinken.


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43a6ae No.20869738




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61a131 No.20869739

lynch: you are going to die on that hill, following donald trump,

he is guilty of so much…

the fear is off the charts

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1d36f9 No.20869740


fuck off with the self notable, faggot

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1b764f No.20869741

Lynch: The Big Lie…the claim that Biden lost the election and Trump really won. In spite of the fact that Rudolf Giuliani and his crew brought sixty cases in five different states, lost every single case, even before Trump-appointed judges, lost every single case that they brought for lack of evidence.

[it was lack of standing, not lack of evidence, in almost every case]

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581a39 No.20869742


>Homosexuality has been a sexual perversion at least as far back as Sodom & Gomorrah.

From a religious standpoint, yes. Not every one is "religious" (tm), Anon. Also, fags have been in the animal kingdom forever. There's all kinds of homo animals and the human species is merely a highly evolved animal. Personally, I have no problems with fags….

So long as they don't groom and rape children. Kinda ridiculous that's the line fags seem to have the most problem with. Not all of them, but a good majority. Same as Jews.

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18465a No.20869743


NASA is a faggot money-laundering operation. Change my mind.

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60fe54 No.20869744

File: ba492d8f3f574c2⋯.png (527.35 KB,720x1085,144:217,86DC7A4F_ED2F_44B6_B006_DC….png)

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4830ea No.20869745


Day in the life at Blackrock - take the people's money and use it to try and kill them, so they don't want their money back.

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61a131 No.20869746

File: 2690369dbcba482⋯.mp4 (3.89 MB,320x564,80:141,murder_with_remdesivir_.mp4)


because the baker is behaving like a faggot and so are you single poster.

reckon it is the baker ip hopping.

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20bf48 No.20869747


The territories get lots of funds without having to pay any taxes, so it's a win-win for them.

All they have to do is not sell themselves to any other country.

Like a kept woman who must remain true to her sugar-daddy.

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6fe69b No.20869748

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Slovak PM taken to hospital after assassination attempt, awaits surgery



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4830ea No.20869749


I get the impression, they are exporting all the money, so they can invest out of the US, and then collapse the US…

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544aea No.20869750

File: 61377c41cb83f6c⋯.jpg (52.84 KB,500x704,125:176,staymad.jpg)

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c2743c No.20869751

File: b5e7a7b522720c4⋯.png (322.92 KB,598x619,598:619,ClipboardImage.png)


> 'life threatening'

no blood


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2595ee No.20869752

File: 52df2172c5a28d3⋯.jpg (88.75 KB,960x960,1:1,ssor.jpg)

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28f12d No.20869753

File: cc4fc05e0d91d6f⋯.jpeg (67.92 KB,500x621,500:621,download_2.jpeg)

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c85e82 No.20869754


God Bless the swordAnon.

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544aea No.20869756

…Every time there is a shooting , "Oh, no blood". Fuck! Get a new script.

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60fe54 No.20869757

File: 8b26f24eeaab3c0⋯.jpeg (400.91 KB,1179x617,1179:617,6C9383DE_435C_4081_AB0F_F….jpeg)

File: 6b185838a4706c8⋯.jpeg (355.31 KB,781x493,781:493,FBCF9C3F_978A_4893_BD6A_1….jpeg)

RCH616 C17 Globey departed Port Au Prince for Charleston,SC

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f96cb1 No.20869758

File: c1c2e7b1d7ef819⋯.jpg (35.65 KB,408x393,136:131,you_psyop.jpg)

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581a39 No.20869759


>True, they've been pushing it so hard, esp. the trans angle, that people are fed up.

Well, the Trans shit goes with the Judaic belief system. The Talmud teaches Jews there are 8 genders and Baphomet is a tranny. There's nothing at all organic about the Trans movement.

Noahide World Order. Even Q tried telling us, without telling us. Remember the "Chosen Ones" (tm) are above contestation, by muh "divine right" (tm). If you don't agree with this, NGOs like the ADL, AJC, AIPAC, SPLC, et al will destroy your life for saying anything remotely critical of them, no matter how minute. The Trans movement has always been a part of Zionism and the NWO.

Thankfully, it appears Humanity seems to be rejecting this type of indoctrination, finally. They're just moving at a snail's pace, unfortunately.

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a527bb No.20869760


This is fucking insulting.

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c9081d No.20869761

File: 6b49af924b5c823⋯.png (1.24 MB,795x1000,159:200,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6e346abc9c98dab⋯.png (1.51 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


kinda Bill Barr-ish

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2d6cc3 No.20869762


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4830ea No.20869763

File: c0d4f86c28db206⋯.png (1.65 MB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

The PODS in the Matrix is not for you to enjoy a virtual life and use you as an energy source… nope… it's to use your BIOLOGICAL AI computer…

BIOLOGICAL AI is vastly more efficient then data centers… It takes a cities worth of energy to simulate a fraction of a human brian…

Neurolink will use your biological brains for AI processing.

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6fe69b No.20869764

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


‘Fico is very courageous; we need him badly in Europe’ – independent journalist



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60fe54 No.20869765

File: 83f140cb2555379⋯.gif (418.82 KB,480x270,16:9,090E499C_C3FD_4839_BA33_C2….gif)


That’s correct

“New” Central Bank in China and collapse U.S. wut they want

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a527bb No.20869766


Just give us the fucking transcript already.

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61a131 No.20869768

File: 399044540e5fb6d⋯.mp4 (9.69 MB,480x852,40:71,matt_hancock_tube.mp4)

File: 77a20ecce9f9a4f⋯.mp4 (4.77 MB,1280x720,16:9,matt_on_new_variant_leak.mp4)


you under stand baker that you are showing your true colours of infiltrating the kitchen.

try not to be too obvious.

it will not end will.

this topic is upto date and relevant atm.

especially with the pandemic treaty only weeks away globally.

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18465a No.20869769

File: 7d866fe2a36c23b⋯.jpg (97.27 KB,749x749,1:1,trans_satanism.jpg)



It's all so tiresome.

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581a39 No.20869770


>The territories get lots of funds without having to pay any taxes, so it's a win-win for them.

Kek. Talk to some of the natives, though. They're not happy with it, in the slightest. They know they're second-class citizens. Fun fact: Residents of Guam don't get US passports, so they're not allowed to move freely in the US, but all you need as an "American Citizen" to visit Guam is a US Passport.

These are ideals I do not hold. They're either American or they're not. I don't play this double-sided bullshit, which is why I'm against dual-citizens serving public office. A man cannot serve two masters.

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2d6cc3 No.20869771

The material realm is a prison, you will stay here until you learn to ascend from your wicked ways and time is running out

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699162 No.20869772

File: 08f22844a4c9d39⋯.png (416 KB,651x760,651:760,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 191abd2d4337bd0⋯.png (158.31 KB,470x288,235:144,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2f53b01cdda271b⋯.png (401.69 KB,590x461,590:461,ClipboardImage.png)

File: de671a6cbb90e38⋯.png (92.89 KB,589x330,589:330,ClipboardImage.png)

Biden aides worry about psychological torment as Hunter heads for trial

Three advisers granted anonymity to speak about private deliberations said they, and members of the First Family, are worried about the weight Hunter Biden’s trial will place on the president at an already difficult time for him politically. Biden has expressed fears to them about the possibility that his son will serve time in prison……………


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69c389 No.20869773

File: cb6ddabbfaf5773⋯.jpg (88.83 KB,1192x862,596:431,cb6ddabbfaf57731f13ee5c414….jpg)

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c85e82 No.20869774


>6 1/2 years of this bullshit.

>This Q shit has been the biggest bust since New Coke.

>Shittiest prophecy ever.

>The retards that made those posts are off somewhere laughing their asses off that people bought into their shit.

>Justice is coming tho, amirite?


What may have been started as a test, soon became apparent that this cat had claws, so they continued to build upon it until it reached the point where there was no stopping it. NCSWIC. I have no clue who started it and honestly I hope I never do as the mystery would probably be better than the reality. And yet, here we are every morning still checking in and watching the developments.

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69c389 No.20869775

File: 3107e87f1506202⋯.mp4 (14.01 MB,640x344,80:43,3107e87f1506202d08d52c00cb….mp4)

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581a39 No.20869776


>It's all so tiresome.

Indeed. Before we pulled the kids out of public school, my eldest told me he had other children in his middle school classes (he's in high school now) that "identified as animals" and stupid ass shit like that. I actually got a call to go to the school, 'cos my son "was refusing to pet a child that identified as a cat." It's fucking ridiculous.

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d62816 No.20869777

File: d6f008b0d345a15⋯.png (695.28 KB,670x890,67:89,Screen_Shot_2019_01_06_at_….png)


>psychological torment

Needing a fix during trial and not being able to smuggle in some snort.

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a527bb No.20869778


This is a humiliation ritual. Someone tell the zoomers.

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d2a8eb No.20869779


>Zuckerberg post sitting in his old bedroom with a gold gangster chain in front of Windows 95 screensaver but as an adult…


>Carthago delenda est

>"Carthage must be destroyed"

Spoken by Cato the Elder before the 3rd Punic War.

CATO Institute comms?

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2d6cc3 No.20869780


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1d36f9 No.20869781


why are you here? why do you insist on posting like we are Dear Abby? nobody gives a fuck. cope with your own life

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c2743c No.20869782

File: 94baf07f3cc4af5⋯.png (634.77 KB,1061x598,1061:598,ClipboardImage.png)

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41ee61 No.20869783

File: e8a0f24c6611108⋯.jpeg (247.24 KB,828x824,207:206,B8BE9AFE_EA29_4EF0_9DBD_9….jpeg)


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a527bb No.20869784


Which one? Gamestop or PSYOP Trial?

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2c720c No.20869785

File: 0f1c0cc5e805294⋯.png (287.59 KB,532x629,532:629,Capture.PNG)

If this happens, it will take place the day after three days of court hearings in FLA where Trump’s lawyers will present evidence of Biden’s WH colluding with NARA and DOJ to manufacture documents case.

Perfect timing.


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5e73ff No.20869786

File: d8c60c292dd8750⋯.png (10.69 KB,255x207,85:69,089fd8d0c4358c463efe2ba686….png)

I figured out why all the hearings

DWS is working for the prosecution she is the stealth bomber, Trump not under investigation they are framing intent admissions of the adverse party, Braggs works for Trump

Not sure I should be talking about it

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2d6cc3 No.20869787


>why are you here?


>The material realm is a prison, you will stay here until you learn to ascend from your wicked ways and time is running out

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18465a No.20869788

File: 7ba470d5b4c649b⋯.jpeg (100.3 KB,1024x1009,1024:1009,homeschooled_kids_gay_com….jpeg)


Public school has become a race to the bottom. Good for you for pulling your kids out of that shit.

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2d6cc3 No.20869789


>PSYOP Trial?

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48b5bc No.20869790

File: 3f05e4ebb8dd247⋯.jpg (52.54 KB,612x792,17:22,svetlana.jpg)


How bout Bill Gates, @Jack, Ted Turner ("created" CNN), Sergey Brin (google), His ex-wife Anne E. Wojcicki (23AndMe founder),….

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67fd4a No.20869791


big talk.

meanwhile, in america…

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c7b486 No.20869792

File: 9e29af26131817c⋯.png (94.85 KB,352x341,32:31,7c25f3ad97b1ad38b114dd90e6….png)

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a527bb No.20869793


Do you want me to pretend these are real people?

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c9081d No.20869794


"on CNN"

CNN question: "With all of Trump's awful policies, which one was the awfulest??

member how much the moderators screwed things up, interrupted Trump and asked loaded questions?

expect anything different?

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d62816 No.20869795

File: ee5dc53b1f4da36⋯.png (1.12 MB,878x1190,439:595,Screen_Shot_2018_11_02_at_….png)



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41ee61 No.20869796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wondrously Beautiful Victory.

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a527bb No.20869797


Look, I'm uniquely incapable of assessing the veracity of content online.


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1b764f No.20869798

Chairman Jordan: "I swear to God, Bob, I don't have anything on Donald Trump". Who said that?

Costello: Michael Cohen, about ten to twenty times.

Jordan: So not just once, multiple times he told you that while you were his attorney, while you were in consultation with your client, he said that multiple times?

Costello: Not only said that multiple times, but he said that after I said to him, knowing he was suicidal, 'Michael, think about this, isn't is easier to cooperate against Donald Trump than it is to kill yourself'? And he still said, " I swear to God Bob, I don't have anything on Donald Trump".

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77a45f No.20869799


1 of a few

I worked on a team that dealt with with NHI technology and left in 2018.


Hi, I'm writing this because I never got any sort of debrief or moment to decompress from a job I quit in February of 2018. I worked for an agency that dealt with issues related to non-human intelligence. Sometimes these were referred to as EBE's, or as a friend lovingly called them, "Ayyys".

I can't divulge what I did specifically, most of the information I'm going to discuss is anecdotal information I found out about from colleagues. This is because it would be easy to identify me from what my role was, as the information I can say about what I did specifically would be personally identifying. Feel free to dismiss my post as a hoax entirely, I know the right people will believe me. I'm posting this for myself, to make peace with the gravity (no pun intended) of the situation. I tried VA and independent therapy, but divulging this sort of information to a hipster trained in active listening probably wouldn't go well. Posting here is a last resort, but I hope I'm welcome to discuss what I can.

I'll first talk about my career history, what working for the agency is like, how it functions, and then my general thoughts. If my post makes it past moderation, I'll answer as many questions as I can. I'm unwilling to post an ID privately to moderators or otherwise. People who did that faced consequences. I don't think those people were reddit leakers specifically, but any act to talk about the information in any meaningful way outside of the chain of command ends badly. I'd rather be accused of making things up than risk that, because I simply don't care what people think of me. Hopefully my post will clear up why.

I'm currently a university professor (not at the university my username would lead you to believe). I was inspired to write this post when one of my students referred to me as, verbatim "a dude who has to know about aliens". If only he knew that wasn't even the start of it.

I graduated from college in the early 90s with a degree in something I'm passionate about but never used. I started my career as an assistant for a mechanical engineer at an aerospace contractor I got after working some connections I had. Entry-level contractor jobs are easier to get than you may think (well, maybe not if you've posted here). I eventually was a project manager overseeing a small team working on experimental aircraft. Over the course of my career in aviation I worked at 3 different contractors. I was on some of the teams working in autonomous flight in Nevada, among other places.

I'll share two major things I noticed that, looking back, could be related to NHI research.

It was a sort of open secret I was let in on at some point in the late 90s that if a large-scale invasion or threat to the mainland US were to materialize, the US had an "ultimate trump-card" of sorts that would render everything we were working on as completely obsolete. Jokes like "well, work smarter not harder on 'x' because if it were to come down to it, we wouldn't use that technology anyway." weren't uncommon. I assumed this was referring to nukes.

Later, I spent time doing inspections at various secret facilities due to my standing in particular agencies. If I'm identified, I will definitely lose that standing, so there's that. This was not as exciting as it sounds, it was very technical and boring. I was mostly just a glorified HVAC inspector. I visited a handful of facilities, but two of them in particular stood out as there were areas within them I wasn't allowed to access. At the first facility, the scope of my job was to inspect the entire location. One area had its own security, who, after a long discussion, basically told me to kick rocks. My boss wasn't authorized to let me through either. I wrote a scathing report about this incident in my overall assessment of the facility and my boss erased it from the document entirely. The situation at the second facility was similar. I'll admit, I was what I guess the my students call a "Karen" about it. I knew that whoever was operating these areas was working completely outside of congressional regulation, which, while it does happen in certain sectors, is really not a good look. Once I got the job I'm talking about, I was able to confirm the second facility was related to NHI research. I was never able to confirm the first was.

After a teaching stint, I was offered an interview for a position in my project management roots again near where I was living at the time. I wasn't told what I would be working on, which isn't uncommon. I was excited to get back to work because I had been working on goal-oriented drone swarms in my free time and assumed that's what the interview would be for.

The interview took place in a SCIF in someone's house. Looking back, this was most likely a house that wasn't lived in, but just used for the purpose of interviewing potential hires without giving away the location. It's also likely this was the location because this agency doesn't exist in any official capacity. Yes, it has a name, it gets sort-of-kind-of funding. Saying the name would get me killed. I wish I were exaggerating, I was told the name at the start of the interview, and I had never heard of it before. I've never even said the name out loud. Paradoxically, even though the agency "doesn't exist" if someone knew the name, it's likely a paper trail exists through publicly available documents. A lot of the information isn't classified because the agency is so secretive going through the process to classify it in the first place would reveal it to too many people.

In past interviews, particularly for the inspection job, I could refer to specific colleagues, facilities I worked at, or contractors I was in good standing with to play the usual interview game. In this interview, I was treated like a brand new hire. While I was already offended about how I was being treated, the interviewer started grilling me about my love for Star Trek (?) and said that "theatrics" wouldn't fly in the position I was being interviewed for. Looking back, I should've never accepted the job, but the allure of working on swarms was too great.

The first office I worked at was an office building that didn't stand out in any way at all. I believe our neighbors in the office park were a fashion studio and a dentist, among others. The difference was our building had 24/7 armed security. The first few days were heavy paperwork and on-boarding. One of my old bosses called me on an office phone to talk to me before I was officially on-boarded. As a management nerd, the biggest challenge of working for this "agency" is that it's a paperless office. It has its own highly sophisticated intranet with hundreds of archival documents. The implication was, that unless it absolutely had to be saved, to never, ever write anything down. I remember an early colleague telling me "a gantt chart is a great way to get fired". This was a challenge at first, remembering all of the information with no documentation is not something I'm particularly built for, especially when the information is about NHI.

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544aea No.20869800

File: f5138e6427fb8fc⋯.png (1.43 MB,998x674,499:337,feelinit.png)


…Get fucked.

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d62816 No.20869801

File: 19f540978fe85e5⋯.png (746.45 KB,1185x616,1185:616,Screen_Shot_2018_10_30_at_….png)

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77a45f No.20869802


2 of a few

Later, I worked in a facility within-a-facility just like the one I had tried to inspect. It stored a craft. Being near the craft for extended periods of time is extremely dangerous, especially if it is being experimented on with power. I didn't observe any injuries to anyone while I was there, but all sorts of long-term nasty injuries were relayed to me through rumors and warnings. The craft was shaped like a dreidel without the handle. There was a large exterior piece that went missing when it was recovered. The theory is it acted as a stabilizer, although some argue it was a crude weapon. It sat in a custom hydraulic rig that could be used to rotate it into all sorts of different positions, kind of like those aerotrim astronaut training balls where they spin you around. I wasn't on the team that got to use the rotation rig. The rig was so large and extensive I spent a few weeks thinking it was part of the craft before someone told me otherwise. Typically, the craft would held on its side in the rig for easier storage. Its weight just naturally sat it that way, although it was intended to be flown vertically.

The shape was directly informed by its purpose. Every shape is custom molded in a metallic material that would revolutionize the way we travel if we had it. In following the topic as much as I can manage to, I've seen some other people mention the material. There were some material scientists that had been working there for decades. I never got to go inside the craft. It was guarded 24/7. Boy, did I want to look.

The agency goes out of its way to hire individuals who have little interest in working in this space at all. They recruit particularly out of BYU, although you have to have a contractor or government career for around a decade to be considered for an interview. Published papers don't hurt. When I worked at the second facility the sorts of people that were there were frustrating to interact with because my initial reaction to working in the that facility was extreme excitement, and it wasn't shared. I believe this is partially responsible for the stagnation, high turnover rate, and compartmentalization. I quickly learned who to trust, and gained some enormous that helped my work. Part of why I'm being secretive about my ID is because the turnover rate results in a sort of "summer camp" work environment. It's easy to point to "classes" of people in various non-leadership positions that all were hired, fired, or quit at similar times. If I said when I started, ended, and where I worked I'd be easily identifiable because there are so few people that match my description. Leadership has been there forever. No, not literally.

The agency is divided up into several "wings", not unlike the executive, legislative and judicial branches. I'm not insinuating they're a shadow government, but the wings check and balance each other in a way a government is at least… designed to. These wings include mechanical engineering, biologic research, weapons research, computer science, tracking, what I'll call anthropology, what I'll call crash recovery because that's what colleagues who are planning to come forward will call it, and security. I'll list some information about each. There are definitely more wings that I don't know about.

What's unique is these sub-groups exist all as part of different parent government organizations and are HQ'd where their parent agencies are. For example, the tracking wing is sort-of-kind-of embedded as R&D at NORAD. This is a simplification of the actual "paperwork" involved, it's honestly complicated and I don't know much about how it works. I do know that this is how they maintain funding even when the parent agency goes completely dark for stretches of time. It's worth mentioning that these departments employ, at most, 50 people each. It's typically much lower than that. This is why we're all pushing for whistleblower protection. It's not hard to identify us because there are so few of us in the first place.

Mechanical engineering is exactly what it sounds like. It's the most extensive, the oldest, and the most compartmentalized. We have crashed craft in various states of complete. We had a recovered craft that worked almost perfectly that was shot down by ourselves. I saw this coming, and it's part of why I quit. There's a lot of information about this wing in the public sphere. Part of their job is to determine what each shape of craft is used for. This is an important job beacuse we're unsure of NHI's intentions. If we discover the designs are intended to hurt us, action will have to be taken. I don't know what that means in practice, but it's what the engineers mostly study. Consider this lecture around the 10 minute mark about the differing characteristics of an F22 versus a passenger plane. Now imagine figuring out the purpose of the passenger plane versus the F22. Since we're humans, and those are human designs, eventually a team could figure it out. It's not as easy when the designs aren't for us, or purposes we fully understand. Triangles are the most impressive design, and we don't have one. It's likely China does, leadership is mad about that. This team discovered, a long time ago, that the reason why craft appear so bright to us humans is because it's not really "light" but rather the product of the crazy amounts of power these craft require. Sort of like smoke coming out of an exhaust pipe.

Biology is something I personally suck at, even at the high school level. I can say the NHI look like the aliens from close encounters. As far as I know, we never had one alive. My source who told this was unsure if it was true or not. I didn't learn much about this wing, it's the most secretive. I do know its HQ is hidden in almost plain sight. I still feel like the guy who told me where it is had to be lying, because it was just too obvious. There are bodies stored in other locations apart from their main HQ.

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c9081d No.20869803


How is it that CNN has it scheduled already when bidan just proposed it?


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77a45f No.20869804



3 of a few stopping now…it goes on and on…

Weapons research is a large wing, and is fairly new. It was absorbed by the Space Force when it the SF was created. Frustration with the SF as a whole is part of why I left shortly before it started. I don't know much about it. It has a high turnover rate and is dangerous to work in. People were injured and compensated by a large private aerospace contractor instead of the USG. Its main job is to strap a nuke to a reverse-engineered craft and just see what the hell happens.

Computer science is (or, was, it may have moved after I left) hq'd at a facility in my home state. This is rare, because most of the other wings are within a stones throw of DC, or Nevada. This is mostly based around researching the crafts navigation system. The navigation in every craft is the same. The craft use a system that originally befuddled generations of researchers, but it's essentially a 3D dijkstra algorithm. It finds points around the craft, and chooses the most efficient possible route through space time to get to that point. Some of the parameters it uses to gauge efficiency are totally unknown to us and are a serious point of contention. It's not autonomy, but rather obstacle avoidance not unlike what you would see in a self-driving car. But, the self driving car could go through air, space and water without worrying about what medium its in. Additionally, the algo accounts for the crafts place in time. I don't think this means that the craft time travel in the way we think they can, but rather go so fast that they experience dilation and can hit objects in the future, and, potentially, past at their target destination. It's possible they do this on purpose sometimes. I don't know much about the internal programming of the computer or how it actually does any of this. There are a few senior scientists that hold that information dear. One of them jokingly refers to it as "Ayyyy C", as in, C for NHI. I know that he doesn't work with a computer, only a pad of paper and pen.

Although the algo is extremely effective, Nuclear explosions and experiments somehow interfere with this navigation. Craft particularly avoid Diablo Canyon, even if we put something they really want there. They mostly avoid previous crash sites as well. More on crashes later.

Speaking of avoidance, tracking, like I mentioned, is (or was) part of NORAD. The NHI deploy craft of various shapes and sizes all the time. I don't want to claim that they have advanced cloaking techniques, but from what I heard, the tracking department basically is in an eternal game of cat-and-mouse. They don't have adequate technology to track the transmedium craft. All I would say on a record is NHI know we can track them, and know how to avoid us. They usually avoid detection by going underwater, especially in the case of particularly large (by human measurement, enormous) craft. It's interesting that historical UFO designs mimic the design of buildings and vehicles of that time period. Whether this was just humans not being able to reference what the designs look like, or a form of mimicry is anyones guess. Someone in leadership knows the answer, I don't.

It's important to note not everyone at NORAD was part of the tracking team, but the tracking team is embedded in NORAD and interfaces with them on a minute to minute basis. This leads to scenarios where NORAD will report an object, and the tracking team will silently acknowledge, but give no explanation. This lead to a catastrophic incident that happened after I left but knew about from a colleague. Supposedly, tracking is being moved to the Space Force to clear up these miscommunications. If I were working there, I would probably be working on that onboarding process. NORAD was moved to Cheyenne not only to protect from a foreign adversary, but also because the facility is uniquely equipped to track NHI craft.

The wing I called "Anthropology" is the weirdest one by far. It focuses on a few different things. They originally studied NHIs intentions and "culture" if it's possible to call it that. The reports I read from this early research changed the way I see the world.

Anthropology and Computer Science were at one point decompartmentalized to study how the NHI interact with the craft. The NHI are linked to their craft in a way that borders on biological. The actual way they interface with the components of the craft is not as sophisticated. Take this video. Although it's an immature video, the way he interfaces with a piston that moves the gas pedal is similar, albeit much simpler than the way NHI interact with their craft. They send signals using their body to systems that control the craft. It's hypothesized that they can and prefer to control craft remotely, but I'm not sure if we were really researching this.

Take note that if the driver of the jerry-rigged death trap in the video panics, the car would accelerate due to heightened brain activity. When people wonder how a superintelligent being can crash, this is part of the answer, in conjunction with the navigation system malfunctioning. I personally don't think the NHI feel "stress" as we do, but if they heightened their activity and overrode the pathfinding system instead of letting it do its job, there could be an accident.

A smaller subset of this wing focuses on how humans can interface with craft that are currently in the sky. If you see an image of a large disc above a gas station in the snow, it was someone in this department "summoning" a craft not unlike how cheap RC car controllers can interfere with each other when used at the same time. Some people are better suited to interfere with NHI craft than others. We're not sure why.

On somewhat comedic note, one colleague was harshly punished for using this research to encounter NHI craft at a party. There was an outdoor bonfire, alcohol, and questions about what she did for work. She wasn't killed or anything, just called a dumbass and told to never, ever do that again.

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f96cb1 No.20869805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

12:00 PM EDT

Annual National Peace Officers' Memorial Service - National Police Week 2024

National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund





The President delivers remarks at the National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service

U.S. Capitol




President Biden Speaks at 2024 National Peace Officers' Memorial Service

President Biden delivers remarks at the 2024 National Peace Officers' Memorial Service.


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43a6ae No.20869806

File: 0f08ece59e67395⋯.png (1.76 MB,1200x900,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17e8dfa6a7cde44⋯.png (286.35 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b78801ac55f9294⋯.png (357.69 KB,500x375,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

15th SPSS innovates with Mount Official Scheduling System

May 15, 2024

MAUI SPACE FORCE STATION, Hawaii (AFNS) – Perched atop the 10,023-foot summit of Haleakalā in Hawaii, lives Space Delta 2’s 15th Space Surveillance Squadron. The 15th SPSS operates the Maui Space Surveillance Complex and is home to small, medium, and large-aperture tracking optics, including the Department of Defense's largest optical telescope designed for satellite tracking and imaging, as well as visible and infrared sensors for data collection on near-Earth and deep-space objects.

Tracking of these deep space objects will soon be made more efficient, thanks to the Mount Official Scheduling System, also known as MOSS.

“The MOSS tool provides a simple and effective avenue to effectively balance scheduling needs,” said U.S. Air Force Maj. Matthew Holland, base operations and sustainment project manager. “MOSS is forecasted to eliminate the available time to operate our sensors that currently goes unused due to these scheduling mishaps, which is currently estimated at 41% of the calendar year.”

In just under six months, the MOSS team created and deployed a web-based application that provides the warfighter with 15-20% more Space Domain Awareness data while also laying the groundwork for future operational capability development and deployment to operational units across the Service.

“When it comes to future enhancement, we want to have a version of MOSS on Secret and [Top Secret] networks so that all of our external partners can access and use the tool because many live on the Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System,” Holland said. “We also want to integrate a function that tracks metrics for our current operations.”

A team of six members, consisting of Guardians and Airmen, enabled 150 more days per year of Electro-Optical telescope usage for non-traditional sensors that provide operationally relevant SDA data to the warfighter, a 41% increase over legacy operations.

“Currently we waste 150 days a year due to scheduling issues that prevent us from operating,” Holland said. “This cloud-based application, made by our own active-duty Guardians, will eliminate those wasted days and enable us to execute operations every day there are not weather impacts or maintenance being conducted.”

By MOSS reducing 15th SPSS operational planning by half, this provides transparent scheduling capabilities to the research and development and intelligence community.

“We aim to pair MOSS with a 15SPSS 'Portal' that we plan to build in the future as our second product team,” Holland said. “The portal will serve as a JWICS homepage for our site and will have sensor status the interactive view/request schedule functionality via MOSS, and a Dropbox type function for pushing data from our site to our operators.”

The comprehensive goal of MOSS is simple, says Holland. “The overall goal for us via MOSS and the Portal will be to ensure we are utilizing our exquisite research and development capabilities in Maui to most effectively serve the SDA communities' needs.”


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19f010 No.20869807


my problems are your problems. everything I see, hear, think, and feel is passed on through you. You have a problem when I have a problem.

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3b076c No.20869808


He just changed it to the FLYNN movie

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f38c01 No.20869809


I fail to see the 'love' involved with shit-crusted dicks.

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d1adc2 No.20869810

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48b5bc No.20869811

File: d168a38d2dfcd64⋯.png (3.23 MB,1284x1932,107:161,angry_post.png)


Care to bet they checked DJT's schedule and he has a commitment?

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77a45f No.20869812


>>20869802 (me)

>>20869799 (me)

Wasn't there a Joe Rogan tweet of somethign similar but it was a bio engineer several months back…?

the guy talked about NHI biologics…?

the writing style here is very familar to that reddit post….wonder if it is controlled disclosure or disinfo…or both…or just a dude that likes clicks.

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f96cb1 No.20869813

12:15 PM EDT

Senate Majority Leader Schumer Unveils Artificial Intelligence Policy

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and others unveil their policy for dealing with artificial intelligence (AI). The framework, which comes after a months-long review by lawmakers, calls for $32 billion in funding over the next two years.


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2595ee No.20869814

File: 4ec9adaea7eb246⋯.jpg (226.89 KB,680x864,85:108,vb.jpg)


> I wonder how successful Operation Paperclip really was?

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1b764f No.20869815

Costello: There's no coincidences here. The fact that Judge Merchan has had all of these cases, and by the way, when he finishes with the Donald Trump case, Steve Bannon is next. Out of all the judges in New York County, somehow they keep coming up with the same judge. Coincidence? I don't believe in 'em.

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67fd4a No.20869816


is too stupid to know it lies.

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c2743c No.20869817

File: 175236cbb73e8d2⋯.png (951.81 KB,841x695,841:695,ClipboardImage.png)


No u…

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699162 No.20869818

File: 60d8eee6d20c98c⋯.png (236.25 KB,698x598,349:299,ClipboardImage.png)


they had time

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d2a8eb No.20869819


>>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

Felt like a "follow the stars"-type interview. Aaron pushing hard for Kennedy. Can't tell if trying to pull over dems from the radicals or pull over MAGA from Trump to give the consolation prize.

Without SS security, my hope, for now, is that it leads to a good excuse to drop out of the race. Regardless, my other thinking is that to avoid an anti-Trump riot or more ballot shenagins, we may be looking at 269-269 or something like that which leads to a house vote…In that case, can the house vote for Kennedy? People would be pissed…but both extremes would be pissed. "It had to be this way" seems to ring true here if this turns out to be the case. It would certainly be a way to get those members out of the house by 2027.

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67fd4a No.20869820




still fucked.

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1d36f9 No.20869821


first post, not single. my comment stands

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d1adc2 No.20869822


you and everybody else.

don't dox yourself

everyone here had something, somewhere, where they got to see what was up with the corrupt!

(maybe not everyone).

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3b076c No.20869824


Tig ol Gorrirra Biddys THats why

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4f4b84 No.20869825


Why is an orc at a congressional hearing?

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41ee61 No.20869826

File: d67c2b2aca609cb⋯.jpeg (392.14 KB,828x595,828:595,907E30CC_2E7D_4439_B992_0….jpeg)


Coincidental boat has long since left port fren.

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a527bb No.20869827


>Look, I'm uniquely incapable of assessing the veracity of content online.

To be honest I've held conversations with some of my fellow uniquely incapable people and I've gotten confirmation and agreement from people as high as O-7 regarding our inability to assess the veracity of online content.

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41ee61 No.20869828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c366a No.20869829


As the price of copper rises, the possibility of this increases. Many homes and buildings will be stripped of wiring and plumbing. Only a matter of time…..

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f96cb1 No.20869830

File: 99d32281edbbce9⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,638x360,319:180,Peter_Daszak_admitting_his….mp4)

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d1adc2 No.20869831


wank wong wonk wonk wonk

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41ee61 No.20869832

File: fe7174193836c20⋯.jpeg (454.15 KB,828x1094,414:547,D71DCF5F_5B70_4A85_96CA_D….jpeg)

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e4dd05 No.20869833


Can't Biden just pardon him?

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d1adc2 No.20869834


it's been already happening for a generation, anon.

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28f12d No.20869835

File: 24e4339034e30e4⋯.jpg (61.95 KB,600x450,4:3,5iq0mw.jpg)



Extreme comfy ahead

No life guards on duty

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a527bb No.20869836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just can't, I think it's bullshit.

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60fe54 No.20869837

File: c031f7fa9e48744⋯.png (339.14 KB,394x394,1:1,861424B4_9F74_40B3_87A2_AE….png)


Sure breh

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a527bb No.20869838


You believe this?


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1d36f9 No.20869839


you are nuttier than the bitch you complain about. maybe you made her crazy. I don't give a shit about your problems. No one here does. fuck off to FB

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8c366a No.20869841

File: dea79b70d183a0a⋯.gif (885.86 KB,245x207,245:207,72B357BA_EB11_4EE8_9F8B_89….gif)

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61a131 No.20869842

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



this is a free speech board

be a mangina.

it suits you..

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a527bb No.20869843


I have a bridge in Baltimore I'm selling…


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974211 No.20869844

File: 73675b990d737b5⋯.jpg (383.09 KB,1200x869,1200:869,whoisYfamily.jpg)


The progressives believe in no borders . anywhere. ever.


Did Q" ever ask "Who are the Y fam?"

Or just ask us to watch them and catalog who it is, and their connections?

Connect the dots?

Rocky's are a dot?


Barry, for sure.

Gaga …. behing 5 POTUS?

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d1adc2 No.20869845

oh the irony of a secretary of state playing the 'rockin in the free world' song in a bar in the capital of a warmongering dictatorship.

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544aea No.20869846

Last call

…Bakering around soon


#25596 >>20869031

>>20869084 Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances (RT)

>>20869115, >>20869120 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>20869133 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!

>>20869193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024

>>20869272, >>20869274, >>20869281, >>20869285, >>20869289, >>20869294 Swamp Schedule

>>20869316, >>20869353, >>20869396, >>20869415, >>20869448, >>20869465 Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

>>20869371 Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

>>20869407 Nationwide gold & silver tax cuts: 13 states scrap capital gains, Fed on high alert

>>20869411 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 15, 2024 - AR 3664 at the Sun's Edge

>>20869481 Slovak PM Fico in a life-threatening condition, govt office says

>>20869507, >>20869691 PF Report: Russia/Gulf/Med/Europe: VP to Beijing

>>20869525 PF Report: Gitmo express on route….

>>20869531 Billionaire Frank McCourt's Project Liberty forms consortium to bid for TikTok's US operations

>>20869554 Lithuania and NASA sign space exploration pact

>>20869570 PF Report: Where they going? Russia special flight operations.

>>20869610 Saudi Space Agency, NASA Hold 'Beyond Earth: Journeys to the Stars' Dialogue

>>20869686 PF Report: E4-B doomsday up….

>>20869731, >>20869738 NASA Names Deputy Station Manager, Operations Integration Manager

>>20869757 PF Report: RCH616 C17 Globey departed Port Au Prince for Charleston,SC

>>20869806 15th SPSS innovates with Mount Official Scheduling System

>>20869813 Senate Majority Leader Schumer Unveils Artificial Intelligence Policy

>>20869840 POTUS Truth - It is my great honor to accept the CNN Debate against Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST PRESIDENT in the History of the United States and a true Threat to Democracy, on June 27th. Likewise, I accept the ABC News Debate against Crooked Joe on September 10th. Thank you, DJT!


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41ee61 No.20869847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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20bf48 No.20869848


Those 0bama phones come with tracking devices on them?

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1186e7 No.20869849


add to that the ukrainian gubmint have been told to repay their loans

that's american and canadian money they are using with delicious kickbacks to the cabal

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41ee61 No.20869850

File: 8b15f026d318d7c⋯.jpeg (270.45 KB,669x849,223:283,2538B71D_15FA_4C62_BE30_8….jpeg)

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1d36f9 No.20869852


who's tha mangina? you are the one crying about baker not adding your self notable shit. you are a pussy trying to come off as "corp". fucking fag

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60fe54 No.20869853

File: 1bf15bac5c1f828⋯.gif (2.22 MB,498x298,249:149,9103AB03_B13A_4BDC_9330_A4….gif)

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61a131 No.20869854

File: 1b8846fe07c1bec⋯.png (2.03 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



djt entering enemy territory.

cnn and abc.

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28f12d No.20869855


Prayers for that whole region

They want to start ww3

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e19f54 No.20869857


Read an article once about a scientist who studied South American indigenous tribes. Found no homosexuality in any of them. Concluded that it's not the result of nature, as it does not benefit the futures of those indigenous tribes. but merely an indulgence from the decadence of the privileged in a society. Wish I could find that article again.

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5357a3 No.20869858

File: e8f3ebacdb0d706⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1252x1252,1:1,bb6279e930064a32b973c4afe5….jpg)

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581a39 No.20869859

File: 1182d2ec6a1f183⋯.png (300.93 KB,1016x936,127:117,ClipboardImage.png)


>Public school has become a race to the bottom. Good for you for pulling your kids out of that shit.

'Nuff Said. I'll call a spade a spade and I'm fucking tired of Jews trying to indoctrinate the world in their Zionist, "Tikkun Olam" Noahide bullshit. They don't want to "heal the world." They want to control it and if they can't control it, they'lldestroyit.

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5357a3 No.20869860

File: 9a3d7c879826815⋯.jpg (123.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,818fa2dd1722b56f70e33235ab….jpg)

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2d6cc3 No.20869861


>Do you want me to pretend these are real people?

Well there will be awards at the end, so participation is required, but not mandatory


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544aea No.20869862

File: b4ac4c9a1c66341⋯.png (453.62 KB,833x630,119:90,21cf699a9c089f388dc506fa80….png)


...Bakering now


#25596 >>20869031

>>20869084 Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances (RT)

>>20869115, >>20869120 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>20869133 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!

>>20869193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024

>>20869272, >>20869274, >>20869281, >>20869285, >>20869289, >>20869294 Swamp Schedule

>>20869316, >>20869353, >>20869396, >>20869415, >>20869448, >>20869465 Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

>>20869371 Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

>>20869407 Nationwide gold & silver tax cuts: 13 states scrap capital gains, Fed on high alert

>>20869411 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 15, 2024 - AR 3664 at the Sun's Edge

>>20869481 Slovak PM Fico in a life-threatening condition, govt office says

>>20869507, >>20869691 PF Report: Russia/Gulf/Med/Europe: VP to Beijing

>>20869525 PF Report: Gitmo express on route….

>>20869531 Billionaire Frank McCourt's Project Liberty forms consortium to bid for TikTok's US operations

>>20869554 Lithuania and NASA sign space exploration pact

>>20869570 PF Report: Where they going? Russia special flight operations.

>>20869610 Saudi Space Agency, NASA Hold 'Beyond Earth: Journeys to the Stars' Dialogue

>>20869686 PF Report: E4-B doomsday up….

>>20869731, >>20869738 NASA Names Deputy Station Manager, Operations Integration Manager

>>20869757 PF Report: RCH616 C17 Globey departed Port Au Prince for Charleston,SC

>>20869806 15th SPSS innovates with Mount Official Scheduling System

>>20869813 Senate Majority Leader Schumer Unveils Artificial Intelligence Policy

>>20869840 POTUS Truth - It is my great honor to accept the CNN Debate against Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST PRESIDENT in the History of the United States and a true Threat to Democracy, on June 27th. Likewise, I accept the ABC News Debate against Crooked Joe on September 10th. Thank you, DJT!


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1b764f No.20869863

Garcia accusing President Trump of having "stolen" classified documents, documents he had a right to possess under the Presidential Records Act.

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d1adc2 No.20869864


wow, you're such a scholar

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5357a3 No.20869865

File: 19bacddedbe17b5⋯.jpg (76.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,ns.jpg)

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60fe54 No.20869866

>>20869736 Slovenia AF LSV101 Falcon 900 left Riyadh,SA NW


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1186e7 No.20869867


>come with tracking

anon every phone has this feature! Q said there was a phone present. every device is fully trackable to within 30 centimeters (1 foot) of it's location

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35111c No.20869869

File: 69df15bfbe738a5⋯.png (687.73 KB,668x854,334:427,9ea46b9b0174e91d49017e09dd….png)


and here NIGHT SHIFT always thought that you were an american

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5357a3 No.20869870

File: 844ca1f7a72ffa7⋯.jpg (358.79 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ManBatFrog.jpg)

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41ee61 No.20869871

File: 700b12e4323829a⋯.jpeg (251.82 KB,828x803,828:803,D7C7307C_F775_41F4_A738_4….jpeg)

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2d6cc3 No.20869872


>…Bakering now



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5357a3 No.20869874

File: 468834bd3f9b785⋯.jpg (631.64 KB,1500x1854,250:309,Patriot_Unit.jpg)

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41ee61 No.20869876

File: 7f1ed2233224780⋯.jpeg (47.56 KB,828x506,18:11,516D4930_572A_484F_A921_D….jpeg)

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f0c90b No.20869877


How to you corner/trap a dangerous animal.

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2d6cc3 No.20869878


>Garcia accusing President Trump of having "stolen" classified documents, documents he had a right to possess under the Presidential Records Act.


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5357a3 No.20869879

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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5357a3 No.20869880

File: e8350d7cfe85943⋯.jpg (383.48 KB,1800x1800,1:1,IMG_2043.JPG)

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61a131 No.20869881

File: e0a7ea84ef46047⋯.png (1.19 MB,720x745,144:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dfb8e3e8f7fc66⋯.png (1.16 MB,720x745,144:149,ClipboardImage.png)


you are a idiot.

very rare does anon get involved.

have no problems calling out bakers or anyone fucks with the notables and personally involved in feelz ignoring notable items.

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6fe69b No.20869882

File: 5a3c32a09143a9b⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,RT_Exact_moment_would_be_a….mp4)







Exact moment would-be assassin opens fire on Slovak PM Robert Fico



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