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File: 6eccc4fb95445e9⋯.png (678.49 KB,826x461,826:461,qrbannerflag.png)

544aea No.20869025 [View All]

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697 posts and 370 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a527bb No.20869827


>Look, I'm uniquely incapable of assessing the veracity of content online.

To be honest I've held conversations with some of my fellow uniquely incapable people and I've gotten confirmation and agreement from people as high as O-7 regarding our inability to assess the veracity of online content.

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41ee61 No.20869828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c366a No.20869829


As the price of copper rises, the possibility of this increases. Many homes and buildings will be stripped of wiring and plumbing. Only a matter of time…..

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f96cb1 No.20869830

File: 99d32281edbbce9⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB,638x360,319:180,Peter_Daszak_admitting_his….mp4)

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d1adc2 No.20869831


wank wong wonk wonk wonk

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41ee61 No.20869832

File: fe7174193836c20⋯.jpeg (454.15 KB,828x1094,414:547,D71DCF5F_5B70_4A85_96CA_D….jpeg)

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e4dd05 No.20869833


Can't Biden just pardon him?

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d1adc2 No.20869834


it's been already happening for a generation, anon.

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28f12d No.20869835

File: 24e4339034e30e4⋯.jpg (61.95 KB,600x450,4:3,5iq0mw.jpg)



Extreme comfy ahead

No life guards on duty

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a527bb No.20869836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I just can't, I think it's bullshit.

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60fe54 No.20869837

File: c031f7fa9e48744⋯.png (339.14 KB,394x394,1:1,861424B4_9F74_40B3_87A2_AE….png)


Sure breh

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a527bb No.20869838


You believe this?


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1d36f9 No.20869839


you are nuttier than the bitch you complain about. maybe you made her crazy. I don't give a shit about your problems. No one here does. fuck off to FB

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8c366a No.20869841

File: dea79b70d183a0a⋯.gif (885.86 KB,245x207,245:207,72B357BA_EB11_4EE8_9F8B_89….gif)

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61a131 No.20869842

File: 6229511647b1ad5⋯.png (597.48 KB,500x500,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



this is a free speech board

be a mangina.

it suits you..

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a527bb No.20869843


I have a bridge in Baltimore I'm selling…


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974211 No.20869844

File: 73675b990d737b5⋯.jpg (383.09 KB,1200x869,1200:869,whoisYfamily.jpg)


The progressives believe in no borders . anywhere. ever.


Did Q" ever ask "Who are the Y fam?"

Or just ask us to watch them and catalog who it is, and their connections?

Connect the dots?

Rocky's are a dot?


Barry, for sure.

Gaga …. behing 5 POTUS?

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d1adc2 No.20869845

oh the irony of a secretary of state playing the 'rockin in the free world' song in a bar in the capital of a warmongering dictatorship.

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544aea No.20869846

Last call

…Bakering around soon


#25596 >>20869031

>>20869084 Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances (RT)

>>20869115, >>20869120 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>20869133 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!

>>20869193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024

>>20869272, >>20869274, >>20869281, >>20869285, >>20869289, >>20869294 Swamp Schedule

>>20869316, >>20869353, >>20869396, >>20869415, >>20869448, >>20869465 Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

>>20869371 Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

>>20869407 Nationwide gold & silver tax cuts: 13 states scrap capital gains, Fed on high alert

>>20869411 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 15, 2024 - AR 3664 at the Sun's Edge

>>20869481 Slovak PM Fico in a life-threatening condition, govt office says

>>20869507, >>20869691 PF Report: Russia/Gulf/Med/Europe: VP to Beijing

>>20869525 PF Report: Gitmo express on route….

>>20869531 Billionaire Frank McCourt's Project Liberty forms consortium to bid for TikTok's US operations

>>20869554 Lithuania and NASA sign space exploration pact

>>20869570 PF Report: Where they going? Russia special flight operations.

>>20869610 Saudi Space Agency, NASA Hold 'Beyond Earth: Journeys to the Stars' Dialogue

>>20869686 PF Report: E4-B doomsday up….

>>20869731, >>20869738 NASA Names Deputy Station Manager, Operations Integration Manager

>>20869757 PF Report: RCH616 C17 Globey departed Port Au Prince for Charleston,SC

>>20869806 15th SPSS innovates with Mount Official Scheduling System

>>20869813 Senate Majority Leader Schumer Unveils Artificial Intelligence Policy

>>20869840 POTUS Truth - It is my great honor to accept the CNN Debate against Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST PRESIDENT in the History of the United States and a true Threat to Democracy, on June 27th. Likewise, I accept the ABC News Debate against Crooked Joe on September 10th. Thank you, DJT!


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41ee61 No.20869847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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20bf48 No.20869848


Those 0bama phones come with tracking devices on them?

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1186e7 No.20869849


add to that the ukrainian gubmint have been told to repay their loans

that's american and canadian money they are using with delicious kickbacks to the cabal

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41ee61 No.20869850

File: 8b15f026d318d7c⋯.jpeg (270.45 KB,669x849,223:283,2538B71D_15FA_4C62_BE30_8….jpeg)

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1d36f9 No.20869852


who's tha mangina? you are the one crying about baker not adding your self notable shit. you are a pussy trying to come off as "corp". fucking fag

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60fe54 No.20869853

File: 1bf15bac5c1f828⋯.gif (2.22 MB,498x298,249:149,9103AB03_B13A_4BDC_9330_A4….gif)

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61a131 No.20869854

File: 1b8846fe07c1bec⋯.png (2.03 MB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)



djt entering enemy territory.

cnn and abc.

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28f12d No.20869855


Prayers for that whole region

They want to start ww3

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e19f54 No.20869857


Read an article once about a scientist who studied South American indigenous tribes. Found no homosexuality in any of them. Concluded that it's not the result of nature, as it does not benefit the futures of those indigenous tribes. but merely an indulgence from the decadence of the privileged in a society. Wish I could find that article again.

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5357a3 No.20869858

File: e8f3ebacdb0d706⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1252x1252,1:1,bb6279e930064a32b973c4afe5….jpg)

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581a39 No.20869859

File: 1182d2ec6a1f183⋯.png (300.93 KB,1016x936,127:117,ClipboardImage.png)


>Public school has become a race to the bottom. Good for you for pulling your kids out of that shit.

'Nuff Said. I'll call a spade a spade and I'm fucking tired of Jews trying to indoctrinate the world in their Zionist, "Tikkun Olam" Noahide bullshit. They don't want to "heal the world." They want to control it and if they can't control it, they'lldestroyit.

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5357a3 No.20869860

File: 9a3d7c879826815⋯.jpg (123.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,818fa2dd1722b56f70e33235ab….jpg)

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2d6cc3 No.20869861


>Do you want me to pretend these are real people?

Well there will be awards at the end, so participation is required, but not mandatory


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544aea No.20869862

File: b4ac4c9a1c66341⋯.png (453.62 KB,833x630,119:90,21cf699a9c089f388dc506fa80….png)


...Bakering now


#25596 >>20869031

>>20869084 Zelensky postpones all foreign trips as Russia advances (RT)

>>20869115, >>20869120 Hearing on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

>>20869133 POTUS Truth - Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!

>>20869193 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 05/15/2024

>>20869272, >>20869274, >>20869281, >>20869285, >>20869289, >>20869294 Swamp Schedule

>>20869316, >>20869353, >>20869396, >>20869415, >>20869448, >>20869465 Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico rushed to hospital after shooting

>>20869371 Biden Ducks Official Debates, Wants 2 Instead of 3, Controlled by Friendly Media, Demands Earlier Schedule.

>>20869407 Nationwide gold & silver tax cuts: 13 states scrap capital gains, Fed on high alert

>>20869411 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: May 15, 2024 - AR 3664 at the Sun's Edge

>>20869481 Slovak PM Fico in a life-threatening condition, govt office says

>>20869507, >>20869691 PF Report: Russia/Gulf/Med/Europe: VP to Beijing

>>20869525 PF Report: Gitmo express on route….

>>20869531 Billionaire Frank McCourt's Project Liberty forms consortium to bid for TikTok's US operations

>>20869554 Lithuania and NASA sign space exploration pact

>>20869570 PF Report: Where they going? Russia special flight operations.

>>20869610 Saudi Space Agency, NASA Hold 'Beyond Earth: Journeys to the Stars' Dialogue

>>20869686 PF Report: E4-B doomsday up….

>>20869731, >>20869738 NASA Names Deputy Station Manager, Operations Integration Manager

>>20869757 PF Report: RCH616 C17 Globey departed Port Au Prince for Charleston,SC

>>20869806 15th SPSS innovates with Mount Official Scheduling System

>>20869813 Senate Majority Leader Schumer Unveils Artificial Intelligence Policy

>>20869840 POTUS Truth - It is my great honor to accept the CNN Debate against Crooked Joe Biden, the WORST PRESIDENT in the History of the United States and a true Threat to Democracy, on June 27th. Likewise, I accept the ABC News Debate against Crooked Joe on September 10th. Thank you, DJT!


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1b764f No.20869863

Garcia accusing President Trump of having "stolen" classified documents, documents he had a right to possess under the Presidential Records Act.

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d1adc2 No.20869864


wow, you're such a scholar

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5357a3 No.20869865

File: 19bacddedbe17b5⋯.jpg (76.93 KB,1280x720,16:9,ns.jpg)

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60fe54 No.20869866

>>20869736 Slovenia AF LSV101 Falcon 900 left Riyadh,SA NW


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1186e7 No.20869867


>come with tracking

anon every phone has this feature! Q said there was a phone present. every device is fully trackable to within 30 centimeters (1 foot) of it's location

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35111c No.20869869

File: 69df15bfbe738a5⋯.png (687.73 KB,668x854,334:427,9ea46b9b0174e91d49017e09dd….png)


and here NIGHT SHIFT always thought that you were an american

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5357a3 No.20869870

File: 844ca1f7a72ffa7⋯.jpg (358.79 KB,1280x1280,1:1,ManBatFrog.jpg)

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41ee61 No.20869871

File: 700b12e4323829a⋯.jpeg (251.82 KB,828x803,828:803,D7C7307C_F775_41F4_A738_4….jpeg)

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2d6cc3 No.20869872


>…Bakering now



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5357a3 No.20869874

File: 468834bd3f9b785⋯.jpg (631.64 KB,1500x1854,250:309,Patriot_Unit.jpg)

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41ee61 No.20869876

File: 7f1ed2233224780⋯.jpeg (47.56 KB,828x506,18:11,516D4930_572A_484F_A921_D….jpeg)

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f0c90b No.20869877


How to you corner/trap a dangerous animal.

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2d6cc3 No.20869878


>Garcia accusing President Trump of having "stolen" classified documents, documents he had a right to possess under the Presidential Records Act.


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5357a3 No.20869879

File: e8c2a8da497c6f7⋯.jpg (406.17 KB,1600x1000,8:5,end.jpg)

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5357a3 No.20869880

File: e8350d7cfe85943⋯.jpg (383.48 KB,1800x1800,1:1,IMG_2043.JPG)

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61a131 No.20869881

File: e0a7ea84ef46047⋯.png (1.19 MB,720x745,144:149,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9dfb8e3e8f7fc66⋯.png (1.16 MB,720x745,144:149,ClipboardImage.png)


you are a idiot.

very rare does anon get involved.

have no problems calling out bakers or anyone fucks with the notables and personally involved in feelz ignoring notable items.

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6fe69b No.20869882

File: 5a3c32a09143a9b⋯.mp4 (2.87 MB,1280x720,16:9,RT_Exact_moment_would_be_a….mp4)







Exact moment would-be assassin opens fire on Slovak PM Robert Fico



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