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File: e1513331ab1715c⋯.png (62.27 KB,255x171,85:57,ClipboardImage.png)

e72fb9 No.20867436 [View All]

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701 posts and 455 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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a2454f No.20868226

File: ff41055eadf1048⋯.mp4 (3.74 MB,640x360,16:9,_RealJamesWoods2.mp4)

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edeeed No.20868227

File: 820bcbb9782f838⋯.gif (58.56 KB,255x187,15:11,REEEEEEEEEBBBRRRRTTTTTTT2T.gif)



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cf0e22 No.20868228


Saucceee. You got exactly 1.5 minutes.

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a2454f No.20868229

File: 51941f5bc38f3fd⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB,1280x712,160:89,_RepMattGaetz_just_brought….mp4)

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a2454f No.20868230

File: 33a262e4503f15b⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,640x360,16:9,_SenRichardBlack.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868231

File: ef7fd220af3638a⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB,624x360,26:15,_TheNatPulse.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868232

File: c0dc8d18e337258⋯.mp4 (13.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,_Jussie_sLawfag_.mp4)

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cf0e22 No.20868233


#25594 >>20867451

>>20867533 Putin Plotting 'Physical Attacks' On West, UK Intelligence Warns, Amid Spate Of Mystery Arsons

>>20867556, >>20867856, >>20867759 Rest In Piss: Reuters / The Guardian

>>20867585 Absentee ballot mail-in issues identified in Muscogee County ahead of upcoming election

>>20867598 NTSB releases preliminary report on Baltimore bridge collapse

>>20867601 Sam Altman: Ilya and OpenAI are going to part ways

>>20867621 Aaron Rodgers and Tucker remind everyone that Ghislaine Maxwell was indicted for trafficking children

>>20867622 Dave Brat: “The American People Have Shifted $150 Trillion Of Gross Domestic Income From Their Wages To The Rich Capitalist Class Capital”

>>20867626 Snopes Changes Fact Check of Ashley Biden Diary from ‘Unproven’ to ‘True’ After Journal Authenticated in Letter to Judge

>>20867634, >>20867755 Refresher: Stormy Daniels has a brand mark from Keith Ranier's NXIVM human trafficking cult

>>20867643 Did you see the photos from the Trump Rally in DEEP BLUE New Jersey?

>>20867647, >>20867666 A US Army ammunition plant in Oklahoma is expanding to at least triple its monthly production of America's biggest non-nuclear bomb

>>20867654 Abbott Trolls CA Over Police Officer Exodus to TX: 'Never Forget the Leftist Policies That You Fled'

>>20867683, >>20867742, >>20867985 Marketfag

>>20867694, >>20867785 Taxpayers fund the dangerous garbage fed to minors

>>20867698, >>20867773, >>20867824 Massive X8.7 solar flare occurred a few minutes ago, the most intense of this solar cycle

>>20867708 Two Virginia universities scrap DEI requirements after Youngkin audit

>>20867726 MIT Hired Six New Diversity Deans - Two of Them Are Serial Plagiarists

>>20867734 Kash Patel: Senior Military Officials Intentionally Delayed National Guard Deployment on January 6th

>>20867736, >>20867981, >>20867991, >>20867993, >>20868023, >>20868053, >>20868054, >>20868092 Coronation before Death?

>>20867737 Manbun Moustache explains GameStop

>>20867739 CAIR Official Dawud Walid: Campus Protests Are An Opportunity For Us To Invite People To Join Islam

>>20867746 New York City Housing Authority to remove security guards at crime-ridden senior buildings

>>20867754 $AMC is still halted - it has been halted more than 17 times today

>>20867770, >>20867791, >>20867879 It's so obvious that they can't even deny it anymore

>>20867774, >>20867836, >>20867862 Michael Cohen is now admitting he had meeting with the NY AG’s office and the DA as far back as 2018, in relation to the trial

>>20867796 Steven Laws group just announced yesterday $70 million backing Senate races

>>20867842 Biden: I just imposed a series of tariffs on goods made in China

>>20867851 Biden Border Bloodbath: Illegal Alien From El Salvador Murders West Virginia Woman by Lighting Her on Fire

>>20867854, >>20867858 Newly-elected President of Panama, José Raúl Mulino says he will close the Darien Gap to migration

>>20867866 Major Helsinki cyberattack targeted tens of thousands

>>20867867 Planefag

>>20867869 National Center for Missing and Exploited Children / CyberTipline

>>20867896 Ordinary people standing up against the corruption of the judiciary

>>20867936 Charleston, WV: Two-term Governor Jim Justice has won the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate

>>20868026 (2019) Theologians accuse pope of heresy

>>20868044, >>20868133 ICYMI: Ashley Biden, daughter of Joe Biden, confirmed the authenticity of her diary

>>20868071 Jimmy Carter's grandson says the 99-year-old president is 'coming to the end' after more than a year in hospice care

>>20868073 Rep. Chip Roy Discusses The Push For Illegals To Vote In Washington D.C.

>>20868116 Andrew Giuliani Gives Updates On Michael Cohen's Testimony Live From NYC


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a2454f No.20868234

File: c5971e9ea332e60⋯.mp4 (241.57 KB,640x360,16:9,_DS_.mp4)

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284727 No.20868235

File: 894945a15464a8d⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,270x480,9:16,Valentina_Gomez_is_running….mp4)

Something bout her, I like.

Valentina Gomez is running for Missouri Secretary of State

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a2454f No.20868236

File: 05d8cdb9fec5f1b⋯.mp4 (2.15 MB,320x180,16:9,_FakeNews_.mp4)

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3c9f7d No.20868237


I’ve had that so long, the sauce is lost.

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a2454f No.20868240

File: 78b2db160a1fb89⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,640x360,16:9,_Holder_Asset_.mp4)

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b3e342 No.20868241



Just write a script that tags all of Newsbot (50+)'s posts automatically next time.

Unless that's what you already did and if so well played.

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8df762 No.20868242

File: 0d369a6cdc53e05⋯.jpeg (597.11 KB,2460x1106,1230:553,IMG_0432.jpeg)

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16a6e0 No.20868244

File: 6b5f2bf4139d6ba⋯.jpg (10.14 KB,225x225,1:1,sbw.jpg)


what bridge?

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a2454f No.20868247

File: 3677c77ba65c99c⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,_Knowingly_.mp4)

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b42f35 No.20868248



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95e879 No.20868249


Bimbo foods did the same thing last month with Their Bread outlets.

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530ea3 No.20868251

File: 3c604ce6f02263c⋯.gif (3.38 MB,396x223,396:223,5885F602_47F0_4739_98CD_01….gif)

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a2454f No.20868252

File: c939de19800c8dd⋯.mp4 (7.59 MB,720x720,1:1,_PP_.mp4)

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cf0e22 No.20868253

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77db00 No.20868254

File: b656fc184d1a6b5⋯.png (378.52 KB,756x598,378:299,witches.png)


The Witches of Breastwick

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a2454f No.20868255

File: d93d08a69e986b9⋯.mp4 (5.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,8kun.mp4)

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3c9f7d No.20868256


My knee grow!! Sauce.

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a2454f No.20868258

File: 558eff0b5b13d26⋯.mp4 (13.07 MB,640x360,16:9,8Kun_Keks.mp4)

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b42f35 No.20868259



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245b59 No.20868260


Not sure.

Maybe once they have kids who are Bar Mitzvahed and Bat Mitzvahed, they get accepted into the fold.

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fe8cb7 No.20868261

File: 2367341be8aae74⋯.jpg (21.05 KB,474x266,237:133,tictactoe.jpg)

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a2454f No.20868262

File: 29d9528d8da3385⋯.mp4 (14.02 MB,1066x600,533:300,8KUN_Last_place_on_earth_f….mp4)

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60244b No.20868263

File: dcab9c91fd53709⋯.png (117.47 KB,613x556,613:556,ClipboardImage.png)



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cf0e22 No.20868264


Did not execute in time I'm afraid. I'll make another bun out of it sometime. Saved the sauce and pic.

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a2454f No.20868266

File: 66091d5b9c272f2⋯.mp4 (1.19 MB,478x270,239:135,marina_lying_as_usual.mp4)

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a2454f No.20868267

File: a6df7168b1f7322⋯.png (3.87 MB,2600x2600,1:1,45DChess.png)

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cf0e22 No.20868268


Post first notes @ like 500-550, like, all of the time.

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a2454f No.20868270

File: 3f95ffa146f766c⋯.png (708.68 KB,854x600,427:300,2019_01_19_10_20_24.png)

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b3e342 No.20868271



I'm just wondering with old Jews is it like

Yay! Ivanka is one of us now.


Eh, not sure I trust the bitch.

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a2454f No.20868272

File: 6a72704ccc7f73e⋯.png (185.97 KB,285x290,57:58,2019_05_12_09_27_52.png)

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a2454f No.20868273

File: cf987b6051e8046⋯.png (401.71 KB,897x648,299:216,6000_Breads.png)

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a2454f No.20868274

File: e4368c5f695aa6e⋯.png (1.51 MB,900x800,9:8,bread4965.png)

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a2454f No.20868275

File: 493c695bc74d428⋯.png (1.48 MB,900x800,9:8,bread4966.png)

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9803c8 No.20868277

File: 76d0fb9541558cc⋯.jpeg (135.97 KB,1080x1092,90:91,IMG_1401.jpeg)

File: 11ba74336f286d0⋯.jpeg (54.59 KB,640x360,16:9,IMG_1400.jpeg)





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a2454f No.20868278

File: 1e3916cafafe516⋯.png (1.65 MB,900x800,9:8,bread4967.png)

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245b59 No.20868279


Maybe it depends on how much money they bring into the clan.


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a2454f No.20868280

File: 2ba439eaef1ba87⋯.png (1.5 MB,900x800,9:8,bread4968.png)

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a2454f No.20868281

File: cde8a065e895d3a⋯.png (2.21 MB,1199x850,1199:850,CollageB4337_6.png)

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0cc030 No.20868282

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a2454f No.20868283

File: a15537c17f87342⋯.png (463.4 KB,800x800,1:1,Thanks_Bakesy.png)

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a2454f No.20868284

File: 6e3c781c3a7ae4e⋯.png (229.82 KB,467x307,467:307,6e3c781c3a7ae4ef61bf8c71e8….png)

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643edd No.20868285

File: 6386c2638670ed4⋯.png (125.74 KB,434x610,217:305,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80d06e4dcc8f154⋯.png (75.6 KB,735x545,147:109,ClipboardImage.png)

Over $13 Million Paid Out In Vaccine Injury Claims In Australia

The Australian government has paid out $20.5 million (US$13.2 million) in COVID-19 vaccine injury claims to people who experienced harm from the jab.

Services Australia data provided to The Epoch Times reveals 6.82 percent of claims have been compensated so far, that is 286 out of 4,191.

“As at 31 March 2024, the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme has received 4,191 claims and paid 286 claims to the value of around $20.5 million,” a spokesperson said.

“Services Australia expects to receive new claims until the COVID-19 Vaccine Claims Scheme’s end date of 30 September 2024.”

The updated figures up to the end of March, follow a submission to the government’s COVID-19 Inquiry, revealing it had paid $16.9 million worth of claims up to the end of November 2023.

The federal government is due to deliver a budget for 2024/2025 covering all government agencies in the evening on May 14.




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