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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, Q_Anon Flag.png)

78dce8 No.2084294

Welcome To Q Research General

Integrity--for in Truth lies Victory.

Please Read Our Designated Disclaimer https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095

Discussion and Refinement bread for Best Q Proofs >>1739215


Q's Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

78dce8 No.2084339


are not endorsements


>>2075736 CM is investigating the cause behind the broken catalog, thank you CM!

>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident'


>>2084145 Solicitor General, Francisco will be Rosenstein replacement if he resigns or is impeachedThanks

>>2084043 Graphic Analysis - Are we all connected?

>>2083670 These people have to be defeated (It is the Washington Times and they are talking about (((Them))))

>>2083654, >>2083666 Media Disinformation, Government Propaganda, And The Lie Of A Free Press in America


>>2082856 This Just In: HRC & Bill Clinton Reportedly Flying, >>2083005, >>2082956 Delta Flight 3451 To NY, >>2083172 Passengers Noticed, >>2083198 What does it mean?,>>2083221 Happened Before

>>2082875 New KinderCare Learning Center Openng July 9th in DC

>>2082954 Who is DOMEX?

>>2082982 Christians could vanish from Middle East due to 'murderous indifference' of world govts, Pope warns

>>2083194 Israel Warns: We will not allow Gaza to be rebuilt

>>2083202 AP reporters gave the access code for Manafort's storage locker to the FBI

>>2083222 Digs on Joseph Bistro: Eight of his addresses are at the Walt Disney Studios on Buena Vista

>>2083267 POTUS Tweets: Iranian Harassment of U.S. Warships Score

>>2083297 GIVE NOW Immigrant Charity With Pedo Symbol in Arizona

>>2083341 Sources confirm: Theresa May accused & demanded to be ejected Out Of Office, >>2083363 Because of Brexit Fuckery

>>2083399 CRISPR Crashes After Study Highlights Potential Cancer Risk From Gene-Editing

>>2083419 Dig on WWF & The Club of Isles

>>2083503 Australia Will Fine Parents Twice A Month If They Don't Vaccinate Their Kids

>>2083529 Dawn Sturgess, who was exposed to nerve agent Novichok in Amesbury, Wiltshire, died.

>>2083557 #2627


>>2081909 Train Derailment In Turkey, >>2082011

>>2082053 The Franklin Disgrace: Yuge Pedophilia Scandal and Cover-up inside the Bush Senior White House

>>2082095 Turkey "Dismisses" 18,000 Civil Servants for Alleged Terror Links

>>2082204 Ramin & Amjad Hossein Panahi, Iranian Brothers & Political Prisoners, Execution Imminent

>>2082347 Next to SEX&EX & IPO Shareholder, There is Pizza MOMO Restaurant Fuckery

>>2082338 Children From a church in Bradenton Florida Stuck in Haiti, >>2082373, >>2082593, >>2082474

>>2082520 Clinton Foundation/USAID Industrial Park "Caracol" in Haiti.

>>2082531 Diplomats Reporting Illness Due To 'Sonic Attacks'

>>2082655 Trump Freezes Billions In Obamacare Payments, Outraging Insurers

>>2082743 #2626


>>2081289 Massive Rainfalls Cause Havoc In Western Japan

>>2081294 Planefag Notables, >>2081368, >>2081761, >>2081777, >>2081783

>>2081342 Updates On The Syria-Turkey Border

>>2081353 Q's that the UK Government MUST answer, >>2081821

>>2081376 HopSkipDrive: Kid Shuttle Service (For Children 6+)

>>2081384 Links to connections related to KIND and The Florence Project

>>2081408 Correction: Trump-Russia-Oligarch’s Influence story (tl;dr It was the investement firm (Columbus Nova) headed by Vekselberg's cousin, Andrew Intrater, that hired Cohen, NOT Viktor Vekselberg)

>>2081409 1,2..43: On Nunes Investigation into Obama DOJ, >>2081472 Nunes Speaks On The Subject

>>2081426 Giuliani: No Cohen concerns ‘as long as he tells the truth’

>>2081446 Off to Europe: Trump to meet worried NATO heads, then Putin

>>2081477 Dutch carrier KLM says it will halt flights to Iran

>>2081583 What's going on in Haiti?

>>2081606 Norway: Islamic Man Tries to Rape Daughter after she became "too westernized"

>>2081639 Illegal Immigrants Act Like Scumbags In Italian 3-star Hotel

>>2081653 HRC/Perkins Coie/Crowdstrike Graphs

>>2081664 Storm Approaching Haiti

>>2081675 Hispanic Job Numbers Under Trump On The Up And Up

>>2081689 America For Sale: Anon Digs on HRC's Very BAD Behaviour On 2.12.09 (Smart Meters, A123 Systems & Related Fuckery), >>2081809

>>2081775 We Need To Dig On Ownage SEC&EX & IPO Shareholder, >>2081632 It's A Live CP Streaming Website?

>>2081847 US servicemember killed in apparent insider attack in Afghanistan, >>2081854 Honor The Fallen Heroes

>>2081943 Devin Nunes: Trump should declassify '100 percent fraudulent' FISA warrant for Carter Page

>>2081931 #2625

>>2078786 #2621, >>2079644 #2622, >>2082748 #2623/24

>>2081478 Notables List #2606-#2620

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

78dce8 No.2084345

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

78dce8 No.2084348

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

78dce8 No.2084397



f80eee No.2084419

File: f2de65d25307ba9⋯.jpg (44.47 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 2dn08c.jpg)

bf2f12 No.2084424

File: bedf2229680765f⋯.gif (2.85 MB, 385x530, 77:106, bakergirl5.gif)

thank you for the next bread post baker!


cc0d24 No.2084425

File: d7305b21c4f1a3a⋯.jpg (60.81 KB, 607x760, 607:760, qtruck.JPG)

Check out the Q semi!!

Moving billboard


54b479 No.2084426

File: a6461d8e883d66d⋯.jpg (61.97 KB, 668x500, 167:125, DanQjipVwAEHXLB.jpg)

ty baker

19992d No.2084427

File: 47167ec1192314f⋯.png (156.65 KB, 895x655, 179:131, 2016-05-20 Racism is neces….png)

random redpill: racism and survival

9a5205 No.2084428

File: 433652d3a105473⋯.png (403.35 KB, 717x509, 717:509, ClipboardImage.png)

Sick fucks. Half of California needs to sink. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/california-university-encourages-child-sex-play-tells-parents-to-let-kids-w

4607c7 No.2084429

File: 2c05f05bd1d5cce⋯.jpg (17.21 KB, 255x191, 255:191, brainwashing101.jpg)


And yet (((they))) still push the pic related bullshit.

Also, great bread, Baker.

be21de No.2084430


Domestic Intelligence Exploitation Program, or Domex. (It’s different from the Domex run by Homeland Security.)

I’m told it’s a longstanding and top-secret operation that taps personnel from various spy agencies — but is independent. That gives each agency the ability to deny it is in on it.

The secret Domex operation is reportedly used to keep tabs on US citizens, a practice that’s illegal.

https:// nypost.com/2018/01/15/beware-of-new-secret-domex/

Dig It.

35b7ad No.2084431

File: ac67a64aeeb77b5⋯.jpg (153.21 KB, 900x600, 3:2, bike.jpg)

ty baker

e1f818 No.2084432

File: 01d9bb66236c667⋯.png (53.15 KB, 667x883, 667:883, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d41eeb195a1909d⋯.png (531.43 KB, 648x783, 24:29, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51224caffb4e8b7⋯.png (29.71 KB, 660x629, 660:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cbf404902ad87f⋯.png (31.29 KB, 602x777, 86:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 04d78a56640c121⋯.png (219.41 KB, 697x916, 697:916, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump, US Navy Say ‘Zero’ Harassment of US Ships by Iran, Twitter Reacts


bcf747 No.2084433

File: 6558f5738682929⋯.jpg (69.79 KB, 564x752, 3:4, BB1.jpg)

Times are troubling but you on the ball Baker. Big time. Therefore a BIG


19992d No.2084434

File: 55d148ed539930a⋯.jpg (2.49 MB, 1570x6466, 785:3233, 2016-05-26 The War on Drug….jpg)

random redpill: The War on Drugs - Oxytocin, Cultural Marxism vs the West, and their Synthesis

8cadd9 No.2084435

File: cb175eae3914a3d⋯.jpg (153.93 KB, 803x904, 803:904, 3.JPG)

File: 5d414bad54f426c⋯.jpg (120.44 KB, 788x719, 788:719, 4.JPG)

Mother Teresa charity home accused of 'baby trafficking'


22ca40 No.2084436

Graham: ‘China’s Hands’ All Over North Korea Rebuke of Negotiations

8 Jul 2018

On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said the trade war between the United States and China caused China to make North Korea say Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was “gangster-like” during the nuclear negotiations.

Graham said, “I see China’s hands all over this. We’re in a fight with China. We buy $500 billion worth of goods from the Chinese. They buy $100 billion from us. They cheat, and President Trump wants to change the economic relationship with China.”

He continued, “So if I were President Trump, I would not let China use North Korea to back me off of the trade dispute. We’ve got more bullets than they do when it comes to trade. We sell them 100 billion, they sell is 500 billion, we can hurt them more than can hurt us. All we are looking for is for them to stop cheating when it comes to trade. If there is no doubt in my mind that it’s the Chinese pulling a North Koreans back. And to our North Korean friends, I can’t say the word ‘friend’ yet. You asked Pompeo: ‘Did he sleep well?’ If you knew what I knew about what we could do to the leadership of North Korea, you wouldn’t sleep very well.”

https:// www.breitbart.com/video/2018/07/08/graham-chinas-hands-all-over-north-korea-rebuke-of-negotiations/

8febad No.2084437

File: 7bf61587ca05174⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 255x160, 51:32, c41fe8327d1cc9823b1ba54c11….jpg)

Baker is doing an AWESOME job!!

Keep em bakin!

466656 No.2084439

In Previous bread we had this post:

>>2083897 Anon claims high IQ on Meyers-Briggs Personality Test…

I am an Educationfag, former ITFag, and am very well trained in intellectual development. I figured I'd take the opportunity to educate y'all a bit on a few things related to this.

First of all, IQ is an almost meaningless measurement in the way most people think of it. IQ is a measure of how well you assimilate information. By this, I mean, how well you can connect dots, take new information and apply it to other information you already know, etc…

What many don't really grasp is that it's not a measure of how "smart" you are, it's a measure of how smart you are capable of being in a given situation. It doesn't account for lack of knowledge in certain areas… nor does it really account for your ability to learn by reading, or in any other modality.

Another common misconception about IQ is that it's static and immutable. IQ is actually pegged to your age. As you get older, if you stay at the same level of IQ, your IQ score actually drops. You're expected to progress in capability as you get older (through to adulthood, where it levels off).

The thing is, there's more to "intelligence" than simply IQ… IQ is a measure of just ONE form of intelligence. If you know anything about education or human development, you've likely been taught about "Gardner's Intelligences".

There are 9 of these. IQ is a sort of hybrid measure of both Spatial and Logical/Rational intelligence. IQ is highly correlated to spatial intelligence, and is very much about "pattern recognition".

A good way to think about it is like this: Think of someone who is not very well educated, but everyone says they have "street smarts". That's high interpersonal and natural intelligence. There are people who can't put 2 and 2 together without coming up with the answer of "potato", but can play musical instruments and understand music very well on an intuitive level.

Body/kinesthetic intelligence is found in those people who are amazing at sports, doing complex magic tricks, gymnastics, etc… these people know what's going on with every muscle of their bodies at all times, and have complete control of each of them.

In a way, the Meyers-Briggs Temperament Indicator (MBTI) mirrors the Gardner's Intelligences. Different MBTI TYPES are going to map to having different combinations of high scores on the different Gardner's Intelligences.

Anyway… just FYI… I now return you to your regularly scheduled troll posts and shill fuckery.

81a47e No.2084440

File: 37b675cfb657ad0⋯.png (829.47 KB, 499x724, 499:724, 1530598660456.png)

8e3221 No.2084441

>>2084299 (lb)

Stormy in jail directing porn?

81c31e No.2084442

File: 709caeb5d69beee⋯.png (294.16 KB, 890x1218, 445:609, ThinkMirror2.png)

Think Mirror Explained

I've noticed a lot of anons are showing signs of confusion when it comes to the term Think Mirror. It is very plain English and there is not much mysticism behind its definition.

Think Mirror is only displayed in two drops or three if you count a reply from Q onto a previous drop stating, Think Mirror.

Think Mirror is a reference to Side by Side Graphics to unlock the MAP or Graphic (Q drops).

Remember that you have more than you know.

The MAP or Graphic, provides the Picture.

The Picture provides 40,000km view.

40,000 km view is classified.

The people backed by POTUS and the Military are the keystone, to decode the MAP, the Picture, the 40,000 km view.

Reposting for optics sake to help alleviate any confusion and to focus efforts/connections made by anons

This post is feature in Notables and will be reposted throughout the day to ensure latecomers have the opportunity to understand the meaning of Think Mirror

>>2084365 (PB Late Notables)

52558e No.2084443

File: b4ac0515a9b756d⋯.png (205.39 KB, 614x459, 614:459, Screenshot_152.png)

File: 5b1542edb9d95f0⋯.png (177.85 KB, 613x452, 613:452, Screenshot_153.png)

File: a12ac7e27fb5fb1⋯.png (508.18 KB, 614x458, 307:229, Screenshot_154.png)

File: c324a029f08822a⋯.png (111.49 KB, 959x984, 959:984, Screenshot_155.png)

The occult and how it's being taught in



8e3221 No.2084444



5f0c0a No.2084445

>>2084131 (lb)

Africa has yuge problems of Jihadists..

4607c7 No.2084446


Translation. Chinese black hats are pushing against Xi and running their mouths and influence to try and worsen the situation…at least on media.

(((they))) and their pawns are STUPID.

bcf747 No.2084447

File: 6626b4b5fc07efc⋯.jpg (135.54 KB, 823x513, 823:513, You'll have to pay sir.jpg)

File: e79200947543d55⋯.jpg (133.6 KB, 650x488, 325:244, snakes on a plane.jpg)

File: 377e0340d76d5a2⋯.jpg (89.03 KB, 623x446, 623:446, MIghty have fallen.jpg)

Too much material here…

ffc837 No.2084448

File: 1cc76d02b6342a3⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 606x437, 606:437, eatmuchoshiznot.jpg)

8cadd9 No.2084449

File: b184b94ad56e14b⋯.jpg (121.51 KB, 836x703, 44:37, 5.JPG)

One of those thousand points of light?

Charity Spotlight: Operation Underground Railroad Gala Nets $300K


34532b No.2084450


“The Hot Haitian Summer”

Crooked Cabal Cooked

5d8864 No.2084451

File: 108506343b583fa⋯.jpeg (111.45 KB, 1440x870, 48:29, 1531005781.jpeg)

466656 No.2084452

File: 0a2a5966a451181⋯.png (74.5 KB, 1000x998, 500:499, 9-types-of-intelligence-in….png)


Oops, forgot… pic related.

fcd401 No.2084453


Quads confirm.

Thank you baker, you rock!

78dce8 No.2084454


Added After I Baked, Didn't want to Bake late as this was my 1st time to Bake without the catalog:

>>2084277 Think Mirror Explained

>>2084145 Solicitor General, Francisco will be Rosenstein replacement if he resigns or is impeachedThanks

>>2084043 Graphic Analysis - Are we all connected?

>>2083670 These people have to be defeated (It is the Washington Times and they are talking about (((Them))))

>>2083654, >>2083666 Media Disinformation, Government Propaganda, And The Lie Of A Free Press in America

>>2084365 #2628

dbdadf No.2084455


High IQ but can not distinguish between here and hear. Got it.

22ca40 No.2084456

File: 17af9bfb1baf68e⋯.png (414.29 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

North Korean Media Shows Hard-Working Dictator Covered in Dirt

5 Jul 2018

North Korean state media suddenly began depicting dictator Kim Jong-un covered in dirt this week, in a comically obvious bid to make the notoriously delicate leader appear hard-working and deeply in touch with working people.

“State TV on Monday showed Kim inspecting a factory, the seat of his pants smudged with dust. He was visiting a chemical fiber factory in Sinuiju, North Pyongyang Province near the border, and had been sitting on a cement ledge looking serious as he talked to factory managers,” South Korea’s Chosun Ilbo reported on Wednesday.

This is quite different from Kim’s previous media image as a “stiffly immaculate” god-king and his less widely publicized “horror of dirt,” which extended to demanding a sterilized pen and chair for the signing of agreements with President Donald Trump at their summit in Singapore.

https:// www.breitbart.com/national-security/2018/07/05/north-korean-media-shows-hard-working-dictator-covered-dirt/

79e607 No.2084457


Intelligence is what an intelligence test measures.

43121b No.2084458


damn she looks just like my first love. when she smiles esp.

b92c2a No.2084459

File: cd1fd9630b9ce9d⋯.jpg (72.07 KB, 720x720, 1:1, IMG_1268.JPG)

File: c5f8e59734de0a7⋯.jpg (89.8 KB, 504x550, 252:275, IMG_1417.JPG)

19992d No.2084460

File: 3b4cdf4e41dcba5⋯.png (183.46 KB, 1266x579, 422:193, 2016-06-03 Humans should l….png)

File: f39d054169d8f47⋯.png (44.94 KB, 1266x348, 211:58, 2016-06-03 Humans should l….png)

File: aee5dd7a25a33c3⋯.png (79.33 KB, 1266x575, 1266:575, 2016-06-03 Humans should l….png)

random redpill: Humans should live in small towns, not cities

f80eee No.2084461

File: b9a74543c87a593⋯.jpg (44.02 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 2dn0kv.jpg)

466656 No.2084462


LOL, yeah, i saw that…

BTW, it wasn't me that posted that original post… just commenting on it.

7f9e9d No.2084463

File: 4e5760531f16188⋯.png (127.39 KB, 499x669, 499:669, IMG_1988.PNG)

202b37 No.2084464

File: 17c54c2c749333f⋯.png (568.06 KB, 605x594, 55:54, Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at ….png)

f5c04f No.2084465

File: 2a7cbe17da38750⋯.png (139.99 KB, 458x371, 458:371, ClipboardImage.png)

5d8864 No.2084466

56296e No.2084467

File: 401f9fb69396fec⋯.jpg (148.94 KB, 671x537, 671:537, Pepe ruffian.jpg)


>Check out the Q semi!!

Yeah, truckers love Trump. Let's see the soy boyz key this rig! Kek.

04337e No.2084468

SITREP: GateKeeper: _A0-3959X.91–15_Accept


All_Sys_Go: [Kestrel_Eye]

[*] Absolute panic.

Too many loose ends.

War counsel about how to respond to release of _____ execution evidence.

Disposal of bodies evidence.

Financial crimes in unreleased offshore accounts.

Market manipulation.

Human trafficking.


37ea68 No.2084469

File: 5c759388b25c71d⋯.png (118.21 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

f80eee No.2084470


They seem pretty relaxed as Haiti burns

7f9e9d No.2084471

File: a11eaf6760059e2⋯.png (188.23 KB, 500x517, 500:517, IMG_1986.PNG)

Thank you, Baker!

b92c2a No.2084472

File: 6fd7ef72164a264⋯.jpg (52.44 KB, 534x592, 267:296, IMG_1049.JPG)

c9bc4f No.2084473

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

After watching the video on DJT's tweet i had to watch this again, if you havent seen it and have 35 mins to spare give it a watch, you wont be disappointed.

35b7ad No.2084474


>Intelligence is what an intelligence test measures.

i'd like to see a wisdom test

19992d No.2084475

File: 9e18faf03a28ff0⋯.jpg (109.26 KB, 960x742, 480:371, 1969-03-11 Activities Rele….jpg)

random redpill: population control agenda from 1969

43121b No.2084476


holy chit, is this real, no shop?

so this was my theory... the cabal had potus. knew he was going to be pres and so did high up brass. high up brass approached. potus went with the good guys.... yeaaaaaaa!!!

b92c2a No.2084477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

202b37 No.2084478

>>2084455 re: the IQ post.

You DO know it was a joke post, right?

ce4f9d No.2084479

File: 25e272d12b076b5⋯.jpg (99.33 KB, 354x581, 354:581, SS-89.jpg)

>>2083726 lb


>Q is trying to teach us the basics of stage magic. Because when you are fighting a REAL war against an evil adversary, you cannot afford to fuck around. You need to bring out your BEST people and that means the stage magicians. These are the people who will win your war.

Well put. And/or those who can deconstruct the stage magic that is playing-out against us in near-real-time (or sooner?) and then communicate to others in a digestible fashion.

See blue box for desirable qualities. Full book download:



482a07 No.2084480

The opioid crisis is fake news.

It's just another way for (((them))) to control us. The number of people suffering because they cannot legally get what they need, is the only thing that makes it a crisis.

3628ed No.2084481


How come when a nation or state hits an IQ below 97, civilization ceases to exist?

ff6925 No.2084482


nope, he posted it.

52558e No.2084483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Even though a cartoon…this is pretty terrifying.

I never thought of it before when I was a kid!

8cadd9 No.2084484

File: 9ae74af57bfca01⋯.jpg (155.25 KB, 948x892, 237:223, 3.JPG)

File: d2103189a27fa32⋯.jpg (136.4 KB, 908x607, 908:607, 4.JPG)


More on the Mother Theresa Home.

280 babies missing? Why CBI needs to probe Missionaries of Charity scandal


10b903 No.2084485


My biggest problem with it is you get halfway through it and realize it wasn't a shitpost after all

b92c2a No.2084487

19992d No.2084488

File: 1e0cbb197fcc6c7⋯.jpg (998.93 KB, 1568x2146, 784:1073, 2012-12-24 The social just….jpg)

random redpill: the Social Justice movement exists to protect Wall Street

43121b No.2084489


thats what i asked, was it a real post.

536bea No.2084490

File: 9703d3f0cd795d0⋯.jpg (148.37 KB, 666x500, 333:250, fucked.jpg)

1489fa No.2084491

File: 9919dc305f67e5f⋯.jpg (381.36 KB, 1329x893, 1329:893, Tell the truth.jpg)


13314e No.2084492

Old mil intel fag here. You've got to look at what your data tells you objectively, even when it suggests something you don't want to hear. This place rees like a misgendered lib if anyone, no matter how articulate, goes off script. That said, if I were crooked and needed to get somewhere in an environment where chartered airplanes seems to drop out of the sky at an alarming rate, I might suck it up and travel with a bunch of delorables.

a11e3c No.2084493

File: 3680cfa08095249⋯.png (627.87 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 917ffe808a0ea29bbd1ef9fb58….png)


Anon you are very informative but you are also refuting an anonymous comment from a delusional anon and sliding the bread.

You're clearly an intelligent person. Why don't you pick a research area and see what you can turn up?

We're not here to argue, but to dig Q's crumbs.

Information war takes place in your mind. Fill your mind with positive true information and you change your and our world.

19992d No.2084494

File: c7654bb71c6ef27⋯.png (120.4 KB, 991x502, 991:502, 2013-02-19 The only differ….png)

random redpill: the only difference between German and American concentration camps during WWII

bb70c5 No.2084495

File: 9d61bec62130fae⋯.png (283.92 KB, 550x440, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

Our master troller POTUS! lmfao

Love him so much!

Trolling is fun!

8e3221 No.2084496


I have seen that post before. (or one very similar)

Kind of like the guy who posts the "tough guy military gonna kick your ass" post.

Funny all the mistakes for a "high IQ" poster. kek

7f1d74 No.2084497


Low IQ people got triggered. KEK

43121b No.2084498


i love this too!!!!!!!!!!!

35b7ad No.2084499

38a100 No.2084500

File: ee6444ad3ff5b4f⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Donald J. Trump (@realDona….mp4)

a11e3c No.2084501

File: fdeb8cd3d41593f⋯.jpg (1.23 MB, 3570x1579, 3570:1579, schumannR.JPG)

File: 135c3aef41d52b0⋯.jpg (974.02 KB, 3577x1175, 3577:1175, schumannR2.JPG)

File: da39dbdd399a452⋯.jpg (215.33 KB, 3536x345, 3536:345, schumannR3.JPG)

Schumann resonance?

52558e No.2084502

File: 065496dc5f89a73⋯.png (170.43 KB, 1231x846, 1231:846, Screenshot_139.png)

(You) storm

I screen capped.

Never had a (You)



34532b No.2084503


States well. ThanQ

ff6925 No.2084504

File: 6cd60f02a10718e⋯.jpg (45.25 KB, 580x357, 580:357, real.JPG)


completely real

b92c2a No.2084505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

b91f65 No.2084506

File: 885f7c078d13fd2⋯.jpg (48.44 KB, 360x360, 1:1, death-cult-caca-up-down-le….jpg)


when this is all over can we be pen-pals?

7f1d74 No.2084507


People hate IQ talk because it's the one thing you can't work hard at to improve. You either have the genes or you don't. Triggered!

3df9ef No.2084508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Watch and Weep !!! With You Always.

8a7811 No.2084509

very nice :)


3b11a9 No.2084510

File: 044ea83d66b82fe⋯.jpg (32.57 KB, 890x526, 445:263, qpostjul42018.jpg)


This post has java "code," i.e. False True (1) [here] … could the reference to "mirror" be java code applied to message he is giving … just a thought

19992d No.2084511

File: b3373c389c1b260⋯.jpg (1.43 MB, 1840x4672, 115:292, 2014-12-24 The frightening….jpg)

random redpill: the frightening depth of this Rabbit Hole

b92c2a No.2084512


are you a trannyshill?

ca8e50 No.2084513

File: 8b894b702b761e4⋯.png (629.27 KB, 600x699, 200:233, 8b894b702b761e48828d0f26a2….png)

52558e No.2084514

File: 0314a70d5ad5d11⋯.png (1.04 MB, 743x531, 743:531, Screenshot_26.png)

9938bf No.2084515

File: e65826debc29673⋯.jpg (47.79 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, bait2.jpg)


The post you replied to is a copypasta. It has been posted here periodically at least half a dozen times that I recall. It always contains misspellings and it always says it had a "high score" on Myers-Briggs (which does not have high and low scores). That copypasta is designed to elicit responses from anons.

It is a shill. Therefore I award you with a bait for replying to a shil's bait.

Do not reply to shills.

98ba0d No.2084516

>>2084417 (lb) ←-ditto anon… saw it too… I made the graphic

thought it might be relevant… in hindsight wish I would have take more time, neatened it up and put more it…. have more screen shots from that night… she had a lot to say

>>2084302 (lb)

049e6e No.2084517

File: eeaf608bc33c779⋯.png (803.57 KB, 1048x1036, 262:259, 10832468003986536874678299….png)

b91f65 No.2084518


makes perfect sense.

they won't kill me if i'm mixed in with these sheep.

19992d No.2084519

File: fdd8a577809f093⋯.png (474.2 KB, 915x1161, 305:387, 2014-12-31 On violence.png)

random redpill: Violence

dbdadf No.2084520


Yeah just like the Guerrilla (Gorilla) warfare one…

7c9652 No.2084521


Covered a couple of months ago. Everything is a vibration.

There are good vibrations (kek) and bad ones.

That's how everything is connected.

8e3221 No.2084522


One of those posts was mine.

b92c2a No.2084523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

37ea68 No.2084524

File: e49de5d1b100bee⋯.png (577.08 KB, 634x647, 634:647, ClipboardImage.png)

this one from the daily farage…i mean mail.

f70478 No.2084525


Despite the Lafontant government's concession to public pressure, the anger and remains.

The government GAVE IN and did not raise the prices.

No-one told the mercenaries to STOP destroying the town.


13e98e No.2084526

>>2084384 (all PBs)

>Common Core system is deliberate poison

you have NO idea how right you are. Not doxing myself but CC is not only a cancer, it's DEADLY mind bending asshattery. Researcg who came up with it...who pushed it...watched 1 history book go from a applicable blurb on each world religion, to a wee blurb on all religions, and an entire chapter...on Islam.


>So, my father believes that it was an angel

entertaining angels unaware :)


> Do you think they were meeting with someone they didn't want the SS to know about?

pretty sure they ALWAYS have a tail...did you spot Hill glued to her phone? KEK.


That post doesn't make sense to be LDR...it seems FAR from NWOrderish...


different ID this actually could be LDR taunting Q


>I don't have to wannabe a loser. I AM a loser, faggot.

I wouldn't equate wealth to loser...after all some of the wealthiest people in the world are truly losers and horrible people. No matter how much, or how little $$ you have, be a decent person. You're here...and that tells me you're a winner!

2e4a0f No.2084527


Thanks for the input, gotta look from all angles. Tunnel vision spells failure.

b91f65 No.2084528

File: 1a61583acf3ce86⋯.jpg (42.4 KB, 391x270, 391:270, talktomee.jpg)

File: 2219578961e7272⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, little devils church from ….jpg)


no, i just think you're funny.

and i looked up that church you posted a while back. couldn't really figure out what it connected with.

536bea No.2084529


great way to start the week, WINNING.

358d74 No.2084530


No e.bot that's not leafy

366b06 No.2084531


Wave Particle Duality.

ce4f9d No.2084532

File: 82a37d9ae0bf309⋯.jpg (47.36 KB, 809x455, 809:455, Melania Trump at opioid cr….jpg)


Talk to FLOTUS about that one.


19992d No.2084533

File: 98d169f438e202d⋯.jpg (228.45 KB, 1271x613, 1271:613, 2015-08-21 Transgender red….jpg)

random redpill: Transgenderism

7c9652 No.2084534


>children, here's a crash course..


99b48f No.2084535


Photoshopfag needs to make those O’s into Q’s

202b37 No.2084536


But, wouldn't you at least go First Class instead of Comfort Plus?

3628ed No.2084537


She has Bill trained well. He even carries her purse. Probably because she would fall over, but still.

35b7ad No.2084538


i have the brain power i need so np,

point is there are very intelligent, dishonest and morally corrupted people running things atm, therefore what is needed is wisdom

but u get that, u are intelligent

33fa3e No.2084539

File: 401567602c0ce65⋯.mp4 (6.84 MB, 426x240, 71:40, The real story in Nantes[3….mp4)

File: 28bbee4f718833d⋯.jpg (35.88 KB, 448x293, 448:293, Nantes1-448x293.jpg)

Five nights in a row now the city of Nantes in France is burning and the MSM is silent in most of Europe, extremely silent, deafeningly silent.

A cop shot a black unemployed delinquent by mistake after which the cité, the no-go zone if you will, the brownies hood, the migrant community, the new French citizens quarter erupted in violent protest. In the fifth night things start to get more organized as criminals on motorbikes take down camera-masts with cuttingwheels. In previous nights the library was burned down, a cop was shot at with a .22 (did apparently not penetrate his helmet all the way through) and most shops were taken down and plundered/demolished, exept the neighborhoods halalshop of course.

The socialist mayor is said to have sided with the jihadis.

Things seem somehow to be going downhill from here as some see the chaos spreading to other "sensitive zones".



b92c2a No.2084541


they call it the devils church, whom remail anyways

10b903 No.2084542

File: c6b832c992076d2⋯.jpg (63.2 KB, 474x468, 79:78, DoYouEvenLiftBro.jpg)

2ab713 No.2084543


Firstly, high IQ fags tend to not broadcast it because they like to hide it unless in safe company where they will let their intellect shine by discussing various things rather than comparing scores.

Secondly, some intelligent folk are thinking about something else while typing about something else, so they may make grammar or spelling mistakes.

Basically, stop trying to validate yourself. You've been watching Goodwill Hunting too many times. Learn, have fun, and work and fight for morality and a better world.

8e3221 No.2084544


She looks like an oral surgeon in that get-up.

5f9f40 No.2084545

File: 59923aedf9d2673⋯.png (138.13 KB, 944x808, 118:101, 5.5.png)

How does one 'force' the question with no outside comms?

Is this possible?

How many people are on the Q-team?

Can this number grow?

Why are we waiting for this question to be asked?

What would happen if this question was asked?

What is [[their]] greatest fear?

An awake public?

How does the public awaken en masse?

You have more than you know.

You have more than you need.

The stage is set.

What are we waiting for?

What makes a great movie?

Can a movie be great without an audience?

Why hasn't the show started yet?

The stage is set.

The audience has yet to assemble.

How does one 'force' the question with no outside comms?

482a07 No.2084546


I can disagree with flotus and still love her.

c61a23 No.2084547


That Clinton pic is irrelevant. Whatever the reason, it's not worth all this energy, so it seems like a distraction, just like so much on the board lately. It seems like the real big stuff is whatever is about to go down in Europe, especially the U.K.

The most relevant news article has been that one talking about "rehearsals" for the Queen's death.

I've found a little group of UK TwitAnons who are VERY convinced something HUGE is going down in the UK very soon. Talk of a new party being unveiled on the 13th, and one of them even hinting he may be the Party Leader? Also talk of pedophilia scandals about to rock several parties all at once.

This user has been talking Q speak for some time. There are several other accounts talking about the same thing.

I wish we had more people on this.

19992d No.2084548

File: ba330bc18041057⋯.png (141.2 KB, 1862x763, 266:109, 2015-09-13 Cultural Marxis….png)

File: 63b3b4eaf2d20cf⋯.png (149.38 KB, 1861x854, 1861:854, 2015-09-13 Cultural Marxis….png)

random redpill: Cultural Marxism was a response to the flaws of orthodox marxism

43121b No.2084549

File: 7b62ce579fc83d2⋯.gif (716.73 KB, 1226x815, 1226:815, boomboomgif.gif)

File: db9800a7c17f0f4⋯.jpg (211.22 KB, 968x681, 968:681, badabingbadaboom.jpg)


love it, boom

37ea68 No.2084550

File: 626301a7f51a70b⋯.png (579.2 KB, 649x659, 649:659, ClipboardImage.png)

69462a No.2084551

File: 6222cabdc81c607⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1920x1336, 240:167, randy.png)

7a30c5 No.2084552



7f1d74 No.2084553


Regard the LDR, stuff, you'd have to search the archives for all the context to confirm it for yourself. There was more, but that was what I found useful and copied to a text file.

202b37 No.2084554


What does the "Paid" refer to?

7f9e9d No.2084555


Maybe sold out.

43121b No.2084556


nice anon

99b48f No.2084557


Kekekek. Love it, thank you.

02868c No.2084558

File: 7cf7820ca38bbaf⋯.jpg (37.74 KB, 720x540, 4:3, kekestrel.jpg)


I found the kestrel…..

I give you credit around here for using 'loose' instead of 'lose,' though. Noice to see.

5546c2 No.2084559


Bill carr>>2084537

ies Hillary's purse because she's carrying the tent.

c61a23 No.2084560

File: 6942cc374d3ec0d⋯.png (218.04 KB, 510x377, 510:377, british_fight.PNG)

This bitch.

5fbc46 No.2084562


Did the old man look like John Podesta?

Maybe the boomerfags in your fam are in a ring

54b479 No.2084563

Fresh #WalkAway story


88b04c No.2084564

Thanks baker

b92c2a No.2084565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

69462a No.2084566

File: ffdd0e983045ecc⋯.jpg (54.71 KB, 424x417, 424:417, ldrgrouch.jpg)



she is anon, just like us. kek

ca8e50 No.2084567

File: d1a0d32bbb12787⋯.jpg (58.31 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ac23f51cd7eb91d593762c8f93….jpg)

9938bf No.2084568

File: 0e4a224fee05d07⋯.jpg (482.86 KB, 1916x978, 958:489, 2018-07-08 22:42:57Z.jpg)

File: e0c7b758e0ab3e0⋯.jpg (317.79 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, KAFNightRecon.jpg)

Planefag status update.

Have been watching civilian helicopters over CONUS on and off today to get a better idea of what is "normal" if there is any such thing. Also logging registration Nos. to learn more about who is operating helicopters.

There are 67 civilian choppers up right now and that is about the same number all day long.

We need to monitor some evenings/nights and weekdays as well, before we conclude what is "normal".

If the number suddenly increases we will scramble planefags and start monitoring closely for possible extractions again.


f784ad No.2084569

1200a9 No.2084570


The more you push this, the more I am

"No thank you, I'll just wait for the cliff note version"

13e98e No.2084571


I do realize that but reading the sections (in white) were 100% contrary to the NWO agenda..in particular the banking stuff? I agree on the quotes in color…was she just doing C&P of the based info…for some reason?

52558e No.2084573

File: 9316f9adb958f3f⋯.png (225.06 KB, 598x467, 598:467, Screenshot_156.png)

c70169 No.2084575


proverbs 9:10

psalm 111:10

d53b1e No.2084576

File: 3341273938798d7⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 500x645, 100:129, patton pointer.jpg)

19992d No.2084577

File: 02390d21690617c⋯.jpg (2.01 MB, 3000x4500, 2:3, Before and after - Communi….jpg)

random redpill: how cultural marxism in universities changes people

78dce8 No.2084579

Baker Here

On the notable about POTUS Schedule lb, Didn't Q rt that? I thought he offered it some credibility…

Now folks saying it run by an Anon

Clarification please?

43121b No.2084580


lynn if u repent

id tear that up good for ya one time

202b37 No.2084581


Or called Hazing for Newbies.

f3b8e3 No.2084582

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

honestly ive found that serial brain 2 came up with the best solution for the recent Q drops

sauce: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ww882/trump_has_just_validated_q_at_the_great_falls/

bd97c0 No.2084583

File: 97a91d2cf06fcc5⋯.png (302.02 KB, 564x680, 141:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f444abbde0017f2⋯.png (224.35 KB, 564x680, 141:170, PR.png)


I think the bigger picture is who posted it, Phillippe Reines.

a11e3c No.2084584

large if not LARP


166f37 No.2084585

File: 3815f8f73cda8ce⋯.png (409.55 KB, 1100x726, 50:33, POTUS-Troll.png)


The comments are priceless.

b92c2a No.2084586

File: 35da49aef3c5e2a⋯.jpg (41.99 KB, 670x346, 335:173, IMG_1282.JPG)

File: f09c52f6e5423b0⋯.jpg (187.49 KB, 1079x1534, 83:118, IMG_1283 (41).JPG)

File: f7d005e1176e5de⋯.jpg (60 KB, 938x930, 469:465, IMG_1288.JPG)

ca8e50 No.2084587

File: 85eb11067ddce21⋯.png (336.18 KB, 715x443, 715:443, 85eb11067ddce214f41e496356….png)

74a776 No.2084588

f784ad No.2084589


Yes I agree, I am from Europe. I think it would be a good idea to try and cover these stories a little more, might help reach newbies and discover more stuff.

37ea68 No.2084590

File: 9ecd9a7ccfef1e5⋯.png (726.83 KB, 877x1043, 877:1043, ClipboardImage.png)

eef5c0 No.2084592

File: b5e22e81d09f14f⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 940x529, 940:529, Spain.jpg)




Autist are the easiest to fool. They don't understand the bigger picture. They all work on a little piece of the puzzle.

Anyways I'm looking at the situation in Syria right now to decide who is Really in control and who is lying. If the present administration cannot control it's own operative in foreign land then they don't control anything!

Action are way more important than all the intellectual masturbation that is going on here.

10b903 No.2084593


>That Clinton pic is irrelevant

Yeah, just a rapid-fire crowd-sourced confirmation of a trending twat. No good skills ever come out of that huh?

>I wish we had more people on this.

Dig come back and bla bla bla about it and who knows maybe you're on to something.

b91f65 No.2084594


yeah. found it on the map.

couldn't decide if it was special because of a person, or a place, or just a wild goose from a botty friend.

19992d No.2084595

File: c60c7c73299cd51⋯.gif (43.83 KB, 827x628, 827:628, the command in the second ….gif)

random redpill: the command of the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights

466656 No.2084596


Oh, I knew it was a copypasta the moment I saw it… I just figured it was a good segue into a discussion about REAL intelligence… because I'm bored that way…

But what I really wanted to talk about was how ten years ago a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem and no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the A-team.

f5c04f No.2084597


I was asking myself the same question.

38a100 No.2084598

File: 914f9852cca2ee5⋯.webm (7.18 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Liveleak.com - President ….webm)

Who's your Daddy?

f70478 No.2084599


It's an act…poor, poor us…

52558e No.2084600

File: 2daa925ae1267ea⋯.png (580.67 KB, 624x583, 624:583, Screenshot_157.png)

56296e No.2084601

File: 7b83e577c18d383⋯.png (748.98 KB, 800x820, 40:41, Pepe VC.png)




>Yeah just like the Guerrilla (Gorilla) warfare one…

Shhh, I'm watching the guerilla channel.

0c79c3 No.2084602



aff60f No.2084603

FFS, Dumbasses: Might one think that the very first measure of intelligence is being able to distinguish satire from truth?

All these MBTI "look how smart I be" responses to one of the funniest send-ups ever posted here.


7f1d74 No.2084604


We don't broadcast it because people will either say we're lying, consider us arrogant, or consider us some kind of existential threat. They may also become insecure and go over all the things they are better than us at (sports, sense of direction, artistic ability, social ability, working memory, life choices etc, etc, etc.) This is an anon forum, so I really don't give AF what anyone says or thinks. Also, less reason to lie or be called a liar when you will never know who I am anyway.

Would never give my score in public unless someone was already impressed by something I did, and I trusted them, and they asked me.

b92c2a No.2084605




incoming ilynnisansulttotrannys

0c79c3 No.2084606



b9f457 No.2084607


Yeah, i couldn't get the entire thing to fit in Snipping Tool.

6ef83b No.2084608


>It is a shill.

Incorrect. The post is a temperature gauge of the level of newfag/retardation present in the thread. Quite effective.

b92c2a No.2084610


foolish german wedding in the far far past

f784ad No.2084611


Those are edited O's anon.

482a07 No.2084612


Kek kek kek

5c2c92 No.2084613


Shitposting from the highest office in the land from the most powerful man on the planet. KEK.

0c79c3 No.2084614



bf2f12 No.2084615



19992d No.2084616

File: f3b33afb08326db⋯.png (28.18 KB, 796x437, 796:437, 2014-04-11 Culture is carr….png)

random redpill: Culture is carried by the father

eef5c0 No.2084617

File: dfb25dd9f8dbc33⋯.jpg (59.93 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, hot sauce.jpg)


Ok beside plying to our confirmation bias…. Anything factual to back this up.

This is not CNN bitch!

13e98e No.2084618

File: 75683aacc2fc848⋯.jpg (859.71 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, pic search8.jpg)

Hey guise do we have any SHIPFAGS here? I'm still digging on this ship (pic related) I cannot seem to find the owner…

here's all I've found so far

*608248 HUNTRESS I 89.8 98.78*New Brunswick MA

in earlier breads someone was dropping pics that seemed a bit spoopy…"Huntress"…"Slaves of the Sea"….and this pic appears to have been taken through a windshield or something that has that UVA protection. If you want to see the other pics, I'll drop them, but at the moment this one is the only one relevant unless we find something else.

My first dig attempt was complete and total fail..so don't bother with Leslie P….LOL once I actually looked through the pics…and saw their "Huntress"…KEK…definitely NOT our ship.

If it's nothing, it's nothing, but I'd like to be sure.

1200a9 No.2084619


I saw that and another I can't find now because it is buried

A few minutes ago, almost all of the comments were positive and pro Trump

Now it is Russia Russia Russia

Obviously the Dems called out their attack dogs

One of POTUS' best tweets yet

69462a No.2084620

File: 240212ca95290f7⋯.jpg (93.72 KB, 770x450, 77:45, trumpmelania1commercial.jpg)

6d9ea9 No.2084621


Q got her sandwitched, kek

202b37 No.2084622


Going camping - Hillary with the tent, Bill with the Duffle Bag.

0754db No.2084624


how do you define arms?

81c31e No.2084625

File: fd5f4171d13e156⋯.jpg (477.47 KB, 1388x1080, 347:270, 0171a96b4b3b6b5749a4f68419….jpg)


Not a problem at all, Baker.

You're doing a great job, stay sharp!

We are the onez

abbfca No.2084626


That's KARMA

And it's pronounced



90ae80 No.2084627


perhaps learn to spell and grammar properly before insulting people

or continue being a stupid faggot

either way

7c9652 No.2084628


This is good. It correctly shows why the People have an absolute personal right to keep and bear arms.

88b04c No.2084629







949114 No.2084630


HFS! Didn't know there was a High IQ Slide in this park!

bcf747 No.2084631

File: 5971d8168e206c4⋯.png (271.13 KB, 699x419, 699:419, No Adreno.png)

32d72e No.2084632

File: a4e3d63ce20f1df⋯.jpg (7.4 KB, 255x143, 255:143, fb56bb00ec5afa70273f462797….jpg)

b92c2a No.2084633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

13e98e No.2084634


Shooped, but hysterical!!!

e2c77b No.2084635

File: 560df48496ade11⋯.jpg (163.85 KB, 960x712, 120:89, Gorilla Ballet.jpg)

ca8e50 No.2084636

File: 192ae4282b2021b⋯.jpg (259.01 KB, 1440x819, 160:91, 192ae4282b2021b6c88f97c310….jpg)

02868c No.2084637


Thanks for the material.

Gonna do the Qs and add in some fun later.

b91f65 No.2084638

File: 2096254453ace63⋯.jpg (338.21 KB, 692x606, 346:303, little-devils-church-from-….jpg)



43121b No.2084639

File: 6a0d2e851b707fd⋯.jpg (149.14 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, winning.jpg)

466656 No.2084640

File: 5bdbcb4a0477758⋯.jpg (21.85 KB, 640x582, 320:291, 12118599_532311636933563_5….jpg)

19992d No.2084641

File: 09b7e70031b8d07⋯.png (151.74 KB, 1200x1620, 20:27, Ted Kaczynski on Leftists.png)

random redpill: Ted Kaczynski on Leftists

13e98e No.2084642


any asshole knows…only Goatsee is notable.

a11e3c No.2084643

Someone post the collected #walkaway videos - noteable a collection

976852 No.2084644

File: 7b54776c69b2f71⋯.png (716.13 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, PurpleBag.png)

Could it be this simple/good?

US Marshall escort?

52558e No.2084645

File: f2f6f341f906184⋯.png (126.46 KB, 508x332, 127:83, Screenshot_57.png)

aff60f No.2084646

File: 5d003e5da5bb13f⋯.jpg (545.53 KB, 1067x530, 1067:530, ShittySlideAttempt.jpg)

7f9e9d No.2084647

File: 804b9abbbaafeef⋯.jpg (315.56 KB, 749x1001, 107:143, IMG_1898.JPG)


I wouldn't mind having a tank.

b59a86 No.2084648

File: 3a292743509d104⋯.jpg (15.51 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 84087df87c6a362e5350c8512c….jpg)


each day my sympathy for the liberals grows less

b92c2a No.2084649


the brothers

976852 No.2084650

Breaking: helo crash Williamsburg, VA

2ab713 No.2084651

>>2084409 (lb)

Condolences from a fellow ENTP

My room looks like a tornado went through it. I start three projects before I finish the last 5, I remember to eat when my stomach is crying, and that's basically it. I was going to say something else but I just lost my train of thought. I type it again if I remember.

10b903 No.2084652


You guys aint doing shit until Footie Cup is over you semi-finalist luck of the draw limey bastids.

43121b No.2084653


my thoughts exactly

said 2 breads ago

482a07 No.2084654


Seriously, I wonder who the business manager is for them. They've got to have all the sauce.

7c9652 No.2084655



7fc067 No.2084656

Fox - Helicopter crashed into bldg near william and Mary in Williamsburg

e5d7ab No.2084657


"Little Devil's Church"?

5546c2 No.2084658


Hillary, we're gonna wipe that smile right off your fucking face.

466656 No.2084659


Verily, thou hast cut me to the quick, and shamed me with your words.

37ea68 No.2084661

File: a2024e9b6a04f64⋯.png (1.05 MB, 630x913, 630:913, ClipboardImage.png)

0d6929 No.2084662


And as a part of the POTUS Twiter feed, technically a government document, which has to be preserved by law, that video will now be immortalized in the history books for the next thousand years.

7f1d74 No.2084663


She was gloating. Throwing our (perceived) ignorance in our face.

7a9ce5 No.2084664

File: 69cac11fcf971e7⋯.jpg (3.17 MB, 2048x7167, 2048:7167, AFLB.jpg)

File: 5504ffcef1e4af4⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1083x1600, 1083:1600, BB20.png)

So far all you've done BO, is Lie.

Why is that?

34532b No.2084665


They ARE NOT asking for or signing autographs!

1d0198 No.2084666

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Serial Brain 2, whomever he is, is one special, epic autists dude.

For those who are about to flood me with

"But he might be CIA, be careful who you follow"

Q has linked us to Serial Brain 2's work before

so don't be too snow flaky to take a listen.

This video is the latest post dropped by Serial Brain 2, someone with a great narrator voice has been making vids reading out Brains work.

I suggest you take a moment to listen to this one.

This is some Super Saiyan Autist right here

Qanon - Trump has just validated Q at the Great Falls rally and gave us the solution to Q1675!

0c79c3 No.2084667


>how does one force the question

>how many people are on the Q-team

>can this number grow

Potentially many, depending on definition

every anon here?

can grow? yes if above is true

>why are we waiting

>what would happen

chain reaction


time needs to be right

>why hasnt the show started

>wheres the audience

>has yet to assemble

they'll assemble when qanon hits the mainstream

aka when the question gets asked

so the penultimate question is

>how does one force the question

>with no outside comms

>is it possible

i cant answer this, because I can think of a million ways to get people to start talking about Q

depending on how much power you use

unless its simple a challenge to us to go make noise

i think some of us are trying that

c16d0b No.2084668

File: 7f9e9f095b518c3⋯.gif (5.17 MB, 512x288, 16:9, 4DC51D76-E066-4F7A-B3BD-5F….gif)

bfbe06 No.2084669

How can it be that an Ex-President is flying commercial without SS protection? I mean, they are protected for life so even if their assets are frozen, did it freeze their protection as well?

Some kind anon, help me understand…please.

52558e No.2084670


Wasting away into

a pile of vile,


reeking FLESH!

That's what happens



who are

in withdrawal!

aff60f No.2084671


I'm a body language reading expert.

She's clearly, on a subconscious level, attempting to create distance between her olfactory bulbs and her nasty snatch.


e2cd12 No.2084672

File: ffb1d35f5e122b5⋯.jpg (26.61 KB, 350x331, 350:331, venezuela-gun-ban-e1530215….jpg)


Pic related.

Good for redpilling cause and effect of 2nd amendment issues.

c7dca5 No.2084673


They are wearing the same pants, jacket, collar pin.

43121b No.2084674


military or another medi?

7c9652 No.2084675


They still paying $14.50?

6ef83b No.2084676


Also, I may add, it is not copy pasta. I write it fresh each time. You can go back through the archives and verify this. It started as a riff of the Rick and Morty high IQ copy pasta. But it is never copy and pasted. Always fresh for the tards.

b91f65 No.2084677


ebot posted it weeks ago. i found it, asked about it - nothing. today he broke character and gave me more clues.

read back. ebot fucking knows his shit.

3628ed No.2084678

File: 087f457c72a792e⋯.png (14.95 KB, 290x174, 5:3, worstnamefag.png)


Gee, I wonder.

c70169 No.2084679

File: 5c8ec8daa455b8b⋯.jpg (116.14 KB, 800x528, 50:33, namefag.jpg)

File: a7f2493e8964a76⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 640x427, 640:427, arrrgh.jpg)


She's a gone'r.

34532b No.2084680


Photofags determine pins?

976852 No.2084681


I'm old and slow.

You young whippersnappers with your interwebs, tweeters, facehooks, instachats…

0754db No.2084682




so corporations can have their own armies?

0c79c3 No.2084683


Tell POTUS to do a Q&A with THE PEOPLE


cc0d24 No.2084684


paid sign holders

it was a story back then

541f9a No.2084685


BIG dudes wearing the same outfit. Definitely something is up.

d46ec0 No.2084687


Search gargle using her registration number (608248) and name. Quite a few items. For example:


e5d7ab No.2084688


I've been noticing instead of filtering lately

166f37 No.2084689


Probably their USSS detail.

0c79c3 No.2084690


POTUS twitter Q&A possible?

Reddit AMA?

35b7ad No.2084691

File: 6738923a10fa544⋯.png (122.71 KB, 677x600, 677:600, en.png)


>Condolences from a fellow ENTP

u are needed here anon

43121b No.2084692


damn thats all? i figured it up a month or so ago…

id be at around 80k by now, they work cheap

063dce No.2084693


This is FAKE and GAY

You need to learn how to VERIFY your sources

Before you reflexively post

And show how damned stupid you are

All of you…


No Q's on the floor. None.

0c79c3 No.2084694


Anyone else w/ ideas?






37ea68 No.2084695

File: ded95890659e095⋯.png (22.88 KB, 971x183, 971:183, ClipboardImage.png)

3df9ef No.2084696

Wish I'd been here for the Pre Presidential Debates Anons. Watching POTUS KILL HRC all over again…..

bb70c5 No.2084697


>The socialist mayor is said to have sided with the jihadis.

That's a shock!

0f2734 No.2084698

98aac6 No.2084699

>>2083221 Happened before

^^Broken link in NOTABLES fixed.

Wheres SS? shouldn't they be accompanying them?

dcdaa6 No.2084700

File: fea8854235730ed⋯.png (121.33 KB, 823x539, 823:539, dopeInc.PNG)


Opioid war has been raging for centuries. Crown cabal versus the rest of us.

2ab713 No.2084701


I'm better at the big picture rather than the small details.

37ea68 No.2084702


you da dummest muddafucka on heya daday

0f2734 No.2084703

File: 5d515a1b8a581ab⋯.jpg (446.69 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, trump in the hall of the g….jpg)

8e3221 No.2084704

File: 7180f6cfbf22eca⋯.jpeg (10.72 KB, 181x278, 181:278, 1.jpeg)

19992d No.2084705

File: fdc462dc745d326⋯.png (398.56 KB, 732x2251, 732:2251, 2013-11-24 History of Rhod….png)

Random Redpill: History of Rhodesia

52558e No.2084706


It doesn't matter if

the question is asked

for us, Anon.

cc0d24 No.2084707


Look a triggered liberal

38a100 No.2084708

File: 52966481ca4214a⋯.jpg (121.34 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, AcostaCrayonEater.jpg)

34532b No.2084709


Banned bc of response to ebot

Funny shit though

I now who bv WAS…

063dce No.2084710


Stop being brainless followers.

Stop posting knee-jerk reflexive responses.

The crumbs are messages

We read the messages

They are facts

The messenger, Q is a LARP

He is not important

Facts are important

They are in the crumbs

And they are on websites all over the web

We search

We hunt

We investigate

We do not follow

Because we do not know where we are going

Or what the road is to get there

We are the explorers

The surveyors of unknown territories

We are the builders of the roads

We are the drawers of the maps

We do the work


By the sweat of our brows

Call us Q tracers if you will

But not followers

YOU are the followers

You see our tracers glowing

As they race through the jungle of information

You follow our bright sparks

We light the way

We are the Q tracers


76ec6b No.2084711




That's what people who suck at everything say. FAGGOT

78dce8 No.2084712



>>2082856 This Just In: HRC & Bill Clinton Reportedly Flying, >>2083005, >>2082956 Delta Flight 3451 To NY, >>2083172 Passengers Noticed, >>2083198 What does it mean?, >>2083221 Happened Before

>>2082875 New KinderCare Learning Center Openng July 9th in DC

>>2082954 Who is DOMEX?

01c290 No.2084713

>>2084545 It would appear it is for Anons to complete the mission of the awakening… get loud…

52558e No.2084714

File: b5fc1b756acc497⋯.png (704.95 KB, 831x450, 277:150, Screenshot_144 - Copy - Co….png)

0c79c3 No.2084715


Have to worry about optics though..

and culpability




someone else try.

37ea68 No.2084716

File: 24c4273ac82b991⋯.png (70.94 KB, 314x266, 157:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4bdfb30fd28860c⋯.png (845.91 KB, 1005x953, 1005:953, 4bdfb30fd28860cce082437de7….png)


Like this:

b59a86 No.2084717

anyone else starting to think leaf was the clowns inside man

and now that they have nobody on the inside theyre freaking out

1200a9 No.2084718

File: e7ff08db66fc577⋯.png (41.02 KB, 662x338, 331:169, POTUS Schedule 7-8-18 3 08….PNG)

POTUS Schedule Comments

Sunday, 08 July 2018

Light up the dark side. Tell a Liberal the truth.

Saturday, 07 July 2018

Make the vision a reality. Keep America Great.

Friday, 06 July 2018

Truth, righteousness, and sacred honor.

Thursday, 05 July, 2018

Disinformation sometimes uncovers the real truth

Wednesday, 04 July 2018

Stand for what is right. Stand for what is true. Stand up for the red, white, and blue.

Wednesday, 04 July 2018

Stand tall for liberty. Stand tall for freedom. Stand tall for Old Glory and its most hallowed tune.

Tuesday, 03 July 2018

We The People - all races, all colors, all creeds, all religions are the MAJORITY that will Make and Keep America Great.

Monday, 02 July 2018

We The People speak TRUTH to expose LIBERAL LIES.

Sunday, 01 July 2018

We The People LIGHT up the darkness of LEFTIST HATRED.

Saturday, 30 June 2018

We The People are the LIGHT, We are the TRUTH, We are the MAJORITY

Friday, 29 June 2018

The TRUTH is spreading, we are the majority.

Thursday, 28 June 2018

Shine light on the Left - "The TRUTH is out there"

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Fantastic day - We are winning!

No comment on the 26th except RT of POTUS


Monday, 25 June 2018

Be alert, remain vigilant, stand together

Sunday, 24 June 2018

Many are we, united one and all, divided we fall

Saturday, 23 June 2018

Respect the truth - It will prevail

Friday, 22 June 2018

6de937 No.2084719



8a7811 No.2084720

i can see someone who really pays attention infact so much so

you could say you are "glowing"

it was altered intentionally dummy :)


7a9ce5 No.2084721

File: 94657234d0c8985⋯.jpg (256.98 KB, 697x972, 697:972, TruthIsInDanger.jpg)

Abuse isn't Training..

76ec6b No.2084722

bf2f12 No.2084723


fuck yo copypasta faggot

166f37 No.2084724

File: 71e1712b79756b9⋯.jpg (231.4 KB, 1100x735, 220:147, POTUS-headache.jpg)

5d8864 No.2084725

File: cd93ba332254b4a⋯.jpg (43.83 KB, 1429x356, 1429:356, IMG_20180415_071300.jpg)

43121b No.2084726


lol funny anon

f3d149 No.2084727


I think the question is….


A reporter ask for the 40,483 docs to be unsealed.

517743 No.2084728

Fucking kek, just read the notables with HRC and Bill flying commercial.

33fa3e No.2084729


trolling has now reached a new dimension.

I first checked the twatter of Donald as I couldn't believe it was real. It is! Congratulations Mr President, The Simpsons are now part of the official record.

19992d No.2084730

File: 90cdef3037e7107⋯.png (608.69 KB, 1486x1669, 1486:1669, 2016-07-25 Biological basi….png)

Random Redpill: the Gender War

661ec8 No.2084731


I so want to go Demonrat on them and urge "anyone who sees these people in public..." but Alas, trying to stay patient and await the day of the ROPE.


13e98e No.2084732



THANKS I'll try again…I'm thinking duckduck might not be the best for this sort of thing.

HOLY..this might actually be something…the US gov…auctioned her off…digging for why/who …


440b2c No.2084733

File: 2e9534229e5b79d⋯.jpeg (37.06 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 18BC49B1-7726-4C78-BD8B-F….jpeg)

File: 39a6b18aeab8ac8⋯.jpeg (27.3 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 58C6450C-8489-4B10-85CD-5….jpeg)

bf2f12 No.2084734

>>2084718 List of POTUS Schedule Comments

NOTABLE BAKER (was posted too late last bread)

166f37 No.2084735


sorry Anon,


was meant for someone else…

8e3221 No.2084736

File: 23ba3320971188c⋯.png (66.23 KB, 554x400, 277:200, 1473433322140.png)

81c31e No.2084737

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

43121b No.2084738

omg, not another f r

stop now

b92c2a No.2084739

32d72e No.2084740

File: d12697adffe9aa2⋯.png (377.63 KB, 465x584, 465:584, TrumpFuckoff.png)

10b903 No.2084741

File: 3a608049faa1538⋯.jpg (110.42 KB, 894x671, 894:671, stomacake__v1.JPG)


VIDEO Originated from this IG User


3a886b No.2084742

File: e9559ded40a4929⋯.gif (101.56 KB, 657x527, 657:527, 1530663897140.gif)


Beautiful collection of Schedule comments.


b59a86 No.2084743


better theory

potus is 50 year + mole

and was born to end them

bcdbf9 No.2084744


More like 'con air'

13d7c3 No.2084745

File: b79d973cebcf0a9⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Beverly on Twitter We were….mp4)



d46ec0 No.2084746


Duck duck isn't great for heavy duty searching. Much as I hate all things gargle, have to use it for serious digging.

080d98 No.2084747


There was one last night too in Chicago. fucking weird

063dce No.2084748

File: 582bc0f6a3c9cbb⋯.jpg (42.19 KB, 590x396, 295:198, QRed.jpg)


Mr. President, they say the buck stops here. I noticed that you tweeted a photo of yourself and some other taken on Air Force 1, all giving a thumbs up sign. When I traced out the thumbs with my finger it made the letter Q, and on the last stroke, my finger was pointing at you. Are you the leader of the Q group? And how many people are actually part of this group?

b92c2a No.2084749


maybe you need to just take a dump, use the toilet

76ec6b No.2084750

87ffc2 No.2084751

File: bbebac496ec3cb1⋯.png (434.29 KB, 644x544, 161:136, LOVE.PNG)



ec78e9 No.2084752


>There was one last night too in Chicago. fucking weird

http:// www.chicagotribune.com/g00/news/local/breaking/ct-met-helicopter-crash-st-20180707-story.html?i10c.encReferrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8%3D&i10c.ua=1&i10c.dv=14

7c9652 No.2084753


This corporation does.

Did you not know that the USA has been a corporation since 1871?

And every citizen in it is chattel?

Which is why the whole "civil war was about slavery" is bullshit?

Go read about the Act of 1871

When you're done, go read about the FED and IRS acts of 1913. Those are the bookends to the Act of 1871.

We are all slaves and have been for a looooong time ;)

78dce8 No.2084754


I asked a question earlier in the bread, nobody has answered…

bf2f12 No.2084755

File: 2dde72216e99728⋯.png (2.12 MB, 3143x2165, 3143:2165, FVEYsidebyside.png)

don't forget, WE HAVE THE SERVER!!!!

6ef83b No.2084756

File: baa0ca7ac026a74⋯.png (35.98 KB, 448x379, 448:379, ClipboardImage.png)


>We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.

Who/what is the inscrutable, hilarious, dankest meme delivering, dialed-in anon known as ebot, and how did everyone miss this?

080d98 No.2084757

Wired Sources

‏ @WiredSources

BREAKING: UK Brexit Sec. David Davis has resigned


43121b No.2084758


either way is good 4 me

517743 No.2084759


When did they fly, what airline and where?

Any info on that?

b92c2a No.2084761


its like a serial killer in the oval out of cocaine and baby flesh

8350fa No.2084762

Bob Corker To Receive The ‘Heart For Haiti’ National Award

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Bob Corker, whose life of public service is legend, will go back to his beginnings in Chattanooga Friday night when the Senator will be awarded “The Heart for Haiti Humanitarian Award” at a banquet that will be held at Stratton Hall.

Long before Bob Corker began his political career, he was part of a team from Chattanooga who went to Haiti on a Christian team for a construction project.

Seeing the desperation in the eyes of the people, his heart was moved to start “giving something back” and saw politics as the best way to do it.

He served as Mayor of Chattanooga before he became one of the leaders in the United States Senate but he never forget his personal experience in Haiti and through the years has been an ardent supporter of the Children’s Nutrition Program which was started 20 years ago by Chattanooga physician Mitch Mutter.

Friday’s banquet will celebrate 20 years as an outreach to the Haitian people and Corker has taken their plight of Haiti to Washington repeatedly, his influence sparking millions in aid after the island was devastated by a deadly hurricane several years ago.

Dr. Mutter, now a Medical Director for the state of Tennessee, said, “I have been deeply moved by what the Senator has made happen in Haiti and the ‘Heart for Haiti’ will honor Bob as he steps away from a public life. Nobody in Tennessee or in the United States has any idea what Bob has done for those he adopted years ago.”

Dr. Mutter has taken groups of Chattanoogans to Haiti for years and Friday’s banquet will bring many of them together at Stratton Hall, which is located a 3146 Broad St.


19992d No.2084763

File: fdab4b864f31f4c⋯.jpg (112.37 KB, 812x531, 812:531, 2012-03-09 communism the l….jpg)

Random Redpill: the Communism the Left dreams of will never happen

541f9a No.2084764

File: b97f13d1e144034⋯.jpeg (119.02 KB, 1536x947, 1536:947, 4F74641E-4CFC-45C1-9D6B-2….jpeg)

b9f457 No.2084765

File: 5aff0b34b7c8b91⋯.png (16.1 KB, 602x185, 602:185, AQ6.PNG)


UK Brexit Sec. David Davis has resigned

22ca40 No.2084766

File: 3510aad3f2d5b39⋯.png (838.95 KB, 1484x972, 371:243, ClipboardImage.png)

Secret Service investigating wrong-way crash on I-66 in Northern Virginia

The U.S. Secret Service is assisting in the investigation of a head-on car collision early Sunday morning on Interstate 66 in Northern Virginia, the agency confirmed.

The crash, which occurred just before 5 a.m., forced the closure of an eastbound portion of the highway in Arlington for about an hour, police said. It also sparked a manhunt after one of the drivers fled the scene on foot, the agency said in a statement.

As of 9 a.m., that driver remains at large, despite a search effort that included a helicopter, authorities said.

The Secret Service said one of its officers first spotted a car traveling in the wrong direction on I Street NW in Washington at 4:35 a.m. Sunday. The officer then tried to stop the wrong-way driver, but the car continued onto I-66 — traveling westbound in the eastbound lanes, the agency said. https:// www.washingtonpost.com/news/local/wp/2018/07/08/secret-service-investigating-wrong-way-crash-on-i-66-in-northern-virginia/?utm_term=.996cf8adbc52

A little later, the car crashed head-on into another vehicle, and the wrong-way driver fled the scene on foot, according to the Secret Service.

A passenger in the car that had been going the wrong way was taken into custody, then transferred to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, authorities said.

“It remains an ongoing investigation whether or not any charges will be sought for the passenger,” Arlington County police spokeswoman Kirby Clark said.

The driver of the vehicle that had been going in the right direction also was taken to a hospital with injuries that were not life-threatening.

According to Fox 5 DC News, one of the drivers in the crash was a “White House military pass holder.”

A Secret Service spokesman said the agency was simply providing mutual aid to local police agencies. The Arlington County Police Department is leading the investigation.

Images of the crash scene from local reporters showed a dark sedan — badly damaged on its front and right side — straddling the low concrete wall of the highway’s median. Nearby was a red sedan stopped across three eastbound lanes on the highway, as well as multiple police officers.

10b903 No.2084767


Videos taken 7/7 and originated by this IG acct:


202b37 No.2084768

I am very sorry that my spouse was bragging about his IQ in his post here.

I have asked him repeatedly not to do that, because it upsets people.

So, now I will be withholding sex from him for a week (and I am VERY attractive, and dynamite in bed!!! I also have a gorgeous, sexy body).

Sorry anons - I will make sure he doesn't do it again.

37ea68 No.2084770


i think leaf snapped the pic of clintons getting on the plane

bf2f12 No.2084771



sorry baker didn't see that

Q did reply to an anon's post with it in there

everyone knows its not technically linked to POTUS, but it does say "official" schedule

so we monitor it, nonetheless, the messages are on point, and think its notable


3628ed No.2084772


"All your 'brellas are belong to us."

b91f65 No.2084773


miss what?

9821d8 No.2084774


William and Mary college is a Cabal institute.

One of my dearest friends, daughter to long time American Ambassador, she attended that school….

She always struggled with the Cabal and she was def groomed as a child. I only saw glimpses… she and her family were very secretive.

She later suicided herself a couple years after college… I believe she was rejecting the handler her parents were forcing her to "date" and they had enough of it.

Oh yeah, her father she shortly after entitled Sir Excellency… so now he has that going for him.

His Excellency Robert E Whitehead.

I won't leave names out like CDAN.

76ec6b No.2084775


Yeah right. Nice try, anon's mom.

517743 No.2084776


Thanks Anon!

0c79c3 No.2084777


It's coming home lads.

69462a No.2084778

File: e04df8898952ca2⋯.png (428.99 KB, 427x438, 427:438, tarddillion.PNG)


You're not supposed to be on the internets, Dillon. I'm tellin' ur mom. kek

0f2734 No.2084779


Route 66

just before 5 am

1 driver fled on foot


52558e No.2084780

File: 1abd6d966dd792c⋯.png (14.3 KB, 505x218, 505:218, Screenshot_158.png)


Though this post is entertaining, the previous

post was much more


43121b No.2084781

File: 3087af19316614d⋯.jpg (599.81 KB, 1200x826, 600:413, umbrella.jpg)

File: b22bd7b7485b6e2⋯.jpg (694.05 KB, 1184x819, 1184:819, umbrella1.jpg)

bb70c5 No.2084782


Slick Willy is carrying crooked's purse? lmfao

ce4f9d No.2084783

File: 0da273dd860b695⋯.jpg (48.7 KB, 312x352, 39:44, Aristide-clinton-haiti.jpg)

File: c8d25cf25ca845b⋯.jpg (190.32 KB, 811x586, 811:586, Clinton-Aristede-1.jpg)

File: 48cf89ff00b4bc0⋯.jpg (169.36 KB, 787x556, 787:556, Clinton-Aristede-2.jpg)

File: 2be78bb8812a81d⋯.jpg (189.38 KB, 864x596, 216:149, Clinton-Aristede-3.jpg)



Smells like the Aristede Riots Redux? That one turned out lovely for the Haitan people.


ffc837 No.2084784


Interstate 66.

Not Route 66.

22ca40 No.2084785

File: 4bf32230cb58886⋯.png (544.39 KB, 780x520, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Suspect still at large following Eastbound I-66 crash, police chase

WASHINGTON — Police are looking for the driver of a vehicle that hit another car while being chased by a Secret Service officer on Interstate 66.

In a news release, Secret Service said one of its uniformed officers saw a vehicle driving the wrong way on I Street Northwest and attempted to stop the vehicle, but the driver wouldn’t pull over.

The driver of the vehicle then got onto I-66 traveling westbound in the eastbound lanes.

Shortly after, the suspect’s vehicle hit another vehicle that was traveling in the right direction, but the driver of the suspect’s car was able to leave the scene on foot and remains at large.

A passenger in the suspect’s vehicle suffered nonlife threatening injuries and was taken to the hospital before being taken into custody.

The driver of the vehicle that was hit by the suspect was also taken to the hospital with nonlife threatening injuries.

The eastbound lanes on I-66 were closed for a little more than hour as a result of the crash.

Secret Service said it will continue to support the investigation, but the Arlington County Police Department will be the lead agency in the investigation.

“This incident resulted in no impact to White House security operations or any Secret Service protectee,” the agency said in its news release.

A map of where the crash happened can be seen below.

https:// wtop.com/dc-transit/2018/07/eastbound-i-66-closed-at-lee-highway-rosslyn/

1200a9 No.2084786

File: cb1f1d51c4deb16⋯.png (24.65 KB, 963x253, 963:253, POTUS Schedule Comments No….PNG)



Another anon posted the comments in paragraph form

Here they are

Stand as one and be resolute

Respect the truth - It will prevail

Many are we, united one and all, divided we fall

Be alert, remain vigilant, stand together


Fantastic day - We are winning!

Shine light on the Left - "The TRUTH is out there"

The TRUTH is spreading, we are the majority.

We The People are the LIGHT, We are the TRUTH, We are the MAJORITY

We The People LIGHT up the darkness of LEFTIST HATRED.

We The People speak TRUTH to expose LIBERAL LIES.

We The People speak TRUTH to expose LIBERAL LIES.

We The People - all races, all colors, all creeds, all religions are the MAJORITY that will Make and Keep America Great.

Stand tall for liberty. Stand tall for freedom. Stand tall for Old Glory and its most hallowed tune.

Stand for what is right. Stand for what is true. Stand up for the red, white, and blue.

Disinformation sometimes uncovers the real truth

Truth, righteousness, and sacred honor.

Make the vision a reality. Keep America Great.

Light up the dark side. Tell a Liberal the truth.

080d98 No.2084787


That's like the 5th one in a week

b9f457 No.2084788

File: 038175f9cc738ea⋯.png (175.58 KB, 594x630, 33:35, AQ7.PNG)


Someone found a Pedo acct

c61a23 No.2084789


I'll shill for my little UK discovery I stumbled upon, that clownshill put down a bit ago, one more time now that this news about the UK resignation was just posted.


2ab713 No.2084790


Yeah, the anonymity encourages otherwise reluctant people to post their knowledge, opinions, and theories as if they were in the familiar "safety" of a small in-person discussion group

5f9f40 No.2084791

Have any reporters asked 'Who Is Q?'

Who would they ask?


Remember: "POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons."

Who would a reporter ask?

Who knows the most about Q outside of the Q team?

How does a reporter ask a question to the American people at large?

Have any reporters asked 'Who Is Q?"

Has the question been asked?

How does one 'force' the question with no outside comms?

The stage is set.

Why hasn't the show started yet?

What would happen if this question was asked?

What is [[their]] greatest fear?

The stage is set.

Why hasn't the show started yet?

The audience has yet to assemble.

The audience has yet to assemble.

Has the question been asked?

Have any reporters asked 'Who Is Q?'

What are we waiting for?


b91f65 No.2084792

78dce8 No.2084793


I was just checking if I fixed a broken Link Anon reported…

52558e No.2084794

File: 7418fa15903d3f6⋯.png (634.3 KB, 681x890, 681:890, Screenshot_148 - Copy.png)

File: 6cf261d3f243061⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1694x888, 847:444, Screenshot_147 - Copy.png)

0f2734 No.2084796


Oops. Yeah thats what I meant kek

35b7ad No.2084797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this guy has an interesting perspective, not endorsing but interesting, i bet he is an entj

37ea68 No.2084798



e2c77b No.2084799

File: d2f68c3e6fa1e1f⋯.jpg (246.44 KB, 1129x677, 1129:677, Enjoy The Show-Pepe.jpg)


Labour Party chairman Ian Lavery said: "This is absolute chaos and Theresa May has no authority left."


ffc837 No.2084800



I do it all the time.

1489fa No.2084801

File: 932583fc070e285⋯.jpg (540.93 KB, 1769x782, 1769:782, q drop 06302018_3 JA.jpg)

"Q is not important."

If not for Q, where would you be?

Not at Qresearch?

Try harder.

69462a No.2084802

File: b4aafbbaae83e3d⋯.png (27.03 KB, 162x168, 27:28, soyrage.png)

b2a0cd No.2084804

File: 70cd4fdf9b4b6f8⋯.jpeg (859.35 KB, 1536x1198, 768:599, 497EA448-63B4-4585-8797-6….jpeg)


ce4f9d No.2084805


Fair enough. Just honestly curious why you consider it fake news.

c05661 No.2084806

hey i found the source that blp reporter was talking to!

9821d8 No.2084807


Post some SS's or moar info with some sides of sauce…. or u know what to do… kys.

78dce8 No.2084808


Ok,I added this time, thanks for responding

b9f457 No.2084809

File: f9526d59cf89b46⋯.png (27.12 KB, 290x269, 290:269, AQ8.PNG)


Oh, Shit!

Pedophile Sites on Twitter found!!

063dce No.2084810


I know that you clowns altered it intentionally

To discredit anyone who talks about Q

And displays this obviously FAKENEWS picture

I understand you clown shills

You are afraid and you are trying to divide the Q movement

Well it won't work.

We know that Q is a LARP

Created by the BEST LARPer ever

And we will not let anything stop us

From re-reading the crumbs


Making Connections,

and Drawing the Maps

Because we want to win

And we ARE winning

And we will be doing this work for the next

20 Years or more

Because this time we INTEND to see the job

Through to Completion

This time we do not fear your magic

This time we have learned your magic

And are using it REFLEXIVELY to turn it back against you

Such as our MEMES.

We are not going to ignore your idiocy any more

Now we are going to FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT

And use everything that you say

As an opportunity to inject LOGIC and OCCAM'S RAZOR into the conversation


To WINNOW the wheat from the chaff

And the wheat will nourish and strengthen us

This is why we are WINNING!!!

8e3221 No.2084811

File: 96fbbdb42c50c52⋯.jpg (9.46 KB, 259x194, 259:194, images (5).jpg)


Very interesting……I don't fit that mold but I know many who do.

Where did you get this anon? I would like to read more. (I see it is from 2014….wasn't on the chans then).

96b716 No.2084812


William & Mary being a cabal shithole explains why Comey is teaching an "ethical leadership" class there.

3628ed No.2084813

2196a3 No.2084814

File: 454eb15c0ff3152⋯.png (371.73 KB, 1844x630, 922:315, ClipboardImage.png)


b59a86 No.2084815


get me in a white house press brief in the background and i will go full retard and shout WHO IS Q ANON to sarah

like the 911 truth guy

5f71d9 No.2084816

File: 891c04fb1bde416⋯.jpg (107.97 KB, 441x570, 147:190, pepe mcthistle.jpg)

Happy SCOTUS Eve Anons!!!

It's been a busy day, I missed you all but real life needed tending to. Couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow. It will be an excellent day. I love how POTUS is waiting until tomorrow to announce. The Dems must be totally unhinged by now.

2018 is Glorious! WWG1WGA

819c1d No.2084817


POTUS gets one last troll in before all hell breaks loose..

8688ca No.2084819

File: d689ff17cd38074⋯.png (13.34 KB, 431x186, 431:186, rb.PNG)

bill Clinton reading up on pedophile

1200a9 No.2084820

File: 24ac52620f6aced⋯.png (71 KB, 675x395, 135:79, Bongino re POTUS tweet 7-8….PNG)

This tweet wins the Internet today, tomorrow, yesterday, last year, this year, next year and, just maybe, forever.

8350fa No.2084821


NSA must have stopped their ability to crash planes, so cars it is.

37ea68 No.2084822




St. Louis


Oklahoma City







San Bernardino

40f62b No.2084823


Sarah Sanders during the Press briefing.

87ffc2 No.2084824




10b903 No.2084825


source sauce?

19992d No.2084827

File: c2e84ae35d67813⋯.png (200.26 KB, 1158x1393, 1158:1393, the only way the cabal can….png)

Random Redpill: the only ways the cabal can avoid their fate is to start WW3 or a Civil War

202b37 No.2084828


Do you know what a meme is?

52558e No.2084829

File: 6bf1de348079c04⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 614.81 KB, 1021x979, 1021:979, Screenshot_159.png)


This is a follower.

Kiddie Meal Addict


Spoiler Alert

Going to see some penis on the link, Anons.


2196a3 No.2084830


GOPPollAnalyst Katica uploaded it on Twatter

080d98 No.2084831


What in the flying fuck are you talking about?! It just popped up on my Twitter so I posted it you flaming fucking homo. I hope your family drowns

d5d932 No.2084832

File: c553ffa4a01b0ca⋯.jpg (27.09 KB, 456x287, 456:287, Pointer.JPG)


Who is Q?

69462a No.2084833

File: 5dbf6632a96a42b⋯.jpg (114.69 KB, 965x599, 965:599, humasad.jpg)

File: 28ddac45bf88109⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 620x326, 310:163, hillEMAIL.jpg)

File: 63c6177378d17eb⋯.png (62.1 KB, 800x419, 800:419, hillarywhatdifference.png)


gotta protect that classified information. KEK!

8febad No.2084834


Do you think some corrupt foriegn head of state that wants crooked dead will care about some deplorables getting in the way?

b9f457 No.2084835

File: a11a32d415e2fdd⋯.png (167.13 KB, 326x407, 326:407, AQ9.PNG)


More Pedo

Get in Here Lads!!

6de937 No.2084836


Oh shit, that's fuckin Strzok, what BS

9821d8 No.2084837


I did not know that. Yes, that totally makes sense.

0d6929 No.2084838


Missing associated pages to identify the laptop referenced here as Weiner's.

c9bc4f No.2084839

File: f47fa4ca7faa079⋯.jpg (127.78 KB, 964x542, 482:271, article-5931823-4E0C089A00….jpg)

David Davis RESIGNS: Brexit Secretary plunges Theresa May's government into chaos amid fury at 'soft' compromise on leaving the EU that was agreed at Chequers summit.


0f2734 No.2084840

Pay attention newfags

When something important enters the bread so do the shills to distract us from seeing it

ffc837 No.2084841

File: 02850f19ac19385⋯.jpg (145.51 KB, 960x540, 16:9, overthetarget.jpg)


You know you've run out of ideas and arguments when you stoop to posting shit like this.

On the level of a 5-year old.

You must feel so proud.

8350fa No.2084842


there is nothing the cabal can do but post porn.

e7d372 No.2084843

File: cac8d4e1b8cd943⋯.jpg (175.34 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 17.jpg)

File: 092e954af20c6ee⋯.jpg (231.42 KB, 4656x2620, 1164:655, 20180622_215518.jpg)

File: 68df47e13ddaaf8⋯.png (229.63 KB, 334x505, 334:505, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)

File: a3a4988a4f2f143⋯.jpg (145.59 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 32506450_1769292489816435_….jpg)

File: e5d78db1558831a⋯.png (370.42 KB, 439x573, 439:573, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

All from Previous Bread.


>>2083802 <---Cool!!

>>2083890 <---I'm so proud. THIS is US!!

>>2083900 <---Been bumpy. But Ron, CM, BO, BV's, And lots of Honest Anons have been holding the line. But you are 100% correct.




>>2084025 <---No Coincidences

>>2084123 <---This video is GLORIOUS!! Top KEK!!


>>2084174 <---Literally Perfect.



>>2084286 <----Heard.

>>2084324 <----What did he say??

>>2084359 <----Heard. Phase II has begun. But we gotta move. It's up to US.


>>2084387 <---Exactly. What a life huh??

>>2084230 <---POTUS IS SPEAKING TO US!!

>>2084421 <---Condensed

Godspeed Anons!!






2196a3 No.2084844




Look at date, google for reference.

Don't just complain and deny anon

c7dca5 No.2084845

File: 4a47c54d8f09c8a⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1580x920, 79:46, Hilcunt.PNG)

File: 1bc55469039e48d⋯.jpg (378.81 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, Hilcunt2.jpg)



That black guy seems to be trying to catch up to her, Is this the same guy?

247e20 No.2084846


Hello friends, not sure if I'm doing this right, but I think this is extremely important and should be included in the bread doughs.



37ee24 No.2084847

File: 194576481ba8d14⋯.png (968.91 KB, 1311x699, 437:233, moar-pedo-people-on-twatte….png)


dont forget this guy

he collects all your underage dick pics

56296e No.2084848

Where is


22ca40 No.2084849

File: f2a0efec42edb78⋯.png (449.31 KB, 885x516, 295:172, ClipboardImage.png)



2 Injured After Wrong-Way Driver Crashed on I-66, Fled: Secret Service

https:// www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/I-66-Rosslyn-Virginia-Crash-Secret-Service-487593821.html

One of the vehicles involved in a crash that shut down a section of Interstate 66 in northern Virginia on Sunday morning had fled after a Secret Service officer tried to initiate a traffic stop in Washington, D.C.

The driver of the suspect vehicle fled the scene and remains at large.

“Today at 4:35 am, a Secret Service Uniformed Division Officer observed a vehicle traveling in the wrong direction on I Street NW, Washington, DC,” the Secret Service said in a statement tweeted by NBC Washington reporter/anchor Adam Tuss. “The Uniformed Division Officer attempted to initiate a traffic stop of the suspect vehicle; however, the vehicle failed to yield and exited onto I-66 traveling westbound in the eastbound lanes.

https:// www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/8/secret-service-investigating-crash-interstate-66-a/

Apparently, this guy driving the car had a WH MI pass. Witnesses to the accident have been taken in custody. Interdasting?

bc47fa No.2084850

File: 4dab49b8ec8cf37⋯.jpeg (60.39 KB, 500x280, 25:14, 7E553F97-CA37-4751-8D87-B….jpeg)

King Henry!

10b903 No.2084851


That's US 66 cities - not I-66 - wise guy or ISuckAtGeographicalHistoryFag take your pick

3f2cb9 No.2084852

>>2082814 (old)

Looks like it's to New York (JFK), leaving from Gate B18. Someone said it's from DC Reagan National Airport, but I don't know that from these pictures. (I don't know what the inside of Reagan National looks like.)

They're flying first class (not coach as some wished, I wish it too but …) , no SS visible, and one woman in a bright colored top doesn't mean the flight involves Hawaii.

7f1d74 No.2084853



37ea68 No.2084854


something happened in williamsburg earlier today. houses burned/exploded.

ea70c2 No.2084855

>>2084290 (lb)

The real reason for immigration is the Cloward Piven strategy, the globalist plan to destabilize the western (Christian nations), and a principal media-pushed cause – abortion.

bfbe06 No.2084856


Delusional rant.

98abbd No.2084857


appears to be the same guy. flag(?) pin on his left lapel.

0d6929 No.2084859


I'm not complaining of denying. It was constructive criticism.

69462a No.2084860

File: 30dab89cc04f2e2⋯.jpg (10.59 KB, 255x171, 85:57, hillarycunt.jpg)


>Whatever the reason, it's not worth all this energy,

That's not for you to decide for everyone else, now is it?

For whatever reason, they are relegated to mingling with "the little people".

YOU might not think that is significant, but I sure as fuck do.


063dce No.2084861


Yes I do.

It is something other than FAKE NEWS

Usually it is a photo or drawing with some text

That sends a message.

37ea68 No.2084862

56296e No.2084863

File: 6d407ee8a6be862⋯.png (19.68 KB, 1788x168, 149:14, Corrupted Post 1.PNG)

File: 49de408b6c1e11f⋯.png (20.77 KB, 1762x138, 881:69, Corrupted Post 2.PNG)

File: 4af92e70a465ce6⋯.png (12.97 KB, 1771x148, 1771:148, Corrupted Post 3.PNG)

Digging in old bread. Found interesting artifacts. Pics related.

e2c77b No.2084866

File: 130fdb495a2e1fd⋯.png (238.78 KB, 1093x1258, 1093:1258, Knowledge Wins.png)


In the video Bill Clinton has on dark jeans, not kahki pants.

e5d7ab No.2084867



Brexit Secretary David Davis resigns

His resignation comes days after Theresa May secured the cabinet's backing for her Brexit plan despite claims from Brexiteers that it was too "soft".

Mr Davis was appointed Brexit secretary in 2016 and was responsible for negotiating the UK withdrawal from the EU.


52558e No.2084868


@Jack loves and distributes kiddie porn!

Bye @Jack!

9938bf No.2084869


No EMS, air ambulance, police chopper, or anything like that seen on civilian Flightradar24 or ADSB at this time. (I'm late to the scene).

That's all I've got - no relevant info.


98abbd No.2084870



Comfort Plus class.

Woman in bright colored top is a passenger.

38a100 No.2084871


> i will go full retard

And you think that's masterful?

2c9a49 No.2084872


there's a thread for it


904d53 No.2084874



19992d No.2084875


i have over 17000 screencaps on various subjects. most unsorted. just been saving over time

56296e No.2084876

File: c6778550cceffd1⋯.png (13.42 KB, 1772x170, 886:85, Corrupted Post 4.PNG)

File: 72a18950a42f70c⋯.png (205.81 KB, 1795x442, 1795:442, Corrupted Post 5.PNG)

Digging in old breads, Found more interesting stuff. Pics related

98aac6 No.2084877


POTUS giving a master class.

2196a3 No.2084878


Alright anon :)

E.W. (Bill) Preistap was the CI Asst Dir at that time, Strzok was his deputy, Dep Asst Dir

That's why Srzok has been brought out of Washington. He's secure now

f97b0f No.2084879


What in the name of googots is that?

Bread #?

34532b No.2084880


More questions. Yeah smells. Will be watching this.

ffc837 No.2084881

File: b04713fd27fdd62⋯.jpg (130.49 KB, 716x542, 358:271, jackknwthng.jpg)

52558e No.2084882


Report to @Jack?


@Jack is part of it!

0f2734 No.2084883


Hey little buddy, the Professor says we should take more homemade acid!

c04f4b No.2084884

File: 7e8a4ff7f10b401⋯.png (768.16 KB, 627x673, 627:673, bitchboy.PNG)

Maybe Hillary's latest 2020 speculation was in hopes someone would think they were still relevant and let them use their plane.

10b903 No.2084885

File: 59667fec95cd75b⋯.jpg (30.44 KB, 320x457, 320:457, Katica.JPG)


Thx but sauce that shit lots of fake docs always flying around.

5d8864 No.2084886

File: 6437c8c7652e937⋯.jpeg (229.36 KB, 1114x1594, 557:797, 1531091891.jpeg)

3f2cb9 No.2084887


No, look up "Delta first class" and see the same wide quilted seats, look up "Delta comfort plus" and see narrow seats, no quilting, must extended legroom.

063dce No.2084888


BREAKING David Davis, Brexit secretary quits the Government along with No deal minister Steve Baker tonight. This is extraordinary.

98abbd No.2084889


BC only appears in the photo on the left of >>2084845

Look closer.

7c9652 No.2084890



Bonus Trivia: The recent court ruling that declared that corporations were "people" and money is "speech" makes it so that a corporation can legally keep and bear arms, among other things.

bb70c5 No.2084892

File: 3944193743c4d73⋯.png (421.22 KB, 466x530, 233:265, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump derangement syndrome is real!

e990fe No.2084893



12 outta 1000

0c79c3 No.2084894


Alright, so everyone is out of the picture now.

It's down to anons vs the media.

>how does a reporter ask a question to the american people

unknown.. maybe there are investigative journalists who have tip lines or similar.. or maybe simply can be reached on social media.

We can ask them to look into Q

>have any asked 'who is q'

not that i know of, but they should

>how does one 'force' the question

anons bug them until they are forced to answer or look into it

>waiting for you

seems to be a call to action to anons

to make noise and force reporters to ask the question

or to get #WhoIsQ trending




I think it's on us ..

no more looking to trump, sarah, etc for help.

we have to get the question into the main.

"Who is Q"

5546c2 No.2084895


I see we use the same elite archiving system

e7d372 No.2084896


Is this from today Anon?? Thank You!!

ff6925 No.2084897

File: a845a8ed32d89a8⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 640x434, 320:217, Q5.JPG)


5fbc46 No.2084898


I'd help but I lost my account in the "Bot" purge

541f9a No.2084899


What is the context of the first photo? Did they just get off the plane or through TSA?

Good observation anon!

43121b No.2084900


cute as a button

bb70c5 No.2084901

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, Pepe media.jpg)



>It's down to anons vs the media.

2196a3 No.2084902


She is /ourgirl/ the entire time, don't worry.

Having a hard time with my iPhone since the last beta update. Can't paste text, but can upload images. Creepy stuff Apple is pushing to their customers.

904d53 No.2084903


That works two ways then. Corporations are run by flesh and blood people.

ea70c2 No.2084904


Maybe its a Bill & Hill Bio.

3628ed No.2084905


Your meme would be more effective and truthful if your images was Netanyahu, or some other jew nut job.

e2c77b No.2084906

File: 950d7871483566e⋯.png (90.02 KB, 272x188, 68:47, Head in the Snow.png)


exactly my point anon

5fbc46 No.2084907

File: b82d157f45dcdf3⋯.png (60.49 KB, 510x332, 255:166, b82d157f45dcdf388632345f32….png)

19992d No.2084908


no, it's BT (Before Trump)

e5d7ab No.2084909


Help us out anon.

What does this mean???

8e3221 No.2084910


I saw this story this morning, but couldn't find who was in the car.

Very interesting wrong way driver fled and "one of the drivers in the crash was a “White House military pass holder.”

b59a86 No.2084911


still less retarded than anything acosta says

2e4a0f No.2084912

File: afa89b46f4a7570⋯.png (59.09 KB, 265x187, 265:187, afa89b46f4a7570d90a73a76d0….png)



>These people are stupid

These people really are that stupid…

7c9652 No.2084913


"Corporation" and "person" are both legal fictions.

1200a9 No.2084914

File: 2fcebe94db45e6f⋯.png (955.74 KB, 854x715, 854:715, Komo 1 re Measles 7-8-18.PNG)

File: 9a652e194739bf4⋯.png (42.98 KB, 598x821, 598:821, Komo 2 re Measles 7-8-18.PNG)

File: 96436364da3b714⋯.png (29.31 KB, 597x698, 597:698, Komo 3 re Measles 7-8-18.PNG)

Child with measles confirmed in Snohomish County


52558e No.2084915

File: ca0258566b70c2f⋯.png (1 MB, 1012x884, 253:221, Screenshot_160.png)

This one


has a child


an avatar.

202b37 No.2084916

4f5c48 No.2084917


How do celebrity look-a-likes get to work?

bf1cd6 No.2084918

File: 1979dd3bbf988e7⋯.jpg (12.17 KB, 255x143, 255:143, potushotrod.jpg)

come on baker

dont RUIN a notable article where MSM finally joins the cause

and you have to inject (((divisionfagging))) into the bread title?

NOT Good - the article has NOTHING to do with (((JEWS)))

Q has already told us only bad apples are culled NOT all

get with the PLAN baker

>>2083670 These people have to be defeated (It is the Washington Times and they are talking about (((Them))))

3f2cb9 No.2084920


Is this stated as such (plainly, overtly) in Citizens United, or are you inferring it?

13d7c3 No.2084921

c7dca5 No.2084923


Anons were trying to figure out the relationship of the 2 guys with the Clinton's, are they her detail or perhaps marshals?

69462a No.2084924

File: 71115b45bb43ab6⋯.png (354.2 KB, 494x474, 247:237, ACOSTA.png)


bf2f12 No.2084925

File: 2e4d668ebfb196b⋯.png (143.46 KB, 615x423, 205:141, ClipboardImage.png)


no problem baker

Q actually posted the link to it muh bad!

98aac6 No.2084926

> >>2081446 Off to Europe: Trump to meet worried NATO heads, then Putin

POTUS airborne again. Watch for habbenings!

0c79c3 No.2084927


they'll refuse though.. unless they're /ourguys/

i'll go see if theres one of /ourguy/ reporters around who already posed the question

in case its a riddle

7c9652 No.2084928


I read the ruling. Have you read the ruling? If you haven't, you should.

ea70c2 No.2084929


Corporations are "persons", but children in the womb are not "persons" under the twisted reasoning of the Courts. Corporations have a God-given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but children in the womb do not.

5f71d9 No.2084931

File: 0687d160e642ceb⋯.jpg (24.4 KB, 395x270, 79:54, 0687d160e642ceb6266cf58445….jpg)

080d98 No.2084932

File: 37d37b7bf0983f3⋯.png (554.54 KB, 1315x890, 263:178, 1530386922405.png)

9821d8 No.2084933

File: 930e1ca837db4d2⋯.jpg (15.69 KB, 214x281, 214:281, PRINCESS_STRANAHAN.jpg)

My first and only post about Lee Stranadanbanaham…. incase anyone is engaged with him presently. Here's some ammo.

3dea50 No.2084934



d76780 No.2084936

File: 9bcb48520806a65⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1183x929, 1183:929, Sarah Sanders.png)


He forgot about Sarah Sanders+

19992d No.2084937



b91f65 No.2084938


i have spoken with 1 /ourguy/ journalist and 1 /couldbeourguy/ journalist.

the question may be asked before long.

1489fa No.2084939

File: 6f76405bf3baed9⋯.jpg (560.36 KB, 2048x1364, 512:341, Pompeo in Pyongyang.jpg)


Nice collection?

Know them by the fruits of their labor?

Can anons tell what KIND of person this is?


Thank you Patriot, you inspire other Patriots.

56296e No.2084940



>Someone found a Pedo acct


Dumb fuckers, this shit will be gone in a heartbeat and only the NSA can bring it back. "It's with Hillary's emails", good luck with that.

580e56 No.2084941



If this anon doesn't make any more posts I would consider both of these notable on the same line.

c7dca5 No.2084942


That Q shirt is a perfect fit.

fcd401 No.2084943

File: 4aa030ec7d089f0⋯.jpg (258.54 KB, 854x573, 854:573, wut.jpg)


Well that's a huge change of heart.

Welcome Rex, glad you finally see the light!

7c9652 No.2084944


Pretty much. Somebody doesn't like my posts, I've filled out some captchas this bread

8cadd9 No.2084945

File: 856a0c49dfe559b⋯.jpg (157.14 KB, 1159x928, 1159:928, 3.JPG)

File: 529811c28f10d66⋯.jpg (154.33 KB, 822x906, 137:151, 4.JPG)

File: 7e6b95278c3f435⋯.jpg (184.74 KB, 758x930, 379:465, 5.JPG)

File: a29ce32ab2b8833⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 760x442, 380:221, 6.JPG)



Mother Theresa Story keeps going… Now a Nun has been arrested.

Nun at charity founded by Mother Teresa arrested, accused of trafficking babies


7a9ce5 No.2084946


Don't let him negate the insider status of Q.

The entire point of this latest attack via BLP is TO DISCREDIT THE INSIDER STATUS OF Q.

>>1552115 (Q was on AF1 during its Nov. 9th flight)

aff60f No.2084947


Just an FYI…

Laughed out loud first time I read it.

Notice your little changes to segue it with appropriate bread/topic.

Well played, Anon, well played.

52558e No.2084949

File: fd303e228f05ab7⋯.png (652.39 KB, 1016x795, 1016:795, Screenshot_161.png)

7c7408 No.2084950

File: e65595403da75e0⋯.png (754.95 KB, 931x524, 931:524, ClipboardImage.png)


Nun at charity founded by Mother Teresa arrested, accused of trafficking babies


b91f65 No.2084951


ammo for what? to ruin the conversation?

i get your angle, anon - but fighting and aggression isn't going to help the narrative.

f70478 No.2084952


The latest Tweet is BEST…

Donald J. Trump

‏Verified account


1h1 hour ago

They just didn't get it, but they do now


78dce8 No.2084953


My Bad,I meant to say this:

>>2083670 These people have to be defeated (It is the Washington Times and they are talking about the Dems)

I guess I had the whole (((them))) thing wrong, I thought it was the other side all together…

Sorry, corrected

f95bfa No.2084954


I was there, it's true

13e98e No.2084955


>Duck duck isn't great for heavy duty searching. Much as I hate all things gargle, have to use it for serious digging.

There is something here otherwise it would not be so impossible to find. The Silhouette Trawlers, Inc. / Eric E. Reid, was registered in RI because that state makes it super easy to register a company. I can see there is a lawsuit, likely foreclosure on the ship..it's on pacer and


but need a lawfag for that. I cannot find ANY more reference to the ship..sold at the auction you linked me to. Found an article that oddly popped up with my search string (third result) on SAGE that is related to human trafficking in RI…but upon reading had no connection to the ship..so who bought it at auction, where is the ship registered now…digging deeper!

c7dca5 No.2084956


We are trying, next rally we got this.

466656 No.2084957




I went and looked at one of them… kidmeal003… I didn't see anything "pedo" about it… it seemed like young adult stuff… no kids at all.

Why all the hubbub over it?

ff6925 No.2084958

I like how Rex explains how he feels about Q. The same as I do. Q is not the important part. It's the movement of people looking for the REAL TRUTH.

People are seeing the information that is being disseminated to them is false.

8350fa No.2084959

>>2084208 lb

thanks for the posts.

And to think, they want us to think that being overweight is the worst thing a person can be.


5d8864 No.2084960

File: 5eb0dc28405b605⋯.jpg (123.32 KB, 1323x652, 1323:652, IMG_20180412_190057.jpg)


Ahhhh. The Jews. I am still not there Anon but I certainly see the possibility.

f3d149 No.2084961

File: 118cd7cf22ed13f⋯.png (355.99 KB, 777x507, 259:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton no guards connects to this Q post!


b59a86 No.2084962

anyone else confused by how rex is based

stealth jeff is sorta based

but wictor is a giant faggot

who thinks the cia is great

23b423 No.2084963

File: 9a8b3e0dc3fd076⋯.jpg (550.64 KB, 1080x1463, 1080:1463, Screenshot_20180708-162402….jpg)

wat r the chances, these fuks r trying to position themselves to get Kim under their control again??????

43121b No.2084964

File: 1cce75ba100e585⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 871x519, 871:519, QSHIRT.jpg)

File: 319e71a8533f81a⋯.jpg (93.24 KB, 645x631, 645:631, shirtf.jpg)

File: 65039a749a7bd59⋯.jpg (48.31 KB, 345x645, 23:43, shirtb.jpg)


yes hers fits perfect

got mine yesterday

wearing it now, got to show it off today

8a7811 No.2084965

i gotta be honest, the fact you fail to realize what happened and the intent behind it

does not make you glow any less

i cant tell if you are stupid or just misguided but either way

enjoy your time on this wonderful board :)


56296e No.2084966






466656 No.2084967


How do you know there are no guards? They may be in seats in front of and behind them…

f97b0f No.2084968


Rex totally onboard now?


>WW3 or a Civil War

Their eventual goal anyway. :(

God, the bullet we dodged…


>POTUS departs on Tuesday.

Strzok and Flynn hearings both on Tuesday. ;)

78dce8 No.2084969


That is what I was thinking, that he actually posted or rt it…

Thanks for the evidence

541f9a No.2084970


Looks like the black guy headed to gate 20 after the HRC encounter in the video. this si the same guy looking to catch up with her.

My question is, who carried the purple bag? Neither HRC or BC are pictured carrying it but it is clearly hers.

ffc837 No.2084971


Whatever. As long as we win, that's all that matters.

0c79c3 No.2084972


This is nice.


but asked to who?

can we get someone like tucker to run a segment on Q

i have to reread the crumbs in this bread.

13e98e No.2084973

File: d4cf6ba903410e8⋯.jpg (48.32 KB, 239x650, 239:650, hey girl.jpg)


From my thumb to yours!! Qonnections?

23b423 No.2084974


i feel like they r all a team… patting ea. ot o the back… i read their posts but w/ a grain of salt

41eced No.2084975


maybe they're not using a private jet because they're afraid of getting jfk jr'd

2e1163 No.2084976


Other pro Brexiteer Cabinet Ministers could follow Davis and bring down May's government or, if not that, so weaken her position that Tories demand she stands down as leader.

d27e00 No.2084977


WH MI pass

what does MI stand for?

aee629 No.2084978


sorry if already posted: Twatter is getting hit hard - at least in my corner. SHILLS pretending to be #MAGA reporting real #MAGA accounts to Twatter and getting them banned. Seems to be one guy opening multiple accounts and targeting multiple #MAGA accounts.

f68388 No.2084979

I hope Q shows up tonight

bcf747 No.2084980

File: 309204a1550d16d⋯.png (579.78 KB, 640x763, 640:763, Great white fleet Again.png)

b59a86 No.2084981


most definitely with a grain of salt

9821d8 No.2084982


You don't have to argue with him. I TW'ed him a few times and didn't attack him.

Just told him to read the crumbs. Told him we are all Q. I use very inclusive language. He's trying to paint us as this weird cult.

My posts were immediately attacked too, without reason. Seems like shareblue has plenty of their own Q accounts, trying to smear us.

That's why I just keep pushing read the crumbs. qanon.pub

5d8864 No.2084983

ffc837 No.2084984


Umm…since when has the Cabal shied away from splashing a commercial jet?

37ea68 No.2084985

File: 0fe3648ff7bc402⋯.png (12.47 MB, 5056x3795, 5056:3795, ClipboardImage.png)

69462a No.2084986

File: 5022bf2c1590b8f⋯.jpg (44.21 KB, 612x345, 204:115, SRAANHRT1.jpg)

3dea50 No.2084987

File: 08204c8fdbb82ce⋯.jpeg (107.77 KB, 667x499, 667:499, image.jpeg)

13e98e No.2084988


People are weird. There are some things that should likely remain private…after all, tis better to remain silent, and thought a fool…than to post photos of pathetic genitals…and remove all doubt.

b91f65 No.2084989


lots of people claiming Q knowledge, but then just being dicks.

ce4f9d No.2084990

File: 32f6e6eb21b29b7⋯.jpg (430.85 KB, 549x670, 549:670, GMUGLE01.jpg)

File: cd1fa3425d151fe⋯.jpg (196.24 KB, 1077x1498, 1077:1498, GMUGLE02.jpg)


>one talking about "rehearsals" for the Queen's death.

GrandMaster UGLE concurs. Testing the waters to gauge possible public reaction?

0f8f91 No.2084991



3f2cb9 No.2084992


We all had measles when I was growing up, and I never heard any long term effects, just about a week out of school. I think susceptible people, if any, are immigrants we've brought in since then.

466656 No.2084993


I have not yet seen evidence of pedo activity… other than the word "kid" and "kiddie" in their account names…

If I am remembering things right, I heard from a youtube personality (maybe Milo, but it could have been another I have in mind)… there's a "lingo" in the gay community, referring to newly outed gay boys (as in, legal in age, but new to the gay scene) as being "kids" and "kiddies"…

Are you SURE this has to do with actual CHILDREN and not a gay scene reference?

1d5e0b No.2084994


thank God you are not our President

37ea68 No.2084995


maybe it's not cabal they are worried about…

78dce8 No.2084996

Notables so Far

>>2084766 Vehicle Being Chased by USSS Crashed Going Wrong Way on I-66in N, VA, >>2084785 Suspect Still at Large

>>2084765 UK Brexit Sec. David Davis has resigned

>>2084718 Beautiful collection of Schedule comments.

>>2084568, >>2084869 PlaneFag Updates

>>2084495 Trump Tweets Simpsons Cartoon of him Coming Down Escalator re: Announcing Run for Presidency

>>2084335, >>2084484, >>2084945 Mother Teresa charity home accused of 'baby trafficking' & There Has Been an Arrest

Please let me know if anything is missing

7873ac No.2084997

File: 7c581ef10609ebe⋯.jpg (22.01 KB, 246x405, 82:135, Missionary_Position_book_M….jpg)

34532b No.2084998


Wow. Just discussed last night. First I’d heard.

10b903 No.2084999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Though rare, Wictor still makes the best sperg-out vids worth checking out

23b423 No.2085000

File: 200702efbd164e4⋯.jpg (276.25 KB, 1080x969, 360:323, Screenshot_20180701-224055….jpg)



that twas a good one xD

56296e No.2085001

File: 1ebf0bcfb4fcaf1⋯.jpg (184.23 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Face Palm Lion.jpg)


>Bread #?

2593 AND 2594

But I'm sure you're just testing me because all of the info IS IN THE PICTURE!.

ffc837 No.2085002


Did it ever occur to you that this anon might be projecting?

e5d7ab No.2085003



Ok this is huge for the UK!

Following updates here:


bf2f12 No.2085004


←— not usually about these memes, but my favorite shut it down meme!

8e3221 No.2085005

File: f384ff302af782a⋯.jpg (51.41 KB, 942x716, 471:358, f384ff302af782a842199fa1ec….jpg)

5d8864 No.2085006

File: 541f2754bdcd7b7⋯.jpg (7.95 KB, 400x400, 1:1, C34cF51XAAAyPNM.jpg)


Oh Christ.

c04f4b No.2085007


actually a valid point. But notice the absence of USSS detail. Bill would have that, must be a low threat level.

I honestly think they are not well financially.

8a7811 No.2085008

was thinking about the "force it" issue and i see a very simple solution

a "town hall" meeting and all itll take is 1 person from the public to ask

would it be hard to "plant" a random citizen in there who will aks the question?

might not be how its done but it is a way the question could be asked without any direct ties to anyone in the admin

bf2f12 No.2085009

File: 64a939bdf45da2b⋯.png (398.52 KB, 515x422, 515:422, ClipboardImage.png)



forgot the meme


c7dca5 No.2085010


Who do you trust the most?

ffc837 No.2085011


Good point.

c61a23 No.2085012


I thought there wasn't much interesting to divine from the Clinton - Coach Class thing at first, but now I'm glued. As someone who sadly, has spent 2 years total of my life in jail, her clothes certainly could be some jail uniform, possibly covered up partially by something else, to hide a bulletproof vest perhaps.

But the collar looks very much like the shitty collar of a standard jail jumper. And the men's jail where I'm from wore your standard orange, but guess what, women wore navy blue EXACTLY like that color. I'd love to see more, I'm gonna go check out the full clip.

23b423 No.2085013


dude, nice!

5f9f40 No.2085014

How does a reporter ask a question to the American people?

Does the average American citizen watch White House Press Briefings?

Is Sarah Sanders a member of the media or a member of the Trump administration?

Define 4th estate

What is the role of the media?

What can the media do that POTUS+ can't?

Define 4th estate

List the ways in which the media communicates with the American public.

What is [[their]] last stronghold?

The stage is set.

Why hasn't the show started yet?

The audience has yet to assemble.

The audience has yet to assemble.

What makes a great movie?

What do all great movies need before they are premiered?

what is [[their]] greatest fear?

Why hasn't the show started yet?

The audience has yet to assemble.

Has the question already been asked?

Did you miss it?

1519a0 No.2085015



43121b No.2085016

File: 73475e73fa1248c⋯.jpg (74.71 KB, 368x575, 16:25, mepepe.jpg)

19992d No.2085017

File: de99c7ca9c81c1b⋯.jpg (276.59 KB, 793x725, 793:725, 2016-11-12 the democraphic….jpg)

Random Redpill: Demographics is Destinity

0f2734 No.2085018

File: 5c9cfbad94c0eba⋯.jpg (756.85 KB, 1597x1600, 1597:1600, trump king of the free wor….jpg)

3dea50 No.2085019


You might be. That is up to you

e5d7ab No.2085020


"Labour’s Mary Creagh writes on Twitter that David Davis didn’t “even give May the courtesy of resigning during the day. Leadership contest imminent…”"


247e20 No.2085021


Me too, I have some great pictures of pussies covered in shit I'd like to show him.

063dce No.2085022

File: a80edbb1d9a09ea⋯.png (179.8 KB, 590x371, 590:371, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is the original Clinton pic

Australians will recognize it

4ae1ed No.2085024

File: 28f50877762b93d⋯.jpg (73.34 KB, 480x703, 480:703, IMG_6734.JPG)

202b37 No.2085025


Usually Military

96b716 No.2085026


Oh the unborn are children for purposes of homicide statute, practically fucking everything except that mommy is exempt from murdering her unborn child. Daddy does it, it's murder. Mom does it and it's called exercising her civil right to privacy.

f70478 No.2085027


still thinking establishing an Alibi…

but hoping those are marshals

ffc837 No.2085028


If the moccasin fits…

b91f65 No.2085029


i c u.

i saw a reporter ask the official potus account.

but crickets in return.

ce3fd0 No.2085030

File: 4accc5f437b804d⋯.jpg (137.38 KB, 960x936, 40:39, 36650898_664397203898799_7….jpg)

bf2f12 No.2085031



I assume they will step in?

43121b No.2085032


ty anon, red pilled me buddy so he got one too

0f2734 No.2085033


Krikey! Yeah, obviously nothing to worry about here

e7d372 No.2085034

File: 968ec6918e04364⋯.jpg (2.81 MB, 3340x5140, 167:257, QBandOfAnonsBorder.jpg)


This is pitch perfect!!

Great thread from my FAVORITE jounalist for the past 2-3 years.

The timing is perfect eh Anons??

8a7811 No.2085035

that wic guy is a fucking egomaniac who loves to hear himself talk

that being said he does provide SOME legit info to people

but from what ive seen he is about inflating his own ego and talking AT people


ff6925 No.2085036

File: 0afe0cd67dfc0f9⋯.jpg (67.98 KB, 1193x1200, 1193:1200, fucksgoingon.jpg)

b91f65 No.2085037


do people just need to start flooding POTUS with Q questions all day long?

a11e3c No.2085039


The private jet she flew might have been a clue.

3dea50 No.2085040

File: 78c86bb7e91148e⋯.jpeg (78.12 KB, 630x439, 630:439, image.jpeg)

c372c7 No.2085041

File: d26fd4a1c9804a4⋯.png (312.39 KB, 591x180, 197:60, ResignBrexit.png)

202b37 No.2085042


Why is it huge? Can you explain to us that don't follow UK extensively?

42a3ea No.2085043

File: 0b92bb9b402b71b⋯.jpg (197.92 KB, 1054x758, 527:379, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 12….JPG)

David Davis has handed in his resignation as the UK's Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, according to reports. Prime Minister Theresa May is expected to present her vision for the exit deal in Brussels next week.

Davis' resignation was first reported by the UK's Press Association. It is "effective immediately," according to Reuters, which cites a source close to Davis.

The resignation comes as PM Theresa May is taking flak for the "soft" Brexit deal she is planning to arrange with the EU. Following the Friday Cabinet meeting at Chequers, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson called agreeing to May's proposal "polishing a turd," as he and several other high-ranking officials called for a tougher stance against Brussels.

Davis was "exchanging (resignation) letters with the PM," Reuters cited its source as saying after the news of his resignation broke. When asked about Davis' reasons for stepping down, the source reportedly said, "Chequers" in reference to the dragged-out Friday meeting.

Davis is reportedly taking Brexit Department Minister Steve Baker with him, who is also resigning, according to Telegraph staff, who cite government sources.

May, who is expected to present her Brexit demands to the EU on June 16 in Brussels, reportedly told her allies she was ready to sack Boris Johnson, a staunch Brexiteer, if he tries to undermine her Brexit negotiating position.


0c79c3 No.2085044

File: f7dcc16ed62a686⋯.png (60.5 KB, 790x894, 395:447, contact.png)

>Have any reporters asked 'Who Is Q?"

>Has the question been asked?

(from them? to them?)

searching now..

thinking now..

Any anons want to brainstorm with me…

e5d7ab No.2085045

Theresa May could be going down

Theresa May to face down Eurosceptic MPs over Brexit plan

Theresa May will face down angry Eurosceptic Conservative MPs on Monday as she urges both them and the country to unite behind her soft Brexit ahead of the publication of the government’s long-awaited white paper.

The prime minister has encountered a backlash from the pro-Brexit wing of her party, with MPs warning they are prepared to trigger a leadership contest after the cabinet agreed to back her vision of the UK’s future relationship with the EU.

Dozens of Tory MPs have attended emergency briefings in Downing Street since the Chequers summit on Friday, at which Boris Johnson said that colleagues would be “polishing a turd” if they tried to defend the plans to the party and public.


23b423 No.2085046



my mom went to a catholtic school and MT was came to visit for some time…

my mom said she was a mean old women… didnt say why … idk wat happened, only know that i am slightly suspicious of her… if im wrong, God's gonna b* slap me big time.

7c9652 No.2085047


Because it's a person now, and terminating revenue streams is illegal.

56296e No.2085048

File: 6640dca976c7bde⋯.png (519.43 KB, 655x444, 655:444, Pepe Frowns.png)

One more time.




0f2734 No.2085049


Droppin' like bloody flies!

0c79c3 No.2085050


I don't see how doing this would assemble an audience

c742ab No.2085051

File: 5329306989a54f9⋯.png (31.14 KB, 1086x330, 181:55, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9b970497c0375a2⋯.png (28.22 KB, 1672x432, 209:54, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 108aedb521d7eb1⋯.png (165.89 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)





6ef83b No.2085052

File: 0d92c4483a7ecd9⋯.png (24.93 KB, 589x217, 19:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Analysis seems legit

7a9ce5 No.2085053


Send him this: >>1552115 (Q was on AF1 during its Nov. 9th flight)

So who is Q?

8b6dea No.2085054


Someone posted this on here earlier, I wonder if it was before Trump tweeted it

f8fda2 No.2085055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My take is POTUS is working his magic show for the masses while the real tricks are happening out of view.




>Paid sign holders

Projection onto opponents what they themselves have been shown to be doing.


Went searching for that episode and first hit in the results was this Simpsons conspiracy clip from 10/15, which includes obligatory incoherent narration and sinister music, which I suspect is all designed to pump noise into the truther community. And apparently it got 6 million+ views.

ea70c2 No.2085056


"kiddie" doesn't refer to young adults - pic on twitter image is of a young child

b41081 No.2085057

I still see morons wondering if a reporter will ask who is Q, can you for a minute sober up and think about it please ?

d60dc1 No.2085058



5d8864 No.2085059

File: 89f75591fb80ba1⋯.jpeg (109.55 KB, 1440x1857, 480:619, 1531092916.jpeg)


Even more Q products…

e5d7ab No.2085060


She could be facing a leadership challenge.

Not a Brit.

Trying to understand.

Sounds like a crisis.

13e98e No.2085061


YOU WILL BE BANNED from twatter for reporting those accounts. Twittergate anon here…the shit I saw would make you vomit…completely in the open..from child rape on demand, to an Arab videoing his two eastern european sex slaves…raping them, and having them do each other.

When reported, twatter BANNED the reporters. TD banned the reporters and all discussion (the PG migration to VOAT..>KIKES control TD so that explains that.)..also found CHILD RAPE AND TORTURE videos hosted openly on FB, and Ytube. Just saying…this gal might be the one who wrote the hash to filter the accounts and find them..the list was as long as your arm…trading pics, selling kids, sex acts, rape to order..sex slavery…you name it.

NOTHING was done, all reporters were banned from ALL platforms. Just sayin…Twatter will literally do nothing about this.

0c79c3 No.2085062


I'm not doing anything until I can make sure that I'm not dealing with fake drops

Going to sleep on it etc

Too many clowns these days

Like you for instance.

5fbc46 No.2085064


How da fuck do millions of people

see this the EXACT opposite as reality?

6d9ea9 No.2085065


Flood the media.

ffc837 No.2085066




(Nothing happening.)

bb70c5 No.2085067

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Holy shit, have you guys seen this? lmfao!


9821d8 No.2085068


That's fucking awesome… ganked.


2e1163 No.2085069


It could lead to a bo confidence vore in Theresa May and theelection of an alternaive leader of the Conservative party - it opens the way for Jacob Rees Mogg to become PM He's a principled pro-Brexiteer.

52558e No.2085070

File: 55aa0a99738652b⋯.png (347.69 KB, 1065x1000, 213:200, Screenshot_162.png)

404b4c No.2085071

catalog frozen again? I thought MIL secured this site from the ground up

e5d7ab No.2085072


Ok, "bloody" indicates Britfag.

Help us out on what this means!

ea70c2 No.2085073


Is this de Blasio's last stand?

e7d372 No.2085074


Fly design and nice build!!

2e1163 No.2085075


No confidence - sorry for typo

ce4f9d No.2085076

File: 9b4d114e5bd0782⋯.jpg (119.79 KB, 1115x237, 1115:237, Comey-William.Mary.jpg)


>WILLIAMSBURG, Va. (WNCN) - Dispatchers and witnesses say a helicopter crashed at a townhouse complex in Williamsburg on Sunday afternoon.

>The incident happened around 4:30 p.m. in the 1100 block of Settlement Drive, which is near The College of William and Mary.

>The College of William and Mary says the crash happened in a residential area near Dillard Complex, which is an area with two university dorms.

Comey's alma mater.

7a9ce5 No.2085077


Check and recheck it, that's fine by me.

It's a potent proof because it establishes a high level of security clearance that Q must have.


ffc837 No.2085078

File: a0e85a8a1a849df⋯.jpg (89.47 KB, 960x540, 16:9, jdeos.jpg)

8a9da9 No.2085079

File: 359613cf8577c1e⋯.png (197.96 KB, 433x277, 433:277, 5Hillary acting werid on s….png)

File: c5b6b353e48b048⋯.jpg (20.41 KB, 255x238, 15:14, soldchildren.jpg)

File: a8103ddc93915b4⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 618x342, 103:57, CLINT.JPG)


I believe that is FAKE Hillary.

Look how short she is in the posted pic, as compared to other photo's of her/Bill together. Smile is off too.

c61a23 No.2085080

File: bb8238acc2a033c⋯.png (63.38 KB, 643x323, 643:323, crimson_lake.PNG)

Is this true?

This sounds totes like a "Blackwater R Trollz" moment. Is that why they flew coach? To troll them? JUST LIKE HOW BLACKWATER/AKADEMI ALLOWED PADDOCK TO BE FILMED PLAYING CARDS AT THAT CASINO IN ATLANTIC CITY!

Where our Blackwater Chadz at?

bcf747 No.2085081

File: ae341b0f4f43b10⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 266x400, 133:200, jim-viebrock-tiny-violin.jpg)


Pwahr liddle Clintons. Maybe they should give another speech on Wall Street.

33fa3e No.2085082



entertaining thoughts but starting off from a wrong premise, so, garbage in, garbage out.

Secondly, trying to extrapolate valid conclusions from a randomly chosen limited/faulty dataset (>looking at the situation in Syria) is, how shall I put this politely? Let's just say that you probably know a thing or two on masturbation, remains to be seen if these include something on the intellectual side of it. So suffice to guide you to what you know best, and as you yourself acknowledge actions speak louder than words I'd say keep at it as practice makes perfect.

Nice pic BTW, named after the location of the find, has not much to do with Syria.

All the best and lurk moar.

PS the post you referred to is interesting to debate, but not now, not here.

b91f65 No.2085083


yeah, that was my next thought.

well. working on it.

56f298 No.2085084

File: 2ca6d1d4d5aa759⋯.jpg (27.67 KB, 529x245, 529:245, trailer.JPG)


>What do all great movies need before they are premiered?

pic related

036864 No.2085085


It's better for us that this place remains out of sight of normies

1d5e0b No.2085086


esp just after JJ's nephew's "accident"

7a9ce5 No.2085087


Dubs of Truth have spoken ; )

1489fa No.2085088


Nice questions.

Welcome back.

Movies need a trailer b4 premiered?

8350fa No.2085089


it is not too late for you to come over to the light. you won't be disappointed

a11e3c No.2085090


5d8864 No.2085091


Up is down, inside is out

Who knows anymore! Trust your gut

0754db No.2085092

File: 4552b64bb766abe⋯.png (84.71 KB, 842x585, 842:585, Screen Shot 2018-07-08 at ….png)

if you're going on the 111 days clock like me, should be a nice week for hillary.

0f2734 No.2085093



Non Britfag here, just utilizing Britfag lingo

247e20 No.2085094


Yes please explain

c742ab No.2085095


the "brexit minister" is the one who is negotiating the exit of uk from the eu, with the eu. what if he realized that the UK govt wanted to make a bad deal for the country but good for the cabal? maybe he had enough, and once he gave POTUS everything he had, he was provided with an exit. what if steve baker is /ourguy/

8b6dea No.2085097


Just watched it. Fantastic lol. Master trolling

661ec8 No.2085098


Archive and maybe…report [F]ailing [B]ureau of [I]nsubordination, if they're not in on it maybe they'll do something about it

171961 No.2085099

File: c4562772c8ff5f6⋯.jpg (238.48 KB, 747x750, 249:250, Crop.jpg)

Intricate Pentagon Crop Formation in Wiltshire, England

July 7, 2018 Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, England – Early this morning in Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, U.K., a crop formation in wheat about 150 feet in diameter with an intricate 5-fold geometry was photographed and reported by Cropcircleconnector.com. Soon after the crop formation’s existence went public, the farmer “erased” it by harvesting out the pattern.

Since the 14th Century, Wootton Rivers was a place that meant “farm by the wood” and the surname “Rivers” of the lords of the manor about 4 miles south of Marlborough. According to historic archives of the region, in the grounds of Marlborough College there once stood a castle, first constructed of wood around 1086. Local folklore asserts that the motte on which the castle’s keep was founded, known as the ‘Marlborough Mound’ and/or ‘Merlin’s Barrow,’ is where the bones of Merlin — King Arthur’s magician — are buried. Samples of charcoal extracted from the Mound prove that it was built around 2004 BC — at least 4,000 years ago — which makes the Marlborough Mound a prehistoric structure of historical significance.


b41081 No.2085100


OMFG imagine a scenario where they jailed the real one, and her double is making it look like she's fine and parading with BC for his walk of shame with his pedo book

0c79c3 No.2085101


Yeah no shit.

ea70c2 No.2085102


Twitter, Facecrook etc need to be charged with distributing child porn.

ffc837 No.2085103


>Pwahr liddle Clintons. Maybe they should give another speech on Wall Street.

"Blah blah blah…where's my $500K?"

13e98e No.2085104


10/10 drunk illegal alien….I feel for the person they hit..you've no idea…you think uninsured drivers insurance protects you. There was an entire deddit thread being in accidents with illegals. It was terribly depressing.

43121b No.2085105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

f38537 No.2085106


They sell kiddie meals at most fast food restaurants. They are not made from kids, they are for kids. And filtered …

19992d No.2085107

File: 63aa51571b2d23e⋯.jpg (219.39 KB, 980x652, 245:163, 2013-10-11 Jewish uprising….jpg)

File: ed2303408d6fd88⋯.jpg (512.76 KB, 1524x1262, 762:631, German Revolution of 1918-….jpg)

Random Redpill: German Revolution of 1918-1919

e5d7ab No.2085108


Well shit - kek!

bfbe06 No.2085109


How did Q get started? Roseanne Barr tweeted Who is QAnon? She tweeted so much her account was shut down. But she got me here. How many of you are here because Roseanne started asking the question?

78dce8 No.2085110

Notable Bun


>>2084766 Vehicle Being Chased by USSS Crashed Going Wrong Way on I-66in N, VA, >>2084785 Suspect Still at Large

>>2084765, >>2085003, >>2085043 UK Brexit Sec. David Davis has resigned

>>2084718 Beautiful collection of Schedule comments.

>>2084568, >>2084869 PlaneFag Updates

>>2084495 Trump Tweets Simpsons Cartoon of him Coming Down Escalator re: Announcing Run for Presidency

>>2084335, >>2084484, >>2084945 Mother Teresa charity home accused of 'baby trafficking' & There Has Been an Arrest

063dce No.2085111


Since Trump's people removed these devices and control systems from the entire USA commercial fleet, that's when. The cabal no longer has the power. They tried to do it with a flight from JFK to SFO. But when they turned on their control device, a detection alarm alerted the pilot and he just stopped the plane on the tarmac and called police

e7d372 No.2085112

File: fb28cf9a79cca70⋯.png (165.69 KB, 503x390, 503:390, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)

File: cdf218b43112741⋯.png (397.69 KB, 810x585, 18:13, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)

File: 91e3c5bcd2af760⋯.png (498.63 KB, 787x596, 787:596, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)

File: 82ca73f9a620839⋯.jpg (208.65 KB, 1389x454, 1389:454, ForJack.jpg)


Thank You Anon…I am humbled. I am inspired and Honored as well. Very much so. Saved!!


0f2734 No.2085113


Damn thats awesome

Trolling EU from space now

ced33b No.2085114

File: 7105e89b219a1a0⋯.jpg (70.61 KB, 636x382, 318:191, 3839562F00000578-0-image-a….jpg)


i tend to agree. the vid of hillary today looks like post side-of-beef hillary with blue lense glasses

247e20 No.2085115


who is rose anne

0754db No.2085116

is there a baker?

43121b No.2085117

File: 29712591b1b8bb5⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 480x475, 96:95, pinkfloyde.jpg)

78dce8 No.2085118

37ea68 No.2085119

File: eb97f734266e367⋯.jpg (81.57 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 121f6d63deb768bd5280c0beed….jpg)



ce3fd0 No.2085120

File: 6747a236c5e158d⋯.jpg (63.73 KB, 480x639, 160:213, 36752599_1319894681475873_….jpg)

c742ab No.2085121

File: 47bf9c4caffa57e⋯.png (187.85 KB, 361x425, 361:425, 5abe924f86e85.png)


i dont twat but i would say this guy is not /ourguy/

he is steering normies to a cia honey pot.

bcf747 No.2085122

File: 786f01ef5ba0edc⋯.png (465.58 KB, 787x589, 787:589, If you meme it.png)


We got to bring the audience guys.

5d8864 No.2085123

File: b26f6147d79a379⋯.jpeg (70.55 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, 1531093246.jpeg)

3dea50 No.2085124


I have been trying to figure out forever which one is the actual Hillary.

b59a86 No.2085125


thats how i found it

thanks roseanne

23b423 No.2085126

File: 51e33d000ea1c53⋯.jpg (544.46 KB, 1080x1110, 36:37, Screenshot_20180707-152032….jpg)

File: 57e5ad283b89be8⋯.jpg (172 KB, 540x1354, 270:677, 8072018093327.jpg)

File: 8f5f08ccde4f3f6⋯.jpg (799.71 KB, 1078x1597, 1078:1597, Screenshot_20180708-164029….jpg)

File: d185621babd7743⋯.jpg (236.56 KB, 1008x927, 112:103, IMG_20180707_151906.jpg)


(((They))) dont give a fuk

36848a No.2085127


The royal family is not going to let a Brexit happen if it screws with their cabal family. Plain and simple.

In the end, all cabal things will be dissolved.

Christ will rule.

Man will kneel. Those that are left will be happy to.

151e3f No.2085128

File: bcf5745b7cae7f7⋯.jpg (73.65 KB, 627x515, 627:515, 1530018416997.jpg)

0c79c3 No.2085129

I'm gonna write those off as fake drops.

Interesting questions though.

Want action? Use 3 codes.


I was there during the first drops on 4

466656 No.2085130


Just goes to show… the rest of the country just doesn't care as much as CNN does.

52558e No.2085131

File: eb157cce0be1c6c⋯.png (185.79 KB, 620x787, 620:787, Screenshot_163.png)


Juan Karlos Labajo scandal. Rt para makita din ng iba!


Seems pretty PEDO to me, folks!

6a7c5b No.2085132

Hi this is Lee S…

I've read two Q-posts and lurked on 8 chan for 20 minutes.

I've got it all figured out.

If you send me $5 I will ramble on aimlessly for an hour on Periscope about Q. Check out Muh Twatter.

Help a brother out anons!!

9938bf No.2085133

>>2085014 Movies need promotion and get it by trailers, 1 sheets, marquis, TV, and all sorts of other promotional activities. Any and all media that can be afforded.

0f2734 No.2085134


Health Ranger is good shit, glad he is with us!

1d5e0b No.2085135


There is evil all around - this should not surprise anyone here.

6ef83b No.2085136


that boat sailed long ago. see:


23b423 No.2085137

File: 9551ef7e0d14c4b⋯.jpg (390.55 KB, 540x2686, 270:1343, evil07072018032250.jpg)


hahhaha… i need to clean my phone

ah… there it is xD

c742ab No.2085138




just throwin it out there. good find anon.

98abbd No.2085139

File: d64ec8d2aacdaba⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 500x500, 1:1, muhcatalog.jpg)

ffc837 No.2085141



171961 No.2085142


Dan Eugene Willis, now 69, served in the U. S. Navy four years, beginning February 9, 1968, at age 19. From 1968-1969, Dan was in charge of the Code Room at the U. S. Naval Communications Station in San Francisco with a TOP SECRET Crypto level 14 clearance. Dan saw a SECRET PRIORITY message about a large, orange glowing UFO that rose out of Alaskan waters and traveled straight up 7,000 mph into the sky.

036864 No.2085143

File: 1249a7f12c1245a⋯.jpg (15.6 KB, 255x211, 255:211, pepe_glasses_down.jpg)


Well fuck.

e5d7ab No.2085146




" Meanwhile, Sky’s Lewis Goodall has spoken to Jacob Rees Mogg, who has welcomed Davis’ resignation.

Mogg says:

"If the Brexit Secretary cannot support them they cannot be very good proposals."

36848a No.2085147

Hey Christian Anons!!!

How close are we to the Rapture, eh?

Looks like things are reaching a fever pitch.

I have been wondering woke for 33 years.


Days or weeks, not months or years or decades.


b41081 No.2085148


Think about what you are asking.

Who is Q ?

Do you think for a minute, Sanders would drop a name like this and say yeah it's true he's the guy behind it…

What Q expect the reporters to ask Sanders is if the Q phenomenon is legit and there is really an insider at the WH or close to Trump. Something like this, but not WHO IS Q. Who is Q is requested by shills because they too know it's a retarded question to ask.

5d8864 No.2085149

File: 4f597df06ad3cac⋯.jpeg (89.07 KB, 1020x916, 255:229, 1531012739.jpeg)

ced33b No.2085150


the one from todays vid is the replacement, as was the post side-of-beef one.

bf1cd6 No.2085152


tx for the kind reply anon

37ea68 No.2085153

File: 10749ff2b73c3f7⋯.png (817.53 KB, 962x499, 962:499, 10749ff2b73c3f7be442ecd893….png)

File: c0224b3ddf75e48⋯.png (674.73 KB, 833x500, 833:500, c0224b3ddf75e48c98a00f038e….png)

3dea50 No.2085154



I cannot text this to myself for future reference


It is too hard

a07dfe No.2085155


no way an ex President does not have SS protection. This must not be them!

42a3ea No.2085157

File: eee4e4694f6c229⋯.jpg (138.29 KB, 338x510, 169:255, Screen Shot 07-09-18 at 12….JPG)

Dawn Sturgess, the woman who fell ill after being exposed to the same nerve agent as former spy Sergei Skripal, has died. She and her boyfriend were taken to a Salisbury hospital a week ago.

Police don't know at the moment how Sturgess, 44, and Charlie Rowley, 45, were exposed to Novichok. The pair were discovered unconscious in a property in Muggleton Road, Amesbury, last Saturday, however, the incident was only brought to light on Wednesday when the police revealed that the two were treated “for suspected exposure to an unknown substance.”


abbda6 No.2085158

File: 0fe6ea26c63d890⋯.png (635.78 KB, 720x720, 1:1, 0fe6ea26c63d890fd95601fd59….png)

What kind of fucking meme is this?

You're not even trying to fit in anymore.

>Low energy memes

>Low energy shills

23b423 No.2085159

File: e0a9cfabab951d4⋯.jpg (207.17 KB, 1080x1258, 540:629, Screenshot_20180708-164407….jpg)


…. i typed it in wrong?

1200a9 No.2085160


The issue is people coming into the country bringing disease with them

Children not yet vaccinated are exposed now

22ca40 No.2085161


So May is playing the public and trying to make it seem like she is following through with some brexit program, when it will not end in any type of actual Brexit.

Does that about sum it up?

13e98e No.2085162


>I know that you clowns altered it intentionally

(((YOU))) have to go back. Funny MEME is funny.

8350fa No.2085163


Nothing to explain.

You already know.

43121b No.2085164


they was escorted by marshals

e5d7ab No.2085165



Theresa May is still meant to meet with her entire Parliamentary party tonight at 6.45pm. Today will be HUGE.

4:08 PM - Jul 8, 2018 · Harpenden, East

0f2734 No.2085166


Careful anon

Rapture very well could have been the Great Deception

We know not of these things but time will tell

3dea50 No.2085167


One is signify toy taller and has man hands. I remember it from the campaign.

6d8c38 No.2085168


It really does suck though, took me a bit to find the latest bread, newbies will never find the fresh bread, hope it gets fixed soon

247e20 No.2085169


Okay I will stop shitting up the breads

0d6929 No.2085170


Not in our lifetimes. Probably not in our grandkids' lifetimes.

The geopolitical arrangement described in Daniel 6 does not exist and will not exist for the foreseeable future.

1d5e0b No.2085171


While recording,someone should have asked them, "Who is Q" → it would've gone viral

0754db No.2085172


so everyone should be bombarding MSM for seats to the show?

7ab559 No.2085173


and enemy of sexually abused children

ought to be a crime

aee629 No.2085174

File: 9fafa4024e220e7⋯.jpg (157.48 KB, 1214x950, 607:475, False Flag in El Paso.JPG)

File: 89ccb7a629494ed⋯.jpg (104.68 KB, 1178x828, 589:414, El Paso FF 2.JPG)

File: 330bcdf96f29e6d⋯.jpg (88.82 KB, 1225x524, 1225:524, El Paso FF 3.JPG)

File: 330bcdf96f29e6d⋯.jpg (88.82 KB, 1225x524, 1225:524, El Paso FF 3.JPG)

Pretty sure a FALSE FLAG is being perpetrated - El Paso police pull gun on children. Original video was from 2018 but it is being reported as happening yesterday. Post is also on the El Paso Police Department Twitter but you can tell the dates were changed/added. I have the original saved offline but would be good to have other anons copy it as well.

1978d7 No.2085175


at the great falls, mt rally, i saw a reporter interviewing a man with a Q shirt, but i don't know what agency they were with and never saw the interview on tv or otherwise

080d98 No.2085176

File: 17278071c8cbf85⋯.jpg (18.57 KB, 300x391, 300:391, 17278071c8cbf85493584bdcf4….jpg)


You're such a dirty faggot. I hope that shirt burst into flames.

ced33b No.2085177


it seems clear there are two or more hilldawgs

43121b No.2085178



only raptured is the 144000 that will rule with Jesus as our new gov

84a601 No.2085179

File: 0cd294bb1f9a304⋯.jpg (88.23 KB, 1024x904, 128:113, thafuck.jpg)


>we need moar newfags

ffc837 No.2085180


I don't know.

I just know the right question must be asked.

I'll recognize it when I see it.

Hindsight is 2020.

(With Trump, foresight is 2020.)

c7dca5 No.2085181


I think the rapture is a lie so that you will not fight and you will get lazy and depend on a "rapture" to save us all and in the meantime you sit back and watch the world burn but the rapture is coming so who cares what happens.

bf1cd6 No.2085182



seems like Q wanna be posts - fake

not good enough

blames anons for no comms and not ready?

no - wrong

202b37 No.2085183


FFS these are horrible memes

52558e No.2085184

File: 5548a44cafe18d1⋯.png (378.21 KB, 574x379, 574:379, Screenshot_164.png)

3dea50 No.2085186



It does to me

a07dfe No.2085187


maybe it is not Bill?

0c79c3 No.2085188


you might be right anon.

37ea68 No.2085189

File: 8a2a7d42b495166⋯.png (62.87 KB, 1118x321, 1118:321, ClipboardImage.png)


we are in it now. nothing to fear. s'all good.

36848a No.2085190


Rapture is scriptural. That does it for me.

No deception there.

There are no deceptions to believers in the bible.

Not even one.

We know of this thing. For almost 2000 years we have known of the Rapture.

13e98e No.2085191


these shots taken from a Sesame Street episode…called "Everybody Poops"..now you're getting boring.

43121b No.2085192

File: ce87142a0e95569⋯.jpg (166.96 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, stupid.jpg)

afa63f No.2085193

Upnpsspx bopot, jt b cjh ebz.

Uif xipmf xpsme mfbsot uif usvui.

Zpv bsf hpjoh up cf wfsz tvsqsjtfe.

bcf747 No.2085194


You got me Kekking all over the place over here.

bf2f12 No.2085195


kek don't use the muh dick font

ffc837 No.2085196


He'll get his reward. I'm sure of that.

0d6929 No.2085197



*sorry, Daniel 7

78dce8 No.2085198



aee629 No.2085199

File: 52d94034ac9979d⋯.jpg (109.29 KB, 1019x859, 1019:859, El Paso FF 4.JPG)

>>2085174 Sorry for the double post on pic 3. Here is a document with obviously altered date.

bf2f12 No.2085201


this is fake news

fake and gay

no sauce either

13e98e No.2085202


>chaos and Theresa May has no authority left."

GET READY for the new PAKI PM….

38a100 No.2085203


The queen is dead meat.

36848a No.2085204


Amen! And yes, I was trolling to see if there was another believer on here tonight even with a screwy board.

2e4a0f No.2085205

File: 2612a6ba018f6a1⋯.png (72.88 KB, 680x641, 680:641, wat.png)




37ea68 No.2085206


forgot to say 'designed in the style of an ignorant leftist with tdr'?

52558e No.2085207

File: e8d0241d511e545⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1377x958, 1377:958, Screenshot_165.png)



ffc837 No.2085208


Sauce is fattening.

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