No one can say for certain what is causing these changes in our Solar System, although based on Ancient Prophecies presented below we appear to be in safe hands---guided through an evolutionary process by forces much greater than most of us could ever comprehend. Below are all ancient predictions that I can almost guarantee you haven't heard, which describe our world more perfectly than you could possible imagine. Furthermore, they all are remarkably similiar, all describing a transition into a "Golden Age" and the birth of an eternal "Golden Race". Before you get skeptical, let me be clear nothing that follows is related to the "New Age" movement, which I see as on the same level of FE. However, it does have a kernel of truth regarding the Age of Aquarius that has caught up some good minds, similiar to the "Global Warming" hoax.
I will start with Zoroastrianism to show you how the original, positive prophecies of a Golden Age seem to have become contorted, over many thousands of years, into the perverted concept of a New World Order---in which an elite, multinational power group wishes to greatly reduce the earth’s population and bring the people under the control of a worldwide dictatorship. This is one of the cabal's biggest lies, reinforced constantly through apocalyptic movies to control people through fear.
The truth has always been right in front of us in the word apocalypse, from the Latin apocalypsis "revelation", and the Greek apokalyptein "uncover, disclose, reveal," from apo "off, away from" (see apo-) + kalyptein "to cover, conceal". The only people that have to fear revelation, uncovering, disclosure, and the move away from cover and concealment are the cabal. Furthermore, Edgar Cayce (a remarkably accurate clairvoyant) said that prophecies of global catastrophes are metaphors of the changes we are all going through.
Based on many other prophetic sources I have encountered, it appears that all this judgment really means is that we will be given a choice of whether we wish to continue reincarnating, and learning the same lessons, or move into an eternal body---basically in an Ascended form. If we don’t decide to take the “Great Invitation,” we’re not punished—we live our lives, pass away when it is normal and right, and continue moving through the growth opportunities that future lives in a physical body can give us.
Zorastrian prophecy
Zoroaster’s future expectations were fixed upon this loved and familiar earth. It is on it, restored to its original perfection, that the kingdom of Ahura Mazda is to come; and the blessed are to live here eternally in his presence, solid flesh on solid ground. These prophecies predict a “progressive weakening” of evil thanks to the hard work of many people in exposing the truth. Prophecies of woes and iniquities in the last age are alien to orthodox Zoroastrianism, for Zoroaster’s fundamental message was that the triumph of goodness would come when evil had been progressively weakened through the concerted efforts of the just. . . . [H]uman virtues, such as justice, faith, liberality, joyfulness, will then be increasing throughout the world, and vices such as tyranny, enmity, heresy and injustice will dwindle away. . . This is incredible, it's one of the best descriptions of the Great Awakening I've heard, and it's from a 3500 year old prophecy.
In another passage (I Corinthians 7:29, 31) Paul, believing that “the appointed time has grown very short,” declared that “the form of this world is passing away.” Some centuries later Augustine . . . saw this change of the world’s “form.” . . . The cosmos, too, is to pass out of time into eternity, [and] is to share, according to its capacity, in the eternity of the immutable Truth. . . . In the final consummation of all things, therefore, time will be no more; all will be eternal---God, man, the world.” This teaching, found by Augustine in Paul, has been characterized as remarkable; but it is in fact what had been taught by Zoroaster, and believed by his followers down the ages.
Boyce and Grenet carefully trace how the difficulties of Roman and Macedonian rule affected Zoroastrian prophecies as well---causing later writers to adopt much more of a doom-and-gloom approach, which then seeded into all other Western religions. In fact, I firmly believe these disaster prophecies are a misunderstanding, and we’re already seeing the worst of the Earth Changes right now. Some conspiracy minded people have even traced the ideological concept of the Illuminati back to the prominent role Zoroastrian priests played in political and state affairs.