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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

0c4007 No.2066632

Welcome To Q Research General

Our time is fast approaching for a corruption sweep of biblical proportions.

Keep in mind what to say to those who are confused around you. Do your best, to let them TRUST THE PLAN.





Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST, THEN LURK) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Wednesday 07.04.18

>>2029255 --------------------------------------------------- Independence Celebration

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981, >>2021248, >>2020544 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ---------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621, How To Quickly Spot A Clown >>1838738, Freedom of Speech >>2064946 Useful Filters

0c4007 No.2066641


are not endorsements


>>2034376 The Declaration of Independence (dl your copy today!)

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident


>>2066307 Now dirty cop Comey celebrates US citizenship? But Abolish ICE tho.

>>2066297 Trump taps DOE veteran to head Homeland Security research arm

>>2066281 Mexico quietly hands its water supply over to transnationals, WWF involved

>>2066279 India: Passenger's tweet saves 25 girls from being trafficked

>>2066185 Pakistan Ex-PM Sharif Sentenced To Ten Years In Prison Thanks To Panama Papers

>>2066223 DOE CyberDefense Competition Building the Next Generation of Computational Thinkers

>>2065979 "Alexa, fire thrusters." Jeff Bezos's wants to start on moon colony by 2023

>>2065917, >>2065986, >>2065978, >>2065990, >>2066104, >>2066313 Violent protests in Haiti

>>2065897 The "dumbf---s" don't only trust him, they made Zuck world's 3rd richest techie


>>2065494 Candidate AIDS vaccine passes key early test

>>2065132 Investigations Opened to Explore Suicide of CHICAGO Actor Jeff Loeffelholz

>>2065129, >>2065144 Tracking the SAA's advance in Daraa, rebels BTFO'd.

>>2065123 Google Sued For Allowing Developers To Access Gmail Messages

>>2065092 Customs & Border Patrol Officer Indicted for allegedly lying about citizenship

>>2065856 #2605


>>2064594 US Judge Fines Chinese Turbine Company $1.5M

>>2064679 Massachusetts Governor Signs Gun Seizure Bill

>>2064778 Was it an Iranian Terror Attack or a FF Operation

>>2064561 Federal Grand Jury Incicts 24 MS-13 gand Members

>>2064363 Man Arrested After Threatening to Kill GOP Rep. Zeldin Campaign Worker


>>2063637, >>2063878 Pence Tweet Thanking Sec. Neilsen, Honor to be with ICE Today

>>2063549 Broward County Judges, 13, toLeave the Bench in 2018

>>2063188 FOX: Justice Department, FBI fail to meet deadline for documents requested by Chairmen Nunes, Gowdy and Goodlatte

>>2063308 “Male feminist Justin Trudeau is just as handsy as Bill Clinton was”

>>2063344 Broward Circuit Judge John Patrick Contini resigned Friday

>>2063372 Updated w/sauce: Virginia Man Sentenced for Obstructing Counterterrorism Investigation

>>2063392 US boycotts informal UN meeting on ICC's 20th anniversary

>>2063942 #2603

Previous Notables

>>2063137 #2602

>>2062334 #2601

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archives of Notables >>>/comms/225 ; >>>/comms/1536

0c4007 No.2066642

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>2033995

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

0c4007 No.2066644

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

4db8e9 No.2066646


4db8e9 No.2066647


734be5 No.2066649


consider Matthew 7:7


83318e No.2066651

HRC will die soon.

4db8e9 No.2066652

Current record is 5 niggers in the dough.

d899e2 No.2066653

File: 3090aa6cb11e948⋯.jpg (50.03 KB, 851x637, 851:637, DhcpUZvUwAA3CNU.jpg)

File: ece022c15d6d70d⋯.jpg (55.69 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2de53n~2.jpg)

a5de3d No.2066654



8d066c No.2066655

File: d0d132960a2b65c⋯.jpg (288.5 KB, 1200x1623, 400:541, p72op1kg5f811[1].jpg)

fafa14 No.2066657


I'm just so sad for you.


I hope you find a better outlet for your life.

Good luck.

e51f5e No.2066658


83318e No.2066659


e015af No.2066660

>>2066624 (pb)

>>2066496 (pb)

all part of the 'show'

we are center ring don't ya know

6bc360 No.2066661

File: ff633434fe13848⋯.png (9.67 KB, 565x107, 565:107, yuk.PNG)

0b5f45 No.2066662

File: 47f4cf37d074295⋯.jpg (36.15 KB, 480x360, 4:3, himmler.jpg)

>>2065850 (prev)

3dfa62 No.2066663

File: eb8dce1da434367⋯.png (757.75 KB, 720x1108, 180:277, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey, if there's a new board where Leafbro is going to be..

Do you think we'll be.. Leaft alone now?


146596 No.2066664

Sorry to step on your toes again, Baker, but I posted the new bread number in last bread. I didn't think you'd have time. My apologies if I erred.

4db8e9 No.2066665


check on your family

adac45 No.2066666


Send her to Haiti as a goodwill ambassador. That should hasten the exit.

6577b8 No.2066667

File: ab731bb048ad81c⋯.png (184.41 KB, 1222x688, 611:344, hghkjggk.png)

d899e2 No.2066668

File: c9cf58ce7ea46df⋯.jpg (122.15 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 2czf91.jpg)

File: 02e49f8287d7142⋯.png (35.33 KB, 445x331, 445:331, Screenshot_2018-07-06-11-1….png)

7bf275 No.2066669


You're pathetic. And so are your fruits.

a5de3d No.2066670


It's a good chance to leaf this board ; )


83318e No.2066672


0c4007 No.2066673



Wow, really sped up at the end there.

Sorry didn't get to the fresh bread post, anons.

Guys, please post sauce with your posts. Saves bakers a lotta time. Have to vet everything bc shills, ya know.

494140 No.2066674


clones. all clones. what/who are they looking for?

c3bc13 No.2066675

File: 7e2e56841bcf0ca⋯.jpeg (317.15 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 7e2e56841bcf0caade2d40e9b….jpeg)

5bd077 No.2066676

File: 79290b12fbad19d⋯.jpg (166.32 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, clam out.jpg)

== BAKER==


Fungus Amongus fucking with us again or is there 2 breads?

Pic for you.

02704c No.2066677

File: 1f3dd14cd058fc3⋯.png (510.71 KB, 688x500, 172:125, nasim-kill-yourself-faggot.png)

dd3c9a No.2066679

File: d6c063e163a6126⋯.jpg (101.52 KB, 716x865, 716:865, I Am Da Wae.jpg)

File: 9904a8316d8b4e4⋯.jpg (117.17 KB, 728x319, 728:319, john.jpg)


6577b8 No.2066680

File: 70d992d99298e92⋯.jpg (834.17 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 1528176814366.jpg)

146596 No.2066681



I posted it around 750. No


though… Not enough time.

83318e No.2066682



4f7169 No.2066684

what in the absolute fuck is going on right now

5365c6 No.2066685

File: 4af038db934e973⋯.jpg (373.77 KB, 753x861, 251:287, #0.Chan Archive Service.jpg)

GermanArchiveAnon Update

Fellow Anons,

I added #2590 to #2605 to the folder and updated the checksums, and the resources.

(Qanon.pub archived in html & webarchive. Qmap Graphics in EST and GMT. Two new EO's)

I also added the Clinton Email Timeline to the resources folder.



2590-2605.zip MD5: 7dde7a6024340732377eed6050eb1bd1


2590-2605.html.zip MD5: 992f812d0bcb0d9a95f65bb68d9b2da0

The archive now contains 2611 breads.


GermanArchiveAnon Out

adac45 No.2066686

File: 426a095a0d7c3cd⋯.jpg (14.61 KB, 630x299, 630:299, Ballmer.jpg)

a5de3d No.2066687


We're moving board


efb7ff No.2066688

File: d7d0b5e195593c7⋯.jpg (205.18 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 1525770320395.jpg)


MG42 Taylor Swift for baker to weather the shillstorm.

3dfa62 No.2066689


Oh I'll check in from time to time, not to worry.

But I find myself most comfortable here, and I am ever so lazy, did you not know? ;)

ed4fa7 No.2066690

File: e123c9538f4b22b⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 300x242, 150:121, checked.gif)

6577b8 No.2066691

File: 8fd40ac69254716⋯.jpg (125.73 KB, 755x477, 755:477, 89b96440f36267820bf6b24438….jpg)

1511f7 No.2066692

File: c1bac85940d62b9⋯.png (383.88 KB, 844x1276, 211:319, ClipboardImage.png)

>D’s are in crisis mode.

>These people are corrupt beyond belief.

>America for sale.

>Sold out.

d899e2 No.2066693

File: 8051eea65ab4c1f⋯.jpg (62.77 KB, 614x412, 307:206, 16krzy.jpg)

Turd Gowdy.

565190 No.2066694

File: 460fdda52c300f7⋯.png (160 KB, 862x370, 431:185, Q.png)


Trust the plan muh goy brotha

ac7515 No.2066695

File: a7bc493341b6536⋯.jpg (124.43 KB, 476x758, 238:379, _s1s3k2a54q5.jpg)


I noticed, thanQs for helping out ;)

0cecb5 No.2066696

File: d958407074f8fc2⋯.png (486.79 KB, 727x719, 727:719, 1527981486390.png)


look behind you

39852e No.2066697

File: 4cc2b01b8ba0f5e⋯.png (586.11 KB, 659x570, 659:570, EAD8E763-4E4A-4C6F-8C92-78….png)

7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:

41be41 No.2066698


You took my advice! Good, now take your shill friends, go there, and never ever come back. Shameless Namefagging creator of Muh Dick.

000f45 No.2066699


grade a fuckery

lets dig into david brock

i bet that will trigger the gay porn


who is he related to ?

how did he get connected?

how many carrots can he fit in his ass ?

0c4007 No.2066702


No that's perfect. I've done the same before for other bakers. No toe-stepping at all from my perspective. TY.

3dfa62 No.2066703


Thank You, ArchiveAnon!

Appreciated, as always! <3

1b4f9c No.2066705


I shouldn't of knocked. 🙈

0b5f45 No.2066706


Kek! I'll never get over that Pepe.

83318e No.2066707



d899e2 No.2066708

File: 76c0565d86cfcce⋯.png (191.62 KB, 308x842, 154:421, aeee925c6d184ea4d4d34144eb….png)

File: 58aacbe525a2981⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 480x754, 240:377, 2ce80m~2.jpg)

Q is spot on.

bc6c5e No.2066709


i roll to one side and pull out muh pistol

5ad6b5 No.2066710


We’re not allowed to talk about it because anons think it’s annoying to bring up the reason why we are being attacked all night.

Hint: our first ever positive piece of press was released yesterday and anons caught on that it was written for normies consumption, in the way US today has to write at a 2nd gr reading level. U must know your audience and that means the message needs to be made easy to consume.

41be41 No.2066711

File: a5d85e3513e08fd⋯.jpg (527.69 KB, 1000x786, 500:393, RR-Keck.jpg)

891d65 No.2066712

File: 3579e06ba8b2481⋯.jpg (19.69 KB, 255x160, 51:32, c41fe8327d1cc9823b1ba54c11….jpg)

File: b907ad1082e545f⋯.jpg (6.7 KB, 251x201, 251:201, BOOM.jpg)


No worries Baker.


AFLB trying to divide board.

e73072 No.2066713

File: 9708eaf1dbf43c3⋯.png (679.5 KB, 590x622, 295:311, sd.png)

Steve Ditko has died

Steve was co creator of spider man

52d680 No.2066714


Sorry AFLB, board only moves when Q says it moves. I have been lurking and watching your soap opera for a few days now. Its been very self centered. Good luck at your new site.

cde9bd No.2066715

File: 7b51feffa5fd5ed⋯.jpg (105.5 KB, 842x774, 421:387, checkem.jpg)



518652 No.2066716

File: 7ac3521de96bc48⋯.png (504.65 KB, 458x779, 458:779, Selection_532.png)



I don't wanna be a repost-fag, but the last rally was pretty epic …

494140 No.2066717


if rosenstein is himmler and trump is patton, who is gowdy and sessions?

d899e2 No.2066718

File: 61ce73117f5fbda⋯.jpg (52.26 KB, 480x362, 240:181, 2digtd~2.jpg)

File: 8b2cf40f9b2ed6a⋯.png (40.11 KB, 495x373, 495:373, when-she-realizes-shes-not….png)

000f45 No.2066719

File: f2f317a66a55292⋯.jpg (49.88 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2dk6w7.jpg)

769bc9 No.2066720



excellent summary of the fuckery

0cecb5 No.2066721

File: d3557856ed98d80⋯.jpg (104.73 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, d3557856ed98d80c80c54d4f70….jpg)


As you look behind you, "Hello, sir have you heard of our lord and savior Jesus Christ?"

bbe23c No.2066722

File: 8465c83e46bb202⋯.png (482.96 KB, 710x544, 355:272, ClipboardImage.png)

734be5 No.2066723


Anything besides this pic?

1b4f9c No.2066724


What's wrong with his HANDS?

6bc360 No.2066725

File: c9c6fc2b0f3f537⋯.png (707.44 KB, 679x401, 679:401, fhd4.PNG)


Take care, have fun digging, little deeper, no deeper…bye

6577b8 No.2066727


Sessions informed Congress in his letter that all the matters recommended for investigation by Goodlatte, Gowdy, and Grassley are “fully within the scope of [Huber’s] existing mandate.” He also informed the chairmen that Inspector General Michael Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel.

c3bc13 No.2066728


is that donald telling a Q supporter to shut the fuck up and chill?

7bf275 No.2066729


Yeah.. This board is so useless now without her that she's scraping the notables here for her board, kek.

0c4007 No.2066730


Thanks for pic, kek.

Don't see two breads in catalog.

bc6c5e No.2066731


I begin to reply, but am abruptly distracted by the impressive bulge protruding from your khakis. It moves.

e286ed No.2066732


They're doubling down on that shit Q article?

518652 No.2066733


Yeah, we got invited up to the VIP section but then someone else came up and un-invited us.

a5de3d No.2066734


We as a group can decide.

We need a Wall just like America needs a Wall, and the owner of this board will not provide that with the certainty I can..

078a4e No.2066735

I wonder when will Space Force One (SF1) arrive on the Moon the first time and who will be POTUS when that happens…

d899e2 No.2066736

File: 9eebcfea8730920⋯.jpg (61.74 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 2clteq.jpg)

769bc9 No.2066737

funny, the shills seem to have disappeared

i wonder why…

probably because they got what they wanted :)

734be5 No.2066738


That's why staying anon is best.

5f8593 No.2066739


Don't forget Who "Really" controls the Moon

67c857 No.2066740


And what use is dividing/splintering going to do?

494140 No.2066741

File: e9e050b7e849f28⋯.png (14.05 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 90acaf8721629e63f07ba9884a….png)

5ad6b5 No.2066742


Ya cus all the gay porn posts had the link to that q article. U idiot. Do u know how sliding works? Gay porn is most extreme form of it. They were sliding away from the chatter about that article.

Try logic next time u think.

24830e No.2066743

File: 28313c8a1ce47ee⋯.jpeg (177.01 KB, 1086x581, 1086:581, 3FCF53D3-C4A1-4B44-AF7E-1….jpeg)


7bf275 No.2066744


Yeah, fuck you, we're going where the Patriots go…

And you ain't POTUS or Q.

078a4e No.2066745


Who? Sorry I don't know.

b023cc No.2066746

File: f16a8fd2e6c7960⋯.png (273.21 KB, 502x435, 502:435, ClipboardImage.png)

Just DO IT!!!

a5de3d No.2066747


Free us from a compromised board.

bbe23c No.2066748

File: b520bacfdadf31a⋯.png (444.41 KB, 732x413, 732:413, ClipboardImage.png)

5ad6b5 No.2066751


Yep. You’re right. They may have won the battle….

e73072 No.2066752


AFLB is asshurt

just let leaf go

the shillfest will more than likely end when leaf is gone

ce250d No.2066753


I remember when board splits were a real concern.

Now they're not.

Just stop.

bc6c5e No.2066754


WWG1WGA keep it up

24830e No.2066755

File: abed01389474514⋯.jpeg (107.59 KB, 1242x372, 207:62, EED56A17-39B7-4789-8857-4….jpeg)


146596 No.2066756

Previous bread still not full. Someone was deleting posts after we migrated here. Needs 7 more to fill it.

518652 No.2066757


Maybe, but Q-clearance anon told us to be loud.

67c857 No.2066758


And how are you going to be our protector from the evil shills?

What would you do differently?

155cd8 No.2066759

Reporters don't matter, the media doesn't matter, opinions don't matter and the shill/larp shit doesn't matter. All that matters is treating each drop or issue much like a singular investigation while cross referencing and researching it to conclude whatever the individual feels may be important in terms of what is happening in society/current events.

a32add No.2066761


Think really hard about what you're doing here and how much of yourself you are investing.

You are absolutely obsessed and are completely freaking out on a very deep level. Go back to lurking for your own good man.

bc6c5e No.2066762


that's what your mom said

0b5f45 No.2066763


Sad but true about the second grader comment. Ex postal fag here. It was hilarious filling out the paper work for hiring. (1989) ….Ok, people…Put the first letter of your first name in the first box. Now, put the Second letter of your first name in the second box……Yeah…

51b8bd No.2066765

File: 9cacf464fd1421c⋯.png (429.21 KB, 1352x1596, 338:399, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)

File: e86d661c296eadd⋯.png (425.44 KB, 1552x1506, 776:753, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)


So i am just gonna throw this out there…

because Trump signed an executive order on Human Trafficking

(and i know we discussed this 1000 breads ago, but just a review of it for the newfags) Facebook is gonna get hit with that. there is evidence all over the place that Facebook allowed the child pornography to be shared and posted on their platform while banning anything else posted by conservatives. this is fact. Zuckerberg is putting his money in a foundation (his) which could be sheltered should the government go after him (my hypothosis) but that foundation is probably just as dirty.

in fact, Facebook and Twitter were sharing all photos with companies they were selling our information to, so that makes them GUILTY of distribution of child porn. pics related and that is just a sample of a search using "porn facebook"

0cecb5 No.2066766

File: d42394c68aa5632⋯.jpg (301.82 KB, 1190x2032, 595:1016, recognizable.jpg)


You recognize the bulge.

ce250d No.2066767


checked! u so sixxy!

d899e2 No.2066768

File: b6087797898e5ee⋯.jpg (54.88 KB, 580x587, 580:587, DhQJksYX0AAliiW.jpg)

File: 3090aa6cb11e948⋯.jpg (50.03 KB, 851x637, 851:637, DhcpUZvUwAA3CNU.jpg)

File: f216f8730dd37f8⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 828x566, 414:283, f216f8730dd37f8297ed94aad6….jpg)

Trust Sessions….

6577b8 No.2066769

File: d41fdf8c9186fbd⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1155x1200, 77:80, 1527116474351.png)


Trump and Elon will start putting people on mars by 2022. The space force will be unstoppable.

a5de3d No.2066770

File: e559ba41f3cbf98⋯.jpg (314.28 KB, 1792x674, 896:337, Suck-It.jpg)


It's what I have done differently.

c3bc13 No.2066771


im not paying a dollar to read a fucking article

0b5f45 No.2066772


Is This REAL?

efb7ff No.2066773

File: 4b42f0378f8b4be⋯.jpeg (88.26 KB, 500x437, 500:437, 4b42f0378f8b4bef01c3a4da8….jpeg)


Clock is about to hit the hour maybe that particular crew is collecting their 0.02 and checking out.

f308ae No.2066774

bb9b4c No.2066775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

734be5 No.2066776

5ad6b5 No.2066777


Absolutely. POTUS gets it. Q gets it. U have to make it like a movie for them to consume. It’s unfortunate but all they consume is spin. Without spin, nothing seems important.

To a certain degree, we have to play ball the way they do. They made the game. We are just gonna win at it.

6b6dea No.2066778


Shills still here.

Several posting as AFLB right now.

This whole thing is a new tactic.

Will continue as long as we let it work.

bc6c5e No.2066779

guys aflb is cleary autist as fuck with the amount of effort shes putting forth. maybe she's the right choice

7bf275 No.2066780


Shift change

5f8593 No.2066781


Space Mining.



1511f7 No.2066782

File: 7f2572798f14c48⋯.png (65.15 KB, 868x308, 31:11, ClipboardImage.png)

>Abandon ship!

>Hussein staff talking.

The rats are starting to abandon ship. They are looking to make deals to save themselves.


24830e No.2066783

File: adc24c2f66489ad⋯.jpeg (118.36 KB, 832x180, 208:45, AAE28479-0D1F-4DF1-BF43-A….jpeg)


5637da No.2066784

I hope that antiiffungal bitch drama is out of this bread

a5de3d No.2066785

I wouldn't be namefagging if I didn't know something is seriously wrong with the recent turn of events that got me removed..

7bc602 No.2066786

Job 12:22

He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light.



d899e2 No.2066787

File: 9dbfbedb4d7ecf3⋯.png (69.91 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Screenshot_2018-06-24-13-4….png)

c3bc13 No.2066788


if she cares that much she can make her own research board.

she's done.

41be41 No.2066789


Consider the source. Than ask the question again.

67c857 No.2066791



So you'll ban everyone you see not following…

Some… sort of… rules?

1b4f9c No.2066792

Anyone have a link for that article?

cdde5a No.2066793

File: 111b54ebff94249⋯.jpg (109.54 KB, 1189x575, 1189:575, yawn.JPG)

155cd8 No.2066794


Night shift here is always the best time to discuss issues. They rarely are on during the midnight hours. It's a gongshow the rest of the day.

02704c No.2066795


Nobody wants you around anymore because you banned people for no reason. You banned me for saying that Nasim, our goddess of free speech, is pretty. You are a terrible person.

ea7e5d No.2066796



YES what's the rules??

105c29 No.2066797

How many times do they have to go through the loop before they learn?

How fucking stupid are they?

They created sociopaths.

So fucking stupid.

825d93 No.2066799


The butthurt is strong with this one.

Makes me think this is the Author of that shit.

e015af No.2066800

File: c712a8be67eaa82⋯.jpg (55.16 KB, 432x540, 4:5, mathew25.jpg)

>>2066666 KEK! quints!

>Send her to Haiti as a goodwill ambassador. That should hasten the exit.

as good a place for her as any

G'night you Glorious anons one and all

God Bless us each and every one!


you can be anything you want…

be kind

7bf275 No.2066801

File: 2d2205f79a0fdc7⋯.jpg (239.82 KB, 1600x1059, 1600:1059, bce521b4d9d1b95cf65468b433….jpg)

6bc360 No.2066802


Your hope has not been answered, unfortunately

146596 No.2066803


Friday, though… Tomorrow night will be worse.

5bd077 No.2066804


Maybe tomorrow.

The amount of fuckery being dispensed can't continue at this pace.

518652 No.2066805


they are robots

734be5 No.2066806

File: 2f7af2b5d201e3d⋯.png (551.63 KB, 1419x1317, 473:439, Shills-Bots1.png)

File: f194cf9f8949c2c⋯.png (1.09 MB, 639x3238, 639:3238, Shills-Bots2.png)

File: 3f0266936369762⋯.jpg (2.51 MB, 4998x4666, 2499:2333, Shills-Bots3.jpg)

File: 8a80ddc6d4666fc⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1104x3045, 368:1015, Shills-Bots4.png)

File: a5bbfb2f35386f8⋯.png (140.35 KB, 1492x942, 746:471, Shills-Cointelpro.png)


Read if you haven't seen these before.

04b33c No.2066807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

39852e No.2066808

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, 9DED6288-6019-4088-9022-9….jpeg)

Time to move on.

Big week ahead!

ea7e5d No.2066809




734be5 No.2066810

File: 987e0a31b7dc9de⋯.jpg (664.55 KB, 1394x715, 1394:715, Shills-CTRFear.jpg)

File: 8945d6582b70d12⋯.png (298.03 KB, 2500x1652, 625:413, Shills-CTROnChans.png)

File: 8c09e6f625a3f5c⋯.jpg (248.24 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Shills-DeceptionGambits.jpg)

File: 3813fcb2261a4d7⋯.png (230.77 KB, 851x721, 851:721, Shills-DropARedpill.png)

File: e1fdcdf8444f7f4⋯.jpg (769.52 KB, 1908x650, 954:325, Shills-ExJIDF.jpg)

a5de3d No.2066811


That's the biggest lie there is.

c710f0 No.2066812

i think im out for the night.

Fucking cat rodeo going on here tonight.

ejoy the board, sure it will quite down now, usually does about now.

d899e2 No.2066813

File: 07907e05850f677⋯.jpg (97.8 KB, 654x428, 327:214, 2dggs1~2.jpg)

File: ab11143d12db580⋯.jpg (95.03 KB, 700x500, 7:5, 884500158df0d06d78042ea68c….jpg)

105c29 No.2066814


I mean the "elite". The shills are just for training.

734be5 No.2066815

File: dba6bcf9f8f0fcf⋯.png (868.21 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, Shills-GentlemensGuide.png)

File: 574b92368516625⋯.png (539.39 KB, 1340x1492, 335:373, Shills-InternetSubversion.png)

File: 6034a75834c47d8⋯.jpeg (538.94 KB, 782x2664, 391:1332, Shills-JIDFSpotting.jpeg)

File: 0b4ed67708d9f8a⋯.png (527.26 KB, 1838x1890, 919:945, Shills-polFlipped.png)

File: 9883e6677f9aff4⋯.png (2.09 MB, 720x8640, 1:12, Shills-polGuide.png)

155cd8 No.2066816


Yeah true, didn't consider that. Weekends get a few but most people during nightshift ignore them so they typically take off.

bb9b4c No.2066817

File: 650885c21924d9f⋯.png (110.8 KB, 661x508, 661:508, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)


686fe3 No.2066818

File: 2222e94637e8ea1⋯.png (341.12 KB, 471x349, 471:349, 2011-whdinner-trump.png)

repost from end of last board



I assume you are the anon who posted the photo of the birth certificate many boards ago which started me looking again for such of the same clues you were looking for

I think this is interesting because Trump wouldn't risk his reputation making a wild statement about Hussein's nationality


Trump has the resources to investigate this, and I'm beginning to think that this "fued" has been going on for a while now.

When I see the gold curtains in the WH that Obama put up

I wonder if it was a jab at Trump

then I expected Trump to replace them

which I believe is usually done

but Trump kept them up

to jab Hussein right back

after watching the WH correspondents dinner where Hussein spent extended time making fun of Trump, even showing what the WH would look like under Trump

I just think it is a silent feud and not just a once or twice jab at each other

pic is Hussein's version of Trump WH

e4bcb0 No.2066819

File: 297840ebab79cc8⋯.jpg (19.78 KB, 269x188, 269:188, IMG_0405.JPG)


real robert hours

494140 No.2066820


pfffft. pocket change…

734be5 No.2066821

File: d2ca06407b389e1⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1366x2215, 1366:2215, Shills-PostTactics.png)

File: 56fed404b9a3bfc⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1880x3056, 235:382, Shills-Shareblue.png)

File: 38d5105fd22d2ae⋯.png (810.67 KB, 1580x5304, 395:1326, Shills-Shareblue2.png)

File: ed465d37e295c3c⋯.png (561.55 KB, 1498x1469, 1498:1469, Shills-ShillsAndYou.png)

File: 25de4635c3b487e⋯.png (289.83 KB, 1156x2031, 1156:2031, Shills-SlideThread.png)

825d93 No.2066823


Looks to me that we as a group decided to not go.

24830e No.2066824

File: 1fae9cd84beeda2⋯.jpeg (112.85 KB, 1192x386, 596:193, 45FA8042-72E2-43B7-82B2-7….jpeg)

NSO Pegasus


c710f0 No.2066825


What is your issue in life? You have any real friends or family you talk to ever?

cdde5a No.2066826


You banned me for being proud to be American!

0cecb5 No.2066827

File: b83c0db1a23ad03⋯.jpg (58.01 KB, 597x585, 199:195, 0cd176f2a91ec9c8affefb3b42….jpg)


Listen, if you didn't recognize the bulge.. that's on you. AFLB is having problems because of hormone replacement therapy. Give her some space and time to rethink. Character assassination is worse for fem types.

But regardless, Leaf, you will NEVER EVER BE AS PRETTY AS ME

734be5 No.2066828

File: fc09ed9671adab3⋯.png (265.57 KB, 1726x1169, 1726:1169, Shills-T_D.png)

File: a88a9893eb8d90a⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1512x4472, 189:559, Shills-Terrorists.png)

File: e62771697f2b7d9⋯.jpeg (825.98 KB, 2182x1635, 2182:1635, Shills-Ways.jpeg)

File: e560bff65803194⋯.jpeg (800.9 KB, 2182x1635, 2182:1635, Shills-Ways2.jpeg)

File: 2f4823904c64824⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 1766x6323, 1766:6323, Shills-Whitepill.jpg)

6bc360 No.2066829


I know people and how they talk and act, you are really starting to seem exactly like Tracy Beanz,hmmm

d899e2 No.2066830

File: eb43601a862a803⋯.png (47.96 KB, 480x400, 6:5, Screenshot_2018-07-06-11-0….png)

cde9bd No.2066831

File: 7db6b4bfee3f783⋯.gif (933.69 KB, 1605x1070, 3:2, tiresomeCPD.gif)


>It's all so tiresome

ed4fa7 No.2066832

File: 7794a84dee5872c⋯.png (13.28 MB, 8801x4834, 8801:4834, BLParticle.png)

as promised

I gave it:

5 outstandings (4 were not text but pics, so essentially 1)

3 OKs

3 morans

and 3 shills/moran

over all score: MORAN


(might take a bit to load, KEK)

734be5 No.2066833













ea7e5d No.2066834


tits or gtfo


ill be fine once you murder youself. keep the light on tonight

4258d3 No.2066835


I'll dig on this guy a bit. He worked at staples before and ran that company down too. Bet you a kekistani dollar he's put into companies to kill em. B and N has tanked last few years due to digital media, but we certainly don't want people buying and reading real books..

000f45 No.2066836

File: a85a2365706dd69⋯.jpg (10.75 KB, 236x255, 236:255, a3a991a7099163b9c94228e99a….jpg)

mfw fungal is fame fagging while kids are being trafficked

and people keep giving them yous

bb9b4c No.2066837

File: 7b02dbed9f9b3cb⋯.png (385.37 KB, 696x563, 696:563, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)



6b6dea No.2066838

I'll say it again.

If you are responding to AFLB, an AFLB supporter, or discussing following AFLB to another board you are responding to a shill.

Please refer back to the dealing with clowns and shill links at the top of the page.

>Do not respond to shills.

>Even tripfag shills.

Also, let this be a lesson against tripfagging.

02704c No.2066839

File: 38b6daecd3ccd9b⋯.png (435.28 KB, 500x493, 500:493, hakjghjg.png)

File: f922589a4896b13⋯.jpg (26.31 KB, 636x358, 318:179, nasim-so-pretty.jpg)


It's not a lie. I was completely heartbroken by what you did to me. Luckily, BO lifted the ban. Just look at Nasim, you know she is pretty! People shouldn't be banned for the truth.

f308ae No.2066840

File: 980dae14e5b200f⋯.jpg (113.51 KB, 960x540, 16:9, tYR4j6ast0TYzaj3g7ZsyB424m….jpg)




no m8 and you know it isn't

4ff4e3 No.2066842


Sorry leaf, you're overstepping. We're good. I mean by all means compile evidence or whatever, that's all fine. But don't organize a mutiny. It really doesn't matter how much shit gets posted on this board as long as Q's posts aren't tampered with. Beyond that team Q can decide.

7bf275 No.2066843



Actually, Leaf is right.

The real reason why Leaf is now kryptonite is because she torched her own credibility, and then self destructed over it.

Talk about adding insult to injury.. I bet your parents never told you 'no' growing up, huh…

494140 No.2066844

File: b10f1f1746a193f⋯.gif (1.24 MB, 300x300, 1:1, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefer.gif)

File: 13ba06c549f4090⋯.jpg (15.99 KB, 225x225, 1:1, aecbdc4f6bdb2f79da669548fd….jpg)

File: e02bbc498b62a88⋯.png (511.46 KB, 754x753, 754:753, jkek.PNG)

734be5 No.2066845


The most interesting part of that picture to me was the time on the clock.

Why 7:32?

3b2bd9 No.2066846


FUCK OFF and do ya own thing where you can be appreciated

Hey and lets see them tits if you want to post here

ba2ab9 No.2066847


You were comp'd. You banned Patriots. You were removed. They no longer had an insider. You've personally shit as many breads as you can since being removed. You've made veiled threats while shitting the bread. Patriots on a VPN aren't going to officially complain for the ban, they'll change VPN. Your argument as to complaints are null. Shilling went hard once you were removed as a BV, they no longer had an insider.

There are no coincidences.

0cecb5 No.2066848

File: 21dde9cc52b4869⋯.jpg (9.72 KB, 372x268, 93:67, 21dde9cc52b48696acb5e07885….jpg)


What does being pretty have to do with anything?

Are you assuming my fucking gender?! YOU FUCKING WHITE MALE?!

708ae6 No.2066849

File: 5d6ddd43b55972f⋯.png (53.78 KB, 5089x3121, 5089:3121, QBOARD.png)

File: 82c8b80205f8c05⋯.jpg (442.97 KB, 1750x1073, 1750:1073, QBOARDeme.jpg)

efc840 No.2066850


My thoughts too.

ed4fa7 No.2066851



>>2066806 >>2066810 >>2066815 >>2066821 >>2066828 ANTISHILL INFO DUMP

ea7e5d No.2066852


dudes dont have tits too? fuckin whip em out pretty boy

51b8bd No.2066853


wow, those kids in the cave…. wtf.

fdb0b3 No.2066854

File: d26941b1eda4667⋯.jpg (66.75 KB, 753x564, 251:188, t9of7iuy.JPG)

james woods absolute champion

b5a139 No.2066855

>>2065075 (bread #2605)

Recently a number of stories have been published that try to describe the Q phenomenon. Some Pro-Q, other Anti-Q, most with glaring errors or misunderstandings.

As our movement matures and grows, we will need the help of the alternative media and eventually the MSM to spread the word and help normies understand the situation. Q has several times urged us to put together a QMap toward these ends. We can supplement his direction with our thoughts as well.

In addition, I think we should follow some of the practices of corporate public relations offices and put together a fact sheet and press release that they can use as a basis in developing their stories. Government public affairs offices also do this. It helps tremendously in getting facts straight and timelines correct. Deadlines in any media office are insane and reporters don't have the time to really research their stories thoroughly. This is where our PR material can help.

Bread #2605 lost a huge number of slices due to animated discussion of a half-assed piece in BGL that had good intentions and showed a favorable attitude toward the Q movement but nonetheless had a huge number of errors and omissions.

We've already produced a few pieces that set forth our philosophy such as the "First time on QResearch" post. It shouldn't be too hard to develop some PR material using the same practices under which the "First time" explanation was developed. Then we put it in as a permanent part of each bread and direct reporters to the material. In addition, it could be a short thread pinned to the very top of the threads in the catalog.

Your thoughts on this proposal?

Below are some recent articles on the Q-Team, both favorable and unfavorable.







5ad6b5 No.2066856

Amazing… where did all the gay porn sliding go to? Hmmm…. what's the differential in this equation.

What topic are we no longer discussing?

Connect some fucking dots anons.

769bc9 No.2066857



you're right.. this is exhausting..

could really use a Q post right about now

>>2066794 correction, night shift is usually the best time to discuss

unless there's something they want to distract us from and divide us on, which they succeeded in doing last bread

cd7ad7 No.2066858


Real, tangible resources are necessary to keep the economy afloat during the financial reset. There just aren't enough on this planet alone to support all the funny money that's been printed due to cabal shenanigans.

d899e2 No.2066859

File: 7cadebb663a8b5b⋯.png (40.53 KB, 480x730, 48:73, Screenshot_2018-07-05-05-3….png)

File: 58aacbe525a2981⋯.jpg (65.32 KB, 480x754, 240:377, 2ce80m~2.jpg)

File: a1ba80a39a33282⋯.png (84.53 KB, 480x583, 480:583, Screenshot_2018-06-24-10-2….png)

0c4007 No.2066860


Danke GermanArchiveAnon.

So glad you're helping with this.


kek. ZOMG it's Tay!!!


Thanks for the dig, anon. Yup, these CEOs recycle for that purpose, so their insider buddies can short the stock b4 it tanks. Pharma/biotech does that shit all the time.

One note so far:

>>2066743, >>2066755 You're fired: Barnes & Noble Announces CEO Termination. Buy why?

7dc449 No.2066861

File: 5d2a5aec86ab0c9⋯.jpg (180.73 KB, 888x499, 888:499, 200isa.jpg)

A lot of you newfags aren't aware but those of us that have been here since the beginning have endured multiple migrations, and have just about seen it all at this point

a38ece No.2066862


Don't you have your own empire to run?

Leave already.

2bd8a2 No.2066863


Good graphic. But it's way too big. 13MB!?

I suggest installing Inkscape (free) and redoing this as a SVG image. It'd be about 100k. Many more people would see it.

e015af No.2066864

File: a3d954440360a27⋯.png (32.07 KB, 1414x199, 1414:199, boardOwnerAFLBbogus.png)




>It's what I have done differently.

pic related


2cc492 No.2066865


Third'd. This needs to be known to newfags and even veterans

Once you see this, you will know why autists are powerful.

0cecb5 No.2066866

File: 24692f27d4ba186⋯.jpg (107.26 KB, 510x500, 51:50, 24692f27d4ba186817b9b253fc….jpg)


Listen you piece of shit, I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

adac45 No.2066867

File: bd6b837d6461659⋯.jpg (29.42 KB, 474x379, 474:379, bro.jpg)

7bc602 No.2066868

Q… is God.

POTUS is saying… WHO is Q? WTF?

all (SCROLL)

God is incognito… POTUS visit soon.


ed4fa7 No.2066869


kek I know, to make it legible I had to make it YUGE

I really don't want to right now, too late and tired!

I'll try tomorrow (in the morning)

I was pretty fair though

24830e No.2066870

File: 6ac461d1a202520⋯.jpeg (66.1 KB, 817x180, 817:180, 3C690A50-5DDD-499F-9A34-6….jpeg)

File: 367e50fa3b04eb7⋯.jpeg (683.64 KB, 1242x784, 621:392, 53648676-BBCA-4D57-90D4-A….jpeg)


67c857 No.2066871


God won't talk to you directly.

God would totally derp around as anon, though.

5f8593 No.2066872


And the Humanity.

We don't know if We're the same human begins in the next years.

the sure is that The earth will die.

02704c No.2066873

File: 89986ed18e1bc9f⋯.jpg (316.52 KB, 980x551, 980:551, nasim-seal.jpg)

df886d No.2066874

File: ef1b4b67bc10200⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 550x688, 275:344, hrc.jpg)

155cd8 No.2066875


Definitely the best timeframe. Many issues have been systematically worked out during the shift even going back to the FBIAnon days. Not to mention "Q" tends to drop in the most during the shift to comment as well.

494140 No.2066876


how is spain?

a5de3d No.2066877


He lies through his teeth just to escape criticism.

6577b8 No.2066878

File: daf74d3b25afc82⋯.png (347.24 KB, 800x443, 800:443, daf74d3b25afc822639a6786df….png)


As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand down indictments for felony prosecution


4ff4e3 No.2066879


It seems like the longer the gap between Q posts, The more the shills accumulate. Don't know why.

9c5100 No.2066881

File: 70604d691c309a0⋯.png (356.57 KB, 571x687, 571:687, ClipboardImage.png)

WalkAway campaign must be scaring dems/libs. There's a big push now on Twitter saying it's Russian bots. Disgusting! We need to get on this dude's case anons.

769bc9 No.2066882


fact: there has not been a single favorable piece about the Q movement besides the big league one.

"direct reporters to the material"? what reporters? the ones calling us conspiracy theorists? if we had reporters and a plethora of favorable articles this wouldn't be an issue.

that being said, please make your way to the Be Heard thread where they are working on exactly what you're talking about.

7fa755 No.2066883

GOOD LORD I have been watching all of you the past several days and this is just awful. Get it together. It is SO hard to watch. Please.

a38ece No.2066884


You made your point.

You have your own board.

Good luck.

Go away.

f308ae No.2066885

File: b5ffa846fb3edf0⋯.jpg (823.82 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, eicg5rgyju611.jpg)

File: 46dde6053e35f1c⋯.jpg (2.91 MB, 4928x3280, 308:205, 8731f35238c6243c6da0005b99….jpg)

File: e326146956a5661⋯.png (585.46 KB, 984x1412, 246:353, 1527734350019.png)

File: 68ca2bfa68a746e⋯.jpg (886.21 KB, 2016x1512, 4:3, IMG_0213 (1) - Copy.JPG)

File: e368d5c6313f49d⋯.png (20.17 KB, 531x310, 531:310, Screenshot_2018-07-05 Q Re….png)

7bf275 No.2066886

File: cffbdc19747ffb4⋯.png (66.48 KB, 625x626, 625:626, cffbdc19747ffb4d082cf1ee36….png)

d899e2 No.2066887

File: 589d86cc8f4cc49⋯.png (95.21 KB, 292x318, 146:159, 37c36fbac77644cfc97abf1c8e….png)

File: c33cce6333bfbc6⋯.jpg (25.04 KB, 320x362, 160:181, 2dj1hv~2.jpg)

7dc449 No.2066888


Because there are military ops happening in the background

a5de3d No.2066889


Wait, hold the fuck on.

When did shill attacks that coincide with my posts NOT MEAN FLAK ABOVE THE TARGET LADS

769bc9 No.2066890

1e287b No.2066891

File: 2a0c74fb0a3eb08⋯.png (402.04 KB, 539x616, 7:8, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)

File: c710639bea9be40⋯.jpeg (46.61 KB, 508x700, 127:175, Dhdut9SUYAEw0LJ.jpg-large.jpeg)

Wife of Peter Strozk

ed4fa7 No.2066893

File: f4e458ac734733f⋯.png (4.95 MB, 4666x2563, 4666:2563, BLParticle1.png)


smaller, testing the size

df886d No.2066894

File: 4dba4a9013c1075⋯.jpg (583.5 KB, 1200x1779, 400:593, Deep.jpg)

File: 8bb168de4a5bb54⋯.png (636.12 KB, 638x900, 319:450, FIGHT.png)

File: 53fefc3be128411⋯.jpg (782.27 KB, 1500x2160, 25:36, Produce Blank.jpg)

41be41 No.2066895

File: 1a5f177863f0f0c⋯.jpg (155.26 KB, 1000x869, 1000:869, littleCastro001.jpg)


Your banhammer did no good, shills just hopped IPs, and you created MuhDick, TheUnbanableAnon, Pulled off the 'Baker Answer the Phone' Fearfag hoax….

Than after you were removed as BV, you abandon the kitchen, after begging and pleading to bake.

FUCK YOU. You are an embarrassment to your country, and considering your PM, that is a big accomplishment.

cbf439 No.2066896

File: 540fc756a70ac61⋯.jpg (63.8 KB, 360x450, 4:5, world-wrestling-entjertain….jpg)

7bf275 No.2066897

File: 2f96cc96145413c⋯.jpg (174.9 KB, 1048x590, 524:295, 2f96cc96145413c4afdb6c96ff….jpg)

a5de3d No.2066899


For Gods sake, snap out of it.

I've been repeatedly attacked by CLOWNS.

THEY don't want me moderating.

155cd8 No.2066900


>As a U.S. attorney, Huber has full authority to empanel a grand jury and to file criminal charges. A grand jury can be empaneled anywhere, which means that it could be a group of citizens from deep-red Utah – in the heart of Trump country – instead of the D.C. Swamp that decides whether to hand down indictments for felony prosecution

Telling you guys, 470 Spangdahlem.

7bf275 No.2066901

File: 4a996f61f6abc73⋯.jpg (10.91 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 4a996f61f6abc737dfdb197525….jpg)

5bd077 No.2066902




a38ece No.2066903


We know how you and your (((friends))) orchestrate everything.

Your credibility is shot to hell.

Go mind your own board or I will post truths about jews all over it.

c638e6 No.2066904

File: 69b7263da6edb81⋯.jpg (103.26 KB, 696x464, 3:2, YA HEAR.jpg)

Yup… Just another night filtering assholes Give up. We win, You lost…. Even your division tactics are lame and old. We all can filter and you have to capcha all the time, like the retards you are.


494140 No.2066905


let them think we're the biggest nutbag conspiracy theorists ever. when the truth comes out and we are validated, so will other conspiracy theories be validated.

7dc449 No.2066906


If my wife was this ugly I wouldve banged Lisa Page too

2cc492 No.2066907

File: 5468d4aa83f327a⋯.jpeg (258.31 KB, 1440x988, 360:247, adolfstupidshills.jpeg)


Fuck it we will go full autist soon. Simply the fact that many have been lurking does not imply that numbers are not growing.

The vast number of notables and Q reseaerch material we have archived on and offline that is accessible to all is enough to scare the shit out of the clowns.

More they make noise, greater our success.

Less they make noise, faster they are fucked.

They are here to buy time. That is all.

5ad6b5 No.2066908


The only truly proQ article is the BLP one. Unfortunately. The other have downright lies or slight smears and cast seeds of doubt. The news with views is good but it's blog like. Not like true press.

You should put together a fact sheet tho and load it to the board. You will know quickly if we anons feel it speaks best to our movement or not.

24830e No.2066909

File: 0e884115520ee15⋯.jpeg (133.42 KB, 1197x427, 171:61, 04A4C9E2-043D-4E2C-A575-2….jpeg)


9c5100 No.2066910

File: a7e892d4eeee8f9⋯.png (884.98 KB, 790x843, 790:843, ClipboardImage.png)

DWS is getting competition and it's a black conservative woman running against her. Carla Spalding is the conservative and is getting hammered on Twitter. We anons need to lend her our support even though we may not be able to vote in FL.

https ://twitter.com/carla_spalding

d899e2 No.2066911

File: 3c44765ec59d1ea⋯.png (80.45 KB, 480x684, 40:57, Screenshot_2018-07-01-22-1….png)


Trudeau is a dumb fuck.

The fag can't do math.

7a9d46 No.2066912


Womp, womp

04540e No.2066913

File: 21489729de64100⋯.jpg (57.16 KB, 700x501, 700:501, comfy-af.jpg)


not even gonna filter tonight

we are winning


835310 No.2066914



bb9b4c No.2066915

File: b2707b36a170e92⋯.png (166.86 KB, 775x681, 775:681, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)

File: 79260bee945b6b9⋯.png (418.62 KB, 996x683, 996:683, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)



39852e No.2066916

File: e5701f67ad0e6c5⋯.jpeg (63.05 KB, 601x458, 601:458, 573B0EEF-CBA3-4197-B26C-F….jpeg)

File: 6f98299bb7c4d70⋯.png (1.95 MB, 2023x1066, 2023:1066, 390B30D5-5DE4-4B94-B576-77….png)

File: 0a1a62cdfd5731e⋯.jpeg (67.25 KB, 479x450, 479:450, 3380F333-2EC2-4F0A-AD1C-B….jpeg)

File: 4c8b3c2d61c0b1c⋯.jpeg (66.84 KB, 500x334, 250:167, E6DAD907-9C14-492B-AEE1-7….jpeg)

c3bc13 No.2066917


DWS is going to jail.

2bd8a2 No.2066918



Never mind. I just tested it on /test/. It seems that 8chan is racist against Scalable Vector Graphics.

0cecb5 No.2066919

File: e5e8023f28bcd38⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 527x705, 527:705, 1526870774573.jpg)


Leaf, you gotta relax. Just remember when you officially calm down 200% that some anons understood. However, you should also understand that you've opened yourself up to ridicule to a high degree. Relax, don't take it too personally and remember Where we go one, we go all.

and that you will never be as pretty as me

a5de3d No.2066920


They don't want me moderating because then clowns lose the hold of the boards narrative.

02704c No.2066921

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c710f0 No.2066922


The info wasn't mine, i think the feud goes WAY back.. JFK/Bush and even further back. Kiiiiinda gives creedance to what "R" was saying in his post that stirred everyone up.. that turn of century was when things went nuts, muslim religion/jewish/nazis.. and the central banking cartel.. the world wars.. and global dominance. I think Trump (family and friends) are the opposing side to this all. They have been tracking him, spying, trying to get dirt on him a LONG time.. why whenever someone new pops their head up to run for office or talk shit he knows every fucking thing about them and publically lets them know he will out them..

494140 No.2066923

File: 4a6970d7f6b1311⋯.png (440.58 KB, 522x705, 174:235, ClipboardImage.png)

9a5f21 No.2066924


>put together a fact sheet and press release

THIS. Great idea. We were told to get organized.

Notable, maybe, baker.

293967 No.2066925


Oh, Melissa Hodgman is a comprehensive piece of shit, and homely in the way that only ugly women, who can't get laid anywhere else in the continental United States, move to DC, get fancy educations and then join the Preppy Evil Cabal.


7fa755 No.2066926


You seem to be as foolish as the rest of them. You think the CIA is paying someone to post gay porn on a Friday night? You are so mistaken and all of you have fallen victim to this gullible mentality. Wake up, PLEASE. What happened to the autists? It is nothing but idiots. This board is GONE.

a38ece No.2066927


No one wants you (((moderating.)))

Go mind your board,

4ff4e3 No.2066928

Shills don't affect me anymore. Anybody else reached this point?

ed4fa7 No.2066929





see: >>2066893 or >>2066832

what a load of bullshit

the anon that author "interviewed" was probably from "bannedfromqresearch", not /qresearch/

personally, I think the author made that shit up and follows Q, and wanted to famefag

it was moranic

adac45 No.2066931


Looks like his accuser got the pay off

>Updated 11:04 PM ET, Fri July 6, 2018

>A former newspaper reporter said Friday that allegations in an editorial claiming Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau groped her at a musical festival 18 years ago are true, but she considers the matter closed.

Then why bring it up in the first place?

6577b8 No.2066932

File: 35d77f8156649d4⋯.png (626.39 KB, 758x441, 758:441, 35d77f8156649d47e77707a084….png)

41be41 No.2066933

File: 14be8d6012ad0bd⋯.png (137.12 KB, 600x334, 300:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Kek. Consider the source. His Father thought Communism was a good thing.

e73072 No.2066934

File: c6499823ee6fcdd⋯.jpeg (10.53 KB, 191x255, 191:255, kysmagazine.jpeg)

File: 370b209bae5a4ca⋯.jpg (153.5 KB, 800x692, 200:173, dividetheytry-failtheywill.jpg)

Leaf, you cunty ass dyke bitch

I think its time to kys

fucking waste of air

And as Q said, divide they try, fail they will.


77de79 No.2066935


heres your sauce:

1) https://fas.org/sgp/obama/presidential.html

2) http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article42388.html

3) http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2012/03/is-obama-cia-controlled-manchurian.html

4) http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com/2011/11/nyt-comes-pretty-damn-close-to.html

5) https://www.philanthropy.com/article/Ford-Foundation-Links-Parents/194535

( • )( • )

535021 No.2066936

File: 05ffc02867ab744⋯.png (4.04 MB, 3500x1666, 250:119, ClipboardImage.png)


ed4fa7 No.2066937

000f45 No.2066938


they just make me want to kick acosta

some of the demoralizing kinda hurts cuz no happenings

e4bcb0 No.2066939


The "relationship" between Page and Strzok was manufactured cover for them being in contact far before any evidence was "found" on Trump.

Not one single dick pic.

Not a single boner text.

Their entire relationship, which dates back months before any investigation was to fabricate such an investigation.

293967 No.2066940

Continuing that thought, if you're a seriously ugly motherfucker, the thing to do is to move to Washington DC.

Apparently it's just one big love fest for the hideous.

7dc449 No.2066941



7bf275 No.2066942

File: 09c700bcaa4fda0⋯.png (63.87 KB, 792x700, 198:175, 09c700bcaa4fda0ca134c9be87….png)


>They don't want me moderating because then clowns lose the hold of the boards narrative.

Is this an admssion of guilt?

d1c45e No.2066943


Get the shills for that article to post over there.


ed4fa7 No.2066944

File: 0372fb6f22af60b⋯.png (91.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

see you in the morning shift anons



5ad6b5 No.2066945



So why do you think all the gay porn slides stopped? No such thing as a coincidence.

er wait, was it you two who were doing it?

155cd8 No.2066946


They shouldn't. Why would anyone let something like that even bother them at all I have ever wondered. Just like ANTIFA/BAMN morons to be flicked away and laughed at. They are nothing and mean nothing.

efc840 No.2066947


Since we are still talking about the BLP article, I guess that wasn't the cause of the porn, kek.

c710f0 No.2066948


Damn she is easy on the eyes!

24830e No.2066949

File: 693e8c906fa5b3e⋯.jpeg (118.8 KB, 1242x421, 1242:421, 7DE8D20C-25C2-4DE2-B40D-8….jpeg)

Novichok poisoning ahead of President Trump visit


9c5100 No.2066950


I hope so. The Southern Floridians love that evil twit…they're slamming this Spalding. Hopefully Candace Owens or Diamond & Silk will rev up their support and help this young woman gain traction.

0cecb5 No.2066951

File: f0d1e140bb7050c⋯.png (361.46 KB, 440x439, 440:439, f0d1e140bb7050cc669b8f8091….png)


No, you are paranoia tripping. Relax and breathe. You were removed from moderation because of range banning. There is no insider conspiracy against you. It's cool, no one unironically hates you.

ed4fa7 No.2066952




yea… we're ALL moving there…

KEK!, now i'm leaving

1f3fa9 No.2066953


I'm actually going to vote AGAINST NOTABLE on this and the other one. I actually read these. Some seem fake or not trustworthy. I'm sure I'll get called shill but whatever.

5ad6b5 No.2066954


Notice no more gay homoporn sliding? You can thank us real anons for that.

9c5100 No.2066955



535021 No.2066956

first time I've seen a non-porn anime ad at the bottom of the page

cool ~

4ff4e3 No.2066957


Hey leaf, we all know how to filter. We can clean our own board if we need to.

efc840 No.2066958


Well, maybe the porn guys went off duty. Still talking about BLP, so that's the reason.

891d65 No.2066960

File: 10877f69c7990e9⋯.png (231.73 KB, 408x405, 136:135, 10877f69c7990e9a6aee87ce34….png)

So I'm guessing the so-called "grand plan" is to have shills keep attempting to shit up the bread, until we all cry and migrate to AFLB's new board? We all tire of shills and bots but we all have filters for a reason, BO/BVs can delete the truly bad '150 post/pron shills/bots'. We've had worse tbh.

6bc360 No.2066961

File: 6373c0a3a4d6b80⋯.png (295.77 KB, 261x380, 261:380, mulch.PNG)


Don't forget this : )

a38ece No.2066962

File: 0cd2b6007845f61⋯.jpg (102.87 KB, 800x1233, 800:1233, 0cd2b6007845f615fd139615a4….jpg)

Shills and Anons unite on one thing.

No One Wants (((AFLB))) (((moderating))).

Double Plus Good.

5bd077 No.2066963


Fungus Amongus,

at this point in time what you have demonstrated WITHOUT DOUBT is that you are unstable.

I wouldn't trust you any farther than I could pick you up and throw you.

175f59 No.2066964


maybe he got 'overheated' and had to take care of it. they are sick after all.

a5de3d No.2066965

File: 0189944eac8b7aa⋯.jpg (314.19 KB, 1792x674, 896:337, Suck-It.jpg)


With perfect accuracy thanks to weeks of hard work and due diligence.

You may have the looks but I have the brains ; )

41be41 No.2066966


Can he take eBot with him too??

04540e No.2066967

File: f42f6a3f9bd2108⋯.jpg (35.45 KB, 640x557, 640:557, 1 (26).jpg)


The new face of the democrat party. I don't think Potus himself coulda picked a better one.

3dfa62 No.2066968

File: 6c2229826f01a9a⋯.png (538.37 KB, 460x725, 92:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5d558a130627a5⋯.png (617.08 KB, 1900x2386, 950:1193, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….png)

File: f60e9e9a6273ece⋯.png (9.2 KB, 1228x133, 1228:133, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….png)

Whatever else happens, I will always be proud of nabbing the 17th post on that board.

And now it's gone from public view, imagine my surprise? But not forgotten.

No matter if anyone else is or not, I am proud of this.

Good luck with your board, Leafy o7

f308ae No.2066969


I have a soft spot for MuhDick shill

it's sooooo stupid

2cc492 No.2066970


nigga we are going full enlightenment soon.

also, be wary of faggot shills that concern post:


You will learn to spot em quick. Very same syntax.

Newfags and even anons need to understand - IP hop and multiple device posting can easily generate anywhere between 4-6 different IDs PER individual (((shill))) poster here. Simultaneous.

multiply that by about 4-5, and add in the fact that many of these are operator assisted BOTS aka programs and algorithms that don't need 24/7 human involvement. They can go to sleep and with the anon posts they data mined here they can easily impersonate enough to provoke and derail.

Read up on above shill tactics and you get a better idea.

cbf439 No.2066971

File: cb107e49f62bbf3⋯.jpg (1.78 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, jock-cooper_fractalpep.jpg)

7dc449 No.2066972


ebot is kinda fun sometimes

adac45 No.2066973

File: 3238b40a8adf619⋯.png (511.48 KB, 720x720, 1:1, pepetime.png)


>Shills and Anons unite

What a time line!

7bf275 No.2066974


Is this an admission if guilt? → >>2066920

535021 No.2066975

File: a842a95019607eb⋯.png (7.7 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

d1c45e No.2066976

File: 6f766332e3fea5b⋯.jpg (39.21 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 6f766332e3fea5bca1ac6c1d0a….jpg)


Dude. Give it up. You wrote a shit article. Learn from it & move on. Write a better one & post it. We'll all read it. Ok sport?

6577b8 No.2066977

File: 18a752191e76b1c⋯.jpg (7.66 KB, 250x241, 250:241, 9d1a1b6806ecff963cfdc68280….jpg)

day of the rake, when?

cbf439 No.2066978

File: 7adb686acc8c949⋯.jpg (54.34 KB, 960x796, 240:199, 1510425039181.jpg)

4ff4e3 No.2066979


In a way it's good that they waste money and time on us. Cause the iron core isn't budging an inch.

494140 No.2066980

File: c57368c640aec8e⋯.png (99.29 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



000f45 No.2066981

Personal life

Brock was formerly the domestic partner of William Grey; their relationship ended in a bitter, three-year-long legal battle in which "Brock and Grey traded angry accusations, … replete with charges of blackmail, theft and financial malfeasance" related to a Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, house that the two once shared.[59] Grey filed a lawsuit against Brock in January 2011, and Brock countersued Grey in March 2011.[59] The dispute was settled at the end of 2011 on confidential terms.[59] On March 22, 2017, Brock suffered a heart attack whilst at work at Media Matters headquarters; he was expected to fully recover.[60][61]

175f59 No.2066982


ebot called me gay and to kill myself. it was pretty funny

86add6 No.2066983




c3bc13 No.2066984

File: 136f68a8457b5e1⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 672x670, 336:335, oh yeah.JPG)

9a5f21 No.2066985


Seems like it. "board's comp'd"

muh muh

2cc492 No.2066986


shills were pushing all sides, and definitely hogging for the leaf faggot last bread. Was obvious to us vets but too many newfags.

We carry on.

5ad6b5 No.2066987


It's fucking mid morning over there.. this isn't shift change time. Know what you're talking bout before you speak.

Pretty interesting that every single one of your posts are in retaliation to the slightest mention or innuendo relating to that article?

Awfully sensitive? You could have filtered me by now you dumb fuck, just like how I filtered all those gay porn fags… prolly 30 diff ones on last loaf.

41be41 No.2066988

File: 051dd054d407dd6⋯.jpg (438.77 KB, 800x897, 800:897, MuhVag.jpg)


For the memories…

f308ae No.2066989

File: 365be4ac469c309⋯.jpg (25.96 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 31556686_2091906097718500_….jpg)

1e287b No.2066990



6bc360 No.2066991


You keep digging, unreal, wtf are you smoking over there? Clownabis?

1f17dd No.2066992


I'm so sad for you too.

Truth rolls off your back like a duck?


a5de3d No.2066993


No I'll use simpler words:

If I mod, the clowns are defeated.

When I don't, they have control over the board.

Take a second to ponder existential threat that we represent to them..

cbf439 No.2066994

File: abd09ee8f41229c⋯.png (140.82 KB, 500x638, 250:319, pepe-in-space-no-one-can-h….png)

cbf439 No.2066995

File: 1830d016163a1e7⋯.jpg (101.8 KB, 800x468, 200:117, W020120229558180008711gtgs.jpg)

2cb336 No.2066996

File: 53f02eba858fa4c⋯.jpg (32.44 KB, 385x381, 385:381, walkaway4.jpg)

File: 28a569e75bfe2e0⋯.jpg (49.7 KB, 670x294, 335:147, walkaway3.jpg)

File: 372dd5302a1bf18⋯.jpg (66.31 KB, 500x530, 50:53, walkaway2.jpg)

File: d95f7a9ca7c467d⋯.jpg (72.83 KB, 841x499, 841:499, walkaway1.jpg)

f308ae No.2066997

File: f45d569698c5579⋯.png (201.95 KB, 681x390, 227:130, Screenshot-2018-4-21 Is Ba….png)

d1889e No.2066998

Are there any China or Russia Anons who can look to see if there any sealed indictments (or equivalent) in their respective countries?

Q says this is a WW operation. Wouldn't be surprised if other countries are lining up arrests too.

08a3e4 No.2066999

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Notice Anon was posting some information on Lee (Leo) Wanta. Said he saw some YT videos on him a few years back but thought they had been scrubbed.

Found this one on Wanta … Reagan's secret weapon and deep state exposed via this interview.

Also found this twitter site that has a plethora of videos, information, articles about him and his years working with Reagan to help clean out the deep state:

https:// twitter.com/search?q=Leo%20Wanta&f=videos&src=tyah

2cb336 No.2067000

File: 96d6198d13a7bb0⋯.jpg (44.54 KB, 425x415, 85:83, walkaway7.jpg)

File: 2ee47f0ad8c6b6f⋯.jpg (72.15 KB, 750x408, 125:68, walkaway6.jpg)

File: 6f7d3e6f9319602⋯.jpg (104.53 KB, 500x500, 1:1, walkaway5.jpg)

24830e No.2067001

File: 6a4e323bcd70c02⋯.jpeg (330 KB, 1242x1163, 1242:1163, 20572FCA-6C42-473B-9C84-7….jpeg)

Witness K


835310 No.2067002


Sooner or later you will end up on Kiwi Farms.

e7c197 No.2067003

File: 3bc489200d132c7⋯.png (274.87 KB, 471x594, 157:198, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14be8d6012ad0bd⋯.png (137.12 KB, 600x334, 300:167, ClipboardImage.png)


Who's the daddy?

no, seriously

535021 No.2067004

File: 10d21df57157f1e⋯.png (420.77 KB, 700x466, 350:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b59a29d7e44684⋯.png (654.72 KB, 668x667, 668:667, ClipboardImage.png)

3d3f53 No.2067005

File: bf1b3ec45c0e3df⋯.jpg (212.77 KB, 454x687, 454:687, Q drop 06272018_3.jpg)

File: f5ff0b0786b97df⋯.jpg (115.91 KB, 817x764, 817:764, WWG1WGA_2.jpg)

5ad6b5 No.2067006

File: 71c0c60bc208116⋯.jpg (18.33 KB, 298x302, 149:151, Glowing.jpg)



Hey look guys, it's another (((anon))) that only chews up slices and posts relating to the now becoming infamous article that nobody can talk about that just so happens to be first ever positive piece of press we've received.

Could you be any more obvious?

cbf439 No.2067007

File: 6348c99d18f771b⋯.jpg (36.3 KB, 304x368, 19:23, tumblr_llzb4nshls1qkrjbyo1….jpg)

891d65 No.2067009


or infowars…

a5de3d No.2067010


and that's only because I've done the work, made the mistakes, and kept on learning..

734be5 No.2067011


I was under the impression that the indictments were spanning the entire globe.

We are cleaning up the world.

Filing indictments with other governments wouldn't work because those other governments are still too corrupt.

04540e No.2067012

File: d9479c97e3a70a9⋯.jpg (73.18 KB, 750x501, 250:167, doorknob-725667.jpg)

0cecb5 No.2067013

File: b6d98167664a2dc⋯.jpg (118.41 KB, 722x315, 722:315, 1526867876884.jpg)


Not only am I supreme in intellect but my beauty knows no bounds.

However, any anon who remembers the bullshit in the long ago knows that your breads were sacred and truly fungal free. Just relax and trust your fellow anons.


000f45 No.2067014

File: bb2b284ed2a8055⋯.jpg (11.66 KB, 150x150, 1:1, CSqd1XbWsAAWNBT.jpg thumb.jpg)

the fuck is this

from comet pizza twitter

155cd8 No.2067015


Have you yet considered that since "Q" exclusively posts on this board that the board is controlled by military intel who undoubtedly does checks on every single anon here, they identified your background as being an issue, and they removed you? Frankly the way you are acting is ridiculous. You were removed as a mod on a message forum, who cares, get over it if your only true desire is to look into issues (it doesn't seem to be).

39852e No.2067016

File: 86ce263935dab9e⋯.jpeg (71.67 KB, 470x672, 235:336, FE2051A0-FAEF-47CF-BC70-5….jpeg)

File: c49a1b3d50b12a2⋯.jpeg (70.46 KB, 735x632, 735:632, CECA081B-5E06-47B7-9B0B-7….jpeg)

File: 4a2c69e4d746a27⋯.jpeg (128.88 KB, 732x470, 366:235, A889BB65-A12D-44B1-B8CA-3….jpeg)

686fe3 No.2067018


I looked at the birth certificate

Hussein is listed at being born at 7:24 pm

so, not that

the background sunset reminded me of the movie "Gone With The Wind"

The 7:32 could be months til the next presidency??

ae884c No.2067019


NOW it's night shift.

734be5 No.2067020


That said, other whitehats have their own ways of cleaning up their countries/governments.

825d93 No.2067021

6bc360 No.2067022

File: 1fe672e4eac4e6e⋯.png (308.87 KB, 552x433, 552:433, BIN.PNG)


Tim The Tool man Approved

bb9b4c No.2067023

File: c8161a67fb01b72⋯.png (104.66 KB, 961x564, 961:564, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)


2cc492 No.2067024

File: ab8c94ec4fa6d0a⋯.jpg (64.12 KB, 960x840, 8:7, redpilltruth.jpg)



Never allow msm and these idiots to take the initiative. ALWAYS on the OFFENSE.




All saved. Thank you, anon. Loading red pills.

d1889e No.2067025

Funny. The date of the Trump-Putin summit is July 16th. The date after is the 17th - which is our favorite number, isn't it folks?


1bf31b No.2067026

File: 061f621755d6a05⋯.jpg (65.85 KB, 1072x513, 1072:513, leestran-antiQ.JPG)

File: b3bb33923d88e30⋯.jpg (40.94 KB, 899x347, 899:347, leestran-antiQ3.JPG)

File: 5d1b4a2d8861cf2⋯.jpg (71.04 KB, 1017x470, 1017:470, leestran-antiQ2.JPG)


Q … why would Lee Stranahan (@stranahan) spend several hours on twitter posts tonight trying to prove you have predicted nothing … that things you posted to us were already known. Some Qanons are engaging him, but this seems to be feeding this "new" self-importance Jimmy Olsen on the story tactic to debunk you. He is citing specific photos you have posted and even NK progress, claiming you were using info already "out there." He is even posting when he is unfollowed by your champions as another way to discredit Qanon. Perhaps he knows the swamp is being drained and by discrediting you he can twist the unfolding facts from credit to you and to us, to himself. His pinned tweet already implies he is exposing government corruption (wonder how I missed what he has effectively exposed?). Perhaps he is compromised … but I wish you could tell him to shut that hole in his face … he is hurting our cause. ThanQ xx

d1c45e No.2067027

File: 43214a5f8b37cfe⋯.jpg (157.23 KB, 700x759, 700:759, Gay-seal.jpg)


Fuck off with this bullshit…I thought you were going to bed you fat fucking triangle playing retard

7bf275 No.2067028


But you stated this: They don't want me moderating because then clowns lose the hold of the boards narrative.

And that sentence is constructed so convey something altogether different. Freudian slip perhaps?

1f3fa9 No.2067029

Why are you all talking to aflb? Done filtered him/her days ago. Might not even be the real aflb too… Name filter and be done. Force it to be anon again.

d1889e No.2067030


Fair point, Anon.

ba2ab9 No.2067031


Good night Fren. Enjoy the rest. Not far behind you.

c0996c No.2067032

File: 6608724a7bb8bda⋯.png (127.39 KB, 432x554, 216:277, ClipboardImage.png)

The Windsors' Global Food Cartel:

Instrument for Starvation


"Ten to twelve pivotal companies, assisted by another three dozen, run the world's food supply. They are the key components of the Anglo-Dutch-Swiss food cartel, which is grouped around Britain's House of Windsor. Led by the six leading grain companies—Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge and Born, André, and Archer Daniels Midland/Töpfer—the Windsor-led food and raw materials cartel has complete domination over world cereals and grains supplies, from wheat to corn and oats, from barley to sorghum and rye. But it also controls meat, dairy, edible oils and fats, fruits and vegetables, sugar, and all forms of spices.

Each year tens of millions die from the most elementary lack of their daily bread. This is the result of the work of the Windsor-led cartel. And, as the ongoing financial collapse wipes out bloated speculative financial paper, the oligarchy has moved into hoarding, increasing its food and raw materials holdings. It is prepared to apply a tourniquet to food production and export supplies, not only to poor nations, but to advanced sector nations as well.

The use of food as a weapon can be found at least four millennia ago in Babylon. Imperial Rome took this tack, as did Venice and various Venetian offshoots, including the Antwerp-centered, powerful Burgundian duchy, and the Dutch and British Levant companies, East India companies, and West India companies. Today, food warfare is firmly under the control of London, with the help of subordinate partners in especially Switzerland and Amsterdam. Today's food companies were created by having had a section of this ancient set of Mesopotamian-Roman-Venetian-British food networks and infrastructure carved out for them.

The Windsor-led oligarchy has built up a single, integrated raw materials cartel, with three divisions—energy, raw materials and minerals, and increasingly scarce food supplies. Figure 1 represents the situation. At the top is the House of Windsor and Club of the Isles. Right below are two of the principal appurtenances of the House of Windsor: the World Wide Fund for Nature, headed by the Doge of London, Prince Philip, which leads the world in orchestration of ethnic conflict and terrorism, such as the British-created afghansi movement; and British intelligence's Hollinger Corp. of Conrad Black, which is leading the assault to destroy Bill Clinton and the American Presidency."

cbf439 No.2067033

File: 204f15428c7267d⋯.png (386.62 KB, 551x979, 551:979, imagesbh-downjhhj.png)

155cd8 No.2067034


The 13th is on a Friday this year for July. But… yeah… who knows.

7dc449 No.2067035


*grunts proudly*

41be41 No.2067036


it is said that if you were involved with Canadian politics in the late 60's and never had sex with Margaret Trudeau, you were not really involved with Canadian politics.

1f3fa9 No.2067037


or everyone replying *might* be shills… ><

f308ae No.2067038


Castro totally hogs the spliffs

293967 No.2067039

Baaaaaaahahahah an anon HAD to have made this page - was in the Melissa Hodgman thread unroll

Bratwursts, hoo hoo hoo hooooo


Damn, somebody was pissed at that guy. And Melissa was protecting him from a Clinton Foundation investigation? WTF did he have to do with the CF?

Speaking of the nasty octopus CF, the only person I trust in this whole damn thing, Charles Ortel, is saying "soon", hinting that charges will be corruption and espionage.

a5de3d No.2067040


It's not as 'controlled by them' as you think.

We are a movement, and together we've been able to form a community wherever we go.

Sometimes the movement needs a laserpointer to show us what to look at..

105c29 No.2067041


Apparently the only way you are getting your mod position back is if Q tells BO to give it back to you. Talk to Q or not, it's your choice.

d1c45e No.2067042



57e060 No.2067043

So humans with reincarnated alien souls is a real thing and not just a Tom Cruise joke?

494140 No.2067045


yeah muthafucka…

we're talkin' to you!

a5de3d No.2067046


Or I don't know, one of us to just stand up and speak freely about what has happened.

000f45 No.2067047


does extra dimensional count as aliens ?

5bd077 No.2067048


Gee thanks for pointing out the .Mil angle. As if the 3 letter agencies weren't bad enough.

Where's my tinfoil?

I feel another bout of paranoia coming on.

bb9b4c No.2067049

File: 4b465a22a0121bb⋯.png (237.62 KB, 458x628, 229:314, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)


also day after (World) cup

efc840 No.2067050


kek…they sure are.


yet you still sound butt hurt, hahaha

you fucked up. Get over it.

5f8593 No.2067051


Very Real

734be5 No.2067052


I could be wrong though.

But the indictments we have here definitely are international in scope. Just today one was opened for a Cartel boss in Mexico .

155cd8 No.2067053


And that "laser pointer" is you in your mind?

5ad6b5 No.2067054


Yeah he was famefagging but never disclosed their info…. are you a total fucking idiot or do you just not understand the concept of famefaggig?

NM, you're a shill… I just looked at your post history. Fucking ultra obvious. Any anons should do the same. Look at this fucking graphic he "whipped up" to retaliate to a post….. instead of just fucking filtering me. Look at this bs >>2066832

Holy shit are these shills obvious. WTF. Who wouldn't spend time making a graphic re something they believe in and filtering out a suspected shill? Fucking idiots

84abe6 No.2067055


Are we really "here"? I have been waiting for higher altitudes… thats why I am here. LOVE THIS SHIT.

ff556e No.2067056

>>2065905 Previous (##2606)

>>2066322 Previous (##2606)

Western Pacific Kindergarten, Portland location.

The photo of children includes a banner which reads, in part:

"Mr. Eddie Ng Hak-Kim, SBS, JP, Secretary for Education. Visiting our school on 25-9-2012 (Tuesday)."

See webpage:


The streetview is attributed to Google Inc. and is dated Jan 2017.

769bc9 No.2067057


so by your own admission, 2/3 of the article was outstanding

and the overall grade is moron? lol what..

anons really need to be realistic. this is way, way, better than the other nonexistent favorable articles about Q…

this links the video, the ben garrison comic, photos of Q supporters at rallies, Q proof that the cabal has attacked AF1 and it wasn't reported by media

but bc of the personality and stylistic embellishments of the people interviewed.. which increase the interest level of the piece for normies.. it gets rejected..

i really think many of you don't spend enough time around comatose people. i live in a solid blue state. many people here hate hillary and voted for bernie. they're absolutely not trump supporters but they also don't trust the media. this article is an introduction to an alternative viewpoint to what's been happening

no one but people on this board would pick up on the things that you're nitpicking about. they would instead be like oh shit this is bigger than i thought it was.. it gives them permission to follow that curiosity.. and be informed about something that is clearly growing and will reach critical mass soon

comatose people are all about popularity.. they want to know what's going to be popular before it happens.. this article screams LOOK AT THIS COOL THING THATS HAPPENING THAT YOURE MISSING OUT ON..

of course anything that screams that is going to sound stupid to people who don't give a shit about popularity.. aka the anonymous people on this board..

you have to see it through normies' eyes

that's all i'm saying.

6bc360 No.2067058



a5de3d No.2067059



The laser pointer is Q.

41be41 No.2067060


If you were not directing your halfchan friends to attack us, this bread would be moving at 2.3 ppm (if that)

13a831 No.2067061

I just want to say a few things. Anon from a very blue State. Hint:I hate the name Pocahontas now. My State and near by States have been ravaged by the Heroin epidemic. I am proud to say I am 6 years sober from that junk. I went through cold turkey withdrawals, no methadone, no nothing. Without graphic details I was very sick for at least a month straight.

I went to rehab ONCE! I decided to get clean ONCE! And how did I do it? Because I grew a pair of balls and did it. I did this to myself and I needed to get myself out. I didnt need 7 days of Church (although some do which is fine) I didnt need NA (although some do which is fine) No I just did it. I looked at myself in the mirror and called myself every name in the book. JUNKIE, LOSER, COWARD, DEGENERATE, PIECE OF SHIT, DISGRACE, ETC ETC

And the most painful part was I was right. I was all of those things. Why am i saying this? Because being critical of yourself and looking at your self in the MIRROR is what we do! The reason why Q decided this was the board is because we have been through the shit. We critiqued ourselves and we questioned everything even our own beliefs. The only constant is truth.

Im not saying you are pieces of shit kek. What I am saying is this is a metaphor for the reality in which we inhabit. Everyone is a junkie telling you (the sober one) how to get clean…..You know they dont know WTF they are talking about. And youre waiting for them to die or come to the side of truth to realize it.

No matter how morbid that may be…..

c3bc13 No.2067062


dude is a journalistic mercenary out for his own gain

stop giving him attention

3d3f53 No.2067063

File: a1c6da5acadbb46⋯.jpg (128.34 KB, 600x652, 150:163, Trump Tweets 06042018_2.jpg)

File: 4c4b645f3688eb0⋯.jpg (294.41 KB, 781x819, 781:819, Sorros TP 060302018.jpg)


efb7ff No.2067064

File: 855425c0deb1735⋯.png (32.12 KB, 444x429, 148:143, jul12018jdsfh78t8768t87.png)

File: 8fc9874120069db⋯.png (22.17 KB, 444x275, 444:275, jul20182jdsf4t983y9ty.png)

File: c2b7c32dd1ba601⋯.jpg (83.27 KB, 600x900, 2:3, 470_MI_BDE_SSI.jpg)

Fuck the shills are making us miss a whole bunch of shit. Youtube normies are getting more work done than we are atm.

These 2 posts Q might be implying Huber is actually using the 470th MI Brigade to supplement his team.

e4bcb0 No.2067065

File: c77b2a31900a27e⋯.jpeg (299.08 KB, 750x561, 250:187, IMG_EDA6A44E508B-1.jpeg)

File: 482a49c3c011c9b⋯.jpeg (96.32 KB, 700x977, 700:977, download (66).jpeg)

also, Louis Brooks

5ad6b5 No.2067066


Holy shit you shills are butt hurt about this article… you really going to extreme measures here. Wow. Thx for informing us that we are OTT dumbass.

24830e No.2067067

File: b5d77379e127184⋯.jpeg (117.08 KB, 1102x423, 1102:423, 0E3B5602-2704-4B9F-8075-6….jpeg)

Hello Anon? Are you there?


a5de3d No.2067068


All you have are lies.

518652 No.2067069


also had big sign w/ WWG1WGA

155cd8 No.2067070


You have nothing to worry about from military intelligence. Unless of course… well nevermind…

6322fe No.2067071


Article is gay and full of typos. Good for normie retards who don't know any better, KEK

c3bc13 No.2067072



57e060 No.2067073


>does extra dimensional count as aliens ?

Sure, whatever you mean by that. 6th sense vision?

41be41 No.2067074


all you have is Ego and a half dozen halfchan halfbreads.

a5de3d No.2067075


Well if others on the team had the courage to do something we could've worked together. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

c6a74e No.2067076

File: 06b0380b0604a8a⋯.jpg (373.89 KB, 1411x941, 1411:941, Good morning.jpg)

Slept a full 8 hours. Been kekkin', memein', and diggin' so hard since like forever now, forgot what that felt like. Ready to get down today baby. Hope Q shows up.

155cd8 No.2067077


Fair enough then, the issue should be closed shouldn't it? Q team posts, people discuss. So who cares if your a mod or not? Stupid thing to bother yourself with. Just say "fuck it" and move on.

ff556e No.2067078

File: 5f580a2644a7873⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1312x626, 656:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f44e9eaa8b965e4⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1320x628, 330:157, ClipboardImage.png)


Western Pacific Kindergarten, Portland location.

Photos on Google Maps.

efc840 No.2067080


you see the level of butt hurt on that one. Still here calling anyone a shill the says the article was shit. Thought she said she was going to bed…

4ff4e3 No.2067081


The Wanta saga has been going on for a LONG fucking time. I've been aware of him for quite awhile and the jury is still out for me.

Here's something from all the way back in 1997

https:// www.memresearch.org/grabbe/wanta.htm

7bc602 No.2067083

do NOT be afraid…

it's actually mind blowing.


6322fe No.2067084


You don't give up. It's growing on me.

ed4fa7 No.2067085

File: aaa9a14a8b86d3a⋯.png (4.31 MB, 5189x2719, 5189:2719, allforalarpsidebyside.png)



that article is really fake and really gay

I expect you to be doing the same shit tomorrow PATRICK

000f45 No.2067086



or something else

beyond our spectrum of sight

i wonder about places like mount graham and skinwalker ranch

13a831 No.2067087


Yeah New Hampshire Rhode Island and Maine too. But Pocahontas is in Massachusetts

0cecb5 No.2067088


Simply put, the range bans caused a lot of bullshit. You are still with us and we are with you.


Just chill and disregard the hate that comes your way. Try to accept that you were removed from BV because of range banning and it is as simple as that.

There is no conspiracy against you. Trust your fellow anons.


b2b5f9 No.2067089

File: ade275f55f14c6b⋯.png (69.52 KB, 687x859, 687:859, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47680752326ceaf⋯.png (174.3 KB, 670x480, 67:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8943e1845059d81⋯.png (395.95 KB, 682x845, 682:845, ClipboardImage.png)


NATO Reportedly Alarmed Over Future 'Uncoordinated' Trump-Putin Agreements


1f3fa9 No.2067090

God damn. Reading through this bread…. very few real anons here. Punk bitches are really noticeable tonight.

c3bc13 No.2067091

File: 39c3d2f12222bc1⋯.png (17.42 KB, 789x750, 263:250, 1530689285957.png)



>Most importantly, they taught him to manipulate. Espionage is about carefully crafted relationships that uncover hidden truths. Using a scientific, cognitive base, people can be programmed to do things that make no sense, Bustamante said, things not in their best interests. They taught him to steal without getting caught.

>They taught him to steal without getting caught.


84abe6 No.2067092


Legit….. I am almost 100% positive some MKUltra-like fucks tried to get in my home. I handled it… and they didnt have weapons… but this shit is not a joke.

686fe3 No.2067093


the WH correspondents dinner was on april 30, 2011

7 years and 32 days until the next president??


5bd077 No.2067094





02704c No.2067095

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

000f45 No.2067096


nobody even bit at comet pizza instagram

im going to bed fuck it

494140 No.2067097

File: 8a295671296934c⋯.png (57.14 KB, 1241x320, 1241:320, ClipboardImage.png)

c9cd6a No.2067098

>>2065364 (pb)

they aren't anons, don't worry about it. We all know that the media isn't going to portray Q 100% accurately. That they are starting to notice Q at all is a win.

Post it.

Contempt shills and tag-teaming shills will try to shout you down. But you can feel their anger. anons don't do emotion, they do facts. If its screaming with emotion, its definitely not anon.

And if its screaming with emotion against what you are doing, then its definitely not anon and against Q.

Post away. Post once a bread. Free speech board and all, and morning shift should see it.

5b5b93 No.2067099

File: 819b313ff214d29⋯.jpg (13.29 KB, 450x190, 45:19, Antifungal.jpg)

a5de3d No.2067101


Why should I?

I have the Facts and Truth on this situation on my side, so my hand is plenty powerful.

All they have left is clown flak.

7dc449 No.2067102

File: eda4270d64a4ff1⋯.jpg (141.46 KB, 850x535, 170:107, stampede panic.jpg)

3d3f53 No.2067103

File: 8a84782896ef12b⋯.jpg (334.89 KB, 665x855, 7:9, Sessions 470.jpg)

File: b1d797b5532f1d4⋯.jpg (256.68 KB, 658x755, 658:755, wont cover.jpg)


6577b8 No.2067104

File: e30cac281719118⋯.jpg (120.18 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1527936088199.jpg)

ed4fa7 No.2067105



I know I am now, EXTREMELY shilly for a slow friday news night

hopefully it'll be better tomorrow… keyword is hopefully

night anons

5ad6b5 No.2067106


Thx for showing how every fucking press release/piece/article has been insanely negative regarding the Q movement.

Now remind me why you are bashing the first ever positive press piece done on the Q movement? You butt hurt cus it didn't mention the shills and their role? The people will never know faggots like you existed.

d1c45e No.2067107


She does whine like whiny bitch. What shame. I wonder how the owner of that shit website feels about her giving it such a bad name.

cbf439 No.2067108

File: 92d5f45a2d4d78a⋯.jpg (146.46 KB, 600x450, 4:3, resultbmn.jpg)

2cc492 No.2067109


new england has much jewish presence, and is heavily comp'd. aside from the obvious issue, just superimpose the jewish concentration, especially wealthy ones and see where all the coincidences occur.


If (((NATO))) is alarmed, we are all good.

Baker, reminder notable

NATO Reportedly Alarmed Over Future 'Uncoordinated' Trump-Putin Agreements

155cd8 No.2067110


Too many people bog themselves down with religious oriented thoughts when considering such things and thus block their innate sense from expanding due to limiting themselves. The so called "extra dimension" or "void" has nothing to do with such things and is connected to everything and many people. Not "Q" related though so not the place.

2efb45 No.2067111



ebot posted the us embassy in Kenya phone number last night.


during the catalog freeze this morning, broke character. said he was being 'chased from vpn to vpn' and they directly attacked his app.

i assume he really is ninja bv, also tracking shills for because reasons.

84abe6 No.2067112


Handled it with my hands only

57e060 No.2067113

File: 86316bc9c25f57a⋯.png (259.83 KB, 550x496, 275:248, clipboardkeks.png)


>You have nothing to worry about from military intelligence. Unless of course… well nevermind…

wait a minute, are you saying…that they know my entire porn history?

1f17dd No.2067114


No. Hillary can't die soon.

She's needs to live long and suffer for all the suffering she has caused!

Dying is too easy!

494140 No.2067115

File: 894292729ffdd48⋯.png (153.34 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)

c710f0 No.2067116


Yawn. If you have never gone into a bear cave w cubs there.. you shouldnt start tonight w my house. I will make the clintonvid.raw look like she was on section 1 lesson 1 of my how-to ciriculum.

You aren't as badass as you want everyone to think. I was just trying to be a shoulder and i never offer twice. Always bold red texting and just fucking munching bread like your moms fridge is bare. Go work 7-11 and at least start paying her a lil rent. FOrtnight and your 8chan buddies can wait. Moooom. Maaaah.. the meatloaf?!?

cd7ad7 No.2067117


>Looks like his accuser got the pay off

Or a secret threat. Cheaper than a payoff, and sometimes even more effective.

a5de3d No.2067118


I don't share your apathy, thankfully.

e4bcb0 No.2067119


that's literally the first thing they learn about people

13a831 No.2067120


Im fully aware of (((their))) presence anon. Believe me👌

5bd077 No.2067121


We're fucked.

a38ece No.2067122


Having a difficult time rallying anons to your board?

You doubled down, you lost. Go manage your board.

6bc360 No.2067123


A simple thing like dropping your name, we would have known it was you, been watching you since the start, but no not you, you're special. Save your drama, go to your new board and make something of it if you want respect, you know damn well it's earned in the Q Army, We See All, We Hear All

6577b8 No.2067124

File: 085cc5a5dc9938e⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1550x1028, 775:514, dgfhgfhg.png)


155cd8 No.2067125


Indeed and you are well known for your interracial anime fetish. Better knock that off and get back in tune with yourself anon… you're slipping…

57e060 No.2067127

File: 299f61ca64882a9⋯.jpeg (48.28 KB, 345x336, 115:112, 3feced9959b62600a8016cfc0….jpeg)


Just couldn't resist cracking that joke.

b2b5f9 No.2067128

Russian MoD: Armed Groups in Syria's Daraa Agree to Surrender Arms

A ceasefire agreement and the return of Syrian refugees from Jordan's border have been negotiated with the leaders of armed groups in the Syrian province of Daraa, the Russian Reconciliation Center for Syria reported.

The Russian center for Syrian reconciliation has announced that the leaders of armed groups in Syria's Daraa had agreed to surrender weapons and halt hostilities.

"As a result of the talks, under the mediation of the Russian Center for Reconciliation with the leaders of armed groups in the province of Daraa an agreement on the following issues [has been reached]: the cessation of hostilities; the beginning of the delivery of heavy and medium weapons in all settlements under the control of armed groups," the center said in a report.

They have also reached agreements on the settlement of the status of militants, evacuation of those who do not want to regulate the status of militants with family members in the Idlib province, the restoration of work in the settlements of state power bodies of the Syrian Republic, and the return of refugees from the border with Jordan to their homes.


9c5100 No.2067129


Mememaker-they're trying to infer that #WalkAway are Russian bots not real people. Any ideas on how to counter that in a meme?

f308ae No.2067130

File: 34c565a020f37bf⋯.jpg (32.06 KB, 687x503, 687:503, 3a3ee8f5721c9ccdd755e461a0….jpg)

File: b6f4074c0bd99ad⋯.png (832.78 KB, 897x529, 39:23, 343218efb31f97403064637979….png)

File: ab6d5add9bcf15a⋯.jpg (86.84 KB, 960x641, 960:641, 11148701_10153281716589204….jpg)

File: 83859c77464ef2c⋯.gif (3.11 MB, 480x338, 240:169, 1463889728102.gif)

File: 2a620854046c0c2⋯.jpg (38.64 KB, 250x350, 5:7, g256930_u98293_Audie_young.jpg)


5ad6b5 No.2067131

File: b506fc294b921c9⋯.jpg (113.82 KB, 663x798, 221:266, Jesus_Whips_ShillAss.jpg)


Not Patrick but would gladly introduce you to my dick if yu want to get to know me… that is what you shills do, right'?

2cc492 No.2067132


This is exactly the kind of useful idiot everybody is told to ignore.

Retards come in sheeps clothing but are faggot rabits underneath that shit all over your house and calls it clean.

d1c45e No.2067133

File: 489a7b3053b4f80⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 320x240, 4:3, 489a7b3053b4f801741e9e2a0a….gif)


Next time let them strangle you please. Or at least cut your hands off so you cant post dumb shit anymore

e286ed No.2067134


You had to spell it out and it's just one letter. key

0c4007 No.2067135


lmao. if u gimme sauce will note it.

james woods roasts always notable in my book.

our patron saint of BTFO's


Can we get primary sauce?

>>2066925 ← this helps but…

Notables So Far


>>2066870 Follow the wives-to-be? Amaryllis Fox: Former CIA spy marrying Bobby Kennedy III

>>2066915 Update on the poor Thai soccer kids trapped in the cave. Consider next vvv

>>2066837 Another look at this Jan. 2017 article re: Trafficking of SOCCER Players

>>2066806, >>2066810, >>2066815, >>2066821, >>2066828 ANTI SHILL INFODUMP bc wew lads

>>2066824 NSO Pegasus: Israel indicts man for allegedly trying to sell spy co's secrets

>>2066817 UK guardian: Donald Trump to be met by protests at each stage of visit

>>2066783 Ex-IDF intel head predicts Iran to pursue nukes despite N. Korea summit

>>2066743, >>2066755 You're fired: Barnes & Noble Announces CEO Termination. Buy why?

b2c61d No.2067136

84abe6 No.2067137


Was talking about JJ nephew asshole.. expand your thinking… and i wasnt bullshitting. Back the fuck up

155cd8 No.2067138


Unfortunate for you as those who are ruled by emotions tend to have difficult times repeating en masse throughout their existences. But, more the power to you, do as you will but I can assure you it won't impact anything. You must know that by now, yes?

c9cd6a No.2067139


Media made a positive post about Q

wasn't quite accurate

Shills attacking it all night

shills attacking anyone who talks about it

shills attacking people who post it

same shit, different day

anybody have a link to the article? I want to bookmark it

13a831 No.2067140


MILF porn and chicks with glasses for me…Id say I'm pretty Normal Kek It might be embarrassing but…Ill take the hit for the truth Kek. But my skeletons arent as bad as others…….

d1c45e No.2067141

File: 4c5680c440c28f3⋯.jpg (47.77 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 4c5680c440c28f383644fc2921….jpg)


You enjoy talking to yourself? This is some MegaAnon shit right here

3d3f53 No.2067142

File: f7373106f91c1ca⋯.jpg (114.47 KB, 626x749, 626:749, Bruce Ohr.jpg)

File: 63ebab95ffa95ee⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 3244x2275, 3244:2275, Ugly web whole.jpg)


"Horowitz, who is working with Huber, has a staff of 470 investigators, giving Huber access to enormous investigative firepower that far exceeds the staff of any special counsel."


c710f0 No.2067143


That shit cracks me up.. had people on boards always trying to fuck w things.. they would constantly post gay and tranny porn. I would tell em.. you realize the profile they have on you is SO fucked?!? Lmao.. oh well i guess

c9cd6a No.2067144


blow me, Brock pansy

5ad6b5 No.2067145



494140 No.2067146

File: 4392f7ae2174d04⋯.jpg (96.43 KB, 992x744, 4:3, download (10).jpg)

File: ae4df74b8817a30⋯.jpg (263.31 KB, 1200x1106, 600:553, 017.JPG)

efb7ff No.2067147

File: a05bfea516d21b8⋯.png (1.23 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, united747khvrgpoh439-348tt….png)

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, hongkongsnwdnop748657846.png)

Another thing we missed is that the United and HK proofs were for the blackhats specifically CIA not for us. They were being watched from the moment they started the Snowden HK OP.

The 747 in the pic is most likely a SFO to HK flight.

71b25f No.2067148

File: e80a80fbef4e03e⋯.gif (4.39 MB, 340x300, 17:15, IMG_1958.GIF)

If they thavevmy entire porn history, they're fucked.

e4bcb0 No.2067149


I just hope with all the data mining they've done on me some computer is writing my autobiography somewhere, because I ain't got time for that.

a228ba No.2067150

File: 9a5c4dea48da208⋯.png (179.12 KB, 445x254, 445:254, failtheywill.png)


==(YOU)== are moving boards.

If Q thinks BO is a shitty BO…

Q will follow you.


293967 No.2067151

File: 751fe7680839227⋯.jpg (142.51 KB, 893x574, 893:574, Brummer.jpg)


Holy shit this is a death wish Wordpress site, this person has said fuck it all and jumped off the cliff


A decade ago, Chris Brummer muscled into a law school after waving the flag of “affirmative action,” sources have confirmed. Chris Brummer has since failed in almost every attempt in the private sector.


BREAKING NEWS: CHRIS BRUMMER was sued for $100 million fraud and defamation in October 2017, was caught committing a crime lying to U.S. government agents, reported by the Forbes Magazine: Find the Lawsuit against CHRIS BRUMMER here: CHRIS BRUMMER, Georgetown Law, Sued for $100 Million Fraud, Defamation Editor’s Note: CHRIS BRUMMER is a notorious and peevish public figure

Unable to make a decent living from a real job, Chris Brummer went back to the classroom, transformed himself into a “professor” – splashing nonsense and publishing “academic papers” that no one cares to read, which could only be useful for an urgent man rushing to a toilet…


With a Ph.D. in Germanic Studies – the learning of German opera and dance, drinking beer at Oktoberfest, CHRIS BRUMMER is also known as the nutty professor behind a failed, idiotic attemptto shut down the internet. MICHAEL MILKEN, the convicted criminal and a major political donor to The Clinton Foundation is the money man behind Chris Brummer. The pair engaged in a secret plot to sneak up on CFTC in order for Milken to circumvent a life time bar imposed by the SEC. Watch out America!

Hidden from the public eye, many believe Professor CHRIS BRUMMER has a secret “Pandora’s box” stuffed with lots of dirty laundry: A known regulatory abuser; an alleged extramarital affair with aFINRA “star” witness while Brummer had a moonlighting job as a FINRA arbitrator; a failed lawsuit to retaliate against the media that had exposed Brummer’s money dealings with questionable characters;

Chris Brummer has close associations and payments from the convicted market manipulator Michael Milken; strong condemnation in an SEC filing accusing Brummer and FINRA of fabricating evidence; strong rebukes from a New York court in March 2016 for filing a frivolous lawsuit against the media; the assassination of two innocent black men‘s 20 year, spotless careers and allegations of outright fraud against Chris Brummer…

(WHOA, he got specifically named in a Trump EO?)

In March 2017, the U.S. Senate displayed Chris Brummer’s name on the Congress.gov website, officially approving President Trump’s distaste for Brummer’s bad Bratwurst. The Trump executive order is a blessing for America and game over for the imbecile, nutty professor Chris Brummer.

Chris Brummer embodies a layer of airhead bureaucrats whose only capabilities are bullshitting their ways around in hidden closets. (oh my god that is the best summation of the parade o' shitheads we've come to know and hate here)

The refreshing Trump campaign to clean up government corruption, combating frauds and inefficiency has turned Brummer into the president’s “chopped liver.” Many in the financial services community quietly cheered the president’s decision to dump Brummer.


I can't stop looking at this blazing housefire of a web site.

3d3f53 No.2067152

File: b8f5f787bfe1537⋯.jpg (128.06 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Seth Rich.jpg)

File: 72132fa4d67ec4a⋯.jpg (61.45 KB, 521x369, 521:369, Trust (2).jpg)


84abe6 No.2067154


You have to lay someone out this week for trying to break into your home? Just checkin

175f59 No.2067155


I've known for years they know what kind of porn i look at, don't really care either tbh. but i wouldn't be surprised if they look at me funny kek.

a5de3d No.2067156

File: 4d18af98f41c13d⋯.jpg (314.15 KB, 1792x674, 896:337, Suck-It.jpg)


Tell me numbers.

Give us facts.

It sounds like they should be on the tip of your tongue.. except it's never there.

4ff4e3 No.2067157


The reality is that we would be better off aligned with Russia than NATO or the EU. That's the elephant in the tent. Russia, Japan, the Koreas, South East Asia, India, The Philippines. We hem-in China that way. And watch how fast Europe splits into a nationalistic block that aligns with us. That's your new world order bitches!

d1c45e No.2067158


Because Normies need to be lied to bro! It's the only way to get them to see the truth! Right anon?? YEAH. mislead those fucking retards. They are too dumb to figure it out anyway. Just tell them f thy say too much thy will get V&n or suicided. We knoww best! right?! That article was AWESOME! Those gullible fucks need to only listen to use WOKE anons. who cares if we lie to them

adac45 No.2067159


3 more days until the 2nd anniversary

41be41 No.2067160


You whined and screamed and begged to be allowed to bake. Finally BO relented and let you, then you threw down your apron and abandon the kitchen.

In that one single act you proved beyond any shadow of a doubt you are a shill, you have always been a shill and you will NEVER be anything than a FILTHY FUCKING SHILL.

155cd8 No.2067161


I feel bad for those with sisters if they ever decide to tell her that her brother has been watching "buttfuck my lil sis" porn.

18ccb3 No.2067162

Dear Anons, remember this Gem? I hope it lightens your load and makes you smile to the Glory of My Lord Jesus Christ https://youtu.be/gi3Xt3Yjk14

0960dc No.2067163

I red pilled several more people today. :) tonight at a firepit while on vacation. Plan on red pilling lots of people tomorrow. :)

I feel guity being away from my msin device, where i mek memes( almost feel naked, or incomplete, kek) love my graphics & meme files, and my meme making cutouts ive made and collected since last winter.tabletFagging with no memes or graphics to post, sucks, kek

But i get to red pill alot of people, especially having my new Q bumper stickers i made, on my vehicle.

And while tabletfagging , i,m sitting on a balcony overlooking a river in the mountains, ( first type of any sort of vacation i've had since this started, and id rather be at home, on main device with all of you fags, kek

LOVE ALL OF YOU ANONS ON HERE(don't get excited clowns, not talking about you,)


835310 No.2067164

5ad6b5 No.2067165


I actually fucking made that meme and can't believe I'm having a shill use it against me… might be one of my proudest moments on the board. Wow.

efb7ff No.2067166

File: 151a8cd87e5f864⋯.png (205.95 KB, 1787x653, 1787:653, q4th895979823532 (1).png)

File: 38a08f12852938b⋯.png (62.55 KB, 376x850, 188:425, q4th895979823532 (2).png)

….and lastly Qs final post gives us a 4th of July message. [C][I][A][is][here][pray]

175f59 No.2067167



769bc9 No.2067168

i have sympathy for the shills

it must be really difficult to go against your morals and be a pos on here. and hey i'm sure you have mouths to feed too, i get it.

i pray for all of you.

but more importantly, god bless the anons who are doing their best to fight you off.

wwg1wga - that means you too shills. eventually (soon) you'll be out of a job. eventually (soon) it won't be safe for anyone to support the work of criminals, rapists, and pedophiles. might as well quit now.

3d3f53 No.2067169

File: 578fb50b7b4827d⋯.jpg (176.03 KB, 900x1164, 75:97, Gina H.jpg)

File: bbfc19ceff1ee7e⋯.jpg (161.63 KB, 591x656, 591:656, Trump Tweets 05162018.jpg)


wow, time is fast sometimes.

a5de3d No.2067170


Put simply:

By mob rule, those who didn't bother gaining the experience I did through trial and error, blindly cast me out.

I've heard all the lies but never the facts. Never the numbers or anything beyond denial.

0960dc No.2067171


they stole several of my memes as well, and tried to taint them, kek

57e060 No.2067172


>Indeed and you are well known for your interracial anime fetish. Better knock that off and get back in tune with yourself anon… you're slipping…

Cmon now, give a guy a break. Dont you know how much Bullshark testosterone i'm on right now?

never mind the Soviet Cocainum…

13a831 No.2067173

File: d4f24d738a6fbe3⋯.png (2.67 MB, 1440x2880, 1:2, Screenshot_2018-07-07-03-4….png)


Best of both worlds. Not the second pic at all! and the first I would do for our Country kek

c9cd6a No.2067174


.lol yeah I know, they use mine too. Its like. I aint even mad lol

d1c45e No.2067175


Show the yt videos of real people?

04540e No.2067176

File: ceabeba7f5ce774⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 00.jpg)


Starting your day right.

c0996c No.2067177


Sorry about replying to my own post but no-one seems interested in digging. Anons seem to be more interested in navel-gazing at the moment.

Please read my previous post. This is the cartel (Club of the Isles/WWF) that DJT and Q are trying to break.

This is just the tip of the iceberg - the size and reach of this multi-tentacled cartel is massive - it has people in power in every conceivable walk of life. If anons had even the tiniest concept of the immensity of the task DJT has taken on in attempting to dismantle this evil cartel, they'd stop complaining about how long it is taking.

Help needed to dig

Club of the Isles


I have very limited time to conduct research. I do what I can with the time available to me but help would be appreciated.

c3bc13 No.2067178

File: 9727c9047382006⋯.jpg (166.85 KB, 1240x1006, 620:503, manafort.JPG)

will be interesting to see how 'the team' manages this one, or if it was part of the plan all along.

41be41 No.2067179


You begged to bake, than abandon the kitchen. SHILL

835310 No.2067180


They don't have morals

5ad6b5 No.2067181


Tell me where in that article are blatant lies… perhaps some speculation that can or can't be confirmed,… it's obvious that it's well worded.

You sound like an idiot insinuating that I think the people are too dumb to receive the message. It would be foolish to think the message can be delivered to them on the same platter it was here… otherwards we would be linking back to this board you dumbfuck…. befriend logic, it will help you.

a5de3d No.2067182


Even BO was quick enough to retract that claim.

I was lagged and couldn't post.

0cecb5 No.2067183


Simply put, accept reality.

You are loved, you are accepted.

There is no grand conspiracy against you.

I bet there are plenty of anons who would love a leaf waifu, but it is a two way street. Can you accept reality and move forward? You are great and creating pictures. Why stop?

24830e No.2067184

File: 6359bf217fd20ae⋯.jpeg (125.9 KB, 1242x422, 621:211, E3A66BAD-23FA-46DE-A67B-F….jpeg)

The United States of America embassy in Nigeria has cautioned its citizens to be on alert due to the security challenges faced by the FCT, Abuja in recent times.


41be41 No.2067185



494140 No.2067186

File: cffdefdab94d2ec⋯.png (10.64 KB, 142x255, 142:255, 95147848064303b6a06d496522….png)

d1c45e No.2067187


What does his nephew have to do with you lying about your house? bitch?! Seriously, for being so retarded I really do hope thy go back & finish the job on you

155cd8 No.2067189


I get it, I get it.. considering all the shit people don't even know they are consuming it's amazing to me the species is still able to function.

3d3f53 No.2067190

File: ae7ae9795270c29⋯.jpg (182.83 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, Big Pharma.jpg)

File: b371c8b46c26149⋯.jpg (266.86 KB, 965x723, 965:723, Cruising altitude.jpg)


oh man that happened to me earlier,

didn't know how to feel lol.

772189 No.2067191

File: bbd33ee2935dd3e⋯.png (48.41 KB, 639x472, 639:472, Saavedra the Activist 7-6-….PNG)

Disappointing that this reporter that seemed decent is now an activist


a228ba No.2067192

File: 449f51a645bd709⋯.png (299.04 KB, 722x600, 361:300, confused.png)


If your confused about this 'new board'…


the clown BV finally packed his bag.

If you wanna move to that board..


As I'm sure you know.. WE are tired of this nigga.

I feel like the best thing for the movement


8bit is a patriot. AFLB is a namefag liar.

_i[f] its not broke, don't [f]ix it.. right?



efc840 No.2067193


sleep well anon.


KEK..Good Question. Doubt she cares about their feelz. Too narcissistic.

5ad6b5 No.2067194


Thx anon… I'll be sure I make the message clear tmw.

They don't realize how silly they look. Attacking the first ever positive piece of press we've received?? Other than a shill, who the fuck would do that? Jesus… look how your pb post got shilled. Amazing.

c3bc13 No.2067195


nice job retard you saved a thumbnail

41be41 No.2067196


I'm fucking done with you prideful Ass covering Pile of Shit.

a38ece No.2067197


Now you have your very own board.

You can ban the fuck out of people.

You are the ruler of your own little universe.

You don't need us pesky anons raining on your parade.


9545ab No.2067198


I just had a thought. Rereading Q, he calls it a Twitter phone. Then I remember last week's hearings. Where the Democratic senator asked Rob Rosenstein & Christopher Wray if they think president Trump is putting the country at risk, by having an iPhone simply for Twitter. Which he will not update. Sean Hannity commented, that had to be a security leak. The senator knowing what kind of device the president tweeted with. So I'm wondering since Q said Twitter phone, does it somehow relate to MSM and the security breach? I realize that's a long shot. But wanted to make sure I at least mentioned it. Since it jumped out at me on the reread.

ed4fa7 No.2067199



stayed up just to find this for you

that article is laughable patrick, lurk moar

try again when you interview real anons

b-b-bu-ut muh sources said


this one is just as fake and gay, had some good but went to a FB GROUP

they tried, but TRY HARDER



df886d No.2067200

File: 3341273938798d7⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 500x645, 100:129, patton pointer.jpg)


They sold their souls for money. This is a fight between good & evil and right vs wrong and they chose poorly.

e974d5 No.2067201

Trump will nominate Amy to protect kids.

a5de3d No.2067202


He locked my bread before I got to posting the dough. I'm not sure when the other was made because I was trying in a few different tabs to get a bread through.. Even fucked up the notables a touch due to messy copy and pastes.

c9cd6a No.2067203


You are the worst thing to happen to this board. You are more destructive to qresearch than hackers. You are more disruptive than shills.

This failure to accept reality is a pathological symptom of your dysphoria. You insist that everyone see your faulty perception as the only true reality. And we live in reality land so we never can join you in your fantasy world.

155cd8 No.2067204


I have to say that I would pay to watch a reality show based on you after someone breaks up with you. That would be fun to watch.

769bc9 No.2067205


idk anon i believe there's good in everyone

they must be depressed, broke, brainwashed, and at extremely low points in their lives

last time i appealed to their morality i actually got attacked less if you can believe it..

2efb45 No.2067206


someday i hope i can tell the story about how i saw my meme on cnn without doxxing myself.

but until then… just imagine you believe me.

7dc449 No.2067207


Literall like PA's kid sister

a5de3d No.2067208







Speak for themselves.

84abe6 No.2067209


Anons dont do what youre doing right now….. The orders were given two weeks ago… no lying here. NEVER

d1c45e No.2067210


I bet THAT is who wrote the article! It all makes sense now! The green hair gives it away

835310 No.2067211


I suppose you're right

ea1a34 No.2067212

File: 08e9cd195b1867d⋯.jpg (12.07 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1528509873165.jpg)


Thanks anon!! God bless you.

df886d No.2067213

File: 1404c70e6f88b9f⋯.png (158.75 KB, 616x529, 616:529, ASL WWG.png)

0cecb5 No.2067214


You fucking tsundere, calm the fuck down!

Your images are outstanding, maybe this is a calling of a higher order? Fuck playing whack a nigger all day when you can let your creativity do the talking!!!

aaf543 No.2067215


But can Shamila N Chaudhary really be called a faggot

Now that she is a woman?

Hey, she fooled us for years.

That deserves being called she and her

a5de3d No.2067216


Put simply. You aren't in a position to judge.

5ad6b5 No.2067217


You shills need to step your game up. Your attacking of said article is fucking insane. First good piece of press in the media and you guys shit yourselves…. must scare you to know you don't control the message? We have millions of citizens out there hungry to receive our message. Good fucking luck you pelican brock dick sucking maybe JIDF panzy azzez.

The end is nigh.

The end is near.

God wins.

772189 No.2067218


Fatal Attraction behavior

f308ae No.2067219



Club of The Isles

efb7ff No.2067220

File: 1d4bb05bd023542⋯.jpg (35.07 KB, 641x530, 641:530, 1d4bb05bd023542875fb5896e0….jpg)


It could be but nobody has been digging for a few days so its hard to get any discussion going.

105c29 No.2067221


You were brainwashed.

Take back control of your own mind.

The puppet show goes on.

c3bc13 No.2067222

you guys are so caught up with a shill you've completely lost the point of this board

just sad. the shill is winning. stop feeding it attention you stupid fucks.

1e287b No.2067223

File: 65c3b953645e27c⋯.png (534.41 KB, 795x616, 795:616, Screen Shot 2018-07-07 at ….png)


Re: Peter Strozk's Wife Photo

here is the account it came from.

a5de3d No.2067224

0cecb5 No.2067225


Listen Miss Priss, I am the one backing you up and there is nothing you can fucking do about that.

c9cd6a No.2067226

File: be0c9473afaaf8f⋯.png (146.73 KB, 640x640, 1:1, if-it-stinks.png)


no biggie. we've been studying them for years


Normal people not interested in Q would just be going about their daily lives. A lot of 4chan/pol didn't even come over with the move. they are still on /pol loving the bantz.

But someone who is here JUST to attack? they are here and being angry at our movement because they are paid to do it.

I still want the link to the article.

0cecb5 No.2067227

dee2ec No.2067228

File: 4468951b424538b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 87.83 KB, 953x648, 953:648, Activate_QMap_Analytics.jpg)

Anons, I am sure you love QMap.pub - we sure do. Looks like there are improvements being added to the Analytics tab. These will be highly valuable for memes and red-pilling. Visuals/Graphs generate an automatic 'Why?' in the mind when you see them. Often you can't unsee them. Hope these reports become active sooner than later; very valuable.

WWG1WGA - Waterfag

5ad6b5 No.2067229


Godbless you too anon!

Note the instant reply you had from the other (((anon)))… interesting the shill activity has created quite the buzz about said article… they must fear that message.

535021 No.2067230

File: 8b412e278850075⋯.png (224.46 KB, 900x800, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

7bc602 No.2067231

Proverbs 24:24-25

Whoever says to the guilty, “You are innocent,” will be cursed by peoples and denounced by nations. But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come on them.

825d93 No.2067232


The same way they knew about the Kim phone call.

57e060 No.2067234

The MSM is still a target yes?

Also getting more and more people to disengage from the media, not beleive the media and seek out their own sources and draw their own conclusions. ← All the things that we want?

75c0f9 No.2067236

Theresa May just signed the end of her career.

And by making it look like she got pushed out honestly.

She has got agreement from the cabinet.

The EU will absolutely never take this agreement.

May will resign.

Mogg will be PM.

Hard Brexit.

ed4fa7 No.2067238

File: 91aa4eff4490aba⋯.png (2.92 MB, 3515x1243, 3515:1243, AF1sidebyside.png)

File: 35b4752d17b76a8⋯.png (3.26 MB, 3323x2082, 3323:2082, davidsidebyside.png)

File: 2dde72216e99728⋯.png (2.12 MB, 3143x2165, 3143:2165, FVEYsidebyside.png)

File: 5f3ebbdb509009d⋯.png (2.46 MB, 3435x2019, 1145:673, HRCplansidebyside.png)

File: 27f4f76f946b17d⋯.png (2.74 MB, 6154x1831, 6154:1831, nocoincidencesidebyside.png)



no, you didn't faggot, and you've never contributed anything but the shilling you're doing tonight over some insignificant article full of legitimate fallacies



*Insert NavySealFag copypasta*

cd7ad7 No.2067240

File: 910397117b980d5⋯.webm (11.88 MB, 320x240, 4:3, anons according to mainst….webm)


>wasn't quite accurate

>same shit, different day

Reminds me of this old gem.

ff556e No.2067241








b2b5f9 No.2067242


That's about it. The plan is to create a new world order of civility and peace. The Cabal and their version of hell on earth are done for!

5ad6b5 No.2067243



Exactly! The Cabal can't help but shit on themselves. At this point, they merely act as indicators for when we are doing something they don't want us to do….

Loving the show. They really are stupid.

769bc9 No.2067244


good catch, anon! it is interesting that Q called it a Twitter phone..definitely possible that was Q team calling RR out..

0cecb5 No.2067246


No, it's just when the faggot says to look up his IP from November when /qresearch/ wasn't around since then speaks volumes of ignorance. He was even baited into defending that notion. So try harder.

fdb0b3 No.2067247

File: 6e66236ead8e6f3⋯.jpg (202.11 KB, 600x384, 25:16, DFGRTHRGHRG.jpg)

3fa361 No.2067248

a67325 No.2067249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

(Fox news from 7.5.18)


Jason Chaffetz (sitting in for Hannity) interviews Gowdy while he takes AS and PS apart. Enjoyable watch IMO, Chaffetz knows how to ask a decent question then STFU to hear the answer. Moar Chaffetz!

Seemed to be a few interesting crumbs from these 2 guys, given they're both coming from the house. Included is the clip of AS naming his enemies after Blitzer @ CNN tees him up by calling them a cult. "The four horsemen of this apocalypse are Nunes, Gowdy, Meadows and Jordan."

The most interesting thing I heard Gowdy say is that he's never met Trump (around 2:10 mark). Seems rather strange, don't you think? Makes me wonder if that's related to his upcoming role.

Right now Gowdy's all bark, but I hope he's going to get some teeth at DOJ.

000f45 No.2067250

File: c5e75e71e624d6a⋯.jpg (81.29 KB, 679x679, 1:1, Shamila-Chaudhary-e1493312….jpg)


>Shamila N Chaudhary

hmmmm you may have a point here

5ad6b5 No.2067251


WTF? Just fucking filter me if you think I'm a shill, you idiot.

Oh wait, you're paid to not filter me…. great… so let me now filter you.

772189 No.2067252

File: da36a43b032995e⋯.png (81.87 KB, 530x916, 265:458, Hodgman SEC Promotion.PNG)

769bc9 No.2067253


thank you for this

0cecb5 No.2067254

File: b0189e61b132dad⋯.jpg (173.24 KB, 800x723, 800:723, b0189e61b132dadf22cc174785….jpg)

e4bcb0 No.2067256


This is meta projection here from Mr 22 posts.

7dc449 No.2067257

ea1a34 No.2067258

File: f1aa29fda1fbee5⋯.png (141.48 KB, 500x557, 500:557, 1d7910089c2b1d2ad311bce516….png)

File: 4a7bf3dcf00be0a⋯.jpg (71.13 KB, 960x868, 240:217, 4a7bf3dcf00be0a7832519c494….jpg)


That article is huge!! No wonder why shills are full force, there are synchronicities that I hadn't read about. Nice!! They have lost control. Prepare for even more attacks from them. But remember that with the normies we have to be patience!!

God bless all of you anons!! Love you! (no homo) Kek!

b2b5f9 No.2067260



Projection is used to determine the future. Project positive things and they shall be, project negative and they shall be also.

The Cabal have been using Hollywood, TV and all media forms to project the future they want for us.

Look at how many horror/zombie end of the world movies there are.

Look how the news is always death, destruction and horrors.

They are projecting our demise.

WE reject their projection. OUR futures will be Glorious. Our dreams will come true. Peace is starting to reign.

When you are distracted you do not project, you live in the now. They use medicines, poisons, frequencies and everything in between to keep you distracted and not pouring your spirit into your life.

Spend time each day projecting a positive future and watch how it accelerates that to reality.



5ad6b5 No.2067261


Saying I've been with the Q movement since November and telling BO to use my post history to verify that I"m not a shill are two diff things.

Try harder. Be smarter than that.

c710f0 No.2067263


I dug, it had already been brought up about last flight of 747, but for 2017 there were several events United did w the 747, last was Nov 7th from sfo to hawaii. It made a return flight the next day empty, said to be going to a boneyard by end of that week..

If related at all to that time period, that is right when Trump went for the asian meetup where the original talk w KJU happened. Dates dont line up, but that doesnt mean someone wasnt in and around that time doing something.

BTW.. so digging and rereading crumbs.. Q was laying it out for us, all the carriers and active force in the pacific at that time.. they knew deepstate would be trying shit during all the pacific talks w the countries involved.. fucking crazy and Potus sent an armada there to protect him, and everyone else.. literally that whole area of the world was being protected against our deep state rats.

0cecb5 No.2067264


No you didn't faggot, lie harder.

7fcd19 No.2067265

File: 5aede3253c4bedb⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 620x400, 31:20, 2cnema.jpg)

File: d1062d9bf7460df⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1239x1681, 1239:1681, iran protest oiac deep sta….png)

File: 7c0643b37cf48d7⋯.jpg (265.88 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, jengir4.jpg)

File: f89ef5899601752⋯.jpg (81.73 KB, 640x429, 640:429, Maryam Rajavi Mojahedin Kh….jpg)


Of course it was a false flag op. I told you already when the news broke. Two members of MEK were arrested, plotting to bomb the MEK gathering of Rajavi.

How more obvious can it get?!

Would Iran benefit of such action? Of course not. Rajavi thought she would get more credit and support after being attacked.

They are busted.

MEK are terrorists. Always been.

Compliments to NBC, for finally doing some trustworthy news (with video).


The MEK cult will go down very soon, just like their Deep State sponsors in US and EU.

d1c45e No.2067266


Did you even read the article you wrote faggot? The writing style is pure tumblr fanfic. It's gross. Keep pushing it like you have idiot. Keep using multiple IPs to stroke your man pussy. It's all good. It shows exactly what & WHO you are. No one goes to that shit site anyway. Think about, if any of their articles were used as a source that person would get laughed at & told to fuck off. So yeah, keep pushing it. It speaks for itself. Gutter trash

a38ece No.2067267

File: e71665ef7326f88⋯.png (171.43 KB, 634x433, 634:433, 564d670b9f27572de210eb10e2….png)

ILet's take this experience and turn it into an opportunity to see how the jew, using (((Sympathy))) manipulates your emotions so you can't think properly.

Hint: The little soap opera you are reading is a manipulation.

000f45 No.2067268

File: afa4fdff2567388⋯.png (24.79 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 2d1d2d505e8367b26fd156a26d….png)

File: c5e75e71e624d6a⋯.jpg (81.29 KB, 679x679, 1:1, Shamila-Chaudhary-e1493312….jpg)

c9cd6a No.2067269

File: 9375c6c13943b0a⋯.jpg (98.26 KB, 900x900, 1:1, kisspng-david-brock-shareb….jpg)



Thank you.

The article isn't great, but its a start. And boy is it making the Brock pussies angry heh

13a831 No.2067270

(((Media Matters)))

03a089 No.2067271

File: 913df054f257ddc⋯.jpg (14.26 KB, 250x248, 125:124, flat_800x800_075_f.jpg)

a228ba No.2067272


post count gets high af 2-5am…

not many anons here. bread lasts forever.

most of them probably aren't shills..

fungalbitch? shillin' like a villan.

but anon your pointing at seems pretty normal bro. relax

7b9356 No.2067273


No one takes you seriously shill

5ad6b5 No.2067274


The article BTFO of the Q is larp bs and that's what scares the piss out of them.

That's their last go to… that's all AJ and Antischool, Seamens and the other faggots have left in their bag of tricks.

That article makes it damn clear that Q is not a fucking larp and that we are fucking winning… and that we have it all.

Calls us brave revolutionaries.. makes us look like rockstars… I see it's purpose.

e4bcb0 No.2067275

Can anybody weigh in on the suggestion that NoName sustained his injuries not from the VietCong but from his fellow servicemen after he conveniently was called away from his post before it was "attacked"?

f2f502 No.2067276


Do we like Mogg?

c3bc13 No.2067278


similar but their neck sizes/width are different. girl has longer slimmer neck?

also how the hell would you from his hairline to that?

ea1a34 No.2067279

File: fe5aeca35e119a6⋯.png (275.51 KB, 500x502, 250:251, 1530851965988.png)



Something that we have to fight is the hate and division from the media, also would help to here, a lot.

Like I said, one thing to redpill the normies is to be patience and wise, do not push too hard or get too angry when things don't go your way, we are heading to the storm, we have to be the calm.

God bless.

a228ba No.2067280


welp. i take that back. hahaha

carry on, wat do i know.

e974d5 No.2067281

File: 0963c0cad09198d⋯.jpg (63.25 KB, 622x500, 311:250, 2dk8ld.jpg)



c9cd6a No.2067282


classic classic


"the toxic underbelly of the internet!"

d1c45e No.2067283


Do you want me to tell them to call it off. If you ask nicely.

5ad6b5 No.2067284


Whoever you're pointing at, I already had filtered so seems like I agree with you. Haha.. fuck these faggot shills tonight… they butt hurt cus their gay porn slide didn't shut us up… just notified us that we were OTT.

293967 No.2067285

File: 29495261781cc18⋯.jpg (68.03 KB, 634x875, 634:875, Hodgman.jpg)


Melissa Hodgman is as deep in this as her beard - I mean husband - Peter Strzok. She can't afford to give a damn about whether he's banging the hideous Lisa Page; neither one of them want the scrutiny or financial mess a divorce would create. Would disrupt their $$$$$$$$ and that is absolutely all the evil shitheads care about, anyway. Love and loyalty are for the non-elite.

From the @HousatonicITS thread on Melissa Hodgman

So after graduating from the School of Foreign Services at Georgetown, she plopped neatly into a fancy job with the SEC:


"[3] And we know that #HunterBiden and a Kerry kid have lots of shady equity business in China - And if there were ANY problems discovered, it would have been #MelissaHodgman (wife of #PeterStrzok ) who would have run those investigations."

Source: great article by the excellent Peter Schweitzer: https://nypost.com/2018/03/15/inside-the-shady-private-equity-firm-run-by-kerry-and-bidens-kids/

"4] There is a LOT more going on with #MelissaHodgman (wife of #PeterStrzok) than I previously thought. Just get on Google or @DuckDuckGo and type "Melissa Hodgman SEC (a year of your choice between 2008 and 2015), and you can see notable cases she played a part in."

Here's the other connection: every one of those assholes went to Georgetown. JESUITS.

93b14d No.2067286


The actions this faggot is taking now proves his faggotude the whole time. This nigger is a Jew no doubt.

7b9356 No.2067287


Now you're just a famefag

You clearly have no idea what Q or the Great Awakening is if you think that ridiculous article is accurate

It shows your true ignorance… and glow

3fa361 No.2067288



ff556e No.2067289



Potential (If I do say so myself)


Sources are in images -- QPosts and Google Maps.

adac45 No.2067290


Myspace accounts

e4bcb0 No.2067291


Calls em like I sees em, and normally I'd agree, but 134 UID's speaks to the contrary.

4ff4e3 No.2067292


Leaf, your being like an intransigent, hard to manage drunk tonight. Sleep it off, come back tomorrow.

3640e9 No.2067293


Fuck look at the hole pic, count the digits, answer is above the POTUS.

10/4 loud and clear.

c3bc13 No.2067294


jesus she looks like a pure bred neanderthal

0960dc No.2067295


i know leaf has done very very good work in the past. i loved his breads on 4 chan, they were always COMFY.

I undersstand why BO did what he had to do, and i understand what leaf was doing, in trying to protect the bread. I think this whole argument got out of hand. And that BO, LEAF, AND CODEMONKEY should have come up with some sort of solution to helpstop the shill and bot attacks.Without it affecting patriots.

leaf, with your passion and long dedication, which makes you have strong feelings about this board( as many of us do, ho have been here sinc the bginning) we love this board, this work, and we love justice, and are about uniting people.

you have gone overboard the past few days with some of your rhetoric( and some of us understand that passion)

THe options are, you accept not being a BV, and contiunue as baker , reseracher, and post what you notice baout those networks( your work into watching and researching them, should be commended)

2, hope BO and CM cme up with something, or Q

maybe as you post what you discover,, it could be something codemonkey can stop, or BO.

As it stands you continuing to push, is making others pissy, kek

layoff of it, until a solution can be found.

We have always appreciated your work, just not the bans, kek

efc840 No.2067296


Did you realize she tagged herself on the meme? She stops IP hopping so much she can't keep it straight. Did it before when she was BC17 too.

13a831 No.2067297


I heard he is like a Trump cant be bought.Ill try to find this I believe I saved it.But of course do your own investigation into him. Use your greater judgment.

93b14d No.2067298


Your a Jew and your bans are just Jew shill shit. You ban to protect the Jew. Jew off.

5ad6b5 No.2067299



Whoops… I lied. I actually filtered mysef…. Kek… haha… you faggot. I'm not a shill.

It's too fucking late and I've been fighting shills for the past 4 hours

I'm going to bed.

See you shills tmw to spread the good word about our first ever piece of positive press for normie consumption.

Feeling comfy.

69c0b8 No.2067300


Fag Anglin's Thai Batcave?

ea1a34 No.2067301


I'm thinking as a start to redpill the normies, not as we want it to be written.

God bless you shill.

57e060 No.2067302


>When you are distracted you do not project, you live in the now. They use medicines, poisons, frequencies and everything in between to keep you distracted and not pouring your spirit into your life.

>Spend time each day projecting a positive future and watch how it accelerates that to reality.

Amen, pray and thank God for an amazing tomorrow and an amazing next year.

Miracles do happen.

293967 No.2067303


(from a tweet reply to @HousatonicITS)

The Biden and Kerry (Heinz) son / stepson have joint interests in Ukraine as well.

@TheChiIIum has more info on Melissa Hodgman. My recollection is an email address in court docs that is not SEC and rep'd BHO? or someone in a case while at SEC. Hate when the details escape me.

5b5b93 No.2067304




Wtf is this telling normies about Q? We know that this


And…. is also the same line that those who wish to discredit Q have been using. Why TF are you still talking about this BS here? GTFO

7b9356 No.2067305



Do it

a5de3d No.2067306


Some things are just worth standing for.

0cecb5 No.2067307

File: f420bf7d69f6286⋯.png (32.44 KB, 1592x288, 199:36, StayEasyPat.png)


You didn't mention IP? You said that you have been with since November?

Hmm Hmmmmm

What doesn't add up here? Should have kept your fucking mouth shut PATRICK

b2b5f9 No.2067308

File: aa1dbbbfe36a5ec⋯.png (265.56 KB, 734x515, 734:515, ClipboardImage.png)

ea1a34 No.2067309


When they ask, you explain.

c9cd6a No.2067310

File: 672ac6e359b1fcc⋯.png (998.6 KB, 1100x1000, 11:10, Chan-MWO-Shill-Spotters-Sn….PNG)

File: a1bbd7dbeb9fa03⋯.png (69.32 KB, 508x552, 127:138, a1bbd7dbeb9fa03b52852981ff….png)


The board has an extensive collection of research on shills.


don't let them make you question yourself. learn their tactics! have a badge

a38ece No.2067311

File: 93e4d692b97fe0c⋯.jpeg (9 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 93e4d692b97fe0c2b8c6b2c26….jpeg)

An (((Anon))) become a mod, and starts banning everyone that she disagrees with.


The (((MOD))) then tries to take control.

What happens next? A revolt.

Out comes the (((Sympathy))) card, and for weeks BO and other Mods defend the actions of the (((MOD))).

Finally, there is a revolt.

But it is not the (((Mods))) fault at all. It is EVERYONE ELSE.

This is Typical jew behavior.

It's the Shills, it's the Nazi's, it's the "Illuminati."

When that fails, the FUCKING CRYFEST begins.

Now you feel Goy Guilt.

Will you be manipulated???

c710f0 No.2067312


Not lying, me too!!

825d93 No.2067313


Is that poser still talking to itself?

Too bad the fucker doesn’t realize that by stating it is BO/BVs/admins posting as Q that the article basically claims Q is a larp.

Likely written by the halfchan assholes we moved here from.

d1c45e No.2067314


No seriously, keep talking about it. That website will get even more negative attention from it. Then maybe they will learn not to post such shit from lying sacks of shit. Plus, it's good for newfags to know the difference between complete trash writing & quality writing. Hopefully we will get some quality writing soon. Did they pay you to write that article? lol God I hope not then they are shit with money too

93b14d No.2067315


Kill yourself as an example to the tribe. You get a special necklace of baby foreskins if you do it tonight.

e4bcb0 No.2067316


Yeah, I didn't care for the article myself, mainly due to the "anons" responses, I found them to be inaccurate and of newfag tier.

41be41 No.2067317

File: fd8bfa5863a4ecf⋯.jpg (440.81 KB, 1000x803, 1000:803, MuhExcuses.jpg)


There was nothing in the bread excusing you for ABANDONING THE KITCHEN that night…..

0cecb5 No.2067319


And I stand by the notion that you are significantly more talented and useful then playing whack a nigger all day. Your pictures are good shit, n-not that I would admit that under normal circumstances..

efb7ff No.2067320


Yes its another possible link. Im actually glad they retired them it was the worst 747 ive ever flown on. Whole way to Asia loose parts were creaking and moaning. United are cheapo bastards.

5ad6b5 No.2067321


Plausible Deniability you dumb fuck. Think national security. Think why we can't doxx Q…. don't be so fucking stupid. The official story is that We Are all Q

Does ALL fucking include the bakers and BO's? Or mods, as they put it in normie speek?

c3bc13 No.2067322


c9cd6a No.2067323

File: 3a47d094f1c9113⋯.jpg (51.38 KB, 445x500, 89:100, aflb.jpg)

Who else is playing SHINGO?

Get your SHINGO cards in this thread

and play along!!


69c0b8 No.2067324

File: be4e961a2a7f8f1⋯.jpg (10.73 KB, 299x168, 299:168, wk.jpg)


>Then why bring it up in the first place?

One of Pedesta's buddies wanted to depose him.

105c29 No.2067325


Don't give commands if you aren't willing to be bound to the outcome.

13a831 No.2067326

Have you heard of Qanon?

Answer: #METOO hijack?

7b9356 No.2067327


Keep digging your own personal shill tactic

It's rather amusing Patrick

0cecb5 No.2067328

File: 22d0565d2a6eb19⋯.jpg (122.7 KB, 996x720, 83:60, 22d0565d2a6eb196139cccf795….jpg)


Did the Muh Dick evolve or something?

a5de3d No.2067329


I was removed by a lie.

5ad6b5 No.2067330


Not tonight… gonna stay around for one more day and spread the good word about article that interestingly enough, has gotten more hatred from (((anons))) than the Snopes, NYTimes, Newsweek, or WaPo hit pieces on Q got.

7b9356 No.2067331


A shill killing themselves?


c710f0 No.2067332


If leaf is a female and hadnt shown her tits.. w her holding a dime right next to her left breast and a quarter held by her right breast and a penny stuck in her bellybutton as proof she is real.. then why is there even a discussion?!

1e287b No.2067333


Interesting. She was named Director about 3 weeks before the 2016 Election.

Georgetown University of course.

41be41 No.2067334


MuhDick was created by AFLB, just using it against him.

5ad6b5 No.2067335


The article basically says Trump is Q too… we are all Q you fucking idiot… have you ever read a crumb? Don't be so fucking naive.

0cecb5 No.2067336


No it wasn't, I created Muh Dick.

a5de3d No.2067337


While correct, I was still removed due to a lie.

5bd077 No.2067338

File: 3e0792862e9b998⋯.jpg (14.43 KB, 298x529, 298:529, female pills.jpg)

Been putting up with your estrogen poisoning all fucking night and now I'm done with it Fungus Amongus.


c9cd6a No.2067339

File: d5d89183376bfc9⋯.png (1.1 MB, 857x486, 857:486, q-shirt.PNG)



your point is?

I can talk about it anywhere I want on this q research board that is about Q and everything to do with Q, and this article is about Q.

suck my free speech dick, moran

0cecb5 No.2067340


Okay, then fuck the fucking fuckers.

Their loss. Now you can meme and make Canada proud and shit.

5ad6b5 No.2067341


Patrick must be the name you use for your left hand…. no fucking thx. Not patrick here but I do know two Tees.

bd26f7 No.2067342



obviously you don't get what it is that you are actually doing on the reverse.

even if Q is a Psy-Op, manipulation, soap opera, circlejerk, whatever you want to call it - which I personally think that it is not. plenty of familiar and friendly anons come back day after day, night after night. we recognize each-other and continue to dig and meme and support the movement and each other because we simply can.

even if Q and everything along with it is a "Psy-Op" which is what you are trying to scare (lets face it, only newfags and people lacking belief in positive ideas (might want to check out the law of attraction, no- not just the secret)) instead of trying to scare everyone to keep them quiet because you probably have something to hide.

who cares – honestly, I cannot put a dollar amount on the overall experience of having solid Q drops to dig on and find results, and encourage other anons to do the same.

"shut up dont feed the shills", I know. but I am just blagghhH!! I don't see the logic in them wasting the time on their behalf.

1e287b No.2067343

>>2067252 Peter Strozk's wife, Melissa Hodgman Work History.


155cd8 No.2067344


Agreed. When she won't swallow that should be a point when every man stands in unison.

716be1 No.2067345

File: 0b267ca5ada50a1⋯.jpg (137.49 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, leafblower.jpg)


Leaf is 100% shill. Fame fag, sliding the board over his own drama. Fuck him he makes me embarrassed to be a leaf

02704c No.2067346


You're the liar. You banned me for saying Nasim is pretty. You can't treat people that way. It's not right. You're a mean person.

a5de3d No.2067347


Still missing the issue kid

0cecb5 No.2067348


I found this oddly specific.

825d93 No.2067349


“We are all Q”



7dc449 No.2067350


Sorry but the last 3 days destroys any credibility they might have had, for me anyways. This is the single most important event we will ever witness or be a part of and this fucking dumb ass, whilst real patriots are putting their lives on the line, turns this board into chaos like a bitch instead of using the proper channels?


7abf10 No.2067351


Woah hey my name is Anonymous too


7b9356 No.2067352


Try harder Patrick

Your article was PATHETIC

At least the others didn't TRY to make it positive

That article (in a failed attempt to be accurate) could discredit Q moar than the muh larp articles can

It should be retracted

d1c45e No.2067353


Nice find! Follow the wives! Shit. I'm surprised this hasn't been talked about more. I hope it's in notables for tomorrow, I gotta go to bed soon it's like 4am

What does lisa pages husband do i wonder…

41be41 No.2067354


if that were true, than you would know that the whole "Muh*" became a genre of memes all it's own.

c9cd6a No.2067355


>shut up don't feed the shills

that is generally good advice, on other boards. But here, I think Its good to call them out and let them know they aren't fooling anyone.

69c0b8 No.2067356


Owning your shit. Congrats anon.

0cecb5 No.2067357


Don't you call me fucking kid, I would smoke your ass in any vidya.

Why do you need faggots that aren't showing you respect, respect?!



13a831 No.2067358

Did any of you guys fuck this chick? Whats with the obsession? Be done I thought this was research? Why women shouldnt be involved in Warfare. Bears can smell the menstruation!

0cecb5 No.2067359


Yes, truly ahead of our times. Thank you for your worship now kys.

5ad6b5 No.2067360

Something doesn't add up? haha… you running intel reports on every post i make regarding that article?

If I'm a shill, fucking filter me and its over. You don't think us anons know that fact? Nobody attacks shit like this for no reason. You dumb asses just make shit obvious to us.

You having fun over there? Pretty nervous huh'? Show is just getting good.

efc840 No.2067361


did you notice the IP hopping in those responses?

What's even scarier is that's a baker.

c710f0 No.2067362

File: 00b9c29b6901dff⋯.png (388.02 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, IMG_4085.PNG)


Wow! Never was able to fly on one.. so cool, huge plane buff. Over 6 million parts go into one. Fucking cool read if you have a minute


41be41 No.2067363


Who the fuck do you think "Canadian Shitstain Baker" was?

105c29 No.2067364


Committing suicide is (generally) a completely selfish decision, it's not the perpetrator who suffers, but everyone connected.

Corollary: don't go on the chans if you haven't figured out which voices to listen to.

93b14d No.2067365


I just dont like you. You know your a deep jew mole. But your kind has to out themselves at some point before the end.

0cecb5 No.2067366


Nice thumbnail.

>a shekel for the good goy

7b9356 No.2067367


Patrick wrote the article dumbass

Did you even read the pathetic article you're shilling about?

If you were a REAL anon, after reading it you'd be laughing at it's ridiculousness

So again, KYS

155cd8 No.2067368


Good for you buddy (truly). Many people have dealt with such issues and, ironically, hate helps quite a bit if one mentally recognizes all they lost due to that poison and how it truly consumes their life.

bd26f7 No.2067369


well then I guess I did my part tonight

69c0b8 No.2067370


Ever notice that a common theme to all the Trump-bashing is the absence of middlemen? He wants to deal with things bilaterally, oh no, you should use our expensive committee, it creates jobs you know.

0cecb5 No.2067371


Wasn't Leaf Bread. You unironically think with all this namefagging, leaf bread wouldn't have used the name AntiFungalLeafBread?

What are you suffering from fucking cancer?

c9cd6a No.2067372


leaf wasn't perfect on 4chan

leaf sometimes made mistakes

leaf fucked up big time here

and he wont let it go, and BECAUSE he wont accept the decision of the BO and BVs for his great humungous REPEATED fuckups here, he shits up the board OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

no apology. No attempt to behave. No understanding how much damage he is doing daily. No remorse over doing the damage that he is doing every day. His constant attacks on the board now, are worse than any shill.

5ad6b5 No.2067373


>Said anon mocks actual Q crumb and still expects us to think hes not an (((anon)))

Pretty sure the entire philosophy behind "We are all Q" is because it makes famewhoring impossible you fucking Pelican. Try harder.

7b9356 No.2067374


Lurk moar

First day shilling?

155cd8 No.2067375


Some anon here clearly switched lanes without signaling. It was you wasn't it you sneaky bastard…

41be41 No.2067376


Wow… You are dumber than I thought.

93b14d No.2067377


Take your yamaka and your foreskin necklace and go fuck your rabbi.

105c29 No.2067378


Still waiting for the paycheck anon.

84abe6 No.2067379


FULL ARMOR OF GOD. Perhaps stop being a spook and/or jerk

ff556e No.2067380

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Video that includes the area of the intersection in Hong Kong depicted in "Who do you see?" Q Post.

The walking tour goes full length of Portland Street. The camera approached Hamilton / Portland at about time stamp, 18:35, in the video. Goes past the small park on corner, across Hamilton, on west sidewalk past the SFALO soccer shop's storefront window display and then, immediately, past the gated entry to Western Pacific Kindergarten.

This is covered in about one minute.


7b9356 No.2067381


You have no idea what Q or the Great Awakening is shill

0cecb5 No.2067383


Way to loose an argument.

5ad6b5 No.2067384


OoOOOOOh…. that's why you're so upset. Because the guy who wrote the article happens to have the same name that you use for your left hand… so now everytime you go for some strange ie left hand, you have to think of that first ever positive piece of press coverage the Qanon movement has received.

Now it all makes sense.

716be1 No.2067385

File: 88f8f6bb67a9141⋯.jpg (554.94 KB, 1059x706, 3:2, Leaf_blowing.jpg)


Blow away, stupid.

57047f No.2067386


good advice.

0c4007 No.2067387


I removed the anti-shills notables for now. Will have to vet each one before can put out there. Takes time to read that print, kek.

Any late notable calls that require vetting just repost early next bread, please. TY!

5b5b93 No.2067388


32 posts convincing yourself, carry on.


Carry on lying about Q and we'll carry on calling you out.

0cecb5 No.2067389


What kind of banter is this? Fucking alphabet nigger

5bd077 No.2067390


LOSE for fucks sake.

Who signed your GED?

84abe6 No.2067391


Got my buddies guns now.. bring it. He had too many anyway

13a831 No.2067392



I like the name ego death. Once I did that I became free. My confidence is even higher now. Even though it sounds like my confidence died. Ego is not the same. I am just a human after all. And its fucking tough. But this life isnt for the weak. And my last name is strong and has history. I cant be the one to fuck it all up. How could I live with myself?

adac45 No.2067393

f2f502 No.2067394

>>2067297 t,y



That's a really good match. I think the neck is wider and shorter tat pic makes it appear. V-neck give appearance of length to neck and the styling of hair covers part and throws shadow on even more making the neck look thinner but also longer. If you follow from shoulders on dress toward the middle you can see that the neck is kin of short and if there are those shoulder muscles hidden, it is even shorter still. Hair totally thinned and plugs and "product" (they make shake-able little pieces of hair to cover balding on women and actors) looks possible by part to our right of "widows peak".

As per Wikileaks, the timing is right - Clinton's State Dept kind of out of nowhere.


0c4007 No.2067395


>>2067128 Winning. Russian MoD: Armed Groups in Syria's Daraa Agree to Surrender Arms

>>2067089 Top kek. NATO Concerfagging Future 'Uncoordinated' Trump-Putin Agreements

>>2067001 Timor spy case: the latest cynical act in dealings over Timor Sea mining rights

>>2066870 Follow the wives-to-be? Amaryllis Fox: Former CIA spy marrying Bobby Kennedy III

>>2066891, >>2067285, >>2066925, >>2067252 Follow the wives: Digging on Strzok's, Melissa Hodgman.

>>2066915 Update on the poor Thai soccer kids trapped in the cave. Consider next vvv

>>2066837 Another look at this Jan. 2017 article re: Trafficking of SOCCER Players

>>2066824 NSO Pegasus: Israel indicts man for allegedly trying to sell spy co's secrets

>>2066817 UK guardian: Donald Trump to be met by protests at each stage of visit

>>2066783 Ex-IDF intel head predicts Iran to pursue nukes despite N. Korea summit

>>2066743, >>2066755 You're fired: Barnes & Noble Announces CEO Termination. Buy why?

7bc602 No.2067397

shills? porn assfucking?


5ad6b5 No.2067398


Says the dude who spent every post in this bread attacking the first ever piece of positive press this movement has received.

Cool story faggot.

7abf10 No.2067399

File: 9657c5775709ed1⋯.png (165.48 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Smells like cbts niggers in here.

ea1a34 No.2067400

File: 9e2f4df27265e13⋯.png (76.26 KB, 1873x681, 1873:681, 0daf3e571eff4f96b4515fd585….png)

Holy shit, shill we are in shillcon 1.

God wins shills.


I do recommend the article as notable, just read:

>“I could be Q or a baker. Would you know?” I asked.

>“No. I wouldn’t. That is the beauty of it. An enemy who is faceless or unknown is what threatens them the most. The minute they think they’ve figured out who Q is something happens to steer them to the next possible Q. Same goes for us anons. We know for sure that the tight nit Q team has an in at the White House.”

>"It was explained to me under cloak and dagger, that the anons already have all the documents, information, emails, videos, calls, recordings and everything one would need to eradicate the #DeepState or Cabal. But you cannot produce this information in a court of law because it hasn’t been attained through proper channels and “they” (the Deep State) would know how the anons got it. In addition, there are very few people on the planet with access, backdoors and connections able to get such information so they are careful what they drop on the boards. Enough is dropped to make “them” uncomfortable, to make other people probe for questions, to initiate the process of attaining such information legally. It was inferred that the good guys in positions of power look at the boards to collect information and understand what is needed."


24830e No.2067401

File: aadac641edaf02e⋯.jpeg (115.89 KB, 1046x352, 523:176, F8CB7548-A620-4EA8-BBE0-6….jpeg)


75c0f9 No.2067402


Mogg is a good family man.

Already wealthy.

Believes in doing what you promise people in a manifesto

c9cd6a No.2067403

File: b98ed99a10d95bf⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 2400x2400, 1:1, clear-a-shill.jpg)


and good job, too. I would not say 'don't respond to shills' I would say do not argue with them, because they are paid to remain unconvinced. Just call them out, laugh at how lame they are, and keep doing what you're doing

0cecb5 No.2067404


Sorry kike, but language manipulation and grammar policing is your job.

686fe3 No.2067406

File: fdd480f7b8fa64d⋯.png (173.13 KB, 803x333, 803:333, kennedy-center-july7.png)


looking for a live news of haiti

youtubs live channels


saw this

293967 No.2067408

File: d1dcf7a15bd993a⋯.png (531.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PepeBurnInHell.png)


And that ripoff fraud guy Brummer would have been working with her, as an Obama appointee.



‏ @HousatonicITS

[9] #ProfessorBrummer - Also a fellow at the Milken Institute

"Professor Brummer was nominated twice by President Obama in 2016 and 2017 to serve as a Commissioner on the Commodity Futures Trading Commission" …. sounds like he would have been working with #MelissaHodgman

I'm gonna watch this stuff this weekend.

Melissa Hodgman is dirty as they come.

e4bcb0 No.2067409

File: ba106eeb6cdfb3f⋯.jpeg (169.96 KB, 750x738, 125:123, IMG_FB76E06CBB04-1.jpeg)

File: facf317846a8ad6⋯.jpeg (320.3 KB, 750x807, 250:269, IMG_D7D14BA26541-1.jpeg)

File: 2cdd5458d11323a⋯.jpg (46.13 KB, 634x423, 634:423, IMG_0078.JPG)


Lisa Page spouse: Joseph Burrow


c710f0 No.2067410


Old board i was on was much like 8 or 4.. we would ask for proof w use of a dime in pic.. funny and some car boards we did the same. Knowing how much we sid it, i am sure there is a pic out there w tits and a dime being held for proof.. so i added to it for triple proof 👍😂

0cecb5 No.2067412

69c0b8 No.2067413


No, she was young and stupid and upset he didn't call her the next day. Her current career would also take a hit if she made a big deal about it. This was a Clinton-connected third party trying to distract since Trudeau is now cooperating with Trump on Uranium One.

c9cd6a No.2067414



actually, that is quite beautiful

I think I will make 100 memes with quotes from the article and bring them back to taunt the shills

41be41 No.2067415

File: 20ef081964ae634⋯.jpg (195.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, sessions-006-KEK.jpg)


so nice to see that you lose with grace. (Loose???? KEK!!!!)

2bd8a2 No.2067416


Why doesn't Leaf just drop his handle and pick a new one? He must have a truly massive ego if he feels so bound to a tainted name that he can't stop using it. Part of his neurosis?

a5de3d No.2067417

File: f4ac838454100f1⋯.jpg (124.71 KB, 1077x964, 1077:964, sexyclickbait.jpg)

Whelp, that was fun.

See you all tomorrow.


0cecb5 No.2067418


Hey guys look I can grammar police too! and check out my dank meme, totally one of you!

>A shekel for the good goy

5ad6b5 No.2067419


If English was your first language, you would know what I was talking about.

Way to match my 30 posts though… all of mine were promoting the first ever positive piece of press the Q movement has received.

Every single one of your posts was made attacking the one fucking media article we had that BTFO of all the muh q is larp faggots.

ea1a34 No.2067420


Please do anon!! I'm not a meme maker.

God bless you!!

3dfa62 No.2067421

File: 4057fd86009b1ba⋯.png (178.77 KB, 246x310, 123:155, ClipboardImage.png)


Dubs of null confirm

5bd077 No.2067422

Ain't a kike you fucking moron and I was spelling college level vocabulary words in the fourth fucking grade.

Kiss my ass.

0cecb5 No.2067423


Make lots of pictures, I will handle the shitposting and excessive spamming.

41be41 No.2067424


Hey Deep State will be handing you a FAT CHECK! Fucking namefag clown.

0c4007 No.2067426

File: 3d8d19b6027a1ee⋯.jpg (48.13 KB, 650x366, 325:183, 2013-06-26-knight-rider.jpg)

(K)night Bread Is Best Bread




(K)night Bread Is Best Bread

c710f0 No.2067427


Poor dude was married to mule mouth and fuck if she wasnt not happy and wanted to be w someone else.

Women say they want a good guy.. no, no they dont. They are cruising for the next better thing. She strzoked out on the one she went for!!🤣😅😂😅

93b14d No.2067428


This is an extremely well made Presidential Model Sex Bot. Watch the video Beethoveen to see her handler showing off all her alters. Dont miss the Alice in Wonderland tasty kid one. And dont miss the trannie faggot one.

0cecb5 No.2067429


Soooo, you're reading comprehension is shit, but you love to criticize spelling errors? Nice.

Still a faggot with low IQ and still eternally BTFO, PATRICK

adac45 No.2067430

File: 84a6aacdd056327⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 888x499, 888:499, cgp2pyyy01pz.jpg)


There also another storm headed for Caribbean. Here we go again.

c9cd6a No.2067431

File: fa5feffe37c448d⋯.gif (208.78 KB, 479x681, 479:681, shillcon-1-flash.GIF)



>larping as a Brock pussy shill

e4bcb0 No.2067432


again, Page and Strzok never were in a romantic relationship, that was just a cover to explain why they were in contact before the investigation began.

adac45 No.2067433


I meant Hurricane

a38ece No.2067434

0cecb5 No.2067435



Trying this hard

ea1a34 No.2067436

File: 4e3b1658c068199⋯.jpg (126.85 KB, 970x836, 485:418, 1510918237325.jpg)


Kek!! And a #ShillBeGone

84abe6 No.2067437


And a divorce… guess who could testify?

4ff4e3 No.2067438


and namefags are so easy to permanently filter.

0cecb5 No.2067439

Stay salty Patrick

c710f0 No.2067441



You two clowns consumed ~10% of last bread.. thats like the heel plus a couple pieces in on both sides! 😂

69c0b8 No.2067442


>SEC Enforcement

I'm sure she's investigating FB and Twitter shadowbanning really, really hard.

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