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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

34c1fc No.2025215

Welcome To Q Research General

"We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down." –President Donald J. Trump



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Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

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Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2019981 --------------------------------- Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2021248 rt >>2019832 --------------------------------- Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2021248 rt >>2020544 --------------------------------- Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 ---------------------------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

c3491f No.2025234

File: f1e696328c04063⋯.jpg (163.42 KB, 584x613, 584:613, 20180704_013349.jpg)

I think it's pretty obvious it's not William.

34c1fc No.2025263


are not endorsements


>>2015802 QAnon.pub update: Results of timezone vote

>>1976280, >>1976496 BO: There has been a unanimous decision to remove the BV (M_knZhVGT)

>>1976282 BV on whitewashing of notables Retracted >>1979400

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident


>>2024997 FBI: July 4 terror plot thwarted in Cleveland, suspect pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda

>>2024930 What's this? FBI, SEC, Justice Department Join Federal Probe into Facebook? Buh Bye!

>>2024866 Surprising absolutely no one, Young White Men Abandon Democrats for Trump's "nationalism"

>>2024835, >>2024867 Chinese Armed Forces officials met with Iran's Brigadier General Tues

>>2024796 What the actual F___? Violent rape of 7-yr old in a video game. These ppl are SICK.

>>2024786 Re: Malaysia arrest / compare to Michelle/Hussein jewelry from Saudi

>>2024768 Oklahoma scumbag accused of molesting 5yr-old as "safe haven" to undocumented family

>>2024759 Speaking of "leaders who allowed China to steal our ideas.. It's Schiffty!

>>2024751 Amber Heard doing her part to keep the 'help' (cheap labor) on the plantation.

>>2024701, >>2024938 (lb) SFO international first class lounge resembles Q airport crumb?

>>2024695 UK police declare MAJOR INCIDENT: 2 fall ill near Salisbury from "unknown substance"

>>2024691, >>2024780, >>2024723 Moar on China stealing our IP to undercut our markets

>>2024654, >>2024840 Moar Tom Donilon & Hussein: China got detailed info of all military aircraft.

>>2024644 Judge tosses suit alleging Trump campaign conspired with Russia in DNC hack

>>2024626 What's up with the Queen? UK seems to be prepping for her demise.

>>2024603 Wozniak is a freemason. Just sayin'.

>>2024594, >>2024699, >>2024826, >>2024863, 2024922 Moar digging HK United pic. Google Earth/Maps

>>2024559 An autist muses on the nature of "how do you introduce evidence 'legally'?"

>>2024516, >>2024624 #DeleteFacebook: For 'censorship' of country group's patriotic song. Nice.

>>2025255 #2554


>>2024938 SFO international first class lounge resembles Q airport crumb?

>>2024192 Swamp Drained: Obama's ICE Chief Counsel Sentenced to Prison for Identity Theft

>>2024259, >>2024270, >>2024272, >>2024382 Tim Cook digg. Follow the wives.

>>2024238 2013 Tom Donilon: "the White house expects HK to move forward with the extradition" of @snowden

>>2024306 What's POTUS's game? ‘Sound conclusions’: Senate panel backs ‘Russiagate’ intel report

>>2024305, >>2024337 The movie we've all been waiting for: (((RBG)))

>>2024254 Digg-worthy: Aurora theater shooter’s psychiatric reports unsealed by 2015 trial judge

>>2023842 Moar on Glencore Mining subpoena: Mark Rich/FBI connections

>>2023802 "Ergo, not a proof but a message." Anon thinks logically re: Q stock photo free-for-all

>>2023779 Turks: Erdogan ammassing power, bwahahahaha

>>2023741 What Trump is Preparing: ditching the transnational ruling class

>>2023721, >>2023736, >>2023759 Moar sperging out over Qcrumb photo: Prince William mebbe?

>>2024487 #2553


>>2023088 Scott Schools “The Most Important Unknown Person in D.C.”

>>2022978, >>2022983, >>2023000, >>2023128 Anons discuss enlarged pic of dude in recent Qcrumb

>>2023014, >>2023117 Last int'l flight for United 747 10/29/2017- one day after Q began posting.


>>2022438 AF1 side by side

>>2022478 >>2022587 Q's pic and stock pic are different

>>2022324 FBI, Sec, Justice Dept fed probe into FB

>>2021758 News stay silent on the arrest of Former Malaysian PM Najib and deflect with news about the rescue of a Youth soccer team

>>2022636 Awan worked for DWS until July 25, 2017

>>2022224 Massive Projection alert: POTUS depicted as a clown

>>2022383 Steven Wasserman is still an AUSA in DC

>>2024708 #2551 (links off bread)


>>2022324 FBI, Sec, Justice Dept fed probe into FB

>>2021758 News stay silent on the arrest of Former Malaysian PM Najib and deflect with news about the rescue of a Youth soccer team

>>2021388 Hope Hicks Back Around?


>>2021146 Incumbent Republican state representative drops out of election in surprise announcement

>>2020796, >>2020839 BlipBillboards for $10 - $50 a day (Get Yours Now Anons if You can Afford to)

>>2020742 From Awan plea "This Agreement does not bind the Civil Division of this Office or any other United States Attomey's Office"

>>2020686 Beautiful Patriotic Meme, WWG1WGA

>>2020627 Trump Reverses Obama-Era Policies On Affirmative Action

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

34c1fc No.2025266

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>1991403

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

34c1fc No.2025269

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

272d9f No.2025272

File: efc886274c1be26⋯.png (32.1 KB, 457x189, 457:189, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

At the desk. I said so myself pally, about 6 hours ago.

e468a7 No.2025277

File: 05cde5db7c6c579⋯.jpg (123.35 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, qproofs-display2.jpg)

File: 39f8a2dc145e772⋯.jpg (114.52 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, qproofs-display1.jpg)



keep it up anons!!!


dbd260 No.2025279

File: a4172e5707b8bad⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1069x885, 1069:885, United_HK_IDEN_T3902 Willi….png)


Cropped the picture. Zoomed 500%.

Prince William?

6aadfa No.2025280

File: f57717a79669ab7⋯.jpg (31.01 KB, 852x362, 426:181, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)

still on standby

0037fe No.2025282

File: 792fd9b67ceb5b7⋯.png (1.85 MB, 400x1200, 1:3, qposts.png)


c3491f No.2025283


Whoops, too early, sorry.

34c1fc No.2025284

File: 18c92a0c847f3b2⋯.jpg (9.9 KB, 161x62, 161:62, Pastebin.JPG)



My pastebin captcha just now. kek.

5989ac No.2025285

File: 76c1ed3fa68a26e⋯.jpg (364.26 KB, 1024x894, 512:447, RANGA.jpg)

TY Baker

4ba2bd No.2025286

File: 44f4d0febd81e42⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 145.32 KB, 607x1280, 607:1280, 44f4d0febd81e42187036dbe8….jpeg)

File: 3817284f64c1440⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 15.03 KB, 222x372, 37:62, 52ada478342a24bba0093db84f….jpg)

File: 181c10059e3c5c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 44.63 KB, 480x586, 240:293, 181c10059e3c5c9774213f05f4….jpg)

Ty baker

c3491f No.2025287

51390b No.2025288

File: 4abff17b1aad621⋯.gif (298.62 KB, 560x538, 280:269, AF1.gif)


Hmmmm…. ?!

a69133 No.2025289


I vote no but so many people are saying its him Im tired of saying it. I mean you have to be blind as fuck to think those are the same people/body types.

ee3734 No.2025290

File: 9bbe1900e111890⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 822x479, 822:479, 2ddqp9.jpg)

File: a19f26784dcef23⋯.png (440.95 KB, 852x474, 142:79, drsDTcR.png)

c44f57 No.2025291


I'm right and you're wrong

c21c6d No.2025292

File: 8b46a39f93a1571⋯.png (206.69 KB, 1443x1029, 481:343, Medical Data Vision Co Ltd….png)


cb7ffc No.2025293

File: 4faa31040b3bfa7⋯.png (573.83 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks Baker

My smile is for you

7037a5 No.2025294


Jeff Zucker for me!

5989ac No.2025295

File: 70734592b3483f3⋯.png (967.1 KB, 581x789, 581:789, ClipboardImage.png)

Does anyone know that the blue bits are?

856e46 No.2025296

File: d38a007c5acaea9⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank You, Baker!

Thank You, Anons!

Thank You EVERYONE! :)

436fdc No.2025297


You're right up your own ass is about all I can see.

ced7d7 No.2025298

File: b12657dd0a9daaa⋯.png (1.05 MB, 625x797, 625:797, 1.png)

Today's photo with the mystery person is not too far away from the photo from Qdrop #869. I added arrows to show camera direction, Kowloon area of Hong Kong. Is it possible snowden is going bald or in disguise?


dfd956 No.2025299


aye critical thinking vs. wannabe thinking?

777019 No.2025300


Was the skewing/stretching part of making sure the papers in the basket and the reflection in the lamp base were further obscured?

c99e08 No.2025301

>>2025274 (lb)

Well, we're trying to uncover conspiracies aren't we?

Everything in that article is documented with links and seems very plausible.

6671fd No.2025302

File: aadb5f934687d41⋯.png (5.67 KB, 280x180, 14:9, G.png)

>>2025209 LB to financial anon

Man, I really don't think there's any choice but to rip off the bandaid at this point.

Situation is too catastrophic to do anything else, really.

If you're uh, helping out with this in some way, Godspeed and very best wishes. Can't even imagine how much work something of this magnitude would generate. If there's a precedent for it, I don't know what it would be.

There's a football coach around here, RIP Erk, who used to have a saying: GATA

Get After Their Ass

GATA, ya'll


I don't know what the mudfossil stuff is, and maybe it's better I find out when the sun is up

c3491f No.2025303


Some people don't look with their eyes. They like the idea of Prince William in Hong Kong, so they imagine it vividly, and can't see the truth.

57330f No.2025304


Willaims gate is way off, different dude.

ced7d7 No.2025305


Wearing a watch on his wrist in the hong kong pic too. Man it's convincing but I just can't imagine prince william walking around with no security

301bcc No.2025306


>My pastebin captcha just now. kek.

merely a coincidence, baker…yeah…that's the ticket. kek

fe2472 No.2025307

File: 5bb878256b6aa7d⋯.jpg (259.65 KB, 590x898, 295:449, IMG_20180704_021931.jpg)

I believe we found @Snowden+1 disquised as a chauffered Waldo. Reflection in windshield/near rearview mirror sitting in the back seat of the car. Which is where the picture is taken from.

dbd260 No.2025308




Just got up, saw the pic and start comparing. I didn't see all the other anons reactions yet.

The guy in the pic seems to be built a bit more heavy/muscular than William.

f4137e No.2025309

File: b7985751ee265b8⋯.jpg (90.4 KB, 500x793, 500:793, 2aghsm.jpg)

File: 9056b5b57f0ff96⋯.jpg (110.99 KB, 500x750, 2:3, 27rwgi.jpg)

File: 3d151a45195ec3d⋯.jpg (85.77 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 27rw80.jpg)

File: e049965d383a95e⋯.jpg (66.8 KB, 446x624, 223:312, 27rwpz.jpg)



b8a178 No.2025310

reposting from late from lb


this HK government document from Jan 2016, lists the Western Pacific Kindergarten at the OLD address


Linked from this page:


Note the post date: 日期:2016-01-26 on that wesite.


Q's pic is from BEFORE January 2016

8bdfe4 No.2025311

File: 21430f4948b0315⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 132.32 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, 253143_07big.jpg)

Happy 4th of July, Baker.

5a9897 No.2025312


He shaved his head in January, so low level effort/shilling is what you're doing here.

c96d28 No.2025313

File: 61a3f22afc3b4f7⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Based Duckman.webm)

Goodnight anons. Get some sleep. Big day tomorrow.

a69133 No.2025314


yes. he's a couple cunt hairs shorter, different hair line, has a way more confident stride (lol) and yeah more mucular/stockier

272d9f No.2025315

File: 2e120c08462cdf4⋯.png (77.84 KB, 448x406, 32:29, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

A shithole.

88e00e No.2025316

File: 630601344e93bea⋯.png (137.82 KB, 555x780, 37:52, Awan.png)

File: 656551af4e3a88e⋯.png (392 KB, 1219x598, 53:26, Ask me About the Awan.png)

glad to see the Awan subject getting more love in the QMAP. Webb was ahead on this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_iAl-ypuEA … this is a repost cause Webb rarely labels his videos in a sensible way, still, he was pushing us to look at the Awan Bros over a year ago

b8a178 No.2025317


…draw an outline. Can't see shit

7037a5 No.2025318

File: 7815b4cdc1f2fdd⋯.png (227.54 KB, 267x405, 89:135, ClipboardImage.png)


Willy would be surrounded by security also

30ffab No.2025319

File: 1819e978975362c⋯.png (1.01 MB, 339x586, 339:586, dddd668509033890e3a0cd0976….png)

File: ead27b836844f34⋯.jpeg (4.27 MB, 2460x3000, 41:50, iu-6.jpeg)

The Royal Family has a hospital in Hong Kong. Prince of Wales Hospital.

Maybe there is human trafficking or organs sent from Hong Kong to SFO.

IDK - just throwing this crazy idea out with delusion of sleep hitting me.

William could have been meeting someone or arranging something.

It doesn't mean he actually flew to or from SFO.

He has the reddish brown hair (and hair cuts change)

He wears a ton of blue shirts (almost every photo I find)

He rolls up his sleeves a lot.

Watch on left arm

Long legs, etc.

look at the hair color

806298 No.2025320


thanks easy to skip over stuff


michael bloomberg?

4d44d7 No.2025321

File: a75c6b27050246c⋯.jpg (211.11 KB, 583x456, 583:456, Caliraid.jpg)

My bad if this was already posted…

Looks like these ICE protests are attempting to disrupt sex-trafficking busts. (((They))) got their boots on the ground already.

34c1fc No.2025322


You wanna bake, baker?

I, too, do it for love of the goal.

Not necessarily the joy of the copy-pasta.

cfeabb No.2025323


Today's location is the intersection of Portland & Hamilton

37c215 No.2025324

File: cfedcc0db124462⋯.jpeg (425.64 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 2C8A01AD-445E-44B0-A4A0-C….jpeg)


the 2 "western pacific kindergarden" signs stand out to me

last place on earth for a snack, eh Harry?

cb7ffc No.2025325


If Snowden ran off to HongKong would he bring money with him?

Or did he know where there is a bank with a security deposit box with some cash, some documents, some thumbdrives…..

Is this an area that the Clowns use regularly for some reason? A bank with numbered accounts? Or maybe very secure private rooms to open security deposit lockboxes?

c3491f No.2025326


You like thinking about Prince William? You have fantasies about him walking around in your head?

Not him dude. Wake up.

4b0191 No.2025327

File: 6698c3b0698a254⋯.jpg (140.4 KB, 551x833, 551:833, meed.jpg)

It has begun.

I decided to brew up a batch of Meed for 11/11.

Brewing a 5 gallon batch inspired by Death Valley in the spring (You should go…)

Combination of Wildflower and Mesquite honeys and the fruit of Prickly Pear Cactus (so technically a Melomel, not Meed) infused with charred Mesquite wood.

Aiming for 17% ABV. And if it comes out there will be a couple bottles with Q's name on them (and one for POTUS, even though he does not drink, and I think BO and CM deserve a bottle each).

And maybe, just maybe, someday, when the dust has settled, some anons can get together and share a few bottles.

9fa86a No.2025328

File: c9a41bf35084395⋯.jpg (280.35 KB, 2286x1514, 1143:757, Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at ….jpg)


The reflections are an optical effect that can't be faked.

100% Q took an original photo using the reflection from an IPhone.

Q Trolled you hard.

Feel free to start with the original and get those

reflections right.

4fd9f2 No.2025329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Name of the soundtrack of this Q's often-linked video is Arrival to Earth.


a69133 No.2025330


look at the freaking harline. How do you not see the difference? one is like this < and the other is like this |

a36fa0 No.2025331


William, like all the royals, is a sissy. He goes nowhere without security detail. At least 3 men.

5a9897 No.2025332


It is, without question, Prince William.

Hairline: Match.

Hair color: Match

Skin Complexion: Match

1368ad No.2025333



51390b No.2025334


Q said the image was stretched - I only tried to undo that and then overlaid the 2 photos

4fd9f2 No.2025335

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Apologies for jewtube embed. Fixed.

c44f57 No.2025336


I think everybody is wasting their time trying to figure it out. The answer won't come out from Q. These are lures to keep us invested.

Even if Q is legit, it's a fucked up thing to do, to post the most vague pictures of figures with no defining features and expect us to extrapolate who it is. It's a tease, it's manipulative, and it's gone on for too long.

All of the pictures are shady, sketchy, and half assed. The mystique is fading. I'm not taking Q seriously anymore, I still hit up 8chan because it's an interesting puzzle. Just like horoscopes. But I find that I'm resigning more and more to the notion that there really is no safe place to get information anymore. Everything is skewed. There is fuckery afoot around every corner.

Keep digging, but damnit Q, do a little digging for us. It's been over almost a year, it's time to pleasure us with coherence.

cfeabb No.2025337


Look at it recently. From shithole to more like a US Downtown. Rapid changes? Why?

7037a5 No.2025338


body size too big

5b3dd9 No.2025339

File: 5f4195c7b0b7b33⋯.jpg (58.58 KB, 960x720, 4:3, 504001AQ895dY01.jpg)

I'm thinking the dark haired guy might be Glenn Greenwald (2013). He is pretty short. Still digging on his team as to who other guy may be.

df7856 No.2025340


Western Pacific Kindergar[t]en.

ea47e3 No.2025341


Cheers, anon.

Happy 4th of July.

5a9897 No.2025342


Shirt could be loosely tucked. If you want to talk body size, his legs match up with the person pictured.

6aadfa No.2025343

File: d1ebd1c3d06b873⋯.jpg (48.01 KB, 533x400, 533:400, 1f806375b7878599354516b1d5….jpg)


yeah bro toss me some dough I can handle the kitchen for awhile

c3491f No.2025344


Some people see what they want to see and can't get it out of their heads.

3b8d14 No.2025345


The lady walking in front of him made me think she might be the queen. Have you any ideas on her?

671eab No.2025346

File: cc65aea2994fc79⋯.png (1005.5 KB, 1367x734, 1367:734, 2018-07-04.png)

>>2022797 (pb)

Western Pacific Kindergarten is in the district Snowden was holed up in - Sham Sui Po.

8bdfe4 No.2025347


Bringing this up, thought it was a solid theory.

301bcc No.2025348

File: 5316f80eb965b46⋯.jpg (28.53 KB, 513x608, 27:32, WASHINGTONROYAL.jpg)


that's a tall skinny balding dude. thin legs, unremarkable shoulders…looks like a "royal".

f052ab No.2025349

File: 119bdddb9929748⋯.jpg (138.43 KB, 1020x676, 255:169, ballmer 2.jpg)

File: 3bf40432b897735⋯.jpg (42.38 KB, 494x363, 494:363, steve Ballmer.jpg)


Steve Ballmer?

(former Microsoft CEO)

30ffab No.2025350

File: 7dc896ec38d814d⋯.png (648.63 KB, 790x663, 790:663, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)


Well, if the photo was before Jan 2016 - William was in China in Mar 2015.

51390b No.2025351


Not saying you're wrong… just examining it critically and comparing. BTW, most anything *can* be faked digitally. They're just pixels.

925ec5 No.2025352

File: c56f7c09b698e3b⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-04 (3).png)

File: 6cb395f3044b7cf⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-04 (4).png)


what gives?

18e107 No.2025353


the guy on the left i would say is 6'2"

the guy behind probablly 5'4" or 5'5"

34c1fc No.2025354




Thanks, got a chicken thawed that needs actual baking, kek. I'll be here till 8ET if you want to hand back b4 then.

Handoff Confirmed?

2402e1 No.2025355

Check all photos for reflections.


Think mirror.

99499a No.2025356



a36fa0 No.2025357


Posture not right, gait not right. Get your eyes checked ffs.

57330f No.2025358

Another name to add to the self inflicted death toll…Seems to be a lot of this lately, all for a LARP right?


d2d1b8 No.2025359


Reflections can be faked. Resolutions can be increased and the pixels in between interpolated. It's not possible to determine if the reflection was of the real scene or if it was of that stock photo on a computer screen.

But I don't doubt Q on this. He has proven himself legit many times over.

6aadfa No.2025360

File: fefd7d9cc20a455⋯.jpg (23.29 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 7f85347e882f64f0599812eb34….jpg)


bro don't you miss the old iron chef japan?


272d9f No.2025361

File: 4b4344980433315⋯.png (222.25 KB, 718x393, 718:393, think logically.png)

"Think logically."

"Expand your thinking."

Book published in 2004.

Words supposedly spoken in 1980's.

What to make of this connection? Coincidence?


fe2472 No.2025362

File: db013513889dda2⋯.jpg (386.12 KB, 590x898, 295:449, 20180704_025344.jpg)


Edited on phone. We could be seeing Mr.Bill the way it turned out. But in editing it looked like him.

30ffab No.2025363


Look at the freaking part exactly where William wears his part.

The ear is blended and mixed in with the side of the hair due to the fuzzy photo.

Most balding men have gray hair - this is obviously reddish brown hair like William.

b8a178 No.2025364


This is the new location.

b3f470 No.2025366

File: 867fb10df53d4b6⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 350x367, 350:367, rsz_ironchef_2069.jpg)

07bcad No.2025367


Aah yes ripping the bandaid of a 17.000+ year old secret is gonna go really well for the sleeping mass.

Think of how big this is and do you think its that easy to just let the lid blow of? It's very interconnected into almost every facet of life.

Stop trying to push it out.

The ball is already in motion and it will not stop for anything. Give it time.



dfd956 No.2025368

38000000 American Depositary Shares LOGO Uxin Limited - SEC.gov


c99e08 No.2025369

File: d5734934db363bc⋯.gif (7.55 KB, 1049x146, 1049:146, sealed.gif)



Sealed Indictment Arrest Of Supreme Court Justice Confirms Shocking QAnon Intel—As Mueller Probe Against Trump Warned Ready To Go Down In Flames


Article suggests Mueller Probe will be declared unconstitutional and show-down will happen in Supreme Court

856e46 No.2025370

File: 6b0f7e22346c3f4⋯.png (626.08 KB, 610x455, 122:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe6f446f08a07bb⋯.png (398.03 KB, 510x500, 51:50, ClipboardImage.png)


Mead at the parade?

Sweet! (KEK)

I'll bring some roasted roots and salmon!

No cup shall be for me poured that is not yours to partake in as well!


18e107 No.2025371


tried all different shoops settings to get it to come in clear-er. Thought for a sec Stormy, but got nothing but a guess.

a69133 No.2025373


have you read that book? everyone in the reviews says its amazing, might pick it up

5a9897 No.2025374


Oh, you can tell someone's walking pattern by looking at a still image? I don't think so, fuck off shill

34c1fc No.2025375


Was pretty classic.

Morimoto was best thing about American version, but having to tolerate the rest of those faggots… dunno man.


Yeah, chairman kept things legit.

7037a5 No.2025376

File: f386d142f768210⋯.png (203.71 KB, 369x311, 369:311, ClipboardImage.png)

has @snowden come home?

a36fa0 No.2025377


Nah.. how about you fuck off idiot!

272d9f No.2025378


Reading it.

It's unbelievable.

92ee26 No.2025379

File: 56fcb56c5c821c7⋯.jpg (87.47 KB, 564x602, 282:301, 98a78fb6a12fe6eb978c19afa4….jpg)


Hello David

is a lie?

Is Q Saying AF1 is a decoy?

272d9f No.2025380


…seems like someone else has read it, too.

6aadfa No.2025381

File: 06862a92521af4a⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1600x677, 1600:677, big trouble in little chin….png)


feelin pretty comfy in here right now

301bcc No.2025382

File: 73fa75109a3a2a7⋯.png (502.6 KB, 549x549, 1:1, rutroh.png)


looks like Robert Gunther is doxxing himself.

a69133 No.2025383


cool. I'm gonna pick it up.

5989ac No.2025384


Japan's plutonium reserves might prevent N. Korea's denuclearization – Obama-era official

The talks between Washington and Pyongyang on the Korean Peninsula denuclearization might possibly be disrupted due to the vast nuclear fuel reserves possessed by… Japan, a former Obama administration official has warned.

"There are particular concerns that it [Japan's plutonium stockpile] could provide a rationale for nuclear weapon ownership to North Korea, which has nuclear nonproliferation as a goal," Thomas Countryman, a former US assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation under the Barack Obama administration, told the Japanese Tokyo Shimbun newspaper. He went on to say that US President Donald Trump and the current administration "also share these concerns."

a69133 No.2025385

5a9897 No.2025386


Hey, at-least you admit you're a shill. Good effort!

f3606e No.2025387

File: 325aaca22c13ef2⋯.jpg (37.73 KB, 644x427, 92:61, 0.jpg)

File: 7ffddab5da95656⋯.jpg (43.88 KB, 1004x516, 251:129, ###.jpg)

File: 56d3d1ee7a7eb9a⋯.jpg (53.93 KB, 500x431, 500:431, 00.jpg)


Bill has a pigeon chest as seen in this pretty recent Dom Rep. pic.

His blue suit jacket button is pulling on the big difference in size between the pigeon chest and protruding stomach.

b604d9 No.2025388

File: 63b2eef6b122e46⋯.png (480.37 KB, 818x578, 409:289, ClipboardImage.png)

ea47e3 No.2025389


Can't tell, is that the anons name, or is it a name he searched?

9fa86a No.2025390

File: b23c45259c7061c⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1962x1146, 327:191, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)


The effect created by the double reflective surfaces are far more complex than you think.

Starting with the ABC image and getting to Q's image is impossible because of those reflections.

b8a178 No.2025391


Link to this 'Kremlin report' that is allegedly being used for the source of this entire conspiracy blog post.

ce71bc No.2025392

File: 937be209b9e0883⋯.jpg (71.91 KB, 390x496, 195:248, IMG_1194.JPG)


Tall guy, weird clothes. First you see him, then you don't.

925ec5 No.2025393


not very nice for such a grand name

241561 No.2025394

File: e2e7426df0f1ac4⋯.png (17.44 KB, 629x133, 629:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f49f03d08858959⋯.png (658.94 KB, 624x667, 624:667, ClipboardImage.png)


From mid Jun. Prince Edward was in Hong Kong.


7037a5 No.2025395


who do you see?

5b3dd9 No.2025396


Thanks anon. Greenwald isn't that short. Well, it was a thought.

19e557 No.2025397

File: 87f61e2da525a39⋯.jpg (171.35 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, steve-jobs-hiv-2.jpg)





Steve Jobs died of AIDS, you faggots.

It's been in the Wikileaks files forever:



a69133 No.2025398

b3f470 No.2025399


I dont get it…but those are fucking weird

301bcc No.2025400


>His blue suit jacket button is pulling on the big difference in size between the pigeon chest and protruding stomach.

They all look like a buncha fat queers.

f3606e No.2025401

File: 7c2060332c53dce⋯.jpg (46.65 KB, 1010x546, 505:273, ##.jpg)


Meant to post this one of the button pulling.

07bcad No.2025402


So the deep state fucked over steve jobs then?

They have a cure for HIV and AIDS so.

272d9f No.2025403


Well, there you go. It's an image on the computer, so it must be true.

57330f No.2025404



I bet their all Naked! Your welcome.

128087 No.2025405


oh you all thought i was joking when i said that it's POTUS?

51390b No.2025406


WTF is that grainy mess exactly?

I said I'm not saying you're wrong, get that part??

df7856 No.2025407

File: ce8e01fca4412f5⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1102x1478, 551:739, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)



37b9bc No.2025408


Everything's fun until someone puts an eye out..

b51ab0 No.2025409


William doesn't fly United.

a36fa0 No.2025410


Again, Edward, like William, would not walk the streets ANYWHERE WITHOUT security detail. He is a poofter.

07ce0e No.2025411

bee92c No.2025412

File: 82bda930812ee07⋯.png (70.07 KB, 768x151, 768:151, Screenshot from 2018-07-04….png)

From the pyschiatry report on James Holmes.


> And then one time she locked the door and had a conspicuous package behind her chair


a69133 No.2025413

File: e7c62185cd90374⋯.jpg (49.15 KB, 930x310, 3:1, ring.JPG)


p sure he's talking about that light ring right there. it's a double reflection.

5175e5 No.2025414


What are Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes up to nowadays?

6671fd No.2025415

My money's on that guy being Joe Biden, on an off-the-books trip to Hong Kong. Also may need to focus on WHAT is the pic, not just WHO.

Consolidating discussion on the sketchy money doings started last night but it's worth our time here. Posts aren't in chrono order, was grabbing on the fly.

Posts from LB:

Is there any interesting banks in the area?

Someone making their stash of foreign cash is secure before the end of Hussein's term?

There are at least 10 banks on that street within 5 minutes walk of Q"s pic.


Connected to JP Morgan Investments, which I believe has ties to the Rothchilds.


read of thier finding over 20 mil of fake supernotes palletized in thier vault, about three days ago a small presser was released

>>2025192 (You) warehouse full of pallets of american currency rendered worthless with a stroke of a pen?

>>2025192 (You)

I think the currency issue is real and everything you said is true, but I still think the 99% into the hospital is something more sinister, even for anons here. it's why Q is saying he needs us. Normies are gonna have broken brains, even the ones that voted for Trump

>>2025192 (You) aye, a complete suddencollaspe of currency, to be replaced by us governemnt bills backed by gold?

>>2024990 (You)

An anon posting in the wee hours yesterday mentioned that the financial side of things was in his wheelhouse

Went on to say that Q team - he called it The Alliance - was in process of seizing trillions of dollars from many accounts worldwide.

Anybody else heard anything about this?

If so – how about we pay off the national debt, and forgive a bunch of other personal debt?

>>2025035 (You)

I forget which executive order but Trump signed one saying anyone imvolved in huma rigjts abuse can have all their assets seized a appropriated to America and its needs.

>>2025035 (You) investigate super notes…paid from IRS, rather than Treasury. just one account shows over 800 bil loans to swiss bank..and that is just one account. JPMorgan found over 20 mil dollars of fake super notes in thier newyork vault, looks like scince we started refunding peeps in syria, they all got paid with fake super notes….swiss CB shows where its been investing 80% of what we loaned them to buy into the 4 FANG stocks…and as i say, that is just one venue…what i do say, is 17 trillion debt by Americans is mostly where past adminastration milked evry American that has evr worked.

What is a "supernote"?


Scroll down and check out the parties which produce counterfeit USD of that quality.


More hands appreciated

d91650 No.2025416


wearing a pager

so who wears a pager?

rosenstein kept checking a pager during the hearing last week

not many people wear pagers anymore

5a9897 No.2025417


You continue to fall back on that, yet no one listens to an obvious shill.

301bcc No.2025418

File: 3b0a786c1f1a3ef⋯.png (356 KB, 990x347, 990:347, ClipboardImage.png)


it's in the photo…

925ec5 No.2025419


more of a lock stock and two smoking about him

30ffab No.2025420

File: 58e912e48802ab5⋯.jpeg (47.97 KB, 800x450, 16:9, iu-9.jpeg)

File: e3b182a7f94e9e1⋯.jpeg (81.92 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, iu-10.jpeg)

6aadfa No.2025421

File: 4cb710c661a1d68⋯.jpg (8.55 KB, 211x238, 211:238, images.jpg)


I totally agree did you ever wonder why he made so much shit into ice cream?

f3606e No.2025422


A bunch of old fat fucks at lollitta central, The Dominican Republic, Bangkok of the Caribbean.

c49d18 No.2025423


who is that

ea47e3 No.2025424


Yeah I thought it might've been something he searched on google or something. Deleted for safety.

730a0c No.2025425

Late night crew! Help me out… I'm Catholic, my husband's a Jew. Who wins???

272d9f No.2025426


[bait meme]

b3f470 No.2025427


Youre both the same. Both lose

856e46 No.2025428


It's simple. Both AND neither :) At the same time.

128087 No.2025429


i notied that quickly and just started seeing all sorts of faces and gave up.

53f20e No.2025430

241561 No.2025431

File: 4930e6cf1936586⋯.png (249.95 KB, 352x465, 352:465, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b686c25fd125636⋯.png (283.44 KB, 641x323, 641:323, ClipboardImage.png)


Better angles.

2402e1 No.2025432

File: eb339c4f2a4c4ba⋯.jpg (203.31 KB, 1010x442, 505:221, JA.jpg)




new to me.


excuse my newbieness, lol.

JA would NOT let something onto wikileaks

unless confirmed, would he?

That image is real?

4fd9f2 No.2025433


You said it well.

Q knows. And he acts based on that knowledge, so what may appear irrational to us is very sound and reasonable for those that have the full picture. Trust The Plan. Trust the Alliance. Selamat ja.

34c1fc No.2025434


>Morimoto's ice cream fetish


I dunno, trolling the round-eyes mebbe?

933b05 No.2025435

Not saying it's Prince W, but he did make a China visit in March 2015. What seems odd is a couple articles that come up reference something embarrassing happening on his China visit, but they have been scrubbed.

925ec5 No.2025436

File: 8c89cb556893a26⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2018-07-04 (5).png)


I have no idea if its this guy but it aint me! lol

b8a178 No.2025437


It's hte name of the person who took that photo and uploaded it to google places

b3f470 No.2025438


Allah is a faggot

37b9bc No.2025439


> We're both fucked; Who wins?

Someone that isn't either of you.

5a9897 No.2025440



Looks like the Anon's username – menu icon to the right of "Robert Gunther" is dead giveaway.

18e107 No.2025441

File: 69eac44021d7212⋯.png (39.96 KB, 739x910, 739:910, ClipboardImage.png)



7037a5 No.2025442

File: c87505eb00b7879⋯.png (656.21 KB, 973x640, 973:640, ClipboardImage.png)


7ddf94 No.2025443


Ok fuckers, don't quit your day jobs. The guy is most likely wearing glasses, he has a flat head with a protuberance on the front, suggesting he has done weight lifting or heavy sport in his day. He has also the wide shoulders to show the same but they are not super muscular anymore. His hair is still in the tints of brown, not grey, not white. He is not old. If I had to take a guess, he is in his late forties.I'd say he's about 6'-6'2… He has a Chinese WOMAN next to him. She is somewhat chubby, suggesting she has lived in America (sorry). Both have a poor posture. They are not a Pedowood celebrities or models because they'd have learn the posturing. The guy is wearing a GOLD WATCH and her, a black watch. Most likely rubber bracelet, sporty or connected watch. He's carrying a piece of paper. No folder, no case. Suggesting he is between meetings that are close by, or he is simply holding a menu for take out :). Looks like he has a phone on his belt, it does look like a pager, but that is unlikely because that's kinda obsolete. He MIGHT have some facial hair on his chin, too blurry to confirm. I will look some more and come back.

5989ac No.2025444

Doubling down?


Man who said he was the victim of VIP child sex abuse and murder ring charged

The man who claimed he was the victim of a VIP child sex abuse and murder ring, which led to the investigation of British politicians, has been charged with 12 counts of perverting the course of justice and one of fraud.

The 50-year-old man, who cannot not be officially named for legal reasons, known only as ‘Nick’, has been charged over false claims of child sexual abuse and child killings, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said on Tuesday.

Read more

© Peter Dazeley/ Getty Two former Tory mayors found guilty of child-sex offences in just 48 hours

The accusations made by Nick led to Scotland Yard’s calamitous Operation Midland investigation into the claims from the 1970s and 80s. The claims prompted the Met Police to investigate high ranking public servants such as Leon Brittan, the former Tory home secretary under Margaret Thatcher; Conservative MP Harvey Proctor; and ex-military chief Lord Bramall.

925ec5 No.2025445


its not me ffs

6671fd No.2025446


That's the current Queen's youngest son, and William's uncle, Prince Edward.

Little boy is his son.

30ffab No.2025447


The man next to him could be his security and translator, and carrying a gun FFS.

231bb5 No.2025448

So for the fourth, we’re going to have pictures of British royalty all over the breads. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

f052ab No.2025449

File: 87054079d81742f⋯.png (86.07 KB, 712x633, 712:633, united q.png)


I like how you tied in the SFO organ-trafficking.

to the royals hospital in HK does a ton of transplants IIRC.


Isn't SFO also where the JetBlue NYC Pizza Abramovic shuttle goes also?

Qposts related to united airlines:

ded61c No.2025450


I remember being surprised to hear HRC / CF was using an OSX server for the emails. Apple is not a popular choice for servers. I don't know the DNC servers specs, but my guess is they aren't Apple.

9fa86a No.2025451


Kubrick could get close, but a flat image would give a different result. The Depth of Field needs to be there for the reflections to work right.

This is photo is original and has more detail than the ABC image.

301bcc No.2025452

File: 087e8fd6922f07c⋯.jpeg (38.04 KB, 474x457, 474:457, pepelaugh1.jpeg)


>Late night crew! Help me out… I'm Catholic, my husband's a Jew. Who wins???


Because God hates faggots and he most definitely hates kikes.

Slit your wrists as soon as you sign over all of your assets to the United States Treasury…"we" will dispose of your remains. kek

7037a5 No.2025453


The FBI and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) are reportedly joining the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in investigating Facebook over its user management practices.

Authorities specifically want to know more about how the now-defunct data analytics firm known as Cambridge Analytica was able to acquire the personal data of 87 million users through Facebook, but without the subjects’ permission, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Cambridge Analytica worked with President Donald Trump’s campaign team for a period of time before the 2016 election. After Facebook disclosed that Cambridge Analytica violated its data usage agreement by collecting data on users’ friends through a program, and was suspending it for doing so, both the company and Facebook faced a flood of public backlash. The top people, including the former Cambridge Analytica CEO and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, also testified during hearings before the European Parliament, the British Parliament and U.S. Congress.

051c34 No.2025454


You seem overly keen for it NOT to be Wm.

30ffab No.2025455


Why the hell do you type (You) next to all your replies?????

730a0c No.2025456


To clarify… We both love trump. I'm more woke than him. But the only campaign he ever gave$ to is Trumps.

671eab No.2025457

File: 92f8d9b3ac0fb7a⋯.png (143.36 KB, 1042x729, 1042:729, 2018-07-04 (4).png)


Robert Gunther "Graduate Gemologist"? Hong Kong Diamond Show March 2015.

Didn't an Anon say Prince William was also in Hong Kong March 2015? Gotta find the post now, previous bread…

c9a380 No.2025458

Good morning Q and Happy Independence Day

Maybe a proof from POTUS today? I was thinking he tweet a word like "miracle" or "miraculous" because religious stuff really triggers the liberals hahaha

51390b No.2025459


OK. Let's just assume you're correct. And, it's "more complex than I think."

You've "proven" it. With this… Wow. /s

19e557 No.2025460


Like I said, it's been in the wikileaks files forever.

d91650 No.2025461


on an airplane seems to me that things must be anchored down

not loose

so is the table magnetic?

is this a staged picture?

everything is removed whenever pres trump comes on board

and then put back when he leaves?


when the pres is on a "ship"

do the rules of engagement change?

does law become the law of the sea?

is that why the jacket is displayed instead of placed on a hook somewhere?

maybe the placement of the jacket on the chair

is the clue that this is a staged picture

and for the benefit of those who think they bugged his desk successfully

806298 No.2025462


this comment serves the same purposes as a decoy

301bcc No.2025463


could've been intentional…never know.

<I do not envy you your job KEK

a69133 No.2025464

File: cb7edb5c5d4c4cb⋯.jpg (118.9 KB, 1083x889, 1083:889, im q now.JPG)

fe2472 No.2025465



Whomever it is. It's came out looking like a very Strange Character. Didnt we see a picture like this character previously, with a child in between the legs? Anyone ever find out who that was?

Best i can do on a phone. Mr.Bill, wild character or @snowden+1 Im guessing anyway.. Thanks for the response.

856e46 No.2025466


Learn from eachother, accept eachother, love eachother, but do not forget to also learn from Others outside the two of You as well.

Does either of you Have to win?

Therein lies your answer. You'll find it, I'm sure

925ec5 No.2025467

File: 9aeac95456c7c54⋯.jpg (87.32 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AdmiralRogersPatriot1.jpg)

File: 23188f3f6e7ccc4⋯.jpg (109.51 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, AdmiralRogersPatriot3.jpg)

File: 70ec8612ade4a1f⋯.jpg (129.52 KB, 800x655, 160:131, MemeWar2.jpg)

File: b4c8bdf060f2dd9⋯.png (356.24 KB, 996x601, 996:601, Matrix flouride china.png)

File: c8c80e910a5bb19⋯.jpeg (629.46 KB, 2000x1979, 2000:1979, Anderson Vanderbilt Coope….jpeg)

7037a5 No.2025468

File: af7cfd775766061⋯.png (96.64 KB, 512x434, 256:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 80b1909df490640⋯.png (1.54 KB, 260x97, 260:97, ClipboardImage.png)


b51ab0 No.2025469


Well, since we know GCHQ was involved in corruption by spying on POTUS, I imagine we get all their assets.


a69133 No.2025470


Yeah nobody said that. Calm down you little bitch.

6aadfa No.2025471

File: d038f9a3330776a⋯.png (408.51 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, vlcsnap-2013-08-21-19h56m0….png)


made me kek


only a faggot does this (you) bullshit


thats helarious

current notables

>>2025298 Location of current photo is near the snowden pics from #869

>>2025443 anon rallies the photofags late into the night

>>2025444 possible victim of a VIP child sex abuse and murder ring, which led to the investigation of British politicians, has been charged

37c215 No.2025472


so the kindergarden sign wasnt up in jan 2017

yet was ancient looking a year later

and all info says founded in 1977?

and whats with the leaf?

272d9f No.2025473


This was something Q called back in the day, no?

dbd260 No.2025474

File: e72e8eeb50acac6⋯.png (1.44 MB, 800x1066, 400:533, me.png)

6671fd No.2025475


Sorry :/

Wasn't done manually. Was rushing through last bread gathering the posts re: asset seizure and financial corruption.

This is the second place I've seen in the last 3-5 days where there was talk of massive asset seizure happening in financial institutions worldwide. Remembering the EO regarding asset seizure, when I saw it mentioned here all my red flags went up.

cfeabb No.2025476

File: 97b29dc594a4979⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 923x646, 923:646, WPK-FB.JPG)

File: ac2f8dc0fa11ea3⋯.jpg (58.85 KB, 609x593, 609:593, WPK-Map.JPG)




5a9897 No.2025477


Seems correct, but how do you know it's a woman next to him?

671eab No.2025478



Nope, it wasn't a previous bread. It was the post right before that mentioned Prince William. All the windows I have open are swirling in my head haha

272d9f No.2025479



37b9bc No.2025480


>To clarify… We both love trump. I'm more woke than him. But the only campaign he ever gave$ to is Trumps.

I'm talking on the religious level. You both have been lied to. Your holy books are still valid, being archetypically derived works; but your church leaders are liars and pedophiles on the international level. In both faiths.

It might sound far fetched, but I assure you it is the case. The evidence is on this board.

It is good that you support Patriots :)

18e107 No.2025481

File: f87fbfebc29083d⋯.png (836.28 KB, 957x913, 87:83, ClipboardImage.png)






At first glance I thought that looked a little fucked up.

dfd956 No.2025482

>>2025475 and the red flags a flying! lot of siezed stuff might have been fake notes planted by our governemnt to see where money ended up physically.?

0d02cf No.2025483

File: 2ef874d629fe7cf⋯.jpeg (517.05 KB, 1242x524, 621:262, E4B12604-CC7E-41D7-941E-B….jpeg)

So help me understand…Prince William/ lookalike/ someone… was in Kowloon, on Portland St, where the kindergarten is, nr Nelson St where Q ‘s older photo was? Visiting Snowden….?

4b0191 No.2025484

Quick stupid question, is there consensus on the spelling of the new word Payrtiot, seen it a couple ways.

3b419d No.2025485

The birds were chirping where I live at 1am, even they can't wait to start this day!

272d9f No.2025486

Anyone comes to the chans for advice needs full-time supervision.

7ddf94 No.2025487


Big butt, sandals, pants ending, shirt on top of pants, and hair that looks like they are in a side braid (right side)

ea47e3 No.2025488


According to post history, he's replying to himself. Also, the (You) thing is literally only a thing on this board. It has to be a newfag thing.


Could be worse. IMO it's been more comfy around here lately, aside from the usual screeching shills that mostly provide entertainment ironically.

9fa86a No.2025489

File: 939d369fa6fb409⋯.png (621.13 KB, 864x622, 432:311, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)




The light bouncing off the top of Mug Holder can be seen twice because of the 2 reflective surface of the Iphone.

5a9897 No.2025490


HMM. IDK about the braid – but I definitely see everything else.

6aadfa No.2025491

File: 342bb0d6fc9d894⋯.jpg (41.57 KB, 812x347, 812:347, 2011-10-29-jackburton.jpg)

for a moment while I have the floor, I just want to mention again that the anon that writes the Qmap pdf runs a website that I host. he has hosted the proofs. graphics.a timeline, the resignations,the qposts in multiple formats. lots of browsable backups of Q's boards and other things that have been collected in one place. qmap anon works hard at keeping the info up to date and does it for free so check it out.


it is in the bread but I'm not so vain that i'd put my own website at the top of the bread.

806298 No.2025493

where are they going, where did they come from?

849bdf No.2025494

John Kerry?

777019 No.2025495



Can any photophag chime in on this photo? If indeed this is the same image, the reflection also shows the fish-eye distortion imbedded into it.

7ff65b No.2025496

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, Pic.png)

File: 26084de55793428⋯.png (103.66 KB, 656x450, 328:225, PicLoc.PNG)

Posted from Seattle?

b3f470 No.2025497

File: 17b69e7e8b7d33e⋯.jpg (25.4 KB, 450x361, 450:361, P200905221007278382276028.jpg)

Are they escorting Margaret Chan Former World Health Organization Director?

51390b No.2025498


I don't know about the objects on the table and how they're anchored - or if.

Don't they ever open and close the curtain though?

If so, then why wouldn't the cleats/wrinkles be in changed positions from an older photo to this new one?

7ddf94 No.2025499


The braid is simply a deduction, but hair look like that in the back when your hair are tied to the front. I always thought it looked ugly. Always perfect looking from the front tough.

6671fd No.2025500

Cleaned up for the annoyed anons:

Are there any interesting banks in the area?

Someone making their stash of foreign cash is secure before the end of Hussein's term?

There are at least 10 banks on that street within 5 minutes walk of Q's pic.


Connected to JP Morgan Investments, which I believe has ties to the Rothchilds.


read of thier finding over 20 mil of fake supernotes palletized in their vault, about three days ago a small presser was released

>>2025192 warehouse full of pallets of american currency rendered worthless with a stroke of a pen?

>>2025192 I think the currency issue is real and everything you said is true, but I still think the 99% into the hospital is something more sinister, even for anons here. it's why Q is saying he needs us. Normies are gonna have broken brains, even the ones that voted for Trump

>>2025192 Aye, a complete sudden collapse of currency, to be replaced by us government bills backed by gold?

>>2024990 An anon posting in the wee hours yesterday mentioned that the financial side of things was in his wheelhouse went on to say that Q team - he called it The Alliance - was in process of seizing trillions of dollars from many accounts worldwide.

Anybody else heard anything about this?

If so – how about we pay off the national debt, and forgive a bunch of other personal debt?

>>2025035 I forget which executive order but Trump signed one saying anyone involved in huma rights abuse can have all their assets seized and appropriated to America and its needs.

>>2025035 Investigate super notes…paid from IRS, rather than Treasury. just one account shows over 800 bil loans to swiss bank..and that is just one account. JPMorgan found over 20 mil dollars of fake super notes in their New York vault, looks like since we started refunding people in Syria, they all got paid with fake super notes….Swiss CB shows where it's been investing 80% of what we loaned them to buy into the 4 FANG stocks…and as I say, that is just one venue…what I do say, is 17 trillion debt by Americans is mostly where past administration milked every American that has ever worked.

What is a "supernote"?


Scroll down and check out the parties which produce counterfeit USD of that quality.

ced7d7 No.2025501


Thanks, saving it in my Q bookmark folder

f052ab No.2025502

File: 7eda846106b053d⋯.jpg (342.36 KB, 1080x816, 45:34, af1 spot difference.jpg)

File: 11f926406163c36⋯.jpg (138.99 KB, 962x664, 481:332, hussein af1 2.jpg)



doesn;t look like they move much.

ebdac2 No.2025503

File: 76ad4dab7887b4e⋯.jpeg (143.52 KB, 570x570, 1:1, C221FF47-8700-4ACF-9AA8-3….jpeg)

File: 6e39adf71e62d76⋯.jpeg (40.02 KB, 640x400, 8:5, E3B4D8E3-184A-4655-B504-8….jpeg)

File: 953dfa3e9bc2f82⋯.png (131.79 KB, 377x380, 377:380, 10480AC6-8FAE-458E-AA1B-70….png)

File: fb0cb53933accb5⋯.jpeg (188.45 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, 5EABCF8D-5286-44BB-A005-3….jpeg)

File: 9e664fcd2fac024⋯.jpeg (341.51 KB, 1051x1222, 1051:1222, D4516215-CE56-45C5-B14C-4….jpeg)

Prince William

Same bad posture

Watch is too blurry to compare. Grossly similar.

Hairline is a match. Same forward-facing triangle tuft of hair just above top of the ear.

Same build.

6aadfa No.2025504

File: 779fde8df0a83b4⋯.png (988.84 KB, 1877x867, 1877:867, qca 2.0.png)

5a9897 No.2025505


Sure, I think the next step, regardless of sex, is to determine where the destination started, and I'm assuming is going to finish either at the Kindergarten or the Facebook building the fags are going crazy over.

0d02cf No.2025506




b51ab0 No.2025507


You should for sure keep posting the same post.

I mean, for sure you should. Maybe add a little picture of a pelican to get Anons attn.

30ffab No.2025508

File: 7dc896ec38d814d⋯.png (648.63 KB, 790x663, 790:663, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: 314e9bc6c1f8e53⋯.png (17.57 KB, 493x122, 493:122, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

33e728 No.2025509

File: d08047b1a3de905⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ-Visit1.png)

File: 0102583fa097ab2⋯.png (904.86 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ-Visit2.png)


Watch: The moment Jacinda Ardern and Obama meet with a hongi in Auckland


Photos: Barack Obama's official welcome and meeting with Jacinda Ardern


Hillary Clinton meets with Jacinda Ardern in Auckland


New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern breakfasts with Hillary Clinton


PM Jacinda Ardern gives birth to baby girl


Te Aroha locals chuffed with Jacinda Ardern's baby name choice



I’m going to be posting older posts of mine in regards to FVEY, NZ Politics and the Gene Drive experiments currently underway in NZ. Solely because NZ related posts are few and far between on the board I will be adding links between them to tie them together between breads. If you think this is namefagging then by all means go right ahead and waste bread by telling me so but do know that I just don’t give a flying damn! I’m doing it anyway! If I’m banned, I’m banned. It’s my country after all that’s very actively collaborating with the Cabal while, I must add, being screwed over by the US DARPA/Pentagon Gene Drive Extinction Technology project of the previous administration and, it would seem, the current administration too. Perhaps when Q-team has a moment it can explained as to why this is so?

It would be very nice if other Kiwis would actually participate with NZ and WW Great Awakening research as (from what I’ve seen so far) apart from the very occasional response to an anons post we almost all seem to be nicely docile and sound asleep. Kept that way by the anti Trump, anti climate change scaremongering socialist media bubble that’s all pervasive here thus completely unwilling to burst through to find reality. Damn normies!

John Kerry – FVEY November 2016 New Zealand / Antarctica trip

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


Faces of the New Zealand GCSB (FVEY)

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


NZ – PM Jacinda Ardern - Socialist Anonymous

Q Research General #2553: (((Shills))) Going Nuts Tonight Edition


272d9f No.2025510


dafug is that on the woman's head?

c71e9a No.2025511

ThanQ Q…This 4th of July seems so much more special…haven't had this feeling since 1976…

806298 No.2025512


a royal would've had more security

5989ac No.2025513

Not Fiveeyes but interesting

The Untold Story of Japan’s Secret Spy Agency


This story is the product of a two-year collaboration between U.S. news website The Intercept and the Japanese broadcaster NHK. The project began in mid-2016, and was initially focused on investigating three U.S. military bases in Misawa, Okinawa, and Yokota. In April 2017, we revealed that the bases were an integral part of the global surveillance network controlled by the U.S. National Security Agency. With the help of a batch of leaked U.S. documents, we showed that the Japanese government had spent more than half a billion dollars to fund the facilities, and received in return powerful surveillance equipment for its own spies to use to eavesdrop on emails and phone calls.

301bcc No.2025514

File: f518df932dddea3⋯.jpg (38.95 KB, 299x480, 299:480, elvischkem.jpg)


Ur doing a helluva job. KEK!

51390b No.2025515


Actually that's exactly what was said. And people that have to go ad hominem with their comments prove they have no real argument to make. Sad.

114d2e No.2025516



>in a still photo

6671fd No.2025517

File: 3e4d4d7d347e77c⋯.jpg (10.63 KB, 228x221, 228:221, PepeCrying.jpg)


Damn it all. I left the post #'s for reference, and they're all pointing to that other guy, NOT me.

Sorry, okay? :-(

If the Q team has been all over the globe seizing billions in money, I'd think that was a salient idea to discuss.

468c28 No.2025518


Ever heard of hiding in plane sight.

cfeabb No.2025519


Based on?

d91650 No.2025520


just an amateur guess

I've seen videos where if there are digital screens like advertisement banners that use LED

do not display well at all

they reflect strange shapes or something

trying to think where I saw this


are we seeing an altered or enhanced photo?


does this have anything to do with the shanghai airport pic

referring especially to the curved building to the left

was there anyone in those other pics? walking?

6c5bf9 No.2025521


Uganda is a weird place to get web hosting for a school in Honkers.


CF seems to have a lot of ties to Uganda. The company LWETECH is small. why would anyone use it.

fe2472 No.2025522

What did I do wrong? @board owner

Was responding and copy past sorry.

5a9897 No.2025523

File: 31e8153a64a7104⋯.png (787.25 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, ClipboardImage.png)


I think you might be on to something…

e4980a No.2025524


Not if he's going to 'visit' children..

Doesn't look like William to me though.

272d9f No.2025525


Suggest, not prove.

301bcc No.2025526


>If the Q team has been all over the globe seizing billions in money, I'd think that was a salient idea to discuss.

Yeah, we covered that back in December,

Make no mistake, anon…this is a MILITARY operation.

730a0c No.2025527

File: bb84a92ac9d9118⋯.jpg (224.67 KB, 1024x1019, 1024:1019, ScreenHunter_405-Aug.-10-1….jpg)

Happy Indepedance Day!!!

856e46 No.2025528

File: 87d684681cd7fea⋯.gif (66.72 KB, 500x824, 125:206, 8irp.gif)




Yeah, looks like anon might have copypastad a bit oddly, it happens.


A bird disguised as a hat!

635611 No.2025529

File: 0c677ea54c0f0fe⋯.png (4.19 MB, 2880x1524, 240:127, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: 80dab186cbda857⋯.png (4 MB, 2880x1576, 360:197, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

Taken 2 has multiple scenes of the #17

Q that you?

92ee26 No.2025530

File: f71811863fc1b50⋯.jpg (43.23 KB, 564x564, 1:1, 50e89d2ab52ed7f72283105da2….jpg)

me thinks Q might be drunk photos can be taken on AF1 its been done by press & the like we have seen other photos of & inside AF1 so whats he getting at

ea47e3 No.2025531


Lol don't take it personally, it's all good anon.

06cab1 No.2025532


Then go blow yourself. If you're a Patriot you're a slider. My bet is for clown shill.

7ff65b No.2025533



dfd956 No.2025534

Happy Fourth, all…WWG1WGA!!! God be with us..

b51ab0 No.2025535


Its a salient idea, but the NESARAfags already ruined any real discussion about it.

If/When POTUS tells us its done, then its a thing.

272d9f No.2025536

File: dcd76292330d32d⋯.png (1.14 MB, 998x872, 499:436, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

730a0c No.2025537


This I agree on %100. He isn't there yet

301bcc No.2025538

File: 4176ee3a5e9415a⋯.jpg (58.69 KB, 400x400, 1:1, bb.jpg)


>Then go blow yourself.

If I could do that I probably wouldn't be here talking to your dumb ass.

18e107 No.2025539


More than one coincidence? if you click on the Academic portion of that website, watch the video gallery, and note there is nothing to do about academics, no one is in charge, very little info, with a sales pitch on every page. it's not what Q asked us, but something that got dug up along the way.

5a9897 No.2025540


The number 17 does not always mean it's a connection to Q. Don't be one of those fags that thought the Alabama Jersey was referencing Q, when it just signified the amount of championships won.

cfeabb No.2025541



2402e1 No.2025542

File: ea324d1f6b65c22⋯.jpg (95.96 KB, 500x575, 20:23, Yoda 07022018.jpg)

File: 272d05b65691163⋯.jpg (119.8 KB, 593x646, 593:646, Memorial Day.jpg)

File: 5f55c687d419e76⋯.jpg (69.44 KB, 521x369, 521:369, Trust.jpg)

File: e78e9ec7c07c33a⋯.jpg (264.49 KB, 846x726, 141:121, researchisgood.jpg)

File: cf1a2242d702433⋯.jpg (51.76 KB, 600x342, 100:57, Graph Results 05152018.jpg)


i just PRAYed i didn't have AIDS.

Test schedule morning.

brrr. Death is cold.

Acceptance brings peace?

Of course, ignorance is bliss.

Forgive all to hope for forgiveness.

Thankful for the heroes that keep the peace.

Starting with Q, POTUS, anons, autist,

artist, bakers, memers, diggers, twtrs, planePros, bakers, bakers, bakers, in no

particular order.

806298 No.2025543

File: 34d0fa3adf2ce64⋯.png (313 KB, 405x464, 405:464, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: bde02e1bfcffd19⋯.jpg (84.5 KB, 1120x630, 16:9, Borowitz-Quarantining-Wolf….jpg)

925ec5 No.2025544


I know I shouldn't but when I saw that I said "Vancouver" and "trafficking". naughty of me but after two years I assume the worst.

635611 No.2025545


of all the shirts to use, they chose that.

and the 17 painted in red on the wall before the good guy murks all the child kidnappers?

no coincidences


51390b No.2025546


True… and, they're pretty stiff, like they're starched. Maybe they don't get moved much and pretty much stay about that way. Just wondering here, not claiming anything or calling anything untrue.

df7856 No.2025547

File: f09a21485ef8584⋯.pdf (2.51 MB, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….pdf)

File: 527a245f0d97d0e⋯.pdf (6.64 MB, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….pdf)




37b9bc No.2025548


>Also, the you thing is literally only a thing on this board. It has to be a newfag thing.

I think this is another angle, like the angle (((they've))) got with "promoting the fuck out of using the filter" game…

I haven't figured out the actual utility of it yet, other than confusing new anons.. I guess they figure every little bit counts..

777019 No.2025549

File: b570ccb1d7612d4⋯.png (632.05 KB, 554x715, 554:715, ClipboardImage.png)

806298 No.2025550


i'm very familiar friend.

b8a178 No.2025551






5989ac No.2025552

File: eb6baf494635fea⋯.jpg (101.93 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, CHANGE.jpg)


Could be screens, but the left one appears in the row of parked vehicles - the one on the right could be in the vehicle line, or behind it and higher up.

Don't think enhanced or altered because of the top of the windscreen seems "normal".

Guess that don't help much…

5a9897 No.2025553


July 10th is the same day Stormy is having her "reveal" tour. Staritng to think next week is the start of the awakening.

d08a36 No.2025554



272d9f No.2025555


meme kek

b3f470 No.2025556

File: 82cedbb6511be5c⋯.jpg (51.5 KB, 720x514, 360:257, american-flag-1.jpg)

Q give us some Fourth of July Love! Where are you? Happy Fourth!

df7856 No.2025557

File: c719c6feba9ddac⋯.png (2.11 MB, 2288x1246, 1144:623, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: 64ba681e073c125⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1104x2512, 69:157, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

301bcc No.2025559

File: c507951fc701d39⋯.png (295.25 KB, 358x417, 358:417, EAGLEKEK.png)


>>2025555 quads confirm

b17ff0 No.2025560


>>>2022737 rt >>2022584 Who do you see?

>>>2022584 Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>>2022398 rt >>2022233 Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.


These 3 drops are Wed 7/04, not Tues

fe2472 No.2025561


Amateur I may be. Fail i may. At least I try and own it. So much for encouragement. I believe in myself and even if im not as savvy as you. Its ok. I learn just like you. After a screw up. Some may screw up more than others.

c62682 No.2025562

File: e20d153e399b413⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1440x823, 1440:823, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

Ok I believe this is the location of the Q photo. Forgive me if someone already posted it. Been digging. The sign changes threw me off.

5a9897 No.2025564



Am I getting people confused here? Or does this story mean that O'Callahan is taking over his position – not a lawfag.

5a9897 No.2025565




221521 No.2025566

File: 82caa58558ed1e5⋯.jpg (40.49 KB, 300x421, 300:421, 4c2dd7dfcf51f_58244n.jpg)

WWG1WGA = Solidarity

This is something mentioned in Trump's inauguration speech as well.

30ffab No.2025567

File: e638cb440d6f504⋯.jpeg (48.57 KB, 412x500, 103:125, iu-11.jpeg)

File: d4b917b215a7a8b⋯.jpeg (50.85 KB, 620x859, 620:859, iur-1.jpeg)

Comb overs.

806298 No.2025569

File: 668d2fa699a3378⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1516x710, 758:355, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: 95522365bd01be6⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1500x703, 1500:703, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: 2042f0613931578⋯.png (448.53 KB, 523x614, 523:614, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)


it is, you're good.

ced7d7 No.2025570



cfeabb No.2025571

File: d9c96b74971dcec⋯.jpg (53.68 KB, 1198x446, 599:223, WPK-SchoolSummary.JPG)

File: 7783c7c276a18b3⋯.jpg (86.35 KB, 1079x440, 1079:440, WPK-Webpage.JPG)

File: a4c672566f27b00⋯.jpg (55.93 KB, 811x284, 811:284, WPK-History.JPG)

File: 45b65346280aa79⋯.jpg (99.87 KB, 1073x563, 1073:563, WPK-ContactUs.JPG)

File: 450a5521773c6b8⋯.jpg (122.09 KB, 1075x591, 1075:591, WK-Staff.JPG)


There's also this one. A little more generic except for the white lady front row staff picture.

4b0191 No.2025572

File: 5ee6b6cd74ac2a9⋯.png (271.66 KB, 1226x889, 1226:889, ClipboardImage.png)

File: faf63b622fc27b5⋯.png (107.6 KB, 500x318, 250:159, ClipboardImage.png)

an aside.

Sandy Berger and the Dox in his Sox…..

let's not forget how far back this shit goes….

and this shit was late in the game.


2402e1 No.2025573

File: 1715f43648d7213⋯.jpg (167.62 KB, 702x583, 702:583, Allison Mack Arrested.jpg)

File: 30eab1ba14dd663⋯.jpg (196.54 KB, 681x786, 227:262, Schneiderman Resigns.jpg)

File: 26d724125cef3c4⋯.jpg (158.84 KB, 586x570, 293:285, Trump Tweet 05302018.jpg)

File: 078030b27995422⋯.jpg (219.38 KB, 760x838, 380:419, NZ Prime Minister resigns ….jpg)

File: a5a659c09db06f0⋯.jpg (88.76 KB, 648x372, 54:31, Trump Arlington Natl Cemet….jpg)

5/28 - 5/31

37b9bc No.2025574

File: 38a3963bb8c9316⋯.jpeg (10.62 KB, 184x255, 184:255, d4b917b215a7a8b97f850d193….jpeg)


This guy's hair looks like it was applied with a frosting spatula.

b3f470 No.2025575

Q Sam Adams, Budweiser, or an imported?

88e00e No.2025576

File: ce0c17f5037be99⋯.jpg (27.7 KB, 193x103, 193:103, Who do you see.jpg)

File: 724516d81bcefd3⋯.jpg (139.53 KB, 900x750, 6:5, steve-ballmer-4.jpg)


kind of looks like Steve Ballmer to me,

925ec5 No.2025577


its been 8 months

fbi anon started up 24 months ago

we were told by the NSA and General Flynn to keep going

37b9bc No.2025578


I bet Q drinks Miller High Life.

57330f No.2025579


Imported? On Independence Day???

6671fd No.2025580

File: 89870ad6142696a⋯.png (363.73 KB, 1000x2755, 200:551, SeizureRazak.png)

Big asset seizure resulting from arrest of Malaysian PM Razak - appears to be the biggest amount known at the moment



Switzerland, the Netherlands, and now the UK are seizing the assets of Russia's Gazprom:


5a9897 No.2025581

File: 13e55bbb7ac0b59⋯.png (528.72 KB, 760x838, 380:419, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice find.

221521 No.2025582

c7d605 No.2025583

File: 69fead448f5bebb⋯.png (497.33 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, A3175F57-84AB-4602-8F21-0B….png)

File: 66c08274d99e5cd⋯.jpeg (356.24 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, 605B52DF-A8F6-4166-9CC0-0….jpeg)

POTUS just bombed a mosque in Mosul, killing ISIS leaders?!

VIDEO of bombing at bottom of article! http://www.libertyinfonews.com/2018/07/03/breaking-obamas-rules-trump-bombs-mosque-killing-isis-entire-iraqi-leadership/

cfeabb No.2025584


Getting more interesting now.

c8b3dc No.2025585



could fit.

b3f470 No.2025586


Well any day really was the question. Not just specific to today but Im sure he would go American today

301bcc No.2025587


Kilt Lifter.

<ok, that was too easy

925ec5 No.2025588

File: c9ef164e610301f⋯.png (108.26 KB, 500x496, 125:124, Gloria Vanderbilt gonna ki….png)


whatever happened to Albright Stonebridge and Haiti?

b51ab0 No.2025589


Maybe that's who's in the car taking the picture.

b3f470 No.2025590


Lets hope he drinks something a little tastier kek

ea47e3 No.2025591

5a9897 No.2025592


I only see the resemblance in the hairline tbh, still think Prince William is the match.

37b9bc No.2025593


Only Steve Ballmer can scream like a girl and look like a seminal nerd at the same time.. And get paid for it.

221521 No.2025594

30ffab No.2025595


Well this was in 2016. New Zealand didn't learn…..

they just gave another 5 million to her (or was that Australia?)

It was donated a few months back during her 'book' (5 eyes) tour.

fe2472 No.2025596


Me too. Whomever is in the back seat. My Editing didnt do them any favors

221521 No.2025597

a4b6f9 No.2025598


That's Kim Jong Il, I think.

806298 No.2025599


here's what i notice:

- they aren't tired from walking yet so they either just left somewhere or just got out of a cab.

- they're not turning in the near future, none of their attention or positioning is to the left or right of them.

- the white haired guy can see the destination or something of interest.

- the local is hungry.

c4442e No.2025600

File: 4b0e984519cd496⋯.png (368.44 KB, 968x768, 121:96, HK_Obs.png)

10d1ec No.2025601

File: ebf694d6a3c4697⋯.png (587.06 KB, 619x500, 619:500, nasim-concernfag.png)

37b9bc No.2025602


ayyy lmao..

cfeabb No.2025603


Desperate Portland Street client or drunkposting?

f592e0 No.2025604

>>2022737 (pb)

Hunter B. Going to get some Chinese pizza while closing a billion dollar deal with the chicoms? chicoms have the pizza proofs on HB to make sure powerful American politicians play ball?

6aadfa No.2025605

File: aa06f5b515b64aa⋯.jpg (52.71 KB, 848x366, 424:183, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)




I aint clicking that nigga, wut is it?




>>2025298 Location of current photo is near the snowden pics from #869

>>2025443 anon rallies the photofags late into the night

>>2025444 possible victim of a VIP child sex abuse and murder ring, which led to the investigation of British politicians, has been charged

>>2025407 anon found us a location - western pacific garden

>>2025441 anon posts whois data for western pacific garden

>>2025476 fakebook page for WPG

>>2025481 photos of children at WPG and some link s asscociated

>>2025521 anon finds link between WPG and Clinton Foundation. took 4 hours 9 minutes

>>2025562 google map on the street where WPG is located

>>2025585 possible match for prince william?

df7856 No.2025606


0d02cf No.2025607


Portland St, Kowloon Red light district



2402e1 No.2025608

File: ce5424f40ec2e60⋯.jpg (152.56 KB, 771x638, 771:638, HRCU1LynchComeyRBG.jpg)

File: 75db6b9e2488f31⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 800x600, 4:3, RTs&Likes04152018.jpg)

File: 568b77b8d4cb713⋯.jpg (127.33 KB, 585x448, 585:448, Trump Tweet 04152018.jpg)

File: 2902693b638ba9b⋯.jpg (386.31 KB, 1200x665, 240:133, TruePunditNews0401518.jpg)

File: b31dbfa65d66e12⋯.jpg (159.43 KB, 776x528, 97:66, LifeFace.jpg)


future proves past?



c44f57 No.2025609



>Think of how big this is

Just because Q says something is big, doesn't mean it's big. Just because Q says we are safe, doesn't mean we are safe. Just because Q says to have faith in him/her/it doesn't mean we should.

Everything is interconnected depending on how you look at it. Reality is a multidimensional network of games. Some games are brutal, others are benign.

But Q hasn't earned my Trust yet. Too many misleading dead ends. Which month was a month to remember again?

I think Q is making this up as he goes along.

It's turning into a religion.

Yes please, arrest people if you have dirt on them. I'm all for it. But don't say you are and then don't address it when you're wrong and you actually don't arrest people.

See that's the reason for the vagueness. It's hard to discredit a cloud of smoke for misleading you if one minute ago it slightly resembled an arrow.

Q could be real, I'm leaving some hope on the table, but also, it would be VERY BENEFICAL if anons at least CONSIDERED IN THEIR BONES that Q may potentially be a laser pointer that somebody is having fun with. That we are desperately (to the point of overriding our own logic in exchange for a religious suspension of reason) trying to paw at.

I just think that people are dumb for putting their trust in a trip code. I think people are dumb for applying a sense of divinity behind a trip code. That's very primitive behavior.

4b0191 No.2025610

File: 59678dbcee8436b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1160x629, 1160:629, ClipboardImage.png)


Whatever happened with the White Water hearings?


301bcc No.2025611

File: 34e3545d9becd4f⋯.jpg (95.69 KB, 1134x556, 567:278, nasimpickels.jpg)

File: 965b207abf9c8b0⋯.jpg (66.62 KB, 712x531, 712:531, nasimcomepls.jpg)

6671fd No.2025612

File: 195e5f5accfb07f⋯.jpg (69.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ortel.jpg)


The peerless Charles Ortel has all the dirt on who-donated-what to all the Clintons' illegally-operating "charities".

Not legal. Not one of them. Taxes are a blazing pile of fraud all the way back to October 1997 in Arkansas. They never even filed the first return.

They were operating out of dozens of non-profits which were never legally organized (tax fraud), then soliciting funds from them in multiple states (every state has a case against them), then using bank transfers and the US Mail to move the money (wire fraud and mail fraud).

The Clintons, all their staff, every trustee of those shams, and every DONOR to those shams is prosecutable.

18e107 No.2025613

teh fuck


57330f No.2025614

File: 996de9889164f92⋯.png (500.43 KB, 985x578, 985:578, bagbaby.PNG)

Another one for our side?????

Baby-faced son of Islamic State leader Baghdadi is killed in Syria, militants announce

Hudhayfah al-Badri is said to have died in an attack on a power station in Homs


5a9897 No.2025615


Dates regardless, it's more donations to the CF that are corrupt in nature. There was another post by an anon that showed the New Zealand embassy was located near one of the Clinton's homes?

Also I'm not sure who else donated, but I think you're right by saying Australia – in fact it I know it's Australia, since the story about the donation your referring to, was near the same time the PM of Australia visited the WH.

dbc9f4 No.2025616


found this article

( dec 2014)

think it matches…

https:// www.veteranstoday.com/2014/12/19/victim-says-witnessed-three-boys-murdered-by-vip-paedophiles/

Scotland Yard says it is investigating the murders of three boys by what is now known as a ‘VIP sex ring’ suspected to include several high-ranking military officials and politicians.

Detectives say they are looking into accounts of the murders as recited by an abuse victim whom they have described as ‘a credible source’.

According to a shocking account by the abuse victim, who is referred to as ‘Nick’, a Conservative MP had throttled a 12-year-old boy in a depraved sex party at a luxury town house in London sometime in the early 80s.

Nick has told detectives that he had been in the same room at the time and that a group of men had also watched the murder.

On another occasion, Nick claimed a young boy, who was around ten-years-old, was deliberately run down and killed by a car being driven by one of his abusers.

A third boy was allegedly murdered during a depraved orgy at which another Conservative MP was present.

Nick, now in his late 40s, says the crimes by the paedophile ring took place between 1975 and 1984, and said his attackers included senior military and political figures.

He has told detectives that he was one of between 15 and 20 children, who would be picked up in cars and taken to hotels and apartments, where they were physically and sexually abused.

Some of the abuse is linked to a flat in Dolphin Square, London, and at times is alleged to have taken place at “parties”. Sometimes it involved groups of men and other times a lone male.

Scotland Yard detectives in charge of the case which is known as Operation Midland say they believe Nick to be a “credible” witness and have said they believe his story to be true.

2402e1 No.2025617

File: 4414fc8b4db208e⋯.jpg (108.74 KB, 636x343, 636:343, They want you divdied.jpg)

File: e81506bcd9a2576⋯.jpg (110.39 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Hillary chair lift.jpg)

File: 84cc0069ae1c4aa⋯.jpg (105.71 KB, 800x513, 800:513, Shelia Jackson_2.jpg)

File: 2c67c1a50c4f47e⋯.jpg (63.59 KB, 528x313, 528:313, IG report Weiner.jpg)

File: fa44b86261defa1⋯.jpg (347.84 KB, 1168x903, 1168:903, George Soros 18 billion ch….jpg)


yeah i assume anyone shaking hands with

clintons are dirty, yuck. You make sense, thank


6671fd No.2025618


It's all a shell game.

Charity A takes donation from B, they give C a commission for facilitating it, B takes a tax writeoff, and then they involve D, E, F, G, etc etc etc.

Shell game.

3b8d14 No.2025620


I am not sure that is a reflection. I think it could probably be the driver's ID photo if this was taken from a taxi. Plus, you can see that the rear view mirror is directly under it.. .

05aa4f No.2025621

File: 0a6b538d2b198e4⋯.png (846.96 KB, 630x797, 630:797, IMG_1954.PNG)

Say what you want about Voat, but they still love to troll.

6c5bf9 No.2025622

Out of nearly 9,000 refugee claims made since 2009, Hong Kong has approved just 52.

so why would there be a school there?

tbh I think the pic is related to Snowden and someone visiting Snowden. The school is a different tangent but weird nontheless

10d1ec No.2025624

File: 6f08345518a797d⋯.png (387.79 KB, 500x654, 250:327, fight-for-freedom!.png)

301bcc No.2025625

File: 3de685d458e279b⋯.jpg (363.78 KB, 1200x400, 3:1, sjlhillary.jpg)

ee3734 No.2025626

File: 977ebcd887b80cf⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1408x1788, 352:447, ericholdershultz.png)

File: 50bbd1b2f34b5e6⋯.png (99.08 KB, 500x522, 250:261, 87f856d6e7e7a131a0a907def7….png)

File: 22570e2b1d5e8dc⋯.jpg (58.88 KB, 404x540, 101:135, 22570e2b1d5e8dc75728152312….jpg)

File: 1a860d707300a4b⋯.jpg (92.88 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 73dd7372c3c778028ad9030186….jpg)


>>2025608 K

Don't you mean signs…KEK


ded61c No.2025627



Maybe "We have the server" and the reflection is referring to having a mirror of the server used by HRC starting early in her tenure as SOS. Including those emails that were "lost", erased by Bleachbit, etc.

cfeabb No.2025628


This one is from Uganda. So, the HK one is just one of many "chains" and not a local.

301bcc No.2025629


She is pretty.

c3491f No.2025630


Only possibility that isn't Q being utterly retarded or just trolling.

dbc9f4 No.2025632


and what do you know…

that dossier was also missing?


http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2681117/Cameron-orders-probe-happened-missing-dossier-alleged-paedophile-activity-Westminster-1980s.html

DAVID Cameron last night ordered a fresh investigation to discover what happened to the >missing dossier detailing explosive claims of a Westminster paedophile ring.

Ministers including Nick Clegg and Theresa May have been rejecting calls for a full-scale public inquiry into historical child abuse, insisting a police investigation will be sufficient to get to the bottom of the claims.

Yesterday, however, the Prime Minister ordered the Home Office’s most senior official to launch an investigation amid claims that the department’s response to the affair so far had been ‘outrageous’.


221521 No.2025633



925ec5 No.2025634

File: e369975989a1b9f⋯.jpg (292.67 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Orwell elect corrupt polit….jpg)

File: 55c000a0539ad4f⋯.jpg (338.35 KB, 642x488, 321:244, White Rabbit - Symbolism t….jpg)

File: 6fed4488b9dd71d⋯.jpeg (186.39 KB, 1629x1413, 181:157, NKHarryWindsor.jpeg)

File: 5bdb7e23ac60b0b⋯.jpg (94.48 KB, 757x545, 757:545, 203.jpg)

File: c379dfc78f4217a⋯.png (89.1 KB, 587x627, 587:627, 204.png)

5d688c No.2025635

File: 5a79fce68631491⋯.jpg (95.98 KB, 1500x863, 1500:863, get a load of these cunts.jpg)

30ffab No.2025636

File: cd1ed73ac8603fd⋯.jpeg (29.77 KB, 474x497, 474:497, iu-12.jpeg)

File: 97b1061a39be821⋯.jpeg (16.54 KB, 474x376, 237:188, iu-13.jpeg)

5a9897 No.2025637

File: 544664b9d3616f8⋯.png (8.14 MB, 2079x2791, 2079:2791, ClipboardImage.png)


SHel ˌɡām

a game involving sleight of hand, in which three inverted cups or nutshells are moved about, and contestants must spot which is the one with a pea or other object underneath.

Have to keep the pieces moving to successfully stay in cover.

b0c4e0 No.2025638


And Be Vegan!

And Worship Yourself!

And Attempt to commit Mass Murder!!!!!!

And Fail!

Cucking Nasimfags really need to collectivly DoorKnob Yourselves.

cfeabb No.2025639


Yep, and the kindergarten in HK appears to be one of potentially several branch offices that may be connected to HRC via CF and who knows what else. Hop on board…

6671fd No.2025640


It gets worse. They were doing it worldwide.

Using it to provide cover for their sales of US intelligence, assets, people, anything they could make a buck on. Anything and everything was for sale.

Obama left multiple US government agencies without Inspector Generals VERY much on purpose. Think of dozens of classrooms with no teachers in them. No oversight. They ran wild.

One of the first things Hillary did at State was to fire the Inspector General, then never replace him. They were accountable to no one.

They had access to ALL the intelligence, thanks to their clearance and the Awan arrangement. They had Clapper at the CIA get dirt on anyone who might be a problem. Enemies were either strong-armed or paid off with cash or plush career positions.

The size of the fraud is going to blow the world's MINDS. There is literally nothing even remotely approaching the size of it in recent centuries.

3b8d14 No.2025641


Not only that, it is also framed: which a reflection would not be.

301bcc No.2025642


>>2025624 caught one. kek

1225ec No.2025643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



ced7d7 No.2025644

File: 82d648755eeee59⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 356x260, 89:65, 1523341765243.gif)

dbc9f4 No.2025645


for me it also looks like PW.

same bad posture, same hight , same skull size

2402e1 No.2025646

File: a8cb90c72c65cbf⋯.jpg (395.29 KB, 1100x805, 220:161, TY true pundit 04052018.jpg)

File: d4e75b611e8d807⋯.jpg (63.17 KB, 631x658, 631:658, Weekly Adress 04072018.jpg)

File: 4c1031c0ad3ea5d⋯.jpg (217.63 KB, 800x532, 200:133, Qplus.jpg)

File: b83c2da5674da8e⋯.jpg (226.33 KB, 805x736, 35:32, Connected.jpg)

File: e333a83ed8344bf⋯.jpg (474.65 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, NoName Mouaz - Copy.jpg)


whoa that is distorted,

but appears to be truth.

demons among the people,


5a9897 No.2025647


Someone forgot to tell Orwell that he's describing a crude form of McCarthyism, with that quote.

5d688c No.2025648

File: a0b1dde1bce8c70⋯.jpg (45.17 KB, 600x423, 200:141, for men.jpg)

b0c4e0 No.2025649



1225ec No.2025650

purely entertainment of the past artistic reads autistic drunk expression dig it dude ride the wave its red as blood

57330f No.2025651

File: 35c7e41cfb7d32f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 946x473, 2:1, duke.PNG)

These People Are Sick!!

What did Duke Know???

Why was Duke Arkansided???

Duke,' a former Bush's Baked Beans dog, has died

One of the pooches known as “Duke,” the talking dog in Bush’s Baked Beans commercials, has passed away, according to a Facebook post.

“Duke,” whose real name is Sam, was put down last week by his owner, Susan, after suffering a battle with an aggressive cancer, the Facebook post read.

“He lived in Apopka with our friend Susan, his owner,” David Odom, whose ties to Sam are unknown, wrote in the post. “She is as we are heartbroken.”


806298 No.2025652

File: b22d4bf2da273b8⋯.jpg (1.75 MB, 1600x1200, 4:3, B735_Wetter_Radar.JPG)

like dis, fren???

5d688c No.2025653

>tfw some nasimfag pops up with the usual garbage so you filter them and their post count is 16 or more.

ahhhh good stuff

b0c4e0 No.2025654


You sound like a fucking moron who worships a fucking narcissist (attempted) MASS FUCKING MURDERER.

301bcc No.2025655

File: aaecd6157e76625⋯.png (217.68 KB, 800x387, 800:387, nasim-convern.png)

66d914 No.2025656


Joint suicide pact, everyone's a winner

0ab6d0 No.2025657

Hope this month does not disappoint us.

57330f No.2025658



ced7d7 No.2025659

File: 16cd4053a865fe5⋯.jpg (80 KB, 1047x1091, 1047:1091, 16cd4053a865fe5305c2a8d437….jpg)


That's what MSM told you.

8b9bf2 No.2025660


5a9897 No.2025661


That's one NASTY Adam's Apple that thing has.

5aa385 No.2025662

Happy Independence Day, anons!

Remember: every time you see or hear one go off, it's a liberal's head exploding

1225ec No.2025663

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the space force

i dreamed of you

my whole life

and was told you

could never exist

I will die laughing

like all of humanity

skin and muscle gone

i will have the last laugh

knowing the truth

my skull host to my grin

for the rest of eternity

until my bones become sand

and join the sands of the desert

I will laugh forever as a wind there after

b0c4e0 No.2025664





301bcc No.2025665


>Joint suicide pact, everyone's a winner

somebody has to pay for the burial…unless there's a bonfire.

It's cool if there's a bonfire.

92ee26 No.2025666

File: 4eae4b35c7b0a47⋯.jpeg (161.32 KB, 435x410, 87:82, 2D61A845-62A0-49B0-989C-D….jpeg)

Perhaps it’s the Apple which is significant here. Apple is a controlled asset of WH’s maybe

It’s not a national security violation to to take photos on AF1 unless ur not authorized to be there in the first place

I’m thinking the Apple is the most important clue

18e107 No.2025667


you too anon

Happy 4th

114dad No.2025668

File: a151400e11cd003⋯.png (664.32 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, A6641A95-97C1-4E8E-BB1A-D3….png)

File: e4bbf0c1e2d7725⋯.jpeg (224.16 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, F49586CB-244B-4DE4-8EA3-B….jpeg)

File: c80398ce72c45ae⋯.jpeg (201.31 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 7E70BEF8-3AB8-41CF-AE33-5….jpeg)

File: 7606e7fbcf49bac⋯.jpeg (174.88 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, E081BDFC-3A71-4B79-A908-C….jpeg)

File: bf9a910d1a56fee⋯.jpeg (219.64 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, DECC0865-05AA-4576-AE42-4….jpeg)

Threw on diff effects. Dude to bottom right looks like snowden, w a girl too

806298 No.2025669


a devil's trap!

a55042 No.2025670


> What happened to Stormy?


> Who do you see?

Michael Avenatti

390f67 No.2025671

File: ba87cedc075da12⋯.jpg (28.13 KB, 619x349, 619:349, Delaney_Tarr.jpg)

File: 8a087d0682742bf⋯.jpg (108.88 KB, 536x540, 134:135, Hogg_Clown.jpg)

File: f1c93162c418821⋯.jpg (368 KB, 1000x727, 1000:727, Clinton_Ardern_FIVE_EYES.jpg)

File: 63cb446e5abc473⋯.jpg (363.95 KB, 1000x727, 1000:727, HIllary_Jacinda_FIVE_EYES.jpg)

File: 883f6a2172aaca4⋯.png (2.2 MB, 725x1058, 725:1058, No_Escape-V2A.png)

‘Twenty-three survivors of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida are coming to Christchurch to meet with the Student Volunteer Army (SVA).’

‘It's understood Delaney Tarr, one of the survivors who has become a prominent figure in the "March for Our Lives" rallies, will be a part of the group.’

Yet another ‘strange’ happening involving little ole New Zealand.

What’s the reason?

What’s the real reason?

I wonder what the chances are now of the countries first mass school shooting happening (or any mass shooting) to give our newly minted, fanatically committed progressive socialist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern an excuse to go after our guns?

She’s already on record publicly saying “Neoliberalism (free enterprise) has failed in NZ” and more recently “Democracy has failed in NZ” and is a fervent supporter of UN Agenda 2030.

New Zealand, in particular Queenstown which is south of Christchurch is the alleged bunker riddled bolthole of the Elites/Cabal.




Surprisingly the Student Volunteer Army did great work post both major earthquakes and it was a completely apolitical effort.

NZ Gun related info.

Police gearing up for new firearms safety training for first time licence applicants

[23 May 2018]

From 1 July firearms safety training is changing.


My opinion - This ‘change’ does at first glance seem to be very reasonable but in light of current conditions it may well be the first razor thin edge of the wedge. So thin you don’t even feel the cut.

There have been more and more gun related articles recently including a segment on our main TVNZ news channel about guns and the increasing concern for public safety. We all know that one of the socialists first tasks is to disarm the people, even more so if many of the Cabal are allegedly already here with yet more to arrive.

Police under-reporting more than 95 per cent of gun crimes - investigation


Thu, Jun 14

‘New figures show police have been under-reporting the number of gun crimes in New Zealand.’

Ministry of Education seeks input into gun handling at NZ schools


Mon, Mar 5

‘The Ministry of Education says it is seeking feedback on how to regulate the way schools provide firearms to pupils engaging in educational or sporting activities.’

Gun laws in New Zealand

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Not a trusted source, very recent editing)

This page was last edited on 17 May 2018


The two memes aren't mine and credit to the anon who made them.


I’m going to be posting older posts of mine in regards to FVEY, NZ Politics and the Gene Drive experiments currently underway in NZ. Solely because NZ related posts are few and far between on the board I will be adding links between them to tie them together between breads. If you think this is namefagging then by all means go right ahead and waste bread by telling me so but do know that I just don’t give a flying damn! I’m doing it anyway! If I’m banned, I’m banned. It’s my country after all that’s very actively collaborating with the Cabal while, I must add, being screwed over by the US DARPA/Pentagon Gene Drive Extinction Technology project of the previous administration and, it would seem, the current administration too. Perhaps when Q-team has a moment it can explained as to why this is so?

John Kerry – FVEY November 2016 New Zealand / Antarctica trip

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


Faces of the New Zealand GCSB (FVEY)

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


NZ – PM Jacinda Ardern - Socialist

Q Research General #2553: (((Shills))) Going Nuts Tonight Edition


NZ FVEY & PM Jacinda Ardern – Enemy Combatant!

Research General #2555: Picture Puzzles Are Fun Edition


4253be No.2025672

File: 9091a988e1b4ec2⋯.jpg (8.38 KB, 230x250, 23:25, flat-head-image-1-53826373….jpg)

2402e1 No.2025673

File: 3c443ff0cfb1bb9⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 600x294, 100:49, obama mom sepration child.jpg)

File: 54dab0fb4954990⋯.jpg (140.2 KB, 593x851, 593:851, RR IG report.jpg)

File: a0194ea20a6b6b7⋯.jpg (161.17 KB, 900x558, 50:31, Holder movie.jpg)

File: d959e539a41812a⋯.jpg (102.75 KB, 426x641, 426:641, Punchy_3.jpg)

File: 636ca5ebd05a1ff⋯.jpg (164.47 KB, 988x668, 247:167, Mack is naming names.jpg)


hmmm didn't realize the "leave the Inspector

General spot vacant on purpose" trick, thank

you. "classrooms with no teachers", nice one.

The more revealed, the more it shows the

power that was abused and the evil methods

used for that abuse to control the world. Why

gain the world and lose your soul, or

something. stw.

301bcc No.2025674

File: aa9043720b9eb2f⋯.jpg (59.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ashleyjudd.jpg)

File: 7fadcb882bd2ca5⋯.jpg (40.3 KB, 697x795, 697:795, nasimpray.jpg)

5d688c No.2025675


what the fuck? lol

6848ac No.2025676

File: 074ea5281076911⋯.jpg (137.27 KB, 840x576, 35:24, boop.jpg)

2b0bf1 No.2025677

File: 1159ac1448095ed⋯.jpg (34.21 KB, 275x800, 11:32, Prince William.jpg)

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, United_HK_IDEN_T3902.png)


Looks like Prince William to me. Has his name already been mentioned?

b0c4e0 No.2025678


At best He was a poor week minded MK Ultra victim.

925ec5 No.2025679

File: d38f89ac700316b⋯.png (2.49 MB, 787x411, 787:411, 212.png)

File: fd4493e75d5ca7a⋯.png (205.98 KB, 452x430, 226:215, 953.png)

File: 79af8d4795ed075⋯.png (2.39 MB, 1216x512, 19:8, 504.png)

File: 089bc28201e6064⋯.png (5.25 MB, 1371x1000, 1371:1000, 765.png)

File: c3905006b537a9c⋯.png (10.59 KB, 466x85, 466:85, 502.png)

fe2472 No.2025680

File: b99084168d21b9d⋯.mp4 (11.64 MB, 640x360, 16:9, videoplayback.mp4)

Couldn't sleep hoping I could solve one post. Wonderful anons & thier deep diggings with connecting the kindergarten with Uganda and the Clintons. We still may need more crumbs. God bless you and all Researching anons. Happy 242nd Birthday America!

30ffab No.2025681


You DO realize the more you talk about it, the more that are posted, right?

ced7d7 No.2025682

File: 310825550f95131⋯.png (305.32 KB, 410x590, 41:59, 6a9.png)


A little angry are we?

Nasim's light is eternal. Get used to it

5a9897 No.2025683

File: 6fa42881e9af7a2⋯.png (7.93 MB, 2500x1407, 2500:1407, ClipboardImage.png)


All that work, and your conclusion is Snowden. lmfao. Try: Prince William.

b0c4e0 No.2025685


The Nasiem worshipers are core. Idiots not paid shills. Let that sink in.

4fe1b1 No.2025686

File: ff56c723cb5be7e⋯.jpg (63.37 KB, 1202x696, 601:348, nasimfag2.JPG)


>Looks like Prince William to me. Has his name already been mentioned?

30ffab No.2025687


Not only can the left not meme - they can't troll like we can either.

Dear Diary,

is another funny one.

624cd1 No.2025688

File: ad646318dccd1af⋯.png (2.78 MB, 1500x1114, 750:557, cdpat.png)

5989ac No.2025689


Good work anon.

Good to see Kiwis waking up.


b0c4e0 No.2025690


Than [THEY] Will Win. If you want to follow that fucking famefag, We are FUCKED.

301bcc No.2025691


kek…even as a "he" she'll still be prettier than 95% of Jewish women.

<Iranian, she was

18e107 No.2025692

HTF did I miss this?


ef1053 No.2025693

Still winnng!

A United States federal judge ruled on Monday that a tweet by President Donald Trump did not inadvertently disclose a top-secret program by the Central Intelligence Agency to aid rebel groups in Syria…

…According to Politico, which reported on Judge Carter’s decision, this development will make it difficult for other FOIA filers to use Trump’s tweets as justification for seeking information about secret government programs.




9b59c5 No.2025694

One Moon Kid tells the story of our history:

Lo, A Man was the same as One Path

people died

why? war, water, lava, big explosion

Lo, A Man lost to Bad Lotteries

One Path became Battered Soil

to Arms!

Coin Day = Prism Day

see, the Map Is Dry

Unseen TV destroyed their Arms

hard to breathe

Rare is their Heart

we are here now and they are from Rare, Grey Lava

Darts Go in the other direction

soon the Cloud Rises, but too slowly!

One Moon Kid became The Prop

Adieu, Mr. Reed

Ah, Psi Op is coming

b0c4e0 No.2025695


Go Fuck Yourself Hatefag, you are worse than the Nasiem worshipers.

30ffab No.2025696


If you want to hear something funny on the 4th of July -

ask a millennial what is celebrated on this day.

They don't have a clue.

114dad No.2025697

Dont think its him, sorry


f592e0 No.2025698

>>2022737 (pb)



7acd78 No.2025699

File: c269e6e9c65ae56⋯.jpg (208.95 KB, 510x540, 17:18, Screen Shot 07-04-18 at 10….JPG)

File: 5cf545faa8be21e⋯.jpg (808.38 KB, 1054x842, 527:421, Screen Shot 07-04-18 at 10….JPG)

The talks between Washington and Pyongyang on the Korean Peninsula denuclearization might possibly be disrupted due to the vast nuclear fuel reserves possessed by… Japan, a former Obama administration official has warned.

"There are particular concerns that it [Japan's plutonium stockpile] could provide a rationale for nuclear weapon ownership to North Korea, which has nuclear nonproliferation as a goal," Thomas Countryman, a former US assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation under the Barack Obama administration, told the Japanese Tokyo Shimbun newspaper. He went on to say that US President Donald Trump and the current administration "also share these concerns."

Japan indeed possesses vast plutonium reserves, which amount to no less than 46.9 tons, according to the Japanese media. Only 9.8 tons of plutonium are stockpiled in Japan, though, while 37.1 tons are kept overseas. Still, the total amount of the reserves would theoretically allow Japan, which portrays itself as a staunch supporter of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, to produce as many as 5,000 – 6,000 nuclear bombs.


ced7d7 No.2025700

File: 0eae054a195c14f⋯.jpg (210.53 KB, 1034x1577, 1034:1577, fd5bb199dbd03033128b29dd8f….jpg)


Our pay comes in the form of warmth and love from the boundless luminescence of our free speech angel.

Our devotion is rewarded and Nasim shines a light on the shills.

10d1ec No.2025701

File: 15d36e3a3dee0ac⋯.png (406.62 KB, 650x500, 13:10, nasim-you-have-a-choice.png)

File: 3a8e96b83bd74ee⋯.png (372.27 KB, 500x500, 1:1, nasim-dark-to-light.png)

File: cc24b0593b51cb5⋯.png (571.1 KB, 500x540, 25:27, nasim-be-proud-together.png)

5d688c No.2025702


You're all shit now go away.

031b56 No.2025703


It was funny. And sadly probably true.

5a9897 No.2025704


Can't help you if you're blind/ignorant/stupid. Also: Do you really think Snowden would be walking the streets in daylight? I don't think so.

856e46 No.2025705

File: 7f696fec8f9ecdc⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1988x3056, 497:764, HEqSwGs.jpg)


301bcc No.2025706

File: 8640c84c9f6c3c5⋯.jpg (14.38 KB, 228x309, 76:103, hitlermeinkek.jpg)

5d688c No.2025707


>I put da text in da imaeg

>I maek meems

5d688c No.2025708


Bitch, you're not Thor. Now go die of cancer.

7acd78 No.2025709

File: 1bcc146c84f68c9⋯.jpg (343.65 KB, 1061x735, 1061:735, Screen Shot 07-04-18 at 10….JPG)

File: 675273cf17b9291⋯.jpg (792.83 KB, 1061x884, 1061:884, Screen Shot 07-04-18 at 10….JPG)

China's top officials, Vice Premier Liu He and top diplomat State Councillor Wang Yi have carried out a series of meetings in Brussels, Berlin as well as in Beijing, touting an alliance between the two economic powerhouses.

One of the proposals floated by the Chinese envisaged China and the EU joining forces at the World Trade Organization against the US, which might also see them initiating a joint action against Washington at the WTO, the agency reported.

Given that the relations between the US and its European allies, which were strained after Trump slapped the EU with import tariffs on steel and aluminum, remain in a rough place, the timing of the Chinese proposal seems sensible.

"Trump has split the West, and China is seeking to capitalize on that. It was never comfortable with the West being one bloc," a European diplomat engaged in the Sino-EU diplomacy told Reuters, while another one called the Trump's demarche at the G7 summit in Canada a gift to China.

However, five diplomats that spoke to the agency on the issue have said that, despite all grievances that the EU holds against Washington, the EU leaders turned down the proposal.

"China wants the European Union to stand with Beijing against Washington, to take sides," one diplomat said, as cited by the agency, adding that the EU made it clear to Beijing it won't accept the tradeoff.


5a9897 No.2025710



Oh lmao, that's the dumb bitch that shot up the YouTube HQ because she wasn't down with the demonetization going on with some of their creators>

. You're telling me there's retards who follow this psycho?

cfeabb No.2025711

File: 1850523c9c0dcac⋯.jpg (98.06 KB, 721x718, 721:718, CF-Chinese-KG.JPG)

File: 03b30a7073cb280⋯.jpg (81.87 KB, 765x398, 765:398, RYB-JoelGetz.JPG)



No Direct Western Pacific Kindergarten references but there are other CF issues with a RYB Education and a Joel Getz.

3b8d14 No.2025712


In addition, it is situated on top of what appears to be situate atop a grated sun screen for the driver. A reflection would not override the grating.

1a0670 No.2025713

File: e17963ba4576418⋯.png (87.84 KB, 144x275, 144:275, ClipboardImage.png)


I agree. Also are we looking the the right guy? Is the prince william look a like actually the protection/sec for the short white hair guy?

30ffab No.2025714


I know exactly who and why they post.

Lurk moar.

856e46 No.2025715


Now now, I'd never claim to be such an esteemed gentlebeing.

Be a sport and dance with me?

4253be No.2025716


Word salad.

7acd78 No.2025717

File: 13b14531fe2069a⋯.jpg (499.63 KB, 1053x745, 1053:745, Screen Shot 07-04-18 at 10….JPG)

File: 7f005d1780ff8a1⋯.jpg (871.7 KB, 1053x873, 117:97, Screen Shot 07-04-18 at 10….JPG)

The US defense manufacturers as well as the British companies are, meanwhile, expected to be locked out of both the EDF and the EDIDP. The firms “will have to be based in the European Union, have their infrastructure in the European Union and above all, [their] decision-making cannot be controlled by an entity based outside the European Union,” if they want to qualify for EDF money, an EU official told AFP in mid-June.


ced7d7 No.2025718


Why does that surprise you? What surprises me is that Nasim memes trigger people more than Hitler memes do. No comparison.

5989ac No.2025719

File: 9d78c9f1293056e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 110.94 KB, 1024x903, 1024:903, PUSH BACK.jpg)

10d1ec No.2025720

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

62b891 No.2025721

File: ba1feae4817fa58⋯.jpg (154.56 KB, 633x498, 211:166, Clip_2.jpg)


Then there's this Kreature . . .

b0c4e0 No.2025722


religiously… they have turned that psychopath into a goddess.

5a9897 No.2025723


Yeah you're right, nothing really surprises me in hindsight, I forget there's a lot of seriously low IQ people.

4d44d7 No.2025724

File: f35b8cd0a95c9ae⋯.jpg (83.42 KB, 720x960, 3:4, DhPcgOVX0AAUcL6.jpg)

Britain is mapping out their protest war zones.

dbc9f4 No.2025725


could be…

but to me it looks like an elder guy from HK

cfb3ff No.2025726

File: 983e3808c3f1d40⋯.png (549.41 KB, 655x742, 655:742, ClipboardImage.png)

>ppl are fucked in the head


b51ab0 No.2025727


I don't think he even killed anyone, right? "Supposedly" injured one guy? Not sure.

66d914 No.2025728

Ever thought POTUS took the picture?

Where does one have to be in order to obtain that reflection?

In the chair of course.

POTUS gave Q the image or used Q's phone to take it.

Just a thought

c4442e No.2025729


Typical autist over-focus led me to ignore my first guess, Prince W. Makes sense now, when I consider the nearby spa and kindergarten.

e07b02 No.2025730

File: aebe6c16ebeae71⋯.jpeg (794.75 KB, 775x1236, 775:1236, 2D5E9ADC-7EBB-43A4-906B-3….jpeg)

File: d09fe9fa8c3d39e⋯.jpeg (951.54 KB, 1543x1249, 1543:1249, 4081AFA0-E001-430C-9B8D-0….jpeg)


Could be that loud mouth Cory Booker

d91650 No.2025731


the pic of the guys swimming

looks like pepe's fingers coming down to pinch em

(the dark clouds)

ced7d7 No.2025732


SIX MILLION (allegedly)

301bcc No.2025733

File: 562ce0db449a3f3⋯.jpg (74.64 KB, 763x954, 763:954, nasimveil.jpg)

File: d6145ba8079691c⋯.jpeg (49.34 KB, 640x640, 1:1, golddigger.jpeg)


>You're all shit now go away.

OK, who the fuck is teaching (((you))) to speak English…because (((you))) suck at it.

2402e1 No.2025734


creepiness here also, different country.


b0c4e0 No.2025735


There are a few more Hitler worshipers than Nasiem worshipers (and there are only a hadnfull of each, they do love IP hopping). Most just ignore the Hitler shit, but every now and then it is fun to call it out.

62b891 No.2025736


Resemblance to Marina A.


10d1ec No.2025737


Well said anon, well said. We must all be thankful for the sacrifice that Nasim made. Because of her, free speech lives on. Nasim's spirit is a beacon of hope in a world that's full of darkness. Everyone should treat her with the respect that she deserves. She is a part of us all now, even those who don't believe. Her beautiful soul will live on for eternity. Praise her.

b51ab0 No.2025738


No you fucktard. Nasim. He Nasim.

Geezus. LowIQ indeed.

b0c4e0 No.2025739


Get an actual clue, please.

ced7d7 No.2025740


Are you saying Hitler killed our illustrious angel Nasim?

c7df73 No.2025741


And hung like Bigfoot!

301bcc No.2025742


>No you fucktard. Nasim. He Nasim.

>Geezus. LowIQ indeed.

deez niggaz aint even tryin.

2402e1 No.2025743


whoa respect. beautiful.

ced7d7 No.2025744

File: 68864979b8d5614⋯.jpg (3.13 KB, 100x124, 25:31, 1523903475071.jpg)


OK who am I?

b51ab0 No.2025745


Fuck all that. But raiding YouTube under cover of a computer generated tranny. Well that's priceless.

6671fd No.2025746

File: 2ea8f5775f52032⋯.jpg (56.48 KB, 530x335, 106:67, 15Trillion.jpg)



"At least four independent insider sources have revealed that the Alliance is now locating and legally seizing trillions and trillions of dollars in assets stolen by the Deep State.

The money is set to be released back into the legitimate economy as “prosperity funds” that could almost immediately create radical improvements in our overall quality of life.

Certain purported “sources” have been prognosticating this online for years, but this is the first time that our own insider circle has made such statements."

a3b3bc No.2025747


how are we with the location? We know for sure it's from Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong.

Thing is, the kindergarten is just an advertisement. The real thing is on Waterloo blvd and it doesn't look like that. So it's one of those little streets parallels. One building is obvious in the back, rounded and mirrored.

b3f470 No.2025748

Do not focus on dead psychotic Vegan

Do not focus on dead German mustache man

Do not focus on dead Kikes

Focus on the mission


cfeabb No.2025749

File: 57ba36cc965ee4d⋯.jpg (29.47 KB, 222x386, 111:193, WKG_SameColorScheme.JPG)


Different style but same color scheme as HK.

b0c4e0 No.2025750


And it's funny Nasiemfags defend her mpare than the Muhhh Joooofags defend Hitler.

5a9897 No.2025751

2402e1 No.2025752

File: b371c8b46c26149⋯.jpg (266.86 KB, 965x723, 965:723, Cruising altitude.jpg)



Noted, thank you.

624cd1 No.2025753

File: cc2d4f713a236db⋯.png (78.38 KB, 1167x267, 389:89, Screenshot 2018-07-04 02.1….png)

b0c4e0 No.2025754


*Moar not mpare

10d1ec No.2025755

File: 7508c0dd97813a6⋯.png (577.01 KB, 500x641, 500:641, sheispretty.png)

File: 38b6daecd3ccd9b⋯.png (435.28 KB, 500x493, 500:493, hakjghjg.png)


Does this look like a he to you? I didn't think so! Nasim always shines a light on the shills. Begone clown, your hatred and division has no place here!

25e4e6 No.2025756


he's anon

you're anon

we all anon

30ffab No.2025757


I'm wondering what else is in the area that might we might be missing.

What other businesses are in the area.

ced7d7 No.2025758



It's prince william

Or not


b3f470 No.2025759


She looks like a young Jeff Goldblum

ced7d7 No.2025760

File: b4e0c9970ea425b⋯.jpg (62.03 KB, 551x558, 551:558, nascheckem.jpg)

9d9a82 No.2025761


>david wilcock

That cock sucker has been reporting stories like that for more than a decade, fuck off with that shit.

3b897a No.2025762


Show us your tits if you want an honest answer.

3b8d14 No.2025763


There is a goose somewhere that is licking his wounds right about now.

6671fd No.2025764

How'd we miss this?? Billionaire banking heir drops dead in Mexico in rehab?


Lordy what a mess, too early in the morning to start listing all the connections to weirdos this guy had.

"Heart attack". Okay.

b0c4e0 No.2025765


a so called 'Journalist' is asking questions, it is important that the story is correct. (maybe we will see if said 'Journalist' actually has a capacity for honesty.)

390f67 No.2025766


Lorde - another cowardly NZ 'celeb' who backed down at the drop of a hat, or a single negative tweet from two young foreign SJWs residing in NZ.

b3f470 No.2025767


Who is said journalist?

e1349b No.2025768


Sounds like Harry Reid

ced7d7 No.2025769


Hmm well he had a whole black market pharmacy in his veins according to the article, but I still think it's notable

b3f470 No.2025770


c44f57 No.2025771


you fail


you fail


you fail


you fail


you fail


you fail


depends on the context


you fail

b9c9e1 No.2025772


No. But Salmon Jacket off to the left that, no one is paying attention to, could be Booker. I'm hoping someone has dirt on Booker. He is being (mostly) to quite (not drawing negative attention like others) and might run in 2020. Very Jersey to sit back and watch things unfold before making your move.

a3b3bc No.2025773

File: e4bfd8879dfcdf9⋯.png (786.04 KB, 814x608, 407:304, ClipboardImage.png)


THAT is the building

On Portland street… the picture was taken somewhat like one block away.

30ffab No.2025774

File: af35f813245cf3f⋯.png (122.23 KB, 745x658, 745:658, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: a3854f6a9550941⋯.png (119.23 KB, 748x526, 374:263, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)


Died in April. Apparently NOT at rehab.

b0c4e0 No.2025775


It is a logical conclusion, considering they are always here. This is the biggest news story in generations.

Not gonna surprise me when it turns out Acosta is one of the Pornfags.

806298 No.2025776

File: 2f45d752ffd3572⋯.jpg (49.5 KB, 527x414, 527:414, 50194938.jpg)

b51ab0 No.2025777

File: aa7e5b2be2bfa5c⋯.jpg (88.43 KB, 424x536, 53:67, MMellon.jpg)


Matthew Mellon, age 53

He's literally wearing kneepads

411619 No.2025778

File: 5b94efce013e2f7⋯.jpg (50.69 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Justice.jpg)

Happy 4th of July Patriots.



b3f470 No.2025779


I fail? So youre saying Kikes and Catholics are the good guys? Yeah ok Rabbi

5a9897 No.2025780


I can see Booker, but it still feels like his skin color is too dark for the man pictured.

6c5bf9 No.2025781

File: 86fc343469264cf⋯.jpg (23.68 KB, 226x350, 113:175, CIMG1810.jpg)

could this be the goy. Joel Getz. Clinton Foundation dude busted in China for running a child raping and drugging kindergarten

806298 No.2025782

happy independence day frens 🇺🇸

b0c4e0 No.2025783


(addendum Acosta posts the fat chicks). "Bones are for the Dogs…"

4253be No.2025784


Tell that to Q, They couldn't have chosen a more ambiguous photo to fuck with people with ffs.

Also, if there are any Uncle Bumblefuck fans out there, you know what comes after Focus, right?


849bdf No.2025785


Hair line is wrong, he is wearing a large watch though.

His eyes are deep set.

Has a tight beard, and a little hair on top. Brown hair.

b3f470 No.2025786


I can assure you Q is not focused on dead Vegans

a3b3bc No.2025787

File: d7783a44ddff8d4⋯.png (659.92 KB, 649x551, 649:551, ClipboardImage.png)


Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm Anons?!?! Who is this guy?????

6c5bf9 No.2025788


Langham is a hotel, a good one. Very near Portland street in Mongkok.

a3b3bc No.2025789



925ec5 No.2025790


Thomas Countryman.


a3b3bc No.2025791


Look at the frontal protuberance…. this is WEIRD AF!

8b9bf2 No.2025792

File: 0c3cb8b6d42ea89⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 199834-5-1c78e.jpg)

File: e01ba07cb2a5faf⋯.jpg (83.96 KB, 890x501, 890:501, maxresdefault (1)_2.jpg)

Not necessarily agreeing with everything but a good read nonetheless


or here for the original:


dbd260 No.2025793


No. I even thought of Woody Harrelson.

He looks so familiar, though…

6dd647 No.2025794

Off to the left edge. Guy in alley with brief case. White guy. Stocky.

And no prince or ex pres would be allowed to walk the streets of hk without protection detail.

a3b3bc No.2025795

File: 48d562bafe650f2⋯.png (733.53 KB, 701x633, 701:633, ClipboardImage.png)

6671fd No.2025796


The entire Silicon Valley crowd is remarkably unattractive. He's got that covered.

I don't mean to sound like an asshole, I'm no prize, kek

But these people are young, and they're rich, and damn, it's California, go to a plastic surgeon and fix that shit. I thought it was California law.

5f29b8 No.2025797

File: dedf01994d746d3⋯.jpg (130.45 KB, 846x564, 3:2, FOCUS.jpg)

18e107 No.2025798

File: 19d5095dedd82e0⋯.png (918.88 KB, 1352x567, 1352:567, typicalNasimFags.png)

4ce939 No.2025799


back at ya buddy!

been waiting for you fags to catch up to the 4th July!

Ready for some Independence?

88fb50 No.2025800


Well put Kiwi, there is a lot to be said about the fuckery this end of the orb that ties back to the 5 Eye shit.


rom across the ditch I look forward to you providing your POV.

925ec5 No.2025802

File: 099d2bb243951c8⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, ClipboardImage.png)


his name seems to be robert gunther

301bcc No.2025803

File: 5a6781c89c44c77⋯.jpg (54.3 KB, 575x707, 575:707, fuckyou.jpg)


>Do not focus on dead psychotic Vegan

>Do not focus on dead German mustache man

>Do not focus on dead Kikes

>Focus on the mission


6c5bf9 No.2025804

the school is cmopletely unrelated.

Snowden is linked to that area of HK. The second pic will link them both together.

My guess is a CIA agent meeting Snowden, because Snowden isn't /ourguy/ as everyone thought….

6671fd No.2025805


Any ideas on that backpack and whatever he's holding?

a3b3bc No.2025806


That's hong kong… we are still in hong kong.

e1349b No.2025807


Ready for some fireworks!

Q the BOOMS….

ced7d7 No.2025808

File: 44e0cf455122965⋯.jpg (771.83 KB, 1630x1808, 815:904, 44e0cf45512296590ac7be0d2f….jpg)

5a9897 No.2025809


Please, that's the Google Photographer, he's literally carrying the camera. Also, he's uploaded other seperate Google Maps photos.

5c028b No.2025810

File: 291374d2a9ebe27⋯.jpg (52.65 KB, 500x500, 1:1, concernfag.jpg)


nigga u mad

c7df73 No.2025811

File: 433d76696a8a648⋯.jpg (77.46 KB, 455x360, 91:72, 2bu0g2.jpg)

5989ac No.2025812

File: b43fe79c2ed2c54⋯.jpg (166.73 KB, 900x626, 450:313, addie.jpg)


KEK in (((language)))

ef1053 No.2025813


Right Click on Image - Copy location it takes to:

Ladies Market - Hong Kong - Google Maps

a3b3bc No.2025814


How do you get to that deduction?

6c5bf9 No.2025815


ladies market is just a popular night market. literally in the middle of town. everyone goes there. EVERYONE.

e4980a No.2025816

I still cannot unsee Kim Jong-Il behind target 1.

4ce939 No.2025817


I hope the fireworks have been thwarted and will be exposed for what it is.

t t today is the day that RR has to turn over ALL doccuments….

He may stick with the "this is everything" story..

If he does BOOM! POTUS will KO him with his EO on releasing the origional unredacted version for all to see…

I would read the shit out of that…. Front to back (F2B)…!!! KEK

4253be No.2025818

File: da3f79c7b641443⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 350x240, 35:24, 130114natalie-wood1.jpg)


Well if you insist on fixating on a dead chick at least have some standards and pick a pretty one.

Her name was Natalie Wood and she was smoking hot back in the day. Russian heritage as I recall.

5a9897 No.2025819

File: 68f3dc698e838d0⋯.png (394.94 KB, 480x319, 480:319, ClipboardImage.png)


Person located behind target #1 has a phat ass – Jong-il does not

5343d1 No.2025820



anyone that would take that deep state clown,

and worship her.

Must also be a deep state clown.

End of Story.

301bcc No.2025821

File: a4bd074495bb4ee⋯.jpg (123.92 KB, 888x499, 888:499, wolf1.jpg)


still. can't. meme.

prolly a result of inbreeding.

e1349b No.2025822

d29cde No.2025823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


How do we know the midterm elections

Will not be victim to election fraud by the


Have any of the voting procedures been safeguarded etc….

You shoulda been a cowboy………..

Stay safe bro !!

ced7d7 No.2025824


Here's a bang, not a boom. ISIS executioner killed


a3b3bc No.2025825


Do you have any more of his pics? Look at the frontal protuberance. That matches, but because of the distortion I cannot say anything else about body features compared to our subject.

5c028b No.2025827

File: 707a3e1356777b7⋯.png (237.93 KB, 801x593, 801:593, nasim_world_order.png)


nigga u mad

925ec5 No.2025828

look up the thread

you'll see

5a9897 No.2025829


Try going to this link in particular, clicking on "Robert Gunther" and then viewing his other photos he's uploaded. Case closed.

https://www.google.com/maps/@22.3182199,114.1669125,3a,90y,0.41h,61.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipOl09tcO4-rEaPzSOJWPi2XN-BIdFNpBioL64Cy!2e10!3e12!7i5376!8i2688 could be this !@#, no idea who it is

777019 No.2025830


Upside down Apple as the message?

5a9897 No.2025831



Ignore the could part

30ffab No.2025832


There will be no democrat party by then.

People are running from the party.

We got this.

57f054 No.2025833

File: bda53375ee829db⋯.png (3.92 MB, 1913x950, 1913:950, ClipboardImage.png)


Due to sign differences Q pic must have been before January 2017 (most recent streetview above).

Picture in this post shows the same signs as Q pic way back in August 2011. (no other street view dates in between)

e1349b No.2025834

5343d1 No.2025835


not mad, just stating a fact.


5a9897 No.2025836


nigga u desperate

301bcc No.2025837


you argue like a bitch….tits or GTFO

d2d1b8 No.2025838


You totally miss the point.

Nasim was a quirky, awkward, and eccentric misfit with odd ideas who practically lived on the Internet and who, if not for her lefty ways, would have been one of our tribe.

And it doesn't hurt that she was kinda pretty.

ced7d7 No.2025839

File: f9045c6263818cc⋯.jpg (43.74 KB, 411x467, 411:467, 1523980541681.jpg)

5c028b No.2025840

File: 20d40f9c8c61a45⋯.jpg (28.55 KB, 880x928, 55:58, nasim_blank7.jpg)


o rlly?

y u mad tho?

5a9897 No.2025841


It doesn't matter how many times you use the word "She" to describe Nasim, still a man.

a36fa0 No.2025842

File: 125a71c97beb2a0⋯.png (47.2 KB, 741x311, 741:311, qestBAH.png)

Guise is this normal considering what we know?


5343d1 No.2025843


Gave you even dug her? Who is it's 'Father', who gave birth to it?

Fuck Off Shill.

301bcc No.2025844


She is pretty.

5c028b No.2025845

File: 5157c490a498b6f⋯.jpg (131.88 KB, 1024x852, 256:213, hillary_loser1.jpg)


yo mama desperate nigga

390f67 No.2025846

File: ebc34ec9e419d0e⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, P1.png)

File: 0c17a90742653d7⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, P2.png)

File: 601f556fa2b3acb⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, P3.png)

File: bf37f469f934bdc⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, P4.png)

File: be7859aa03a1241⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, P5.png)

This is a much older repost from before the Hussein and HRC visits to NZ but still has good information on our former National Party Cabal Prime Minister Sir John Key of the National/Labour Uniparty operating here.

Key arranged for Hussein to visit NZ - play golf together, meet our current PM Ms Jadinca Ardern to most probably directly collect the FVEY data from her, do an expensive talk to an audience of gullible folks then bugger off to Aussie for another FVEY data pickup and chat.


Husseins Kenyan escape plan has been foiled. Is NZ a backup plan?

I can smell the stench of an escape plan here.

Hussein to visit NZ this month via a new Air NZ direct route to Chicago. Kim Dotcom is still here by the skin of his teeth despite the US-NZ Extradition Treaty and the Hussein administrations attempts to extradite him. Former NZ Prime Minister Sir John Key is a 'friend', a little girls ponytail puller and a new member of the Air NZ board. Current PM is an ardent socialist and Justin Trudeau admirer. They’re both possible Hussein protectors. Queenstown, NZ is also an alleged bolthole of the Elite and birds of a feather flock together.

As a part of the Five-Eyes Spy Network perhaps after or even while dealing with Australia Q-Team could dispatch a squad to mosey on down south a tad more and take care of a few TPP loving traitors and powerful paedophiles down this way?

I haven’t included any information of the Southern Cross Cable in the images.

Suspect source as came from Wikipedia

The Southern Cross Cable, operated by Bermuda company Southern Cross Cables Limited, is a trans-Pacific network of telecommunications cables commissioned in 2000.

‘In 2013 the New Zealand Herald reported that the owners of the Southern Cross cable had asked the United States National Security Agency to pay them for mass surveillance of New Zealand internet activity through the cable’


I’m going to be posting older posts of mine in regards to FVEY, NZ Politics and the Gene Drive experiments currently underway in NZ. Solely because NZ related posts are few and far between on the board I will be adding links between them to tie them together between breads. If you think this is namefagging then by all means go right ahead and waste bread by telling me so but do know that I just don’t give a flying damn! I’m doing it anyway! If I’m banned, I’m banned. It’s my country after all that’s very actively collaborating with the Cabal while, I must add, being screwed over by the US DARPA/Pentagon Gene Drive Extinction Technology project of the previous administration and, it would seem, the current administration too. Perhaps when Q-team has a moment it can explained as to why this is so?

It would be very nice if other Kiwis would actually participate with NZ and WW Great Awakening research as (from what I’ve seen so far) apart from the very occasional response to an anons post we almost all seem to be nicely docile and sound asleep. Kept that way by the anti Trump, anti climate change scaremongering socialist media bubble that’s all pervasive here thus completely unwilling to burst through to find reality. Damn normies!

John Kerry – FVEY November 2016 New Zealand / Antarctica trip

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


Faces of the New Zealand GCSB (FVEY)

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


NZ – PM Jacinda Ardern - Socialist

Q Research General #2553: (((Shills))) Going Nuts Tonight Edition


NZ FVEY & PM Jacinda Ardern – Enemy Combatant!

Research General #2555: Picture Puzzles Are Fun Edition


Parkland school shooting survivors visit NZ this month

Research General #2555: Picture Puzzles Are Fun Edition


a3b3bc No.2025847


Good job !

5343d1 No.2025848


for once., in a long time, I can agree with that statement.

5a9897 No.2025849


Is that pic supposed to represent you? Would make sense, since you like to worship a pyscho tranny.

0ca9d2 No.2025850

File: 2a8336b2bfb27e2⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2000x2000, 1:1, PW_Who.jpg)


>Who do you see?

Kinda looks like Prince William to me.

5c028b No.2025851

File: a7065911be6e515⋯.jpg (43.5 KB, 570x587, 570:587, you1.jpg)

6aadfa No.2025852

File: d39b250039b5c47⋯.jpg (45.65 KB, 843x362, 843:362, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)

Current Notables

>>2025298 Location of current photo is near the snowden pics from #869

>>2025443 anon rallies the photofags late into the night

>>2025444 possible victim of a VIP child sex abuse and murder ring, which led to the investigation of British politicians, has been charged

>>2025407 anon found us a location - western pacific garden

>>2025441 anon posts whois data for western pacific garden

>>2025476 fakebook page for WPG

>>2025481 photos of children at WPG and some link s asscociated

>>2025521 anon finds link between WPG and Clinton Foundation. took 4 hours 9 minutes

>>2025562 google map on the street where WPG is located

>>2025585 possible match for prince william?

>>2025699 Korean Peninsula denuclearization might possibly be disrupted due to the vast nuclear fuel reserves possessed by… Japan

>>2025709 China's top officials State Councillor Wang Yi have carried out a series of meetings in Brussels

>>2025711 former CF exec tied to WPG

>>2025833 Q pic may be from 2011

8b9bf2 No.2025853

File: afd725a6ca7b4f1⋯.mp4 (11.68 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Tucker Rage has finally co….mp4)

a3b3bc No.2025854


too thin, no but, no frontal protuberance, too thin shoulders. Oh he does have same color pants and shirt. SMH.

c7df73 No.2025855

File: 1a93909fee6fe9f⋯.jpg (188.66 KB, 757x900, 757:900, newspaper ad 2.jpg)

Organizing my memes and came across this

5a9897 No.2025856


Don't focus on clothes, focus on the stride and body features.

5989ac No.2025857


Nice digs anon.

Now if youse could only learn how to play footy properly ;)

07efce No.2025858


Satan confirms.

1905d3 No.2025859

File: 4f1cf676b6e5b8a⋯.jpg (44.94 KB, 720x485, 144:97, IMG_20180704_015709.jpg)



Who do we see.

United hadn't flown 747 in a year. Clue not direct.

Richard Doomeruth.

CEO United internet Germany.

Follow the wives….

Judith was a model for Air Berlin….

Hanging out European flim stars…

Multiple billionaire.

In the club.

How the apply lverage on Germany.

Possible visiting snowden in China.????

528552 No.2025860

File: fe0c10bc991bd92⋯.jpg (90.23 KB, 634x513, 634:513, suicided.jpg)


The Cross!

Did Anderson kill his brother in a modern day Cain and Able initiation into the club?

"'Well, I remember the first Christmas we were together after it happened - cause he died July 22 - and we went to the movies,' said Vanderbilt, 92, in an interview with People.

'And then we went to the automat, and from then on we've never done anything about Christmas." (because you worship satan)

What a bizarre thing to say about the tragic death of your brother.

a3b3bc No.2025861


That was my point. kek

5343d1 No.2025862

Nasiem Worshipers are DS Agents trying to derail us, Watch the IDs of anyone who posts Pro Nasim Bullshit. [They] actually make it clear.



>They are here in force.


301bcc No.2025863

File: 7b0b6237d0ef7cb⋯.png (626.31 KB, 1476x724, 369:181, BVeanz.png)


another shiksa deprives teh Beanz of her rightful worshup…kekekek

a3b3bc No.2025864

So far Robert Gunther is our best match, and he is on location. However, that camera distortion is preventing us from seeing the whole body frame.

b5d14d No.2025865

File: ec56355e49b4fe9⋯.png (745.39 KB, 590x1280, 59:128, 20180704_045258.png)

Do not know if discussed as did not see mentioned in previous breads, however, does any TechAnon know what this device technology scope / capability is? The image is from Q Post - 20180703 @ 23:31.

b51ab0 No.2025866


That's interesting. He was CEO from 1999 to 2014. Snowden was on his watch? And he kept his CotB position.

2d6e82 No.2025867


A few years ago a lot of Africa was still on frame relay.

3b897a No.2025869


Hey, it was worth a try.

5343d1 No.2025870


I'd be willing to bet you also think Loomer's tire was slashed….

a36fa0 No.2025871


I thought it was worth keeping an eye on.

b3f470 No.2025872

File: 0c9eeabd061ce8b⋯.jpeg (4.85 KB, 203x248, 203:248, images (2).jpeg)

Gen Keith B Alexander? Former NSA Director under Hussein

301bcc No.2025873


>I'd be willing to bet you also think Loomer's tire was slashed….

don't really follow her, so can't really say.

6671fd No.2025874

That's a cutting-edge whatsit the guy in the pic has in his hands.

Jewgle doesn't want anyone finding out what kind of special photo equipment they're using to map interiors of buildings (project has been ongoing for a while)

I spent way too long looking at surveying equipment, then decided that wasn't it.

Not familiar with surveillance equipment.

Possible signal broadcaster or receiver? It has specific measurement markings on a base-type section underneath the "H" shaped portion with the texturized dots on it.

390f67 No.2025875


She's an older version of the recently elected Ocasio-Cortez and still madly in love with socialism. To her all other previous attempts at it just weren't implemented properly and she knows 'the way'!

In reality she's the meat puppet of former socialist PM Helen Clark and a useful idiot of the Cabal. Unfortunately she's far smarter that Trudeau (not difficult I hear you say) which makes her a more dangerous creature by far.

5343d1 No.2025876



62b891 No.2025877


Presume you've heard of KIM.Com's threat to sue NZGovt.

Have you ever dug into Mark Mitchell?

c4442e No.2025878

File: 7d721f23a215207⋯.png (696.87 KB, 1538x768, 769:384, HK_Obs.png)


John Kerry

301bcc No.2025879


you;re not my boss faggot

62b891 No.2025880


>Presume you've heard of KIM.Com's threat to sue NZGovt.


>Have you ever dug into Mark Mitchell?

390f67 No.2025881




















































































b3f470 No.2025882

File: 4376d285db22c4c⋯.jpg (16.91 KB, 220x271, 220:271, 220px-Michael_Hayden,_CIA_….jpg)

Michael Hayden

dbc9f4 No.2025883


http:// albumsleaksdownload.com/2018/07/archbishop-sentenced-for-concealing-child-sexual-abuse/

Archbishop sentenced for concealing child sexual abuse

"We have made history here in Australia: The highest-ranked church official to ever be brought to account for what we know was a worldwide systematic abuse of children and the concealment of that abuse", Gogarty told reporters.

1905d3 No.2025884



It's because truth storms bring shilly weather!!!

5343d1 No.2025885


Than go ahead and live a life with a blindfold on.

a3b3bc No.2025886


Look at the forehead, dude. The FOREHEAD is the KEY!

That's without counting, the frame, hair, ears, logic, context and shoes. But by any mean keep going with your non sense.

925ec5 No.2025887

File: 6faf2162d0099ae⋯.jpg (236.48 KB, 864x1105, 864:1105, 2ceef9409d8d204627f33c4360….jpg)

caf062 No.2025888

File: 8268c90264e8f67⋯.jpg (65.2 KB, 634x629, 634:629, REX2.JPG)

Awan case plea agreement.


Thread: https://twitter.com/_ImperatorRex_/status/1014445913027198976

57f054 No.2025889



Might be best to rephrase this

>>2025833 Q pic may be from 2011


>>2025833 Q pic likely taken before January 2017


The previous signs were similar even as far back as 2009, but there is a complete lack of images after August 2011 until January 2017.

Those signs may have been taken down as late as 2016 - perhaps need some more digging, into satellite images, HK news etc.

b3f470 No.2025890

File: f48b5d21906ad2c⋯.jpeg (45.43 KB, 720x480, 3:2, 57f254791b00007f08ef4013.jpeg)


a36fa0 No.2025891


You just got called a faggot by someone who types Anonymous into the name field kek!

33e728 No.2025892


You got the wrong brother there anon. You need the 'other' one as I'm the odd ball one that just doesn't care. Nice (try) though!

b3f470 No.2025893

File: cf2264c117c845b⋯.jpg (54.69 KB, 900x506, 450:253, gettyimages-143478670_wide….jpg)

Same weird head same skin tone I dont know

a3b3bc No.2025894

File: 769a32453d8ed71⋯.png (160.43 KB, 460x276, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

6aadfa No.2025895

File: 4d448ca2c63a7a0⋯.jpg (55.87 KB, 845x367, 845:367, nanowrimo_jack_burton_Sele….jpg)

f71d12 No.2025896

“Who do you see?”

Kinda looks like Vlad, tbh

6dd647 No.2025897

Why are we not looking at guy at left in pic? The white guy that looks like he's neeting someone out if sight?

Pic taken from car at intersection

5c028b No.2025898

File: e7bce61dcdc73c7⋯.png (459.23 KB, 881x848, 881:848, ClipboardImage.png)


trigger JIDF by talking about their uggly sows


e92ca0 No.2025900

File: ba1e8357537855f⋯.jpeg (562.98 KB, 954x620, 477:310, AA001497-F935-417F-B1E7-1….jpeg)

File: b74028150de7283⋯.jpeg (838.71 KB, 1242x818, 621:409, 1DC5D624-910F-4CAC-A0FA-C….jpeg)

File: 69259f1ee02d209⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1242x856, 621:428, 8AF18F5D-19D0-4883-BCED-5….jpeg)

File: 1f129a33b7d87ef⋯.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1129x1581, 1129:1581, 6AC81B4D-9EB1-4BA3-9C54-F….jpeg)

Re: Who do you see?

Jerry Brown

Past (recent): AG of CA.

Gao Hucheng

Past (recent): Ministry of Commerce China

Seen: 1M-1S Waterloo Rd, Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong, China


Bilateral Trade & Investment.

Watch California.

a3b3bc No.2025901

File: 14898ae8cff11e8⋯.png (306.8 KB, 594x395, 594:395, ClipboardImage.png)

dbc9f4 No.2025902


http:// fishinghd.com/2018/07/04/archbishop-philip-wilson-sentenced-to-one-year-for-abuse.html

Archbishop Philip Wilson sentenced to one year for abuse cover-up

f71d12 No.2025903


Oh they know they’re women are hags… That’s why so many of them get into porn and sleeze all over the goyim girls.

a3b3bc No.2025904


the FOREHEAD…. SMH… look at the forehead. that is the key to this guy.

9c3300 No.2025905

File: 8c766d288fb2290⋯.png (395.03 KB, 699x521, 699:521, Screenshot 2018-07-04 at 5….png)

According to Yahoo, all of the fake news was Trump all along


528552 No.2025906

File: f02e02ed194d62d⋯.png (605.03 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, What can historical data c….png)

390f67 No.2025907


Former (National Party) Defence Minister.

5343d1 No.2025908


Kek! First Time I have ever been called by that name. And to date, I see no evidence of it's actual existence, just something that hatefags love to use as manufactured evidence of a conspiracy, that does not exist.

4124f5 No.2025909


need to ask… 13,16? UT? was looking into the bulldog… nametags got me confused.. long story short, ended up on 1316… Red flags in past, but in weird ways…. Young bucks club… buck of the year? many Chiefs seem to follow suit… White list or black? Sometimes important players sidelined? or just the bad players?

528552 No.2025910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Definitely not our guy.

2d6e82 No.2025911


Yep, we hate fags. Especially (((the ones that fuck kids))).

241561 No.2025913

File: a57d418f2ea15a3⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1085x707, 155:101, ClipboardImage.png)


Who? Earl of Wessex

Why? International School Charities

(6.2018 foray took him to Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong)

A couple of years back per drawing notes.


390f67 No.2025914


I meant to say no I haven't.

f71d12 No.2025915


The blanket term for both is “Talmudist”.

dc6ed5 No.2025916

File: 21606ac60aef328⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1399x771, 1399:771, ClipboardImage.png)


Here is a Jan 2017 google and signs even further removed.

5c028b No.2025917

File: 18bac695848a05c⋯.jpg (42.71 KB, 1553x1635, 1553:1635, nasim_blank6.jpg)



that's so bad it's good

only a faggot would protest these dank ass m33mz

62b891 No.2025918


What did he really do in Iraq?

5343d1 No.2025919


not an arrangement. You did not grow up in Hollywood, did you? It was rare to see a circumcised cock.

de7874 No.2025920


Physicianfag checking in.

This looks like a long list. Usually you would have an attending (consultant, top dog surgeon person) plus one or two assistants at this time of night (one advanced trainee and one intern or registrar). In rare circumstances an additional attending might come in. Max 4 doctors.

The thing that always struck me about this story is that SR was alive sitting up talking and then supposedly died. This doesn't happen. If you are a young (<50) person it's really difficult to die from blood loss unless the blood loss is rapid (or you have a brain injury). That means, that you bleed out before you reach the hospital. SR was reportedly alive in the hospital and well enough to speak.

Either (1) he was purposefully mismanaged (unlikely), (2) killed in the hospital, or else (3) the death was faked so that he could appear later on in the background of a GEOTUS rally.

I'm going for (3).

(2) is possible and maybe the reason that POTUS called in his own doctors for Steve Scalise.

Pic unrelated.

b51ab0 No.2025921

File: 58bc79c570d9469⋯.jpg (65.59 KB, 584x323, 584:323, wiki_DNCSuit.jpg)

Did we already cover this and I missed it?

DNC lawsuit against Trump, Russia & WL dismissed on grounds of jurisdiction

f3823b No.2025922

File: dc1bcc0cdcc787b⋯.jpg (2.67 MB, 5244x3912, 437:326, Enhanced - Copy.jpg)

May or may not help .. best I can get out of it.

1905d3 No.2025923






Started huge shilly storm

528552 No.2025924



What could make him so valuable, save the highly classified secrets in his head?

34c1fc No.2025925

File: b60cb7394a47958⋯.jpg (9.27 KB, 247x200, 247:200, SkeksisDarkCrystal.jpg)



Is it me, or is there a resemblance?

f71d12 No.2025926


“Can you check out this lump on my dick?”

(Asking for a JIDF friend).

62b891 No.2025927

File: e5d221e478b1eb1⋯.jpg (184.95 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Clip.jpg)


Jason Goodman is really pissed off.

33e728 No.2025928


Perhaps time to find out.

9c3300 No.2025929

File: 7d8b334cebf6f74⋯.png (155.32 KB, 633x356, 633:356, Screenshot 2018-07-03 at 1….png)

b3f470 No.2025930

File: 52436374f103654⋯.jpg (76.9 KB, 480x360, 4:3, who-the-fook-is-dat-guy-.jpg)

6671fd No.2025931


Don't miss the catfight between him and Mr. Mossad George Webb Swigert

I'd pick Jason > George, though

Arrogant know-it-all.

f71d12 No.2025932


Him and Webb are what we call “super shills”… but they still suck at it.

5343d1 No.2025933



Perfect Example of Pure Idiocy.

5c028b No.2025934

File: d30c7b01e752664⋯.png (275.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


There's something to be said for a "man" who can't distinguish between a man and a woman.

f71d12 No.2025935


You must be Jew here.

3b8d14 No.2025936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Do too: It's national get drunk and party with dangerous explosives day bro.

b3f470 No.2025938

File: 38ff6144c734e24⋯.jpeg (38.6 KB, 758x530, 379:265, ShowImage.jpeg)

9c3300 No.2025939

File: c66f8649abf3744⋯.png (147.9 KB, 634x356, 317:178, Screenshot 2018-07-03 at 1….png)

ae005d No.2025940

Who is the cargo?

4124f5 No.2025941



now that we have that out of the way, any news about current patriots? we need to know who to cheer for so they can win their races…

5343d1 No.2025942


You must be the village idiot.


ddf537 No.2025943

File: d6dbc9162d0512b⋯.png (210.48 KB, 274x362, 137:181, ClipboardImage.png)


Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

095c22 No.2025944

File: 453e1dce721ed5c⋯.png (2.22 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3800.PNG)

File: 091180b318e4247⋯.png (2.23 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3801.PNG)

File: 2979aa1b589b307⋯.png (2.29 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3802.PNG)

File: cddd6e343e506ef⋯.png (2.02 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3803.PNG)

dbc9f4 No.2025945

File: 134878eee2ac367⋯.png (309.06 KB, 619x349, 619:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 15771fd1006fdc4⋯.png (283.11 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 42e716842a27c63⋯.png (187.15 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)


https:// www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/105158507/survivor-group-alleges-govt-breached-human-rights-with-state-abuse-royal-commission

Survivor group alleges Govt breached human rights with state abuse Royal Commission

A child abuse survivor group has called for United Nations intervention over the Government's possible exclusion of churches from its state abuse inquiry.

Occulo​ New Zealand, a group set up with the goal of ending abuse by clergy, believes the New Zealand Royal Commission of Inquiry into Historical Abuse in State Care does not comply with the 1989 United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The group submitted an urgent "letter of allegation" to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on Sunday. It said the New Zealand Government was "in breach of this fundamental and internationally important" treaty, which it ratified in 1993.

Occulo had compiled a list of information it believed the UN required to be able to act, including a "conservative" estimate of the number of victims at risk of missing a chance to have their voices heard and bring perpetrators to justice.

"[There are] potentially thousands of victims of sexual abuse perpetrated by faith groups in New Zealand [that have] occurred in the last 60-plus years," it read.

The Royal Commission's draft terms of reference were until recently up for consultation. They were limited to people whom the state was responsible for, "whether directly or indirectly".

Advocates and abuse survivors have criticised what they see as the inquiry's limited scope, by its failure to include faith-based institutions, sporting clubs and schools by default. Many do not believe this will be remedied in the final terms of reference.

"We're waiting for the inevitable. The inevitable's going to be … we'll get the short end of the stick," said a spokesman for Occulo, which is Latin for cover-up.

"We'll be the only English-speaking country [to have had an independent inquiry into child abuse] … that's not including faith-based institutions. It's bizarre."

In Australia alone, nearly 4500 people reported being abused by Catholic institutions during the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which ended in December.

Last year, Australian Royal Commission adviser Gary Foster said the final report stood "a metre-and-a-half high".

"The recommendation on the criminal justice system alone runs to over 2000 pages, with over 85 recommendations which will significantly change our criminal justice system.

Male Survivors Aotearoa national advocate Ken Clearwater has been fighting for an independent inquiry since 2004 when he first asked then-Prime Minister Helen Clark, who said no, before writing to every member of the Labour Party of the time.

Other supporters of a Royal Commission that includes faith-based institutions have been frequent and vocal, including the likes of survivor Darryl Smith, who last month released a book about his experiences.

It also extended to members of religious institutions themselves, with the Catholic Church National Office for Professional Standards Bill Kilgallon last year explaining why he thought his institution should be involved in the inquiry.

Human rights lawyer Craig Tuck said UN processes were "so slow that the Royal Commission will be wrapping up its findings by the time the UN starts processing this in any meaningful way".

He said the Occulo complaint raised "a whole raft of interesting issues" around how state care was defined by the Royal Commission – whether it stopped at Government-run institutions, state-funded care or simply "state-allowed care".

"I guess, from an initial viewpoint, that the state is implicated if it's funded or allowed, or [has] even remained silent when there was abuse, or it knowingly was occurring.

dbc9f4 No.2025946



"[The request for inclusion of faith-based institutions] then seems to be a fairly reasonable proposition, which needs to be balanced against what they actually do."

A Royal Commission spokeswoman said the group had not been made aware of the OHCHR submission, but human rights breach concerns were "an issue raised by a number of Royal Commission stakeholders".

"The Commission widely consulted on the draft terms of reference and heard from many groups and individuals about the inclusion and non-inclusion of religious institutions," she said.

She said the commission's chairman, Sir Anand Satyanand, had received more than 400 submissions and delivered a final terms of reference report to the Government based on the feedback.

"The four main areas of feedback were on the scope and purpose of the Inquiry, a suitable reference to the Treaty of Waitangi, the inquiry timelines and what constitutes 'state care'," she said.

Cabinet would decide on the final terms of reference after ministers had read Satyanand's report.

"A decision is expected shortly. It will be widely publicised alongside Sir Anand's report."

An OHCHR spokesman said any contact was confidential and no details would be revealed.

If the UN took up a case with the New Zealand Government, details would be made public after two months, he said, including "any response by the state in question".

d91650 No.2025947




wikileaks had been blackballed by credit card companies

and FPF was specifically created to act as a middleman for donations to wikileaks


snowden and the others discontinued this in 2016

so there is some problematic issues associated with snowden, greenwald and the group

can't remember all the details right now

but it wasn't favorable for assange

maybe its outside pressure???

f3823b No.2025948


Not a chance ..

528552 No.2025949

File: 3b7cce0a3a3f8a5⋯.jpg (109.57 KB, 684x926, 342:463, garter.jpg)


That's a funny RED CROSS that they're all wearing.

Wonder what that means? The belt of Orion is pretty obvious but do they think they're Templar Knights or something?

095c22 No.2025950


How long ago is this pix?

f71d12 No.2025951


You must be heading to prison soon… Is that why you’re salty, (((pedo)))?

33b2e1 No.2025952

File: 6e73dfcc0e87576⋯.png (154.61 KB, 323x252, 323:252, Screenshot_2018-07-04 Goog….png)


Well done.

…I've had a look around at the businesses .

I know he isn't going here

6aadfa No.2025953

File: fa8d800e9df7628⋯.jpg (4.05 KB, 304x166, 152:83, jack burton you sure about….jpg)


9c3300 No.2025954


Either you are a jew or you are still buying the jew lies..

Which is it?

6aadfa No.2025955


>>2025298 Location of current photo is near the snowden pics from #869

>>2025443 anon rallies the photofags late into the night

>>2025444 possible victim of a VIP child sex abuse and murder ring, which led to the investigation of British politicians, has been charged

>>2025407 anon found us a location - western pacific garden

>>2025441 anon posts whois data for western pacific garden

>>2025476 fakebook page for WPG

>>2025481 photos of children at WPG and some link s asscociated

>>2025521 anon finds link between WPG and Clinton Foundation. took 4 hours 9 minutes

>>2025562 google map on the street where WPG is located

>>2025585 possible match for prince william?

>>2025699 Korean Peninsula denuclearization might possibly be disrupted due to the vast nuclear fuel reserves possessed by… Japan

>>2025709 China's top officials State Councillor Wang Yi have carried out a series of meetings in Brussels

>>2025711 former CF exec tied to WPG

>>2025833 Q pic likely taken before January 2017

>>2025881 POST LINKS

d91650 No.2025956


not looking at the cross


2d6e82 No.2025958


They're all funded by Pierre Omidyar, connected to the clowns.

5343d1 No.2025959



Being a victim means I am an Abuser? Go Neck Yourself.

62b891 No.2025960


His irritation is not faked however.

Limited Hangout?

57f054 No.2025961

The Q Pic is looking north up Portland Street, and is taken at the interchange of Portland Street and Hamilton street - which is 1 block south of Dundas Street.

Wikipedia says this:

A section of Portland Street, particularly between Argyle Street and Dundas Street, hosts arguably Hong Kong's most famous red light district (serving mostly local Chinese clientele) and a popular scene in Hong Kong films.


caf062 No.2025962

Look at Buzzfeed going through a piecing shredded trash together from Cohens garbage.

Fucking desperate much?


f71d12 No.2025963


Observe… The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

5343d1 No.2025964


Do You have any fucking clue what it is like to be abused?..

b51ab0 No.2025965


Templars learned sacred geometry from the Arabians. Also, yes. Why wouldn't they?

a5dbb0 No.2025966

File: 9f7da5604c6177b⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1845x893, 1845:893, qwhoisthis.png)



This is the location of the picture. I know Q is asking who but maybe there is a building near by to help clue us in to who.

5343d1 No.2025967


Wow. Just wow.

5989ac No.2025968

File: 3cbd9978e57a5a8⋯.jpeg (12.02 KB, 255x192, 85:64, sniper.jpeg)


I see (((you)))

5343d1 No.2025969


think mirror. Kike.

2d6e82 No.2025970


BTW, there is FINALLY some movement in Canada on missing and murdered women and that pig farm in BC. One of the RCMP that was looking the other way has been suddenly put on suspension. It's very hush-hush but one of the reasons was that independent investigators started handing investigative work over to the FBI and MI6 to pressure them.

Maybe some of them are even lurking here.

d2d1b8 No.2025971

Does anyone have a archive of all of the ORIGINAL images files Q has posted? It turns out that the files from the link in the dough (https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/) are NOT original.

That site apparently re-encodes the files for smaller size and scrubs meta-data.

d91650 No.2025972


wouldn't want that secret knowledge

to get into the hands of tyrants or anything

got to guard it closely


5343d1 No.2025973

Funny as shit. I cry out about my childhood and get attacked….. note those IPs.

e08249 No.2025974

File: 9eca9155b930140⋯.png (330.13 KB, 494x500, 247:250, HerTurn.png)

f71d12 No.2025975


Oh here we go… the Jew shill is now playing the “I was abused” card. Yeah, yeah… and your grandmother was a lampshade. We know… gtfo.

2d6e82 No.2025976


That looks like Prince William.

849bdf No.2025978


How about the person next to the white car?

4124f5 No.2025980


alright ill bite… obviously Q linked plane that has been shown twice before (a least) has abnormal Unied airlines text (not lined up properly)… thanks USSS and the foxconn group of pics… is this them or us? my instinct tells me to look at foxconn connections or USSS. Snowden is possibly in China as well as i have no direct proof he ever made it out… in fact, pic proof seems to imply he's in china still, and only in comms with RUS… but unlikely.

2d6e82 No.2025981


The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

390f67 No.2025982

File: b7cdb69642caa8c⋯.jpg (884.5 KB, 1372x900, 343:225, 1A.jpg)

File: 3e17df4fa592b16⋯.jpg (803.78 KB, 1372x900, 343:225, 1B.jpg)

File: c11745bace3b245⋯.jpg (836.33 KB, 1372x900, 343:225, 1C.jpg)

File: 31fa6c2ed3ae956⋯.jpg (66.97 KB, 415x420, 83:84, Craig Heatley_web2.jpg)

File: a10a89b20ab6603⋯.jpg (16.99 KB, 278x194, 139:97, Justice-Geoffrey-Venning.p….jpg)

NZ – Husseins visit & Kim Dotcoms bid to question him fails.

Two older posts combined

Craig Heatley




Capital Markets - Company Overview of Mercury Capital Pty Ltd



Deal struck on Heatley's retreat

‘But not before he adds a cottage and boatshed to a complex that already includes a house, a helicopter hangar, an access (tunnel) to an upgraded jetty and a new boat ramp.’



More golf for Obama before return to Auckland



The Kim Dotcom bid to question Hussein in NZ fails

Dotcom’s Bid to Compel Obama to Give Evidence Rejected By High Court

‘This morning, however, Chief High Court Judge, Justice Geoffrey Venning, quickly shut that effort down.’


Now let’s take a look at NZ High Court Justice Geoffrey J. Venning.

High Court Justice Geoffrey Venning

One well placed barrister, who has appeared before the judge often, characterises Justice Venning’s conflicting attributes aptly, “He hasn’t met a law yet that he couldn’t breach with a smile on his face.”


Carbon Trader Judge Taints Bizarre High Court Climate Ruling



Billionaire Donald Trump supporter Peter Thiel sending more of his mates our way




I’m going to be posting older posts of mine in regards to FVEY, NZ Politics and the Gene Drive experiments currently underway in NZ. Solely because NZ related posts are few and far between on the board I will be adding links between them to tie them together between breads. If you think this is namefagging then by all means go right ahead and waste bread by telling me so but do know that I just don’t give a flying damn! I’m doing it anyway! If I’m banned, I’m banned. It’s my country after all that’s very actively collaborating with the Cabal while, I must add, being screwed over by the US DARPA/Pentagon Gene Drive Extinction Technology project of the previous administration and, it would seem, the current administration too. Perhaps when Q-team has a moment it can explained as to why this is so?

It would be very nice if other Kiwis would actually participate with NZ and WW Great Awakening research as (from what I’ve seen so far) apart from the very occasional response to an anons post we almost all seem to be nicely docile and sound asleep. Kept that way by the anti Trump, anti climate change scaremongering socialist media bubble that’s all pervasive here thus completely unwilling to burst through to find reality. Damn normies!

John Kerry – FVEY November 2016 New Zealand / Antarctica trip

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


Faces of the New Zealand GCSB (FVEY)

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


NZ – PM Jacinda Ardern - Socialist

Q Research General #2553: (((Shills))) Going Nuts Tonight Edition


NZ FVEY & PM Jacinda Ardern – Enemy Combatant!

Research General #2555: Picture Puzzles Are Fun Edition


Parkland school shooting survivors visit NZ this month

Research General #2555: Picture Puzzles Are Fun Edition


NZ - Former Cabal PM Sir John Key & Husseins visit

Research General #2555: Picture Puzzles Are Fun Edition


f331af No.2025983

fucking NY Daily News. want to keep up their fantasy that POTUS is a clown. denial. desperation. all they have left.

5c028b No.2025984

File: c5b285417cf387e⋯.jpg (159.97 KB, 480x731, 480:731, rope1.jpg)



Nope JIDF does not exist.

Not for long, anyway.

4124f5 No.2025986


holy shit…. i was way off…….

5343d1 No.2025987


The Jew Shill…… Wow. You hate anyone you claim to represent, Thou art the Left.

8a9689 No.2025988

File: 049c22f8d22b2d6⋯.png (63.1 KB, 500x361, 500:361, Hahaha.png)


They are out in force today..

cfb3ff No.2025990

File: 9e1161e44b9382c⋯.jpg (136.3 KB, 640x360, 16:9, p-edward1.jpg)

File: 37427dc0ac46d96⋯.jpg (126.66 KB, 587x425, 587:425, p-edward2.jpg)

File: 8fffc127b59dca0⋯.jpg (410.98 KB, 1400x933, 1400:933, p-edward3.jpg)


was thinking it might have been this inbred fuck , but i don't think the forehead matches

>i've seen enough ugly inbred fucks for today , fuck these 'royals' are some ugly inbred fucks

4124f5 No.2025992



holy crap…. i was way off

d91650 No.2025993


there are archives of the entire boards

originally Q posted to the boards

not to a separate board

the link on the picture

should take you to that board

or search the archived boards??

from archive.is or the other archive site

4124f5 No.2025994



e32fac No.2025995


That grey plate inside the nose looks like a phased array antenna. They are used for electronically steered radar beams. Some cell phone towers use them to focus and steer signals to cell phones. They can track the moving cell user to keep the signal strong.

5989ac No.2025996

File: a40c34495459a76⋯.jpg (74.78 KB, 800x865, 160:173, RED PILLS.jpg)

File: be42e8022a9a48f⋯.jpg (16.2 KB, 309x272, 309:272, ruling.jpg)


I still see (((you)))

f71d12 No.2025997


This doesn’t even make any sense, you filthy kike.

Now go crawl back into the genetic dumpster fire you and your Bolshevik faggot friends crawled out of.

Your time in America is at its end.

8a9689 No.2025998


Ssshhh… Close your eyes.. Once upon a time, there was a shill…

5343d1 No.2025999


funny how you glowing clowns actually attack anyone who can, in a court of law, support the story.

5c028b No.2026000

File: 990d7cdcfc70510⋯.jpg (87.96 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, frank.jpg)


>I'd pick Jason > George


you faggots are out in full force tonight

anticipating something?

4124f5 No.2026001


sorry deff not prince william.. hairline doesnt even closely match

a36fa0 No.2026002


Way too skiny also.

8dccad No.2026003

File: 80bcd17fddb43b9⋯.jpg (99.03 KB, 720x900, 4:5, John-Brennan.jpg)

510992 No.2026005


We may have a winner here…

9c3300 No.2026006


too old

d08677 No.2026007

Can we trend #redwhiteandQ today?

Link back to qanon.pub or notables?

Happy Independence Day, all!

God Bless America!


510992 No.2026008

So where's 2026004??

b17ff0 No.2026009


>(3) the death was faked so that he could appear later on in the background of a GEOTUS rally.


wishful thinking does not help

caf062 No.2026010

File: e19da9b35924976⋯.jpg (59.65 KB, 632x463, 632:463, wl6.JPG)

File: e27b4436bd21095⋯.jpg (26.46 KB, 397x279, 397:279, vsdjt.JPG)


b3f470 No.2026012


I know….

5c028b No.2026013

File: d7e88289c308eb7⋯.png (555.44 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: efa671cf645564b⋯.jpg (79.51 KB, 876x731, 876:731, Selection_217.jpg)

John W Huber on immigration crimes

Hundreds Of Miles From Mexico Border, Utah Still Leads Interior States For Immigration Prosecutions

Despite Utah’s distance from the U.S.-Mexico border, federal prosecutors in the state convict more people of immigration-related crimes than any other U.S. attorney’s office in the interior of the country, according to court statistics.

Utah ranked ninth in immigration prosecutions during the first seven months of fiscal year 2018 with 125 cases filed in the U.S. District Court for Utah, according to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a Syracuse University that analyzes immigration prosecutions and other federal statistics. Most of those criminal cases involve so-called “illegal re-entry,” a previously deported immigrant who is caught back in the country without legal authority.

The Beehive State has remained in the top 10 for at least the last five years, behind border states like Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, whose caseloads number into the thousands.

“We don’t go after people who don’t deserve it. We go after criminals,” U.S. Attorney John Huber said in an interview.

Huber’s office handled close to 300 immigration cases in 2017, and has averaged more than 250 a year over the last decade, according to federal court statistics.

“Ninety percent plus of them are found in our jails,” Huber said of the cases his office pursues. “They’ve already been deported from the United States at least once, and now they’re back and they’ve committed crimes.”

Nationally, immigration prosecutions over the past year are up, but still much lower than they were five years ago.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made immigration enforcement a cornerstone of the Trump administration’s focus on violent crime. Linking immigration to crime has drawn criticism from Democrats and some academics who point to studies that show immigrants are no more prone to crime than born citizens.

The Department of Justice is hiring nearly three dozen new immigration prosecutors to bolster its efforts, with two going to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Utah.

In an April 2017 announcement, Sessions instructed the Justice Department to make criminal immigration enforcement a priority. Huber said the Department of Justice has directed U.S. attorneys to make immigration enforcement an even more concerted project and priority.

“This will enable us to get past these re-entry cases — 300 a year — so we want to get into the more serious issues of human trafficking [and] immigration-fraud issues,” he said of the new hires. “This should get us to a more indepth and higher level of analysis and investigation in Utah on immigration crime issues.”


7d0d1d No.2026015


I am ALWAYS wrong, but I like Edward so far, for the guy.

d2d1b8 No.2026016


Any idea where I can find the archives?

The HTMLs of old threads are still accessible. But shortly after they drop off the catalog the associated image files disappear.

37b9bc No.2026017

File: 09c700bcaa4fda0⋯.png (63.87 KB, 792x700, 198:175, 09c700bcaa4fda0ca134c9be87….png)


You didn't read the context; Original commenter agreed with me…

..So go eat a dick, Mr. McFail ;)

510992 No.2026018


Don't see 2026011 either. Is this an old bug I'm just noticing and all other anons already know about?

7037a5 No.2026019

File: c42e82045f6a996⋯.png (452.14 KB, 602x404, 301:202, ClipboardImage.png)


were all fucked

its the guy out of the x files

095c22 No.2026020

File: 453e1dce721ed5c⋯.png (2.22 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_3800.PNG)




What if the photo is 2-10 years old?

a36fa0 No.2026021


Having met Edward quite a few times I can assure you it isn't him.

5343d1 No.2026022

I am now 100% convinced that there are more Q Detractors here than Supporters.

Q, another migration is necessary,.

You said 1-2 was necessary….. that was 6 months ago… …

003ae9 No.2026024

It's so freaking hard trying to break through and waken liberals. They won't even consider that they are being fooled and played…

57f054 No.2026025

File: 8b1e90bdf5f3fa0⋯.png (126.81 KB, 274x196, 137:98, ClipboardImage.png)

Sign for Supreme Sauna at top of Q Pic

This part of HK definitely seems in or on the periphery of the Red Light district.


ddf537 No.2026026


Could be up to 10 years based on the vehicle shown.

8b9bf2 No.2026027

File: 2048ba8e7891101⋯.jpg (46.79 KB, 665x340, 133:68, a181ab5a-034b-4af4-bb13-b3….jpg)

Happy 4th of July you lot.


2a69ab No.2026029


Is a private intelligence company in Israel with several former Mossad entities. Their publications are interesting, but they don't provide deeper information, just summaries.

I believe these are retired agents who discovered the deepstate and operate outside of the Mossad, due to complicity.

Their image as private investigators has been challenged by several US news corps, such as MSNBC and others (under the Obama admin).

They exposed many parts of the Iran deal as fraud. I'm pretty sure they are /ourguys/


3d769f No.2026030

Supernatural season 12 episode 16 or 17 is about Molloch - goat head killer . This crap is mind numbing when you see it on tv

6aadfa No.2026031

File: a82db6aa20c9d93⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 500x181, 500:181, follow the leader.gif)



dbc9f4 No.2026036

File: 27870f5ca7ac468⋯.png (617.12 KB, 700x460, 35:23, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ea8a719a0bf08b7⋯.png (231.08 KB, 407x240, 407:240, ClipboardImage.png)


OMG, i'm still digging on news …

really weird, many articles on child abuse all over the globe…

I really think shit is about to go DOWN!!!!

latest i found .. and still digging

JAPAN !!!!

http:// www.asianews.it/news-en/The-scourge-of-child-abuse-explodes-in-Japan-44340.html

The scourge of child abuse explodes in Japan

On July 2, an NGO presented a petition with more than 100,000 signatures to demand the government fight the increase in cases. The problem of violence exploded after the death of a five-year-old girl. In the fiscal year 2016 more than 100 thousand cases were reported: one hundredfold compared to 1990. Single-parent families, the poorest in all OECD countries, are increasing. Children's centers are under-staffed.

Tokyo (AsiaNews / Agencies) – Children who are starved, subjected to physical or verbal violence, aggression and negligence: This is the worrying reality rocking Japanese society in recent months, and which has propelled an NGO to present a petition with more than 100,000 signatures to the Ministry of Health and Welfare on 2 July.

The director of the non-profit association Florence, Hiroki Komazaki, has handed over the signatures calling for greater contact between the police and social services, and that measures are taken to prevent child abuse.

The problem of violence against minors in the Land of the Rising Sun has filled Japanese media since the discovery of the small body of five year old Yua Funato in March (see photo 2). The girl died of pneumonia and malnutrition, after writing in her notebook "please forgive me". Yua was subjected to a long series of ill-treatment: her mother forced her to wake up every morning at 4 to practice writing and punished her when she was wrong, forcing her to sit for hours outside the house, on the concrete veranda of their apartment. Yua weighed eight kilos less than the children her age, and her digestive tract was full of vomit.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Health, Yua's treatment is anything but an isolated incident. In the first half of 2017, the cases of child abuse reported to the authorities reached the figure of 30,262. Between April 2015 and March 2016 (fiscal year 2016), 103,260 episodes were recorded: a hundredfold of those in 1990, when 1,101 were reported.

In part, the increase can be explained in changing social attitudes, which no longer see abuse as an exclusive private family matter. However, this is not sufficient to explain such a dizzying increase in the cases reported. There are also social reasons, including: the increase in marriages following pregnancies (often destined to a short duration), a partial increase in teenage mothers, a general increase in divorces and single-parent families (in which there is only the mother) and the high rate of poverty among these households. Between 1992 and 2016, the number of families with single mothers rose by 50%. Child poverty in single-parent families is the highest in the OECD countries: 56% against 32% of the US.

Another problem is the lack of staff in childcare centers. In 2016, the government announced that it would increase the number of "one for every 70 thousand" residents to "one in every 40 thousand". A few months before the deadline, scheduled for the end of March 2019, the target has not yet been reached.

The main form of abuse highlighted by the consultants is psychological abuse, followed by physical abuse, negligence and sexual violence. Violent parents usually refer or behave disproportionately towards children, addressing their statements as "you shouldn’t have been born into the world, " or "We would have been a happy family if it were not for you". This kind of mistreatment is difficult to identify, and it is part of an already complex social context, due to the pressure and bullying that afflict young Japanese people.

7d0d1d No.2026037


Thank you doe your analysis

5db400 No.2026038


guy in Qs drop looks a little "plumper" than William, What years were these photos from?

06539a No.2026040

File: 9ec9e88c03e4b8c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, 263d9390017ab777cbdd742b59….png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

f71d12 No.2026044



Yeah, they just won’t allow it in any court… you can’t investigate it or oppose it without damaging backlash and in 18 countries you’ll be imprisoned for questioning the Jew narrative.

There were 42,500 German camps and ghettos under “Nazi” control. Only 22 were alleged to be “death camps”. 16 of these 22 camps were opened for public investigation and ALL found to have NEVER been used as any kind of “death camp” or “gassing operations”. COHENcidentally, the remaining 6 camps (all located in “fucking BASED” Poland) were immediately closed for investigation following the investigations of the other 16, with the exception of Auschwitz, where even today you can view the “chimneys attached to nothing” that the Soviet’s built after the war to make the place look like a gassing op. Shit, even David Horowitz, a (((Jew))), proved Auschwitz to be a lie. My favorite part was when the tour guide explained how Jew bodies would be piled up at the door after being gassed. David asked, “So how’d they get the door open? Given, the door opened to the interior of the “gas chamber”… with a wooden door and a lock on the inside… Lol, please.

Go push your Kike faggotry on Cuckbook, viper. Your synagogue of Satan is not welcome here.

ae005d No.2026045

Rani or picnic day?


528552 No.2026046

File: f1fe6aaf9fd63ad⋯.jpeg (88.64 KB, 627x580, 627:580, ugly sow.jpeg)


Look at this swamp sow.

She is the fourth female justice in the Court's history and the eighth Jewish justice, making three of the nine current justices Jewish.

7d0d1d No.2026047



sorry it's dark in here

c49d18 No.2026048

File: 5ca834297f02739⋯.png (337.66 KB, 662x341, 662:341, Roddy-Piper-invasion-los-a….png)

b9c9e1 No.2026049


William's shirts are tailored. This shirt is not. This isn't something that would change.

510992 No.2026050


I think I figured it out. It's other people posting in other things in qresearch…

4124f5 No.2026055


less than 1 min analasys… questionable… possible, but i think nose doesnt match…

5f29b8 No.2026058

dbc9f4 No.2026060




you guys seen this???

f71d12 No.2026063


Ban Israeli immigration? It’s genius…

5c028b No.2026065


>Imagine if a travel ban targeted Israelis



b3f470 No.2026066


What about it?

4124f5 No.2026067


distance between followed and followers indicates trust… interesting obv thpough, maybe were IDing wrong guy… thx for input.

37b9bc No.2026069


We have nothing until a tripcode confirms it.

510992 No.2026071


Def gotta ban dual citizenships…

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