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File: f1711524dc6d851⋯.jpg (8.71 KB, 255x143, 255:143, GENERAL.QresearchGeneral.jpg)

e44cbe No.2023709

Welcome To Q Research General

"We will no longer surrender this country or its people to the false song of globalism. The nation-state remains the true foundation for happiness and harmony. I am skeptical of international unions that tie us up and bring America down." –President Donald J. Trump



Welcome to Q Research (README FIRST) https://8ch.net/qresearch/welcome.html

Our Best of the Best Q Proof Bread >>1552095 SEE FOR YOURSELF

Discussion and Refinement bread for our Best Q Proofs Sticky >>1739215

100+ Q Proof Graphics download qproofs.com

Q Plan to Save the World - Video introduction to the Q plan - https://youtu.be/6cYZ8dUgPuU

Q's Latest Posts

Q's Private Board >>>/patriotsfight/ | Qs Tripcode: Q !CbboFOtcZs

Tuesday 07.03.18

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

>>2021248 rt >>2020544, >>2019832, >>2019981 Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2018075 ---------------------------------------------------- Divide they try. Fail they will.

>>2017327 ---------------------------------------------------- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

>>2014318 ---------------------------------------------------- Add another to the list

>>2014158 rt >>2013625 --------------------------------- Matters of National Security

>>2012087 ---------------------------------------------------- The SWAMP is being DRAINED

>>2011888 rt >>2011499 ---------------------------------- Think NATIONAL SECURITY

>>2008390 ---------------------------------------------------- What happened to Stormy?

>>2008327 ---------------------------------------------------- Crumb #1238

>>2007973 rt >>2007869, >>2007911 ---------------- /patriotsfight/77

>>2007911 rt >>2007869 --------------------------------- The intelligence was passed through unofficial means

>>2007869 ---------------------------------------------------- We have the server

Sunday 07.01.18

>>1992408 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you, Ben

>>1991829 ---------------------------------------------------- There will be no civil war

>>1991107 ---------------------------------------------------- Thank you USSS

>>1987414 ---------------------------------------------------- https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2018/jul/1/us-really-did-have-manchurian-candidate-white-hous/

>>1986553 rt >>1986489 --------------------------------- Think stages. What role can MIL INTEL play? What role can NSA play? BANG!

>>1986443 rt >>1986153 --------------------------------- Ask yourself & the more you know

>>1986153 rt >>1986043 --------------------------------- Ask yourself - who is filing the indictments? Who has that kind of manpower?

>>1986043 ---------------------------------------------------- Nothing being done?

>>1984605 ---------------------------------------------------- Do you feel the emotion/anger this writer has? They are scared of you ( https://archive.is/yAyDg & https://archive.is/bKS9t )

>>1983801 rt >>1983724 --------------------------------- Make no mistake- Rep Gowdy is a Patriot

>>1983724 rt >>1983663 --------------------------------- Being on the list does not equate to receiving the nomination

>>1983678 rt >>1983633 --------------------------------- You save what you do need

>>1983636 ---------------------------------------------------- What a coincidence

>>1983529 ---------------------------------------------------- #GoodbyeDemocrats

>>1983481 ---------------------------------------------------- Antifacist logos

Previous Q Posts

Backup Q Posts (those still on the board) at https://8ch.net/qresearch/qposts.html or >>>/comms/226

Find All Q Posts At: qmap.pub/ qanonmap.bitbucket.io/ qanon.pub

If qanonmap ever goes down, the mirrors are: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io

* Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/edit?usp=sharing

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

Dealing with Clowns & Shills

>>1957621 How To Quickly Spot A Clown ; >>1838738 Freedom of Speech

Post last edited at

e44cbe No.2023714


are not endorsements


>>2015802 QAnon.pub update: Results of timezone vote

>>1976280, >>1976496 BO: There has been a unanimous decision to remove the BV (M_knZhVGT)

>>1976282 BV on whitewashing of notables Retracted >>1979400

>>1964963 BO confirms: Link to QAnon.pub or QProofs.com, NOT HERE

>>1999458 A Few Things Have Become Evident


>>2023088 Scott Schools “The Most Important Unknown Person in D.C.”

>>2022978, >>2022983, >>2023000, >>2023128 Anons discuss enlarged pic of dude in recent Qcrumb

>>2023014, >>2023117 Last int'l flight for United 747 10/29/2017- one day after Q began posting.


>>2022438 AF1 side by side

>>2022478 >>2022587 Q's pic and stock pic are different

>>2022324 FBI, Sec, Justice Dept fed probe into FB

>>2021758 News stay silent on the arrest of Former Malaysian PM Najib and deflect with news about the rescue of a Youth soccer team

>>2022636 Awan worked for DWS until July 25, 2017

>>2022224 Massive Projection alert: POTUS depicted as a clown

>>2022383 Steven Wasserman is still an AUSA in DC


>>2022324 FBI, Sec, Justice Dept fed probe into FB

>>2021758 News stay silent on the arrest of Former Malaysian PM Najib and deflect with news about the rescue of a Youth soccer team

>>2021388 Hope Hicks Back Around?


>>2021146 Incumbent Republican state representative drops out of election in surprise announcement

>>2020796, >>2020839 BlipBillboards for $10 - $50 a day (Get Yours Now Anons if You can Afford to)

>>2020742 From Awan plea "This Agreement does not bind the Civil Division of this Office or any other United States Attomey's Office"

>>2020686 Beautiful Patriotic Meme, WWG1WGA

>>2020627 Trump Reverses Obama-Era Policies On Affirmative Action


>>2020198 PlaneFag Updates

>>2020138 Anon recreates Q post

>>2020067 David Margolis 187'd (ARKANCIDE) perhaps?

>>2020058 Second Philippine mayor shot dead in cold blood in two days

>>2019990 EPA Boss Scott Pruitt Harrassed at Restaurant (Video)

>>2019812 Mexico’s ambassador makes a surprising statement about immigration to the U.S.


>>2019024 Awan Plea Agreement (Enjoy the show)

>>2019060 Tina Turner's firstborn, Craig Turner: suicide

>>2019079 Nice anon rundown of Awan, VJ, Human and the MB

>>2019176 POTUS tweet about July 4th. God Bless you Sir.

>>2019200 https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w [This almost can't get reposted enough]

>>2019410 US And Israel Form "Working Group" To Overthrow Iran Government

>>2019528 Palestinians protest Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’


>>2018393 Amazing Timeline of Awan/DNC!!!

>>2018579 POTUS statement on ICE - We stand by your side.

>>2018601 , >>2018674 Qanonproofs.com added to the dough

>>2018641 Bono is scared on behalf of the deepstate

>>2018727 Awan memo server vanished

>>2018730 Top DOJ official to resign, D.A.G. Scott Schools

>>2018732 Name something comey didn't turn a blind eye to.

>>2018551 Peter Strzok Has Been Subpoenaed to Testify PUBLICLY Before Congress Next Tuesday

>>2018908 Reminder to stay together frenz


>>2018098 , >>2018303 Sequence is important.

>>2018329 WH attacking OmamaCare

>>2018352 UN Report Fake News - Used data during BHO's reign

>>2018361, >>2018412 HRC and Apple Power Mac servers


>>2017529 , >>2017558 , >>2017599 , >>2017830 , >>2018020 Confirmed New Q Pic from inside AF1, flipped horizontally

>>2017598 Fox piece on Awan's guilty plea for bank fraud.

>>2017750 ICE Busts huge human trafficking ring in Cali

>>2017793 Tatiana Martins [Soros agent] - Resignation

>>2017914 Trumps Address ending song trolls the deep state everytime

>>2017918 Ecuador Judge orders arrest of ex-president Rafael Correa

>>2018004 AF1 Pic of the day POTUS_Schedule


>>2016664 Paddocks' brothers CP Charges dropped

>>2016740 , >>2016866 , >>2016948 Awan case is a show, "How do you legally..."

>>2016741 LV man sentenced for CP collection

>>2016765 New DNC chairman Ocasio-Cortez

>>2016888 Side by side, Trump confirming we have the server?

>>2016965 Reporters dropping like flies for lying

>>2016982 Jeff Sessions Rescinds 24 Guidance documents


>>2016494 POTUS calls out the WP and "anonymous sources"

>>2016283 , >>2016367 , >>2016456 , >>2016488 POTUS Tweet: A message from POTUS to us?

>>2016314 Top Secret Doc that formalized 'special relationship' between the UK/US

>>2016261 Jim Jordan coincidence?

>>2016160 , >>2016119 43 eyes, 43 Q-map connections

>>2016130 Chicago Man Convicted of Providing Material Support to Terrorists

>>2015939 40% off all Official Trump Gear - 4th July Offer (DJT.com)

>>2015914 Sheriff Scott Israel to be removed next week

>>2015917 , >>2015926 Hussein as satan: Evidence the photo is not shopped

>>2015902 , >>2015657 DWS has aged

Best Of Bread https://8ch.net/qresearch/notables.html

Archive of Notables >>>/comms/225 (Batch 740~ present)

Post last edited at

e44cbe No.2023715

War Room

WHO IS #QAnon TWEETSTORM ON NOW. FIRE THE CANNONS >>1960133 , >>1960135, >>1960203

#WalkAway Redpill the patriots trapped under the dark delusion of neoliberalism see THE LIGHT of patriotism and conservatism

Tweet Storm: THE WAVE: hit them with everything you got! THINK MOAB BABY!

[1] #QAnon ON EVERY twat/reply/quote/post: This is how newbies & normies can find our twats'

[2] Throw in ANY EXTRA hashtags you want! Trending: #FakeNews, #MOAB #InternetBillOfRights #IBOR #MAGA, #Treason WHATEVER YOU WANT!

[3] Meme and Meme and Meme some MOAR! Your memes are what's waking up the normies.

Hit them hard, from all angles, with every meme you have, RT others tweets. KEEP GOING!

Be your own tweet storm army.

Useful twat hints on war room info graphs


Best Times to TWEET:


Wanna (re)tweet FASSSSSSST? Use TWEETDECK.com on laptop or PC

Anon Research Tools

>>974637 How to archive a website offline

Threads & Research Section

>>1552095 -- Q Proofs Thread - Proofs of Q's Validity

>>1254488 -- QBoard Questions (testing/ questions about how to post/italic/bold/etc)

>>1121104 -- Q Questions Thread (post your Questions to Q here!)

>>143179 --- META

>>494745 --- Quest for Searchability

>>1215912 -- Letters of Gratitude II

>>198093 --- Q Memed/Newsweak/GreatAwakening

>>870846 --- The Letter Q

>>1606439 -- Notable Resignations Thread

>>32223 ----- Qs Chess Game

>>256741 --- Alien, UFO, Advanced/Hidden Technology, Antigravity, DUMBs, etc.

>>1420554 -- Biblefags vs Unleavened Bread #2

>>618758 --- Merkel research thread

>>1796608 -- Human Sex Trafficking

>>911014 --- Occult Music and Pop Culture

>>957083 --- No Name Research Thread

>>1286065 -- Find The Key Dig

>>1310117 -- For anons who wish to learn about self-sufficiency and for those who have information to share

>>1579221 -- Clockwork Qrange

>>1689200 -- Twitter watcher #3 (@BackChannel17, @TheRealCheshCat, @TrustfulAlice, @Hatterliveshere, @UK_Revolution17)

>>1940204 -- Nimrod World Order Research Thread

>>1844122 -- A Place to Ponder Questions for the upcoming Q & A

>>2006252 -- The 'BE HEARD' Project Thread: A huge choice of graphics and ideas for creating your own Q materials

Q Graphics all in GMT

Q Graphics all in GMT #01-#05 >>>/comms/486 , >>>/comms/487 , >>>/comms/488

Q Graphics all in GMT #06-#10 >>>/comms/488 , >>>/comms/489 , >>>/comms/490

Q Graphics all in GMT #11-#15 >>>/comms/491 , >>>/comms/545 , >>>/comms/950

Q Graphics all in GMT #16-#20 >>>/comms/951 , >>>/comms/952 , >>>/comms/953 , >>>/comms/987 , >>>/comms/1103

Q Graphics all in GMT #21-#25 >>>/comms/1119 , >>>/comms/1156 , >>>/comms/1286 , >>>/comms/1288 , >>>/comms/1303

Q Graphics all in GMT #26-#30 >>>/comms/1307 , >>>/comms/1462 , >>>/comms/1466, >>>/comms/1489, >>1991403

Q Graphics all in EST

Most recent compilation ————————————————————————— >>>/comms/1269

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-14_patriotsfight/80-81-82 ————————-—————– >>>/comms/1189

Qmap_graphic_2018-05-04_patriotsfight/TRIPUPDATE/58 + full thread captures >>>/comms/1194

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-21_2018-04-22)_Earth Day_.jpg ——————————– >>>/comms/968

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-17_2018-04-21_They think they are clever).jpg ———— >>>/comms/967

Qmap_graphic_2018-04-10_2018-04-16_TheWHERE-TheWHY).jpg ———-——– >>>/comms/966

0dbdad No.2023717

File: 4945edbabbdad02⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 720x405, 16:9, lead_720_405.jpg)

e44cbe No.2023718

QPosts Archives in All Formats

* Spreadsheet Q&A and all images backup: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g/

* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

* QPosts Archive and More at qmap.pub features All Q Posts/ Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts (top tags, players, posts per month)/ All Resignations: http://www.resignation.info >>1606439

* Searchable, interactive archive with user-explanations: qanon.pub (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub & qanonmap.bitbucket.io)

* QMap PDF (Version > 9.5.0 [updated 6/25]) >>122807

* QAnonProofs.com

* Q Proofs https://www.qproofs.com/home.html

* Q Raw Text Dump: pastebin.com/3YwyKxJE

* Expanded Q Text Drops: pastebin.com/dfWVpBbY

* QMap zip: enigma-q.com/qmap.zip

* Full JSON Q archive: qanon.news/Archives (~135MB/~817MB Unzipped) [Updated: 4/20/2018]

* Search by post number: http://qanon.news/posts.html for printing crumbs, sorted by timestamp

* https://commandandcontrol.center/ aggregation of twitter feeds, Qanon.pub, meme making/archiving/research tools

* Pavuk Systems Q Database: https://www.pavuk.com;user:pass = qanon:qanon

* Independent Q archive resource: irc.qclearancearchive.net > browsable versions of /thegreatawakening/ from before the purge http://irc.qclearancearchive.net/02.%20QMaps/Q%27s%20posts%20-%20CBTS%20-%208.14.0.pdf

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

* API Q posts: http://qanon.news/help

*Book of Q Proofs https://mega.nz/#F!afISyCoY!6N1lY_fcYFOz4OQpT82p2w

Tweet Tools

* Deleted Trump Tweets: https://factba.se/topic/deleted-tweets

* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com

* Merge QT - Awesome archive of Q Posts and POTUS Tweets in Chronological order: https://anonsw.github.io/qtmerge/

* All My Tweets: Archive/Scan any Twatter account in text form: https://www.allmytweets.net/

Other Tools

* Q Happenings Calendar of 2018: https://mega.nz/#F!KPQiBJiY!dK3XRe4RYoXgWq_85u4-yg

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

* Redpill Flag / Printable Q Cards with QR Link: >>1556905

* Stock Movement Scraper: http://qest.us (for seeing LARGE movements of $)

* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Legal News: www.justice.gov/usao/pressreleases

* WebAlert App: can be used to create alerts for Qanon.pub

* Federal Procurement Data System: https://www.fpds.gov/fpdsng_cms/index.php/en/

* Sealed Indictment Master: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kVQwX9l9HJ5F76x05ic_YnU_Z5yiVS96LbzAOP66EzA/edit#gid=1525422677

Research Section Backup >>>/comms/220 (updated 5.5.18)

* Behold A Pale Horse: >>>/pdfs/6157

Q Research Graphics Library


22,500+ memes and infographs, keyword searchable, partially organized by topic

Advanced Graphics

>>1842783 Advanced Graphics, Proofs, Maps, Side-by-Sides, Good Memes

Meme Ammo Stockpiles

25, >>1963080, 24 >>1745576, Templates >>113884

Meme Generator kek.gg/draw/


MasterArchivist ———————— qarchives.ml | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MasterArchivist – main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled) — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2AzhZKh2PjL7L7GVPN42Em0hZXKWMdhGnj59ZQ3YcQ/

Germanarchiveanon —————— https://mega.nz/#F!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvwa

QAnon.news anon ——————— http://qanon.news/Archive (~260MB/~1.5GB Unzipped) [Updated: 6/08/2018]

Learn To Bake!

Aspiring Bakers Report To Class and/or >>>/comms/154

Read the Simple Instructions https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

How to bake Q-bread >>1989536, Baking Tips >>1989634

a12db2 No.2023720

Throw us a bone Q! Is the dude in a disguise??

39acb8 No.2023721

File: 91609305e6e6e3c⋯.png (439.13 KB, 440x796, 110:199, 1680c.png)

File: 9e324d5c7378099⋯.jpg (38.54 KB, 306x486, 17:27, 1680y.jpg)

File: aff31ec865ec897⋯.jpg (186.34 KB, 1365x2048, 1365:2048, 1680z.jpg)

f67c51 No.2023722

The older brother of former British prime minister Tony Blair has been appointed as a deputy judge at Hong Kong’s High Court for two months, handling commercial legal disputes.

b58d63 No.2023723

File: a023e322ff2f41f⋯.png (241.59 KB, 290x438, 145:219, person of interest.png)

f245cd No.2023725

Q actually thinks "qproofs" are important? FUCK OFF!




39d530 No.2023726


>We're here for this, retard.


d8b5b7 No.2023727

File: d77220058647d01⋯.jpeg (10.55 KB, 220x309, 220:309, 9AA2D4E6-2DD4-4707-9E08-A….jpeg)

Ben Rhodes?

866706 No.2023728

File: 82ed7b5a370e125⋯.jpg (134.35 KB, 960x660, 16:11, IMG_3700.JPG)

Thank You BakerAnon!

139f29 No.2023729

File: d55f5557876bd75⋯.jpeg (87.41 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 400297AD-4859-4982-AF6B-7….jpeg)

b58d63 No.2023730


lol how body blind do you have to be to think these are the same people?

dude, just look at the torso. william is a stick compared to this guy

3449a9 No.2023731

Has anyone identified Seth Rich in that Hong Kong photo yet?

We know that HK is a place where people go to hide

Like @Snowden did

9a819d No.2023732


Pretty sure it’s ES

Looks like he is balding

5eb401 No.2023734

File: ba0ad921bb42ef7⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1577, 1242:1577, 72C58DEB-FD71-4E57-BD09-6….jpeg)

File: a6cf055f5ade869⋯.jpeg (876.83 KB, 1242x1321, 1242:1321, 7AFCB4ED-B2F2-4B88-95C8-6….jpeg)

File: be5ab81e1327e9c⋯.jpeg (600.87 KB, 1177x1192, 1177:1192, E1CC97C2-2042-48D1-9943-0….jpeg)

File: 0e2b3025f0ca2d6⋯.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1242x1639, 1242:1639, 33EECBA3-42A0-47A2-915B-C….jpeg)


Could be or could be window shot

e16548 No.2023735


He'd be swamped by Brit clowns

39acb8 No.2023736



c4821b No.2023739


On target.

"Compelling = leaves absolutely no doubt in people's minds when they see it. Overwhelming.

Sufficient to overcome preexisting beliefs about various people and what they would or would not do.

Sufficient to overcome MSM conditioning and all other forms of conditioned thought.


39b99a No.2023740




Wow, you sound really tough. You really mean what you're saying. You sure showed them.

1a3f01 No.2023741

File: 90cf20d7e973fee⋯.png (358.26 KB, 505x280, 101:56, ClipboardImage.png)

Meyssan: What Donald Trump Is Preparing




b58d63 No.2023742


so schools just magically grew his hair back on the top of his head?

289d62 No.2023744

File: 381163353f8baa5⋯.jpg (99.91 KB, 581x602, 83:86, 381163353f8baa54f503ff2a9e….jpg)

Stay on target anons, weigh options, rule out the odds. Fuck the shills.

28abf7 No.2023745

>>2023699 (LB)

Dear God. Can anyone on this board in all these months just answer a damn question?

Just one time? Fuck sake it just gets old.

39b99a No.2023746



Calm down for fuck's sake. It's clearly Tobias Funke.

f67c51 No.2023749

20th anniversary of HK handover was last year. Tony Blair in attendance.


c1fe5a No.2023751

File: 524bc46f9c9c5ff⋯.jpg (108.16 KB, 564x705, 4:5, 30a698f79cb2c0d4f07ad40b53….jpg)

Thanks homie-Baker

6f8ada No.2023752

>>2023579 (last bread)

Feels weird to me..

This is the most pessimistic and skeptical place on the internet... but yet anons are calling for blind belief/faith?

Something doesn't seem right. Too many newfags?

dbea64 No.2023753

Why are you obsessing over this photo? QLarp just got it off some other site like he did with the AF1 pic.

It's over. You know it's over.

1d8f07 No.2023754


dam good dig anon !!

80ac4c No.2023756

File: 20fc19342812892⋯.jpg (18.81 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7103037feec4ba6a8be60850a0….jpg)

9fdf8b No.2023757

Any thoughts on "T3902" in the filename?


73d223 No.2023758

Two breads baker. Both are you. Which one are you posting on now?

564ad7 No.2023759

>>2023704 (last bread)



Ben Rhodes is highly possible!

Thank you baker!

e3bed6 No.2023760


I thought so too….no security though?

28abf7 No.2023762


We just hive minded!

On "Fuck's Sake"

It has begun!

0dbdad No.2023763

File: ffe84b999469d73⋯.jpeg (5.09 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images (1).jpeg)

aaf255 No.2023764

File: fe5429636e03cf7⋯.png (7.79 MB, 1883x952, 269:136, 2.png)

Largest I could make this without loss.

d06ff5 No.2023765

Happy 4th of July!

Kane G 17


AG Sessions 17

010817 No.2023767

It's a Rothschild in that HK pic.

Dudes gait and vibe screams 'Banker'!

4f23fc No.2023768

File: 456a30ea4fdaae9⋯.jpg (36.05 KB, 268x310, 134:155, 456a30ea4fdaae9e2fb056e89c….jpg)

File: b68adf5ad066c2f⋯.jpeg (100.61 KB, 640x713, 640:713, b68adf5ad066c2f507eef8d12….jpeg)

File: 908362eb6a6680d⋯.png (54.84 KB, 491x436, 491:436, 908362eb6a6680d11b9ce50945….png)

2648e5 No.2023769

so the pic of the lamp, I'm thinking in order to get the pic it wouldve been take from the Presidents chair, someone facing him was holding the iPhone and reflecting the lamp behind POTUS. Therefore POTUS would be taking the pic?

8926d5 No.2023770

File: 7d8b334cebf6f74⋯.png (155.32 KB, 633x356, 633:356, Screenshot 2018-07-03 at 1….png)

18508e No.2023771


Wake up, Did I post, THAT'S HIM OMGGGG!!!!

"Looks like him."

It looks like him, my opinion, not stated as fact.

2f16fd No.2023772


> encouraging violence

kys shill

046a04 No.2023773

File: 1352d128a0935d3⋯.png (111.73 KB, 886x273, 886:273, ClipboardImage.png)

Didn't jot the last post ID down but this is interesting for sure. 7/1 first run through of Operation "Castle Dove" = how they will handle the passing of her death.

5eb401 No.2023774


Responding to another anon, anon. Unwad your panties and expand your thinking.

c1fe5a No.2023777

File: 1f495caf5ce075e⋯.jpg (28.99 KB, 430x322, 215:161, 4798544.jpg)



I KNEW Muh Dick was in rotation after (pic related)

f48446 No.2023778

The pic Q posted of AF1 and that gay ass picture you guys found from 2015 ARE TWO DIFFERENT PICTURES.

look at the curtain folds.

You guys sucked at the "spot the difference" games.

This shit jumps out at me.

( You guys realize that this plane goes up and lands right? So all these lamps and crap is most likely fascened to the furniture…either way)

Look at the curtains , jackasses.

1a3f01 No.2023779

File: 3508cff478b00c3⋯.png (980.65 KB, 999x540, 37:20, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fb540b13620ef6⋯.png (215.34 KB, 693x799, 693:799, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a00a5812f312bd8⋯.png (186.21 KB, 707x363, 707:363, ClipboardImage.png)

Ankara Issues Special Decree Transferring Some New Powers to Erdogan - Reports


efc85d No.2023780

File: dd8772f74e74133⋯.jpg (164.37 KB, 525x684, 175:228, _vpemjkc7jnh.jpg)

Missing Qpost from #2551

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 --------------------------------- Who do you see?

>>2022584 --------------------------------------------------- Plane Through Blinds (subject to change)

>>2022398 rt >>2022233 --------------------------------- Trolling is Fun. Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

Tbh, this anon is confused tonight aswell..

I got several questions, cba repeating them tho. Hope the above helps anyway.. .

Good luck anons

b3ade8 No.2023781

File: 43f6c2714424406⋯.jpeg (372.64 KB, 2048x996, 512:249, Original.jpeg)






Need to take a class in Photoshop.

Perspective does not change in a 2d image when stretched or blurred. The lamp would not move it would only be distorted.

These are two pics shot from nearly the same angle, but not the same pic. I would be the first to call fake if this wasn't the case.

I was the one that tracked down a video of the lady

who shot the pic in Fargo trying to proof Q was a larp. But as of yet I can find no proof either way. The proof I've seen on both sides have been people seeing what they want to see based on their own bias.

If somebody has "REAL" proof either way, I would like to see it.

d8fc3f No.2023782


Agreed with all of this, Anons are so freaking smart at these, got the stock image in no time, and I admire the work as always.

Only thing that bugs me, and would not if Q had left it there (to tell us not to believe anyting, think for ourself, do not blindly follow)

But Q doubled down saying it's a real picture, it'S just that it is the same setup as before

''Trolling is fun.

Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

(World) news in rear literally placed same prior to each departure.

Placing that mug holder near the lamp was the hook.



While it is pretty clear it is the same stock picture.

We are (or I) missing something,

a89027 No.2023783

shot is taken from middle of the road

this pic was taken from a car or walking cross the next crosswalk over from the viewed people. about shoulder height from the ground

840408 No.2023784


Whats your question.

ccb3b3 No.2023785


Is that John Podesta in the pink shirt on the left?

a50c5f No.2023786

>>2023723 Why is no one concerned about who is in the background?

564ad7 No.2023787


>>2022737 rt >>202258 ——————————— Who do you see?

gotta add this too baker

I'll grad #2551 notables

08c75f No.2023788


No way this asshole walks the streets of an Asian city (or any other city) by himself.

It's not William.

c4821b No.2023789


We had this issue last bread. BO, check the fucked (((ebake))) #2552. That one's wordings are familiar and glow hard and was sliding the next bread.

The entire photo muh Q is larp team is here. Working all angles.

26f787 No.2023790

File: a14a03f3107016f⋯.png (550.51 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Screenshot_20180703-221458.png)

>>2023498 (lb)

Praise KEK!

aaf255 No.2023791

39d530 No.2023792

File: c4472dce76d6e77⋯.png (168.65 KB, 363x297, 11:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Calm down for fuck's sake. It's clearly Tobias Funke.

Nope, I found him (pic related)

And you fuckers are still guessing!


80ac4c No.2023793


he was lonely. brother getting all the attention again.

8be811 No.2023794

File: d4c7b314ef054b6⋯.jpg (10.4 KB, 344x146, 172:73, Crater.jpg)

>>2023418 (lb)

> I hope his trial lasts a year and ends with him getting the death sentence.

And his "presidential library" looks like this.

Pic related.

de96d1 No.2023795

>>2023704 (lb)

>Ben Rhodes

Maybe if he used peroxide in his hair...guy has redish brown hair, none apparent on top, possibly no ears, in Hong Kong, likely 6'-6'2".

William's hair color is a good match but forehead not so sure.

139f29 No.2023796


And your question is?

8456f6 No.2023797

File: 223a3ba3e68d8c8⋯.png (942.87 KB, 720x945, 16:21, AliceHK.png)

File: 5e5b3c2305a41e5⋯.png (843.7 KB, 720x801, 80:89, 1111.png)

Street view of the kindergarten. Alizes adventure in tongue-da-land? Creepy. No coincidences.

b58d63 No.2023798


looks like your average chink in HK, you ever been there? people walk in the streets like this everywhere.

ccb3b3 No.2023799


The photo was very obviously taken from inside of a vehicle, look at the top

08c75f No.2023800


Tim is a funny bastard.

Hope he's enjoying Asia.

d195d8 No.2023801


ANYBODY in Hong Kong would know him, prolly kill him….

cee648 No.2023802

Damnit Anons! Q is always telling us:


Ask yourself, is this a Q Proof, or a Q Message?

If a Q Proof, why would it be so fucking weak and ambiguous? That stock photo HAD to be known. I simply searched "Air Force One President's Desk" and it was the #1 result on duckduckgo.

Q HAD TO KNOW we would find that stock photo… Q is not stupid… so all of you thinking Q just created his photo from the stock photo thinking he could pull the wool over our eyes, y'all are fucking dumb.

I'm almost certain this is not a Q Proof. A Q Proof at THIS stage would have to be FAR more clear and convincing. Besides, on June 15th, he said:

Marine One proofs forthcoming.

AF1 (inside) thereafter.

WE HAVE NOT YET SEEN MARINE ONE PROOFS! This means the AF1 (inside) proofs are not yet "next in line" to be seen… we have to see the Marine One proofs FIRST before he will do the AF1 proofs.

Ergo: This is not a proof at all, but a message!

So, let's make some observations about the content of the images.

1) Flipped

2) Mirrored

3) Apple

4) Air Force One (implies presidential access)

These are my first few observations…

As a few other anons have pointed out… this could mean that Apple has "Flipped", or "Apple has been flipped by the president"…

All sorts of hidden meanings here.

Now, before I'm called a shill…

Q relies on us to be LOGICAL and apply weaopnized autism to whatever he throws at us.

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear." - Thomas Jefferson

I would rather question everything Q gives us… knowing he WELCOMES it and EXPECTS it… because it is through that questioning we break through the OBVIOUS and see the HIDDEN… and that's what Q wants us to find!

So yeah… anyone calling me a shill for questioning Q? You're the actual shill… because you're discouraging people from doing the job Q needs us to do.

f2b63b No.2023804


Push for their bs dreams..

258e22 No.2023805

File: 0adffd26d76ef54⋯.jpg (73.35 KB, 640x480, 4:3, laughsinMOAB.jpg)

>>2023684 (lb)

Precisely anon, a conversational approach as opposed to a confrontational approach. IF they're trying to spark thought, go with it. If they're trying to provoke emotion, ignore it, or have fun with it. Shills are likely not enjoying this as much as we are, that alone puts a mile on my face, pic related

>>2023711 (lb)

shit, Poe's Law, missed it. Still meant what I said KEK pic related




ce9a27 No.2023806

Baker, missing this Q post in the bread



Who do you see?


8e6c5d No.2023807

File: 26b622fd1e78824⋯.png (1.47 MB, 946x925, 946:925, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bba309c89a953ac⋯.png (823.42 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons need help!!!!!

Posting from Jan 2017

8159ef No.2023808


My best guess is Susan Rice.

010817 No.2023809


Dude has some refined upbringing based on how he carries himself. Clearly a desk jockey, not in great shape…poor posture.

Smells like a 'Banker'…or finance-type.

My bet's on a Rothschild.

38e16e No.2023810


all these whippersnappers are still looking for dick and other brother dick.

dbea64 No.2023811

Hey, how's Awan doing in gitmo?

Oh, right, he's not in gitmo. He's making a deal that has nothing to do with what qlarp said.

21a12c No.2023812

recent i was a victim posts move me. i have one dead son, and youngst enlisted in USMC. The Evil that has balled itself into our government, looks like water mocassions mating. a Ball of Evil. so, me too…doesnt work here, its already been done by the evil that took advantage of Dchristian Charity, and used it to make money, and dominate the world. yeah…i feel your mislaigned. but you are added to a heap of bodies. Sir>

434580 No.2023813

>"Think mirror"


>Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

Maybe "the server" is mirrored somewhere?

Hence Q giving us (possible) a copy of a photo and not an original. YES???

ac0fb4 No.2023814



whoever it is, not very tall

compare to the minivan and the old dude (SE Asian, pretty short in average)

How tall is the prince?

6f8ada No.2023815


Ironically AFLB did predict this shit would start happening again after he got the boot….

I miss the shill free easy bakes..

95cf90 No.2023816


Agree, also William is taller.

7cf1e6 No.2023817

File: 1e397b5da389047⋯.jpg (43.52 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)



818a61 No.2023818


That's Tim Conway.

b58d63 No.2023819

File: 136f68a8457b5e1⋯.jpg (57.8 KB, 672x670, 336:335, oh yeah.JPG)


good post, newfags pls read twice and memorize

73d223 No.2023820


Wasn't a shill. Just baked too quickly during a panic. CB has the dough now, it's all good.

dbea64 No.2023821


being this desperate

28abf7 No.2023822

File: 82641092324f081⋯.jpg (5.29 KB, 255x159, 85:53, wtf1.jpg)


My question is what is this? Did you post it?

Did you say this is what will put 99% in hospital? What is it?

38dacd No.2023823

e85f66 No.2023824

File: 1f21a0da5d947e3⋯.png (104.48 KB, 440x395, 88:79, Studio_20180703_232057.png)

1a3f01 No.2023825


I always remember his son selling ISIS oil making billions for 5 years.


c4821b No.2023826


Too young to be jacob…nathaniel? david?

We know not all roths are exposed.

Agreed on the roth angle.

872595 No.2023827

File: 219218f8b87a0f4⋯.jpeg (7.42 KB, 96x157, 96:157, 2E35EAB8-826F-471E-ABFB-4….jpeg)

Tom Steyer??

86451c No.2023828

File: 4d82048c2bb7fea⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1194x808, 597:404, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

Looks like Jeh Johnson to me

f2b63b No.2023829


he's hitler 2.0

4c3931 No.2023830

File: 0ea296ab99ced13⋯.png (47.75 KB, 719x659, 719:659, 1530658041487.png)

a24597 No.2023831

>>2023649 (lb)

Come to Canada, Julian. Maybe you know what happened to Trudeau's brother... I don't think it was just a "skiing accident."

d8fc3f No.2023832

>>2023802 Anon offers some critical thinking to the Q stock photo free-for-all


197e70 No.2023833

File: ade2fbd2f2c8974⋯.png (217.41 KB, 992x636, 248:159, pepe9.PNG)



4b0a10 No.2023834


Hope Hicks

f25d8c No.2023835


it's a restaurant

there's a FB page

c9a81c No.2023836

File: b7477b4c6b0a5f8⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1494x1119, 498:373, SHAMBALA TRAINING WAS NICE.jpg)

Seems late enough for this.

I didn't think I was going to be able to tap into it without DMT again.

It went much better this time.

f3d20c No.2023837

File: 0313c79a92d8a37⋯.png (83.88 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, 1 stay on target.png)

Ignoring the shills, anons.

WTF is William doing in HK?

6f8ada No.2023838


I said the same thing man…

Too many newfags around IMO.

Should lurk moar.

aa881e No.2023839


obama? Michael or barak

28df53 No.2023840

File: 9f4b6430013f674⋯.png (493.18 KB, 528x449, 528:449, jeh.PNG)


Jeh Johnson, so so

458620 No.2023841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>2023484 (lb)

5a1aa7 No.2023842


Think this may be important, though not sure exactly how yet.


Glencorp is Mark Rich's company

Mark Rich's assets were eventually taken over by Oleg Deripaska

Deripaska was in contact with Christopher Steele, Adam Waldman

Deripaska worked with FBI on Iran rescue

Glencorp cut ties with Deripaska back in April after US hit him with sanctions

Why does Deripaska keep showing up?

What was his role?

39d530 No.2023843


>Hope he's enjoying Asia.


>That's Tim Conway.

YOU, Anon, you win the fucking bucket of popcorn tonight! roflmfao

8e6c5d No.2023844


So is Q pic older

d1f5dd No.2023845

File: 164c8e36af405fb⋯.jpg (77.12 KB, 950x534, 475:267, https_//blueprint-api-prod….jpg)


same shoes

bc3a34 No.2023846

File: 0267edae5cd91f1⋯.jpg (382.62 KB, 1988x1016, 497:254, Untitled-2.jpg)


>Where must one be located in order to obtain a reflection on the back of a phone of that image?

>Image provided here has been distorted (stretched).

fef6b1 No.2023847


Q's image isn't that stock photo been proven

- fuck off and shill somewhere else

6dc0a4 No.2023848


We feel your pain, anon.

b58d63 No.2023849


looks like your a couple blocks down, the tower in the top middle right looks closer perspective wise from Q's photo.

046a04 No.2023850


Tim Conway is 5'6. Nice Try

3ee130 No.2023851

File: e10864cf0ae73f3⋯.jpg (18.35 KB, 439x290, 439:290, ac9.jpg)



How long will it take for you guys to realize that Q is a Mossad psyop. Quit falling for the fucking kike tricks!

aaf255 No.2023852


Since Q said Trolling is fun, I would bet we can't figure it out.

But amazing how you recognize a picture of YOURSELF when you see it.

This is a picture meant to tell whoever it is..Q knows.

This is a pic for them..not us. (just an idea)

1a3f01 No.2023853

8926d5 No.2023854

Anyone notice that , once again Q has all chasing a new bunch of rabbits?

It sure did put an end to the Awan talk

ef8cb2 No.2023855

File: 204b135422af7f3⋯.png (544.59 KB, 601x400, 601:400, lionandbear.png)


I love you BO.

have a safe 4th of July…

got any patriots to get drunk with up there?

c9a81c No.2023856

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


In case you're wondering. Check times.

Keep expanding your minds, anons.

e85f66 No.2023857


It's either a alien or one of their fucked up hybrids.

08eee8 No.2023858

File: 9f12cc47e7af250⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ_1a.png)

File: de7016f3ad64af0⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ_2.png)

File: f224832e22878b3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ_3.png)

File: c6d027d94e6ed3f⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, NZ_4.png)

File: 1d9edbbb94c7ea5⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1400x1500, 14:15, NZ_Info-graphic2.png)


Throwing together a quick comment here -

Our current PM Ms Jacinda Ardern is allegedly well grounded in socialist/communist political theory but is very naive in actual real life politics. She's also very idealistic, immature if rather juvenile as evidenced by the man she's 'attached' to, Mr Clarke Gayford. He's what I'd call a noddy, a plonker if not a complete and utter tosser. (Being nice here.) This explains her almost inexplicable admiration for PM Justin Trudeau and what he's 'accomplished' by way of socialism in Canada. She's stuck her foot in her mouth many times regarding President Trump through sheer silly, girlish stupidity. See links below. To me she's basically a useful idiot groomed from a young age and put in place to be manipulated. It would seem that the only one really holding her back from implementing full socialism is Sir Winston Peters of the New Zealand First party. He held the balance of power at the election thanks to the MMP system and chose the Labour party after the National party refused to accommodate his requests/demands at the last minute. It was as if they were 'told' to take turns and it was Labours turn now. Uniparty tactics.

She’s just a silly stupid little girl and a very dangerous one now. Better to look to the Puppet Mistress and what it is that she wants I would think.

New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern regrets telling friend ‘funny yarn’ that Donald Trump mistook her for Justin Trudeau’s wife


How much is Jacinda’s ignored letter to Donald Trump costing our exporters?

by Cameron Slater on March 25, 2018 at 9:30am



Good luck sweetie, you called him orange and he won’t have forgotten

by Cameron Slater on March 20, 2018 at 9:30am


Looks like Jacinda’s letter to Trump was ignored

by Cameron Slater on March 24, 2018 at 9:00am


Jacinda called Trump a “professional arsehole”, now she expects special treatment

by Guest Post on March 30, 2018 at 9:30am


I’m going to be posting older posts of mine in regards to FVEY, NZ Politics and the Gene Drive experiments currently underway in NZ. Solely because NZ related posts are few and far between on the board I will be adding links between them to tie them together between breads. If you think this is namefagging then by all means go right ahead and waste bread by telling me so but do know that I just don’t give a flying damn! I’m doing it anyway! If I’m banned, I’m banned. It’s my country after all that’s very actively collaborating with the Cabal while, I must add, being screwed over by the US DARPA/Pentagon Gene Drive Extinction Technology project of the previous administration and, it would seem, the current administration too. Perhaps when Q-team has a moment it can explained as to why this is so?

It would be very nice if other Kiwis would actually participate with NZ and WW Great Awakening research as (from what I’ve seen so far) apart from the very occasional response to an anons post we almost all seem to be nicely docile and sound asleep. Kept that way by the anti Trump, anti climate change scaremongering socialist media bubble that’s all pervasive here thus completely unwilling to burst through to find reality. Damn normies!

Faces of the New Zealand GCSB (FVEY)

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


John Kerry – FVEY November 2016 New Zealand / Antarctica trip

Research General #2552 Along for the Ride Edition


258e22 No.2023859


That's what happens when you open the ban floodgates. Freedom of speech, it's worth it. Weather the storm. It brings changes. Adapt.

21a12c No.2023860

to many newfags. yep, thats how all this crap got started…to many fags

08c75f No.2023861


Maybe the little fat guy in the purple (Soros colors) is McCain?

dbea64 No.2023862


The only ones left are the really stupid ones.

39b99a No.2023863


>I'm almost certain this is not a Q Proof. A Q Proof at THIS stage would have to be FAR more clear and convincing. Besides, on June 15th, he said:

>Marine One proofs forthcoming.

>AF1 (inside) thereafter.

>WE HAVE NOT YET SEEN MARINE ONE PROOFS! This means the AF1 (inside) proofs are not yet "next in line" to be seen… we have to see the Marine One proofs FIRST before he will do the AF1 proofs.

>Ergo: This is not a proof at all, but a message!

You're putting trust in Q doing exactly what he says he 's going to do. For your theory to work, Q has to have had followed through on every single thing he's said thus far.

ae66a4 No.2023864


He has a point. "Apple flipped" is certainly a possibility.

8e6c5d No.2023865


Same Pink build on left

e6ac74 No.2023866

Looks like my brother.

I was wondering where he went.

3a596c No.2023867

File: 9e931aaabae458c⋯.jpg (212.31 KB, 1080x675, 8:5, united-global-first-lounge….jpg)

File: 1bec8bccfdabc7c⋯.jpg (228 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, united_global_first_lounge….jpg)

File: f235b8a8642b441⋯.jpg (447.65 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 4487612177_9e80bff565_b.jpg)

Just some SFO confirmation for those who want it. Other views out the same windows.

6991e0 No.2023868

Has Stormy been arrested re: NXIVM?

fb4df2 No.2023869

File: 5d5636f932f817c⋯.jpeg (427.95 KB, 589x903, 589:903, C8FC948F-9372-4D5A-8BD1-4….jpeg)

d1e461 No.2023870


calm down honey bunches of oats

28abf7 No.2023871

>>2023857 Did you post it?

08eee8 No.2023872

NZ_1 - 4 image links.





























c47526 No.2023873


Minivan's are ~5'11"

Prince Williams is 6'3"

e85f66 No.2023874


And it killed him and puked some huge larva thing into its mouth. It's a video. They all are.

7ff8b5 No.2023875

File: dc8412391f700ca⋯.jpg (133.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, alien or demon.jpg)

7edfe5 No.2023876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

New Alaje video. Make America LOVING again!

ac0fb4 No.2023877

File: d90f9c59e06f767⋯.jpg (46.75 KB, 306x452, 153:226, article-1237019-07A6E05F00….jpg)



too short to be William

6dc0a4 No.2023878

File: 0530d8041fbd415⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, picture taken back iphone1.jpg)


It's a picture of the back of a phone

2f16fd No.2023879


> muh mossad

kys shill

010817 No.2023880


same white car anon…goog job!

9cede1 No.2023881



b58d63 No.2023882


oh yes you are right, my bad

21a12c No.2023883

>>2023867 Maam, this needs more attention, is that okay?

1a3f01 No.2023884



Nah we're all kike faggots like you 2

564ad7 No.2023885

File: 31da14c137ebad9⋯.jpg (410.65 KB, 1727x849, 1727:849, husseinsidebyside.jpg)

bb980a No.2023887




6f8ada No.2023888


Can't disagree, just annoying…

and really really not newfag friendly. They should be directed to reddit first.

e44cbe No.2023889


Confused what you're asking boss.

969ecf No.2023890

John keys of New zealand?

440882 No.2023891


Joe Rogan

e85f66 No.2023892


Yes. And I'm not gonna lie. it makes me uncomfortable. This is really not a game. It's fucking terrifying.

51b52e No.2023893



PW is 6'3" and if those asians in the shot are typical 5'6"

fa4371 No.2023894

File: 2edf01d680d7d51⋯.png (283.71 KB, 778x674, 389:337, PW.png)

Are you guys sure it's him?

bc3a34 No.2023895


Yes it is. And?

3a596c No.2023896


Already been covered, just sharing the proof.

912813 No.2023897


Cory Booker - singapore

3cdeee No.2023898

File: 62e07bf7e514f27⋯.png (252.82 KB, 1003x528, 1003:528, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

File: 1819e978975362c⋯.png (1.01 MB, 339x586, 339:586, dddd668509033890e3a0cd0976….png)

Prince William is LEFT HANDED

Man is wearing watch on LEFT ARM

c4821b No.2023899


understood. thank you, BO for the watch over. Some of these cunts are really fucking entrenched.

these niggaz are getting antsy. massive (((shill))) bitchfest going on, tag teams, slides, all.


original guess was on target I suppose. Remember, anons, Q drops and pics are not always for you to confirm right away.

We really are leaning towards prince william though.

e85f66 No.2023900

21a12c No.2023901

Bakers, might doc such with NZ stamps

b58d63 No.2023902


its not.

efc85d No.2023903


I don't mean to be a pain but do you mind editing in this?:

Missing Qpost from #2551:

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 ——————————— Who do you see?

d1e461 No.2023904


i love night shift

all the spiritual fags come out to play <3

a76d33 No.2023905

Western Pacific Kindergarten:

2/Floor, Kam Tong Building, No 1R, Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

Kind of looks like that other picture Q posted of that run down multistory building

c45e86 No.2023906

File: 2fa606e552b9c01⋯.png (524.22 KB, 959x538, 959:538, 2018-07-04 01.23.11.png)

Is it this guy who was seen today with Scott Schools?

434580 No.2023907


My take is that the servers have been copied or mirrored else where and white hats have access to the data. Just my hot take.

fa4371 No.2023908


Who is it anon?

a13c8b No.2023909

UA 747 pic was taken from the UA Club under G100 in SFO.

Pic appears to be morning (view out those windows would be north and the shawdows fall to the left meaning the sun is in the east).

Note: OLD UA paint livery. After the botched merger with CO, the combined company repainted all their plans in the CO livery. Don’t know when the last 747 was repainted, but think it was a few a years ago.

Mid morning shot here suggests the 747 is operating UAs large Asia departure bank ex SFO (UA has a massive Asia bank of flights from 11am to 1pm ex SFO).

If the 747 was operating HKG, it would have done so as UA869.

Also note SFO > HKG was the first route UA put their new 77Ws replacing the 747. This, along with the old color scheme, suggests a pic taken before 2017.

e6ac74 No.2023910

This still not fixed in the Q posts above.

>>2017327 rt >>2016766 ————————- WelcomeAboard.png (Picture from inside AF1)

bb980a No.2023911

File: f047d829dbbd90f⋯.png (13.31 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 550e064e3bf5c6194d2fcd2054….png)

when Q confirms hes on the mossad team

ae66a4 No.2023912


And another phone reflected on it.

fb4df2 No.2023914

Are we sure he wanted everyone to focus on the reflection or maybe what it was reflecting off of, and that would be apple, apple has been busy lately

928669 No.2023915


Seems legit

5a1aa7 No.2023916


Server was cloned and replaced with the clone

f2b63b No.2023917


Which airport is these?

21a12c No.2023918

its already gone..yet..i did see it

b58d63 No.2023919


Dunno, but it's def not William

440882 No.2023920

File: bbd1518ab28b77e⋯.png (525.17 KB, 579x412, 579:412, PrinceW.PNG)


The dude is not that skinny anymore. Here is a recent pic. Observe the spare tire.

6f8ada No.2023921


They all have to sacrifice….

Just like Andersons brother it seems..

a12db2 No.2023922


Blue shirt black pants in back on left side?

c4225e No.2023923


Left Hand Path

79eee9 No.2023924

File: 13ade6754285323⋯.jpg (124.42 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1333472600365.jpg)


thats his own dick in his mouth

258e22 No.2023925

File: c3b89106661d6ef⋯.gif (890.95 KB, 500x375, 4:3, =Logical.gif)

>>2023802 ← Expanded thinking

5bf390 No.2023926


Hey Anons, theory on Q's AF1 welcome aboard photo.

Looks like a picture of a reflection of a picture.

With Q's other comments my guess is the original pic is from Obama era AF1.

98d817 No.2023927


Really calls into question a lot… I thought maybe it was intentional to get media talking about the "larp" being proven… I doubt Q would just "fuck up" like that.

We're supposed to think for ourselves. We're not supposed to blindly follow. Right?

28abf7 No.2023928

>>2023845 Yeah could be Obamy

Could be the Pope

Could be who the fuck knows

And Q won't ever tell us.

So we can ponder this shit for months and we will never get confirmation. So….yeah it's William Obama.

We happy now?

7edfe5 No.2023929

File: 6140cb17d586bba⋯.png (255.09 KB, 497x473, 497:473, 6140cb17d586bba1f04f034b42….png)


Together we join our Cosmic Star Family in Love ;)

a1901c No.2023930


Looks like a demon eating the dudes tounge. Freaky!

f02200 No.2023931


Jeb Bush

e60511 No.2023932


I see 'United'. The pic was taken from inside of a 'Unied' cab?

I see 'HK' (Hong Kong).

I see Identification of Target #3902. I assume this to be the westerner crossing the road (middle of pic)

I see no EXIF data.

What am I missing?

3a596c No.2023933


SFO, United Airlines lounge.

21a12c No.2023934

unfiltered truth in this stream is a demand, a demand that has no exceptions

e85f66 No.2023935


Vlash. Did that.

258e22 No.2023936

File: 9a7d59dafd803f7⋯.png (224.49 KB, 450x423, 50:47, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 5;5___.png)


Thank YOU for asking the questions

8926d5 No.2023937


Our guy is an older, athletic with a confident walk

William is also a big guy but has a bit of "twitleeness"

fa4371 No.2023938


Oh yeah he definitely plumped up a bit.

Could def match then.

1319c9 No.2023939

what are black letters in street close together?

should they be stretched ?

8be811 No.2023940

File: a7481fe0e7f82fc⋯.jpg (9.07 KB, 202x200, 101:100, Crazed Panic and Despair.jpg)


>Feels weird to me..


>This is the most pessimistic and skeptical place on the internet… but yet anons are calling for blind belief/faith?


>Something doesn't seem right.

You haven't spent enough time here yet to hold 2, 3, or 10 contradictory but equally plausible theories/concepts/ ideas/plots in the forefront of your mind at the same time, give them equal weight and equal justice as you winnow and refine them, while keeping twice or three times as many conflicting but equally valid ideas in the back of your mind and bringing them out to exercise them occasionally.

No. No. You haven't been here long enough. You're obviously not crazy.

e60511 No.2023941


United cab!

010817 No.2023942


It's the white car they were tailing.

e44cbe No.2023943



Shit I see it now. Hung up on first post, then reset itself with comment field still filled in, figured it didn't go through. Closed/opened window and started again. But created two threads instead. Sorry bout that. The lag was bad. The other one I didn't finish baking, I'm on this one.

cee648 No.2023944


Good, good… keep going along these lines…

Also, "reflection" is mentioned in the q post…

Reflection could mean something like "self reflection" or just be straight forward…

b6388e No.2023945


That hand does not appear to be that of an older person nor necessarily a man, either.

5b0fc2 No.2023946

File: 842cf1cbc51091e⋯.png (271.75 KB, 430x437, 430:437, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)



Obama 6′ 1″

9367dc No.2023947

File: 8427e006a63426f⋯.jpg (109.43 KB, 500x695, 100:139, dream3.jpg)

CU tomorrow anons.

866706 No.2023948

File: 2f67dec5df58181⋯.png (936.23 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_3802.PNG)

When did this happen ?

ce9a27 No.2023949

>>2023909 United Plane SFO dig


for consideration

c1edf0 No.2023950

File: 8c9e7921d22ff9c⋯.jpg (138.88 KB, 537x751, 537:751, 8c9e7921d22ff9c603ad8fde02….jpg)

What plan does Q have for the shills?

28df53 No.2023951


This changes it, might def be him. Q, William or not?

c47526 No.2023952


Different white car.

21a12c No.2023953


aye, rest well

19b87a No.2023954

File: 8247673b882289d⋯.jpg (232.64 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, IMG_20180704_072445.jpg)

I think it's Obama

cee648 No.2023955


I have quoted Jefferson numerous times on this board so as to keep people working in this way that you mention…

"Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, than that of blind-folded fear."

3fba78 No.2023956


why wont anyone look at one is written on the pad next to him and the paper in front of him and why no comment on his cufflinks?


76da99 No.2023957

File: 8be86afbac0e59b⋯.png (58.87 KB, 665x538, 665:538, DoD 7-3-18 9 47 pm PDT.PNG)

File: 54649fb2df9422f⋯.png (360.7 KB, 668x593, 668:593, Pacific Fleet 7-3-18 9 31 ….PNG)

Concert is still live

It's good


c9a81c No.2023958


Sleep well!

cc6404 No.2023959


go to post where Q says IDEN

5a1aa7 No.2023960


About an hour ago by the looks of things

6dc0a4 No.2023961

File: 51b5cbec0204d32⋯.jpg (30.81 KB, 640x400, 8:5, wtf.jpg)


Looks like a Mexican necktie

Larger pick

f48446 No.2023962


Exactly. Kek.

I could argue with myself and both sides could win… Kek

08c75f No.2023963

File: 437968822d83d21⋯.jpg (113.57 KB, 931x663, 931:663, Jugearstonguestuck.jpg)


>I would rather question everything Q gives us…

This should be the lesson from this board … on everything.

We're fucked with crooked government because we blindly followed anything and everything that made us feel like someone was working for us.

What did that get us? Fucked.

I don't know who the fuck Q is, and neither does anyone else here.

I'll question Q and everyone else in the swamp, thank you.

And I don;t give one single fuck if you call me a shill for it.

Better a shill than a blind sheep or a fucking lemming.

a01d7e No.2023964

File: 7511aba95c24d73⋯.png (136.6 KB, 358x245, 358:245, Whitecar.png)


If it's the white car you're looking at those two aren't even close - taillights are a dead giveaway

faca25 No.2023965


what if apple had/was able to gain access to the server, setup a mirror or clone of the server and held onto it until they could help get the correct party involved (AF1/Trump)

I know others are onto the same thing but will dig further on the idea

51b52e No.2023966

final answer[semi final answer]

Prince William

6'3" tall


faggy watch

now they Why

(and perhaps the When)

c14b0c No.2023967


Gait stride close match

7b895b No.2023968

File: 925c565073f4d23⋯.png (18.25 KB, 720x644, 180:161, gudwon.png)



840408 No.2023969


No I didn't post it. Looks like some dead man with his throat slit open and some other being with a snake like tongue pushing its way down the open mouth of the dead man.

I don't watch horror flicks much … but it would fit in with a scene from any of a number of them.

Would this put you in the hospital to see. It might make you walk out of a theater. It might even make you puke if you saw it happening in an alley way. Might even make you scream with rage.

But would it put you in a hospital…not likely.

73d223 No.2023970

File: e4d6b6980b23947⋯.jpg (344.14 KB, 1903x1103, 1903:1103, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)

File: 3272bf22dc6ed84⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 1901x5164, 1901:5164, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)

File: 74f54db9ac28477⋯.jpg (4.26 MB, 1903x10858, 1903:10858, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)

File: 4407f2b680dc953⋯.jpg (316.54 KB, 1920x988, 480:247, screenshot-sys.8ch.net-201….jpg)


Shills always work together to attack. They have been here since the beginning.


Your bread came up twice in the catalog. Probably a network/server error. Another anon finished off your other bread just before I locked it. No worries

86451c No.2023971

File: ced4c729bed9e9e⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1294x1588, 647:794, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

39d530 No.2023972


>When did this happen ?

No clue, we were busy chasing every fucking balding man known to the modern world! smfh

80ac4c No.2023973


2.5 hrs ago?

8456f6 No.2023974

Looks like Putin

1b9045 No.2023975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

grapes of wrath

the inamates may grow a voneyard 4steinbeck

4f2fa8 No.2023976

File: 09f541ad0ee8ae4⋯.png (69.41 KB, 620x264, 155:66, fm1.png)

File: db86508fc84178f⋯.png (78.6 KB, 627x276, 209:92, fm2.png)

7d26e2 No.2023977

File: faa27259607dff1⋯.jpg (119.86 KB, 962x680, 481:340, Another lamp and POTUS and….jpg)

File: ce08e83ee7e53a0⋯.jpg (136.95 KB, 930x609, 310:203, Another lamp confirmation ….jpg)

File: 4cb737a0a74a033⋯.png (760.05 KB, 1328x709, 1328:709, photo of AF1 Office..png)


Shill claims photo is fake because the décor inside AFI isn't changed with new POTUS. I challenge him to explain the same jacket in both pictures hanging on the back of POTUS's seat.

80ac4c No.2023978


is this why?

67b46f No.2023979

File: 4cb737a0a74a033⋯.png (760.05 KB, 1328x709, 1328:709, Staged AF1.png)

The AF1 Images is stages, its not a real Plane (75…) Its a Room, in a building:

73d223 No.2023980


Gotcha. All good baker.

dc5a5c No.2023981

File: 278fdf0101c8bcb⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 339x243, 113:81, 1306235375_cat_vs_laser_po….gif)

26b2c8 No.2023982


missing Q?

>>2022737 Who do you see? (lb).

19b87a No.2023983



b27508 No.2023984


Still fun to give any image the forensic treatment

f1c336 No.2023985

Location of HK photo. Western Pacific Kindergarten is in a new location now but the other buildings match. If we can find out when they moved from this location we can determine roughly how old this photo is.


870237 No.2023986


>white car

Assange hit team?

aaf255 No.2023987

File: bb93639c95336b4⋯.png (155.12 KB, 497x354, 497:354, 1no.png)

File: 90255ff7785ae72⋯.png (906.67 KB, 476x433, 476:433, no2.png)


Not same make and model but similar

28abf7 No.2023988


It looks like a demon eating a dead persons tongue with this throat cut open…

Where you get that photo?

8ba5ea No.2023989


It's not Miller is it?

76da99 No.2023990


I don't think it is

Hair line is off

134368 No.2023991


FUNNY… thanks i needed a chuckle

e85f66 No.2023992


Could of shifted. I don't know. All I know. Is I have spent a few years wrapping my head around it and trying not to stick my head in the sand like stick bitch. because. W…………t………f…

5eb401 No.2023993

File: 764582510da29e8⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 1211x2081, 1211:2081, 5C5959B1-D5B3-4454-A0CD-3….jpeg)

File: ba0ad921bb42ef7⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1242x1577, 1242:1577, D1141589-6697-4BAC-AAC8-7….jpeg)

What to make of the blue light glitch? Siren?

Also can anon sharpen this window?

894c3a No.2023994


Prince William?

3a596c No.2023995

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

For any of you dimwits still not convinced it's SFO, here's video of a 747 arriving at the same spot, through the same windows. Notice the terminal to the right.

e6ac74 No.2023996

Is this another one of the "It's not for us" pics. Sending a message to someone reading the bread. A shill perhaps.

8e6c5d No.2023997


Look at the Signs……there are missing on the Jan 2017 pic got from google maps


fb8799 No.2023998


Could be William with his head down since he's trying to be incognito. That would make sense if he's meeting Podesta? Also, the guy to his right may be a bodyguard? I looked closer at the outfit and it does resemble the one the Prince wore, shown in another photo. So I was wrong about the pants being something he wouldn't wear. It's a leisure suit! Yes, he'd be surprised that he was spied upon. The brown thing at his waist is not Princely. It would be a lower class thing to wear? Like displaying a set of keys? Maybe that's what he's going to trade and he has it next to his body for safe keeping?

e92d79 No.2023999


So, I guess this was just another ploy we fell for. That suit was suppose to be the way we "legally introduced evidence". Fuck me.

39b99a No.2024000




Why do you say that?

ce9a27 No.2024001


A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit alleging that President Donald Trump's campaign and former Trump adviser Roger Stone conspired with Russia and WikiLeaks to publish hacked Democratic National Committee emails during the 2016 presidential race.

U.S. District Court Judge Ellen Huvelle said in a ruling Tuesday evening that the suit's efforts to tie the Trump campaign and Stone's alleged actions to the nation's capital were too flimsy for the case to proceed in a Washington, D.C., court.

"The Trump Campaign’s efforts to elect President Trump in D.C. are not suit-related contacts for those efforts did not involve acts taken in furtherance of the conspiracies to disseminate emails that harmed plaintiffs," wrote Huvelle, an appointee of President Bill Clinton. "Campaign meetings, canvassing voters, and other regular business activities of a political campaign do not constitute activities related to the conspiracies alleged in the complaint."

But Huvelle made clear that her decision was a technical one based on issues of legal jurisdiction and was not a definitive ruling on allegations that the Trump campaign struck an illicit deal with the Russians during the presidential contest.

"It bears emphasizing that this Court’s ruling is not based on a finding that there was no collusion between defendants and Russia during the 2016 presidential election," Huvelle wrote. "This is the wrong forum for plaintiffs’ lawsuit. The Court takes no position on the merits of plaintiffs’ claims."


e44cbe No.2024003



Got it, thanks BO/anons.

458620 No.2024004


>>judge tosses suit alleging conspired with russia in

dnc hack

fa4371 No.2024005


He's balder now then he used to be.

cc6404 No.2024006

Where are the autists…

What is the name of the pic..

United .. IDEN… T3902 or something…. Go back to drops with skyview of pic.. and read IDEN

6d4cc5 No.2024007


Damn it kind of looks like Hussein.

Maybe its just that fairy walk he has.

5b0fc2 No.2024008

File: 8acc4df9a8e7a2a⋯.png (205.34 KB, 372x307, 372:307, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)


9809a2 No.2024009

File: 52ca15b5db863d4⋯.jpeg (808.97 KB, 1242x1239, 414:413, 823F5BB8-167E-4B70-8811-2….jpeg)

Ireland — China



79eee9 No.2024010

File: d43795863fcd833⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 208x255, 208:255, 2ddlv3.jpg)

8be811 No.2024011




>My best guess is Susan Rice.


Hangman, here's your next guest.

ccb3b3 No.2024012


that explains you

e85f66 No.2024013


Watched 500 of them. It's not just a photo. It's a video and it goes with a series and it takes alot of time to watch and understsnd the WHOLE picture.

a2d72e No.2024014

File: e75f3ec3fc83aed⋯.png (630.85 KB, 612x604, 153:151, WTF.png)

1b9045 No.2024015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

67b46f No.2024016

Prep for Market Crash



This might be worse than 1920's crash!

c354d9 No.2024017

File: 42c55eefc5d50e2⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 85.3 KB, 500x749, 500:749, d5e89f.jpg)

File: 7a4f29c34cb3513⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 187.26 KB, 835x1135, 167:227, 77u8w623.jpg)

OK, so I'll be the first then.

Heads Up!

Posterior for posterity

4111fa No.2024018

File: 0cc631e1de40c52⋯.jpg (36.3 KB, 458x462, 229:231, William in Hong Kong.jpg)

cc6404 No.2024019


Prince picking up lunch

f2b63b No.2024020


I think so.

d5086a No.2024021


Looks like he has a bad combover

e1a90e No.2024022


Creative camera angles Q. Want a job in Hollywood? I hear there might be jobs coming open.

f48446 No.2024023


I have a question… Where the fuck did we get this picture. The board was lagging, I decided to wait for next bread, and BAM we're looking for a balding man.

It's not on the Q crumbs. I'm lost

866706 No.2024024



Sauce if you want to read it


8085d7 No.2024025


I'm guessing "someone actually followed through with Apple" where the FBI didn't. Team Comey totally did a U turn when it came time to subpoena, knowing what actual goodies would show up.

258e22 No.2024026

File: f9158884b32a9ab⋯.png (13.04 KB, 776x371, 776:371, ! ! ! Trips.png)


Trips confirm that it can trip some up. As for newfags, most will likely come from places lie reddit 1st, has already happened I'd bet. Not all newfags will last here, that's a given, the ones that do will learn to adapt. And it they like their snapchat, they can keep their snapchat.

3cb628 No.2024027

File: 744d4d08310462b⋯.jpeg (985.61 KB, 1072x1578, 536:789, 1D8D402E-1075-476B-9802-D….jpeg)


That’s HUSSEIN. Check the outfit and sleeves.

1d8f07 No.2024028


location ??

434580 No.2024029


>a leaf

That should probably be looked into

3449a9 No.2024031


We didn't chase Seth Rich yet

d195d8 No.2024032


>eh Johnson to me

>▶Anonymous  07/04/18 (Wed) 14:21:03 f2b63b (3) No.2023829


Shoes are different

ae66a4 No.2024033


Well, cool. Can Roger Stone sue for his costs now?

010817 No.2024034



Wasn't the blue hotel in the distance where they had the extraction.

8b58fd No.2024035


21a12c No.2024036

>>2023968sometimes just trolling at 10 knots, with the right bait, brings a wahoo to the kill…while a rainbow shudder of death, meat feeds many nieghborhood kids , a wahoo burger. we want every American Kid, to just have some fun growing up. Lets kill the evil, and let the sheep live.

c6247a No.2024037


the left is going to go nuts over this

872595 No.2024038

File: 4c07c37822f478b⋯.jpeg (122.3 KB, 640x619, 640:619, 41ECBB25-1F67-4B59-ADC2-A….jpeg)

Happy Independence Day Anons and Q

4f2fa8 No.2024039


Looks good !

cee648 No.2024040


Refresh Qanon.pub.

564ad7 No.2024041



>>2022438 AF1 side by side

>>2022478 >>2022587

Q's pic and stock pic are different

>>2022324 FBI, Sec, Justice Dept fed probe into FB

>>2021758 News stay silent on the arrest of Former Malaysian PM Najib and deflect with news about the rescue of a Youth soccer team

>>2022636 Awan worked for DWS until July 25, 2017

>>2022224 Massive Projection alert: POTUS depicted as a clown

>>2022383 Steven Wasserman is still an AUSA in DC

mostly back and forth, but some notables

4111fa No.2024042


New Q post Open Qanon.pub and refresh often

76da99 No.2024043


That's fine.

Hairline is still off

67b46f No.2024044


The Windows, the Images in the Windows, they are not at the right height.

As if there is not an AF1 stage?

Security would require one!

8e6c5d No.2024045



That sign is missing in Jan 2017

fa5a15 No.2024046


Suit involving Roger Stone was a way to introduce evidence?

38ad55 No.2024047


I am blessed, that's two nights in a row with very good numbers for me.

28abf7 No.2024048

>>2024017 Thanks we needed some eye bleach.

fa4371 No.2024049

File: 5d33f95c7e4423f⋯.png (143.46 KB, 607x258, 607:258, ben-gates-glasses.png)

We're going to steal the declaration of independence.

6e33ab No.2024050


maybe its not the white dude. yall racist

9d003b No.2024051

White guy bottom right, wearing glasses

d195d8 No.2024052


Shoes are different.

2648e5 No.2024053


so the pic of the lamp, I'm thinking in order to get the pic it wouldve been take from the Presidents chair, someone facing him was holding the iPhone and reflecting the lamp behind POTUS. Therefore POTUS would be taking the pic?

b3ade8 No.2024054


It's William!


d389ea No.2024055

File: 07659544f8df1e6⋯.png (59.01 KB, 736x421, 736:421, Screenshot-20180704-154-00….png)

File: 5a5ecf2e0130d4c⋯.png (178.5 KB, 765x541, 765:541, Screenshot-20180704-155-00….png)


Hm, morning would work for either of the last United flights (either To Seoul, or last domestic to Hawaii)

564ad7 No.2024056


shit fixed that one link:

>>2022438 AF1 side by side

>>2022478 >>2022587 Q's pic and stock pic are different

>>2022324 FBI, Sec, Justice Dept fed probe into FB

>>2021758 News stay silent on the arrest of Former Malaysian PM Najib and deflect with news about the rescue of a Youth soccer team

>>2022636 Awan worked for DWS until July 25, 2017

>>2022224 Massive Projection alert: POTUS depicted as a clown

>>2022383 Steven Wasserman is still an AUSA in DC

ce9a27 No.2024057


They're always screaming the sky is falling

258e22 No.2024058

File: e2033b318a775b9⋯.jpg (33.66 KB, 393x108, 131:36, ! ! ! ! ! (You) 17;17.drea….jpg)


Check you ID

5b0fc2 No.2024059


Recall the recent Chinese kindergarten scandal with abused children + connection to Clinton?

Could it be connected?

The head of a Beijing kindergarten has been fired after China launched a nationwide investigation into a chain of private schools operated by RYB Education Inc. ($RYB) following claims of abuse at multiple locations. Parents report at least 8 toddlers with mysterious needle marks, while others said their children were forced to take white pills that were supposed to be “a little secret” between the children and teachers, along with some sort of “brown syrup” given to the students. Children were also allegedly stripped naked and forced to stand, or locked in a dark room, one parent said.


434580 No.2024060

Photo taken around address. 1/F 101-107 Portland Street; Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong

3a596c No.2024062



San Fransisco. United airlines lounge.

bc3a34 No.2024063


Damn. Discovery would have been fun.

f02200 No.2024064


It really does look like William.

His weight has varied.

Did he lose weight for the wedding?

Or has he put weight on?

He looked chubby at the wedding.

Is it recent?

Why is he there?

fb8799 No.2024065


Didn't we find Snowden on a street like this , in Hong Kong, some months ago. Perhaps this is near Snowden's lair?

3cdeee No.2024066

>>2023867 San Francisco Airport (United photo).


cc6404 No.2024067


Meeting Snowden… In Jan

fb871b No.2024068

>>2023980, >>2024003

am I missing something? why is no one acknowledging this?

>>2023903, >>2023982, >>2023780

f1c336 No.2024069

File: a098554779389e4⋯.png (2.24 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, United_HK_IDEN_T3902.png)

File: 7c5c6f5e43dbe57⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1354x853, 1354:853, screenshot-www.google.com-….png)

Location of photo


35dd03 No.2024070


No. No it’s not. Maybe 49%- not 💯

5bf390 No.2024071


Thanks Anon, I had the same thoughts.

I expect we'll be seeing Apple in the news soon.

Shills are going crazy tonight.

5b0fc2 No.2024072


That it's now missing could be notable

a1901c No.2024073


Fill us in on the whole

Picture then. Wtf?

15d0fd No.2024074

File: e9245275311f025⋯.png (482.5 KB, 481x566, 481:566, dude.PNG)

7bcfcc No.2024075

File: 1e78a654d7fa72e⋯.png (843.75 KB, 853x568, 853:568, ApplicationFrameHost_2018-….png)

Thomas Donilon, NSA Advisor to Hussein

5a1aa7 No.2024076

What do

Uranium One

Iran Deal

NK Nuke Agreement

Haiti Disaster

Imran Awan


all have in common?

Money to be made.

As Q says,

America for sale

4f2fa8 No.2024077

>>1545264 old bread

b36ae6 No.2024078

File: 1f77cb636467133⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 5CD9E506-8E33-4CD7-9493-A6….png)

File: 735ca399eb78f37⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 9E69F879-2C3D-4991-8717-61….png)

File: 614c10017ca2b3c⋯.jpeg (248.96 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, AEFFBEE6-183B-4690-8BB3-C….jpeg)

The pic is the same. There are no small changes

I’m not jumping to conclusions of why, but it is the same. Same number and positioning of curtain pleats, shadows, etc.

cee648 No.2024079



also, the reply >>2024045 noting that the sign is missing in January of 2017, so it's new.

ae66a4 No.2024080


Seriously? The guy is WHITE.

440882 No.2024081


sure…but do you have any information?

1d8f07 No.2024082

File: b48d9a6fdf66bd1⋯.png (11.96 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 2232fbe20a485bc07f60dd98ae….png)


thank you anon !!!

564ad7 No.2024083


>Money to be made.

follow the money!

216c96 No.2024084


I seem to be blessed a lot tonight….

Feeling cozy when Q comes in the captcha.

21a12c No.2024085

i think i see some trained jounalists that have found each other anomyously, and its beautiful!

29ac4d No.2024086

File: 21f81324d0d9e01⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1681x786, 1681:786, Screenshot-2018-7-3 About ….png)

File: 11d66b173268895⋯.png (228.58 KB, 1626x398, 813:199, Screenshot-2018-7-3 News.png)


cuz they moved.. i posted about it last bread.. find when they moved.. and compare..

951725 No.2024087


This - missing Q post?

6ad38f No.2024088


Notice the Western Pacific Kindergarten sign, middle of picture. Has a dig been done on it?

3a24d6 No.2024089

File: 69413ba0d8decd0⋯.jpg (311.11 KB, 1334x886, 667:443, 844a49aec5b34d93116c9406d3….jpg)

258e22 No.2024090

File: 53482ce4ade3464⋯.png (150.38 KB, 627x417, 209:139, ClipboardImage.png)

f02200 No.2024091




434580 No.2024092


Think mirror. Think reflection. Think copy.

What would that apply to?


Starts with an S and ends in an ERVER

8ba5ea No.2024093


Breddy good find Anon.

458620 No.2024094


Thomas Donilon, NSA Advisor to Hussein

possible man in photo


ce9a27 No.2024095


Wow, that could be him

08ca8b No.2024096

File: dfc84846e05d894⋯.png (235.25 KB, 499x499, 1:1, 67c705eefd6680f098290e88ce….png)

wigger than blottergate

fb871b No.2024097


YES! Missing Q!

>>2022737 rt >>2022584 ——————————— Who do you see?

e3020d No.2024098

Obama is left handed and wears a watch on his left hand

3fa329 No.2024099

File: 5c5748f9f141fb6⋯.jpg (41.24 KB, 399x489, 133:163, red.jpg)

fb8799 No.2024100


"Snowden" was also the name of a photog who married into the English royals. Something creepy about his work. I can't remember it all right now. Also a name connected to the C,A in the movie "Network"

4a78c9 No.2024101


the car reminds me of the one waldo had at the trump ralley. that is what kinda led me to that guy in the orange. then again at one point Q said to look for someone or something out of place, the old fart kicking feet ahead of the younger gent looks slightly out of place.

This ones a puzzle

5b0fc2 No.2024102

File: 793f528e0bf1f0f⋯.png (259.09 KB, 971x423, 971:423, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

File: affd694545aea89⋯.png (312.85 KB, 989x678, 989:678, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

File: 13cc6beb0223306⋯.png (215.79 KB, 971x329, 971:329, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)





8ba5ea No.2024103


Adding a


47350c No.2024104


How dare you presume I’m not fucking livid over ALL the corruption shit we are seeing exposed.

However, I’m not a pussy hat wearing crybaby that just bitches w/o bringing some suggestive and constructive resolution to the table.

What, pray tell, “actually matter[s]” that you must be focusing upon so relentlessly that you somehow found the time to pontificate us with your admonishion?

You’re emo on Awan not naming names today and perp walks done on (((them))) by COB today? Geezus, I’m sick to high hell of all like you who go off at every GD step that we see taken and say it’s not enough.

Well, Varuca, you don’t get everything now. And, if you did, it’d screw the pooch so hard that we’d lose this ONE FUCKING CHANCE to do it right and forever.

Your patience is required in this, so either acquire it quickly or kindly STFU about it to those of us who do have it and continue to fight the good fight.

cee648 No.2024105



We all assumed "Welcome Aboard" meant "welcome aboard air force 1", as if we were being welcomed on board the plane…

What if "welcome aboard" meant, "Welcome Apple… who is now on board with Q, since we've flipped them?"

ef78d0 No.2024106

File: 056ab0a0c7c20c7⋯.jpg (586.63 KB, 1080x2220, 18:37, Screenshot_20180704-003311….jpg)

Stil going with Carter Page. Possiby one of the set up pics


ce9a27 No.2024107


Head shape is spot on, and hairline

00596f No.2024108



3fba78 No.2024109

where did the picture of the skull, skinned alive thing go?

put it back please. not the weird green one, the other one.

3cdeee No.2024110

>>2023909 San Francisco Airport UA Club (United photo)

Seconded for NOTABLE

Add to SFO Airport United Notables

f1c336 No.2024111


Western Pacific Kindergarten moved. This (closed) address is where Q's picture was taken>>2024069

985873 No.2024113


> ``Who would have thought the 'Twitter' phone could be so useful.``

obama or other had a specific device for twitter use. our guys/good guys have it ALL

> ``Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?``

obama and co using reflected images to circumvent NAT SEC

> ``Where must one be located in order to obtain a reflection on the back of a phone of that image?``


> ``Image provided here has been distorted (stretched).``

This isn't the full image = warning to the bad guys

a64aae No.2024114

hey Q you guys taking out the shitbags on the 4rth so norms think its fireworks instead of gun fire? good cover

e92d79 No.2024115


thanks anon.

b27508 No.2024116


>>2022636 Awan worked for DWS until July 25, 2017

Wonder what he gave up for his plea deal. The dems are cheering but I have a feeling it's going to be short lived.

e60511 No.2024117


Q has consistently told us that "we have the server".

Many thought this to be a physical item - such as the hardware drive that acted as a 'server'.

BUT what if the server referred to is simply a complete digital copy of the contents of the actual server?

Consequently no one actually gave the Q team the server, they had it all along……and they are too stupid to know that the data continues to update….

5eb401 No.2024118

File: fda7467d61b3a84⋯.jpeg (996.21 KB, 1093x1819, 1093:1819, CD2EA9BD-697D-426C-AF95-A….jpeg)

File: bdf15dc9972ad25⋯.jpeg (438.71 KB, 838x1467, 838:1467, 9DEA060B-F930-458D-B5DD-F….jpeg)

9809a2 No.2024119

File: 2f324dd8410845e⋯.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1242x900, 69:50, 51D8AEE6-9842-490F-9392-C….jpeg)

0dbdad No.2024120

Its not someone like Obama where are the SS detail? This person is walking freely….

b3faf0 No.2024121


I 100% agree with this line of reasoning except for one thing:


Doubled down here, along with what I interpret as trying to explain away photoshop:

"Where must one be located in order to obtain a reflection on the back of a phone of that image?

Image provided here has been distorted (stretched)."

And subsequently tripled down:

"Trolling is fun.

Hussein/Trump interior = identical minus small changes.

(World) news in rear literally placed same prior to each departure.

Placing that mug holder near the lamp was the hook."

So Q is obviously trying to pass this off as real.

What I DON'T get is why Q would do this when there are an abundance of actually convincing Q proofs (flynn done in [30], twitter coordination, singapore pics, etc etc…)

d389ea No.2024122


that's what I said in the very first response to Q… "Has apple seen the light?"

39d530 No.2024123

Remember that show "Name that tune"?

"I can name that tune in 5 notes!"

I picture Q team sitting around a table playing "I can send /qresearch/ into a tail spin in 8 words"….

"I can send /qresearch/ into a tail spin in 6 words"…

"I can send /qresearch/ into a tail spin in 4 words"

Okay send /qresearch/ into a tail spin in 4 words!

"Who do you see?"



08c75f No.2024124

File: 3d3e9be5381357b⋯.jpg (6.1 KB, 229x220, 229:220, scotch.jpg)

e44cbe No.2024125


Got some sauce anon?



Updated. Thanks anon.

80ac4c No.2024126

File: 7718a74625d1b68⋯.png (1009.12 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

21a12c No.2024127

keep digging, and just wanta point out, an excellent, open to anyone, data base is at top of page header, and lots of data collected across many threads, and any journalist is welcome to it all, it is for every citizen of America, and even for our enemies.

7b9d81 No.2024128

I think Maxine Waters is the Martor for the left. I think they want us to do something that gives them something, so the can drum up more support for their fascist cause.

We need to hush her for sure. She needs to be exposed.

c14b0c No.2024129


NSA makes sense

fb84a8 No.2024130

Prince William comes to China

March 7, 2015

Prince William's next port of call was a somewhat unusual one; a wildlife protection area in Xishuangbanna, in the far south of Yunnan. The prince has always had a keen interest in wildlife and conservation issues, and China, with its great diversity of wildlife, plays an important role in the protection of endangered species. This part of the visit, where the prince made a rare public speech, provided an uncontroversial topic for discussion between the two sides, while the attendant publicity will raise the profile of the issue and of China's varied wildlife.

This visit can play a useful role in restoring the balance of U.K.-China relations after one or two bumpy patches in the last few months; as the former colonial power in Hong Kong, Britain's role in recent discontents in the territory has come under critical scrutiny. Prince William did not visit Hong Kong on this trip, to ensure that no suspicion arises over his and Britain's intentions. The avoidance of political friction is absolutely essential to a royal visit; so far this has been successful, as the prince has combined his China visit with a tour of Japan, which is not always easy to achieve. In Japan he carefully avoided political issues in favour of cultural and humanitarian ones, as it also included a visit to the scene of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, where he expressed sympathy and emphasised the importance of civil nuclear safety.

This visit shows how Britain can derive advantage, in the sense of boosting international goodwill, from showcasing our quirky and rather archaic constitutional system, in which the head of state is completely detached from the government. Prince William demonstrates the twofold nature of this advantage; firstly, in Western countries, governments are subject to regular change, and each change may bring about a change in policy, whereas what the monarchy stands for remains absolutely consistent. Thus Prince William's role in maintaining close relations with China is based on extremely stable foundations. Secondly, as a young man, the prince represents the future as well as the past, and we can hope that the friendly relations he builds this week in China can last for a good half century.

The writer is a columnist with China.org.cn. For more information please visit: http://www.china.org.cn/opinion/timcollard.htm

67b46f No.2024131

File: 6a69374ca3d1a4c⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1855x583, 35:11, AFOne Stage Setting in a B….png)

File: 12e8786f9e95135⋯.jpg (53.25 KB, 980x730, 98:73, window.jpg)


Check out the Image Perspective and clarity, the Window Images are staged.

564ad7 No.2024132


>so all of you thinking Q just created his photo from the stock photo thinking he could pull the wool over our eyes, y'all are fucking dumb

well said anon

not a shill

well thought out

don't trust then verify

1b9045 No.2024133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

not drunk enough

a89027 No.2024134

that truck in the foreground is seriously over the line, like past the crosswalk line too

its wheels are pointing straight ahead

is it going to hit the two crossing the road?

28df53 No.2024135


>Thomas Donilon

Too old, too much hair on sides

866706 No.2024136

File: 5716bb1b5156677⋯.png (1005.83 KB, 2732x2048, 683:512, IMG_3806.PNG)

Poor Jim

>“It’s not true,” Jordan said. “I never knew about any type of abuse. If I did, I would have done something about it. And look, if there are people who are abused, then that’s terrible and we want justice to happen.


1d8f07 No.2024137


yes !!!

e3020d No.2024138

File: 152c42e3ab5dc7f⋯.jpg (164.14 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, Larry Summers Thomas Donil….jpg)

File: 19ebd6520e46031⋯.jpg (117.87 KB, 640x446, 320:223, us-president-barack-obama-….jpg)

Donilin in NK and with Obama

fb871b No.2024139

File: 847eed800d62094⋯.jpg (152.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, _zfbipt2qapp.jpg)


ThanQs! Finally some peace of mind.. sigh

5b0fc2 No.2024140

File: cb79eb91982772c⋯.jpg (102.31 KB, 589x785, 589:785, Sharpened.jpg)


Interesting, parallel discussion going on here: https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/politics/q-see-the-op-for-the-basics-of-q-qanon—unraveling-threads-of-everything-thread/73190719/page-2316/

They have a sharpened pic

8dee15 No.2024141

File: 58e3603ddeeb3f4⋯.jpg (104.51 KB, 510x800, 51:80, Podesta_Mexico.jpg)

216c96 No.2024142


I saw a real interesting name here today that reminded me of something I saw on twitter a couple days ago.

Who's James Reese… I've never seen that name come up before today and it was just one post in passing.

Seems to own TigerSwan, a merc/intel group, similar to E. Prince.

Anything worth digging?

823d34 No.2024143

File: c59bca773932b6f⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1162x2048, 581:1024, Screenshot_20180704-003618.png)

File: 5ff0e3b342069d7⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1024x2048, 1:2, Screenshot_20180704-003446.png)



564ad7 No.2024144


notice how it wasn't much in the MSM…

something was exchanged

(the seized awan's server though, so maybe that)

3fa329 No.2024145

File: 522b50d073e1a36⋯.jpg (163.02 KB, 1000x673, 1000:673, Teamwork.jpg)


I think this is best so far.

f2b63b No.2024146



Trip to Hong Kong or San Francisco?

6e33ab No.2024147


it says portland?

e44b21 No.2024148

>"For years, Schools worked alongside another Justice Department mainstay, David Margolis, who was known as the "Yoda" of the department. When Margolis died, DOJ brass asked Schools to come back to Washington to try to fill those shoes."

"Divide they try.

>Fail they will."

>Everything has meaning.

Copy Q. The deception and treason run deep. We did not know about schools, nor Yoda until recently. The DOJ is so sick institutionally. How do we remove the rot without starting over?

cee648 No.2024149


All valid points… and a concern I had as well.

Placing that mug holder… has anyone zoomed in and contrasted that with the stock photo yet?

cc6404 No.2024152


lmao… ok…. the real qanons are still here… 90% just gab away

3a24d6 No.2024153


Address :

2/Floor, Kam Tong Building, No 1R, Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

7bcfcc No.2024154


Try 2013

35dd03 No.2024155


Well post it.

e85f66 No.2024156

File: 64975b87fc528bc⋯.png (829.44 KB, 2560x1600, 8:5, Screenshot_2018-03-07-22-5….png)


Like this one. You can't see it on the video. You have to pause. You get about 10 seconds or less to capture it.

8be811 No.2024157

File: d361ec799e6f8dc⋯.jpg (42.82 KB, 630x334, 315:167, You won the internet.jpg)


>What plan does Q have for the shills?

That's awsome.

76da99 No.2024158

File: 18f4a2196ee313c⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1039x677, 1039:677, POTUS FLOTUS 7-1-18.PNG)

File: 558dd0f1f4bea12⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1030x683, 1030:683, 2 POTUS FLOTUS 7-1-18.PNG)

969ecf No.2024159


e92d79 No.2024160


Remember when the DNC announced they were going to sue Potus? Q dropped crumbs about "how do we legally…" and Potus tweeted about it as well.

58f85b No.2024161

File: 3e57eebc203c120⋯.png (5.16 MB, 1770x2348, 885:1174, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

File: b23c45259c7061c⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1962x1146, 327:191, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)

Shills suck a dick.

Look at the rim of the Mug holder.

Can you see two rims? Two reflections?

This is caused by the two different reflective surfaces of the IPhone.

The edge of the Apple Logo has the same reflective image doubling.

These reflections are in camera optical effects.

Q would have to print the Shill photo and take this new photo using the reflection of the IPhone.

458620 No.2024162



>>Donilin in NK and with Obama


434580 No.2024163

5a1aa7 No.2024164


With immunity he's compelled to testify

Can't please the fifth, or held in contempt

5b0fc2 No.2024165


I did, attached to >>2024140

b27508 No.2024166


Anyone can sharpen the image. What we always need with these Q drops are higher resolution images. Can't just resize without turning it into an 8bit looking spectacle.

e1a90e No.2024167


Zoom in

Enhance it

Enhance it

Enhance it

3cdeee No.2024168


It doesn't say WHO was suing Trump Campaign.

Was this the DNC lawsuit against Trump Campaign?

e5fd8a No.2024169

File: 959a8aeb5119260⋯.jpg (69.29 KB, 792x566, 396:283, Godfather-III-IvanaTrump-n….jpg)

This got posted on the dead end bread so re-posting here:

A few months ago (it seems like ages) there was talk about who [P] was and I don't think that there ever was a definite answer to this question. There was also reference given to the Godfather (III?).

Godfather III is about the influence of the Vatican in organized crime. At one point in the film, the related image gives the info, Ivana Trump's name is shown in a newspaper although it is not the focus of the shot - the info about God's Banker missing is.

I believe that [P] is the Pope (in the movie's timeline it is John Paul I). All the references that Q has been dropping about the hierarchy of control, [P], Godfather, etc, appear in this movie. Here is the image of that newspaper scene.

-By the way, just finished re-watching it with a new set of eyes in the context of Q drops and the world scene today.

e44cbe No.2024170

Q post is updated.


>I'll grab #2551 notables

Thanks anon

c1edf0 No.2024171

File: 3dbb342f1012fbd⋯.jpg (45.85 KB, 500x328, 125:82, c8641d0a171412808feeff1cf5….jpg)

Welcome aboard, AF1 has new Apple chips.

AF is no longer comped with clown chips.

e44b21 No.2024172

File: 8a70c28d3c7c2de⋯.png (618.87 KB, 1148x850, 574:425, ClipboardImage.png)

The stain of Hussein is being bleached out of our lives. Not a minute too soon.

51b52e No.2024173


there are already pictures in this bread of him wearing a watch on his left hand, Anon

1a0715 No.2024174

File: 69c67a10d7a5d87⋯.jpg (81.38 KB, 529x529, 1:1, 29-ron-howard-movie.w529.h….jpg)

File: acd8281a9ee7b1d⋯.png (124.86 KB, 168x344, 21:43, 002c4b34-001b-42cd-b8c8-7c….png)


08c75f No.2024175


>But Huvelle made clear that her decision was a technical one based on issues of legal jurisdiction and was not a definitive ruling on allegations that the Trump campaign struck an illicit deal with the Russians during the presidential contest.

>"It bears emphasizing that this Court’s ruling is not based on a finding that there was no collusion between defendants and Russia during the 2016 presidential election," Huvelle wrote. "This is the wrong forum for plaintiffs’ lawsuit. The Court takes no position on the merits of plaintiffs’ claims."

Fucking Politico. Even after the judge throws out the suit, they're still pushing muh Russian colluuuuusion narrative.

Fucking cunts.

NEVER a straight, unbiased report from the msm.

840408 No.2024176


Wonderful summary there Anon. Even though wasted on a shill, it's good reading for the newbie's and will help them understand why we have to have some patience and the bonus of what a shill sounds like, and why we choose to ignore them as much as possible.

f1c336 No.2024177



Portland St. The old location of Western Pacific Kindergarten's former location



216c96 No.2024178





"Just print the damn thing!"

de96d1 No.2024179


It isn't Princess Hussein

4fc25c No.2024180


My first thought when Q posted the pic. No one seemed to want to look into it. I couldn't find anything but it doesn't mean there is no connection.

440882 No.2024181


No, too old. In Q photo you can clearly see brown uniformity in the hair color, not black/gray/white

d5bf8d No.2024182



b3faf0 No.2024183


Meh. I like this one better: >>2022295

39acb8 No.2024184

File: 6bd43f5292f2320⋯.png (402.19 KB, 1040x377, 80:29, 1680ma.png)

98d817 No.2024185


I said it before and was immediately called a shill.

Maybe this post is the "forcing" that is necessary for the media to cover. This can be used to declare Q a "larp" really easily. Q KNOWS we would figure it out.

08c75f No.2024186

File: d5c49022ba5cf9f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 146.25 KB, 1024x753, 1024:753, water2.jpg)

5b0fc2 No.2024187



It's so much easier in the movies

7edfe5 No.2024188



It is best to learn metaphysics and spirituality 101 before delving into the topic of demons, you will waste time, get false fear-based understanding and do nothing productive.

a13c8b No.2024189


Picture on the right is of an Airbus window which would have a materially different shape than a older generation Boeing window, such as one would find on AF1 / 747-200.

1a0715 No.2024190

File: c829b77d0b97240⋯.jpg (155.08 KB, 741x745, 741:745, a6d78697-a78f-40e4-aafc-c1….JPG)

8b58fd No.2024191

I still say Putin. From the shape of his head, hair color, body size, and the way he carries himself. He would be dressed more casually than we normally see and not sure why no security detail surrounding him but that is who it looks like to me.

1a3f01 No.2024192

File: 5b835e579258423⋯.png (248.14 KB, 738x805, 738:805, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f861880c901782⋯.png (141.28 KB, 739x840, 739:840, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6025b3376577954⋯.png (62.38 KB, 733x814, 733:814, ClipboardImage.png)

File: df28eb5193ce6f7⋯.png (212.17 KB, 741x833, 741:833, ClipboardImage.png)


Swamp Drained: Obama's ICE Chief Counsel Sentenced to Prison for Identity Theft


870237 No.2024193


so did Q get an Iphone and reflect a physical

picture from AF1?

Also thought it could be an Image they got

from Husseins phone, or someone close to

them. Trolling/"we Have It All"

7d26e2 No.2024194


Give it up shill. Explain the jackets.

d8fc3f No.2024195


I am expressing same concern for the two last bread.


what gives it up to me pretty clearly, compare the ripples in the blinds form the stock photo and the Q photo. same. Telling me ripples in 2015 and now are the same?

Anyway, I am pretty sure Q has a idea underneath all of this, we just don't get it yet. Q trippled down.

3449a9 No.2024196


Southeast Asians are not that tall.

The Westerner is 5'6" or 5'8" because these coastal Cantonese are short people

a24597 No.2024197

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>wrestling abuse

dbea64 No.2024199

Q:"I'm a larp. 100%. Live Action Role Play, that's me."

You:"Decode Q's message! What could it meaaaaaaaaaaaan??????"

0dbdad No.2024200


That is close man I dont know

08c75f No.2024201

File: b275fb5a748bb20⋯.jpg (73.73 KB, 640x436, 160:109, mikeshogg.jpg)


No it's not.

Check the skin color.


5b0fc2 No.2024202


Connections aren't jumping out to me either, however, we know there's almost always something up around children

134368 No.2024203

File: 5c22cc22fd179e3⋯.jpg (98.6 KB, 620x350, 62:35, Washington_crossing_the_De….jpg)


Happy Independence Day to our wonderful President Donald J Trump, Q and Q+ Anons and families…

bc3a34 No.2024204

File: 9e56e4a4428172a⋯.jpg (281.91 KB, 2048x752, 128:47, Untitled-10.jpg)


and the curtains are different.

21a12c No.2024205

reading thread says everyone running in circles…focus, ignore chatter like me

3a24d6 No.2024206


pretty good match .

need more pics tos see

e85f66 No.2024207


I have been here since the beginning trying very very hard to do just that.

It took me along time to get here. Fill you in? You wouldn't believe me anyway. Not one person here has. Unless they have watched also. And that would be two since November.

c4821b No.2024208


"After having observed Donald Trump’s historical references (the constitutional compromise of 1789, the examples of Andrew Jackson and Richard Nixon) and the way in which his partisans perceive his politics, Thierry Meyssan here analyses his anti-imperialist actions. The US President is not interested in taking a step back, but on the contrary, abandoning the interests of the transnational ruling class in order to develop the US national economy."

baker, notable

86d2d4 No.2024209


Yup. This issue isn't going to go away. It requires decisive disclosure/explanation from Q. If not, Q is committing an unforced error by sewing doubt in confused patriot anons and handing a propaganda tool to shills.

6e33ab No.2024210

prolly wondering whats that tallfancy building in the background


39b99a No.2024211

f25d8c No.2024212


here's a name for you…

Roberto Calvi

he was a "God's Banker" who was found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge in London

baa444 No.2024214


Western pacific kindergarten 2 nd pic

Address :

2/Floor, Kam Tong Building, No 1R, Waterloo Road, Yaumatei, Kowloon, Hong Kong

a2d72e No.2024215


(>>>you) testing

1a0715 No.2024216

File: 9a2f38f22b2ffc1⋯.jpg (81.69 KB, 500x502, 250:251, iamwho.jpg)

216c96 No.2024218

6dc0a4 No.2024219

File: f835dcb336b478e⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1264x3119, 1264:3119, Screenshot-2018-7-4 Judge ….png)

4fc25c No.2024220


Was curious is there was a public schedule for PW that would place him in HK. Same for the others mentioned.

4111fa No.2024221


Well Duh. Lurk Moar.

Most ppl change out of street shoes into hiking boots to HIKE uphill.

c4821b No.2024222


ms-13 bragged about how they control the borders and had border patrol/ice in their pockets.

Swamp is being drained, THOROUGHLY.

206e44 No.2024223


Too bad the baker didn't think any of this was notable from the other breads. kek

a2d72e No.2024224


you are (>you)

564ad7 No.2024225

c562be No.2024226


I've been lurking since halfchan and I totally understand if it's just a drop and not a proof, but Q is saying it's a real picture and I find that really REALLY hard to believe. IDK, I'm gonna sleep on it.

537867 No.2024227

File: 5f4bbd77a15e567⋯.png (3.54 MB, 2560x3463, 2560:3463, image.png)

fb8799 No.2024228


Sometimes they ditch their team. And yes, if going for a hand off they would do so. the man to his right is likely bodyguard. You 'd be surprised how few people would recognize , without all the hoopla. And the assistant could just say in Chinese that it's not him. No one would expect him on the street so it's

"hidden in plain site:" situation.

6e33ab No.2024229


i see antifa

8455b5 No.2024230

File: b938804299eaba4⋯.gif (2.3 MB, 480x368, 30:23, BcPbK9ci4EU31qUTkR.gif)

21a12c No.2024231

1a3f01 No.2024232


Nice trips

26b2c8 No.2024233

Aside from out right "confirming" Q's photo was a fraud, the digging on the picture to make that GIF is the type of work we need. I wouldn't throw it out.

b36ae6 No.2024234


It’s just a reflection from a screen or a printed photo

1a0715 No.2024235


you know who?

8be811 No.2024236




>that's what I said in the very first response to Q… "Has apple seen the light?"

Got that but don't know enough to know what it means to us un-tech types.

76da99 No.2024237

File: 3008f99a7a30a43⋯.png (175.54 KB, 422x241, 422:241, Melania IPhone.PNG)

046a04 No.2024238


Interesting article involving Tom Donilon saying "the White house expects Hong Kong to move forward with the extradition" of @snowden in 2013


b1eaa8 No.2024239

File: 8971fc65f0feab5⋯.jpg (164.85 KB, 1014x738, 169:123, Shills A Plenty.jpg)

440882 No.2024240


Car RamRod tonight

b27508 No.2024241

File: 8f02c216c9c1487⋯.jpg (21.92 KB, 360x240, 3:2, Michael Avenatti nd57xWM30….jpg)

564ad7 No.2024242


why are you here shill?

gotta feed your family, I understand

67b46f No.2024243


I believe the AF1 Image is a Stage

I am no Shill, I eat shills for breakfast

c4821b No.2024244



Baker, another notable

Swamp Drained: Obama's ICE Chief Counsel Sentenced to Prison for Identity Theft

666d65 No.2024245

File: 0b9a695704e2794⋯.png (80.3 KB, 286x288, 143:144, ron dickles.png)


who's Don Rickles in the background?

20a3de No.2024246

File: 0109df09c11fafc⋯.jpg (100.02 KB, 751x1080, 751:1080, 1526186379847.jpg)


Dr. Roy Shekelwitz seems like a reliable source of truth.

a76d33 No.2024247

File: 9149e0e0e13f6bb⋯.png (8.11 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, q11.png)

March 7th Q - same street?

Shall we play a game?

Find @Snowden


Happy Hunting!


e85f66 No.2024248


Oh shut up. They aren't demons first of all. And you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Less useless brainwashed new age old religion bullshit. And more you have no idea. Learn.

216c96 No.2024249


Let's make Q a name….


ffa1a7 No.2024250


Carter page is a skinny bitch

d8fc3f No.2024251


distortion could cause difference. But nevertheless, I see the exact same pattern

4a78c9 No.2024252

File: ebc85e4bf34fe1c⋯.png (59.58 KB, 663x826, 663:826, ClipboardImage.png)

>Western pacific kindergarten


64e209 No.2024253



Current bread edited. Added Q post and notables. F5.

40735c No.2024254



Phone fagging. Hoping this goes through. Third times the charm? Starter digs.

e60511 No.2024255


Q uses the word IDEN in many posts….

c562be No.2024256


This is were my head is at right now. I'm not denouncing Q. I'm just asking questions.

3cdeee No.2024257


Just SFO for now. To Hong Kong not confirmed yet, but likely

faca25 No.2024259

File: 537c185a85ec576⋯.png (263.56 KB, 818x1024, 409:512, jobs-wife-donatedtoclinton….png)

File: 557949e73006641⋯.png (103.87 KB, 1237x499, 1237:499, cook-sends-trump-iphonex.png)

File: cbc7bda853fb813⋯.png (72.66 KB, 646x362, 323:181, cook-apologizing-china.png)

File: c615052cfade159⋯.png (76.14 KB, 627x361, 33:19, steve-is-spinning.png)


Doing some digging a little further back

- Tim Cook sends Trump an iPhone X


- Trump Tweet "Why the hell is Tim Cook apologizing to China"

- Trump meets with wife of Steve Jobs who donated large amount to Clinton Campaign

- (Prior to above) Trump tweets about wife of Steve Jobs having "lover"

-→ does this mean that they had some kind of relationship prior to presidency or maybe even Jobs dying?

-→ I cannot find any photos of Steve and Trump together.. is this for a reason?

-→ Trump supposedly is big fan of Apple (in the past at least)(same lol)(sad)

just some ideas

baa444 No.2024260


Not same street

a24597 No.2024261


Tone of voice outs shills. Filtered.

8be811 No.2024262


How did you know what I was doing? Kek

Doing business with the enemy. Crown Royal.

4fc25c No.2024263


HK is an international city with Asians from all over.

564ad7 No.2024264


crazed night BO, thanks

16acc5 No.2024265


You should put him in the Broward County Sheriff's Dept's Lambo.

458620 No.2024266



>Interesting article involving Tom Donilon saying "the White house expects Hong Kong to move forward with the extradition" of @snowden in 2013


743d00 No.2024267

File: 6742cafb87eb6e0⋯.jpg (282.41 KB, 577x724, 577:724, Guy.jpg)

07f37c No.2024268

>>2021321 (from prev)

Thanks anon it did for me.

Baker if you did not see this at the end of #2549 here you go.


If it helps

>>2021248 rt >>2019981 —- Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2021248 rt >>2019832 —- Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

>>2021248 rt >>2020544 —- Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

e1048b No.2024269

Trump Threatens To Release 9/11 Docs Implicating Clintons, Bushes & Mueller


EXCLUSIVE: Trump To Torpedo Deep State By Releasing 9/11 Information


bb980a No.2024270


follow the wives

what if steve jobs was 187d by cabal wife

e85f66 No.2024271


Because YOU DO IN FACT have something to FEAR. So man up face it and fucking deal with it so we can get our shit together and not be a fucking buffet.

faca25 No.2024272


on further review my mistake about Cook sending Trump an iPhone X– the article was speaking about Woz receiving the iPhone X


b3faf0 No.2024273


Good point anon. However:

>Q would have to print the Shill photo and take this new photo using the reflection of the IPhone.

Playing devil's advocate– If you were going to fake a post like this, isn't this exactly what you would do?

Print pic→ take reflection pic → "distort/skew" as Q said

If that's the case, the apple logo should be distorted, no? Is that even possible to determine, since it would be hard to tell between a distorted logo vs a pic taken of the logo at an angle?

9b789f No.2024274

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4a78c9 No.2024276

File: 3fbdaadc45ee736⋯.png (661.74 KB, 1275x780, 85:52, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c7394f9121fb90f⋯.png (990.71 KB, 799x532, 799:532, ClipboardImage.png)

>Western pacific kindergarten



e3020d No.2024277

It's Dennis Rodman for sure

28df53 No.2024278

File: f14454b2eb6f460⋯.png (236.51 KB, 268x477, 268:477, Jason.PNG)

I think I found him,lol,not. We can guess all night at this point

818a61 No.2024279


One day our nation will be free.

5b0fc2 No.2024280

File: 0030bf729e8ad29⋯.png (397.34 KB, 450x667, 450:667, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)


Stars & Stripes forever :)

On my reddit feed from Australia

Very nice!

7b895b No.2024281

File: 4aa0bf72bc0ee7f⋯.png (337.41 KB, 712x995, 712:995, kcetp.png)

>trolling is fun

>they are here 24/7

maybe it was for (them) not (you)…

170035 No.2024282

File: 69d87937f60e49b⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 600x338, 300:169, Firefly_1x01_219.jpg)


You da best!

07f37c No.2024283


I love winning! even if it takes about 17 years…. how about that!

fb871b No.2024284

File: a60e5c2ebf0cf2f⋯.jpg (140.66 KB, 712x506, 356:253, _wb50vf0ehzi.jpg)


ThanQs, things got a bit qrazy, had me worried for a bit there.


e44cbe No.2024285




7338f1 No.2024286

File: dcda4996e17f513⋯.png (34.87 KB, 676x102, 338:51, ClipboardImage.png)


Yep, case dismissed, no evidence introduced. Cabal's on a roll today. Can we get another where's waldo picture?

aaf255 No.2024287

File: 5d4ea31c8eed701⋯.jpg (78.98 KB, 600x740, 30:37, bill-clinton-68-birthday-p….jpg)

Red shoe diaries

1319c9 No.2024288

File: a1a724a3082d669⋯.png (2.15 MB, 591x1280, 591:1280, T3902.png)

what are these reflected letters?

trying to distort in photoshop…like apple logo

b36ae6 No.2024289

The q image is tilted more. Check positioning of shadows and pleats >>2024204

ffa1a7 No.2024290

Right hand side of Pic. Guy above silver car, next to person in Orange tshirt, could be edward snowbunny

08c75f No.2024291


Sounds about right.

f80e67 No.2024292

File: 935fd3af89768a6⋯.png (509.29 KB, 984x683, 984:683, p.png)

a76d33 No.2024293


Maybe HK to SFO to JFK?

cee648 No.2024294


Yeah, the curtains are too much of a match… and I'm just not seeing the difference in the mug holder placement.

Patience is key… keep an open mind, don't jump to any conclusions, and watch, wait, and dig…

1b2a0a No.2024295

File: 62e9a5075453fce⋯.png (81.5 KB, 434x470, 217:235, ClipboardImage.png)

5b0fc2 No.2024296


If only the subject was wearing a red tie.

3624f9 No.2024297


Isn't he super short though?

I think even his daughter is taller.

d1f5dd No.2024298

File: c8d7f0ba6c65c13⋯.jpg (267.61 KB, 589x785, 589:785, IMG_20180704014901_0.jpg)

d389ea No.2024299


That's the dash windshield defroster vent.

b27508 No.2024300


Air vent on dashboard reflection

e85f66 No.2024301


Good. The world doesn't need more political correct muh feelings pussies. We need thinkers that are warriors.

9b789f No.2024302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Happy 4th of July y'all!

fef6b1 No.2024303


Good eyes

de96d1 No.2024304

File: 72a867e31d827e9⋯.png (1.36 MB, 514x1037, 514:1037, ClipboardImage.png)

Found him..sorry couldn't resist. Drawing a blank.

866706 No.2024305

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

RBG has a movie coming out, wtf.

The trailer portrays her like she's some kind of saint. Are they trying to protect her legacy?

1a3f01 No.2024306

File: 66e3142e2e204bb⋯.png (835.34 KB, 825x727, 825:727, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4dc7de9cec931bc⋯.png (74.14 KB, 832x849, 832:849, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d874c462b0c7f17⋯.png (259.86 KB, 844x754, 422:377, ClipboardImage.png)



OR ?????

‘Sound conclusions’: Senate panel backs ‘Russiagate’ intel report


07f37c No.2024308


Great, glad to help. Thank you too!

8dee15 No.2024309


He's too snakey to get caught on a peninsula. He wants a straight run to the border.

440882 No.2024310

File: 23a7b909f8be638⋯.png (88.55 KB, 550x298, 275:149, July Truth Indepedence.png)


Any photoshop fag want to add POTUS head?

08c75f No.2024311


>That suit was suppose to be the way we "legally introduced evidence"

Airplane picture … DIG!

6d4cc5 No.2024312

File: 3c76af4060bbe99⋯.jpg (361.52 KB, 1588x720, 397:180, c3d8f4bab9f2cdddfa40abfbe1….jpg)

The Apple logo is turned upside down and is over the lamp.

Apple = enlightened to the PLAN and flipped?

18508e No.2024313


Q did mention "Stormy?"

7edfe5 No.2024314


Demons are not Doom-style heavily armed massive opponents. Demons are leeches that feed addictions, violence, hate, drain your life of joy and replace it with negativity. Demons are spiritual parasites and I believe everyone here has experience with them.

4a78c9 No.2024315


Eddie Ng



8e6c5d No.2024316



That sign is missing in Jan 2017>>2024260


Look at this post you can see the white sign(under Western) is still there but the other ones are gone. Is Q pic older than this one.

f10531 No.2024317

File: 9fddecbeba99ac9⋯.jpg (16.46 KB, 584x251, 584:251, awan.jpg)

>>2022737 (lb)


3cdeee No.2024318

File: 1819e978975362c⋯.png (1.01 MB, 339x586, 339:586, dddd668509033890e3a0cd0976….png)

File: ead27b836844f34⋯.jpeg (4.27 MB, 2460x3000, 41:50, iu-6.jpeg)

Prince William has that same brownish/redish hair as man in street.

I haven't seen any photos of anyone else yet with that color.

b3faf0 No.2024319


It's sowing, btw. Like sowing seeds (of doubt). Not sewing clothing. Seen several people make this error tonight lol

0dbdad No.2024320

File: 6c3700141b0dee2⋯.jpg (150.18 KB, 1100x733, 1100:733, p031214ps-0425.jpg)

I dont know

3449a9 No.2024321


Now your talking

Try Cohen too

Any other lawyers we can think of?

Powerful people send lawyers off on missions like this

a24597 No.2024322


I can't wait to see Brock and Fink on trial.

d6aab8 No.2024323

File: 1a7326ace52628a⋯.png (97.87 KB, 271x351, 271:351, Eric Harris.png)

File: 54ef7e7cd951c12⋯.png (29.02 KB, 456x138, 76:23, Sunday School Joey the Fro….png)

File: f3b9a4fb37fd329⋯.png (63.93 KB, 226x230, 113:115, Walter Harris Sunday Schoo….png)

What is it with people named Harris in school shootings in Colorado?

ef8cb2 No.2024324


your welcome.


e44b21 No.2024325

File: 9cb8c8fe27224e5⋯.png (65.7 KB, 1056x240, 22:5, ClipboardImage.png)

"Pro-abortion women are starting a “sex strike” to save abortion. Soooo… their plan to save abortion is to practice abstinence? The thought process of the Left is unfathomable."

These people are REALLY stupid.


70de01 No.2024326


Bionic Ed Harris?

86451c No.2024327

File: 0f3137aad352814⋯.png (7.77 MB, 1870x1942, 935:971, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

File: af4e9da26af379e⋯.png (3.66 MB, 1674x1814, 837:907, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

1a0715 No.2024328

File: ed4f9adf2b2d475⋯.jpg (46.73 KB, 367x540, 367:540, DgGuB4rX4AAgZuW.jpg)

d6e9ca No.2024329

File: 943ef0b36435371⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1998x1094, 999:547, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

16acc5 No.2024330


K/NK is a peninsula. :/

cfd9c7 No.2024331

How to get a reporter to ask about Q?

Maybe that's the wrong question. Why not try to get a reporter to ask about something that would be "newsworthy" to a normal curious reporter.

For instance, it shouldn't be too hard to get someone to ask why there was a photo of North Korea in POTUS's "Thank you Asia" tweeted video.

a24597 No.2024332

66fc6b No.2024333


I ended up in Uganda,

Address: P.O. Box 36746 Kampala, Uganda

4fc25c No.2024334


Her legacy, like Obama's, will be erased soon enough.

bb980a No.2024335


they might become that depending on what the cabal has been doing in dumbs

non human spirit + cloned vessel + genetic engineering

8159ef No.2024336

File: cf935c05e3466fd⋯.jpg (292.18 KB, 1400x786, 700:393, susan rice.jpg)

File: a1858c5fffdc2c2⋯.jpg (30.99 KB, 474x315, 158:105, susan rice 2.jpg)

File: 1bb47d678cfa777⋯.jpg (172.47 KB, 1024x720, 64:45, susan rice legs.jpg)


Susan Fucken Rice


e44cbe No.2024337



movie trailer

dce6ea No.2024338


> The brown thing at his waist is not Princely.

Could be a cell phone holster

39b99a No.2024339

File: fe64d416c46c7fa⋯.png (4.46 MB, 2048x1369, 2048:1369, ClipboardImage.png)

ae3bcf No.2024340


That looks like everyones favorite bear riding Russian to me.

7338f1 No.2024341


That's what (((they))) want us to do.

3cdeee No.2024342


Thank you. 2 DNC Donors filed it.

dc7ed5 No.2024343

File: 770b8c912137aa3⋯.jpg (362.84 KB, 1883x952, 269:136, qsharpend.jpg)



f80e67 No.2024344

28df53 No.2024345


William imo is the best match so far, corey is on his tail in the #2 spot

7edfe5 No.2024346


When you come prepared with high energy of Love they scatter like cockroaches.

5b0fc2 No.2024347


Any notable people's names?

4111fa No.2024348

File: 5c7975dadb0b919⋯.jpg (39.29 KB, 456x986, 228:493, HRHongKongJul3.JPG)


Try this one on for size ANON

e85f66 No.2024349


Oh blah. You just don't get it. Read your bible, repent, stay on your knees, stick your head in the sand and stay out of the way.

4b1ada No.2024350

File: 34f5f0031431610⋯.png (491.08 KB, 567x379, 567:379, ClipboardImage.png)


Prince William in HK in March 2015….

HAIRLINE matches….

440882 No.2024351


LOL. That's awesome.

I fully support a pro-choice sex strike which is a pro-life action to save babies.

4fc25c No.2024352


Most leftist women I've seen need to go on one of those hunger strikes. And more than 24 hours.

e44cbe No.2024353

Notables So Far


>>2024305, >>2024337 The movie we've all been waiting for: (((RBG)))

>>2023842 Moar on Glencore Mining subpoena: Mark Rich/FBI connections

>>2023802 "Ergo, not a proof but a message." Anon thinks logically re: Q stock photo free-for-all

>>2023088 Scott Schools “The Most Important Unknown Person in D.C.”

>>2022978, >>2022983, >>2023000, >>2023128 Anons discuss enlarged pic of dude in recent Qcrumb

>>2023014, >>2023117 Last int'l flight for United 747 10/29/2017- one day after Q began posting.

6ee9c5 No.2024354


What's he wearing on his belt? Pager?

16acc5 No.2024355

File: 948f0eb24e52ea6⋯.png (162.43 KB, 550x377, 550:377, putinredpills.png)

faca25 No.2024356

File: 3ba7d757e6bcf9d⋯.png (506.75 KB, 1042x947, 1042:947, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)


Wife of Steve Jobs

1a3f01 No.2024357

Listening to Hannity reply.

Democrat says we need ice, border security and maybe the wall!

Listen for yourself.


39d530 No.2024358

File: d61754c947df0c6⋯.png (278.48 KB, 433x379, 433:379, ClipboardImage.png)

Too short?

b6388e No.2024359




This looks like a legit NOW shot of (albeit from a different distance and angle. The obvious thing is all the changes from the Q pic fro sometime BEFORE.

Any thoughts on the Q pic date of origin?

08c75f No.2024360


Landeau's fuck toy?

f10531 No.2024361

look for gold wrist watch as well

440882 No.2024362


It's him. Waiting for Q to confirm. This reminds me when everyone thought they had POTUS pegged as Soros last time Q teased a pic.

Save us from this Q!

6e33ab No.2024363


just spit it out or btfo

3cdeee No.2024364


Chinese probably think white folk all look the same -

so maybe they wouldn't recognize a famous person.


258e22 No.2024365

Shills can't take a joke. That's a tell.

9cede1 No.2024366


Where is his detail? Not likely.

b36ae6 No.2024367


I agree. I’ve seen enough to be on board with Q, but why triple down on this pic being original when it’s clearly a reflection of an easy to find pic online? What gives?

1d8f07 No.2024368


Good DIG !!

69537b No.2024369

File: c346f5446304cc6⋯.jpg (962.71 KB, 1242x1713, 414:571, image.png.jpg)

b7c1e1 No.2024370

Q-No deals. Awan. Want a deal?

7b9d81 No.2024371

Q I want to thank you, POTUS, and MI for doing something to save our country. I'm an Army Veteran, Infantry. Deployed five times to the Middle East from DS to OIF. I want to thank all the Anons as well.

I started waking up during OIF, and it started eating at me in my soul. It got worse, I think the last 5 years as I really went down the rabbit hole.

Getting these intel updates have been very uplifting. It, not a good feeling to learn you have been involved in unjust wars. It feels good now knowing that we are getting back to our roots to what it meant to be Americans. I'm not young, and much has changed, and it hasn't been good.

Happy 4th of July


6d4cc5 No.2024372


PreacherSonAnon here…

I entirely agree with this statement. I have seen manifestations and how cults infiltrate churches with people who are possessed. The infiltration has a lot to do with our problems today, since it has gone as deep as global leaders being riddled with demons.

e44b21 No.2024373


Anon - thanks for reminding us of the fake and frauds that BC and HRC are.

6e33ab No.2024375


Q can't fix your stupid

e85f66 No.2024376



If LOVE was the only ANSWER. Do ya really think we would be in this position for thousands of years?

New age doctrine ,ixed woth old religion makes for weak minded, weak spirit. Just love evil away.

Look around homie.


3a596c No.2024377

File: 264cba9fd4f39a1⋯.jpg (299.03 KB, 719x1199, 719:1199, Screenshot_20180703-234629….jpg)

File: 7f65ac87fbcedcb⋯.jpg (37.61 KB, 408x612, 2:3, 169541415.jpg)

File: d0c17a6c9b704ad⋯.jpg (331.76 KB, 719x1262, 719:1262, Screenshot_20180703-235301….jpg)

File: c892b5f53e908d1⋯.jpg (151.71 KB, 515x820, 103:164, Screenshot_20180703-235356….jpg)

Tom Donilon comparison photos.

8be811 No.2024378


Now that's autism taken a bridge too far. She does have great tits though.

fa4371 No.2024379





1b2a0a No.2024380

564ad7 No.2024381


you've been on this all day shill

time to change tactic


you wouldn't know

1f8ac6 No.2024382

File: 79229b1086e3389⋯.jpg (197.86 KB, 1071x714, 3:2, Q drop 07032018_10.jpg)

File: 52ec87548825746⋯.jpg (140.81 KB, 803x554, 803:554, Q drop 07032018_9.jpg)

File: c853151e44cfb08⋯.jpg (214.54 KB, 1006x985, 1006:985, Q drop 07032018_8.jpg)

File: 62a0fafc7e354d1⋯.jpg (186.23 KB, 477x749, 477:749, Solar Radiation Management….jpg)

File: 1048c0388ef585a⋯.jpg (192.82 KB, 484x735, 484:735, Solar Radiation Management….jpg)



Trump insight.

steve, clinton connections.

Trump blowing up steve and lover, whoa.

Either to hurt steve or protect wife, inform her.

Trump twts "GRAVE" on the "gift" given by

Cook? That's a lil cold. No pics of S/T, not

friends. Hmmm big fan of apple. Trump

hates steve, but made a lot of money on apple

rise. Was upset to see them fall behind

samsung. just thoughts. Gh.

07f37c No.2024383


I agree on that, and look at the gate and tilt of the shoulders too… also… who else do you see in the photo… people standing around … maybe they are watching? And you hear stories about people who have security ditching their security…it's a possibility to consider at least

7d26e2 No.2024384

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here is a press briefing from a year ago.

19a7f9 No.2024385


I'd love to eat Hillary's ass especially younger Hillary

8ba5ea No.2024386


You don't start off negotiations by offering deals off the bat while they just plead the 5th.

You say no deals and wait for them to sweat and spill everything they have.

d1f5dd No.2024387


this pic definitely ben rhodes

c14b0c No.2024388


IS mirror of server identical or at mirror for legalities

21a12c No.2024389


if , using memes to portray the "give us your poor, your hungry" just check in at border because we have some bad peeps who will enslave you, and eat your kids for sunday dinner..maybe we could get a few more to use Ports of Entry.

e44b21 No.2024390


SR needs to answer for her evil misdeeds. Hopefully she can afford very good lawyers.

844135 No.2024391

File: 426a735f3bbf64b⋯.jpg (658.21 KB, 1439x605, 1439:605, q-abc-plane.jpg)


Q lamp on left, ABC lamp on right.

They look a tad different to me.

d1e461 No.2024392

File: 280972d555c46df⋯.jpeg (22.66 KB, 360x360, 1:1, EBEB3901-112F-47F2-9F15-2….jpeg)


perfect ;)

170035 No.2024393

File: 422ccbd4dd7ab2e⋯.jpg (21.87 KB, 307x450, 307:450, yb.jpg)

File: 1f25751051756f6⋯.jpeg (123.43 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, yb2.jpeg)

File: 1aac35f04699144⋯.jpg (72.92 KB, 925x1000, 37:40, yb1.jpg)

7edfe5 No.2024394


If you lower your animosity towards everything you will see further. Hate is making you blind.

537867 No.2024395


I've ran into them a few times, also add Spez to the list.

64cf6b No.2024396

File: eeb959cb0880274⋯.jpg (913.39 KB, 1359x1568, 1359:1568, Screenshot_20180704-015125….jpg)


Maybe?? But My eyes Tyre!

872595 No.2024397

File: 91ba0d36057ac61⋯.jpeg (128.18 KB, 640x873, 640:873, 4B2B4A03-6B7F-4FC8-AB04-3….jpeg)

I’m curious about what the shills are freaking out about?

Anons have any idea why the shills are going nuts?


3ee130 No.2024398




Anons are we being conned by a kike psyop here?

3cdeee No.2024399


Looks like he has a black pager type devise on his belt.

239c22 No.2024400

File: 88230cfbbd07bbf⋯.jpg (121.91 KB, 861x888, 287:296, charles2DUCK.jpg)

a24597 No.2024401

File: d155b210a9d1164⋯.png (9.03 KB, 584x126, 292:63, snopes asks the wrong ques….PNG)

File: b42de9fe51f4892⋯.jpg (126.21 KB, 900x478, 450:239, ginsburg1.jpg)

File: bac93de2f83b8d7⋯.jpg (279.71 KB, 800x1066, 400:533, ginsburg.jpg)


Snopes stands out for trickery here.

d6e9ca No.2024402

File: 943ef0b36435371⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1998x1094, 999:547, Screen Shot 2018-07-03 at ….png)

File: c83f5cc470d2195⋯.jpg (333.57 KB, 1883x952, 269:136, qsharpened.jpg)



Michael Avenatti


b55659 No.2024403


INAL so can someone clarify - it's my understanding that if an Inspector General, in the course of his work, comes across clear evidence of a crime, he has to report it to AG right away.

Is that requirement the same for SC Mueller?

197e70 No.2024404

Q Was it Joe Biden..?

58f85b No.2024405

File: 3e57eebc203c120⋯.png (5.16 MB, 1770x2348, 885:1174, Screen Shot 2018-07-04 at ….png)


I'm 100% sure this is a photo of a reflection.

Faking the image doubling would be almost impossible.

The distortions increase at the edges and reduce near the center.

Q knew this couldn't be faked, so he set the scene to match for the keks.

39b99a No.2024406



523841 No.2024407

File: ebe26251f831969⋯.jpg (74.04 KB, 640x640, 1:1, IMG_7613.JPG)


Thank you for your service, anon. Much love (no homo)! o7

0dbdad No.2024408

File: 130225cf21af3fb⋯.jpg (9.37 KB, 311x162, 311:162, 96h01iqztr711.jpg)


That's Andre Carson….this is Awan

9809a2 No.2024409

File: d79f7cade296543⋯.jpeg (424.4 KB, 610x753, 610:753, 9204EF86-6BAC-4726-AA7D-3….jpeg)



Hong Kong

bcb92e No.2024410


No one is forcing anyone to be here.

ceb911 No.2024411

File: e179732833d02d9⋯.png (355.62 KB, 1871x827, 1871:827, ClipboardImage.png)



Ben Rhodes….Interesting line of work, woudntcha know?

6e33ab No.2024412


google search it with cell phones

a78d42 No.2024413

File: 74cc191d4ee3013⋯.jpg (55.23 KB, 472x747, 472:747, princeWM-asia.JPG)

File: b1e560d91b8a670⋯.jpg (61.09 KB, 380x769, 380:769, princeWM-asia2.JPG)

File: 02f92e9a3302cd0⋯.jpg (36.12 KB, 392x432, 49:54, princeWM-asia4.JPG)

File: bde3176ffe1ae57⋯.jpg (28.33 KB, 291x483, 97:161, princeWM-asia3.JPG)



Agree … and photos from Hanoi have similar clothes … but walking by himself? seems odd …

29ac4d No.2024414


potus lampshade is different

35dd03 No.2024415


That was my guess but might be too young.

4a280d No.2024416

File: 1fd29bf31a32d2d⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1275x778, 1275:778, San Fran SUCKS.png)

File: 2902550842c2ff6⋯.jpg (125.75 KB, 962x627, 962:627, 4DE7078000000578-5914425-i….jpg)

File: 74f42772b4b09ef⋯.jpg (103.45 KB, 962x630, 481:315, 4DE7049000000578-5914425-i….jpg)

File: 06c44c9054d7052⋯.jpg (123.13 KB, 500x652, 125:163, 2ddmou.jpg)

'I come from a third world country and it is not as bad as this': San Francisco’s homelessness and opioid crises drive away business, as $40m convention cancels because members are too SCARED to walk alone

Convention is canceling its meeting in San Francisco because its board members feel unsafe in the city

Said it had three main concerns: open drug use, threatening behavior and mental illness on display

Last year, a board member was assaulted near the Moscone Center, where conventions are usually held

Tourism is a big business in San Francisco, bringing in around $9billion a year and employing 80,000 people

Mayor-elect London Breed is being urged to increase police foot presence and mental health services

Roughly 7,500 people in the city are homeless and an estimated 22,000 are intravenous drug users

http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5914425/Big-convention-cancels-meeting-San-Francisco-citys-problems-homelessness-drug.html

564ad7 No.2024417


"beware of clickbait"


"no deals" = HRC gets no deals


real pic off a reflection from an iphone on AF1, clearly not the same pic as the hussein stock photo

try harder

8ba5ea No.2024418


Putin's way too short. Kek.

170035 No.2024419



f10531 No.2024420


roger that

a24597 No.2024421

File: d2a6602809c59f2⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 220x229, 220:229, g.jpg)



Learn their comms.

1f8ac6 No.2024422

File: 8eab75701a1973f⋯.jpg (128.67 KB, 703x666, 19:18, media blackout.jpg)

File: b39a0acf23edc84⋯.jpg (252.98 KB, 1000x675, 40:27, Q drop 07012018_18.jpg)

File: b9d4ff99d7d2d16⋯.jpg (114.89 KB, 600x600, 1:1, obama 2006.jpg)

File: 47fcf09fd7df53f⋯.jpg (111.73 KB, 630x630, 1:1, Meme Magic.jpg)

File: d2e4adc9bc8d8ae⋯.jpg (198.4 KB, 881x643, 881:643, Nice memes.jpg)


bo is bad, take a shower.

e60511 No.2024423



Did you see what Q said?

Who would have thought the 'Twitter' phone could be so useful.

Do 'reflections' violate NAT SEC rules?

Where must one be located in order to obtain a reflection on the back of a phone of that image?

Image provided here has been distorted (stretched).


Seems clear that two phones were used to create the image. One taken a photo of the reflection of the other. It has been shown that DJT has two phones. One of which is a phone dedicated to Twitter. The reflection is proven by the image the apple symbol created.

The scene has been identified as being the oval office inside AF1. So to take the photo you would need to be inside AF1. Probably using both phones used by POTUS!

fef6b1 No.2024425

The fagorty of shills saying these are the same photos shouldn't even exist

258e22 No.2024426

Muhammad Subuh Sumohadiwidjojo

aka Mohammad Subud

7bcfcc No.2024427

File: 2d67e849346a53a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 578x781, 578:781, gimp-2.10_2018-07-03_22-59….png)

Color enhancer applied.

64cf6b No.2024429


Wow great catch, knew my eyes were tired!

1a3f01 No.2024430





e44b21 No.2024431

File: 5cba01a9fa12617⋯.png (589.5 KB, 1160x542, 580:271, ClipboardImage.png)

Interesting comment from a rapist and abuser of women. What a guy BC is.

baa444 No.2024432


I posted address up ^ there

39d530 No.2024434


Happy 4th of July, VeteranAnon!

c14b0c No.2024435


Needs Obama and couch pal

e85f66 No.2024436

Why do you think Q says



and why do you think our men are being turned into bum wear prise toting nails done fags.

39b99a No.2024437



How many is a fagorty? 17?

76da99 No.2024438


Someone else has an IPhone


fef6b1 No.2024439

File: feba120af39a35e⋯.jpg (393.83 KB, 1080x816, 45:34, 2018-07-04_01.54.41.jpg)

Can you spot the difference

6e2203 No.2024440


I think Prince Harry and William are white hats.

I hope they aren’t involved in evil they seem like good people.

8dee15 No.2024441


Former cult member. Agreed. Demon-possessed cult leaders use deception as main tool.

d1e461 No.2024442



there’s nothing to fear

the point of waking up spiritually is to realize that

when you realize you are love you become untouchable, invincible, and fearless

fear/ego are only useful to the extent they keep you from physical danger

otherwise - useless

if you’re spiritually strong/evolved enough, demons can’t touch you ;)

21a12c No.2024443



happy fourth, sirs

39b99a No.2024444

a04737 No.2024445

File: 8d7bd6b97a044d1⋯.png (567.82 KB, 720x858, 120:143, ClipboardImage.png)

9d003b No.2024446

You are a sick fuck.. lot of fucked up shit here.. your comment was over the line bub..


e92d79 No.2024447


Pouts tweet:

Apr 20, 2018 05:34:26 PM Just heard the Campaign was sued by the Obstructionist Democrats. This can be good news in that we will now counter for the DNC Server that they refused to give to the FBI, the Wendy Wasserman Schultz Servers and Documents held by the Pakistani mystery man and Clinton Emails.

3cdeee No.2024448


Where's all the SFO Airport Notables I flagged?

I used this NOTABLES

bb980a No.2024450


you might be a shill but you have a point

violence is the last answer

i think alot of the love stuff being pushed on social media is a psy op to get people to not prepare to defend themselves

then again

self defense is love …

f1c336 No.2024451


If I can find out when Western Pacific Kindergarten closed at that location then yes.

a24597 No.2024452


Abortion makes women mentally ill. Seen too many of them turn into absolute nutbars.

821bc7 No.2024453

If Q has been testing with fake/non original videos and photos, could the cabal be getting to drop some shit fake in retaliation to the Hussein images and Hillary vid coming out?

d8fc3f No.2024454


Just put the ABC picture on a computer screen, then take a picture of that reflection on the phone…. simple.

fa4371 No.2024455


kek i have no idea why but your comment made me laugh like crazy anon

7338f1 No.2024456


HRC is the only one who doesn't get a deal?

7b895b No.2024457

File: 21460eeb58e0722⋯.png (175.82 KB, 517x594, 47:54, shillspotter.png)


>trolling is fun

was a response to

>(((shills))) going nuts tonight…

ceb911 No.2024458


Nice work anon.

Quotes and sauced info on pics 1 & 3

e85f66 No.2024459


Hahahahahaha hahahah

Tell that to the 8 million missing children. They have nothing to fear.

e44b21 No.2024460

File: 13807f625e279bc⋯.png (1010.63 KB, 1156x810, 578:405, ClipboardImage.png)

Screw you that want to abolish ICE and law enforcement. Get the hell our of my country.

1a3f01 No.2024461




e44cbe No.2024462


28df53 No.2024463


You need counseling

7edfe5 No.2024464


Anons are assuming as little as possible - Occam's Razor, using calm collected logic and looking at a topic from many angles without attaching yourself to it.

If something is not understood instantly it will be understood with time and effort.

I personally don't feel this has a sinister side because the positive developments and intentions can be felt. Only thing is our collective speed of events is slooooow. Ultra slow. Because we live fast, hectic Matrix lives and therefore REAL things happen slowly.

9d003b No.2024466


Stop w af1 pics.. its done, dead… overmove on

1f8ac6 No.2024467

File: 3a5f87f25478980⋯.jpg (225.32 KB, 1132x635, 1132:635, Joel Davis_3.jpg)

File: 065ece836d51d1e⋯.jpg (214.92 KB, 1106x844, 553:422, Deep Dream.jpg)

File: d095d001b4021c8⋯.jpg (178.59 KB, 710x1200, 71:120, Q drop 06282018_014.jpg)

File: dce61c20db1ce57⋯.jpg (264.31 KB, 1156x1035, 1156:1035, Q drop 06282018_013.jpg)

File: 4414fc8b4db208e⋯.jpg (108.74 KB, 636x343, 636:343, They want you divdied.jpg)


"Snopes stands out for trick…"

e1a90e No.2024468

Anons scouring the net for white balding male in a white business shirt, khakis and dark shoes.

Why are we assuming this man has no other clothes?

c1edf0 No.2024469


Perfect for the (((anon))) who keeps posting pics of fat asses.

e6ac74 No.2024470

File: db17fd32d67fbfc⋯.jpg (126.69 KB, 558x799, 558:799, boh_bigfoot.jpg)

6d9253 No.2024471


Did anons already consider Wladimir Putin?

64cf6b No.2024472

File: 5d338ee32e7d313⋯.jpg (1.15 MB, 1440x2960, 18:37, Screenshot_20180703-204510….jpg)

Thanks for brilliance Q & thanks for your patience to….

2280ed No.2024473

File: b5795cdf3d75fb8⋯.png (91.23 KB, 958x765, 958:765, IMG_5105.PNG)

File: 5824acc81686479⋯.png (83.11 KB, 612x589, 612:589, IMG_5106.PNG)

I'm not sure they the target, blurry but can kinda see something in the window and further down the road and up

95c33c No.2024474

Wonder if Mr. Clinton’s tweet is a prelude to suicide weekend. It just seems so specific.

3449a9 No.2024475


The G is not an English word

It is, however, a word that begins with G

In almost every language

And which they treat

As a kind of god


dbf864 No.2024476


Tarmac meeting caught from a different angle?

b36ae6 No.2024477

File: 5cf43af93cb595e⋯.jpeg (144.79 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 70D3A261-4A74-477E-81EA-3….jpeg)


Try this image retard

f10531 No.2024478

File: 3a491d55a100cf6⋯.jpg (46.53 KB, 306x486, 17:27, p-willy.jpg)

he's got the outfit

5eb401 No.2024479


He is the most obvious and exact match and the one I dont want to be right. Having been in this situation before ( with my information preferences): Occams Razor.

The part about him walking alone…. this area strikes me as dont ask dont tell. Even for a hulking white dude in HK

f1c336 No.2024480


Here's Google location of the Q photo. WPK moved at some point in the past. New address isn't it. Note building colors and shapes, it's definitely the same location


3b9c40 No.2024481

He looks like he's transit, mid from A to B.

Just walking past Portland St.

Also holding something.

Surrounding buildings/businesses of note?

8be811 No.2024482

File: 5aa78f2770f18f0⋯.jpeg (887.84 KB, 3000x2318, 1500:1159, Marines_Browning_M1917_Ca….jpeg)


> It, not a good feeling to learn you have been involved in unjust wars.

"Welcome to Vietnam".

>It feels good now knowing that we are getting back to our roots to what it meant to be Americans. I'm not young, and much has changed, and it hasn't been good.

>Happy 4th of July


Back at ya brother. Semper Fi.

16acc5 No.2024483


And I'm sure she'd love to eat yours.

Complete with some Stove-Top Stuffing Mix inside.

046a04 No.2024484



7338f1 No.2024485


-Patriots don't reveal classified info

-Biggest intel drop in the history of the world!

564ad7 No.2024486



e44cbe No.2024487


>>2024192 Swamp Drained: Obama's ICE Chief Counsel Sentenced to Prison for Identity Theft

>>2024259, >>2024270, >>2024272, >>2024382 Tim Cook digg. Follow the wives.

>>2024238 2013 Tom Donilon: "the White house expects Hong Kong to move forward with the extradition" of @snowden

>>2024306 What's POTUS's game? ‘Sound conclusions’: Senate panel backs ‘Russiagate’ intel report

>>2024305, >>2024337 The movie we've all been waiting for: (((RBG)))

>>2024254 Digg-worthy: Aurora theater shooter’s psychiatric reports unsealed by 2015 trial judge

>>2023842 Moar on Glencore Mining subpoena: Mark Rich/FBI connections

>>2023802 "Ergo, not a proof but a message." Anon thinks logically re: Q stock photo free-for-all

>>2023779 Turks: Erdogan ammassing power, bwahahahaha

>>2023741 What Trump is Preparing: ditching the transnational ruling class

>>2023721, >>2023736, >>2023759 Moar sperging out over Qcrumb photo: Prince William mebbe?

239c22 No.2024488


never met them, so couldn't say.

they DO, however, live off of the public dime, so there's that.

9cd9d9 No.2024489

Q, is Senator Bob Casey?

046a04 No.2024490


c1fe5a No.2024491



1f8ac6 No.2024492

File: 94ab0a33c09a4c0⋯.jpg (99.9 KB, 650x469, 650:469, Justince for all.jpg)

File: 2ad4c90c1b7cf08⋯.jpg (132.13 KB, 825x414, 275:138, Iran space_2.jpg)

File: b549c93d1ac0e60⋯.jpg (78.01 KB, 500x616, 125:154, Pepe space.jpg)

File: 887f6b8b457c594⋯.jpg (317.06 KB, 1011x809, 1011:809, Amanda Renteria.jpg)

File: 84cc0069ae1c4aa⋯.jpg (105.71 KB, 800x513, 800:513, Shelia Jackson_2.jpg)

shhh i'm trying to tell a story.

e85f66 No.2024493


Finally. Call me what want. Just think. Please. I beg you.

1a3f01 No.2024494


He's was on camera playing soccer in Moscow today. World Cup is on he's at home!

8b58fd No.2024495

>>2023814 Putin is only like 5' 6".

189c52 No.2024496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone notice the "Supreme Sauna" sign above the Kindergarden sign?

Searched Supreme Sauna

Found this in Macau

e44b21 No.2024498


The sad truth is that they were misled by the evil people who worship the death cult. Abortion murders a baby, but also savagely hurts the mom.

39b99a No.2024499




Yeah, when he's lying down.

750100 No.2024501

supreme sauna = happy ending sauna ? >>2024496

39acb8 No.2024504


Also, Obama staffer convicted of creating child pornography on his government cell phone.


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