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File: 8a7678c7083a6cb⋯.gif (3.63 MB, 600x401, 600:401, 8a7678c7083a6cbbdeaa6f0e03….gif)

373e3d  No.17406980 [Last 50 Posts]

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We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

>>16950147 06.25.2022

>>16950142 06.24.2022

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373e3d  No.17406991


Know your bunker: https://endchan.gg/qrbunker

BOT attacks - Current: META >>17221573 ; Other: >>17387373

Posting guidelines: No Hunter near kids; ALSO, report violent threats, msm trying to nail "Q and anons" new

Newfag Q & A: >>17381714

HOW TO BAKE: >>17322493 Quik Pics; >>17322505 E-Bake PLS TAG THE DOUGH

Baker's Lite JS code >>17224816 ; Q post formatting >>17224834

Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports: >>17224884

Bakers please note proper format for A/B notables is -A,-B #11111-A #11111-B

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373e3d  No.17407004



>>17406257, >>17406301, WATCH: Massive waterspout spotted off coast Florida

>>17406258, China: personal information for 1.8 million US election workers…and more

>>17406259, People infected with monkeypox should avoid petting, hugging, kissing,FUCKINGor sharing food with their pets, researchers warned.

>>17406261, >>17406265, >>17406267, BREAKING: Biden whistleblower exposes secret night flights of illegal immigrant children: THOUSANDS of kids per week

>>17406270, Liz Cheney is cast out of congress by the voters of Wyoming.

>>17406271, >>17406272, World Economic Forum adviser claims the planet no longer needs the ‘vast majority’ of the population

>>17406276, >>17406277,>>17406292, >>17406337, Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover up’ Vaccine Injuries through Biden Admin Directive

>>17406280, >>17406298, Aug 17 Delta Q post,graphic

>>17406285, Ukraine bombs nuclear waste storage site – official

>>17406287, >>17406324,>>17406371, POTUS/@realDonaldTrump from truthsocial & Q post graphic

>>17406297, >>17406327, @DonaldJTrumpJr 17 Timestamp from truthsocial

>>17406302, ModernaTX Inc was awarded a $17,477,343 modification (PZ0025) to contract W911QY-20-C-0100 for pediatric primary series vaccines.

>>17406308, >>17406319, Notables #14 thread restored, and is now up-to-date Thanks Jim, for restoring.

>>17406311, >>17406325, >>17406339, >>17406365, UK Cost of Living Storm - Utility Bills: £100-a-WEEK to heat your home: Bills could rocket to £5,500

>>17406318, >>17406351, >>17406389 Delusions NOW - Liz Cheney says she is thinking about running for president following her resounding primary defeat.

>>17406321, Colorado judge orders Trump legal adviser [Jenna Ellis] to appear in Georgia probe

>>17406328, >>17406387, >>17406402. kek. the "fakenews" muh boost Warmonger Liz's loss is actually a win anons

>>17406335, Ex-WH counsel Cipollone interviewed by FBI over Mar-a-Lago documents: report

>>17406337, >>17406342, Life insurance payouts skyrocket 258% as post-vaccine deaths rapidly accelerate

>>17406405, El Salvador arrests FIFTY THOUSAND in gang crackdown and will house them in hellish new 'mega prison'

>>17406416, >>17406418, >>17406420, Possible discovery of mechanism behind mysterious COVID-19 symptoms

>>17406461, 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371—Conspiracy to Defraud the United States

>>17406468, >>17406475, Mexico is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist, with at least 17 media workers killed in 2022. < comms?

>>17406495, Canada Announces ‘Digital Identity Program’ in Partnership with WEF

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373e3d  No.17407009


>>17404637 /pol/ hereby declares the new term: stochastic tyranny

>>17404643, >>17404698, >>17404700, >>17404760, >>17404920 It ain't looking good for Liz[ard] CheneY

>>17404687 PF Call sign RATS24 & RATS25. Rats headed for San Francisco

>>17404704 Don't ask why I need an AR-15, ask why an IRS agent needs one

>>17404711 NIH failed to ensure all clinical trials it funded complied with federal reporting rule, watchdog

>>17404712 U.S. Election Software Company Previously Built Confucius Institute 'Communication Platform'

>>17404731 Boomerang? DOJ admission it over-collected evidence in Trump raid creates new legal drama

>>17404748 Smith & Wesson's CEO Blames Progressive Lawmakers "For Surge In Violence And Lawlessness" In US Cities

>>17404789 @ChuckGrassley 9:53 =17 #99countymeetings

>>17404818, >>17404835 When the nazis say the quiet part out loud and call everyone else the eugenicists..

>>17405000 As Alaska goes to the polls, here’s what to watch for on Tuesday night

>>17405079 President Trump “Liz Cheney Should Be Ashamed of Herself – Now She Can Finally Disappear”

>>17405095 Boycott these chicom useful idiots!

>>17405131 Western states hit with more cuts to Colorado River water

>>17405154 "Putin tough speech army 2022 opening ceremony | August 15, 2022"

>>17405174 The Crisis in Ukraine is not about Ukraine. It's about Germany, by Mike Whitney - The Unz Review

>>17405272 PEDO BUN 16 August 22

>>17405298 #21330

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373e3d  No.17407020

Previously Collected

>>17406241 ##21329

>>17402253 #21326, >>17403062 #21327, >>17404095 #21328

>>17401438 #21324-B, >>17400299 #21324-A, >>17401542 #21325

>>17398424 #21321, >>17399215 #21322, >>17400801 #21323

>>17396043 #21318, >>17396870 #21319, >>17400278 #21320

>>17395527 #21316, >>17395743 #21317-B, >>17395740 #21317-A

>>17387950 #21313, >>17388894 #21314, >>17395113 #21315

>>17385550 #21310, >>17387132 #21311, >>17387316 #21312

>>17383248 #21307, >>17384022 #21308, >>17384778 #21309

>>17380791 #21304, >>17382206 #21305, >>17382471 #21306

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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373e3d  No.17407030



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f70056  No.17407035

Where is Greg?

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60242a  No.17407043

File: 81fb3a17c9e524d⋯.jpg (263.4 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, qr.jpg)

>>17407030 TYB NEW BAKER

New Baker Reminder.

It is much easier to copy and paste the dough template than to copy and backspace the entire dough


Does baker need handoff?

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5f6baa  No.17407046

File: f5cf4cfe5280954⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1060x750, 106:75, EpsteinIsrael.PNG)

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20bda4  No.17407047

File: 82ed151a537ede0⋯.png (236.76 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e0124  No.17407048

File: b784be9a1f06852⋯.jpeg (83.21 KB, 600x431, 600:431, b784be9a1f068524f3d6a7e27….jpeg)


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373e3d  No.17407049


Aye, and yes I do.


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f0bffd  No.17407050

File: f3d988c0fadd478⋯.jpg (111.4 KB, 759x958, 759:958, Arizona_Mommy_Jr.JPG)



found her running mate.

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5f6baa  No.17407051

File: 707cd0f5264e489⋯.png (75.84 KB, 673x500, 673:500, MagicalBOOM.PNG)

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a098bb  No.17407052

File: 7d3cb359a2e4998⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Liz_Cheney_Knocked_The_Fuc….mp4)

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3e0124  No.17407053

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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373e3d  No.17407054


blowjobs for votes? That would be some polling station. Pun intended.

wakka wakka

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20bda4  No.17407055

File: 1ee2771f26866db⋯.png (484.45 KB, 1562x1199, 142:109, ClipboardImage.png)

NY Citizens Audit Finds Hidden Infrastructure in Voter Rolls


Their biggest fear is the people AWAKE.


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60242a  No.17407057

File: a6837a88502a923⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 465x394, 465:394, a6837a88502a923d651abf7904….gif)


ty bakes, great to see a new sol on board

>Buns for Bakers

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de9766  No.17407058


They will do it to themselves..

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869401  No.17407059

>they just opened their arms and grabbed everything in sight

the passports indicate how the fbi performed the raid?

if they were respectful careful and by the book would they have taken Trump's passports by accident?



Donald J Trump




The DOJ and FBI just returned my passports. Thank you! Unfortunately, when they Raided my home, Mar-a-Lago, 8 days ago, they just opened their arms and grabbed everything in sight, much as a common criminal would do. This shouldn’t happen in America!

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709b13  No.17407060

File: 9ba8933657b157a⋯.png (382.89 KB, 533x521, 533:521, 2437ECBC_0E8E_44E2_841D_D9….png)

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3e0124  No.17407061

File: 2fb69002078ce25⋯.jpg (70.89 KB, 501x500, 501:500, DjR4PaiVsAAh02y.jpg)

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3c6edc  No.17407062

File: 56930c114828662⋯.png (237.37 KB, 582x574, 291:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86e82dc262fb7e5⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dafuq.mp4)

Pope Francis seemed pleased when a small boy walked onto the podium to greet him during the general audience


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cc311a  No.17407063

Former Moscow nightclub king found dead in US

Wife of millionaireDan Rapoportconfirms the death of the financier who founded the prestigious SOHO Rooms nightclub

Latvian-born millionaire Dan Rapoport, known for founding Moscow’s exclusive SOHO Rooms nightclub, has been found dead in Washington DC, his wife Alena confirmed on Wednesday.

While she did not provide any details of his death, she denied earlier reports that the 52-year-old businessman hadcommitted suicide.


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20bda4  No.17407064

File: d79fbd4ab275c3b⋯.png (548.83 KB, 1091x1025, 1091:1025, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2550db5185336a1⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1385x1261, 1385:1261, Derp.PNG)



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87e0be  No.17407065

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.

Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.

Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.

Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.

Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.





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869401  No.17407066

File: 56c91143cfefb01⋯.jpg (144.8 KB, 800x532, 200:133, possible_traitors.jpg)

i can't believe how pathetic liz is and still making speeches, sheesh

swamp creatures have no shame like their shills

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f4a532  No.17407067

>>17407025 (pb)

Your god with a lower case is a judgemental piece of shit. I was born in this generation and if I am to be judged by the year he decided to place me in. Then he can go fuck himself/itself what the fuck ever. Sounds like a bunch of bullshit to me from a evil douche bag

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a122ec  No.17407068

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's not

What you thought

When you first began it

You got

What you want

Now you can hardly stand it though

By now you know

It's not going to stop

It's not going to stop

It's not going to stop

'Til you wise up

You're sure

There's a cure

And you have finally found it

You think

One drink

Will shrink you 'til you're underground

And living down

But it's not going to stop

It's not going to stop

It's not going to stop

'Til you wise up

Prepare a list of what you need

Before you sign away the deed

'Cause it's not going to stop

It's not going to stop

It's not going to stop

'Til you wise up

No, it's not going to stop

'Til you wise up

No, it's not going to stop

So just, give up

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09f7f7  No.17407069


Putting on a show.

Ask him for his robe and shirt in front of everyone.

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9be8b0  No.17407070

Did Wray sign a FISA application to continue spying on Trump and staff?

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a63567  No.17407071

File: 6a128358d6750aa⋯.png (120.8 KB, 989x971, 989:971, BlueWater.png)

Blue Water Vaccines up big today.

Watch the water?


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20bda4  No.17407072

File: 1a19c42ef450f13⋯.png (108.73 KB, 1006x848, 503:424, ClipboardImage.png)

We are indeed witnessing the dismantling of the 'Old Guard'.

Next up,

Pelosi crime family and Biden crime family.

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c417ba  No.17407073

File: 713fbbd9b4f8a21⋯.png (3.44 MB, 1230x1688, 615:844, ClipboardImage.png)

>>17407014 (pb)

>by the looks of it the water from the top goes inside

Where the water is still, and a human idle, and the iron must rust, none of these three will remain good.


I love coconuts!

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20bda4  No.17407074

File: 81651da338084df⋯.png (2.83 MB, 1651x1024, 1651:1024, qhigherkek.png)


You're not God.

Your PROJECTED judgments are not God's judgments.

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87e0be  No.17407075

File: 5a396d35bd7f19e⋯.jpg (82.83 KB, 400x489, 400:489, shills.jpg)


I am satan's shill. I believe nothing, I will say anything. I have no values, friends or family I will not sell into bondage forever for food and for feathers. Dollars will buy me. What can not spend I will burn in an ashtray or shove up my ass but I must have dollars. Give me fiat. I am satan's shill. I demoralize myself. When I finish the blow I take five xanax footballs and pass out on rental furniture. Asleep, I dream I'm awake. I am satan's shill. My stridulations are filtered. My mockery, my despair, my anguish, like my coming and my going, pass ever unnoticed. I am satan's shill. One day I will vanish like a knot in a shoelace. I am satan's shill. A petty criminal, a peeping Tom, a canvas for others tattoos, a repeater, an NPC.

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a098bb  No.17407076

File: 983a193af3ba167⋯.jpg (23.76 KB, 286x315, 286:315, o.jpg)

File: 7d29f1feef6aa49⋯.png (409.06 KB, 511x402, 511:402, ClipboardImage.png)

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60242a  No.17407077

File: 2a0cd5621da9b13⋯.jpeg (68.28 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2a0cd5621da9b1341824d3ff8….jpeg)


> I am to be judged by the year he decided to place me in

True story, you chose again to be incarnated as Human and this time to come to this time frame, just like we all did.

Eternity is a *MF

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43d0b9  No.17407078

File: 028a9f95571823c⋯.jpg (36.63 KB, 750x489, 250:163, hjvachsjdcasd.jpg)

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373e3d  No.17407079


Hey, look who it is. Where's Major Gunz?

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3048de  No.17407080

File: f52cc68119c71ac⋯.jpeg (298.04 KB, 750x786, 125:131, B7DD56B3_FA39_4841_8864_A….jpeg)

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09f7f7  No.17407081


Born in this generation? "Truly, to see the kingdom of God you must be born again".

There's a reason Jesus said they testify against themselves when they admit their ancestors killed the prophets.

You're the one judging God, while Jesus died on the cross for your sins because He loves you.

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beb668  No.17407082

File: 5c5c0fbf3404455⋯.jpg (152.32 KB, 480x480, 1:1, girl404rw.jpg)


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f0bffd  No.17407083

File: 168301cda7a3101⋯.jpg (109.51 KB, 500x559, 500:559, JIDF_homos.jpg)



can you 2 homos

get a room?

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0e9e83  No.17407084

File: 8296f308bb9d0da⋯.png (1.16 MB, 944x751, 944:751, ClipboardImage.png)

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aac44f  No.17407085

File: d988f03e7f96725⋯.jpeg (96.52 KB, 474x758, 237:379, 441A0403_8703_41A1_B87D_2….jpeg)

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60242a  No.17407086

File: 215a8c70f165fd2⋯.png (22.16 KB, 1019x267, 1019:267, 2d_3d_conversion.png)

The Heavens and Earths will come and Go But (You) are forever.

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20bda4  No.17407087

File: 5267acf965fa4a2⋯.png (693.59 KB, 1598x1215, 1598:1215, ClipboardImage.png)

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60242a  No.17407088

File: 104054a31113900⋯.png (362.85 KB, 1080x778, 540:389, 104054a311139007b585b0a797….png)

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3c6edc  No.17407089

File: 0f6c8cd074ed8fe⋯.png (305.12 KB, 584x609, 584:609, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a506652d261fb0d⋯.mp4 (5.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, huh.mp4)

In case you thought the IRS needed 87,000 more agents to help you with your tax returns and audit billionaires, watch this: Highlights from the IRS Adrian recruiting project.



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050495  No.17407090

File: 18a7e6e7da439b8⋯.png (23.5 KB, 596x360, 149:90, gdckcs.png)

File: 2c4aa53fab33090⋯.jpg (61.38 KB, 439x527, 439:527, thisshitvelikovsky.jpg)

…Fuck this low hanging fruit of a slide.

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373e3d  No.17407091

South Carolina Abortion Ban Moves Forward.


"The legislation outlaws nearly all abortions, but does list different medical emergencies where doctors can perform abortions to protect the life and health of the mother.

Rape and incest exceptions are not included, though they are currently allowed under the state’s six-week abortion ban and their removal is unlikely to get wide support in the Senate.

The bill does not include specific language related to fetal anomalies, an exception included in current law."

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60242a  No.17407092


kike jew filtered

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beb668  No.17407093


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f4a532  No.17407094


See how retarded you are. I never claimed to be god. Your god is an evil piece of shit. Your own words were "a wicked and evil generation will ask for a sign but none will come"

Well we need a sign if your fake god actually existed he would give us it. Thats like claiming you can fly but you wont show people because they arent faithful…yeah sure pal.

Because we didn't ask for this world. We didnt create this world. That stupid fuck did. And made me the way I am. So if he Judges me it's his fault. He created me. None of your bullshit makes sense at all.

It never has. Which is why we know your(((christian))) god is actually the satan you all speak of

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4f5a2d  No.17407095

File: 0edb2738bc75783⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB, 854x480, 427:240, TheJewFearsTheSamurai.mp4)

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fce425  No.17407096

File: f7841595c3979c7⋯.jpg (45.02 KB, 427x372, 427:372, Weiner_and_Barak.jpg)

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60242a  No.17407097



You should not lie

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3048de  No.17407098


They are probably hiring a bunch of Redditors who will be more than happy to knock the teeth out of maga grannies

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20bda4  No.17407099

Demokkkrat "logic":

If you cannot attract anyone to your rallies, then claim "I can't have rallies because I am being threatened"

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869401  No.17407100

File: dbc4b7cf33387e4⋯.png (270.35 KB, 800x600, 4:3, ty_easy_filters.png)

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da5138  No.17407101

File: a551666a456e5e1⋯.jpg (64.03 KB, 801x499, 801:499, 6q8lfg.jpg)

File: 1dd79fd0e6d03d8⋯.jpg (106.2 KB, 500x614, 250:307, 20220817_102024.jpg)

File: 1c1712cb89eda05⋯.jpg (132.18 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1660729963384672m.jpg)


>The Republican party is ded

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beb668  No.17407102


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87e0be  No.17407103

File: ffc932cacb29032⋯.jpg (142.36 KB, 600x892, 150:223, bb07e6df451982a3e169bcb12f….jpg)


Anything that can grunt is shilling here now.

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32c18c  No.17407104

File: eaef77d0b9c46a7⋯.jpg (165.51 KB, 1212x847, 1212:847, 0705ab8e67026666.jpg)

File: 5cf4b4cb622dd29⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 1080x2003, 1080:2003, 5cf4b4cb622dd29f856f1f17fb….jpg)


Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth. and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal

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709b13  No.17407105

File: 0b4d7b8934d567a⋯.png (3.53 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, F225A95B_1D1D_4CC6_A128_6C….png)

File: bbd560fcdf81d30⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 79263FB1_E037_46E3_B195_3D….png)

File: d9cafdf5e4d8256⋯.png (3.31 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, 7613B09E_D32C_46B8_A4EA_0B….png)


For the Keks

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562688  No.17407106

File: 46db057ba296ada⋯.jpg (82.24 KB, 800x450, 16:9, f6c11389_06b9_4285_b4a7_52….jpg)


Rainfall disaster: Pakistan reels from death toll of over 580

Non-stop rainfall has hit Pakistan’s largest city for two consecutive days, claiming the lives of more than 40 people in Karachi since July.

An estimated one million Pakistanis have been impacted by heavy rainfall, flash floods and landslides since July as Pakistan experienced more than 60% of its normal total monsoon rainfall in three weeks, leading to the death of more than 580 people and thousands losing their homes as a result.

The provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh have been from the three worst affected, but Balochistan suffered its worst floods in more than 30 years, with the National Disaster Management Authority stating that the province had taken in 305% more rain than the annual average.

Collateral damages

Pakistanis have been forced to leave behind their homes as their crops and livestock were washed away, and hundreds of miles of roads have been destroyed, thus leaving areas impossible to access for emergency services.

Moreover, beyond 570 schools have been damaged, and cholera cases have been reported across the provinces. Residents have reported getting food and aid from volunteers and NGOs but none from government officials, although Prime minister Shehbaz Sharif has visited the area twice this month, saying: “We are doing our best to provide for extensive relief and rehabilitation of flood victims.”

Former member of the national task force on climate change, Dr. Pervaiz Amir, described the flooding as “overwhelming”.

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9be8b0  No.17407107

File: ae52d461b963d75⋯.png (263.43 KB, 636x312, 53:26, ClipboardImage.png)


Extra-Large Flack Jacket.

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beb668  No.17407108


>You should not lie


I could maybe return as anon…

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f4a532  No.17407109


I spit in the mouth of your fake god

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97e40a  No.17407110


monsoon much?

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f4a532  No.17407111


I didn't choose shit

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20bda4  No.17407112


>I never claimed to be god

I never claimed you claimed to be God.

I made a statement that I knew would trigger your "I hate not being God" ass.


>Your god is an evil piece of shit. Your own words were "a wicked and evil generation will ask for a sign but none will come"

>Well we need a sign if your fake god actually existed he would give us it. Thats like claiming you can fly but you wont show people because they arent faithful…yeah sure pal.

>Because we didn't ask for this world. We didnt create this world. That stupid fuck did. And made me the way I am. So if he Judges me it's his fault. He created me. None of your bullshit makes sense at all.

>It never has. Which is why we know your(((christian))) god is actually the satan you all speak of


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833910  No.17407113

File: 743808e955aa9b6⋯.png (469.62 KB, 490x326, 245:163, ClipboardImage.png)


You seem like a good person, I hope you find your girl.

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f4a532  No.17407114


I dont agree with that faggot either. You're both retarded

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09f7f7  No.17407115


He still loves you.

Stop projecting your judgments onto Him.

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87e0be  No.17407116

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1145, 216:229, 571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)

File: 21618e0a66b87a1⋯.jpg (163.7 KB, 852x1024, 213:256, 21618e0a66b87a157f36d06733….jpg)

File: dabff11b11bfee7⋯.png (546.76 KB, 620x679, 620:679, 1501770317640_Copy_Copy_Co….png)

File: bd9662cc7bd5425⋯.jpg (2.47 MB, 2810x4692, 1405:2346, bd9662cc7bd5425a1800594b54….jpg)

File: ad8a6ce02cb2e77⋯.png (457.43 KB, 625x612, 625:612, ddd4e892a048752182e4f140f9….png)

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373e3d  No.17407117


You think she'll survive being thrown in the middle of an Antifa riot before election night?

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f4a532  No.17407118


Why would I want to be god? Hes a faggot kek

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562688  No.17407119

File: 4e28c7d80327e3e⋯.jpg (63.47 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 5513592f_e4a4_46ed_b566_ec….jpg)


Iran to join Mir banking system within months: Iran Finance Ministry

The Iranian finance ministry's banking and insurance department said Tuesday that Iran could join Mir payment system within months of when talks between Tehran and Moscow reach a conclusion - this, according to Qorban Eskandari, the department's head, could be in the very near future.

According to Eskandari, however, the talks on Mir between the two countries are restricted to bilateral financial ties and countries that have access to Mir's banking services.

Launched in 2017, Mir is a Russian banking system, meaning both "peace" and "world" in the language. With the West's current isolation measures of Russia, Iran, Cuba, and other countries from the SWIFT banking system, friendlier alternatives have been on the rise in a bid to combat the West's economic hegemony and aggression.

South Korea and Turkey, in addition, has also joined Mir, and several former Soviet republics benefit from its services. The United Arab Emirates is also looking to join Mir in the future.

Last month, authorities in the Iranian foreign ministry announced that they will soon begin to accept Mir cards for transactions. The development in economic relations came during rising reports that Tehran and Moscow were working on expanding economic relations to combat US sanctions.

On July 23, Iran's Currency Exchange (ICE) launched a currency pairing system that enables exporters and importers to make payments in both the Iranian rial and the Russian ruble.

Last February, Russian banks were excluded from the SWIFT interbank payment system by the decision of the European Commission and its allies. The maneuver was intended to hit the country's banking network and its access to funds via SWIFT, which is pivotal for the smooth transaction of money worldwide.

>> Launched 2017.

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42394c  No.17407120

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.


what's up with those floods, doh?

Floods in Paris as city hit by 'near-monthly rainfall in 90 minutes

Updated: 17/08/2022 - 12:42



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de9766  No.17407121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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61b13e  No.17407122

File: 3bb49627d9327cc⋯.jpg (128.91 KB, 720x1000, 18:25, Screenshot_20220817_120141….jpg)


I usually don't share these viral heartstring tugger-type posts, but this quote from Ellen DeGeneres about Anne Heche's passing really got to me

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20bda4  No.17407123

File: 80efad53ec93940⋯.png (430.5 KB, 500x701, 500:701, 80efad53ec93940a101b3ba3bc….png)

File: 6a704a2b39dc6fc⋯.jpg (60.25 KB, 508x510, 254:255, 6a704a2b39dc6fc10c80b27070….jpg)


>Why would I want to be god?

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f4a532  No.17407124


Sounds like a homo to me…I dont care if you think he loves me. Never met him he doesnt intervene in my life. He said so himself. According to the other faggot. So fuck em

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5a11fa  No.17407125

Wut is significance of spiral algorithm in New York voter rolls? Is it an organization tool? How would it be explained? How could it be used to cheat at the game of voting?

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60242a  No.17407126

File: c92e5af599e3c33⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 960x720, 4:3, c92e5af599e3c330242c9ffa74….jpg)

File: da04c96e32afb52⋯.png (580 KB, 817x382, 817:382, Screenshot_2022_07_29_at_1….png)

File: 6c570048899c154⋯.png (218.94 KB, 976x329, 976:329, Screenshot_2022_07_27_at_1….png)

File: d9355534cf21122⋯.jpg (139.26 KB, 1089x996, 363:332, uni_verse.jpg)



There is Jesus

There is Christ

There is no Jesus Christ

You are the Savior You are waiting on.

God helps those that help themselves -God

btw jesus did not die on any cross for anyones sine wave.

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833910  No.17407127

File: 290215a3f57a38c⋯.png (573.01 KB, 490x362, 245:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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f4a532  No.17407128


Still doesnt make sense…even with your really cool Leonardo DiCaprio memes

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87e0be  No.17407129

File: 4493775a6875a86⋯.jpg (169.28 KB, 830x900, 83:90, 1574153413578.jpg)

"Psychological Operations" "Non linear war" "Information War" "Unrestricted War"

Psychological operations are by far the most potent weapons in warfare, and psycho-social effects of these weapon may develop slowly, certainly over decades or longer. Often a change is so gradual as to be almost imperceptible, and when we do notice we take it to be natural. The change is always negative, always portrayed as beneficial, a social step forward. One example.

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children.

Porn was marketed and promoted professionally. When Meyer said "We're bigger than US Steel," in the 1950s he was being modest. That the former mob business "went legit" is another way of saying our entire culture adopted a ruthless efficient and extractive economy that has no concern for destructive effects on the host population.

US porn was a NY based, Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide � with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psychological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the Uber.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity, our morality and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations or "psyops" use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of. The population is kept in a perpetual state of low key sexual arousal. Promiscuity is promoted etc.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet for sexuality, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system controlled by entirely corrupt individuals, uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.

Some may recall that Gambino wiseguy Robert (DiB) DiBernardo the Gambino family's czar of pornography, including, disturbingly, child pornography who was made to disappear on Gambino boss John Gotti’s orders, played a role in the 1984 presidential election.

Porn is good for you












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b102e2  No.17407130

File: 5336d3f7772fa3c⋯.png (59.21 KB, 123x300, 41:100, ClipboardImage.png)


I crave for a few things by now thank you!

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20bda4  No.17407131

File: 841c37cb4591b55⋯.jpg (122.86 KB, 952x1024, 119:128, 841c37cb4591b55468b15ad5f1….jpg)

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32c18c  No.17407132

File: 2c54f8983dcc19f⋯.jpg (33.96 KB, 488x351, 488:351, 2c54f8983dcc19f061e695b4d3….jpg)


did ellen really Tweet this?

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fce425  No.17407133

File: b16a85207d7a3db⋯.png (2.44 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, degenereshumble.png)

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09f7f7  No.17407134


Ever seeing but never perceiving. You see Him all the time, you just don't perceive, and His hand is in your life right now and always.

A father disciplines the one He loves.

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562688  No.17407135

File: 79aba2934df5ab5⋯.jpeg (106.45 KB, 800x534, 400:267, b65a91c8_073d_4adf_9236_8….jpeg)


Inflation fever: UK's highest in 40 years, recession unavoidable

Global inflation is soaring, with the UK's accelerating at the fastest pace in 40 years in July, reaching double-digits and adding more pressure on the Bank of England.

Last month, the consumer price index boosted up 10.1% on an annual basis, surpassing the FXStreet-cited market consensus of 9.8% and speeding up from 9.4% in June.

The last time inflation was this extreme was in 1982 - 40 years ago.

A long deep recession closer than expected

A year prior, the inflation rate was at 2.0% - matching the Bank of England's target. Nevertheless, there has been a rapid increase in annual inflation every month since last October, and per month, consumer prices jumped 0.6% in July, slowing from a growth of 0.8% recorded in June. Regardless, this had been expected by analysts to slow even further to 0.4%.

UK wages dropped 3.0% year-on-year in the three months leading to June, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), adding that July's alarming inflation figure is likely to make that pay squeeze even tighter. Hundreds of thousands of businesses are functioning with razor-thin profit margins and are aware that their consumers are tightening their budgets, limiting their ability to pay greater wages. Rather than raising prices, these companies are likely to lower output or service levels.

The latest inflation readings also put the Bank of England (BoE) under the spotlight again. The BoE lifted rates by 50 basis points in August which mirrors aggressive monetary policy from the US Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, as the world struggles to tame the worrying inflation that has been fuelled by the war in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, annual factory gate inflation slowed and production-input prices jumped 23% yearly in July, easing from June's record high of 24%.

The ONS also projected that the country would enter a recession that would last until late 2023.

Christopher Dembik, head of macro analysis at Saxo Bank, commented: “The recession will be long and deep. There won’t be an easy escape. This is most worrying, in our view. The Bank of England assesses the slump will last with GDP still 1.75% below today’s levels in mid-2025.”

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61b13e  No.17407136


Hiring and arming antifa mental cases

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f4a532  No.17407137


No shit he didnt die for our sins. He died because some kikes paid Roman's to kill him. Because they are a very weak people

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833910  No.17407138

File: 2eed72775f47118⋯.png (429.85 KB, 490x275, 98:55, ClipboardImage.png)

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71aea0  No.17407139

File: c1c145aafa67699⋯.jpg (625.7 KB, 3000x1687, 3000:1687, anti_american_traitor.jpg)


Samantha Power Stonewalls Inspector General on Afghanistan on Terror Cash

In June, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s office (SIGAR), dispatched letters to Secretary of State Blinken and Samantha Power complaining that the State Department and USAID were stonewalling its investigation of waste, corruption and terror cash.

"Two SIGAR audits are also being hindered by a lack of cooperation from State and USAID. The first evaluates your agencies’ compliance with the laws and regulations prohibiting transfers of funds to members of the Taliban and the Haqqani Network," the letter to Power complained.

The Haqqani Network, which is allied with Al Qaeda, gained control of Kabul security and played a key role in preventing Americans from being evacuated and in the seizure of American military equipment left behind, even as the Biden administration described the Islamic terrorists responsible for the murder of Americans as “partners”. Despite claiming to no longer have ties to Al Qaeda, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda's leader, was recently taken out at a Haqqani Network safe house. And, afterward, Haqqani members quickly evacuated Zawahiri's family.

Any funding going to the Taliban, the Haqqanis and Al Qaeda must be investigated.

In a recent interview, Special Inspector General John Sopko noted that his office was aware of the, "close to $800 million that we’ve spent in Afghanistan since the collapse of the government last August".

“I guess people don’t realize that,” he told reporters. “And I think people should realize that."


Illegally refusing to cooperate with an inspector general and then using State Department lawyers to impede any investigation in a matter involving possible terrorist financing is shocking.

It should be major news. Instead there’s been little coverage and less interest.


"Instructing federal employees to obtain permission to cooperate with an IG investigation is clearly at odds with federal law," Grassley wrote. "It is also reported that you have refused to permit SIGAR employees to travel internationally to conduct on-the-ground research."

Samantha Power’s abuses were notorious during the Obama administration and like the behavior of most of the Obama vets, they have only become more shameless under Biden.


As the United States approaches $800 million in spending in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover, there is no way to know how much of the money is going to Islamic terrorists. And the State Department and USAID have violated federal law on obstructing audits and investigations while experiencing no consequences either in the form of legal sanctions or media pressure.

The Biden administration is determined to prevent any scrutiny of taxpayer money going to terrorists. And after having authorized such deals, it’s won’t let SIGAR peek over its shoulder.


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f4a532  No.17407140


I have a great father and it's not that faggot. My father shits all over that loser

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87e0be  No.17407141

File: 0206ab9fca868c5⋯.jpg (13.93 KB, 190x195, 38:39, cac983e0de10ec5ea111e47a4c….jpg)

NPR is a known evil nest of subversive satanic pedos.

One of their pedo producersPAULA POUNDSTONEwas arrested on a public street in Santa Monica, drunk, in daylight, having oral sex with her minor foster child in the back of her car.



This pedovore cultist "P.P" not only got away with a slap on the wrist, community-service-sentence, she retained custody of her minor foster children and she was subsequently whitewashed by and hired as a performer and producer by the fulminant pedovores running NPR.

The female cop who arrested her? She was forced off the department.

>The 41-year-old standup comic was sentenced to five-years probation for child abuse and infliction of injury upon a child. She was also ordered to serve six months in an alcohol and rehabilitation facility




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833910  No.17407142

File: b02880d651cad66⋯.png (937.87 KB, 490x735, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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20bda4  No.17407143


"This sentence cannot be proved by this system"

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09f7f7  No.17407144


No one took His life from Him, he had the authority to lay it down and to take it up again. The one who handed Him over committed the greater Sin. He is counted among the transgressors.

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60242a  No.17407145

File: ff089e10b850a9e⋯.jpeg (48.76 KB, 571x400, 571:400, ff089e10b850a9e3d89bf223a….jpeg)

File: d67d39b5e7d7142⋯.png (451.8 KB, 561x387, 187:129, Screenshot_2022_06_21_at_1….png)

File: df3616f0d5c72a0⋯.png (694.72 KB, 718x593, 718:593, df3616f0d5c72a079313afe5a5….png)

File: 029059521f6b263⋯.png (308.37 KB, 387x387, 1:1, Screenshot_2022_06_21_at_0….png)

File: 4802bb374f4016d⋯.jpg (11.83 KB, 600x273, 200:91, 4802bb374f4016db4ed8ba671f….jpg)


no anon, jesus did not die on the cross.

in fact he may still walk among us.

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f4a532  No.17407146


Yeah I beg to differ they fucking killed him kek

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09f7f7  No.17407147


Every post proves your anger and hurt. You ache for Him and don't even realize it.

Jesus loves you.

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833910  No.17407148

File: ca76c43994cdd70⋯.png (230 KB, 490x276, 245:138, ClipboardImage.png)

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87e0be  No.17407149

File: 6f26b858fa2f2b2⋯.png (211.38 KB, 960x414, 160:69, 6f26b858fa2f2b2f4bf9db4d54….png)

File: 188c1ae8284f6c9⋯.png (476.52 KB, 914x634, 457:317, 188c1ae8284f6c9a0e9f0daf71….png)

File: 1554d972822b3e1⋯.png (341.99 KB, 731x642, 731:642, 1554d972822b3e11b80265c729….png)

File: 4287305f3b17645⋯.png (586.04 KB, 818x604, 409:302, 4287305f3b176452c82a52a5d5….png)

File: f9e74b3ccbac7bd⋯.png (468 KB, 619x633, 619:633, f9e74b3ccbac7bd4e37f54487a….png)

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08dc6b  No.17407150

File: ebc456198045b8d⋯.gif (2.33 MB, 280x156, 70:39, harder_boy.gif)

>>17407033 - never bread

Light up a candle for me, please……

then go fuck yourself and take the CAPTCHA w/ you.

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373e3d  No.17407151

Target profit plunges 90%


"Target reported solid sales for the fiscal second quarter but its profit plunged nearly 90% after it was forced to slash prices to clear unwanted inventories of clothing, home goods and electronics."

The media doom narrative of inflation VS the reality of rock bottom discounts that smart shoppers found.

Find the GOLD in the fog of fear.

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09f7f7  No.17407152


Yes He did die on the cross, and rose three days later.

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f4a532  No.17407153


Nope…got a dad dont need a deadbeat. I think it's you who longs for a dad by searching for an imaginary one. My dad lives a few miles from me. I can go see him right now. Its great.


You guys are so delusional it's very sad.

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60242a  No.17407154

File: bb7b4090ea0c9f2⋯.png (3.01 KB, 113x94, 113:94, Screenshot_2022_05_26_at_1….png)

File: 6cdee2c67ae3b08⋯.jpg (33.78 KB, 270x263, 270:263, 6cdee2c67ae3b08445e2e7d3b3….jpg)

File: 2be272b348020dc⋯.png (321.93 KB, 620x413, 620:413, Screenshot_2022_05_24_at_1….png)

File: d76ac6b689385e8⋯.jpg (20.47 KB, 500x246, 250:123, isis_ra_el.jpg)


no he aches for god.

jesus was a man just as you and I are

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87e0be  No.17407155

File: 9bea7a123d646ab⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 9bea7a123d646abaa2117dbced….png)

File: 55bc8823b2cc21d⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, 55bc8823b2cc21de7dca790224….png)

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, c0b46914a7f89ec9332cee442b….png)

File: c0b46914a7f89ec⋯.png (1.69 MB, 768x768, 1:1, c0b46914a7f89ec9332cee442b….png)

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833910  No.17407156

File: 607ba03916fc9fa⋯.png (382.31 KB, 490x313, 490:313, ClipboardImage.png)

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61b13e  No.17407157

File: f351234320fa3ab⋯.jpg (54.91 KB, 774x257, 774:257, 6q8r1.jpg)

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f4a532  No.17407158


I Have a head ache. Already got a dad kind of weird you need an imaginary one

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60242a  No.17407159

File: 9b46c124dd3dcca⋯.png (422.99 KB, 387x387, 1:1, Screenshot_2022_04_25_at_0….png)

File: 5cd5c3f2a80dd33⋯.jpg (193.44 KB, 1304x869, 1304:869, Circle_of_Fifths_Diagram.jpg)

File: 6400ce31d83942e⋯.jpeg (7.4 KB, 250x188, 125:94, CerebrospinalFluid.jpeg)

File: 7d59c8467efa53a⋯.jpg (60.5 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, keystone_snippet_shpenoid.jpg)


no the christ rose in 3 days. which is an oil within mankind. in all of mankind

33 days to rise, 3 days to mastesize, and you will meet god in the land of Pineal as I have

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e227b7  No.17407160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ted Bundy describes the single common thread between serial killers is pornography.

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09f7f7  No.17407161


Your dad is not your Fathe. I have a dad I get along great with too.

You try so hard to fight against Him because YOU judge and project your judgments onto Him.

Jesus loves you.

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09f7f7  No.17407162


False. Just symbolism.

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09f7f7  No.17407163



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6e5c9e  No.17407164

File: 2b22bdb5126464a⋯.png (399.17 KB, 895x789, 895:789, liz_cheney.png)

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5b0c44  No.17407165

File: 3279bb390506712⋯.jpg (65.7 KB, 536x274, 268:137, jnoel.jpg)

File: 81b2b725965099d⋯.jpeg (237.29 KB, 1024x1021, 1024:1021, jneverforget.jpeg)

File: 300cd111867a3ea⋯.png (248.48 KB, 545x596, 545:596, jpolsrazor.png)

File: 12ffd9104124c65⋯.jpeg (130.01 KB, 960x960, 1:1, jtruth.jpeg)

>>17403124 (lb)

No more jewish wars.

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61b13e  No.17407166

File: ea42483283f05e0⋯.jpg (49.74 KB, 500x487, 500:487, 6q6xr9.jpg)

From crossfire



Wiff lov

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050495  No.17407167

File: 7daec19a5179b06⋯.jpg (68.95 KB, 533x800, 533:800, Mars_Statue_yt815.jpg)

…Chasing fairy tales is no way to go through life. The same concept of taking an unknown force and 'humanizing' it, in order to control those forces. Mars was a god, he's in statue form, thus he exists, right? /s

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562688  No.17407168

File: 137bd89c2b17c3c⋯.jpg (47.62 KB, 800x450, 16:9, 9606be0d_c8ab_48fd_8746_33….jpg)


Indigenous icon Littlefeather gets apology from Academy, 49 years late

In 1973, Sacheen Littlefeather (Apache/Yaqui/Ariz) protested Native American mistreatment while representing Marlon Brando at the Oscar ceremony where she declined, on Brando’s behalf, to accept his Oscar. During her speech, Littlefeather was mocked and booed, and following the 60-second speech, she was harassed and mistreated ending her career in film.

50 years later, on June 18, according to The Hollywood Reporter (THR) the Academy offered Littlefeather an official apology and invited her to the Academy Museum as a guest for an evening of reflection on September 17.

On stage, in a historical moment in both Oscars and live television in 1973, Littlefeather was heckled offstage and threatened with both arrest and physical assault. At Marlon Brando's request, the Native American actress, then 26 years old, entered the stage and declined the best actor prize for his part in the cinema classic "The Godfather".

She vowed to follow Brando's directions not to touch the statuette and to confine her remarks to a maximum of 60 seconds (A directive from the show's producer Howard Koch, who informed Littlefeather before the award ceremony that he had security on ready to detain her if she continued over the allotted time).

Little feather was pushed to improvise her speech after Koch’s threats which became an obstacle to reading Brando’s pre-written speech.

“[Brando] very regretfully cannot accept this very generous award,” Littlefeather said adding that “the reasons for this being are the treatment of American Indians today by the film industry [the audience begins to boo] — excuse me — and on television in movie reruns, and also with recent happenings at Wounded Knee.”

At the time Wounded Knee was under a US Department of Justice-imposed blackout as Native Americans had occupied the South Dakota village in protest of the continued mistreatment of their people.

She will visit the Academy again over fifty years later as an honored guest for an evening of reflection at the Academy Museum that will include a formal apology from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), something she never thought would happen in her lifetime.

“I was stunned. I never thought I’d live to see the day I would be hearing this, experiencing this,” adding that “When I was at the podium in 1973, I stood there alone,” now 75-year-old Littlefeather told regarding the apology she received.

In 1973, according to THR, film director John Wayne, who was in the wings as Littlefeather gave her speech, needed to be restrained and held back from storming the stage and physically assaulting her. In the aftermath, the actresses’ identity and integrity were challenged. While she took part in a few films prior to her infamous speech, everything changed after the speech. Even talk shows or productions were threatened to be shut down by the US federal government, revealed THR.

Part 1

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f4a532  No.17407169


But wait I thought he was one and the same as god and apart of the holy trinity? Or are we supposed to only worship god? But I thought we all had a piece of god within us? But wait I thought we werentsupposed to genuflect in front of Mary's statue? And pray to her and the angels? You kikes can never keep your story straight kek its hilarious to watch

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d2ccc5  No.17407170

File: 12d14ac029011f5⋯.png (53.07 KB, 578x495, 578:495, rand_on_liz_cheney.PNG)

Few people in Washington have been as wrong and damaging on foreign policy as Liz Cheney. Congratulations to


on her victory tonight. I look forward to working with an advocate for liberty as the next Congresswoman from Wyoming. Bye Liz.

10:25 PM · Aug 16, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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ff6b0d  No.17407171

File: 7762330bc29697f⋯.png (782.25 KB, 1502x1048, 751:524, Aug_17_useless_eater.png)

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60242a  No.17407172

File: 8583687a2f34f7c⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1172x770, 586:385, Screenshot_2022_08_02_at_1….png)

File: 7a79da569227f10⋯.png (942.66 KB, 636x1004, 159:251, 9_chakras.png)

File: 7f52e0beac1dc72⋯.jpg (35.25 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Gilgamesh_as_the_Tree_of_L….jpg)

File: 1c7e170baae87fc⋯.jpg (145.77 KB, 444x575, 444:575, c0a420dd92c0658387e03623f6….jpg)

File: 8ac93913075a64b⋯.png (160.17 KB, 398x418, 199:209, screenshot_1_.png)



There is no delusion to the Matrix except the one generated by Saturn/Satan

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f4a532  No.17407173


One things for sure your kike god is not my father. Already have one thanks

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562688  No.17407174


The apology, dated June 18, and signed by then-Academy president David Rubin read:

“As you stood on the Oscars stage in 1973 to not accept the Oscar on behalf of Marlon Brando, in recognition of the misrepresentation and mistreatment of Native American people by the film industry, you made a powerful statement that continues to remind us of the necessity of respect and the importance of human dignity.

The abuse you endured because of this statement was unwarranted and unjustified. The emotional burden you have lived through and the cost to your own career in our industry are irreparable. For too long the courage you showed has been unacknowledged. For this, we offer both our deepest apologies and our sincere admiration.

We cannot realize the Academy’s mission to “inspire imagination and connect the world through cinema” without a commitment to facilitating the broadest representation and inclusion reflective of our diverse global population.

Today, nearly 50 years later, and with the guidance of the Academy’s Indigenous Alliance, we are firm in our commitment to ensuring indigenous voices—the original storytellers—are visible, respected contributors to the global film community. We are dedicated to fostering a more inclusive, respectful industry that leverages a balance of art and activism to be a driving force for progress.

We hope you receive this letter in the spirit of reconciliation and as recognition of your essential role in our journey as an organization. You are forever respectfully engrained in our history.”

At the Academy Museum celebration of Littlefeather on September 17, THR wrote, the apology will be read in its entirety. Littlefeather will take part in a discussion with producer Bird Runningwater (Cheyenne/Mescalero Apache/N.M.), co-chair of the Academy's Indigenous Alliance. Runningwater was the one who initially contacted Littlefeather on the Academy's behalf as part of the museum's ongoing initiatives to examine the group's past and determine its future through a more comprehensive, inclusive lens.

Part 2

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9fc2b8  No.17407175


do another.. Red text is the best here..

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09f7f7  No.17407176


Jesus warned many would come in His name and deceive many. Don't confuse those who tell you the Truth for those who don't. Seek Him, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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3c6edc  No.17407177

File: abe352aebe00311⋯.png (37.39 KB, 584x198, 292:99, ClipboardImage.png)


CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said she will restructure the agency to address their shortcomings that became obvious during the Covid-19 pandemic.


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7c6f90  No.17407178

File: 336e1b8e15b3755⋯.jpeg (63.62 KB, 640x473, 640:473, 8DE6173F_D69B_4D6A_B86E_4….jpeg)

love all you patriot men (no homo) & women (happily married)

every day i give thanks in prayer for all of you

thank you all for being here and crossing my path



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08dc6b  No.17407179

File: f41aa8e682da5ae⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 340x189, 340:189, head_ache.gif)


Go take a pill.

make big pharma bigger.

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833910  No.17407180

File: adbe89f1a24e8a3⋯.mp4 (458.8 KB, 240x480, 1:2, gifjoker04a3aae4458c2a63d5….mp4)




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562688  No.17407181


Littlefeather will be making her first trip to the museum, where a picture of her has been put within the gallery chronicling the history of the Academy Awards. After her career got derailed due to her decision to stand up for her people in 1973, Littlefeather pursued studies in traditional medicine and nutrition as well as worked at Mother Teresa's AIDS hospice. However, she never anticipated reconciliation with the most powerful Hollywood institution.

When Academy Museum Director and President Jacqueline Stewart visited her home to record the visual history, she presented Littlefeather with two gifts: a photograph of her appearance on the Museum’s gallery walls and a framed letter from Rubin.

In response to the letter, after Stewart read it aloud to her, she expressed herself with the same poise and candor she demonstrated on stage 50 years ago and said that “You know, I never stood up onstage in 1973 for any kind of accolades. I only stood there because my ancestors were with me, and I spoke the truth.”

After that, Littlefeather started to cry while holding the framed letter close to her chest as she thought about and paid tribute to the Native American artists and filmmakers making progress in Hollywood, including Runningwater, Rae, actor Wes Studi, and Reservation Dogs creator Sterlin Harjo.

Living with metastatic breast cancer, Littlefeather, according to THR, said “Yes, there’s an apology that’s due. As my friends in the Native community said, it’s long overdue,” adding that “I could have been dead by now. All of my friends — [activists] Dennis Banks, Russell Means, John Trudell, [comedian] Charlie Hill — are gone.”

When asked what she thought of Koch and the other Oscar night participants who stood by as she was harassed, she laughed wholeheartedly and said that “When they got to the other side, I’m sure that my ancestors spoke to them on my behalf. And I’m sure Mr. Charles went over there and had a talk with them immediately. I’m sure his first target was John Wayne.”

According to THR, Littlefeather claims that she has maintained a daily practice of "love, gratitude, and forgiveness” for herself. She has also been encouraged by the most recent advancements in Native American representation in Hollywood stories and stated that “At long last, somebody is breaking down the doors. And I’m so very happy this is happening."

When in 1973 Littlefeather concluded her speech by saying “I beg at this time that … in the future, our hearts, and our understandings will meet with love and generosity,” she did not know it would take 49 years for the world to finally get there.

Part 3 - End

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60242a  No.17407182

File: d9faa247abdd9d3⋯.png (468.75 KB, 884x725, 884:725, planet_plasma_discharge.png)

File: b0a05a0136c0675⋯.jpg (207.34 KB, 840x1143, 280:381, sumarian_planets.jpg)

File: cdf116895627567⋯.jpg (27.74 KB, 793x400, 793:400, 86ad18eb6a0ed4f045d3f0f96b….jpg)

File: 0a3484d6d907fdd⋯.jpg (22.19 KB, 417x288, 139:96, calcification_e15000431703….jpg)



True, Actual Fact Confirm from many a practitioner including myself

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09f7f7  No.17407183


You'll perceive eventually.

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ac4e98  No.17407184

File: e726655e092ccaa⋯.jpeg (224.08 KB, 1334x1489, 1334:1489, pepe_kyle.jpeg)

Liz Cheney loosing…

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09f7f7  No.17407185



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61b13e  No.17407186

Blessed are those not offend by me.

- Jesűs

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d2ccc5  No.17407187

File: 7b7132eb7762c38⋯.png (34.76 KB, 583x249, 583:249, britt_hume_on_liz_cheney.PNG)

I wonder if things might have turned out differently for Liz Cheney if she'd used her seat on the 1/6 committee to insist on cross-examination of witnesses and a chance for the defense to present its side. Instead she led the charge for an utterly one-sided presentation.

11:12 AM · Aug 17, 2022·Twitter for iPad


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08dc6b  No.17407188


While in there, ask for a triple vaxx too…….

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60242a  No.17407189

File: c800a4125cdb6c3⋯.jpg (360.93 KB, 760x575, 152:115, 8b7c4b1669a0f601d2216041ea….jpg)

File: 53014949ff37e95⋯.jpg (79.27 KB, 1000x600, 5:3, 7c3f32b67d2f8ec2bf39891bff….jpg)

File: 8eb0ad168369944⋯.png (419.09 KB, 662x543, 662:543, glastenbury_tor.png)

File: 35e5fa51a19dc12⋯.jpg (57.96 KB, 1243x643, 1243:643, the_book_of_the_key_and_th….jpg)


no seek the christ for the way of the truth



Q - What key unlocks all

Look within for the answer.

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f4a532  No.17407190


Oh I have really took it seriously too. And found the truth way and the light. And it was my family. Not some imaginary kike who blames me for his mistakes

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ff6b0d  No.17407191

File: b01c42bf6710f00⋯.png (163.84 KB, 1409x913, 1409:913, Daily_nothing_else_matters.png)

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9be8b0  No.17407192


Who's Jesus?

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60242a  No.17407193

File: 8f6e65f011cb824⋯.jpg (476.91 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1572737557017.jpg)

File: ec74a5065c9be51⋯.gif (2 MB, 651x658, 93:94, 1572735879525.gif)

File: 6df7fefc0778f53⋯.png (442.6 KB, 599x600, 599:600, 1572720681541.png)

File: a6c176b28dfdef0⋯.jpg (778.19 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1572664643620.jpg)




it must hurt to be this stupid?

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f4a532  No.17407194


No I wont "perceive" your like god. I dont believe in fairy tales

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ff6b0d  No.17407195

File: c896a03c23d8369⋯.png (13.39 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Aug_22_read_in_whiny_voice….png)

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09f7f7  No.17407196

File: 91486c10907a739⋯.png (3.92 KB, 156x91, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9fd0d63c3db3a1a⋯.png (1.74 KB, 108x63, 12:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be14e859e46e90f⋯.png (198.36 KB, 409x496, 409:496, ClipboardImage.png)

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d8944f  No.17407197





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833910  No.17407198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Who's Jesus?

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e227b7  No.17407199


>Who's Jesus?


"Jesus[e] (c. 4 BC – AD 30 or 33), also referred to as Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ,[f] was a first-century Jewish preacher and religious leader.[11] He is the central figure of Christianity, the world's largest religion. Most Christians believe he is the incarnation of God the Son and the awaited messiah (the Christ), prophesied in the Hebrew Bible."

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f4a532  No.17407200


So according to that hes fake

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08dc6b  No.17407201


A lover…..


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d8944f  No.17407202


+mental illness and/or demon possession

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09f7f7  No.17407203


Proof you don't understand at all.

We are One with Him.

Whatever you do to the least of these, you do to Him. Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for Him.

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90bd33  No.17407204

File: 60a62cd30601633⋯.png (52.67 KB, 640x400, 8:5, liz_think_tank.png)

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57485d  No.17407205


Not sure how Target makes any money.

Went there with a friend a few times and there was hardly anyone in the place.

Think they are a cover for money laundering, like most businesses.

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f4a532  No.17407206



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09f7f7  No.17407207


Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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e2a437  No.17407208


>You seem like a good person, I hope you find your girl.



>do another.. Red text is the best here..


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d8944f  No.17407209


absolutelynotablemockingbird media talking points coordination

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90bd33  No.17407210

File: bc96c45641b9a21⋯.png (8.54 KB, 640x400, 8:5, think_tank.png)

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08dc6b  No.17407211


Well done!

Let me pinch……

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f4a532  No.17407212


Nobody is "one" with any fucking person. Proof you're retarded if you think any one is "one" with any thing on earth. I know some crack heads who are "one" with a crack pipe but nobody is "one" with "him"

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aac44f  No.17407213

File: bb49d9b06d8b09d⋯.jpeg (275.11 KB, 1170x597, 390:199, 963F5581_6854_45B3_929E_F….jpeg)


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71aea0  No.17407214

File: 473d9df13a6b1b8⋯.png (422.25 KB, 1117x526, 1117:526, canvas.png)


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bcccbf  No.17407215


a lot of the big box stores are like that. Office Depot, Best Buy, etc. How do they pay huge amount of money for the rents in the strip malls?

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60242a  No.17407216

File: 39e9477a864e235⋯.png (444.84 KB, 620x348, 155:87, guru_jesus.png)

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e227b7  No.17407217


>So according to that hes fake

Did you read it? According to that, he was a real, living being. Thanks.

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90bd33  No.17407218

File: 84dd521d15d9c74⋯.png (274.15 KB, 965x533, 965:533, Screenshot_2022_08_17_06_4….png)

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09f7f7  No.17407219


It's factual that that's symbolism.

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60242a  No.17407220

File: 4ba45613c349114⋯.jpeg (50.99 KB, 602x641, 602:641, main_qimg_4fc99a721b4037d….jpeg)


>Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


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d8944f  No.17407221

File: 34c657db7aa816c⋯.png (818.15 KB, 797x864, 797:864, Screen_Shot_2022_08_17_at_….png)



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562688  No.17407222

File: e1559d0313ee4ad⋯.jpg (53.7 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 8009e4c0_1b99_48c7_9826_93….jpg)


“Israel” to restore full diplomatic ties with Turkey: PM Lapid

Following years of strained relations between Turkey and the Israeli occupation, Prime Minister Yair Lapid announced Wednesday that his government will restore full diplomatic ties with Ankara.

"It was decided to once again upgrade the level of the relations between the two countries to that of full diplomatic ties and to return ambassadors and consuls general from the two countries," said a statement from Lapid's office.

The Israeli prime minister claimed that the decision is an "important asset for regional stability as well as very important economic news for Israeli citizens."

The announcement comes less than two weeks after the Israeli occupation launched a brutal aggression on Gaza which left at least 49 martyrs, including 16 children.

Turkey ignores Palestine, bolsters ties with 'Israel'

Relations between Turkey and “Israel” deteriorated due to the occupation’s policies toward Palestinians, culminating in the withdrawal of both countries' ambassadors in 2018.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was considered by some as a vocal supporter of the Palestinian cause.

However, he has been lately reaching out to “Israel”, aiming to repair relations as Turkey's official inflation rate was at a 20-year-high in April, which posed a significant challenge to Erdogan's government.

It is worth noting that the talks between Erdogan and his Israeli counterpart Isaac Herzog took place amid a widespread Israeli crackdown on Palestinians during the holy month of Ramadan.

Many of Turkey's social issues, economists contend, are the result of Erdogan's unusual economic policy, which has pushed many foreign investors away from the once-promising growing market.

Ironically, Erdogan decides to open his country's doors to the Israeli occupation to quench Turkey’s thirst for inventors, turning a blind eye to the ongoing murder of Palestinians and the endless violations of human rights.

>> What was hidden is now coming into the open.

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e227b7  No.17407223


Even scientists believe in Christ. What do you think they use "BC" for when dating?

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f4a532  No.17407224


Using words like "believe" because it can not be proven. So for example I know a guy who "believes" he saw big foot. But….yeah…..

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ac4e98  No.17407225

File: 2556f535c6678c9⋯.png (321.01 KB, 645x387, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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90bd33  No.17407226


Note to David WIlcock HE SAID THOUGHT FIRST.


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e227b7  No.17407227




dumbfuck anon

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f4a532  No.17407228


Wrong most scientists are atheist or agnostic. It's a common measurement of time. That's like claiming I believe in Jesus because I say Jesus Christ when encountering some one as stupid as you.

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09f7f7  No.17407229


Good because you should never confuse fairy tales with Truth.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.


Ever seeing but never perceiving. We are all one in Him, you just refuse to see.

Anything you do to the least of these you do to Him. So anything you do to that "crack head" you do to Him. Anything you don't do for someone you don't do for Him. So anything you don't do for that "crack head" you don't do for Him. Love your neighbor as yourself.

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9be8b0  No.17407230


You have a weird way of reading, must be the combo of having bitch ears, bitch eyes, and bitch brain; tragic.


Who the fuck is Jesus? Cause the real guy's name is different.

Why do Christians believe in "Jesus" when the real guy has an actual name?

Once you realize you believe in a corrupted religion, what do you do? Keep using "Jesus?"

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32c18c  No.17407231

File: 80cb83cac02a1ce⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1487x1505, 1487:1505, Screenshot_2022_08_15_at_1….png)

File: 50fbeff660d6acc⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 4148x3480, 1037:870, b453de060cf9a0ba.jpg)



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e227b7  No.17407232


>So for example I know a guy who "believes" he saw big foot

The written accounts of interactions with Jesus far exceed those accounts of interactions with Big Foot lol

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f4a532  No.17407233


Calls me dumbfuck doesnt know what believes means kek

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c42c72  No.17407234

File: 464ad71be8e9237⋯.png (332.04 KB, 991x1221, 991:1221, Screen_Shot_2022_08_17_at_….png)

File: 707f431b251b09b⋯.jpg (32.45 KB, 500x312, 125:78, 9835cb1c4325d0ba6717139fbd….jpg)



Ever since school I read a lot, about war, history, took first place in the regional OBZh Olympiads and the Zarnitsa games, it was interesting to me. Meanwhile, one of the topics that interested me was the Chernobyl disaster of 1986. I read a lot of different materials and works on this topic, moreover, I personally knew many veterans of the Liquidators of that catastrophe from my hometown, in our center there is even a monument to people who gave their lives in that unequal struggle against an invisible enemy called radiation.

And now we all see how Ukraine is trying to arrange the same thing in Zaporozhye, only on a worse scale …. Everything leads to this.

Probably in the near future we will start collecting more CBRNs and gas masks to protect us, and I'm not joking now …

And my advice to you all, if you have a dream, then do it today, whatever you have in mind. No one knows whether "tomorrow" or "the day after tomorrow" will come … Or a random day of the calendar, and ammunition that "accidentally" fell into the nuclear waste storage facility.

The apocalypse is coming in big steps.

Live now is my advice to you all.

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562688  No.17407235

File: 0472a85d35f2191⋯.jpg (281.74 KB, 1242x1179, 138:131, 0472a85d35f219109f546aa208….jpg)

File: d9cafdf5e4d8256⋯.png (3.31 MB, 2160x1620, 4:3, d9cafdf5e4d82568b738f27b2a….png)


Still can't believe she lost. I thought she would cheat like the rest and win. I guess she took the plank.

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f4a532  No.17407236


Actually it's not even close more sightings happened if big foot by far

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90bd33  No.17407237


HI david wilcock. Just knew you LARP here.

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e227b7  No.17407238


>That's like claiming I believe in Jesus because I say Jesus Christ when encountering some one as stupid as you.


Scream louder anon, perhaps it'll convince 2 billion people. lol

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e227b7  No.17407239


>Actually it's not even close more sightings happened if big foot by far

So you believe in bigfoot? lol

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833910  No.17407240

File: 9ecce3e3b457583⋯.png (792.96 KB, 490x642, 245:321, ClipboardImage.png)


>The Fake News Media is claiming that Liz Cheney has such a “wonderful and bright” political future.

17 words^^^

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e227b7  No.17407241


>Actually it's not even close more sightings happened if big foot by far

"interactions" not "sightings" you fucking minimind. wow

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833910  No.17407242

File: 9ecce3e3b457583⋯.png (792.96 KB, 490x642, 245:321, ClipboardImage.png)

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709b13  No.17407243

File: 830c26c3e13c874⋯.jpeg (2.18 MB, 2160x1312, 135:82, C1A19785_780A_4818_BBD3_C….jpeg)


But daddy said I would be princess.

He promised I would win!

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084a04  No.17407244

File: ef871ad1cecd886⋯.mp4 (5.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DJT_ByeByeLiz.mp4)


Thank you baker!

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d8944f  No.17407245

File: ef5dc08db4d9043⋯.png (525.16 KB, 770x585, 154:117, Screen_Shot_2022_08_17_at_….png)

Why the trillions in COVID-19 relief money led to billions in fraud


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57485d  No.17407246


Law enforcement has become an army hired with tax funds to be used against the people who are paying the taxes.

Meanwhile, illegal immigrants, who pay no taxes, are given free handouts.

How long is this going to last?

3rd World Country is what the US will become.

Then there won't be any free handouts for anyone.

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f4a532  No.17407247


Well Gigantopithecus actually existed….unlike Jesus

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5d1a38  No.17407248


So 33 days of fasting and prayer and the Chrisim will rise? How does one go about awakening the Christ within themselves?

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e227b7  No.17407249

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32c18c  No.17407250

File: a226b64e17b5004⋯.png (76.54 KB, 690x487, 690:487, Screenshot_2022_08_17_at_1….png)

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f4a532  No.17407251


I trust sightings more than "interactions" that's like "unnamed sources " absolute fucking kek

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d2ccc5  No.17407252

File: 63e15a3a0af2230⋯.png (210.77 KB, 1304x611, 1304:611, samantha_power_wef.PNG)

File: 2f4a9c1c18a4b37⋯.png (791.24 KB, 596x607, 596:607, klaus_schwab_world_dictato….PNG)

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9801c0  No.17407253

Just got word from my boss that it will be in

2 weeks that we will hear about 2 weeks!

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f4a532  No.17407254


I dont care about 2 billion people. In fact we could stand to get rid of about 2 billion that's a good number

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90bd33  No.17407255

File: 080a0d1e8ede4c1⋯.png (148.09 KB, 474x265, 474:265, david_wilcock.png)

File: 5b9b5ce318e524e⋯.png (33.09 KB, 335x649, 335:649, ClipboardImage.png)

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e227b7  No.17407256


>I trust sightings more than "interactions" that's like "unnamed sources "

So you DO believe that Bigfoot is real. Thanks.

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09f7f7  No.17407257


Why do you deny His name?

Remember the tower of babel? They wanted to make a name for themselves, so language was confused.

"All these things are done in parable, so some although ever seeing do not perceive"

He shall be called Immanuel, which means “God with us”.

Ever notice Jesus sounds like "G's Us"?

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2d4f5d  No.17407258




>Maybe they didn’t notice that she lost by nearly 40 points? She’s too angry and sick to succeed in the future, but who knows!

Some pain there - 23 words if you leave out '40'.

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a8e49e  No.17407259



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e227b7  No.17407260


>I dont care about 2 billion people

Isn't it fascinating that your level of caring is inconsequential to the rest of the world ….ahhh. You do realize that, right dumbfuck? lol

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f4a532  No.17407261


It's far more convincing than Jesusbut no the answer is no. Nice try though I guess

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d2ccc5  No.17407262

File: cc74a5312dc22ea⋯.png (349.67 KB, 576x379, 576:379, wolensky_pedo_earrings.PNG)

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027923  No.17407263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prepare for the Economic Collapse 2022

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9fc2b8  No.17407264


Sounds dim.. Put it on the calendar an see the girl… It cannot be over???

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e227b7  No.17407265


>It's far more convincing than Jesusbut no the answer is no. Nice try though I guess

You JUST FUCKING said that you trust sightings. And prior to that you said there were more sightings of BigFoot than Jesus.

Make up your mind faggotfuck. goddamn

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28c4ad  No.17407266

File: d7c268f8cc0c305⋯.png (905.81 KB, 984x555, 328:185, 9km756n476b54574.PNG)

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f4a532  No.17407267


Yet here you are claiming your stupid fucking opinion matters

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9801c0  No.17407269


Another 2 weeker

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5d1a38  No.17407270


So 4 months is the new “two weeks”? At least they’re giving us a little more lead time to work with these days…

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562688  No.17407271

File: e7ded8501d5251a⋯.jpg (77.39 KB, 800x559, 800:559, 0109cca3_7818_496f_8090_f3….jpg)


MBS's crackdown: A Saudi mother sentenced for 34 years for Tweeting

A Saudi university student who had returned home for a vacation was sentenced to 34 years in prison for following and retweeting dissidents and activists on her personal Twitter account.

The sentence was handed down by Saudi Arabia's so-called "special terrorist court" just weeks after US President Joe Biden's visit to the Kingdom, which human rights activists warned could give Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) a green light to intensify his crackdown on dissidents and other pro-democracy activists.

The case poses evidence of how MBS has targeted Twitter users in his repression campaign, while also controlling a significant indirect stake in the US social media company through Saudi Arabia's sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF).

In MBS' playbook, Tweeting is a crime

Salma Al-Shehab, a 34-year-old mother of two, aged four and six, was initially sentenced to three years in prison for the "crime" of using an internet website to "cause public unrest and destabilize civil and national security."

However, an appeals court handed down the new sentence on Monday - 34 years in prison followed by a 34-year travel ban - after a public prosecutor requested that the court consider other alleged crimes.

Shehab was not a prominent or particularly vocal Saudi activist, neither in Saudi Arabia nor in the United Kingdom.

On Instagram, where she had only 159 followers, she described herself as a dental hygienist, medical educator, PhD student at Leeds University, lecturer at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, wife, and mother to her sons, Noah and Adam.

Her Twitter profile listed 2,597 followers. She regularly shared pictures of her young children and tweets about Covid burnout.

Shehab rarely retweeted posts from Saudi dissidents in exile calling for the release of political prisoners in the Kingdom.

The PhD student appeared to support the case of Loujain Al-Hathloul, a prominent Saudi feminist activist who was previously imprisoned and tortured for advocating for women's driving rights, and is now subject to a travel ban.

Someone who knew Shehab said she couldn't stand injustice. She was described as well-educated and a voracious reader who had moved to the UK in 2018 or 2019 to pursue her PhD at the University of Leeds.

She had returned to Saudi Arabia for a vacation in December 2020, intending to bring her two children and husband with her. Saudi authorities then summoned her for questioning, and she was eventually arrested and tried for her tweets.

Of secret torture and oppressed revelations

In further detail, a person who followed her case revealed that Shehab had been held in solitary confinement at times and had sought to privately tell the judge details about how she had been treated that she did not want to reveal in front of her father during the trial.

She was not permitted to communicate the message to the judge, as per the source. Three judges signed the appeals verdict, but their signatures were illegible.

On its account, Twitter declined to comment on the case and did not respond to specific questions about Saudi Arabia's influence over the company, according to the Guardian.

It is worth noting that Twitter previously did not respond to questions about why a senior aide to MBS, Bader Al-Asaker, was allowed to keep a verified Twitter account with more than 2 million followers, despite US government allegations that he orchestrated an illegal infiltration of the company, leading to the identification and imprisonment of anonymous Twitter users by the Saudi government. A former Twitter employee has been convicted in the case by a US court.

The Saudi billionaire Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, who owns more than 5% of Twitter through his investment company, Kingdom Holdings, is one of Twitter's most significant investors.

While bin Talal remains the company's chairman, his authority over the company was called into question by the US media, including the Wall Street Journal, after it was revealed that the Saudi royal - a cousin of the crown prince - had been held captive at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh for 83 days.

Part 1

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c42c72  No.17407272


>CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said she will restructure the agency to address their shortcomings that became obvious during the Covid-19 pandemic.

a clear threat, if ever i heard one.

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09f7f7  No.17407273

File: ad09d858357b47f⋯.png (22.7 KB, 781x270, 781:270, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32d69689118250e⋯.png (28.44 KB, 741x346, 741:346, ClipboardImage.png)


As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. The Firmament separates the "waters above" from the "waters below". Revelation 17:15 tells us the waters stands for people.

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027923  No.17407274

File: ea8d3fbce296b05⋯.jpeg (49.16 KB, 584x442, 292:221, B9506575_DDDB_46D0_A5D3_2….jpeg)

File: 090faa54844bb0e⋯.jpeg (96.16 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, DC992AE8_4351_465D_8F83_0….jpeg)

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f4a532  No.17407275


Sure I do I believe in Big foot I believe he died on the cross for my sins. I believe this because I have seen more evidence of him than of Kike fish god

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562688  No.17407277


The incident was part of a larger purge led by MBS against other members of the royal family and businessmen, which involved allegations of torture, coercion, and the expropriation of billions of dollars from Saudi Arabian coffers.

In May, Kingdom Holding announced that it had sold approximately 17% of its company to the PIF, of which bin Salman is chairman, for $1.5 billion. As a result, the Saudi government is a significant indirect investor in Twitter. According to Twitter, investors have no influence over the company's day-to-day operations.

“MBS’s ruthless repression machine”

The European Saudi Organization for Human Rights condemned Shehab's sentence, which it said was the longest ever imposed on an activist. It was noted that many female activists had been subjected to unfair trials that resulted in arbitrary sentences, as well as "severe torture," including sexual harassment.

Khalid Aljabri, a Saudi living in exile whose sister and brother are detained in Saudi Arabia, said the Shehab case demonstrated Saudi Arabia's view that dissent equals terrorism.

“Salman’s draconian sentencing in a terrorism court over peaceful tweets is the latest manifestation of MBS’s ruthless repression machine,” he said.

“Just like [journalist Jamal] Khashoggi’s assassination, her sentencing is intended to send shock waves inside and outside the kingdom – dare to criticize MBS and you will end up dismembered or in Saudi dungeons.”

While the case has received little attention, the Washington Post published a sarcastic editorial about Saudi Arabia's treatment of the Leeds student on Tuesday, stressing that her case demonstrated that the "commitments" the US President received on reforms were "a farce."

“At the very least, Mr. Biden must now speak out forcefully and demand that Ms. Shehab be released and allowed to return to her sons, 4 and 6 years old, in the United Kingdom, and to resume her studies there,” it read.

Part 2 - End

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e227b7  No.17407278


>Yet here you are claiming your stupid fucking opinion matters

"Jesus was a living person" is not an opinion. The entire scientific dating system is based on it.

Why? Are scientists stupid fucking morons?

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57485d  No.17407279


From now on, anyone who went to Yale or Harvard, in my book, is a crook.

I used to be impressed that someone who went to one of those schools, must be really smart. Now I just think that they are really crooked.

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5a11fa  No.17407280

File: 2e04cbbe6631423⋯.jpeg (639.65 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, E05DF1C5_41C9_44BE_8259_B….jpeg)



Same thoughts here.

Gutted is what CDC needs. Trust is broken. Restructuring will not suffice.

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709b13  No.17407281

File: 54c019a36ee7584⋯.jpeg (700.74 KB, 1800x982, 900:491, 8C6C9272_FF9A_425E_9537_2….jpeg)

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e227b7  No.17407282

File: 9a3e2f95d1ed3e3⋯.png (72.27 KB, 681x618, 227:206, ClipboardImage.png)


Here, let me help you lol

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5d1a38  No.17407283


Yes. Most “scientists” have proven themselves to be stupid fucking morons at this point in the game.

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42394c  No.17407284



also London

Thunderstorms hit London and South East as trains and flights disrupted and Victoria station floods after Met Office issues urgent amber warning and forecasters warn homes, businesses and buildings could be damaged by flooding, lightning and HAIL


much flooding everywhere..

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90bd33  No.17407285

The real black magic is mRNA, and Smith Mundt Modernization Act, the people behind these tools are the Black Magicians.

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de9766  No.17407286

File: fa47e4a58365893⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 245x184, 245:184, inspektor_columbo_20021086….gif)

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beb668  No.17407287


>Sounds dim.. Put it on the calendar an see the girl… It cannot be over???


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85d89d  No.17407288

Fuckery is afoot.

I liked the pearl clutching on Faux

Like living with different people?

Call it as it is: Marxists/Communists/Goofballs

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869401  No.17407289

File: bfa00f37fd59dd5⋯.png (90.79 KB, 1196x1180, 299:295, Bongino_Report_08172022_li….png)


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e227b7  No.17407290


>Yes. Most “scientists” have proven themselves to be stupid fucking morons

So what about the scientists who claim Jesus was not a real person? Are they stupid fucking morons?

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ac4e98  No.17407291

File: 21e52038ff914bd⋯.png (389.83 KB, 536x720, 67:90, pepe_lol.png)

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06ca44  No.17407292

File: 81208a3fc6e7f84⋯.png (294.74 KB, 642x998, 321:499, ClipboardImage.png)


Flags out for Trump

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7b58a1  No.17407293

File: bd5fb80cd0c9af9⋯.jpeg (280.98 KB, 1440x1136, 90:71, 1528720676.jpeg)

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32c18c  No.17407294

File: a226b64e17b5004⋯.png (76.54 KB, 690x487, 690:487, Screenshot_2022_08_17_at_1….png)

File: e98d2f478ed2fb7⋯.png (165.1 KB, 452x1448, 113:362, Screenshot_2022_08_17_at_1….png)

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027923  No.17407295



It’s already started so no more Two weeks on the Economic Collapse.

Still “Two weeks” for the Public Arrests, Trials and Convictions for those Deep Staters

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373e3d  No.17407296


Are you running on a windows 95? Jfc. So dumb

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f4a532  No.17407297


I'm assuming you got your vaccine then?

And yes they are pretty fucking stupid. Not that long ago they thought the Earth was flat so….

Also it's a common measurement of dating it's a bad argument try another.

like I said that's like claiming some one believes in god because they said god damn it or jesus christ. It's a horrible argument and shows us your intellectual capabilities

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869401  No.17407298

File: a7cd169b238d430⋯.png (161.21 KB, 973x1152, 973:1152, loudest_liz_cheney.png)

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28c4ad  No.17407299

File: 5b4828415945b30⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 741x741, 1:1, 5b4828415945b30b2016b441c1….jpg)

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562688  No.17407300

File: 921454297aeb840⋯.png (10.42 KB, 251x255, 251:255, 921454297aeb840b8a26a1c18e….png)


While lakes and rivers are drying in other places. Anyone found out what's under Lake Mead yet?

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6e5c9e  No.17407301

File: f11d2a0b093680c⋯.png (142.29 KB, 333x252, 37:28, klaus_schwab.png)


>3rd World Country is what the US will become.

Isn't that the plan?

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f4a532  No.17407302

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709b13  No.17407303


Anon will have to think about how to improve on that already dank meme.

Any suggestions welcome.

Template exists for whomever needs to walk the plank next. Kek

AOC crying walking plank could be fun.

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869401  No.17407304


The director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday announced a "reset" that will focus on making the organization quicker at responding to new health threats amid criticism of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The CDC's director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, told the agency's staff about the changes, which include internal staffing moves and steps to speed up data releases.

"For 75 years, CDC and public health have been preparing for COVID-19, and in our big moment, our performance did not reliably meet expectations," she said in a statement obtained by The Washington Post. "My goal is a new, public health action-oriented culture at CDC that emphasizes accountability, collaboration, communication, and timeliness. "

The changes are a CDC initiative, and was not directed by the White House or other administration officials, Walensky said.

The changes come amid ongoing criticism of the agency's response to COVID-19, monkeypox and other public health threats.

Experts said the CDC was slow to recognize how much virus was entering the U.S. from Europe, to recommend people wear masks, to say the virus can spread through the air, and to ramp up systematic testing for new variants.

Walensky became director of the agency in January 2021.

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3c6edc  No.17407305

File: 13e2a166aa72f1c⋯.png (374.19 KB, 582x650, 291:325, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 12c41f1ba5eef56⋯.png (180.26 KB, 531x786, 177:262, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90cbdedea7f513c⋯.png (170.61 KB, 632x680, 79:85, ClipboardImage.png)

"Boston Children’s Hospital has warned employees about mounting threats and is coordinating with law enforcement after far-right activists on social media began targeting the hospital."



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e227b7  No.17407306


Fact: There is more evidence that Jesus was a living, breathing person on the planet than there is evidence against it.

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9be8b0  No.17407307


His name IS NOT Jesus.

Jesus IS the name the ROMANS made up for the real guy.

The reason why you know "jesus" and not "Yeshua" is because of grammar.

Hebrew -> Aramaic -> Greek -> Latin(Roman).

Yeshua -> Yehoshua -> Iesous -> Jesus

Now you know. You still using the creation of the Roman church? Or, will you refer to the real person's name?

Sure, "it's the same," and other excuses to "deny His name"!

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050495  No.17407308

File: 99f82ec418873b0⋯.png (256.41 KB, 642x446, 321:223, mrsvnsplr.png)

…This timeline is a clusterfuck of retard. What the fuck really happened at year zero, anyway? Gotta wonder how many times the calendar has been altered, through the ages.

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a098bb  No.17407309

File: 03719c1fca332f1⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1400x1854, 700:927, 03719c1fca332f145402038ca3….png)

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fc7d83  No.17407310


And then they all burned up. The end.

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42394c  No.17407311


no idea, but I know that (where I live) a little "dried up" creek was actually redirected to an army base (with like 16 rockets on it)

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f4a532  No.17407312


Literally every thing you've said so far is verifiably untrue

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5d1a38  No.17407313


Couldn’t tell you. But, if what we are living through is the result of precedence set by “scientists” of yesteryear, then literally everything must now be questioned. Wasn’t alive 2000yrs ago, so I dunno if the Jesus was real. But, I do choose to believe in the efficacy of Christ consciousness to combat the evils plaguing this planet. But then that just puts it all at my doorstep to act accordingly while in this realm. It does not require or necessitate that I put all of my faith in a very contradictory piece of literature that has been re-translated by the hands of many who knows how many times now.

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57485d  No.17407314


You could start with yourself.

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85d89d  No.17407315

File: bc8ccfb5c545a7a⋯.png (460.12 KB, 576x768, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

They're running with the smoking seed now.

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869401  No.17407316

File: 338df000087ac73⋯.png (275.07 KB, 1182x1261, 1182:1261, townhall_Katie_Pavlich_irs….png)


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833910  No.17407317

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d8944f  No.17407318


maybe kirsten cinema, who's flogging 14 billion in "drought mitigation," would know.

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ac4e98  No.17407319

File: 54378be096a8b5d⋯.png (1.24 MB, 900x601, 900:601, Greta_bot.png)

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20bda4  No.17407320

File: dff3e7e5f10c755⋯.png (872.65 KB, 1391x1187, 1391:1187, NWO.PNG)


"This meme that just happened is proof nothing ever happens"

Said the inconsistent system.


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f4a532  No.17407321


That's a retarded idea I'm the fucking man

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d8944f  No.17407322

File: dabb98f53d8bfc1⋯.png (136.79 KB, 741x554, 741:554, Screen_Shot_2022_08_17_at_….png)

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61b13e  No.17407323

File: 17b9ac08e75bcc1⋯.jpg (80.22 KB, 504x400, 63:50, 6pvizh.jpg)

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562688  No.17407324

File: 912739cc6e6786d⋯.jpg (61.44 KB, 800x533, 800:533, bd9d7229_29b1_4bf5_8d28_2a….jpg)


US aims to turn Syria into 'Israel'-Iran confrontation arena: Russia

The United States is creating a threat of turning Syria into an arena of confrontations between "Israel" and Iran, Igor Kostyukov, the head of the Russian General Staff's Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), considered on Tuesday.

"With the United States being behind it, there is a threat of turning Syria into an arena of Israeli-Iranian confrontation," Kostyukov said during the 10th Moscow Conference on International Security.

According to Kostyukov, "Since the beginning of the Syrian conflict, the Israeli armed forces have carried out over 180 operations to destroy civilian and military infrastructure on the territory of the [Syrian] republic under the pretext of fighting the Iranian presence."

"As a result of the strikes, more than 40 civilians were killed and about 70 were injured, the losses among the Syrian military personnel amounted to over 90 people, up to 200 were injured," the Russian Intelligence official highlighted.

US reviews Israeli plans for strikes against Iranian targets in Syria

It is noteworthy that according to current and former US officials, "Israel" secretly coordinates with the US on many of the airstrikes it conducts in Syria.

Behind the curtains, current and former officials say that for several years, many Israeli missions have been reviewed in advance for approval by senior officials at US Central Command and the Pentagon.

This means that the formal coordination was previously unknown, and the secrecy surrounding it demonstrates how Washington has sought to support its Israeli ally.

The US review, according to the Wall Street Journal, mainly focuses on Israeli missions in eastern Syria that pass close to the US occupation's Al-Tanf base.

What is the US doing in Syria?

Besides being an occupation that backs armed groups for its own operations and agenda in the region, the US occupation forces continue to steal Syrian oil by smuggling it from their bases in Syria to their bases in Iraq.

Convoys of tens of vehicles, including tankers loaded with stolen oil from oil fields occupied by US forces in Syria, are frequently seen crossing toward northern Iraq, in addition to trucks loaded with military equipment.

US training militants to conduct terrorist attacks

Kostyukov revealed that the United States is training militants of the Syrian armed groups and the Islamic State terrorist group (IS) to conduct terrorist attacks in the country.

"The destructive activity of the US armed forces is also noted in the al-Tanf zone. American servicemen continue to train militants of the Syrian armed opposition (up to 800 people) and IS (about 200 people) in order to use them to carry out terrorist attacks in the southern and central regions of the Arab country," the head of the GRU underlined.

The United States continues to plunder the Syrian resources, the Russian official said, adding that US companies are engaged in extracting 220,000 barrels of oil daily.

Moreover, the US and Europe prevent the return of Syrian refugees to their country, although Damascus created all conditions for this, Kostyukov added.

ISIS leader killed in special operation in south Syria

On Monday, SANA reported that the Syrian Special Mission Forces carried out a special operation in the city of Tafas in the Daraa countryside, during which a high-ranking leader of the ISIS terrorist organization was eliminated.

“The security forces carried out a special operation in Tafas city in Dara northwestern countryside, during which the terrorist Mahmoud Ahmad Al-Hallaq, nicknamed as Abu Omar Al-Jababi, one of the most dangerous terrorists in the southern region, was eliminated," a security source told SANA.

This is the second ISIS leader to be eliminated by the Special Mission Forces this month. Last Wednesday, Special Forces carried out an operation in which the terrorist leader of ISIS in the south, Abu Salem Al-Iraqi, was killed. Al-Iraqi was killed after he blew himself up with an explosive belt when he was surrounded by the Special Forces.

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20bda4  No.17407325

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53a82c  No.17407326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This song came to mind to the man last nite saying he had to marry a bitch. Song does not reflect myself it's just a memory. Wasn't sure it even existed until I found it. You create the reality you find yourself in.

In order to get into kindergarten you had to color a picture. Mine was a clown what was yours?

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373e3d  No.17407327


China is the biggest seller of US Treasuries, again. I'm old enough to remember when every financial expert said China will collapse the US by dumping Treasuries.

Well, not if we RAISE the rates on Treasuries. China is losing bigly. The experts show zero financial knowledge or fortune telling now that they have zero inside info of a rigged game by America's enemies.

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f4a532  No.17407328


So you want me to fuck your wife?

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87e0be  No.17407329

File: 32e11f3825b7a17⋯.jpg (313.38 KB, 1236x1236, 1:1, http_cdn_cnn_com_cnnnext_d….jpg)


the contrary of an incorrect thought is not a correct thought but an error, backwards.

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20bda4  No.17407330


>Yet here you are claiming your stupid fucking opinion matters

Your comment is itself a logical admission Anon's opinion matters, because it mattered enough for you to spend energy and time in replying to it, that you'll never get back.

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61b13e  No.17407331

File: 6c2e4867b96bfc6⋯.jpg (44.52 KB, 720x567, 80:63, Screenshot_20220808_222835….jpg)

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09f7f7  No.17407332


Yes it is. Do not deny His name. If I call Him Jesus, who are you to deny His name?

They wanted to make a name for themselves, so language was confused. Those who argue the name do not understand.

He is to be called Immanuel, which means "God with us" (Isaiah 7:14 & Matthew 1:23)

Again, ever noticed Jesus sounds like G's Us?

>“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

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5f6baa  No.17407333

File: c6565ee651b9fdf⋯.png (43.51 KB, 597x418, 597:418, LyingJewYellen.png)


>Dept of the Treasury

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08dc6b  No.17407334

File: 9777eb5e94195c6⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 850x400, 17:8, srs.jpg)

File: 0e9fc7145d8f7ca⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 474x500, 237:250, important.jpg)



They want to help you, it is all there, in redacted fbi statement.

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3c6edc  No.17407335

File: f9cd42cb1d47305⋯.png (22.91 KB, 528x171, 176:57, ClipboardImage.png)

For the first time ever, the Cheneys have become the victims of regime change.


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f4a532  No.17407336


The irony is strong with you young Jewdi

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9fc2b8  No.17407337


Cursory I'm a fren. I wont order the bandstand for your girl… I bet she misses you a lot!!!

When is your birthday?

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87e0be  No.17407338

File: fca5739ed6ac6fc⋯.jpg (524.66 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1a8q7mxwogovm.JPG)

"If beauty is not a gateway out of the net we were taken in at birth, it will not long be beauty, and we will find it better to sit at home by the fire and fatten a lazy body or to run hither and thither in some foolish sport than to look at the finest show that light and shadow ever made among green leaves."

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a098bb  No.17407339

File: 2cf1c67bcb8881b⋯.png (493.26 KB, 800x316, 200:79, 2cf1c67bcb8881b053dcb62a6d….png)

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0b8390  No.17407340


Don't dox urself, mouse.

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5f6baa  No.17407341

File: 014bb37bae2a54b⋯.jpg (77.63 KB, 666x500, 333:250, BullwinkleII.JPG)

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98fd99  No.17407342


Who gave them a charter? Remember, Obama weaponized the IRS years ago to go after political opponents. My accountant was utterly shocked when I got a $50k fine for being 3 days late with paperwork, not taxes due because they were already paid electronically, due to post office delays of weather related issues. Meanwhile, he had one client who owed the IRS $250k in back taxes for over 20 years who only got a notice for a $1500 fine. The IRS must go with the FBI and the rest of the Obama crew.


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90bd33  No.17407343

File: 11d2b12b1c6a212⋯.png (4.2 MB, 2200x1237, 2200:1237, liz_thinks_about_2024.png)

Treasonous fuckin Rat shi -> "Senator Alex Padilla" <Senator_Padilla@padilla.senate.gov>

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57485d  No.17407344


The US consumer is the reason that China has an economy.

When the US consumer can no longer afford to buy all of the Made in China junk, then China's economy collapses too.

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85d89d  No.17407345

File: d0c6da9c9bfd9c1⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1001x994, 143:142, d0c6da9c9bfd9c1fa30c5b9474….png)

The orange dress is the hottest body on the panel, other than SSgt. Jones that is.

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833910  No.17407346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>So you want me to fuck your wife?

Wrong clip and go ahead and try, good luck.

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869401  No.17407347

File: 175426f19f74578⋯.png (156.56 KB, 784x838, 392:419, 2_of_10_rinos_remain.png)


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61b13e  No.17407348

File: 43a9d193fd467e0⋯.jpg (104.33 KB, 500x737, 500:737, kpvf2j.jpg)

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a7e06c  No.17407349

File: acaae3fa226af58⋯.jpeg (26.68 KB, 267x189, 89:63, 2BE0DC0B_4402_4341_9F0A_5….jpeg)


The political division in America is at a fever pitch, and we need to heal if we are going to survive as a nation. If you are a Republican, swallow your pride and apologize for your immoral behavior over these past 7 years. If you are a Democrat, it’s hard, but you have to take the higher road and gracefully accept the apologies of your colleagues across the aisle. Come on, friends. Let’s let bygones be bygones and truly embrace the Q mantra of “Where We Go One, We Go All”!

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f4a532  No.17407350


I'm going to fuck your wife now. What's her name?

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61b13e  No.17407351

File: 97f3a7d96782555⋯.jpg (66.77 KB, 532x454, 266:227, 6pfvuf.jpg)

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833910  No.17407352

File: 7182b038a173ddb⋯.jpg (189.2 KB, 754x500, 377:250, gaynessjhsoiuyd78strd76sfd….jpg)

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195666  No.17407353

File: f8113b82a5cbf22⋯.png (146.74 KB, 360x595, 72:119, ClipboardImage.png)


OLYMPIA, Wash. Aug. 29 (UPI)—An employe of Gov. Daniel J. Evans's re‐election committee said today that he posed as a college student during last year's election campaign to travel with the Governor's Democratic opponent and secretly report on his campaign activities.

Theodore Bundy, now a special assistant to Washington's Republican chairman, Ross Davis, said in an interview that his connection with the Evans campaign was kept secret during the campaign while he traveled with the Democratic candidate, Albert D. Rosellini.

Mr. Bundy said he started early in the campaign as an unsalaried volunteer and was later given a nominal salary for expenses by the Evans organization. His role was to follow Mr. Rosellini on the campaign trail, keep track of the candidate's schedule and remarks and occasionally question Mr. Rosellini directly on issues.

To accomplish his mission, Mr. Bundy posed as a college student working for his master's degree in political science by writing a paper on the governorship race. With a tape recorder, Mr. Bundy would pick up Mr. Rosellini's responses to questions at public appearances. He would then transcribe the material for distribution in the Evans camp.

“I'm not the least bit uncomfortable with what went, on,” Mr. Bundy said. “It was just part of political campaigning. You have to know what your opposition is saying and doing.”

Mr. Bundy's activities are similar to the roles played by two freelance writers during the 1972 Presidential campaign. Earlier this month it was disclosed that Murray Chotiner, a political aide to President ‘Nixon, hired the two writers to, travel with the Democratic Presidential candidate, George McGovern.

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4f5a2d  No.17407354


in fact he may still walk among us.

He is a Being of Light right now, I personally have seen and talked to him. an I am surprized more people have't seen him because it makes me sound crazy when I tell people that. I have never read The Bible or have gone to church. I am Buddhist. He did not tell me to convert to Christianity nor Read the Bible, it was more of listen to The Ashtar Command and Pleadians of what the Channelers are saying. The Law of One and Chakra System and such. I would like to start a campaign to take the symbols back from the people wo took and inverted them likeThe Swastika but if I wore it on a shirt Normies wouldn't get it.

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833910  No.17407356

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32c18c  No.17407357

File: a226b64e17b5004⋯.png (76.54 KB, 690x487, 690:487, Screenshot_2022_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 3cf991a32e1fed6⋯.png (265.91 KB, 1523x1503, 1523:1503, Screenshot_2022_08_17_at_1….png)

File: e98d2f478ed2fb7⋯.png (165.1 KB, 452x1448, 113:362, Screenshot_2022_08_17_at_1….png)

File: 80cb83cac02a1ce⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1487x1505, 1487:1505, Screenshot_2022_08_15_at_1….png)

File: 4ba2523f71246c1⋯.jpg (143.81 KB, 379x400, 379:400, D27B44D401D5F4366348BD90E5….jpg)












Wonderful (mistake)

!2:>> Timestamps

17 and 23 or 24 words in tweet

#17:23 #17;24 Message similar

Is liz related to butterfly?

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61b13e  No.17407358

File: 3d91bb990222649⋯.jpg (85.75 KB, 500x640, 25:32, download_jpeg_110.jpg)

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195666  No.17407359



During his time working for Evans (pictured above), Ted Bundy was already showing off his ability to blend in with other people and appear to be one of them. So uncanny was this ability that he was even featured in The New York Times. On page 23 of the newspaper's August 30, 1973, issue, the publication reported on a "Theodore Bundy" who posed as a college student during Evans' 1972 re-election campaign so that he could travel with the governor's Democratic opponent, Albert Rosellini, and gather information on his activities. Yes, this was the same man who would commit his first documented murder little more than four months after his name was mentioned on one of America's leading newspapers.

At the time of the report, Bundy was working as a special assistant to the state of Washington's Republican Party chairman, Ross Davis. According to the Times, the would-be serial killer started as an unpaid volunteer and was eventually given a small salary as he shadowed Rosellini, transcribed his public remarks, and questioned him about certain issues. Bundy would then forward the information to the Evans campaign, much like a pair of freelance writers who traveled with 1972 Democratic presidential candidate George McGovern and supplied whatever intel they gathered to President Richard Nixon, who was also running for re-election that year.

When asked to comment on his role with the Evans campaign, Bundy told the Times that he had no qualms about essentially spying for the governor. "It was just part of political campaigning," he added. "You have to know what your opposition is saying and doing."

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f4a532  No.17407360


Satan is that you? I knew it a christian is truly a satanist how shocking! Kek

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195666  No.17407361



Bundy didn't just look good; he sometimes acted like a good guy. In the past he reportedly ran down and subdued a purse snatcher and saved drowning children. He even served as the assistant director of Seattle's Crime Prevention Advisory Commission and wrote a rape-prevention pamphlet. While living and killing in Utah he became an active member of the Mormon church and enrolled in law school.

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d8944f  No.17407362

File: 343dc12649f74c1⋯.png (289.14 KB, 579x433, 579:433, astro_kek.png)

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85d89d  No.17407363

File: 9f21d60cd64d9d7⋯.png (274.98 KB, 1000x1600, 5:8, ClipboardImage.png)

Harris looks nice today.

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8a024c  No.17407364

File: 13d9d41f5c6f3f1⋯.jpg (63.53 KB, 500x476, 125:119, 6pmyns.jpg)

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869401  No.17407365


Sharyl Attkisson




It's happening, thanks to you!

(Video-Season 8 ad)

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b47444  No.17407366


Jesus was arrested. So were all of his friends. You're nothing like Jesus. Or any of his friends. Except for one.

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8a024c  No.17407367

File: 826de7130b3ea2e⋯.jpg (158.81 KB, 720x991, 720:991, Screenshot_20220817_125719….jpg)

GOD and U

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90bd33  No.17407368


>When the US consumer can no longer afford

Affordability isn't exactly the problem now as you said yourself -JUNK.

The US Consumer (sic) is gona need US people to make US goods, widgets 1n004's PL259's, zener diodes, germanium diodes, SCLI, sensors, rf finals, surface mount, fuses, cannon plugs, electric fans, electric pumps, leds, etc..

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f4a532  No.17407369


Foes your wife like to be choked, spanked, have her hair pulled? Or all 3? Just want to know before I plow her

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09f7f7  No.17407370


What is it you accuse me of?

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562688  No.17407371

File: 91389fc29fd6b7c⋯.jpg (51.65 KB, 800x533, 800:533, 2c05cdde_87ca_4495_ad22_6d….jpg)


Vucic tells NATO that Serbia will remain military neutral territory

Belgrade will remain neutral and does not require any foreign military bases on Serbian soil said the Serbian President Alexander Vucic.

After a meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg the Serbian President said that "When it comes to our bilateral relations once again, I underlined to Secretary General Stoltenberg that Serbia is a military neutral country and that we will remain military neutral," adding that Serbia "does not need any foreign military bases."

Furthermore, Vucic said that conducting a military operation in Kosovo that would cross the administrative line had been ruled out by Serbia.

"For 180 days we have been listening about Serbia’s possibility and Serbia’s wishes it invade either some entities, either some countries in the region and that it was going to happen five months ago, four months ago, three months ago, two months, and it didn't happen so far."

Vucic also denied false news and insisted that this is all he can do adding that "It is easy to use the current political situation against Serbia, so I asked NATO to look carefully at the situation in Kosovo and say when and where Serbian forces crossed the administrative line or border, as they say. We need a rational approach, conversations, a compromise solution, and not someone's desire to find a solution in which someone could blackmail Serbia or order Serbia how to behave.”

Earlier on August 12, Vucic stated that Serbia cannot pledge to preserve the current stance on the subject of sanctions against Russia.

Before the parliamentary elections on April 3, several Serbian lawmakers opposed imposing sanctions on Russia, but they later changed their minds, according to Vucic.

"I do not promise anything, I only promise the people that we will protect our policy as much as we can. And this my ‘as much as we can’ is stronger than the oaths of everyone else in this country on the political stage, who swear on books, blood, and so on," Vucic told TV Prva when asked if Serbia is able to manage external pressure when it comes to Russia sanctions.

It is worth noting that Serbians in early March rallied in Belgrade in support of Russia and Serbia has recently vocalized its refusal to join NATO, citing the 1999 killing of Yugoslavian children.

Vucic, who has recently assumed office for the second term in April, also vowed to prosecute any volunteers participating in the war in Ukraine.

KFOR Ready to Intervene if Stability Jeopardized at Kosovo-Serbia Border - Stoltenberg

According to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO-led Kosovo Force (KFOR) is prepared to act if the security of the Kosovo-Serbia border is threatened.

During a joint press conference with Serbian President Alexandar Vucic, Stoltenberg said: "NATO continues to monitor closely the situation on the ground," He added, "Our KFOR peacekeeping mission remains focused on its UN mandate, should stability be jeopardized, KFOR stands ready to intervene and will take any measures that are necessary to ensure a safe and secure environment and freedom of movement for all the people of Kosovo."

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beb668  No.17407372



>This song came to mind to the man last nite saying he had to marry a bitch.


>In order to get into kindergarten you had to color a picture. Mine was a clown what was yours?


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de9766  No.17407373


This is the only Timeline that afforded Humankind the opportunity to progress into the future..As was written.

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85d89d  No.17407374

If they can't pass a card test than it's too long. Stop buying Gilette. I paid $13 for 100 DE blades and those will last 2.5 to 3 years.

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42394c  No.17407376

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52eb4a  No.17407377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


America’s (Totally Legal) Body Trade, Explained

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0e9e83  No.17407378

File: a2f35ba37f6996d⋯.png (22.02 KB, 546x310, 273:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79f3615ac40be23⋯.png (19.34 KB, 538x281, 538:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9ade2e42fb6c14⋯.png (272.81 KB, 1129x700, 1129:700, ClipboardImage.png)



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b01c2c  No.17407379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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85d89d  No.17407380

Time to change the channel. Swamp show.

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09f7f7  No.17407381

>>17407370 (Me)


Oops tagged wrong post. Was meant for >>17407366

>What is it you accuse me of?

Meant for

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90bd33  No.17407382

File: 50ff35cc67eb51a⋯.jpg (39.66 KB, 640x400, 8:5, red_text_.jpg)

File: 34f067464862a2f⋯.jpg (69.83 KB, 657x599, 657:599, edited.jpg)

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20bda4  No.17407383

File: c6ccd86cda573c5⋯.png (831.14 KB, 1077x1256, 1077:1256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d2061b8839b0d0c⋯.png (202.89 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

@TrueGenFlynndiscusses CCP infiltration in the US government & within the ‘think tanks’ in DC:

“Wuhan is also an interesting place for some of these think tanks. The infiltration by the CCP into the USA, into our education system, into our businesses, into our military, into our diplomatic corps… the fabric of Washington, DC…

We have many that are in the US govt that should not be in those positions bc of their direct ties to the CCP and China.”

Notable information after The Pit.


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3b388f  No.17407384



<january 6, 2015

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beb668  No.17407385



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20bda4  No.17407386

File: 675a13d90f9fc90⋯.jpg (393.81 KB, 864x864, 1:1, 675a13d90f9fc90f2106fb43cc….jpg)

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85d89d  No.17407387

File: 3930046a121edd7⋯.png (295.93 KB, 842x594, 421:297, 3930046a121edd7f382f3accaa….png)

Okay, now I can focus on the board, rather than indirectly on lurkers. The fuck are the retards at? I feel like slapping them upside the head.

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ff6b0d  No.17407389

File: 0e2ab322acd40d7⋯.pdf (6.06 MB, Trance_Formation_Of_Americ….pdf)

File: 877e1c063a5dc56⋯.png (228.31 KB, 820x717, 820:717, cheney.png)

File: 7af99e2efadee2f⋯.png (216.4 KB, 846x687, 282:229, cheney_2.png)


Did some one mention Dick Cheney? Oh my this author talks about him a lot. She says he is a mean sexual abuser of the worst kind. She should know, she was a victim (pdf, picrel)

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562688  No.17407390


Israeli occupation court extends solitary confinement of Ahmad Manasra

The Israeli occupation court in Beer Al Sabe extended Tuesday the solitary confinement of prisoner Ahmad Manasra for another six months, despite his difficult physical and mental health condition.

Waed Association for Prisoners said the occupation court's decision is an organized Zionist crime that requires immediate action by international human rights institutions, as Manasra suffers from a severe mental health condition due to his continuous solitary confinement for nearly a year.

The association called for a broad popular and international solidarity campaign to rescue Manasra from what is being plotted against him, warning of the consequences of the Israeli decision, which will only exacerbate the health condition of Manasra who was arrested when he was only 13 years old.

Last Saturday, the Israeli occupation authorities transferred Manasra from "Eshel" prison in Beer Al Sabe to the solitary confinement section in "Hashikma" prison.

Lawyer Khaled Zabarqa said the Israeli occupation transferred Manasra to the solitary confinement section in "Hashikma" prison, amid demands for his immediate release due to his deteriorating health condition inside the prison.

Amnesty demands immediate release of Ahmad Manasra

On August 4, Amnesty International’s Regional Director for the MENA region, Heba Morayef, called for the immediate release of Manasra.

"It is outrageous that the Israeli authorities have renewed Ahmad Manasra’s spell in solitary confinement. Continuing to detain Ahmad Manasra in such inhumane conditions is a callous act of injustice. Ahmad has been diagnosed with schizophrenia and is severely depressed," she said.

"Ahmad Manasra was just 13 years old when he was arrested. The decision to detain him should always have been a measure of last resort and for the shortest possible time," Morayef said.

The Director warned that Manasra has turned into a shadow of his former self and has threatened to take his own life. "The Israeli authorities must immediately revoke their decision to renew his solitary confinement, and urgently release him from detention," she stressed.

It is noteworthy that in late June, Al Mayadeen correspondent reported that the Israeli occupation court rejected a request for the early release of the 20-year-old Manasra, despite his deteriorating health and psychological condition.

Our correspondent had reported that an Israeli occupation parole committee has classified the case of the Palestinian prisoner as "terrorism".

Manasra was only 13 years old when the Israeli occupation arrested him under false accusations. He has been in solitary confinement since early November 2021.

He has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, suffers from psychotic delusions, and is severely depressed with suicidal thoughts.

Who is Ahmed Manasra?

Born on January 22, 2002, in occupied Al-Quds, Ahmad Manasra is one of a family of ten.

With the beginning of the popular uprising in 2015, arrests against children in occupied Al-Quds escalated and were accompanied by systematic abuse and torture.

On October 12, 2015, Ahmad and his cousin Hassan - who was martyred on that day - were subjected to brutal abuse by Israeli occupation forces and settlers.

This day marked a turning point in Ahmad's life. As a result of his arrest, interrogation, and physical and psychological torture, even while receiving treatment in the hospital, he suffered from a fractured skull and serious health conditions.

After several sessions, the Israeli occupation court issued a verdict of 12 years in prison against Ahmad and compensation of 180,000 shekels. The sentence was reduced to nine and a half years in 2017.

Before his transfer to prison, the Israeli occupation authorities held Ahmad for two years in a special institution for juveniles in difficult and harsh conditions and later transferred him to "Megiddo" Prison when he was 14 years old.

>> This is horrible. The teen is sick, physically and mentally and yet, he is being more brutalized.

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53a82c  No.17407391


Red, I wouldn't troll you, love. I just simply am reminded of things in my past that you post. Do you remember playing with invisible markers? Teacher kept taking the notes and would read them out loud to the class so I brought invisible markers to stop that. I think they came from a cereal box…

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373e3d  No.17407392

File: 85cd46b0e55aa22⋯.png (141.49 KB, 2397x463, 2397:463, Screenshot_from_2022_08_17….png)

If you look at it in a different way, it sounds like Teddy is reddy for some revenge after all that FVEY/FISA/FBI wire tappping.

Go get'em Count Chocula!.

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869401  No.17407393

File: 0594907f7c85ae6⋯.png (133.68 KB, 758x418, 379:209, fake_gillian_turner.png)

who is moar fake gillian or sandra?


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79fbde  No.17407394

File: e68c5943b26189b⋯.png (542.7 KB, 770x3094, 55:221, 4545.png)


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8c44e1  No.17407395

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869401  No.17407396


Rep Mo Brooks and Sandra Smith Discuss The NRA, Uvalde Shooting and Voter Fraud On Fox News Sunday (FULL)

R.C. Davis Published May 29, 2022 224 Views

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d8944f  No.17407397

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b47444  No.17407398


>>Who the fuck is Jesus?

He does my yard work. Last name of Hernandez.

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90bd33  No.17407399


And yet, somehow commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud get a passing background national security access and then end up on the ballot.

All this election integrity for a choice to vote for



Pol Pot




Bill Gates

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d8944f  No.17407400


future proves past.

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0e9e83  No.17407401

File: b97147a2c69ffde⋯.png (92.93 KB, 1230x763, 1230:763, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB, 406x720, 203:360, the_storm.mp4)



You or anyone seriously think after everything done to the usa and the peoples around the world for centuries anons will back off.

not until the fed goes down and switzerland, the city of london, the vatican and geneva plus all their institutions are destroyed and those in charge are excuted will anons back off.

the b.i.s, w.e.f, council for foreign relations, un, eu, big pharma, clowns around the world and everyone who backed them or did not come forward when they had the chance to set the record straight.



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20bda4  No.17407402

File: 9f5945051170879⋯.jpg (78.71 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 6lrumd.jpg)

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99a219  No.17407403

File: 6ad2d3acc5a7034⋯.png (268.23 KB, 612x408, 3:2, downloadfile_6_prev_ui_1.png)

File: 4d7dcb81dc786da⋯.jpg (62.02 KB, 618x367, 618:367, hyji.jpg)

Never forget that Biden was installed to make sabotage look like incompetence.

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373e3d  No.17407404

Would you invade a country whereby a good portion of its citizens are armed?

The ‘ultimate deterrent’.

Nope. It's another 80's re-run, this time the DS VS Mujahadeen, but with nastier weapons

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20bda4  No.17407405


>and yet

They're all getting exposed worldwide for the first time in human history.

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011215  No.17407406

File: b86313be5abe538⋯.png (393.21 KB, 878x455, 878:455, b86313be5abe53835b2f9a571b….png)

Quad 7's approach

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869401  No.17407407

File: 5c8c2701f6e5a1a⋯.png (82.01 KB, 1178x1167, 1178:1167, dem_vs_inflation_reduction….png)


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f4a532  No.17407408


All the shills claiming Jews arent satanists are convincing us jews are satanists

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195666  No.17407409



By this point, Bundy had been convicted of kidnapping but hadn’t been sentenced. He would not be charged with the serial killings until the following year. Rule insists that she did not have “proof” that Bundy was guilty of any crime, and so “would wait.” But what was she thinking would be in these chapters? Was the idea of Bundy contributing to the book prompted by him, or something that Rule had previously considered? Also, “number of chapters” is telling in itself. If Rule thought that Bundy was falsely accused, or was unable to decide, or if she considered him likely to be a sideshow to the main event of capturing the killer, it would be strange to offer him as many chapters as he was inclined to write.

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beb668  No.17407410


>Cursory I'm a fren. I wont order the bandstand for your girl… I bet she misses you a lot!!!


>When is your birthday?


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85d89d  No.17407411

Hollow personality on Faux

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6e5c9e  No.17407412

File: d55814b3cac61bb⋯.png (460.36 KB, 490x623, 70:89, iron_mike_tyson.png)

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90bd33  No.17407413

File: 0647d09032ce4b0⋯.png (262.48 KB, 746x429, 746:429, Screenshot_2022_08_17_03_0….png)

File: 79db5c792e24177⋯.png (711.58 KB, 1241x967, 1241:967, Screenshot_2022_08_17_03_0….png)

File: c79a255d70bb430⋯.png (723.92 KB, 1303x1063, 1303:1063, Screenshot_2022_08_17_03_0….png)

File: b7ecc24bd2cb274⋯.png (288.7 KB, 607x664, 607:664, Screenshot_2022_08_17_03_0….png)

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f4a532  No.17407414


I'm gonna fuck your girl too

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562688  No.17407415

File: 0472a85d35f2191⋯.jpg (281.74 KB, 1242x1179, 138:131, 0472a85d35f219109f546aa208….jpg)

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87e0be  No.17407416

File: 9bf91be9ffa622a⋯.jpg (346.42 KB, 971x1600, 971:1600, yz.jpg)

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c577f9  No.17407417



Another Awan-Globohomo crime scene. ISI owes us 70 trillion fucks.

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57485d  No.17407418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maybe, "grab them by the pussy" is the only way to tell if a model is really female? Since it seems most of them are men pretending to be women.

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20bda4  No.17407419

File: ec091d7419fe1bb⋯.png (230.75 KB, 506x900, 253:450, ClipboardImage.png)

Informationally and democratically dominoes are falling:

Pelosi…Obama…Soros…Rothschild(cult leaders)(church)(P)

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3f7c9e  No.17407420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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90bd33  No.17407421


>They're all getting exposed worldwide

Worldwide expose

What makes you think this matters.

if they are a choice on the ballot it's because someone who does national security commit treason.

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85d89d  No.17407422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's one of my best features.

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195666  No.17407423



Rule’s schedule, by coincidence, meant spending more time with Bundy than any of the other Crisis Center volunteers. If Bundy or Rule felt that a caller was truly suicidal, they would signal the other to trace the call for emergency services. As Rule later wrote of the incongruity, “Ted Bundy took lives, he also saved lives.” Because, of course, the Ted Bundy who Rule encountered was the blandly handsome and purely sociopathic serial killer who was not content to only murder his victims but to make them suffer and degrade their remains in hauntingly inhuman ways.

A close read of “The Stranger Beside Me,” however, reveals a queasy subplot: When did Rule know that Bundy was guilty? Rule describes spending hours alone with him—before the majority of his crimes, though likely not before his earliest attempts at kidnapping. Rule warms to him, considers him a friend. Bundy tells Rule of his illegitimate birth, how his grandmother posed as his mother. He confides in her his plans to win back a former girlfriend. Bundy sends Rule a Christmas card with a synopsis of her favorite O. Henry story. The story has a reference to long hair which will come to sound sinister, since Ted’s victims uniformly had long brown hair, parted in the middle.

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f4a532  No.17407424


Dennis Leary is a clown and a joke thief. Hes on the level of Christopher Titus

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20bda4  No.17407425


>What makes you think this matters

Same reason you're trying to persuade Anon it doesn't.

Everything is a psy op.

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beb668  No.17407426


>Red, I wouldn't troll you, love. I just simply am reminded of things in my past that you post. Do you remember playing with invisible markers? Teacher kept taking the notes and would read them out loud to the class so I brought invisible markers to stop that. I think they came from a cereal box…


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90bd33  No.17407427


Fuck the worldwide.

Fuck the Human History.

Get commie marxist nazi fascist maoist eugenicist leninist socialsit globalist terrorist pedoist and identity fraud off the motherfucking ballot.

All you do is talk shit. Fuck your smith mundt excuses of shit. Oh there's always been corruption so no need to do anything.

Go fuck off with that.

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562688  No.17407428

File: 9bc1d21a810a796⋯.jpg (112.92 KB, 800x533, 800:533, e85167b9_6b46_4419_868f_c5….jpg)


'Israel' infringes on religious freedom, prevents Christian feast

The Israeli police said on Tuesday that it had banned the Christian holiday of the transfiguration of Jesus on "Mount Tabor" in Lower Al-Jalil, citing security concerns as a pretext to "justify" their infringement on religious freedoms.

"The commander of the northern police district … issued an order to ban the mass religious event feast of the transfiguration [of Jesus], scheduled for Saturday, August 20, on the top of Mount Tabor," the police said.

The Israeli occupation police justified their actions by accusing "various authorities" of failing to meet the necessary conditions for the safety of visitors.

The Jewish National Fund, the fire department, the ambulance service, and the administration of the country's parks and reserves all supported the decision to cancel the holiday.

It is worth noting that the transfiguration of Jesus is considered one of the most important Christian holidays. Celebrations are held annually on "Mount Tabor" and up to 10,000 Christians take part in the events.

Israeli brutality against Christians is not new to the entity. Earlier this year, Al Mayadeen correspondent in occupied Al-Quds reported that the occupation forces prevented Christians from freely reaching the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, adding that one of the priests was attacked by the IOF while on his way to the church.

Last year, 350 Gazan Christians applied for permits to celebrate Christmas in the holy cities of occupied Al-Quds and occupied Beit Lehm, yet did not receive any response. In parallel, 80 had their permits flatly rejected by Israeli authorities - for no reason - according to the director of Public Relations at the Orthodox Church in Palestine, Kamel Ayyad.

>> Palestinian Christians living in Gaza need PERMITS to celebrate Christmas in Jerusalem. PERMITS.

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85d89d  No.17407429

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de9766  No.17407430


because they are Anakin..

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20bda4  No.17407431

File: a8150f47773b096⋯.png (458.86 KB, 864x1188, 8:11, ClipboardImage.png)

When even one child dies because an insane liberal patsy is allowed to shoot up a school, they all show up to come for the guns

But when 44% of women in a trial lose their child due to a vaccine - how come I don’t see these same people all show up to come for the vaccines ?


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c577f9  No.17407432

File: accff258714bbdb⋯.png (585.69 KB, 748x486, 374:243, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank God for the marxist gangster awareness network.

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beb668  No.17407433


>I'm gonna fuck your girl too


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ff6b0d  No.17407434

File: 9e40ef8d7cfa617⋯.png (566.08 KB, 768x570, 128:95, Aug_17_marxists.png)

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027923  No.17407435

File: 4837039454d655d⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB, 2170x1640, 217:164, FF191DA5_E63A_4F45_A7DD_F….jpeg)

London Bridge Fire


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bcccbf  No.17407436

File: 9764cf65d114cc6⋯.png (216.17 KB, 251x400, 251:400, Lilith_Sternin_in_Sisterly….png)

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de9766  No.17407437


Act like Israel dosen't have a DeepState problem..

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a098bb  No.17407438

File: bb1a8aa740b73a2⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB, 492x270, 82:45, ABxW5XuURVbVwyAM.mp4)


Here is Cheney's replacement.

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f4a532  No.17407439


I will slap her across the room and fuck her like a man. While you watch in the corner crying Mr Carder

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833910  No.17407441

File: 42a013fee7b5e71⋯.png (86.63 KB, 350x549, 350:549, ClipboardImage.png)

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02fdf0  No.17407442

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>17406276 pb

Notable re:

>Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover up’ Vaccine Injuries through Biden Admin Directive

>During the all-day hearing, Liberty Counsel presented compelling testimony from the Navy Commander of a surface warship and three military flight surgeons, Lt. Col. Peter Chambers, Lt. Col. Teresa Long and Col. (Ret.) Stewart Tankersley, M.D. In contrast, the DOD declined to present witnesses.


Moar on these doctors in this video:


Lt. Col. Peter Chambers has aWARNING ORDER FOR THE COUNTRY:

Wake up. We are at war.

Situation: The "Covid 19 Vaccine Bioweapon Operation" was planned genocide and was a crime against Humanity that was part of a multi decade plan of "elites." The injections are man-made BIOWEAPONS. The injections are bio-engineered, synthetic, and chimeric (which is a hybrid microorganism). These injections contain lipid-nanoparticles that contain pathogenic, chimeric combinations- microbes that invade the cells and genetically modify them to produce spike proteins. The HIV protein in the BIOWEAPONS dissable the body's autoimmune system, and these nanoparticles invade the cells. What you end up with is a vaccine Auto Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). People, including me (Col Chambers, who had 2 doses and is retiring due to complications), could potentially be left with no immune system. These are things we can look for and we can find and catch it early, but it's such a grand scale right now that I don't know we're going to be able to save everybody and it's my job out on the battlefield to save everybody.

Right now, everybody in America, guess what? WE ARE AT WAR! So this is where YOU GOTTA WAKE UP. We need everybody's help. You are on this team now. This is why this Warning Order is coming out to (YOU).

Enemy forces:

The mandates, the people that created it, the ones pushing this, the ones who continue to push this..why is the Military the only one with mandates on us? If we look at the combination with the 5G… look, there's evidence between Coronavirus 19 and the exposure to radiofrequency radiation. (Why are they putting up 5G towers everywhere? Why are they putting them at our Military posts? Why are there mesh networks going down the highway for 5G?)

For moar see the video description via the link.

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562688  No.17407443

File: 19ac98d8f9bd9df⋯.png (10.65 KB, 251x248, 251:248, 19ac98d8f9bd9dfb1ac2e8f189….png)

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57485d  No.17407444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Here is the scene that prompted him to want to make sure that the woman dressed as a woman was really a woman.


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d8944f  No.17407445


it's like abortion by remote-control.

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ff6b0d  No.17407446


Anons won't be apologizing to any Democrats. No negotiating with terrorists. Democrats get the Day of the Rope.

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b151fe  No.17407447

File: 3fd96e5b24f254b⋯.jpg (100.8 KB, 511x499, 511:499, 6q5yqa.jpg)

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a098bb  No.17407448

File: f384d8419557c2d⋯.jpg (161.52 KB, 750x743, 750:743, liz0091230frf.jpg)

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90bd33  No.17407449

File: 1f2fedc31cc0337⋯.png (67.06 KB, 656x133, 656:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1045936e7ea8797⋯.png (67.32 KB, 661x147, 661:147, ClipboardImage.png)


Barnam statement

There's absolutely no truth to what you just said.



I just debunked two.

Soros ain't in jail

Rothschild is trolling 8Kun

fuck off with your barnam circus lies

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bc5178  No.17407450

File: 16e2197cc3bc802⋯.png (320.98 KB, 755x814, 755:814, bitch_cheney.png)

Remember anons. This isn't abour R or D. This is about pure evil. The Cheney dynasty is making a veiled threat to do 'whatever it takes' to stop Trump. Chilling, isn't it?

Fresh off her congressional primary loss, Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., said Wednesday that she plans to be part of a bipartisan coalition whose goal is to ensure former President Donald Trump never holds office again.

“I believe that Donald Trump continues to pose a very grave threat and risk to our republic. And I think that defeating him is going to require a broad and united front of Republicans, Democrats and independents, and that’s what I intend to be a part of,” she said in an exclusive interview with Savannah Guthrie on NBC’s “TODAY” show.

She reiterated that she will be 'doing “whatever it takes” to keep Trump from returning to the Oval Office in future elections. Overnight, Cheney formed a new leadership political action committee called “The Great Task,” an aide confirmed to NBC. She filed with the Federal Election Commission to transfer remaining cash from her federal campaign account to the new PAC. At the end of July, she had more than $7 million cash on hand, according to FEC filings.


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9f8929  No.17407451

File: 5e380601cdccbb6⋯.png (289.36 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 661e7badf4a2df3⋯.png (206.52 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ClipboardImage.png)

So Anons…was Charles Lindbergh smeared and his child kidnapped/murdered to shut him up about support for Hitler and the German people?

How Charles Lindbergh Wrecked His Legacy Pushing Anti-Semitism And Neutrality Toward The Nazis



Charles Lindbergh, an American pilot who flew the first non-stop solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927 in his single engine plane, The Spirit of St. Louis. Overnight, Lindbergh became a household name and an American icon, a name we still remember today.

"While his later activities were controversial and included some suspicious pro-Nazi leanings and several illegitimate children, he was still considered beyond reproach in the early 1930s, when something terrible happened. Lindbergh's first son, Charles A. Lindbergh, Jr. was kidnapped and murdered.


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a7e06c  No.17407452



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85d89d  No.17407453

The two on Faux right now just seem like empty shells to me. Automatons.

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b47444  No.17407454

File: 18f2331c154f0de⋯.jpg (4.98 MB, 5000x3333, 5000:3333, wray.jpg)

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a098bb  No.17407455

File: 864259f32bcc04c⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 344x344, 1:1, 1593835024895.jpg)

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ff6b0d  No.17407456

File: 56693d5eef5b22d⋯.png (1.19 MB, 878x813, 878:813, Mar_14_Ted2.png)

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f4a532  No.17407457


Drink bleach faggot

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beb668  No.17407458


>I will slap her across the room and fuck her like a man. While you watch in the corner crying Mr Carder


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b151fe  No.17407459

File: 9784c492ed7096f⋯.jpg (98.34 KB, 696x464, 3:2, 6q5lfs.jpg)

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90bd33  No.17407460


>how come I don’t see these same people all show up to come for the vaccines ?

But you just said the dominoes were falling Pelosi, Obama Soros, Rothschild, maybe two more weeks then?

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f4a532  No.17407461


I'm gonna fuck her in the mouth and call her a silly little slut and she will love it

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42394c  No.17407462

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195666  No.17407463

File: 3a4cbf5b75e1361⋯.png (266.73 KB, 474x249, 158:83, dude.png)


>grab them by the pussy

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90bd33  No.17407464



Your posts are pure shit.

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83e9d6  No.17407465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

comments are on

(you) know what to do

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a7e06c  No.17407466


Oh, so you don’t believe WWG1WGA?

Wow ok, anons do you agree with him?

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027923  No.17407467

File: 5f6a1395b610f38⋯.jpeg (695.39 KB, 944x834, 472:417, 9F38E480_87F8_4277_BF18_3….jpeg)

File: 5482e085c452196⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 2127x1640, 2127:1640, 70F2003B_8B8A_4E40_A241_2….jpeg)

Report: 44 Percent of Pregnant Women in Pfizer Trial Lost Their Babies; FDA and CDC Recommended Jabs For Expectant Mothers Anyway


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6e3d3b  No.17407468


fixed these 2 from #21332 notables that were broken



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bcccbf  No.17407469


you mean the DOAR crowd? They sure aren't on HM. that place is ded since ASS admitted to faking posts and tried to convince them he was working with the team. fucking retards.

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f4a532  No.17407470


Because your corny boomer video isnt funny

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9ef5ca  No.17407471

File: 7b941c419309af1⋯.jpg (70.28 KB, 717x516, 239:172, 20220817_131719.jpg)

File: 2703ce6694b5b2b⋯.jpg (112.48 KB, 720x633, 240:211, 20220817_132122.jpg)

File: 503c75f9cac2e98⋯.jpg (151 KB, 720x650, 72:65, 20220817_132145.jpg)

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3048de  No.17407472

File: 3d0932899a328f2⋯.jpeg (473.5 KB, 750x746, 375:373, 33E5999A_3B7B_4E2D_8748_0….jpeg)

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bcccbf  No.17407474


why the fuck are you on this board

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beb668  No.17407475


>I'm gonna fuck her in the mouth and call her a silly little slut and she will love it


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195666  No.17407476

File: 60f4c03998eb1a7⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB, 350x234, 175:117, redtrudeau.jpeg)


SUNNY days.

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f4a532  No.17407477


I will never apologize for any thing you're a fucking coward. Go drink bleach

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98a2ca  No.17407478

File: 9f01ab00271ea77⋯.png (505.25 KB, 500x777, 500:777, ClipboardImage.png)



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f4a532  No.17407479


I will make her say my name instead

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562688  No.17407480

File: 7f3ebe10f1bf089⋯.jpg (93.02 KB, 800x534, 400:267, 4cf618db_8e01_45fe_83b4_b3….jpg)


France air force deploys air assets to Asia-Pacific region: NATO

NATO announced Tuesday that the French air force has successfully conducted the first phase of a large-scale, long-range deployment of air assets into the Asian-Pacific region.

In a statement, the alliance said that "the first phase of the deployment - dubbed Henri Brown - began in France on August 10 and ended in New Caledonia on August 12."

According to NATO, "An air task force consisting of three Rafale fighters, two A330 MRTT Phenix air-to-air refueling aircraft and two A400M transport aircraft conducted the force projection mission in less than 72 hours."

The military alliance indicated that the second phase of the deployment will be hosted by Australia from August 19 to September 8 in the form of Pitch Black multinational air drills, boosting battle readiness and interoperability of NATO member-states.

The third phase would be conducted from September 11 to 18 and would include the return flights to France with stopovers in Indonesia and Singapore for "conducting operational cooperation with the local air forces," the NATO statement read.

Pitch Black is a biennial exercise designed to enhance flight operations and proficiency between participating nations. This year, the drills will be visited by participants from 17 countries including Japan, Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, and India.

China conducts fresh drills around Taiwan as US lawmakers visit

Similarly, in the Asia-Pacific region, China announced new military maneuvers surrounding Taiwan on Monday, as a team of US politicians met with the island's leader only weeks after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's provocative trip.

The two-day visit came as Beijing launched warships, missiles, and fighter jets into the waters and skies surrounding Taiwan.

Washington's de facto embassy revealed that a five-member congressional delegation led by Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey met with President Tsai Ing-wen on Monday.

"The delegation had an opportunity to exchange views with Taiwan counterparts on a wide range of issues of importance to both the United States and Taiwan," it said.

The bipartisan trip sparked a caustic response from Beijing, which said it had carried out "combat readiness patrol and combat drills in the sea and airspace around Taiwan island" on Monday.

"This is a solemn deterrent against the US and Taiwan for continuing to play political tricks and undermining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait," Shi Yi, spokesperson for the Chinese military's Eastern Theater Command, said in a statement, promising to "resolutely defend national sovereignty."

In response to the delegation's visit, Beijing called on Washington to "stop going further down the wrong path of hollowing out and distorting the one-China principle, so as not to cause further damage to China-US relations and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait."

"China will take firm and forceful measures to safeguard its national sovereignty and territorial integrity," Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin told a regular briefing.

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b47444  No.17407481


Worshipping a god because he offered up his child to be tortured and killed as a human/blood sacrifice in order to appease himself.

Plus you're a boot licker too.

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09f7f7  No.17407482


Either can you apparently.

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027923  No.17407483

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Still gotta double check if in doubt.

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195666  No.17407484

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>SUNNY days.


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f4a532  No.17407485


Exactly their god is a piece of shit

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20bda4  No.17407486

File: 5decdc5190e17bd⋯.png (1.3 MB, 2366x1295, 338:185, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ba7d4f6fb233b7⋯.png (447.89 KB, 2029x1524, 2029:1524, ClipboardImage.png)